#oscar whateley
maljaws · 24 days
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Reblogs > Likes! Reblogs give my work far more traction But any engagement is appreciated
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valhahazred · 4 years
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13th of the Second Born! Daughter of the Opened Way! Sister of the Devoured! Mother of the Mighty! Lover of the Black Goat! Goddess of the Tsan-Chan! Ia! Ia! Empress of the Earth!
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irenadel · 3 years
tea and books: 2 6 8 17 19 :)
2. Who is your favorite fictional character and why?
This is honestly a really hard question to answer because it oscillates based on whatever I’m reading at the time and mostly I have favorite categories, rather than a one true favorite. Viola is my favorite Shakespearean lady, and the one I’ve enjoyed writing about the most. Eowyn is my favorite Tolkien character other than the dragons and Sauron. The Fool from Robin Hobb’s Realm of the Elderlings is reigning favorite at the moment because I’m writing so much about the series and I stan an enby prophet out to be kind and save the world. Lavinia Whateley is my favorite underused Lovecraft character. So few ladies and how can you go wrong with the mother of Yog Sothoth’s baby boys? Favorite murder boy is a tie between Darth Maul and Artemis Entreri. Morgan Le Fay is my favorite Arthurian figure closely followed by Merlin and also tied for my favorite witch with Medea. Samara is my favorite horror monster but Daniel Robitaille aka Candyman runs a close second. So see? Heavily influenced by what I’m watching and reading about now.
6. What does your dream home look like?
Practical Magic hoooooooouse!!!
Okay in all seriousness, I really do want the sea and the greenhouse and the veranda with roses growing on a trellis. If the roses are haunted so much the better!
BUT and this is a big but. I cannot escape my temperate Latin origins and I also kind of want an inner courtyard. I want a bathtub and a pool or even a fountain I can dip my feet in. And I want the inside to look like Eve’s house in Only Lovers Left Alive with the Arab woodwork and the tapestries and the comfortable furniture for lounging around and the books! Oh the glorious books just stashed in every nook and cranny! Add plants and cats and I’ll never leave it.
8. What are your top three films? Books?
I may have answered something along those lines recently.
The Princess and the Warrior
The Silence of the Lambs (I know it’s transphobic 😭 but your honor, I love Clarice)
Toss up between Good Will Hunting and Ring
As for books… gosh that’s hard…
Lolita and Lord of the Rings. Maybe I could add Sandman if cómics are allowed.
17. Who is your favorite author?
This is the hardest question. Easy answers are Tolkien and Nabokov. Even Neil Gaiman or Oscar Wilde. But I honestly can’t make a decision here. At least I think the one I owe the most to is Tolkien. He’s the reason why I’m stuck writing about sexy dragons.
19. Do you prefer forests, sea shores or meadows?
Honestly? Give me a place with all three! But I have to admit a weakness for water. If I could live near any body of water I would. I remember the very first time I saw the castles in France I was just taken aback by the beauty of these structures hiding in the middle of the forest with their lakes and rivers just nestled in all those trees and… the sea… Mexico’s seas are beautiful beyond compare but I saw Normandy’s sea and finally understood why Tolkien described it as silver and grey and so seemingly full of sorrow.
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rosymaplemoth · 6 years
Ten Husbands and/or Wives and/or Significant Others
Thank you so much for tagging me, @aclockworkschime​!
LONG POST INCOMING! I’ve put it under a cut for you lovely people.
I’m terrible about tagging people, so if you want to do this, please take this as an invitation!
This is in no order... except for maybe #1.
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10) Oscar Francois de Jarjayes (Rose of Versailles) I can’t decide if she’s life goals or wife goals... though seeing her makes me feel like Rosalie, so I’m guessing “wife” goals.
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9) Tenjou Utena (Shoujo Kakumei Utena) When I was twelve, I wanted to emulate her so badly. It’s kind of funny, since watching the series as an adult you kind of realize... oh, you’re not supposed to want to emulate a prince, because the system that allows there to be a ‘prince’ in the first place is unhealthy. My view on her as changed a lot, especially since now I can’t help but see her as a teenager instead of the ‘so cool and heroic’ character I saw as a kid. She learns so much over the course of the series, and I’m so proud of her.
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8) Asellus (SaGa Frontier) I played SaGa Frontier for the first time in the ninth grade, and I was spellbound by Asellus’ route. The way she struggles with her attraction for Princess White Rose was earth-shattering for me. I think this was the first time I was so deeply impacted by a character coming to terms with their sexuality
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7) Dr. Regal (Rockman.EXE) Honestly, I could have an entire list of just Rockman/Megaman husbands. Dynamo (hello, Showtaro Morikubo!), Shademan.EXE, DOUBLE. FREAKIN’ DOUBLE... but I’m limiting it to this one. He’s made me trip into the Rockman fandom TWICE at this point, and who knows when it will happen a third time.
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6) Time Count/Nyarlathotep (Persona 2 and also H.P. Lovecraft) Nyarlathotep is the greatest villain that Shin Megami Tensei has seen, and this is my favorite persona that he takes. He’s just so... cool and chilling, all while giving off this air of sophistication. Aahhh!! <3 <3 <3
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5) Victor Frankenstein (Code: Realize) WHAT A SWEETHEART. HE IS SO GOOD. Admittedly he’s pretty high on the list right now because I love Code: Realize so much but I gotta put him on here.
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4) Randolph Carter (H.P. Lovecraft) art by @tindalosmalakia and can be found here One of my favorite literary protagonists. I actually feel pretty similar to reading his stories as I do when I read Verne stories: calm and nostalgic. Pretty interesting usually that he’s in horrific situations!
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3) Impey Barbicane (Code: Realize) I’m your engine of love! Take me with you, baaaaaaaaaaby~! What can I possibly say about IMMMPEEEEYYY BARBICAAAAAAANE? He’s the greatest force of good that Code: Realize has. He is the personification of hopes and dreams, and his dialogue just makes me melt! “I’d do anything for your smile!” SWOON!! (Plus, he offers kindness to my favorite, who needs it so badly)
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2) Wilbur Whateley (The Dunwich Horror) art by @tindalosmalakia and can be found here I... love him. He’s just a kid. Wait, it says that on his shirt. Anyway, I love brooding, troubled men and he’s no different. My favorite Lovecraft boy.
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1) Captain Nemo (Jules Verne and Code: Realize) Imagine a tiny four year-old Rosy peering out of a porthole into a lagoon, staring at a spectacle of mermaids, sea serpents, Atlantis, and the terror of a giant squid-- all while being guided by eerie organ music and the calm voice of Captain Nemo. This was my very first introduction to Jules Verne’s classic, and a memory I still hold dearly.
Of course, at that point I was more in love with the giant squid. Insert Lovecraft joke here.
As a highschooler I fell in love with the Nautilus itself, a love which carried on well into adulthood, when I finally took the plunge and fell for the captain himself when I re-read the book.
Fast forward to maybe half a year ago when I’m looking through various Captain Nemo designs (”why is he always white..... he’s Indian...”) and I run across this fucker:
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Is this...............
I laugh a little at the design and push it out of my mind, thinking about how OOC this excitable doofus is compared to Verne’s sophisticated, brooding, passionate tragic soul.
Then @scifiromancemachine posts a screenshot and asks me if I’ve played Code: Realize. I do admit that I love his design, it’s so strange, but why are his teeth so yellow?
“They’re metal.”
So I start looking into the game and it looks like so much fun, but at that point I really wasn’t in a place to devote myself to a visual novel.
So, once more, I push it out of my mind.
I sigh. I really have no excuse at this point, and begin watching it as I go to bed. There’s an excitement building in my stomach, though: “Gee, I hope Nemo shows up.”
Then episode 6 shows up, and I GET SO EXCITED FOR THIS RIDICULOUS GUY. He makes me laugh whenever he’s on the screen (and then I played Impey’s route, rip me) and I want him to be happy.
Then the finale of the anime airs and his redemption arc is a full 30 seconds of “FRIENDS??? :D :D :D” and my heart melted into goo.
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I can’t believe I forgot Lady Maria I am so sorry I am trash I am unworthy oh my god
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maljaws · 1 month
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I had this idea and I fucking, I’m obsessed
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maljaws · 1 month
Fighting the urge to make a Wilbur Whateley ask blog Fighting the urge to make a Wilbur Whateley ask blog Fighting the urge to make a Wilbur Whateley ask blog
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maljaws · 2 months
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Oh and here's some peaks at my redesign of Wilbur and design of Oscar (The Dunwich Horror)
I'm so not used to drawing more detailed faces but I'm practicing
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maljaws · 2 months
@thenoeyebunnynobunsusmaingallery inspired me to post my own
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Wilbur Whateley HCs
In my version, Lavinia Whateley/his mom died in childbirth, leaving their occult obsessed, half-insane grandfather as their sole guardian
Also he doesn't shoot dogs, bc I said so
He's a very isolated man and only goes into Dunwich or generally off his property when he needs to, the people there aren't very kind to him after all Most food he can grow, water he has a well
This can lead to downright comical interactions of him looking in his 40s-ish but not knowing how to hail a cab Just, standing there until he manages to figure it out Which wouldn't be too long, he's a clever man, but far longer than it'd take for somebody who's been doing this their whole life
^ Someone take him to see a single film he's never been
If you've seen/played What Remains Of Edith Finch, the inside of the Whateley home has a similar aura to it's house. Scattered books on set in bookshelves, and old wall paper, dotted with paintings and photos from many many generations before him
He has no electricity, plumbing nor a proper stove for the time, so all old-fashioned And he doesn't care to change that anytime soon
When he's soaked, he smells like just a wet dog
Due to no bones, he works on octopus logic! If his teeth, beak, and any hard accessories fit through a gap he can squeeze his entire body through ^ Same goes with Oscar
Man relies on tools, though he has some degree of physical strength its far from his forte If he were to need to strangle somebody, it'd be by rope In a fight with no set up? He's gonna crumple quickly without a gun to defend himself Traps on the Whateley property help a lot to deal with any intruders
He's a really good cook! Though his tastes are tailored to himself and Oscar (The Dunwich Horror itself) so it may be odd
Man is SURROUNDED by books, its his dedication in life right now Also, one of few forms of entertainment
Next to, of course, taking care of his brother. They play Chess a lot, though their board is one of those giant sets so Oscar can actually see and control the pieces That was a primary decompressing activity when he was younger
He is still 15, so he still has some kid-like tendencies and wants, although since his grandfather's passed he's had to take up everything and functionally be the adult
He's very very busy. Afterall he's a farmer, a scholar, and the caretaker for Oscar He'll rest when reality is dead
Moon and inky cap motif hell yeah
I have so many of these and may've even forgotten some, apologies for how unorganized this is
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