#orna datz
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betweenthetimeandsound 1 year ago
The timing for this art piece is so...immaculate.
That said, Kan is a total gem and a worthy member of 1991's top three. Everything about it is so vibrant (although we should think about the lyrics too.)
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馃嚠馃嚤 Duo Datz - 讻讗谉/Kan
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laineystein 1 year ago
GIG SOTD 馃挏馃馃獤
We will not be taking questions at this time.
(But shavua tov!)
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betweenthetimeandsound 3 years ago
Three Minutes to Eternity: My ESC 250 (#31)
#31: Duo Datz -- Kan (Israel 1991)
"讻讗谉 讘讬转讬, 驻讛 讗谞讬 谞讜诇讚转讬, 讘诪讬砖讜专 讗砖专 注诇 砖驻转 讛讬诐, 讻讗谉 讛讞讘专讬诐 讗讬转诐 讙讚诇转讬, 讜讗讬谉 诇讬 砖讜诐 诪拽讜诐 讗讞专 讘注讜诇诐"
"Here is my home, here I was born, On the plain by the sea Here are the friends I grew up with And I have no other place in the world"
One of my favorite moments as a Eurovision fan was finding out Emil Lofstrom's favorite Eurovision song. A few months ago, he made the listeners of Eurovision Legends guess what was it, because he was interviewing that artist. Going from the hint that the song was Israeli, I guessed that it was Kan, because it was a major fan-favorite and was quite lively. And I was right!
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Besides that, 1991 had, in my opinion, the best top three of all-time. It鈥檚 not only because of the seven-point gap between first and third, but also because the songs are so awesome in their own different ways. The performers were charismatic and snapped on Rome's stage, and showcased what makes their country unique.
While Carola and Amina's fans clash with each other, Duo Datz fans act as the third way for the class of 1991, with their lively and proud song. From the opening flute notes, the melody gets stuck in your head, with the upbeat percussion and the celebratory feeling in the orchestration. Arguably, Kobi Oshrat (the conductor) had to spend a lot of time getting it right. And it was worth it.
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Also, Orna and Moshe have great chemistry together, with their harmonies and how they compliment each other with their choreography. Plus, how they shout out "Kan!" in every chorus is so invigorating; you just feel such joy and energy with it despite the song being in the minor key (it was also initially written as a lullaby. It's absolutely glorious, especially when their backing vocalists join them. (Also, Orna鈥檚 dress was so pretty.)
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Plus, the message of the song stands out--a patriotic song, Duo Datz talk about how the Jewish people wandered out for thousands of years, only to find home again. It's hopeful and proud, but in the thirty years since this song was released, the theme would have holes poked through it.
Two years after this, we had the beginning of the Oslo Accords, which was meant to give way to a final peace settlement between the Israelis and the Palestinians through giving the Palestinians some form of self-governance (though it did not give them a state). Despite this, opposition still existed, with some Palestinians questioning how long this process would take and some Israelis believing that would mean the end of a Jewish state. For the latter, it would result in Yitzhak Rabin's assassination in 1995 (which some have argued harmed the peace process irrevocably. Also check out Killing a King: The Assassination of Yitzhak Rabin and the Remaking of Israel; it's a good cat-and-mouse book, though it focuses on the Israeli government).
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And after that, we've seen more attempts at peace, increased cynicism because of the violence, another Intifada, and further concerns about Palestinian human rights. I think there's also a shift in seeing Israel-Palestine from a geopolitical issue (which still is, mostly) to a human rights one. Once that view is more mainstream, then the Israeli government has a lot more to answer for, lest they become a pariah state.
I thought Kan was a bit weaker than the rest of the top two, partially because Israel had done this before (which you will see next), and it may not be as well-received had it been released today. This doesn't mean I don't love it in all its ways; it's definitely "Israeli" for better or for worse, and it's enough to bring joy to my day and act slightly patriotic for a country I don't have any roots in for three minutes.
Personal and actual ranking: 3rd/22 in Rome
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arabela25 5 years ago
If I was tumblring in 1991 I would pretty much be an Orna Datz blog for the esc season
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unibrowzz 6 years ago
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And another moment that was cute: French contestant Amina Annabi thanks the Israeli contestants Orna and Moshe Datz for Israel awarding France 12 points.
As Amina is a Muslim of Tunisian heritage, her getting up to hug, kiss and thank the Israeli team is seen as one of the most sincere and gracious moments in the contests history.
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georgy-stuff 5 years ago
Orna & Moshe Datz - Ata Belibi (Tamally Maak)
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byyassar 8 years ago
Orna & Moshe Datz - Ata Belibi (Tamally Maak) [Video Edit]
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womenofesc 7 years ago
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arabela25 11 years ago
Eurovision Song Contest 1991 - Duo Datz, Kan (Israel)
I've had this song in my head all day. I love it so much.
Not as much as I love Orna's hair and her dress though. She looks so pretty!
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