Gods of the Yonder character tropes
Created by the Nine Muses of Greek myth, the Yonder is home to a colorful cavalcade of gods, monsters and mortals. Below is a list of the gods presiding over the Yonder.
In General
Deity of Human Origin: With the exception of Plumis, each god was once a mortal selected by the gods to ascend to godhood after accomplishing some notable good deed or earning their sympathy and/or respect.
Place of Power: Each god has a personal realm in Heavenside, which can be accessed through different locations in the Yonder, symbolized by a doorway glowing pure gold.
The oldest God, Plumis is the Queen of the pantheon. She may be strict and commandeering, but she is also the best ruler one could ask for.
Big Beautiful Woman: By the Yonder's standards, certainly.
Bird People: Not a straight example, but with her clawed feet, beak-like nose and love of feathers as accessories, she is very obviously supposed to look a lot like one.
Eye Scream: She had her left eye damaged during a great battle to protect Heavenside. It's been blind and bandaged ever since.
Team Mom: To the rest of the pantheon.
Time Abyss: She's as old as the Yonder itself.
Voice of the Legion: Has an audible flanging effect to her voice.
The patron Goddess of love and mirth, with long, rubbery limbs. She chose to ascend after her single mother passed away.
Animal Motif: Her lengthy pigtails clearly resembles bunny ears, and given her status as a walking cartoon, this might call to mind a certain wascally wabbit in particular, but several of her 'Mickey-esque' design elements such as her puffy shorts make this feel like a parallel to Oswald.
Beware the Silly Ones: She's Heavenside's equivalent of a court jester and looks and moves like a character from an old 1930s cartoon. She is also one of the most deadly characters in the pantheon, as those who offend her have learnt.
Brooklyn Rage: A subtler example than most, but she occasionally manifests a Brooklyn accent when particularly excited or upset, befitting of her status as a homage to classic cartoons.
Court Jester: Her clothes resemble a classic jester outfit, with pigtails instead of a two-pointed jester hat. As Plumis is a monarch, it is fitting for her to have a court jester.
Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Despite being the Goddess of mirth, she's skilled at wielding a mallet and utilizes her deformable body to attack and evade erratically enough that no one can land a hit on her.
Cute Bruiser: She may look adorable and harmless, but don't let that fool you into thinking that she can't pack quite a punch.
Fighting Clown: She is the Heavenside equivalent of a jester, and it shows in how she acts in battle.
Fish Eyes: Sometimes, her eyes will suddenly jiggle around and point in opposite directions at various points.
Girlish Pigtails: She's a Goddess who sports a pair of pigtails.
Girly Bruiser: She has girly mannerisms and can also hit hard enough to make even a God bleed ichor.
Happily Adopted: By the gods, no less!
Homage: Tuntun's design and Rubber-Hose Limbs are a homage to 1930s animation.
Inkblot Cartoon Style: Her design is heavily influenced by silent-era cartoons: Rubber-Hose Limbs (because she's a literal Rubber Woman), and White Gloves. The accurate details of her design is even extended to her actual animation, in that her pigtails employ the classic Cheated Angle technique where they always face the camera which was frequently applied to many characters of that era, and when moving fast, she's even rendered using the same exaggerated and archaic Squash, Smear, and Multiples animation techniques used during the era she takes inspiration from, which further enhances how… different Tuntun is compared to the rest of the gods.
Joisey: Her voice seems to slip into this pretty thick on occasion.
Mocky Mouse: She is heavily based on the Inkblot Cartoon Style in general and has White Gloves and a high-pitched voice to go with it.
Morph Weapon: She can change her body parts into various forms, such as changing her eye into a telescope to get a closer look at those whom she's taken in interest in.
Rubber-Hose Limbs: This is the way her arms are animated, and gives a rather clear indication of her Rubber Woman capabilities.
Shapeshifting Trickster: Tuntun is a Rubber Woman who frequently plays games and jokes by stretching around.
The Goddess of nature, who takes the form of a giant, flightless bird.
Beware the Silly Ones: Pajai looks like a goofy-looking colorful lanky bird, but she's smarter than she looks and isn't afraid to attack you if you insult her or nature itself.
Cute, but Cacophonic: She sounds like something awful's happening to a parrot.
Gentle Giant: If you get on her good side, played straight. If you're a poacher or a greedy land developer, averted.
Shown Their Work: Her quirks, mannerisms, and body language are a composite of several real birds. Parrots are the primary inspiration, but there's some cassowary and hawk in Pajai as well. The loud call she gives to summon the other gods for a meeting is almost identical to a peacock.
Super-Speed: She's obviously flightless, but she can run like the wind.
She was a child of miscegenation and deemed a shame on her culture. After her parents were executed, she was sent to live under the care of unloving robots. However, the gods took great offense to this, transformed all those responsible for her situation into pigs as an example, destroyed the robots and spirited Stellora to Heavenside, where she ascended. She is now the Goddess of justice.
Animal Motif: Dragonflies, especially with how she kept her tail (which also became a bit thicker with strength) and gained two pairs of wings during ascension. She's also a very fast flier.
Child of Forbidden Love: The child of a human mother and a notorious monster father. Needless to say, Stellora's existence was considered a shameful one.
God Couple: Has formed this with Sexto, due to their similar pasts.
Happily Adopted: Happened to her twice. Horribly averted the first time. King Igor dumped her in the arms of the robotic Mother Salmonelle who tried to "teach" her to be ashamed of her origins. The second time, however, is definitely happy. The gods turned the tyrant Igor into a pig to be sent to slaughter and destroyed Salmonelle before taking Stellora to ascend.
Hide Your Otherness: Her robot adoptive mother forced Stellora to hide her monster features such as her tail even though Stellora liked them.
It's All About Me: Stellora tends to be a bit self centered sometimes.
Mythical Motifs: Stellora's backstory shares some vague connections with the Greek god Hephaestus. When Hephaestus was born, Hera was mortified by his deformities and exiled him from Mount Olympus. As he grew older, he grew more and more curious about his origins until he learned the truth. Hephaestus then created a golden throne which trapped Hera when she sat upon it. Zeus had to bribe Hephaestus in order to release Hera, by offering him a place in the pantheon. Stellora, meanwhile, was raised by robots and secluded from the knowledge of her heritage and lineage. (Hephaestus was also known for robotics). When the gods discovered this, they punished all those involved and willingly gave her a place in their pantheon as compensation.
Parental Abandonment: Her real parents weren't there to raise her, but they didn't have much of a choice in the matter, as they had been both killed.
Pointy Ears: Stellora's ears are naturally pointy, even as a Goddess.
Purple Is Powerful: Purple is one of her main color schemes and she has a huge amount of godly potential.
Raised by Robots: King Igor gave Stellora to Salmonelle, a robotic nurse who raised her. The pitfalls of this trope, specifically Salmonelle's lack of emotions and rigid programming, caused the robot to teach her "daughter" to be ashamed of her monster features and to suppress any individuality. Fortunately, (after making bacon out of Igor) the gods stepped in to render the robot into scrap metal.
Winged Humanoid: Sports dragonfly wings as a Goddess.
The patron Goddess of the harvest, who ascended in her early teens.
Adorkable: Was this as a mortal. She still shows shades of this as a Goddess.
Animal Motif: Honeybees. Her dress is striped black and yellow, and she sports bee wings.
Winged Humanoid: Like Stellora, only with bee wings.
The God of the sea, taking the form of a Shark Man.
Hidden Depths: Galeo has shown that he is quite skilled in constructing things out of junk and can play the drums extremely well.
Nice Guy: Despite what some mortals think, Galeo is actually a pretty decent guy.
Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Despite being a massive, threatening God, Galeo is terrified of cats, with the catlike Hayamu being the only exception.
The God of literature, being a former human librarian.
Bookworm: As to be expected of a former librarian.
Cunning Linguist: He's clearly highly intelligent and knows many languages.
More than Just a Teacher: Zig-Zagged, since officially he's actually a librarian. That said he is the gods' scholar.
Omniglot: He understands 18 different human and nonhuman languages. He can also speak English and French, and it's implied that he may know even more.
The Goddess of healthcare, taking the form of a lady with a serpent tail.
Cool Old Lady: Zeddus adores her and with good reason.
Granny Classic: She's kind and wise, calls everyone "dearie," and many gods lean on her for emotional support.
Silver Fox: She looks much younger, but she was elderly when she ascended.
The messenger of the Gods, a monstrous-looking Sand Worm with a crocodilian face. She can easily move through sand and soil as if it is water.
Mix-and-Match Critters: She's serpent-like with a stony body, has a crocodilian face, and is capable of speech.
Sand Is Water: Harena treats sand and dirt as her natural home, and moves so quickly while swimming through it that a racehorse can barely keep ahead of her even while racing at full gallop. She can't go through solid rock, though.
Sand Worm: A gigantic one that swims through sand with ease.
Wormsign: One way for gods and/or mortals to keep track of Harena is to watch out for geysers of sand/soil as she moves beneath the surface.
The God of crafting, with an appearance like a long-legged spider.
Big Creepy-Crawlies: Some kind of spider-cocoon creature.
The Gadfly: He gets a kick out of actively confusing his visitors, largely through a combination of Perfectly Cromulent Words and contorting his own body into random poses.
Perfectly Cromulent Word: Absolutely loves making up new words.
"Sir, I am disgruntled! And up until this point I was relatively engruntled!"
The God of memory. He was once the spirit of an old camera until he was chosen to become a God. His hobby is collecting different assortments of old items and magically renewing them.
Animate Inanimate Object: A single-lens camera who came to life and ascended.
Large Ham: Even more than Tuntun, if you can believe it.
No Biological Sex: Uses he/him pronouns, though he identifies as genderless, being a camera.
Youkai: Formerly a tsukumogami of a camera before he ascended.
The Goddess of trust, who takes the form of a humanoid dragon.
All-Loving Heroine: She genuinely believes the best in everyone, wanting to appeal to the goodness in mortals.
Blue Is Heroic: Blue is her main color scheme, and she's a Nice Girl.
Delightful Dragon: She's a kind-hearted dragon girl who genuinely believes the best of everyone and appeals to their better inner qualities.
Good Is Not Soft: Peace-loving or not, she can be fierce when she wants to. She's a dragon goddess, after all.
Humble Heroine: She readily admits to not being the best and has several Fish out of Water misfortunes, however she continues to inspire mortals with her desire to see the best in people. However, she never sees herself as a role model, and always places credit on her fellow gods.
Nice Girl: Sendu is sweet-tempered and caring and always tries to see the best in others.
Wide-Eyed Idealist: No matter what, she still chooses to believe that most people have good in them, even when shown evidence to the contrary, and is trusting and naïve to a fault.
The patron God of beasts. He's actually quite goofy and fun-loving.
Beware the Silly Ones: He may be kind and goofy, but he is an all-powerful God who can severely punish those willing to harm the creatures he protects.
Cats Are Snarkers: He has catlike ears and sometimes plays the role of a Deadpan Snarker.
Gentle Giant: A big God with a bigger heart.
Nice Guy: He has a sweet personality.
The God of prophecy, and a patron of art. Although he's off in his own world most of the time, he expresses his prophetic dreams in his drawings.
Cloudcuckoolander: No matter what's going on around him, all Sexto does is draw. He also tends to space out a lot.
The Cuckoolander Was Right: The other gods know to pay attention to him whenever he keeps bringing up a dream he had.
God Couple: Has formed this with Stellora, due to their similar pasts.
Mad Artist: He's an artist, and his eccentric nature leads others to dub him this.
Mad Eye: One of his eyes is golden to add to his strange look.
Mad Oracle: His words are always true, but their obscure nature garbles their meaning and importance.
Room Full of Crazy: He has an entire wall covered in drawings of what he's seen in his dreams.
Shrinking Violet: He’s a bit nervy and quiet.
Waif Prophet: He's the shortest God.
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Gone Yonder: Voyage of the Nemo book
Introduction by the Swingers
It all started when Tomo brought home a book they picked up from a garage sale. I remember we were all in the living room, watching the movie version of The Point!, when in comes Tomo waving around this old book from the 60s, yelling "I FOUND IT." Their grandma had read it to them at bedtime when they were a kid, but had only left in the good parts. By chance, Tomo had found a copy of the book, and, in a fit of nostalgia, decided they wanted it. Only, when we all gathered round to read it, it turns out that it was a really long epic, almost as long as the full Arabian Nights. So then we decided to do what Tomo's grandma did, and retell our own more modernized and abridged version of the story, keeping only the good parts while also being inspired by The Point!
We hope you enjoy it as much as Tomo did.
Gone Yonder: Voyage of the Nemo
Voyage chartered by the Swingers and Machiko Omikado
Once upon a time, there was a magical realm called the Yonder, where music hath magical charms.
In this realm was an enchanted paradise called Splendorland.
Now, the people of Splendorland were uncommonly happy and content. And why not? For their lives were overflowing with fantastic and wonderful things, for theirs was a land governed by the unusual notion that people ought to live in peace and harmony, without war or strife.
It was a small idea, but brilliant, and thus the citizens believed their beloved Utopia would last forever.
Maybe even longer.
You won’t find Splendorland by just looking for it. It is a country that must be listened for.
Should you hear the pleasing sounds of happy music, soft voices, children’s laughter and the occasional flapping of a bluebird’s wings, then that’s the sign you are approaching the kingdom of Splendorland.
And a very good kingdom it is too...
"What was it like in the old days?" Splendorland children would ask.
"When our ancestors first arrived here," Queen Ophelia replied. "It was wild and untamed. All it took was music to soothe the savage land."
"How long will Splendorland last?"
"As long as people carry a tune in their hearts," said the Queen, gesturing to where her pendant, the sacred Star of Serenity, hung. "And keep believing in love."
If history teaches us anything, it is that every paradise has an enemy; whenever there is something decent and lovable - such as Splendorland - there are always hostile forces lurking around who cannot leave well enough alone.
Which brings us to the grievous story of the sneak attack on Splendorland by its enemies.
Not one poor soul had the faintest idea that they were about to need a sad fate at the hands of...
The Killjoys are coming!
...the Killjoys, led by the one, the only, (thank goodness) Grump Princess Vivian. She headed up a gang consisting of Marvy, her chief assistant, an assorted ghastly crew of ruffians, scoundrels and scallywags, and worst of all, Snatch, a mechanical, radar-equipped, superpowered nasty thing.
Marvy: We’re going to annihilate them!
Vivian: Yes, but save your energy. You’re going to need it.
Yearning to own both her own nation and the Star of Serenity, Princess Vivian could wait no more. At exactly 90:00, on a particularly lovely summer morning, she massed her forces on the outskirts of Splendorland, and at a prearranged signal, began the attack!
Oh, what a dark day it was for Splendorland!
From all sides the populace was attacked - petrified with Gorgon Bombs, its rainbows splattered black, its love songs systematically silenced by the descending hordes of the Killjoy crew.
It was a day that would go down in infamy!
Alas, poor Splendorland.
back at the palace, it was a red alert condition...
Ophelia: Amelie, take the Star, and protect it with your life. You’re our last hope, now. Fly for aid in the Nemo to the mundane realm.
Dodging the ominous salvos of inky black that was falling everywhere on Splendorland, Ophelia sent for her one last hope - her own daughter, Princess Amelie.
"Now is the time for you to step up for the good of Splendorland," she told Amelie. "We cannot allow our happiness to fade forever!"
Long ago, in a time of war, the first Splendorlanders had found the Yonder, sailing to this land and making it a pleasant place - in the magical flying ship Nemo.
Now, once again, in the land's moment of need, the ship would serve its people.
Despite the fact that she was unfamiliar with the art of sailing an airship, Amelie saw her duty as a princess and did it. Her mother was right.
She must sail from Splendorland in the gallant Nemo and return with help!
Above and beyond went Amelie in the Nemo, pursued by the attackers!
It was a wild ascent, but she managed, and on sailed the ship.
At last, she reached a certain town, where she hoped she would find help.
Amelie took in a few suburban sights...
Riley: Sorry, wrong house.
Amelie: Wait, please! I need help!
Responding to the princess's plea, Riley consulted her friends. Her brother, Nate, and his friends Tristan and Joel, gave it some thought.
"Consider us your crew." said Tristan at last, and they boarded the Nemo.
"How do you start this thing?" asked Joel.
"You hit a switch." replied Amelie (having misplaced the instruction manual).
"Which switch?" asked Riley.
"Any switch." shrugged Nate, and Riley obeyed.
Farewell, old reality.
They were off on their perilous journey. Before they reached Splendorland, the Nemo was to sail through uncharted lands.
Soletlune, the Land of Sun and Moon, and then Archivia, home of Archivia Zoo for the Extinct.
A world of fabulous monsters to suit every taste!
None of them, however, was to give the ship and her crew as much trouble as the dread King Dragon, a voracious, fire-breathing beast with a literal taste for the talented!
Fortunately, the Nemo was armed with her own cannon, which was fired right into the dragon's big belly.
Thus the ship went pluckily on.
"Looks like the engine’s out!" Amelie announced.
"Great," Nate said. "And here we are miles away from a garage, or triple-A."
"And my glue gun." added Tristan.
As fortune would have it, a tropical island lay nearby. There was nothing else to do but to get out and search for civilization.
Suddenly, a shadow came into view...
"It's headed this way!" Joel exclaimed.
They behold...
Riley: What are you?
P.A.T.: I'm Pansy Anita Twee, Super Artist and daughter of a Muse! I'm a Jill of all artistic trades. Painter, sketch artist, digital artist, sculptor, writer, seamstress, internet reviewer...
Nate: What aren’t you?
They explained their plight to P.A.T., who said "I could fix your engine!"
She examined it carefully. Zip, zap, she touched something.
"Okay, done!"
The engine began to putt, putt, putt!
Joel: She did it!
The Nemo prepared to sail off for Splendorland.
"C'mon, P.A.T.," said Riley. "Let's go."
"You mean… You won’t leave me alone?" asked P.A.T.
"Of course we won’t." Riley smiled.
Aboard the Nemo went P.A.T., and off went the Nemo.
They passed the Dreamlands, land where old imaginary friends go, not knowing that they were rapidly appoaching...
The Hub
Without warning, the Star of Serenity was snatched off Amelie. The thief must have been one of the Killjoys. Who else would be prepared for Star-snatching?
The crew gave chase all the way to...
Splendorland, at last.
Alas, poor Splendorland.
Once a happy land of love and joy.
Now it lay under the heel of Vivian and her baleful crew of mercenaries.
The Nemo landed, and Amelie led the others off. They tiptoed carefully through the captured country.
Suddenly, they encountered a strange statue.
"Mom!" Amelie cried. "She's been petrified."
They set to work setting the Queen back on her feet. Then they proceeded with all possible speed to un-petrify her, for which she was most grateful, indeed.
"If I knew I’d be meeting an actual queen when I got up this morning," Joel remarked. "I’d put on a tux."
"You'll be needing instruments," said Amelie.
"We lost ours fighting a dragon," Nate said, glumly.
"Ours are in a compound, guarded night and day." said Ophelia.
Tristan: Don’t worry, guys!
Tiptoeing through minefields...
dodging Killjoy patrols...
ducking their way through occupied Splendorland...
the five inches their way to the fort, in which were tools of free folk everywhere:
Wood bass,
Drums, and
the brass section.
Undaunted, our brave heroes equip themselves and prepare for the fray!
Vivian: HARK! The hills are alive!
Marvy: With The Sound of Music?
Vivian: SEND FOR SNATCH! Show them no mercy!
The first line of defense...
The battle is joined!
Over hill and dale it is fought - a song of hope and rebellion, echoing everywhere -rousing the land.
Joel: Look, reinforcements!
Tristan: That’s just what we need.
The Killjoys are routed!
The Star of Serenity is rescued!
Love and happiness conquers all!
There was a huge celebration, and band concert.
All was once again serene in Splendorland.
The colors had been returned to their proper places in the spectrum.
The people went about their businesses, children played and had fun, and sweet music wafted its way from one part of the country to the other.
And as the sun shone over Splendorland again, the people celebrated their heroes:
"Three cheers for the brave liberators! Hip-hip-huzzah!"
So it was that Splendorland would last forever.
Maybe even longer.
But there are other Splendorlands to be found.
All you have to do is listen.
Should you hear the pleasing sounds of happy music, soft voices, children’s laughter and the occasional flapping of a bluebird’s wings,
then you know you’ve found one.
However, for every Splendorland you encounter,
you can also be sure there are Killjoys lurking in the shadows waiting to strike.
They have got to be held back.
Who will protect your own private Splendorland?
Only you can say that.
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Pansy Anita Twee and her mother Euterpe would like to say hello!
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Gone Yonder: Voyage of the Nemo: The Full Pop Odyssey
(We begin at night, in the house of an average family…)
Dad: Okay, lights out, girls!
Younger Daughter: Wait, dad! Can you tell us a story first?
Dad: Sorry, Zuri. I have to work an important job tomorrow.
Zuri: (disappointed) Oh.
Grandmother: Don’t worry. I’ll tell ‘em the story. And I gotta good one too.
Father: How 'bout it, girls?
Zuri: Okay.
(As Dad leaves his daughter’s bedroom, Grandma produces a book.)
Elder Daughter: What’s this story gonna be about, anyway? Not another fairy tale?
Grandmother: This is a special book. It was the book my mama used to read to me during my bedtime… and I used to read it to your mama. Tonight, I’m going to read it to you girls.
Zuri: Any epic fight scenes?
Grandmother: Are you kidding? Fighting, monsters, chases, kidnapping, escapes, love, magic and music.
Elder Daughter: So it is a fairy tale?
Grandmother: Yeah, but this is different.
Elder Daughter: Well, I guess we could try and stay awake.
Grandmother: Thank you very much. That’s very nice of you. Your vote of confidence is overwhelming. Alright.
(She opens the book.)
Grandmother: (reading) Voyage of the Nemo, Chapter 1. (ahem) Once upon a time, there was a magical realm called the Yonder, where music hath magical charms. In this realm was an enchanted paradise called Splendorland. (to the girls) Now, ain’t that a wonderful beginning?
Elder Daughter: Yeah, it’s really good.
(Grandma continues)
Grandmother: Now, the people of Splendorland were uncommonly happy and content. And why not? For their lives were overflowing with fantastic and wonderful things, for theirs was a land governed by the unusual notion that people ought to live in peace and harmony, without war or strife. It was a small idea, but brilliant, and thus the citizens believed their beloved Utopia would last forever… maybe even longer.
Elder Daughter: Wait, wait wait. What is this? Are you trying to trick us?
Zuri: Yeah, and where’s the fight scenes?
Grandmother: Wait. Just wait.
Zuri: When does it get good?
Grandmother: Keep your shirts on and let me read. (reading) You won’t find Splendorland by just looking for it. It is a country that must be listened for. Should you hear the pleasing sounds of happy music, soft voices, children’s laughter and the occasional flapping of a bluebird’s wings, then that’s the sign you are approaching the kingdom of Splendorland. And a very good kingdom it is too…
(Scene: Splendorland in all its amazing glory: here, there, and everywhere there is color and sound in this bright and sunny paradise. In the center of the land is the royal palace, where the queen plays a harp while her daughter listens. on a nearby hill is a fantasy/steampunk-style airship, the Nemo, resting proudly on a marble platform. Meanwhile, children, teens and adults, both human and non, happily do what they please. We then pan up to a forested mountain, where a group of nonhumans are standing ominously, like Native Americans in bad western movies. War flags wave in the breeze as the camera zooms in.)
Grandmother: But if history teaches us anything, it is that every paradise has an enemy; whenever there is something decent and lovable - such as Splendorland - there are always hostile forces lurking around who cannot leave well enough alone. Which brings us to the grievous story of the sneak attack on Splendorland by its enemies…
Zuri: Now it’s getting good!
Grandmother: Not one poor soul had the faintest idea that they were about to need a sad fate at the hands of the Killjoys, led by the one, the only, (thank goodness) Grump Princess Vivian.
(Princess Vivian makes her arrival in a sedan chair. Disembarking, she takes in the view of Splendorland. Her assistant gets her attention.)
Assistant: (excitedly) We’re gonna annihilate them, aren’t we? We’re going to annihilate them!
Vivian: (patting him on the head like a child) Yes Marvy, but save your energy. You’re going to need it for all the pointless torturing we’re gonna be doing.
(Marvy rubs his hands together and smiles gleefully.)
Killjoy#1: Their queen seems much smaller in person.
Killjoy#2: That's because you’re far away from her, dingus.
Vivian: Well, she’s about to get a lot closer. Now, make ready the new salute for our nation!
(A Killjoy steps up and gives devil horns. Everyone does the same in salute, grunting in unison.)
Vivian: Alright my little maggots, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for! Bravery will be rewarded! Destinies will be revealed! And the honor of a new nation will be born! A nation which I will declare: GRUMPIA!
(The Killjoys cheer.)
Vivian: General Nimm, send the signal to sound the charge!
Nimm: The guy’s standing right there looking at you. Why don’t you send the signal yourself?
Vivian: (chuckles, then smacks Nimm lightly over the head) Just do it.
(Nimm waves her finger as a Killjoy plays a kazoo.)
Vivian: For all of Grumpia… CHARGE!
(With a mighty mass battle cry, every Killjoy charges down the hill, armed to the teeth with various assorted weaponry. Behind them, a short Killjoy is the last to run by.)
Short Killjoy: Wait for me!
(At the sight of the advancing Killjoy army, the Splendorlanders pull a Mass Oh Crap and try to run, but are blasted and frozen in place by the petrifying grey projectiles - Gorgon Bombs - raining down upon the land. Squads of Killjoys toss grenades, while troops of them havoc on the countryside’s flanks. Those who lag behind are herded into easily conquered groups by the Killjoy Doberman Pinschers. The Princess and her mother take notice.)
Princess: What is going on?!
Queen: It’s the Killjoys. Splendorland is dying.
Princess: There has to be something we can do!
Queen: There is. Our final resort.
(Cut to a live-action beach resort)
Queen: No, not that resort.
(The Queen and her daughter flee the palace before the Killjoys can converge upon it. They run fast and hard, all the way to where the Nemo rests.)
Queen: Long ago, during the Second World War, our ancestors made it in this, the Nemo, to the Yonder, and to Splendorland.
(Behind them, the Killjoys are approaching fast.)
Queen: Hurry, Amelie, take this and protect it with your life.
(She gives her daughter a crystal star pendant.)
Amelie: The Star of Serenity?
Queen: The Grump Princess has been yearning to possess it for its power. You must protect it.
(The Killjoys get closer. Amelie boards the Nemo.)
Queen: You’re our last hope, now. Fly for aid in the Nemo to the mundane realm.
Amelie: But, mom! Who should I-
Queen: No time for minor trivialities. Good luck.
Amelie: (sarcastically) Well, that’s pretty helpful.
(She runs to take the helm of the Nemo just as the Killjoys reach the platform, petrifying the Queen before turning their sights on Amelie.)
(The Nemo suddenly takes off into the sky, with Amelie struggling to pilot the ship. She consults the instructions.)
Amelie: Okay, let’s see… “When in doubt, push buttons!”
(She does this, and the Nemo speeds off.)
Amelie: (through gritted teeth) It was easier to have Mom teach me to drive a carriage!
(Below, the Killjoys watch.)
Killjoy: …Follow that airship?!
(They rush to a tank-like craft in order to pursue it. Meanwhile, Vivian faces the other Killjoys.)
Vivian: My friends, this is indeed a great day. Make yourselves comfortable, everybody, for we have given birth to a new nation, the greatest ever known! We have given birth TO GRUMPIA!
(The Killjoys cheer. Above, the Nemo flies into the distance.)
Blue Bird Productions Present
In association with the Swingers
Song: Ain’t It Fun
I don’t mind Letting you down easy, but just give it time If it don’t hurt now then just wait, just wait a while You’re not the big fish in the pond no more You are what they’re feeding on
So what are you gonna do When the world don’t orbit around you? So what are you gonna do When the world don’t orbit around you?
Ain’t it fun? Living in the real world Ain’t it good? Being all alone
Where you’re from You might be the one who’s running things Where you can ring anybody’s bell and get what you want See it’s easy to ignore trouble When you’re living in a bubble
So what are you gonna do When the world don’t orbit around you? So what are you gonna do When nobody wants to fool with you?
Ain’t it fun? Living in the real world Ain’t it good? Being all alone?
Ain’t it good to be on your own? Ain’t it fun? You can’t count on no one Ain’t it good to be on your own? Ain’t it fun? You can’t count on no one Ain’t it fun? Living in the real world
Don’t go crying to your mama ‘Cause you’re on your own in the real world Don’t go crying to your mama ‘Cause you’re on your own in the real world
Don’t go crying to your mama 'Cause you’re on your own in the real world Don’t go crying to your mama 'Cause you’re on your own in the real world
Ain’t it fun, ain’t it fun? Baby, now you’re one of us Ain’t it fun, ain’t it fun? Ain’t it fun?
Ain’t it fun? Living in the real world Ain’t it good? (Ain’t it good?) Being all alone
Ain’t it fun living in the real world? ('Cause the world don’t orbit around you) Ain’t it good? (Ain’t it good?) Being all alone
Don’t go crying to your mama (Run to your mama) 'Cause you’re on your own in the real world (Don’t go crying) Don’t go crying to your mama (To your mama) 'Cause you’re on your own in the real world
Don’t go crying to your mama 'Cause you’re on your own in the real world (This is the real world) Don’t go crying to your mama 'Cause you’re on your own in the real world (This is the real world)
Don’t go crying (This is the real world) to your mama 'Cause you’re on your own in the real world Don’t go crying to your mama (Don’t you cry) 'Cause you’re on your own in the real world
Don’t go crying (Don’t you go, don’t you go crying) Don’t go crying (You’re on your own) Don’t go crying (Don’t go crying to your mama) Don’t go crying
(Scene: a typical suburban town in our world. Unnoticed, the Nemo flies above the rooftops. Pan down on one such house, where, in the garage, four teens, three boys and a girl, are practicing in their cover band…)
Song: Let’s Get It Started
Let’s get it started in here
And the bass keeps runnin’ runnin’ And runnin’ runnin’ And runnin’ runnin’ And runnin’ runnin’
And runnin’ runnin’ And runnin’ runnin’ And runnin’ runnin’ And runnin’ runnin’ and
In this context, there’s no disrespect So when I bust my rhyme, you break yo necks We got 5 minutes for us to disconnect From all intellect and let the rhythm effect
To lose this inhibition Follow your intuition Free your inner soul And break away from tradition
‘Cause when we be out Girl it’s gonna be that You wouldn’t believe how We wow out
Burn it till it’s burned out Turn it till it’s turned out Actin’ up from north, west East, south
Everybody (Yeah) Everybody (Yeah) Let’s get into it (Yeah) Get stupid (C'mon) Get it started (C'mon) Get it started (Yeah) Get it started
Let’s get it started, hah! Let’s get it started in here Let’s get it started, hah! Let’s get it started in here
Let’s get it started, hah! Let’s get it started in here Let’s get it started, hah! Let’s get it started in here, yeah
Lose control, all body, all soul Don’t move too fast, people just take it slow Don’t get ahead, just jump into it Y'all hear about it, the Peas’ll do it
Get it started, get stupid Don’t worry 'bout it people we’ll walk you through it Step by step, like the infant new kid Inch by inch, with the new solution Transmit hits, with no delusion The feeling’s irresistible and that’s how we move it, yo
Everybody (Yeah) Everybody (Yeah) Let’s get into it (Yeah) Get stupid (C'mon) Get it started (C'mon) Get it started (Yeah) Get it started
Let’s get it started, hah! Let’s get it started in here Let’s get it started, hah! Let’s get it started in here
Let’s get it started, hah! Let’s get it started in here Let’s get it started, hah! Let’s get it started in here, yeah
And the bass keeps runnin’ runnin’ And runnin’ runnin’ And runnin’ runnin’ (C'mon y'all!) And runnin’ runnin’
Let’s get cuckoo! (Uh huh) Let’s get cuckoo! (In here) Why not get cuckoo!? (Uh huh) Let’s get cuckoo! (In here)
Why not get cuckoo!? (Uh huh) Let’s get cuckoo! (In here) Oh oh oh Ya ya ya
Let’s get ill, that’s the deal At the gate, and we’ll bring the bud top drill Just lose your mind, this is the time Y'all guessed this drill just to bang your spine!
Just bob your head like me Up inside your club, or in your Bentley Get messy, loud and sick Y'all mind fast, no mo than another head trip So come them now do not correct it Let’s get ign'ant, let’s get hectic
(Yeah) Everybody (Yeah) Everybody (Yeah) Let’s get into it (Yeah) Get stupid (C'mon)
Get it started (C'mon) Get it started Get it started
Let’s get it started, hah! Let’s get it started in here Let’s get it started, hah! Let’s get it started in here
Let’s get it started, hah! Let’s get it started in here Let’s get it started, hah! Let’s get it started in here (Woah oh oh)
Cuckoo! (Uh huh) We cuckoo! (In here) Let’s get cuckoo! (Uh huh) We cuckoo! (In here)
Why not get cuckoo!? (Uh huh) We cuckoo! (In here) Oh oh oh Ya ya ya
Runnin’ runnin’ And runnin’ runnin’ And runnin’ runnin’ And runnin’ runnin’
(The band finishes, and the girl switches off the recorder.)
Leader: How’s that, guys?
Base Player: Not bad, Tristan.
Rapper: Yeah, I thought it was pretty good.
Female Player: Well, we won’t know for sure unless we play it back. (rewinds the recording)
(As they gather round to listen to their cover song, their is a loud thump outside.)
Rapper: What was that?
(Amelie staggers off of the Nemo.)
Base Player: That wasn’t on the tape.
Female Player: Yeah, sounded like it came from outside.
(She goes to investigate, pulling up the garage door to see Amelie. There is an awkward pause, before the girl speaks up.)
Female Player: Sorry, wrong house.
Amelie: Wait, please! I need help!
Rapper: What, with your costume? Also, you’re way too early for Halloween.
Female Player: Nate!
Amelie: Just listen, okay? This may sound weird to you guys, but I’m not from around here.
(Another awkward pause.)
Nate: Yeah, definitely something you’d only hear in anime.
Amelie: I’m serious! I just escaped from the Killjoys, slipped beyond the Yonder, and frankly, I am far too bushed with having to fly an interdimensional airship wearing nothing but a gown with no help. Bottom line, I’m looking for someone to save my kingdom, Splendorland.
Base Player: …Seriously?
Amelie: Seriously. What’s more, the Killjoys might still be on my tail, so if we don’t get going fast, they’ll- You don’t believe a word I’m saying, do you?
Tristan: Well, the way you said it, it sounds totally plausible, yet at the same time unbelievable. (to the base player) What do you think, Joel?
Joel: She doesn’t seem crazy to me, though.
Female Player: Yeah, but where’s that airship she mentioned?
(Amelie clears her throat and points to her left. The band looks outside to see the huge airship parked in the neighbor’s driveway.
Female Player: D'oh.
(There is a whirring overhead. Above the house, the Killjoy’s craft flies into view.)
Nate: What the heck is that?
Amelie: The Killjoys! They’re after this. (indicates the Star)
Tristan: Alright then. Let’s move.
(The five bolt for the Nemo, boarding it just as the Killjoy ship lands in front of the house. Once onboard, the group fiddles with the controls.)
Joel: How do you start this thing?!
(Rummaging around, Nate finds a copy of Twilight and throws it away in revulsion. The Killjoys exit their own ship.)
Amelie: Look for the switch!
Female Player: Which switch?
Nate: Any switch, Riley.
Riley: Okay, okay. (selects a switch) This one? (flicks it)
(The Nemo takes off just as the Killjoys are about to reach it.)
Elder Daughter: I knew they’d get away in the nick of time.
Grandmother: Yeah, yeah, Erica, you’re very smart. Now shut up.
Riley: Now what?
Amelie: Well, the manual says “When in doubt, push buttons”.
Joel: Can’t argue with that logic.
(He covers his eyes and presses a random button. The Nemo speeds off into a vortex.)
Song: The Loco-Motion
Everybody’s doin’ a brand new dance now (Come on baby, do the locomotion) I know you’ll get to like it if you give it a chance now (Come on baby, do the locomotion) My little baby sister can do it with ease It’s easier than learning your A B C’s So come on, come on, do the locomotion with me You gotta swing your hips now Come on baby, jump up, jump back Well, I think you got the knack, oh-oh Now that you can do it, let’s make a chain now (Come on baby, do the locomotion) Chug-a chug-a motion like a railway train now (Come on baby, do the locomotion) Do it nice and easy, now don’t lose control A little bit of rhythm and a lot of soul Come on, come on, do the locomotion with me You gotta swing your hips now Come on, come on, do the locomotion with me Yeah-ay Move around the floor in a locomotion (Come on baby, do the locomotion) Yeah, do it holding hands if you got the notion (Come on baby, do the locomotion) There’s never been a dance that’s so easy to do It even makes you happy when you’re feeling blue So come on, come on, do the locomotion with me You gotta swing your hips now Come on, come on, do the locomotion with me Yeah-ay Come on, come on, do the locomotion with me You gotta swing your hips now Come on, come on, do the locomotion with me Yeah-ay Come on, come on, do the locomotion with me You gotta swing your hips now Come on, come on, do the locomotion with me Yeah-ay Come on, come on, do the locomotion with me You gotta swing your hips now Come on, come on, do the locomotion with me
Grandmother: Meanwhile, in occupied Splendorland…
Vivian: YOU IDIOTS! You let her ESCAPE?!
(She is communicating with the Killjoys in our world through a closed-circuit communication machine.)
Killjoy: And that’s not the worst of it, Your Highness. She’s coming your way now, with musicians.
Vivian: MUSICIANS?! (switches off the machine) If they have the Star and they sing ONE happy note, we’re through! Nimm, lead a Nightmare Team to find yon upstarts, and get. That. Star!
Nimm: Understood.
Cut to the Nightmare Team preparing their hovercraft. Once Nimm joins them, they fly up and out of Splendorland. We cut back to the Nemo as it passes through various strange sights.)
Riley: Whoa. So this is that Yonder you mentioned? It’s beautiful!
Amelie: So was Splendorland Before the Killjoys attacked.
Joel: Okay, so how do we beat these Killjoys, anyway?
Amelie: Through happy music. The Killjoys thrive on the darkest of tunes. If you can play a positive song, that’ll beat them.
Nate: But isn’t it just music?
Amelie: Music has magic charms here in the Yonder. Plus, this (indicates the Star) can amplify its power. And the Princess of the Killjoys wants it for her own ends.
Joel: Yikes.
Tristan: Don’t worry. We won’t let her get her hands on it, right guys?
(Suddenly, a bright light shines down on the Nemo.)
Riley: What’s happening?
(The light is coming from a giant, glowing yellow man looking down at them.)
Sun: Luna! Come here and look at this!
(Another giant, a blue woman, appears.)
Luna: What is it, Sol?
Amelie: Looks like we’ve entered Soletlune.
Riley: Soletlune?
Amelie: The home of our Sun and Moon.
Nate: Your Sun and Moon are gods?
Amelie: And husband and wife.
Tristan: Okay, then.
Song: Higher Love
Think about it, there must be higher love Down in the heart or hidden in the stars above Without it, life is wasted time Look inside your heart, I’ll look inside mine Things look so bad everywhere In this whole world, what is fair? We walk blind and we try to see Falling behind in what could be Bring me a higher love Bring me a higher love (oh oh) Bring me a higher love Where’s that higher love I keep thinking of? Worlds are turning and we’re just hanging on Facing our fear and standing out there alone A yearning, and it’s real to me There must be someone who’s feeling for me Things look so bad everywhere In this whole world, what is fair? We walk blind and we try to see Falling behind in what could be Bring me a higher love Bring me a higher love (oh oh) Bring me a higher love Where’s that higher love I keep thinking of? Bring me a higher love Bring me a higher love (oh oh) Bring be a higher love I could rise above on a higher love I will wait for it I’m not too late for it Until then, I’ll sing my song To cheer the night along (bring it) I could light the night up with my soul on fire I could make the sun shine from pure desire Let me feel that love come over me Let me feel how strong it could be Oh oh oh Bring me a higher love Bring me a higher love (oh oh) Bring me a higher love Where’s that higher love I keep thinking of? Bring me a higher love Bring me a higher love, oh oh (bring me) Bring me a higher love (oh oh) Bring me a higher love (oh oh) Bring me a higher love Bring me a higher love Bring me a higher love (oh oh) I said, bring me Bring me a higher love Bring me a higher love (oh oh oh) Bring me a higher love (whoa whoa whoa) (Bring me higher love) bring me a higher love, oh oh (Bring me higher love) bring me a higher love (bring it on) There’s that love, bring me higher love Bring me a higher love Bring me a higher love (I said bring) Bring me a higher love (oh yeah) Bring me higher love Bring me a higher love (higher, high, higher) Bring me a higher love Bring me a higher love
Sol: (applauding) Bravo!
Luna: That was wonderful!
Tristan: Thanks. We just started our cover band.
Amelie: Listen, we’d love to stay and chat, but we really gotta get going. Splendorland’s being oppressed by the Killjoys, and we need to lead the musical revolution.
Luna: Oh dear!
Sol: Well, be careful now. I overheard them plotting against you while I was trying to break through the clouds they put up.
Amelie: Uh oh.
Luna: Don’t worry. When they come here, we’ll distract them for you.
Riley: Thanks, Mrs. Luna!
(The Nemo moves on.)
Sol: Good luck, kids!
(Soon after the Nemo leaves, the Killjoy’s hovercraft arrives.
Killjoy: OW, MY EYES!
Nimm: Excuse us, but did an airship pass this way?
Luna: (like a liar) No, I don’t think so.
(Cut to the Nemo sailing onward.)
Riley: So, what next, Amelie?
Amelie: Next is Archivia, realm of history.
(The Nemo’s clock starts going haywire.)
Nate: What’s wrong with the clock?
Tristan: Well, in my opinion, I think we’ve become involved in Einstein’s time-space continuum theory, relatively speaking.
Nate: Of course.
(The Nemo sails past old-fashioned buildings and lost ships.)
Joel: Wow. What is all this?
Amelie: Told you it was the realm of history. The gods preserve everything that has historical value here.
(A pterodactyl flies overhead. It then lands on the Nemo’s railing.)
Riley: Whoa! N-Nice pterodactyl…
Joel: What’s this?
(The pterodactyl has a collar around its neck.)
Joel: (reading) “Piko: If lost and found, please return to Archivia Zoo for the Extinct”.
Amelie: That’s not too far from us.
Tristan: Alright, let’s take a quick stop at Jurassic Park.
Amelie: Huh?
(Scene: The Nemo arrives at Archivia Zoo for the Extinct with Piko the pterodactyl, who flies over to a young man in a uniform.)
Zookeeper: Piko! There you are, girl. I was worried about you.
Tristan: Never hurts to help out.
Zookeeper: Thanks so much for bringing her back.
(Amelie gets a good look at the Zookeeper, and blushes.)
Zookeeper: Oh, sorry. My name’s Elisha. I’m one of the zookeepers here.
Amelie: I… I’m Amelie. Princess of Splendorland.
Elisha: Well… nice to meet'cha, Princess Amelie.
(They gaze into each other’s eyes for a moment.)
Nate: (nudging Riley) Get a look at that, sis.
Riley: I see it.
Song: She’s So High Above Me
She’s blood, flesh and bone No tucks or silicone She’s touch, smell, sight, taste, and sound But somehow I can’t believe that anything should happen I know where I belong and nothing’s gonna happen, yeah
‘Cause she’s so high High above me, she’s so lovely She’s so high Like Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, or Aphrodite Da-da-da-da She’s so high High above me
First class and fancy-free She’s high society She’s got the best of everything What could a guy like me ever really offer? She’s perfect as she can be, why should I even bother? (Aha!)
'Cause she’s so high High above me, she’s so lovely She’s so high Like Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, or Aphrodite Da-da-da-da She’s so high High above me
She comes to speak to me I freeze immediately 'Cause what she says sounds so unreal 'Cause somehow I can’t believe that anything should happen I know where I belong and nothing’s gonna happen Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
'Cause she’s so high High above me, she’s so lovely She’s so high Like Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, or Aphrodite Oh yeah, yeah She’s so high High above me
Amelie: Well?
Elisha: Well… are you being sincere? Or are we just two ships passing in the night?
Amelie: We’ll meet again, after we defeat the Killjoys, that is.
Nate: Okay, that’s a wrap!
Riley: C'mon, Amelie!
(Amelie looks back at Elisha, then boards the Nemo. As it takes off, he notices her dropped bracelet. Back aboard the Nemo…)
Amelie: (sigh) I’m gonna miss that zookeeper.
Riley: At least he likes you for you, and not for your money.
Joel: Uh, guys? Where are we now?
(The Nemo has entered a sea of fabulous creatures.)
Amelie: Mythicus! We’d better stay on the ship for this one.
Nate: Why’s that? This place dangerous?
Amelie: What do you think?
(As the Nemo passes by, Nimm and the Killjoys, unseen, peek out from behind a rock before following in their hovercraft.)
Nimm: Okay, men. Any suggestions?
Killjoy: I say we malice them with a fork, tie them to a tree, and then play piñata with their entrails!
(The other Killjoys stare in horror.)
Other Killjoy: Snarl, what the heck?!
Nimm: You were just so fast to say that.
(Back aboard the Nemo…)
Riley: Don’t look now, guys, but I think we’re being followed.
Amelie: What?!
(Back with the Killjoys…)
Killjoy#1: Are you sure about this? This seems dangerous.
Killjoy#2: Danger is my middle name!
Killjoy#1: I thought it was Roland.
(The Killjoy launches a grappling hook attached to himself to a mountain which the Nemo passes. He swings onto the airship, landing with a loud thump.)
Nate: D'AH!
Amelie: Oh no…
(Tristan has an idea. He hits the gas and the Nemo speeds up. The cord attached to the Killjoy begins to reach its limit.)
Killjoy#2: Any last words before I pry that Star from your corpses?
Joel: Sure. Could you fly suddenly off the ship, screaming like a girl?
Killjoy#2: What?
(He is pulled off of the Nemo, while screaming like a girl. He plows into the other Killjoys in their hovercraft with the sound of bowling pins, sending them flying everywhere. Their hovercraft, meanwhile, crashes into a plateau.)
Amelie: Nice one, Tristan!
Riley: Uh, guys? We’re not quite out of the woods yet.
(Ahead, a dragon lumbers in their direction, breathing fire.)
Nate: Reverse! REVERSE!
Grandmother: They don’t get eaten by the dragon at this time.
Zuri: Huh?
Grandmother: The dragon doesn’t get them. I thought I’d mention that 'cause you looked a bit worried.
Zuri: Nah, I wasn’t worried… Okay, maybe I was a little bit concerned, but that’s not the same thing.
Grandmother: Y'know, we can stop now if you want.
Erica: No, no. Go ahead and read a little bit more.
Grandmother: Alright, alright. Let’s see. They were in deep trouble, the dragon was coming after them, they were frightened, and then…
(Joel presses a button, firing one of the Nemo’s cannons at the dragon. The cannonball hits the dragon in its midsection, causing it to topple backwards. The recoil knocks the group back as well. Unfortunately, it also causes their instruments to go over the side of the ship.)
Joel: Well, now we know that was DEFINITELY too much gunpowder.
Amelie: (taking the helm) Hold on!
(She floors it and they soon leave Mythicus behind.)
Amelie: Everybody okay?
Nate: Been better.
Joel: Where are we now?
(The Nemo is floating in the middle of an ocean.)
Amelie: Uh oh.
Nate: What?
Amelie: Looks like the engine’s out.
Nate: Great. And here we are miles away from a garage, or triple-A.
Tristan: And my glue gun.
Joel: So, we’re stranded, right?
Riley: Maybe not. There’s land just over there!
(Indeed, there is a tropical island ahead of them. Cut to them, having beached the Nemo, entering the jungle.)
Tristan: You know, I kind of like it here. It’s sunny and bright, just like Hawaii.
Amelie: There’s still tropical diseases, Tristan. Not to mention venomous snakes, the poison frogs, deadly wild animals… Why do you think I made you guys bring the rifles?
Joel: These things only fire rubber bands.
Amelie: The better to distract them while you make your getaway.
Nate: Meh. Good thing I have my ninja stars! (shows off said ninja stars)
Riley: Mom said you could poke someone's eye out with that.
Nate: Well, mom’s not here, right?
(Suddenly, there is a loud rustling, along with other noises.)
Amelie: Uh, guys?
Riley: What is that?
Joel: I dunno, but it’s headed this way.
(He and Nate aim their weapons in the direction of the noises. A huge shadow comes into view.)
Nate: Good grief, how big is this thing?!
(As the whatever-it-is approaches, Joel and Nate aim higher and higher. The thing emerges from the jungle… and it’s actually a cute female creature carrying a large backpack.)
Strange Being: Phew! (puts down the backpack)
(She is a short, red, furry creature, somewhat resembling a cross between a mandrill and a rabbit, with a minty green face, pink blush stickers, and golden yellow ears and tail. The group just stare, until the being takes notice of them.)
Strange Being: Oh! Hi-
(As she approaches them, Nate shrieks like a girl, jumping into Joel’s arms. Joel makes a sound no man should make, drops Nate, and tries to leap into Tristan’s arms. Tristan, however, has just jumped back, knocking the girls down. It therefore appears as if Joel has, for no apparent reason, leapt into the air and thrown himself to the floor. The being applauds.)
Strange Being: Whoa! Nice acrobatics.
(Those on the ground stagger back to their feet.)
Tristan: What kinda weird place is this?
Strange Being: The Isle of Nada. Mama brings me here on Saturdays.
Riley: Your mama?
Strange Being: Yeah, she’s a Muse. She made me from a drawing.
Amelie: A Muse?!
Riley: What?
Amelie: The Nine Muses are the ones who created the Yonder! (to the strange being) One of them made you, too?
Strange Being: Yeah! She's the Muse of Music.
Tristan: Well, daughter of a Muse, who even are you?
Strange Being: (whips out a card) Read for yourself!
Tristan: Pansy…
Joel: Anita?
Nate: Twee?!
Pansy: You can call me “P.A.T.” for short.
Riley: Super… artist?
Amelie: What.
Riley: What are you?
P.A.T.: A Jill of all artistic trades. Painter, sketch artist, digital artist, sculptor, writer, seamstress, internet reviewer…
Nate: Okay, what aren’t you?
Amelie: And please tell me you know the way outta this ocean.
P.A.T.: Well, maybe through the Dreamlands?
Amelie: You know where that is?
P.A.T.: Sure! It’s out toward the outer rim… (She points, wavers a bit, pointing several different directions) Kinda north… west… erly… to the south… easterly… ish… sorta?
Amelie: Gee, let’s not get too specific there.
Tristan: Guess it shouldn’t be too hard to find. Let’s go.
Amelie: Good idea! We’ll just merrily drift along on the open ocean until we find it.
P.A.T.: Huh?
Riley: She means the engine’s out.
P.A.T.: Oh. I could fix it!
Amelie: You?
P.A.T.: Yeah!
(Cut to them returning to the Nemo, P.A.T. in tow.)
Tristan: Should we really let her do this?
Nate: Yeah, she might have never even seen an airship before.
(She apparently has, as she climbs up onto the engine. She rearranges some doohickies, gives it a thump with a monkey wrench, and it drones to life.)
P.A.T.: Okay, done!
Joel: She did it!
Nate: Great! Let’s blow this island.
(As they board the Nemo, Nate takes P.A.T. off the engine and gently puts her back on the beach.)
Nate: Not you.
P.A.T.: Huh? B-But-
Amelie: We kinda got places to be.
(As the others prepare for liftoff, P.A.T. looks around, then back at the Nemo. Tears appear in her silver eyes.)
Riley: We’re not bringing P.A.T.?
Tristan: She seems happy enough on her own.
(A sob prompts them to turn around; P.A.T. is sitting on the sand, crying.)
Riley: Poor thing. Can’t she come with us?
Amelie: Wh- We just met this- …Yeah, sure, go for it.
(Riley smiles. She jumps off the Nemo and heads over to P.A.T.)
Riley: P.A.T.? You can come along with us, if you’d like.
P.A.T.: You-you mean… You won’t leave me alone?
Riley: Of course we won’t. C'mon.
(P.A.T. brightens up, and leaps into Riley’s arms. Together they board the Nemo, which lifts off.)
Song: Better When I’m Dancin’
Don’t think about it Just move your body Listen to the music Sing, oh, ey, oh Just move those left feet Go ahead get crazy Anyone can do it Sing, oh, ey, oh Show the world you’ve got that fire Feel the rhythm getting louder Show the world what you can do Prove to them you’ve got the moves I don’t know about you But I feel better when I’m dancing, yeah, yeah Better when I’m dancing, yeah, yeah Oh, we can do this together I bet you feel better when you’re dancing? Yeah, yeah Pa-pa-pa-da-da La-la-la-la-da-da La-la-la-la-da-da Pa-pa-da-da When you finally let go And you slay that solo ‘Cause you listen to the music Sing, oh, ey, oh 'Cause you’re confident, babe And you make your hips sway We knew that you could do it Sing, oh, ey, oh Show the world you’ve got that fire Feel the rhythm getting louder Show the world you can do Prove to them you’ve got the moves I don’t know about you But I feel better when I’m dancing, yeah, yeah Better when I’m dancing, yeah, yeah Oh, we can do this together I bet you feel better when you’re dancing? Yeah, yeah Pa-pa-pa-da-da La-la-la-la-da-da La-la-la-la-da-da Pa-pa-da-da Pa-pa-pa-da-da La-la-la-la-da-da La-la-la-la-da-da Pa-pa-da-da Ey Oh, ey, oh Oh, ey, oh I feel better when I’m dancing (Oh, ey, oh) I’m better when I’m dancing (Oh, ey, oh) Oh, ey, oh I feel better when I’m dancing, yeah, yeah Better when I’m dancing, yeah, yeah Don’t you know, we can do this together Bet you feel better when you’re dancing? Yeah, yeah Pa-pa-pa-da-da La-la-la-la-da-da La-la-la-la-da-da (You got to move it) Pa-pa-pa-da-da La-la-la-la-da-da La-la-la-la-da-da I feel better when I’m dancing Better when I’m dancing Feel better when I’m, yeah, yeah
(As the Nemo enters the Dreamlands, its gentle humming gradually stops.)
Nate: What, the engine again?
(The Nemo slowly comes to a halt before hitting the ground.)
Riley: Now what, P.A.T.?
P.A.T.: That propeller just stopped. Nothing a quick fix’ll do.
(The band and P.A.T. get out, and P.A.T. starts diddling with one of the propellers.)
P.A.T.: (removing the propeller, putting Elmer’s glue in its place, and then putting the propeller back) Here’s your problem. This screw just came loose.
(She spins the propeller. Immediately, the Nemo rises into the air, and takes off with Amelie.)
Amelie: I’LL SAY IT HAS!
Riley: Amelie!
(It’s too late; the Nemo disappears into the distance. After the shock wears off, the band turns to P.A.T.)
P.A.T.: Oops.
(Cut to them traveling on foot through the Dreamlands.)
Nate: Well, this is perfect. We’re stuck here and we still don’t know where Splendorland is.
P.A.T.: I said I was sorry.
Riley: Yeah, and she did fix the engine.
Joel: Hey, over there! (points to a group of nonhumans) Maybe those fellas could help.
Tristan: Oh, great.
Joel: Uh, excuse us?
(The nonhumans turn around to see the five.)
Fairy Princess: Oh, hey! Humans from Earth!
Elephant: Four of them. I don’t know about that fifth one.
Monkey: (to P.A.T.) Are you an imaginary friend like us?
P.A.T.: No, I’m real.
Mermaid: So are we. That doesn’t really answer our question.
Riley: Okay, if you’re imaginary friends, why are you real?
Dog Boy: This is where dreams from Earth come to rest, after all. When our creators too old for us, we came here to become real.
Fairy Princess: Yeah! Plus, we’re happy here.
Tristan: So, no worries here, huh? Sounds like a nice life.
Song: Break My Stride
Last night I had the strangest dream I sailed away to China In a little rowboat to find you And you said you had to get your laundry cleaned Didn’t want no one to hold you What does that mean? And you said
Ain’t nothing gonna break my stride Nobody gonna slow me down Oh no I got to keep on moving Ain’t nothing gonna break-a my stride I’m running And I won’t touch ground Oh no I got to keep on moving
You’re on a roll and now you pray it’ll last The road beyond was rocky But now you’re feeling cocky You look at me and you see your past Is that the reason Why you’re running so fast? And she said
Ain’t nothing gonna break-a my stride Nobody gonna slow me down Oh no I got to keep on moving Ain’t nothing gonna break my stride I’m running And I won’t touch ground Oh no I got to keep on moving
(Never let another girl like you) Work me over (Never let another girl like you) Drag me under (If I meet another girl like you) I will tell her (Never want another girl like you) Have to say Oh
Ain’t nothing gonna break-a my stride Nobody gonna slow me down Oh no, oh no I got to keep on moving Ain’t nothing gonna break my stride I’m running And I won’t touch ground Oh no I got to keep on moving
Ain’t nothing gonna break-a my stride Nobody gonna slow me down Oh no, oh no I got to keep on moving Ain’t nothing gonna break-a my stride I’m running And I won’t touch ground Oh no I got to keep on moving
(Whoa) Ain’t nothing gonna break my stride Nobody gonna slow me down Oh no I got to keep on moving Ain’t nothing gonna break-a my stride I’m running And I won’t touch ground Oh no I got to keep on moving
Joel: Hey, don’t you think we should ask 'em for directions still?
Tristan: Oh, yeah. (to the imaginary folk) You know the way to Splendorland?
Cat Girl: That way. (indicates) Keep going until you reach the big statue.
Tristan: Thanks.
(They continue onwards, until they reach a statue of a god holding a shiny golden disc.)
Nate: Okay, now what?
(As he says this, he leans against the statue. It moves to the side, opening a trap door into which everyone falls. They slide down a dark shaft, with Riley holding on to P.A.T.)
Riley: Hang on, P.A.T.!
(The band and P.A.T. come out into a vast area with millions of colored holes. And there, waiting for them, is…)
Amelie: Guys!
Riley: Amelie!
(They reunite.)
Amelie: Lucky I managed to get the brakes working in time.
Joel: Where are we?
Amelie: This is the Hub. One of these portals leads to Splendorland.
Tristan: But which one?
Amelie: We just need to look for a rainbow-colored portal.
Nate: Okay, sounds easy enough.
Nimm: How did we even get here?
Killjoy: Well, ya got me. By all accounts, it doesn’t make sense.
Nimm: Whatever. Let’s just find them and get the Star. They can’t be too far off.
(The Killjoys begin searching for the group, and the two parties somehow manage to miss each other. Nate is bored. He picks up a portal and sniffs it. He shrugs, and flings it like a frisbee. He then picks up another one and eyes yet another. He tosses the one in his hands into it, and the results are spectacular. A brilliant yellow fireball erupts upward in a mushroom shaped pall of purple smoke. Jesse is tossed backwards and lands on Riley. The Killjoys cringe as the explosion rocks their world.)
Nimm: Quick, grab the Star!
(A Killjoy leaps for a portal. Above, we see his hands closing around Amelie’s gown, jerking her down into the hole. There is the sound of a brief scuffle, and Amelie is tossed back up out of the hole, sans the Star.)
Riley: Amelie? What just happened?
Amelie: The Killjoys got the Star!
Band/P.A.T.: WHAT?
Amelie: (Ducking her head down the portal) You give that back, you fiends!
Tristan: We need to find that portal to Splendorland and head them off!
(They turn to run, and nearly stumble into the large, shimmering rainbow-colored hole left by the explosion.)
Joel: A shortcut! Nate, I could kiss you!
Nate: Please don’t. There’s a small, red child watching.
P.A.T.: I don’t mind, actually.
(Cut to the Nemo entering the portal through the rainbow vortex. They come out at the end in a now-barren Splendorland. They disembark and look around.)
Tristan: This is Splendorland? Kinda drab.
Amelie: That’s Killjoy work.
P.A.T.: Who’s that?
(She indicates a familiar looking statue.)
Amelie: Mom! (runs up to her mother)
Riley: That’s the queen?
Amelie: She’s been petrified. Sing something uplifting!
Joel: But won’t we get the Killjoy’s attention?
Riley: How about this? (takes out an MP3 player) It has our cover songs on it.
Amelie: That’ll do.
(Riley places the headphones on the Queen, turns on the MP3 player and selects a song. Sure enough, the petrification wears off. The Queen inhales and exhales.)
Amelie: Mom!
Queen: Oh, Amelie! Did you…?
Amelie: Yes, I did! Look!
(The Queen regards the five, who bow before her.)
Queen: How do? I am Queen Ophelia.
Tristan: A pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty.
Joel: To be honest, if I knew I’d be meeting an actual queen when I got up this morning, I’d put on a tux.
P.A.T.: So how do we stop the Killjoys?
Riley: With happy music.
(P.A.T. then proceeds to imagine the following scenario: She simply walks up to a Killjoy, sings a song, and then the two hug! And all this is set in felt.)
P.A.T.: (eyes sparking) We’re gonna make them all so happy!
Tristan: (to Riley) I don’t think she gets it.
Ophelia: Where are your instruments?
Tristan: See, that’s the thing. We lost ‘em fighting a dragon.
Amelie: Can we get other instruments?
Ophelia: It won’t be easy; The Killjoys locked up all instruments in the old compound to prevent a rebellion.
Amelie: That’s not the worst of it. They got the Star, too!
Tristan: Don’t worry, guys, I got a plan.
Song: Take It Off
There’s a place downtown where the freaks all come around It’s a hole in the wall, it’s a dirty free-for-all When the dark of the night Comes around, that’s the time That the animal comes alive Lookin’ for somethin’ wild And now we lookin’ like pimps in my gold Trans Am Got a water bottle full of root beer in my handbag Got my smartphone on, I’ll regret it in the mornin’ But tonight, I don’t give a, I don’t give a, I don’t give a- There’s a place downtown where the freaks all come around It’s a hole in the wall, it’s a dirty free-for-all And they turn me on when they take it off When they take it off, everybody take it off There’s a place I know if you’re lookin’ for a show Where they go hardcore and there’s glitter on the floor And they turn me on when they take it off When they take it off, everybody take it off Lose your mind, lose it now Lose your clothes in the crowd We’re delirious, tear it down 'Til the sun comes back around And now we goin’ insane, knockin’ over trash cans E'rybody breakin’ bottles, it’s a filthy hot mess And I’m down to get faded, I’m not the designated driver So I don’t give a, I don’t give a, I don’t give a- There’s a place downtown where the freaks all come around It’s a hole in the wall, it’s a dirty free-for-all And they turn me on when they take it off When they take it off, everybody take it off There’s a place I know if you’re lookin’ for a show Where they go hardcore and there’s glitter on the floor And they turn me on when they take it off When they take it off, everybody take it off Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh (Everybody take it off) Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh (Everybody take it off) Right now (take it off) Right now (take it off) Right now (take it off) Oh-oh-ooh-oh Right now (take it off) Right now (take it off) Right now (take it off) (Everybody take it off) There’s a place downtown where the freaks all come around It’s a hole in the wall, it’s a dirty free-for-all And they turn me on when they take it off When they take it off, everybody take it off There’s a place I know if you’re lookin’ for a show Where they go hardcore and there’s glitter on the floor And they turn me on when they take it off When they take it off, everybody take it off
(We switch to an old 1940s newsreel style.)
Reporter: Dateline Grumpia! Year one of the new Killjoy Imperium. Confidence is high as this new and proud nation works long and hard to establish its new government.
(Cut to the Killjoy reporter.)
Reporter: I’m here today in the land formally known as Splendorland but now as of recent known as Grumpia.
(Cut to the fate of Splendorland: The people are sadly marching in chains, and there’s not a flower in sight.)
Reporter: Though it is not easy to establish a government from the ground up, Grumpia is fortunate to have hard working individuals making their regime stable. And here’s one of them now. Greel, recently appointed Minister of Trade. Tell me, new Minister, what does your new job exactly entail?
Greel: I have a lot of stuff I can trade. From black ore to human tears and we’re hoping we can trade them to other nations for goods and valuables.
Reporter: So, you really think other nations will trade goods and valuables just for those?
Greel: Oh, sure. Israel would sell thirty percent of its military just for a video recording of human strife. Must be pretty rare there. Or pretty popular.
Reporter: Of course military forces aren’t a major concern in Grumpia, Secretary of Defense Mad Jack assures the public that everything is well protected.
Mad Jack: It’s true that we’re a small nation and are therefore more prone to attack. But we have a good drill sergeant who knows how to keep up the men’s morale.
Drill Sergeant Norx: Stand up straight! (punches Killjoy) Tuck in ya shirt! (punches another Killjoy) Stop bein’ so tall!
Thomius the Killjoy: Can’t help it. (PUNCH) Ow.
Killjoy: Oh Gods, no! I’m deathly afraid of you!
Norx: (pauses, nods, and punches him in the face)
Reporter: Looks like a solid team you’ve got there.
Mad Jack: Indeed.
Reporter: However, there’ve been a few reports that you’re a little gun crazy.
(He shoots the cameraman and then a test pattern appears.)
Reporter: But an invasion seems unlikely thanks to good relations kept by the Head of Immigration, Zill.
Zill: (on the phone) What do you MEAN you don’t agree with me?! DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU’RE DEALING WITH?! (pause) Hold on, let me confer you to my second in command.
(He hands the phone to his second in command, who nods, before pounding a button on the desk. There is the distant sound of an explosion, and the phone goes dead.)
Reporter: Every nation needs a treasurer, and Grumpia has Yaja, who I understand also designed the flag for Grumpia. True?
Yaja: It is. And for a nation like Grumpia, I figured that we really needed an epic flag. That’s why I came up with a musclebound lightning bolt carrying machine guns and shooting fire from his eyes. Because when people look at that, all they can say is “GRUMPIA!”.
Reporter: Well, it looks like you fellas don’t have a flagpole yet.
Yaja: Well, we weren’t exactly sure how to get their flag down and ours up. So, we’re just using Thomius as our flagpole.
(Cut to Thomius atop a building and holding the flag.)
Reporter: I must say. He doesn’t look very pleased.
Yaja: (chuckles) He’s definitely not.
(The Killjoys salute the flag.)
Reporter: And there are others looking out for the well-being of Grumpia. Take Kiri, for example. He is making sure everyone is in good shape acting as Grumpia’s Surgeon General.
Kiri: In my short time as Surgeon General here in Grumpia, I’ve made two amazing medical discoveries. One: When holding an uzi, you will not die.
Reporter: Really? And how does that work exactly?
Kiri: I’m holding one and I’m not dead. Science proven. Secondly, our research has shown that dieting and exercise does not help build healthy bodies. So, that’s why I have encouraged everyone here to start smoking.
(Cut to Killjoys smoking and choking. One guy collapses.)
Kiri: Studies show that smoking does well to strengthen the body and prevent disease.
Reporter: Your studies show that?
Kiri: Of course. Right here on this chart. (looks at upside down clipboard, turns it over) Heh, what do you know? (chuckles) Had the darn chart upside down.
Reporter: But not everyone in Grumpia is questionably insane. Take for example, Livewire, the local shockjock radio propagandist. So, what exactly about the Grumpia government bothers you so?
Livewire: Well, nothing really. It’s just that people agree with angry hosts on the radio, it makes them feel better about themselves. So, in my own way. I’m helping the people’s morale.
(The reporter looks towards camera and shifts his eyes awkwardly, as if to question how that would work.)
Reporter: Another person keeping up the morale is Dioz who is now head officer for science and technology.
Dioz: At first we didn’t have much in the science department. In fact, the original space program was just a stomp rocket. But, I’m certain we can get things to a more legitimate level.
Reporter: Well, there is someone in this nation that still does well to keep order in hand. This is Metus. Tell me, Metus, what are you going to do to keep this nation safe?
Metus: Well, it’s all about surprise to fool our enemy. We are trying to find those who are best able to blend into their environment. For example, we have discovered that Pitch here has a natural talent for camouflage. Isn’t that right, Pitch?
Disembodied voice: Yup!
Reporter: But, do you really think stealth and surprise are going to be enough to keep your enemies on their toes?
Metus: Oh, of course. It’s all about illusion. In fact, I’m not even in front of you.
(Cut to the reporter holding the mic out, with Metus behind him. The reporter then turns around, startled.)
Reporter: Oh! Very good. Well, we all know what goes on outside the government building. Let’s see what goes on inside the government building. (He extends his arm, and there is a WHACK.)
Pitch: OW!
Reporter: This is Secretary of State Marvy. Tell me, Marvy, what does a normal day entail for you?
Marvy: Well, mostly I come up with brilliant ideas and Her Highness then slaps me and claims them as her own.
Reporter: Does that pay well?
Marvy: Not really. But it sure does hurt a lot.
Reporter: But behind every great woman is… another woman. As in the case of her favorite Killjoy, Nimm. Now, there’s talk that your leader wants to push for more regulation and you want less. In which way does she want more that you haven’t agreed with?
Nimm: Oh. (hesitant) You know.
Reporter: Actually, no I don’t.
Nimm: Well, when I find an answer, I’ll get right back to you.
Reporter: And now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for! An interview with the lady herself! The lady who made Grumpia possible! Her Highness, Queen Vivian!
Reporter: Your Highness, what are your plans now for this new, glorious nation?
Vivian: Well, first, we plan on taking over the other realms. We’ve sent out pamphlets. Then, we plan on taking over the entire Yonder. And then the world.
Reporter: Ah. And how do you plan on accomplishing this exactly?
Vivian: I’ll give you a hint. It involves… total annihilation.
Reporter: Well, thank you very much for your time.
Vivian: Not at all!
Reporter: OH! And one more thing! Your Highness, do you plan on some day being bigger than all the gods combined?
Vivian: (dramatic turn) OF COURSE!
Reporter: Thank you. This has been a special report from Grumpia.
(Cut to the Grumpian Flag overlayed with Snarl firing a machine gun. Scene changes to the Band and P.A.T. sneaking through Splendorland at night, dressed as fortune tellers)
Tristan: (regarding the fort) That’s gotta be where the gear’s kept.
Riley: We should get the Star first. Amelie said that the Killjoys took over the Palace.
Joel: You sure this fortune teller thing’ll work?
Tristan: Are you kidding? It’s foolproof!
(They approach the Palace. Two Killjoys guard the entrance. P.A.T. hides inside Riley’s satchel.)
Guard#1: Halt! Who goes there?
Tristan: Just us wandering fortune tellers.
Joel: We have important news for the Killjoy Queen.
Guard#2: Get lost! She has no time for this!
Nate: Then I guess she doesn’t wanna hear about the revolt.
Guards: What?
Nate: I said “I guess she doesn’t wanna hear about the revolt.”
Guard#1: Revolt?
Guard#2: Maybe she would wanna hear this. Come in for a review!
Riley: (whispering to Nate) Nice.
(They enter the Palace, and walk into the throne room, where Vivian sits on the throne. The Star is kept on a pedestal under a glass cover.)
Vivian: What’s this about a revolt?
Tristan: We are deeply honored to be in your presence.
Vivian: Yeah, sure. WHAT ABOUT THE REVOLT?
(Unnoticed, P.A.T. peeks out of the satchel. She squirms out and slowly creeps toward the Star.)
Riley: Well, you may have enslaved the people of this land, but when you captured them, you missed a few. Now those rebels are secretly plotting to bring you down.
Vivian: Really?
Riley: Yeah. The crystal ball never lies. Plus they have instruments of their own, so you’d better gather your forces and get out while the going’s good, or else things are gonna get crazy.
Vivian: That’s ridiculous, we made sure to lock up all instruments to prevent this sort of thing!
Nate: Y'sure?
(P.A.T. lifts the glass cover…)
Vivian: Of course I’m sure! Besides, they would need the Star to-
(Just as P.A.T. reaches for the Star, Vivian spots her.)
Riley: Uh oh.
P.A.T.: Uh… Hi. Wanna hear a love song?
(Vivian turns on the others.)
Vivian: So, you thought you could trick me into a snafu, huh?! Well, not today! (to the guards) Lock ‘em up!
(The Killjoys surround the group and drag them away. Carried under a Killjoy’s arm, P.A.T. looks back at Vivian, who meets her gaze before turning away, blushing. Cut to the five in the dungeon.)
Nate: Well, that plan didn’t work.
Tristan: And I thought it was foolproof.
Joel: Is there a Plan B?
(P.A.T. examines the walls. She presses a brick, and it gives.)
P.A.T.: Maybe there is! Look, the bricks are loose!
Riley: Hey, she’s right! That could be our way outta here!
(Tristan begins pulling out bricks.)
Tristan: This place is pretty ancient. C'mon, guys!
(Joel and Nate help Tristan to pull out as many bricks as possible, until there’s a hole in the wall.)
Nate: (looking at the small hole.) That’s it?
Joel: I don’t think we could fit through there.
Riley: I could!
P.A.T.: So could I!
(The two girls crawl through the opening.)
Tristan: When you’re in the clear, go tell Amelie and Ophelia what happened.
Riley: No way! I can’t leave you guys behind now.
(A Killjoy passes by on patrol. P.A.T. jumps him.)
P.A.T.: HI!
(The Killjoy freaks out as Riley grabs him from behind. During the ensuing scuffle, he hits his head on the wall, knocking himself out.)
Riley: (to the Killjoy) Sorry 'bout that, but it’s for a good cause.
(A few minutes later, Riley is disguised in his uniform and mask. She approaches the Killjoy guarding the cell.)
Riley: Coffee, sir?
Guard: Oh! Sure.
(He takes a sip… and instantly falls unconscious.)
Riley: It worked, P.A.T.!
(P.A.T. peeks out from behind the corner.)
P.A.T.: I still think my lullaby idea could have worked just as well.
(Taking the Killjoy guard’s keys, Riley unlocks the dungeon door and opens it.)
Riley: Okay, guys, let’s go!
Nate: Nice one, sis!
Tristan: Now let’s get the Star and get outta here!
(Cut to the Star, still under the glass covering. Vivian is asleep. P.A.T. sneaks in, lifts the cover and takes the Star, careful not to make any noise. She pets the sleeping Vivian on the head before tiptoeing back to the others.)
P.A.T.: (whispering) I got it!
Riley: Good work, P.A.T.
Tristan: Now for the instruments.
(Transition to the old fort. The group creep up to the entrance, which is guarded by Killjoys. Nate folds a paper airplane and throws it past them. Taking notice, the guards follow it, allowing the group to sneak in. One Killjoy manages to snatch the airplane out of the air.)
Guard#1: Got it!
Guard#2: There’s something written on it.
(They unfold the airplane.)
Guard#2: What’s it say?
Guard#1: It says… “Killjoys smell”.
Guard#2: They didn’t even finish it? (takes out a pen and adds to the note) “Good”.
(Meanwhile, the five sneak past several sleeping Killjoys and enter a cupboard where the instruments are all packed.)
Tristan: Bingo.
(A light from the window grabs their attention: It’s a Killjoy, his mask emitting a searchlight.)
Riley: Hide!
(They scramble for a hiding place. Nate trips and falls onto a set of bagpipes.)
Tristan: Pipe down!
(Outside, a sleeping Killjoy is roused by the noise.)
Joel: Get that out of here!
(Nate throws the bagpipes out the cupboard. It rolls after the Killjoy, who tries to make a run for it. However, it hits him in the back of his head, KOing him.)
Riley: You think they heard us?
Joel: I hope not…
(Transition to the next morning. The five wake up, stretch and yawn. P.A.T. looks out of the cupboard.)
P.A.T.: They’re all still asleep!
Nate: This is a sad day for us.
Riley: Why?
Nate" We’ve been outslept!
Tristan: C'mon, let’s get outta here.
(With the instruments they need, the group exit the building, passing the unconscious Killjoy.)
Nate: (to the others) Shhhhh!
(He doesn’t see the bagpipes in his path until it’s too late; he steps on them, making a loud WAAAAAAAAHH! Immediately, the Killjoys are awakened by the noise.)
Joel: Oh, no.
Tristan: RUUUUN!
(They all bolt.)
Song: Livin’ La Vida Loca
She’s into superstitions Black cats and voodoo dolls I feel a premonition That girl’s gonna make me fall She’s into new sensations New kicks in the candlelight She’s got a new addiction For every day and night She’ll make you take your clothes off and go dancing in the rain She’ll make you live her crazy life, but she’ll take away your pain Like a bullet to your brain Come on! Upside, inside out She’s livin’ la vida loca She’ll push and pull you down Livin’ la vida loca Her lips are devil red And her skin’s the color mocha She will wear you out Livin’ la vida loca Come on! Livin’ la vida loca Come on! She’s livin’ la vida loca Woke up in New York City In a funky cheap hotel She took my heart, and she took my kidney She must’ve slipped me a sleeping pill She never drinks the water and Makes you order French champagne Once you’ve had a taste of her You’ll never be the same Yeah, she’ll make you go insane Come on! Upside, inside out She’s livin’ la vida loca She’ll push and pull you down Livin’ la vida loca Her lips are devil red And her skin’s the color mocha She will wear you out Livin’ la vida loca Come on! Livin’ la vida loca She’s livin’ la vida loca She’ll make you take your clothes off and go dancing in the rain She’ll make you live her crazy life, but she’ll take away your pain Like a bullet to your brain Come on! Upside, inside out She’s livin’ la vida loca She’ll push and pull you down Livin’ la vida loca Her lips are devil red And her skin’s the color mocha She will wear you out Livin’ la vida loca Come on! Upside, inside out She’s livin’ la vida loca She’ll push and pull you down Livin’ la vida loca Her lips are devil red And her skin’s the color mocha She will wear you out Livin’ la vida loca Come on! Livin’ la vida loca Come on! She’s livin’ la vida loca Come on! Gotta la vida loca! Gotta, gotta, gotta la vida loca! Gotta, gotta, gotta la vi'…
(After running like heck, the group finally manage to escape the Killjoys.)
Tristan: We’ve made it.
Nate: Instruments are ready.
Tristan: Okay, cool.
(P.A.T., wearing a top hat, hops onto a soapbox with a megaphone like she’s a circus ringmaster.)
P.A.T.: Ladies and gentlemen, direct from somewhere else, where they are absolutely something else, I’d like to present our four guest soloists: my friends! Take it away, guys!
Song: A Different Beat
Say yeah, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Say ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah (Ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah) Say yeah, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Say ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah (Ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah)
I got a spoonful of sugar That I think you’d like No, I don’t wanna preach But I think you might Wanna cup (Sip it up, sip it up) (Sip it up, sip it up, sip it up)
I might be young But I know my mind I’m sick of being told What’s wrong or right So give it up (Give it up, give it up) (Give it up, give it up, give it up)
Uh-oh, now there you go Out of your comfort zone Cause I’m breaking out Not breaking down, down, down, down Ain’t got nothing to prove Walk a mile in my shoes I know the one thing that counts
I got the right To make up my mind Say it loud and clear For the whole wide world to hear We’re marching for love So turn up the drum Say it loud and clear For the whole wide world to hear
Yeah, we must have different shoes on We’re marching to a different beat Yeah! So baby put your boots on Keep marching to a different beat Yeah
Never in the slow lane Cause I like it fast No time you waste So I keep our feet on the gas (I live it up, live it up) (Live it up, live it up, live it up)
I might be young I know who I am So I don’t follow like a marching band So give it up (Give it up, give it up) (Give it up, give it up, give it up)
Uh-oh, now there you go Out of your comfort zone Cause I’m breaking out I’m breaking down, down, down, down
Ain’t got nothing to prove Walk a mile in my shoes I know the one thing that counts
I got the right To make up my mind Say it loud and clear For the whole wide world to hear We’re marching for love So turn up the drum Say it loud and clear For the whole wide world to hear
Yeah, we must have different shoes on We’re marching to a different beat Yeah! So baby put your boots on Keep marching to a different beat Yeah
I got my head up Shoulders back I’m doing me So they can see I’m marching to a different beat I take a look in the mirror And I like what I see So baby, I keep marching To a different beat
I got the right To make up my mind Say it loud and clear For the whole wide world to hear We’re marching so loud So turn up the drum Say it loud and clear For the whole wide world to hear
Yeah, we must have different shoes on We’re marching to a different beat Yeah So baby put your boots on Keep marching to a different beat
(By the time this song finishes, the color and vigor have returned to Splendorland, its flowers rebloom, and the Splendorlanders are freed, to the Killjoys’ shock. Vivian is especially stunned.)
Vivian: The hills are alive?!
Marvy: (sings) With The Sound of Music-
(THWACK! Marvy gets Vivian’s knee to the groin.)
Nimm: Your Highness! They’re armed! They’re fighting back! We gotta go!
(She drags Vivian away by the hand, while Marvy hobbles after them. Meanwhile, the Splendorlanders celebrate their heroes.)
Ophelia: (to Amelie) You made the right choice, after all.
(Let us hope that Vivian looks up ‘brat’ in the dictionary and, under the influence of those meaningful pages, becomes a better- NOPE! Let’s see her plot her vengeance. Up in a cave in the mountain…)
Vivian: Those dirty, stinkin’ sons'a BONNACONS! How could we lose to them?!
Nimm: (sarcastically) Well gee, maybe it has something to do with the fact that they stole back the Star.
Vivian: Ugh, don’t remind me! Just let me think…
Marvy: Why don’t we kidnap that red thing and exchange ‘er for the Star?
Vivian: Nah, that’s stupid.
(She thinks for a bit more. Marvy counts down on his fingers.)
Vivian: I GOT IT! We shall take the red thing as our hostage unless they surrender the Star!
Nimm: (still sarcastic) What an original idea.
Vivian: And I know just who can do the job…
(Cut to something snakelike coiled up in the corner. It stirs at Vivian’s voice.)
Vivian: Snatch? Oh, Snatchy!
(The thing uncoils, revealing itself to be a mechanical serpent with a pale, vaguely doll-like face. Creepy.)
Vivian: C'mere, girl. I have a job for you…
(Scene: Splendorland’s concert hall, at night. The citizens are gathered to watch the band perform.)
Song: Tonight Tonight
It’s been a really really messed up week Seven days of torture, seven days of bitter And my girlfriend went and dumped me She’s a California dime but it’s time for me to quit her La la la, whatever, la la la, It doesn’t matter, la la la, oh well, la la la We’re going at it tonight tonight There’s a party on the rooftop top of the world Tonight tonight and we’re dancing on the edge of the Hollywood sign I don’t know if I’ll make it but watch how good I’ll fake it It’s all right, all right, tonight, tonight I woke up with a strange tattoo Not sure how I got it, not a dollar in my pocket And it kinda looks just like you Mixed with Zach Galifianakis (Who?) La la la, whatever, la la la, It doesn’t matter, la la la, oh well, la la la We’re going at it tonight tonight There’s a party on the rooftop top of the world Tonight tonight and we’re dancing on the edge of the Hollywood sign I don’t know if I’ll make it but watch how good I’ll fake it It’s all right, all right, tonight, tonight You got me singing like whoa, oh, oh Come on, oh, oh, oh it doesn’t matter Whoa, oh, oh everybody now, oh, oh, oh Just don’t stop let’s keep the beat pumpin’ Keep the beat up, let’s drop the beat down It’s my party dance if I want to We can get crazy let it all out Just don’t stop let’s keep the beat pumpin’ Keep the beat up, lets drop the beat down It’s my party dance if I want to We can get crazy let it all out It’s you and me and we’re runnin’ this town and It’s me and you and we’re shakin’ the ground and Ain’t nobody gonna tell us to go cause this is our show Everybody whoa, oh, oh Come on, oh, oh, oh all you animals Whoa, oh, oh, let me hear you now, oh, oh, oh Tonight tonight there’s a party on the rooftop top of the world Tonight tonight and we’re dancing on the edge of the Hollywood sign I don’t know if I’ll make it but watch how good I’ll fake it It’s all right, all right, tonight, tonight It’s all right, all right, tonight, tonight Yeah its all right, all right, tonight, tonight Just singing like whoa, oh, oh Come on, oh, oh, oh, all you party people Whoa, oh, oh, all you singletons, oh, oh, oh, even the nonhumans Just don’t stop let’s keep the beat pumpin’ Keep the beat up, let’s drop the beat down Its my party dance if I want to We can get crazy let it all out Just don’t stop let’s keep the beat pumpin’ Keep the beat up, lets drop the beat down It’s my party dance if I want to We can get crazy let it all out
(The Splendorlanders cheer. However, lurking in the shadows, Nimm and Snatch observe.)
Nimm: (points out P.A.T.) There. That’s who we’re after.
(Snatch hisses loudly, then charges past Nimm. The Splendorlanders, hearing the hiss, all turn to see her coming at them. They all scatter in a panic.)
Nate: What is that thing?!
(Snatch zeros out P.A.T. and lunges at her. P.A.T. yelps, and dodges the attack.)
Riley: P.A.T.!
(The band jump off the stage to help their friend. As P.A.T. tries to run towards them, Snatch slides open her mouth and launches a sack at her.)
Riley: P.A.T., look out!
(P.A.T. looks behind her, but is too late to escape as the sack entraps her.)
Riley: NO!
(Before the band can reach the squirming sack, Snatch swats them away with her tail before picking up the sack.)
P.A.T.: Riley! Riley!
(As the band recovers from the blow, Nimm confronts them.)
Riley: Please, let her go!
Nimm: Deliver the Star to the fort.
Nate: Or what?!
Nimm: (gestures to the thrashing sack) Or you’ll never see your friend again. You have 26 hours.
(She climbs onto Snatch, and they abscond with their struggling captive.)
Riley: Wait!
(Staggering to her feet, she chases after them, but they are already gone.)
Riley: Oh, P.A.T…
(Dissolve to the band at the Nemo.)
Tristan: We can’t risk the Killjoys coming to steal the ship and the Star. Somebody’s gotta stay here and keep watch until we come back with P.A.T.
Riley: Why does it have to be me?
Nate: For Pete’s sake, you’re the youngest! Just stay here and wait for us, okay? We’ll save P.A.T. and be back before you know it. Promise.
(The guys take their leave.)
Riley: What about that snake thing- GAH!
(She sits down, defeated. Looking down at the Star, a look of determination crosses her face.)
Riley: If the Killjoys do come here… they’re gonna be very disappointed.
(Putting the Star around her neck, she jumps over the side, pulling a three-point landing before bolting after the others. Unseen, a group of Killjoys watch her go.)
Killjoy#1: Coast’s clear! Let’s move!
(They creep aboard the Nemo.)
Killjoy#2: But didn’t she take the Star with her?
Killjoy#3: That doesn’t matter. When they inevitably fail in their little rescue mission and come back, we’ll be waiting.
(Scene: The fort. Snatch and Nimm carry the sack containing P.A.T.)
P.A.T.: Let me out of here, please! Please?!
(They drop the sack onto the floor, issuing a muffled squeal from P.A.T. She squirms, trying to free herself, before two Killjoys pull the sack’s opening down to her neck, exposing her head. P.A.T. finds herself staring up at Vivian.)
P.A.T.: Oh! Uh… Hello again!
Vivian: Yeah, yeah, charmed to meet you a second time.
P.A.T.: So… did you have me kidnapped, or…?
Vivian: Oh, yeah. Once your friends come here and hand over the Star, you can go. For now, you’re a prisoner. (to the Killjoys) Get the cage.
(Two more Killjoys bring over a cage. Into this, they put P.A.T., still in the sack, and lock it.)
Vivian: Better make yourself comfortable. You’re gonna be here for a little while.
(P.A.T. squirms a bit more, trying to get completely out of the sack, then looks up at Vivian.)
P.A.T.: Uh…
(Vivian kneels down and pulls the sack completely down, allowing P.A.T. a little bit of freedom while she’s still locked in the cage.)
P.A.T.: Thanks! Uh, what should I call you?
Vivian: You may call me “Your Highness”, or just Vivian.
P.A.T.: Okay. You’re not such a bad person, Vivi.
Vivian: It’s Vivian! (to the Killjoys) Take her away.
(As the Killjoys take the cage away, P.A.T. waves at Vivian. Marvy approaches.)
Marvy: You were awfully nice to her.
Vivian: (blushing) Shut up and go do your job!
Marvy: Yes, Your Highness!
(He leaves Vivian alone in the room.)
Vivian: Ugh, what’s wrong with me. I can’t seriously be… falling for that thing?!
Song: Heart Attack
Putting my defenses up 'Cause I don’t wanna fall in love If I ever did that, I think I’d have a heart attack Never put my love out on the line Never said yes to the right one Never had trouble getting what I want But when it comes to you, I’m never good enough When I don’t care, I can play 'em like a fiddle Won’t wash my hair, then make 'em bounce like a rubber ball But you make me wanna act like a girl Paint my nails and wear high heels Yes, you make me so nervous that I just can’t hold your hand You make me glow But I cover up, won’t let it show So I’m putting my defenses up 'Cause I don’t wanna fall in love If I ever did that, I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack Never break a sweat for other guys When you come around, I get paralyzed And every time I try to be myself It comes out wrong like a cry for help It’s just not fair, pain’s more trouble than love is worth I gasp for air, it feels so good, but you know it hurts But you make me wanna act like a girl Paint my nails and wear perfume for you Make me so nervous that I just can’t hold your hand You make me glow But I cover up, won’t let it show So I’m putting my defenses up 'Cause I don’t wanna fall in love If I ever did that, I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack The feelings got lost in my lungs They’re burning, I’d rather be numb (rather be numb) And there’s no one else to blame (no one else to blame) So scared, I take off, and I run I’m flying too close to the sun And I burst into flames You make me glow But I cover up, won’t let it show So I’m putting my defenses up 'Cause I don’t wanna fall in love If I ever did that, I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack (heart attack) I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack (oh, I think I’d have a heart attack) I think I’d have a heart attack
(Vivian lowers her head in embarrassment. Meanwhile, Metus paces back and forth in front of Pitch and two others.)
Metus: Alright, you make wonderful agents as well as soldiers. But now we’re going to teach you the element of surprise. (slaps Pitch in the face) Surprise!
(Pitch hits back.)
Metus: …You’re learning.
(Mad Jack and Marvy enter.)
Mad Jack: So, Metus. How goes it?
Metus: Pretty well. I was just teaching these men the element of surprise.
(Norx enters.)
Metus: After lunch.
(Mad Jack notices something.)
Mad Jack: What’s that?
(Metus looks down, then picks up a paper.)
Metus: It’s a receipt… for fifty-one tons of explosives?
Norx: Who signed for it?
Metus: (looks over the receipt) Queen Vivian?!
Norx: What’s she doing getting explosives?
Metus: I don’t know, but it’s gotta be for something big.
Mad Jack: Ya think we should tell somebody about this?
Norx: Like who?
Marvy: Her Highness?
Everyone: NO!
(Scene: Metus, Zill, Greel and Pitch gather in a room. Nimm is the last to enter.)
Nimm: Would someone please tell me what this is all about?
Mad Jack: Okay, Metus. Fill ‘em in.
Metus: Alright, so! We found a receipt for fifty-one tons of explosive material paid for by Her Highness herself. We don’t know what it means, but it can’t be good.
Nimm: (takes receipt) So, what? You really think she’s going to use it against us?
Zill: Who knows. She might be planning to blow us all up.
Nimm: Look, Her Highness may be a little nutty. But she’s not a complete psycho.
Greel: You look me in the eye and tell me she’s not crazy enough to do something that deranged.
Nimm: Alright, but couldn’t the signature have been replicated? In fact, couldn’t the whole thing be replicated?
(Every Killjoy in the room is silent.)
Nimm: Okay, look, I’ll have a talk with her to see if any of this is true.
Pitch: What if she thinks we’re going behind her back?
Nimm: She won’t suspect a thing.
(Cut to Nimm talking to Vivian)
Vivian: So, everyone thinks I’m insane?
Nimm: I’m sure they’re just getting paranoid, Your Highness. That always happens when big changes happen.
Vivian: I suppose you’re right. I mean, once we get the Star back, I’ll regain their confidence in me sure enough!
Nimm: (smiling) Yeah, there’s even a rumor going around that you bought fifty-one tons of explosives for yourself, but of course, you can never trust a rumor these days.
Vivian: Actually, that part was true.
(Nimm’s smile drops.)
Nimm: What?
Vivian: It’s true. The whole place is wired. You see, I’ve wanted this place for a long time and now that I’ve got it, I’m not going to let anyone take it away from me. Discover that the world is filled with nasty wasties, and a lot of those nasty wasties don’t like how I run things. So, if any of them tried to take away what I have, I’m not afraid to go down with the ship and take everybody with me. But that’s if one of those nasty wasties shows up. Or if someone in this beloved nation of mine is a nasty wasty. What do you say, Nimm? You’re not one of those nasty wasties, are you?
Nimm: (nervously) No, of course not.
Vivian: Good. I’m glad we had this talk. Take care.
Nimm: You too, Your Highness. You too.
(She slowly leaves the room.)
Vivian: Our talks are nice.
(Cut to the boys creeping up to the fort.)
Tristan: There it is. That’s where they’re holding P.A.T.
(They sneak up to the side of the fort, avoiding the Killjoys on guard.)
Joel: So far, so good.
(As they peek around a corner, a hand suddenly clamps on Nate’s shoulder.)
Nate: AAAHHHH!!!
(The guys all jump as Nimm puts her hands up to calm them down.)
Nimm: Easy, guys! I can help you.
Nate: Whaddya mean “help us”? To an early grave?
Nimm: No. Vivian’s completely nuts. She’s set bombs under the whole land. That’s why I’m defecting.
Tristan: Oh. Well then, lead the way in!
(Cut to the four sneaking through the fort. Nimm leads them to an old cell door.)
Nimm: This is where we’re keeping your friend.
Nate: Alrighty then! Lemme just break down the door.
Nimm: Wait, I don’t think that’s a good idea.
Nate: Why not?
(He takes a few steps back, then charges. The door gives way with a loud noise. P.A.T., still in the cage, looks up.)
P.A.T.: Guys!
(However, she’s not the only one in the room. Snatch whirls around, hissing.)
Nimm: That’s why not.
(Snatch slithers menacingly towards the guys. Suddenly…)
Riley: Hey, creepy! Over here!
(Everybody turns to see Riley, having followed them into the fort, standing there wearing the Star.)
Nate: Riley?!
Riley: You guys set P.A.T. free. I’ll distract this thing.
(Snatch comes after her. Riley allows the monster to chase her outside, past shocked and surprised Killjoys who dive for cover. Once outside, she faces the hissing Snatch. The Star begins to glow, as the others, plus the freed P.A.T. come out of the fort to watch.)
P.A.T.: Riley! Use the Star!
(And Riley does, with the lyrics of the ensuing song materializing thanks to the Star’s magic…)
Song: Brighter Than the Sun
Stop me on the corner Swear you hit me like a vision I, I, I wasn’t expecting But who am I to tell fate where it’s supposed to go? With it Don’t you blink; you might miss it See, we got a right to just love it or leave it You find it and keep it 'Cause it ain’t every day you get the chance to say…
Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky Shining how we want, brighter than the sun
I’d never seen it But I found this love, I’m gonna feed it You better believe I’m gonna treat it better than anything I’ve ever had 'Cause you’re so dang beautiful Read it, it’s signed and delivered, let’s seal it Boy, we go together like peanuts and Paydays Marley and reggae And everybody needs to get a chance to say…
Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky Shining how we want, brighter than the sun
Everything is like a white out 'Cause we shika-shika shine down Even when the, when the light’s out, but I can see you glow Got my head up in the rafters, got me happy ever after Never felt this way before, ain’t felt this way before
I swear you hit me like a vision I, I, I wasn’t expecting But who am I to tell fate where it’s supposed to go?
Oh, this is how it starts (This is how it starts) Lightning strikes the heart (Lightning strikes the heart) It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky (Falling from the sky) Shining how we want, brighter than the sun Oh, this is how it starts (This is how it starts) Lightning strikes the heart (Lightning strikes the heart) It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky Shining how we want (Shining how we want) Brighter than the sun
Brighter than the sun Brighter than the sun Brighter than the sun Oh-o, yeah, oh-o
Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun
(Snatch, overwhelmed by the lyrics Riley has summoned, collapses and shuts down. The others run over to join her.)
Nimm: So, that’s the Star’s power… Amazing!
Tristan: C'mon. Let’s get back to the Nemo.
(Transition to the Nemo. One by one, the group sneak into the ship’s hold through the window, while the Killjoys are all up on deck.)
Joel: So, how do we get rid of these guys?
(Nimm thinks for a moment, then grins. A few minutes later, Riley peeks up out of the hold. The Killjoys are still waiting for the group’s return, unaware of what’s happening down below. Riley ducks back down.)
Riley: You sure this will work?
Nimm: Oh, yeah. Ready, P.A.T.?
P.A.T.: Ready!
Nimm: Good, now make it convincing.
(P.A.T., in pale makeup and a tattered hooded robe, rises up out of the hold.)
P.A.T.: Boogie, boogie, boogie. I am the spirit of vengeance… (pauses, then whirls around) Boogie!
(Immediately, all of the Killjoys launch themselves off of the Nemo, screaming. When they’re all gone, the others emerge from the hold.)
Nimm: Good job.
Nate: So, now what?
Tristan: We defeat the Killjoys once and for all.
P.A.T.: Weigh the anchor!
Joel: Onward!
(Cut to the Killjoys charging across the landscape, Vivian in the lead.)
Vivian: Come on, people! Let’s take back our nation!
(The Nemo appears through the treeline.)
Marvy: Your Highness, look! The ship!
Killjoys: What are they doing?/There’s no one onboard…
Killjoy#1: I-It’s the Spirit of Vengeance!
Killjoy#2: They’re coming to kill us!
(The Killjoys turn tail and run away screaming.)
(The Nemo arrives just as the Splendorlanders are preparing themselves for battle.)
Joel: Look, reinforcements!
Tristan: That’s just what we need.
(Meanwhile, Vivian catches up with the Killjoys.)
(The group all jump down from the Nemo.)
(They land, and the final battle begins.)
Song: Best I Ever Had
Melt Antarctica, savin’ Africa I failed algebra and I miss you sometimes We’re at war again, save the world again You can all join in, but you can’t smoke at all You said, “Take me home, I can’t stand this place ‘Cause there’s too many hipsters and I just can’t relate” You’re my neon gypsy, my desert rain You’re my “Helter Skelter”, oh, how can I explain that You’re the best I ever had And I’m trying not to get stuck in my head But I read that soda kills you and prayer saves On the bathroom wall where I saw your name You’re the best I ever had I won’t be the same Night sky full of drones, this neighborhood of clones I’m looking at the crowd and they’re staring at their phones They groom the coastline here, it’s starting to disappear (Oh, Lord!) And maybe once a year, I think to clean my car I caught my reflection, I dropped the call I’ve been meditatin’ with incense to “Wonderwall” I got vertigo, no, I can’t see straight I got obligations though I’m usually late but You’re the best I ever had And I’m trying not to get stuck in my head But I think I dropped my wallet in Santa Fe Lost the only picture I had of you that day and You’re the best I ever had I won’t be the same Hey West Virginia, hey North Dakota I think I love you, but don’t even know you Hey Massachusetts, hey Minnesota I think I love you, but don’t even know you Hey Carolina, hey Oklahoma I think I love you, but don’t even know you Hey Alabama, hey California I think I love you, but don’t even know you You’re the best I ever had (you’re the best I ever had) And I’m trying not to get stuck in my head (get stuck in my head) But I passed a longest sign on the interstate Saying, “Find someone before it gets too late” You’re the best I ever had (you’re the best I ever had) I won’t be the same Hey West Virginia, hey North Dakota (oh why, oh why) I think I love you, but don’t even know you (I won’t be the same) Hey Massachusetts, hey Minnesota (you’re the best I ever had) I think I love you I won’t be the same Yeah, I won’t be the same
(The Killjoys are finally forced into a retreat as the Splendorlanders cheer in victory. Vivian tries to rally them back into battle.)
Vivian: Get back! GET BACK! The fight is THAT WAY, you MORONS! Get back there NOW!!!
(She is run over by a herd of frightened Killjoys. After they’ve passed, who should come across Vivian but P.A.T.)
P.A.T.: You okay?
(Vivian just stares, then lunges at P.A.T., but the Muse’s daughter grabs onto the Grump Princess’s leg.)
Vivian: What the-?!
(She yanks P.A.T. off of herself, holding her by her tail. Nimm runs over.)
Nimm: You leave her alone!
Vivian: TRAITOR!
(Vivian throws Nimm aside before turning her sights back to P.A.T. However, the pink markings on P.A.T.’s cheeks begin to glow as she presses her palm on Vivian’s chest. A powerful force propels the Grump Princess backwards, reducing her uniform to tatters and forcing her to release P.A.T. Vivian now looks like she managed to survive a cartoon explosion, as flowers begin to grow around her.)
Nate: Whoa. You could do that all along?
P.A.T.: Yeah! Mama gave me my own magic to protect me.
Riley: Your mom certainly knew what she was doing.
(As the Splendorlanders are celebrating, Vivian rises to her feet.)
Vivian: NOT SO FAST! (holds up a detonator) Need I remind you that there are 51 tons of explosives under this land?! (The Splendorlanders look terrified.)
Nimm: Actually, I disconnected them before we rescued P.A.T. You push that thing and nothing happens. (The Splendorlanders are relieved.)
Vivian: …I don’t believe you! I push this button and we all get blown SKY HIGH!
(There is a dead silence. The band is not really worried at all.)
Vivian: Very well. For the honor and glory of all of GRUMPIA!
(She pushes the button on the device. Marvy flinches. After a few seconds, still nothing has happened. Marvy cracks open one eye and looks around. Vivian looks worried.)
Vivian: (weakly) Ka-boooooom!
(The Splendorlanders cheer once more.)
(Everybody falls silent.)
Vivian: Do you have any idea how much I suffered just to have my very own nation?! Did you ever think of that? Of course not! I could’ve finally become a Queen, and you had to ruin everything, YOU ANIMALS!
(She pants furiously.)
Nate: It looks like we won, everybody. We… broke her, finally.
???: What is going on here?
(Everybody turns to see a more regal-looking Killjoy woman.)
Vivian: Mommy?!
Riley: Wait, that’s the Killjoy Queen?!
(The Killjoy Queen approaches Ophelia.)
Killjoy Queen: Ophelia, what has my daughter done now?
Ophelia: It’s a long and strange story, Zaria.
Zaria: I take it that she also tried to steal my gift to you?
Vivian: WHAT?!
Ophelia: Indeed.
(Zaria approaches her daughter.)
Zaria: Vivian. I thought you knew better than to invade this peaceful kingdom. All these poor people ever did was be happy.
(Vivian falls to her knees.)
Vivian: What are we gonna do now…?
Marvy: I hear Argentina’s nice this time of year.
Tristan: Hey, Killjoys!
Vivian: WH-
Tristan: How about we become friends?
Riley: Yeah. Whatever you really wanted before, it doesn’t even exist.
(Vivian is stunned. P.A.T. runs over to her and Marvy.)
Vivian: S-Should we…?
(Marvy nods, grinning. Vivian then turns to P.A.T.)
Vivian: Listen, uh… P.A.T., is it? I just wanted you to know that… Ever since I first saw you… I… (blushes) I think I’m in love with you.
(P.A.T. blushes and squees. Just then another ship, this one resembling Noah’s Ark, descends on Splendorland. Once it lands, Elisha and some zoo animals disembark.)
Elisha: Uh, is this Splendorland?
(Amelie steps forward.)
Amelie: What are you doing here?
Elisha: Er… You dropped this.
(He produces Amelie’s bracelet. She smiles,and takes it.)
Amelie: Would you like to stay a while? We just won the battle.
(Everybody leans in, waiting for his answer.)
Elisha: Sounds good.
(Everyone cheers and a celebration begins.)
P.A.T.: Once again, ladies and gentlemen, our heroes!
Song: Gold
Oh, oh, oh (Oh, oh, oh)
You were walking on the moon And now you’re feeling low, oh-oh What they said wasn’t true You’re beautiful Sticks and stones break your bones I know what you’re feeling Words like those won’t steal your glow You’re one in a million
This, this is for all the girls Boys all over the world Whatever you’ve been told You’re worth more than gold So hold your head up high It’s your time to shine From the inside out it shows You’re worth more than gold (Go-o-o-old, you’re go-o-old) You’re worth more than gold (Go-o-o-old, you’re go-o-old)
Well, everybody keeps score Afraid you’re gonna lose Just ignore They don’t know the real you (Know the real you) All the rain in the sky Can’t put out your fire (Your fire) Of all the stars out tonight (Out tonight) You shine brighter
This, this is for all the girls, boys all over the world Whatever you’ve been told You’re worth more than gold So hold your head up high It’s your time to shine From the inside out it shows You’re worth more than gold (Go-o-o-old, you’re go-o-old) You’re worth more than gold (Go-o-o-old, you’re go-o-old)
Uh, so don’t let anybody tell you that you’re not loved (Not loved) And don’t let anybody tell you that you’re not enough (Not enough) Yeah, there are days that we all feel like we’re messed up But the truth is that we’re all diamonds in the rough (In the rough) So, don’t be ashamed to wear your crown You’re a king, you’re a queen, inside and out You glow like the moon, you shine like the stars This is for you, wherever you are! (Oh, oh, oh) Yeah, yeah, hey! Go-o-o-o-old
This, this is for all the girls (Whoa, oh) Boys all over the world (All over the world) Whatever you’ve been told You’re worth more than gold (So hold your head up) So hold your head up high (Ooh) It’s your time to shine (Yeah) From the inside out it shows You’re worth more than gold (Go-o-o-old, you’re go-o-old) (You’re gold) You’re worth more than gold (Go-o-o-old, you’re go-o-old)
So don’t be ashamed to wear your crown You’re a king, you’re a queen, inside and out
Grandmother: (reading) So it was that Splendorland would last forever. Maybe even longer. But there are other Splendorlands to be found. All you have to do is listen. Should you hear the pleasing sounds of happy music, soft voices, children’s laughter and the occasional flapping of a bluebird’s wings, then you know you’ve found one. However, for every Splendorland you encounter, you can also be sure there are Killjoys lurking in the shadows waiting to strike. They have got to be held back. Who will protect your own private Splendorland? Only you can say that. The End. (to the girls) Now, I think you ought to go to sleep.
Zuri: Okay.
Grandmother: Okay, okay. All right. Goodnight kids.
(She turns to leave…)
Erica: Hey, grandma… maybe you could read it again to us tomorrow.
Zuri: Yeah! Can you?
Grandmother: It’s a promise, girls. Now, goodnight.
Both girls: Goodnight!
(They get into bed. Grandma turns the light off, transitioning to the credits.)
Song: C'mon
It’s getting late, and I Cannot seem to find my way home tonight Feels like I am falling down a rabbit hole Falling for forever, wonderfully wondering alone What would my head be like, if not for my shoulders Or without your smile? May it follow you forever May it never leave you to sleep in the snow May we stay lost on our way home C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me I’d like to believe in all the possibilities If I should die tonight May I first just say I’m sorry, for I Never felt like anybody, I am a man of many hats Although I never mastered anything When I am ten feet tall I never felt much smaller Since the fall, nobody seems to know my name So don’t leave me to sleep all alone May we stay lost on our way home C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me I’d like to believe in all the possibilities C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me I’d like to believe in all the possibilities Try not to mistake what you have with what you hate It could leave, it could leave, come the morning Celebrate the night, it’s the fall before the climb Shall we sing, shall we sing, ‘til the morning? If I fall forward, you fall flat And if the sun should lift me up, would you come back? C'mon C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me I’d like to believe in all the possibilities C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me I’d like to believe in all the possibilities So c'mon (oh), c'mon (oh), with everything falling down around me (falling down around me) I’d like to believe in all the possibilities (believe) Yeah, yeah, yeah It’s getting late, and I Cannot seem to find my way home tonight
The End
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Gone Yonder: Voyage of the Nemo Epilogue
Grandmother: (reading) So it was that Splendorland would last forever. Maybe even longer. But there are other Splendorlands to be found. All you have to do is listen. Should you hear the pleasing sounds of happy music, soft voices, children’s laughter and the occasional flapping of a bluebird’s wings, then you know you've found one. However, for every Splendorland you encounter, you can also be sure there are Killjoys lurking in the shadows waiting to strike. They have got to be held back. Who will protect your own private Splendorland? Only you can say that. The End. (to the girls) Now, I think you ought to go to sleep.
Zuri: Okay.
Grandmother: Okay, okay. All right. Goodnight kids.
(She turns to leave...)
Erica: Hey, grandma… maybe you could read it again to us tomorrow.
Zuri: Yeah! Can you?
Grandmother: It's a promise, girls. Now, goodnight.
Both girls: Goodnight!
(They get into bed. Grandma turns the light off, transitioning to the credits.)
Song: C'mon
It’s getting late, and I Cannot seem to find my way home tonight Feels like I am falling down a rabbit hole Falling for forever, wonderfully wondering alone What would my head be like, if not for my shoulders Or without your smile? May it follow you forever May it never leave you to sleep in the snow May we stay lost on our way home C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me I’d like to believe in all the possibilities If I should die tonight May I first just say I’m sorry, for I Never felt like anybody, I am a man of many hats Although I never mastered anything When I am ten feet tall I never felt much smaller Since the fall, nobody seems to know my name So don’t leave me to sleep all alone May we stay lost on our way home C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me I’d like to believe in all the possibilities C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me I’d like to believe in all the possibilities Try not to mistake what you have with what you hate It could leave, it could leave, come the morning Celebrate the night, it’s the fall before the climb Shall we sing, shall we sing, 'til the morning? If I fall forward, you fall flat And if the sun should lift me up, would you come back? C'mon C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me I’d like to believe in all the possibilities C'mon, c'mon, with everything falling down around me I’d like to believe in all the possibilities So c'mon (oh), c'mon (oh), with everything falling down around me (falling down around me) I’d like to believe in all the possibilities (believe) Yeah, yeah, yeah It’s getting late, and I Cannot seem to find my way home tonight
The End
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Gone Yonder: Voyage of the Nemo Part 9
(Cut to the Killjoys charging across the landscape, Vivian in the lead.)
Vivian: Come on, people! Let’s take back our nation!
(The Nemo appears through the treeline.)
Marvy: Your Highness, look! The ship!
Killjoys: What are they doing?/There’s no one onboard…
Killjoy#1: I-It’s the Spirit of Vengeance!
Killjoy#2: They're coming to kill us!
(The Killjoys turn tail and run away screaming.)
(The Nemo arrives just as the Splendorlanders are preparing themselves for battle.)
Joel: Look, reinforcements!
Tristan: That's just what we need.
(Meanwhile, Vivian catches up with the Killjoys.)
(The group all jump down from the Nemo.)
(They land, and the final battle begins.)
Song: Best I Ever Had
Melt Antarctica, savin’ Africa I failed algebra and I miss you sometimes We’re at war again, save the world again You can all join in, but you can’t smoke at all You said, “Take me home, I can’t stand this place 'Cause there’s too many hipsters and I just can’t relate” You’re my neon gypsy, my desert rain You’re my “Helter Skelter”, oh, how can I explain that You’re the best I ever had And I’m trying not to get stuck in my head But I read that soda kills you and prayer saves On the bathroom wall where I saw your name You’re the best I ever had I won’t be the same Night sky full of drones, this neighborhood of clones I’m looking at the crowd and they’re staring at their phones They groom the coastline here, it’s starting to disappear (Oh, Lord!) And maybe once a year, I think to clean my car I caught my reflection, I dropped the call I’ve been meditatin’ with incense to “Wonderwall” I got vertigo, no, I can’t see straight I got obligations though I’m usually late but You’re the best I ever had And I’m trying not to get stuck in my head But I think I dropped my wallet in Santa Fe Lost the only picture I had of you that day and You’re the best I ever had I won’t be the same Hey West Virginia, hey North Dakota I think I love you, but don’t even know you Hey Massachusetts, hey Minnesota I think I love you, but don’t even know you Hey Carolina, hey Oklahoma I think I love you, but don’t even know you Hey Alabama, hey California I think I love you, but don’t even know you You’re the best I ever had (you’re the best I ever had) And I’m trying not to get stuck in my head (get stuck in my head) But I passed a longest sign on the interstate Saying, “Find someone before it gets too late” You’re the best I ever had (you’re the best I ever had) I won’t be the same Hey West Virginia, hey North Dakota (oh why, oh why) I think I love you, but don’t even know you (I won’t be the same) Hey Massachusetts, hey Minnesota (you’re the best I ever had) I think I love you I won’t be the same Yeah, I won’t be the same
(The Killjoys are finally forced into a retreat as the Splendorlanders cheer in victory. Vivian tries to rally them back into battle.)
Vivian: Get back! GET BACK! The fight is THAT WAY, you MORONS! Get back there NOW!!!
(She is run over by a herd of frightened Killjoys. After they’ve passed, who should come across Vivian but P.A.T.)
P.A.T.: You okay?
(Vivian just stares, then lunges at P.A.T., but the Muse's daughter grabs onto the Grump Princess's leg.)
Vivian: What the-?!
(She yanks P.A.T. off of herself, holding her by her tail. Nimm runs over.)
Nimm: You leave her alone!
Vivian: TRAITOR!
(Vivian throws Nimm aside before turning her sights back to P.A.T. However, the pink markings on P.A.T.'s cheeks begin to glow as she presses her palm on Vivian's chest. A powerful force propels the Grump Princess backwards, reducing her uniform to tatters and forcing her to release P.A.T. Vivian now looks like she managed to survive a cartoon explosion, as flowers begin to grow around her.)
Nate: Whoa. You could do that all along?
P.A.T.: Yeah! Mama gave me my own magic to protect me.
Riley: Your mom certainly knew what she was doing.
(As the Splendorlanders are celebrating, Vivian rises to her feet.)
Vivian: NOT SO FAST! (holds up a detonator) Need I remind you that there are 51 tons of explosives under this land?! (The Splendorlanders look terrified.)
Nimm: Actually, I disconnected them before we rescued P.A.T. You push that thing and nothing happens. (The Splendorlanders are relieved.)
Vivian: …I don’t believe you! I push this button and we all get blown SKY HIGH!
(There is a dead silence. The band is not really worried at all.)
Vivian: Very well. For the honor and glory of all of GRUMPIA!
(She pushes the button on the device. Marvy flinches. After a few seconds, still nothing has happened. Marvy cracks open one eye and looks around. Vivian looks worried.)
Vivian: (weakly) Ka-boooooom!
(The Splendorlanders cheer once more.)
(Everybody falls silent.)
Vivian: Do you have any idea how much I suffered just to have my very own nation?! Did you ever think of that? Of course not! I could've finally become a Queen, and you had to ruin everything, YOU ANIMALS!
(She pants furiously.)
Nate: It looks like we won, everybody. We… broke her, finally.
???: What is going on here?
(Everybody turns to see a more regal-looking Killjoy woman.)
Vivian: Mommy?!
Riley: Wait, that's the Killjoy Queen?!
(The Killjoy Queen approaches Ophelia.)
Killjoy Queen: Ophelia, what has my daughter done now?
Ophelia: It's a long and strange story, Zaria.
Zaria: I take it that she also tried to steal my gift to you?
Vivian: WHAT?!
Ophelia: Indeed.
(Zaria approaches her daughter.)
Zaria: Vivian. I thought you knew better than to invade this peaceful kingdom. All these poor people ever did was be happy.
(Vivian falls to her knees.)
Vivian: What are we gonna do now...?
Marvy: I hear Argentina’s nice this time of year.
Tristan: Hey, Killjoys!
Vivian: WH-
Tristan: How about we become friends?
Riley: Yeah. Whatever you really wanted before, it doesn’t even exist.
(Vivian is stunned. P.A.T. runs over to her and Marvy.)
Vivian: S-Should we...?
(Marvy nods, grinning. Vivian then turns to P.A.T.)
Vivian: Listen, uh... P.A.T., is it? I just wanted you to know that... Ever since I first saw you... I... (blushes) I think I'm in love with you.
(P.A.T. blushes and squees. Just then another ship, this one resembling Noah's Ark, descends on Splendorland. Once it lands, Elisha and some zoo animals disembark.)
Elisha: Uh, is this Splendorland?
(Amelie steps forward.)
Amelie: What are you doing here?
Elisha: Er... You dropped this.
(He produces Amelie's bracelet. She smiles,and takes it.)
Amelie: Would you like to stay a while? We just won the battle.
(Everybody leans in, waiting for his answer.)
Elisha: Sounds good.
(Everyone cheers and a celebration begins.)
P.A.T.: Once again, ladies and gentlemen, our heroes!
Song: Gold
Oh, oh, oh (Oh, oh, oh)
You were walking on the moon And now you’re feeling low, oh-oh What they said wasn’t true You’re beautiful Sticks and stones break your bones I know what you’re feeling Words like those won’t steal your glow You’re one in a million
This, this is for all the girls Boys all over the world Whatever you’ve been told You’re worth more than gold So hold your head up high It’s your time to shine From the inside out it shows You’re worth more than gold (Go-o-o-old, you’re go-o-old) You’re worth more than gold (Go-o-o-old, you’re go-o-old)
Well, everybody keeps score Afraid you’re gonna lose Just ignore They don’t know the real you (Know the real you) All the rain in the sky Can’t put out your fire (Your fire) Of all the stars out tonight (Out tonight) You shine brighter
This, this is for all the girls, boys all over the world Whatever you’ve been told You’re worth more than gold So hold your head up high It’s your time to shine From the inside out it shows You’re worth more than gold (Go-o-o-old, you’re go-o-old) You’re worth more than gold (Go-o-o-old, you’re go-o-old)
Uh, so don’t let anybody tell you that you’re not loved (Not loved) And don’t let anybody tell you that you’re not enough (Not enough) Yeah, there are days that we all feel like we’re messed up But the truth is that we’re all diamonds in the rough (In the rough) So, don’t be ashamed to wear your crown You’re a king, you’re a queen, inside and out You glow like the moon, you shine like the stars This is for you, wherever you are! (Oh, oh, oh) Yeah, yeah, hey! Go-o-o-o-old
This, this is for all the girls (Whoa, oh) Boys all over the world (All over the world) Whatever you’ve been told You’re worth more than gold (So hold your head up) So hold your head up high (Ooh) It’s your time to shine (Yeah) From the inside out it shows You’re worth more than gold (Go-o-o-old, you’re go-o-old) (You’re gold) You’re worth more than gold (Go-o-o-old, you’re go-o-old)
So don’t be ashamed to wear your crown You’re a king, you’re a queen, inside and out
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Gone Yonder: Voyage of the Nemo Part 8
(Scene: Metus, Zill, Greel and Pitch gather in a room. Nimm is the last to enter.)
Nimm: Would someone please tell me what this is all about?
Mad Jack: Okay, Metus. Fill 'em in.
Metus: Alright, so! We found a receipt for fifty-one tons of explosive material paid for by Her Highness herself. We don't know what it means, but it can't be good.
Nimm: (takes receipt) So, what? You really think she's going to use it against us?
Zill: Who knows. She might be planning to blow us all up.
Nimm: Look, Her Highness may be a little nutty. But she's not a complete psycho.
Greel: You look me in the eye and tell me she's not crazy enough to do something that deranged.
Nimm: Alright, but couldn't the signature have been replicated? In fact, couldn't the whole thing be replicated?
(Every Killjoy in the room is silent.)
Nimm: Okay, look, I'll have a talk with her to see if any of this is true.
Pitch: What if she thinks we're going behind her back?
Nimm: She won't suspect a thing.
(Cut to Nimm talking to Vivian)
Vivian: So, everyone thinks I'm insane?
Nimm: I'm sure they're just getting paranoid, Your Highness. That always happens when big changes happen.
Vivian: I suppose you're right. I mean, once we get the Star back, I'll regain their confidence in me sure enough!
Nimm: (smiling) Yeah, there's even a rumor going around that you bought fifty-one tons of explosives for yourself, but of course, you can never trust a rumor these days.
Vivian: Actually, that part was true.
(Nimm's smile drops.)
Nimm: What?
Vivian: It's true. The whole place is wired. You see, I've wanted this place for a long time and now that I've got it, I'm not going to let anyone take it away from me. Discover that the world is filled with nasty wasties, and a lot of those nasty wasties don't like how I run things. So, if any of them tried to take away what I have, I'm not afraid to go down with the ship and take everybody with me. But that's if one of those nasty wasties shows up. Or if someone in this beloved nation of mine is a nasty wasty. What do you say, Nimm? You're not one of those nasty wasties, are you?
Nimm: (nervously) No, of course not.
Vivian: Good. I'm glad we had this talk. Take care.
Nimm: You too, Your Highness. You too.
(She slowly leaves the room.)
Vivian: Our talks are nice.
(Cut to the boys creeping up to the fort.)
Tristan: There it is. That's where they're holding P.A.T.
(They sneak up to the side of the fort, avoiding the Killjoys on guard.)
Joel: So far, so good.
(As they peek around a corner, a hand suddenly clamps on Nate's shoulder.)
Nate: AAAHHHH!!!
(The guys all jump as Nimm puts her hands up to calm them down.)
Nimm: Easy, guys! I can help you.
Nate: Whaddya mean "help us"? To an early grave?
Nimm: No. Vivian's completely nuts. She's set bombs under the whole land. That's why I'm defecting.
Tristan: Oh. Well then, lead the way in!
(Cut to the four sneaking through the fort. Nimm leads them to an old cell door.)
Nimm: This is where we're keeping your friend.
Nate: Alrighty then! Lemme just break down the door.
Nimm: Wait, I don't think that's a good idea.
Nate: Why not?
(He takes a few steps back, then charges. The door gives way with a loud noise. P.A.T., still in the cage, looks up.)
P.A.T.: Guys!
(However, she's not the only one in the room. Snatch whirls around, hissing.)
Nimm: That's why not.
(Snatch slithers menacingly towards the guys. Suddenly...)
Riley: Hey, creepy! Over here!
(Everybody turns to see Riley, having followed them into the fort, standing there wearing the Star.)
Nate: Riley?!
Riley: You guys set P.A.T. free. I'll distract this thing.
(Snatch comes after her. Riley allows the monster to chase her outside, past shocked and surprised Killjoys who dive for cover. Once outside, she faces the hissing Snatch. The Star begins to glow, as the others, plus the freed P.A.T. come out of the fort to watch.)
P.A.T.: Riley! Use the Star!
(And Riley does, with the lyrics of the ensuing song materializing thanks to the Star's magic...)
Song: Brighter Than the Sun
Stop me on the corner Swear you hit me like a vision I, I, I wasn’t expecting But who am I to tell fate where it’s supposed to go? With it Don’t you blink; you might miss it See, we got a right to just love it or leave it You find it and keep it 'Cause it ain’t every day you get the chance to say…
Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky Shining how we want, brighter than the sun
I’d never seen it But I found this love, I’m gonna feed it You better believe I’m gonna treat it better than anything I’ve ever had 'Cause you’re so dang beautiful Read it, it’s signed and delivered, let’s seal it Boy, we go together like peanuts and Paydays Marley and reggae And everybody needs to get a chance to say…
Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky Shining how we want, brighter than the sun
Everything is like a white out 'Cause we shika-shika shine down Even when the, when the light’s out, but I can see you glow Got my head up in the rafters, got me happy ever after Never felt this way before, ain’t felt this way before
I swear you hit me like a vision I, I, I wasn’t expecting But who am I to tell fate where it’s supposed to go?
Oh, this is how it starts (This is how it starts) Lightning strikes the heart (Lightning strikes the heart) It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky (Falling from the sky) Shining how we want, brighter than the sun Oh, this is how it starts (This is how it starts) Lightning strikes the heart (Lightning strikes the heart) It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun Oh, we could be the stars, falling from the sky Shining how we want (Shining how we want) Brighter than the sun
Brighter than the sun Brighter than the sun Brighter than the sun Oh-o, yeah, oh-o
Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun Oh, this is how it starts, lightning strikes the heart It goes off like a gun, brighter than the sun
(Snatch, overwhelmed by the lyrics Riley has summoned, collapses and shuts down. The others run over to join her.)
Nimm: So, that's the Star's power... Amazing!
Tristan: C'mon. Let's get back to the Nemo.
(Transition to the Nemo. One by one, the group sneak into the ship's hold through the window, while the Killjoys are all up on deck.)
Joel: So, how do we get rid of these guys?
(Nimm thinks for a moment, then grins. A few minutes later, Riley peeks up out of the hold. The Killjoys are still waiting for the group’s return, unaware of what’s happening down below. Riley ducks back down.)
Riley: You sure this will work?
Nimm: Oh, yeah. Ready, P.A.T.?
P.A.T.: Ready!
Nimm: Good, now make it convincing.
(P.A.T., in pale makeup and a tattered hooded robe, rises up out of the hold.)
P.A.T.: Boogie, boogie, boogie. I am the spirit of vengeance… (pauses, then whirls around) Boogie!
(Immediately, all of the Killjoys launch themselves off of the Nemo, screaming. When they’re all gone, the others emerge from the hold.)
Nimm: Good job.
Nate: So, now what?
Tristan: We defeat the Killjoys once and for all.
P.A.T.: Weigh the anchor!
Joel: Onward!
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Gone Yonder: Voyage of the Nemo Part 7
(Let us hope that Vivian looks up ‘brat’ in the dictionary and, under the influence of those meaningful pages, becomes a better- NOPE! Let’s see her plot her vengeance. Up in a cave in the mountain…)
Vivian: Those dirty, stinkin' sons'a BONNACONS! How could we lose to them?!
Nimm: (sarcastically) Well gee, maybe it has something to do with the fact that they stole back the Star.
Vivian: Ugh, don't remind me! Just let me think...
Marvy: Why don't we kidnap that red thing and exchange 'er for the Star?
Vivian: Nah, that's stupid.
(She thinks for a bit more. Marvy counts down on his fingers.)
Vivian: I GOT IT! We shall take the red thing as our hostage unless they surrender the Star!
Nimm: (still sarcastic) What an original idea.
Vivian: And I know just who can do the job...
(Cut to something snakelike coiled up in the corner. It stirs at Vivian's voice.)
Vivian: Snatch? Oh, Snatchy!
(The thing uncoils, revealing itself to be a mechanical serpent with a pale, vaguely doll-like face. Creepy.)
Vivian: C'mere, girl. I have a job for you...
(Scene: Splendorland's concert hall, at night. The citizens are gathered to watch the band perform.)
Song: Tonight Tonight
It’s been a really really messed up week Seven days of torture, seven days of bitter And my girlfriend went and dumped me She’s a California dime but it’s time for me to quit her La la la, whatever, la la la, It doesn’t matter, la la la, oh well, la la la We’re going at it tonight tonight There’s a party on the rooftop top of the world Tonight tonight and we’re dancing on the edge of the Hollywood sign I don’t know if I’ll make it but watch how good I’ll fake it It’s all right, all right, tonight, tonight I woke up with a strange tattoo Not sure how I got it, not a dollar in my pocket And it kinda looks just like you Mixed with Zach Galifianakis (Who?) La la la, whatever, la la la, It doesn’t matter, la la la, oh well, la la la We’re going at it tonight tonight There’s a party on the rooftop top of the world Tonight tonight and we’re dancing on the edge of the Hollywood sign I don’t know if I’ll make it but watch how good I’ll fake it It’s all right, all right, tonight, tonight You got me singing like whoa, oh, oh Come on, oh, oh, oh it doesn’t matter Whoa, oh, oh everybody now, oh, oh, oh Just don’t stop let’s keep the beat pumpin’ Keep the beat up, let’s drop the beat down It’s my party dance if I want to We can get crazy let it all out Just don’t stop let’s keep the beat pumpin’ Keep the beat up, lets drop the beat down It’s my party dance if I want to We can get crazy let it all out It’s you and me and we’re runnin’ this town and It’s me and you and we’re shakin’ the ground and Ain’t nobody gonna tell us to go cause this is our show Everybody whoa, oh, oh Come on, oh, oh, oh all you animals Whoa, oh, oh, let me hear you now, oh, oh, oh Tonight tonight there’s a party on the rooftop top of the world Tonight tonight and we’re dancing on the edge of the Hollywood sign I don’t know if I’ll make it but watch how good I’ll fake it It’s all right, all right, tonight, tonight It’s all right, all right, tonight, tonight Yeah its all right, all right, tonight, tonight Just singing like whoa, oh, oh Come on, oh, oh, oh, all you party people Whoa, oh, oh, all you singletons, oh, oh, oh, even the nonhumans Just don’t stop let’s keep the beat pumpin’ Keep the beat up, let’s drop the beat down Its my party dance if I want to We can get crazy let it all out Just don’t stop let’s keep the beat pumpin’ Keep the beat up, lets drop the beat down It’s my party dance if I want to We can get crazy let it all out
(The Splendorlanders cheer. However, lurking in the shadows, Nimm and Snatch observe.)
Nimm: (points out P.A.T.) There. That's who we're after.
(Snatch hisses loudly, then charges past Nimm. The Splendorlanders, hearing the hiss, all turn to see her coming at them. They all scatter in a panic.)
Nate: What is that thing?!
(Snatch zeros out P.A.T. and lunges at her. P.A.T. yelps, and dodges the attack.)
Riley: P.A.T.!
(The band jump off the stage to help their friend. As P.A.T. tries to run towards them, Snatch slides open her mouth and launches a sack at her.)
Riley: P.A.T., look out!
(P.A.T. looks behind her, but is too late to escape as the sack entraps her.)
Riley: NO!
(Before the band can reach the squirming sack, Snatch swats them away with her tail before picking up the sack.)
P.A.T.: Riley! Riley!
(As the band recovers from the blow, Nimm confronts them.)
Riley: Please, let her go!
Nimm: Deliver the Star to the fort.
Nate: Or what?!
Nimm: (gestures to the thrashing sack) Or you'll never see your friend again. You have 26 hours.
(She climbs onto Snatch, and they abscond with their struggling captive.)
Riley: Wait!
(Staggering to her feet, she chases after them, but they are already gone.)
Riley: Oh, P.A.T...
(Dissolve to the band at the Nemo.)
Tristan: We can't risk the Killjoys coming to steal the ship and the Star. Somebody's gotta stay here and keep watch until we come back with P.A.T.
Riley: Why does it have to be me?
Nate: For Pete's sake, you're the youngest! Just stay here and wait for us, okay? We'll save P.A.T. and be back before you know it. Promise.
(The guys take their leave.)
Riley: What about that snake thing- GAH!
(She sits down, defeated. Looking down at the Star, a look of determination crosses her face.)
Riley: If the Killjoys do come here... they're gonna be very disappointed.
(Putting the Star around her neck, she jumps over the side, pulling a three-point landing before bolting after the others. Unseen, a group of Killjoys watch her go.)
Killjoy#1: Coast's clear! Let's move!
(They creep aboard the Nemo.)
Killjoy#2: But didn't she take the Star with her?
Killjoy#3: That doesn't matter. When they inevitably fail in their little rescue mission and come back, we'll be waiting.
(Scene: The fort. Snatch and Nimm carry the sack containing P.A.T.)
P.A.T.: Let me out of here, please! Please?!
(They drop the sack onto the floor, issuing a muffled squeal from P.A.T. She squirms, trying to free herself, before two Killjoys pull the sack's opening down to her neck, exposing her head. P.A.T. finds herself staring up at Vivian.)
P.A.T.: Oh! Uh... Hello again!
Vivian: Yeah, yeah, charmed to meet you a second time.
P.A.T.: So... did you have me kidnapped, or...?
Vivian: Oh, yeah. Once your friends come here and hand over the Star, you can go. For now, you're a prisoner. (to the Killjoys) Get the cage.
(Two more Killjoys bring over a cage. Into this, they put P.A.T., still in the sack, and lock it.)
Vivian: Better make yourself comfortable. You're gonna be here for a little while.
(P.A.T. squirms a bit more, trying to get completely out of the sack, then looks up at Vivian.)
P.A.T.: Uh...
(Vivian kneels down and pulls the sack completely down, allowing P.A.T. a little bit of freedom while she's still locked in the cage.)
P.A.T.: Thanks! Uh, what should I call you?
Vivian: You may call me "Your Highness", or just Vivian.
P.A.T.: Okay. You're not such a bad person, Vivi.
Vivian: It's Vivian! (to the Killjoys) Take her away.
(As the Killjoys take the cage away, P.A.T. waves at Vivian. Marvy approaches.)
Marvy: You were awfully nice to her.
Vivian: (blushing) Shut up and go do your job!
Marvy: Yes, Your Highness!
(He leaves Vivian alone in the room.)
Vivian: Ugh, what's wrong with me. I can't seriously be... falling for that thing?!
Song: Heart Attack
Putting my defenses up 'Cause I don’t wanna fall in love If I ever did that, I think I’d have a heart attack Never put my love out on the line Never said yes to the right one Never had trouble getting what I want But when it comes to you, I’m never good enough When I don’t care, I can play 'em like a fiddle Won’t wash my hair, then make 'em bounce like a rubber ball But you make me wanna act like a girl Paint my nails and wear high heels Yes, you make me so nervous that I just can’t hold your hand You make me glow But I cover up, won’t let it show So I’m putting my defenses up 'Cause I don’t wanna fall in love If I ever did that, I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack Never break a sweat for other guys When you come around, I get paralyzed And every time I try to be myself It comes out wrong like a cry for help It’s just not fair, pain’s more trouble than love is worth I gasp for air, it feels so good, but you know it hurts But you make me wanna act like a girl Paint my nails and wear perfume for you Make me so nervous that I just can’t hold your hand You make me glow But I cover up, won’t let it show So I’m putting my defenses up 'Cause I don’t wanna fall in love If I ever did that, I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack The feelings got lost in my lungs They’re burning, I’d rather be numb (rather be numb) And there’s no one else to blame (no one else to blame) So scared, I take off, and I run I’m flying too close to the sun And I burst into flames You make me glow But I cover up, won’t let it show So I’m putting my defenses up 'Cause I don’t wanna fall in love If I ever did that, I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack (heart attack) I think I’d have a heart attack I think I’d have a heart attack (oh, I think I’d have a heart attack) I think I’d have a heart attack
(Vivian lowers her head in embarrassment. Meanwhile, Metus paces back and forth in front of Pitch and two others.)
Metus: Alright, you make wonderful agents as well as soldiers. But now we're going to teach you the element of surprise. (slaps Pitch in the face) Surprise!
(Pitch hits back.)
Metus: …You’re learning.
(Mad Jack and Marvy enter.)
Mad Jack: So, Metus. How goes it?
Metus: Pretty well. I was just teaching these men the element of surprise.
(Norx enters.)
Metus: After lunch.
(Mad Jack notices something.)
Mad Jack: What's that?
(Metus looks down, then picks up a paper.)
Metus: It's a receipt... for fifty-one tons of explosives?
Norx: Who signed for it?
Metus: (looks over the receipt) Queen Vivian?!
Norx: What's she doing getting explosives?
Metus: I don't know, but it's gotta be for something big.
Mad Jack: Ya think we should tell somebody about this?
Norx: Like who?
Marvy: Her Highness?
Everyone: NO!
0 notes
Gone Yonder: Voyage of the Nemo Part 6
(They approach the Palace. Two Killjoys guard the entrance. P.A.T. hides inside Riley's satchel.)
Guard#1: Halt! Who goes there?
Tristan: Just us wandering fortune tellers.
Joel: We have important news for the Killjoy Queen.
Guard#2: Get lost! She has no time for this!
Nate: Then I guess she doesn't wanna hear about the revolt.
Guards: What?
Nate: I said "I guess she doesn't wanna hear about the revolt."
Guard#1: Revolt?
Guard#2: Maybe she would wanna hear this. Come in for a review!
Riley: (whispering to Nate) Nice.
(They enter the Palace, and walk into the throne room, where Vivian sits on the throne. The Star is kept on a pedestal under a glass cover.)
Vivian: What's this about a revolt?
Tristan: We are deeply honored to be in your presence.
Vivian: Yeah, sure. WHAT ABOUT THE REVOLT?
(Unnoticed, P.A.T. peeks out of the satchel. She squirms out and slowly creeps toward the Star.)
Riley: Well, you may have enslaved the people of this land, but when you captured them, you missed a few. Now those rebels are secretly plotting to bring you down.
Vivian: Really?
Riley: Yeah. The crystal ball never lies. Plus they have instruments of their own, so you'd better gather your forces and get out while the going's good, or else things are gonna get crazy.
Vivian: That's ridiculous, we made sure to lock up all instruments to prevent this sort of thing!
Nate: Y'sure?
(P.A.T. lifts the glass cover...)
Vivian: Of course I'm sure! Besides, they would need the Star to-
(Just as P.A.T. reaches for the Star, Vivian spots her.)
Riley: Uh oh.
P.A.T.: Uh... Hi. Wanna hear a love song?
(Vivian turns on the others.)
Vivian: So, you thought you could trick me into a snafu, huh?! Well, not today! (to the guards) Lock 'em up!
(The Killjoys surround the group and drag them away. Carried under a Killjoy's arm, P.A.T. looks back at Vivian, who meets her gaze before turning away, blushing. Cut to the five in the dungeon.)
Nate: Well, that plan didn't work.
Tristan: And I thought it was foolproof.
Joel: Is there a Plan B?
(P.A.T. examines the walls. She presses a brick, and it gives.)
P.A.T.: Maybe there is! Look, the bricks are loose!
Riley: Hey, she's right! That could be our way outta here!
(Tristan begins pulling out bricks.)
Tristan: This place is pretty ancient. C'mon, guys!
(Joel and Nate help Tristan to pull out as many bricks as possible, until there's a hole in the wall.)
Nate: (looking at the small hole.) That's it?
Joel: I don't think we could fit through there.
Riley: I could!
P.A.T.: So could I!
(The two girls crawl through the opening.)
Tristan: When you're in the clear, go tell Amelie and Ophelia what happened.
Riley: No way! I can't leave you guys behind now.
(A Killjoy passes by on patrol. P.A.T. jumps him.)
P.A.T.: HI!
(The Killjoy freaks out as Riley grabs him from behind. During the ensuing scuffle, he hits his head on the wall, knocking himself out.)
Riley: (to the Killjoy) Sorry 'bout that, but it's for a good cause.
(A few minutes later, Riley is disguised in his uniform and mask. She approaches the Killjoy guarding the cell.)
Riley: Coffee, sir?
Guard: Oh! Sure.
(He takes a sip... and instantly falls unconscious.)
Riley: It worked, P.A.T.!
(P.A.T. peeks out from behind the corner.)
P.A.T.: I still think my lullaby idea could have worked just as well.
(Taking the Killjoy guard's keys, Riley unlocks the dungeon door and opens it.)
Riley: Okay, guys, let's go!
Nate: Nice one, sis!
Tristan: Now let's get the Star and get outta here!
(Cut to the Star, still under the glass covering. Vivian is asleep. P.A.T. sneaks in, lifts the cover and takes the Star, careful not to make any noise. She pets the sleeping Vivian on the head before tiptoeing back to the others.)
P.A.T.: (whispering) I got it!
Riley: Good work, P.A.T.
Tristan: Now for the instruments.
(Transition to the old fort. The group creep up to the entrance, which is guarded by Killjoys. Nate folds a paper airplane and throws it past them. Taking notice, the guards follow it, allowing the group to sneak in. One Killjoy manages to snatch the airplane out of the air.)
Guard#1: Got it!
Guard#2: There's something written on it.
(They unfold the airplane.)
Guard#2: What's it say?
Guard#1: It says... "Killjoys smell".
Guard#2: They didn't even finish it? (takes out a pen and adds to the note) "Good".
(Meanwhile, the five sneak past several sleeping Killjoys and enter a cupboard where the instruments are all packed.)
Tristan: Bingo.
(A light from the window grabs their attention: It’s a Killjoy, his mask emitting a searchlight.)
Riley: Hide!
(They scramble for a hiding place. Nate trips and falls onto a set of bagpipes.)
Tristan: Pipe down!
(Outside, a sleeping Killjoy is roused by the noise.)
Joel: Get that out of here!
(Nate throws the bagpipes out the cupboard. It rolls after the Killjoy, who tries to make a run for it. However, it hits him in the back of his head, KOing him.)
Riley: You think they heard us?
Joel: I hope not...
(Transition to the next morning. The five wake up, stretch and yawn. P.A.T. looks out of the cupboard.)
P.A.T.: They're all still asleep!
Nate: This is a sad day for us.
Riley: Why?
Nate: We've been outslept!
Tristan: C'mon, let's get outta here.
(With the instruments they need, the group exit the building, passing the unconscious Killjoy.)
Nate: (to the others) Shhhhh!
(He doesn’t see the bagpipes in his path until it’s too late; he steps on them, making a loud WAAAAAAAAHH! Immediately, the Killjoys are awakened by the noise.)
Joel: Oh, no.
Tristan: RUUUUN!
(They all bolt.)
Song: Livin’ La Vida Loca
She’s into superstitions Black cats and voodoo dolls I feel a premonition That girl’s gonna make me fall She’s into new sensations New kicks in the candlelight She’s got a new addiction For every day and night She’ll make you take your clothes off and go dancing in the rain She’ll make you live her crazy life, but she’ll take away your pain Like a bullet to your brain Come on! Upside, inside out She’s livin’ la vida loca She’ll push and pull you down Livin’ la vida loca Her lips are devil red And her skin’s the color mocha She will wear you out Livin’ la vida loca Come on! Livin’ la vida loca Come on! She’s livin’ la vida loca Woke up in New York City In a funky cheap hotel She took my heart, and she took my kidney She must’ve slipped me a sleeping pill She never drinks the water and Makes you order French champagne Once you’ve had a taste of her You’ll never be the same Yeah, she’ll make you go insane Come on! Upside, inside out She’s livin’ la vida loca She’ll push and pull you down Livin’ la vida loca Her lips are devil red And her skin’s the color mocha She will wear you out Livin’ la vida loca Come on! Livin’ la vida loca She’s livin’ la vida loca She’ll make you take your clothes off and go dancing in the rain She’ll make you live her crazy life, but she’ll take away your pain Like a bullet to your brain Come on! Upside, inside out She’s livin’ la vida loca She’ll push and pull you down Livin’ la vida loca Her lips are devil red And her skin’s the color mocha She will wear you out Livin’ la vida loca Come on! Upside, inside out She’s livin’ la vida loca She’ll push and pull you down Livin’ la vida loca Her lips are devil red And her skin’s the color mocha She will wear you out Livin’ la vida loca Come on! Livin’ la vida loca Come on! She’s livin’ la vida loca Come on! Gotta la vida loca! Gotta, gotta, gotta la vida loca! Gotta, gotta, gotta la vi'…
(After running like heck, the group finally manage to escape the Killjoys.)
Tristan: We've made it.
Nate: Instruments are ready.
Tristan: Okay, cool.
(P.A.T., wearing a top hat, hops onto a soapbox with a megaphone like she's a circus ringmaster.)
P.A.T.: Ladies and gentlemen, direct from somewhere else, where they are absolutely something else, I’d like to present our four guest soloists: my friends! Take it away, guys!
Song: A Different Beat
Say yeah, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Say ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah (Ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah) Say yeah, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Say ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah (Ooh, ooh, ooh, yeah)
I got a spoonful of sugar That I think you’d like No, I don’t wanna preach But I think you might Wanna cup (Sip it up, sip it up) (Sip it up, sip it up, sip it up)
I might be young But I know my mind I’m sick of being told What’s wrong or right So give it up (Give it up, give it up) (Give it up, give it up, give it up)
Uh-oh, now there you go Out of your comfort zone Cause I’m breaking out Not breaking down, down, down, down Ain’t got nothing to prove Walk a mile in my shoes I know the one thing that counts
I got the right To make up my mind Say it loud and clear For the whole wide world to hear We’re marching for love So turn up the drum Say it loud and clear For the whole wide world to hear
Yeah, we must have different shoes on We’re marching to a different beat Yeah! So baby put your boots on Keep marching to a different beat Yeah
Never in the slow lane Cause I like it fast No time you waste So I keep our feet on the gas (I live it up, live it up) (Live it up, live it up, live it up)
I might be young I know who I am So I don’t follow like a marching band So give it up (Give it up, give it up) (Give it up, give it up, give it up)
Uh-oh, now there you go Out of your comfort zone Cause I’m breaking out I’m breaking down, down, down, down
Ain’t got nothing to prove Walk a mile in my shoes I know the one thing that counts
I got the right To make up my mind Say it loud and clear For the whole wide world to hear We’re marching for love So turn up the drum Say it loud and clear For the whole wide world to hear
Yeah, we must have different shoes on We’re marching to a different beat Yeah! So baby put your boots on Keep marching to a different beat Yeah
I got my head up Shoulders back I’m doing me So they can see I’m marching to a different beat I take a look in the mirror And I like what I see So baby, I keep marching To a different beat
I got the right To make up my mind Say it loud and clear For the whole wide world to hear We’re marching so loud So turn up the drum Say it loud and clear For the whole wide world to hear
Yeah, we must have different shoes on We’re marching to a different beat Yeah So baby put your boots on Keep marching to a different beat
(By the time this song finishes, the color and vigor have returned to Splendorland, its flowers rebloom, and the Splendorlanders are freed, to the Killjoys’ shock. Vivian is especially stunned.)
Vivian: The hills are alive?!
Marvy: (sings) With The Sound of Music-
(THWACK! Marvy gets Vivian's knee to the groin.)
Nimm: Your Highness! They’re armed! They’re fighting back! We gotta go!
(She drags Vivian away by the hand, while Marvy hobbles after them. Meanwhile, the Splendorlanders celebrate their heroes.)
Ophelia: (to Amelie) You made the right choice, after all.
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Gone Yonder: Voyage of the Nemo Part 5
(The band and P.A.T. come out into a vast area with millions of colored holes. And there, waiting for them, is…)
Amelie: Guys!
Riley: Amelie!
(They reunite.)
Amelie: Lucky I managed to get the brakes working in time.
Joel: Where are we?
Amelie: This is the Hub. One of these portals leads to Splendorland.
Tristan: But which one?
Amelie: We just need to look for a rainbow-colored portal.
Nate: Okay, sounds easy enough.
Nimm: How did we even get here?
Killjoy: Well, ya got me. By all accounts, it doesn’t make sense.
Nimm: Whatever. Let’s just find them and get the Star. They can’t be too far off.
(The Killjoys begin searching for the group, and the two parties somehow manage to miss each other. Nate is bored. He picks up a portal and sniffs it. He shrugs, and flings it like a frisbee. He then picks up another one and eyes yet another. He tosses the one in his hands into it, and the results are spectacular. A brilliant yellow fireball erupts upward in a mushroom shaped pall of purple smoke. Jesse is tossed backwards and lands on Riley. The Killjoys cringe as the explosion rocks their world.)
Nimm: Quick, grab the Star!
(A Killjoy leaps for a portal. Above, we see his hands closing around Amelie's gown, jerking her down into the hole. There is the sound of a brief scuffle, and Amelie is tossed back up out of the hole, sans the Star.)
Riley: Amelie? What just happened?
Amelie: The Killjoys got the Star!
Band/P.A.T.: WHAT?
Amelie: (Ducking her head down the portal) You give that back, you fiends!
Tristan: We need to find that portal to Splendorland and head them off!
(They turn to run, and nearly stumble into the large, shimmering rainbow-colored hole left by the explosion.)
Joel: A shortcut! Nate, I could kiss you!
Nate: Please don't. There's a small, red child watching.
P.A.T.: I don't mind, actually.
(Cut to the Nemo entering the portal through the rainbow vortex. They come out at the end in a now-barren Splendorland. They disembark and look around.)
Tristan: This is Splendorland? Kinda drab.
Amelie: That's Killjoy work.
P.A.T.: Who's that?
(She indicates a familiar looking statue.)
Amelie: Mom! (runs up to her mother)
Riley: That's the queen?
Amelie: She's been petrified. Sing something uplifting!
Joel: But won't we get the Killjoy's attention?
Riley: How about this? (takes out an MP3 player) It has our cover songs on it.
Amelie: That'll do.
(Riley places the headphones on the Queen, turns on the MP3 player and selects a song. Sure enough, the petrification wears off. The Queen inhales and exhales.)
Amelie: Mom!
Queen: Oh, Amelie! Did you...?
Amelie: Yes, I did! Look!
(The Queen regards the five, who bow before her.)
Queen: How do? I am Queen Ophelia.
Tristan: A pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty.
Joel: To be honest, if I knew I'd be meeting an actual queen when I got up this morning, I'd put on a tux.
P.A.T.: So how do we stop the Killjoys?
Riley: With happy music.
(P.A.T. then proceeds to imagine the following scenario: She simply walks up to a Killjoy, sings a song, and then the two hug! And all this is set in felt.)
P.A.T.: (eyes sparking) We're gonna make them all so happy!
Tristan: (to Riley) I don't think she gets it.
Ophelia: Where are your instruments?
Tristan: See, that's the thing. We lost 'em fighting a dragon.
Amelie: Can we get other instruments?
Ophelia: It won't be easy; The Killjoys locked up all instruments in the old compound to prevent a rebellion.
Amelie: That's not the worst of it. They got the Star, too!
Tristan: Don't worry, guys, I got a plan.
Song: Take It Off
There’s a place downtown where the freaks all come around It’s a hole in the wall, it’s a dirty free-for-all When the dark of the night Comes around, that’s the time That the animal comes alive Lookin’ for somethin’ wild And now we lookin’ like pimps in my gold Trans Am Got a water bottle full of root beer in my handbag Got my smartphone on, I’ll regret it in the mornin’ But tonight, I don’t give a, I don’t give a, I don’t give a- There’s a place downtown where the freaks all come around It’s a hole in the wall, it’s a dirty free-for-all And they turn me on when they take it off When they take it off, everybody take it off There’s a place I know if you’re lookin’ for a show Where they go hardcore and there’s glitter on the floor And they turn me on when they take it off When they take it off, everybody take it off Lose your mind, lose it now Lose your clothes in the crowd We’re delirious, tear it down 'Til the sun comes back around And now we goin’ insane, knockin’ over trash cans E'rybody breakin’ bottles, it’s a filthy hot mess And I’m down to get faded, I’m not the designated driver So I don’t give a, I don’t give a, I don’t give a- There’s a place downtown where the freaks all come around It’s a hole in the wall, it’s a dirty free-for-all And they turn me on when they take it off When they take it off, everybody take it off There’s a place I know if you’re lookin’ for a show Where they go hardcore and there’s glitter on the floor And they turn me on when they take it off When they take it off, everybody take it off Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh (Everybody take it off) Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, oh (Everybody take it off) Right now (take it off) Right now (take it off) Right now (take it off) Oh-oh-ooh-oh Right now (take it off) Right now (take it off) Right now (take it off) (Everybody take it off) There’s a place downtown where the freaks all come around It’s a hole in the wall, it’s a dirty free-for-all And they turn me on when they take it off When they take it off, everybody take it off There’s a place I know if you’re lookin’ for a show Where they go hardcore and there’s glitter on the floor And they turn me on when they take it off When they take it off, everybody take it off
(We switch to an old 1940s newsreel style.)
Reporter: Dateline Grumpia! Year one of the new Killjoy Imperium. Confidence is high as this new and proud nation works long and hard to establish its new government.
(Cut to the Killjoy reporter.)
Reporter: I’m here today in the land formally known as Splendorland but now as of recent known as Grumpia.
(Cut to the fate of Splendorland: The people are sadly marching in chains, and there’s not a flower in sight.)
Reporter: Though it is not easy to establish a government from the ground up, Grumpia is fortunate to have hard working individuals making their regime stable. And here’s one of them now. Greel, recently appointed Minister of Trade. Tell me, new Minister, what does your new job exactly entail?
Greel: I have a lot of stuff I can trade. From black ore to human tears and we’re hoping we can trade them to other nations for goods and valuables.
Reporter: So, you really think other nations will trade goods and valuables just for those?
Greel: Oh, sure. Israel would sell thirty percent of its military just for a video recording of human strife. Must be pretty rare there. Or pretty popular.
Reporter: Of course military forces aren’t a major concern in Grumpia, Secretary of Defense Mad Jack assures the public that everything is well protected.
Mad Jack: It’s true that we’re a small nation and are therefore more prone to attack. But we have a good drill sergeant who knows how to keep up the men’s morale.
Drill Sergeant Norx: Stand up straight! (punches Killjoy) Tuck in ya shirt! (punches another Killjoy) Stop bein’ so tall!
Thomius the Killjoy: Can’t help it. (PUNCH) Ow.
Killjoy: Oh Gods, no! I’m deathly afraid of you!
Norx: (pauses, nods, and punches him in the face)
Reporter: Looks like a solid team you’ve got there.
Mad Jack: Indeed.
Reporter: However, there’ve been a few reports that you’re a little gun crazy.
(He shoots the cameraman and then a test pattern appears.)
Reporter: But an invasion seems unlikely thanks to good relations kept by the Head of Immigration, Zill.
Zill: (on the phone) What do you MEAN you don’t agree with me?! DO YOU KNOW WHO YOU’RE DEALING WITH?! (pause) Hold on, let me confer you to my second in command.
(He hands the phone to his second in command, who nods, before pounding a button on the desk. There is the distant sound of an explosion, and the phone goes dead.)
Reporter: Every nation needs a treasurer, and Grumpia has Yaja, who I understand also designed the flag for Grumpia. True?
Yaja: It is. And for a nation like Grumpia, I figured that we really needed an epic flag. That’s why I came up with a musclebound lightning bolt carrying machine guns and shooting fire from his eyes. Because when people look at that, all they can say is “GRUMPIA!”.
Reporter: Well, it looks like you fellas don’t have a flagpole yet.
Yaja: Well, we weren’t exactly sure how to get their flag down and ours up. So, we’re just using Thomius as our flagpole.
(Cut to Thomius atop a building and holding the flag.)
Reporter: I must say. He doesn't look very pleased.
Yaja: (chuckles) He's definitely not.
(The Killjoys salute the flag.)
Reporter: And there are others looking out for the well-being of Grumpia. Take Kiri, for example. He is making sure everyone is in good shape acting as Grumpia’s Surgeon General.
Kiri: In my short time as Surgeon General here in Grumpia, I’ve made two amazing medical discoveries. One: When holding an uzi, you will not die.
Reporter: Really? And how does that work exactly?
Kiri: I’m holding one and I’m not dead. Science proven. Secondly, our research has shown that dieting and exercise does not help build healthy bodies. So, that’s why I have encouraged everyone here to start smoking.
(Cut to Killjoys smoking and choking. One guy collapses.)
Kiri: Studies show that smoking does well to strengthen the body and prevent disease.
Reporter: Your studies show that?
Kiri: Of course. Right here on this chart. (looks at upside down clipboard, turns it over) Heh, what do you know? (chuckles) Had the darn chart upside down.
Reporter: But not everyone in Grumpia is questionably insane. Take for example, Livewire, the local shockjock radio propagandist. So, what exactly about the Grumpia government bothers you so?
Livewire: Well, nothing really. It’s just that people agree with angry hosts on the radio, it makes them feel better about themselves. So, in my own way. I’m helping the people’s morale.
(The reporter looks towards camera and shifts his eyes awkwardly, as if to question how that would work.)
Reporter: Another person keeping up the morale is Dioz who is now head officer for science and technology.
Dioz: At first we didn’t have much in the science department. In fact, the original space program was just a stomp rocket. But, I'm certain we can get things to a more legitimate level.
Reporter: Well, there is someone in this nation that still does well to keep order in hand. This is Metus. Tell me, Metus, what are you going to do to keep this nation safe?
Metus: Well, it’s all about surprise to fool our enemy. We are trying to find those who are best able to blend into their environment. For example, we have discovered that Pitch here has a natural talent for camouflage. Isn’t that right, Pitch?
Disembodied voice: Yup!
Reporter: But, do you really think stealth and surprise are going to be enough to keep your enemies on their toes?
Metus: Oh, of course. It’s all about illusion. In fact, I’m not even in front of you.
(Cut to the reporter holding the mic out, with Metus behind him. The reporter then turns around, startled.)
Reporter: Oh! Very good. Well, we all know what goes on outside the government building. Let’s see what goes on inside the government building. (He extends his arm, and there is a WHACK.)
Pitch: OW!
Reporter: This is Secretary of State Marvy. Tell me, Marvy, what does a normal day entail for you?
Marvy: Well, mostly I come up with brilliant ideas and Her Highness then slaps me and claims them as her own.
Reporter: Does that pay well?
Marvy: Not really. But it sure does hurt a lot.
Reporter: But behind every great woman is... another woman. As in the case of her favorite Killjoy, Nimm. Now, there's talk that your leader wants to push for more regulation and you want less. In which way does she want more that you haven't agreed with?
Nimm: Oh. (hesitant) You know.
Reporter: Actually, no I don't.
Nimm: Well, when I find an answer, I'll get right back to you.
Reporter: And now for the moment you’ve all been waiting for! An interview with the lady herself! The lady who made Grumpia possible! Her Highness, Queen Vivian!
Reporter: Your Highness, what are your plans now for this new, glorious nation?
Vivian: Well, first, we plan on taking over the other realms. We've sent out pamphlets. Then, we plan on taking over the entire Yonder. And then the world.
Reporter: Ah. And how do you plan on accomplishing this exactly?
Vivian: I’ll give you a hint. It involves… total annihilation.
Reporter: Well, thank you very much for your time.
Vivian: Not at all!
Reporter: OH! And one more thing! Your Highness, do you plan on some day being bigger than all the gods combined?
Vivian: (dramatic turn) OF COURSE!
Reporter: Thank you. This has been a special report from Grumpia.
(Cut to the Grumpian Flag overlayed with Snarl firing a machine gun. Scene changes to the Band and P.A.T. sneaking through Splendorland at night, dressed as fortune tellers)
Tristan: (regarding the fort) That’s gotta be where the gear’s kept.
Riley: We should get the Star first. Amelie said that the Killjoys took over the Palace.
Joel: You sure this fortune teller thing'll work?
Tristan: Are you kidding? It's foolproof!
0 notes