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dangerousbrick · 1 month ago
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orivia Vicious August 2000
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generativecell · 7 days ago
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taiyonikorosareta · 11 months ago
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scanned by hoshi no suna
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byzigzo · 2 years ago
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boycannibal · 10 months ago
i will never abandon my royal duty . of fucking up the blend
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444names · 8 months ago
Names derived from Roman emperor forenames, Roman places and deities, combined with theological angels and demons, 6 letters long
Aballa Abaron Abetus Adrael Agadra Agetum Agitum Ahrius Aiella Akkuma Albiel Alecae Alibel Alimes Alinus Alucif Ampena Ancine Andeus Andius Andrea Andres Anetus Angill Aniasa Aninum Anthus Antium Aphiel Aphora Apitit Aponth Aqqiel Aquina Aquira Aquita Arcaac Ardius Ariani Arimes Ariner Aritut Arobus Arubus Arusol Asanti Asilis Astron Asustu Auntia...
Babeon Bahman Bakkum Balian Balium Ballum Bantia Barcus Bardae Barian Basana Batina Bendra Beraki Bercum Berina Bernus Beroli Bevina Bimiel Borsat Bovius Bracum Bukoka Caagna Caapha Caasis Cagnus Caguae Caliel Calkar Callus Camius Camsio Canios Cantin Carcan Cardon Cariel Caries Carita Carius Casius Cassil Castan Castua Catius Catrar Certat Charus Chomag Chonia Cinept Clarel Clasta Clexas Cleyal Confer Congra Conina Conius Contis Corius Cortus Coruta Cullus Cybrae Dachus Dactod Dainio Dalium Dangel Dartus Dechis Dempel Dentan Deriel Dermia Devius Dordor Dornax Dosiel Dosker Dovina Dumium Dundan Ebonta Ebraer Ebrica Egonti Egonus Emetum Enteno Etheus Evires Fabius Falbel Famdus Fangel Faugua Faugut Faurme Febora Fellas Ferich Fertal Fidola Flomod Foccus Focons Foniel Foriel Forius Fortum Fugena Furium Gabius Gaddon Gadram Galate Galbia Gamnak Gampes Garcum Gariel Gathra Gatoth Glicel Glinki Gliola Gorius Grajes Graste Habael Habehu Halego Hammod Hamnus Harcas Harcus Hariel Hartus Hastes Haurta Hediel Hedius Hemius Hentel Hentus Heraka Herius Hernes Heshas Homara Hondra Honggi Horiel Iferah Iplaes Iplian Irtora Iviana Jalibi Joacon Jophel Jovina Jupies Jupium Juscun Juttio Juvall Juvene Kalbas Kalium Kalius Kalsel Karcus Kartus Kastis Kimigo Kiriel Kirium Kranus Kuscor Laeves Lellus Lemium Lemona Lentis Leonia Leopis Lephes Lernat Lerrax Lessol Lexana Lianus Licina Lilian Limona Linuel Locena Locona Lonius Lortum Lothil Luccus Lucita Maacus Maamae Maglan Mahrio Majohn Malcae Malego Malium Mamius Mancim Mandis Mangel Maniel Manium Mannas Marbor Marcap Marcum Mariah Masaes Matian Median Medius Meiell Mentas Mentis Mepits Mesech Methim Millat Minium Minius Moniki Mordos Morias Mothym Mucita Munove Mutium Mytius Naesth Navrea Nector Nernus Netory Nikera Ninius Nocern Novian Numept Obbits Ocamta Olatre Olybra Onggis Ophoce Orivia Ostana Padius Pallac Partus Paxian Pentia Pentis Penuel Pesara Petang Phamul Pherah Pision Pocaea Poceri Poenum Polach Polate Poloac Pomono Ponges Poniar Poniel Ponsua Porsar Posker Postes Prinum Prolum Promer Pronia Prorna Pupies Quadra Quniel Rachia Rajang Remoni Restis Rituch Rollus Ruflas Sadyas Saethu Salcan Saleon Sanius Sannin Sarmel Secera Sector Segios Senzap Sepite Septer Septes Serios Serite Shamta Siarut Silium Silona Sonory Staste Sterva Stitum Suaeva Succus Suchak Sucium Surgel Surnum Suroca Surtan Taunes Teriel Titius Tiusta Tratia Traxas Tupium Turons Tzagar Uromis Valian Vallae Vallas Vallia Vallum Vallus Vandre Vatora Veneus Venius Ventis Ventum Ventus Vepite Verata Verchu Veriel Vernax Verrea Vianox Vidona Vilius Vionin Virtas Vollum Wentua Worini Xasius Xezbel Yeleta Yetago Zacery Zachia Zadios Zadros Zapita Zenech Zentis Zepaia Zephou Zeptia Zeptim Zoacum Zophax Zophil
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themysteryerotica · 2 years ago
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merchenticneurosis · 8 years ago
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† Merchentic Neurosis †
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mixblooded-monster · 6 years ago
Tag Drop ((For new tags cause holy shit this blog is actually old.))
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rey01-kuro-neko-san · 4 years ago
Asobi Asobase (あそびあそばせ) Traducción: ¿Vamos a jugar un juego?
Es un manga escrito e ilustrado por Rin Suzukawa. El manga comenzó a publicarse en el sitio web Young Animal Densi de Hakusensha en junio de 2015, siendo compilado en diez volúmenes tankōbon hasta la fecha (en publicación). Su primera adaptación en anime fue producida por el estudio Lerche, se emitió en Japón entre el 8 julio y el 23 de septiembre de 2018. Género: Comedia surrealista, escolar, drama. Número de episodio: 12 + OVA + 2 Especiales. Personajes: Hanako Honda: Hanako significa "flor" (華) ( hana ) y "niño" (子) ( ko ). El apellido Honda de Hanako significa "raíz, origen, fuente" (本) ( hon ) y "campo" (田) ( da ). Olivia (オリヴィア, Orivia): Es un nombre de origen latino que proviene de olivus u oliva, que es el “fruto o rama del olivo”. Significa “la que protege la paz” o por extensión “pacífica”. Aunque el personaje en realidad es una Estadounidense, refiriéndose en los primeros capítulos como "gringa". Kasumi Nomura: Kasumi significa "fragancia, fragante" (香) ( ka ) y "puro, limpio, simple" (純) (sumi). El apellido de Kasumi, Nomura, significa "campo, desierto" (野) ( no ) y "pueblo, aldea" (村) ( mura ). Corto de Asobi asobase:
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thegoldenseries · 3 years ago
The Golden Mountain Zodiac
Yeah, I made a full zodiac for Wymakis, complete with its own calendar (which I have handily transferred to match our own for our ease of use).
But have you ever wondered what sign you would be if you were born in the GM universe? Of course not! Find out anyway, as well as what characters share your sign! (If you don't know what character you've matched up with, I'll happily tell you!)
Also, this post is HUGE, fair warning.
Name: Comes from Orvina, Goddess of Death
Symbol: Skull
Dwarven Sign
Children born under this sign tend to be reserved. They are independent and unlikely to value wealth or property.
Strengths: Independent, analytical, see the big picture
Weaknesses: Isolated, impractical, brusque
Likes: Quiet, darkness, cleanliness
Dislikes: Open spaces, being the center of attention, asking for help
Dates: Auvmar 1 - 26 (January 1 - 26)
Characters: Carven Skull (Auvmar 21), The High Mage (Auvmar 15)
Name: Comes from Haniton, God of Crafts
Symbol: Hand
Dwarven Sign
Children born under this sign are creative. They enjoy making things and trying new experiences.
Strengths: Creative, motivated, empathetic
Weaknesses: Disorganized, overly critical of self, easily overwhelmed
Likes: Music and art, something new, working with their hands
Dislikes: Being imperfect, loud noises, having a routine
Dates: Auvmar 27 - 53 (January 27 - February 22)
Characters: Almisi (Auvmar 46), Riaglin (Auvmar 28)
Name: Comes from Rahalia, Goddess of Fire
Symbol: Flame
Dwarven Sign
Children born under this sign tend to be hot-tempered and confrontational. They have many enemies and many friends.
Strengths: Driven, passionate, protective
Weaknesses: Rude, low empathy, manipulated easily
Likes: Crunchy food, exercise, sunshine
Dislikes: Not being respected, boredom, sitting still
Dates: Auvmar 54 - Restik 3 (February 23 - March 16)
Characters: Airathron (Auvmar 69), The Tracker (Auvmar 54)
Name: Comes from Illiant, God of Knowledge
Symbol: Eye
Mage Sign
Children born under this sign are inquisitive. They seek new information above all else, and tend to be highly independent.
Strengths: Intelligent, independent, knowledgeable
Weaknesses: Lonely, low empathy, egotistical
Likes: Libraries, quiet, organized environment
Dislikes: Ignorance, bright lights, small talk
Dates: Restik 4 - 30 (March 27 - April 11)
Characters: Tybarian (Restik 9), Estela (Restik 29)
Name: Comes from Metrian, Goddess of Night
Symbol: Crescent Moon
Mage Sign
Children born under this sign are usually reserved and quiet. They are highly observant, and excellent at riddles.
Strengths: Observant, creative thinker, empathetic
Weaknesses: Shy, socially awkward, disorganized
Likes: Riddles, rain, being alone
Dislikes: Fire, being the center of attention, bright sunshine
Dates: Restik 31 - 57 (April 12 - May 8)
Characters: Alrycania (Restik 44)
Name: Comes from Selvi, Goddess of Blooms
Symbol: Flower
Mage Sign
Children born under this sign tend to be friendly. They know many people, and thrive when working with others.
Strengths: Social interaction, friendly, loyal
Weaknesses: Trouble saying no, overly responsible, worry
Likes: Baked goods, talking for hours, taking center stage
Dislikes: Being cold, quiet, not being trusted
Dates: Restik 58 - Ofray 11 (May 9 - June 3)
Characters: Loma (Ofray 10)
Name: Comes from Riotor, God of Clouds
Symbol: Cloud
Mage Sign
Children born under this sign are dreamy. They tend to lose themselves in their own head, imagining fantastical things.
Strengths: Creative, kind, passionate
Weaknesses: Disorganized, out of touch, unmotivated
Likes: Sunny days, quiet places, naps
Dislikes: Math and science, being interrupted, practical people
Dates: Ofray 12 - 38 (June 4 - June 29)
Characters: The High Chancellor (Ofray 36)
Name: Comes from Feawn, God of Hunt
Symbol: Buck
Hunter Sign
Children born under this sign tend to be natural leaders. They often seek to command other people, and thrive when in charge.
Strengths: Leadership, driven, passionate
Weaknesses: Arrogant, overwhelming, overly critical of others
Likes: Nature, being respected, autumn
Dislikes: Taking orders, sitting still, not getting their way
Dates: Ofray 39 - 65 (June 30 - July 26)
Characters: Lifrai (Ofray 50), The Darkwood (Ofray 40)
Name: Comes from Amirian, Goddess of Travelers
Symbol: Road
Hunter Sign
Children born under this sign are wanderers, always seeking new lands and new experiences. They love stories and songs.
Strengths: Empathetic, knowledgeable, friendly
Weaknesses: Flighty, unsatisfied, few close friends
Likes: Being on the road, bards, writing letters
Dislikes: Being stuck somewhere, thunderstorms, being alone
Dates: Ofray 66 - Yuprat 19 (July 27 - August 21)
Characters: Kaylin (Yuprat 7), Nashith (Ofray 72)
Name: Comes from Hantivur, God of Gifts
Symbol: Bowl
Hunter Sign
Children born under this sign are caring. They tend to be charitable- often sharing their fortune with others- as well as highly empathetic.
Strengths: Empathetic, kind, excellent listeners
Weaknesses: Impractical, stretches self too thin, can’t see the big picture
Likes: Being trusted, hearing stories, making friends
Dislikes: Boredom, arrogant people, being vulnerable
Dates: Yuprat 20 - Yuprat 47 (August 22 - September 27)
Characters: Baydenistel (Yuprat 36), Enthami (Yuprat 44)
Name: Comes from Mestera, Goddess of Harvest
Symbol: Wheat
Elven Sign
Children born under this sign tend to be caring and form deep emotional bonds. They place an emphasis on family and home.
Strengths: Nurturing, friendly, highly empathetic
Weaknesses: Overly responsible, all work and no play, worry
Likes: Warm bread, breakfast, honesty
Dislikes: Winter, conflict, ungrateful people
Dates: Yuprat 48 - Nuandir 1 (September 28 - October 13)
Characters: Garnit (Nuandir 1), Ismontin (Yuprat 59)
Name: Comes from Asteris, Goddess of Day
Symbol: Sun
Elven Sign
Children born under this sign are bright and typically cheerful. They are understanding and compassionate, and good listeners.
Strengths: Friendly, compassionate, excellent listener
Weaknesses: Too forward, easily hurt, disorganized
Likes: Sunshine, talking to people, animals
Dislikes: Crying, nighttime, having cold hands
Dates: Nuandir 2 - Nuandir 28 (October 14 - November 9)
Characters: Liel (Nuandir 16), Pannen (Nuandir 4)
Name: Comes from Iermarol, God of Snow
Symbol: Snowflake
Elven Sign
Children born under this sign are calm and easy to read. They dislike conflict, and seek to resolve it where they can.
Strengths: Conflict resolution, calm, good listeners
Weaknesses: Easily manipulated, no passions, lonely
Likes: Warm drinks, dancing, fiction
Dislikes: Formal learning, all work and no play, aggressive types
Dates: Nuandir 29 - 55 (November 10 - December 4)
Characters: Tionot (Nuandir 42), Wheitrai (Nuandir 46)
Name: Comes from Fremeri, Goddess of Ice
Symbol: Ice shards
Elven Sign
Children born under this sign are cold and distant. They are highly independent, and need no one but themselves.
Strengths: Independent, intellectual, practical
Weaknesses: Brusque, self-serving, arrogant
Likes: Being alone, long walks, nature
Dislikes: Summer, small talk, arrogant people
Dates: Nuandir 55 - 73 (December 5 - 31)
Characters: Rosetirion (Nuandir 72), Kalegai (Nuandir 56)
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ultraviolet-cello · 3 years ago
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I'm Acriposting its time for a femboy
acri [Blue horns] is a nonbinary man, he/they, Orivia (top) is a trans woman, she/her, and Animus (pink hair) is agender
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supergenial · 5 years ago
[translation+lyrics] ひだまりの道 by Ideadoll
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The second song in the ep and the only one fully made by the members of the circle. This one’s very chill, it’s the pov of Allison’s daily life as she tells Snow how she first set out to meet her. Basically the town had grown restless because winter is taking too long to end, so they’re entertaining some rumors that a witch might be behind it all. Huh, witches and everlasting winter, that sounds familiar.
Koto’s vocals are pretty great, they really sell Allison’s character and overall it’s a pretty upbeat song, what a nice way to end the story saying that she’ll protect Snow from the rumors no matter what. Huh, there’s one more song to go? Well I sure hope nothing bad happens in that short time. Lyrics down below and see you soon.
ひだまりの道 (hidamari no michi, Sunny Road)
composition and lyrics: 鹿伽あかり vocals: 桃羽こと
mawata no yuki ga fuwafuwa ochite mokomoko hitsuji no se ni tsumoru orivia ga yobu watashi no namae uchi ni kaeru to tii taimu
the soft snow keeps gently piling up on the sheep’s backs and my kind sister Olivia calls my name so that I'll be back for teatime
assamu tii ni miruku ga mazaru yakitate okashi ho-o batte runa ga hanasu uwasabanashi ni marisu to heizu wo omoidasu
I whirl up milk into my assam tea as I stuff my mouth with treats as my chatty sister Luna talks of a rumor she heard from her mates at school
machi hazure no oka no shiroi tou no uwasa subete wo madoromi he sasou majo no hanashi
a rumor that in the white tower at the outskirts of town lives a witch who can put anyone into a deep slumber
kuroteddo kuriimu no amasa wo koucha de nagashi komu you ni uzoumuzou no kotoba wo unomi ni shinai wa
as the sweet clotted cream runs through the black tea I won't let the mob's superstitions get to me
machibitotachi wa iu subete majo no sei dato mada watashi wa shiranai anata no koto nanimo
the townsfolk who are tired of waiting for spring say everything's the witch's fault and I still didn't know anything about you back then
majo no uwasa wo soshaku suru tame rantan wo te ni ai ni yuku roberia-san wa hiki tomete iu majo wa bakemono chikatsuku na
To clear up the stories of the witch causing the hail I took my lantern and set out Even though a kid tried to stop me saying "the witch is a monster, don't get close to her"
oka wo koete mori wo nukeru to sunou doroppu saki hokoru sunda kaori kao wo yoseru to kokoro kusuguru natsukashiisa
when I got through the forest across the hill I saw the Snowdrops blossoming and as I got closer to sniff them, I was filled with nostalgia
omowa tsukisusuru to dareka no kehai ga ushiro wo furikaeru to shoujo ga tatte ita
and as I was wondering who could be taking care of these I saw a girl behind me
kuroku tsuyayaka na kami akaku yureru hitomi obieta you na utsukushii shoujo kanojo no shisen no saki utsuru rantan aa, komi ageru setsuna sa naze darou?
A girl with silky black hair, swaying red eyes, and a beautiful figure I pointed my dear lantern towards her and ah... I'm filled with sadness somehow, but why?
sorekara wa mainichi tesukuri oyatsu motte sunou ni au tame ni kyou mo oka wo koeteku
And so everyday afterwards I'd bring sweets for my dear friend Snow, I'd cross the hill any day for you
majo no uwasa wa uso sunou wa bakemono janai! haru ga konai no datte anata no sei janai wa
the rumors about the witch are lies Snow is not a monster! it's not her fault if spring just doesn't come
zutto isshoni itai kara anata no koto mamoru wa
So I'll protect you, because I want to stay with you forever
You can buy the album digitally on their booth https://ideadoll.booth.pm/items/1870017 just make sure to select  “digital”
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hauntedgilbert · 8 years ago
Hi Orivia! I literally just read through all of our Kleremy in the last 2 days btw and it has made me miss you immensely and I just hope you're happy and that you should know you're amazing.
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i am both of these things right now.
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themysteryerotica · 2 years ago
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mizelia-blog1 · 9 years ago
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