#orion lectures
thornedigger · 1 year
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. 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐫'𝐬 𝐀𝐫𝐭 𝐏𝐚𝐠𝐞 01:53 ━━━━●───── 04:01 ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ
Kia ora, hello! You can call me Orion, Ori, or Thornedigger. I'm a non-binary transmasc digital artist and writer from Aotearoa, New Zealand. I specialise in stylised character art, casual comic strips, and dabble in background art now and again.
-ˏˋ. 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 ˊˎ-
I'm currently co-writing a fantasy fiction novel called The Circle, of which I may post (a lot of) concepts and fanart of from time to time!! I’ve got an information post about the story in the works, so stay tuned for that!
A magical cult festers in the darkness as the day of the prophecy creeps closer. Three princes will rise to free the God-Killer on the night the goddess returns. Meanwhile, the path of four unlikely friends collides, and the race to stop the world-ending prophecy begins.
-ˏˋ. 𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐅𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐎 ˊˎ-
I have a detailed carrd that lays out my portfolio, prices and terms of service. Be sure to check it out here!
-ˏˋ. 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒 ˊˎ-
You can use these tags to navigate my blog!
#orion.png - all art posts
#orion.txt - all writing posts
#orion.gif - all animation posts
#original characters - all of the art featuring my ocs
#character sheets - information for all of my ocs
#orion lectures - educational art/writing posts
#orion shouts - things that are important to me
#comics - comic strip art
#misc - misc art, logos, background art
Original Character tags to find art about specific ocs
#myrefall - contains all art of The Circle characters
#jericho morrin
#nakgu ikgnath
#keiko almeida
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cadrenebula · 3 months
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Junelezen - Day 22 Journal
"Here. It's spelled to take notes for you and follow you around, Sahji. I meant to use it for myself but it might help you to stop writing in your books."
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Here's yet another two characters no one would ever think to link but here we are.
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
"I'm having his baby- No, I'm not, but you should see your faces."
~ Taylor Swift (But Daddy I Love Him) Pairing: Jegulus - Rating: T - Trans!Reg
He wasn't sure what made him say it. Perhaps it was that he was sick of his parents' constant lecturing. Maybe he was feeling particularly rebellious. Reconciling with Sirius had had a horrible influence on his rule-following abilities. It could be that he just wanted to cause some drama.
But as they were once again going on and on about how he was to break up with James Potter, marry a nice traditional pureblood, stop his testosterone potions and become the child they expected him to be, he just snapped.
"Well, I'm pregnant," he said flatly, interrupting Walburga's insane ranting.
"You- what?" she asked, eyes bulging.
"Yes. Potter's knocked me up with his crazy, Muggle-loving bastard baby. So what now, Mother?" he asked, rubbing lightly at his stomach, fighting back a grin at the way she looked to be experiencing an aneurism. It was a lovely sight.
"Orion. What do we do?" she asked desperately, turning to her husband, who was still gaping like a fish out of water.
But, feeling quite done with the conversation, Regulus stood. "I'm not actually pregnant. If you'd bothered to pay attention to anything about my life at all, you would know my potions make it so I can't get pregnant. But I think I am leaving. Goodbye, Mother. Father."
And with that, he swept from the room, his mind already on the quickest way to get to Potter Manor.
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compact-turtle · 11 months
How would all three yans react to having children? Good or bad?
This is actually such a fun prompt and ask! Thank you for sending it in. I'd actually love to write a full post sometime instead of a small little drabble about this! It'd be so much fun imaging one of their daily routines and lives with a family.
-Isn't really that interested in kids unless his darling wants them. At first, he'll try to talk his darling out of it. Gives lists of reasons on why he can't be a dad. Eventually, comes around to it if his darling really wants them.
-He's a strict and stoic father. Makes sure the kids go to bed at a certain time, finish their chores and do their homework. The kids have to be punctual.
-Not a fan of extreme harsh punishments at all. No taking away meals, locking in closets or any of the sorts. Especially, hitting if they don't listen. (His parents used to do it to him which has resulted in a traumatized farmer)
-More type of look at the consequences of your actions. You don't do your homework, then you fail your class. You don't collect eggs from the chicken coop, no eggs for breakfast. You don't feed the dogs, look at them go hungry. (The doggies don't actually go hungry since Atticus secretly feeds them, they're just always begging for food)
-Shows he loves them through his actions instead of words. He'll take them special getaway trips, go bird watching, catch bugs, make presents, etc. He wants his kids to know that he loves them despite his strict behavior. He's trying to break the cycle of generational abuse that came from his parents. It's hard ngl but he makes an effort every day to overcome it.
For readers who imagine pregnancy:
-kisses your belly when you're asleep. Reassures the baby that he'll always take care of them. He would never do it when you're awake since he's nervous you'll deem him as less than manly or "strong".
-Does not let you work on the farm at all!! He hires extra farmhands to replace your usual help. Lectures and scolds you when you try to do anything. Don't you know that an accident could happen any time especially somewhere dangerous like this farm??
-Your safety and the baby's safety are top priority at all times.
-Watches films and tv shows about pregnancy and families. He makes sure to remember all the details so he can be the best father just like on the tv!
-No sexy time at all when pregnant! He's afraid it'll injure the baby. Only complies when his darling coaxes him into it but even then, it took a while.
-Hella yea. The only one who's willing to jump on board and be excited for them. Takes the kids out on daily foraging and exploration nearby the home. Teaches them how to jot down information.
-Shows them his notes on all different types of plants, creatures and landscapes. Tells them which things to avoid and how to survive if in contact with dangerous creatures.
-Kids grow an immunity to his terrible cooking. Actually, enjoy it and treat is as an odd delicacy to be savored.
-The children are taught both languages. Darling's for communicating with other members of the species but his in case they need to talk, and others are listening in.
-Reminds the kids how much he adores them and their mother every day. Tells them tales about his home world and adventures with their mother.
-However, his favorite story to tell is about how their mother heroically saved him from death and starvation. Sometimes he embellishes details like
"Oh, your mother also fell in love at first sight with me. They were just too shy to admit it, but I could tell."
-The real question though, are human species able to get darling's species pregnant???
For readers who imagine pregnancy:
-Does darling get pregnant like a human? Orion will have to find out. However, I imagine the way of getting pregnant to be similar, but they don't give birth. Instead, an egg like thing forms within their reproductive system and they push out something similar to an egg.
-The egg would hatch within two months after growing to full term.
-Orion has built a nest for the egg and watches it every night. Proudly tells the egg about all the adventures they'll go on as family.
-Darling insists that Orion doesn't need to baby the egg since the shell is quite strong. Still, he doesn't listen and frets over any small movement from it. Makes little hats and scarves and dresses the egg in it.
-Orion makes sure to take so many notes during this period. What color is the egg? How long before it hatches? How many times does it move in an hour?
-He takes notes in case darling and him decide to have another egg baby. He'll be more prepared second round.
-Enjoys setting the mood up for some sexy time. He feeds you the right food, sets up the small hut just right and everything. Ofc he'll makes sure to cover the baby egg with a blanket. He doesn't want your baby egg to see anything inapposite after all.
-He'd want to wait a few years into marriage. The idea of kids is daunting. He's seen the worse of man and how destructive the world can be. Really nervous about letting kids out into that type of environment. Still, he does desire a family that you'll raise together.
-He's a fun goofy dad. Takes all the stress of the kids when he arrives home. Plays with them, teases them and drains all their energy so you can relax. I'd imagine that Ivar insists that you be a stay-at-home mom while he goes to work.
-Listens to his kid's problems from boyfriend issues to " I can't believe they cancelled my show". Actively enjoys listening to his kids talk about anything and everything.
-Signs his kids up for self-defense classes. He's aware that there's so many dangers in the world and he can't always be there to help. They've got to be prepared for anything that could happen.
-Supports his kids in all their activities. Shows up to every single game, recital, spelling bee, etc. Whatever it maybe, he'll be there. Wants them to know he cares about them and their interests.
-Doesn't really enjoy mentioning stories from his time at war to them. He's afraid it'll corrupt their world view and he want them to live a peaceful life :(
For readers who imagine pregancy:
-Ivar reads up on all those mom-blogs and pregnancy books. Puts headphones on your belly so your baby can listen to Mozart. Does it actually do anything? Idk the mom blog says it stimulates baby growth or something like that.
-You have a strong craving at 1 in the morning? He's on the case to get it for you. If he can't find it any stores, then he'll drive over to the next few towns to get it. He's so determined to find it.
-loves decorating the baby's nursery. He'll put up decorations and different decals for the baby. Also enjoys building things for it such as dresser and the crib.
-Also doesn't let you by yourself. You want to talk a walk around the neighborhood by yourself? Nope. He's right there holding your hand or pushing you in a wheelchair.
-loves to initiate sexy time with you. During his mom blog reading, he read that it was a great past time while pregnant. Plus, he loves you no matter what you look like even if you're insecure about your changing body.
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ttulipwritezz · 1 year
Rules huh?
Sirius Black x James's sister reader
warnings: Honestly other than the reader being referred to as she/her, one year age gap, and being called beautiful I think nothing, lmk if I missed anything.
pt2, pt3
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synopsis: There was one rule..and he had broken it.
Sitting in the Gryffindor common room were the four marauders.
or well three of them were sitting, the last one was pacing back and forth on the carpet such that a few more minutes would have started to dig a hole in it.
"mate...trust us, why'd we wanna get with Your sister anyway?
That was Moony, always the ever-so-sensible one
"yea, when I could have anyone at Hogwarts I assure you I wouldn't lay an eye on your sister. I'm serious"
yes...he was Sirius alright.
Here's what happened.
When James received an owl regarding his sister's transfer to Hogwarts in her fourth year, needless to say, he wasn't stoked.
It not only meant she'd be able to owl their parents on what shenanigans he did throughout the school year but it also meant keeping Boys away from her.
The first to receive this lecture were the marauders...at the least, James had to make sure his best friends weren't involved with his sister in any way.
So he had one rule...just one
Do Not Fall For My Sister.
"yea mate, not like we'd like her when she shares a face with you."
Quipped worm tail as the others agreed.
Oh how wrong they were...
not only did you look Nothing like your brother, but you were also one of the most beautiful girls the boys had ever seen.
Sirius's interest was immediately piqued.
He'd catch a glance of you each time you'd walk the halls, or he'd drag the rest to follow you into the library, they, of course, didn't say anything because they knew how much of a book nerd Sirius could be.
It started to get a little suspicious...then he'd ask Moony to ask the gang, and they'd continue their library trips.
Honestly speaking you'd try to maintain your distance from your brother's group, the last thing you want is a bunch of fifth years on your tail.
Though part of that came from the lecture you received on your end as well...
Sirius Orion Black
He was interesting, to say the least, he had a generally flirty personality and would often be seen winking at girls in the halls.
Oddly enough, despite your brother's warning, you were on the receiving end of quite a few.
James did NOT approve
He's noticed the little smiles and glances exchanged between the two of you rather quickly, considering how little observant he is, 7 months is quick for him.
But oh well, Sirius had broken the one rule his best friend had set up...and maybe you had too.
A/N: lmk if yall want a part two, I've been in such a marauders era brain rot please give me fic recommendations if you have any. I also haven't checked it too well so lmk if you find any mistakes I'll write a part two if enough people want one.
p.s pt.2 at a 100 notes I promise
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in1-nutshell · 10 months
I know your on a break from requests but I don’t want to forget this one, so I’m just gonna leave it here till your back to taking requests ☺️
The butts and cons reacting to An adult buddy who is an archeologist and actively studies and learns the cybertronian language and history. A buddy who is in charge of a team that travels around the world too study history. And she has studied the cybertronian language so much that she can read and write it, she can sort of speak it aswell.
I can’t stop thinking about this, especially because I love the idea of a certain archivist (Optimus) and archeologist/historian buddy having little knowledge sharing conversations…..possibly romance 😏
But you do you boo
Tried going for a pre romantic vibe for this one. Optimus deserves a friend to just be himself around. Introvert to introvert levels of friendship. Lets see how Buddy navigates their friendship with Prime.
Hope you enjoy!
Human Buddy the archivist and who studies Cybertronian culture with Optimus Prime
SFW, slight romantic, platonic, Human reader
Buddy was an archivist that worked alongside Agent Fowler. They met while they worked as a former spy for the government that retired that life to pursue their passion.
They met the bots with him.
“Autobots. I’d like you to meet a friend of mine that will be working with you. This is former agent Buddy.”--Fowler
“Why bring us a former agent, Agent fowler?”--Ratchet
“Because ratchet, they are in charge of learning about your culture and in charge of helping you all learn about Earth’s culture.”--Fowler
“…Are they okay?”—Bulkhead
Buddy staring intently at Optimus’s frame.
“What do you—Buddy, Buddy no—”--Fowler
Buddy locking eyes with Optimus.
Optimus locking optics on Buddy.
Both-- Introvert radar on: Potential Friend spotted.
“Well good luck with that. See you all in 5.”--Fowler
“Wait what do you mean? Agent? Agent!”--Ratchet
It was Budy’s job to get to know the giant aliens more. They would be lying if they said they didn’t enjoy learning about the bots culture. They had gotten to know the members of the misfit team through the years. Sure, it did lead to some misadventures along the way, especially when the kids came along…
“Beeep? (Buddy, can I ask you a question?)”—Bumblebee
“Sure Bee! What’s your question?”—Buddy
“Beeep bep bop? (What does ‘babygirl’ mean? I heard Miko saying that to Jack.)--Bumblebee
“… Where’s Miko?”—Buddy
Despite this, they especially hit it off with Optimus.
Buddy seemed to have awaken Orion Pax from time to time with their thirst for knowledge.
Prime and Buddy by the screens looking at Iacon records.
“By the Primes…”--Ratchet
“What is it?”--Arcee
“I think I know why Agent Fowler said, ‘good luck’.”--Ratchet
“Why? They seem to be fine? What harm is that?”—Arcee
“Do you think it’s in section 3ab part 4 sub article 15?”—Buddy
“No, maybe in section 3.4 ab part 5 sub article 16?”—Optimus
“Oh, true maybe its—“--Buddy
“There’s two of them now.”--Ratchet
The Prime is more than happy to share his planet’s culture alongside the rest of the team. But those moments are usually reserved for the two of them.
It was their thing.
Soon enough the kids and June came into the picture.
Buddy wasn’t going to lie and say it was easy to explain their job to them. But the sight on their faces when they would go in depth about a certain topic was priceless. It was always nice to have someone interested in this line of work.
“You know you can ask Bulkhead about this stuff, right?”--Buddy
“That’s right you can ask me about stuff.”--Bulkhead
“Yeah but some of the stuff you weren’t there and Buddy is pretty much a walking wiki page on Cybertronian history.”--Miko
“I’m not sure whether to take that as a compliment or not? But thank?”--Buddy
“If you want history why don’t you ask Ratchet or Prime?”--Bulkhead
“I want a quick story not a university lecture.”--Miko
Now, did all this knowledge make them a bit bias about the war.
Yes, yes it did.
But Buddy wasn’t blind in the way stories go.
They secretly want the Cons input on the war and their beliefs. They have lost count of the number of times they have stood up for the bots against other humans.
The worst one came from June after she tried to take the kids away from the base and blaming the bots for letting them get hurt on their watch.
“June stop that right now!”--Buddy
“Why! They let the kids get hurt on their watch!”--June
“I understand your concern but let them off the hook a little okay!? They don’t have optics in the back of their helms you know!”--Buddy
“They still—”--June
“We are at war June! Whether you want to open your eyes to it or not! People are going to get hurt. No one can promise a safe return… no one can. So, for the love of Primus, June, shut it.”--Buddy
Optimus never saw the fury in Buddy’s eyes than in that moment. Nonetheless he is a bit grateful for them standing up while he tries to take that blame. The team does let Buddy know they appreciate them.
Buddy did get kidnapped one day by Megatron himself.
By the time the planned hostage negotiations were going to happen, Megatron had gotten a hit of nostalgia. It came in the form of his tiny hostage.
“So, you’re Megatron?”--Buddy
“Yes, I am. Now—”--Megatron
“Oh finally! You have no idea how long I’ve actually wanted to meet you.”--Buddy
“I have so many questions to ask you and your cause.”--Buddy
“You want to know about the Decepticon cause?--Megatron
“Yes! I mean, I know pretty much what the autoboots have had to say, I want to know the war from your causes point of view. For example, how did it start? From what I heard, you wanted to bring a new change for your fellow Cybretronian were things were going to be better for everyone. And, not to embarrass you or anything, but I quoted some of your earlier works—”--Buddy
Megatron now looking at a smaller Orion Pax talking about his works.
“… Pax.”--Megatron
“You’re designation now is Pax.”--Megatron
“Oh I guess—”--Buddy
“Come with me Pax, I have plenty of Decepticon data pads that you can look over.”--Megatron
Megatron couldn’t bring himself to destroy the fleshy. They were an organic replica of how Orion Pax was before the war. Dare he say it, but he missed the smaller bot he once knew and grew to call brother. He can’t do it.
“Lord Megatron, may I be so bold—”--Starscream
“You may not.”--Megatron
“—as to ask you why the organic is doing with that data pad?”--Starscream
“They wanted to learn more about our cause, isn’t that right Pax?”--Megatron
“I finished with this one, may I have another one?”--Buddy
“Of course, Soundwave.”--Megatron
Soundwave passes another data pad to ‘Pax’.
“Thank you!”--Buddy
“…Did you name the organic Pax?”—Starscream
“Is that a problem Starscream?”—Megatron
“Of course not—“—Starscream
“Then silence. Come now Pax.”--Megatron
“All right then. Bye Soundwave! By Starscream!”—Buddy
“…What in the Pits…”—Starsceam
Megatron didn’t want to seem like a weakling to his army, so he decided to do the hostage video but as soon as he got what he came for, to split with Pax.
Optimus was furious to hear about Megatron’s negotiations and that he had Buddy. Everyone was angry and ready to get Buddy back. Prime is considering the possibility of cutting off more than Megatron’s arm this time around.
Everyone goes to the location where Megatron said the negotiations would be held.
Its to everyone surprise to see Buddy come out of the ground bridge with a little bit of scratches here and there.
“Hey! How’s everyone?”--Buddy
“How did you escape?”--Ratchet
“Oh, I didn’t.”--Buddy
“You did not?”--Optimus
“No, actually I managed to strike a deal with ol’ Megs. I get to go back to you on the condition that I return to the Nemesis every month or so. And before you say anything, no details from either side.”--Buddy
“Well, we’re just happy your back.”--Bulkhead
“Hey Optimus.”--Buddy
“I didn’t know that Megatron had a soft spot for nerdy archivists.”--Buddy
“… Apparently he does.”--Optimus
“What are you guys talking about?”--Miko
“Lecture work.”--Buddy
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cryoculus · 2 years
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— imagine being loved by me! ⟢
pairing: xiao | alatus x reader
summary: the one where your best friend gives you ten tattoos over the next ten years. the problem? you fall deeper in love each time the ink stains your skin.
word count: 7.1k words
tags: modern au, tattoo artist!xiao, childhood friends to lovers, angst with a happy ending, relationship study, non-explicit smut
warnings: emotionally stunted xiao but i fink everyone knows that already, mentions of needles, there's smut but it isn't detailed
notes: this blog's been dead for Months but i thought i'd revive it with this fic that my beloved @delvalentine commissioned me to make! i love u to DEATH, v, i hope i did your requests justice :')
header art cr: yuca7302 on twt
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“Ow, fuck! Can you be more careful?!”
“I am careful. You just have a shitty pain tolerance.”
“Wow, that’s not something you should say to your first willing client,” you huff, trying not to pull away as Xiao repeatedly punctures the skin of your forearm with pen ink and a not-so-sterile sewing needle. “My family could sue you if I die from a blood infection, you know.”
Xiao rolls his eyes. “Something this small won’t kill anyone. Plus, you came here on your own volition, so stop complaining.”
“Are you saying you’re just going to let me die of sepsis if everything goes to shit?”
“Pretty much.”
You didn’t know what to expect when your best friend of several years asked if you wanted a tattoo of your favorite constellation. It’s been a running joke between the both of you that the two moles on your forearm looked a lot like two-thirds of Orion’s belt, and that maybe, in another life, you would’ve been born with all three of its stars on your skin. 
You should’ve known that Xiao likes to blow your expectations out of the water—whether he intends to do so or not.
It’s sundown when he finishes embedding black pen ink beneath your slightly inflamed skin. Xiao doesn’t comment when you repeatedly complain about how much that fucking hurt, and that you’re never agreeing to do it again, but you don’t miss the way his eyes occasionally flit up to the starry sky before shifting to your new ‘tattoo’ as he walks you home.
You don’t think you’ll ever forget that night. How you admired the amateur handiwork in the soft glow of your nightlight while thinking about the boy who gave you a star fashioned with his own fingers where others would’ve given flowers instead.
But then you remember Xiao is nothing but your best friend, and it’s a little…weird to be thinking about him like that. 
Must be the sepsis fucking with my head, you muse before flicking off your nightlight, and the room is plunged into pitch black darkness. 
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You’re eighteen when you realize Xiao is completely serious about this tattooing business.
It comes as a not-so-pleasant surprise to you one day when your high school’s guidance counselor approaches you while you’re hurrying over to your next class—asking if you’ve seen Xiao around these days because apparently, your best friend hasn’t been attending his classes for a better part of the semester. 
Of course, you receive the news with a scowl. While you don’t exactly see him all that much at school because of how different your schedules are, you never expected to find out he’s been playing hooky all this time. 
You don’t particularly like sticking your nose into other people’s business—especially not Xiao’s, since you know how he likes to keep to himself better than most. But for some reason, you aren’t able to resist, and end up calling him after excusing yourself from your two-hour Biology lecture. 
Once your classes are done, you head over to a nearby tattoo parlor whose address Xiao texted to you right after you squeezed his whereabouts out of him during that phone call. It’s located in one of the more run-down parts of town that your parents would’ve detested Xiao for inviting you to. But whatever prejudice you might’ve had about the denizens of this district all go up in smoke once you meet the owner herself.
“You should’a seen Xiao practicing with our machines a few months ago!” Beidou, as Xiao had sheepishly introduced earlier, barks out a laugh before slinging an arm around your best friend’s shoulders. “Said there’s someone he wanted to give permanent tatts to. I’m guessing you’re the guest of honor?”
“Beidou,” Xiao groans. “It’s not a big deal. I already practiced on her before.”
You don’t completely catch it when Beidou makes an inappropriate joke as a response to what Xiao just said—eyes trained on the fading dot on your forearm. It’s been two years since Xiao gave you your first ‘tattoo’, and even if the receding ink makes it look like one of Orion’s stars are starting to die out, it’s still there.
“Okay,” you say in the middle of their bickering, startling both Xiao and Beidou in the process. “I’ll let him ink me if he wants to.”
Xiao stares at you with brows furrowed. “You sure?”
No, you’re not sure because as much as you want to support Xiao in what seems to be a budding passion of his, you’re certain that your father is going to kill you when he sees a full-blown tattoo on any part of your body. You barely got away with the artificial mole that Xiao did for you a few years back.
“Positive.” You back your words up with an indignant huff before sifting through the pre-made designs on Beidou’s catalog. “You just have to put it somewhere not everyone can see, I guess.”
Beidou snorts out another jarring laugh when Xiao clicks his tongue to alleviate the embarrassment that’s painting his face just a touch of red. 
Earlier in the day, you intended to scold your best friend for not taking his studies seriously, but ended up going home that day with a new piece inked onto the skin of your left hip: a little spruce twig that you last remember seeing in your old hometown—years before you even met Xiao. 
There’s no particular meaning behind it, apart from a hint of sentimentality and rebelliousness. It’s your first actual tattoo, and one of your best friends gave it to you, free of charge. Even if it hurts ten times more than Xiao’s novice needle method from two years ago, you end up loving it more than you thought. One time, you stare at Xiao’s intricate handiwork in the mirror for so long that you nearly run late for your first class of the day. 
(Another thing that makes this particular piece memorable is the process itself.
Xiao is a person who’s always been startlingly precise in everything he decides to put his head into. When you learned that he wanted to become a tattoo artist, you instantly felt like there’s no other path more perfect for him than this.
Yet you couldn’t help but notice how his fingers sometimes trembled as he gave you your first piece—with you lying chest-down on Beidou’s tattoo chair in nothing but your shirt and underwear. It shouldn’t have been strange. Xiao has seen you dressed down like this dozens of times before. 
But when all’s said and done, he refused to meet your eyes, and you don’t have the slightest clue why.)
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You just can’t stop staring when you see Xiao’s half-sleeve for the first time.
It’s meant to be a phoenix, he said, but you can’t really see it because the patterns are too abstract to make sense of. Still, the azure ink sits nicely on top of his built bicep, and you have to tell yourself that you’re just trying to find the stupid phoenix as an excuse to keep ogling him.
Thankfully, your weird fascination lasts for only about a week until you’re back to shitting on him like you always do. 
By some miracle, Xiao manages to graduate high school despite being on probation from his excessive absences. He’s actually smart if he makes the effort to hit the books, but you’re not sure if he’s planning on going to college with how comfortable he is with being one of Beidou’s most in-demand tattoo artists. 
You ask him about his future plans at a party being thrown by the previous captain of the football team in his parents’ lavish penthouse somewhere uptown. It took a great deal to force Xiao into tagging along with you as your plus one, and you’re going to make good on his acquiescence by interrogating him about things he normally skirts around.
“I told you, I didn’t take any entrance exams,” he grumbles against the rim of his red cup. “I’m managing just fine working for Beidou, so I don’t see any reason to go to college.”
You’re about to argue that Beidou’s tattoo parlor won’t be open forever, and that he needs to think about broadening his career options until a bunch of girls with linked arms shuffle closer to where you and Xiao were lounging on the couch. You don’t talk to them a lot, but everyone in your grade knows the infamous Pyro Trio.
“Hey, Xiaooo,” Hu Tao drawls with a smirk, pushing up her sleeve to reveal the branches of a cherry blossom tattooed on the delicate skin of her arm. Behind her, Xiangling and Xinyan snicker like it’s some sort of inside joke. 
You intend to shift your gaze elsewhere. Clearly, you’re not the person these girls want to speak with. But the sight of the ink on Hu Tao’s skin makes the back of your neck prickle with misplaced irritation. Xiao must’ve been the one who did her piece, which shouldn’t be a surprise. Though he’s this year’s most notable absentee, rumors about Xiao’s handiwork haven’t gone unnoticed among the students in your (now) alma mater. 
That doesn’t mean you have to like the idea of your best friend inking other people that aren't you, though.
You decide to excuse yourself from Xiao’s company—given that Hu Tao is giving him plenty of attention already as is. Your best friend utters something you don’t quite catch as you walk away, and you don’t bother turning around to ask him to repeat himself.
(As you stuff your face with shot after shot, you force yourself to just keep dancing to the rhythm of whatever song is blaring to the speakers. You didn’t give two shits about the fact that Hu Tao keeps feeling up the stupid phoenix tattoo on Xiao’s arm. Nor did you care about the fact that your best friend—who’s normally evasive when it comes to casual contact—seems like he doesn’t mind at all.)
The night ends with Xiao begrudgingly getting behind the wheel of your car, since you’re obviously in no state to be driving anyone home. When he announces that he’ll bring you back to your apartment, you slur out a drunken protest—asking if he can take you to the tattoo parlor instead.
“What?” he asks incredulously. “Why?”
You huff, curling in on yourself on the passenger seat. “The cherry blossoms you gave Hu Tao were ugly as shit. You can do a better piece on me. Y’know, as practice.” 
Both of you know that you’re bluffing. Xiao’s pieces are one of the most intricate you’ve ever seen, even if he is a rookie tattoo artist, and that you don’t have a lot of points of reference to compare to. But instead of taking offense at your mindless jab at his work, Xiao slots the keys into the ignition with a defeated sigh.
“Fine. You mentioned wanting spider lilies a while back,” he says before propping his arm against the car seat as he backed up on the street. It’s the perfect angle to moon over his not-so-phoenix tattoo, and if you were any more intoxicated, you would’ve reached out and squeezed his arm. 
“Where do you want it?”
You know he meant to ask where you wanted him to put your prospective tattoo, but the question sends your mind straight into the gutter. Thankfully, you still have some semblance of coherence lingering in your drunk thoughts, and you answer with:
“Right hip. Opposite end of the spruce twig.”
When Xiao heaves another sigh and steps on the gas pedal, you don’t think much of it—still convinced it’s completely normal to expose such intimate parts of yourself to your best friend so he can tattoo a fucking flower just above the swell of your thigh.
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“You have been watching way too much anime.”
“Come on! At least I’m not having you tattoo the names of my shitty ex-boyfriends on my ass, right? Just give me my modified Tanjiro hanafuda and Fullmetal Alchemist flamel!”
“...Is this your way of coping with taking up a nursing course? Is it that stressful?”
You whine as you hold your phone closer to your ear, already picturing the look of disbelief in Xiao’s face when you asked when he’s free to give you your next tattoos. You still go to college in the same city, but it’s been weeks since you last saw him. 
“You have no idea,” you groan. “It’s like my first year, and I’m already burned out! How is that even possible?”
Your best friend grunts on the other line. “Maybe if you stopped being such a perfectionist, then maybe you’ll learn to be more content. Less stress on your part, too.”
“Ah, no can do. I never do anything that isn’t perfect,” you chuckle. “
“Yeah, I saw you score at the top of your class during your, uh… what was it again? Biochem exam?” 
For someone who doesn’t exactly give a damn about anything outside tattooing and other similar forms of artistry, you find it endearing to know Xiao actually remembers all the things you rant about in the wee hours of the morning. You don’t hate biochem, but if you have to draw another chemical configuration, you might just pop a vein. 
“Okay, let’s say I agree to tattoo those weird doodles you sent,” Xiao propositions, “do you even have any free days? You usually study on weekends, right? I don’t think you’re free to drop by the shop even if you wanted to.”
Fuck. He’s right. You still have a few major exams coming up in the next two weeks. If you wait that long until you get your silly weeaboo tattoos from Xiao, you would’ve already gotten over your momentary hyperfixation on the TV shows that were salvaging your sanity in the middle of the semester. It wouldn’t feel as thrilling to get them anymore.
“I’m free…” You trail off, eyes darting to the digital clock by your desk then to the course notes you have opened on your laptop. You haven’t studied as much as you wanted to for your upcoming anatomy test, but…
“Right now, actually. Can you pick me up?”
You can hear him frowning. “Don’t you have a car?”
“I do, but I don’t wanna drive when I have plastic wrap all over my body.” 
“You’re exaggerating. It’s not all over your—”
“Jesus, get the hint, Xiao. I miss my best friend, and I want to have a quiet evening cruise on his motorcycle before he gets me inked again!” 
Xiao falls silent, and this time, you’re having some difficulty picturing what expression he’s wearing on his face. You like to think you’ve startled your un-startle-able best friend, but that’s pushing your influence too much. 
“Okay,” he says, more agreeable than you thought he’d be. “I’ll be there in thirty. Don’t you dare fall asleep on me.”
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When you introduce your first serious boyfriend in a while to Xiao, you’re a bit annoyed with how prickly he’s being. 
Sure, it’s wired into his system to be the snarky asshole everyone knows and loves, but if there’s anyone else who knows about the tragedy that is your love life better than yourself, it’s Xiao. When you finally land a decent guy to settle down with, you at least expect him to be a bit more supportive.  
“Actually, we came here ‘cause we planned on getting matching tattoos,” your boyfriend, Yin, explains with a dimpled smile. “Isn’t that right?”
You stifle a soft laugh, a bit embarrassed to agree, but too in love with your boyfriend to protest. 
A few years ago, you distinctly remember drunkenly rambling to Xiao about how stupid it is to get couple tattoos especially when relationships these days are built on flimsy foundations. 
If you break up, what then? You have a physical reminder of that person on your body for eternity? No fucking thanks!
“Sorry, we’re closed right now, as you can see,” Xiao grunts before jabbing his thumb at the sign he just turned at the door. “You can try some other time, though.”
At the time, you were pissed at Xiao for denying your little request. He always agreed to ink you during ungodly hours of the day, but now he’s playing the ‘shop’s closed’ card just because he doesn’t like your boyfriend?
But then, you end up grateful for his attitude exactly a month later. 
“Fucking cheated on me with some bitch from his Physics lecture,” you sniffle on Xiao’s ratty sofa as he makes you some tea in his kitchen. “I can’t believe I nearly tattooed our anniversary on my wrist! I would’ve had to fucking amputate it in the end.”
Xiao sighs before placing a piping hot cup of honey lemon in front of you on his coffee table—crossing his legs together. He doesn’t tell you I told you so, like others probably would if they were in his shoes. Your best friend just stares at you with withering understanding, no matter how stupid the choice that got you here in the first place turned out to be.
That’s one of the many things you loved about him. 
“You were supposed to have ‘XV’ inked together, right?” he asks. 
You huff before tossing some of the soiled tissues you used into the bin. “Yeah. We made it official on September 15th.”
“Well, if you still want the tattoo, you could just give it a different meaning.”
Scowling, you stare at Xiao as if he just grew a second head. “What the hell are you talking about?” Is he really suggesting for you to get the same tattoo that he denied you and your ex a month ago?
Xiao shrugs noncommittally before taking a sip from the tea he prepared for you. “It’s been fifteen years since we became best friends. That’s worth commemorating, at least. Unless you suddenly don’t give a shit about that, too?”
Your jaw hangs agape at the sudden reminder. October 15th. When you were four, you accidentally spilled orange juice all over Xiao’s teletubbies backpack, and when he forgave you on the spot, you crowned him as your first bestie. 
That was fifteen years ago. Holy shit.
He startles when you abruptly shoot back to your feet, earning yourself a perplexed stare from Xiao who just wants you to sit down and drink your damn tea—
“Is Beidou’s shop open?” you ask. “I want her to do our matching tatts.”
Xiao grimaces. “Our?”
You nod brusquely, tugging at his arm. “Yeah, I’m allowed to have matching tattoos with you, ‘cause you’ll never walk out of my life, right, Xiao?”
He’s always been a stubborn little shit, so you don’t really expect Xiao to relent as quickly as he does. You nearly stumble to the carpeted floor when he lets you pull him up—faces hovering so close to each other, you nearly choke on your own breath.
It doesn’t help that Xiao has definitely…put in a few inches of height. Back then, you used to tease him a lot for being taller than him, but now?
“Never,” he whispers so softly, you wouldn’t have heard it if you weren't as close to him as you are. “Now drink your stupid honey lemon tea so we can head to the shop.” 
About two and a half hours later, you’re sitting on the vacant seats in the shop’s waiting lounge—a familiar sting still sizzling beneath your ribcage from where you had your first matching piece with Xiao permanently inked. You made him swear to have his own ‘XV’ tattoo made on the same place, and he makes good on his promise when he emerges from the workroom, wearing nothing but his dark-washed jeans.
Unlike yourself, you rarely see Xiao in various states of undress. The most skin you could get out of him on most days is the lean muscle of his tattooed biceps, and sometimes those are enough to have you staring dumbly at him for several minutes.
Now, though?
You learn that he has several tattoos on his torso—spread across his skin like patchwork. It makes you wonder if he did some of them himself, or if he had Beidou work on them for him. Still, despite the plethora of new ink stains to gawk at, his weird phoenix tattoo remains as your personal favorite.
Along with the newest piece he got not five minutes earlier—the tattoo he shares with you.
“Are you happy now?” he grumbles, letting you marvel at the perfect roman numerals just below the jut of his ribs. “It’s a good thing Beidou gave it to us free of charge, you know.”
You giggle. “All of my tatts so far have been free of charge.”
“That’s only because you’re special to me,” Xiao sighs before freezing up in the next moment—like he didn’t mean to let that slip aloud.
You smirk. “Mm? What was that? I didn’t hear you.”
“Fuck off.”
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Much to Xiao’s disappointment, your shitty taste in men doesn’t exactly end with Yin.
About three months after getting the tattoo to commemorate your fifteen years of best friendship, you meet Kaeya. He’s an exchange student, and you know better than to form any sort of attachment to someone who isn’t going to be in the same continent as you by next year. 
But you let him in anyway. 
You allow Kaeya to get to know you in ways that not even Xiao is familiar with. The smooth-talking foreigner likes to kiss every single one of your tattoos—lamenting the fact that they’re all inked in spots hidden from view. You laugh every time he brings it up, saying your parents are going to kill you and Xiao if they saw any of the pieces your best friend did for you over the last six years. 
“That best friend of yours…” Kaeya muses once he’s done bringing you to paradise and back, smoking a cigarette that makes you wrinkle your nose with distaste. He would’ve been perfect, if only he wasn’t such a chronic chainsmoker. “He’s in love with you, isn’t he?”
You nearly fall off the bed at his bold declaration.
“W-What the fuck are you talking about?” you stammer. Xiao? In love? With you? 
Kaeya shrugs. “I dunno, sweetheart. If I was a tattoo artist, I wouldn’t let anyone freeload my craft as many times as you did—even if you are my best friend. Unless I was down fucking bad for you, of course.”
Xiao doesn’t like Kaeya, but the reasoning behind it is a bit different from why he doesn’t like your ex. He knew Yin wasn’t a good match for you. Kaeya, though? The two of you had inarguable chemistry. The only problem was he was a free spirit that didn’t like to be tied down by commitments—something you clearly struggle with. 
When you reassured Xiao that Kaeya is nothing but a way to scratch a passing itch, he merely scoffed and told you to do whatever you wanted.
Could his dismissiveness be because…he’s in love with you? 
That can’t be right. You’re the one who knows Xiao best. If he hypothetically does catch feelings for someone—much less, you—you’ll surely be the first to notice, right?
Kaeya chuckles before tracing the XV tattoo along your ribcage with a cold finger—almost like he’s teasing. You roll your eyes before crawling back on top of your midnight lover, kissing him just to shut him up. 
When you drop by Beidou's the next day, Xiao is nowhere to be found.
“Didn’t he tell you?” She gapes. “Our boy’s starting his own shop downtown! He had the soft launch and everything a week ago. I was wondering where you were.”
You’re not sure how to break the news that Xiao has been giving you the cold shoulder ever since you got together with Kaeya. But finding out that he put up his own tattoo parlor without even telling you? 
If Kaeya turns out to be right, and your best friend really was in love with you, he sure as hell wasn’t acting like it. 
Deciding to play along with whatever game he’s playing, you make an appointment to get a new piece inked under a fake name. Xiao accepts it right away and schedules you for an early evening slot. You make it a point to arrive twenty minutes late just to get a rise out of him. 
When he sees you at the entrance to his shop, you almost let yourself feel smug about the unadulterated surprise on his face. Almost. You’re still pissed off that he didn’t invite you to one of the most important milestones of his life.
He fulfills your request in silence—the French word for green inked unassumingly on the underside of your shoulder blades. Xiao doesn’t say a word about his evasiveness, nor does he address the fact that you, his literal best friend, are standing in the shop he’s kept a secret for god knows how long. 
When he still refuses to talk, you slam your payment on top of a nearby table—intent on storming out of the building even if he hasn’t wrapped your newest piece in a protective layer of plastic yet. Xiao barks that he doesn’t want your fucking money, and you end up throwing your hands in the air, asking:
“Then what the hell do you want?”
You expected him to blow up in a fitful of rage. He’s never been good at anger management, you knew this well. But instead, he crosses the distance separating the two of you and crushes your mouths together.
“You,” he whispers hoarsely, desperately against your lips. “I’ve only ever wanted you.”
Kaeya calls you multiple times that night—even leaves a text message asking where you are and if you’re free. You aren’t able to answer any of them though. Not when you’re busy being railed into the next life by your best friend of fifteen—going sixteen—years in the same bed that Kaeya just had his way with you a week ago. 
When Xiao’s lips graze each and every tattoo he personally inked onto your pliant body, it’s leagues different from when Kaeya does it. It’s like your best friend is leaving a trail of fire sizzling beneath your skin everywhere his mouth trails along your hypersensitive flesh. 
Even the way he makes you fall apart from a blistering orgasm is ten times more intense than every session you had with Kaeya and Yin combined.
There’s no affection nor is there adoration in Xiao’s gaze as he fucks into you—golden eyes fueled by something carnal and zealous, but you knew better than to call that love. 
When morning comes, Xiao isn’t here with you, and you don’t know which emotion to feel. 
Kaeya, at least, has the decency to leave a note whenever he has to depart early. But all that your best friend leaves you with is a sinking feeling in your stomach, and a glaring realization that you did not want to make when you’re crying all alone in your apartment at the crack of dawn.
Kaeya was wrong. Xiao isn’t in love with you.
You’re in love with Xiao, and you immediately know you’re in deep fucking shit because of it.
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It’s two weeks into your mission of complete radio silence when Xiao finally breaks.
You’re in the middle of a pharmacology lecture when your phone buzzes in your pocket. You knew it wasn’t Kaeya because he’d already packed his things last week and headed back to his home country. The bastard even asked you for a quick farewell fuck, but you turned him down right away and gave him a kiss goodbye instead.
When you find out it’s a text message from the same person you’ve been trying to avoid all this time, you’re all too quick to parse through its contents.
Xiao: I'm sorry. Can we talk?
That’s how you wind up standing right outside of his new tattoo parlor. 
You haven’t been able to take a good look at it the last time you were here—too frustrated with your best friend to really make sense of your surroundings. But he’s put up his new shop in a pretty good part of town. You wonder how Xiao managed to afford it all. 
Then again, he’s been working at Beidou’s shop for years. You knew he had a decent number of regulars, as well as potential clients that are highly interested in his work. 
For once, you let yourself be proud of him. Even if he didn’t put your name on the guest list for his soft launch.
Xiao looks a little sheepish when he lets you inside and flips the sign on the front door to give the two of you some privacy. You aren’t faring any better. The last time you saw him, he was balls-deep inside of you—fucking you like you’re the most despicable woman in the world.
“So there’s this…collage piece I wanted to try,” he starts, and you fight the urge to roll your eyes. 
Of course when Xiao invites you over to talk, you shouldn’t have expected any actual talking to take place. That’s just not his style. He’d rather make up for whatever mistakes he made by inking another stupid tattoo on your body, but honestly? You’ll take whatever you can get.
When you saw his sketch of a Statue of David peppered with four-leaf clovers, you couldn’t even dream of parsing the meaning behind the piece. The only thing that makes you relent is an old memory of you and Xiao hunting for four-leaf clovers in your mother’s garden—even putting the effort to plant whatever you could find in a pot in hopes that they would grow bigger.
It takes him hours to complete the entire thing. This one is probably the most realistic piece he’s done for you, and you can’t help but watch the intense concentration on his face through the mirror on the wall as he inks it a few inches above the last tattoo he did for you. 
You’ve never really realized how…breathtaking he looks like this.
His fringe falling across his pretty gold eyes, the comfortable set of his jaw as he focuses on his work, and the soft slope of his cupid’s bow despite how harsh the words that come out of his mouth can be.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
You really are in love with this guy.
When he’s finally satisfied with his work, Xiao puts down his machine before wiping a sheen of sweat off his brow. He already looks so fucking good while he’s working. How is it fair for him to look even more gorgeous right after the entire process?
“Come on, let’s wrap it up,” he says before stretching his limbs. The action makes the cropped shirt he’s wearing ride up his torso a little, and you’re teased with a glimpse of the tattoo he matches with you.
Your heart nearly leaps to your throat, and if it weren’t for the dull sting of your newest tattoo, you would’ve been entranced by the sight of him entirely.
“Sure,” you say, even if your heart is begging for you to just be honest with him. To let him know how you’ve felt all this time because frankly, you can’t keep carrying the weight of your own feelings for much longer.
But then you remember how…apathetic Xiao looked like the night he dared to tell you he wanted you. There was no love to be found in his animalistic gaze, and you fear that he’ll turn you even further away at the slightest hint of more-than-friendly affection from your end. 
You can live with this. His fleeting yet heated touches. His deep, piercing stares. 
You’ll do anything to preserve what you have with him now—even if that means sacrificing everything else you could still dream of.
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Sometimes, you think Xiao is making you hope on purpose.
Sure, your friendship was more or less salvaged after offering your Statue of David tattoo as a quiet apology. You’re back to teasing him for all the most minuscule things, and Xiao is back to being your voice of reason in no time.
These days, though, you don’t really have much time to hang out with him like you usually do. You’re in the last year of your nursing degree, and your shifts at the hospital on top of your regular academic workload render you much too exhausted to catch up with any of your friends. Xiao included.
But there comes a night when he visits you in your apartment when you’re busy studying for a tricky surgery exam—a bucket full of fried chicken, and a bottle of sparkling water in hand. What kind of fiend would turn away an unannounced blessing like that ? 
You munch through the midnight snack Xiao brought for you all while forcing him to do your flashcards with you. He knows the drill, anyways. Though he’s been out of school for years, Xiao is still familiar enough with your study habits to be of substantial help during these trying times.
While you’re in the middle of differentiating the different types of sutures, though, he proposes an idea.
“It’s been a while since I inked you with a sewing needle and pen ink, isn’t it?”
You narrow your eyes, taking a swig of your carbonated drink as your gaze flickers to the pseudo-Orion’s belt on your right forearm. The third star has all but faded from view over the years.
“Yeah, why are you asking?”
Xiao rummages through his knapsack for a few seconds before bringing out what seems to be a small sewing kit, and a jar labeled ‘Indian ink’. You gulp in equal parts dread and anticipation.
“I figured out how to make the tatts stay longer,” he says, a gentle smile settling over his face. “You want me to give you a new one? I can even revive good old Orion, too.”
You sigh. Who are you to turn the love of your life down anyway?
Xiao gets to work while you’re lying sideways on your bed, flinching every now and again because he decided to outline the spitting image of the flower vase sitting on top of your nightstand along the curve of your waist. 
Unlike your first experience with manual needling, your pain tolerance is much better. The only reason you’re squirming every time Xiao embeds the ink into your skin is because you’re fucking ticklish. All those years of being intimately acquainted with Beidou’s tattoo machine were all the sensory training you needed, it seems. 
When Xiao is done with this piece, he pulls you into an upright position, making you hold out your arm so he could resurrect the first tattoo he ever gave you. You roll your eyes, but let him do as he pleases anyway.
At this point, you’ll let him do anything with you.
It’s nearly three in the morning when you’re putting away the dishes and glasses you and Xiao used for the night. He’s kind enough to throw out the trash while you clean up in the kitchen, and when he meets you back in the living room to exchange farewells, you don’t really want him to go.
“You have morning classes tomorrow, right?” he murmurs as he pulls you into a firm embrace, careful not to press down too hard on your new tattoo. “Take care. Don’t burn yourself out too much. All your hard work will be for nothing if you end up keeling over before graduation.”
You can’t help it. The soft timbre of his voice coupled with the fond look in his eyes tears all your defenses asunder. As you look up to meet Xiao’s uncharacteristically doting gaze, your chest twists more and more as you keep yourself from lunging in for a kiss.
“You’re such a pessimist, it’s almost funny how caring you sound,” you chuckle. “Go on, now. Shoo. It’s late.”
Before you can push him out of the door, however, Xiao catches you by surprise when he leans down to peck your lips. You stay frozen in place even as he pulls away—smiling so prettily, you can hardly believe this guy is your perpetually pissed off best friend.
“Good night.” 
Unlike the last time he left you all alone in your apartment, you’re filled to the brim with an emotion you can’t quite name. It’s far from the emptiness that made a home in your heart when you thought you were in love with someone who didn’t love you back. But you’re not about to call it happiness either.
Whatever this strange feeling is, you let it sit in your chest for a while longer, and it lingers even when the memory of Xiao’s lips stops prickling against the skin of your own.
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On the day of your graduation, Xiao asks you to drop by his shop after the rites have concluded. You tell him that he’s self-centered as fuck, and that this is your day, so if he wants to use your body as a practice canvas again, he’s going to have to wait tomorrow.
You don’t tell him that you’re sulking because he didn’t even show up to congratulate you for surviving four gruesome years of nursing. But you suppose that someone who never went to college in the first place wouldn’t be the best at sympathizing with this particular milestone in your life.
He shows you his latest sketch when you make it to his shop the next morning—and you can’t contain the look of disbelief that colors your features when you realize what it is.
“A bouquet that’ll never wilt,” he chuckles, one finger expertly pointing out the flowers he’s drawn on the neat page. “Orchids and hydrangeas: your favorite. Violets: you press a bunch of these in books every summertime. Pink baby’s breath ‘cause you wouldn’t stop gushing about them at your sister’s wedding.”
You aren’t able to stifle the flattered giggle that spills from your lips. “Can’t believe you actually remember all that. What’s the lily of the valley doing there though?”
“Oh, this?” Xiao hums with one brow raised. “Your mom had lots of them in her old garden. Those are my favorite.”
“And, pray tell, why is your favorite flower going to be permanently tattooed on my body?”
Xiao doesn’t humor you with a verbal answer right away. Instead, he wheels his revolving seat closer to you so that he’s close enough to press your foreheads together. Your breath hitches when his mouth curves into a loving smile you’re starting to get used to seeing.
“Because you’re mine,” he says simply. “Now, are you going to tell me where you want me to ink your eternal bouquet or not?”
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You’re a complete sap when it comes to weddings. Everyone knows this.
It’s for that reason that none of your guests are surprised when you end up crying in the middle of exchanging vows with your fiancé. Xiao sighs before taking out a handkerchief from his front pocket, dabbing at the tears streaming down your face. For someone who comes on so tough to other people, you’re awfully sentimental.
“Sorry, sorry—” you sniffle, thanking every single god out there for the invention of waterproof mascara. “Okay, I’m ready now.”
The rest of the session proceeds swiftly. You get to kiss your best friend of more than two decades and call him your husband in front of some friends and family. The matrimonial rites were held in a private resort at the base of a mountain. Both you and Xiao wanted to preserve the intimacy of your wedding as much as you could. After all, you didn’t need all that flashy and grandiose wedding prep to prove to the world just how much you want to spend the rest of your life with Xiao. 
Your thoughts stay the same even as he lays you down in the king-sized bed of the cabin you had to yourselves. He sighs in between kisses as he strips you off your wedding garbs. You’re surprised he’s taking his time with you. Xiao has been eye-fucking you since you started walking down the aisle. It was so bad that even Beidou made a few off-hand remarks about the sexual tension during the reception. 
“I was thinking,” you breathe as he grinds his hips against yours, “of getting another tattoo. My last one.” 
Xiao lifts his head for a moment, one brow arched. “You’re married to a tattoo artist, and you think the tattoo you’re getting after the wedding is your last one? You’re dreaming, princess.”
“Fine. Point taken.” You roll your eyes. “But anyway, I want a dragon tattoo riiiight…here.”
Your husband watches with rapt attention as you guide his hand to the spot you’re talking about—just below the collection of your favorite flowers inked above your waist is a blank stretch of skin. Xiao’s lips twitch into a fond smile as his calloused fingers graze your flesh.
“Still against having showy tatts?” he asks before pressing a soft kiss on the spot you pointed at. 
“Mhmm. You see, my dad doesn’t care if I’m married and have my own life. If he sees that I have tattoos, he’s still going to murder me,” you chuckle. “So yeah, tatts are staying under my clothes until he grows old enough and forgets that he hates seeing ink on other people’s skin.” 
“I’ll keep that in mind then.”
When Xiao ravishes you for the first time as your husband, your chest overflows with love for him. Not everyone is lucky enough to have their best friends by their sides for as long as you did, yet you ended up tying the knot with yours. Although the entire process was more than twenty years in the making, you suppose there’s no point in rushing anything.
After all, Xiao is as permanent in your life just as much as the ink stains on your body.
“Look,” you chuckle once Xiao is done cleaning up in the bathroom and settles down right next to you on the bed, “Kaeya sent us a postcard. He says congrats on overcoming the emotional constipation.”
“Throw that thing away,” your husband grumbles, pulling you away from the pile of postcards on the nightstand. “Why are you even keeping touch with him still?”
“So I can use him as an excuse to get you jealous, and have you fuck me rough?”
“Oh, princess. If you wanted it rough…” he starts with a sigh, rolling his neck with a smirk. You gulp, wondering if you’ve bitten off more than you can chew this time around.
“All you had to do was ask.”
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⟢ end notes: it's been a while since i wrote for genshin, so i hope you liked it! thank you sm for reading ^^
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Hiii ✨️ I have a little ask for you!
How would the Primis crew react to a fem S/O that's generally quiet and reserved, only to learn that she is a big nerd when it comes to her special interests? Maybe she info-dumps and gushes about her knowledge of her special interest, and that's how they learn that she's really smart.
I, myself, am a huge nerd when it comes to astrology. Yet not many people know that 😅
Do take your time. I love your work 🩷
I know I have to do this one!!! As a bonus, I'll throw in my personal headcanons for their astrological signs
Reactions of Primis: Quiet Fem S/O Excitedly Info-Dumps Their Passions (Includes Personal Perspective about Astrology)
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Edward Richtofen - Sagittarius
His mind is always running a mile a minute all the time. So already listening to his s/o talk about their interests helps distract from The Horrors™️. Seeing you bounce about with joy after weeks of turmoil puts the softest smile on his face... And the biggest kiss on yours!
Intellectual conversation of any kind is something he needs for a close connection. Sharing one-on-one quality time like this is exactly what helps him thrive in a relationship. Even if a topic isn't something he is knowledgeable with, it will have importance to him if it's important to you.
Richtofen is rather strict about his scientific profession and typically scoffs at any pseudosciences. This is all a façade. What he will never tell you is that he secretly practiced alchemy in the past and has occult involvement with the Illuminati. Nevertheless, he would always be gentle to his s/o. The doctor will simply stay respectful and curious about your interest with astrology. I think in the long-term he might just spill a tiny bit about his practices to you.
Tank Dempsey - Scorpio
Seeing his soft-spoken sweetheart so suddenly excited is a very pleasant surprise (and he hasn't been able to find many good surprises this whole shitshow of an expedition). The fact that you trust him enough to open up so brightly like this helps him grow closer to you. Tank is a very good listener, but please forgive his dopey smiling the whole time. Your soothing voice and happy little mannerisms are making his heart throb. It's truly a sweet thing to see.
You never fail to open his mind to new experiences and interest. You can be both sharp-minded and sweet. Those are just some of many shining reasons why he loves you so much. With that being said, please come to him the moment you need an ear to let you infodump. Tank Dempsey is best known for his loyalty and reliability, so please remember that.
He thinks the mythology behind all the constellations are really cool! Orion is his favorite one. I suggest explaining to him during a stargazing date about the various celestial events while lying down on his chest. If it gets cold at night, he'll have you burrow underneath his leather jacket to keep warm. As for astrology readings, he would like to have his horoscope read (and perhaps get a tarot reading as well with you!)
Takeo Masaki - Libra
Takeo is a strong support who's always there to listen no matter what is on his partner's mind. He’s someone who will listen and nod without interruption. He may chuckle if you start to get jittery with joy about what you’re lecturing to him. Such a vibrant soul hidden in such a timid angel!
Takeo’s presence is very patient. If by chance you feel worried about “talking too much”, he reassures you that you could never do such a thing. You deserve to be able to thrive in what makes you so happy. And for shame on whoever tried to invalidate what you had to say!
Out of everyone in the Primis Crew, Takeo is the most spiritual without a doubt. He very much believes every soul carries a fundamental purpose. Being a more introverted soul, he can often be found reflecting in solitude. He would be able to discuss the philosophy of destined fate and similar divination topics with ease. Because it can go hand in hand, I think he would be able to perform a bit of Reiki healing if you were feeling particularly stressed.
Nikolai Belinski - Aries
Nikolai is already doting on you to begin with as his quiet yet kind girlfriend. Once something inspires you to express yourself, he is taken aback by how much passion you have for your special interest. It keeps him wondering more about you. You’re just a beautiful enigma he so desperately wants to know more of!
He’s more of a listener, but his add-ons to the conversation are either genuine questions to learn more about said topic or slipped-in compliments about how brilliant you are. Nikolai also may bring up stories it reminds him of. He could spend hours learning about just about anything you tell him.
The Soviet Union repressed a lot of expression, one of them being astrology. Because of this, Nikolai is completely new to it. Typically, he is a skeptic approaching anything that he comes across. But being his beautiful little treasure, you have the gift to get him to understand that the universe wants what’s best for him. He would grow to trust the divine and the guiding light of fate itself. He says the most profound things that would touch your soul with an enlightening comfort.
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frameacloud · 2 months
To watch the above video, you need to be signed into Youtube so that you can say you're at least 18. This is the recording of my presentation at Othercon 2024. "Phantom Limbs and Phantom Sensations, Human and Otherwise," by Orion Scribner.
Summary: "When someone has sensations of body parts that they do not physically have, this is part of the phenomenon of phantom limbs. Section one is an overview of the medical literature. What other conditions cause phantoms than amputation? What treatments do people use if it’s painful? This focuses on facts, acknowledges mysteries, and respects people who are disabled or marginalized. Section two is my original research about people who feel sensations of nonhuman body parts, for example, a tail. This comes from my survey of more than 1000 adults. How do people name, describe, and live with these sensations? This is a neutral presentation of differing opinions so you can form your own. People feel phantoms for many reasons. Let's find out what our experiences do and don’t have in common, and what we can learn from one another."
The 18+ rating is because some of the body parts it talks about are sex organs, even though it's similar to a health class. I'm eventually going to re-do this whole presentation, and I apologize for my lecture quality in this one. (I grossly overshot how long my outline would turn out to be, so it feels rushed and unfinished! Am I going to start my own channel where I make four hour long lecture videos!?) In any case, this is also the start of what I'll be turning into a book, so that I can cite from more medical journal articles, and give more detailed information about the results of the survey. My partner @who-is-page and I will also later release the (anonymized) raw data of the survey.
In addition to the above video, here is the slideshow that I used in it, so you can click on the links in them, as well as read the lecture notes below each slide.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 6 months
YO YO YO, I HAVE A QUESTION!! What if darling uhhh at specific days could turn into a sort of a big "mermaid" i mean, darling is a mermaid but like they turn into a more bigger and terrifing one and become aggresive? and hotter (sorry for my spelling mistakes, oh and also do ur oc request are open? or still closed) OR OR UHHH, a sort of perl make them turn into this?- What would be the reaction of Orion and Viper?
Yandere! Male! Deep sea creature x mermaid! Fem! Reader x Human! Male! Hunter
What if: Darling turns into a bigger version?
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VIper hummed in his own time, watching you pace back and forth in your trenches. It was amusing, glancing at you bite your nail as your eyes shuffle between dark and it's original color.
You were looking so nervous and in pain that it somehow concerned Viper.
But he knows what's happening, and he knows he can't interfere.
So he only watches as your clueless form writhe in pain.
Orion, on the other hand, who was hanging out around you with his scuba gear, was concerned. He never saw you like this. It was almost scary, but you reassured him that you weren't in pain.
He doesn't know what's up with merfolk physiology, so all he can do is wait.
Meanwhile, you were gasping for air.
You don't know what's happening inside of you. You just know that you want to keel over and vomit, but nothing is coming out of your mouth.
You want to gag, but also at the same time, consume so much that you'll burst at the seams.
Viper watches as Orion tried to comfort you. He chuckles to himself.
Then, with one gargle from your throat, seafoam started spewing from the pores of your body.
Terrified yet mesmerized, he watches you getting consumed by the seafoam.
The seafoam grows, and grows, and grows...
Flash, and it revealed you in a bigger form.
Tall, long... With your tail shimmering in the dark. Your skin a bit ghostly in translucency. Your hair was longer, flowing like water behind you. And your eyes looked like the night sky, sparkling with stars.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VIPER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Orion was scared, you were so big that he felt so dwarfed against you. So, his body unconsciously swam upwards and away.
Viper smirked underneath his breath. Now that pesky human is gone, he can start lecturing you on what happened to your body.
A flash, and blink.
His antenna started signaling for your attention.
Curious, and honestly scared, you followed the light. Hoping that the only other giant merfolk you know would teach you about this transformation.
It took way less time for you to get to his lair due to your new proportions, and there you can feel that his home was more intimate than the cold void before.
Your eyes, now adjusted to the dark, saw his visage much better.
"Upper dweller. You look ravishing." He whispered, swimming around you again. It felt so weird, seeing that Viper's body is just a few inches taller than you now. "You were so small before, just 3/4's of my length. Now, I can even..."
You gasped, feeling his body press against your back. This time, it didn't feel like he can consume your whole being.
He grabbed your fingers, kissing them gently.
"Do this. How delightful is that?" You shivered from his touch. "Do you want to know what happened to your body?"
"Yes." You quickly answered, wanting to know what's happening.
"Well, just like werewolves..." He said, twirling you around with his tail never separating from yours. "Normal mermaids will have their days in which they will transform into their... Deep sea counterparts. Especially those who are innately relatives to us Deep sea merfolks."
Your eyes momentarily twinkled from this information. "Is that so..."
"Yes, and now, you can transform depending on whenever you want. Isn't that swell?" Viper gave a rare smile. "The question is, will you stay like this, to match me?"
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ORION ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Viper is a little bit disappointed. He wanted to see you panic and cry, not knowing what to do with your new form. He wanted to see you crush Orion from the newfound strength but nothing of that sort. Bored, he retreated back to his lair.
Orion swam to your face closely.
You looked amazing in his eyes. Beautiful, ethereal, something unreachable for his grubby mortal hands.
But he wants to, so he did.
You were only taller due to your tail back in your normal form. But now, you were immensely taller than him. Two Orions stacked together even.
"You look... Mesmerizing to look at, love." He whispered, his eyes softening a little bit as he caressed your cold cheeks. His scuba gear, unlike the normal one, had the helmet type in which he doesn't need to have the oxygen tube shoved in his mouth. Yet he wishes you can hear him through the thick resin glass. "Look at you. Like the goddess of the sea."
You flushed red at his compliment and chuckled. With a lift, you placed your hand under him, making him sit on your palm.
"Thank you Orion." You whispered, giggling at the change of perspective. He looked like a toy, sitting on your palm like that. It was a fit since you were only taller than him by half, but it worked out.
Orion felt safe in your hold.
And as he decided to not ask about this condition, he closes his eyes and wishes that you were actually back in his sanctuary, your beauty only for him to behold.
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wardenparker · 8 months
Summer Rose
Professor!Santiago Garcia x female OC Co-written with @julesonrecord
Rating: E for Explicit 18+ Word Count: 6k Warnings: OC is named (Daphne Antonelli) but has minimal physical description. Age gap 10+ years. Both parties are consenting adults. Alcohol consumption, mutual pining, professor/student, oral sex (f and m receiving), 69, sexy mythology references, vaginal sex, protected sex, fingernails/scratching, a bit of biting. Summary: Daphne is having an absolutely terrible day and has missed office hours to turn in her final paper to Professor Garcia. When she turns up on his doorstep to turn in her assignment, the professor she's been crushing on for ages offers her a supportive ear -- and help relaxing. Notes: A little collaboration between myself and my beloved Jules featuring a character we've working on (Daphne) and today's wet daydream of college professor!Santiago. Honestly this is just a bit of porn with the barest thread of a plot, and we're not sorry. Also, just a disclaimer that I have no clue how one finishes a masters degree, but it doesn't matter. We're here for the porn, not the threadbare plot.
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Twilight is beautiful on campus. Santiago has always thought so, even before he had the letters after his last name that demarcate him as faculty. He enjoys the blush of the sun fading, the purple of the dusky sky fading to blue-black, indigo, then glitter with starlight.
He likes walking home after class this way; a quiet moment to ease his mind after lectures and before grading. This late in the semester, it will be one of the last walks before the summer term. As he passes through the quiet neighborhood and climbs his front doors, he glances up, spies Orion's Belt in the heavens. He thinks about introducing the story next time he holds his Mythology and Myth-Making class. Did he include it this year? He can't remember. He'd been... distracted.
His phone pings with a text as he sets his messenger bag on the dining room table and undoes his cuff buttons, rolling them up. Too damn hot for this, damn dress code rules... He peers down at the message, and notes it's from an unknown number. His students know to text him if they have an emergency, so he opens it straight away.
Hi, Professor Garcia. I know that it's after office hours, but the fact is...I missed office hours altogether. Would it be an inconvenience to call you and explain? Otherwise I'm not sure how to get my final paper to you. Thanks, Daphne Antonelli (Mythology and Myth-Making)
Santiago lifts an eyebrow. He recognizes the name. Oh yes, he recognizes it. In fact, he's called it to mind more often than is probably appropriate, along with the image of a very beautiful graduate student with a focused stare and drop-dead gorgeous eyes. She was an attentive student, responsive, ready to answer questions but never one to hog the spotlight, making insightful, empathetic, and razor-sharp questions. It was unlike her to miss anything, never mind not visit office hours. They'd spent many such visits over the semester. Short. Professional. Of course.
So why does his heart rate increase, his teeth sink into his bottom lip as he thoughtfully taps the phone screen, spelling out a careful, professional text?
Hi Daphne. As this is your final paper, I would really like to have it ASAP as I am required to submit grades on Monday. Why don't you swing by my home to drop it off?
Feel free to call, he types, then deletes before sending. He wanted to hear her voice. He did need that paper. No reason why he couldn't do both in person. No reason at all.
He had had his graduate students over for a spring dinner after midterms so they know how and where to find him. The bonfire that night had lasted for ages, as tipsy grad students who were feeling feisty with a full meal in their bellies debated the cultural implications of different myth origins and the similarities of some creation myths that they had just been discussing in class. Daphne had been amongst the students that night, animatedly defending her points with unmatched ferocity that was impossible to ignore.
The text that comes through a few moments later takes a while for her to decide on, judging from the continuously undulating bubbles indicating how long she was typing compared to the brevity of the eventual message.
Thank you for understanding. I'll be over shortly so the rest of your night isn't interrupted.
Satisfaction. He tosses the phone down and leans over the table with a slow sigh, taking a look around the room. The same old familiar wall-to-wall bookshelves line the tidy bungalow. The same pendant lamps up, tacky, that he'd meant to change when he bought this place... four years ago. His degrees might be hung in his office upstairs, his clothes are here, he shaves here, but who does he have here, really? Nobody. Warm sheets for a night and then no one. Nothing. There was no reason to bother, really—
And then Daphne. Daphne with her slowly blossoming smile that melted from shy to beaming when he said hello to her on campus. Daphne with her neat notes in the margins, Daphne with the legs that had so often been tucked primly next to his as they leaned over a book or paper together, never touching but so close, close enough so that he could smell her perfume: cinnamon, orchid, incense.
"Fuck," he mutters to the table. There's no way of hiding from himself, not really. He pushes off the wood and stalks to the kitchen for a beer. He cracks it open efficiently and takes a long swallow, Adam's apple bobbing. He wants her. That much is clear. How could he not? She was intelligent, fierce, gorgeous. He could fool himself all he wanted, her coming here was a bad idea. It's been a long semester, keeping her close but not too close.
But, he realizes with a jolt, she's about to graduate. This is her final, his course is over. He is... well, technically by Monday, no longer her professor.
"Fuck," he mutters again, this time to a magnet of a catfish, his only catch from a weekend out fishing with the guys.
It's twenty minutes later precisely when his doorbell rings. There was no sound of a car outside on the street or dramatic slam of a door, but when he opens the door there is a bicycle leaning against his front gate and a frazzled looking student on his front step.
"Hi, Professor." Daphne stands on his step with a mix of anxiety and embarrassment on her face and she digs into her bag right away to pull out a manila folder with his class name and number written on it alongside her name. "I'm so sorry about this. I know it's technically late and that you'll have to dock points for that. It's completely my fault."
"Hey, hey, easy." He lifts a palm and lowers it soothingly, taking the manila folder gently. "There's no need to be sorry, accidents happen." Then, as he knew he would, he asked, "Would you like to come in? It's the end of semester, though. Maybe you have a party you'd rather get to?" He smiles fondly, bumping his shoulder against the doorframe and folding his arms to show off his tanned forearms, shirt sleeves straining slightly.
Yeah, he's still got moves. And he wants to show them off. To Daphne. Who is no longer his student. Who's staring up at him with the anguish slowly sliding from her face. He wants to remove it, stroke her stress away with his thumb, ease it out of her slowly—
Fuck, he's screwed.
"I'm not really – I mean, I haven't –" She doesn't get invited to parties, is what she's trying to say. Not that she doesn't enjoy parties, because she does. She absolutely does. The night they spent here at his house just sitting around the fire talking and sharing a meal was one of her favorite graduate school memories. But she isn't great at socializing with the other students in her program, she's found. There is something a little odd about Daphne, and it has reverberated through her life to keep her just a little on the outside of normal.
Maybe that's why she nods, accepting the invitation with swallowed thanks, and steps inside her professor's house. Her professor who has more than a decade on her in terms of age but has never held his years of experience or knowledge over her head. If they were colleagues, she might have even considered him a friend. As it is, being his student, she's stuck in a sort of limbo with a useless crush and fond memories. "I've had kind of a crazy day," she admits sheepishly. "Even if I had been invited to any of the parties on campus, I don't think I would be going."
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Daph," he says, with real sympathy. "Is everything all right? I just opened a beer, would you like anything?"
"A pipe burst at my place and my landlord is claiming I'm liable, then my computer crashed in the middle of doing one last edit on your term paper and the tech office gave me grief, it's just...it's been a long day." She barely even nodded in agreement that a drink would be a huge relief, but he is immediately retreating to his refrigerator to grab her a beer. "Oh, and my summer plans fell through today." Her shoulders sag, the stress of the day dragging her down and determined to keep her there. "I'm just lucky I got up to take a shower first thing this morning or else the day would've been even worse."
"Oh, Daph, that's a rotten one," he says, placing the opened beer on the coffee table and settling his hands on her shoulders. "What happened to your summer? Surely you're going off to some incredible internship, you're more than qualified." And she is. He'd have recommended her to any program she wanted, and had, in fact, written her a letter of recommendation earlier in the year. "You know I'm not going to dock points, right?" he asks more quietly. "None of today was your fault, sweetheart."
Sweetheart. That shouldn't burrow into her chest and bloom into warmth like it does, and Daphne's eyes drop to the floor immediately to carefully focus on the toes of her boots instead of looking him in the face. That's your professor. Don't be creepy. "I had that internship lined up in London with the publishing company but they pulled the rug out from under me." She shrugs, feeling more vulnerable in the moment than she wants to admit. "Apparently the CFO's kid decided all of a sudden that he wants to be an author, so they rescinded my offer. He's going to get it instead."
His chest pangs. He hates that there is nothing he can do to fix this for her -- because she's right. That's the cherry on top of an extremely long day, and all he can do then is what feels most natural, which is to lift her chin up with the crook of his finger, his voice soft, gentle. "Hey."
When she meets his gaze, he watches them flicker slightly, scanning his face as he drinks in hers. Her eyes are so pretty. Like fresh honey dripped from a spoon.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart," he says again, and means it. "You deserve that spot, but you'll find something better, okay? Hey, look at me." She had turned away slightly, embarrassed or perhaps made shy by his praise, but her eyes fix on him again, golden and fringed with thick lashes. "I promise, you will. There's lots of ways into this world, and you're too talented not to break in. Okay? You want to sit down, tell me about it?" His fingers clasp around her delicate elbow, ready to guide her to the couch.
"There's not a lot more to tell, to be honest." Two people with two beers steer almost mechanically toward the couch, and Daphne finds herself being seated on his plush leather sectional just before he sits down beside her. This spring has been chilly and he still has a throw blanket out, which he pulls close to them as if to have it at the ready. "No summer in London means I'm going to have to either go back home and figure out my next step there, or find a new place here and do the same. Because I'm sure as hell not staying in the place I'm in now. As if the landlord weren't bad enough, now the plumbing is going."
"Huh." He trails his arm over the back of the sofa, sipping his beer thoughtfully. "What kinda guy is this-" Asshole, he wants to say, but quells it, "Fellow? Any chance he'll back off? Perhaps once he... calms down, he can be reasoned with." He's approaching the boundary of reason himself. He can see it, taste it, the drip of something sweet down his throat. "Beautiful woman like you? You could convince a man of anything."
The pffft sound that comes out of her mouth goes with a wave of her hand, but she does accept a sip of the beer that he's brought her with a grateful sigh. "The apartment is a piece of shit anyway, if I'm honest. I hate it there. It's just that it's affordable." There's a moment's pause where Daphne's eyes widen in panic and she deflates again with a groan. "I already put in my notice at my job, oh my god."
"Hey, hey, Daphne." He puts his beer down and reaches for her, wrapping one arm around her waist, cupping her flushed cheek with the other hand. "C'mon, it's going to be okay, I promise, but for right now, I need you to relax, okay? Can you do that for me, bebita?" They're so close now, almost nose to nose. He's lost in her eyes again, but he can feel the burning heat of her little cheek in his palm.
She had been so sure she was going to start crying instantly with that realization, but two searing hot hands on her skin steady her. His touch is grounding, pulling her away from the edge of panic and drawing her into his aura so effortlessly that she didn't even realize how close he was until she felt his breath on her skin. "O—okay—" He can't know that the thing keeping her from having a complete panic attack on his couch right now is the fact that all the blood in her body has rushed to her aching clit, but damned if it isn't working. Daphne nods vaguely, trying to keep her head from swimming, but all she feels is his hands on her and the way his coffee brown eyes have turned to oceans in front of her. "Okay," she repeats softly.
"Okay?" Santiago nods, his breath coming a little fast. "I'll help you. I'll help you relax, sweetheart. You tell me to stop any time, okay?" He leans closer so slowly, their breaths mingling. He can almost count her eyelashes. Her nose is sweet and soft as it brushes his, but it's nothing compared to her plush lips. They seal against his and he feels the world fall out from under him. Something deep and ravenous unlocks and spills out all over his inside. He barely chokes down a groan.
There is no doubt that this is the most surreal moment of Daphne's life, and it isn't as though she hasn't been in some weird situations before. It's a miracle that she managed to get her beer bottle onto the nearby coffee table without spilling or knocking anything over, but she needs her hands for this. For a year and a half she's been working on a master's degree and avoiding too much contact with the one professor who makes her mind fog up and her daydreams wander, until finally she had landed in his classroom.
And now on his couch.
Kissing him.
If it were anything besides the most surreal moment of her life, she might have jumped backward or at the very least, pulled away. But Daphne has imagined kissing Santiago Garcia far too many times to do anything but sigh in response and open up for him like a summer rose.
"It's okay," he repeats soothingly between kisses: to himself, to her, to the waiting tension in the room. "I've got you, cariño. I've got you now, there you go, so sweet for me. So pretty. Beautiful, smart girl." He deepens the kiss, tasting her lips slowly, reverently, one hand sliding slowly down her soft sweater to rest on her waist and squeeze gently. He brushes his thumb over the soft material and then flicks it open, wanting closeness, to drag his palm up her thin blouse, wide and slow across her back.
The sound that bubbles out of her is a plaintive moan, unsure but wanting, and one of her hands grasps for steadiness on his arm even as the other instinctively sinks into his curls to keep him close. The battle is want versus wisdom, and it takes longer than she's proud of for Daphne to drag her lips from his and pant for a breath that still has no prayer of clearing her head.
"But." The fog in her mind has settled thick and heavy like the arousal in her core, and even as she's trying to straighten herself out she's still clinging to him with digging fingers and sharp nails. "You'll get fired," she manages to breathe out a few seconds later. Her only real protest being that she doesn't want him to get in trouble over a whim – which is surely all this is to him.
"Baby, no, no," he shakes his head, almost laughing with relief that that is her only concern. "No, you're graduating. I'm not your teacher any more. You handed in your paper. We can finally do what I – what I've been—" Shit. This is going to sound so bad. "What I've been thinking about since I met you," he admits.
Santi leans his forehead against hers, sighing. "I'm sorry. It's so inappropriate, but it's true. I've been waiting so long to kiss you, baby girl. Let me kiss you." He brushes his fingers over her knee, lifting her skirt just a little. "Let me make you feel so good, my little nymph. Do you even know how long you've been haunting me?" His mouth brushes her again, gently, over the corner of her mouth, the edge of her jaw, the flutter of her pulse, which smells delicious, deep and floral, her scent.
His cock aches against his zipper.
"Fuck." This time Daphne groans, sinking further into the couch, and feels herself giggle softly in disbelief more than she's actually aware of making the sound herself. "You've been haunted?" She challenges, eyes burning with courage now that she's heard his confession. Heard him beg. Did he really just beg for her? "Do you know how long I put off taking your class because I didn't know if I could even concentrate around you?"
Using the opportunity of her gently reclining body, Santiago leans in for the catch. "I never could," he murmurs into the hollow of her throat, his hands sweeping her skirt up, revealing her pretty legs, and god her thighs, so plush and luscious in his hands. He takes a moment to stroke there, brush the hem of her panties with his thumbs. "Never. You came in with Eros and made me Apollo." One thumb slips gently under the gusset of her panties. "Are you running, little nymph, hm?"
"Fuck—I—no, I—I don't even think my legs work now," she huffs, all at once tense as a bowstring with desire and measurably more relaxed as the reality of the man she's wanted forever finally touching her exactly where she wants him.
Well, not exactly. But it's not going to take long to get there at the rate they're going.
"What should I..." Daphne's head falls back on the sofa cushion as his thumb strokes her slit and she moans. "Santiago is a lot of syllables to moan."
"Santi. You can call me Santi from now on," he murmurs, removing his thumb from her panties only to twist the thin white cotton things, Jesus, so fucking wet, around his fingers and slide them down, down. He tosses them to the side and shucks off her high heeled boots while he's there, his eyes locked on where she glistens for him, needs him. "But you can call out any god you want to, bonita." He flicks his gaze to hers and smirks. "Show me how much you were paying attention, yeah?"
If she can even remember a single name from his class at this point she'll be shocked, and the cool air of his house on her overheated cunt is enough to have her squirming instinctively underneath him. Her brain has pretty much given up the ghost already, overstimulated in the very best way possible far before the rest of her body feels the same. Although she has a feeling that it will get there. "Santi..." Trying it out, there is a sweetness on her tongue and heaviness in her core that really is just a whine waiting to break free. Daphne's hands have found their way to his shirt front, fumbling to free the buttons even while she's nearly shaking with desire. "If you get to touch me, I want to touch you, too."
His lips find hers again, almost impatient to taste her again. "You can touch me, I want you to," he mutters against her lips, lifting her blouse hem from her skirt as she takes care of his buttons. Santiago doesn't pause, doesn't make it easy for her or for himself, drowning himself in the touch of her, the sweet little noises emanating from her throat, the ones taking a running leap on the way to begging for everything he's ready to give. He lifts her shirt over her head and begins tugging down her skirt an inch at a time, his fingers dragging slowly over her hips, her now bare legs.
Nothing is exactly torn away, not specifically, but the pile of clothing that collects beside his living room sofa accumulates quickly and haphazardly — shirts and sweaters and everything else discarded blindly as they drown in kissing each other and swallowing those moans that make their way to the surface over and over again. With that building freedom Daphne finds a buried courage — not that she is a timid lover by any means, but there is an eagerness below the surface here that she hasn’t felt in so long. When the only thing left between them is the flimsy pair of boxers that do nothing to disguise how achingly hard he is, Daph bites down on his bottom lip to pull a groan out of him and soothes it away by sucking on the same spot as her fingers slip under the waistband of his last remaining piece of clothing.
"Fuck," he hisses, hips jumping forward so that the weeping tip of his cock brushes against her hand and he groans. He sits up straighter, caught in a web, aching to touch her – at least take his boxers off, fuck – but loathe to move away from her curious little hand. He settles for sitting up on his knees, staring at the place she's touching him, watching her explore him as though in a trance.
Taking advantage of the momentary shift, Daphne sits up along with him and nudges Santi backward so that he is on his back now instead of her. His curls are mussed and his eyes are so black with lust that he looks positively debauched before she’s even had a chance to touch him very much. Once he’s on his back, though, Daphne hooks her thumbs in his boxers and peels them away, groaning at the sight of him. Harder than diamonds and leaking precum like an eager teenager, a sly smirk rides across her face knowing she did that to him. “I want to suck your cock,” she admits, gaze flickering between his length and his blackened eyes. “You have no idea how many hours I’ve spent imagining sucking your cock under that desk in your office.”
Santiago closes his eyes a moment. Is he fucking dreaming? Or is his most fucked fantasy coming true before his eyes?
"Probably almost as many as what I've spent imagining what that wet little pussy tastes like." His voice is a low rasp, but he pulls himself together enough to halt her hand on his throbbing dick. His fingers squeeze around hers, gliding over the rigid shaft slowly, with control. His breath fans over her forehead. "You want this, baby? Hm? Gonna have to give me something in return. Come here," he urges, a low purr, her very own siren. "Come here and give me a little taste, cariño."
“Even Kama had to worship a lover in order to find his release,” Daph breathes, having spent an entire semester doodling images of the Hindu love god’s sugarcane bow and bird companions in her notes while thinking of all the various ways her professor could be worshipped.
"Kama was burnt alive by Shiva, sweetheart, and I don't plan on doing any different to you. Come here, that's it." Santi helps Daphne turn in his lap, both of them facing the wall. He guides her hips over his face as he lies back on the couch. Thank fuck it was big enough, for this and more, and then her perfect pussy is hovering over his face, tantalizing him. At heart? Santiago likes torturing himself, loves the thrill of giving into pleasure. Perhaps that too, is why he waited so long to take this girl into his bed. Perhaps that's why he's slow and sure as he spreads her lips, flattens his tongue, and tastes her indulgently, from clit to hole.
Daphne's momentary flash of composure is gone again as soon as he tastes her. Her legs shake on either side of his head, thighs pressed to his ears so her moans are muffled but it isn't on purpose. It's just been so long since she had a man between her legs who knew what the fuck he was doing that just having her clit noticed is a vast improvement. Daphne's body sags momentarily before she is shifting all her weight to one hand and wrapping the other around the base of his cock to stroke his base with the pressure that he showed her – the pressure he likes – while she takes as much of him as she can into her mouth.
When he moans it's with a growl into her pussy she can feel vibrate all the way up through her lungs.
She's not fucking sitting, and he knows it's because she's still, however minutely now that her moans are ringing sweet and clear across his living room, in her head instead of fully in her perfect body the way he wants. Licking up her slick almost lazily, he drags his nails lightly up the outsides of her thighs before firmly catching her hips in hand and pressing her into his waiting mouth, his evening stubble scraping across her folds. Only then does he give her a real reason to moan, encouraging her to grind while his laps at her clit with his tongue, filling his hands with all the gorgeous skin he can reach.
"Sit," he grunts, "Fuck, baby, I wanna to go to the field of fucking reeds with this pussy on my face, come on, you can do it, give it to me."
Come on, carińo, I know you can come for me, such a good fucking girl, he thinks, his brain a hazy lightning storm at the sensation of her hot throat squeezing around him as she swallows. Fuck, he could let her do this all night, but he's hungry for her pleasure and he's so close, he can taste it. Santiago lifts her hips with a final loud suck and trails a finger around her slit, teasing, almost pressing, but only just, his thumb running circles around her clit. With a deep breath he lifts his mouth, slips his tongue and a single finger inside, fucking into her with slow, measured movements.
The overwhelming pleasure of having more than just the tip of his tongue inside her pussy has Daphne moaning so earnestly that she pulls off of him cock with a lurid pop. "Dammit—I—fuck, I'm going to cum—Santi, baby, oh my f—" The shaking of her legs and the coil in her core twist down on each other so her thighs tighten and he breathes into her like he's going to devour her whole as she falls apart at the seams.
Oh yes. He really likes hearing her moaning that, but not more than the way she gives in as her orgasm rocks through her, grinding her hips down, into his waiting, eager mouth, helping her ride him through it until the aftershocks ease. His voice is barely a scrape when he lifts her up, his aching cock swinging between his legs as he presses forward, eager for her mouth. "Did so good, baby, such a good girl for me. I need to fuck you. Need to fuck you, baby. How do you want it?"
"Any way." Daphne gasps, trying to wrap her head around any kind of how that's more artful than just sinking down on him right here and now. When she does wrap her head around it, though, she groans in a less ethereal tone. "Let me grab a condom." Like any sensible, sexually active college girl, she carries one in her regular purse. Emergency cock wrap, if you will. She just never thought she'd actually need it.
"Wait, I got it." He scoots up a moment, digging into the small table beside the couch. From the drawer Santi draws out the foil pouch and rips it open, quickly rolling it on before turning his attention back on Daphne, who's watching him with drowned eyes, eyes deep and longing and still so lovely.
"Lie back, sweetheart. You ready for me?" He slowly glides the head over her silky wet folds, smearing her slick across his tip.
Deciding she absolutely does not need to know how many other girls have been fucked on this couch -- possibly at the end of their own courses -- Daph pushed herself up on her elbows to kiss him fiercely. Tonight is not to be wasted. Tonight is to be a fantastic memory. "I'm ready." Her nails drag down the base of his scalp, having caught a near purr from him earlier when she did the same. "I want you to fuck me, Santi."
Almost before his name is out of her mouth, he's pushing inside her with a low rumble, his head falling back slightly into her hands. Her nails scrape sensation over his scalp and down his spine, and her cunt is licking flames over him, so warm and perfect he almost comes right fucking there, but halts, breathing damp against her lips, his teeth nipping her lip possessively.
They hold like that, frozen together in the heat of the moment as he regains his composure and she adjusts to the stretch and fill and thickness of his cock inside her. The only movement, in this long moment of coming together, is the languid slide and tangle of their tongues together as they drown in the intimacy of feverish kisses.
Gradually, Santi comes down enough to get restless, eager again. He nips and bites down over her jaw and descends on her throat, sucking a mark low on her collarbone as his hands pay some long overdue attention to her pretty, heaving tits. Mine.
When the mark on her neck is soothed with his tongue, he sits up slowly, his eyes a glittering black, his lips parted. He looks like he's about to devour her. He takes one of her calves in his hand, eyes never leaving hers, tipping her knee up towards her head and then out, spread wide for him. He grips her ankle in a warm hand. Then, with a grunt, he's pulling back and pitching forward hard enough for their skin to clap obscenely, fast enough to make them both soon begin to tremble.
The position that he's in has him almost entirely out of her reach, just close even to graze her nails over his chest as he thrusts into her at a pace frantic enough to make them both pant and heave. Her back arches off the couch with a keen and her hands grapple with the couch cushions for purchase to hold on tight as Santi fucks her so deeply and insistently that she can practically feel him all the way up in her throat.
"Gripping me so fuckin' tight, baby, Jesus," he says through his teeth, his jaw tight, streaks of pleasure raking down his chest with her sharp, clinging nails. Keeping his relentless pace, he bends forward, pushing her thigh up, testing her limit. When he's low enough he seizes her mouth with his, grinding deep.
"One more for me, pretty girl, one more," he whispers huskily, his other hand skimming down her body to rub at her clit.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, so good baby, oh my fucking god—" Something in Daphne's mind short circuits, and the rambling begins in earnest the higher and higher she climbs toward a second orgasm. Tripping over her own tongue and throwing her hands up over her head as he slams into her so hard that either they are moving up the length of the sofa or the entire sofa is moving, Daph is completely lost in her pleasure. That volcano of pleasure building in her core is damn near ready to explode and the only thing she wants more than to erupt is to take him with her.
The second her expression breaks and she cries out for him, he's gone. He thinks he's done even before she clamps down on his cock like a goddamned vice, ripping his orgasm from him in a half dozen hard but increasingly languid strokes.
His upper body grows heavy, and with a groan he grinds in deeply just once more – never mind why – and leans his forehead on her soft breast, pulling out of her with a sigh. His entire body is basking, floating. If she puts her hands in his hair again he might even fall asleep.
There's a moment of quiet as he ties off and disposes of the condom, and for a split-second Santi disappears around a corner but he comes back with a warm, damp kitchen cloth to clean them both up with before curling back around her on the couch. "Goddamn," she huffs, giggling softly to herself as his arms come around her.
"Tell me about it," he says sleepily, flipping the throw blanket over the two of them as they settle, kiss, explore lazily what before had been greedily consumed. "Still not sure I'm not dreaming," he says, only half-joking, tracing her lips with a smile. "Did I really get so lucky?"
"I'm not sure how you're the starstruck one out of the two of us," Daphne teases, even though it's through a thin veil of honesty.
"Bonita, I've been increasingly starstruck all semester," he chuckles. "You have so much to look forward to. Shit, you're definitely going farther places than I am. I'm just happy to be here," he presses a kiss to her left tit, "To enjoy-" to her right nipple- "The satisfaction of being right." He kisses her forehead and studies her, his lids heavy. "Do you need anything before you fall asleep, baby girl? You wanna sleep here or in bed? I can't let you bike home this late, querida, so don't even try. Besides, you can shower here, my plumbing is fine." He smirks here, as if anticipating the swat he's earned himself.
"It's not that late." Daphne wrinkles her nose at herself. The protest was just good manners. She doesn't actually want to leave. She wants to wrap up in him and breathe in this comfort for as long as humanly possible. When he levels her with a disapproving look, Daph just ends up grinning. "Let's go to bed," she suggests, catching his lips as he drags them along her jaw. "And when I wake you up in the morning with my lips wrapped around your cock again, you'll be glad your back isn't sore."
The laugh bursts out of his chest with delight, easy and real. "All right, baby, all right, and what makes you think I won't beat you to it?" Santi pulls her to her feet, wrapping the soft blanket securely around her shoulders before guiding her upstairs with a hand at the small of her back.
No matter which one of them beats the other two it, they both know they aren't done. Whether it's a weekend, a week, a month, or even more. This night is just the beginning.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo @madnessofadaydreamer
My Masterlist!
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loserboyfriendrjl · 19 days
Sirius sat slumped in the velvety black chair as his father stood in front of the tall window, his posture straight, his hands brought together behind his back.
“You are not to interact with blood traitors or halfbreeds, or anyone of that sort. You have a name, Sirius Black, and you are to uphold it.”
Sirius rolled his eyes, knowing his father would not see him. He was growing tired of the lectures he got from his father ever since he turned sixteen, ever since the clock of his duties started ticking, and ticking, and ticking, each tick signifying the inevitable (or so, his father thought); his “crown” of being the heir, stained with the blood of so many people, stars encrusted in it.
“You are to start behaving properly, Sirius Black,” He said, finally turning to face his son. The resemblance between them was only in their straight nose and the cold look in their eyes, the same haughty air they had. “You will become the heir of this house whether you wish to or not, and you will have to honour our name the very same way your ancestors did. Do you understand?”
Sirius sighed. “Can I go now?”
Orion Black pinched his nose in exasperation. “Very well, go, then,” He groaned, indicating the door with his other hand.
Sirius left his father’s study wordlessly, but not without slamming the door shut behind him.
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who-is-page · 8 months
In light of OK HB3084, I would like to remind everyone that myself and my partners Orion Scribner (@frameacloud) and House of Chimeras (@liongoatsnake) did a deep-dive into some of the proposed 2023 anti-transgender bills which also targeted people for behaving or identifying as animals. This lecture was a sequel to Chimeras' "Litter Boxes in School Bathrooms: Dissecting the Right’s Current Moral Panic" from OtherCon 2022, and in it we also cover the process of how a bill becomes a law, and what ordinary people can do when faced with bad legislation.
Take a look below.
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mountainashfae · 2 months
Harper did something funny the other day because of that dating sim ask game going around so time to be funny about the Hypothetical Dating Sim that I've been writing on since the last time it went around. The route hooks (no spoilers) are under a cut.
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The plot is set in the Jadena University Temple, the biggest school for magic in the continent. You are there for the next week in preparation to give a guest lecture as a traveling adventurer. While there, you meet and interact with a diverse group, both students, adventurers, or others.
Godfrey - An older professor of biology at the university, though not one that your lecture is for. You are invited to sit in on one of his classes to get a feel for the university's lectures, and you can learn more than just about a professor's life at the university from him.
Alec - An older student whose personality seems to shift by the day. He's well-versed when it comes to lore on Devils despite his refusal to elaborate why or how. No one has ever seen him in the vicinity of a mirror, and maybe you can find out just what secrets he's hiding.
Chloe - Vampires are rare in the world, yet here is one playing the role of a student. He just as often debates with the professors, revealing that he knows far more about magic than anyone but the Archmage himself does. Beware becoming close to his heart, for he may decide he will never let you go if you do.
Reid - A fellow adventurer in the city for a lecture, one you've only heard about in passing. He's loud, he's energetic, and he's endlessly friendly. In fact, every time you look you find him starting a conversation with some other friend of his in the city. You can just as easily become one of his friends, but maybe you can also become something more?
Orion - An aloof figure that you never track down yourself, they always manage to seek you out instead. Their heart is like ice and they view themselves so far above you. Perhaps you can melt that ice, or perhaps you can acclimate to it.
Celeste - Another adventurer in the city to give a lecture, claiming to be the one and only student of the great Archmage. Through almost no effort at all, she is perfection. This is to great frustration from her companion, however. Earning her affection must be a great task, but can you see the effort she secretly puts in as well?
Mab - Stories say that the fey disappeared from the world centuries ago, all save for the brave gnomes who dared to live in a world filled with dragons. If you were to ask this wintry fey about it though, she would have no idea what you're talking about. Her otherworldly beautiful may be more literal than expected.
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spectator-zee · 3 months
Yooo @your-ne1ghbor I saw you tag me on your recent post and I made some doodles of your Starboy and Asha with mine, I was glad to see them mentioned even though I haven't given much information about them yet haha.
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TKoRaT! Asha just appears out of nowhere in my Asha's part of the castle. She kinda got spooked at first by SFTS! Asha cause she was ready to sick her pet owl onto her while having an intimidating look on her face.
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SFTS! Asha feels bad for scaring her at first and offers coffee
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There's no tea left (thanks a lot Orion 😑)
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Now onto Orion and TKoRaT! Star, Orion is real good at stealth and concealing himself, because of dimming his light for many years due to reasons I will not mention here (hehehe) . He would first secretly follow Star around assessing if he's friendly or if he's one of the stars trying to snoop near Rosas that he has to dropkick back into space and lecture.
But after seeing that Star is not from here. Orion is like...
"Wait, new potential friend that would probably not hate me because of the W$@$#r+3?"
And so Orion goes and messes with him as a first meeting lol
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🧚‍♀️🪄 ⭐✨ I dub thee Canon now ✨⭐
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Orion would give off Epic the Musical Hermes and Aeolus vibes when causing mischief, without the potentional deadly games of course. I also imagine his laugh to be kinda like Young Justice Robin.
You bet he's going to prank the other Starboys too once he meets them lmao
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