#originally was gonna finish all the portraits and post them in a group but at the rate i was doing things shiz was gonna take too long
skonksrus · 1 year
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I had the rest of the Slayers gang sketched up (hopefully I'll get around to finishing n' posting 'em and not just abandoning them 🌝) but decided to go with the GOURRY and render my boy first 'cos I ended up liking his sketch the most.
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jaesvelvet · 3 years
jealousy jealousy — kim junkyu
words: 1.7k words
warning: grammartical errors,idk what i write does it make sense? reader being insecure!
pairing: junkyu+fem reader
notes: i want to publish my jihoon's ff but i haven't finish it yet since my school is starting soon😭 anyway this ff inspired by olvia rodrigo's song, jealousy jealousy (remember you're beautiful just like the way you are!!!🤍)
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you couldn't help but grinned as you step into the famous YG building. it feels like a dream come true. you used to be a trainee in a small company for 5 months before decided to left, you realized that you didn't have the talent to be an idol, you're just average on everything, that's all. you gasped when you saw a huge screen in front of the escalator playing blackpink's mv on the screen. YG is that rich exactly like the news said.
you turn, grinning widely at junkyu, who from the convenience store with some snacks on both of his hands. you waved at him and junkyu laugh in response
"i'm sorry for being late," he said, handing some bread to you
"no it's okay i just got here," you said
you and junkyu are best friends since high school, you're the one who supported junkyu's journey to debut, and junkyu was grateful to have a friend like you, junkyu always convince you to audition at YG but you refused since you now want to focus on your studies. but after junkyu accidentally saw a book full of lyrics song at your desk, he forced you to record one of the songs in his studio and release it on soundcloud so junkyu could promote the song to his fans.
of course, you reject the offer saying you can't sing and you don't want any attention in the university. a medical science student releases a song on a soundcloud, out of the blue, and treasure junkyu promoted her music?? no way!
however junkyu being junkyu, he didn't give up and keep encouraging you to record one of your songs, you didn't need to prepare anything just bring the lyrics and yourself, and the rest, he will work on it. after weeks tried to convince the you, you finally agreed with one term; which is junkyu need to buy you food. a lot of food.
"okay so here it's my studio, um it isn't something to brag about since half of the members have their studio," he said, opening the door of his studio showing his messy studio with a big portrait of treasure on the wall.
"you should clean your studio if you want to impress a girl kyu" you joked, getting a whine from junkyu mumbling that he would never see the world again if he brings a 'girlfriend' over.
junkyu pressed something on his keyboard and bass sound came out, making you flinch, the instrument that junkyu creates is mellow and kinda strident? as soon as you heard the instrument you know which lyrics from your lyrics book would go along and make a perfect song
"i have a perfect song for this" you excited, taking out your black notebook and turn to a back page—clearly the lyrics are fresh from the oven.
"okay i'm gonna play it and you sing the lyrics okay?"
you nodded and sing a little bit of the lyrics
"i kinda wanna throw
my phone across the room
'cause all i see are girls
too good to be true"
"woah! it's perfect" junkyu gasped, amazed at how the instrument he made suits perfectly with your lyrics. you smile, you didn't suprised much since you know how much passion junkyu has in music.
"okay now you eat first, i'm gonna rearrange the lyrics to suit with the melody," he said and get a nod from you. you eat the bread that junkyu bought for you, you also eyeing the studio, it's kinda cold in here cause the space not too big and they put a big ass aircond on top of you.
junkyu notice your quiver, he rolled his eye when you only wearing a thin black shirt material, he scoffs before handing you his pink hoodie that he left in the studio yesterday.
"i won't turn off the aircond so you must wear this hoodie, it's been a week since i wash it," he said in a teasing voice, you frown yet you have no choice to wear the pink treasure hoodie or else, you're gonna die in this cold studio.
you sigh in relief when the hoodie warms your cold body, you side-eyeing junkyu who looks so serious rearrange the lyrics, you then click on the instagram icon, you felt blue as you saw haeri post on your feed— haeri is a popular rich girl in your university, you and her once assigned in a group for an assignment and she is very kind and open about her opinions, she also very serious when it comes to study/work and she is pretty, to your eyes she is like a goddess. she is so pretty, kind, and selfless, and you really lying if you didn't jealous of her. she has a perfect life and you still struggling to get a diploma.
you slowly pressed the screen twice, liking a picture of haeri; wearing a beanie and a mask in a cafe without posing too much, getting 2 thousand likes within 1 hour. you wonder how is it to be like a rich popular pretty girl in university? well, damn sure you will get all of the pretty privileges in your life. you sighed as you realized you're comparing yourself again with haeri. you always remind yourself not to compare yourself to anyone since you're beautiful enough but you can't. the funniest thing is you and haeri didn't even know each other, yet you being so jealous of her life. sometimes you just feel small, you want to be like them.
"y/n!" junkyu shakes your body making you slap his hand
"i called you for like thousand times! you didn't hear me?" junkyu said, stroking his hand that got slapped by you
"oh i'm sorry, im zoning out, you're done rearranging?"
junkyu nodded
"you can listen to the instrument and practice your lyric with it," he said
an hour passed, you finally get the tempo, beat, and rhythm right, you grin excitedly as junkyu put the headphones on your head and directing the microphone to you
"you ready?" junkyu asked
"yes i am" with that, junkyu clicked on something and you could hear the instrument, you begin to sing the verse of your song choice.
i kinda wanna throw my phone across the room
'cause all i see are girls too good to be true
with paper-white teeth and perfect bodies
wish i didn't care
you stop singing and look at junkyu curiously making junkyu paused the song and look back at you with a confused look
"doesn't singer usually stop singing for producers fix their mistakes?" you asked making junkyu giggle
"yes that's true but you didn't have any mistake, you're doing good, i will pause the music if i have something to fix" he explained, getting an 'oh' from you. you continue singing the song.
i know their beauty's not my lack
but it feels like that weight is on my back
and i can't let it go
com-comparison is killin' me slowly
i think i think too much
'bout kids who don't know me
i'm so sick of myself
i'd rather be, rather be
anyone, anyone else
my jealousy, jealousy started followin' me
started followin' me
as you singing the song that you wrote, junkyu couldn't help but wonder who is the person, you dedicated to? or how you inspired to write this song? this song is obviously about your insecurities about some girl, and you don't even know her! junkyu pout when you felt like this, he knew how insecurities could kill you, back then when he was a trainee he felt insecure with all of the trainees that beat him to debut, he felt he doesn't belong in here but with you and his members on his side, he gained confidence and prove to the world that he is himself and nothing can change that.
all your friends are so cool, you go out every night
in your daddy's nice car, yeah, you're livin' the life
got a pretty face, a pretty boyfriend, too
i wanna be you so bad and i don't even know you
all i see is what u should be
happier, prettier, jealousy, jealousy
all i see is what i should be
i'm losin' it, all i get's jealousy, jealousy
you remove the headphone as soon as the instrument stop playing, you handing the headphone without noticing junkyu's face, chaeyul grabbed the water bottle and drink, her throat felt dry after singing a whole song which you have never done in your life, making you wonder how did singer voice so stable when singing live?
"kyu—oh my god why are you looking at me like that?" you take one step back as you saw junkyu looking at you with frowns on his face, you bit her lips was your singing that terrible?
"sit down here" he ordered, you quickly took a seat beside him without saying anything
junkyu grab your hand and rubs it softly while looking at you with his brown eyes.
"what you see is all fake y/n. she living her best life is what you see what you want, but you didn't see her pain, how hard she must through a day in her life, we didn't know if she struggles behind, you also know you can't compare yourself to others right? you're beautiful" he said
"but, i don't know kyu. i couldn't help but felt all jealous of her, i feel like a total loser" you said
“no y/n, you're not a loser! hear me out, you do great, you beautiful and an amazing person, so why do you need to be insecure to a person you never know? everyone is beautiful on their own, you're an original version of yourself and no one else could be you. you are special and unique, you wouldn't know if someone is jealous of your life, a successful medical student who has a great voice. you need to love yourself more, let yourself shine in your spotlight. trust me popular life wouldn't great as you think" he said
you smile at his words
"thank you kyu, honestly, you're right.i didn't appreciate myself enough this past week, hearing you said that making me feel great about myself, i am me, there's nothing anyone could change about me"
junkyu smile and pat your head
"that's my girl"
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millakatariina64 · 4 years
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Happy Saiou Day!! 💙💜
So if anyone remembers last summer I said I'd post the complete portraits of my talentswap designs and a climactic scene from the AU with a full summary when they're finished? Well, I didn't forget!
So, below are my headcanons for Ultimate Supreme Leader Shuichi and Ultimate Detective Kokichi~!
(I'm really passionate about this AU, I hope you read it ':3)
(Tho no climactic scene unfortunately)
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Ultimate Supreme Leader Shuichi
So first of all Shuichi's parents are still celebrities, move overseas and leave him with his uncle. However in this AU Shuichi's uncle is a politician who actually has a really good reputation. Problem is, his uncle is incredibly busy and is almost never home because of that. Still, he wants to be like his uncle (though the wish is fueled more with wanting to be good enough and accepted). Shuichi's personality is basically the same.
So then one day I Alligator girl's (Gonna call her Wani) alligator gets stolen by some group who're going to sell it and they threatened Wani to not call the police or tell anyone. So she asks Shuichi to help. Somehow they manage to retrieve the alligator together secretly (idk) and right afterwards one of Wani's friends is in trouble with some shady local business. So Wani suggests they make a group to stop these sorts of people and that Shuichi would be the leader. He agrees, he still wants to do something to make this world a better place like his uncle.
After that Wani starts asking her most trusted friends at school if they'd like to join (Shuichi would never have the social courage to ask someone that). When they get to 10 members (all girls) they stop growing for some time and decide to get themselves uniforms. When they're finally considering getting more people into the team since Shuichi doesn't really know these people, he decides to start wearing a mask to be safe. He also starts using the code name "Crow". The other 10 members go by flower names.
The group then grows a lot. And by the time Shuichi's officially scouted to be an Ultimate, it has around 1500 members. And it's making him very worried as Shuichi's not even sure anymore if he's skilled enough to lead it. The group started out stopping or changing corrupt businessmen, unethical businesses and other evil groups. And although that still is what they do, he's realized that the way they go about things is pretty illegal. (When he first realized this, he started wearing a hat.) Obviously he forbids violence, but they still use blackmail and steal information. Also they need money for the group to function at this point so they've had to get it through illegal means that Shuichi's not sure of anymore. So Shuichi is immensely scared of being revealed as the organization's leader because it would completely destroy his organization and it would also annihilate his uncle's as well as his parents' careers on the spot. Basically everything would get ruined and it would be a nation-wide scandal. Perhaps even an international scandal.
He gets even more worried when the police finally start realizing there's some sort of group that's blackmailing big businesses and start investigating.
When he gets scouted to Hope's Peak, the letter comes to his base and even HPA doesn't know his identity, just that he's a high school student. He doesn't think like he deserves the title at all since it's really his organization that does the hard stuff and Wani's the one that's made it grow and he shouldn't be panicking like this if he really was a "great leader". But he still decides to go due to "If you manage to graduate from Hope's Peak, you will be set for life!". But as his family can't know of him being scouted there as the Ultimate Supreme Leader, he forges a letter claiming he's the Ultimate Lucky Student which he shows to them. And at HPA he requests he be referred to by that title.
Problem is, now his year group has 2 Ultimate Lucky Students and a certain Ultimate Detective gets suspicious.
Miscellaneous: Shuichi really wants to use make-up but he's really afraid to at home since he feels his uncle would think it's really weird. So at the organization's base Wani heard about it and got him some makeup and now Shuichi wears makeup when on missions and at the base. Also the organization has a helicopter. (It's a central part of that climactic scene I talk so much about.) Shuichi thinks about becoming a detective perhaps, but he's not sure how he'd be able to leave his group anymore so...
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Ultimate Detective Kokichi
For Kokichi I still have my pretty elaborate origin story. His early years are great until at some point his real father finds out that Kokichi's mother had actually had the Kokichi and his older twin brother with him and not her husband leaving him alone. And thus he murders Kokichi's mother out of spite. Kokichi and Tamotsu (my headcanon name for his twin) see the murder take place and flee. However, they were never actually able to make out who the murderer was and they knew even less of why their mother was murdered.
The murder never gets solved and this mystery stays in Kokichi's mind. Who ruined his life, who killed his mother?
(I feel they'd have like an uncle and their mother's husband lived with them obviously. There'd also be other factors like disposed evidence and the suspects vanishing making the murder so much harder to figure out afterwards.)
So Kokichi and Tamotsu end up at an orphanage, one related to the one Maki's at. It's kind of a terrible place, but it's where Kokichi meets (most of) Dice. They become inseparable friends (tho don't form a group with the name Dice. I'll still call them that here for clarity's sake though). However Tamotsu who had always been supporting Kokichi and being there for him at his side starts becoming bitter (jealous?) against Kokichi due to dice and starts turning against them. This is the time when Kokichi starts developing his lying to protect himself from Tamotsu as well as the borderline abusive authority at the orphanage. He's also started to figure out the dark secret of the orphanage training children to become assassins.
I feel like during this time a detective was investigating the orphanage. So when things get too dire and Kokichi and Dice escape the orphanage the detective ends up taking them in after finding them on the streets afterwards since he can't just send them to an orphanage at that point. So Kokichi and Dice end up staying with the detective and start helping him out. Kokichi's especially interested in the orphanage now and he and the detective with the help of the other Dice members figure out a lot of stuff. (This is also the time the rest of the Dice members "join".) Until one day the detective gets assassinated by someone from the orphanage sending them a message to stop the investigation.
So Kokichi takes over the Detective's office and to get by he starts working on all kinds of small cases with the help of Dice. And that's what they mostly do. Among those small cases are often cases that have something to do with saving children. However Kokichi occasionally also takes on homicides and investigates organizations. He wants to be prepared for when he finally investigates his mother's murder as well as the organization behind the orphanage. He wants those people locked up in jail forever.
Personality wise Kokichi's pretty much the same. He still loves pranks, lies all the time and would have elaborate stories (lies) about like for example how he was the one who managed to put the previous Queen of Novoselic's assassin behind bars. (The previous Queen was not even assassinated). He'd also jokingly blackmail people by claiming he knows something about them or could figure out something incriminating about them. He never really means it, though he would like try to find out harmless embarrassing secrets to mess with people.
Around the time he gets scouted to Hope's Peak he's specifically requested to assist in the investigation of a mysterious organization that steals information and sends blackmail and other such things. It's a huge flashy case, so of course he picks it up.
At Hope's Peak he then meets an (surprisingly mysterious?) Ultimate lucky student who seems really interested about his Ultimate detective talent and his lying.
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The original portraits from summer 2020. My laptop just broke when I finished the lineart and then I couldn't really edit them on my new tablet anymore and they were getting really old so I just decided to completely redo them. Also lmk if you want the sketch of the climactic scene since I'm not sure if I'll finish it even though I really like it. It looks pretty okay even if it's unfinished.
Also hope this is coherent and that I haven't forgotten anything aah. And damn if you actually made it this far gezus. This took like 4+ hours?? oops.
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AssClass Christmas Fics: Part 2
Group 2 + Snowball Fight ☃️
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This is so long overdue... *sobs*
So my original plan was to do all 5 fics during Christmas...and that failed lmao. This will be the last one since I had already started it and might as well post. It’s way too late to finish three other Christmas fics now haha. Don’t worry, the other groups will get time to shine in other fics I’m already planning UwU
“Avengers, assemble!” Okajima shouted, before getting pelted in the mouth by a flimsy snowball. “Ow!”
“I already said, three times, that’s not our team name!” Nakamura yelled back, adjusting the baby blue beanie that sat atop her head. 
“Then what do you propose instead?” He challenged, wiping off the remaining bits of ice off his face. 
“I wanted to be the Heathers,” she replied coolly.
Okajima groaned. “No! That sounds lame!” 
“And you’re such a fake theater kid already,” Chiba chimed in with a snicker, easily dodging the snowball she tossed in his direction.
“Oh shut up, punk.” Nakamura stuck her tongue out at him, but her lips were curved up into an amused smirk.
“Can we just start already?” Sugaya sighed, stuffing his hands into his coat pockets. “My joints are starting to freeze, being out here.”
“Here” was referring to the empty park field that was a block away from Fuwa’s house. Of course, given that it was late December, the field was a wasteland of pure white. Snow rested heavily on the ground, reaching past their ankles as they tried to move around. The forest of barren trees that surrounded them carried the same pearly frost on their branches. 
The snow seemed to sparkle, just simply laying over the ground, or over the bare branches. A sheet of ice fully covered the pond that was across the long white field, closer to the playground. And the sky above them was an eerie yet dazzling shade of blue-ish gray.
Part of Sugaya wanted to grab his sketchbook and paints, and create a portrait of the natural beauty around him, ingrain it in both his mind and across his papers. But a larger part of him was freezing and tired and frankly not in the mood for a snowball fight at 8am. Why did he agree to this again? Whose idea even was this?!
“Aww, Sugaya is cold,” Nakamura mocked playfully. He fought against the urge to roll his eyes.
“Maybe you should’ve worn something other than just that thin jacket,” Hayami pointed out, rubbing her mitten-clad hands together. “No wonder you keep complaining like a little kid.”
“It’s for the aesthetic,” Sugaya mumbled, patting down the front of his jacket defensively. “Why is everyone attacking me?”
“Because you’re immature and unprepared?” Mimura offered with a smile, showing he wasn’t being serious. He laughed at the tired expression Sugaya offered. “Relax, we can get hot chocolate after this at my house.”
The artist relaxed a bit at that. “Sounds great,” he smiled. “Which of us geniuses came up with this, anyhow-?”
“Get into your teams now!” A loud voice entered the fray, and Sugaya glanced up only to smack himself in the forehead. Of course, it would be none other than Fuwa to instigate a war of some kind between her friends. A snow war, sure, but a war nonetheless. 
The violet-haired manga fanatic stood mighty, one foot propped up on a frost-covered large rock by the edge of the field. Her beloved sword was nowhere in sight, but no one would be surprised if she’d just hidden it for the time being.
The teams, chosen by Fuwa herself, were:
1. Nakamura, Okajima, and Fuwa
2. Chiba and Sugaya
3. Mimura and Hayami
She likely intended for there to be a balance, so a team could have one person with awful aim paired up with a Sniper. Or to have the team of 3, where they all had about average throwing skills. 
And then the snowball war was set to begin.
“This is gonna end badly,” Sugaya mumbled to himself five minutes later, as he crouched behind a makeshift snow fort that Chiba easily assembled.
“This is gonna be amazing,” Nakamura whispered in glee as she hid by a tree, a snowball already formed in her hands. 
And then it descended into chaos.
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Snowballs flew across the park as the assassins-in-training attacked one another, dashing across the field with howls of laughter. 
Already eight minutes in, they were all covered with broken pieces of snow that had collided with their jackets. 
“Surrender now!” Fuwa shouted, a grin on her face as she raised her snowball threateningly in the air. 
“Never!” Mimura screamed from his position on the freezing ground, completely at her mercy. “I am the Fae Lord! I will go down in honor!” 
“I gave you a warning, and you refused it. Tsk tsk.” Fuwa shook her head in mock disappointment, ready to pelt him with the snowball. All of a sudden, a flurry of snow collapsed against the side of her coat. 
“Huh?! Who hit me?!” She demanded, dropping her icy weapon in surprise. 
A head peeked out from behind the snow fort. “Mimura!” Hayami called, already gathering another lethal snowball. “Run!”
He obeyed and made a run for it, nearly slipping on the snowy ground, all while dodging a flurry of snow aimed at him. Wow, must be from our training, he thought with a smile.
“Aw shit!” Mimura glanced up at the sound of Okajima’s voice and nearly fell over at the sight of the pervert completely covered in a giant pile of snow, that fell from the tree above him. 
Okajima had an expression of resignation while his partner, Nakamura, looked like she was busting a lung from her laughter. 
“Don’t just laugh! Help me!” Okajima pleaded.
Nakamura wiped a tear from her eye, her body still shaking with laughter. “Sorry kid, but I have to go win this thing.” She straightened up and flashed him a wink. “I’ll win for you though!”
“Nakamura, wait-!” But she’d already dashed away, back into the field, cackling maniacally in anticipation of attacking her friends.
Another half hour of fighting and fun passed by. There wasn’t a clear winner in the end, and it ended in a tie between Fuwa and Nakamura. But needless to say, all of the enjoyed themselves immensely.
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“Ah, that was so much fun,” Nakamura sighed, gazing up at the wintery blue sky. 
All seven of them were laying on the snow-covered field besides each other, catching their breath and waiting for the adrenaline rush to wear off. 
“I’m glad we did this,” Hayami agreed quietly, smiling at her.
“See? I told you guys it’d be awesome,” Fuwa sighed, making a snow angel as she waved her arms and legs against the snow.
“Yeah, you were right.” Mimura laughed, copying her movements.
“Well, my ass is still freezing,” Sugaya chimed in, earning laughter from all of them. “But I will admit, I had fun.” He smiled.
Chiba smirked. “Oh, I especially enjoyed getting a free excuse to beat Okajima.”
“Oh, seconded.”
“It goes without saying.”
“We’re just kidding, you oaf,” Nakamura snickered, punching him lightly in the shoulder. “We actually kinda love you.”
“I mean, seeing that tree dump all of the snow onto you was the highlight of my year, but yeah,” Mimura added.
“You guys are the worst,” Okajima groaned. “I almost died!”
“You loveeeee us~!” They all teased him.
“Sure.” He rolled his eyes fondly. “But speaking of die, I think I will if we stay out here any longer. It’s so damn cold!” He shivered.
“Alright.” Mimura stood and stretched his arms out. “Time to get to my house for some hot chocolate and a Christmas movie. Which move do you guys want?”
“Home Alone!” Nakamura shouted.
“No, we’ve already watched that,” Chiba complained.
“Then...Home Alone 2!”
“No!” He yelled.
Fuwa chimed in. “I want to watch The Polar Express!”
“That one is boring.” Sugaya scrunched his nose. “How about Gremlins instead?”
“If I wanted to watch something about Gremlins, I’d just look at Kimura’s behavior for a whole day,” Hayami snarked.
Mimura chuckled and waved his arms. “Ok ok, guys calm down! These are all great suggestions, but let’s decide on one.”
“How?” Okajima questioned.
“Another snowball fight?” Fuwa suggested, a glint to her eyes as she grinned.
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fletchphoenix · 4 years
I Wish I Were Heather
Hello! Another varigo fanfiction! And it’s a songfic too ( Heather - Conan Gray). I’m kinda nervous to post this one because its got the first ever kiss scene I’ve written in it and I didn’t have time to edit it, sadly. But here!
Also can I just say I’m really grateful for the reception of my first one? Thank you so so much! 
  Once you get to know him, Hugo isn’t so bad. At least that’s what Varian thinks. He knows there would be countless protests from Nuru about how “people like him never change” and that “he’s just conning us” but...Varian neglected to believe them. He trusted Hugo more than anything, especially after the blonde saved him during the trial in the Earth kingdom. 
  He should have listened to Nuru’s concerns. “It’s not safe.” she’d said. “There’s another way round, this way just isn’t safe!”, but he ignorantly brushed her worries aside. After all, the totem was right there. If he could just reach out and-
  He felt himself stumble forward. His feet lost their grip on the floor. Falling. Once solid ground had seemingly disappeared from under him and he began his descent. Gloved hands reached out desperately for something, anything, to hold onto. And they found something.
  Hugo’s worried face stared back at him, a previously unseen determination in his eyes as he gripped onto Varian’s arms with urgency and pulled him up as fast as he could. Varian steadied himself to stand on the platform after the ordeal. “That was close-” he began to say before his words were cut short. He was pulled into a tight embrace by Hugo, who was still unresponsive. It ended as quickly as it was initiated (much to Varian’s disappointment) as the older teen stood up and extended his arm, grabbing the totem and wordlessly turning away to leave. 
  Yong ran into his arms and held onto him, a steady flow of tears trailing down his cheeks as he gripped to Varian’s shirt so tightly as if he thought he’d magically disappear if he let go. He prepared himself for a scolding as Nuru made her way over, however all he received was a tight embrace from the princess. All he could focus on, however, was his saviour. Hugo looked down at him and gave a small reassuring smile. It was so much different from his usual smiles...it felt softer. With more meaning. Affectionate. Hugo then turned away, and Varian could feel his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. 
  “Okay, time to go. Hopefully goggles won’t decide to have another near death experience on the way to Lunaris.” The blonde called out smugly, heading to the exit of the trial. Huh. So back to normal it was, then. The others seemed to agree too, all breaking their embrace and following behind the older teen.
  “Hey Nuru, are we gonna be there soon?” Yong complained from the back of Prometheus, Ruddiger curled up in his lap asleep. He usually rode on Prometheus with the others on foot, constantly complaining about his legs hurting or ankles hurting..not that it bothered anyone, of course. He was a joy to have around - always working on his fireworks and assisting Varian with his projects. Full of wonder and excitement. Just like he was before...well, everything.
  “Yes Yong, we’ll be there in a few minutes!” the princess replied from where she was leading the group. Nuru, in many ways, was an extremely valuable member to their team, acting as the navigator and the diplomat to them. The only downside was she wasn’t too trusting, specifically of..
  “Finally. You have no idea how much my legs are killing!” Hugo’s voice rang through his ears as he began to walk forward. Ah yes. Hugo. He was certainly a...character. Sure, he was rude, sarcastic and generally saw people as a way to get what he wants, but something about him made Varian feel all bubbly and flustered. It wasn’t that he was ugly either, with his undercut and sharp features and beautiful, emerald eyes...
  “Earth to Hairstripe?” Hugo called out, waving a hand in front of his face. Varian flinched backwards with his face reddening and heating up upon realising he was staring. “Damn, get someone to paint a portrait of me. It’ll last longer and be marginally less creepy.” The blonde laughed, a wide smirk on his face. Yet again, Varian felt his face heat up (but from anger! DEFINITELY not from embarrassment!) and he rolled his eyes. “You wish I was staring at you. Cmon, let's just go.” He mumbled and picked up his pace, trying to distance himself from Hugo.
  Within 10 minutes, they were in the city. Streets were bustling with carts set up akin to a makeshift market, with people weaving in and out of the streets. Children ran and played amongst themselves, Yong looking down on them from Prometheus’ back and desperate to join them. As they ventured further into the city, the number of people died out and allowed them a moment of silence amongst the chaos they’d arrived at. Varian tied up Prometheus in the town’s stables, setting down some apples for him to eat, with Ruddiger crawling onto his shoulders as they headed to the inn where the others were waiting.
  What he was greeted with was...surprising to say the least.
  Leaning against the counter was Hugo, seemingly small talking to a raven haired girl standing behind a counter. Her blue eyes shut and her head tilted back as she laughed at whatever he’d just said, a smile creeping onto the blonde’s face. Anger bubbled at the bottom of his stomach as he made his way over to the pair, a frown covering his features. Who even was this girl? 
  “Ah, goggles. Pleasure to finally see you show up.” Hugo started, smirking down at Varian. Varian raised his eyebrow and gestured to the girl on the other side of the counter. “This is Heather. She’s the owner of this fine establishment, and she’s invited us for a tour of town AND to see the fireworks celebrating the king’s birthday with her tomorrow. Amazing, right?” the other finished, resting his hand on top of Heather’s gently. 
  Heather nodded quickly and intertwined her fingers with Hugo’s. Varian bit the inside of his cheek, cringing at the metallic taste of blood quickly filling his mouth. “Oh yeah, definitely. Sounds..perfect.” he muttered before heading back over to sit with Nuru and Yong. As the two younger teens chattered, his gaze met Hugo and Heather again. They looked so happy..just those two talking. Hugo threw his head back in laughter and Varian felt his heart soar, but drop immediately after. It wasn’t fair. Why couldn’t he make Hugo react like that? Wait-why was he even feeling this way? What even WAS this feeling? 
  Varian groaned and stood up. “I’m going to my room.” he declared, taking his key from Nuru before she could protest and making his way past the seating area in the tavern to the dark oak stairs. Trekking up them, he walked down the hall to his room and immediately after unlocking it, he flopped back onto his bed. What was happening to him? Why was he so upset? Hugo was happy, and he should be too, so why did it feel like he was dying?
  His mind drifted to Hugo and Heather. He had no reason to hate her - for all he knew, she’d done nothing wrong at all. He pulled a pillow close to his chest and curled up slightly, hugging it as tight as he could. Heather...she was beautiful. More beautiful than he was handsome. The kind of beautiful that only came about in a lifetime. Hugo deserved someone like her - someone just as beautiful as he was. Wait- since when did he think Hugo was beautiful? Varian shoved his face into the pillow and screamed into it in frustration and anger. When did he even think like this? 
  “I’m staying. This is my family. I want to stay here.” he’d addressed the group in the living room of his cousin’s shack as they all prepared to depart and begin to head to Lunaris. His uncle placed a hand on his shoulder, a slight smile on his face. But of course Hugo was the first to speak up.
  “Really, Varian? You’re just gonna toss us aside like we don’t matter? What about your mother? Does that not matter to you either?” He spat, his anger and betrayal obvious on his face, his voice echoing off the thin, wooden walls. “After everything we’ve all done, you’re just leaving us? Yknow what- forget it. Yong, Nuru. Cmon. We have some trials to finish. Unlike some.” he added spitefully, turning on his heel and heading out of the door. 
  “What about us? Aren’t we your family?” Nuru asked, searching his eyes for something he couldn’t quite understand before she sighed and nodded, taking Yong’s hand. “I see how it is. Goodbye Varian.” she sighed and followed in Hugo’s footsteps, leaving the shack and pulling Yong along beside her.
  He didn’t understand. He was with his family again. He could be happy. He belonged here. Why did he feel so empty? So alone? He finally found somewhere that appreciated and needed his skills so why did he feel more isolated and hurt than ever? His uncle’s voice broke his thoughts and he turned his head to look at him. 
  “You don’t have to choose. We’re always going to be here when you get back. But those friends of yours? You can tell that they love you. As much as they don’t want to admit it, they need you there with you. Whatever you choose, we’ll support you but..we’re always going to be here.” 
  Varian’s eyebrows furrowed in thought, at war with himself. Hugo’s face wouldn’t leave his mind - looking as though Varian had stabbed him and proceeded to twist the knife. It didn’t look right for Hugo to be sad. He was too beautiful to be sad. Nuru and Yong’s reaction didn’t make it any easier either...Varian paused for a second before making his final decision. Hastily, he picked his bag up from the floor along with Ruddiger, pausing only to look up at his uncle. “I’ll come back soon. I promise.” He swore, smiling and running across the creaking floor to the crunching dirt outside. If he ran fast enough, he could catch up with the others. Hopefully they’d let him join them again. He prayed they would. 
  Ah. So that’s when. Varian groaned and shoved the pillow back into its original place on the bed, his eyes fixated on the ceiling in silence. Stupid Hugo making him feel stupid feelings towards him. It wasn’t fair. An exhausted sigh left his lips as he lay back on the bed. Maybe it’d be different tomorrow? 
  Tomorrow, as it turns out, was not different. At all.
  Their tour started off fun - Heather showing them landmarks in the city and talking about the history of the town. Varian tried to pay attention, he really did, but it was a strenuous task when all he could focus on was the way Hugo’s arm was around her. How he laughed when she made a joke and added the occasional quip here and there. It was a beautiful display to any outside, but to Varian…
It was suffocating.
  It continued like that throughout the day. Hugo and Heather being all lovey-dovey while Varian felt himself slowly dying. She really did have him mesmerised, didn’t she? Another laugh sounded out from her, as he glanced over in their direction. “Hey, how about we go watch the fireworks?” Heather questioned, the others agreeing in unison. Slowly, they began the journey to Lachlan’s Hill.
The hill in question was on the outskirts of town, but it was apparently the best place to watch the fireworks from according to Heather. In all fairness, the view was stunning. The whole town was illuminated by lanterns and street lights. All he could focus on was the way Hugo and Heather cuddled and stayed close to each other, preparing for the fireworks display. It hurt Varian to no end. He let out another sigh, tears welling in his eyes as Hugo wrapped his jacket around her. 
  That was the final straw.
  Varian stood up, tears now rolling down his cheeks as he grabbed his things and stormed away. He didn’t bother to pay attention as the others told him to come back. He just wanted to go home. He couldn’t sit there and watch it anymore. He didn’t understand. It’s just polyester, he kept repeating to himself. It’s just polyester so why are you so upset? He slumped down by a tree, sliding to the floor with his back pressed against it. Only then did he let himself truly cry. 
  “Okay, what’s going on in that head of yours?” Hugo’s voice asked, low and dripping with concern as he sat beside the raven haired boy on the floor. Varian couldn’t even bring himself to look at the blonde, tears still running down his cheeks. “Varian please, talk to me-”
  “Don’t you see what you’re doing to me, Hugo? How much it’s killing me to see you and her together?” He finally yelled out, interrupting the blonde mid-sentence. “My god, Hugo! To see her laughing and smiling with your arm around her and not a care in the world..it hurts! Seeing you two together feels like a- a stab to the gut! And it sucks because I can’t even hate her! She’s too perfect! She’s everything you deserve, because even though you’re a fucking asshole most of the time, you deserve the best girl in the world!” 
  “Varian-” Hugo tried to interject, but he kept on going. Days of pent up jealousy and anger rearing its ugly head.
“I see why as well! I see why you love her so much and why she loves you so much! She’s so much prettier than me. I don’t even see why you’d ever kiss me, because I’m not even half as beautiful as she is. I just- I WISH I WERE HEATHER!” He yelled out in Hugo’s face, finishing his rambling. 
  Hugo and Varian sat in a shocked silence, their eyes locked before Hugo reached out and intertwined their fingers silently. Gently, he pulled Varian closer to him and raised his hand to his lips before pressing a kiss to his knuckles gently. “I wish you were Heather too.” he whispered under his breath as Varian stared at him with wide eyes. 
  “I..what?” Varian questioned, moving closer to Hugo with his eyes still fixated on the taller male. He was lost for words - how could Hugo feel the same as he did? It just-didn’t make any sense to him at all. He let himself be pulled closer still by Hugo, their chests flush against each other as they looked into each other’s eyes again in silence. Hugo hesitantly broke the silence.
  “I love you, Varian. I really do, but I didn’t think you’d like me back. So I met Heather and she just...she reminded me so much of you. The black hair, blue eyes...tiny build-” He laughed slightly as Varian punched his arm. “What I mean to say is...I was trying to pretend that she was you this whole time. And that I love you.” 
  “I love you too, Hugo.” Varian said with a wide smile, tilting his chin up with his tears stopping. Hugo gently tilted Varian’s chin up, leaning in quietly. Finally their lips met and....nothing Varian had ever experienced could come close to the sensation. They moved against each other like it was just meant to be, in sync and in harmony. Hugo’s hand snaked around his waist as Varian’s arms wrapped around his neck slowly to pull each of them even closer than they were before.
  Eventually, Hugo broke the kiss to take in a breath. “Well, hairstripe. How about we head back and watch the fireworks?” He held out his hand, which he graciously took and let Hugo guide him back to the blanket. After taking a seat on the blanket they’d laid out prior, Hugo put his arm around Varian and pulled him closer. 
  And for the first time in forever...Varian was content to live in the moment.
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theoriginalladya · 4 years
Author Interview
**Revised, expanded and edited now that I’ve had some sleep and have been tagged by additional people**
I was tagged by @jedirangerpenguin - thank you so much, and hello!  Nice to meet you!!!  (and I absolutely ADORE your tumblr name!) and @painterofhorizons - thank you, dear!!!
I’ll tag a few people - @swaps55 @urrone @guileandgall @punwolf @askebjorns - and anyone else who would like to participate, consider yourself tagged by me.  (No obligation, no pressure!  If you’ve already participated or don’t wish to, that’s fine by me!)
Name: theoriginalladya  on tumblr (because my original name, ladyamesindy, was scooped up by some bot during my year-long absence)
Fandoms: Mass Effect Trilogy, Mass Effect Andromeda, Dragon Age (all games), Werewolf the Apocalypse (future)
Where You Post: AO3  as ladyamesindy
Most Popular One-Shot: Oh, good question.  Well, I originally posted to both AO3 and ff.net but left the latter a while back so any of my DA oneshots that might have been popular are not up at the moment (hoping to relocate them over to AO3 at some point).  According to AO3 it’s I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead.  Interesting.  It’s a little piece I wrote for a friend over here some years ago who loved the Shakarian romance.  The phrase (from the game) is also one I’ve used many times in my life as well.  A close second is One Last Dance.  This is also Mass Effect, and was a fun little piece focusing on John and Jane Shepard from my ShepShep ‘verse that happened all because of a song I heard and couldn’t get out of my head.  It quickly became ‘their’ song and whenever I hear it, I always think of them.  My most popular Dragon Age oneshot appears to be A Nose By Any Other Name and is a oneshot about a portrait at the royal palace and its uncanny resemblance to Nathaniel Howe ....
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: Not too surprisingly, it’s my Dragon Age fic, Ever Constant, which, coincidentally, is my longest fic at the moment (116 chapters).  It’s a Dragon Age AU where Bryallyn Cousland and Nathaniel Howe were married before the Blight and followed them through its entirety.  I had a lot of fun with that piece.  My most popular Mass Effect fic appears to be Destiny’s Road which started the whole ShepShep thing.
Favorite Story You Wrote: Oh gosh, how to choose???  I have far too many favorites among all of them!  I have 80 works over there, most of which are Mass Effect until I get some more of my Dragon Age titles moved over.  For Mass Effect, it’s probably Destiny’s Road or Shepard in Sherwood.  Oh, also Slow Fire Burn.  For Dragon Age (and for what I have over there at the moment), it’s Smoke and Mirrors and To Get A King, which is still in progress.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: Most nervous?  As of right now, Neverending Winter Nights probably.  It’s about Nathaniel Howe and an original character I used to play on an online RPG site from the DA world meeting and spending the night together.  I’m never very comfortable writing/posting those because I do it so rarely.  That may soon change, however ...
How You Choose Your Titles: Usually they pop right into my head.  Song titles or lyrics, quite often, or possibly some word or theme from the chapter/story resonates and a title is born.  Occasionally they can be bad puns.  
Complete: Most of them?  I’ll list just a few of them here
From Dragon Age:
Ever Constant
Til You Return To Me Again
The Sands of Time
Smoke and Mirrors
We Do What Must Be Done  (my take on Bryce and Eleanor prior to Bioware releasing canon info on them)
From Mass Effect Original Trilogy:
Destiny’s Road
Destiny’s Hand
Til Death Do Us Part
La Vie En Rose
Dream On
Command Decision
Mass Effect: Ascendance
Mass Effect: Liberation
Give Me Peace
Bury Me In Willow
Slow Fire Burn
Never Gonna Give You Up
No More Regrets
Through the Looking Glass
Incomplete: More than I’d like.  I had severe writer’s block a couple of years back because of real life stuff and since returning to writing, I’ve tried to focus on one at a time, though that isn’t always the case.  Right now my big focus is on finishing my ShepShep series and getting more comfortable writing Caleb Shepard with Kaidan.
Here is a list of most of my incomplete fics I someday will finish: (I believe all but one are ME)
After the Rain
Mass Effect: The Lazarus Project
Seeing Reds 
Destiny’s Fate
Destiny’s Fate: Downtime
To Get A King (Dragon Age)
Exilium (Mass Effect Andromeda ‘verse)
Do You Outline? Unless it’s a oneshot, almost always.  Mostly it’s a way to organize major ideas I want to cover, keep track of pieces of dialogue I don’t want to lose, that sort of thing.  I’d never be able to write the longfics I do without them.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: More Caleb Shepard/Kaidan Alenko!  Also hoping to start getting some of my Werewolf adventures down on the page.  I’ve been RPG-ing that for over four years now and I have several characters I’d like to share.  Also included here is my OC Serafina MacKinnon from the DA world whose stories will protray my canon view of my playthroughs of the games.
Do You Accept Prompts? ALWAYS!!!  My list of characters and links to their stories is here if anyone ever wants to prompt something specific, or just drop a prompt in the ask and I’ll adapt it to whoever it fits.  
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I’m always excited about ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!  Goodness .... Most excited, probably Serafina and her group of stories which will likely take me the rest of my life to write! lol  Also Caleb and Kaidan - I was pulled into that idea by a writing prompt from @swaps55 and I’ll admit, I’ve fallen so HARD for them.  But seriously, I’ve so many ideas and new ones are always hitting me.  Seriously, I have a spreadsheet for all my Shepards and I’m currently sitting at something like 85, I think???  The possiblities are endless!!!  This also goes for any/all fandoms I listed above.  Probably a few others, too.
***I’m going to add one note here:  I tend to categorize most of my fics by Series on AO3 - one of the big reasons I decided to leave ff.net and transport over there.  I have far too many works to list here, but if you’re interested in checking them out, you may want to start with the series tags.  Most oneshots are included under a generic Mass Effect tag, unless specifically related to a separate one.
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saltyslack-toast · 4 years
#Knock The Book 2: The Devil All the Time
WELL, I MADE IT TO THE 2nd BOOK REVIEW OF MINE, MEANS THAT I’M A PASSIONATE AND PERSISTENT BITCH, PERIODT. No actually I’m just bored and got really nothing to do, so here I am making judgmental, invalid and uncritical book review just to ease my guilt for doing nothing at home (just so my mom see me working through my laptop).
Okay The Devil All the Time is actually my first English book. The story of how I got this book as a matter of fact is quite irritating and funny at the same time. My uni friend, she saw this book in a modest book bazaar near her hometown. She was reading the title and the word ‘devil’ just remind her of me, she bought it and just gave it straight to me…... I’m sad but like thankful???
It’s a secondhand and hardcover book but I don’t really mind, considering the fact that the quality is still very nice though, except the worn spots stained all over the cover that make the book looks very old. My friend bought this only for RP 25.000, yes dude you’re not misread this shit, it was THAT CHEAP (whoever sell and own this book before me, I really appreciate it). Although if you want to buy the new one, you can get this book for USD 26.95 which converted in rupiah would be RP 407.500, yeah its cost pretty fancy for broke students like us and I don’t know if the book’s supposed to be available in your local bookstore but I think you can find it in worldwide shipping online store like amazon or any other shop perhaps. The book’s cover illustrate a dying white mutt hanging on the ‘log’ and bunch of cross everywhere, the cover is actually make sense when you read the book. It published in 2011 by doubleday in United States of America. The Author is Donald Ray Pollock, and you can find the sum information about his background written on the cover, but based form the book’s cover you can also check his website in donaldraypollock.com but when I checked, I’m not sure if it’s really his website since it just like pest control website (LMAOO I HAD NO IDEA FR). Anyway,
Let’s go breaking down the book!
“… Too much religion could be as bad as too little, maybe even worse, but moderation was just not in her husband’s nature”
The whole story in this book, basically give you portraits regarding the life of lunatics in the time after WWII. Nope, there is no sums up about the events happened in that moment so chill y’all non-historical enthusiast bitches. This book gonna give you a bizarre experience reading it, the first 10 pages of this book was already psychedelic, I assure that shit. Have you watched Games of Thrones series on HBO? It’s chilling right how Ned Stark, the protagonist of the main series died in the first season???? EXACTLY that was the vibes u got after reading the first chapter and get crazier every time u read forward. By the way, this book embodied 7 chapters and 55 sub-chapters, the chapter in odd and even numbers has 2 different main focuses on each characteristic exist, here I sum it up for you:
On the odd numbers chapters (1, 3, and so on), the central story of these chapters is circling among the family of Willard Russel, his Mom Emma and Uncle Earskell and also those 2 insane peeps Roy Laferty and Theodore. Willard Russel used to be a navy army and a bit skeptical dealing with religion issues just like his uncle, but his mom has always been a devoted worshiper. Willard married to the beautiful and kind-hearted women named Charlotte and they was given a son named Arvin Eugene Russel, everything was normal until Charlotte got sick and Willard gone crazy praying to god for his wife’s recovery and poor little Arvin has to suffer the predicament by his own self. Their stories always give me religious-fanaticism-gloomy vibes (is that even make sense??). Don’t even get me started with the life stories of the two brutes-ass man, Roy Laferty and Theodore they were used to be ‘preacher’ in Emma and young Willard’s Church. Nothing I could say further because it’s gonna be a major spoiler for you, but their stories really giving you insights of how frustration and fanaticism allow people to do something beyond their common sense.
“You remember what I told you the other day?” He asked Arvin
“About the boys on the bus?,”
“Well, that’s what I meant, you just got to pick the right time”
On the even numbers chapters (2, 4, and so on), the main tales is pertaining on the journey of Handerson couple, Carl and Sandy. They were like the Bonnie and Clyde but sad and exploitative version in this book. Carl is a ‘photographer’ and sandy working as a waitress in a café called Wooden Spoon (Which the place where Charlotte used to work as a waitress and the place she met Willard for the first time as well). During summertime they got this ‘ritual’ ((but not in a religious way)) where they drive to different states and give a ride to the hitchhikers found on the way, then Carl forcefully offer them to fuck Sandy for free (HIS OWN WIFE) while he took pictures of them fucking and after that Carl kill them and take all the money those hitchhikers got in their pocket (dude I can’t even judge anything). But to be honest, I’m not a fan of these two characters because they were all so ANNOYING to death. And then there is Bodecker Lee who’s a police and also Sandy’s brother, ok that’s it, I’m not gonna give you any spoilers.
“… He went down the street and sat on a bench in a park the rest of the day thinking about killing himself instead. Something broke in him that day. For the first time he could see that his whole life added up to absolutely nothing…”
You might be confused since there are quite a lot of keen characters in this book but there’s a point where all these bitches are relating to each other, so chill y’all impatient gripe-ass. Overall, the flow of the story is undoubtedly interesting for you to keep going throughout the whole story, because every phase gonna make you wondering about next things happened to them. But, the transitions among every chapters is quite uncomfortable for me, because sometimes when the story has reached its climax there is no resolutions coming to solve the problem immediately, and you’re faced to read the new chapter with a whole different setting and characters so it’s kind of ruining the vibes and emotions the book has made me, but again this just my personal preference so please don’t judge (while everything I did right now is judging inaccurately).
“He realized that he would never preach again, but that was all right. He’d never been much good at it anyway. Most people just wanted to hear the cripple play”
However, what I like the most from this book is the deepening of every character exists is so fascinating, even for just the side or supporting character (for god sake I’m sorry idk what to called a character that isn’t the main one), for example a bus driver in Meade, Ohio which Willard talked to when he was on the way home after the war ended, the narration wrapped and portraits the driver’s life perfectly without make us bored, and there’s still a bunch of interesting narration about the life of the side characters in this book that also as odds and intriguing as the main character’s background (jesus, everything happened and everyone in this book is just so strange and peculiar I swear to god). The story finished in a most tragic-beautiful but still gloomy way, even though it’s quite predictable but still a very good closing for me personally. To be noted, on the way to the end of the story, there will be emerge another asshole priest character named Preston Teagardin, ready to shake you up until you finish the book. But still, let’s said this particular ‘last minute character’ has proving that the author is paying so much attention of how the story ended isn’t leaving any 'rush-made' impression (this shit might confused you I’m sorry my English hasn’t got any better *sorry hand sign* *sorry hand sign* *sorry hand sign*). # hashtag attention to the detail bro.
Holy crap, that’s the first time I’m almost able to cut all the bullshit I intend to bring it up here.
This book is one of my top 5 books that you have to read once in a life time (although I haven’t discover the other four, omg im sorry y’all). Little information for you that the first time I read this book (yeah I read it for quite few times) is when the campaign of presidential election era, which in Indonesia the religious are pretty sentimental issues, some of the people in my country suddenly became those annoying fanatical preachers, man I can’t stand it. And this book is just precisely relating to that condition and I get to know at least a glance of what the heck odds things happened in their minds, since you know fanaticism and stupidity doesn’t hit only on particular group of religions, race, gender or anything, we can all be stupid and brainless (especially me because I basically have no brain). There probably quite many scenes that is pretty disturbing to read (I don’t know if people could be triggered by it???? But I guess so) so yeah a bit warning. Overall, I genuinely recommend this book for you guys because every element in this book is almost perfect, the storylines, bold characters, and the RARE AND STRANGE AND SENSITIVE topic promote by the author in this novel is totally a BOOM. Don’t worry reading this book not going to give you those agnostic and atheist vibes HAHA chill I still consider myself a devoted Muslim tho (hashtag masyaallah ukthi).
By the way before I wrapped it up, I hear that this book will be made into a netflix film. WELL, of course I’m excited because the casts are so amazing, and I love Netflix adaptation and I enjoy watch movies as much as I read books (again, unnecessary information of mine *sorry hand sign*). I found that the release date is postponed from the origin plan in 15th May (which is three days ago from I posted this on my page) due to I don’t know perhaps corona because that bitch has ruined everyone in the world’s schedule, but for real I can’t find the exact information regarding to the updated release date, so while you wait the film to launch, why don’t you just go read the book first? I assure you this one not gonna give you any disappointment.
I think that would be it for this 2nd rubbish book review of mine. Although, I think I made a little progressive from the first one (OR MAYBE NOT???? I’M SORRY Y’ALL) but of course there’s still much deficiency I served. Still, I hope my writing get better in the process of making this whole novel of reviewing book inaccurately. To be honest, I wrote this shit not for getting any engagements or audience but for my own satisfied HAHA. So yeah I’m literally comfortable writing for nothing. But bitch guess what I’m just gonna keep going, until I could professionally writing and make it for a living? Well, amen for that.
Xiao, See you in Advance!
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deztinywarriors · 7 years
ES Spectre 2.0 Chapter 21
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ask-de-writer · 7 years
NIGHTMARE BLESSING (1 Part) : MLP Fan Fiction : Tales to Read After the Lights Are OUT!
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De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
1203 words
© 2017 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 10/08/17
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
Copyright fair use rules for Tumblr users
Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
All sorts of fan art, cosplay, music or fiction is actively encouraged.
Red Romper hated his name.  Because he hated his name, he hated almost everypony else.  THEY got fun names or cool names.  He did not even need to hear a pony's name to know that it was better than his!
That young mare over across the park was a perfect example!  She was a pretty light blue with a dark blue mane and tail.  Was she content with the beauty that she was given?  Not a all!
She was tricked in black shiny satins and black fine net!  She had a collar with big, forbidding spikes and cuffs on her canons, just up from black shiny shoes.  The cuffs had spikes too.  She had a black beret and a necklace of dark metal with a dark star in a circle pendant.  She wore none of it like a costume.
Muttering darkly to himself, he growled, “Another of those dratted fake New Moon witch ponies!  She ought to get honest work! Instead, they all freeload, beg and try to imitate that Non-Equine magic like that crazy goat up on the mountain!
He watched as the pony across the park took her pendant in hoof, then moved the same hoof around on the ground like she was drawing something.  Then she just sat and waited, looking for a handout, no doubt.
It was not long before a brown stallion in a business collar and tie strode self importantly up the path past her.  He paused long enough to spurn dirt from the pathway in her direction.  She bowed her head and, as soon as the pony left, she popped both front hooves together. She then got up and strolled along the same path as the business pony.
Red could not see for sure through the park's bushes but it looked like she picked something up.  As soon as she did whatever it was, she changed course.  Crossing the park, she went straight to Caramel Treat's Sweets.  There she and that dumb palomino waitress joked back and forth a bit.  The waitress went in and soon emerged with a veritable feast on a big tray!
It was too much!  Red charged across the cobbled street, demanding loudly, “Gimme some of that!  You don't, I gonna call the police! I seen you steal it from that brown pony!”
Caramel Treat, the well known werewolf and restaurateur, was out the door like a shot!  She shouldered her huge gray and black wolf's body between Red and her dark dressed customer.
Turning her immense fanged head to Red, she stated flatly, “We mean that sign!  Either back up what you have just accused loudly enough to draw Constable Crager from his post on the other side of the park or leave.”
She pointed with a furry forefoot at a sign famous throughout Equestria. It showed a fine portrait of Caramel Treat in her present form of an Everfree Ridgeback wolf on one side and her mate Fangrin, also in wolf form, on the other.  Between them were the words:
If you have any problem with any customer of ours for kind, race, species, color, creed or any other reason at all, PLEASE LEAVE.  WE BITE! - - HARD!
Before he could turn away, the official voice of Constable Crager demanded, “Red, if you cannot prove what you just shouted, I shall have to arrest you for disturbing the peace and attempted extortion.”
Red wilted a bit but tried to bull through.  “I was over in the park. I seen that witchy pony there do some evil spell.  Then a brown pony with a tie come through the park.  She chase him down in them bushes and robbed him!  She come straight here to spend her loot!”
Constable Crager responded, “If that is what you claim, then I have no choice . . . ”
Red gloated, “Now you are in for it, Witchy!”
Constable Crager finished what he was saying as if not interrupted, “But to place you under arrest.  Please do not make me use force!”
“ARREST ME!?  If she didn't steal it, where did she get all that money?”
A spare white pegasus with a flat black hat joined the group, suggesting, “Perhaps, Red, if you had asked that politely of Penny, you would not be in trouble again.”
Turning to the black dressed mare, now identified as Penny, he added, “I got your most welcome Magic Net call, my dear.  I left the Assembly in good hooves and came at once.”
Penny gestured to the table.  “Please sit, Reverend Smallflower.  I know that you would try to order the cheapest things, so I already ordered for you!
“I have more than just a nice meal for you.  Please take these five golden bits for your fund to feed the needy.”
Reverend Smallflower gathered the coins with a happy smile.  “In the name of the Twins, Penny, I thank you.”
As he sat to eat, he suggested, “Before the good Constable removes Red, there, perhaps you could share the origin of this money that you are so generously sharing.”
Penny nodded and swallowed a mouthful of clover steak with mushroom gravy before explaining, “I was mindful of your excellent sermon on how the Twins share the sky.  I noticed that the crescent of the Night Mare was in the sky along with her sister of the Day, so I prayed for a blessed day from them both.  I sat to meditate.
“That brown pony mistook my sitting in meditation for begging and spurned some dust of the path at me.  That made me angry so, following your excellent advice, I took a moment to calm myself before following him to request an apology.
“Being so far behind him, let me notice something blue in the brush at the path edge.  It was a cheap blue cotton coin purse.  It had no identification in it.
“I realized that my prayer for a blessing was answered.  I came here first to count the money.  There was plenty so I ordered this meal and paid back my tab for times that Caramel and Fangrin have fed me.
“I called you to come share in the blessing.  That includes the money for feeding the needy, like you fed me so many times.”
As Constable Crager was urging Red away, he snapped, “All this talk of sharing, but you got none for me!”
Penny turned calm eyes to him and replied, “That is true.  You have not shared friendship like these good ponies and others have.  What you give is what you get back.”
Reverend Smallflower observed, “I see that you have kept a goodly portion for your own use, Penny.  If I may make so bold, what use will you make of it?”
Penny gave Peanut Brittle a small hug.  “Peanut told me how much help the goats in the Assembly's congregation were in helping her to find and fix up a good place.  I think that I have enough for rent at least for this winter.  I should have enough for a good Foal Bowl for this Nightmare Night too.
“That will let me honor the Night Mare and share even more goodness.”
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colourfulmist · 3 years
How I became an ARMY
I posted this originally on Twitter following this trend, I’m posting it here too CAUSE I CAN.
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I kept delaying this for too long now, but I'm gonna go into full detail now that I have some spare time. Let's go! #ARMYRewind
Back in 2017 I had started taking Japanese classes, one of my classmates sent to the gc a bunch of songs of kpop groups but their songs were in Japanese. You could say I'm a files hoarder cause I don't usually delete what's on my phone, I tend to keep some files for years, so I could see them whenever I opened my mp3 player, but I didn't pay much attention to them.
 Fast forward to 2018, we had a small group of friends and we used to hang out a lot back then, one of them was an ARMY and she used to watch MVs while we were there, but again, we didn't pay much attention to her. For some reason I remember seeing Yoongi at the beginning of the Fire MV, that image got stuck in my head and I thought "so this is what people like now okay".
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I was going through a hard time, depression and anxiety have always been there for me and I felt my life was a complete waste, that's why I was clinging desperately to things that would keep me motivated TO KEEP LIVING. I started growing closer to this ARMY friend, her bubbly personality made me happier and I wanted to hang out with her all the time. So one faithful day, April 14/15th, I opened my mp3 player, saw BTS and thought "so let's see what the deal with this group is and why she likes it so much".
The moment BS&T finished playing I knew I was a goner, I was infatuated. The playlist went like this BS&T, I need U, Not today, Run, Spring day, I started to listen to these 5 songs on repeat for days. I haven't thought about a celebrity attractiveness since I was probably 15 so I didn't mind about what they looked like, I just needed MORE SONGS. Soon after Fire was added to that playlist.
I kept all this secret cause I had a mean metalhead facade to take care of, so pop groups and more so kpop groups were utter blasphemy. A whole month later of having those 6 songs on repeat went by. I own a video game store and we used to go to anime events, they usually play anime songs and had recently started including kpop songs. When I heard Fire in Korean, I can't even begin to explain what that did to me, I was starving for more BTS songs, I needed MORE.
I texted this ARMY friend feigning ignorance, I asked her what's the deal with the animals thingies that had BTS logos on them, she explained they were BT21 characters and sent me the vids where they created them, I told her I would watch them as soon as I got home, and so I did. I wasn't that impressed cause I didn't know the members but since I'm an artist I had so much fun watching them create their own characters.
A few days later youtube did its stalker job and recommended me a funny video, that's when I finally began paying attention to the members and their personalities. Now I know most people don't like those videos about Yoongi being portrait as a cold hearted person but the vid BTS members being lowkey terrified of SUGA or whatev picked my interest, I have soft spot for bad boys, mind.
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The very next day this friend told me to listen to their latest album, LY Tear. It was a cold, rainy day and it made me feel weird but in a good way when I listened to it, all the songs had a new style I wasn't familiar with and I was fascinated. This was when I realised I was going down the rabbit hole. Slowly but surely I started going through their discography and every song I listened to, was a song I ended up loving.
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I bawled my eyes out when I listened to Young forever and read the comments, I really felt they were taking my hand and telling me everything was okay. I related so hard when I listened to The last and So far away, I obviously cried more and I've never been a person who cries or showed emotions, that was for the weak, but somehow it felt right. I was starting to accept myself just the way I am.
Slowly but surely I got dragged into the fandom, followed accounts on twitter, saw many memes, they were hilarious and I was having a blast. They encouraged me to get better, they were my happy pill but I knew I needed to get real treatment so I started to go to therapy, working out, losing weight and for the first time in many years life was good. In July my depression worsened and I considered the idea of ending it all for good. I wanted to give one last listen to them, but I noticed they made me happy, they gave me that dopamine rush I needed to keep going, I completely dropped the idea of giving up and haven't looked back since.
In 2019 I had two major events that made me go 10 steps back, took me months to get on my feet again, but I kept fighting alongside their messages and music. Life is hard, even harder with a mental health issue, but these 7 fine lads were the only ones who, for the first time in my life, made me feel validated, that it's okay to be me, it's okay to be flawed and it's a must to aim to be better people. It’s also wonderful to see other ARMYs feeling this way too. I owe them my life, I'm obviously proud to call myself an ARMY and I’ll be forever grateful to their contribution to the music industry.
Apologies in advance if mistakes were made, haven't seen any myself, but English is not my first language and blah blah, you know the drill lol.
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