#original species cerridwen
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Here are some refernces for Kikumi.
From top to bottom we have her body type, her main outfit, her royal attire, and her childhood appearance.
In a while I plan to also draw a reference for Kikumi’s spinal scarring as well as an emotion sheet for her.
Also please forgive the lack of effort with her feet... I’m not good at toes and didn’t feel like going through that frustration.
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Apprentice ask 2
By the lovely @vacopalypse
Since I would love to know others apprentices better and let them know mine, I made some (very messy and in no order at all) questions!
1. Name? Surname?
Queenie Maura Alden
2. Any family?
She’s an only child, and her parents are dead. However, she doesn’t remember any of this.
3. Any familiar?
Two. A crow, Cerridwen, and a cat, Trix.
4. Asra, Nadia or Julian?
Ages 17-21 Asra, and Julian from 24 and forward.
5. Best strenght in magic?
Elemental magic, earth, sun and moon especially.
6. Favorite color?
She doesn’t have one. How is she supposed to pick just one out of a million different shades and colors?
7. Favorite number?
13, just for kicks.
8. Sexuality?
9. Weird hobby?
She likes people-watching, it’s like psychology class to her.
10. Favorite season?
It’s a tie between spring and autumn.
11. Favorite weather?
Rain and grey skies. If she’s inside she likes thunderstorms as well.
12. Favorite place in Vesuvia?
The docks, the beach, the forest, her shop, downtown, the palace gardens and Julian’s study.
13. How do their laught sounds like?
It’s high pitched and a little weird, but contagious nonetheless.
14. How do they look like when they cry?
Dark circles under her eyes, red, sporty face, glossy, absent eyes... the usual.
15. What do they like to wear?
Comfortable clothes. Pretty much pajamas that are socially accepted to wear in public.
16. What are their fears?
Too many. I’m not even going to try.
17. What do they like to do Friday night?
Go home, read a book, paint a little, write something, practice some magic. Then, later, go for a stroll through the city with Julian, maybe go to a pub and let him serenade her. If Asra’s home she likes to play board games with him.
18. Do they use makeup?
No, she feels it hides who she really is.
19. Favorite food?
Anything Mexican. She couldn’t live without Asra’s pancakes though.
20. Favorite drink?
Iced tea and lemonade.
21. Zodiac sign?
Taurus through and through.
22. Day of birth?
23. Favorite movie?
She has so many, but a few are The Little Prince, Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, Shawshank Redemption, The Terminal and Mona Lisa Smile.
24. Favorite music genre?
Rock, but she loves jazz, crooner and old school pop too.
25. Favorite song?
She has many of these as well, but a few are Next to Me, I Will, Dreams, Clair de Lune, Alright, Auditon (from La La Land) and Killer Queen.
26. Favorite tv show?
Many of these as well. Gilmore Girls is probably her all time favorite, but she loves Merlin, The Originals, A Million Little Things and The Fosters too.
27. What is their style?
Pretty casual, classic, tom-boy.
28. Any mental health issues?
A little anxiety and mild depression from time to time, but she’s doing fine.
29. Any health issues in general?
Heart problems. *cough* I love you, Asra. *cough* Thank you cutie. *cough*
30. Are they human?
31. Favorite book?
Delirium. But she likes East of Eden, The Book of Lost Things and Frankie Landau-Banks also. And of course her own stories, her diary and her grimoire are close to her heart.
32. Favorite book genre?
Fiction, romance and historical fiction.
33. Favorite time of the day?
Twilight, early morning, dusk and midnight.
34. If they weren’t magician, who would they be?
The town artist, the one everyone goes to when they need some sort of advertising though pictures or text.
That, or a florist, lol.
35. Do they believe in ghosts?
36. Do they believe in aliens?
She believes we are aliens in the eyes of other species, and that we’re dumb to assume we’re the only ones out there.
37. Do they like sport?
God no. Is this a question? Why is this a question?
38. How do they look like?
Like me, lol, but there is going to be no face reveal, okay? She’s extremely pale (and jealous of Asra and Nadia’s tans) and her eyes are strikingly blue. She’s short and curvy, and her lips are really red. Her hair is dark brown, almost black, and her tips are dyed lavender.
39. What is their biggest motivation to solve the Lucio’s killer mystery?
a) she wants to save Julian
b) she doesn’t like seeing Asra troubled
c) she’s genuinely curious
d) she wants her memories back
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Beep boop, it me
Hey guys, it’s the Mun again.
I really need to apologize to you all for Be inactivity. I’ve just been occupied with life, mostly. Work and finding enough time to rest, you know?
That doesn’t mean hat I’m going to leave you guys hanging. This blog certainly isn’t going to be abondoned, I’ve worked too hard on Kikumi’s JoJo AU as well as her main/canon story to leave this behind.
As of right now, I’ve started to work on an update for Kikumi’s canon MMD model so that her facial features and body proportions are closer to my drawing style. This probably will take some time especially since I’m still working on the facial structure. Once that done I’ll be working out any glitches with her expressions and then I’ll be moving on to body proportions, mainly making sure the hips, thighs, and calves are accurate. I may toy with her arms, but that’s still up in the air for now. Once her model is glitch free for the most part, I’ll be editing the textures and making her skin tone, eyes, etc. as accurate as possible. I’m assuming this will take roughly a month? Maybe? I’m thinking in regards to the fact it’s all done in my spare time like my days off and when I get off work for a couple hours at a time.
Once her model is finished, I’m going to make a video to show her off. I was thinking of doing “Hello Mr. Earthling” given that Kikumi isn’t human. In her canon story, she’s of an original elven species called Cerridwen (which you can navigate the pages on this blog to learn more about) while in the JJBA story she’s simply a regular elf.
After releasing the video, I plan to make a series of pictures for her main story with small excerpts to clarify what points in it they represent.
And that’s the lil update I ha e for you guys. I know I’ve got a lot on my plate now but I’m going to make sure I get it all done.
And now I must return to my work shift, so I wish you all a good night! Won’t be off until midnight here in Cali, so... most of you will all be asleep. Night guys!
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