#original modern warfare series
cristaq · 21 days
I am not an AU kind of guy usually BUT
After serving and surviving WW1, Price embraces a management position. Riding the waves of the roaring 20s, he moves to the US and opens an illegal underground jazz club serving booze during the height of the prohibition.
Another WW1 survivor moves to the States from the UK and looks around to make a name for himself. The military saw strength and determination in him, but they missed his voice. During an altercation in Price’s club, one John MacTavish meets the famous owner and convinces him to give him a chance.
Price has his doubts. The new guy has a scar running down his eye and one across his chin and chose Soap as his stage name. What kind of name is Soap anyways? He is rugged and looks weird in a suit but the moment he opens his mouth the room fucking cheers. Price has never heard a more sultry, deep raspy voice. He licks his lips when he sees the man move around the stage but he blames it on the vanilla cigars. The audience loses its mind as Soap moves his hips and sings, showing off the entire range of his voice.
Price’s club makes more money than ever imagined. And with the help of some other old friends, like Ghost, they keep their competition in check. Word on the street goes that the Brits were owning the local underground jazz stage and you need their approval to make any move.
During one police raid of the club, Price and Soap end up hiding in a (cue small confined space that forces them to sit very close to each other). And of course they confess their feelings and make out, with the police right next to them.
Perhaps Price gets imprisoned and Soap becomes the new owner, thinking of a plan to get his man out. Looks awfully a lot like the original trilogy, don’t you think???
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themotherofhorses · 5 months
"Simon Riley is toxic," "Simon Riley is a cold and distant man that enjoys inflicting harm on others," and "Ghost is a red flag."
Yada yada yada. Anyways.
Simon Riley LOVES cats.
When she first read his personnel file, her eyes immediately took notice of one certain detail, jotted down on a little yellow sticky note, in red penmanship. Price’s handwriting, she believed.  “Enjoys tattoo art & animals.”  SilentDove smiled at that. Simon Riley, 6’4” and with a fearful reputation that always preceded him, possessed a soft spot for animals — cats, she soon learned. He never spoke about it aloud, but there were signs: the small glances toward a stray kitty sunbathing on the sidewalk; his blue eyes softening the moment they caught sight of the kittens at the local petshop, and all the cat videos he pretended were not clogging up his YouTube history.  Yeah, there were countless signs. 
“Saaayyyy….you ever wanna adopt a kitty-cat, Lieutenant?”  “That’s above ya’s pay grade, Reyes.” 
Three months later, Dove tried again.  "A little brown kitten, Ghost, with pink beans on its toes! Imagine that!" She was holed up in the Lieutenant's office, pestering him with pictures of cats she found on Pinterest. "Brown kittens are super duper rare, y'know that, right?" she asked, showing him a cute brown cat with amber-like eyes. "Look, even the nose is brown!" But all she got in response was a stupid grunt; he didn't even look up from the paperwork he was filing out. Stubborn bastard, Dove thought to herself with a sigh. She fell silent for a moment until Simon suddenly spoke up. "I'd like a Norwegian forest cat," is what he muttered, peeking up to look at Dove. His bright, baby-blue eyes met her dark ones, and the Native American could see a certain softness pooling inside them. A smile twitched on her lips as she sat up straighter.  "Yeah?" Simon hummed. "Damn things are beauties. Ever seen one?" He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "Wanna get me one once I retire from all this shit. Name him Shiloh, get him a bell and collar." "Shiloh," Dove breathed out, nodding. She liked the name; it sounded nice on her tongue. Shiloh…c’mere, Shiloh! "Didya know that Viking brides were given Norwegian forest kittens as a wedding present?" as her chin came to rest atop her palm.  His gaze dropped to follow the slight movement before flickering back to her face. "Is that so?" His voice dropped a little, suddenly taking on a huskier tone, instantly sending a small flutter of butterflies inside her tummy. Dove swallowed with another nod.  "Mmmm, in honor of Freyja, the goddess of love. According to the mythology, her cart was pulled by cats; Vikings loved cats, and it was a sorta…good luck for brides to have a kitten in her new household." Dove paused before adding, "—when I get married, I'm gonna ask for a kitten as well. No fancy pots, pans, or cutlery. A cat, one that I'm gonna name Ésevone." "Ésevone?" Simon repeated, cocking his head to the side.  "Buffalo in the Northern Cheyenne language."  "Ah. Ésevone," he rasped again, this time with a nod of his own. "Ésevone and Shiloh. Not bad."  A few seconds of (comfortable) silence fell over the two before— "—Y'know, Ghosty, you actually look like a TOTAL cat dad. Like you got the entire "cat dad" aesthetic down to a T." "Shut up, little bird." 
note: just a small snippet as i try to dive back into writing :D
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priceseyes · 5 months
controversial opinion but: cod OCs should and need to be more widely accepted in the fandom.
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whereare-myglasses · 7 months
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I'm working on this fic of Ghoap/Trans male OC and honestly this is prob my favorite paragraph I've ever written
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simplegenius042 · 1 month
WIP Wednesday, My WIP as Stock Photos and OC NSFW Chart
Tagged by @noodlecupcakes @direwombat @socially-awkward-skeleton @voidika and @imogenkol
Invited to participate if I so wished by @la-grosse-patate for the WIP as stock photos.
Tagging @inafieldofdaisies @cassietrn @adelaidedrubman @shellibisshe @aceghosts @josephseedismyfather @icecutioner @derelictheretic @shallow-gravy @strangefable @rhettsabbott @josephslittledeputy @cloudofbutterflies92 @skoll-sun-eater @carlosoliveiraa @g0dspeeed @wrathfulrook @afarcryfrommymain @strafethesesinners @turbo-virgins @raresvtm @softtidesworld @starsandskies @ladyoriza @florbelles @minilev @yokobai @thewanderer-000 @omen-speaker @justasmolbard @alypink and @thesingularityseries + anyone who'd like to join.
WIPs for The Silver Chronicles and Life, Despair & Monsters and a stock photo recreation of my original WIP Wings And Horns. The specific WIPs I'll be looking at for the former two is the main FC5 fic Silva's Hope and my HOTD fic The Thorned Crown Of Iron Thrones. Also NSFW chart for Nadi Sinclair. Read below the cut:
It would be an understatement to say that Silva has a rocky and complex relationship with many characters in Silva's Hope. From her disdain towards Joseph to the overall romantic tension between her and Faith. However, the most complicated comes with her closest allies; that being Kamski Neon (the closest she has to a living remnant of her Tumultite past and Irene's father) and Gavin Turquoise (a lawyer she had befriended as one of her first friends in Hope County). Kamski, while he definitely considers Silva his top priority and cares for her, also doubts her decisions on numerous occasions, gaslights her and has gone out of his way to go behind her back or even outright sabotage Silva for "her safety". Gavin on the other hand doesn't really consider her a friend and more as a little social and psychological study he wants to keep around to pick apart, intentionally applying pressure on her triggers (without outright setting them off... yet). Here we'll focus on Gavin, from his POV when meeting Silva at the Jail in the Henbane:
When he stepped outside, the blaring sun blinded him with its shine and hounded him with its heat.
Once his eyes adjusted, he analyzed the state of the jailhouse courtyard. He grimaced at the damage, a frown set on his face at the bodies of the deceased and wounded, both allies and enemies, strewn about the dirt and grass.
Gavin had half-a-mind to be thankful to Charles for his permission to leave Schrödinger in the doctor's office. No child, especially his charge, should witness the results of a war.
He exhaled through his nose, wearily stepping over the bodies. Most would be burned anyway, especially the Angels, the poor bastards. A few Cougar fighters might get buried, though it's more than likely they'd be sharing a pit alongside a Peggie. He'd have to keep Schrödinger inside when that came to pass.
He expertly strode past the fighters that were doing head counts, singling out the dead from the unconscious. Deep blue scanned the scattering crowd, until he locked onto two figures out by the open gate.
One was Sheriff Whitehorse, the man he's been co-leading with ever since they picked him up from one of Faith's herds walking the "Path". Quite the advantageous decision, as his authority and trustful demeanor, combined with Gavin's charisma and organization skills, put a stop to the constant treachery.
The other was a surprise; Silva Omar, a suspicious and unordinary woman, now deputy, who consistently sought him out for companionship ever since they met. A rather unique opportunity he took advantage of, to gain her trust and dig out her secrets, while under the guise as her "friend". A tenuous process, but not unsatisfying. Though not enough.
If only I could get that close to Joseph Seed. However, Gavin had already buried his grave there when he targeted Eden's Gate. Not that he hadn't enjoyed the slander.
He noticed Silva was struggling to walk straight. Her dark hair tied in a loosened braid tail, the telltale slivers of silver dye running down the appendage. Her attire covered her skin, gloves not showing an inch of flesh. Dirt stained her clothing, Whitehorse dutifully supporting his deputy's side, guiding her towards the jail.
She was also dazed and unfocused. He decided to adhere to the role of a concerned friend, and paced up into a jog towards both sheriff and deputy.
Gaining closer, he could see the exhaustion written on Silva's face, breathing ragged and grey eyes fighting a familiar glaze. There was a bruise already darkening above her brow.
"Sheriff is she al-?" Gavin cut himself off as he put on a mask of shock, "Silva?"
Silva squinted at him, and familiarity etched into her expression, and weakly uttered out, "Gavin? You're here?"
Her speech seemed slurred, too soft for the likes of her. It wasn't her neutral low nor was it her recognizable bluntness. He angled his head in a tilt to better see her eyes as they struggled to remain open.
He was alarmed by the green glazed sparkles that shined in her eyes. She's met Faith, he deduced. Silva was a cautious person, and intelligent at that. He doubted she went up to smell a Bliss flower in spite of the cult's frequent use of them.
He attended her unoccupied side, glanced to Whitehorse and stated, "Let's get her inside for treatment."
Whitehorse nodded in agreement, "My thoughts exactly."
Supporting Silva, Gavin and Whitehorse were able to work swiftly in getting Silva past the gate. He gave a signal to Virgil, who gave a quick nod in understanding as he started to call out to two Cougar fighters to get the gate closed.
Gavin took note of the state of Silva's attire. He furrowed his brows when he noticed the dark bloodstains that seeped into her coat. His eyes wandered over her body, concerned over the potential loss of his favorite person to study, searching for any dire wounds.
His eyes laid on the stained knife strapped to her belt and the handgun splattered with specks of red. He internally sighed, realizing the blood didn't belong to her, and that she must have joined the fight at some point while he had been inside.
Chatter came their way, the crowd of Cougar fighters out in the jail's courtyard as their attention shifted to them. Or rather Silva.
Gavin raised a brow, listening in to the indistinct words that circled around the fighters as gossip ignited like a wildfire once again.
Here's the stock photos I have for my House Of The Dragon fic The Thorned Crown Of Iron Thrones and my original work, Wings And Horns:
Rules: describe your WIP in stock photos, the dumber the better.
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And have an NSFW chart for Nadi Sinclair from my Far Cry 5 and Call Of Duty Modern Warfare WIPs:
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Template below:
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valscodblog · 20 days
Ruby "Jewel" Ramirez character sheet CIA Files No.1
ᵀᵃᵍˢ: @writing-with-moss @thebunnednun @seconds-over-first @needa-sum-luvn
Name: Rubia Ruby "Delta 12" "Jewel" Ramirez.
Birthdate: Nov. 11. [Unknown]
Current rank: Commander Corporal
Notes: Birth year unknown due to father having sloppy handwritting and being born in Mexico. Fluent in Russian and has Russian allies. Should be watched closely. Step father works with the cartel. Older step brother taught her how to use a gun at age seven. Has been shot in the knee by the Mexican general, [Unknown] "El Boss" Sanchez. "el Boss" is her second step father, married to her biological father, [Redacted] "Hellhound" Vargas. Vargas kept his own last name after marriage. Reason unknown.
Mother to: James Juan Alejandro Vargas.
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Height: 5'0
Weight: 100lb
Past (what we know): Born in [Unknown] , Mexico on November 11th, [Unknown]. Born to: Aqua "Vale" Ramirez and [Unknown] "Hellhound" Vargas. Abused by her mother growing up. A victim of sexual assault. Committed self harm for three years and then tried to overdose and ended up in the hospital and then the mental hospice. Ran away from home at age 15. Joined the army at 15 and a half under a fake name "Scarlet "Delta 12" Lighters." Involved with the crashes: "Tornado," "Hudson," and "Bombard." Came out with her real identity when she turned eighteen and joined the US Air Force.
During her carrier at the USAF, she quickly climbed the ranks-even surpassing her commanding officer, Phillip Graves. At the time, Graves was just Captain. She reached the rank of Commander and everything went downhill from there, she was shot through the knee by her father, "Hellhound," she gave birth to a stillborn of her ex husband's. Her husband left her after the ordeal-for an even younger woman. Her husband's name is currently unknown.
Ruby was then transferred, against her will, to the UKAF (United Kingdom Air Forces) and reranked and Corporal. She then was transferred again to the United Kingdom's Task Force 141, where she currently works under Captain Johnathan "Bravo 0-6" Price.
There are rumors of her old team, however. That they are all still alive after the events of [Redacted]. And are plotting revenge for what [Redacted] [Redacted] [Redacted] did to Ruby.
Old Allies include (listen in last known rank):
Chief Spencer "Spine" Jackson
Captain Betty "Daggers" Reed
Lieutenant Jason "Voice" Xanders
Sergeant Julie "Zebra" Haynes
Sergeant Jackson "Fern" Bush
Sergeant [Unknown] "Koroleva" [Unknown]
Sergeant Sandy "Squirrel" May
Corporal [Unknown] "Sunshine" Jackson
Notes for Laswell: Take a closer look into that girl you plead innocent. She don't sound so anymore, huh?
-You know who, Kate.
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xydamcg · 2 years
Newest member
Ghost x f character
Cw: social anxiety, social interactions make her queasy
Summary: The newest member to the 141 task force wasn’t what the crew expected. At all.
Pt 2
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The rain had just began to fall when the recruit stepped foot off the helo and made way to the base barracks. Hauling two duffel bags and a overfilled backpack, the pace was set to slow walk even if the rain was coming down like the world was ending. If she could of had front door drop off service she would have—unfortunately helo’s didn’t do that. What felt like a mission on its own she finally made it to the barracks drenched, intake being flawless thankfully. She was shown to her new dorm before given a map of the base, a timeline of her day which only insisted of team training (that she missed at 0900), a mission debrief which was in fifteen minutes and the rest of her day was clear. The woman felt like she was in high school all over again, learning the layout and the people always sucked for her.
Changing from her wet clothes she switched into her more weather resistant attire. She brushed her long black hair into the neatest struggle bun she could before checking her watch, she had ten minutes to get to the debriefing—all of those ten minutes would be needed to find the damned place. Taking her map and timeline with her she slipped out her dorm and down the hall following the map as she went. You would think being in the military as long as she had she would have a good sense of direction and locating on maps..wrong.
Fifteen minutes passed and she had just reached the building for the debrief, her quick feet carried her to the third floor second door on the far left with ‘141’ on the door. The voices inside notified her that she in fact was late for the debrief, she quickly knocked before she pushed into the room. All eyes on her as she nearly tripped over the trash can too close to the door. She straightened the trash can with her foot and noticed Price smirking at her. “Perfect entrance as always Ty.” He greeted making her more embarrassed then she already was. “Come in, we won’t bite..much.” Kate assured waving her from her place near the door. “Alright boys, I’d like to introduce your newest member to 141. Tyliu Avery, I’ll let her introduce herself more in depth..if you’d please Ty.” Price cooed as he patted her shoulder. He loved fucking with her didn’t he? Ty did terrible in all social aspects in life. As Price stepped to the side leaving her on the floor she raised her eyes to look at the men before her.
Her auburn eyes scanned the room before she looked toward Price and Laswell who were practically giggling like school kids at her. Tyliu turned forward again before she shakily cleared her throat. “I’m Tyliu Avery, now your second lieutenant to task force 141, I specialize in all weapons operations, most importantly cyber warfare. In the field you refer to me as Ripper or Lieutenant Avery, respect me and I’ll respect you gentleman.” She announced as Price stepped beside her once again. “And what do we call you when we’re not in the field?” A thick Scottish accent called out to her from the far end of the circle table. “Ty or Avery would suffice.” She told him. “Boys as you now know, she is your second Lt, I would pray you don’t get to see why we call her Ripper. Be kind to her she’s a ticking bomb.” Price mused teasingly making her land a hard blow to his shoulder. “Don’t push it captain.” She mumbled as he rubbed his shoulder still smiling. “Your dad wouldn’t be happy to know you’re beating up your uncle now would he?” Ty raised her hand to hit him again but Laswell stepped in. “Enough both of you, we have a mission to debrief right captain?” She asked her eyes scolding the pair. “Right..take a seat if you’d like Aves.” Price motioned but she didn’t listen, she took stance by the wall closest to the door like he knew she would.
The debrief wasn’t as long as she expected it to be. It was a simple mission, invade and conquer something about helping out Los vaqueros. Ty was the first out the room as they were dismissed making her way back in the direction she came. “Hey Avery!” She heard that Scottish accent call to her again, turning she paused. Two of the three men from the debrief approached. “Gentleman?” She greeted. “We just wanted to introduce ourselves, I’m sergeant Kyle Garrick but you can call me Gaz.” One of the pair introduced holding out his hand. Ty hesitated but shook his hand with a short nod. “And you hot shot?” She looked at the other with such a stylish Mohawk. “Sergeant Johnny Mctavish but call me soap ma'am.” He chirped holding out his hand, he had a lot of energy she could tell. “Soap? Gaz. Nice to meet you.” She spoke taking Soap’s hand for a shake. Her eyes shifted behind the duo as she noticed the third man finally leaving the debrief—her eyes lingered causing Soap and Gaz to turn. “Hey Lt!” Soap yelled down the hall catching the man’s attention. He seemed to look at Ty before continuing in the opposite direction. Soap sucked his teeth before turning back to her. “He’s not the most talkative..” Soap apologized causing her to shake her head. “Not everyone takes to newbies.” She stated as she watched the man disappear down the hall.
"Are you really related to the captain?" Gaz questioned as he sat across from Ty at the cafeteria, Soap joining soon after. Peeking up from her book she shook her head, she wasn't biologically related to price, she'd lose her mind if she was. "No, he and my father were in the same squadron when i was younger, they stuck together when it disbanded. Price is the uncle i never had, nor asked for. But i wouldn't ask for anyone else to be in his place." She explained as she picked up a piece of bread to bite into, Soap leaning forward in bewilderment. "Wait, your father is THE Richard Avery?!" Soap asked causing Gaz's Jaw to drop. "Your dad single handedly took down half a militia in the artic with no communication to his team, that Richard Avery?" Gaz gawked making Ty shrug with a nod. They made him seem like a hero when really, he wasn't. He was a monster of a man when he finally was home from deployment, no one knew who he really was. Not even Price. While Gaz and Soap were fangirling over her father, she excused herself not having much of an appetite any longer.
Tossing her food she left the cafeteria, her book still in her hand as she trekked back to her dorm. Most of 141 were stationed in a different section of the barracks while Soap, Herself, and Ghost were stationed elsewhere. She learned quickly that the door to her dorm got jammed easily so she had to practically throw her whole body into it for it to open. She was too busy dislocating her shoulder to notice Ghost exiting his room behind her at the commotion. "What are you doin'?" He spoke from behind her, nearly jumping out of her skin. Her eyes shifting up to meet Ghost's cold gaze. "i-i'm trying to get my door open...it's jammed." she breathed as she stepped out of the way pointing. Ghost moved toward the door before resting his hand on the handle and with the smallest amount of effort she's ever seen, pushed it open. He moved back toward his own dorm as she stood there astonished. "Thanks.." his response was simply closing the door to his dorm room and a soft click of the lock. Yes, very talkative.
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moody-alcoholic · 4 months
Since I started my tumblr account recently I have a backlog of work that I have never posted so I'm posting it now starting all the way at the beginning...
Here is the entire prologue to: Unwavering Promises⏐ MW IV ⏐ Rosaly 'Mercy' Williams.
Summary: Prologue, no warnings, 2.3k words.
Enjoy <3
I was woken by the vibration of the silent alarm. I reached over and picked up my phone, the back door had been opened. I slipped out of bed and grabbed the knife I hid between the mattress and the frame. I peaked open the bedroom door, listening for noise. I held my breath, I could see lights shining up the stairs, then I watched as they moved through the hallway towards the kitchen. I heard voices, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. There were 2 people at least. I moved to the top of the stairs and looked down, the hallway was clear, I quickly stepped down the stairs, trying to be as quiet as possible. I saw a man with a ski mask on. I slowly creeped up behind him knife ready, but it was almost like he heard me. In a split second he had turned around. It was too dark to see what was happening so I lunged forward, he grabbed my wrist but I held the knife using my other hand to punch him. All of a sudden torch lights were being directed towards me down the hall. The man pushed me up against the wall I hit the light switch which made me drop the knife. The hands still held me but I got a look at the person. I stopped fighting.
“Ghost?” I asked confused
“Who’s asking?” Price said his pistol trained on me.
“I’m a friend of Johns,” I replied, what were they doing sneaking around? They could have just called. “Anyway I should be asking you what the hell are you doing sneaking around my house!?”
Price and Gaz put down their weapons and Ghost released his grip but picked up the knife before I could.
“This is Soap’s place,” Gaz replied although it sounded more like a question.
“It was until he took a bullet,” I said rubbing my wrist. “He left it to me in his will.”
“You don’t sound Scottish?” Gaz asked.
"I’m not, but no one turns down a free house in the highlands.” I looked at the knife in Ghosts hand.
“That's the deal right, why you’re here? I get the house, you guys get the ashes and the stuff in the basement.” They look at each other confused.
“What stuff in the basement?” Price asks.
I rolled my eyes maybe they didn’t know or maybe they were just trying to throw me off. I turn to walk past the stairs to the entrance of the basement I opened the door and turned to look at them.
“Come on then.” I say gesturing them into the door. They hesitate for a moment then follow. I walk them down the steps into the wine cellar, although the place had been remodeled it still smelled like the earth. I turn the lights on at the bottom of the stairs revealing a room packed with all kinds of weapons and military supplies, things John had collected over the years. Price and Gaz looked shocked but Ghost kept his expression stoic.
“I didn't hear you bring a car you’re not planning on carrying this all yourself?” I asked as I went over to the computer to turn off the silent alarm. Ghost made me jump as I turned around to see him handing the knife back.
“Keep it,” I said looking in his eyes trying to see if there is any emotion. “He said you had a thing for knives.”
“Holy shit,” Gaz says picking up a brand new hunters knife. “Did you know he had all this?” Gaz asks Price noticing that he also looks just as confused and shocked.
“It was like Christmas when I found this, shame its not mine.” I said sitting up on a desk table.
“How did you meet Johnny?” Price asked as he walked over to me.
“Wow haven't even asked my name and already you’re asking about my past.” I tilted my head to one side, I wanted to know if they knew who I was, but it didn't seem like it.
“Okay then what's your name?” He says.
“Rosaly.” I replied opening a drawer on the desk I was sitting on and taking out a picture. “And we met in basic.” I hand Price the photo.
“You’re Army?” Gaz asks.
“Navy.” I reply. I hear Gaz scoff.
“Soap wasn't in the Navy.” Gaz chuckles. Price turns round and shows them the picture of a younger version of me and John in training navy uniforms.
“He never mentioned it,” Price says looking at the photo again.
“Oh Yeah, he was a proud SAS soldier.” I explained. “As soon as we passed out he turned 18 and went straight into SAS training. Where he met you Price. Next I heard from him he was back from tour and was telling me all about this new unit he had joined.” I looked at Price.
“He never said anything.” Price said sounding somewhat skeptical handing the picture to me.
“Yeah seems about right, he talked about you lot all the time though. He said after Makarov, he wanted to introduce you all to me.” It was somewhat a jab at them but I knew Johnny liked to keep his personal life private.
“So you were his girlfriend?” Gaz asked. I laughed and put the picture back in the drawer.
“No, just a friend he was like a brother to me. You should have come last week, I only got back from tour a few days ago. Peace mission, I’m a medic.”
“Wait Rosaly Williams?” Price asks. “You’re Mercy?”
“That's what they call me.” I shrugged. “Anyway you need help with this stuff or..?”
“Hold on,” Gaz said. “You’re the only combat medic in the Navy, the one who can hold her breath for 15 minutes and has never lost a life?”
“15:12.” I replied. “And I wouldn't believe all the stories you hear”
“I thought you were a myth.” Gaz says. Price looks at Ghost who nods.
“Did Johnny leave you anything else?” Price asked. I paused for a moment then turned around and took an envelope out a drawer letting the contents fall into my hands. They could see it was Johnny’s dogtags, one still with blood on.
“You’d think they clean these.” I said rolling them round in my hand. I was not to read this letter till they were here those where the instructions Johnny left. I took out the letter
“You got Johnny's letter?” Ghost asked. I looked up at him, it was the first time I had heard him talk since we came down here.
“Sort of.” I said, clearing my throat and showing Price the envelope.
“To WILLIAMS, to be opened when 141 is there.” Price read.
“You don’t have to read It.” Price says. I let out a cheeky smile.
“You know how long I’ve been waiting for you to come so I could, but you could have just knocked,” I say opening the folded letter.
“Dear Rosie,
If you’re reading this it means I’ve gone, and hopefully 141 are there too. I hoped to never have to sit down and write this but things are getting dicey and I wanted you to have closure. I hope I died quick and I hope those guys spread my ashes in Scotland like I asked them too, if not be a star and do me this one last thing.”
I look at Price who nods, Ghost and Gaz have moved closer now.
“Okay this is the hard part, I wrote a will but I wanted to leave this as a little extra;
Gaz: If Rosaly does not want the house its yours. I would give it to you all but I cant write that many names on the paper. I wanted it to be a safehouse one day maybe it still can be.
Price: I let you down im sorry, I hope I died fighting. The stuff in the basement is yours, and the truck in the garage. Make 141 the best they have ever been. If you need some one to fill my boots Rosaly is the best I have ever seen, she maybe a medic and Navy trained but trust me she’s who you want.”
I looked at Price embarrassed, what was he trying to do. Typical Johnny always seeing the good in people.
“Simon: The dogtags are yours. I asked you once if you thought we would make it this far I guess you were right.
Rosie: Take care of yourself, and if 141 take you in you better make sure I don’t see any one of them at the pearly gates until they’re old in their 80’s with a wife and kids by their sides.
I wish it did not have to be like this, I wish I could dream about the time we talked about in training, the big house in the highlands, growing old single, grumpy but happy (and retired). I never spoke about you because I never wanted you to be involved with the work I was doing. You save lives and I never wanted you to have the burden of saving mine. Taskforce 141 became my family just like you’re the sister I never had. They need you more then they know, and you need them. Don’t do nothing with your life be amazing.
One last tiny thing, I got to see Simon's face, bet you wont.
PS: You better bring beers when you get here Mercy, next round is on you.”
The room was silent, I handed the letter to Price and jumped down off the table. I walked over to Ghost handing him the dogtags. I kept my hand on his, not really wanting to let go of Johns tags.
“I grew up an orphan with no siblings, John was the closet thing I have to a brother or any kind of family member at all.” I looked into Simon’s eyes, he was stoic but there was something there deep down. What did John see in these guys? He talked the world about them especially Simon, Ghost, that asshole in the mask, depending on how missions were going. Johnny always could see the good in people he had a habit of finding the best. I missed him but like me he was addicted to the job. The saving lives only I became a medic and he joined counter terrorism. SAS and a navy medic, that was one for the history books.
“He really talked the world about you Simon.” I took my hand off and kissed my fist watching Ghost close his fingers around the tags. I let out a sigh looking round at Price and Gaz.
“I’ll make tea,” I said and went back up the stairs not wanting to be emotional in front of them.
I go in the kitchen turning the lights on as I go, there are still boxes everywhere. Johnny made this house to live in and be his home once he retired. I smile at the fact he wanted to turn it into a safe house. I go over and flick the button on the kettle taking out 4 cups. I hear footsteps coming and quickly wipe my eyes.
“How do you take it?” I ask not looking round.
“Black one sugar.” I think its Price.
“No milk?” I ask going to the fridge I look it is Price.
“Just a splash.” He says sitting down at the kitchen table.
“What about the others.”
“Milk and sugar make it extra sweet.” He says taking his hat off. I pour the tea and then bring it over to him. Placing it down in front of him and pulling dish over for the bags.
“That's not standard issue.” He says pointing at the gun on the table. I shrug.
“I guessed you wouldn't miss one.” I took a sip of the tea. I knew he wanted to ask me something but he was hesitant.
“Why the Navy if you wanted to become a combat medic?” He asked.
“I wanted to join the marines but that's a boys only club. I guessed the navy was the next best thing.” I took the tea bag out my cup.
“How did you manage to become the only navy combat medic?” He asked.
“Knowing the right people proving my skills, not taking no for an answer.”
“Do you always argue with superiors?” He asked sipping his tea.
“Only when they’re wrong.” I say looking at him trying to gauge what he wanted, was this an interview?
“Where are you from?”
“I can tell.” He says scrunching his nose at the tea. “I’m more of an PG tips guy.” I let out a chuckle rolling my eyes.
“How many tours you done?” He asks.
“That's a lot for someone so young.”
“Joined when I was 18 thats not even one a year.” I say.
“You seen combat?”
“Yeah.” I reply
“You have really never lost a life?” He asks.
“Not one.” I say confident. He smiles.
“Ever been involved in counter terrorism?”
“Who hasn't, almost every mission is counter terrorism now a days.”
“What did Johnny tell you about 141?” He asks. I pause for a moment, I think he probably told me more then he should and I wouldn't want to ruin John’s good name.
“He mainly only talked about you guys.” I took a sip of my tea, waiting for his response.
“Ever been to Syria?” He asked also taking a sip of his drink
“Once, never on land though.”
“Well you better get used to being shore born for a while, if you will join us of course?” I cant help but smile. I hope I have done Johnny proud.
“It would be a pleasure captain,” I put my hand out and he shakes it.
“We’ll stay her and train you for a bit, you have room right?” I look around the massive house.
“I’m sure we can squeeze you in.” I smile.
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random-german-cat · 7 months
Soulmate AU John Price x Self Insert (Amelia)
Amelia and her husband had been married for 9 years, but they weren't soulmates. Guilt and manipulations from David's family and David himself stopped her from leaving, David would occasionally sleep around with other women, claiming that he didn't, and that it was just from the bar or claiming that he thought they were his soulmate but it was "too late" when he realized they weren't. Amelia never complained, she was too tired to do anything about it. She was often busy with work and taking care of the house, cleaning up after David, while he worked from home.
Today she was finally getting a new job, her best friend, Kate Laswell, had recommended her for a better administrative assistant position in the 141 squadron. She quickly got dressed and her favorite blue business outfit, a white button up, a matching blue blazer and knee length pencil skirt. She accessorized with the tacky, cheap wedding and engagement ring David bought her, along with a simple, beautiful silver necklace and matching earrings she bought herself. She looked in the mirror and smiled, a bit of new confidence rising to her chest.
"There are leftovers in the fridge" Amelia peaked into her husbands "work area" which was basically his gaming room, with a single laptop dedicated to work, which was rarely used.
"You aren't gonna make me something?" David huffed, not looking up from his game, but nudging his headset to the side so he could hear Amelia better.
"I'm working, sweetheart" Amelia gently reminded him "I won't be home until 6 PM. So you have to figure out what to do for lunch, I'm very sorry" she looked down at her feet
"Ugh- fine, you better be home to make dinner and clean up my room at least-" David scoffed, shooting Amelia a glare
"I know.. I'll do my very best..." Amelia said quietly, leaving for work after grabbing her satchel
Amelia walked into the massive building, making her way to her office, as she walked down the hall, she was greeted by a tall man with a mohawk and a Scottish flag patch on the front of his vest
"Hello, sir. My name is Amelia, I'm looking for Captain Price" she said to the man.
"Hey there, lass. The cap'n is out today so I'll be getting ya settled" he said kindly with a thick Scottish accent "Name's Johnny MacTavish" he offered his hand for Amelia to shake. She took his hand and gently shook it
"Let me show you to your office, lass" Johnny took Amelia's arm in his own and walked further down the hall, stopping at the second to last door to the left. Amelia opened the door and smiled softly
"Oh wow... this is such a nice office!" Amelia gushed. Johnny leaned against the doorframe and watched her as she gently drug her fingers against the soft loveseat, looking over her desk, fully stocked with stationary, a modern computer and monitor, corkboards and whiteboards, a custom calendar of the 141, it was perfect.
"Oh my god.. this is beautiful"
"Really? Where the hell have ya been workin?" Johnny chuckled
"Ahe.. sorry" Amelia felt a bit embarrassed at her behavior
"Don't worry about it, lass. And feel free to decorate your space" Johnny said, flipping through a file he was holding and handing Amelia several sheets of paper "These are some basic forms you'll need to fill out, and everything you need to get set up" he said "I have some work to do, but I suggest goin around and meeting the other team members" Johnny blew Amelia a playful kiss before leaving.
Amelia took a deep breath to calm her very excited and happy nerves, she buckled down and got to work.
5 PM rolled around rather quickly, Amelia had met everyone except the captain. The day was honestly wonderful, mostly filled with greetings and gathering basic info for her records. When Amelia was packing her bag, there was a knock at her office door
"Come in" Amelia called out sweetly. A man she hadn't seen before stepped into the office. He looked worn and a bit muddy, he smelled faintly like cigars and the outdoors from where he was standing.
"Evening, darling. I'm Captain John Price" He spoke with a thick, gruff British accent. He had a boonie hat resting on top of his head, he had a full beard and goatee, and was dressed in a dirty British SAS uniform.
"Hello, captain" Amelia quickly stood from her seat and offered her her hand for the captain to shake "I'm Amelia Conner, the new administrative assistant" John smiled and shook his head, politely declining the handshake
"Sorry, love. Just got back from the field and I'm dirtier than a pub floor" He chuckled, Amelia retracked to hand to cover the slightly laugh that left her mouth
"I just dropped in to say hello, and to invite you out to drinks with the 141 and Los Vaqueros. Just to hang out and we can all get to know each other better" John leaned against the doorframe
"How long would you all be out?" Amelia asked, thinking of what she had said to her husband that morning
"Just for a few hours. You already got plans?" John inquired
"Well, I told my husband I'd be home soon, but I don't think he'd mind since it's for work" Amelia said hopefully
"Husband? What a lucky man he must be" John chuckled, "Well, I'll seeya in 30 minutes, love" he said before leaving the office. Amelia nervously fiddled with her ring and thought about what David would think. She grabbed her phone and thumb typed a message, telling David that she was going to stay late with her coworkers and to order takeout for himself. Her heartbeat sped up anxiously as she tossed her phone into her purse as soon as she hit send to her white lie. She then packed up the rest of her purse and went to meet up with her new coworkers
This is a series so fuck yall /j Seriously though, please give me suggestions!! I do not often write so I probably use a lot of stereotypes, and criticism is more than welcome, even if this is meant to be a cheesy, cringy fic to fill my desire of characters in love <3 Peace and love to you all and happy Valentine's day ^^
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whatyadrawin · 2 years
*me to the creators of CoD MW2:
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pluvillion · 2 years
since the release of MWII, Soap and Ghost got a hella ton of exposure, appreciation, and fanart. it’s something i have been wanting to see since the original MW series.
going slightly NSFW here, but if you will see barely anything if you were to look for any R34 art of them. the release of MWII and it skyrocketed.
with that said, my hat is off to Infinity Ward for giving them the proper character reboot they deserve. they went their way to completely rewrite Soap and Ghost’s characters to become memorable instead of being… there (like Ghost in the original MW2).
let’s just hope no one dies this time. i need Cpt. Price to with his mates when everything has finally settled (he lost everything and everyone after MW3 and i do not want that to happen again).
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indristian · 2 years
I've seen star wars crossovers with the CoD reboot but where are the star trek crossovers?
Gimme some Admiral Kate Laswell, Starfleet Captain Price, First officer/Head of Security Ghost (could give him some Tarsus trauma), Head of Engineering (not-so-secretly just wants to blow things up) Soap, etc.
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simonxriley · 2 years
gonna be honest i don't see the hype for reboot Ghost. all he had going for him was the mask (which is ugly), 'edgy' aesthetic and he says jokes on occasion other than that his character was bland as hell 🤷🏻‍♀
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yawnderu · 1 year
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (2022) Starter Pack
New to the fandom and don't know where to start? ✨
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What is Modern Warfare II?
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II is a 2022 first-person shooter video game developed by Infinity Ward and published by Activision. It is a sequel to the 2019 reboot and serves as the nineteenth installment in the overall Call of Duty series.
Like its predecessor, the game takes place in a realistic and modern setting. The campaign follows multi-national special operations unit Task Force 141 and Mexican Special Forces unit Los Vaqueros as they attempt to track down terrorist Hassan Zyani, who is in possession of American-made ballistic missiles.
A sequel, titled Modern Warfare III, is scheduled to be released into Call of Duty HQ, on November 10, 2023.
What is Task Force 141?
Task Force 141 is  a joint multi-national special operations task force and counter-terrorism military unit formed by Captain John Price, consisting of the best hand-picked operators special forces units can offer.
Despite having an unknown number of members, the most well-known and the ones we follow during the campaign are Captain John Price, Lieutenant Simon ''Ghost'' Riley, Sergeant Kyle ''Gaz'' Garrick, Sergeant John ''Soap'' MacTavish, and Colonel Alejandro Vargas (allied member).
What if I can't play the game?
If you'd like to see the campaign to understand and get to know the characters better, I will attach a gameplay video with no commentary! It's 5 hours, but the campaign is so good you can basically watch it like a movie.
I will also attach a compilation of voice lines from the main characters from multi-player, which give us some extra peeks at the personality of the characters and how they act in stressful situations.
Simon ''Ghost'' Riley - Voice Lines
Johnny ''Soap'' MacTavish - Voice Lines
Kyle ''Gaz'' Garrick - Voice Lines
Captain John Price - Voice Lines
Colonel Alejandro Vargas - Voice Lines
And despite König not being part of the campaign, I will also attach his voice lines as he's a character I write about often.
König - Voice Lines
Where can I find the Ghost comic?
You can read the original comic that goes into detail about Simon Riley and the creation of Ghost right here!
If you'd like to read some character studies, I will also be attaching some character studies I've made based on research about comics, voice lines, and the campaigns. I will be creating more in the future with TF141 Characters!
Simon ''Ghost'' Riley - Character Study
König - Character Study
If you're new to my page, besides the character studies for Ghost, I have other posts talking more about his character and the way I write him!
Here and here.
If you'd like to read some of my fanfics, feel free to check out my Masterlist!
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victoriadallonfan · 4 months
Lets Talk: The Predator Franchise
About two months ago, I put my thoughts into my feelings on the Alien Franchise, and why I felt that they've been faltering so much.
It felt only fitting that I do the same for the Predator franchise, but I ran into a very curious thing... there's only one bad Predator movie.
A shocking statement, I know, but I'm not counting the AVP movie series (that's it's own separate thing). The Predator (film) is easily the only bad film in the entire series, but I'll get to that later.
First things first: lets talk about Predator (1987).
It's an all time classic, a great deconstruction of the 80's action film, with insanely quotable dialogue and memorable characters - not just the Predator itself, but all the human characters are easily recognizable.
Unlike the Alien (1979) and Aliens (1986), Predator is not predominantly a horror film, nor is it emphasizing a tough topic such as sexual assault. It does HAVE horror aspects (the first time they find the skinned corpses is intensely unnerving, especially when they realize that this group of marines apparently lost all self-control and fired in all directions), and it does touch a bit on how the US government is using its own soldiers as cannon fodder to destabilize third-world countries.
But it's not really built to scare the viewer so much as to present a simple idea: what if these action heroes met a bigger, stronger, more advanced version of themselves? And the result is a near total party wipe.
Watching the original film, you realize that the Predator is depicted as incredibly unfair. The majority of its kills are it sniping someone from afar, rushing them when they aren't even looking (while cloaked), and doing a combination of the above. It would have killed Arnold while his back was turned, if the net trap hadn't been set in place.
Hell, it even kills a wounded soldier that Arnold is carrying, after Billy's "last stand" (that lasted mere moments at best, implying the Predator didn't give him the time of day).
(Also, speaking of Billy... he's psychic? Apparently?)
But yeah, the Predator depicted is not the honor clad warrior that some fans may stan (and some writers believe) but more like the equivalent of Counter-Strike hacker. The fact that it takes Arnold untold amounts of traps, ingenuity, and willpower for the Predator to finally face him man to man, no tech, no weapons is meant to be a testament to how impressive Arnold is.
Likewise, the Predator decides to blow himself the fuck up while cackling manically like a supervillain as he tries to finally kill Dutch, also opens him to showing that as alien as it is, it's remarkably human. A spite filled asshole of a human, but humanish nonetheless (amplified by him copying human speech on prior occasions).
It's a really great film about how alien life, if more advanced than our own, might see us as lesser people or outright livestock to hunt (keep a pin in that).
Predator 2 (1990) is often divided amongst fans.
Some hate the fact that it takes place in the "modern day" LA, instead of sticking to the blazing heat of the jungle (as the lore of the first movie implies that the Predator or a Predator visits at the hottest time of the season to create the local bogeyman figure), but this film does a fine job justifying the LA heatwave and honestly... the idea of keeping the Predator to one type of biome is pretty limiting. So I don't mind that.
As one can tell already, I don't think this movie is bad. As good as the first? No, it rehashes a bit too much for that. But it's still a fun and good movie.
And, notably, scarier.
But for context, Predator 2 is set in the far future of... uh, 1997 LA, where there has been open warfare between the LAPD and the Jamaican and Colombian Cartels. Like, not drug busts or stings, but actual warfare with armies of gangs and shit.
The late 80's and early 90's loved to depict LA as a dystopian hellscape where "law and order" was the only defense from total anarchy (as anyone who has ever lived in LA can tell you, racial tensions, especially between the public and police have not been good to say the least).
This entire setup is like a D.A.R.E nightmare or wet dream depending on who's asking.
(Also the Jamaican drug leader, King Willy, might also be psychic? This is the last time it's brought up, but man, I sort of wish we could see future plot lines where people are randomly psychic in these films.)
Anyways, the situation is certainly perfect for this Predator (named City Hunter to differentiate between Jungle Hunter), who takes to the city with a gusto. The difference in how the Predator is portrayed is fascinating, because the bare bones remain the same: he hunts people who are deemed as sport with alien technology.
Fitting with the ultra-violent theme of this film however, this Predator feels like a legitimately horror movie monster. Unlike the Jungle Hunter, City Hunter doesn't prefer to attack from afar, but rather ripping and tearing in close quarters combat, and when he does use ranged weaponry, it's stuff like spears, bladed discs, and nets that shred people into bloody messes.
And he's 110% a bigger asshole that Jungle Hunter: when the City Hunter decides to focus on our lead man, Danny Glover, he doesn't just hunt the man but psychologically torture him. He murders his partner - who is probably the least threatening human in the entire series - just so he can taunt Glover with his necklace at his own grave. He then copies the innocent words of a child just so he can use it as a creepy catchphrase when he decides to hunt Glover's other partners.
The iconic subway massacre perfectly exemplifies both aspects of the City Hunter. He interrupts a massive stand-off between armed civilians, gang members, and the police, just wading in and killing everyone indiscriminately as people frantically scream and claw over each other trying to escape.
(Speaking of, this film does have a LOT of fun having the Predator on modern sets. The above subway scene, City Hunter investigating a meat locker, and him performing emergency surgery in an apartment bathroom are all really cool).
Also, for being so divisive, this film creates a lot of Predator lore: the Predator won't kill (unarmed) children, he won't kill pregnant women, and he WILL kill the elderly if they are packing heat.
And this includes the trophy wall (with xenomorph skull - actually funny because we never see a Predator collect a xenomorph skull in the AVP films) and that the Predator tribe will honor and respect those who defeat their kind with a reward.
It does include that the government is aware of the Predator existence and tries to capture them, but this won't be a major plot line again until The Predator (2018) though it gets some tongue in cheek reference in Predators (2010).
Anyways solid film, lots of cheesey scenes and very tropey stuff that hasn't aged well (or aged in a way that makes it amusing). It's also that last movie that actually tries to be true horror, in my opinion. The rest of the films stick to Action with Gore, but Predator 2 is truly the last film where you feel like this was written to be a horror film.
Also, this film will be the last to really play into the world as being an overly dramatic action movie earth. It's all realism from here.
And then the film franchise will go quiet until 2004 and 2008 for the AVP films (that I won't cover here).
Finally, we get to Predators (2010), and obvious title call back to Aliens (1986) and I have to say, a pretty good trio of ideas: The human targets are actually kidnapped and dropped on a safari planet, there are multiple Predators with their own unique designs and gimmicks, and there is a internal war between the Bad Bloods (aka the Predators who break the "honor code") and the 'normal' Predator clans.
(It should be noted that Bad Bloods have been a thing for years in comics and books, but not really in the mainstream until this film introduced it to movie audiences)
I have to say, despite having a fondness for the film and loving the new ideas, this film is not as enjoyable as Predator or Predator 2. It unfortunately suffers from what I call 2010ism, where there's a lot of CGI blood/gore, a lot of lighting/shadows aren't natural in a horror sense, and the dialogue isn't memorable because it wanted to ditch the action movie dialogue.
The last part isn't necessarily too bad, and it even works with how Adrian Brody is portrayed as a cynical asshole who is purposely meant to be the opposite of Arnold in every way. But the most memorable dialogue is definitely from Walter Goggins (including his highly disturbing "bitch raping time" speech).
Also, it really wastes Topher Grace, Laurence Fishbourne, and Danny Trejo, along with the whole idea of a gang of multinational killers/soldiers/enforcers forced to work together. Not nearly enough time is given to them to bond as a team and have a moment where they show off how cool they are like Predator and Predator 2 did.
Coupled with the safari world being just... a jungle, it feels like a lot of good ideas with "safe" execution.
I don't mean to rag on the film, it's still very fun, and a lot of that is due to the Bad Bloods.
The idea of a particular group of Predators being so evil that they are even warring with their (smaller) counterparts is a great idea, imo, and these Bad Bloods are memorable for their gimmicks.
You had one who used drones as "falcons" to scan and scout out large tracks of terrain, another who employed alien "hounds" to harass humans like a fox hunt, and the leader who had a rapid-fire plasma caster that was overpowered as hell. They also employed other tech like alien bear traps, net traps, and voice decoys.
This movie definitely had the most advanced Predator tech seen on film at the time, making the Jungle Hunter and City Hunter look low tech by comparison, and I think also served to try and force the idea of the Bad Bloods being really "unfair" compared to others.
And of course, we get our first Predator vs Predator fight, which was suitably graphic and badass. Also, I liked that one Predator died by a human pulling a suicide vest attack. Idk, I thought it was pretty ironic considering that's what predators do when they are about to lose, and thought it was neat.
Ultimately, there isn't much else to say about Predators (2010), even though the film ends on a cliffhanger with more people (and aliens) being dropped on the planet. I enjoyed it, it had a lot of cool ideas, cool tech, and cool lore... but if the prior films could be compared to novels, this one felt more like a guidebook.
And now... eight years pass and we get The Predator (2018)
Where do I begin with this movie.
I guess I start with the obvious: it's bad. It's a genuinely awful movie with few redeeming qualities. I'd say it's on the tier of Alien: Resurrection, except this movie is actually offensive because of autism ableism (turns out that autism is actually the next step of human evolution and makes you naturally predisposed to using Predator technology).
And don't get me started on the sex offender controversy.
Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. It's just that this movie... jesus christ, I rewatched it for this post, and it feels like a fever dream.
The Predator (2018) ultimately, is a film that looked at everything that came before it and said, "What if we did it all on a grander scale? And make it bad?" The plot is that a Predator is being hunted by an even larger, more powerful Predator, because it plans on harvesting humanity. You see, in this movie, some Predators use the genes of animals they hunt to improve themselves. The Super Predator as he is called, is a massive 10 foot tall monster that has turned his body into a super weapon, with technology built directly into his biology.
The Good Predator arrives on Earth to warn humanity and deliver a "Predator Killer" suit of Iron Man armor that will help humanity defend the Earth from the oncoming invasion force. The Super Predator wants humanity harvested because... autism makes them super geniuses.... and he declares that a 12 year old boy with autism to be the greatest Predator he's ever met... just because he has autism...
Look, I don't know how the fuck I'm supposed to describe the plot of this movie. It's just bad. It's stupid. At one point they turn a Predator hound good by giving it a bullet lobotomy.
It feels like this movie hates everyone. It hates the Predators, literally killing off the Good Predator not even halfway through the film. It hates the cast, because all of them are forgettable except for Olivia Munn and Super Predator, and it kills the mystique of the Predators because it has Super Predator monologue like an actual supervillain.
The dialogue is genuinely awful, the actors have no chemistry, and the comedy (oh yes, this film acts like a comedy on several occasions) is the definition of cringe. I would call it "ChatGPT writes Predator" but honestly, ChatGPT could do it better.
Let it be known that my words do not do how awful this movie is justice. You can only understand how bad it is by watching it, but it's absolutely NOT worth the time.
Is there anything good about this movie? Besides the Holiday Special on home release?
The effects are pretty good. We see a lot of high tech Predator stuff and that's always cool. I think this had the highest budget of any of the films and it shows.
There's an action set-piece where Good Predator escapes from a government facility and uses an M4-Assault Rifle which is badass. One of the best action scenes in the movie and a neat tie-back to the government investigating them.
The Super Predator is a cool concept and I actually enjoyed him for a large part of the film. I liked that he could just pick up a human like a toy and gut him like a fish before tossing him aside. I love the idea of a Predator that isn't a hunter, but rather a soldier sent in to fuck shit up, showing off the different tech. Really gives the impression that their society has different roles and tech for Predators beyond hunting.
I wish they gave him a helmet and didn't let him monologue like a supervillain.
And that's it. That's the good stuff. Nothing else matters. It says a lot that I don't think Super Predator or the autism plot has been accepted into lore in comics or books.
It's even been argued that this film was deemed non-canon because of how abysmal the reception was.
Suffice to say, after this awful film, fans were pretty low spirit. Which made it all the more surprising when Prey (2022) was released 4 years later.
There was a lot of drama about this film: the franchise is dead, why is the film so woke for including woman and minorities, how can any human expect to beat a Predator with a bow?
This drama is stupid and should rightfully be mocked.
Prey (2022) was a breath of fresh air for the franchise and I'd argue the best film in terms of quality.
It quite literally goes back to the roots of the series and does something that really elevated the film: it made the Predator symbolise something!
This film takes place in the 18th century on the Great Plains, following Naru the Commanche healer who dreams of being a hunter. Meanwhile, a young Predator - known as the Feral Predator for his aggression - is dropped on the planet for his first ever hunt.
Obviously, you can see the parallels between the two as Naru learns to use tricks and tools to handle her weaknesses, while Feral uses brute-force and high tech equipment to slaughter the animals and humans of the planet. The Bear hunt scene, where Naru is forced to flee from a bear and helplessly watch Feral kill the creature with it's bare hands (haha), thus condemning her in his eyes as not a threat is perfect character foil.
Also, he's such a piece of shit, cheating the moment he feels like his prey has the better of him. But in a good way that makes sense for his character.
But on the grander scale, the Predator represents colonialism. A secondary antagonist of the film are the French fur trappers, who have been skinning wild buffalo and depriving the commanche of their food source, openly compared to the Predator skinning animals/humans for trophies instead of resources.
It's actually a lesson Naru has to learn from her brother and mother, that to become a true hunter is about doing so to support a community, not just for ego and idolization.
Its no accident that the Fur Trapper leader dies when Naru sabotages his gun and Feral dies when Naru does the same to his gun as well, with both of them trapped and crippled without any means of escaping their demise.
This film finally moves to make the Predators feel like evil villains who are supremely selfish, much like the first 2 films emphasized (and the third film did to a lesser extent).
But talk of how amazing Naru is as a protagonist and how great the Feral predator is as an antagonist, the film is just good. The cinematography is gorgeous, the actors are great, the Predator effects and costume are terrifying, and lore wise, it does a lot to show that the Predator society is not stagnant.
They evolve over the years and it shows.
And my god are the action scenes incredible. The Predator vs Fur Trapper fight is probably one of the most iconic scenes in the entire franchise now, and for good reason.
Or Naru's knife fight massacre
All in all, this film really shows that the Predator films can be more that action films and... whatever the fuck The Predator (2018) was trying to be.
These films can be used to explore the history of humanity and symbolize concepts that deal with oppression, bigotry, and dehumanization.
The title of Prey - the focus on making the protagonists human - versus the Predator title is incredibly fitting.
While a sequel is left up in the air, we do have confirmation that a new standalone film - titled merely Badlands - is set to come out soon.
I can only hope they learned the right lessons from Prey and we can leave the horrid past of The Predator (2018) behind us for good.
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themotherofhorses · 2 years
Hi author first of wanted to say I love your work !
I'm not sure if you take requests so if you don't feel free to delete this 💛
Modern spy Aemond x naive reader [ Aemond meets her when he's on a mission and becomes obsessed with her how can someone be so sweet and innocent !? He just has to have her also baby trapping and smut if you're comfortable writing it ]
follow me now, and you will not regret (leaving the life you led before we met)
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pairing: modern spy!aemond targaryen x naive!reader
warnings: explicit language. stalking. very much nsfw smut. once again, aemond is an obsessive and pussywhipped little bitch with zero thoughts within his pretty knocker. manipulation. innocence kink. breeding kink/baby trapping at the end.
notes: hi, yes, this is me coursing through uncharted and absolutely fucking rough waters in some attempt to spice up my usual smut writing style
(aka me practicing for the next chapter of my modern series)
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A career life built solely around espionage (or a sort of black shadow warfare mixed with cold combat) came dirty, bloody, and uncertain.
Or, at least, that was what Aemond “The One-Eyed White Death” Targaryen would tell himself on the daily, in some attempt at justifying the ends to the means. Really, this entire situation could have been a lot worse, he thought- after all, the lives of countless innocent civilians could have been caught within his crosshairs. He hated when that happened; it was always so messy, and came with heavy and boring paperwork.
However, that was not the case this time, thankfully.
It was only one innocent civilian in his hands, and she was still safe and sound.
Aemond had never meant to stick around the city for so long, having other missions queued up after this one, but fuck…you were perfect. Godsent, the prettiest and most delicious slice of heaven above, and he did not consider himself a godly man, nowhere near in the slightest. The gods loathed his type, he knew, and never hesitated in casting them all down to the pits of hell.
But you…
He had met you during the mission, while stuck undercover at some random little café on the corner street. The boss sent him to stake out some old-money and big-named crime mobster that was allegedly dealing weapons and various drugs under the noses of local law enforcement, a suspect on their “Most Wanted” board. And you- well, you were tucked away in a small booth, hunched over two thick college textbooks while multiple paper assignments laid strewed across the table top, so unaware of his presence sitting tables away on the other side of the room.
Gods, you were absolutely gorgeous, he thought. So fucking pretty, with those eyelashes and charm bracelet and focused look on your face. It made him forget all about his original mission. Fuck that, he has a new one now. And there was the cutest pout on your pink and glossy lips that made his cock harden, despite not having the faintest clue on what your name could be.
(That itself was no concern of his, he could find it out later in the evening. And he eventually did.)
You were there at the café the following day, and the day after that. Always with your head in those damn school books, his pretty and dutiful schoolgirl. The sight made him chuckle, and smile, and fill with the strongest urge to ruin you completely with his mouth, and fingers, and cock. On the fifth day, he finally decided to step up to your table, interrupting your usual study schedule with a shy smile and your favorite drink in hand, as well as a chocolate chip cookie.
“I- uh, I hope you don’t mind, miss,” he said, feigning bashfulness, “but I’ve seen you around everyday for this past week and thought, maybe, you wouldn’t mind being friends? I’m new in town, actually…and- well, I don’t know a lot of people around here…” he added, watching your pretty eyes widen.
And, fuck, your lips were glossy again, and he stood there (like a complete idiot) wondering what flavor they could possibly taste like.
Strawberries? Blueberries?
Maybe mimosa or peppermint patties?
“Oh, well, of course! I don’t mind whatsoever,” you replied cheerfully, rousing butterflies in Aemond’s stomach. “I’d be happy to be your friend,” and you patted at the spot next to yours, slugging away your tote bag and books so that he could sit down, and you could introduce yourself.
Hook, line, and sinker.
Aemond became your friend, first. The easiest way to manipulate your unsuspecting victims? Through trust and friendships, per the teachings of his old childhood mentors back at the academy. Throughout the next month, he bought you hot chocolate and matcha tea lattes, joined you in quick lunch dates, insisted on driving you to your college classes, and went with you to the little bookstores scattered across the city. It was fun…and torturous- utter torment and near physical agony- because all he wanted to do was fuck your pretty pussy until you could no longer remember your name and your cunt was to the shape of his own cock.
He would sit beside you in the café booth, listening as you drone on and on about your favorite, most passionate subjects, all while trying to desperately hide the boner in his jeans and rid his mind of such dirty thoughts and fantasies. There was no use, though. Aemond was fucked, too addicted and obsessed.
He wanted you, now and forever.
But that was not the worst part. The worst part was that you had not the smallest clue of what you were doing to him. You were just his sweet companion, his dear friend, too innocent and naïve to both the world and the waking beast deep within him.
He often followed you back home, to that tiny apartment near the college. Aemond swore it was because he wanted to make sure you were safe and protected from any of his enemies, anyone daring to steal you away from him, but he knew it was more due to the chances of seeing you undress and shower and decide which nightie you would wear to bed. And, sometimes, he got treated to his sweet girl trying to touch herself. It was so cute, so endearing, to watch you slip a hand between your thighs only to pause because you had no idea of what to do, and how to fuck your own fingers inside your cunt until you came.
 Poor, sweet girl of mine, Aemond shook his head, tutting. Alone and in need.
How could someone so pretty, such a fucking cock-tease, be so innocent and untouched, so stupid and unknowing to everything sexual?
It did not make any sense to him.
Maybe you were made for him, and only him, and this was the gods’ gentle way of telling him to change his ways before it was too late. Leave behind this career of his, wash away all the red staining his ledger and hang up his callsign, all so he can start a family with you. The family he needs, the one he deserves.
Yes, he thought, that makes more sense. You need him the same way he needs you.
And, really, who was he to ignore the gods above? Aemond himself was no godly man, it was not in the nature of a spy like him- but for you, perhaps the fates might allow it.
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Two months later, after a dinner date, Aemond has you pressed against your apartment’s door, his mouth frantically devouring yours in a fervent and wet kiss. It has been so long, so torturous, weeks after weeks of constant late-night jerking off to your pretty pictures and those blue-laced panties he managed to slip from your bedroom that one afternoon and pretending that all he wants to be is your friend.
You are so beautiful, so stunning, especially within this very moment, chest heaving out heavy breaths while you peer up at him as if he is a god.
He grabs at your face, a rough grip on your chin. “Tell me you want it tonight,” he demands, his lips near your ear. You shiver and clutch at his arms, so close to melting into nothing but putty in his hands. “Want what, Aemond?” you ask innocently, batting your dark eyelashes up at him. Fucking cock-tease. He chuckles while trailing light kisses along your jawline and down your neckline, mouthing at your nape and clavicle. You mewl at the feeling. “Please- please, don’t stop…”
“Do my kisses feel good, baby?”
“Yes,” you sigh out, tangling your fingers within his silver hair, “it feels amazing.”
He smirks. “It will feel a whole lot better in a little while, I promise you, sweet girl. But I need to ask…do you trust me?” You nod frantically, leaning up to kiss his lips. “Of course, Aemond. You are my dearest friend! I trust no one more than you.” Aemond just laughs at your words, yearning so badly to tell you that- by the end of the night- your cute ass will no longer be ‘just his friend’ but something much more, definitely.
But where is the fun in that?
“Good, good. Just relax and enjoy everything, okay?”
Aemond then pushes you back against the door, quickly slipping off the pretty floral top you wore and groaning at how your lacy bra cupped your breasts perfectly. Where have you been all my life? He thinks while snaking his hands around your back to unhook your brace and toss it somewhere over his shoulder, too busy salivating over your free and ample breasts and perky nipples.
“Fuck, look at you…so fucking gorgeous,” he mumbles, kneading at your breasts. You stiffen, flushing under his heavy gaze before moving to cover yourself up, feeling a little self-conscious. Aemond shakes his head, gently tugging your hands back to your side. “No, don’t you dare cover yourself up, baby. Not in front of me.” His fingers pinch your nipple, cause your back to arch. “I’ll never understand why no one has ever devoured this pretty body. Gods, look at these tits. You’re so beautiful, baby, a fucking wet dream come true. Mmm, yeah, bet they’ll taste delicious,” and he wraps his lips around a nipple, sucking it into his mouth.
You’re delicious here, and Aemond knows you will be even more down there. His poor cock, still tucked inside his pants, feels like it is weeping, too impatient and irritated and ready to ruin you. His hand slides down your belly to rest on your hipbones and thighs, fingers ghosting around your panties.
“Ohhh…” you gasp out, biting at your bottom lips when his hand slips in.
“Fuuckk,” he drawls out against your breast, thrusting a finger into your wet cunt. “Gods, you’re so fucking wet down here. Absolutely soaking, poor baby.” Aemond strokes your slit a few times before rubbing your clit with his thumb, hearing the way you whine and shake at his actions. “I can’t wait to be inside you, fucking you till all you can think about is me.” He continues his thrusting, watching how your pretty face scrunches in sheer pleasure.
“Are you enjoying this, baby?” he asks, humming. “Do you want me down there tongue-fucking you? Hmm? Oh, wait, my sincere apologies, pretty girl, you probably don’t even know what that means.”
You moan, loud and high-pitched, teeth still chewing on your bottom lip. At your silence, he spanks your ass, causing you to lurch up with a massive gasp. “Use your fucking words, sweetheart. I don’t care for silence, especially from you.”
The more you remain quiet, he thinks, the more spanks you’ll receive.
Eventually, you fling your head back, bumping it against the door. “Okay, yes! Please! Please, Aemond…!”
Grinning, Aemond stands up and draws his lips back to your ear, saying slowly, “Spread those legs then, baby girl, right now.” When you do so, he sinks down to his knees, both hands gently clutching your thighs, “Yeah, that is a good girl. My pretty, good girl of mine.” He moves his face to the front of your pussy, “Can you feel my breath against this pretty clit? Are you waiting for me to devour this pussy? Tongue-fuck you until you’re a stupid little mess? Tell me, baby.”
He then blows against your wetness, ignoring how you jolt hard at the feel. And I’m not taking no for an answer,” he adds before slinging a leg over his shoulder.
“Oh gods, yes, please,” you whine, jerking your hips up against his face. Aemond slaps your asscheeks hard- once, twice, three, four times. “Beg, my pretty baby. C’mon, I know you can do it. Beg for my tongue, beg like you mean it, you stupid and horny little slut.” Your eyebrows furrow at his words and you whimper. “Don’t be mean to me…” you whisper, trying to blink away tears.
Aemond raises an eyebrow. “Oh, you thought that, because this is your first time, I would be nice? My sweet summer girl, you teased me enough these past several months, and I’m done playing nice. Now, tell me you want this. Tell me you want me to claim this pussy as mine.”
Your wanton cries are everything he needs in this life, he soon realizes. If he can spend the rest of his days with his face buried deep between your thighs, he swears he’ll die a happy and satisfied man. The way his name glides off your tongue is incredibly, completely wonderful, and his mind fills with various fantasies and all the positions he will soon have you in, helpless and dripping like a whore in heat.
His pretty whore, forever and always.
“Fuck, baby, who am I to deny you such?” Aemond buries his face between your trembling thighs, inhaling your mouth-watering scent one final time before slipping his tongue inside your wet folds. “You taste so fucking good, baby- shit, you’re leaking all over my face,” he moans amid long licks, fucking you both with his tongue and fingers.
“Oh, gods! Oh- oh- oh…!” You shriek, both legs buckling as your hands clench into tight fists. All of your little moans and whimpers, those pathetic pleas and begs, they all send more blood rushing to his cock. You don’t recognize the early grave you’re digging at, too overtaken by the pleasure.
“So fucking tight against my fingers. How the hell will you take my cock, baby? Fuck, I’m going to destroy you.”
You moan again, in such a loud and lustful cry that causes his resolve to only weaken faster.
“Oh! Oh, Aemond, this feels so good! Please- please, don’t ever stop,” you wail, fat tears gushing down your cheeks. This pleasure, it is a feeling like nothing before, not even coming close to those few times you made some sad and futile attempt to touch yourself, too confused on how to deal with those strange tummy butterflies that seemingly hatched from their cocoons the day you meant Aemond.
How thankful you are that you met him.
Your body squirms every couple seconds, only to wince when he spanks your ass hard again.
“Shut the fuck up,” Aemond hisses without venom. He is too much in love with you for poison. “Do you wish for your neighbors to know that I’m fucking you right now? What would they think? The pretty and sweet girl that lives here, too innocent and naïve for this damn world, letting a man eat her out like a whore.”
You shake your head again, eyes puffy and red from all the tears. “N-no, Aemond…” you stutter out.
Aemond pauses his fingers, now curious to see how far he could go with this new type of torture. But it is not long, though, before you buckle against his hand, your bruised and swollen chest pushing up with stiffened nipples. And your body, it soon tightens as your flustered face screws up in that telltale sign that you are only seconds away from cumming. The scene is beautiful, very much so, and he feels pride that it is all from his own doing.
Yet he drags himself back up on his feet, removing his fingers from your cunt before you could cum. Perhaps it is a bit too cruel on his part, but Aemond could care less; he wants you to cum on his cock for your first time.
There will be many more times of this, he wants to reassure you. He doesn’t, though.
You’ll find out on your own time.
You gaze at him through bleak and narrowed eyes as he unbuttons his pants and shoves them down to his ankles. “You poor, poor little thing,” he tuts, running a gentle hand through your damp hair, “-are you tired? You look tired, but from what? You didn’t even cum once!” He pats your cheek, “Don’t worry, my sweet girl, you’re about to. Can’t tell you how many times, but it’ll be a lot.”
And Aemond does not wait for your response, instead snatching your hand and pressing it against his boxers. “Can you feel that, baby? That is my cock. Can you feel how hard it is? You did this, you made me so fucking hard that it hurts.” He clicks his tongue, shaking his head, “Now, that is not very nice, is it? No, no, no it is not. I thought you were a sweetheart…” He shoves your hand back, ignoring the small tears that gather in your eyes again.
“I’m sorry,” you croak, wiping them away. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Aemond! Please don’t be mad at me…please, how can I help you? I’ll do anything,” you pout as you watch him slip down his boxers. Your teary eyes grow as wide as dinner plates, and your breath hitches. It is so sexy to him, eating away at the little self-control he is trying to maintain.  
You’re a virgin, he reminds himself. Soft and easy, my baby deserves that.
“Shhh, baby,” Aemond rasps out, cupping your face within his hand. He kisses your nose, cheeks, and forehead before finding your lips. “I’m not mad, really, my sweet girl. I know you meant no harm, you’re too sweet and good for that,” and he holds your face against him while readying to fuck you with his cock. He can feel your short pants, the little breaths you take, and how you shudder whenever his clammy skin meets yours.
“Relax your body, baby girl, don’t tense up. It will hurt less…good girl, that’s my good girl.”
Nice and slow, he chants as he slowly sinks into your cunt, groaning at the tightness, slow and nice. You whimper, eyes rolling back as begins his thrusts, slow and easy. I’m a gentleman.
Mother made me promise to be a gentleman.
I’m a gentleman. I’m a gentleman. I’m a gentleman.
But the look you are giving him, with your lips pink and puffy from the shit ton of kisses and bites, and the way your pussy clenches around his cock…it is causing him to forget all about how his mother indeed made him promise to be nothing short but a gentleman.
You’re too pretty for him not to devour, and…well, were you not made for him? The gods created you with the purpose of him eventually finding and caring for you, the way it should’ve always been- the way it will be for now on. His one good eye (the one those stupid bastards left alone back at the academy) watches as you shake and quiver and mewl out the sweetest and yummiest little moans.
The way you are right now, you’re just begging to be made into a new mother, and his mind goes insane at the sudden image of you heavy with his children, huffy and sore and always exhausted. It is delicious to think about. Aemond- truthfully- never really thought about kids, constantly busy with the espionage lifestyle and the back-to-back missions, but you…oh, he knows that, after tonight, you’ll have no choice but to remain by his side as the baby grows, needing him to protect and provide and shower you with love and affection.
He’ll be the best husband and father, and you his good girl- his precious slice of normality.
The way it should be, the way it will be.
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It is half a year later that Aemond “The One-Eyed White Death” Targaryen finally connects back with his boss through a phone call.
Before that, he dropped off the grid, returning no calls and messages and signals, leaving everyone behind at the headquarters confused, concerned, and scratching their heads as to why their finest agent suddenly vanished without a trace.
He was not dead- they knew that. He was just…gone.
“What happened, agent?” The director asks, fiddling with his pen while another agent of his attempts to get some kind of reading on him. No luck; Aemond made himself untraceable. “Are you hurt, Aemond? Did someone threaten you? You left after I assigned you that mobster and- well, we assumed the worst, son.”  
Aemond chuckles, shaking his head. “No, boss, do not worry about me," he says, "I’m good. Very good, in fact, the happiest I’ve ever been in my life, one might say.”
He leans against the doorway, arms crossing over his chest as he watches you flip through a baby store catalog and marvel at all the products they have for sale- the finest baby strollers, a variety of cribs, bassinets, and swing sets, and the cutest little animal plushies and clothing.
“Frankly, boss, I just grew tired of the spy life.”
“Is that so? And pray tell what you are now, Aemond One Eye.”
He smiles, eyeing your baby bump and how you are utterly glowing. “I’m a family man.”
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