#original character: vyeshna telvanni
reagan-the-saunders · 4 months
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🔥"Heroes always get remembered, but you know Legends never die."🔥
Close Ups:
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Lore Explanation (Theories & Drafts):
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reagan-the-saunders · 3 months
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reagan-the-saunders · 6 months
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After discussing coffee and then mushroom coffee on a tes discord server I'm on, I came to the conclusion that the dunmer make mushroom coffee and will not accept critisim. So here's Vyeshna and her fucking shredded arms drinking mushroom coffee <3
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reagan-the-saunders · 4 months
10,11 ,23 ,33,43 and 85 for Vyeshna Telvanni x Teldryn Sero :3
Ooo damn that's a lot, thank you so much! I love talking about those two. Here we go!
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Ehehe, this one's interesting. Teldryn is obsessed with Vyeshna's hair, but leaves it alone for the most part. When the two are just relaxing together, Vyeshna loves playing with Teldryn's hair. It's smaller and sweeter forms of intimate physical affection she loves the most, both of them do. Just knowing the other is there makes them more happy than words could express.
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Vyeshna is more clingy whereas Teldryn is more protective. Any moment she's not glued to his side, he's always watching her and everyone around her very carefully. The two are usually very professional acting in public, but Teldryn is still very protective and almost possessive in a way Vyeshna enjoys and almost finds amusing in a light-hearted way. Knowing he cares about her that much to just be a silent guardian brings her comfort, and she loves his fire.
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Vyeshna did. While I haven't completely wrote out or figured out their entire relationship starting point yet, Vyeshna said "I love you" first and initiated their first kiss.
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They give it to each other, lol, but Teldryn has MASTERED it. One look at Vyeshna when she's being a bit of a doofus and she goes "*Ahem* Right, back to serious mode." He's mastered a few different looks he can give her, most of them on the more, uhm, romantic side. 👀
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Both of them are very used to getting up early, it turned into a bit of a contest as to who will kiss the other awake first. Usually Teldryn will be up first, but Vyeshna makes a big deal of it if she is first. Teldryn has also taken to letting her get up first, but doesn't always have to. 👀
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Ohhh this is a funny one, because Teldryn drinks heavier than Vyeshna does. Part of Vyeshna's personality is that she HATES getting drunk. It makes her feel reckless, embarrassed, and stupid. She's a Telvanni, she despises feeling stupid (I HC that Teldryn used to be in house Redoran). Teldryn sticks to the heavy sujammas, whereas Vyeshna likes flin and the heaviest she'll go is some mazte or a taster of sujamma. Teldryn tends to get tipsier faster, and usually gets irritable and angry when drunk. Vyeshna finds it mildly funny but takes him home and forces him to relax. Vyeshna never gets drunk, though. If she feels herself slipping a tiny bit, she knows that's when to stop.
Ehehehehe thank you so much for the ask! <3333 I love talking about these two so so so much.
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reagan-the-saunders · 3 months
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Them <3
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reagan-the-saunders · 5 months
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NSFW Version Below
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reagan-the-saunders · 4 months
WIP Whenever:
Tagged by the lovely @tiredela thank you so much! <33
Tagging: @afamoore @cicerosfavouritelistener @abstractredd & anyone else who wants to join in, you BETTER ✨🫵💕 (affectionate).
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I'll start with a lil blushy Lyrandra. (The rest of it is technically NSFW lol)
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A seascape sort of painting-esqe drawing which I'm still working on but am currently stuck on :D
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Vyeshna and Teldryn bullshit <3
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Aaaaand finally some Nerivyne stuff I haven't made any new progress on whatsoever :)
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reagan-the-saunders · 7 months
I often forget that I paired Vyeshna with Teldryn Sero since the stories I focus on that she's involved in take place prior to 4E 201.
From Morrowind, through Oblivion, and up until maybe a year before Skyrim, she was single and lonely af besides her allies lmao.
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reagan-the-saunders · 1 month
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When your girlfriend is a badass immortal Telvanni magister and the saviour of your people.
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reagan-the-saunders · 4 months
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Vyeshna's super cute with her hair up actually. 🧡⚔️🔥
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reagan-the-saunders · 4 months
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Ignoring the weird positioning, I couldn't get the thought of Vyeshna wielding a bat'leth out of my head so... have an Elder Scrolls/Star Trek crossover Reagan style ehehe.
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reagan-the-saunders · 4 months
For the Orange Asks;
Vyeshna -🔥 🐦‍🔥
Drahireth - 🌇
Maevynn - 🦊
Zirya - 🦺
Viper - 🎇
Oooooo yay! Thank you so much for the ask, I'd love to answer these!
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There are a few things that motivate her to do... well... life lol.
First, it was rising through the Telvanni ranks, which still motivates her, but it was her life's goal to reach the top since that's what her and her parents wanted.
Then, it was being Nerevarine, which scared her at first, then was exhilarating, then scared her again and caused her an identity crisis as she tries to find the line between Nerevar and herself. Like forcing herself to get along with this new "inhabitant" of her body and mind.
Her main motivation though was her younger sister, Lyrandra. The only family she had left after the Sixth House murdered her parents. Lyrandra was basically her sole reason to fulfil the Nerevarine Prophecy and save Vvardenfell. When Lyrandra turned her back on her, that's when her strength was coming more from her worship of Azura, for a time, any friends she made have made along her journey, and just wanting to help people and break the "all Telvanni are ruthless bastards who care only for their self" mould.
As of now, all of her friends and especially Teldryn are her main drive to live her life. She was always family oriented and when all of that was ripped away from her for 200 years, it was painful to push herself to make her way through life, finding love and friendship again fixed that and made it easier for her.
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Well, Vyeshna has dealt with a lot of physical and mental trauma through not only the prophecy, but everything that came after that. Her life before Nerevar was smooth, comfortable, and overall a really good life. Her family loved her, her studies and grades were good, she was a natural pyromancer and never once lit the house on fire.
After finding out she was the Nerevarine, the physical challenges of adventure were hard enough but she loved it. The really issues were, for one, having corprus disease. It stressed her out, she was worried she'd go mad or become warped until she was unrecognisable, but really, it only scarred her shoulder and back, but she was insecure about it for a long time. The scar over her eye was gained way later, during the fight with Dagoth Ur, when one of his claws got her in the face. She's completely blind in that eye and it took a while to adjust to that. Mentally, losing her family damn near ruined her mentally, not to mention dealing with the feeling that killing Dagoth Ur was like killing the best friend she never had. Overall, she was angry because despite saving Morrowind, she lost more than she gained.
Loneliness was quite the challenge she had to face up until Oblivion, when she, Kona, and Zirya saved Tamriel from the Oblivion Crisis. Watch Zirya and Kona's reactions to losing Martin hit her so hard, considering Zirya lost who she considered her best friend and who she was in love with, whereas Kona lost someone she viewed as the saviour of Tamriel, someone with practically her own blood in his veins, dragon blood. One took it personally, the other took it more religiously. It reminded her of how she took all of the losses in her life, and the way all of them affected her in one of the two ways she sees in Kona and Zirya. When the three decided to part ways, that loneliness crept back up on her with even more kick this time.
When she met Teldryn just before Skyrim took place and decided to hire him, she didn't know what to expect. She knew he wouldn't be the warmest company, but she was willing to try to become friends with just about anyone within reason at this point. When the two fell in love it took them by surprise, honestly. I'd say it was Vyeshna who fell first and Teldryn who fell harder. In public, they're a very serious couple. You could tell they're a couple by looking at them, but they really display huge amounts of affection in public. Alone, during the night, evening, and morning, or out in the wilderness is when they'll become the most tender with each other. They both love it that way, it gives them something to look forward to, especially after restraining themselves all day.
Overall, loneliness, physical body scars, and adjusting to pretty much having two people in your head were her biggest challenges.
⚠️Warning For The Following: Madness, Trust Issues, Loss, Self Harm/Suicide, Murderous & Violent Thoughts & Actions.⚠️
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Now, Drahireth prior to the Battle of Red Mountain would be very open minded and kind towards pretty much everyone. Sure, you'd need to earn her trust, but she's always willing to give everyone a chance to prove themself to her and maybe become her friend or associate.
Drahireth after The Battle of Red Mountain and after the Nerevarine Prophecy however, is a totally different story. She's willing to trust no one, it takes so much just to get her to consider trusting Vyeshna, especially after she killed her corrupted husband, Dagoth Ur once Voryn Dagoth, and the relationship between Ur and Drahireth is a story for another day. The only reason Drahireth listened to Vyeshna was because she knew her as Indoril Nerevar during his reign over Morrowind. She viewed him as a friend, and her leader. Drahireth's also completely mad, genius but mad. She has religious trauma, she has deranged speech patterns, her mannerisms are nothing but crazy, and she has murderous thoughts, tendencies, and uncontrollable urges to kill. The murderous thoughts and whatnot are mostly caused by her desire to harm herself and end her own life, but because she's immortal due to corprus disease, she can't, and instead takes her violence out on others and hurts them instead, even thought deep down there is a voice telling her what she is doing is wrong and that it isn't anyone else's fault that she's like this. Vyeshna convinces her to listen to that voice and that is what gains her trust.
During Drahireth's healing and as she slowly gains her sanity back, she grows to be really close to Vyeshna, closer than she ever was to Nerevar during his life. She became friends with most of the others Vyeshna travelled with, but Drahireth felt safe with Vyeshna. There's more on Drahireth I'm working on that I'll hopefully get to share soon.
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Despite the way she acts in a drunken stupor, Maevynn is very smart, smarter than she let's people think at first. She uses it to get ahead, get what she wants, and is always manipulating someone to gain the advantage. She's calculated, charismatic, willing to cast aside her morals, and is always ten steps ahead of everyone at any given moment.
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Look, Zirya is cautious because someone has to be. Zirya is careful, thought out, and always thinks before she acts, whereas Rawli is always a leap before you look kind of guy, he's smart, but impulsive.
Zirya was raised to be cautious about everything and everyone, one because of the discrimination she faced being half altmer half imperial, and two because she grew up in Thalmor territory and her father was a resistance fighter against the Thalmor. Zirya also always had her family and friends to look out for, and especially after everything that went down in Cyrodiil, she had to be more cautious than ever.
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That depends, are we talking full restart or does she know what's going to happen and she just relives all of her memories but gets to play them out knowing what she wants to change? If it's the former, no, she'd want to stay right where she is. If it's the latter, still no, honestly because everything that has happened has shaped who she is as a person. Basically everything in her life has ended with it's worst possible outcome, but she wouldn't change it because it would be disrespectful to herself and everyone she cared about who she lost. She grew up with an argonian, and despite being an outcast and his people not caring one bit about him, he was devout in his argonian beliefs and always wanted to exist in the now. He always told Viper to never look back with regret but instead look forward and seek to make what lies ahead the best she could make it. Viper's father also never wanted her to live in sorrow and regret. Now that she knows who and what she is, he wants her to live to her fullest and let everything that's happened live in the past. Solaris even wanted her to not let his death push her away from anyone else who may try to love her the way he did. She wouldn't change anything about her life, but still regrets what has happened that she couldn't prevent.
There you haves it! Thank you for all the questions, these were fun to answer!
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reagan-the-saunders · 4 months
Ask game!!!
🧣 and ❗ for Maevynn
🚨 and ❤️ for Vyeshna
Thanks for the ask! I'd love to dive into these eheheh. (Spoilers for OC and follower mod stories)
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Phew, that's hard one for Maevynn, considering she's not got any sort of comfort from, well, anyone her entire life, up until Val. That considered, she's pretty used to physical touches and stuff, but it hits totally different coming from who she loves, still, words of assurance and confidence, knowing that some actually believes in her rather than following her out of fear, would comfort her a lot, mainly because it's so rare to hear it.
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Oooookay, this is a hard one, I won't lie. There are two scary moments worth mentioning, the first one taking place before she ran away, became a pirate, changed her identity, etc.
When her previous lover, the adventurer who came into her town, told her parents about her plans to run away, she was terrified of that dream being crushed, so she ran away and converted to crime, and took extreme measures to cover up her whole past life.
The second took place many, many years later, when Val was taken by mercenaries while they were sleeping. One, she was terrified of losing the one person she loves and trusts, and two, she hated how badly hurt he got; being shoved into a deeeeeep pit, having his body broken, beaten by falmer, a daedric prince whispering in his ear, all of it. Worst of all, she felt like it was her fault, that she should have been more vigilant at night. She thought that were she not so comfortable, she would have woke up at any tiny sound like she always did. She didn't sleep for like a week after that.
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This is a very interesting question for her, because she is a noble hero who wants to do what's best for everyone, but on the other hand was raised a Telvanni and holds some Telvanni beliefs. She doesn't have any problems with law enforcement, of course it's necessary for keeping order and people safe, nor does have a bounty or any severe warrant out on her. She has broken the law before, trespassing and stealing things from time to time, mostly during her youth. She also has dabbled in illegal magics, such as levitation during the 4th era. She's never been caught, though.
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At first, it was Lyrandra. She'd do anything for her sister, to keep her happy, keep her safe, the like. But when the two split because of Lyrandra being young, ignorant, and ungrateful, Vyeshna was on her own for nearly 200 years. As of now, 100% Teldryn. He's always been loyal, loving, and caring towards her. She also greatly respects his skills and wit, and adores his charming sass. Even after Vyeshna and Lyrandra reunite, Teldryn is still one of, if not the most important person to her, as he's never done what Lyrandra did, and it's difficult to forgive her.
Ehheheheeehee this was so much fun <333
Time to shoot you an ask ehehe <3
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reagan-the-saunders · 5 months
Just finished (I think), or at least the start of, a little story taking place on Solstheim during the Dragonborn era of Skyrim. I also have a WIP of one of the key scenes. Enjoyeth <3
CW: Nudity, Banter, TES Spoilers.
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Vyeshna looks down at her map with confusion, trying to mix her memory of Solstheim the last time she was here with the piece of paper she holds in front of her. “We need to go… general… that way- direction.” She says looking up, shaking her befuddled look off of her face, and she tucks her map into her pocket.
“Should we really be trusting her with our navigation?” Marina whispers to Viper as she trudges behind Vyeshna and the others. “I mean, Maevynn is better with maps and compasses and the like.”
Viper chuckles softly. “You may be right, but Vyeshna knows the land better than any of us. Were we travelling by sea, I’d actually have a reason to trust our good captain with something.” She laughs.
“I heard that.” Maevynn groans and rolls her eyes. “I just hope Val’s holding down the Silver Wing well enough.”
“I am sure he and Teldryn are doing just fine, captain. I thought you would put more trust in a man you decided to marry.” Nerivyne teases, walking slowly and gracefully as she reads Vyeshna’s movement plans telepathically. She chuckles when Maevynn simply grunts in annoyment.
“Hold on.” Vyeshna says, stopping them suddenly.
“What is it?” Marina asks, promptly jogging up to her. She sees it, standing lonely atop an ash hill stands a spriggan, she knows them well, but this one seems… wrong. Its vibrant greens are gone, turned only to browns and oranges, there are no animals flocking to it, and it is not hiding in a tree, awaiting anyone who should wish to harm its land. No, it's almost like it wants to fight something, not a defender but more of an offender. “A… spriggan.” Marina sighs suddenly.
“Not a normal one, as I’m sure you’ve noticed. Burnt spriggans are spriggans that have been changed and warped by both Red Mountain’s hot lava and its devastating, corrupted chunks of rock, cursed by the Heart of Lorkhan I destroyed years ago.” Vyeshna sighs sadly. “We’ll have to kill it. We need to get to Fort Frostmoth, and sneaking around it won’t be possible in such a tight area with so many people.” 
“No.” Nerivyne says, walking up next to the two. “I know her kind, and they can be reasoned with.” She explains confidently. “I am not being a fool, Vyeshna, you do not understand this race like I do, corrupted though she may be.” Nerivyne then slowly walks up to the spriggan, and senses her anger and hatred as she approaches her, ready to attack. “I am not your enemy, spirit of the woods. I ask that you calm yourself.” Nerivyne speaks inside of the burnt spriggan’s head in its native tongue.
The spriggan shuffles for a moment, hesitating after hearing its own language after so long. It doubts Nerivyne’s intentions but stays its hand. “What are you?” It thinks.
“I am a nymph, a guardian of Kyne’s green Nirn, not unlike yourself. I fear you have been led astray, and I only wish to aid you.” Nerivyne says in its mind, and in the spriggan language again. She senses the disbelief in the spriggan, and quickly realises why. Nymphs do not typically wear clothes. Nerivyne gently pulls at the shoulders of her robe-like gown, and tugs until it completely falls off her body, leaving her entirely nude, with the gentle curves of her body gracefully outlining her every step, her bright white hair and the flowers she wove into it flowing behind her. “I know you are in pain, your body burning up from the inside out, unable to protect or govern over the wilderness I know you care for so deeply. Let me help you, spirit.” Nerivyne finally closes the gap between her and the spriggan, holding her hands close to her chest.
The spriggan is weary for a moment, pondering whether or not she should choose to believe the possibility of her healing, or to accept the fact that she might never be the same again. Somehow, her wooden facial features soften when she looks at Nerivyne with her burning eyes.
“I have a friend who is a healer, she may be able to aid you. If not, I will not rest until I find a way to return you to Kynareth’s embrace.” Nerivyne says telepathically. She holds her hand out towards the spriggan, showing no fear. 
The spriggan understands, and she quells the fire magic burning in her gnarled hands, and then gently grasps Nerivyne’s as best she can.
Nerivyne smiles gently when she feels the wooden grip of her new friend. “I am not going to hurt you.” She says in the spriggan tongue.
“Nerivyne.” Vyeshna says softly. “I’ll admit, I’m impressed.”
“S- so, wait, wait, wait a moment here.” Maevynn shrieks, shaking her head to try and stop blushing. “You just walked up, and tamed a s- spriggan?” Her eyes go wide and she flails her arms around wildly in disbelief.
The burnt spriggan flares her fires up slightly at being considered “tamed”.
“Easy.” Nerivyne coos and holds her arm out in front of her friend. “It is better to view this spriggan as a person, Maevynn, not an animal. I have promised to help cure her of the volcanic corruption she has fallen victim to, and then will return her to her people.”
“Hm, I did hear rumours that an island off the coast is actually teeming with unharmed spriggans. Maybe she could join them?” Marina says.
Nerivyne hears the words of approval inside the spriggan’s mind, who is currently too shy to speak aloud. “That would be… acceptable.” Nerivyne says for her.
“But how are we going to get it there..?” Maevynn asks.
“Well, captain, I suppose your ship is the only one in the area capable of holding a burnt spriggan.” Nerivyne says with a grin.
“N- now hold on a moment, I did not agree to this.” She squeals.
“No? Well, I suppose if you do not allow her aboard your ship, I will have to tell your husband how flustered and attracted to me you were when I dropped my dress…” Nerivyne sighs. “More is the pity, I suppose.”
Viper laughs when she watches Maevynn’s face go blood red. “Well, Maevynn?”
“Urgh, fine! Fine, she’s… welcome… aboard.” Maevynn hisses, stamping off in the direction they were originally heading.
“Good girl, captain…” Nerivyne says using her nymph charm in Maevynn’s head, just to rub it in a bit more.
“FOR SHOR’S SAKE, NERI, JUST GET DRESSED!” She screams, whipping around, her face now noticeably red and sweaty even from a distance, and it only grows when the group bursts out laughing.
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And the WIP drawing <3
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I also put small references to other media in here, let me know if you spot them. If you have any questions about my OCs after reading this, shoot me an ask!
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reagan-the-saunders · 7 months
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reagan-the-saunders · 6 months
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(Bear with the underwear. It looks awful, I know).
--- Fully nude version below ---
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