#oriel wolfpack
Where Wolf Meets Moth - Juliet Oriel/Neal Locke
A/N: More fic for @jmathesonandsiblings Spooky Season In The Barrens. Neal is @jmathesonandsiblings boy, Juliet is mine.
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The girl’s eyes are wide when Neal meets her. She’s quieter now, safe, seemingly happy if shy and Neal smiles slightly when she seems to sniff the air, a weak wrist raised in thanks, the marks of that night are still on her… “What’s your name, little Wolf?” It’s a gentle question and she bites her lip before answering. “Juliet… Juliet Oriel…” “I’m Neal… Neal Locke.” “I… didn’t get to say thank you.” “You just did.” He risks a step closer, watching her eyes even as she backs up a little, backing into a tree, the surrounding woods hide them well, even from the girl’s house and he steps slowly closer when she pulls him towards her, soft lips pressing to his own. He can’t help the soft moan that escapes him even as he moves to push hair from her eyes, cupping her cheek in his hand when he pulls back. “Are you…” “Please…” He smiles just slightly, kissing her again and slowly, so softly, brushing a hand against her hip under her shirt. He won’t push, but when she pulls him closer it’s hard to refuse the feeling of her body against his jeans, her breathing husking just slightly when he shifts his hand, slipping down lower to palm her in his hand, his eyes fixed on hers as he teases into her. “Neal…” His name is a breath, her slim fingers nimble as she moves to release him from his jeans and boxers, her touch light, shy but clearly wanting. They stay like that a while before he shifts her back, gently tugging her skirt up, his lips finding her ear. “Still sure?” “Yes…” Later, much later, he’ll wonder what possessed him to so openly bury himself deep inside her, his pace gentle but firm, her whined moan a promise she wanted more.  Later he’ll hope she doesn’t regret it even as he lies with her curled into his arms. The first time is firm, slow and tender, her body arching to his every thrust. The second time is not so sensitive and slow, her body presses to his again and she moans into his mouth as she shudders undone, his grip tightening at her hips even as he pulls her down, daring to spill himself inside her, holding her there as they both come down, his lips brushing her ear. “My wolf… my beautiful Juliet.”
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Juliet Oriel
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Name: Juliet Oriel Nickname: Moonshine Love Interest: Neal Locke Appearance: Dark hair, dark eyes, pale skin. Juliet wears dresses when she’s working but she prefers jeans and t-shirts. She is forever tired and it shows in how dull her eyes are. Height: 5’7 History: Juliet is small, tender and shy. She looks sweet and she followed her sisters when she overheard her family discussing beating them if they were caught, she flees fastest when they are all attacked and she’s terrified of the dark now. She hates that she always sleeps in the dark. She’s attacked again when she’s left alone in the home she and her sisters have taken, the rest are out with their lovers, and she flees into the woods, not caring that she might be risking their home. She doesn’t want to get hurt any more. When a giant moth drops between her and the attacker, she skids to a halt in the bushes and waits. The attacker flees and Wolf meets Moth. Later Neal meets Juliet and she pauses, scenting him and smiling softly, her weak wrist raised in recognition, her need to hide falling away… but can a wolf really love a moth?
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Nellie/Janine Moodboard
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Janine Oriel
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Name: Janine Oriel Nickname: Nina Love Interest: Nellie Shroud Appearance: Dark hair and eyes, pale skin. Janine is very much a jeans and t-shirt girl. Her eyes, despite being dark, sparkle but when she’s afraid, which she often is, they can seem like dark wells of ink. Height: 5’7 History: Janine follows her sisters when Jenni tells her she’s leaving, already limping and when the girl’s run away she can’t help slowing them down. She promises to get help when she can but by the time they get to town she’s already exhausted. The later attack on her family, when they all ran from one another to try and save at least most of them, Jenni fighting like usual, spurs her to finally get help. She’s small, the runt of the litter and when her ankle finally snaps fully out of place she collapses with a howl of raw pain, the shivering whimpers rewarded with gentle hands bringing her inside, carrying her. She’s still shivering, pained and clearly terrified, as Nellie heals her ankle, her blush soft when Nellie finds her asleep the next day, no longer a wolf. She’s whimpering again, instantly, frightened all over again… but can she trust Nellie with her heart when the girl proves sweet and caring, or will she wish she didn’t try her luck?
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Jamie/Jo Moodboard
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Jo Oriel
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Name: Jo Oriel Nickname: Joey Love Interest: Jamie Shroud Appearance: Dark hair, dark eyes, pale skin. Jo dresses in a lot of jeans and t-shirts. Jo is the one sister who tries to present as normal, even if she’s quietly annoyed at having to protect herself and pretend. She’s always carrying a few books, usually in latin or other ‘dead’ languages. Height: 5’7 History: Jo took lessons on History when she could sneak into town away from her pack, so when her sisters leave, she follows and dreams of the day when she too can be happy and study. Her lonely nature and intensely protective sisters buy her plenty of time to study and she soon settles into the local professors class. She doesn’t really pay Jamie attention at first, but when he calls her on her crap, telling her to let go of whatever other shit is stressing her out and focus, she can’t help being a little bit attracted to the man, even if she’s not sure she’ll ever be able to tell him that. Her angry retort, in fluent latin, earns her a laugh and warm smile… but can she ever translate her hard work into a romance?
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Lottie/Mina Moodboard
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Jasmine ‘Mina’ Oriel
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Name: Jasmine Oriel Nickname: Mina Love Interest: Lottie Foret Appearance: Dark hair, dark eyes, pale skin. Mina dresses in dresses mostly, using jeans and t-shirts only when she needs somewhere to hide and change. She’s quiet, shy and a little wild eyed. Height: 5’7 History: Jasmine followed her sisters willingly, she’s always found it hard to love but she does care for her sisters. She knows a lot of what happened to her siblings, even the things her sisters don’t want to tell her but she is still jealous of how easily they all find love… She meets Lottie when she’s brought in as a stunt wolf for a photoshoot. She’d faked being the wolf’s owner to book the appointment, promising ‘the wolf will behave’, but she never really meant to meet and fall for the model. She’s aware she did though…. But can she possibly find a way to show Lottie just why the wolf was so gently affectionate or will she run away again?
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Hank/Jade Moodboard
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Jade Oriel
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Name: Jade Oriel Nickname: Dee Love Interest: Hank Foret Appearance: Dark eyes and hair, pale skin. Jade moves like a threat. She likes dresses and she often looks small and sweet until she’s ready to take her own pleasure. She often changes from dresses when she’s hunting her prey to jeans and t-shirts. Height: 5’7 History: Jade has always been the loner of the family. She follows Jenni and her sisters when they leave town but where most of them fear being known, she thrives on it. She’s a strange mix of the sweetest girl you have ever known and the most violent killer. Jade’s interest is peaked when she sees Hank out one night, the scent of his darkness drawing her to follow him. She chooses to walk towards him, of course, chooses to pretend to be an innocent wolf. Later she will show him her truer self. Can dark souls really find pleasure in love?
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Denny/Jemma Moodboard
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Jemma Oriel
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Name: Jemma Oriel Nickname: Ma Love Interest: Denny Leeds Appearance: Dark hair and eyes, pale skin and a habit of refusing to look at people. Jemma often hides her emotions behind her hair, choosing to wear baggy sweats or jeans and simple t-shirts. She’s not afraid to show herself off if she feels safe but it’s rare that she ever feels safe. Height: 5’7 History: Jemma followed her sisters when they left the pack, choosing to believe she can be safe with them. She’s fiercely loyal, brave when she needs to be but she is also wounded by the past. She’s often soft, tender hearted and she flees from her sisters when someone attacks them, limping away to Denny’s land to heal. She shows herself, in wolf form, when Denny comes out to see who or what fell into his land, her eyes show fear and she whines pathetically as she transforms, collapsing at his feet. The wounds she shows are clear, the imprint of a hunter’s boot showing how lucky she had been. She hides with Denny to heal, but can she convince Denny she needs to stay? Will she even trust him again?
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Tahyo/Jem Moodboard
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Jemima ‘Jem’ Oriel
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Name: Jemima Oriel Nickname: Jem Love Interest: Rene ‘Tahyo’ Gaspard Appearance: Dark hair, dark eyes and pale skin. Jem is small, fragile and basically scared of her own shadow. She wears jumpers and jeans, wrapping herself in as many layers as possible, trying to hide a lot of her feelings in the way she dresses. Height: 5’7 History: Jem is a timid girl. She’s small, shy and sweet. She will never tell Jenni that all the fighting had been too late for her. She had run away from home at first, hidden her truth and killed the pup, playing innocent. She’s still broken, deep down and when Jenni leaves the pack she follows more than willingly. She meets Tahyo one night after someone scared the hell out of her, her sisters staying to fight or fleeing, sprinting for her life until Wolf meets something else, her terrified whines rewarded with Tahyo’s protection. Later she’ll nuzzle his hand, licking it shyly, but can she really find it in herself to protect her heart and walk away or will she finally choose to believe she can and will be safe with Tahyo?
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Jazz/Mariah Moodboard
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Jazz Oriel
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Name: Jazz Oriel Nickname: JazzReel – online only Love Interest: Mariah Leeds Appearance: Dark hair, dark eyes, pale skin. Jazz wears a lot of dresses, although she will wear jeans and a t-shirt if she can find a way to style them that doesn’t make her feel too uncomfortable. Jazz is quiet and a little shy and most of the time she’s fiddling with her phone or laptop. Height: 5’7 History: Jazz is a small, shy girl with a tech youtube. She’s never really brave enough to tell people who she really is, she’s happiest to be just a voice. After what happened with Jenni and her sisters she is more than happy to flee to the countryside, following Jenni’s lead. She doesn’t really intend to become one of the settled sisters. Jazz meets Mariah when her laptop fries, her panic leading her to call on the local ‘tech guru’ for help. She doesn’t really like to look at people, even now, but she can’t help glancing at Mariah, eventually shyly admitting she is in fact JazzReel, the girl who helped many people fix smaller issues with their laptops. Can she actually find love with a new girl in her life and can she trust Mariah?
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