#ori hofmekler
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The Warrior Diet: A Comprehensive Guide to Eating Like a Warrior
Ready to transform your health with the #WarriorDiet? Discover its benefits, potential drawbacks, and tips for success in our ultimate guide! 🥗💪 #IntermittentFasting #HealthyEating #WellnessJourney
Hey there, I’m Lavanda Michelle, and on my weight loss journey, I’ve been curious about different diets. One that really intrigued me is the Warrior Diet—it’s not your typical eating plan. Inspired by how ancient warriors ate, it flips the script with periods of light eating followed by a feast. Ori Hofmekler cooked up this approach in the early 2000s to sync our bodies with natural rhythms and…
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Warrior Diät: Abnehmen wie ein Krieger leicht gemacht
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Die Warrior-Diät ist eine effektive Methode des intermittierenden Fastens, die Ihnen dabei helfen kann, Gewicht zu verlieren und Ihre Ernährung zu verbessern. Diese Diät kombiniert Elemente des intermittierenden Fastens und der Low-Carb-Ernährung, um den Stoffwechsel anzukurbeln und den Körper in den Fettverbrennungsmodus zu versetzen. Bei der Warrior-Diät fasten Sie 20 Stunden am Tag und haben ein vierstündiges Zeitfenster, um Ihre Mahlzeiten einzunehmen. Dieser Ansatz basiert auf der Idee, sich an die Ernährungs- und Lebensweise der Menschen in der Steinzeit anzulehnen, bei der tagsüber gejagt und abends eine große Mahlzeit verzehrt wurde. Die Warrior-Diät hat verschiedene Vorteile, wie die Förderung der Fettverbrennung, die Steigerung des Energieniveaus und die Unterstützung bei der Gewichtsreduktion. Allerdings ist sie nicht für jeden geeignet und erfordert eine bewusste Ernährungsumstellung und regelmäßige Bewegung. Schlüsselerkenntnisse: - Die Warrior-Diät kombiniert intermittierendes Fasten und Low-Carb-Ernährung. - Fasten Sie 20 Stunden am Tag und haben Sie ein vierstündiges Essensfenster. - Die Warrior-Diät basiert auf der Ernährungsweise der Menschen in der Steinzeit. - Die Diät kann dabei helfen, Gewicht zu verlieren und den Stoffwechsel anzukurbeln. - Es ist wichtig, auf eine ausgewogene Ernährung und regelmäßige Bewegung zu achten. Hintergrund der Warrior-Diät Die Warrior-Diät wurde von Ori Hofmekler entwickelt und basiert auf den Ernährungs- und Bewegungsgewohnheiten der Menschen in der Steinzeit. In dieser Zeit wurde tagsüber gejagt und abends eine große Mahlzeit verzehrt. Die Diät geht davon aus, dass der menschliche Stoffwechsel nicht auf eine konstante Nahrungszufuhr eingestellt ist, sondern auf längere Fastenperioden. Die Warrior-Diät stellt eine Kombination aus intermittierendem Fasten und Low-Carb-Ernährung dar und fordert eine Anpassung der Essgewohnheiten. Mit der Warrior-Diät versuchen wir, uns an unsere natürlichen Wurzeln zu erinnern und eine Ernährungsumstellung vorzunehmen, die sich an den Essgewohnheiten unserer Vorfahren orientiert. Durch das Fasten während des Tages und das Essen am Abend im Zeitfenster, das der Steinzeit-Tradition ähnelt, sollen wir unseren Stoffwechsel anregen und eine effektive Gewichtsreduktion erreichen. Durch die Kombination von intermittierendem Fasten und einer kohlenhydratreduzierten Ernährung bietet die Warrior-Diät eine alternative Methode, um unsere Gesundheit und Fitnessziele zu verbessern. Ablauf der Warrior-Diät Die Warrior-Diät folgt einem bestimmten Ablauf, der sowohl das Fasten als auch das Essen in einem festgelegten Zeitfenster regelt. Der Ablauf der Warrior-Diät besteht aus einem 20-stündigen Fastenintervall gefolgt von einem vierstündigen Essensfenster. Während der 20 Stunden Fastenzeit sollte keine Nahrung aufgenommen werden. Dies bedeutet, dass du auf Nahrung verzichtest und nur Wasser oder ungesüßten Tee trinken darfst. Das Fastenfenster spielt eine zentrale Rolle bei dieser Diät und hilft dabei, den Stoffwechsel anzukurbeln und die Fettverbrennung zu fördern. Das vierstündige Essensfenster ist der Zeitraum, in dem du deine Mahlzeiten zu dir nimmst. In dieser Zeit kannst du essen, ohne auf die Kalorien zu achten. Es wird jedoch empfohlen, während des Essensfensters auf eine ausgewogene Ernährung zu achten und gesunde Lebensmittel wie Vollkornprodukte, mageres Fleisch, Fisch, Gemüse und Obst zu wählen. Während des Fastenintervalls ist es wichtig, auf einfache Kohlenhydrate und Zucker zu verzichten. Stattdessen solltest du komplexe Kohlenhydrate wie Vollkornprodukte und Gemüse konsumieren. Diese liefern langanhaltende Energie und helfen dir dabei, dich während des Fastens satt zu fühlen. Zusätzlich zur Ernährung ist es auch wichtig, regelmäßige Bewegung und Sport in deinen Alltag zu integrieren. Durch körperliche Aktivität kannst du den Abnehmprozess unterstützen und deine Fitnessziele schneller erreichen. Der Ablauf der Warrior-Diät in Kürze: - Fastenintervall: 20 Stunden, keine Nahrungsaufnahme, nur Wasser oder ungesüßter Tee erlaubt. - Essensfenster: 4 Stunden, essen ohne Kalorienzählung. - Während des Fastenintervalls: Verzicht auf einfache Kohlenhydrate und Zucker, stattdessen komplexe Kohlenhydrate und Gemüse konsumieren. - Regelmäßige Bewegung und Sport. Vorteile und Nachteile der Warrior-Diät Die Warrior-Diät bietet einige Vorteile, die dir bei deiner Gewichtsreduktion helfen können. Durch die lange Fastenperiode von 20 Stunden pro Tag erreichst du eine negative Kalorienbilanz, was bedeutet, dass dein Körper mehr Kalorien verbrennt, als du über die Nahrung aufnimmst. Dadurch kann die Warrior-Diät effektiv dazu beitragen, Gewicht zu verlieren. Ein weiterer Vorteil der Warrior-Diät ist die Möglichkeit, abends eine gemeinsame Mahlzeit mit der Familie einzunehmen. Während des Essensfensters von vier Stunden kannst du die Mahlzeit genießen und dich mit deinen Lieben austauschen. #gesundheit #fitness #lifestyle #beziehungen #achtsamkeit Original Content von: https://www.gutundgesund.org/ Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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The Warrior Diet: Fasting and Feasting for Improved Health and Fitness
New Post has been published on https://eazydiet.net/the-warrior-diet/
The Warrior Diet: Fasting and Feasting for Improved Health and Fitness
Table of Contents
How the Warrior Diet Can Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals
The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting with the Warrior Diet
How to Incorporate the Warrior Diet into Your Everyday Life
The Science Behind the Warrior Diet: What Does the Research Say?
The Warrior Diet: A Guide to Eating for Optimal Health and Performance
The Warrior Diet is a unique approach to health and fitness that combines fasting and feasting. It was developed by Ori Hofmekler, a former Israeli Special Forces soldier, and is based on the eating habits of ancient warriors. The diet focuses on intermittent fasting, eating one large meal per day, and eating nutrient-dense foods. It is designed to help people lose weight, improve their health, and increase their energy levels. The Warrior Diet is a great way to improve your health and fitness while still enjoying the foods you love.
How the Warrior Diet Can Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals
The Warrior Diet is a popular diet and fitness program that has been gaining traction in recent years. It is based on the idea that humans are naturally designed to eat small amounts of food throughout the day, and that this is the healthiest way to eat. The Warrior Diet encourages people to eat one large meal at night and fast during the day. This type of intermittent fasting has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including weight loss, improved mental clarity, and increased energy levels.
The Warrior Diet is based on the idea that humans evolved to eat small amounts of food throughout the day, and that this is the healthiest way to eat. The diet encourages people to eat one large meal at night and fast during the day. This type of intermittent fasting has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including weight loss, improved mental clarity, and increased energy levels.
The Warrior Diet is a great way to reach your fitness goals. It can help you lose weight, as it encourages you to eat fewer calories throughout the day. It can also help you gain muscle, as it allows you to focus on eating nutrient-dense foods during your one large meal. Additionally, the Warrior Diet can help you improve your mental clarity and energy levels, as it encourages you to get adequate rest and to eat nutrient-dense foods.
The Warrior Diet is a great way to reach your fitness goals. It can help you lose weight, gain muscle, and improve your mental clarity and energy levels. It is based on the idea that humans are naturally designed to eat small amounts of food throughout the day, and that this is the healthiest way to eat. The diet encourages people to eat one large meal at night and fast during the day. This type of intermittent fasting has been shown to have numerous health benefits, and is a great way to reach your fitness goals.
The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting with the Warrior Diet
Intermittent fasting is a popular dietary approach that has been gaining traction in recent years. The Warrior Diet is one of the most popular forms of intermittent fasting, and it offers a range of potential benefits. In this article, we will discuss the basics of the Warrior Diet and the potential benefits of intermittent fasting with this approach.
The Warrior Diet is an intermittent fasting approach that involves eating one large meal at night and fasting during the day. This approach is based on the idea that our ancestors would hunt and gather during the day and then feast at night. The Warrior Diet is a 20-hour fast followed by a 4-hour eating window. During the fasting period, only water, tea, and coffee are allowed. During the eating window, a large meal is consumed that is high in protein and healthy fats.
Intermittent fasting with the Warrior Diet has a range of potential benefits. One of the most notable benefits is weight loss. Studies have shown that intermittent fasting can help to reduce body fat and improve body composition. Additionally, intermittent fasting can help to reduce inflammation, improve insulin sensitivity, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.
Intermittent fasting with the Warrior Diet can also help to improve mental clarity and focus. Studies have shown that intermittent fasting can help to improve cognitive function and reduce stress levels. Additionally, intermittent fasting can help to improve sleep quality and reduce fatigue.
Finally, intermittent fasting with the Warrior Diet can help to improve overall health and wellbeing. Studies have shown that intermittent fasting can help to reduce oxidative stress, improve cellular repair, and reduce the risk of age-related diseases.
In conclusion, intermittent fasting with the Warrior Diet offers a range of potential benefits. This approach can help to promote weight loss, reduce inflammation, improve mental clarity and focus, and improve overall health and wellbeing. If you are considering trying intermittent fasting, the Warrior Diet is a great option to consider.
How to Incorporate the Warrior Diet into Your Everyday Life
WPAICG_IMAGE The Warrior Diet is a popular diet plan that focuses on intermittent fasting and eating nutrient-dense foods. It is based on the idea that our ancestors ate one large meal a day and fasted for the rest of the day. This diet has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its potential health benefits.
If you are interested in incorporating the Warrior Diet into your everyday life, there are a few steps you can take to make it easier.
First, you should plan your meals ahead of time. This will help you to ensure that you are eating nutrient-dense foods that will provide you with the energy and nutrients you need. You should also plan your fasting periods so that you can stick to the Warrior Diet schedule.
Second, you should focus on eating whole, unprocessed foods. This means avoiding processed foods and focusing on eating fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Eating whole foods will help you to get the most out of the Warrior Diet.
Third, you should make sure to stay hydrated. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day will help to keep your body functioning properly and will help to keep you feeling full.
Fourth, you should make sure to get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep is essential for your overall health and will help to ensure that you are able to stick to the Warrior Diet.
Finally, you should make sure to stay active. Exercise is an important part of the Warrior Diet and will help to keep your body healthy and strong.
By following these steps, you can easily incorporate the Warrior Diet into your everyday life. With a little bit of planning and dedication, you can reap the benefits of this popular diet plan.
The Science Behind the Warrior Diet: What Does the Research Say?
The Warrior Diet is a popular diet plan that has been gaining traction in recent years. It is based on the idea of intermittent fasting, which involves alternating periods of eating and fasting. Proponents of the Warrior Diet claim that it can help people lose weight, improve their health, and increase their energy levels. But what does the science say about the Warrior Diet?
The Warrior Diet is based on the idea of intermittent fasting, which has been studied extensively in recent years. Studies have found that intermittent fasting can lead to weight loss, improved metabolic health, and increased energy levels. It has also been linked to a reduction in inflammation and improved cognitive function.
Intermittent fasting has also been found to be beneficial for people with type 2 diabetes. Studies have shown that it can help reduce blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. It has also been linked to a reduction in cholesterol levels and improved cardiovascular health.
The Warrior Diet is also based on the idea of eating nutrient-dense foods. Studies have found that eating nutrient-dense foods can help improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Eating nutrient-dense foods can also help people feel fuller for longer, which can help with weight loss.
Overall, the research suggests that the Warrior Diet can be beneficial for people looking to lose weight, improve their health, and increase their energy levels. However, it is important to note that the diet should be tailored to an individual’s needs and should be done in consultation with a healthcare professional. Additionally, it is important to remember that any diet should be accompanied by regular physical activity and a healthy lifestyle.
The Warrior Diet: A Guide to Eating for Optimal Health and Performance
The Warrior Diet is a nutritional approach designed to promote optimal health and performance. It is based on the idea that the human body is best adapted to eating one large meal per day, with smaller meals and snacks consumed throughout the day. This approach is based on the dietary habits of ancient warriors, who would eat one large meal after a day of battle.
The Warrior Diet is based on the principles of intermittent fasting, which involves alternating periods of eating and fasting. During the fasting period, which typically lasts for 16-20 hours, only water and other calorie-free beverages are consumed. During the eating period, which typically lasts for 4-8 hours, a single large meal is consumed. This meal should be composed of nutrient-dense, whole foods such as lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates.
The Warrior Diet is designed to provide the body with the nutrients it needs while also allowing for periods of rest and recovery. It is believed that this approach can help to improve energy levels, mental clarity, and overall health. Additionally, it may help to reduce inflammation, improve digestion, and support weight loss.
The Warrior Diet is not for everyone. It is important to consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet. Additionally, it is important to ensure that you are getting enough calories and nutrients to meet your individual needs.
Overall, the Warrior Diet is a nutritional approach designed to promote optimal health and performance. It is based on the idea that the human body is best adapted to eating one large meal per day, with smaller meals and snacks consumed throughout the day. This approach is based on the dietary habits of ancient warriors, and it may help to improve energy levels, mental clarity, and overall health. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet.
The Warrior Diet is an effective way to improve health and fitness. It encourages fasting and feasting, which can help to regulate hormones, improve digestion, and reduce inflammation. It also helps to reduce stress and improve mental clarity. With its focus on whole foods and intermittent fasting, the Warrior Diet is a great way to improve overall health and fitness.
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Two and a half weeks: Part 1
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“Science is about predictions based on predictable fact. Life is about surprises based on the unpredictable reality.”- Ori Hofmekler
Monday 4 April:
Where to start?
Well this is actually the second time I’ve started this paragraph, in the same location as I started it previously, Groundhog Day. 3rd Covid test in 5 days. This is going to jump around a bit as not only am I a long way behind in my blog, a lot has happened in the last week…will have to break this down into parts and depending on what happens in the next few days, may have the challenge of writing about events two weeks ago and on the day I’m writing…things are about to get interesting! Perhaps the last time of writing for this adventure in the Southern Hemisphere…let’s see…
Saturday 2 April:
If you’ve been following along, I last left you reflecting on the contradictions and juxtaposition of Bolivia. We’ve skipped forward two weeks and you join me now as I sit at another border, Lima, awaiting what I hope will be a departure from South America, eye-opening and incredible as it’s been, albeit 36 hours later than scheduled, awaiting a second rapid antigen test within 24 hours, and considering what I will do if yesterday’s negative test result when retested today, comes back as positive. 45 minutes and counting…Mark, sat in the plastic chair in the airport car park next to me is watching the excellent series Taboo, which he downloaded yesterday ready for last night’s flight with Spirit, which was cancelled just as we arrived in good time at the airport, and all is calm.
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I am still suffering from some parasitic tummy infection which has gone on for a week, and an ear infection, any benefit from any distance miles and altitude adaption feeling a long way behind me. The only new pair of my model of Sidi shoes in the USA is being flown by UPS to my accommodation in Fort Lauderdale, now the only reason I’m still going there, as any time spent with Mark there is now eradicated, as we are flying to his departing airport instead of Fort Lauderdale, where I’ve booked my accommodation. The flight cancellation has cost me £604 in total, and double that for the two of us, which we are counting on our insurance policies to cover, and not thinking too hard about it.
We have found humour in people watching as we’ve stood and queued for two hours: the security guard admitting punters in to be tested has his nose totally exposed over his mask, whilst 3 people behind us, a young man has covered pretty much his whole eyes with his mask, as he films himself not knowing how to reverse the camera, and not seeing that the only thing in shot is his mask, as he describes the unique experience he is going through in queuing for a covid test before flying. His accompanying mother could help, but apparently she is not tech savvy enough to hold the phone for him. Mark also found hilarity in the queuing nuns, who if were due to fly on the same flight, might have a different view of Spirit’uality, and were on their way to Nun’eaton.
It doesn’t seem too traumatic to be spending a day in a car park testing, as the alternatives don’t seem too enticing. We could head to the beach the far side of the airport, a port, or visit Colon Butchers for a bit of local fun. The alternative of crossing the city to get to the airport yesterday was another appealing option, but we’d have to take a taxi or tuktuk as we’d handed back the Toyota Yaris the night before, which is likely to be the last time the car will (or should) be used as a rental vehicle, due to the abuse it took from 3987 km of punishing Peruvian city and mountain roads. With this delay, and an unsurprising challenge at another border, it provides a great opportunity to reminisce and share my days in Peru with you.
Saturday 19th March - La Paz - Peruvian Border at Desguardo, Bolivia
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The day before leaving for Peru, I decided that the only way out of La Paz alive was to take a cable car 400 vertical metres up, rising above the incomprehensible city landscape and to the relative safety of a level, if not surfaced, road network leading west towards the border. I took a ride on the route, having been sold “if you want a peaceful walk and to see the best of the city, take this cable” by the ticket operator, my walk at the upper level lasted all of 10 minutes, deciding this was no different to what I saw on my ride in the previous day. From the bird’s eye view, it wasn’t possible to see one green space below me, and the only colour being one housing district where the inhabitants had also decided that the cityscape needed some energy, and coordinated to create a neighbourhood of modern art in the form of painted buildings every colour of a Windsor and Newton paint set. The trip did provide some comfort that I would indeed be able to escape La Paz and break for the border the next day.
As if without words, and understanding my challenges within his country, the hotel’s chief of staff (the only member of staff I came into contact with), Alberto, popped out just for me having fetched a specially constructed fruit salad of exquisite colours, for no other reason than he wanted to, which once again,left me feeling slightly tearful with appreciation. He thought that seeing the world by bike was such a fantastic idea, and wanted to wish me well for my ongoing days, and I left with a smile and a great review for this final day in Bolivia.
My bike computer took me every which way through the scruffy streets of El Alto before eventually, I found my way to Ruta 1, all flat bar one testing climb approaching Lake Titicaca, one of the oldest lakes in the world. I expected a high volume of traffic as I’d seen on the two previous days, but perhaps being Saturday, it was surprisingly quiet. As the miles ticked away, the reasons became clear.
One by one, I came across tiny hamlets with villagers dressed in traditional celebratory dress. I’d thought it must be in honour of someone who’d died, or a public holiday, as each village has created a road block, but would let me walk my bike through whilst all motorised vehicles were stopped. The scenes got more bizarre as I continued. Still the villagers, but now in the blockades, lorries both sides of the roads, and then a little further, people wandering aimlessly to nowhere in particular, pulling luggage, sitting at the side of the road, and some cheering me on. There was now no moving traffic for all of the 20 remaining miles. The final blockade before the border town included boulders and fires and a large crowd being dictated to by one spokesmen as they all looked on. They looked like they’d been there for days, and had no intention of moving. Oblivious and determined that I was no part of this and would remain unaffected, I pedalled on to what seemed like a ghost town, an empty and unmanned border post, and confronted on the foot bridge crossing to Peru by a barrier of sitting protesters, determined not to let anyone through.
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Still hopeful, I wandered in to the unlocked border control building, looking for life. A man eventually appeared and in our broken language conversation, he told me I couldn’t go across. I explained that this could not be the case as “my husband…it’s the only way I could explain that Mark was important to me)…was waiting the other side of the border and I absolutely MUST cross. And I’m on my bike, so no wasn’t an option. After much “no, you can’t cross”, he softened a little and said there was another vehicle crossing 4km away and to try there.
My bike computer directed me through a swamp, past pigs, wild dogs and some stenches I’d rather not dwell on, to a convoy of stationary vehicles, mostly lorries, numbering around 500. The barrier was down and no border guards in sight. The nearest beings I could find, I spoke to, a man larger than life, sat at a table by the barrier right at the front. “Hablas Ingles?”. Of course he did! This was a man whose name was Eduardo, whose full name became Argentine Eduardo Border from Purmamarca, who owned the first vehicle to be barricaded, a Hummer of some status. Eduardo was delighted to talk with me as at the time, he’d already been stuck for 2 days, but seemed pretty chilled about it. In the coming days, he offered and open invitation for me and “my husband” to be guests at his house, and shared his hotel, which by chance I’d photographed a week earlier. He explained that this blockade was a protest, with no end date, but might end the next day. Looking back at this retrospectively, the blockade continued for 4 days, a dispute about a long promised dual carriageway from La Paz to the border. Eduardo was caught up for all of this time, eventually contacting the Argentinian Embassy for permission to leave his Hummer, for it to be transported home when the dispute was finished and to get home himself with their support in the meantime. A man of many means!
As for me? He told me to break through the human barrier and find my man, reassuring me that they could not stop me. It was about 200m from the barrier to the human blockade, a group of about 20 protesters the far side of another barrier on the bridge. I am mostly a conformist, law-abiding and non-confrontational being, but knowing Mark was due to arrive and no way to communicate with him, I took my chances, climbed under the first barrier, rode to the second, climbed under the second and faced up to the protesters. “You can’t go through”, “Yes I can, try and stop me.” “What is your name?” I wish I’d answered something witty at that point like Donald Trump or Minnie Mouse, but defiantly replied “I’m not telling you!”, held my head up high whilst quickly mounting my bike and sprinted away as fast as my legs would turn. I expected a chase, but nothing! I was illegally over the bridge too far and had made my great escape, into Peru! Jubilation! I’d worry about what happened next later. Next to find the matrimonial room of a hotel within touching distance of the first border crossing.
It was important to get to my hotel as easily as possible when reaching Peru, as Enrique, bike shop owner in La Paz, although not completely knowledgeable, warned me that there were many desperate Venezuelans trying to move south from their country, and holding out at the border. If I could get to my hotel and hold out until Mark arrived, I’d be safe. The crime and threat wasn’t immediately obvious as I rode the silent streets of the town. I had my suspicions about the hotel Mark had booked through Airbnb though as it had multiple listings and the photos I could find online seemed to provide a hotel with a different name and colour. On finding it, and with no answer to my knock, I sat in the doorway, hoping to be safe and to not wait long. Within a few minutes, the owner appeared carrying shopping. I showed her our booking but she ignored me and said the hotel was closed, and slammed the door in my face, refusing to answer. A scam. And no way to contact Mark about where I’d go and what to expect when he arrived. Feeling more than disgruntled, I donned my shoes, taking a walk even closer to the border crossing to find a cheap and functional hostal, and nearly passed out as I climbed 3 flights of stairs, carrying my bike, remembering suddenly it was still 4000m above sea level. With a roof over my head and a bed for the night, I had to figure out how to connect with Mark, hoping he would still arrive as planned, that night.
I came up with a plan to wait for Mark on a bench within view of both the hotel and the likely route he would arrive from and sat with a downloaded film. Far from feeling unsafe, as the sun sunk and darkness set in, it was cold that made me most uncomfortable. I played with the street dogs and tried to stay warm, but eventually gave in to hoping Mark would find Wi-Fi when he was presented with the fictitious hotel, and we’d find each other. When I returned to my basic room overlooking thousands of street cables and numerous cash exchange booths, I hung out of the window, hoping somehow I’d see him arrive. After two hours, I finally got the call “Hi, I guess something had happened!”. He was across the road and five minutes later, and after 14 hours driving that day and 12 the day before for him, we finally met up!
Sunday, March 20 - Desguardea
It was time to deal with my illegal immigrant issue. I had hoped that Peru would just turn a blind eye to the lack of exit stamp from Bolivia on an old bit of paper, but the border guards directed us to another border crossing an hour north-east, Yunguyo. I’d been expecting chaos, a fine, issues with the Bolivian scrap of paper with an immigration stamp, but what I found was a helpful officer, a laughing Bolivian at the flakiness of my immigration stamp, a medical test and finally, a stamp in my passport for Peru! The weather was poor, foggy and cold, and Mark had struggled with the sudden gain in altitude. He likened his nighttime breathlessness to the minutes before his stroke, and without much discussion, we made a decision to leave Peru’s rainy season for the mountains, head to lower altitude 300km away and the on to the coast for a sea-level run into Lima.
The journey across the Altiplane initially took us up for 150km and our highest elevation of the trip at 4800m. The skies darkened and civilisation quickly disappeared except for a few lonely mud-constructed homes, and large exposed expanses of scrubland, dotted with Llamas and Alpacas. For each of the three villages we past through, we were stopped by police, who kindly told us the errors of our ways: “Where are you going? Where are you from? Why are you doing this? Why aren’t you doing that?” “Oh Senor, I understand! You want money!” “It is to help the villagers, you understand”. Within two days of being in Peru, we had experienced a hotel scam and dodgy police on the take. If I’m honest, all 4 incidents did make me a little cross, but what can you do? Rather than the threat from desperate asylum seekers, it seemed crime was much more organised than someone fleeing a country such as Venezuela. But as far as scamming went, these gentle if criminal police were the most polite and friendly people to be conned by. Mark seemed pretty resigned to playing along and not being wound up…I saw it as this was the flavour of Peru and it was here for the duration.
This 300km journey delivered the only fraction of a sunset I saw in South America, as we started our descent to 1800m…but that was fine. Moquegua provided a bed, my first Pisco sour and civilisation until we dropped to the coast the next day.
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The biggest surprise for me on this first day in Peru’s high altitude was the complete remoteness of some dwellings on mountainsides. At altitude here at least, the wilderness was almost desert like, other than the coarse scrubland. Living seemed like Bolivia, hostile and even savage. As we had learnt that day, we’d arrived at the beginning of the Andes rainy season. It was hard to imagine sun; there seemed to be no electric or utilities available to any home, so how did they exist and stay warm? It was a relief in some ways to rediscover a town the size of Leighton Buzzard when we did, and although it still hummed with the traditional people and dress, goods and food of the higher lands, it had conveniences, hostals, a market and town square and restaurants.
Mark’s total driving had reached 1800km, and I’d done my first long stretch in the car. But Mark could breathe and having seen it’s harsh and lonely high nearly no-man’s land, high winds and freezing temperatures, I wondered whether I would have made it in two days to the safe haven of Moquegua without drama../I’ll never know, but the stage was set for what became a ride/drive tour of Peru over two weeks.
Monday, March 21 - Moquegua
The last section of the day before we experienced an incredible descent from
4800m to 1800m down a twisting, ribbon-like and exciting mountain road. The scenery had changed as if someone had transported us from a lunar landscape to a mountainous desert in a tele-porter, teasing me with the last and only glimmer of sunset I’d see in South America. The decision was made that we’d stay an extra night in Moquegua so I could ride as high as time would allow in order to complete the descent back into town.
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We discovered a great cafe for breakfast and just as we ordered, I noticed a touring cyclist rest his bike on the cafe window. Unbelievably, this cyclist turned out to be someone Mark has randomly stopped on his drive to me to offer food and water as he drove by, 3 days earlier. This was Alex, an ultra-cyclist from Quebec, Canada. We could have been made from the same mould: under-nourishes, smelly, scruffy, and eyes a little wider than most peoples due to a continuous stream of on-road entertainment…and equally as surprised to see Mark as we were him! What was due to be a short pre-ride breakfast turned into a 2 hour brunch, as we learnt about Alex’s adventure, his drive, motivation, work and employer’s employee wellbeing and benefits. Alex was taking 11 months to ride from somewhere in Canada to somewhere in South America, as far as time would allow. His employer, Canada railways, allows its employees to take up to a year off every four years, and continues to pay them during their leave, for which the employee effectively pays for this time off as they work. It means employee mental health is good and attrition is low, and people such as Alex (and he named 3 other colleagues) can take time out to fulfil their dreams without having to pack up their jobs as I did, and never lose sight of what is important to people for their long-term happiness.
Our fantastic new friend arriving left me short of time to ride to the absolute top of the descent/climb l, 96km uphill, but I set out to do what I could, eventually settling on 4000m, where the wretched weather started to threaten and the wind picked up and the temperature dropped rapidly. Looking back and not knowing at the time what would happen up the road, the 2200m descent will be my longest, most fun and spectacular for perhaps my lifetime, and whilst it took 4 hours to climb, it took less than a hour to descend! I noticed on descending that my back brake was not playing well, something that is still a problem as I write nearly two weeks later. I think Bolivia had finally done some damage to an otherwise perfect bike.
Tuesday 22 March Moquegua- La Curva
We’d made the decision to go low for the rest of the trip, as the weather was worse than Scotland at altitude, and I’d not seen true desert. We’d hoped to get the bike fixed in the town, but the local shop bike mechanic, Julio, didn’t have the tools to bleed and refill the hydraulics with new brake fluid, and recommended we went to Peru’s second city, Arequipa, where a Specialized concept store would be able to help. From a route perspective, this meant we’d descend to the coast for one day, to climb back to 2800m and the city the following. We had no real plan after Arequipa but sorting the bike out was non-negotiable.
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We discussed our plans at the same cafe over breakfast and who should arrive? Alex! Another long breakfast and talks through how he would get through high altitude and avoid high Bolivia in order to get to Argentina and continue south.
We finally got going around midday and headed for the desert. Wow! Another epic change of scenery! Where the Patagonian desert had been hard, dry and barren scrubland, it had little sand, but suddenly, I had become a cycling extra in “Lawrence of Arabia”! Towering, drifting sand dunes, some with core of rock, others gigantic windswept mounds of sand, dotted with derelict and decaying roofless shells of buildings for which it was hard to imagine anyone had ever managed to exist. Not an atom of moisture and a beautiful black ribbon with yellow thread, weaving its way down and north-east to the coast. This was to be the first day that Mark was truly supporting me. It was never thought his purpose was to feed me fresh mango and banana in the desert, but to protect me from the terrible reported crime in Peru…for which it seemed all but organised crime had gone on holiday. But that’s what happened. The sweetest, juiciest mango I’ve tasted in the driest, most unforgiving desert landscapes on earth.
When the green of a river valley did eventually appear, it was so vivid in colour because of the previous singular shade of sand, it was as though someone had taken a photo and turned the saturation up as high as it would go, and that in itself is a vista I’ll not forget. The eventual destination of La Curva was unremarkable, and our hotel room was shared with millions of little ants, but at least I’d finally managed to see a coastline in South America 😊.
When we drove around a little following the ride, the coast just north of La Curva was very much like any resort anywhere in Europe, and didn’t fill us with excitement to explore more coast by bike and although it meant that we’d be heading back into the mountains and potentially bad weather, it was clear I’d soon be bored with the sameness of the coast all the way to Lima. So up, up, up!
Wednesday 23 March: La Curva - Arequipa
I won’t talk much about the ride for this day, except to say it was very uphill, long and baking hot! The story of Wednesday was the surprise that was Peru’s second city, Arequipa.
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To be continued…/
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Warrior diet effeciency for super fast weight loss!
Warrior diet effeciency for super fast weight loss!
This is a have to view video if you like the warrior diet as well as you desire to shed the fat quickly! I failure what you have to do to reduce weight quick while doing the warrior diet plan. If you are new to the warrior diet it is a diet regimen that are composed of 4 hours of eating and 20 hrs of fasting (My favored method of…
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Warrior Diet with Ori Hofmekler
The Art of Living Well... Original thinker Ori Hofmekler shares some nutritional concepts that take The Warrior Diet to a whole new level.
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Want to Try Intermittent Fasting? Here Are 4 Approaches You Can Take...
DISCLAIMER: Please consult your doctor before performing any kind of diet change including intermittent fasting. This article is for informational purposes only.
Before the age of Big Pharma, the rise of Western medicine, and a pill as the answer for every ailment; fasting was a key purifying force used by doctors all over the world.
Intermittent fasting has come from being a religious ritual and medical practice to become a key health booster used by many in our Fit Democracy community today.
We outline the health benefits associated with intermittent fasting in a feature article in this month's Fit Democracy e-zine (subscribe for your free copy here). In the meantime, if you are interested in trying intermittent fasting then let's explore 4 of the most popular fasting setups and the pros and cons of each method to see if they work for your lifestyle.
The 16:8 Protocol
Popularised by Martin Berkhan and more recently Greg O’Gallagher this is arguably one of the most popular setups which see you split each day into a 16-hour fasting period and an 8-hour eating period.
It’s commonly set up with the fasting window starting late evening after dinner (8–9pm) lasting until around midday (12–13pm) to complete the full 16 hours with the bulk of the time spent asleep.
During the 8-hour eating window, your meal structure is up to you. A lot of people opt for either a small snack and 2 large meals or just 2 meals depending on calorie allowance.
However, the fasting and eating windows can be set up in whichever best suits the individual using the protocol, if you prefer to eat breakfast and skip dinner then that can also work.
If you’re training during the fast then get yourself some BCAAs to sip before/during the workout to help prevent muscle breakdown
Eating can be structured to one’s preference within the eating window
A large chunk of the fasting is done whilst asleep
Fasting and eating schedule is more lifestyle friendly
May be difficult for breakfast eaters
The 5:2 Setup
Another popular set up is the 5:2 diet created by Dr. Michael Moseley, which sees you fast for two 24-hour periods per week. During the non-fasting days you're advised to ‘eat normally’ and during the 24-hour fasts, men are instructed to eat 600 calories and women 500 calories.
The 5:2 diet places no restrictions on when you do the 24-hour fasts or whether or not they are carried out back to back.
Allows small meals on fasting days which can make the fast more bearable for some
No restrictions on when the fast is carried out
Participants are advised to ‘eat normally’ which places no restrictions on their diet
A large chunk of the fasting is done whilst asleep
Some people may find it difficult to fast for full 24-hour periods
Lacks structure for those who need/want more guidance than ‘eat normally’
Eat Stop Eat
Created by Brad Pilon it works very similarly to the 5:2 diet and by incorporating one or two 24-hour fasts into your week. During the 24 hours fast no food can be consumed but calorie-free drinks are ok.
Eat stop eat is flexible with no foods being off limits, no calorie counting or food weighing being prescribed and no restrictions set in place. Although you are advised to eat mindfully and not treat your non-fasting days as a free for all.
More guidance is given for non-fasting days with recommendations to eat mindfully
A large chunk of the fasting is done whilst asleep
Some people may find it difficult to fast for full 24-hour periods
No food can be eaten during the 24-hour fast
May lack nutritional guidance for some people with recommendations only to ‘eat mindfully’
The Warrior Diet
Created by Ori Hofmekler this fasting protocol has you fasting for 20 hours every day and eating one large meal each evening. During the fast, you’re allowed to eat a few small portions of raw vegetables or fruits, fresh juice or some protein.
During the four-hour eating window, Ori Hofmekler advises you to eat your food in a particular order starting with vegetables, followed by protein, with fat coming last. It’s only once you’ve eaten these food groups in this order that you can think about having some carbohydrates and that’s only if you’re still hungry.
A large chunk of the fasting is done whilst asleep
You can eat a few small snacks during the fasting window, which can make the fast easier
Has an extended fasting window that will most likely impact lifestyle
Food has to be consumed in a particular order
That's it, four methods to suit different lifestyles. If you try intermittent fasting please reach out to us on the website or social media channels to let us know how the experience was for you.
We also cover the health benefits associated with intermittent fasting in a feature article in this month's Fit Democracy e-zine so please check that out if you are interested (subscribe for your free copy here).
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Savaşçı Diyeti Nasıl Yapılır?
Gün geçmiyor ki yeni bir mucize diyet ortaya çıkmasın. Yeni çıkan her diyet programı en hızlı, en etkili şekilde kilo verdireceği iddiasıyla kilo vermek isteyenlerin hayatına giriyor. Beslenme uzmanlarının, bilimsel bilgiler ve araştırmalarla oluşturdukları beslenme programları dışındaki “zayıflama efsaneleri”nin hemen hepsi hüsranla sonuçlanıyor. İşte bunun için Ori Hofmekler, 2001 yılında yeni bir diyet programı oluşturdu. Burada amaç günümüzün hızlı tüketim dünyasında hızlıca uygulanıp önemi yiten diyet programlarının neden olduğu sağlıksız kilo verme ve sonrasında kısa süre içinde verilenden daha fazla kilo almaya sebep olan sağlıksız diyet programlarından kurtulmaya yardımcı olmaktı.
Ori Hofmekler, en sağlıklı ve kalıcı şekilde kilo vermeye yardımcı olan “savaşçı diyeti” (Warrior Diet) programını yayınladı. Bu diyet programında tıpkı sanayileşme öncesinde olduğu gibi gün boyu “az yemek” ve geceleri “çok yemek” şeklinde bir beslenme anlayışı var. Evet, söz konusu olan diyet olunca bu beslenme programı biraz ezber bozan niteliklere sahip. Çünkü biz kilo vermek isteyenlerin gündüz yemesi, gecelerini aç geçirmesi şeklinde diyetlere alışkınız. Hofmekler, bu diyet programını bilimsel veriler yerine gözlem ve görüş temelinde tasarladı. İsrail ordusunda yaşanan tecrübeler ve antik Sparta ve Roma gibi savaşçı toplumların işleyişi üzerine araştırmalar yürüten Hofmekler, beslenme konusundaki modern kavramlara aykırı önerilerde bulunuyor. Ne kadar doğru ya da ne kadar etkili olduğunu tam olarak bilemesem de son dönemlerde “savaşçı diyeti”nin popüler olduğunu söylemek yanlış olmaz.
Kısaca “savaşçı diyeti” nedir?
Savaşçı diyetinde asıl olay, diyet konusunda içgüdüleri takip etme gerekliliğidir. İşlenmiş gıdalar veya herhangi bir kalorinin, makro besinlerin ne zaman tüketileceği ve ne zaman yenmesi gerektiği konusunda kurallara uymanız gerekmiyor. Bunun yerine, eski bir savaşçı gibi yemek, yani antik savaşçılar gün boyunca avlanmaya çalışır, bütün gün dağ tepe demeden yemek ararlardı ve o esnada neredeyse hiçbir şey yemeden akşam olurdu. Bu savaşçılar geceleri ise, gündüz yakaladıkları avları patlayıncaya kadar yiyorlardı. Ne kalori, ne fazla kilo gibi her hangi bir sorunları da yoktu. Bu bağlamda savaşçı diyeti de tıpkı antik çağ savaşçıları gibi tüm gün sadece zorunlu besinleri alıp kontrollü bir şekilde oruç tutmayı ve neredeyse bomboş bir karnında egzersiz yapmayı öneriyor. Özellikle de gıda alımınızda öncelikle günde yalnızca tek bir besin tercih edin. İşte yine ezber bozan bir anlayış, zira çoğu beslenme uzmanı sağlıklı beslenmenin çeşitlilikten geçtiğine inanır ve bunu iddia eder.
Eğer diyetinizde Hofmekler’in önerdiği şekilde beslenirseniz, vücudunuz yakıt olarak yağları kullanacak, daha fazla enerji kazanacaksınız ve kalorileri saymaktan da kurtulacaksınız. Bu beslenme planının bir parçası olarak da mutlaka pull-ups, squats, presler ve high jump gibi hareketlerle tüm vücudun gücünü artıracak egzersiz programı düzenli olarak yapılmalı. Sprintler ve kurbağa atlayışı gibi kısa süreli yüksek yoğunluklu kardiyo egzersizi patlamaları, yalnızca 20 ila 45 dakika süren yoğunluklu antrenmanlar günlük rutinin bir parçası olmalı.
Savaşçı diyetine başlama
Diyet, çoğu beslenme uzmanının önerdiği günde iki öğün ve üç öğün ana yemek, bir o kadar da arar yemekten oldukça farklı olduğu için, bu diyete başlamadan önce vücudunuzu biraz hazırlamanız gerekir. Soğuk hindi yemeğinin günde sadece bir öğün yiyebildiğiniz bir beslenme programınızın içine girmesi, sizde baş dönmesi ve halsizliğe sebep olabilir. Bunun için vücudunuzun bu farklı beslenme programına yavaş yavaş alışmasını sağlayın. Haftada birkaç gün kontrollü bir şekilde normalden daha uzun süreler aç kalarak bünyenizi hazırlayabilirsiniz. Örneğin haftada iki gün kahvaltı yapmayın, ancak öğle yemeği vakti geldiğinde normal beslenmenize devam edin. Sonraki hafta boyunca ise kahvaltı yapın, ancak öğle yemeği yemeyin, akşam yemeği saatinde ise normal beslenin. Vücudunuz uzun süreli açlıklara adapte oluncaya kadar bu alışma programına devam edin.
Sonra bu “az yeme” dönemlerini mümkün olduğunca ve yavaş yavaş uzatmaya çalışacaksınız. Hem kahvaltı yapmayıp hem de öğle yemeğini yemeden akşama kadar aç durmanız gerekecek. Burada sözü edilen oruç sizin bu süreler içinde sadece su içebileceğiniz anlamına gelmiyor. Tıpkı Antik çağ savaşçıları gibi doğal besinleri çiğ olarak tüketebilirsiniz. Zaten sindirim enzimlerinden yararlanabilmeniz için sebzeleri, meyveleri, bitkileri çiğ olarak tüketebilirsiniz.
Savaşçı diyetinde “az yeme” ve “çok yeme” uygulamaları
İsterseniz bu savaşçı diyetinde; çok küçük porsiyonlarda olmak kaydıyla meyve, sebze ve porsiyon protein tüketimine devam edebilirsiniz. Konserve meyve ve sebzeler ya da hazır meyve suları ise kesinlikle yasaktır. Hokmekler’e göre bu tür hazır ve yüksek kalorili gıdalar yerine, yeniden enerji kazanmanıza yardımcı olan enzimlerle dolu olan tam gıdalardan ya da taze yiyeceklerden alınan taze sıkılmış meyve veya sebze suları tüketebilirsiniz. Bu diyetin “az yeme” dönemlerinde 150 gramdan fazla olmamak kaydıyla proteinin tüketilebilir.
Ancak bu diyette en önemli olan hususlardan birisi besin türlerini karıştırmamaktır. Yan, protein ve aynı anda tüketmiyorsunuz. Bu bağlamda sindirimi kolay balık, yumurta, kümes hayvanları ve yoğurt içeren besinleri seçin. Vücudunuzun bu evrede küçük bir proteine ihtiyaç duyup duymadığını ise zaten sis hissedersiniz. Yalnız “az yeme” dönemlerinde protein haricinde diğer gıdaların ise tüketilmesine izin yok. Biliyorum, aç hissedeceksiniz, ancak ne kadar zayıflayacağınızı düşünüp açlık sızısından uzaklaşmalısınız. Tüm iştahınızı ise akşam yemeğinize saklayın. Bu diyet programında gece yatmadan hemen önce bile yiyebilir ve bu yemeklerin kalorileriyle uğraşmak, suçluluk hissetmek zorunda kalmazsınız. Et, kümes hayvanları, balık, sebze ve tahıllar gibi bütün gıdalar artık hava karardıktan sonra sizin dostunuz olur, patlayıncaya kadar yiyebilirsiniz. Fakat Hofmekler’e, göre çılgınca yerken ne zaman “susuz” hissederseniz, işte o zaman su içmek değil, yemeyi bırakmak durumundasınız. Zira artık yeterince doymuş ve ertesi gün için gerekli olanları depolamış oluyorsunuz.
Savaşçı diyetiyle ilgili endişeler
Savaşçı diyetinin sağlıklı beslenme literatürünün bilimsel ayağında her hangi bir yeri olmaması, aslında endişe verici bir durumdur. Hofmekler ve onun gibi bu beslenme programını deneyip de başarılı olmuş bazı savunucular için işe yarayabilir, ancak bu diyetin genel nüfusa, hemen herkese uygun olduğunu söylemek yanlış olur. Günde bir öğün beslenerek ihtiyacınız olan tüm besin maddelerini almak imkansız değil, ancak zordur. Günde bir öğün yemeniz kilo vermenize yardımcı olabilir, ancak aslında bu da garanti değildir. Günlük tek bir öğün yemek planı sizi aşırı derecede açlık, halsizlik içine sokabilir ve böylece akşam yemek yediğinizde aşırıya kaçabilir ve gereğinden fazla yiyebilirsiniz. Bu durumda da kilo vermeniz mümkün olmayabilir.
Ayrıca birlikte yaşadığınız diğer insanların günde üç öğün yemek yediği bir evde ya da işyerinde yaşamak da çok zordur. Savaşçı diyeti egzersiz programlarınızın çoğunu “az yeme” ya da kontrollü açlık döneminde gerçekleştirmek durumundasınız. Bazı insanlar boş bir karnında egzersiz yaparken iyi olabilirler, ancak diğer insanlar bunun baş dönmesi, mide bulantısı ve düşük performans gibi yan etkilere neden olabileceğini düşünebilir.#savaşçıdiyeti #taşdevridiyeti #ketojenik #omad
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3 formas de como começar um jejum intermitente
O jejum intermitente não é uma dieta. É uma abordagem cronometrada à alimentação.
Ao contrário de um plano alimentar que restringe de onde vêm as calorias, o jejum intermitente não especifica quais alimentos uma pessoa deve comer ou evitar.
O jejum intermitente pode ter alguns benefícios para a saúde, inclusive perda de peso, mas não é adequado para todos.
O jejum intermitente envolve a alternância entre períodos de alimentação e jejum. A princípio, as pessoas podem achar difícil comer lo largo de pouco tempo a cada dia ou alternar entre comer e não comer dias.
Este artigo oferece dicas sobre a melhor maneira de iniciar o jejum, incluindo a identificação de objetivos pessoais, planejamento de refeições e o estabelecimento de necessidades calóricas.
O jejum intermitente é um procedimento de conocida a que as pessoas se acostumam:
simplificar suas vidas
melhorar sua saúde e bem-estar em geral, tais como a redução dos efeitos do envelhecimento
Embora o jejum seja seguro para a maioria das pessoas saudáveis e bem nutridas, ele pode não ser apropriado para indivíduos que tenham qualquer condição médica.
Para aqueles que estão prontos para iniciar o jejum, as seguintes dicas visam ajudá-lo a tornar a experiência tão simples e bem-sucedida quanto possível.
1. identificar os limites pessoais
Normalmente, uma pessoa que começa um jejum intermitente tem um objetivo em mente. Pode ser para perder peso, melhorar a saúde geral ou melhorar a saúde metabólica. O objetivo final de uma pessoa a ajudará a estabelecer o procedimento de jejum mais apropriado e a calcular quantas calorias e nutrientes ela estritamente consome.
2. Escolha o procedimento
Há quatro procedimentos possíveis que uma pessoa pode tentar ao jejuar por razões de saúde. A pessoa deve escolher o plano que se adequa às suas preferências e que ela sente que pode continuar.
Estes incluem:
Parar de ingerir
Dieta do guerreiro
Jejum a cada dois dias
Normalmente, uma pessoa deve continuar um procedimento de jejum por um mês ou mais para ver se funciona para ela antes de tentar um procedimento diferente. Qualquer pessoa que tenha um problema de saúde deve falar com seu médico antes de iniciar qualquer procedimento de jejum.
Ao ditar um procedimento, a pessoa deve lembrar que não é rígido comer uma certa quantidade ou tipo de alimento, ou evitar alimentos. Pode-se ingerir o que se quiser.
Entretanto, para alcançar os objetivos de saúde e perda de peso, é uma boa idéia continuar uma dieta saudável, rica em fibras e rica em plantas durante os períodos de alimentação.
Comer alimentos insalubres nos dias de alimentação pode impedir o progresso da saúde. Também é extremamente importante beber muita água ou outras bebidas sem calorias nos dias de jejum.
Parar de comer
Brad Pilon desenvolveu o Eat Stop Eat, um procedimento de jejum que envolve não comer nada 24 horas, duas vezes por semana. Não importa que dias uma pessoa jejua ou mesmo quando começa a comer. A única restrição é que o jejum deve durar 24 horas e em dias não contínuos.
As pessoas que não comem por 24 horas provavelmente passam muita fome. Parar de ingerir pode não ser o melhor procedimento para as pessoas que não estão familiarizadas com o jejum.
Dieta do guerreiro
Ori Hofmekler é o criador da dieta guerreira, que se baseia em comer muito pouco mais de 20 horas por dia. Uma pessoa que jejua desta forma consome toda a sua comida clássica nas 4 horas restantes.
Ingerir a comida de um dia inteiro em tão pouco tempo pode tornar o estômago de uma pessoa muito desconfortável. Este é o procedimento de jejum mais extremo e, assim como ingerir, parar de ingerir, uma pessoa não familiarizada com o jejum pode não querer começar com este procedimento.
Martin Berkhan criou o Leangains para halterofilistas, mas ganhou popularidade entre outras pessoas interessadas em jejum. Ao contrário do Eat Stop Eat e da Dieta do Guerreiro, o jejum para o Leangains envolve períodos muito mais curtos.
Por exemplo, os homens que escolhem o procedimento Leangains irão jejuar por 16 horas e comer o que quiserem durante as 8 horas restantes do dia. As fêmeas jejuam por 14 horas e comem o que quiserem durante as 10 horas restantes do dia.
Durante o jejum, a pessoa deve se abster de comer qualquer comida, mas pode beber quantas bebidas sem calorias quiser.
Jejum em dias alternados, procedimento 5: 2 Algumas pessoas jejuam dia sim, dia não, para melhorar o açúcar no sangue, o colesterol e a perda de peso. Uma pessoa no procedimento 5: 2 consome de 500 a 600 calorias em dois dias não contínuos por semana.
Alguns regimes de jejum de dias alternados acrescentam um terceiro dia de jejum a cada semana. O resto da semana, a pessoa come apenas o número de calorias que queima durante o dia. Com o tempo, isto cria um déficit calórico que permite que a pessoa perca peso.
Recursos sobre Parar de Comer , Guerreiro , e Lean ganha procedimentos de jejum estão disponíveis para compra on line.
3. Descubra as suas necessidades calóricas
Não há restrições dietéticas durante o jejum, mas isso não significa que as calorias não contam.
As pessoas que querem perder peso precisam criar um déficit calórico para si mesmas - isto pressupõe que elas consomem menos energia do que usam. As pessoas que desejam ganhar peso precisam consumir mais calorias do que elas usam.
Há muitas ferramentas disponíveis para ajudar uma pessoa a calcular suas necessidades calóricas e estabelecer quantas calorias ela deve consumir por dia para ganhar ou perder peso. Uma pessoa também pode falar com seu médico ou nutricionista para obter orientação sobre quantas calorias precisa.
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Other Types of Intermittent Fasting
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Although 24-hour and 16:8 intermittent fasting are the two most popular types, there are several others. Here, we’ll take a closer look at five other kinds of fasting regimes that several people follow. Here we discuss Other Types of Intermittent Fasting Other Types of Intermittent Fasting - Watch Video 8 - How to Maximize Your Intermittent Fasting Results 20:4 Fasting 20:4 fasting is sometimes called the Warrior Diet. It was one of the earliest diets to involve intermittent fasting. Made popular by Ori Hofmekler, a fitness expert, this diet involves eating one large meal in the evening. This large meal takes place in a four-hour eating window. During the other 20 hours of the day, only small amounts of raw vegetables and fruits can be eaten. The food choices for this diet should be healthy – similar to those on the Paleo diet. They should be unprocessed wholefoods that contain no artificial ingredients. A timetable for this diet looks like this:
Other Types of Intermittent Fasting 5:2 Fasting This popular form of intermittent fasting involves eating normally for five days every week. The remaining two days, calories should be restricted to 500 – 600. Sometimes called the Fast Diet, this way of eating was made popular by Michael Mosley, a journalist. Women are recommended to eat 500 calories on their fasting days. Men can have 600 calories on their fast days. You can choose which two days you prefer to fast. However, it’s best if they aren’t consecutive. On those days, you can choose to eat one meal or two small meals. Many people prefer to eat two meals of 250/300 calories each. This is a sample timetable for this way of eating:
Other Types of Intermittent Fasting 36-Hour Fasting The 36-hour fast plan means you’ll be fasting for a full day. Unlike the Eat-Stop-Eat method, you won’t be eating something every calendar day. If, for example, you finish dinner at 7 p.m. on day one, you skip all your meals on day two. You won’t eat your next meal until day 3 at 7 a.m. This equals a 36-hour fast. There is some evidence to suggest this kind of fasting period can produce a quicker result. It may also be beneficial for diabetics. It may also be more problematic though since you’ll be going for extended periods without food. A timetable for this eating plan looks like this:
Other Types of Intermittent Fasting Alternate Day Fasting This way of fasting means that you fast for a full 24 hours every alternate day. Some versions of this IF diet allow you to eat up to 500 calories on a fast day. Others only allow you to have calorie-free beverages. This isn’t the best option for any newcomers to intermittent fasting. You go to bed feeling hungry several nights each week. This is hard to maintain in the long-term. A timetable for this way of eating looks like this:
Other Types of Intermittent Fasting Extended Fasts Following the 16:8 or Eat-Stop-Eat method is quite simple. Some people, though, are keen to push the benefits of intermittent fasting to the limit. They prefer to do a 42-hour fast. This involves eating dinner on day 1, say at 6 p.m. All meals would be skipped on the next day. On day 3, you would then eat your breakfast at noon. This would be a total fasting time of 42 hours. If you try this way of eating, you shouldn’t restrict your calorie intake during your eating window. It’s technically possible to extend fasts for longer periods of time. In fact, the world record stands at 382 days. Of course, that isn’t recommended! Some people do try 7 to 14 day fasts due to the theoretical benefits they are said to provide. Some people say that a seven-day fast can help prevent cancer. Others say that longer fasts promote mental clarity. These benefits are unproven and are theoretical. It’s probably best, therefore, to stick to one of the tried and tested IF plans outlined above. How to Maximize Your Intermittent Fasting Results Read the full article
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The 7 Principles of Stress - Ori Hofmekler http://dlvr.it/RG5t6R http://dlvr.it/RG5t6R
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Fitness expert Ori Hofmekler shares how under eating, milk protein, and the prop… http://bit.ly/2SpgpCl
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The Warrior Diet is an eating plan created by Ori Hofmekler and detailed in the … http://bit.ly/2Csz4Cb
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The Warrior Diet - Ori Hofmekler, Harvey Diamond & Udo Erasmus | Sports & ...
The Warrior Diet Ori Hofmekler, Harvey Diamond & Udo Erasmus Genre: Sports & Outdoors Price: $12.99 Publish Date: December 4, 2007 Along with the many benefits of leisure-class living comes obesity and its attendant ailments. In The Warrior Diet, Ori Hofmekler looks not forward but backward for a solution–to the primal habits of early cultures such as nomads and hunter-gatherers, the Greeks, and the Romans. Based on survival science, this book proposes not ordinary dietary changes but rather a radical yet surprisingly simple lifestyle overhaul. Drawing on both scientific studies and historical data, Hofmekler argues that robust health and a lean, strong body can best be achieved by mimicking the classical warrior mode of cycling —working and eating sparingly (undereating) during the day and filling up at night. Specific elements from the Warrior Diet Nutritional Program (finding ideal fuel foods and food combinations to reduce body fat) to the Controlled Fatigue Training Program (promoting strength, speed, and resilience to fatigue through special drills), literally reshape body and mind. Individual chapters cover warrior meals and recipes; sex drive, potency, and animal magnetism; as well as personalizing the diet for women. Featuring forewords by Fit for Life author Harvey Diamond and Fat That Kills author Dr. Udo Erasmus, The Warrior Diet shows readers weary of fad diets how to attain enduring vigor, explosive strength, a better appearance, and increased vitality and health. From the Trade Paperback edition.
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