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amazonbooksauthor · 7 months ago
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Check out the 'Notebook: Beautiful Cover (8.5 x 11)' by Meera Mandakini! 📓✨
This elegant notebook is designed for students, professionals, home office workers, homemakers, and creative individuals of all ages. With its eye-catching cover and practical features, it’s perfect for a wide range of uses.
Key Features:
Size (8.5 x 11 inches): Provides ample space for writing, drawing, and more. 120 Lined Pages: Ideal for notes, planning, and organization. Sturdy Paperback: Durable for everyday use. Versatile Use: Great for school, work, or personal projects. Elevate your note-taking and creative endeavors with this stylish and functional notebook. Available now on Amazon—order yours today and enjoy its blend of beauty and practicality! 🌟
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onlineassignmentshelp · 2 years ago
Organizing Your Thoughts: A Guide to Writing an Effective Book Report Outline
Writing a book report outline can help you organize your thoughts and ideas about a book you have read. Here is a basic outline you can follow:
Introduction: In this section, you should provide some basic information about the book, including the author's name, the title, and the publication date. You can also include a brief summary of the book and any other relevant background information.
Summary: This section should provide a brief summary of the book's plot, including the main characters, setting, and major events. Be sure to focus on the most important parts of the story and avoid giving away any major spoilers.
Analysis: In this section, you should provide your analysis and evaluation of the book. You can discuss the author's writing style, themes, characters, and overall message. You should also include your own opinions and reactions to the book.
Conclusion: In this section, you should summarize your main points and provide your overall assessment of the book. You can also make recommendations for who might enjoy the book and why.
Remember to use specific examples from the book to support your analysis and opinions, and to cite any sources you used in writing your report.
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wonderandkind · 7 years ago
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I started my first bullet journal before we left for the shore! I have to say I’m loving it! I usually use a Hobonichi planner (which I still adore- the Tomoe River Paper is amazing), but I’m diggin the flexibility of the bullet journal. For this I’ve used the Leuchtturm 1917 bullet journal format. This is my future log (I had to add sewing doodles of course!) I did add some Boston Washi tape (swoon!!) to cover up some dates that I’d like to keep private for the photo, but you can go wild with tapes or stickers or whatever floats yer boat! I’ve also added some Doodle-A-Day pages as I want to make sure I draw a little something each day of the month! So much fun. As a journal/planner/sketchbook nerd ...ok maybe just all art supplies in general nerd 🤓 ...this format feeds into that and I think will work for me surprisingly well! If you haven’t gotten on the bullet journal bandwagon...give it a try...I’m sure if you’re following me on IG we’re probably like minded & you’ll totally dig it! 💖🖋📖🤓 #bulletjournal #futurelog #journal #planner #plannernerd #journalsupplies #doodle #plan #write #create #organize #organizeyourthoughts #pennerd #artsupplies #journaling #planneraddict #plannercommunity #lotech
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soulstaralchemy · 4 years ago
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The Super Moon on June 24th will be the largest & last super moon of 2021. You will feel its effects up to 4-5 days after its peak. It will bring super heightened emotions & intuition. In the sky, this Super Moon will sit in opposition to Cancer (feelings), it’s ruling zodiac sign. There can be intense feelings & tension in areas of your life where you need to examine your triggers. It’s a time for Shadow-work because your triggers will be brought to light by the energies of this grand moon. Be observant & don’t be overly reactive. Ground your energy by taking deep breaths & revisiting that trigger when you’re levelheaded. There’s a great opportunity for deepening the healing & understanding of your Self. Observe what stirs you. Is there a habit, trait or thought pattern that you need to change & evolve through? Something that was once in the dark will be revealed. Light will also be shined on something that you have not been willing to look at. There could be an ending (a thought, relationship, job) but remember, with endings come new beginnings. Honor & trust the timing. There will be a sense of need for completeness. Energy could be propelling you into something new, so be open to it as you observe your thoughts. It’s time for something bigger & better, but set realistic goals. It’s time to weed out all old ideas that have been sitting on the “To Do List” for too long. Reevaluate. Where is this project/ relationship/ job going? Is it going to pay off? Be careful not to be reckless & impulsive with your actions & words. Rethink about what needs to change to get to your highest destination. #superfullmoon #strawberrymoon #lastsupermoonof2021 #heightenedemotions #hightenedintuition #declutter #organizeyourthoughts #shadowwork #shadowself #wrapitup #endingsandbeginnings #fullmoon #understandyourtriggers #crystalwitchapothecary #lunarenergies #biggerpicture #completion #somethingnew #lettinggo #openup #openyourmind #observeyourthoughts (at Santa Clara, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQZ6HNEr22_/?utm_medium=tumblr
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flawlessgurlonthemove · 6 years ago
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What are you working on this week? . 💕 Remember not to overwhelm yourself with long “to do” list. Decide one big goal that will move your business or life forward this week and start there. Set a due date and make it happen. . 💕 Write that goal down and step 1 to move it forward then take action. Do not over analyze it. Let’s get to werrrrk Beauty! . . #goalplanning #womenempowerment #positivevibes #womenwhohustle #organizeyourthoughts #femaleentrepreneur #beautypreneur #confidencecoach #business #success #dreambig #mindset #purposefullife #takeaction #entrepreneur #girlboss https://www.instagram.com/p/ByASjcGpxJ5/?igshid=12s7elhz1jb66
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mystichealerdealer-blog · 6 years ago
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Journaling is so important..... I’ve written in almost all of my empty journals. #Manifest #writeitout #makeithappen #planitout #focusonthepositive #organizeyourthoughts #journaling #writeitintoexistence #propheticjournaling #prophetic https://www.instagram.com/mystichealerdealer/p/Bufq52oH7lI/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=149ypmobqrm8q
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ritasawyerauthor · 6 years ago
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Replenished my stash today. I had a few colors run out over the weekend. I love being able to use all the different colors in my planner. Thier great for taking notes. #frixionpens #keepwriting #authorlife #plannerlover #makemistakes #organizeyourthoughts (at Warren, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtMATftl9Ao/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ckoomoi1iyut
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part-wisdom-part-personality · 6 years ago
Why is Everything Stuck? Break it Down.
I’m in the midst of a personal dry spell. Not surprisingly, my team is stuck as well. Which came first, the chicken or...? Did they both happen to stagnate simultaneously, with zero correlation? Is some outside factor hindering progress?
The first question we should be asking, of course, is whether it matters how this type of scenario, and especially the specific situation at hand, come about. Yes, it absolutely matters. Why? If the HOW can be determined, then foresight of the outcome develops. This means that the situation may not be inevitable if the correct intervention is used. But what if the problem is caused entirely by outside forces, and no possible course of action could help avoid it? That shouldn’t matter, as: 1. that is highly unlikely, and 2. if there is a chance that there IS a good way to avoid the issue, then you should avoid it or you’re a fool.
Okay, it matters. Now what? First me. Why might I be in a dry spell? Maybe because I have an interest in grad school (JD or MBA). That could be draining some of my focus and passion. Maybe because I’m discouraged by the lack of movement with my team. Maybe because I’ve worked too hard and I’m burning out. Maybe because I don’t know if I want to stay at this company because I’m frustrated with management in other departments. One thing is clear from this, I have many reasons, like anyone in my situation would, to feel discouraged and dispassionate.
Now my team. Why might they be discouraged? Too much competition. Bad time of the year. Lack of coordination between departments, resulting in people dropping the ball. Once again, clear reasons why, just like anyone in their situation, they would feel down.
Now we can look for correlations and unrelated issues. Unrelated for me: grad school interest. Unrelated for team: nothing. Related: the lack of movement on my team pairs with too much competition and the time of year; my burn out and frustration with other departments’ management pairs with the lack of coordination between departments.
So in reality, there are two outside factors: competition and the season. Nothing can be done about that. The inside factor: poor management. The unrelated personal factor: grad school.
Let’s tackle the unrelated factor first. If the team was crushing it, the company was flying, management was 5 stars and doing everything perfectly, the season was right and the competition was doing VERY poorly relative to us, would the fact that I am considering grad school matter? Not at all. It would probably turn into a side thought, I mean, who cares about an MBA if the business you help manage is accelerating rapidly? Nobody. I’d be stupid to leave for an MBA. What about my JD? Would I be more fulfilled going to law school for the next three years and possibly hating it and not even practicing, or running a company? I’d rather run a company. So truthfully, we can conclude that the personal factor is an excuse.
Now the outside factors. Seasons and competition threats both come and go, as long as we are in business. So should they get me or my team down? NO! But they do. I need to remind myself and my team regularly that the season will pass, or that we’ll figure out a way to overcome the competition.
The inside factor, poor management, can change a lot for both me and my team. I can’t force others to change, but I can influence them. That’s my only choice. I have to influence them. I can’t give up. IF I can break through to them and get them to change how they operate then everything will change.
In conclusion, grad school is an excuse. Seasons and competition is something you have to stay strong through. Management has to be influenced. So I need to influence myself to stay strong through tough times, influence my team to stay strong through tough times, and influence management to change. Influence.
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ask-me-why-i · 7 years ago
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The habit tracker is really helping me see what I need to work on and correlations. The bill organizer is new~ gonna see if it needs work but I wanted to keep it basic for now. Last is my favorite quote from my favorite movie ever! #bulletjournal #habittracker #billtracker #organizeyourthoughts #keepmovingforward (at Gallardo's Cakes and Bakery)
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justsellinghomes · 2 years ago
Track you behaviour and results every single day. Declutter your brain. Once it's on paper, it's out of your head and releases pent up energy. #exp613 #organise #organizeyourthoughts #exprealty #expottawa #ottawa
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