#organised an entire move to take place in two weeks!
qqueenofhades · 2 years
Okay, sort of on that note: I know we are all thoroughly enjoying the Bird App's destruction and drama and firing shots in the air to keep our property values low and complaining about Twitter users moving here and all the rest. But I'm gonna be real with you for a second and offer a Hot Take that might well get my Tumblr elder credentials revoked:
As long as they are willing to play ball with us and understand the rules of the road and etc (and lbr, we have plenty of absolutely idiotic Disk Horse of our own, that will never go away), we should a) actually be glad that they're coming here and b) recognize the far more sinister aspect of Twitter's slow motion Jenga collapse. Because it's all fun and games until the massive human rights violations and democracy destruction starts (or rather, continues). Why is that? Well:
As noted a few weeks ago when this insanity started, the second-biggest investor in the Twitter takeover, apart from Musk himself, was the Saudi government. Now, I have a friend whose PhD dissertation in sociology I have been copy-editing/proofreading for the last few years (he is originally from Saudi Arabia but doing his PhD in the UK). A huge part of his research is about how ordinary Saudis use Twitter HEAVILY, and as a replacement for the freedom of speech they aren't allowed in any other formal aspect of their country, despite many cosmetic reforms and plans for greater international investment and openness. The Saudi government, while tolerating this newfound criticism on the surface, has also routinely jailed these citizens for one critical tweet about them, including those made while the person in question was not in the country. In other words, they're not nearly as happy about this as they like to pretend, even if they're putting a good face on it, and especially during the Arab Spring and other attempted uprisings/calls for reform in the region, Twitter was a hugely effective way to circumvent government narratives and get out community information. After all, it is the biggest communication platform in the world, and anyone can instantly use it.
So, enter Musk: a petty alt-right billionaire who pals with dictators and can do anything he wants by burning ungodly amounts of money. He partners with the Saudis. Two weeks later, Twitter is going down in flames, its entire top legal team has quit, Musk is braying about bankruptcy, advertisers have fled, it's 50-50 whether it survives the year. And yes, this could be because Musk is a sociopathic idiot, since he is. But if you consider that this one evil prick can literally destroy half of the world's only medium of quasi-free speech and community organising just by throwing $44 billion at it... well... that's a lot more sinister than just him wanting to make "free speech" for all the absolute dregs of the Internet who adore him. In other words, it starts to look awfully deliberate, and Musk is anything but a fan of democracy, community organising, and all the rest.
Anyway: Tumblr doesn't function the same as Twitter, we don't want it to, and we are able to laugh at its burning corpse because many of us don't rely on it as our one and only place of meaningful speech and ability to criticize the government. But if Twitter DOES go down in flames, it will be a huge and irreparable loss in a real sense, and in that case, if you see a Twitter user poking their head in here, give them some rules of the road, advise them to change their icon, and otherwise let 'em stay.
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 1 year
So I am not entirely sure what this time. I had a dream like this the other night and decided to write it.
Rafael Barba/Gender neutral reader. An age difference again, I do tend to write the readers as being roughly my age when just writing things for me. So late twenties.
There are no warnings for this. Other than it is probably a little odd and random. But I thought a little cute.
Master List
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Rafael slumped down in the booth at the Petal, papers scattered across the top of the table as he tried to organise a strategy for the latest case SVU had brought to him. A glass of scotch sat to the side and a menu was currently covering a medical report. His stomach had started to protest the lack of food he had had all day, other than the various snacks he had consumed, and the insane amount of coffee.
“Mr Barba, welcome back,” the sweetest sound filled his ears, his eyes moved away from the menu as a smile pulled at his lips. And there you were. One of the main reasons this place had become his favourite restaurant, especially after a tough day.
“Thank you, and please call me Rafael,” he said, eyes taking in your hair tied back with a few strands having fallen loose, your eyes scanning his face before a frown replaced the most beautiful smile he had ever seen.
“You haven’t been sleeping again?” you asked head tilted to the side and concern replacing the happy tone you greeted him with. “Are your migraines bad again? Or is it just work related? Also how much coffee have you been drinking? And this better not be your first proper meal again.” Your hands had found their way to your hips as you fired question after question at him, before settling on scolding him.
“My migraines aren’t too bad at the moment, the case at the moment is tough so sleep hasn’t been as good, I may have had too much coffee again today and it may be my first proper meal but I have eaten,” Rafael happily answered all of your question, it had been a while since someone had shown as much concern as you.
He leant forward, placing his elbow on the table and resting his cheek on his fist a soft smile impossible to stop taking over his normal cheeky grin. It had taken almost a week of Rafael showing up at the restaurant with his case work, hunger reaching the point where he would become irritated before you started dropping the customer service voice and smile. You had insisted that if he wanted to continue eating here that he doesn’t show up ready to bite someone’s head off, and from that moment Rafael had been fascinated by you, and eventually the conversation between the two of you had developed to what it was now. With you showing so much concern for him but also not afraid to scold him, Rafael couldn’t stop himself from gaining a little crush on you that developed beyond what he hoped would fizzle out but no, instead it grew and grew.
“Well, that is both good and bad, at least you have been eating something, wish you would cut back on the coffee,” you sighed. “But at least I know you will be eating something proper here. Now, since you have papers everywhere and you already have a scotch I’m going to guess you’ll be wanting…the seafood platter?”
“Am I that predictable?” Rafael laughed.
“Maybe a little,” you giggled leaning closer with a wink. “But you are my favourite regular so I may make it a point to remember certain things.” You blinked suddenly, leaning back and lowering your eyes a flare of red blooming along your cheeks.
“The seafood platter would be great, and maybe another glass of scotch?” Rafael nodded, hoping to get your eyes back on him, though he found your fluster adorable.
“I’ll get that started right away and be back with your scotch and some water,” you said pointedly. “I doubt you have been drinking enough of that.”
Rafael rolled his eyes as you walked away, he felt his eyes lower before he caught himself and looked away. He did not want to be that kind of customer who leered and made you uncomfortable, he just couldn’t help the occasional look. He gathered some of his papers to make a spot for you to put his food when it arrived, making sure the crime scene photos were hidden not wanting you to see anything like that.
“Alright, another scotch and some water,” you came back placing down the glass, a bottle of water and another glass from under your arm. “Now I had better see some of that gone by the time I get back with your food.”
“Yes Ma’am,” Rafael mocked saluted you causing you to huff and roll your eyes.
“Promise you will drink some water, Rafael,” you insisted hands once again your hips.
“I promise,” he smiled, you nodded and went to walk away the next words felt pulled out of his chest. “I appreciate all this. How you ask after me and scold me when I don’t look after myself.”
You turned back around your eyes soft as you glanced at him, noticing the slightly shocked look on his face as if he hadn’t quite meant to say any of that. It was the first time he wasn’t looking you in the eye since you met him. Your cheeks flared up again, and you reached up to lightly tug on one of the loose strands of your hair. You couldn’t help but start to care about this man in the fancy suits, who always had case files scattered around him. Almost jittery with caffeine. You recognised him from some news articles, and you couldn’t help but admire the lengths he went to for his cases but you were concerned as he always looked stressed when he would come in for dinner, and borderline hangry. The concern quickly turned into a little crush, he was an incredibly handsome man, probably at least ten years older than you. He was a snarky sarcastic man who was incredibly intelligent and kind.
“Oh, good,” you smiled. “I was worried that maybe I was overstepping.”
“No, not at all,” Rafael smiled, eyes back on you the momentary shock gone replaced by his normal smugness. “It’s sweet, and you have a terrible habit of making my day.”
“Well, how dare I,” you giggled, reaching out and pouring some water, you were sure the flush was a permanent feature on your cheeks. “Drink. And I do mean the water.”
Rafael reached for the water, took a sip and smirked as you gave one sharp nod before leaving to take the orders of some other customers. He bit his lip, wondering if he should take a chance or just leave this to be all that happened between the two of you.
You glanced at the clock once more, nibbling on your lip when you saw it was close to closing and Rafael still hadn’t shown up. He always comes in for dinner on Wednesday but today he hadn’t turned up. The case he had been working on had finished today and from what you read on the net he had won. You were looking forward to seeing him, he was always brighter after a case had ended, especially if he had won. The rest of the night went by slowly, until you were waving the last of the customers out the door. You were just finishing up your jobs for closing when you heard the door open.
“We’ve closed for the night!” You called not looking up.
“You closing on your own?” his voice caused you to stand up straight, it sent a bolt of lightning down your spine.
“Rafael!” you smiled turning to see him standing a little away from you. “Congratulations on winning your case.” Rafael had loosened his tie, his suit jacket folded over one arm the look of triumph on his face made him look all the more handsome.
“Thank you, I was out for drinks with the detectives,” he explained, without prompting.
“Ah, I was wondering a little if you had found a new place to have dinner on Wednesday night,” you teased. “And yes, I’m the only one still here. The other waitress had a family emergency told her I would finish it all up.”
“That’s sweet of you,” he smiled walking closer, he eyes alight. “Can I help with anything?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” you smiled. “Besides, I haven’t got much left to do.”
Rafael walked closer stopping when he was right in-front of you. You looked up at him, before looking away suddenly nervous to be around him, alone. You fiddled with the cleaning cloth that was in your hand. Rafael reached a hand up and tucked some of your hair behind your ear, you had let it down from the messy bun it had been in all night, allowing it to flow down your back in loose waves. Rafael was entranced with it. You giggled, which Rafael thought was just adorable as your cheeks went pink.
“Would it be alright if I waited for you?” he asked. “I was thinking maybe I could take you out for a drink?”
“A drink?” you bit your lip.
“Hmm, could throw some food in there as well to sweeten the deal?” Rafael grinned.
“A lawyer through and through,” you shook your head. “Would this just be a drink or a date?”
“If you were okay with it, I was hoping it could be a date,” Rafael answered, his voice no longer quite so confident, a hint of nerves filling it.
“I would love it to be a date,” you smiled reaching out and trailing your fingers down his arm. “I won’t be too much longer promise, maybe ten minutes?”
“I would wait hours for you if needed,” Rafael grinned, as you gasped softly at his response cheeks flaming and the softest smile on your face he had ever seen and it was directed solely on him.
“Rafael,” your voice was soft and eyes looking down at the ground. Rafael took a breath before taking one more step closer and leaning down, placing a kiss on your cheek.
“I’ll be sitting down in my normal booth when you’re done,” he smiled as you just nodded a hand raising up to touch the spot he had just kissed.
You completed the last few jobs the fastest you had ever done before, the thought of what could happen tonight spurring you on. You could still feel the press of his lips on your cheek, a giddy feeling was bubbling away in your stomach. You kept glancing at where he was sitting, his eyes had never left you, watching as you completed your tasks. You couldn’t believe how you had never noticed the way he looked at you before. His green eyes so soft, and warm, the smile on his face almost adoring.
You grabbed your jacket and bag from the back, stopping in-front of the mirror to check how you looked and add a little bit more makeup, and lip balm. You took a deep breathe before heading back to the front of the restaurant. Rafael was still sitting in his booth looking down at his phone but at hearing your footsteps looked up.
“Ready?” he asked standing up.
“Yep, um, so were are we heading?” you asked leading Rafael out of the Petal, setting the alarm and locking it all up. You turned around and Rafael offered you his arm, causing you to smile and blush. You hooked your arm through his and let him lead you down the street.
“Well, there’s this lovely cocktail bar not far from here and they do food late,” Rafael answered. “Does that sound alright?”
“Of course, sounds perfect.”
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lucywritesagain · 1 month
Between the lines ┈・𐑺 ‧₊˚໒꒱ Part 2
꒰ა ˚₊ ✧・┈﹕Stephen Strange Masterlist ꒰ ᐢ。- ༝ -。ᐢ ꒱ Navigation ﹕┈・𐑺 ‧₊˚໒꒱
Please note that this story is a repost from my old blog @lucywrites02.
Summary: You were supposed to work for Stephen for a few weeks and then move on to do your own thing. But you stayed and it was the best decision you have ever made in your entire life. Aka your first date with the sorcerer supreme.
You can read part 1 of this story here
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You shrieked, almost tripping on your own feet. You couldn’t see a thing, but thankfully Stephen was holding you tightly, navigating your steps. He was the reason you were going through the city of New York blindfolded, but you didn't even mind it. The sorcerer promised you a fun first date and even though you were the one who asked Stephen out he insisted on organising everything. Apparently The Sorcerer Supreme had come up with a great idea after your little talk in the restaurant all those weeks ago and just waited for the right moment to execute his plan. 
Stephen has been nothing but patient, waiting for you to get better and being there for you as a friend during the last 3 months. And you sure  hoped that the wait was worth being dragged around the town with a blindfold on. This must have looked hilarious to all the people who walked past you. You giggled, trying to imagine this scene- one of the most popular heroes dragging a random person through the streets of New York, smiling like a little child.
“We’re almost there.” The doctor announced with excitement in his voice. He can’t remember a time when he felt so happy and carefree- and your date hasn’t even truly begun. 
When you asked Stephen out on a date earlier that day he was nothing but thrilled. When the topic of your potential romantic relationship came to light that one night in his favourite Thai restaurant neither of you actually expected it to happen. Stephen insisted that you should take care of your mental health and has been incredibly supportive. It made you fall for him even more, but you feared that his patience would run thin and he wouldn’t be interested in you anymore by the time you decided you were ready to give him a chance . Thank the Vishanti you were very wrong. 
Suddenly you stopped walking- or rather Stephen stopped you. The city was always a busy place full of a variety of sounds, but you couldn’t recognise any of the noises around you. There were people laughing and music playing over some random sounds of buttons and balls hitting the ground but that only made you even more confused.
“We are here!” Stephen exclaimed, carefully untying the blindfold. “Okay, you can open them!”
You did as he asked and your eyes met with a hallway full of LED lights and dozens of different arcade games. You covered your mouth with your hand, feeling even more excited as before. 
"Oh my Vishanti." You gasped, turning to face your… boyfriend? You didn't want to make Stephen uncomfortable by putting a wrong label on your relationship just yet, but the thought of calling him your boyfriend made you all warm on the inside. The doctor smiled, offering you his hand which you gladly took and so the two of you made your way to purchase the tickets. 
"There are so many things in here I don't know where to start." You said with a huge grin on your face. Your date has just begun and you knew it was going to be an amazing night. 
"Hmm, we could walk around and see what we like the most." The sorcerer proposed, gently squeezing your hand as you went deeper into the hallway. "Or better!" He continued with a brand new dose of excitement in his voice. "Let's go look at the prizes first. You can tell me what you want so that I can win it for you." 
"That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, Stephen." Giving his hand a light squeeze you leaned closer and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. 
The doctor’s heart jumped in his chest when he felt it. His face was surely covered in bright red. 
“Don’t be too excited. I haven’t won anything for you yet.” The sorcerer said, swaying your joined hands as you walked through the praises section. Even though you had dozens of amazing things in front of you, you couldn’t keep your eyes off of your date. The blue light coming from the arcade games behind you made his cheekbones stand out. The silver strands in his hair seemed to be sparkling like glitter. And his eyes… You loved Stephen’s baby blues and now they looked like little diamonds, reflecting the light around them and creating tiny rainbow areolas. 
“It’s the thought that counts.” 
“I need you to remember that you said that in case I won’t be able to actually win anything.” The doctor joked, making you giggle. 
The two of you stopped at the shelf with prizes for 2000 points or more. Most of the stuff were giant squishmallows and other plushies that were bigger than your twin sized bed. In the corner you spotted a polaroid camera for 5000 points and exhaled loud enough for your companion to hear it. Stephen’s eyes followed your gaze, making the sorcerer smirk. 5000 points couldn’t be so hard to get, right? But before he could ask if that was what you wanted you pointed at a medium sized teddy bear with a little red cape. A teddy bear that resembled Stephen. As much as the doctor disliked seeing his merchandise he had to admit that this plushie was kinda cute. They even gave it his goatee and his hair looked pretty well.
“I want that one.” You said with a giggle, knowing very well what your friend thought about it.  You leaned your head on Stephen’s shoulder and threw your hands around his waist. “Please?” 
“From all of those things you want that one?” The sorcerer supreme laughed, embracing you as well.  You could feel the vibration in his chest as his laugh echoed through the alley you were standing in. “It’s not even 1000 points…ouch.” His smile fell, pretending to be hurt by this unfair arrangement. . “I’m worth at least 1500.”
You couldn’t help, but wheeze, hiding your face in his chest as you tried to steady your breath.
“You’re a funny one, mister doctor.” With a little pat on his shoulder you took a step away from his arms to point at the shelf. “What do you want?” You asked, playing with the hem of your shirt with your free hand. “And don’t you dare say you don’t want anything!” 
Your friend looked at you and then back at the display with a playful smile on his face. “That one.” He pointed at a little box in the 1000 points section. “I want that one.”
“You want a funko pop that looks like-”  the idea of Stephen bringing that little toy home was so ridiculous to you you almost cried from trying to contain your laughter. “This is hilarious.”
“Yes, I want it.” The doctor pulled your hand to try and move you to the next part of your adventure. You didn’t protest much and quickly followed him. Stephen would get you that ridiculous plushie and the camera. All he wanted in return was your happiness and that funko pop. “You know-” the sorcerer continued as the two of you made your way to an automaton with the classic Pac Man game. “Wong said once that it would be fun if he had his own merchandise. This toy will be the perfect gift for him and me.”
“We can start with this game. Play a few rounds together to get more points and then play separately?” The man  gestured for you to sit down, which you gladly did and inserted a few tickets into the machine after you gave him an excited nod. 
This night was getting better and better with every minute. You could hear Stephen saying “I will put it on my nightstand” as he sat down beside you on the chair that was too small for two people, making you slide. Instead of scoothing over and giving you some space, Stephen took the entire seat and pointed at his lap.
“If you’re okay with that you could sit here…” The sorcerer proposed with a blush covering his entire face. “Or you could just sit on the chair and I will-”
You didn’t let him finish and just sat down on his lap, putting your head on his shoulder to get more comfortable. “We switch after every round?” You asked, waiting for Stephen to hit start. You could hear his heart beating faster. You found it cute.
“What? Oh yes, of course.” And then the game finally started.
“No wait!” You pulled Stephen back by his hand, laughing like crazy. Apparently the sorcerer was very skilled at arcade games. He had so many tickets it would be enough for two Doctor Strange teddy bears and probably some small keychain. You’ve been playing for hours and it was probably well after midnight.  Stephen wanted to go get the prices and leave, but you needed just a few more points to get him that funko pop and another gift. “I need 200 more points!” 
“But you already have enough for my mini Wong.” Your date flopped dramatically on the bench behind him, pulling you onto his lap for the 100th time that night. You liked that a lot, but you were on a mission! You desperately needed to get those points. 
You giggled, seeing some breadcrumbs- remains of your dinner at the arcade- on Stephen’s shirt he didn’t swipe off. With one move of your hand they were gone, but your palm stayed glued to  the sorcerer’s chest. He looked up at you and covered your hand with his, his thumb gently drawing circles into your skin. Of course it wasn’t the first time you two were this close, but it never failed to make you feel warm on the inside. You were curious how Stephen’s kiss would feel. 
The sorcerer thought about kissing you multiple times during your date, but he didn’t want to rush things. It would happen eventually- maybe when you come back home or maybe in two months. It didn’t matter to neither Stephen nor you. You had plenty of time and simply wanted to enjoy the moment. 
“Give me 10 minutes with galaga and I will meet you at the register with your mini Wong and a surprise.” You said, putting a stray silver hair behind his ear and leaned down to give him a quick forehead kiss.
“10 minutes?” The doctor sighed heavily, wiping an invisible tear.  “How will I survive it?”
“You’re a dork, Stephen Strange.” You stood up and headed to get your last points. “See you in 10 minutes!!” You shouted and smiled when he blew you a kiss. Anyone who saw you probably thought you guys were drunk or something. But it didn’t matter how crazy you looked and what other people thought of you. You were happy- Stephen was, too.
Stephen didn’t want to let you go. He couldn’t imagine a moment away from you, but right now he was glad that you were doing your own thing. It gave him the opportunity of buying you that polaroid camera with his tickets. His pockets were filled with little pieces of paper and it was so hard to hide them from you. Of course you knew he had more points than he needed to get you that plushie, but you had no idea he had a secret stash in the pockets of his jeans. He might have cheated once or twice to get them, but some of those games were rigged anyways! At least that was what he chose to believe. 
Stephen couldn’t help but smile as he walked down the hallway to the register. At first he thought that a date at the arcade would be a mistake- it was something for young people, not two very much adult sorcerers- but thankfully Wong convinced him to take you there. The doctor had never had so much fun on a date. Never. Most of his outings were very generic- a dinner at a restaurant, watching a movie in the cinema. Not that those things were boring, but it just wasn’t it sometimes. It wasn’t as exciting as this. For the first time in years Stephen felt young and carefree. It was something he really needed. His job was stressful so it was really nice to just be normal for once. 
“I would like numbers 10 and 16, pretty please.”  The doctor said, putting his tickets on the counter. 
“Okay, I know it’s been more than 10 minutes, but the freaking machine wouldn’t give me my points!” You greeted him, waving your little bundle of tickets.
“That is outrageous.” The sorcerer stood by the exit door, hands behind his back hiding your gifts. “Unacceptable.” 
“I know!” You laughed and ran to the register to get the prizes for Stephen. You were watching as one of the workers fetched your stuff and didn’t notice that your date was now standing right behind you.
“So what’s the surprise?” He whispered into your ear, making you jump.
“Dear Vishanti, Stephen!” You shrieked. The sorcerer hid his face in your shoulder, trying not to laugh and failing miserably. He laid little kisses on your cheek as an apology and you just couldn’t be annoyed when he was acting like a total softie. “You’re lucky you’re cute, doctor!”
“Grandma was right all along- this pretty face would help me get away with everything.” He murmured into your cheek. If his hands weren’t occupied he would have embraced you the moment he saw you again. 
“You’re so stupid.” you laughed, turning your face a little bit to the left to be met with Stephen’s angelic smile. Your noses were almost touching and if you moved just a little bit, your lips would, too. “I like that in a man.”
“Okay, lovebirds! Here’s your stuff!” The boy behind the counter gave you your prizes, packed in simple grey paper bags which you quickly snatched to hide behind your back. Stephen thanked him and you guys left the arcade with a blink of an eye.
There were many benefits of being a sorcerer. One of them was the ability to create portals to almost anywhere in the world. Yes, this day was amazing, but you were so happy to be back in the sanctum. It was good that Stephen transported you right to your room because you wouldn’t want to wake up Wong. You would get an earful for that.
“Close your eyes!” you ordered when the two of you were comfortably sitting on your bed.
Stephen did as you asked and waited for your next command. He could hear you fiddling with some stuff, trying to open a box he saw earlier. As much as he was excited to receive his mini Wong, Stephen wondered what else you got him. 
He felt something in his hand. It wasn’t heavy. All Stephen could deduce was that this thing was shaped like a rectangle and had some sort of a cable attached to it. You put the box with his mini Wong on top of it so he wouldn’t see the surprise when he opened his eyes. 
“You can look!” You said cheerfully, making your lover’s smile widen. 
“Oh, he is so going on my nightstand.” Stephen laughed and opened the box, letting the other gift fall on his bed. He didn’t want to see it just yet- it was supposed to be a surprise. The doctor couldn’t remember when was the last time he felt such joy from getting something so silly. He felt like a kid opening his birthday presents. But somehow this felt so much better. He was a grown man and it was rare to have a moment for himself- to just care about his own happiness for once. And you made it possible.
“I will put him in my shirt pocket and carry him around until Wong notices.” He said and put the toy aside. His gaze travelled down to his sheets to finally see what it was that you gave him. All he could do was gasp. “No way.”
“I know your last cassette player broke when that demon paid us a visit and demolished our living room.” You said, fiddling with your thumbs. “I know how much you liked it and when I saw it at the arcade I just had to take it with me.”
“I-” The sorcerer stuttered, holding the player close to his chest. “I don’t know what to say. Thank you!” He whispered, hugging you tightly. 
“I’m happy you like it.”
“Like? I love it!” I love you, Stephen thought- the smile never leaving his face. “Okay, it’s my turn!” He announced, picking his bags off the floor. 
“Stephen the bear is now officially yours.” The sorcerer giggled, placing the plushie in your arms. You immediately embraced it, squeezing the life out of it. “I see I have some serious concurrence.” He joked, pointing between you and the teddy bear you were holding so dearly. 
“No one could ever compare with you, Stephen.” You said, giving your lover a kiss on the cheek. “Although I have to admit…. This guy is really huggable.” 
“Oookay, to the next gift.” Stephen blinked, taking the plushie out of your arms and throwing it on his pillow, making you wheeze. You knew he was just playing- he was being so silly and carefree today. You loved seeing him like that. “I saw you looking at it. I knew you wouldn’t ask for it, but I wanted you to have it.” 
He fished into the bag and pulled out a medium sized box. You recognized it immediately.
“You gave me a camera?” You gasped, covering your mouth with your hands. “You didn’t have to!” You jumped into his arms, hugging him as thigh as you could. 
“Well, I  said I wanted you to have it.” He murmured, laying gentle kisses on your head. 
You squeezed his waist once more and pulled away to open the box. You quickly inspected the camera to see if anything was missing and when you were sure that this thing was in a good condition you put the film in and turned it on. 
“Wanna take a photo?” You asked with excitement in your voice. There’s no better way to document your happiness than taking a bunch of photographs. 
“Of course.” Stephen smiled, pulling you into his lap- his arms wandered around your waist to keep you steady while his cheek was glued to your own. He couldn’t wait to hang this photo somewhere in the sanctum. He will make a copy to keep it with him when he’s away from you. To keep you close to his heart. And he didn’t care how cheesy it was.
You put your hand up, stretching it as far as you could and clicked the button. The film came out of your polaroid as soon as you heard the soul of the flash. Stephen took the pic out and shook it, too excited to wait.
“You’re actually not supposed to shake it.” You said, taking the photo out of his hand.
“I’m not?” 
“Not really. Let’s just put it next to your mini Wong and wait.” You said and did just that.
"There's one more gift I have for you." You whispered with a sprinkle of hesitation and shyness in your voice. You were really nervous about this one. Getting off of Stephn’s lap you took a seat on the opposite side of the bed, making sure you were still close.
"3 gifts?" Stephen smirked, blushing like stupid. "What have I done to deserve them all?" 
"You did a lot, Stephen." You have thanked him plenty of times. For letting you stay in the sanctum longer than it was necessary. For helping you start therapy again. For being kind to you and for making you fall in love with him. "You deserve so much more than I can give you right now."
"Meeting you is the best gift I have ever gotten." He said, squeezing your hand and bringing it to his lips he laid a soft kiss on your skin. It made you shiver in the best way possible. And maybe, just maybe your eyes became a little glassy. "And although I will surely love whatever else you will give me, your presence will always be my favourite gift." 
Stephen smiled and closed his eyes again, awaiting your next surprise. After his little speech you had no doubts- you were in love with Stephen Strange. And it felt fantastic.
You could feel his thumb drawing small circles onto your palm. You smiled, with tears threatening to fall from your eyes. You quickly freed your hand from Stephen's grip and gently put it on his cheek. You leaned closer. And closer. 
“May I kiss you?” You whispered before your lips could touch. 
The sorcerer opened his eyes to look at you. He could feel your breath on his skin, longing for the taste of your lips. “God, yes.” He exhaled, gently cupping your face in his hands, connecting his lips to yours with a little too much force. 
Your free hand- the one that wasn’t resting on your lover’s cheek- landed on the mattress to keep you from falling. The doctor could feel you smiling into the kiss and his heart threatened to rip his ribcage open. And although he would surely die because of it he would die a happy man.
The kiss- although powerful- didn’t last long. Neither of you dared moving away- your foreheads were connected and you were smiling like crazy. You closed your eyes again, leaning closer to kiss him again.
“Wait!” Stephen whispered, making you freeze. He quickly turned around to face his nightstand and picked up mini Wong to make him face in the other direction. He stole a quick glance at the, now fully developed, photograph of the two of you and he could feel his heart melting. “Okay, you can kiss me now.” He said in a serious voice and you couldn’t help but to laugh. And it was contagious. 
“You’re so silly.” You said in between kisses, still giggling like a little kid. “I love seeing you like that.”
“I love that you make me feel like that.” Stephen whispered into your lips. “Plus I won’t let him look at us  with those round black eyes when we make out. Gross.”
You shook your head, amused by his behaviour and put your arms around his neck. 
“I’m glad I met you, Stephen.” You said, stealing a few more kisses. “Coming here was the best decision I have ever made.”
“And I’m glad you decided to stay.” 
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delirious-donna · 2 years
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chapter 2: A New Challenge
Story Masterlist
pairing: Kakashi Hatake x female reader
warnings: SFW (NSFW in later chapters)
wc: 2.5k
synopsis: Kakashi Hatake, newly appointed Hokage, is struggling with transitioning from active duty to being sat behind a desk. Sure, he might not be placing his life on the line every day but perhaps now is the time he puts something else out there instead, his heart.
Meanwhile, things aren’t quite adding up. There is a discrepancy in the records that cannot be explained, and it falls to you to investigate. Never did you expect it would lead you to the door of the Hokage’s office, a man you had admired from a safe distance until now. What happens next leads you into a closely guarded secret that will change the rest of your life.
In a story where the past might be harder to let go of than usual, can two strangers find a semblance of happiness and peace?
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A strange feeling to experience an entire month and a half in what seemed like only the blink of an eye, yet that was exactly what had happened. When you stopped to consider it, it still felt as if it were only yesterday that you were shown to your new desk and introduced to the team you’d be leading.
Casting your mind back to the polished desk that was bare and fresh looking, it was evident that a lot had changed within that time. Now the surface was stacked with neat piles of papers, a few manila folders with sticky notes plastered on them, not to mention the vast array of stationery in a rainbow of colours. It was cluttered but organised – the perfect metaphor for how you worked.
To others, it would appear like chaos but there was a method to your madness and as long as you got the job done what did it matter if your desk looked a little messy? It was sectioned off from the rest of the space, lucky to have been gifted a corner seat as one of the newest members of the management team which meant that no one had to witness the horrors unless they were looking to speak with you directly.
Stretching your arms overhead, fingers wiggling towards the ceiling, you sat back in your chair and let your eyes slide shut for reprieve.
A smile played absently over your lips, it was nice to feel a sense of contentment at work, and you truly did. Given that you had worked in this department since you were old enough to take a part-time job, you were familiar with everyone and all the little quirks and nuances that came with the department as a whole as well as the people working here.
You would be lying if you said there hadn’t been a certain degree of nerves prior to taking the step up the ladder that your colleagues wouldn’t adapt well, but it had been unfounded. The team you had been given worked well together and you had no complaints so why did your smile turn sour the longer your mind wandered? What caused the prickle of uncertainty to rise up your back like being plunged into cold water?
Rubbing your fingers against the back of your neck did little to dissuade the rise of your shoulders as they moved closer to your ears. It was a sensation you were becoming familiar with, and it was confusing. For the past two weeks, there were times when you felt like you were being watched; funnily enough, it always seemed to be around lunchtime or not long after.
The first time you had been aware of the feeling, you had swung around in the hallway to find it quite deserted, though the longer you stood there, the more confident you were of hearing retreating footsteps that grew quieter as if they were heading away from you. There was no urgency to them and you had shrugged it off as a simple trick of an overactive imagination. 
However, it became more frequent and almost like a game the longer it went on. 
It was a bothersome ordeal and not in the way you would have assumed, surely there would be a reasonable level of fear in believing that someone was looking over your shoulder but it was quite the opposite. It tugged a smile to your lips, a roll of your eyes as you attempted to catch your admirer in the act, or at least you assumed them to be an admirer given that you had no suspicion of ill will. To date, all you had glimpsed was a blur of white or silver and what looked like the tails of a cloak disappearing around a corner.
On more than one occasion you had considered speaking to your colleagues about it, simply to gauge whether they too had sensed such a presence but the anxiety of sounding crazy held you back. No, instead, you worried your lip between your teeth and tried your best to go about your business as usual. If they wanted something, they’d have to make themselves known sooner or later.
“Do you have a minute?” the voice of your boss cut through the flurry of thoughts in your mind. Jolting upwards in your chair, you almost knocked a stack of precariously balanced files over in your surprise but managed to save it at the last moment.
“Careful! Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you. Deep in thought?” she asked curiously.
You nodded, straightening the files to ensure they didn’t fall over again and turned in your chair. “Oh, yeah. I was miles away. Did you say you needed me?”
“Mhm, can you follow me to the meeting room?”
Anxiety prickled your neck, the default position of your brain immediately switching to every possible negative outcome possible. 
You were being demoted. 
No, you were being fired. 
Worse, you were being fired and exiled from Konohagakure.
It was at times like these that you hated your brain, how it churned through images of the worst possibilities and turned your stomach into a cement mixer. The short walk to the meeting room was fraught with nerves despite the friendly banter your boss attempted to engage you in. All you could do was plaster a fake smile on your face and pray for whatever was going to happen to be quick.
“You’ve been doing some excellent work. Your team is performing well and I thought you might like something to challenge you a bit more,” your boss began, much to your immense relief. “Wait, did you think you were in some kind of trouble?” she asked at your lengthy exhale.
You could only laugh, the tension that had manifested in your shoulders eased and you pressed a palm to your forehead. 
“Sorry! I have trouble with being a bit negative at times, but that doesn’t matter right now, tell me about this project.” Waving a hand at how ridiculous you had been only moments ago.
A crimson folder thudded against the table, it was skinny, far skinnier than a regular file and you immediately recognised it to be a shinobi’s personal file. These were some of the most confidential documents within the Hokage’s Tower and very few were ever given access to them. With eyes as round as saucers, you peered at your boss who wore a grim smile of confirmation. 
A mixture of emotions swirled inside your mind; awe and pride at being given this privilege but fear and trepidation as to what it might entail. You had little to do with the shinobi of Konoha, your closest tie being that your father had once been one, but he had retired from active service before you were five. He had friends that had visited on occasion, sure, but it still felt like a world you had no part in.
“Who’s file is that?”
There was no verbal answer, only the folder being pressed to your side of the table. Turning it slowly, your eyes snapped up upon reading the name, barely concealing a gasp of surprise. Your stomach dropped back to your toes and you could only gape like a fish out of water. “Why - why are you showing me this?”
How could it be this light? It weighed almost nothing as you picked it up in trembling fingers, your forefinger brushing over the name typed in bold font in the top corner. This was someone that everyone knew the name of though it hadn’t always been that way, and most of what was known was far from good.
“There are two documents missing from his file, one that I’ve seen with my own eyes many years ago and the other… well, no one claims to have ever seen it though it was confirmed to be present in the records system.” She pinched the bridge of her nose, suddenly looking much older than her years. “We would like you to investigate and locate them if you can, or if they have been destroyed or stolen, point us in the direction of the perpetrator so it can be dealt with correctly.”
This was far more serious than you had anticipated and you swallowed thickly, a riot of questions forming but was it really your place to question what exactly was going on here? All you knew for certain was that this ran far deeper than was being let on. The implications of what it could mean for documents from within this file to be considered lost or stolen ran a high-security risk for sure.
“Shouldn’t this be a task for the intelligence service? Surely they would be far better suited to look into this than a civilian from records.” It was a valid point, there were dedicated services that dealt with these kinds of affairs and honestly, you didn’t fully understand why you were being trusted with this information.
“Would it reassure you to know that they are involved? They are looking at the matter from a variety of different possible angles whereas we want you to look into it purely in an administrative sense. You know the department well, and you have a good eye for detail, so don’t doubt yourself.”
Your tongue stuck to the roof of your mouth, lips dry as you parted them. “Al-alright. I’ll need someone else to take over my other duties and –”
The rest of your requests were dismissed as it seemed everything had already been thought of before you had even said yes… “Consider it already taken care of, we need you to simply focus on this and I can’t stress enough that this is time critical.”
Back at your desk, you flipped through the folder you had been entrusted with. Nothing inside was surprising, and you hadn’t read too deeply into the mission reports within, only giving a cursory glance at the names mentioned within each one with that heavy lead weight only pressing on you more as you continued. 
So engrossed in your task, you didn’t take lunch as you usually did and didn’t even lift your head at the commotion out in the main office. If you had, you might have seen or heard the whispers about a certain someone who had paid an unannounced visit before leaving promptly again. It was the second time the Hokage had loitered in your office and you hadn’t been aware of either time, but little did you know that your paths would cross, and soon.
The fresh notepad you’d pulled out was scrawled with messy notes. Dates and pieces of information you’d pulled out to examine closer. Hunched over your desk like a little gremlin, so conscious of not letting anyone see what you were working on, it wasn’t until you reached a point in which you had more questions than answers, that you paused and sat back with a heavy sigh.
It was after 6pm and you should have clocked out over an hour ago. The office was quiet, the only light coming from your desk lamp and you stretched out your tired back and arms. You were looking for two missing death certificates, an interesting turn of events that there would ever be two in the first place but then things didn’t always happen like normal in this world. 
The reports of both incidents leading up to the respective deaths were present and you had read them at length several times, despite not wanting to relive those horrific moments. It was heartwrenching to read about someone’s demise and to think that it had apparently happened twice made it all the worse. 
Both reports lay side by side and you turned them over to where they were signed by the witnessing party and stamped with official receipt. The same signature was signed against both and your heart stuttered. How had you missed that detail? Too focused on the grizzly events within them to look at who had made the reports, you could slap yourself.
You were more than familiar with the name, who in Konoha didn’t know Kakashi Hatake, after all? He was the newest Hokage, he was known by at least a handful of different aliases and was at the very heart of the Third Shinobi War. 
All facts, yes, but they were only the half of it.
Kakashi… your eyes slid shut as the image of him appeared in your mind’s eye. You weren’t the only person to find him attractive, the man himself even knew his own self-worth and hid it behind a mask. How you longed to see beneath that thin fabric that kept the world at bay. 
You remembered a time a few years back when you had spotted him waiting outside the Hokage’s office and your feet had refused to budge for a full minute. Thankfully, he hadn’t turned to see you staring at him like a lovesick puppy and your humiliation had remained in your head but still, why was it him?
Logically, it made sense. You had read the reports, and he was at both incidents so of course he would be able to provide a first-hand account but now that meant you really should speak to him about it. There was every chance that he was already aware of the discrepancy given his position but it wouldn’t hurt to ask him some questions. The thought made you tremble but dammit, this was your job and you would be professional.
Would he still be in his office at this time? Surely not. Perhaps if you familiarise yourself with the route to the office you would feel less stressed tomorrow when you would have to take the plunge and ask for a moment of his time or maybe have to schedule something, given how busy he likely was.
With the folder tucked securely into your backpack and slung over your shoulder, you studiously kept your gaze on your feet as you winded towards the highest part of the building. You saw very few people on your way, nodding politely when you did but no conversation was attempted and you were glad you weren’t questioned about where you were headed.
The door appeared quicker than you expected. 
Stood rooted to the spot and wondering what the hell you would even say if someone did answer. It was better to convince yourself that your knocks would go unanswered. Other than what everyone in the village knew, you didn’t know Kakashi Hatake, he was a perfect stranger to you and this was work. Work, you reminded yourself, lifting your hand and knocking three times in quick succession.
There was only silence, deafened by the pound of your heart and after a few seconds, you were turning on your heel when the door tugged open. Your head snapped up and you met the eyes of the very person you had hoped wouldn’t answer.
The steel grey eyes of Lord Sixth fell upon you and you felt like a deer caught in the eyes of a hunter. 
With your wits scattered to the wind, you didn’t notice the subtle widening of his gaze nor the slight tilt of his head. Behind the ever-present mask, a subtle smile played on his lips and you could only stare like an idiot.
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fullmetalscullyy · 2 years
day 7 - the two teachers
12 days - 12 oneshots | a collection of oneshots to celebrate royai
rated: g | words: 2175
read on ao3
“While I can say we survived another year, unfortunately, we still have a couple of months until the end of the school year.”
Riza was smiling before she even looked up from her paperwork. The last worksheets to be marked before a glorious two-week holiday from work over Christmas were almost done.
“Good afternoon, Roy.”
“Riza.” He grinned at her as he strode across her classroom.
As it was the end of the school day now he’d rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and unbuttoned the top button, now he’d lost his tie. Riza liked his ties though. They were always a different pattern, always wacky and bright. It brought a smile to her face and – secretly – each morning she found herself looking forward to seeing what design he’d picked for the day. He was known throughout the school for his questionable tie fashion, but it was always light-hearted fun. The kids he taught also found it entertaining and exciting. It was endearing.
“What can I do for you?”
He didn’t answer for a beat. “To be honest, I was just looking for an excuse to visit you.”
“And did you find one?”
“Just getting to see you was reason enough.” He flashed her that smile which made her stomach flip and Riza rolled her eyes.
“Those papers won’t mark themselves you know.”
“I know. But I can take them home,” he shrugged.
“Over the Christmas period?” Riza arched a sceptical eyebrow at him. “You’d sacrifice our precious, well-earned holiday time, just to visit me?”
“Always, Riza.”
She expected a quip. A wink or smirk. But Roy was sincere.
Well then.
His smile was entirely genuine as well as he flashed it her way and Riza, for once, found herself at a loss for words. Because how was she supposed to reply to that?
“What are you doing over the holiday period?”
She sat back in her chair and placed her pen on her desk. “Not much,” Riza admitted. “Just relaxing and trying not to think too much about these four walls.”
Roy chuckled, the sound a deep rumble. “I get that.” He straightened his spine but dropped his eyes so they moved over her well organised desk. “Spend it with me.”
Riza blinked at him. “What?”
He shrugged. “Spend it with me.” His eyes lifted to meet hers and she could see he meant it.
Roy wanted to spend their holidays together.
“Doing what?” Riza was still stuck trying to process why he would even suggest such a thing. A short laugh even escaped her as she asked.
His expression turned guarded for a brief moment before his eyelids fluttered closed as he blinked. His easy smile returned and he grinned at her. “Nothing,” he shook his head. “Forget I said anything.” He tapped her desk once then his smile changed. It turned forced. “Have a good holiday, Riza. I hope you enjoy your well-deserved break.”
Riza was left to stare after him as he left her classroom, too confused and stunned to call out to ask him to wait.
But as she watched his retreat something in her gut told her she’d regret not calling him back.
His name was on her lips as he turned outside the doorway, but it froze in her throat.
She didn’t end up calling out to him.
*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *
“Wait. He said what?”
“That I should spend it with him.” Riza twirled her straw around the glass as her friend and colleague appeared as flabbergasted by Roy’s earlier request as she was.
“And he asked you that? Today?”
Riza nodded at Rebecca’s continued questioning, glad they were both as confounded as each other. She took a sip of her cocktail as she waited for Rebecca to process.
She’d taken all evening and Riza still struggled to process what and why Roy had asked her.
But Rebecca fell silent. Riza had expected a sigh or maybe laughter at the absurdity of it all, Riza wasn’t sure. Silence, however, was not the anticipated reaction.
When Riza glanced over at her friend she saw a pained look on Rebecca’s face and Riza’s face fell. That feeling from earlier, telling her she knew she’d come to regret her reaction to Roy’s request, came bounding back at full speed.
She sighed and turned back to her drink. “He asked you out.”
Again, Riza was reduced to blinking at her friend. “What?”
“Roy asked you out,” Rebecca reiterated slowly so she could fully understand.
“No he didn’t,” Riza denied, accompanied by a nervous laugh.
“Yes,” Rebecca sighed, “he did.”
Riza was stunned into silence.
“I’m sure he’ll get over it.” Rebecca waved off Riza’s silence. “He’s Roy. He’ll bounce back in no time.”
He’d asked her out? The phrase didn’t compute in Riza’s mind.
Of course, she liked him. They were friends and they were close. Closer than most people who met through work, but then again, so were Riza and Rebecca. And yes, his smile made her stomach warm and caused butterflies to erupt within –
Oh no.
Rebecca was eyeing her closely as Riza came to her realisation.
And she’d rejected him with her silence and her stupid laugh.
She’d been caught off guard. It was unexpected. Riza had been blindsided and she’d reacted with shock and surprise. Looking back, it could have been perceived as mocking.
Oh no.
“Are you all right?”
Riza snapped out of the thoughts dragging her round and round in circles while fear and horror roiled within her stomach. She glanced down at her drink and offered Rebecca a quick “fine”, before taking another drink. Although now it was too sweet to stomach.
As Riza’s attention drifted away she didn’t notice Rebecca subtly pulling out her phone and her fingers flying across the screen. She hit ‘send’ then pocketed her phone before chattering away to Riza as if nothing were amiss.
But something was most definitely amiss.
*          *          *          *          *          *          *          *
Riza jolted at the loud call and automatically turned. Jean Havoc leaned into Rebecca and wrapped her in a big bearhug while she was still atop her barstool. Rebecca laughed and hugged him tight, face softening as he pressed a kiss against her temple in greeting.
“Hey, Riza.” Even she was pulled into a quick hug.
“Hey, Jean.”
“Look who I found!”
The dread which had been causing her skin to prickle for the last hour settled like a stone within her stomach. Roy was standing behind Jean with his easy smile and his eyes which softened as soon as he turned towards her.
I’m sure he’ll get over it.
But what if Riza didn’t want him to get over it?
She tried to focus on their conversation but it was difficult. Now Roy was here, standing so close to her stool as the four of them crowded the bar, it was as if she was hyperaware of him. Every laugh which shook his frame felt lifted hairs from Riza’s skin. Every innocent brush due to their close proximity ignited her skin. Riza was sure she was going to go mad, before Rebecca squealed and tugged Jean away, realising the rest of their friend group was now here.
Roy hopped up onto the stool Rebecca had vacated and turned to face Riza. She scrutinised his face and it seemed just as Rebecca said. He’d bounced back from her supposed “rejection” and hadn’t taken it to heart. He looked at her as he always did. Soft expression, tiny smile – which was such a change from his usual cheery grin he showed everyone.
“Are you okay?” He looked genuinely concerned.
Riza cleared her throat and gave herself a mental shake. Now he wasn’t standing nearly pressed against her, it was easier to think.
Roy’s head cocked to the side. Apparently, she wasn’t very convincing.
“I’m sorry for how I reacted earlier,” Riza blurted out.
Roy stared at her.
“I didn’t mean to laugh.” She could feel her shame creeping up to her face. “I didn’t want to laugh. You just caught me off guard –”
“Riza,” Roy chuckled softly. “It’s fine,” he added gently.
She shook her head. “It’s not fine.”
“Riza, it is. I won’t press the issue either. Whatever your decision is, I respect it.”
“No, you don’t understand.”
He waited for her to continue as Riza struggled to find the words and the courage to admit out loud what she’d been mulling over ever since Rebecca’s announcement.
“I’ll do it.”
“Do what?”
The universe was testing her, Riza was sure of it. Her cheeks flushed but she didn’t back down from his confused stare.
“I’ll – That is, I’d like to spend the holidays with you. Take you up on your offer. If you’ll have me.”
Roy’s face went completely blank and Riza started to doubt whether Rebecca had been correct and wondered if she was making an even bigger fool of herself than she already had.
“Riza…” The way he said her name, filled with such wonder, gave Riza hope.
Roy reached across the bar top and took her hand within his. His touch was hesitant and gentle, once more igniting her skin. His fingertips smoothed over the back of her hand, up to her wrist, before wrapped around her palm and sealing their hands together.
“You would?”
Riza nodded. “I didn’t mean to laugh. I just didn’t think you’d be serious.”
“Never in a million years did I think you’d be interested.”
His mouth fell open slightly.
And then Riza realised.
“Have I been oblivious?”
Both jumped at Rebecca’s sudden yell. Still, she glanced between them both looking pleased as punch.
Jean wrapped his arms around her waist from behind. “Yeah, it’s about time! He’s been pining over you for years.”
When Riza turned back to Roy she saw his glare was murderous.
“I will kill you, Jean.”
Which he just laughed in response. “You’ll be thanking me one day.”
The two left them alone, laughing together and proud of their matchmaking.
Riza turned back around and Roy was suddenly there. So close she could feel his breath on her lips. She licked her lips and watched as his distracted gaze was drawn down to them.
“You’d really like to?”
“Yes,” she whispered breathily.
Roy smiled that smile which wreaked havoc on her heart as his eyes snapped back to hers.
“Is that really how long?”
Roy exhaled and nodded. He looked sheepish as he admitted it, but his voice was strong. “Yes.”
“And you never said anything?”
“I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. Especially not at work.”
She lifted a hand to cup his cheek and her heart sang to find him immediately turning into her touch.
“We’re really going to do this?”
“Riza, you’d do me the honour. You’d make me the happiest man alive. Truly.”
She smiled at him and stroked a thumb over his cheek. She was delighted to discover it made his whole-body tremble.
He leaned in first after that, as if unable to hold back any longer. Riza met him just as eagerly as they kissed. Her hand slid slowly down to his jaw, his neck, his shoulder – as she hung on for dear life – then to the back of his neck. She clutched at him, trying to remain as close to him as possible. And Roy was the same. He stepped off his stool and pressed into her body. The weight of his hands settling on her waist was firm, but his touch remained gentle as his thumbs stroked her sides.
They were pulled apart by clapping and a celebratory ‘whoop!’ from Rebecca.
Roy pressed his forehead against hers as he tried to reign himself back in. Riza wasn’t much better. Her heart thundered inside her chest, her breathing erratic. She took a gulp of air to try and settle, inhaling Roy’s cologne and the scent which made him, him. It wrapped around her like a comforting hug and Riza relaxed against him.
“You are the best thing that has ever happened to me,” he professed in a whisper. “The greatest gift,” he whispered.
“Just as well it’s Christmas time then, huh?”
He barked out a laugh and grinned at her. The affectionate kiss he placed on her forehead made Riza melt completely, and she fell into his embrace. Strong arms were wrapped around her shoulders tightly and didn’t seem in a hurry to let her go.
Which was just as well, because Riza was in no rush to leave him at all.
“A gift which extends far beyond this time of year, I hope?” Bless, he sounded so hopeful.
Riza felt her stomach flip and a warmth rush through her chest. Now she was here in the moment, she didn’t know why they hadn’t done this sooner. They fit together perfectly. This embrace felt so natural.
“Way, way beyond Christmas time.”
The arms around her gave her a squeeze and Roy sighed happily into her hair.
“Good,” he murmured, pressing his cheek harder against her. “Good…”
kudos and kind comments are always appreciated :)
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seraandthebees · 2 years
Wip Wednesday!
Tagged myself because I wanna share this week!
No pressure tagging @spindleweedss @mxkelsifer @breadedsinner @seriouslyseravellan @mullethawke @n0rthernfir3fighter @ketc7 and anyone else to join in!
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More Medici stuff from me today, again further along in the narrative from last time. This is actually placed after the characters get together so we’re a fair bit further along, but they’re still finding their feet.
“You’re late.”
He moved to let Cosimo in and closed the door behind him, shutting away the sound of Florence alive with commerce and socialisation and politics. He barred the door to lock them out also, creating a sense of safety for the both of them and a barrier from all that might disturb them.
“I was detained by Marco,” he explained. “I apologise. He can be persistent.”
Rinaldo simply shot him a further unimpressed look before making his way further into the entrance room towards a cushioned seat into which he sunk.
Having discarded his outer coat, he could see that Rinaldo was dressed in much more comfortable attire than his usual dress for the Signoria. It wasn’t as though he wasn’t dressed to impress as Cosimo didn’t think he was capable of ever being that if he had any say whatsoever. It was that his approach had changed. The impression he was trying to give was that he felt safe enough to let down his guard in front of Cosimo.
That choice was not taken lightly, either by Rinaldo in his decision making process or by Cosimo in his interpretation. This step meant a lot to both of them who equally understood the importance of perception. Rinaldo was letting him see further behind the façade presented in the public sphere as he became someone allowed into his private space.
“I take it your persistent friend has not followed you here,” he pressed, leaning back.
Cosimo followed him through, trailing behind slightly. “I took precautions that nobody followed me, not even Marco.”
Rinaldo nodded once, pleased with his answer that they would not have unwanted company. He tilted his head pointedly, motioning for Cosimo to join him. The seat was large enough for the two of them but not so spacious that he would be able to sit further than a few inches away from Rinaldo, not that that thought worried him. On the contrary, he felt pleased that Rinaldo had made sure to position himself on such a sofa.
Cosimo made his way over and took his place beside his lover, sitting far enough away that their thighs were not quite touching. He would not give Rinaldo the satisfaction of immediately luring him in. Instead, if he wanted body contact, he would have to seek it out himself.
 It was a test of sorts. Cosimo was interested to see how his lover would go about initiating a physical element given that it had been he who had first kissed Rinaldo. Would he drag Cosimo to him? Or would he lean over into his space? Or would he do something else entirely?
It did not take anywhere near as long as he thought it might for him to get his answer. Rinaldo took no mind of his decision to sit out of immediate contact, instead shifting closer and placing an arm loosely around his shoulders.
“I am glad you extended this invitation,” he commented. “I was beginning to think I was going to have to do all the organisational work myself. Typical of the Medici to want people to do their work for them.”
The playful jibe had none of the vitriol which previously marked almost all of their exchanges. That spite and fury was replaced with a light tone, although from the intonation of his voice it seemed like he was testing the waters, unsure of how such a remark might be received. It was odd to consider that, despite knowing each other for over two decades, they did not completely understand each other or even know what to say to one another.
“I’m happy to prove you wrong, as always, Rinaldo,” he responded, a twinkle in his eye as he rose to the challenge.
He hummed, his hand fidgeting absentmindedly with the fabric at Cosimo’s shoulder. “Answered like a true Medici. Arrogant and self-important.” 
“And you are the picture of humbleness and deference?” Cosimo shot back, raising an eyebrow.
“I am a god-fearing man.”
“As am I,” Cosimo narrowed his eyes, wondering if they had somehow in their short back and forth crossed territory from comfortable teasing into something with more edge.
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consultingsister-a5 · 2 years
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In 2013, after the funeral of her daughter, Cecelia moves to New York City. 
For one year, Cecelia Holmes becomes almost impossible to reach. However, for the sake of her daughter, she gives up drinking; she starts therapy; she even begins writing the novel she always planned to.
In 2015, she accepts a job at American Vogue as a freelance fashion editor, and slowly but surely makes her way back into society. She dates a politician with his sight set on the presidency, followed by a New York University psychology professor who had very recently left her husband of forty years and come out as gay (the two still keep in touch, but they eventually broke up due to the professors wish to mess around with her newfound freedom).
Much like many Brits before her, she begins a new life in America.
However, in 2017, her father invites her out for dinner in the city. It’s not entirely unusual. Out of all his children, Morland Holmes is closest with his daughter. Cee knows though, from the outset, that it was a business meeting. The popular 5-star restaurant being completely empty on a Friday night was enough.
Morland states his intentions clearly; his sons have no desire to join the family business. That leaves him with two options; hand the business to someone outside of the family, or begin to prepare Cecelia for the role of CEO of Holmes International Consultants.
He does however also make clear that if he believed Celia was incapable of the work, he would not be making this offer. Out of his three children, her resilience, persistence, and ambition has impressed him the most.
Although not strictly evil, the organisation Morland runs prides itself on being able to solve any problem for any client. These clients include governments, businessmen, and criminals. Through methods such as bribes, blackmail, and well places contacts, Holmes International Consultants retains its God-like power.
Despite her own reservations, and Sherlock’s please to decline the job, Celia accepts her father’s offer and leaves Vogue in early 2018.
Her first job is to create contacts within the Chinese government and spends the majority of 2019 and 2020 in Hong Kong. She then returns to London, mission accomplished and shadows her father until 2021 when she is announced as the new CEO of Holmes International Consultants.
In 2022, Celia begins her greatest endeavor. Using some of the greatest minds in the world, Celia begins to design a computer system that is used for the social engineering of whole populations. The machine will nalyze the patterns of history, as well government and online information, and chart a course for the future. In the beginning, it’s simply used to predict things like stock market changes, terrorist threats, worldwide recessions, and election results. The system is soon so powerful that Cee is able to threaten the president of Brazil to bring down his government and to talk with the president’s replacements within 6 weeks. Every company in the near future will need the computer’s assistance for their business.
Cee names the machine “Eurus” after her father’s sister, who died young but had an unexplained ability to know when it was about to rain.
In 2023, Celia wants to take Eurus further. Currently, the system works on the basis of information > output. Cee wants to be able to feed desired outcomes into the computer and for it to output the step-by-step process on how to achieve it. It’s an ambitious goal and begins to overstep the line as to where a stable world begins and personal freedom ends.
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mojput-mypath · 4 months
Complain about what?/Žaliti se na što?
The frustration about the things that we cannot change. The regret. The anger. The inability to accept. The time wasted!
The time I have wasted in my life on desperation about the things I cannot change. Every time I become aware of this; I feel like an idiot. Then I forget. Then I remember, and then again, I feel like an idiot. Life is truly circular.
At some point, life has become so pleasant, so comfortable. With the appearance of Vanja, who is my partner, his daughter, and grandfather in my life. It took some time of turmoil and adjustments, but eventually all fell into its right place. Let’s not forget doggy, who also came along. Let’s also not ignore the fact we live in a house. With a large yard. On the seaside. That I drive and own a car. I have two jobs, one more interesting and as challenging as the other. Life has truly taken a round form. It has become a stable, pleasant place. With its challenges. Yet, far from my lost self, several years ago, not knowing where to go, what to do. I am one of those people who really need someone by my side to stabilise. I have longed to love and to be loved. I would have died of longing. In due time (God, you did take some years to fulfil this one), he did arrive. I cannot be more grateful for his presence in my life. I cannot.
As human nature goes, there is always some imbalance, some or other challenge, a next step to be taken. I have started feeling so comfortable, not having my entire life hanging by a string, barely surviving. I kind of forgot that I still need to keep putting some more effort to grow. Now that I have people I rely on for love, comfort, stability – they provide me the knowledge, the growth, the mirror. So much so, that I have forgotten to make a greater effort myself.
I do have to remember also that I am very strict and hard on myself. The balance has to be found over and over again, that is certain.
I currently train three times per week, 1-to-1. I lead regular yoga classes. I run a Yoga School and an Ayurveda project – both Europe-wide. I do all the daily requirements of a household and family. I make time for travel, shopping… I teach, organise and attend yoga and meditation courses. The list could go on. On top of all this, I feel there is always room for improvement.
My plan is to practice more yoga, to start riding the bicycle in the forest and take the doggy with me, and to improve my workflow, so I can be more productive. Also, the Universe has provided me with a space in the local city, where I can finally start to do more programs in person, rather than only online. And I will soon also have a yoga retreat in the neighbouring region.
The more I write, the more I wonder what is it I can complain about? When do I have the time to waste?
Recently, I had a really beautiful holiday. I never really do holidays, as my work is my life, so there is never really a clear cut between the two. I suddenly decided to get tickets to go to Portugal. I have been wanting to go for some time, to visit my sister, but somehow, I always had some break in my mind stopping me. I kept thinking I don’t have time, or it’s too far or too expensive, and suddenly it was none. Tickets bought! I went first to the south. The weather was so strange the entire trip. Cloudy, without rain, but warm, then super sunny, then cold, then rain with wind. It took some time to reach the destination, where my friends live, but once finally arrived, I was awake and full of energy. The entire region (the little I have seen) of Algarve is just gorgeous. The small town where my friends live, is mostly a retreat centre area, with foreigners as inhabitants. Most people live here in the winter, working online, and then move out during the crowdy touristy summers.
The nature is absolutely beautiful, the greenery, the bamboo forests, and the beaches look like they are made for giants. Coming from Croatia, where the Adriatic is merely a little bay of the small, closed Mediterranean Sea – the ocean is a different story. Surrounding cliffs are enormous, the beaches endless, the waves going so high, covering the horizon. The sand is a soothing brownish colour, black stones with white stripes. In Croatia, the stones are just white, reflecting the sunlight to blindness. The huge body of water comes, lashes at your feet and recedes. Gurudev has given this example of the waves, describing the fleeting nature of the world, so many times. Seeing the ocean, I can now understand the comparison vividly.
A long walk, a tasty coffee, a special cake, a home-made pao de quijeso might be all one needs. But the company with it makes all the difference. A long walk sharing life stories with a fellow sister, a tasty coffee made and enjoyed with an old friend, and comfort food to wrap up the experience – is just what one needs from time to time to feel completely at ease.
From the wilderness of the south, I moved more north, to Coimbra, a small but invigorating town, on the river side, where my sister, Katina, lives. We visited the botanical garden, and one of the oldest universities in Europe – all very impressive, and even more so with two sisters! As Jelena joined us a day later. The three who have not met like this in a too long time. We spent some easy, light mornings, taking time to prepare food, to eat, to sit in the garden.
One evening, we were allowed to participate in an evening session of an Art of Living Teacher Training program. Just that very weekend, this course was going on in Coimbra. We could come and spend some time with the participants, and their amazing teacher, Annelies, who has inspired me more to teach youth meditation and yoga. This was so important for me, to have learned this wisdom and techniques when I was young and a bit on the crazy side, not taking responsibility for my life, but blaming others. We sat there like honoured guests, the three sisters… We sang together and were all super energised, we could barely go to sleep afterwards.
We continued to Lisbon, after me having a small accident, still walking, but a bit of a challenge to maintain a pace. There, our tour guide, Jelena, took us places, one of them being an old church. The feeling of greatness, serenity and glory filled the place. We kept walking most of the day, with small moments of rest for food and warm drinks. The weather was rain-sun-rain-sun-rain-sun – it literally changed every 10 minutes. The day eventually came to an end. We were tired, but full at the same time. Full of impressions, and also fulfilled for having spent some time together. We praised each other, happy to have sisters who we get along with, and understand each other and can have great fun!
Frustracija zbog stvari koje ne možemo promijeniti. Žaljenje. Ljutnja. Nemogućnost prihvaćanja. Gubljenje vremena!
Vrijeme koje sam provela u svom životu očajavajući zbog stvari koje ne mogu promijeniti. Svaki put kad postanem svjesna toga, osjećam se kao idiot. Onda zaboravim. Onda se sjetim, i opet se osjećam kao idiot. Život je uistinu kružna pojava.
U jednom trenutku, život je postao tako ugodan, tako udoban. S pojavom Vanje, mog partnera, njegove kćeri i nonića u mom životu. Trebalo je neko vrijeme nemira i prilagodbi, ali na kraju je sve sjelo na svoje mjesto. Ne smijemo zaboraviti ni psića, koji je također došao biti s nama. Ne smijemo zanemariti ni činjenicu da živimo u kući. S velikim dvorištem. Na obali mora. Da vozim i posjedujem auto. Imam dva posla, oba zanimljiva i izazovna. Život je uistinu poprimio zaokružen oblik. Postao je stabilno, ugodno mjesto. Sa svojim izazovima. Daleko od izgubljene sebe, prije samo nekoliko godina, kad nisam znala kuda ići, što raditi. Jedna sam od onih osoba koje stvarno trebaju nekoga pokraj sebe da se stabiliziraju. Žudjela sam za ljubavlju i za tim da budem voljena. Umrla bih bila od čežnje. U svoje vrijeme (Bože, stvarno ti je trebalo nekoliko godina da ovo ispuniš), on je stigao. Ne mogu biti zahvalnija za njegovu prisutnost u mom životu. Ne mogu.
Kao što ljudska priroda nalaže, uvijek postoji neka neravnoteža, neki ili drugi izazov, sljedeći korak koji treba poduzeti. Počela sam se osjećati tako ugodno, ne viseći više cijelim životom o niti, jedva preživljavajući. Na neki način, zaboravila sam da još uvijek trebam ulagati više truda da rastem. Sada kada imam ljude na koje se oslanjam za ljubav, udobnost, stabilnost – oni mi pružaju znanje, rast, ogledalo. Toliko da sam zaboravila ulagati veći trud.
Moram se također sjetiti da sam vrlo stroga i teška prema sebi. Ravnotežu treba pronalaziti iznova i iznova, to je sigurno.
Trenutno treniram tri puta tjedno, jedan na jedan. Vodim redovite satove yoge. Vodim školu yoge i projekt ayurvede – oba na europskoj razini. Obavljam sve svakodnevne obaveze u kućanstvu i obitelji. Nalazim vrijeme za putovanja, kupovinu... Podučavam, organiziram i pohađam tečajeve yoge i meditacije. Popis bi mogao ići dalje. Povrh svega ovoga, osjećam da uvijek ima prostora za napredak.
Moj plan je: prakticirati više yoge, početi voziti bicikl u šumi i voditi psića sa sobom, te poboljšati način i raspored rada, kako bih bila produktivnija. Također, Svemir mi je osigurao prostor u lokalnom gradu, gdje napokon mogu početi provoditi više programa uživo, a ne samo online. I uskoro ću imati i yoga retreat u susjednoj regiji.
Što više pišem, više se pitam na što se mogu žaliti? Kad imam vremena za gubljenje?
Nedavno sam imala zaista prekrasan odmor. Rijetko idem na odmor, jer je moj posao moj život, pa nema jasne granice. Odjednom sam odlučila kupiti karte za Portugal. Već neko vrijeme želim otići, posjetiti sestru, ali nekako sam uvijek imala neku kočnicu u mislima koja me sprječavala. Stalno sam mislila da nemam vremena, ili je predaleko ili preskupo, a odjednom ništa od toga nije bilo točno. Karte kupljene! Prvo sam otišla na jug. Vrijeme je cijelo putovanje bilo čudno. Oblačno, bez kiše, ali toplo, pa super sunčano, pa hladno, pa kiša s vjetrom. Trebalo je neko vrijeme da stignem do odredišta, gdje žive moji prijatelji, ali kad sam konačno stigla, bila sam budna i puna energije.
Cijela regija (ono malo što sam vidjela) Algarve je prekrasna. Mali gradić u kojem žive moji prijatelji, uglavnom je područje centara za povlačenje, s strancima kao stanovnicima. Većina ljudi ovdje živi zimi, radeći online, a zatim se sele tijekom gužve turističkih ljeta.
Priroda je apsolutno prekrasna, zelenilo, bambusove šume, plaže koje izgledaju kao da su napravljene za divove. Dolazim iz Hrvatske, gdje je Jadran tek mali zaljev malog, zatvorenog Mediteranskog mora – ocean je druga priča. Okolne litice su ogromne, plaže beskrajne, valovi idu tako visoko, prekrivajući horizont. Pijesak je umirujuće smeđe boje, crno kamenje s bijelim prugama. U Hrvatskoj su kamenčići samo bijeli, reflektiraju sunčevu svjetlost do sljepoće. Ogromna količina vode dolazi, udara noge i povlači se. Gurudev je toliko puta koristio ovaj primjer valova, opisujući prolaznu prirodu svijeta. Gledajući ocean, sada mogu u živo razumjeti usporedbu.
Duga šetnja, ukusna kava, poseban kolač, domaći pao de queijo je sve što je nekad potrebno. Ali društvo uz to čini svu razliku. Duga šetnja dijeleći životne priče s sestrom, ukusna kava napravljena i uživana s starim prijateljem, i hrana za utjehu koja zaokružuje iskustvo – upravo je ono što je s vremena na vrijeme potrebno da se čovjek osjeća potpuno opušteno.
Iz divljine juga, preselila sam se sjevernije, u Coimbru, mali, ali živahni grad, uz rijeku, gdje živi moja sestra Katina. Posjetile smo botanički vrt i jedno od najstarijih sveučilišta u Europi – sve vrlo impresivno, a još više u društvu čak dvije sestre! Kako nam se Jelena pridružila dan kasnije. Nas tri, koje se nismo ovako družile predugo. Provele smo lagana, opuštena jutra, uzimajući vrijeme za pripremu hrane, jelo, sjedenje u vrtu.
Jedne večeri, smo sudjelovale na večernjoj sesiji programa za obuku učitelja Art of Livinga. Upravo taj vikend, tečaj se održavao u Coimbri. Mogle smo doći i provesti neko vrijeme s sudionicima i njihovom nevjerojatnom učiteljicom Annelies, koja me više inspirirala da podučavam mlade ljude meditaciju i yogu. To mi je bilo toliko važno, da sam naučila ovu mudrost i tehnike dok sam bila mlada i pomalo luda, ne preuzimajući odgovornost za svoj život, nego kriveći druge. Sjedile smo tamo kao počašćene gošće, nas tri sestre... Pjevale smo zajedno i bile smo toliko energizirane, jedva smo mogle zaspati nakon toga.
Nastavile smo prema Lisabonu, nakon što sam imala malu nezgodu, još uvijek hodajući, ali s izazovom da održim tempo. Tamo nas je naš vodič, Jelena, vodila na mjesta, jedno od njih je bila stara crkva. Osjećaj veličanstvenosti, spokojnosti i slave ispunjavao je mjesto. Hodale smo većinu dana, s malim trenucima odmora za hranu i tople napitke. Vrijeme je bilo kiša-sunce-kiša-sunce-kiša-sunce – doslovno se mijenjalo svakih 10 minuta. Dan je na kraju došao kraju. Bile smo umorne, ali istovremeno i ispunjene. Puni dojmova, a također ispunjene jer smo provele neko vrijeme zajedno. Hvalile smo jedna drugu, sretne što imamo sestre s kojima se slažemo, razumijemo i možemo se sjajno zabaviti!
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earaercircular · 10 months
“Plastic recyclers are like ghosts, but we do vital work”
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The UN is negotiating this week in Nairobi a new global treaty[1] to manage the enormous plastic problem. John Chweya, leader of Kenya's waste pickers, demands that representatives of the world's 20 million garbage workers be heard.
After this interview, John Chweya (Kisumu, Kenya, 33 years old) goes directly to the UN headquarters, with the same boots and the same red work overalls in which he spent the morning moving around the main Dandora landfill, in Nairobi[2]. In this giant garbage dump of more than 12 hectares where 8,000 people work, these rainy days in the capital of Kenya, the soil is a mixture of plastic and mud in which the pigs search for scraps of food. And recyclers search through smoking mountains of waste for something to resell, sometimes without boots, always without gloves, because, one explains, they hinder the search. Even if they wanted to use them, they don't have them either.
Chewya, who has worked at the landfill in his hometown since he was 12 years old and today leads the Kenyan recyclers association (with 40,000 members)[3], does not believe in disguises to mingle with legislators in the hallways where this week the international community is debating a great global treaty against plastics. Some 20 million people like him work around the world sorting plastic, cans or glass in places where there are no public garbage collection services, most without guarantees of safety or earning enough to eat. “We have to sit at the table in the negotiations,” claims Chweya, in front of a huge pile of used bottles.
The one being negotiated these days in Nairobi is, according to the United Nations, the most important multilateral treaty since the Paris international agreement against climate change. The resulting text – after the Kenya conference there will be two more in 2024 – will regulate the entire life, from manufacturing to the landfill (or the sea), of more than 400 million tons of plastic that the planet generates each year. Chwewa is well aware that the world is increasingly producing more plastic. “When he worked at the garbage dump, as a child, there were a lot of returnable containers. Today plastic is everywhere, even to wrap fruit in the supermarket,” he laments. And it is a plastic that is often not recycled, like 91% of that produced in the world.
Question: How do you remember your beginnings working with garbage?
Answer: My family lived from the second-hand clothing trade. One day, the market where my mother sold burned and we lost everything. We had taken out credits to pay for the merchandise, so we ended up in a situation where we couldn't afford even two meals a day. My six brothers and I had to make a living. I ended up collecting metal at the Kisumu landfill because plastic, at that time, was not worth much. They paid me seven shillings (four euro cents) per kilo, sometimes less.
Q.: And what is the day-to-day life of a recycler today in Kenya?
A.: I get up at five. The earlier you start, the more chances you have of finding recyclables, and the more hours, the more kilos of plastic and the more money. I collect trash from homes. Other recyclers work on the streets, and others here, in landfills. What is most complicated for all of us is that the intermediaries—who sell to recycling companies—impose prices that change every day, so we are trying to organise ourselves to carry out collective negotiations.
Q.: What do recyclers expect from this plastics treaty?
A.: This agreement must recognise the vital role of recyclers in fixing the world's plastic pollution problem. In an ideal situation, the extended producer responsibility  principle[4] [whereby the packaging producer takes responsibility for the environmental and social impact of the waste) would absorb the recyclers, and we would receive payment for our work. We have a historic role, because, the truth is, the plastic that companies have already produced will continue to be in our environment for the next 100 years. And we continue producing.
Q.: How do you feel in those halls of the UN these days?
A.: It is a devastating feeling. I enter and find delegates debating policies that affect my colleagues without being clear about our realities. Most of them have not been here [he points to the landfill]. Coming changes the perspective of what the treaty means.
Q.: You are the invisible face of plastic, let's say.
A.: We still suffer a lot of social stigma, some believe that, because we could not access to an education, we are a danger or we do not have knowledge. And governments do not recognise and support our work enough. We are like ghosts, but we do vital work. It happens all over Africa.
Q.: Do you think the conversation about the environment and climate change is elitist?
A.: Yes, to some extent. That's why I think legislators have to come here, to the dump. They don't know our reality. Furthermore, these debates have to be guided by knowledge. And we recyclers have that knowledge. We work with plastic, we know it, we feel its effects. We literally live among plastics.
Q.: What are some concrete requests from recyclers to politicians?
A.: First, that recyclers receive payment for their work instead of having to sell their stuff individually. Also they need to guarantee their safety and health. Here you can see plastic burning and people who breathe it every day have respiratory diseases. We are cut when gathering by glass, with syringes. There are suspicions of cancer, women - many work at the landfill because it is physically less demanding than collecting garbage on the street - suffer hormonal alterations... For these 8,000 Dandora recyclers, for example, we have obtained only 500 protective equipment .
Raquel Seco, “Los recicladores de plástico somos como fantasmas, pero hacemos un trabajo vital”, in: El País, 17-11-2023, https://elpais.com/planeta-futuro/2023-11-17/los-recicladores-de-plastico-somos-como-fantasmas-pero-hacemos-un-trabajo-vital.html
[1] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/677552699203567616/first-global-treaty-against-plastic-pollution-in?source=share & https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/683799686179618816/scientists-warn-limit-on-plastic-production-is?source=share
[2] Dandora is Nairobi’s main dumping ground. Every day, it receives more than 2,000 metric tonnes of waste. https://www.aljazeera.com/gallery/2019/2/3/life-in-a-kenyan-rubbish-dump-illness-poverty-afflict-community
[3] The organisation members recycle various types of materials which have completed their service use or were previously used for packaging other products i.e:  Plastics: Polyethylene terephthalate (PET), High Density polyethylene (HDPE), Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), Low Density polyethylene (LDPE), Polypropylene (PP), Polystyrene; Waste Paper: Brown (Kraft), Deinking White, Newsprint, Assorted waste etc.; Scrap Metal: Steel, Aluminium, Copper, Cast Iron, Lead, Brass etc.; Organic matter: composting material, feedstock and bones for making ornaments; Rubber: Vehicle tyres, tubing, bushed, machine paddings etc.; Glass: Recovered glass from bottles and drinking glasses; Construction materials: stones, concrete slab waste; Wood: Used timber, poles,  cardboards; Textile: Industrial textile wastes, clothing material; https://kenyarecyclers.co.ke/about-us/
[4] Read also: https://www.tumblr.com/earaercircular/697446169498058752/recycling-regulatory-framework-and-customers-are?source=share
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Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa Review | “Let’s Keto Gummies ZA” Scam Exposed!!
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Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa are the best weight reduction Enhancements. These confections' keto organisation likewise expects to assist people who are on a ketogenic diet get thinner. Any enhancement ought to have an unmistakable reason before utilisation, subsequently understanding it is urgent. Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa targets difficult fat stores in those areas and attempts to dispose of them so you might get more fit. A ketogenic diet causes the body to consume fat for energy rather than starches. Potassium, calcium, and magnesium salts can be remembered for a weight decrease supplement to accelerate the interaction. The ideal mix of BHB salts, green tea extricate, espresso remove, and various other home grown fixings makes up this keto supplement. Each component of this recipe ensures that ketosis is working appropriately in the body. Furthermore, that adds to more effective weight reduction. Your body gets all the sustenance it expects from these sticky bears to help sound cell movement. These desserts taste better, yet also perform better.
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A ketogenic diet requests an extreme decrease in starch utilisation and an expansion in sound fat utilisation. Starch consumption should be diminished with the goal that the body can move from depending on carbs to fats for energy creation. Contingent upon how much sugar in your framework, the beginning of ketosis could require a few days or even two or three weeks. With Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa, the cycle can require up to 2-3 days. The enhancement utilises a strong blend of ketone salts to quickly prompt ketosis. It does this by flooding the body with ketone bodies. The BHB salts in this dietary enhancement only speed up the beginning of ketosis by allowing the body to use fat as its essential energy source. To use these ketone bodies for energy, your body consumes abundant sugar, subsequently permitting it to utilise them for fuel. Visit Official Site!!
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These fixings cooperate to assist with dissolving fat and consume calories. Furthermore, the Keto Gummies are high in nutrients and minerals, including L-ascorbic acid and magnesium. A portion of the principal fixings are given underneath:
BHB salts produce ketones. In this manner, BHB Salt delays ketosis and weight reduction. That boosts ketones for ketosis. It decreases carbs and uses fat and calories for energy. Weighting loss is critical. It animates ketosis, changing over fat into energy. The maker incorporates three BHB salts since ketosis requires ketones. Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is a powerful, nutritious substance that discharges solid ketones in your body. BHB, a particle that looks like ketone bodies, is utilised by the body when it needs carbs or glucose for energy. Along these lines, BHB, or Beta-Hydroxybutyrate, makes this Keto supplement areas of strength more advantageous for you.
Hemp oil:
Hemp oil is a fundamental fixing in fostering this item. It can further develop endurance in unpleasant workplaces. It can fix huge picture structures and permit your body and mind to unwind to discover a real sense of harmony.
Coconut oil:
These CBD Keto Gummies have an important fix, coconut oil. It has been displayed to lessen glucose spikes and safeguard bundling cells from harm. This could increment gadget incorporation and security.
Lavender can be utilised to upgrade the flavour and smell of biting gum. This can lessen the aggravation of a migraine and be utilised to treat different circumstances, like gastrointestinal issues.
Garcinia Cambogia:
Garcinia is known to have direct advantages on digestion by controlling food cravings and forestalling the aggregation of new fat. Garcinia Cambogia Advanced weight reduction and further develops blood fatty substance levels, it might likewise assist with decreasing the gamble of creating type 2 diabetes. Garcinia Cambogia can increase serotonin in the mind. Garcinia cambogia may further develop cholesterol levels. As it decreases aggravation, further develops glucose equilibrium, and controls increments insulin awareness. Taking a synthetic compound found in Garcinia called hydroxy citrus extract (HCA) could increase how long undeveloped ladies can work out. Be that as it may, it doesn't appear to help men similarly. Since serotonin is a known hunger suppressant, higher blood levels of serotonin could lessen your craving. These impacts might rely upon every person.
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Restricted Deal - Rush! Purchase Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa At 37% Limited Cost
What are the Benefits of Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa?
There are various advantages of having these Keto Gummies which make them unadulterated and better than the other existing items available. A portion of the principal benefits are given beneath:
●    This assists you with feeling more full longer and eating less by and large.
●    It places your body in a condition of ketosis without you doing anything.
●    It keeps up with glucose levels.
●    BHB Ketones, which are the fixings in this enhancement, trigger ketosis. This is important to accomplish better weight reduction. This triggers the keto diet, which gradually diminishes muscle to fat ratio.
●    They contain cancer prevention agents that assist with shielding cells from harm.
●    The Keto Gummies give a wellspring of energy and assist you with feeling more full for longer time frames.
●    They're made with acidic corrosive, which is a viable normal stomach related help that helps separate food in the stomach.
●    These Keto Gummies likewise contain caffeine, guarana separate, B nutrients, and different supplements for energy support. These sticky nutrients assist with expanding digestion and consume fat quicker.
●    They decrease aggravation all through the body by helping the development of omega‐3 unsaturated fats, cell reinforcements, and different mixtures answerable for forestalling cell harm.
What would it be advisable for you to remember prior to taking Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa?
Trying to polish off a ton of water and a fair eating routine are likewise critical to assist you with feeling your best. Drinking water can assist with both hydration and detoxifying. Reliably taking the endorsed sum is essential for accomplishing ideal mental and physiological health. Every holder of Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa contains 30 Keto Gummies, enough for an entire month of purpose. Take one Takealot Keto Sticky day to day, ideally in the first part of the day. Queasiness, retching, and tipsiness are only a portion of the upsetting incidental effects that can come about because of taking an over the top medication. The producer suggests that pregnant or breastfeeding ladies see a specialist prior to utilising any dietary enhancement, so you ought to do likewise assuming that you have any wellbeing concerns or are consuming any medications.
Where to Purchase We Should Keto Gummies?
This ketogenic item is inaccessible in all stores, both physical and virtual. Yet, the most ideal way to get your pack of Keto Gummies is to arrange it from its true site. You can get a solitary jug for $59.75. When your jugs have been dispatched, you will get an email containing the following data. Your Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa jugs ought to come extremely close to submitting your request. The accompanying Tim Noakes Keto Gummies groups are tracked down on the primary site:
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Visit Here Know More: Snap Here To Go to True Site Now Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa
The organisation behind Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa maintains that you should be happy with your purchase. In this manner, a 30-day unconditional promise is given. You might return any unused jug in the span of one month of procurement for a full discount. Contact Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa' client care staff utilising the accompanying data to return any amount of money that is possible:
Last End:
As far as weight decrease, Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa is a fantastic choice to consider. Since it advances ketosis and scales back destructive unsaturated fats, it is the best weight decrease item presently accessible. Just relax; Tim Noakes Keto Gummies takes care of you. Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa assists you with getting thinner due to the BHB included inside them. A reduction in hunger, better processing, and the capacity to shed pounds are benefits you'll harvest from this enhancement. The Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa aren't only for those on a ketogenic diet; they're really great for you in alternate ways, as well. It assists you with getting in shape without changing your dietary patterns or focus on a debilitating gym routine daily schedule. It raises metabolic rate, which thus raises protection from disease, essentialness, and strength. This ketogenic sticky bear has been all around adulated for its adequacy. The impacts of Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa ( additionally sold by counterfeit names like Day break Thandeka Ruler Keto Gummies on your wellbeing and body composition ought to become clear inside the primary seven day stretch of purpose. Ultimate results might differ starting with one individual then onto the next. That's what its producer guarantees assuming the enhancement is involved day to day as exhorted, it will prompt critical weight reduction.
Note: It is significant prior to utilising any keto supplement, you ought to counsel your PCP assuming that you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or accepting different drugs as the organisation recommends that pregnant or breastfeeding ladies visit a doctor prior to utilising any dietary enhancements.
We trust that this article will be useful for you. These items are not planned to analyse, treat, fix or forestall any sickness. What's more, this isn't made for pregnant ladies and a kid. Try to talk with an expert doctor prior to taking or consuming this item. We give no assertions with respect to this item. Any exhortation or rules referenced above here are not in any capacity whatsoever a substitute for sound clinical guidance from an authorised medical care supplier. On the off chance that you have dealt with any issues or troubles, we are not answerable for that. The adequacy of these items has not been affirmed by FDA-supported research. Generously ensure you talk with your PCP on the off chance that you are on meds. This depends on the compass or examination we have done on this article. In the event that you have any protests or copyright issues connected with this article, sympathetically contact the organisation this article is about.
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prophecytoad · 1 year
Game Jam Post-Mortem -- The Making of Zoolich
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Earlier this year as a part of Brackey’s Game Jam, myself and a few of my talented friends took on the task of creating a game in a week. Now, you might be thinking, “That’s not a lot of time!” and you’d be right! But there in lays the fun. These game jams are about inspiring new ideas, pushing your skillset, and honing your abilities, and the time pressure makes it easier to really analyse yourself and where your skillset could improve. With that in mind, this post will about what I specifically managed to achieve, and what I could’ve done better. If you would like to try it out here is the link: https://prophecytoad.itch.io/zoolich 
What went right
I put a monster amount of energy into this game jam. Being the most available team member with the most rounded skillset (I do design, programming, and art), I filled a lot of shoes.
I started off the game jam by ideating with my team on how we wanted to tackle the theme, which was “The end is a new beginning”. We decided pretty quickly that we didn’t want to do any version of a rougelike because that seemed like the obvious choice, and would be a lot of work to achieve in a week. We eventually decided we would take a light narrative approach where our main character was what remained of a powerful lich. The player’s task as the lich would be to solve puzzles to get back to their original and ultra-powerful lich body. The problem though, is that whenever the lich dies (by colliding with an enemy) they would become the form of the creature that killed them and inherit their abilities. So our justification then would be that when the lich “died” (the end) they would get a new form (new beginning). We were very happy with this and set off to work.
I began this jam by whipping up some design documentation for my team members to work with. Necessary art assets, game objects and behaviours, interactions, level designs, etc. As fast as I could I laid the groundwork for my team members and organised tasks by priority so that even if we missed the deadline, we would have all of the core pieces in place for the submission.
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Over the entire week, I helped with concept art, gameplay programming, UI programming, level implementation, and sound curation and implementation. I was BUSY. But at the end of the jam when we submitted, I was proud of what my team and I had created.
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To sum up what I am most happy with about this jam, was that I showed to myself that I had learned enough about game development over the last two years that I could make any small game that I could think of, and that should focus on more complicated games to learn more skills (Looking at you Lumayn).
What I could’ve done better
I’m not perfect (unfortunately). Due to my intense scrambling to fill so many shoes, I inevitably make some mistakes, which we found out after submission because we didn’t have much time towards the end for testing. Sometime in the final hours before submission, I changed some physics values while bugfixing. The problem here, is that I was so focused on fixing the bug so I could move on to the next task that I didn’t realise I had broken the interactions with obstacles, and now the player could just walk through them. The most annoying part is that the fix would take seconds, but you are not allowed to make any updates to the submission after the jam is over until the jam results were in otherwise you could be disqualified. What I learned from this, is that no matter how pressured for time I am, I should make sure to properly thinking through what I’m about to do so that I don’t create any more problems.
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Canvas scaling sucks, either that or I’m terrible at it… It’s probably just me. I’ve never really sat down and worked out canvas scaling so that the UI can fit multiple resolutions. I understand the concept of it, but UI tends to be something I implement later as I’m not a graphic designer (shout out to all the talented graphic designers out there). With some experimenting I can get it to work, but I should have a better understanding of it so that I can implement it quicker. Before the next jam, I’d like to fill this skill gap once and for all and become a titan of UI implementation.
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In Conclusion
I think my team and I did an incredible job in such a short amount of time. I think the current skills gaps I have can be easily fixed, and I look forward to pushing myself towards new skills in future!
 This time on Frog TV: The Purple Harlequinn Toad!
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Photo retrieved from https://frogoftheweek.wordpress.com/2016/04/10/fotw3/ 
0 notes
melbourne-movers · 2 years
Opt for the Dependable Services of Interstate Removalists in Melbourne
It can be difficult and stressful to move from one place to another, both physically and mentally this is where the interstate removalists in Melbourne come into the picture. It is entirely different from routine housework that you can perform without seeking any help.
There are several things to think about and do, so hiring reliable interstate removalists is the only thing left to do. This is especially true if you have never moved before since hiring expert movers will assist you in organising your possessions so you can move into your new house or workplace right away and comfortably.
Save Time by Hiring Well Qualified Removalists in Melbourne!
If you have had to put things off until the last minute, hiring professional removalists to pack your possessions will make the procedure go much more easily than if you handled it yourself. 
Doing the entire packing by yourself might take days, weeks, or even months because individuals often reminisce while moving sentimental and sensitive goods, but professionals will effectively wrap and package the items as fast as possible. 
Professional interstate movers often finish their tasks in one to two days. Instead of spending weeks moving, you may utilise that time to begin purchasing additional furniture, change utilities, and change your address as necessary.
Now Stress-Free Experience with Safe Storage:
Dealing with a full-service moving company has the added advantage of providing a variety of insurance options to ensure that your things are appropriately insured and safeguarded in case anything is damaged or lost during the move. 
This is crucial since many insurance providers won't pay for any damage if you relocate without a professional's assistance. Also, the removal company may pack your belongings and store them in a storage unit until you are ready to relocate them if you need to momentarily vacate your existing residence but the new one is not yet ready to be occupied.
Source: https://officemoversmelbourne.blogspot.com/2023/03/opt-for-dependable-services-of.html
0 notes
Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa: (Fake Exposed) Weight Loss & Is It Scam Or Trusted?
Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa - We should attempt to make everybody's lives a little better in this new year. We as a whole realise that wellbeing is riches, so we should work on our wellbeing in 2023 by getting fit, and that implies dealing with our ways of life. However, it's difficult, and finding the correct method for doing it is difficult. You can definitely relax, we're here to inform you regarding the best Keto Gummies that will assist you with being a superior rendition of yourself. Sadly, the vast majority find it extremely difficult to get into ketosis since it typically requires a long investment (from a couple of days to half a month) of scaling back carbs. There are various ketogenic supplements, some of them are sold with Sunrise Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa, however that is not the first item that can assist you with getting into ketosis quicker. Tim Noakes Keto Gummiesis another sort of sticky that assists you with shedding pounds. It disposes of all your additional muscle to fat ratio in only a couple of days. This ketogenic sticky has strong BHB ketones that raise the degree of ketones in the blood and assist individuals with shedding pounds. It additionally eliminates pressure related gorging, which prevents fat from being put away. It makes the resistant framework work better, which helps keep bones and joints solid. One of these keto supplements is Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa. It professes to do exactly the same things as a ketogenic diet. How about we take a gander at the entire article, which has every one of the significant places and furthermore says that utilising any scam is protected.
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Restricted Deal - Rush! Purchase Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa At 37% Limited Cost
What precisely are Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa?
Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa are the best weight reduction Enhancements. These confections' keto organisation likewise expects to assist people who are on a ketogenic diet get thinner. Any enhancement ought to have an unmistakable reason before utilisation, subsequently understanding it is urgent. Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa targets difficult fat stores in those areas and attempts to dispose of them so you might get more fit. A ketogenic diet causes the body to consume fat for energy rather than starches. Potassium, calcium, and magnesium salts can be remembered for a weight decrease supplement to accelerate the interaction. The ideal mix of BHB salts, green tea extricate, espresso remove, and various other home grown fixings makes up this keto supplement. Each component of this recipe ensures that ketosis is working appropriately in the body. Furthermore, that adds to more effective weight reduction. Your body gets all the sustenance it expects from these sticky bears to help sound cell movement. These desserts taste better, yet also perform better.
How do Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa work?
A ketogenic diet requests an extreme decrease in starch utilisation and an expansion in sound fat utilisation. Starch consumption should be diminished with the goal that the body can move from depending on carbs to fats for energy creation. Contingent upon how much sugar in your framework, the beginning of ketosis could require a few days or even two or three weeks. With Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa, the cycle can require up to 2-3 days. The enhancement utilises a strong blend of ketone salts to quickly prompt ketosis. It does this by flooding the body with ketone bodies. The BHB salts in this dietary enhancement only speed up the beginning of ketosis by allowing the body to use fat as its essential energy source. To use these ketone bodies for energy, your body consumes abundant sugar, subsequently permitting it to utilise them for fuel. Visit Official Site!!
What are the Strong Fixings in Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa?
These fixings cooperate to assist with dissolving fat and consume calories. Furthermore, the Keto Gummies are high in nutrients and minerals, including L-ascorbic acid and magnesium. A portion of the principal fixings are given underneath:
BHB salts produce ketones. In this manner, BHB Salt delays ketosis and weight reduction. That boosts ketones for ketosis. It decreases carbs and uses fat and calories for energy. Weighting loss is critical. It animates ketosis, changing over fat into energy. The maker incorporates three BHB salts since ketosis requires ketones. Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is a powerful, nutritious substance that discharges solid ketones in your body. BHB, a particle that looks like ketone bodies, is utilised by the body when it needs carbs or glucose for energy. Along these lines, BHB, or Beta-Hydroxybutyrate, makes this Keto supplement areas of strength more advantageous for you.
Hemp oil:
Hemp oil is a fundamental fixing in fostering this item. It can further develop endurance in unpleasant workplaces. It can fix huge picture structures and permit your body and mind to unwind to discover a real sense of harmony.
Coconut oil:
These CBD Keto Gummies have an important fix, coconut oil. It has been displayed to lessen glucose spikes and safeguard bundling cells from harm. This could increment gadget incorporation and security.
Lavender can be utilised to upgrade the flavour and smell of biting gum. This can lessen the aggravation of a migraine and be utilised to treat different circumstances, like gastrointestinal issues.
Garcinia Cambogia:
Garcinia is known to have direct advantages on digestion by controlling food cravings and forestalling the aggregation of new fat. Garcinia Cambogia Advanced weight reduction and further develops blood fatty substance levels, it might likewise assist with decreasing the gamble of creating type 2 diabetes. Garcinia Cambogia can increase serotonin in the mind. Garcinia cambogia may further develop cholesterol levels. As it decreases aggravation, further develops glucose equilibrium, and controls increments insulin awareness. Taking a synthetic compound found in Garcinia called hydroxy citrus extract (HCA) could increase how long undeveloped ladies can work out. Be that as it may, it doesn't appear to help men similarly. Since serotonin is a known hunger suppressant, higher blood levels of serotonin could lessen your craving. These impacts might rely upon every person.
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Restricted Deal - Rush! Purchase Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa At 37% Limited Cost
What are the Benefits of Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa?
There are various advantages of having these Keto Gummies which make them unadulterated and better than the other existing items available. A portion of the principal benefits are given beneath:
●    This assists you with feeling more full longer and eating less by and large.
●    It places your body in a condition of ketosis without you doing anything.
●    It keeps up with glucose levels.
●    BHB Ketones, which are the fixings in this enhancement, trigger ketosis. This is important to accomplish better weight reduction. This triggers the keto diet, which gradually diminishes muscle to fat ratio.
●    They contain cancer prevention agents that assist with shielding cells from harm.
●    The Keto Gummies give a wellspring of energy and assist you with feeling more full for longer time frames.
●    They're made with acidic corrosive, which is a viable normal stomach related help that helps separate food in the stomach.
●    These Keto Gummies likewise contain caffeine, guarana separate, B nutrients, and different supplements for energy support. These sticky nutrients assist with expanding digestion and consume fat quicker.
●    They decrease aggravation all through the body by helping the development of omega‐3 unsaturated fats, cell reinforcements, and different mixtures answerable for forestalling cell harm.
What would it be advisable for you to remember prior to taking Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa?
Trying to polish off a ton of water and a fair eating routine are likewise critical to assist you with feeling your best. Drinking water can assist with both hydration and detoxifying. Reliably taking the endorsed sum is essential for accomplishing ideal mental and physiological health. Every holder of Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa contains 30 Keto Gummies, enough for an entire month of purpose. Take one Takealot Keto Sticky day to day, ideally in the first part of the day. Queasiness, retching, and tipsiness are only a portion of the upsetting incidental effects that can come about because of taking an over the top medication. The producer suggests that pregnant or breastfeeding ladies see a specialist prior to utilising any dietary enhancement, so you ought to do likewise assuming that you have any wellbeing concerns or are consuming any medications.
Where to Purchase We Should Keto Gummies?
This ketogenic item is inaccessible in all stores, both physical and virtual. Yet, the most ideal way to get your pack of Keto Gummies is to arrange it from its true site. You can get a solitary jug for $59.75. When your jugs have been dispatched, you will get an email containing the following data. Your Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa jugs ought to come extremely close to submitting your request. The accompanying Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa groups are tracked down on the primary site:
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Visit Here Know More: Snap Here To Go to True Site Now Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa
The organisation behind Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa maintains that you should be happy with your purchase. In this manner, a 30-day unconditional promise is given. You might return any unused jug in the span of one month of procurement for a full discount. Contact Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa' client care staff utilising the accompanying data to return any amount of money that is possible:
Last End:
As far as weight decrease, Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa is a fantastic choice to consider. Since it advances ketosis and scales back destructive unsaturated fats, it is the best weight decrease item presently accessible. Just relax; Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa takes care of you. Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa assists you with getting thinner due to the BHB included inside them. A reduction in hunger, better processing, and the capacity to shed pounds are benefits you'll harvest from this enhancement. The Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa aren't only for those on a ketogenic diet; they're really great for you in alternate ways, as well. It assists you with getting in shape without changing your dietary patterns or focus on a debilitating gym routine daily schedule. It raises metabolic rate, which thus raises protection from disease, essentialness, and strength. This ketogenic sticky bear has been all around adulated for its adequacy. The impacts of Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa ( additionally sold by counterfeit names like Day break Thandeka Ruler Keto Gummies on your wellbeing and body comp
position ought to become clear inside the primary seven day stretch of purpose. Ultimate results might differ starting with one individual then onto the next. That's what its producer guarantees assuming the enhancement is involved day to day as exhorted, it will prompt critical weight reduction.
Note: It is significant prior to utilising any keto supplement, you ought to counsel your PCP assuming that you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or accepting different drugs as the organisation recommends that pregnant or breastfeeding ladies visit a doctor prior to utilising any dietary enhancements.
We trust that this article will be useful for you. These items are not planned to analyse, treat, fix or forestall any sickness. What's more, this isn't made for pregnant ladies and a kid. Try to talk with an expert doctor prior to taking or consuming this item. We give no assertions with respect to this item. Any exhortation or rules referenced above here are not in any capacity whatsoever a substitute for sound clinical guidance from an authorised medical care supplier. On the off chance that you have dealt with any issues or troubles, we are not answerable for that. The adequacy of these items has not been affirmed by FDA-supported research. Generously ensure you talk with your PCP on the off chance that you are on meds. This depends on the compass or examination we have done on this article. In the event that you have any protests or copyright issues connected with this article, sympathetically contact the organisation this article is about.
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Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa Reviews 2023: Does It Work?
Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa - We should attempt to make everybody's lives a little better in this new year. We as a whole realise that wellbeing is riches, so we should work on our wellbeing in 2023 by getting fit, and that implies dealing with our ways of life. However, it's difficult, and finding the correct method for doing it is difficult. You can definitely relax, we're here to inform you regarding the best Keto Gummies that will assist you with being a superior rendition of yourself. Sadly, the vast majority find it extremely difficult to get into ketosis since it typically requires a long investment (from a couple of days to half a month) of scaling back carbs. There are various ketogenic supplements, some of them are sold with Sunrise Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa, however that is not the first item that can assist you with getting into ketosis quicker. Tim Noakes Keto Gummiesis another sort of sticky that assists you with shedding pounds. It disposes of all your additional muscle to fat ratio in only a couple of days. This ketogenic sticky has strong BHB ketones that raise the degree of ketones in the blood and assist individuals with shedding pounds. It additionally eliminates pressure related gorging, which prevents fat from being put away. It makes the resistant framework work better, which helps keep bones and joints solid. One of these keto supplements is Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa. It professes to do exactly the same things as a ketogenic diet. How about we take a gander at the entire article, which has every one of the significant places and furthermore says that utilising any scam is protected.
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Restricted Deal - Rush! Purchase Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa At 37% Limited Cost
What precisely are Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa?
Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa are the best weight reduction Enhancements. These confections' keto organisation likewise expects to assist people who are on a ketogenic diet get thinner. Any enhancement ought to have an unmistakable reason before utilisation, subsequently understanding it is urgent. Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa targets difficult fat stores in those areas and attempts to dispose of them so you might get more fit. A ketogenic diet causes the body to consume fat for energy rather than starches. Potassium, calcium, and magnesium salts can be remembered for a weight decrease supplement to accelerate the interaction. The ideal mix of BHB salts, green tea extricate, espresso remove, and various other home grown fixings makes up this keto supplement. Each component of this recipe ensures that ketosis is working appropriately in the body. Furthermore, that adds to more effective weight reduction. Your body gets all the sustenance it expects from these sticky bears to help sound cell movement. These desserts taste better, yet also perform better.
How do Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa work?
A ketogenic diet requests an extreme decrease in starch utilisation and an expansion in sound fat utilisation. Starch consumption should be diminished with the goal that the body can move from depending on carbs to fats for energy creation. Contingent upon how much sugar in your framework, the beginning of ketosis could require a few days or even two or three weeks. With Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa, the cycle can require up to 2-3 days. The enhancement utilises a strong blend of ketone salts to quickly prompt ketosis. It does this by flooding the body with ketone bodies. The BHB salts in this dietary enhancement only speed up the beginning of ketosis by allowing the body to use fat as its essential energy source. To use these ketone bodies for energy, your body consumes abundant sugar, subsequently permitting it to utilise them for fuel. Visit Official Site!!
What are the Strong Fixings in Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa?
These fixings cooperate to assist with dissolving fat and consume calories. Furthermore, the Keto Gummies are high in nutrients and minerals, including L-ascorbic acid and magnesium. A portion of the principal fixings are given underneath:
BHB salts produce ketones. In this manner, BHB Salt delays ketosis and weight reduction. That boosts ketones for ketosis. It decreases carbs and uses fat and calories for energy. Weighting loss is critical. It animates ketosis, changing over fat into energy. The maker incorporates three BHB salts since ketosis requires ketones. Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is a powerful, nutritious substance that discharges solid ketones in your body. BHB, a particle that looks like ketone bodies, is utilised by the body when it needs carbs or glucose for energy. Along these lines, BHB, or Beta-Hydroxybutyrate, makes this Keto supplement areas of strength more advantageous for you.
Hemp oil:
Hemp oil is a fundamental fixing in fostering this item. It can further develop endurance in unpleasant workplaces. It can fix huge picture structures and permit your body and mind to unwind to discover a real sense of harmony.
Coconut oil:
These CBD Keto Gummies have an important fix, coconut oil. It has been displayed to lessen glucose spikes and safeguard bundling cells from harm. This could increment gadget incorporation and security.
Lavender can be utilised to upgrade the flavour and smell of biting gum. This can lessen the aggravation of a migraine and be utilised to treat different circumstances, like gastrointestinal issues.
Garcinia Cambogia:
Garcinia is known to have direct advantages on digestion by controlling food cravings and forestalling the aggregation of new fat. Garcinia Cambogia Advanced weight reduction and further develops blood fatty substance levels, it might likewise assist with decreasing the gamble of creating type 2 diabetes. Garcinia Cambogia can increase serotonin in the mind. Garcinia cambogia may further develop cholesterol levels. As it decreases aggravation, further develops glucose equilibrium, and controls increments insulin awareness. Taking a synthetic compound found in Garcinia called hydroxy citrus extract (HCA) could increase how long undeveloped ladies can work out. Be that as it may, it doesn't appear to help men similarly. Since serotonin is a known hunger suppressant, higher blood levels of serotonin could lessen your craving. These impacts might rely upon every person.
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Restricted Deal - Rush! Purchase Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa At 37% Limited Cost
What are the Benefits of Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa?
There are various advantages of having these Keto Gummies which make them unadulterated and better than the other existing items available. A portion of the principal benefits are given beneath:
●    This assists you with feeling more full longer and eating less by and large.
●    It places your body in a condition of ketosis without you doing anything.
●    It keeps up with glucose levels.
●    BHB Ketones, which are the fixings in this enhancement, trigger ketosis. This is important to accomplish better weight reduction. This triggers the keto diet, which gradually diminishes muscle to fat ratio.
●    They contain cancer prevention agents that assist with shielding cells from harm.
●    The Keto Gummies give a wellspring of energy and assist you with feeling more full for longer time frames.
●    They're made with acidic corrosive, which is a viable normal stomach related help that helps separate food in the stomach.
●    These Keto Gummies likewise contain caffeine, guarana separate, B nutrients, and different supplements for energy support. These sticky nutrients assist with expanding digestion and consume fat quicker.
●    They decrease aggravation all through the body by helping the development of omega‐3 unsaturated fats, cell reinforcements, and different mixtures answerable for forestalling cell harm.
What would it be advisable for you to remember prior to taking Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa?
Trying to polish off a ton of water and a fair eating routine are likewise critical to assist you with feeling your best. Drinking water can assist with both hydration and detoxifying. Reliably taking the endorsed sum is essential for accomplishing ideal mental and physiological health. Every holder of Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa contains 30 Keto Gummies, enough for an entire month of purpose. Take one Takealot Keto Sticky day to day, ideally in the first part of the day. Queasiness, retching, and tipsiness are only a portion of the upsetting incidental effects that can come about because of taking an over the top medication. The producer suggests that pregnant or breastfeeding ladies see a specialist prior to utilising any dietary enhancement, so you ought to do likewise assuming that you have any wellbeing concerns or are consuming any medications.
Where to Purchase We Should Keto Gummies?
This ketogenic item is inaccessible in all stores, both physical and virtual. Yet, the most ideal way to get your pack of Keto Gummies is to arrange it from its true site. You can get a solitary jug for $59.75. When your jugs have been dispatched, you will get an email containing the following data. Your Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa jugs ought to come extremely close to submitting your request. The accompanying Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa groups are tracked down on the primary site:
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Visit Here Know More: Snap Here To Go to True Site Now Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa
The organisation behind Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa maintains that you should be happy with your purchase. In this manner, a 30-day unconditional promise is given. You might return any unused jug in the span of one month of procurement for a full discount. Contact Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa' client care staff utilising the accompanying data to return any amount of money that is possible:
Last End:
As far as weight decrease, Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa is a fantastic choice to consider. Since it advances ketosis and scales back destructive unsaturated fats, it is the best weight decrease item presently accessible. Just relax; Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa takes care of you. Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa assists you with getting thinner due to the BHB included inside them. A reduction in hunger, better processing, and the capacity to shed pounds are benefits you'll harvest from this enhancement. The Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa aren't only for those on a ketogenic diet; they're really great for you in alternate ways, as well. It assists you with getting in shape without changing your dietary patterns or focus on a debilitating gym routine daily schedule. It raises metabolic rate, which thus raises protection from disease, essentialness, and strength. This ketogenic sticky bear has been all around adulated for its adequacy. The impacts of Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa ( additionally sold by counterfeit names like Day break Thandeka Ruler Keto Gummies on your wellbeing and body comp
position ought to become clear inside the primary seven day stretch of purpose. Ultimate results might differ starting with one individual then onto the next. That's what its producer guarantees assuming the enhancement is involved day to day as exhorted, it will prompt critical weight reduction.
Note: It is significant prior to utilising any keto supplement, you ought to counsel your PCP assuming that you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or accepting different drugs as the organisation recommends that pregnant or breastfeeding ladies visit a doctor prior to utilising any dietary enhancements.
We trust that this article will be useful for you. These items are not planned to analyse, treat, fix or forestall any sickness. What's more, this isn't made for pregnant ladies and a kid. Try to talk with an expert doctor prior to taking or consuming this item. We give no assertions with respect to this item. Any exhortation or rules referenced above here are not in any capacity whatsoever a substitute for sound clinical guidance from an authorised medical care supplier. On the off chance that you have dealt with any issues or troubles, we are not answerable for that. The adequacy of these items has not been affirmed by FDA-supported research. Generously ensure you talk with your PCP on the off chance that you are on meds. This depends on the compass or examination we have done on this article. In the event that you have any protests or copyright issues connected with this article, sympathetically contact the organisation this article is about.
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Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa(2023) 100% Safe, Does It Really Work Or Not?
Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa - We should attempt to make everybody's lives a little better in this new year. We as a whole realise that wellbeing is riches, so we should work on our wellbeing in 2023 by getting fit, and that implies dealing with our ways of life. However, it's difficult, and finding the correct method for doing it is difficult. You can definitely relax, we're here to inform you regarding the best Keto Gummies that will assist you with being a superior rendition of yourself. Sadly, the vast majority find it extremely difficult to get into ketosis since it typically requires a long investment (from a couple of days to half a month) of scaling back carbs. There are various ketogenic supplements, some of them are sold with Sunrise Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa, however that is not the first item that can assist you with getting into ketosis quicker. Tim Noakes Keto Gummiesis another sort of sticky that assists you with shedding pounds. It disposes of all your additional muscle to fat ratio in only a couple of days. This ketogenic sticky has strong BHB ketones that raise the degree of ketones in the blood and assist individuals with shedding pounds. It additionally eliminates pressure related gorging, which prevents fat from being put away. It makes the resistant framework work better, which helps keep bones and joints solid. One of these keto supplements is Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa. It professes to do exactly the same things as a ketogenic diet. How about we take a gander at the entire article, which has every one of the significant places and furthermore says that utilising any scam is protected.
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Restricted Deal - Rush! Purchase Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa At 37% Limited Cost
What precisely are Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa?
Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa are the best weight reduction Enhancements. These confections' keto organisation likewise expects to assist people who are on a ketogenic diet get thinner. Any enhancement ought to have an unmistakable reason before utilisation, subsequently understanding it is urgent. Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa targets difficult fat stores in those areas and attempts to dispose of them so you might get more fit. A ketogenic diet causes the body to consume fat for energy rather than starches. Potassium, calcium, and magnesium salts can be remembered for a weight decrease supplement to accelerate the interaction. The ideal mix of BHB salts, green tea extricate, espresso remove, and various other home grown fixings makes up this keto supplement. Each component of this recipe ensures that ketosis is working appropriately in the body. Furthermore, that adds to more effective weight reduction. Your body gets all the sustenance it expects from these sticky bears to help sound cell movement. These desserts taste better, yet also perform better.
How do Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa work?
A ketogenic diet requests an extreme decrease in starch utilisation and an expansion in sound fat utilisation. Starch consumption should be diminished with the goal that the body can move from depending on carbs to fats for energy creation. Contingent upon how much sugar in your framework, the beginning of ketosis could require a few days or even two or three weeks. With Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa, the cycle can require up to 2-3 days. The enhancement utilises a strong blend of ketone salts to quickly prompt ketosis. It does this by flooding the body with ketone bodies. The BHB salts in this dietary enhancement only speed up the beginning of ketosis by allowing the body to use fat as its essential energy source. To use these ketone bodies for energy, your body consumes abundant sugar, subsequently permitting it to utilise them for fuel. Visit Official Site!!
What are the Strong Fixings in Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa?
These fixings cooperate to assist with dissolving fat and consume calories. Furthermore, the Keto Gummies are high in nutrients and minerals, including L-ascorbic acid and magnesium. A portion of the principal fixings are given underneath:
BHB salts produce ketones. In this manner, BHB Salt delays ketosis and weight reduction. That boosts ketones for ketosis. It decreases carbs and uses fat and calories for energy. Weighting loss is critical. It animates ketosis, changing over fat into energy. The maker incorporates three BHB salts since ketosis requires ketones. Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is a powerful, nutritious substance that discharges solid ketones in your body. BHB, a particle that looks like ketone bodies, is utilised by the body when it needs carbs or glucose for energy. Along these lines, BHB, or Beta-Hydroxybutyrate, makes this Keto supplement areas of strength more advantageous for you.
Hemp oil:
Hemp oil is a fundamental fixing in fostering this item. It can further develop endurance in unpleasant workplaces. It can fix huge picture structures and permit your body and mind to unwind to discover a real sense of harmony.
Coconut oil:
These CBD Keto Gummies have an important fix, coconut oil. It has been displayed to lessen glucose spikes and safeguard bundling cells from harm. This could increment gadget incorporation and security.
Lavender can be utilised to upgrade the flavour and smell of biting gum. This can lessen the aggravation of a migraine and be utilised to treat different circumstances, like gastrointestinal issues.
Garcinia Cambogia:
Garcinia is known to have direct advantages on digestion by controlling food cravings and forestalling the aggregation of new fat. Garcinia Cambogia Advanced weight reduction and further develops blood fatty substance levels, it might likewise assist with decreasing the gamble of creating type 2 diabetes. Garcinia Cambogia can increase serotonin in the mind. Garcinia cambogia may further develop cholesterol levels. As it decreases aggravation, further develops glucose equilibrium, and controls increments insulin awareness. Taking a synthetic compound found in Garcinia called hydroxy citrus extract (HCA) could increase how long undeveloped ladies can work out. Be that as it may, it doesn't appear to help men similarly. Since serotonin is a known hunger suppressant, higher blood levels of serotonin could lessen your craving. These impacts might rely upon every person.
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Restricted Deal - Rush! Purchase Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa At 37% Limited Cost
What are the Benefits of Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa?
There are various advantages of having these Keto Gummies which make them unadulterated and better than the other existing items available. A portion of the principal benefits are given beneath:
●    This assists you with feeling more full longer and eating less by and large.
●    It places your body in a condition of ketosis without you doing anything.
●    It keeps up with glucose levels.
●    BHB Ketones, which are the fixings in this enhancement, trigger ketosis. This is important to accomplish better weight reduction. This triggers the keto diet, which gradually diminishes muscle to fat ratio.
●    They contain cancer prevention agents that assist with shielding cells from harm.
●    The Keto Gummies give a wellspring of energy and assist you with feeling more full for longer time frames.
●    They're made with acidic corrosive, which is a viable normal stomach related help that helps separate food in the stomach.
●    These Keto Gummies likewise contain caffeine, guarana separate, B nutrients, and different supplements for energy support. These sticky nutrients assist with expanding digestion and consume fat quicker.
●    They decrease aggravation all through the body by helping the development of omega‐3 unsaturated fats, cell reinforcements, and different mixtures answerable for forestalling cell harm.
What would it be advisable for you to remember prior to taking Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa?
Trying to polish off a ton of water and a fair eating routine are likewise critical to assist you with feeling your best. Drinking water can assist with both hydration and detoxifying. Reliably taking the endorsed sum is essential for accomplishing ideal mental and physiological health. Every holder of Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa contains 30 Keto Gummies, enough for an entire month of purpose. Take one Takealot Keto Sticky day to day, ideally in the first part of the day. Queasiness, retching, and tipsiness are only a portion of the upsetting incidental effects that can come about because of taking an over the top medication. The producer suggests that pregnant or breastfeeding ladies see a specialist prior to utilising any dietary enhancement, so you ought to do likewise assuming that you have any wellbeing concerns or are consuming any medications.
Where to Purchase We Should Keto Gummies?
This ketogenic item is inaccessible in all stores, both physical and virtual. Yet, the most ideal way to get your pack of Keto Gummies is to arrange it from its true site. You can get a solitary jug for $59.75. When your jugs have been dispatched, you will get an email containing the following data. Your Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa jugs ought to come extremely close to submitting your request. The accompanying Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa groups are tracked down on the primary site:
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Visit Here Know More: Snap Here To Go to True Site Now Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa
The organisation behind Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa maintains that you should be happy with your purchase. In this manner, a 30-day unconditional promise is given. You might return any unused jug in the span of one month of procurement for a full discount. Contact Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa' client care staff utilising the accompanying data to return any amount of money that is possible:
Last End:
As far as weight decrease, Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa is a fantastic choice to consider. Since it advances ketosis and scales back destructive unsaturated fats, it is the best weight decrease item presently accessible. Just relax; Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa takes care of you. Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa assists you with getting thinner due to the BHB included inside them. A reduction in hunger, better processing, and the capacity to shed pounds are benefits you'll harvest from this enhancement. The Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa aren't only for those on a ketogenic diet; they're really great for you in alternate ways, as well. It assists you with getting in shape without changing your dietary patterns or focus on a debilitating gym routine daily schedule. It raises metabolic rate, which thus raises protection from disease, essentialness, and strength. This ketogenic sticky bear has been all around adulated for its adequacy. The impacts of Tim Noakes Keto Gummies South Africa ( additionally sold by counterfeit names like Day break Thandeka Ruler Keto Gummies on your wellbeing and body comp
position ought to become clear inside the primary seven day stretch of purpose. Ultimate results might differ starting with one individual then onto the next. That's what its producer guarantees assuming the enhancement is involved day to day as exhorted, it will prompt critical weight reduction.
Note: It is significant prior to utilising any keto supplement, you ought to counsel your PCP assuming that you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or accepting different drugs as the organisation recommends that pregnant or breastfeeding ladies visit a doctor prior to utilising any dietary enhancements.
We trust that this article will be useful for you. These items are not planned to analyse, treat, fix or forestall any sickness. What's more, this isn't made for pregnant ladies and a kid. Try to talk with an expert doctor prior to taking or consuming this item. We give no assertions with respect to this item. Any exhortation or rules referenced above here are not in any capacity whatsoever a substitute for sound clinical guidance from an authorised medical care supplier. On the off chance that you have dealt with any issues or troubles, we are not answerable for that. The adequacy of these items has not been affirmed by FDA-supported research. Generously ensure you talk with your PCP on the off chance that you are on meds. This depends on the compass or examination we have done on this article. In the event that you have any protests or copyright issues connected with this article, sympathetically contact the organisation this article is about.
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heartoferebor · 6 years
Fic update
Update on B&B for everyone who is waiting for the last two chapters: last chapter is done! I’m working on the epilogue right now and it’s hard going, mostly because I just DON’T WANT IT TO END.
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