#organic traffics
rudramsoft · 6 months
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Achieve sustainable growth for your business online with Rudramsoft's results-driven SEO solutions in Kaithal. With a focus on transparency and measurable results, we collaborate closely with clients to understand their goals and deliver customized strategies that deliver tangible ROI.
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supd00dle · 6 months
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marsmarbles · 6 months
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illumalux · 6 months
Life Series Victors as Tarot Cards
A presentation on why we’ve got it all wrong when it comes to grouping life series victors.
This post will continue on with the implication that ZombieCleo is a Victor, simply because she is. She won real life, therefore she's a victor. Argue with the wall.
Now, I see your celestial trio of the first three winners. This should never change. This feels the most apt, it centers perfectly, and each of the things it represents are present in multiple different categories. Obviously in space, as everyone has adapted to, but also in a Minecraft world, and what I see as more important: in a tarot deck.
Think about it this way.
The Watchers, in whatever form you think they (or we) take, are collecting these Victors. Each one means a different thing, survived a different landscape. While I understand the celestial motif of the first three Victors, and how it fits into their characters, I would argue that many others are far too grounded for that.
It’s a collection, remember? What is better for assembling a set than a deck of cards? Especially ones that meddle in Fate, something the Watchers seem to adore.
So here are the cards each Victor represents, with card meaning and my defense as well. This will go in chronological order of the seasons.
Before I continue, I just want to give a disclaimer. Every tarot deck has a slightly different explanation for what each card means. The definitions I use are a mix of three of my decks and the official Rider-Waite-Smith deck's explanation, so if there are inconsistencies with what your deck says or what you know, please don't come for me.
Grian, Third Life:
XIX. The Sun
Beyond the obvious desert motifs (a whole extra post in and of itself), the Sun is representative of not only Grian's gameplay, but also how the Watchers (those collecting this deck) feel about him. Grian is one of them, so he naturally starts out in their good graces, with a greater level of respect.
Rider-Waite-Smith defines the card as one of success. Of course the Watchers will gloat when their baby wins. Even if he wasn't meant to, it did inevitably mean that throughout his game, Grian was inarguably one of the largest sources of negative emotions, second only to the Red Army. Again. Extra post on its own. When he won, it saved anyone the satisfaction that might negate their negativity, alongside the delicious outpouring of grief that was the final duel of Third Life.
Reversed, the Sun is a card of depression. As I just touched on, one of the most defining moments of Grian's game was his final victory. When the ending came down to himself or his greatest ally, he went about it in the way that caused probably the most pain to both parties involved. It pushed him to the very brink, ending in him defining his own ending just moments after winning.
Scott, Last Life:
XVII. The Star
Even ignoring the starborne origins and headcanons, as well as the crown of stars included in his skin (Void below, these posts write themselves) this one looks like a super simple explanation, but actually requires me pointing out something that may not be obvious to some Watchers: Scott, in every game and Iteration has made it a point to rebel against the rules in whatever way he can. I could go into full detail, but thats a lot of words and I don't need anyoen to get bored. (Void, this series and side tangents that require other posts)
In third life, a game about death and destruction, and the originator of factions, Scott took a very different route: he got married and built a house in a flower field. When grief finally found him, he refused to give the Watchers any satisfaction, literally crystalizing his grief into a part of his character design (and one that would remain for two to three more seasons, depending on your thoughts on the coral pieces). In Last Life, he is the singular person in all five seasons (technically two, but shhh this is more dramatic) to withstand the Boogeyman curse, something the Watchers installed purposefully to make people kill allies. Double Life, obviously, as Scott rejecting the soulmate the Watchers gave him. Limited life, in which kills gave more time, Scott did not die a single time without giving life freely, either to an ally or a temporary ally.
That got long. Anyways. Scott's game has always been one of hope, spreading positivity and refusing to be pushed around by the Watchers. And that's exactly what the Star means. Upright, this is a card about hope and perseverence, pushing through challenges, which is exactly what Scott does. He refuses to let the Watchers' actions upset him and continues to play the game for his friends and for the future and nothing else.
Even reversed it still fits. Reversed, the Star means loss or abandonment. I've already used up too much time on Scott here, so I'll let you pick your favorite instance of that.
Pearl, Double Life:
XVIII. The Moon
This one is far and away the easiest. Like the previous two Victors, Pearl's story connected her with her symbol even before she won. But blood moons and wolf packs aside (as that's a whole different post for a whole different day) when you take a look at the definitions provided, it becomes even clearer.
The Moon is a card of transformation and change, as well as revealing one's inner self. Rider-Waite-Smith attributes hidden enemies, darkness, and terror with The Moon. While I'll happily analyze every single one of Pearl's actions as the Scarlet Pearl, I think this one is plenty self explanatory. After her rejection early on in the game, she immediately isolates herself and latches onto the night motifs, leaning in to what everyone expects her to be.
The reversed meanings also explain Pearl's arc in Double Life perfectly: confusion, mixed messages, and disbelief. This perfectly encapsulates Pearl's feelings at the very beginning of the game via her rejection by Scott and subsequent abandonment by Martyn in an attempt to get back into Cleo's good graces. Her instinctual reaction is one of shock, not understanding why Scott would choose to pick a soulmate when she was right in front of him.
Martyn, Limited Life:
XVI. The Tower
One of my favorite cards, the Tower is instantly recognizable. While most of my analyses aren't about how the card looks, I feel like it's important to share this time around. The most common image consists of a tower and one or both of two elements: lightning, and people falling. As a card, it represents sudden change, destruction, and chaos.
If anyone here is not yet convinced that I'm correct, please go rewatch Martyn's last LimLife episode, then come back and argue.
You're back? Great. We agree? No? Fine, I'll explain.
This fixates mainly on his winning game, but I'll touch on the rest of his games as well. LimLife ended with a huge betrayal on Martyn's part, one characterized by being so insanely sudden. (Of course it's the Watchers meddling. But the Tower isn't always about your own choices being your downfall.) He quite literally snapped as if hit by lightning (see description of the card), and this spells the beginning of the end for him.
Similarly, in all of his other games, Martyn finds himself with one pivotal moment that spells his downfall. The Red King, Betrayal at the Southlands (and honestly his worst move in DL was abandoning Pearl to try and beg for Cleo's forgiveness).
Funny enough, the reversed meaning of this card is almost a perfect match. I don't think this needs too much more explaining.
Scar, Secret Life:
X. The Wheel of Fortune
I adore Scar in these games. Every single season seems absolutely plagued by chaos. The worst season, obviously, was the one in which he gained his crown. Poor guy was just trying to make friends, and it seemed like every new secret was the exact opposite of what he wanted.
The Wheel is just what it sounds like: it's the card of luck, destiny, and fate. I won't add a new paragraph for the reversed meaning here either, as it means the exact same thing as upright, but with negative connotations in the form of bad luck and misfortune.
Scar is plagued by the whims of luck left and right. It seems like, more than any other player, Scar is unable (whether by others, fate, Watchers, what have you) to take full control of his own story and take actions that he wants to take, instead limited to where the current takes him.
But in the end, that chaos is what gives him his win. The lack of alliances and freedom that the game forced on him was what eventually lead him to be unmoored and able to volley his pain wherever he wanted, leading to a mostly painless win.
Cleo, Real Life:
XIII. Death
A little on the nose, I know, but which of these choices aren't? For a series entirely based on improv, there are a stupid amount of coincidences present.
Now, I know this is far and away the shortest series, so I'm going to analyse Cleo as a player across all of her seasons, not just her winning game. Sorry Real Life. You should have been longer.
While the meaning of the Death card may seem obvious, it's twofold in actuality. In some historical decks, even, the card is instead named Rebirth. I know how ironic that is that the zombie is the one who stands for death and rebirth, but again. Blame the stupid narrative, not the poor me trying to make sense of it.
In what my lovely mutual Honor called "phoenix behavior", I'm going to focus specifically on her deaths and rebirths, specifically BigB's betrayal in LastLife. Cleo takes her death hard, as anyone might. But her rebirth comes with change. The minute she respawns, it's with a different understanding of the world around her. She immediately embraces the change that has been given to her, burning down the Fairy Fort and ditching her alliance for a new one.
The reverse captures Cleo as a character over her seasons better than anyone on this list. While the upright meaning of the card is change, reversed it signifies stagnancy, obsession, and immobility. This can be seen almost perfectly with her thoughts on alliances. Scott remains forever in her good books, even over the course fo multiple seasons, simply because he has never wronged her. Even when they aren't direct allies,she still cooperates with him whenever, simply because she retains her previous feelings about him. The same can be said for BigB, but in the opposite direction. From the moment of the betrayal onwards, she refuses to trust him, going so far as to warn Pearl away from allying with him in LimLife.
Bonus: Jimmy Solidarity, the Canary
XII. The Hanged Man
But Moon! you shout, throwing your complimentary bucket of popcorn at me. Jimmy isn't a Victor! He's the exact opposite!
That's why he's so soggy and why he goes on this list. You wanna argue that he doesn't have the same lore impact as a Victor? Too bad. Can't hear you. Jimmy gets his own card.
Initially, I was kinda sad that I already used the Tower, because that's the portent of doom and gloom or whatever, perfect for a canary. But then I spied an even better, even more Jimmy card.
The Hanged Man is the card of sacrifice. While I could go on a whole rant about the Fool's journey and how it is represented in the Life Series, that is Extra Tumblr Post Number IDK Anymore. Instead, today I'm going to stick to the basics. To specify sacrifice, the card doesn't just mean giving up. It signifies self sacrifice specifically. And what is Jimmy if not a semi-willing first sacrifice to get the chaos rolling?
How many times has he gone out to stop his friends from being the one who has to herald the change? The canary knows that he will sing the final notes, but so long as he can ensure the miners don't have to, he will descend once more.
Now. Did I spend more time on this post than I ever did on an English Lit essay? Maybe. But as much as I love the space motifs this fandom has, I fundamentally disagree when we get to the latter winners. Come on, guys. Tarot decks are right here.
If I missed anything, or I misrepresented a player's game, please tell me. I can't be everywhere at once, and I'm always happy to learn more about some of the players I don't watch as regularly.
Anyways, this was way more fun to write than I expected. If anyone wants to see me give cards to the rest of the players who have yet to win, or an analysis of anything a mentioned in my tangents, please let me know.
Special thanks to @honorsongs who kept me company through this whole process and gave me many a suggestion when I lost my train of thought.
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bigb-enthusiast · 6 months
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teddy-bear-d · 10 months
I think what we can gather from this gritho team up (finally) is that they are essentially efficient and coordinated chaos
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ghosty-schnibibit · 5 months
my opinion about the watcher news basically boils down to this:
watcher is screwing over a huge portion of its fanbase with this move considering how many people within it are teenagers who may not have access to streaming services, low-income adults who can't afford yet another streaming service (if any), and international fans who couldn't sign up for a US based streaming service even if they wanted to. it's okay to be angry about this, especially if you're one of those people who now can't support shows you loved or will be unable to see any of those shows going forward because of it.
youtube's payout to creators has dwindled in recent years to the point that it is impossible to fund the kind of productions watcher makes purely through it, and in order to sustain a company of 40+ people they need a more stable source of income not reliant on ads from outside companies and patreon, which, in this case, means a pivot to streaming. it's okay to be upset that creators you like have to turn to such methods to continue funding their work, whether you have the means to support them through these avenues or not.
if the early reactions to this move are any indication, watcher will probably not get the fan buy-in they anticipated and in all likelihood the new streaming site will either fail within a year or two because it isn't making enough money and take the company with it or they'll be bought out by a larger company and have their shows archived or deleted for tax purposes like what's happened to roosterteeth. it is okay to be scared by that potential future and seek to preserve as much content as you can before that happens.
are all statements that can and should coexist
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meatballowl · 4 months
I’ve been mlp pilled recently. Here’s pony joel (the jony)
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rgbstatic · 4 months
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Internal Anatomy of Tangotek [Double Life]
Scloid: A small structure in the esophagus that allows the creation of sharp click like vocalizations, used for echolocation and communication.
Sculk Veins: Small tube like structures apart of the circulatory system
Heart*: A large organ responsible for pumping blood, apart of the circulatory system.
Calor: A large organ, responsible for thermoregulation and maintaining the body’s high temperature. A small part of this organ produces an enzyme which prevents overheating.
Soul Pouch: Responsible for holding souls, source is unknown. Produces sculk.
Spark**: A small organ apart of the nervous system with a set of unique nerves that expand the length of the body.
Catalyst***: A small organ linked to the soul pouch, it is believed to filter and condense sculk.
*The hearts of hybrid wardens have a shape that differs from most living organisms. A much larger and stronger vessel that pump.
**A spark is often found within hybrid blazes. The spark grows under specific circumstances and can result in a fiery combustion. This is often used as a defense mechanism. Overuse can lead to fatigue.
***The Catalyst is a shared organ with wardens. It is believed to condense production created from the soul pouch, this purpose is unknown, however, this organ is also believed to be involved in the reproduction of wardens.
Organs listed are unique to the chest cavity of Tango, other organs such as the lungs, stomach, liver, gut, and some others are still present.
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rainyinautumn · 1 year
It's a little late because I was at work when zine pieces could be posted, but my fic from the fourth edition of @trafficzine is now up on ao3 and you can read it here!
I got to write Tango's boogey kill on Bdubs, which is one of my absolute favorite moments from Limited Life. I had a great time writing it! Make sure to check out the other awesome works from the zine!
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wakingdreamworld · 8 days
Traffic Overload!!!
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rudramsoft · 6 months
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stabbyfoxandrew · 1 month
every time my dad does anything he has to do it in the most annoying and loudest way possible. and honestly i'm not sure if he means to or he's just really goddamn stupid but it's really really grating. and i'm suffering the werewolf curse rn so i'm ready to die
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noctisvixen · 9 months
The Earth
//Secret Life Spoilers\\
Warnings: Minor character death
The Watchers always favored Scar; it was why they made him a Witness to begin with. To toy with him in a way that they couldn’t with the other players. To pick and choose between his locked away memories and give them to him in pieces in each new life. He wasn’t a winner or a Watcher, so he only received fragments that he would have to piece together. Then he would forget, and the cycle repeats itself with each new game.
But now he’s won Secret Life.
“Pearl, I’m coming for you!” Scar yelled as he ran to the edge of the small ravine. He hadn’t heard the fading thunder or saw the flash of lightning; his crimson gaze was too focused on killing his final target.  “I’m coming for you!” He yelled again when she didn’t respond. He swapped out his bow for his diamond sword, the once brilliant blue now stained red.
He leapt down into the ravine, swinging his head around as he searched for the brunette. “Where'd you go?!” He called, the grip on his sword tightening. Had she ran? After everything that had happened?! No, even with the faded memories of former lives, Scar knew Pearl. She wouldn’t have run. She was here and he was going to kill her, finally cure the itch in his hands by covering them in the final survivor’s blood. “Where'd you go?!” He called again, this time frustration dripping into his tone.
He wanted to end this now. He wanted his sword tearing into her. He wanted to see one more body bleeding out from his hand, to finally be the villain They wanted him to-
“She’s dead,” A voice- an all so familiar voice- echoed behind him. He spun around, sword at the ready as bloodied sand and awful screams before abrupt silence flooded his senses. He was ready to strike, to fulfill that want for more death. But the want left him, as if an ocean’s tide swept over him and left him on the shore, alive.
Grian smiled softly at him, as if sensing the tension leaving the other man. The avian looked different as a ghost, his wings white as a canvas and waiting to be painted to something new again. His brown eyes were a deep shaded purple, somehow lacking and still holding warmth at the same time. He wasn’t just a ghost, Scar remembered. He was one of Them. But good. Loving and kind, in his own ways.
“Scar...” He breathed, a gentle look of joy and pride dancing in his eyes. “You won.”
Scar stared at him, dumbfounded. It took him a moment to even register the words that left Grian’s mouth. “Oh.” He breathed before looking around. This wasn’t what he was expecting. Wasn’t there supposed to be some kind of feeling of victory? Of grief?
Why did Scar feel nothing?
“Really?” He asked, looking back at the Watcher in front of him. Grian said nothing, but his smile faded, especially when the sword in Scar’s hand fell from his grasp. He brought his hand to his forehead, his fingers brushing against his hair. “Oh my God.” He said. Then he cracked a smile, the only thing seeming appropriate even with the empty feeling in his chest. “How did that happen?” He moved his hand from his head to motion it to Grian. He tried to ignore how it was trembling. How Grian’s gaze flicked to it and then back to him, frowning and eyes showing concern. He tried to ignore it.
“How’d the guy with no friends win?” He asked, his smile broadening and a little snicker leaving his lips. “How did-” His laughter interrupted him. “H-how did the guy w-with no fri-friends win?” He laughed more, letting it echo off the walls. It really was ridiculous- How did he win with the odds so stacked against him? The whole server hated him, for his tasks and who he was. They wanted him dead because of it.
His eyes burned. His laughter stuttered, changing into something broken and rough. His breathing hitched, turning uneven and jagged. Something like a sob broke out from his mouth and his cheeks grew damp, tears flowing along them and falling to the ground. He gripped at himself in a makeshift hug, as if he could pull this horrible feeling out of him and feel victory or guilt. Anything but this.
But, void, he wasn’t feeling emptiness. He was feeling hate. His friends’ hate towards him. His hate towards himself and his actions. He had won, but at what cost? He killed Pearl, the only teammate he was truly able to get out of this mess. She had given the one thing he had wanted the whole game, and he killed her! She’ll never want to see him again, not after a betrayal like this.
His sobs wracked his body, his knees almost ready to give out until a set of arms wrapped around him and a small body pressed against his. Instinctively, his arms shifted and latched onto the person, just as he felt wings wrap around him and shield him from the world.
“It's okay.” Grian whispered by his ear, letting Scar hunch into him and sob. The wings around him pulled tighter while the avian’s arms held him as if he was fragile and precious. “We don’t hate you. We don’t blame you.” His voice remained soft, but firm.
“Y-you should.” Scar argued weakly. He didn’t deserve to be forgiven.
“We don’t.” Grian repeated, firmer this time. “These games make us do things that are hard to forgive, Scar. But that doesn’t mean they can’t be forgiven.” As he spoke, he pulled away and met Scar’s gaze. His eyes revealed understanding at a level that Scar couldn’t comprehend. But deep down he knew that he would soon.
“I’m tired.” Scar settles on saying instead of what he should be asking. It isn’t a lie though. He was tired. He’s been tired for a long time during this game. This is just the first time since this game started that he felt safe enough to let the exhaustion flood his body. The crying probably didn’t help either, even if it left him feeling a bit lighter than before.
Grian gave him an understanding smile. “That's okay.” The avian said, bringing a hand to Scar’s cheek. The newest winner leaned into his hand, closing his eyes and just enjoying the warmth that Grian’s skin produced. He hadn’t even noticed it before and when he opened his eyes to ask, Grian was no longer a ghost or Watcher. He was standing in front of him, his wings the wonderful design of Scarlet Macaws, the only kind of wings he ever saw on him in Hermitcraft. He saw gentle brown eyes and an even gentler smile. “Let’s go home then.” His voice was full of warmth and Scar couldn’t help himself.
A genuine smile graced his lips and he brought a hand up to hold Grian’s. “Let’s go home.” He whispered. The world around them was fading to white as the wind picked up around them, but Scar couldn’t find himself to care. Instead, he closed his eyes and let Grian pull him into another embrace.
He had won Secret Life, but his real victory was this. Finally being able to let his guard down. Finally getting to go home and rest.
And, after everything, finally being held in the arms of someone who loves him.
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trafficzine · 10 months
How soon after Secret Life ends do you think you'll be posting applications for the 5th installment of the Traffic Zine?
Planning for the 5th edition will begin sometime after Secret Life ends. An announcement regarding applications will be posted 1-2 weeks before they are opened.
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dragonanne4fun · 5 months
#hmm🫤#is it time to abandon this desperate desire to meet someone organically in person and finally wade into the world of online dating?#obviously. i would still be incredibly open to meeting someone organically#but is it time to start actively looking online??#30yrs is not that far off for me and....I'm ready to have that person who is *my person*#the person i can call when I'm lonely and not feel like a loser because i know they want to share in my company as much as i do theirs#someone who will kiss my forehead and let me lean against them while we watch a movie#someone who will play new board games with me and maybe even some Dnd#i was feeling the Big Sad Lonely last night so today I got out of the house and drove into the city to go to a few shops...#...and just drive in the traffic (I'm a weirdo who actually enjoys city driving on highways)#and one shop i went to was a big game and ttrpg store (so much awesome stuff)#when i checked out i had such a lovely pleasant and fun interaction with the guy at the checkout#he was kinda handsome. not a chad by any means but he seemed cool and had such an attractive voice#and i know nothing about him/his values/his life--not even his name#but i tell you. if that store wasn't 1.5hrs from my house--I'd be dropping in a lot more often just to maybe get to know him a little better#he was so nice and i felt like there was some chemistry there???#maybe??????#but i feel like the odds of us actually sharing all/most of the same values are low so I'm just torturing myself by dwelling on it probably#the ramblings of a dragon#i want a man. a fun godly. creative man#maybe i should be looking online 🫠
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