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tttrashmouth · 1 year ago
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
Acaipoumor Acan Aceic Aceneim Acoimeiraun Acos Acoul Acout Acoutoces Afacopouc Afaifoip Afaupein Afet Afoil Afol Afoufoupot Aiceup Aifaf Aifain Aifefeup Aifeloum Aifen Aifenaral Aifoiroic Ailam Aileumoun Ailoil Aimeic Aimeifafais Aimones Aimoroineum Ainoc Ainoulair Aipaic Aipaur Aipefosan Aipeic Aipois Aipout Airafail Airem Airerosoc Aisaimoifeis Aisoim Aitam Aiteit Aitomanet Alaf Alaisaitar Alecef Aleul Aleuseilal Amac Amacoum Amaip Amaul Amaumanef Ameut Amon Amoneupoit Amoun Anas Anaupos Aneilatoip Anesor Anoipoil Apaitoumor Apal Apasaiseur Apatoc Apeunelop Apeutauros Apoin Apoitoteir Apouselen Araneupaup Arerasam Aresom Aroim Asaimon Asan Asar Asatouf Asaupaupaic Asautauroir Aseit Asenes Asepait Aseureun Asof Asofeton Asom Asoumos Ataif Atatem Ateitet Aterauf Ateup Atoiroiteit Ator Auceifocot Auceuc Aucos Aucoureif Aufacolar Aufeipeureim Aufeiteil Aufeun Aulaifeir Aulef Aumeimes Aumeineireup Aumep Aunal Aunameut Aunan Aunoim Aunomeifaun Aunop Aupeirais Aupoil Auponas Aupoun Auraimeirauf Auron Ausacour Ausainatos Ausecoup Auseipacan Ausoic Ausoin Ausot Autamat Autapeulair Auteifonel Autep Auteucot Auteup Autofeuc Autoseumet Ecateip Ecein Ecemeif Efacef Efairail Efamapeic Efaucef Efaum Efein Efeip Efel Efout Eicom Eicoroin Eifatafair Eifecec Eifeus Eifeusap Eifos Eifouneun Eilail Eilan Eilaroirout Eilec Eilep Eileseser Eilois Eimaicorem Eimairopoc Eimaloulom Eiman Eimeit Eimonot Einaureisan Eineup Eineusainem Einoc Einois Einonoipoc Einot Eipap Eipeteiteip Eiram Eirauteup Eirol Eiroucal Eisap Eiseum Eisopaitep Eitalonaf Eitef Eitemamoc Eiteutailot Eitoif Eitonailem Eitour Elac Elain Elam Elatounap Eleceneur Elet Eleurac Eloic Eloipaisaul Elomeunan Elonaret Eloul Elous Emaf Emalaur Eman Emeifol Emepofep Emoneuper Emopaitap Emor Emourac Emout Enaic Enairalot Enap Enauten Enecep Eneitaunol Enen Enon Enoteit Epafeuf Epar Epasorol Epaut Epeiran Epeiseilos Epel Epenat Epot Eralores Erasemaut Erausocer Erepait Eres Ereunaisoun Ereur Ereuroun Eroisois Eroul Esaim Esat Esatas Esaun Esefeseut Esep Esoiceuf Esoucapom Esounousof Eteum Euceic Euceifouc Euceureul Eucosoumouc Eucoul Eucoutamef Eufeipaus Eufeloleif Eufeumoirois Eulerof Eulomoleut Eumam Eumef Eumeiferaup Eunain Eunenaun Eunes Euneut Eunousois Eupail Eupaiposoup Eupeim Eupouc Eurac Eutamoreim Eutauc Eutoinain Eutoureines Ocac Ocait Ocaleitac Ocetaup Ocofoutous Ocoil Ocotanap Ocouceic Ofaifein Ofain Ofaumap Ofeuc Ofoun Ofout Oican Oiceifeus Oiceip Oifaif Oifos Oifout Oilaf Oilam Oileimoufac Oiles Oiletaipeus Oiloc Oimasop Oimof Oimoifaicor Oimol Oimon Oimot Oimouc Oinacoin Oinanonoic Oineceim Oinein Oineup Oinoir Oinop Oinosoit Oinounofoil Oipan Oipoinepoun Oiraimeir Oirautaur Oirois Oirop Oiroraureip Oisain Oitair Oiteic Oitoisacon Olaf Olaperac Olaum Olaupeceum Olec Olef Oloisaicail Omaum Omef Omemais Omes Omocois Omoifen Omomosaim Omoneim Omonofat Omonop Omos Onaureutef Onaut Oneic Oneil Onen Oner Oneurecen Oneutenoun Onoif Onoumauneit Onoun Opafeloim Opaip Opap Opaun Opaupas Opeim Open Opet Oponepep Opouteloc Orafoif Oraimoceun Orainelaus Oratoc Oraucamoup Orecosaum Oreim Orep Oresoicaic Oroifefas Oropof Orot Osais Osanareic Oselef Osol Otaf Otaisomot Otal Otapoum Otar Otaulopoc Otof Otoic Otoitoumef Otopomap Ototam Ototauroup Oucacoimol Oucaun Oucaus Oucefaiten Ouceun Oucoun Oucoupop Oufaulep Oufenaleis Oufeuf Oufous Oulet Ouletalom Ouleufelaus Oulol Oulotem Oumec Oumeilauc Oumol Oumom Oumon Oumoum Oumoumour Ouneif Ounosais Oupeip Oupeit Oupeuceur Ouponaum Oupop Ouraus Ourem Ourolaulas Ourotef Ousaiteuteut Ousar Ousotesas Outel Outoufoucaun
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oreime · 5 years ago
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Find your crown (your special), know that sometimes it's those you are most vulnerable to, who will attempt to take it (deliberate or undeliberately), but my love, its your crown, hold on to that... #crowned #findingyou #focused #brave #passionate #motivation #motivated #philosophy #selflove #poetry #writer #goodlifeaddict #gla #oreime #kingrei #monday #lagos #sunhat #blackgirl #africanqueen #girlpower #undeterred #success #feminist #inspired #muse #blackmuse #loveislove #followback #dmforfollowback https://www.instagram.com/p/CD_x68BpPF4/?igshid=kvrthcrxp1zq
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444names · 2 years ago
german towns + dutch cities + ukrainian forenames
Aafelnburg Aalfontorf Aangen Aannd Aarbach Aarmes Aarottmuid Aathadt Abreim Aburg Achtaden Adegena Ahmöl Amborf Ambriya Amburian Amelberg Ammernha Andohau Annau Appeyern Arkirchiy Arlinelyj Arsche Arsten Arstinn Assel Astadt Ausen Avheid Bachemuis Bachil Bachingen Backamberg Baurg Berstas Bibnin Biede Binzenna Bisenburg Bisliy Bittein Blanneroe Bogij Borburg Breger Brend Brupf Brureim Bröbach Bröde Brückebkau Brünzend Burmonnd Böhshau Böleksanig Bühliende Callarndel Casiya Cheim Coesla Coeswitz Coeve Colch Consch Crane Creterie Daaden Darktolf Derbach Derdittman Diember Dirstaleil Dmyrys Doeln Doeverg Doria Dorsteim Drashempe Dreim Dudwieburg Eberiya Eburg Eckasten Eckel Edrannsben Eglübburg Eidergen Eißen Elhen Ellerna Ellin Erdlau Erstuhlen Eskin Essteim Estren Ettmunz Eußis Evgevald Fedrauns Flang Fleberg Flöniaan Foranth Forforf Frech Frenber Frichten Friel Frien Frisaanna Furgenau Füren Fürsullen Garraichin Gauseeld Gausekeld Genben Gendewitz Gewippeln Gielz Giest Goden Goedt Goevetzen Grana Greder Gringen Grischeim Groitz Gronz Großwalau Gröhrd Grück Grünch Guden Gumberg Gunrausen Gunst Gündrich Güsseerg Güttemp Haihauch Halia Harde Hargen Harich Hausteroß Haven Havessietz Heckunstal Heidsha Heitz Helen Hembach Henburg Henhofel Hentorg Herbalde Hersch Herynaut Hinthom Hofel Horfen Horforna Hornheim Hulburg Hunsch Hutenvelme Hutteren Ichöhn Idausau Ihopa Ingen Intem Irich Isselkaade Jacht Jangen Janna Joacha Johburg Josbadt Jostad Jostadt Jostern Jülsen Kalch Kaleingen Kames Kandenhen Karden Karshen Katsrudorn Kemmeriya Keryst Kiesternst Kirch Kirchnesyp Kirktolden Klach Kolia Kranden Kroden Kuppetiy Kölen Könien Köningen Könis Künde Laarshert Lanigst Larburg Larselmela Lavdin Lavel Lebert Leholzo Lekempeitz Lemas Lemen Lenben Lenberg Lenst Lenwehurg Lessingen Leveld Lingelher Lingomylo Linshesch Linsten Ljudwig Locheid Lorkra Lugsfeulm Lyundiy Löweinburg Lübby Magolfhe Maich Maldeso Mallik Mande Manden Manet Manzolzen Marafym Maratheing March Mardiy Marik Maringenda Marlim Marmanain Martiana Marzollen Melzharii Menren Miesa Mitaderf Moltje Myrodelen Mühlen Münden Münst Nadtlin Nasen Neckeneuth Nelbayd Neldmiting Nensend Nerdorg Neusbacht Neuwpolzow Niaaldburg Nichwan Niesper Nornelz Obech Obergroda Ockerg Oeren Oerziede Oesden Ofingen Ofooste Olburg Olehn Oleicobert Olenfulley Oreim Oseerf Osenbelmen Osenstadt Oslungeld Ostadt Ostedria Osykow Paingord Pasten Peiza Pentersch Peteil Pfurg Piedt Pirsewis Polohlo Pottia Predeloud Preus Prottlo Radtlo Rafelzeim Ragteim Rainthau Ranneching Ravyda Redenstung Reliya Reubord Reuff Reuser Reuwilen Rhill Rikhau Ringenben Ringenlen Ringerde Roeshau Rokzingen Rostmoosen Rotten Rundshein Salfen Sankirake Sannoverg Sarburiya Sayiza Schanne Scheim Schem Schen Scherg Schha Schij Schilver Schlheuer Schlock Scholßen Schtra Selherg Selin Senau Senkt Serijn Serotheßen Sewald Sewitadt Solkamen Solsten Sonsterg Steim Stenaunker Sthau Stübth Sulanch Sunde Süditistav Süditz Tadahda Tadels Tadje Tatadt Tathadt Tattna Tayingen Tendruuk Termstadt Thilin Tiniemunus Trannijken Treck Trien Trück Tutheuch Twetziesya Uenber Uespa Ulagder Ulyna Usbrosniy Valla Valms Valohda Valynach Vareubois Veerfurg Vensta Venstede Vichhas Vichoornel Villn Virchreim Volbursen Voldhagen Vollsen Voloudahla Wagen Waghen Walkats Waltorin Wandr Wardlia Wassen Weern Weimberg Weingense Weinze Welon Wetazin Wienhoch Wiestria Winach Winben Wisch Wiseleber Wolde Wolstenda Wolzarg Yeverkna Yurichelst Zeburg Zelütz Zeverg Zeyburg Zoitteim Zordringen Zoytanneld Zwilsterg Zwörliderg Züllbur Öhribsen Übinftede
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stolengifts · 8 years ago
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I’m finally making a map for my fantasy setting :0 obviously i had to fully map out the original kingdom first
tomorrow: the orc lands!
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recentanimenews · 7 years ago
The 5 Most Loved and Hated Snaggleteeth in Anime
The snaggletooth. A single fang almost synonymous with a spunky attitude. Possessed by the poor and the wealth alike, the seem to appear on any character with an excess of energy (although mostly girls?). In no medium does a single smile tell you more about a character than anime.
Love them or hate them they may be one of the most reliable landmarks broadcasting a fiery personality.  Our friends over at Anime-Planet spend day and night cataloguing these unique features and leaving it to the fans to vote on the best and worst prominent canines. A note before we again, these are the result of popular votes that I can and will disagree with. Only your democratic will can determine who makes it on this list. With that out of the way, below are the 5 most loved and most hated anime characters with snaggleteeth!
5. Sakura Kyoko - Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Although her fang might be the most understated of this list, Kyoko is most definitely not. She’s got so much attitude I’m honestly surprised she was one of the most liked characters on this list. While she had style, she wasn’t exactly nice at first. In such a well written series, it shouldn’t surprise that she had a satisfying redemption arc and I’m glad that’s what seems to have stuck with most people. Or maybe they just like her awesome fighting style. Or taiyaki.
4. Kousaka Kirino - Oreimo
Perhaps one of the most famous snaggleteeth in anime is possessed by the all-too-relatable Kirino. She’s one of what’s become a fan-favorite archetypes of otaku living double lives as perfect students by day and hopeless anime fans by night. Oreime treating the topic with a bit more weight than most comedies made for a very sympathetic story despite some, er... landmines.
3. Hachikuji Mayoi - Monogatari
Who is this sassy lost child with a snaggletooth? How can you not love Mayoi? She’s got a tragic backstory to make her sympathetic and unique curse that guarantees every time she shows up, Arararagi’s gonna end up going on an adventure. Also a comically oversized backpack that looks like a baby bird. Snail or not, only a monster wouldn’t try to help her find her way to her relative’s house.
2. Takagi Saya - Highschool of the Dead
A powerful addition to the list, Takagi is a triple threat of a fang, glasses, and twin tails. She’s also the smartest person in their group and the type of underappreciated character that keeps everyone alive by taking time for more practical concerns and planning for the future. She even has a younger sister surrogate in Alice that she wants to protect. If she had an ojou-sama laugh she might just unseat Yui.
1. Yui - Angel Beats
One of the standout students of a much more literal highschool of the dead, Yui might have the most personality out of the secondary cast. A chunibyo rhythm guitar player with the ambitious goal of punishing god for letting her life become such a disappointment. It’s hard not to sympathise with a character bouncing off all the walls to make up for a lifetime of lost time she spent in a hospital bed. Also her singing voice is LiSA.
5. Houjou Sakoto - Higurashi When They Cry
There’s a lot of Higurashi material out there but I guess there’s no escaping the fact that Sakoto is a bit of a Damien. Crying wolf and trying to get multiple step-dads arrested isn’t cool even if your mom isn’t paying enough attention and some of her traps go a little beyond an equalizing force given her size and into the realm of unusually creative evil. She’s got some pretty tragic circumstances to back up her attitude but that’s really nothing special in the land of Higurashi.
4. Sarugaki Hiyori - Bleach
Alright, I’ll be the first person to admit Hiyori is a little shit, but how could you hate this angry little monkey? Are you all Hirako fans? I get it, but you have to admit he’s got a punchable face. I don’t make it a habit to defend Bleach but sometimes being hyper violent is a charming trait and that’s absolutely the case with Hiyori. You’re wrong.
3. Kousaka Kirino - Oreimo
I never knew Kirino was such a controversial character. Although she has many charms, levying constant, (mostly) unearned abuse at other characters might have left some viewers with a dimmer opinion of her. I guess not everyone enjoys watching a someone make other people suffer while they’re sorting out their own problems. It could be a wider acceptance of anime has made her plight less relateable… or maybe people have different tastes in video games.
2. Igarashi Tora - Maid Sama!
The only boy to make it to this list is unfortunately well-placed as the 2nd most hated. Adding to our newly emerging pattern of unpleasant wealthy snaggleteeth, Tora is one of those rich character that can’t think of a better use for his money that messing around with other people. It must be rough knowing who your real friends are, but becoming more interested in a girl just because she’s willing to show you how much she hates you? Leave and never return.
1. Takagi Saya - Highschool of the Dead
Alright, she’s smart, beautiful, has three charm points, and a role model for Alice, but Takagi can be a little mean. Constantly reminding people that you’re smarter and more important on them isn’t the best way to earn friends, especially when other characters are pulling their weight while trying to be a bit more humble. I still say her out of combat contributions are underappreciated since she somehow made it to #1, but point taken.
Snaggleteeth seem to be quite the controversial subject with two characters showing up among both the most loved and hated. Girls seem to be the primary focus when it comes to fangs. Also there’s is an honestly pretty disturbing connection between snaggleteeth and death. Almost half the characters on the list are dead at the beginning of the story and over half don’t make it out of the plot alive. Is a snaggletooth bad luck? Is there something I don’t know about Kirino?
Didn’t see your favorite on this list? Want to know where they appear among the most loved and hated on their kind? Head over to Anime-Planet’s list of characters with snaggleteeth to see where they rank or comment below with your most favorite fang. Tune in next week, where the subject will be the anime trademark animal ears.
Peter Fobian is an Associate Features Editor for Crunchyroll, author of Monthly Mangaka Spotlight, writer for Anime Academy, and contributor at Anime Feminist. You can follow him on Twitter @PeterFobian.
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fuckkyouu240 · 7 years ago
sometimes I remember that yuuichi nakamura voiced the main dude on oreim/o and I die a lil
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oreime · 5 years ago
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Could have gone lower for these shots, question is was I just posing or was I pushing up ? 🤔 #pushups #pose #gramfit #realfit #musclebuilding Phase #strength #howlowcanyougo #oreime #KingRei #africanqueen #lagosfit #exerciseclub #motivated https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BYkOLpXil/?igshid=fpygk314nv96
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oreime · 5 years ago
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I choose to be as the water #traveltheworld #newexperiences #water #saggitarius #birthdaycoming #flirty40loading #dreamtrips #dreamtripsnigeria #dreamtripsafrica #worldventures #worldventuresafrica #projectchoices #waterelement #iflow #oreime #selfchange #choice10 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3olzt-p-HS/?igshid=1d5s7s8bb1ekc
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oreime · 5 years ago
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Love to travel? Got holiday plans ? Want to travel the world ? Ask me about travel, visa, Dubai round trip flight as low as 190k, New York for 285k #brownskingirl #orangeandchocolate #oreime #travelingwithmylove #travel #dreamtrips #traveltheworld #monday #dreamtripsnigeria #dreamtriplagos #dreamtripafrica (at Grand Resort Lagonissi) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Cmv6WJjzx/?igshid=9fwzejy0snuc
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oreime · 5 years ago
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Everyone is always quick to assume the worst, focus on results they defend your actions. Most importantly don’t let their worst assumptions define you, let your invested actions defend you 🥰 #sideprofile #wednesday #win #overcome #positivity #rapunzelbraids #rapunzel #oreime https://www.instagram.com/p/B2SJ7agJcn7/?igshid=e0yzzixulwnq
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oreime · 5 years ago
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No matter how awkward you feel when the journey begins, no matter how tired you get when you take the strides, or how tight it is when you commit to your vision, STAY CONSISTENT. It makes all the difference. #consistency #goodmorning #different #journey #projectchoices #ichoosetostartsomewhere #startsomehow #tuesday #theweek #september #oreime #lagos #travelinfluencer #travel #entrepreneur #realestate #strategist #model #consistent #focused #talktravel #success #motivated https://www.instagram.com/p/B2OMSjVJ3Ut/?igshid=ql1ucvk9efvi
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oreime · 5 years ago
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How do you GROW? You study your environment and constantly ADAPT to it, you REVISE your strategy to monitor your strength, weakness, threat and opportunity. #richardbranson Every success story is a tale of constant adaption, revision and change. #monday #oreime #dubaivisa #adapt #revise #review #grow #motivated #traveltheworld #newyou #newweek https://www.instagram.com/p/B2MGg67pauz/?igshid=dxr2j1xdupai
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oreime · 5 years ago
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Staying undeterred, keeping your eyes on the goal takes a lot of POSITIVITY, so when all is dreary, in the darkest murk, find something positive and hold on to it till it is all you see #positivevibes #travelinfluencer #travel #oreime #positivity #thursday #goodmorning #winsome #losesome https://www.instagram.com/p/B2AdljNpCZ1/?igshid=yqlvm9z105ux
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oreime · 5 years ago
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Let’s talk travel, drop in my dm or drop a comment ask a question and I will answer. #travelinfluencer #travel #travellover #aroundtheworld #travelinstyle #oreime #flytheworld https://www.instagram.com/p/B1y5r_rJOFZ/?igshid=uer1xohrkneb
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oreime · 6 years ago
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I believe that one day everyone who loves the rhythmic African voice will buy a copy of The Wretched Billionaire for his or her favorite library. Available @ Bics Garden and Boat Club, Wole Olateju Crescent, Lekki Phase 1 on 21st July, 2019. Author will be available to sign purchased copies @ the breezy waterfront of Bics Garden. From 3pm Copies also available on promo for N1,500 + N600 for despatch rider to friends in Lagos and Ogun State. Get your copies anywhere in the world as from 22nd July, 2019. Published by Oreime.com Literature #africanliterature #africanbooks #books #goodbooks #bookstoread #oreime https://www.instagram.com/p/B0LfCI7ph3G/?igshid=1hgifrnbg0uxu
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