gvldvntrvgvdy · 1 year
The RCA better behave otherwise I’m committing simony
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etirabys · 1 year
ohhhh I'm cranky
I'm reading a Sherlock (TV) fic where John Watson is a priest and Sherlock is an ordinand who has taken a vow of silence
Sherlock has not spoken a single word but Watson is still going crazy with lust and praying about it
I predict based on the author's tastes so far
that when Sherlock DOES speak, he will say sensible things that advance the romantic and nonromantic plot
instead of super obnoxious things that annoy the shit out of John Watson, causing the reverent horny to turn into outraged annoyed horny
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coffeebooksandmore · 6 months
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What has always impressed me by authors are the ones that write short stories. How are you able to shake me to my core in less than a few pages? In “Unaccustomed Earth” Lahiri writes stories about people living in all these different worlds physically and mentally. Lahiri dissects how we make it through all these strange lives we live in. I reside in many of these strange worlds. One world where I live with the world. Another where my mother’s happiness holds my goodness together. The story that gutted my heart was “Only Goodness.” I’ve only seen the worst and been disgusted by myself. “Only Goodness” that’s all I’ve ever wanted. How do you come to terms with how shame has dictated how you can live? The oldest daughter what a heavy title. Ordinanded from birth for a life of sacrifice. You make mistakes along the way which you still punish yourself to this day. I loved but not enough. I promised I’d bleed for you so you wouldn’t have to. But why can’t I look at you in the eyes? I've always tried escaping by finding a way to live through others lives. Lahiri writes about wants I’ve been ashamed to desire and the repentance I can’t seem to let the inner child in myself let go. I was young and had no guidance but still I should’ve known. I dreamt often of a life where no one needed me. A life alone of no commitments and no disappointments. I don’t see myself as the sacrificial lamb anymore. These stories reminded me of the pain I felt of living in all these worlds alone figuring my paths but also of the growth that always lead me to love.
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swissmissficrecs · 9 months
Hello! I'm asking everyone who might know, though I'm not sure which blogs are still active...I'm looking for a fic where Sherlock and John were at a monastery. Sherlock had taken a vow of silence and John talked to/prayed a lot to the virgin Mary. It was such a good fic. Thank you!
Sorry I didn't see this before. It might be In the Name of the Lord by Philomena85 (details below). I could have sworn I had a religious-themed rec list already, but it seems not. So here you go, in case that's not it maybe it's one of these others:
Clergy Johnlock
Fics in which either Sherlock or John is a member of clergy or masquerades as one.
A Second Time After the Last Time by S_IRIS (10K, E, Johnlock) In an era when science was condemned by religion, Sherlock Holmes was a man of science and John Watson a man of religion. Will they be condemned for their love and for the felony, or will John be able to convince Sherlock to escape?
All We Ought to Ask by achray (56K, E, Johnlock) “It’s a quiet parish,” Stamford added, beckoning to the maid to pour more. “Apart from that heretic Holmes, of course,” said the Archdeacon.
Children of the Small Gods by alexxphoenix42 (174K, E, Johnlock, JohnAdlock) Brother John is a recent addition to the Temple of the Small Gods on Baker Street. A mysterious stranger catches his attention one night when he does something that no one else has ever managed to do.
Faithful by Megg33k (14K, E, Johnlock) AU (Monk!John & Angel!Sherlock) in which John Watson's life has not gone as planned, and it's about to get even stranger…
Gallant Darling, Pray for Me by SinceWhenDoYouCallMe_John (104K, E, Johnlock) The priests at the seminary school of St. Sebastian's on the coast of Wales are preparing for a new group of ordinands in the fall of 1927. Father John Watson is not prepared for one of those ordinands to be Sherlock Holmes.
Hearts at Home series by yalublyutebya (74K, M, Johnlock) A series of stories chronicling the intertwined lives of Father John Watson and Sherlock Holmes.
In the Name of the Lord by Philomena85 (70K, T, Johnlock) After returning from Afghanistan, John Watson has managed to get back into professional life - but something is missing. His quest for meaning leads him for a time to a monastery, where he soon acquainted with an exceptional monk. But there’s more there than he had suspected at first glance …
Infidelis by unholiest (13K, T, Johnlock) “I have noticed a decline in my regular parishioners. I do hope none of them have come to any harm.” Sherlock chuckled, and the low pitch of it resonated against the cold brick, letting it echo back into John’s ears. It was nice. It felt like velvet, and John had an inkling that he was one of a few that had actually heard it. “Quite the contrary, Father, I believe you are to be the next victim.”
Jesus Loves Me by OMSP (11K, M, Johnlock) In this AU, Father Holmes befriends a young, struggling musician named John Watson. They strike up an unlikely friendship born of violence. Can the kindly priest help John fight his demons without losing his own soul?
Mercy by lookupkate (31K, E, Johnlock) John Watson asks God to save him while wounded in the desert. When God does he figures he'd better pay him back. After two years as a vicar at a large parish he finally gets to move to a small town and have a parish of his own.
Take Me To Church by CarmillaCarmine (12K, E, Johnlock) In hiding, John is impersonating a priest. Everything goes according to plan until one of his parishioners confesses the dirty thoughts he has about him.
The Adventure of the Six Painted Virgins by Saathi1013 (14K, E, Johnlock) Sherlock dons an unusual disguise for a case. John is…conflicted. Character study, casefic*, & smut (in that order).
The Beast of Baskerville by mildredandbobbin (74K, E, Johnlock) 15th Century/fairy tale AU. An invalided John Watson comes to the isolated village of Baskerville seeking shelter with his sister, only to become embroiled in a grisly murder. As the villagers point to a local werewolf legend, the odd but brilliant friar, Brother Sherlock, disagrees and soon he and John are on the the trail of a murderer. Captivated by the enigmatic friar, John finds himself struggling with his illicit feelings for the celibate man of God.
The Sacred Bond by ampersand_ch (42K, E, Johnlock) A series of mysterious deaths among priests puts John and Sherlock onto the trail of an ancient, secret brotherhood. Little do they suspect how deeply their own situation is tangled up with the case.
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ubu507 · 9 months
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Sarah Muffett, Ordinand Michael Taylor (b.1952) Royal Society of Portrait Painter's People's Portraits collection at Girton College, University of Cambridge
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Different paths to same vocation: Twin brothers ordained priests in Aleppo, Syria
The entrance into the Franciscan church in Aleppo, Syria, of the twins George and Johnny Jallouf, friars of the Custody of the Holy Land, who were ordained priests on July 6, 2024. The two ordinands are wearing the priestly vestments with which they were clothed during the ordination rite. They were 15 when the war in Syria broke out. Their vocation was born and grew amid the Battle of Aleppo. “I…
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ghostsandgod · 25 days
It is not enough that the Bishop know nothing evil of the ordinand, he must have positive evidence of his uprightness.
-St Alphonsus Ligouri
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onlybyfaith3 · 3 months
Welcome & Scene Setting
Welcome to my new blog. Here I will record my thoughts on my journey as someone to whom their bishop has entrusted with the care of a shiny new Curate.
To explain: in the Church of England ( the Established Anglican Church in England), a Vicar (that's me) might be asked to help train someone (called a Curate) who has completed their initial theological training at a Theological College or on a Course (Initial Ministerial Education phase 1), which can take from 1 to 4 years depending on many factors.
After completing their studies, and being assessed by their tutors, people are recommended for Ordination. This happens at a big liturgy (service) usually in a Cathedral or Minster Church, and is led by the Diocesan Bishop. At this liturgy, the candidates (called Ordinands) are presented to the Bishop who prays for them, by laying hands on their heads, asking for the Holy Spirit to equip them for their new role as Deacons.
Being Ordained Deacon is the first step to becoming a Vicar, and authorises the person to minster in a particular Parish of Benefice (group of Parishes) working alongside an experienced Vicar, known in this role as their Training Incumbent (TI) as they enter IME phase 2. This is where I come in, as designated TI.
My role is to help my Curate learn all the practical tasks of being a Vicar, alongside helping them continue to grow in their faith as a disciple of Christ. There is paperwork and panels along the way. By Easter we will have worked towards the next step - which is being ready to be ordained Priest, and the two years following to help them grow into the fullness of their ministry to enable them to leave and take on their first post as a Vicar.
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chicagocatholicman · 5 months
“Mothers and fathers, united in marriage, are the first witnesses to love for their children. It is within the family that children are taught the faith, learn the meaning of love, and grow in virtue. This year’s study of ordinands underscores the fundamental role that families, in particularly, parents, play in building up the kingdom of God. It is through the love and support of the family that children develop into the men and women God calls them to be.”
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daretoknowthyself · 8 months
I haven't done a stream of consciousness wall of text for a while but for various I can't put this on twitter or Facebook or WhatsApp the person I'd usually bounce this shit off soooo hey.
I really struggle to compartmentalise stuff. Like. I can cope for so long and then somehow everything just mounts up and conspires to overwhelm me. And then I end up unloading it all on someone else, usually one person, and then I feel immense guilt, which naturally also fuels the whole cycle. So...mind dump time:
- I received my final warning from work just before Xmas for a gross misconduct offence and we agreed I'd have weekly check ins with one of the managers to help mitigate/avoid any repeats, and I was finding that helpful but then said manager had a holiday and then has a really bad injury so we've not had a check in for like 3 weeks
- My dad, who is partially paralysed and mostly non-verbal after a major stroke had major neurosurgery last week for a cranioplasty and got home this afternoon after a frustrating weekend of us not being able to get though to the hospital to find out how he was or when he'd be home
- I relapsed back into active alcohol addiction after 14 days of sobriety and am trying to claw my way back
- My mum has an ongoing medical condition which means she has to have blood transfusions every three weeks
- Because of everything that has been happening I seem to have stressed my way into having a period so I'm dealing with a whole boatload of unresolved gender dysphoria
- I'm in active discernment for ordination to the priesthood and every time I meet other potential ordinands or am supported by my existing clergy I feel so inadequate
- My grandmother has just gone to A&E because she continues to not be able to manage her diabetes, a few months after my grandfather has moved into full time residential care due to advanced alzheimers
Just. I'm tired. And scared. And in relapse. And guilty. And whilst for once I'm not actively wanting to hurt myself or anything else stupid. I would quite like a break.
And if you're wondering why I'm not telling my friend all of these things (though they do know most of them) they're currently receiving treatment for cancer, searching for a post curacy job, and separating from their partner with whom they have twin nine year olds
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junebugwriter · 1 year
In a weird headspace today. Prepare to get wonky and sweary about institutional church bullshit, woo!
The Annual Conference is this weekend in my home conference in Texas. I learned from one of my former mentors who posted on FB about the current class of ordinands, the people who are up to be ordained before the UMC this year. About 10 lay local pastors, 4 provisional commissioned (probationary) elders, 2 deacon ordinations, and 5 elder ordinations. That's a total of 7 full ordinations, and 21 people being celebrated.
I looked at those numbers, and only one word came to mind.
For reference, my commissioning took in four times that many commissionees, and at least double the ordinands. These are some dim prospects for the denomination I used to call home. I was in one of the country's largest, most powerful conferences. This conference ALSO happened to be ground fucking zero for the birth of the conservative schismatic group, the Global Methodist Church. We used to hold Annual Conference at the Woodland UMC, now just The Woodland Church. A lot--and by a lot, I'm talking a huge percentage-- of the incoming classes of pastors came from big churches like the Woodland Church, among others. Also funding. Also other kinds of resources. They have taken their ball and gone home, and I salute them, they can fuck all the way off honestly.
But! That does leave the UMC Conference in a bind. Effectively half--HALF-- of the churches in the conference disaffiliated this past year. The conference has shrunk by HALF. When I call it a "divorce," it's a FUCKING DIVORCE, y'all. We used to draw almost the bulk of our ordinands from Asbury Seminary in Kentucky, who also threw their lot in with the conservative GMC. All those ordinands, gone to their parallel conservative denomination.
Thus, it makes sense that the incoming class of loyal UMC ordinands is so anemic. Our biggest churches and our biggest seminary defected. That leaves the now largest contingent of ordinands coming from the historically more liberal/progressive schools of Perkins School of Theology and Duke Divinity, along with a smattering of other progressive mainline seminaries. Those schools tended to be more exclusive in their selection of prospective M. Divs. Those schools also don't have nearly the size of online schooling programs that Asbury had, nor were they as affordable.
So the expensive, exclusive seminaries are all that is left. Honestly, for just being through a divorce, those numbers are damn near miraculous. The Texas Conference practically built all of its prestige and power on the bases of its ties to Asbury and Woodland. With those gone, it is a shadow of its former self.
Like I said. Bleak.
And thank fucking God, because this is the wake-up call that the conference needs.
For too long, it floated on its inflated numbers, filled with people who were, let's face it, evangelicals in Methodist clothing. These were culturally conservative white people, only Methodist in name, who had more in common with the Southern Baptist Convention than the movement started by the Wesley Bros. I'm not going to play the no-true-Methodist game too much, but seriously, this divorce was long overdue, because it was un-fucking-tenable. These were people who sat around in open meetings talking about how they had to "take back" the church, and stand up for "traditional, orthodox beliefs." Chief among them, of course, is that we ought to treat LGBTQ+ folks as second-class citizens. We had been fighting them since the UMC's inception.
They finally left, along with all their people, their churches, and their money. Good fucking riddance.
I've long been of the opinion that the church has needed to die in order for something good to come out of Christianity. We are in need of a resurrection, and I mean that literally. I think the institution of the church is a desiccated skeleton of itself. There needs to be an actual fucking reckoning in the church with what it believes, how it acts, and how it composes itself. It is my honest belief that the UMC ought to destroy its Book of Discipline, it's governing rulebook, and start over from scratch.
If it's going to do anything good for the future, if it's going to actually foster real community and solidarity with marginalized people. It needs to become a full-throated partner with LGBTQ+ folks who have been left out of the church. They need to repent of the harm they have caused, and step forward into the future, and the future is queer as fuck.
So is it a bit sad that there are so few ordinands? Yeah, a little. But it's a start. I hope the church gets it's shit together, and learns it's lesson. It's better to be small and loving, than big and bigoted. It's better to be meek and to stand with the oppressed, than to be rich and assimilate with the empire.
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stmaryredcliffe · 1 year
Sermon on Mothering Sunday 19th March 2023.mp4 from St Mary Redcliffe Church on Vimeo.
Preached by Becky James, Ordinand
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thebuddhistcentre · 2 years
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𝗪𝗼𝗺𝗲𝗻'𝘀 𝗽𝘂𝗯𝗹𝗶𝗰 𝗼𝗿𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗹𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗠𝗲𝘅𝗶𝗰𝗼 Friday 21st October 2022 Watch the live stream 👉 http://thebuddhistcentre.com/live
Join us in the lovely retreat centre of Chintamani in Morelos, Mexico. Eight women will be ordained on the retreat (names below), accompanied by their preceptors and other dharmacharinis.
The public ceremony is at 12pm (local time) on Friday 21st October.
USA PST 10:00 | Mexico 12:00 | USA EST 13:00 | IE & UK 18.00 | Europe 19:00 CET | India 22:30 | Australia AEDT 04:00 (next day) | New Zealand NZDT 06:00 (next day)
Ordinands: Paola Valdivieso, Tania Dulché, Carolina Seminara, Lucía Martínez, Silvia Calderón, Fabiola Caamaño, Vanesa Correa and Carmen Valle
Private Preceptors are Dayachandra, Jñanadakini and Saddhajoti
#Ordinations #Buddhist #Triratna #Commitment #Chintamani
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paulistfathers · 3 years
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#Ordinands Mike Cruickshank and Rich Whitney lie prostrate before the altar during our #OrdinationMass on May 22, 2021, at @stpaultheapostlenyc. To watch a replay of the Ordination Mass, please visit: http://paulist.org/Ordination Photos by @photo_tobia. (at Church of Saint Paul The Apostle, NYC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPdbGWhLpop/?utm_medium=tumblr
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scoopexplainsit · 7 years
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Littermates reunion this weekend! @missouriepiscopal #ordinands
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superangsty · 3 years
20,55, and 92!
20. Are you religious?
I’m like not NOT religious like I grew up Christian but we stopped going to church when I was like 12 and I feel like I believe in Something but the idea of god I like the most is like in The Colour Purple or in Jeffrey (1995) when they describe god as the really kinda mundane things and interactions like that stuff always makes me cry idk. I am very much like. Doing a degree in theology bc I needed some way to Explore religion without having to actually Participate in it idk if I think about my own personal faith it’s just like Too Much yknow
55. Most used phrased?
Literally probably just like ‘idk/I dunno’ or is innit a phrase or a word bc I use that a LOT. I don’t really use phrases much anymore I guess? Or don’t notice myself using them? BUT here’s a fun story when I was 15 me and my friend were watching Star Trek and we said ‘Doctor McCoy more like Doctor Sick Burns’ and then all through 6th form literally when people said anything vaguely insulting me and my friends would go ‘oooooo doctor sick burns’ and later just ‘DSB’ so there you go I guess. There’s some free backstory for ya
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so what are they?
Oooh I think about it sometimes and it changes a lot but I’d probably name one Carlos after my grandfather (if none of my cousins use it first) but besides that idk… probably really gender neutral names not just like ‘girly names that can be shortened’ but names which could be literally anyone OR I’d give my kids really stupidly pretentious names like Algernon and Persephone or something just for funsies
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