#order can't tell Ori what to do
embras-grace · 11 months
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Ori's voice: I'm going to make their life a living hell
Anyway so excited for the future updates 👀
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fantasyinallforms · 1 year
Alright, we've got to talk about this scene because for a scene as short as this one, it packs a huge punch! They manage to cram a frankly impressive amount of information into less than a min. This will be a long one so strap in and let's start at the very beginning, right after Ori asks, "What about Bilbo?"
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Up until this point, we have only ever heard Thorin's voice crack once. Just once, and that was when he thought that he missed his chance to enter Erebor. A huge defining moment in this quest. The second time was right here when he said, "Give him more time." Please note how Thorin is standing. Hands pressed together and head bent, his back completely turned to the mountain. He doesn't even turn his head until Balin utters the word "Killed".
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Now Here Thorin says, "You're afraid." He does it in an almost accusatory way and directly after Balin finishes his above sentence. I truly think this is because he has been sitting here dreading Bilbo's fate for hours. This, combined with the dragon sickness that's starting to take hold, wreaking havoc on his psyche. In this moment, the lines between Bilbo and the treasure are getting blurred. His face is a picture of discontent and fear. So in usual Thorin fashion, he lashes out. He voices his fear to Balin as an accusation. I don't think anything articulates how bizarre Thorin is acting more than the below gif.
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Balin fully leans away from him in shock, eyes searching this face before going on to say that he fears for him with tears in his eyes. Thorin is at war with himself. He's at war with the growing greed pumping through his veins, and how much he cares and worries for Bilbo. His love for Bilbo is winning because he is desperately forcing himself to detach Bilbo from himself. They go out of their way in the next 13 seconds to tell us that multiple separate times! I will break those down for you now.
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Let's start here with this line and how it's said. Time and time again, clearly on and off screen, Thorin has shown his regard for Bilbo. The handful of time we see is not enough to invoke this strong of a reaction from Balin, a Dwarf who has known him his entire life. Would not hesitate is a powerful choice of words. Think of the things you would not hesitate to save from death or destruction. They're all things you love, things you can't live without. That is what Balin is implying Bilbo is to Thorin. Balin knows the depth of Thorin's affection.
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And here we have the response and the third time we ever hear Thorin's voice crack and stutter. He chooses to call him "burglar" and forces the words out through his teeth like a curse, like he's fighting something. The statement in and of itself is an obvious lie. He has risked his life for Bilbo multiple times. The trolls, the cliffside, even when Bard threatened them, and he practically glued himself to Bilbo's side.
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That brings us to this moment. This is right after the dragon's roar. The look of pure panic at Balin's words. He looks at the door, and the battle between Bilbo and the Arkenstone flips to Bilbo like a light switch. In this moment, Bilbo is more important. He rushes through the door into fiery danger, and the relief in his voice when he sees Bilbo, is clearly audible. Now we all know in the next scene, he holds Bilbo at sword point, and it flickers again. After that, however, Thorin's sickness seems to reconcile Bilbo and the treasure as one thing. Why else would he give him the second most valuable thing in the hoard? Treasure can't steal treasure.
I do have a theory that if Bilbo had revealed the stone, Thorin would not have been upset. It was only when he gave it away that it was deemed betrayal in the highest order.
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brainrotbabe24 · 19 days
Okay HELLOOO so i wanna request Thorins company with a reader who is very feminine and pretty and stuff, but simultaneously very bossy, assertive, dominant and likes telling people what to do and stuff?? If that makes sense lol
Have a good day/night!!!
HI!! This was such a fun one to write! I'm not sure if it answers the questions correctly, but I just got lost in the sauce with this one and went crazy, lol 💖😂
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Balin: Balin admires your assertiveness. He finds it very fitting for you to be in command with your no-bullshit, bossy attitude. Balin would regularly turn to you for support, and he always trusted your honest opinions. He saw you as his advisor when he advises Thorin. Plus, your appearance only adds to your ability to persuade others…who could say no to those beautiful eyes. To him, you are a double threat—both in personality and looks—who can command respect and loyalty from anyone.
Dwalin: Dwalin is in love. The moment you started leading the group and demanding respect, he was captivated. Not to mention, your looks took his breath away. He loves a dominant, commanding presence who can lead a group, demand attention, and know their way around a weapon. *wink wink* Dwalin will always have your back, just as you have his. To him, you are an incredibly capable person.
Óin: Oin is glad you can handle yourself. The second you joined the group, he feared you might need constant protection, but you quickly proved him wrong. You instantly became an influential part of the group, guiding Thorin's decisions, earning the trust and respect of the group, and even outshining some of the most seasoned warriors. Your presence reassured Óin that you were vital to their mission.
Glóin: Link Oin, Gloin had doubts but was quickly shut up when he saw you fight. Your skills…your knowledge… your command. You dominated the battlefield, earning his respect. Even with blood splattered all over you, you were still gorgeous. Since then, Glóin has been ready to drop everything and listen to you, knowing you are someone worth following.
Bifur: Bifur is inspired by your assertive personality. You don't address the group broadly; instead, you call out each person, demand perfection, and engage in personal, intimate conversations. You look at each one of them as their own person. He likes that you take charge while ensuring everyone is seen and valued. You inspire him and make his heart soar whenever you call out his name with a wink.
Bofur: Bofur is lost in your beauty. He can barely focus on what you say when his mind drifts to how soft your lips look when bossing around the group. How your brow furrows when something isn't up to your standards. How you let your guard down just a little when someone compliments you. His mouth goes dry, and his knees are weak whenever he's near you, lost in admiration. Sadly, your commands are lost to him.
Bombur: Bombur is scared of you. You are one wickley, intimidating person. Your commanding presence and fiery attitude make him cautious not to cross your path. However, he can't help but steal glances, admiring how the sunlight dances on your skin.  Although he is scared, he starts to think he might have misunderstood you. Maybe there is more to you than a bossy attitude—he might even start looking up to you. 
Ori: Ori finds your personality and appearance to be a sick joke. How could someone some sweet, so tender, so feminine bark such harsh orders? He is caught between feeling like he must listen to you and listening to his brother, Dori, who seems to contradict everything you say. Ori is lost but knows that all he wants is to follow you, even if it means going against his brother's wishes.
Dori: Dori is confused and conflicted about you. He feels like he should dislike you and how you boss people around, especially his brothers. But at the same time, he can't help but admire you and how you can control situations, get his brothers to listen, and cooperate. It's a love-hate relationship for Dori, as he both resents and respects your ability to lead.
Nori: Nori grumbles whenever he hears your commanding voice directing the company. He hates being told what to do. He hates how your face will twist into a smirk when he jokes with you, and you already have a comeback set up.  He hates your soft smile, and he hates that he loves hearing you say his name. But he especially hates it when he finds himself obeying your commands without hesitation. Hate is a strong word for Nori…he just hates how you make him feel. Yet he could never fully hate you—not when you look like a perfect creation of Aulë, as beautiful as Yavanna herself.
Thorin: It's complicated. Thorin constantly feels like he is competing with you, as if you're planning to undermine him at any moment. He glares, snarls, and pushes past you, rejecting your demands. Yet, there is one thing he is a complete bumbling idiot about—your laugh. The way you laugh is dangerous. It's infectious, bold, and handsome, and it takes his breath away. Despite all the tension and jealousy, when you laugh, Thorin feels safe, and all his competitive instincts vanish.
Fíli: "Yes, mommy!" Fili is utterly devoted to you. Your commanding orders make his heart race, and your beauty leaves him blushing. He often finds himself staring, and when your eyes lock, he waits eagerly for your sass —he craves it. Fili would do anything for you. He would get on his knees for you, worship you, even die for you.
Kíli: Kili can be a bit of a brat when it comes to your authority. He laughs at the way you hold yourself, demanding respect and directing the group to do things. Pfft. He practically hates it, wanting to prove that he's your equal. But when you snap back at him and grab his shirt, he finds himself caving. "I'm not listening to you," he might say, but the moment you respond with, "I'll make you listen, Kíli," he's putty in your hands.
Bilbo: Biblo is a little ass. The first time he met you, he thought you were a perfect copy of Thorin. Both of you are beautiful, alluring yet domineering and controlling. He rolls his eyes at your bossy attitude. But over time, Bilbo starts to realize how utterly wrong he is. He sees you as protective, loving, and a material figure for the group. His initial distaste and sass fades, and he soon comes to see you as his rock. He needs that when all seems to go to hell during the journey. 
Gandalf: Gandalf trusts you completely. He knows that with you around, the group is in good hands, which is why he leaves so much in the movies. Your skills and wit speak for themselves. You're quick to take charge in high-intensity situations, yet your feminine side allows for more compassionate, loving care. Gandalf wouldn't have come to you for help on this important quest unless he trusted you to keep the dwarves in line.
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sycamorre · 3 months
4 and 21 for the prompts please!
Yessss more thank you! [micro-story prompt]
4. one chance
Everything was packed for Oriana's trip up to the Sun Soul Order. The cart was loaded, and Maia was occupied with giving her younger daughter a last minute talk before she left. Meanwhile, the other two siblings were giving them space, Asta standing a bit behind Maia while Hester stood next to Cassio.
While they waited, Cassio glanced over at Hester, a brow raised. "I know you're protective of her, too. How are you feeling about this?"
Hester thought for a moment, then shrugged. "If it's her chance at getting the training she needs, then I just hope she gets to make the most of it. And I want her happy, that's all."
"You're worried about her, too."
"Always have been."
Cassio hummed, thoughful. There was another pause as Maia continued to fuss over Oriana. But after a moment, the cleric thought of something else. "You know, Ori is not the only one who can possibly have a unique chance at something new here. Your mother was telling me how you had started working with some of the fisherman back home, but you were not enjoying it?"
It was now Hester's turn to look at Cassio with raised brows. "Yes... I thought I might want to follow in our father's footsteps but, well, it just is not the same out on the docks without him."
Cassio nodded, then smiled. "You know, if you wanted to try something different, I heard from the others in the capital that the paladins are looking for new members to train up. You have grown into a very capable young man, and you have a big heart for people. I think you might like an opportunity like this." Hester seemed to want to interject, but Cassio held up a hand. "I am not saying you have to make a choice right this second. Just think about it and let me know what you decide."
21. collapse
"Run. Run as far as you can, and let me handle the others."
Ledo's legs ached, but she kept running, fueled by the promise she made. She was not sure how long she had been going at this point, or how far away she was, but at the very least she wanted the lights of the port city to be out of sight behind her.
In one arm, she held the single bag with rations and supplies that they were able to gather before leaving the ship. Ledo clung to it and the loose coat she now wore as tightly as she could, despite the pain that lingered in her wrist. In her mechanical arm, Drache was being held firmly in place despite his protests. He tried again to wriggle out of her grip, and Ledo was thankful that the joints were able to lock in place in situations like this.
"Not now. Not yet. We need to keep—GAH!"
Something in the road caught Ledo's foot, and she immediately lost her balance, tumbling into the dirt and mud. Everything she held fell and scattered around her, and she found herself nearly frozen from the pain in the moment. She was incredibly aware that her body was in no condition to be doing anything like this, but she had no choice. Pushing herself up with her forearms, groaning, she reached for the bag again, trying to rake in anything that fell out.
Drache recovered quickly from where he fell, shaking off the dirt and stones before running over to Ledo. He nudged her arm gently, arcane engines whining as if trying to speak, like he often used to when she was working herself too long into the night. "I... I can't stop... Not yet." A sound akin to a growl came in response from the tiny mechanical dragon, and he bit at the sleeve of the coat and gave it a full tug. "Ok. Fine," she grumbled, now standing. "Help me find somewhere to rest."
The homunculus took to the air, flying a bit off the road and coming back to lead her a ways out of sight, where a cluster of trees and foliage created the closest thing she could find to shelter, at least to keep anyone on the road from seeing her. In the time it took to walk to it, she could feel the adrenaline wearing off, and the weakness of her own body was catching up to her again. As she made it to the trees, she felt her legs truly give way underneath her, and her vision blurred as she hit the ground. Drache, in a panic, tried to rouse her, but without success. Instead, he took up a watchful position, waiting for her to wake up.
"I'm coming back for you. I promise."
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I spent months saving up 15 sandwich cards from a local diner so I could get a free one. Fifteen is a ridiculous number because they're too cheap to give you a freebie for ten, but whatever. I go in, I give them my cards, they give me the wrong order. I tell them this, and they refuse to do anything about it. Once they hand it over to me, they can't take it back for food safety reasons, I get that, but I tell them this isn't my order and I don't want it. They can throw it away, I'm not gonna eat it, it's not like I'm trying to scam them out of a second meal, I just want what I ordered. They refuse. They say they don't do exchanges for free meals. I demand my sandwich cards back then. I bought fifteen sandwiches in as many weeks, I earned a free one, and if they won't give it to me now I want it tomorrow. They refuse. I lost four months of progress because they fucked up and didn't want to honor their own promotion for a regular customer. This is fucking bullshit! I tip well, I've been nothing but nice to every single employee I've met, I didn't complain any of the times they forgot my fries ory drink (which I paid extra for), so where do they get off fucking me over lile this? Four months of progress down the drain, and I can't even eat what they gave me. I'm the last person to say "you've lost yourself a customer" because I've worked nothing but retail and customer service my whole adult life and I know for a fact they won't miss my business, but I'm with the boomers on this one. I didn't do shit to them, and they wasted my time and money and now I don't get to have lunch. I'm so mad I could cry. I'm so fucking sick of this tourist trap hellscape! They don't give a fuck about locals. I'm sick of the Keys, I'm sick of Florida, I'm sick of the deep south, I'M FUCKING SICK OF EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN MOTHERFUCKING PIECE OF BULLSHIT I HAVE TO PUT UP WITH! This isn't about the fucking sandwich, this goes deeper, this is a systemic problem. Nobody gets paid enough to care anymore. The quality of everything has dropped off a cliff because we're all too dirt poor to put in the effort. Office Space hit the nail on the head 24 years ago, "if I work my ass off and Initech ships a couple extra units, I don't see another dime, so what's my motivation?" This islsnd is going to be underwater in my lifetime, but the tourists haven't realized it yet, so it's only a matter of time before they get wise and it becomes a ghost town with worthless property. I need to get out of here before then. Out of the keys, out of Florida, out of America, I don't care anymore. I don't know where to go. I don't think there's anywhere safe from this scourge. I'm so fucking tired...
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beantothemax · 1 year
Trousseau fic‼️‼️‼️‼️ accidentally became more of a Harvey fic while I wrote it but oh well‼️‼️ also this one is super long, I write all these inbox fics in my notes app and they're usually 2-5 pages but this one was 7 full pages‼️‼️ that's so much‼️‼️
Claude half pushed, half threw Trousseau out of the room. The apothecary fell to the floor, staying there for several seconds as he lacked the strength to stand.
When he finally stood, the world spun and his vision blurred. Bruises littering his arms made it impossible to even hold onto something for support.
Petrichor happened to pass him in the hallway, rushing to his side to help him. She always said she would remain neutral in the internal conflicts of the Moonshade order, but it was clear she favored Trousseau.
She lead him to Harvey's office, knocking on the door.
"Your pet project got hurt pretty bad, he-" she didn't get to finish her (hurtful) sentence before Harvey tore the door open.
His eyes fell on the apothecary, quickly scooping him into his arms, "thanks for the help, Petri."
She merely nodded before walking off.
Harvey shut the door behind him, setting Trousseau down on his armchair before searching the cabinets for anything that could help. One cabinet had a bottle of water and cloths. They weren't perfect, but they'd work.
He knelt beside Trousseau and dabbed the damp cloth on his wounds. The apothecary hissed at the stinging sensation, thought it clear he was in more than a bit of pain.
"He hit my head so many times. It hurts so much," Trousseau muttered.
Bruises littered his face and temple. One eye was so swollen that it was difficult to see out of it.
Claude had harmed Trousseau countless times before, but not like this. He was cruel, but he understood the severity of a concussion and refused to touch Trousseau's head. But now...
"I'll take care of him," Harvey said coldly.
"Don't kill him, Arcanette would be upset," Trousseau replied.
"I don't care what she thinks, you're more important than Vide."
Trousseau wanted to tell him not to, to remember to keep himself safe, but he was in far too much pain to argue.
With his limited knowledge of healing magic, Harvey cast a numbing spell on him, before picking him up.
"I'll hide you from Claude, so you can recover. I have a lot of work to do so if I can't check on you, then Ori or Petri will," he said.
The Moonshade order had a handful of bases around Solistia, though Lostseed was their main one. Trousseau couldn't stay in any of them, lest they wanted Claude to find him again.
There was no base in Montwise, but it wasn't safe either. Claude knew Harvey lived there, and Oboro's unhealthy habits made him frequent the arena. It was far too risky.
The last place he could think of was Conning Creek. Only him and Petrichor visited regularly, and even those visits were infrequent. Petrichor only visited to see Cateracta, and a dear friend of Harvey lived there.
Over the few days it took them to get there, Trousseau had recovered enough to stand. He tightly held Harvey's arm and leaned on him.
Harvey hesitated, but knocked on the door. There was no one else in the world who would be as willing to help him.
"Ah Harvey, it's nice to see you," Rita smiled, "and you brought a friend, is he a scholar from your conferences?"
"I suppose you could say that. Is Osvald home? I need to see him," Harvey asked hurriedly.
"Of course, he's in his study," she smiled.
Harvey thanked her as she shut the door. Him and Trousseau walked the last few meters to the decorated cave Osvald loved so dearly.
"Osvald? It's me, Harvey," the scholar said as he entered.
Osvald looked up from his paper just in time to see Harvey descend the final few steps, with the exhausted and injured Trousseau in tow.
"Who's this?" he asked.
Harvey sat Trousseau down on the stairs before approaching Osvald.
"His name is Trousseau," Harvey started, "I've gotten myself mixed up in a horrible mess, I just need you to help my friend recover for a week or two while I get some stuff sorted out."
Naturally, that explanation wasn't enough for Osvald's chronically curious mind. Harvey groaned internally at the idea of answering all of Osvald's, sometimes scarily specific, questions.
"What kind of mess? Is it anything I can help with?" he asked.
"I- it's a long explanation," Harvey said.
Osvald thought a while, but sighed.
"We have space in the attic and spare bedding, so he can stay there. Rita can help him settle in, then you're telling me everything about this mess."
Harvey nearly hugged him and cried with relief, but he'd learned how to keep his composure.
"Thanks, Osvald. I-I really can't explain how much this means to me," he said.
Osvald smiled, "of course, anything for a dear friend."
gonna need Claude to stand in this large X I’ve painted onto the ground here. don’t mind the rope I’m holding.
SERIOUSLY WHAT TBE FUCK. WHAT RHE FUCK. HATE HIM. HATE HIM SO MUCH. god Harvey better ‘take care’ of claude and it better involve at least one gun
osvald asking no questions (at first at least) about taking trousseau in is very sweet though. yet another parental figure to add to the list (two, including rita!)
also let harvey and osvald hug. they both need one I think.
you never fail to deliver the Emotions pie this certianly hurt…
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poedameronwifey · 9 months
A true home(The hobbit Fanfic)
Chapter 10
Third Pov
It had been a few days since that night. The girls had gotten used to riding with Fili, Kili and Bofur. The boys would tell them stories from their younger days. Turns out they got into a lot of trouble. The other dwarves would tell them their stories and the girls really felt part of the company.
The only ones who were not happy about them coming along were Thorin and Dwalin. They had nothing against the girls, they just feel protective over them and want to ensure their safety not just because they are women but because they are the youngest of the group and dwarves were always protective of the adolescence. They know that they are strong but still worry. Thorin has been very distant with Lilith because she reminds him of his lost love. He feels if he remains distant, the feeling would go away but it just gets worse. He hates not knowing why she has such an effect on him.
It was currently raining and everyone was fed up. They all had their hoods up and followed the path with sombre looks. The girls however had no problem with the rain, in fact they encouraged it. Everyone was fed up at this point.
"Gandalf, can't you do something about this deluge?"
"It is raining, Master Dwarf, and it will continue to rain until the rain is done. If you wish to change the weather of the world, you should find yourself another wizard."
Bilbo looks curious. Renée turns her attention to Gandalf and Bilbo's conversation. Kate and Lilith also stopped what they were doing to listen in on the conversation.
"Are there any?"
"Other wizards?"
"There are five of us. The greatest of our order is Saruman the White. Then there are the two blue wizards. You know, I've quite forgotten their names."
"And who is the fifth?"
"Well, that would be Radagast the Brown."
"Is he a great wizard or is he more like you?"
The girls tried to hide their laughter behind their hands but were unsuccessful. Gandalf was slightly offended. Kate then just hit the back of Bilbo's head, making him look at her in disbelief.
"Pops, come on be nice. Those are stuff we think not say." She pauses for a second and turns to Gandalf. "Well, are you?" Renee and Lilith couldn't help it anymore and started laughing like hyenas.
"I think he is a very great wizard in his own way. He's a gentle soul who prefers the company of animals to others."
Eventually the conversation ended. After a few hours Lilith got very fidgety and became insanely bored. Renée picked up on this and turned to her.
"You good lils? Want me to play some music to make you feel better?" Lilith just nodded like a little kid saying yes to candy. Kate just chuckled at her while Renée took out her phone and looked through her playlist. Lilith requested a song. Renée put the speaker on high volume and pressed play.
Lilith was singing along while Renée just moved her head to the beat and Kate was humming. The others were looking at them with so much confusion. Bilbo just smiled at his daughters having fun. Kate then requested a song. One of the old classics.
Kili and Fili were so enthralled by Renée and Kate. Lilith noticed and smirked at them. Looks like their feelings are mutual. At least she doesn't have to worry about killing them and hiding their bodies. Bofur was interested in how they were able to do that. The girls then explained everything they knew about phones. The others also listened in and asked questions.
"So you can talk to anyone from anywhere at any time with that box in your hand? Amazing." Ori exclaimed with fascination, causing the girls to nod with pride.
"Not just that but you can play music from it and games. You can also take pics as memories from your adventures. It really comes in handy where we're from. We each have one. If you want we can play some more of our music." They all nodded with excitement. Renée then looked through her playlist for something appropriate and fun. She finally found one and pressed play.
The girls sang the rest of their trip. The others felt a lot better after seeing how happy the girls were. Renée played Whitney, Michael Jackson, James Brown and basically all the classics. The atmosphere changed thanks to the girls and now everyone felt a lot more positive. The Company eventually approached a ruined farmhouse. Thorin scanned the area, before turning to the others.
"We'll camp here for the night. Fili, Kili, look after the ponies. Make sure you stay with them." The group began to dismount. Gandalf wanders into the farmhouse, examining the ruin. The girls huddled together to come up with a plan. They sat away from the group.
"Okay so we need to think of something. We know that there are trolls around these parts but I doubt Thorin's going to listen to us. So we need to put a plan in place. That means girls, we need to come up with some form of distraction. Kate, what do you have in mind?" Renée and Lilith looked at her. Kate started thinking of a good distraction.
"Hmmmmmm. Well we need to wait until they are captured. We can try to keep the trolls busy until Gandalf comes back. But Dad would also need to buy us time. My guess, Thorin's going to make us stay here which gives us a slight advantage. Whatever we do, we need to make sure the others don't find out. Not even Dad."
They nodded and came up with a plan. Meanwhile Thorin and Gandalf were discussing the best move but of course he was stubborn.
"A farmer and his family used to live here."
"Oin, Gloin, get a fire going."
"Right you are". Gloin nodded in agreement, leading his brother into the woods. Gandalf locked eyes with Thorin as he went further into the farmhouse.
"I think it would be wiser to move on. We could make for the Hidden Valley."
"I have told you already, I will not go near that place."
"Why not? The elves could help us! We could get food, rest, advice."
"I do not need their advice."
"We have a map we cannot read; Lord Elrond will help us."
"Help? A dragon attacks Erebor, what help came from the elves? Orcs plunder Moria, desecrate our sacred halls, and the elves looked on and did nothing. You ask me to seek out the very people who betrayed my grandfather, who betrayed my father?
"You are neither of them. I did not give you that map and key for you to hold onto the past."
"I did not know they were yours to keep."
Gandalf scowled at Thorin and turned around, angry with Thorin. He passed Bilbo, tending to the horses. Bilbo seemed confused.
"Everything all right? Gandalf, where are you going?" The girls looked up to see Gandlf stalking away. They tried to call out to him to stop him but no luck.
"To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense."
"And who's that?"
"Myself, Mr. Baggins! I've had enough of dwarves for one day."
Thorin stepped out of the farmhouse, glowering after Gandalf. Lilith marched up to him. Renee and Kate didn't even stop her, sending glares his way.
"Come on, Bombur, we're hungry."
Bilbo turned to Balin.
"Is he coming back?"
Not even Blain knew the answer to that, making Bilbo even more worried.
"What the actual fuck is wrong with you? Were you dropped on your head as a baby? Are you so prideful and thick headed that you won't even go to the elves for help? They could help us figure out the fucking map but no, you let your pride and ego get the best of you. You are such a selfish asshole." Thorin stepped closer to her with a glare but that didn't scare Lilith. Renee came up to them while Kate walked to where her father was.
"You have no right to speak to me like that. You understand nothing. You are nothing but a child. You shouldn't even be here." Lilith just glares right back at him. She wasn't scared of him. She's dealt with assholes like him before.
"Do you think I give a fuck? I really don't. I'm not scared of you. I've dealt with enough dipshits like you, I'm practically a pro at this point. You think that just because you are some king, you can speak to me or anyone like that? I don't care if you're a god or deity. I wont let you disrespect people when you don't get your fucking way and act like a child. You think we've had easy lives? No we haven't but you don't see us acting like a toddler who just got his favourite toy taken from them. You're the one who doesn't understand. And we aren't children, We're 23 fucking years old." Lilith looked like she was on the verge of tears but she still stood her ground. Renée put her hand on her shoulder and pulled her away from Thorin.
"Lilith that's enough. He'll realise the decision he's made and he will come to regret it. Go sit down now and cool off." Lilith nodded and walked to find a nice and comfortable place to cool off. Renée then turned back to Thorin.
"I hope you realise that you just put us all in danger. We tried to warn you, Gandalf tried to warn but you are too fucking prideful to listen. So don't say we didn't warn you when things turn south. We aren't your enemies so stop treating us as if we are. We're just trying to help you. Now I'm going to make sure Lilith isn't plotting your murder because knowing her, she most likely is. We won't bother seeing as we're such burdens on your quest so we ask that you don't bother as well. Thank you." Renée was calm the whole time and Kate knew she was very angry.
The entire camp was silent and in shock from Lilith's screaming match. Kate and Renée walked to her and did their best to not let her kill Thorin in his sleep. Everyone just went on like nothing happened but Thorin could not get Lilith's words out of his head. He looked at her and for a split second he thought he saw his lost love, Elanor. When he heard Lilith's words, his heart broke a little and he didn't know why. Even now he doesn't understand why her words can have such an impact on him. He shook his head and went to talk to Dwalin. The rest of the afternoon, everyone except Bilbo stayed clear of the girls. They were afraid they might go off on them. The girls were grateful but didn't say anything. They were mentally preparing themselves for what was to come.
Lilith's POV
After the girls made sure I was okay and ,as Renée so lovingly put it, not planning Thorin's murder. I still felt annoyed. So standing up and going to my bag I brought with me everything I needed. From fresh clothes to snacks to weapons. Mom signed me up for all types of weapon training as well as self defence classes along with Ren and Kate. I sigh.
"Mom, why did you have to leave me? Leave us? I know you haven't actually left us and you are still here with us but it's hard. I miss you. So do the girls but... It's not the same. I know you have been gone for a while now and I guess I should be over it but I'm not."
I muttered not realising Dwalin was making his way towards me. I sigh and take a deep breath in. I turn to the girls and Papa.
"Guys I need to cool off. I'm going into the woods for a bit and do some things. So don't freak if you can't find me. And don't worry its not anything harmful. I'm just going into the woods to collect my thoughts. Girls, you know how to get my attention."
I told them, referring to a code that we used when we needed to get each other's attention. It was a high pitched quick whistle. For some reason we learned Morse code and we incorporated both of them. The girls and Papa nodded and softly smiled at me.
Making sure I had everything I needed in my bag I turned to the rest of the company making sure that they didn't need any help. Looking over our camp I noticed that everything was basically sorted. So turning on my heel I made my way into the woods making sure to stay clear of the directions I knew the trolls to be.
After walking for a little bit I found where I wanted to do some training. So pulling out my bow and knives and some other things I set up a target to practise on and got to work listening to music.
After about an hour of this I take a break. I'm not sweating but I am taking shallow breaths. All of a sudden I hear a twig snap and out of instinct I spin around pointing my blade at the attacker's neck.
"Lass, relax it's just me."
I recognise the voice to be Dwalin. Lowering my blade I let out a sigh of relief.
"Master Dwalin. Sorry. You gave me a fright. Thought you were something else. What can I do for you?"
"Some of the others got worried when you didn't come back. I wanted to take a leak and heard noises. So I followed them and saw you training. I must admit I'd hate to be on the receiving end. You were very good, miss Lilith."
At the unexpected compliment from grumpy pants- I mean Dwalin. I smiled feeling prideful. I smiled and said thank you. At this point we both sat down on a rock that was near to where I was training.
As we sat in silence I looked around at my surroundings. I didn't really do that before but I'm glad I am now. I notice that there is a little stream with some fish swimming in it. Around us the trees sheltered us from the wind so everything was still.
"Lassie, I have been thinking. You seem really good with weapons and fighting. How about I help you train? I think we could both use it?"
Dwalin's gruff voice brought me back. Surprised, I turned my head and looked at him with wide eyes. Shocked, I nodded with a smile on my face. Out of nowhere I heard whistling.
Lilith can you come back please. The guys are getting worried and we don't really know Middle Earth outside of The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings.
Okay I am coming now.
"Come one Master Dwalin. The girls are calling us."
With a confused face Dwalin follows me back to our camp.
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atwas-gaming · 1 year
30-something Christian gamer girl.  HUGE gaming theorist and analyst.  May also blog about theories related to other media, as well (books, movies, TV).  Eclectic tastes, I never know what I will or won’t like until I get into it.
I'm on Twitch! Stream schedule: M-Th, starts at 4:30p, usually runs 2-4 hours. Yeah, I know, lousy schedule, but it's what fits my life.
Current Twitch schedule (currently suspended while I finish Link's Awakening and Sonic Generations):
Monday: please check my About page. I do something different every Monday.
Tuesday: Sonic Generations
Wednesday: Backpack Hero
Thursday: Axiom Verge, hard mode
Check out my "game journal" tag to see updates on games as I play them. Many of these games are probably old and their fan bases are mostly dead, but I don't care, I'm having fun XD
Favorite genres: plaftormers, RPG’s, adventure, puzzle, “casual,” and Metroidvania.  And anything with a storyline that appeals to me.  Not too big on most shooters.  I don’t have anything against them, I just suck at shooters.  Solo player, mostly- my brain works like the brain of a cat, i.e., I like to repeat things until I memorize the patterns so I can “git gud,” or at least get better.  As a result, I don’t do so well when playing against the unexpected randomness of human nature. Again, nothing against it, I just suck at it.
Favorite games/franchises: Undertale/Deltarune (I include Undertale Yellow in this list and I will die on that mountain), Sonic, Axiom Verge, Zelda, Metroid (in that order). (Currently super-obsessed with UTY.)
Also Celeste, Stardew Valley, Ori, American McGee's Alice, Dark Souls, Witcher, and a bunch of others.  I’m bad at a lot of them, but I love them, anyway.
I believe that gaming is a sport and game design is art- which means both making and playing games takes skill and talent. I also believe that God is with us all the time, even in video games. So the purpose of this blog is to show all the ways that God reveals Himself in even the games we play.
I also want to encourage Christian gamers not to let other people tell them whether or not to play games, or even which games to play. God calls each of us differently. For instance, I have no interest in GTA, but if God called you to spread His love in the GTA community, go for it. It's between you and God to decide where He wants you to go. Just make sure you stay close to Him along the way.
From time to time, I'll post what I call "praise reports." These are where I brag about an accomplishment in a game- but I call them "praise reports" because I like to think that God plays games with me, and that when I get stuck, He helps me get through it. Sounds strange, I suppose, to say that God helps me with a game... But I figure, if I can trust Him with the big things, like food and money and my job, then why can't I ask Him for help in little things like beating a boss monster? (In fact, sometimes I feel like it's the other way 'round- like His help in beating a boss reminds me that He can and will help when the car breaks down or something.)
I also like to look at everything and compare it to what God says and ask, "Do I see any Biblical parallels in this?" Which leads to me saying things like, "Hylia giving up her divinity to become a human is like what Jesus did when He left heaven to be born in a manger," or "Sonic walking towards his death to take on his friends' corruption on Rhea Island reminds me of how Jesus carried His own cross to take our sins upon Himself." *shrug* Some people think it's weird. A lot of Christians says it's sacrilegious. I feel like it's just God showing Himself to the world in ways that everyday people will understand.
I am starting to use a special tag for these things: #Biblical parallels. I also have other tags for Bible references, Bible verses, etc. And I try to mark things as religious posts if they mention God or the Bible and I don't have another tag to fit them. Because I am a Christian and I do like to talk about God. But I also know that's not everyone's cup of tea.
I have four other blogs:
atwas-meme-ing, mentioned above
the-unrelated-theorist, which is nothing but Undertale/Deltarune theories. If you're into that, plz check it out.
sans-joke-book is for puns and bad jokes.
atwas-creations, which is where I will upload my fanart, fanfics, and fan games (when I finally get around to making them probably 50 years from now, but I'm working on it, anyway).
just-bible-musings, which is where I will post some of my deep thoughts about the Bible.
uty-timeline, which is all Undertale Yellow
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tithnamath · 2 months
Fictional Characters Being my Cinnamon Rolls
Hello dwarflings (and wandering travellers)! Today I thought I would yap about characters from books, TV shows and movies that I just want to put in my pocket and take home with me haha. I think I will start off with the very general and common cinnamon rolls that a lot of people have then it will get more niche, and *perhaps* more 'hear me out'.
General (in no order):
Harry Potter - Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom
Luna Lovegood - She is just so eccentric and cute lets face it. If I remember correctly (which probably isn't correct) Luna was picked on and excluded for being weird, so I have a sort of maternal instinct to protect her.
Neville Longbottom - I think this is similar to Luna where I feel protective. It's probably because I was bullied at school and relate to Neville and Luna to an extent, so I feel protective as I don't want them to get hurt like I did.
Marvel - Loki, Bucky/Winter Soldier, Peter Parker
Loki - He is Loki. Period. Although he could be seen as more of baby girl haha. But tbh Tom Hiddleston is THE celebrity crush for me so it is really biased to put Loki here.
Bucky/Winter Soldier - he's such a cutie patootie. And, hear me out now, I prefer Bucky when he is Winter Soldier than 1940's Bucky. I think it's the longer hair haha.
Peter Parker - can anyone have a Marvel cinnamon roll list WITHOUT Peter Parker?! No, you can't. Honestly, my favourite Peter is Toby Maguire as his was the first Spiderman I saw, but Tom Holland I think has the most cinnamon in the roll. Andrew Garfield is also adorable don't get me wrong! #AndrewGarfieldAppreciation
TH/LOTR - Ori, Balin, Kili (?), Sam, Pippin, Faramir
Ori - He's so timid and smol and such a wallflower with a questionable bowl cut that somehow makes him cuter. I legit get cuteness aggression when I see him haha.
Balin - I have a softspot for old people; that includes Balin. He's just lil gramps ya know. Always got the coolest stories to tell.
Kili (?) - I put a ? next to his name as I do see him as a cinnamon roll, but also a baby girl.
Sam - It's Samwise Gamgee. What else do you want me to say.
Pippin - chaotic lil dude who I have cuteness aggression 2.0 with.
Faramir - give this boy a chance to show is quality and a loving father! Let's just collectively give him a massive group hug haha.
The Witcher - Surprisingly none that I'm aware of???
Specific (in no order):
Bloodsworn Saga - Lif, Varg
Lif - I feel really bad for him cause not only he watched his father die in an unfair match, he also watched his brother get gutted while being chained on a wall (spoiler sorry). He's really wholesome and tries his best to better himself.
Breca - another cinnamon roll who I feel bad for. Getting kidnapped from his parents, and his mother is searching for him. I just want to protect this baby so much (he is 10. But anyone younger than me, even by a day, in my eyes is a baby).
The Dwarves Saga - Balendallin (I think I spelt that right)
Balendallin - I see him as Balin with one arm haha. Just another cute gramps for me to collect like a trinket.
Wow this was long (hehe). Thank you for getting through the whole post, I appreciate it.
Love you all,
Tith Namath X
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 11 months
Olberic, Cyrus, Ori and Agnea!!!!!
Favourite Thing: in love with this man's theme. we love brass instruments in this household
Least Favourite Thing: not a huge fan of monarchies but the guy's allowed to serve whoever he wants to serve
Favourite Line: i'm not super deep into his story so i'm gonna have to go with "I wreak havoc upon thee!" from when he uses Brand's Thunder
brOTP: brOTP isn't the right word for it but i love his dynamic with Phillip. certified little guy and his insanely powerful knight mentor
OTP: Erhardt i guess? i think there's some worthwhile stuff there but i'm not sure if i'd prefer it romantically
nOTP: Cyrus, on the grounds that i am a firm believer in aroace/romance averse Cyrus
Random Headcanon: he has tried thrice to ride a horse. thrice he has failed.
Unpopular Opinion: gonna have to hold off on this one because i don't really know enough about him to formulate something of that variety
Song: military marches in general, which bears with it three distinct possible options: good, good, and deeply unfortunate (in order. anyone with any knowledge of the last one will be able to tell you why it's so unfortunate).
Favourite Picture: i think his depiction in the Break, Boost, and Beyond album art is beyond fun because just:
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all of the modernized outfits are fun but Olberic gets an octopus jacket, sick shades, AND a bass. cool levels are off the damn charts
Favourite Thing: gonna sound like a damn nerd but the themes he represents. Professor Cyrus Albright is a representation of the progression of humanity as it marches ever forward (his story culminates in refuting Lucia's ivory-tower offer), and i've been carrying his final monologue with me ever since i first heard it
Least Favourite Thing: the "too pretty for his own good" bit is kinda lame. its not bad and it can be funny, but its very middling
Favourite Line: "I teach my students with the expectation that one day, they will surpass me.", because again, i LOVE the themes of Cyrus's story and that line summarizes them perfectly
brOTP: odette. just a couple of odd birds that can't stand each other but are also besties.
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nOTP: everyone. next question.
Random Headcanon: i think that he has a background both in theatre and in orchestra, and took them both as minors when he got his degree in history
Unpopular Opinion: his lack of an arc is not only not detrimental to his character, but i'm GLAD that they didn't give him one. giving him an arc was unnecessary for his story and would have detracted from what made it great (the themes. them's some tasty themes)
Song: again just waltzes in general, but also Queen from Deltarune and William Shamspeare ~ Back-Alley Bard from The Great Ace Attorney
Favourite Picture: this piece of fanart by @/meansary
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Favourite Thing: I FUCKING LOVE ORI. CAN'T SAY A DAMN THING ABOUT HER FROM AN ANALYTICAL ANGLE BUT OOOUUUGH. anyways i love the fact that she lives!!!! she's just scarcely able to turn her eyes away from the void!!! she realises that she wants to live before its too late!!!
Least Favourite Thing: no official art and we are thus limited to her sprite for design cues. alas.
Favourite Line: "So taking a step back, what Partitio did is impossible. Unimaginable. Inconceivable.", from her journal. its just. oh my god. its the moment you can see the the Moonshade Order is starting to lose its grip on her. she's in denial about it, but its these sentences that began the process of her saving her life. "I wish i had a lifetime to report on your shenanigans" and the moment Partitio convinces her to flee from Roque in his chapter 4 are both also very tasty and good
brOTP: Partitio is the cop-out answer to this one, but im also fascinated by what her dynamic with Ochette might be cuz like. symbolic representation of all the themes of hope that has seen humanity do terrible things but keeps on truckin' + person that is only beginning to accept that maybe life isn't such a curse after all is a very cool combination
OTP: Partitio by proxy. dont ship it, dont intend to ship it (partitio has some aro energy to me but hey thats just me), but i do not deny that it is certainly a thing
nOTP: no standouts in this category.
Random Headcanon: Ori hasn't had good food in years as a result of the whole "if i'm gonna die anyways, there's no point in enjoying this" mentality that was clearly trapping her in the Moonshade Order, and the first time she had a good bowl of soup was positively life-changing for her. she started trying to cook for herself shortly thereafter
Unpopular Opinion: not unpopular by any stretch of the imagination but it does run counter to one (1) person i've seen, but i think she deserves to, and can, make a full recovery. no shade on the person who wrote that super cool fic in which she was tormented by hallucinations of her brother and said in the fic description that they didnt think she'd recover, but that ain't for me
Song: she's so No Children by The Mountain Goats coded. there's always one guy
Favourite Picture: this delightful number by @/nicandragon, specifically the one in the bottom right corner
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it's a very... vivid and evocative depiction of the final moments before she nearly dies, and there's a kind of beauty in that.
Favourite Thing: the Song of Hope! it was a fun detail to make the choices you made throughout the journey show up in her chapter five, and it's like. such a fun thing to incorporate into her story. i love it when characters create art (also the track itself is a banger)
Least Favourite Thing: the pitch of her voice has lost me a little as time has gone by, nothing major but it's not as charming as it used to be (this is NOT a statement about the accent thing. that bit is fun)
Favourite Line: "Dreams aren't good for nothing" was just a fun line, but "The stars... they're all gone" was delivered EXTREMELY well, so i'm giving it to the latter
brOTP: she and Throné have a very fun dynamic. not much to say on it, it's just fun
OTP: hikari? i guess? dude there's ships that i sorta accept into my headcanon of the story but dont touch and there's ships that my mind obsesses over for decades, and this is neither of those. it's a choice i selected from a drop-down menu.
nOTP: also no stand-outs
Random Headcanon: she does take Throné to her village for the next raspberry festival, as mentioned in their Agnea 5 travel banter
Unpopular Opinion: is a great vehicle to get across the themes of the story, but doesn't do it with nearly as much finesse as Cyrus, but still doesn't have a clear arc, and her character suffers a bit as a result
Song: on vibes and vibes alone, Voice Like A Bell by Gregory and the Hawk
Favourite Picture: strangely enough, it's actually this modern au design for her by @/hanpaopaoo, simply because it does such a good job of maintaining her key design features, silhouette, and colour scheme while also being undeniably modernized
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throne-anguis · 1 year
There is something hilarious about the idea of Temenos and Crick being the go-to guys to just drop off Moonshade Order Members at.
Like at first it was just Kazan and then Ori and oh okay I guess every single Moonshade Order who didn’t die is now in the apartment. It’s so awkward and this is a two person apartment and the original residents are dating and low-key the mood keeps on getting ruined by surprisingly Ori.
It 100% doesn’t help with Temenos looking sketchy as hell to his bosses but it is hilarious and leads to funny scenarios.
(Oboro: Hey Temenos so bad news, your non-official bosses tried to come in so I went and pulled the fire alarm in the building and microwaved the instant noodles without water so that something is actually on fire. Don’t worry, I framed your landlord on the arson, he’s an asshole and low-key I think he may be slightly homophobic so run his name through the Metaverse later.
Temenos: I’m sorry what?
Ori: Hey Temenos I turned on the sprinklers so there is no longer any fire.
Temenos: WHAT!?
Ori: I also threw out your wooden duck. Ducks shouldn’t cost $300. Me, Oboro, Tanzy, and Trousseau all think so and then I went and asked Ritsu who isn’t even apart of the Order but it was a good idea to kidnap him too but he thinks right.
Ritsu: Hi Temenos, it’s Ritsu. I managed to get them out through the fire escape but Trousseau may have went and punched your landlord in the face. We stopped the fire don’t worry and before you asked yes I went and put all your papers into Ziplock Bags. Trousseau won’t spill Purple Soda on them. I saved your duck and Ka- Oboro just went and got all of us out of handcuffs. Also Ori is right your duck fucking sucks.
Temenos: What!? When can he do that? And stop talking about Quackers!
Ritsu: Ugh Temenos, Quackers? Really? And Oboro knew how to do that since me and Hikari were 14! He got bored and handcuffed himself to Rai Mei during that time to see what happened and he had to get himself out after all of us found out that her exam date was today and not tomorrow and that the key was swallowed by Mikka’s Chicken.
Temenos: Oh my god he could have gotten out at any time-
Ritsu: Yeah whatever I’m taking Crick’s car by the way and I’m driving.
This is absolutely chaotic and it shouldn't be any other way. The Moonshade Order members are slowly becoming an awful annoying family to poor Temenos and Crick who just want to be gay in peace. Crick is too mean to say no and Temenos (although tired) welcomes the chaos despite his actions.
When they're left alone Oboro becomes the parent here lmao. He's already taken care of Ori alone he has enough bad experience.
Ritsu has got to tell them all dumb stories about Hikari to make him look bad (while in fact they are all stupid reasons because Hikari has pretty much never done anything wrong in his life). That dumbass has been childhood friends with Hikari though so he's seen young Mugen too.
(Ritsu: Did I tell you guys about the time Hikari beat his brother in Smash he threw a chair at him and raged for like 3 hours. He didn't win once.
Ori: Skill issue.)
I can't remember Ori's canon age and I think she's supposed to be 17 or 18(?) but I always interpret her as a mentally ill 14 year old. She has to be besties with Trousseau and definitely made him drink the grimace shake.
Crick has to build a fortress around Quackers after the incident to save Temenos.
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adair-kiba · 2 years
(copy/paste with some extra bits from my twt circle, very short Ori story)
When Ori was old enough to start understanding that he had a father but he's not alive anymore so he can never meet him, it sparked so much curiosity about who he was!
Adair started telling him stories of their adventures together at bedtime instead of fairy tales, and Ori wanted to know what he looked like, and what it felt like to spend time with him. Adair said "He looked a lot like you, but without the scales or tail. And he was the friendliest person you'd ever meet, always smiling and encouraging others to be their best!" but Ori kept asking, saying he wished he could see him for real.
So Adair thought an outing was in order.
As a first stop, Adair took him to the memorial overlooking Ishgard, and told him how it was his father's favorite spot. Ori could feel the wind cutting through his sweater, but he did like how small the city looked from so far away. He understood the spot must have been special to his parents and felt a reverence for it.
"Is this where father is?" Ori asked, eyeing the tombstone.
Adair hesitated for a moment. "In a way, maybe. This place was his favorite spot to come think. And now, it's where people who loved him come to think about him."
Ori looked down and the flowers next to the stone, absorbing his dad's words.
"If you mean to ask, 'Is he buried here?', no, he's not. His body was laid to rest in the Fortemps family mausoleum." Ori looked up at Adair quizzically. "But I like to think," Adair continued, "your father lives on in the hearts of the people who loved him. The soldiers you'll meet today, Grandpa Edmont and your uncles, the Haillenarte siblings... and you and me." Adair looked down at Ori's awestruck face with a kind smile.
Ori thought about this for a long moment, holding onto his dad's tail when a particularly strong gust of wind nearly had him lose his balance.
Adair barely caught Ori's small words over the wind "...but I still want to meet him."
He knelt down, pulling his son into a proper hug. "You can't meet him face to face," he said, looking into Ori's now teary eyes. "But you can get to know him by spending time with people who loved him. Ask questions about him, many would be happy to tell you stories." Ori beamed at that idea, sniffling his tears away.
So Adair took Ori to visit Camp Dragonhead and pointed out the portrait hanging there. He encouraged him to talk to the soldiers, many of who still remembered Haurchefant as if he was just there yesterday. Ori was excited to meet so many people who remembered Haurchefant as a friend! The soldiers perked up at having a chance to talk and play with Haurchefant's child as well, and the chilly stone hall radiated a lighthearted warmth.
In the coming months, Ori kept asking to go visit his dad's picture every day. Adair or Edmont or sometimes Emmanellain would take him whenever they could. He'd have a nice time making friends with the soldiers there and eventually became like a little mascot for them.
Then one harsh winter Ori caught a terrible cold and couldn't go visit his father's picture and friends at Camp Dragonhead for quite a while.
As a friend of Adair's from Scion business, Alphinaud had heard of how much Ori loved to visit his father, and he sketched Ori a picture of Haurchefant that he could keep in his room while he was recovering. The soldiers from Camp Dragonhead sent him little gifts too, wishing him well.
When he was well enough to come visit again, the soldiers hosted a big dinner just like Haurchefant loved to have, full of music and warm drinks and laughter. Ori had a blast! And Adair felt like Haurchefant was right there beside him, sharing in their son's joy, and Adair's.
(idk enough about kids to know how old ori should be here. do kids understand death and people existing before they were born by 3 years old? or is that a more difficult concept? I'm kinda imagining him at about 5 or 6 here, old enough to be curious about the world and people..? as of post endwalker he's just turned 3, so this is quite a while after that probably. he's been to camp Dragonhead before, but was always too enchanted by the chocobos to learn much about the people around him.)
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ALRIGHT NOW ITS TIME FOR MY FAVORITE COPING MECHANISM, DENIAL! Au Final things! It's been set up like tragedy but by God they will get there happy ending!
- First off because no one died in this Au the original people who saw the sign with the code are still around, most importantly Apo who I firmly believe would remember that number, so Ori definitely still falls into the lab but instead makes a bet for his friends full freedom. If they get out of the maze, all together, then they get to walk away fully, no strings attached. (This is vague but what I'm working with right now)
-So our group heads into the dark maze when the lava rises and they make their way into The Trails
-When crossing the initial Bridge they have Bek and Kyle Led with Owen and Magic in the back to keep an eye out for anything sneaking up on them and also to make sure everyone is there
-Krow's comment about remembering the outside world being darker is heard by Soup who promises to take him to a beach once they're out
-Reddons absolutely steals the beer from that chest while playing dumb about what hybrid they could be talking about
-Meeting Crazy Spell Nick in that water cave goes even worse because instead of 8 there's 18 and the cave barely fits them. Oeca I'd the impatient one who decides to just try and swim through
-Now since Owen never tried to kill Krow he didn't cut its arm off so... While swimming past the creature Acho almost gets bit by it but Krow pushes him out of its path getting its own arm practically bitten off
-Guts continues her life as a strongest woman around and carries both Krow and Bek on her shoulders up the rope since there both injured
-In the sacrifice room there's lots of arguing about who should stay. Ori is horrified but adament that he should stay, Soup says she should stay because she doesn't think she can fit in the outside world, Mohwee offers to stay since he believes both Soup and Ori would be better at ensuring the group as a wholes survival, in the end Owen stands on the pressure plate and orders the others out.
-Rasbi and Apo demand he come with them, they'll find another way, there's always another way. Owen tries to explain that it's fine that of all of them he deserves to escape the least and Rasbi screams at him that she doesn't care, he doesn't get to break up fruit trio like this. Ori pleas with Owen that he'll stay but Owen won't budge and says they should say their goodbyes since they need to leave. He has to get Kyle to drag Ori out of the room. Bek gives Owen her sword insisting that if anyone could get out of this it's him. Gracie firmly tells Owen that she's ordering him not to die and to catch up with them as soon as he can. He salutes just before the door closes, saying goodbye with a quick, yes ma'am.
-They hear the explosion through the door but Magic insist he's he fine, no one argues with her. They don't want to voice the only other conclusion
-Camping in the Mushroom Room is the first break the get and everything catches up with them pretty quick. Apo refuses to talk about Owen or really talk at all till Reddons drags him into a conversation with Mohwee and Rasbi about Maze theories since they're almost out, he insist they place bets on what they'll find at the end
-Soup cleans up Krows arm injury, amputating it, and Acho thanks him for the save. It and Kyle have a good heart to heart here as well, saying some long over do apology that are sincere this time
-Squidney, Spidey, and Ayngel drag everyone into campfire songs to cheer up Gracie and Magic
-Guts has a really good singing voice
-Oeca doesn't sing but does awkwardly pat Gracie on the back in his own form of comfort.
-Ori goes off to his own mushroom, his deal weighing heavily on him, Bek sits beside him and without prompting Ori says he can't explain but that he messed up. She reassures him he didn't, firmly stating that they're all doing the best they can and even if he made a mistake they'll be by his side to help him pick up the pieces.
-Krow is still the one to display its memories and has a meltdown but everyone is silent in shock after the visions end, and with no harsh words to lash out at it just breaks down screaming about how it did what it had to do. It was it or them, Krow had to, they have to understand it didn't want to hurt them but, it had to. It didn't want to hurt anyone.
-Ayngel interupts Krow's spiral by pulling him into a hug, ignoring how it digs its claws into her reflexively, and promises him they understand. Soup assures him that plenty of them have done bad things. Reddons cracks a joke about being the court jester to Krows empire when he takes over as the one true dragon born. They feel ok when they finally open the door, ready to move forward.
-The mood is ruined when the Watchers burst in and suddenly start ordering them around. Though they can't really fight all of them they still scream and argue, and in Krows case bite, when they try to drag Magic away. They swear they'll get her back and she yells for them to be careful. Still they're separated.
-A momentous occasion for the audience, almost an entire cast leaving the Maze, such a shame about that disgraced war General though, so close.
-Bek is horrified to step out out on that stage to find this whole time she has been a star and now the idea is sickening
-Apo furiously yelling about theories and ideas he got wrong
-Oeca definitely tries to argue his simulation thing was close enough to win the betting pool to Reddons who insist that technically Acho won with his lab rat science experiment bet
-Kyle shielding Acho from everyone's staring eyes
-Mohwee and Spidey getting so angry right away that Squidney and Guts forcibly hold them back from attacking the announcer or the audience
-Ayngel stopping Krow from doing the same
-Gracie and Soup going into numb shock and just sitting down and staring, not saying anything at all
-Rasbi has a full blown panic attack on the stage overwhelmed by the yelling and cheering and Ori calms her down
-Meanwhile Magic stand before her father again, stronger but not they way he wanted. She demamd she and her friends be let go and he spills the beans on Ori's deal, noting that they were in fact, 1 member down. Magic argues that he knew someone had to be left behind and set them up, and he agrees saying that he rigged the bet in his favor, something he hopes she can understand. Magic starts talking about how she's better than him, stronger because of her compassion not weaker. He begins to point out her failing as leader of clearing 2 and belitting her for getting Ash killed. Before Magic and argue though Owen comes out of a vent in the wall, furious and ready to defend his friend.
-Owen after letting his friends leave searched around the room for some sort of out, trying to brute force his way back the way he came but instead finds a floor grate hidden under some carpeting. He uses the sword to force his way through and starts to climb through the vents to find his way back to the others. Hearing Magic yelling through the vents he follows her voice to the office.
-They either kill him or get him to agree to letting them go, unsure which direction I like more but result is the same, they leave this place and head out into the world with nothing really on them.
-This got really long and I need to sleep so after maze life tmrw because, wow things will not be the sane after this realization about the maze.
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lassiekitsune · 2 years
Fili x Werewolf!Reader «Forest music» part 1
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Description: Fili and Y/N are in love with each other but can't admit it. And one day, they get a chance to be alone and talk about their feelings.
Warnings: fluff, Werewolf!Fem!Reader, Kili teases his brother, Fili is a SWEET BOY! 🥰
Author: This is my first story on this blog, I hope you enjoy it! :3 I'm sorry for my grammar mistakes. GIFs are not mine! The idea for this story was taken from my Instagram (I indicate my Instagram account not for the sake of popularity, but so that I will not be accused of plagiarising ideas):
Imagine: Y/N is a werewolf, and he hears beautiful music in the form of a wolf. Together with Kili, she goes to the forest, where they find Fili (she's in love with him) playing the violin: «– Wow! Fili, I didn't know that you can play the violin! Sounds so beautiful...» «– You still know little about me, Ghivashel~ (treasure of all treasure)»
~Let's start~
Thorin Oakenshield's Company continued their way to Erebor. The sun was reaching the middle of the sky, it's meant that soon Thorin would announce a lunch break. Y/N was walking beside Fili, she wasn't part of the Company. Thorin agreed to take her only because Y/N knew the short and safe ways, also she is a werewolf on neutral side (like Beorn) so she could protect herself and the Company
– The sun is getting warmer today, isn't it? – Fili asked. Y/N looked at him with her wolf eyes and weakly waved her tail in agreement. They went on this for about half an hour, until Thorin announce loudly:
– Let's stop here for dinner! Fili, Kili, bring branches for the fire! Bombur, get the cauldrons! Bofur and Ori, go get some water! Y/N and Dwalin, catch some rabbits for dinner! – And the members of the Company went to carry out the orders of Thorin Oakenshield. Y/N and her partner easily handled the hunt. Returning to the camp, where the water had already boiled on the fire, all the dwarves talked to each other. Fili sat on the log watching Y/N having become a human, gives the rabbits to Bombur and sits down to rest
– Hey, brother! Are you alright? – Fili looked up to see his younger brother Kili standing next to him
– I'm fine... – Fili said quietly, it was unusual to see him so... confused?
– Are you sure? Because you only look at Y/N and you don't notice anyone else. You know, if you love Y/N, you should tell her – Kili started teasing him
~Y/N's POV~
I was a little tired from the hot sun and the long way, so I decided to rest under the threes. Although my companions preferred to see my human form rather than a wolf form. But, I adored my beautiful, white she-wolf. At the point, I heard Fili getting mad at his brother
– Oh, shut up Kili! I'm not in love with her!
– Just admit it! – I pretended not to hear them and kind of walked away. But, my curiosity got the better of me, and I wanted to eavesdrop on what Thorin's nephews were talking about. I became a wolf form, and hid in the bushes, not far from Fili and Kili
– I can't confess my love to her, I just can't!
– Why? Is it so difficult? – Kili asked. I am confused, for what are they talking about? Does Fili want to confess his love for some she-dwarf? I fell in love with Fili from the first time we met, and now he wants to confess his love to someone else? Well... Maybe it will be better that way. Fili can't fall in love with me, can he?...
– You don't understand, brother! When I look at Y/N, it's like I'm seeing the most precious stone! She's so beautiful, I love her! In the form of a human or in the form of a she-wolf, she's still amazing! – Wait, what?! The girl Fili has crush on, is that me? I never thought Fili would love me back, but now... My thoughts were interrupted by Bofur
– Y/N? What are you doing here? – Kili and Fili turned to us
– Y/N? How long have you been here? – asked Kili. At that moment, a blush began to appear on Fili's cheeks. I turned and ran away, I really needed to be alone and I had to figure out my feelings for Fili. But, because of my throughs, I missed dinner. The rest of the way until the evening was spent in silence (between me and Fili). Although, sometimes I noticed that he looked at me. But, when I did it, he looked away. The evening came, and we stopped near the forest...
~To be continued! 😉~
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fridge-reviews · 3 years
The Best Games of 2021
Welcome to the my personal list of games I enjoyed this year. That’s right it’s my list, feel free to disagree with me but it won’t change anything. Anyway here are the rules;
1. These are games that I’ve played and reviewed this year. 2. The only order to this list is the order in which I reviewed them, its not a top 10, these all feature because of how good I consider them to be. 3. The games don’t have to have been released this year.
With that all said, lets get into it.
Ori and the Blind Forest
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Ori and the Blind Forest is a stunning looking game but beyond that also provides a challenging experience. There wasn't a moment in this game that I wasn't thoroughly enjoying myself and so it deserves to be in my list.
Darkest Dungeon
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I was so sure I'd hate this game, all the media I'd seen about it had told me it would annoy and frustrate me. So imagine my surprise that not only did I not hate it but instead loved it! It's got tactical combat, a bit of light city building and resource management... All things I love. Throw on top a dark and dreary story filled with eldritch horror and it had me hooked.
Doom Eternal
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The sequel to 2016's Doom this game had big shoes to fill. One could argue that it failed to do that, but that was always a going to be an incredibly hard goal to attain. What Doom Eternal did do was come at the right time for me, after being stuck indoors for most of a year it was exactly what I needed to vent out a bit of pent up anger and it did so with great efficacy.
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Oh, this game... I loved this game. It made me cry several times not always from the feeling of loss but also the joy it inspired. I'm also impressed with how the developers have continued to support the game by introducing new characters (though they have now stopped doing so and, fittingly, they have said goodbye).
Chicory: A Colourful Tale
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This is a game I backed on Kickstarter on a whim, and I'm so glad I did so! While the game does touch on several delicate subjects I found that it was incredibly positive in the message it was trying to deliver.
Titanfall 2
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One of my friends badgered me into playing this game, right up to the point of buying it me because he knew I'd eventually get around to it. Well, I'm glad he did. This game was far better than it had any right to be and while the campaign may be short it definitely makes an great impression.
Metro Exodus
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I've been a fan of the Metro series for as long as it has existed (as a game) but I worried how they were going to continue the series or even if the series would continue at all. Now having played this game I actually don't want another. This game ends it all perfectly... Also it finally made me pick up the books the games are based off of.
Loop Hero
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Loop Hero was unexpected, I'd heard about it a little from various podcasts but none had really gone into detail as to what Loop Hero 'was'. Having played and completed it, I totally understand why, there's really nothing like it, or at least there wasn't. A unique concept well executed.
Dying Light: Enhanced Edition
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When I picked up Dying Light I thought I was going to see nothing more than a rehash of Dead Island. In a way I was right, but I was also very wrong, when comparing the two Dead Island feels unfinished and lacking polish. The combat is frantic and gory and the scenery... Well its just stunning.
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I've played a lot of deckbuilding games in my life, both virtually and physically. I'd like to think that it's made me something of an expert on them, though perhaps that's a bit arrogant. Griftlands is unlike any deckbuilding game I've seen before actually I can think of one game that has mechanics as in depth as this (even though its not strictly speaking a deck builder) and that's Magic the Gathering. Then this game has not just one great story to tell but four!
Normally I have little trouble working out which games will make my list, the games just... stand out to me. This year, however, I've had a much harder time of it. I've played some truly high quality games this year and I can't wait to see what next year brings! That being said... Last year I pointed out that there had been a lot of disturbing news coming from the likes of Activision, Ubisoft, CD Project Red and Rockstar. I had hoped they'd buck their ideas up but it seems that they just want to double down on the awfulness that they perpetrated and continue to do so. Thankfully there is a little bit of light in this dark time in the industry, it seems that there is some groundswell and that something like the start of a union is starting to form. I truly hope that this comes to pass, at this point collective bargaining is the only way things are going to change. I wish I had more presence online just so I could perhaps raise awareness about issues like that. Perhaps that's what I'll work on as a project next.
Anyway, that's enough for this year, I hope you all have a great time and stay safe!
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atwas-meme-ing · 2 years
30-something Christian gamer girl.  Also something of a gaming theorist.  May also blog about theories related to other media, as well (books, movies, TV).  Eclectic tastes, I never know what I will or won’t like until I get into it.
I'm on Twitch! Stream schedule: M-Th, starts at 7p, usually runs 2-4 hours. Yeah, I know, lousy schedule, but it's what fits my life.
IMPORTANT! I will be streaming Tears of the Kingdom on Twitch beginning May 12 (unless something goes wrong). I will be posting the videos on my Tumblr. In case I forget to mark something as "spoiler" or "major spoiler"- because I forgot on a few Sonic Frontiers posts- just assume that any TOTK posts I make after May 12 will be spoilery.
Favorite genres: plaftormers, RPG’s, adventure, puzzle, “casual,” and I’m still not sure what defines a Metroidvania, but apparently I like some of those, too.  And anything with a storyline that appeals to me.  Not too big on most shooters.  I don’t have anything against them, I just suck at shooters.  Solo player, mostly- my brain works like the brain of a cat, i.e., I like to repeat things until I memorize the patterns so I can “git gud,” or at least get better.  As a result, I don’t do so well when playing against the unexpected randomness of human nature. Again, nothing against it, I just suck at it.
Favorite games/franchises: Undertale, Sonic, Zelda (in that order)
Also Celeste, Stardew Valley, Ori, American McGee's Alice, Dark Souls, Witcher, Hollow Knight, Metroid Dread, and a bunch of others.  I’m bad at them, but I love them, anyway.
I believe that gaming is a sport and game design is art- which means both making and playing games takes skill and talent. I also believe that God is with us all the time, even in video games. So the purpose of this blog is to show all the ways that God reveals Himself in even the games we play.
I also want to encourage Christian gamers not to let other people tell them whether or not to play games, or even which games to play. God calls each of us differently. For instance, I have no interest in GTA, but if God called you to spread His love in the GTA community, go for it. It's between you and God to decide where He wants you to go. Just make sure you stay close to Him along the way.
From time to time, I'll post what I call "praise reports." These are where I brag about an accomplishment in a game- but I call them "praise reports" because I like to think that God plays games with me, and that when I get stuck, He helps me get through it. Sounds strange, I suppose, to say that God helps me with a game... But I figure, if I can trust Him with the big things, like food and money and my job, then why can't I ask Him for help in little things like beating a boss monster? (In fact, sometimes I feel like it's the other way 'round- like His help in beating a boss reminds me that He can and will help when the car breaks down or something.)
I also like to look at everything and compare it to what God says and ask, "Do I see any Biblical parallels in this?" Which leads to me saying things like, "Hylia giving up her divinity to become a human is like what Jesus did when He left heaven to be born in a manger," or "Sonic walking towards his death to take on his friends' corruption on Rhea Island reminds me of how Jesus carried His own cross to take our sins upon Himself." *shrug* Some people think it's weird. A lot of Christians says it's sacrilegious. I feel like it's just God showing Himself to the world in ways that everyday people will understand.
I am starting to use a special tag for these things: #Biblical parallels. I also have other tags for Bible references, Bible verses, etc. And I try to mark things as religious posts if they mention God or the Bible and I don't have another tag to fit them. Because I am a Christian and I do like to talk about God. But I also know that's not everyone's cup of tea.
I have four other blogs:
the-unrelated-theorist, which is nothing but Undertale/Deltarune theories. If you're into that, plz check it out.
sans-joke-book is for puns and bad jokes.
atwas-creations, which is where I will upload my fanart, fanfics, and fan games (when I finally get around to making them probably 50 years from now, but I'm working on it, anyway).
just-bible-musings, which is where I will post some of my deep thoughts about the Bible.
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