#orcish peril
partheniasimblr · 6 months
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Transcription below the cut
Æluin: By Sûl! She's not chained to that rock! Let's go elsewhere, Shiv!
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nirnrootic · 1 year
i wanna draw my new fella but my hands are NOT cooperating (i've tried on three occasions help) so i'll just talk abt him here—
orc dragonborn. blind, because of traumatic loss of either eye (on two separate occasions). sees by virtue of a semi-permanent, low-cost telekinesis spell that allows him to sorta. feel his way around a specific radius. has the capacity of doing this for lonnnng stretches of environment (including vertically), but this is taxing and exhausting and he'd rather keep it short unless he has reason to believe he's in trouble. tall, obscenely so, and buff, as per usual orcish standards.
his name is mortozog, or just mort for short. he was initially crowned as mortozog the perilous, but after several incidents which lead to his rejection by his clan, they were to refer him as mortozog the tailspinner.
honestly, mort just wanted a quiet life after what happened with his clan and family. but now it looks like he has the world's fate laden upon his shoulders. he prefers to be kind than not, to give people second chances, but if you violate that trust? he will tear you down to fleshy little ribbons.
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sekhisadventures · 21 days
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Garnal Blackice, Renegade Knight of the Ebon Blade
Important Stories:
Whispers of a Coming War: Garnal meets his future partner in service to the Harbinger, a pandaren woman with a dark past named Xiaren.
Sweetest Dreams, Darkest Nightmares: Upon arriving on the Isle of Dorn, Garnal demonstrates the skills he earned in service to the Alliance Military in his past life.
Steelhammer's Last Stand: After Magni purifies the Awakening Machine, Garnal and Xiaren are tasked with corrupting it anew... but are thwarted by Dareley Steelhammer. As they battle Nelen, Shalandrae, and Mola'raum come to his aid... and the troll recognizes Garnal for what he is: a traitor to the Ebon Blade.
Race: Human
Class: Death Knight, Frost School
Eye Color: Glowing pale blue
Birthplace: Lordaeron City
Place of Death: Northrend during the Third War
Residence: Currently quartered in a private area of the City of Threads with the other followers Xal'atath has attracted.
More Than A Lifetime of Warfare: Garnal is a skilled and practiced swordsman, able to wield his weapons as effectively as his deathly powers. He prefers to dual wield twin longswords over other forms of weaponry.
School of Frost: Garnal, as a Death Knight, uses the power of ice and snow to freeze his enemies solid before striking a killing blow.
Former Cannoneer to the Lordaeron Military: Though he does not often get a chance to exercise these skills anymore, Garnal is an explosives expert and can utilize gunpowder, seaforium, and other such materials to devastating effect.
Born Garnal Berkley, he grew up in Lordaeron and witnessed firsthand the heroism of the Alliance military and the Knights of the Silver Hand against the original orcish Horde and Orgrim Doomhammer. This inspired him to enlist when he came of age, hoping to find glory in military service.
Sadly for him, that glory did not come. He was recruited by Prince Arthas Menethil for their doomed expedition to Northrend in pursuit of the dreadlord Mal'ganis and after Arthas took up Frostmourne he was one of the soldiers that he killed and raised as one of his first Death Knights.
He served the Scourge for several years until the events of Lights Hope Temple, where he was among those who broke free to form the Knights of the Ebon Blade.
He was there at Icecrown when Arthas was struck down at last, but he found no satisfaction from it. Once the fallen prince was gone the Ebon Blade remained, but now they had to find a new path... and Death Knights often found that the thing they were best at was inflicting death.
Garnal fought through the Cataclysm, through the horrors of the sha in Pandaria, through the Dark Portal and the Iron Horde, against the Legion's return, over and over on and on... take down one threat and it wouldn't be long before Azeroth was in mortal peril again.
But the breaking point was their travels into the Shadowlands, where he found the truth of what came after death.
Garnal realized that, even if he did give in and kill himself, that death may well be no respite. He would likely wind up in a place like Maldraxxus, put right back on the battlefields he now so desperately wanted to abandon...
He despaired, was there no hope? Was he doomed to forever suffer the horrors and atrocities of war?
It was in this moment that the Harbinger appeared to him and made her offer.
Serve her, help her take Azeroth for the Void, and in exchange she would give him a third option. Life was denied to him, death was no peace... so she would use her power to destroy him, all the way down to his soul. Nothing left. No consciousness, no thought, nothing. He would cease to exist.
Garnal had seen so much bloodshed, had killed so many innocents as a member of the Scourge, that he accepted her offer. Whats one more atrocity if the promised end is finally at hand?
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faeriesofarcadia · 1 month
My extentsive notes for a shared Omniverse concept deadcorps(e) note still writing and comments are welcome
Ncis dead corpse: the age of calamity
(As a supplementry note after the invasion of the seven cities, NCIS reverted back to being O.N.I office of naval intelligence, but publicly still are NCIS. Privately and internally are oni)
Jackson A (log by bishop E) this old okie came to nis back when the org was in the process of moving from Washington to Roosevelt Island and the treskilion. He asked us to investigate the death of grand ol Opry member David "stringbean "akeman. Which we did and solved. What we didn't know was that the Olympian god of music Orpheus had quietly empowered Alan. Later brought in Texan George strait, and would investigate music based crimes in Tennessee. And wherever the muse sent him .he would however piece the Olympian connection later on. Also on this task force are jimmy buffet and dolly parton on occasion (Notes by Mr nobody. Investigator bishop who later transferred over to riotact has no connection as far as we know to x-men maurader black King Lucas bishop) [see logs on x.s.e. mauraders and bishop. L]
Cooper .a (known pseudonym of vernier. V is) also joining Alan's music n.i.s unit part time when a series of horror themed murders happened in Detroit, Arizona and LA. In the late 70. And late 80s. And no Alice wasn't involved his worst vice was . . Golf,
Leverage solutions (later leverage and leverage international) originally formed by ex white hat investigator Nathaniel Ford. Who got tricked into stealing priceless corp secrets. When he figured it out he went on a revenge spree. Hiring former black hat thieves and con men and women (what Ford never knew was that again the Olympians & the Arcadians of otherworld re -empowered them) Members including nate were /are orcish hitter elliot Spencer (formerly Lindsey Mcdonald). Eishu Technopath alec Hardison who understands technology better then most.half goblin shifter/Sophia Devereaux. Possible the best conartist of her generation. And Parker, a pooka who awakened the group to their otherworld heritages or at least she thinks this incorrectly (deadcorpse is not certain if its a first or last name or a pseudonym) thief . Pickpocket and all around rogue.
The Big Bad Wolf aka Mr big bad wolf [real name wolf. B] (yes that's his full real name) [log by Mr nobody] This GRIFTER speed freak of a thieving WOLF came to us in the aftermath of the war of the 7 cities. (When his crew poped up after the age of calamity And the frozen south offering his crew's services for operation : shattered doors . His crew was retrained by leverage international and its spinoff leverage jr but it seems that grifting is a universal concept. Anyways Mr wolf's crew includes Mr snake (presumably a rattlesnake) miss spider (black widow and hacker)Mr shark (who has this habit of cross dressing a lot) Mr piranha (class hitter)
Negan (unclear if its a first name or last name) [log by Mr nobody] "By his own admission. A litteral human animal. In his original universe. Pre and post apocalypse. Originaly a gym teacher somewhere in the DC district. Formed the saviors organization post apocalypse. Then it all went wrong. Power levels roughly akin to diehard (notes see diehard MacLaine J) welds a weapon he calls "lucele " negan along with former enemies turned frenemies former Kentucky state police officers colonial Rick grimes and shane walsh with the majority of survivors from his original universe crashed on our earth also the ruins of the commonwealth via the seige perilous during the age of calamity in the aftermath negan skedaddled and left , while grimes and his mob stayed as adjuncts to deadcorpse, of course the combined grimes-walsh kids Carl grimes. (Who later moved into tactical for cencom firebase norfolk) Judith-walsh-grimes, and rj grimes (who got confused for clementine's adoptive son aj) all thought the name was fucking hilarious considering the hell on their fucking former earth, everyone was isolated after the invasion of the 7 cities. To purge all traces of the zombie pathogen they had, this was done via the unholy merger of the wetware of the sr3 of project normady major kusanagis displaced mob and the majik of justice society of America DARK's j constitine.. later negan with Judith in tow much later. Rejoined dead corpse in tactical . While he joined the Hyperion explorer corps"
Madrigal M (log by Mr nobody) 'From what has been told to ncis Columbia, the Madrigal family have been paranormals for somewhere up to 500 years ago when their ancestors were granted refuge in a magical generating house called an Encanto. And mirabel. Just might be the most powerful of the current generation of the family, with her ability to "talk" to the house, and it can "open" doors for only her to every and anyplace imaginable, it's took some doing to convince the family (and agent denozo nearly beaten to death) to let our new agent Madrigal to join us. She was deathly important turning the tide during the war of the 7 cities. Saving the south during the frozen south, that first pivotal meeting between deadcorpse and clan de lioncourt and adopted clan brother ex mdpd forensic scientist (and stealth) serial Hunter Dexter morgan de lioncourt
Cube (just cube) [Log by chief shuoto]
"Cube isn't the oddest thing to pop up after the age of calamity, but they're the most note worthy, Cube is originally a slime Cube from the forgotten realms that opened after the age of calamity via the seige perilous. wearing a 1700s fencing hat, and fencing foil in a scabbard, they popped up in Suffolk litterly sliming its way to Nas firebase Norfolk. Offering its services to us as a house guard. Mostly as an anti denoza perversity deterent. Oddly enough the returned ex hades eternal legion agent David loves Cube. And weirdly enough has weekly dnd sessions at Mt thunder with agent Mcgee and major kusanagi, batou and most of the rest of her dimensionality displaced mob.cube like all slime based entities can change its shape, it's at times took a more humanoid form with small armor and a Lance. Unfortunately nis founder Mike franks did get "slimed" while screaming for Gibbs to get him out of cube
Franks m (co founder of n.i.s)
"Log by Mr nobody"
"Franks past is a complete unknown. But what is known. Is this got the younger version of lj Gibbs to join nis [formerly o.n.i] (later retconed) (afterwards Gibbs got temporally pressganged into the prototype version of deadcorpse) and stayed on until pre sept 11 2001, when nis underwent its next reincarnation as ncis. saved by gibbs cell of ncis and deadcorpse during and after the events of operation:Frankenstein and the hunt for the p2p killer, franks still serves as an officer for o.n.i, deadcorpse, an advisor to MONARCH and leison to torchwood
Gibbs L.j (co founder of ncis nova, Baltimore and Nas norfolk) [Log by Mr nobody ] "There's not much to say about Gibbs, the man tough enough to go up against a litteral GOD of the underworld in lord hades, to get our friends and family unhooked from hades legion, to reform them as both deadcorps(e) [the e was Abbys idea] and ReD sentinel. Through later on Leon started drEaD vanguard . Of course what Gibbs nor no one else knew that both the Olympian and Egyptian pantheons empowered them. This fact wouldn't be known until after millenniums assault on the seven cities part of the so called "thousand year plan" that got derailed by a massive task force. Spearheaded by the hellsing group and its undead corps + the reborn battleship girls known as kantai collection and azure lane, biostered by the remnents of a breakaway splinter faction of the former abyssnall fleet now known as the WO-yorktown fleet also red sentinel also merc groups the wild geese aka the dogs of war. Also crossfire x boistered with the aid of Paladin Alexander formerly of organization xIi (note while working on a covert joint ncis operation deep undercover as a fbi agent used the alias of "Simon kent" around the spring of 2002 slightly before the events of operation Yankee rose, after nis got reorganized into ncis. But before agents bishop & da-vid joined ncis cencom district)
(Secondary note the assignment under the Kent pseudonym ended when Gibbs was shot and presumed dead, death prevented by the kinetic shielding tech from comander Shepards parallel future). Also when the members of the lost hades legion were returned to the land of the living. Gibbs got a happy surprise with the return of all his formerly dead wives (there's a lot of em) mostly in a happy polyque. Mostly still has to deal with former dead wife 2 Diane. And formerly dead niece Emily and well t.c Farnell Gibbs best friend and enemy from time to time
(Presumed missing and dead from the original "sacred" timeline in Alaska sometime in mid 2022, before the siege perilous saved him from actions from the in universe version of roxxon oil and the horror beyond time of the serpent crown. It's not clear if the crown exists in our universe or not"
Major motoko kusanagi section 9 security services (Log by Mr nobody and deadcorpse director Abbigal shuoto )
"Originaly from a distopian cyberpunk future in 2059 X, the major and section 9 poped up at the nick of time boistering security during the age of calamity taking the fight at least cyber wise to the vampire corps of millennium, afterwards with them hopelessly stuck in our here and now. Deciding to isolate themselves in case of their tech infecting our world the response team isolated themselves in vas Shenandoah Valley near the Potomac highlands at Mt thunder. With the exception of Togusa who chose to resign section 9 and joined ncis as a secondary cyber agent focusing on cyber crimes in this to him new earth" (note at some future point to prevent the major's more evasive wetware from escaping mt thunder. Motoko's personality matrix was placed into a younger clone o.l who has no memory of being major kusanagi)
(Notes the g man did invade mt thunder. Or attempted to. With all the anti technology that section 9 has from various sources. Mostly the Normandy foundation the entity was repulsed by the major via a shotgun blast to g man's face)
(Note 2 the parallel displaced alternate version of Jay Brisco currently works as a trainer for section 9)
Voorhees J (extreme alter) (Notes by ncis/deadcorpse/section 9 probie agent tim mcgee) " now this Jason Voorhees is not I repeat. Not the one from the movies. He's very real and friendly. Unfortunately cannot talk. Is being taught sign language by abby. He's a hell of an asset in the field, he's also currently on loan to the fbi's b.a u unit (notes see criminal minds) tough not invulnerable. Uses a borrowed cyberdeck from section 9 to communicate. Codenamed "the silent man" by the fbi's b a.u unit aka criminal minds"
Jason basically is a living mountain practically unkillable a master of non firepower weapons .
Lori meyers (log by Mr nobody)
"Meyers was originally from a ruined alternate earth originaly circa 1979x (see project : time slide and operation : time quake) where a take on her beloved older brother turned into a serial killer, she somehow fell into the seige perilous and fell into our world at camp crystal lake ny, and met our future agent the silent man Jason Voorhees. Taught him sign language, and the two became unseperetable. Lori later joined the b.a.u as Jason's handler. And married. And met our version of her beloved brother. Who wears a much different mask. The current welder of an ancient artifact the Medusa mask (see jsa, roger Haden, psycho pirate) also a deadcorpse operative curently on loan to the fbi b.a.u unit (see criminal minds). Also Lori became a psychiatrist with the bau associated with deadcorpse and ncis
Lt bonano (Boston mass city pd, mass state police) (Log by leverage consultings black King Nathaniel ford)
"The lt's been an ali of ours since our relocation from LA to Boston. He's helped us when our con's got too big to handle,
Spencer E (leverage solutions co founder, leverage international co founder) (commander of various indipendent milarms)
"Log by Mr nobody"
"Spencer is an engima, but we know some of his past, formerly of Wolfram and heart, aka the wolf ,ram and heart, beyond crooked demonic hell based law firm, in his original identity of linsey McDonald. Betrayed wrh with the aid of the Hyperion group After the events of after the fall, with the aid of the 118th and riotact the situation was reversed afterwards linsey magicaly made himself not exist via the seige perilous, reborn as partial supernatural"hitter":Elliot Spencer, who has no memory of being McDonald. Co formed various versions of leverage . In this new life. Spencer ran with various merc groups and milarms prior to leverage. As a Side note Spencer has two known "berserk buttons" push them and he may go berserk. 1 as revealed in casefile "the mma job" he bottles up his internal rage. And if uncorked he goes berserk. Revealing at least that he does have a heritage in otherworld, possibly hybrid orc or troll heratage #2 he ADORES children litteraly. Hurt one in his presence and the abusers will likely pay a horrific price. Also adviser and guardian to the kids of leverage jr. After Parker's pooka madness. Elliot got some more additional "firepower" via his magi past as Lindsay
Josie (leverage jr)
(Log by very special ncis agent Anthony denozo jr)
[Grouses loudly about his never used last name]
"Anyways Josie no known last name like leverage international's black queen Parker, Josie ran interference and almost got leverage killed during "the boost job" they however got to her first and offered her a job in leverage jr as their well parker. Driver and thief in training
Trevor (leverage jr) "Log by fury"
"During leverage's op against Vero agro black King Nathaniel ford and Hardison ran afoul of a kid too smart for his own good. Trevor who basically gets a crash course in hacking and black King ism from hardison and Ford. Later joined leverage jr as its black prince"
Molly O'Connell "Log by ncis agent ziva pronounced da-vi-d and not david"
["Finally someone other than denozo who didn't mangle my name"]
"Moly was involved a lot in leverage solutions op "the carney job" unfortunately the op got blown when she got kidnapped and elliot spencer went berserk. Officially calling the op blown. Having to rescue her. This caused elliot to be hurt and badly. After the fact the original mark. Became all future iterations of leverage he'd become their benefactor from there on out, however afterwards moly decided she wouldn't be a victim anymore decided she wanted to be something akin to a tech hitter. (Gained later a set of tech bracers from the Normandy foundation and the girls of team rwby) Subsequently joined leverage jr as its hitter in training" (also noted her great grandfather was 2 fisted archeologist Rick O'Connell who quietly gave more funding to leverage solutions. After the destruction of its original la hq., and yes due to Rick and his family's encounters with an ancient immortal. Possiblly vandal savage?They're still alive and they're aeging has slowed down to nothing.so physicaly the O'Connells are stil in their 30's and have been since roughly 1932 (see o.s.s case files the mummy 1929)
Neilson A (us government agent with the secret service via the warehouse system)
"Log by Mr nobody "
"Whew you talk about deep underground agents. There's no one more underground then artie,comander of the presumed last of the warehouse systems .warehouse 13 in the Dakotas. Has a truly revolting alter in Victor dubinich. This alter of artie is litterlly his polar opposite in every single way. Murdered by leverage black King Nathaniel ford. And no leverage has not encountered artie nor the agents of warehouse 13 . . Yet" (notes after several attempts over the years pre and post the age of calamity to invade the warehouse. Security was boistered with tech from section 9 and the Normandy foundation)
Kruger f (warning not the version you'd know)
(Log by fury)
"This Fredrick j Kruger is NOT I repeat not the monster freddy Kruger. May look like him, for the most part, but he's less of a monster. Has the same power set. But he's less evil, can enter a person's dreams . Deadcorpse has officially codefaxed him as dreammaster, was taught by the jsa's Wesley Dodds the world War 2 sandman (see notes jsa, sandman, dream of the endless) curently attached to both ncis norcom as a non military dr ,and the fbi's b.a.u criminal minds unit. And yes his face has been fixed via a hybrid of advanced tech from section 9 and majik from his criminal minds agent meyers " (note resembles actor Robert england) has abandoned the Kruger name . And with permission from the Dodds estate and the jsa has assumed wes's name as a pseudonym)
Meyers m
(Our realitys version)
(Log by fury)
"Our realitys Michael meyers is a bit different then the one Lori meyers came from via the seige perilous, in that world was insane and a truly monstrous serial killer, in our world Michael wears a much different mask. In his off time works as a builder, when with us. And by us I mean deadcorpse, ncis norcom, and the unit he's with on loan to the fbi's b.a.u unit aka criminal minds. A specialist in bladed weapons. Michael is inseparable from the younger alter of his sister. Who died young in our world. As "the shape" Michael is like Jason a master of stealth and bladed weapons. Like criminal minds clanmate Chuckie '
Codename :JIGSAW
(Note not the nightmare terror you know)
(Notes by the illusive man)
"Member of the new incarnation of the b.a.u aka criminal minds "
"In this universe the ENTITY known as JIGSAW isn't a serial killer. To a point . He's the b.a.u psych evaluator . But unhinged it can get intell out of anyone. Next to comander Shepard that is. Specialty are sadistic traps and torture
Utena T
(Log by fury)
"Utena tenjou good God. Originaly from a parallel earth around 1995x. Came to ours with her mob. The student council of the mercifully defunct ohtori gakuen. Because basically their world was mostly destroyed. But due to the age of calamity the ruins of their shattered earth are now floating in shadow around earth orbit. The upside down castle is currently synced orbiting Washington. Utena has been gifted with a power called "the voice of the revolution " usually acquired from pulling her fencing Saber out of girlfriend himilya ohtori. Currently on loan to a task force code named. . . Lensmen. And the hyperion explorer corps "
(Log by fury and Mr nobody)
"If y'all thought tenjou's mob pissed me off. Meet team RWBY, originally from a parallel earth
called remnant where all the myths are real. They crash landed here just off the coast of VA beach
during the age of calamity on what they called the ironpunk steamship carrier ich ozpin the team
immediately offered it's services for defense. Of the team there's ruby rose (no I'm not kidding ford that's her real name) Short, Raven haired. But do
not underestimate her. Her scythe is a fucking killer on a par with testament Par that with
the ice speed powers of girlfriend Weiss schnee (white cross in German) and she's almost
unstoppable add her teleportation cape and she's almost a one girl x-force, and then there's weiss
cold blond and firery always argues with ruby to the point of the marx brothers,and that damned frost sword of hers add her frost powers and augmented in the winter. And you'd swore she belongs on the unseelie winter court. Making matters worse is ruby's sister (no stop laughing Spencer) yang ziou long -rose is a beast litteraly with force gauntlets that pack a goddamned punch akin to a rocket launcher. That makes her a threat litteraly and the fact she looks like she's from Texas and speaks a bizzare variant of an mainland Chinese dialect with a Texan twang. That's almost as deep as Spencer's. (In the background we hear Parker laughing her ass off) also her girlfriend Blake belladonna (absolutely no relation as far as we can tell to Remy "gambit" lebeuxs ex wife) Blake is well a catgirl. (Dear gods strike that from the official record because she'll kill us all if anyone calls her that)
Anyways her main weapon are well spectral "claws" akin to an ability maurader capt pride had prior to her second death. Also sometimes member codenamed "jinn" she's basically a genie
Albert "gravedigger" wu-han (log by cc Nash) Albert came to stay with chimney (aka hephestus) during a brief period before and after the megaquake and a year before his daughter was er littered. Later joined the Portland branch of riotact
Howie "chimney " han (log by red sentinel chief cc nash)
"Chim, there really isn't much to say to be honest. He's been the rock of the unit since the massacre, and rebirth when I took over the 118th. And this is before red sentinel. Chims been involved in some insane things. Less so then buck through (see red sentinel buckly e) and after the megaquake twice . Chim's also the liaison to the ultra busy la branch of riotact. Dragging us into that insanity. Especially after what happened to Athena which I should have seen coming twice no less (see wakanda) . And no we were not involved too much in the invasion of the seven city's during the age of calamity. We were requested by deadcorpse along with the sentinels in its aftermath and rescue and recovery efforts also due to athena's awakening as a litteral goddess. She's empowered chim as the new incarnation of the Greek God hephestus , also while on the hunt for the double of Madeline in Boston briefly joined the Boston medical corps. Also joined leverage international as its "sterling" an utterly uncoruptable agent, basically as a medical adjunct. Also After a would be sadist serial killer targeted the families of ReD Vanguard they teamed up with the west coast branch of riotact. After chimney took him down with his own tazer. Director Goodman offered chimney a slot in riotact which he accepted for their nearby enclave in pacific city (roughly where coast city is in the dcu). So chim's now riotact's laeason officer and the rest of the Vanguard also became officers in riotact under a new aegis . . . "ReD sentinel"
Athena -Carter Grant (log by zeus and lady bastet) appears to be huuuman but is of us . Twice her true Visage has been glimpsed once by members of rED vanguard another by a werewolf/zombie hybrid. What grant and the rest of the vanguard nor the sentinels to a lesser extent don't seem to recognize she is the goddess of war and victory. One of the forces empowering the vanguard and by extension the sentinels , when her true Visage is seen. She welds the aegis shield and the holy sword durandural when her true form is seen. Which so far has been only the 118th , red vanguard due to a reaction to .. . Cookies?
Nash CC (log by former section 9 and current ncis norcom officer Togusa)
"Chief Nash has suffered some absolutely horrific tragedy. Original family dead in the upper Midwest of this earth. Pre the age of calamity, moved to la became capt to the 118th corps. And then things got knocked on its head hard. Two megaquakes and a tsunami. Led the capt to believe something was manipulating events. And he was correct on his assumption it was the ancient ww2 organization millennium (no not frank blacks organization of the same name) .(See notes on x-files, the lone gunmen, millennium) Once the Olympians empowered or re empowered his future wife Athena-Carter-grant, they took the fight to millennium in va during the age of calamity.
Prince regent Lelouch vi Britannia aka
Lelouch Lamperouge (notes by various members of deadcorpse)
"Originaly the 17th in line to the crown of the alternate earth empire of Britannia. Some if not a good portion of the empire popped up during the age of calamity. First a small less then 1200 mile island clone of britania popped up about 500 miles off the coast of VA and 2 their original school Ashford gakuen has dimensionaly "obliterated " regent university which was about 15 miles south of va Beach. But the mini region around New Ashford has changed to match its original form and shape from the prince regent's original earth. But during the age of calamity. The prince regent's secret was exposed as . . Zero. This caused. . Problems mostly with his classmates. With sherly, and later empire operative lancelot aka Suzuku. This required some finesse on lulu's part to not cause another calamity. Mostly , in the aftermath of the age of calamity both the Camelot research group, and the clean energy en-vogue group are relocated to the region, Camelot to the Ashford grounds, en vogue to a private and top secret facility in the region , also our millennium agent black is deadcorps liaison for the academy, Camelot research. En vogue, torchwood and MONARCH.
Castle r
(Log by fury)
"Godalmighty , Richard castle started out as a successfull writer, as a contemporary to Alan wake (see notes on wake a, and CONTROL) with his storm front series, unti he killed his golden goose, so to speak. Somehow this attracted the attention of the nypd after a slew of ficttive killings in the real world. And being sorta kinda pressganged into being pared with det beckett his eternaly grumpy future wife.eventually married beckett. Later problems developed due to multiple alters and confusion due to said alters. Starting with an entity called "the first" which both the hyperion group and the sovereigns both thought castle was eternal goofball that he is. Another alter popped up in the form of capt Mal Reynolds the captain of the serenity class ship firefly aka hotoru from a far flung alterverse that we're codefaxing as . . . "Earth that was"and as far as we know the last alter was a cop from LA j Nolan almost a contemporary of the 118th aka red sentinel . Currently living in Nikola Teslas city of tomorrow in wireclife nj. As mentioned in the logs for closer to the sun)
Mister nobody (log by fury) "who am I? I'm no one important in any sense of the word Mister toretto. I'm nobody ' from the first time ods chief operator Mr nobody issued that proclamation to future operatives Dominic toretto and fms agent Hobbs they both knew he would be trouble, shares a physical resemblance to (see files on "snake " plisken, and truck driver jack burton") deadcorpse lists his threat potential for ongoing ops to rival operatives, negan and eversong .a to take extreme caution
Buckley Madison
(Dead sister to Buckley e)
(Log by Mr nobody)
"Madison the dead sister to the 118ths disaster magnet Evan "buck" Buckley died just after the age of calamity the stress of childbirth added to multiple disasters caused her to crack. Making her easy prey for millennium. Mercifully killed by hellsing's allucard, but a exact double of her plunged through the seige perilous and married chim. Through she looks exactly like the Maddison we lost. She's completely different a fighter through and through tough as nails, she's maddiline han Buckley or just overwatch for the 118
Evan "buck" Buckley
(Log by capt Nash)
"If folks thought chim had a catastrophic set of bad luck. Buck is infinity WORSE, born to be nothing but body parts to be harvested. Rescued by members of the unseelie court they took buck to Arcadia for 24 hours by there reckoning which was ten years in ours.popped up in la fully grown but without knowing what happened in the missing day/years. Through in Arcadia he was the queens knight . On earth has some minor abilities mostly spellcraft and chaos majik. Those skills helped during the age of calamity. And a sideways connection to the hellsing group's ceras Victoria. Who via a lot of spellcraft was re born as a day walker and resigned the main branch of the hellsing foundation, but along with buck formed the la branch of the foundation this did annoy her master Alucard slightly to work ad an adjunct to the lapd and as a guardian force to the 118 after the sniper attack . She and chief Nash delt with the deranged former swat officer. In full manifested unseelie form . Buck can create a copy of his ceremonial winter court black mass Armour with ebon blade codenamed by deadcorpse as "black mass"
"The daughter of 118th and riotact's chimney han, she grew up with a double of her [in our worlds) dead mom and her uncle gravedigger, and her uncles and aunts in the 118th.much later during the age of calamity got forcibly grown up to the age of Mae "mayday" grant (see logs mayday grant) thanks to the generational Buckley "curse" gained "luck" based talent and a code name of "wrecker" caused by exposure to the ghosts of "murder house" aka the house of secrets
Moutou Y
(Log by fury, Mr nobody and leverage black King Nathaniel ford)
" this one just makes my fucking head hurt, moaned fury, basically in the past yougi moutou was given a supposedly "unsolvable puzzle" by his grandfather, unfortunately he solved it. The millennium eye, a distant cousin relic to the lament configuration (see notes on hellraiser the lament configuration)which unleased the previously unknown ancient Egyptian gods of puzzles and . . . Vengeance. This ancient soul possessed yugi. And subsequently went on a Vengeance fuled rampage through Japan. Luckly or unluckily this happened around the time of the age of calamity. Yugi teleported to the fight in va hooking up with leverage first then the wild geese. Before trapping millenniums insane vampire leader Montana max within a cursed stack of ancient cards . The cards were then split so there was no chance of max reforming. Later the curse of the millennium eye was partially muted by riotact, hellsing and red vanguard aka the 118th
(Note in the aftermath of locking Montana max within the infinite dungeon of the eye and cards. The eye inflicted a toll and cost on yugi transforming him into a female doppelganger of his former sparing partner Tae, who knows none of this because yugi wisely stayed put at ncis cost at the cavalier, with space for them at both the rayshifted persona tower and at new Ashford gakuen)
Payne M (formerly detective nypd)
(Log by fury)
"If y'all thought the shit Alan wake went through was awful. What max went through was worse. Max was a decorated detective UNTIL his entire family was massacred by insane drug peddlers, this made max snap trying to find the cause. All roads lead to the aesir corporation. Eventually max was captured by aesir agents overdosed on their drugs. But survived and gained minor localized time stopage gifts. In a way like Alan's teleportation and speed gifts. Eventually the aesir corporation was destroyed by max. Which lead him into being pressganged into the agency of CONTROL.to this day max is still an agent and was on site at bright falls solving its . . . Infestation and getting Alan free of the grip of the cthuthian Infestation on site.
(Loud grousing is heard from both fury and Mr nobody)
"What is with leverage and this orphan adopting. They're worser then that billionaire Wayne in Gotham "
[Log by fury and Mr nobody]
"In leverage international's new home of Nola Hardison and Parker on a date night run a foul of a heist in progress in a so called free zone, and parkers new mania of licking Dino bones (see casefile "the jurassic park job" and "the in-gen job") also during the events of "the one knight job" and a complicated date night turned con /rescue of Mason being adopted by Nana hardison. In the not to distant future Mason joins leverage jr
Criminal minds (fbi bau associated with deadcorpse)
With the original unit all but shut down. And ex boss rossi. Obsessed with a case in va, deadcorps started a joint taskforce, abbigals reasoning was this "why not use "serial killers" to catch worser serial killers" the gag being the new agents are all alters of fictional serial killers from the known multiverse post the age of calamity event. Known agents are
"The quiet man" Jason Voorhees [alter]
Fredrick j Kruger [alter] [using pseudonym of Wes Dodds with permission from the justice society of America and the estate and trust of dodds]
Michael meyers [alter]
Lori meyers [alter]
Brandon "gunglave/gunGRAVE/BEYOND the GRAVE" HEAT
Also JIGSAW (alter)
And ash "Ashley " woods [through never ever ever call ash , Ashley, especially when armed with their chainsaw)
Chucky (demonicaly possessed doll. Formerly extreme alter)
G.h.o.s.t.f.a.c.e (alter) expert and anylist on a par with bishop e. In all things serial killer wise. Ghostface is actually multiple people operating under a shared hivemind gestalt
Also on a probation status the artificial life form also cybernetics expert and cyber ops meggan. Texan legend and tracker Leatherface and Dexter Morgan de lioncourt as our in house pathologist
Annie Hagan-drake (aka clayfaces daughter)
(Supplementry logfile by Dr kassie hines)
"Annie was found an amnesiac around park row aka crime alley in Gotham, rescued by the 3'rd known Robin tim drake (currently known as drake) she came to deadcorpse willingly to find out what and whom she was. Later DNA tests confirmed she was "part" of the hivemind that comprised clayface I, she chose to stay with the org, at first with drake and Bruce Wayne's help the Gotham field office for deadcorpse which is attached to the gcpd's major case squad aka Gotham central, yes bullock and Montoya are also attached deadcorps officers (lord help us all) Annie for her part chose a new pseudonym she's currently torn between "avalanche " or "mudslide"
Michone grimes (formerly of her husband's post apocalypse Alexandria free zone survivors)
(Log by Mr nobody)
"Pre apocalypse in her alternate earth , for research we're designating as earth-twd, was a decorated lawyer based outta Harlem nyc, then the apocalypse hits hard, and micone lost her twin daughters (one absolutely dead, one lost to the future commonwealth) becomes a wandering ronin who finds her future husband's mob in kentucky at the former Greene compound. Overran by (what we call zombies, they called walkers) hooks up with then as a designate Ronin to an exodus leaving Kentucky back to Georgia to a presumably empty state prison (that wasn't) eventually drawn into war with a mently cracked person called the governor (and this is where opinions differ between michone and Rick. That something awful happened to both because of this monster in human flesh) later after woodsbery and the prison sanctuary were trashed. Grimes group in the middle of winter, left Georgia to a rumoured sanctuary in va. Notices around Richmond told them to avoid the city at all costs. So they went onward towards nova and Alexandria free zone and at some point much later the entirety of most of these groups were pulled through the seige perilous to our earth
J McLain (aka DIEHARD)
(Log by fury)
"Where to begin with this MOTHERFUCKER!!! , McLain is a walking calamity worser then negan, agent eversong the both of em, and marian and noi COMBINED, here's the motherfucking issue. There was another McLain in 1955x confused for him, the reason we call him a walking calamity, is the tower calamity in la around 1989. This motherfucker litterlly blew up half of nagatoni plaza WIth assistance from future Chicago beat cop Carl winslow (see notes on winslow c and Stephan) and a year later it happened again this time in nova at dulles Airport he was hindered in this by future nypd officer Sipowicz ( see notes nypd blue Sipowicz a and cain h and alter kelly j)) and I had my run in with him in nyc half a decade later deep undercover as "zeus", basically we don't summon diehard unless its a world ending event . Like the age of calamity And the war of the seven cities also diehard's aging has been slowed down so he's in his fifty's physically. But power wise in his 20's. Via the infinity formula
S.e.e.s (aka PERSONA. Aka MONARCH)
(Notes by Mr nobody
"Originally from an earth time--dates 2009x-2011x- 2016x of multiple task forces all based in Japan mostly set up via their own power system called PERSONA, we have sees empowered by this tarot card based system called wildcard, and the associated group p.h.a.n.t.o.m. and the investigation group all three are counterforces against the inhuman forces of the mythos that haunted their world , all three groups fell through the seige perilous and this caused utter chaos as their powers and personas changed in our world. During the age of calamity. The three previously independent groups merged into one called MONARCH. the investigation branch now simply called seas the groups now based in va beach at a rayshifted tower from their world also all three groups via shield now all go to school at new Ashford adding to the headaches to prince regent Lelouch . All three groups now report to the project : leverage desk ran by Anthony denozo senior at MONARCH towers. Which was in fact rayshifted a second time into the woods behind the cavalier hotel and conference centre
GUNGRAVE (formerly heat. B)
[Log by fury]
" where to begin with this MOTHERFUCKER!!!, if diehard, and negan are calamitys grave IS worse much much worse, originaly came from a previously unknown earth. Sometimes known as gunGLAVE Brandon heat was transformed into this almost indestructible zombie/Frankenstein hitman. Armed with a steel coffin that he uses as a rocket launcher which houses these monsterious hand guns that only he can use called CERBIERUS (note no known connection to lord hades nor the watchdog er heck puppy of the underworld) sucked in via the seige perilous into our world during the age of calamity, hooked up almost immediately with the hellsing group. Alucard stated in an after action report that grave was more chaotic then him. afterwards stayed on with hellsing and as an assigned agent to the b.a.u's criminal minds group
Lehane f (formerly and curently of the second interation of the sovereigns, formerly and freelancer for the hyperion group)
(Log by Mr nobody)
Faith is of the Para ops group the sovereigns which specializes in killing the undead in all its forms , formerly the third slayer called under the watch of r Giles after summers e.b. during the age of calamity got mysticaly turned into a 7 ft tall impossibly buff black rabbit girl. Of the Vieira sub species. Of course now the daemons and vamps in Sunnydale are running scared (with the exception of her other boss of the hyperion group Liam Alexander angelelus) the two groups with the aid of hellsing la, riotact and rEd DrAgON took the fight to the heart of darkness itself the hellmouth. In the aftermath the portal to its dimension was permanently slammed shut. But Sunnydale was a total loss, the sovereigns relocated if briefly to the hyperion hotel resort in la. And later a new base in the highlands of merrin County north of San Francisco
King j battalion I (not to be confused or no connection as far as we know to battalion II Jackson king formerly of stormwatch later the monarchy and later still stormwatch : p.h.d) (Log by ncis chief shuoto and deadcorpse day watch chief Shepard , both Jennifer and comander Shepard of Nas normady)
"This honestly is baffling to be honest. Jackson King formerly of London in 1850 briefly the doctor (not to be confused with the doctor of the authority) (see logs on doctor WHO, tardis, torchwood, UNIT, the authority) got a fraction of the Dr's abilities. Got shaingheied from that time by the seele winter court of avalon and the seige perilous , was not involved in the war of seven cities. But after integration is now a staffer onboard the Nas normady 3.
Amelia "amy" pond (formerly companion to the doctor) " queen titania found ponds original fate distasteful. To a fae, so her fate was "altered" instead of dying in 1930s new York the seige perilous dropped her into u.n.i.t centcom Atlantic fleet in portsmith, the current interation of the dr knows none of this
river song [aka melody "mels" pond]
(Log by conjob constintine of the justice society of America and DARK)
"Loves? This girl is the daughter basically of the ruddy dr and Amy pond. Is basically 1/3 baseline human (if barely) and more then 75 % FUCKING time lord. As far as I can tell pond was pregnant when she first boarded the tardis. And these jumps through time. Changed the both of them
(Notes popped up under a pseudonym briefly interacted with o.n.i during the years 2012-2015 ad)
Clara Oswald -oswald (no connection to Oswald cobblepot aka the penguin)
(Log by fury)
"This girl is more powerfull then the Dr's previous 4 companions combined. Hell power wise she's a fucking time lord. Scale wise up to the 12th incarnation . Rode with the 11th and 12th versions and uncovered a previously "lost" dr called "the war doctor" uncorked via all of their incarnations (0-12) "hiding " gallafrey from the known universe. Until Clara and the 12th dr "moved" it and cloaked it into our universe at the end of the age of calamity . Currently is a part time deadcorpse operative. Teaches at new Ashford academy, and rides with the 13th incarnation of the doctor
Daliak (designation tin man) [log by fury]
"By even our standards in shield, u.n.i.t (United nations invasion tactics) this thing is an impossibility? But I've learned with the doctor, nothing is fucking impossible when he's involved. This bundle of hate. Isn't that. At least from the doctor's perspective. Pre age of calamity he changed one lone Daliak from a bundle of hate. Into the first hybrid time lord/Daliak. This one "rusty" fell through the seige perilous changing them even more. Hooked up at first with leverage and then forming the iron legion an anti dalak task force filled with alternate seige perilous acquired dalaks from alternate universes ali to the future 16th doctor
Magica quartet
(Log by fury)
"More GODDAMNED sparkly magical girls. But unlike those lunatics from remnant. These are darker. In their original earth kaname madoka found these little girls and formed their worlds only defense against the darkness. Unfortunately the source of their power was as evil as it comes. A talking rat creature called an incubator. This THING had warped the wishes of some pretty notorious folks like jaune du arc aka Joan of arc) now after madoka and her eternally 13 year old girlfriend had utterly obliterated the entity from the entirety of the omniverse, (note if it existed here pre age of calamity its unknown to deadcorpse, after madoka was briefly "deleted " from her earths history. The quartet escaped from their earth via the seige perilous . Hooked up with our sister agency in our Japan called WISE in kanamei city"
Capt jack Harkness (comander of the second post fall taskforce attached to u.n.i.t of TORCHWOOD)
(LOG by Mr nobody)
"in the time of the 9th doctor but during ww1. Capt Harkness was "killed" in the trenches, but survived, as far as unit was concerned he was a unique immortal . Not an unaging one . Eventually rode with the 9th doctor, until his TORCHWOOD unit was shanghied via the seige perilous to our earth. It didn't drop them in cardif at their base in THE RIFT (see notes on THE BLEED) but that connection between the bleed, the rift and the seige perilous changed the capt and his immortality. Now he can still "die" but won't age. Torchwood is currently based for now at MONARCH towers
marian Kelly (tentatively ) [aka battalion iv)
(Notes by fury)
"This BAD BITCH is a one woman BATTALION] no I'm not kidding, after getting kidnapped over and over again, she rebuilt herself from the ground up pledging a vow to the sidhe court that she'd never be a victim again. Again fell into the seige perilous, but dropped in the middle of the age of calamity, hooked up immediately with team rwby forged a sisterly connection with their powerhouse brawler ruby's sister yang. And got duplicate bracers. Later hooked up with the 118th aka red vanguard [and rEd dRaGoN] as a guardian force (notes is the fourth known BATTALION iv)
Lancelot (aka fielding d)
(Log by fury and Mr nobody)
"Where to begin with this fucking immortal. Lancelot as far as we can tell has existed for centuries since Camelot fell Eventually joined the librarians organization (a side group to leverage) at some point their founder basically quit (an epoxy to newheart.b) who quit in the 60s 70s and 80s, in the 80s lancelot had to litterlly piece together his broken psyche after what shield called "operation: our town" in his alter as scummy ny city d.a fielding d. Subsequently as fielding used another alter as tribbey L working in the white house in the 90s during the Bartlett j administration (see notes on the illusive man, Josiah Bartlett, and Bartletts ancestor of the same name) was a frendemy to seaborn s and almsley haynes (alter to csi m officer Duquesne c k) much much later . Lancelot abandoned both identitys and returned to the librarians organization . More recently lancelot has returned to the Dan fielding identity helping the daughter of Judge Harry stone (a member of the magicians and the librarians which saved his life in the 80s) prior to this however he also returned to the tribbey identity to utterly wreck a certain loudmouth presidents life (there will be no log of this because saying it's name has been ruled a zero saction)
Also another lost alter of former head librarian Newhart. B. Ex head coroner of ncis predecessor org o.n.i Magnuson magnus.
[Emergency file on Joshua lyman]
(Log by former president Bartlett and Leo McCarthy)
Basically Josh cracked on Xmas eve. A few weeks after I was shot. He's seemingly better but we've asked deadcorpse to send a second opinion on this . This will include comander Shepard and jeff "joker" moreau of project normady, JIGSAW of the bau. And major motoko kusanagi of section 9. Plus another joker variant Dr Jackson Napier. Josh was healed but kinda driven "insane" by JIGSAW. Re healed via wetware via the Normandy foundation and section 9". We later learned via bau and fbi records Josh worked in la at roughly the same time as . Cj Craig during what the bau files called project ricochet also Dr Napier is now a secondary shrink attached to our b.a.u aka criminal minds v 3.0
RE-CLASS (formerly arc royale British ww2 era battleship)
"Log by fury"
"Trying to even grasp or get a handle on these blasted reincarnated ww2 era battleship girls makes my fucking head hurt"
"Anyways this is what we know. Which our info is from jp cencom. And the limited database of the allied WO-orktown fleet girls. Sometime in ww 2 arc royale was sunk. During the same time frame the fleet of the abyss reserected her as the utterly insane RE-CLASS, by the time of the age of calamity a good chunk of the abyss fleet split from its hive mind to form the WO FLEET, WITH re-class as not its core battleship but a striker class, and her "insanity" was broken. Through she does talk that way, she does remember being arc royale. During the age of calamity the wo fleet hooked up with their new sister ships in the task force called kantai collection taking the fight to millennium along with the other world persona users. And yet another mage called Chikage from another world we're coding as "sister princess" and another refugee not from the same earth. But called "Emilia Elle yelen" aka blue sapphire from a world we're dubbing for now "Cinderella girls" welds a blue sword powered by chimerical flame that litterlly "burns" evil or evil intentions .
(Log by Philip j coulson agents of shield)
"What we and shield know about the g-man is very limited even with all of our contacts, seemingly immortal. And unkillable, lord knows dr freeman and dr Alyx Vance have tried to kill the son of a bitch (see black Mesa, dr freeman, Alex vance) (see logs for vandal Savage, Rafferty ,the immortal man, reserection man, thrillkillers. Body doubles, the shade,) has seemingly muddled in and with history for his unknown employers, rumoured to have worked in some capacity with both versions of millennium. The fleet of the abyss, the injustice society of the world, the monster society of the world,shield has labeled him an alpha 1 threat. Meaning "all hands" warnings are issued when he appears "
Briscoe j
"At pain of death via the seige perilous was brought into our earth. Stays with our worlds version of his family in Delaware the pughes"
Midmark d
"Was a student during the events of the leverage con "the plays the thing job" discovered to actually have the same skill that Sophie has but in reverse. A great singer. Eventually joins leverage jr as its singer and con player. But in a limited capacity role"
Wrath and horizon
(Log by fury)
"These two came from not an alternate earth. But a world we're dubbing as "titanfall" according to their after action reports . Both are soldiers formerly of the titans program and later apex. With their armours they can "control" with limited consequences time and space. Both are being re trained by shield. Wrath will be staying with the Normandy foundation as the refit for the sr3 normady continues at Tesco Newport News. Horizon possibly might be assigned to project shattered doors
Alexander "xander" Harris (co founder of the second interation of the sovereigns, tactical adviser to the slayers)
[Log by fury]
"Where to begin . A lifelong resident of Sunnydale CA, when Elizabeth "buffy" summers came there . The truth behind the town was laid bare, possibly the most evil city on earth, next to pandemonium located in Kansas , later was the core behind the original scooby gang (later renamed the second incarnation of the sovereigns) after years of fighting to destroy the city and the hellmouth. After faith was mutated into a Vieira. Alexander was told that he's a desendent of the ancient strategist lu xion. And this changed everything litterlly becoming literally a copy of his ancestor but as a girl. Oddly enough she embraced this as a top tier magic user. Who has access to the book of spells called "dynasty" which is shields code name for Xander. The sovereigns were not involved in the age of calamity. They had the destruction of Sunnydale and the hellmouth to worry about.
Dawn summers (formerly the key of eternty) (member of the sovereigns [retroactively] later various post age of calamity groups and orgs)
[Log by Mr nobody)
(Unclear if summers has a connection to the rock of eternity)
"The sister [yet daughter] to Elizabeth "buffy" summers has had a complicated existence in roughly 2001 x "born" extradimentional but yet ancient beyond measure. Told at one point she would die in glory. This got debunked fast by the second incarnation of the sovereigns between the wild Magik of the trinity of Xander, willow Rosenberg and faith and the shear stubbornness of summers and the other trinity of Angelus, William the bloody (known as spike) and Elizabeth herself who has a rather bloody ancestor herself in Elizabeth bathory. And the wild seeieres in drusilla the mad. Took the fight to the insane goddess glory. This attracted the then unwanted attention of riotact and the 118th aka ReD DrAgON and hellsing la and the black knight of the unseelie court. After a complicated mini war glory was shredded into oblivion took by the unseelie court via the wilde hunt back to Arcadia to suffer for eternity until the end of time itself. Thus the prophecy went to shit. Briefly the sovereigns hooked up with riotact and the 118th as the age of calamity hit everyone hard to stop another vampire invasion in the guise of millennium
Philip j coulson (agent of shield and later founderof the level 9 task force agents of shield)
(Log by Mr nobody)
"Coulsons been in some level of the federal gov for ages. Given the eternty formula same as fury years ago. Served with distinction in the Josiah Bartlett administration, left that position after Bartlett left office. Then immediately afterwards dealt with a crisis at stark industries in la (see files Obadiah stane, the iron monger) stayed in la for a few years dealing with Tony stark's foibles [which there were many] (see files on stark expo nyc, whiplash,Justin hammer, hammer industries) stayed with shield in the run up of the formation of the modern avengers.was "killed" by loki. Of course that didn't take. Sometime later with his own aegis formed his own task force the agents of shield. This lasted until Thanos attack on the world and the 5 "missing years" until the "clarion call" which brought everyone back including the long since missing all star squadron, the freedom fighters, the invaders, and the ravagers along with the space and time faring mauraders. And the formerly dead now goddess of stories loki.
Mystery Inc [this log will only intale the originals]
(Log by various mostly l.j Gibbs, Nathaniel ford, and others)
"Mystery Inc, sighs where to begin with these eternal kids, formed sometime in the early to mid 60s. Survived several massacres (the Smithsonian has the historical record including Altamont speedway. Freedom riders, Mississippi burning and the near assassination and riot at dr kings speech in Washington) (notes it was the alternate "apocalypse " team through those events with tech donated and aquired from the HALO corporations WILD c a t.s division)Co formed by norvile "shaggy" Rodgers, adoptive sister Velma Rodgers, and scooby doo Rodgers, Fred jones (this gets re revealed years later that he was kidnapped by the jones family) [note 1 revisied years later as being the adoptive son of master detective benoit blanq (see notes knives out)] funding provided via secretly money provided by Diana "Daphne " Blake via our predesor orgs oss and o.n.i (which at the time the rest of mystery Inc has no knowledge of) as a paranormal investigation unit. (Oni flagged them enternally as "the sovereigns " the group wouldn't know This until oni got its aegis removed and became n.i.s) this gets turned on its head fast sometime in 1969 via an encounter with the immortal servantes de Leon and soul caliber. Basically slowing down their ageing (this explains why scooby doo is somehow still alive today. Two odd casefiles have even confused deadcorpse. With mystery Inc post the events of 13 ghosts [no not THAT 13 ghosts] being traped briefly in the apocalyptic alterverse shield coded as "the last of us" and later the ruined 19th century utopia of Columbia [see files booker DeWitt, Elizabeth Lutece) later after nis became ncis . The truth came out behind o.n.is codefaxing them as the sovereigns got revealed to them after the Smithsonian acquired soul calber. And this brought back servantes de Leon back from the dead again in the aftermath. Mystery Inc and our ncis nova cell well trashed the castle. Mostly scooby doo did via the apolo lander and the spirit of 66 to kill de Leon. Obviously this did not work. Later the alternative apocalypse team gets physically merged with the first souverigns
Red goblin II (formerly goblin childe)
Osborn normie (possibly Norman the second)
(Log by agents of shields Phil coulson)
"Normie is the grandson of Norman Osborn the infamous green goblin . Currently gold goblin. A few years back possessed by a sliver of the carnage symbiote and doses of Norman's goblin drugs, after a truly horrific battle . Peter Parker managed to beat Norman. But the cost was high with the temporary death of alli anti-venom (aka flash Thompson) [currently back from the dead and a member of the time lost savage avengers. And Peter re gaining for a short period the original venom symbiote which caused him to revert into his feral brain eating incarnation .five years after this normie re acquired a second sliver of the carnage symbiote given to him by the current venom dillan brock (see venom III ). But it's basically a baby without no knowledge about the symbiote codex. When using the symbiote he doesn't have the traditional weaknesses fire and sonics. But is obsessed with candy
The grey men (paranormal task force attached to "the agency ") consists of d.grey man and "Sierra six .6"
Parker (deadcorpse is not certain if this is a first or last name)
(Log by fury & nate ford)
"Parker is a consumate con woman and rogue, through nate didn't know this much. Between 1999 and 2007 she had inserted herself into the inner circle of the white house in the Bartlett administration under the pseudonym of "donna-tella moss" however we of shield didn't know that till after the fact. And as far as we know not even president Bartlett knew this. Through the only person to know was moss's long suffering boss Joshua k lyman. Post 07 joined leverage. ( ford later claimed he'd been hunting the future members of leverage since at least 2001) Which of course Josh kept tabs on her quietly. Years later Josh finally met the leverage team in their new hq in Nola. And offered the impossible a legit job doing their jobs but with official recognition
Munch j (log by Joshua k lyman)
"Detective munch was major case in Baltimore homicide aka : homicide life on the st. Through this was years before ncis and deadcorpse operative denozo was in Baltimore homicide. Eventually transferred to nyc and its svu unit where he stayed the rest of his carrer.. was not involved in the chaos of the age of calamity
Cerbierus [species REALLLY BIG DOG!]
(LOG by fury and deadcorps(e) director suoto)
"Dear gods where do I start with this titanic DOG that even mcgee and denozo would be running away from, originaly basically the guardian of hell itself. Cerbierus has mellowed with age. But both his BARK and bite can be deadly, lord hades after the disaster with his legion, let us relocate Cerbierus topside to a point. And when the events of the invasion hit . We managed to relocate former ncis director vance's taskforce hells sentinel to Norfolk boistering the firepower of the WO fleet. Hooking up with RE class, his flames and her shark bits made a deadly duo incinerating .any unfortunate enemy vamp who came close, after the invasion Cerbierus was just too tired to return to mt Charleston so he'd stay at the future firebase norfolk. Co watched and fed by various folks including Carl grimes, abby . Carl's family minus Rick and shane. Curently resides in a giant doghouse at firebase n.a.s"
grace and Frankie "Log by fury"
"We recently found out about these fucking lunatics via a quantum tunneling rip into their universe at chyanne mtn via the Stargate, no parahumans on that earth thankfully, but alters of President Bartlett and ex ny state city d a Jackson Mccoy are married, unfortunately their insane shrewish exs did cause a significant amount of chaos, sg-1 wisely decided that no contract was warranted and a log entry was filed with shield and deadcorpse as a part of the new map of the omniverse and the hyperion explorer corps"
Ann Gibbs
(Notes from the hyperion explorer corps officer Ben "kilo ren" solo)
"Miss Gibbs in the original timeline died of cancer, but via the nightmare Cafe and the seige perilous is alive but unaware of aspects of her previous incarnation. Note does not know about her husband Jackson, nor former lover l.j . And former ncis officer l.j gibbs"
The office
"Not much is known about this supposedly secret anti paranormal investigation unit. But it is simular to former enemies of the krakoan x-men orchuis"
Kelly Gibbs
"In the original sacred timeline. Very dead, post the nightmare Cafe and retrevial of the former members of hades legion. Aka the third interation of hells sentinel, Kelly and Mrs Gibbs are very much alive, and Gibbs himself let's just say he's a happier man then he's been in decades. Also has borrowed one of cerbierus puppies as a hellhound watchdog with lord hades permission . Curently living in Georgetown at the former ncis .now o.n.i motherhouse"
"Montana" max (Supreme comander of the lost/last battalion aka millennium)
(Log by fury)
"Christ! This sawed off midget. Might be the most dangerous person in all of creation, the vampiric comander of millennium. He constantly preached a love of eternal war. But stoped in his tracks by the coalition assembled by deadcorpse admid the utter destruction he let loose on the seven cities region."
Dexter [species black Labrador]
"Gibbs helped solve the case that killed dex's former owner, ex army bomb sniffing dog. Curently retired, "
The consortium
[Known members dr Donald mallard of oni)
[Notes by fury]
"The off books group of archivist was put together by Dr mallard and Dr kassie hines post the age of calamity, to do a corrective archive of events pre and post the apocalypse that would have been. All info Is forwarded via slipstream to the wanderer fleet, and the hyperion explorer corps "
Tureto j [formerly of office of special services. A revised version of the o.s.s)
"Log by Mr nobody and officer hobbs"
"Sighs, the turetos. Where do I even begin with this family of speed freaks. That make those other found family of wolves and coyotes seem normal, anyways after the whole mess with project a.r.e.s. and the even bigger reveal that Jacob had been controlled for decades via project promethius. Once freed he along with dom's crew utterly destroyed that rogue version of the oss. I however reorganized it as a new counterforce group. With Hobbs as the public face of the new oss. And the turetos as strike force atlas. And Jacob as its liason to ncis /oni. And former mi6 deep cover agent dekart shaw serving the same deep cover role as current oni agent tores"
Dr Donald 'ducky" mallard (formerly of un strike force u.n.c.l.e, later head medical examiner and psy ops ncis, later head archivist of the consortium)
"In the original sacred timeline. Dr Mallard secumed to the ravages of time itself. However in ours Dr Mallard is still on this side of the Veill". Also was given the infinity formula"
Shadow council
(Log by fury)
"An extremely off the books council of beyond crooked judges lead by ex marine and the 4077th mash unit dr bj honeycutt, attempting to deal its own warped and twisted take on "justice" taken down rather brutally not specifically by ncis but rather by a clandestine unit of riotact coheaded by also ex marine m.a.s.h 4077th Dr's Benjamin "hawkeye" pierce and Margaret "hotlips" hoolahan " (notes the current iteration of the team "took over" via eminent domain ex judge and officer Honeycutt 's rather elaborate mansion as a second motherhouse. Or as agent Torres stated . . . "A Bowling alley? Why? It just looks odd" )
Goblin Slayer (log by fury)
"When the age of calamity hit our reality hard. A clarion call was issued. And this BEAST in ancient Armour answered the summons via the seige perilous. Along with his /its crew. In the aftermath. Jack the senior psychiatrist on staff with the former ncis knew they were traumatized by something from their former reality, immediately got that crew into therapy. (Jack's pr8vate logs reveal the truth behind the slayer and his/its helper)
Later slayer was transferred to our b.a.u unit criminal minds, and "she" was transferred to monarch "
Phineas Gibbs (adoptive nefew to l.j gibbs)
(Log by hells sentinel chief vance. Dr mallard of the consortium. And director shuoto of deadcorpse and director mcgee of ncis aka oni)
(Pre and post the age of calamity Phineas was in our offices a lot . Until millenniums attack on the seven cities and we had to place him briefly in one of our extra dimensional motherhouses connected to the Arcadian court. In the present day post the age of calamity. Almost got kidnapped again. But with lucys help fit them off ater and we mean later . Joined our junior program. As a very chatty version of his adoptive uncle . . . Gibbs. Works in the dog handler program. And yes with his help agent Mcgee finally got over his dog phobia. However agent denozo never did. And refuses to set one foot in that section"
(Log by oni and the consortium's historian dr ducky mallard)
"Checkmates history is completely complicated. Forned from the aftermath and disbandment of the original oss. Had several splinter organizations. Including task force X, the suicide squad, ARGENT, and the losers,somehow even pre nis Jethro got recruited into Argent. And later into checkmate as its black King, which he kept from everyone else. And I mean everyone "
Lucy (species mixed pitbull. , we think) adopted by gibbs after a horrific dog abuse case, retrained by gibbs before and after the age of calamity, afterwards kinda co shared by gibbs and adoptive nephew Phineas
Tegan Mcguire
(Future member of deadcorpse cyber
(Log by Dr Cassie hynes)
"This savant litteraly helped firebase norfolk with multiple bombing atempts"
Agent Winchester of the national park services (stop laughing denoza its a legitimate service)
(Log by Dr Cassie Hynes)
"Despite denozas immature attitude, which I will be fixing soon enough,via abbys coffin training and k9 caging, anyways agent Winchester is a hunk and a half very very hairy a real man's man (note dr Hynes was drooling at this point in recording, replaced by agent mcgee)
As Cassie said before she started drooling. Agent Winchester is very fit strong and smart. A natural nudist. . . .(again another incompassitated agent, at this point we might as well try agent Torres) as stated by out two horny agents. He's competent ill give him that. He's almost like kraken the hunter, (with that line shocked the future director mcgee out from his own horny stupur) did tores just make a actual Spiderman reference?, anyways Winchester usually roams between the national parks in southwestern va, eastern west va, eastern Kentucky and Tennessee and North Carolina so He's mobile between these areas. No he definitely has an aversion towards citys (shield external note. "Winchester "could be potentially an Olympian, possibly pan. These notes remain a shield level 9 Cypher until noted)
"The doctor (no not THAT doctor)
[Log by Mr nobody]
"Originaly a level 9 a.i from the 25th century (see notes federation and uss voyager) gained a human form named the professor del harding, is an ali to the current ncis hierarchy strike teams, "presumed dead" but later revealed his a.i nature to the teams but not revealing the history he believes is coming . . . Yet. Meaning in the doctors original future history from its perspective. The eugenics wars. The bell riots. And world war 3, are just around the corner "
"Agent Samuel Hanna ncis San Diego counter ops formerly. Currently based at pearl harbour for NCIS Hawaii)
(Log by Mr nobody)
"Samuel has ran counter ops outta an ancient heavily retrofitted purely church for the last 20 years + . Dr hines has said if he ever came back to her labs she'd blow his head off with a specialy engineered er Remington shotgun"
Uss discovery
(Logs by allied fleet ships uss monitor and iss Merrimack)
Col Herman Schultz (German army pre unification)
(Log by fury)
"What's known about Hermann pre ww2 is been scrubbed from history. Same from his comander klink. But this much is known defended his boss. And the team of renegade war dept officers known as the wolves. And when the seige perilous transported them all from redacted to the modern day . It was a relief. . Immediately resigned their pre unification commissions and officialy joined the wolves who now are an independent taskforce attached to MOMARCH, also another shock came mostly about Schultz having ancient connections to blessed Arcadia and its eternal queen, as a boon to what he and the komandant did to protect everyone in the past she allowed a exact duplicate of
The Kamp to be built in the realm of the shining host, and his new status as the gatekeeper.
Cedar cove Washington (former)
Notes by Benjamin solo of the hyperion explorer corps
"This former island near seatle Washington was idelic for a time until millennium came . The entirety of the island was anilated. 1/3 of the population killed, the other half kidnapped by millennium for . . . Food stocks for the nest of vampires in the last battalion. Curently the island is quarantined and partitioned off via kinetic shielding via the Normandy foundation "
Ereshikigal (formerly sumerian goddess of the underworld, former member of un task force chaldea, currently hyperion explorer corps)
(Log by hyperion explorer corps member Benjamin solo)
"Explaining eresh is complicated. And thank gods neither fury nor Mr nobody tried to. Anyhows, eresh is or was the sumerian goddess of death and keeper of the underworld. Blonde short. But do not underestimate her. If with her girlfriend Ishtar simply put R U N, even with my skill set they're a force to be reckoned with"
Curly Joe Howard (formerly of the vaudeville era comedy troop the three stooges)
[Log by fury]
"The first sovereigns ran afoul of the stooges sometime in ad 1970 x somehow younger then they should be. In fact they would encounter a lot of folks who were younger then they should be. Dr mallard of the consortium has a running theory that due to the psuedo immortality of the first sovereigns exposure to soul caliber. This rubbed off on everyone they encountered in 1970 x"
(Also due to an incursion also in 1970x the first sovereigns encountered the earth 2 variants of batman and Robin plus the joker (Jackson napier) and penguin (os coblepot the 3rd) (less then seven years before his earth 2 version died. And Richard Grayson retired , and seven years afterwards the red skies hit all planes of existence
(Notes earth 2 joker was killed during the villans invasion of earths S, 5 and X)
Alec swan (formerly of the dimensional apature the ultraverse, formerly of ALADDIN , currently freelancerr)
Log by fury
"Swan would give anyone a migrane based on his history. But here's what's known. Originaly from the earth based apature the ultraverse. During the event called break-thru. Swan and his bride vanished via the gate on the moon helped by his earths renegade groups the squad,the strangers, the survivors of the XIles and the eliminators ferry swan off their reality, swan next appeared on DC earth prime. 2 years before the crisis. Escaped via a kitbash of technologies and the seige perilous into our reality. Was not involved in the age of calamity. According to him quote "Squire? Honesty I despise ultras too much bleedin trouble" so shield leaves him alone period. In a way he's the anti die hard. Through we call on him every so often for debriefing "
Legends of tomorrow (an informal ad hoc organization with forever shifting members. Currently led by the grumpy manaic formerly known as heatwave aka mick rory.mick and other refugees from a DC earth prime pocket universe called the arrow verse. Survived the collapse of their mini universe. Originally their flagship the waverider berthed at Nas firebase norfolk currently birthed at the same Newport news shipyards as commander shepherd 's forever being repeated battleship [under extreme protest from oni head l.j gibbs] and yes as you might guess Gibbs and mick do not get along period. Some current members include death teller their version of a teenaged arron presley the current berrer of the deathtoken. Mick during the hunt for "the 6" became a wild majik version of firestorm (this helped during the war of the 7 cities) burning the invading vampires of millennium along with Cerbierus and RE-Class of the WO-ORKTOWN allied shipgirl fleet"
Sparda d (genderflipped variant)
[Founder of devil may cry investigations based in Portland Oregon]
The assembly
Lil cicada (Amy darrow) a refuge from the now gone apature the arrowverse. She's the niece of the original cicada. Who died defending her from a future verse version of her. Powers her uncles anti power dagger that responds to her psychic orders, currently being trained by the legends of tomorrow
Team Gurren Lagann "if there's a force in the multiverse that was. That you did not FUCK with . It's these manaics. They make the legends of tomorrow, die hard. Negan all seem like nothing. Survived the death of their original multiverse centuries ago. Powers with the multiversal destroyer super guardian tenga Toppa Gurren laggan. It can litterlly break the rules of creation itself . Powerful enough to kill "gawd" and can throw planets and solar systems around. "
Norman Osborn (founder of Oz Corp (former), Osborn sciences (current), and Osborn labs (current) , and alchemax former) (originaly from a parallel dimensional apature we've codefaxed as earth prime, originaly the beyond deranged and beyond evil green goblin. Norman post the age of calamity has suroringly . . Mellowed a lot . When shifted from earth prime. Roma and the seige perilous did him a favor as far as his weathered psyche. Eliminating the insanity of the goblin serum giving him all the benefits but none of the insanity. So now he's impervious to psychics or other sources (see carnage) Currently doding grandfather to normie Osborn the II (formerly goblin childe currently red goblin)
James "jim" sterling (formerly of iys security, later of interpol. Shield, alphaflight and curently of leverage international
"Point blank sterling by his own admission is a right bastard, this fact confirmed by the members of leverage whom at times has been an ali and enemy to leverage. Instrumental into dealing with the anti shield org orchuis .post nates long future retirement and disappearance. And just after Parker awakened leverage's otherworld heritages sterling would occasionally partner with Sophie with cases that neither leverage nor interpol could ever know about."
Uncle Sam [the spirit of freedom]
(Has used so many aliases the research between our organizations is still ongoing)
"This much is known "born" possibly the day the declaration of independence was signed July 4'th 1776, but the entity is possibly one of our universes true immortals. Older then our countries existence. The quote most attributed to it is this "if there is true injustice, find me,
Iceninekills (band organasion)
(Log by Mr nobody)
"Alice Cooper as a part of Alan Jacksons n.i.s and Oni music org. Assumed that the horror core band known as i.n.k did the horror based killings in Detroit and la . But they assured them there's no way possible. They were just kids and in some cases not born yet.and were based on the east coast And yes ink did agree to help solve the cases. Under another cover Id. As a rat pack inspired band . . . The sentinels"
Doc emmit brown (errent time traveler)
(Log by hells sentinel director l Vance)
"Doctor emmit brown in the 80'shad quite by mistake created the means to time travel. (Other methods are known to the sentinels such as the doctor and the TARDIS) after several jaunts through time. Which collectively mangled history, brown was poofed out of the time stream before 2020. With no knowledge of being him. He came to NCIS saying he was a sailor on the Arizona before it sunk at pearl harbour. During this an older Marty mc fly showed up saying in his words "doc doesn't know what he's talking about . All the time travel and the power source both aged them up tremendously " but we have means to deage them via project Normandy. Section 9 and the doctor)
Hamilton a
Log by hells sentinel director l Vance
"This is NOT I repeat not our realitys Alexander Hamilton. He's originaly from an Unknown universe. Reserected via the siege perilous and an erant lightning bolt reserected and screaming his dead wife's name while hugging and sobbing at her grave at Trinity church we rescued him one of the fathers of the Republic. The same magi bolt reserected his entire mob including his repented murderer Arron Burr. Eventually forming the independent org "children of the revolution"
Antonia (Tony) species jack Russell terrier, female)
"Found by agent Todd after an explosive case.(see operation Shenandoah) the dog litterally HATES denozo. Kate and Abby co share the pup. Which after certain offhanded comments by denozo. Kate would re train her to bite him every single time he makes a snide comment about them being lesbians. And Abby would do her "caging and coffin" routine to denozo" especially after Abby found a certain cofin/sacofigus she found in Toronto at curious goods (see notes louis vondridi)
Code 666 (will be revised)
Talia david -denozo
(Or little demon)
(Supplement log by future "boss" McGee)
"Carson was one of the earliest kids sorta adopted by us. And by "us" I mean NCIS way before deadcorps. Oni and the madness to follow"
(A very distinct headslap is heard)
"That slap you heard was Tony getting slapped by boss again about gripping about Carson and that game again"
(More groucing can be heard from not so senior field agent denozo)
"Yes I'm delebratly misspelling Tony's name it'll piss him whenever these entrys get de classified"
"Anyhows. Carson was a part of an eagle scout troop I lead. And via abs running digital fingerprints at the time afis popped out saying he was kidnapped years earlier. It gets complicated and better later. Years later both pre and post age of calamity Carson was one of the first members of the explorer corps that we had to shove into our Georgetown motherhouse for their own safety. Post that and our own move from nova to firebase Norfolk. Carson joined the ceribius corps. Basically taking care and dog walking a certain giant dog. Which denozo won't go near . I however do take ceribi for walks occasionally"
Jethro the dog
(Log by Abby)
"We found Jethro via the case file "dog tags" in which McGee did not in ndeer himself to me . Technically he was in the dog house for a while. (After the "bad McGee " issue and caging and a night in my cofin. He had a whole new opinion "Jethro on the other hand got the best treatment from me. McGee on the other hand didn't for a while. And after the case was solved. I did adopt Jethro. Eventually after the move to firebase Norfolk. Basically Jethro and Cerberus became well kennel mates"
Antonio Morgan (ami) McGee
(Yes mcgees first born was named for Tony and the security guard who helped with the birth of his twins)
"20 + years post the age of calamity Morgan joined their dad's office"
Deadcorpse bases
Update NCIS
From roughly 2002x-2004x based in San Francisco at the presidio. 2005x - 2012 x Baltimore naval yard (aka Camden yards aka the forge and foundry, after the bombing aka terror incognito, in 2013x moved to Roosevelt Island and the triskelion. Stayed at the shield facility until the age of calamity hit roughly in 2024x moved to the secure firebase Norfolk
Jackknife (joker variant)
Napier Jackson
"Log by current oni/NCIS director McGee"
"This sane but deranged variant of the joker. Is not I repeat not the same version that's haunted Gotham since the 1930's and even before that. Jackknife was a member of the second version of red hood II's para ops group the outlaws. They were helpful during the invasion of the seven cities during the age of calamity. Afterwards the outlaws became an official oni sponsored spec ops group"
A e g I s (anti mythos testbed attached to project: RELOAD a unit of monarch)
On their original earth circa 2009x, aegis was originally a testbed anti mythos weapon designed for the persona program. Currently known as project RELOAD "
"Lone star "
"The age of calamity hit . Chief strand's team hard. Between the frozen south. And then the time traveling past version of marjone. Who referred to chief strand as Uncle Owen. This causes major issues when the past version of herself is sent back to the past . But due to all the meddling caused by millennium (Montana Max's invasion force and not frank black's organization) so the alternate past version of marjone basically got stuck in the here and now. Which causes some problems for chief strand on what he calls "the buck scale" lil marjone basically gets renamed "nezumi " (little mouse) to differentulate between herself and marjohn"
"The watcher fleet"
"Formerly a secret unit of NCIS 's former parent org o.n.i
. In the decades since oni reorganizeed three times. The watcher fleet went into being a rogue org. Tied twice into operation : Frankenstein. And later the insane haper dearing's mad quest. To utterly destroy oni's then former org. NCIS. After the destruction of the Navy yard. Shield allowed them to rebuild at the treskilion on Roosevelt Island . As a partial clearing Intel house between NCIS.shield and affiliated orgs."
"Dr Jackson Napier the II'nd"
"Yes another joker variant but different then jackknife. He's a para psychologist affiliated with our b.a.u unit. Main gift "super sanity" can reason. With anyone or anything "
Morgana (species cat. We think?)
Affiliated with the phantom thieves and MONARCH
"LOG by Abby"
"Morgana answered the call with the rest of MONARCH during the age of calamity. Afterwards. Atemptes to return her to her supposed base line human form all failed in all aspects from all of our various affliated agencies attached to deadcorpse.which lead us to believe Morgana is actually just a cat. Which she loudly denies very loudly. Has attacked Tony for saying both psp and here Kitty Kitty, she utterly hates Tony . But loves McGee. So anytime denozo senior shows up for monthly monarch debriefs she stays with Tim in her own customized catbed. And she doesn't complain one bit about her feline nature". As a note has given tim his own persona weapon"
Doc lumis
"In his original universe psychiatrist who attempted to stop Michael Meyers in his rampage. However in our universe. Frankly lumis has cracked keeps on hunting our agents at criminal minds. No matter what our agency's do to keep him away from us it doesn't stop. We've even asked the holmes's to take a look at lumis. And their prognosis wasn't good they believed that exposure to the now stable siege perilous changed him funtumentally. Luckily our b.a.u agents did capture him carefully. And transported him to island Arkham . Where he should stay until we can find a way for the siege perilous to transport him back to the original Halloween verse"
The discovery desk at NCIS
"In the aftermath of the age of calamity. NCIS and it's sister agencies and affiliated groups gained all sorts of esoteric technologies. But one stayed at NCIS a micronized version of the s.p.i.n tech from the uss discovery (see files uss discovery federation version) the spore drive now acts as a access point (one way viewing only) into the past with the ability to view unsolved cases. Spearheaded by Abby. Various members of the task forces can use it to view the past"
"negan : the cat"
"Species feline formerly human currently tux"
"Owned by (technically owns itself) in reality the Grimes family"
"Occupation, as human gym coach ,pre apocalypse founder of the saviors . Post apocalypse. Currently cat"
"In alternate cannon the formerly human monster negan was changed into a tuxedo cat at some point during all our war. Still hates Rick Grimes with every fiber of his being .but adores the Grimes /Walsh kids and will defend them to his dying days. Somehow is able to weld and use Lucille his bat even in cat form. Also has a cats claws and fangs. In cat form is an absolute predator. Later found out that he could return to human form once a week for an hour"
"General (union) Willam t Sherman"
"(Yes that bloody manaic god help us all"
(Log by fury)
"The same time twisting nonsense that brought back an alternate Alexander Hamilton. Also brought back William "BURN THEM ALL" SHERMAN " somehow back from the dead. And the first thing that maniac wanted to do was burn both VA Beach and Norfolk to ashes.luckly it took another maniac to talk him down. The prime universes version of Gibbs. Who somehow managed to talk down the general's pyromaniac tendencies after simply being told the war was over, and he stood down thankfully"
The dark god abraxis
(Why lord why)
"The entity abraxis originally came from a dead end universe. We're dubbing "earth -1977-x"
In it's former human identity as Jack Delroy, a failed late night talk show host. It wanted power and it got it via abraxis. Powers unknown we assume most of our universes devils abilities but abraxis refuses to talk . Currently "squatting" in the basement of the personas group tower in VA Beach . Doing of all things watching TV. Seeing where earth 1977 x diverged from our own. As jack abraxis has some in progress theories but nothing concrete yet. Currently relaying theories to our TESTAMENT desk and dept"
Kylo Ren "solo"
"Came to our earth via the siege perilous from his original reality code faxed as "empire" did not come to us originally. He crashed through the gate of all souls at "the point" a former facility of "the farm" currently the home to battleship girls uss Merrimack and iss monitor. They're the ones who rescued solo from drowning
Stormwatch phd (log by Mr nobody)
"With all these new paranormals running around someone has to keep an eye on them . Pun intended with the "cough" aquisesion of assets from the dead mostly wildstorm universe. The books from planetary. Battlestations stormwatch-1. The carrier and the eye of the storm. Both hidden within the apature known as the bleed
Rekoj Napier
(A potential future decendent of the world war 2 era joker)
"deadcorps log"
"Talia - denozo - David"
"Called "lil devil" by her various aunts and uncles in NCIS/ oni (and yes after the age of calamity she sorta became the unofficial mascot of the reborn oni {office of naval intelligence}
"Anyways tallia's the daughter of former NCIS officer and future NCIS europa boss Anthony denozo jr. And ex NCIS officer ziva David. "
"At some point her former baseline human form mutated into a full bore devilkin. With some major differences. She has four horns. (In which her uncle ducky did examine her and found out there's litterly nothing wrong with her. Despite the cries of "demon" from the late Eli David, Talia is not demonic in fact her faith is what guides her. She's able to enter houses of worship. Through she prefers abandoned churches for obvious reasons
"Tallahassee" (real name unknown)
"Log by fury"
"This beyond stubborn MOTHERFUCKER!, came with his found family of other survivors from yet another zombie nfested parallel earth they referred to as simply "zombieland" no earth designation, all known research from Tallahassee, Columbus, witchataw,and San Antonio, is being forwarded to the Hyperion explorer corps . And like the Grimes family they are being purged of any traces of their zombie pathogens. And yes Tallahassee did ask about twinkles. Which we gladly provided. Tallahassee is currently teaching our agents the rules of zombieland and survival in their alternate apocalypse. Columbus on the other hand wanted nothing but to get back to college. Which we gladly did."
Talguese (mobile armour)
"This ancient armour relic possibly from an unknown alternate earth we've dubbed "new mobile report" is an absolute beast. Even our best USAF pilots can't master it. Due to it's twin vernier thrusters"
"Dexter Morgan de lioncourt "
(Log by director shuoto and fury)
"By his own admission Dr Morgan is well odd. Originally from an unknown parallel future. He originally wasn't even Dexter he was just a number . . . Twelve. With the original Dexter Morgan's help he obliterated that future. Came back to the past. Left was adopted by the Morgan's of Miami Florida. (See miami vice, bad boys lestat de lioncourt and CSI Miami)
0 notes
blizzardbattles · 3 months
Warcraft Lore of the Druid's Awakening
Arrival of the Horde and Alliance
After the devastating events that plagued their homelands, the remnants of the Horde and Alliance sought refuge in the ancient lands of Kalimdor. As they traversed the lush forests of Ashenvale, their presence did not go unnoticed by the vigilant Sentinels. Tyrande Whisperwind, the high priestess of Elune, was informed of these strangers and initially believed them to be mere refugees fleeing from the chaos that had engulfed their lands. However, her suspicions grew as reports of the orcs felling the sacred trees of Ashenvale reached her ears. Determined to protect the ancient forest, Tyrande commanded her Sentinels to confront the Warsong clan, led by the fierce Grommash Hellscream.
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The Death of Cenarius
Tragedy struck the night elves as the Shadowleaf Sentinels, under the leadership of Shandris Feathermoon, returned with grim tidings. Cenarius, the revered demigod of the forest, had fallen at the hands of the green-skinned invaders. Tyrande, filled with sorrow and a growing sense of unease, gathered her forces once more. Though Shandris suggested that the orcs might be responsible for this heinous act, Tyrande sensed a darker power lurking in the shadows, manipulating the events that had transpired.
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The Rise of the Undead Scourge
As Tyrande led her Sentinels through the corrupted lands of Ashenvale, they encountered hordes of undead invaders who swiftly overwhelmed the orc and human settlements. Realizing that her small detachment stood no chance against such overwhelming numbers, Tyrande made the difficult decision to retreat. The undead pursued them relentlessly until their fel leader, Archimonde, revealed himself. With a single devastating blow, he slaughtered Tyrande's kindred, and only her quick thinking and mastery over the powers of Elune allowed her to escape into the shadows. Enraged by her defiance, Archimonde ordered his doom guard to hunt her down and destroy her.
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Awakening the Druids
Knowing that the time had come to awaken the druids from their slumber, Tyrande entrusted the defense of Ashenvale to Shandris and made her way to the Barrow Dens in the sacred Moonglade. However, the path to Malfurion's resting place was fraught with peril. The Scourge, led by the dreadlord Tichondrius, advanced upon the Barrow Den, while an orcish settlement blocked the way to the Horn of Cenarius. In a desperate race against time, Tyrande destroyed the orc camp, defeated the Primal Guardians of the Moonglade, and recovered the Horn of Cenarius. With the horn in her possession, she ventured into the Barrow Den and awakened Malfurion Stormrage, her beloved.
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Defense of the World Tree
Malfurion, upon his awakening, realized that Archimonde's true goal was to assault Nordrassil, the World Tree, and steal its energies to become a god. Together, Tyrande and Malfurion journeyed to Winterspring to rouse the Druids of the Talon from their slumber. Along the way, they encountered the Felwood furbolg tribe, who had succumbed to the corruption that plagued the land. With heavy hearts, Tyrande ended their suffering, knowing that there was no other choice. As they pressed on, Malfurion noticed a change in Tyrande, a hardness that had not been there before. She replied with a touch of bitterness, reminding him that she did not have the luxury of sleeping through times of peril, a subtle jab at his long absence in the Emerald Dream.
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0 notes
gobboguy · 3 months
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Chapter 23: The Underkingdom
The floor of the Orcish Hall, a grand and ancient structure, had cracked open with a deep, resonating rumble. The chasm that formed was a jagged, gaping maw descending into impenetrable darkness. Ulf the Orc Princess, clad in gleaming armor, led The Companions, a diverse group of nine suitors and one half-goblin half-human named Twig, into the abyss. Each member of the party was equipped with a lantern attached to their pack, casting feeble, flickering light against the oppressive dark.
The descent was steep and treacherous, with guide ropes serving as the only lifeline against the precipitous drop. The chasm's walls were slick with moisture and covered in strange, phosphorescent fungi that emitted an eerie glow. The air grew colder and more oppressive with each step, filled with the sounds of dripping water and distant, echoing growls.
Twig, nimble and alert, moved with practiced ease, his keen eyes picking out the best path through the uneven terrain. Despite his forced acceptance of the Quest he was eager to find his father and find out what he was doing working with the Underking.
As they descended further, the light from the Orcish Hall above faded away entirely, leaving them reliant solely on their lanterns. The feeble light cast long, dancing shadows on the rough stone walls, creating a sense of disorientation and unease. The guide ropes were their only assurance that they were still on the right path, leading them deeper into the heart of Sidhedark.
The journey was arduous. The ground was uneven, with sharp rocks jutting out at odd angles, threatening to trip the unwary. More than once, a Companion stumbled, saved only by the quick reflexes of their comrades. The air grew heavier, thick with the scent of damp earth and the distant, sulfurous tang of volcanic activity.
Suddenly, a low growl reverberated through the chasm, making the walls tremble. The group halted, their breaths caught in their throats. Ulf motioned for silence, her hand resting on the hilt of her sword. The growl faded into an unsettling silence, leaving them more on edge than before.
As they pressed on, the lantern light revealed ancient carvings on the walls, depicting scenes of battle and conquest, hinting at the long-forgotten history of the Underking. These carvings grew more elaborate as they progressed, becoming a silent testament to the dark power that resided below.
The Companions' resolve was tested repeatedly. Strange, skittering creatures scurried just beyond the edge of their lantern light, their glowing eyes a haunting reminder of the unseen dangers that lurked in the darkness. The ground became softer, turning to a sticky, treacherous mud that clung to their boots and slowed their progress.
Despite the hardships, Ulf led with unwavering determination. Her thoughts were focused on confronting the Underking and uncovering his dark plans for the Keys of Creation. Each step brought them closer to their goal, but also deeper into danger. Jekul, ever vigilant, shared quiet words of encouragement with Ulf, who was acutely aware of the responsibility they bore.
As they reached a wider chamber, the group paused to catch their breath. The air here was warmer, hinting at the volcanic activity deep below. The guide ropes led to a massive, ancient door carved with intricate runes. Ulf stepped forward, her hand resting on the door's surface, feeling the dark magic that pulsed within.
With a nod to her Companions, Ulf pushed the door open, revealing a vast, shadowy cavern. The Underking's lair lay ahead, and the fate of the Keys of Creation hung in the balance. The journey had been fraught with peril, but Ulf and her Companions were ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the depths of Sidhedark.
Ulf looked around in amazement as she stepped into the chamber. The brickwork was meticulously crafted, and the entire space loomed with an unmistakable man-made presence. The walls, lined with ancient, crumbling bricks, seemed to whisper the secrets of long-forgotten builders.
Twig groaned, his voice tinged with fear. "I shouldn't be here. This place looks evil."
Jekul, rubbing the stubble on his chin, scanned the chamber thoughtfully. "This looks like one of the many dungeons the Orcs cleared shortly after conquering Farfield," he remarked.
Ulf frowned, her brow furrowing. "All the dungeons should've been sealed off. How could one be so far below the Orcish Hall?"
Dura, a fierce warrior with sharp eyes, called Ulf over. She pointed to the many vines snaking in and out of the walls and up the chasm. "It looks like Alden has been using his vines to burrow in the earth," she observed.
Jekul nodded, his expression thoughtful. "It's possible this dungeon goes further into the earth. We should check it out."
Hate, the group's newest member, oinked and used his snout to sniff the air. "I can smell fresh air down this passage," he stated, pointing with his snout.
Ulf considered their opinions and nodded. "It's the best plan we have."
The journey through the dungeon tunnel was tense. Their packs clinked with every step, the sound echoing through the dark, narrow passage. The light from their lanterns flickered, casting eerie shadows on the ancient walls. Jekul took the lead, his experience as one of the conquererors of Farfield, making him a natural leader, something Ulf deeply appreciated.
The tunnel stretched on, seemingly endless. The air grew cooler, and the scent of damp stone and earth filled their nostrils. Despite the growing sense of unease, the Companions pressed forward resolutely, their determination unwavering. The Orcs were ready to defend their homeland, and each step brought them closer to uncovering the Underking's dark plans.
As they moved deeper into the earth, the sounds of dripping water and distant, echoing growls grew louder. The atmosphere was thick with tension, but the Companions' resolve remained strong. They knew that their journey was fraught with danger, but they were prepared to face whatever challenges awaited them in the depths of Sidhedark.
The hallway opened up to a wide chamber, its vast expanse dimly lit by the flickering lanterns of the Companions. At the far end of the chamber, a grand staircase ascended to a set of imposing double doors. The doors were intricately carved with ancient runes and symbols of power, their surfaces adorned with scenes of battle and triumph. The wood was dark, almost black, and reinforced with bands of gleaming metal, giving the impression of immense strength and impenetrability.
Hovering ominously above the steps, blocking their path, was the source of the growling—a Beholder. The creature was a grotesque, floating orb of flesh, covered in thick, leathery skin. Its central eye glared malevolently at the intruders, while smaller, tentacle-like eyestalks sprouted from its body, each ending in a smaller, equally terrifying eye. These eyestalks moved independently, their gazes scanning the room with a sinister intelligence.
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Without warning, the Beholder attacked. Laser-like beams shot from its eyestalks, slicing through the air with deadly precision. The Orcs scattered, each narrowly dodging the lethal rays.
Dura, wielding her trusty axe, charged at the Beholder with a fierce battle cry. She swung her weapon with practiced skill, each strike aimed to cleave into the monster's thick hide. Her axe connected with a sickening thud, but the Beholder's tough skin absorbed much of the blow.
Sudbad, his magical cutlass gleaming in the dim light, joined the fray. With a muttered incantation, the blade transformed into a shimmering water blade. He danced around the Beholder, slashing at its tentacles and leaving deep, watery cuts that hissed and steamed.
Oznacht, gripping his spear tightly, attacked with precision. He thrust his weapon into the Beholder's side, aiming for its vital spots. Each strike was calculated, his years of training evident in his every move.
Meanwhile, Twig cowered behind a pillar, his voice trembling. "This is a bad day, a very bad day," he muttered, peeking out to witness the chaos.
Ulf, her swordsmanship expert and deadly, joined the melee. Her blade flashed in the dim light as she parried the Beholder's beams and struck with lethal efficiency. She moved with the grace of a seasoned warrior, her every action a testament to her skill.
The battle raged on, the Companions working in concert to bring down the fearsome creature. Just as it seemed they had the upper hand, the Beholder let loose a deafening scream. The sound echoed through the chamber, freezing everyone in place.
Ulf felt her muscles lock, her movements halted by an unseen force. She despaired, her heart sinking as she watched the Beholder prepare for a final, devastating attack. All hope seemed lost as the creature loomed over them, its malevolent eyes gleaming with triumph.
The Beholder floated closer, its eyestalks quivering with anticipation and its mouth slavering hungrily. Just as it seemed all hope was lost, Jekul leaped from the darkness with a fierce roar. His claymore gleamed in the lantern light as he swung it in a powerful, arcing motion. The blade connected with the Beholder's grotesque form, splitting it cleanly in two. The creature's eyes bulged in shock as its body fell apart, its dark magic dissipating with a hiss.
As the Beholder fell, the freezing spell was broken, and the Companions found themselves released from its grip. Ulf turned to Jekul, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Jekul, you saved us all. Thank you."
Jekul bowed deeply, a humble smile on his face. "My lady, it was an honor to fight by your side."
Twig emerged from behind the pillar, his expression a mix of relief and humor. "Well, that was terrifying. Remind me not to come on any more adventures."
Atlug the Bard, ever the mood-lifter, strummed his lute and began to sing a rousing tune. The melody was light and joyous, lifting the spirits of everyone in the chamber. The Orcs joined in with hearty laughter, their camaraderie strengthened by the shared ordeal.
With renewed determination, the Orcs approached the grand double doors. They pushed them open, and a blinding light streamed into the chamber. Shielding their eyes, they stepped forward and gasped at the sight before them.
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Beyond the doors was a hidden paradise, a lush and fertile cavern teeming with vibrant plant life. Towering trees with emerald leaves stretched towards the expansive ceiling, creating a verdant canopy that filtered the warm, golden light emanating from a colossal crystal embedded in a central pillar. This pillar, a marvel of natural and magical forces, spanned from the forest floor to the ceiling, its light nurturing the underground ecosystem. Colorful flowers carpeted the ground, their petals a riot of hues that created a stunning tapestry. Streams of crystal-clear water wound their way through the landscape, their gentle babbling adding to the serene ambiance. The air was fresh and filled with the melodies of chirping birds and the soft rustling of leaves, creating a symphony of life that contrasted sharply with the dark and oppressive chasm they had left behind.
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In the distance, the landscape expanded into rolling hills and lush valleys, each teeming with diverse flora and fauna. Strange, luminescent plants dotted the scenery, their soft glow adding an ethereal quality to the environment. Small creatures darted among the underbrush, their movements quick and curious. The Companions gazed in awe at this wondrous sight, their senses overwhelmed by the sheer beauty and tranquility of the cavern. It was a cavern so large that it was impossible to see where it ended. It was a sanctuary of life and light, a testament to the hidden wonders that lay beneath the surface of Sidhedark. The discovery filled them with a renewed sense of purpose and hope but also a strange sense of confusion, knowing that such beauty and vitality existed even in the deepest, darkest parts of their world.
The Companions stood in stunned silence, marveling at this hidden paradise beneath the surface of Sidhedark. The air was fresh and filled with the sounds of chirping birds and rustling leaves. It was a place of unparalleled beauty and tranquility, a stark contrast to the dark and dangerous path they had traveled to reach it. Hate stepped forward, his eyes wide with wonder. "This must be the Underkingdom," he said, his voice filled with awe.
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themortaltaint · 5 months
The Fantasy Story I Refuse to Write
War has come.
The dark lord has looked down from his tower of skulls on the ninth plane of hell, and his gaze has fallen upon Fantasyland. He covets it. He gathers together his orcish army of incel frat bros. He commands them to go forth and pillage and rape (especially rape), such that Fantasyland is rendered a smoking ruin, much like Ibiza or Bali after peak tourist season. But fear not! Prophecy has foreseen the rise of a hero, with extra special snowflake powers to push back the gathering darkness.
But never mind all that. We have to spend the first 1200 pages of our multi-volume epic sending the hero to magic school, so that he can master his special snowflake powers (because hey, magic school worked for Harry Potter, right?). While there, he will be bullied by an upper class twit, because the twit thinks snowflake powers are weird and indicative of sexual deviancy. Of course, most people with half a brain would know not to poke the bear, lest they become a smoking crater, but the bully must remain steadfast in the face of common sense. For how else might the hero be induced to shed bitter tears, to melt the hearts of discerning readers of all such formulaic trash?
Meanwhile, the hero will be mentored by God himself, in the guise of an irascible, ancient professor with a long white beard. Because we are all good patriarchal conservatives here, we must never countenance the idea that a hero could be a free agent whose special snowflake powers are independent of authority. No, indeed! That is the slippery slope that leads us to equality, egalitarianism, liberalism, democracy, disrespecting ones elders, and other such base concepts. Of course, the mentor must die. Being all knowing and all powerful would make him the natural hero of the story, rather than the snotty little dweeb he's mentoring. Why hasn't he gone and dealt with the dark lord long since? Because reasons, that's why (stop asking questions).
The hero might be a self-centered little brat, devoid of all social skills, but against all odds he will make a friend. Sadly, this friend is doomed. He will die in the first confrontation, when the dark lord says: "And now I shall demonstrate to you the power of evil, in the face of which, good is a pathetic little beta cuck."
When school is finally out, the hero will spend the next four or five volumes embarking upon an epic quest! Because the author loves his map, and by god, you are going to visit every last inch of it before the end. (Not that there will necessarily be an end. The author might die of old age long before completing the final volume.) The hero must gather together the eight magic plot coupons, so he can mail them off to the gods for the ending. And while the journey seems perilous, the hero is never in any real danger. Even the most insoluble of dilemmas will evaporate in the face of the hero's destiny, and the magic power of prophecy.
In the final showdown, good magic will meet evil magic, and they will cancel each other out. The dark lord will evaporate in a puff of blue smoke. This is awfully convenient, because otherwise, the hero would have had to do something constructive, and find real, practical solutions to all his problems. And this would have been beyond the cognitive powers of the author. So, it's just as well that it's easy to design a bullshit magic system that is both the source and the solution to its own conflict.
And thus ends the tale I will never write.
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aardvark-123 · 11 months
~Hragnette's Adventure with Fashion~
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"I thought it might be nice to have some more stylish clothes to wear in the city," said Hragnette, apropos of nothing. "So I crafted myself an Anvilesi Outfit (Sleeveless) by sforzinda, also known as sforzmods. What do you think?"
"You must try this bread! It's simply divine!" replied Ria, munching happily on her post-breakfast snack. "What, the clothes? Oh, yes, very nice."
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"...And it's called the Anvilesi Outfit (Sleeveless), presumably to distinguish it from the version that does have sleeves," Hragnette explained to Vignar. "What do you think?"
"I think this bread's lousy," grunted Vignar. "And you're a shocking little madam, strutting around the place without a hint of shame, wearing an Orcish sword on your hip! This is Jorrvaskr! Get yourself some proper Nordic steel!"
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"And I know it isn't exactly my style," Hragnette said bashfully, "but it feels like it could be my style, you know? Maybe there's a side to Hragnette Bright-Helm that wants to be wild, confident, bodacious and... sexy!"
"Why are you still in my room?" Skjor glared up at her. "I asked you to fetch that fragment of Wuuthrad four hours ago! Go and be sexy in front of the draugr if it means that much to you."
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"Sforzinda was responsible for a lot of unique clothing made by rearranging preexisting assets," explained Hragnette. "I'm using their newest mod, 'Very Wip Use at your Own Peril Armours', or something to that effect, but the Anvilesi Outfit was previously featured in 'Imitations of the Fourth Era'. What do you think, Idiot Elf?"
"And what might you need, hmm?" said Idiot Elf, who had naught but the default lines for her voice type. "We're one of the same kind, you and I. I'm glad to have met you."
"Very helpful," said Hragnette.
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"...or the blue one, but realistically, it wouldn't take me long to scrounge up enough materials to make another. So I made the white and brown one, and here we are," Hragnette explained. "And before you say anything, Njada - no, I do not, in fact, know why Skjor let me in in the first place! It's an ontological mystery that may never be solved!"
Njada breathed an angry sigh. "I actually thought it looked pretty good on you," she spat. "But fine, be like that! I didn't choose this life so I could make friends. Just-- Can you promise me one thing?"
Njada grabbed Hragnette's arm, almost dragging her into the table. Hragnette reached for a sweetroll to shove in her face, but when she looked into Njada's eyes, she saw only sadness and regret.
"Promise me, Hragnette..." Njada squeezed Hragnette's hand, and despite her cold, bony fingers it felt affectionate. "Don't ever start shaving your legs. It's not worth it."
Hragnette gasped softly. "Oh, Njada... I was never going to do that! Not in a thousand years." A tear rolled down her freckled cheek. "I know what you're afraid of! Another tomboy losing her way, another interesting woman turned normal and pretty because the idiots who wrote the film want her to... But that's never going to be me, Njada! It's a nice tunic, nothing more."
"That's... That's great!" Njada smiled weakly. "I don't know why I was worried... You never let anything stand in your way, do you?"
"Never." Hragnette shook her head. "I'm my own civil servant, and don't you forget it!"
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"So, um, yes. It's called the Anvilesi Outfit (Sleeveless)," said Hragnette, feeling more than a little sheepish about the tears she and Njada had shared. "What do you think, Farkas?"
Farkas stared at her. "Is that really what you're wearing? To fight your way through Dustman's Cairn, a long-abandoned temple of the ancient Dragon Cult, no doubt filled with the risen bodies of their servants? It's going to rain this afternoon, Hragnette! You should put a coat on or something."
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"Oh, wow," observed Farkas, watching Hragnette get changed in the middle of the courtyard. "Now, that's fashion!"
"Yes, yes, shut up," said Hragnette, strapping on her bracers. "Which way was Dustman's Cairn again?"
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archipithecus · 2 years
Lexember 2022 - Masterpost
Here are all my new lexember words for my orcish language ‘Arkusëbhôd‘
1) bê [bɛː] *bewo - n. inanim. truth, adj. pertaining to truth, correctness, and realness, interrogative particle that is added to the end of a declarative sentence to change it into a yes-no question
2) nêk, nëwikt [ˈnɛkt, nəˈwikt] *newik - n. inam. a seed or grain, a small grain-shaped object, like sand or beads
3) walst, wëlsutt [ˈwɑlst, wəlˈsutt] *wolsut - n. inam. herb, leafy green, weed, a small general plant, used as a suffix for specific plant types
4) sân, -sânu- [sɑːn, sɑːnu] *sohnu - n. trans. hear, listen, both for literal perception of sound, and reporting
5) puti, pëthîd [ˈputi, pəˈθiːd] *putoj - n. inam. sky, the heaven, clouds, molspu, moëlsibde [ˈmɑlspu, ˌmɛəlˈsibde] *maʔol-sibu - n. inam. lit. sun-house, this is an old archaic/poetic figurative word for the sky.
6) ABILITY <  GET (“to get”, “to receive”, “to obtain”) *kuʔa
7) bûr, -bûra- [buːr, buːrɑ] *bowro - v. trans drag, draw, pull, plow
8) buraklu, bûrëkelde [buˈrɑklu, ˌbuːrəˈkɛldɛ] *bowro-kalu - n. inam. plow, lit. drag-tool
9) rê, -rej- [rɛː, rɛj] *rahi - v. intrans. jump, leap, ni [ni] *ni - n. anim. a generic small creature, rêni, rëjnisk [ˈrɛːni, rəjˈnisk] *rahi-ni - n. anim. frog, toad, lit. “jump-creature”
10) kâr, karesk, -kâre- [ˈkɑːr, kɑˈrɛsk, -kɑːrɛ-] *kawra - n. anim. bird, v. intrans. fly, used as a suffix for specific bird types
11) bol, bold [ˈbɒl, ˈbɒld] *bol - n. inam. danger, risk, hazard, peril, inm, -inam- [inm̩, -inam-]*hinam - v. trans. touch, feel, grope, bëllinm, -ballinam- [bəlˈlinm̩, -bɑllinɑm-] *bol-hinam - v. intrans. fear, lit. danger-feel, bëllinm is an intransitive verb, and so the source of the fear must be introduced in the ablative
12) ân‘, -a‘en- [ɑːnˤ, -ɑʕɛn-] *haʕin - v. trans. grind, crush, gnash, mill, rub, a‘ëngkal‘, a‘engkëlâd‘ [ˌɑʕəŋˈkɑlˤ, ˌɑʕɛŋkəˈlɑːdˤ] *haʕin-ku-laʕ - n. inam. flour, dust, stuff that is ground, this comes from the passive gerund of the verb ân‘ “to grind”, and has become a regular common noun, ‘engklu, a‘ëngkelde [ˈʕɛŋklu, ˌɑʕəŋˈkɛldɛ] *haʕin-kalu - n. inam. grinder, mill, lit. grind-tool, metaphorically extended to molars, or more broadly to jaw, a‘ënjelk, a‘enjëlukt [ˌɑʕənˈjɛlk, ˌɑʕɛnjəˈlukt] *haʕin-joluk - n. inam. grindstone, a‘ën‘ark, a‘en‘ërkusk [ˌɑʕəˈnˤɑrk, ˌɑʕɛnˤərˈkusk] *haʕin-ʕarku - n. anim. miller, lit. grind-person
13) hudng, hëdhund [ˈhudŋ̩, həˈðund] *xuduŋ - n. inam. guts, bowels, general viscera, hud [hud] *xud - post. in, from a shortening of *xuduŋ, hudhëng‘agm, hudhung‘ëghund [ˌhuðəˈŋˤɑgm, ˌhuðuŋˤəˈɣund] *xuduŋ-ʕogum - n. inam. gut-string, gut-string instrument by synecdoche
14) el, -hle, -ele- [ɛl, -ɬɛ, -ɛlɛ-]*hale - v. trans/intrans. dig, burrow, mine, hollow out, scratch, takes the form -hle when in the post-tonic position
15) ngâr, ngârde, ngarekr, -ngâre- [ˈŋɑːr, ˈŋɑːrdɛ, ŋɑˈrɛkr̩, -ŋɑːrɛ-] *ŋawre - n. inam. milk, v. trans. milk
16) wenl, wenlde, wënlekr [ˈwɛnl̩, ˈwɛnl̩dɛ, wənˈlɛkr̩] *wenla - n. inam. song, chant, later expands to music, poem, wënle’i, -wenlehê- [wənˈlɛʔi, -wɛnlɛhɛː-] *wenla-qaj - v. intrans. sing, lit. song-say
17) tîk, tîkte, tikhukr [ˈtiːk, ˈtiːktɛ, tiˈxukr̩] *tojku - n. inam. honey, mead, more generally a plant sap, also used for a sense of sweet, pleasant, genial
18) pil, pëlask, pilde [ˈpil, pəˈlɑsk, ˈpildɛ] *pilo - adj. light green, fresh, unripe, raw, new, young, also has a sense of spring/dawn
19) rasl, rësuld, -rasul- [ˈrɑsl̩, rəˈsuld, -rɑsul-] *rosul - n. inam. blood, v. intrans. bleed
20) hûsëngûb, -hûsengûbhi- [ˌhuːsəˈŋuːb, ˈhuːsɛŋuːβi-] *xuwsa-ŋuwbi - v. trans. do magic, lit. breath-weave
21) leh‘k, lëhekt [ˈlɛħk, ləˈhɛkt] *lixak - n. inam. hair, fur
22) lâg, -lwig-, -lajg- [lɑːg, -lwig-, -lɑjg-] *loʔig - v. intrans. flow, when causative pour, takes the form -lwig- with 1 or 2 morae of suffixes
23) ê, êd, -ê- [ˈɛː, ˈɛːd] *ʔew - n. inam. hand, arm, v. trans. give, strike, use a hand/arm in a typical manner, often used as a filler word when a speaker can’t think of a more precise meaning, takes irregular forms such as -’u or -[long]w/u depending on affixes
24) ngêhl, ngehild, -ngêhil- [ˈŋɛːɬ, ŋɛˈhild, -ŋɛːhil-] *ŋahhil - n. inam. bowl, cup, general container, usually ceramic, v. trans. scoop
25) pen, pend, -pen- [ˈpɛn, ˈpɛnd, -pɛn-] *pen - n. inam. foot, leg, v. trans. kick, walk, use a foot/leg in a typical manner, often used as a filler word when a speaker can’t think of a more precise meaning
26) ûm, -awim- [ˈuːm, -ɑwim-] *ʔowim - v. trans. carry, in the passive ride 
27) molsëkwops, molsukwëphost [ˈmɒlsəˈkwɒps, ˈmɒlsekwəˈɸɒst] *molsu-kuʔa-pas - n. inam. market, lit. give-take-place
28) nehj, -nehje- [ˈnɛç, -nɛçɛ-] *nahje - v. trans. think (reflect, be of the opinion), count, calculate, consider
29) pô, pôd‘, -pô(‘)- [ˈpɒː, ˈpɒːdˤ, -pɒː(ˤ)] *poʕ - n. inam. skin, hide, v. trans. flay, skin, remove the skin, pharyngealizes the following consonant
30) tuhrs, tëhrest [ˈtur̥s, təˈr̥ɛst] *tuhres - n. inam. leaf, sheet
31) lehr‘, -lihrâ(‘)- [ˈlɛr̥ˤ, -lir̥ɑː(ˤ)] *lihroʕ - v. trans. preserve, keep safe, ferment, defend, cure, heal, a general sense of growing and changing while improving, pharyngealizes the following consonant
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tomjust · 2 years
Warlords of aternum cheats
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No Need to made change on your gadget (ROOT. Anti Ban™ Security Protection and User – friendly Layout.ĥ. Warlords of Aternum Gold und Diamanten Cheats Willkommen in der mobilen Welt Warlords of Aternum, es ist Zeit, deine Feinde auf den Schlachtfeldern zu treffen und deine strategischen Fhigkeiten zu testen. This FREE app gives you a list of ALL cheat codes for Liberty City Stories for both PS2 and PSP. Your mission is to build a powerful army and lead it to save the fantasy-world of Aternum. Now is the time to prove yourself in intense 3D-animated combat. The people desperately cry out for a hero to end their constant peril. Undetectable, Safe and Effective (100% Safe)Ĥ. For decades Dunmar has suffered horrendous attacks at the hands of the Orcish horde. Work With Latest Version (With New Version updated on (time)).ģ. Please complete the verification process.Ģ. Or else, you need to verify your humanity. Collect and recruit dozens of unit types, and take your regiments from a handful of militia to a steeled fighting force. Recruit, train and build your army to battle and conquer every opponent. Meet your enemies on the hex battlefield, and put your tactics to the test. ■ If you’re lucky, the resources may added automatically to your account. Warlords of Aternum is a turn-based strategy game built exclusively for mobile.
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partheniasimblr · 7 months
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Thanks to all builders, cc creators and pose makers @beverlyallitsims @elfydrell @herecirmsims @irinaseverinka @maxiematch @notsooldmadcatlady @plazasims @pralinesims @valhallansim @viktorviolettaenterprises @wistfulpoltergeist
Transcription below the cut
Nefaria: For Chalkaos and for the King! Soldiers in unison: Chalkaos! Chalkaos! Chalkaos! Let's hunt Orcs!
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doodle-pops · 2 years
You were running for your life, five orcs on your heels. Your shoulder hurt, pierced by orcish arrow. You were lucky it wasn't poisoned. Still it hurt like mad with each slightest jerk of your body. Your lungs burnt and you knew, very soon they would catch you and do terrible things to you. Maybe you should better kill yourself, before you would be forced to breed soldiers for the Enemy.
You stumbled over a root and fell, aggravating your wound even worse. Your pained yelp alerted the monsters and they reponded with victorious howls.
While you were praying for quick death, you heard silent hiss of more arrows. None of them hit you though. More orcish screams and grunts announced, that those arrows pierced them, ending their pitiful life. You leaned against thick trunk of an oak, trying to catch your breath and to stay awake.
Eru must have been smiling upon you - those archers were elves, but taller and with brighter eyes than you have ever seen. One of them called orders at them, before he motioned one of his subordinates to follow him. Both headed directly towards you.
Your languages were different, but there were few words that had the same meaning. You didn't understand all what they told you, but you managed to guess, what they wanted from you. The leader of the group was Findekáno - a handsome ellon whose mere presence was calming. His companion was Failon, a healer. He treated your injury, while the rest of the group made sure, none of the orcs would survive and escape.
You and Failon knew that removal of the arrow would be painful, and the healer asked Findekáno to help him distract you. Findekáno took your unhurt hand carefully. He was still surprised to see young woman here and alone. His curiosity had to wait though.
He placed his other hand on your cheek and kept talking with soft, gentle tone to you, making you focus on him. His smile and words, that sounded like a a praise lulled you to sleep, when the arrow was finally removed.
When you woke up again, you found yourself in rather comfortable cot. There were more bright-eyed elves like Findekáno and Failon - some of them bandaging wounded soldiers. One of those healers noticed you and called for someone, who appeared to be one of your people, Elrandir. He spoke the tongue of those unknown elves and explained to you, who they were and how did they come to your lands.
After you were fed and your injury was checked, you saw Findekáno again. Elrandir translated his words for you and so he could finally satisfy his curiosity.
For some reason he was amazed, when he learnt you were a scout hunting for your people and protecting their territory from orcs. Sadly, your people were decimated in the onslought before the great light first appeared in the sky a chased the orcs and other monsters back into the underground. You were one of a buch of survivors, trying to find a safe place to live, since you didn't have the luxury of the same protection as Doriath.
Findekáno, after your talk, sent rather numerous search party and an escort for your kinsmen. You reunited with them two weeks after that and you were eternaly grateful to him.
Your kin agreed to join the host of Noldor and assist them in their endavours. Just like you did. Once you learnt, who Findekáno...or as your people called him, Fingon - was, you did your best to return the favour. You became an asset to his scouts, not only knowing the lands of Hithlum to the smallest spot, but also with your ability to sense danger and your bond and friendship with birds, that lived there.
Rather soon you found out, something kept troubling him. You wished to know, what it was, but he didn't tell anyone a thing. One night you spotted him sneaking out of the camp, all alone, but fully armed and equipped for a long and probably perilous journey. You couldn't help, but worry about him.
And so you followed him, just like silent, guardian shadow. As Fingon headed north and didn't seem to intend to turn east or west, your worries only grew. Why for Eru's sake was he heading to Angband? Had he lost his mind?! That evening, you caught up with him.
At first, he insisted on your return back to Hithlum, but after pointing out how much better you know even this cursed land, he finally relented and told you about the reason of his lone quest. He was trying to find and rescue his dearest friend and cousin.
You wondered why it was only him then. There was something amiss, but you decided not to ask. For some reason it seemed to be sore topic. You decided to join him. You used the help of your feathered friends, from tiniest sparrow to great eagles.
In the end, it paid off. You managed to find Maitimo and free him with help from Thorondor.
When you finally returned to the camp, there was quite a lot of scolding for both of you. You didn't mind it much, since you managed to return the favour to one, who saved your life and did his best to ease your pain.
Since that quest, you both became close. You helped him where you could, and what little time he had for himself, he spent it with you. And his cousin, of course - at least, until he recovered enough to join the rest of his brothers. By now you knew about the feud going on between Noldorin princes. You saw, how badly it affected Fingon. After some musing, you knew what he needed.
Once he was free from his duties, just like you, you practically kidnapped him and led him to one of your favourite spots. You knew about a hidden valley with hotspring. It had always been a nice place, but since the coming of the new lights, it became even more beautiful with various flowers blooming there.
"Now, you worked hard enough, mellon nín. You should enjoy your well deserved rest. Who knows, maybe once you renew and uplift your spirit, you will find a solution," you told him softly.
by scroll anon <(*u*)>
Like I said a while back, my blog is becoming a Fingon appreciation blog and I really don't mind. ~\(≧▽≦)/~
To be saved by a literal knight in shining armour and then befriend him - dream come true. I'll be honest, too many times I've imagined myself rescuing Maedhros alongside Fingon. Poor baby deserves the world as well.
Question: Am I joining Fingon in the hot springs, or do I sit outside and stare at him like a creep? ⚆_⚆
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letterstosestrilles · 2 years
Dear Tyko,
It’s been a few days since I Sent to you, and maybe you’re wondering why I’m not back somewhere you can get my letters again yet. Obviously this letter won’t explain until I’ve already left, but I don’t know whether I’ll actually be somewhere with reception in between now and … everything else. I hope I am, I want you to know what I’m up to in far more words than I can do in Sending, but I think we’ll be figuring that out tomorrow or the next day.
Before I talk about what’s next, though, there’s a lot to catch you up on, as you might imagine, having read my last letter. Questions I’ve asked and had answered, and the next steps, because there are next steps. Maybe you, like me, had a moment’s desperate hope (and fear, in my case—I can’t deny that I would have had trouble letting go, even if I would have for your sake and those of others who love me, if there were other people who had any faith they could complete this quest) that Emulf and Dwiona would take this task on with Niko, but they have other business to attend to, and I can’t blame them. So yes, there are next steps, but I do need to tell you about how we got to them.
When I last wrote, I was groggy and unprepared to face the world, but writing it down helped, as it always does, so I went off and found Maliah, who was also groggy. We drank some tea from the jug and chatted a little, mostly about our exhaustion. Eventually, she heard voices in the distance, and when we poked our heads out, Niko was also poking hers out, hair mussed and eyes squinted in the scant light. She asked if we wanted breakfast, and when we agreed, led us to the kitchen, pausing sometimes at a crossroads as she reminded herself what direction something was in.
Dwiona and Emulf were up when we got there, for a given value of it. Emulf had pitched himself so far to the side in his seat that he was leaning in the wall, coffee perilously close to spilling it whenever he drank. Dwiona was determinedly upright, not letting herself lean on anything including the back of her seat. They greeted us and offered desperately-needed coffee, and we all tried to find the rhythm of a conversation while we drank it.
Maliah and I did our best to catch them up on major events in the Prime Material Plane over the past two and a half years, though it’s shameful how little we know about what’s actually in the news, other than being fairly certain that Kirim was a major story, at least. I asked if either of them had home planets or stations they wanted to hear about specifically, but they waved me off to ask about generalities, which makes sense with some things I surmised later, but we’ll get there.
We did a little better over breakfast, where Dwiona brought out some things from a pantry that I suspect works much like the one in my Mansion and gave us all plenty of protein and bread to get our energy back up. Maliah and I talked a little more about our backgrounds, and what adventures we’ve been on with Niko that don’t fully involve the path she led us down, asked a few hesitant questions about whether they’ve had time to do much eating or resting since Reorx was attacked (the answer is “very little,” especially with their companions leaving a year ago to seek more help, Niko not having returned), and generally tried to make a very strange situation as normal as we could.
Eventually, though, it was obvious that not much else could get started without speaking to our host, so we all set our dishes aside and let Dwiona and Emulf go ask Reorx where they’d like to meet us while Niko started fussing with her hair and Maliah and I frantically straightened ourselves out. When we were all settled, though, we went out to something like a veranda, a place with a view of the sky (the only thing that still shifts moment by moment instead of holding steady as long as one is in the room) and no true greenery but crafted greenery: wrought metal flowers, silk vines, materials I can’t pretend to recognize.
Reorx, in orcish form, looked much more collected than they had the day before, and much more rested too. They asked, to begin, for more details on how we’d come to be there, and Niko obliged, to my everlasting gratitude. She knew the details that would most interest them, and the most about how she first realized something strange was going on in the first place. I only tossed in occasional commentary—things we saw before we started traveling with her full-time, personal confirmations of people I know who have been on the constant-inspiration side of things, and the occasional comment when Niko was being too modest about her own contributions. Maliah did much the same, and all told, we condensed the tale of our travels down to an hour or so, with a little extra when Reorx asked some clarifying questions.
When it was done, it was our turn to ask questions, and I started with the one I answered for you at the start of this letter: whether Reorx’s companions (it’s the best word I’ve got for them, when they aren’t all paladins and there’s clearly too much fondness and knowledge on both sides for “followers” to feel right) wanted to take over the quest now that Niko has her memories back. As I said, Dwiona and Emulf demurred, and Reorx has plenty of work to do with a lot of divine delicacy putting their domain back in order.
So the problem of Onver was squarely back in our laps, and we started asking questions as appropriate, starting with what it is that he actually wants. Reorx said, rather wry, that Onver isn’t given to dramatic speeches about his goals, but they expect that what he wants is power. The power of a god, even, but without the responsibilities or obligations of one. Reorx suspects they were a first test, not a final one.
The next question, one that’s been keeping me up nights, is whether the damage to Reorx was from charging or discharging the weapon. We know that it can pull from beings as well as from the ethereal plane, after all, and the kind of charge you can gain from hurting a god is not the kind of charge we want in Onver’s hands. Unfortunately, it seems to have been some measure of both, and Reorx can tell that some portion of their essential nature is in Onver’s hands—it allows them to do at least some general tracking on him, but that he succeeded in even that measure is terrifying.
Another logical question: what can a mortal do, with a piece of a god’s essential nature? With a piece of Reorx’s, given their domain. Pure destruction, certainly, but if all Onver wanted to do was destroy, he could easily have spent that power already. Other options are more nebulous: he could use it like an incredibly powerful version of the inspiration I can give, or infuse it into an object, or hoard it for when he gains more power at the next stage of his plan, whatever that is.
That gave us all plenty to think of, so I went sidewyas to Niko, who had her full and proper memories restored to her so recently and who I’m full of questions about and for. I started with something Reorx had said the day before—that they’d taken Niko’s memories to keep Onver from following her back once she found him. But Onver had also been brought to them once, so I was confused. Reorx cleared it up, starting the story a little back from that, as I’ll relay to you now.
After Onver destroyed his community so brutally, which Niko told us about, Reorx charged her and Achenna, who I haven’t met, to bring Onver to them for a conversation—as they say, punishment isn’t really in their remit, but something clearly had to be done and it was Reorx’s paladin Onver betrayed. They did, which is when Onver attacked and whisked away (some kind of teleportation magic, but whether it was magic in an item, a scroll, intrinsic, or learned, Reorx couldn’t say), but the protection was less about the location, in the end, and more about knowledge.
Niko and these other companions are all very close to Reorx, it seems, in a way most people aren’t to gods (which makes me think about Mishakal and her comment that Reorx’s plane might be more comfortable for us than many divine planes, so I’m guessing it’s not terribly common for gods to take on companions, but that seems rude to ask). They’re privy to secrets of divine knowledge, of universal and creative knowledge, that shouldn’t fall into Onver’s hands. Moreover, when you’re that close to a god, apparently there are means of tracking, so removing Niko’s connection kept her safe until Onver gave up looking for her.
That was a lot to think about, so I sidestepped again and got another blow to my perception of things for my troubles: I asked about the timeline of things, and whether the return of Niko’s memories had given her time back too. She laughed, a little wildly, and said that apparently the time between Onver destroying his community and Niko and Achenna bringing him before Reorx was twenty years. (I don’t know much about genasi lifespans, but you’ve met Niko. She does not look old enough to have been hunting someone for twenty years. Another question I don’t quite have the courage to ask.)
More than that, the memories she shared with us of bringing Onver to a mortal temple to Reorx were modified. She wasn’t a regular paladin called to be a servant and companion to Reorx in this circumstance. She’d been with them for some time, and the perhaps-killed head of the temple was Reorx themselves, twisting things so Niko could know what she needed to without betraying that knowledge if she was found. Apparently these companions go on what they agreed to call pilgrimages sometimes, returning to mortal planes to wander, learn new techniques, inspiring interesting projects, and the like. Niko was on one of those when Onver fell into her lap.
(And fell, it seems, by design. He might not have known exactly who was coming, but as Reorx put it, there are ways people can make themselves attractive in such situations, and if it hadn’t been a servant of Reorx, it might have been, I don’t know, a high-level cleric of an agricultural god interested in the supposed uses of the machine, or even, as they said, Gaizka, powerful enough to draw interest.)
The extra twenty years certainly make parts of what we’ve been surmising make sense. Niko and Reorx agree that she was hunting him fiercely enough that he can’t have been putting too much into place, but Maliah and I remembered Shaan Liadon, and his mother who might possibly be a warlock, which gave us all a sober moment. That’s more of a loose thread, a side problem I already know Athan and Gaizka have their eyes on from different vantage points, but it’s still a reminder that Onver might have done plenty of things even on the run.
They also agree that while Onver might have been presenting himself as a regular denizen of the Plane of Earth when she met him, chances are large that’s a disguise. There’s no guessing what he actually is, when there are so many powerful beings, Reorx included, who can change their guise on a whim, but we should be prepared for him to have resources and powers aside from his weapon, at the very least. He definitely has access to magic, by whatever means, even if his primary offensive capability is the weapon.
Well, let me be precise, so I’m harder to take by surprise: with Reorx, he really only tried to fight or wound with the weapon, and didn’t attack when he was separated from it, just tried to get back and hamper others’ movements. (At least at that point, he had to be next to the weapon to fire it. Point in our favor. When Niko and Achenna brought him in, it was using surprise and ambush tactics. Point less in our favor.) It may be that it’s the most damage he can do so he doesn’t see the point in doing anything else. It may be that it’s the most damage he can do to a god, so he didn’t try lesser measure. And it may be that he stuck to the weapon because he wanted power more than he wanted to win, in which case he definitely wouldn’t care to stick to it with us, since we can’t grant him divine power.
That was all a lot to take in, so I made another sidestep: does Reorx want him alive? Niko had talked about taking Onver alive before, to deliver him to justice, but apparently she’s done that once before. And, from what it seems, Reorx doesn’t care. If we deliver them Onver, they’ll deal with him as they see fit. If he doesn’t make it back but he’s dealt with, they’ll be pleased enough to move on to other things.
Maliah stepped in and asked the wonderfully practical question of what the thing looks like, after all this worry about it. Niko, obviously, has seen some plans for it, so she can tell us more, but it does look superficially like a drill, since it is a planar drill even if it functions as much by magic and metaphor as by its physical components. There are apparently a lot of lenses and lasers, which seem like parts that could be sabotaged, or so I optimistically hope. It’s large, on an industrial or agricultural scale rather than a hand weapon.
Reorx seemed to see all of us listing a little, still tired after healing them, and brought the conversation to a close by saying that they could tell us at least vaguely where he is, and would give us anything they can, but that there are places in the universe where it’s hard for magical sight, even that of a god, to penetrate, and Onver has wisely holed up in one. That, though, they said, was to deal with after a few more days of recovery.
Before they sent us off for that recovery, though, they said that they wanted to thank us for coming and finishing the job their companions have been so faithfully doing. They asked if there’s anything we know we need, and I mentioned something to hold Onver once we have him, and they produced from the air, as though it were nothing, a pair of strong but light manacles with runes carved in that can apparently keep a person from using teleportation magic once you have them restrained, and I thanked them and they turned to other gifts.
Reorx gave each of us a gift and a blessing. Niko they said will have greater rewards when they’ve had time to think of what would be appropriate, but apparently the glaive she’s using has more powers than she knew, or used to have more powers, and they’ve restored it to full function. Her blessing is a blessing of health, and as Reorx said it, I could see her sitting up straighter, a little more vital, even if she still looked exhausted.
Maliah was given a beautiful tooled leather quiver, just the size of her regular one but with space to hold arrows, javelins, even extra longbows, all of which can be drawn even quicker than getting something from the bag of holding. Squirt didn’t receive a gift, but they both received blessings. Maliah’s is a blessing of protection—for one who protects her friends, said Reorx, and I’m pleased they see her so well. Apparently it will protect her, which I’m even more grateful about, a little extra ease in dodging and avoiding harm. Squirt’s blessing, which Maliah nearly wept over, is one of wound closure: he’s going to be a whole lot harder to kill, and easier to heal, which is worth weeping over, I’d say.
I got a puzzle to go with my gift and my blessing. They said (and meant, I since discovered) that they wanted to know more about my gloves, but in the meantime asked Dwiona for a particular harp, and when she handed it to them, a small and beautifully covered object, they strummed it once, and the music seemed to shiver into being as light in the air. They cupped it in their hands, blew it over my gloves, and now, it seems, the gloves have the powers of the harp: they’ll cast Fly, and Wall of Thorns, and several other spells, once a day each, and if I try to use the gloves to charm someone, which I don’t expect I’ll do often, they’ll have a harder time resisting it. They also said that as I look for how they stored the data, I may find it easier to do some of my own, which is the puzzle, and one I look forward to unraveling.
The blessing is one that may amuse you, actually—Reorx, like you, seems to agree that whatever my virtues, I’m not exactly overflowing with wisdom, and gave me a blessing of wisdom to make up for it. I’m used to discovering new reserves of power in myself, but I do have to admit it’s deeply strange to feel a god expand your understanding and powers of observation, and I keep finding myself in spirals wondering if I would have thought something in quite the same way before the blessing. Hopefully it will settle soon.
After that, and a great many thanks, we were given the run of the compound while Reorx took care of business.
Dwiona showed me to some absolutely gorgeous music rooms. They don’t have any overt acoustic material on walls or ceilings, but even just talking in them, you can feel the roundness in the tone, the way it’s almost an echo but doesn’t actually linger or muddy any sounds. I don’t think I’ve heard a concert hall as good. And they’re just there, full of musical instruments, each a perfect example of type, some of them types I’ve never heard of and couldn’t imagine. Others have the wood-and-rosin scent of a luthier’s shop, or sheets of brass to be shaped, wires to be turned into strings for palm-sized harps as much as for guitars twice as long as I am tall.
I spent most of the rest of the day absolutely enchanted, playing first one instrument, now another, each all pure and perfect tone, the smoothest trumpet I’ve ever heard, a drum whose beats could echo across miles, a fiddle Serime would kill to get her hands on.
I had, however, in a fit of wanting to do something for the exhausted people who haven’t had breaks and vacations with friends and family for the last two years, offered to treat everyone to dinner in the Mansion, and that included Reorx, so eventually I tore myself away and very quickly planned a feast and a Mansion that’s a bit less flamboyant than usual, just in time for everyone to come along.
It was a pleasant dinner, thank goodness. Squirt gorged himself on a dozen kinds of meat, everyone else appreciated the strange array of dishes I conjured up, roast hog next to Infernal curry next to that cake I always wanted to try from The Estate of Bidi-Maha in the Time of Industry, which was just as delicious as I always hoped. I kept conversation as light as I could, and Reorx and their companions mostly talked about crafting, and mishaps with trying new ones. When they lapsed, Maliah and I told some stories of the quests not directly related to helping Reorx.
Eventually, we all admitted defeat and left the Mansion behind to rest again.
Yesterday was quiet. I went back to the music rooms, and while I spent a little time looking at the spellwork and wondering how to replicate it, and pulling out Hanai’s old notes to see if the crystalline structure could be a key to it, I also spent some time doing some maintenance on the rest of my kit, since the gloves are the showiest part but not the only part. I redid the wiring in my belt to be more efficient with the larger amounts of data I need to access, recalibrated the sensitivity on my loop sensor, and, while I had such perfect recording acoustics, rerecorded a lot of my vocal samples.
Maliah and Niko had both disappeared, Niko to rooms dedicated to fibercraft and Maliah sometimes with her and sometimes looking at and testing out Reorx’s gorgeous collection of bows, and we were all enthusiastic over dinner, which we had in the kitchen this time and without a god along.
And then today, after a bit more of the same, Reorx called us to that veranda again, to talk to us about our next steps, since Onver doesn’t seem to be moving fast but we all want to be done with him anyway.
As I said, because Onver has a piece of Reorx’s power, they can’t pinpoint him, but they know at least vaguely where he is. And as I said, there aren’t many places that can block magic as thoroughly as the place he’s hiding. Reorx listed a few, each of which sounded inhospitable: pockets of the Shadowfell, certain corners of the Celestial Plane, some of the Outer Planes, where Reorx says Onver does not yet have the power to walk.
But Onver isn’t in any of those places. No, Onver is, it seems, on the dark side of the Feywild. The place they tell ghost and horror stories about, a place where large parts don’t allow any access to magic and where I’ll thus have a hard time being of any use to my friends at all to the point where I’m worried I’ll be dead weight for a decent amount of the journey, unless I can make friends with some unspeakable horrors on the way to Onver’s den. But you can’t make friends with the land, which is also against you, and contains, apparently, pockets where time distorts, where we could lose months or years. Reorx, helpfully, suggests we avoid those. I’ll have to ask what they look like.
Or, most likely, I’ll have to ask Cerunwe what they look like, because we do know one person who’s been to the dark side of the Feywild and come back out, if with more difficulty than ze has yet told us about. We’re going to owe zir a hell of a favor, but the thought of at least zir advice, if not zir guidance, is one of the only things giving me hope, when Maliah blanched as soon as Reorx said where Onver is. Maliah’s not scared of places, not really, not when she could explore them, but this she’s scared of, and that scares me in turn, even if something about it tugged my imagination and my interest when I was there.
Maybe I’ll get to write my song about it after all.
I don’t know if we’ll be back on the Prime Material Plane in between. These messages may send from the Feywild—I doubt the dark side has the reception to send messages, but if we need to find Cerunwe, we won’t be starting there.
I’m scared. Of Onver and of this. But I can almost see the end of it, now, and some hints of what could come after. I’ll just have to keep those in mind, because the nearer things are too terrifying to focus on for long.
Please tell me you’re reading something happy in book club this month.
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doesitsparkjoytho · 3 years
"The Happy Harpy Post" - Medieval Craigslist
(**For anyone not in the U.S., Craigslist is Facebook Marketplace's janky, super sketch predecessor, basically an online site to list items for sale, jobs, "Missed Encounters," etc.**)
[For Sale / Trade]
Realm's most powerful -- and evil -- sword
Just in time for that long-awaited conquering!
The realm's most notoriously blood-thirsty sword has reappeared from the dark abyss yet again. The last band of heroes battled death to cast it into oblivion some centuries ago, but like a merciless rash, it will not stay banished.
Authentic blood stains and nicks
Possessed by an extremely evil and demeaning spirit, rumored to be that of Lord Archbane himself
Crafted from the finest dragon's bone and titanium, ensuring years of slicing, thrusting, hacking, mutilation and general intimidation
This weapon is not for the faint of heart. If the latter is not black as pitch, I assure you that the blade will drive you mad in its attempt to corrupt your soul. I stumbled upon the sword but three weeks past, but already the power of this dark artifact threatens to consume my being. However, one with the strength of spirit to master it stands to gain an instrument of unimaginable potential.
Willing to trade for guaranteed safety during new owner's reign of terror, a residence in owner's general vicinity, and a small (negotiable) re-homing fee for myself / the sword. ***And please note: the sword has attached itself to me in ways that I dare not speak of. If you try to kill me and take the sword in place of a transaction, it will be lost for many more centuries. It has assured me of this.
If interested, please find or send for innkeeper Finbar Ruild of Heshire, Eastern Province.
Free Pulsating Crystal Thing
Are you a dark being of some authority seeking an artifact of unknown power and antiquity to enhance your castle/cave/fortress/tower/dungeon's mystical atmosphere? Are you perhaps also wishing for a handful of random occurrences to shake things up, or to rid yourself of a few pesky, traitorous, or bumbling minions too curious for their own well-being? Then look no further! This strange, eerily glowing crystal pulsates as if containing life and is sure to amuse and amaze guests. In addition, this nifty crystal can easily lull one to sleep with its deep, otherworldly and ominous croonings. I guarantee you won't stumble upon another artifact of such myriad uses and features. I'm only parting with it because the lady of the keep has suggested that I have one too many "unique" trinkets.
Serious inquiries only (No minions, peasants, slaves or other lowly beings, as I dread the repercussions of this falling into the wrong hands). Please contact Lord Vasuvian at the black tower. You can send a messenger by horseback, pigeon, falcon, hawk, bat, dragon, etc. I promise its safe return.
Haircuts for Heroes
Are you a hero? Do you want to be? Nothing says "hero" like a unique hairstyle. I offer dying, cutting, braiding, and lime-washing. Be the first to try out my new Dark and Dangerous dye, made from a fermented leech and vinegar mixture which is entirely unique and promises the darkest, longest lasting black available.
Stop announcing your triumphs and displaying your spoils to earn the trust of the town and start standing out!
My shop, Haircuts for Heroes, is located in North Ghestfel.
Live-in Mage for hire
Have you ever wanted life to be a little easier than it is? Do you ever find yourself wishing that your floor would clean itself, that your fire would stay lit through the night, or that those pesky birds would cease pecking the thatch from your roof to build their nests?
Now you can make your wishes come true! Mage with 20+ years of experience in the Way is willing to lend his talents in exchange for room and board. His only request is that you don't treat him as a servant and allow him time for his own studies between your requests.
If interested, please send word to Octulus Drolp so that we may arrange a meeting and home viewing.
[Missed Encounters]
At the smithy - M4W
You, dearest woman, had four children in tow and were berating each of them as they touched everything in the shop. I smiled at you, but you were too busy to take full notice of me. Your voice was the sweetest music to my ears. I doubt a lovely lady such as yourself with four energetic children would be without husband, but if that is indeed the case, I beseech you to come and find me!
Make inquiry for Will at the stables.
To the ruggedly handsome human who passed through the southern Fivhren woods yesterday morn:
As I emerged from my cave, sleep still crusting my eyes like fairy dust, I was struck by a most unusual but welcome sight. Upon the knoll beyond my cave, a dark-haired man (you) knelt by his steed. My orcish heart pattered- and I am not easily moved, particularly by those of diminutive form. A dark green cloak enfolded your manly form, and you seemed intent on starting a fire, perhaps to make your breakfast.
Not wishing to startle you, I went about my morning as routine demanded, beginning with my rejuvenating spritz in the creek just beyond my cave. I began to hum to catch your attention. When you spotted me, I tried to act alluring, splashing my heaving green bosom with water from the nearby creek and rubbing my face sensually. In reality, I was merely taking my morning bath and desperately attempting to remove the morning crust from round my black orbs- but I figured 'hey, why not kill two birds with one stone?'
I locked my gaze unto yours, and your visage was overcome with- dare I hope- alarmed intrigue? You quickly gathered a few of what I assumed were your belongings, leapt onto your steed and rode away. Without me.
I am sorry if my forthcomingness frightened you away. I am willing to take things slowly, if you are lacking a mate and or have any interest in lady orcs. I enjoy, I imagine, many things you humans do: fishing; rolling in the mud and baking in the sun afterward (it's good for one's skin); eating and cooking (I prepare an astounding seared pig, and my frog-eye soup is unmatched); clubbing and stoning small, pesky animals; and, last but not least, dancing.
If you ever pass my way again, don't hesitate to peek your beautiful head into my cave and holler. But you'd better holler fairly loudly, as I'm a heavy sleeper.
Sincerely yours,
[Community Notices]
Your Daughter Is No Treasure
Dear Lady Fitz,
Please cease advertising your daughter as the most enchanting creature in the land. I had the misfortune of crossing her path in the market this Saturday past, and she was neither lovely, endearing, soft of voice, or willow-thin. In fact, I have seen female trolls more alluring. If you were to place her in a tower for one to rescue, those stupid enough to brave the perils set before them on faith of your word alone would, upon seeing her, leap to their deaths or fall on their own swords before they carried her out of there with them. I am not trying to be rude, I am merely pointing out the truth which I think you should know. If you really wish to marry your daughter off, be honest. It also might not hurt to throw in some gold.
A man saving fellow men from unhappy futures
To my neighbor to the east and south, the marauding tyrant
Dear kindred conqueror:
Being a power and land hungry tyrant myself, I acknowledge that certain consequences can be expected from claiming new provinces. For example, I realize that valuable farmland will likely be laid to waste in the process, forest burned and the animals inhabiting it slain, and villagers and townspeople dispatched from their homes.
However, it is the latter which concerns me. Far be it from me to advise you on proper warmongering, but your actions have brought the consequences of war to my borders. In the towns and villages dotting our shared borders, beings fleeing your terror-inducing campaign are piling in by the hour. However, that's not the main issue here. No, what concerns me is that these humans, orcs, elves, etc. are crossing my borders and falling dead in my towns, creating an awful sight and stench which, in the end, I am left to deal with. Not only that, but my denizens are becoming worried that I might gather my army again and attempt to take the few provinces I have allowed them to keep. I have worked hard at gaining their newfound trust in the last few years following the end of my campaign, and your actions are threatening the fragile halcyon of my new kingdom.
If you would kindly see to it that more of your soon-to-be subjects did not escape your borders, or at least died within them, I would be most grateful. If you do not comply, a few thousand of my most sickly denizens may somehow find their way into your lands just when you think you've established yourself in your new domains.
Yours to the west and north,
Lord Belus III
So I used to write. A LOT. Before fanfic, I was an aspiring fantasy novelist, and I wrote pretty much all the time. I'm trying to get back into it, so I've been looking at my old pieces and taking stock of what I like/don't like. This is one of my all time favorite pieces so I thought I'd share!
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lightmourned · 4 years
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– ––– the basics ––– –
NAME: Taranys Lightmourne
AGE: 360s, close to 370
BIRTHDAY: September 28th
RACE: Sin’dorei
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
MARITAL STATUS: Unmarried, Single
– ––– physical appearance ––– –
HAIR: Light Brown
EYES: Golden
BUILD: Muscular, long used to the weight of heavy weapons and armor. Long legged and broad shouldered.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: A long scar along the length of his abdomen, carved into him from a Death Knight during his service against the undead under Prince Kael’thas.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: Besides a necklace bearing his family sigil, a steel dagger usually remains on his hip, sheathed in a gilded scabbard. His greatsword usually hangs on his back, whenever he needs it.
– ––– personal ––– –
PROFESSION: Sworn brother of the Blood Knight Order, Paladin.
HOBBIES: When not spending his time training, Taranys is usually reading various texts, primarily focused on the Light, as well as the occassional drink after his duties are completed.
LANGUAGES: Orcish, Thalassian, Common.
RESIDENCE: Silvermoon
BIRTHPLACE: Quel’thalas
PATRON DEITY: The Holy Light
FEARS: Failing the expectations his peers and (now deceased) parents have for him.
– ––– relationships ––– –
PARENTS: Ba’thas Lightmourne: The revered patriarch of the Lightmourne dynasty, it was through his direction that the Lightmourne dynasty was able to climb socially and uplift their fortunes from their previous levels of financial peril. Through his ties to the Church of Holy Light, Ba’thas was able to ensure both his sons would be raised as Paladins when the time came. Perished in the Scourge invasion of Quel’thalas.
Melinda Lightmourne: While coming from minor nobility, Melinda was a well educated and magically inclined woman whose marriage to Ba’thas was originally based on matters of political convenience. After the birth of her two sons, she gradually began withdrawing from public life to help with the rearing of her children, being a positive influence which encouraged modesty, honesty, and faith from her two sons. Taranys views her as the most impactful influence on his life, save for the Order which he joined. Perished in the Scourge invasion of Quel’thalas
SIBLINGS: Taranys is the youngest of two sons, the older of which, Isengrim, was raised by the Lich King as a death Knight.
– ––– traits ––– –
extroverted / introverted / in between.
disorganized / organized / in between.
close-minded / open-minded / in between.
calm / anxious / in between.
disagreeable / agreeable / in between.
cautious / reckless / in between.
patient / impatient / in between.
outspoken / reserved / in between.
leader / follower / in between.
empathetic / unemphatic / in between.
optimistic / pessimistic / in between.
traditional / modern / in between.
hard-working / lazy / in between.
cultured / un-cultured / in between.
loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between.
faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between.
– ––– additional information ––– –
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / socially / frequently / to excess
– ––– starters ––– –
Home is where the Heart is: In the aftermath of the Lich King’s fall and the subsequent retreat of the Scourge, Taranys and the majority of the Blood Knights were sent home to Silvermoon, set to guard the city and continue to maintain its defense from all threats. Much of his time is spent either patrolling the city, or fulfilling Lady Liadrin’s orders whenever and wherever possible.
A Consumate Warrior: With the incursion into Draenor and Pandaria, Taranys was given command over various groups of Blood Knights, working alongside many of the other races of the Horde. He and his troops tended to remain insulated from other groups and commands, usually reporting directly to his Blood Elf superiors rather than to most other commanders.
An Unholy Invasion: In the aftermath of The Battle of the Broken Shore, most of Taranys’s forces were left decimated by the Burning Legion. With the retreat to Dalaran, he joined forces with the remaining Blood Knights and the Order of the Silver Hand, continuing to serve the Light in whatever way possible. He, alongside members of the Argent Crusade, fought in vain to retrieve the deceased Tirion Fordring, though returned him to Light’s Hope Chapel for a proper burial.
As the war against the Legion continued, Taranys continued fighting to protect his homeland, though the tactics employed by Sylvanas had left a sour taste in his mouth, which only worsened as time went on.
A New Career: Though he fought in the battle for Lordaeron, the use of biological weapons against the Alliance left a poor taste in his mouth. He withdrew from the Horde’s ranks, viewing it as a crime against nature and the laws by which he had fought, as well as a reminder of the horrors he had seen during his attack on Icecrown. With his withdrawal from the Horde’s military, he has instead taken up his father’s post as a Lord within Silvermoon, beginning to rebuild the family’s estate and fortune, while desiring the Blood Elves to begin slowly withdrawing their support for the Horde.
– ––– notes ––– –
Taranys can be found on both MG and WRA under the name Tarannys
This is a sideblog! All follows will come from @frostmourned
[ @wraconnect ]
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gobboguy · 7 months
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Chapter 11: Home at Last
As Gelbeg gazed down at the still form of Ionia, her pallid complexion and trembling form stirred something deep within him. Despite the atrocities she had committed against his people, he couldn't shake the feeling that her survival was somehow crucial to their shared destiny. With a heavy heart and a sense of duty weighing on his shoulders, Gelbeg resolved to carry her to safety, no matter the personal cost.
Carefully lifting Ionia's limp body, Gelbeg fashioned a makeshift papoose from his cloak and gently secured her within it, ensuring she was shielded from the biting cold. With each step, he felt the weight of her frail form pressing against his back, a reminder of the burden he had willingly taken upon himself. Though doubts gnawed at the edges of his mind, Gelbeg remained steadfast in his determination to see her through to Cairn Doom, where perhaps the healers of his people could offer some semblance of aid.
As he trudged through the unforgiving landscape, the howling winds of the blizzard seemed to echo his internal turmoil. Why should he risk his own life for someone who had brought nothing but suffering to his kin? Yet, even as the doubts swirled within him, Gelbeg could not deny the inexplicable pull he felt toward Ionia's survival. It was as if some unseen force guided his steps, urging him onward despite the daunting odds stacked against them.
With each passing moment, Gelbeg's resolve grew stronger, fueled by a sense of duty and an unwavering belief in the importance of their shared journey. Through wind and snow, he pressed forward, his determination unyielding as he carried Ionia toward the hope of salvation that lay ahead.
As Gelbeg trudged through the treacherous terrain of the Acury mountains, the biting cold of the blustering winds whipped at his cloak, sending flurries of snow swirling around him. The jagged peaks loomed overhead, their rocky faces obscured by thick layers of frost and ice. Each step he took felt like a struggle against the relentless fury of the elements, and doubts gnawed at the edges of his mind as he wondered if he was even on the right path.
But then, as he crested a snow-covered hill, Gelbeg's weary eyes beheld a sight that filled him with both relief and awe. Before him, nestled within the craggy embrace of the mountains, stood the mountain fortress of Cairn Doom. Massive stone walls rose from the sheer cliffs, forming a formidable barrier against the elements. The gateway, carved into the side of the mountain, was a testament to the strength and resilience of the Orcish people.
As Gelbeg drew closer, he could see intricate carvings adorning the walls, depicting scenes of Orcish devotion to their god, MOG. Gone were the ornate Naga imagery that once adorned the fortress; in their place were symbols of Orcish strength and determination. The air was alive with the sound of Orcs going about their daily tasks, the clang of metal against stone mingling with the howling of the wind.
With a shout of triumph, Gelbeg hurried forward, his heart filled with hope at the sight of his kin. Here, amidst the towering peaks of Acury, lay the sanctuary he had sought for Ionia. And though the journey had been long and perilous, Gelbeg knew that he had finally found the answers he sought, and perhaps, a glimmer of hope for the future of his people.
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