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bungerc0re · 10 days ago
it is pretty funny. like period synchronization but for horrible terrible artefacts
the orb connects also
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furnass · 10 months ago
Who do you hope the main antagonistic force is in Heist 2? I’m holding out hope for humans! That environment looks very lush, and the orbish bot with eyestalks is about the same color as Moon Juice.
Same here!!! I'm hoping for some interesting lore with the shiners, alongside some dabbles of Vectron. Maybe even some shiners using Vectron scrap, that would be cool. There definitely seems to be a Royalist-like enemy, so I'm very excited to see what monarchy (if any) we destroy this time around!
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stardustproject009 · 9 months ago
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Ancient sketch of a Strollin' Stu just absolutely rocking the fit. Drawing little characters like this used to be my go-to comfort activity, but there's only so many different variations of "orbish critter with no arms and ball legs" before you start to hate yourself.
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mothess · 6 months ago
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old MS paint orbish elf
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katsuhiras · 1 year ago
hey how's it going. very sorry but i hope it's okay if i ask for some clarification - is your hamster named bath bomb? (very cool) or do you use your hamster as a bath bomb? (not as cool) or has your bath bomb become your hamster? (odd but cool i suppose)
my hamster's full name is Ryunosuke Bath Bomb Akutagawa, but that's quite long, so I often shorten it to Bath Bomb or something silly like Borb (bomb orb) (because he can sit silly style and look very round and orbish)
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feralgalaxy · 11 months ago
The Comet
@schattenmagier liked for a Starter!
Where he came from, the term "alien" didn't really exist.
Sure, on the peacefully isolated, backwater planets so unworthy of mention they were a mere footnote to any respectable traveler of Gamble Galaxy, off-planet visitors were exceptionally rare and so labeled as aliens by the frightened populous. They were the exception, though. In Galacta Knight's time, going from one planet to another was about as normal as driving to another town. The uproar one would get from abruptly landing on one of those outer planets was unpleasant- and annoying- so it was in his best interest to avoid them.
However. There were times when, no matter how much the all-powerful Galacta Knight wished to avoid them, he simply had no choice in the matter.
It was something that shouldn't have happened in the first place, in Galacta's opinion anyways. Some intrepid inventor commissioned by the scraps of his old kingdom came to his crystal one day and broke the seal, a shiny new weapon turned on the Knight still getting his bearings. Before he knew it, the thing fired and blasted him in the face.
It didn't hurt, really. What it did do however was blast him backwards and open a portal, which closed up with a glittery pop as soon as he fell through.
Deposited in the atmosphere of an unknown planet, a stunned Galacta Knight could only fall. Fall. Fall. Closer and closer to the world below, appearing as a brilliant streak of light that briefly transformed the night into day as the comet hurdled to the surface of the planet. With an eardrum-shattering boom, it made landfall right on top of a condemned building. Amid the shattered remains of the structure, nestled in a deep crater, was the comet.
One burned, battered, still stunned swan-winged orbish being.
An alien.
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vaxyl · 2 years ago
Inspired by @ghostofwhitestone, who answered an ask about this on this post here, I wanted to think about my own Vox Machina fruit headcanons.
Because, oh boy, do I love doing posts like this! (tone = genuine; they spark joy!)
This time, I'm going to be doing it in order of my age headcanons from oldest to youngest - just for fun!
(I love ghostofwhitestone's take on this btw, this isn't shade at them! I just found the idea really cute and wanted to take a shot at it!)
Scanlan (68 as of 811PD) -
As someone who has lived a long time (should you believe any of his many long, winding, dramatic stories), Scanlan has eaten a lot of different foods of all types.
Despite being a fruity little man, he's actually not super big on fruit himself.
Pomegranate, however, has wormed its way into his heart (and his stomach) with Scanlan loving to pop little pomegranate seeds into his mouth as if they were candy.
He gives nobody any reason as to why, but secretly it's because his mother loved them and was always snacking away on them.
Pike (36 as of 811PD) -
Pike Trickfoot grew up with a gardener, her Papa Wilhand loving to home grow his own fruit and vegetables.
Wilhand was always partial to a good bowl of fresh strawberries and cream, but Pike's favourite were the raspberries - which she'd eat with reckless abandon if Wilhand would allow it.
She always takes a bunch with her whenever she stops by, eating them on the road towards her next adventure.
Taryon (30 as of 811PD) -
Taryon grew up in a very strict household that sources its crops from only the best of the best Zemnian farms.
That being said, Taryon loved nothing more than sneaking out into the encroaching woods surrounding the lonely little Darrington Estate to pick himself some lunar berries.
Lunar berries, growing off the thin and twisting branches of the short but thin lunar trees native to Wildemount, are small orbish fruits of a pale greenish turquoise colour.
They glow a faint pale blue in the dark, and they taste rather sweet, usually forming separately but occasionally forming in pairs or clusters.
Not only are they a great snack, but the act of sneaking out to pick them gives Taryon quite the little thrill.
His father disapproves of this, calls it uncivilised and unnoble-like, but Taryon just can't get enough of them.
Grog (30 as of 811PD) -
Grog eats… Everything.
He especially loves bacon, but bacon isn't a fruit.
Apples, however, are.
He loves apples, the bigger the better; The redder the better; The juicier the better; The sweeter the better; The crunchier the better…
He loves apples a lot.
Vex (27 as of 811PD) -
Growing up in Byroden, Vex'ahlia took things like the wild berries in the woods and the fruit in her mother's garden for granted.
When taken to Syngorn, she quickly learned to regret this - something about the soil used in Syngorn, as well as the fruit that they grow there, just wasn't… Right.
She misses her mother's strawberries a lot, but most of all, she misses the weird little fruits that grew in the summer on the trees that stand tall and broad around the mysterious Gladepools.
They were tough little fruits with a thick, almost-jelly like feel to them while being a translucent pinky red in colour with a bitter flavour to them that sweetened as you chewed away on them.
Apparently they were planted there by the first Elven settlers on Tal'Dorei, if Vex believes her mother's bedtime stories like Vax did.
She has no idea what they are called or how they got there, but she won't lie if she said that they did make her think of The Feywild a little.
Whatever they were, Vex never did find herself back out that way even after her and her brother ran away.
Vax (27 as of 811PD) -
Vax'ildan has always loved blueberries, they make him feel a burst of joy and excitement like nothing else.
They technically didn't grow in his mother's garden, but their neighbour's blueberry bush had overgrown and crept into it at some point.
Whenever Vax is able to, he always buys (or steals) some when he's in town. If that's not possible, he'll get Vex to find him some blueberries next she goes out foraging.
Keyleth (25 as of 811PD) -
Keyleth loves all fruit.
Well, expect from pears and bananas… But that's because the texture of pears are gross and bananas were pretty different in Zephrah compared to how they are commonly and Keyleth just doesn't have the heart to try the universal yellow things.
Her little fat, lime green-skinned and pale blue, tough bananas would always be better than the long, pale-white, thin, and mushy yellow-skinned bananas that Scanlan always tries to make her eat for some reason.
That being said, Keyleth's all-time favourite fruit would have to be pineapple.
She tried it once while Vox Machina was in Ank'Harel, and she fell in love with it.
She has Gilmore import it from Marquet just for her, something that the man is more than happy to do - especially if it makes Vax very happy whenever he sees Keyleth very happy.
Percy (24 as of 811PD) -
Percy has a very refined palate when it comes to food, having grown up in a minor royal house as second in line to the throne.
(Vesper had been more than happy for Percy to skip over her, having even less interest in ruling than him.)
Whitestone was Emon's little brother in a way, its own royalty not quite on par with Tal'Dorei's ruling family but still being just as respected and important.
This meant it was just as strict, especially when it came to meals and snacks.
Fruit salad accompanied every lunch Percy had growing up, something he and his siblings all quickly grew sick of but had to tolerate for their parents.
Percy did become quite fond of the grapes, though, that would usually be a part of the dinner starter every night - especially the sweet, dark red ones that splash you with bright red juice when squashed by an annoying younger sibling.
They were used to make wine by the de Rolo family winery, 'The Old de Rolo Wine House', and Percy loved to sneak into the vineyards around the city to pluck some off the vines.
After the Briarwoods laid waste to his home, Percy vowed to one day bring the vineyards and winery back to their previous excellency.
Trinket (9 as of 811PD) -
Trinket is a simple bear.
He loves honey, bacon, chocolate (don't tell Vex that Vax sneaks it to him), and salmon - grilled or raw.
He also really likes…
More than once, he's come back from foraging looking like he's mauled something to death, but in reality, he's only gone off to eat every cranberry he can find.
Sometimes this has been picked cranberries left in a basket by someone.
Vex has lost count of the number of times she's paid someone off because Trinket ate their whole basket-worth of cranberries.
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theninjabozo · 2 years ago
@thetreefairypersonalblog sibby sibs it cat but orbish and fake
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gingerlamppost · 2 years ago
egg is an orbish word
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seraphs-synposia · 5 years ago
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idk source
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min-ji-min · 9 months ago
Min-ji hummed with interest as she stepped forward, the young fae woman's nose wiggled as she sniffed the air around the boxed up pastries, already able to smell their sweetness wafting into the air. They didn't look very cute and this she was honest in, "They look rather plain, don't you think?" Their coating of soft powdered sugar was kind of fun but aside from that, the orbish sweet cookie looked simple and not very aesthetic at all, "I'd have a hard time getting good pictures of them," she said honestly, picking one up and out of the box, her fingertips dusting with powdered sugar. One bite was all it took though for her reaction to brighten, gleaming in her eyes as she looked at Zita, "Oh! But they're delicious! It almost makes up for how plain they look."
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If it wasn't for Minji, Ye Xian wouldn't know what pastries & sweet goods she would make that were worth putting out. Everything knew she made, she would immediately tell the woman to come try. First thing in the morning or afternoon if it took longer to make. This time it was pecan meltaways, something she had only made about three times. By the time she heard the door chime shortly followed by Minji's voice, the sweets were done cooling. Ye Xian grabbed a box & placed four of the meltaways in it. "Perfect timing!" She exclaimed as she walked to the front. "Pecan meltaways. I hope you like them?"
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smelvin-melvin · 2 years ago
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- @interdimensional-glowing-orb
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erieberrie · 3 years ago
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replaying let’s go and needed to scribble orbular, orbelesque, orbish, orbs
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factorialsfandoms · 3 years ago
Another request from @unexpectedtraveler, because there was another and my brain won’t settle on anything at all atm. This time I’m even typing straight into tumblr, so we’ll see how it goes.
This... started as something else, but got well of prompt, so I changed it. Then it got off prompt again. References some shit that went down in ‘A Land Called Hope’, but all you really need to know from that is Hyrule tried to open up to Time and got shut completely down, like talking to a brick wall, because Time was afraid and so refused to entertain the idea that life in Hyrule’s Hyrule was one worth living. Oops. The miscommunication in this ficlet is, unfortunately, running rife. Time, please use your words. No, not those words, the /right/ ones.
The original idea was for him to help Legend gather up his rings after someone knocks the box into long grass. This is much less silly, being largely angst and unresolved feelings, so apologies.
Prompt:  Hyrule in his fairy form trying to help one of the other Links without revealing that he is the fairy.
It was Hyrule’s turn for watch. Warriors had swapped out with him an hour or so ago, and there were another two before he was due to wake Twilight for the last watch of the night. Overhead the sky is clear and the moon is full. For no reason that Hyrule could discern, Time had offered to take watch the entire night. Seeing that as proof of a problem, everyone else had immediately forced him to bed.
And so he should have been sleeping, but it was only Time that stalked the camp.
Hyrule peered down, watching him. It was a well known fact that he - like Wild - tended to watch camp from the safety of the branches. It was the height of the leafy season, where-ever they were, and so he was perfectly hidden from camp and forest alike. He could see them, but they could not see him. Just the way it was safest to be.
He should probably confront Time, offer an ear or a shoulder or a stern talking to but... The man had a tendency not to respond to any of them, and that was when they were on speaking terms. After last week...
After the visit to Hyrule’s homeland and the fairies there, Time would not even look at him. Hyrule did not like looking at Time either; every glance at his face was bitter guilt and pain and rejection surging up once again. He knew his home was a mess, he knew, he knew, but he had hoped!
Maybe Time was right. Maybe it was wrong to hope, and he should just accept the death and misery presented to him. He had certainly been wrong to hope that he would understand the joys of Hyrule’s home...
If only one of the others were awake. One of them - any of them - would be better suited to this. Nobody knew the details of what had happened between them, but if even Warriors had picked up the tension and Twilight was steering the two apart, then there was no way that Hyrule calling ‘hey Time, you good?’ down from the branches was going to get a response.
But... Time was suffering, that much was also clear. His head was in his hands, and he was sat by the fire shaking as though in tears.
He could try waking someone else up, but...
Hyrule considered and reconsidered and tied himself in knots - clearly he was not good at this, but clearly Time would hide his pain if anyone noticed, and he couldn’t get anyone’s attention without revealing himself, so what should he do?
Time, Time, Time... Time... Tended to cheer up around fairies? Well, Hyrule’s fairies made him sad - or maybe he had just already been sad because Hyrule had been hurt - but...
Nobody knew about his other form just yet. If he folded his power right, he could make himself look like one of the orbish fairies from Time’s world instead of his usual humanoid form. And the transformation would horribly warp his voice - he had learnt that from surprising the Princesses.
Time could not see Hyrule in the tree, but knew he was here. Time would also not be expecting Hyrule to see him.
Cautiously, Hyrule shifted his form. Then he twisted himself, limiting his ability to cast in favour of looking utterly unremarkable. And then just... Travel through a couple of trees, and come at Time from another angle.
Not that Time seemed to notice his approach; Hyrule made it all the way to landing on his knee, and still not so much of a twitch.
Definitely crying.
Hyrule opened his mouth to speak, and fear of rejection pooled in his throat again. He swallowed it; Time might hate him and his home, but Time liked fairies, and he was just another fairy right now. Just... Just another fairy.
He took a deep breath, fluttered his wings, and called out, “hey mister!”
Time startled, and Hyrule fell from his knee. In this form there was a long way to tumble, but barely three flaps bought his tiny orb-like self up to Time’s eye level.
“Rude!” came an instinctual reply, a little too bitter - tone it down, tone it down Link - then, seeing the tears, he twisted his tone in a way only fairies could. “Mister? Are you crying...? What’s wrong? Can I help?”
Time audibly swallowed, plastering on a smile, “Nothing’s wrong, Little One.”
Liar. Hyrule managed to stop himself spitting out. Instead he fluttered in a little loop, booping into Time’s face and licking his tears. It was hard to stay angry with someone after tasting their tears - fear, fear, fear those tears screamed within the salt, “you’re crying! Why are you scared? There’s nothing scary here!”
Did Time no longer even trust him to keep watch? Was that it? Hyrule’s innards twisted again.
“Nothing you would understand,” Time avoided the question. “Why are you out here, Little One? Are your sisters not worried?”
“Exploring!” he replied; easy enough.
Time paused a moment, “oh? And what have you found?”
“You!” Hyrule buzzed around him, and dusting his hair with a little healing dust. Just in case. Everyone hid their injuries.
Surprisingly, Time gave a bark of laughter at the reply. He still radiated fear-fear-fear, and yet now it was twisted with other things too, “only me? Nothing-”
Nothing scary? Nothing that would justify his fear? Well, there might be monsters in the forest - it was always a possibility - but Hyrule had not seen any all night, and a fairy could easily miss them too.
“Hmmmmmmmm,” Hyrule pretended to think, doing his best to act as ditzy as his sisters before their mothers had all died. “There waaaaaaaaaasssssssssssss... A spider! Three times as big as me!!! And his web was all sticky!”
Immediately Time was alert, “did you get hurt, little one?”
“Nope!” Hyrule sing-songed. “Brother is good at running away!”
“Brother?” Time froze a moment, and Hyrule suddenly wondered if he had slipped. “I’ve only met one brother before.”
Oh, how interesting. Time’s fear sharpened when he thought of little brothers.
“Well,” Hyrule ignored that knowledge. “Now you know two!”
“So I do,” Time agreed, clearly failing to relax.
Well, that wouldn’t - oh dear, fairy instincts were winning out already. Still, it wouldn’t do no matter Hyrule’s form. He huffed, “why is mister scared of little brothers? Did he bite you!”
“No, nothing like that,” Time smiled, but he sighed, and glanced at the moon. “It was many years ago; I was trying to help his friend, but his friend was used forced to hurt me, and together we had to fight the moon.”
Huh. The moon thing was... real?
Hyrule glanced at it, curiosity nearly winning, but- But no, he could not intrude on someone’s privacy like that. He fluttered a little more gently, “sounds complicated.”
“It was.”
“I don’t like complicated things.”
“Neither do I.”
A pause, and then, “... were you scared?”
Another pause. “I am still am.”
Hyrule came back to rest on Time’s knee, resisting the urge to close his wings; his own fairies rested like butterflies, but the ones he was imitating held their wings open like moths.
“Mama says only brave people get scared,” he frowned, part of the act lost. “You must be very brave.”
“Your mama is very wise,” Time whispered back, offering Hyrule a finger.
He fluttered over to rest on it, slowly fanning his wings to ease the discomfort in them. A secret for a secret, “I’m not brave; I don’t even think spiders are scary.”
“Oh?” And now Time was amused.
“They’re just hungry,” Hyrule replied, very matter of fact. “Even the big ones. But Sister says not being scared of spiders is stupid, because then I might get hurt. don’t have to be scared to know to run away!”
Time laughed at Hyrule, and something inside him died. The fairy he was pretending to be would not be hurt by it, but Hyrule himself? The fairy he was - and the Hylian he could be - both shattered at the sound.
Still he held himself together. Just an act. Just an act to cheer up Time.
“No, you don’t, but you must be very clever to know that,” Time gently brushed a wing with his free hand.
“You should tell your friends you’re scared,” Hyrule blurted out.
Time immediately turned defensive, “they’re asleep; I would not want to wake them up.”
“He isn’t,” Hyrule pointed at the tree where he was supposed to be keeping watch.
The freezing that followed was the longest yet, and a complicated series of expressions crossed Time’s face, “... We’re not friends any more.”
Hyrule’s heart broke, but- but he couldn’t just- he swallowed again, “oh... Are you sure? He still tastes worried about you, though.”
Genuine surprise crossed Time’s face. It was gone in an instant, but it was enough, “he shouldn’t be.”
“But he is.” Hyrule tried to tease out.
“I’m going back to sleep.”
Fine! Whatever! If Time didn’t care about him, then Hyrule would stop caring too! “Good! Humans are supposed to sleep!”
“Aren’t fairies?”
“I’m not a fairy I’m an adventurer!”
That lightened the mood once more, Time bursting out laughing at the words, “so you are, little one. Well, enjoy your adventures, and say hello to your Mama for me.”
Hyrule bobbed in agreement, no matter how hard his heart hurt. He lingered and watched as Time returned to his bedroll, before darting back into the forest, up to the canopy, and across to his watch point.
He waited for Time’s breathing to even out, then shifted back.
As soon as the solidity of the branch was beneath him, Hyrule shifted back. Before he had even made sure he was steady he was sobbing, the words ‘we’re not friends any more’ echoing in his mind. By the end of his watch they were barely under control - or maybe they were not at all, for when he woke Twilight the older hero’s face fell, and he was bundled into a firm hug. By Twilight, Twilight of all people, who would only let him go once a sleepy Sky was holding him instead.
Hyrule might have been embarrassed, but for the fact that his mind and soul were still screaming in rejection, and splintering under the pain.
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amuseoffyre · 3 years ago
Random health-related stuff that continues to boggle me.
I was off my ADHD meds for a while because I was sick as a dog with an ear infection for 10 days. Took them this morning and my day has included:
making and steam-cooking 3 cakes to be shaped into an orbish cake
sculpted, shaped and crumb-coated said cake and left it to set
did all of the dishes lying around, including those affiliated with cake-making & decorating
cleaned out and washed down the steamer
folded and put away all the dry laundry
made a personal hygiene including deep condition of the hair-bit
made some attempts at painting (unsuccessful) and decorating the base and a few bits of interior of a new nook (successful, marginally. Needs detail work added)
did the fondant decoration of the cake (details to be made tomorrow)
did two bouts on my exercise bike totally 19km
wrote some fic
swept the kitchen and cleared most of the icing-related shenanigans away (except for stuff to be added tomorrow)
spent some time chilling on the couch, playing nonsense games on my kindle
I cannot understate how bizarre it is that when I put these pellets in my face, I can just do things and keep on top of things and it’s not like I’m buffering and waiting for my ability to do a task to finish loading. It’s like going from dialup to unlimited broadband.
It still makes me deeply sad that this could have been provided to me decades ago, instead of having to struggle for every little victory when  those victories were things as simple as “wash dishes” or “put socks in drawer”. And angry. So very angry since I have been a textbook ADHD person since childhood but apparently passed as invisible because woops, fanny.
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