#orange deck
helenaperezgarcia · 1 year
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Deck Uncovered in Seattle Example of a large, open-air, minimalist backyard deck.
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Modern Deck Here's an illustration of a sizable, minimalist backyard deck with an addition to the roof.
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Roof Extensions - Deck Deck - large contemporary backyard deck idea with an addition of a roof
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sevenlittledwarfs · 1 year
Seattle Roof Extensions
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Deck - large contemporary backyard deck idea with an addition of a roof
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glitter-studs · 1 year
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Deck - Modern Deck Deck - idea for a sizable, contemporary backyard deck with an addition of a roof
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noisett-e · 1 year
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Roof Extensions Deck Deck - large modern backyard deck idea with a roof extension
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bieberarts · 1 year
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Covered Deck in Seattle An illustration of a sizable, minimalist backyard deck with a roof extension
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bloggingmiles · 2 years
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Deck - Roof Extensions Large minimalist backyard deck photo with a roof extension
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clarysjace · 2 years
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Deck - Modern Deck
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witchelbi · 2 years
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Deck Uncovered in Seattle
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shinonarts · 2 years
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Seattle Modern Deck
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querida-cinderela · 2 years
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Roof Extensions Deck (Seattle)
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thetarotwitch111 · 13 days
What do I do now?
Pick an orange (pick a card)
✨help me keep doing the free pacs: tip jar🍊
✨ personal readings - [requests open]
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1. cute orange
You’re about to step into a major moment of abundance. everything you’ve been working on is finally coming together. But don’t rush! Yes, the good stuff is coming, but before you dive headfirst into all this success, it’s time for a little reflection. You’ve been planting seeds for a while now, and the growth is real, but you need to make sure you’re aligned with what’s next. Take a breather, get clear on your goals, and really think about what you want to manifest from here on out. This is a moment to pause and appreciate where you’ve been, so you can step forward with clarity and purpose.
Witch's advice: To help you balance both the excitement of your harvest and the need for reflection, brew a calming, yet energizing tea blend: chamomile, lavender, and lemon balm. Chamomile will help you relax and ground yourself, lavender brings mental clarity, and lemon balm adds that touch of positivity and focus you need for contemplating the next steps. Sip this while sitting in your favorite quiet spot, maybe with a journal or just in meditation. Let your thoughts settle, and the path forward will reveal itself naturally.
2. fancy orange
Fot you is all about owning your differences. You’re not here to blend in or play it safe. It’s time to fully embrace what makes you unique and celebrate it. Think of all the quirks, traits, and talents that set you apart from others cause those are your strengths. Lean into them and don’t hold back. But you’ve also got a decision to make, and it’s likely one you’ve been avoiding. You’re probably weighing options or maybe waiting for a sign, but now is the time to act. Trust that whatever path you choose is the right one because it’s aligned with your authentic self and stop second guessing cause universe has your back.
Witch's advice: You need a tea blend that boosts your creativity, intuition, and courage to make that decision. Try jasmine, ginger, and hibiscus. Jasmine helps you connect with your inner magic and spiritual side, ginger adds that fiery, confident energy to push through hesitation, and hibiscus is perfect for self-love and celebrating your unique qualities. Drink this when you’re feeling stuck or before you make your decision—it’ll help clear the mental fog and give you that extra push to move forward with confidence.
3. orange juice
it’s time for a deep cleanse (emotionally and energetically). You’re in a phase of expansion, but in order to grow, you need to make room for the new by letting go of what no longer serves you. Whether it’s old habits, negative energy, or even certain people, this is the moment to clear out the clutter. You might have been holding onto certain things out of fear, but trust that releasing them will open up new paths for growth. It’s time to look at what’s blocking your progress and gently let it go. Once you do, you’ll feel lighter, more focused, and ready to step into the new opportunities waiting for you.
Witch's advice: For this deep cleanse and expansion, you’ll need a tea blend that purifies your energy and sharpens your intuition: peppermint, rosemary, and sage. Peppermint brings clarity and refreshes your mind, rosemary enhances your intuition and mental focus, and sage clears out any stagnant or negative energy. Brew this tea as part of a ritual—light a candle, maybe even burn some sage or incense, and as you sip, visualize yourself letting go of anything that’s holding you back. Focus on clearing out the old to welcome in new growth.
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candycryptids · 1 month
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“Things have t’be lookin up for us now ol’ Meatball, this next job is going to net us some real treasure! I can feel it! And then I can pay all my debts and take up a real job! Like… I dunno… being one of the guys that milks oats. To make oat milk. I’ve always wanted to see an Oat…”
There’s been a lotta pirates abounding lately and it seemed like a lotta fun >w>; so have a little dose of Tangy and enjoy !!
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slimey-wallz · 5 months
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Attempting to be humorous while I'm sick is hard
Unless this made you smile or laugh or something-
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groundpear · 7 months
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Dedicated to my dear @ferosbr, who pointed me how T'Ana and Kwazii are... like... almost the same character? Down to the small tear on the right ear! 
🌟 2024 carrd | ☕️ Ko-fi 🌟
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