#orange Cassidy x female reader
plentyoffandoms · 4 months
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Main Masterlist ♡ Orange Cassidy Masterlist
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Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: oral (m receiving) cum swallowing. Pussy fingering Unprotected sex (p in v).creampie
Gifs & photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @junglehooks
Requested by anonymous. Hope you like it.
WC: 1439
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"I am sorry, but there is only one bed." The staff member behind the desk said once more.
"Well, as you can see, there are two of us, and we are not in a relationship."
"I understand that ma'am, but there is nothing that can be done."
I was ready to rip into the poor hotel staff member when James placed his hand on my shoulder and held his hand out for the key card.
"We will make it work." Was all he said.
I went to open my mouth to complain once more when he just shook his head no at me. I sighed, knowing he was doing the right thing.
I muttered an apology to the staff member and followed James to the elevator.
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Once the two of us were in the room, I looked at the bed. It was only a queen size. "It is for only one night." I said to myself.
"If you would like, I can sleep on the couch." I looked at the couch, and I shook my head no. "You are taller than the couch, and you have to get a good night's sleep for your match against Mike. I'll take the couch."
"Now, you will be sleeping in the bed. I will not have you sleeping on the couch. We are both adults. We can share a bed." Was all he said before going into the washroom.
The problem is, I sleep naked. I hate sleeping with clothes on. Always have, but I can't sleep naked next to James.
I grabbed the longest t-shirt I had and begrudgingly pulled it over my head and got under the covers. It was already a bit late when we checked in, and me throwing my little hissy fit did not help any.
I was facing the opposite way when James came out of the washroom. "Going to bed already?" He asked.
"Yeah. May as well."
"Look, why don't we watch a movie and then go to bed."
I thought it over, and it sounded good to me. "Okay." I sat up and propped myself up against the bed.
"This movie is terrible." I groaned.
"It isn't that bad." He couldn't take his eyes off the TV screen. I should have picked the movie instead of him picking Shortbus.
"I have a feeling you wanted to watch porn, but you can't cause I am in the room." I teased, but instead of him denying it, his face seemed to go red.
"I can just step out if you need to take care of business." I tried to offer.
"Thank you, but that isn't going to help. I'll just have to deal with it tonight."
The mood was now ruined. We turned off the TV, and I laid down, trying to sleep.
I couldn't sleep due to the fact that I was wearing clothes, and oh, James kept moving around. After him tossing and turning for what felt like was the tenth time, I turned to face him and came face to face with his bare chest. I have seen it many times, but not this close. I actually lost my train of the thought for a moment.
"Am I keeping you awake?" The shook me out of my thoughts of licking his chest.
"Yes! I need to sleep, as do you."
"I'm sorry, I can't, though."
"You are not a teen. Just jerk off in the washroom. If not, I will step outside like I offered earlier, or fuck, I will help you. Anything to get you to sleep." I was joking about the last part.
"Really? You'll help me?"
"What? No! I was kidding."
"One night is all I ask. Please." I was about to say no, but my mouth opened and on its own accord, I said,"Yes, but you owe me."
James was softly moaning my name as I took more and more of him into my mouth. I was only supposed to jerk him off, but as I lay between his spread legs, my hand jerking him off, I mouth watering at the sight of him.
His chest was glistening, his back was arched, and his mouth was hanging open. Just one taste is all I wanted.
I did one long lick up his cock, before wrapping my lips around the tip and started to suck, moaning at the taste of him.
"Oh fuckin' hell. Gonna make me cum." He moaned, as he tried to pull my head away, but I just slapped his hand away.
The tip hit the back of my throat, and I gagged, making him groan, but I pushed through it until my face was buried in his pubic hair.
"Better than I imagined." Did I hear that correctly?
"So good."
"Oh shit, no." Was all the warning he gave before I felt the first rope of cum hit the back of my throat. I started to swallow as fast as I could, but some did spill out of the corners of my mouth.
I pulled my mouth away from him dick, opening my mouth to show him I swallowed all his cum.
I left James on the bed, with his arm covering his eyes, as I went to the washroom to brush my teeth and rinse my mouth out with some mouthwash.
I came out of the washroom, and James was still lying there naked. I was about to question why when I saw that he was hard again.
"I am not sucking you off again."
"I know, just get on the bed." I did as he asked, and he pushed me until I was lying on my back. "Let me repay you." His hand was trailing down my body, towards me legs, that were already spreading for him.
"Shit, you're soaked. That usually happen when you suck cock?" I nodded my head, moaning as he inserted two fingers easily.
I went to cover my face, embarrassed with how wet I was, but his free hand grabbed my hand. "Don't cover your face. There's no need to be embarrassed. Just relax, and let me help you, like how you helped me."
I went to point out that his cock was still hard, but nothing came out expect a gasp as he curled his fingers just so, easily hitting that spongy spot inside of me.
Oh, he is good. He is very good.
I had to physically move his hand away from me. I had tears streaming down my face after he coaxed a fourth orgasm out of me.
I pushed him down, climbing on top of him, smashing my mouth against his, raking my nails down his chest.
"Need you." I whimpered.
"I got you, baby. This isn't going to last long, though." He said as I lifted my body just a bit, as I reached down between our bodies and grabbed his dick, holding it as I sunk down on his lap.
I was already so sensitive, that I felt like I was going to cum with him just the tip inside of me.
I looked down to see James, with his eyes squeezed shut and his mouth hanging open. I cupped his face, "Come back to me, James." I started to move back and forth, not wanting him to leave my pussy.
But James flipped us around, and I had my back against the mattress, his hands gripping my legs to wrap them around his body.
He pulled back until just the tip was in, and then he slammed in side of me. I cried out his name.
"Hold on, baby."
His pace was brutal as he fucked me like I have never been fucked before. I came two more times around his cock, and he fucked me through both.
His cock stretched me out just the perfect amount, and I don't think I can go back to anyone else.
"Where?" My sex-haze brain didn't catch all of his questions.
"Gonna cum. Where?"
"On the pill."
That was all he needed.
He fucked me like this was his last day on earth. Then his thrusts started to get sloppy until he stilled.
He came so much, it started to leak out around him, between my ass cheeks and onto the mattress.
He collapsed on top of me, and I wrapped my arms around him.
"Can you sleep now?"
"Yes. Fuck yes."
I pushed him off of me, and went to go and clean myself up. He yelled from the bed. "Yeah?"
"Want to get one bed the next time?"
I thought it over.
"We will see James. We will see."
Tag list: @lghockey @nicoleveno14 @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @melissahausen @faerieofthenightcourt @tahiri-veyla @crowleysqueenofhell
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dirtywresling102 · 1 year
Hey!!! How about an Orange Cassidy and female reader where there’s a rumor going around that he likes reader but reader isn’t sure due to him hardly ever interacting with her?
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Pairing: Orange Cassidy x Female!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Rumors, Nothing too much
Imagine Requests: Open!
Follow My Main Blog!: @dirtywrestling
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"No, no, no. He doesn't have a crush on me, you're lying." You told your friend Sammy Gavuara who was only smirking widely at you.
"Uh, yes he does! Do you not see the way he looks at you?" Sammy grinned.
"The dude wears sunglasses inside! Of course I don't! I don't even know if he's even awake!" You exclaimed to Sammy who couldn't help but to chuckle as he scrolled through his phone. "He doesn't even talk to me." You huffed, collapsing down on the sofa in the middle of the locker room.
"Listen, if you want to see if these rumors are true, just go talk to him."
The thought of talking to Orange Cassidy made your stomach twist in knots and not because the dude was unattractive, the man was smokin' hot but just maybe these rumors of him liking you were just well, rumors!
"I don't know man, rumors are usually not true." You rubbed your face, your brain fighting with you that it his where the other half says 'in your dreams'.
"Only one way to find out before its trending on Twitter." Sammy wiggled his eyebrows as he held his phone up in the air, teasingly state he might post it on the media.
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daddyhausen · 9 months
• kinktober day seven : love bites — orange cassidy •
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{ masterlists } | { kinktober 2023 }
{ commission info } | { like my work? buy me a coffee — kofi — dxddyhxusen }
{ summary } —after a bad day at work, james decided to show you how beautiful you are
{ warnings } — 18 + { minors do not interact } shower sex, soft sex, love bites/ hickeys, groping, biting, praise, body worship, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, male + female orgasms, squirting internal cumshots, vaginal creampie
{ word count } — 1k
{ pairing } — plussize!reader, fem!reader x orange cassidy
{ genre } — smut
{ taglist } — @cosmoholic13 @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @adamjf @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @elsteenerico @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk @thepalaceofmelanie @violetmacher @seeingstarks
{ beta readers } — @allelitesmut + @legit9thlunaticwarrior
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
the warmth of the shower encapsulated your body
allowing you to wash away all the stress from the day
or at least most of them, there was one prominent moment that had never left your mind all day
one of your coworkers had been displaying some odd tendencies as of late
she was ruder, more calloused and heartless
she had made an unsolicited comment about your weight
one that you thought she’d never remark
considering, up until that point you considered her to be somewhat of an acquaintance.
you were never that big as she stated
sure you may have a little extra thickness to you but it was not your definitve beauty trait
you’ve always loved your curves, how your body was thick in all the right places
you thought yourself a goddess
but yet…her words still got to you
“love…? you in here?”
james’ voice called out amongst the rain like sound of the water
you responded with a meek yes just barely loud enough for him to hear
he poked his head through the now opened door
his hair wet with sweat, still clinging to his forehead
his cheeks still lingered with a soft red, indicating that he had just finished up at the gym.
“can i come in?” he questioned, his eyes never leaving yours
you nodded softly, watching on as he stripped down
his muscles more toned than usual, looking god-like each time he’d flex slightly under the warm faded yellow lights of the bathroom
the workout had surely proved useful for your libido
he joined you in the shower lazily wrapping his arms around your waist
his head atop your shoulder, silently listening to each breath you took
“you’re too quiet…something happened” he remarked inquisitively,
a small scowl across his lips
“just a bad day at work that all”
you tried to deflect the narrative, attempting to grab the soap before he stopped you
“there’s something you’re not telling me”
the sternness in his voice was uncommon for james’ usual nonchalant attitude
“james…” you mumbled, turning around to face him, avoiding his gaze for the moment
“is my body…good looking to you?”
it was a question you’d never asked him before, a question that he thought he’d never hear
it broke his heart knowing that someone had said something to make you feel the need to ask him
“love…your body is like heaven to me” he began resting his forehead against yours
“every time i see you i’m in awe. your body has the most beautiful dips and peaks that could rival the tallest mountains and the deepest caverns”
he leaned down to peck your lips sweetly
“your body is the personification of beauty and i’m so lucky that i get to hold you every night”
he cupped your cheeks, smoothing the skin softly
“don’t listen to what people say, you’re a fucking goddess you’re my goddess”
he leaned in for another kiss, this one rougher than the last
lips trailing across your jawline, down to the side of your neck where he began to suck on the skin
“james…” you moaned, the sound echoing off the walls of the small bathroom
“shhh…let me make you feel good, my angel…”
he pulled away, noticing the red mark beginning to form, he smirked down at his handiwork
he flipped you around, so that your chest was pressed against the wall
he let a hand sneak up your chest, beginning to grip your full breasts,
your nipple sensitive against the calloused palm of his hand
“you’re so fucking beautiful”
his lips fell to your neck again, sucking and nibbling at the soft flesh
his freehand guiding his cock to your entrance, teasing your folds with his tip before slipping himself into you
you fit him like a glove, your cunt so warm and wet around his size
he slowly began to move, making sure you felt every inch of his size
“james- fuck-!” you whined as he gave a particularly rough thrust
his size succumbing to the lovely grip of your cunt as he slipped himself deeper
“i’m so in love with you my angel. your beauty could rival that of the stars”
he continued to sing your praises through breathless pants
“i’ll worship you forever, your body is a temple that i will pray to every night”
your neck now littered with marks of his lust
splotches of red and pink littered your skin
“oh fuck- james please!” you whined on the brink of release
sweetness gushing around his cock unexpectedly and unannounced
“so fucking wet…” he breathed into your skin, his cock throbbing with arousal after his release
his seed dripping from beneath your thighs
“fuck i love you…” you muttered breathlessly, pulling him in for a tender kiss, feeling him hum contently against your lips
he took a moment to inspect the hickeys on your neck
“don’t cover those up tommorow, i want everyone to see how beautiful i think you are”
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Brownie Points
Pairing: Chuck Taylor x female!reader
Category: Fluff
Word count: 1,487
Summary: A shy and nervous Chucky Taylor asks you on a lunch date.
Warnings: None
A/N: Happy Birthday Chuckie!! 🥳
Moodboard is not mine. Credit goes to @katries 🩵
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First dates. First dates can be fun and sweet or they can be awkward and a total disaster.
When Chuck Taylor asked you out after a few weeks of you living next door, he was nervous and had no clue how you would react, mainly because he’s on the road a lot. Therefore, he didn’t have many opportunities to get to know you better. All he knew was you left for work around 6:30am and returned home at 4:30pm, and you went to the gym for an hour or so on certain days, and on some weekends a few of your friends would come over for a girls night. A simplistic life, a life he sometimes wished he had.
It took encouragement from his best friend Orange Cassidy to fully convince Chuck to give it a shot and ask you out, so here he was on your doorstep, last minute nerves slowly getting the better of him, but before he could chicken out, a ding from his phone grabbed his attention. It was Orange Cassidy, who was watching from the kitchen window because he knew his best friend would need encouragement and support.
Orange Man 🕶️🍊
Knock. You look creepy just standing there.
Chuck shook his head, a little smile forming on his face and a brief chuckle escaped his lips. He’s right. I can do this. Deep breath and knock. Chuck did just that - took a deep breath and knocked on your door before he lost his nerve.
Less than a minute later the front door opened. There you stood in your loungewear consisting of an old oversized t-shirt and sweatpants, your hair was a little messier than when you left this morning and you hardly had any makeup on. You weren’t a huge makeup wearer, you liked just enough to accentuate your natural beauty.
Chuck stood there stunned. He had seen you all dressed in your work clothes or gym clothes, but he hadn’t seen you like this before. To him, you looked breathtaking. Get it together! Speak! Chuck quickly blinked away the cobwebs in his brain. “I… um… I was wondering if you would maybe… want to go out sometime?” Chuck hated he was stumbling over his words but that’s what happened he spoke to a gorgeous woman. Chuck watched her open her mouth to speak.
You were aware of who Chuck Taylor was. Truth be told, you were a fan of his, so to hear him clumsily ask you on a date was absolutely insane to you. Out of all the women he could ask out, he chose you. You took a moment to calm your mind. “I would love to.” You softly spoke feeling the heat rising in your cheeks.
“How does lunch on Saturday sound?” Chuck quickly crossed his fingers in hopes you were free because if not, it would a few months before he would have free time like this again.
Usually, you’d make the guy sweat by saying you would have to check your schedule, but with Chuck, you just couldn’t do that. You could see he was already stressing out as it was plus you already knew you were available then. “It’s a date.”
The remainder of the week was slow and boring. All you could think about was your lunch date with Chuck. You really wanted things to go well, especially since he was so sweet. You remembered when one particularly windy day a few days ago, the wind knocked your trash can over at the end of the driveway, trash strewn across your front yard. You had been at work and didn’t know about trash filled yard until you pulled into your driveway where Chuck was in your yard picking up the trash. You thanked him and he brushed it off with a ‘What are neighbors for?’
Finally, Saturday arrived. You got up earlier than usual, made a small breakfast then dug through your clothes for a nice outfit. You didn’t think to ask what he had planned for lunch. Would he take you on a picnic? To a cafe? To a restaurant? Would there be any kind of activity that a dress wouldn’t work with? Part of you felt like you were over reacting and that he would have told you if you needed to dress in a particular outfit, but then again he was nervous and could have forgotten.
When Saturday rolled around, Chuck was a nervous wreck. Thankfully, Orange Cassidy was there to help him calm down and prepare for the date. With everything prepped and ready to go, all Chuck had to do was get dressed.
One he was satisfied with his clothes, a nice pale blue shirt and a pair of jeans, and got the Orange Cassidy thumbs up of approval, he was out the door and on the short walk to your house. He hoped you ready and his arrival wouldn’t rush you.
Meanwhile, you had finally settled on a pretty, flowy lavender dress that came down to your knees. You did your makeup like always but added just a little bit more eyeshadow. Your eyes were your favorite feature and wanted to make them pop just a bit more.
A knock at the door pulled your attention away from your thoughts about what this date might hold. You quickly made your way to the door and peeked out the nearby window to see Chuck all dressed up. You stepped back and took a deep breath before opening the door.
Your soft voice brought Chuck back to the present. He looked up at you and he had to pause to collect himself. “Wow.” He breathed out, absolutely stunned. He thought you looked breathtaking.
With his brain short-circuiting, you take the time to really examine him. The blue shirt made his eyes stand out, his hair still had that shagginess to it but styled just enough to give it a more dressed up feel.
Once Chuck finally got his brain back on track, he remembered the baked goods in his hands behind his back. “Oh! And I brought you these brownies. I’m not much of a baker but I think they turned out okay.” Chuck didn’t want to do the traditional, cliché flowers, he wanted to be unique.
“You made me brownies!” You beamed. You loved brownies along with cookies, cakes, pies, cupcakes. Desserts are your weakness. “This is so nice. I typically get boring flowers but baked goods are always welcome. Thank you Chuck.” You accepted the brownies and placed them on the small table by the door. You grabbed your purse hanging on the hook above the table before turning back to Chuck. “I’m ready if you are.”
Chuck couldn’t stop smiling. He was thrilled you loved the brownies, even if they might end up tasting disgusting. “Let’s go.” He held his arm out for you, a big smile on his face. Things were going great and he hoped they would stay that way.
Once the two of you were in Chuck’s car, a ding came from his phone. He apologized for the brief interruption to which you shook your head insisting it was okay. He quickly looked at the text.
Orange Man 🕶️🍊
You’re doing great. Have fun!
Chuck glanced up and sure enough there was his best friend, watching out the living room window with a thumbs up. He shook his head with a grin while starting the car.
The ride consisted of talks about random favorite things likes animals, movies, shows, books, music, etc.
When the car came to a stop in the small parking lot, you finally noticed that Chuck had taken you to a little cafe that had pretty much everything from coffee and tea to sandwiches and pastries.
Entering the cafe, you noticed the decor was simple yet fun. “This is a cute place.” Your compliment made Chuck relax; he was worried you wouldn’t like a cafe date.
After ordering and picking a table by the window, you decided to ask him about life on the road and what got him into wrestling. You watched as his eyes lit up. The conversation flowed smoothly and ended up transitioning into swapping embarrassing stories. Some of his stories seemed too outrageous to be true but you didn’t mind.
As Chuck listened to you tell a story about how you and your friends pranked one of your friend’s brothers, he got this fuzzy feeling that he had only heard about in books and movies. Guess it is real after all. He just hoped you were feeling the same way.
The butterflies in your stomach were nonstop from the moment you two began learning about each other. Turns out this feeling in the books and movies was real. You could really see yourself being with Chuck Taylor. Most importantly, being happy and loved. You just hoped he was feeling the same way.
General Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @plentyoffandoms @1dluver13xx @sunshinevirus @wwenhlimagines @crowleysqueenofhell @jackson-nickthedate @omg-im-such-a-masochist @kmc1989
Chuck Taylor Taglist: @legit9thlunaticwarrior @springgirlwaiting4fall @morgan-bucks @rubyred1980
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all-the-things-2020 · 7 months
All-The-Things-2020 Fan Fiction Masterlist
So I’ve decided to create a pinned Masterlist for all of my finished fics. Some of them are posted only on AO3 right now but I will migrate them here to tumblr as I have time.
Pedro Pascal Characters
Year of Fandom Crossovers Masterlist
Masterlist of all the fics I wrote this year as part of the Year of Creation Challenge.
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Din Djarin x Reader - A Sprig of Silver & Blue
A holiday inspired one-shot featuring Din and The Child (written before we knew Grogu’s name).
Din Djarin x OFC (Tala Pavan) - Deeds Not Less Valiant
Completed series taking place after season 3. Demisexual Din finds out that maybe romance and love has a place in his life after all.
Din Djarin x OFC (Mariana Loxli) - Finding His Way series Masterlist. AO3 link to 1st title in series
Non-canon compliant series that takes place following season 1. It is canon-compliant up to that point and then diverges. Din and The Child meet a former Imperial slave who changes their lives for good. Featuring cameos from Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Chewbacca.
Din Djarin - The Man in the Shiny Mask (Futurama crossover)
Futurama script bringing Din and Grogu into the 31st century where they meet the crew of Planet Express.
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Javier Peña x OFC (Cassidy Yates) - No Better Place
Completed series taking place in Laredo after Javi leaves the DEA. Featuring horses and some smut.
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Joel Miller - Kindred Spirits (Anne of Green Gables crossover)
Joel and Ellie’s relationship reimagined on Prince Edward Island.
Joel Miller - Joel’s Pony Party
You are planning a birthday party for your six year old niece. Turns out the guy who runs the pony party place offers you more than just a pony ride.
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Dieter Bravo - Fifty Shades of Orange (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy crossover)
Dieter ends up on the Heart of Gold and Arthur still can’t find a decent cup of tea.
Dieter Bravo x Orignal Female Character (Emily) - Late Night Talking
Regular person Emily meets celebrity Dieter Bravo. Romance ensues, along with plenty of humor and angst.
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Frankie Morales - I Need a Pilot (Star Wars crossover)
Everyone’s favorite helicopter pilot transported to the Star Wars galaxy, with cameos by Finn and Poe.
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Ezra x Reader - Lost, Only to Be Found (The Last of Us crossover)
Ezra and Cee in the Last Of Us universe. This one has a bittersweet ending.
Ezra x OFC (Claire) - All Our Future Prospects.
Ezra and Cee meet a corporate scientist and they all learn the importance of found family.
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Marcus Moreno - Not All Heroes Wear Capes (Star Trek: the Next Generation crossover)
Marcus tries to revive his Starfleet career after losing his wife.
Non-Pedro Pascal Characters
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Legolas - A Grey Ship Sails.
How Legolas and Gimli came to leave the shores of Middle Earth after the death of Aragorn.
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Samwise Gamgee - Into the West. AO3 link
How Samwise the Brave followed Mister Frodo into the West.
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Poe Dameron x Finn - Family Is More Than Blood series Masterlist.
Pure Stormpilot fluff, featuring a few crossovers with characters from the Finding His Way series. Also a hint of Reylo.
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thesupreme316 · 1 year
darius martin x female reader??? the reader is an uncomfortable situation at the club and she rushes off to find a safe person and she spots darius and he helps her fend off the creep.
Trustworthy (Darius Martin X Fem!Reader):
Summary: How does Darius help you when you start to feel uncomfortable at the club?
Word Count: 2.2K (big boi)
Supreme Speaks: Thanks to @hooks-martin for being patient and requesting this scenario. Also back to back uploading (look at me). Again, my inbox is open to everyone (just be patient with me plz).  I hope everyone is doing well and please remember that you are loved and appreciated.
Warning(s): *slight trigger warning: harassment*, proofread I think, eddie getting tossed out of a club
Taglist: @hooks-martin @wwenhlimagines @sheinthatfandom @hookerforhook @triscillal
“But why?” You whined while being shoved in the bathroom with a change of clothes. “I told you that I just want to stay home tonight!”
“Chick, I said we’re going clubbing which means we are going clubbing!” Willow said slamming the door shut. “When you open this door in the next ten minutes, you better have that outfit on!” Her footsteps starts fading away as you groaned.
You love Willow, you really did. You love her to bits and pieces. But sometimes you wonder why you allowed her to drag you places. Willow knew that you disliked the club, but she also knew that you couldn’t say no to her. To celebrate her recent championship win, she wanted to take her closest friends to the club for a night of quote-on-quote “fun.” You’re not a wrestler. But you did enjoy watching it, and your best friend kick ass. Because of her being in the profession, you were able to build more friendships and even go backstage to various events.
“I never agreed to go, Willow! Why do I have to go?” You said as you started to look at the outfit. It wasn’t a bad fit, Willow has style.
“I already paid for the VIP section and you don’t wanna waste my money, right? Besides, if you don’t go, you can just Zelle me like 35 dollars.” Willow said in a sing-song voice. You rolled your eyes before putting on the outfit. Again, it wasn’t a bad dress, you’re just surprised how well it hugged your curves and complimented your skin tone. Looking at the mirror, you sighed once more before exiting the bathroom to find Willow talking to Dori (Ruby Soho).
They both turned to you with wide eyes. “Yes ma’am!” Willow shouted, “I did a great job!”
“You look absolutely stunning,” Dori said with a smile. She made her way over to you, putting her arm around your shoulder. “Do you have a boyfriend?” She asked, making the three of you laugh.
“Damn, by the time we get back from tonight, she might,” Willow said giggling. “Now, go put on your heels before we’re late.”
You walked over to the bed and started to put on your heels as you started to speak. “So who’s gonna be there?”
“Us, Eddie, Adrienne (Athena), and James (Orange Cassidy). Other people from work will also be there, but in terms of the VIP section, that’s it.”
—Time Skip; 45 minutes later—
Arriving at the club, you three met up with Eddie, James, and Adrienne who were sitting in the VIP section. Adrienne jumped up to give you a big hug as James and Eddie complimented you.
“Lemme know if you find a charger. My phone’s nearly dead.” James said as Eddie agreed with him.
“Y’all don’t charge your phones?” You asked.
“No, just like other people’s hopes, we let dem die. But because we might be able to see you get lit or go home with someone, we wanna be prepared.” Eddie cackled as you sat next to him, rolling your eyes.
The music started to get louder, making Willow, Adrienne, and Dori run out on the people-filled floor. You never thought you would see the sight of people bumping and grinding to Timbaland, drinks being passed around, and drunken idiots getting carried out again (see what I did there? Timbaland and Carry Out-). The lights were switching colors, bouncing from red to green to blue and repeating. Your nerves started to take over as your leg began to bounce. Eddie and James looked over at you in concern.
“If you don’t like clubs, why are you here?” James asked.
“Willow dragged me here. Besides, I want to be here for her celebration.” You answered, roaming your eyes over the crowd, making sure that your friends are safe.
“Well, you’re a damn good friend for stepping out of your comfort zone.” Eddie started. “But, dude, you’ll never have a good time just sitting here with us. You need to get up and experience the dance floor at least a couple of times.”
“Wise words from the Mad King,” James said taking a sip from his glass.
“I’ll get up when a song that I know plays.” You said crossing your arms. Well, at that moment, you were about to eat your words as Yeah by Usher (or your favorite club song) boomed through the club. Although you disliked the club, you couldn’t help but love this song and its vibe. The color drained from your face as Eddie loudly cackled at you. Adrienne and Willow made eye contact with you as you started to shake your head. “No, no, no.”
The girls made their way over to you, grabbed you by your arms, dragged you out of the section, and laughed as they brought you out to the middle of the floor. The bass of the song started to kick in your ears and the vibration of the place made you damn-near stumble. Willow shouted at you, with her voice and words just barely registering in your ears and mind, “Dance with us!”
As the song progressed, you started to feel the beat more and allowed it to take over your body as you danced with your friends. Little by little, your feelings of nervousness began to disappear. A smile appeared on your face as you were singing along to the song with Willow and Dori. Even though the song began to end, the vibe and energetic aura did not go anywhere as another fast-paced song started to play.
To your shock, you felt hands on the small of your back, making you jump toward Adrienne and Dori. You quickly turned your head to see a random man with a surprised look. He was a little bit taller than you, not by much, with a dark ensemble on. He stepped closer as he began to talk. And suddenly you were reminded of why you don’t like clubs.
“My bad ma. Just wanted to dance with you.” He said.
“Oh, no. I’m good! Thank you though” You said with a forced grin as you continue to sway.
He smirked as he said, “Are you sure? I’m sure a woman like you would like to dance with a man like myself.”
Adrienne spoke up, stepping in between you two. “Hey, she said she’s good. Now, back up before-“
“I mean I can dance with you too, sweetheart. There’s enough of me to go around.” He said making her livid.
“Adri, I’m fine. Imma go get some water.” You said to her as you started to walk towards the bar. To you, the worst thing about the club was the confidence it gave to everyone, especially the douchebags who think they’re hot shit. Some people didn’t know how to take no for an answer, that was sad (and more so pathetic). And to be honest, that small interaction just drained your energy.
Although the music was still booming throughout the club, it was a little bit quieter at the bar. So you decided to sit there, just to catch your breath and build up your social meter. You sat at the bar and asked the bartender to give you bottled water. You took a sip from it as someone sat next to you.
“Well, babe, if you wanted a drink, all you had to do was say so.” A deep voice said. You looked over and it was the same guy from earlier with the biggest smirk ever. You mentally groaned and thought to yourself it was gonna be one of those nights.
“I just felt a little thirsty.” You said taking another sip of your water.
He got up slightly and leaned down to your ear and whispered, “Well, I have something else that is much more refreshing than that water for ya.”
What the fuck?
You almost spat out your water at how disgusted and shocked you were. You put down the bottle and faced him. “Listen, I was trying to be nice but you’re not taking the hint. I’m good by myself, strictly by myself. Enjoy your night though.” You said very firmly.
“Yeah, but I figured that you would be so much better with me.” He winked at you. He continued to talk about himself as you were trying to search for your friends. You couldn’t find any of them. Dori, Willow, and Adrienne? Gone from the dance floor. Eddie and James? Were no longer in the VIP section. You decided to get up and start looking for someone, anyone else who could help. “Oh did you want to dance again baby?”
“Leave me alone!” You said sliding past through people with him hot on your trail.
“You know this is not a good look for you babe. If you keep being like this, you’re gonna end up alone.” He said as you pretended to gag. “Come on, let me show you a good time.”
“Well, I rather be alone than to be with you.” Your eyes were trying to scan for a safe space. You feel like you reached a dead end until you spot this dude against the wall. He had on a white T-shirt with black jeans. He looked tall and intimidating as his arms were folded across his chest. You immediately rushed to him, momentarily losing the other dude. You nearly collided with the man with how fast you were borderline jogging, “Hi, I’m so sorry to bother you. But there is a guy following me and I don’t know where my friends are.”
He looked down and his cold gaze melted at the sight of you. “I assume he’s wearing all-black.” He said as you nodded. He ushered you behind him and faced the man, who was approaching you two. “Hey dude, back up. She doesn’t want you near her.”
“Hey bro, you don’t know what you’re talking about. That girl is gonna-“
“Do absolutely nothing with you. Now, either you leave her alone or we can fight right now.” He said stepping closer and looking down at the creep. The creep immediately backed off and walked away, muttering words under his breath. You exhaled, letting out a breath that you didn’t even you were holding. “Are you okay?” He asked, looking back at you.
“Much better. Thank you so much, again, I’m sorry to bother you.”
“Please, no gorgeous woman bothers me. I was getting bored over here anyways.” He said making you giggle. “But just a question; how did you know I’ll help?”
“Well you looked very intimidating so I just thought I’d ask. You just look trustworthy…especially because of your keychain.” You said motioning towards the lanyard that was hanging out of his pocket that said “Fuck racism” with various decorations. “Don’t worry, I think it’s cute.”
“I forgot I had that on me.” He chuckled as he scratched his neck. “But I gotta ask what is your name?”
“Y/N. And what is my darling knight’s name?”
“I am sir Darius.” He said while bowing, making you giggle again.
As you two talked going on for 15 minutes, you found Darius to be a sweetheart rather than an intimidating and brooding man, a very handsome one at that. He worked with AEW along with Willow, so it was very surprising that you haven’t seen him around. He was also dragged out to the club by his friends (that are almost drunk beyond belief).
Although you two literally just met moments before, you felt like you have known him for a while. His caring and funny personality made you so comfortable.
Then that conversation turned into a dance. Then that dance turned into a couple of more dances. You began to enjoy your time here again as Darius kept you entertained and smiling from ear to ear. As you were dancing with Darius (very closely might I add), Dori popped up with Adrienne at her side.
“Y/N, where have you b- Oh hey Darius,” Dori said, making Darius smile and wave. “Well, since you’re with Darius, I know that you’re okay. But we’re gonna leave, James and Willow are drunk and Eddie is being kicked out.”
You stopped dancing, “For what?” Then you heard a glass break followed by cursing and New York slang being thrown around. You only assumed it was Eddie in the distance.
“He found that guy was being rude to us earlier,” Adrienne said with a small sarcastic smile. “You coming with us?”
You looked at them and then back at Darius, who gave you a soft smile. “Um, you guys go ahead. Imma stay here for a little bit longer.” You said making Dori and Adrienne smile. They nodded before walking away. You looked back at Darius (with a glimpse of Adrienne giving Dori some money), and your smile grew as you laid your head on his chest with the two of you swaying to the slow song in the background.
"I know I keep saying thank you. But I really do mean it, Darius."
"Don't worry Y/N, it's no problem. I can always be there to protect you."
Even though this night had its ups and downs (more downs than ups), you found yourself actually enjoying the club.
All thanks to Darius, your trustworthy knight.
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windhamsrotunda · 1 year
New Fanfic Idea(s)?
Hi all, I've noticed that I haven't written anything since last month (thanks to college and me being so busy, which I apologize for not writing anything in over a month on here.) I was wondering if I should get back into writing something such as a new character/story idea that I have never written about before? Also, here are my suggestions down the poll below of what I was thinking of regarding a new character: Let me know if this will be a good idea!
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allelitedweaming · 2 years
Chuck Taylor x Reader (but no actual Chuck in this installment, sorry)
Part One?
Summary: You and Orange Cassidy are hanging out alone and you accidentally confess something you never meant to say out loud.
Rated PG for some mention of drinking alcohol / being drunk
Ever since you could remember, all of your best friends had been boys. That was why you had been watching wrestling since you were just a kid, among many other personality traits that only seemed to deepen with age. But as you got older you wondered, did it make you one of those women to constantly surround yourself with men? It wasn't as if you didn't have any female friends. There was Kris and ... Well, there was Kris.
Something told you that this particular quirk wouldn't be changing anytime soon, although, if you couldn't control your feelings you might find yourself with no friends instead of all male friends.
When you first came to work for AEW, Chuck and OC were the easiest people to talk to. You found you had the most in common with them, and even where your common interests ended, you loved to listen to the two of them go on at length about Resident Evil or even basketball, which you had never followed before. You related to them and to Trent and Kris because you also had a tendency to be unpolished in your promo work. You found it easier to just be yourself in the ring and out of it, even when it was for an angle. It was what made crowds fall in love with The Best Friends, and so far it had worked for you too.
So it was just the next logical step for Tony to start to pair you guys up together. It started with one tag match with Kris, but it soon grew into something bigger, until finally you were coming out with the rest of the gang in matching tracksuits.
Just like you weren't sure if you could pinpoint the exact moment that you became an official member of the team, you also weren't sure if you could remember when you realized you had fallen completely and totally in love with Dustin. The one thing you did know was that you could never ever tell him, let alone anyone else in your tightknit group.
So what were you doing at Orange's apartment at 2 AM? How had you managed to lose track of how many beers you had had? How did he seem so calm, cool, and collected? And why did he keep bringing the topic of conversation back around to Dustin?
"Sometimes he just gets insecure, you know?" Orange took another swig from his can. He was relaxed, a slight blush to his cheeks. His hair was slightly more mussed than usual and he wasn't wearing his signature shades, but other than that you would be pressed to spot the difference between the appearance of this Orange Cassidy and the one he played on TV. Plus, he wouldn't shut up. "Sometimes when we are alone, I try to reassure him a little. He's like an older brother to me. He doesn't get what a great guy he is."
You nodded. You were trying to play it cool but your poker face is terrible. Inside, you were melting at the tender way that Orange was describing his closest pal, so you were certain it was written all over your expression. You tried to change the subject for what must have been the third time, but Orange just went on.
"Sometimes I think he's lonely. But he'd never admit it. Like, tonight for example. Tonight, I invited him over." You couldn't help but look surprised. You felt your eyebrows shoot up. Orange jabbed the hand holding his beer in your direction. "Exactly, Y/N, exactly. He turned me down when I mentioned you would be here." Orange noticed your face fall and he got apologetic. "No no no, not like that. Dustin loves you. But sometimes I think he is too scared to be vulnerable around anyone. He was too scared to be here, just the three of us."
You sank back into the couch. The room was starting to spin and you weren't sure how much of it you could actually blame on the alcohol. "I think I'm in love with him." The words bubbled out of you before you realized you were speaking and not just thinking them for the millionth time. But they were quiet.
Orange leaned in towards you, setting his beer down on the coffee table. "What?"
You turned and looked at him, but you got so embarrassed you had to cover your face. "I think I'm in love with Dustin." You peeked through your fingers and were mortified to see Orange's toothy, crooked grin staring back at you.
He shot up off the couch like a rocket. "Hot dog!" He clapped his hands together and you couldn't help but start to giggle. You felt heat rising from your neck up into your cheeks. "This is incredible news! My two best buds are going to fall in love!"
"Orange, Orange, no," you put your beer down next to his and started to wave both hands at him in protest. "You can never tell him. You can never tell anyone!"
Orange threw his hands up as if in disgust. "What?" He asked indignantly. "What are you talking about?"
"No! I shouldn't have even told you! Shit, Orange, what time is it? How much have I had to drink?"
Your blonde friend slumped back down onto the couch next to you, frowning. "I rescind my hot dog."
"It is stricken from the record. Now it's time for you to go to bed and for me to pass out on your couch. Okay?" Orange just pouted at you. "Okay?"
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dirtywrestling · 1 year
Female reader going without a bra in house wearing Orange Cassidy's jacket just to tease him.
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Pairing: Orange Cassidy x Female!Reader
Warnings: 18+ Blog, Teasing, Cursing.
Commissions: Closed
Imagines: Open
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"What are you doing?"
Spinning around with your coffee in hand you smiled at your boyfriend. "Having coffee?" You answered in a confused questionable voice.
"No, I mean what are you doing?" His blue eyes looked you over. You were in nothing but a lacy thong and his denim jacket, covering your bare breasts.
You couldn't help but to giggle as Cassidy stared at you. "Take a picture, it'll last longer Cas." You placed your mug down on the counter.
"Oh, I'll do more than take a picture." He stepped towards you. "I'll take a damn video if I please." He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close to him. "Look so sexy in my clothes." He pressed his lips against your mouth, kissing you. A soft moan left your lips as you tussled your fingers through his blonde hair.
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keysgrave · 2 years
Wrestlers I Write For
I write for both aew and wwe now!
* indicates my favorites to write for
Keep in mind I usually only write female or gender neutral reader as they are easiest for me
I'll also write certain ships(I added those at the bottom
Kenny Omega
Adam Cole
Adam Page
Chuck Taylor*
Kris Statlander*
Cash Wheeler
Dax Harwood
Kyle O'Reilly*
Orange Cassidy*
Nick Jackson
Matt Jackson*
Ricky Starks
Eddie Kingston*
Powerhouse Hobbs
Kip Sabian
Ruby Soho*
Buddy Matthews
Malakai Black
Daniel Garcia
Jamie Hayter*
Toni Storm*
Austin Theory*
Johnny Gargano*
Drew McIntyre
Roman Reigns
Jimmy Uso*
Jey Uso*
Shayna Baszler
Indi Hartwell
Seth Rollins*
Sami Zayn
Kevin Owens
Dominik Mysterio*
Rhea Ripley*
Damian Priest*
Finn Balor*
Dakota Kai*
Iyo Sky (Io Shirai)
Naomi (idk if she still counts as wwe tbh)
Alexa Bliss
Liv Morgan*
I will not write for any of the following
Sammy Guevara
Tay Conti
Anna Jay (it depends tbh, I'm willing to just not alot)
Jake Hager
Chris Jericho
Bryan Danielson (I dont like writing for him sorry)
Darby allin (I dont like writing for him)
CM Punk
Max Caster
The Miz
Dexter Lumis
Hook x Danhausen (hookhausen)
Trent x Chuck (best friends)
Dax x Cash (FTR)
Orange Cassidy x Chuck Taylor
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Hi!! Thought I’d drop a request in for an Orange Cassidy fluffy one shot :) Maybe a revealing of feelings type of deal.
Please and thank you!
glad to contribute to OC tags on here
|remember to leave feedback and i love all you heathens|
‘I Am A Little Thirsty’ Orange Cassidy (James) x fem!reader
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^they say your best friends know when you are in love. this was no different; kris and donovan help the reader finally tell james how she feels^
- appearances by- danhausen (donovan) i nickname him DD, wheeler yuta (james yuta) for the sake of funky nicknames he is yuta, chuck taylor (dustin) - i make a weird amount of juice/orange jokes - Y/N/N : your nickname, Y/L/N : your last name
Though I wasn’t in it, I was pretty much friends with everyone in Best Friends. I was close to Donovan and Kris the most. Them both being like my siblings I told almost everything too. I was helping Donovan with his makeup as usual when he asked me, “Sooo you and James huh?” I stopped myself just in time before I poked his eye out from being caught off guard. I felt the nerves creeping up, “I have no idea what you’re talking about, DD.” He scoffed at my lie. “Don’t try it Y/N/N. We all know you’re into each other.” Just then Kris came into the locker room. “Why does Y/N look like she’s seen a ghost?” Kris questioned. “Kris, please tell our friend here how obvious it is that her and James are in love with each other?” She came over and sat on the vanity, “We knew you liked him BEFORE you told us.” I rolled my eyes and went back to doing DD’s makeup, “Yeah, well that’s me. What makes you two think the feeling is mutual?” DD spoke up, “Because he asks about and for you a lot, his comments on your social media, the way he looks at you, and he wants you in Best Friends; presumably to be with you more often.” Kris cut in, “You two act like a couple already. Sitting in his lap, your head on his shoulder with his arm around you for car rides, you wear each other’s merch more than anyone else and you’re the only person he lets wear that denim jacket. Not to mention your name in his contacts: ‘main squeeze <3’” There was no chance in hell I could hide the blushing. I had always felt like he was responding to my flirting but I thought he was just being nice. The confirmation from two people I know would never lie to me made everything fall into perspective. As I finish up the signature Danhausen makeup, I knew I had made up my mind: “After the show, I’m talking to him. Neither of us have matches so I can focus on what I want to say.” The two looked at each other with equal amounts of shock and excitement. We continued talking until it was showtime. I got to stay back and wander since I wasn’t on the card tonight. I had met up in catering with my other favorite James, though I just call him Yuta and he calls me by my last name. “Hey, Y/L/N! No match tonight?” he asked. I shook my head, “Nope, so I get a gentle night on my body.” “Well I hope I’ll make good company.” I put my hand on my chin in fake thought, “Hmm I don’t know. Maybe I should go find Dustin.” He puts his hand on his heart in fake hurt. I nudged his shoulder, “I’m kidding, Yuta. You know I like you more.”
Yuta and I talked for a while until I felt a tap on my shoulder and noticed a knowing smirk on Yuta’s face. I turned around to see James standing there, looking rather nervous. “Hey Y/N, can we go for a walk? I wanna talk to you about something.” I turn back to Yuta for a hug and he whispers in my ear, “This is your shot.” I completely ignore the fact that it seemed that everyone knew about my little crush due to my nerves spiking. I turned back to James and he led me out of catering and out of the arena completely. He was dressed normally: merch shirt, jeans, denim jacket, and sneakers. The only thing missing was the sunglasses, giving me the chance to look at his oh so beautiful eyes. We had stopped walking and he turned me to look at him. “You look really pretty tonight.” I blushed, “You don’t look too bad yourself. So, what did you want to talk about?” I saw his demeanor change from cool and confident to nervous and jittery. “Yes, right, uh,” he took my hands in his and looked at me “Y/N, I really like you. Since you came to AEW and I saw you for the first time, I fell in love. When you made friends with everyone in Best Friends, I was so excited because it meant I could be close to you, I even talked to them about getting you to join so I could be even closer to you.” I took in what he was saying and I felt butterflies. He does feel the same! I’m hearing the words come out of his mouth! “James, I was going to talk to you about the same exact thing later tonight.” He looks at me confused, “What do you mean?” I smiled and put my hand on his cheek. “I was going to tell you how I feel. I’m in love with you too. I thought you would flirt back to be nice. Kris and Donovan told me you liked me too but hearing it for myself confirms everything.” I feel his forming smile under my hand. “I know this isn’t the most elegant way of saying this but will you be my girlfriend?” I nodded, “Yes James. I would love to.” He put his hands on my cheeks gently, “Would it be too forward to ask if I could kiss you?” “Well I am a little thirsty.” The laugh he let out was music to my ears. “You did not just say that.” I smirked, “And what if I did? Are you gonna quench that thirst or not?” He leaned down and kissed me deeply. It felt like the world stopped and everything made sense. When we finally pulled away, he looked into my eyes, “I love you, my main squeeze.” “I love you too.” He saw me shiver and took his jacket off for me to wear. “Maybe I should get you a matching one?” I cozy up in it as if it was the first time, “Or I can keep stealing this one?” He rolled his eyes and smiled.
We went back into the building hand in hand. When we got back to catering, the heads of all our friends turned to look at us. “Well it’s about damn time!” Kris said first. James wrapped his arm around me from the side as we went over to them. “Now there’s a reason she’s the only one to wear that jacket besides him.” Yuta added. 
When it was time to go back to the hotel, I left with James and the smile never left my face. Leaving the arena as the luckiest girl in the world to have a freshly squeezed boyfriend after all the mutual flirting and nervous confessions. 
lovely taglist babes (dm or comment to be added) @josiewrites @rubyred1980 @chrisdickinson
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plentyoffandoms · 10 months
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Blood, Sweat & Tears (18+)
Orange Cassidy x f/Reader
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some swearing. Bloody OC. P in V. Unprotected sex. Oral sex (m & f receiving)
Requested by @lghockey
Gifs and photos do not belong to me. 1st gif @theocassidy 2nd gif @jasffy 3rd source
Main Masterlist ♡ Orange Cassidy Masterlist
James - Orange Cassidy ♧ Dustin - Chuck Taylor ♧ Greg - Trent?
I could hear James as I walked towards the medical room. I knew he was frustrated with how tonight went, but he can not take it on his friends.
I opened the ajar door fully, and the door slammed against the wall. I winced as I didn't mean to push it that hard.
"What the hell is going on here?" James quieted down once he saw me, but Greg, Dustin, and Kris looked relieved.
"I'm fine." Was all the bloody man said as he looked at the wall beside him. The other three looked at one another, and Dustin finally came over to me.
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"He has been refusing medical help." I could have rolled my eyes when Dustin told me that. I walked back to the door and placed my hand on the knob.
"Okay, everyone who isn't covered with blood head to toe, out." Kris gave me a tight-lipped smile as she passed me, knowing how hard this gonna be to get through to James.
Once, it was just the two of us, I closed the door, grabbed the necessary medical supplies, and got to work cleaning up the very stubborn man I call my fiancé.
Who still is looking at the wall but wrapped his bloody arms around my waist but didn't say anything.
After a few more minutes of silence, I had enough. "James, you need to speak eventually."
Silence, which just made me sigh. When he is in this type of mood, there is only one way to get him out of the funk.
I took a step back, placed the gauze and oitment on the table, and kneeled down in front of him. That had his attention.
I put my hands on the waist band of his pants, and I tried to pull them down, but they didn't budge.
"Come on, baby. Let me help you." I calmly said to him while looking into his eyes. I knew he wanted to say no, but he also knew he needed this.
He lifted his ass just enough for me to pull down his pants. My mouth started to water at the sight of his cock as it hit his stomach.
Not many know this about James, but he is long and thick. I can barely fit his cock in my mouth and I feel like I am going to die from being suffocated by what I call the monster.
I call it that because it makes me scream and cry, but not in fear. Well, maybe the first few times, but James always holds back. Afraid of hurting me, but he needs to let loose tonight.
He needs to get his frustrations out, and I feel like tonight is the perfect night.
I wrapped my hands around the base and took him slowly into my mouth, never once breaking eye contact.
James placed his still bloodied hand on the back of my head but didn't put any pressure on it, and I wasn't having any of that.
I pulled back, jerking him off fully now. A string of saliva connecting from the tip to my lip. His head was flung back, eyes closed, and his mouth opened.
"Use me." I said. That seemed to startle him. He looked down at me, and said, "what?"
"Use me, James. Don't hold back."
"No, no." He tried to stand up, but I pushed him back down.
"James, we have been together a long time, and the sex is great, but come on, baby. I know you have been holding back."
"Love," He trailed off when I stood up, but my hand was still jerking him off. I placed my lips on his neck and started to kiss and bite, not caring about the blood that is still there.
"I will let you know if you hurt me. Please baby, you need this." I need this.
"On your knees." He growled out, and I practically fell to my knees. "Open." I did as he said. He placed the head of his cock in my mouth and started to push.
"If it becomes too much, tap my leg three times." I didn't have any warning as he started thrust into my mouth, increasing his pace.
And I took it. I had tears streaming down my face. His hands were gripping the back of my head, muttering so low that I can't hear him, but he never took his eyes off of me.
But then he pushed all the way down my throat and held my head still. I wasn't starting to see spots, and I tried to hold off as long as I could, but I had to tap.
He pulled out of my mouth, and I was gasping for air and gripping my throat.
"Stand up, baby." I didn't move fast enough, and he pulled me off the ground, turned me around, and pushed me over the table.
"Don't fucking move." I didn't dare move. I did gasp when he ripped my tights into shreds, and I am now naked from the waist down.
"Should have known you wouldn't have any underwear on." He groaned as he rubbed himself against my ass.
"Just fuck me already." My growl turned into a groan when he slapped my ass. "We do this on my time."
"James." I whimpered, my head against my chest. "Look up, baby." When I did, he pushed inside of my pussy and I could see in the floor-length mirror the look on his face.
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We made eye contact in the mirror just as I pushed in her tight, warm pussy. "Fuck, YN." I groaned out as she whimpered out my name.
I looked in the mirror, and I could see myself fully now. The blood was barely dry on my chest. The blood was caked onto my face and in my hair.
I wrapped my hand around her waist, and she pushed back to lean against my chest. She placed one hand over my hand and reached up behind her and gripped my hair, which had me hissing.
"Fuck me James." She whined.
"You want me to fuck you baby?" She squeezed her walls around me, whimpering out yes.
My pace started off slow. I'm just listening to the sweet noises fall from her lips, but if my girl wanted me not to hold back, then I won't.
My pace increased until I was pounding into her. I leaned down close to her, my face right next to hers.
She turned her head, and I captured her lips with mine. "You close? Yeah, you are. Can feel you squeezing me. Want me to cum? Fill you up?"
She nodded her head, tears pricking at the corner of her eyes. I pulled out of her and turned her around as I got on my knees before she even knew what hit her.
I spread her legs wide and wrapped my lips around her clit and shoved two fingers inside her. Her hands went right to my hair.
"James, James, James." She was practically chanting, her legs shaking. She was close. So damn close, but I need for her to finish around me.
She had the same idea. She pushed my head away and fell back on the ground and climbed on top of me, facing the other way.
I groaned loudly when she seated on me, taking me completely inside of her. She started to bounce at a fast speed.
I sat up a bit and leaned on my elbows to look around her to watch us in the mirror. I groaned when I saw how spread she was on my cock.
Her limbs went taunt, her back arched, and her mouth fell open in a silent scream. I had to will myself not to follow her behind her.
She collapsed back against my chest as I thrusted up into her. One arm wrapped around her waist and the other one gripping her throat.
I moved us, so we were sitting up as I wanted to watch me drip out of her. Her one hand gripped my hand that was on her throat and brought it to her lips.
I watched in shock as she took two of my fingers and wrapped her lips around the bloody fingers and sucked.
I was done for. I bit my lip as I came deep inside of her. I didn't want to leave her body, but I too.
"Come on, love. Let's go take a shower."
"And find me some clothes."
"I like you not wearing anything."
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artaxerxesthegreat · 2 years
Playing with Fire: Part 7 (I think)
A/N: Everyone in this story is 18+, if minors are mentioned they aren’t getting in any weird, sick, twisted situations with adults. I also use female pronouns for the reader and the reader may be a bit OC. I would also prefer that minors DO NOT interact with this at all. Thank you.
Warnings: Dream based, Actors mixed with characters, College AU!, Mixed universes, Raffey Cassidy stands in as Sprite, Swearing, gaslighting, manipulation, cheating, mild violence (?), implied sexual content, mentions of bullying, college strife, MCU/X-Men/Spider-Man/Actors mashed in one universe, self- doubt, insecurities, depression, angst, fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, family issues, mentions of disabilities, (Please let me know if I’ve missed something too.)
This is a bit of a spicy chapter 💋🔥💦
Will I stop?
Alright I’m not reasionalizing this (yes I am) plus as the years went on we’ve relaxed on the touching and flirting, so that’s good! I’m doing good! I’m not a horrible person! It’s not like I’m cheating and- and he isn’t either. He’s crazy about Sprite, and he asks for my advice when it comes to her- told him he could ask Ikaris and I stopped talking after that.
Though there was this one time, about a 1½ year into their relationship, he called me extremely frustrated because Sprite decided to stay out super late at some party when he told her not to go. He asked if he could come over .
—1 ½ years ago—
“Yes! Totally… No it’s not too late… I know it’s 2:30 in the morning, but my friend needs me, so get your ass over here.”
He came by and collapsed on my small twin sized bed face down into my pillow.
“Sure, just make yourself at home.” I laugh sitting in my desk chair. My reward for my sarcasm is a loud muffled groan, “You want something to drink?”
He nods his head in my pillow, getting up I go get him a glass of orange juice and I can’t help the feeling that this is familiar somehow. Dismissing the feeling I go in and nudge his leg, “Here you go bud.”
Sitting up he stares at the glass, “Orange juice? Don’t you have anything a bit stronger?”
“I can add soda-” Ah, yes, I remember now, “whoa, Deja vu.”
“What is it?” He watches as I shiver at a thought remembering how the rest of that night went.
“Uh nothing, just remembering something is all. So you haven’t heard from Sprite since she went to the party?”
He takes a long drink before he answers with a simple, “Nope!”
“Hmm, well do you want to go and see if she’s still there?”
“Not really.”
“Why not?”
“I- I…” He sighs deeply, rubbing his face roughly as he leans forward hiding his face in his hands. I thought he was just trying to organize his thoughts, or was maybe tired because of how late it was, but when I hear small sniffles I know that isn’t the case.
“…um…Druig?” I whisper, putting my hands on his wrists, he tenses at this and I move to sit in front of him on the floor letting him go, softly I say, “Sorry, sorry. You don’t have to talk or tell me anything, but if you want to I’ll be outside in the living room. Okay?”
He just nods his head and I step out into the living room closing the door behind me. As soon as the door clicks I can hear small sobs coming from the other side and it breaks my heart into pieces, I’ve never felt so useless or helpless. Taking a breath I go sit on the couch and turn on the TV on to let him have his moment in peace. A few minutes later my roommate walks in with one of her friends and both their boyfriends.
“Y/N, you’re up?!” She says shocked.
“And in the living room.” Her dark haired friend points out dryly, her boyfriend laughs sitting in the chair in the corner.
“Hey Jane, Thor, and two people I don’t know.” I nod at them in recognition.
“You don’t know me? Everybody who’s anybody knows me.” The guy with white hair states matter-of-factly.
“Ignore him, I do. He thinks he’s God's gift to man.” She says sitting on his armrest tussling his already messy hair, “I’m Darcy and this annoying guy is Howard.”
“Oh, hi.” I give them the best smile I can, but it’s so forced they grimace at me, “Sorry, have a lot on my mind right now. I’m Y/N.”
“Yeah, I heard when Jane said your name.” Howard quips as he pulls out a silver flask.
“Right… Are you drinking?”
“Always!” He says proudly sharing the flask with Thor. Looking at Jane she rolls her eyes and goes into the kitchen.
“So what has you down in the dumps, Y/N/N?” Thor’s voice is loud as he sits in the chair opposite Howard.
“Uh, a lot. I’d rather not get into it right now.” I shift uncomfortably on the couch as I look to my door.
“It’s a guy isn’t it?” Darcy says plainly.
“Oooooo guy troubles.” Howard adds leaning forward with interest.
“What- no no, I’m not having guy problems. Not saying I’ve never had any, but I’m not having any right now- I’m just- it’s… I mean I have a friend who’s a guy, and- and he’s dealing with something. But no, I'm good with my guy. We’re good. Completely and totally.”
“That wasn’t defensive at all.” Howard smiles as Darcy shoves him.
“Howard, stop being so nosy.”
“Can’t help it, babe, and I’m not sorry.”
“Well what troubles does your friend have?” Thor asks in a calmer tone.
“Um, I- I- I don’t think I should…”
“Ooohh.” Everyone says understandingly.
“You’re a really good friend, I would’ve laid out their business like a spreadsheet.” Darcy laughs taking the flask.
“Lucky me, huh?” Jane sasses coming to us with a cup of coffee.
“Hey, if it wasn’t for me you never would’ve been with that hunk over there, so you’re welcome.”
“Thank you.” She smiles into her cup.
“Jane, it’s 3 in the morning.” I deadpanned, pointing at her coffee.
“Actually it’s 2:58, not quite 3 yet.”
“You and technicalities.” I roll my eyes at her with a small smile.
She shrugs with a smile while taking another long sip, “I’m so glad it’s the weekend right now, because I’m going to have a hangover tomorrow.”
“And coffee is going to help? You might as well just keep drinking.” Howard tosses the flask to Thor, but I catch it on the way, “Whoa, hey!”
“I need this more than you guys.” I say chugging the contents. After four gulps I take a breath and groan as it hits my throat and stomach, “Jack Daniel’s, smooth.”
“…Wow, okay I wasn’t expecting that- Jane you didn’t say your roommate was cool!” Darcy gets up and sits down next to me on the couch smiling impressed.
“She’s not.” Jane replies at a loss for words.
“Oh, thank you Jane.” I give her a face and she tries to find the right words.
“No-no, no no, you’re cool, sure, but… not like… in a kind of- I I…”
“It’s fine Jane, I know what you mean.” I wave her off and she gratefully takes a breath, “I don’t always drink but when I do I do it for a reason.”
“What reason is that?” Howard asks.
“I have no idea, I thought it’d be cool to say that.” I laugh out looking at their faces.
“She’s gone.”
“Oh yeah.” Darcy pats her knees and stands up, “Come on lightweight.”
“No, I'm fine! No one gets drunk that fast.” I sit back on the couch handing her the empty flask.
“Uh- huh.” Howard isn’t convinced so he goes into the kitchen, he comes back with a pb & j handing it to me, “Eat this, please.”
“Fine.” I roll my eyes while taking the sandwich, “I’m not drunk, but I won’t ever say no to food.”
“So.” I don’t miss the look Darcy gives Howard as she sits back down.
“So?” I say taking a bite.
“What’s bothering your friend?”
“His girlfriend decided that she- oh you sneaky bitch.” I glare at her as she and Howard laugh at my slip up, “And I saw the look you gave him too!”
“You caught it but couldn’t process it fast enough, Y/N you’re not sober.” Howard chuckles as he continues, “Even though you knocked this back like water, I have to say I’m impressed. Not many can do that, just eat and hit the hay.”
“Okay dad.” I roll my eyes.
“Don’t call him that.” Darcy says in a serious tone, “Please, don’t.”
“S- sorry.”
“Told you I’m a ‘daddy’!”
“Oh my god.” Darcy sighs out rolling her eyes, “Howard. Shut up. Go make me a sandwich.”
“Ugh, fine.” Getting up he complains to the kitchen and while he’s making the sandwich, “Work work work, that’s all I do, but am I appreciated? No! Work me day and night to the bone, and for what? Some sex? Please!”
I look at the small group and they all share a knowing smile and laugh at his antics. Jane waves it off telling me not to play him any mind.
“So this is a normal occurrence?”
“Oh yeah.” Thor confirms smirking, “Y/N, I have to ask. Is this about Barry?”
“Never mind.” He says, shaking his head, not pushing it any further. Nodding my head in thanks I try to stop a yawn that’s coming up.
“You should probably go to sleep, Y/N.” Jane says, looking at my face with slight concern.
“No no, I’m fffiii~~~*yawn*~~~ne. Not tired at all!” I have a dopey smile on my face as I look at her through blurry eyes.
“Go to bed kid.” Howard gives Darcy her sandwich and then tries to usher me to my room.
“But- but!”
“No ‘buts’, go to bed, you can play when the sun is up.” He opens my door pushing me inside and promptly closing it behind me. I can hear him snickering, I’m about to go back outside when I hear soft snores.
“What the fuck! Who’s in my room!” I panic and stop replaying the thought, “What’s with all the deja vu tonight?”
Looking at my bed I see Druig’s fallen asleep… on my bed, and it’s the cutest shit I’ve ever seen! He’s laying on his side, wrapped in my throw blanket and all I can see is from his eyes up, walking over, I kneel down in front of him and decide to watch him sleep.
Is that creepy? Yes, but I’m intoxicated so it’s fine.
Reaching over I brush some of his hair back and he stirs slightly, panicking I pull my hand away, seeing that I haven’t woken him up I turn to go sit in my desk chair.
“Where are you going?” His hand grabs mine, stopping me.
“Druig! Uh, you’re up! So- sorry, I didn’t mean-”
My rambling is cut short as he tugs me over to him, he scoots back towards the wall creating a small space for me. With wide eyes I look at him and then the space, he seems to be second guessing his silent request, but before he can say anything I lay down next to him on my back.
…Okay, so this still isn’t cheating, and even if we’ve never done this, it doesn’t mean anything. We’re just two friends, sharing a bed, in a completely platonic sense. I’ve had sleepovers before, I’ve shared a bed with my friends before… Sure they were all girls, but still!
Neither of us move as he stares at the side of my face, and I stare at the ceiling. My heart is beating loudly in my ears and I’m sure he can hear it. He shifts closer to me and I tense turning my face further from him.
“Sorry. I should go.” His voice is a bit raspy and he moves to get up.
“No, no it’s fine, there just isn’t a lot of room. That’s all.” I stop him from leaving and I can hear that annoying voice in the back of my head telling me to let him go. I ignore it because 1. He needs a friend, and 2. I’m THAT FRIEND!
“Are you sure?”
“Have you lost your mind, Y/N?”
“Alright,” He lays back down and this time I turn to lay on my side so we’re facing each other. He looks around the room before saying, “Your friends are loud.”
“Yeah to be fair I met two of them today, so…”
“Hm.” He keeps avoiding my eyes and focuses on the blanket wrapped around him.
“You okay?”
Wishing I didn’t say anything, I can see that he’s struggling with telling me and not crying again; I don’t know what Sprite did to him, but when I see her I swear to-
“No, I’m not. I just don’t feel like I’m this perfect person Raffey makes me out to be, I feel like I have to be this ‘guy’ she likes instead of being me. I even cut back on drinking and smoking for her, but it’s like her standards for a man don't apply to her in any way. If I tell her to not go to parties, or drink as much I’m trying to boss her around or hold her back, and not let her be her own woman. I don’t think I can keep this up, but I don’t want to break up with her.”
“…How- how long has this been going on?”
“A while.”
“Why don’t you just break up with her then?”
“I love her.”
oh… o- Oh, okay. This- this is fine, utterly fine! He… he loves her. Yay!
“Uh- uh yeah, wow, that’s nice… When you say you love her, you mean…?” I ask trying to wrap my mind around this news, surely he can’t mean he’s IN love with her… Can he?
“I’m in love with her.”
“W-wow, that’s really-…Are you sure?”
“Well, I’m happy for you. You thought you’d never fall in love, look at you now. I’m happy for you.”
“You said that already.”
“That you’re happy for me, you said it twice.”
“That’s because I’m really happy for you. Have you told her yet?”
“Huh? Nothing, nothing, maybe you should tell her.”
I have no idea why my mouth decided to say that last bit, but I hate myself for it.
“I know, but I just don’t want to talk about it, or think about it. Least for right now.” He pushes his face deeper into the pillow with tears rimming around his eyes.
“Okay. Okay, let’s get some sleep.” Getting up I feel him grab my arm again, “I have to turn the lamp off Druig.”
“Leave it on, please.”
“But I can’t sleep with the light on. Are you afraid of the dark?” I tease.
“No, I just don’t…” He never finishes his sentence and I know I’m not going to get him to, so I lay back down and pat his dark hair.
“Can’t believe you got rid of the blonde, it’s kinda weird.”
His eyes close at the patting and his brow creases when I stop, putting my hand back to his hair, I laugh as I comb through it, “Yeah, I hate it.”
“So why’d you do it?”
“Sprite thought it’d be funny to switch out my dye. I just haven’t been able to dye it back yet.”
“That little imp.” I mumble rolling my eyes, looking back at Druig he’s already staring at me, “Sorry.”
Not staying anything he turns to face the wall
- I’m not hurt.
Still facing the wall he grabs my hand and pulls me to his back. I basically became a big spoon as he curls in on himself
- I’m not hurt!
Barely relaxing and holding onto my sanity- if i even had any- I try to go to sleep. The keyword is try, and I’m failing. Ikaris doesn’t even do this with me, sure we cuddle, but never like this.
“Ikaris. I know that name… Oh SWEET FUCK THAT’S MY BOYFRIEND!” I quickly pull my arm out of Druig’s hold and scramble out of the bed. Startled, Druig turns to me.
“What?! What happened?”
“I just remembered something!”
“…What is it?”
“I… need to pee.”
“…Really?” He is visibly relaxing.
“Yup. Excuse me,” I walk to my bathroom and turn around quickly, “I’ll be right back. Don’t listen!” I rush inside, locking the door behind me and sliding down the door I try to breath.
I didn’t exactly forget I had a boyfriend, I know I do, but it didn’t hit me until now. It was like having a bucket of cold water dumped on me, thinking about how Druig reacted didn’t help either. In the grand scheme of things if either Sprite or Ikaris were to see that they’d flip their shit! And that makes total sense, why would I be cuddling with someone who isn’t my boyfriend?… Even if he is my friend. I need to seriously reevaluate my life. Getting up from the ground I flush the toilet, and open the door. Stepping into the room, Druig is sitting on the edge of my bed looking at his phone.
“Hey Druig, I need to tell you something-”
“Hang on, Sprite’s texting me.” He barely spares me a glance.
Letting out a sigh he gets up, “She wants me to pick her up. She wants to talk.”
“That’s- okay. Talk about what?”
“Don’t know, usually when someone says that it doesn’t end well.”
We stand around in awkward silence debating on what to do or say next. Clearing his throat he gives me a weak nod moving to the door, “I’ll just…go then?”
“Y-yeah you should. TO pick her up. You know.”
I place a hand on his shoulder and squeeze it reassuringly, “You got this, just remember she’s probably drunk so don’t take it to heart.”
“And if she isn’t?”
“You always have me.” Smiling sincerely at him I realize how what I said sounds, “As a friend! A friend, you know, cuz I have a boyfriend and stuff.”
“Yeah, don’t remind me.” He scoffs.
“Sorry.” I give him a sad smile avoiding his eyes, he lifts my chin up to look at him and it’s like time stands still. No one says anything, no one moves; it’s quiet, calm, and intimate in a weird sort of way. His eyes are tired but he still smiles like nothings wrong, it feels like nothing can ruin this moment. Letting my chin go he gives me a hug, that I return wholeheartedly, he sighs pulling away just enough to look at me.
“Thanks for this. I really appreciate you- it… You and it. I appreciate you and it.” I chuckle at him nodding my head.
“Anytime Druig.”
Giving me one more smile he kisses my forehead, I feel my face heat up at the sudden action, and when he pulls back his face is just as shocked as mine. Laughing it off I push him to the door.
“Get out of here and go get your girl.”
“Y- yeah.” He blinks quickly, smiling, he opens the door and we’re met with eight pairs of eyes who seem very interested in this.
“I send her to bed alone and she comes out with a whole man.” Howard laughs out leaning back on the couch.
“Oh you must be her boyfriend.” Darcy stands up to shake his hand.
“Uh- oh oh, no nonononoo. No he- he’s- we’re just friends.” I wave my hands in front of my face and the look on her face is one I've seen from a lot of people. He looks at me then back at Darcy.
“Yeah we're just friends. I’m Barry, by the way. Oh, hey Howard.” His American accent sounds so weird to me now.
“Then if you’re just friends, why did you come out of her room in the middle of the night?”
“Darcy! Leave them alone, sorry about her, she likes to create problems for no reason.”
“Hey, I have a reason, my reason is curiosity. They aren’t dating but they sure are close. And before you say anything, I know friends can be close, but this seems a bit too close.” She scrutinizes us and I’m uncomfortable.
“Darcy.” Howard pleads, “Barry has a girlfriend, she’s that plucky small girl with short hair that likes to fool around with HER boyfriend.” Howard points at me, making my heart sink to my feet.
“What- Sorry uh what?” I close my eyes trying to decipher his words, “What do you mean ‘fool around with MY boyfriend’?”
“…Uuuuuuuhhhhh, nothing.” His eyes are wide as he looks at his feet.
“Howard, what do you know?” I take a threading step towards him, everyone stiffens at this and Druig places a hand on my arm.
“Calm down, Dote.” He stands next to me, glaring at Howard he loses the American accent, “She asked you a question, mate.”
“Whoa! What just happened? Did you hear that? He was American and now he’s Irish!” Darcy exclaims pointing at Druig.
“Darcy, now's not the time.” Jane whispers harshly at her.
“Howard, I suggest you start talking, while I’m asking nicely.” Druig’s voice is low and threatening, “Tell me what you know.”
Caving under the intensity of his stare he tells us how he’s seen Sprite run her hands through Ikaris’ hair, kiss his cheek- on multiple occasions, hold on to him like her life depended on it, get piggyback rides from him and the like. Sighing out I rub my forehead.
“Geez Howard, I’m sorry, you made it sound like they were having an affair.” I relax my posture chuckling a bit, I look at Druig and he’s still pissed, “What’s the matter? You didn’t know they were all buddy-buddy?”
“No, I knew.”
“Okay so why are you still mad?” He turns his dark gaze to me and my blood runs cold.
“Because I told her to stop.” The tension in the room is thick and I don’t know what to say, I don’t think there’s anything I can say to make this better. Opening my mouth he promptly says, “I have to go.”
Marching to the door like a man on a mission he leaves, but leaves his menacing aura behind. Jane is the first one to say anything,
“Well that was… interesting to say the least.”
“Yeah.” Howard shakes himself trying to get the uneasy feeling away from him.
“Damn girl, your boyfriend can be scary when he wants to be.” Darcy slaps my back.
“Ikaris? He isn’t scary.”
“I thought his name was Barry?”
“What no, Barry isn’t-”
“Nah his name is Druig.” Howard stands and start’s to stretch.
“Oh, well your boyfriend can be scary.”
“Druig isn’t my boyfriend.”
“…I’m so confused.” Darcy looks at Jane for help, she sighs and explains.
“Druig, aka Barry, is dating Sprite. Y/N is dating Ikaris aka Richard. Sprite is Y/N friend and she’s also close friends with Ikaris, but Druig and Ikaris hate each other for some reason.”
“OH! Okay that makes sense now.” Looking back at me she smiles, “Your wannabe boyfriend is scary.”
“He isn’t- you know what, forget it.” I throw my hands up defeated and go back to my room, “Good night everyone.”
Flicking the lamp off I plop onto my bed. Covering my face with my arm I can’t help the defeated sigh that comes from my lips, punching and kicking the mattress I stare into the darkness of my room.
“Loki was right.” Turning on my side I look towards the wall and it’s almost like Druig is here again, bearing his soul to me, showing me how much he truly trusts me. Scooting to his side I lay on my back, closing my eyes, and taking a deep breath I realize that I can smell him. Sitting up I pull the pillow up to my nose and smell his conditioner, smiling I put it back and cover myself with my blanket.
“Oh fuck this smells like him too.” I throw the blanket off, “…Don’t do it, Y/N. Leave the blanket where it is and change the pillowcase.”
So I took off the pillowcase and wrapped myself in the blanket- I was cold! And I don’t have another clean blanket! Of course that doesn’t excuse the fact that I’m imagining the blanket as Druig holding me close, making me feel safe and warm and like nothing in the world could harm me. It also doesn’t excuse the fact that my mind wanders to more… explicit content.
“Stop it Y/N, he is your friend and he’s also dating your friend!… But after what just happened maybe not…” Trailing my hand down I stop myself at the edge on my sweatpants, “No, no no no no no no! God, what’s the matter with you? What would Druig say if he knew you were doing this?!”
Actually… What would he say?
”Ha! Fucking knew it! As if you could resist all this!”
Hmm might be more of a
”Duh, I’ve known for a while.”
Maybe even
”Show me.”
WAIT, wait, wait slow your roll Y/N! He wouldn’t… Would he? Well, maybe not boyfriend Druig, but fuckboy Druig would definitely be down for that. Moving my hand into my sweats, I let out a gasp at the thought of Druig being here watching me. It’s like I can hear his voice in my head saying,
~“Fuck, Y/N, that’s how good I make you feel? I’m not even touching you…yet.”~
“Ah, shhhh~iiiiit!” I bring my free hand to my mouth to keep myself quiet, not realizing that I’m gripping the ‘Druig blanket’ up with it. Breathing in through my nose his scent invades my senses and I start to lose control when his voice chimes in my head again,
~”Look at you, barely hanging on just, and all from smelling a blanket, so pathetic. Imagine how you’d feel if I were there, hoverin’ over you, pounding into you over and over and over again.”~
I gasp for air again whispering into the darkness, “This- this is’t-”
~”This isn’t what, Y/N? Right? Was it right when you did it the first time or the second? Or when you brought Ikaris here to your room instead of me? Spare me your pitiful excuses. You should’ve been mine from the beginning and you know it, so don’t go and grow a conscience on me now!”~
My hand slows at his words, but I can’t bring myself to stop; not with his smell in the air,
~”Why are you slowing down? Did I say you could?”~
~”Then?… There you go, just like that, don’t stop. Only if your friends could see you now.”~ His chuckle fills my head causing me to whimper, ~“All the sweet little sounds you’d try to keep quiet, only to scream my name out like a prayer. Is that what you want, Y/N? You want me to make you scream my name for all to hear?~
~”Even Ikaris?~
A strangled gasp leaves me and I bite my lip trying not to make any sound. I can hear Jane and the others in the living and the last thing I need is for them to hear me.
~”Answer me!~
“Yes. Yes! Even Ikaris.”
~”Good girl, I suppose I should let you cum then, hm?~
~”Go ahead, Dote. Let go, with my name falling from your lips.~
“Ah fuck… Druig.” I feel myself tighten and my orgasm washes over me, my mouth opens as I struggle to breathe quietly, I feel my walls tighten when I hear the ‘Dote’ and my legs are shaking as I come down from my high. Not moving I stare into the darkness once more, and I feel like shit, “I can’t believe I just did that.”
Getting up I shuffle to the bathroom and clean myself up. Rinsing my face with some cold water I watch the droplets fall into the sink and my heart is heavy.
“I need to stop doing this!”
Marching myself back to my room I grab my laundry basket, taking the pillowcase and blanket I rush out of the dorm room to the laundry room. Since it’s so late- or early- no one's there, stuffing my clothes in I throw in the pillowcase, I almost hesitate with the blanket, but I get over myself pretty quickly. Putting the blanket in I see that the machine is pretty much at capacity.
“… Well, I don’t want to break their washer machine. I’ll just leave it in the basket. Yeah.” Tossing it in the basket I start the cycle and wait. I wish I brought my headphones to drown out Druig’s voice from my head,
~”Really, Y/N? You think washing is going to erase what you just did? It didn’t work the other times.”~ His snicker sends goosebumps to my arms and my nipples get hard.
“You gotta be fucking kidding me.” Looking up I see that I’m standing under the vent and the thermostat is set to 74, “Why didn’t I grab a sweater??”
Looking at the basket I can feel Druig’s ‘presence’ behind me. I know it’s all in my head, he isn’t there, but a part of him is. Picking up the blanket I glare at it like it did me wrong.
~”The blanket did nothing-”~
“I know, shut up! Fuck, man.” Rolling my eyes I wrap the blanket around myself and sit on the folding table and wait for the clothes to finish, “It’s not like I’m going to smell it again.”
“Shut up, you’re not even real.” I put my head in my hands, “Just a stupid part of my mind making you up- a dumb fantasy. I don’t need you.”
I wait for his voice to ring in my head again to tell me I’m the one that’s stupid, that I’m the made up one and he’s real, but the only sounds are from the washer. Sighing I sit up and lean against the wall and wait.
I shiver that the memory and Ikaris turns to me,
“Are you cold, love?”
“Hmm? Oh, a little yeah.”
“Here,” Reaching over he turns up the heat in the car, “That should warm you up.”
“Thanks.” I smile thankfully at him and go back to watching the Christmas lights on the houses. I can feel him glancing at me every now and again, and I know he knows something’s bothering me. He probably thinks I’m anxious about having dinner with my family and introducing him in person, but that’s not it at all.
I lied.
I lied about everything from I feel about Druig to how my love life is going. I thought that maybe because of being in a relationship for 2 ½years was supposed to mean that my feelings for Druig would die down, but it only seemed to stoke the fire more; there were some many times- I mean so many- that it seemed like Druig and I could’ve- would’ve just had sex with each other wherever we were. We never did anything, but ever since he had gone to pick Sprite up from that party, he turned back into his old self. He would flirt with certain people- myself included- dyed his hair half blonde again, and Sprite was fine with it. She even relaxed with how she was with Ikaris, and it felt like everything was going back to normal… You know minus the unspoken air between Druig and myself.
What I hadn’t expected was Ikaris pulling away from me; he wasn’t as touchy as he once was, he started ‘working later’, had too much homework, or he was too tired to do anything other than sleep. I was understanding at first until he was using my shower and his phone buzzed. I’m not one to snoop but I picked up his phone and saw that it was Sersi.
Answering the call, I was going to tell her that he was busy and he’ll call her later but she never gave me the chance,
``Ikaris, I have something to tell you… Please don’t get mad, but I think we should stop seeing each other. I know you said you love me, and for a time I loved you too, but I can’t keep up the lies. I don’t deserve that, you don’t and neither does Y/N. I want something real and I can’t have that with you, so I’m stopping this now. I hope you understand…``
All the air in my lungs was gone, my brain was fried and my emotions were so overwhelmed I felt dead inside.
``Thanks.`` I don’t know how I was able to say anything so calmly.
``Y/N? I’m sorry I- I thought-``
``Call him again later.`` I hang up the phone and put it back on the bed, Ikaris comes out in a towel and I’m gathering some things to head out.
“Where are you going?” He asks confused sitting on my bed, he pulls me by my hips towards him.
“Out.” I cringe at the feeling of his hands on me knowing they’ve been on someone else, “Loki, needs a favor.”
“Can’t you do it later?”
“No. Get some sleep.” At that moment his phone starts to buzz again. He reaches for it too quickly for my taste and Sersi’s name is on the screen, “I’ll see you later.” Leaning down I kiss the top of his head to save face and walk out the door before I lose my mind.
Opting to take the stairs I run down them and out of the side door into the parking lot and to my car, my heart is beating fast, but I’m not crying just shaking slightly. Getting in I inhale and exhale slowly, getting out my phone I call Loki,
``Bast what a pleasant surprise I was just-``
``You were right- all of you were. Can I come over?``
``Uh- yes of course.``
Peeling out of the parking lot I drive to the Loki’s ‘hideout’- it’s just an old room in the theater building- ignoring the speed limit of 15 I make to the hideout in record time. Jumping out I run to their meeting room and slamming open the door they slightly jump at the loud sound.
“Bast.” Loki takes in my appearance watching me closely, “Are you alright?”
“Ha! Oh yeah, totally fine. More than fine, I’m fucking fabulous!” I smile brightly plopping on the old couch, the other Loki’s look at each other, then to me clearly uncomfortable and confused.
“You said that Loki was right. Right about what, exactly?” Old Man Loki leans on his knees with confusion.
“About Ikaris, duh.” I shrug while opening a game on my phone.
“Oh, so he is a douchebag.” Kid Loki confirms drinking from his juice box, “What else is new?”
“What’s new is that I just found out he was having an affair. Lol!” Laughing, I continue to play my game.
“Wait, he was actually cheating on you?” Theater Director Loki’s voice is a pitch higher than normal.
“He would.” Sylvie says plainly walking into the room with snacks.
“Oo! Snacks~!” I sit up reaching for the bowl of popcorn.
“Y/N are you sure you’re alright?” Loki asks one more time, “You seem to be handling this quite well.”
“Too well.” Old man Loki folds his arms squinting at me.
“Oh I’m fucking devastated, but the shock of it all is pretty strong, I have so much adrenaline right now, it’s taking everything in my power not to drop my phone right now I’m shaking so bad.”
“Want some ice cream?” Sylvie offers.
“Hmmm yes please.”
“Don’t spill any tea until I get back.” She says sternly walking to get more snacks.
“This place has everything.” I sit back on the couch and I’m met with silence and anticipating stares, “Guy’s relax, I'm not going to burst into tears- at least not right now. As long as I don’t think about it I’ll be fine. Seriously.” They somewhat relax in their seats but their stares are heavy. Shaking my head I look at Loki, “Babes please. I’m fine.”
“Okay I’m back with the ice cream!” Sylvie rushes back with five pints of ice cream, “Pick your poison, Basty.”
“Yyyyeeeeeeeessssssss~!” Grabbing a pint I hold it close to me, caressing it, “My precious~!”
“Alright, tea time.” She sits next to me digging into her ice cream, “How did you find out?”
“Answered- oh this is cold. Answered his phone.”
“Shut up! And you talked to whoever it was?”
“Shut UP!”
“I’ve met her too.”
“I will not-” I take a big bite, “I know it’s so crazy.”
“Then what happened?”
“He came out of the shower and I told him I had to meet with Loki for a bit.”
“No, no, I mean what did she say?”
“OH, um she was saying something like she doesn’t want to keep having the affair and that even though he loves her she doesn’t feel the same anymore… uuuuummmmm she wants a stable relationship and he can’t give that to her… Mmmm good ice cream- and that she doesn’t deserve to feel like that and neither do we… Something like that?”
“Deserve to feel like what? Shit?” Old Man Loki snaps snatching a pint from the table, “She’s got some balls, I’ll say that much.”
“Who in their right mind thinks they’re the victim when they are obviously the problem?!” Theater Loki takes the pint from Old Man Loki angry, “I wasn’t this angry since my brother Thor was born.”
“You have a brother named Thor too?” I say choking on my ice cream, “What the hell?”
“Yeah this is one crazy family.” Sylvie smiles switching pints with me, “So even though we all told you he wasn’t good for you, how're you feeling?”
“It hasn’t quite hit me yet, but it’s getting there. But can I even get mad when you and a few others were telling me the same thing? I mean my friend Natasha even said he was bad news.”
“The Widow girl?” Loki questions.
“Um the what?”
“Never mind him. What’re you gonna do now?” Kid Loki has ice cream all over his face as he shows interest in my developing- crumbling- relationship.
“I don’t know. Break up with him?” I look around the room for an answer.
“Don’t look at us for the answer, it’s your relationship.” Theater Loki says, putting his hands up, “You are the one in the driver’s seat. Does he know that you know?”
“No, I don’t think so.”
“Good.” Old Man Loki says darkly, “We can use this to our advantage.”
“We- um I’m sorry… What? What WE?!” I put down my ice cream, staring at him with wide eyes.
“Well, you want him to pay don’t you?” Kid Loki asks, finally wiping his face.
“I mean I- I haven’t thought about it.”
“Y/N he hurt you, it’s okay to seek revenge.” Sylvie places her hand on my knee.
“Yeah but you guys make it seem like we’re gonna murder him or something!” I look around and when no one says anything I get up quickly, “ARE YOU TRYING TO MURDER HIM?!?!”
“Well~” Old Man starts.
“Would it be so bad?” Theater asks.
“I want to cut out his heart!” Kid shouts, putting his hand up.
“I’ll record it.” Sylvie leans back in her seat eating ice cream again, “Ooo you could even feed his heart to Croc Loki! I’m sure they’d appreciate it.”
“That’s a good idea!” Old Man and Theater nod their heads in excitement.
I look at Loki for help and he’s hanging his head in disappointment, sighing deeply he stands up,
“NO ONE IS KILLING HER…problem. This isn’t our fight or our problem, if she wants help she’ll ask for it. Alright?” The room is quiet as they watch Loki, “ALRIGHT?!”
“..yeah, alright…geez, we were only joking. -I wasn’t-… fine… Buzz kill.” Comes from the others as they begrudgingly let the issue go.
“Thank you, Loki.” I sit back down picking up my ice cream, but not feeling like eating any.
“So? What happens now?” Kid asks me.
“I really don’t know, I really thought we were good, but he started working late, having too much homework and the like, I just really thought everything was fine. I even stopped caring about Sersi’s perfume being on him.”
“Whoa he went to you with her perfume on? Oh bollocks he really-” Old Man stops himself trying not to get worked up again, “Why didn’t you tell him anything?”
“I did, but he always said I was worrying over nothing and that I needed to get a hold of my imagination. Which isn’t entirely wrong.”
“Clearly it wasn’t your imagination. Why did you let him walk all over you? That’s not like you, Bast.” Loki says anger in his features.
“I don’t know!” I feel a tear roll down my cheek, and the flood gates open, “Idon’tknowIdon’tknowIdon’tknowIdon’tknowIdon’tknowIdon’tknow!” By now I’m sobbing uncontrollably and I feel someone rubbing my back, my vision is blurry and I just let my body go slack as I’m now being held by Sylvie. After 26 minutes of ugly crying I wipe my face trying to calm down, “S- s- sorry.”
“Don’t apologize Y/N, this isn’t your fault.”
“Yeah, but I still feel like shit!”
“Understandable, you just found out your boyfriend was cheating on you.” Theater says handing me a box of tissues.
“Thanks; but that’s not why-” I blow my nose not hearing Sylvie’s question, “What?”
“Why do you say ‘that’s not why’?”
“Oh, I- um hmmm.” I clear my throat trying to find the right words.
“Oh my gods you were cheating on HIM?!” Loki seems to read my facial expression better than the others, “Oh my gods! BAST! Wha- I-… You know I have to say I did not see that coming.”
The others look at me for confirmation and my guilty face is all they needed.
“Y/N!! WHAT?! YOU- But! Whaaaahahahaha! I agree with Loki, I did NOT see that coming!”
“I’m a horrible person, I know!” I cover my eyes in shame.
“No, no no no no Y/N look at me.” Sylvie pulls my hands away from my face, “Ikaris is a dirtbag, a wanker and a twat! You already had your suspicions, you are completely validated. Give him a taste of his own medicine.”
“It still doesn’t feel right.”
“That’s because cheating is cheating. It’s still wrong Sylvie, stop confusing her.” Loki deadpans, “Who were you even seeing, Y/N?”
“Well, it wasn’t actually having a physical affair, it was more of an emotional one.”
“Oooooooohhhh.” Comes from the Loki’s, Kid tilts his head in question, “Who was that with then?”
“Y/N?” Old Man asks.
“…..” I bit my lip looking away.
“Y/N.” Loki tries to press the answer out of me.
“I know who it is.” Sylvie smirks at my wide eyes.
“Who is it?” Theater asks stuffing his face with popcorn engrossed by the drama.
“I’m not telling.” She replies, seeing the panic in my eyes.
“You don’t actually know do you?” Old Man accuses.
“No, I do, I spend quite a lot of time in the library as does Y/N.”
The room is quiet before the boys a yell,
“IT’S DRUIG!!!!??????”
“…yeah…” I hang my head.
“I FUCKING KNEW IT!” Kid shouts jumping up and down, “OW!”
“Language, young man.” Old Man smacks the back of his head, “You shouldn’t even be here, it’s way past your bedtime.”
“Whatever grandpa.” He sasses as he sits back in his chair grabbing another juice box.
“Youth these days- Anyway, it’s been Druig this whole time, hasn’t it?” Theater asks taking his seat.
“So why did you waste your time with Ikariass?” Sylvie turns to me clearly confused, “I’ve seen you and Druig in the library, you’re like two of the most smitten people I’ve ever seen.”
“He’s not smitten- not with me anyway.”
“Basty, I’m going to let you in on a little secret, Ikaris isn’t the only person cheating in their relationship.” She pops a piece of popcorn in her mouth.
“What do you mean?”
“Let’s just say that a person who has a bird's eye view sees a lot of shit that happens on this campus. How else is this campus getting safer? He sees everything and everyone, and he’s seen young Sprite with many a young men in less than ideal positions, with even less clothes.”
“She’s cheating on him?” I breathe out.
“Oh yeah.”
“It seems that some part of Druig knows this, hence why he doesn’t seem to care about flirting with some people now.”
“But, Sylvie, nothing is ever going to happen. He loves her- he’s IN love with HER. He told me himself.”
“Eh, all I’m saying is that the both of you need to get out of these toxic relationships before it’s too late and just get together already.”
“I- we can’t-”
“Trust me it’ll be better for the both of you.”
“Being out of the relationship and hooking up doesn’t weigh as heavy as hooking up IN the current relationship. You are too good a person to just have a fling while you’re dating someone. It will eat you alive, but it’s up to you.”
“I can’t just- they are COUSINS! Do you know how weird that is?”
She shrugs her shoulders, not convinced by my reasoning, “Does that stop you from emotionally cheating?”
“Alright, let’s not talk about this anymore. It’s getting late and Danvers is going to be patrolling the building soon.” Loki cuts in clearing our mess, “Whatever you choose to do, Bast we have your back, come on I’m sure Ikaris is getting worried.”
“For what?” I sass rolling my eyes. Standing up I stretch a bit and hug everyone goodbye, “Thanks again guys, I needed this. And… I’ll think about what you said Sylvie.”
I never did think about what Sylvie said, I tried but every time I did I would just start crying all over again. Knowing that Sprite was messing around with other guys didn’t help our friendship either. I never called her out on it, but that didn’t stop me from making snarky and rude comments whenever she said she had ‘something to do’. Druig was getting annoyed and asked me what my problem was but I would lie and say that I was just having a day. He didn’t buy it, but he let it go; I would just stew in my anger and it wasn’t good for either of us. We’d go our separate ways and cool off.
I also noticed that on some of Ikaris’ clothes I could still smell Sersi’s perfume, when I would ask him if he saw her, he’d say,
“No, I haven’t seen her for a while, she’s been getting rides from someone else at work.”
“You good?”
“Yeah! I’m gonna go to the library.”
I knew they were still seeing each other but I didn’t have the energy to fight him on it. He’d just say I’m crazy and not in my right mind. He’s done it so many times, so ignoring it is just easier.
So why do I stay with him? That’s easy, it's because I love him, and he loves me. I know this because he told me- not that he loves me, but that I LOVE HIM! That’s rich right? But I do love him, just not how he thinks I do. And here we are driving to my aunt's house for Christmas dinner and Sprite and Druig will be there. It’s gonna be great!
Can’t wait!
Tag list: @aquanova99 @tompetersebbuckyhazleo @sokazuallycruel @treaclesquirrel
How was this guys? Please comment, like and reblog, Part 8 is almost done ❤️
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daddyhausen · 10 months
• you and me, forevermore •
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{ masterlists } | { aew masterlist } | { chuck taylor masterlist }
{ commission info } | { like my work? buy me a coffee <3 }
{ summary } — dustin has feelings of self doubt after you were forced to watch him get attacked during that parking lot brawl.
{ warnings } — injury, blood, forced to watch, hurt/comfort, soft sex, praise, fingering, shower sex, unprotected sex, penetrative sex, vaginal sex, male + female orgasms, multiple orgasms, squirting vaginal creampie, internal cumshot
{ word count } — 4.8k
{ pairing } — fem!reader x chuck taylor
{ genre } — hurt/comfort, smut
{ taglist } — @cosmoholic13 @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @baysexuality @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @elsteenerico @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk @thepalaceofmelanie
{ beta readers } — @allelitesmut + @legit9thlunaticwarrior
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
your blood ran cold at the sight. the carnage that unfolded behind only a single wall from you. you stared in horror at the monitor, throat running dry upon seeing your brother drenched in his own blood, trent’s eyes glazed over, deep browns seeming so lifeless as his head was slammed into the hood of a car by a vicious jon moxley. you winced, a pseudo-feeling as if your own head had collided with the exterior, watching the blood trickle down your brother's skull.
“oh god, i can’t look…” you muttered to yourself shying away into the shoulder of an equally worried orange cassidy, whose eyes, although covered by his sunglasses, displayed the same expression of shock and horror, his eyebrows knitted together, lips forming into a disgusted scowl. he kept a hand firmly around your shoulder, a comforting, protective hold, squeezing tightly with reassurance.
“jesus…” orange muttered under his breath, the sound mixed with a gasp of some sort. despite the horrors that played out on the monitor, and the desire to keep your eyes averted from the screen, not wanting to face whatever it showed. despite that you looked anyway upon feeling orange’s arm tense up around you.
you peered up, eyes widening and instantly welling over with tears, a gasp barely squeaked from your throat. there dustin laid, his head encapsulated in a pool of his own blood, the crimson mask washed over his peachy-tan skin, eyes half rolled back in his skull, looking half dead himself. an enraged wheeler yuta hovered over him, screwdriver in hand, a gleeful moxley watched on as his protege drove the weapon deeper into dustin’s forehead.
dustin had spared his former student from a beating, he still held love for the boy he once trained. the same could not be said for wheeler, who did not hesitate, fueled by anger and hatred, his former mentor’s blood now dripping through the cracks in his fingers.
“i…i need to go out there-“
“are you insane, what if you get hurt?!” a normally mellow orange cassidy spoke up in a fit of worry, the arm that was once wrapped around your shoulder now tightly clenched around your wrist, holding you back from aiding your brother and your fiancé.
“i could care less about myself right now!”
you ripped your arm from orange’s grasp in a state of panic, desperate in aiding the two men you cared most about in this world. the act left orange perplexed for a moment, watching on as you tried to decipher the halls and corridors that led to the entrance of the parking lot. he admired your courage no matter how stupid the situation seemed, he surely knew that dustin and trent would have his head if anything were to happen to you.
you were on autopilot, vision blurry through a cascading waterfall of tears, mind hazy with possibilities of what horrors could have happened to your brother and beloved. the bellows of the crowd drew closer, a foggy light emitting from the parking lot entrance followed by the thunderous sound of metal clashing against concrete. with a panicked orange cassidy hot on your tail, you turned the corner, greeted by the sight you had witnessed mere moments ago on the monitor. your brother the closest to you, claudio looming over like a dark cloud while trent writhed in his own blood.
you froze, feet felt as if they’d been glued to the floor the only thing that you could do was stare as you brother got beaten to a bloody pulp, how his blood seeped from his skull into the concrete below. sure, you’ve seen your brother beaten and bloody, but never to this extent, not in the way claudio was bludgeoning him.
your eyes burned, breath paralyzed in your chest. a burst of adrenaline hitting you, charging at claudio with all your might, fists balled up throwing careless punches in the direction of the swissman. said punches were merely thuds against his back paying no mind to your desperate, weak attempts at him to stop the assault on trent.
claudio stopped for a mere moment, he stood up, his sizeable frame towering over you like a mighty oak, hands stained red with your brothers blood, the crimson trickle down his knuckles and fingertips to the concrete below. he turned to face you, cocking his head to the side with slight inquisition. you tried to put on a brave face, tried to mask your tears for your brother’s sake. claudio leaned over you slightly with a small chuckle, his breath laboured, lightly fanning your forehead.
“what’s this? come to protect your brother now, have you?
he mockingly pet the top of your head, trent’s blood staining your hair as you gave a frightened whimper.
“aren’t you a brave little thing?”
you did not want to relinquish eye contact, afraid of his next move, although you could not help but notice orange’s pained groans from behind you. you turned your head, catching a mere glimpse of moxley whipping orange with a chain before claudio grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him.
your body stiffened up, feeling your heart drop into the pit of your stomach at the unwanted contact.
“not so fast, little one.” you mentally cringed at the nickname he anointed you with.
before you could even comprehend his words or even catch a glimpse of your brother laying face down in a pool of his own blood, claudio grabbed you by the wrists, his large hand could easily engulf both at once. he dragged you away from your brother, trent was unconscious, still breathing thank god, but he had not moved since your arrival. and orange…you just hoped mox would stop his assault soon.
claudio’s grip was tight, sure to leave red marks by the time he’d hopefully let go. despite your struggle and silent protest he would not let up. he led you behind a silver car, your mind in a daze, you did not comprehend the situation in front of you until he spoke up again. although his words absent in your ears.
you came to, peering down at your feet, horrified at the sight below. wheeler yuta hovered over your beloved, still continuing to bludgeon him with a screwdriver into that open wound on his forehead. your throat ran dry, feeling an overwhelming sense of nausea washed over you. you thought you’d run out of tears to cry, but seeing dustin in such a state it was heart breaking.
“dustin…” you whimpered. trying to break free from claudio’s grasp, to lunge yourself over your fiance and shield him from their violence. claudio’s grip only tightened, locking your arms behind your back, keeping you secured to his chest.
yuta stopped his assault momentarily, dropping the screwdriver by his side, staring up at you with a sickly grin as dustin reached a hand out in the direction of your voice. yuta’s empathy had been torn to shreds by the BCC; he was no longer that sweet innocent boy dustin helped train; he was a violent, vicious killer, hell bent on causing havoc with every step. once yuta had caught your distress, just as dustin’s fingertips met the tip of your shoe he began to bludgeon him again, using only his fist.
“stop…please…” you begged, voice barely above a whimper, throat hoarse and raw from pleading for mercy. you could feel claudio’s smirk against the nape of your neck, grinning from ear to ear at your lover’s torment.
mox sauntered around the corner with his usual, relaxed demeanour, completely unfazed by the bloodshed he and the rest of the bcc had caused. he threw the fork he’d used to bleed your brother dry. the clink of the metal against the concrete was sickening. he noticed you in claudio’s grasp, begging and pleading over the almost lifeless body of your fiancé. he smirked, a wicked thought conjuring in his mind.
he grabbed your shoulder, forcibly pushing you onto your knees, not quite eye level with dustin but enough that you could see the hope drain from his eyes. the bright green now a steely grey. jon cupped your cheeks directing your head to dustin, making sure that the image of him beaten and battered was permanent in your memory.
“look at him.” jon forced your face closer to dustin as wheeler held him up by the bloody roots of his hair. so close you could actually smell the iron of the crimson.
“he’s pathetic. can’t even protect himself let alone his girl. are you sure this is the guy you wanna marry, miss y/n?”
you remained silent, physically unable to speak as you stared into dustin’s eyes. they were glassy, bloodshot and burning from his own blood leaking into them. they were empty, void of any emotion other than heartbreak and worry. as much as he wanted to hold eye contact with you, a silent reassurance that he was alright, physically he couldn’t, the loss of blood proved too much for him, he was tired, broken, a shell of a man.
“it ain’t too late, dollface. if you wanna change your mind, you just give us a call” jon smirked, rubbing the bloody pad of his thumb across your bottom lip, following the action with a flirtatious wink. you felt sick to your stomach, that and the taste of iron upon your lips did not help.
you bared your teeth, biting down hard on his thumb, as hard as you could muster. not enough to draw blood by any means but strong enough that you hoped it would elicit a reaction from a masochist such as moxley. instead, he only smirked, a sick twisted, almost perverted smile, as if the sick bastard was actually enjoying himself.
“oh would you look at that” jon turned his head, now facing claudio, barely acknowledging the bite. “pretty little thing got some bite to her, she’d be perfect for us”
“i know a way we could put that mouth to better use” yuta chimed in, still holding dustin up by the scalp. dustin made weak attempts to protest the lewd remarks made by his former protege despite the metaphorical nails clawing at the inside of his throat, a disgusting burn that ached every time he swallowed. yuta released his grip, dropping the screwdriver in the process, his body loomed over yours, even more so as he knelt before you, keeping eye contact that you very much would have liked to avoid. he gripped your chin harshly, forcing you to meet his gaze.
“i heard she’s pretty good at using it” that remark from yuta could be a testament to your sharp tongue or something more vulgar. you decided on the latter given his previous comment, which no doubt made you cringe internally with disgust.
jon simply tilted his head, signalling for claudio and yuta to cease their assault. claudio dropped your arms, shoving you to the ground with a rough thud, grazing your elbows against the concrete, you let out a sharp hiss, a sound which made dustin’s ears prick up with panic. yuta let dustin’s head fall to the floor, luckily you were able to place your hand underneath his temple before it made contact with the ground.
yuta said nothing, merely eyeing you as he sauntered off with the other two, offering your brother one last kick before leaving the parking lot. you crawled closer to dustin, managing to make it to your knees and cradle his head securely in your lap. his eyes closed, breathing had slowed. he was a wreck, drained of energy.
“dustin, look at me please…” you whimpered through tears, cupping his bloodstained cheeks in your palms. it took him a few seconds, eventually he let his eyes flutter open. he saw an angel. he saw heaven, he saw you. he opened his mouth to speak before you cut him off.
“shhh, don’t speak. it’s me, i’m right here” your voice shaky, still trying to quell the sobs that raged in your throat. he closed his mouth, instead raising his hand to cup your cheek, caressing the skin. he widened his eyes, horrified at the bloodstain his finger prints had left behind. he gulped thickly trying to blink back the tears that were threatening to spill, instead grabbing your palm, the one against his cheek, pressing his lips to your engagement ring, letting his lips linger there for a moment before pulling away, a sob rose in his throat, the once crystal white diamond now stained with droplets of ruby red.
it was as if you were an untouched canvas and him a tormented artist, every brushstroke of his skin against yours taints you. how could he let someone as beautiful as you be ruined by his blood?
he remained silent as the doctor stitched up his wound. practically dead to the world, in his own paranoia filled trance only brought back to reality for a short moment by the subtle squeeze of your hand in his. although his vision blurred, head spinning with a possible concussion, in his peripherals, he noticed the spots of red littered throughout the lavender sundress you were wearing. a large stain at the end of its skirt. once again, his blood had tainted your beauty. his eyes panned up, heartbroken as he noticed you were avoiding his gaze, was he really that horrible to look at right now? his eyes continued to scan your figure, your elbows were cut and beginning to bruise.
he was overwhelmed with anger for being so weak as to allow claudio and mox to get their hands on you. he saw red, yet was too overcome with exhaustion to mutter anything more than a whisper.
“you’re hurt…and the blood-” he barely croaked out, there was an unnatural rasp in his voice.
“i’m fine dustin and the blood is not mine” you smoothed over the back of his hand with your thumb in an effort to console him.
“but it’s mine…”
you gave a soft sigh in response, silently thanking the doctor as he finished stitching up dustin’s forehead. you were overcome with emotion yet could not bring yourself to say anything, just basking in the uncomfortable silence as dustin failed to meet your gaze. you’d never seen your love so broken, so fragile, he barely responded to the soft tug on his arm as you tried to rouse him out of his self induced trance.
the door swung open, orange stumbling inside, clutching his ribs with your brother on his arm. an equally worried statlander aiding your brother also. she made eye contact with you, offering a silent, yet apologetic smile for her absence. you turned to dustin, who now finally locked eyes with you, glancing into your teary bloodshot eyes with a minute of love and fear. he titled his heads towards the door, signaling for you to go check on trent. you gave his hand a rough squeeze, a quiet rebuttal to his action.
“go.” he muttered through a broken voice. you sighed softly, planting a gentle kiss to his forehead, right on his newly stitched up wound before going to check on your brother.
orange and kris sat trent down on a crate by the door. offering a parting glance to their teammate before going to check on dustin.
“jesus christ are you alright?” you questioned, panic ranging through your voice. “mom is gonna have a heart attack when she finds out”
“mom will be fine, she’s seen me in much worse condition.” trent’s lightheartedness seemed out of place for this current situation. still you had to commend him for being so chipper despite just receiving the beating of his life.
the room fell silent for a moment as you observed your brothers injuries. a cut to his forehead, near the hairline, the other atop his head. his shoulders and back torn to shreds. he gave a small wince as he placed a haphazardly made ice pack to his left shoulder.
“how’s he holding up?” trent motioned his head toward dustin, who sat at the far end of the room, remaining dead silent as kris and orange tried their best to communicate with him.
“physically he’ll be fine…” you began, turning back to face your love, seeing how he had not raised his head from the ground since you left his side.
“emotionally…i don’t know. he’s barely said a word since everything happened…”
your throat grew tight, sobs threatening to spill.
“do you think he’s mad at me for going out there?” you stuttered through your words, turning back to face your brother. trent bit the inside of his cheek, contemplating his next sentence
“although it was a stupid thing for you to do, he’s not mad at you, he loves you too much, kid”
trent pulled you into his shoulder, despite the seering pain. he hugged you tight, determined to comfort his little sister in her time of anguish.
“now go take care of him, i’ll be fine.”
“are you sure?” you questioned, swiping some of the congealed blood from his cheeks.
“yeah don’t worry about me, i got kris and orange to take care of me”
the drive home from daily’s place was met with uncomfortable silence. you helped dustin into the passenger seat despite his silent protests. opting to drive since the blood loss would prove too dangerous for him to drive. he sat there begrudgingly, staring dead into the road in front of him or on the odd occasion at him twiddling his thumbs in his lap. for hours this went on, you chose not to speak, for the heartbreak in your voice might set off tears for the both of you.
you just wanted to be home with him right now, safe and warm behind the walls that you owned, in your own bed cuddled up with your fiancé. the love of your life, but the drive from jacksonville to kentucky was more than ten hours and you were not going to risk the fatigue. instead opting to book a hotel for the night. dustin could not stop repeating the words moxley had been spouting to you during their conflict, finding himself agreeing with said words
he was pathetic. he did fail to protect you. he wasn’t even sure if he even deserved to be marrying you.
you could sense that he was in his head so you reached over to untangle his fingers to lace them with your own. reminiscent of the taxi ride to the park where he proposed. those three small squeezes of reassurance and comfort.
you pulled up into the hotel parking lot. throwing on your cardigan, wrapping yourself in the thick material so as to not worry any staff with what blood still stained your dress. dustin remained catatonic, only responding with simple yes’s and no’s to any question asked. you managed to secure a room despite the lateness and unexpectedness of your arrival, the both of you still remaining distant to each other inside the elevator as it took you to the third floor.
“are you alright?” you finally broke the silence as the two of you entered the hotel room. dustin set his bag beside the door, chewing his bottom lip anxiously.
“i uh…” he stammered. “i just wanna have a shower”
you nodded in response, taking him by the shoulder lightly, planting a long, delicate kiss to his cheek before letting him go. he offered you a small smile in return before hastily making his way into the bathroom. once you heard the door close you gave a heavy sigh, still trying to hold back tears, swallowing your sobs with a thick gulp. you knew he was hurting right now, you needed to be strong for him.
you removed your cardigan, grabbing your bags to place them into your bedroom for the night, catching a glimpse of yourself in the mirror in the small corridor. you stopped in your tracks, eyeing yourself. your favourite dress, stained with the blood of your beloved, your knees bruised and elbows grazed, mascara smeared around your bottom lashes from crying, you looked like a mess but dustin evidently felt much worse.
you stripped yourself. only remaining in your bra and panties as you tossed the dress into the washing machine residing behind a sliding door next to the bathroom. it won’t do much in removing the stain fully but at least it will get most of the blood out.
through the mix of the shower water and the washing machine, soft sniffles could be heard from the bathroom, your heart sank as you pressed your ear against the door, hearing dustin’s muffled sobs from outside.
“dustin..?” you questioned quietly, he ignored you, the sound of his presence could still be heard. you pursed your lips tightly together. stripping off your bra and panties as you entered the bathroom. dustin faced away from you, the water hitting his back as he had his head pressed against the shower wall. small streaks of red flowed down his perfect body, despite the solemn scenario you couldn’t bring yourself to look away.
you quietly entered the shower, pressing your body close to his, arms wrapping around his torso as you let the warm water encapsulate you both. you cupped his cheeks, thumbs smoothing over the stubble of his beard as you bared your soul to him through your gaze.
“why are you crying, my love?” he peered down at you, cheeks hot and eyes puffy with tears.
“i’m sorry…” he began “you shouldn’t have had to see me like that”
“like what…? bloody?-“
“no.” he interrupted harshly. a thick gulp rose in his throat.
“weak” he spoke up after a moment of silence.
“dustin you’re not weak-“
“yes i am!” he sobbed. “you heard mox. i’m pathetic! you were the one person in this world i wanted to protect and i couldn’t even do that right!”
he held onto you for dear life, so afraid of letting you go.
“why do you love me, y/n? how can you keep loving me after seeing me lose time and time again?” his breath shaky and hoarse
“you don’t deserve to be married to someone like me. you deserve a winner like claudio, someone who can protect you, like moxley…” he paused for a moment, a look of disdain growing on his handsome features
“hell…even yuta-“
“don’t you even start” you held his gaze when he began to avert his eyes.
“i don’t want claudio mox, and you know yuta would never stand a chance, dustin. i love you, i’ve only ever wanted you. if i were in a room with a hundred men i’d always choose you. i can’t wait to be your wife”
your voice cracked, begging for him to see reason in your words.
“but why?” he stammered. “why do you love me?”
“dustin…” you hummed, pressing your forehead against his.
“your smile brightens up my day, your laugh i could recognise anywhere. the way you scrunch your nose when you’re deep in thought or the way you stick your tongue out when you’re concentrating.”
you continued to praise him with words of your adoration.
“you’re so kind, so caring, to everyone you meet. you’re talented, smart, you’re so unabashedly you.”
you cupped his cheeks firmly in your palms, keeping your gaze fixated on his.
“i love the way the way you love me. you look at me like i’m the only woman in the world, you treat me like a queen even though sometimes i feel i’m not deserving of it. even when we’re at our worst, you never stop loving me. and that is why i love you”
dustin pursed his lips into a thin line, a soft exhale through his nostrils
“and i’ll always be there for you. win or lose. if you’re holding a belt up high or writhing in your own blood-“
dustin winced at the mention of blood.
“i’m never leaving your side”
you pressed a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth, lingering there for a moment, feeling his bottom lip quiver, trying to muffle a sob. he gave a shaky exhale through parted lips. removing your hands from his cheeks, gingerly placing them around his neck.
“let me at least prove that i am a man deserving of your love”
“dustin, you don’t need to prove anything-“
“please, y/n!” his voice broke through a slight crack “just let me do the one thing i know how to do right”
you cocked your head in slight confusion, feeling dustin reciprocate your previous actions, cupping your cheeks, pulling you in for a passionate, fiery kiss. he moaned softly against your lips, smoothing the apples of your cheeks with the calloused pads of his thumbs.
“dustin-“ you managed to squeak in between kisses
“shh sweetheart, let me make you feel good”
he angled his hips against yours, swirling them slightly. you felt his cock hardening against your upper thigh, right in the axis of your hip, grinding himself into you. the water covered the both of you, with your eyes closed, it felt as if the two of you were entombed behind the curtains of a magical waterfall. you melted into the kiss, succumbing to the power of him, letting him embrace you tight against his chest, feeling the warmth of his skin radiate against yours
“jump.” he demanded softly, breaking the kiss barely for a couple of seconds before diving in once more. you complied, jumping into his arms, your back pressed against the wall as he adjusted himself. his cock teasing your entrance momentarily, his tip tracing circles against your clit, feeling your wetness began to pool against your folds.
you jutted your hips forward slightly, the head of his cock entombed by your warmth, his mouth hung agape against yours, breathing moans of your praise against your skin. he guided himself in, a pleasured groan escaping his lips.
“fuck…so good for me” he breathed out, your warmth finally full with himself your hips guiding his movements with slow gentle swirls, feeling his cock swell inside you with pleasure.
he kept his movements deliberately slow, wanting your pleasure to be drawn out as long as he could hold it. you whimpered into his shoulder, teeth lightly nipping at the skin.
“i’m sorry, sweetheart,” he repeated like a mantra. “i’m sorry i scared you.”
“dustin…” you whined, trying to compose yourself as he slid in and out of you, hips rocking with your movements. “it’s not your fault…”
dustin hooked one of your legs, wrapping it around his waist with ease, the other hooked atop his arm. the sheer size difference between the two of you was enough to complement his strength in holding you up.
“i love you. i love you so fucking much it hurts…”
dustin’s groans increased with the speed of his thrusts, his hands gripped your flesh tighter, his kisses became more intense than before.
“god…i can’t wait to marry you…” he grunted, pressing open mouth kisses to the column of your neck. “fuck if i could marry you right now, i would sweetheart”
you remained silent for the moment, just letting yourself bask in the sound of his moans, letting them ring and reverberate in your ear. your walls clenched around him, a thick pulse rising between your thighs, arousal churning in your stomach as you cling to him. you felt no need to announce your orgasm, dustin already felt the impending gush of your sweetness, letting himself succumb to. his own arousal, muttering a chorus of “i love you”’s against your skin
he released, giving one final thrust, burying himself deep inside you. his cock pulsing against your walls, pumping load after load of hot cum deep into your void. you melted into him at the sensation, the warmth of his seed was enough to send you over the edge with a pleasured cry, making a mess of his cock as wetness drenched your inner thighs.
he held you there for a moment, making sure that he had completely drained himself inside of you before letting you down easy. your thighs weak, having to stabilise yourself between the wall and his broad chest for a moment. dustin rested his forehead against yours, trying to regain his breathing.
“let’s do it then…” you panted breathlessly
“huh?” he questioned, mind still hazy from his orgasm.
“let’s go get married.” you smiled sweetly up at his. he reciprocated the action, mind still coming too with your words
“wait, seriously? like right now?”
“yes, right now! you said you couldn’t wait”
dustin cupped your cheeks once more, peppering sweet kisses to each high point of your face, tears of joy now evident in his eyes, he stared down at you with such unfiltered adoration. such love in its purest form.
“i love you so much, sweetheart. more than you’ll ever know”
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The Most Interesting Date
Pairing: Wheeler Yuta x female!reader
Category: Fluff
Word count: 1,562
Summary: When Wheeler Yuta finally asks you on a date, will it be everything you thought it would be or will unexpected guests ruin your date?
Warnings: Swearing, female reader but no description of reader, she/her pronouns
Tagging: @rubyred1980 & @sheinthatfandom
Gif is not mine. Credit to owner.
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Over the last few months, you and Wheeler Yuta had finally started talking after stealing glances from across the room at one another and quickly looking away, a blushing mess, when caught. The pining from afar slowly turned into little conversations in passing. “Great job out there!” and “I grabbed you a water. That match looked brutal.” were the transition sentences that finally led to a short conversation in catering before a Dynamite show went live.
You always thought Wheeler was cute, but when he left Best Friends, Orange Cassidy, and Kris Statlander to join the Blackpool Combat Club, you didn’t think he was cute anymore but hot. Something about him going all out and bleeding during matches, all the things he didn’t do before; he was more serious, but you could still see the glimmer of fun in his eyes.
After you two began talking, Yuta discovered he liked a lot about you; you were fun, kind but wasn’t afraid to fight, always supportive of him, especially when he made the jump to BCC. He always enjoyed coming through the tunnel seeing you waiting for him with a bottle of water and towel regardless of the outcome of his match.
A few weeks after Yuta joined BCC, the pair of you talked more, and you noticed the confidence he gained, before he was more reserved. As you talked, you found yourself liking him more and more, and he felt the same way which resulted in him asking you out to dinner one night after Dynamite.
You agreed to the date, blushing as you did; not failing to notice his slight blush as you agreed. You couldn’t believe this was happening, and neither could Wheeler. You spoke with a small group of your girlfriends about it, hoping they would be able to help you decide what to wear and how to do your makeup and hair. Even though it was going to be a simple dinner date and not a five star restaurant, you still wanted to look your best. The ladies agreed to help you get ready and immediately began excitedly discussing Wheeler and how cute you two would be together should things go good tonight.
Once Dynamite came to an end, you met up with your friends to all head to your hotel room to get ready. The girls had your clothes strewn everywhere. Athena was helping you with your hair, Kris Statlander was helping you with your makeup, and Willow Nightingale was teaming up with Ruby Soho to mix and match your clothes for a cute outfit. You laughed to yourself as the girls occupied themselves with their chosen tasks. You loved these ladies with your whole heart and knew they’d make you look great.
As time for the date grew nearer, your stylist team put on the finishing touches. Walking to the full-length mirror on the bathroom door, you stood in awe, taking in the magic they worked. Behind you, the girls were all huddled together, holding their breaths as you examined their handiwork. You turned around, huge smile on your face. “I love it! Thank you girls!” You exclaimed, rushing to them and gesturing for a group hug.
The knock at the door caused everyone to fall silent, glancing at your phone you saw the time — this is it. You opened the door and froze, seeing Wheeler standing there in a nice button up shirt and equally nice jeans. When your eyes met his, you couldn’t help but blush. He looked handsome, and you were sure how you would be able to form any sentences. “You look….” You trialed off, attempting to gather your thoughts. “Handsome.” You finished, blush still evident on your cheeks.
“You look stunning.” Yuta complimented, grinning with more confidence, the blush long gone from his cheeks. He couldn’t stop looking at you, even though he knew it was probably getting creepy.
The girls were watching from across the room, giddy at the stunned reactions the pair of you were having. They knew they should excuse themselves to let you two get on with your date, so they did just that despite wanting to whisper amongst one another about the cuteness in front of them.
Once the girls exited the room, Yuta stepped aside to let you out the door. The pair of you talked about Dynamite and a few other things on the way to the restaurant, and finally being shown to your table, Yuta, ever the gentleman, pulled your chair out for you. “What gentleman.” You playfully teased, casing a laugh to leave his lips. “This might be too soon to say, but I love seeing you smile.”
Yuta smiles, a light blush dusting his cheeks. “I don’t think it’s too soon. Honestly, you read my mind.” He would have said more, but the waitress arrived to take your orders. After the orders were placed and drinks were in hand, you and Wheeler fell into a fun conversation, sharing funny stories and your favorite childhood memories.
“What did you say? I can’t hear you!” A quiet shout rings out a few tables over, the voiced sounded unmistakably familiar. Surely it’s not who you think it is. “Hold on! Let me move somewhere else.” You and Yuta both look around the restaurant in search for the man who’s not just disrupting your date, but everyone else’s.
“You’ve got to me kidding me.” Yuta says in disbelief. No sooner than the words leave his mouth, you spot Jon Moxley as well, standing up with his phone in the air a couple tables over from the two of you.
“Should we go over there?” You ask, curious on why Mox is here alone…. or so you thought.
Yuta nods and the both of you get up from your table, making your way over to Mox who’s still quietly shouting into the phone, clearly bad connection between himself and whoever is on the other end of the call.
As you approach the table, you and Yuta notice Claudio Castagnoli and Bryan Danielson trying to keep their cover and whisper yell at Mox to shut up and sit down. “You three on a date or something?” You tease, suppressing a giggle and Yuta stifles a laugh as well.
All three men’s heads whip around to see you and Wheeler standing there with amused looks on your faces. “Damn it, Jon! We told you to be quiet!” Bryan shouts as Claudio rolls his eyes.
“Who’s idea was this?” Yuta questions his teammates.
Bryan and Claudio immediately point to Moxley. “He drug us along. Said we should make sure the kid’s date passes the test. Whatever that means.” Claudio shrugs while Bryan nods in agreement.
Jon doesn’t confirm nor deny the claims, instead he pats Yuta on the back. “She’s a keeper. Just don’t fuck it up.” He states.
“Now that you blew our cover, let’s go. Leave the lovebirds to their date.” Bryan reasons. “You said she passed whatever ‘test’ you had.” He emphasizes test with air quotes, know that Moxley didn't have a real test for you but just wanted to spy on the two of you.
Begrudgingly, Mox agrees and the trio leave while you and Wheeler head back to your table to finish your dinner.
Once the dinner is done and you leave the restaurant, Wheeler suggests a walk in the nearby park to which you excitedly agree. You loved the park, even at night. It was more peaceful at night, you could see the stars on good nights. You were in luck because this is one of those good nights.
Arriving at the park, you and Yuta begin your peaceful walk, chatting and telling jokes along the way. As you both make your way around the park, your hands occasionally brush against one another making you blush. You want to hold his hand but don’t want to get ahead of yourself in case that’s not what Wheeler wants, but your worry disappears soon.
“Can I hold your hand?” Wheeler asks a little nervous.
“It’s like you read my mind.” You laugh causing him to laugh as well, nerves vanished.
He gently intertwines your fingers with his, a smile on both your faces. You continue to walk hand in hand, admiring the peace and quiet, hands lightly swinging between the two of you. “Thank you for tonight. I’ve had fun despite the unexpected guests.” You admit, turning your head to face him. He looks at you, smile wide and a cheerful look in his eyes.
“I’m glad. I did too and I swear I had no idea they were following us.” He promises.
A rustling sound in a nearby bush catches your attention followed by a string of swears. “I guess they’re still spying on us.” You laugh tugging Yuta over to the bush and parting some branches, revealing Jon but this time he didn’t have Bryan and Claudio with him, but none other than Eddie Kingston.
You and Wheeler share a laugh once more and leave the two men, looking like deer caught in the headlights. “I gotta say, this is the most fun and interesting first date I’ve ever been on.” You state as you hear Eddie and Jon bickering like an old married couple and following you and Yuta back to the hotel, not bothering to try to be sneaky anymore.
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hervoidfury · 4 years
Halloween Madness — Trent Beretta.
- first overdue request by @alltimedevil13 ( sorry for being late I wanted it to be perfect. If you want another let me know )
— Trent Beretta x reader. ( I'm naming the reader Christy )
— word count: frankly this feels short so who knows this can be made into a series :'D
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Halloween was Christy's favorite time of the year, aside from Christmas; seeing the excited faces of young kids coming in to get candy made the young woman happy. Unfortunately due to the pandemic, things have definitely shifted in terms of celebrating holidays, Halloween being no different than the rest.
Christy had been working with AEW since its debut last year, she had accepted as an assistant to the seamstress Sandra who is the brains behind the ring gears adorned by the AEW roster. Sandra was kind, open and accepting Christy's ideas in terms of creating the perfect ring gear for each male and female superstar.
Although working in a wrestling promotion is hard, Christy wouldn't trade it for anything; AEW is where she met the man she calls the love of her life Greg Marasciulo better known as Trent? — one half of Best Friends alongside Dustin Howard known as Chuck Taylor.
Initially Christy wasn't interested in a relationship given her past few relationships never worked. But Trent managed to work his way into her heart through small gestures, every morning he would bring her coffee and a peach scone; his excuse being is that he overheard her speak about scones to Stella who was the head makeup artist there.
Christy was more than certain that throughout the ten months they've dated, he was in fact the one.
" Babe " Christy mutters glancing his way from across the table where they sat in the catering area. " So you know how Halloween is close right? "
" Yeah! " exclaimed Trent in confusion before realizing what she was trying to say. " No! Christy as you can see the world is too fucked up for us to celebrate "
" How come we were able to celebrate other holidays just fine? Come on Greg, it would be fun just to dress up for the fun of it. I've already got everyone on board here and they seem to be down with the idea of adding the festive feel around " said Christy with a sigh.
" Well I'm not feeling it! " huffed Trent.
The pair were soon joined by Chuck, and Orange Cassidy.
" What's up with you? " said Chuck to his tag partner.
" He's refusing to dress up for Halloween for some odd reason, you seemed to be on board last year when you and Dustin dressed up as those characters " said Christy, she wasn't an avid watcher of animations.
" Rick and Morty " said Trent. " That was last year before the fucked up year that is 2020 happened. So no, I'm not okay with dressing up this year "
Christy glanced at the two other men expecting that they would help her only to realize that both of them seemed to lean towards what Trent had said. " Come on guys, not you too. Jim, come on we talked about this "
" I just humored you " shrugged Orange, " It just doesn't feel festive "
" Yeah, it's true " chimed Chuck.
" You three are no fun, if y'all wanna act this way go ahead. I guess I'll just be festive on my own without you " huffed Christy standing up.
The three males watched as Christy left, they felt a bit guilty due to the fact that for weeks she seemed awfully excited about the holiday. " I think we should do it. I mean sure we're not feeling the festive season but at least we can do it for her " said Chuck.
" She does seem sad " said Orange.
Both men turned to Trent who seemed to be lost in his own thoughts, " Alright, maybe we can do it but only for her. I don't like seeing her upset last time it killed me and this time I don't know how I'll feel "
" I think we don't tell her " said Orange, " It can be a surprise "
Chuck and Trent seemed to be convinced, so the three men began devising a plan to help cheer Christy up and hopefully ease what just happened off of her mind.
It had been around five days since the incident, Christy noticed how Trent seemed off and won't speak to her; whilst their bout at the catering did upset her she understood his side, she was still going to celebrate on her own ... opting to no longer bring the subject up, she went about with her work alongside Sandra helping her when needed whilst also ensuring that the gears weren't missing anything.
Whilst she was working on the final touches for Brandi's gear, she felt a figure approach her table glancing up to see MJF. an individual who's brought a whole new meaning to the term insufferable asshole ... " Yes? " muttered Christy.
" I came bearing gifts, I noticed that idiot didn't bring you your favorite scone so I took the liberty to bring it " said Maxwell placing the plate.
Christy sighed, what part of get lost and leave me alone doesn't he understand? thought the blonde as she gave him a fake smile, " Thank you, now do you mind? some of us have work to do "
" Of course, I'll see you around sweetheart " He left but not before sending her a wink.
Christy nearly threw up, the fact that he was openly behaving this way made her wish she continued her wrestling training early on, at least she could've smashed his head into a wall. Suddenly she spotted Stella, " Hey Stella "
" Hey Christy, I just saw MJF. I'm assuming he was flirting yet again? " said Stella with an amused smile.
Christy nodded, " Greg and I dating just flies over his dumb head, speaking of Greg did you see him? I haven't seen him all day here "
" Knowing Greg, he's probably with the others filming for BTE " said Stella, " or hanging outside in the arena "
" Must be why he left early? " muttered Christy.
Suddenly a commotion could be heard close by, Stella and Christy both shared a confused glance before realizing who was behind the commotion. Trent, Chuck and Orange were dressed up head to toe as the three musketeers — Christy couldn't help the smile adorning her features.
" This is so cute " said Stella.
" Milady! " said Trent.
" Greg, what is all this? Guys what are y'all doing? " said Christy.
" Well we saw how we made you upset and felt like complete dicks " said Chuck.
" Just so you know I'm not walking out to my match like this " chimed Orange, " But yeah we wanted to cheer you up "
" And ask for your forgiveness, babe I'm sorry I was in a bad mood and I promise I will partake in the festive season with you. This is the first costume by the way " said Trent.
Christy quickly wiped away her tears, rising up to hug Trent along with Chuck and Orange. " Thank you guys for being considerate even if you weren't feeling the mood " she smiled.
" Hey you are our Best Friend and the love of his life " said Chuck grinning.
" Tell you what! After our match you'll tell me all about your plans and we can workout something spooky ... What do you say? " said Trent.
Christy responded by giving him a kiss. " I love you so much "
Trent smiled " I love you too "
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