#or would never dream of giving a website cash themselves
goldensunset · 11 months
k tbh i get the sentiment of 'why should people donate to tumblr to keep it alive when they won't donate to the millions of mutual aid posts floating around' i really do but sometimes i wonder if people making these kinds of posts are making up a guy to get mad at. yes there are a lot of people around you excitedly showing off their badges and checkmarks and yes there are a lot of followers of yours who aren't donating to your post for any given reason but are you absolutely sure those people are the same. because i suspect they aren't tbh. and if you have proof that they are and it's that deep of a cut then just like block them so they aren't allowed to enjoy your page anymore or something tbh. unless you really think vagueblogging angrily about them is going to work. but again these sorts of people probably are not that common most of your followers would probably love to help you if they could
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salt-volk · 2 years
genuine question: why does dv hate it's "rich" users so much? is it just bc it's a smaller website so they're more visible? or, smaller, so the complaints are more visible?
i've been on plenty of other game sites w a mega rich minority that have access to any n all resources & can skate through the game with out ever having to grind or do much & can basically generate wealth forever just on their assets, but i've never seen as much hostility n outrage over it as I do on dv (tho maybe just lookin in the wrong places). 
before customs, i was already pissed off at ppl who spent hundreds of irl dollars to buy turnip shit n flip it for potatoes, & ppl who got fucking filthy rich offsite trading shit w fr, whatever, who get to just breeze through the game n sit on their trove of ks shit & what have you. but that's just a part of it. i think i already came to terms w the vast inequality.
after customs opened, i just didn't really care abt ppl profiting off customs, bc it's all just more of the same shit, just tune it out n move on w playing the game, just like on every other site where the same shit happens. 
like, a huge majority of the ppl profiting off of customs now, originally got the potatoes they used to spin the customs from offsite trading & selling turnip chests for potatoes. rich users were able to spin for more customs bc they were already rich. they didn't even need to sell their shitty items to make them that way.
i get the difference between ppl selling customs vs. other get rich quick shit is that at least w the other ways you have to spend rlc (whether on dv or fr), & w customs you don't technically have to (though you def spent rlc to have the potatoes to roll your custom in the first place lol, so its still the asshole who are rich irl moving it into the digital space, as always, like every other game) but.. idk....
i'm not even making a good point here i'm just venting lmao, like i really don't give a shit how the rich are getting richer, bc if it wasn't customs it'd just be another thing. every site has to have it's whales, that's what largely funds the shit. every game will give at least a slight (usually more) advantage to their paying players, since with out them the game would die.
if rich fucks want to spend their entire paycheck buying turnip shit to trade for other shit in hope of winning a custom & printing potatoes for themselves that are largely useless anyway bc none of the items on site even retain value then like.. sure.. i spend too much mental energy fighting for my basic equality irl, i can't also extend mental effort to get worked up over every instance of pixel inequality on dumbass websites where said inequality is just built in as a feature bc that's that nature of games (at least of this genre, ones that are funded by the players).
sometimes it just has to be like... yea i'm never going to own a single ks item or get these 5 custom pets which are ugly as shit anyway, n that's totally fine. i'm at peace w that. i also hate the "rich" folk, but if i'm going to play these types of games, that's just something i'll always have to put up w, & i'm mostly at a place where i can ignore it n enjoy the games anyway. 
as a f2p player of course i want things to be more equal for us, but when are they ever????? where is one game that ppl can't still spend irl cash to get a huge resource advantage???? why is DV considered so different? bc the shitty custom system adds like 10% more inequality than other sites?? the only true equality would be to ban ppl spending rlc on game sites in general so they can't just leap ahead w an unfair advantage (the dream tbh, fuck 'em), but then no game would ever get funding. favoring the whales is just how it works.
and, i thought everyone felt this way. like all ppl who play website games like this just understand this n are kinda at this place of peace w the whole thing. that's just how games like this are. so, it's strange after being in the dv community a while n seeing that its like some huge point of contention here... why is dv considered as some outlier to everyone????
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sleeperswakewriting · 3 years
A humble fic request; in which Petra convinced herself that Levi only regards her as a baby maker. We need emotional & conflicted rivetra 🥺
Dude, I have a whole Handmaids Tale AU drafted which is going to be this theme. But until then, have this drabble of Petra being a surrogate mom and Levi is a 40 year old finance man!
Rated: T
Word Count: 1.6k
Tumblr media
“Do you need anything else?”
Levi propped Petra’s head up with another pillow while she giggled. “I’m good. Thank you, Levi.” She rubbed her swollen eight-month stomach and gently patted it. “Your dad is going to be a helicopter parent, I just know it.”
Levi pouted and took away her bed tray. “Am not. I’m just making sure the mother of my child is comfortable. Daisy will thank me later,” and he leaned over to kiss Petra’s stomach, whispering only to his daughter, “Won’t you?”
Petra’s heart welled, trying to temper the misplaced affection she garnered. He wasn’t speaking lovingly to her but to his daughter. Not Petra’s. That agreement was settled before they even conceived via a fertility clinic.
Down on her luck, Petra was desperate to pay for her college tuition after her father lost her job. She combed through everything: bartending, waitressing, dropping down to part-time, but nothing would even come close to the thousands of dollars she would need. She could drop out, get a job, and then return to school, but she knew the statistics. People rarely returned after they left, and she was determined to finish school and help her dad from going under.
So, she did what any twenty-something year old would do, desperate for cash—she searched the internet. She could donate her eggs, but that would only barely cover what she needed, and she wasn’t sure if she was ready to have several little Petras running around without her knowledge. Her genes were good as far as she knew, and no glaring medical issues from her mother or father’s side. Her mother died early from a car accident, but her maternal grandparents were fit as they could be at their age.
When she found a thread on becoming a surrogate mother, Petra nervously clicked on the website and began to read testimonies. Good, bad, downright horrific, she came out on the other side with an array of opinions and a choice. There was an agency right down the road from her school, and she told herself that she would only stop by for a consult to see if she would be a good fit. All she wanted was information.
Then she ran into Levi Ackerman in the waiting room.
Forty years old, he was every girl’s sugar daddy dream from his peppered gray hair and well-tailored suit. She caught him grumbling about all the paperwork and she made a joke if he was trying to have a baby, he was going to have to fill out a lot more.
He laughed and asked her if she was a current surrogate. Tongue-tied, she said she was still thinking about it.
“Why don’t we skip all this bullshit paperwork and have a drink?”
She assumed he meant he wanted to sleep with her and she heartily accepted. As luck would have it, he wasn’t a sleazy man trying to take advantage of a young woman, and he was completely serious about using her as a surrogate, without the trouble of a third party. He had a private lawyer to handle all the legal and financial matters, but he said he would be more comfortable knowing the mother of his child.
“I’d like to attend all the doctor’s appointments too.”
What could a single, 40-year-old man want with a baby, Petra wondered, and she asked him on their first “date.”
“I’m lonely. Love never worked out for me and I’ve always wanted children. I want at least one before I get too old to take care of it. I have a fortune that I want my own blood to inherit, I don’t have any relatives. You get to an age where you start to think about future generations, and I’m tired of waiting for the right one.”
That was enough for Petra to agree after he told her the amount he was offering. It would be more than enough for the rest of her college tuition and it would cover her living expenses until she obtained a full-time job.
What turned into a financial arrangement blossomed into the most wonderful eight months of Petra’s life. The insemination felt like a regular pap-smear, and since they were tracking her ovulation, within two weeks, they were pregnant.
Levi was overjoyed and treated her to dinner, discussing all the names he had in mind.
“What do you think of the name Daisy?” he asked on a trip back from the doctor’s. He held a coffee in his hand and Petra mirrored him, except hers was decaf.
She forced a laugh, though it pained her to imagine a different time and place where her opinion would be taken into consideration.“It’s your child, Levi!” she chided, giving him a playful bump with her hip.
“I don’t want you to hate it.”
She could never hate anything that came from him.
Part of the agreement was that she wasn’t allowed to date while carrying his child and Petra didn’t mind in the slightest. Levi took one look at her one-bedroom college dorm and demanded she move in with him until the baby was born, and then as long as she wanted to breastfeed. Even though he had preferences, citing the latest research, he understood it was unrealistic to take up nearly a year of Petra’s life.
She also didn’t want to get too attached to him or the baby, but from the moment she saw the first ultrasound, she cried. Levi held her hand, his eyes dancing on the screen and not on her, and she wished he would look at her like that.
Through their interactions, she learned he was a kind, though odd, man. He kept to himself most nights, preferring to read in the evenings after his busy job in finance. Why finance? She asked him, interested since she was studying accounting. Makes good money, it’s boring as shit though. His reply sent butterflies down her stomach; she didn’t realize she enjoyed dry humor so much until she met Levi. His mannerisms were a delight in themselves, and the effortlessly cool persona he embodied was sexy as hell.
“That’s why I want a kid. There’s more to life than work.”
Somewhere along the way, she fell in love. It was in tender moments when he’d rub her back when her stomach ached from the weight of their, no, his daughter. Or when held her hair when she had morning sickness, she quickly learned how much he hated messes from his immaculate living space.
The worst part was when he unveiled the nursery. Levi lived alone in a three-bedroom house, and she knew he was making renovations in preparation for the baby. Between the paint fumes and sawdust, she generally kept away from that part of the house since she made herself comfortable in the large room he outfitted her.
“Close your eyes,” Levi said, placing his hands over her face. Petra laughed, reminding him again that this wasn’t for her.
“I want her to feel your excitement.”
So she acquiesced with a heaviness in her soul and when Levi revealed the room, she cried.
“Blame it on the hormones,” she said, wiping away her tears. A field of daisies was painted along the walls and a decadent crib sat on one side of the wall. By the window sat a mahogany rocking chair with a cushion, and Petra imagined herself nursing. She would coo while Levi looked at the greatest loves of his life.
“Do you think she’ll like it?” He asked excitedly. He began to move throughout the room and the utterly happy expression on his face urged Petra to reach out.
“I got a mobile to match the room, but maybe she’d like animals instead?”
“Do you think this elephant looks constipated?”
“Maybe I should get a darker shade of pink—wouldn’t want vomit stains.”
Petra knew his affection was nothing more than friendship. While she insisted that she didn’t want or needed to be a part of their lives, Levi offered to send her pictures as their daughter grew older. She was still undecided, after all, this was supposed to be a pit stop in her life. She wasn’t supposed to fall in love with the man whose baby she was carrying. This was a financial transaction.
And yet, seated on Levi’s couch, with her head pillowed in his lap while he rubbed her stomach as she bemoaned of muscle aches, Petra allowed herself to dream as she breathed in his musky cologne.
He was wearing gray sweatpants and a white shirt, a sight that she reveled in since he rarely deviated from his well-dressed attire. With his hair freshly washed and a five o’clock shadow set in, she imagined him rubbing his chin along her bare skin as he kissed her. She would love to be ruined by him, but with her state, he would take his time, worshipping her body. He’d whisper how lucky he was to have found her—the perfect mother to his child and woman of his dreams. With her swollen belly, she’d have to be taken from behind, but she wouldn’t care, just as long as he loved her.
That’s all she wanted.
Turning her head so that her face fell into his lap, Levi threaded long fingers through her hair while he turned the volume down on the TV.
“Time for bed?”
Petra shook her head, pretending to yawn but allowed a bleary smile to weave between her lips. “Just a little while longer. I’m comfy.”
His deep laugh sent longing down her spine.
“Sure,” and he rubbed another circle into her stomach, “whatever you need.” And he moved to raise the volume, not seeking idle chatter between them.
Petra moved to face him and played with the drawstrings of his sweatpants.
One more month and this would all be over.
She was going to savor every last moment, even if it broke her.
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cornholio4 · 5 years
End of Adrienette
I have not seen Chat Blanc except for the ending on TV; let me say that I am acting on second hand information and Adrien did not deserve what happened to him. Despite that I saw posts on Tumblr who pointed out not only due to his own questionable behaviour; how bad it would be only interested in the girl who is Ladybug and not the girl herself. This fic will not be kind to him at all.
The class at Francoise Dupont were ecstatic when the day came when Marinette and Adrien walked into class hand in hand; their eyes filled with love. Pretty much the entire class except for a jealous Chloe; were beyond excited and Marinette was cornered by her circle of female friends who said that she gave Adrien a confession note and Adrien then asked her out. She insisted that was how it started but Alya could note beleive that after all the schemes all it took was just one note.
For months the class were supporting their new biggest power couple (beating out Ivan and Mylene) and of course the media was all over them; people were coming to her site and she was being pressured for interviews. Especially hoping for Adrien to be the unofficial spokesperson and model for her website.
The only thing that would be better for Alya would be if Ladybug and Chat Noir got together but during this time Chat Noir had not been flirting and they were acting just as friends. It felt weird especially with the strange looks Chat Noir was giving her...
Then came one Monday when they were all waiting for the couple and Adrien entered first looking nervous which made them a bit confused; then Marinette but she actually gave a glare to his direction and actually moved to the back to be away from her.
Marinette was asked if they were having their first couple's fight but then Marinette shocked them all with a simple response:
"I broke up with him."
Everyone was sure that they misheard Marinette or this was all a dream but it was all real; Marinette refused to say anything else on the subject and Adrien was too vague in how he worded it. He just said that he made a mistake and Marinette found out and didn't take it well. Alya and Nino jsut assured him to give her some time as they were all sure she was just overreacting as she sometimes did. This was nothing more than their first couple's fight and it would be fixed soon.
However it didn't.
Marinette kept refusing to talk to him despite his attempts and would glare in his direction when he would come near. However what clinched it to Alya, Mylene, Juleka, Rose and Alix that it was way more serious than they thought when they had their get together at her house.
Her room was void of everything that had Adrien's face on it as well as her schedule; except for one thing: a photo of him that was taped to a dart board and was vandalised with writings of hate.
Then Alya started scheming to get them back together; it started small with inviting her to togethers with Adrien secretly there. However she would suddenly go away as soon as she saw them and despite attempts to block her way outs; she would find a way out of them. For school projects Alya would insist they work together as a team but it seemed to only make things worse.
Marinette became more hostile to Adrien especially willing to freak out anyone so much as mention the breakup and it prevented any work done. Marinette got her parents involved and Ms Bustier finally had to break up the team and allowed Marinette to work with another team. Ms Bustier had gotten demands that the class stop forcing their daughter to work with Adrien when she clearly was not ready to be near him again; threats of class transfers so she had no choice but to forbidden pestering Marinette about it in school.
Marinette's parents were aware that things were bad and refused to let Adrien anywhere near the Bakery unless he was a customer. Any questions of asking to see Marinette caused demands for him to leave. When word got out that Adrien and his girlfriend had breaking up; they were determined to get details themselves but the Dupain-Chengs kept chasing reporters away from the bakery. Nadja Chamack had cashed in a few favours to get her media company to leave her friends' daughter and her private life alone.
Marinette resorted to inviting Adrien and Marinette to her house in secret; Adrien was in a room and Alya ended up pushing Marinette into it and barricading and locking the door. She went out and locked the door wanting to give it an hour or two to let them patch things up.
However Marinette had her phone and her parents number so she ended up calling Mrs Cesaire to tell her that Alya locked her in the house with her ex boyfriend. Alya got home to see her furious mother; Alya ended up with a month's grounding and her parents strongly warning her to leave Marinette alone about whatever happened with Adrien. Apparently when her mother let them out; Adrien was nursing an area on his face and jaw where he was both slapped and punched!
Alya kept screaming in her head about the attempts that failed; she wanted to shout into Adrien's ear demanding what exactly he did. What could he have done to cause her best friend who previously was over the moon in love with him to outright despite him so much. For crying out loud; she now spent more time being hostile to him than Chloe nowadays!
During this time Paris and those on the Ladyblog noted that things seemed to be just as bad for Ladybug and Chat Noir. Ladybug became hostile to Chat Noir and was now refusing to tolerate anything that looked like he was not taking the fighting Akumas seriously; she would snap and berate him for any flirtatious comments. She would even refuse to do any 'Pound It' now; after Miraculous Ladybug she would comfort the victim and then Bug Out.
She asked Ladybug and said that bridges were burned between them and now their relationship was now strictly nothing more than professional. Alya wished she could care more about this than she did but honestly she was still too bummed out about Marinette and Adrien.
She finally gave out and stopped pestering Marinette for details; her class elected to now comfort her about it. There was even her other finds Kagami and Luka willing to help her get through it and be her old self again. Alya decided Marinette's happiness was more important than trying to fix her relationship with Adrien. She knew Adrien was still crushed about it but what more could be done?
She would give her time and help Marinette get back into the dating game when she was ready; there were other fishes in the sea they say. She thought that Luka and Kagami were good fish so to speak.
*Page Break*
Marinette was slowly getting over Adrien and was happy that her friends had finally relented and gave up on trying fixing things between her and Adrien. She was still mad at Alya for the stunt she pulled but was happy with her sincere apology and did think she would think of seeing about getting her together with Luka and Kagami. She appreciated the sentiment but she wanted to take this slow and didn't want to turn any of her friends into a rebound relationship.
They deserved more than that.
The hurt was still there and she thought the time spent dating him were the best of her entire life; then came that day:
She and Chat Noir had been done with facing off against an Akuma; afterwards she was trying to find a place to turn back but then spotted Chat Noir transforming back. She panicked as she closed her eyes but paused when she heard Plagg say those words:
"So are you worried about if she is going to find out Adrien?"
She opened her eyes and saw that Adrien was indeed Chat Noir! She was still trying to wrap her head that her boyfriend was indeed her partner all this time but was caught off guard when Adrien began saying he would prefer to make sure that Marinette doesn't know that he knows that she is Ladybug.
Since the day she spotted Ladybug leaving his room and leaving the note.
A horrible thought came over her...
"Please don't tell me that you only asked me out because you knew I was Ladybug?" Marinette asked pleadingly surprising Adrien as he turned around and spotted her there. He panicked and said he could explain; he said that he thought it would be perfect since they turned out to have been in love with their other halves all this time.
She was still unable to believe it even as she transformed back into Marinette; Tikki herself did not look pleased and Plagg was silent. Her irresponsible partner who liked to focus on cracking jokes and flirting; plus not taking it well when his asking for dates were rejected taking it out on their duties.
He had taken advantage of her crush to be with his Lady in secret. He knew all this time and didn't say anything...
"We are through Adrien!" she snapped at him and ran home with tears in her eyes. Adrien caught up to her in the Bakery. And he explained that he did love her and how when they met he knew that whoever it was under the mask he was in love with her. That he hates being the perfect boy image his father forced him to play and how being Chat Noir allows him to cut loose and finally be his true self.
That had the opposite effect than what he hoped; all it said to Marinette was the sweet kind boy that she was in love with was just an act and the real Adrien was the irresponsible idiot who got on her nerves. She snapped at him to leave before going to her room.
She go through her days trying to deal with her friends' attempts to learn more or trying to get them back together. At least she had support from friends she had outside the class and her parents. Plus Adrien's attempts to plead with her only made her angrier. He had snuck in one night to speak as Chat Noir but she was able to easily able to take him down.
She got his hand and showed she could easily get the Miraculous back; she warned him never to try it again. She threatened that she would take it away from him and then call for her parents if he tried this again. She asked how would it look for Adrien Agreste to break into his ex girlfriend's room in the middle of the night and get arrested. How his father would react from the PR disaster that would be created.
Adrien pleaded with her silently not to do this; that his father would not let him go near him or the school again. Marinette's face had no sympathy and let go repeating the warning she just gave him.
She could barely work with him as Superheroes anymore but things were getting easier; Master Fu assured her that he was coming up with a solution. What he didn't tell her was that he was looking for a replacement Chat Noir. Why punish Marinette for Adrien's foolish mistake. The rules were supposed to be that they would both have to give up their Miraculous but Marinette was one of if not the best Ladybug holder and Paris needs the best they can get for Hawk Moth.
Edit: For those commenting and review, thank you. I want to say that Marinette’s problem with Adrien here is that after finding out he found out her identity and took advantage of it; that he was more in love with the mask of Ladybug than Marinette herself. To Marinette she had a realisation her relationship was basically a lie and Adrien was actually her irresponsible and petty partner. Plus the Adrien she fell in love with was just a persona forced upon him by his father and when he is himself as Chat Noir he annoys and irritates her.
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unkemptgardens · 4 years
The following morning Tesla was awoken by the timer kicking the lights on in her face.  She squinted against the purple.  The plants all had fully-formed buds on them.  She shot out of bed to investigate. 
Completely frosted.  A mix of white and amber trichomes, fully covered, like a cupcake.  The buds were then layered with a thick coat of orange hairs.  The buds themselves were dense and gigantic, taking up the majority of each stalk's length.  Tesla rushed to find Daisy.
A few hours later the bud was harvested and spread out in a mesh hanger to cure.  Harvesting had been promising.  They had went through a few pairs of scissors because the trichomes kept gumming up the blades.  Each plant was different.  Daisy had loved picking out the different terpenes with her nose.  She inhaled the bud she was holding.  “Beta-caryophyllene, limonene...a little humulene?”
“I think that's the Girl Scout Cookies.  It smells like my last bag.  Only a million times better.”  Tesla had never seen weed like this in her life.  She couldn't believe it.  Daisy was the real deal.  She even did magic to speed up the curing process – they were hoping the faint grass smell would be gone by tomorrow.  
It was Sunday so the shop was closed.  Daisy didn't feel like working on the website on her day off so they hung out and relaxed instead.  Daisy did another tarot reading for Tesla which turned out to be hopeful and encouraging.  Tesla then tried her hand at doing one for Daisy, but the messages were conflicting.  Tesla helped Daisy repot some of her plants and even ate some of her peanut-butter tofu stir-fry (worth eating).  They checked on the weed.
Tesla smelled a perfect nugget.  “It smells ready.  Shall we try it out?”
“We'll compare notes.”
Daisy didn't say no and didn't kick Tesla out when she started breaking a bud up.  She sat down at the table where Tesla finished loading a bowl into a rainbow pipe that had a large chip on the side.  
“Okay, I'm gonna need you to corner this.  You don't want to get too high.  Just burn a small bit and then stop.  Don't get brave,” instructed Tesla.
Daisy took the pipe.  She did as she was told, nailed it, and then handed the pipe back.  She waited.  “I don't think I feel anything.” 
“Wait, no.”
“Wait, no,” Daisy repeated and then she burst out laughing.
Tesla eagerly took a puff.  Her body instantly melted and suddenly she had a big, goofy grin.  
“How do you feel now?”  she asked Daisy.
“Like I wanna go on a walk.”
“The backyard?”
“You don't have a backyard.”
They settled on the park.  Daisy was having the time of her life looking at all the different trees and was completely incapable of playing it cool in public.  Tesla had little success hushing her.
“LOOK AT THE WEEPING WILLOW, TESLA!”  She did this with each new tree.  It was a park full of trees.
Somewhere between an oak and an elm Tesla was hit with a full-blown munchies attack.  She needed food, and she needed it now.  “Daisy.  Daisy we have to leave.”
“Is that person over there with the binoculars sketching you out too?”
“They're bird watching.”
“No, I've got the munchies.  Let's go get food.”  
They couldn't find Tesla's jeep.  It took them a quarter hour to realize they were on the wrong side of the park.  Then they got lost on the drive back to the shop.  Finally they made it back.  Tesla realized that she had completely forgotten to stop and get munchies and had to settle for Daisy's weird pantry.  They gorged themselves on spicy dried fruit, granola yogurt bites, dark chocolate, baby carrots and humus, and kelp chips.
“This might be the weed talking, but these kelp chips are really hitting the spot,” said Tesla, slouched on the couch, covered in crumbs.
Daisy looked out the window.  “It's already dark!  How long has it been?”
Tesla checked her phone and sat up.  “Wow.  Hours.  Usually you don't feel it for this long unless you, like, eat edibles or something.”
“Well I think I'm getting sleepy.  I'm going to go to bed.”
“Me too.”
The next morning they were both still high.  “Okay, this is weird,” said Tesla, accidentally buttering her phone instead of her toast.  “We shouldn't still be high.”
“....was it all of the magic?”
“Probably, Daisy.  I have a confession to make.  I was doing magic every night too!  You kept going on and on about intention magic, I figured it wouldn't hurt to talk to some plants.  They're honestly a good audience.”
“Tesla!  So we're too high?”
“I mean, I am, and I can only imagine how you feel, never having smoked before.”
“I just thought this was what it was like!”  All of Daisy's clothes were on inside-out.
“Just give it a little bit.”
It did eventually wear off, much to Daisy's relief.  She kept losing things.  On one occasion, after a half-hour of searching for her keys, Witchcat brought them to her, rabbit's foot in mouth, and released them at her feet with an exasperated sigh.  On another occasion, while cooking, she had looked all over the kitchen for her spoon only to realize she had been holding it the entire time.
“A day and a half!” said Tesla excitedly.  “This weed is magic.”
“I don't know, you don't think it's too strong?  I forgot the word 'door.'”
Tesla waved it off.  “It's fine.  I'll start selling tomorrow.”
And away she went!  The next morning Tesla's very first stop was the library.  She marched right up to the librarian's desk.  “Meet me in the occult section.”  Five minutes later they were face to face with Tesla's backpack between them.  “It's magic.”
Charles looked up from where he was inspecting a fat purple nugget.  “Yes, but what do you mean?”
“We grew it with magic!  Daisy did her green witch thing and I talked to them a lot!”
“Magnificent.  I'll take a quarter.”
Then Tesla went to the local college campus where she had pretty good luck.  Finally, she found herself inside of The Third Eye.  She did feel a little guilty, but then Jack spotted her and came over with a wave.  
“Tesla!  Right?”
“Haha.  Yeah.  Haha.”
“You didn't bring your friend, did you?”
“Don't worry, I think she hates you just as much as you hate her.”
“I see.”
“Yeah, hey, I actually came in today because I just grew some just absolute dank.  I'll smoke a bowl with you and you can decide if you want some.”
They went to a back room, where there was already a bong out on the coffee table.  It was surrounded by loveseats in a circular fashion.  She picked the one in the middle, small and cushioney.
Tesla's backpack reeked.  She pulled out the bags.  “Look at this madness.”
Jack was thoroughly impressed.  “Okay, I want some.”
“Just wait!  Bong?”
“You bet.”
Tesla loaded her up and offered him the green hit, which he took in a practiced manner.  The effect was immediate.  It was an indica, and he grew very still and soft, eyes unfocused.  “That tasted exactly like berries,” he said finally.
Tesla threw her arms up in a touchdown.  “It’s the best!”  She took the bong for herself.  She hesitated a moment, remembering how completely baked she was last time.  Had she been too high?  Impossible.  She took a big rip.  The lights got brighter, the colors more vivid.  Suddenly she heard every single lyric coming from the small laptop in the corner, which she hadn’t noticed before.  Then she forgot where she was.
“I think this is the highest I’ve ever been,” she heard.  She looked over at Jack staring at his outstretched hands and remembered.  Then she felt ridiculous and giggled at herself for a bit.  “Do you want some?”  she asked.  She sold him an eighth.  It was hard for him to count out the money but they managed.  They both sunk further and further into the couch, letting the music play.  It was wonderful.
“What is this?”
“I don’t remember.”
They talked a little.  “What’s the deal with your friend?”
“Daisy.  Get this: she owns an occult shop.  On the other side of town.  Can you believe it?”
“Yeah I think I’ve heard of it.  Six Roads?”
“Five Roads.”
“How’d she get that name?”
“Said it came to her in a dream.”
“No shit.”
“Yeah, she’s just as weird as you, don’t hate her.  I know she was a lot when she was in here, but she really isn’t that bad.  She just kind of lost it when she found out about your shop.”
“She didn’t know about it?”
“I don’t think she gets out much.”
They stared dreamily off into space for a bit.  “You think I’m weird?” asked Jack after a minute.
“A little.”
Tesla laughed.  “I’m not into all this.”  She gestured around her at the room in general, hung with tapestries and filled with candles and incense smoke.  “I think it’s cute though.”
“You bought enchanted lube!”
“I mean, I couldn’t not buy the enchanted lube.”
“Do you like it?  I enchanted it myself.”
“How do you enchant lube?”
Jack grinned.  “Trade secret.  Now that I know you’re friends with the competition.”
“It better not be weird.”
“It’s not.  It’s very normal.”
“Enchanting lube?”
Tesla’s phone vibrated.  It was Daisy, wondering if she wanted dinner.  Tesla smiled at the thoughtfulness.  “Well, I better go.  It was nice talking to you again.”  They said goodbye and Tesla left in a blissful haze.  She couldn’t get her jeep open.  It took awhile for her to realize she was pressing the lock button.  But the ride home was fairly uneventful and soon she was in Daisy’s tiny, delicious-smelling kitchen, dumping her cash from that day onto the table.
“Are you kidding me?” squealed Daisy.  “This is enough for rent!”  
Tesla rolled up her sleeves and started flexing and kissing her muscles.
Daisy squinted.  “You’re super-stoned again!”  she accused.
Tesla laughed.  “No I’m not!”
Daisy crossed her arms.  “If I have twelve apples and I take away five and add seventeen apples, how many apples do I have?”
“What, are you dealing apples?  Another day at the ol’ apple factory?”
“See!  You couldn’t figure it out if you tried!”
“Daisy, sometimes the answer comes from within.”  Daisy rolled her eyes and set a plate of steaming vegetables down in front of Tesla, who glady dug in.  She had eaten more green stuff since living with Daisy than she had in the past six months.
“Well I’m not smoking the stuff anytime soon again.  It was fun and everything, but that is just too much for me,” said Daisy.  
They discussed what they still had left to do for the website, and how the new source of income could benefit the shop.  Tesla was too super-stoned to be helpful.  “Let’s get one of those crazy, inflated floppy men out front!” 
They talked about their day. 
“Don’t be mad, but I sold weed to the guy at The Third Eye.”
“Tesla!  He’s the competition!  Don’t associate with him!”
“I said don’t be mad.  His money’s just as good as anyone else’s.”  Tesla didn’t mention his soulful eyes or pretty smile.  Or that he only bought an eighth.  “Well, how was the shop today?  Any new customers?”
Daisy sighed.  “Not yet.”
The next few days flew by.  The shop, as always, was slow, but gave Daisy plenty of time to work on the website, which they got up and running.  Daisy reorganized and looked at adding new inventory.  She also started considering taking ads out in the local newspaper or perhaps having a commercial run on the radio.  She had the funds now.  Tesla, who had taken to wearing sunglasses inside and smoking cigars, brought in a steady stream of cash everyday from selling.  Tesla noticed her repeat customers were all still super-stoned, but that they just wanted different strains of her “magic weed.”  Each time, they went on and on about how good it was.  She could recognize her customers, many of them college students, throughout town from a mile away.  Many of them were conspicuous in some manner.  For example, one girl looked like she had accidentally slathered toothpaste all over her face instead of moisturizer.  Tesla didn’t have the heart to tell her.  She had come down from her own magic high and had opted to take a break from the World’s Best Bud.  She didn’t see it as a problem, however, until things started hitting close to home.
Tesla recognized that some of her campus customers worked at Arby’s, which, naturally, she frequented.  It started out small.  No Arby’s sauce in the bag.  Barely noticeable, normal even.  Then, no curly fries.  No curly fries!  How could they?  Soon, the entire order was missing.  It was just a paper bag with one measly napkin in it. 
Tesla went inside.  “Who’s in charge here?” she asked at the counter.  The three employees, all super-stoned, all looked at each other blankly, as though they had forgotten.
Tesla held up the paper bag.  “You forgot my entire order!”  The employee at the register, Kyle, who had bought an eighth, looked into the bag and broke into a lopsided grin.
“Whoa,” he said.
Tesla waited.  “Well?”
“What did you order again?”
Ten minutes later, Tesla left with extra fries, dessert, and two extra sandwiches.  She was a little worried though.  Would things be like this forever?  She noticed things amiss on the way home too.  Everyone was driving with a blinker light on.  At a four-way, no one knew who was supposed to go and then everyone tried to go all at once.  It might’ve caused an accident but everyone was driving too slowly.  “Does this whole town smoke weed?” cried Tesla in frustration.
Shortly at Daisy’s, Tesla brought it up.  “We have to do something!”
“Just stop selling it!  It’ll wear off eventually.”
“Will it?  Samantha only bought a gram and today I saw her give her entire order at Arby’s to the sign without the speaker in it.”
Daisy’s expression brightened and she snapped her fingers.  “I know!  We can go visit Charles and see how he feels!”
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jlf23tumble · 5 years
Agree so much with your post about the teams and fan engagement ! And love the way you articulated all of that. Although now I definitely am interested in knowing what your notes about the specificity of each team/artist cause I feel like they'd be fascinating to read. Hope you'll post them some day, and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us ! 😊
Awwww, that’s very kind! It’s definitely head canon city, I litcherally have ZERO clue what goes on behind the scenes (and I can’t stress this enough, none of us do), so this’ll look hilariously dated when we find out that blah woof was true all along, lmao (me @ myself, thinking of some random Grimshaw interviews from last fall, oh, bless). Let’s dig in!!
For those of you who just stumbled upon this post, it’s related to the one I made last night about how I think the management teams of all these men (mid-20s means = you’re a man, not a boy) are not, in fact, sabotaging them. They negotiate a lot of tricky interconnected arrangements that none of us are privy, to, plus they’re at least trying to achieve the goals their clients are going for. And they’re doing it—the trick is these goals are highly individual and not 100% sensical (at least given our own view from the afternoon, Arctic Monkeys ref, holllllllah!!!).
In addition, these goals constantly shift, as does the music industry itself—I drive my own self loony when I lurk on blogs that are seemingly broadcasting from 2012, confused by why xx’s team is so “terrible” because they aren’t throwing good money after bad to get on a radio playlist, or why they haven’t announced yy “properly,” as if they’re being paid to worry about this level of shit (which fires me up on about five levels, deep breaths in, deep breaths out). I’m much nosier about the signals we’re getting when we hear them talk in their beautifully media-trained way about their musical interests, when we get some of that sweet, sweet fan service with a Gallagher or a Capaldi, when we get that heads up about who’s attending what concert, stuff like that. These signals don’t necessarily indicate future collaborations, but they DO indicate what kind of image these guys want to have, the kind of music they want the public to associate them with.
Anyway, I’m getting ahead of myself…their personalities and goals at the moment are all so vastly different, and I truly do love seeing how their teams are workin’ it accordingly. Again, please @ god, don’t @ me…opinions, massively unpopular opinions, dead ahead!
* Zayn. My read on Zayn is that he enjoys the creative process, loves writing and singing, digs collabing with people, but he doesn’t seem to give two shits about the biz side (and why should he? that’s called living the dream at this particular point in his career). His website recently added “tour,” which EYEBALL EYEBALL, but he doesn’t seem to be all that interested in putting himself back out on stage or into radio/print/etc. anytime soon, and again, why should he? His numbers are HUGE without pushing himself through the anxiety-provoking churn he endured for four years, so there’s no real drive for him to do any promo if he doesn’t want to (see: the netflix-like binge dump of Icarus Falls, which could be “sabotage,” or it could just be, “fineeeeeeee, here’s some stuff for you, enjoy”). What other artist gifts his fans with gorgeous covers of such a wide variety of songs that indicate he’s more interested in sharing them than selling them. Accordingly, his fan interactions seem fairly pure and not all that promo-y: he has a keen interest in fanart, he’s done some fan pop-ups/listening parties that are pretty low-key and *seemingly* fan-focused, and recently (with zero anything to really promote), he’s been posing for cute pics and chatting with randos on the streets of NYC. I recently read that his mgmt team is no longer with him, but that sort of folds into my feeling that he’s not pursuing anything biz-wise, hence no need to jump through those particular hoops (I think he’s also struggled with a lot of demons, so yeah, why add one more). Could he be adrift? Maybe, but the next guy is the posterman for lack of focus….
* Liam. Honestly, I worry about Liam most of all. His post-1D career seems very much adrift, and I like to joke that he’s giving me that tell-all about the D one sentence at a time, but goddamn, are people listening? The struggles with alcohol, the lack of focus on every level, the reliance on his dad’s career advice (which more clearly reflects his dad’s financial class, background, and history than it does Liam’s), and the overall confusion about look, sound, and direction also flow back directly into his team. I get the feeling that they aren’t sure what to do because LIAM isn’t sure what to do or what he wants, so they follow in his wake. He’s agreeable to a fault, so seeing him at a meet-and-greet at an HMV in Birmingham last week felt like a step back into 2010 for no real reason, just like hearing that he was more or less coerced into full nude photoshoots for an underwear ad (the decisions to say yes to both of those—who’s steering this ship? If it’s Liam, he needs to tell the team his overall goal, so they can plot a course he and his fans can follow; if it’s the team, ditto). Like Niall, Liam’s actually pretty good at the SM game: lots of selfies, snapchat filters, outfits, gym service, twitter interactions. But generally speaking, his promo is confusing, and that’s probably because there isn’t much *to* promote at this point, other than a mix of collabs, clothing endorsements, spon con, horse farms, and an album that’s always on the horizon. This might be tied to the general post-1D jolt they all went through, like a plane coming off autopilot and into the hands of someone who’s just learning how to fly it. Zayn debuted at number one, so his bump wasn’t as harsh, but the others are slowly, steadily finding their footing after taking some time to find themselves and their sound, releasing songs/albums, performing (or in Louis’s case, going through unspeakable tragedy). Liam’s still adrift…and somewhat admittedly, which is kind of telling in its own way. Just know that my nervousness on his behalf ratchets up every time he feels the urge to assure us all that he’s happy.
* Niall. Truly the one following the original 1D template, right down to working with most of the same people but with more of the overall control in his hands instead of a faceless management squad. Of any of them, he seems the most ambitious, the most scientific about the sound he’s after and how he’s gonna get there. His promo is a mix of new and traditional—radio shows, talk shows, podcasts, special events, twitter interactions with fans, twitter interactions with entertaining celebrities—and it’s all hustle hustle hustle, build build build, as if he were a new ingenue instead of coming up hard on solo album number two. He’s explicit in his goals, which is refreshing, but it means he walks a weird line with fans: on one hand, he’s done with their bullshit, get ready to get rekt if you start commenting on his boring food seasoning or home décor. But on the other hand, he fully recognizes how much he needs them, which is why we get so many peeks into his “normal” life (yet zero percent of his actual personal life). It’s also probably why the blatant tweets of the last two days seem so jarring to me (I might be alone on this one, but I’m not a fan of directives in general, and asking me to call radio stations on behalf of a rich white man to become even richer just rubs me the wrong way, same with asking me to stream stuff to get you to number one…you’ve been there, buddy, how about you calm down and build some character at number 51). And speaking of calming down, it does fascinate me that both Niall and Louis namecheck Taylor Swift as someone who gets the whole fandom push/pull thing right, so watching them try to reverse-engineer her secrets is fun. Louis nails it (that hotspot treasure hunt: chef’s kiss), but Niall’s heavy-handed easter egg dump in NTMY, she would never!! I think Niall’s team needs to watch “Calm Down” about five more times before they try that again.
* Louis. I think Louis honestly has an AMAZING team in place, and they’re all clearly on his side, which makes for a refreshing change. Like Niall, he has publicly praised Taylor Swift for how she engages with her fans, but I think he’s missing a key point: she doesn’t let her fans dictate strategy, and I HOPE that’s the case for Louis, too. His old team *was* shit, so yeah, encouraging people to do fan projects to get the word out was a good idea, but turning that spigot off to let a good (paid) team step in and take over has been, uh, challenging. He’s dealt with more than his fair share of personal tragedy, but every time he gets some momentum going, it feels like something bts pushes him back off track, and he tends to keep it private, which only makes his hardest-core fans scream “sabotage.” Rightly so, he’s focusing on his personal life, and rightly so, his team is giving him the space to do that, even when it costs cash money and throws a lot of shit seriously for a loop. It makes my heart soar to see the potential of what his team can do/is doing, how much space he’s being allowed to process what he needs to process. Weirdly, that’s an unpopular opinion, and a lot of people want to indulge in an angst wank fest where Louis’s the victim of a terrible team that won’t DO anything (nevermind the fact that he’s probably ASKED them not to do anything), so they undertake a tremendous amount of performative unpaid labor that ends up being counterproductive on just about every front. Even worse, most of them can’t seem to process the fact that losing your mum is a blow, losing your SISTER is a blow, juggling other siblings or close friends handling some serious demons of their own in the aftermath of all of *that* is a blow, let alone handling your own personal coping mechanisms, nope, they want Louis to release release release, perform perform perform, c’mon, what’s holding him back, he *said* he wanted to release an album this year, there’s “no reason” for a delay, gotta be his shitty team, free him. It drives me ‘round the bend because it’s the same talk from late last year, you know, when we later found out that at least one family member was losing a fight with drug addiction. Louis’s fan engagement/promo is therefore hella fraught: he has to balance LouisTM on twitter (Mr. Donny, he’s hard, mate), his werk IG posts, and his constant edging because nobody can remember or trust that he’s got this, that multiple things are in play. But he also knows his fanbase, knows that it’s resistant to any kind of change, so I hope he pushes through and stays true to what he wants to do. I was really encouraged with his last promo round because he seems to have narrowed in on a something solid, he’s got a plan, and it’s not, “hey mr dj, put my record on,” it’s getting his fans to trust that he and his team know what the fuck they’re doing, and spoiler alert, it ain’t radio, but go ahead and keep pissing off djs by sending angry tweets their way. (Related: why is it so bad to avoid the radio when all of us admit that radio music is garbage? Is it because it’s more about you than him? Much to think about.)
* Harry. My very favorite head canon is that Harry is Jeff’s nightmare client: what was perfection at first because the Azoffs are old-school promo all the way (no SM, baby, gimme that sweet, sweet paper), and that dovetailed nicely with post-1D Harry, but it quickly veered into mulish teeth pulling. Low profile can quickly spin into no profile, and that really doesn’t work too well when you’re trying to sell sell sell, even if your brand is Harry StylesTM. HS1 and Dunkirk in their own separate ways worked VERY hard to push past the still-persistent way the general public views Harry as boybander Harry Styles, or more accurately, former boybander Harry Styles who dated Taylor Swift (if you venture out and ask someone who’s not a fan), but what I love about Harry is that much like Zayn, he doesn’t seem to be too bothered by all that. Sure, he’s ambitious, he wants to challenge himself and do things, but he’s no Niall Horan. He’s put in his time! If he gets a number one, then cool, but he’s not gonna chase it. And this is where Harry’s team really reflects his goals and energy: sure, they want him to do some promo (that “Do” tweet, the entire bit about the fan in Australia and Harry Lambert’s follow, goddddd, I loved it, petty Harry, resigned Jeff), but they clearly aren’t forcing him. He drops a song that makes a HUGE splash, and the follow-up is…liking some tweets and going to a John Mayer concert (not a John Mayer fan, so that wouldn’t be my first choice, but I respond to the zero fucks given about the whole thing). The music industry has changed a LOT in just two years, so it’s kind of cool to see team Harry pivoting a bit, seeing more SM interaction, the kindness generator, etc., but that said, the team takes their cues from him, and he clearly doesn’t want to do a whole promo circuit beyond persons a, b, and c, and magazine R, F, and A. Does it make sense to have Rob Sheffield write a profile about Stevie Nicks-blessed shroom-eater Harry Styles when his new song sounds like the Zarry combo of my dreams? NOPE, but that’s okay, Harry wanted to talk to Rob, so that’s what happened. The new song is more streaming friendly, and thank CHRIST, a lot less crusty white dude stuck in the ‘70s, so I can only hope that the rest of the album is thus, but we shall see! We’ll also see if Harry’s fan engagement shifts any further into the active zone…so far, it’s been “I’m gonna follow some larries, like these fun generator posts, check out a few dads” and staged photo ops with the same familiar faces, but I think he’s dealing with his own major bts issues as well (album delayed at least twice; that entire stalking situation). I still contend the album’s coming in the next few weeks, so it’ll be interesting to see if/how any additional promo rolls out in this new world order post-gryles landscape, how many interviews he’ll do, but I like that there’s a strategy that seems less stodgy…kudos to the new SM team, at least!!
Oh man, that got really long! Hope you enjoyed, and YES, opinions opinions opinions, and they’ll be stupid in about three weeks’ time, thanks for coming to my already dated buzzfeed article
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polarishq · 4 years
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Meet ELIJAH JIMENEZ. They are TWENTY-SEVEN years old and hail from CHICAGO, IL. Elijah embodies the constellation, TELESCOPIUM. They use he/him pronouns. Their faceclaim is ALBERTO ROSENDE.
Telescopium reminds me of nervous laughter, blue light blocking glasses, always telling the long version of a story, comic con, questioning the teacher, a photographic memory, speed reading, memorizing lines of code, BECAUSE SCIENCE, sending in a video to go on the mars mission, learning how to knit , the worst jokes you’ve ever heard, idolizing Spencer Reid, nervous twitches, being too smart for your own good.
Okay so you’re saying to yourself, how did this non-magic believing asshole worm his way into the most happenin’ magical institution in the entire world? And you’re totally right in that assumption, mostly that Elijah is an asshole, because he is. Also, Polaris is happenin’ and Elijah would 100% use that word to describe it. So Elijah is born to Miguel Jimenez and Alessandra Romero, but they’re not married. Alessandra is... lowkey (read: highkey) obsessed with Miguel, and does everything in her power to keep him around. Do you think he sticks around? He doesn’t. So Elijah is left without a father at the age of three, and Alessandra basically... lost it. She really thought Miguel was going to marry her and they’d be a happy family forever and ever.
Elijah’s effervescent (read: annoying) personality stems from his identity as an only child, his desire to constantly cheer his mom up (and then the crushing failure of never being enough for her), and the fact that he’s too smart for his own good. He was sent to a gifted and talented school, made his way through human standards of excellence like grades, and always had a knack for computers. He was a part of a pilot robotics program in Chicago, could always help teachers with their malfunctioning equipment, and messed around with toy trains. 
In school Elijah was about as popular as a nerd could get-- sports team weren’t his thing (but he had a lot of fun running the scoreboard), and he had a wide array of friends thanks to his charisma and aloof nature. He kept everyone at arm’s length. If they don’t get close to you, they can’t hurt you. After seeing his mom’s heartbreak, Elijah didn’t want anyone to hurt her like that again. He didn’t want anyone to hurt him like that, either.
College was a no-brainer for Elijah. Of course he was going to go, and of course he would have his pick of schools, but when it all came down to it, he ended up going to MIT for his degree in Robotics and Biochemical Engineering. He had big dreams, honestly. He wanted to start doing ride mechanics for Disney World, or maybe create a robot that could perform surgeries, or solve world hunger with a complex irrigation system. The sky was the limit.
It was college that Elijah started hacking.
At first it was a way to make money. College was expensive, and he kept most of the cash he made in a loose floorboard by his bed. But once he realized how easy it was to lock into a computer, become one with the machine, and rewrite code to make it do whatever he wanted it to, the possibilities were endless. He hacked into the school website, changed grades, rewrote essays, and did whatever he could for money. He sent home hundred dollar bills to his mother, who struggled to pay rent and everything else, and finally started giving her the life she deserved.
Things got really bad when he started hacking into the government. Does he know everything about Area 51? Yes. Can he tell you that the President’s Book of Secrets is a real thing? He sure can. JFK’s assassination? Child’s play. And he got found out, too.
The FBI Agent took him into custody and at his questioning sat Celestina Morganstern. She explained that as community service for the crimes he’d committed, he’d be attending a halfway house in Vermont, stripped of his degrees and achievements, to pay for the crimes he committed.
Elijah pretty much freaked the fuck out when he found out that these people thought they were magical. And to be honest, he went super out of his way to explain the science behind everything. Elijah’s coming around, now, but it’s taken him longer than normal to get used to what his new life needs to be.
Of all things, Telescopium resides in the transfer of matter particles and energy. Therefore, Telescopium has always been fond of science, and typically used their powers to further the magical ability of themselves and others. The current Telescopium is an absolute whiz (no pun intended) when it comes to computers and other forms of technology.
Best Friend: Elijah could be best friends with a rock (actually as a kid, he used to paint faces on rocks and would talk to them and make funny voices so that they’d be able to talk back to him) but at Polaris, he’s very quickly managed to roll himself into this muse’s inner circle. Maybe it’s his charm, maybe it’s his ability to bake cookies and knit scarves, maybe it’s because he’s cute in and out of glasses. Whatever reason, these two are pretty inseparable and Elijah wouldn’t have it any other way.
Shun the Non-Believer: This muse doesn’t know why Elijah is at Polaris because he’s a NONBELIEVER and we hate him for it. Maybe they try to convince him that magic is real and that he isn’t on Punk’D and no, he’s not gonna meet Ashton. Maybe they become friends! Who knows.
Teacher’s Pet: Elijah is good at school. He’s always been good at school. So this teacher or TA loves Elijah for reasons we truly do not know.
Penned by Leigh★
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t-oresama · 5 years
My thoughts on Sulli, her life and death
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I wanted to gather my many swirling thoughts on the passing of Sulli, especially because it’s taken me a little while to truly process that she's gone, so her we go. There is obviously going to be mentions of death, depression, bullying and suicide, so there's your warning for this reality that Sulli was bravely facing for so long. There will also be mention of Jonghyun, but only to show the drastic differences in what led to he and Sulli finding their ends the way they did.
Sulli has been a Korean celebrity for 14 years. She debuted as an actress when she was 11, and debuted as a singer in f(x) when she was 15. I honestly didn't know that she was only 25 until today, because she's been around seemingly for forever. 25 years old. Barely in her mid-20s. The time where you're finally starting to get a grasp on this thing called adulthood and enjoy it. There was a video floating around from a variety show she did where she said she wanted to be a mother before she died. She won't get to now. She had her dream cruelly ripped away from her. And I've found in this processing that I've been more angry than anything. Yes, I'm sad, shocked and heartbroken over the loss of this beautiful, spunky, and brave girl, but I'm mostly just so, so pissed off.
There is an obvious understanding for idols or any celebrities that their personal lives are not very personal after becoming famous. Everything they do is magnified because they have become so prolific and, yes, idolized. But this doesn't mean that their privacy entirely should be taken away. It doesn't make them any less susceptible to pain, frustration, fatigue, and sadness. And it doesn't mean that, just because their actions are magnified, that EVERYTHING they do HAS to get reported on, does it? Surely not. But ever since Sulli's "laziness" controversy and subsequent leaving f(x), every post, every picture, every quote out of Sulli's mouth became an article. For 5 years, she has had to defend herself for believing in women's rights for equality and choice, for loving a man that happens to be older than her, for not wearing a goddamn bra. This year has been rife with extremely vile and illegal accusations and convictions. Never once did Sulli break the law in any action she did or said. She was still a young woman trying to find herself, and good for her if she wanted to act outside of the "proper Korean lady" norm. It never hurt anybody. But because she was famous, it was weird and scandalous. She was called a pig, she was called a feminazi, she was called an attention whore, and that is just the beginning of what she had to endure from every salacious article and malicious commenter for 5 YEARS.
I hate to bring him up like this, but this is the second suicide of a high-profile K-pop idol in 2 years so I must bring this up to make my point. And I preface that I am not a therapist or psychologist, but unfortunately looking back now, the signs become more evident in death than in life.I despise when people pin the cause of SHINee's Jonghyun's death on K-pop, and that the industry is what drove him to suicide. In fact, I ranted about just this a couple of weeks ago. He had a horrible illness in depression that was made worse by the pressures and nearly unreal expectations of K-pop, but depression had lingered with him for years. Nothing in the outside world suddenly drove him over the edge. His depression just engulfed him one day to the point of no return. But with Sulli, I do blame the industry.
I blame the industry. I blame the Korean media and the Korean media translation sites, some that cherry-picked the most negative and controversial headlines to gain clicks. I blame the netizens who hid like cowards behind computer screens attacking a young woman with the ferocity of a fictitious video game villain, throwing insults, slurs, and expectations at every new pointless article. I blame Korean society for having these high expectations to begin with, and still, YEARS after Jonghyun's death, stigmatizing those who suffer from mental illness and write it off as "a bad day" or "attention seeking". Her environment did not help her, but hurt her. It kicked her while she was down for all these years with no relief. I mean, for goodness sake, Sulli joined a show literally called "The Night of Vicious Comments" in order to attempt to show strength in the face of so much adversity and get people to understand that words hurt, especially how many she was getting on a daily basis. Some of her last mentions in Korean media was her doing a live broadcast on two different occasions, and having one where a man wouldn't leave her alone and one where her breast was exposed for all but a half a second. Never were these considered by the public at large to be mistakes, but ploys at attention seeking. Rarely was there sympathy for this girl who was just trying to find her place in the world and fight back against oppression. She was already suffering from mental anguish-- the reason she left f(x) all those years ago-- but no one except for Sulli herself can ever convince me that it wasn't the culmination of all this hate for all these years that drove her to her breaking point. Now these same publications-- some even cashing in like they did for Jonghyun releasing multiple articles on the deceased for website hits-- and these same people who left these vicious comments and the Korean society at large want to say "Oh, what a tragedy. What a shame we didn't stop this sooner. She was human after all." Shame on the lot of you. I never would wish anything ill on anyone, but I hope the people who left even one hate comment for Sulli or any other celebrity take a good look at themselves and realize their words can kill. I hope they realize what they've caused.
Her last Instagram live had Sulli saying that she wasn't a bad person, and asking desperately why people send her hate. That is so heartbreaking. She was bullied relentlessly and all she wanted was to know why. For being herself? For being outspoken? For going against this inhuman mold of K-pop idols and Korean celebrities who are chaste and pure and robotic that the industry has set as a standard? For not wearing a goddamn bra? Heartbreaking. I do believe she was already suffering from sort of mental strife, whether that was depression or something else, but it was perpetuated by a society that completely and utterly failed her. My first thought reading the news of her death this morning was "I'm so sorry, Sulli," and not because I ever left her a hateful comment (and, honestly, you are entitled to not like a celebrity, but to waste so much energy constantly bombarding them with hateful messages? Like, how do so many nasty people have time to do that?). But because I saw it happen. Because I would click on the occasional clickbaity article and give those publications a motivation to keep translating the absurdly controversial. Because I never commented something nice. And, as a result of her death, I've seen a flood of comments of concern and love go to some idols Sulli was closest to, like Taeyeon and Tiffany and Amber and IU (and countless more), asking if they are okay, showing them support. It truly sucks that this is what it takes for the good to truly outweigh the bad, and that this is inevitably too little too late. But I think any normal person who knew what Sulli was constantly up against feels some sense of sorrow or guilt for what's happened, even those of us who don't live in Korea who don't impact Korean celebrities like those in Korea. There's also guilt for not seeing the signs of her suffering until it was too late. But, as with Jonghyun, those most open about their pain, who try to put on this brave front, can end up being the ones who suffer most. There needs to be a greater vigilance in online commenting, privacy protection, sensationalist articles, and insuring the well-being of Korean celebrities. This involves a total shift in how the Korean industry has been working for decades, but part of me wants to hope that THIS death, not the first of its kind, can lead to something to change. I selfishly and maybe foolishly hope that something can change.
To end this very long post/rant, I want to dedicate this last paragraph to Sulli. Choi Jin Ri. The effervescent Peach. The big baby of f(x). The princess of eye smiles. The girl who dared to go against an industry just to stay true to herself. Again, I am so sorry that we have collectively failed you. You deserved so much more than what you had to endure. And I am so sorry that your dream of being a mother will never be realized. I am sorry the plethora of milestones that laid ahead for you you'll never experience. I'm so sorry you were suffering. I hope wherever you are that you are finally, deservedly, at peace. No bad words or malicious intentions can come close to touching you now. Thank you for both what you have generously shared with us in your solo work and your work as a member of f(x). You are a legend and a true game-changer. The world wasn't ready for someone like you, and some of them didn't deserve you. But thank you for leaving us with so much of you in your songs and performances and words and true, uncapturable beauty. Rest in everlasting peace.
Finally, if you reading this are suffering with negative thoughts or mental anguish, please find the hotline that corresponds to your country and seek help. https://ibpf.org/resou…/list-international-suicide-hotlines… There are people who are there to help. Take time to practice true self care and love over these next few days. Stay safe and stay strong.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/bringers-of-the-light/
Bringers of the Light
Bringers of the Light
By Teri Wade
So much is shifting in our world that is not being reported on by our news media. But it’s not so much in an outwardly feeling as inward. And that ability to feel inwardly is a beautiful, profound and undeniable feeling of higher Universal consciousness.
That intuitive feeling is a beautiful gift that we’ve always had and it’s getting stronger and stronger brought on by these higher frequencies. I know the world seems to be in complete chaos right now but this is why you’re here. You came to Earth to see the old structures breakdown. You’re here to watch the last grasp of the fear-based structure we’ve only known our entire existence.
We feel the peace and the reason for this rockiness in our world through the Etheric fields. We knew in the last days of change that we would be seeing the outer collapse of our world. Meaning, the governments, financial system, and Earth itself. But, believe me before you incarnated into this lifetime you have been prepared for it this is why you feel peace instead of fear you knew what you were in for.
You knew that the fraudulent unjust systems were going to collapse. There is no need for you to question yourself “if you’re strong enough to carry-on” that’s not an option.
You may feel that you will never attain financial abundance or fulfilling relationships with loved ones. These obstacles could be stemming from a previous life time or this current one. But, these obstacles could’ve been put in place by you to help you along your way in developing your life work.
Whatever your greatest journey in this life is you came knowing and prepared to help Humanity and Earth in this Ascension process. You came here not only to lift the frequency of yourself towards Light but Earth and everything around you. This is part of your soul’s journey.
You are starting to look towards your intuitiveness instead of outward forms of information and the receiving of higher light data.
When you look at any part of the world you can see and feel the energy rising a great example is the European Union. A debilitating over riding structure of government. Meaning, if you were to look over Europe you can see and feel the people wanting and wishing to do for themselves. They are tired of the rigid structure of their society.
If you were to look over the Middle East you can see the crushing, suppressive existence that have been put in place by the ancient families. These people are powerless to these destructive governments that have been put in place for thousands and thousands of years. But, with these higher energies coming in many of these individuals of these ancient families are stepping down. The burden is just too much.
If you were to look over the country of Asia centuries old divisions of religions are dissolving. People are starting to question their allegiance to certain societal structures or belief systems and individual rights.
If you were to look over South America you’ll find a growing demand for equality and the end of worker exploitation and community destabilization.
If you were to look over the African countries you will see a resurgence and rebirth of the matriarchal systems and traditions and a spiritual investment in tribal and individual rights and a growing independence from European influence and colonization.
If you were to look over North America and Australia. Countries founded on the obliteration and control of native people’s, land and cultures. You will see a growing realization that cultures built on the gun cannot expect peace in their own homes and communities. It’ll take a profound realization of the need for respect and the sacred nature of all life including Earth itself.
We are not alone in this massive Universe. The vast majority of planets, stars and interplanetary traveling cultures would never dream about exploiting or harming either people or the planet as our rulers have done.
As these higher frequencies pour onto Earth in unprecedented levels there is so much more than what our human minds have been taught is possible. Meaning, the joining of Earth and Humanity to the Intergalactic Community that we have lived outside of for too long.
You of the light are not only bringing your light forward but also into a forward movement to Earth’s intergalactic acceptance. We will be welcomed with opened arms. The Galactic’s have major admiration and compassion for what we have overcome living in this dense 3rd dimensional existence. Earth is our home and no one can stand over us and claim ownership. We must reclaim our sovereignty!
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filmcave · 6 years
Not the Same
There is an unusual battle going on right now in the world of cinema. But it also acts as a microcosm and sort of shard of a hologram for other battles happening.
Like every battle there plusses and minuses to each side and naturally the other side sees each other as a kind of threat.
At its core is a philosophical question: Does size matter? The Sophomoric and silly undertones of sexual innuendo aside in this question, it is entirely genuine.
When Louis and Auguste Lumiere screened the first public movie ever in 1895, at the Grand Cafe in Paris, certainly the size of the screen was not the fascination. How could it be? The magic of the moment was seeing flickering light and shadow images dancing on a plain surface transporting the audience to another place and time.
Employees leaving the Factory (in Lyon)
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What an incredible moment and experience this mst have been for this audience. Even if they could not have sensed the economic and cultural impact, they were seeing something no one had publicly seen before.
The “moving pictures” were the attraction. The fascination, fear and amazement they felt must have been palpable. This was not an innovation in cinema, it was the creation of it!
From that point forward changes in the production, distribution, performance and experience of cinema are all that was left.
And we know that those changes have proliferated and in many cases advanced film. With the exception of one area - film analysis and discussion. This area has languished in the scrap heap of literary criticism. This is not to say people don’t have or choose not to 'advertise their opinions (far from it). As a conglomerate of disciples of film critics commentary has de-evolved and been reduced to a range of thoughts that can be best described as the binary “I liked it” / “I didn’t like it” dialectic. Yawn, how uninteresting.
When this is typically combined with a lack of understanding of that “that on the screen” came to be the discussion becomes an exercise in auto asphyxiation. Straining and stressing under the weight of its own limitations.
If we begin to look at the individual components of “how its made” we can chart a path towards understanding better the purpose and mission of the film. Most people depart the cinema soon after the final shot of the story. But even as they leave they are well aware there is a very long line of credits. In so e simple sense they probably understand that each one of those people played a role in the creation of that film. But a movie is Spam in a can, if it never gets shown.
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This is the point where the evil genius of Netflix enters. Over the 120+ years that cinema has been made public. Many advancements in the movie going experience (and dubious ones) have been cauterized by a single ethic of the social contract. A movie goer needed to get off their fat ass and find their way to an actual physical theatre, buy a ticket and watch the movie in the temporary co-habitation with strangers.
At one point in time the cinemas who screened these films figuratively had a captive audience. There was one or two cinemas in town. They showed one movie for an entire week and then it was gone. Limited supply (number of seats, days and films) made for high demand. People dressed up and went in droves. The film studios owned the theaters, production equipment and the actors were “under contract”. It was an oligarchy of the wealthy. They had immense power and influence.
This power began to fade as independent distributors and cinemas began to crop up. Like in professional athletics actors became free agents where they could take their skills and reputations where they wished. Unions formed and the power dissipated. The website statista estimates the global film industry will be $50 billion dollars in 2020. Thats a pie a lot of people would like to stick their snout into.
Enter Netflix et al. Otherwise known as the Satans of Silicon Valley. Before I pontificate on SVS it might be helpful to philosophize on the question of what kind of value they bring to this world to begin with.
To begin with they are a society. An insulated, top down culture presided over by people with certain kinds of brilliant intellect and intelligence around a few extremely limited things. On top of this there is a self perception that is also pointed outwards as a marketing message cum “social good”. For them to see themselves as valuable parts of society at large they must perpetuate and proselytize this ethic/message. It is a nearly completely corrupt mentality especially devoid of emotional intelligence and a genuine sense of greater good. For many of the FANG stocks (a prescient acronym for Facebook, Apple (Amazon), Netflix, Google) the trick is to write some code, give it to a “user” for free and then have that user do all the work to build a successful revenue generating business. Its genius and entirely immoral. The users are the product, they develop and refine the product, allow a given company to take or steal their information which that company can then use to sell shit right back to them In the words of Karl Marx, the workers are the means of production AND the product.
Allthe company needs to do is continue to convince the users they need to keep working. They fo this by “engaging them” in things that touch in fears, dreams, hopes and deficiencies.
Ok, so a bit of a deviation here but the core point, relative to our topic of screen size, is to examine what value (if any) Netflix is bringing to the movie game.
Lets start with their motivation. First, middle and last Netflix is a growth and consumption machine. But if we look at the content they “recommend” it is created, design and directed to appeal to YOU. Their business wet dream is to have you intravenously fed chemically and neurologically customized euphoric content. Like the masses in The Matrix they need you to have a stable income and an all you can eat mentality. Why else would they continue to push new movies and episodes having them start before the last has finished.
So, how about the quality of said content. Well, financially speaking, they are agnostic on that. However, to steal your attention away from other content (including real life) they need to convince you its better.
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This is where awards come to play. Any kind of award will do but of course when you’re talking about insatiable appetites, you’re talking the big awards. Golden Globes, Grammy’s, Oscars. And winners from the elite festivals. And when you’re taking in obscene amounts of cash, there’s lots to spend..and spend they do. For many years Amazon was a money losing venture. Not any more.
According to Statista Amazons Q4 revenue in 2018 was $72.38 billion
Apple - $62.9 B in the same period
Netflix - $4.19 B
Google - $33.7 B (reported for Q3 as parent company Alphabet)
Those four quarterly revenue streams combined (over $173 billionj is more than the annual GDP in Rhode Island, Vermont and New Hampshire.
So, yeah...its all about the Benjamins
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Right. So no surprise there. Its not illegal to make money.
But this is the kernal of the issue for chain cinemas. Netflix is taking revenue from them.
Lets look at the core matter regarding quality of work. At this point the poster chold for this is the astounding and impressive film: Roma.
Its is the brainchild of Alfonso Cuarón and it is making waves (if you’ve seen it this is a pun) because of the awards and recognition is has garnered but also by the way Netflix has accomplished it. They have a brilliant beautiful film on their hands the credit to which needs to firmly given to them. They are exploiting the opportunity to attract filmmakers by giving them broad artistic license and backing movies studios shy away from or don’t support due to a personal beef with the artists.
So far as this empowerment to the creators I say “good for you Netflix”. It is certainly their right to distribute it in whichever wsy and to the degree they wish. Its their toy. Obviously it gives them a monopoly in who sees it when its not in cinemas - their customers. This cultural shift might be upsetting or off putting to many for many reasons. But the notion of adopting technologies that already exist comes to mind.
Some credit does need to be accorded to Netflix. They fully funded the vision and sensibility of a Director, cast and crew and single handedly provided access to an extraordinary mvie to millions of people who might not otherwise have access to see it. Kudos.
I first saw Roma on my large screen TV and loved it. I begrudgingly gave credit to Netflix for this coup. But...it haunted me and got me to thinking. The “what about” questions began to creep to my consciousness. It was too good and I wanted more. But the “tiny” 45” screen and schmaltzy TV speakers were incapable of delivering the full, Director intended experience.
But I was stuck. Netflix had cleverly rigged the game. To qualify for the Oscars, the film needed to be shown on a movie house screen in a minimum number of locations. Netflix complied - but barely.. And so, under carefully controlled limited release it was made available. But if you have the misfortune of not being close enough to a legitimate movie screen, you were out of luck. Nay, this lack of good fortune extended further when I learned there were a few 70 mm high definition sound copies out there.
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For a cinephile, large screen format is nirvana. Seeing a movie conceived, shot and meant for a large screen is an experience irreplaceable. It can’t be recreated anywhere else.
So sticking this instant classic into a small screen is like telling a great writer they can only use half the alphabet. A musician half the notes. Or a chef food but no spices. Whats the point of trying?
If Netflix wishes to keep its toys to itself, so be it. But really how much farther do they think they have advanced cinema beyond Employees leaving the Factory. Not very far to me.
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And watching an epic film like Roma on anything other screen than a large cinema screen, with stereo sound...not the same.
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lillaxtrigger · 6 years
Young hope: Chapter 14
Out in the dusty wastes stood a lone diner on the side of the road. Outside were a pack of black vehicles parked out in its lot. At the outdoor tables sat various well dressed agents, eating breakfast with one another. “So, you hook up with Jimmy on the weekend or what? Bet you guys were pounding on each other all night.” one of them asks, piercing his fork through his eggs. “Naw man, too much to drink. I just went home and slept off my hangover.” “You gotta lay of the scotch, mate. It’s killing your social life.” A miserable groan escapes the officer, affirming with; “I know. It’s the tenth time I skipped out on Jimmy. Wouldn’t blame him if he just moved on with his life. I’ve been trying rehab these past few month, but it’s been doing jack shit to my…to my...”. “Jack shit to you’re what, bro?” “Hold on. Think I see something.” The agent pulls out a pair of binoculars and looks out towards the horizon. His other looks behind and wonder what his partner might be trying to view. Out in the distance, a single speck leaving behind a trail of dust crawls its way up the road. It seemed to heading towards the diners direction. “Holy shit!” the agent with binoculars exclaims. “What? What da ya see?” The agent hands his partner the binoculars and tell him to: “Take a look for yourself.” Peeking through the spectacle, he witnesses a long haired man of Asian descent dressed ridding through the roads on a motor bike. “Is that fucking Chase Young!?” “It’s motherfucking Chase Young, bitch!?” “We gotta warn the boss!” At his partners request, one of the agents hurries into the diner.
Sitting upon the counter stools, an orange haired man munches on his morning ham. On his side, a green haired woman sips on her morning cup of joe. The other, a white haired man, enjoying the rich creamy taste of his bagel Around them, countless other agents enjoy their various breakfasts, laughter and merriment ensuing throughout the humble diner. The agent outside rushes inside, stirred in a panic as he swiftly approaches the trio sat upon the counter. “Boss! Boss! You’re never gonna...” On the verge of his terrible warning, the man come down with a maddening cough. The man in the middle hands the agent his glass of milk to quell the coughing fit. Swigging down the morning drink, he soon continues with his dire message. “You’re never...gonna guess who’s coming up on the horizon. It’s Chase Young.” The happiness and joy that waved through the airs of the diner are cut down in an instant upon hearing the very name. The three sitting upon the counter are unfazed by the news, the man in the middle gazing beyond the agent that ran inside.
A smooth, yet sinister voice rings out, greeting with: “It’s been such a long time since we last met, hasn’t it Todd.” The agent looks behind him and sees the infamous man right upon his back, jumping backwards and landing on the floor as he crawls back. “Or would you prefer your other alias...Agent 344.” A faint smile forms upon the head agents lips, them greeting the villain before him with; “Hey there Chase. Mind telling me what brings you here on this fine morning? If your planning to settle the score, I’m afraid I’m a little preoccupied with breakfast at the moment.” “Another day. I come baring a piece of news. News that you in particular might be interested in.” Pulling out a tablet, the infamous malefactor scrolls through the page of a news website. “A day ago, an article came out concerning a troubling development within a quaint metropolis called Townsville, one that was ultimately solved by a group of teenagers, would you believe it. Normally I have little to no interest in the affairs of measly worms, but someone in the article fancied my eye.” Presenting the front of the device to the trio, the tablet showed a news feed featuring an article with the catching tagline: “Local high schoolers solve kidnapping crisis” The picture aside the reading featured a group of teens standing in the front of the town hall, earning the mayors congratulations. “One of them reminded me a lot of you when you first confronted me.” 3 kids within the shot draw the trios attention, Todd himself left quite astonished. A blue haired young man dressed in white, a smile planted across his face. A purple haired youth missing an arm, his depressed glare drawing away from the camera. An orange haired lass sporting overalls, a fake grin to hide her hints of worry. “Isn’t that...” the white haired man wonders. “Well, I’ll be damn.” the green haired woman goes. Upon the site of the blue boys goofy demeanor, the famous agent gives his own smirk. “Nice going kids. You’re on your way.” The tablet returning Chases person, he hears his adversary deliver his own message. “Well Chase...If you just came out all this way just to show me that...” Most of the agents within the diner compose themselves, ready for anything. “Then I’m afraid I just can’t let you leave here...not like this.”.
A bowl of banana split ice creams slams itself down upon the counter. The infamous villain stares down upon the potassium enriched dessert as Todd and the green haired girl sit aside. His rivals laughter filling his ears before the agent insists: “Come on Chase, eat up! It a party. Dig in.” Grasping the desert spoon aside the bowl, he turns his gaze over to the beatific man to his side and questioning: “Didn’t you just eat have breakfast?” “Aw, come on. Who cares? There’s always time for ice cream, right.” the famous agent remarks before chomping down on a Neapolitan ice cream sandwich. Looking through the surrounding diner, Chase partook in the view of the opposing agents around him enjoying themselves to the variety of desserts. From frozen bars, to ice cream cones. From bowls full, to ice cream cake, everyone seem to be in glee over their frozen dairy treats. With this site, the villainous man shrugs off the odd circumstance and scoops up a spoonful of the split set before him. The sweet cooling flavor of the treat relieves his senses.
“So, how have things been, Chase? Those kids of yours doing well?” “Drake and Shen Mi have been doing quite well in their training. Steadily growing these past several years.” “How old are those two now? Last I check, Drake was around 12, I think?” “Drake and Shen Mi are both 19 and 13 respectively.”. “That old, eh? Heh...Kids growing up so fast.” “What about your kids, Todd?” the green haired woman woman. “Mine, well…I-” “Do you even remember the last time you’ve seen your family?” the white haired man adds. “God, I can’t remember. It’s been years since I last visited them...maybe around 10 or so? SUPERIOR’s always got me flying around the world. Always something happening. Sure do miss them.” “You could always retire.” Chase suggests. Upon letting out a light chuckle upon the notion, the agent mentioning how: “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, Chase?” Letting out a heavy sigh at the end of his laughter, Todd looks looks upon the sheen of the counter top. He’s met with his own heavy expression in the reflection of the marble as he declines with: “Nah. With all the heroes around retired to raise their own families or pursue their dreams, someones still gotta be around to protect the world. I’d love more then anything to go back home to my family…They probably hate me for leave them for so long…But...”. Lifting his gaze above the counter, he then shares his thoughts for the future. “It’s a hope of mine that with this new generation, a league of heroes may rise and take the mantle. And let me catch a break.” “Lest you forget, that with a new league of heroes, and alliance of villains shall form among them.” Chase warns. “Yep, but...I’ll just leave them with the new kids...” Withdrawing a deep breath into his lungs, Todd cuts back with: “In the mean time… What say we cheer for the success of the new generation?” With that claim, Todd presents his ice cream treat to his longtime rival in a similar manner one would toast a wine glass. Chase gives a slight smile and returns the gesture with his dessert spoon. “To the new generation.”
Within the shadow of a lone room, a single light shines down upon Roy as he prowls through a table full of documents and pictures; the laptop at the end logged onto a magical siting forum. “That bitch has to be out there somewhere. I ain’t stopping til I find her.” the purple merc growls. The door behind him opens, pouring in natural daylight from behind a dark figure. The purple merc blocks his eyes from the glow, the sunshine irritating his vision. “Roy, what are you doing in here?” a familiar voice rings out. The boys vision adjusting to the natural glow, he finds Mally awaiting in the doorway. “Oh, hey Mal. Just trying to track down the fiery cunt of a witch that took my arm’s all. How you doing?” “How am I? Roy, you haven’t left this room for several days. You haven’t been to school or your mercenary job. Plus you stink. Like actually stink. For hell almighty man, take a fucking shower!” the girl demands. “Pfft, fuck school, always waking me up in the middle of classes, keep telling them that’s how I learn shit, but they don’t listen. And my merc work can wait. Aside from the money I send to my mom, I got cash to burn for months on end. I ain’t coming outta this room, til find that magical bitch beast.” “And what’s you’re plan once ya do find her, huh? Kill her?” “Oh, I ain’t just gonna kill her. I’m just gonna collect the debt she owes for inflicting me with my newly found disability: one freshly ripped off arm. Might just attach it to where she blast mine off after I beat her to death with it. How’s that for irony!?” Roy declares. “Insanity be more like it.” the voice in his head pipes up. “I’m not insane! You’re insane dammit! You been driving me crazy ever since you wormed your way into my head!” Holy shit. This is worse then the orange haired skater feared. She could not help but stare in wide eyed disbelief as her purple brother screamed to himself. Turning back to the desk with a composing breath, Roy insisted that: “If both of you will excuse me. I got work to get back to.”
Letting out a sigh herself, Mally declares to the violet mercenary: “I guess I can’t really get you outta here, can I? Not unless I offer this!”. “Offer wha-!” A gaze back to his adopted sister had shown her in possession of Roy’s purple hood, nearly restored to its former glory, baring the only exception being the stitched up arm socket. A longing stare painted across the mercs face, he begins to slowly approach, his single arm reaching out for his treasured apparel. “You...You fixed my hoodie? Even stitched up the arm hole.” “Yep, took Tore a couple days, but he knitted and patched it up as good as new.” “Gimme Gimme Gimme!” Roy rapidly demands as he reaches for the hoodie. Mally halts his desires to reunite with his beloved hood, putting her hand over his face as he tries to nab the article of clothing. “Come on. Just let me have it, already!” “Ah ah ah! Not so fast. You want this back, you gotta do as I say.” her sister demands, pushing him away. “Oh piss off!” “Don’t you piss off me! I’m doing this for your own good. Unless you rather not see your precious hoodie again? Probably best to donate to a needy child who can use it to shield themselves from the bitter cold of the nightly air.” “Just go with the girl. It wouldn’t hurt to indulge her.” the voice urges. The purple merc lets out a loud groan as he claws his own face, admitting defeated. “Fine, you win. What do ya want me to do?” “First, you’re gonna do everyone around the block a huge favor and take a god damn shower already. After that, I’m taking you on a little trip.”
Right after cleaning himself off, Mally led the purple merc to the dwellings of Serena’s shop. Colorfully enchanted fumes rise from the alchemic bottle and beakers as the brewing witch herself sort through her assorted collection of elixirs. “So, got anything that might help us out?” her orange haired customer wonders. “Unfortunately, I don’t have anything that can aid your missing limb dilemma. However, I do hold an assortment of anxiety and stress relief potions among my wares. Care to try any of those? Both girls gazes turned towards Roy, he lets out an apathetic breath and admits: “Whatever. Got nothing to lose. Hit me.” Tossing a blue elixir towards the boy, the merc catches it in mid air and pops the top off. “Bottoms up.” he decrees before drinking the entire bottle. “Um...” Serena tries to chime in, worry drawn on her face. After he down the last drop of the mystic elixirs, Mally stands curious and asks if he’s: “Feeling anything?” A glance at the front of the bottle, the label show itself to read: “Anxiety antidote”. “Not really, just this weird burning sensation in my sto-” Suddenly, the boy drops the bottle and covers his mouth; the glass shatters to piece upon impact with the concrete floor. “Roy! What’s the matter!? Is it working?”. The boys face turning a shade of navy, a bellow of blue flames spout from his maw, illuminating the basement in a soft cerulean glow.
After that sudden fiery expulsion, Roy starts coughing up blue smoke in the aftermath as Serena puts out the leftover flares. “What the hell happened!?” Mally exclaims. “I’m...not sure. I’ve never seen something like this happen before. Then again, I’ve never seen anybody down an entire bottle, so that might explain it.” the witch concludes.
Clearing his lungs of any pollution, he takes a much needed breather and remarks with: “God damn, my throat hurts.” “Feeling any better?” Mally asks. “Hmm...” Wondering if the potion that he had just injected had any psychological effect, he test such a theory, by taking a glimpse of the spot where his left arm use to firmly sit and concludes that: “Nope. Nothing.” “Huh...Kay Serena, bring the next bottle.” “What!? Aw hell naw! You’re not making me chug another one of those things down!” Roy denies. “Don’t worry. You should be totally fine...Barring you don’t gulp down the whole thing.” Serena reinforces as she pulls out an orange potion.
After letting out an irritated groan, he takes the elixir from the witches hands. Drinking the citrus mixture by a couple gulps, his mouth smacks at the taste. “Anything?” Mally wonders. “Is this orange sod-” Before Roy’s answer could fully escape, a sudden pain inflicts the boy, his palms resting upon his temples. Out from the boys purple noggin, tree branches sprouted from the sides of his head; the sudden imbalance causes him to fall to the floor. Looking down upon the merc, she wonders if they should continue with this increasingly endangering elixir endeavor. “Mmm...Maybe one more.”
A quick saw and file of the wood later and Roy takes a seat back, rubbing the temples of his head to check if not a splinter was left. Serena presents him with one more potion to try Serena him to: “Try this one.” Staring into the purple hue of the elixir, he swipes the drink from the brewers grasp, settling with: “Fuck it. Third times the charm.” Taking in a cautious sip of the brew, he proves careful to only let a few drips of the potion down. “Well?” Mally wonders. A few moments come to pass before the next predicament unfolds itself. Roy begins to tremor furiously; the vibrations that the boy gives off shake the entire shop. “What is happening!?” Mally asks. “My precious shop!” Serena panics. The bottles and beakers set all throughout the room the begin to shake, the countless glass clacking with one another. Serena acts fast to catch any bottles that venture off the shelves and threaten to break upon the hard concrete floor. “Roy! Make this stop!” It takes not a single moment for the merc to resolve this quaking predicament. Floating above the concrete to halt the earthquake, the shop ceases to shake in conjunction. The ladies in the room share a sigh of relief once the quake had stopped in its tracks. “Glad that didn’t last long. For a second there, I thought the whole house was gonna come down on…What-what are you doing?” Mally turning to her purple brother, she finds Roy to be still vibrating among the air. “I DoN’t KnOw.” he admits, the uncontrollable shaking distorting his voice. She approaches the purple angel and with but a simple connecting touch, the house begins to tremble once more. Quickly withdrawing her grasp, she shakes off any leftover vibration and turns back to the witch. “Is this supposed to happen?” “No. All of the potions we tried seem to be rejecting him. I don’t know why. I doubt any more might work.”
“That’s it! I’m bouncing outta this goddamn brew bonanza!” the boy shakes on objections. “Wait! Wait! Roy! Roy! Listen. We’ve only just started. Ya can’t give up now.” “Why? You heard her. None of these potions will do jack shit for me.” “I know, but I got other friends I can take you to. This recovery cruise ain’t sunk yet.” “Fine. But this whole shaking shit fit better not last long.” “Oh, don’t worry. The potions effects should wear off momentarily...maybe.” “Alright, lets get going.” Hearing Serena give a fake cough, both turn towards the witch to find her presenting her awaiting palm. “Those potions weren't exactly free.” Catching a quick glance from his orange haired sister, Roy pulls out his wallet with an escaping groan.
Once the shaking had ceased, the two head over to another one of Mally’s friends, hoping a certain boney buddy of hers can help with Roy’s endeavor.
Inspecting the spot where the young man’s arms once stood, Vivian lets out a pondering; “Hmmm” “So, think you can do anything?” Mally asks them. “Damn, you were right. It is just gone. Not even a fucking stump’s left.” After her less then thorough inspection is complete, she attempts to comfort the disabled angel. “Anyway, Best not piss yourself, mate. My arm pops off all the time. It ain’t that bad.” “Doesn’t yours reattach?” Roy responds. “I’m sure yours can too. Just gotta sow the damn thing back on. Where’s you’re arm anyway?” “Disintegrated.” “Oh...Well fuck, guess that’s out the window.” “Ain’t there something you can do.” Mally wonders. “Ummm” A quick moment to wonder and an idea pops into the skeletons head. With a quick part of their socket, Vivi sticks their skeletal arm onto where Roy’s once sat, the merc irking upon the sudden attachment. Gazing towards the newly attached limb, the merc finds the arm to be uncomfortably dug into his person. “Um...”.= “There we go. Now you looking damn spiffy, son.” “Don’t you need that?” Mally worries. “It ain’t for keeps. Just letting him borrow it. He gets it on weekends, and I keep it the rest of the week. How’s that sound, big guy?” Roy stands, taking in the site of the boney limb as it moves about without his input. With the limb giving him a thumbs up, Roy concludes that: “Yeah, this isn’t gonna work.” “Why not?” Mally questions. “Yeah! Think you’re too good for my arm, asshole!?” “Well, beside the fact that it can easily shatter in my line of work, I need a limb that I can reliably control. Especially in a fight. This, ain’t gonna cut it.”. The boney limb suddenly falling out of Roy’s socket, he adds: “Also that.” “Fucking...Jeez.” Vivi quietly remarks. “Well, guess we’ll go somewhere else. Sorry for wasting your time Viv.” Mally apologizes. “Hold the fucking phone. I might have one more thing I can try. Hate to use the damn thing, but for you Mally, I’m willing to give it a shot.” “Okay, what is it?” “Just...wait there for a second. Kay?” Vivi says before rushing out of the living room.
Once Vivi absconds from the living room, Roy turns to his sister with a sudden suggestion. “I’m not sure we should stick around.” “Roy, listen. I know Vivi can act, uh...Bluntly...but they can really come through for us in a pinch. Trust me. You just gotta relax.” A sharp blade enters Mally’s line of site, coming into the living room attached to a black pole. Vivi soon enters, the scythe firmly in their grip. “Okay, lets get this shit done, bitches!” “Uh Vivi, what are you plan on doing with that scythe?” “Listen kid, I appreciate you trying to evening me out. But I’d rather have the arm I have left, thank you.” “No no no, listen. This ain’t just some regular ass scythe, see. It’s powered by the souls of the damned.” “Liking the plan so far.” Roy adds. “And I’m gonna try and use it to make ya sprout a new arm.”. “Are you sure you know how to use that?” Mally questions. “Duh, of course. I saw my grim reaper bitch use it a ton a times.” Wielding the scythe like a rifle, she aimed the tip with the blade towards the purple merc. “Now hold still while I shoot ya ass.” “Hang on! I don’t know if this is gonna hurt-”
A lime green ray sprouts out of the tip of the scythe at the merc, sending waves of nightmarish energy coursing through his very being. As this horrible process was developing, screams of pain escape Roys mouth, muffled by the sounds of screaming souls. The zapping finished, the young man falls in a smoking mess, Mally rushing to his aid. “Roy!” She lift the merc from the floor, concerning with: “You feeling okay?” “Yeah, think I’m fine.” “Feel any different?” Vivi asks. “Don’t think so. Just this weird feeling on my left sid-” An intense feeling suddenly befalls the young man, urging him to grasp the spot where his arm was; grunts of pain slipping past his teeth. Witnessing her brothers side convulse and, Mally slowly begins to back away wondering out loud: “What’s happening!?” “Guess the scythes working its magic.” Vivi guesses. The young mans grunts evolve into full blown screams as he writhes on the living room carpet, his left side violently pulsating. At long last, something erupts out from Roy’s arm spot, flying across the living room and landing behind the arm chair with a squishy plop. Nearing him once more, Mally inspects Roys left, finding no visible injuries to speak of. No blood, no guts, cuts, bruises, but alas, not even a nub to pass for a limb; the side completely clean. “Roy, a-are you alright?” she cautiously worries. “Auugh! Fuckin hell, that hurt!”
Amidst reviewing her recovering brother, the orange haired skater hears her skeletal friend attempting got nab their attention with: “What is it?” Mally asks, turning to the half skeleton, finding Vivi’s disgusted gaze to be fixated behind the chair. Leaving the purple mercs side to approach, she looks to where Vivi’s site was locked; horrified by what she had found. “What is that?” Mally questions in a contemptuous fashion. “I have...no fucking clue.” After recovering from his painful agony, Roy gets up and takes to the others side, wondering: “Ahh...What are you two going on about back he-...What in the ever loving name of hell is that horrid pile of shit?” Before the abhorrent felt trio stood a small mound of skin and flesh, laid in a pile behind the arm chair. “Did...that come out of me?” “Guess...Guess it did.” Mally stutters to answer. “The hell do you think we should do with it?” Vivi questions, poking the horrid heap of meat with the blunt end of the scythe. Upon the constant nudges, the terrifying beef mound begins to rapidly convulse; all of them stepping away and anxiously awaiting what the wayward meat might do. All of them look on with utter repugnance as the flesh before them sprouts a countless set of limbs from its sides. A jagged set of chompers rip open upon its top, a gurgling scream escaping the newly formed maw. With its newfound appendages, the terrible flesh blob scuttles out of the living room. “...That ain’t good, is it?” Mally wonders. “Nope.” Roy reinforces. “Quick, after it!” Vivi commands.
Peeking within the confines of the clean kitchen, the trio scan around for any signs of the meaty heap. Cautiously, they slowly enter the cooking area, preparing themselves for wherever their horrid hunt might pop out. Mally turns to the aid of her purple brother, hope that he might sense its presence. “Alright, Roy. Where do you think it might be?” “No clue.” “What do you mean no clue? Can’t you sense its energy or something?” “It’s a pile of undead flesh. Can’t sense its life force if it doesn’t got any. Take ya friend for example. Can tell they’re not playing with a full tank if you catch my drift.” “Hey, piss off, my tank is plenty full.” Vivi retaliate.
Mally ventures about the kitchen, wondering where the grotesque pile of inhuman matter scurried to. The sound of soft gargling coming from above, she looks atop the fridge, finding their prey burying itself with the contents of a cookie jar. “Guys. Look. I found it.” she whispers to her friends. Taking in a view of the preoccupied undead before them, Roy readies his aim, the mercs pointing finger prepared to fire. “Careful. Just need to take the shot while it’s-” “I gots this!” Vivi blurts. The sudden shout alerts everyone in the room towards Vivi’s direction, including the mound of flesh as it lift itself from the jars contents. The half skeleton bolts towards the ice box, brandishing the unholy sycthe in their hands. Their orange haired amigo jumps aside from their readying upward slash, astonished how cleanly of a cut the weapon had made to the appliance. “Did I get the little shit?” Vivi asks. Aside themselves, the disgusting abomination scuttles across the counter top. “Hit the deck!” the two hear Roy warn, aiming his finger towards their escaping target. Quickly ducking under, the duo evade the purple mercs shadowy beams. Several shot are fired in the meat monsters direction, each shot missed breaking a part of the kitchen. In it’s escape, the flesh growth could be seen scuttling out towards the hallway. Mally jumps over the counter, wielding her hockey stick in pursuit of the small horror.
In her chase, the hockey wielding hero attempts to quell the undead blobs venture, swinging her weapon about the cramped walls of the hall. None of her attempts succeed, instead shattering and breaking the picture frames decorating the hallway in her failed assault. Dammit! Just stand still already!
The orange haired lasses pursuit of the nightmarish imp leads her into the confines of a strange bedroom, taken aback by the bizarre décor laid strewn within the dwelling. Whoa, what the hell’s going on in this part of the neighborhood? Glowing sphere, weird looking statue, odd shaped necklaces around the mirror. Almost like the lass had stepped into the chamber of a mystic gypsy. Its a wonder if some of this stuff is even man made. Right in Mally’s peaking wonder, Vivi rushes inside in a maddening fluster. “Hey, hey, hey! Why the hell are ya trying snoop through my room for!?” “I-I saw that flesh thing come in here.” “Alright, lets waist this bitch, where’d it-...What-...what’s with all this weird junk?” Roy questions. Gazing towards the night stand, the merc finds a glowing crystal ball; the terrible souls within streaking through the gemstone. “Is that a mother fucking soul sphere? Where the bleeding hell did you nab one a those?” “Just get the hell outta my room! I’ll draw out the little bastard out and you flank it!” Vivi demands in a red fluster. “Aight, jeez!”
Both guest having absconded from her dwellings, Vivi slams the door shut with a nervous sigh. God, why did that damn fleshy piece of corpse shit have to crawl its way in here? The better question being where said cadaver imp might be lurking. A quick protrude through their closet shows the meat mound to not be hiding within. Ain’t there. Looking under her bed proved to be useless, as the creature was nowhere down there. Not there either. Dammit, where the hell is it hiding? Hearing the sound of scuttling steps behind them, the half skeleton turns about to find a glimpse of her hunt taking shelter behind the dresser. Gotcha now, bitch. With little hesitance or caution, Vivi slashes the scythe down upon their dresser, the wooden drawer splitting in half. They catch the undead horror show scurrying away from the broken piece of furniture and fleeing towards the back of the bed. No you don’t! A reckless swipe towards the soft mattress and the bed was sliced in two, the sentient growth crawling its way to the ceiling fan. Come on! Once more, Vivi wields the damned weapon, swinging the sharp blade overhead. The strike sends the fan crashing upon her person as the meaty monster scuttles away. God dammit!
Vivi’s two guests await to ambush the horrid mess of flesh outside the bedroom, the occasional echo of destruction reaching beyond the door. “So, you see anything in that girl or what?” the purple merc asks his orange haired sister. “Who, Vivi? Well, uh...She nice, cool, hyperactive, crazy. I like her a lot.” “A lot, huh? More then that red head your thirsty for?” “Chloe? No, I- Pfft, thirsty? What makes you think I like Chloe like that?” Mally attempts to deflect with a bombastically fake laughter. Not a single word escapes Roys tongue, his obviously knowing look being more then enough of a response. Her fake guffaw quickly dies down, and is soon replaced with a weary sigh as she wonders: “Is it that blatant?” “Oh, your thirst for red cream soda is very clear.” “I-I mean, Vivi’s really really awesome, but...I’m just holding out for Chloe. Ya know?” “Why not just have both of them? Like a...banana, strawberry and cherry fruit punch Sunday.” “A-at the same time!? I-I don’t know. I haven’t even had one girlfriend before. Not sure I could handle two at once.” Mally responds, her face red like a tomato. “Come on. How hard can it be? I mean I hookup with more then one person from time to time.” “Flings don’t count Roy. I mean like actual relationships. Have you ever actually been in one that wasn’t just a hookup?” “Um...Well...Oh, there was-...No wait, that didn’t happen...Huh...Guess not.” “Then may you ain’t the best guy to give out advice like that, are ya?” “Probably.”
Right then and there is when the bedroom door unexpectedly slices in half, the fleshy horror, scuttling past in their surprise. “Quick! Get it!” Vivi shouts.
Quick to the chase is Mally, who witnesses the hunt retreat back to the living room. Back at the scene of the crime, the hockey wielding hero spots terrifying growth upon the TV screen. Hurling her weapon towards her target, the horrid creature scurries away from the flying stick that instead impales itself in the television. Vivi is next to enter the scene, locking her site onto the living pile of flesh as it crawls behind the couch. The strawberry blonde flails their blade at the monster, slicing the sofa in pieces as she finds the mound of meat scurrying away. Roy comes in not a moment sooner, finding the abomination born from his flesh held up on the ceiling. Swiftly, the merc waist no time dispatching his hell spawn with a full blown blast of darkness, but blowing a massive hole in Vivi’s roof in the destructive process.
Vanquishing the hideous growth, the three bask in the pleasurable cloudy sky above from the broken roof. “Huh...guess that fucking happened. Maybe another might work.” Vivi wonders, aiming the scythe once more towards Roy. “No!” both of their guests blurt out. “I-I mean. No, thanks Vivi. I’m sure you’ve done all you could. We’ll just go somewhere else for help.” Mally tries to relay. “Alright, but my parents are gonna freak the fuck out when they see their house trashed like a crack junkies favorite hiding spot. Probably cost them upwards of...I don’t know, 10,000 bucks or some shit.” “Oh, We’ll be happy to cover for any damages to your home might’ve received. Right Roy?” Mally avows, looking towards her one armed brother. An irritated growl escapes the purple mercs mouth as he reluctantly takes out his wallet once more.
Upon exiting from the abode, Roy tells Mally: “Right, now if there ain’t no more torturous situations you want to parade me through today, I going back home. Wasted enough time and money as is.” “Hang on! I’m nowhere near done yet. There’s still a couple more people I wanna take you to.” “Oh come on, who else could you possibly have left to put me through the wringer?”
“Of course I’d be happy to help.” Kingsley happily offers. “Your kidding, right? Why’d you drag me to his sexy twink ass? I already said I don’t want a robot arm. It’d break the first moment I’d punch some bastards jaw clean off.” “No, but I can help in others ways. I’m not just a technician, you know.” “Just give him a shot, Roy. He has pulled off miracles for us before. Maybe he can with you.” Mally advises. “Fine. Work you’re magic, miracle worker.” “See Roy, your problem is that your obsession for revenge is purely a psychological affair. No amount of potions or magic can fix that. What you need is a good old fashioned psycho analysis.” “And you’re gonna be my psychiatrist? You even certified?” Roy questions. “Well...Not exactly. But I’ve been meaning to get into psychiatry for a while now. This could be just the dive in I need.” Turning towards his sister, the purple merc is greeted with a sincere smile, a clear sign of desiring acceptance. “Just give him a chance. You never know if might actually help.” the voice in Roys head echoes. Letting out weary groan, he surrender to the prospect of therapy. “Fine, lets just gets circus performance over with.”
Resting upon the gentle memory foam of the boy geniuses bed, Roy lets himself sink into the softness of the mattress. “This beds comfy as balls.” At the bedside, Kingsley himself sits with laptop in lap, ready to take note of whatever psychological info may sprout. “Right, so where should we start first? Childhood? Job? Mental state? Hit me.” Roy offers. “How about we not go down those revenues today. For now, lets just talk about your arm. How did losing your arm make up feel?” “Pissed. How else?” “Okay, um. In what way? Like sad angry, crazy angry, what?” “Angry angry.” “Alright, rough start. That’s fine. Um, how do you feel about, hnn...Circe?” Kingsley asks. “Probably same as you do. I mean she did shoot a hole in your chest.” “Oh, so you’re feeling really scared about her. Is that right?” “What, no. I’m talking revenge. Getting her back for what she did to you.” “Okay, but uh…Are you sure that revenge is the best option?”. “Are you saying that she shouldn’t pay for what she almost did to our friends?” Roy rebuttals. Failing to muster a response, all Kingsley could do was stare nervously at his patient. “Hmm...”.
Outside, Mally awaits for the session to end via a makeshift waiting area; a small bowl of delicious suckers rest upon a table between the seat. Sweeping the bowl of sweets in her grasp, she digs through the various flavors, hoping to uncover the one she desires. Come on. It’s gotta be in here. Pulling out a cherry sucker, the orange hair lasses face beams with joy. Yes. The tarty sweetness of the red fruit is always a taste to enjoy. Hesitating not a moment longer, she unwraps the little treat and pops the candy into her mouth. As she enjoys the succulent flavors of the sucker, a voice chimes in from her side, asking the lass: “What are you doing?” A gaze to her left gives her a view of Cayenne staring her down. “Just waiting for Roy’s to get through his therapy session.” she responds. “Therapy?” “Yeah. Kingsley helping Roy get over his lost arm.” “Huh. Didn’t think Kingsley was a therapist. Maybe he can sort my shit out when he’s done.” Cayenne wonders, taking the seat next to her guest. “Got some issues to work out?” “Some.” “Wanna talk about em?” “Nope.” Failing to bait anymore words forward, Mally instead offers the bowl of suckers to the spice queen. Cayenne glances down the dish full of tasty treats, tempting at the prospect of picking a flavor.
“How about we just go through some hypotheticals, huh? What’s you’re plan on tracking her down.” the purple mercs psychiatrist wonders. “Well, I’ve been going through police reports, sightings, forum boards, deep web searches, all the nooks and crannies I can stick my dick into non stop.” “And how long have you’ve been at this?” “Don’t know, about several days now.” “How all that working out for you?” Roy averts his gaze from him upon the question, not a single answer escaping from his mouth. An all too clear sign to the novice therapist that his patient is hesitant to admit his lack of progress. “Nothing, huh?” Again, the one armed merc fails to muster a single word, only giving his therapist a disappointed groan for a response. “Roy. That’s fine. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. You’re not gonna find somebody in hiding in about a week.” Seeing his patient refusing to even glance in his direction, Kingsley opts to fish for one more answer. “Why don’t I ask one more question, before we wrap this up, huh? What do you plan on doing when you find Circe?” Upon the question reaching his ears, the purple merc begins to rise from the memory foam bedding. “Oh ho, that’s an easy one. First thing I’m doing once I find that mystic witch bitch is tear her arm right outta her socket in the most horribly painful fashion imaginable. I want her to feel the exact kind of pain she gave me.” Standing on the side Kingsley was sitting upon, Roy slowly begins turning his gaze towards his therapist as he continues. “Then, I’m gonna sow the arm I ripped off where mine was and slap her senseless with it til she’s nothing but a sobbing mess of tears and blood.” Slowly beginning to creep his way towards his therapist, Kingsley starts to back away from his patient in kind. “Honestly, I’d say that be what anybody wants if they’d gone through the same shit I did. But apparently that just makes me coo coo for cocoa puffs, don’t it? Now do I look like a cuckoo bird to you, Kingsley?” Met face to face with the merc sinister gaze, Kingsley struggles to come up with even the faintest of answers towards his awaiting patient. Finally, he takes a breath and lets out a request. “Can you excuse me for a moment?”
The boy genius sudden abscond from the makeshift office catch the girls awaiting outside off guard, who watch as he slams the door shut tight in his haste. “Nope.” Rising from her waiting room seat, Mally questions the frightened therapist with: “What happened? Did you find what’s wrong with him?” Drawing in another deep breath, Kingsley clasps both hands together as he prepares to admit: “Mally, I’m going to be complete transparent with you. I was not prepared for how far off Roy was at all. He needs to see an actual therapist, preferably behind a 12 inch sheet of reinforced glass.” “So...nothing then.” “I’m sorry Mally. I can’t help him.” Looking down into the carpeting of the halls, the worry that her brother might fall into the depths of his own revenge fueled madness echoes through the poor girls thoughts.
“Dude don’t need therapy.” Cayenne chimes in. A quick turn from behind, they witness the spice queen rise from her seat. “You got any ideas?” “Guys pissed about his arm getting blown off, right? Just needs help blowing off all that steam. All that’s that tension and stress’s probably driving him fucking nuts.” After a hearty bite that breaks the sweet in her mouth into tiny piece, she struts over to the bedroom door with a smile full of smug and glare full of sass. “So why don’t you two wait out here while I go make the purple jack off inside feel all better.” Cayenne closing the door behind her, both orange heads turn to one another. Wonder what she might have in store to help with Roy debilitating mentality.
Not a second later, the wall beside the bedroom door erupts in a mess of dust and wood. The clouds settling to reveal Roy, laying upon the wrecking of the opposite side. Coughing out the wall dust, he looks towards the hole in the wall with an irritated demeanor. Out from it, Cayenne walks with a taunt in waiting. “Come on, ya purple bitch. That all ya got? Or did losing your arm make ya suck at fighting even more?” Not a single moment does the merc hesitate to lunge towards the spice queen, kicking her out the bedroom window and into the luxurious backyard.
Upon landing in the middle of the garden, Cayenne witnesses her purple foe in following and dashing straight down towards her. She dodges out of the way, leaving Roy to stomp on the rose bush, the petals scattering upon impact. The merc then shoots out a ray of darkness out of his single hand, which Cayenne easily deflects. She sees Roy dashing towards her, and prepares to counter. Instinctively, he tries to punch to the left, but with no arm on that side, all that is left is for him to be smashed into the ground by Cayenne. Roy tries to quickly get back up from the blow, but his uneven balance makes him jump to the left. Getting his footing back, he sees Cayenne rushing toward him. After blocking two of her kicks with his legs, he dodges a punch coming to his right. He tries to counter, but again with no arm, he can’t. Cayenne takes the moment to punch Roy into the fountain. The garden décor shatters upon impact, the debris falling upon the boy.
Getting up from the rubble, Roy sees Cayenne slowly approaching. He takes a huge chunk of the broken fountain and chucks it in his opponents direction. Cayenne easily destroys the oncoming stone, the shattering clouding her view. From the dust, a foot plants itself firmly on her face, sending her flying across the garden, breaking a fence and a garden decoration or two. Upon getting back up, a gleeful smile is drawn upon the spice queens face. “You cheeky bitch.”
Both rush towards one another, Cayenne goes on the attack, but Roy ducks under and kicks her aside. As Cayenne skids away, she quickly fire red beams from her eyes at her opponent. Roy blocks the beams with a single hand, but is having difficulty holding it back with only one arm. Cayenne quickly pursues as Roy holds the ray back. The intensity of the beam growing stronger on approach. The merc distracted, she punches him square in the stomach. While in his range, Roy grabs Cayenne hair and delivers a hard headbutt to her face. Both fighters go reeling back from the blows, trying to regain themselves. Once stable, they witness the other smiling. “So, guessing from that smug ass grin of your, you enjoying yourself?” Cayenne asks. “Little bit, yeah.” Roy admits. “Good. Cause I ain’t holding back anymore.” “Funny, I thought this was all you had.” “Heh heh, I was gonna say the same thing.” The two of them begin to charge towards once another, ready to get serious.
Before the clash could carry on any further, Mally steps in between the approaching duo with an urging: “Stop!” Both halt their midair collision right in the nick of time, inches away from the interacting orange lass. “What the hell, kid? Why’d you stop us like that?” Cayenne complains. “Yeah, I was actually have fun for a second there.” Roy adds. Rushing out from the back door, Kingsley sprints in the scene, pleading: “She’s right. You gotta stop. Cayenne, remember what I said about getting rid of stress like this?” “This ain’t nothing like those club fights, Kingsley. It’s just a sparing match. No need to get so bent outta fucking shape.”. “Then what do you call that!?” Mally questions, presenting all the destruction they caused as counter evidence. “...Practice.”. A quick groan escaping her lips, Mally turns to her black winged brother and question. “Roy, be honest. Is all of this actually making you feel any better?” “Well...No. I mean it’s fun, but still feel like shit. Think I might just go home and lay in bed...forever.” “Wait a sec. Kingsley might’ve had a point about your whole arm thing being psychological... I think I might have one more person I wanna take ya to.” “Oh he-hell no! If it involves any more painful experimentation on my part, then you can fucking forget it sister.” “No no no. Trust me, I think you’re gonna like this.”
“Um, what about the backyard?” Kingsley wonders as the gardens burn and the broken fountain leaks. “What about the backyard? You’re fucking loaded, mate. This kinda shit right here probably cost you guys peanuts.” Roy mentions “Not unless you got a sue happy dad like mine. One time he found a fly in his soup at a restaurant and sued the whole place for literally everything. Even the employees.” “He sued the employees?” Mally wonders. “He sued “for” the employees.” “Why the hell she ain’t paying for it then? Damn bitch kicked off the whole backyard brawl.” the merc questions, an accusing finger pointed towards the spice queens direction. “You think I can pay for all this shit? Naw, man. I’m flat broke.” With next to no choice on the matter, the purple haired young man takes out his wallet once more to pay for his shenanigans.
A knock at the door upon a quaint suburban home sounds forth, Mally and Roy awaiting for the residence of the abode to answer, with a new party member joining for the occasion. “Thanks for showing us where your cousins staying Mel. Don’t think we could have found the address on our own.” “No prob. Just watch whatcha say around my aunt. She’s nice, but can be a very...temperamental woman” “In what regard?” Roy wonders. “Just watch how ya talk, kay?” The door opens, on the other side was a jolly round man, greeting them with a friendly smile. “Hey there, Melvin. These your friends?” “Yo, Uncle Hoagie. Is Hank home?” “Yep. The boy’s right inside, come on in.” The man of the house leads them within the humble abode, half full box littering some of the floor board. “Sorry about the mess. Still unpacking from the move. Just make yourselves comfortable.” His guest taking their seats, the man announces from across the living room.” “Kay, baby. Just tell em to wait in the living room. I’ll go get him.”
The father having left the scene, Roy finds it the perfect time to ask Mally: “So, why exactly did you drag me here again?” “Because, I wanna show you how you losing an arm isn’t the end of the world. And I think I might've found the guy who can finally burn through your doubts.” “Really? Cause the only thing you managed to burn through today was my bank account.” “That stuff was just spare cash to you anyway.” “I was gonna buy cool shit with it!” “What the hell did you say, boy!? I don’t care if you lost ya arm, you ain’t gonna be cursing in my house!” the mother shouts, the sudden demand making all of them jump from their seat. “Warned ya.”
Within one of the homes bedrooms, Roy enters to find the dwelling to be decorated with blue prints, devices, half built machines, and odd looking collectible cards. Not to shabby for a mechanic. Kind of a mess though. On the far end of the room was a desk with various mechanical tools and parts with a boy in a red cap sitting behind. “Heyo! You must be Roy. Mally told me all about what happened to you. Losing your arm and stuff.” the boy greets. “You Hank? Tell me, what exactly does she think you’ll do to make me feel peachy. Fight me, shock me? Poor boiling milk on my head? Come on, I’m ready for anything here. Bring it.” “Nah, nothing like that. I’m just tell ya how I felt when I was in your shoes.” “You? What makes you think I know what I’m going through?” “Oh...” The boy comes out from behind the desk, revealing himself to be sitting in a strange looking wheelchair. “I think I have some experience under my belt.” The sudden reveal catches Roy off guard, making him ask the handicapped boy: “You- You’re legs. They give out on ya?” “Well, kind of...It’s kind of a long story. Why don’t you take a seat.” A quick scan around the room proved to not have a lot of places one might rest. Whole room cluttered with half built gizmos and gadgets, there’s barely anyplace to sit. “Uh, where at?” “Um...Don’t know. Wanna borrow mine?” Hank offers. “What?” “Heh, heh. Just kidding. Just push the stuff off my bed. It’s fine. As the handicapped had requested, Roy pushes all the clutter weighing his bed to give himself a seat. Why’s he got all this junk everywhere? Think he’d give himself more room to wheel around. “Sorry about the mess. I’ve been meaning to clean up for a while. But I’ve been kinda busy. Anyway, I wanna tell you about the time I’ve discovered two of my greatest passions.”
“When I was really young, I was inspired with what my dad had built in his youth. I wanted to build stuff that was just like his, maybe even better. So I got to work. Building contraptions and gizmo with all my spare time. It’s there that I discovered my love for aviation. I wanted to build the best planes I could. I’d spend all day and night with all kinds of designs, weeks tinkering and tweaking to make sure they were the best they could be. Even test them out myself. And let me tell you, the first time I soared through the open air, the clouds in my head and the wind in my face, it was magical.
But then, at the ripe age of 8, disaster struck. Something went horribly wrong during one of my test flights. The inside of my cockpit was sparking, the controls weren’t working, the emergency eject wasn’t responding. It sent me into a whirling panic as I desperately tried to fight back for control. But before I knew it, I hit the ground. Dragging myself out from the wreckage, I’d lost all the feeling in my legs. It wasn’t until I was dragged to the hospital that I found out that I’d been left paralyzed from the waist down. I could no longer walk, run, or even stand. After that, I fell into such a horrible depression. Thinking that bound to wheelchair, I couldn’t do anything. I lost my drive...for building...for flying...and maybe...even for living. But one fateful day, when I was in the deepest pit of despair, I met a very famous man. An inventor, bound by the loss of his legs like I was. He personally showed me to his lab, presenting wonders that I would’ve never even dream of.
If he could make such ground breaking achievements without his legs, then what was stopping me. I hesitated no more. I got back in the game, my drive skyrocketing higher then ever before. I’ve made countless machines, gizmos and gadgets galore. Planes that have soared over the highest mountains and though the cloudiest skies. I don’t think I’d even be alive if it weren't for that man. He taught me one of the greatest lessons I ever heard. That in spite of body, your heart and mind, have no limit. And thanks to that, I was able to stand proud once more.”.
After listening to the boys heartfelt story of recovering depression, he realized what he said in last statement. “Wait...Stand proud?” Hank begins to snicker, the laughter escaping through his nose. “Can’t believe you caught that?” “But...Doesn’t it suck? That you can’t use you’re limbs anymore? That the burden may never go away?” “Yeah, at first it did, but I found work arounds. I built machines that can help me with everyday life. Help me get up stairs, go to the bathroom, even modified my chair to do a whole bunch of awesome stuff. Go off roading, stick to walls, launch missiles, even fly.” “Fly?” “Yeah, wanna see?” Hank asks. Throwing caution into the wind, Hank eagerly presses one of the buttons on his wheelchair. The seat takes flight, lifting him above the carpet floor and gliding him all across the room. “Pretty cool, huh! I can do this for minutes on end!” Smoke soon starts to come from the bottom of the chair and before he knew it, the boy had crashed back to the floor. The impact shaking the entire room, knocking over several machines down on the floor. “Heh, provided with fuel of course.” Helping Hank of the floor, both of them hear his mom shout: “Hank, what’d I tell you about flying indoors!?” “Sorry mom!” he apologizes. Getting back in his chair, Hank finishes with: “What I’m trying to get at is that losing my legs wasn’t the end of my world, and losing yours arm shouldn’t be the end of yours either.” Roy examines his left side, rubbing the spot where is arm used to be in contemplation.
Upon his exit from the bedroom, the purple merc is greeted with Mally and Melvin, awaiting for him in the hall. “So, feel any better?” Melvin asks. With an honest smile drawn across his face, he confirms to them that: “Yeah...I think I do.”. “So, does that mean you’re not gonna go after Circe?” Mally wonders. “Oh no. I’m still out for revenge. I’m ripping her arms off the moment I find her. But...I can let that happen in its own time. I’ll wait.” “Eh...Close enough. Least you’re feeling better” The girl throws Roy his fixed hoodie, the well earned, sentimental garment that he immediately dons. The stitching of the hood blanketing his skin makes him take in a deep breath, sighing with a sort of euphoric relief that he hasn’t felt in such a long time. “That’s the ticket.”
The wheelchair bound genius coming out of his room, Hanks wonders: “Did it work?”. “Looks like it did.” Melvin answers. “Awesome. Glad I could make your bro feel better Mally. Oh, before I forget!” Hank proclaims. Pulling out a yo yo from one of the compartments in his chair, Hank tosses the toy toward Mally. “Mally, catch.” Catching the seemingly harmless toy, the girl inspects reflective chrome finish, asking: “What’s this?” “It’s a new gadget that I made for you to test out. It’s a yoyo that can attach itself to any surface at will. With the combination of the high impact steel shell and ultra reinforced string, that gizmo should be strong enough to lift a heavy duty cargo hold.” “Awesome! What’s it called?”. “I...don’t know.  I guess the grapple yoyo. I’ve rarely been good with names.” Hank admits. “Well, I guess to mark the occasion, how bout, I call it...The Royo.” Everyone simply stares at the girl as she presents the yo yo over her head. Melvin breaks the silents by chiding: “That’s even worse.”. That insult makes Mally lower the gadget, a loud groan escaping from her mouth. “Just call it the grapplyo. It’s punchy, memorable, and gets the point across. Just like my di-”. “You betta not finish that sentence!? Else I’m gonna whoop yo ass!” Hanks mom shouts, making everybody jump.
Walking from the front porch of humble dwellings, the adopted sibling turn their attention to one another, Mally asking Roy: “So, that you’re not coo coo for cocoa puffs anymore, You joining us for this dance thing that Tore’s girlfriend invited us to.”. “Nah, rather just train somewhere. Get used to this new setup of mine, ya know.” “Alright see ya.” the orange haired skater finishes before on the cusp of taking off. “Hey Mally.” Roy tells, making his sister halt in her tracks. She turns towards the merc, asking with: “Yeah?” “...Thanks.” With a warm smile, the skate jockey returns the thanks with: “No sweat.” Both of them part their separate ways, Mally blading her way through the streets as Roy takes to the skies.
As he flies away from the geniuses abode, Roy takes in a deep breath of suburban air. “So, I take it you’re back to your usual masochistically deranged self?” the voice in his head questions. “You know it, baby.” “Good, I was beginning to worry for a moment that’d you finally snap.” “Speaking of worry. I need to ask you a couple things. Starting with you’re name.” “Pardon?”. “It’s pretty clear your not just some voice in my head. Ever since I’ve been struck by that pink stone in the fortress a while back, you haven’t left my head since. And where most internal voices would drive someone to madness, you’ve only seemed to be trying to fish me out of it. What are you really?” “Guess I can’t put anything past you, can I? Very well, I supposed you at least deserve to know who I am.”
As the black winged angel flies out toward the waning sunset in the horizon, the voice that has been pestering him for so long now finally reveals herself. “My name is Hera. And I am a goddess.”
At last, the next season of Young hope is here. Let's hope I can stay consistent for a little while.
Anyway, first chapter I think I start us off would be about Roy dealing with what happened to his arm and the ways one could cope with the suddenly finding yourself with that kind of disability. Also figured this would be the best way to introduce Hank since he acts as a sort of console for the purple merc. Probably the best way I've introduced a character yet, to be honest.
All of this was inspired by that one Kim Possible episode with the wheelchair guy.
Hank belongs to: @kururu418
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treadmilltreats · 2 years
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Paying to come to a wedding? 
So I read recently about a  man who thinks that wedding guests should pay to attend a wedding. Needless to say this divided the whole internet.
He goes on to say that he has come up with what he claims is the most "financially sound" way to pay for your dream wedding without spending a single penny. Of course you know social media and this started crap with people who were on both sides.
Weddings are expensive. According to a survey commissioned by the wedding planning website The Knot, the average cost of a wedding in the U.S. in 2021 stood at $28,000, with that figure rising to $34,000 when including an engagement ring.
With these astronomical figures, we have seen many  couples seeking ways to cut the cost of their big day. Many couples save the money they would have spent for a huge 4 hour party on something more beneficial to their future, like a down payment for a home.
This idea by entrepreneur Alex Hormozi on TikTok has left many divided. In his video which was viewed 1.1 million times, Hormozi, sitting alongside his wife Leila, explained: "The most financially sound way to plan for a wedding is not what you think."
He continued: "Instead of asking for gifts or having some register where everyone buys trinkets you'll never use, instead consider selling tickets to your wedding that cover the cost of every single person you want.
"So instead of having a budget and having to limit it to only the amount of people that you can afford, every single person can pay for themselves and maybe a little extra to put a downpayment on a house or start a new business."
Now I have heard and with the responses that I read, it seems like a lot of cultures have always done this. In my culture, the Italians never give gifts, it's always been cash in an envelope. "Here's a little something for you, some to cover the plate and some to put away. "
(I know you just read that with an Italian accent) I have heard many of my uncles say this to the bride.
My opinion is to come right out and ask someone to pay to come to your wedding to me just sounds tacky.  I would suggest that you just don't register and say in the invitation that you aren't registered because you don't need anything but are trying to save for a down payment for a home.
Which is basically saying the same thing just wrapped up in a nicer package.
This custom of getting gifts started out when both or at least the girl had still lived in her parents home. So because the couple had nothing to put in their new home, they registered. 
Boy, times have changed.
Today most couples either have their own space or are already living with the person they are marrying so they have everything that they need for a home, thus this custom is outdated.
So today my friends remember there are a lot of ways to save on your special day. I bartered many things for my wedding. You can have it on the Sunday of a long weekend, which is also cheaper. You can Pinterest many of the decor and diy them.
You can have a destination wedding and many people won't come.
And of course you could say no gifts as we are saving for a home. Look in today's times where everything is expensive and people know how expensive a wedding is. I do not think that this is a bad idea but…telling a person to pay to come to your wedding or selling tickets, well, that is a little tacky.
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@TreadmillTreats "Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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ctgv-a62c-g6 · 3 years
“The views expressed in the essays appearing in this website are attributed only to the identified author/s, and do not represent the views of the entire group, the class, the course instructor, nor the university to which the student belongs.”
 With all the that is happening at this time, there is a constant question that runs through my mind and perhaps the mind of every other student. What do I hope to achieve? I am talking about not limiting this to academics but outside the four corners of a classroom. I mean as a citizen, what can I truly contribute to the community that had shaped and molded me to who I am now.
My answer for that would be to give more opportunities for the people in poverty of the country. I do not ambition of exterminating poverty because that would simply be a a dumbfounded dream. Instead, what I hope to achieve is to alleviate poverty to the poorest of the people. I can never make the poor rich nor I can make the poor, poorer. What I can do, is to give the people experiencing poverty a `more comfortable life and offer more opportunities so they can have more chances of being better in life. I had always believed in a opportunistic governance rather than of a spoon-fed governance where you are teaching the people to wait and depend on the government. Where on the other aspect, it should the government simply assisting people in need and not people simply waiting for whatever alms the government would give.
The changes that I would want to see are projects, events, and systems all developed to improve the welfare of those in the lower class of the community, by show casing additional job opportunities, business opportunities, and educational opportunities. With Job opportunities, this would be similar to creating a mindset of work before pay system and unlike to 4P’s program of the government where the poorest of the poor are simply given cash without any physical work compensation. It will not only be good for the beneficiaries as they will have work and this will also be good for the government as this will maximize the utilization of government fund, because they would not be simply handing alms to beneficiaries and people will not just wait and do nothing.
Business opportunities are of the essence as this will remove the mindset of the people that only through jobs that they can earn money for their daily needs and as well as the limitation that people put on themselves refraining them from exploring other chances in living a better life. With this kind of opportunity there will be an opening of mindset for the people that doing business is of another level of earning for the daily needs and that the only restriction they put upon themselves are their own. Educational opportunities are of importance as this is the foundation to whatever opportunities are offered in life. Yet, this is not a determiner of the success that each person will get. This is considered to be a fall back or for those individuals who are willing to pursue or utilize their career as a main source of income for themselves or their families.
 With all of these, I can contribute by educating and building an action plan for this cause. The ideal way that this can be done are by strengthening the partnership of government and the stakeholders on how they can work together by producing more jobs, opening new small business ventures, and valuing the importance of education through scholarship. Working together is the only viable solution to these as this requires the people from all levels in life to work together as one.
  -Vincent Figueroa, Author
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techslideits · 3 years
Most appropriate sites to purchase YouTube Subscribers
There’s anything about YouTube. lower back not that long ago, YouTube changed into an outstanding method to find viral videos of bodies and toddlers and access the area of the web in an pleasing and artistic approach. At the moment, YouTube appears a little bit distinct. It’s nevertheless all about viral video clips, but it encapsulates a totally distinctive intention, and that’s thanks to chummy media advertising.
during the last brace of years, manufacturers have considered the advantage in creating video content material to promote their artefact or carrier.
You’ve also buy YouTube views and subscribers authoritative a comfortable living by way of growing a niche and sharing video content material with their devoted fan base.
whatever thing you use YouTube for, it’s a very good panorama to get artistic and to connect with greater people who believe like you.
however, since it’s modified so a good deal over the last decade, the algorithm looks nothing love it did a while in the past, and Americans are struggling to keep up.
Americans in lots of distinct industries don’t comprehend a way to develop their channels, as a result of each time they do YouTube changes things up on them, and then they’re returned to rectangular one with their content approach.
here is why so many americans are settling on to get aid with their YouTube channel by means of outsourcing their subscribers, giving themselves a true possibility of accomplishing smartly and discovering greater of the neighborhood they created within the first region.
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they have got a well-revered acceptance among their existing valued clientele, and that they additionally be aware the urgency that the majority of their valued clientele accept back they come to them for assist.
this is why they go past simply helping you with subscribers and might aid you with different elements of your increase on YouTube, from comments and angle to likes.
They be aware of that possibly extra critical than the rest is congenial authority, and they accept spent the past few years increase their community of professionals, who agree with they could promote your video clips throughout the board, past YouTube.
They also have a really basic bureaucracy method, so don’t be afraid to get all started with them right now and talk to them about custom alternatives.
Sides Media is generic for one component above everything abroad: trust. they are time-honored for being so devoted, that they all take care of you and accomplish it super effortless that you can buy actual YouTube subscribers for years to return.
They keep in mind that most of their purchasers are seeking an organization that may be aware their wants as a brand and understand that they need a lot more than simply primary engagement that might hold around for a short time.
they have done adequate bazaar analysis to be able to offer their purchasers one of the most most excellent alternatives available, and we consider at this factor that they are one of the vital most fulfilling choices out there.
in case you desire your top notch followers delivered in an excellent timeframe, again go with these guys because you can expect them inside just three days.
Storm views is arguably some of the most efficient places to buy YouTube subscribers, likes and angle from. they re ordinary all around the world for accepting sophisticated services, and they also satisfaction themselves in accepting quick start and guaranteed consequences.
in case you purchase your YouTube engagement from a website like this, that you would be able to consider confident that you simply have become your subscribers from actual clients, all around the apple.
here is also positive if your YouTube channel is geared toward a particular vicinity, and also you’re hoping to get the attention of a abate demographic.
one of the vital issues that we like about these guys is that they handiest focus on YouTube, so whilst you may accept hoped to discover an organization that may support you with and facebook too, we basically think it’s an excellent component that they have got tunnel vision.
fellow Media day by day, as you could were able to acquire already, is the type of enterprise who can assist you buy YouTube subscribers, but they could additionally support you with other aspects of your business actuality on-line.
here is the classification of website to move for if you just like the conception of getting tips with all of it, from followers to YouTube subscribers, and every thing in-between.
All you’ve received to do for your end is select the kit that fits your needs the superior, enter your YouTube channel URL, and then sit down back and watch it do basically neatly.they say that they could deal with every little thing abroad, so that you don’t have to be concerned about how your channel is doing on a every day groundwork.
They accept as true with that their facets are the quick lane to success on YouTube, and we believe that their existing purchasers don t have anything however good issues to say about their time with this company.
A lot of the time, if you’ve acquired a brand on YouTube, you will consider like time is funds. The extra time you exercise trying to grow your YouTube channel and never afterwards, the more cash you utilize.
One company that knows this greater than any person is afterimage Reseller. This company can aid you buy YouTube subscribers, however they also affiance fast beginning, which solves the ‘time is funds’ difficulty.
They remember lots of their purchasers don’t accept time to take a seat round and wait for his or her subscribers to come via – they’ve obtained loads of different things to cover.
they could support you over on as smartly, and that they promise that their engagement comes with guide, as smartly because the abnegation that they don’t want your countersign.
go through their website a bit bit in case you’re unsure to profit a very good understanding of what they could do for you.
becoming your warm media has never been less demanding with Zeru, and yes, they can support you buy YouTube subscribers in a means this is short, effective and easy.
This business can assist you provide your channel the additional push that it should do in reality neatly, and we suppose that if you sign in with a enterprise like this, that you could emerge as doing basically well for a long time to come.
One element that we actually like is that their website is super convenient to make use of and navigate, and they have each and e-mail tackle and mobile quantity that you should utilize to get involved with them straight away.
They speak on their web site about the way you aboriginal have to determine the appropriate package to your YouTube wants, after which enter the required guidance, that allows you to ship you the right variety of followers your means.
we adore that they have got functions now not only for YouTube, but for and cheep too, and we adore that you should cancel your subscription with them whenever you deserve to. verify them out nowadays.
speedy noted is the form of website where that you may purchase YouTube subscribers that may be a bit puzzling and overwhelming to launch with; and that’s comprehensible.
they have a lot of distinct points so that you can choose between, which you may see earlier than anything else, and in case you haven’t got a lot of event during this business, then you’re activity to ask yourself the place to originate.
We suggest that you initiate with your YouTube subscribers, and go from right here. we adore that they could cowl it all under one roof, in order that you don’t need to go and discover an extra company to support you on the identical time.
they have got adored all of their time and energy for his or her points, so whereas their web page isn’t a great deal to examine, they are going to accomplish the whole journey value your time. in case you should, that you may get involved with them to talk about custom campaigns as smartly which is always satisfactory.
neighborly save is the place that you can go to get assist with every thing, not just together with your YouTube subscribers.
they re the form of web site that may support you no matter if you re an ambitious enterprise on YouTube, or you’re just somebody who loves the concept of actuality like your favorite YouTube megastar accessible and put your video content material in entrance of more lovers.
They comprehend that probably the most things that makes YouTube so appealing is that you should do actually anything on there – if you can dream it, which you can do it, and that they are looking to be there for you each step of the way.
here is why they offer their clients one of the most choicest consumer assist that we now have seen, as smartly because the ability to allotment guidance securely on their website, as a result of every little thing about it is encrypted.
The element about having a company online is that you simply need help with many aspects of it, so if you are looking to cover it all and also you don’t are looking to must pay multiple sites for the difficulty, get in touch with these guys right now.
video clips develop is all about assisting their consumers now not simplest with their YouTube subscribers, but with their angle and feedback as well.
they are saying that they can assist you with all of your channel’s growth, and as far as we are able to inform, we believe that this is the sort of company that can just support you with YouTube.
in case you’ve received a one-tune intellect for YouTube presently, and also you don’t alike are looking to must feel of your other platforms, again having a business like these guys on your side is positive.
They agree with that they supply their purchasers with handy and protected payment strategies, in addition to a fill up policy that can remaining for up to a month.
The most effective issue that they ask their valued clientele is that they make their video clips available for all nations around the globe, and they keep their birth time to just four days.
a few of their applications are simplest activity to catch a day to get to you. considering the fact that their elements inaugurate from just $., we think that they’ve acquired a pretty good thing activity.
Of course, if you happen to’re making an attempt to construct up an effective acceptance on the brand of YouTube, you want a team of specialists behind you that are able to know your goals for you.
pink matey believes that they re the matey specialists who can most beneficial support you now not only along with your YouTube, however with your Pinterest and LinkedIn websites too.
we like that these guys comprehend you’re probably acquisitive to profit a much bigger viewers and want to be in a position to do it in a way that’s no longer going to seem to be suspicious or accommodation your latest YouTube reputation.
if you seek advice from their web page, you ll see that they have greater than five years in this business, which we believe is more than satisfactory time to increase a sense of what each and each consumer needs.
Get some of the gold standard expenses here and watch your YouTube approach develop like in no way earlier than.
SMM element is a number one amicable media functions company that is going to be in a position to aid you not just with YouTube, however with , cheep and facebook.
Of direction, getting all of the assist you want presently can make all the difference and enable you to buy YouTube subscribers in a means that’s secure and defensive, but it can also help you retailer time in your conclusion.
in case you wish to find subscribers all around the world that may be attracted to your video content material, again we acerb indicate that you simply provide these guys a go and let them show to you that they’re the next smartest thing in terms of your increase.
Sprizzy continues issues nice and easy – they could aid you purchase YouTube subscribers, and support you get these videos going viral.
They understand that you just’ve acquired to do a whole lot on YouTube at this aspect if you basically are looking to stand out and be taken severely, and they accept as true with that they will also be here for all of it.
They discuss how their platform is simple and straightforward to make use of, and that they also focus on how they assignment complicated to place your content material in entrance of the finest americans for it, so that you’re now not activity to be missing out on alternatives to do smartly with your area of interest and trade.
The best part? they could assist you get huge outcomes, notwithstanding you’re alive with the aboriginal funds.
famous follower is a real and instant strategy to develop your YouTube approach, and get the type of subscribers that you simply really want to prefer your growth to the next level. we adore that they have lots of points to make a choice from, and that they have a lot of easy methods so that you can be involved with them.
Their facets are put into classes in accordance with numbers, so if you’re someone who has a specific quantity in intellect back thinking about your growth, get in touch with this business these days.
Virally can support you buy YouTube subscribers, and we like that they ve some truly terrific expense facets, and support that may benefit your typical journey.
We like that in case you are seeking for a lift to your YouTube approach, here s a very good promotional device. they could support you over with at the same time, and focus specially on likes and followers.
They don’t accept an incredible listing of elements, but here is what we like about them – they re blunt and they get to the aspect.
They also have a a hundred% white abhorrence strategy, which may’t harm. assess them out in case you desire effective YouTube boom.
Get Viral is without doubt one of the superior websites to assist you purchase YouTube subscribers, and they re not only one of the ultimate when it comes to appraisement, but they have got some beautiful fantastic facets that you can capitalise on.
One element that you ll opt for up on is that they could send you your engagement well-nigh right away, which is extremely good if you don’t have loads of time to employ ready on your YouTube subscribers.
trust it or now not, that you may get subscribers in your approach from just $. you will find loads of good experiences available of these guys, which attests to their advantage.
if you desire a company that you just understand which you can trust no count what, then in reality see what’s occurring with these guys.
pally applications is notable, if you wish to discover a way to get extra YouTube subscribers in a means that’s activity to cope with your YouTube acceptance, and assist your videos get featured on suggested pages a little bit greater.
they have a wide range of facets so that you can select from, and that they can also aid you purchase customizing your equipment, meaning for you to discuss with them about what your unique channel needs are, and they ll contain this into their development.
Their appraisement is on the cheaper side, and we suppose that they have got resplendent tight privateness policies, so there’s no should be troubled about exclusive information being leaked.
follower programs is the class of company that can aid you purchase YouTube subscribers that is wonderful if you are hoping to find one of the most highest quality subscribers out there.
they say that they have a personalised provider that makes a speciality of analysing their customer’s channels, giving them a method to come up with facets that cater to your video and channel wants.
they can assist you improve your credibility, and they also say that they don’t compromise on the rest like excellent, so no depend what you’re going to pay for them, you could understand that best is at the beginning of their mind.
they ve also blanketed SSL safety at the price procedure, meaning that you just pays via your credit card, and you don’t must go through PayPal to be certain that every little thing is safe and protected.
They also have reside babble and have labored with a few high profile clients, proving themselves time and once again within the industry.
The next enterprise on our listing could now not be one which you’ve heard of earlier than, above all as a result of they are elegant new.
despite the fact, simply as a result of they are new doesn’t imply that they’re not capable, and right now they are alive difficult to prove their value in a fickle and challenging business.
The decent information is that they prioritise their purchasers above every thing else and whereas they may not have a longtime reputation yet, we adumbrate a sparkling approaching for these guys.
they are saying that you should get began with them from simply $., and that they finally want to help their purchasers extend their YouTube attendance in a method that’s activity to be acceptable and long-lasting.
The next company on this list of corporations that may support you with YouTube subscribers comprehend that the greater expertise you place into YouTube growth, the better your possibilities of accomplishing in reality neatly.
These guys know every thing there s to learn about YouTube, and they can check with their customers personally to gain knowledge of greater about their wonderful and inventive channels.
one of the crucial things that we really like is that they simply contend with YouTube, in addition to other features which are music-connected, so you can be sure that they will have the right functions for what you need.
Their appraisement starts off at $.ninety nine, and goes into the hundreds, so they baby to every price range out there, no be counted what it appears like.
Get real raise is awesome if you desire support no longer just together with your YouTube at the moment, but along with your SoundCloud and fb enterprise web page.
We like that you can get great subscribers for next to nothing, and we adore that each one of their YouTube-related packages are optimized for the optimum volume of increase.
they re going to make certain that every thing about their facets skill for you to optomize your approach ranking, and get ahead of your competitors, so that you’re giving yourself and your approach a extremely good chance of success.
Their pricing is additionally tremendous affordable, that means that you could make probably the most of them no rely what your financial circumstances are.
Famoid is slightly more on the expensive aspect back it involves purchasing your YouTube subscribers, however truthfully if you’re someone who can have the funds for this, we tremendously recommend that you grab the opportunity.
they are saying that they could help you increase your reputation on the same time, which is arguably one of the most vital parts of your YouTube approach.
we adore that they ve Sound Cloud, Vimeo and LinkedIn facets as neatly, and in case you are trying to advertise your company via YouTube, then these guys are a very good funding choice.
they can aid you raise your video views and get the subscribers afterward your approach that are going to like your content material for a very long time to come back.
they have got labored with a variety of influencers, directors, musicians and administrators, so they in reality recognize what they’re doing.
Venium is one of the gold standard easy methods to generate traffic round your YouTube approach, so that you can consume greater time for your videos, and not be troubled about what’s occurring when it comes to your assurance.
we love that this business can help you purchase YouTube subscribers, and that they can additionally assist you improve your video angle.
once you have fabricated your initial purchase, they are going to add to your views over a period of time to make sure that everything that they are accomplishing for you is fully safe.
they ll make a real change to your on-line attendance in well-known, and that they can also support you gain a lots higher viewers than you re doubtless working with presently.
They also have a extremely efficient components of sending out your assurance, so that you can make probably the most of your time.
if you want an excellent bigger viewers for your company, these guys are an outstanding alternative and may basically be certain that your optimizing your approach for achievement.
This company is a company that makes every thing definitely effortless when it comes to your YouTube boom, and can of path assist you buy YouTube subscribers in a method it really is safe and straightforward.
they are saying that they also have a lot of ways out there past YouTube as smartly to aid you advance your video clips, which capability that they are going to be alive hard behind the scenes so that you can be certain that every little thing is actuality promoted within the right approaches, and all you have to do is center of attention on authoritative greater movies that are activity to get individuals travelling your approach.
they say that every thing about what they do is legit, and they also say that if whatever thing happens with their facets, they present their customers an entire refund.
Fastlykke is exquisite if you re acquisitive to buy YouTube subscribers and you need it to be easy and simple.
Of path, there are many ways accessible of accepting more YouTube subscribers, however there are handiest so many organizations that need to support you in a way it really is secure and adequate.
they ve pricing that starts off at $ and goes the entire manner as much as $, which in our assessment is still economical and nevertheless the type of price that almost all people are activity to be in a position to find the money for.
They present top rate content material in addition to primary content material, so on the conclusion of the day it’s up to you the way you choose to grow your channel, and what you consider it wants probably the most.
they say that they re smitten by assisting you gain extra recognition together with your YouTube approach.
Famups is company it s notable for YouTube subscribers, and the best part is that they exhaust an algorithm to check when to send you your subscribers, and what it’s activity to recall to optimize your approach in order that YouTube is going to hold observe, and retract your channel more seriously.
we like that they have some tremendous aggressive programs, and they also have one of the crucial top-quality e mail customer help within the company, so that you comprehend that you’re in no way activity to be overlooked to dry if something were to move unfriendly and you have got an argument.
they are saying that they are a trustworthy site that provides a % guarantee to each and every customer, and that they additionally provide you with loyal, lengthy-time period subscribers.
purchase amiable Media advertising and marketing has every little thing that you need if you want to take care of your need to purchase YouTube subscribers, however you need to locate a means to focus in your video assurance on the equal time.
we like that they could support you amongst different shoppers, and they re growing to be in recognition every day so we really suggest that you just get in band earlier than they become so unique for you to’t assignment with them.
they are saying that they offer accepted and organic angle, and might support you develop your approach in means that goes to position you in front of the individuals you agree with your competition, and support YouTube see your content so that it may put it on the market.
they say that their constructive marketing recommendations have been acclimated for loads of YouTube success so far.
fellow boss is all about featuring their purchasers with accepted YouTube subscribers, and they also focus on assisting you with feedback, angle and brand.
they say that YouTube views is going to set you lower back $four.forty nine, and they trust that the method that they consume is completely accepted and safe, so you don’t should worry for a second about even if you are likely to get suspended or banned.
being capable of develop your approach without worrying about here is truly a bonus, and they additionally affiance that your personal suggestions is going to be covered by means of a robust privateness policy.
if you want a assured carrier that goes to look you via all the approach, here is a pretty good enterprise to aspect with.
Sub pals can help you with everything to do with YouTube, but if you want to commence demography it much more seriously, you can work together with them for optimized engagement.
we love that they can assist you with subscribers, comments, brand and views, and that they speak a great deal about how they buy the privateness of their customer’s facts truly significantly.
There are a lot of channels obtainable which have been shut bottomward as a result of they went with a corporation that took skills of them, so that you can prevent this you deserve to work with someone like these guys.
This enterprise is all about being incandescent and savvy with the points that they present their consumers, and to be sincere we aren’t about to complain about it.
sometimes, you’ve started working smarter not harder to get where you need to be, and we feel that if you sign in for some thing like this, you’re giving yourself a extremely respectable chance of success.
they have got all the required features to help you get ahead, and naturally they can make it more straightforward to locate subscribers which are going to appearance your movies, and accomplish a real difference to the credibility of your channel.
Managergram has a knack of vivid what its purchasers want earlier than they alike be aware of. when you are on the hunt for YouTube subscribers, however you don’t simply are looking to accept a typical enterprise that’s no longer activity to aid you get very some distance, then you should go for a company like this.
The better part is that they re a totally accepted business, and accept one of the crucial lowest charges in the company, so that you don’t must compromise on your funds to be in a position to have the funds for them.
if you need to retain your own information secure and don’t like sharing it, these guys are incredible, because they handiest want your YouTube URL to be a success.
ultimately, they focus on how beginning on their applications is actually short, authoritative it effortless to grow your channel every day.
purchase couthie pack is the type of company that can assist you along with your YouTube subscribers in a method that’s activity to suggest that you don’t ought to deviate from your planned funds too lots.
We like that they ve a coverage that says they won’t go beyond $. for their assurance, and that they can assist you past subscribers as well, so that you can get every thing from them and also you don’t need to find a further company to work with on the identical time.
a different element is that they promise biological engagement, which capacity that everybody who is going to acreage on your channel and have interaction with your content material is going to be accepted.
Nemo angle is a site to buy YouTube subscribers from that is completely committed to its consumers, and that they accept a method of afterlight and setting up their features in order that you’re always making the most of the latest on their record.
The issue about corporations like here s that lots of the time they are going to select a few features and promote them, banausic, for years on conclusion, no longer worrying about whether they want updating or not.
besides the fact that children, Nemo views is the contrary, and they alike affiance lengthy-time period rewards from their capabilities as a result of they comprehend that you just deserve to be during this for the lengthy haul if you desire any success.
This enterprise, as you have probably been able to guess, can assist you every thing to do with YouTube – in fact, they re specialised in the video streaming belvedere.
They know that there are a whole bunch groups out there that are actually capitalising on YouTube as a spot to get extra americans interacting with their capabilities, so what more suitable strategy to grow your approach than with an organization that has the entire talents?
they say that they want to aid you increase your average success on YouTube, in order that they are activity to contain reasonably a few diverse facets in their strategy.
audience benefit has a lot going for it as a site that may support you purchase YouTube subscribers, and one thing that we might want to aspect out is that they have got brief start.
This doesn’t imply that they rob shortcuts with regard to their points, it simply skill that they have every little thing ready to go so that you don’t have to exhaust any time waiting.
They additionally promise that your customer aid event is going to be notable, which means that you are going to get a fast acknowledgment.
YT Monster falls into a distinct category of organizations like this that may support with YouTube subscribers because they have been round since .
This capacity that they ve a fair concept of what goes on on the earth of YouTube, and the way they could make certain that their valued clientele are always accomplishing neatly.
they are saying that it’s going to can charge you just $three to get began with them, and they work with individuals and agencies to ensure that all and sundry is capable of shoot their attempt, and have a good abilities back it involves YouTube.
cordial plus helps its purchasers choose the most beneficial YouTube subscribers for their approach, so that you know that they are doing everything they can to make certain that the engagement facet of issues is smartly taken care of.
We additionally love that their aim is to assist you obtain lengthy-term results in your YouTube, in order that you don’t should settle for transient fixes that aren’t in fact activity to enrich your assurance price in any means.
They also say that they ve digital advertising and marketing consultants so you might talk to.
QQ Tube is among the most fulfilling options within the business of YouTube growth in your YouTube subscribers, and we be aware of this as a result of they ve been round for lengthy enough to prove it.
They understand that you simply want the kind of assurance that goes to set you other than the rest, and reveal americans trying to find content like castigation that yours is value viewing.
they say that they have got a protracted list of knowledgeable advertising equipment, and are at all times making sure that their valued clientele have become what they want.
With definite results from a company like this, it’s going to be difficult to move inappropriate. finally, they want to make it easy for you to benefit extra visibility to your channel.
transforming into your YouTube approach and getting the subscribers that you want isn t any baby feat. truly, it takes a lot of braveness, consistency, and the skill to keep every thing according to your trade and niche.
discovering people to engage along with your videos is one other ballgame completely, and whatever that not everyone can do on their personal.
here s why you need to buy YouTube subscribers. there are lots of websites to purchase YouTube subscribers from just like the ones aloft, who can make a serious change to your YouTube approach in time-honored.
Get in touch with one of them nowadays, and notice why this listing is significantly the best of the most advantageous available.
There’s anything about YouTube. lower back not that long ago, YouTube changed into an outstanding method to find viral videos of bodies and toddlers and access the area of the web in an pleasing and artistic approach. At the moment, YouTube appears a little bit distinct. It’s nevertheless all about viral video clips, but it encapsulates a totally distinctive intention, and that’s thanks to chummy media advertising.
during the last brace of years, manufacturers have considered the advantage in creating video content material to promote their artefact or carrier.
You’ve also buy YouTube views and subscribers authoritative a comfortable living by way of growing a niche and sharing video content material with their devoted fan base.
whatever thing you use YouTube for, it’s a very good panorama to get artistic and to connect with greater people who believe like you.
however, since it’s modified so a good deal over the last decade, the algorithm looks nothing love it did a while in the past, and Americans are struggling to keep up.
Americans in lots of distinct industries don’t comprehend a way to develop their channels, as a result of each time they do YouTube changes things up on them, and then they’re returned to rectangular one with their content approach.
here is why so many americans are settling on to get aid with their YouTube channel by means of outsourcing their subscribers, giving themselves a true possibility of accomplishing smartly and discovering greater of the neighborhood they created within the first region.
Let’s evaluation the most fulfilling sites to buy YouTube subscribers within the enterprise presently.
The aspect that we like about Use Viral back talking about enabling you to buy YouTube subscribers from them is that they trust themselves aficionados of the fellow media advertising trade in standard.
they have got a well-revered acceptance among their existing valued clientele, and that they additionally be aware the urgency that the majority of their valued clientele accept back they come to them for assist.
this is why they go past simply helping you with subscribers and might aid you with different elements of your increase on YouTube, from comments and angle to likes.
They be aware of that possibly extra critical than the rest is congenial authority, and they accept spent the past few years increase their community of professionals, who agree with they could promote your video clips throughout the board, past YouTube.
They also have a really basic bureaucracy method, so don’t be afraid to get all started with them right now and talk to them about custom alternatives.
Sides Media is generic for one component above everything abroad: trust. they are time-honored for being so devoted, that they all take care of you and accomplish it super effortless that you can buy actual YouTube subscribers for years to return.
They keep in mind that most of their purchasers are seeking an organization that may be aware their wants as a brand and understand that they need a lot more than simply primary engagement that might hold around for a short time.
they have done adequate bazaar analysis to be able to offer their purchasers one of the most most excellent alternatives available, and we consider at this factor that they are one of the vital most fulfilling choices out there.
in case you desire your top notch followers delivered in an excellent timeframe, again go with these guys because you can expect them inside just three days.
Storm views is arguably some of the most efficient places to buy YouTube subscribers, likes and angle from. they re ordinary all around the world for accepting sophisticated services, and they also satisfaction themselves in accepting quick start and guaranteed consequences.
in case you purchase your YouTube engagement from a website like this, that you would be able to consider confident that you simply have become your subscribers from actual clients, all around the apple.
here is also positive if your YouTube channel is geared toward a particular vicinity, and also you’re hoping to get the attention of a abate demographic.
one of the vital issues that we like about these guys is that they handiest focus on YouTube, so whilst you may accept hoped to discover an organization that may support you with and facebook too, we basically think it’s an excellent component that they have got tunnel vision.
fellow Media day by day, as you could were able to acquire already, is the type of enterprise who can assist you buy YouTube subscribers, but they could additionally support you with other aspects of your business actuality on-line.
here is the classification of website to move for if you just like the conception of getting tips with all of it, from followers to YouTube subscribers, and every thing in-between.
All you’ve received to do for your end is select the kit that fits your needs the superior, enter your YouTube channel URL, and then sit down back and watch it do basically neatly.they say that they could deal with every little thing abroad, so that you don’t have to be concerned about how your channel is doing on a every day groundwork.
They accept as true with that their facets are the quick lane to success on YouTube, and we believe that their existing purchasers don t have anything however good issues to say about their time with this company.
A lot of the time, if you’ve acquired a brand on YouTube, you will consider like time is funds. The extra time you exercise trying to grow your YouTube channel and never afterwards, the more cash you utilize.
One company that knows this greater than any person is afterimage Reseller. This company can aid you buy YouTube subscribers, however they also affiance fast beginning, which solves the ‘time is funds’ difficulty.
They remember lots of their purchasers don’t accept time to take a seat round and wait for his or her subscribers to come via – they’ve obtained loads of different things to cover.
they could support you over on as smartly, and that they promise that their engagement comes with guide, as smartly because the abnegation that they don’t want your countersign.
go through their website a bit bit in case you’re unsure to profit a very good understanding of what they could do for you.
becoming your warm media has never been less demanding with Zeru, and yes, they can support you buy YouTube subscribers in a means this is short, effective and easy.
This business can assist you provide your channel the additional push that it should do in reality neatly, and we suppose that if you sign in with a enterprise like this, that you could emerge as doing basically well for a long time to come.
One element that we actually like is that their website is super convenient to make use of and navigate, and they have each and e-mail tackle and mobile quantity that you should utilize to get involved with them straight away.
They speak on their web site about the way you aboriginal have to determine the appropriate package to your YouTube wants, after which enter the required guidance, that allows you to ship you the right variety of followers your means.
we adore that they have got functions now not only for YouTube, but for and cheep too, and we adore that you should cancel your subscription with them whenever you deserve to. verify them out nowadays.
speedy noted is the form of website where that you may purchase YouTube subscribers that may be a bit puzzling and overwhelming to launch with; and that’s comprehensible.
they have a lot of distinct points so that you can choose between, which you may see earlier than anything else, and in case you haven’t got a lot of event during this business, then you’re activity to ask yourself the place to originate.
We suggest that you initiate with your YouTube subscribers, and go from right here. we adore that they could cowl it all under one roof, in order that you don’t need to go and discover an extra company to support you on the identical time.
they have got adored all of their time and energy for his or her points, so whereas their web page isn’t a great deal to examine, they are going to accomplish the whole journey value your time. in case you should, that you may get involved with them to talk about custom campaigns as smartly which is always satisfactory.
neighborly save is the place that you can go to get assist with every thing, not just together with your YouTube subscribers.
they re the form of web site that may support you no matter if you re an ambitious enterprise on YouTube, or you’re just somebody who loves the concept of actuality like your favorite YouTube megastar accessible and put your video content material in entrance of more lovers.
They comprehend that probably the most things that makes YouTube so appealing is that you should do actually anything on there – if you can dream it, which you can do it, and that they are looking to be there for you each step of the way.
here is why they offer their clients one of the most choicest consumer assist that we now have seen, as smartly because the ability to allotment guidance securely on their website, as a result of every little thing about it is encrypted.
The element about having a company online is that you simply need help with many aspects of it, so if you are looking to cover it all and also you don’t are looking to must pay multiple sites for the difficulty, get in touch with these guys right now.
video clips develop is all about assisting their consumers now not simplest with their YouTube subscribers, but with their angle and feedback as well.
they are saying that they can assist you with all of your channel’s growth, and as far as we are able to inform, we believe that this is the sort of company that can just support you with YouTube.
in case you’ve received a one-tune intellect for YouTube presently, and also you don’t alike are looking to must feel of your other platforms, again having a business like these guys on your side is positive.
They agree with that they supply their purchasers with handy and protected payment strategies, in addition to a fill up policy that can remaining for up to a month.
The most effective issue that they ask their valued clientele is that they make their video clips available for all nations around the globe, and they keep their birth time to just four days.
a few of their applications are simplest activity to catch a day to get to you. considering the fact that their elements inaugurate from just $., we think that they’ve acquired a pretty good thing activity.
Of course, if you happen to’re making an attempt to construct up an effective acceptance on the brand of YouTube, you want a team of specialists behind you that are able to know your goals for you.
pink matey believes that they re the matey specialists who can most beneficial support you now not only along with your YouTube, however with your Pinterest and LinkedIn websites too.
we like that these guys comprehend you’re probably acquisitive to profit a much bigger viewers and want to be in a position to do it in a way that’s no longer going to seem to be suspicious or accommodation your latest YouTube reputation.
if you seek advice from their web page, you ll see that they have greater than five years in this business, which we believe is more than satisfactory time to increase a sense of what each and each consumer needs.
Get some of the gold standard expenses here and watch your YouTube approach develop like in no way earlier than.
SMM element is a number one amicable media functions company that is going to be in a position to aid you not just with YouTube, however with , cheep and facebook.
Of direction, getting all of the assist you want presently can make all the difference and enable you to buy YouTube subscribers in a means that’s secure and defensive, but it can also help you retailer time in your conclusion.
in case you wish to find subscribers all around the world that may be attracted to your video content material, again we acerb indicate that you simply provide these guys a go and let them show to you that they’re the next smartest thing in terms of your increase.
Sprizzy continues issues nice and easy – they could aid you purchase YouTube subscribers, and support you get these videos going viral.
They understand that you just’ve acquired to do a whole lot on YouTube at this aspect if you basically are looking to stand out and be taken severely, and they accept as true with that they will also be here for all of it.
They discuss how their platform is simple and straightforward to make use of, and that they also focus on how they assignment complicated to place your content material in entrance of the finest americans for it, so that you’re now not activity to be missing out on alternatives to do smartly with your area of interest and trade.
The best part? they could assist you get huge outcomes, notwithstanding you’re alive with the aboriginal funds.
famous follower is a real and instant strategy to develop your YouTube approach, and get the type of subscribers that you simply really want to prefer your growth to the next level. we adore that they have lots of points to make a choice from, and that they have a lot of easy methods so that you can be involved with them.
Their facets are put into classes in accordance with numbers, so if you’re someone who has a specific quantity in intellect back thinking about your growth, get in touch with this business these days.
Virally can support you buy YouTube subscribers, and we like that they ve some truly terrific expense facets, and support that may benefit your typical journey.
We like that in case you are seeking for a lift to your YouTube approach, here s a very good promotional device. they could support you over with at the same time, and focus specially on likes and followers.
They don’t accept an incredible listing of elements, but here is what we like about them – they re blunt and they get to the aspect.
They also have a a hundred% white abhorrence strategy, which may’t harm. assess them out in case you desire effective YouTube boom.
Get Viral is without doubt one of the superior websites to assist you purchase YouTube subscribers, and they re not only one of the ultimate when it comes to appraisement, but they have got some beautiful fantastic facets that you can capitalise on.
One element that you ll opt for up on is that they could send you your engagement well-nigh right away, which is extremely good if you don’t have loads of time to employ ready on your YouTube subscribers.
trust it or now not, that you may get subscribers in your approach from just $. you will find loads of good experiences available of these guys, which attests to their advantage.
if you desire a company that you just understand which you can trust no count what, then in reality see what’s occurring with these guys.
pally applications is notable, if you wish to discover a way to get extra YouTube subscribers in a means that’s activity to cope with your YouTube acceptance, and assist your videos get featured on suggested pages a little bit greater.
they have a wide range of facets so that you can select from, and that they can also aid you purchase customizing your equipment, meaning for you to discuss with them about what your unique channel needs are, and they ll contain this into their development.
Their appraisement is on the cheaper side, and we suppose that they have got resplendent tight privateness policies, so there’s no should be troubled about exclusive information being leaked.
follower programs is the class of company that can aid you purchase YouTube subscribers that is wonderful if you are hoping to find one of the most highest quality subscribers out there.
they say that they have a personalised provider that makes a speciality of analysing their customer’s channels, giving them a method to come up with facets that cater to your video and channel wants.
they can assist you improve your credibility, and they also say that they don’t compromise on the rest like excellent, so no depend what you’re going to pay for them, you could understand that best is at the beginning of their mind.
they ve also blanketed SSL safety at the price procedure, meaning that you just pays via your credit card, and you don’t must go through PayPal to be certain that every little thing is safe and protected.
They also have reside babble and have labored with a few high profile clients, proving themselves time and once again within the industry.
The next enterprise on our listing could now not be one which you’ve heard of earlier than, above all as a result of they are elegant new.
despite the fact, simply as a result of they are new doesn’t imply that they’re not capable, and right now they are alive difficult to prove their value in a fickle and challenging business.
The decent information is that they prioritise their purchasers above every thing else and whereas they may not have a longtime reputation yet, we adumbrate a sparkling approaching for these guys.
they are saying that you should get began with them from simply $., and that they finally want to help their purchasers extend their YouTube attendance in a method that’s activity to be acceptable and long-lasting.
The next company on this list of corporations that may support you with YouTube subscribers comprehend that the greater expertise you place into YouTube growth, the better your possibilities of accomplishing in reality neatly.
These guys know every thing there s to learn about YouTube, and they can check with their customers personally to gain knowledge of greater about their wonderful and inventive channels.
one of the crucial things that we really like is that they simply contend with YouTube, in addition to other features which are music-connected, so you can be sure that they will have the right functions for what you need.
Their appraisement starts off at $.ninety nine, and goes into the hundreds, so they baby to every price range out there, no be counted what it appears like.
Get real raise is awesome if you desire support no longer just together with your YouTube at the moment, but along with your SoundCloud and fb enterprise web page.
We like that you can get great subscribers for next to nothing, and we adore that each one of their YouTube-related packages are optimized for the optimum volume of increase.
they re going to make certain that every thing about their facets skill for you to optomize your approach ranking, and get ahead of your competitors, so that you’re giving yourself and your approach a extremely good chance of success.
Their pricing is additionally tremendous affordable, that means that you could make probably the most of them no rely what your financial circumstances are.
Famoid is slightly more on the expensive aspect back it involves purchasing your YouTube subscribers, however truthfully if you’re someone who can have the funds for this, we tremendously recommend that you grab the opportunity.
they are saying that they could help you increase your reputation on the same time, which is arguably one of the most vital parts of your YouTube approach.
we adore that they ve Sound Cloud, Vimeo and LinkedIn facets as neatly, and in case you are trying to advertise your company via YouTube, then these guys are a very good funding choice.
they can aid you raise your video views and get the subscribers afterward your approach that are going to like your content material for a very long time to come back.
they have got labored with a variety of influencers, directors, musicians and administrators, so they in reality recognize what they’re doing.
Venium is one of the gold standard easy methods to generate traffic round your YouTube approach, so that you can consume greater time for your videos, and not be troubled about what’s occurring when it comes to your assurance.
we love that this business can help you purchase YouTube subscribers, and that they can additionally assist you improve your video angle.
once you have fabricated your initial purchase, they are going to add to your views over a period of time to make sure that everything that they are accomplishing for you is fully safe.
they ll make a real change to your on-line attendance in well-known, and that they can also support you gain a lots higher viewers than you re doubtless working with presently.
They also have a extremely efficient components of sending out your assurance, so that you can make probably the most of your time.
if you want an excellent bigger viewers for your company, these guys are an outstanding alternative and may basically be certain that your optimizing your approach for achievement.
This company is a company that makes every thing definitely effortless when it comes to your YouTube boom, and can of path assist you buy YouTube subscribers in a method it really is safe and straightforward.
they are saying that they also have a lot of ways out there past YouTube as smartly to aid you advance your video clips, which capability that they are going to be alive hard behind the scenes so that you can be certain that every little thing is actuality promoted within the right approaches, and all you have to do is center of attention on authoritative greater movies that are activity to get individuals travelling your approach.
they say that every thing about what they do is legit, and they also say that if whatever thing happens with their facets, they present their customers an entire refund.
Fastlykke is exquisite if you re acquisitive to buy YouTube subscribers and you need it to be easy and simple.
Of path, there are many ways accessible of accepting more YouTube subscribers, however there are handiest so many organizations that need to support you in a way it really is secure and adequate.
they ve pricing that starts off at $ and goes the entire manner as much as $, which in our assessment is still economical and nevertheless the type of price that almost all people are activity to be in a position to find the money for.
They present top rate content material in addition to primary content material, so on the conclusion of the day it’s up to you the way you choose to grow your channel, and what you consider it wants probably the most.
they say that they re smitten by assisting you gain extra recognition together with your YouTube approach.
Famups is company it s notable for YouTube subscribers, and the best part is that they exhaust an algorithm to check when to send you your subscribers, and what it’s activity to recall to optimize your approach in order that YouTube is going to hold observe, and retract your channel more seriously.
we like that they have some tremendous aggressive programs, and they also have one of the crucial top-quality e mail customer help within the company, so that you comprehend that you’re in no way activity to be overlooked to dry if something were to move unfriendly and you have got an argument.
they are saying that they are a trustworthy site that provides a % guarantee to each and every customer, and that they additionally provide you with loyal, lengthy-time period subscribers.
purchase amiable Media advertising and marketing has every little thing that you need if you want to take care of your need to purchase YouTube subscribers, however you need to locate a means to focus in your video assurance on the equal time.
we like that they could support you amongst different shoppers, and they re growing to be in recognition every day so we really suggest that you just get in band earlier than they become so unique for you to’t assignment with them.
they are saying that they offer accepted and organic angle, and might support you develop your approach in means that goes to position you in front of the individuals you agree with your competition, and support YouTube see your content so that it may put it on the market.
they say that their constructive marketing recommendations have been acclimated for loads of YouTube success so far.
fellow boss is all about featuring their purchasers with accepted YouTube subscribers, and they also focus on assisting you with feedback, angle and brand.
they say that YouTube views is going to set you lower back $four.forty nine, and they trust that the method that they consume is completely accepted and safe, so you don’t should worry for a second about even if you are likely to get suspended or banned.
being capable of develop your approach without worrying about here is truly a bonus, and they additionally affiance that your personal suggestions is going to be covered by means of a robust privateness policy.
if you want a assured carrier that goes to look you via all the approach, here is a pretty good enterprise to aspect with.
Sub pals can help you with everything to do with YouTube, but if you want to commence demography it much more seriously, you can work together with them for optimized engagement.
we love that they can assist you with subscribers, comments, brand and views, and that they speak a great deal about how they buy the privateness of their customer’s facts truly significantly.
There are a lot of channels obtainable which have been shut bottomward as a result of they went with a corporation that took skills of them, so that you can prevent this you deserve to work with someone like these guys.
This enterprise is all about being incandescent and savvy with the points that they present their consumers, and to be sincere we aren’t about to complain about it.
sometimes, you’ve started working smarter not harder to get where you need to be, and we feel that if you sign in for some thing like this, you’re giving yourself a extremely respectable chance of success.
they have got all the required features to help you get ahead, and naturally they can make it more straightforward to locate subscribers which are going to appearance your movies, and accomplish a real difference to the credibility of your channel.
Managergram has a knack of vivid what its purchasers want earlier than they alike be aware of. when you are on the hunt for YouTube subscribers, however you don’t simply are looking to accept a typical enterprise that’s no longer activity to aid you get very some distance, then you should go for a company like this.
The better part is that they re a totally accepted business, and accept one of the crucial lowest charges in the company, so that you don’t must compromise on your funds to be in a position to have the funds for them.
if you need to retain your own information secure and don’t like sharing it, these guys are incredible, because they handiest want your YouTube URL to be a success.
ultimately, they focus on how beginning on their applications is actually short, authoritative it effortless to grow your channel every day.
purchase couthie pack is the type of company that can assist you along with your YouTube subscribers in a method that’s activity to suggest that you don’t ought to deviate from your planned funds too lots.
We like that they ve a coverage that says they won’t go beyond $. for their assurance, and that they can assist you past subscribers as well, so that you can get every thing from them and also you don’t need to find a further company to work with on the identical time.
a different element is that they promise biological engagement, which capacity that everybody who is going to acreage on your channel and have interaction with your content material is going to be accepted.
Nemo angle is a site to buy YouTube subscribers from that is completely committed to its consumers, and that they accept a method of afterlight and setting up their features in order that you’re always making the most of the latest on their record.
The issue about corporations like here s that lots of the time they are going to select a few features and promote them, banausic, for years on conclusion, no longer worrying about whether they want updating or not.
besides the fact that children, Nemo views is the contrary, and they alike affiance lengthy-time period rewards from their capabilities as a result of they comprehend that you just deserve to be during this for the lengthy haul if you desire any success.
This enterprise, as you have probably been able to guess, can assist you every thing to do with YouTube – in fact, they re specialised in the video streaming belvedere.
They know that there are a whole bunch groups out there that are actually capitalising on YouTube as a spot to get extra americans interacting with their capabilities, so what more suitable strategy to grow your approach than with an organization that has the entire talents?
they say that they want to aid you increase your average success on YouTube, in order that they are activity to contain reasonably a few diverse facets in their strategy.
audience benefit has a lot going for it as a site that may support you purchase YouTube subscribers, and one thing that we might want to aspect out is that they have got brief start.
This doesn’t imply that they rob shortcuts with regard to their points, it simply skill that they have every little thing ready to go so that you don’t have to exhaust any time waiting.
They additionally promise that your customer aid event is going to be notable, which means that you are going to get a fast acknowledgment.
YT Monster falls into a distinct category of organizations like this that may support with YouTube subscribers because they have been round since .
This capacity that they ve a fair concept of what goes on on the earth of YouTube, and the way they could make certain that their valued clientele are always accomplishing neatly.
they are saying that it’s going to can charge you just $three to get began with them, and they work with individuals and agencies to ensure that all and sundry is capable of shoot their attempt, and have a good abilities back it involves YouTube.
cordial plus helps its purchasers choose the most beneficial YouTube subscribers for their approach, so that you know that they are doing everything they can to make certain that the engagement facet of issues is smartly taken care of.
We additionally love that their aim is to assist you obtain lengthy-term results in your YouTube, in order that you don’t should settle for transient fixes that aren’t in fact activity to enrich your assurance price in any means.
They also say that they ve digital advertising and marketing consultants so you might talk to.
QQ Tube is among the most fulfilling options within the business of YouTube growth in your YouTube subscribers, and we be aware of this as a result of they ve been round for lengthy enough to prove it.
They understand that you simply want the kind of assurance that goes to set you other than the rest, and reveal americans trying to find content like castigation that yours is value viewing.
they say that they have got a protracted list of knowledgeable advertising equipment, and are at all times making sure that their valued clientele have become what they want.
With definite results from a company like this, it’s going to be difficult to move inappropriate. finally, they want to make it easy for you to benefit extra visibility to your channel.
transforming into your YouTube approach and getting the subscribers that you want isn t any baby feat. truly, it takes a lot of braveness, consistency, and the skill to keep every thing according to your trade and niche.
discovering people to engage along with your videos is one other ballgame completely, and whatever that not everyone can do on their personal.
here s why you need to buy YouTube subscribers. there are lots of websites to purchase YouTube subscribers from just like the ones aloft, who can make a serious change to your YouTube approach in time-honored.
Get in touch with one of them nowadays, and notice why this listing is significantly the best of the most advantageous available.
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bravonovel · 3 years
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Cold Showers: https://www.bravonovel.com/cold-showers-7309
Cold Showers novel is a romance story about Jayda Wright and Sebastian Miller, written by Symplyayisha.
To drown away her pain from a harsh breakup, Jayda went to a bar to get wasted. She met Sebastian Miller, The multimillionaire with the worst personality but incredibly sexy. She had a one night stand with him, creating a bond that binds them forever!
Read Cold Showers novel full story online on Bravonovel Website and App.
Read Cold Showers novel chapter 1
Jayda Wright tried to hold back tears as the Board announced her Partner of the most reputable law firm in the United States; Saunders and Co.
It was indeed a well-deserved position for Jayda. She has been aiming for this position since the first time she interned as a paralegal in Saunders and Co. She worked her ass off, gave up everything relating to her social life and put her ALL in her job.
At age 29, she was the youngest and the first female to become a Partner in Saunders and Co.
No doubt being a partner comes with a lot of responsibilities but she was a hard worker so she knew she would survive.
Apart from the responsibilities that came with her promotion, She was now like one of the owners of the firm hence, there would be a great increment in her salary, doubled benefits and most importantly, her name would be engraved on the door of her new office. What a dream come true for Jayda!
"Thank you so much, Mr Tucker, I promise not to disappoint you." She said to the president of the firm who was in his early fifties.
(tall, average weight, with dark hair.)
"You worked for it Jayda so you deserve the position. You hardly lose a case in court and no doubt your wins have contributed to the reputation of this law firm. I wish you all the best in this phase of your career and I hope you don't disappoint us because we all look up to you now." Mr Tucker said.
"You don't have to worry about anything. I will work harder than I've ever worked in this law firm." She promised.
Jayda was congratulated by other partners and senior associates in the conference room. They made a toast and made small conversations in between.
As soon as Jayda was able to escape from the conference room, she went to her office (Aka her old office because she would be moving into her new office on Monday), she reached for her iPhone in her bag and dialled her best friend, Lilian.
"Guess what Lily?" Jayda said excitedly as soon as Lilian picked up her call.
"You just got laid?" Lilian teased which made Jayda roll her eyes.
"What a mood spoiler! Anyways I got promoted."
"OMG!!! As a Partner??????" Lilian asked.
"Yes, babe. Jayda Wright is now a Partner in Saunders and Co."
"Congratulations my love. You work so hard, this is truly well deserved."
"Thank you." Jayda giggled.
"You should go out to celebrate. It's a pity I'm busy tonight. I have to complete the designs for a few dresses. The fashion show is tomorrow."
"Don't worry, we can still hang out tomorrow after your fashion show. I will probably hang out with Zach tonight."
"Please do, and make sure you get laid tonight. No one knows when next you will be free to hang out with us now that you're a partner."
Jayda chuckled, "You have a dirty mind, Lilian. Anyways, I will see you at my place tomorrow evening."
"Alright babe, congratulations once again," Lilian said before she ended the call.
Jayda decided to give her boyfriend, Zach a call to inform him about her promotion and that she will be pulling up at his place soon but he didn't pick up after calling him twice.
She spent the next thirty minutes offloading her drawers and other things she would need in her new office on Monday. After that, she reached for her handbag and laptop bag and made her way out of the building into her car.
Before she started the engine, She called a restaurant to order food and dessert that will be enough for herself and Zach to celebrate.
As soon as Jayda got to her apartment, She called her parents to give them the good news, then took a shower and started preparing to leave for her boyfriend's place.
Jayda was used to dressing professionally because of her line of career but she decided to go a little wild tonight by looking very sexy. She found the perfect dress and matched it with a pair of heels, she reached for her purse which had just her phone, keycard, credit card, and some cash in it. She made her way to the kitchen to grab a bottle of red wine; Zachery's favourite.
After making a stop at the restaurant to pick up the orders she placed, Jayda made her way to Zachery's apartment. It has been a while she came over to his place and suddenly, she started to feel guilty because she doesn't make time for him as she should.
She heaved a sigh, pressed the doorbell and waited for Zach to open up.
"Hey....." Jayda smiled as soon as she came face to face with Zach but the smile on her face slowly faded when she saw the stern look on his face. He looked like he was not happy to see her; like he was busy and needed her to say what she was here for and then leave.
"Why are you here? Don't you have some work to do?" He mocked.
"Look, I'm sorr......" She was saying but he stopped her halfway.
"Why are you here?" He demanded.
"I got promoted as Partner at the firm so I thought we could celebrate. I came with something for us to eat." She gestured to the food bag she was holding.
"I knew you would be partner one day because your job is the most important thing in your life, congratulations!"
"What do you mean?" Jayda sounded hurt.
"Do you know how many dinner dates I've planned which I had to cancel because you had something that came up with work? Or when you eventually showed up, all you did was talk about work, the cases you dealt with and some other random bullshit. You never even talked about us. For heaven's sake, Jayda, you're my girlfriend and it's not even like you are."
"Maybe we are not meant to be together so I think it's time we go our separate ways."
"Please Zach, Don't break up with me. I promise I will change." Jayda pleaded, trying to hold back tears.
"You were not even a partner and you didn't have time for me. What do you think will happen now that you're a partner?"
"We are both workaholics, I have a family business and chain of hotels that I run but I still create time for us to be together. I want to start a family Jayda and clearly, you are not ready for that, you're not ready to settle down and I'm ready."
"To you, your Job comes first, you come second, your best friend comes third and I have no place in your life."
Jayda opened her mouth to say something but couldn't come up with any reasonable excuse because all that he said was true.
"We never worked, Jayda and I can't continue this way. Let us go our separate ways and I wish you all the best in this new phase of your career."
Jayda was about to plead with him but stopped when a lady came to join Zach at the entrance.
"It's because of her you're breaking up with me?" Jayda asked Zach as she took in the lady's appearance.
She was a little bit taller than Jayda and if possible, prettier. Jayda swallowed painfully in shame.
Zach wrapped his arms around the girl's waist. "She has nothing to do with our relationship. I've been wanting to cut it off for a while but I never got the chance to see you to have a proper conversation with you because of how busy you are."
"I respect you so much that cheating on you is the last thing I will ever think of doing. I met Adriana a month ago and we are getting to know each other. We have a lot in common and she's ready to start a family with me."
"I wish you all the best in your career, Jayda. I've moved on and I hope you do too."
Zach shut the door on her and immediately, the hot tears she was holding rolled down her cheeks. She left the food and wine she brought by his entrance and made her way back to her car.
As soon as Jayda's head hit the headrest of her car, she sobbed uncontrollably.
She liked Zach, he was handsome, rich, successful, caring and humble but now she lost him because she never created time for him.
She didn't know chasing her dreams would cost her her relationship with Zach. Lilian, her best friend, had advised her on several occasions to create time for Zach but she turned deaf ears and now she lost him.
Truthfully, he has been there for her more than she has been there for him. She cancelled 96% of their dates because of work-related reasons. They hardly talked about themselves since they made their relationship official about a year and six months ago. They could even go for a month without talking to each other. That was the extent to which their relationship sucked.
After having a good cry in her car, Jayda started the engine and drove straight to the latest bar in town which was considered to be the most expensive. It was specifically made for high-class people.
Without caring if she had stains of dried tears on her face, she walked elegantly into the bar, her head high, her clutch in her hands and with the intention of getting drunk.
She made herself comfortable on a stool and told the bartender to mix her all the strong drinks they have. She had more than enough cash in her purse to pay for everything.
Jayda has never been a fan of alcohol. She could count the few times she had taken strong alcoholic drinks and neither had she been to a club before. No matter how her best friend, Lilian, threatens her to attend one with her, she always came up with the perfect excuse not to go.
But who cares tonight, she was here to have fun by herself, celebrate her promotion and also her breakup.
Jayda had the most horrible look on her face when she took the first shot but she got comfortable with the taste by the time she took her third shot.
After a very long day at work, having one meeting to the other and reviewing contracts with his lawyer, Sebastian Miller walked into Club 232. The most popular and expensive club in Miami.
Everyone who works in the club knew him as a regular VIP customer. He showed up on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays to have some drinks and find a girl to fuck.
Sebastian is cold, ruthless and heartless. He has absolutely no respect for anyone, especially the female figure. He doesn't believe in love and neither does he believe in anything called passion or emotion. Let's just say he lives a life of contract rather than affection.
The only people Sebastian Miller has respect for and cares about are his parents, twin sisters, his best friend, Caleb and other close members of his family.
Despite his annoying behaviour, Sebastian was handsome as hell and extremely rich which is why girls are always honoured to share his bed with him even if it was just for a night.
Continue to read the chapter 1 of Cold Showers novel online: https://www.bravonovel.com/cold-showers-7309/chapter-1-54482
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