#or whether it evolved out of that weekend I was sick and slept in here all day and night for two solid days
blujayonthewing · 1 year
one thing that's cool and great is that I've discovered that sleeping in the master bed-- that is, my bed in my bedroom that I share with my husband-- gives me Problems and it's generally better for me if I just don't
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A Twist of Fate ch.30 -True Love's Despair
The Elementalist au
Beckett x MC (Oriana)
words: 2299
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This AU is set after everyone graduates Penderghast, and Beckett and Oriana were never friends. Fate, however, may have a different plan for them.
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  Beckett was able to avoid his friend’s questions Thursday, but when Friday arrived, they both jumped on him almost as soon as he walked in the door. Late. Again.
“Happy hour!!” Tom cried. “I have permission to stay out until 8pm!! But then I have to put the kids to bed so Jesse can have a break…”
Beckett rolled his eyes. “I don’t think we’ll be out that late, guys. It doesn’t take three hours to drink two pitchers.”
“What I’m saying is, there’s no rush. Jesse and Melissa are both worried about you. They can’t believe Oriana just up and disappeared.”
  “There were a few uh…select words Melissa used about the situation.” Dave grimaced.
“She’s coming back.” Beckett replied. “Don’t talk bad about her.”
“She was actually wondering who you’ll be spending Christmas with?”
Beckett blinked. He hadn’t even thought of the holidays that were fast approaching. “I haven’t thought about it. I’ve never been big on celebrating holidays, it was never a big thing in my family. So…I’m probably doing nothing.”
He frowned thinking of his last encounter with his parents. If they knew Oriana was gone, they’d probably be thrilled. Katrina had called him a couple of times, but he ignored the calls and didn’t return them. He didn’t know what to say.
“I’ll…see you later.” He mumbled, turning on his computer and getting settled. Overall, he was feeling better. He was no longer nauseous; his friends were making sure he was eating. He was still barely sleeping, but it was better than nothing. All the same, he was broken, and only Oriana could put him back together. He knew neither Dave nor Tom would be as forgiving when she showed up again. Or their wives, apparently.
At this point…I wonder if it’s even possible to forgive her. She’s been gone five days without a trace.
He tapped his pen against the wooden desk. He’d called all the area hospitals and police stations. He had managed to get through to Shreya, and she seemed genuinely surprised that she hadn’t heard a thing. It was the same with Zephyr.
There was only one person left he could think of to get in touch with, and he really didn’t want to find his phone number. Is it worth it? What will he do if he finds out she’s missing?
He pondered the question. But he needs to face facts. It’s possible Oriana went back to Chase, and as soon as he’s done doing god knows what to her as punishment, he’ll send for her things. Shaking that from his thoughts, he searched the internet for his phone number. Once he found it, he took a deep breath…and dialed from his work phone. It rang twice.
“Hello?” The voice sounded through the speaker.
“H-hi, Chase, this is Beckett. Harrington.”
The was a pause on the other end of the line. “The fuck you want? How’d you get this number?”
Beckett cleared his throat nervously. “I was wondering…uh...if you’ve seen…”
Suddenly loud laughter crackled through before Chase spoke again. “She left you, didn’t she? It was only a matter of time, loser.”
“Look, I don’t know where she is, but she’s not here. And if she shows up, her ass will be on the street anyway. I know she’s been fucking you, but I didn’t give her permission to, like I did with…”
Beckett hung up, anger coursing through him. I knew it wasn’t a good idea to call that guy. But at least Oriana isn’t there.
He felt a mixture of relief and disappointment. Relief that she wasn’t with Chase, but disappointed because he had nothing else to go on. But as long as her things were still in his house…there was hope she’d return.
Turning back to his computer, he opened file after file, inputting notes and adding instructions, going through the motions as though he was on auto-pilot. At lunch, Dave dropped a sandwich off at his desk that Melissa had made him. I can’t believe someone else’s wife is taking care of me…making sure I eat. This is ridiculous, I have to pull myself together. I can use the locator spell later, to hell with telling her I wouldn’t use it. This is my life and I’m going to put it back together. I have plenty of her things, it’ll be easy enough. She’s had enough space. No more.
Nodding to himself about his plan, he attempted to focus the rest of the day, and when 5pm rolled around, the three men went to their usual bar.
Beckett hadn’t been planning on drinking a lot as he was going to search for Oriana right after, but his glass kept filling up with fresh beer. Since he didn’t drink all that much, by his third glass he already felt a bit tipsy. The guys were talking about anything and everything that didn’t evolve around relationships. Beckett was half-heartedly chiming in every now and then. He knows they mean well but…
“I’m going to find her tonight.” He suddenly announced. “I have a lead and I’m going to use it. I’m finishing this drink and I’m going.”
“What’s the lead?” Tom asked uncertainly.
Beckett just shrugged. “Let’s just say I have access to some excellent resources.”
“Then why did you just drive around looking? Why not use those resources before?”
“She told me not to.”
Dave spoke quietly. “Look, Beckett…it’s been five days. I hate to say it but…I don’t think she’s coming back or she would have by now. I hate seeing you so distraught every day and now that it’s the weekend…”
“We won’t be around you all day to make sure you’re taking care of yourself.” Tom finished. “And honestly…we’re all pretty pissed at her for doing this to you. It’s not right.”
Beckett slammed his glass down on the table. “You guys just don’t understand. You don’t know the full story. The things she said to my parents? She defended me so fiercely and with so much passion. You didn’t see it. You didn’t hear it. You weren’t around her on a daily basis, you have no idea what she’s truly like. Something bad happened after dinner and it triggered a flight response in her. She thinks she’s protecting me. She literally thinks that leaving me was the best thing she could do to protect me. It’s not that she doesn’t love me because she does. It was the last thing she said to me. So I would appreciate it if you would all lay off her, because I will get her back. And then you will accept her again as though she never left. Nothing is her fault. It’s not my fault. It just happened.”
He picked up his beer again and downed it before noticing his two friends were still staring at him, surprised by his outburst.
“What?” He asked angrily.
Tom finally managed to speak. “I’ve never seen you be this vocal before. In fact…you’ve never been this assertive. It’s just surprising.”
“Do you need help? Whatever you need, we’ll be there.” Dave added. “I’m sorry for what I said, I didn’t realize…you didn’t tell us exactly what happened. I shouldn’t have assumed to know anything. Seriously, Beckett, let us help you. That’s what friends do.”
Beckett blew out a breath. “And I told you before, I don’t need help. I can do this on my own.”
“Of course, you can. But you don’t have to.”
Beckett looked back and forth between his friends faces and found himself nodding. “Okay. If what I have planned doesn’t work…then you can help figure out my next move. But let me try this first.”
For the first time in a week, he had hope that he was going to find her. He’d go home, get one of her bracelets, perform the spell, and have her back within the hour. He was completely positive.
  “Have a good weekend, Oriana. See you Tuesday. Let me know if you want us to still screen your calls.”
Oriana looked up from her desk and gave her colleague a half-smile. “Thanks Linda. Enjoy your weekend.”
“Are you doing anything fun?” Linda asked
Oriana thought about the plan she had for the evening. “No. Not even close. See you Tuesday.”
It was 5:05 on Friday night and she was leaving the Aquarium along with everyone else. She’s been doing this every day since she ran away from Beckett. She couldn’t believe she hurt him. The guilt was eating her alive. She’d shut off her cell phone, so she wouldn’t be tempted to answer his calls or call him herself. She knew he was worried sick, literally, she was nauseated and throwing up on a regular basis, and she knew he wasn’t okay by any means. She wasn’t either. In fact, leaving him took the last amount of strength she had, and she’s been miserable ever since. She was starting to question whether she’d made the right decision or not.
She knew he’d called looking for her, but she was having the secretary screen the calls for anyone not business related. She’d given Linda several names specifically, and if it were one of them, she was to inform that Oriana had not shown up all week.
She felt terrible for lying, terrible for making her colleagues lie, and terrible knowing how Beckett felt when Linda told him she wasn’t around. That’s what was making everything so much worse. The fact that she could still feel him. She’s been searching for ways to block it, but so far has come up blank. Just like magick is innate…so are these types of connections.
There was a cab waiting to take her to Beckett’s house. She’d told everyone that her car was in the shop getting fixed after being rear-ended, but now that it was the weekend, she needed it. She was hoping that Beckett’s friends persuaded him to go to the bar that night. They hadn’t been out just the guys in a while, and she had a feeling they would drag him there even if he refused. She was counting on it.
Normally at this time of day, she just made a lap around the block a couple times before returning to the Aquarium. She’d unlock the door, slip back in unnoticed, locking it behind her. It was a well-equipped building with tons of supplies. There was a couch in the employee lounge that she slept on, there were extra blankets, laundry machines, microwave, refrigerators, and extremely large showers. Monday after work she’d gone to get several new outfits and toiletries, since all of hers were at Beckett’s and also picked up food for the week. It wasn’t exactly ideal, but she managed, and no one knew what she was doing. But now she needed to do something different. She’d found a nearby hotel that gives discounted rates for long-term stays. She was only booking by the night, but had an agreement with the manager to not be forced to switch rooms if she stayed. Each room was equipped with a small kitchenette, a television, fridge. She’d stay there until she found an apartment, which she’d already found a couple online she’d tour this weekend. Another reason she needs her car. She’d even taken the coming Monday off in case she needed it, in case, miraculously, she found somewhere she could move in right away, or needed to continue her search.
Driving across town in the backseat of the cab, she let her tears silently fall as she kept thinking of Beckett’s face when she’d physically harmed him. It was the exact thing she was terrified of the entire time she’s known him. He should have listened to her when she said she wasn’t good for him, that she was dangerous.
She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding as the car approached her house. Only Beckett’s house now. She thought miserably. She was right, there was no sign of him. His car wasn’t there. Paying the cabbie, she stepped out, inhaling the fresh air, letting the cold wind dry her tears. She knew what to do. She went inside.
  Several Hours Later…
  Beckett finally arrived home, glad his friends let him go after he’d sobered up a bit. As he approached his house, his heart basically stopped beating. His driveway was empty, Oriana had come while he was out. Cursing under his breath, he dashed inside, calling her name and running up the stairs into the spare bedroom, stopping short when he saw the empty dresser drawers and empty hangers in the closet. There was nothing in the room. He went into the bedroom they shared, already knowing what he’d find, but needing to see it. Sure enough, everything of hers was gone, including any dirty clothes that hadn’t been washed yet. He tore through the upstairs rooms, not even noticing that several of his shirts were missing as she’d taken them with her.
Numbly he went back down the stairs. There’s nothing left. I have nothing to use to find her.
Walking into the kitchen he immediately noticed something left on the counter. He picked up her key and stared at it, wondering if he could use it to locate her, quickly muttering the spell…but nothing happened. He felt nothing. There was no pull, no sense of direction.
That’s because technically it’s not her key…it’s my spare key. We never made one just for her.
Realization hit him like a freight train. She’s really gone. She came here, she was waiting until she thought I would definitely not be home. And she knows me well enough that she was right.
He collapsed against the wall, sobbing. There was no way to find her now.
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