#or where it was coming from. and i just figured it out yesterday
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Could You Stay a Little Longer // drug dealer!sukuna x reader

Chapter 2 // (12.1k words) // Explicit - 18+
\|/ AO3 - Chapter 2 | << Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 >>
You're pursuing a master degree across the country, but are currently back in your hometown housesitting for your parents. They've told you all about their undesirable new neighbor, but when you start to get to know said neighbor, you realize he isn't all that bad. Your controlling boyfriend won't let up on you and you grapple with enjoying the company of this drug dealing neighbor boy, Sukuna. Nothing about this is going the way you planned, but is it so bad to let yourself be treated well for a change?
The cultural setting for this is technically economically depressed, rural USA where good paying jobs are hard to come by and there's not many opportunities in small towns, but it could really be anywhere that meets this criteria!
Content Tags/Warnings Throughout Work: Reader and Sukuna are mid 20s, mentions of recreational drug use and drug dealing, mentions of abusive/controlling/manipulative relationship (not Sukuna), could possibly be considered cheating depending on your interpretation (not Sukuna), angst, smut, fluff, time skip, prison time, happy ending trust!
Day 3
You decide to continue cleaning out the gardens this morning, once again trying to get ahead of the midday heat. As you head towards the road, the morning chorus of birds in the trees bring a sort of serenity to the neighborhood…until you notice Sukuna’s yard looks anything but peaceful, wrecked once again.
It’s not surprising considering how loud things were over there last night. It didn’t keep you up per se, but you definitely could hear the loud music and cars engines revving all night long. The man definitely did not seem to want to keep a low profile that’s for sure considering the neighborhood already had it out for him. Thank god for earplugs.
What is the point of cleaning up yesterday if he just trashed everything less than 3 hours later?
You throw your earbuds in, get on your knees, and start pulling weeds. It’s tiring and uncomfortable, but you figure if you do a little at a time each day you’ll have something good to show for it by the time you leave. Attempting to try and decipher the ways of the immature, cute, bad boy across the street wasn’t something even your advanced schooling could help with.
After some time, a shadow appears where you are working, blocking the sun temporarily.
“You’re up early tomato girl,” Sukuna’s playful voice sounds from behind you.
“I could say the same thing. Seemed like you had a late night. Don’t you have stuff to do during the day?” you chide at him, taking out your earbuds and setting your weed pile to the side so you can turn around.
He’s in shorts and a t-shirt with a backwards hat smothering his wild hair, red eyes hidden by a pair of shades. He’s smirking down at you and you notice he’s holding a pair of hedge clippers.
“Sweets, I’m a dealer with a suspended license, what do you expect me to be doing all day?”
“I don’t know, counting pills. Counting money? How should I know?” you retort.
“You’re cute for thinking that’s what I’d do all day,” he teases.
You just roll your eyes in response, you honestly don’t care to know, it’s not something you want to know anything about at this point.
“I’m going to clean up some of these shrubs,” he gestures to some plants on the edges of the garden.
“Oh that’s not necessary-“
“I know it’s not, but I’m a grown adult who can make his own decisions. Also tired of these people who won’t get the fuck out my house, I’d rather be around someone I actually enjoy.”
“Why do you have people over if you want them to leave early? Drugs and booze aren’t exactly conducive to people getting up and at ‘em in the morning,” you tease him as he starts working on a bush a few feet away.
“They’re my childhood friends, but they’re some degenerates who don’t do shit all day. They always promise they’ll be out by 8, but it never happens,” he sighs as he prunes his way around the shrubbery.
“Hey Kuna what’re you doing out here?” you hear a girl’s voice from the road. You look up and see two girls walking your way. They look pretty hungover, must have been some of the company from last night.
“I’m helping my neighbor with some yard work, are you all going to be leaving soon?”
“Yeah, we were just about to go. Just wanted to see if we could buy something before we leave,” the other girl smiles at him.
“Go ask Toji or one of the other guys, I’m busy,” he responds bluntly, not looking up from what he’s doing.
They seem to take the hint and walk away, leaving you both alone again.
“Do you let girls sleep with you in lieu of paying?” you ask.
He bursts out laughing.
“Fuck no, I’m actually pretty picky about who I’ll sleep with. Just never know their true intentions, especially because I’m weak for some good pillow talk. Haven’t been with anyone in a while now that I think of it since I got in trouble with the law again, maybe I’m paranoid of undercover shit or something.”
You just nod in agreement, a surprisingly astute and mature response coming from him. It makes sense, but you’d expected him to be more free spirited and reckless. His pillow talk comment makes you internally laugh, you can totally see that being a thing, he’s so emotional and expressive after all.
As you both continue working, your mind wanders back to your conversations with Cam last night. He’d ripped into you about Sukuna answering the phone while on your walk.
He’d never let you have guy friends, so being around a random guy yesterday definitely set him off worse than usual. You did feel a little guilty about hanging around Sukuna, but it felt good at the same time, you enjoyed his company. With Cam not here, you had more freedom than you’ve had in ages, so you were keen to take advantage of it for a few days.
“Lemonade break?” you nudge his side as the heat starts to distract you.
“Yeah, fuckin’ brutal out here,” he runs his fingers through his hair.
You go retrieve some glasses and find Sukuna leaned back against the trunk of an old oak tree. You sit next to him, passing him an ice cold glass.
You both sit in silence, letting the cold liquid quench your dry throats, enjoying the soft breeze in your shady refuge. Sukuna’s hat is off, tufts of his pink hair dancing in the wind districting your gaze.
“Do you think you’ll come back here after your grad school?” Sukuna asks once you’ve both cooled off.
“I haven’t decided yet. I love the area where my school is, but I do miss my family and friends here. Just harder to find a job ya know?”
It was one of the reasons you’d moved away, to have a better opportunity at research opportunities and post graduate options for your chosen degree.
“That’s valid,” he responds, stretching his long legs out on the grass in front of him. “Do you still have a lot of friends here?”
“I do, but a bunch of them got married pretty quick and already have a kid or two. Only a few of us are still childless,” you laugh.
“Figures, seems to be the way things go around here. I remember my mom saying something about how no good girls will be left if I wait to settle down, but it seems like there’s still some goods around,” he turns his head to look at you, sunglasses pushed up on his head now.
“I like to think I’m pretty decent,” you laugh, averting your gaze as you feel your cheeks heat up.
“Better than the crew who I hang around,” he snorts.
“I mean that’s not saying much,” you joke with him.
“Oh please, you know what I meant,” he huffs.
“I could set you up with a decent single friend or two,” you nudge his side.
“Two? Shit, that’s just asking for trouble,” he picks at the grass between his legs, tossing it at you absentmindedly.
“They’re nurses, they’d take good care of you.”
“I’m sure they would. Maybe one day, tomato girl,” he laughs.
“A gift for you,” he leans your way, presenting what looks like grass to you.
Except it’s not grass, it’s a four leaf clover. Some good luck in his future perhaps?
“You don’t wanna keep your luck?” you giggle, laying it in your palm so both of you can get a better look.
“Eh, you might need it more, I’m already pretty lucky I live the life I do and haven’t gotten in more trouble.”
“I’ll cherish it forever,” you smile at him, leaning against his arm, the bark of the tree starting to hurt your back.
You both watch as people slowly trickle out of Sukuna’s house, the line of cars parked on the side of the road disappearing after another hour.
“You want some more vegetables?” you ask him.
“For meeeeee?” he gasps, giving you a fake surprised look.
“Yes you goof,” you laugh.
“What’s your offer?”
“There’s some radishes and jalapeños over here,” you get up and point to some plants you had been weeding around.
“Well sure if you’re offering,” he smiles, navigating his way carefully through the garden and cutting a few of them off.
“I’ve got some stuff to do, but would you wanna come eat dinner at my place tonight? I was gonna whip up some stuff with the tomatoes and I can go ahead and make some stuff with these too…you know as a thank you for sharing,” he says as a faint blush appears on his cheeks, spreading to his ears.
“Oh? Sure, why not. Want me to bring anything?” you respond, feeling a little flutter in your chest.
“Bring your favorite wine,” he grins at you. “I’m gonna start cooking at 5, feel free to come by anytime after then. Sounds good?”
“Um, yeah, that sounds great. Thank you,” you suddenly feel all flustered. It’s just dinner with your temporary neighbor.
In his house…but he can’t drive…so this makes sense right?
What if Cam finds out?
There’s no way.
You deserve this though. How many times has the man cheated on you and gaslit you into oblivion until you truly believed you were the reason for his infidelity and abusive actions, like no matter what you did it was never good enough?
You deserve to have one nice night with someone who is kind to you. Eating dinner with a friend is not wrong. Hell it’s not like you ever get to go out with your friends back home because of his controlling nature.
“If it’ll put you in a bind with…him, you don’t have to,” Sukuna’s voice jerks you from your thoughts as if sensing your inner turmoil.
“Huh? No, it’s fine. He cheats all the fucking time, god forbid I have dinner with a friend,” you retort, unsure if you are responding to him or trying convincing yourself. Probably both.
Sukuna grimaces but quickly replaces it with his trademark smirk.
“Great, I’ll see you later then,” he turns and walks back to his house.
As you watch him walk away, your inner self is doing cartwheels in excitement. It’s almost like…
You like him. Crushing on the neighborhood delinquent with the mysterious red eyes and the fine ass tattoos adorning that shredded body. The kind hearted boy who’s captivated you in three short days.
Nah, you can’t be. Like you said, it’s been three days, you hardly know him…right?
You were staring at yourself in the mirror, analyzing the third outfit you’ve tried on. It’s not like you brought that many clothes, but you want to look put together and like you put a little effort in!
You can’t even remember the last time you were giddy and excited for something, and that makes you sad, realizing just how shitty your relationship situation is back home, slowly bleeding the life out of you.
You grab the wine bottle of choice, some popsicles for dessert, and lock up the house, leaving the light on in anticipation of coming back after dark. The walk across the street and up to Sukuna’s porch is over quickly, noticing for once his car seems to be the only one in the driveway.
You knock on the door and wait, suddenly wondering what it’s going to look like on the inside. You figure it’ll either look like a frat house bachelor pad, or sleek and clean with nice furniture that could only be afforded with drug money.
You’ll soon find out as you hear heavy footsteps on the other side before the door opens up to Sukuna in an apron overtop of a t-shirt and shorts. It catches you off guard seeing him domestic like this, but it quickly fades as his excited smile greets you.
“So glad you came tomato girl, right this way,” he says, holding the door open for you.
“Nice apron,” you tease as you place the bottle on the counter. The inside is leaning more towards sleek and sophisticated. Black kitchen table, black chairs, black living room furniture, black cabinets, some type of stone countertops, and so on. It’s not what you expected, but you can’t deny he has good taste.
“Tch, thanks. These tomatoes are really juicy and I was worried about getting them all over me,” he laughs, moving to the other side of the kitchen island to fiddle with some pots on the stove.
“So what’s for dinner chef?” you sit at one of his bar top stools across from him, scanning the area around you. Everything seems very neat and organized, you’d never suspect someone with a record lived here if you walked in without knowing him.
“My appetizer, if you will, is chips and pico de gallo. Made the chips myself, aaaaaaand, the pico features your jalapenos and tomatoes of course,” he pulls a bowl out of the stainless steel fridge and places it in front of you. Chips were already out on the counter.
“Wow you make your own chips?”
“Damn straight, no bagged chips here,” he points his wooden spoon at you playfully. Something about this big strong man wielding a wooden spoon around in this animated way makes you giggle in amusement. Never a dull moment with him.
You take one, dip, and eat, the satisfying crunch loud in your ears. It’s so good, better than any other chip or salsa you’ve had lately.
“Soooo verdict?” Sukuna rests his elbows on the counter and stares at you with wide eyes, eagerly awaiting your response. His backwards baseball hat hides some of his unruly pink locks, giving him an almost frat boy aesthetic.
“Delicious! I’m impressed,” you say, emphasizing the warmth in your words, reaching for more.
“Sweet,” he mutters with a grin. “I know it doesn’t really go with the chips and pico, but I’ve got some homemade tomato sauce going that we’ll eat with meatballs and pasta. The theme of tonight's menu is tomatoes after all, regardless of the meal classification, so I think it fits,” his eyes twinkle with excitement. He seems proud of himself and it’s oddly heartwarming.
Your mouth is watering because it all sounds and smells so good. This is the last thing you expected him to be doing, whipping up meals from scratch in the kitchen.
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Actually, yes. First pour us two glasses of your wine, and second, come stir this sauce for me, I need to cut this pasta up.”
“Homemade pasta too?” you gasp.
“Duh, you think I’d feed you inferior boxed pasta?” he smirks as he fishes a wine opener out of a drawer, uncorking the bottle and procuring two glasses.
“I mean most of the time, men aren’t serving me anything except disappointment, so even boxed would be impressive,” you laugh.
“Well you’re in for a treat then sweets,” he winks and passes you his spoon. He opts to pour out the wine and sets a glass next to where you are standing.
Sukuna busies himself with pasta, meatballs, and even some garlic bread while you stir his sauce.
“That’s probably fine now,” he eventually reaches over you to lower the heat, his chest lightly pressing against your shoulder. He’s definitely got some height on you so you don’t even need to duck out of his way.
“Come with me,” he grabs your wrist and drags you towards the back door. Out on his deck you realize there is an abundance of fresh herbs in clay pots.
“You get the basil, I’ll get the parsley,” he instructs, showing you how to properly remove the leaves.
All of this just keeps surprising you, it makes the butterflies form in your chest again. At this point they might as well just take up refuge there.
How can you be falling for someone with a record? A drug dealer for god sake! It seems like it has bad idea written all over it. Plus he’s said himself, he doesn’t do long term stuff.
“Hey!” Sukuna’s voice snaps you back to reality, “I asked if you need any help?”
“N-no, I’m good, I think I got enough,” you stutter, almost convinced he can hear your thoughts.
“Yep looks good to me,” he answers after coming over to inspect your haul.
Once back inside, it’s only a little while longer before Sukuna starts plating everything. You are about a glass and a half deep into the wine so you’ve settled at the kitchen table, eagerly awaiting the food.
“Eat up!” Sukuna exclaims as he sets the plates down, joining you at the table.
“Sukuna this looks amazing,” you smile, “thank you again, this was so nice of you.”
“But of course, anything for my neighbor,” he responds.
“Cheers,” he holds out his wine glass which you gladly clink against with yours. Just as he’s about to take a bite, his phone rings. His playful demeanor instantly turns to one of annoyance.
“One moment,” he gets up and answers.
“What?” he barks into the phone.
“You absolutely will not come over here, in fact, you can tell everyone that if anyone comes over here tonight I will put a fucking bullet in their leg, got it?” he says in a commanding tone which makes you jump.
He tosses his phone on the counter and rejoins you.
“Sorry about that,” he sits down like it’s business as usual.
“You can just flip that side of you off and on at will huh?”
“I have to. Makes it less likely that people will fuck with me,” he explains as he digs in, “it’s just a facade though, like I’d never talk to you that way…unless you wanted me to,” he says with a sly grin.
You practically choke on your food at the bold comment. Up until this point he hasn’t taken his flirty, carefree attitude in that direction, but it churns up some type of feeling deep inside of you that you haven’t felt in a long time.
“Easy there,” you laugh, kicking him lightly under the table.
He just shrugs with amusement and takes a long sip of his wine.
“So when people come over here, are they picking up or what?” you decide to probe at him, the wine making you braver.
“Sometimes. I don’t keep much product here. Mainly people come by to drop off cash or get assignments. I’ve got people who report to me who handle most everything lower level like deliveries and sales. I deal with more high level stuff: managing the finances, figuring out markups and pricing, and coordinating with the wholesalers. I am the boss after all,” he grins, twirling some pasta on his fork.
“So what’s the plan when it inevitably all blows up?”
“Excuse me? Do what now?” he chuckles while hitting you with a questioning side eye.
“You heard me, I feel like this can only be successful for so long right?” you reiterate.
“Oh ye of little faith,” he clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “Well, I guess that would mean I’m either dead, or locked up.”
“That’s pretty extreme. So there’s no backup plan?”
“My parents’ inheritance I guess. I’d go back to college with it and get a degree in something I suppose,” he muses.
“What made you drop out?”
“Honestly my grades were shit. I was in a frat and wasting my parents money partying and fucking off, so they stopped paying and I moved back here. Got involved with my old high school buddy, Toji, with this shit and well here I am, the fucking king.”
“Interesting. I was just curious,” you set your utensils down, plate completely clean.
“How about you though,” his crimson eyes bore into yours intensely, piercing you so sharply it catches you off guard.
“What happens when your situation blows up?” he continues.
“What are you referring to?”
“Your loser boyfriend. The odds aren’t good for women in abusive relationships.”
“It’s not technically abu-“
“Ima stop you right there and call bullshit on that tomato girl. I’m speaking the truth and we both know it. So again, what happens when your situation goes south.”
Your mouth is completely dry, no one has ever spoken about it in this way.
“I guess similar to you, I’m either dead or in jail,” you retort, causing him to smile with amusement.
“Clever. I like that. Hopefully it’s neither, or at least if you’re in jail it’s cuz he’s dead,” his eyes flick back up to yours. You stare into his gaze, lips partially open as you process everything.
“That sounds so morbid but it may or not be a possibility I’ve mulled over in my mind,” you add.
“Well if you need an accomplice, you have my number,” he laughs, taking your plate and his and dropping them in the sink before coming back to join you.
“What do you say, do you think I should leave this all behind? Start over?” he says in a low tone, swirling the wine around in the glass and watching the liquid slowly settle out.
“It’s not my place to say Sukuna.”
“Would you like me more if I did?”
You cock your head at him with intrigue, unsure of what he’s getting at.
“I’d like you just the same. I like you for you right now. That’s why I’m in your house.”
He sighs, tapping his fingers on the table, staring up and away from you both.
“Let’s say, hypothetically, I wanted to settle down with some lucky lady. You think I’d have to stop to have a chance at that?”
You pause, hanging onto his words before answering. Is the wine making him say this stuff? You both hadn’t drank that much…
“I’d say it depends on the lady. If I was going to get with someone like you, yes, I’d probably want you to leave that life,” you give him a playful smile, “but I’m sure there are women out there who’d be content to support you in this life and not expect you to change.”
“Hmm, maybe.”
“What about me though, should I leave the man who’s holding me back?” you challenge him.
“Tch, is that even a question?” he rolls his eyes, reaching to rest his hand on yours. Your heart is pounding, thrumming in your ears, making you almost shiver in anticipation.
“It is, I asked you after all.”
“Then yes, you should.”
“Would you like me more if I did?”
God is it the wine making you say this stuff?
Sukuna arches an eyebrow in a wordless response, his gaze slowly moving to meet yours before shifting down to your lips and darting back up again.
“Whether you’re with him or not has no bearing on me doing this right now.”
In the moment it takes for your ears to convey his words to your brain, he kisses you. Your eyes widen in surprise, it must have happened in seconds. He’s standing up now, one hand on the table, the other gripping your chin and tipping it up while his soft lips envelop yours.
The butterflies you’ve become painfully aware of the last few days ricochet around your insides like fireworks in the night sky as you lean in and kiss him back. It doesn’t stop there though, he’s pulling your chair out, cradling you against his chest while you cling to him, lips still locked as he moves towards his living room.
He falls back into the couch, positioning you so you are straddling him.
“Sukuna I-“
“Shhh, don’t talk, not right now,” his voice deepens, observing you through lidded eyes.
And then his large, strong hands are in your hair, gripping your cheek and the back of your head as he pulls you into another kiss.
His lips crash against yours. It’s consuming, claiming, completely losing yourself in him as you force your tongue into his mouth. Sukuna groans against you, meeting you halfway, his soft tongue dominating yours as he deepens the kiss. Your noses brush against each other clumsily as you familiarize yourselves with the other’s movements.
You feel almost out of practice, you can’t recall the last time Cam kissed you like this. His style was moreso fuck with the most minimal amount of foreplay, and even that was a generous word to describe it. If you do suck at this, Sukuna appears to have no qualms by the way his arms are wrapping around your back, pulling you against him, and devouring the shared air between you.
Your hands find his hair, dragging his hat off so you can thread your fingers through his soft strands. The scent of his shampoo wafts into your nose as you ravenously kiss him back. You shift yourself, groaning as you feel his hard bulge pressing against your groin, catching your clit even through the extra layers.
“Fuuuck,” he moans into your mouth, starting to nip at your lower lip as his hands wander down to your ass, rolling his hips up to meet yours.
You haven’t felt this alive in literal years, so drunk off the way he nibbles and sucks at your neck while you grind yourself against him. You can feel yourself soaking through your panties, hoping he can’t feel it through his shorts.
“Lemme go get a condom,” Sukuna whispers, his breath hot on your neck, eliciting a sharp whine from you as the image of what’s to come infiltrates your mind.
Wait, a condom? For sex? He wants to fuck you, god know you wanna fuck him too right now.
But you have a boyfriend, what are you even doing? Acting like a whore? Cam will be furious, you’ll be in trouble-
You start to panic, pushing yourself back from him abruptly.
“What are you doing? You know I have a boyfriend!” your voice cracks as he quickly removes his hands from you, leaning back into the couch to give you the space you were wanting.
“That piece of shit doesn’t deserve that honor,” Sukuna growls in response, his eyes flaring up in irritation.
“You’re taking advantage of me while I’m away from him, you’ve been putting these bad thoughts about him in my head this whole time. You’re no better than him. A criminal, a bad person,” you start to ramble on, freaking out at the thought of the fallout. If he found out.
Sukuna’s eyes flash with pain, your hurtful words piercing through his heart.
“Right…,” he finally utters, averting your gaze and biting his bottom lip in discomfort.
“I’m leaving before you turn me into more of a slut than I already am,” you push off of him, leaving him alone on the couch.
“You’re not being a slut! You’re allowed to be treated with fucking respect by someone,” Sukuna retorts, standing up as he follows you to the front door.
You whip your head around to face him, hand on the doorknob.
“I’m a cheater, no better than him.”
“Is it really cheating when the person who’s supposed to love and respect you is constantly unfaithful and could even be doing so right now? You say it yourself, you don’t even know if you’re exclusive or not. Please, let me show you what a decent man can do, how you should be treated,” his eyes are so full of raw emotion, his hand pushing on the door next to you, partially caging you against it, but still allowing the option to leave.
You look away from him, tears in your eyes. Everything is so confusing right now, the desperation on his face, the longing for him in your heart, the fear of Cam. It’s all just too much and you need to get away from all of it right now.
You pull the door open, and Sukuna doesn’t stop you.
“Good night Sukuna,” you stutter as you open the screen door, hearing it slam behind you. You move quickly to your parents house, never looking back towards Sukuna, unaware of the way he watches you leave full of hurt and confusion.
For the first time in his adult life, he was considering giving it all up.
All of this.
For you.
The desire to be a better man, the man you never had, the man you deserved, was coursing through his veins. He thought you had felt the same way, what else could you have possibly meant by those questions? It felt like you’d kissed him with such passion and desire, how did this end with him staring at your back as you walked away from him?
Had he read the whole situation this badly?
No, you had wanted this just as much as him. You break down with the realization as soon as you get inside, back sliding down against the door as you erupt into a sob on the floor. What’s wrong with you? Why couldn’t you just have an ounce of self esteem and break things off for good, let yourself be taken care of by a good man, one who’s been nothing but kind and helpful since you met him.
You both go to sleep that night thinking of the other, of the night that could have been yours together.
Day 4
It’s a little harder to get out of bed today. The sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky, yet here you were festering in your own gloomy thoughts. The only thing forcing you up was that the pets needed taking care of, it’s not like they did anything wrong in all of this.
The humidity is through the roof this morning, probably the worst it’s been since you got here. Normally that combined with a bluebird day means thunderstorms in the afternoon, so you decide to walk Macy in the morning to try and get ahead of it.
You glance across the street towards Sukuna’s house. No extra cars were around and all the shades were still drawn. Based on the last few days, you’d have expected to see him at some point in the morning, but with what happened last night? No shot. That was probably the last of your interactions with him.
As you continue your walk, you can’t help but feel guilty about everything. You’d felt scared, even terrified at the thought of hooking up with him even though you’d wanted to with every fiber of your being. The irrational fear of Cam finding out and you reaping the consequences had clouded your judgement.
“Has he hurt you?” you recall Sukuna asking.
Yeah, he has. Your mind wanders to a dark place, recalling the most recent time he was physical with you. You’d gone out with your grad school classmates for beers one night, which in and of itself caused a blowout fight because three of them were guys. Guys with long term girlfriends and fiancés you had tried to remind him, but he wasn’t having it.
The night had ended with you and two of your male classmates being the last of your group after others had left. There was nothing remotely sketchy or inappropriate going on, just friends talking about life and plans after school. Cam however had decided to take matters into his own hands and show up unannounced, furiously locking eyes with you from across the room as the two guys sat across from you.
Things only got worse for you as he made a scene in front of everyone and practically dragged you out of the bar and into the alley, both of you yelling at each other. The fight only ended when he backhanded you across the face, accusing you of being disrespectful and using his favorite line: “and you wonder why I go looking elsewhere when you constantly act like this.”
This. Merely existing and trying to defend yourself.
This behavior had instilled a crippling fear and anxiety of never truly knowing where he would show up. You wouldn’t put it past him to find you here. Your hometown is your one safe haven, hence why your location sharing has been off. But you can’t wipe the events of that night from your mind, no matter how hard you try.
You take a left down another road that ends with access to a creek, a place you’d loved playing growing up.
Would Sukuna even understand if you explained all this to him? It shouldn’t be his burden to bear, he probably is just looking for a fun fling, not a girl with baggage as far as the eye could see. Hell you wish you could just have a fun, no string attached night, but the devil on your shoulder can’t just let you be at peace.
You sit down in the grass and let Macy off the leash to play in the water. She loves swimming, and seeing her frolic around in the stream makes you happy for a change. Oh to be a dog just doing what you love, no romantic relationships in sight. You pull a tennis ball out of your bag and toss it into the water, watching Macy swim out to it before bringing it back.
You repeat these motions until she’s had enough, scampering over to you and falling onto her side, panting in the heat.
“Tired you out huh girl?” you laugh as you ruffle the damp fur on her neck. You both rest for a while longer before you begin your trek back to the house. Sukuna’s house is still devoid of activity as you head back down the driveway.
You give Macy a quick rinse off outside to get the mud and dirt off of her before letting her back in and preparing some lunch.
Turning on the TV after eating, you decide to have a wallow at home kind of afternoon given your mood. You’ll just binge something and gorge yourself on comfort snacks.
Macy starts whining to go out after about two hours, so you get up to let her out in the yard. As you lay back down, sleepiness suddenly hits you and you drift off on the couch.
You are jolted awake by a loud noise, scaring the shit out of you. You look outside and notice dark grey clouds covering the sky.
Great, the afternoon storms you’d predicted have come to fruition. The wind is gusting and rain begins to pitter patter on the roof as another roar of thunder shakes the house.
You know Macy is scared of storms, so you call out to her, trying to find her inside. After checking all her usual hiding spots, you are puzzled that she’s nowhere to be found.
Oh my god.
You remember now, you let her out and then fell asleep!
You throw on your sneakers as quickly as you can, charging out into the yard as another round of thunder makes you cringe away from the sky.
How could you be so fucking irresponsible!
Panicking, you run around to the back, hoping by some miracle that she’s there. You are only greeted by the wet deluge that pours down on you as the sky opens up, the fat raindrops splattering onto your bare skin almost mocking you at this point.
This is so bad.
You run up towards the street, frantically calling out to her, your voice completely drowned out by the rain, wind, and thunderclaps that have your ears ringing at this point.
After traversing one end of the street, despair starts to sink in. You are freezing, drenched from head to toe, not even knowing where your tears begin and the raindrops end as rain cascades down your face. As you come back towards the house, you see Sukuna’s out of the corner of your eye.
Maybe he’ll help you.
You literally have nothing to lose, so you bound towards his front door, happy to escape the rain under his front porch.
You bang on the door loudly.
“Sukuna! Sukuna it’s me, can you help me!” you yell over the storm, doubting he can even hear you and if he could, if he’d even want to be in your presence. He has no reason to talk to you again.
To your surprise, the front door opens and you are met with the moody version of the fun loving guy you’ve hung out with the last few days. His face quickly morphs into one of concern, opening the door and coming out to join you.
“Jesus what are you doing out here?” he inspects you, brushing water off of your face and arms.
“It’s Macy, I need your help. I accidentally left her out and then the storm started. She’s terrified of them and I think she’s run off,” you are fighting back tears, voice shaking with fear and likely from the chills that are currently wracking your body as the wind slams into your drenched body..
“Of course, lemme put some shoes on,” he responds without missing a beat, disappearing momentarily before coming back outside with a raincoat.
“Go back to your house, let me look for her,” he says gruffly, tucking you under his raincoat, arm slipping around your waist and guiding you out into the yard.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, listen to me please, it’s not safe to be out in this,” he says seriously as lightning streaks across the sky.
“Gimme your car keys, I’m gonna take your dad’s car.”
“What about your license?”
“Hence why I’m taking the other car, no one will know it’s me,” he scoffs, obviously getting annoyed being out in the rain.
You unclip your house key from the car key, giving it to him. You stand glued in place, staring at him as if paralyzed on what to do next.
“Go the fuck on inside!” Sukuna has no patience at this point, dragging you to the front stoop and shoving you towards the door.
Time seems to pass at a sluggish pace as you wait. Five minutes turns to ten and before you know it, thirty minutes have gone by with no sign of the storm letting up.
You almost go to call Sukuna when you see headlights coming down the driveway. Jumping up, you move to open the front door and almost collapse in relief as you see Sukuna carrying a sopping wet Macy in his arms.
You rush upstairs to get some towels in preparation for the soaking wet mess that is about to come through those doors. You hold the door open for Sukuna to squeeze by you, standing on the doormat, water running down his legs and soaking the rug.
His pink hair looks darker now and completely is plastered to his face, eyes barely perceptible from being hidden by his wet strands.
“Oh my god, you found her! Are you ok?” you dab the towel at his face, wiping his eyes and cheeks before getting his neck and arms.
“As good as I can be,” he mutters, leaning down so you can towel off his hair.
“Let’s get this mutt to the bathtub and dry her off,” he says. You untie his shoes and help him kick them off before leading everyone to the bathroom.
Not long after, Macy is as dry as she can be and trots off to hide under the kitchen table, tired from her little adventure.
“Thank you so much Sukuna, I-I don’t know how I can ever repay you. That was so selfless. Truly, thank you again,” you look up at him as he heads back towards the front door.
“Don’t mention it, what kind of man would I be to let a girl run around in the rain by herself. I’m gonna go now, stay dry tomato girl,” he ruffles your hair before disappearing out into the storm.
As you watch him walk away, your heart drops into your stomach. He went out in the fucking storm for a girl who hurled all kinds of accusations at him just the night before. Such an unselfish act, putting you first when he had no reason to.
You wish he’d stop, wish he’d turn around and come back. You want him to stay. Your heart burns with the need to be with him, be close to him, to apologize for everything and explain yourself. Hanging out together meant more than you realized judging by the pang of emptiness you felt as the day dragged on without him, like a part of your routine was missing.
A second chance. It’s now or never, seeing how he’s almost halfway up the driveway.
Your legs move before your brain can even send the command. You rush up the driveway, the pavement slick beneath your feet, lightning flashing in your peripheral as thunder reverberates around you. You reach for his arm, fingers slipping on his rain-slicked skin, but you do enough to get his attention as he turns around in shock.
“Get back inside! Are you purposely trying to drown yourself today!” he enunciates loudly over the storm, irritation plastered across his face.
“Come back, come back please,” you throw your arms around him, pressing yourself into his chest, your cheek plastered against the drenched fabric of his shirt.
You stare desperately up into his face, the lightning illuminating his crimson eyes. Eyes that look troubled, as if trying to decipher your intent, trying to decide if you mean this or if you are just going to rip the rug out from under him again.
The rain drips down his pink bangs and onto your cheeks as he looks down on you, seeming to study every part of your face.
“You know I want to,” he mutters, voice deep against your ear, “don’t do this to me if you don’t really mean it.”
“I want you Sukuna. Please, let me try again. I’ll explain, just come back inside,” you choke out, fingers twisting into the waterlogged fabric of his shirt.
In response, his lips find yours, enveloping you in a calm reprieve as the storm rages around you both. Nothing else matters, just his arms around you as you convey the desperation that exists for each other. Each brush of your noses dislodges the rain from his lashes and hair, showering you with droplets warm from his body heat.
He picks you up, hooking your legs around his waist and intensifying his movements. He forces his tongue into your mouth, clashing with yours, exploring the softness of your cheeks and following the ridges of your gums.
He strides back towards the house, devouring you, lips welded to yours as the wind blown rain pelts both of you.
The cold air indoors sends shivers down your skin as he opens the door, all your senses suddenly present again as the walls shut out sounds of the chaos outside.
“Where,” he groans against your lips, water dripping from both of your clothes and pattering against the hardwood floor.
“Downstairs, guest room,” you utter against his lips, fingers digging into his jaw tattoos as if clinging to him to shelter you from the storm in more ways than one.
Sukuna wastes no time traversing the staircase, kicking the bedroom door shut behind him and pressing you up against the wall, both of you groping and grabbing, tearing the wet shirts off of each other and letting them drop to the floor.
You both pause, his forehead pressed against yours, chests heaving from a combination of your passionate kissing and the chill air that suddenly hits your damp skin.
“I’m freezing,” you giggle, causing him to snort in amusement. You trace his chest tattoos with your finger, feeling the hard muscle beneath you.
“Yeah why don’t we dry off and warm up,” he plants a soft kiss on your cheek as he moves you both over to the fireplace on the other side of the room, setting you down gently on the carpeted floor.
You turn on the propane fireplace while he grabs some towels out of the attached bathroom, joining you in front of the heat.
You’re down to a sports bra and shorts, feeling a little self conscious at being so exposed, but the heat of the fire radiating against your bare skin is a welcome relief.
Sukuna peels his shorts off so he’s just in his boxers and you take one of the towels and start to dry him off, working from his upper shoulders and down his back. You chase the small rivulets of water that’d collected in the dips and valleys of his back muscles, tracing the ink that follows a similar path. You move to each leg, encountering tattooed rings around his thighs that make your breath hitch, before turning him around to get his front side.
You end up taking your sweet time as if memorizing the ridges of his chest and abs as you drag the towel down towards his waistband.
He sits down on the floor, giving you easier access to towel dry his hair. You can’t deny that he looks cute with his pink locks hanging down in his eyes, but he’s soon running his fingers through his hair to give it his slicked back appearance again.
He in turn does the same for you, sliding your shorts off so you are down to your bra and panties, respectfully drying you from head to toe, not missing how his eyes burn a trail down your skin as they rove over every exposed inch like a spotlight in the dark.
Finally, he launches the towels at the wall, leaning forward to kiss you again as the fire illuminates the room, crackling flames dancing in the reds of his eyes.
“I’m sorry Sukuna,” you say as you both pull away. His mouth twitches, eyes flicking towards the floor before looking back, willing you to continue.
“Last night, those things I said, you aren’t a bad man, you aren’t a criminal, you weren’t doing anything wrong. I wanted everything you were giving me, I was just…I just got scared. I panicked,” you say quietly, staring into the flames.
He takes your hand in his, rubbing his thumb along your knuckles in a comforting pattern.
“Cam, he has a history of showing up where I am unannounced and giving me hell for it. I don’t know, I just had the thought of him finding me, finding us-“
“I know I asked you this once before, but has he hurt you? Like beyond just words?” Sukuna interrupts you.
You slowly nod your head, looking down in shame, feeling the tears start to build up behind your eyes.
Sukuna tips your chin up, sorrow in his gaze, caressing your cheeks as his thumbs catching the damp streaks that inevitably form.
“It pains me to hear that, truly. You know you don’t deserve it right? It’s never justified, and it’s never, ever, your fault,” he says softly, pressing gentle kisses into your forehead.
“I’m sorry too. I came on really strong, and I should have been more attuned to your feelings, knowing the things you’ve been through. Even if he did show up right now, I wouldn’t let him hurt you, wouldn’t let him lay a finger anywhere near you. You’re safe here with me. I promise.”
“I know,” your lip trembles as you absorb his words, basking in their meaning. They are more heartfelt than Cam has ever given you, coming from a man you’ve known for such a brief time, even though in this moment it feels like you’ve known him forever. He’s someone you could predict, you can anticipate how he would react to things. Harming you was not a possibility.
“Why me though? You deserve to be with someone without all this baggage, wouldn’t it be easier to just have some fun with a woman that you don’t need to tread lightly around wounds that you never caused?”
He takes your hands in his, watching how your fingers tangle with his before looking back up at you.
“And I don’t have baggage? I’ve been arrested three times now, move drugs for a living, and have a rap sheet longer than some people’s obituaries. Don’t paint me like I’m a saint, that opioid crisis they are always spouting off about? I make money off of it, people overdose and die because of what I do, what I provide them. The only difference is my baggage is self-inflicted while you never asked for yours.”
“We both can’t change what’s happened in the past, but we can change things for the future, we can help make each other better. Look, I-I know I’ve only known you for what, four days? Which seems like nothing, not even a corporate work week, but you’ve completely turned my life upside down. I know it probably sounds like I’m talking nonsense, but you’ve made me want to change everything, give all this up, and be a better man.
And those four days, I want them to become 8, then 16, 32, 64 and continue doubling indefinitely into some number that I don’t even fucking know the name of, until I can’t even remember how it all began, just that it began and will end with you.”
You swear you stop breathing, the air trapped in your lungs threatening to burst. Sukuna, the man you didn’t know you were looking for, found you on the same street where you started your life’s journey having grown up just 10 miles away from each other. Always so close, but never knowing it, you’d been like satellites in each other’s orbit, never finding each other until you needed each other the most. Two broken souls, using shattered pieces from the other to fill the gaps, forever binding yourselves together.
“Sukuna,” you take a long pause, “I think I love you,” your voice quivers with fear as you utter such vulnerable words.
“And I know I love you.” he hits you with that boyish grin as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear before giving you a loving kiss, a kiss that has both of you grinning into each other's mouths, giddy with the excitement of what’s to come.
“I want to continue where we left off last night,” you whisper as you trail soft kisses down his tattooed jaw, earning a soft moan from his throat.
“I’ll follow your lead, go at your own pace,” he sighs as you move to his neck, licking and sucking at his skin, taking your time getting attuned to everything about him.
It’s different being with someone you trust. Normally you’d rush into the main event, hoping to get it over with so you could get away from Cam. Emotionless sex to try and buy his favor for another few hours at best.
But now, you are at peace to just reclaim moments like these, feeling safe enough to actually take the time to appreciate every facet of Sukuna’s body and showing him how much you appreciate him.
You guide him to his back, the flickering flames still providing much needed warmth as your hot kisses make their way to his collarbone.
“Is this too slow?” you pause, worried you’re taking too long.
“Not at all, love it,” he responds with reassurance.
You continue your exploration of his body, tongue gliding through the ridges and valleys of his muscular physique until you reach the waistband of his boxers that look like they are about to burst from the bulge in their confines. You lightly stroke him through the fabric, earning a sharp groan from Sukuna as his erection twitches under you.
He feels fucking massive, but you’re determined to find out just how large as you coax him to lift his hips. Sliding them off, his hardened length comes into view and springs back against his abs.
“Holy shit Sukuna,” you giggle in surprise. That’s going to…take some work.
“What?” he grins, palming himself as he sits up to look at you.
“You know what,” you brush his hand away so you can take over.
“I knowwww, I’ll help you though if you decide you wanna go that route,” he exhales as you wrap your fingers around his thick shaft, slowly pumping his length.
“I do very much want to go that route,” you whisper in his ear as you pump his cock faster, thumb running over his defined head and dragging precum along his skin to help you glide more easily.
“Fuuuuuck,” he moans, throbbing in your hand as you grip him tighter, loving how vocal he is with each stroke of his cock.
“You’re gonna have to stop if that’s what you wanna do,” he teases, looking up at you through lust filled eyes, reaching out to grab your wrist reluctantly.
You giggle as disappointment shows on his features when you stop gripping him.
He strips you of your remaining layers, both of you now completely bare to the other. Picking you up, he moves you to the bed, laying your head down gently on the pillows as he sits back to admire you.
“So fucking perfect,” he sighs as he runs a hand from your neck down to cup your breast, thumb rolling your nipple until it hardens under his touch. He returns the favor to you, kissing and nipping all over every inch of your body, as if mapping it out and committing it to memory.
“Sukunaaaa,” you say his name between breathless moans as his tongue rolls your nipple in his mouth, the other being worked by his skilled hands. Your hands are in his hair, nails digging into his scalp as he continues his ministrations.
“Can I eat you out?”
“Holy fuck yes,” you answer quickly. Considering how fucking good his tongue felt on your body, you could only dream of how it would feel against your soaked core.
You didn’t have to wait long because seconds later his head is between your legs, hair tickling your inner thighs. He’s licking long stripes from your entrance to your clit, already making your hips buck in anticipation.
“You’re sooooo wet already,” he murmurs against your cunt, lapping up everything he can before he dives in for more.
“So-sorry, just, haven’t had this in ages,” you stutter, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden.
“Fuck, don’t apologize. Also what a sorry excuse for a man to not go down on you,” he grumbles before he starts devouring you.
It’s so messy, so sloppy, the wet, lewd sounds almost echoing off the wall with the way he plunges his tongue into your cunt. His nose brushes against your clit, making you cry out from sheer bliss at the way he’s practically worshiping your pussy, making you feel so fucking good. You can’t look away, his blown out eyes locked onto yours, watching and observing your every reaction. You feel like you might actually rip his hair out with how hard you’re digging in, but he doesn’t seem to mind, doubling down on his efforts every time you rake your nails through his scalp.
All his attention moves to your clit, alternating between swirling it with his warm tongue and flicking against it in a way you didn’t even know you needed. You grind yourself against him, seeking even more of that perfect friction.
Maybe you’re extra sensitive because your loser boyfriend never attempts to make you finish, but you feel the orgasm fast approaching and you have no desire to slow it.
“Sukuna, keep going, I’m close Sukunaaaa,” you whine, losing yourself in the moment. Each perfect drag of his tongue pushes you closer to the edge, a feeling you haven’t felt in god knows how long.
One last flick from his skilled tongue is your undoing as the orgasm tears through you, crying his name over and over as your hips buck wildly against his face. Sukuna holds you in place when you try to push off, seeing to it that his mouth never leaves your clit as each hot wave of pleasure rolls over you, making you see stars, remembering nothing but the way his name leaves your lips.
He kisses your core one final time before he moves up to kiss your lips. You feel like dead weight, relishing in the post orgasmic bliss as you taste yourself on his tongue.
“Damnnn you taste so fucking good,” he smirks, sitting back up, cheeks glistening with your arousal, even covering part of his chin tattoos.
“Ummm I can get used to all of that, that felt fucking amazing,” you sigh, staring up into his darkened eyes.
“You’ll never go without again,” he grins.
“I’ve got condoms in my toiletry bag over there,” you point to the bag on the dresser.
“Don’t needa tell me twice,” he leaps up, tearing the bag open which has you giggling in amusement at his eagerness.
“Damn girl,” he holds up the roll of four condoms, letting them dangle from his hand. His naked, muscular body looks fucking divine as the light from the fire flickers against his skin in the dim light.
“I know it seems like a lot, they’re just leftover from buying some while trav-“
“Nooooo, seems like not enough considering you are here for five more days,” he gives you that boyish grin, making your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. The idea of having sex with him four times makes your pussy clench with excitement.
“Might not even be enough for tonight.”
“Relaaaax, I’m joking, sort of.”
He tears one off and puts the corner in his mouth, quickly rejoining you. As he lays back down next to you, his hand slides up your inner thigh, knuckles brushing against your entrance.
“I said I’d help you,” he mutters through the foil as he slowly pushes a finger into your soaking cunt. It’s sooooo deep, deeper than you could ever reach.
He works a second one in, gently thrusting in and out, feeling the stretch transition to pleasure with each drag of his digits against your walls. You groan as he curls his finger to prod at your spongy sweet spot, stopping to stroke it a few times.
“That’s it huh?” he gives you a toothy smile, eyes almost rolling when you clench around him.
“Fuck I need to feel that on my cock,” he gasps, quickly pulling out and tearing the packet open with his teeth. He slides it on with no hesitation, nudging his way between your legs.
You feel his tip at your entrance for just a moment as your eyes lock one more time. You give him a small nod and with that, he thrusts his hips forwards, easing his way inside. You both gasp, you at the sudden stretch and him at the feeling of your velvety walls clinging to his tip.
“Hold onto me,” he utters, waiting until you grip his shoulders before starting to work you open with short slow thrusts, letting you adjust as he sinks deeper and deeper. Now you understand his request because your nails digging into his skin is the only thing to counteract the intense, full feeling his thick cock gives you.
“Fuckkkk baby you’re so goddamn tight,” Sukuna groans as he finally bottoms out, giving you a deep kiss as he pulls all the way out and slowly thrusts back in. You swear you can feel each vein on his shaft through the fucking condom dragging against your walls with how snug of a fit he is.
“I don’t know if I’m tight, you’re just so fucking big,” you chuckle against his lips.
“Ummm, you’re tight, trust me on that sweets, I think I’ve been in more pussies than you,” he jokes back at you while giving you slow, deep strokes.
“And I think you’re big, I’ve had more dicks ins-“
“Okay I believe you!” he shoves his hand over your mouth and you both erupt into a fit of giggles.
Sex with Sukuna just feels fun. Playful even, just like his general personality. There’s no pressure to perform a certain way, all the self consciousness you were feeling earlier just melts away, as you both take everything in stride and enjoy getting used to and learning about one another.
After a few more slow thrusts, you beg him to go faster which he happily obliges, angling himself towards your sweet spot which has you moaning his name.
“Kunaaaaa yes! Just like that,” you cry out, nails digging into his shoulders as his cock head kisses you in just the right place over and over.
“Yeah? Right here?” he grunts, speeding up his movements even more, causing your eyes to roll. He hooks your leg behind his waist, plunging himself even deeper into your tight cunt as he drives you harder into the mattress.
You forgot how good sex could feel, sure the physical was good in its own way, but the emotional security while doing it with someone you care for is unmatched.
You’re truly able to let yourself go and get lost in the other person, forgetting about everything except for each other. That’s how it was with Sukuna right now, trusting him to give you what you need and being open to you telling him what you want.
“Can I be on top?” you whisper in his ear.
“Fuck yeah, get on girl,” he nips at your neck before pulling out, propping himself up on the pillows.
You wanted to feel in control and selfish for your own pleasure for a change, and Sukuna was the kind of man to let you have that. Not like he cared either way, you looked fucking great riding his cock, his eyes glued to the way your tits were bouncing in his face while you angled yourself in just the way you needed.
“That’s it baby, fuckin’ use it, use me,” his hands rest on your hips, letting you be in control while his strong arms help to steady you, the perfect team player.
“Can you take the condom off?” you whine, wanting to feel all of him.
“Huhhh? Really?” his eyes widen and you swear you feel him throb inside of you.
“Yeah, I’m on birth control,” you slow down and roll your hips a few times while waiting for his response.
“Shit I’m probably gonna bust in two seconds, but fuck it, I’m willing to take that chance to feel all of you, raw and gripping me like that,” he says, lifting you up, pulling the condom off, and tossing it on the floor.
You realign yourself and take him to the hilt in one go.
“Holy shit! Fuck! Ah-shit,” he hisses, head falling back hard against the headboard with a thud, eyes rolling up to stare at the ceiling.
“Oh god are you ok?” you snort at his dramatic response.
“Maybe, I don’t fuckin’ know, but god fuckin’ move baby,” his eyes are locked onto where you are both connected, mind only focused on one thing. He feels too damn good, his perfect cock gliding through your walls, tip just kissing your cervix as you start to feel the pool of desire within you heating up again.
You become needier, bouncing faster, angling yourself so that his fat tip hits your sweet spot, feeling yourself gushing from the impending climax. Sukuna looks like he’s barely holding on, focusing so hard on…something, probably something strange to keep his composure. His fingers are gripping you so hard, likely leaving marks on your skin.
“I’m gonna cum, help me,” you whine just as the orgasm consumes your movements and you clench around him with no control. Sukuna, being such an attentive partner, takes over thrusting into you from below, letting you ride out the high as your vision goes white from the hot waves of pleasure convulsing throughout your body.
“Fuck oh my god you’re so fucking perfect,” he growls, staring up at you with awe as you start to collapse against him, catching you with his strong arms.
“It’s a miracle I lasted through that,” he chuckles as he starts to roll you both back over, locking your legs around his waist as he slowly starts to rock into you again.
“Do you really love me?” you say softly, staring up into his eyes.
“You know I do,” he groans, his rhythm starting to get sloppy.
“Mmm, I love you too Sukuna,” you sigh, feeling him throb inside of you.
“Fuck! I’m gonna cum, where do you wannit?” he utters through gritted teeth.
“Fucking deep inside Kuna, want you to fill me up,” you moan, rocking your hips against his.
“Goddamn girl, gonna fuckin’ kill me,” he groans and with one last impossibly deep thrust, he unleashes his hot load, hips stuttering as he pumps thick ropes of cum into your pussy.
He buries his face in the crook of your neck as his body finally begins to still, his hair tickling your skin as you cling to him, melding both of your bodies together. Your chests heave against each other as you catch your breaths, Sukuna’s large body pinning you beneath him.
“Thaaaaat, was fucking awesome,” he finally exclaims, moving to lay at your side, pulling you snug against his chest.
“You have no idea,” you sigh with contentment, snuggling up to his warm body.
You doze off and on while pressed up against him, his heartbeat thrumming against your cheek and his fingers tracing lazy circles on your upper arm.
“Sorry I fell asleep on you,” you give him a sheepish smile as you sit up, turning to look at him.
“Tch, l just came inside you and you’re concerned that you fell asleep on me?” he teases, eyes lighting up. He looks genuinely happy and it makes your worries wash away.
“Shut up! Just…didn’t know how you’d be acting after all that.”
“I personally adore knowing I fucked you so good you passed out,” he grins, pulling you on top of his broad chest.
“I guess you did huh, body isn’t used to it I suppose,” you say as you rest your chin on his pecs.
“Hmm, that’s okay, thought it was cute having you fall asleep on me. You’re welcome to anytime,” he replies, his warm words making you want to bury yourself in his chest again.
“Oh I ordered a pizza while you were asleep, it should be here soon,” Sukuna says.
“Thank god!” you are starving and haven't even thought about dinner.
The doorbell rings and Sukuna gets up to grab you a fresh towel to clean up with.
“I’m sorry I should have done this earlier, I can come back to help you clean up,” he says as he searches the floor for his shorts.
“You’re fine, I’ll be up in a bit,” you wave him off, but appreciate the concern.
You clean up briefly and then pull on some sweats and a hoodie, trudging upstairs to join him. You realize you are pretty fucking sore right now, legs feeling a little shakey as you climb the stairs.
The storm must have stopped while you were both downstairs, the last traces of daylight rapidly fading into night as you peek out the window. Sukuna is in the kitchen getting plates and also a glass of water for you. He gives you a drive by peck on the lips before sitting down next to you.
“So what’s the plan,” Sukuna blurts out as he tends to do, he really has zero filter when it comes to saying what’s on his mind.
“What plan?”
“The plan for you and me.”
“Well I don’t know the plan, but we can make one together,” you chuckle, “what’s at the top of your list?”
“I want you to be my girlfriend,” he says bluntly, taking a big bite of pizza while you almost choke on yours.
“Damn okay tomato girl, don’t puke all over yourself in disgust at the thought,” he teases while you slap his arm, trying to regain your composure.
“No! It just surprised me is all. Can you do a long distance relationship? I still have another year for my masters at least.”
“You’re worth waiting for. We can video call and shit too, and I’ll come visit you.”
“AND, while you are in school, I can go back to school too. Maybe we can be done close to the same time,” he adds.
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, been thinking about it since yesterday.”
“What do you think you’d want to go for?”
“Probably something with car maintenance and repair. Actually seems to pay pretty well for the area and I already know a lot about working on them. I thought I could finish my business degree and do the apprenticeship at the same time. There’s so many online degree choices now, I should be able to make both work. God knows I have enough money.”
“I think that is a great idea,” you respond, getting butterflies thinking about the future together. “My parents are going to be in for a shock.”
“Ha, yeah they are. They’re usually alright with me though, hopefully they’ll come around after hearing our plans. No way I’m worse than Cam. Which by the way, you technically have two boyfriends right now, playa,” he winks at you, making you snort in response.
“I haven’t technically said yes to you yet,” you tease as you pinch his tattooed cheek, “and yes, I will be your girlfriend Sukuna. I’ll also send Cam a breakup text after eating then block him.”
“Good, I don’t like being the other man.”
“Popsicle?” you ask, getting up to raid the freezer.
“Yes ma’am!”
One popsicle later, Sukuna has whisked you back downstairs and has his head between your legs again, eating the “real dessert” as he called it. He stops to let you send your breakup text, saying he wouldn’t let you cum until you were only his, but after that, the man is all over you until the early morning hours when you finally tap out, unable to keep your eyes open anymore.
Day 5
You awaken the next morning to Sukuna’s arms wrapped around your body and legs tangled in yours. It must be late considering the way the sun is beaming through the window.
You groan with discomfort, your whole body feels sore and you are absolutely famished.
“Sukuna,” you say sleepily, shaking him.
“Hmm? What?” he responds in a sleep raspy voice, sitting up and shoving his hair out of his eyes.
“So hungry.”
“Lemme go get us some donuts.”
Your mouth waters at the thought, a local shop in the area makes apple cider donuts that you miss so much now that you live out of the area.
“What about your license?”
“It’ll be fine, I drive all the time and it’s not an issue. I just gotta be a good boy and not drive crazy,” he laughs.
You feel yourself about to fall back asleep so you don’t argue. He crawls over to you, planting a soft kiss on your lips before getting up.
“I’ll be back in a bit, why don’t you sleep a little more, you look…quite rough,” he snickers.
“Wow I wonder what could have possibly caused this?” you roll your eyes at him.
“Hmm I wonder?” he jokes, throwing on a shirt and sweats that he got from his house last night.
“Love you tomato girl…friend,” he looks so proud of himself for coming up with that, making you groan.
“You are…something,” you burst out laughing, “love you too, see you soon.”
He comes over and gives you a big, crushing goodbye hug.
“God I wish you could stay a little longer,” he nuzzles his face into your neck.
“It'll all be okay,” you thread your fingers through his hair one more time before he leaves you to bury yourself in the sheets again, quickly letting sleep consume you once again.
You are jarred from your slumber by your phone ringing. You sit up, disoriented, realizing it’s almost 3PM, much later than Sukuna was supposed to be back. Maybe he was upstairs letting you sleep.
You pick up your phone to answer.
“This is a collect call from an inmate at the Southeastern Regional Jail, press 7 to accept.”
taglist: @clp-84 @zeunys @aquaberrydolphin @nynxtea @yuujispinkhair @ssc7514
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No big deal

character: Thanos/choi su bong X fem!reader
Summary: [ ] Thanos has been acting secretive all week, and you're starting to get suspicious. Then one evening, he surprises you with something unexpected—he’s been working on a handmade gift for you.
Warnings: none🦑🦑
You’d been keeping a close eye on Thanos all week. He wasn’t usually the type to keep secrets—if anything, he was the kind of guy to say whatever was on his mind, even when he shouldn’t. But lately, something had been off.
He’d come home late a couple of nights, muttering excuses about “just handling something.” He’d avoid eye contact when you asked him what he was up to. And yesterday, when you casually tried to check his phone, he snatched it away with a speed that could rival a Squid Game recruiter.
Suspicious. Very suspicious.
So when he asked you to sit down at the kitchen table tonight, saying he had “something” to give you, you half-expected him to admit to some ridiculous scheme. Maybe he’d lost a bet with his friends, or maybe he was planning a surprise trip that he forgot to actually book.
What you didn’t expect was for him to pull out a small, hand-carved wooden box and place it in front of you.
You blinked at it. “What’s this?”
Thanos shrugged, shoving his hands into his hoodie pockets. “Just something I made.”
You looked at him, then at the box. The wood was a little uneven, the edges not quite smooth, and there were tiny scratches where he’d probably struggled with whatever tools he’d been using. But when you traced your fingers over the top, you noticed something—your initials, carved into the surface, right next to his.
Your heart did a little flip. “Wait… you made this?”
He shifted from foot to foot. “Yeah, well… Don’t look too close. It’s not perfect or anything.”
You carefully lifted the lid. Inside, nestled on a soft cloth, was a simple bracelet—thin leather, braided, with a tiny silver charm attached. You picked it up, running your thumb over the charm. It was shaped like a tiny star.
You looked up at him, feeling your chest tighten. “Thanos…”
“Listen, it’s no big deal,” he said quickly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I just thought—y’know, you always wear that bracelet your friend gave you, so I figured I’d try making one. But if you don’t like it, you don’t have to wear it or anything—”
You reached for his wrist and pulled him closer, cutting off his rambling with a soft kiss.
When you pulled away, his ears were bright red. “Oh.”
“I love it,” you said, slipping the bracelet onto your wrist. “And I love that you made it.”
He exhaled, finally letting a proud little smirk creep onto his face. “Yeah, well… I guess I’m pretty good with my hands.”
You rolled your eyes. “Don’t ruin the moment.”
Too late. He was already grinning. But when you caught him glancing at your wrist, watching as you admired the bracelet, you could tell—he was happy.
And so were you.
#squid game headcanons#squid game 2#squid game imagines#squid game netflix#squid game season 2#choi su bong#player 230#squid game#thanos#thanos squid game#thanos x you#thanos x y/n#thanos x reader#thanos headcanons#choi subong
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chapter two

pairing- Bang Chan x OC (Chi Nakamura) word count- 1.1.k warning- pure fluff, caffeine addiction (lol) a/n- i love writing this story for comfort whenever im feeling a little down!
A Day Later
The soft clink of ceramic against wood echoed in the quiet café as Chi wiped down the tables, humming lightly under her breath. It was another early morning at Mochi & Bean, the scent of brewed coffee, vanilla, and fresh pastries wrapping around the space like a warm hug. The world outside was still waking up, the streets of downtown Seoul bathed in a faint, grayish-blue glow as the city prepared for another busy day.
The bell above the door chimed, and Chi barely looked up at first, still focused on wiping down a small syrup stain left behind from the day before.
"Good morning!" she called over her shoulder in her usual cheerful tone, assuming it was another early commuter or a delivery driver.
But something made her pause. A presence. Familiar, but not quite settled into routine yet.
She turned around, cloth still in hand, and found herself looking at him again.
The mystery early-bird coffee drinker from yesterday.
The man—Chris, was it?—stood near the counter in that same casual hoodie, though today it was navy blue. He wore a baseball cap low over his forehead, but his sharp brown eyes still peered out beneath the shadow, scanning the café in that quiet, observant way of his.
For a moment, he seemed almost… hesitant. Like he was debating whether coming back here again was a good idea.
Chi, on the other hand, didn’t hesitate at all.
"You again!" she beamed, tossing the cloth onto the counter and wiping her hands against her apron before making her way over. "You survived your first cup of coffee here, huh?"
A small, tired smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he stepped toward the counter.
"Yeah," he said, voice low and a little raspy, like he hadn’t spoken much yet this morning. "Guess it wasn’t too bad."
Chi let out a mock gasp, placing a hand over her chest dramatically. "Not too bad?" she echoed, pretending to be offended. "That is not the review I was hoping for."
Chris exhaled a small chuckle, shaking his head. "Alright. It was good," he admitted, watching her reaction carefully.
Chi grinned. "Much better," she said, satisfied. Then, she leaned onto the counter with the same relaxed energy as yesterday, chin resting on her palm. "Let me guess—Americano again?"
Chris hesitated for a fraction of a second before nodding. "Yeah. Same as yesterday."
Chi tapped her fingers against the countertop. "And the croissant? You did seem to enjoy it, even though you pretended you were just being polite."
A flash of amusement flickered across his face. "It was good," he admitted. "But… what else do you have?"
Chi perked up. "Ooooh, look at you. Trying new things already." She turned toward the display case, filled with fresh pastries, and gestured at the selection. "You in the mood for something sweet or something buttery?"
Chris glanced at the rows of pastries, taking a second longer than most customers usually would. It was like he was carefully considering his choice, even though it was just breakfast.
Maybe that was just the kind of person he was.
"Sweet, I guess," he finally said.
Chi’s eyes lit up. "Oh! I have these strawberry mochi muffins that just came out of the oven. Soft, a little chewy, not too sweet, but perfect with coffee."
Chris hummed, looking mildly impressed by the description. "Sounds good," he said.
Chi didn’t waste another second. She moved behind the counter with ease, pouring his Americano first, then carefully placing one of the mochi muffins into a small bag. As she worked, Chris watched her—not in an obvious way, but subtly, curiously, like he was trying to figure her out.
"By the way," she said as she set his order down, "I don’t think I ever properly introduced myself yesterday." She tapped at her apron, where her name tag read Chi. "But you probably saw that already."
Chris nodded. "I did."
"And you’re Chris," she continued, tilting her head at him slightly. "You new in the area?"
Chris took a slow sip of his coffee before answering. "Something like that," he said vaguely, but there was a ghost of a smile behind his words.
Chi narrowed her eyes playfully. "Mysterious. I like it."
Chris let out a quiet chuckle, shaking his head. "Not that mysterious."
"Says the guy who only shows up at dawn, orders black coffee, and disappears into the morning like Batman," Chi quipped, crossing her arms.
Chris pressed his lips together, like he was trying to fight a smile. "I don’t think Batman drinks Americanos."
Chi shrugged. "He should. Might make him less broody."
That pulled a real, soft laugh from him, and for the first time, he looked genuinely at ease.
Something about that made Chi’s chest feel… warm.
As Chris grabbed his coffee and the small paper bag with his muffin, he lingered for a second, his fingers tapping lightly against the side of the cup. He seemed like he wanted to say something but wasn’t quite sure how to phrase it.
Chi, ever perceptive, noticed. She leaned slightly against the counter, tilting her head curiously. “What? Did I mess up your order?” she teased.
Chris huffed a quiet laugh, shaking his head. “No… just,” he hesitated for a moment, then met her gaze. “I liked the playlist yesterday.”
Chi blinked, surprised, before a slow smile spread across her lips. “Oh? You were paying attention?”
He shrugged, but there was a flicker of something playful in his eyes. “Kinda hard not to when you’re humming along.”
Chi laughed at that, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Guilty. Music’s a big deal for me. I make a new playlist for the café every week.”
Chris took a sip of his coffee, nodding. “It was nice. What was that one song? The R&B one, kinda mellow?”
Chi lit up. “Ooooh, you have good taste! That was Oceanfromtheblue. You into that kind of stuff?”
Chris nodded, his grip on the cup tightening slightly. “Yeah… I guess you could say that.”
There was something about him, about the way he spoke about music, that feltlike he was familiar with it.
Before she could dig into it, Chris glanced at the door, like he was aware he’d lingered too long. “I should go,” he said, but there was an unspoken but in the air.
Chi leaned against the counter with a grin. “Well, next time you come in, I’ll have a new playlist for you.”
Chris held her gaze for just a second longer than necessary before nodding. “I’ll hold you to that.”
And with that, he turned, stepping back out into the gray-blue morning, the door swinging shut behind him.
Chi exhaled slowly, staring after him for a beat longer than she probably should have.
Maybe Mina was right.
She was definitely seeing him again.
©sunshineangel0 𖹭 if you liked this work, please consider reblogging, commenting or liking! xoxo franzi 💋
skz general tags: @velvetmoonlght @scarlet789 @offl-ine @missvanjii
(if you want to be added to my taglist, please comment under the post.)
#stray kids smut#bang chan smut#stray kids imagines#skz imagines#stray kids fanfic#stray kids scenarios#skz scenarios#bang chan imagines#bang chan scenarios#bang chan fanfic#bang chan#stray kids#skz#skz fanfic#stray kids fake texts#Skz texts#stray kids texts#skz fluff#skz au#christopher bang#bangchan stray kids#bang chan x oc#bang chan stray kids#bang chan skz#bang chan x reader
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Batman is a vampire! Isn't him?
Vampire bats AU! But the only real vampire is Tim who thinks Batman is a vampire, he isn't.
Tim is hungry, his parents were supposed to come back home yesterday but their flight was delayed because of a snowstorm. And now he is starting his winter break alone and hungry, they have food at home of course Mrs. Mac cleaned the whole house and made food for the week when Tim was back from his boarding school, but she didn't know the Drakes where vampires so there was no blood in the house for him to drink. He doesn't know where he should get his blood, usually his parents give him all the blood he needs, but they aren't here and is not like he can knows any other vampire... Wait he does know a vampire, everybody knows Batman is a vampire! He just needs to find Batman and ask him some blood.
So 9yo Tim run through gotham looking for Batman, and when he finds him, he sees 16yo Robin!Dick doing a quadruple somersault, remembers Dick Grayson doing that at that night in the circus (Not sure how he remembers that if he was 2 maybe is just vampire power maybe he just like that) figure out Robin's identity and then Batman and gets so shocked he doesn't realize he lost were the bats went.
Now there is 2 possibilities, the bats find him right now or they find him later after Jason is adopted (meanwhile Timmy is stalking the bats so he can learn how to hunt or something like that). Either way I just think it would be so funny Tim thinking the bats are vampires (like him!) and Bruce doesn't know what to do with this kid.
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I had the worst shift at work yesterday which left me anxious, over-stimulated and exhausted. I took a break from working on part 2 of The Nightmare comic with the DB siblings and dipped my toe back into ROTTMNT! I think I have a design down for post movie Raph, but it's not done yet, so here's a line up of my OC Cleo and her family!
Bernard Pawson: His family where one of the first groups of explorers to venture into the caverns of the Hidden City which eventually lead to the city expanding. He has gone on many expeditions to study new creatures, plants and environments deeper in the caverns and has published his findings in books. He's a renowned figure in the Hidden City and highly respected, works alongside the Council Heads and continues to help the city in it's effort to grow to accommodate for more mutants and yokai
Charlotte Pawson: When Yokai were driven underground, many of her family were lost. Charlotte's parents were some of the few who survived, and made their living by founding a tailoring business. Through out the decades yokai have evolved into many shapes and sizes, and with how limited resources underground are compared to the surface, well made clothing is often hard to come by. When Charlotte inherited the boutique she pushed the business far beyond what her ancestors had done. Charlotte has a keen eye for business and a skill in negotiation and customer satisfaction, and currently stands tall as the top tailoring business owner in the Hidden City
Chloe Pawson: Cleo's younger twin, compared to her sister, Chloe is calm, collected and cool under pressure. Just like their mother, Chloe has a talent for organising and managing a large schedule - which Cleo is a little envious of. When it comes to running a business, Cleo thinks Cleo is far better suited, but really, Chloe has no motivation to take over the boutique after their mother. Chloe is a secret rock music enthusiast and owns a collection of vintage rock band t-shirts and punk aesthetic accessories. Due to Chloe being so put together and confident, this can lead to Cleo often feel awkward around her twin, feeling as though she's not doing a good job as a 'big sister' and 'setting a good exmaple'
Maxwell Pawson: Commonly referred to as Maxy, Maxwell is the oldest of the triplets and the most daring. While at times he is a bit oblivious to the grand danger of some of his more extreme adventure ideas he means well. Desperately wants to be like his dad when he's older (looks up to Leo so much you have no idea)
Marie Pawson: The second youngest, Marie considers herself the princess of the family. However, with having two brothers, Marie is just as quick to rough house and tumble with them, she just claims to have more grace. She's prone to butting heads with Maxwell, and defending Tommy in school when he gets shy. Often says what's on her mind without thinking, the type of kid who is brutally honest. Growing up the way she has - and being a cat - Marie is fascinated by anything big, glamourous or sparkly, she's a bit of a hoarder in that sense and collects random bits and bobs she finds pretty (goes on to look up to Donnie and all his cool science stuff, she and Maxwell but heads over which twin they think is cooler)
Thomas Pawson: The baby of the family, Thomas is rightfully spoiled by his older sisters and protected by Maxy and Marie during his moments of anxiousness. Out of the triplets, Thomas is the most calm and quiet, he doesn't enjoy rough housing or running about so much, and is perfectly happy to do his own thing while Marie and Maxy run around nearby. Unlike his brother and sister, he is unnaturally timid and has no desire to be an explorer like his dad, he's much happier at the idea of something more lowkey. Like Marie he also likes to collect things, except Thomas collects...anything and everything. Buttons, acorns, a weird shaped pebble, bottle caps, anything small he can fiddle with he'll have. Marie thinks it's kind of weird, but still lets him show her his collection
#Cleos family is rich#they probably live in some swanky big house in the hidden city#still figuring out when cleo meets the turtles and when raph would meet her family#but when the turtles all see her house i can see them just being like “THIS is your HOUSE??”#they'd have probably seen her house before when they where in the hidden city for some reason but never would have guessed cleo lived there#ROTTMNT#Cleo#ROTTMNT OC#Rise of the TMNT#save rise of the tmnt#unpause rise of the tmnt
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I pick up people's verbal tics so easily and I didn't even know until this year
#there's bits and bobs from the bbc.... from the people im closest to at the dorm..... catchphrases ive stolen from friends......#but what's WILD is that i finally figured out why i pronounce 'dream' the way i do. i pronounce it so weirdly and i could NOT figure out wh#or where it was coming from. and i just figured it out yesterday#it's from karen savage's 2008 fan audiobook recording of anne of the island on librivox
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Actually you know what, I'm gonna post this. Check it out, I'm fiddling with this PMV. Spoils the whole game ofc. And the name of the song is pure imagination by Fiona Apple!
Also I'm apparently a big fan of drawing moon laying down 😂 total count including scrapped drawings is 5 (technically 6)

#rain world#animation#video#wip#Pmv#Yeah I busted most of this out yesterday in one 9 hour long tunnel-visioned drawing sesh#(new meds)#LMFAO but yeah at this point I put aboutttt 16 hours into this and I'm quite proud of how it's come out so far#I had a lot of trouble with Arti's design. I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do for the longest time#Then I got to the shot of her screaming and was like yeah. Max floof. Momma bear arti. Yesss#God forbid I ever use the same design twice#On that note I have no idea where that sexy saint design came from. I love it. It just came out of me#There were a few things I wanted to fix before uploading but literally whatever#I'm gonna redraw so much it doesn't even matter#The ending is on its way too. I already have it roughly planned out; classic double twist ending ✨#But I decided to scope creep by making it full color so who knows if it'll get finished#I'll sketch it in gold just in case#Love that this is the first thing I do upon finally getting some energy back. My projects? No. Talk to friends? Nah#Make an entire pmv? Bingo#Coughs. Anyways
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btw i still haven’t gotten rid of the ants in my room i really am living through my own chimera ant arc right now they’re trying to take over
#yesterday they were on my BED like fuck off omg#i can’t figure out where they’re coming from 😭 they’re not in line they’re just scattered around the room walking#anyways i just queued a bunch of pporappippam posts i hope everyone has a beautiful saturday wish me luck so i can get rid of these damn#ants 😭#.txt
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it's all fun and games typing up a silly, rickety little au idea in the tags of someone else's post and then suddenly you find yourself expanding on the world-building and plotting out interconnected stories for characters you swore would only make background appearances and your brain is On Fire with the need to write even when you know you can't commit to yet another doomed wip
#the terror#this is 100% about the fucking hartving tech!averse jirv/librarian!hartnell au from yesterday bc IT WON'T LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE#thinking about a ficlet detailing how bridlgar met#peggles is a delivery driver who does the rounds dropping off the library's stationary orders and john's the one in charge of receiving#and they strike up a friendship over terrible stationary puns and eventually start dating when john introduces harry to classic lit#thinking even more about a joplittle sequel where after ned shows up soaking wet the first time and is immediately smitten#by thomas “Just Being A Decent Person” jopson; he starts volunteering at the library just so he can get closer to jops#(like the loser he is; bc why ask someone out directly when you can just hang around in their orbit and hope they notice you noticing them)#but the more time he spends at the library the more he comes to love it; and ends up volunteering to read to children on his free weekends#(my tumblr homies know exactly where i'm headed with this bc i am so transparent my mom might as well have called me “window”)#and jops; despite his better instincts; gets so turned on after hearing ned do voice impressions for fictional crayons while reading to#a bunch of enraptured rugrats that he decides then and there he absolutely can't NOT fuck ned senseless the second he gets his hands on him#meanwhile for the main fic; jirv and tartnell are both absolutely disgustingly in love but are also completely clueless#as to how to go about expressing interest in each other bc while i imagine jirv not being as repressed in this as he normally is in fanon;#he still hasn't actually figured out he's Big Time Gay™ yet and#tartnell on the other hand is both extremely attracted to and intimidated by the handsome; aloof yet kind; bible-quoting scotsman#who's decided to adopt him as his personal apple support technician#despite the fact that tartnell knows little more about iphones than jirv (seeing as he's been using android since smartphones took off)#god i'm in so deep about this stupid little au i've dreamed up that i just want to yell about it for hours on end#and despite knowing i'll likely NEVER get around to writing it; it is just... taking up Brain Space... that i already Do Not Have
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#arknights#i should probs make my own play tag for this instead of the main one but i'll figure that out if i make more posts like this. anyway#im finally reading the reunion arc of the main story thanks to the downtime between IC and typhon#(i cleared out all the stages first and now im going back to read cus my memory is so bad i'd forget what happened with how long it took)#poor hoshiguma i dont think she gets paid enough to stop these two from killing each other in cold blood#i find it funny tho that i decided to read lone trail before having read anything past episode 3 cus that one bit where rosmontis is like#'when's amiya coming back i miss her'#i was like (clueless) 'its ok rosmontis i think she just went out to get milk. she'll be back soon'#something tells me i'm due to find out she did not go out to get milk from the corner shop#voice of a guy trying to erase the memory of spending Six Hours trying to beat the last stage of episode 8 yesterday morning#i got distracted. anyway the women are fighting
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I don’t know if I’m just imagining things but I feel like Olli and Aleksi are actually so close 🥺 for example I feel like they post so many pics together and I know they post with others too and it’s not a big deal but e.g. Olli has posted 5 pics with someone else this year and 3 of them are with Aleksi.. so it must mean something right?? 🥺 and I feel like they spend a lot of time together yk even ”outside the band” when they’re having a day off and they still do music (the remix) etc. together 😭
Yeah I mean I for one am so deep in the Olli/Allu delulu land that it's VERY easy for me to agree and confirm all of this 😭 they're boyfriends secret lovers special friends and it shows 🥺
Here are all the pictures of the two of them I could find on Olli's IG, for reference 💞

+ the group picture Olli posted when Aleksi first joined the band, with the caption 'so now there's six of us' 🥺

#i left out the one where he's pushing aleksi's and niko's heads in the water 😳#and one from balboa bts with tommi in the background#ngl the anon ask i got yesterday has given me MASSIVE headworms of 2 young guys having thought they had their life all figured out already#and then one day they realise they've fallen for their friend and bandmate 😭#friends to lovers but with troubles in between my most beloved trope in the world 💞💖💗💓💕💖💞#with truckloads of (mutual) pining and just general confusion about what they should do about their stupid (mutual) feelings#(i'd love to read/write something of this sort but i'm too anxious about everyone being all#'boohoo they'd never cheat also you're disrespecting their gfs'#like............first of all it's fiction second of all IT'S FUCKING FICTION third of all i ain't gonna tell 'em lol#obviously i wouldn’t include their actual gfs and OBVIOUSLY i wouldn’t show the fic to anyone who's in it??#i just don't understand how someone could be offended about something they don't know about lol#and OBBVVVIOUSSSLLYYYY i wouldn’t write either of the guys as somehow happy or confident about cheating like come on#there'd be SO MUCH guilt and shame and angst and they’d still love their gfs so much#but then there's also this guy who's their friend and whose stinky socks made them barf once on the tourbus#and who means the world to them. they didn’t mean for it to happen. it just did 😭#anyway sorry for rambling i swear i don't mean to make everything about my silly fic ideas#i just can't help myself and i need a way to let it all out somehow without bothering anyone in particular 😭😭😭)#ollixallu#anon asks#answered asks
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They made a statue of ryujis tattoo thats so wild
#snap chats#there was a part two to LNY !!!!! there was a parade in chinatown :) my favorite part of LNY 🤤#figured id get a lil dragon for the new year :) ignore the lion puppet i got yesterday i cant make him rgg relevant#parade was so funny tho i got there three hours early OEDJSOZKD#they gotta not advertise it bein at 11AM only for the lions to come at 1:30PM…#also everyone kept calling them dragons and :) Respectfully they arent dragons#there ARE actual dragon shows but … lbr the lions get the most attention OOP#RESPECTFULLY#goofy as hell while i was waiting this girl walked up to me and was just. Balls Out all#‘hi youre really pretty and i just wanted to ask for your number’ like wow !!!! ok !!!!! hi !!!!! not interested tho sorry !!!!!!#thank you for the ego boost tho. no matter where i go i cant escape bein called cute or pretty this is SO sad#anyway ima eat some donuts i got on the way home and that soup from yesterday I Didnt Eat All Of It Leave Me Alone#happy new year 🐲🐲🐲🐲
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Roughly once every four years I ponder the alternate timeline where I didn't get scared and quit college rugby after a single practice
#everyone was cool i was just intimidated coming from softball and karate into a full-contact team sport#after one practice i was like 'this is not for me' and didn't go back#and i do feel this way during most olympics. but especially after watching a bunch of women's rugby yesterday and today lol#maybe this'll be the year i finally get buff. im realizing that i really need to get regular exercise so im looking for stuff to do#I've enjoyed softball a lot this year and last but it's only in the spring/summer (our season just ended)#i wasn't really able to play last fall bc my work schedule gets crazy in sep/oct and i work some weekends#gyms are so fucking expensive and i really prefer having a structured activity to just free workout time#i've tried a couple of apps (just started using a new one that seems promising) but i can never stick to them as well as a team or class#i gotta figure out what sports run in the winter and where the chiller recreational teams are#i do feel like i lucked out with my softball league. it's not so casual that it's a boozefest but not so competitive that it becomes unfun#some of my softball teammates have talked about doing basketball together and like.#im a good sport im willing to try most things despite being fat and slow but i am Extremely not built for basketball lmao#idk idk. i just turned 30 last week and have started having trouble sleeping in the last few months#regular moderate exercise will not solve all my problems but it will probably help#j rambles
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Bruh, the ninja's aim with the cannon is fucking ass.
Every damn time.
Lowkey also going to vent in the tags for a minute
#ninjago#tw vent#so of course I'm on day 1 of my period (which started yesterday afternoon) (right now I'm on day 2)#but anyways. At 7:40 am I get cramps in my thighs. And they're bad (though maybe not that bad. But I'm a bitch about cramps)#these fuckers stay until 9:26!!! And it was obvious I wasn't feeling great during Periods 1 & 2.#Because I was constantly fidgeting and in Period 2 I was messing around with my hoodie & constantly putting my head down#So anyways Period 2 and my cramps end. Time for break. My FUCKING BRACELETS are missing#Still don't know where they are at time of posting this except that they're at school#And I like these bracelets. to the point where if I find someone wearing them I WILL argue for them#And yeah my mom got them as a free gift from a company she buys from#But I like those bracelets. I'm so fucking willing to full on call someone out for wearing my bracelets#And bring to attention every feature that shows that it's mine. Like the fade marks or whatnot#So anyways. 3rd Period comes and goes. I get up to go and part of my jeans feel wet while I'm walking#like blood just leaked off the side of my pad wet. So I'm fucking walking like I pissed myself trying to get to the bathroom#and lo and behold.... Blood is on my fucking jeans. And it's not the hugest spot but I can fucking FEEL it#So I dry it the best I can (and swap my pad because it was FULL) then head to 4th#Trying to figure out whether I should ask my mom to bring me a pair or jeans. But indecisive because she's also working#So I text my brother. Bro just tells me to fucking decide for myself#So. Not wanting to impose on my mom (especially since I asked her to take pictures of my Stats textbook yesterday since I forgot to)#I just decide to deal with it#Anyways that's all just wanted to get that out there.#Everything's fine now. Except the bracelets. Hopefully I lost them in my 1st Period because apparently they aren't in my 2nd
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No pilates this morning because my knee is acting up and I have a doctor’s appointment and Benji cries when he’s alone.. what do I do with my time
#i might continue to attack the junk room#so yesterday i got the vast majority of the junk out of it#i also relocated all my nail polish into there because it was giving me anxiety being on my nightstand#i was like we’re one night terror away from me having a very multicoloured carpet#(probably not true but i have long arms and very little concept of where my body is in space)#i still need to audit the bookshelf and figure out what i’m keeping. the room also needs vacuuming#and if i move the furniture to where i want it it wouldn’t be the worst thing#i should probably also measure the place so i’ll know if the furniture i picked out (especially the rug) will actually fit in there#i don’t have a rug; a desk or a chair yet and i still want to paint the walls (which requires the wallpaper coming down)#so i can’t get the whole thing done today#ugh i’m impatient. i just want to realise my vision already!#but i want to wait until the new year to order furniture because i know couriers are having a hard enough time this time of year#i wish i’d got my arse in gear a couple of months ago instead. but it is what it is#personal
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Dani/Ellie as a member of YJ or Teen Titans.
The team is helping the JL with an all hands on deck apocalypse on earth. They are losing badly. She looks around herself, at the destruction all around her, squares her shoulders and says 'looks like it's time for the nuclear option... DADDY!!!!'
I didn't know if you've seen the post where a scary Danny got summoned instead of Klarion and everyone (heroes and villains) was getting ready to team up because of how scared/intimidated they were. That's the Danny I'm picturing answering his daughter's call for help. Maybe with an equally scary Fright Knight sword already drawn at his back.
The team was struggling with keeping the villains at bay. This was supposed to be a coordinated attack with the Justice Leauge, moving simultaneously on the other world.
Earlier yesterday, the Light had organized for reality to split apart, forming two worlds. One contains children, and the other includes adults, causing the opposite age groups to vanish before the eyes of horrified humans.
To the adults, their kids were taken in a flash worldwide. To children, their parents went missing in the same flash. It was chaotic, and if it had not been for Captain Marvel, they would have never figured out what was happening.
Dani was a little peeved that she was on the child's side, but despite being a princess of the Infinite Realms, her body technically did not form until four years ago. For all intentions and purposes, she is sixteen. So she stayed with Young Justice, following the kid's command and feeling alive.
She may request to be placed on the Team when this is all over. She sends an energy blast towards Klarion, watching the little Lord dodge with a laugh. He sends back a wave of magic that would nearly knock her out of the air if not for her gritting her teeth and digging in her heels within her ectoplasm.
She always hated dealing with the stupid Lord of Choas. They gave her Dad nothing but trouble whenever he called a court. Everything Danny suggested was a challenge on the grounds of attempting to "control" their disorder.
Honestly, Dani preferred dealing with them than the Lord of Order. They were a bunch of self-righteous uprights who didn't care about who was hurt in the process of their justice. At least the Lord of Choas admitted they were monsters.
Oddly enough, she was grateful Klarion wasn't treating her like the princess she was. It made work so much easier when he allowed her to attack him and vice versa.
"Echo!" Robin runs towards her, waving a hand. "Maneuver seven!"
She nods, abandoning her stance to shift her flight path into a large arch. Her hands clasp into a tight cup as she speeds back up into the air. Robin doesn't miss a beat, launching himself at her just in time to press his foot on her clasp hands, using them and her upward rise to launch himself clear across the field to land a mighty kick on Teekl.
It lets out a howl that quickly gathers the attention of the angered Lord of Choas. Seeing her chance, Dani fires more energy blasts, quickly forcing the witch boy into a defensive position.
She pinned him for a few seconds while Kid Flash raced toward the marking on the ground. Dani grunts to shift the ectoplasm in the air into a long beam, firing it straight at Klarion's shield.
A few cracks are forming around the dark red dome, and she is just about to break through when Teekl comes out of nowhere. A roar is the only warning she had before the blasted cat slams into her, claws digging into Dani's side, and she can only scream as the pair fall.
"No!" Kid screams somewhere behind her, but Dani can't turn since she is holding the claws of the large cat away from her and pressing into the ground to stop it from tearing her face off with its fangs. Its sneering face looms over her, snapping at the air, while her arms tremble with the force of holding the large beast at bare.
Getting her wits about her, Dani uses a ghostly wail to get the cat off her. Teekl is flung through the ai,r landing in a heap by Klarion's side.
The witch boy gasps, "Teekl!"
Dani heaves herself to her side, legs turn, and oozes a mix of red and green blood. Teekl had managed to claw at them during the fall, which meant she couldn't stand, let alone fight, for a good while.
Panting through the pain, Dani presses her hands to leg, attempting to put pressure on it. Her vision goes in and out as white-hot fire races up her legs and body. The Team struggles with an outraged Klarion just a few feet away from her.
Dani wishes, not for the first time, that she was a perfect clone of Dani. If she was, she would have all of his powers, including super healing and duplication. Instead, she sits like a heap, an utter liability to the team, as Klarion dances circles around them.
It pains her to do it, but Dani starts to drag herself away from the battle, realizing she needs to put space between herself and the danger. If the Witch Boy or his stupid cat realizes they can use her as a hostage, Dani will never live it down.
She is just about to drag herself to the tree line when she notices Zatanna raise her hand and speak in rapid-fire magic. A nearby bush drops its illusion to show a very familiar helmet. Dani's eyes widened in alarm, and she took it into her hands and slid it right on.
"Zatanna! Wait!"" She hears herself scream, but it's too late. The girl's body has become a vessel for Nabu, the champion of the Lord of Orders. She really hates those guys.
Zatanna rises into the sky, now dressed as Dr. Fate, flickering in and out of sight as the split realities mess with Nabu's anchor.
Klarion taunts him for it, seeing this as a chance to take down the ancient Dr.Fate, but Dani has other plans. Raising her hand, with every last ounce of strength she has, Dani aims one last good ecto-beam towards the crystal in the center of the spell runes.
It shatters the crystal in a thousand pieces, sending a shock wave of magic across the field. Klarion throws a fit, like the immature brat he is, before he calls back his stupid cat, and the two vanish into a portal. If Dani was feeling better, she would have chased after him.
Captain Marvel beams back into their reality, informing them the adult magic casters were all defeated by the Justice League. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief when Dr. Fate and Zatara med the two worlds back together
Superboy rushes over and leaves Dani in his arms, mindful of her wounds. She offers him a soft thank you, which earns her a grunt in acknowledgment. Not one for words, that Conner Kent.
She thinks about the Conner Kent of another universe, this one younger and more arrogant, running around in leather jackets and piercings but a Young Justice member all the same. One day, she should introduce the two. If the fabric of realities didn't fall apart upon their meeting.
Dani is snapped out of her thoughts when the pair get close enough for her to make out what Zatara is begging the Order Champion. Her mouth falls open as Dr. Fate refuses to leave Zatanna's body.
"Kent would never allow-"
"I have sent Kent Nelson's soul to the afterlife." Dr. Fate cuts off Kid Flash with what sounds like a coldhearted taunt to Dani. The way he uses Zatanna's voice makes her skin crawl.
"Take me," Zatara offers desperation in his voice. "My body is at its peak, my magic stronger than my daughters. Use my-"
"No!" Dani shouts, flailing in Conner's arms. Her ectoplasm boils in her veins when she points an accusing finger at the flowing Dr. Fate. "Nah-uh. This is against the law, and you know that, Nabu!"
"You know not what you speak of,child-" The ass tries, but Dani won't hear any of it.
"Long-term overshadowing of any living being is against Infinite Realms law." She sneers, facial features slightly less round and more uncanny with her anger. Around her, the Team is staring wide eyes.
Oh, right, this version of the Team has never seen her proper Phantom form. They only know Echo- named after being the copy of the great hero Phantom- who looked awful like her human form, just color flipped.
Her Halfa form was much more appealing than her entire ghostly appearance.
Dr.Fate crosses their arms. "Against a mortal will. This child willingly gave her body to me in exchange for aid in combat. I broke no law."
"Oh yeah! We'll see what the King has to say about that!" She screams, and finally, Nabu seems slightly worried, but it vanishes quickly as he jolts Zatanna's chin at him. Using her friend like some sort of meat suit.
The nerve.
"The King has better things to do than heed the call of an unimportant child." Nabu hisses, and yeah, she's going to make him pay for that.
"It looks like it's time for the nuclear option, just remember Nabu, the Lord of Order's Champion, you brought this upon yourself." Reaching out with a hand shaped entirely of ectoplasm, Dani launches a blast at Nabu.
The Team screams, Kid Flash's voice rising about the others. "No! Zatanna feels ever hit you land!"
"Echo, stand down!" Batman commands, but Dani doesn't pay them any mind as her attack lands against Dr. Fate's cross shield. She smirked, willing her glowing hand to rip a piece of the shield and fling it back towards her.
Conner nearly drops her as Dani slams the pieces into her leg, allowing them to cover up Teekl's magic. Wobbling her lips and letting the water fill her eyes, Dani lets out a whine and then a scream.
"Daddy, help!"
At once, the field is overflowing with death magic. Every living being in the area- including the animals in the forest- is brought to their knees as a fear unlike anything they have ever experienced digs its way into their very souls.
Conner falls to his knees dropping Dani in the process but she doesn't mind. She is too busy enjoying the way Dr. Fate's entire body has gone rigid as one glowing green eye snaps behind him. Zatanna small figure is no bigger then the pupil of the glowing eye, her body bath in the glow of it's green light and even the moon pales in comparison to the might of it's shine.
The eye quickly gainst a smile, stretched across a row of sharp teeth, then a second eye, a nose, and slowly Danny, King of the Infinite Rleams, forms in front of everyone's eyes.
The sweet smell of terror fills the air as Dani breathes it in.
Danny stares at the overshawed girl, eyes locked on Nabu who is resting just behind the layer of her skin, and glares. "You have brought harm upon my heir."
Nabu is too terrified to move, so Dani puts on a bigger show, letting tears roll down her face as she calls up, "He stole my friend too! He overshadowed her and won't give her back!"
Danny's face clouds with rage. "You have taken my heir's love. Release her."
Woah, hey now, no need to out Dani like that. Blushing, Dani ducks her head as Nabu quickly allows Zatanna to take off the helmet. Danny's large hand reaches towards the helmet, ripping out the spirit of Nabu, who wails in horror as the King drags him towards a portal. "You shall face trial for these actions."
"No! Mercy, your majestic, it was for the purpose of order!" The ghost cries, but his pleas fall on deaf ears as skeleton ghosts burst out of the portal, dragging the kicking and screaming ghost through. The portal slams closed with a loud crack, Nabu's screams echoing across the field.
Danny turns his large head towards the cowering group of mortals before the pointy-dark features of death melt away into a warm human face. It's a whiplash of change as the air shifts to comfort and personified sunshine when the King smiles. "Dani, I just wanted to let you know how proud I am you joined a hero team. Visit home a little more often and bring your friends."
"I will, Dad. Thanks." She beams back as Danny's large finger presses into her side, and his healing magic overflows her body. He does the same to all of her teammates and Justice League co-workers.
They are too petrified to move or thank him for the healing, but neither is Phantom Mind.
Danny nods, winks, and then vanishes like he was never there. Slowly, sound returns to the world- the leaves rustle in the wind, and animals begin to chirp.
"Well," Dani starts, climbing out of Conners's arms and dusting her outfit. "Who wants victory fudge?"
She gains a lot of round-eye looks, and when no one answers, she sighs, "I guess we can do victory pizza instead. But I demand one kind of sweet, or I'm going home to my father to complain."
#dcxdpdabbles#dcxdp crossover#Echo's Dad#Part 1#Young Justice Cartoon#Dani travels through dimensions#Liked this one and stayed#Never mentioned who her dad was#Danny is scary#Zatanna takes her up on that date later on#Robin kicks a tree#Don't worry Nabu is released on a warning but he won't take over someone life anymore#Danny is Dani father
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