#or trying to indimidate you
varpusvaras · 2 months
Just thought of little Leia meeting rest of the Corries...like suddenly Fox has this little nat-born girl hanging around with him, and when asked he's like "she's my daughter from the future. she's just time travelling" (he's casual about it because he has to be. if he's not he's going to lose his mind)
It actually doesn't take long for the Corries to believe it, because the conversation will go like this:
Thorn: ....who is she, Fox?
Fox: This is Leia
Little Leia: 🙂
Thorn: Um. Where did you get her?
Fox: Oh she's time travelling. She's my daughter from the future
Thorn: What-
Fox: Say hello to your uncle, Leia
Little Leia: Hello, Uncle Thorn 👁👁
Thorn: ...
Thorn: Yeah okay that's definitely your kid
(Thorn and Leia are immediately besties)
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schala-la · 7 months
One thing about the Emperor romance I love the most is the concept of a beautiful, interesting and admirable mind.
I love the idea that their romance is not about physical appearance or sex appeal but rather about the state of your/Tavs mind.
Even when refusing the tadpole, the Emperor comments on your conversations he enjoyed and that you are an interesting fella. Obviously with mental limitations but still, admirable.
Not even once he comments on your physical appearance which, let's be honest, would be an easy take when trying to manipulate you, since everybody spends 3 hours in the character creation and all my Tavs are pure divine!
But naaah, that's just not his flirting style, he enjoys every wrinkle of your brain though and he's telling you about it.
When you take the special tadpole he calls you "Exquisite!" but again, this has nothing to do with your black-teeth-and-black-eyed-half-illithid-self but with your evolved mind which became even more interesting to him.
He loves your mind, your thoughts, the power you have with it and also the bond he can share with you, now that you are more "compatible".
I think this bond between two beings beyond their physical form is such a beautiful and interesting concept.
Also to know someone in such a deep and profound level is indimidating but also thrilling at the same time.
I love it and I love those few Emperor/Tav fanfictions which focus on this concept. You give me LIFE!
I even think this is the concept I love the most in BG3.
Oh, to be loved by someone only for your exquisite wrinkled mind.
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bsverryin · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ Rizz-ing up genshin men
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╰┈➤ Ayato, Zhongli, Diluc, Xiao, Cyno
╰┈➤ how you became friends to lovers from rizzing them up.
✎ possible warning ⚠️ mention of alcohol. Fluff/wholesome how you became their friend, lover after. HEAD CANNONS ONLY !! I don't know if it's character accurate enough but I tried my best, again I can't assure you of PERFECT grammar, enjoy!
(DMS are open)
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: ̗̀➛ AYATO
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Ayato is just too serious and busy all the time that you can't find the right timing to rizz him up, so most of the time you find yourself the one starting to start a conversation with him.
He doesn't need such cheesy rizz because the man himself has the most unspoken rizz, he really doesn't have to do much to make other people fall for him, he's too beautiful and majestic people.
You meet him whenever you and ayaka hangout, it feels like heaven whenever you meet, he deeply cares about his sister too and one day ayaka left you with him so she can buy something outside, you tell her that you'd go with her but she wanted to make it a surprise so she left you with his brother which wasn't so bad.
You struggled to talk with him because he was just too indimidating and looks busy. So whenever he tries to glare at you, you give him a small smile and to forget the awkward tension you decide to talk to him.
"I've heard a lot of you from ayaka, you really are a good brother. I hope I have a brother like you." You said with a light tone.
"I can treat you like a sister too." He chuckled and smiled at you back.
Well, he didn't treat you as his sister because you kept sending him rizz messages, he doesn't find them annoying and got used to it. He loved your attention and you both got used to each other so sometimes when he has his free time he goes around with you and ayaka, then finally you both were alone together.
"Umm, it was nice hanging out with you and ayaka!" You said enthusiastically, smiling at him.
"It is a pleasure to hang out with you, apologies if I couldn't treat you like my own sister. I just find myself loving your company, would you allow me to treat you more than that, Y/n?"
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Zhongli doesn't understand your rizz-es most of the time, however he doesn't mind. He may have asked you couple of times if you liked him more than a friend but you deny it by saying you just loved rizz-ing him up for fun. You were helping around Xinyue Kiosk, He was a regular costumer. He's always alone yet he doesn't mind. You always see him and he looked really elegant to you, one day you just decided to go talk and be friends with him. It doesn't cost any harm so why not try? It was one of the best decision that you've ever made because you became friends and sometimes he wants you to join to have a meal with him, he told you a lot of times to stop speaking formalities with him but the more he says that the more he speaks formality, he was just born formal and you didn't understand and that's where you start rizz-ing him up whenever you message him, hoping he'd be comfortable and be less formal with you but then again it's just how he was. "What do you think of the geo archon?" Zhongli asked out of nowhere while you both are having an afternoon meal together. "I think the geo archon is really cool! The geo archon did a really good job protecting the Liyue and if I ever meet him, I will praise him as much as I can until there's no words left to describe how awesome and thankful I am." He smiled at your words, he was expecting that but he didn't expect that much Well sooner, you found out zhongli was the GEO ARCHON, You couldn't get yourself to look at him but he assured you many times that it was okay in-fact it made him really happy that you think that way, but you're just too embarrassed you weren't expecting that the geo archon was the one you were rizz-ing up and even sharing a meal with. It took you weeks to process that information but sooner you accepted it and praise him more than usual, the first person who confessed? It was Zhongli, he hears your praise every single day however it was different whenever you say those words to him. He loved you in any way. "I'm happy to hear those words from you, Y/n. I appreciate you as a person and more than a friend"
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: ̗̀➛ DILUC
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As expected, Diluc has left you on read again but it wasn't on purpose because in reality he just doesn't know what to respond after you rizz-ing him up. He stared at your message for awhile thinking what to say but completely forgets about it because the tavern is getting filled up with drunkards. You, were one of them. You liked drinking but it's not a habit, it only happens when you're lonely and doesn't know what to do next in life. Whenever you're helpless. It was the reason why you're friends with diluc, you had too much to drink and couldn't control yourself properly, you became drunk and started flirting with diluc, he was annoyed at first but he's letting you say what you had to say because he couldn't control you either, that night you gave diluc your number and he accompanied you to your house. He left immediately and morning afterwards you couldn't remember what happened but see a message from an unknown number asking if you're alright It was diluc telling you to pay for the damages you cause in the tavern, you broke a glass and a wine.. but you still couldn't remember anything so you had no choice but to go to that tavern again. You begged diluc to let you go because it really wasn't on purpose, you were drunk and most of all.. You didn't have any money so you promised to repay him by working at the tavern, angel's share. "Alright then please do so, we are short in employee's after all." Was all that he can say and that's where you started working. He was a rich man and you're a helpless lady but you had this rich man's number it won't be that bad talk to message him sometimes right? but sometimes turned into everyday's you both became friends and you started rizz-ing him up out of nowhere but you know you'll be left on read again, if not on read then he will respond with question marks and fake haha laugh messages. Who confessed first? Of course, it's you. You told him that you'd respect his time always and be a good girl for him but what you didn't know was this man loved you the way you do, He was just good at hiding it. "Hey, Y/n.. Did anyone told you before how gorgeous you truly are?"
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: ̗̀➛ CYNO
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Cyno is the scary general mahamatra, yet you can't stop yourself from rizz-ing him up, he didn't look that scary to you and above of that he also rizz-es you back but it's not a flirty rizz but a funny rizz, in your perspective you both are totally made for each other. You and cyno are childhood friends, but it's not like other where you both are very close to each other and play with each other. You both were friends because he's the most closest in your house. You can't really leave your house because of your young age before You, both as young kids were talking from your windows, throwing papers to each other windows and tease each other. That's your wholesome relationship with cyno You had to leave sumeru for many years, you stayed on Liyue with your parents and when you grew older you forget about cyno but then you had to comeback to sumeru for your grandparents. You found out that your neighbor was the scariest general mahamatra, it didn't stop you from talking to him though, you found out he plays TCG and you both became friendly rivals after playing for awhile and cyno asked for your number whenever you play again and then there's where you start from messaging him to rizz him up. "I'll definitely win this time!" You said while you roll the dice and you going first. "and I'll definitely make you cry!" Cyno said teasingly as you both played for awhile. This time, you won and started jumping around laughing at cyno. You spent those days on the sumeru spending time with cyno. You both got closer than before, sometimes you find yourselves talking about the old time when you were exchanging and throwing notes to each other's window, he's glad to see you back. Cyno confessed first, You thought that he was joking around because there was no way he will like you but then realize sooner that he was serious, You couldn't believe it because you liked him too. "Let's play another round, if I win you'll let me kiss you."
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: ̗̀➛ XIAO
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Rizz-ing up xiao, is the bravest thing to do. He doesn't understand, he doesn't want to. He didn't mind you rizz-ing him up but sometimes he gets annoyed where he almost blocks you. You loved cooking that you almost cook everywhere you go, Wangshu inn was your favorite place to cook in, It has unlimited ingredients that Ms. Verr assigns you to cook for xiao and surprisingly xiao loved your cooking better than anyone else. You asked for his number so that he can easily call you or message you when he wanted to eat something other than almond tofu, he didn't know how to use a phone so you taught him how to message and call someone, then there's where you started rizz-ing him up. If it wasn't for your cooking then he might have blocked you long time ago, but still he replies than to left you on read. "Can you cook me something other than almond tofu, tomorrow?" He said while you gave him his usual almond tofu, you stared at him to think what else to cook and a better food other than almond tofu but he took it in a wrong way. "Tsk, just tell me if you don't want to." He said as he took the almond tofu on your hands. "No, no! I would love to well then get ready to eat the most delicious food tomorrow!" You gave him an excited smile while he looked at you curiously. You cooked a lot of different meal for him everyday because he loved and wanted to try everything that you cook. Which made you feel appreciated as a person and a chef. He would often message you to cook him something but of course you rizz him up first before doing his request. Sometimes he'd let you stay so you guys can talk about foods and what it feels conquering demons. You confessed first, you told him you loved the way he appreciates your food better than anyone else. He smiled at you and kissed you after eating the food you cooked for him. "That's good to know, Y/n. I love your cooking and you too."
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plutoswrath · 1 year
Compatibilty: matching energies 🌊
Personally I think if it comes to compatibility and you’re someone with strong Scorpio, Aries, Leo, Capricorn, Mars, Pluto, Sun, Saturn or Lilith energy in your chart, you need someone who is not indimidated by your power.
This also counts for people who have these signs or planets in the 8th/1st or 10th house.
The thing is, every placement is powerful, but due to the rulership of these signs, and the themes of the named houses and planets, the power can be easy to feel and on display for everyone around you.
A lot of power hungry people (a lot of jealous people) can abuse this. Either leeching on you or trying to suppress your autonomous nature. At best, you have someone who is attracted to and appreciative of this power, even better if they get inspired by it!
This means that the compatibility is not really dependent on text book astrology synastry, but rather on the fact who in their individual birth chart has the capacity and themes of handling said power and autonomy well.
Generally speaking, always search for someone who matches your energy and is on your wave length. Who would fit these themes and patterns in your chart well?
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mocc-tok-flip-flop · 9 months
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So it's been a while since I posted, but I got deep into the Pokemon fandom again and the train twins have now taken over! I just had to design some Pokemon forms for Emmet and Ingo!!
I know some people aren't as into stats and abilities, but I really wanted to sit down and hash out their strategies and movesets. They're subway masters AND ridiculously strong and skilled trainers, so I wanted to make sure that their Pokemon forms also reflected that! So if you're into that (or learning how Hisui changed their partnership) it'll be under the Read More below!
Let me know if y'all want to see more of these guys! I have even written their Pokedex entries and figured out their habits and natures! (Also, just because I thought it was funny, now Ingo is the one who's weak to Earthquake)
Ok, so the first thing I determined were general specialties! Ingo, despite his intimidating appearance and his fighting typing, is actually a better special attacker. I imagine that the twins play up the perception that other people have for them: Ingo is indimidating and Emmet is friendly, so Ingo is actually a sneaky special attacker and Emmet is a surprise physical attacker!
Their base stats reflect this, and I put their total around evolved starter range to make sure they're viable for competitive battling. As for typing, it was mostly based on various Pokemon they have on their teams, but I kinda wanted to make them partially types suited more to their counterpart, so Electric for Ingo and Steel(?) for Emmet? It's not perfect, but I HAD to make sure Ingo shared a typing with Lady Sneasler so they can be friends in Hisui. And Emmet is a Bug type because Emmet.
I agonized over their movesets and abilities for a long time, but I really wanted to show that they are a Duo, Please Do Not Seperate. So their moves and abilities help to cover each other in a double battle! Ingo has the absolute beast of a move Boomburst (both because he's loud and because it's a 140 base special attack with no downsides) so he's got Brick Break to make sure that there's no screens or shields blocking his big finishing move. Workup helps with all of his moves and since it boosts physical and special, it works to hide his little-known special attack specialty until it's too late.
I had fun with Emmet's moveset! Not only does he have Reflect to help cover his beloved brother's weaknesses, but in the case they're fighting a singles battle he's got U-Turn to effortlessly switch into his brother's big finisher move. I waffled between Reflect and another move that would reduce special defence (set up even better for Ingo's finishing move), but ultimately decided I liked Emmet shielding his big brother better.
I also want you to know that for his move Attack Order, Emmet literally commands a small battalion of Joltiks who like to hide in his coat. Verrry cute.
Of course, the codependency doesn't stop at their moves! Ingo's ability literally reduces the damage that Emmet takes when they battle together, and Emmet's Volt Absorb ability means that Ingo can always heal up his little brother if the Joltiks don't heal him first.
And now we get to the sad part. During their separation, both of them change, as now they no longer have each other to rely on in battle. Ingo changes out his Brick Break for an Aura Sphere, as when fighting solo (and sometimes multiple opponents) he doesn't have time for a lot of setup and is best on relying on his special attacking rather than trying to play the long game. His ability also changes to Defiant, to reflect his heightened need for fighting and his determination to find what he knows is missing (YES I know technically abilities can't really change but THEY'RE SPECIAL OK and it was sadder this way).
And oh boy, while Emmet can pretend he's fine as much as he wants, his changes truly show how much Ingo's loss devastated him. There's no-one left to switch with, so he trades his U-Turn for a more aggressive Lunge instead. And even worse, his new ability, Anger Point, will boost his attack once he hits half health. Which means that now he will try to get hurt and stay hurt, since now his brother can no longer heal him :(
Sorry for so much rambling, but I got suuuuper into designing these guys! The actual designs are alright, but I still think they need to be more distinctive somehow. Might go back and tweak it a bit later, but I'm happy with it for now. Why are they weird kangaroo things with hooves? Idk, but they look cool and that's what really matters~
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littledesertfox · 2 months
intro, I guess?
hii! I figured I should make a post like this even though I have a feeling it will be like super messy xD
I've had an interest in history, specifically World War II basically since I was a kid. It was only recently though that I found out that there's a community for it! I've always had a thing with expressing my interests in ways that may seem slightly odd to other people, so it feels nice to see that there are others who seem to experience this in similar ways :3
I want to make it very clear that I am NOT a nazi or rightwing in any way, and I don't want actual (neo-)nazis to interact with my blog, get the fuck out! Similarly, I don't want racists, lgbtq-phobes, ableists, religious extremists, pedos & zoos or people of similarly disgusting kind to interact! I'm literally queer and neurodivergent (undiagnosed/suspected bc getting a therapy place is hard :/), this is not a place for you!
I've been a fan of the Downfall parodies on youtube when I was younger and recently relapsed into this fixation😭 I don't know if this fandom even really exists at this point since it seems that many creators have left in the meantime, but I'd love to talk about it, maybe I'll even get to write fanfics at some point. Also a short disclaimer that when I talk about historical figures that play a major role in the Downfall parody universe (such as Fegelein, Krebs, Burgdorf etc), it will usually be about their parody selves, not the real people! I'll try to clarify that individually if needed though.
I've also started lurking a little in the reichblr tag with a feeling that I'd describe as "indimidated fascination". Currently I'm mostly interested in some members of the Wehrmacht, but other historical figures that I had or have an interest in might come up as well. Overall any stuff that I post will probably go more into the lighthearted and humorous direction, but I'd love to bring in some more educational stuff as well.
My inbox is always open if you want to gush or ramble about your favourite historical figures or Downfall characters (both from the parodies and the movie itself) and such! Please talk to me about our shared faves😭🫶
I get crushes on fictional characters and sometimes historical figures too, but that doesn't mean I support, condone or defend their worldviews or actions in any way (this applies especially to real people of course)! These "crushes" usually stem from a place of fascination with who they were behind their public appearance, I want to know more about them as a private person, like their hobbies, favourite food and other mundane things like that. Often it's also simply that I feel physically attracted to their appearance because I think they're handsome, either that or they give me massive gender envy (or both lmao). I don't really control on who I fixate like that, it just happens, but I hope that this will be a place for me to express those feelings in some way and find like-minded people. Though I also want to point out that not all my fixations are automatically also crushes! Usually I will mention whether they are or not, or you'll probably notice based on what kind of posts I make about them lol.
Current main historical fixations:
Erwin Rommel (I can't help it I just think he's cute ._.)
Fritz Bayerlein (he's the dude in my pfp lol, there's barely info about him but idk I just think he's kinda interesting😭 also yes he was actually bi)
Current main Downfall fixations:
Hans Krebs & Wilhelm Burgdorf (the otp ever)
Wilhelm Mohnke (ngl Downfall!Mohnke is kinda fine❤️‍🔥 ... idk maybe I'm just finding the actor hot though😭)
If I encounter things that make me uncomfortable I follow common fandom courtesy and block tags or blogs accordingly. This is nothing personal, I'm just curating my own online space. I don't want to see any harassment here, neither towards myself nor to others!
Anyway I guess that's it for now? Idk if this is any good as an intro post but for now it'll have to do I guess😂 I'm generally not really sure yet in which direction to go with this blog (should it be more Downfall or reichblr focused? is there a lot of overlap between the fandoms? do they even get along? help😭). I also don't know how active I'll be in general, I'm also constantly jumping between thoughts like "yee this is gonna be fun" and "dafuq am I doing here I should feel ashamed about myself" but I hope to meet people who share my interests :3
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sailorsplatoon · 7 months
what does the rest of the splatoon think of 4 and acht dating
Before I start, here's a quick summary of the pronouns I'll be using for each of the agents:
Agent 8: He/him
Captain 3: She/her
Neo 3: It/It's
Agent 4: They/Them
Eight supports them 100%. He's an absolute sucker for romance and he got to see it blossom first hand since he was in the elevator when Four climbed the spire and whitnessed the two slowly fall in love. (If anyone reading this has no idea what I'm talking about, you can check out my post on it here.) Eight and Marina act as Acht's wingmen, trying to encourage them to confess their feelings for Four. (Pearl does the same for Four.)
Captain 3 is on edge around Acht. She remembers being controlled by Tartar vividly and is worried that Marina's Memverse plan might not have worked as well as she thought it did. When Captain was sanitized she couldn't do anything to fight it, so how could some code made it go away entirely? What if Acht is just trying to take advantage of Four having been greyscaled? What if they're plotting something malicious? Her suspicion never really goes away, but it does fade over time. Her main goal is just to protect those she cares about.
Neo 3 had never met Four before Side Order, so it didn't have any connection to Four. It and Four sort of become playful rivals and will often purposefully be on opposite teams in turf war and ranked matches. It likes Acht, but is a little bit afraid of them. It thinks Acht is really intimidating. Regardless, Neo 3 supports their relationship and likes to joke about how it's friend is dating a zombie.
Callie is just happy that Four found a partner. She'd been trying to set them up with someone for a while and is excited to see that they've finally found someone who makes them happy. She thinks it's cool that Acht is a musician and wants to collab sometime. She organizes a monthly game night amongst her friends and was very excited to invite Acht (against Captain's wishes).
Marie feels similar to Captain in that she's suspicious of Acht. Both her and Captain exchange paranoid theories about Acht's true intentions that gradually become more and more convoluted. As the two get to know Acht better and let their guards down, their theories turn into a running inside joke rather than real suspicion.
Cuttlefish is... trying his best. He can be insensitive at times by saying things like "You know I was almost put in the sludge that telephone used to control your partner." He doesn't realize that he's just bringing back traumatic memories for Acht and making it awkward for everyone else (especially since only Eight was supposed to be in the sludge, he was just sort of there). Four is trying to teach him not to say that kind of stuff.
Deep Cut, while not a part of the New Squidbeak Splatoon, would likely end up meeing Four and Acht since Marie is their boss. They're really competitive, especially Shiver and Frye. Frye will often say things like "You two may be big shots in Inkopolis but in Splatsville we're the kings. Don't forget that." in hopes of indimidating Four and Acht. Shiver will just give them mean looks. Four thinks it's super cool and Acht just finds it funny. Really Shiver and Frye feel thretened by the fact that Acht is a musician and they don't want Big Man working with a different artist again. Big Man is embarrassed by how they act and often aplogizes for them, despite the fact that Acht and Four don't mind.
I probably went into more detail for this than I had to, but it was fun! Thank you for the ask!!!
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greypetrel · 7 months
1 and 9 for all of them!
Hi Mo! :D
Thanks for asking! A premise for number 9: I firmly believe that there's something of the author in every character, so I'll just listen what they got from me.
Tis the prompt list
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
Alyra: as above, time has passed and I don't remember much. I recovered her character because I liked the way she looked. I think it was the race, I remember I spent A LONG TIME back them deciding on the background. Raina: Her class. I didn't want to play another rogue, but then I remembered my one failing try with a mage in DAO and the Warrior armor wasn't as pretty as the rogue one. (she was born in trash and kept living in it.) Garrett: "Ok, I want to try the Fenris romance WITH A BLOOD MAGE." (sorry Fenris.)(But it worked out so there's that? They're happy growing pumpkins now) Aisling: "I want another Dalish whose character is the opposite of Alyra, this time.". Basically, I decided she would be a cinnamon roll first. Radha: The Dirthamen vallaslin. it looks very cool. Also, since my characters tend to be chatty, I wanted one that on the contrary speaks very, VERY little. Max: The name! I wanted a masculine nickname that's short for something quite embarrassing for the character. Hence she's named Maxine. She'll say it's a dog name and she hates it, but that nonetheless she got lucky because grandpa wanted to name her Jolene and that reference is too much on the nose.
9. Are they based off of you, in some way? 
Alyra: I was told I can be indimidating when I am pissed off, but I don't think I reach her levels, LOL. I do blink. Raina: She won the lottery as the character I do the most self-inserts. Beside the family, she won the lottery of sarcasm and being a mental wreck with zero self-esteem and a good façade of one. I don't eat stuff off the ground tho, I swear. Garrett: Surely not the green thumb nor the love for pumpkins. I'm chill like him. Aisling: "I'm fine :) " said as I'm having an anxiety attack. Being chatty and unable to hold a poker face. I would like to say I'm not a horse girl, but my instagram feed thinks otherwise. Radha: The love for reading and catching on, and vaguely the "no shit taken" attitude. Max: She got my taste for oldies and '80s rock, and well. Being Italian.
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bi-hans · 5 months
Which idea are you most intimidated by, and which idea are you most excited for?
I think I'm most excited for the sequel of ciye. And then I feel like I'm most indimidated by: for the lack of a better title right now "macbeth au". This au (which Spoiler! is NOT actually a macbeth au, macbeth just sort of inspired it /it's confusing I know/) anyway there's a lot of ideas and I'm having trouble deciding what to write and what to leave out. Plus potential plot holes are that I'm trying to figure out how to fix.
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darkbluekies · 2 years
☁️ i managed to sleep for 12 hours straight!! 😌 dropping by to say that your recent edmund work IS SO GOOD!! I GOT GOOSEBUMPS FROM READING IT. now i cant help but wonder what happens if he somehow find out about our intentions or survive 🤔 btw your ocs are so tall my god 😭 im part of the 5 foot nothing crew and i just know ill feel so tiny beside them ueueue... </3 (<— is secretly thinking of more ideas on how to use this height difference)
omg, i'm so happy for you! I hope you'll be able to catch even more this coming night.
skjshfwhejf thank you so much :((( i was trying to bring out my inner assasin. If Edmund survived, you'd probably spend a whole lot of time in the dungeon or in bed with your hands tied so you won't try to grab another knife.
sameeee, i'm 153 cm and I think that's 5'0, so i made the charcters tall enough to be indimidating and predatory (at least for me). Their heights are pretty normal in my country, maybe a little bit over average, but most people are tall here.
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silentmagi · 2 years
Delinquent Vigilante!Izumi Midoriya & Eri, Izumi vs Overhaul in "Damn Yakuza Moron"
Izumi Midoriya had been having a bad day, first she was kidnapped to UA, and forced to sign up for classes. Then the store had been out of pork cutlet when her mom wanted to celebrate her dream high school accepting her, so she didn't get her katsudon. The rat bastard still wouldn't let her have her favorite metal bat back.
Now there was this freak in a bird mask trying to indimidate her after she tried to help calm down the kid that had ran into her? Listen, she was a delinquent, but she wasn't going to mess with a kid. Not one that was far more scared of the guy in front of her.
Then the moron tried to get handsy with her.
She, an icon of the delicate, flower of femininity? What ever could she do?
So it turns out that lead pipes worked very much the same as aluminum bats, in that they tended to break bones when applied with sufficient force. Seeing the asshole with two limp noodles for arms trying to curl around himself to make the pain in his crotch stop would have been satisfying, but for now, she had to take a walk to UA.
The kid didn't look good, and it was the only place she could think of to keep the cute girl safe. While they walked, she may or may not have agreed to teach her how to swing a bat.
No, she wasn't soft for the cute little girl named Eri. Shut up.
If she saw Overhaul again, she would go for the other head.
The chaos compels.
If you want to write one of these, please just link me
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regatoni1 · 2 years
~Chapter One~
chapter one of six
"(y/n), if I have to tell you one more time to stop chewing gum in here, I will disown you," Claire reprimanded. 
How does she even know what disown means?
"Claire I swear to god I'm going to murder you in your sleep if you try telling me what to do one more time!"
God, how old am I? The arguments with your sister, who you had to constantly remind yourself was ten, never ceased to be aggressive. She had a thing about gum. 
She looked at you expectantly. 
"Ugh, fine!" you rolled your eyes. "You win, I'll spit it out."
Claire smiled as you walked to the trash can and spat out your gum. She held up her polaroid and snapped a picture of you. 
You giggled and jumped back onto the bed with her, watching the image develop. 
"Claire, (y/n), this is Six. He's here to look after the house while Donald is away," Claire's in-house nurse spoke softly, walking into the room.
You turned around to see a tall, muscular man striding toward the large glass sliding door at the side of Claire's room.
"Just the two exits?" he asked. 
"Yes," you replied, staring suspiciously at him.
If Donald sent him, he must be trustworthy enough. But still, could you trust him? 
He glanced over at you, holding your intense stare. 
You let your eyes travel down his well tailored suit, his arms clasped together at his front. 
When your eyes travelled back up to his face, you saw the shadow of a smirk. 
"Six is an odd name," Claire commented, not looking at the obviously dangerous man standing in her room.
"Yeah. Yeah, just uh, 007 was taken, so..." he shrugged. 
You smiled when you saw what was in his mouth. 
"Are you chewing gum?"
He paused and stopped chewing. "Yep."
"We don't chew gum in this house," Claire continued.
"I wasn't... briefed," he responded, his eyes darting between you and your sister. Claire lifted her camera and snapped a photo. "Won't happen again."
Your eyes stayed trained on him, trying to figure him out. His hands were in his pant pockets, showing he was comfortable here. He was tense, but he leaked an aura of confidence that made you feel rather safe. 
"Hmm, okay. Well, I'll try to stay out of your way. Do you mind?" he asked, reaching for the developing picture. 
Secretive. Black Ops, maybe?
"Hmm," he commented, looking at the photo. "May I?"
"Sure," Claire said, unbothered.
He held a small smile, tucking the polaroid into his pocket. "Thanks."
He sighed, and your eyes narrowed in on him. He didn't want to be here, that much was obvious, but he knew his job, and you could tell he knew he was good at it. It made you all the more curious on who he was. He seemed so dispassionate.
He was respectful of your sister though, didn't look upon her with pity as most people do. As you do sometimes. 
"It was nice to meet you," he said stoically, causing you to snort a burst of laughter. 
His eyes darted to you, his facial expression staying the same. 
Your hand covered your mouth, his gaze piercing through you. 
"Claire, (y/n)," he nodded, leaving the room.
You and your sister shared a glance, and then laughed at the man who was so indimidating, it was silly.
You were lounging in the pool, a dark blue bikini adorning your body, matching perfectly with your skin tone.
The water was cold and refreshing compared to the heatwave the country was suffering through.
You floated to the far end of the pool, pulling yourself out and walking to the hanging chair, reaching for your towel.
Hearing steps, you turned around to face the mystery agent who was sent to watch the house. 
"Excuse me," he apologized, apparently for walking within 35 feet of you.
"Looking for your jacket?" you asked, drying your legs. He stopped walking away and turned back to face you. "I think Claire hid it inside somewhere. You won't find it."
You turned back to the chair and picked up your phone, checking the notification you got. It wasn't usually from a person, usually just the one of the many games you downloaded telling you to 'come back and play!'. You only had three people in your contact list, Donald, Claire, and her nurse.
"Is that a secure phone?" Six asked, striding toward you. 
"Secure enough. Hey, actually, can I get your number? Just in case something happens."
"Nothing's going to happen."
You stared at him for a second before he snatched your phone out of your hands.
"That was rude." He ignored you. 
You took a moment and looked at his forearms, which were littered with tattoos. You noticed one, in particular. 
"Is that Sisyphus?" you ask, looking at the Greek letters. 
"Yeah," he said, glancing at it.
It was ironic, really.
You turned to the side, showing the Greek letters tattooed onto your ribs. 
He looked at the ink for a moment before smirking. "Icarus?"
He looked at you again. His eyes made you feel like he knew every dark secret you had, like he knew exactly what was going to happen to you next. Like he could control it. 
"I should get back to work," he said, dismissing you.
He tried walking away. Your eyes travelled across his back and landed on the butt of a pistol at the back of his pants. "Six?"
He turned around but didn't say anything.
"My phone?" 
He smirked, placed it on the ground, and kept walking away.
Restless, you get out of bed to make a snack.
Your mind wouldn't stop travelling back to Six, wondering about everything. The basics, like where he was born or about his family, but also what makes him tick. What annoys him? What does he like? Does he like anything at all?
You walked down the hall, hesitating when you saw Six hovering over his laptop.
"Watching a movie?" you asked, trying your best to ignore him.
He quickly glanced at your white tank top and slinky pajama shorts before returning his attention to the screen.
"Wow, careful Six, say another word and I might start to think you like me." Sarcasm dripped from your voice. 
You were going to ask if he wanted some food, but you knew better. He'd say no, or just ignore the question completely. 
Opening the door to the fridge, you huffed. It was empty. Again. You closed it, frustrated, and went to sit down at the table.
Six pulled out a pack of gum, a mischievous glint in his eye as he offered you a piece. 
You pulled out a stick, and glanced around to make sure Claire wasn't lurking about. 
He popped one in his mouth, leaving the pack on the table. 
"Mr. Six?"
Your head whipped around, her voice sounding strained. 
She gasped, "Somethings wrong..." and collapsed. 
You ran toward her, but Six beat you there. He scooped her up into his arms and you sprinted to the door, throwing it open. 
Barefoot and in your pajamas, you fought with Six's car door until he was close enough for the key to unlock it.
You opened the back door, letting Six lay Claire down across the seats and quickly jumped into the front. 
He sped off, on route to the hospital while you turned around and tried to comfort Claire. 
"It'll be okay, honey. Just a little further."
She was awake, which was good, but her breathing was laboured, and she was clutching her chest. 
There must be something wrong with her pacemaker. 
Six screeched into the hospital at record time, and quickly carried her through the doors of the emergency room. 
The doctors were ready, and wheeled her off in a gurney.
You held your breath and watched her all the way until she went through a pair of doors, Six standing beside you.
Sighing, you went to look for a chair. You didn't know how long it would take. 
You had your arms wrapped around yourself as a chill ran up your spine from the air conditioning. Hospitals were like that, cold and unforgiving.
A single tear fell from your eye, and you hastily wiped it away. Now was not the time for your feelings. You needed to hold it together for Claire. She needed you to. 
Six walked up to you, holding out his beige suit jacket. 
You smiled, and took it from him gratefully. 
"She and Donald are the closet thing to family I have, you know," you stated, not expecting him to respond. 
"Donald said he found me on a mission when I was a baby, and gave me to his brother to raise," Six nodded, giving you all his attention.
"His brother and wife were young, but they wanted a kid so bad they took me in. Time went past and they had Claire ten years ago. I took care of her when they were at work, or just tired. I love that girl with my whole heart. Shit, I'd give her mine if I could."
"Put on the jacket, (y/n)." 
You hadn't noticed that you were still just holding it, the anxiety about Claire eating up your brain. 
You slid your arms through it, smelling his cologne. It was nice, comforting. Safe.
"Tragedy didn't help her condition," you continued. "Her heart got worse, so we had to hire a live-in nurse and move to Hong Kong. There's some specialist here that Donald thinks could help her."
"Fitzroy?" a doctor asked. 
You shot out of your seat, making your way toward her. 
"How is she?" Urgency flooded your tone and you followed the doctor down the hall.
"She's stabilized. There was a glitch in the programming, but we were able to repair it, non-evasive. The remote system flagged it ten minutes before you pulled up. We can track her pacemaker from just about anywhere."
By this point you were in Claire's room, talking to the doctor as Six stood politely by the door. You glanced over at him, his steely gaze bouncing between you and the doctor.
"When can we take her home?" you asked.
"We'll have her stay here for about an hour, just until she comes to, and then she can sign out."
You nodded, looking at the still unconscious Claire. The doctor left the room, and you pulled up a chair beside her bed, your own exhaustion hitting. 
"No, no! Stop! Please!"
The stranger just looked at you, chained to the ground, and kept walking away with Claire in his arms. 
You pulled at the restraint, panic eating you from the inside out. Your hands were behind you, with only about three feet of chain from the post in the ground to your wrists, and maybe one foot from your ankles to the same post. 
You were on your knees, screaming and crying, trying to get to your sister as she was hauled away from you and into the shadows. 
All of a sudden, you were sitting at the dining room table in your old house, looking down upon a sleeping baby Claire. 
Her parents walked in the room, anger extremely evident on their faces. 
They began to berate you. 
"How dare you let this happen?" her father said as his voice began to distort. 
"We trusted you, and this is what happens?" her mother said, face beginning to warp.
"What? I-" you looked down to Claire again, who was covered in blood, her little eyes staring lifelessly into yours. 
You looked back up to her parents, but they were gone. So was the room, the table, and Claire. All that was left was the blood in your hands and the chair you were sitting in.
Gasping, your eyes shot open, desperately searching for Claire. 
You took in your surroundings for a second, seeing the back of a car seat.
You were sprawled across the back of Six's Audi, Claire sitting in the front. He was driving carefully, with one hand on the wheel and the other holding up his head. 
His eyes quickly met yours in the mirror, and just as quickly returned to the road.
"(y/n), you okay?" Claire asked, swivelling in her seat to look at you.
You sat up slowly. "Yeah kiddo, just a bad dream."
Six pulled into the driveway and put the car in park. He quickly got out of the car and helped Claire to her feet.
The three of you get into the house and you decide to get Claire some ice cream. You always told her that it is the best medicine, anyway.
Finishing the bowl, she sighed. 
"Feeling better?" Six asked her.
"Just another Thursday," she replied.
You smiled. You hoped you taught the kid how to be tough, and you think you've succeeded. She might have a weak heart but she has nerves of steel.
"Alright kiddo, brush your teeth and go to bed," you tell her.
She obliged, much to her disdain, and you turn to Six.
He's staring at his laptop again, searching for dangers that won't appear. The house was covered in security cameras and motion sensors. There's a notification for every little movement. 
"(y/n), you should go to bed too," he says, not looking up from his computer. 
"I'm not ten, you know."
"(y/n)." He looks at you with something you haven't seen before. A look similar to something you're feeling.
You get up and walk slowly toward him.
"You want your jacket back, Mr. Six?" you ask, gliding your finger against the back of his chair.
His eyes are back to his computer. Annoying, to say the least.
You slowly put one finger under his chin, turning his head and attention toward you.
Once you have him looking, you slowly take off his jacket, his eyes not once leaving yours. 
The strap of your tank top falls off your shoulder, his eyes finally dropping to admire your body.
You stop at his side, his body turned to face you fully.
"Want to know a fun fact, Six?" he looks at you expectantly. You lean in to whisper in his ear, "My room has soundproof walls..."
You let him bask in the knowledge, and start walking toward your room. 
Halfway there, you turn to look if he's following you. The front door is to your back, and it knocks you to the ground when it violently swings open, a gun cocking at the back of your head.
Go to Chapter Two
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mare-sanguis · 2 years
Master Character analysis thread on Ryu Sunghoon Part II
Covers episode 3 to 4
We start episode 3 with a flashback. It highlights: Pain
The moment Sunghoon is gone, the group is in danger. Its easy to conclude that hes the member that binds them together- not just a simple leader or their guardian. But also the heart of their escape plane. If hes not there, everything seems pointless.
While the others kids in his group are working hes being tortured. This is the result of him trying to escape. Trying to get help until ultimately getting caught bei Yeom Kinam. He most definitely expected something like this coukd happen, yet he willingly put himself in danger- for the sake of his brothers.
Hes being shown in visible pain, in fear. At this point, hes been through more than anyone else from the kids in his group. The reason why he hasnt given up at that time and hasnt died? Simply put: he was trying to survive for the others. He keeps onto his life not because he wants to but because he needs to. He later laughs off his pain, his loss of hope and shows pretty clearl that he stopped trusting adults. That they r now on their own.
In the current timeline, he tries to keep watch on Sungjoon. Where ever he can, when ever he can. Even if it complicates his already thight schedule. He is, next to his father, the first one to walk towards Sungjoon once wakes up in the hospital. He waited- him staring out of the window instead of keeping himself busy (like their mom) indicates, he was worried. He continues his habit of looking away when the situation becomes uncomfortable for both him and Sungjoon. This happens again when his dad says „If it were your brohter, he wouldnt have acted so rashly“
He looks away because he knows himself the best. On the inside he knows hed either run away like a coward or get himself in danger to get himself killed- as deserved. In some scenes its pretty obvious he has a lower self esteem like the show makes it out to be. He doesnt really like himself. He dresses either in his suit- to merge into the masses – or wears simple black/dark clothes to not draw any attention towards him. While a lot of characters wear casual black clothes i think for him its more color coding than for others.
A short excourse into the meaning of the color black:
The color of power and sophistication. Black is and incredible strong and intimidating color that exudes authority and makes us feel secure and protected. Often seen at formal and prestigious events, this mysterious color arouses and seduces our senses. Black indimidates and mystifies. On the contrary it makes us feel depressed, sad and pessimistic. People wear it on funerals- in the 20tth century and earlier, it was also worn on weddings. It represents evil, death, grief, mourning, the occult heaviness, rebellion, fear and bleakness. As a „color“ of many sentiments its not easy to define it as negative or positive.
Its to note that black isnt a color. Colors refelct light and black does not- black is the absence of light and in nature can exist without any kind of light.
It concludes that black isnt just a simple choice of color but also represents what hes feeling on the inside. Everyday he wears the same. Just to not stand out. He doesnt want to.
When their mom scolds Sungjoon, Sunghoon looks right back at her. Almost as if he wants to challenge her. Despite everything and what his parents say („How long must we be worried about you?“) he is genuienly worried about Sungjoon.
Again, he looks away in visible discomfort. At this point, it has happened many times already. But why doesnt he talk back when hes actually worried? Because he probably thinks he has no say in any of this. He feels and sees himself as inferior.
At around 07:12, theres a short moment which can be quickly glanced over wher Sunghoon looks pretty ready to fight his mom. Because he knows who she really is.
There is that moment when the parents and Sunghoon are about to leave the hospital room- Sunghoon looks like he want to say something but he draws back. Hesistantly.
Something was on his mind.
Immediately after they left the room his mom gets back to him by saying „I know you must be busy but Sungjoon keeps causing trouble like this“ he smiles and looks down. By now we know what this means- hes uncomfortable. He doesnt like it. Or rather, he is overwhelmed. But the smile indicates something else- its a genuine smile. Directed toeards his brohter- he doesnt mind getting into trouble for him if it means he is safe. This is fruther highlighted by the facts that HE wants to ask the doctor instead of waiting for their parents to do so. He wants to know first. Like when they were younger, he was laway the firts to know when he was in trouble.
Getting back to his coping with nervousness. At around 26:11 there is a flashback which shows Sunghoon with a pen- yet again. Call back to one of the first scenes we see him in where he breaks the pen.
He taps it against his desk.
In psychology doing this has many meanings:
Twirling or tapping a pen is to relief stress or anxiety. Its a nervous habit but keeps the brain working. It also represents impatience. If done on someone eses desk, its more of a threat.
A short summary of Sunghoons other habits:
He holds intense eye contact. Intense eye contact usually means someone wants to dominate or intimidate. He feels the need to show others he does know things and if they get on his wrong side he can snap back.
He checks up on his brother.
He panics. On the inside.
Episode 4 starts with another flashback: This time it highlights hope and determination
As the guardian and protector of the group he makes sure the youngest are fed. So he gives up his food for them- even when one of them tries to decline. He did this all despite himself being still a child- being hungry and tired. He didnt give himself a break for the sake of the others. Hes determined to leave. His goal when they managed to escape? To go to school, do homeworks and play soccer like any other kid- something that never happened this way as his parents put him under constant stress to make the perfect throphy out of him. To not have (another) failure in their life. He was what Sungjoon was probably supposed to be.
In the current time, at around 05:15 he is seen staring at his his laptop- recognizing the chief police officer Yeom Kinam. There is visible pain and hatred in his eyes- he thinks of all those things he had to go through because of him. Its as if hes caught in a trance.
Mood swings are also a part of him. They vary from being cold, to feeling too much to „owning the place“- something pretty common found in trauma survivors of any kind.
When Sungjoon and his colleagues talk about a „possible theory“ Sunghoon enters the room by saying „The Kevin Bacon Theory“ it happens rather casually, and he feels pretty safe in what hes saying. His posture also indicates he feels good with what hes talking about.
Another interesting bits seen though episode 4:
When they leave the police station and Sungjoon mentions Baek Moonkang and Choi Songil in one sentence, Sunghoons posture shifts a little bit and he seems like he wants to know more- he knows them obviously but he wants to know what Sungjoon has to say about them. To Sungjoon it seems rather „judgy“ than anything else. So Sunghoon seems disappointed when SJ doesnt elaborate further.
He intentionally plays dumb when Choi Songil asks him if he remebers him (13:55) and plays off his anger tho its still pretty visible on his face. Accompanied with disgust. He even looks at his watch when CSG asks him if they could talk in private and tells him „lets talk here“. His words dont fit his actions- a common thing seen when someone is nervous or tries to hide something.
When he is being questioned by Dt. Kang about the incident at the hospital (Jung Manchuns death) his facial expression shifts from confusion to curiosity, questioning and confusion. He stands with his hands behind his back:
But what does it mean if someone is standing with their hands behind thei back?
-it makes someone taller/powerful
-it makes someone feel more approachable and is a sign of not being a threat
Sunghoon looks annoyed when Choi Songil tries to threaten him- as if to say „You wont success this time“ he tries to have the upperhand throughout their whole conversation.
When he visits his parents:
There is a photo of Sunghoon and Sungjoon on the latters desk. Sunghoon looks visible sad and melancholic when he looks at it.
Quick mannerism analysis of the interactions between him and his parents- else I would sit here until early morning (and i still have to finish my latin homeworks):
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„Sungjoon hasnt called“ he wish he had. But he knows he wont because he shouldnt trust him.
Sunghoon looks down, very displeased with the whole siatuation, especially when his mom says „Why must he (Sungjoon) do this now?“
When their mom asks wher he could be now he again looks uncomfortable. He wish he knew. He HATES how much he does not know about his brother. Someone he should actually protect.
And at last- a little rant about how their parents put all the pressure and burden on Sunghoon instead of taking care of Sungjoon themselves:
Why dont they know where their other son is? Why is it Sunghoons responsibility? Why is it the responsibilityof a traumatized boy to watch out for his brother? Why did they adopt Sunghoon when they couldnt even care about Sungjoon in the first case?Its not the responsibility of a kid. When their mom starts yelling at Sunghoon his voice gets notably smaller and more quiet. He feels inferior. He feels like he doesnt deserve to know more about his brother. But he feels like he deserves all the anger his mom is spitting at him. His eyes follow his body language- they get empty. And he looks distant. He feels like he failed his brother yet again. His only chance to gain back his confidence is by snapping back „Did the 2 of you really no expect this at all?“ his voice is accusing, rage filled and disappoined. Showing them they know as much about Sungjoon like he knows. Almost nothing. He wants them to feel as guilty as him.
And when his mom answers „Are you saying you knew Sungjoon would do something like this?“ he looks affirming but its not directed at his brother but himself. He would hvae killer if there was the opportunity, not SJ. He feels rage. Not SJ.
He wears a mask to hide the scars on his soul and body. Who he is, was, no longer matters . That old self of Sunghoon is gone- died when he was thrown into darkness. Now there is only one thing left: the manifestation of his pain, anger, and grief. The remains of his younger self are buried deep down- a dead and empty wasteland he has no idea to care about.
No one should ever find his younger self again- he wants to protect it so bad. To not get hurt even more. They should never see him again. Hes waiting for a moment in time when he can finally bring it back- to fullfil his younger self dreams and hopes.
If there ever would be an opportunity for his captors to apologize he'd never take it. He doesnt want an apology.
After all his current self is just a manifestation of trauma. He cannot accept. He doesnt accept and he shouldn't.
He is alone.
Part 1:
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I'm sure u can talk about it with him.. ypu don't seem to have the same courage as you do with ur other quads when it comes to him. I wonder if he secretly intimidates you or somethin LOL... did you ever talk to him about toning it down last time? Or did you drag ur feet on that?
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TA: Well, yxu're not entirely wrxng. I dx find it hard tx talk tx him specifically. He just dxesn't give me the "I'm xpen tx talk" kind xf vibes. It's nxt that I'm indimidated as much as I'm nxt sure hxw tx brxach the subject. TA: But alsx, it txxk me a bit tx nxtice that sxmething was xff? First few dates I figured he was just kinda playing hard tx get, but I later nxticed that it was sxmething else.
TA: I dx plan xn trying tx talk tx him next time, thxugh...
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Anthony’s Stupid Daily Blog (817): Tue 11th Jun 2024
Up early to head over town for my latest tattoo. Iron Maiden have been a constant source of comfort to me since I was at school and I've pretty much wanted a tattoo of Eddie from the moment I saw his fucked up face on the album cover of Piece of Mind all those years ago but I have never been able to settle on a design until now. As you may know whenever I get tattoos I try to combine two or more ideas to form one epic creation so a while back I experimenting with AI bots to see what Eddie would look like in different costumes. At first I had an Elephant Man-style Eddie that looked good and later a Jack the Ripper-influenced Eddie that I liked even more but then I decided to see what Eddie would look like dressed as my favourite wrestlers. Bret Hart Eddie looked Decent as did Shawn Michaels Eddie but then I got the AI bot to create an image of Eddie dressed up as The Undertaker and it was love at first site. I decide then and there my next tattoo would be: The Eddietaker...that's right folks I've just set mself back £500 all for the sake of a pun that barely works. I got to the tattoo place at 10 and Sophie the artist who has now tattooed me four times came over with the design I sent her and I got the shock of my life because it was fucking enormous. I was worried that this drawing of Eddie's face, which was larger than my face, was the smallest size she could do and thus it would have to go somewhere other than my forearm which is where I wanted it. Thankfully this was just the first of a dozen pieces of paper with the desing done in different sizes and there was one which was small enough to fit on my forearm without stretching over the fold of the arm. Before we started I realised this is now the second character named Eddie that Sophie has tattoed on me after she gave me my awesome Richie and Eddie from Bottom earlier in the year. I tried to think if there were any other fictional characters named Eddie I could get tattooed on me before I realised there would be plenty to write about in today's blog and I didn't need to fill up the page with this absolutely pointless exercise. I always make the same mistake whenever I get a tattoo in that I assume that the initial pain you get when the artist is just doing the outline is going to be that same level throughout and think that I'm tough because this level of pain barely phases me. However once the shading comes into play it's a whole different story and I'm holding my breath and strunching up my face praying that there's not long left to go. After about an hour and a half of torture Sophie told me she was going to break for lunch as soon as she got a phonecall from her landlord and after another hour I was death staring her phone which she'd left on her desk almost trying to indimidate the fucking thing into ringing so I could have a reprieve from the pain. After three uninterupted hours we finally broke for lunch and I headed over to Wetherspoons to tuck into a veggie curry and appreciate how lovely it is not to have a needle scraping against your sin. On my way back to the studio some yob in a tracksuit and bottoms saw my longcoat and my sunglasses and shouted "Back To The Future" at me. I wanted to turn around and say "Yeah I've been to the future mate and you're in prison for rape" but in the end I just walked away content with the fact that one day he's going to end up in prison for rape. Another hour and tenty minutes of pain in the studio later and I was finally done and my God it was so worth it. Sophie took a few pictures of the finished work including one in the light proof booth so she could put it on the website as she was really proud of the work she'd done on this one and she really should be as it looks fucking amazing. Frankly it looks so good that I think I should be allowed to attend Iron Maiden gigs free of charge from this point on and just present this to the security instead of a ticket (although if word of this got around it would only be a matter of time before a ticket tout cut off my arm and sold it for four times what I paid for the tattoo). 
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aliencatart · 2 years
To be honest I actually like how you gave Ryutaros a bit of a more draconic-like head shape (the other three Taros also look nice in your style too)
thank you! i've never really drawn monster designs like this before so it's really fun to try to interpret them into my own style also i think ryuta deserves to have a boopable snoot 😊
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