#or the birthday present to myself of me and Bojan
mitamicah · 3 months
A serious question for my brain: Why!??
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mitamicah · 5 months
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I am now 29 which is fitting since like Jere I am also turning into a very obvious Bojan boy x'D
This is my little birthday present to myself featuring memories around Bojan from the Malmö gig on March 15 2024 :D
I have made a second version with a bigger redraw in the middle you can find here (x) ^V^
Seperated sketches under the line :3
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Bojan getting a rose - redraw of my own picture (X)
Bojan catching my eye through the camera lens and tapping the mic to his chest - redraw of my own video (x)
Bojan having the time of his life in the audience after his UM rap (x)
Bojan being silly-flirty during Tokio - reinterpretation of my own video (x)
DEMONI SCREAM - reinterpretation of my own video (x)
Heheh short boy :3 - reinterpretation of my own video (x)
Got this screen shot send of Bojan doing a silly pose during šta bih ja and realised I was just underneath so I went delulu and made him look at me on the pic x'D
A from-memory drawing of Bojan holding my hand at soundcheck - I am still not over it :'D
Bojan writing 'Are You' for me as a tattoo :'3 - redraw of picture I got from Elmi/ehaapasalo on IG (thank you :'D <3)
A sequel to Bojan writing me a tattoo since I handed him a minion pencil case full of keyrings and stickers afterwards and poor boy was so confused :'D xD - redraw of video sent by Laura (thank you :'3 <3)
Me and Bojan being insuffable saying 'Are You' to each other for a minute or two after the concert x'D (also during soundcheck but not pictured here) - another sketch after memory :3
Redraw of one of the pictures I have with Bojan after the show -I am sad that I move so much that I am sort of blurry but Bojan looks great and have the biggest puppy eyes so I needed to draw it :'D <3
And lastly anoher from-memory drawing of me and Bojan having a little scream match/duet during Bluza :'D <3
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mitamicah · 5 months
My experience having my birthday at a Blind Channel concert (Pumpehuset, Copenhagen April 22 2024)
Better late than never here's my few cent about my (birthday) concert with Blind Channel last month :3
Me and a friend arrived at 3 pm where a cute little queue consisting of 3 Finns and 3 german people had gathered. This was where I got my first birthday song of the evening (it wouldn't be the last).
The queueing reminded me a lot of Malmö yet this time I was less surprised since I have more experience with Danish queues. (we are not very good at queueing for long periods of time especially on a monday xD) I did meet a handful of lovely people tho including a fan France, one from the Netherlands and a fellow danish fan who'd seen the band four times. One of the german fans were so kind of gifting me their VIP bag (since they'd gotten quite a few on this tour alone having early entrance/meet and greet to more or less all the shows). Despite having nothing personally to gift the fans this time this wouldn't be the last bit of merch I'd get since a fan later gifted me a homemade silk bracelet :'3
At 5.30 (aka my time of birth) the queue was starting to form. Me however decided to play Käärijä from my phone so the first song I'd hear in my 29th year would be Cha Cha Cha. The three Finns from earlier were right next to me when I sang my way through the song and they were surprised I wasn't from Finland xD. Me explaining why in the world I chose to play CCC in the middle of queuing got people to sing a second row of Happy Birthday xD
We ended up getting a pretty good spot on third row at the concert. The venue was tiny (I believe it was the small one with the capacity of 300 people) yet I was hopeful since last intimate concert I'd been to (Malmö) became one of my favourites real fast.
First band of the evening was Cold Culture from Denmark. I couldn't unsee the resemblance between Mads the frontman and Bojan (you may have seen my other post about this x'D). So I was sorta stalking him with my camera the whole set and the one time I didn't, he reached out to hold my hand (just like Bojan x'D). I didn't get the same stomach churning awe as with Bojan however but it was still a magical moment :'D. The band were really good and I have been pretty hooked on their sound since pretty much one half of a song played that evening.
Next band was Rock Band From Hell that - unfortunately given their name - is not really from Hell but are from Finland xD. Another pleasant surprise and once again a band where I felt drawn to the frontman but this time because his fit was the perfect mixture of nostalgia (think 2004/American Idiot Green Day) and gender envy (fishnets and coloured hair included) for me. The songs too were heavily influenced by 2000s pop punk which is just up my alley so I had a blast. My friend caught a guitar pick from Frontman Jani and then gave it to me as a birthday gift which I am more than grateful for :'D <3
Blind Channel got on stage around 10 pm and their set too was a lot of fun. I had made a sign basically stating it was indeed my birthday (as it turned out I was the only one there with a sign OVO) which I put up after the third song. Joel noticed and then lead the audience through a round of happy birthday (I had honestly no idea what I'd expected to happen with the sign so this was a pleasant surprise). At one point the band started requesting for moshpits which was a bit of a disaster given half of us were not into it (think closer to the Joker Out crowd in terms of overwhelmingly being girls and gays present) and the other half trying way too hard to make up for it. When the band realised that this wouldn't work they instead started a circle pit and that felt more right (I was in it and Mads from CC was too). It took me almost the entire circle pit to realise Joel had place himself in the middle of our pit and stood there unbothered singning x'D.
When the circle pit stopped I found myself having lost my good spot at the front and where now closer to the back. It didn't matter too much given the tiny size of the venue so I could still see just fine. The danish flag got on stage during the Dark Side encore which felt really good experiencing actually seeing my own flag being tossed around at one of these concerts (I am so used to it being Swedish, German or Finnish flags now x'D).
After half-heartedly attempting to get a pick, drumstick or setlist after the concert (spoilers: I didn't get either) I went to the merch stand where I got to talk to Jani and Jere from RBFH (frontman and guitarist) and knowing me of course I ended up venting about Finland and Käärijä for half a minute xD they were really nice tho and I bought their album ^V^
Then I went to chat with Cold Culture and got pictures with almost the whole band (keyboardist Andy had to get home since he lived 4-5 hours away). the guys were more than a little excited learning that it was my birthday. They sung Happy Birthday to me at least twice and drummer Andy (there are two with the same name but pronounced differently to make the confusion even bigger x'D) were especially excited about my flag cape (I had a flag with arms on the entire evening x'D) so he got to wear it and I almost just gifted it to him then and there :'D.
Having spoken to CC for a while (I can confidently say Mads also has a personality that resembles Bojan) a merch person got out with a shirt that had a minor defect that they couldn't sell. Turned out that would be my last accidental birthday gift x'D.
After a while we got hushed out by security yet gathered around the venue to talk/digest about the concert. Standing close to the bus we got to say hi to quite a few of the members from Blind Channel including guitarist Joonas (the fan from France got a photo with him) and Joel (he remembered me as the person with the birthday so he said happy birthday again :D <3).
Around 2-3 am (so 12 hours after arriving x'D) we said our goodbyes and me and my friend went home to my mother's house were we were staying. I got like 3 hours of sleep that night and a sore throat but it was definitely worth it given the amount of experiences we got this one night. Definitely in my top 5 if not top 3 of recent concerts although personally I'd say Käärijä in Berlin and Joker Out in Malmö is still a bit higher for me personally even considering the amount of little blessings from this evening :'D
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mitamicah · 4 months
Tonight, I had a dream about Joker Out visiting my childhood town. I was there to say hi to some horses I had been close to when I was younger (sadly I don’t think these horses are alive anymore and their home – the youth center I spend 10 years putting my very soul into – is not there anymore). I recall Bojan being present at this point but at least Nace was there because I can vividly picture him smiling his huge, toothy grin and running towards me with his arm out for a hug. The strong arms around me. The steady lifting of his chest. It was very surreal. It got even more so when we went to my old house (a house that was sold 2-3 years ago) to hang out.
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Then I remember Bojan showing up. I ran to him calling out “Bojči!”. He stepped back very visibly uncomfortable. Just before running into him I hesitated and began apologizing repeatedly (as I tend to do).
“No, no, it’s fine,” he said: “I’m just on guard whenever people call me Bojči. It’s something I’ve noticed overeager fans doing a lot.”
“Oh”. I got very self-conscious at this point.
He smiled genuinely (the Bojan smile that can make you forget everything around you exists) and invited me into a hug. It took me a few seconds to trust that he was okay with the embrace. Then I borrowed myself in his arms.
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That was when my alarm clock woke me up.
The wildest thing about this dream is not that I recall it this vividly. It’s that it has happened before:
Back in 2012 the night before my 18th birthday I dreamed of me wandering to the same youth center in the same town and running into Tré Cool, the drummer of Green Day. We’d embrace in a hug, and I’d sob into his chest. He caressed my hair and whispered: “Soon” in my ear. The next day I was gifted concert tickets to my first ever Green Day concert (and one of my first real concerts ever). Green Day tickets … in Paris (context: I live nowhere near Paris).
I don’t think anything like this will happen this time. Yet dreaming about meeting your favourite people on the same city and the same route ending in them giving you a hug and reassurance? If I got a penny anytime that happened, I’d have two pennies, which isn’t a lot but it is weird that it happened twice *insert Doofenschmirtz meme*
My best interpretation of what these dreams mean btw (I am touchstarved x'D) v
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