#or so my 6'4'' brother tells me
pushing500 · 4 months
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Look, she's paralysed and won't really get in the way of Mechi's work around the colony. Mechi gets a psylink neuroformer, and Angst gets to spend nineteen days facing a bleak white wall in the corner of the laboratory. Win-win!
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A distress signal? How curious. Archotechnology is always tempting...
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Mechi went to investigate with Chief of Security Ratchet and Deputy Rocket, only to discover the place was crawling with gross flesh. They left with zero archotechnology and a renewed disgust for all things biological.
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Finally, everyone meet Hummel, the newest wild man on the map. He looks like the world's most irate, washed-up foxboy. I love him.
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Pjo x dc
Mostly Billy Batson
Hear me out. Captain Marvel/Billy Batson is aware of the Greek gods for obvious reasons.
However he isn’t aware of camp half blood and the fact demigods are still around.
The demigods are very aware of Captain Marvel. Lots of them are jealous of him because he is gets special treatment. A lot of campers think he’s some ancient son of Zeus. Luke castellan wanted to punch him because Captain Marvel had mercury’s blessing.
Captain Marvel/ Billy is basically the gods errand boy. He protects magical places and fixes magic problems. But only when they interact to closely with other pantheons and other magical spheres.
Billy is a son of Hermes. He doesn't figure out he's a demigod until he comes across Hermes while being captain marvel.
Billy is captain marvel and has to do something with Hermes and they have to be discreet. So Billy powers down. And suddenly Hermes is staring at his 10 year old son.
Hermes: yea we're going to be subtle here. I don't think a 6'4" champion of the gods is going to be very subtle.
Captain Marvel: oh no problem. SHAZAM!
Billy: this subtle enough?
Hermes: BILLY?!?!
Billy: how'd you know my name?
Hermes: I'm not sure how to tell you this kiddo but l'm your father.
Billy a homeless child who has seen weirder at this point: cool can I have some money? I'm sorta homeless.
Hermes pulling out a pamphlet for camp half blood: I have a better idea.
Hermes actually takes Billy to camp personally. The entire camp had an aneurism when they found out that not only Captain Marvel a demigod he’s also like 12.
The Hermes cabin looks at Billy who has been overworked since he became Captain Marvel and is terrified he’ll turn out like Luke. Connor actually gives Billy Luke’s old bunk.
The Hecate cabin loves Billy because they get to talk about how annoying Constantine is and how awesome Zatana is.
This love strengthens when Billy finds Alabaster running around and Billy lets Alabaster stay in the cave of wonders. (They miss their brother)
Percy meets Captain Marvel
Percy: so you have the strength of Hercules? AND the stamina of Atlas?
Captain Marvel: yep! I’ve even met them.
Percy pulling out riptide: so have I. You ever heard of Zöe Nightshade?
Captain marvel: no….
Percy: thought not. So the next time you see Hercules you’re gonna…
Annabeth: the wisdom of SOLOMON! What’s wrong with the wisdom of Athena?!
Billy: I don’t know he isn’t even Greek or Roman! I’m just as confused! Some of them three of them aren’t even gods! They’re demigods and a titan!
Annabeth: and you’re blessed by Mercury but you’re a son of Hermes!
Billy: I know! He says I’m a walking headache.
Some villain: HA I’ve depowerd you Captain Marvel! Now that you’ve lost your ability to fly you won’t be able to stop me!
Billy: yeah about that. Maia! *winged sneakers start to fly*
Some villain: oh come on!
the justice league is oddly connected to the gods
Lois Lane is a Daughter of Apollo. Superman gets his powers from the sun think about it.
Oliver Queen and Roy Harper while not demigods are favored by Apollo. Apollo gave them the gift of clear sight. Apollo has flirted with both of them and Lois hates it.
Batfam are demigods mostly of various minor gods. The mist around Gotham is really weak. Most Gotham demigods never go to camp because Gotham has its own system for demigods. Gotham demigods are aware of ALL the pantheons.
Bruce is a Roman legacy of Nox (Nyx) and Pavor (Phobos). Self explanatory. He only served a few years in camp Jupiter saying that he had a mortal life to deal with aka Batman stuff.
Alfred has a small altar dedicated to Hestia/Vesta both in the kitchen and by a fireplace in the batcave
Steph is such a Hermes kid. Cluemaster is her step father but she didn’t know that until she was claimed. She is a distant legacy of Apollo through her mother.
Dick is a son of Hebe. He never looks over 23. His parents are still his parents it’s more of a 3 parents situation.
Jason is a son of Nemesis and a legacy of the Celtic god Ogma (knowledge god) I also like the idea of him being a son of Hermes. Imagine Hermes picking up Jason’s soul when he died.
Tim is a distant legacy of Athena and a son of Nike.
Harley Quinn is a defendant of Dionysus specifically of his god of madness form.
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Am I the asshole if I pointed tell my dad, who chased me out of getting help in my teens, about an autoimmune disease that has a possibility of killing me and that part of it is his fault?
I'll make this short, my dad (58M, 6'4") has never believed that I (26F, 5'6") have anything wrong with me and that I am willfully lazy/forgetful/overexaggerate pain. To give you an idea, I have ASD and ADHD and my Dr's have been struggling to find the answers for my joints. To him, I was the "perfect" child and I couldn't have problems. I had to be the one to go to school, I had to be the one to do everything right. Between him and I, he was always right. If ever I felt hurt by him, he would spin the conversation around in a way so that it was always my fault. Even down to house chores, he would make everything my fault. For example, I didn't eat for a week and he filled the sink with his dishes and then screamed at me that they were mine. I have also dislocated a shoulder to my dominant arm and was in a sling. At this time, he told me to pick up a 40lb garbage bag and take it outside. I obviously couldn't do it with only one arm. It hurt and I was terrified of dislocating my other arm. I had a meltdown in garage about how I had to ask him for help because I couldn't do it. I knew he would yell at me to "get stronger" and that its my own fault. Lo and behold, that's exactly what happened when I went inside. I asked him if he wanted me to hurt myself. He responded by yelling at me that I already did. It's because of this constant abuse that I finally moved across the country and moved in with an online friend I'd had for many years who is now my fiancee. So for those worried, I am in a safe place with a man who cares so much about me. He supports me and understands how very real all my problems are. He takes good care of me. Which, he's also part of the reason I have been able to bring myself to go to the Dr to begin with.
Now, for the problem at hand. I have had joint pain starting in my hands since I was a teen. It got bad enough I had complained to my whole family until my grandmother told my dad to take me to the Dr. So I went to the Dr and then after three visits I had to stop because my dad verbally attacked me about "when I would be done" and that he couldn't afford it. So i stopped. Well, I didn't go back to get treated for anything until recently in my mid 20s. My pain has spread to my whole body over the last 10 years. I am in an ungodly amount of agony. I've dislocated bones repeatedly. My bones lock up and constantly crack and pop. Exercise is very difficult. It was never treated till I got insurance through my work in the last year. Well we have narrowed down what we think I have. It's an autoimmune disorder that deteriorates the joints and makes it very easy to dislocate my limbs. If I have a specific version of this disorder, this thing could possibly effect my heart and the muscles that make my heart beat. Aka, my heart could just *stop* in my 40s/50s. I'm going on vacation with my narcissistic father in a month and I want to sit him down with my eldest brother, who has always had my back, and explain to them the situation. I want my brother there to keep me safe during the conversation. I kind of want to drill into him that part of this problems expansion is his fault as he stopped me from going as a teen and he bullied me out of going to the Dr unless I thought it was "serious" and I was "dying." It's not just to hurt him but to give myself the satisfaction of telling him that all the times he told me I was a liar and overexaggerating my pain? My pain was real. I want him to know I've been hurting. Because the only one he would ever believe about my problems would be a Dr, that he'd not let me see or discouraged me from seeing. I was a broke kid who he then later dumped off of his insurance because I had to use it more than him. And despite him having all these problems requiring surgery in his own body, he believed I was lying about being unable to do the same things he can. If yall need more info and examples, I'd be down to add another ask. Just, would I be an asshole? Is it petty, or justice in finding my own peace? And if anyone has any advice, i would like to have ideas of how to go about this. Thank you all for reading.⭐️
What are these acronyms?
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starless-nightz · 2 months
Yes, two of them are based off of two Six of Crows characters, sue me. Some of the backtories might be changed over time.
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Age: 16
Height: 6'1
Birthday: 15/4
Parents: Artemis and Zoe Nightshade (both bio parents, she was born by magic)
Appearance: long dark brown curly hair with a white streak, brown skin and silver eyes.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Likes: woods, wolves/animals, playing the guitar, open space, the hunters, food, McDonalds, Nico, reading, music.
Dislikes: men/boys, Percy Jackson, being indoors too long, most gods, Lucas, camp, quests.
Backstory: She was born from magic as the bio daughter of Artemis and Zoe Nightshade and was raised as their daughter, she watched as her brother was kicked out and blamed him for it, she blamed Artemis for Zoes death and she and Nico tried to bring back Bianca, her first love. She eventually learns to accept her death and moves on with Piper.
Love intrests: Bianca Di Angelo (deceased), Piper McLean (girlfriend)
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Age: 21
Height: 6'4
Birthday: 27/5
Parent: Artemis (adoptive mother, she gave him her "blood" when he almost died so hes a demigod), bio parents unknown
Appearance: medium-length curly blonde hair and blue eyes, muscular.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: reading, music, playing a guitar, walking, animals, birds, rivers, Nina.
Dislikes: almost all gods, camp, quests, most guys he met, some hunters.
Backstory: He was abandond in a forest as an infant, he was found by the hunt and they grew fond of him, Artemis raised him for 14 years until one of the new hunters fell in love with him, Artemis kicked him out and disowned him, telling him to not come back. (She didn’t mean it and regrets it, she still loves him like her son). He almost died when he was 10 by the hands of random men, Artemis saved him by giving him her "blood", making him an actual demigod and he has some of her abilities now.
Love intrest: Nina Zenick (fiancee)
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Age: 20
Height: 5'10
Birthday: 3/9
Parent: Hecate, bio parent unknown. appearance: long, curly brown hair and green eyes.
Sexuality: Bisexual
Likes: reading, dancing, flirting, going out, shopping, nature, magic.
Dislikes: salty/spicy food, quests, mud, fighting, flirting with men (not including her boyfriend).
Backstory: Nina was abandond when she was a baby and was raised in an orphanage until she ran away when she was 12, thats when she met her now fiancee Lucas and the two found a small cabin in the woods and have lived there for a few years before meeting Wyatt.
Love intrest: Lucas Aylin (fiancee)
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Age: 16
Height: 5'7
Birthday: 6/2
Sexuality: AroAce
Parent: godly parent Hephaestus, adoptive father Reginald Henson, mother Mary Henson (deceased)
Appearance: short curly brown hair, brown eyes.
Likes: reading, crafting, playing his flute, hiking.
Dislikes: sports, politics, the gods, his adoptive father.
Backstory: Wyatt is the adoptive son of Reginald Henson, a multi billionaire who owns many companys and brands, he was abused by his stepdad after his mothers passing when he was 7 years old, he ran away from home and met Lucas and Nina, who he sees as parental figures, he plans to one day give half the companys and brands hes going to inherit from his stepdad to Lucas and they would be co-owners.
Love intrest: No one
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rhosgobelbun · 2 years
why do so many people see sams very large giant 6'4" body, his sweet honest demeanor, bright crooked smile that lights up his entire face, kind pure heart, silent but deadly heart break, those puppy dog eyes, and think 'that man would rather hold and treasure then be held and treasured' ??
that man wants to be held and he needs to feel fucking treasured.
he wants to feel arms wrapped around him and a chin being dug into his shoulder. fingers softly scratching his scalp. he sometimes wants to curl in so deep he disappears.
dean. deans hold, arms and fingers specifically. sometimes he wishes he could disappear inside dean.
and I think the reason why dean will always see sam as his small baby brother that needs protecting is because dean knows that.
sam is traumatized and no matter how much he argues his need to be independent and no matter how hard he tries to stay healthy, positive and not stuck in his own thoughts, i bet there are those rare times when he's weak - in his time of need - and the only thing that'll comfort him is to remember when dean used to tell him 'if you cant see them they cant see you' and he was naive enough to believe it. being small enough to fit safe and snuggled underneath deans arm. small enough to slip behind dean when he was unsure, scared or shy to hide instead of hover. small enough where dean could envelop sam into his arms and sam could barely see (be seen) by anyone.
and sometimes he needs that, he needs that, he needs that. (dean will always know that.)
that big macho man who we've seen grip and drag a woman into his lap just to get a high will eventually come down from that high and reality will come crashing down. and when that happens, he wants to be held and told he's good by the one person who he's always held in the highest regards.
he needs dean pressed up against him - protecting and steady - telling him he's good. he's so good. it doesn't matter what the demons, angels, what their own father had said.
'you are the greatest thing that's ever happened to me Sammy, the greatest thing that's ever happened to this world.' and it feels good and almost true, even though it won't last long (even though dean means it, means it, no matter fucking what means it), it feels so good coming from his big brother.
he'll close his eyes and breathe in deep, trying to ignore the instincts that argue against dean's praises, 'my sam. you'll always be my Sammy.' dean would softly nose the back of sams neck causing him to shiver, 'me and everything and everybody in this godforsaken world is lucky to have you. so so fucking lucky sam.'
dean is so full of shit, he'll even repeatedly say that 'no chick flicks moment' moto till he's blue in the face. but now look at him.
and remembering that usually makes sam feel light hearted and humored enough to 'just let it go, little brother.'
ffs just bc sams 6'4" giant and deadly doesn't mean he doesn't need to be held and feel treasured.
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dragon-queen21 · 2 months
hii Mayliz, it's been awhile! Hope you're doing pretty well:] I've been into genshin impact for awhile now, and I can't help but ask-
What do you think about CG! wriothesley/big brother cg wriothesley?
The man is literally caregiver material I can't help myself
(I would send a gif but- yeah I can't unfortunately) BUT
I did a height comparison chart thing and if their wiki-heights tell the truth, Wriothesley is 6'4, while Aether is 5'4. (And if you wanted to know what that height may physically look like, Aether can barley reach his head over Wriothesley's shoulder blade)
Also another question!
do you have any options on scaramouche? I see him as a little personally, but many people hc him as a cg and yeah I get where they're coming from! But what is your opinion about that? 🤔 Maybe options of Scara in gen, etc. . .
🧸 that's all the questions I have, for now- but if you want me to ever just do height comparisons sign me up because I'd do that in a heartbeat. And if you need art requests lmk. I have a few ideas:]
+ just be aware I might show up in your inbox alot be because I have a lot of ideas with genshin impact sjsjjs
It has been awhile! Hello hello! :D
~First of all, I thought Wriothesley had wolf ears when I first saw him, and upon finding out this isn’t true, ‘my disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined’ /ref
~Also, I have not met him technically. So I am going off of general vibes here and I am so sorry if I am off 😔 But you are so right, he just gives off over protective big brother vibes and I love it!
~Very much a no nonsense caregiver but still super soft and sweet when he wants to be
~The height comparison is too cute. Ahhh, tiny baby :3 I love Aether so much >.< I'm just imagining Aether being held for the first time by Wriothesley and instantly feeling so small, both physically and mentally and so very safe. The poor boy needs a break honestly.
~Okay, but imagine for a sec the most pouty, overtired baby who absolutely does not want to listen to his caregiver. Throws himself on the floor arms crossed, like 'ha, what are you going to do about it?’ And Wriothesley just barely blinks at the regressor's antics, and scoops Aether up like the Traveler is weightless. Instantly the tiniest little guy being held.
~Regarding Scaramouche. See, you can't give me a character with a traumatic childhood/backstory and expect me not to see him as a regressor /j
~He wouldn't have experienced a real childhood. Essentially cast out into the world on his own with no support. And for the longest time wouldn't even know what the feeling was when he's regressed. As the Wanderer the small floaty feeling that came on when he was feeling lost and overwhelmed only multiplied.
~I like to think that Nahida is his caregiver and the first one to explain what age regression is. Poor thing would probably have such trust issues when it comes to having a caregiver. He would be expecting her to act towards him like Ei did and just flat out ignore his needs while little so it takes him such a long time to open up to the idea of her actually caring about him.
~Random little headcanon: He would have a crow plush. Maybe wearing a tiny version of his own hat that was made especially for the little friend
~I can see him being a caregiver in the sense of trying and be better than the 'adults' around him, and the guilt of leaving someone behind when they are obviously distressed because that's what he always wanted someone to do for him. For who though I'm not sure. (My gut reaction is Aether but then again I just really like baby Aether so...)
Inbox is always open I shall do my best to respond to any ideas! This made me so happy to read! And besides it's nice to hear from you :D I would love if you did the height comparisons and shared them! I was doing that for awhile trying to figure out Aether's height compared to Diluc. Also, I will take any drawing requests you have, please. I have can always use ideas to give me inspiration.
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angelsdevils · 6 months
Matching Tokyo Revengers to Bryce Savage's songs and their Ideal types: Pt. 1 ?
Disclaimer: These are just my opinions and these songs just remind me of them. Your opinions may be different. But when I hear these songs these are the faces that pop to my mind.
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Hanma Shuji - My Type (Little Attitude) No one can tell me other wise that he would go for a girl that gives him attitude. My dude likes to have fun, and a girl giving him attitude... come on now. And he is 6'4, he would want someone smaller then him so it would be more fun to tease the, Lyrics: She's 5'5" with a little attitude. She likes guys, but she likes some girls too. Dark eyes and her hair matches her mood. She's my type, never will forget the view.
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Wakasa Imaushi - Curiosity Wakasa is a pretty chill character, I can see him liking a good girl, but the catch is, that is only out in public. At night he brings out the bad girl in her. His type of girl would be curious about the dangers of Wakasa's life knowing he is part of the gang. Her parents would disapprove, but she always wanted to rebel against them anyway. And Wakasa helps her with that. Even though he is chill, he still brings a thrill to her life. Lyrics: She looks like a little angel, but at night's a different angle. Demon eyes looking fatal, got a mind, dirty and playful. She got naughty thoughts that she can't control. She don't wanna tell, she would rather show. Red little heart, black little soul. Teeth that are sharp, bite that is cold.
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Ran Haitani - Slayer Ran I can see would be into a girl that could match his energy. If she has a record of being the heart breaker, this would catch Ran's attention. He would think he could play with her only to realize that she is the one playing with him. It would hurt his ego but he would be addicted a bit. Lyrics: Cause she's a heart breaker, dream taker, love faker. Yeah, you better watch out, cause, boy, you're headed straight for danger. Cause she's the player, you're the game, she's the slayer, you're the slayed.
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Rindou Haitani - Narcotic Rindou would have a slight similar taste to his brother, and someone similar to Wakasa but someone who is different. He wants someone who is confident and can protect themselves. It's quite hard to describe his taste, but someone who wasn't sheltered growing up who has a past, and knows how dark the world can be. She knows how to be sweet yet dangerous at the same time.
Lyrics: She a little devil, so demonic, sharp eyes, looking so hypnotic. Don't know where she came from, she exotic. Body look good like she bought it. The way she wear black like she gothic. Anything she want, yeah she got it. Dark, little features like she haunted. I'm addicted, call her, "narcotic." She got a little crazy in her eyes, sweet on the surface with a dark, little side. She a different breed in the night. A little bit of freak hidden on the inside.
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casquecest · 1 year
I know I'm nitpicking but does 'smaller' necessarily mean shorter? Sirius is not on the picture and Regulus is sitting down, so how would Harry be able to tell if Regulus is shorter than Sirius just by looking at some photo of Regulus sitting on a bench?
I'm not a native speaker but I've always thought that Harry describes Regulus as smaller and slighter because he is built like a Seeker (light and skinny), not because he can estimate how tall he looks compared to Sirius. And apparently the person who translated the book to my native language thought the same because the translation says 'Regulus was skinnier and considerably less handsome than Sirius' and that's it.
Anyway, Regulus died at 17 or 18, so he might as well grow taller in an AU.
I don't think Sirius is short. I just think Regulus is slightly taller 😤 (in case it doesn't translate well, I'm not mad or anything, this is just my light-hearted take!)
The fact that, in English, 'smaller' is followed by 'slighter' as a descriptor for Regulus suggests to me that 'smaller" is meant to suggest being shorter, as the 'slighter' suggests Regulus is leaner than Sirius, or has a narrower build (so 'skinnier' as it's been translated).
Even sitting, if Regulus looks shorter than his teammates (or even if Regulus doesn't look shorter compared to them, but is not noticeably taller), Harry could reason that Regulus was likely shorter than Sirius because Sirius is described as being tall often enough in Harry's narration that Sirius's height is noticeable and likely considerable. Most people are likely shorter than Sirius is, canonically speaking.
While Regulus could have got taller than he was at 17/18 had he lived, the story that prompted my post was set during Sirius's sixth year, so I doubt a 15-year-old Regulus is going to have 'several inches' (as was written in the fic) over his nearly 17-year-old brother, who was already quite tall by his own fifth year, as evidenced by the picture of MWPP in his bedroom.
There's just nothing, in canon, that suggests to me that Regulus was taller than Sirius.
To be honest, the only people in canon I can see as being around Sirius's height or taller are Kingsley, Voldemort, and Dumbledore.
Thanks for the ask!
(I personally headcanon Regulus being around 5'10" (~1.78 metres) when he died, and having had the potential of reaching 6'0" (1.83) if he hadn't, while Sirius is around 6'3" or 6'4" (1.91-1.93))
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viviae · 2 months
All the drama about the boxing and refusing to mix contact sports makes me laugh because my 25 year old ex boyfriend who has been doing mma his entire life got his whole ass handed to him by a 15 year old girl once because they were the same weight class.
My 6'4 brother who does mma his instructor was a 4'11 woman who was like 150 pounds of unadulterated beef who kicked him so bad his cracked his rib.
But yeah tell me about how women are too fragile to fight
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burnandblind · 2 months
Black Sheep Punching Bag
No story exists in a vacuum.
My existence and experiences are interconnected with others'.
I've lived at least three lifetimes. Much of my life is a blur. I only remember the interesting, the painful, the particularly beautiful.
There are some odd days I remember, yes.
I often tell people my memory is bad. That I don't remember. Because I don't remember anything "not important".
That's just not how my brain works. I don't consciously remember most things. I remember so much, though.
Autism, trauma, alcoholism for a decade, self medicating, meditation, and a lot of Life. Not to mention 8 concussions. The first and the last being moderate to severe.
Almost dying a half dozen times. Like, near misses with certain Death.
There's a lot in my brain. A lot about a lot of different things.
So there are many things I remember. But my life? Not so much.
I know that's ... not good. It could be indicative of anything. But I've already stated the myriad things which I'm definitely aware of -- so let's leave it at that.
What was my first memory?
I think it really was that paranormal experience.
I was 3 years old. I was in a forest. It was very green. It must've been spring time because it was comfortable.
We -- my mother and someone else (I'm not sure who) -- were just walking around the forest.
That was the dream.
And I remember, I remember later experiencing the dream. I remember walking around that forest, while I was awake, and experiencing deja vu for the first time.
This is one of my most vivid memories. And it is blurry now, as it should be.
Another vivid memory, which was too long ago for me to place..
My brother and I were young. Too young to be alone, I think.
I ended up calling 911 and asking where our mom was.
I remember us being in a sort of... penthouse. We were high up, it was an open floor plan. Even now, I can recall the furniture and space being nice. The windows were huge.
I think I knew my mom was in night classes.
***She'd eventually drop out for us and become a paralegal.
We're a bit older, but not teenagers. We were living in a larger house. Maybe it was our grandmothers. Maybe.
We had a lot of pets.
Duchess was a part wolf, german shepherd, and akita. She was gifted to me from a teacher. I'm not sure exactly how this came about. But I remember meeting both of her parents.
We had birds, cats, hermit crabs, even a turtle, and fish.
We had a step father named Daryl who was a vietnam vet. He was black, much older than my mother (by more than a decade), but also much more stable mentally. He was physically built like an Olympian -- 6'4'' and 200lbs of muscle. Even at the age of 50+ years he could swing us around on his arms and pick us up with ease.
***I would later have anger issues that would lead me to hurt her (Duchess) and the animals we owned.
But by that time, I would've have seen enough physical and emotional abuse/neglect by my family that no one thought anything of it.***
I remember when Duchess ran away one time. Maybe it was the first or second time. She was.. a teenager, I think. She'd gotten hit by a car and run very very far away, in shock.
I remember trying to find her on my own and getting lost.
I cannot remember much clearly, after that.
Not now.
Frightening Nightmare with Red Cap Gnome
Barclay Elementary
I remember being in elementary school. This was around the time I became aware and uncomfortable with being perceived as a girl. This was the same time I convinced my mom to let me wear boys clothes.
But it was not yet.
At this time, my mother was with a younger dark skinned man named Kevin. He was verbally and physically abusive to all of us.
Daryl was no longer around, though he was in contact.
To be cont.
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just-emis-blog · 4 months
OC Interview Tag~
Thank you to @agirlandherquill @leahnardo-da-veggieand @drchenquill for the triple threat tag! ✨🌻
I'll be using Cai Park (the youngest [but biggest] brother of Bernard) from Artificial Bonds
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Were you named after anyone?
During the process of adopting us, mother encouraged us to choose names for ourselves, since we were going by serial numbers at the time. My siblings were enthused, but I thought the entire endeavor tedious and unnecessary, so in an effort to be done with it faster I spat out the first couple of letters from one of the objects in my line of vision. Mother was pleased, but Lysander and Bernard knew exactly what I had done and were disappointed and moronically amused respectively. Lysander, being the most sensible of the two as usual, convinced me to change the spelling and pronunciation as an exercise in expressing my opinion and creativity. To this day, however, Bernard still calls me "Cayenne Pepper" whenever he wants to get a rise out of me. It works.
When was the last time you cried?
I do not engage in such frivolous activities.
[It was when a mother duck was ushering one of her lagging babies across a busy highway]
Do you have any kids?
I do have one child. There are those who might mistakenly call her a pet, simply because of the unimportant fact that she is a Komodo Dragon named Jessica. But let me ask you this; would a mere pet have access to three floors of the apartment building that you own? Of course not. Now, I know some might have opinions about parents who provide housing or other monetary aid for their adult children. But to them I say the job market is not nearly as lucrative nor secure as it was for previous generations. Basic needs like gas and rusa deer are already set at astronomical prices! Are we expect our youth to be able to afford their own housing as well? There is no shame in supporting your kids until they can stand on their own feet.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I see no point in playing verbal games. So what you mean, or rot.
What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their readiness for battle. Mind, your average person does not display the typical tells of being an experienced fighter or if their armed, but it is the first thing I check for during any interaction.
What is your eye color?
Dark brown. Nothing to write home about.
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. They seem to be a prevalent theme in all of the Barbie and Magical Girl OVAs that I watch, and I enjoy those.
Any special talents?
I do...many of which I am not very proud of. The one talent I have cultivated outside of my...time...before I was adopted, is building miniature dollhouses and furniture. It is a both lucrative and enjoyable practice, and necessitates little to no violence.
Where were you born?
Born is the incorrect term. Regardless, I do not know the location. That time in my life is...blurry.
Do you have any pets?
No. But I do have a child. Please see the above question pertaining to children.
What sort of sports do you play?
Contact sports were too risky to indulge in, but I was on our school's competitive Hula Hooping team. We won two years in a row and during my last year of school we competed in the National Hula League. I am certain that it was due to all of our team's efforts, but my colleague's are convinced that we made it so far due to me being the first human being to ever look intimidating while hula hooping.
How tall are you?
6'4". A perfectly respectful, not comparable to any of the AoT Titans, height. Bernard.
What was your favorite subject in school?
Art class, specifically ceramics.
What is your dream job?
My dream job was anything as separated from fighting as physically possible. Not because I fear I will be overcome with a thirst for violence, or that I have no control over myself. If I or my loved ones are threatened I will act accordingly.
In the past I was told that fighting was all I would be capable of doing. So, I suppose I have always wanted my career to be the exact opposite of that out of spite.
And I cannot think of anything more opposite than selling a multitude of tiny wares specifically for hamsters on Etsy. Nor more satisfying.
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Tagging for funsies: @dyrewrites @the-golden-comet @the-ellia-west @mr-orion
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mashiee · 1 year
Arlo family lore plspls its beneficial to my health
so i got another ask specifically about [REDACTED] so im gonna talk abt that in a separate ask
BUT i will tell u abt my ocs for arlos fam (almost exclusively on his dads/valeries side, havent thought abt mom much) and general stuff for them and their relationships w eachother and arlo specifically
i gave Arlo four older siblings because why the hell not and i can (i will get to the parents later)
also while im thinking abt it, im unsure abt Arlo's last name but im thinking Kingston right now
also i just wanna say that when made character names i usually just smash sound together until i find something i like and hope it isnt a slur in another language
so what im saying is none of the names have any relevance or importance i just like their sounds and how they look
the first oc is Mammi (pronounced like ma'am-ee)
hes the oldest of the five of them, as of current uno time hes 25
amab cismasc
haven't decided sexuality. probably gay bc im gay and i self project too much
anyway he currently works with the authorities and is in a relatively high ranking position
but surprise surprise hes a spy for [ERROR]
(a secret organization :) also has a whole Thing that would require a separate post. a lot of new characters and also some world building. plus it also kind of plays into my bod au/rei fic)
but unfortunately the authorities are all fucking idiots and no one would even think of suspecting him
Valeire is the only one who does (she basically Knows) bc their father (her brother) was against a lot of the things the authorities did
but she has absolutely no proof so she cant do anything :)
fun fact Mammi and the entirety of Arlo's sibling except for Arlo himself all Loathe Valerie
2 of them want her dead
one would actively make an attempt on her life themselves if they ever saw her again
pst psst Mammi is the former
anyway Mammi is Tall (TM)
atm his height is fluctuating between 6'5 and 6'6 bc i cant choose
i just think itd be hysterical if Arlo's entire family on his dad's side were all giants
speaking of that let me take this time to tell you that Arlo is the youngest in his family aside from his mom and Valerie because i thought it'd be really funny
bc Mammi is in the authorities he often wears a suit and let me tell you this man looks fine as hell
not all men can work a suit but this one can
i still havent drawn any of the siblings except for a bit of the next one so my visuals of them are all p vague and could absolutely change but as of now
Mammi has long straight blond hair that roughly reaches his waist
its usually in a low ponytail
he has gold eyes :)
not sure what i want his ability to be yet (obviously a shield variant but what exactly) or how powerful
now for the lovely sister of the family
so the next one is Luss (pronounced how it's spelled)
shes 24 :)
she/her pronouns trans woman
a model who travels quite a lot
long curly hair and gold eyes
always wearing red lipstick
a bit mischievous
her ability is... well its honestly kind of useless on its own
she can make shields that are full orbs but theyre only about the size of a fist
she did find out that they hurt if u throw them at ppl tho, esp if u put stuff in them
not sure what level yet. maybe a flat 6.0 . or maybe even like a 5.9 if i wanna get angsty and make like her family disappointed in her for not being a god tier or smth
very caring about her family
very forgiving person to a fault
strongly believes in second chances
Luss is the closest to Mammi
but she doesn't really feel like she has anyone close to her
(which ends up being a huge bonding point between her and Arlo)
tries her best to keep their family together but it's pretty futile
tries to be optimistic and cheerful and such but it's all an act
would do anything for her family, especially her siblings
sees herself a lot in Arlo for what little she's seen of him
and then we have the twins
as stated above, theyre twins
the older one is Sade, and Kallo is idk like two mins younger or smth
theyre both 21
Sade uses they/them pronouns and is nonbinary
Kallo uses he/they and like. he knows he's masculine but he isnt like a man or male
hes keeping his gender unlabeled but sometimes says its homeboy bc he thinks its funny
tbh im not sure what assigned gender at birth i want either of them to be so im just not gonna choose 🤷
both are 6'4 1/2 or sth
the twins are very separated from the rest of the family they want nothing to do w them
they both dont like Mammi
and hate Valerie
Sade wants her dead and if Kallo ever saw her again he'd lunge
they tolerate Luss and don't dislike her but it's not their favorite to be around her
they don't have any feelings towards Arlo
Sade is a fashion designer and occasionally works with Luss, occasionally
Kallo is a mechanic
originally i had him as a surfer dude but i decided not to
the twins live a long long way away from Wellston and the rest of the family and have no intention of ever going back
theyre both closest to eachother obviously
they both have a lot of trust issues (all of them do) and only really trust eachother
again not sure about abilities
might want Kallo to have some variation of his mom's rather than their dads tho, or maybe a combo of both
i think ill keep Sade w a shield variant
also dk abt sexuality 🤷
i feel like at least one of them would be aro or ace tho. maybe like one is aro and the other is ace lol
ok so now that im done w the siblings
mr dad man's name is Vickaius. hes Valerie's brother. not sure if i want him to be older or younger.
he has long yellow hair (usually up in a pony tail) and gold eyes
yes im terrible and am making him an attractive dilf you cant stop me i have no self control
if it makes u feel any better i'll probably make the mom a milf too
i kinda wanna give him a scar or two and/or an eyepatch
def a god tier. some type of shield ability. i think i want him to be like a 7.1
he/him or he/she not sure what i want
tbh probably bisexual but thinks he's straight for whatever reason
6'5-7 or smth
fun fact he's currently in jail :)
the moms name is Ariella and she has curly hair and blue eyes. im not sure if i want her to have blonde or brown hair
i dont have much to say abt her tbh. not bc i dont care abt her but like. in my arlo fam plot while she is relevant and important she isnt like. you dont need to know about her. if that makes sense
i do know that i want her to be exactly a whole foot shorter than Vickaius bc i think its hilarious
context for post: arlo hcs
other related stuff: [REDACTED]
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insidiousclouds · 2 years
!! tell me abt your diy blorbos!! (there’s four ecxclamation point so tell me about two :))
AKFKAJ diy blorbo yes that's the perfect thing to call them. I'll just tell you about my two boys who are best friends with homoerotic tension between them
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He's around 26, is mixed, and grew up in a Hispanic household. He's got two older brothers and an older sister, but he never really knew his brother's and only remembers his sister faintly since she's like 10 years older than him and moved out pretty early in his life. He never was good in school and was always a trouble maker. He never knew his mom and hardly spent time at home because of his dad (physically abusive). So in his childhood he spent most of his time at Jake's house. He also developed an addiction to alcohol and cigarettes at an early age.
He didn't graduate highschool and needed work.. its really hard to find work as an adult when you don't have a highschool diploma so with a few connections, he quickly became a drug mule, and after a few years of that, ascended the ranks and joined the underground mafia of his city. He actually became right hand man of the don despite annoying the shit out of him but that's another story for another day.
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Around the same age as Kirk, they met in middleschool and became fast friends. A real 'boys will be boys' sort of friendship, doing stupid things in the woods, playing video games together, and making lame sex jokes is mostly how they spent their time (and kind of still is). Jake was born into a first generation Russian family (his dad was running from the Russian mafia), and he's got a really big family. All brothers older than him and one sister younger than him. He's also very tall, 6'10". Kirk is 6'4".
Jake always wanted to be a detective, a private investigator. His childhood heros were Colombo, Sherlock Holmes, and (he'll never admit this) Nancy Drew. So he went to college for it, but... one drunken night of fooling around led him to play chicken on a freeway. He lost his leg below the knee, and uses a prosthetic now to walk.
That really affected his mental health and he became severely depressed, and dropped out of his degree. Kirk wasn't really around for those few years after the accident, despite Kirk actually being present for the actual incident in which Jake lost his leg, and Jake still resents him for that.
But being out of money, out of a degree, Jake needed help, and Kirk offered him a job with the mafia. It wasn't his first choice, but it was good money, and it's what he's been doing.
Now there's certainly waaay more than just that to them, but those are their basic backstories!! Also Jake has had a crush on Kirk since highschool but I didn't know where to fit that in.
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wulfofkarstark · 2 years
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╰      ┈      [  calahan  skogman,  27  ,  cisgender  male  ,  he/his  ]  in  the  time  of  dragons  ,  wulfrik  karstark  is  entering  the  game  of  thrones  .  said  to  be  playful  +  adaptable  ,  we  can  only  hope  that  is  the  case  as  regrettably  they  are  also  well  known  to  be  crude  +  devious.  when  asked  about  them  ,  people  are  always  reminded  of  laughter  at  a  funeral,  bloody  teeth  hidden  behind  a  smile,  and  an  out-stretched  hand  when  least  expected  .  though  they  are  the  brother  of  the  ruling  lord  of  karhold  ,  their  true  loyalties  lie  with  house  karstark  and  rumour  has  it  that  if  given  the  choice  they  would  support  their  family  above  all  else  .  those  of  us  in  the  shadows  wish  them  luck  and  can  only  hope  they  will  survive  what  is  to  come  .    ──   casper  ,  28  ,  cst  ,  she/her  .
full name: wulfrik karstark.
title: lord.
age: twenty - seven.
birthplace: karhold, northern westeros.
gender: cis man.
pronouns: he & him.
orientation: bisexual / biromantic.
religion: the old gods.
loyalty: house karstark.
+ positive traits: playful. adaptable. insightful. dependable. compassionate.
- negative traits: crude. devious. irreverent. stubborn. petty.
mbti: estp -- extroverted, observant, thinking, and prospecting.
enneagram: the enthusiast.
moral alignment: chaotic good.
character inspiration: han solo (star wars), guy gardner (dc comics), michaelangelo (teenage mutant ninja turtles), johnny storm (marvel comics), charlie kelly (it’s always sunny), ryuji sakamoto (persona 5), harwin strong.
faceclaim: calahan skogman.
hair color: dirty blonde.
eye color: blue.
height: 6'4''.
build: lean brick shit house.
distinguishing characteristic(s): insists on something with fur even in the heat, scar at the left corner of his bottom lip and through his left brow from training with his siblings, smaller scattered on torso.
marital status: nonexistent.
children: n/a.
father: lord torrhen karstark †
mother: dowager lady utp karstark nee utp †
sibling(s): 3 older brothers, 1 younger brother and 1 younger sister .
extended family: n/a.
pet(s): n/a.
four of six - “and somehow, the gods blessed me with you, my easiest birth. where have you found yourself now?” often said in jest by his mother when she was made aware of just what wulfrik had done. the fourth son to torrhen karstark, wulfrik did not feel or perhaps respect, the weight of tradition that a ruling family ought to. what he did feel was his father’s withering stare, what he can remember of it given he was so young, and his mother’s tired but loving smile. he holds onto the latter more.
wolf of karhold - for better or worse, wulfrik took advantage of the lack of expectation given his position of birth from a very young age. while he did not expect to ever rule, from a boy to a man, gods be damned if his howl was never heard from karhold, to winterfell, to even bear island. karhold was never quiet on account of him and he never spent long inside any four walls, quick to shed any formalities of lord and shift into something else. and if at the end of the day he was bloody with a story or two to share with his siblings, then it was a good day.
cry wolf - something he understands well is that those outside of the north expect brutal and biting natures from those that find comfort in ice. anytime he and his skin tragically find themselves south, he plays into that and tells tall-tales of what can be found in the woods in the north on the darkest days. contrary to this, he is a well-read and insightful man, not unaware of the games at play around him. whether he cares about them is the question.
blood and wine - wulfrik found himself at home where wine and blood easily flow. skirmishes, taverns, and even though their pageantry is lost on him, tournaments. he prefers a contest of wills on a field, not across tables or addled by arbitrary favors and rulings. he is a mostly good-natured and jovial, if a little crass, but can quickly shift when the wind changes, especially when his family is involved. he is the ‘fuck around and find out’ party karstark brother.
brother mine - there are few things in the realm that wulfrik takes seriously. his family is among them. he is quick to be at cayn’s side, quick to correct any insult thrown his family’s way. he already has and would kill again for his family. he takes the responsibility of an older brother to his brother and sister to heart, just as he does the irresponsibility of a younger brother to his older brothers. he would put himself before any arrow and any sword if it meant protecting them. as much as he pesters and makes light of cayn’s position, he loves him wholeheartedly and silently looks up to him. he owes cayn a great deal.
do you want to build a snowman* - anytime the idea of a proposal or marriage was so much as whispered in the walls of karhold, wulfrik would construct a snowman and present it as anyone’s betrothed. it’s a tradition he has held from a very young age and one that his father heartily disapproved of from what he can remember.
book club - it’s a little known secret that wulfrik enjoys the written word as much as he enjoys sharp steel. this is someone that knows his secret and they indulge on swapping stories.
bad blood - all here for a friendship that turned sour and whenever they’re in a shared space, it’s volatile. wulf can be very petty and this relationship gets the whole of that.
running with the wolves - someone that is as adventurous and perhaps reckless as wulfrik is. they don’t know fear and have made a friendship of chasing after an adrenaline high.
wherever i may roam - as soon as he was of age, wulfrik took to traveling where and when he could. he could have easily found himself in the halls of any family, either as a welcome guest or a nuisance.
begrudging respect - this could be someone that he often engages in duels with, either physical or otherwise, and there’s a respect between them that has been built over the years.
general ideas! - flings, enemies to friends or otherwise, someone that believes in the bullshit he says about the north, childhood friends, sparring pals, drinking buddies, tavern brawl partners.
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wandagcre · 8 months
I’m a listener fr but at the same time I’m a professional yapper, I had to cut this down! Like what goes on a dating application!?!? Why am I about to tell you my life story 😭 ADHD brain! Born to call forced to text
Anyways the obsessive 5'10 was me 🫶 I'm also the one turning 21 in February!!
Tallest girl out of my siblings but still shorter than my brothers (I hate them, no man deserves to be 6'4)
I've got a few piercings, only 2 tattoos, and I have plans for more that are based on my favorite shows! Just have to design them!! I love like everything art related ALL FORMS Idc!! And If I could play an instrument I would! But it's so hard like- THE KEYBOARD is kicking my ass
I’m not an animal person but I do have a cat, it’s complicated. We love each other though
And my friends swear I'm funny but anytime we play games like cards against humanity none of mine are picked 🧍 AND I can't play video games to save my life!! Especially not horror games, the screams I've let out?! I'm a sims player through and through
If we were to break up it'll take me at least 2-3 years to get over it, so if you were to "happy birthday" me it would work!! 100% no self respect
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this is a cute girlfriend application WAITTT 😭
a listener and a yapper who loves art? and you plan on designing your next tattoos? that is such a good trait for me! and you're so right for saying that men don't deserve shit... you get a bonus point for that hdjshfjs and a keyboard player, wow. was i right tho that you're an aquarius?
the not animal lover but has a cat situation sounds funny to me. it's like being a parent by force? 😭 that's good that you love your cat tho 😾
horror games are so much fun but i understand you with not getting through them. sims is also a classic! do you have a gay couple there?
i respect the honesty with that last line. being an obsessive gf who's down terribly bad would also make me crumble like that...
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calibabii21 · 9 months
I saw a guy I recently went to college with backpacking through Japan and I miss him? like I was pining after this guy and I realized now that I wanted him so badly and I don't know why because he wasn't very interesting and he obviously didn't like me back but I think I made up this idea of him in my head and when he came up on Instagram (we're still mutuals) I felt that old feeling? idk it's weird plus he's 6'4 and I'm a height whore but like i don't know why I feel like I never really got over him even though there was nothing really to get over. like his birthday had came and went and he didn't tell me or invite me to celebrate and the two times we did hang out, I initiated it. like I really was never that special to him and despite the fact that I didn't really know him I was so taken by him and I feel stupid for it.
honestly every time I hear what a fool believes by the doobie brothers, I think of him. I'm the fool and he's never thought twice about me :/
(think this is from the anonymous confession post I reblogged??)
first off- The Doobie Brothers = automatic banger, but do not beat yourself up.
secondly, honestly dood, we cannot help who our feelings, eyes, brains, and hearts are drawn to. there are so many levels and variants of these things.
there are crushes, there are infatuations, there are unrequited loves that can be products of both.
there are first loves, there are obsessions, there are simply attachments, and the most dangerous one is nostalgic love (or whatever level of feeling it is)- we can't even logically explain or pinpoint why/how/when it all kicked off but it's there.
so point is, allow yourself to feel it, but try not to make decisions reactive to those feelings. if we base *all* our decision making on emotion(s) we will more often than not find ourselves in a pattern of failure.
that's not to say it ends up that way all the time, because sometimes it is necessary- but that is also where wisdom and discernment come into play :))
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