#or should I say Stella Severide?
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princess-olaf · 2 months ago
Happy Stellaride day to those of us who celebrate! 🔥
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It’s been forever since we had both of them in the same episode!
Let’s hope they will have few scenes together - and that they will be longer than 30 seconds 😉
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witchygagirlwrites · 2 months ago
Sin So Sweet
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Matt Casey x Severide Sister Reader (Nicknamed Sunshine)
You're younger than him and Kelly's half sister. Matt should know better
Warnings: age gap, NSFW
You glanced out the window at the road signs flashing by. Chicago. When your friend Eliza called you about an opening in her precinct you figured the move was the next step in your life. A phone call with the house sergeant Trudy Platt later and you were packing up what little you owned into your jeep and leaving your hometown in the rearview.
You didn’t have any close family. When your mom passed when you were seventeen your aunt and uncle had taken you in so you could finish high school and helped you get through the academy, after that you slid them some money for everything you knew they’d footed out over the years that they really didn’t have to foot out but did so because the only thing your dad had ever given you was his last name and a couple birthday presents.
Now you needed a new start and maybe just maybe this was it. You checked the directions to Eliza’s once more and hit your blinker to follow them. You changed lanes just fine and went under a green light. You saw the truck blast through the stop sign but didn’t have time to react before it smashed into you and everything went black.
When the alarm rang through firehouse fifty one for a multiple vehicle accident the truck, rescue squad and the ambulance responded. When they rolled on scene they were met with a car that was badly dented, a mini van with a crumpled front end, the truck that was clearly the offending vehicle and a bright yellow jeep that still had someone stuck inside that would require the jaws to get them out of.
“Grab the jaws” Kelly ordered and walked over to the jeep, trying to get a look inside. A woman was semi conscious in the driver’s seat, blood pouring out of a cut on her head “BRETT” he hollered then leaned into the jeep. Before he could say anything however the woman’s eyes focused on him for a second and a clear look of confusion spread across her face “Benny?” then her head drooped over to the side. Benny? She called him his father’s name.
“Kelly” Sylvie was at his side trying to check on the woman. “She lost consciousness” he told her and she nodded, looking at the jeep “I need to get in to stabilize her while you work to get her out” he helped Sylvie in then him and the rescue squad went to work.
Once the woman was free and out on a gurney Stella walked over and leaned in the jeep, sunflowers decorated the seats and steering wheel cover. She spotted a purse down on the floorboard and whistled at Kelly “I’m checking for ID” he nodded “Go ahead” she picked up the purse and found a wallet then called his name again. “What?” he asked and she turned to license around to show him the woman’s photo and her name Y/N Severide    
“Do you know her?” Stella asked and he shook his head “No, but she called me Benny before she passed out” Stella watched the ambulance pull away then climbed out of the jeep “You need to go to the hospital Kelly” He nodded slowly “Yeah, I need to find out just who she is”
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Everything hurt. Your head, your side, your back. You had some weird ass dream about some guy who had your dead beat father’s eyes, except that guy’s eyes actually held some care in them. 
You groaned as you tried to sit up and felt a hand reach out for your arm and a voice say “Let me help you” your eyes flew open at the very masculine voice and there was the guy from your dream “Who the hell are you and why do you look like my deadbeat father?”  
He grinned slightly “Well hello to you too Sunshine. Y/N Severide. Can I ask who your father is?” you shrugged “Benny Severide” he stared at you for a second before asking how old you were when you told him he nodded “You’re about ten years younger than me, makes sense with when he left” you raised an eyebrow “What are you saying here?” he stepped a little closer and offered his hand “My name’s Kelly. I’m your older half brother”
“I have a brother?” you all but whispered and he shrugged “Yeah?” and despite the pain you were in, a small smile slipped onto your face “and just this morning I thought I had no close family left” a look crossed his face “None? Who was your mom?”  “Penelope Killian. She died when I was seventeen and until about five minutes ago I thought I was an old child” you laughed.
He nodded “I responded to your wreck” the wreck. Fuck, your jeep. “My baby” you whispered and his eyes widened then he laughed slightly “You mean your jeep” you nodded “That was the only thing I owned” “You had insurance didn’t you?” you nodded then admitted “I’ve never had to file a claim” he laughed “I can help you?” you shook your head “Kelly, you’ve known me five minutes”
He cut his eyes at the clock “Seven”  “Excuse me big brother. Seven” you laughed, holding your side then groaned “Fuck i was supposed to start work monday” he raised his eyebrows “Where?” “As a patrolman at the twenty first precinct” he grinned “I can help you with that. I work with the house sergeant’s husband” you raised an eyebrow “Damn” 
He nodded “Um, Can I call my wife? She’s going to want to meet you” you ran a hand over your hair and he smiled “She was there when you got pulled out sunshine. She works with the fire department too” you nodded “In that case, call her down” he smiled “Ok” and walked out to call her.
You sat there staring at the door. Christ, you needed to call Eliza too and where the hell was all your stuff out of your jeep? You could ask Kelly you guessed. Kelly you had a big brother and apparently a sister in law. What was life? This morning you were an only child moving cities looking for a new start, now you had a totaled jeep and a brother. You were worried for tomorrow.
The knock on your door made you cut your eyes at Kelly “Well I mean I’d get it but..” you shrugged and he laughed “You damn sure have the same attitude as me” you cracked a smirk “That a good or bad thing?” he shrugged “Guess we’ll see” and walked over to the door.
When he opened it a pretty woman wearing a CFD uniform came walking in. She smiled at you as Kelly said “Y/N this is my wife Stella, Stella this is Y/N…my younger sister apparently. I called Benny’s sister and turns out she knew about her but never told me because he told her not to” 
“That bitch” you and Stella gasped in unison then turned and grinned at each other. Kelly laughed slightly “Well you two are getting along” “While we’re at it, where’s all my stuff out of my jeep? That was literally everything I own” you questioned and Stella cut her eyes at Kelly before she shrugged “I took it back to the station house after I saw the last name Severide on your license”
You let out a sigh of relief “I love you already Stella” and she grinned. “Can I borrow someone’s phone? I was supposed to be meeting a friend to look at extended stay motels until I could get a place and she’s probably freaking out” Stella handed you her phone then cut her eyes at Kelly “Let’s give her some privacy”
The moment Stella and Kelly stepped into the hall she spun around to face him “Oh my god. You have a little sister!” he nodded “And she’s a cop. She was supposed to start at the twenty-first monday. I got Mouch to call Trudy” her eyes widened “That’s handy. How do you feel?”
He looked back towards your hospital room “She acts like me, it’s weird how I can see that and we just met” she slipped her arms around his waist and laid her head over on his shoulder “You do know there’s no way I’m letting my sister-in-law stay at a extended stay motel without at least trying to get her to stay with us, right?”
He laughed and tucked her into his side tighter “I had some idea” she cut her eyes up at him and smiled “So, we calling her sunshine still?” he nodded “Definitely” and she shook her head with a laugh. 
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When you were released from the hospital two days later Stella had talked you into staying in hers and Kelly’s spare room. “At least for a few days. Heal up, start working and get to know us” she’d said.
Considering you needed a ride just to meet with the local office of your insurance carrier wasn’t like you could turn her down besides you wanted to get to know Kelly. He seemed genuine about wanting to know you.
You followed them out of the hospital and laughed when you realized Stella drove a jeep as well. She cut her eyes back at you and grinned “It’s not yellow but it’ll do right?” you nodded “Yeah, it’ll do” Kelly shook his head “After we meet with the insurance they should have you a rental car ready in the next day or so. Then we’ll take you by the twenty first to meet Platt then if you want to meet the rest of fifty one?” you nodded “Of course.They work with you two and saved my life” 
Considering your age you felt a little ridiculous sitting back and letting Kelly handle your insurance agents but he stepped in without a second thought and honestly Benny had never been a father and having Kelly be protective over you even in something that simple? It made you smile.
They were going to cover your jeep in full and drop a rental car off at Stella and Kelly’s until the check hit your account. After that they took you to the twenty first where you met Sergeant Platt, your house sergeant and even ended up meeting the whole of the intelligence unit. They were all welcoming even if they were a little curious about Kelly having a half sister no one had known about until now.
You were set to start work the following Monday now. You sat in the back of Stella’s jeep as she parked in front of their firehouse. You climbed out and fell in behind her and Kelly. “I’m nervous” you laughed and Kelly shook his head “Don’t be.They’ll be nice”
You followed the two of them into the bays and every eye turned towards you. Your eyes landed on one person in particular. He was freaking gorgeous, blue eyes, Kelly’s height and when he smiled at you damn. He was older than you of course. Damn near everyone here was. Kelly pulled you to the front “This is Y/N Severide. My younger half sister. She’s gonna be staying with me and Stella while she finds a place and Monday she’ll be starting as a patrolman at the twenty first. You can also call her sunshine” you shot him a glare and he smirk “Be welcoming or else”
Everyone introduced themselves with handshakes from the men and hugs from the few women.When the man who got your attention from the start introduced himself Kelly told you “This is the house captain Matt Casey, my best friend” of course. You’d get the hots for your newly founded older brother’s best friend. That was one guy code you knew. Little sisters were off limits and Stella had already pointed out that in her words “Kelly is in big brother mode isn’t he?”
Matt smiled at you as he shook your hand “Nice to meet you sunshine” “Nice meeting you Matt” you told him with a small smile yourself. 
Kelly put his hand on your shoulder “Come on. I want to introduce you to Boden too” you laughed and cut your eyes up at Matt “I feel like a shiny new toy to my brother” he grinned “He’s proud to have you though?” you laughed lightly “First time in my life I think anyone has been proud to have me so I guess I should enjoy it” and let Kelly drag you away but not before cutting your eyes back at Matt again and felt your heart flip when he was already looking at you and winked before walking away.
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It was so weird having family that cared about you for no other reason than you were you. Kelly was really everything you ever would’ve wanted out a big brother and Stella was the best sister in law that ever existed. You’d been in Chicago a couple weeks and really it felt like you’d known Kelly for years. You were still staying at their loft while you tried to find your own place but you had finally talked them into an agreement that you were splitting bills and groceries with them.
 “I’m not staying for free Kel” you’d argued one night while you and Stella sipped wine around the island while he chopped vegetables for supper. He cut his eyes up at you and grinned when you called him Kel instead of Kelly and nodded “Ok sunshine. That’s fine” and that was that. It made you feel better about staying with them and in all honesty you loved staying with them anyways.
You were slowly finding your footing, even if some things were still shaky. The gaps of anger towards Benny at the fact that you truly could have known Kelly your entire life if he would’ve just been a little less shitty. You wouldn’t have been alone so many years. It wouldn’t have taken you totaling your jeep for you to find a new start.
When you started at the twenty first you were partnered with Kiara O’Rourke. She was a lively brunette who kept everyone on their toes. You and her got along beautifully from day one to the point even Platt and Voight commented on how well you two partnered. You had a new jeep, this one was a burnt orange color to Kelly’s delight because he still insisted on calling you sunshine and it had stuck with everyone it seemed. Even officers around the precinct were picking it up. 
Matt still plagued your mind every time you saw him because he gave you that damn smile that spelled trouble but he was your brother’s best friend. You weren’t going to do that. No matter if he was gorgeous and older than you and could probably wear you out in all the best ways.
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“So you’re going out with Kiara and Eliza?” Stella asked as you tried to find the keys to your jeep. She whistled and held them up from the counter. You grinned and took them from her outstretched hand “Yeah, it’s Eliza’s birthday and before Kelly freaks I have a strict rule of no more than two drinks then switch it out” she nodded “Good, because you know he’d freak”
You laughed “It’s sweet really. I’ve never had people care about me like I do now” she smiled “You’re family sweetie. We’re gonna care. Text me when you get to Eliza’s later tho.Just so I know you didn’t get in a bar fight. You do have that Severide temper” you cut your eyes at her with a smirk “Who was born one and who married one?” she nodded “Good point”
You slipped your jacket on and blew her a kiss “Love ya Stel. See you tomorrow” and hurried out of the door.
“I’m telling you, the look on their faces when they realized two women took em down! Voight even cracked a smile”  you laughed and Eliza shook her head “It’s good to see the changes in it since you’ve moved here Y/N”  Kiara grinned “Yeah, I’m glad we got sunshine here” you rolled your eyes “I love Kelly but that nickname” she shook her head “You love it” you shrugged “Maybe” and they both started laughing.
You glanced up and saw Matt walk in the door of the bar and a smile slipped onto your face “Ohh” they both cooed and looked around “Who did you spot?” you shook your head “No one” Eliza nodded slowly then cut her eyes at Kiara “Twenty bucks says she goes to the bathroom then texts me in twenty saying she’ll be back in the morning” you felt your face warm “Will not”
But about that time you glanced up and made eye contact with Matt who nodded towards the barstool next to him so you looked between the two of them “I’ll be right back” they cracked up laughing as you walked away and you heard them go into another conversation.
You headed for Matt and he grinned when you slipped onto the barstool next to you “You summoning people now Captain?” he raised an eyebrow “Well if it works officer Severide” you grinned “How ya been?” he nodded “Decent. This has got to be the first time I’ve managed to catch you for five minutes without Kelly or Stella around” you waved a hand back towards where your friends were “Out with a couple friends or well friend and partner”
He nodded, eyes never leaving you “Glad to have caught you” you moved a little closer “And why’s that Matthew?” his eyes went from yours down to your lips then back up and you felt your face warm as he said “Because you are so damn gorgeous” you grinned “Thank you, you’re pretty good looking yourself” 
“Sunshine, I think you need to go back to your friends” he said after staring at you for a minute. You felt your face fall. “And why’s that?” “Because you’re my best friend’s little sister. You’re ten years younger than me. I should not be thinking about doing the things to you that I want to do” you swallowed hard, your thighs clenching together just from his words “I’m not some little naive school girl Matt. What if I want you to do those things to me?” his eyes met yours and he smirked slightly “Your brother will fucking kill me” you shrugged “Not if we don’t tell him” “Did you drive here?” he asked and you shook your head “I rode with Eliza” “Text her you’ll see her in the morning” he said then grabbed your hand and pulled you to your feet.
The moment you stepped foot into Matt’s apartment he had you pushed against the door, his mouth against yours, his hands slipping under your shirt. “So fucking beautiful. Wanted you from the first day Kelly introduced you” he muttered, pulling back to slip your shirt over your head then attacked your neck, kissing the skin there and biting gently “No marks Matt” you gasped and he grinned against your neck “Don’t want big brother seeing, do we?” as he caught your legs behind the thighs and scooped you up into his arms, forcing you to wrap your legs around his thighs.
He walked through his place and the moment he laid you back on his bed his lips were back on yours. You moaned out his name as his hands explored your body, fingers finding the buckle of your jeans. “Lift your hips babygirl” he whispered and you did what he said which earned you a smile as he pulled them down your hips.
“Matt, you’re still fully dressed” you whined and he chuckled lightly “Sorry” and pulled his shirt over his head to toss it. He started at your left ankle,kissing his way up your leg, stopping just shy of where you wanted him the most then moved to the right leg to do the same. “Matt please” you begged, your hips lifting off the bed.
He pinned them down with one strong arm and grinned at you “Damn that patience” then lowered his mouth to your core. The first lick had your head falling back against the pillows and a low moan of his name falling from your lips. He plunged his tongue into you hitting that spot deep inside of you and you felt your eyes roll back slightly, fingers finding his hair to tug at the short locks. He moaned against you when you did before slipping a finger into you quickly followed by a second. His fingers worked at that spongy spot deep inside of you while his tongue and teeth worked at your clit pushing you closer and closer to that edge. When he rolled your clit into his mouth and sucked it between his teeth you felt that building pressure burst as you came, soaking his chin and the bed underneath you.
He kept working at you until you shoved his head away “Fuck Matt I gotta breathe!” he rocked back on his heels, laughing “Poor thing, can’t take it?” you glared weakly at him “That was fucking amazing” he grinned “You’re welcome” you shook your head “Come here” he crawled up your body, kissing and biting every inch of skin along the way until he got to your mouth, claiming it with a rough kiss. “Take your jeans off Matt, fuck do you have condoms?” he nodded and reached into the table next to his bed to pull a box of condoms out.
He grabbed one and tossed the rest back in before pushing his jeans and boxers off his hips. You cut your eyes down and knew your eyes got big “Fuck” he grinned “Dont worry, I won’t hurt you” you shrugged, cutting your eyes up at him and letting your fingers explore the skin of his chest “I mean I’d probably enjoy it”
He shook his head and rolled the condom down his hard length before lining himself up with your opening. He looked at you for the ok and when you nodded he pushed into you causing a moan to leave you both. He caught your lips in a lingering kiss, rolling his tongue against yours. You felt his hand slip down to hook your leg up around his waist before he looked up to you. “You can move Matt. Fuck me, hard” you begged and he groaned,dropping his head down to your chest as he gave a deep roll of his hips into yours and when your reaction was for your fingers to dig into his shoulders he groaned “Fuck Sunshine, you feel fucking amazing” should it feel weird your brothers best friend fucking you and calling you by the nickname your brother started? Probably. Did you care? Not as long as Matt Casey was that deep inside of you.
His hips snapped into yours, hard and fast. He was damn near pushing you up with the bed with every thrust but you could’ve cared less. It felt fucking amazing. “Please don't stop, please” you begged and he nipped at your neck “I got you babygirl” 
You could feel that pressure building inside of you with every snap of Matt’s hips and he must have been close too because he slipped his hand between you to rub tight circles onto your clit. Your orgasm slammed into you and you vaguely felt your nails bite into his shoulders as your legs clenched down around his waist and he chuckled, hips never slowly “There ya go sunshine, ride it out baby” his thrust got a little sharper, little harder until he buried himself deep inside of you with one final thrust and came with a light moan of your name.
Your heart was pounding in your ears, you felt like you’d just ran a marathon. Matt was holding himself up on one arm, looking at you “What?” you asked with a grin and he shook his head “You’re beautiful dressed up but holy shit are you gorgeous all fucked out”
You just fucked your brothers best friend. Not only that but it was the best sex you’d ever had. What the fuck were you gonna do now? He pressed a quick kiss to your lips then pulled out slowly, apologizing when you grimaced slightly “Sorry” 
He got up to throw the condom away then came back with a warm rag and bottle of water. He cleaned you up then helped you sit up to drink the water before laying down next to you “Can I?” he asked and you nodded so he pulled you over onto his  chest before laughing lightly “If your brother kills me for sleeping with you just makes sure my headstone says died doing what he enjoyed” 
You shook your head “You’re insane” he grinned “You must like something to be in my bed” you rolled your eyes “I said you were insane, not that you were ugly” which in turn made him crack up before he said “Does this have to be a one time thing or?” you raised an eyebrow “I don’t think it does” and he grinned “Good, do you need to go right now?” you shook your head “They think I’m staying with Eliza” he pulled you over to be laying on top of him, hands spreading across your back “Lucky me” 
Play with Fire
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wwemcumuscleslover · 2 months ago
Moving On
Dom Pascal X Reader X Hank Voight.
This day will be a celebration, not only for the three of you( 1st anniversary) but also Hank decide to finally moving on and live with you two.
Dom and you make a commitent on helping Hank felling like its home
The night ending on a fency dinner at some 5 star restaurant at Chicago.
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Waking up is just part of a regular day, right. But not for the two of you, or should I say three of you. Today marks the 1st anniversary of a unique history that you never believe living in this lifetime. 
Everything begins when your place of work crashes down because of a fire that your boss makes just for the insurance and almost takes everyone’s life. On the day you met one of the most dashing men you've ever seen. Dom Pascal, chief of the 51, the most famous firefighters squad of Chicago, your heart was taken the moment he grabbed you and led you out the building.Your dating begins when he finally divorce his wife Monica. He bought a new apartment, since his wife stays with the house in the divorce process. Your life could not be more perfect, but what the odds with the next part of this journey.
You manage another job in some fancy boutique in downtown and another regular day a bunch of thieves, stoll the store next your’s. On the day you met Hank Voight, sergeant and leader of the intelligence division of CPD, he was the one who talked to you about the situation. But you couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that somehow you also were captivated by that man. It takes like two months to figure out everything and realize that you are made to love both men. After talking with Dom and explaining the situation, it was really amazing how he agreed with that. In a casual dinner at Hank’s place everything was settled and the trio was created. But on occasion, Voight still wanna stay in his house, unlike Pascal, Voight is a widower and you respect his process of letting go. You knew that house has so much of him, his wife Camille, his son Justin and Erin, the girl he raised as his daughter.
Last month, Hank gave the news that you have been waiting so long, he wants to move in, but he desires to rent his house, instead of selling, lucky your cousin was coming to stay and built a life with his family, so Voight agreed to rent to them. Today it's the big day, you will have your two beloved men under the same roof. you feel like the luckiest woman, because you manage to have two of the most important men of the city in your house, mind and heart for good.
- So Baby! How will be the schedule be for today - Dom asks while wrapping his arms around you.
- I will pick my cousin and his family, which led me to see if it is too much for you to use the chief car and let me use yours. - You said while starting to serve breakfast.
- Just today? - ask Pascal with a sassy smile - Deal! 
It took 45 minutes to get fully ready for the day. Dom holds your hand on the way to the garage, once you reach his Jeep,he opens the door and proceeds to his side. The Way to the 51 was kind of messy, since the snow started falling way before the winter, which caused Dom to drive a little slower than usual. Once on the 51, you two share a hug and a long kiss.
Kelly Severide and Stella greet you once the kiss is finished, you waved back while Dom handed the car keys to you.
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Your cousin was punctual as always and he was very excited with his new life in Chicago since his last address wasn’t safe enough. It is not like Chicago was so calm, but knowing a cop, Hank in this case, surely will help with the security he is looking for his family. At the first moment you guide the moving truck to the address, since you have an extra key, you planned to have their stuff dropped at home. Once it was done, the truck could finally return to his origins. Mellany and the kids, Alicia and Maddox stayed in the house and started to unpack their belongings, otherwise Teddy followed with you to the 21 district to sign the final paper on the rent contract.
Took like 20 minutes to arrive at the destination. Teddy and you follow through the front door, straight to the desk and greet Trudy.
Good Morning Sergeant Platt .
Good Morning Y/N! Looking for Voight Right!
He is in the Building?
She confirmed positively and allowed us to pass to the intelligence office. The place was very loud, you could manage to find out they were in the middle of a sexual crime investigation. 
The DNA sample on the rape test matches 2 unsolved crimes in the past 3 months - said Atwater 
A man named Collin Smith was investigated back those days, his DNA is 50 % Match with our unknown man, maybe a half sibling. - Kim told everyone before stares at us.
Y/N . - Voight approaches and hugs me before offering a handshake to Teddy. - Follow to my office, I got the papers.
Before Hank close the door, Dante said that back in the past, the investigation might had a theory that Collin could be hidden his half sibling and the office suggest to break his bank registers to check if some money was send to someone, Voight order to check, Dante said that he take free will to call the A.S.A so they can have a warrant to proceed.
She will be here in 5 minutes - Dantes says.
Perfect, time enough to finish this and follow with the investigation.
Hank grab some pen and the contract, Teddy sigh first, quickly and simple, but for Voight was more hard, signing those papers, even if were rent papers, was still like he was closing a important chapter of his life, you squeeze his arm, like calm him and he finally took the pen and sign his name on the page. Just in time, because the A.S.A. has just arrived at the office. Hank introduces her to you.
Y/N, this is NIna Chapman. - Hank grabs your hand. - Nina, this is my beloved Y/N
Pleasure to meet you - You realise that her face didn’t match her words. - So what you gotta.
Sugah, there are a few boxes on the Durango, can you take our place for me. - Hank asked. 
Sure, where’s the keys? 
He handles the keys to you and requests that Burgess show you the way to his car, in the way you ask why that lady, Nina, was so rude to you. 
Well, isn’t easy for her to see Hank with another person when she wants him. 
That 's New for me. - You open the back.of Voight’s car and grab one of the two boxes with his name on it, Teddy helps with the other one.
You just say there were 3 boxes with the name Camile on it, he will be probably passing to a donation center, you assume not so sure about. You make a note inside your head to talk with Pascal to make sure the transition will be peaceful.
All ready baby. - Hank asks. 
Yes, the Dinner is 8 pm if you could make home around 7pm. - Just a little reminder thought you said to yourself, knowing Hank wasn’t the guy who forget stuffs
Thanks for trusting us with your house Mr Voight - Your cousin said. 
Well, I trust Y/N, soo i know you guys are good people, she won’t betray me.- Hank put his hand on your shoulder.
Of Course baby. - You said kissing his cheek. - See you later at our place.
You just reached Dom's Jeep in order to process with the daily schedule. With your side eye you catch Nina staring at you with an unpleasant face, you just pass by her like she is nothing to worry about, but the lady seems to be offended by that.
I still can't believe he chose a bitch like you, instead of a woman like me - She kind of spit this on our face - You think this is normal or even fair.
This is between Dom,Hank and I. - You said with a brave face - And You should mind your business, Kisses. - Finish the conversation and get into the car.
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After your lunch, you just thought to yourself, maybe i should manage some jewelry to celebrate this, while in the pat to the store, you text then asking their ring size. The place is stunning, some gentle lady helps you all the way to find the perfect jewelry for the occasion. The next stop in your way was in the 51 firehouse, just to check on your other man.
Letting the jeep in the usual parking position, you saw Mouch on the entrance of the building cleaning some leaders with Hermann. Violet and Novak were finishing some reports.
Is Dom in the Building? -  You question.   
He is in his office - Violet answers.
You smile at them as a thankful gesture and proceed to the chief office. He welcomes you with a warm hug that you kindly reply with a soft kiss. you sit on the couch while Dom uses one of the front desk chairs.
So, how is our other guy feeling? - Dom question.
Well, it steals a big movie for him, but his solid committed with us. - You reply. - Divorce and being a widower are different processes of grief.
So let’s make the transition a comfortable process for him. -  Said him, completing the cenario.
Exactly. - Your excitement makes you jump into another passionate kiss that was cut off by a fire alarm. - Time to work.
You saw him walking out the door, like the incredible force of nature that he is, you heard Dom already given a few commands and you definitely were turned on like this morning by watching Voight leading his team to the crime scene. This feeling of having the two most powerful men of Chicago on your side is something only the luckiest woman on planet could ever have and if this makes you a Bitch, you will wear that crown with pride.
Y/N you're a luck bitch - Said to yourself before leaving the Dom’s Office.
You left the firehouse and returned home to drop Voight’s boxes, while placing the boxes on the kitchen table, you accidentally hit on the top of one and opened it by mistake. Your attention was caught by a portrait, it was Daniel’s birthday, Hank’s Grandchild. You recognize his son Justin, with Olivie, Daniel ‘s Mom and Erin His Foster daughter. With a clean towel at your hand, you carefully clean the photo and place it on the balcony that separates the kitchen from the TV room. The rest you will let him find the best way for him, it will help him feel at home. it was required for you to return at the firehouse, since the car was with you and Dom wasn’t allowed to go beyond the station with the chief car if it wasn't for work purposes. 
Once in the firehouse, you stay the rest of his shift, watching him doing the bureaucracy of the job, like filling reports, all the paperwork to make sure every call was properly solved inside the book. When the clock reaches 6 pm, Dom closes everything and finishes his work for the day. He walks you out by hand and what a surprise to see Voight's car next to the jeep.
Is done for you too - Ask Pascal 
The Case was pretty easy to solve. - Says Hank 
The Half brother was involved?- You Question - Sorry, i couldn’t avoid - You apologize
Y/N! You paid attention. - Hank gives you a smile. 
Our girl is smart  - Pascal wrap his arm around your body and kiss your forehead
She is - Hank grabs your hand and kisses the knots of your fingers.
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Once you saw your two men wearing their suits, you couldn't stop smile, like the cat from alice in the wonderland, they will be the most dashing gentlemen at Smith & Wollensky, the famous steakhouse on the Chicago River at Marina City, the place has a stunning view for the windy city and was perfect for celebrate the 1st year of your story.
you choose going with the Durango, the black dodge from Voight matches perfectly the social dress code.
The place was amazing. So stunning, since you made the reservation, you requested a table with the river view in order to have the city lights as part of the celebration. The excitement was out of the roof, you held your purse strongly thinking about the little surprise you had in store.
Your choose as a meal was equal, SIGNATURE FILET MIGNON, requested to be medium well done, with CAESAR SALAD, the drink you pick three MANHATTANS HORSE SOLDIER BOURBON, two perfect for the Men and one sweet for you.While the meal was prepared, you take the moment to reveal the surprise of the night.
I really thought that this night could have something special, so I just thought of some jewelry to kind of testify to this amazing journey of ours. - You open the ring box and unveil the ring trio.
In silver structure the boys ring was built with three lines, one of Sapphire, one of Rubi and between this a diamond line. while you're was built with three lines of silver, mimicking a hair braid with three small stones also the sapphire, rubi and diamond on the top.
Y/N, you're unbelievable. - Declares Pascal 
There's some meaning behind this - Question Voight
It's gonna be very cliche, but life can sometimes be cliche. - You Pick The first one and grab Voight's hand. - The Sapphire represents the man in blue. The Police. - After putting the ring on Hank’s finger, you get the other ring and Pascal Hand. - The Ruby in the burning flame, The Firefighter.
And the Diamond ? - Asked them together, while I was putting on Dom's ring.  
Oh My Gosh, speaking together!See, the universe is synchronizing us more than ever. - You said. - But answer your question. The Diamond is me, the shiny star in your life. - You said raising your hand with your ring on it.
Baby, you are a show off - Replay Dom.
Not to mention cocky - Complete Hank.
What! I’m marrying the two most important people in this life - You Said with a bright smile - I am totally allowed to be show off and cocky 
They simply smile back at you in the way you feel the butterflies on your stomach. The dinner arrived at our table. The meal was divine, the day couldn’t be more satisfying. Once the dinner is finished, the three of you take a simple walk under the gentle snow rain, stopping in the middle of the square just to look at the first Christmas decoration that was beginning to be displayed,you turn around looking at them and you could resist giving them a passionate kiss.
Let's go home gentlemen - You told grabbing their hands. 
They smile back, like confirming your request. The end of the night was marvelous, so full of love. You Knew it that was by far the hottest night at Chicago Winter. and  you could not wait to the next chapters of this amazing journey. The Firefighter, The Cop and The Luck Bitch.
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@desimarie12 @witchygagirl @witchygagirlwrites like I promisse.
* Note IF there's some grammaticy mistake, english is not my mother language. The Correct helps but we never know.
Enjoy the ride.
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sailingfireshipz · 5 months ago
13x06 download.
1. Carver waking up in somebody else bed, hungover, once again & almost late for shift AGAIN.... this man is slipping. For the life of me, I don't understand why they made Jake a series regular just to go in and deconstruct his character growth. I don't see the plot.
2. The way Stella kicked that man bed in 😂😂😂
3. Stella looking at Kelly when he says he'll take overhaul. She knows her hubby. She could see his wheels spinning.
4. I'm so happy Ritter actually witnessed the bird attacking Mouch. Mouch needed that validation 😭
5. Pascal questioning Stella about truck again is just so.... Not because I don't think he should be asking those questions but more so the tone & manner in which he does it is just so triggering for me. The difference in how he talks to Kidd vs. how he engages in a conversation with Kelly later in the episode is night & day.
5a. I feel bad for Stella. It's clear something is going on with Carver, but it seems like if she tells Pascal, he'll just flip it on her again like he did with Damon. Rock meet hard place. Stella's storyline this entire first half has been navigating mens bullshit instead of dealing with her backstory 😒 😑
6. Carvers "there will be no more screw ups" gave me whiplash because that sounds like something S11 Carver said MANY times
7. Tony has been crushing it! Keep giving the man more screen time.
8. Pascal conversation with Kelly... do we see how the tone & overall demeanor is different, relaxed, and not accusatory in nature 🙂 this continues to be problematic for me
9. I can't tell if Flynn is a good or bad guy... he sort of weirds me out
10. STELLARIDE has PARENTS written all over them in that Med scene. Like they finally got a babysitter to enjoy a night out & Kelly's dragging Stella to Med for a case 😆
11. Does anyone know what it was that Tori brought Carver & why would Kidd care? It looked like a knife?
11a. Tori's manipulation is insane. She has this man withdrawing & icing people out that have had his back in so many situations. Hope he doesn't burn all those bridges
12. Stella & Violet 👩‍🍳 💋 i want to hear more about that great dinner. Ugh!
13. "Severide, I'm starting to get the feeling you have a problem with authority." lmao, oh, you don't know much about our Severide, do you, chief?
14. Kelly immediately going to Stella. My ❤️
15. What i love about the Go home Carver scene is that Stella is not wavering when it comes to doing right by her rig & ultimately 51. She could have easily folded with the scrutiny coming from the chief, but NOPE! She's not dealing with the foolishness just to not be on his hit list! My Fearless Queen
16. Follow me here... What does Flynn do for a living? He said he got assigned a new case... the state trooper in the ghost gun case said the DA needed the evidence... hmmm idk
17. Kelllllly "My firehouse" Severide aaaahhhh I'm screaming. The way he had Pascal gagged
17a. Selfishly wishing Kelly would have defended Stella the way he just laid Pascal out about the case when Pascal called her a pain in the ass.....
18. Pascal telling Kelly that Bishop is prone to violence & doesn't make empty threats & the first words out of Kellys mouth was I'm in... Kelly, have we LEARNED nothing from S10-12 😭🥹🥹🥹
18a. Like damn at least talk to Stella (YOUR WIFE) first before readily offering yourself up as a target. What happened to we're a team!?
Loved this episode & excited for next week! Any thoughts, theories, or ramblings out there? Let me know i love it when we all discuss our different perspectives!
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chloe-skywalker · 2 years ago
Tell Him - Kelly Severide
Kelly x fem!reader
Warnings: I think the request says it all if its even a warning
Word count: 630
Requested:can i request for kelly severide where reader is asexual, but she tries to force her self into having sex with kelly (maybe cos she hears kelly talking with the guys about her not having sex with him) and she feels awful (btw kelly doesnt know she is asexual) and then she tries to have sex with him and when he takes off her bra she has a panic attack and kelly comforts her - @alanalanalanalanalana
Authors Note: I looked into the asexuailty since I personally don’t know anyone who Identifies as that so I hope it was to your liking. Thank you for your request.
One Chicago Masterlist
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“You should just tell him.” Stella told her stressed friend.
“Yeah, Y/n. He would totally understand.” Sylvie nodded in agreement.
“No one can predict how he’ll take it.” Y/n shook her head with a solemn expression.
Stella reached over, putting a hand on Y/n’s shoulder. “Kelly’s not an ass. He won’t judge.” 
“Yeah, no way. I bet he’d be supportive.” Sylvie added, she thought Stella was right. Kelly has a heart of gold, he wouldn’t judge Y/n.
But they both understood why she was nervous, they after all had heard Kelly talking with the guys too.
Y/n decided to take their advice and talk with Kelly, but first she just wanted to try once more with him. Maybe she could get herself to just ‘do it’ and not have to tell him.
Later that night when they were home at their shared place. Y/n decided to try her last ditch effort. So she stepped out in her bathrobe wearing a new set of lingerie. As she stood in the doorway to the hallway she spoke up. “Hey, I got something that I want to show you. So can you come here?”
“The games on you woman bring it out here?” he responded not removing his eyes from the t.v.
“Well, it’s kinda a bedroom activity.” y/n answered with a seductive tone.
Which of course got his attention. “Oh, well then.”
They got pretty far. Entered the bedroom, both of them laughing. Both undressed, well mostly. Kelly layed on the bed, leaning back against the headboard and pillows. Kelly leaned forward kissing Y/n’s neck. As he reached up running his hands up her back, Y/n felt her heartrate pick up. But once he went to unclip her bra, she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t go through with it.
“y/n?” Kelly pulled back when he felt her breathing pick up. “Y/n, are you alright?”
Y/n tried to answer but couldn’t, she realized she was having a panic attack and she’s sure Kelly figured it out to.
“I’m sorry.” She apologized after recovering from the panic attack and calmed her breathing. Y/n buried her head in his chest out of embarrassment.
“Don’t be sorry. But Y/n, we never have to do anything you don’t want to. Never. But I think I deserve and need to know what's wrong. Did I do something?” Kelly wasn’t wrong, he did need and deserve to know. Especially since he didn’t really do anything wrong like he’s thinking.
“I overheard you talking with the guys the other day and-”
“Hey, what you heard, yeah maybe I should of just come straight to you but. Y/n/n, I don’t know what's going on and I needed advice. We keep being inches from having sex and then something happens.” Kelly shook his head pushing her back just enough to look her in the eyes. “I need to know. Did I do something? Are you not ready to take that step yet? What is it?”
Y/n knew she needed to tell him now. Or there might not be a relationship now. “I’m asexual.”
There was a few minutes of silence before he answered. Which made y/n even more nervous.
“That's it?” Kelly furrowed his eyebrows before letting out a breath of relief, giving her a soft sweet smile. “Y/n, if you don’t want to have sex when I’m trying to inicate it then just tell me. If there’s something I can do to make sex more comfortable to you than, please tell me. If I’ve learned anything about relationships it’s that we always need to talk about things. Okay?”
“Okay.” Y/n nodded smiling. Stella and Slyvie were right, he didn’t judge.
Taglist: @padawancat97
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callsign-dexter · 2 years ago
Blazing Hearts
Request: Jeeeez Emergency Love was sooo cute !!! :)
Would you think about a sequel to it where maybe they have their date and all goes perfectly. Then some time later when the firehouse is also at the Med, Kelly is having that brother-boyfriend talk with Connor and you fear the worst, but they really get along quite well ? :)
Pairings: Connor Rhodes x Paramedic!Severide!Reader
Warnings: fluff, angst, mentions of being cheated on
Frist Installment: Emergency Love
Second Installment: Blazing Hearts
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After you kissed Connor in the ED and exchanged phone numbers, you both set an official first date. He was picking you up in an hour to take you to a fancy restaurant that you both had been dying to go to. You were getting ready with the help of Sylvie, your roommate, Gabby, and Stella, your brother's fiancée.
When you had gotten back to the firehouse that day your two teammates were nonstop chattering and planning for you while you stood in the back. Stella had noticed and walked up and when they excitedly told her what had happened she was in on the gossip and planning as well. Then the news got to Kelly Severide, your brother, and of course, he acted like he wasn't happy and had gone all protective big brother mode after what happened last time. He was cautious for you and you were ok with that because he dialed it back some.
The hour seemed to go by faster than you knew it because you were interrupted by a knock on the door. You had already gotten dressed in a stunning deep red dress and black heels, your hair was slightly curled and you put on minimal makeup. You walked to the door with three other females behind you and opened it. There stood the Connor Rhodes in a tux looking handsome as ever. He was looking down but when the door opened he looked up and he smiled and love seemed to fill his eyes.
"You look absolutely stunning." He said breathlessly and you looked down and blushed.
"You don't look bad yourself, matter of fact you look handsome." You said while looking up and the three females squealed. He looked behind you and waved at them and they just grinned ear to ear at them then he turned his attention back to you.
"Are you ready to go?" He asked you holding out his arm which you gladly took and smiled but stopped him.
"Oh wait my-" you began but Stella was already handing you the black sequenced purse. She gave it to you smiling and you smiled back and you turned and headed out as Stella closed the door. You got to the elevator and you pressed it.
"You do look absolutely beautiful." Connor said turning to you as you both waited for the elevator. He touched your face lovingly and put away a piece of hair behind your ear.
"Thank you." You said "So where are we going?" You asked him and he smiled.
"Remember that place we talked about that we've never been to?" He asked and you nodded your head "Well I got us reservations." He told you and you gasped in shock.
"You didn't." You said and he smirked and nodded his head.
"But I did." He said and you kissed him and he kissed back. You only broke apart when the elevator dinged. You both stepped in and rode it down to the lobby where he led you out to his car and opened the passenger side for you.
Connor got into the driver's side of the car and turned the engine and took off. It was a comfortable silence. "You don't have to tell me but why did you not want to date anyone here?" He asked and looked at you briefly while stopping at the stoplight.
"It's ok. It's bound to come out eventually. My last boyfriend or should I say fiancée cheated on me with my now ex-best friend. They had the audacity to get married and invite me to the wedding." You said getting mad just thinking about it.
"How long were they hooking up?" He asked sounding equally mad and that surprised you.
"6 months." You said
"Well he doesn't know what he lost. He lost the most beautiful, stunning, perfect, and kind woman." He said and you blushed nobody has ever said that to you or made you feel loved, well besides your brother.
When you arrive at the restaurant he put the car in park and got out. He came around to your side and opened the door and helped you out. He gave the keys to the valet and you both walked into the restaurant and up the podium. There was a young beautiful woman there and when she saw Connor she started to flirt and his grip on your hand tightened slightly. "Reservation for Rhodes." He said and smiled trying to be polite and she looked over the computer and smiled.
"Ah yes. Right here. If you would follow me." She said and grabbed menus and walked you to the table. "A waiter will be with you soon." She said and winked at Connor but he wasn't really paying attention it was all on you. He pulled out your chair and you sat down and then he sat down. A waiter came over and took your drink order and Connor ordered you both a bottle of wine.
They brought the wine over and then you ordered. "So what made you become a paramedic?" He asked you as poured the wine for you and then him.
"Well you know Kelly is a firefighter and I wanted to follow him but didn't want to deal with all that gear. So I went the medical route and honestly enjoyed it so much that I made a career out of it and hadn't looked back." You said and he was smiling at you while you took a drink of your wine. They brought your food out and you continued your conversation throughout dinner.
You both laughed and talked throughout dinner. You both not wanting the night to end so you ended up getting desert. The check came and he paid for it and then you both were heading out of the restaurant to the valet. You stood there waiting for the car. Connor had his arm around your waist and held you close, you were leaning into him and he kissed the side of your head. The car arrived and he helped you get in and then he got in and drove you home. He held your hand over the console and occasionally he would pick it up and kiss it. You both continued to talk and laugh.
He pulled into a parking spot at your apartment building and parked the car and got out and then walked over to you and helped you out. Once the door was shut he locked the door and led you into your apartment complex. As you stepped into the elevator you spoke up. "I had a really nice night, Connor. Thank you." You told him and he smiled.
"Anything for the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on." He said and you blushed. The elevator dinged notifying you were on your floor and you walked out and to your door.
You had unlocked it but before you opened the door he gently grabbed your face which had you turning around and kissed you which you returned. He tasted like the wine you had and peppermint. You broke apart when air was needed and rested your foreheads on each other. "You're amazing." He said and yp8 blushed.
"Thank you for an amazing night and for reassuring me that there are still good men out there. I can't wait to do this again." You told him and he smiled.
"I can't wait to do it again either." He said and you turned around and opened the door. He watched you walk away. You turned just before closing the door.
"Goodnight handsome." You said
"Goodnight beautiful." He replied and you closed the door and turned around smiling. He really was the perfect man and you were definitely falling in love with him. Connor knew he was definitely falling in love with you. The three other women that you had left at your shared apartment with Sylvie turned around the couch.
"So, how'd it go?" They asked and you laughed.
"Let me go change and I'll tell you." And they nodded and you did just that. When you came out they had paused whatever they were watching and you told them everything and they squealed several times.
You and Connor had gone out several times after that. You saw each other when you could and texted and called each other all the time. There was a day that you were texting each other and he had sent the last text back but hadn't heard from you and usually you texted back pretty fast. You thought maybe you were out on a call and understood that but when it came up on the 3 hr mark he was getting worried. Although he didn't have to worry very long about you not texting him back when Sylvie and Gabby came in pushing the gurney with you on it. You were conscious but wincing at the light. He ran to you along with Will Halstead.
"What happened?" Will asked before Connor could as they rolled you into a trauma bay and they helped you get transferred.
"We were on call to an explosion. We thought it was clear but a second explosion went off and it threw her into the side of the ambulance. She was unconscious on the ride over here but woke up as soon as we pulled up." Gabby told them and they nodded "We'll be in the waiting room with the rest of the firehouse." She said and again they nodded. April and Maggie was had walked at some point and Connor looked at Maggie and she understood.
"Will you're treating her. Connor out." She said and he nodded his head and headed out. After a few painstaking minutes, Will walked out and spotted Connor and walked over to him.
"Before I tell the others. She has a mild concussion and a nasty bump on her head. You can see her." Will said and Connor nodded.
"Thank you, Will." He nodded and headed off to tell the others. Connor walked into your area and stood there looking at you. "Hi, baby." He said softly.
"Hi." You said with the same amount of softness. He didn't get a chance to move when your brother came rolling in.
"Sis, you scared the living daylights out of me." Kelly said and you smiled.
"Sorry, bro. Have to keep you on your toes somehow." You said and chuckled but winced and that had both men rushing over to you and making a fuss. Kelly finally noticed that Connor was in the room.
"Are you ok?" Kelly said at the same time as Connor said.
"Are you ok babe?" Connor asked and that made Kelly stop in his tracks.
"Babe?" He asked looking between the two of you "Are you two dating?" He asked and Connor nodded his head for the both of you since it would make your head pulse in pain. But you had to add something to say.
"Kelly, I love him and he's treated so well, better than the last one. He's the one." You said and Connor looked at you, you just said you loved him for the first time.
"You love me?" He asked you and you nodded the best you could.
"Yes." You replied
"I love you too." He said and kissed your forehead and then Kelly cleared his throat.
"If you ever hurt her or I get wind that you broke her heart. I will hunt you down and make you pay. I don't want to pick up the pieces again not like last time. Understood?" Kelly asked Connor and you were worried that this wasn't going to end well and it set your blood pressure up.
"Kelly, I love her with all of my heart. I'm never going to hurt her, not now nor ever. She has my heart. Nothing will make me break her heart ever." Connor told your brother and Kelly nodded.
"Good. Now come here." He said and brought Connor in for a hug and pulled apart they both smiled. They turned back to you and started fussing over you and you just smiled. You thought the worst but everything turned out right in the end. He loved you and you loved him. Nothing could break that love apart.
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fangirlfrom-hell · 1 year ago
Swearing Jar || Upstead x daughter
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Summary: Sophia is Hailey's and Jay's teenage daughter. She deffends Makayla from some bullys, now she has to pay the price.
*re-posting this because I'm stupid and accidentaly erased my other blog 🫠
This was the first fic I dared to post, I'm so glad I found it!
"Yeah, get out of here, you fucking asshole!"
Everyone at Molly's stood silent when they heard the screeming from outside the bar. The voice of the girl was unmistakable, everyone knew who she was. Hailey and Jay shared a concerned look.
"And don't you dare to even look at her again, you moron!"
It was defenitely Sophia. No doubt.
Hailey and Jay stood up in a hurry to go outside, followed by Adam and Kim, naturally Makayla was with her. From the other side of the bar, a concerned Severide also rushed to help.
"Or other wise you'll have to respond to me, you jerk! And I won't be any gentile!"
That last phrase made Hailey's and Jay's blood run cold. Everything happened so fast. Before they could reach the entrance door, it opened. Will Halstead was leading a furious Sophia and a crying Mckayla inside of the bar. Once the three of them were inside, and before the door closed, Lydia pocked her head out and yelled her last insult.
-"Sophia, please! That's enough!" Will took her from the shoulders and turned her inside of the bar.
Molly's was closed to the public that day, there was a party to celebrate Violet's and Gallo's engagement. So Sophia and Mckayla were able to be there along with their parents and friends. The place was full of firefighters, detectives and some doctors from The Med.
All of the guests were shocked looking at the girls, mostly looking at Sophia. They knew she was an impulsive girl, but their faces were showing confusion and concern.
Kim and Adam immediatly ran to hug their daughter. When Sophia raised her head she saw Hailey, Jay and Severaid in front of her, but also Platt, Hermann and Cruz had arrived to the scene. They were in a defensive position, ready to go out to defend the girls. Will raised his hands, saying that everything was ok.
Hailey walked to Sophia, Jay behind his wife. Both of them looking at their daughter straight to the eyes, asking for an explanation with a simple sight.
"-Mom, they were bullying her, ok? They were saying bad things to her and I wasn't going to let them! Not anymore!".
Jay was about to say something, when Kim interrupted without taking her eyes off Makayla.
"-Bullying? Who was bullying her?"
-"Some shitheads from school" -Sophia said right away.
-"Language!" Jay, Hailey and Will said unison, thought their first instinct was to laught.
Everyone at the bar was paying attention to the scene and they couldn't help to laugh a bit. Even Hank Voight smirked a little bit at the girl's reaction. That's when Sophia realized that this wasn't a private conversation.
"-Sorry", she muttered. "Look, I was trying to...protect her..."
-"At least she didn't hit anybody this time" -Mak said in a funny tone. She was feeling better now, surrounded by her loved ones.
-"Yes, because I happened to appear before she did something ~stupid". -Will completed Makayla's tought, which made her laugh.
-"That happened once and it was an accident. I thought we were over it?"
Jay rolled his eyes at her daughter's argument. "Ok. Let's leave this in here for now. We should go back to the party". -He said realizing the attention they were drawing.
-"Yeah, we should go back" Adam reafirmed, looking around.
Hailey hugged her daughter's shoulder and kissed her head, she couldn't deny she was proud of her daughter's grit.
Everyone went back to their seats. When Sophia passed by Severide, he strocked her head as a symbol of affection. He and Stella were very fond of her. Later that day, when Stella arrived from her shift, Kelly told her what happened with the girls and she bursted into laughs: "That girl has been a sassy pants since she was in diappers".
The party continued normally. Everybody seemed happy, having fun. Makayla was dancing and sharing laughts, as if nothing had happened before. Kim and Adam where isolated on a table having a serius conversation, those bully boys were not going to have it easy.
Sophia was seating between her parents at the same table as Will, Severaid and Stella. On the next table Voight, Platt and Mouch were part of the same conversation. Sophia told them how the boys were harrassing Makayla and how she felt the urge to defend her to make it stop. Hank suggested she had the gut to be a cop or maybe even a lawyer, Jay discarded both ideas. Trudy finished the conversation on the matter by saying "You've always been my favorite Halstead".
-"I'm a little bit hungry. Can I go get some pizza?"
-"Sure. Go get a slice and bring some more to me too. I can descount the favor from your new debt to the swearing jar" - Jay said teasing his daughter and then stood up to let her out. Sophia just rolled her eyes. He gave her a mocking smile.
Kim approached to the table in that exact moment, looking for Sophia.
-"Hey, Soph. I just wanted to thank you...I know this is not the first time that you stand for Mack like this, she has told us, so... just thank you. You've been a lot of help for her".
Sophia shrugged in shyness "She's my best friend", she stated reffering that the obvios thing to do was to stand for her friend, sister.
Hailey and Jay had their eyes on their daughter, they couldn't stop looking at her with a proud smile on their faces. The atmosphere was calm and full of love, when Will interrupted the feeling: "You still have to pay the swearing jar, you won't get rid of it".
Sophia abruptly pointed to Makayla and said as a joke: "You owe me like 10 dollars for this".
-"Are you kidding me?" -Jay stared- "You owe the jar like 50 dollars, kiddo".
-"Are you serius!?"
-"Yeah, I'm with your dad in this" -Hailey continued -"Those were really bad prohibited words, sweetie".
-"Yeah, and I only used them for a good reason".
-"Bad words are bad words, and you must follow the swearing jar law". Her father said raising an eyebrow and proceeded to drink from his beer.
Sophia crossed her arms and continued the funny argument "Really? How many criminals have you handcuff by talking to them politely?"
-"She's got a good point" -Trudy said.
-"I'm with her at this" -Voight followed.
They all laught at the silly debate. Those around who listened to the conversation shared some giggles, also because the family dynamic was adorable.
-"All right" -Hailey stood up- "If mom doesn't get the pizza, you two are going to starve, so excuse me".
Father and daughter sat down again, Jay hugging her by the shoulder "I love you, kiddo. I love you so much. You're still paying, though".
Sylvie approach to the table with a bright smile: "That won't be a problem. We all saw what you did, so Violet, Blake, Ritter and I collected some cash for you. Here you have".
-"Geez, thanks!"
-"Pay the jar, and don't you dare to curse ever again, or you'll leave us broke". -Violet yelled from her spot, next to Blake.
-"Straight to the jar" Severaid and Stella threatened.
Hailey came back to the table giving one slice of pizza to her daughter and another one for Jay: "This girl and her mouth...she's going to make us rich, I tell you".
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chicagofires · 5 months ago
a good rant to start the morning because i have thoughts about something
i think it’s insane when people who hate stella say “we should be allowed to dislike stella without being called racist or misogynistic!” and it’s like… in theory they’re right! disliking a female character or a POC doesn’t inherently make you misogynistic or racist! if you have valid criticisms toward them that’s obviously fine and no one would be mad at you for it except there’s no such thing as a valid criticism against stella because she’s perfect. but the issue arises when your “criticisms” are actually just microaggressions😭. because what do you mean you hate stella because she’s “aggressive” or “bossy” or “too masculine”. just things that would never be said about a man or a white person. and you hate her for these things to the point that you PUBLICALLY post that you want her to brutally die in a fire… weirdo behavior
i know we say this all the time but it bears repeating: stella would never in a million years get away with half the stuff the white men on the show do. kelly severide would hate seeing how people spew hate toward his wife while worshipping him despite the objectively worse things he’s done
and let’s talk about how the two most widely loved women on the show- brett and shay- also happen to be the only white women to be series regulars (until novak came at least). and the most widely hated female series regulars (stella and gabby) happen to be the WOC who have been on the show the longest. not only is that alarming in and of itself, but i also find it interesting that, unlike stella and gabby, shay and brett were never firefighters. on the show at least, paramedicine is portrayed more as a “woman’s job” and firefighting more as a “man’s job” and therefore paramedics might be “less threatening” in the eyes of misogynists. maybe i’m wrong but that seems like a red flag. plus like brett is super traditionally feminine and cutesy and sweet. and shay frankly wasn’t around long enough for people to stop liking her. i am by no means saying if you like brett and/or shay you’re racist or misogynistic. obviously that’s not true. but it is an alarming pattern i see in stella haters
so yeah… if we call you racist or misogynistic for hating stella kidd it’s because you probably just are…
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shewholovesall · 8 months ago
The Keeper of the Stars
The Keeper of the Stars
Song by
Tracy Byrd
It was no accident Me finding you Someone had a hand in it Long before we ever knew Now I just can't believe You're in my life Heaven's smilin' down on me As I look at you tonight
I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars He sure knew what he was doin' When he joined these two hearts I hold everything When I hold you in my arms I've got all I'll ever need Thanks to the keeper of the stars
Soft moonlight on your face oh, how you shine It takes my breath away Just to look into your eyes I know I don't deserve
A treasure like you There really are no words To show my gratitude
So I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars He sure knew what he was doin' When he joined these two hearts I hold everything When I hold you in my arms I've got all I'll ever need Thanks to the keeper of the stars
It was no accident Me finding you Someone had a hand in it Long before we ever knew
Kelly and Stella were in the Captain’s quarters on the Tourist boat that they just got married on.  Kelly looked over and saw that Brett had brought something that Stella grabbed and then Brett left them alone again.
“What do you have there Mrs. Severide,” Kelly asked, slowly saying her new name. Stella turned around and kept the surprise behind her back; her smile was as big as possible. Stella didn’t think she’d ever stop smiling. “While we’re alone I wanted us to have a drink not only together as husband and wife and someone else too.” Stella brought a bottle of Tequila from behind her back. Kelly could feel his face show confusion. Stella liked cocktails and would add Tequila o drinks but straight tequila wasn’t her favorite and it wasn’t his either.
Stella looked at Kelly and took his hands so he was brought back to her attention and he squeezed her hands and rubbed his fingers over her wedding ring. “I thought we should have a drink with Shay. This was her drink right? I think it’s the right brand. It was hard to figure that out. Especially without asking you, because I wanted it to be a surprise.”   Stella looked at Kelly who was looking at her like he wasn’t quite sure what to say but she saw his eyes shining, he looked like he was tearing up. “I’m sorry babe. Maybe I should have asked you. But I know that Shay is so important to you and I know it’s  hard for you to talk about her but I wanted her to be here in some…” Kelly pressed his lips against his wife. Kelly would never get tired of that. Stella Kidd was his wife. His hands moved from hers to frame her face as he kissed her. Stella kissed him back and smiled into the kiss. “ Stella. Take a breath, honey. I.. I love the idea. And it is her favorite brand and even if it wasn’t…you thinking about it. I appreciate it so much.” Stella smiled as Kelly talked about her surprise. He took the bottle and he poured both shots.
Kelly knew he didn’t talk about Shay a lot. The pain of her loss was more intense when he talked about her than when he didn’t.  “I know Shay always wanted me to find someone. She was never into the girls I used to date…Anyways…” Kelly stopped; he didn’t want to talk about the other woman he’s been with in the past. But he wanted to share something with Stella about Shay because he knew that Stella was patient in regards to him not communicating a lot about shay. “ I want you to know.. That I think .. no, I know she would have loved you.”
Stella’s heart fluttered at him saying that. Magic is what she told him he was to her. To have Kelly tell her that his best friend would have loved her made her feel even better about today if that was even possible. She felt her smile grow bigger, she was also just happy that he was sharing a part of Shay with her. “I mentioned you to her once. After that training course. And after I broke into your house. She told me I was insane and that I sholdn’t have done that and lucky that I didn’t get arrested.” Stella laughed. “You told her about me?” Stella couldn’t believe it , Shay knew about her existence but hat was when she was till in the other unhappy marriage. “I did. She told me that I needed someone like you. She made fun of me due to my crush on you. She also told me that we’d meet again and said that it sounded like we were meant to be in each other's lives. Then when you came to 51 after you left him and your house got closed. I thought she was right, and I also thought…. I think Shay helped bring us together.” Stella had a watery smile, but she was so content in this moment. She lifted her hands to cradle Kelly’s face and leaned up and kissed him. “Thank you for telling me that. I love you so much. And I wish she was here physically here for you today. I love the fact that you feel that your best friend would have loved me. Thank you for sharing Shay with me today.”
 Stella picked up the glasses and handed one to Kelly. She held one up and then decided to talk directly to Shay “Shay, I know we never got to meet but I want you to know that I will do my best to keep this man out of trouble to the best of my ability which I’m sure you did as well. Thank you for keeping him in one piece and thank you for bringing us back together.’
Kelly just listened as Stella spoke to Shay as if she was there with them. He did feel Shay here today. He lifted him and before he touched his glass to Stella, he decided to say something to Shay while Stella was there. “Hey Shay, I …I hope you like that we’re going to drink Tequila straight. I wish you were here but I hope you are happy wherever you are. With you I learned what it means to be a true friend, even if you are not with me, I love and miss you more than you know. You are my best friend today and always.” Kelly finished with his voice breaking at the end.  Stella took Kelly’s free hand, and they clinked the glasses together as they said: “To Shay.”  
After they both took a drink. Kelly used his arms to bring Stella closer to him and he kissed and squeezed her hips as he did. While he brought her closer, She moved her arms around his shoulders to bring him close to her as they kissed.
Stella and Kelly both looked towards the door when they heard a knock. “That would be Brett. Our alone time for now is over. Now we’re supposed to celebrate with our other friends. Kelly nodded as she said that. Stella knew that Kelly was never a man of many words and he said a lot she knew he was happy about their wedding and also sad so she didn’t mind that he just nodded. Kelly opened his mouth as he wiped at his eyes where some tears of happiness and sadness pulled. As long as I get to be married to you. I’m good with wherever and whatever I need to do.” Stella smiled and grabbed his hand grabbed the tequila bottle and left the captain’s quarters to continue their reception with the rest of their family and friends.
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sylkiddsey · 1 year ago
Prompt: “You’re a bad liar did you know?”
Set during 8.01
Her life kinda feels like one of those times when you’re coming out of anesthesia. You’re awake and aware, but completely out of control over what you say and do.
Plus, it takes a while for everything to feel right again. That’s how it feels to live in Fowerlton with her fiancé.
She feels off, but somehow not at the same time. It’s confusing and she misses 51 so much. She misses her people.
“Slutty or sophisticated?” Stella asks over the grainy video call. Sylvie can barely see her since the loft is so dark and the connection from Indiana to Chicago sucks.
“Always slutty,” Sylvie laughs, sitting up against her headboard. Kyle had a work trip so it’s just her alone in their bedroom. She’s nestled under the scratchy comforter in an old band t-shirt and her not so attractive readers.
(Yes, she needs glasses to read really small print. It’s not something she fesses up to, but it’s Stella so who cares?)
“You’re so right,” her friend agrees, snagging a tight deep blue dress with a high slit off the hanger. “The whole point is to make Kelly drool.”
Severide’s yelling in the background about not being able to find the shirt Stella likes.
“It’s in your closet! Do you need cataracts!”
“I can’t find it!” Severide yells back.
Her friend huffs and leaves the bedroom, taking Sylvie along to stare at the ceiling fixtures as she navigates into the living room.
Sylvie’s thrilled her best friend is finally happy with Severide. Her friend is obsessed with him and it’s good to see them both on the same page.
The way Stella talks about him is absolutely nothing like how she talks about Kyle. He’s a great guy, yes. He’s so kind and giving. In some ways, she thinks he’s perfect for her, but something is missing.
The tension. They just don’t have that. She’s tried and tried to generate some heat, but it’s cold as ice. She imagined herself with a man she wants to jump right then and there.
“Hold your horses! I’m coming!” Stella hollers and Sylvie laughs. Those two will be driving each other crazy in a nursing home one of these days. “Here, talk to Brett, Casey.”
Stella’s glamorous face moves out of view. Did she say she was going to give the FaceTime to Matt?
She looks horrible. She didn’t even fully take her make up off and she put on a few of those pimple patches around a few blemishes.
“How do I…” Matt’s face comes into view, clearly lounging on the couch. He grins a little when he sees her on the screen. “Hey, stranger.”
She covers her face. She’s not super vain, but she’s not sure she wants Casey to witness her before bed look.
“Oh god, Casey. I look ridiculous!” She chuckles behind her hand.
“I doubt that,” he replies. “Come on, you’re really going to hide your face from me?”
Yes. She’s protecting this false narrative she’s created that she has good eyesight and never forgets to comb her hair.
“Trust me, you don’t want to see this Sylvie Brett.”
“Try me.”
Ugh, he’s just so smooth.
Oh no. No. She’s engaged. She’s marrying Kyle which is what Casey wants for her. She buried her stupid budding feelings for him months ago.
She’d hide her face all night, but that also means she can’t see his. She’s not sure that’s worth it.
“Fine. Fine,” she mutters. “No laughing.”
“I swear.”
She moves her hands away from the work in progress that’s going on with her face. Now that she can see her phone too, Casey looks ridiculously good in an objective way.
He’s tanner and even the pixelated version of him quickens her heart rate. Her Fitbit physically alerts her about it.
Kyle doesn’t do that to her.
“You look adorable,” he compliments. “I like the glasses. Whether you believe me or not, I like the natural Brett.”
Kyle suggested she put on a little more foundation before meeting his parents. Granted, he didn’t out right say that because he’s too nice, but he implied it by suggesting she should wear more.
Here’s Casey, telling her he prefers the most unattractive version of herself.
It doesn’t mean anything. She’s just losing her mind.
“I think you have bad eye sight.”
“Says the one in glasses.”
She laughs a little too hard at that which makes him chuckle too. She’s missed this lightness. Fowerlton feels heavy.
Matt shakes his head with a little laugh once she’s done giggling. “It’s weird without you here Brett. Really weird.”
It’s weird in Fowerlton too.
She shifts in bed, cuddling into the overly fluffy pillow Kyle picked out. “It’s weird without you guys too.”
His gaze softens a little and she sees a hint of sadness grace his face. “How’s your arm?”
She knows he blames himself for what happened. He doesn’t have to admit it for her to know. He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders.
She wishes she could reach through the phone and comfort him, but it’s probably best she can’t. The last thing she should find herself doing is touching Casey.
“It’s perfectly healed,” she murmurs, suddenly super tired. Lately, she’s been quite the insomniac, but it’s like all she’s needed was Matt’s voice and his kind eyes to fully realize how tired she is. “How are you doing?”
He reads the sleepiness right off which isn’t hard since she keeps letting her eyes flutter closed. “I’m doing okay.”
She hums, eyes closed. Her brain paints this image where she’s not alone in her fiancé’s bed. She’s in the loft on the couch with her head on Matt’s shoulder.
She doesn’t correct her stupid brain out of sheer exhaustion.
“Sylvie?” He asks.
She nods, replying on auto pilot. “Yeah?”
“You’re clearly tired.”
“No, I’m not,” she protests, forcing her eyelids open. She doesn’t want to fall asleep but there is something so calming about Matt.
He chuckles. “You’re a bad liar did you know?”
She is a bad liar. She knows she is but she’s too content right now to defend his assumption.
She can hear Stella’s enthusiastic voice on the other end edging closer. She’s asking something about which heels she should wear, but Matt tells her to quiet down.
She hears small murmurs and creaking leather. It almost feels like she’s right back in Chicago with her eyes shut.
“Goodnight, Sylvie,” Matt whispers and then the call disconnects. She cracks one eye open to plug in her phone and then curls up to sleep.
She misses Chicago.
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alittlextrathatway · 1 year ago
Line: "You gave me roses and I left them there to die." Location: firehouse
Another entry for the Hockey AU.
You can find the additional parts here and here.
After coffee that night, they start texting again. It’s a slow re-entry into knowing each other again, but it’s a start.
On one of his days off, he and Severide are invited to the firehouse for dinner. Sylvie says their garage sale committee has a proposal for them. Severide chuckles as his fiancé, Stella Kidd, sends him the exact same text.
“They’re gonna ask us to sign autographs in order to draw a crowd,” Kelly stated, smirking knowingly. “Watch. We’ll have a solid home cooked dinner and then Mouch and Herrmann are gonna try to swindle us into showing up.”
Mouch and Herrmann. Damn. Those are names he hasn’t heard in a while. “Maybe we should. The money from the garage sale helps struggling first responders and their families. Why not?”
“Well, when you put it like that,” Severide replies with a sigh.
Matt grins and slaps his back as he finishes changing out for practice. “Come on, it’ll be fun. And it’s the right thing to do.”
Severide’s guess is spot on. After dinner, they’re presented with all the reasons they should show up and sign autographs at Firehouse 51’s annual garage sale. They save everyone time and agree before Herrmann and Mouch are done trying to sell them on the idea.
Afterward, Severide wanders off to find Stella, leaving Matt on his own. He hasn’t seen Sylvie’s face in a few days and he misses being near her so without much thought he finds himself searching the firehouse for her.
He finds her sitting on her bunk, reading a book. The ambo was out when he arrived and all through dinner. He isn’t even sure she knew he was there.
He leans against the half wall adjacent to her cot and clears his throat. “Reading anything good?”
Her head snaps up and her eyes immediately finding his. “Oh, wow. Talk about a blast from the past. Seeing you in the firehouse takes me back.”
“Me too,” he says, smiling through a twinge of regret in his gut. “It’s been too long. I shouldn’t have been away so long.”
She swallows thickly, glancing away from him to hide the sadness he knows he’ll see in her face. “No, you shouldn’t have. But you’re back now and we can’t change the past — no matter how much we may want to.” Scooting back in her cot, she pats the foot of the bed. “Have a seat.”
He doesn’t give her a chance to rethink the offer and sits immediately. “The last time I was here we were celebrating Thanksgiving while you were on shift.”
She smiles slowly as she recalls the day. “That was fun. You and Severide and Cindy Herrmann cooked the food while we went on calls. You looked adorable in an apron being bossed around by a badass midwestern mom.”
“Cindy’s sweet but she scares me a little bit. She has that disappointed mom look down. That’s a very sharp weapon when she wants it to be.”
“Accurate,” Sylvie agrees with a soft chuckle. “And that hasn’t changed a bit.”
“And then apart from that, I think the last time I even saw this place was…” Oh god, why did he bring this up? “Over FaceTime on your birthday after I first moved to Vegas.”
A mere four months before they broke up.
“Right, you sent me roses.”
He has to work hard to withhold a wince. In truth, he didn’t send those. His assistant did. He got caught up in his practice schedule and team events and completely forgot. At the last minute, he asked his assistant to send Sylvie flowers to the firehouse, not thinking to specify her favorite flower — gerbera daisies. So, his assistant sent a very generic bouquet of red roses. Which she received while they were on FaceTime together. Her face told him she saw straight through the gesture. She knew he had phoned it in.
“Yeah, I did,” he confirms with a forced smile.
“Full disclosure,” she says, guilt briefly flashing across her face. “I didn’t take them home. I left them on the coffee table in the common room. I think I even forgot to water them. They didn’t last long.”
Is it ironic that a symbol of how he neglected her ended up being neglected too?
He scoffs and shakes his head, at his past self and not at her. Never at her. “I don’t blame you. I didn’t exactly give you my best effort that day.”
“No, you didn’t. But I never told you it hurt me. I could have,” she says, gnawing on the inside of her lip. “But I didn’t want to rock the boat. I thought if I did I’d lose you faster.”
“I’m the one that lost you, Sylvie. You never lost me. Make no mistake about that,” he assures her. Hell, to this very day, he’s still hers.
“Never?” She asks with a brow lifted in his direction. He thinks he can see a flirtatious glint in her blue eyes but it’s tempered by her downturned mouth. It makes her incredibly hard to read.
“Never,” he repeats.
“If you could do that day over again,” she begins, a melancholy grin tugging at one corner of her mouth. “What would you do different?”
“Order gerbera daisies to be sent to the firehouse and then arrange to fly back here to see you on my days off. We should have celebrated your birthday together, even if it was belated.”
Her breath catches in her throat as she listens and then a slow satisfied smile spreads over her lips — replacing the melancholy completely. “Good answer.”
“Speaking of do-overs,” he says, inhaling and exhaling slowly while he gathers his courage. “Maybe I could take you out and we could have a little more than a coffee?”
“Is that you’re way of asking me for a date?”
He chuckles at her wry smile as she calls him out. “Yes, it is.”
“In that case,” she begins, rolling her lips and setting aside her book. “I’d love to. How about tomorrow night?”
“Impatient, huh?” He teases.
She laughs and smacks his arm. “Shut up. You know you are too. I’m a fantastic date.”
He grabs her hand as she tries to pull it away and holds it in both of his, beaming brightly at her. “You’re the best date. And tomorrow night would be perfect.”
After years of believing she’d always be the one that got away, he can wait one more day. But after that, he’s never letting her get away again.
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princess-olaf · 7 months ago
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chicago-pd-is-weird · 4 months ago
I’m happy that you’re writing actual ships that aren’t like Kelly Severide x Reader for example but I’m not happy that you’re like allergic to wholesome, happy, stuff.
Needless to say I am enjoying the work despite your sadistic nature to happy endings. Also no I only requested the guardian angel one lmao
I've often been called "psychopath" by my close friends. You should DM me. We might be able to be friends.
Also, most of my whump oneshots are just as bad, if not worse, I just typically write for PD. If you want an example, feel free to read "The Three Shits Whump Challenge," specifically the chapters "Solitary Confinement," "Buried Alive," and "Is this all a game to you?" I've heard those are the worst whump-wise. It's not Fire, but it'll give you some idea of the psychopath I am.
As for whatever else is on my AO3 profile, the PD oneshots are mainly requests or random things I thought of. Beyond the Badges, HVATCD and HVATCCC are my pride and joy, honestly, which is what I spend most of my time doing. Those are more angst/fluff/hurt/comfort type of oneshots, but it's a huge story. I don't think I've updated it in a while, but I need to, lol! And that is mostly wholesome and happy, so I have to get my whump out elsewhere, which is why Stellaride is currently taking the hits.
I've watched most of Fire and like Stella and Kelly, but my favorite characters are dead (Brian and Shay). It got a lot better when Matt Casey left, but I'm at the point where he's back (ughhhhhhh, I hate him), I think sometime in S11. I haven't finished it yet, but I'm getting there. It just bores me these days, honestly, and with Matt Casey being back, I'm like... eeh. Especially because I'm pretty sure he marries Sylvie and that sweet doll deserves so much better (I love her).
Anyways, suffice to say, I watch PD and re-watch it on a regular basis over Fire because it's so much more interesting to me, which is why I write for PD so much. Stellaride is already getting boring, and I've only written like four oneshots, and considered deleting them all cause ugh, I'd rather my PD stuff do well on AO3 than these things.
Anywho, the point is, I'm a psychopath, and if you actually like and crave my writing, even though it's the worst content you've ever read, you should DM me and we should def be friends.
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girlinlotsoffandoms · 1 year ago
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day eleven - “you’ll be okay”
notes: welcome to day 11! throwing it all the way back this sunday and posting the very first stellaride story I ever wrote. enjoy!
read on AO3 or below
Severide was sitting on the back bumper of the Squad truck, an instant ice pack held to the side of his head. His head hurt, thanks largely to the knucklehead they had just rescued, but he was certain it wasn’t anything more than just a bump and a headache. Unfortunately, Boden had seen and heard the hit and told him, in no uncertain terms, to sit down, shut up, and wait to be checked out by the medics.
All around him, there was noise and activity and while he was positive he didn’t have a concussion, the hustle and bustle of the scene did nothing to ease the hammering ache that had taken up residence in his head.
Trying to ignore the pounding in his head, Kelly focused on the people around him. Squad was loading their tools and ropes back into their truck, the members of Truck were clearing up the scene, and Sylvie and Stella, who was filling in for Gabby for a bit, were checking out the last two accident victims.
Both paramedics looked to be finishing up with their patients and, as luck would have it, Stella finished first and made her way over to him.
“What happened to you?” she asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“Hit my head on the frame when the driver freaked out,” Severide answered, moving the ice pack away so Stella could probe his head. “I’m fine, but Boden saw it happen and told me to get checked out.”
“And you listened? I’m shocked.” Stella commented. Happy with her examination of his head, she moved on to continue her concussion check.
Severide scoffed playfully. “I listen.”
Stella continued her examination, going above and beyond and checking more than just Kelly’s head. After all, everyone at 51 knew his habit of hiding and playing down injuries and ailments. Satisfied with her exam, Stella took a step back and gave Severide some space.
Before she could say anything, Boden walked over. “How’s he doing, Kidd?”
“Well, he’s probably going to have one hell of a headache for a day or two but no concussion. He’ll be okay.” Stella turned her attention back to Severide. “Keep the ice pack on until we get back to the station, then you should be good. Take some Tylenol if the pain gets to be too bad and if anything changes or your symptoms worsen, tell me or Brett immediately.”
Boden turned to look at his Lieutenant. “Did you get that Severide? I will gladly send you to Med for a full work up.”
“Yeah Chief, I got it.”
Boden nodded once, then moved away, once again leaving Stella and Severide alone. Severide rolled his eyes at the Chief’s retreat and looked at Stella with a smirk. He sobered when he saw the serious look on her face.
“I’m serious Kelly,” Stella urged, arms crossed over her chest. “Head injuries are serious.”
“I know, and I meant what I said. I heard you and the Chief loud and clear.” Severide said seriously, standing up from where he’d been sitting. “I will tell you or Brett the second something feels off.”
“You better.”
Severide nodded and stared at her for a moment before breaking eye contact. “Squad 3, let’s finish up!”
… … …
Hours later, after dinner had been cleaned up and everyone had dispersed throughout the station, Severide was in his dimly lit office lying across his bed with an arm thrown over his eyes. He had long since given up on completing the paperwork currently strewn across his desk, the pounding in his head too distracting to focus. He hadn’t planned on turning in for the night, but once he laid down, he didn’t want to get up again.
When he heard a knock at the door, he was ready to yell at whoever was there but when Severide moved his arm and saw Stella, he sat up. “Hey.”
“I brought you another ice pack, and some more Tylenol because I know you haven’t taken any more since we got back to the station,” Stella said as she entered his office and sat next to him on the bed. “How’s your head?”
“It hurts,” Severide said. He looked at Stella with a small smirk. “But a very nice paramedic checked me out and told me I’d be OK.”
Stella snorted. “Sounds like you had a great paramedic checking you out.”
“Yeah, she’s pretty great.”
Stella smirked and handed Severide Tylenol and a bottle of water. When he didn’t take them immediately, she quirked an eyebrow at him. Severide huffed out a chuckle and took the pills Stella had given him, setting the water bottle on the floor beside his bed.
Stella cracked the instant ice pack in her hands to get it cold then tossed it to Severide, who lifted it up to his head. When he immediately complied, Stella knew he hurt more than he let on. Kelly Severide liked to play the tough guy but Stella could see through his act. Severide groaned dramatically at the cold. Stella rolled her eyes and stood up.
“Get some sleep,” Stella murmured as she gently pushed his shoulder to get him to lie back down. “You’ll be okay.”
“Promise?” Severide asked teasingly.
Stella glared at him, but there was no fire behind it. “I promise.”
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sailingfireshipz · 3 months ago
Ok so this is my discourse in response to @stellariders post a while back. Linked at the end.
1. Kelly should have been captain 3-4 seasons ago and I'm tired of them using the excuses of paperwork or being behind a desk because I've seen Van Meter behind a desk & talking about about how backed up they are on cases which is PAPERWORK. When he is in the field, it's after all the "action" that they speak so highly of has already taken place & it's more so like solving a puzzle rather than running into a fire. Atp I'd respect it more if they said Kelly can't be captain because he can't be Stella's commanding officer at the same house.
2. I'm sorry. I love Hermann however I'm struggling with seeing how the hell I'm supposed to take him seriously as captain on a scene or call when they've NEVER shown him in that light. The last time I saw him really fired up regarding a call was the factory fire. Also they haven't shown an ounce of Hermann actually preparing or studying for the exam. So we're supposed to believe that the same Hermann that failed the LT exam how many times passes the captain test on the first try? OK...
3. Mouch doing more has at least been foreshadowed now for a while. The episode in which he saved that kid & Casey talked about the retirement age going up. Also, Mouch has at least been acknowledged by the CFD with a commendation back in S9 & helped out with Paramedicine. We've seen his journey & arc build a little bit more than Hermann, so even if it wasn't for a potential Stella pregnancy on the horizon, I could still rationalize Mouch wanting to do more. We've never seen that same arc for Hermann, so it makes it hard for me to get behind it.
4. The disparity in storytelling amongst the cast is starting to become problematic for me. Stella & Ritter are the main two that stand out to me in this moment, but I'm sure there are more examples. Ritter has been on this show in some capacity since season 7... there is absolutely no reason why he has been treated like a background player all this time & is just now starting to get an inch of more screen time when Carver has had MULTIPLE arcs of the course of his FIRST season & now this one. Hell Novak is in her first season as a series regular & we already know a little bit about her past & what makes her tick. Not even about to start in on Stella because yall already know how I feel about it however what I will say is Stella Kidd deserves more than 1 GOF episode a season & 1 episode where she's fighting for the underdog. All of her other stories are directly or indirectly associated with Kelly/Stellaride/ white men, causing her unnecessary grief.... Casey never had this many damn personnel issues in the 10 years he was on T81. I'll leave it at that.
5. I'd love for Squad 3 to get some new blood. Not saying I want anyone to go anywhere, but I'd love to see Kelly Severide have to navigate teaching & training someone new. Add another man or woman to the crew & let's really see how Kelly's leadership comes through.
Same for Engine 51... like i find it interesting that they gave Ritter up to Truck yet won't commit to Kylie joining Engine full-time. Like outside of Hermann, who the hell else do we now know on engine? No one..
6. I'm confused by how close Kelly & Pascal have gotten in such a short amount of time. Historically, Kelly has always been very reserved when it comes to change, especially change in power dynamics. I also find it interesting that they continue to isolate him for the other members that he's worked alongside for much longer yet have planted this Pascal & Severide relationship dynamic. We've been asking for Kelly & Violet since S11... hell the Kelly & Mouch episode we got in S11 was adorable. I'd take him, Ritter & Carver, yet we're getting him & Pascal who clearly has an issue with Stella, his wife. Feels intentional
7. If they are committed to not actually giving Stella an appropriate backstory, then they should at least commit to strengthening her bonds in the house. They did that really well in earlier seasons, like mentioned about her relationship with Enily Foster. Same can be said with Casey, Otis, Gallo, Boden & Kylie but none of those people outside of Kylie are on the show anymore. Felt like when Stellaride got married, they were like alright no more family dynamics with anyone else except for Kelly & thats so not fair to her character. She mentioned it to Boden that her real family is the house. OK, so let her actually build out more relationships with the people that are there now.
8. I know I'm a vocal Newman critic, but I also like to think I give credit where credit is due. I made a few posts ranting & raving about how S12 for what it was (short, needed to be executed quickly) was a REALLY good season. It's why I was so excited for S13, but we're 8 episodes in & i fear we've lost the plot. Like, i go into these episodes with such high hopes because the meat is THERE yet walk away from some of them wondering wtf was that. Like, I'm almost wondering if S12 was so good for her because it was shorter, so there wasn't much room for filler because it honestly fills like she doesn't know what to do with 22 episodes. Grant it, we have an entire back half of the season to go, so I could be speaking too soon. However, I don't know what to even anticipate for the rest of S13.. like i have concepts & my own personal wants, but I don't have actual faith that it'll come to life because everything she's teased thus far has been so far from expectations.
Damon had so much more potential. As a firefighter, brother, & brother in law. That baby convo could have touched on so much more of Stella's fear & what the actual cause of that dread she spoke about could be coming from. Violet could have actually apologized to Carver & explained her grief/ why that caused her to ice him out. Even if they didn't make up right away, it would have set the groundwork for what they'd work towards if they're actually endgame(sometimes i don't know). Ritter getting blown out of a window could have been dug into a little deeper. Even the blood program that Novak proposed a call linking to why it is so important would have just driven the messaging home.
I saw a tweet a while back that basically said it's not character or plot development if it happens off screen & we never see it. It feels as if recently a lot is playing in the background or off the pages that we're somehow supposed to know is going on without ever seeing or hearing it. I love this show, this cast & think if shows like the Law & Order franchise or Grey's can be on air for decades, then so can Fire. I really hope the back half of S13 kicks it into high gear & starts connecting dots for me because I want to get renewed for 3-5 more seasons! I'm simply not ready to let them go, especially when there's so much left in the tank they just need to have the right pieces in the right places to execute effectively. 😫
As always, thanks for coming to my rant session. Let me know your thoughts & opinions below. I'm always up for a healthy debate or yap session. Check out @stellariders original post here.
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stellariders · 10 months ago
Jennifer definitely wasn’t mother of the year - what if Kelly broke his arm, ended up in the hospital and after that Benny slept with his doctor? Would she also accuse Kelly? She should make Benny accountable of his action, not his teenage son 🤬
And then she had the audacity to tell Stella that Kelly is like his father… Kelly have slept with many woman but he never cheated and for her to imply that? To his girlfriend? What kind of mother does that?!
i’ve got a love hate relationship with jennifer. there’s time i love her, like the first time we saw her in season 6 and then again when she comforted kelly when benny died. but i hate how she projected her insecurities onto kelly (and stella).
when she found out benny cheated when he was in high school, she got mad at him and accused him of knowing the whole time. and then when kelly told her he was engaged but all she had to say was that severide men shouldn’t marry. and then when she told stella that kelly is his fathers son.
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