#or she will have a glycemic attack
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Five Diseases That Are Often Misdiagnosed
By Kimberly Wilkes
This article originally appeared in Whole Health Insider.
Doctors often have to be detectives on the hunt for what is causing a given disease in a given patient. Sometimes, they're successful at finding the cause. Other times, the "thief" that stole a patient's health avoids detection. But there are some diseases that are trickier to diagnose than others. Often, these diseases hide behind symptoms that are so similar to other types of health problems they can remain undiagnosed for years.
If you've ever suffered from one of these diseases in disguise you know how frustrating it is to be in pain and either not treated with something that actually works, have your health problems dismissed altogether—or, even scarier, have your life put in danger because the disease wasn't diagnosed early enough.
Here are five diseases that are often misdiagnosed, along with strategies you can use to reduce your risk of getting them in the first place. Plus, we'll offer some suggestions on what to do once you are correctly diagnosed.
Disease in Disguise #1 - Ovarian Cancer
Among women, ovarian cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer deaths, and is the most lethal of all the gynecologic cancers.1 Every year, more than 21,000 women in the U.S. are diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and it takes the lives of about 15,000 women.1
One of the reasons why ovarian cancer is so deadly is because women often aren't diagnosed until late in the disease. The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition reported that more than two-thirds of women were misdiagnosed by their doctors when the women first sought treatment, according to a national survey of 250 women with ovarian cancer.1In fact, almost 70 percent of the women reported that their doctor never even considered ovarian cancer as a cause of their symptoms.1
Doctors often mistake common ovarian cancer symptoms such as abdominal or pelvic pain and bloating for irritable bowel syndrome, a urinary tract infection, acid reflux or stress-related problems. Physicians also often mistake borderline ovarian tumorsas invasive ovariancancer. Borderline ovarian tumors usually don't pose as much of a threat as cancerous tumors and are cured using surgery alone. If a doctor misdiagnoses a borderline ovarian tumor, it can cause a woman to have to go through chemotherapy and radiation treatments she doesn't need.2
When Your Doctor Should Be Worried About Ovarian Cancer
If you're suffering from abdominal or pelvic pain and bloating for more than a few weeks, it's a good idea to ask your doctor for a blood test called CA-125 as well as a pelvic ultrasound. The CA-125 blood test won't tell your doctor for sure whether you have ovarian cancer. In fact, it often comes back with false positive and false negative results. But if the CA-125 test results are elevated, it's a reason for your doctor to investigate further.
Heading the Disease Off at the Pass
Of course, the best way to avoid a misdiagnosis is to avoid getting ovarian cancer to begin with. There's no guarantee that you can stop this disease, but by reducing the risk factors that you can control, it puts the odds in your favor.
Some risk factors you can'tcontrol such as older age at menopause or the fact your risk goes up as you grow older.3-4But you can do something about other factors that raise the risk of ovarian cancer. For example, high body mass index has been linked to increased risk of the disease, so losing weight may help.3Being on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for a longer amount of time also increases the risk of ovarian cancer,3so consider looking into a more natural approach to HRT.
The toxic chemical bisphenol-A (BPA)—found in some plastic water bottles and the lining of cans as well as in some cash register receipts and dental sealants—stimulates the growth of ovarian cancer cells in cell culture studies.5-7Wash your hands after touching cash register receipts and drink and eat out of BPA-free bottles and cans. Be certain any company that claims their product is BPA-free hasn't replaced it with an equally toxic chemical.
Another option is to eat more broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts. Diindolylmethane(DIM), a compound present in cruciferous vegetables, blocks ovarian cancer growth and angiogenesis—the process by which cancer uses new blood vessels to spread throughout the body—in animal and cell culture studies.8-9DIM also is available as a dietary supplement.
Disease in Disguise #2 - Heart Attacks in Women
Heart disease is the number one killer of women, yet it's also one of the most misdiagnosed diseases in females. When a woman visits her doctor or the emergency room complaining of heart attack symptoms, doctors often dismiss her complaints as anxiety or stress. That's because doctors tend to think of heart attacks as a man's disease due to the fact before menopause, women have a reduced risk of heart attacks compared to men. After menopause, there's a role reversal, when a woman's risk of having a heart attack is greater than a man's.10
Another reason doctors often misdiagnose heart attacks in women is because a woman's symptoms aren't always as obvious as a man's. Heart attack symptoms in women can run the gamut from symptoms you would expect such as pain or discomfort in the center of the chest to symptoms that at first glance seem unrelated to heart attacks such as pain or discomfort in the arms, back, neck, jaw, stomach or upper abdominal area as well as sudden extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, breaking out in cold sweats, nausea and light-headedness.10
Although the most common symptom in women is chest pain, women are more likely than men to experience the less obvious warning signs. In one study, chest pain, left arm pain and sweating was more common in men, while women were more likely to report nausea, jaw pain, neck pain and back pain.11 Sixty-nine percent of men having a heart attack have chest pain, but only half of all women.10
The notion that heart attacks are a man's disease can deprive women of fast and lifesaving treatment. Researchers have found that womensuffering from chest pain were less likely to be given a "priority 1" (lights and sirens) ambulance response compared to men with chest pain.12
Other researchers have discovered that female heart attack patients 55 years old and younger weren't administered electrocardiography (EKG, a test for heart attacks) or therapy to break up blood clots in a timely manner compared to men.13Delaying this therapy could increase the chance of dying from a heart attack or stroke.
It's not only doctors and healthcare workers that are to blame for the delay in treating females—many women don't seek treatment early enough. Some women wait hours or days after experiencing the signs of a heart attack before getting medical help.10
If you're a woman suffering any of the heart attack warning signs mentioned in this article seek help immediately. Resist the urge to just ignore it. And when you arrive at the emergency room insist the doctor test you with an EKG.
Decrease Your Risk of Heart Attacks
Your best bet to reduce the risk of having a heart attack in the first place is to make sure you eliminate all components of the metabolic syndrome: hypertension, abdominal fat and high triglycerides, blood sugar and cholesterol.
Exercise is, of course, an important way to reduce all those risk factors. But diet is important, too. One of the best types of diets you can adopt is a Mediterranean diet— high in fish, olive oil, nuts, red wine, whole grains, fruit and vegetables and low in red meat, sweets and dairy—especially a Mediterranean diet with a low glycemic load. Glycemic load refers to how much a particular food or meal raises your blood sugar and insulin levels. The lower the glycemic load, the healthier the food.
Eating a Mediterranean diet with a low/moderate glycemic load slashes the risk of coronary heart disease by 40 percent and the risk of death from coronary heart disease by more than 50 percent.14 You can find a list of different foods and their glycemic load on Harvard Medical School's website.
In addition to watching what you eat, adding the dietary supplement berberine into your daily routine may send the metabolic syndrome packing. In one randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, berberine caused the metabolic syndrome to go into remission and decreased waist circumference, systolic blood pressure, triglycerides and insulin secretion.15
Disease in Disguise #3 – Celiac Disease
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes damage to the small intestine when a person suffering from the disease eats gluten. In the United States, 1 in 133 people suffer from celiac disease. However, in people who are at risk for celiac disease—people who have relatives with the disorder or people who have gastrointestinal symptoms—celiac occurs much more often. One out of every 22 people who have first-degree relatives with celiac disease also have the disorder, as do one out of every 39 people who have second-degree relatives and one out of 56 people who have gastrointestinal symptoms.16
There are probably more people who have celiac disease than estimated because 83 percent of Americans who have celiac disease don't know it.17 They either haven't been diagnosed with the disease or misdiagnosed with other conditions.
People with this disorder usually suffer for a long time before they even know they have it. On average, a person with celiac disease waits six to ten years before they're diagnosed correctly. Often doctors mistake celiac disease for irritable bowel syndrome, lactose intolerance or constipation and suggest taking laxatives or prescribe painkillers.
Since undiagnosed patients are never told to stop eating gluten, the damage continues to build up in their intestines until when they are finally diagnosed with celiac disease the harm that's been done takes longer to repair. Plus, since people with celiac disease have a hard time absorbing some nutrients, the longer it takes to diagnosis the condition, the more these nutrient deficiencies may start to inflict damage on the body outside of the GI tract. And in some cases, celiac disease can lead to osteoporosis, liver disorders and rarely to intestinal cancer.18
Part of the reason celiac disease is so hard for doctors to diagnose is that most celiac disease adult patients don't have GI symptoms—or if they do have GI symptoms they're very mild.19Only one-third of adults with celiac disease have diarrhea.20 A doctor is more likely to correctly diagnosis celiac disease when a patient has classic symptoms such as diarrhea, weight loss, fatty or foul-smelling stools, failure to thrive (in kids) and multiple vitamin deficiencies.21
Other patients can experience more silent symptoms such as anemia. Some experts believe celiac disease can have 300 possible symptoms. For example, bone and joint pain, arthritis, depression, tingling numbness in hands and feet, erratic menstrual periods and mouth sores can all signal the presence of celiac disease.20,22 To make matters even more complicated, some people with the disease have no symptoms.22
Celiac Disease Symptoms in Children and Adults
Abdominal bloating and pain
Chronic diarrhea
Pale, foul-smelling, or fatty stool
Weight loss
Irritability and behavioral issues
Dental enamel defects of the permanent teeth
Delayed growth and puberty
Short stature
Failure to thrive
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Unexplained iron-deficiency anemia
Bone or joint pain
Bone loss or osteoporosis
Depression or anxiety
Tingling numbness in the hands and feet
Seizures or migraines
Missed menstrual periods
Infertility or recurrent miscarriage
Canker sores inside the mouth
Dermatitis herpetiformis (an itchy skin rash).
Source: Celiac Disease Foundation
Preventing Celiac Disease Symptoms
The only cure for celiac disease is to completely eliminate gluten from your diet. However, some studies have shown that the longer a child is breastfed, the lower the risk of developing celiac disease symptoms.23-24One researcher in the United Kingdom estimated that if all babies in Britain were breastfed at the time they first started eating gluten, it would prevent 2,500 cases of celiac disease per year.23
The time when parents introduce gluten into an infant's diet also is important. One study showed that exposure to gluten in the first three months of an infant's life increased the risk of celiac autoimmune symptoms by five times compared tothose exposed to gluten at four to six months. Children who ate gluten for the first time at seven months of age or older had a slightly increased risk compared to the children who ate it for the first time between four and six months.23
Unmasking Celiac Disease
If you have any of the celiac symptoms mentioned in this article, it's a good idea to talk to your doctor and suggest getting tested. This is done using a blood test to see whether you're producing celiac-related antibodies. If this test comes back positive, your doctor will then likely order a small intestine biopsy. Your doctor may also order a blood test for anemia.
If you're diagnosed with celiac, it's also a good idea to take a probiotic supplement to help heal any gluten-related damage in your intestinal tract and a high-quality multivitamin to help replenish any nutrient deficiencies.
Disease in Disguise #4 – Lyme
Lyme disease is caused when a tick infected with the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi bites a human. There's also some evidence that an infected sexual partner can transmit Lyme. In 2013, more than 35,000 probable cases of Lyme disease were reported in the U.S. However, because Lyme is often mistaken for other diseases and because people with Lyme don't always visit a doctor, it's estimated that six to 12 times that number of people—at least 200,000—have Lyme.25
The first symptoms of Lyme disease include feeling like you have the flu with fever, chills, sweats, muscle aches, fatigue, nausea and joint pain. Bell's palsy, where part of the face becomes numb, is another symptom. Untreated Lyme can progress to a chronic form of the disease where sufferers are plagued by symptoms like persisting fatigue, muscle aches, memory problems, joint pain, arthritis and nerve pain.25
Doctors often mistake Lyme disease for chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia or depression.26One doctor, Chris Meletis, N.D., has seen two patients who were diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease) by other doctors. When he tested them for Lyme, their results came back positive, indicating it was really Lyme that was causing their health problems. When they were treated for Lyme, their symptoms improved.
It's easy to misdiagnosis Lyme for many reasons. First, lab tests used to detect the disease can often be negative for the first four to six weeks after infection. What's more, even though 80 percent of patients with Lyme have some sort of rash,27 half or more of those patients don't have the typical bull's eyes rash normally associated with Lyme.26 And one study showed that up to 72 percent of doctors surveyed weren't able to tell the difference between a Lyme disease rash and other common rashes.27
In addition, the symptoms of Lyme disease resemble so many other conditions, that doctors often don't have Lyme on their radar.
Symptoms of Lyme Disease
Early Symptoms
• Flu-like illness (fever, chills, sweats, muscles aches, fatigue, nausea and joint pain)
• Rash
• Bell’s palsy
Later Symptoms
• Headache
• Stiff neck
• Light or sound sensitivity
• Cognitive impairment
• Sleep disturbance
• Depression, anxiety, or mood swings
• Arthritis
• Fatigue
• Abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea
• Chest pain, palpitations
• Shortness of breath
• Tingling, burning or shooting pains
Children's Symptoms
• Headache
• Stiff neck
• Light or sound sensitivity
• Cognitive impairment
• Uncharacteristic behavior
• Inability to sustain attention
• Outbursts and mood swings
• Arthritis
• Fatigue
• Abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea
• Chest pain, palpitations
• Shortness of breath
• Tingling, burning or shooting pains
Source: www.lymedisease.org
Testing for Lyme
Doctors use a couple tests to figure out if you have Lyme. The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test detects antibodies to B. burgdorferi. The ELISA test isn't always right and can provide false-positive results, so doctors use the Western blot test to confirm diagnosis. The Western blot detects antibodies to several proteins of B. burgdorferi.
Eliminating Lyme
Once your doctor diagnoses you with Lyme disease, he or she will probably start you on a course of antibiotics. Because antibiotics kill the good bacteria in your intestines, it's important to take a probiotic supplement during and after treatment.
Alternative practitioners may also suggest an herb called Uncaria tomentosa(Cat's claw). Many alternative doctors have used Uncaria tomentosawith success in Lyme patients. Even though there are no studies testing Uncaria tomentosaon the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium, many cell culture studies show it can inhibit other forms of bacteria including Streptococcus mutans, Staphylococcus spp.and Enterobacteriaceae.28 In animals, Uncaria tomentosastrengthens the immune system and acts as an anti-inflammatory.29It works the same in humans.29
Diseases in Disguise #5 – Hypothyroidism
In hypothyroidism, the thyroid is sluggish—it doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone. According to the Cleveland Clinic, hypothyroidism occurs in 4.6 percent of U.S. adults—more often in people who are older.30
However, many alternative doctors believe that the prevalence of hypothyroidism is really more like 40 percent of U.S. adults since conventional medical tests are often unable to accurately diagnose the disease and hypothyroidism is so often mistaken for other conditions.31
Doctors often misdiagnosis hypothyroidism because its symptoms mirror those of other diseases. The most common symptoms of hypothyroidism include depression, fatigue, weight gain, high cholesterol, feeling cold and brain fog. But other symptoms can also serve as a hypothyroidism red flag including mania, hyperactivity, anxiety, a pounding heart, constipation, dry skin, thinning hair, muscle aches and weakness, heavy or irregular periods and insomnia.32
Testing for Hypothyroidism
A thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) test is used to diagnosis hypothyroidism. Doctors disagree on what the ideal numbers are for this test. According to the latest recommendations from the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, the recommended reference range for TSH is from 0.3 to 3.0. But some labs and doctors don't follow these recommendations. Some doctors say anything above a TSH level of 5 or 10 indicates hypothyroidism while other doctors and some scientific papers indicate anything above 1.3 to 1.8 means your thyroid is sluggish.32,33 Conventional doctors tend to treat the numbers whereas alternative doctors gauge how a patient feels to determine the approach for treatment.
Giving Your Thyroid a Boost
Before treating a sluggish thyroid, it's important to pay attention to adrenal health. Increasing thyroid gland activity can burden the adrenals if they're not working properly. You can work with your doctor to get a salivary adrenal hormone panel to measure your levels of cortisol throughout the day. Cortisol, the stress hormone, is produced by the adrenal glands and levels that are too high or too low can indicate adrenal problems.
Once your adrenals are repaired, focus on your thyroid. An iodine deficiency test can determine if you're low in this mineral, which is important to the thyroid gland. If the test warrants, supplement with a combination of iodide/iodine. If your thyroid needs more help, work with a doctor who may prescribe a thyroid hormone medication.
Mystery Solved
It's not always easy for a doctor to pinpoint the cause of your symptoms. Hopefully, after reading this article you'll be armed with the knowledge to start a discussion with your healthcare provider that will put you one step closer to solving the cause of your distress.
1. National Ovarian Cancer Coalition. http://www.ovarian.org/view_pr.php?id=28
2. Kommoss S, et al. Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2013 Oct;23(8):1376-82.
3. Li K, et al. Br J Cancer. 2015 Mar 5. [Epub ahead of print.]
4. Keng SL, et al. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2015;16(2):537-40.
5. Ptak A, et al. Toxicol Lett. 2014 Sep 2;229(2):357-65.
6. Fenichel P, et al. Ann Endocrinol (Paris). 2013 Jul;74(3):211-20.
7. Hall JM and Korach KS.Mol Carcinog. 2013 Sep;52(9):715-25.
8. Kandala PK and Srivastava SK. Curr Drug Targets. 2012 Dec;13(14):1869-75.
9. Kandala PK and Srivastava SK. J Biol Chem. 2012 Aug 17;287(34):28745-54.
10. Jackson MN and McCulloch BJ. Rural Remote Health. 2014;14:2560.
11. Arslanian-Engoren C, et al. Am J Cardiol. 2006Nov 1;98(9):1177-81.
12. Coventry LL, et al. Prehosp Emerg Care. 2013 Apr-Jun;17(2):193-202.
13. Pelletier R, et al. CMAJ. 2014 Apr 15;186(7):497-504.
14. Turati F, et al. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2015 Mar;25(3):336-42.
15. Pérez-Rubio KG, et al. Metab Syndr Relat Disord. 2013 Oct;11(5):366-9.
16. Fasano A, et al. Arch Intern Med. 2003 Feb 10;163(3):286-92.
17. National Foundation for Celiac Awareness. http://www.celiaccentral.org/celiac-disease/facts-and-figures/
18. WebMD. http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/celiac-disease/celiac-disease-symptoms?page=2
19. Mohammad Rostami Nejad, et al. Gastroenterol Hepatol Bed Bench. 2011 Summer;4(3):102-8.
20. WebMD. http://www.webmd.com/digestive-disorders/celiac-disease/celiac-disease-symptoms
21. Katz KD, et al. Am J Gastroenterol. 2011 Jul;106(7):1333-9.
22. Celiac Disease Foundation. http://celiac.org/celiac-disease/symptoms/
23. Silano M, et al. World J Gastroenterol. 2010 Apr 28;16(16):1939-42.
24. Akobeng AK, et al. Arch Dis Child. 2006Jan;91(1):39-43.
25. Aucott JN, et al. Qual Life Res. 2013 Feb; 22(1):75-84.
26. Donta ST. Open Neurol J. 2012;6:140-5.
27. Aucott JN, et al. Dermatol Res Pract. 2012 Oct 24;451727.
28. Ccahuana-Vasquez RA, et al. Braz Oral Res. 2007 Jan-Mar;21(1):46-50.
29. Lamm S, et al. Phytomedicine. 2001 Jul;8(4):267-74.
30. The Cleveland Clinic. http://www.clevelandclinicmeded.com/medicalpubs/diseasemanagement/endocrinology/hypothyroidism-and-hyperthyroidism/Default.htm
31. Dr. Surikov's website. http://www.drsurikov.com/thyroid-adrenal-issues
32. Mayo Clinic. http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hypothyroidism/basics/symptoms/con-20021179
33. Gursoy A, et al. Int J Clin Pract. 2006 Jun;60(6):655-9.
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The Pumpkin Craze As soon as Once more
Fruits have many overall health rewards that support avoid overall health complications like heat stroke, higher blood stress, ajwa cancer , heart issues, and diabetes They effectively fight skin disorders and market healthy hair development. Even so, fruit juice is a much Kurma Borong Malaysia more extremely processed item than fresh or frozen fruit, and it typically has a nutritional profile that isn't very as conducive to steady weight loss. Whether you're watching your weight or just want to know more about the calories, vitamins and minerals you are taking in, it's useful to discover about the nutritional profile of any fruit salad.
Fruits should be eaten in the morning, as this assists in detoxification and also aids in weight loss Even though these advantages can be gained by eating fruits at any time throughout the day, morning is mentioned to be the best time for them to Buah Kurma have their greatest impact.
August four, 1931: Former Grand Ole Opry manager Hal Durham was born in McMinnville, Tennessee. Medjool dates are a wise option when it comes to maintaining healthful cholesterol levels. As far as Grand Ole Opry members this weekend, John Conlee, Mike Snider and Connie Smith are scheduled for both nights, with Dailey & Vincent, The Whites and Ricky Skaggs joining that trio on Friday night.
Salty, chewy jerky could appear unhealthy, but it's truly a low-fat source of high-high quality protein. With the exception for a period on time in the 1970s when she was suspended from the Opry's cast, Skeeter was an Opry member until her death in 2004. August 11, 1976: Roy Acuff returned to the Grand Ole Opry stage soon after suffering a heart attack earlier in the year.
A whole cup of diced watermelon is just 46 calories. With a glycemic index of 42, the fruit can be utilised to sweeten baked goods and smoothies — but note that a tiny can go a extended way in terms of sweetness, specifically when making use of dried dates. Since Medjool dates don't need to be refrigerated, they make a ideal tasty and healthier addition to a present basket alongside some nuts, dark chocolate and other dried fruit.
A well-known snack on their own, sunflower seeds are higher in protein, fiber, B vitamins, copper, magnesium, folate, zinc and vitamin E. As well as being higher in healthful fat, sunflower seeds also include phytosterols, which have been shown to decrease cholesterol levels.
In order to get fruit of marketable high quality, the bunches of dates have to be thinned and bagged or covered before ripening so that the remaining fruits develop bigger and are protected from climate and pests such as birds. To stick to a Mediterranean diet program, consume massive amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes.
August 12, 1972: David Houston became a member of the Grand Ole Opry. Dried dates are also a much better supply of fiber. For instance, durian fruit, identified in some places as the king of fruits, is high in fat and calorie-dense, so it can be a poor decision for weight loss.
Consuming healthier can lead to more effective and faster weight loss. Opt for mixes that incorporate nuts, seeds and dried fruits, Harga Kurma Green Diamond and keep away from the ones with processed carbs like pretzels or sweets such as chocolate chips. In Pakistan, a viscous, thick syrup made from the ripe fruits is utilized as a coating for leather bags and pipes to stop leaking.
Due to the fact dates are high in carbohydrates, with about 40 grams per two-ounce serving, they have a higher glycemic load, measuring 42. Overconsumption of higher glycemic index and load foods can boost your possibilities of kind-2 diabetes, heart disease and obesity.
Dried dates have a longer shelf-life than the fresh. The maximum nutritional value in fruits can be derived when eaten raw. Also, fruits are low in sodium, which is wonderful news for individuals suffering from the painful situation. Medjool dates are nutritious and healthier with innumerable wellness positive aspects.
Accessible in most convenience retailers, mozzarella sticks are a excellent protein-wealthy snack that is generally below one hundred calories. They've also been confirmed to lower cholesterol and enhance bone well being — and these are just a couple of the a lot of factors to add Medjool dates to your diet regime.
Nationally recognized independent Grand Ole Opry historian Byron Fay delivers news and comments concerning nation music's premier show. Additionally, they are recommended as a healthful and delicious way to decrease the levels of LDL cholesterol in the physique, which is a significant contributing aspect to heart attacks and stroke.
Dairy foods are another source of good quality calories that contain protein, plus calcium and vitamins D and A. Plain milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, ricotta cheese and kefir are all excellent choices for weight obtain. August six, 2011: The Oak Ridge Boys became members of the Grand Ole Opry.
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Benefits of cherries
Benefits of cherries
The return of the beautiful season also announces that of red fruits. Adding a splash of bright color to our diet is a gift for the body. Indeed, cherries are thought to be able to reduce inflammation, lower the risk of heart disease, and help us get a good night's sleep.
Benefits of cherries
Prevent heart disease
Improve your gut health
Reduce inflammation
Fight against gout attacks
A fruit with a low glycemic index
Reduce muscle soreness
Improve sleep
Benefits during pregnancy
It is in May that the first stone fruits appear: cherries. Raw, baked, on a cake or picked straight from the tree, these delicious fruits contain vitamins A and C, omega-3s and omega-6s. Slightly more caloric than other fruits, they nevertheless provide significant health benefits.
Prevent heart disease
Cherries can help lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels, two factors that can contribute to heart disease.
Drinking cherry juice would also help reduce high blood pressure, according to a study published in The American Journal of nutrition in May 2016 on Montmorency cherries, slightly sour sour cherries. Researchers have shown that the anthocyanins in these cherries, which are powerful antioxidants, help lower blood pressure by an average of 7%.
Improve your gut health
A study published in 2018 by the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry and notably relayed by the site She knows revealed that sour cherries have a positive impact on the human intestinal microbiome. In question, their beneficial action which stimulates the growth of good bacteria.
Reduce inflammation
A 2013 study published in the Journal of Nutrition looked at sweet cherries and found that consuming this sweet fruit reduced inflammation in the body.
Fight against gout attacks
Gout is an inflammatory rheumatism caused by an overabundance of uric acid in the body, which crystallizes in the joints and causes severe pain. Cherries contain high levels of anthocyanin, an anti-inflammatory antioxidant that can help lower uric acid levels, as seen above. Its high vitamin C content may also contribute. This benefit was demonstrated by a study published in 2014, again on the Montmorency variety: patients suffering from gout saw their risk of seizures reduced by 35%.
A fruit with a low glycemic index
The cherry is one of the fruits that are low hyperglycemic, that is to say, it causes a small increase in blood sugar when consumed. The antioxidant anthocyanin present in this red fruit is directly linked to improving insulin levels. The body is able to lower blood sugar faster and more efficiently after a meal. To be consumed in moderation of course and always after medical advice in case of diabetes. The Federation of Diabetics offers a recipe for low-sugar cherry clafoutis on its site.
Reduce muscle soreness
Sour cherry juice is said to help improve recovery time after exercise, reduce aches and pains, as well as muscle damage.
Improve sleep
According to recent research, sour cherry juice may help extend sleep duration by up to an hour and a half without the side effects sometimes associated with other treatments.
Benefits during pregnancy
Eating cherries in moderation while pregnant helped improve blood flow to the placenta, says She knows.
from Blogger http://goodhealthtipsideas.blogspot.com/2020/09/benefits-of-cherries.html
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Dear Mark: Collagen or Glycine, Keto and Gallstones, Raw Liver, Stevia Itching, and Gaining Muscle, Losing Fat
For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering five questions taken from this Twitter thread. First, does collagen offer anything special above and beyond glycine? Second, what’s the relationship between keto and gallstones? Third, do I recommend eating raw liver, and why or why not? Fourth, why does one reader’s scalp itch when eating stevia? And finally, what’s the best way to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?
Let’s go:
If collagen is broken down into amino acids in the gut before being absorbed, is it just the amino acid profile (i.e. high glycine) that makes it so beneficial? Anything else?
Glycine is a major reason why we need collagen in our diets, but it’s not the only one.
When you feed people collagen derived from pork skin, chicken feet, and cartilage, many different collagenous peptides appear in the blood. You don’t get any of these from isolated glycine:
Proline-hydroxyproline, a peptide with protective effects on osteoarthritic cartilage degradation.
Glycine-proline-hydroxyproline, a peptide that makes it into the blood and turns into proline-hydroxyproline, which makes it into the skin.
Collagen peptides have beneficial effects above and beyond glycine alone—although glycine is great for balancing out methionine intake from muscle meat consumption. It’s also been used in several studies to improve multiple markers of sleep quality.
A family member has a complicated health history including cancer and wants to eat keto. But, now she finds she has gallstones. Any thoughts on a good way to attack this complicated issue?
Has your family member already gone keto? Did going keto come before the gallstone reveal?
If so, that’s actually normal.
The primary role of the gallbladder is to collect bile from the liver, concentrate it into potent super-bile (my term), and release the concentrated bile to break up incoming dietary fat into smaller molecules that lipase can attack and digest. Dietary fat is the biggest driver of gallbladder emptying.
If the gallbladder isn’t regularly emptied, gallstones can form. Usually made of hardened cholesterol, gallstones are quite common and often produce no symptoms. Problems arise when normal gallbladder emptying flushes out a stone small enough to make it into but too large to pass through the bile duct and a blockage occurs. Gallstones can also directly damage the walls of the gallbladder, leading to cholecystis, or gallbladder inflammation.
A high-fat diet can exacerbate or even uncover gallstone issues by increasing gallbladder emptying. Remember: the more fat you eat, the more often you empty your gallbladder—and everything in it.
But high-fat diets don’t generally cause gallstones to form. They only reveal pre-existing ones. The biggest risk factors for gallstone formation are:
A high intake of high-glycemic carbohydrates.
High estrogen levels, which concentrate cholesterol deposition in the gallbladder. This is why women, especially pregnant women and/or those taking hormonal birth control, are more likely to have gallstones.
Obesity, which also increases cholesterol levels in the gallbladder.
Weight loss, with a caveat: high-fat weight loss diets reduce and even prevent gallstone formation. In fact, when you compare people who lose weight on a low-fat diet to those who lose it on a high-fat diet, research shows that 45% of the low-fatters develop gallstones while none of the high-fatters develop them.
Once the gallstones are all clear, keep up with the keto eating, as eating more fat will keep your gallbladder regularly flushed and clear of stones.
Is Raw Liver safe to eat?
I’ve eaten raw liver before. I know people who eat raw liver. I can’t recommend it, however, because I don’t know what kind of liver you have access to. Who raised the animal? What did it eat? What were the processing conditions?
But because I know people are going to try this…
Freeze it first for several days.
Buy from a trusted source.
Buy only liver from well-raised, grass-fed, organic animals.
If it looks unhealthy, it probably is. I would never eat a pale, flaccid liver with ugly spots, cooked or raw.
Don’t eat raw (or even medium) pork liver. A huge percentage of pigs carry the Hepatitis E virus, which is transmittable to humans and concentrates in the liver.
Why does stevia make my scalp itch?
Stevia can be an allergen actually. It’s not very common, but as more and more people use stevia, more will be revealed to have an allergic reaction.
I’d just skip it.
Is it possible to gain muscle and lose weight with properly timed IF around workouts?
It is possible, although you may not actually lose weight, but rather body fat (which is better).
The best way I’ve seen people do it is the classic Leangains method.
Fast from 8 p.m. to 12-1 noon.
Fasted workout in the afternoon, perhaps with a little BCAA or whey isolate before the workout. Lift heavy, compound movements.
After the workout, walk for 20 minutes. Brisk pace to utilize all the free fatty acids swimming around.
Then eat. If you’re going to eat carbs, do it in this meal and keep the fat low-to-moderate. Load up on protein.
Eat as much as you like until 8 p.m.—the end of your eating window. Favor protein and, again, if you’re eating carbs keep fat lower than usual.
Maintain the fasting period every day. On rest days, eat low/no carb and higher fat. Protein always high. Go for walks on rest days.
That’s it. That usually works really well, but it presupposes you have a flexible schedule and can actually train in the afternoon whenever you want. Your mileage may vary—though it will work at any time.
Muscle gain won’t be as rapid as it would drinking a gallon of milk a day, eating pizza smoothies, and cramming ice cream made with whey protein at night, but it will minimize fat gain and perhaps even help you lose fat as you gain muscle. No guarantees, but it’s the best method I’ve seen.
That’s it for today, folks. Thanks for reading, take care, and be sure to leave a comment down below if you have any questions.
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The post Dear Mark: Collagen or Glycine, Keto and Gallstones, Raw Liver, Stevia Itching, and Gaining Muscle, Losing Fat appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Dear Mark: Collagen or Glycine, Keto and Gallstones, Raw Liver, Stevia Itching, and Gaining Muscle, Losing Fat published first on https://drugaddictionsrehab.tumblr.com/
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Dear Mark: Collagen or Glycine, Keto and Gallstones, Raw Liver, Stevia Itching, and Gaining Muscle, Losing Fat
For today’s edition of Dear Mark, I’m answering five questions taken from this Twitter thread. First, does collagen offer anything special above and beyond glycine? Second, what’s the relationship between keto and gallstones? Third, do I recommend eating raw liver, and why or why not? Fourth, why does one reader’s scalp itch when eating stevia? And finally, what’s the best way to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time?
Let’s go:
If collagen is broken down into amino acids in the gut before being absorbed, is it just the amino acid profile (i.e. high glycine) that makes it so beneficial? Anything else?
Glycine is a major reason why we need collagen in our diets, but it’s not the only one.
When you feed people collagen derived from pork skin, chicken feet, and cartilage, many different collagenous peptides appear in the blood. You don’t get any of these from isolated glycine:
Proline-hydroxyproline, a peptide with protective effects on osteoarthritic cartilage degradation.
Glycine-proline-hydroxyproline, a peptide that makes it into the blood and turns into proline-hydroxyproline, which makes it into the skin.
Collagen peptides have beneficial effects above and beyond glycine alone—although glycine is great for balancing out methionine intake from muscle meat consumption. It’s also been used in several studies to improve multiple markers of sleep quality.
A family member has a complicated health history including cancer and wants to eat keto. But, now she finds she has gallstones. Any thoughts on a good way to attack this complicated issue?
Has your family member already gone keto? Did going keto come before the gallstone reveal?
If so, that’s actually normal.
The primary role of the gallbladder is to collect bile from the liver, concentrate it into potent super-bile (my term), and release the concentrated bile to break up incoming dietary fat into smaller molecules that lipase can attack and digest. Dietary fat is the biggest driver of gallbladder emptying.
If the gallbladder isn’t regularly emptied, gallstones can form. Usually made of hardened cholesterol, gallstones are quite common and often produce no symptoms. Problems arise when normal gallbladder emptying flushes out a stone small enough to make it into but too large to pass through the bile duct and a blockage occurs. Gallstones can also directly damage the walls of the gallbladder, leading to cholecystis, or gallbladder inflammation.
A high-fat diet can exacerbate or even uncover gallstone issues by increasing gallbladder emptying. Remember: the more fat you eat, the more often you empty your gallbladder—and everything in it.
But high-fat diets don’t generally cause gallstones to form. They only reveal pre-existing ones. The biggest risk factors for gallstone formation are:
A high intake of high-glycemic carbohydrates.
High estrogen levels, which concentrate cholesterol deposition in the gallbladder. This is why women, especially pregnant women and/or those taking hormonal birth control, are more likely to have gallstones.
Obesity, which also increases cholesterol levels in the gallbladder.
Weight loss, with a caveat: high-fat weight loss diets reduce and even prevent gallstone formation. In fact, when you compare people who lose weight on a low-fat diet to those who lose it on a high-fat diet, research shows that 45% of the low-fatters develop gallstones while none of the high-fatters develop them.
Once the gallstones are all clear, keep up with the keto eating, as eating more fat will keep your gallbladder regularly flushed and clear of stones.
Is Raw Liver safe to eat?
I’ve eaten raw liver before. I know people who eat raw liver. I can’t recommend it, however, because I don’t know what kind of liver you have access to. Who raised the animal? What did it eat? What were the processing conditions?
But because I know people are going to try this…
Freeze it first for several days.
Buy from a trusted source.
Buy only liver from well-raised, grass-fed, organic animals.
If it looks unhealthy, it probably is. I would never eat a pale, flaccid liver with ugly spots, cooked or raw.
Don’t eat raw (or even medium) pork liver. A huge percentage of pigs carry the Hepatitis E virus, which is transmittable to humans and concentrates in the liver.
Why does stevia make my scalp itch?
Stevia can be an allergen actually. It’s not very common, but as more and more people use stevia, more will be revealed to have an allergic reaction.
I’d just skip it.
Is it possible to gain muscle and lose weight with properly timed IF around workouts?
It is possible, although you may not actually lose weight, but rather body fat (which is better).
The best way I’ve seen people do it is the classic Leangains method.
Fast from 8 p.m. to 12-1 noon.
Fasted workout in the afternoon, perhaps with a little BCAA or whey isolate before the workout. Lift heavy, compound movements.
After the workout, walk for 20 minutes. Brisk pace to utilize all the free fatty acids swimming around.
Then eat. If you’re going to eat carbs, do it in this meal and keep the fat low-to-moderate. Load up on protein.
Eat as much as you like until 8 p.m.—the end of your eating window. Favor protein and, again, if you’re eating carbs keep fat lower than usual.
Maintain the fasting period every day. On rest days, eat low/no carb and higher fat. Protein always high. Go for walks on rest days.
That’s it. That usually works really well, but it presupposes you have a flexible schedule and can actually train in the afternoon whenever you want. Your mileage may vary—though it will work at any time.
Muscle gain won’t be as rapid as it would drinking a gallon of milk a day, eating pizza smoothies, and cramming ice cream made with whey protein at night, but it will minimize fat gain and perhaps even help you lose fat as you gain muscle. No guarantees, but it’s the best method I’ve seen.
That’s it for today, folks. Thanks for reading, take care, and be sure to leave a comment down below if you have any questions.
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The post Dear Mark: Collagen or Glycine, Keto and Gallstones, Raw Liver, Stevia Itching, and Gaining Muscle, Losing Fat appeared first on Mark's Daily Apple.
Dear Mark: Collagen or Glycine, Keto and Gallstones, Raw Liver, Stevia Itching, and Gaining Muscle, Losing Fat published first on https://venabeahan.tumblr.com
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Okay, as mentioned in the last post: Here i summarize everything she says in this video, about how eating late in the day, during weight loss, results in low lean body mass. Followed by my comments. Pam: Intend to eat 5-6 times per day - in order to plan healthy “snack” meals, instead of making stupid fast food choices, whenever sudden hunger appears. Research suggests: eating regularly and frequently increases metabolic rate and results in better body composition because the thermic effect of food varies, based on several factors, including frequency. “Thermogenesis” means your energy expenditure beyond your resting metabolic rate that is involved in the processing of food, for energy mobilization or storage. Frequent eating results in better cholesterol and insulin levels. Boxers who ate two meals lost muscle mass, those who ate 6 meals preserved it, given the same number of calories. This is because when blood glucose drops too low, during fasting windows, amino acids like alanine are released from muscles and converted to glucose. Also the experience of low blood glucose promotes fat storage on the next occasion (feeding). Less frequent larger meals, that spike blood glucose, also promote fat storage. Ending up with a poor ratio of lean body mass to fat mass results in a situation, which makes it close to impossible to loose the rest of the fat mass, because a caloric deficit attacks the lean body mass and the body rebells against this with enough hunger, to sabotage your effort to eat less, to keep up a caloric deficit, in fact the hunger will make you eat enough to regain more body fat, while a resulting gain in lean body mass happens too, albeit likely at a lower rate, thereby further worsening the ratio of lean to fat mass. The way out of this situation or the way to prevent it in the first place is to diet in a way that promotes growth or maintenance of muscle mass, as a highest priority. so: eating frequently and eating sufficient protein and (important) preventing both glucose lows and glucose highs. (The impossibility of doing this with meals that combine fat and carbs and are processed is why so many people are convinced that eating less meals is better for weight loss - bad diet experiences lead to bad conclusions). A pound of muscle burns 14 kcal per day, a pound of fat burns only 3. Severe caloric restriction can result in as much as 620 fewer calories burned per day. A cancer (tumor) patient may benefit from intermittent fasting, even though it is bad for muscle maintenance. My comment: Most importantly tho he benefits from not overloading the blood with sugar or oil, at any time. Thus intermittent fasting must involve a caloric deficit. Otherwise it would cram to much food into the blood, in a short time window. This would probably feed cancer growth about as much as the fasting time window may starve it, except feeding may provoke pro-creation but starving does not guarantee cancer cell depth, despite interrupting cell division. Remember, studies show that oil consumption (essentially resulting in high blood lipids) feed tumors more efficiently than refined sugar (high blood sugar), so just don’t overeat. Intermittent fasting as practiced in ramadan (one meal a day after sunrise) results in higher leptin and insulin levels. Exercise during fasting time windows is likely to deplete glycogen storage which inspires the burning of lean muscle mass. My comment: Not long ago, i had emotional resistance against what she says in this video, because whenever i managed to loose weight in the past, using caloric restriction, as opposed to water fasting, it was only bearable, due to my strategy of eating late in the day, starting with one or two tiny meals (2 bananas, etc), ending with a substantial high protein, low glycemic index, but also high carb meal (brown rice, lentils). But i must admit that my approach lead to a miserable LBM to Fat ratio, which leads to the situation where its impossible to loose the last 10 kg of fat or to maintain that loss, because having too little muscle drives up hunger. My body is always hungry enough, to entertain a theoretical reasonably strong body, which would burn about 2500kcals, despite the fact, that what i end up with, when i eat this much, is a (slightly) fat body instead. Due to my inactivity and also, presumably, because of my anemia and fatigue. But why did no other method of dieting work for me before? I did not try all methods and failed to try the one that is working. I kept eating some somewhat too energy dense food sources. Therefore, whenever i ate more frequently or for longer eating time windows, i just "managed" to skyrocket my glycogen so as to inspire a stronger carb dependence, meaning a lesser ability to burn fat, meaning i ended up with more hunger. Eating lead to more eating and the only workaround was to burn my fat prior to all of my eating - in the morning. This difficulty must be prevented by choosing meals with lower glycemic index, due to higher fiber ratio (NOT due to higher fat ratio!!!) and foods with a higher protein ratio, not just a higher water ratio. Another reason for my experience (my success with Intermittent fasting and my failure with frequent eating) is most likely, that i have always been living against my circadian rythm! Eating early in the day would not automatically inspire me to stop eating late in the day and i never had the intention to stop. I was too attached to the habit of having my main meal late in the day, as a sort of celebration of the day. So not skipping early morning meals, on occasion, would simply result in eating much more throughout the whole day and sabotage any caloric deficit. Often i stayed up late into the night which would resonate well with eating late. Eating early and staying up long, in contrast, might inspire eating food for almost two days in one day. A long night will almost always provoke hunger, regardless of how much was eaten earlier. My point of view began to change recently, during my hospital stay. I lost so much weight, while eating so much food. Incredibly, it seems that i lost 4kg in 3 weeks, while eating at least 1900kcal. It’s like IMPOSSIBRUUU. No doubt, anti-biotica and chemo (cladribrin) inspired much of my weight loss. Also i lost a ton of lean body mass, because the hospital food had at most 30g of protein per day and of course i was lying in bed. But the food was not even low glycemic index or low energy density, it was the kind of food that would have normally prevent weight loss via high insulin. It was fruit juice, bananas, white rice & potatoes two times a day and one time something like potatoes and vegetables. However, remember what was mentioned in the video in the previous blog post: Insulin sensitivity is best in the morning, so dense carbs or higher glycemic index carbs or larger meals are less interrupting to fat burning, the earlier you eat them, so long as you don’t end up eating more in total. But the meals in hospital were modest, at most 600kcal, resulting in a reasonably low glycemic load of the whole meal, given my insulin sensitivity. (Remember, insulin puts sugar into muscles, where it belongs, not into fat, as some people believe by confusion: insulin resistance, in contrast, represented by inappropriately high insulin accumulation, correlates with fat storage). The meal schedule was synced with the circadian rythm, with digestive “fire”: eating at 8, 12 and 17 o'clock. This experience demonstrated to me the power of regularity and the power of timing, relative to waking and sleep. Nevertheless i must report that i was not successful and maintaining this patter, this feeling, this low appetite. None of this implies that eating early in the day makes weight loss easy or guarantees low appetite. All we are saying here is that, unlike eating late, it does not lead to a catastrophic ratio of lean to fat mass. Since having a catastrophic ratio makes complete weight loss impossible, we can say, that eating early makes weight loss more possible. But when you eat much early, you must eat less later on and this requires a discipline, that i do not have right now. I don’t mean the discipline to go to bed hungry. I mean the discipline to go to bed early enough, so not to snack at 3 o clock in the night or the discipline to always eat unprocessed / fiber rich food. I still like carrot juice and dates too much.
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New Dates Vs. Dried Dates
For more than 60 decades, Sphinx Date Co. has given premium high quality majority dates and date presents. Even so, fruit juice is really a a lot more hugely processed merchandise compared to frozen or fresh fruit, and it usually contains a nutritional profile that is not to much conducive to steady weight reduction. Dates have been suggested by specialists as a wholesome way of decreasing thelevels of both LDL https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=Dates Fruit cholesterolin your system, which is a leading contributing factor toheart attacks, coronary heart diseases and stroke.
Dates are additionally processed to cubes, glue named "'ajwa", disperse, date syrup or "honey" named "dibs" or " rub " at Libya, powder (date sugar), vinegar or alcohol Vinegar made from dates really is a conventional solution of the middle-east 2728 Recent innovations include things like chocolate -covered dates and services and products like excellent date juice, also utilized in a few Western countries like a non-alcoholic model of champagne, such as particular situations and spiritual occasions such as Ramadan When Muslims break fast from the day supper of Ramadan, it's normal to consume a date first.
As stated by the USDA National Nutrient Database, three dried Medjool dates comprise 4.8 g of fiber, meeting over 10 percentage of the daily price of 25 to 38 grams. Your daily diet does not affect kidney stones that have already formed, but healthful choices can decrease your risk for future stones.
Bamboo shoot, banana, bitter gourd, shellfish, poultry, grapefruit, lettuce, persimmon, salt, seaweed, star fruit, sugar cane, water chestnut, Water melon, lotus root, celery, celery, bean curd, poultry egg white, marjoram, darkened, pear, peppermint, strawberry, strawberry, tangerine, and yogurt, broccoli, cauliflower, zuccini, corn, berries, pineapple, turmeric.
The issue with carbohydrate-loading is the fact kurma borong bangi that lots of people make it wrong - that they use it like a good excuse to eat whatever they desire, normally food saturated in fat along with sugar, but you may view from your example above that the food consumed daily should be minimal fiber, so high glycemic loading sugary, salty foods rather than fatty junk food.
Dry fruits have been excellent laxatives and they also are a great natural cure for anemic circumstances, acidosis, fever, and sexual stimulation. Fibers will be the carbs found in plant-based foods which do not consume in the human body. It is crucial to note that dates really are packed with carbs and their candy taste tends to make them easy to overeat.
From the United Title Loaded From File States, the advertising period for brand new dates will be against mid-August to mid-March (Noncitrus Fruits" NASS, 20-16 ). Taking up to five dates fruits with a glass of hot milk first in the daytime and in bed time per day for 30 days functions as analgesic for sexual debility, the two from the young and the old.
Dates include smaller levels of the vitamins and, thus, they do subscribe to a general daily nutritional intake, nevertheless, you also have to eat up additional vitamin-rich foods for maximum heart protection. Dates are among those excellent sweet and versatile foods which could modulate the digestive system.
The most important reason reason pomegranate is so effective is the fact that it assists the system to develop (NO) or nitric oxide that helps to open up blood vessels and also increase into bloodflow that is excellent news for the sexual activity. It is a real treat to eat brand new dates. Full of dietary fiber, fruits assist improve the functioning of the intestinal tract, hence cutting down the probability of constipation and diverticulosis.
In short , an acidic foods diet plan additionally called the alkaline ash diet program, alkaline acid diet regime, alkalizing and the acidity alkaline diet really is a healthy eating life style predicated on eating foods which metabolize burn up to leave the alkaline residue ash of nutritional supplements like iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and copper.
The species was firstly identified as exceptional from 1967 by Greuter and has been named after the father of Botany,'' Theophrastus (372-287 BC), that very first signaled the existence of palm bushes at Crete. Additionally a homemade pet food diet is made of specific amounts of vegetables, meat and fruit, and also carbs.
She's many degrees in clinical nourishment and also a certification as a certified diabetes teacher and she also works together those who are struggling with health or dieting conditions such as diabetes take back control in order that they are able to find yourself a healthy human anatomy and also live their own lifestyles symptom-free.
A study printed inCritical evaluations in Food Science and diet journal suggests that significant amounts of vitamins like potassium, phosphorus,and calcium utilized in dry fruits make sure they are a better superfood for strengthening bones and fighting off painful and debilitating diseases such as osteoporosis.
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What Are The Advantages Of Consuming Dates?
Fruits have several overall health benefits that help avoid well being complications like heat stroke, higher blood stress, cancer , heart problems, and diabetes They successfully fight skin problems and market healthful hair growth. Sweet potatoes and white potatoes as well as fresh or frozen corn and peas offer you phytonutrients, antioxidants and fiber, and have much more calories than fibrous veggies. If you knowledge any symptoms of a food allergy such as a runny nose, tongue swelling, itchy eyes or facial redness, then discontinue consumption of Medjool dates and seek healthcare focus.
August 22, 1987: Roy Clark became a member of the Grand Ole Opry. Dates have about 2.eight calories per gram, which implies they are medium-energy-density foods. Skip the dried fruit, fruit cups and fruit juice, all of which are greater in calories or lower in fiber and simpler to over-consume,” she states.
Eating Medjool dates frequently is one way that you can up your intake of calcium and phosphorus. A vegan diet, which is higher in fruits, vegetables, healthier fats and complete grains, will give an abundance of vitamins and minerals. Numerous people consume dates complete, or chop them up for dessert purposes.
As we know, LDL cholesterol is a main contributing factor to heart attacks, heart illness and stroke, creating these tasty dates a great heart-healthier choice. If a date has formed sugar crystals, it is generally less than best to consume, as the flesh will be dry and leathery.
Most fresh fruits and vegetables are alkalizing. According to the USDA, 1 cup of orange juice has about 120 calories, 1.five g protein, .five g fat, 29 g carbohydrates, .five g fiber and 21 g sugar. It also makes sense to seek out fruits that have the highest fiber counts when you happen to be watching your weight.
Foods that develop an acidic environment in the physique incorporate most processed foods, meat and fish, rice, cereal grains, sweeteners and sweetened foods, breads, pastas, cheese, caffeinated drinks, alcohol and condiments. Canned fruit is on the American Diabetes Association's list of healthful foods for diabetics, but some sorts of canned fruit are much better than other folks.
Due to the fact dates are high in carbohydrates, with about 40 grams per 2-ounce serving, they have a higher glycemic load, measuring 42. Overconsumption of high glycemic index and load foods can enhance your possibilities of type-two diabetes, heart disease and obesity.
Nevertheless, consuming foods that are more nutritious and reduce in calories can lead to far better well being, thereby advertising a healthier weight. All fresh fruits on the Weight Watchers diet program have points. Consuming plenty of alkalizing foods helps balance the effects of acidic foods in the physique.
A common meal program for the Mediterranean diet regime may possibly consist of eggs with fresh fruit and a modest bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, a salad of fresh vegetables tossed with olive oil and vinegar and fresh whole-grain bread for lunch, and broiled chicken breast with a 3-bean salad for dinner.
A fiber-wealthy diet is important for diabetics due to the fact fiber slows the speed at which carbohydrates enter your bloodstream, assisting to stop spikes in your blood sugar, according to Elisa Zied, R.D., author of "Nutrition at Your Fingertips." Fiber in the diet program is also related with a healthful weight, which can support manage diabetes.
You can only hike in or take a train and then a bus, but there is no easy way to get there which tends to make it even far more impossible to think that the entire internet site was built by hand over https://greendiamond.com.my a mile up in the mountains when most individuals struggle to merely stroll up the stairs carrying only a camera and a water bottle.
Last but not least, when Medjool dates are created into a paste, they turn out to be an awesome, nutrient-dense sugar substitute. It is healthier and has a lot much more protein and less fat than llama meat. A lot of diabetics assume they must keep away from fruit due to its high sugar content material, but the American Diabetes Association recommends consuming fruits simply because they're loaded with vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Nationally recognized independent Grand Ole Opry historian Byron Fay delivers news and comments relating to nation music's premier show. Furthermore, https://greendiamond.com.my/kurma/kurma-ajwa-madinah/ they are recommended as a wholesome and scrumptious way to lessen the levels of LDL cholesterol in the physique, which is a major contributing issue to heart attacks and stroke.
If you want to appreciate fruit, most fresh or frozen options will let you to eat far more fruit with fewer calories than the identical quantity of dates. As a reduced power-density food, fresh dates make a far better selection if you're trying to control your weight.
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Clean Dates Vs. Dried Dates
For more than 60 years, Sphinx Date Co. has provided premium excellent bulk dates and date presents. Nevertheless, fruit juice is really a a lot more hugely processed merchandise compared to frozen or fresh fruit, and it frequently has a nutritional profile that Get more information is not very much conducive to steady weight reduction. Dates are suggested by experts since a healthful method of minimizing thelevels of LDL cholesterolin the body, and this is a important contributing factor toheart attacks, heart conditions and stroke.
Dates are additionally processed into cubes, glue termed "'ajwa", spread, date syrup or "honey" known as "dibs" or " rub " from Libya, powder (date sugar), vinegar or liquor Vinegar generated from dates would be a conventional solution of the middleeast 2728 Recent innovations consist of chocolate -covered dates and services and products like amazing date juice, used in certain Western countries being a non-prescription model of champagne, such as particular occasions and spiritual occasions like Ramadan When Muslims break-fast in the day dinner of Ramadan, it is normal to consume only a date first.
According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, 3 dried Medjool dates contain 4.8 g of fiber, fulfilling over 10 percent of the daily value of 25 to 38 g. Your diet doesn't affect kidney stones which have already formed, however nutritious choices can decrease your risk for prospective stones.
Bamboo shoot, banana, sour gourd, shellfish, poultry, grapefruit, lettuce, persimmon, salt, lavender, celebrity fruit, sugar cane, drinking water chestnut, watermelon, lotus root, celery, celery, bean curd, chicken egg white, marjoram, oyster, pear, peppermint, strawberry, cherry, tangerine, and yoghurt, broccoli, cauliflower, zuccini, corn, tomatoes, pineapple, garlic.
The issue with carbohydrate-loading is that a number of individuals get it wrong - that they utilize it like a good excuse to eat whatever they want, typically food saturated in fat as well as sugar, but you may observe from your example above that the food consumed need to be low fiber, so high glycemic load sour, starchy foods - not fatty crap food.
Dry fruits have been great laxatives and are also a wonderful all-natural cure for anemic situations, acidosis, fever, and sexual weakness. Fibers would be the carbs utilized in plant-based foods which do not digest from the human body. It is very important to be Discover more aware that dates really are packed with calories and also their candy taste makes them easy to over eat.
From the United Title Loaded From File States, the advertising time for fresh dates will be from mid-August to mid-March (Noncitrus Fruits" NASS, 2016). Taking up to five dates fruits with a glass of warm milk first each morning and in bed time daily for 30 days serves as aphrodisiac for sexual debility, the two in the young and the old.
Dates have tiny amounts of those minerals and minerals, thus, they do subscribe to your overall daily nutritional intake, but in addition, you will need to consume more vitamin-rich foods for optimum heart health. Dates are among those great sweet and versatile foods which could regulate the digestive system.
The principal reason reason pomegranate is indeed effective is that it aids the body to develop (NO) or nitric oxide that helps to open up blood vessels and also increase to blood-flow which is very good news for the libido. It is really a treat to consume brand new dates. Full of dietary fiber, fruits assist improve the performance of the intestinal tract, and thereby minimizing the chances of constipation and diverticulosis.
At a nutshell, an alkaline foods diet additionally known as the alkaline ash diet program, alkaline acid diet plan, alkalizing and the acidity alkaline diet really is a nutritious eating life style predicated on ingestion foods which metabolize burn off to leave an alkaline residue ash of minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, calcium and copper.
The species was first firstly identified as unique in 1967 by Greuter and was appointed after the dad of Botany, Theophrastus (372-287 BC), that very first indicated the existence of palm bushes in Crete. Additionally a homemade pet food plan is made of specific levels of meat, vegetables and fruit, along with carbohydrates.
She's got numerous degrees of clinical nourishment and also a certificate as a certified diabetes educator and she works together individuals who're fighting dieting or health illnesses such as diabetes have back control in order that they can get a healthful body and live their own lifestyles symptom-free.
A study printed inCritical evaluations in Food Science and diet journal shows that quite a lot of minerals like potassium, phosphorus,and calcium found in dry fruits make sure they are a superfood for strengthening bones and fighting off painful and debilitating diseases like osteoporosis.
0 notes
Refreshing Dates Vs. Dried Dates
For more than 60 years, Sphinx Date Co. has provided premium high quality bulk dates and date gift ideas. Nonetheless, fruit juice is just a a lot more hugely processed product than frozen or fresh fruit, plus it usually contains a nutrient profile which isn't so as conducive to steady weight reduction. Dates have been indicated by experts since a healthful way of cutting down thelevels of both LDL cholesterolin the body, which is a important contributing variable toheart attacks, heart disorders and stroke.
Dates are also processed to cubes, glue named "'ajwa", spread, date syrup or "honey" named "dibs" or " rub " into Libya, powder (date sugar), vinegar or liquor Vinegar generated from dates will be a conventional product of the Middle East 27 28 Recent inventions include chocolate -covered dates and products like amazing date juice, also found in some Islamic countries like a non-prescription version of champagne, such as special events and religious times such as Ramadan When Muslims break-fast from the day meal of Ramadan, it is normal to eat a date first.
According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, several dried Medjool dates contain 4.8 g of fiber, fulfilling over 10 percentage of the daily price of 25 to 38 grams. Your diet does not impact kidney stones which have already formed, however healthful choices can decrease your risk for future stones.
Bamboo shoot, banana, sour gourd, shellfish, poultry, grapefruit, lettuce, kurma wholesaler Malaysia persimmon, salt, lavender, celebrity fruit, sugar cane, drinking water chestnut, Water melon, lotus root, celery, celery, bean curd, poultry eggwhite, marjoram, oyster, pear, peppermint, radish, cherry, tangerine, and yogurt, broccoli, cauliflower, zuccini, corn, tomatoes, pineapple, turmeric.
The issue with carbohydrate loading is the fact that many individuals make it incorrect - they use it as a good excuse to eat anything they desire, normally food saturated in fat and sugar, but you also Website link may see from your example above Homepage that the food consumed needs to be reduced fiber, so high glycemic loading sugary, starchy foods rather than fatty junk food.
Dry fruits are excellent laxatives and are also a terrific natural cure for anemic conditions, acidosis, fever, and sexual weakness. Fibers will be the carbohydrates found in plant-based foods which don't eat up from the human body. It is very important to be aware that dates are packed with calories along with their sweet taste helps make them easy to overeat.
In the United Title Loaded From File States, the marketing period for brand new dates is from mid-August to mid-March (Noncitrus Fruits" NASS, 20-16 ). Taking as many as 5 dates fruits with a glass of hot milk early in the morning and during bedtime per day for 30 days serves as aphrodisiac for sexual debility, equally in the young and the old.
Dates include modest amounts of these minerals and minerals, thus, they do contribute to your general daily nutritional ingestion, nevertheless, in addition, you ought to eat up extra vitamin-rich foods for greatest cardiovascular protection. Dates are among the great sweet and versatile foods which can regulate the digestive procedure.
The main reason reason pomegranate is so successful is that it helps your human body to develop (NO) or nitric oxide which helps to open up blood vessels and also increase into blood flow which is very good news to your own libido. It's a real cure to take in fresh dates. Abundant with soluble fiber, fruits support improve the performance of the digestive tract, hence lowering the possibility of constipation and diverticulosis.
At a nutshell, an acidic foods diet program also called the alkaline ash diet, alkaline acid diet program, alkalizing and the acid alkaline diet really is a healthy eating life style based on ingestion foods that boost burn off to leave the alkaline residue ash of nutritional supplements such as iron, calcium, zinc, calcium and calcium.
The species has been clinically identified as exceptional from 1967 by Greuter and was named after the father of Botany, Theophrastus (372-287 BC), who very first signaled the existence of palm bushes in Crete. Also a homemade pet food diet is made up of special amounts of meat, vegetables and fruit, and also carbs.
She's many degrees in clinical nourishment , a certification as a certified diabetes teacher and she works together with individuals who're battling dieting or health illnesses like diabetes take back control in order that they are able to receive a wholesome body and live their lifestyles symptom-free.
A study published inCritical opinions in Food Science and Nutrition journal implies that quite a lot of vitamins such as potassium, phosphorus,and calcium found in dry fruits create them a superfood for strengthening fighting and bones off painful and debilitating diseases like osteoporosis.
0 notes
Clean Dates Vs. Dried Dates
For more than 60 decades, Sphinx Date Co. has given superior quality bulk dates and date presents. Nonetheless, fruit juice is a a lot more enormously processed product or service than fresh or frozen fruit, plus it frequently has a nutritional profile that isn't so as conducive to accelerated weight reduction. Dates have been indicated by experts since a nutritious method of decreasing thelevels of both LDL cholesterolin your system, and this is really a important contributing factor toheart attacks, heart disorders and stroke.
Dates are additionally processed into cubes, paste termed "'ajwa", disperse, date syrup or "honey" named "dibs" or " rub " from Libya, powder (date sugar), vinegar or booze Vinegar generated from dates is a conventional solution of this middleeast 27 28 Recent inventions involve chocolate -coated dates and services and products like amazing date juice, found in a few Western countries like a non-alcoholic model of champagne, for particular events and spiritual occasions like Ramadan When Muslims break-fast in the evening dinner of Ramadan, it's traditional to consume a date first.
According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, three dried Medjool dates comprise 4.8 g of fiber, meeting over 10 percent of the daily value of 25 to 38 g. Your diet doesn't affect kidney stones which have already formed, but healthy choices can lower your risk for future stones.
Bamboo shoot, banana, sour gourd, clam, crab, grapefruit, lettuce, persimmon, salt, seaweed, star fruit, sugar bowl, water chestnut, Water-Melon, lotus origin, celery, celery, bean curd, poultry egg white, marjoram, darkened, pear, peppermint, strawberry, strawberry, tangerine, and yogurt, broccoli, cauliflower, zuccini, corn, tomatoes, pineapple, turmeric.
The issue with carbohydrate-loading is that numerous men and women make it wrong - that they use it as a good excuse to consume whatever that they want, generally food saturated in fat in addition to sugar, but you may see from your case above that the food consumed daily should be very low fiber, so high glycemic loading sour, salty foods rather than greasy crap food.
Dry fruits are excellent lubricants plus they also are a excellent all-natural cure for anemic circumstances, acidosis, fever, and sexual stimulation. Fibers will be the carbohydrates utilized in plant-based foods that do not consume in the human body. It's crucial to note that dates are high in carbs along with their candy taste tends to make them simple to overeat.
From the United Title Loaded Out Of File States, the advertising season for fresh dates is derived by mid-August to mid-March (Noncitrus Fruits" NASS, 2016). Taking as many as 5 dates fruits with a glass of warm milk first each daytime and during bedtime per day for thirty days functions as treatment for sexual debility, the two at the young and the old.
Dates incorporate small quantities of those minerals and, so , they really do contribute to some general daily nutrient intake, however in addition, you need to eat up added vitamin-rich foods for maximum heart protection. Dates are one of those great sweet and versatile foods which could regulate the digestive procedure.
The main reason reason pomegranate is indeed effective is that it enables the body to generate (NO) or nitric oxide which helps to open up blood vessels and also increase into the flow of blood which is excellent news to the libido. It is a real cure to take in fresh dates. Rich in soluble fiber, fruits help to improve the functioning of Helpful resources the intestinal tract, and hence minimizing the probability of constipation and diverticulosis.
In short , an acidic foods diet program also called the alkaline ash diet, alkaline acid diet, alkalizing and the acidity alkaline diet is a healthful eating life style predicated on eating foods which metabolize burn to render an alkaline residue ash of minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium.
The species was first clinically identified as quirky in 1967 by Greuter and has been appointed after the dad of Botany,'' Theophrastus (372-287 BC), that initial signaled the presence of palm trees in Crete. Also a homemade dog food plan is made of specific levels of vegetables, meat and fruit, and also carbohydrates.
She's many degrees in clinical nutrition, a Find more information certificate as a certified diabetes teacher and she works with people who are battling dieting or health illnesses like diabetes have back control so they are able to find a healthy body and live their own lives symptom free.
An analysis printed inCritical Reviews in Food Science and diet journal suggests that quite a lot of vitamins such as potassium, phosphorus,and calcium utilized in dry fruits make them a superfood for strengthening bones and fighting off painful and debilitating diseases such as osteoporosis.
0 notes
9 Pear Benefits
9 Pear Benefits
1. High in Fiber
With over five grams of fiber in every pear, pears are the ultimate high-fiber food and a great way to make sure you’re covering your bases of 25–30 grams daily. Fiber contains zero digestible calories and is a necessary element of a healthy diet since it helps sustain healthy blood sugar levels and promotes regularity.
One of the most researched aspects of pear nutrition is pears’ compound called pectin fiber. Pectin fiber is more than just a regulator; it’s a type of special beneficial fiber that’s water-soluble and helps lower cholesterol and increases digestive health.
Apples are usually known for providing pectin, but pears are actually a better source. As a soluble fiber, pectin works by binding to fatty substances in the digestive tract, including cholesterol and toxins, and promotes their elimination. This means pear nutrition benefits the body’s detoxifying capabilities, helps regulate the body’s use of sugars and cholesterol, and improves gut and digestive health.
2. High Source of Immune-Boosting Vitamin C
One pear provides a good dose of the daily vitamin C you need, a powerful antioxidant that fights free radical damage and lowers oxidative stress. Vitamin C is sometimes even called the most powerful vitamin on the planet! One fresh, medium-sized pear contains about 12 percent of the recommended dietary allowance for vitamin C (also called ascorbic acid), which is beneficial for protecting DNA, stopping cell mutation, maintaining a healthy metabolism and repairing tissue.
Pear nutrition benefits your skin too. Vitamin C from high-antioxidant foods like pears helps increase skin’s immunity and has anti-aging effects because it promotes skin cell renewal. Vitamin C foods also help heal cuts and bruises and guard against a number of age-related and infectious diseases.
3. Provides Antioxidants
In addition to vitamin C, pear skins (or peels) also contain important phytonutrients, including polyphenols, phenolic acids and flavonoids, that can help ward off disease formation, so don’t peel your fruit! In fact, when researchers studied the antioxidant capacity of pears and apples, they found that diets that included the fruit peels had a significantly higher level of healthy fatty acids (higher plasma lipid levels) and antioxidant activity than diets that discarded the peels and only ate the fruit’s pulp.
Diets high in fresh fruit, including pears, have also gained a lot of attention for having anti-inflammatory and cancer protective effects — due to their high levels of essential nutrients like vitamin C, antioxidants and phytochemicals. Those essential nutrients and antioxidants make pears one of the better anti-inflammatory foods around.
Another important way pear nutrition benefits you? Pears also have antioxidant and anti-carcinogen effects thanks to glutathione, a “super antioxidant” known to help prevent cancer, high blood pressure and stroke.
According to studies by the National Cancer Institute, consuming fresh fruit daily shows positive effects on the body’s ability to prevent cancer growth, reduce inflammation, remain in pH balance, decrease oxidative damage to lipids and improve antioxidant status in healthy humans. It’s also true that eating more fruits and veggies is the best way to detox your body of harmful substances and toxins. This is the primary reason that every year U.S. national policymakers set a national dietary goal to increase fruit and vegetable consumption among both children and adults.
4. Can Help with Weight Loss
Fruit and vegetable intake has been proposed to protect against obesity, according to extensive research. Over and over we see that the more fresh vegetables and fruit someone eats, the less likely she is to gain weight and struggle to maintain her health. Longitudinal studies among overweight adults find that a high-fiber diet coming from fruit and vegetable consumption is associated with slower weight gain, likely because fruits and vegetables are so nutrient-dense and low in calories. A pear is a great filling, hydrating snack that won’t weight you down — plus it’s easy to toss one in your bag and take it along with you during a busy day.
5. Helps Improve Heart Health
One of the most noteworthy pear nutrition benefits? Higher fruit intake is linked with lower rates of heart disease. Epidemiological studies show a correlation between a diet high in fruit and vegetables and a lower risk for cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes. The beneficial effects of fruits and vegetables are probably due to the presence of antioxidant phytochemicals that keep arteries clear, lower inflammation and prevent high levels of oxidative stress. We also know that the specific type of fiber found in pears called pectin is very useful in helping to lower cholesterol levels naturally.
When researchers from Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health followed adults over a 15-year period, they found that overall greater intake of fruits and vegetables was associated with lower risk of all-cause death, cancer and cardiovascular disease, which supports the general health recommendation to consume multiple servings of fruits and vegetables (ideally five to nine a day of different types). There’s also evidence accumulating for fruit having a protective role in strokes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diverticulosis and hypertension too.
6. Improves Digestion
As a high-fiber food that provides essential nutrients, eating more pears is a great way to prevent or treat digestive issues. In fact, adding more fiber to your diet from whole foods is the best natural constipation relief remedy there is. Pear nutrition benefits digestive health because of the pectin found in pears, which is considered to be a natural diuretic and has a mild laxative effect. This means either eating whole pears (including the skin), blending them into a smoothie or drinking pear juice can help regulate bowel movements, prevent water retention and decrease bloating.
Higher fruit intake is also correlated with better general digestive health, especially of the colon. The phytonutrients found in pears and other fruit protect the digestive organs from oxidative stress, help alkalize the body and balance pH levels. Eating more pears might also be beneficial as a natural hemorrhoid remedy and treatment.
7. Helps Fight Diabetes
Although pears and other fruits or vegetables contain natural sugars in the form of the fructose, higher fruit and vegetable intake is inversely associated with diabetes incidence, especially among women. After following over 9,600 adults ages 25–74 for about 20 years, researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that eating five or more combined fruits and vegetables daily significantly cut the risk of diabetes formation. Researchers now know that certain flavonoids in fruits, including pears, can improve insulin sensitivity, which is key for preventing and treating diabetes in addition to weight gain.
Pears are considered a fruit low on the glycemic index. Each one has about 26 net grams of carbs, but because of the high fiber content in pears, they unleash sugar into the bloodstream slowly and therefore have a low glycemic load. Compared to eating packaged sweets filled with refined sugars that can negatively impact blood sugar levels, eating pears instead is a great way to appease your “sweet tooth” naturally without negative impacts.
8. Makes a Good Pre- or Post-Workout Snack
Like all fruit, eating pears can provide you with a quick boost of energy before a workout. Pears are a natural source of fructose and glucose that the body uses quickly to enhance physical performance, concentration and stamina, which makes pears excellent pre-workout snacks. You also need glucose after a workout to replenish glycogen reserves and help heal muscle tears, so consider having a pear along with a healthy source of protein as a post-workout meal or snack following exercise.
9. Helps Maintain Bone Health
Pears are a good source of two nutrients key to skeletal health: vitamin K and boron. Vitamin K deficiency puts you at great risk for bone-related disorders since it works with other essential nutrients like calcium, magnesium and phosphorus to prevent bone breakdown. In fact, some experts even consider vitamin K to potentially be the most important nutrient there is for fighting osteoporosis — vitamin k even builds bones better than calcium.
Boron uses include the ability to help keep bones strong by adding to bone mineral density, preventing osteoporosis, treating inflammatory conditions like arthritis, and improving strength and muscle mass. Boron is often underutilized in terms of preventing osteoporosis, but many health experts consider it an important part of preventing age-related bone disorders.
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Again The Fashionista Orders... “A Bowl Of Salad, Please.”
The Amazing Morsel Of Vegetables And Fruits Had By Fashionistas Who Don’t Wear Much Of Makeup.
Photo by Tom Crew on Unsplash
Right off the bat, let's get one thing clear: I am not a doctor but a nutritionist. What that means is, I am not here to give any medical advice. Almost everyone who writes about anything to do with a medical subject always tells you to "check with your doctor before following this or any other diet or health regimen."
Is this a good advice? In my opinion, the answer is mostly no. Why then, does nearly everyone who writes about health include a phrase about seeing your doctor first?
The answer is easy: It’s a disclaimer. And the truth is… I am no different from them. But here’s the important thing:
Does that mean I am about to reveal to you in this exciting post is any less meaningful or untrue?
Far from it. The fact is… the information you’re about to learn will quite literally transform your health. And I am dead serious about it.
With that out of the way, let’s get going.
We are going to start, oddly enough, by talking about your concealer.
Wearing that floral red and yellow short skirt, brown high ankle boots, you use a concealer to hide dark circles under your eyes, and a few marks on your face from the public. Of course, it feels essential to you if you want to be seen by the world. There is no doubt about it. If you stop wearing makeup, you feel ugly and undesired (that is a loss of your feminine characteristics) and your sense of well being.
You become grumpy and cranky. You do not talk to your friends. Instead, you want to hide from them. Ultimately, you become…
A Truly Miserable Creation!
Looking at your reflection in the mirror is horrifying to you. As if that’s not enough, men in this society always shun and reject you. A rare good one may smile and passes with a fatuous remark like, “Oh, You’re tired and not being yourself. I don’t mind being with you.”
You don’t mind being with her?
Let me tell you something: A woman’s job is not to look beautiful (physically) all the time. She can have those days when she is going through a change… no… she is going to hell! Well, that happens when she is having a menopause but that is for another time.
Life’s certainly an up-and-down, up-and-down sort of affair, although for some (women) the downs seem to come as a surprise—almost as a delight, being so outrageous, so difficult to believe—whereas for others like you, sitting on the wall, looking unpretentious, it’s the ups that have come to appear a little preposterous, hard to credit; they strike you as a cunning bit of misdirection.
Speaking of which you feel misdirected as you’re sitting in a small beach restaurant you visit often during weekdays for lunch. Looking around, the place is jam-packed: an old couple sitting, smiling, and sharing a meat pie, and then there is a bunch of young teenagers on another table shouting and having fish and chips.
You order a bowl of salad and want to finish it off before moving your ass and run away. You have ‘Don’t Look At Me’ look on your face as you feel people staring at you. But each morsel of the salad gives you energy to take that s**t.
You swear under oath that this bowl does not contain an illegal health drug.
Prepping the area, working on the angles, and the light, you take a photograph (with your iPhone for Instagram) of that rustic bowl. Not to forget the props and the background. In this case, you avoid using any of them.
You don’t remember when was the last time you took a ’Selfie’ for your Instagram profile.
Now, what’s in that bowl? Hmmm… it contains what most of your food should have: all the required micro-nutrients your body needs in abundance.
Crunchy Fresh Green Lettuce:
A sacred vegetable for ancient Egyptians, it may help in controlling anxiety, insomnia, and lowering cholesterol levels. With a constant supply of antioxidants, lettuce neutralizes the radical attacks on healthy tissues, cells, and DNA inside the human body.
Lettuce contains moisture, energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and sugars. The minerals and vitamins found in it include calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and zinc along with vitamins like thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, vitamin B6, C, A, E, and vitamin K.
Smooth and Silky chunks of Avocado:
Avocado has a high fatty acid content but contains extremely low levels of cholesterol. Avocados are considered a “superfood” and have a special position in the food calorie pyramid. Avocados are rich in various nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. They are also a good source of monounsaturated fatty acids and have a low sugar content. They are a good source of energy and contain a number of essential vitamins and minerals. Avocados contain calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, phosphorus and zinc. They also contain minerals such as vitamin C, B6, B-12, A, D, K, E, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. Furthermore, they are a great source of dietary fiber, and a single serving can provide more than 40% of the daily requirement!
Avocados are rich in potassium and successfully balance the potassium to sodium ratio which is vitally important to overall health. According to CAC (California Avocado Commission), a medium-sized Hass avocado contains almost 22.5 grams fat. Two-thirds of this fat is of the monounsaturated variety, and they are also very low in fructose. Perhaps most importantly, avocados have a unique collection of organic compounds like phytosterols, carotenoids, and flavonoids.
Some of the health benefits of Avocado are: aids in maintaining healthy skin, aids in digestion and weight management, keeps eyes healthy, protects liver, helps in morning sickness during pregnancy, dental care, Vitamin K deficiency, strengthens bones, nutrient absorption, and phytochemicals that are natural source of energy for your body.
Tip: Try preparing Guacamole with Avocado, a traditional Mexican and Central American dip that is also good as a topping on hamburgers and sandwiches.
Balls of Green Olives cut in half with chilies:
Olives are oval-shaped fruits, botanically known as Olea Europaea. Olives are native to the Mediterranean region, tropical and central Asia, warmer regions of South America and various parts of Africa. They have been used for their culinary value and medicinal benefits for thousands of years, way back to ancient Greece and Rome. They are a staple ingredient in the Mediterranean diet and are enjoyed in salads, sandwiches, pizzas, pesto, or tapenade. Table olives (the ones which are not grown for extracting oil) can be consumed as a salty snack or appetizer.
There are close to 2,000 varieties of olives grown across the world, and each of them has more or less of the important components that add to your health. The two main types of olives are black olives and green olives.
The health and medicinal benefits of olives mainly come from iron, calcium, fiber, copper, vitamin E, vitamin K, choline, sodium, phenolic compounds, and oleic acid present in them. Olives are a rich source of antioxidants like [4] oleuropein, hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, oleanolic acid, and quercetin. They also have a low glycemic index (GI).
A range of health benefits includes their ability to protect against antioxidant damage, heart disease, reverse bone loss, prevent various cancers, reduce inflammation and arthritis and improve digestion. They help to soothe allergic reactions, improve blood circulation, boost cognitive function, defend against infections, and lower blood pressure.
Bloody Red Cherry Tomatoes:
Let’s add some more color to the bowl. Tomato is considered both, a fruit and a vegetable and forms an integral part of cuisines across the globe, especially in the Mediterranean region. Daily consumption of tomatoes provides a great boost to the health, along with improving the flavor of food. You can find them in different foods like pasta, pizzas, ketchup, and various beverages. They are relatively easy to cultivate and grow very quickly, making them a great food source, which is a big reason why tomatoes are a staple food for many nations.
The scientific name of tomatoes is Solanum lycopersicum and they are believed to be native to Mexico. They are an annual nightshade plant and grow in clusters of small to moderately sized, round red fruits. They have soft, pinkish red flesh and a number of seeds, as well as a slightly sweet taste. They are considered both, vegetables and fruits and weigh approximately 4 ounces.
The health benefits of tomatoes include eye care, good stomach health, and a reduced blood pressure. They provide relief from diabetes, skin problems, and urinary tract infections too. Furthermore, they improve digestion, stimulate blood circulation, reduce cholesterol levels, improve fluid balance, protect the kidneys, detoxify the body, prevent premature aging, and reduce inflammation.
Tomatoes consist of a large number of antioxidants that have been proven to fight different forms of cancer. They are also a rich source of vitamins and minerals and exert a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases.
Carbs from Fried Brown squares of Ezekiel Bread Crumbs:
To make the salad more crunchy and interesting, a handful of small pieces of Ezekiel bread crumbs are scattered on top. Ezekiel bread is a modern health phenomenon and can deliver a number of excellent health benefits, including the ability to regulate blood sugar, lower blood pressure, improve digestion, eliminate allergic reactions, boost liver health, and reduce your risk of heart disease.
Most people know how bread is made–making a wheat-flour dough and then culturing it with yeast before baking it in an oven. The vast majority of bread is made with un-sprouted grain, but that isn’t the case with Ezekiel bread. Furthermore, Ezekiel bread is usually made with four different types of grains, as well as various legumes, all of which are allowed to sprout before being processed, mixed together and baked. In recent years, Ezekiel bread and other types of “sprouted bread” contain the bran, germ, and endosperm, whereas most traditional bread only contains the endosperm, after the bran and germ have been removed.
In comparison to “white” bread, Ezekiel bread has far more protein, fiber, and minerals than traditional bread. Some people mistakenly think of Ezekiel bread as a safe gluten-free option, but the four grains used in this bread are wheat, barley, millet and spelled, all of which contain gluten except for millet. However, sprouting grains contain much lower levels of gluten, so for those with a sensitivity, rather than an intolerance, Ezekiel bread can be a much lighter option for the digestive system.
Combined with the four types of grains are two types of legumes – lentils and soybeans, which is where the majority of the protein in this bread comes from. Once all of these grains and legumes are allowed to sprout, their nutritional composition changes and the subsequent bread that can be made is much healthier than traditional options. This bread contains fewer carbohydrates and fats, and more protein, as well as high levels of certain minerals and vitamins. Ezekiel bread is the most popular type of sprouted bread, but depending on the composition of grains and legumes, it is possible to create a bread that is a “complete protein”.
Salty and tangy Cucumber Pickle:
Pickling is one of the oldest methods of food preservation. Before the invention of modern refrigeration, pickling was the only way to preserve various foods for future consumption. Generally, pickling began as a method to preserve foods that are either exotic or seasonal and limited by nature and cultivation.
The process of pickling can be generally traced back to India, as it is believed to have originated about 4,000 to 5,000 years ago. With hot summers and a lack of water during summers, food production decreased during the summer. Thus, there was a need to preserve excess food produced during winters and hence, the process of pickling was invented to overcome this problem.
The traditional way of preparing long-lasting pickles in the oriental style uses ingredients such as salt, oil, and dry chili powder mixed with condiments. These ingredients are added according to set proportions.
The health benefits of pickles include a good supply of essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which contributes to diabetes control, improved digestion, liver protection, a supply of probiotics, and the ability to heal ulcers.
According to the NSDA, sour cucumber pickles contain moisture, energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and sugars. The minerals found in this pickle include iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and sodium. This pickle also contains vitamins that include thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, vitamin B-12, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin C, and vitamin K.
Shreds of Protein filled Mozzarella Cheese and Cottage Cheese:
Cottage cheese is prepared by boiling and curdling milk with the help of acidic substances such as lime or vinegar. As the milk boils, it starts to curdle, forming lumps of curd. This curd is then pressed to squeeze out the whey or milk serum to form a big lump of curd or cheese.
The health benefits of cottage cheese include weight loss, a good supply of protein, B complex vitamins, and healthy fats, as well as a reduced risk of breast cancer. Cottage cheese is also a good source of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and selenium, which play a vital role in many of the body functions. Cheese provides relief from hypertension and osteoporosis. It also helps in maintaining bone health, gaining weight and dental care. For ages, it has been part and parcel of daily life in Europe, America, Australia and nearly every country in the world that has a cold climate, except certain countries in the Indian Subcontinent and the Middle Eastern region.
The nutrients found in cottage cheese (100 g) include energy (98 kcal), carbohydrates (3.38 g), fat (4.5 g), sugar (2.6 g), protein (11.12 g), vitamin A (37 ugs), and vitamin D (21 ugs). Other vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, niacin are also found in different types of cheese. Adding it to your diet also provides certain vital minerals such as calcium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, and iron to the human body.
Leafy Kale and Spinach:
Kale is a leafy green cultivar of the Brassica oleracea species, which also includes broccoli, cauliflower, savoy, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cabbage and collard greens. While many people think of these vegetables as different species, with different flavors and culinary applications, they are actually all the same species, broken down into seven major cultivar groups. Based on these classification groups, kale is most closely related to collard greens. It boasts either green or purple leaves that tend to be wrinkled or curly, and quite dense and stiff, unlike other Brassica oleracea cultivars that form a tight head in the center of the plant, surrounded by thinner, flimsier leaves. Kale has been a part of the culinary tradition dating back to the ancient Greeks
Preparing salads and other dishes with kale seems to be a new health trend but this leafy green vegetable has been a popular food staple for centuries in various nations of the world. While not as widely loved as basic lettuce or spinach, it is an incredible source of nutrients and a worthy addition to any diet.
When you add kale to your diet, you will be benefiting from a huge amount of vitamin K (more than 1100% of the daily recommendation), as well as significant amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, copper, and manganese.
Additionally, there are decent levels of potassium, calcium, iron, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, thiamin, niacin, folate, and phosphorus. There are also a number of powerful antioxidants found in kale, namely lutein and zeaxanthin, as well as kaempferol and quercetin.
Finally, a single cup of this vegetable only has 36 calories but provides a notable amount of protein. Overall, the nutritional density of kale is extremely beneficial for a healthy diet.
There are a number of very impressive health benefits of kale, including its ability to boost skin health, reduce hair loss, improve digestion, prevent heart disease, defend against cancer, aid weight loss efforts, manage blood sugar, eliminate inflammation, detoxify the body, stimulate the immune system, strengthen bones and support good vision.
Tip: Adding kale leaves into a salad mix will improve the flavor profile of the salad, especially when the dressing has a strong sesame or soy sauce base to counter the flavor of the leaves.
Spinach is a member of the Amaranthaceae family and its scientific name is Spinacia oleracea. It is a green, leafy vegetable that is cheap and affordable for everyone. It is a rich source of minerals, vitamins, pigments, and phytonutrients.
All of these together make spinach very beneficial for a number of vital processes. Due to the vast range of benefits from this vegetable, it is advisable to consume spinach on a regular basis. One of the biggest reasons why spinach is so important and valued around the world is that it is very durable. It can even survive through the winter and be just as healthy in the spring.
Spinach can be eaten raw as a part of many salads, and it can also be cooked or sauteed down into a reduced form. This can be eaten as a side dish vegetable or added in a number of recipes for soups, stews, and casseroles. It is native to the Middle East and was cultivated in Persia thousands of years ago. From there, it was brought into China, approximately 1,500 years ago. It made its way into Europe a few hundred years later and quickly became a staple in a number of cultural cuisines.
The health benefits of spinach include skin care, improved eyesight, regulated blood pressure, stronger muscles, and prevention of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and hemophilia. It is also good for treating cataracts, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and neurological disorders. It helps in bone mineralization and exerts anti-ulcerative and anti-cancerous benefits. Aside from all this, it aids in the healthy fetal development and growth of infants.
The various health benefits of spinach are due to the presence of minerals, vitamins, pigments, and phytonutrients, including potassium, manganese, zinc, magnesium, iron, and calcium. Spinach is a green vegetable which has a very wide distribution. It can be grown as a backyard crop or bought from the market at affordable prices. It is a source of vitamins like folate, niacin, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin K, and contains traces of the rest of the essential vitamins.
Other important elements, including thiamine and riboflavin, which are used in various reactions in our body, are also found in spinach. Spinach is also rich in pigments like beta-carotene, lutein, xanthene, and chlorophyllin. The best part is that spinach has a low-fat content. Spinach offers a wide range of benefits to most of our physiological processes, whether consumed in raw or cooked form.
All topped with French dressing:
French dressing contains Red Wine Vinegar, Dijon Mustard, Dried Garlic, Paprika, Salt, and Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Garlic (Allium sativum) is a strong-smelling, pungent-tasting herb. It is a close relative of onion and is native to Central Asia. It has been used as a food-flavoring agent and as a traditional medicine. Mankind recognized the curative qualities of this magic herb over 3,000 years ago. Sir Louis Pasteur, the scientist who discovered pasteurization, effectively utilized the anti-bacterial qualities of garlic all the way back in 1858. World War I medical surgeons used the health benefits of garlic juice as an antiseptic for treating war wounds.
Allicin in garlic provides innumerable health benefits which include combating cold and cough, lowering blood pressure, fighting heart ailments, and preventing Alzheimer’s. It also helps relieve earaches, treat intestinal issues, cure wounds, prevent cancer, and relieve gas.
Garlic contains useful minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium, and iron, as well as trace minerals like iodine, sulfur, and chlorine. It is a rich source of vitamins like folate, thiamine, niacin, and vitamin C, A, K, and B6. In terms of organic compounds, it is one of the rare sources of allicin, allisatin 1, and 2. The herb is really low in calories, saturated fats, and sodium.
Most salad dressings should contain olive oil which has been used by mankind for many centuries. It is also utilized for cooking purposes, developing cosmetic products and soaps, for medicinal purposes, and as pharmaceutical supplements. It can also be used as fuel and for lighting lamps. Olive oil is an essential fruit oil, which we get from the olive tree crop found mainly in the Mediterranean regions.
The health benefits of olive oil include treatment of colon and breast cancer, diabetes, heart problems, arthritis, and high cholesterol. It also aids in weight loss, improves metabolism, digestion, and prevents aging. It is a staple ingredient for many culinary preparations and also serves a variety of medicinal purposes.
It helps in lowering the bad cholesterol levels in our blood, as it is rich in monounsaturated fats. The extra virgin olive oil variety contains the highest level of antioxidant polyphenols and oleic acid. It is thus a healthier option compared to other vegetable oils.
However, it also has lots of calories, so it should be used in moderate amounts for the best health results. The Food and Drug Administration recommends 2 tablespoons every day to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Rich in antioxidants, vitamin K, and vitamin E, olive oil boasts a very good nutritional profile. It has mono-saturated fats like oleic acid and palmitoleic acid, which constitutes 10g of the total fatty acid count of 14g in this oil. Olive oil is also free of carbs and cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of heart diseases. The calorie count of this oil is similar to canola oil or butter, at around 120 calories in 1 tbsp of olive oil.
After paying for the salad with your card, you take a four-minute stroll from the restaurant to your workplace where you’re about to do something in the few darkling hours.
This may involve calling your clients, entering some data on your computer, filing or documentation, or anything else that is termed as Work. Sitting on your chair pushing back and forth; you’re playing with that black ball pen you are holding and sipping green tea from your favorite mug.
It looks like the air conditioner in the hall is not working properly. Each employer in that hall among you understands in this moment that Life is not just a vacation you come on this earth to enjoy. But now you know that it is beautiful only if you take care of your body and mind by eating well, exercising, and thinking positively. You will not give in; no, you’ll accept your weaknesses and work on them. The rage of looking beautiful all the time is not there in you as you
However, one day of the year 2048 you will look at your reflection in a mirror you’ll see wrinkles on your face no makeup will be able to hide while your grandkids playing around you. A year when they will be adults. As they say not everything goes round and round. Some things go up and —
By the time you reach home all is dark. A young couple of street performers in their twenties, wearing skinny jeans, and baggy t-shirts — playing with rings and balls — just finish their act and start packing their stuff while collecting money from the ground. On your way, you see most people looking down on their phone screen. We’re very faithful slaves of this amazing technology. You take stairs instead of elevators to your apartment on level 3 of this building as you always like to do around this time.
Later, looking out of the balcony, onto the streets, You’re eating a bowl of salad.
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This comes with a spin: as one meaning from tax avoidance shown in the British Residence of Lords: Tax obligation evasion ... is actually a strategy made to conflict with or beat the noticeable intention of Parliament." Simply puts, income tax avoidance observes rule, but that counteracts the feeling of what our lawmakers intended. Many pitching coaches focus on slowing down, staying back, as well as preserving harmony. We learn the hills responsible for the colleges, the seashore, the desert, state, regional as well as urban area parks, bike paths and around the athletic fields on our campuses. Her substantial contributions on the ice may be traced back to her attribute as a group gamer, and also to her job values, which certainly never changes no matter the circumstance. When the individual avoidant copes, those ideas end up being real BECAUSE OF the avoidant coping. 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They ranked 12th in the nation in kickoff returns, led by All-American and also C-USA Exclusive Teams Player of the Year Quincy McDuffie, that was first in the nation with a 34.24 average. He has been an audio speaker at U.S.A Hockey Systems from Benefit and many mentoring symposia for the New England as well as New york city districts. Howard was named the Fantastic Northeast Athletic Conference Pitcher from the Year in 2004 as well as 2005, when his AGE in both seasons rated one of the top THIRTEEN in the nation. Parents and loved ones of student-athletes, in addition to non-official digital photographers are not permitted to be on the sidelines for photography purposes for any Mount Holyoke Sports sporting activity or venue. The CAVS Fund Board of Directors resides in area to help the Division of Sports along with its objective, keep the Cabrini Neighborhood updated concerning the success from all systems as well as operational necessities, encourage bureaucracy of long relationships between our components as well as the establishment, as well as help develop the individual as well as monetary information essential to reach department concerns as well as goals. She was a research study associate along with PHYSICIAN Davis in the Team of Biology, a three-time Centennial Association Honor Roll recipient and a 2012 Wellesley Summer months Science Investigation Aide. Athletics media reporter Jane Lee overtook the journalist to hear a number of his favored minds and learn who else he would certainly possess wanted to see coming from the A's visit San Diego.profeex.info please visit our own web site. twimg.com/profile_images/592623232747843584/xMqH2czT.jpg" width="193" /> In most cases, Core Own 8: Loss & Evasion operates hand-in-hand with Primary Steer 6: Sparsity & Quick temper considering that exclusivity and also minimal provides often happen packaged along with the anticipated fear from shedding that exclusivity or having that offer vanish. Partner Director of Athletics and past head ladies's instructor Jamie Marcoux and also head men's Volley ball Train Scott Reslow possess, over the past several years, thrown Special Olympics in the course of the spring season to obtain the sportsmens all set for competition. Dispute resolution skills and the desire to disagree are actually methods that can aid you far better serve customers. With the Oakland Sports' 2016 campaign finishing this past weekend,'s Alyson Footer and Athletics media reporter Jane Lee placed a wrap on the period and also discuss where the A's may go hence. Since her arrival, Baker-Watson has overseen the $26 thousand Stage Among the Sports and also Relaxation Facilities Plan of attack, the transition from males's and girls's lacrosse to NCAA university status as well as developed a brand new logo unit for athletics. The nutritional experts which made Balance Pub discovered that this assists the physical body feel total, possess enduring energy and also sustain actually normal blood sugar amounts. Tip right up. Just how that functions, I mix the outstanding toning and strengthening energy of Action aerobics, with the fun fitness-party that merely Zumba offers the dance-floor.. Construct a feeling of area within the athletics system including all athletics crews. This autumn, I brought my mountain bike from property and also carried out a few trips to Rutland to ride Pine Mountain Bike Playground as well as around the Kingdom trails in East Burke, Vermont. Organized due to the Mount Holyoke College Athletics Department, all the web proceeds created by annual golf competition straight sustain Mount Holyoke intercollegiate athletics. Act as emissaries for the Sonoma Condition College Intercollegiate Sports courses to create greater course visibility, certainly not only in the California Collegiate Athletic Association, however locally, regionally, as well as across the country. There is actually a table and electrical outlets so you can easily head out there certainly and research and this neglects the attributes park as well as the quarry. Parking: Stationing for residence athletics contests in the Lilly Athletics and also Relaxation Center is actually available in the Julian, Peeler and also Olive Street lots.
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