#or perhaps suzume
stickers-on-a-laptop · 6 months
did anyone draw hachi-aug and hachi-ohger together?
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mirai-e-jump · 7 months
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Animage March 2024 Issue ft. Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger Main Cast Member Interviews (translations below)
Publication: February 8, 2024 (between episodes 47-48)
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-Their six hearts are now united as one-
Sakai Taisei: Gira Husty/KuwagataOhger King of Shugoddam. In actuality, he's a being created by Dagded. He vows to his older brother Racules, who had been fighting to save their people, that he'll carry on his will as king.
Watanabe Aoto: Yanma Gast/TomboOhger King of N'kosopa. He was brainwashed by Hilbil, and was about to be consumed by the power that he possessed, but after being punched by Gira, he snaps out of it and they defeat Hilbil.
Murakami Erica: Hymeno Ran/KamakiriOhger Queen of Ishabana. While she was conflicted by the possibility of conquering death through the eternal life that Jeramie possessed, she was determined to use it to defeat Grodie.
Hirakawa Yuzuki: Rita Kaniska/PapillonOhger King of Gokkan and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. They trust Morphonia, their retainer who they've known since law school, and entrusts Gokkan to her as their potential successor.
Kaku So: Kaguragi Dybowski/HachiOhger Lord of Toufu. Wishing for the happiness of his younger sister Suzume, who is in love with Racules, he decides to remove her as a potential successor. Together with Rita, they seal away Minongan.
Ikeda Masashi: Jeramie Brasieri/Spider Kumonos King of the Bugnarak. He was born between a human and a Bugnarak, and wishes for both to coexist. He teaches his people, the Sanagim, how to live hand in hand with others. _
The Six Kingdom Unusual Incident Countermeasure Lifesaving Force, also known as: Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger. Centering around the kings of the six kingdoms of Chikyu - Gira, Yanma, Hymeno, Rita, Kaguragi, and Jeramie, it's an alliance formed so they can fight a common enemy, free of personal interests and across all borders.
The kings, who are the rulers of their counties, often took different actions after the formation of the Royal Sentai due to their pride, responsibility, and the mission and beliefs that they held in their hearts. Still, it's also true that a solid bond was formed through their battles.
The event that symbolized this was the second "Wrath of God" by the awakened Grodie. Making the most of their abilities and the power of their countries, the kings trusted each other, and skillfully worked together to bring the situation under control, achieving a miracle of zero casualties.
Even though they talk about it being for the benefit of their country or their own mission, the concern they have for their citizens is mutual. They may never get used to each other, but they don't hesitate to join forces when there's an emergency. This sense of distance and detachment is perhaps the greatest characteristic of the Royal Sentai.
The only remaining enemies are Kamejim, the last of the Uchu Five Jesters, and the Uchu King Dagded, who is responsible for everything. However, the Royal Sentai still don't have the means to defeat Dagded, who possesses unparalleled power. As the decisive battle between the Royal Sentai and Dagded approaches, let's see how it goes down until the final moment! _
-Gira's best scene!-
Murakami: My favorite scene is when he's eating a daikon radish in episode 4! (laughs).
Kaku: How nostalgic!
Murakami: I really liked it! Also, his "archaic smile" (episode 11).
Sakai: Ah! Towards the beginning!
Murakami: Yeah, the child of god Gira. The part with robo Gira was funny too. It's unforgettable.
Watanabe: I liked when he said "Woyal armz!" (episode 45).
Hirakawa: He said something like that (laughs).
Ikeda: That was cute.
Murakami: I liked that too (laughs).
Ikeda: His pill bug (pill taxi) outfit was also cute.
Sakai: I also liked the pill bug costume. And then, there was the confusing scene with Kaguragi towards the end……(episode 15).
Ikeda: The, "Laugh for me!" part. It's cool that you said it so seriously while looking like that.
Kaku: It was a passionate scene.
Ikeda: Jeramie was also watching that exchange nearby, so I remember that scene well. It was also funny to hear him say things like "Poopsopa" (episode 2).
Sakai: I wish I didn't say that.
Hirakawa: I think for me it's the trial scene in episode 5. Out of all the members, Rita was the only one who strongly judged Gira, and I remember Gira's reaction and the change in his facial expression when they told him the facts one by one during the trial. As the presiding judge, they're the only one looking directly at Gira's expressions.
Kaku: That seems to be the case now that you mention it!
Watanabe: As for cool scenes, I like the part in episode 17 when he dodges Yanma's fist. Taisei and I watched it back together 2 or 3 times and said, "Oh! This is it! This is it!" (laughs).
Sakai: Gira is often by someone's side. If it's a main episode for Yanma, he's by Yanma's side, and it's the same for the other. I think that main episodes with Gira being alone are probably the least common.
Kaku: That's true.
Sakai: Still, that's what I really like about them.
Kaku: I think for me, it's when he angrily armed himself with the royal armor in episode 29. When Jeramie betrayed them along with Gerojim.
All: Oh~!
Hirakawa: The part with Hilbil! He said, "That wasn't for you."
Kaku: Right.
Hirakawa: It was definitely cool when the beam of light shined from his eyes.
Kaku: Also, the scene where Gira's face turns into King-Ohger (episode 40).
Sakai: That might be my favorite.
All: (laughs).
Ikeda: Your facial expressions were good too (laughs).
Watanabe: The day after the broadcast, we called Taisei "King-Ohger" (laughs).
Sakai: I was the only one who truly became King-Ohger, so, it was an honor.
All: (burst out laughing).
Hirakawa: It's definitely special (laughs). Gira also has a good character song. I especially like the beginning.
Sakai: The English part. I think it matches Gira's worldview really well.
Ikeda: It's like a culmination.
Sakai: Right, Gira's a culmination.
Kaku: Eh? Shuu"taisei"? (*shuutaisei = culmination)
Ikeda: Yes, you got it (laughs).
Murakami: You're so quick at making puns like that……(laughs).
-Yanma's best scene!-
Kaku: My favorite was, (waving his hand) "Gi~ra~!"
All: "I've come to help you~!"
Murakami: The one where Gerojim impersonates him (episode 8).
Watanabe: That episode was my first time at Mt. Iwafune (a reoccuring location in the Super Sentai series), so I was really excited (laughs).
Hirakawa: Before filming, he looked at the mountain while brushing his teeth and kept saying things like, "Yikes" and "Amazing."
All: (laughs).
Hirakawa: When the camera was pointing at him, he was all smiley and doing peace signs (laughs). In the Yanma, or rather, Aoto scenes, he seemed to be having alot of fun during the body swap episode (episode 28) (laughs). It was funny.
Watanabe: I'm glad you weren't angry at me.
Hirakawa: I wasn't angry (laughs).
Kaku: You kept rolling your eyes (laughs).
Sakai: Do you feel like your range of acting has expanded because of that?
Hirakawa: Yeah, it's expanded. Yanma played Rita in various ways, so when I returned to being Rita, I think my range of the role expanded abit.
Watanabe: I see.
Hirakawa: I don't think you do (laughs).
Murakami: For me, I think it's the "Guess I've become a privileged person." scene (episode 35). Up until that point, Yanma often stood his ground, so I like how he accepted the situation as he watched N'kosopa burn.
Watanabe: That scene was made to look like it was in the evening, but we filmed it first thing in the morning. Furthermore, it was the first scene to be filmed for that episode (laughs).
Hirakawa: That's rough (laughs).
Murakami: Amazing (laughs). He talked about having privileges before with Hymeno, so I was wondering if he found himself back there by chance.
Watanabe: Yeah, he talked about it in episode 7. For scenes in N'kosopa, the hacking battle was also hard……(episode 2).
Kaku: It was really cold, wasn't it?
Watanabe: I couldn't stop my body from shaking or my teeth from chattering. I'll never forget that. I was only calm during the actual performance.
Ikeda: You were extremely focused.
Kaku: I'd name that one as one of the best scenes.
Hirakawa: I'd agree. You worked hard and it paid off.
Ikeda: There were two scenes that I particularly liked with Yanma. One was the scene where he announced himself to his opponent, Daigorg (episode 17). The way he said it was totally different from how he usually said it, and it was very manly. The other was when he was being manipulated by Jeramie (episode 36).
Murakami: That one was funny (laughs).
Ikeda: The awkward dance performance was so good that I bursted out laughing (laughs).
Watanabe: I learned the choreography from Ikeda Sensei.
All: (laughs).
Watanabe: I was told to improvise that scene, but I have no knowledge when it comes to dancing. I asked Masashi for advice, and he taught me the Awa Odori dance of Tokushima, his hometown (laughs). He really helped me out at that time.
Sakai: For me, it's episode 44. In episode 17, Gira dodges Yanma's punch, but in this episode, it's reversed. As I played the role, I was moved, as I was reminded of those days.
Watanabe: And after that, when we beat Hilbil, it wasn't a parody, but I said the same line as in episode 2, being, "Know your place!"
Sakai: That's right!
Watanabe: That was real hot.
Ikeda: Gira and Yanma have quite a few scenes showing the passionate friendship between them, don't they? Truly, a great duo.
-Hymeno's best scene!-
Watanabe: I think I'd pick the body swap (episode 29).
Hirakawa: The way she said "Royal Arms!" was amazing.
Murakami: I'm sorry for doing something that Kaguragi wouldn't do (laughs).
Kaku: It's mutual (laughs).
Watanabe: Matchless Murakami
Hirakawa & Kaku: Matchless Murakami (laughs).
Kaku: I haven't been able to watch the footage yet (at the time of this interview), but it looks like episode 46 will also produce some great scenes.
Watanabe: Yeah, it's between Jeramie and Hymeno. They said some wise words.
Kaku: The movie was also very good.
Sakai: I also really like, "No one can do it but me," when she saves Racules (episode 42). I feel that she's full of confidence.
Kaku: That was really cool. It had a "Black Jack" feel to it. (*character from manga series of the same name)
Murakami: I feel that most of the memorable scenes for Hymeno are related to her family and life.
Kaku: Also, the rage filled fight against Jeramie (episode 14).
Ikeda: I was scared at that time (laughs).
Murakami: Sorry for being so strong (laughs).
Watanabe: In the episode before that, we were beaten up by Jeramie, but this time Jeramie was instantly defeated by Hymeno.
All: (laughs).
Hirakawa: The power balance turned out to be amazing (laughs).
Sakai: There are quite alot of angry scenes.
Murakami: That's true.
Kaku: Especially when it comes to her family.
Murakami: Yeah, the word "you" comes out. I thought it was out of character for Hymeno, but that's what happens when it comes to family matters. (*informal "you" was used)
Sakai: When she got mad at Jeramie, Gira told her that it makes her face ugly.
Murakami: I remember the Director telling me at the time to "make an ugly face." (laughs).
Sakai: I feel kinda bad (laughs).
Hirakawa: For me, it'd have to be episode 30. It's the scene where she faces Grodie. As Rita, she stopped me when I was trying to use the secret technique, so I feel like there was a strong bond that formed between the two of us. It was filmed during the really hot season.
Murakami: It was really tough! I wasn't used to filming on location because we usually only film in the studio, so I was thinking, "I want to be freed from this heat!" (laughs).
Hirakawa: Well, we overcame the filming process by supporting each other. We gained alot from each other through the performance, and the relationship between Rita and Hymeno was established from episode 30, so it was very memorable. It's always touching no matter how many times I watch it.
Ikeda: The episode where Kamejim disguised himself as Hymeno was also good (episode 36).
All: Ah~!
Ikeda: The disguised Hymeno's performance as a villainess was amazing, and I think it showed the strength and beauty of the real Hymeno. I also loved how she said "Let's dance!" with so much energy (episode 34).
Hirakawa: You say that all the time (laughs).
Murakami: That's what Sakanashi Yume-san (KamakiriOhger's Suit Actor) says, so I get really excited when I say it (laughs).
Ikeda: Your pronunciation was also good.
Watanabe: I sometimes want to try and adlib in some English.
Ikeda: I get the impression that she uses English when she's agitated (laughs).
Murakami: That's what happens when I try to show her innocence (laughs).
-Rita's best scene!-
Kaku: For Rita……I guess we can't leave out the idol episode, huh? (episode 38).
Watanabe: Obviously.
Sakai: I think the idol episode is my favorite too. There's a scene where Gira fights with them over the Moffun picture book.
Hirakawa: That's right, that's right. The part with, "Moffun isn't needed anymore, right?!" We practiced that alot, didn't we? Things like, "I'll go this way."
Kaku: Oh~!
Hirakawa: We ran around alot.
Ikeda: I also liked when they changed into the royal armor with the idol costume. Girls must've loved that.
Sakai: It was like Sailor Moon.
Hirakawa: I spoke in a lower voice than usual. Rita was irritated.
Ikeda: Yeah, they were mad.
Hirakawa: Right, that's why it was very low.
Kaku: For upcoming episodes, there's another cool scene in episode 48.
Hirakawa: They say something to Yanma.
Sakai: It was cool.
Kaku: Also, Rita is silly when they eat something like dangos. They try to eat it from above their high collar (episode 5).
Murakami: Rita and food are a good match, huh?
Hirakawa: Eating scenes are pretty difficult. Ultimately, I couldn't even eat those dangos.
Kaku: Is that so?
Hirakawa: Originally, that scene was alot longer, as I was trying out different ways of eating it.
Ikeda: I also like the scene where they dive to grab Moffun.
Murakami: Ah! When they were tricked by Dagded! (episode 31).
Ikeda: Right, Hymeno was playing the role of the plushie.
Hirakawa: Rita shouts, "Moffun!" and lunges for it. My voice was added later during the dub.
Watanabe: Ah, "that one" is probably my best scene (laughs).
Hirakawa: Which? (laughs).
Murakami: He's laughing so hard (laughs).
Watanabe: The scene in episode 4 where Kaguragi calls Rita. It's the part where they walk very slow. Rita, in the beginning, every time they walked, they went super slow.
All: (laughs).
Murakami: It was the same for episode 5. They were reeeally slow (laughs).
Watanabe: I was like, "Can't you just walk normally?!"
All: (burst out laughing).
Hirakawa: You wouldn't stop complaining (laughs). He was saying things like, "Walk so I can hear you!" (laughs).
Watanabe: I want you all to watch it again (laughs).
Murakami: I think I really like the body swap episode (episode 28). If you look closely, you'll see that they're like a DJ (laughs).
Kaku: Yeah (laughs).
Murakami: Normally, Rita can't really break their character, right? That's why I really liked seeing Hirakawa Yuzuki when her screws were loosened. It was also funny to see them trying to get everyone in prison to go home.
Kaku: The "Yay!" part.
Hirakawa: The "careful on your way back" scene.
Murakami: Dialog like that wasn't written in the script.
Hirakawa: I was told to "Just do what fits" (laughs). I thought alot about what to do.
Watanabe: Also, they had such a happy face when they talked to Gira, who was in Jeramie's body.
Hirakawa: It's the part where they say, "We stomp him out and the problem will be solved." Rita never smiles, so I thought I'd show their teeth!
-Kaguragi's best scene!-
Murakami: I really like your interactions with Suzume. I especially like the scenes when Iroki appears from 17 years ago.
Kaku: Episode 37, right?
Murakami: Right. That episode depicted Kaguragi's determination and resolve, and the way he armed himself with the royal armor through the katana was cool.
Kaku: Well, I thought I had been forgiven for everything.
All: (laughs).
Ikeda: I want you to sell me that katana.
Sakai: I'd pick the scene with Iroki from that episode. The exchange with her while the castle was burning was really amazing.
Ikeda: When Suzume first appeared, his "siscon" behavior was uncanny but cute (episode 15).
Kaku: It's not Suzume (acting that way)? (laughs).
Ikeda: Right, it's Kaguragi (laughs).
Watanabe: For scenes with Suzume, I liked the look on his face during Racules and Suzume's wedding (episode 20).
Kaku: He was abit dazed and confused (laughs).
Watanabe: I really like Kaguragi's facial expressions. At some point, you mentioned that the way you smile is based on Ghibli films.
Kaku: Yeah, I think we talked about that.
Watanabe: I remember thinking, "I didn't know he had such an approach!" The scene in episode 39, where Kaguragi looks up at the night sky after defeating Goma made me think, "Ah, this has a Ghibli feel to it!"
All: Ah~!
Watanabe: The way he grinned was very Ghibli like (laughs). It's hard for me to explain it well though.
Ikeda: Does it feel alittle creepy?
Murakami: The smile didn't match the setting, so it's very memorable.
Watanabe: It comes off as creepy and cute at the same time.
Kaku: Cute? (laughs).
Ikeda: Also, there's that other best scene too. His sleeping face when he swaps bodies with Hymeno (episode 28).
Watanabe: The sleeping face of an angel.
Ikeda: An angel (laughs). The sigh that came from him……what else can I say?
Watanabe: An angel's breath.
All: (laughs).
Kaku: You're teasing me~ (laughs).
Murakami: Can you please stop making yourself cuter than the "real one"? (laughs).
Kaku: No, no, the "real one" is cuter than me, right?
Ikeda: (looking at Murakami) Your face is becoming bright red (laughs).
Murakami: Eh? You're kidding?!
Sakai: It's really red (laughs).
Hirakawa: I think it's episode 45 for me. Kaguragi and Rita didn't have that much of a relationship with each other. They didn't have that many scenes together in that episode either.
Kaku: That's true. It's because they're both together with Morphonia and Suzume.
Hirakawa: Right. I really enjoyed the scene where the two of them used the power of the King's Proof.
Kaku: I also became a red oni.
Murakami: That was amazing (laughs).
Hirakawa: That red oni was wild (laughs).
Ikeda: He was as red as Marie's face just now.
All: (burst out laughing).
Kaku: My bad~ (laughs).
Murakami: I seriously need you to cut it out (laughs).
Watanabe: The person in charge of being cute for King-Ohger is me though~
All: (laughs).
Hirakawa: He went and said it (laughs).
Ikeda: You're putting yourself in a dangerous position right now.
Watanabe: These two guys here (Murakami and Kaku) are tough.
Kaku: Does that include me? (laughs).
-Jeramie's best scene!-
Sakai: There's alot for Jeramie.
Murakami: First, there's the battle with Desnarak (episode 26). I really liked that one.
Kaku: We made fun of it by imitating the "It's bright…" scene.
Hirakawa: It's funny when the person who actually fought says it (laughs).
Kaku: Still, that scene was good. While recording the dub, I actually cried.
Hirakawa: That's true, I could hear you sniffling next to me.
Ikeda: Immediately after the recording he said, "I can use this line when inviting someone out to a drinking party."
All: (laughs).
Watanabe: "You're coming too," right? (laughs).
Hirakawa: That's what he said (laughs).
Kaku: Yeah, that's right (laughs).
Hirakawa: I think for me, it's the scene where he declares the founding of his nation in the live broadcast to the people (episode 26).
Kaku: It was something about humans and Bugnarak joining hands.
Hirakawa: Right, "I want you to pass on the story that we were able to reconcile." That speech was really good.
Murakami: I think Jeramie's slightly mischievous and childlike nature is also a key point. It was the same when he was manipulating Yanma in episode 36, or the episode with Racules and the whoopie cushion (episode 19). I guess I like those mischievously funny scenes. There are alot of cool scenes though.
Kaku: It was really cool when the Spider Mask came off (episode 11).
Hirakawa: He flung off his cloak
Kaku: I used to imitate the line, "I'm just an old fashioned storyteller."
Ikeda: And you were good at it.
Kaku: That's when the Jeramie Brasieri competition started, hosted by me (laughs).
Ikeda: Oh yeah. "Is there anyone better than me?!" Isn't that what you usually said?
All: (laughs)
Kaku: That's right.
Sakai: I wonder what it was like stepping on Jeramie (episode 37).
Watanabe: We were trying to eat Grodie's rice balls in Toufu. Gira, Yanma and Hymeno trampled him.
Sakai: It was surprising to see that Gira would step on Jeramie, and I had to put alittle effort into it during filming (laughs).
Ikeda: Yanma was rubbing my butt (laughs).
Kaku: That was funny (laughs). I don't know why Jeramie was being stepped on, since the episode didn't depict that part.
Sakai: I wonder if Jeramie was desperately trying to stop Gira and the others. He gets pushed too hard, and then that happens.
Hirakawa: He gets crushed by three people.
Murakami: Sorry about that time.
Ikeda: Hymeno was the nicest.
Watanabe: It's episode 29 for me. After Jeramie finishes giving his fake speech, Jeramie's song (The Prophet) plays when the five fight.
Hirakawa: It was good!
Watanabe: Jeramie wasn't there, but it felt like the six of them were fighting.
Ikeda: In that scene, you could see the relationship between the five of them from their expressions.
Murakami: It was also sad and beautiful when he said, "Sweet dreams" and then disappeared.
Sakai: It was great (applauding).
Ikeda: Thank you.
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aurorangen · 5 months
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The question stuck to Suzume all day. Do you have a special someone? No, she doesn't. She wonders about dating but never had the time or courage to do so. "You know what, let's do this," Suzume turned on her laptop and created a dating profile. Coming to Mt.Komorebi was a chance to rediscover herself; a chance to find hope again, new passions, and perhaps love.
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akq96618 · 6 months
[ king ohger oc ]
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i think i should make a proper post abt them, so here it is!
(thx a lot to @ponopyonq for reading my rambles about them, i keep doubting myself to post them but i got encouraged by you ;-; ily bro)
Selen (Selen Idmonarak ne Brasieri Hastie)
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-Son of Gira and Jeramie -his name based from Selenopidae (wall crab spiders), i love how it's eyes described as 'resemble the moon'
-calls jeramie by papa and gira by toto (shorts of otou-san, but as he grow up he called gira by otou-san)
-everyone's friend <3
-spent most of his time at shugoddam, but sometimes he visited bugnarak cave.
-loves reading encyclopedia, esp. about animals and insects
-his bugnarak hand can't shoot spiderweb, but he's agile and good at climbing
-also good at hiding (either his feelings or hiding for hide and seek-)
-jeramie's bedtime story is his favorite, especially story of the ohsama sentai
-his close friends are buun (as his right hand) and diabolica (pao's oc!!!)
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brief idea of selen here!
Takane (Takane Dybowski-Hastie)
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-Daughter of Racles and Suzume
-her name based from takane-ruri kuwagata (platycerus sue imura)
-Older twin
-truly women of toufu
-nobody knows what's inside her mind (except Mitsuba)
-she has no interest on being king or succesor
-she pursued medical studies at ishabana instead
-calls everyone by '-chan' (selen---ren-chan, mitsuba---micchan, rion--ricchan)
-friends with Rion. Since they shared the same interest on fashion
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Mitsuba (Mitsuba Dybowski-Hastie )
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-Son of Racles and Suzume
-His name based from Mitsubachi (honeybee)
-Younger twin
-admires his father and sometimes help his job as chikyuu's 'tool'
-mitsuba and takane calls racles by otou-sama and suzume by okaa-sama
-loves to eat, but never gained a lot of weight
-kaguragi's student, maybe soon to be succesor
-really excel at talking and persuade others, esp. after being kagu's student
-Selen is like a little brother to him, not just his cousin
-pretty chill and not as energetic as his twin sister, but he'll show his scary side to those who disrespect his family (including those who badmouthed selen and giramie)
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brief ideas of hastie-dybowski twins here!
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-Yanma's pupil -go by they/them
-their name based from coenagrion puella (azure damselfly)
-around the same age as dybowski-hastie twins
-for some reasons, the Nkosopaz raised them since they're 6 yrs old and Yanma took them as his pupil
-their relationship with yanma is kinda like yanma and gin. Sometimes they'd fight, but Rion respect him a lot, actually
-closest to shiokara and usuba
-only use honorifics to shiokara
-actually they don't really care abt their gender, ("what's important is being the coolest ever and aiming to the top!!!!" -rion, perhaps)
-even if with no shugod soul, they create their own shugod for transportation (it's a damselfly, ofc)
-had a crush on mitsuba-
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lol they're fun to draw
also last one, their dynamic chart! (?)
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virtualcarrot · 7 months
[KKIR] Modern AU - Teaching Pains Pt3
Part 2
Prompt 3: Crushes
Not one to forget his manners, Iruka takes the time to thank Izumo for his update on the latest developments before stomping up the hallway with a resounding scream.
"Kakashi-sensei !”
The door damper at the teachers’ lounge is a familiar enemy to him. He still gives it the good old college try, but as usual there’s only frustration to be found instead of any actual thudding.
Still, his entrance is impactful enough that Suzume takes one look at him, adjusts her glasses, and makes herself scarce.
At the desk he’s claimed for himself, behind a small succulent and a figurine of a brown pug with a vest and headband, Kakashi perks up.
“Iruka-sensei!” he all but chirps in greeting.
“Do not ‘Iruka-sensei’ me, you know what you did. Setting fire to your classroom!” He hears his throat strangle the words in horror even as he says them. “What were you thinking?!”
“That it was an excellent teaching opportunity.’’
“A fire?!”
“In my defense, it was a controlled one.’’
“You had to put it out with a fire extinguisher!”
“Yes? that's what those are for, Iruka-sensei, it's right there in the name.”
For a brief moment, Iruka contemplates committing unspeakable acts of violence.
In the end, he pulls a chair to sag into. The backrest is low, and he sinks down with his legs spread until it meets the back of his neck. With his head thrown back, the sight of the ceiling proves to be a blessedly neutral balm to his frayed nerves.
A bit bright, though.
He throws an arm across his eyes with a groan. “Please tell me you at least cleared it with Hiruzen-sensei.”
A huff of laughter makes him fear the worst.
“I did,” Kakashi says, with the sort of casual mirth which drives Iruka to understand that Hiruzen, distracted by the study of one or another item of his personal collection of ancient books and shodō scrolls, gave some form of blanket approval.
He heaves a long sigh at the thought, slowly unwinding from his outburst. Kakashi lets him be, humming to himself as he jots down something likely unrelated to the grading he’s supposed to be doing, perhaps the answer to a crossword or the solution to one of the outlandish logic puzzles he’s fond of tearing out of magazines. Some fights aren’t worth the bother, Iruka has learned over the months since they started working together. He can let the man have some hobbies. So long as Kakashi’s writing then he’s not busy reading tawdry erotica out in the open.
Iruka lifts his arm tiredly to shoot an accusing look.
“You're going to give me so many gray hairs,” he complains.
Going by the creases of his visible eye, the idea seems to amuse Kakashi greatly. “Can’t say I see what's so wrong about that.”
And, saying that, he tilts his head in a way that makes his own hair flutter.
The sight is almost entrancing, gravity defying spikes catching the light in thin threads of silver. Of course Kakashi doesn't mind having gray hair. It suits him, in a roguish way, gives him an air of distinction that is far too appealing.
Iruka’s been getting far too comfortable.
He pulls himself into a more conventional sitting form. Kakashi seems to take that as a sign he’s open to communicate with.
“Admit it,” he taunts, crow’s feet tight at the corner of his eye, “you wish you’d seen it.”
Iruka gives him a flat look to make up for the smile he can't hold back in response and he takes possession of the #1 Dog pencil-holder mug on the desk in retaliation. “I still might. By tonight, someone will have uploaded it, if it hasn’t already been, boasting about having the coolest teacher ever.”
Kakashi’s eye loses all playfulness. “Jealous?” he asks, but it doesn’t sound like a dig at Iruka. If anything, in the sudden weight of his gaze, Iruka could almost see a form of concern.
“No,” Iruka lies, watching the pencils tilt as he turns the mug in his hands. “You’ve been doing good work with the kids, you know,” he adds, because that at least is true. “Naruto’s improved by leaps and bounds thanks to you. I’m glad you’re here.”
When he looks up, Kakashi’s smiling at him again. His expression looks softer, almost fond.
“They do look up to you,” Kakashi says, reaching to pick the mug and replacing it with another, which has been steaming by his elbow. “It’s just easier to work with them in small groups. I leave the wrangling of full classrooms of teens to the professionals. Couldn’t pay me to do it.”
 Iruka brings the mug to his lips, only to pull a face and away. It’s the blasted brew of their terrible coffee maker. “I don’t know how you drink this stuff without any sugar, honestly.”
“It builds strength of character,” Kakashi quips instantly, tugging down his mask as he retrieves his drink. “Which you’ve got more than enough of already,” he adds as if to reassure Iruka, barely hiding a smirk as he drinks.
Iruka can’t help the upturn of his own lips at the words.
“I wouldn’t say you’re lacking,” he says with a huff.
“Clearly you'd be wrong. Haven’t been granted my school trip yet.”
It’s a tired argument but Iruka can’t help the need to make his case yet again. It’s unclear that all parents could pay for it, for starters, and that's not taking into account the students without. While Sasuke’s grades have earned him an additional scholarship, Naruto would be absolutely devastated to be left behind.
“You know we don’t--”
“--have the funds, the school’s open to orphans, the state doesn’t cover that, yes, yes, I know,” Kakashi finishes. There’s mild frustration in his voice but he doesn’t sound argumentative. More like he gets Iruka’s point, for all that he’s not fond of what makes it true.
For that, Iruka can’t help but give him a grateful smile.
“We’re waiting for a grant. Maybe next semester,” he says.
If he’s honest, he’d quite like to go on that school trip to the observatory himself. Kakashi has pretty much sold him on its merits and, well, he’d be a very foolish man indeed to miss the opportunity of listening to a lecture by professor Hatake himself.
He shakes the thought clear from his head, and meets Kakashi’s eye.
“Did you at least re-enable the fire alarm?” he asks and watches Kakashi go very, very still.
“I wouldn't forget something like that,” Kakashi retorts, but already Iruka can see the seed of doubt taking root.
As someone known to triple check the lock on his bike, he sympathizes.
Kakashi pushes up, readjusting his mask. “And on an entirely unrelated note, I must leave you.”
“Do wipe the whiteboard clean while you’re at it,” Iruka says mercilessly, chuckling at the half-hearted wave Kakashi sends over his shoulder.
Then he’s alone.
On the desk, the coffee mug has stopped steaming. Soon, it’ll reach a wasteful point of lukewarm. And while it’s shit coffee, it’s also free energy.
Iruka pulls a few packets of sugar from the unused stash accumulating in Kakashi’s drawer, dumps them into the mug, and resigns himself to his fate.
Part 4
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spandexual · 1 year
I love how with even the reveal that Kaguragi's affections towards Racles were in fact affectations we still don't really know what the fuck is going on with them. Like genuinely What Did He Mean By This
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to me this feels like a case of him being swept up by Kaguragi's quick steps in the dance of their throne room communiqués (yes this is another bee reference, but did you know that the tango was originally performed by two men?), all the flattery and feigned innocence going to his head. He brags openly but with such artificial insouciance about the crown and its power, it recalls a teenage boy trying to impress an older girl with the flashy car his rich daddy bought him while still trying to look cool and aloof except they're both in their fucking thirties lol. Granted, neither have had a normal upbringing so it's understandable that he's a bit. Like That. lmaoooooo (Racles is heavily unlikely to have had friends at all, let alone girlfriends (or boyfriends) growing up, and most certainly would have been tutored within the castle, and though we're still not 100% on Kaguragi's backstory, I'm rather doubting he was just a simple peasant before the uprising, given the ease of his manner in the theatre of politics. A child of a noble rather than royal family? The former Queen of Toufu we saw a picture of having 3 dots on her face compared to Kaguragi's 4 and Suzume's 5 makes me wonder if in fact Kuroda-san is lying about his past completely, as that certainly seems familial in the way the Hasties share their little forehead lipstick lines...)
and then This
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THIS more than anything makes me wonder about the nature of their relationship, and how complex it really is. Kaguragi feigning submission to him in order to steal the lance is one thing, but if it were as simple as Racles being completely fooled by that, I don't think he would have realised this, let alone admitted it out loud. This sounds like it's something he's been aware of (and perhaps subtly scolded, see: Bosimar's rather tired "wasn't that more than he needed to know?" that this cap is in response to) for quite some time. The way he fidgets with his hands so much in this scene makes it seem like he has a lot on his mind too. Could Racles have been letting Kaguragi deceive him, for his own means? He's still clearly A Bad King and not sympathetic in the slightest, but it might not be as cut and dry as it has seemed in this first third of the show.
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Here we see that Racles knows Kaguragi very well indeed. The callback to Kaguragi's previous excuse (which he was not there for) of ninjaing his way into the throne room being "[I'm] just out for a stroll" implies that this is a rather common and weak excuse, and that he's caught Kaguragi out more than once snooping around. That he continues to let Kaguragi inside the palace despite this...?
This, too,
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implies he's well aware that Kaguragi plays dumb to get his way and get out of trouble, and that he's been letting him do so. Why? What does he gain from encouraging such behaviour? Toufu is obviously the most important nation to control, being the world's food supply as well as just the physically largest territory, so there might be a bit of wanting to keep Kaguragi appeased while still keeping up the appearances of dominating him and keeping him under control. But who knows.
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That he just stands there, speechless, when Kaguragi takes the crown and lance instead of lashing out at him is interesting too. Does he know he's lost and there's no point in putting up a fight? (though he puts up a decent one against Gira, despite being very obviously outgunned) Did he truly want Kaguragi to take the crown away, and does its use have some negative drawback that hasn't been revealed? Is he just so heartbroken by betrayal, unforgiving of himself to have fallen into Kaguragi's honey trap? Girl who knows but I'm having fun
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asknarashikari · 4 months
Do you think the King-Ohger moms are just in the afterlife having a tea party while discussing over who's going to have the cuter grandchild? And while this is going on, most of the kings (baring Yanma and Kaguragi) along with Racles and Suzume would just be sneezing up a storm everything they get mentioned
Perhaps, after beating the holy crap out of all the assholes who made their kids' lives an utter mess of course. Grodie is also punished by being forced to sit through the extremely loud tea party and being made to listen to all the gossiping and the excessive, exaggerated tea-stirring (and passive-aggressive barbs at him)
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moondal514 · 2 months
i have not read mdzs yet so i'm aware i'm the least useful person to ask this lol BUT for the wip game, the title 'a glow in this morning’s sky' stuck out to me so. i am humbly asking about it
WIP Game
Hi Jane :)
You know funny enough I actually highly rec MDZS for AFTG fans cuz despite being 2 completely different genres the 2 series have this strange continuity about them that make them go well together in my mind (though perhaps that’s just cuz MDZS was my 1st major fandom after my main AFTG brainrot died down 😂)
a glow in this morning’s sky is an au based on the movie Suzume, which I loved so much when I watched it that after I finished the movie I immediately was throwing all the various fandoms I’m in at the wall to come up with potential au’s inspired by it. The one that stuck best was my idea for MDZS because Jin Ling is very much primed to take a Suzume-type role with the way he is a teenage orphan raised by his uncle and over the course of the story has several revelations about the world he has been living in. I decided to gender-swap all the characters cuz I felt it was only right in the spirit of Suzume itself to have as much of a female cast as possible. Here’s a snippet:
She passes by what must have been a village a long time ago. There is evidence of life that once existed: trampled wooden planks, tattered cloth, and shattered tools. A broken white, sharp thing that may be bone.
She shivers.
It’s cold. She is alone. She is scared.
She sniffs, eyes bleary. A sob escapes her mouth. She furiously wipes her face, refusing to let tears fall, and continues to stumble her way through the dirt, through the graveyard silence of this place.
She collapses to her knees at the top of the hill, before the destroyed ruin of a lotus pond. Burned plant remains float on muddy water, black and uprooted. There is no life here. Not anymore.
She pants exhausted breaths. The air puffs white before her. The wind dances through her unbound hair, cuts through her winter cloak.
The sound of splashing snaps her head up. In the water a figure forms in front of her: white robes and long hair.
The girl’s eyes widen.
Jin Ling wakes up with a gasp, the remnants of tears already drying on the corner of her eyes.
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thenxghtwemxt · 4 months
@bourgeoning | Suzume and Midori, Within Japan's Private Veranda
Forgiveness is meant to be warm, like an embrace or a touch of a hand. But its only ever been cold in these last few months. Except, perhaps, with Kazu. The advisor's young and energetic son who, unlike everyone else at Japan's court, had taken to her. Maybe because she was like a child herself. She's halfway through a conversation about monkeys when she sees Suzume lingering, just off the corner of her eyes. "So long as you do not steal anything from an animal you can't outrun... You should be fine." Midori assuages with a small laugh, rounding off the topic of stolen bananas from the grand breakfast. "Look, child." A term of endearment that always made Kazu laugh. "It's your mother."
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lemonadecandy103 · 1 year
The biggest problem with Psycho Pass is it couldn’t generate a new audience as time progressed.Of course cyberpunk social commentary with philosophical references is a very niche genre in itself.But people both Japan and overseas practically rejected the third season.Which doesn’t bode well for the series’s longevity.Because from my understanding the torch have been passed to legacy charecters already.The recent release and psycho fes made it abundantly clear that the audience for psycho pass are all from 2012-15 era who are only there for the OG squad.They don’t necessarily like or care for PP3 charecters.Releasing PPP in this chronology is weird to me because they already did a soft reboot and the legacy charecters are supposed to be important for the conclusion somehow or I assume so.Shouldn’t they put more effort into making them connect more with the audience?What I find interesting is they are getting a significant number of Kougami x Akane shippers with PPP which I imagine is their worst nightmare scenario for them(I don’t care about their baiting at all)and definitely isn’t something they are looking for.All I am saying is if they are doing legacy they should just commit instead of baiting and make the new gens more well fleshed.But then again that doesn’t guarantee popularity or acceptance either so idk.
Hi! All great points!
I believe the fact that Psycho Pass as a story survived 10 years is largely thanks to our wonderful creators who love the concept and characters so much that they wanted to keep it going.
As we see with most reboots, when the audience gets new characters thrown at them, it's very hard to make an emotional connection to them immediately. My personal opinion on Season 3 (and this my opinion, others may feel differently) is that it was fun. I wasn't too emotionally invested, - I could casually watch it. There was some great choreography with Arata's parkour and the fight scenes; and of course I was there to inhale any legacy cast crumbs that were sprinkled in. I actually re-watched Season 1 recently and there was definitely a stark contrast in how I felt about the separate installments.
I do understand a potential reason to release PP3 + FI before PPP may be to have the audience grow some interest in the new cast before the release of such an $$$expensive$$$ insane budget and frame rate film.
I think the characters definitely have potential. Arata is criminally asymptomatic and Kei is an immigrant who "chose" to live under sibyl (although with all the turmoil outside of Japan, it maybe wasn't a choice), those could be interesting stories if developed properly.
The rise in Ko x Akane shippers is something that also intrigues me. Then again, I don't have any numbers on hand nor have I performed any statistical analysis to claim that it's significant [Disclaimer]. I have a ~theory~ that perhaps the studio and the marketing team especially thought of highlighting our heterosexual "couple" as a promotional tactic. I recall reading how this was an issue with Suzume, where Makoto Shinkai no longer wanted to write anymore screenplays with hetero couples because he felt he already exhausted everything he had to say on that, but his higher ups insisted, so we ended up with a male lead who was a chair during 75% of the film. That being said, I don't know what the PPP creators were expecting even if this was just a marketing strategy... I don't think anyone in the room thought: "let's release a 4K HD highly detailed screencap of Kougami and Akane literally on top of each other in the premiere handout - yeah people will definitely only see them as purely professionally colleagues from that" (I have to admire the detail on that photo, because everything down to the broken glass and reflection on the glossy floor definitely looks like hours of work that an overwhelmed artist did with their own 2 hands). With that and all the interviews containing denial of them ever being an official couple, I suspect there's some disconnect among the team as a whole... but who knows - I wasn't invited to this meeting ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Now, my biggest critique is that the story with our legacy characters wasn't formally concluded before they introduced the new squad, and that's frustrating. Because now, we're stuck in the middle where both sets need to get some level of attention - and that's expensive. Drawing, writing, voicing this huge cast. The PPP character list is probably the most amount that Psycho Pass has had to work with in a single installment, so it was a reach endeavor to say the least. However, the general thoughts on Akane is that her character arc will be complete after PPP. She's reached her resolve and will likely serve as only a support or a mentor going forward (if we ever get more PP that is).
I am excited to see Providence regardless of the mixed feelings on it. From all the content that has been released, one thing is certain to me: this movie was made with a lot of love. For the world-building, the characters, the emotions, the fans. That's not something I can say about most films these days - especially animated films (particularly in the West). So I will thoroughly enjoy the everything out of this.
That being said, although I want more PP content, I think there should only be one more installment (whether it's a movie or season) to wrap up the rest of the story with Bifrost/Peacebreakers/Kei&Arata's motives that were left open-ended in PPFI. Having something go on forever is worrisome, because it's hard to keep the momentum up for so long - especially on the creative team's part (unless it's One Piece I suppose). I just want all the characters to have proper epilogues and leave the rest up to interpretation by the audience. Ending strong is always more noteworthy in my book - because that's the most recent impression that people will have after consuming the content, so it's very crucial to nail the third act even if we mess up in the middle. If we end on Providence (& Psycho FES if we count that), then judging by the Japanese audience reception so far - it seems like a strong endpoint. I'll be content with that.
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bourgeoning · 3 months
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a  street  buzzing  with  activity  is  not  the  sort  of  place  that  suzume  frequents  .  too  much  noise  ,  too  many  people  —  both  tolerable  ,  but  her  preferences  skew  toward  something  far  less  congested  .  still  ,  she  presumed  there  is  some  merit  to  participating  in  the  festa  (  even  if  it  is  ,  perhaps  ,  only  for the  opportunity  to  absorb  the  warmth  of  the  sun  between  rainstorms  )  .   ambling  through  the  marketplace  ,  she  scans  the  wares  of  a  nearby  table  for  something  to  jump out at her , to give her pause and ponder , if only for a moment .  instead  ,  she  notes  @classiqals  @monarhrh  @xforgedsecrets  lingering  in  her  periphery  ,  long  enough  for the  need  to  address  them to feel necessary  , "  do  let  me  know  if  i  am  in  your  way  .  "  tone devoid of affect  ,  neither  hostile  nor  friendly  .  "  i  am  not  looking  for  anything  in  particular  .  "
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flcralhaze · 3 months
closed starter ›› suzume so - toshiko , @bourgeoning where: japan's apartments aboard the kōtetsu.
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he turned  the  letter  from  the  tsarina over in his hand after looking it over yet again. promising words transcribed onto the page yet no indication of evidence that had led to the discovery of culprits. patience was required, and faith that all would be revealed once they reached their destination, but anxieties tugged at the emperor's mind. with a sigh, he glanced over at his cousin.   ❝ do you think justice awaits us in brazil? ❞   hope filled his eyes. if suzume felt similarly then perhaps his mind wouldn't question it as often.
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gloriousncss · 6 months
@bourgeoning ( dilara & suzume ) Location: somewhere in lal qila Time: early evening
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Beginning to grow a tad restless, Dilara simply could not wait for the fate of her family's future now hang in the scrutiny of such a rumor. Perhaps, a few days prior, the stakes were not quite as high, but since they were practically accused of murder by one of their own, it was imperative that she plant as many good seeds as possible with Japan, the betrothal that she needed so desperately to secure her family a happy future long after she's gone. After all, they practically had Germany in their grasp. There was no one better for them and, as far as their first encounter went, there was no one kinder. "I assure you, these are mere rumors," she'd pleaded with his cousin, the Royal Advisor of course, she'd done her research on the Japanese Royal Family, "My brother is an unimaginable state of grief, he does not know the weight of what he accuses us of. I, nor any of my family, could think ourselves capable of causing such pain," though, the stains on her reputation as a heartbreaker did not help her case.
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aurorangen · 1 year
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Just as Suzume was about to leave, she was greeted by the smiling Eiko Kobayashi: the previous owner of Taiyou Bakery! They talked about how she could no longer carry on the business since her husband's passing away. Suzume saw she was trying to hide her despair but she faltered when she said no one was interested in the property. Perhaps this was an opportunity for Suzume to work towards. Surely she wasn't the only one who missed the treats.
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hyperobsession · 6 months
hi :D
can i get uhhh 4, 12 and 21 perhaps for the song ask game?
4. is from an underrated artist
Brennisteinn - Sigur Ros. Basically never encountered any online discourse about them so I count them as underrated.
12. is in a movie
Writing on the Wall - Sam Smith, great song from Spectre. Really nice song. And I already mentioned Suzume.
21. someone recommended to me
Rockstar Sea Shanty - Nickelback or Beh - Korben Dallas. I wonder from who were these recommendations 😈.
Thanks for the ask 💖!
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bloomz-page · 1 year
What's a girls gonna do? a diamond's gotta shine! 𔓘 ⋆ ゚
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knock, knock . . . who's there? oh, my dear buddies, it's lovely to meet you! allow me to share some facts about myself . . . ☆
📜 hello, dearest friends! the name is lavender mist minèrva, i go by that pretty name as my pseudonym in this virtual realm. it'll be lovely if you addres me as lavender, lave, minè, or kathya (my old nickname), but I'm totally okay with any nickname you prefer! ♡
i already reach my legal age (20). a proud enfj with aquarius sun scorpio moon and taurus rising as my zodiac. oh, and the type of my account is unlabeled!
i tweet primarily about my daily activities and occasionally publish my photo dump. i enjoy discussing my current interests and occasionally sharing screenshots from those interests, such as webcomics, book pages, or movie sequences. this is not a spoiler-free account! 🪄
☆ My music preferences and interests 𓇼 ⋆。˚
perhaps, our tastes are similiar.
spotify is my 24/7 buddy! 🎧 for me, there's no day without music. I'm listening to kpop a lot, especially 4th gen k-pop . . . but my ultimates are boynextdoor, enhypen and a lot of girl groups! (current favorite: tripleS, newjeans, ive, kiss of life, illit). my favorites soloist are taylor swift, NIKI, laufey, mitski, olivia rodrigo, and conan gray! I listen to them a lot. i listen to japanese pop as well, such as aimer, yoasobi, fujii kaze, and CHiCO with HoneyWorks! wave to earth, AKMU, lucy, and yerin baek are my favorites k-bands. indonesian songs i often listen to are from nadin amizah and tulus! last but not least, i looooove listening to sudio ghibli's soundtrack!
i love watching movies 📽, especially anime! studio ghibli and anime movies take up the biggest part of my movie interest. here are some of my favorites anime movies: The Secret World Of Arietty, When Marnie Was There, Whisper Of The Heart, Nausicaä Of The Valley of The Wind, Howl Moving Castle, Suzume, The Garden Of Words, Your Name, A Silent Voice, Summer Ghost, and Belle. My favorite anime series all the time: Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen, To Your Eternity, Fruits Basket, Noragami, Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun, and Haikyuu!!
lately, i've been interested in watching k-drama! my favorite k-drama all the time: Twenty-Five Twenty-One, 20th Century Girl, A-Teen, Class Of Lies, School 2017, Weak Hero Class, and Wightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo.
of course, don't forget about this one! series and western films. honestly, I can say that I'm not really into western movies . . . but in this past year, after i finished the Harry Potter series, i decided to watch western movies more often! 🪄✋🏻 and let me tell you my current favorites: Harry Potter, Stranger Things, Wednesday, Gilmore Girls, Princess Diaries, Enola Holmes, and Miss Perigrine's Home For Peculiar Children. 🎞
books, books! 📚 i love reading books as well, especially fiction and self-improvement! for fiction, i don't have any specific genres . . . i can say that i'm flexible to all genres as long as i'm interested in the story line. but, maybe romance will take the biggest part! ◡̈  ༘ *
do you have any recommendations for webtoons or manga? pleaseeee tell me! i love reading webcomics, but it's hard for me to find webcomic that match my interest . . . maybe your favorite can be my favorite too! *wink* but here's my favorite webtoon all the time: Tweening & Knitting Room! 🧣🧤
last but not least, I love writing fiction and studying about self-improvement & self-love. i can label myself as a lifelong learner, or maybe i'm just trying to be a lifelong learner (?) well, both are okay! i love watching TikTok or Youtube videos that talking about self-improvement and self-love ·ᴗ· my current favorite Youtubers are Thewizardliz, Tam Kaur, and Firlyn!
A note, note . . 📄
i'm using Indonesian and broken English as my daily tweets ·ᴗ· i use a lot of kaomoji! m y account is safe for minors, but under 15, please dni. islamphobia, homophobic, lgbtphobic please don't ever interact with my account. i rarely use content warnings for food pictures or real-life pictures! let me know if i made a mistake or my tweets accidentally hurt your feelings, through private messaging, i would gladly fix my attitude. last but not least, my dm is always open! i love having a chit-chat with my precious mutual, so feel free to knock on my door.
dear buddies, thank you for reading my not so greeting paragraph! i hope we can be a good friends, have a lovely day! ♡
lots of love, lavender. ☆
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