#or offer some casual snark
smolcrow465 · 5 months
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yippee! old summer dreams drawing I had stashed somewhere <3
this is one of my favorite silly parts of the au-- Matt's dad ends up partnered with Wizardmon, who eventually does revive & reuinite with everyone :] bringing him to the radio tower ends up with many shenanigans <3
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suraemoon · 5 months
Could I please request jealous Rosie hcs or Rosie reaction when you are the initiate the first move hcs. Thank you 😊
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I’ll admit right now that the turn out time for this is embarrassing. You’ve caught me in…I think the most stressful week of 2024 so far buttt here we are. My deepest apologies. I’ll be better. Here’s some Rosie. 🌹
Jealousy, Jealousy:
Rosie is very protective of his girl but not overbearing. He knows how secure the relationship is and trusts you to make good decisions. But, of course he notices when another man is getting a little too friendly. When at public places, Rosie doesn’t usually get far enough away for stuff to like this to happen, but due to how drop dead gorgeous you are (the pretty smile that can brighten up anyone’s day, the sparkling eyes that resemble a steady pond, the million dollar legs that give Betty Grable a run for her money) the bold men stay bold. Laughing at things that aren’t meant to be jokes, getting a little too close, etc. He is the king of passive aggression and snark. It’s so obvious that he’s annoyed. Just by the tone of his voice, anyone with common sense can tell he isn’t amused.
An arm wrapped around your waist, interlocking fingers, a random kiss to the temple.
Increased use of the words “us” and “we”
Just plain out saying that you’re his ____ (girlfriend, fiancée, wife, etc)
He’s not subtle but that’s because he has no reason *to* be subtle. He’ll happily let the whole would know he’s yours and you’re his. He’ll redirect conversations, end them as soon as possible, whisk you away into the crowd.
The next day he casually comes across the same man while you’re at home, safe and absolutely clueless of the intersection. That talk isn’t pretty, I’ll tell you that. He’s a lawyer, he has a way with words. It’s direct, serious, and straight to the point. It’s in his job description to argue but it isn’t really an argument, due to the fact that the other man is left terrified of Rosie. Stood frozen in place, shocked. It’s like getting yelled at by a stern parent. Let’s just say…you never see that man again and if you do, he steers clear of your path like you’re a black cat on a halloween night.
A Feminine First Move:
Anon, you’ve got the thought of Rosie’s reaction to a girl making the first move stuck in my head and it’s so adorable. I’m thinking it happens when he first comes to Thorpe Abbotts and is so awkward and dorky. (Talking about flying planes in underwear, you know…the usual) His nickname is Rosie for more reasons then one, he has the prettiest blush. When you walk up to him offering a drink at the bar followed by a slow dance to the romantic jazz of the band, his cheeks are a shade of pink for the whole rest of the night. He’s taken back over how a girl as pretty as you can be so invested, so quick. Imagine his awkward conversation fillers; your siren eyes are so distracting, staring deep into his soul. You listen intently to every single word, a trait that’s appreciated but nervewracking at the same time. He stutters as he talks, trying not to bring up anything embarrassing that would bring it all to ruin.
He tries to keep up with your flirting by replying with some romantic remarks of his own. Soon he gets into the groove and you two have such a magnetic energy. It’s dazzling, it’s exciting, it’s everything. He really gets into his element once the surprise wears off. That doesn’t stop him from reverting back to his dorky, adorable self once you give him a kiss goodnight, your red lipstick on his pink cheek. He waits until your out of sight to dance his way to bed. You two dream of eachother that night. It’s the blossoming of something new, something special.
the dancing i’m talking about lol
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Are you a bit Snarry curious, but also sorta wary and unsure where to start? Good news: I have some recs for you!
Snarry is a tricky ship for some folks. All of its most problematic themes are what draw me in personally, but that's not to say there aren't some safe places to start for a newcomer!
What I've chosen are:
Nothing too long, so you can get a little taste to see how you feel. So I'm looking at 50k or under.
Nothing "problematic" or as few "problematic" themes as I can get. No underage. No power imbalance. No consent issues. (...or at least nothing egregious haha.)
Works that also maintain some integrity to Harry and Severus' individual characters, and the tension between them. If I play it too safe it won't feel properly Snarry to me! Half the fun is the tension between them, so we must keep that!
So...If you wanna check some out, keep reading!
An Awkward Customer
by AnyaElizabeth. Rated: E. Words: 10,768. Postwar. EWE. Romance. Humor.
Snape can't figure out why Potter is hanging around his shop.
Why Read? A nice rom-com based on the prompt: "Harry makes a bet with someone that he could seduce anyone if he put his mind to it, and that someone selected for him is Snape, naturally." Severus owns an apothecary so we get some nice flirting at the workplace!
a scratch for every itch
by bleedcolor (@bleedcolor.) Rated: T. Words: 11,478. Fluff & humor. Magical maladies. Friends to idiots in love. Romance.
Severus Snape is an itch that Harry just can't scratch.
Why Read? Surely fluff is a safe place to start! And as a person who isn't often drawn to fluff, this is one I love, and is a comfort read of mine. Very sweet and silly and a great place to dip your toes in!
Dumbledore's Folly
by Dementordelta. Rated: M. Words: 47,446. Romance. Courtship. Oldie but a goodie!
Snape must court Harry according to wizarding traditions.
Why Read? I've reread this fic countless times over the years and it's still such a fun read. If you like arranged marriage/courtship fics, this is the one for you!
The Interrupted Kiss
by emynn. Rated: E. Words: 24,291. Postwar. Romance. Hurt/comfort. Mystery.
Once upon a time, Severus Snape shared a kiss with Harry Potter. Then Harry had disappeared after killing the Dark Lord, leaving Severus the reluctant darling of the Wizarding world. When Dumbledore insists on throwing a ball in Severus’s honour, Severus is convinced the world has gone completely mad. But when he comes across an ashy-faced young man whose half-answers about his identity haunt his every thought, Severus realizes that a ball might be the least of his worries.
Why Read? What safer place to start than a fairytale? If we ignore that most original fairytales are pretty effed up, actually. This is a Cinderella-inspired work. Severus is the Prince (naturally), and Harry is the wandmaker (cool career, right??) who attracts many cute animals! (He does not sing to them, though; what a shame!)
This Time of Ours
by emynn. Rated: E. Words: 35,442. Time travel. Hurt/comfort. Romance & drama.
Severus Snape wasn’t supposed to die. Neither was Harry Potter.
Why Read? Emynn has plenty of great Snarry fics, which is why you're getting 2 recs! We start with some fun snarking, move onto sweet bonding, and then...second chances! Very light, enjoyable read.
On the Deficencies of Translation Spells
by LilaDiurne (@liladiurne.) Rated: E. Words: 41,130. Getting together. Magical theory. Professor Potter & Professor Snape. Beaubatons. Pining. Light angst. Minor Harry/others.
Divorced, single, and free, Harry lives a completely unapologetic life in Paris. Between casual hook-ups and an easy, comfortable job, he likes to think he is as close to happiness as he'll ever be. And when he gets offered a teaching job at the prestigious Académie Beauxbâtons, he thinks he may have found exactly what was missing. But Harry is thoroughly unprepared for what he finds there - a familiar face that's been haunting his dreams for six years.
Why read? It's very Harry-centric. It's Harry's POV, and very about Harry and his journey as he moves to a new place, in a new phase of his life, and settles in. There's an existing connection and attraction between Harry and Severus, and one that unfolds so sensually and beautifully. Harry's very much an adult and mature and has lived a lot of life when he and Severus reunite.
by mia_ugly (@mia-ugly.) Rated: E. Words: 48,123. Time travel. Romance.
Snape sees the man, for the first time, on his twenty-fifth birthday.
Why Read? It's a classic! It is very beloved in the community for good reason. Gorgeous writing. The relationship develops so naturally, and the pure emotion will knock your socks off. Potentially the best place to start for Snarry. I'm not a big fan of time travel, but I love this fic!
Revealed, Gently
by sarkysue. Rated: T. Words: 22,243. Postwar. Romance. Humor.
Snape isn’t dead, he’s back at Hogwarts and in need of an assistant. Coincidently, Harry is hanging around Hogwarts, reluctant to move on with his life. Cue sniping and snarking, tears and laughter and, possibly, love.
Why Read? It's fun. It's cute. It's a bit silly. It makes great use of how not easy it would be for these two, and having a blast with it! There is arguably a power imbalance what with Harry being Snape's teaching assistant, but it doesn't really feel like much of one. It's only a great opportunity to force these 2 to hang out long enough to fall in love!
The Sleeping Prince
by who_la_hoop. Rated: T. Words: 42,758. Postwar. Deaging. 8th year.
It's hard to ignore your past — and impossible to do so when you can't remember your future. But a meddlesome portrait, a dragon with an ancient grudge and true love's kiss teach an unlikely Prince that a regrettable past doesn't have to mean an unhappy ending.
Why Read? While probably the most questionable on the list, it's still fairly tame. Student Harry and his developing feelings for Student Severus, who is deaged postwar. It feels very much like a feel good teenage romance, wherein the characters very much act their age, awkwardness and all! The only caveat being things change a bit at the end, but there's no underage and it is rated Teen, to be fair!
The Beating of This Fragile Heart
by Writcraft (@writcraft.) Rated: E. Words: 33,146. Hurt/comfort. Fluff & angst. Serious Injury. Romance.
After the war, the last thing Severus Snape needs is the memory of a fleeting wartime kiss and a very persistent Harry Potter thwarting his plans to live a peaceful and solitary life. It’s only when Harry’s life is endangered that Severus is finally forced to confront his feelings head on.
Why Read? If you're coming from Drarry, you might be familiar with Writ's works! They've written plenty for drarry and some rare pair works, and they are a fantastic storyteller. This fic in particular is very romantic. Full of hesitancy and insecurity, and seeing how the relationship begins and how it unfolds and changes (for the better) when Severus is forced to deal with his issues. It's quite a journey but so full of love from start to finish and it's just so lovely and full of feels and one I return to again and again.
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pascalispretty · 7 months
Come Take It Out On Me
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Javier Peña x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 2034
Warnings: enemies to lovers, snark, bondage, softly dominant Javi, oral sex (f receiving) (Javier Peña eats pussy like a champ), teasing
Summary: You and Javier may not know how to talk, but you certainly know how to fuck. (ao3)
Notes: Written for the lovely @survivingandenduring for the Space Sister's Valentines! The first fic I ever wrote on here was Javier Peña and enemies to lovers, and your prompt was such an inspiration to revisit that whole vibe. Also the song 'Good in Bed' by Dua Lipa was a major inspo. I hope you enjoy! (also unbeta'd because I cracked a bone in my foot, pls be gentle).
It’s late when you get back to your apartment. You had taken yourself out for a drink after work, dressing up in a tight black dress and a swipe of red lipstick. But the admiring looks and offers to buy you another drink irritated you more than they flattered you. Instead, you had made your way over to a payphone and punched in an all-too familiar number.
“Hey, Peña. You wanna come over and fuck?”
Not particularly subtle, but it got the message across.
Back home, you pour yourself a drink and settle in to wait. Your heels are pinching your toes, so you kick them off. You’re vaguely aware of the room becoming warmer, the heat clicking on as the temperature drops.
You’re topping up your wine when there’s a loud knock at the door. You nearly roll your eyes when you open it. Javier Peña has his arm braced against the doorframe, leaning into it like he’s posing for an advertisement for the tight Levi jeans he’s wearing.
“Hello, Javier. I was starting to wonder if you’d forgotten about me,” you tell him, lifting your wineglass to your lips. He takes it out of your hand in a smooth gesture, draining it and shoving it back into your hand as he walks into your apartment.
“I wish,” he mutters, pausing to light a cigarette and helping himself to a glass of scotch from your bar. “I was late at the embassy; a knot needed untangling that had ‘CIA’ written all over it. The Castaño brothers seem to think you’ll hand them the whole country.” You top up your wine, smirking at him over the rim of the glass.
“You have a very misguided perception of what we do, Agent Peña. It’s not all toppling governments and hobnobbing with dictators.” Sitting on the armchair across from him, you tip your glass in a mock toast.
He sits with his legs spread apart, the tight jeans hiding absolutely nothing as he watches you. The silver-blue haze of his cigarette smoke hangs in the air between you, giving his features a strangely soft edge.
“Well, if anyone could find common ground with a dictator it would be you.”
“And yet, you’re here. What does that say about you?” You ask, raising an eyebrow at him. It almost always starts this way. The two of you can’t seem to help needling at one another, determined not to let a jab go unanswered. He’s too holier-than-thou for your liking sometimes, pretending that the DEA’s hands are so much cleaner than that of the CIA.
Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, the two of you discovered that all that tension somehow translated into pretty phenomenal sex.
“It says that payday is at the end of the month, and I can’t afford my usual.” Peña says, his mouth curving into a smirk. “Besides, you buy the good stuff.” He drinks more of his drink, pulling the ashtray closer with his free hand. You appreciate that even though he doesn’t particularly like you, he draws the line at ruining your rug.
“What can I say, I appreciate quality.” You say nonchalantly. “Which is why you’re here right now, and not some random stranger who couldn’t find a clitoris with a map.”
“We all have our talents. Are you going to sit over there all night? Even I might have trouble finding it from that far away.” He says it casually, but you know him well enough by now to pick up on the undercurrent of need in his voice.  He’s not alone. That annoyingly familiar need had been making itself known in the pit of your stomach all night, that insistent itch that only Agent Javier Peña could really scratch.
You uncurl from the armchair, setting your wine down on the table. Javier looks up at you with those beautiful dark eyes as you settle into his lap. The seams of your dress strain to accommodate his body between your thighs, and you swear you hear a few stitches popping.
Up close, you can breathe the scent of him in. The leather of his jacket and the tobacco of his cigarettes mixes with something heady and masculine and him. You have no other word for it. You imagine that it would sell like crazy if somebody managed to bottle it as a cologne.
“Is this better?” You ask softly, looping your arms around his neck. He nods, eyes trailing down your body, lingering on the neckline of your dress.
“The view has improved.” He leans closer, pressing a soft kiss to the curve of your breast where your dress leaves it exposed. His moustache prickles the sensitive skin, his lips quick to soothe the scratch.
Your fingers slide into his thick hair. He’s still holding his glass and his still-lit cigarette, so after a moment he pulls away.
“I’d rather not light your rug on fire,” he says, leaning around you to flick the butt of his cigarette into the ashtray. With his now-free hand, he cups one of your breasts, squeezing gently. “You should wear dresses like this more often.”
“I’m sure that’d go down really well at work,” you tease, sucking in your breath as he hooks his index finger into the neckline, tugging it down further. The lace of your bra peeks out, the red vivid against the black of your dress.
Peña ducks his head again, trailing more kisses across the newly-exposed skin. Every brush of his lips is only making you wetter, even if he’s not doing much to encourage it. Bastard.
Though it’s not wholly unfair. You can feel him starting to harden underneath you, and you can’t help rocking your hips against him in encouragement. He nips at the curve of your breast, before leaning back.
“Take your dress off.” He gives you a little nudge with his hand, as if he wants you off his lap.
“So bossy, Peña,” you sigh, letting your nails scratch his scalp. You feel the shudder that runs through him, but he’s persistent.
“You like it when I’m bossy. Get up, and take your dress off.” He’s right. He might not know how you like your coffee or when your birthday is. But if there’s one thing Javier Peña knows, it’s what you like in bed.
You slide off his lap reluctantly, standing in the small space between the couch and the coffee table. While he finishes the dregs of his drink, Javier runs his eyes over you. There’s something so hungry in that look, like he’s deciding where to begin with a delicious feast.
The dress zips in the back, and you have to twist awkwardly to catch at the tab. With another man, it might make you feel self-conscious. But with Javier, all you can see is the want in him. The fabric loosens around your shoulders as you undo the zip, and you shrug the dress off in one fluid motion.
Peña casts an appreciative eye over your lingerie, leaning forward in his seat. When he reaches to set his glass down on the coffee table, he shifts so close that his hair nearly tickles your abdomen. A soft, disappointed sound escapes you when he doesn’t touch you, when he doesn’t take the opportunity to haul you back into his lap. Instead he just looks up at you, a hint of a smile on his lips.
“Gorgeous,” Javier murmurs, almost to himself. With one last lingering sweep down your body, he stands up. There’s barely an inch between you, your calves bumping against the edge of the coffee table as you shift back to accommodate him.
“Take me to bed?” You ask. Peña doesn’t say anything for a moment. One of his large hands comes up to cradle your jaw with a gentleness that never fails to surprise you. His fingers are warm on your skin, and you find yourself melting into his touch once more.
“Bed,” he agrees, his thumb gently sweeping over your lower lip before his hand drops back to his side. You lead him towards your bedroom, even though he knows the way by now. He’s been here more times than you can count.
At the threshold of your bedroom, Javier loops his arms around your waist. Your back moulds against his chest, his nose brushing your temple as he leans to whisper in your ear.
“Do you want the belt tonight?” He murmurs, and you nearly melt into a puddle at his feet. The belt is something Javier indulges you in occasionally. He’d drawn a hard line at bringing his handcuffs into the bedroom. The two of you had compromised with softer things; a silk scarf, his ties, a pair of stockings. And, of course, his belt.
“Yes please.” Your eyelashes flutter closed as Javier presses soft kisses down the line of your neck, humming contentedly against the skin. His clever fingers have your bra undone before you realise he’s moved his hands, and you let him slip it off you without complaint.
One of his hands moves to your waist, encouraging you to turn around. Every brush of his fingertips sends more warmth pooling in your core, the gentle brushes of his skin against yours making you shudder. Without him having to ask, you offer him your wrists.
Peña takes his belt off with one hand, a move that you’re almost certain he’s practised. It’s so attractive that you don’t even tease him about it. Instead, you find yourself taking a shaky breath as he loops the soft leather carefully around your wrists.
You could slip out with ease if you wanted to – it’s part of the reason Javier agreed to the belt as a compromise when you’d asked him to tie you up. You’re at a loss to explain why the buttery leather around your wrists makes you feel so good. Satisfied that it’s not too tight around your wrists, Javier gives you a small, but unmistakable, smile.
With a gentle push of his hand on your waist, Javier encourages you backwards until you’re lying on the bed, your arms stretched above your head.
“Que bonita,” he murmurs, settling himself between your legs. He’s still fully clothed, aside from his belt, and it makes you feel more exposed by comparison. One of his warm palms slides up your leg, squeezing the inside of your thigh before coming to rest agonisingly close to your core.
“Fuck, you’re so wet.” One of his fingers brushes against your core, making you jump. “You’ve soaked your pretty panties.” The edge in his voice makes you whimper, your legs falling further apart for him. He slides your underwear off with ease, and before you can catch your breath, the warm heat of his mouth envelops your clit.
It’s nearly painful, how good it feels. His full lips wrap carefully around the bud of nerves, applying just enough pressure to make you wail. Your head is spinning with the pleasure of it, your world shrinking down to your body and Javier’s mouth. You clutch at the pillows above your head, moaning with abandon. Fuck your neighbours. If they knew Javier Peña, they’d understand.
He lets go of your clit and nuzzles against your slick folds, his tongue lapping hungrily at your flesh. The noises he’s making are obscene, muffled groans mixing in with the wet sounds of his mouth.
Then, as abruptly as he’d started eating you out, he stops. The loss of his mouth is devastating, and you’re about to wail at the unfairness when his hand slides up your body. His warm palm forms a loose necklace about your throat as he looks down at you, his chin wet with your slick.
“If I let you come while I eat your pussy, do you promise to let me make you come on my cock too?” He asks. He’s entirely serious; you’ve never met anyone who takes pleasure quite so seriously.
“God, yes. Knew I did the right thing by calling you,” you tell him, practically slurring your words. He gives you that smile again, a gleam in his eye as he trails kisses down your body.
“You can always call me, baby.”
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an-idyllic-novelist · 2 years
Hi, could I request for a Lady Tamayo!Reader paired with Buddha?
This reader was revived by Brunhilde to be the doctor for the 13 champions and she's loyal (not too loyal) to her bc she saved her from her punishment from being a demon.
The scenario would be that they met when she treated him after his fight and they got to know each other after that?
Please and thank you
Here it is! Special thanks to @nixes-noxes for proofreading/editing to make sure that the characters weren’t OOC. Enjoy and have a lovely day/evening!
Warnings: manga spoilers
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Buddha was…a difficult patient. Despite all of the odds that were stacked against him in his fight with Zero, he won. Yet his victory for humanity isn’t an excuse to sneak out of his room to bask underneath the canopy of his bodhi tree and enjoy a passing breeze with sun shining down from the sky.
That is one of the reasons why Brunhilde had summoned Lady [First Name] [Last Name] from Helheim despite being a demon; before she had been killed by Muzan after drugging him with an elixir during their confrontation in the Infinity Castle, Lady [First Name} had been a doctor. Together with her companion Yushiro, she helped as many humans as she could with their alignments,including those who had been afflicted with Muzan’s poisonous blood and became flesh-eating demons.
In retrospect, dying to give the Demon Slayers a chance to destroy the man who had ruined her human life wasn’t a terrible thing…but Lady [First Name] had not expected to wake up in a dark wasteland teeming with demons that were just as dangerous, if not more, than the demon king himself. It was through sheer dumb luck that she had survived for so long until the Valkyrie had brought from her ‘punishment’ and offered her the position of being humanity’s chief physician in the medical wing.
It did not take the young woman very much time to give Brunhilde an answer. At this point anything was better than being stuck in Helheim. Disinfecting wounds, monitoring a patient’s health, and making sure that they are being properly fed? Yes. She can do that.
But the demon did not recall that being the ‘chief physician’ also meant chasing after a stubborn god.
Shaking her head in disbelief, Lady [First Name] walked up the steep grassy hill as best as she could in her [Favorite Color] kimono and zori sandals till she was standing right behind Buddha, munching on snacks that she specifically recalled telling him to cut back on until he was ready for the next stage of his treatment.
“Why am I not surprised to find you here, my lord?”
“Should ya even be surprised anymore, doc?” Buddha snarked back, unwrapping a candy bar and throwing it in his mouth. “Besides, do you really believe I’d miss an opportunity to get some fresh air?”
She frowned. “I never said that there was a problem with being outside, Lord Buddha. In fact, it is supposed to improve your sleep, cognition, and overall well-being rather than being confined indoors all of the time. I did, however, say that you can but it would be in everyone’s benefit to inform myself or the staff that you wish to go outside instead of sneaking out. Lady Brunhilde was quite upset when she came to the medical wing earlier this afternoon to find out that you were…missing.”
“Bruni will be fine, she’s a lot tougher than she looks, believe me. Let her focus on the eighth round. I might have won but we still need more wins if the gods’ll leave the humans alone. More importantly,” He glanced over his shoulder, a single aquamarine orb staring right at her. “Do I even know you?”
Lady [First Name] tilted her head, staring at him for a moment before smiling softly. It appears that Lady Brunhilde was not joking when she had casually mentioned just how laid-back Buddha is…or simply doesn’t give a shit about anyone. The Valkyrie’s words, not hers, thank you very much. But being a doctor secretly researching demonic transformations or performing blood transfusions did not have its own issues. She also had to handle human patients too. Inhaling a deep breath through her nostrils, she calmed her anger before answering Buddha.
“All you need to know is that my job is to ensure the mental and physical health of all humanity’s champions, Lord Buddha. It goes against my oath as a doctor to force a patient to do something against their will. In this scenario, however, I offer…an ultimatum.” She paused, staring at the blonde-haired deity. Since Buddha didn’t interrupt nor look away, the demon took this as a cue to elaborate.
“I will speak to the staff and allow you to lounge outside here or in the greenhouse until a fixed time. When that time is up, you must return to your room and rest. Yes, this is a curfew, but this is the best that I can offer you right now. You may no longer be in critical condition, though there is a chance that your health or recovery might have some setbacks.”
She could tell immediately that Buddha wasn’t too thrilled with this restriction. No one likes having someone hovering over their shoulder or counting down the minutes until they have to go back to their room when all they want is a little time to themselves before running through medical tests for the nth time of the day.
“Is there any chance you can include snacks-”
“That will be taken into consideration once your bloodwork comes back, Lord Buddha.” Lady [First Name] chuckled, witnessing one of the most powerful gods pouting petulantly like a child. Shaking her head, she decided to do something that she hadn’t done in all of her years of practicing medicine: she sat next to him under the bodhi tree, paying no heed to getting grass stains on her kimono as she stared up at the floating islands of Valhalla in comfortable silence.
He did not say anything….that was progress. Maybe?
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wynnyfryd · 2 years
“You ever heard of the Easter demon?” Steve asks casually around a mouthful of hard-boiled egg.
“Huh?” Eddie asks, looking up just in time to see Max flick Steve on the back of the head and say, “You’re supposed to be coloring those eggs, asshole, not eating them.”
“This one was broken!” Steve protests, and wow, he must really be going soft. Didn’t even sass her for the language this time.
Eddie dunks his own egg into a cup of blue food coloring, sucking a stray splash of the bright liquid off his thumb. “What’s this about the seasonal occult?”
“You would be into Steve’s dumb scary stories, you nerd,” Erica snarks.
“Can you not say ‘occult’ so loudly?” Mike throws a worried look over his shoulder. “My mom, like, just agreed to let you start coming to our house again.”
“Right, fine,” Eddie rolls his eyes and crosses himself in the wrong direction. “Steve, you were saying?”
“Mm, yeah. My cousin told me about it when I was a kid. Said if you took black-dyed eggs out to that old cave in the woods off Freeling Road and left them as an offering, you could summon a monster. Big freaky bunny thing with fangs or some shit.”
He pauses to take a sip of water, get the egg yolk out of his mouth. “I don’t know, man. I mean, he was always trying to spook me; I’m just curious if it was a local folktale or if he totally made it up.”
Eddie chews the edge of his fingernail, the vague outline of a really fucking stupid prank forming in his mind. “Oh,” he says solemnly, “that’s all true, actually.”
“Fuck off,” Steve laughs.
“No, I’m serious,” he says, eyes going wide. He kicks Robin under the table. “Robin, back me up here.”
“Huh—? That’s—” Her eyes catch on his, and he does his best to silently communicate ‘Buckley, you owe me so hard for stalling Vicky at the shop the other day so you could flirt with her for half an hour.’
Message received, because Robin’s face goes all drawn and serious, and she lets her hand shake a little as she dips her egg in the pink dye. “I mean, after everything we’ve seen? I’d believe anything.”
“You could always go investigate,” Dustin says, ever the little scientist, and see, this is why he’s Eddie’s favorite.
“What do you say, Stevie boy? Wanna go hunt a killer Easter bunny?”
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thebibutterflyao3 · 9 months
Day 7 - Prompt: Beloved @jegulus-microfic
December Daily Series - 489 words.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
Some people were content to observe the world as it circled around them, rather than engage with it. Regulus might be one of those people, but James wasn’t.
The longer he watched Regulus’s controlled, elegant choreography, the more he wanted to try it for himself. James wasn’t particularly graceful, but he was drawn to the rhythmic swish of Regulus’s hips to a beat that he couldn’t hear. When Sirius trailed off to the side of the rink, James redirected toward the centre.
He didn’t want to interrupt him, so he circled closer gradually until Regulus noticed. Once they made eye contact, James sped up and slipped in behind him. He followed Regulus’s lead and did his best to mimic the skater’s steps as they skated backwards in looping circles.
After a few turns, Regulus’s hips stiffened and his entire body tensed. James frowned, thrown off by the shift. He backed off to give the skater more room to move, but it didn’t seem to help.
Suddenly, Regulus skidded harshly on the ice. He swivelled around so fast that James didn’t have time to react and he crashed hard onto his bum. Staring up at the furious glare of Regulus Black made James feel rather small and bug-like.
“What are you doing?” he snapped.
James offered an apologetic grin and held out his hand. “Trying your routine. It’s harder than it looks.”
Regulus scoffed, “You’re lucky I didn’t knock you flat for invading my path.”
“I mean, you kind of did.”
“That’s not my fault, you fell.”
James inhaled deeply and tried again. “Look, I’m sorry. I figured you could use a partner and-”
He scrunched his face when he heard how that came out. “I didn’t mean that you needed one, of course. Just that if you wanted one, I was available.”
“I skate alone.”
“Oh, alright.” James dropped his hand to his lap when it was clear that Regulus had no intention of helping him. “Got it.”
Regulus pulled his ear buds out and rolled them in his hand like dice. He still looked uncomfortable, and his voice was distinctly annoyed when he whispered, “Stand up. People are staring.”
“Yeah, right.”
James hauled himself upright and brushed off his bum. When he was steady on his skates again, he shoved his hands in his pockets and slid away as casually as possible.
“If you change your mind, I’m still available,” he tossed out with a half-hearted laugh.
The incredulous expression on Regulus’s face was answer enough. Any progress that he thought he’d made earlier was well and truly gone now. He was back at square one. Or, potentially negative one.
“Smooth. Really bloody smooth,” a girl snarked as she skated by, rolling her eyes.
James nodded and headed for the boards. Perhaps Regulus had the right idea after all. He would have been better off observing from afar instead of succumbing to his beloved zeal for action.
Next Part >>>
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Gotta say, I'm surprised and incredibly happy with how much y'all seemed to enjoy the first chapter! Don't know what I was so nervous about lol.
Right, as promised, chapter 2, and more soon to follow!
It would take some time after breakfast was already made and eaten before Frank felt ready to leave on their ill-fated grocery trip, continuously finding excuses to delay in little busywork around the house. Some cleaning here, reorganizing shelves of books, and gee I'm sure I must've left the oven on!
It couldn't be put off forever though. Eventually, he knew, Eddie would come back from his business, and Frank had to know before then. There'd be no leaving the house under the watchful eye of their beloved husband, no avoiding his questions when he spoke in that sweet, caring tone of voice. Frank loved the man, in part because of how deeply cherished he made them feel in return. It'd be cruel to hide the truth from him (if truth's what it was) and let him continue to think his lover was merely sick. Getting dressed for the day (he'd not be seen outside in PJs!) they donned a mask as well- for posterity's sake, and in case he really was contagious after all. Better safe than sorry.
After all of that, and with the heavy weight of finality in their chest, Frank stepped out through back door of the house and made his way towards Howdy's shop.
They knew by now that Eddie would've come and gone from there, likely voicing his concerns over Frank's current health to the resident shopkeep. Oh well, if Howdy gave him lip for being outside while sick, they had no trouble telling him to stuff it.
He was busy stocking shelves when Frank came in, hardly pausing when he saw them but still offering a chuckle. "Mornin' Frank, you look like shit." It was a friendly tradition between the two by now, and normally Frank would've responded with a roast of his own. But they had little energy for such things at the moment, his mind too tangled up in fears and what-if worries to try for an insult. Luckily, the bug did seem to get the message, and Frank could quickly slip unseen past the corner and into the pharmacy aisle.
There they were, the dreaded purple boxes. The thing that would soon decide his fate. Frank thought briefly about why their town's store would stock this many- there were only a few womb-havers here, and even fewer who'd realistically ever put the thing to use. Still, suppose they were there just in case. Just gotta grab one, they thought. Grab and b-
Buy it. Frank would need to buy the thing from Howdy. The idea had seemed doable in the abstract, but now that they were here...he couldn't do it. Having to look him in the eye, face his questions, try to make jokes...Frank swallowed hard, fighting the rising lump of bile. But he couldn't just walk out without it!
Glancing around quickly, they pressed himself close to the shelf, silently praying forgiveness for what he was about to do. A box was torn open at its seal, the contents swiftly stuffed into the waistline of their pants, and the empty shell stuffed behind the others as discreetly as he could manage.
His heart was racing with nervous excitement. They'd never stolen anything before. Should he just walk out like this? No no, surely that's too suspicious. Grabbing a bottle of cold medicine as pretense for being in that aisle, Frank walked through the rest of the shop as casually as he could manage, even as their mind screamed at each passing second.
Bunch of bananas (on sale!)
A loaf of bread.
Some cheese.
Four things was enough, right? Just a normal quick trip to the store, nothing weird with that. Nothing strange, he'd done nothing wrong.
The caterpillar had long since finished up restocking when Frank approached his counter, the normal indescribable level of snark in his eyes as he watched them. "All set?" he said, taking a look in the basket. "Not much today, eh?"
Frank let out a noise meant to be non-commital and bored, but ended up sounding more like they were suffering from stomach pain. Still, it worked somehow, earning little more than a raised eyebrow from the taller. "Yeesh, you do look terrible," he said, all teasing aside for a second as he spoke in genuine concern. "Tell ya what, I won't ask for a joke this time- tell me a fact. Know you're good for that, won't be hard on your noggin."
Oh if only you knew, Frank thought miserably, how hard everything is for me right now.
He racked their brain for a moment, trying to think of a fact he'd not told Howdy before. They'd told him plenty, it was after all the scientist's favorite activity. But for as many as had been told, Frank knew at least a dozen more.
"D-did you know that butterflies can't fly...if their body temperature is below 80 degrees?"
They tried to let his mind fall into the familiar rhythm of infodumping.
"Or no, wait, i-it was 65 I think. The uhh...the mucles don't..."
It didn't work.
Howdy seemed to mull over what Frank was saying, a comedically exaggerated look of concentration across his features. Frank had always hated that, how he and Barbie never seemed to take anything seriously even though there was plenty of serious stuff in their lives. What they hated even more though, was what happened next.
"So what if it's warmer than that? Does that mean more flight?"
Frank's heart sank. Oh no. He's got follow-up questions. On any other day they would've relished the chance to share more information. Now though, it felt like agony, the clock still ticking and ticking fast. "I think..." he started, but their mind was drawing blanks, stuck like a broken record on the singular thought of Oh God get me the fuck out of here. "I..."
Just then, sounds of the shop's only doors jangling open rang out from behind them, along with the cheerful-if-monotone call of "hello my lovely neighbors!"
Wally. Wally, the beautiful, darling little demon. Frank could almost have hugged the man if they weren't still pretending(?) to be sick. If anything at all could convince Howdy to take focus off of the grey, it would be the appearance of his boyfriend.
And sure enough, he did, a hand gently shoving Frank back with their groceries as the bug locked lips and eyes with his little man. Frank made a noise of pretended offense at this, though truth be told they were overjoyed for an opportunity to seize. "I'll take my leave since you two are clearly busy," he said, earning quick looks of embarassment (mostly from Wally.) Heart still racing and with a carefully measured step to avoid jostling free their secret "purchase", Frank walked through the door and headed home, praying they'd get there before Eddie did.
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pristine-rose · 1 year
I yet live! This frickin bakery job is so dang tiring! But sneaking cookies and getting free cheesecake makes it worth the pain!!
Hmm thoughts of odd match-ups for threesomes... heh, could go for two chronically very rough lovers, at least in my mind.
Kujou Sara is a dom who demands obedience, plain and simple, she isn't much a fan of keeping a brat in check, she wants you to be her good girl, and will take you over her knee as many times as it takes to ensure you become her good girl.
Rosaria on the other hand doesn't mind the idea of taming a little brat, but is often to tired to deal with the attitude, so she more often then not meets even the slightest beatty behavior with swift punishment so she can just relax with her little pet.
Together they can be vicious, normally they just enjoy basking with one another and their sweet little girlfriend tucked nice and comfy in between them. Soaking in one anothers warmth and just relaxing from a long day working soldiers through drills, avoiding attending church functions, and just being away from home.
However, when you are feeling a little more disobedient, like it just sounds like so much fun to push buttons, things change. It's not uncommon for Sara to come home first, check in on you immediately, and realize right away that you are being naughty. Whether she comes in to find you touching yourself without permission, maybe she asked you to clean a little and it still isn't done, or maybe you gave her some snark when she entered the room.
Silence is all she gives you, silence and a dead pan stare, offering you this one chance to apologize and be her good girl again. Of course you don't take it, cause you don't always make the best decisions in life. And you would swear its like lightning struck with how fast Sara crossed the room and had you pinned to a wall with her hand around your neck. Brows furrowed and eyes sharp as she leans in close to whisper how you should have just been obedient.
Hours later when your other girlfriend comes home, screaming echoes from the shared bedroom. Rosaria walks in to find you with her hands tied over your head, eagerly grinding against the very tip of Sara knee as she lashes a flogger over your ass, your thighs, anywhere it can reach, your hoarse and sore voice pleading and begging to please just be allowed to come just once, just one little orgasm. Your answer just being the next lash.
Its very easy for Rosaria to know what happened, and she knows better then to try and lessen the severity of your punishment. Instead opting to greet her other girlfriend, the two taking about their days as if you aren't even there, as if you aren't sobbing loudly not even feet away from them. Just as casually she will ask Sara what you did, no matter what the answer or how big or small your disobedience, Rosaria never tells her to be softer on you, no no no, she loves to see you like this just as much.
And its just a little bit too late for your brain to catch on that Rosaria is home before the searing hot feeling that burns all across your skin, is suddenly interrupted with the slow drag of icey cold fingers. Rosaria dragging her touch across your skin from your waist, up between your breasts, along the curve of your throat, and resting delicately over your cheek. Her voice husking in your ear as she practically purrs about how nice it is to see a bad girl being put in her place. Her cold fingers dragging back down, as she continues to prod at you with her words, teasing and cruel names pouring from her lips as her fingers just drag down lower and lower, resting at a stop just before reaching where you ache for her oh so badly.
And you can do your best to beg for forgiveness, though they will discuss with eachother about whether or not you deserve an orgasm at all, or just to be left denied the whole night, while the two of them enjoy as much as they want of everything that only good girls would get.
// not-sfw utc ~
i totally agree that this pair had too little patience for a brat. not to mention the fact that rosaria knows no forgiveness, and sara is familiar to only training—punishment is the only thing hanging by the tips of their fingers.
and by such fingers—to add onto previous punishments in which you detailed—are used to come crashing downwards in sets, right onto your red, battered ass along your cries. they’ve teased, they’ve overstimulated; but spanking is another thing these two love doing to you. it’s on particular moods, generally. it’s when they’ve r had a bay day, and their patience for you has run thinner then usual.
you’ll know the moment sara uses that grip of hers to pull you down, stomach sprawled over her legs, giving you no time to adjust before your pants are forcibly yanked down for her hand to come slapping down. and you’ll cry, you’ll wince, you’ll struggle to move, but she’s too strong.
rosaria is almost the same; but she’ll wear her metal rings just for you. even if she’s not wearing them that day, oh, don’t worry—she’ll put them on just for the occasion. she likes the way the intents of her metal make temporary marks on your skin, it leaves her little design there.
and on days they go at you at the same time? best to only imagine <3
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& similarly i get free cookies at my work, too !!
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dreaming-of-assclass · 11 months
omg hazama pfp …. trick or treat zainaaa <33 :]
Lee!!! Here’s a candy for you!! 🍫 And yes I’m honoring Hazama in the last few days of October lololol
“Aw, yeah! It’s pizza party time!” Muramatsu cheered, slapping his palm against his desk rather loudly.
Hazama rolled her eyes and thwacked him lightly with her gothic paperback. “It’s pizza, not gold.”
“Speak for yourself,” Yoshida snarked, turning around to face them and rubbing his palms together. “I even skipped lunch because I’ve been looking forward to this all day.”
“Same!” Terasaka chimed in, doing the same hand motion. “We didn’t do all that extra help in the classroom earlier for nuthin’.”
Besides him, Karma didn’t even bother to hide his snicker. “You have no idea how stupid you look right now.”
“Shut it, Karma!”
“If I knew pizza was all it took to turn you into a feral, brain dead zombie, I would’ve brought you some way sooner. You know, so you can be a better minion.”
“That’s it,” Terasaka growled, raising his fist. “Shu-!”
“PIZZA’S HERE, EVERYONE!” An obnoxious yet familiar voice sang, breaking the room into a silent pause. Korosensei glided over to his desk and rested the boxes onto the surface, his bright yellow tentacles waving around nonsensically.
“Aw yea- wait,” Kimura scrunched his nose in confusion. “Where’s the rest of it?”
There were only two medium-sized boxes.
“O-oh, erm…” Korosensei chuckled, turning a shade of pink. “That’s all Sensei can afford right now…hehehe….”
The room erupted in chaos.
Korosensei burst into tears, immediately covering his face with his tentacles. “I’M TRYING MY BEST! YOU KNOW SENSEI LOVES YOU VERY MUCH!”
“Clearly not enough!” Terasaka snapped.
Muramatsu frowned, eyeing the size of the boxes. He turned to Karma. “Hey, math genius. Do you think that’ll feed all of us?”
“What do I look like, your calculator?”
“God, you’re such a dick.”
The classroom has devolved into utter chaos as Korosensei continued to cry and wave his tentacles everywhere, Kimura offered to run and pick up more boxes of pizza, Kataoka swiftly reminded him they were on top of a mountain, Ritsu sacrificed her slice since she’s virtual, then Sugaya told her she wouldn’t get one in the first place, and then Ritsu started crying.
Karasuma rubbed his temple, feeling a pounding migraine come on. “OKAY ENOUGH. I’ll cut the slices for everyone myself, and next time we have pizza, I’ll make sure that oaf doesn’t buy it.”
Hearts appeared in Kurahashi’s eyes. “Mr Karasuma, you hero!”
“Yes thank you, Mr Karasuma!” Korosensei cried, holding his tentacles in a heart shape.
Karasuma sighed and pulled out a normal knife from the inside sleeve of his jacket.
After about ten minutes, Muramatsu stared down disappointingly at the tiny sliver of a pizza slice on his plate. “I think my thumb is wider than this slice.”
“Mine definitely is,” Terasaka grumbled, picking his slice up. It was comical really, how much larger his hand was.
“Why did I skip lunch for this again?” Yoshida groaned.
“I could say why, but then I’d just be repeating myself again,” Hazama said before passing her plate to Yoshida.
He looked incredulous. “For me?”
“Yeah dumbass since you didn’t eat any lunch at all. Take it.”
Yoshida grinned. “Thanks, Hazama.”
“Don’t mention it.” She went back to her book, but not before showing a tiny smile herself.
Terasaka chewed thoughtfully and glanced at Karma’s uneaten slice. “Are you gonna eat yours or what?”
The delinquent was rummaging through his desk, his head bowed while he searched. “Yes.”
“Well, what are you doing?”
“None of your bu- oh, here it is.” He pulled out a small spice container from his desk.
Terasaka squinted, reading the label. “Chili flakes? Why the fuck do you have chili flakes in your desk?”
“I don’t live by your standards,” Karma replied casually, sprinkling a generous amount over his minuscule pizza slice.
“Whatever.” Terasaka rolled his eyes. “This class is weird as hell.”
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legolasghosty · 7 months
your rarepairiest pair: Is this a mid-life crisis because if it is I'm a bit worried about your lifespan.
Oh gosh yes please! I will take any and every excuse to write JuBobby! (Also I think I accidentally set this in my Jem and the Holograms AU... whoops! Oh well, I think it makes sense still without context.)
Bobby generally considers his girlfriend a levelheaded person. Sure, she's done some crazy stuff (See the history of how they even met in the first place), but in general, Julie thinks things through before she does them. And that's probably a good thing, considering the insanity of at least half of her brothers/band.
But even for the most even-keeled individual, fame does weird stuff. So when Julie gets back after what was supposed to be a casual family dinner (no significant others allowed on the first night of the visit to give Julie and her brothers a chance to catch up with Ray, Victoria, and Carlos), crashes onto Bobby's bed, and says, "I'm going to get a yacht," Bobby isn't entirely sure how to react.
He hits the save key on his computer and rises from his desk. "Is this a mid-life crisis?" he asks slowly, approaching his girlfriend and sitting down on the edge of the bed beside her. "Cause if so, I'm a little worried about your lifespan. I don't want to outlive you by that much, Molina."
Julie groans and rolls onto her side to look at him. "People can't recognize me on a boat," she states, voice flat.
Bobby winces, suddenly understanding. He'd turned off most of his notifications while he was working, which is probably how he missed whatever pictures have made it online of Julie and her brothers just trying to spend time with their family. He reaches out to run his fingers gently over her arm, offering what comfort he can.
"We didn't even have our food yet before someone came to ask for an autograph," Julie sighs, wriggling a little closer to him. "And then the waiters were staring, and...sometimes I wonder why I told the world my real name."
Bobby hums softly and lays down on his side, pulling her into his chest. "I'm sorry, Ju." This sort of thing has been happening more and more over the past nine months since Julie took to the stage as Dahlia and the crowd was chanting her real first name by the time she and her brothers finished the show.
"So I'm gonna get a frigging boat so I can hang out with my family without getting interrupted," Julie huffs, curling into his embrace, letting his cool hands smooth out the rough heat racing through her body from all the unwanted stares.
"I mean, I know it doesn't really solve the actual problem," Bobby begins, resting his chin against her hair, "but you could just bring them here if you wanted. Get some fancy takeout and just stay in together."
"I wouldn't want to kick you out of your own house though," Julie protests, looking up at him. "I mean, I know the guys and I live here too, but it's your home too. You shouldn't lose your safe space just because my family is in town."
Bobby forces down a joke about being used to it from how things were with Caleb up until a year ago. His therapist says that's not healthy, to downplay it like that. "I don't mind," he promises instead. "They're important to you. So, important to me. I can stay out of your way no problem as long as no one ends up in my room."
Julie cracks a tiny smirk. "Awww, so no sleepovers while they're here?" she teases.
Bobby chuckles and shrugs as best he can without loosening his grip on her. "I suppose something could be arranged," he responds. "You know, if the situation were desperate enough."
"So... you last maybe one night without me," Julie snarks.
"Hey, you leave my insomnia out of this," Bobby complains lightly, unable to resist the slow grin spreading across his face. "I managed just fine before we met."
"Lies," Julie retorts, pushing herself up on one elbow so she's above him.
"Oh yeah? Whatcha gonna do about it?" Bobby challenges.
"Go sleep in my amazing bazillion thread sheeted bed in my room by myself," she answers, smirking. "We'll see just how well you sleep by yourself."
Bobby raises an eyebrow. "I don't see you moving."
"Hey I got accosted by twelve-year-olds today, I'm not moving very fast," Julie says.
Hah, Bobby thinks. An opening. He reaches out and grabs an edge of his bedspread, flipping them over and pinning her down with the blanket and his body. "Well then you're not going anywhere," he teases.
"Oh no, woe is me," Julie laughs as she fumbles one arm free to cup the back of his neck. "I shall never escape."
"Nope, mine now," Bobby agrees before giving into her gentle tugging and leaning down to kiss her. "I'm serious though," he adds, pulling back a hair after a moment. "Just bring your family here. I know it's not ideal, but we can make it feel just as fancy as those stupid restaurants downtown. And here you can just be you."
"You're amazing," Julie says. "Think we can make it happen for everybody dinner tomorrow night?"
"Caleb has an impressive wine cellar," Bobby promises. "And he owes me and Willie and Carrie like... a lot."
"You know I'm technically underaged, right?" Julie jokes.
"Well, rockstars are allowed to do fun stuff sometimes," Bobby responds, leaning down to kiss her again. They'd figure it out, one way or another.
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cavinginhisfvce · 2 years
'Lead The Way, Stevie."
Pairing: Harringrove.
Fem!Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington. || i don't know how to use the read more feature, so if this floods your TL, i truly apologize. It's 4k words, idk.
Unedited, btw.
LEMON!!!! (A shitty attempt at it, at least. I've not written anything lemon-y in almost 6 years. Maybe longer)
Unsafe sex practices.
The first time Steve met Billy, she quite literally took his breath away. She stepped out of her Camaro with a confidence that he'd never seen in any other girls in Hawkins. 
Nancy was confident. She knew she was smart, and made sure everyone knew it. 
But, Billy? She was hot, and she was more than aware of it. She didn't need anyone to tell her. 
She wore fishnet tights and short, flared skirts with an ease that had other balking at. 
The blonde was no taller than 5'5, but Steve suspected her platforms gave her the majority of the height she had.
It would've been no big deal if she was just a pretty face, but no. She had to be smart, and talented on top of it all. 
Smart enough that she threatened to dethrone Nancy as valedictorian. Talented enough that within two weeks of joining the cheer squad, Chrissy had made her co-captain, a position she'd previously left open with no hope or prospect of filling. 
She was good at basketball too, great even, and despite the coaches best efforts, Billy refused to join their newly co-ed team. She claimed that cheer was more her speed. 
All in all, Billy Hargrove was beauty, grace, snark, and somehow softness wrapped in a pretty little package. 
She had piercing blue eyes that she never failed to pair with whatever color eyeshadow matched her outfit that day. 
The tip of her nose was always red, as if always cold. Steve thought maybe she was. Until he caught her at her locker, applying a soft red blush to the very tip before blending it in. 
When she caught him staring, she just winked and shut her locker before disappearing into the crowd of students. 
She wasn't easy to approach, not with the gaggle of people that surrounded her on a daily basis, some wanting friendship, while others visibly wanted more. 
Billy, despite indulging in the attention, stuck closely to Chrissy and Carol. 
It'd taken almost two months before the universe finally gave him an opening. 
It was a less than ideal one, however. They were both definitely drunk, not to mention Eddie Munson was lingering somewhere in the house, the smell that accompanied him was unmistakable. 
They were at a party to ring in the New Year, Steve would've gone to the Byers, but he'd wanted to be around people his own age for once.
Everyone was loud, and engaging in other things they'd probably never do under the same roof as their parents. The music that played was awful, but there was still at least two hours before the ball would drop.
Steve watched as Billy slipped out of the house to smoke a cigarette, and naturally he followed behind like a lost puppy, hoping against hope that he'd get to at least formally introduce himself. Quick waves and glances at lockers, and when they picked up their respective charges weren't enough. 
It wasn't until he actually stood in front of Billy that he found himself lost of what to say. 
'Hey' felt too basic. Too casual. 
'I want you to have my babies' was definitely off the table. He couldn't play that off as a joke.
Luckily for him, Billy spoke first, her words slightly slurred from the shots of vodka she downed not too long ago, "hey, Pretty Boy!" She was grinning widely, her cigarette long forgotten.
Steve found himself quickly returning the smile, a blush dusting his cheeks. 
"Hey, Billy. Havin' a good time?"
Billy just shrugged, offering the rest of her cigarette to the brunet. 
Steve accepted it, thanking whoever was listening that his hand didn't shake in the process. 
"You're here, so yeah, I'd say so."
The slightly older boy was quick to brush off any shock he felt at her words. He wouldn't get his hopes up.
"Yeah?" He raised a brow, hoping he sounded as casual as he was trying to be. 
Steve's quickly polished off the cigarette, before tossing the bud into the dirt and stomping it out with the tip of his shoe.
Billy just beamed up at him and nodded, "yeah, Harrington. All the guys at this party are…" she trailed off, waving her hand off-handedly. 
"They're either Tommys or Jasons...eager puppies, mostly harmless. Or, again. They're Jason." She lowered her voice when she said that, her tone giving the impression that her dislike of the male was a secret. 
Steve threw his head back, a laugh leaving him as he did. It shocked them both, if the slightly startled squeak that left the girl was any indication, but soon she was joining the laughter and Steve knew that was a large feat.
"Carver's an ass, but believe it or not, he was worse before he started dating Chrissy." 
Billy peered up at Steve, her blue eyes filled with mirth. 
"You know what, Harrington? I believe it."
There was a pause between them, more comforting than awkward, thankfully, before Steve was blurting out the question he's wanted to ask for weeks. "Why didn't you join the team? You're really good, you know?"
It could've been the chill in the air, or the drinks Billy had over the course of the party, but her cheeks had darkened, Steve just isn't sure if the blush had been there before the comment. 
"I wanted to, but my dad doesn't want me on a team with a bunch of guys," she scoffs, shaking her head. "Max called him misogynistic and almost cost her ass her New Years with those nerds." 
Steve could picture the redhead trying to defend her sister's right to join the team having, having met her on more than one occasion, he knew just how fiery she could be.
"There's like four girls on the team, though."
Billy throws her hands up in exasperation, a pout crossing her bright red lips, "I said that! Then my step-mom chimed in to say 'Oh, sweetie, it's just not lady-like! Shouldn't you join the squad? You've always loved cheering!'" She added a saccharine tilt to her voice, her hands cupping together at her cheeks. 
The elder laughed at the impression, his tongue clicking thoughtfully, "well, your dad sounds like he's stuck in the 80's or some shit. And your step-mom doesn't sound too far behind."
 Billy seemed to agree, however, she added, "I used to like cheering. My mom was on the squad at my old school, you know, back when she was my age...she'd drive me from practice, or to competitions.
When she left, I quit the team. Started getting into music and other shit, when Max and Susan moved in, but then my dad moved us here," she puffs out her cheeks, her hands finding her arms to rub them. Steve doesn't know if it's meant to comfort herself, or if she's just cold. 
He shrugs his jacket off and gives it to her anyway. 
She smiles shyly at him as she accepts it. 
Their size difference is more noticeable when she's swimming in his jacket, it's almost swallowing her whole, but she looks so fucking cute. 
It feels right.
There's another beat of silence before Billy continues, "he dropped us here, and cheer was the only thing he'd let me do." She lets out a bitter laugh, a hand raising to brush back her dyed red bangs. "I'd kick your ass in basketball though, Harrington. Those chicken legs you got wouldn't stand a chance."
The 180 is almost enough to leave Steve dizzy, breathless, but instead he feigned a gasp, a hand clutching at his chest. 
"You talk a big game for someone who barely reaches my kneecaps."
"That's how I know you have little legs, Pretty Boy!" She stomps her foot, her eyes squinting as she seemingly sizes him up. "I could take you."
"In a fight?"
She goes silent for a moment before humming, "that too." 
Steve's eyes widened, but he's not given a chance to reply before the girl was laughing hysterically, her nose scrunched up in the most adorable way. "And! For your information, I am well past your kneecaps, asshole."
The brunet is the one to laugh this time, his hands clapping as he tries to take in air. 
"The hell is so funny?! I'm tall!"
"You're like 5'2 at best without those shoes."
Billy balks at that, her face going from a mix of betrayal and disgust, before shifting to shock, "did Max tell you that?"
Steve quickly shakes his head, another laugh leaving him. "Shit, was I right?"
Billy just shoves at his shoulder, her tongue darting out to swipe over her canines. Steve catches himself tracking the movement despite himself. 
"If you tell anyone, you're dead Harrington." The threat appears empty, but Steve isn't willing to test that theory. So, he quickly throws his hands up in surrender, "your secrets safe with me, shorty."
She rolls her eyes at him, the pout returning to her features. "Laugh it up, chicken legs! I'll still kick your scrawny ass."
They spend the next hour talking, but before they both know it, the party is starting to wind down, people are too drunk to make it to the countdown, some just don't care, and the threat of rain looms over their heads. Not that many can be bothered to care.
Steve is admittedly sad. He knew the night would have to come to an end, even if it meant not ringing in the New Year with Billy, but it didn't make him any less upset to have to end his conversation with the blonde, and return to an empty house.
Billy seemed less than delighted to have to split off as the pair reached their parked cars, so Steve decided to throw caution to the wind, his mouth moving faster than his brain, "do you want to maybe, come over?"
Billy would either agree or tell him to fuck off, but at least he asked.
Billy's eyes lit up at the offer, but she was nothing if not a tease, so she leaned over, her fingers just barely brushing against his chest, "I usually make a man buy me dinner before I go home with him, Harrington."
Steve quickly scrambled to reply, his cheeks heating up at the implication. 
He'd be lying if he said he never imagined the blonde laying in his bed as he took her apart, leaving all of her laid bare for him to indulge in. 
But, he hadn't meant that! 
When he came up with nothing, Billy simply giggled and softly tapped his cheek, "lead the way, Stevie. I'm freezing my tits off."
The entire drive to his house, Steve found himself more flustered than he had been previously. He couldn't remember if he took out last night's trash, or if he washed the dishes left over from him and Dustin making sundaes. 
If the place was a bit messy, would Billy care? Would she scold him the way Nancy once did?
Would she just ignore the small mess and carry on with their night? He prayed she would.
To his luck, when they finally barreled into the house, Steve found himself relieved that he had indeed remembered to clean up.
He quickly peeled his shoes off, then watched as Billy did the same, a satisfied smirk settling on his lips when she seemed to shrink in size almost instantly. 
They still had 45 minutes to go.
She held a hand up, her index finger pointed dangerously at him, "I'll eat your chicken legs for dinner if you even think about saying anything!" 
Steve raises both his hands in a placating fashion, his smirk growing. "I didn't even say anything, Lil' Bit!"
Billy just gapes at him, her eyes squinting in an attempt to be menacing. 
"You think because you're pretty I won't kick your ass, Harrington?" Her words don't match her tone, there's a teasing undertone, one paired with obvious, thinly veiled laughter.
It has the brunet laughing, himself. Not because Billy isn't intimidating, she is. 
But, because being around the Californian made him giddy, made his chest bubble with something akin to hysteria and a calmness all at once.
Steve just holds both hands up in defeat, all traces of laughter disappearing, only to be replaced by a smug grin, "I think me being pretty is what's saved me from getting my ass kicked all night."
Billy seems to mull it over, before she's dissolving into a fit of giggles. "You just may be right."
Eventually they moved into the living room, after Billy complained of aching feet, the NYE ball drop played in the background, serving as mindless noise while the pair chatted about any and everything.
Steve discovered that Billy was secretly a huge nerd. She had a knowledge of D&D and all things nerdy that rivaled even Dustin. Not that he would ever say that to either of them.
On the flip side, Billy learned that Steve could bake, he admitted as much with a blush coating his cheeks. It was so endearing, that Billy only commented that she wanted to try one of his creations, as opposed to teasing him.
When there was only fifteen minutes before the clock would strike twelve, Billy had huffed, her fingers fidgeting with the fabric of her skirt. 
It was red, like most things she wore, it came up to her waist, where it hugged her frame perfectly, before flowing outwards towards the bottom. It was just above her knee, giving only a small view of tanned skin, the majority obscured by the fishnets she also wore. 
Before he could ask if she was alright, she was turning to face him, a small frown on her lips. "Pants, please." She spoke as if he had already asked her if she wanted a change of clothes, as if she could read his mind. 
Steve just nodded and stood up, motioning after a moment of hesitation, for her to follow him. She quickly did, and the pair soon found themselves confined within Steve's plaid walls. Walls she did not fail to make fun of him for.
It only took him a minute to locate pants that should fit her, they had a drawstring in the waistband, if she needed it.
After a second of debate, he grabbed one of his smallest shirts, coincidentally, it was red. He handed the clothes off to her, shyly stepping out of the room to give her privacy to change. He changed quickly in the bathroom by his room, only slightly shocked when he found he finished before Billy had.
A few minutes passed before she was opening the door, her clothes laying in a pile at the foot of Steve's bed. 
Wordlessly, she raised an eyebrow and climbed into his bed. Instead of heading back downstairs.
When Steve failed to follow, she patted the empty space beside her with the hand not reaching for the remote on his table.
Knowing an obvious invitation when he sees one, Steve slides in beside her, his hands shaking softly as he slipped under the quilt when she did.
She quickly found the ball drop, humming when she saw the time read '11:55'.
There was only five minutes left to the year, and Steve went from not having spoken to the girl of his literal dreams, to having her in his bed. In his clothes. 
Which, fuck she looked good in. But, she looked good in everything Steve has ever seen her in, so that's unsurprising.
What is surprising, however, is Billy turning to him, her dimpled cheeks the darkest shade of red Steve has ever seen naturally on her. She'd removed the bulk of her makeup at some point, leaving only her eyes coated in it.
She opens her mouth, like she has something to say, but nothing comes out.
The blonde takes a soft breath, her eyes fluttering shut on the inhale, and then open on the exhale. Steve watches closely at everything she does. Every tiny, almost imperceptible movement doesn't go unnoticed. Which is why Steve is equal parts prepared and unprepared for the girl to slip onto his lap, her legs straddling either side of his hips. 
When she's comfortable, Steve wastes no time in resting his hands on her small waist. The same waist he's spent nights in bed imagining how it'd feel to grip. 
He knows now. It feels good. 
Neither of them speak, Steve just peers up at the gorgeous girl, captivated by the piercing stare of blue eyes. Billy is equally as drawn in, her chest slightly puffed out as if holding her breath. 
Maybe she is. Steve knows he is.
In the background, people begin screaming, the excitement of the countdown filling the air when they've reached '10'.
At five, Steve reaches up and cups Billy's cheek, the smaller immediately nuzzles into the touch.
At two, Billy leans down just enough, her nose barely brushing against his.
At one, Steve closes the gap between them, claiming her red tinted lips with his own. He notes how she instantly kisses back, her composure seeming to melt when his tongue grazes her bottom lip. 
She's quick to to part them, a muffled moan bubbling from her when their tongues brushed together, and his fingers dug into the curve of her waist. 
It's Steve who pulls back for a brief moment, whispering softly against her lips,
"Happy New Year, gorgeous."
"Happy New Year, Stevie."
The sounds of people celebrating droned on somewhere, but neither Billy nor Steve can find it in themselves to care. Not while they were slotted together, coming together in ways Steve could only imagine happening before.
Her hands rested on his chest, fingers squeezing the fabric of his shirt as she involuntarily rocked her hips against his; the action causes Steve to grip her hips tighter.
His thin pajama pants do very little to hide his growing bulge, not that Billy seems put off by it at all.
In fact, she seems invigorated by his body's reaction if the purposeful roll of her hips is any indication. 
She's warm, her own arousal made obvious by the growing wet patch in the borrowed pants. The same pants she breaks their kiss to shimmy out of, leaving her in nothing but a pair of thin, pretty panties. They're lacy, and sheer. 
What shocks him is the color, they're not just red like he would have assumed. 
Instead they're a sinful combination of black and red.
It takes everything in Steve not to push them aside and ravish her. 
Billy doesn't seem at all like she'd mind. 
But, no. Steve wants to cherish this moment. Wants to hear her ask for it, for him. 
It appears she does too, because when their lips meet again, she's grabbing one of his hands and resting it on her lower back, giving just enough space that his fingers graze the top of the curve to her round cheeks.
She pushes gently against his hands, and he takes the hint; his hands sliding the rest of the way down to cup both cheeks, fingers kneading the plush skin.
He rolls his hips upward, grinding against the rapidly growing wetness of her panties, groaning quietly in response to the moan she was unable to conceal.
It was easy to get lost in the way she ground her hips against his, even easier to get lost in the feeling of her. She was soft, and firm in all the right places. But, something devine kept them in the moment, while allowing all their surroundings to melt away.
With a gasp, she pulled away, and Steve quickly mourned the loss of her lips on his. 
"I wanted to take this slow, Steve. From the first time I saw you, I've wanted you…" she pauses, and Steve is stuck on her confession, on the way her words mirror his own. He wasn't the only one pining from afar, he wasn't the only one whose mind filled with thoughts of blonde hair, and blue eyes happily curled up against his chest, stealing kisses every so often. 
"I don't want to wait anymore. We can restart, take it slow, or pretend tonight never happened…" She doesn't seem to agree with the last part, if the furrow of her brows means anything. 
Steve hurriedly declines the latter, softly replying, "we can reset after tonight. We can start from scratch and do it all right. Dates, dances, the whole nine-yards, baby."
"And tonight?"
"Tonight? Tonight goes however you want it to, beautiful."
Billy doesn't need to hear anymore, it seems, because she immediately leans down and presses his lips to his own again, mumbling against his lips, "fuck me, please Stevie...need you inside of me, baby, please…"
Her words leave Steve breathless, but who was he to deny her of what she wanted? What he wanted?
With an agreement on his lips, A promise of taking care of her, really, he kisses her again, wasting no time in resuming the previous intensity of it.
Prepping her was painstakingly slow, but Steve was taking no chances. He wouldn't hurt her, not in this way, or any other way. Even if she continues to insist she was ready. It was no skin off his back to watch her fall apart as he opened her up with his fingers and tongue. 
She was sweet in a way Steve had never experienced, and he planned to take full advantage of it.
Finally, when he dubbed her sufficiently prepared, she'd already cum once, and was now splayed on her back, her legs spread apart as she whined for him to hurry up and fuck her.
When he made to grab a condom, she bit her lip and glanced up at him, shaking her head gently to decline. "Don't need it, m'on the pill, please. Wanna feel all of you, Stevie."
With a nod, Steve positions himself at her opening, his lips finding hers as he pushes into her tight warmth. "I got you, baby doll, just breathe for me."
She gasps sweetly when he bottoms out, her legs hooking around his waist, it's a bit obvious that the stretch was more than either had anticipated, but Billy wasn't detoured at all. If anything, she was filled with a new thrill of excitement. She wasn't a blushing virgin, but she wasn't one to just sleep around. Steve knew as much, because no matter how many dates he's heard about from the guys, they never brag beyond saying she kissed them.
Because there was never anything more that happened. 
Since moving to Hawkins, Steve was the first person to truly be with Billy, and both of them planned to take full advantage of that.
It's like they're made for one another with the way their bodies seem to move in almost perfect timing. She clenched around him when his thumb skillfully rubs her clit. 
He almost cums at the downright sinful moan that leaves her, and the way her hips arch off the bed to meet his touch.
It doesn't take long for her to come undone again, this time, though, she tightens around him; her eyes meeting his as she frantically nods her head.
Steve isn't sure if it was the sensation of her already tight pussy, getting impossibly tighter around his cock, or if it's the way she seems to encourage it; but he can't hold it off any longer. 
A warning dies on his tongue when Billy leans up and kisses him with fervor, her fingers threading in his hair. 
He thrusts his hips once more before he's cumming deep inside of her, eliciting a drawn out moan from the girl beneath him, to match his own pleased groan, all the while she rocks her hips to pull him in deeper.
When the room is only filled with their heavy, synchronized breathing, Billy smiles up at him. He still nestled inside of him, and she shows no signs of changing that any time soon, so neither does he.
She's glowing, her hair is a mess, her once perfect makeup is now smeared on Steve's pillows and shirt. But, she looks so stunning this way, that he just doesn't care. He can always change the bedding later, his shirt would be fine too.
Eventually, Steve has to lay down beside her, and she pouts at that. Not because it's horrible being pressed against his chest, but because he'd pulled out of her to do so. 
Steve caught the pout and laughed, leaning down to press his lips to her neck. 
"Next time, Princess. I've got you."
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
Zachariah ‘Zach’ Johnson NSFW Alphabet
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Tw: Smut
I am inexplicably down bad and thirsty for this man so you have to deal with this now. I love doing these alphabets since it allows me to procrastinate more on actual writing lol
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
It depends on what kind of sex it was. Generally he’s inclined to leave before his partner wakes up if there was no real feeling behind it, but with you in a serious relationship it might be different. Zach’s moments of gentleness are typically offset with a healthy dose of snark that might make you want to smack him in the face instead of taking his offer to get you some water. He’s genuinely trying, though. And yes, he will carry you to the bath and help you run one for the both of you, just be prepared for him to brag about how he blew your back out in the process 🙄
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He’d likely say his back, as in spite of how scarred up and rough it is (although that may have augmented his good looks to you…) it is also strong and broad, the sort of thing he’d see as attractive. He also thinks of his… Single eye. It’s that deep, dark brown colour, And yes, he has tried the Flynn Rider smoulder before. No, it did not work.
Your back and the small of it is also a place he finds his gaze wandering towards at times, and he has the habit of holding you there. Heaven forbid you wear something that shows it off, in that case he won’t be able to keep his hands off you. Zach also has a healthy appreciation for your thighs, just saying…
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He cums about an average amount, and it’s fairly watery. It sort of just gushes down his length rather than releasing in spurts. Zach is another one who’s cum probably doesn’t taste very good - he’s a heavy smoker and drinker, remember - but he’s not too bothered where it goes. I can also see him preferring the use of a condom overall because he doesn’t want kids (if you can get pregnant) and it makes cleanup relatively simpler.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Considers his occasional bottom tendencies to be this. Zach probably sees sex as another way to gain back control in his hectic life so he thinks of himself as strictly a dom, but he… Definitely cannot deny how his body reacts to aggressive flirting. He’s always been the one to chase, so being sought after himself is thrilling even if he doesn’t want to admit it.
He also finds himself attracted to people he normally despises way more often that he thinks he should.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Very experienced. He gets around quite a bit, and he’s known all sorts. Basically, he can tango, so have no worries. Even if you have no idea what you’re doing, he’ll do his best to make it an enjoyable time for you. He’s not heartless after all.
If anything, the one thing he doesn’t know how to navigate all that well is a serious and committed relationship. Sex is one thing, feelings are another. That said, if he’s decided to actually dedicate himself to you, he’ll try his best although he might have some… Endearingly old-fashioned views of what he should do for dates and such, haha. Behind all that bravado and James Bond mimicking is a dork with unfortunately a lot of baggage - the reason why he doesn’t really want to get hitched in the first place - honestly you might find he’s most charming when he isn’t trying to be.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Considering he spends so long fucking you with his eyes, it might come as a surprise that he avoids eye contact during casual sex. It just feels too personal to him in the moment, y’know? So in that case he prefers facing away from you. If you’re in a serious relationship it’s a little different, but he’ll still take a bit to warm up in being vulnerable with you. Either way, he loves fucking you against the wall or table, or having you bounce on his lap. Lying down has him needing to resist being lazy, which isn’t good if he’s still on the job, but he’s a power bottom at heart and the power trip of being able to sit back and enjoy his cigarette while you just use him is pretty tempting.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Zach is pretty lighthearted during sex, sometimes maybe too much tbh. You might wish he could be more serious, or at least try not to ruin the moment. Eventually you’ll realise this is his way of processing things - sometimes getting past some embarrassment as well - but eventually he’ll figure out when there’s a particularly bad time to stick his foot in his mouth and can it then. It just takes a while.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Most of his body hair is on his face, arms, legs and there’s a tuft on his chest as well. It’s all quite dark so it stands out, and his pubic hair especially is very curly. His personal shaving routine is basically designed to give him as much five o’ clock shadow action as possible, so just be aware of the scratchiness when he kisses (or goes down on) you.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Again, it depends. He’s capable of being detached and quick with it, very much a “wham bam thank you man/mam/etc.” affair lol. That said, he enjoys the seduction, the allure and desire, so it’s never really cold or callous. More like a bright flash of heat that’s gone too soon. He eases into more ‘romantic’ sex the longer he’s attached to you.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Tbh I think if Zach was horny he would probably rationalise that it’d be easy for him to find someone to scratch that itch rather than using his hands. He doesn’t mind holding off for a while either; while he can be impatient with certain things, he enjoys the tension and release that comes with being made to wait, even if you make it frustrating.
Besides, if you tease him that just means he’ll have to get you back…
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Edging, Overstim, Lingerie, Biting, Light Bondage (most likely tying you up or using handcuffs, but he’ll experiment with other things), Light Spanking.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
Realistically? A hotel room he’s rented out for exactly that purpose. You could do it in one of The Organisation’s safe houses as well but they don’t have very comfortable beds… That’s only a problem if you don’t like it though, he’s very relaxed and will literally take you anywhere: the busted sofa, the desk/table (after he clears all the files off of it), against the wall… You’re starting to think he actually prefers changing it up a little, that he finds it exciting. Besides, how else will he show off his strength other than holding you up?
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
It’s really not that difficult. He certainly has a good handle on your body language, so when you give him ‘that look’ he’s pretty much ready to go. Hey, he’s just not the kind of guy who wastes his time, okay? And he appreciates a well dressed partner, so he’ll notice if you gussied up to look all good for him. It only makes it all the better once he gets to undressing you; and he loves watching you try to get his clothes off as well, prompting him to tease you even more. He’s a sucker for nice smelling perfumes/scents as well.
I’m willing to bet he also thinks you’re hot when you’re mad, whether you’re going off on someone else or him lol. He’s infuriating that way; angry sex is definitely on the table (probably where you’ll end up fucking) and I wouldn’t put it past him to end up attracted to someone who he believes he hates or feels competitive with either.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Causing you any pain that goes beyond something like light spanking or biting, knifeplay or gunplay because he’s more cautious than you think, and also anything to do with pregnancy/having kids. That is an entire discussion in itself.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
It’s probably not that surprising that he enjoys receiving the most. He particularly enjoys guiding you and telling you how good you’re doing as you suck him off. Maybe take this opportunity to get your own back on him and edge him; he won’t stop you even if it irritates him.
He always enjoys a challenge, after all.
That said, he prides himself in being a passionate lover and he would never neglect you. He feeds off of your noises and reactions so his eye often flickers to yours as he goes down on you. He likes to drag his stubble against your thigh to annoy you though lol.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
He prefers a mixture of both, makes things interesting, especially when he changes pace on the fly in order to tease you. A quickie will have him mostly chasing the high, but as time goes on and you get more serious Zach will probably slow down a bit. Plus, he also kinda gets lazy/tired sometimes.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Most of the time Zach practically runs on quickies, a.k.a one night stands with strangers, so with you he’s also perfectly capable of a quick encounter and then back into the fray again. Of course, with you he might be more inclined to drag it out, especially in edging you since he’s found he enjoys that. But yeah, he’ll default to quick if you’re in the mood and you don’t have that much time. It’s very casual for him.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Yeah he’s game, Zach is actually pretty open to most things unless it crosses some big boundary of his. You’ll probably have to be the one to bring it up though since he’ll mostly stick to what is tried and true if left to his own devices. I mean… It’s also because he’s had plenty of time and energy to understand what he likes before, so…
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Zach is so athletic, he’s used to strenuous physical activities and this is no different. That said, he’s partial to getting in maybe two really good rounds instead of squeezing in as many as possible. It also fills him with way to much pride if he tires you out enough for you to be the one tapping out.
(Especially since with you he sometimes likes to tease and drag it out bc he’s an asshole)
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
I’m not sure if he’d go as far as to pack one himself considering he does have to be selective with the stuff he owns travelling around in a car most of the time, but Zach is perfectly willing to use toys on you. Now if you count things such as handcuffs as toys, he does have those and is quite eager to make use of them during sex. I think he’d enjoy tormenting you with a vibrator, he gets off being in control of your pleasure like that.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He’s mean tbh 😭
The one thing he loves most is hearing you whine and beg for him to show a bit of mercy on you. If it’s a quick encounter he’s less bothered about this and more interested in just feeling his pleasure, but you’ll find his sadistic streak might translate over to your activities in the bedroom at times. He’s not going to deny you your orgasm; you will always get it, just not yet. And when you do you might regret it, because he’ll stimulate you into oversensitivity and make fun of you for that; isn’t this what you wanted?
You’ll probably have a safe word just in case though.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He’s a dirty talker, so much you might want him to shut the hell up sometimes. But there are times where he can really get under your skin and he knows it. Zach swears under his breath a lot and often praises you if you do something particularly good. He believes in giving you encouragement, yeah?
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
His father works as a wood carpenter and would often make little wood carvings for him. I know I’ve mentioned the angel before that he keeps but I also imagine things like cars, animals etc. Zach has tried in the past to emulate him and carve wood himself, but he never got the hang of it and he lacked the patience to not get so frustrated with it that he just wanted to quit.
Maybe an oddly wholesome hc to put in this alphabet but 🤷‍♀️ I just wanted to get it out
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
7 Inches, thin-ish, sleek and cut. His dick curves a little upwards. Zach knows how to use it to go deep, and to hit just the right spots.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Fairly high, he’s young and fit and with lots of steam to blow off. Sex is one of his methods of coping with his stressful and often traumatic life. It’s sort of like a sport to him when he’s doing it casually, and he always makes it clear in those case that there’s nothing else to it than that.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Doesn’t tend to sleep afterwards, mainly because he’s used to recouping and leaving after quick encounters. Zach mellows out a bit, his sweaty chest heaving with exertion as he leans back and lights a cigarette… (He’ll probably offer you one unless you make it clear before you don’t smoke) If you have a moment of respite however, Zach would love to roll over and get some snoozing in with you beside him.
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(Taglist: @rottent33th, @slaasherslut, @myers-meadow, @the-pinstriped-hood, @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better)
Let me know if you want left off/added to my nsfw list as always
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girl-next-door-writes · 10 months
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The absolutely amazing @fandom-princess-forevermore also requested some Steve, and she knows just how much real estate this boy has in my brain, so here you go.
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A: Affection, B: Best Friend, C: Cuddles, G: Gentle, H: Hugs, J: Jealousy, K: Kisses, O: Open, and Q: Quizzes.
A: Affection; How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?
Oh, this boy is super affectionate! Any chance he gets to touch you he does. The combination of subtle gestures, intentional touches, and a playful approach to cuddling express his feelings and build a stronger bond between you. The subtle touches, such as his leg pressed against yours or fingers brushing as you walk, indicate Steve's desire for physical closeness in everyday situations. These gestures create a sense of intimacy even in mundane moments while having his arm casually slung across the back of your chair suggests a comfortable and affectionate demeanour, keeping you close and demonstrating to those around you that you are with him.
B: Best Friend; What would they be like as a bff? How would the friendship start?
As a best friend, Steve would bring a mix of humour, loyalty, and a laid-back attitude to the friendship as well as a healthy dose of sarcasm and snark. The banter between the two of you would be so much fun, his dry sense of humour is infectious and the two of you would constantly try to out do each other. Steve values loyalty in his relationships and as your best friend, he would be fiercely loyal, always having your back and offering unwavering support in both good times and bad. His reliability would make him a trustworthy and dependable companion, often automatically doing things to make your life easier without even realising it.
Let's face it, you would never have been friends with 'King Steve'. In fact, when the two of you did cross paths you thought he was a bit of a douche. It was only through your mutual friend, Robin, and her constant interfering that you and Steve realised that first impressions may not have been entirely accurate. In fact, it was only when he overheard you sticking up for him when Robin called him a dingus that he revaluated his opinion of you, and he is incredibly grateful he did because he doesn't know what he would do without you.
C: Cuddles; Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?
Steve is super cuddly, something which reflects his playfulness and genuine desire for closeness. He likes to take the initiative when it comes to cuddling. Whether it's in bed, on the couch, or during a movie night, he enjoys being physically close and expressing affection through cuddling. That might mean playful spooning, especially if you're the big spoon, attack hugs where he tries to pick you up as you giggle, or him simply throwing himself at you, expecting you to open your arms to him without question. Steve loves it when the two of you are intertwined in some way, whether it's fingers laced together or legs entwined. Steve appreciates long and comfortable cuddling sessions. Whether it's a lazy Sunday morning or a quiet evening, he enjoys the extended moments of physical closeness, creating a sense of peace, contentment and security.
G: Gentle; How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?
With his affectionate and caring nature, Steve is so gentle with you, both physically and emotionally. He often engages in subtle touches that convey a sense of gentleness. Whether it's a light caress, a tender hand on the shoulder, or a soft hug, his physical interactions are gentle and comforting. He watches you closely to make sure you are comfortable with him, any signs of discomfort he automatically assumes are his fault and he will try to fix it. Emotionally, Steve is strong and supportive. He doesn't think he is the smartest guy, and will take your lead, listening attentively and allowing you to express yourself with as little judgement as he can manage. His emotional gentleness extends to the words he chooses. Steve is likely to offer words of encouragement, reassurance, and affirmation, knowing full well how the opposite type of words can cause damage that may never be undone. He may never fully understand, but he is totally committed to improving himself.
H: Hugs; Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
Steve Harrington is a hugger. This might stem from the lack of hugs he had growing up, but damn is he making up for it now. Steve genuinely enjoys hugs as a way of expressing warmth and connection and he is not hesitant when it comes to offering them. He's likely to initiate hugs regularly, especially in moments of celebration, comfort, or just to express his fondness for the people closest to him. Steve's affectionate nature extends to spontaneous hugs. Whether it's a quick hug from behind, a surprise hug after a long day, or just a random display of affection, he enjoys surprising you and keeping you on your toes. His playful side also comes out in hugs which means you might find yourself in a spin, a lift, or a gentle sway, adding a touch of fun and lightness to the embrace. 10/10, would highly recommend a Steve Harrington hug.
J: Jealousy; How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?
Steve isn't usually jealous, but when triggered he can definitely experience moments of insecurity, especially if he thinks there is a genuine threat to your relationship. He had thought he and Nancy had been fine, only to discover she had thought the whole relationship was bullshit, so he is not about to let that happen again. Steve's initial reaction to the idea of being jealous is to scoff at it. He might downplay the emotion and deny its existence, adopting a nonchalant attitude, but in the rare instances when he does feel jealous, Steve becomes surly and sullen in a way that only those close to him would realise. This results in two things, he would stand a little close to you and glare at anyone he considers a threat, and he would become increasingly affectionate with you, almost desperately trying to prove that what the two of you have is real. That said, Steve's jealousy doesn't define his character, and he is likely to work through these moments with a certain level of self-awareness once you have reassured him that your relationship is solid.
K: Kisses; What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?
Being kissed by Steve Harrington is always an experience. The intensity of his kisses can vary depending on the mood and the moment, but they always take your breath away. The blend of passion and tenderness is present in each and every kiss, be they deep and passionate kisses in intimate moments, or soft and sweet in more public displays. Steve's kisses are a way for him to express his feelings when he can't find the words. They convey love, desire, and a deep connection between you.
His favourite kisses are the ones he places on your lips. Be it a quick peck, a lingering kiss, or a more passionate one, he focuses on your lips and how they fit so perfectly against his.
Steve's jaw is an area he likes to receive kisses, the sensuality of the gesture makes him weak and reinforces your emotional and physical connection.
O: Open; When would they start to reveal things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait to reveal things slowly?
Steve has been through some truly crazy stuff over the last few years, and if you weren't there for that then he is going to find it hard to open up about without sounding totally insane. As the trust builds and the relationship deepens, he begins to reveal more and certain things about him start to make perfect sense. Steve reveals things about himself gradually, piece by piece as he gauges your reaction and build trust between you. As he feels more secure and connected to you he becomes more willing to share personal thoughts, experiences and feelings.
Q: Quizzes; How much do they remember about you? Do they remember every detail?
Steve remembers significant details about you. While he may not remember every single detail, he values your relationship and the connection you share enough to make an effort. Steve has a good memory for meaningful moments and experiences you've had together. Whether it's a special date or a significant milestone, he values these memories and strives to keep them alive in his mind. While he may not remember every minute detail, he might have moments of forgetfulness, especially when it comes to smaller, everyday things. This isn't a reflection of lack of interest but more a result of his multiple blows to the head over the years. Steve is attentive in conversation, and when you share something important or personal, he makes an effort to remember it and uses the details he remembers about you to plan surprises and thoughtful gestures, be that remembering your favourite snacks or that one actor whose movies you like.
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jonathanbyersphd · 1 year
An INCREDIBLY late WIP Wednesday
Jonathan shouldn't follow Nancy, it's wrong, weird and he’s pretty sure it’s criminal. He keeps trying to justify it, that he's just going to be helpful in case she runs into any trouble. But he knows that if she catches him, he’ll be in the wrong here. Then again, that would require him to catch her because as it turns out Nancy is very fast. He only left the school about five minutes after she did and he almost lost her already. Admittedly, it’s difficult in the rain but the bigger part of that is his own fault for not suiting up. But he figures it’s better for him to get caught by in her plain clothes than for Spiderman to get caught. Nancy nearly slips off the curb in the rain and he holds himself back from rushing to help her. To her credit, her near fall doesn’t affect her determination in the slightest she continues along her walk like nothing’s happened. It’s admirable, she’s admirable and he’s already in too deep. The signal changes just as he reaches the curb and he mumbles out a curse under his breath. He feels a sudden buzz from his pocket and takes his phone out to check who it is. He doesn’t recognize the number so he declines. But then they call again, and again and again. The fifth time he finally caves and swipes up. 
��What?” he spits into the phone.
“Jeez Byers can’t even say hello" Steve nags
“Steve?” he guesses, shifting his phone 
“The one and only" he quips
“Sorry” he mumbles 
“You owe me big time” Steve taunts 
“For what?” he demands back
“The girl Natalie or whatever” Steve clarifies
“Nancy” he corrects, just as she crosses another street. 
“Yea that’s what I said so anyways I’m thinking as payback you come to this boring charity thing I have to go to tomorrow.” Steve informs
“Since when do you go to charity events?” he scoffs
“Hey I went to all of your birthday parties growing up" Steve jokes 
“I really don’t have time for this" he snarks back
“Hey c’mon I’m kidding look you can bring Naomi" he offers 
“Nancy" he corrects again, astounded and a little angry that Steve can’t be bothered to remember her name. 
“Whatever you can bring her and we’ll hang out” he resolves. 
He wonders if this is just some sort of punishment for canceling the Hamptons Spring Break plans this morning. He hadn’t even called he just sent a halfhearted text that he has to work. Then Steve, confusing as ever, told him it was cool and asked him for Argyle’s number. Which he gladly gave, it must be part of some grand plan to get buddy-buddy with his roommate in order to convince him to go. As if their growing distance can be lessened by sharing a couple of joints in Montauk. 
“Why do you want me to go so bad?” he asks, thinking of the last time he actually saw Steve on Halloween. 
“Fel thinks it’ll be good for my image” Steve explains casually, as though he shed any light on the situation. 
“Fel?” Jonathan asks again
“Yea my publicist” he scoffs, like Jonathan’s question was stupid.
“You have a publicist?” he chuckles back in shock. 
“A lot of things can change in six months" Steve says clearing his throat. 
Jonathan wonders if Steve intended on making him feel even worse for everything’s that happened. Or if it’s just a consequence of his own actions. He lets the words linger, before making a decision. But he should know by now that patience is not a virtue Steve has. 
“Look man” Steve starts remorsefully, twisting the knife of guilt in Jonathan’s stomach further.
“I’ll think about it” Jonathan interrupts, he’s the one who should be apologizing not Steve. 
“Great I’ll send your tux in the morning” She exclaims, shifting his mood suddenly 
“My tux! Wait! Steve?”
Jonathan pulls the phone away from his ear but Steve has already hung up. He straightens back up trying to find Nancy’s pink Umbrella in the crowd. He spots her at the intersection looking at her own phone with an incredulous expression that makes him smile fondly. He’s so lost in his infatuation that he accidentally catches up to her at the cross walk waiting for the light. He stalls just a few inches behind her, panicking. As the traffic light turns red a car hits the brakes but swerves on the slippery street onto the sidewalk. And Nancy would’ve gotten hit if he hadn’t perceived the scene seconds before. Instead he’s safely pulled her back from the accident and has his hand gripped around her arm. In the swift rescue she lost grip on her umbrella and it’s now pathetically lying in the gutter, he tries not to think about how she would’ve been there too if he hadn’t followed her. His memory betrays him all the same with a flash of her bent body on Halloween and he shudders. 
“Asshole” she shouts at the driver as they backup onto the street. 
He should let go of her sweater and run off but with his own heart still racing he can’t bring himself to do it. Nancy spins around forcing him to let go prematurely. He didn’t think a person’s eyes could go that wide but she’s surprising as ever. 
“Were you following me?!?” she demands loudly
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mothxmoons · 2 years
One enthralling night
Start post, reposting just without the poll because I think that’s was what was causing it to crash
You had moved to Raccoon City some time ago and moved in with an old friend, Chris Redfield. Chris was…interesting to have as a roommate…but he was your friend and he was always very kind to you. You were in college at this time, hoping to learn something about who you want to be and what you want to do. Though, oftentimes you found yourself painting or reading or drawing, college eventually led you here; Raccoon City. Chris talked about his military career when he started out but got an offer in Raccoon City, and it just so happened that you were moving there too and needed a roommate. The stars aligned it seemed.
Although you’d be the one that was home more often than he was, you always made sure it was at least semi-nice to come home to. Plus, you two might be able to save up for a house and become housemates. Working part time at a library, and studying while also doing your own painting, it was a nice relaxing time in your opinion. Well, it was. You were a little fixated on your roommate though in a not-so platonic light. His eyes were always so bright when he talked to you about things he liked, how he always checked on you when you were down in the dumps. Even getting you things from the store when you didn’t ask for them. Like he read your mind.
It felt like you were a married couple sometimes. Bickering about little things, making up via small gifts. Always talking, spending breakfast and dinner together. Him bringing you food and drinks when you were studying or painting.
Chris seldom talked about his work in STARS, as he always came home tired, but when you asked, his eyes lit up and would talk about how Jill snarked at Joseph or Brad, or how Captain Wesker had done something out of character.
Captain Wesker. That was a common name in these conversations. Chris admired his captain, and you’d tell him that he should invite the team over for a holiday. Maybe a sport’s holiday. So you’d get a chance to meet the prominent people in his life, and you’d cook for them if he did invite them.
Chris immediately got excited at that, he loved your cooking. Anything he touched basically set on fire. So you cooking for him? God that was way better than any takeout food he could have. “Always tasted like home.” He’d say.
You could feel your heartbeat quicken when he’d say that. Although Chris didn’t agree to inviting them over for a sport’s event, he didn’t want to share your cooking with the others, there was a new tradition for the RPD that they wanted to do. A ball. Which, in your opinion, was very strange. You needed a little convincing to go with him.
“Please! Jill thinks I’m making you up!” Chris said, pleading and holding your shirt.
“Making me up?” You asked, practically rolling your eyes with a smile as you looked back at him, continuing on with your cooking. He still held on as you walked around, dragging him with.
“Yeah! Says I hallucinated a spouse who cooks meals for me.” Chris whined, spreading his legs to the floor. So dramatic.
“Hm, maybe you did hallucinate me. And all of our memories together from High school.”
“Ugh- I wish.”
You laughed as you continued to drag him around as you maneuvered through the kitchen.
“Please! Just this one time!” He asked once more, wrapping his arms around your waist as he placed his head on your stomach, his legs spread out on the ground. Oh boy, he’s using his puppy dog eyes.
You can’t resist his adorable face…
“Ok, ok fine.”
You sighed as he cheered and fell backwards, not having you as a support when he let go. He finally gets to introduce you to his team! He cheered all the way back to his room, immediately making plans. You suppose you have to do that too, but for now, pasta.
You had a nice outfit for certain occasions, it wouldn’t be too formal or too casual, but still nice. Turns out the reason why Chris was so hellbent on convincing you to go to the ball with him was because it was three days away….And he also already told everyone he’d bring you.
Short notice, but this was Chris.
He had to do a rundown of all the important people at the event, who was funding it, why they started the tradition, and his teammates’ role in making it a success.
“Basically, Umbrella is funding the RPD, and our team is directly funded by them, so whatever traditions they want to start for the precinct is what we get to do. And since our team is directly funded by it, it’s important we show up and look extra nice. Chief Brian Irons is the main head but he’s just a mouthpiece and greedy bastard for some Umbrella bigwigs….don’t say that out loud to him.” Chris ranted, for the 10th time, rechecking his suit and belongings.
You laughed at how much he wanted to impress his captain though. He went through a lot of suits in a very fancy shop just to pick the right one.
“And while Captain Wesker does represent STARS as a whole, we also have to make a good impression to continue being funded.” Chris explained on and on. Waving his hand frantically, trying to find a tie to match with his new suit.
You already knew much about his other teammates as he loves to talk about them when you ask, but you couldn’t wait to meet them in person.
The next few days zoomed past as you were too excited but also very busy with your life. The Raccoon City police department used to be a museum so it was very beautiful. You felt so out of place, but holding Chris’ arm as you two walked in the doors was enthralling. The other people turned to watch a STARS member walk through the doors with someone on his arm. How enchanting. Chris gestured to a man up the stairs by a statue, Captain Wesker, before leaving you to roam wanting a drink.
The options for the poll were
Greet Wesker: 86%
Find Chris: 14%
Talk to Jill: 14%
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