#or maybe just existed for thirty seconds uwu
peppermint-whiskers · 3 months
I offer a Fuck on this fine day
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I had nothing else, forgive me Fuck gods-
38 notes · View notes
yojeongin · 5 years
sleepless | m.yg
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part: thirty four
pairings: ug rapper!min yoongi x coworker!reader
genre | contains: sex shop au, major angst, slight ending fluff, parental disapproval, slight harrasment.
summary: what was meant to be a nice fun day, easily spiraled to chaos at the hands of your shallow parents— leading to Yoongi’s breakdown...
word count: 11.8k
a/n: I left y’all handing for like almost 2 months. sorry luvz, for the angst and the wait uwu.
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“Are you sure you’ll be fine on your own?” In such moments of fret and deep frustration, your lips graced the crook of his neck whilst you spoke unto it. Your grip on his torso only kept getting tighter with every movement he committed, only demonstrating how scared you were to let him go. 
Yoongi would be a fool to let these actions go unnoticed. Whilst he himself felt fear of the what if when it came to your family, he needed to face it— if things went as he hoped them to go, your family would be something he’d need to be in good terms with for what is left of your lives. 
The TV at this point became background noise whilst you’d both held each other. His warm slightly calloused hands going under your shirt just to rub at your back. “Don’t treat me like a kindergarten kid. I’m talking with your dad, not going to school for the first time.” Chuckling to himself as he tried to ease off your nerves with his comedic words, they soon turned into a yelp when he felt your teeth softly cling to his shoulder, making his laughter louder. “Oh my god… you cannibal.” 
Amused with the new nickname, your worry some expression morphed to that of a confused laughter: eyebrows knitted and mouth agape whilst you laughed in amusement. “Okay but like— you’re really warm and I don’t want to stand up even if Vivi is already here…” pursing your lips and twisting them to the side, chin lifted to where your eyes met his; Yoongi forcefully lifted his head— received with only barely grazing your lips. “How long have you kept her waiting?” 
“A few minutes…”
“Maybe half an hour.”
Even if his head had already fallen back against the armrest of the couch you both found yourself laying on (more like you mounting him whilst he tried to enjoy his morning of TV watching), Yoongi sighed looking at you before breaking into soft chuckles holding you closer to him. “You little, gremlin. Let’s go, you can’t keep her waiting.” Slightly annoyed with the idea of leaving on such a cold day, you lazily stood up from the position you found yourself in, Yoongi following behind not long after, standing by the door until he could open it.
“What if it gets boring? I don’t want to be sat there for hours with Mani and Vivi, they’re not that fun.” With a mocking facial expression, lips pursed to the side— Yoongi smiled at you, letting you finish putting your sweater on before opening the door to the apartment. “Don’t complain too much, you’ll end up kiss-less.” Feigning offense, in a playful manner, your hand fell flat against his ass, causing him to react by taking a hold of your wrist, staring at you with fake anger. “Just a squeeze, please...” Winking his way, his mouth agape in faux offense, Yoongi lightly shoved you out the door frame just so he could close the door behind you both, locking it with the spare key you had given him years ago. 
Lovely sweet nothings were shared on the way to the elevator and down to the lobby, you showering him with playful remarks and flirtatious phrases as if the two weren’t dating already. “Let me be that guy that always asks for a free hug.” Opening his arms to signal he wanted you to hug him. There was no way you’d pass out on hugging him after being starved for years and only hugging him when both of you were at a vulnerable point. So having the availability to finally hold him whenever you wanted— you were going to take the opportunity. 
Arms wrapping around his torso, pulling him closer to you, the warmth he radiated lulled you into peace, just waiting for the moment the elevator doors opened. Your peacefulness died down the moment he took revenge and slapped your own ass, running off once the doors opened. 
Not like he could completely run off, of course. Your grip on his sweater made him panically yelp whilst you laughed, only pulling him closer to you. “Foul play, Min.” His whine of disapproval sent you laughing watching as he tried to justify himself even when the two of you exited the building, met with Vivi’s car right in front of it. 
“y/n!—“ You hadn’t heard that voice in a while and though it was ready to scold, it held off the moment she saw who stood beside you. Was it not for the cold, she would’ve abandoned her position in the passenger’s seat but from there she sent you welcome kisses whilst receiving Yoongi with a wave. “Who’s this?” Wink in play, lip taken between her teeth, Aisha playfully remarked glad your meeting was wholesome. 
Giggling at her expressions whilst shaking from the cold, you turn to point at Yoongi with a smile on your face— ignoring the layer of coldness that had settled on your face already. “Aisha, love— this is Yoongi, my… my boyfriend.” There was something so pleasing about finally saying those words. The words that you wished to freely say after realizing how much you loved him long ago. 
Himself crouching down to look at her well, a smile rested on his lips. “Nice to meet you.” Shy as always, but warm nonetheless. His hand coming in contact with hers to greet them. A gentle wave to Vivi who amusedly and happy for her sister: watched. And Mani who had been forgotten by everyone due to her silence. His lips forming a minimal smile while waving at her, letting her existence be noticed. As much as she still felt resentment for being rejected— even him letting her know he noticed her existence caused the boiling blush to fill her face and her chest to ache out of frustration.
“Were you guys… busy? I mean— kept us waiting long.” Aisha didn’t know what censorship was most of the times, making her one of Vivi’s friends you actually liked or at least tolerated. Making Yoongi’s face go red, he chuckled hiding his face in the crook of your neck whilst Vivi scolded Aisha through giggles. “Stop! You’re embarrassing him.” Shrugging in her defense, Aisha laughed seeing his now red face whilst you tried to comfort him. “Okay, let’s go for real now, it’s almost twelve.” With the sound of Vivi’s voice you wanted to groan at the idea of being away from Yoongi (god damned, honeymoon stage).
Nodding towards your sister, you turned to Yoongi handing him hand warmers, trying to cram in all your thoughts out. “After you’re done can you get boxes? Only if you can though I don’t want you carrying them on the train.” Yoongi could only nod given as to how speechless he found himself to be and how quick your lips fell upon his as a goodbye. As your arms wrap themselves around his torso to prevent his departure, Yoongi playfully spanks you lightly letting you know to stop making the people in the car wait. Not only that but your sister’s and Aisha’s mocking smiles were making him grow shy. 
“Stop stalling! It’s cold and you get whiny when sick, come on.” With a pout you let go of his torso, turning to the car as Aisha spoke. “She’s always whiny.” Making Yoongi chuckle, he nodded waving to them as a goodbye with a final peck to your lips, watching you get inside the car and waiting until your sister was ready to drive off. 
Given to the car waiting near a stop light, Yoongi made his way to the train station, being watched by both you and Aisha. “Where’s he going?” Things were calmer now that Yoongi was gone. Your excitement or at least clingy happiness left with him so now you found yourself sitting in the backseat far from Mani and near the door. “He’s meeting with my dad.” As much as Aisha wanted to turn and face you with a cheeky smirk on her face, Vivi had begun to drive again seeing the neon green light flash. At most she saw your slanted smile that broke into a bigger one when thinking of him once again. 
Your happiness of course was in contrast to Mani’s internal boiling rage. Of course she looked nervous and quiet in the outside expecting you to call her out any second, but in the inside— in the inside Mani was raging knowing that you had what she wanted. It was a never ending cycle of anger towards you and at this rate, only moments before everyone could see the demon inside of her candy smile and glossy eyes. So as Aisha kept on bothering you about how serious things with Yoongi were and Mani only talking when asked to, the girl looked out the window in order to distract herself.
“Does your mom know?” In pure unison, both Vivi and you spoke up with a fearful tone in your voice: “No!” Allowing Aisha’s tranquil state to turn into one of caution and shock. In order to shift the conversation and avoid such outbursts, the young girl (rather your sister’s age) smiled with a soft giggle to be followed by her expressive words. “It’s okay, y/n. At least we both have new men in our life... I met this guy a while ag—``Of course it all doesn’t have to be talked about. Whilst she spoke well of the folk, Vivi teased both her close friend and you for being head over heels with the men in your romantic lives. As in for Mani— the girl remained silent. Her immeasurable fear of you lashing out on her; laying out of caution. 
Whilst so, as precious Yoongi terminated his stroll from your apartment complex to the train stop and from there to minutes away from the 50’s themed cafe your father wanted to meet in— he found himself standing dumbfounded by the side of the shop. The pink stained wall hitting his back as he tried to control himself. As much as he had convinced you that meeting your dad wasn’t something to worry about— Yoongi was freaking out over what your one parent would think of him. If your mother had already made up her mind of what a worthless bum he was, what would your father think of him now? 
Either way he continued his path into the cafe, the cafe where the dark haired shy boy looked around through nervous eyelids. Examining his whereabouts to find one single head in the crowd of teal booths and pink plush chairs near the bar. 
A big inhale and soft exhale; Yoongi walked towards the only head inside the cafe. His shoes tapping slightly against the glittered checkered floor, allowing your father to know someone was behind him. Lifting the cup of coffee up to his lips, your father looked forward questioning what Yoongi would greet him with. 
“Mr. y/l/n?”
How simple. 
Perking up at the sound of the young man’s voice, your father stood up with a bright smile on his face. He didn’t port his usual gray suit, instead he wore khakis with a white and blue striped polo tucked into his pants, secured with a black belt. God he was a golf father. Or perhaps something to blend in with the common man, something he forgot he once was. 
“My boy!” A wide smile on his lips, the older man pulled Yoongi by the arm into a welcoming hug (Yoongi not accustomed to this wonderful treatment). Hesitantly enough he wrapped his arms lazily around the other man in a short hug. Yoongi took into account the mass difference between your mother’s and father’s treatment towards him. It was astounding to know it was a complete opposite experience let alone personality. 
As the two had pulled apart, the older man motioned to the booth seat in front of him, letting a gentle ‘please (sit down).’ Slip from his lips as he watched shy Yoongi nod in agreement, sliding through the booth where he found himself face to face with your father. It wasn’t until he was to sit that he noticed the black coat lying nicely on the teal leather of the booth. With a chuckle to break the silence and awkward atmosphere, your father smiled at him again, questioning his desired drink or meal, to which Yoongi politely declined all. No matter that, your father ordered a coffee for the boy. 
And so as the man chatted up Yoongi into telling him things about you, the real interesting ones had finally come to the surface. It was all smooth to say the least, Yoongi has broken out of his nervous state and now found himself enjoying the company of your father. He, for once was out of his comfort zone with someone he didn’t know— similar to when he met you.
With a sip of coffee from the mug in his hands, your father turned to Yoongi with a warm smile. “Where did you guys meet?”
To many, they most likely believed Yoongi had met you at the shop along Eunwoo, but it wasn’t as such. “There’s a manga shop near the college she went to— I’m sure you know— she would go there often at the same time, but the most we talked was when she would pay for a booklet or… or when she felt brave enough to tell me jokes…” A fond smile had placed itself on Yoongi’s lips, back collapsing with the backrest of the booth. “After that I saw her at the— other shop, I got kinda confused but seeing she was close with Eunwoo who started a week before her, I guess it was a mutual thing to work together.” 
Note to self: feel disappointment in Eunwoo for dragging his daughter to that place. As of now, your father’s smile dwindled, attention fully on the man in front of him. “I guess I saw her every day when she still attended college and for longer during her shifts... even when she didn’t have classes she would always visit the manga shop and stay there until I was to start my shift at the other shop. She’s always been there for me.” His gaze dropped to his reddened hands from clutching onto the end of the seat. All caused by a euphoric tingle that graced his body when thinking and speaking of you. 
“Do you really like her?” Your father’s voice made his head tilt up, a questioning smile in place but only replaced with that beaming glaze on his eyes. “I love her, I really do.” Perhaps it was the overwhelming feeling of welcoming that allowed Yoongi to be this open with a stranger, when usually he’d keep shyly quiet. With the comfort he felt when meeting your sister and the great time he had speaking with her along the kindness your father exuded towards him— the only outlier was your mother, but given that the other two were keen of him (or so it looks like) Yoongi could tolerate your mother’s hatred towards him. To say the least Yoongi was ecstatic, full of joy and hope with the future that would be between you both. 
Sitting up straight, digging through his coat— your father’s words came clear to him. “Then I hope you know, your life style doesn’t come near hers. I doubt that with two jobs and music on the side you’d be able to support her in the future...” he had taken the carton of nicotine gum out, “... You’re a bright kid, Yoongi. Hard working and seem to be determined to succeed in your musical hobby, but that’s all it is— a hobby. Maybe my wife thinks you’re barley good enough for Mani but the girl did well liking you.” Counting the amount of tablets left in the tray, your father turned with a smile to Yoongi. “Should’ve tried pursuing her instead, she’s a good girl and you’re a good boy, just not good enough for my little girl.” Cynically, a smile plastered on his face as he delivered a wink to Yoongi, who’s bubbly persona prior to your father going on a tangent, had now deflated and sat against the backrest with an ache in his chest. 
It was too good to be true. 
Even if things had crashed down upon Yoongi, at least you were still having some fun with the other three. After multiple runs and sitting sessions inside saunas, given to Vivi’s situation; the four of you head towards the lunch area. Plans on staying longer had died the moment Vivi begun to feel dehydrated and dizzy. 
With fond smiles, the lot of you stared at Vivi eat. Watching how excited she’d become with every plate placed in front of her. Was it not because you all made it obvious, she wouldn’t have shrunk in her seat with an orange tint across her cheeks. “What?” Shyly she questioned, stabbing the soft margarine in front of her to lather the toast in hand. “Care to explain?” Aisha with softness in her voice questioned, smiling at the girl she’d consider a great friend. 
“I— well, yeah... I’m with child.” The squeals that left your table were enough to call the attention of those around you, even Mani had forgotten her precaution and eased at the news your sister had given. Whilst you were sitting next to her, giving her quick hugs, Aisha stood for hold your sister tight. In the meantime as things were about Vivi. 
Things were going too good. 
Given as Aisha didn’t leave Vivi’s side, you’d smile at the two. “It’s going to be your third, right?” Picking at the fruit given to her, Mani looked up questioning your sister. With a smile, Vivi nodded contently. “I’m hoping it’s a girl... I love the boys but it’d be nice to have a little girl. I didn’t get to play dress up with y/n when she was little since I was on my way to college when she was barely ending primary.” Nodding at her comment you turned to her, recalling how she’d always be busy with her exams and hanging out with friends when given the opportunity. She was never mean or rude like many people tend to portray older sisters, she was just— there.
“I don’t think I could ever deal with a pregnancy, but congrats.” There it was, Mani began talking more confidently. The idea of children petrifying her, hating the image that comes when giving birth. It’s not like she was one to judge the looks of others but the effects of a pregnancy wasn’t something she wanted, at least not her body. Along that Mani’s history with children hasn’t been the best, always finding herself frustrated by the minute even if the kid isn’t an obnoxious one. With such, her lips tightened, eyes widened, and her head shook taking a bite of her fruit. Received with a small ’thanks…’ Vivi turned to you, smile once again very visible. 
“Mimi, how about you?”
Given your focus was on your sister’s radiating happiness, you didn’t care much for what Mani had to say, so your sister’s question had caught you out of trance. “Do you want kids?” 
It didn’t take Aisha long to tease you about the question, softly shoving your shoulder just to give you a wink. Letting a chuckle leave your lips, you nodded looking at your lap whilst your fingers messed with the thread that stuck out your left leg. “Yeah, that’d be nice. Obviously not now, I literally don’t know what to do in life at the moment but… eventually it’d be nice to have a family…” As said before, the relationship between you and Vivi was existent, the only thing was that— you still lacked some sort of communication, so for her to find her sister who tries to go against the image their mother wants— deep down as well wants what your mother had set out for you both (a family and a stable comfortable life) just not under her terms but yours. Of course there’s more to explain about that certain issue, but as of now the topic of wholesomeness remains. 
With gentle awe’s from both Vivi and Aisha, the girl beside you smiles fondly. “You see Yoongi as the baby daddy?” Startled by Aisha’s question, you lower your head allowing the blush that crept upon your face to spread, spread like the smile on your face that didn’t want to pay attention to you and continue its actions. At that moment whilst Aisha and Vivi laughed by product of your embarrassment, Mani leaned against her chair, growing scowl on her face watching you make a fool of yourself, wanting to speak up and tell you to stop acting like a little child and answer like the grown woman you so wanted to be. Extremely bitter is how she was now feeling. 
“I mean— n… Okay, well—“ Disrupted by your shy giggle, Aisha only followed along. “Okay, I mean— I’m not opposed to it, it’d be nice but I don’t know if he wants that. It’d be really nice if he sees this lasting longer like I do, but… you know, only time can tell.” Go figure, Mani wanted nothing more than to scowl. The inner anger and jealousy clouding her vision now, not feeling any sense of pity for what followed, additional to that your next words didn’t help her ever growing internal anger towards you; “Quite honestly I only see myself with him.” What was once calm, your sister’s smile faded standing up along Mani when the tapping of shoes were heard behind you. Greetings and hugs given by women you had never seen before, but with the sound of an all too familiar voice: your mother reached Mani first, taking her into a welcoming hug. 
Like all the women that were previously with you, you stood up to greet the other two older women accompanied by their son. As if life didn’t hate you way too much already, the disgusting smile that belong to no other than Lee Geunpyo, one you hadn’t seen since the incident at the shed a month back. Full of an overwhelming annoyance, your body twisted to the point you couldn’t see him anymore, only a pair of green shoes belonging to the equally annoyed boy that stood in front of you, not too familiar to be exact. Like you’d most likely would’ve done, the now red haired boy greeted you with a rapid smile that soon dropped turning into an uninterested expression (at least you know he wouldn’t be a bother). Moving aside, he took the seat next to you given as your mother basically sat him down by force. Glaring at her for her actions, you failed to notice the body seating to your other side; tapping on your arm whilst he sat down, Guppy made sure you turned to look at him. “Sit down, honey.” 
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“I'm not telling you to end things with her, of course don’t break her heart right now, go on have your little fun, but if things start getting serious— you know: wedding talk, children… then know that’s when you should step out and let her find someone who can take care of her expenses and— no offense, but what you can’t really afford.” Shrugging at the suggestion, your father, continuing to masticate the piece of mushy gum. “Nothing against you, of course— you’re a great kid, responsible enough to maintain yourself, but not exactly someone I— we would want for our daughter.” With a pause, Yoongi stared at your father, trying his hardest to speak the words that only created mush inside his head, filled with anger and pain, he held the lump in his throat that caused it to ache as it did now. 
Taking out a checkbook from inside his coat, it didn’t help Yoongi’s deflated confidence hearing his words. “I heard your car was destroyed… I think… this is enough… right?” Demonstrating the checkbook to the boy in front of him who didn’t even spare a glance to the item, your father sighed nodding to himself as he muttered a ‘yeah’ the instance he ripped the paper out of the book. With a smile, your father slid the frail piece of paper across the table, showing his toothy grin to the boy who not long ago had seen the same smile in a warming way, now finding it to be the most betraying smile he’s ever seen. “A great lawyer you are, Mr. y/l/n— with much respect, if I don’t accept the money of those who rob me of my work— there’s no way I’m taking money from you to buy my silence for what you just said about my relationship with your daughter.” Pen in hand, your father chuckled looking up at the dark haired boy in front of him, taking the cap off of the expensive looking pen (it was pretty basic, but however he spent his money isn’t anyone's concern). 
“My boy, it’s to fix your car, don’t think I want to brive you. It’s bad enough she’s already moving in with Yuta, I don’t need my little girl to struggle with transportation too.” Glaring his direction, Yoongi was done with the disrespect he was spewing. It was one thing that he allowed your father to speak horrid things about him but it was another when he spoke of people you both hold dear. What did he mean it was bad enough you were moving in with Yuta? If anything the boy had your trust more than your own family did and now Yoongi understood how rightfully so. Jacket in hand, taking his time to put it on, he spoke. “She never spoke ill of you nor did she complain. I always thought it was because you trusted how she managed her life, but now I recall, it was because you haven’t been there most of her life.” Your father’s smile dropped, his eyes glaring at the boy who stood in front of him dropping more than enough of cash to pay for what both he and your father consumed. Full of rage and a slightly damaged ego, your father stood. “I’m not wasting her time nor mine— I’ll prove it to you.” 
Yoongi struggled to catch his breath with every step he took. His lips began to quiver at the happenings behind him. Hands inside his pockets, clutching the hand warmers you nagged him to keep not wanting him to walk around with icicles as fingers. Just the thought of you made a soft grin appear on his lips, allowing the anger he contained to minimize. Perhaps in the past he wouldn’t admit he was utterly in love with you but the sheer mention of you caused his heart to flutter and warmth to spread through him— with you he felt complete and confident of what he wanted in his future. Your encouragement was only the cherry on top for him to feel secure and continue the path he’s been fighting so long to obtain. Letting himself remember you were there for him, Yoongi relaxed— even if the future call wasn’t going to satisfy him.
Not long into his journey of deciding whether to take the train or the bus, the vibrating buzz against his leg, caused him to stop in his tracks, moving aside to not be a bother for passersby. Leaning against the cold railing that separated them all from the intact grass, Yoongi pulled out his phone, questioning Jungkook’s decision to call him. Pressing the green button, Jungkook’s voice filled Yoongi’s ear. 
“Hey… are you busy?” A sort of distress could be heard in Jungkook’s voice, one that was surely worrying the older male. “No, why?” Looking to his sides, eyes slightly squinting due to the harsh wind hitting his face, Yoongi pulled the hood of his sweater, hoping it was good enough to cover at least his side profile. “Oh, where are you?” “I was deciding whether to get the train or a bus but i just remembered y/n wanted some boxes. Why? Do you need something, Kookie?” 
The closest place he could go to right now was the manga shop, around four blocks south from where he was standing. It also didn’t help that the wind was going the opposite way, fully going against his face. 
“Just came out the police station, I’m waiting for the bus to your place now.” Shivering due to the weather, Jungkook leaned against the promo wall of the bus stop, hoping it could block out some of this harsh wind. Confused as to why he was in the police station, Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows holding his phone tight. “Police- Police station? What did you do?” It was the future scolding tone that made Jungkook chuckle upon hearing Yoongi’s voice. “I didn’t do anything bad— at least not that they’ve found; it was about the CCTV videos. These assholes said the video got corrupted when playing it to find clues and that it apparently didn’t want to work anymore, whatever that means…” a huff of frustration left Jungkook’s lips, eyes shut just to try and keep himself calm. “I asked about the copies they were supposed to make and they just said they couldn’t find them— like how trash can they be?!” 
Perhaps Jungkook was more bothered than the man on the other side of the line. Compared to Jungkook, Yoongi chuckled nodding to himself. “Nothing to do about it. Are you meeting with Joon?” No one was at the apartment to be exact, so to know Jungkook didn’t have a key to go in, it meant Yoongi could only open the door for him. Nonetheless his nonchalant and uncaring tone towards the videos left Kookie on edge. 
“Aren’t you more concerned about the tapes? And no, I just thought you were there and wanted to talk to you about this all— give me a sec, let me pay for this thing.” From the distance Yoongi could only hear the shuffling of his movement, his jacket sleeves brushing against the fabric of itself, the sound the machine made when his pass had come out, and the sound of the bus doors closing as he went to a window seat, continuing his conversation inside the lonely bus with only a few people spread around. “I don't think that bothers me much anymore,” Looking around for the closest bus stop, Yoongi turned to his left hoping the bus Gguk was on stopped there. “What bus number is it?” “Express 34, are you catching it?” With the sound of a ring on top of the roof, Yoongi lifted his head up, watching the LED sign flash its orange words across to let those know, the same bus Jungkook was on would arrive in less than five minutes (how cute to figure out they weren't really that far away).
Nodding to himself, Yoongi sat on the steel bench that he soon regretted sitting on, freezing his ass momentarily. “Yeah, I’ll give you some company.” Silently agreeing to themselves, both males hung up, allowing Yoongi to look at the activity his phone had going on. Received with a few things left off on his instagram, things Hoseok sent him that he believed Yoongi would find funny (which most of the times did cause him to have a good laugh), a recent selfie from Kookie on the bus to demonstrate how bored he became after the call ended, and lastly a few messages sent by you, all questioning if your dad was treating him well and how much you miss him at the moment. With a low giggle he reassured you he was well and just as he was to ask how you were, the settling huff of the bus in front of him made him put his phone away, stepping inside once the doors were open, paying and patiently waiting for his pass to be handed to him.
It didn't take Yoongi long enough to see that Jungkook was waiting there for him. Giddy enough he waved toward him, shooting Yoongi his famous kind smiles. Returning the smile, Yoongi sat next to the boy who was now sat against the window, backpack between his legs. “You didn't get the boxes?” Kook asked Yoongi who only replied by shaking his head. “No, but youre going to help me get some at the manga shop.” (That’s a lie.) With faux distaste, Jungkook pouted but only smiled when he became curious of his whereabouts. Actually it was more of Yoongi’s obvious gloominess that sparked curiosity within him.
Shifting his body to look at Yoongi clearly, Jungkook opened his mouth slightly. “Where were you?” As innocent as the question was meant to be, Jungkook didn’t miss the way Yoongi’s face dropped, trying to fish out words for him to answer in a way that wouldn’t leave Jungkook wondering if there was something wrong (clearly it wouldn’t work). Simple as that he decided to not lie to the younger boy. “I—I was actually meeting with y/n’s dad—” Out of custom, Kook cut him off, apologizing right after knowing the habit wasn’t too kind. “It didn’t go well? (sorry…)” Shaking it off, Yoongi gave him a slanted smile. With a sigh and a chuckle, his back hit the backrest, shaking his head just by remembering it all. “It was going so well, Kookie. Everything was going so smoothly, he asked questions, treated me so comfortably and then he just… he dropped the question. Asking if I really loved her.” Jungkook hadn’t seen anything bad with the question but yet again, Yoongi wasn’t done talking.
“When I said I did, he just went on how I wasn’t really good enough for her, how this is just a little fun thing— it was just terrible, you know?” Yoongi’s head hung low but in order to know Kook’s response, he whipped it to his left, watching the other boy puff up his cheeks. “He really said that?! Why would he think you’re not enough? He hasn’t even seen how in love she is with you!” Jungkook was beginning to feel angry and it was showing, the boy wore his heart on his sleeve for god sake. 
As angry as his words came out, the last bit made Yoongi’s heart race. If anything all he needed was to remember that you were head over heels for him and as long as you loved him— he could survive. 
“Wait, wait, what else did he do?” Jungkook was now full body facing the older man, leg up on the seat and all. With a slight red tint on his pale skin due to the cold, Jungkook pouted with curiosity in him. “Well, he mentioned how I would be better off with Mani, he even offered me money to fix the car but— I’m not taking his money. Didn’t plan on it, especially not after he told me to have my fun and leave her if things get serious…” Yoongi’s head was not resting against the backrest of the seat in front of him, trying his best to not release all his pain at the moment. 
Jungkook couldn’t bare the pain Yoongi emitted, despite him trying to act like he wasn’t as bothered. Like stated above, Jungkook wore his heart on his sleeve and anyone else’s pain soon turned into his. Seeing his close friend be this distressed only caused him to be as distressed. A stuttering mess out of anger he continued his angry ramble; “It makes no sense though! Why would you even be with Mani after all she’s done?! Not even that, you’re with y/n— his daughter for god’s sake!” Jungkook calmed down the moment Yoongi placed his hand on his shoulder, squeezing it to let him know it was fine and that he should relax for a bit.” Nodding to both Yoongi and himself, Jungkook pouted looking out the window, knowing this was their stop, only a few steps away from Yoongi’s and Namjoon’s apartment. 
“Come on…” Both standing up, Jungkook held his backpack. “Do you plan on telling her about what he said?” Yoongi didn’t want Jungkook to get exasperated as before, given the boy was already a few more words away from crying out of anger (it didn’t help that the incompetence of the officers had ruined his afternoon already). “No.” It was so forward, no need for him to tell the younger boy that he wouldn’t— he didn’t want to strain your relationship with your parents more than it already was. 
Just as Jungkook was about to keep rambling on about how Yoongi should, the two stopped in front of the apartment building— across the street; despite Yoongi not wanting to be more open about how he felt, he swallowed the lump in his throat watching Jungkook run to the car in front of the building. Whilst Jungkook enraged spoke profanities, Yoongi circled the car making sure to not touch it to avoid fingerprints, it seems Jungkook had the same thoughts as he only pulled on his hair looking at the thoroughly destroyed car. 
Not were the damages from last time still present, but the added signatures of keys against the paint were bold. The dents on the doors were huge as if a trash can containing something heavy had been thrown against it. The mirrors from both sides went missing, along the windows that had been shattered inwardly— leaving the view of teared up seats with its yellow cushions and springs sticking out. The black stain of coffee made by Hoseok the first time he spilled his coffee after hitting a curb was now bigger marked with a fishy smell around it. 
The gloves you had left about a year ago inside his car were not torn into pieces and the decorative charms were either gone or crushed around the car— even the radio had been pulled out and stolen along other car parts. Just when he had enough saved up to repair the damage done last time— life granted him an even worse and expensive punishment, allowing your father’s words to ring against his ears. What could have caused him anger only made his heart sink deeper in. He hated to think your father had a part in this, but there still was someone else that hated him more than your family could possibly hate him right now. 
Actually the repairing had little to do with the weight against his chest. After Yoongi was tired of living with his father, the only one who supported and helped him was his brother. Knowing he didn’t have anywhere to stay— he offered Yoongi a place until his wife had enough of it. As much as it pained him to see his struggling little brother, Yoongi’s brother had secretly gotten the car for him. He never intended for Yoongi to live in it— he wanted it to be a form of liberation. To take it and drive around when he felt like screaming to the world how horrible it was, to cry when he couldn't scream, to laugh when he wanted to laugh and feel happy— he wanted Yoongi to be whatever he wanted to be: free and happy. 
His pulled up sweater sleeve was raised to his cheek, wiping away the tears that had rolled down his cold face, he didn’t sniffle but soon enough he couldn’t bear it. “Are there security cameras here?” Jungkook questioned as he squatted, hands on his knees to support his weight. The boy compared to Yoongi was livid— the tears that Yoongi didn’t want to show brimmed his eyes and the quiver in his voice betrayed him into thinking he was keeping his cool. 
Yoongi looked at Jungkook before looking around, only to face the boy again and shake his head. “Fuck!” Sucking in a breath through his teeth, Jungkook bit his tongue, pushing down the sob he wanted to release so badly right now. Monotone as before, Yoongi just tells Jungkook he’s heading upstairs to which the younger male nodded, walking behind him in silence to the building’s elevator. As he stood still, Jungkook’s body shivered. Poor kid.
Upon getting out of the elevator and into the hallway, Jungkook followed Yoongi like a lost puppy to the brown door decorated with a sign Hobi had made for his two friends. Putting in the passcode, both Yoongi and Jungkook walk inside. Whilst Jungkook had asked to use the bathroom, he had dialed both Namjoon and Hoseok, only having Hoseok pick up due to Namjoon still at work. Yoongi could hear Jungkook’s muffled quivers whilst he found himself fishing for a drink the fridge. 
The pain of realizing one of his most precious things was now gone was making his chest ache again, not even the chilling air from the fridge could help how hot he was feeling. It didn’t help that the memories of when his brother had first given him the car were flooding to him. His bright smile as he sat on the passenger's seat watching Yoongi drive around laughing and smiling at the road ahead, singing along to the songs both he and his brother loved; memories of when he’d leave his brother’s house at night after hearing his wife complain about how they didn’t need another mouth to feed in the house or how Yoongi’s gloominess wasn't doing her any well. He couldn’t blame her— Postpartum Depression wasn’t doing any good to her and the fact that there was no help was eating them all alive. 
With the child crying constantly and her irritation with everything grew, she couldn’t bare having someone else share sadness in the comfort of her home when she could barely take care of herself. Perhaps that’s why his brother always tried to make Yoongi feel loved and cared for, given his wife didn’t allow him to be near her for more than five minutes— If he couldn’t help all of the ones he loved, at least he would try to help the other, surely enough Yoongi appreciates him for all the work he had done— even her. It’s not like she was unpleasant all the time, it was fine the first two months, but at her last one before birth and after it, things had gone downhill and he understood she needed attention and help. 
Taking the last can of beer he could find, Yoongi trugged to the couch, slowly sitting down after unzipping his jacket. The soft corduroy of the couch greeted his hands as he slid them to get the remote control. With a soft sigh, he opens the can taking a sip whilst the TV turned on. Hopefully you were having a better time than him. 
That was what you weren’t having: A good time. What had started as a way for the men surrounding you, to get to know you— soon turned into a way for your mother to brag about how great of a person Mani was. All you could do was distract yourself with the table cloth that reached your thighs in order to avoid the stares from your sister and Guppy who sat beside you, inching his chair closer every time you scooted away. If he kept going at it, you could see yourself almost on top of Taehyung. The poor boy who like you wanted no part in this damned lunch— in fact his misery was worn all over his body that it’s a surprise his mother hasn’t scolded him. 
Despite Mani’s look of embarrassment and awkwardness, the girl was highly enjoying the praise coming from the older ladies. She couldn’t say she cared much about Aisha’s and Vivi’s input as they really had no power for her to care about. Along that Aisha was completely clueless as to why your mother would pull in and show up unannounced with four other people who clearly had you uncomfortable and what your once giddy mood was— now was gloomy. At such she could notice this scheme wasn’t sitting well with you. 
“So you’re still with that Agust D guy?” You didn’t answer any of his questions but upon mentions of Yoongi, you lifted your head to glare at him. “Can you— like not talk?” You didn’t give him a chance to answer but the once bored Taehyung had chuckled upon hearing you, making Guppy glare at him with intentions of intimidation. What a foolish kid he was to think Taehyung would fear a load of idiocy, in fact he stared back with indifference and boredom letting him know he was wasting his time. 
Was it not for Jin’s unavailability he wouldn’t find himself in this mess. Unlike Taehyung— Jin spent the majority of his time with his father and helping with the company. Sure he could’ve taken the afternoon off to attend this lunch as he was the strong candidate your parents opted for, but Taehyung was the available one— ridding him of his only day off this week. There went his studio time.
Surrounded by chattering older females along the ones in their mid 30’s and one in her late 20’s, Taehyung wasn’t going to spend his afternoon listening to their annoying gossip. He could either pick up a conversation with Geunpyo (the only other male) or you— the one who as well looked as uncomfortable and tired of this. The first was out of reach, not only had he shown that he was a persistent, annoying, arrogant, asshole but he seemed too preoccupied in showing off to the older women who praised him. The latter wasn’t ideal either. As bored as you found yourself to be, if he was spotted talking with you— either Geunpyo would react possessively and bother him further or your mother would push the y/n and Taehyung agenda— something it was visible neither of you wanted. As well it’s not like he didn’t know you had a boyfriend, for goodness sake he defended you not long ago on Twitter, ridding of those insolent ignorant people who side with their ‘faves’ until they do something that isn’t seen as correct by others. Given to such outcomes, plan C was the most adequate and fun: calling over a waiter and ordering two alcoholic beverages for himself. 
Like Aisha, Vivi was looking at you. Monitoring the amount of drinks you took and your character towards the guest. She’d be an idiot to not notice your mood drop, especially when Geunpyo attempted to speak with you. Given by the way you reacted towards him, there might be some issue. It’s not like you’re treating Taehyung the same way, in fact he was receiving the kindness you’d give to a stranger, someone he is. Unlike him, your hostility and straightforwardness towards Guppy allowed her and Aisha to know there was something between you two and not in a good way. 
Just as he tried to speak to you again, you shut your eyes, letting your head fall onto your arms in order to not see him or anyone else. It didn’t last long as your mother’s voice had caught your attention. Her subtle scolding tone: “Y/n raise your head and sit up.” God you weren’t a child anymore. What made her think she could treat you as such? This time rent wasn’t a valid excuse, she wasn’t helping you anymore.
Whining at the voice, you raised your head with a pout on your lips. “Why are you here?” You finally spoke in the entire time they had arrived. Your mother’s expression turned to one of fear when the other ladies took a sip of their drinks, feeling the tense ambient. With a simple giggle your mother glared at you. “Honey you knew we were coming.” 
It was a plan. It was all a plan.
Annoyed and feeling betrayed, you turned to Vivi who became small with your glare out of shame. Wanting to mouth the words ‘traitor’ but will all eyes on you, you held back watching as Aisha finally understood. Ah, finally some spice. Intrigued as he was, Taehyung downed the last bit of liquid in his first glass smiling to himself as he sat up, taking the next glass onto his hands to enjoy, of course it didn’t last. The older women had resumed their previous talk ignoring the three which were Guppy, Taehyung, and you. 
Not only was that a bad idea but it kept making the hostility grow. Guppy took it as an advantage, turning to you as he began to speak, forgetting his earlier question. You didn’t have any time to care for his conversation. Your mind was elsewhere, especifically on Yoongi. With the findings of your mother setting this lunch, you feared she had something to do with your father meeting up with Yoongi on his own. Your heart was now accelerating and the hand that found itself in your pocket clutching your phone— considering calling him. Did it go well? Did he threatened your boy? Or was this all in your mind and you were paranoid of what your family was capable of doing? Perhaps that was it, but still that was no reassurance for your spiraling mind. 
At the feeling of a tight hold on your arm, you wince silently turning to the figure who held your arm in his hand, squeezing it every second you didn’t answer him. He wasn’t stupid enough, he had shifted to where no one in the table could see how he was harming you, this was the last thing you needed. “I’m tired of your ass ignoring me like this. Be a good girl and answer me like you should.” Ew, how gross. It would never compare to Yoongi’s soft mewls when he calls you a good girl. 
With obvious disgust and his grip tightening, Taehyung placed his glass down. In order to not cause any scenes, he snaked his left arm around your chair, taking a hold of Geunpyo’s hand and swatting it away with force. The anger in Guppy’s face was so clear almost ready to pounce on Taehyung who so nonchalant spoke; husky deep voice: “Don’t be a coward, know better than that.” Resuming his drinking, Guppy’s voice rose as he was to reply to Taehyung— only received with questioning stares from the other women. 
If things weren’t shitty already, the loud ringing of your phone signaling a phone call had caused the attention directed at Guppy towards you, making you sigh. Pulling out the phone from your pocket, a small light was seen in your eyes. “Excuse me…” You didn’t wait for them to reply, you only pushed back your chair and walked near the bathroom to where no one would look at you as you spoke. Taehyung had stood up as well, walking across the room to the bar and ordering a few more drinks. From that angle you both could see each other.
Resuming to the notification on your phone, you slid your finger across the screen to answer Jungkook or ‘emo baby’ as your phone claimed with a picture of fifteen year old Jungkook— eyes rimmed with black eyeliner and hair possibly slightly red.
“What’s up, Kookie?” You still feared someone would be near and hear your conversation, so your voice was quiet and faint— good enough for him to listen. Jungkook found himself in the balcony now, leaning against the railing as he went on with his heavy breathing. “It’s just— Well it’s about Yoongi.” He didn’t have to say more. Your mind was racing back to your earlier speculations and your heart was sinking at what could've happened with your father. Was it not for Yoongi telling Kook to not say a word about it, he would’ve spilled that too.
But that wasn’t it. “Everything is just so ass! The CCTV videos, police failing as usual…” He paused to sniffle, doing what Yoongi had done earlier with his tears. “When we got to the apartments, his car was just outside— completely wrecked. You know how the first time the engine was fucked? Well, this time there was barely any car. Windows smashed, keyed, mirrors and bumper taken, they even took the charms and scent pine that were hanging on the rearview… He’s just extremely quiet, I’m worried— he needs you…” Yoongi wouldn’t deny that he needed you right now, but he also didn’t want anyone to tell you how much. He needed his cuddling buddy for his crying session. He wanted to hold you so tight for the entire day, but you were busy and he didn’t want to burden you. 
Though the passing of cars were muffled, Hobi’s voice was more than clear to you as he tried his best to cheer Yoongi up, only receiving a few chuckles; God you wished to be there with him so badly. Sighing to yourself as you frown, head hanging low— you look around your surroundings, being met with Taehyung’s blank eyes. He didn’t smile nor gave any sense of emotion to which you shook up to continue talking with Gguk. “Do you have the speaker on?” You question, Jungkook replies telling you he’s in the balcony and at the time that sounds good enough.
“Do you think Namjoon or Hobi could pick me up? This entire thing for me feels like a set up. It was supposed to be my sister, her friend, and Mani but when we went to the cafe to eat lunch, my mom showed up with two other ladies and their sons.” The groan that left your lips made Jungkook question what was so bad about it. Poor boy barely knew about your mother’s plans to plan your life, but the mention of two men had him hooked with curiosity. “I think the guy with red hair is the one who defended Yoongi and I with the whole Mani thing, but the other one is Guppy…” Once again you groaned. This time he wasn’t confused, he knew what this was and he was filled with rage and disgust. It didn’t help when you told him what he had done.
After a couple of drinks, Yoongi wanted to rest on his bed. Making his way to the bedroom with the balcony in between both rooms, he couldn’t help but overhear the conversation as he realized it was your voice on the other side of the call. “Why?!” Jungkook had gone back to that exasperated tone, leaving the gloominess as you explained how he tried catching your attention and with every dismissal he grew tired. “Yeah, fucking asshole had the audacity to grab my arm… It still hurts, I might actually get a bruise.” You didn’t bruise easily but by the way he handled your arm and your willpower to not show him how much he was hurting you, perhaps a small maroon shade would decorate your arm. 
“Wait, he’s there with her?!” Whatever gloominess Yoongi had, left momentarily the moment you explained what he had done and now like Jungkook— Yoongi wanted to cry out of anger. At the sound of his voice, your stood up right, blood cooly flowing through your body in fright. “Gguk! I thought you said no one was there!” Jungkook tried to explain that he was alone, but it was only jumbled with Yoongi telling you to send him your location and how you shouldn’t sit near Guppy whenever you go sit down. As much as you tried to reply to at least one of them, you ended up hanging up, releasing a big sigh. 
You didn’t want to sit back there to be honest, especially not after Yoongi had asked you to please not sit near Guppy. To your luck, Taehyung was done standing by the bar, taking his last shot of whatever he was drinking in order to tolerate this old tea party. Meeting halfway as he followed your long path to the table you slightly glanced at him before quietly glancing; “Do you mind changing seats?—” He interrupted your further explanation, he didn’t need it. What he was not going to tolerate is having Geunpyo harass you this entire afternoon without anyone standing up for you and he wasn’t going to be one of the cowards to let him get away with it. “I wasn’t going to let you sit there either way.” He didn’t continue talking, only sped ahead before you to take the seat you once sat in as you took his.
Sadly it wasn’t dismissed by Mrs. Lee who pursed her lips seeing you slightly nod to Taehyung when taking the seat between him and Vivi. Having enough of the way you have been treating her son (which hadn’t gone unnoticed either) sat up straight, looking at you with fierce eyes before opening her mouth. “I think we’ve been ignoring what we’re here for… y/n do you so yourself with my son? Personally I don’t see it quite there yet.” With her words your mother’s attention was more focused on you now, eyes widening with expectancy. 
Clearly given to your demeanor not changing and a scowl growing, your mother became more paranoid with what you could say. Clearing your throat and hoping for the minutes to go by, you shake your head looking at the empty plates in front of you. “I don’t know where you got that idea, I already—” God, thank you. This time it was Mrs. Lee’s phone rang, ending further conversation. Like you, the woman stood up hesitantly after excusing herself, sending a glare your way to which you so badly wanted to blow a kiss at her out of custom but remembered this lady was almost similar to her son.
The past fifteen minutes had gone so dreadfully having your mother glare at you every time you looked up, along Mani who would glance at you and coward away when you just stared at her to stop it (perhaps that’s why your mother was glaring now). Taehyung as usual sat uninterested and content with the fact Geunpyo wasn’t bothering you. The only ones to actually make you relax furthermore were Mrs. Kim and Aisha who asked you simple questions.
Mrs. Kim was so understanding with your short answers, figuring you didn’t know her well enough to say anything else— nonetheless her presence was so comforting; of course it all died the moment Mrs. Lee came back wanting to continue her questioning. Was it not for Taehyung who became irked with how dumb the questions were, he wouldn’t have chuckled loud enough to for everyone to hear.
“What’s wrong?” Mrs. Kim asked her son, eyes soft and showing serious concern. ‘Ah, must be nice…’ You told yourself aching for that same maternal care that you haven’t experienced in years. “The girl already has a boyfriend, I think we all caught that already.” You didn’t expect him to say it out first, it wasn’t really his business to do so but given to how you almost did prior to Mrs. Lee’s phone call you only relaxed against the chair with a soft smile on your lips— relieved and glad he considered Yoongi in this mix. 
How awkward had it been with your mother trying to explain that she didn’t know. Honestly the only one giving a fuss was Mrs. Lee whilst Mrs. Kim scoldingly glaread at Taehyung who pouted at her. 
At the sound of your phone ringing again, this time a smile placed itself on your lips. You didn’t even bother excusing yourself from the table, instead you answered it there whilst your mother tried to clear the waters with Mrs. Lee. The simple “Come outside.” coming from Jungkook filled you with glee as you stood from your chair looking down at Aisha with a slanted smile, apologizing for this. She gave your hand a little squeeze, shaking her head before letting you go. To Taehyung, you nodded to which he returned watching you speak: “Thank you.” Quite honestly it was a thank you for all he had done this afternoon and online— defending someone he clearly didn’t know.
Your presence has not gone unnoticed. Your mother’s attention shifted to you with annoyance seeing you grab your bag and zip up your sweater. “Where are you going?!” Her tone was harsher now, frustrated by Taehyung’s input and now your sudden leave— she wasn’t having it. Clearly you couldn’t careless, shaking your head as you walked out the lunch area, even if you heard a couple of steps behind you.
In the hallway far from the guest, the tapping of small heels became louder, groaning after hearing your mother’s words again. “Stop walking! You’re not going anywhere!” Gone ignored, she gasped, speeding to reach you. From behind her, Mani’s own pleads for your mother to relax had gone ignored, Making the second oldest grow annoyed with you for making such a big deal out of this. If your mom was to get startled or more angry, the lady’s pressure would lower— in her mind, you couldn’t careless. 
The ambient back at the table was just as hostile, or at least awkward. Whilst Mrs. Kim spoke with Vivi about the baby, Guppy grew frustrated sitting around all these people he deemed uninteresting, with a low growl— he stood up rushing to where you all were: outside the building now. Loudly sighing with dissatisfaction, Taehyung stopped biting his fingers looking at Mrs. Lee. “No offense but control your son.”
An unsatisfied scoff; Jungkook shakes his head upon seeing Guppy come out the doors that not so long ago your mother, Mani, and you did. Surely he was fast. Of course it wasn’t only for Guppy. Seeing Mani act like she usually does after the things she’s done, hasn’t made his image of her that great. 
Upon arrival, the tension between Yoongi and Guppy had already turned hostile, causing Jungkook to get out of the car in case of any unwanted occurrences. Annoyed at it, you pull on Yoongi’s hand, causing him to walk closer to you— arm wrapping around your shoulder. 
Your mother wasn’t very keen on that, her face turning red out of anger by how close you were to Yoongi. ‘This idiot wasn’t convincing enough.’ She thought to herself recalling the mission set for your dad. Interrupted by Guppy’s laugh when seeing Yoongi. 
“Ahh, Agust D… haven’t seen you since your banning, how are you holding up?” God was he a fucking asshole. Seeing him so cocky, crossing his arms whilst looking at Yoongi with a smirk on his lips, eyebrow raised to signal a dominance he thought he had. Hobi himself wasn’t having it, sighing as he looked to his rear view mirror— after all, he couldn’t be parked in front of the building. “Yoongi, y/n— come on let’s just go.” He looked at Guppy watching the guy even throw a cocky smile at him, one to which he just scowled— face obvious with disgust.
Nodding to Hobi’s commands the two of you turned to open the door of the back seat, that was until your mother pulled on your sweater sleeve. Door open, Yoongi by it but you still held by your mom, you yanked your arm free glaring at her for how unnecessarily dramatic she was making all of this be. “I told you to not get involved with my love life.” The stern tone in your voice made her back away slightly. Even Mani who earlier feared you, gained that same fear as she watched you clutch Yoongi’s hand, squeezing it to reassure him you were fine. Turning to her before entering the car; “You have no right to involve yourself in this. Never did, never will… intrusive liar.” The lump of spit she swallowed was visible and the rage she owned was visibly present for once. 
Your mother was now aware of how much you cared for Yoongi and the lengths you’d go to stay with him. There was nothing she could do to make you stay away from him but still— she would try. “Leave right now and forget about any, any damn thing I’m paying for you. Bills, rent, loans, everything.” And just like you couldn’t with Mrs. Lee, you could with her, blowing a kiss to your mother out of custom. 
Hoseok didn’t bother to wait for anyone to react, instead he pulled out of there before anyone working in the building told him to leave, a tow truck was to come or worse— he’d receive a ticket. On one side you were glad you left already, fast enough to not make the others inside wait. But on the other, there was so much you could’ve told all of them just right. Perhaps it wasn’t the right time. 
Silence could’ve clouded you all, but upon receiving a phone call from Eunwoo— everyone’s mood had changed. “Y/n! Y/n! You know that lady that went into the female priv without a care that I was in there?” Humming as a response, head against Yoongi’s shoulder whilst his arm was wrapped around you. “She brought me a holiday gift basket as an apology.” You could hear his munching as he ate some of the things in the basket. Poor Eunwoo was going to spend another shift with the replacement employees that often make him uncomfortable. 
Giggling to his excitement, Hobi looked up through the mirror smiling as he saw you and Yoongi smile. “Was everything sealed?” You suppose realization fell at him since now his chirpy giggles turned into groans, looking at the candy at hand. “Y/n! Why did you have to ruin it… hopefully the replacements like holiday snacks.” Jungkook laughed at the way Eunwoo extended your name in a pouty whine; how gullible could he be? 
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He whined, hanging up before you could answer. The call wasn’t on speaker but he surely was loud on the phone. His call had only softened the ambient in the car, making all of you talk with different things to keep you distracted. Even Yoongi has slightly forgotten about your father, yes of course until you snuggled closer to him (with no care if Hoseok scolded you for not being buckled up). 
“How where things with my dad?”
“Went very well… I had fun.”
Jungkook’s stare from the rear view mirror, shaming Yoongi for not opening up about the issue. He gave no mind to the younger male’s stare, trying to focus his entire attention to you and avoid reliving the pain of being told he wasn’t good enough for you. 
Hoseok didn’t have to be told twice, taking a different route that led to your current apartment— he drove both you and Yoongi there knowing how much alone time you both needed. Despite the laughs Eunwoo initiated and you all continued within the car— there was underlying things you both had to speak about, and to start with: Yoongi’s car was one. It still confused you on how they had taken the car out of the garage, with no access key, his keys, or the engine working— it was strange. Perhaps there was a logical way they did so but in the meantime you found it impossible. 
Like earlier, both of you found yourself in the lobby of the building your afternoon started out with. Despite the rollercoaster of events, you two would always find each other at the same place… together. 
Allowing Hobi to see you both were safe and sound inside the building and entering the elevator, he drove off to the apartment the two where recently in. This time no need for Yoongi to open when Hobi had a key of his own, all they had to do was wait for Namjoon. 
Once again a comforting silence settled around both you and Yoongi. On the way up to your current apartment, the most you did was hold his until arriving to your door, opening to be greeted with boxes upon boxes. This time Yoongi would be the one to close the door behind you two as you walked towards the bedroom in order to change into your sleeping wear (just one of Yoongi’s shirts). He had followed soon after, watching you fix your socks as he removed his jeans, pulling a pair of sleeping pants decorated with small dogs (ones you got him to replace his sweatpants). 
“Wings or Italian?” You asked braiding your hair just well enough to not have stray hairs all over your face. Quite honestly he wasn’t that hungry but knew later on he would be. Along with that, a soccer game was supposed to start in a few minutes and he didn’t plan on missing it. “Wings…” how heavy he must still feel, his voice low and saddened. You dismissed it as being due to the car, but your father’s words weighed down on him more. Either way it hurt seeing him and all you wanted was to hold him like he’s hold you so many times. 
Nodding, you walk to the kitchen, pulling out a menu from the wing shop you two often made orders from. Not long after you walk back to the room, seeing him lie down with his eyes closed— clutching a throw pillow he found first. Sighing silently to yourself, you walked closer to the bed. Sitting down, allowing the mattress to sink further until you were now laying in front of him, tugging on the pillow for him to let go. He got the message but nonetheless didn’t open his eyes, causing your frown to grow. Oh how much was your heart aching right now.
Yoongi didn’t lose time in pulling you closer to him. His body pressed against you, holding you tight and possibly harder if he tried. You didn’t care to be honest— as long as you had him with you, it was all fine. With his head on the crook of your neck, feeling the air he exhaled through his nose tickles your flesh, your fingers raking through his hair, and his hands were beginning to slowly rub circles on your back— your lips parted, whispering to him: “May your trails end in full bloom…”
At breaking point, Yoongi’s held in sob—released. His body shook as he tried to hold you tight; his head had lowered against your chest and you held him and reassure you were there for him— because you were.
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dracwife · 4 years
waiting game. | salem bailey
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tw: mentions of self harm. implications of violence. angst.
a/n: i wrote this a while ago, but i'm posting this here on my ship account for the sake of easy access. lots of angst, but ot explains a lot about salem and his backstory uwu\
The gauze stained red, patches of brown seeping through the worn bandages, wound so tightly around his wrists that its burning almost drowned out the searing pain of the wounds that littered his skin just beneath the fabric. His fingers shook as he finished wrapping his arms, his gaze distant, his mind clouded with memories that hurt more than the cuts he’d dug into his wrists moments before. If he wouldn’t feel anything else, at least he’d feel the pain, the regret, that accompanied the thoughts. 
“Rise and shine, Salem. That is what you go by now, isn’t it? Not your true name, just another lie you lead your life by. For years, you’ve deceived and scammed the poor, the elderly, anyone your so-called ‘clients’ paid you to. Not once have you shown remorse for your actions - tell me, is it easy to live knowing your ‘work’ has cost the wellbeing of so many vulnerable people? Today, I ask you: How heavy are the weight of your sins? Are they as easy to carry as it is for you to turn a blind eye to your...friends’, clients’, partner's immoral actions?”
He gasped for air, his head bowing towards the sink. He shook so fiercely, he was scarcely able to hold himself up, and even then he couldn’t bring himself to look at his own reflection in the mirror. He felt sick, so...so sick.
“Wrapped around your arms and legs is razor wire. The slightest movement of any of your muscles will cause it to dig deeper, to cut deeper. Across from you now is a set of weights, and two cables. In thirty seconds, the weights will be released down onto the pressure plates below them. If they are allowed to rest for too long, the lock on the door to this room will be sealed permanently. Your task is to hold the weights up long enough for the door, which will open after five minutes, to completely open. Once it is open, you are free to go. If you fail, you will be locked in this room forever.”
He felt the scars reopening, he could feel the pain of the blades digging into his muscles, the warmth of the blood trailing down his skin, pooling on the floor below him, the awful burning of his muscles, underdeveloped and weak struggling so terribly to hold the weight - the weight of his sins - up. It scorched his nerves and left him a dazed, seared mess. He nearly collapsed onto the floor of his own bathroom. He was here, he was here and it was now, but even so his mind took him to then.
“Live or die, Everett. Make your choice.”
His nails dug into the exposed part of his skin. He could hear it again, the words echoing in his mind. The weight of his sins. The weight of his sins. Were they so easy to carry…? This was his game. He should have left himself to die. He didn’t, and now he was here. Playing this waiting game with death, each of them taunting and teasing the other, but never quite making contact.
He fell to his knees, and sobbed. He laughed, too, a strange mixture of tears and giggles, even when he felt nothing. It was ironic. So fucking ironic, wasn’t it? He chose to live, but now he simply wished to die more. How easy it would have been to just lay there, curl up and wither away in that room. But he fought, he fucking fought his goddamned hardest to live. Even when his throat was raw from screaming and his every muscle and bone cried for him to just give up because the pain was too great, he let his nerves numb him and he fucking fought. And as he clawed his way out of that room, he cried, he was afraid. He was abso-fucking-lutely terrified, and even still he made his way home, bleeding, bruised, and so, so tired. So vividly did he remember stumbling through the door, falling into the arms of Adam who, already panicked, barely held him up as he bombarded him with questions, only stopping when he felt the sticky warmth beginning to cover his hands, and just after smelling that ever-familiar scent of metallic copper, “Oh, god, oh - fuck, what did you do? Jesus christ -” 
So easy was it for him to recall the hoarseness of his voice as he begged and pleaded to live, vision fading as he was rushed to the hospital, and the following days where he felt nothing but that same fear, jumping at every movement within five feet of himself, the interrogations by the police, the nurses, by Adam, who stood so far, withdrawn as he asked the same questions, offered so little comfort not out of indifference but because of his own struggles, his own abrupt outbursts of involuntary apathy. They were the same now, tested and though they fought so hard to live, may have been better off left to die. 
What they lived now wasn’t life, it was an existence of fear, anger, sadness, regret. It was a life of nothing, and they hadn’t changed. Not for the better. Sure, they acted different, but it was to their own downfall. They were so far apart despite sharing so many troubles. And it wasn’t as if they’d wanted to be. It was just how it was. In the best of times, they’d be there to comfort the other, and maybe they’d share just a moment of the closeness they’d once had; A joke, a glance, a smile they’d share so often was now a rarity. Now what did they have?
They had conversations about nothing. There were touches, kisses, whispers without intimacy. Smiles without feeling, declarations of caring without meaning. There were gestures without affection and there was comfort without understanding. There was apathy now, and in the few moments of feeling there was tears. There were tremors throughout the hands and cold, indifferent ones to stabilize them and blankets and sheets to tangle themselves in in an attempt to feel held the way they’d used to be held. 
What John had done to them - it was no salvation. There was no appreciation. He did not help them, and they did not cherish their lives any more than they had before. It destroyed them, and now they were left absolutely shattered to pick up each other’s pieces in a void so dark it threatened to swallow them both.
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crystalninjaphoenix · 5 years
“Holding everything in doesn’t help, you know.” Anyone with Swap!Marvin? Or Volt? Ohhh or maybe both of them together! I dunno if they even hang but that’d be a fun scenario- with good whump and or/angst 👌
(Yknow you made me realize these boys really don’t interact with each other as much as they do with other Switch boys 🤔 But that’s not to say they don’t hang out at all! All the boys are friends uwu )
Marvin was still figuring out how to use his cell phone, but he knew how to accept calls. Still, this wasn’t a call he was expecting to get. From the very beginning, something was off, as Schneep tended to text over call. Marvin pressed the green button to pick up. “Hel—”
“Jamie can I come over?”
Marvin blinked. “Henrik? T’is is Marvin, not Jems.”
“Oh, I dialed wrong.” Schneep laughed shakily. “Does not matter. You live together, can I come over? Now?”
“Um, I s’pose?” Marvin said slowly. “If you’re lookin’ for Jems, he’s not here now, he’s at rehearsal for a show.” Marvin would’ve gone to watch him practice, but it hadn’t been the best day for him, so he backed out.
“The person does not matter, does not.” Schneep’s words were strange enough to cause Marvin’s brows to furrow in confusion. “I just need—I am coming over now. Okay, I will see you.” The call dropped.
Marvin blinked, taking the phone away from his ear. Well, this didn’t seem good. They kept the first aid kit in the upstairs bathroom, probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to get it out now so he wouldn’t have to go back up the stairs. He sighed, grabbed his cane, and pushed to his feet.
About ten minutes later, Marvin was sitting on the single chair in the entrance hall when the front door flew open and Schneep stumbled in. Marvin stood up just in time to catch him when he fell, staggering a bit at the sudden weight. “Henrik! Wha’ happened? Are you alrigh’?” He pushed Schneep away a bit so he could look him over. And again, he could tell something was off immediately. Schneep wasn’t wearing his vigilante costume, just his usual gray sweater. And he didn’t have any injuries, or at least none that Marvin could see. “Is...is somethin’ wrong?” Marvin asked cautiously.
Schneep suddenly burst into laughter. His legs seemed to lose support and he fell against Marvin again, who had to take a few steps to maintain balance. “Yes, yes, something is wrong,” Schneep said. The confirmation was a little...odd, when he said it between giggles.
“...alrigh’...” Marvin shifted, uneasy. “Come on, I t’ink you need to lie down.”
He ended up half-carrying Schneep into the parlor—well, the living room, as it was apparently called in this day and age. After taking a moment to shoo the cat off of the sofa, Marvin set Schneep down on the cushions and then immediately collapsed into the nearby armchair. He watched as Schneep grabbed the nearest throw pillow and hugged it tight. He was still shaking slightly, though with the new way his eyes were leaking tears, Marvin wasn’t sure if that was silent laughing or if he was crying now. “Now...Henrik...” Marvin said slowly. “I’m not sure what’s goin’ on. And I can’ help if I don’ know what’s goin’ on. So...if you could just explain quickly t’at would be really helpful for both of us.”
Schneep hummed noncommittally. His eyes darted over to Marvin, then over to the living room window, then back to Marvin, then over to the corner where a lamp was standing, then back to Marvin. “How long have we known each other?” he asked.
“Ummm...I t’ink it’s been a few months now,” Marvin offered.
“How many?” 
“Um...‘m not sure.” Marvin bit his lip as he thought. “It was back in March, I b’lieve.”
“March?” Schneep seemed surprised to hear that. “Ah.” He rolled over so he was facing the back of the sofa, instead of out toward the room.
Marvin stared silently for a moment, unsure if that meant he was done talking. “Do you...need anything?”
Schneep’s head suddenly whipped back around. “I have not told anyone,” he said suddenly. “Not Anti, not Jackie—I know he is doctor, but not that type, and I am worried. I know these two for long time, but I have not told them.” He turned his head back around and buried his face in the throw pillow.
“Oh.” Marvin looked down and began tracing around the top of his cane. “T’en...don’ take t’is the wrong way, I’m honored and all, but...why woul’ you tell me abou’ whatever t’is is?”
Schneep sat up, pulling his knees up to his chest while still holding the pillow. “I...do not know.” He laughed again. “I did not want to be alone tonight. So I planned to call Jamie and ask him if I could stay over, but I did not think I would say anything. But you are here instead, and I think you would somehow understand, and I am thinking about saying something. But I am not sure...” His voice broke. “What you would think about it...”
Marvin paused.“Holdin’ ev'rything in doesn’ help, y’know. Ye don’ have t’tell me the whole story, but it might be better t’say something.”
“...maybe...” Schneep squeezed the pillow tighter. Marvin waited patiently, opting to lean down and pick up the cat and pet him while Schneep started slowly rocking back and forth. After what seemed like hours, Schneep spoke up. “Marvin.”
“Hm?” Marvin looked over.
Schneep took a deep breath. “Marvin, I...tonight, I was...things were not—I-I had a bad time tonight. There were things that were not really there—”
Marvin sat up straight. “What did he do?! Where did you see him?! I swear if he—”
“No, no it was not Dis—was not because of anything outside,” Schneep hurried to say. When Marvin paused, clearly confused, Schneep took a deep breath. “I...I am sick, Marvin. Not...in a way people can see. Not physically. My mind, it...it does not function like other people’s. Has not in a long time.” He buried his face in the pillow once more, but continued talking, his words muffled but understandable. “I try to not let it affect things too much. There is medicine I take to help it. But I cannot help but think that if I say this to others, they will react to me differently. I...do not want people to be afraid of me.” He didn’t move after confessing this, staying almost abnormally still, muscles tense.
Marvin was quiet. His thoughts were spinning through his mind, snatches of half-formed words. He couldn’t deny the way he had gone on edge the moment he realized what Schneep meant. But he did scold himself for reacting that way. How unfair that was! No, this didn’t change anything. And if it did, that would only hurt Schneep. Besides...Marvin had to admit some of what he said connected with him, if you would switch out some key words. Marvin looked down at his cane. “I t’ink I understand,” he said slowly.
Schneep looked up. “I am...I-I am afraid, Marvin. Everything is getting worse. And I worry about...him.” Marvin didn’t have to ask who. “With the way he can make you believe and see things that do not exist, those illusions of his and the way he can distort reality...and I know he hates me, and so I-I—I think I would not be able to—to—”
Marvin noticed the way Schneep’s hands were shaking as they held tight to the pillow. He reached over and grabbed one. “It will be fine,” he said with conviction. “You are one of the strongest people I know. It will be alrigh’.”
“M-maybe.” Schneep’s voice cracked. He blinked, and a few tears rolled down his face. “But I do not know. I do not know, and I hate that.”
“Well, I know. I know you’ve survived so many dangerous situations and t’at you can survive many more. It will be alrigh’.” Marvin squeezed Schneep’s hand, and he squeezed back, seeming reassured, and maybe a bit more connected, by the contact.
“I can...I can still stay here tonight, yes? I still do not want to be alone.” Schneep’s voice was fragile, as if he anticipated a shattering rejection.
“Of course ye can.” Marvin nodded. “The bedrooms are all on the second floor, so we’ll have to go up the stairs.” Marvin sighed. “You can stay in the guest room. I’ll call Jems to let him know.”
Schneep stood up. “You two should convert that empty office down here on the first floor to a bedroom.”
Marvin started. “I...did not t’ink of t’at.”
Schneep chuckled. “Clearly.” When Marvin stood up, Schneep instantly grabbed his spare hand, then seemed to consider it, looking back at Marvin for permission.
“It’s fine,” Marvin assured him. “Just not too tightly.”
“I am taking the pillow upstairs with me too,” Schneep said. He indeed did not look like he was ready to relinquish his hold on the throw pillow anytime soon.
“T’at’s fine too. Now come on, it’s gettin’ late.”
“It’s only ten-thirty,” Schneep mumbled. “Is not too late.”
“I assure you, it is for me.”
“You are like an old man when it comes to your sleeping, Marvin,” Schneep smiled.
“All I’m sayin’ is t’at t’ere’s a proper time for sleeping.” Marvin rolled his eyes. “Now are we goin’ upstairs or are we still stayin’ here?”
“Upstairs. And, ah, Marvin? ...thank you.” Schneep mumbled the last words. And Marvin knew it wasn’t just about letting him stay for the night.
He smiled. “You’re welcome. After all, you’re my friend.”
Schneep returned the smile. The two of them didn’t talk much to each other for the rest of the night, but it didn’t matter. Sometimes, words weren’t needed to understand.
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honeybammie · 6 years
street lights › kim yugyeom
↳ in which there is only one way to get back at a cheating ex-boyfriend ↳ fluff, suggestive  ↳ sentence prompt: “you look incredible!” 
At the beginning of the night, I had no intentions of ending up in the narrow alleyway behind a bar accompanied only by a flickering street light, but an undesired change of plans landed me there anyway. 
I wanted to forget everything about Im Jaebum, from the worn leather jackets to the devious smirks to the way his hands gripped a stranger’s waist with her dress pooled around his calloused hands. That had been a month ago, and I hadn’t seen him since. Not until he sauntered into the bar with a shiny new jacket and his lip caught between his teeth. My friends dragged me out of the house to have fun, but apparently I had done something so terrible in my past life that karma reared its ugly head on me tonight. Suddenly I was glad to have not taken a sip of alcohol, otherwise I might be braver—and stupider—and curl my fingers around his bicep and dare ask him to take me home. 
But no less, I stood in a cold, damp, back alley, all of my friends inside too drunk to notice my absence, and I hoped that Jaebum hadn’t noticed me before I made my exit. I wore one of my shortest dresses—it used to work on him like a charm—and a pair of my most expensive heels, all in the hope of what? I had no idea. I wasn’t going home with any of the other men in that bar, either, other than the friends who brought me. The others were all as bad as Jaebum, sliding into unoccupied seats and offering drinks to girls who had already surpassed their limit. 
Except Kim Yugyeom, who stumbled out the back door as if on cue and shook his hair out of his face. His eyes landed on me and brightened, putting the street light to shame. 
“I found you,” he announced. I expected more of a slur in his words, but maybe he handled his alcohol better than I remembered. Hadn’t he been the one to sing into a lamp last time we attended a house party?
“Was someone looking for me?” I asked, raising my eyebrows. “If it’s Jaebum—”
He scoffed at the name. “Like I’d talk to him. I was actually the one looking for you.”
“You?” I mused. “I thought you’d be in there singing show tunes into a lamp and making friends with every last person you see walk in.”
“Actually, I haven’t had anything to drink either,” he said, and I regretted my accusations just as fast. “This is your first night out since you broke up with him, and I thought I’d keep an eye on you. Not that I need to, considering you haven’t had a drop. I went to the bathroom and by the time I got back, you disappeared.”
“How’d you find me then?” 
“Bambam came up to me and said he saw a hot girl who looked like you leave out the back door. I figured I would take my chances.” He smiled, and I laughed. Second to Yugyeom, Bambam was my favorite drunk in the world. “What’re you doing out here, anyway?”
“Isn’t it obvious? My cheating ex just walked into the room. He’s the last person in the world I want to see,” I sighed. The alley could’ve been filled with boiling lava, and I’d still choose it over an interaction with Jaebum. 
“I know. I hate thinking about the fact that he breathes, but you have the upper hand,” Yugyeom said. 
“How?” he mocked. I rolled my eyes. “You look incredible! You are the most attractive person in this bar, and you’re dressed to prove it. He’s just another brooding dick.”
“You suggest I make him jealous?” I cocked my head, now interested. Maybe it was luck that I had worn Jaebum’s favorite dress this evening. 
“I suggest you make him regret the worst decision of his life,” Jae said. 
“But what do I do? I don’t want to pull aside any of the guys here who are just as awful, and then they’d expect—” I stopped, a lightbulb pinging above my head. “You.” Yugyeom blinked. “Me?”
“I am not letting anyone else in there stick their tongue down my throat. I would rather trip and fall on my face in front of Jaebum, so you have to help me,” I reasoned. 
“So you want me to help you by sticking my tongue down your throat?” he asked. 
“More or less,” I said, aware of how crazy I sounded, but Yugyeom was one of my best friends and he proposed the idea of getting back at Jaebum in the first place. “Is that…a problem?”
“Nope. Just making sure we’re on the same page. Let’s go,” he said, reaching an arm to settle around my waist and holding me flush to his side. His tarnished denim jacket smelled vaguely like cologne, a scent I wasn’t familiar with but a scent that might become my new favorite. 
He led us back through the door, static music playing over old speakers, but the sound was muffled by the typical bar crawl: a group of friends shouting too loudly over a sports event, a couple of girls smiling seductively at strangers, and Im Jaebum sitting at a barstool, shot glass in front of him. His eyes followed me as I walked by with Yugyeom on my arm. 
“You’re tense,” Yugyeom whispered, bringing my attention to the tightness of my shoulders and the pit in my stomach. “We don’t have to do this. I’ll gather the guys, and we can head out.”
“No, I want to,” I said, electricity bubbling in my chest at the image of Jaebum with a stranger’s legs hooked over his shoulders. “Let’s sit here.”
I pulled Yugyeom into an empty booth, his thigh brushing mine as I pushed my hair behind my shoulders. I didn’t have to glance in Jaebum’s direction to know his eyes were on my neck and collarbones. He used to spend a great deal of his time biting at both. 
“You’re a good friend. Thank you for this,” I said to Yugyeom, trailing my fingers up his arm. He was biting back a smile, desperately trying to keep character. 
“Anything to get back at him,” he huffed, leaning forward and placing a hand on my jaw. “Can I get a reward for helping a friend out?”
“Why didn’t you ask sooner?”
I gripped the folded collar of his shirt, closing the last of the gap between us and melding his mouth with mine, a combination of teeth and tongue and his hands tangled in my hair. 
“Check to see if he’s looking,” Yugyeom whispered in my ear, dropping his mouth to my neck and—oh god, his lips. How would I explain the scattered hickeys to the other guys in the morning? 
I forced my eyes to focus, blurred shapes coming together until I recognized two familiar eyes at the bar. “Yeah,” I breathed, watching Jaebum lift his glass and pour the burning alcohol to the back of his throat. “He’s loo—shit, Yugyeom. He’s looking.”
“Should I keep going?” he hummed, grinning against my skin. Asshole.
“Let me.” I gently pushed him off, unbuttoning the top buttons of his shirt and nipping at his exposed collarbones while his head lolled back. 
“He’s getting up,” Yugyeom said through a gasp. “I think he’s headed out the door.”
“Tell me when he’s gone,” I said, repaying him for the marks he left on my neck by biting red roses into his jugular. 
He fell silent for ten, twenty, thirty seconds.
“Did he leave yet?” I asked, impatient. “If I don’t stop soon your entire neck is going to turn purple.”
“Hm? Oh, right, he’s gone.” I glanced up in time to see his eyes snap open, and I pulled away, shoving his arm. “What?”
“I said to tell me when he left,” I said, “and you let me keep going!” 
He shrugged, fixing the buttons that I had undone moments ago. “You seemed busy, and I didn’t want to interrupt,” he winked, lifting my chin with one finger. “You look like you just got in a fight.”
“There was a leech on me,” I said. He placed a hand to his chest, incredulous. “You don’t look much better yourself. I don’t think a concealer exists that’ll cover those.”
“Who said I wanted to?” he asked. 
I bit the inside of my cheek, static filling my mind, and I started to wonder if maybe I was drunk, past the point of remembering if I drank anything at all. “What’s the worst that can happen when you make out with your best friend?” 
“What’s the best that can happen?” he opposed, raising a valid point. 
“Maybe we’ll find out,” I whispered. His mouth had been attached to my neck moments ago, but now I was blushing. My face diffused pink the same shade as his lips and good god why couldn’t I stop thinking of his lips. 
“What do you say we gather the rest of the guys and take them home?” He nodded towards the door. I scanned the room to find our friends experiencing different levels of intoxication, all completely oblivious to my and Yugyeom’s scene. 
“What happens after we take them home?” I asked.
“I take you home with me.” 
a/n: i’m sorry for making jaebum the cheating ex i promise i love him with my whole entire heart he’s so soft like uwu bitch pls enjoy anyway ♡♡♡
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tarotfurbyandchill · 7 years
About My NB Furby Post
I’ve seen a few people in the Furby community express concern about the comments on this recently popular post, so I thought I would take a few seconds to say a) thank you! and b) I’m really fine!
 Thank you for being so concerned about me to begin with; I love how much we care for one another in this community and even go as far as to keep tabs on one another. The fact that you all are thinking of me and even responding to some of the “meaner” replies on the post is lovely of you.
 With that being said, even though it does make me a little sad to see things like “burn and kill all furbies” on my post (and I can see why that would be downright devastating to some of you), I really am fine. The people leaving comments like that on the post have absolutely no idea that a furby fandom exists, no less how much value we put on our furbies. Maybe it’s naïve, but I truly believe that if they knew how much we loved our furbies, they wouldn’t leave us such outwardly violent comments. I’m almost positive that even people who know that the post comes from a Furby blog think that it’s some kind of joke that they’re just contributing to  - they leave some humorous comment about how much they hate furbies, I leave a “I will live and die for furbies uwu” right back, it’s a game of Tumblr hyperbole. People jokingly “defend to the death” all sorts of things on this site; I think users think that me extending this “humorous” approach to furbies is a joke. These people have no idea that we tend to personify our furbies, use furbies to cope, to stim, and what have you. So I’m not really mad at anyone on the post. A little annoyed at worst for some of the more violent comments, but okay.
 …but I will be happy when it dies down and I can go back to posting pictures of my furbies that will get thirty notes from people who understand how I feel. I love you guys, and your beautiful furbies.
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