#or just movie trailer footage put together
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creakysocks ¡ 5 months ago
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Watched nezha reborn recently and though there were major pacing issues w the movie it was worth it bc of some kickass designs,,, or in other words decided to do pose practice and thought i cant not draw him
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gardenwalrus ¡ 2 months ago
The deleted quarry scene in Help! (as mentioned in this interview)
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— Paul McCartney in the Bahamas on the set of Help!, 28 February 1964
[This can be found in the original trailer for Help! - the rest of the footage was destroyed]
"But there are some good scenes from the film. There are shots of us in a disused quarry, using it as a race track. We found it when we were waiting for the technicians. We were screeching around it like mad. Well, they filmed it slyly and put it in the film. Just like that."
- Paul McCartney interview with Norman Jopling, Record Mirror (May 1965)
When John returned from the Bahamas, he told me that the Beatles, on one of their days off, had each rented a Cadillac. After chasing one another around Nassau at speeds exceeding one hundred miles per hour, they wound up in an unused quarry, where they proceeded to play “bumper cars.” “It was a terrific feeling,” enthused John (who had only passed his driver’s test a few weeks earlier). “Smashing up all those shiny new limos.” The game ended when the last vehicle had been rendered immobile, whereupon John, Paul, George, and Ringo returned to their living quarters on foot, leaving four utterly demolished limousines to languish in the quarry. “So we're going to get some fucking big bill for that one of these days,” John remarked nonchalantly. But the bill never arrived.
- Pete Shotton, John Lennon: in my life (1983)
We rented sports cars which we used to drive around the island, I think they were Triumph Spitfires and MGBs. And as the police were all in the movie, we ever had any trouble with speeding. One day we found a disused quarry and started driving madly around it; skidding, doing doughnuts, going up the sides and spinning out. We made Dick Lester come and set up the camera so he could film us. He shot it with a fish-eye lens and it looked amazing: a big golden quarry with blue and red cars - like little toys - going round the bottom and up the sides. It was never used in the film, but we could sure use it now. We've since found that they destroyed all that footage. People were so short sighted in the old days, it was that 'they'll never last' concept.
- George Harrison in The Beatles Anthology (1995)
A few months later in February of 1965, Chuck Brinkman and I were invited to join the Beatles in the Bahamas where they were filming “Help”. [...] “The Boys” with their well known mischievous streak decided to have some “fun” by wrecking the MG sports car they had been provided. Together they lifted the rear of the car up on two cement cinder blocks, one below each side of the back bumper, and then took delight in starting the motor, laying a brick on the gas peddle and pushing it off the cement blocks for the unattended car to gather speed crashing into a solid cement wall. This was done over and over until the MG no longer could “make the trip” to the wall. With each crash “the boys” leaped for joy squealing in delight cheering on the death of the MG.
- John Rook, KQV radio station director (x)
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fandomfluffandfuck ¡ 2 years ago
This is so tureeee just imagine Chris and Seb noticing this and deciding to do a whole bromance movie together 😭
Your desperate) 🍑
[Link] to a tweet with two photos of text saying, "But damn imagine getting this female co-star who you have done multiple projects with, that your fans are obsessed with the idea you're sleeping together, and you lowkey use that chemistry to fool the media in order to promote said projects and get her on a movie where you finally are a couple and are certain to make media and those fans happy. Only to have the bright idea to bring Sebastian Stan into it, the one dude that is part of your most iconic pairing, the one that is part of a ship with a huge fanbase and the one with who, no matter how you "no homo-ed" will always have the superior chemistry with above any female. And this dude basically gets most of the attention and hype, the ship that you thought was dead and buried, rises back and he ends up trending worldwide above your female co-star 💀"
(By the way, this tweet actually comes from an anon over on @musette22 's blog, which can be found here.)
Okay, but that would be the DREAM. Can you imagine them cashing in on the chemistry they have and the fun they have together and doing a whole fucking romance film (that romcom Seb wants to do?) together.
We'd perish.
We wouldn't be able to deal with it. Just the promo photos and first whispers about the trailer would put us in the ground. Plus the movie itself and the behind the scenes footage-? Murder twice over.
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whatyourusherthinks ¡ 11 months ago
Late Night With The Devil Review
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I didn't know anything this movie. It randomly arrived in theater with no fanfare, trailers, not even a poster. It is going away really fast too. Turns out the horror streaming service Shudder put it out for a limited time in theaters before making it exclusive online. The only other thing I knew about the movie was that they use AI art in part of the movie. I will get to that.
What's The Movie About?
The movie is essentially a found footage of the final episode of a fictional late night sketch show as well as behind the scenes footage detailing what went down to make it the final episode.
What I Like.
To start with, I liked all the characters. Most of them are selfish or jerks, but I still empathized with a good chunk, liked their motivations, and was invested with their role in the plot. A highlight for me was the stage magician skeptic character, if someone makes me play Call of Cthulhu ever again I want to play that guy. I quite like the set up and staging of the story, it built tension wonderfully. I also really liked the back drop of seventies cultural revolution, and more specifically, the satanic panic. It does telegraph some of the reveals but there isn't a huge mystery to the story so I didn't mind.
But my favorite thing is thus: Late Night With the Devil is an analogue horror story higher budget. (Or at least a higher budget than the typical YouTube videos that employ this style of horror.) What that means is that the movie emulates older forms of media, complete with glitched visuals and audio, and the movie uses it to find a subtler narrative underneath the upfront story. I really like analogue horror when it is done well. It can create some of the most disturbing ideas and presentations in horror. Some analogue horror can be too vague, where it's just weird shit with no context because the creators figure the fans will piece together anything and that justifies them barely writing a story. It works best when there is a complete narrative with creepier hints sprinkled throughout that imply a darker story. Which is what Late Night With The Devil does. I will say the secondary story might be a bit too obvious, I picked it up on my first time watching and most people I talked to figured it out as well. But I vastly prefer that to seemingly random bullshit that we'll just let the internet figure out what it means.
What I Didn't Like.
Three things. One, there is a coda at the beginning of the movie setting up the movie itself as lost footage being shown as the movie you are watching. But there is no coda at the end. The movie just kinda stops after the finale. It just feels like a loose end that could have easily been tied, and hell, even set up a sequel or connected movie. I'd watch more of these kinds of movies.
Two, while the gore effects are good, the rest are not. Honestly, they are so bad it takes away from the horror of the movie. There was only one scene I thought was scary, and it was because of those great gore effects. But there is a part where a character vomits themselves to death and I wasn't scared at all because of the clearly fake puke.
And three, the AI art. Here we fucking go. When I first heard about it, I assumed it was abstract art. So I just rolled my eyes and said "You really couldn't just splash some paint on a poster board and film it or something? Hell, give a production member's toddler 5 bucks to scribble all over some paper." But watching the movie, the AI artwork is actually supposed to resemble objects, such as a television, owl, and skeleton. Imagine me rubbing my face with both hands when I say Jesus H Fucking Christ. To start with, it looks bad. AI art does not do details properly at all, giving it any amount of scrutiny reveals how bad it is. Also, you couldn't just take ten minutes in photoshop to put an owl on an old tv? Pay a fucking artist to make art, don't use AI! It's objectively not that bad of an addition to the movie, but we can give no quarter on this issue. The moment that corporations replacing job with AI becomes normalized is the moment that we lose.
Final Summation.
I thought Late Night With The Devil was incredibly interesting and quite good. I wasn't being facetious when I said I would watch more of these kinds of movies. Analogue horror is a extremely fun method of story telling, if you do it right. And I think this particular setting could be expanded in quite a number of directions. Or if the Shudder studios want to keep making this kind of horror with different ideas, I would be down for that as well.
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robotlesbianjavert ¡ 1 year ago
found footage of the League of Villains in a haunted place. Should it be:
• broken phone from one of the League, chronicling them getting haunted
• or tv crew thinks they're being haunted but it's the League trying to get them to leave their hideout
• or tv crew teams up with League as they're both getting haunted but League survives because they're genre savvy/better survival skills/use the crew as human sacrifices
had to sit on this for a while because i like found footage so much and would like to write something that evokes found footage someday. stares at my haunted trailer park boys wip that i have not touched for seven and a bit years. maybe one day.
anyways. broken phone idea fascinates me because i love the experimental aspect of it - i feel like a movie like this must exist, because just the idea of being stuck in this single view, maybe occasionally shuffled around if there's activity in the same area, sometimes looking at a blank space but you can hear things going on in the background, ugh the thought i love that.
but i also like the idea of a team up because one of my greatest storyline loves is when unlikely characters are forced to work together or exist alongside each other by shocking circumstances. and very specifically i think this should be gentle criminal and la brava deciding to pursue a ghost hunting show career instead of filming their crimes and run into the league. la brava is trying to hook the league up with mics and everything and put a lil tv makeup on them while everyone is fighting for their fucking lives.
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gunsatthaphan ¡ 2 years ago
I am already bothering you because of the OS2 trailer lol but I want to express my theories so here they are:
NLMG: I agree with the time traveling theory! with the outfits and setting it's giving Palm and Nueng sent back in time where Palm seems to be the rich one
MLC: soul/body swap as people where saying for a wile, or a different hniverse where everithing is swapped(wich I think could be more probable cuz they all swapped not only Tinn and Gun
ABAAB: same as MLC or as you said a roleplay so that Cher can experience what Gun does
BBS: no clue... people seems to think it's a body/soul swap as well considering some of the scenes shown
ATOTS-SIMM: maybe just vibes and cute times for the couple, to for Phupa Tian people seems to think it's also a body/soul swap but to me not so much
The Eclipse: Wat making a short movie for a film festival in Phuket and he involved all his friends(e.g. the Brokeback Mountin looking scene) we saw them in the bts in front of some theatre
anyway this is my take we will know in a little over a week so!
Still this trailer made me holler in lughter! and twitter dod too the trailer and the comments of it gave me so much joy! can't wait for it!
hi anon!
thank you for sending in your thoughts!! here's what I think:
NLMG: judging from their outfits and the setting, I'm pretty sure that theory is correct. they could even be travelling through multiple different eras before waking up in their time, which is actually something they hinted at before but I couldn't put it together back then lol. so yeah. it makes sense.
MSP (I'm assuming MLC is a typo because if not then I have some bad news for you lmao): I honestly don't know where people are getting this body swap theory from lmao. the trailer did not suggest that? or maybe I'm just blind. I still don't like body swaps but if that's what's happening then let's see how it goes.
ABAAB: the role switch thing seems pretty legit to me. From what I can tell I don't think it's a body swap though, probably just Cher wanting to reverse the roles and knowing him it's gonna be for some kink reason dfjkgdf
BBS: no idea either. the very small amount of footage that we got didn't really look any different from the original show tbh so I'm not sure what they're gonna do. It's possible that it won't be anything elaborate. And I once again want to throw out there that they filmed this whole thing in 2 days lmao. So I'm not expecting much.
ATOTS & SIMM: I agree about both. We didn't get any footage from SIMM since they just wrapped filming today but I also think it's gonna be a compilation of some cutesy-boyfie moments which I'm very much okay with lol. Same with ATOTS.
The Eclipse: The wat-short-film theory seems to be the general consensus and I think it's very likely. Wat makes a movie where they recreate old movies such as Golden Eagle, Brokeback Mountain and others and I think that makes sense. At first I thought there might be some universe-travel involved but not anymore. And I actually really like that idea tbh.
I'm super excited for all the episodes 🥺 it's been such a long drought lmao so I'm happy we're getting all of them back!! 🥺💜
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a-force-dyad-in-space ¡ 2 years ago
I'm still not allowing myself to be excited for the One Piece live action but after having seen the trailer a few more times I'll say that as long as the pacing is good (bad pacing trips me up so hard) and the show captures the essence and spirit of the story, I won't hate it.
I just hope the rest of the writing is better than that "Not a crew" scene, I'm still not very happy with that. Sure, a lot of the comedy from the manga and the anime doesn't translate very well into live action but they can still bring out the silly parts without relying on the same kind of 0815 quips that are used by every action adventure movie since the beginning of the MCU.
Something I didn't learn until today is that Oda himself was heavily involved in the adaptation, including greenlighting the cast, which I guess gives me a little more confidence that the show won't be a trashfire.
I really like the cast (and now that I know Oda gave his okay for Nami's and Sanji's actors I'm putting my earlier reservations to the side), I like their energy, I highly appreciate their love for the One Piece universe, so I have a feeling they may be my favorite part of the adaptation.
Something that's also been pointed out is that the characters are wearing a lot of outfits from color spreads from the manga, which is really cool, I like that a lot, it gives them realistic costume changes while still staying true to their designs.
As for some of the criticism I've seen float around the tag:
"WHY ISN'T LUFFY WEARING FLIP FLOPS????" I was a little put off by that at first, too, but I honestly doubt that we'll pay a whole lot of attention to his feet when we watch the actual show (and who knows, maybe they'll show up at some point)
"WHERE IS SANJI'S CURLY BROW??????" This is probably completely a Me thing but when I watched the trailer for the first time I didn't even notice that because I was honestly much more worried about his hair before the trailer was released; I totally get that him not having the curly brow is a little disappointing and leaves out some of the greatest bickering between him and Zoro, but it's still possible that they'll bring it into the show some other way, even if he doesn't have it all the time; same goes for the smoking (which, given that it's an American production that is aimed at kids, isn't really surprising, since smoking/tobacco is its own content warning on American TV), we might see him light a cigarette here and there but we were never gonna see him chainsmoke the way he does in the manga/anime
"WHAT ABOUT USOPP'S NOSE????" Okay, let's be real here, had they given Usopp his Pinocchio nose through either CGI or VFX make-up, everyone probably would have complained how stupid and cringe it looks translated into live action; Jacob has a very expressive face that more than makes up for the lack of the Pinocchio nose in my opinion, but maybe that's just me (Jacob was also the first cast member I was fully on board with from the start, so maybe I'm biased, but that's how I feel)
"BUGGY LOOKS TOO SCARY" Guys, we only got one shot of him and we don't know the context for it; maybe this is his introductory shot, maybe this is a special dramatic shot, maybe this is how other people describe him, we just don't know; just wait until the show is out
"THE FOOTAGE IS TOO YELLOW" While it is likely that this is the final color grading, it's also possible that the final color grading wasn't done by the time they put the trailer together (like, some of the shots look like the yellow isn't as strong), they still have more than two months until release, they could still be doing final tweaks until then; and maybe they wanted to emphasize Luffy's sunny personality, who knows, the cinematography probably looks different in emotional scenes
Also, and this is only of interest to my fellow Germans, the German anime voice cast is dubbing the show, so I might actually watch it both in the original version and with the German voices because the nostalgia is reaaaaaaaallll
Be still, my heart, so you won't be disappointed, but be hopeful, be so so hopeful 🥲
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ben-talks-art ¡ 2 years ago
Thoughts on every "Across The Spider-Verse" trailer
I think there is enough footage of the movie by this point to say whether or not this might be for you or not.
Overall first impressions... This looks good! Music seems to be just as good as the first one, style seems to be just as good as the first one, humor just as good, dialogue just as good, characters just as charming.
This basically feels like just more Spider-Verse, and Spider-Verse was great so that's hardly a problem... For the most part.
I personally do have a few very small, tiny issues with the first movie. The first one being that I'm kinda mixed on Miles' voice. Not to say I think it's bad but sometimes I just feel like it could have a little more punch to it.
His voice for the most part seems to be this constant very chill, very cool, very relaxed mood, which works for when Miles is acting chill and relaxed such as when he goes "Nah, I'll find my own way", but other times such as when he goes "Everyone keeps telling me, how my story is supposed to go" I don't know, to me it feels like something's missing, like he could put a just a little more emotion on it.
This was something that I felt during the first movie as well. When Miles needs to be chill and cool he works great, but when he needs to be really emotional, really angry, really excited, and so on, I feel he could go just one extra step to make his lines hit harder... But that's just me.
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The second thing I hope they improve a little from the first movie is the action.
The action scenes in Into the spider-verse, whenever they have to swing and jump and move from one place to another, are great. Like the "Leap of faith" scene, that is just a perfect scene, one of my favorites in any movie. When it comes to the movement, everything is flawless. But when it comes to the fights? Maybe I'm alone in this but I barely remember most of the fight choreography of the first movie.
I remember what the fight settings are, the escape from Dock Ock's lab, the fight in aunt May's house, Miles vs Kingpin while the collider goes crazy in the background...
I can remember where the fights are happening and why... But I can never remember what each character does in each fight or how they beat their opponents.
Aside from the "Hey" shoulder touch, a lot of the fight is just wild brawling that kinda starts mixing together after a while. Maybe its because I have the memory of a fish but I just didn't find these fights very remarkable.
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Only reason I mention that is because to this day I still haven't seen any Spider-Man media that had action scenes on the same level as the Spectacular Spider-Man show.
I can remember how each fight in that series went because they are all so unique and creative and I really feel like Spider-Verse has what it takes to create the same level of fights.
I really hope this movie isn't just a lot of swinging action and has actual fights in it. The scene with Miles running away from thousands of spider-men looks amazing, but I want to see him actually trying to battle with someone in some creative ways that take advantage of his agility and stuff.
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Miguel looks really cool.
Maybe its because I'm a sucker for claws and for characters that act in such a feral way but anytime he's on-screen shoving his claws on the walls and using his arms to run I just can't help but love it. Dude looks like such a beast!
I guess some people might be upset that he's acting like an antagonist but so far he doesn't seem to be unreasonably evil, just someone with a lot of stuff to take care of and a lot of people to manage.
He seems like someone under a lot of stress and I find that very relatable.
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Mayday looks adorable. Also, f*ck One More Day.
I'm really excited to see if they're going to talk about whether Spider-Man was born from the loss of Uncle Ben or the Love he received from Uncle Ben because that's a topic I really feel would be perfect to be talked about in a Spider-Man media.
Are heroes born from their tragedies or are they born from something that allows them to overcome tragedy?
I really want to see this theme explored.
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Miles' new design looks cool but I think I'm gonna miss his older costume where you can see the traces of the paint sprayed over one of Peter's suits, and I'm specially gonna miss his hooded-with-shoes look.
Designing costumes for Miles must be the best job ever cause that kid looks good in anything.
Just looks at his Ps4 suits. Trying to mix up the colors red and black with a spider theme always ends up in a cool result.
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Overall, "Across the Spider-Verse" looks really fun.
Crossing fingers for the action scenes and the topics being discussed.
I don't know if it will be exactly what I want it to be, but even if it isn't, it still looks like it's gonna be a pretty enjoyable experience. Super hyped for it!
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veronasunmademods ¡ 2 months ago
Another Sims 4 type mod, it's what is says on the tin.
His, if you don't know me, I don't make mods, I just make ideas. And I have a real banger today. (As in it's banging around in my head and giving me a migraine until I put it into words, I am sorry it's not in a good format and just a ramble)
I. Need. Cinematics. I never played the Sims 2 on PC, only on PS2 and that didn't have cinematics. (It did not have ages other than young adult either and I do not remember ever finding a way to make sims related so it led to awkward situations of sims made of me and my siblings autonomously flirting with one another)
REGARDLESS. Birthdays, special events. All well and good and prime for cinematic masterpieces. There could even be one for the new Death pack for funerals. Actually, most parties could be turned into cinematics. Make it so much easier and flow better.
Especially the wedding pack. The cinematic would be longer or shorter depending on what you choose to do at the wedding, but everything is done without you having to micromanage. You just get to watch all your hard work come to fruition.
But you know what else needs cinematics? The acting career. The trailer looked cool, and I think the career is fun, but it's not the same. You should get a gig for a week, and film scenes throughout it. Each day after work you can ask to see the footage and the cameraman or producer or whatever will show you what you did that day via cinematic. At the end of the week, you can watch it all put together in a short movie. I need it. (This is another mod, but I need there to be movies based off the other packs that you can do to make a bigger variety. A western from the horse ranch pack, Halloween movies from the death pack, something magical from the Spellcaster)
I feel like implementing cinematics into the Sims 4 would be a pain in the ass anyway, but imagine if there were different variations in them depending on traits. Some sims confident in their bodies when they become teens, some awkward.
Cinematics. For. Aspiration. Completion. Not each level, just the entire aspiration completion. Super Parent is interacting with a kid or grandkid, green thumb looking at their impressive garden. Things like that. Just... cinematics.
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beardedmrbean ¡ 1 year ago
Yeah I got the obvious ones
Tbh I got…nephews (cousins sons that shit how) and when I was building up my anime collection I went
“Oh shit, I need some kid friendly stuff!”
So I got digimon, the pokemon movies, and studio ghibli movies. Still building it up
Also from ac red, idk wth is their pr department doing. During black history month, I suggested to a friend that Ubisoft could have down a post at the end of month like
“Thanks for the Amazing Black History month…but there are more black stories to tell”
Cut to a quick gif of Yasuke putting on his ONI mask (very likely to be in game) and flicking his hidden blade and then say “Full Trailer Reveal In May”
Twitter a shitshow about Yasuke being a lead mainly because of Afrocentrism
But I would tell the executives, to just fucking rip off the bandaid and let people get used to fact Yasuke is the second playable character
I would have done a reveal trailer like this Viking game https://youtu.be/L0Fr3cS3MtY?si=xrkk3hycjg3ksxUs
Basically it start out with the two protagonists childhoods. Naoi being trained by her father while kid Yasuke is on slave ship.
Than cut to Yasuke washing up on Japanese shore (they change his past for the narrative) where you see his samurai training and Naoi more depth ninja
While show they will fight each other
Then show the tragedy of the hojo incident and Naoi father who will be killed by the Templars
And cut to Yasuke nearly being killed by the Templars only for Hattori Hanzo (who part of the brotherhood) to save him and offer him a chance to join the order
Then the final part of the trailer is Naoi in her marking outfit on a mission being cornered, but cute to Yasuke now in his assassin outfit helping her
Then Yasuke and Naoi standing side by side to symbolize their understanding that they must work together to unify Japan
Sorry for the fanfic, but the issues with non white characters especially black ones is the EXECUTION
If red acknowledged that Yasuke is a outside and DO point out the no gain rule that the Tokugawa established it might be good
Still don't think I've ever even seen a whole episode of Pokemon, Ghibli movies I know and love tho so that's stuff I can approve of at least. Pokemon is fine too, they've been bringing smiles for a insanely long time.
Also from ac red, idk wth is their pr department doing. During black history month, I suggested to a friend that Ubisoft could have down a post at the end of month like
That actually could have been cool, don't need much footage to make it work either even just a few drawings could do it.
Twitter a shitshow about Yasuke being a lead mainly because of Afrocentrism But I would tell the executives, to just fucking rip off the bandaid and let people get used to fact Yasuke is the second playable character
Personally I'd tell them these are people that will never be happy so listening to them is pointless, not like they're gonna buy the game anyhow either.
They can make their own if they're not happy.
Which is a attitude I wish more creators would adopt, don't like it don't buy it but we're not going to custom tailor our products to cater to your narcissism.
Sorry for the fanfic, but the issues with non white characters especially black ones is the EXECUTION
FanFic is always good, no need to apologize.
I hope the game meets to your expectations when it comes out finally.
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theonethatwatchesalotofshows ¡ 2 years ago
I will wrote this in anon as this fandom is often out for blood, but I have many problems with the Percy Jackson tv show and the trailer confirmed it for me.
- It's rushed.
We've gone from casting to the first episode all put in year. So for a TV show that's not so unusual, but consider this is a.Disney+ tv show and not something from the CW. CW ensemble a cast, they come together and shot episodes through most of the year, take some time off, return, and go at it again. Episode finishes shooting, they do all the special effects, tv show is ready to roll on the Autumn with in going shooting, it takes a few months of shooting, a few months of editing, the result is a cheesy show where the special effects look like Supernatural or Riverdale.
Now compare Disney.
Mrs Marvel were shooting for months. Then they did reshoots and more reshoots. They refilmed certain parts. They spent ages working on it and it finally came out. Similar is with Loki, season 2 has taken forever to create, its been almost 2 years. Other TV shows take equally long, there's one called Echo out in November, that one has also taken around 2 years.
Percy Jackson's TV show is more in line with a run of the mill CW TV Show than a Disney + one. It has been greatly rushed and bare in mind too these actors are all children, they can't have them on set all the time, it should have taken even longer than an adult TV show to make, in truth it took them less. Once the kids were done, it was special effects. Percy Jacksin only finished in February, if they had to reshot anything (and often they do) that would have happened throught March and April once they reviewed the footage. There's had maybe 3 to 4 months to do perhaps 10 hours worth of TV show, and that includes special effects which can take weeks, all the green screens, the lightning, matching audio and lip movement up, any music, all the ending and starting credits. Then they've finished, maybe a month ago, Disney have reviewed it, Greenlight it, they made a trailer and release date (which I shall mention soon) given in time for Percy's birthday. Which indicates this was finished weeks ago.
This is CW-level editing, not Disney+ level. They haven't paid alot out at all on this series. They've left them use the same software The Mandalorian uses, but as you can see, the 'volume' doesn't look do good on Percy Jackson, everything looks flat and lifeless, this is down to a lack of budget. The team behind this isn't their A Team. More like their Q Team. They had been no love, this to Disney is their tax break/schedule filler. I honestly don't believe they wanted to make this, but since they brought Fox and gainted the rights and Rick Riordan started pestering them, they said OK to shut him up, which brings me to the next point.
By bringing the TV show forward, they can effectively just cancell it fast. Hopefully this makes sense.
Strike is on right now. I didnt even know the trailer had aired, I was out on the 18th, only vaguely went online yesterday. Today to my surprise I found the trailer had been released - From a Destiel Meme for crying out loud lol.
So if the trailer can quietly slip by somebody who knows about Percy Jackson and had read the books, imagine somebody who doesn't know Percy Jackson. They won't see the trailer at all. The official tumblr Disney plus like/retweet number is only in the low 2k or so last I checked, that's just 2,000 likes/retweets. That's shockingly low. The writer strike isn't going to end any time soon, Percy Jackson has had its trailer and no press, no nothing. Its going to just slip by unnoticed. Recently Disney + cancelled National Treasure (?) Only after 3 months since its air date due to bad ratings. They've been deleting alot and I think everybody seen what happened to Willow and sorry to say but that looked much better than Percy Jackson did. The TV show comes out on the 20th December. Around that time Disney+ is swamped with Christmas movies. All the fandoms have something. Marvel with their Christmas specials, Simpsons will have all their Christmas episodes listed. Olaf will likely be all over the app. Even Darth Vader is often in Christmas Masks, and that's before all the romcon Christmas movies come out, as well as the Disney ones themselves. Thing is, trying to find a poorly advertised TV show on there is going to be near impossible at that time and that's IF you have time free from family. No doubt fans will watch the TV show when it airs, but its going to be a low number among general public. When episode 3 - 10 release weekly after that, they still have New Year promos, then no doubt Star Wars or Marvel will air something. All of this too IF the writers strike is off, if not then they won't be any Percy Jackson advertising. Its going to get cancelled without a doubt.
So writers strike aside, why is December a bad time and omen? Because it has been rushed to air in 2023. It could be used as a tax write off. Disney plus could skip it all together from renewed. The new tax year is still far off, they can place it into this year and write it off.
Hi! So true this fandom IS out for blood! That's why I kept silent for one year, because all the opinions I saw were strongly pro this series and people were like: "If you don't like this casting you're a bigot, don't talk to me."
Anyway, I did not even notice any of the other issues, such as how fast put together this show is and I don't know anything about tax write offs. I don't agree that the show looks flag and lifeless, I quite like the aesthetic and the orange tv shirts give me nostalgia. But I will agree with you that the Disney+ format is so bad- only like what 6-8 episodes per season? That's basically just a long movie. What's the point of even making it a show if one season is going to be as long as a movie? I think that this format is also part of the reason why How I Met Your Father is not very good. Also you are so right about the special effects. If they rushed it all together so fast (they filmed it super fast considering child actors are only allowed to work like 10 hours/week) what is it going to look like? The Marvel special effects in the recent movies look like cheap green screen, so I am sceptical about that as well. Not to mention that anything that came out of Disney from recent years was not very good and ended up losing money.
I think it is sad, because this book series finally deserves a worthy adaptation but it doesn't look like it will be getting it soon.
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wolffenstien ¡ 4 months ago
To be clear, "Darth Trailer" is a fan account that makes "concept trailers" for movies they personally think would be cool.
Disney/Marvel have not confirmed whether or not if they are making a fifth Thor film.
The fourth Thor film was Thor: Love and Thunder. It came out in 2022 and had Natalie Portman as Lady Thor and Christian Bale as Gorr the God Butcher.
It ends with Thor adopting the resurrected daughter of Gorr, named Love, who was played Chris Hemsworth's daughter, India Rose Hemsworth.
Anyway, all this is not to say Marvel isn't putting out too much content. It is exhausting to try to keep up with them (I used to watch all of it, and now even I have become very picky about what I'll watch from them). Jus that you can't knock them for Thor 5 when it's just a fan having some fun putting trailers together.
The fan trailer:
The footage seems to be mostly from Thor 4, with maybe some gladiator films too or something.
it's so insane the the mcu is still making new shit. like stop it already. go home. who is still watching.
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survivor-trinidad-and-tobago ¡ 2 years ago
Episode 3: "I put my entire calypsussy into this challenge"—Zee
In this round: A twist splits the two tribes into three; Kolby and Champ sow the seeds to gaslight Alex at merge; Drea is medically evacuated in the middle of the challenge, leaving Raffy to take on the editing role for the Movie Trailer challenge; Nick shows up the day before the challenge is due with an entirely new, AI-generated script for consideration, then gets sick and doesn't submit any footage for the challenge; Kathryn offers herself up for tribute when Maracas inevitably loses; and Colin finds an idol—hope they make good use of it later!
Soca Confessionals
Well, my game just changed by a fucking lot. I just lost my entire alliance AND Champ. I at least have Steven, who kind of got me into this mess, and Kaleigh but I haven't talked game with her at all. I've gotta assume Steven has been talking with her through the screen cap challenge so I hope we can stick together. They're at least both strong in challenges. But Champ let me know that Raffy is here to play and that he plays WELL, so I've either gotta go for him first or figure out what I can do to get on his good side. I've at least got an extra vote, and I'm gonna be "transparent" about my shot in the dark because in a 3 v 3 at tribal I have to assume they'd think it be reckless and selfish to ever use. Okay. I can do this.
I really like Alex and Kaleigh. My biggest allies were Drea and Raffy, but drea had to leave so that kind of messed some things up. I don't feel super secure. Probably going to have to flip and go Raffy when it comes to it. The other 3 seem too tight. Raffy is my biggest threat since we are the only 2 Calypso left on this tribe. We're both targets. My path to the end is going to be paved with friendship and challenge wins. Will hunt when I have time!
what a wild ride it’s been!! okay we swapped groups and now my tribe is me, steven, alex, michael, and raffy. i’ve learned (thru steven who learned from taffy) that zee is siblings w aj which blew my mind. INFORMATION! ummm alex and steven and i have a little original soca 3 alliance, still have not been to tribal, andddd I MISS ZEE!!!! their lil wes anderson video was so cuteeeee.
last night i was up late and was (i think) the first person to see that we have another boat excursion. my thinking was, OH, YAY, I’VE NEVER BEEN AROUND WHEN A BOAT CAME ! bc the two other times we’ve had a boat come the first person to respond and be like “i’ll go!” ended up going. so i was like, ok, i’m not gonna say i wanna go cuz i kinda don’t, and steven’s already been on an excursion, and i do nottttt want any kind of advantage to be outside of my soca alliance, so i’m just gonna respond and vote for alex and then everyone else will and we’ll all be good. NOPE! in the morning raffy responds and is like “i kinda wanted to go” LMAO BABE? WHAT? SORRY, NO. so alex and steven both msg me and are like uhhh what are u doing LMFAOOOOO LIKE ALEX DEFINITELY DID NOT WANT TO GO AND STEVEN WAS LIKE ?????? DOES ALEX WANT TO GO?????? oopsies. anyway so i told them both i was just up late and eager to not let michael or raffy get an advantage. steven was like ok makes sense , but alex was sooooooo resistant bc he did the hero challenge and got a shot in the dark, like he even suggested that he vote for raffy in the hopes of doing a split? absolutely not! anyway this was my first time feeling like a messy bitch in the game cuz i clearly pissed off or at least ruffled the feathers of my soca alliance with my 2am decision to throw Alex’s name out there and vote for him for the excursion.
okay what else… i like michael, he seems chill and we talked a little about tv stuff. i get the distinct feeling that raffy has zero interest in working with me. steven and alex have both mentioned talking to him privately about the game and i’m like bro he rly isn’t talking to me LMAO like his bio is like “i’m a book nerd!” so i messaged him day 1 and was like omg me too, u reading anything good? and he was like no i’ve been busy. and the convo died right there LMAO which like, sure ok, ur busy… but i’ve never met a book nerd who didn’t like LEAAAPPPPPPP on a chance to talk to another book person about their favs or what they’ve been reading or whatever. so yeah that feels a little sticky bc it seems like raffy is talking about the game with evvvvveryone in my tribe except me. BUT i feel good about my alliance with steven and alex and hopefully zee and champ toooooooooooooo if i make it to the mergey merge.
also i found a dog thanks to zee, NOW WE HAVE A DOG! the vote for keeping it or not hasn’t concluded but hopefully the dog will stay? like who’s gonna vote no for the dog? come on. anyway strongest allies rn are steven and alex and hopefully zee - if i HAD to target someone it would be raffy only bc it *rly* feels like he doesn’t want to work w me, but i’m def not targeting him rn bc i know he’s allied w steven and possibly alex too and their numbers are my numbers rn ((i think)).
let’s see, who are the biggest threats… zee, i’m starting to think steven, and also maybe alex… why am i just naming my literal closest allies LMFAOOOOOOOJFKDLSAJFDKLSFJDKLAS i didn’t even mean to do that. i guess i’m just seeing UP CLOSE more of their game play than anyone else’s so i’m like OH UR RLY PAYING ATTN!! you know i will say that the idea of voting off someone i'm close w sends a chill down my spine. like i literally don't think i could vote for steven or zee at this point. okay well there’s my update
Ok I have a lot to say. So from this tribe swap, I actually didn’t mind how I got swapped. Steven was with me and Andrea was with me. I didn’t feel swap screwed and felt that I was in a good position to survive till either merge or the next swap. However, then Andrea had to leave game. Now I kind of feel all alone. Sure there’s Michael but I don’t really know where I stand with him. And Steven does have some connections with Kaleigh and Alex from original tribes. I’m definitely worried about next tribal.
I did find like 4 advantages though! One challenge advantage, one transparent advantage, one advantage to talk to someone on another tribe, and an idol! So I’m swimming in riches at this point. I feel much more confident with these tools by my side.
During the challenge, my tribe was a little annoying with getting good clips that weren’t bad. Also not Kaleigh just outright refusing to send me b-roll lol. That rubbed me the wrong way. And I wish I pushed more for not doing vertical cause it did look bad and had to use some BS excuse on the judges so they wouldn’t dock too many points. Right now my tribe rankings goes as follows from best to “I wanna vote out first”: Steven, Alex, Michael, Kaleigh. I put Kaleigh in the bottom because early in the morning she locked in her vote for Alex to go on the excursion without discussing it with anyone! Like that’s shady and lets me know they might be working together. Well now I wanna go on excursion so that duo doesn’t get their way.
Calypso Confessionals
Omg where do I start… Steven and Astyn go on an excursion and then the tribe splits and STEVEN DOESNT PICK ME? NAHHH omg I got stuck on the inactive tribe lmfao but I’m so glad tribes split evenly and I got Zee on my tribe cuz the girl is putting in the mother fucking work, the Marcas tribe or whatever’s video was so bad that it should’ve been a comedy, I was laughing so hard(sorry that’s kinda mean but I mean it with love). Anywayyys Kolby and I planned to spread lies to our tribes in hopes of making things less boring lol. Jacks cool, Colin’s cool, Zee’s cool, Lexi’s cool, Astyn doesn’t talk lmfao and the clip of the white wall when Zee wanted an esthetic background had me DEAD
Okay the movie challenge was so cool. Zee once again took the lead in a way that I so appreciated, she really made the whole challenge so easy for everyone else. I feel like I’ll always feel confident if I’m in the same tribe as Zee.
I put my entire calypsussy into this challenge, and it paid off 😎
i'm so EXCITED. right before a swap, this is perfect timing. it's gonna be so hard for me but I'm gonna try my best to not say anything about it to anyone.
I was feelin really nervous for this challenge because it seemed like Zee was literally doing all the work. but sis came THROUGH. the trailer turned out so so cool and WE WON!!
first round i don't have to go to tribal!! i'm gonna enjoy my lil break hehe
Maracas Confessionals
Things what happened to me today 1 - A bird flew into our picture window and died 2 - My crutches fell and knocked over my tumbler of cold brew 3 - I dumped the very last of my loose powder all over the bathroom floor 4 - I tore one of my two remaining pair of jeans 5 - My favorite necklace broke 6 - I got ripped from the clutches of my tribe
1 and 6 upset me the most. Though 5 has me pretty unhappy as well.
As I write this I don't even know where I've landed yet.
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Seriously - that's what I feel like this morning. Everyone's favorite ACE auntie eman is having a very rough time being positive this morning, but that doesn't mean I'll stop trying.
But if something doesn't give soon the carrot may have to give way for the stick because I can only try the same thing so many times before I question whether I'm giving way to insanity.
Anyway . . . TONY and I are getting on very well. And I've had a few good one-on-one conversations with Kolby(!) (who is probably too young to know why the exclamation point after his name makes me giggle with memories of a failed presidential run from a former governor of Florida) and I wish he would engage as actively in the primary chat.
Tanner also started a chat with me and then ghosted after I replied. I've called Kathryn out in the primary but I might try something with her privately today--bonding over the shared "mom" role or something cuz I refuse to just give up. Yeah, I'm kinda bummed at being abandoned (although I did tell Steven I would accept his decision regardless, and part of me maybe wonders if he let me go because he knew I would fare well on my own and could then come back, so it just means Astyn didn't do their homework and/or Steven persuaded them not to pick me--and/or based on my bio I was unappealing . . . there's a lot of ways I could read this, and--like I said, I'm trying to stay positive and keep fighting). Now to go back to trying to be the fluffer and puffer upper . . .
So, after my confession yesterday morning, I was so excited to suddenly hear from Kathryn (and she seems super-fun, just getting that out there).
And then . . . more crickets. I keep ping-ponging between hopeful and hopeless. But we've got 36 hours to hammer this out, so I'm not gonna give up. And if I have to pull this together with stock footage, team photos and my own narration I will. And we've got somewhere between a 20% and a 35% advantage so that's gotta count for something.
But seriously folks - stop expecting me to do your emotional labor; it's sexist and lazy. So when I ask how you want to participate, don't turn it back on me to find a role for you. I expect me to tell you how you want to participate, what're you good at? What are you comfortable with? HOW DO YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE.
But no - I gotta make a good impression and get along and get the thing done, and these people are virtual (and virtual) strangers, so I'll do your emotional labor, but I'm gonna remember that you're making me do it (Tanner, Nick, and even you Kolby).
(I will neither confirm nor deny that this might also be the order in which I'm targeting folks should we wind up going to tribal)
I don't normally do these, but since i had my phone out for other reasons... get a view of my backyard, a glamour shot of my damned foot, and my rambling opinion about everything.
I need to make my new tribe feel connected to me
We just finished the movie trailer challenge and that was a doozy. I feel like we tried our best but didn’t get the full support/assistance from the tribe. This will be our first tribal council so hopefully I’m still here to write my next confessional
I hate throwing up. It's my least favorite activity.
The best laid plans.
I was fully ready to cast a vote for either Tanner or Nick, and then Kathryn, delightful Kathryn, had to go and volunteer to get voted off.
And with regret, I'm going to accept the offer - because why waste capital (and my extra vote) trying to change a sure thing.
And even if I think Kathryn at her perceived uselessness will still be more useful than Nick or Tanner, I am not going to tell someone else they're wrong, nor am I going to have them resent me by going against their own wishes.
At least I'm still alive. With an extra vote and a 10% advantage going into the next challenge.
I'm also bizarrely optimistic about my chances of surviving on this non-participatory tribe and making the merge . . . and then who knows!
So, this was a chaotic time. We swapped around tribes a couple times and then got set with a "challenging challenge" with a very short time limit (ಥ⌣ಥ). I can't believe we managed to get a movie trailer made in just a couple days, and everyone actually helped out in making it! Color me surprised ( ゚Д゚). But I'm really happy with the tribe members I ended up with, they're all pretty awesome! ( ᐛ ) Everyone worked really hard on the trailer, and I still can't believe we had such a master of acting on our team ( Tony, you're a savant ( ˘ ³˘)♥ ). And Emily got everything so quickly edited, managing to work with the rest of us giving her clips last minute (especially me!), I think they really carried the team in this round. It was a ton of fun making the trailer, and everyone really put themselves out there. I believe I'll be the one getting voted off this round, but it's all good since I'll be moving on to greater things, like long plane rides, and babysitting. So I wish the remainders luck now while I still can! Good luck guys, you can definitely reach the final rounds! (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
Tribal Council was non-live. Answers to questions are here:
Kathryn: Tony (Ain’t nobody voting for Tony, so if I vote for him, he can’t possibly get voted off. I wanted to vote for myself here, but the host gods refuse me my spoils. Sorry Tony, I hope this doesn’t affect you!)
eman: Kathryn (I respect you, which makes this both hard and easy. Easy because I respect you enough to not second-guess what you've clearly communicated you want. Hard, because I respect you enough that I would've preferred to keep you around.)
Tanner: Kathryn (I’m doing this since you asked to get voted out)
Tony: Kathryn (sorry you couldn’t have stuck around longer but I respect your wishes)
Kolby: Kathryn (i actually liked you and if i got to pick, you TOTALLY wouldn’t have been the one i wanted to go but you offered yourself up and i love an easy vote. especially pre merge!)
Nick: Self-Vote
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tilbageidanmark ¡ 2 years ago
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Movies I watched this Week #127 (Year 3/Week 23):
“... I thought you should know I was once someone else...”
Paul Schrader holds an odd position at the top of the film world. He wrote 28 movies (including ‘Taxi driver’, ‘Raging bull’ and ‘The last temptation of Christ’), directed 27 (including ‘Blue Collar’, ‘Mishima’ and ‘Affliction’), but his dark Calvinist career never reached the heights of his more commercial colleagues. His latest, Master gardener, completes his recent "Man in a room” trilogy (together with ‘First Reformed’ and ‘The Card Counter’). It features another laconic, lonesome ‘white savior’, tortured with a burden of an impossible secret, examining his life by obsessively hand-writing in a journal, and preparing himself for some violent showdown with his demons. Thankfully his redemption does not end up in a bloody mess, but in a quiet dance on the porch. 7/10.
The Ballad of the Weeping Spring is a “different” (and hard-to find!) Israeli cult film from 2012. An homage to Kurosawa’s Samurai films, and to Sergio Leone’s Westerns, it’s a mystical pilgrimage into the origins of “Oriental / Mediterranean Music”. After inadvertently killing his two friends and living off the grid for 20 years, the mythical band leader of the defunct “Turkish Ensemble” is recruited to “put the band together”, and is looking for 9 other musicians to play for his dying ex-partner. This is the song that they end up playing.
The symbolic journey dives into the ethnic music imported into Israel by Sephardi Jews from the Arab countries, North Africa, Balkan and Armenia. It evokes old acoustic Ottoman, Yemeni and Maghreb vibes. During their fairy-tale quest, the members of the group encounter hardships, an Araq drinking contest, a bride ready to behead her groom, and a blind flutist. It’s fantastic. Here is the trailer.
Best film of the week for me - 10/10.
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret, my second from Kelly Fremon Craig (After ‘Edge of seventeen’, her sensitive debut feature in 2016). Judy Blume’s classic pre-teen story could not be adapted until now. What started with a few minutes of Hallmark TV film vibes, quickly turned honest, warm and joyful. Perfect capture of the awkwardness of 11 year-old girls growing up. 8/10.
2 Documentaries:
🍿 Bennett Miller directed only 3 features (’Capote’, ‘Moneyball’ and ‘Foxcatcher’) and all three were Oscar-quality. But his first film was a 1998 black-and-white documentary, The cruise. It tells of a John Lennon-lookalike, young guide for ‘Gray Line’ tour bus in NYC. The unconventional poet/philosopher had an eccentric literary taste, and he delivered his ravings with a non-stop, manic conviction that is both fascinating and disturbing. 7/10.
🍿 I Am Not Your Negro is a recent film essay, based on an unfinished manuscript by James Baldwin. It explores the deep-seated racism at the core of American history, mixing it up with Baldwin personal friendships with the 3 murdered M’s, civil rights leaders Medgar Evers, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.
From so much archival footage to pick from, it seems that the poetic editing choices were random and incoherent. Also, Baldwin erudite analyses about White Supremacy were too complex: We would define them much simpler today. 4/10.
First watch: Spike Lee groundbreaking Do the right thing, another film narrated by Samuel L. Jackson. Clearly it’s made by a young man, and like ‘Streetcar named desire’ or ‘Rear window’, it’s a film about a heat wave in the city that causes trouble. Also, just like ‘I am not your negro’ it bitterly dissects racism in America, and ends with quotes from both Malcolm X and MLK, each with a different opinion of how to solve it: non-violently or by an armed struggle.
And so many great early performances by young actors! Rosie Perez and Martin Lawrence debuts, Gus Fring, Jesus Quintana, Mike Yanagita, Claude Bukowski, Billy “Batts”... 8/10.
2 old holocaust dramas, while waiting for Jonathan Glazer’s ‘Zone of interest’:
🍿 Judgement at Nuremberg, my third ‘Message film’ directed by Stanley Kramer (After ‘On the beach’ and ‘Guess Who's Coming to Dinner’). A serious and deferential fictionalized version of the Judges' Nazi Trial of 1947. Revered for its acting, and very timely as it was made just prior to the trial of Adolf Eichmann. But it combined the artificial tropes of a bombastic courtroom theater with a feeble attempt to depict the Nazi atrocities on film, which is always problematic. In the end, it left open the righteous ‘My country right or wrong’ argument. 60 years later, it feels cheaply dated.
[The archive of the ‘real’ Nuremberg trials is now available online, "including evidentiary films, full audio recordings of the proceedings, and approximately 250,000 pages of digitized paper documents".]
🍿 “…. We must not let them get away!”….
Carol Reed’s 1940 WW2 thriller Night train to Munich, with youngish Rex Harrison and Margaret Lockwood. It was compared to Hitchcock’s ‘The Lady Vanishes’. Also, it was the very first film in history describing life in a Nazi concentration camp, but that didn’t seem so brutal, or deadly. 2/10.
Tenacious D's semi-sexy cover of Chris Isaak’s brooding ‘Wicked Game’ was dropped last week. So this was a good excuse for me to see my 4th film by David Lynch, Wild at heart, which helped popularise the tune. But just like the previous three, ‘Elephant man’, ‘Blue Velvet’ and ‘Mulholland Drive’, Lynch’s genius remains elusive to me. I liked Angelo Badalamenti’s score, and Willem Dafoe’s degeneracy, but this lovers-on-the-run story was inferior to the couples of ‘Badlands’ or ‘True Romance’. His appeal goes way over my head; he’s stylish and clever but hollow. Maybe Lynch is simply not for me.
2 with Paul Bettany:
🍿 Uncle Frank was written and directed by Alan Ball, who had written the Oscar-winner ‘American Beauty’. But this road movie set in 1973, about a gay man traveling back to South Carolina for his father’s funeral was average and over-familiar. Had it been done in 1973, it could be revolutionary. But by now, the same story was played out dozens of times. The Happy Ending was nice though.
🍿 Paul Bettany played Will Emerson in JC Chandor’s perfect debut film about the 2008 market collapse, Margin call. ‘Margin Call’ [together with ‘Midnight run’, ‘Riders of justice’, ‘Palm Springs’, ‘A simple Favor’, ‘Chinatown’, ‘Michael Clayton’, Etc.] is a movie I feel compelled to watch again, every time I think of it - half a dozen times in the last year alone! And every time I discover new, genial aspects to it.
This time I noticed how perfectly symmetrical its story unfolds. Each of the organic ‘Plot Pinches’ is introduced exactly at the 10 minute strike: He must have used a stopwatch in editing, and it gave the story an energetic, fluid run. Here are they: At exactly 10 min - “Be careful”.  At 15 min - Peter insert the key drive into his computer.
At 20 min. - Disclosing the bombshell to Will (Level One).
At 30 exactly - Introducing Jared Cohen And Sarah Robinson (Level two).
At exactly 40 min. - The helicopter above - “The cavalry’s coming” (Level three).
At exactly midpoint / 45 min. - The board room explanation.
At 50 min. - "Sell it all. Today!”
At 1:00 - Sarah is fired.
At 1:10 - ‘I once built a bridge’ story - “You’re a better man than me” and "Some people like driving the long way home".
1:20 - Dale and Sarah in the “firing room”
1:30 - The final steak dinner (Photo Above).
Pure cinematic perfection - 21st century Top-10 Film.
“Give the guy a gun, and he’s superman. Give him two, and he’s God...”
Hard boiled, my first of John Woo’s “Heroic Bloodshed” Hong Kong ultra-violence movies, and the last one he made before his transition to Hollywood. Considered his greatest action movie, I can see why Tarantino adored him (not that it matters). Young, handsome Tony Leung in an over-the-top Mexican stand-off with Chow Yun Fat (with a baby in his arms!). But it’s not for me - Way too stupid for my taste - 2/10
2 short visual essays:
🍿 Why Does Jack Nicholson Repeatedly Break the Fourth Wall in The Shining? from Stanley Kubrick scholar Filippo Ulivieri.
🍿 The Art of Smoking in Aki Kaurismaki's Movies: clips from 18 of his films. 
(My complete movie list is here).
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singto-prachaya ¡ 2 years ago
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Y-So finally I got time to talk about the DMD announcement. We will start with the announced series and then some other stuff.
Bed Friend
That teaser! I am super excited. I hope the script and the acting is good.
Middleman’s Love & First Love (K-BL)
I like to hope that they just didn’t have enough footage for a teaser yet because the teaser was a bit messy. But either way will watch since TutorYim. I wonder how many people will skip Bed Friend and this because Cheewin is producing this (War Of Y, Secret Crush On You, Y-Destiny YYY). Also anyone who’s now hating on this show now because Mii2 is longer in it can fuck off. They can go cry me a river!.
Seems the K-BL of TutorYim is called First Love and it’s by the same company as Peach Of Time. I really liked that one so I will probably watch this one.
Cutie Pie 2 You special
I will watch the NuerSin parts and that’s it. Don’t care about the rest.
Naughty Baby & 2 Worlds
There’s no poster for 2 Worlds so I will just put it together with Naughty Baby since both are MaxNat anyway. I have always been uncomfortable with MaxNat so I will not watch these. As far as 2 Worlds I already was like “no way in hell” when this series was announced and read the sympnopsis. So no matter who would star in this I would have passed on it anyways.
Love Upon A Time
Seems to be a reincarnation type of story so for now no. I just don’t like those. I will just wait for the final trailer before making a final decision.
The Next Prince
Just like I get uncomfortable with MaxNat I also do with ZeeNew so I will pass.
Punk Spy
I was already going to watch this and I still will. I just hope Thomas won’t get any hate thrown forwards him for being Jimmy’s replacement. Toxic fans can go somewhere else.
I find zombies boring. Watched a Korean zombie movie once and it was a waste of time. Also don’t care for zombie horror games while I love horror games so I’ll pass.
Your Sky and Fan Boy
These will be the shows for the new gen! We don’t really know much besides that Fan Boy will be an original script. I will keep my eyes for the trailers and then make a decision. I do want to support the new gen tho.
DMD Boyband
WHO THE HELL ASKED FOR THIS??? Yes this whole segment will be in bold because I have nothing good to say about this. I know Aof has talked a couple of times about this before and every time I was like hell no. And who will be in this? A tweet said “DMD Boyband will definitely happen, but cant be hurry b'cs need to practice untill they're ready. And hv to qait & c, who ll b qualified”. Well then they can wait for ages because they don’t have any actors who can both sing and dance. Unless the whole new gen turns out be good singers and dancers. What’s the point in creating a mediocore BL boyband? Is Aof just hoping people will eat it up? The only good BL boyband we have is Trinity. SBFIVE was mediocore, Tempt wasn’t good at all, no BL boyband was more tragic then NKO and they are basicly dead now. They got new members earlier this year but there’s only 2 left now. Then we saw the debut of XI earlier this year and at first I didn’t even know it was a BL boyband. But they will star in boyband the series. Anyway no effort being made with this boyband either. And then there’s Element. Element could be worse but also better. They don’t even sing live. Even Proxie who aren’t know for the best vocalist sing live.
And last but not least. Why where the Aholic guys even there? They are not appearing in anything.
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diocletianscabbagefarm ¡ 1 year ago
Napoleon as portrayed in the movie really does come across as what it'd look like if the scriptwriter's briefing was 'give me an incel version of Napoleon'. A moody, insecure, petulant, sometimes violent little man who's cringe with women, who is only rarely the driving force in any scene he's in and most of the time has someone else tell him what to do (such as being included in the plan to overthrow the Directory, Talleyrand suggesting he should crown himself, and his mother ordering him to make a random girl pregnant to prove his... little soldiers can swim).
On the subject of spectacle, one of the incredibly disappointing aspects of the movie in my view is that the visuals are actually... not terribly impressive at all? Scott had 200-300 extras, and it really, really shows. The entire Waterloo sequence very obviously felt like 300 folks in a field, with flagpoles and tents put behind some (inaccurate) trenches to prevent you from seeing a vast expanse of empty nothing behind the dispiritingly one-man-deep lines of infantry, or in perhaps a shot or two there are some digitally duplicated formations of the ones in the foreground extending into the background. The battle of the Pyramids lasts barely any longer than it does in the trailer (maybe 40-50 seconds) as does the 'battle of Borodino' (also 40-50 seconds, where Napoleon is suddenly wearing his old uniform from the start of the movie again because it's clearly footage intended for an Italian battle scene but with a dark blue filter, and he is at the head of a frontal cavalry charge???) The battle of Austerlitz is maybe a couple minutes and has arguably some of the better shots in the movie, but once the actual fighting begins it instantly devolves into the finest Hollywood tradition of 'completely incomprehensible muddle'. And even here the battle looks like there are maybe a couple thousand digital soldiers, not 70.000+.
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Welcome to arctic Norwa- psych, it's Czechia, Austerlitz!
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Featuring 100 French tents and a farmhouse versus maybe a few thousand Austrians/Russians
To a large extent the battle scenes are an afterthought in the movie, except for the obligatory Waterloo fetish, and it feels like they tried to cram 2/3rds of a Josephine movie and 1/3rd of a Napoleonic war movie together.
When I talk about the disappointing battle scenes, well, I've already talked about them here a few weeks ago in a screenshot post, but to reiterate, here are some shots I could find from the 2023 Waterloo scene:
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Not a skirmisher line, but the entirety of the French infantry wave.
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The British position is the depth of one WW1 trenchline, plus cannons behind them. The French (in real life about 70.000 soldiers) are so few that in some shots they aren't even visible on the screen in lower quality screengrabs.
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The moneyshot
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The British position from front to camp is literally like 20 meters deep, with the tents behind it to make it feel like there's more to see than an empty horizon. The entire sequence feels like it might've been shot on a studio backlot with greenscreen.
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Just about the only decent-looking shot I could find in the entire sequence. 5 seconds after this it's a rugby scrum of course, but that's cinema for you.
And then you look at just about any shot from the 1970s Waterloo movie, it's night and day (almost literally, I get a cold just from the blue filter in the 2023 version), with massed formations of troops dozens of ranks deep filling the horizon. Also just appreciate the colorful uniforms!
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@bundifranco (I can't seem to tag you automatically so I hope you'll see this)
The only coherent explanation of this movie is Ridley Scott trying to create a character assassination on purpose. And I mean that quite earnestly. It is the only way in which a myriad of choices make any kind of thematic sense.
From the way Phoenix plays Napoleon as a tired horny guy with a negative charisma stat and his dysfunctional relationship with Josephine - dramatized to be extra dysfunctional, such as him slapping her in the face during divorce proceedings - is employed to inform several of his military/political decisions (like abandoning Egypt or returning from Elba), to leaving out or hugely downplaying Napoleon's most brilliant campaigns ("Italy surrendered without a fight" 1796-97 and "Error 404 France" 1814), creating incomprehensible muddles with little finesse beyond 'charge!' from the battles he couldn't avoid to show, and odd text cards inconsistently applied to show the casualties of the Wars of the Coalition in the most unfavorable light, including one at the end that seems more fitting as a solemn reminder at the end of a WW2 movie, all I've learned from this movie is that Ridley Scott just * shakes fist * really hates old Boney.
In this light the only decision that makes no sense is that he left out a scene to show the British intercepting some of his letters to Josephine, which they then published to embarrass him. Of course there's still the 4+ hour cut that'll be released on Apple tv, so if there's actually a scene of that in there, you heard it here first.
I feel like there are perfectly valid ways in which you can make a movie with a negative characterization of Napoleon, there's plenty to draw from, but this one was just so uncharitable you'd think they recently rediscovered the will of a British satirist from 1800 along with a bag of 400 million dollars, requesting this movie be made.
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