#or if they should just block the Wayne��s from meeting him all together
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snippet from a new fic for script: flipped, my reverse robins series.
for context: post-to be wanted, bruce takes jason (and steph, and cass, and damian, and jon) to the circus. so! here's jason (and damian)'s first meeting with dick~
The only downfall of the day is, well. Brucie.
At least it isn’t gala Brucie. This version of Brucie is mild—more well-meaning but air-headed devoted parent than outrageous flirt or walking disaster. Jason strays from his side; already done making polite conversation with wealthy people. No one pays him any mind. His fifteen minutes of fame are up, and he really couldn’t be happier for it. He wanders over to where Damian is observing the elephant instead.
“Enjoying yourself?” he asks, and Damian casts him a dark look. Jason just smiles at him, which makes him sigh.
“It’s... not as intolerable as I previously thought it would be,” he says, which is high praise coming from Damian. “And I admit I’m looking forward to seeing the show. The Flying Graysons are world-class acrobats. I’m hoping to pick up a thing or two from observation.”
“That’s not just a gimmick they put on the flier?” Jason asks, leaning against the fence.
“No,” Damian says.“They’ve pulled off many stunts once thought impossible—including the quadruple somersault.”
“Huh.” Jason had performed a triple once, but he’d never actually managed to do it again. He's fuckin’ ace at doubles, though.
Distantly, Jason hears the elephant’s handler announce she’s taking a small break before the show. Only a handful people are left in line, and they part with no small amount of disappointment. Jason watches the elephant for a moment before turning away, scoping out the others in the crowd. Steph’s roped Jon into posing with her behind one of those cut out things while Cass takes a picture. Brucie’s been stopped by yet another couple.
“Man, we can’t take—” He turns his head, only to find his vision of Damian blocked by a thick grey trunk. He starts. “What the—”
The elephant noses him gently. He can feel the warm puffs of her breath in his hair. Then she switches, doing the same to Damian. He finds himself sharing a bewildered look with his brother.
“Aw, Zitka likes you!” a voice chirps, and Jason twists to see a tiny little kid on the other side of the fence. He looks like any other kid running around the circus, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, with a well worn pair of sneakers on his feet. His hair is a mess of dark curls, face still round with baby fat.
“Um. Are you supposed to be back there?” Jason asks, dumbly.
The kid makes a face at him. “Of course,” he says, like it should be obvious. “I live here.” He gestures to all of the tents. “Zitka is my friend.” He pauses. “And babysitter, sometimes.” He pats one of the elephant’s legs, and she stops nosing Damian to curl her trunk around the boy instead. “My name’s Dick,” he says, cheerily, like this is all completely normal.
Which. For him, maybe it is.
“Uh. I’m Jason.”
“Nice to meet you!” Dick chirps, with a beaming smile. “Zitka’s real nice, but she doesn’t like just anybody, you know.”
“We’re honored to be among the few, then,” Damian says seriously, and Jason knows he means it. Damian’s never met an animal he didn’t like—as evidenced by the multiple shelters he sponsors in Bludhaven, and the way he almost never turns away a foster animal. Last time Jason visited the penthouse, he and Jon had three other animals; including a little chihuahua on hospice. “You and Zitka are close, then?”
“The closest,” Dick says, bouncing onto his toes. “We hang out together between shows all the time.” He pauses. “Are you guys here to watch the performance tonight?”
“We are,” Damian says. He’s awkward in the way that only Wayne men manage to be. Or, well. Wayne men except Jason.
“That’s great!” he says. “I’ll make sure to do an extra special trick then, just for you guys.” He winks, like a little baby showman. It’s charmingly adorable, and Jason kinda wants to muss his hair.
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Migraine Brain added some further casting notes!
As specified by OP, Miss Piggy is Lady Sybil Ramkin. No question.
I'd love to cast Gonzo as Errol, I think he would have a great time doing those stunts. Also it helps explain why Sybil is in such a hurry to give him away.
Most roles in the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night are played by Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem. But not Animal. Dr. Teeth: Brother Watchtower. Floyd Pepper: Brother Plasterer Janice: Brother Doorkeeper Lips: Brother Dunnikin For most of their scenes, "The Supreme Grand Master" is played by Zoot.
Brother Fingers is played by Dr. Bunsen Honeydew.
This allows us to cast Beaker as the Archchancellor. His lines in the Guild Meeting With Patrician are exactly the same length as what one would hear in either Official Audibook, but in Beaker's natural voice:
Meep meep meep meep, meep, meep meeeeeeep meep meep
We've got to put Statler & Waldorf together, so that they can snark most effectively. If they're on the Guild Council then they get to snark at the Patrician, but that does not let them snark at Kermit much. On the other hand, S&W refuse to be active enough to play Colon and Nobby. Solution: Statler & Waldorf do all of Sir Pterry's footnotes! With added snark.
Nobby Nobbs will have to be Scooter. He is trying to be as gritty and unsavory as he can. He has trouble doing that "sidle" thing. I thought about having this be Crazy Harry, but that would get stale pretty fast. (And anyway, I have a better use for Crazy Harry.)
But this does mean I can have Fozzy Bear play Fred Colon.
Swedish Chef = CMOT Dibbler. Obvious casting there. I would consider casting a different Muppet as the purveyor, if I wanted a Mock-Swedish Foam Blade chucked at my head. Anyway it works beautifully: CMOT sounds like
Yorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue, Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn bork! bork! bork! Hut suoseges! in der buon!
or, later,
Sume-a keed's riddee-a intu zee-a ceety und seed he-a'd choppity-chop zee-a dregun. Gut a megeec chopper, he-a seys. Bork Bork Bork!
I have often proposed Sweetums as Carrot Ironfoundersson. I stick to this casting.
I want the halls of Copperhead filled with the rats; Rizzo is King Ironfoundersson, and Chester is Ma Ironfoundersson. Rizzo and Chester and the rest of the rats are all fitted with preposterous clip-on beards. Chester keeps changing the length and color of his beard clips. This is never acknowledged by anybody.
When Carrot finds out about dwarf bars in Ankh-Morpork, the same rat actors have swapped beard clips around. A few have them clipped on the wrong parts of their heads. "Nobby" breaks character long enough to whisper a warning to Yolanda that her beard clip has popped loose.
We really do not get names for the Guild Leaders that show up to harangue the Patrician. Since I cast Sam Eagle as Patrician Havelock Vetinari, it might make sense to draw the rest of this group from the Muppets who most often plagued him: Wayne and Wanda, Piggy's nephews Andy & Randy, and head of the Assassin Guild Crazy Harry.
I love the juxtaposition of Crazy Harry, all complications can be solved with this here batch of explosives, onto an elegantly reserved character likely to have been Dr. Cruces.
The Librarian is absolutely Animal. No question in my mind. The only other Muppet who could even really audition for the part is Sweetums, and I want him for Carrot.
Reet and the rest of Mrs. Palm's staff would be a delight if played by Camilla and the rest of the henhouse. I'm just not sure how to block any of the shots with Reet and Carrot walking around the city. Maybe instead, Mildred Huxtetter should play Reet? Which would lead to Mrs. Palm and the rest all being Whatnots.
I am torn on who to play Death. On the one side, Uncle Deadly gives good creepy. On the other side, Rowlf gives the best impressions of duty, compassion, and common sense boundaries.
Muppets "Guards, Guards!" adaptation with Kermit as Vimes and Miss Piggy as Sybil. I'm right.
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She sees what she's getting into from a mile away, but she welcomes it because Bruce's kids are a part of him, and she loves all of Bruce.
The kids all see it coming too, and while some (Damian) take longer to warm up to her, she's welcomed into the fold with open arms.
Selina's got a heart as big as her partner and while she's not always perfect, you can see how much she cares.
As a former foster child herself, Selina understands Duke's unique experiences and traumas from the foster care system, so whenever he needs to talk, she's the first one he goes to. Sometimes he doesn't want to (or need to) talk, so they'll watch boxing matches or she'll teach him little bits of Mandarin. If the kitchen isn't busy, they'll try their hand at new TikTok recipes, and film themselves either succeeding or debunking the original poster.
Being raised in isolation to be a human weapon meant Cass missed out on a lot of the things daughters typically learn as children/teens. The evening of Cass's first gala, she didn't know the first thing about doing her own hair and makeup. She's braved assassin armies, but her self-made disaster of bobby pins and eyeshadow nearly drives her to tears. Selina swoops in, wipes Cass's face with gentle reassurances, and walks her through step-by-step.
Selina considers it a privilege to have watched Dick grow from the spunky little Robin to the man he is today. Even though he's taller than her, she still ruffled his hair when he does a good job. She also keeps the first ever birthday card he gave her, which includes a pop-up bat signal and scented stickers, and remembers all of his favorite radio stations. Also, when Bruce does something, Dick goes tattling to Selina.
For a while, Carrie mooched off of her siblings' Netflix profiles, but everyone got tired of her messing up their algorithm and she was forced to make her own. She soon realized how much freedom she had because no one could see what she was watching. Selina caught on to the power trip and started researching and watching snippets whenever a new show comes out. That's how she stopped a bunch of preteen girls from watching Squid Game.
Tim often gets overlooked as not just the middle child, but the child who appears put-together and regularly takes on adult responsibilities. Selina, however, remembers that he's still a teenager. She regularly checks in and gradually teaches him that it's okay to let go and act his age. Selina encourages him to call his Young Justice friends outside of missions and take small acts of rebellion against Bruce. When Tim and his boyfriend snuck out to a famous lover's lookout, Selina gave them the car keys and covered for them.
She noticed that Jason really enjoys hanging out with Harley Quinn, bonding over not just Joker trauma but other shared interests like music taste. After Harley turns to the antihero side, Selina discusses with Bruce and they start inviting Aunt Harley and Aunt Ivy to dinner. The first time they do that, Harley is so excited that she baked a three-layer cake just for Jason. Literally, in strawberry frosting, it said, "THIS CAKE IS FOR JASON ONLY." Finding someone that Jason can relate to remains one of Selina's proudest accomplishments.
She's trying her best, but she makes mistakes too. For instance, although Wayne Manor has plenty of kitchen space, Selina does her cooking at Harley and Ivy's because Ivy can offer her fresh plant-based ingredients that suited Damian's needs. When Alfred's not available, she sends Damian to school with healthy, flavorful vegan lunches shaped into Cheese Viking characters. One time, she was tasked with bringing brownies to a PTA meeting. Incidentally, Harley was simultaneously baking a... different kind of brownie for a block party (you can see where this is heading). When an angry superintendent demanded to know who was responsible, Selina wisely kept her mouth shut and thankfully, so did Damian.
Cullen loves concerts, but he's a huge introvert who gets anxiety when he's left alone in a crowd. Selina becomes his concert buddy, and she'll go as all-out as he does. Sometimes that's showing up to a garage band dressed-down in hoodies and sunglasses. Other times it's painting their faces and looking like they just came out of a Hot Topic blowout sale. She even listens to the discography beforehand so she can blend in. Selina learns a lot about Cullen through this, because nothing says more about a person than the music they listen to.
Harper, though looking rough around the edges, turns into a giddy little kid at interactive science museums. During one of these trips, Harper got distracted by the giant Newton's Cradle so she didn't notice a fourth grade field trip sweeping up Selina. When they reunited at the gift shop, a chaperone had given Selina a school t-shirt and she was put in charge of grading ten kids' assignments. Harper laughed so hard that she spewed lemonade on the museum owner. Neither of them will let the other live that day down.
Selina and Barbara openly talk about guy stuff, and Selina is more than happy to offer advice in times of need. They're both pretty liberal talking about that stuff, and one time they did a tier ranking of all the Gotham Rogues based on how effective their gimmick is (Joker was the only S-tier). They then proceeded to get into a debate on whether or not Man-Bat and Killer Croc should qualify for the list, which led to them staring each other down at dinner while the other family members sat around them confused.
Steph's school offered a Mother's Day breakfast. Although Crystal Brown was doing her best and wanted to make it, she was scheduled a double-shift that the breakfast fell right in the middle of. Selina reached out to Crystal and with permission, went in her place. Afraid that Steph would publicly reject her, Selina sat in the parking lot for ten minutes as Bruce amped her up over the phone. Steph, thinking that no one would no up, was ecstatic and said that she couldn't have thought of anyone better. They enjoyed stacking up waffles and making the girls who bully Steph envious.
Long before she and Bruce got married, Selina made it clear that she would not be relegated to the gender-typical role of a homemaker, and Bruce happily concurred because it's 2021. They knew that to give Alfred a break, they'd have to take on some chores themselves. Instead of dividing up a boring old chore chart, they find ways to make cleaning fun and collaborative. They'll dance around the halls in mop slippers, play "guess the stain", and race their roombas. The kids see this and start modeling the behavior in their own ways—Dick swings from high places to dust them, Damian trains his pets to pick up garbage, and Cass and Duke compete to see who can clean the most bathtubs.
Some parts of the Manor are due for redecorating, so Selina and Alfred make a day trip out of interior design sketches, flipping through furniture catalogues, and looking at paint swatches. It sounds boring at first, but the menial tasks meant they had plenty of time for conversation, and she finally understood why everyone respects him. They also made room in the afternoon for a stroll through the park and afternoon tea, where he told her and her only the secret to a perfect scone.
The other Justice League partners welcome her into the group too. Whenever Selina's in Metropolis, she joins Lois and Ma and Pa for Sunday brunch where they share what their kids have been up to. Iris shows her life hacks to cooking large batches of food in a short time. Selina and Dinah discover an online store dedicated to selling vigilante gear and go on a Cyber Monday spree for their whole families. Steve Trevor, Diana's partner, teaches Selina how to fly with the invisible jet so she can surprise Bruce with the batplane.
After overcoming their initial conflicts, Selina and Talia hold a high amount of respect for each other. Talia sees Selina as not just a capable combatant, but a worthy partner to her former beloved and stepmother to her son. Selina, after spending all that time with the kids, understands the motherly love that Talia holds for Damian and makes it abundantly clear that she would never try to replace Talia in the boy's life. Regardless, looking after all those kids is hard, so they are very much open to the idea of co-parenting.
(Selina doesn't know it, but all this makes Bruce fall in love with her all over again.)
#ask#anonymous#selina kyle#catwoman#gotham city sirens#gotham rogues#batfamily#batfam#batkids#batsibings#batclan#batman family#dc comics#headcanon#tw food mention#tw mental health mention#tw drug mention
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So, I have this idea for a Batfam time travel fanfic that starts when Jason, Tim and Damian are somehow teamed up for a mission (the disaster is practically inevitable from the beginning, but everyone else was either busy or injured, so Bruce had to begrudgingly send them out together) and just as you would expect, something goes terribly wrong.
Later Jason will say it was Tim’s fault because his cape got in the way and tripped Jason up, Tim will say Damian pushed him into Jason’s path so it was really Damian’s fault, and Damian will say that it was a reflection from Jason’s dumb helmet that blinded him and made him stumble into Tim, but regardless of what really happened, they somehow land right in the path of the strange ray gun their villain-of-the-week is wielding and are all hit by something that looks and sounds and feels like a bolt of lightning.
When they wake up, miraculously still alive and only a little bit sore, the warehouse around them is empty, their comms are dead, and once they make their way outside they quickly realize they’re in a Gotham years before their time.
Now, there are of course some very strict rules regarding time-travel and interacting with people they know in the past, but as their luck would have it, their entrance wasn’t exactly subtle (even in Gotham people notice lightning and thunder whithout a thunderstorm), and before they can even make it a block away from the warehouse Batman and Robin swing down from the rooftops and confront them.
Batman of course does his whole “Who are you and what do you want in my city” thing, complete with the growly voice and intimidating loom, but it’s not like that can faze any of his kids after all this time.
No, what gets to them, particularly Tim and Damian, is the teeny version of Dick standing next to Bruce. He can’t be any older than 11 or 12, and while Tim and Damian had both seen pictures and heard the stories, seeing their older brother standing as tall as he can (which isn’t all that tall even compared to them) in his bright yellow cape and the short pants next to Batman...well, can anyone really blame them for bursting out laughing?
That’s of course not the reaction Batman and Robin expect, and for a few seconds they just seem to freeze up in the face of these new costumed...cosplayers?? criminals?? vigilantes?? who are just laughing their asses off when faced with the dynamic duo.
Jason is the only one who doesn’t fall into hysterics (he can’t start laughing; he wore the short pants too and would only open himself up to even more ridicule in the future than he would already undoubtedly get from the two little twerps), and he’s also not stunned with surprise, because he knows exactly what’s going on here.
So, as the only capable person around (what else is new) he barks at Tim and Damian to cut it out and behave professionally. They’re on a mission after all, and they don’t want to antagonize Batman and Robin, do they?
Surprisingly they listen, Tim even mumbles somewhat of an apology at Robin, who still looks kind of sulky, but accepts it after a nudge from Batman.
Then there’s an awkward silence where both sides just look each other over, though it’s not as hostile as it was before, and with some quick mental math on how much he can tell Bruce Jason starts to explain that they’re also a vigilante team like them and don’t want any trouble, they had only made their way into Gotham because they’d tracked a lead.
Jason keeps everything deliberately vague and doesn’t mention the time-travel (he’s not even sure if Bruce and Dick had encountered something like it at this point and he absolutely doesn’t want to get thrown into Arkham because they think he’s delusional), but apparently his answers satisfy Bruce, because he loosens his stance and nods in approval.
Bruce asks if they need any help, what kind of case they’re working on, what their code-names are - they all have to come up with something fast here, because obviously Red Hood, Red Robin and Robin are precisely the worst names they could give Bruce and Dick in this time, so Jason calls himself Arsenal, Tim says Drake (still the worst name Jason has ever heard) and Damian says Flamebird, which is pretty cute Jason has to admit, though he will still definetly tease his brother about his choice once they’re back home.
It’s only when Bruce asks “And how long are you and your sons planning to stay in the city?” that Jason realizes Bruce thinks they’re a father/son(s) crime-fighting team the same as him and Dick and before he can think better of it he says “Not long.” in answer and leaves the other part of the question uncorrected, even though he can practically feel two pairs of eyes burning into his back with indignation.
The conversation moves on and somehow there never seems to be a good opportunity to rectify that, and so they eventually part ways with Bruce and Dick, planning to meet again the next night to exchange information.
Jason, the chaotic older brother that he is, can’t resist a “Come along now, sons” just as they leave - Tim and Damian are pissed, Jason isn’t their dad, he can’t tell them what to do, and once they’re out of Batman and Robin’s earshot they make their opinion on that very clear, but it’s too late now - for as long as they’re in this time they’ll have to pretend in front of Bruce and Dick.
As it turns out getting back home takes a little longer than Jason, Tim and Damian had initially hoped for, so they spend at least a week or two in this time, during which they meet Dick and Bruce pretty much every night and even begin to help out a little when something more dangerous goes down (though compared to what they’re used to, this version of Gotham is pretty tame).
Because Jason can’t resist annoying his brothers he fully lays into the dad role, calling them “son” or “sport” whenever he can and delighting in the furious glares he receives in return.
At some point it also becomes clear how much more experience the three of them have compared to Bruce and Dick, who have only been vigilantes for a couple of years at this point, and when this young Bruce openly asks Jason for advice on how to be a good vigilante dad because Jason obviously seems to have more experience than him, Jason doesn’t know if he should laugh or cry.
This young Bruce is still Bruce Wayne with all his faults of course, but he’s also a lot less jaded and world-weary and sad, so Jason gladly gives him some advice that he hopes makes some things better without breaking the entire time-line.
Meanwhile Tim and Damian learn first hand what a menace young Dick Grayson was - he disobeys orders, pulls dangerous stunts, fights in freaking short pants, but gets away with everything because of his puppy-dog-eyes and because Bruce was even more of a pushover back then than he is in their time.
Obviously Bruce and Dick never learn the true identities of their visitors or their connections to them in this time - one day the three of them just don’t show up anymore and when they investigate they find a post-it note in the warehouse where they’d first met them that just says “Gone home. See you some time in the future.” with the three names Arsenal, Drake and Flamebird signed underneath.
“It was pretty fun having other kids to talk to about all of this,” Dick says, sounding subdued as he looks at the note and Bruce knows he will probably regret this, but he just can’t stand to see his son sad.
“I heard Green Arrow has a side-kick now,” Bruce says, trying to sound casual, but the way Dick looks at him with tentative hope just makes his heart melt instantly. He would give this kid the world if he asked for it. “Maybe it would be a good idea to meet them.”
#batfam#jason todd#damian wayne#bruce wayne#tim drake#dick grayson#time travel#headcanon and a little bit of a fic in one#don't have the time to properly write this so here have my concept draft#this got so much longer than I thought...
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Reality check
Fandom: DC Pairing: Damian Wayne x reader Word count: 4.1k Summary: It was a normal day for you when the sidewalk literally opens up and swallows you whole only to spit you back out into a world that you thought only existed in comics before. There you meet a certain Vigilante and things get more complicated very, very quickly... Warning: I think this classifies as angst, not sure though, Definitly almost drowning tho, also multiple instances of unconciousness, lil bit of fluff if you squint, also me trying to be funny and failing Requested by the incredibly, amazing, breathtaking @dudeidkwhattoputformyusername: Hi! I love your work! is it possible for u to do a Damian Wayne x reader one shot, where reader comes from reality and bumps into Damian in Robin form. Then u can develop from there anyway u like! preferably fluff tho. thank u!!!!!!!!!!
Everything was blurry and your head was throbbing like someone was working on it with a jackhammer. The pain was the first thing that you felt during the process of waking up, no other sense quiet activated yet. Next was the realization that your body was shivering uncontrollably and wherever you were laying definitely wasn’t a bed for as far as you remembered, beds weren’t usually wet, cold and stone-hard. Following was your eyesight that finally returned to you, alongside with your smell and hearing, and as if they were high-school bullies who were teaming up against the local geek in a 90’s sitcom, they all came crashing up upon you like a train. Now theoretically seen, you were able to see, hear and smell again, but practically seen, asking you to do either of the three was like asking someone to find a needle in a needlestack, or a single straw of hay in a haystack. It was just too much, definite sensory overload. A few minutes you couldn’t do anything but lay there, shivering and cold and miserable, before slowly your brain started to work through all the input and sort through it until you were able to comprehend it. The first thing you noticed was the smell. It wasn’t a very pleasant one, it smelled like you fish, water and something rotten and if you had any more control over your body you probably would have thrown up. The sounds that you could hear now put the smells a little bit more into perspective. What sounded like screams and the end of the world before was now identifiable as the screeching of seagulls, the honking of boats and the soft crashing of waves. So you were near a harbor or port? The last puzzle piece was the view you got when you opened your eyes. The cold, wet, stone-hard ‘not-bed’ that you had been lying on was in fact a concrete jetty. Only a few feet away from you was the cold dark sea and above you was the night sky. How long have you been lying here? What happened? How did you get there? As you were staring up into the sky something about it made you uneasy, the way the stars were shining, the darkness of the universe, the fullness of the moon- Wait, wasn’t it a new moon just a few days ago? You sat up suddenly, immediately regretting it when the pain shook through your head again, re-starting the throbbin at 100%, and - after you could open your eyes again - looked down at your body. You were wearing a soaked through sweater that you had bought a few days prior and just as soaked through jeans and socks, your shoes nowhere in sight. The sea was restless and splashed against the sides of the jetty, dops landing on your sleeves and face. For some reason, the sensation of the liquid against your skin brought forth a flashback that completely blinded you. It was like you were watching from above as you relieved the last thing you remembered, how you had been going home after your part-time job at the library when the floor had literally peeled open below you and you fell into a cold nothingless, only for water to come crashing down at you from all sides. When you finally realized that you were not on the sidewalk a few blocks away from your home anymore, but in raging water, somewhere below the surface you were already only seconds away from drowning. With all the power you could muster and adrenaline rushing through your veins you managed to fight your way upwards and upwards until your hand finally broke through the water’s surface. The breath that you took when you made it up completely must have been the best and somehow worst gulp of air you had ever taken in. The adrenaline was ebbing off and the exhaustion made its way through all your muscles, but when you saw the lights in the distance you managed to keep on going until you had managed to pull yourself up a concrete jetty where you finally blacked out. Your mind made its way back into your body and you grasped the situation, even though believing it still wasn’t the easiest task. I mean the earth quite literally swallowing you up? That doesn't sound reasonable. And yet, it was the thing you remembered so you would have to live with that truth until someone could prove you otherwise. More and more questions started to swirl through your mind - an unreasonable amount of them quite honestly - but you knew you had to take things one step at a time. Okay, what did you know? You were in an unknown location so there was no new there, but your former question of ‘how long have you been there’ was now answered. Given the state of your clothes and the fact that it was still deep, dark night you couldn’t have been unconscious for long. But that didn’t help you much - you were still sitting there freezing cold and soaked with no idea where you actually were. What would you do usually when you were lost? Phone, ah, right. You patted over your pockets and actually found it, only to be very unsurprised when it only gave you a black void to stare into. Sadly you didn’t have a bag of rice to put it into in the other pocket, instead only a set of keys that you didn’t recognize along with something that looked like a keychain in form of a piece of polished wood with the letters D and (Your first initial) with a plus in between engraved into it. “Great, I can open some doors now, too bad I don’t know which,” you spoke aloud to yourself, only for the worlds to come out stuttered thanks to your teeth that were shaking just as much as the rest of you. You stuffed the keys and the broken phone back into your pockets and managed to pull yourself up and stand, even though all your muscles were screaming in despair. The thing you really wanted to do was lie back down and fall asleep again, wait for the sun to rise and dry your clothes, but you knew that with the coldness and the water all around you, you’d probably be dead or at least deadly sick by morning, so you had to find shelter, warmth and - maybe most importantly - answers. With slow, little steps you walked down the jetty, towards the buildings that looked unoccupied at that time of day, with an unknown city stretching out behind it that promised life and warmth. For what felt like hours, but was probably just minutes, you managed to walk a few feet until you were a safe distance away from the water and near a bench that must have been put there for people who wanted to watch the water or have a break from work or similar things. It looked at you so invitingly, so comfortably, so perfect. Deep inside you knew that you should probably not sit down, even if you told yourself it would be just for a few minutes, but your exhaustion took over and you sunk down onto it, falling to the side and rolling as good as it was possible together into a little roll. You’d take a nap, just a quick one, only a few minutes, then you’d get up with new energy and find the warmth you were looking for. The longer you sat there the heavier your eyelids got until you couldn’t take it anymore and the darkness enveloped you into its safety again.
The next time you woke up, things weren’t so bad anymore, it wasn’t all that blurry and the throbbing had dialed down a bit, but your body was shaking worse than before. In fact, it was shaking so bad that your shoulder thumbed against the backrest of the bench before being pulled forward again and repeating the circle, the only weird thing was that it was just your shoulder. And there was this weird pressure around it. Wait! You weren’t shaking worse, someone else was shaking you as if they were trying to wake you up. You peeled your eyes completely opened and looked into white voids surrounded by black and like your eyes were the camera of a 2000’ kids-camera they slowly zoomed out and revealed the white voids to be the eye-parts of a mask sitting on the face of a masked (duh) boy who was wearing a very, very colorful and bright outfit. It seemed familiar and the gears in your head started turning. “Habibti, you’re okay,” the boy said in a relieved tone and while he helped you sit up you mustered him with a confused look. “That’s not my name, it’s Y/N.” The way his mask contorted gave off a sense of confusion that mirrored yours, just with a little bit more worry in it, but before he could say anything else you motioned to his outfit. “What is it with the outfit? It isn’t Halloween yet, is it?” “You don’t recognize me?” he asked you and the tone of voice he used almost made you feel sorry for him, but given that you had no idea what he was talking about you would probably be able to cope. “No, sorry…” you started before the gears finally fell into place and you recognized it, “Oh, wait, I think I do, you’re playing Batman’s sidekick right? I think it was Robin. That’s so cool, I myself was always more of a Marvel fan - you know with Black Widow and all that - but both are super valid so cool hobby dude. It looks pretty rad too.” Even with the mask you could see the complete bedazzlement in his face and you wondered if your weird world-swallowing-experience had magically changed the language you spoke from English to Mandarine. “What- What do you mean?” “You’re Cosplaying right? Dressing up as a Comic Character?” you tried to explain and you could feel a slight anger building up at how stupid he made you feel without even being able to see his eyes. “I’m not Cosplaying a comic character?” he said in a questioning manner. “Yes, you are. You’re wearing the outfit and everything, like the guy in the Comics who works with Batman. I think his name was Richard or something, but you should know better, you’re cosplaying him after all,” you tried to explain yet again, seriously questioning your sanity. Now he really didn’t need the mask to hide the fact that he was seriously triggered by what you had said - even though you weren’t quite sure why. Had Robin been cancelled over twitter while you were unconscious? “I think it’d be better if I bring you to safety and get you checked out,” he averted the topic of the conversation and started to position his hands like he wanted to pick you up, but you put a stop to it when you pressed him away. “Listen, I appreciate the help, but I’ll definitely not be going with a complete stranger in a comic costume, so if you could just give me your phone so that I can call my parents or my friends that’d be great.” For a few seconds he just sat there straight, as if unsure of the best course of action, before he sight and pulled a phone out, unlocking it and handing it to you. Your fingers hovered over the keyboard as you thought about who to call, thankful that your mum had made you learn her number by heart, but when you went to dial it your whole body stopped working, like there was a physical restriction keeping you from typing. Suddenly you realized it. You didn’t know the number - you knew you should, that you had been using it for years upon years and that you definitely should know it - and your eyes grew wide. You scavenged through your head searching for more numbers, but then you realized another thing. There were none. How was that possible? You didn’t even know the area code from where you lived. “I- I don’t- what?” you looked up at the boy with tearful eyes, the reality of the situation just too much for you. “It’s okay, I’m sure it will come back to you,” he tried to sooth you, but you were too frustrated and sad to be happy about soothing from some creepy geek. “Would you please finally tell me why you’re in costume?” you asked exasperated and moved further away from him. “I-” The answer of the boy was cut short when a ‘whooshing’ sound echoed around the area and a booming voice called out: “Robin”. The boy shot you another look before shouting back. “I’m here, I’ve-” he obviously wanted to add something, but he cut himself off this time and just looked at you. A man in a black, leather suit with a black cowl over his face that you noticed to be definitely inspired by Batman and very well done came rushing towards you. Again, you couldn’t see his eyes, but you recognized the same worried look that the boy already had. “Oh no, not another one,” you sighed and pushed your hair back, “Is there some kind of Comic Convention here? Or is this a weird sexual thing?” Now the man looked at the boy even more confused, and the boy just shrugged, but instead of answering you, he brought his hand up to where his ear was under the cowl and spoke to himself: “I’ve found Robin, he’s found her, we’re going to come back now.” If it had only been the first and last part of that sentence you would have made a joke about them being into LRPG or something, but the ‘her’ part scared you for some reason. You stood up and backed away, happy that the boy didn’t keep the grip on even though his eyes were following your every move. “This was fun and all, but I’m still soaked and really cold, and I had a nice swim earlier which I want to calm down from again, so I think I’ll just go back home now, call myself a cab or something,” you turned around, more than ready to strain your muscles yet again with running away, but it never got to that point, because a second later you were ripped up from the ground and sizzled through the air. It was so surprising that you didn’t even manage to scream before you found yourself with hard ground under your feet again. You looked up at what had pulled you through the skies and found the boys face yet again and - may it have been from the scare of everything finally becoming to much - the last thing you could say before you blacked out for the third time that night was: “That’s some on point cosplay dude.”
The soft sheets of your bed gave you a sense of relief as you woke up from that weird ass dream that you were having. You were unsure about why exactly your unconsciousness was making you see these things, but you made a mental note about checking the dream meaning of getting swallowed by the sidewalk later on. For now all you wanted was to go have some breakfast and call your mom to tell her about that dream. So you opened your eyes and threw the blanket back only to be surprised by the ceiling that was definitely not yours. There was a sound beside you and you looked over to see a boy about your age, black hair standing up from his head a little spiky and green eyes focused entirely on you. “Oh for fuck’s sake,” you cursed and moved as far away from the boy as possible, “Who are you?!” “What do you remember?” the boy asked you, completely ignoring your question. Your eyes flew to the door that was right behind him and you found that there was no way for you to get to it without having to overthrow the boy - but by the looks of him he’d knock you out easily. “I was on my way home from my job when the fucking ground opened up, swallowed me, thrw me back up into the ocean and then I met two werid ass cosplayers before I woke up here.” “You still think we’re cosplayers?” “We?” “Yes,” he just nodded with complete ease. “Well, I gotta admit that flying thing was pretty rad. What was that? Are you actors and you’re making a movie? Because if so then I’m sorry for bursting onto the shooting site.” “We’re not making a movie,” he stated, still completely chilled, even though there was something else lying under it. “What then? You telling me you’re actually Robin? Because if so I’m not the only one who needs to have her head checked out,” you scoffed and rolled your eyes, arms crossing in front of your chest. The boy just mirrored your look, completely stern and serious. “You’re not serious, are you?” you couldn’t help but let out an unbelieving chuckle. He kept silent and just observed you. “You fucking are, oh my gosh.” “How can I prove it to you?” he asked, still so incredibly serious that you felt like you were a clown walking in on a job interview. “Oh, I don’t know. Call Flash, Superman and the easter bunny over so we can have tea with the tooth fairy,” you answered ironically and made a ‘cray-cray’ gesture with your hand going in circles beside your temple, but instead of being offended by your comment, he just pulled out his phone - the same phone you had tried to use earlier you noted. “What are you doing?” you asked, but he just held his hand up to sush you and raised the phone to his ear. “Hello, it’s Damian Wayne,” he introduced himself to the other person - and you noted that he was not a ‘Richard’ after all, “Yes, could you do me a favor? Could you come to the Manor real quick? Yes, yes I know, no it’s not an emergency. The suit would be great, yes. See you in a bit. You opened your mouth again when he hung up to ask who he called over, but he kept his hand up and motioned to you to wait, while he opened up the window, even though it was still cold out. A gust of wind filled the room and suddenly there was another boy standing besides the original boy - Damian as he had introduced himself - who was wearing a cape, a shirt with a logo that was definitely Supermans and ripped jeans. “H-How the fuck did he just? Was he here this whole time? What? How?” you stuttered and looked between Damian and the other boy who looked at you even more confused than you felt, but Damian waved him off and motioned for him to leave, which he promptly did. The new boy looked at Damian with question marks in his eyes, but he just waved him off. “You believe me now?” he asked, directed towards you and you had to admit it was pretty convincing. “But how? I’m in a comic?” “Y/N, this isn’t a comic, this is reality,” Damian told you with a soft voice, but your eyes just widened and you tried to move back even further. “How do you know my name?” “In your left pocket there is a set of keys and keychains. One of these keychains is a piece of wood with two letters engraved. A D and a (Your first initial), am I right?” Your heart stopped for a second and you patted the pocket where that exact thing was still lying. “H-How do you know my name?” “What do you remember about your life, about how you ended up in the water?” he avoided the question like a pro and you decided to play along, just in hope he’d answer your question sooner or later. “I was born the daughter of Y/Parents/N in Y/H/T. I grew up normally and went to school, nothing special, got a job on the side and when I went home yesterday the sidewalk started to open up like there was an earthquake and I was suddenly in the water, I told you about that part already.” “And you have never met me in your life?” he asked and sounded almost disappointed. “No, an hour ago I thought you didn’t exist outside of paper, the internet and movies,” you huffed and tried to figure out what his endgame was with this, when he pulled his phone out again and tapped on it for a bit before shoving it in your direction. “How do you explain this then?” You moved forwards with caution until you could see the screen and your breath stopped. It was a picture of you. Of Damian and you to be precise. The two of you were sitting on a bench, laughing and smiling and obviously happy, a cute dog on the ground between the two of you where something else drew your attention. In the photograph your left hand was intertwined with his right one. “W-What is this? Some sick kind of joke?” “You really don’t remember? Not at all?” he asked flabbergasted. “Remember what? What is going on here?” you almost shouted, the frustration becoming just a little bit too much, “Please just give me some explanation, please.” “You’re Y/N Y/L/N, you really are the daughter of Y/Parents/N, but you didn’t grow up in Y/H/T, you grew up here in Gotham. You went to Gotham academy, where the two of us met and...became friends. You found out about me being Robin and my father being Batman rather quickly too,” Damian explained and even though it didn’t match up even slightly with what you remembered, it felt weirdly accurate. You went to the bed again and sucked down onto it, before thinking back to the picture and raised an eyebrow at Damian. “Not that I say it’s true what you’re saying, but if we hypothetically say it was, then we weren’t just friends, right? We’re together?” “Yes.” “Okay,” a sigh escaped you and everything was feeling blurry, but you had to continue asking, wanting to know the truth, “Then how do you explain me ending up in the ocean?” “That’s where things get a bit harsher,” Damian sight too, but obviously for other reasons, “Yesterday evening you accompanied me to a party - a family thing - on a yacht and things were going great, but something went wrong. No one had an idea that the weather would shift like that, but a storm came and the yacht was thrown around and you - you were thrown off, I thought you died, I was devastated, but- uhm...well… You remembered that keychain? I gave it to you for our first year anniversary and it may or may not have a tracker in it, so that I could find you in a worst case scenario and if that wasn’t a worst case scenario then I don’t know what is.” For a few minutes silence filled the room as you worked through all of the new information, but the sad look on Damian’s face, the seriousness in his voice, the entire situation in itself? They made it hard to doubt what he was telling you. Your gaze was stuck on your fidgeting hands when you asked the one underlying question. “Why can’t I remember?” “I don’t know, I think you must have hit your head when you fell off and your mind mixed things up - mixed reality into something else and took a few actual things and made them fiction,” Damian gave you his half-assed, definitely not medically appropriate explanation, but you couldn’t blame him for that, you had no idea either. You pulled your legs up and hugged your knees close as you looked at him, really trying to see this supposed boyfriend of yours, but your mind just turned up blank. “What if I’ll never remember? What if that’s the way it’ll be from now on?” “I’m positive that things will turn out fine, we have friends who have the best medical experience you can get, we even have mind readers who could probably help you and if not, we’ll help you make new memories, I’ll help you and I’ll wait for the memories to come back just in case.” “That’s not fair on you though, Right now I’m not the girl you’re with, you shouldn’t have to go through this,” tears were now welling up at your eyes, even though you weren’t completely sure why your emotions were so strong. “I don’t care, I really don’t, because no matter what you remember or don’t, I love you and I really hope you’ll remember that you love me too…”
#Damian Wayne#Damian wayne x reader#batfam#batfam x reader#dc#dc x reader#dc universe#batfamily#batfamily x reader#Bruce Wayne#batman#robin#robin x reader#fluff#angst#amnesia
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Such a Joker (50)
Part 49 Here
Jim POV:
As I come out of my office I see a large number of cops watching Jeremiah sitting calming in the holding cell. "Don't you all have work you should be doing?" I yell towards them as they scatter.
"Pardon me, Jim."
I walk over to Jeremiah raising my brows. "What is it?" "I'd like to press charges against Bruce Wayne's butler. I mean, just look at my face. I can't have my wife seeing me like this."
I scoff smirking with pure anger, "I think you look great."
"And I'd like to speak to Bruce again. We couldn't really talk before what with his girlfriend bleeding out all over him."
"You tried to prove you're better than your brother. But I'm still here. I'm searching for (Y/n), and the city's still here. You're a failure, Jeremiah. Enjoy Arkham. Your brother did. I'll be the one to make sure (Y/n)'s visiting hours will be less than none."
"Bring me, Bruce Wayne... I'll let you speak with (y/n), and I'll tell you where the other bombs are." I walk closer engaging. "We have all your bombs."
Jeremiah nods with an underlying smirk, "The maze bombs, yes. I mean the other ones. Jim, as an engineer, you expect systems to fail. So, you build in redundancies. And I am a very good engineer."
"You're bluffing."
"Am I?" He smirks at me waiting for a reaction.
"You're right, you know. I did fail. I didn't yet understand the vision I was servicing, but, I do now. My eyes are open as will yours be. When you realize I'm not bluffing, bring me, Bruce Wayne. And I'd like a coffee. Black. Two sugars."
"How many bombs are there? Where are they?" I challenge him again. "I want to talk to Bruce Wayne."
"Tell me where they are, you son of a bitch. Who's helping you?"
"Bruce Wayne."
I grunt, shaking my head in frustration, "You are never gonna talk to Bruce Wayne. You hear me?"
Jeremiah shrugs smirking, "Then more people will die and you will never see (Y/n) or meet your grandchildren." I look up meeting his icy eyes with cold blood. "What? You're lying." Jeremiah sighs, "My wallet, right sleeve, forth slot, a sonogram photo of my two twins. I don't bluff, Jim. Why do you think I ask for your blessing? Wouldn't want your daughter unwed and knocked up, huh? But once again you resented her happiness, and she ran right into my arms. You never were good at holding on to what you care about, were you, James?"
Bruce finally walks in as I'm strapped to the dolly awaiting transportation to Arkham. "Hello, Bruce. It's great to see you."
"Where are the bombs, Jeremiah? Where is (Y/n) Gordon?"
"Closer, please."
As Bruce teds near I speak again. "Tell me. How is the young lady doing?" Of course no reaction. I smile switching subjects, "You know why we're destined to be best friends? Because we're very much alike. You are as I used to be. At war with your true nature. You must truly embrace it if you ever want to be free. I'm just trying to help you."
"Trying to help me? By torturing Alfred? Trying to destroy Gotham?
By shooting Selina? You think we're alike because there's a darkness inside both of us. But the difference is, I know how to control mine."
I scoff smirking, "I think you could be so strong. I see it. He sees it too." Bruce looks at me confused walking closer. "What do you mean, "he"?"
"Where are the other bombs?"
I roll my eyes looking up at the camera playing the game, "What bombs?" "Bombs you planted around the city. You blew up the Mayor."
"Ah, that bomb. Yes, that was the only one. But it did what it had to do. It got you here."
"You said, "he." Who do you mean?"
I smile gasping at Bruce. "The one who opened up my eyes. Who showed me that everything I was doing, was not to create a Gotham of my own for (y/n), and I, But yours, Bruce. The Gotham you need. Your dark island. And it will come to be, Bruce. Tonight."
"Tell me his name," Bruce demands empty-handed.
"What did the doctors say? Will the little bitch ever walk again? What vertebrae did I sever? I was hoping for the lumbar..." "TELL ME HIS NAME!" I laugh at his anger. "You already know his name. You're his heir."
Bruce gasps letting my suit wings go. "Ra's al Ghul... No, it can't..."
"Shh." The lights flicker as the room goes dark and I am freed from this hold.
Enter the building I see (Y/n) waiting with Ra's, overlooking the old city. "Jeremiah! Ra's was just telling me he could marry us!" I grin walking over as the men get Bruce ready for the arrival.
"Could you?" Ra's nods smirking, "Just say when my boy. I can-" "Now." I pull out two solid gold bands passing mine to (Y/n). "You're prepared." She giggles. "I've been waiting."
Ra's chuckles offering off a quick blessing to us as a couple. "Do you Jeremiah Valeska take (Y/n) Gordon as your lawfully wedded wife?" "I certainly do." I grin watching my love. "And do you, (Y/n)-" "Yes." Ra's gestures between us chuckling. "Wonderful, you may kiss your bride, Mr. Valeska."
I scoop her in my arms kissing her deeply. I pull away as the men waltz a masked Bruce into the room. "Ah, hate you missed the ceremony, friend." I walk over pulling the bag off of his head.
"How did you two..." "Find each other?" Ra's finishes, "I'd like to think it was you, Bruce. You brought us together."
Ra's turns to me and (Y/n) as we look at the city. "I trust things went smoothly?" "Like clockwork. Did your men retrieve my bombs?" "They are en route to their positions as we speak. From here, we can take in the full majesty of Gotham's destruction."
"You're both insane!"
Ra's shakes his head in disappointment, "I know it's difficult to fathom, Bruce. But Jeremiah and I are doing this for your benefit."
"How is destroying Gotham supposed to help me?"
"Because I had a vision. That out of this crucible of blood and fire will rise the Dark Knight that your city needs. That I need."
I scoff pulling away from (y/n) and joining Bruce and Ra's. "To be honest, Bruce. Prophecies, visions. Not really my cup of tea. But our friend revealed something to me. That my twin obsessions, rebuilding Gotham and rebuilding you, are one and the same. You're the brother I never had. The one Jerome never could be. We will create a legacy in this city. Gotham falls. We rise. Together."
Barbara walks in passing each of us towards Ra's. "Oh, hey, Bruce. Freak. (Y/n), looking beautiful!"
"Hello, Barbara. I'm really glad you came." She sighs shrugging. "Bad news, baby. I'm not leaving. Gotham's in my blood. And I don't think I can let you leave either. You see, you say you're leaving. But I've got a feeling you're gonna be back. And I don't like looking over my shoulder."
"Need I remind you, Barbara. You've already tried using that knife. And also, you're outnumbered."
She hums smiling "Hmm. That Demon's Head is really not working out for you, huh?" Suddenly Oswald yells striking us and the fight breaks out quickly.
Tabith tackles me to the ground as I search for (Y/n) in a blind panic. She holds her knife to my neck sneering, "So you know, this is for Selina." I flip her overtaking the blade from her and pressing it to her skin. "In that case, it must be very disappointing for you to be dying like this." She smirks and moves her arm. "I'm not talking about you." She pulls her trigger making me search where the bullet traveled.
The bombs go off destroying the city as my wife falls bleeding from the bullet that pierced her. "No!" I growl rushing over. She cries holding her chest. "Jer-" "No, no, don't speak. You're going to be fine." The city burns down as my love's life source lowers.
"You're going to be fine, love. We're all going to be safe. Tomorrow is a new day,"
Staying by her bedside the entire night as the doctors work to remove the bullet, and stabilize her and the babies. "She should wake soon, Sir. The children are healthy. She's lucky it wasn't any closer to her heart." I nod boring my eyes into her face.
"Thank you, Doctor."
(y/n) mumbles and opens her eyes slowly. I smile leaning over, "Rise and shine, beautiful." She looks up at me confused, then looks down at her chest gasping, "That bitch." she sneers growling and trying to sit up. "No, no, don't try that." She gasps, putting a hand on her belly. "Jer-" "They're alright, doll. You're very lucky. All four of us are."
She looks over to me putting a hand on my cheek. "What do we do now, Jeremiah?" I smile rubbing my hands on her stomach. "Now, my love, we enjoy our marriage, and wait for our children." Her cheeks glow as I speak of our children. "I love you, Jeremiah." "I love you too, Mrs. Valeska. Always."
~ Day 87~
I sit at the radio discussing yet another call on the state of Gotham to the officials over the bridge. "Your people have decided to ignore evacuation orders." "No, no, no, no. It is clear you don't understand." "What's to understand, Mr. Gordon? I'm afraid you're making your-" "For the last time... after the bridges blew and the government declared Gotham off-limits, the city was up for grabs. Given over to criminals and murderers. New territory is controlled by whoever has enough power to hold it. I mean, we have Penguins in City Hall, for God's sake. Barbara and the Sirens control an area around their club. It's the only place in Gotham not suffering for food or booze. Barabra trades mostly for information. It's women only, but men can buy windows of time. To the west Jonathan Crane, the Scarecrow. Victor Freeze is further north warring with Firefly. And to date, there have been no confirmed sightings of Jeremiah Valeska, or my Daughter, (y/n). Then there is us. The GCPD controls a ten-block area around the precinct, where we feed and protect 150 civilians. That number could grow as who knows how many others are trapped around the city. These are innocent people who couldn't get out. The Government has a duty to protect them. You have a duty to help them." I finish waiting for the response.
"We've been over this time and time again. No one is allowed in or out of Gotham."
"People we are protecting are not criminals." "And anyone who stayed after the evacuation order is no longer the government's responsibility." "We're surrounded by hostile forces. We are running out of food, ammunition. There are children here. You need to evacuate them." "A committee is being formed regarding the situation in Gotham."
I huff shaking my head. "At least let us resupply ourselves."
"We understand the situation."
"You DON'T understand. If you did you would do something. Just say we're on our own." The radio waves stay silent as no response comes through. I nod gruffly and turn off the communication.
I look to the corner of the desk seeing a photo of (Y/n), along with the photo of the unborn twins. I sigh holding them to my heart. "Please be okay."
"I like Jeremy," Jeremiah says as we relax on the couch together. "And for a girl?" He hums thinking. "What if we stuck with the J name? I kinda like Juliet." Jeremiah looks at me smiling. "I think that's lovely."
I stroke my small belly with love. "I just want them here already." Jeremiah laughs kissing the top of my head. "They'll be perfect."
Months pass of us hiding, gaining followers, and then finally start to dig under the city for our escape. Fully 6 months pregnant and things are just seeming harder. "You're sad," Ecco says frowning. She scoots over massaging my shoulders. "Tell me what's wrong." I sigh stroking my stomach feeling a wash of sadness. "I miss my dad. I hate to say it, but I do. These kids won't have a Grandpa." Ecco nods sighing dramatically. "I am so sorry, (Y/n). I wish I could help." I smile leaning my head on her shoulder. "How's that bullet feeling in there?" I tease as she giggles. "It's still rolling around in here!" She shakes her head, knocking the loose pieces in her brain. "I still can't believe you did it." She shrugs giggling, "Anything to help you, (Y/n)."
"Come on, let's see how the boss is. It's been a while since I've seen the progress."
Ecco helps me down the steps into the area where they're digging the large tunnel. "Wow! Looks, good everyone!" I yell, making the workers greet me with forced smiles. "Darling." Jeremiah clams walking to me, placing hands over my stomach with a grin. "Ecco, you're not supposed to bring her down here. It's dangerous." He glares at her. "Jer, I wanted to, she was obeying me." He reluctantly nods waving her away.
I switch the radio station finding a slow song and smiling. "Dance we me, Jer." I grasp his hand swaying with him to the music. "We're close aren't we?" I nod laughing. "Just three more months, Jeremiah." He shutters with a smile. "I can't wait."
#jerome#jerome x reader#jerome valeska#jerome valeska x reader#jerome valeska imagine#jeremiah valeska imagine#jeremiah valeska x reader#jerome valeska smut#Gotham#Gotham City#gotham cast
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Seeing Green Ch.5
Well, everyone, I’m so glad you’ve all supported me thus far. Here\s a chapter that contains a lot of what people have been asking for~
“Good morning, Marinette." Marinette glared up at the intruder of her quiet breakfast, dark shadows quite clear under her eyes. She had had a long night last night, talking with the Bat crew, then spending a good chunk of the night trying to find Chat Noir. The fact that he was in Gotham of all places didn't sit right with her, but she couldn't fully explain why. "How are you going this morning? You look quite beautiful."
Adrien smiled expectantly down at her, taking a seat across from the girl, obviously not reading the mood of the room, of which Marinette wanted him nowhere near her.
"Adrien, what do you want?" Marinette used her fork to poke her fried egg, lowering her gaze so that she wouldn't have to look at that smile that was so practiced that it just didn't feel real. She flinched when he took her free hand and kissed the knuckles. She felt bile rise in her throat and she ripped her hand away. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"Mari, listen… I'm sorry that I didn't stick with you during the whole Lila incident. I was a real jerk, I guess I was just scared that this would escalate and there'd be big problems." Adrien leaned forward, trying to catch her eye, but she refused to give him the satisfaction. So her basically being ostracized by her class hadn't been 'a big problem'? That made her grind her teeth, but a gentle nudge from Tikki immediately calmed her down.
"Adrien, I'd like to be left alone, alright? I'm not feeling great." Marinette muttered as she glanced out one of the large windows the hotel's dining room offered. The sight of the snow falling from the sky had been enough to make her groan, silently glad that yesterday's picnic had been cancelled. Honestly, who arranged a picnic during November?
"Marinette, please… You're a really special girl, and I realise now how great you are. I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me today?" Adrien blushed, and Marinette was reminded of a preteen who just confesses their love to their longtime crush. It didn't do anything to lift her mood, instead it only soured it. Way too late for that, Adrien, that ship has long since sailed.
"Not interested." Marinette stood, finding her appetite was now gone. She brushed past the model, making her way into the lobby. She froze when she saw Damian standing by the reception desk, her heart skipping a beat. He looked so handsome, his dark hair smoothed back from his strong, serious face. She practically skipped her way over to Damian, noticing the flowers in his arms. A pleasant flush flooded her cheeks, wondering who they were for…
“Damidear, you brought me flowers!” Lila darted her way across the lobby, throwing herself at the boy, sending him stumbling back a few steps. Marinette’s brows drew together, somewhat flabbergasted, until she spotted that her class had been where Lila had been standing. Ah, that explains it. “I’m so glad you decided to visit me, yesterday’s incident was so horrible.”
“Who are you?” Damian rose a brow at the girl, nearly scowling when she got a pout and tears welled up in her eyes. He tried to pull his arm from her grasp, but she sank her nails in hard, no doubt leaving bruises. “Please, let me go before I have to get security in here.”
“Wh-hat do you mean? Dami, you can stop with the act, everyone knows now that we’re dating, we don't have to hide anymore..” Lila let out a whine, glad she decided to dress up in her skirt she’d had hemmed so that it slid up her slim thighs, slowing off her body.
Damian almost felt nauseous when the girl trapped his arm against her chest, rubbing her breasts against his arm. What the fuck was this girl’s deal?
“I will tell you again, let me go.” Damian roughly pulled his arm from her grasp, sending her stumbling backwards. A girl wearing glasses rushed forward and caught her, sending a furious glare to the youngest Wayne.
“What the fuck is your problem?! I understand the need for secrecy, but you don’t treat your girlfriend that way, no matter the circumstances!” She snapped, cradling the sobbing Lila close.
“I am not dating her. I’ve never met her before yesterday.” The cold, hard fury came forward as Damian towered over them, his grip on the bouquet tightening. “I have been interested in only one girl, and I’m telling you that’s not her! She’s-”
Damian’s gaze met Marinette’s, and he smiled that smile that sent her heart fluttering.
“She’s right over there.” Damian made his way over to Mari and pulled her into a warm embrace. Marinette returned the hug, laying her head on his chest, then let out a giggle when he kissed her forehead. “Hello, Angel. I thought you and I could spend the day together. Miss Bourbon informed me it is a free day?”
“Yeah, it is.” Marinette beamed up at Damian, giving his cheek a soft kiss in return. She took the offered bouquet, ignoring the accusations that Lila and her court were throwing their way; that Mari had stayed with Damian at the mall plaza to steal him away, that she was a homewrecking slut, among other things. She merely turned her gaze towards them, seeing them as they are; lost causes. Only Alix, Kim, Juleka and Rose strode forward and shouted in her defense, bringing the gazes of everyone in the lobby, guests and employees alike. She turned back to Damian, trying her best to block the ensuing chaos behind them out. “I would love to spend the day with you. I really need out of here.”
“Marinette, wait! I-I wanted to take you out today, thought we could go for lunch. I can take us to the best restaurant in town.” Adrien grabbed her wrist, attempting to pull her out of Damian’s embrace, only causing him to tighten his embrace in turn. Adrien shot a withering glare to Damian, before turning a pleading gaze to Marinette. “Please, Mari, please don’t go with him. I-I can treat you a lot better than he can, he’ll only use you, you’ve only known him for three days!”
Sandwiched between the two men, Marinette didn’t know why she had been scared of them being similar, because they were quite the opposite. Damian was tall, dark, serious, and was protective. His actions spoke louder than words. While Adrien, while he claimed that he loved his friends, he did very little to actually keep them safe, going as far to keep the wool over everyone’s eyes and let Lila run wild. He certainly hadn’t cared about her misery, when she became an outcast, when Chloe became so bullied when her father was forcibly removed from being mayor, that she moved to a different school, he stood by, so afraid to create any sort of ripples, not realizing that a typhoon was already going on in front of him.
“I think we should go, it’s getting a bit unsavory here.” Marinette turned her back to Adrien, making his eyes narrow in fury. The couple, leaving everyone stare after them as they stepped out into Gotham.
“Good morning, everyone! Are you all prepped for your free day?” Miss Bustier strode on, completely unaware of what had just happened. Behind her, Miss Bourbon facepalmed at her mentor’s inability to read the fucking room.
Marinette strode through Gotham City park with Damian, beaming when they held hands, lacing their fingers. When she glanced up at him, she could see his cheeks had gone rosy, a small smile tugging on his lips.
“I’ll admit, I’m kind of nervous. You know, about this, about us. I mean, I’ve only known you for a few days.” Marinette forced out, leaning her head on his shoulder. She felt herself relax when he gave her hand a light squeeze, urging her to continue. “I… I don’t want to rush into anything, but I want to try and see where this can go. We just need to have some boundaries, because the last time I rushed into love, I got hurt.”
“Was it Agreste?” Damian let go of her hand and wrapped an arm around her when she shivered. At her nod, he rolled his eyes. The boy seemed like a coward to the vigilante, and a spoiled brat. Ever since he first saw Adrien on a magazine cover, he had wanted to punch him in the face. Today just made things worse. “He is a fool, not seeing you were right there in front of him, Angel. But I do agree that we should take our time with this. I feel for you, but I don’t want to scare you, Angel. I’ve never had this attraction to another person before.”
“I’ll have to go back to Paris in five days.” Marinette pointed out as they walked by a statue of a couple. She gazed up at it, refusing to meet Damian’s searching gaze. "The morning after the Wayne gala, I'll be flying back… And I don't know when I'll be back."
"We can text, call, Skype, there's tons of ways to talk. I'm sure my father will have business in Paris from time to time, I can visit then too." Damian offered, gently taking hold on her shoulders and had her meet his gaze. "Angel, we can figure out what this is between us. We don't have to rush into anything, but we can take a slow pace, and when we figure it out, we can finally say what we are."
Marinette found herself tearing up all of the sudden, then hugged him, feeling his strong arms wrap around her, holding her tight. They stayed like that for a while, not moving as the snow fluttered around them. Finally, they pulled apart.
"Come on, there's a nice little coffee shop around the corner. Then… Mari, I'd like you to meet my family. They won't stop teasing me, since I talk about you often, and they won't get off my back."
"Dinner? Up at Wayne Manor? Um… O-okay, but what should I wear?" Marinette whispered, her brows drawing together, creating that pensive look that made Damian want to kiss her brow.
"Just dress casually. We're just normal people, Angel, we don't dine in high class suits." Damian teased, earning a light shove from Marinette
"Fine, I think I'd love to come to dinner, if Miss Bustier will allow it." Marinette rolled her eyes, knowing that Miss Bustier wouldn't care in the slightest. Damian chuckled, as if he had read her thoughts, then carefully lead her towards the café. For the rest of the afternoon, that’s where they stayed.
“Lila, girl, don’t let that creep bother you, he doesn’t deserve you anyways. You always have Adrien, right?” Alya soothed, having dragged Lila and her boyfriend out for an afternoon of retail therapy. They were back in the clothing boutique they had been yesterday, eyeing the gorgeous dresses on display. Nino was off, looking for a good records store so that he didn’t deal with the toxic gossip. He had lost his confidence in dumping Alya.
“There’s the dress, Lila!” Alya pointed to the mannequin in the middle of the store, where a bronze coloured dress was, before she turned to the nearest employee. “We’d like to attempt that dress, please.”
The employee smiled, though it was a bit at the girl’s broken English. She took the dress off the mannequin and guided Lila through the posh boutique and to the changing rooms. Once Lila was inside, the tearful, heartbroken personality dropped and she scowled. The young Italian girl stripped down to her underwear and inspected herself in the mirror.
How on earth could Damian Wayne not want her? She was the definition of the perfect Italian beauty. She fluffed her hair, put into her signature hairstyle, to her beautiful, perfect face. Her hands slid over her petite chest, her slim waist and thighs. She was every man’s fantasy come to life, she knew that if she got Damian in bed, he’d be under her complete control.
She pulled on the dress, feeling the silk hug her curves perfectly. She was small, dainty, not a cow with flabby tits like Marinette had gained. She had heard about guys preferring ‘thick’ women, but she knew it was a lie. Miss Bourbon, the ugly cow, and Marinette had never had a boyfriend in their lives, so that just further proved her point.
“Lila, does it fit?” Alya called in, breaking her from her thoughts. Lila rolled her eyes and stepped out of the dressing room, grinning when she heard an excited squeal from her special toy. “That looks killer on you! That Wayne kid is an idiot for cheating on you with Mari. Hey, I got an idea, how about you wear that to the Wayne gala at the end of the trip? Show him what he’s really missing, make him beg for you back! That’d be big news, Damian Wayne crawling on his hands and knees to get his beautiful Lila back!”
“Do you really think that could work? I-I don’t want to force Damibear to take me back, it isn’t his fault that Marinette seduced him away by having sex with him, he’s a guy..” Lila sniffled and hugged herself tightly, as if to hold herself together. She wiped away her tears and hugged Alya tightly, to hide her grin. “I bet if you get us together, he’d be so appreciative towards you, Alya, he’d give you any favour you’d ask for…”
The thought made Alya perk up as Lila rushed back into the changing room. The two girls soon strode to the check out and Alya took out Nino’s debit card, the starry look of hope still in her eyes as she paid for Lila’s dress. As they exited the store, she missed seeing Lila shred up the receipt and take the tag off of the dress, promptly tossing them into the trash.
“Hey, babe, you guys get what you needed?” Nino strode up, all smiles as he hugged his girlfriend, kissing her cheeks, half listening to the response she gave. “Hey, there’s this cool track they have in the store and I just wanna grab it right quick, it could be pretty awesome to use in my next DJing gig. Can I have my wallet, babe?”
“Sure thing, just don’t keep us waiting too long, okay? I need to get back to the hotel and get a story put up.” Alya shrugged, halfheartedly handing the wallet to Nino before she turned back to Lila, going back to trash talking Marinette and Evangeline.
A few minutes went by, before Alya caught sight of Nino storming out of the records store, looking murderous. He grabbed Alya’s arm and dragged her close.
“Did you just spend around three hundred euros of my money at that boutique?” He hissed in barely contained anger, his eyes narrowing.
“Yeah, I had to get something for Lila. She just got dumped, Nino, she really needed it.” Alya explained, frowning at her boyfriend. “Lila needs to get Damian back, she’s not letting Marinette win without a fight.”
“Alya, for the love of god, did you not hear what the Wayne guy said earlier? He never fucking dated her, he had never seen her before in his life.” Nino loosened his grip and stepped back before he did something he would regret. He ran his fingers through his hair. "Maybe if you actually listened for five fucking minutes, instead of having your nose in your phone or taking in Lila's bullshit, you would have gotten the message!"
"... Did Marinette and the pedophile get to you? Nino, you should know better, Marinette's been bullying Lila ever since she came to France, why would you take her side?" Alya demanded, shoving Nino back. Lila took a step back and grinned, noticing the gathering crowd.
"Alya, stop it! You took my debit card without asking and bought a three hundred dollar dress! I have less than ten euros left in my bank account!" Nino yelled, throwing his arms up in the air. Did she just not get it?! "You don't just do that, Alya, not over a dress for your stupid friend! Why didn't you use your own money?!"
"Nino, stop being selfish! You can make more money on your next gig, I need to help Lila get Damian back, my blog is at stake!" Alya pleaded, then set her hands on her hips, shaking her head. "Besides, I need my money for that new microphone that's coming out in a few weeks, to make my videos sound better."
"Fuck, it's always about you! About Lila! You never think, Alya, you just see the bright, sparkly thing and grab for it, without seeing the nails you'll have to walk on! You don't even care about me, all you care about is that stupid excuse of a blog you've got!" Nino roared. But his head snapped back when Alya's hand connected when his cheek, his glasses flew from his face and clattered loudly across the floor.
The air in the room was tense.
"N- Nino…" Alya's voice dropped to a shaky whisper as she stared in shock at her own hand, that was now reddening from pain. "I- I… I'm.."
"Just… Enough, Alya." Nino walked over and retrieved his now cracked glasses. He didn't give her a backwards glance and made his way towards the exit.
"Nino…? Wait, Nino? Nino, wait!" Alya screeched, hot tears sliding down her cheeks. She screamed after Nino, begging for him to come back, before it turned into a violent torrent of curses and vile insults. Quickly, she dropped to her knees in a sobbing mess.
Lila knelt beside her and gathered her friend into her arms, hiding her victorious smile in the girl's hair.
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Daminette December Day 1: Just a friend
After the defeat of Hawkmoth, the disaster of a relationship with Adrien (they decided love just isn’t what’s fated ), and graduation Marinette Dupain-Cheng had enough of Paris. Don’t get her wrong she would always love her first home, but it began to change from her muse to somewhat of a creative block. She wanted a change of scenery and by Kwami she was going to get it.
She needed to leave if only for her sanity. Marinette thought long and hard about where she should set off to, and both Tiki and Plagg pushes for Gotham City, New York. Marinette wondered why they were so adment about it, however, whenever she questioned it vague responses were given in turn. In any case, it seemed like her course was already set for her, “Trust me, Marinette, you’re needed there. That’s all we can say for now. If you don’t go you’ll regret it, that’s what I can tell you.” That’s all it took for Marinette to uproot her life and move to the big apple.
Two weeks. It only took two weeks before the introduction of the Batfam and Marinette. Here’s the abridged meeting: oh no! Calendar Girl decided today of all days was going to attack her old modeling agency... again. Just as Marinette was trying to find some models for her website “Miss Fortune” which was gaining popularity. Our lovely Super-heroine noticed her not so favorable predicament and deduced playing civilian was her best option. How could she explain why a formerly active French superhero was doing in Gotham without the Bat breathing down her neck afterwards?
However after 30 minutes of being held hostage, Marinette simply decided, “Scew it.”
The Bat had shown up after Marinette had single handily taken down all of Calendar Girl’s henchmen and Calendar Girl herself. She was now comforting the other hostages as Batman, Red Hood, and Robin approached her. Unfortunately for Batman, Marinette was still in her “fight or flight” mode and flight wasn’t even an option anymore. As he reached for her shoulder to grab her attention, Marinette felt the presence and grabbed his arm to successfully Judo-flip the man twice her body weight without breaking a sweat.
As Batman hit the floor, Marinette (still not processing that that is in fact Batman himself) proceedes to keep him pinned. No one in the room understood how the tiny French-Asian woman was able to beat Batman in a test of strength, but eventually Marinette came to her senses by the sound of Red Hood falling to the floor laughing. He was in tears rolling on the ground, hysterical. Robin, however, just stared in intrigue.
“O-oh! I’m s-so sorry! I didn’t realize��� it was you Mr. Batman,” Marinette said a silent prayer for her life. Batman doesn’t kill... right?
From the look on Batman’s face, Batman might be concider breaking his moral code. Just this once. Before Batman could act upon his instinct to defend his honor, Red Hood steps in and asks who Marinette is, “Me? I’m just a designe who came from a place that was once much more dangerous than Gotham,” Marinette said in her heavily accented English.
(A/N: You can’t tell me Gotham is more dangerous then Paris when all of Paris has died multiple times).
All who heard such a bold statement, were stunned in their disbelief. Robin scrutinized Marinette, she was attractive (obviously), from her Nightwing graphic tee, short jean shorts, and black flats it was apparent that she was no stranger to physical workouts, he searched and scanned for any hint of insincerity. When he finished, he couldn’t find anything. His actions did not go unnoticed by Marinette, “Can I help you Robin?”
Not expecting her to catch his staring (more like oogling) Robin fought off a blush, “N-No,” Robin cleared his throat, “No, Miss...” He offered for her to fill in the blanks that was her name.
“I am so sorry, my name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. But, ummm, I’m sorry but to the person who designed and made your suits can they drop their location because I just want to talk. Why did you just allow it?” Marinette blurted.
Red Hood, who had just recovered from his previous fit of laughter, lost his composure for the second time in this encounter, “Ya, hear that Demon Spawn? Who dressed you?”
The blush from earlier returned with vengeance. Before Robin could make his remark, Marinette beat him to it, “Mr. Hood, you are no better. In fact,” Marinette pulls out a business card, “take this if you want a revamped, stylish, and practical suit, you should email or call me. That’s my website so that you can see the quality of my work before you jump the gun.”
Batman takes the extended business card, he himself was feeling quite embarrassed for the criticisms he was receiving. Marinette then asked to be excused after the quick promotion.
*Line Break*
Marinette hadn’t expected Batman to accept her offer, she also hadn’t anticipated Robin to come visit her after she had completed his father’s commissions. Robin found himself more and more intriged by Marinette and didn’t understand why his breath hitched everytime she would do the simplest of things.
Marinette didn’t mind his drop ins, to be honest she looked forward to them. It reminded her of when Chat Noir used to show up on her balcony. As they began to spend more time together, the others began to notice that Robin would basically drop off the face of the earth. Nightwing proposed that the Batboys follow their younger brother to see what he does when he’s not with them on patrol.
Red Hood, Red Robin, and Nightwing watch from another building to see their Demon of a brother smile. They looked around in a panic to see if someone had died, the found no dead body in the surrounding area. The did see a cute French-Asian woman working diligently on their remastered costumes and liked what they saw. As she was seeing the Kevlar into a layar of what looks to be Red Hood’s new suit, they see her laughing with their brother.
Once Red Hood recognized Marinette as the girl who beat Batman without trying, he was convinced the woman was a witch. There was no way she could do all of these things without the supernatural. Marinette seemingly was taming the demon the batfamily couldn’t deal with for years, in just a few hours. As Red Hood relayed this information to his brothers, Red Robin saw Robin begin to leave as Marinette began to fall asleep.
At the manor, Dick brought up the designer who was redoing their costumes and Damian froze for a second. Tim asking where Damian has been all of this time only to have Damian divert the question. Finally Jason asks, “So... What’s Marinette to you?”
That’s when Damian broke, a fire had started on his cheeks. No one dared to speak, too stunned or embarrassed to say anything. After a few seconds, Jason let a grin fall upon his face.
“Not that it is any of your business, Marinette is just a friend now if I’ll be retiring to my room for the night.”
Unknown to the rest of the boys, Bruce had heard the entire conversation between the four of the boys. It was then that he declared silently that Marinette Dupain-Cheng would add Wayne to her last name if it was the last thing he would ever do. And anything is legal when you’re Bruce Wayne.
Is it too late to throw my hat in the ring. I know I’m cutting it close with it being 10:20 pm where I live, but I was feeling a bit inspired by this prompt in particular. I don’t know if I can do all of the prompts, but I promise to at least try.
#miraculous ladybug#daminette#maribat#marinette x damian#damimari#serial adopter bruce wayne#daminette december
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Take Care (Damian Wayne x Reader)
Request: No
Prompt: You and Damian have feeling a for each other, but neither of you know. There’s also a Charity event to go to.
Relationship: Damian Wayne/Robin x Reader
Warning: Cursing, Fighting, Blood? Injuries
Word Count: 1849
A/N: Heyo! I’m not dead!! I’ve just got two jobs a BF who I adore 🥰 Send in requests cause I need to get back into my writing cause I miss you guys!!!
Damian and Reader are 16/17
(Y/N)'s POV
"Morning" Damian greeted as he sat next to me in the classroom, jolting me awake,
"I swear I wasn't asleep" I mumbled quickly followed by a yawn,
"Why are you so tired?" He questioned,
"I had to do several projects these past few nights because other people in my group didn't do and left it for me to do" I explained, he grunted
"Inconsiderate di-"
"Good morning class" Mr Harrington greeted cutting Damian off as he entered the classroom, there was several grumbles in response, "As many of you know tonight is the night of the charity party that we will be fundraising for the unfortunate people of Gotham" he announced, some people cheered while others groaned, I just sighed resting my head on my hand, while Damian rolled his eyes.
"Come on baby" Nate cooed at Leanne pinning her against the lockers, which she didn't look comfortable about,
"Nate, I've told you no" Leanne retorted as she shoved him backwards,
"Who the fuck do you-"
"Back the fuck up before you get shown up" I threatened pulling him off her and standing in between the two, he glared at me with his nostrils flared, "Go on try it. I dare you" I sneered, he huffed and stormed off, I turned to Leanne "You okay?" I asked, she nodded and gave me a small smile,
"Yeah thanks" she replied before we made our way to lunch.
"So we're all going to meet up at mine and get ready then go together" Gia stated,
"What time?" I asked as I sat with them at the lunch table, the girls all looked at each other,
"Sorry (Y/N), I completely forgot to tell you that there's not enough room in the limousine for you to join" Gia replied,
"Oh, that's fine. I'll find another way to get there" I commented, truthfully I didn't have a clue how I was going to get there, this was a punch to the gut that hurt a lot, "I'll see you there" I said getting up and leaving the hall, I sat on a wall outside the school and sighed looking up to the grey sky,
"What's up?" Damian's voice hit my ears, I turned to him giving him a slight smile,
"Gia's just been nice enough to inform me that I don't have a lift to the charity party..." I trailed off, he sat next to me,
"Why do you hang around with them girls? They're nothing but selfish and they use you" he sighed,
"How do they use me?" I scoffed,
"For protection, you're the only girl in school that's willing to kick anyone's ass" he stated, I hummed,
"Willing? I can kick anyone's ass" I retorted making him chuckle before it fell silent, "(Y/N)" he said gaining my attention, he brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, "Would you care to travel with me to the party? Not as a date, just as companions" he questioned, I smiled and nodded
"I'd be more than willing to join you" I answered, he nodded
"Very well, Pennyworth will be picking us up after school to take us to yours for you to grab your things then you can come get ready at the manor with me and stay overnight too" he asserted, I nodded in agreement.
I was sat in front of the vanity desk in the guest room that I'd been given for the night,
"My little Dami is growing up!" A older male cooed,
"Let go of me Grayson!" Damian hissed,
"Oh come on Demon, she's not a bad catch" Another male commented making my eyes widen, they were talking about me,
"Todd I won't hesitate to kill you" Damian threatened,
"(Y/N) (L/N), grade As and a few Bs all across the board, however she does have a bad track record of fighting" Another male voice chimed in,
"You searched her?!" Damian yelled,
"It's the first female you've brought home and we wanted to make sure she was good" the same male replied,
"You has no right Drake!" Damian snapped before a lot of commotion occurred, I sighed and exited the room to see the four boys all together,
"What exactly are you all doing?" I questioned, they all straightened themselves out,
"Nothing" they replied, I hummed as I approached them I looked them all up and down, "I'm going to take a guess and say you're his brothers. Dick Grayson. Jason Todd and Timothy Drake" I commented, their jaws fell open making me chuckle, "You're not the only one who did a background check" I winked before entering the room again.
There was a knock on the door,
"Yes?" I called out, Dick came in through the door
"Damian is wondering if you're ready" he asked, I nodded placing my lipstick in my clutch before following him, I was wearing a emerald mid-thigh dress with a trail along with silver clutch and heels, as I made my way down the stairs Damian's jaw fell open causing his brothers to chuckle, Bruce closed it for him as I approached them,
"Wow..." he breathed out,
"What?" I asked,
"You're beautiful" he whispered, I felt heat rush to my cheeks, Alfred cleared his throat
"If we're to arrive on time for your party I suggest we leave now" he informed, we both nodded and hooked up before making our way to the car.
I was stood with the girls at the side of the dance floor as we watched Gia dance with some random guy from our year,
"So what's the deal between you and Damian?" Leanne questioned, I raised an eyebrow towards her,
"What do you mean?" I questioned,
"It's obvious you like him-" I tuned Melody out as I noticed Gia stumbling all over the place,
"How much has Gia had to drink?" I asked,
"Oh no don't try changing the subject" Lizzie retorted,
"No seriously look" I mentioned how the guy was dragging Gia out of the dance, "Come on" I asserted as I lead the group though the dance floor and the back corridors before finding the guy hovering over Gia who was almost unconscious on the bed, and he began to unbuckled his pants, "Get off her!" I snap as I pulled him back and right hooked him on to the ground, "Get her out of here" I ordered the girls, before making my way over to the guy and kicking him in the stomach, multiple times as the girls escorted Gia out of the room, moments later I heard multiple footsteps and was tackled on to the bed away from the guy, my eyes widened as Nate pinned me to the bed, I gritted my teeth as his face hovered over mine, before I swiftly head butted him making him let go and get free from his hold, I put my back against a corner of the room as a group of Nate and his friends surrounded me.
I made my way to the back garden of where the party was being held as all the girls were sat there,
"(Y/N) oh-"
"I can't believe you!" Gia snapped cutting off Leanne,
"What do you mean? I've just saved you're ass" I retorted,
"No what you did was cock block me! I was finally about to get some but you came and destroyed it!" She screamed, my eyes widened in horror,
"Cock block?! You was about to be raped! Gang raped at that by Nate and his low life friends!" I yelled, she slapped me across the face making the girls gasp and me stop in my tracks, "You know what? Fuck you all! All you do is use me! Just for protection but then when I do, I'm in the wrong. I can't win with you bitches cause you're all stuck up each other's ass!" I snapped before walking away,
"Don't walk away from me! You need me!" Gia called after me making me laugh,
"No you need me!" I called back before sticking my middle finger up to them, I sat on a wall and gingerly held my dominant hand as it was now starting to throb a lot, I heard footsteps approach me,
"There you are" Damian sighed in relief as he stopped in front of me, "(Y/N) what's up? Look at me" he pleaded, I did so and his eyes widened in shock before they filled with rage, "Who did this?" He growled clenching his fist,
"It doesn't matter" I replied lowering my head again,
"Yes it does! You've got cuts, bruises and scrapes all over your face, your hand is swollen meaning you've either dislocated or broken something. You're a woman for fuck sake you shouldn't be in this state!" He snapped, I stood up
"What does being a woman have to do with me being in this state?! Is it because I'm a woman I'm not allowed to fight?! Well tough shit! It's who I am! And I said it doesn't matter because I dealt with it. They're all laying unconscious in a back room somewhere" I snapped before throwing myself back down, he sighed before crouching down to me, taking a hold of the non-dominant hand,
"I didn't mean to insult you, I just hate seeing you like this, it's not how a woman like yourself should be treated" he said,
"Oh yeah? And how am I supposed to be treated?" I asked,
"Like a queen" he answered making me scoff, "Let me finish. You do so much for everyone else that you never take care of yourself. That's why you need someone who's always going to put you first" he explained, I hummed,
"You know anyone?" I questioned as a joke, he nodded and smiled
"In fact I do. Stand up" he replied making my eyes widen as he helped me stand up, "Close your eyes" he ordered, I raised an eyebrow but did so anyway, a few moments passed before something was pressed against my lips making my eyes shoot open to see Damian kissing me, I smiled into it, closing my eyes again, wrapping my arms around his neck as he placed his hands on my waist pulling me closer, we broke apart to catch our breaths, "That wasn't the reaction I was expecting..." Damian commented, I chuckled,
"I like you a lot, incase you didn't realise. Have done for a while..." I confessed lowering my head, he cupped my face lifting it back up as he ran a thumb over my cheek,
"I've liked you a lot more than friends for a long time, (Y/N) but I've always been too scared to reveal my true emotions towards you, due to our friendship" he rambled, I smiled and kissed his palm, "Pennyworth is out front waiting for us. I'll have him look at your wounds when we get home. Then I'll let you in on a secret..." he trailed off, I nodded and took his hand with my non-dominant one as we left the venue.
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Part two: Damian continues his reconciliations!
find part one on ao3 and on tumblr
Damian awoke with a start, heart beating fast before his brain could catch up. It took him a moment to realize what was wrong:
He was not in his bed.
He could tell immediately because it was warm and comfortable, soft light filtering through shades. Basically, nothing like Nanda Parbat. He tried to calm himself to take in his bearings and his lungs filled with scents that lulled his mind.
Smells of herbal tea and chocolate, earthy like a farmhouse kitchen-
The Kryptonian must have caught the cue in his sleep as he turned next to him to bury his face in Damian’s chest to get away from the fast increasing sunlight. The warmth of Jon curled in to him addled his mind further and Damian struggled to remember how he got here.
They had ambled through the night rain, avoiding having to break apart until Jon finally offered a reprieve.
“Do you want to come upstairs?”
Damian forgot how to breathe. He hadn’t even realized they had made their way to Jon’s apartment.
Jon saw his friend’s panic and hastily explained.
“I only mean- it’s late to go over to Grayson’s. I figured, well, do you need a place to stay?”
The Demon found his breath again (though maybe a part of him was also a little disappointed).
“Oh, I don’t want to put you out. I’m sure the League has an outpost somewhere here or at least in Gotham…”
“Don’t be stupid. You’re already here. I have an extra blanket.”
So Damian had followed upstairs, pulled off wet clothes and borrowed too long pants from Jon.
“Not gonna suffer the matching shirt?” Jon joked as he tucked it back in a drawer. “Figured you’d want it since you get so cold.”
Damian blushed lightly at the remembered detail and muttered something about feeling straight-jacketed. Jon just smiled and said, “Good thing I got the extra blanket then.” Slipping under the covers, Jon’s body heat pulled Damian in and soon Jon was enveloped in strong limbs and musky scent, with warm breath on the back of his neck. It sent a little shiver down his spine.
It wasn’t long before they were asleep.
Jon’s blinking eyes broke him out of his reverie. Even off the farm, he didn’t sleep in late.
“G’morning,” he mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes.
“Hey,” was all Damian could get out because, damn, bedhead Jon was a sight.
He must’ve been blushing again because Jon chuckled and leaned in to brush his lips ever so lightly against Damian’s before rolling out of bed.
The Demon’s Head groaned at the loss of warmth.
“Oh, c’mon, sleepy head.”
When Damian only moaned again, Jon crawled back onto the covers to kiss him again.
This time was longer, deeper, and far more intriguing, pulling Damian fully out of sleep. Warmth filled his cheeks and began to pool in his stomach. His hands reached out from the sheets to lock onto his Kryptonian.
Which was Jon’s cue that he finally had his demon’s full attention. Groan number three pulled out of Damian’s lips as Jon did, but his eyes were less bleary now. Jon smirked in triumph, but then his expression changed. He looked meaningfully into Damian’s eyes.
“You can’t put it off.”
How did he know? Only one day and Jon was already able to read his thoughts again.
Damian sighed and looked down.
“I’m scared.” Jon was still thrown off by his raw, open honesty.
“I know. We’ll start easy. But they love you and miss you. And they deserve an explanation.” He cupped Damian’s chin in his hand. “Take it from me, ten years is long enough to wait.”
Bludhaven, despite being Gotham’s sister city, was fairly different from Damian’s childhood home. For one thing, sunlight actually got through the skyline to light up the sidewalks. For another, crime didn’t follow Gotham’s rule of waiting for nightfall. Maybe criminals here are vitamin D deficient.
Jon and Damian crossed the city, picking up coffee on the way over to Grayson’s apartment. They were taking their time because, as Damian said, “It’s Saturday. We’ll be lucky if he’s awake by noon.” And, as Damian didn’t say, “I’m panicking and need some extra time to get ahold of myself.”
What they didn’t know was that the first Robin was not only awake, but on the roof of a building in the next block. A major crime family had planned a hit on the Bludhaven Bank for that very day and, though Dick had warned the bank of the intel he found, he was still anxious and characteristically cautious. However, of all things he expected to see that day, Damian Wayne was decidedly not one of them.
His breath caught in his throat. He’s walking in Bludhaven. He’s here. He’s with Kent. He’s with Jon. Has he been here before, has he kept in touch with Jon this whole time and didn’t-
Dick cut off his own train of thought. No, just because no one expected him to leave doesn’t mean they didn’t know Damian and that he doesn’t care about them.
He knows Damian and Damian wouldn’t do that.
Besides, you can’t fake the pain that Jon had gone through alongside them the past 10 years. No, Damian must have just come back. And for whatever reason had gone to Jon first.
He watched intently as the men strolled down the sidewalk across the street, coming closer to his vantage point. He could almost see their hands, which were definitely interlocked, given how close together they were walking. A smirk spread across his lips.
But it was wiped away quickly, replaced with a gape of confusion as Damian and Jon ducked swiftly and unexpectedly into an alley.
Dick looked around for a reason and only then remembered why he was on the roof to begin with.
The bank was being robbed.
Superman and the Demon alighted on the roof across from the bank.
“Damn. What are the chances?”
“Watch your language, farm boy,” Damian teased. Unlike his Kryptonian, he wasn’t all that surprised. He’d grown, impossibly, even more cynical in his time among the Shadows. He saw it as realism – the chances were, in fact, fairly high.
“Come on, let’s get in there before these idiots hurt someone.”
Jon grabbed hold of Damian and flew them across the gap to the bank, dropping the Demon on the roof before crashing through a window. As Kent caught the attention of the criminals, Wayne snuck in the back to take care of the men already making their way to the safe.
Having kept track of all of the Batman Inc. enemies, Damian quickly identified the thugs as members of the prominent Bludhaven crime family. He had particular beef with the fucked up dynamics that led to dragging your loved ones into violent crime in the name of petty power. Landing quietly behind them, he took note of their likely stats and available weapons.
“Guys, I mean, I’ve got daddy issues, too, but there are easier ways to get some attention.”
The thugs reacted quickly, one turning and throwing a punch as the other ducked and picked up his firearm. The Demon was in mid-spin, countering the punch and winding up to knock his first opponent off his feet when the first shot rang out.
But speed, adrenaline, and close quarters were Damian’s allies. He wasn’t sure where the bullet landed, but it was inconsequential. He should try to prevent another one from getting out, though.
He twisted to face the armed Thug 2, grabbing his arm, bending the wrist, catching the released gun, and unloading the weapon in one swift move.
Shit. He thought before he was really sure what his brain was reacting to. In slow motion he realized he had miscalculated Thug 1’s speed. Damian had tracked him as he picked up his own gun, but didn’t think he’d have it set that quickly.
As the gun rose to his turning face, a black blur flashed in the background, knocking a heavy blow to Thug 1’s neck. With the threat falling to the ground, Damian was safe to take down Thug 2 and did so with ease.
“I don’t think they liked your joke.” Nightwing, following a more Wayne-like pattern than Kent, had come into the bank through the back, but had taken a few extra seconds to get from his vantage point. Now he stood over the thugs and gave Damian a quick evaluating once over.
Damian couldn’t move. The back of his mind had processed that this was a possibility, but he hadn’t given himself much of a chance to prepare, given it was a big bank in Grayson territory.
“Don’t sweat though. I thought it was funny.”
Dick flashed a quick smile, blinding as ever, and led the way to the main hall where Jon was takin on the rest of the would-be thieves. They sprang into action, each taking down a gunman in a matter of mere seconds.
The Superman had managed to wedge himself between the robbers and the hostages, but was having trouble disarming the thugs while also keeping everyone free of bullet holes. Nightwing and Demon came to his aid, working in unison, reading each other’s movements and remembering each other’s patterns from their days as Batman and Robin.
Before long, the hall was clear and Nightwing signaled to the police just arriving that the situation was handled. The three men took their exit through the hole Jon had made in the ceiling and regrouped atop a nearby building.
Damian straightened, received a reassuring glance from Jon and took a deep breath before making eye contact with Dick. He scrambled for words, despite the many speeches he’d prepared the in sleepless night before. The robbery, meeting like this, completely threw him off.
But none of it mattered because Grayson spoke first.
“You’re back.”
“I never really wanted to leave.”
“I didn’t think so.”
Dick stepped forward and pulled his baby brother into a tight hug. Damian didn’t hesitate to return the embrace. Relief washed through his mind and relaxed his whole body. His fingers curled deeper into his brother’s back, desperately trying to communicate how much he has missed him, how much he needed him, how much he loved him. Tears spilled from his eyes.
No other explanation was needed. Dick wouldn’t have cared.
Damian was home.
#Damian Wayne#dick grayson#robin#batman#nightwing#supersons#batfam#superboy#damijon#jondami#jon kent#jonathan kent#my work#writers of tumblr#fanfic
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Oop I got carried away anyways jaykyle headcanons
•Kyle does his best to be the Santa that Jason never had don’t @ me
•Jason: I want to cut my hair I want a change
Kyle: I support you I’m going to dye my hair
•Kyle: “which safe house are you at im omw”
Jason: #4
Kyle: where’s that one
Kyle: nvm just meet me at the bank
•late night movie theaters Jason falls asleep against his shoulder and is laying down in his lap if the seats are connected
•Kyle: wtf I only have $3.77 in my bank account
Bruce or Jason overhearing and so Kyle wakes up with $3,003.77 in his account
•Jason: Bruce did an okay job at being my father figure we can share I guess
Kyle: sure I’ll put your achievements on my mom’s fridge im sure she won’t mind
*puts jason’s drawing of a flower on it*
•Kyle picks up photography and filmmaking so he tried to film everything him and Jason do together.
*first kiss, first sober kiss, first night he spent over, first roadtrip, first date*
•Jason drives during the road trips because he’s calm and collected while driving and he reactions to bad drivers near him quickly
•Kyle to Jason at 1am at a gas station: I love your bags
Jason: I appreciate it
*kyle kissss him under each eye and Jason flinches*
•Kyle snorts and Jason cries when they find something hilarious
•Jason: so Alfred taught me how to make bacon and eggs without setting something on fire in kitchen here’s some breakfast in bed
•Bruce always reminding Kyle that a part of him is still going to be protective over Jason despite Jason’s history “so don’t think that just because he… doesn’t mean I will…”
•Hal was trying to find a reason to dislike Jason but he sees that Jason and Kyle get along so oddly that there’s nothing plus him and Jason bond over their love to annoy Bruce
•he still annoys them both about protection tho
•Hal: is Jason that good of a fuck that I have to deal with bats even more now
Kyle not understanding what “of a fuck” means: yes
•Kyle coming home to a load of take out food that Jason ordered
•Forehead kisses for you
•Kyle’s phone storage running out because most videos on his phone are of Jason doing some silly thing like dancing towards the camera at a party or other video shots he wasn’t done editing (his favorite is that one time Jason was getting frustrated at putting up furniture but Jason looked so good in Kyle’s shirt and messy hair it makes Kyle homesick when he watches it), up close to Jason covering his eyes, (this one was early in their relationship) Jason smoking and looking sideways at him with glassy eyes, Jason looking at Kyle with these sleepy googly eyes and Kyle will look at the photo with so much pride and another is Jason with a butterfly on his face which took 5 years off of Kyle’s lifespan
•Jason: can I
•Jason is comfortable crying in front of Kyle, Kyle reminds him that he loves him with snot and big tears and all
•Jason brings Kyle back a picture and a souviner from every country’s iconic structure
Kyle starts to tear up
•Kyle “I brought you a rock” Rayner
Jason “this is the best thing anyone has ever gotten me I’m going to sleep with it for the next month” Todd
•Kyle brings back books and other materials that aren’t on Earth back to Jason because he know Jason loves learning more about anything there is to learn everyday
•Kyle knows that Jason has the curiosity of a child, that’s what makes Jason so fun to be around with
•Kyle doing the upside down Spider-Man kiss with Jason when he comes back if he’s still wearing his green lantern unfirom
•on Jason’s bad days, Kyle will cook or turn the radio on at a soothing volume for Jason to feel a little better
• when Jason still doesn’t get out of bed Kyle will just spend the day with Jason’s silent form by watching tv and covering them both up with a blanket
•Kyle: do you want to get up? We can try to look up ways to make your explosions even bigger
“No thanks” in a soft voice
“Okay just get your rest tomorrow can be a brand new day”
•he reminds Jason that he doesn’t need to go anywhere when it’s his death anniversary and of course its understandable to still be upset about
•Jason will force Kyle to take a break at times or just to let himself go
•convo on the couch with the rain pattering outside the window ”I miss Alex, her birthday is coming up” “I’m sorry” *7 seconds of silence* “do you want to talk about it?”
•Kyle: this piece is trash
Jason: our definitions of trash are very different
•Jason: so I found this frame for you
Kyle: you mean stole it?
Jason: no one else grabbed it
•Kyle: wtf he teaches me something new everyday
•Kyle wanted to do a cheesy ice skating date and it was fun and games until he found out that Jason is practically an ice skater mid way, leaving Kyle to throw snowballs at Jason from the sidelines because he sprained his ankle when he fell
•Jason carrying him to the apartment because “it’s only 6 blocks away I’ll be fine”
•Kyle: can you teach me how to shoot a gun
Jason: cAn yOu TEacH mE hOw tO sHoOt a gUN? What the fuck no
•Jason: can you take me to Oa? Dick wants to visit
•Kyle: cAn YoU tAkE mE tO oA? Hell no
•early in their relationship they exchanged nothing but drunk kisses at all the celebrations or parties like they were that annoying couple that took almost every fucking place to sit because they were just making out so no one really knew if they were together because they seemed like they already were ???
•Kyle makes fun of Jason when he’s driving because he’s overly cautious unlike Kyle who drives with one hand on the wheel at all times
•their first date or kiss or the fuck they refer it to was the first time they got together was some kind of mess. It wasn’t planned at all. It started from going to the cave for a meeting, Kyle asking Jason what’s to eat around Gotham, Jason taking Kyle to his favorite place and next thing you know they’re having a deep meaningful conversation in the back of one of the cars they borrowed from Bruce’s and they started to make out, Jason and Kyle had an argument of whose place is closer and they ended up going to Kyle’s hotel. Jason told himself he was going to leave early in the morning but that bitch was so tired from last night he stayed in until 12 and then they were like oh btw I always had a crush on you
(Thus is where Kyle’s first photo of Jason happened, when he was laying in bed still asleep, messy hair and all)
•weird conversations with no context like:
•”I’ll bet you that I can play the violin for $15”
“It wouldn’t even surprise me that this point”
•Jason while giving a foot massage to Kyle: your feet are the only feet I’m willing to touch
Kyle: good don’t foot massage cheat on me
•kyle: yeah he almost looked like he was never mind I’ll just sketch it out hold on
•Jason: does your facial hair grow out faster in space?
Kyle: I don’t know like *deep sigh* like it can
•*off key singing when making dinner “will you still love me when I’m no longer young and beautiful I know you will I know you will I know that you wil-“ “you don’t know me” from across the room
•Kyle has an hour long video of Jason lip syncing Moana word to word
•everytime bruce and Jason have a small argument Hal would act like he’s Jason’s dad. “Hey lad do you want to bat with me?” “Do you want to catch a burger with me?”
Kyle: that was supposed to be me what the hell
•Bruce: this is what we’re not going to do
•Kyle: Jason get your father figure or whatever you try refer to him as he keeps talking to my mom about a Wayne industries job
•Kyle out of no where: we should go skinny dipping
Kyle: babe stop yelling I’m right here
•Kyle washing the blood out of Jason’s hair when patrol or a mission goes wrong while Jason tries not to fall asleep
•Kyle hyping up Jason whenever Jason changes anything ranges to “why are your fingers fat they look like hotdogs sometimes” “you don’t see me asking why are you the way you are though”
•”add that to our sex playlist” “ok”
“please drop me off here I’ll just call Bruce or Alfred to pick me up”
•Jason sleeps better with Kyle, like Kyle is willing to wake him up at a reasonable time depending when he comes back and will try his best to stay up until he comes back from patrol
•All I’m saying is that Kyle helps Jason and Jason helps Kyle
•Bruce once walked in on Kyle decorating Jason’s hair with shampoo, he just silently closed the door
•Jason is very proud of Kyle like he tries to find time to talk someone’s ear off about his boyfriend. He treats the stories of Kyle without the ring with just as much pride as the stories of Kyle with the ring
•every birthday they try to make their gift/surprise bigger than the last one for an example Jason thought that putting fireworks outside the window and he somehow manipulated it to catch on fire when the window is open so he thought this was a good idea
•Kyle somehow managed to get his hands on C4, gunpowder, and tickets to the aquarium
•I’m not saying Jason appreciates s the color green because of Kyle after hating it since his robin days but that’s exactly what I’m saying
•told Kyle that he green reminds him of Kyle not just being of the lantern gig but because it reminds him of how warm and hopeful it is like him
•their dynamic and timing of the relationship is perfect with each other because they’re not around each other so much where they get annoyed of each other quickly
#jaykyle#im on break ladies i can finally do this#headcanons#i need to tag my hcs better so i can write something w them when i have time#jason todd and kyle rayner#jason todd#kyle rayner
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After Midnight [Burlesque AU Part Three]
pairing: Batfam x Female!reader
[part one] [part two] [part 4.0]
plot: Burlesque AU : After graduating college, [Y/N] becomes a dancer at The Dark Knight, a prestigious Burlesque club located in Gotham City as a way to stay on her feet while trying to find a ‘proper job’
warnings: sexual implications, cursing
tags: @memento-scribet @4evahevah @dc-hoe @freethecagedeggs
words: 2049
a/n: okay, so i’ve decided to extend the poll until sunday at midnight. I was planning on closing it tonight but because this part is only going up now i’m going to keep it open. As with part two, Jason is still in the lead with 41% of the vote, you all must love Jason because they’ve only interacted twice and it’s been bare minimum. Anyway! Enjoy and don’t forget to vote. I should also have a stand-alone oneshot for Harper coming out soon because my little bird needs some love. It is also now one am, so I’m sorry if this sucks and I’m sorry it’s shorter than the other two parts.
“Thank you.” [Y/N] was shocked, hearing the compliment come from Barbara was amazing as, after she got the job and went home the night before she spent a few hours watching videos of Barbara dancing from a young age to the night before the accident that made it so she was now in a wheelchair and she was left in awe of how graceful and beautifully the red-headed woman moved. [Y/N] reached a hand out to take Barbara’s and she shook it, squeezing it gently to make it firm, something she was always told to do as a child.
As both hands retracted back, a smile spread across Barbara’s face as she motioned to the two girls who were standing beside [Y/N], “I hope everyone, including these two menaces, are treating you well?”
Nodding, a small chuckle passed through the lips of [Y/N] as she looked to the two girls from the corners of her eyes, “They have. They're all very lovely.” Barbara nodded as well and ran a hand through her red hair, pushing a loose hair behind her ear and tucking it behind her glasses leg. “That’s good. Come one, Bruce wants to talk to you three about next week's theme and dances.”
The three girls followed behind Barbara, [Y/N] remained somewhat silent while the other three engaged in conversation with one another and [Y/N] only spoke when she was spoken to by one of the other three, they all seemed confused as to why she wasn’t engaging in the conversation but she simply didn’t want to interrupt because they seemed so close and she was still a bit of an outsider.
“So, [Y/N], what brought you to Gotham?” Looking to Stefanie, who had asked the question, [Y/N] let out a small sigh, not one of annoyance but one of contempt and acceptance. “I just graduated college with a major degree in chemical engineering and a minor degree in business, somehow my father managed to get me an internship with a big firm here, I can’t even remember the name.” As she started to twiddle her fingers, [Y/N] looked to the ground.
“But I’m not type of person who gets coffee for a misogynistic asshole who would do nothing to help me further myself in the field and would instead force me to get him coffee for the rest of his career and make unwanted sexual advances towards me. So, I quit before my first day and my roommate, Ivy, told me about the opening here.”
“I think you’re talking about Bryce Martel, he’s a sleazebag that used to come here all the time. Babs was his favourite dancer. I actually think his daughter marina auditioned with you?” Looking over to Cassandra now, [Y/N] thought about the other girls she auditioned with and what their names were.
“Yeah, there was a Marina. Didn’t seem to happy that I got the job.” All three of the girls shook their heads, as if that was an expected response from the girl. “Sounds about right. Marina is a daddy's little girl that's used to getting what she wants, has been trying to get a job here since she became legal. We think it’s just because she hasn’t gotten over Jason, they were a thing when they were both teenagers, but it was nothing serious.” This time it was Barbara that spoke.
Jason, [Y/N] thought back to who Jason was and an image of the man out front with the messy black hair that had a white streak through it and the brown leather jacket that seemed to fit his broad shoulder and arms very well, showing of his muscles well. “The bodyguard?” The others nodded and [Y/N] let out a ‘huh’ sound.
Barbaras knocking on the Bruce’s offices door broke her out of her train of thought and the deep ‘come in’ that sounded through the door sent a shiver down her spine, as even from a distance the voice of Bruce Wayne was intimidating. Barbara opened the door and as the four girls entered the office they were greeted with Dick, Jason, Tim, Duke, Harper, Helena,Kate (who she had meet that night while getting a bottle of water when she first arrived) and another man who was unfamiliar to [Y/N], but he was tall and handsome with bright blue eyes and dark hair, much like Bruce, but he had a much kinder look about him than Bruce did.
“This is my associate Clark Kent. He’s a journalist and wants to run a piece on the members of the team here at the Dark Knight, as well as the club as a whole. “ Bruce looked over the group he had with him and then his eyes settled on [Y/N], “[Y/N], I know your situation is….complicated, so you will not have a personal piece written about you.” Nodding along, a sigh of relief pass through [Y/N]’s lips, she didn’t want her parents finding out about her and they liked to read the papers so a personal piece about her was a sure fire way to find out about her. “However, you will have photo takens of you during the performances next week. These photos, though, will be mainly be long shots where it will be hard to make out faces. You should be fine.” Again, [Y/N] nodded.
“Clark will interview some of you tonight before closing.” Bruce pushed his chair back and crossed one leg over the other while he leaned his elbows on the arms of his chair, clasping his hands together and pressing it against his chin. “On the topic of the next week’s performances, they will all be from the hit musical Chicago. All of you will do mid-night performance of The Cell Block Tango, as well some of the other dancers to make up the numbers, and you will be partnered up. Dick with Cassandra doing the cicero, Tim with Stefanie pop, Jason with [Y/N] doing the six, and Duke you will be with Helena and you will do uh-uh part.”
The group looked at their respective partners, and they all seemed comfortable with their partners, even Jason seemed comfortable as he looked [Y/N] up and down. But, [Y/N] was slightly intimidated, this was a big dance and she didn’t know if she was ready for it. “I know they don’t seem like it [Y/N], but Jason and Tim are also dancers, they just choose to do different things in the club that they are better at. However, because this is a piece about family then they will be taking part whether they like it or not and you will be dancing in Barbara’s place.”
“You will also be doing a solo dance to a Chicago song of your choice and it will be choreographed by Dick.” That seemed to be the end of it as Bruce spoke one last time, “Now, the club is closing soon. You girls better prepare for the final dance and then you may all go home. Be safe going home though, Gotham can be dangerous at night.”
Everyone soon filed out of the room and went back to their respective places, the girls to the stage, Tim to the control console for the stage, Dick to backstage, Duke to the DJ booth, Helena and Kate back to the bar, and Jason back to the doors as people prepared to leave slightly drunk.
The final dance was quick, and when she finished [Y/N] was out of breath and sweaty but she was happy as the adrenaline coursed through her body and the applause of the crowd filled her ears.
The other dancers were quick to leave, simply stripping from their costumes and getting into a pair of sweats and tank tops, giving goodbyes as they leave. [Y/N], however, spent some time getting her breath back from the performance and wiping the makeup that was beginning to smudge from her face and this left her as, what seemed to be the last person there. Of course that wasn’t true.
“You nearly done?” [Y/N] jumped slightly, Jason's voice scaring her as he spoke from behind her, never mind the fact that she was now simply standing in her underwear. But she paid no mind to that aspect as she pulled on her change of clothes, grey sweatpants and a red top that was branded with ‘New York City’.
“You scared me.”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to. But you gave me quite the scare as well. Didn’t think there was anyone else here and I can’t lock up until everyone’s gone.” [Y/N] glanced over to Jason with a raised eyebrow.
“Sorry. Didn’t know that I was holding you back.” Jason shook his head, “Nah, I don’t mind. But now I’m gonna take you home because it’s dangerous at this time of night and I wouldn’t trust any of the cabbies in this city as far as I could throw them.”
[Y/N] now stood up straight with her eyebrow raised higher and her arms crossed over her chest, “I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself.” Jason chuckled slightly and ruffled his hair, “You probably could kick most of the thugs in this cities ass if you’re fighting skills as good as your dancing skills.” Now [Y/N] rolled her eyes and let out a chuckle,”Okay, you got me there.”
[Y/N] lifted her bag, a sports bag, and moved the strap over her head so that the strap was on her right shoulder while the bag itself sat against her left hip and gave Jason a smile that he returned. “So you’re ready?” [Y/N] nodded and she followed Jason out of the building and towards the car park where a lone motorbike stood, Jason lifted the helmet that sat on it and handed it to [Y/N], “You’ll need it more than me.” As she placed the helmet on her head, [Y/N] watched as Jasons back muscles flexed under his jacket as he got onto the back, his arms stretching out to grip the handles and turn the key to turn the motorbike on.
“Climb on.” [Y/N] barely heard the sound of his voice over the sound of the motorbike, but she did as she was told and threw her leg over the the motobike and wrapped her arms around Jason’s torso tightly.
Jason kicked the stand up and revved the engine for the bike before he started off, [Y/N] didn’t question how Jason knew where he was going as she just presumed that as the security he knew where all the staff lived.
The journey was quick, but it was exciting as [Y/N] felt the wind whip against her arms and sting at her skin as she had nothing to cover herself with, having only worn a short sleeved shirt. When Jason pulled up to her apartment complex, [Y/N] climbed of the bike and removed the helmet, handing it back to Jason as a smile broke onto her face as she brushed her hair back with her hand.
“That was amazing.” Jason smirked and raised an eyebrow, “Ah, so the princess is an adrenaline junkie?” A scoff of disbelief passed [Y/N]s lips as she rolled her eyes and briefly looked away from Jason to her window, where she saw Ivy peeking out, “I am not an adrenaline junkie.” Pushing against Jason chest as he sat back slightly on his bike and cross his arms. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah.I just liked the feeling of the wind against my skin and moving so quickly through the silence of the city. It was...amazing. I only ever feel anything like that when I’m performing.” Jason’s smirk now turned into a smile, “I guess I’ll have to take you out again sometime.”
“Yeah, I guess you will.” [Y/N] stepped forward slightly and pressed a kiss to Jason’s cheek before she stepped back once again, “Thanks Jason. Good night.” With that, the girl turned away from Jason and walked into her apartment building, ignoring the pounding of her heart against her chest, not from the ride but from Jason.
#burlesque au#dc imagines#dc imagine#dc x reader#batboy imagine#batboy x reader#batman x reader#batfam x reader#bruce wayne x reader#stefanie brown x reader#bruce wayne imagine#stephanie brown x reader#barbara gordon x reader#barbara gordon imagine#dick grayson x reader#dick grayson imagine#jason todd x reader#jason todd imagine#tim drake x reader#tim drake imagine#harper row x reader#harper row imagine#duke thomas x reader#duke thomas imagine
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Young Justice Em (unrefined)
Name: Hyde (Em//ma) Jyklyre Pseudonym(s): Spade Grimm Law Age: 20s Height: 5′6′’ Occupation: Uncommitted vigilante Held a position within Lex Luthor Corp.
Abilities: Superhuman durability- 20% Superhuman agility- 60% Cybernetic Enhancements (most bound to helmet) *Auto translation via AI *Motion sensor *Telepathy inhibitor Unkilliable *Chronokinisis *Dimensional Travel *Resurrection based immortality Illusions Characteristics: Can be aloof when upset When she’s being aloof she’ll usually sit somewhere high above others and watch them Sassy in response to people being aggressive Becomes more sarcastic when dealing with aggression and getting angry herself Isn’t really afraid to get “killed” she just doesn’t want too many people (especially the hero’s) finding out what her ability entails. Feels like she’s not “good” enough to be a hero. But to counter that she doesn’t think she’s evil in a malice way to humanity but more so for self preservation.
Fun Facts: She’s made her own training ground of robots that can rebuild so she can practice while blasting music and attacks without worrying about hurting someone and finds it aesthetically pleasing while also a good way for her to vent. She still feels bad for attacking the robots but she rebuilds them and built them in a way that it’s basically like she’s not hurting one being it’s just a bunch of them getting knocked apart.
When injured in a very specific way that makes her heart murmur to a certain pace it will cause her reviving device/technology to glitch and she’s basically rebooting over and over until there is a break in the loop and it’s not necessarily painful but it’s jarring.
Relationships: Batman /Bruce Wayne: (Pre”fall) A mentor of sorts, previous relations from Gotham city. She is aware of his true identity and will sometimes meet up with Wayne and Dick casually for dinner talking like she was an old student of his for his business lectures. (Working with the light) He becomes more distant and will use his power as Bruce Wayne to call her and Luthor to business meetings and she’s often under high surveillance by Lex because of his deep distrust for her. She remains obedient and doesn’t give off any signs of danger to keep Bruce away from risking himself and getting hurt to help her. Dick Grayson /Robin: (Pre”Fall) Would go to same academy with Dick and Barbara and meet up after with Bruce at times. They were pretty close friends before the light rose up and she was found working with them. They were like siblings in a way, looking out for each other and they’d help teach each other different things. Dick would help her with technology she couldn’t hack into to find information on, and she’d help him with tactics to evade attacks. (Working with the Light) He felt betrayed and bitter once he found out she was working with the light under his nose. She’d been on “their side” for a large chunk of the time the two of them still spent time together. She honestly didn’t work as a spy for the Light, never giving them tips or information she learned. She wasn’t a double agent, she was just part of Vandal’s property and he let her have her own life before he set his plans into motion. Barbara /Batgirl: (Pre”Fall)The two weren’t as close as the boys and Em but they weren’t at each other’s throats either. They were more like casual friends, she wasn’t as fond of her personality enough to become close friends with her. (Working with the Light) She was super hurt, but on behalf of Dick because the two of them were so close and she knew how much of a betrayal it really was. She is though, one of the first people to see her glitch out and she’s not sure if she feels bad, or thinks it’s another way that Em is trying to trick her. She thinks that Em really is close to Vandal and cares more about him then others. Kid Flash/ Bart : (Pre”fall) The two got along pretty well telling and making puns, snacking and watching shows and geeking out about hero’s and villain’s. She’d try to explain the mechanics of some of the enemy technology so he could avoid getting to close and getting hurt. (Working with the Light) He thought something about her just wasn’t right, he played if off as the fact she didn’t want to join the League because she was “too human” and just happened to get a job with Lex Luthor’s company, he never found out her position so he didn’t think she worked directly under him. He was on the mission with Bat Girl when she saw her glitching out, he tried to use his super speed to help her but she seemed to phase in and out of reality and he was the first to notice that if it was a trick- it would be too much effort and technology that would have been much better used for offense. So he put together she couldn’t control it and he tried to communicate this to the team but they were still skeptical of her. Because even science of that sort is sci-fy to them, it seems impossible. M’gann: (Pre”Fall) The two got along well and Em would even come to cheer practice to cheer her on. Megan was really sweet and kind so Em found it easy to get along with her, even though she was more preppy then she was. She did find it odd when she noticed that she had a hard time getting into her mind, but she didn’t try to hard as not to injure Em’s brain. (Working with the Light) She was so angry with herself, she should have pushed to see what was going on in Em’s head. Once Em was working for the light she became more wary of M’gann afraid to let her in her head because of the plans to betray the Light and how she had knowledge that would endanger Kaldurr if M’gann found out. So she would avoid fighting her alone and would seem more hostile using fire to make her incapacitated if she was on a mission alone. M’gann and the others saw this as her trying to kill her, but in reality she didn’t want to hurt her and just wanted her to be unconscious so she could escape. SuperBoy: (Pre”Fall) He was still quiet towards her, and could sense M’gann had her concerned about the girl so he kept an eye on Em to make sure she wouldn’t hurt M’gann. She thought he was pretty cute and even offered some tips on how to help him calm down when he was angry or starting to disassociate in a way. (Working with the Light) He was furious because she tricked and lied to M’gann and the rest of the League. He wanted to confront her and make her tell the truth about why she tricked them, why she was working for the Light, and what information she was giving the Light about them. Kaldurr’ahm/ Aqua Lad: (Pre”Fall) the two would chat, but we all know he isn’t the most social, and after offering for Em to join the League and her refusal he didn’t have much time away from leader duties to spend time with her. (Working with the Light) Before he himself joined, he was uncertain if she was acting as a mole when she was befriending the League, until he too joined and they spoke and she was forward and honest with him- as much as she could without putting him into too much danger with the knowledge she had. So Em knew while the League didn’t that he was being a double agent for the Light, he didn’t really hold a grudge against her and felt pity for her when he found out from a meeting that she wasn’t even trusted by most of the Light. Vandal Savage: (Pre”Fall) Allowed Em to be around people her own age, only really knowing a couple of the people she would hang around were part of the League. He didn’t care much, because he thought he had her loyalty, and if she ever strayed he would be able to get it back. She never went against his rules, and he set them to be easy to follow at first trying to trick her into a false sense of security, but he actually did find her important to his goal in the Light, even if she wouldn’t help them he wouldn’t let her fall into the hands of the League. So he set up a time for the League to find out she was a “traitor” and felt that would completely crush all hopes for her to even consider joining the League because they knew who she was now. (Working with the Light) He’d be very protective over her because other members weren’t too fond of her and he viewed her as a prized soldier. He’s not please that she doesn’t want to share details of the League outside of when she was actually on duty as Hyde, he wants to get as much information about them as he can but he knows not to push because she is a valuable asset and if he pushed too far she may consider surrendering to the League. But he “knows” she won’t do it now because she’s too afraid of them after how they found out she was working with the Light and how they reacted. Em doesn’t want the world to fall the way he plans, but at the same time she has thought to herself about the downfall of humanity. She goes between believing people are better than the few bad, and thinking that humanity would tear itself apart at some point. So she doesn’t disagree with Vandal nor does she agree. Psimon: (Pre”Fall) was unable and not really pushed to get into Em’s mind, Vandal didn’t think it necessary at the time. So he’d just read her exposed thoughts and she would be able to notice so he found it amusing and started trying to use it as a game, how long it would take for Em to notice that her thoughts resurfacing randomly were him digging. He could never get too deep, only finding out where she was previously, no sensitive information was ever too far up on her thoughts. (Working with the Light) She had to prove her loyalty and after becoming so afraid of the League Psimon was often sent on missions with her to help block out her anxieties, she still held control but he was there to ease her. Vandal also uses Psimon to try and convince the doubts in Em’s mind, that the League would never have her and what she did was unforgivable, were true to ensure she would stay on their side. Though if Psimon ever digs too deep he’s met but a sudden extreme pain due to Em’s retaliation and awareness of how his ability works and she knows it might hurt her head too but she finds it worth it if she can keep Psimon away from delicate information. There was one time it happened as she was injured and it triggered the resetting and he tried to read her mind/get into her mind to calm her down from what was happening but she basically doesn’t exist on any specific plane and her thoughts are the same so he’d only get broken messages. If he doesn’t give in quick enough his brain basically overloads and “glitches out” unable to keep thoughts together until he passes out. Blue Beetle/ Jaime Reyes: (Pre”Fall) They met while she came to Bart’s house to hang out and the two had just got off a mission where they felt the need to talk and walk so she met him. She felt something come over her almost instantly, it was like an instant crush, and then talking to Bart and hearing about Jaime from the others only spurred her feelings for him and she silently kicked herself for getting a crush so easily. At least her other crushes she could talk herself down from logically, but Jaime was a good person, and the only thing she really had to stop her feelings for him was knowing where she played a part in. She knew she was lying, maybe not actually working for the Light but she was in a way Vandal’s daughter at this point. He was good, smart, and she was just lying or at the very least not being honest. M’ghann could pick up on these feelings even without directly reading into Em’s thoughts and would aim for them to talk directly more often. (Working with the Light) He’s hurt, because his friends knew Em longer than he did, and she tricked them. Jaime didn’t really seem too hurt for himself not knowing her very well, but he found it almost unforgivable the way she lied to her “friends” and he used to to convince himself she wasn’t any of their friends and she was just trying to get information. Scarab was always wary of Em, he would say he was sensing unknown technology, or technology that could or should not exist. When Scarab got over written by the Reach, Em would watch from a distance, the Reach didn’t seem to mind Em, but she was afraid to communicate with Jaime. She had a way to telepathically communicate with others by that point, but she was afraid to risk the Scarab being able to also hear. She didn’t know much about this technology. The Reach soon began to question their technology noting Hyde’s presence and Vandal always stepped in to say it was a human health condition she had created her own device to cope with. They didn’t buy it but they let it go, and when Scarab/Blue Beetle almost killed a League member Hyde intervened getting impaled and that’s when the Reach noticed surveillance of her “regenerating.” Jaime finally put together what scarab meant by unknown technology. The Reach: They wanted to know how her technology worked. Savage insisted that they not meddle with her devices as it’s been the only one of its kind to be created and did not want to risk it getting damaged. Because if Em didn’t know how the Reach tech would react with her own, then they obviously wouldn’t either. They didn’t even know half of the equation, being her own technology. When the Reach left Earth and planned to destroy Earth she was able to override and take the energy from one of those devices, but it caused her to (seemingly) stop existing. (This would be in trade for Kid Flash so he would still remain in the story without having to give himself to the thingy I forget to name).
0 notes
IDW has a ton of great titles on sale this week, and we have your early look at all of it. Here’s the IDW Publishing Previews for 3-29-2017.
Animal Noir #2
Writers: Izar Lunacek & Nejc Juren Artist: Izar Lunacek Cover Artist: Izar Lunacek
Manny Diamond’s search for his uncle’s wife’s missing prey fantasy movie heats up! As Manny tries to get info from the former star, she puts him on track to meet up with a former co-worker and anti-prey-film activist. With such a passionate companion in tow, will Manny be able to keep his head down away from hungry lions, drugged out monkeys, hippo mobsters and the cops?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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Back to the Future: Biff to the Future #3
Writers: Bob Gale, Derek Fridolfs Artist: Alan Robinson Cover Artist: Alan Robinson
“Biff Goes To Town” They say you can never go home again, but no one told that to Biff Tannen. With a growing fortune and his eyes set on Hill Valley, Biff returns to claim the city and grow it in his toxic image with the creation of BIFFCO ENTERPRISES. As a result, the Hill Valley Civic Committee is formed to stop Biff by any means necessary.
But will tragedy dissolve them before they get their chance?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Variant cover by Anthony Marques!
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Comic Book History of Comics #5
Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Ryan Dunlavey Cover Artist: Ryan Dunlavey
[adinserter block=”7″]
The inspiring, infuriating, and utterly insane story of comics, graphic novels, and manga continues in four-color glory! This issue, the award-winning Action Philosophers team of Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey bring you FANBASE COMICS, SUPERHERO EVOLUTION, and OUTER SPACE!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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Cosmic Scoundrels #2
Writers: Andy Suriano & Matt Chapman Artist: Andy Suriano Cover Artist: Andy Suriano
After discovering last issue that their big score was actually a baby, the Scoundrels are faced with a choice: keep the kid and start calling themselves Cosmic Scoundrels & Son… or sell him to the highest bidder at The Fence, an intergalactic black market space mall, home of chromosomal bath houses, discount hadron colliders, and dudes named ‘Hairbath.’
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Plus, the Fist Puncher gets an upgrade and does some actual fist punching! Magic spit bubbles, magic wristbands, and choking hazards abound (not recommended for humanoids under 3)!
Andy Suriano is an Emmy and Annie Award-winning artist who has worked on such iconic series as Samurai Jack and Star Wars: The Clone Wars!
Matt Chapman is a writer of Disney’s Gravity Falls and the co-creator of Disney XD’s Two More Eggs and Homestar Runner!
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Gabriel Rodriguez’ Locke & Key Covers Artist’s Edition Portfolio
Writer: Gabriel Rodriguez Artist: Gabriel Rodriguez Cover Artist: Gabriel Rodriguez
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Presenting a selection of some of the finest and most inventive cover images from Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez’ best-selling and critically acclaimed horror series, all in the IDW award-winning Artist’s Edition format. 12 intricate and thought-provoking images by Rodriguez, all scanned directly from the original art and delivered in a lovely hardcover case.
HC portfolio • BW • $39.99 • 12 plates • 11” x 17” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-944-8
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G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #238
Writer: Larry Hama Artist: S L Gallant Cover Artist: S L Gallant
The hunt for Dawn Moreno continues, as Zartan chases after the newest student of the Arashikage clan. He intends to bring her back to Cobra… dead or alive!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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Haunted Horror: The Screaming Skulls and Much More
Writer: Various Artist: Doug Wildley, Don Heck, Bernard Baily Cover Artist: Bernard Baily
You’ll scream with terror when you experience these terrifying Pre-Code stories sure to rot your brain! Never collected together in book form, you’ll thrill when you read under your dark covers: “Terror of the Nightmares,” “Headless Horror,” “Death Ala Carte,” “The Devil from the Deep,” and macabre more! The Ghastly Award-winning Haunted Horror series presents–in large-format bloody-color–carefully restored walking zombies, screaming skulls, and ravenous cannibal monsters!
HC • FC • $24.99 • 160 pages • 8.5” x 11” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-835-9
Bullet points:
Rue Morgue Magazine wails, “Classic stories! These stories are just plain fun and perfectly accomplish what good comics should: they entertain!”
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Jem and the Holograms #25
Writer: Kelly Thompson Artist: Gisele Lagace Cover Artist: Jen Bartel
Truly Outrageous Part Two! In Hawaii The Stingers plot against Jem and The Holograms for “stealing Raya” as Riot tries to win back Jem. Meanwhile Jerrica must reconcile the two people she has become – Jem and Jerrica – and that might just mean telling Rio the truth!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Is someone going to throw Kimber into a volcano? Possibly!
When tempted, what will Raya do with The Holograms greatest secret?
Variant cover by Gisele Lagace!
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M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #5
Writer: Brandon Easton Artist: Tony Vargas Cover Artist: Tommy Lee Edwards
With all secrets revealed, Matt Trakker and the M.A.S.K. team take on Miles Mayhem and V.E.N.O.M. in a brutal final assault. With their first major victory in their sights, the M.A.S.K. team must remain vigilant as other powerful and unforeseen forces rise up from the darkness. New enemies are on the horizon and you must NOT miss what happens on the last page!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
All-new storyline starts next month!
Variant cover by Juan Carlos Ruiz Burgos!
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Orphan Black: Deviations #1
Writer: Heli Kennedy Artist: Wayne Nichols Cover Artist: Cat Staggs
In a world where Sarah managed to save Beth from taking her own life! With this single twist of fate, the Clone Club comes together in a completely different way and the mystery of Project LEDA unfolds in new, exiting ways! See all your favorite characters return in an all-new light!
FC • 40 pages • $4.99
Bullet points:
Find out what happens in a world… where Sarah saved Beth!
Check out the Mash-up variant!
Part of IDW’s Deviations five-week event!
Papercraft variant cover!
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Revolution Deluxe HC
Writers: John Barber, Brandon Easton, Cullen Bunn, Chris Ryall, Christos Gage, Aubrey Sitterson, James Roberts Artist: Fico Ossio, Tony Vargas, Chris Panda, Ron Joseph, Giannis Milonogiannis, Paolo Villanelli Cover Artist: James Biggie
THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN! Celebrating more than a decade of stories by IDW and HASBRO, this unprecedented event draws everything together—and leaves nothing standing. The REVOLUTION is here—TAKE A STAND! Collects Revolution issues #0–5, plus all eight one-shots, and an expanded cover gallery.
HC • FC • $49.99 • 348 pages • 7” x11” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-937-0
Bullet points:
This DELUXE hardcover collection is available only to DIRECT MARKET RETAILERS! Don’t miss this exclusive offer!
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Rom #8
Writers: Chris Ryall & Christos Gage Artist: Paolo Villanelli Cover Artist: Nelson Daniel
Other Space Knights have arrived on Earth… two warriors with ties to ROM’s past and who are determined to ensure that the DIRE WRAITHS have no future… even if it means destroying the planet along with them!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Variant cover by Jeff Zornow!
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Star Trek: Boldly Go #6
Writer: Mike Johnson and Ryan Parrott Artist: Chris Mooneyham Cover Artist: George Caltsoudas
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The hit new series continues with this all-new story set after the events of STAR TREK BEYOND! After their encounter with the deadly Borg, Captain Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Endeavour face an uncertain future… and a powerful new threat to the Federation!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Don’t miss the all-new ongoing series set after the events of Star Trek Beyond!
Variant cover by Marc Laming!
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Transformers: Lost Light #4
Writer: James Roberts Artist: Jack Lawrence Cover Artist: Jack Lawrence
RODIMUS, MEGATRON and the exiled crew of the Lost Light realise that there’s only one thing they need to do before they can resume their quest. Unfortunately, that thing is “save the world.” Can the AUTOBOTS overcome the odds and save the day? To be honest, probably not.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Some characters might die! Oh no!
Variant cover by J. Su!
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Transformers: Till All Are One #8
Writer: Mairghread Scott Artist: Sara Pitre-Durocher Cover Artist: Sara Pitre-Durocher
This is it: the final stand for Cybertron! Will Starscream and Windblade’s gamble finally pay off or will all of Iacon be destroyed by the zombie titans?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Variant cover by Nelson Daniel!
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Weird Love #17
Writer: Various Artist: Various Cover Artist: Dick Giordano and Vince Colleta
Shocking, scintillating and WEIRD stories like “Too Young For Love”, “High School Affair,” “Teacher’s Pet,” and the weirdest of all, “Miss Atwood and the Fountain of Youth.” PLUS THREE MORE NOT-TO-MISS SCANDALS! Don’t miss this issue or I’ll have to see you after class!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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The X-Files #12
Writer: Joe Harris Artist: Andrew Currie Cover Artist: menton3
“Skinner,” Part 1 (of 2): Assistant Director Walter Skinner finally gets the spotlight! When a face from the past resurfaces, Skinner must confront painful memories of the Vietnam War in his effort to keep a dark secret from being exposed.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Executive produced by The X-Files creator Chris Carter!
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via IDW Publishing
IDW Publishing Previews for 3-29-2017
IDW has a ton of great titles on sale this week, and we have your early look at all of it.
IDW Publishing Previews for 3-29-2017 IDW has a ton of great titles on sale this week, and we have your early look at all of it.
0 notes
IDW has a ton of great titles on sale this week, and we have your early look at all of it. Here’s the IDW Publishing Previews for 3-29-2017.
Animal Noir #2
Writers: Izar Lunacek & Nejc Juren Artist: Izar Lunacek Cover Artist: Izar Lunacek
Manny Diamond’s search for his uncle’s wife’s missing prey fantasy movie heats up! As Manny tries to get info from the former star, she puts him on track to meet up with a former co-worker and anti-prey-film activist. With such a passionate companion in tow, will Manny be able to keep his head down away from hungry lions, drugged out monkeys, hippo mobsters and the cops?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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Back to the Future: Biff to the Future #3
Writers: Bob Gale, Derek Fridolfs Artist: Alan Robinson Cover Artist: Alan Robinson
“Biff Goes To Town” They say you can never go home again, but no one told that to Biff Tannen. With a growing fortune and his eyes set on Hill Valley, Biff returns to claim the city and grow it in his toxic image with the creation of BIFFCO ENTERPRISES. As a result, the Hill Valley Civic Committee is formed to stop Biff by any means necessary.
But will tragedy dissolve them before they get their chance?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Variant cover by Anthony Marques!
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Comic Book History of Comics #5
Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Ryan Dunlavey Cover Artist: Ryan Dunlavey
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The inspiring, infuriating, and utterly insane story of comics, graphic novels, and manga continues in four-color glory! This issue, the award-winning Action Philosophers team of Fred Van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey bring you FANBASE COMICS, SUPERHERO EVOLUTION, and OUTER SPACE!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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Cosmic Scoundrels #2
Writers: Andy Suriano & Matt Chapman Artist: Andy Suriano Cover Artist: Andy Suriano
After discovering last issue that their big score was actually a baby, the Scoundrels are faced with a choice: keep the kid and start calling themselves Cosmic Scoundrels & Son… or sell him to the highest bidder at The Fence, an intergalactic black market space mall, home of chromosomal bath houses, discount hadron colliders, and dudes named ‘Hairbath.’
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Plus, the Fist Puncher gets an upgrade and does some actual fist punching! Magic spit bubbles, magic wristbands, and choking hazards abound (not recommended for humanoids under 3)!
Andy Suriano is an Emmy and Annie Award-winning artist who has worked on such iconic series as Samurai Jack and Star Wars: The Clone Wars!
Matt Chapman is a writer of Disney’s Gravity Falls and the co-creator of Disney XD’s Two More Eggs and Homestar Runner!
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Gabriel Rodriguez’ Locke & Key Covers Artist’s Edition Portfolio
Writer: Gabriel Rodriguez Artist: Gabriel Rodriguez Cover Artist: Gabriel Rodriguez
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Presenting a selection of some of the finest and most inventive cover images from Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez’ best-selling and critically acclaimed horror series, all in the IDW award-winning Artist’s Edition format. 12 intricate and thought-provoking images by Rodriguez, all scanned directly from the original art and delivered in a lovely hardcover case.
HC portfolio • BW • $39.99 • 12 plates • 11” x 17” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-944-8
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G.I. JOE: A Real American Hero #238
Writer: Larry Hama Artist: S L Gallant Cover Artist: S L Gallant
The hunt for Dawn Moreno continues, as Zartan chases after the newest student of the Arashikage clan. He intends to bring her back to Cobra… dead or alive!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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Haunted Horror: The Screaming Skulls and Much More
Writer: Various Artist: Doug Wildley, Don Heck, Bernard Baily Cover Artist: Bernard Baily
You’ll scream with terror when you experience these terrifying Pre-Code stories sure to rot your brain! Never collected together in book form, you’ll thrill when you read under your dark covers: “Terror of the Nightmares,” “Headless Horror,” “Death Ala Carte,” “The Devil from the Deep,” and macabre more! The Ghastly Award-winning Haunted Horror series presents–in large-format bloody-color–carefully restored walking zombies, screaming skulls, and ravenous cannibal monsters!
HC • FC • $24.99 • 160 pages • 8.5” x 11” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-835-9
Bullet points:
Rue Morgue Magazine wails, “Classic stories! These stories are just plain fun and perfectly accomplish what good comics should: they entertain!”
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Jem and the Holograms #25
Writer: Kelly Thompson Artist: Gisele Lagace Cover Artist: Jen Bartel
Truly Outrageous Part Two! In Hawaii The Stingers plot against Jem and The Holograms for “stealing Raya” as Riot tries to win back Jem. Meanwhile Jerrica must reconcile the two people she has become – Jem and Jerrica – and that might just mean telling Rio the truth!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Is someone going to throw Kimber into a volcano? Possibly!
When tempted, what will Raya do with The Holograms greatest secret?
Variant cover by Gisele Lagace!
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M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Kommand #5
Writer: Brandon Easton Artist: Tony Vargas Cover Artist: Tommy Lee Edwards
With all secrets revealed, Matt Trakker and the M.A.S.K. team take on Miles Mayhem and V.E.N.O.M. in a brutal final assault. With their first major victory in their sights, the M.A.S.K. team must remain vigilant as other powerful and unforeseen forces rise up from the darkness. New enemies are on the horizon and you must NOT miss what happens on the last page!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
All-new storyline starts next month!
Variant cover by Juan Carlos Ruiz Burgos!
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Orphan Black: Deviations #1
Writer: Heli Kennedy Artist: Wayne Nichols Cover Artist: Cat Staggs
In a world where Sarah managed to save Beth from taking her own life! With this single twist of fate, the Clone Club comes together in a completely different way and the mystery of Project LEDA unfolds in new, exiting ways! See all your favorite characters return in an all-new light!
FC • 40 pages • $4.99
Bullet points:
Find out what happens in a world… where Sarah saved Beth!
Check out the Mash-up variant!
Part of IDW’s Deviations five-week event!
Papercraft variant cover!
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Revolution Deluxe HC
Writers: John Barber, Brandon Easton, Cullen Bunn, Chris Ryall, Christos Gage, Aubrey Sitterson, James Roberts Artist: Fico Ossio, Tony Vargas, Chris Panda, Ron Joseph, Giannis Milonogiannis, Paolo Villanelli Cover Artist: James Biggie
THE REVOLUTION HAS BEGUN! Celebrating more than a decade of stories by IDW and HASBRO, this unprecedented event draws everything together—and leaves nothing standing. The REVOLUTION is here—TAKE A STAND! Collects Revolution issues #0–5, plus all eight one-shots, and an expanded cover gallery.
HC • FC • $49.99 • 348 pages • 7” x11” • ISBN: 978-1-63140-937-0
Bullet points:
This DELUXE hardcover collection is available only to DIRECT MARKET RETAILERS! Don’t miss this exclusive offer!
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Rom #8
Writers: Chris Ryall & Christos Gage Artist: Paolo Villanelli Cover Artist: Nelson Daniel
Other Space Knights have arrived on Earth… two warriors with ties to ROM’s past and who are determined to ensure that the DIRE WRAITHS have no future… even if it means destroying the planet along with them!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Variant cover by Jeff Zornow!
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Star Trek: Boldly Go #6
Writer: Mike Johnson and Ryan Parrott Artist: Chris Mooneyham Cover Artist: George Caltsoudas
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The hit new series continues with this all-new story set after the events of STAR TREK BEYOND! After their encounter with the deadly Borg, Captain Kirk and the crew of the U.S.S. Endeavour face an uncertain future… and a powerful new threat to the Federation!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Don’t miss the all-new ongoing series set after the events of Star Trek Beyond!
Variant cover by Marc Laming!
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Transformers: Lost Light #4
Writer: James Roberts Artist: Jack Lawrence Cover Artist: Jack Lawrence
RODIMUS, MEGATRON and the exiled crew of the Lost Light realise that there’s only one thing they need to do before they can resume their quest. Unfortunately, that thing is “save the world.” Can the AUTOBOTS overcome the odds and save the day? To be honest, probably not.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Some characters might die! Oh no!
Variant cover by J. Su!
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Transformers: Till All Are One #8
Writer: Mairghread Scott Artist: Sara Pitre-Durocher Cover Artist: Sara Pitre-Durocher
This is it: the final stand for Cybertron! Will Starscream and Windblade’s gamble finally pay off or will all of Iacon be destroyed by the zombie titans?
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Variant cover by Nelson Daniel!
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Weird Love #17
Writer: Various Artist: Various Cover Artist: Dick Giordano and Vince Colleta
Shocking, scintillating and WEIRD stories like “Too Young For Love”, “High School Affair,” “Teacher’s Pet,” and the weirdest of all, “Miss Atwood and the Fountain of Youth.” PLUS THREE MORE NOT-TO-MISS SCANDALS! Don’t miss this issue or I’ll have to see you after class!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
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The X-Files #12
Writer: Joe Harris Artist: Andrew Currie Cover Artist: menton3
“Skinner,” Part 1 (of 2): Assistant Director Walter Skinner finally gets the spotlight! When a face from the past resurfaces, Skinner must confront painful memories of the Vietnam War in his effort to keep a dark secret from being exposed.
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Bullet points:
Executive produced by The X-Files creator Chris Carter!
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via IDW Publishing
IDW Publishing Previews for 3-29-2017 IDW has a ton of great titles on sale this week, and we have your early look at all of it.
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My Top 50 Songs of 2016
Rules and disclaimers:
No more than five songs per artist, and no more than two songs from the same album/EP. Features count as a song for each named artist. I will try to link the songs to their headers where possible. For songs fifty through twenty-one there will be a short quip; the top twenty will have a more detailed discussion.
This list is subjective, as should be obvious, and contains exactly forty-nine hip-hop, R&B or pop songs. That number may be too high for many people, but I am one man with tastes that are slowly widening. If you don't like this years, maybe you’ll like next years. In the interest of sharing cool tracks, I will list some of my favourites from other genres (that just missed out) at the end of the list.
Some songs present on this list contain explicit language/videos/artwork that may be confronting or offensive.
50. Hudson East – Woman’s Intuition
Reminiscent of PARTYNEXTDOOR’s early work, Hudson East crafts a track that is both catchy and a smooth R&B grind.
49. YG – Who Shot Me?
Paranoia and storytelling? Check. West coast sound? Check. Tight as hell bridge? Check. Bass? Check. Bass?! Check. BASS?!! CHECK!
48. Without You Ft. Rapsody – Anderson .Paak
A smoothly balanced song, with those old school funk/soul flavours evident in all of Anderson .Paak’s work, and a Rapsody verse that steals the show.
Highlight: “Heard your mama cheated on ya daddy, you just like her”.
47. Day Ones Ft. Novelist & Leikeli47 – Baauer
Really, this song is just stupidly hard, especially the chorus.
46. Hercules – Young Thug
Young Thug is known for his vocal delivery, but there’s something extra charismatic and catchy about it on this track. The way he changes his inflections, and accent on the chorus, really catapulted it onto this list.
45. Lake By The Ocean – Maxwell
This is old school, sensual R&B, and I adore it.
44. Mind Games – Banks
The mood and melodies are intoxicating, with lyrics that detail a complex enough relationship to actually sound realistic.
This song really, really grew on me. The busy nature of the production, and the swagger on ABRA’s vocal delivery, create a kind of unpredictable confidence that fits well with the lyrics.
42. Desperado – Rihanna
The sound of this song sits somewhere in the realm of R&B, but it’s got a distinctive rollick to it driven by Rihanna’s vocals and the dirty bass, which feels especially appropriate given the lyrical content.
41. No Problem Ft. 2 Chainz & Lil Wayne – Chance The Rapper
This song is just utterly ecstatic and a joy to listen to.
Highlight: “Codeine got me movin’ slower than a caterpillar race”
40. Fuck With Myself – Banks
This song is a bit demented, and the video is downright creepy, and it absolutely works. I didn’t know demented swagger was something I needed in music, but there you go.
39. What’s It Gonna Be? – Shura
This is supreme 80s pop reinvented for the 21st century.
38. No More Parties In LA Ft. Kendrick Lamar - Kanye West
All that’s needed for this track is the highlight:
“I know some fans thought I wouldn't rap like this again
But the writer's block is over, emcees cancel your plans”
37. Summer Sixteen – Drake
The song is filled with what am I now dubbing ‘Drake quotables’, and I like Drake quotables. The beat switch is also fantastic.
Highlight: “Why would I put on a vest? I expect you to aim for the head”
36. Like Home – JOY.
I love some modern, alternate R&B, or whatever we’re calling it these days, and JOY. nails the vocal melodies on this track.
35. Let It Bang Ft. Schoolboy Q – A$AP Ferg
Both A$AP Ferg and Schoolboy Q drop killer, intense verses, and I especially love how aggressive Schoolboy Q sounds.
34. Yamborghini High Ft. Juicy J – A$AP Mob
This song is stupidly catchy and has an incredible video.
The track with the best production on P3, and some of PARTY’s catchiest flows.
32. Trust Nobody – 070 Shake
This track is hard, not simply because of the typical trap production, but due to its brutal refrain and heavy imagery.
Highlight: “Cause I don't really trust no, trust no
Trust no one, unless you give me your soul”
31. Still Here – Drake
There was a time, just after Views released, that I couldn’t stop playing this song. Drake’s flow is just so damn catchy and easy to sing along to.
30. Better Than Me Ft. Carly Rae Jepsen – Blood Orange
This song is here because of how moody and fragile of a track it manages to be, but to properly dig into the lyrics I suggest going to Genius and looking at Dev Hynes’ (Blood Orange) explanation.
29. Sneakin’ Ft. 21 Savage – Drake
On this track, Drake’s tight flow combines with a bunch of quotable, catchy lines, and a good feature with some great adlibs, from 21 Savage.
Highlight: “Got my Spanish ting convinced that I know Spanish
Really, when she get to talking I don't understand it”
28. Cash Machine – D.R.A.M.
This song is absurdly fun. D.R.A.M.’s ability to convey enthusiasm and happiness, and to just embrace his goofy personality, makes for joyous listening.
27. Round Whippin’ – A.CHAL
This song fits perfectly in the lane of modern R&B meets trap, with a catchy hook, and a beat with a enough grunt to hit hard.
26. Wicked – Future
I’ve seen this popping up in a lot of year-end worst lists, and I couldn’t disagree more. That mumbling chorus is catchy, fitting of the track’s aesthetic, and the transition into the first verse, with the switch in flow and intonation, is one of my favourite moments in music this year.
25. On My Grind – Tunji Ige
The pre-chorus into chorus on this track is so, damn, perfect. Both parts are uniquely catchy, with the chorus itself providing the climax, as it should, by capitalising on the pre-chorus’ build up, and bringing the lyrical content to its logical conclusion.
24. Digits – Young Thug
This song provided the most surprisingly apt modern commentary on consumerism, through a mindset that is completely understandable given the political and social climate.
23. Listen Hear – Maxwell
Honestly, the guitar on the chorus is one of the sexiest sounds I’ve heard all year.
22. What The Fuck Right Now Ft. A$AP Rocky – Tyler, The Creator
I’m just exceptionally glad someone decided to flesh out Freestyle 4. Tyler’s flow fits the beat so well, and A$AP Rocky’s adlibs are phenomenal.
21. All Nite Ft. Vince Staples – Clams Casino
Clams’ production on this track is so infectious, and Vince Staples brings exactly the right flow to sit within the beat.
20. Groovy Tony – Schoolboy Q
When I was talking about ‘Let It Bang’ earlier I noted how I loved Schoolboy Q’s aggressive verse, and Groovy Tony takes that aggression and turns it into an entire track. The production is gritty, filled with little vocal flourishes, and the constant ‘blank face’ refrain scattered throughout the track serves as a mechanism to signal changes in the intensity of Schoolboy Q’s delivery. The lyrics themselves are vivid and as gritty as the delivery, serving to pull the entire track’s aesthetic together. Note, I have included the single version here as it was the one I had on repeat for a large portion of the year.
19. Inside The Mattress – Future
I know a lot of people considered Future’s run last year to be his best, but I thought this year was just as good, if not better. ‘Inside The Mattress’ is the catchiest track off ‘Purple Reign’, with one of the best hooks Future has written. The lyrical content is not new to Future, but at the same time it focuses more on the weight of his position as a leader for his team. This slight difference in nuance keeps the content from growing stale, but I’m not going to lie, it’s the catchiness of the track and how easy I find it to go back to that lands it this high on the list.
18. Fade Ft. TY Dolla $ign & Post Malone – Kanye West
I’ll be honest, it wasn’t until I came back to ‘The Life Of Pablo’ later in the year that I realised just how good this song was. The production is exceptional, with the samples providing a distinctive flavour not really found anywhere else in music this year. The drop (for lack of a better word) is so oddly fitting, and indeed that description in and of itself makes it a microcosm of the album. Kanye West’s and TY Dolla $ign’s performances are excellent, but the highlight for me is the feature from Post Malone, where he belts his lungs out and carries the song to its climax.
17. Kung Fu Ft. Pusha T & Future – Baauer
You know, I would never have expected two Baauer tracks to make my top 50, but then, I wasn’t expecting him to produce two trap songs. The beat here isn’t even especially bombastic, instead the energy comes from the Pusha T and Future’s delivery. Indeed, Future’s hook contains one of his most energetic performances of the year, complete with catchy refrain and suggestive imagery. Pusha T, naturally, waxes lyrical about dealing cocaine as only he can, starting with one of my favourite lines of the year: “the coke game is my sport, welcome to the wide world of snort”. He continues on as you would expect, but due to the short length of the track it stays concise. Kung Fu never overstays its welcome, and to this day remains a song I can easily play again and again.
16. Devastated – Joey Bada$$
This song is infectious. It’s both ecstatic, yet able to convey a consistent vibe that doesn’t require the listener to start dancing. It’s a bright song, carried by a fantastic flow that seems to walk with the beat. It plays alongside the instrumentation, letting the listener feel the progress, and feel a part of the narrative. The chorus is catchy and exuberant, and the instrumental itself masterfully provides extra flavours through hints of guitars and synthesisers, and smooth transitions. One of the catchiest songs of the year for me, that consistently makes me smile and move.
15. Come and See Me Ft. Drake – PARTYNEXTDOOR
I love how smooth this track is. It’s understated. It lies in a pocket where your head is gently nodding, and your fingers clicking. PARTYNEXTDOOR’s vocals slip through light melodies that seem to simply float above the instrumental. The beat itself is, in many ways, a softened, slower trap beat; something not especially unusual in modern R&B. It’s effective in setting an atmosphere and then holding it, and indeed, nothing ever disturbs the mood of this track. It delivers exactly what it wants to, with Drake showing up simply to add a light rapper’s touch to the track, one that suits his voice and stylings perfectly.
14. Body Language – Carly Rae Jepsen
It really is a shame I didn’t get around to checking out Carly Rae Jepsen’s last album, ‘Emotion’, until this year, because there are some very deserving songs that missed out on last year’s list. Jepsen has a knack for writing pop songs with an 80s vibe, something I tend to adore in pop music, but her greatest strength is her fantastic ear for melody. The verses on Body Language have the most bounce I heard on a pop song all year. They slide. They make you want to get up and skip incoherently. The pre-chorus builds with tension, adding a different flair, just as catchy as the first. And then the chorus drops, and things switch into a different, more 80s feeling vibe. It’s a pop climax in the most exact way. The production is fantastic, with the bounce of the drums setting the tone for the rest of the track. Superb.
13. Party Monster – The Weeknd (I’m gonna give an epilepsy warning for this video)
Look, I’m a sucker for The Weeknd at his most debaucherous, especially when he throws in that element of rap cockiness. It’s a style he has perfected, and ‘Party Monster’ is another fantastic entry in the genre. The sing-song rap flow The Weeknd employs continues to be catchy, and is particularly suited to the production. When the chorus fades out and the song winds into the drop, the sing-song style really comes to life, with the hard-hitting verse that follows providing a nice counterpoint to the chorus. The chorus itself has a fantastic melody, it’s movement carried by the rhythm of the vocal performance rather than the percussion. It still exudes confidence, but this is a calmer, more self-assured confidence, as opposed to the brashness of the verses. This is another song I find especially easy to come back to, and as such it earns its place at number thirteen.
12. Fly Shit Only – Future
At one point, earlier in the year, this was a strong chance of landing at number one. As it turns out, a lot of great songs came out this year, and this track faded in prominence. However, that doesn’t change the fact that this is one of the best tracks Future has ever written. The production is not your typical trap affair, with guitars and synthesised scratch, wah-wah, sounds forming the basis for a beat that never seems to stop moving. The two-part chorus contains an absolutely fantastic flow for the first half, that never fails to get me nodding my head. On top of that, the line: “only one who’s going out the country, gotta keep a translator for the models”, has to be my favourite boast of the year. For me, this song has never stopped being fun.
11. We The People… - A Tribe Called Quest
This song does protest unlike any other track released this year. It shifts between sarcasm, irreverence, and depictions of reality with ease. The parody of the chorus serves as the centre point for Q-Tip and Phife Dawg’s dismantling of the absurdity of the system, and indeed that’s what this song does best. It points out the ridiculous nature of the situations we find ourselves in, and the conversations we find ourselves having. Place this on top of a smooth beat, with great sampling, and you have a track that I can easily see standing the test of time.
10. Redbone – Childish Gambino
I don’t even know what to say about this song. I was not the only one who didn’t expect Gambino to go in this direction, and to do it in the manner he did was utterly incredible. This song contains his best vocal performance, completely shifting the way he normally sings to properly create the aesthetic he desired as an artist. Yes, there were some production tricks used on the vocals here, but nowhere near as many as one might think (as can be seen if you watch his live performance of the track here). The lyrics here straddle the line between relationship talk and social commentary, building on metaphor to create a duplicity in meaning that I love. Throw some incredible, funk-soul production on top of that, and you have a track I cannot stop listening to.
9. Gwan Big Up Urself – Roy Woods
I am not a dancer. I want to make that perfectly clear because no track, ever, has made me want to move as much as this did when it came out this year. It nails that new generation of pop-dancehall sound we have seen on the charts recently. The use of patois is appropriate, not simply contextually, but in the way that it adds both rhythm and texture to the track. The production is breezy, building a chill vibe that easily carries you away, successfully evoking the image of Jamaica (or similar) in the listener’s mind. Roy Woods’ vocal delivery is charismatic, fun, and a joy to badly sing along to. This was probably the song that made me the happiest this year.
8. Fare Thee Well – William Fitzsimmons.
I said it last year, and I’ll say it again, William Fitzsimmons simply makes beautiful music. The guitar on this track is gorgeous, and Fitzsimmons’ smooth vocals are wonderfully prominent in the mix. The backup vocalist provides a gentle companion to Fitzsimmons, building the atmosphere and adding another layer of emotion to the track; one that emphasises the ‘we’ in the lyrics. Indeed, the lyrics themselves are hauntingly poignant, striking up a conversation around the fragile, temporary nature of life and regret. Honestly, the word beautiful is so easily overused, but it is the only word that really matters when describing this song.
7. Fever – Carly Rae Jepsen
I present to you, the greatest pop chorus of the year. I’m not even sure where to start with the damn thing, it’s just that perfectly executed. I suppose it comes in the verse and pre-chorus, where things are indeed much sparser than many of the other tracks on ‘Emotion Side B’. But this space is what allows the song to build, with that passionate, staccato pre-chorus creating the energy and tension. And then the chorus drops. The bass and kick drop, and they are heavy, and sultry, and moving like a river beneath the synths and the vocals. And the vocals. The vocals contain the same swagger as the instrumentation, the same movement, and they convey just the right amount of stop and start for every little moment to hit and hold perfectly. But then, the first chorus ends, suddenly. It’s just a glimpse before the ecstatic second and third times around that really allow the song to climax. It’s all part of the ebb and flow of a pop song that sees itself as a whole, driving toward ecstasy, and reaching it.
6. Low Life Ft. The Weeknd – Future
Everything I said about The Weeknd on ‘Party Monster’ is applicable here, but I would add that I like his flow on this even more. The chorus, too, feels more like a climax than that on ‘Party Monster’, not that either are choruses in the typical, climactic sense. Future’s flow and personality are taken up another notch on this track, brought out, perhaps, by the chemistry between he and The Weeknd. Given the subject matter the two artists tend to focus on, the collaboration makes far too much sense, and the execution is flawless. The aesthetic on this track is oh so coherent, filled with the little flourishes and adlibs that really take a song to the next level. I would also like to give a shout-out to the production, and especially Metroboomin’s continued role in making great trap music. Really, what lands this song so high is that it absolutely achieves what it sets out to, and is damn catchy in the process.
5. Down Girl – Roy Woods
Every aspect of this track is catchy. If this song was a disease humankind would be wiped out within the week. The chorus is phenomenal, easily chantable, and filled with lines that assumedly found their way all over timelines. Of course, that’s because the content is so easily relatable for a younger generation in search of trust and validation that so often goes unrequited. Sure, the lyrics certainly aren’t mature, but they are superbly fitting for the song and the world that inspired them. On the production side of things, the way the beat swells is further reason for addiction, and when combined with those tight clicks and snares the rhythm just carries you away. Another song that is short and to the point, it has ludicrous replay value and will have you snapping your fingers until they are raw.
4. Starboy – The Weeknd
The rhythm on this song is outstanding. Everything about this track flows to the snares. Everything about this track oozes swagger. ‘Starboy’ is a river with a current that is constant, unending, and supremely catchy. The lyrics are braggadocios, yet self-aware and, on occasion, deceptively poignant. The Weeknd’s flow is matched to the rhythm, and his performance is immaculate. Of course, the chorus deserves a mention for that drop halfway through. That drop elevates this song to another level of intensity, providing a climax that doesn’t seem likely to occur when the chorus starts. Maybe I could say more, or go into further detail, but this is already a hugely well received song that I’m sure many critics have waxed poetic about. For me, as I lover of a great rhythm, the rhythm alone earns this track its place.
3. Fire & Desire – Drake
When Views first dropped I loved how distinctive this song was on the record, but I didn’t realise that I would grow to love it as much as I do. I just talked a lot about rhythm with ‘Starboy’, and rhythm in ‘Fire & Desire’ is just as crucial. However, here it is a seductive, slow, grinding rhythm, with a huge clap that counts the time. Drake’s vocals are smooth, but mixed and processed in a different way to how we normally hear him, drawing a bit on the sounds of Chief Keef, and more autotuned heavy, trap artists. This is most assuredly a sung song, but it’s a song where even the vocals seem like they are grinding, not simply the beat. The production is gorgeously smooth, with the vocal snippets at the beginning reminiscent of much of Drake and 40’s earlier work. At the time of writing, Fire & Desire is my most played song of 2016, and I don’t see that changing.
2. Do It Well – dvsn
Another entry on this list that falls under the smooth, sensual R&B banner, and this may just be the sexiest one. Daniel Daley’s vocal performance is flawless, dripping in atmosphere and uncompromising in the mood it evokes. The production from Nineteen85 has some of the most beautiful little flourishes in it, accompanied by a perfect ebb and flow in instrumentation, with a chorus that stands out, but doesn’t overdo it. Indeed, the strength of the production is its ability to complement Daley’s vocal performance. The lyrics themselves travel down a rabbit hole well explored by Drake and The Weeknd; the singer’s love for a stripper. However, here there is a note of escapism, and a need for unfulfilled closeness. Indeed, the refrain “you’re the only therapy I know” is a heavy line, ripe with desire and loss. This song is deceptively gorgeous, and I cannot stop myself from playing this song the whole way through once it starts.
1. Angela – dvsn
Angela is the most beautiful song to have come out this year. The production is incredible, delivering a more old school style of R&B, complete with gorgeous use of horns and swelling strings. The piano provides a constant accompaniment to the vocals, softly pushing the song along, and delicately holding together the atmosphere. The vocal sample from ‘Angeles’ is a stroke of genius, emerging for the chorus and inspiring the prevailing mood of the track. Yet, as incredible as the production is, Daniel Daley’s vocal performance is something else entirely. Without a doubt, the best vocal performance I heard all year, Daley stretches from the bottom of his range to the top, from soft caressing through to passionate belting, and every note is sheer perfection. The lyrics themselves hold to a more old school styling, complete with nature evoking imagery and a focus on love and the complexities of a relationship. When I first heard this song I was floored, and somehow that feeling has never disappeared. Yes, dvsn are finishing first and second on this list, and they utterly deserve it.
Other Highlights
Punk Rock – Sleep In The Heat – PUP
Dancehall – Man a Murdera – Popcaan (I actually can’t find the exact genre for this online, but this is what I found it under on Spotify).
Contemporary Jazz/Art Rock – Rest In Pleasure – Esperanza Spalding
Indie Folk – On My One – Jake Bugg
Best Rap Verse (Not On The List) – THat Part (Black Hippy Remix) – Kendrick Lamar’s verse
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