#or if he'd never been born at all but like im mostly just thinking about like
currently spinning an "it's a wonderful life" style 'ted, at his lowest and least confident, sees what would have happened if he never came to richmond' au in my brain that i'll never write
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hi! could you possibly share the intercept new report about gay men and their misogyny? i know this isn't really about br politics, and im not even sure if it is in English, but i think it is really important to be shared
I hope it's not too late 😅
Gay men and misogyny: no more ignoring this problem
'Don't talk about vaginas around me': for a long time, we ignored the disqualifications of women and the feminine made by gay men. No more.
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"If I liked women, I would have become a gynecologist."
"The law of gravity is a crime against women."
“Funny” gay guys, usually white and showing a certain hatred towards females, are a very common social type in contemporary pop culture. The character Felix “Bicha Má” ["Evil Fag"], played by Mateus Solano, from the Brazilian soap opera “Amor à Vida” [Love For Life], is an easy example in Brazilian lands – the sentences that open this text are his. But this sharp-tongued young man who directs much of his bitterness towards women, including friends and relatives, has never only lived on screens: he is a common presence in our daily lives.
"Oh, don't mention a vagina around me, I get all messed up."
"My goodness, this singer was beautiful, but she got old and ugly."
"Get out of here, I don't even like cracks."
I can't say how many times I've heard phrases like that from fellow gay men. For a long time, these ways of disqualifying women – despite the certain discomfort felt by every person who is repeatedly the target of prejudice – were endorsed and reflected by women ourselves. Offenses dressed as “I was just joking” have largely naturalized these forms of disqualification, but the good news is that, in an environment in which feminism has gained ground, what seemed to be just a joke is now named by the right word: misogyny.
This is a delicate subject, since we are talking about people – mostly cisgender gay men – who have been and still are victims of a series of violence, whether at home, at work, on the streets. Perhaps it was precisely this that made us, cisgender or transgender women, leave the discomfort of being made fun of in the background. After all, confronting homophobia in a sexist country like Brazil is no simple task. But if this machismo affects homosexual men, what can we say about its presence in women's daily lives? And what can we also say about the homophobia directed at cis/trans homosexual and bisexual women, especially invisible and also targets of “jokes” by gay men?
“I had a very close gay friend, like a brother. We went out to parties together and often slept in the same bed, at my house or his. Several times, as if he were joking, he said that he was terrified of vaginas, that he was born through a cesarean section so he wouldn't have to go through one. He'd gesture the sign of the Cross and said ‘God forbid’, smiling,” says Adriana Conceição, 47 years old, a telemarketing operator from Recife who, like several other women, took a while to classify the guy's actions with the right word.
Game developer Renata Gomes, also 47 years old, found herself at the center of a virtual outrage after questioning a post by a gay Brazilian film critic living in the United States. In the post, he talked about missing Brazil, since people worked a lot more in the USA. Faced with the possibility of his speech being reductive and stereotypical, he began to treat Renata as “ugly”, “militant”, “frustrated”. Furthermore, several of the critic's friends entered the comments to reiterate the delegitimization of Renata's speech.
Younger people also identify the problem: aware of the issue, Curitiba university student Nicoly Grevetti, aged 24, listened to several people who circulate in LGBTQIA+ spaces about the subject and wrote a text about it. In it, she also identifies how pop and queer cultures, supposedly safer and “modern”, also present misogynistic elements.
One example is the use of the term “fishy”, constantly evoked to define drag queens who closely resemble cisgender women (that is, who have a high degree of “passability”). The expression refers to the smell that these women's vaginas supposedly have. “[Cisgender] women grow up believing that their private parts are disgusting and spend their entire lives using products to reduce their natural odors, which can lead to various diseases. Having female genitalia as something disgusting is so common for this group, that you can find countless reports of women talking about it on the internet,” she wrote. The topic was the subject of discussion in the famous series RuPaul’s Drag Race, generating academic works like this one. Cisgender drag queen Victoria Scone, a former participant in the show, also spoke on the topic.
A few months ago, I experienced a significant episode of this machismo and misogyny that had been attenuated for a long time in relation to gay men. I was in a doctor's office very close to a shopping center in the south of Recife. After the end of the consultation, the dermatologist – homosexual, white, in his late thirties, and anti-Bolsonaro in the last elections – lightly tapped my hand and said: “Okay, now you can go for a walk in the mall.”
Especially on that day, I was rushing to finish presenting a lecture that I would give the following day, online, at the University of Coimbra. Obviously, if I wanted to window shop or spend the afternoon reading celebrity magazines, it wouldn't be a problem (in fact, I love it). The point here was the doctor's obvious intention to fit me into the cliché of the futile and consumerist woman, a sexist and anachronistic way of disqualifying the female gender. Icing on the cake: while I was leaving, the gay boy warned me not to forget to take “the boss” to my next appointment. He was referring to my romantic partner.
If it's feminine, it's smaller
The misogyny present in the practices of part of this population is so evident that it goes beyond the boundaries of gender and occurs between equals: it is common to see it operating even among gay men themselves. Research I carried out in partnership with Professor Ricardo Sabóia, from the Federal University of Pernambuco, analyzed the relationship between body and celebrity on the Grindr app. I was astonished by both the hatred towards what is socially seen as feminine and the extremely high level of normativity, standardization, and even elitism. “'I'm not into effeminate guys” is a constant, as is “I'm not into fat guys”.
In this environment of extremely high value for toned biceps and abs, being masculine – and looking very masculine – is the strongest currency. Thus, men seen as “little women” are disqualified. This is what researcher Carlos Alberto de Carvalho calls “misogynistic heteronormativity”, in which the masculine and masculinities are placed as positive – on the other hand, femininities and the feminine are valued negatively. It is, therefore, an environment of hegemonic masculinity and subaltern masculinities.
The global soap opera “Terra e Paixão” [Land & Passion] currently features an illustration that refers to this scenario, with the character Kelvin (actor Diego Martins), an “effeminate” gay man in love with Ramiro (Amaury Lorenzo), the masculine man, self-declared heterosexual, who desires the other person, but still doesn't know how to deal with the situation. What diminishes the power of the first is precisely its proximity to what is considered “womanly”. But, looking at Grindr, even the desirable “brucutu” [Brazilian slang for a brute and rude man] has his limits: issues such as level of education have weight in the app used mostly by gay and bisexual men, where it is common to read “no illiterates”.
The LGBTQIA+ culture, in which rich and middle-class white homosexual men repeatedly appear to discriminate against other peers from the same community, is a central sociological issue for discussing social inequalities not only in Brazil, but throughout the world. “Queer cultural production has helped to reproduce class distinctions based on the hegemony of representations of middle-class gays”, writes Lisa Henderson in the article “I’m not/I'm not into: circulating meanings in the presentation speeches of the Grindr app”, by Rafael Grohmann. In the same text, Juan Marsiaj summarizes: “Such a strategy can lead to the acceptance of a type of gay (white, middle class), seen as a model of citizen-consumer, and a greater marginalization of all other 'debauches' who do not fit this way. In more Brazilian terms: there is a risk of accepting rich gays and further marginalizing poor queers.”
Discrimination on the part of this part of the queer community was evidenced in a historic episode in the 1970s, in super liberal New York. In June 1973, the Christopher Street Liberation Day Rally took place in the city, a demonstration held in favor of the rights of the queer population – which, at that time, as we will see, in fact was basically limited to white, middle-class gay women and men.
But, among the public, was the activist Sylvia Rivera, a transvestite who in 1971 had created the Revolutionary Action of Street Transvestites, STAR. Rivera had been trying to get on stage for some time, but Jean O’Leary, a lesbian white radical feminist, acted to prevent her from participating. A sample of how, many times, cisgender homosexual/bisexual women also enact the same discrimination as homosexual/bisexual men.
When he finally managed to grab the microphone, Rivera took aim at the hundreds of mostly white gay men and women present. Her speech is a synthesis of the violence experienced by queers who are too effeminate, too poor, too black, or too latine.
“I've tried to speak out here all day for your gay brothers and sisters in jail. They write to me every damn week asking for help – and you don't do a damn thing for them. I lost my job and my apartment for gay liberation… and you guys treat me this way?” she screamed.
The anger had yet another weight and meaning: alongside another important name, the transvestite Marsha P. Johnson, Rivera went down in history as one of the first to face police repression at the New York bar Stonewall Inn, on June 28, 1969. The conflict was the trigger for a fundamental civil movement for human rights – so much so that the date ended up becoming what was then called International LGBT+ Pride Day.
The question remained: how could that engaged audience repudiate the person who, at just 18 years old, spoke out against violence that was not directed just at her? How could they recriminate someone who pulled the trigger that would benefit precisely that white homosexual population?
Rivera and Johnson, who lived in a shelter, were profoundly different from the majority of the public who would return to their comfortable homes after the demonstration. Unlike Rivera, the daughter of a Venezuelan mother and a Puerto Rican father, most had not spent nights in jail or suffered police rape. The activist died homeless, alone, without the care she should have received. Marsha P. Johnson, the decorated, made-up, smiling, super queer transvestite, was murdered and her body thrown into a river.
Thinking historically and humanly about both is a central issue in the debate on hatred of “feminine” and other diverse discriminations present among the LGBTQIA+ population. The right-wing has long opened a war against women, and the rise of red pill assholes is just one of the phenomena of this reality. It still includes names like former federal deputy Daniel Silveira, who broke the plaque with Marielle's name alongside Rodrigo Amorim. [Note from the translator: Marielle Franco was a black bisexual favela-born leftist councilwoman who was assassinated by militias.]
But, as it turns out, misogyny is not exclusive to right-wing radicals and conservatives. And if Sylvia and Marsha were on the front line to guarantee the rights of millions of people, without distinction of creeds, race, genders, and degrees of “femininity”, it is worth asking: when will cisgender gay men, mostly white and middle class, join, with emphasis and strength, debates such as the right to abortion, employment, and wages, issues of life and death for the majority of black Brazilian women? When will the majority of this same group take a stand on the thousands of rapes that mainly victimize girls and teenagers? What collectivities, after all, are we talking about? As Jorge Ben would say in the song Zumbi: I want to see. We're here.
Source, translated by the blogger.
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softpine · 9 months
yesssss i would be happy to share each of the griffins lives!! i'll just run through them in order:
[major trigger warning for child abuse, attempted murder, etc. all the typical finn things]
1- inmate: he... did something... that i can't tell you yet... as a kid that got him sent to juvy for a few years. by the time he was released at 18, he had practically no life skills, no formal education, and the only people left in his life were other juvy kids. he tried to make the best of a shitty situation by changing his name, moving states, and starting over, but it wasn't long before he resorted to petty theft to make it by. his crimes escalated until he was eventually caught for armed robbery and sentenced to 25 to life. it was almost a relief to know that he wouldn't have to worry about making decisions anymore. he doesn't feel like he's ever been in charge of his own life, so being in prison is just more of the same.
2- drifter: he's still a teenager here. he successfully ran away from home as a kid, never got attacked, but instead of going to live with his aunt in new york, he's been living mostly on the road and in shelters ever since. he sticks to smaller towns, keeps a low profile, and makes a living doing odd jobs. he's safe, but lonely. asa knowing his name was a huge shock to him, because no one ever cares to ask his name.
3- kid: he hasn't hit the turning point in his life where every tiny decision can have life-altering consequences, so this is just a representation of almost every version of griffin at age 12. in this particular moment, he'd just gotten into a fight at school which he will be suspended for. i just think it's funny how he calls asa an old man lmao
4- survivor: he was obviously attacked. when he was found many days later, he was barely clinging to life. he suffered the most severe brain damage of all the versions of griffin we've seen, lost his eye, and has never quite recovered from the emotional and physical trauma. he has frequent seizures that leave him unable to work. it's rare that he even goes outside alone, so asa approaching him on the one day when he did choose to go for a walk by himself was not great timing. where this griffin differs is that he was adopted by his aunt after the attack, because his parents were actually charged with child abuse and neglect for their actions on the night of his attack (many people believe they were directly responsible, but it was never proven. they pled guilty to lesser charges to avoid an attempted murder trial). so griffin is actually in new york in that picture.
5- dad: he was attacked and left for dead, but in this universe, he was rescued within a few hours. his attacker had stabbed him in the arm with a broken beer bottle (this happened to all the versions of griffin who were attacked. it's why he wasn't able to fight back as hard). while he was being treated in the hospital, the wound got infected and his arm had to be amputated. the long healing process meant he had to rely on his parents for a ton of assistance and support. they were even more desperate to prove that they can be good parents and that they would never hurt their son, so the 3 of them all became pretty codependent. he lived at home with them until he was in his 30s, but then his dad died of a sudden heart attack (brought on by alcoholism, because he never quit drinking) and griffin realized it was time to move on. he married the daughter of one of his mom's friends, the first person he's ever dated, but their marriage dissolved a few years later for... a lot of reasons. they got a divorce before the baby was even born, but griffin tries to be the best father he possibly can be. he absolutely spoils her (you can see that based on the excessive playground equipment he bought for his yard lol) and she's his entire reason for living now, even though he only gets to see her every other week. he hopes she can stay for longer when she's older.
6- mechanic: griffin (and our finn, for that matter) was a huge nascar fan and his dream was to be a professional driver. that didn't exactly pan out for him, but he does enjoy being a mechanic. he's about 40 in that picture. he was never attacked, never ran away from home, and instead he endured the increasingly horrific abuse until he turned 18, moved out, and never talked to anyone in his family ever again. he prefers to be mostly solitary; never married, no kids, not even any friends, but he gets along with his coworkers well enough. he has an extremely hard time trusting that anyone has good intentions. in his free time, he restores & sells old furniture. his dream is to retire and move to the countryside.
7- sex worker: honestly, probably the most mentally stable griffin on this list... like don't get me wrong, he's still traumatized from the same childhood that every version of griffin shares, and i'm not saying his job is easy by any means, but he has a ton of friends who actually understand him and who he doesn't have to pretend with, he lives with his cousin liz who he's really close to, he keeps in contact with his parents but hardly ever sees them in person (which is exactly how he likes it), and he has a real sense of community. he was never attacked. he didn't run away from home when he was 12 like he planned, but instead waited until he was 14 and his parents allowed him to go live with his aunt with everyone's agreement. when liz, who is older than him, moved out to go to college, griffin followed her and they've been living together for years now. she's the only family member who knows what he does for work, so she makes sure to look out for him. oh also he's the only version of griffin we've seen that has a boyfriend?? he was supposed to say something about him in response to asa saying "i have a partner", but i cut it because i don't actually think griffin would offer that info up to a stranger, no matter how strangely trustworthy asa appears to be.
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ceramicwings · 3 months
baby luffy hcs??? pretty pretty please?
Ouuuugh...... baby Luffy .... I think he's the kind of baby who cries at night mostly bc he's lonely. he just craves contact. dragon is up at night working on revolutionary stuff with Luffy slung to his chest bc he won't sleep otherwise. Luffy was born extremely small but has a huge appetite (for a baby of his size) and the nurses who monitor him after being born are always surprised by him like "holy shit he eats so much but he's like three and a half pounds" and he cries, his cry isnt very loud yet but dragon is always saying someday he'll have a very strong voice.
as a toddler Luffy is just as clingy but he's learning to talk and just always babbling about stuff. the revolutionary army adore him for the few years they have him. it's very indulgent of me to give them years with him lol. but i can't help it honestly. i just love him. iva loves letting Luffy play in their hair. sometimes inazuma will give Luffy fun little hairstyles, put in butterfly clips and little pigtails n shit.
idk if 7+ Luffy counts as "baby" but I think there's at least one occasion where shanks is visiting Makino's bar and telling Luffy stories and it's getting late but Luffy doesn't want to go to bed and keeps loudly waking back up when someone tries to move him, so he ends up falling asleep in the crook of shanks' arm, just feeling safe and warm with shanks' voice rumbling around him, shanks' heartbeat under his ear... im a huge sucker for dadshanks TwT
im also a huge sucker for big sis Makino who makes Luffy's clothes by modifying her own old clothes so Luffy wears a lot of little dresses and pinafores when he goes out to play <3 im hcing it's normal for kids of any gender to wear dresses when they're young, it's just easier to dress them that way lol. so luffy runs around in these cute outfits and makino is very pleased by the way it kind of makes him look more like her.
Ace and Sabo both are of the age to have grown out of wearing dresses (and Sabo being noble-born would have been raised wearing pants and shorts I think). When luffy turns seven is when he starts dressing like in canon (according to my whims lol) maybe his fashion sense is a little influenced by shanks and his crew. time for sandals and jorts, baby!
ASL time!!!!! Ace totally complains all the time about how much Luffy acts like a baby but mysteriously every night ends up with Luffy smushed between him and Sabo, even though he'd never do anything as soft as cuddling someone. Sabo isn't that much more inherently affectionate, he's not used to showing people love in any way aside from through obedience, but he's much quicker to take Luffy's hand so he doesn't fall behind when they're walking, and he's more often the one to carry Luffy if he gets tired or hurt. after Sabo's death and the bear attack, Ace tries a lot harder to be like caring and receptive of Luffy's feelings and needs, so he gives Luffy a lot more affection (and quietly relishes in how much it makes his heart sing to love someone, to be loved) when Luffy wakes up from nightmares Ace will hug him and hum little made up songs for him until Luffy's asleep again. when Ace has nightmares Luffy will hold his hand until he wakes up, bc he's a lighter sleeper than Ace and knows Ace doesn't react well to being woken up during them.
There's prob more I'll think of later lol but this is what I got for now!!!! Hope you enjoy <3
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dckweed · 2 years
hello babes, ive been working hard on plotting this series for weeks now and im quite happy to be posting the first part! Now look, im normally a tom cruise gal okay? And I went into TGM totally expecting to have my usual Tom moments like I do with any of his movies (im looking at you Top Gun, Days of Thunder, and the outsiders) but i..i had my fair share of moments over every character okay? And currently, my fixations are Bob and Hangman.
Hence, my baby Sugar Sweet was born at the moment i have this plotted for five parts, but it could definitely be extended. Please comment below and let me know if you'd like to be added to a TGM tag list ! Reblogs are always appreciated and feel free to send in some requests !
summary: hangmans very existence annoys you, he thinks you're adorably easy to frustrate. maverick knows your situation and knows you need a roommate. when he says he knows a guy named jake, you don't expect him to bring hangman to your doorstep. but can you really afford to turn him away?
warnings: mentions of death, glen powell himself is a warning because just mm he's so mouthwatering, mentions of body/weight, roommate!jake, cursing, angst? no fluff yet, no smut yet. this is fairly slow burn. reader is mostly referenced to as SUGAR..
word count: 3,519.
SUGAR SWEET, jake "hangman" seresin.
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Looking back on it, Jake had never really been sure what he actually liked in a woman, every woman he'd ever slept with was usually somewhat tall and usually pretty thin, most had smaller breasts and tight little asses, and for most of his sexual adult life, that's just what he assumed his type was. Though, when he got to thinking about it, none of these girls had ever given him the feeling that his friends talked about when they were with their significant others, hell he had even asked his brother during his wedding reception how he knew that his sister in law was the one and all he had said was "i just knew". God, looking back on it now, Jake had thought that was the dumbest thing he'd ever heard. His brother had gone on to explain that he just had this feeling with his wife, one that he had never felt before with anyone else (and like Jake, his brother had seen his fair share of women). Jake thought that that was absurd too. 
Well, until you came along that is..
Jake was a gym rat through and through. He spent alot of his down time at the gym, he loved watching the way his muscles worked and grew the more that he did, the longer that he did it, and he loved finding new ways to challenge his body.. So, when their top secret detachment was finished and the Top Gun leaders requested the dagger squad to stick around for a while as a more permanent group, he knew that the gym at the base just wasn't going to cut it for him anymore, and before he bothered looking for a more permanent place to live, he sought out the best gym in town. The one that just so happened to be your place of work. 
You weren't necessarily the normal person you'd find in the gym, sure there were thick girls in here, but they were girls that were thick in all the right places, with tight abs. You? You were on the opposite end of the spectrum. You were short, and curvier than a country back road, of which got you plenty of male attention sure enough when you were in your teens and were smaller than what you were now, but stress and constant working had taken its toll on you and your previous work out regiment, because of course you weren't an absolute stranger to working out. At twenty five you now had a bit of a pudgy stomach, and you swore your hair was already turning gray from the stress of your life but your little brother constantly reassured you that you were just insane, something you desperately adored about him, though you would never tell him that he was the main cause of your stress. 
Needless to say, you weren't what most people expected to see when they first walked into the Iron Side gym, and you certainly weren't what Jake was expecting when he walked in the morning after buying his membership, gym bag slung over his shoulder. He looked like a God wrapped in sunshine, was your first thought when the bells above the door tinkled, before you recognized who he was and rolled your eyes. 
You'd seen him around before, when you caught the late evening shift a few nights a week at the hard deck, he was always the most noticeable one in the group of pilots he hung with, but how could he not be? Always so loud and obnoxious..God, what was it his friends called it? Badman? Bagdude? Ba.. "Bagman, isn't it?" You say, finally landing on a name you had heard thrown around towards him once or twice. 
He raises his eyebrows, pushing his sunglasses up onto the top of his head. "..fancy meeting you here, sugar.." He says, fishing for your name, he knew it somewhere in the back of his brain, had heard Bob or maybe it was Rooster call you by it a few different times. He'd only seen you a handful of times, enough to know you only worked the bar a couple nights a week, if that, and definitely enough to know that he hadn't ever expected you to be at the gym, let alone, his gym. 
"It's Y/N," You say, irritated as he sends you a flirty smirk. You roll your eyes as he fondles for his membership card on his key ring, holding the orange and black plastic card up to the scanner. It beeps once before he walks away, tossing you a look over his shoulder as he heads towards the locker room. 
"Well, Y/N, the names Hangman." He winks at you, and you roll your eyes, plopping back down into your desk chair. You didn't have times for guys like him, and the games they brought with them. You'd had your fair share of them too. 
It isn't hard to ignore him, the gym isn't too busy but you have phone calls to focus on, reminding patrons that their memberships are coming due again, though that doesn't stop you from noticing him a few times, your eyes catching once or twice on the way the muscles in his back moved as he worked at the cable machine, the lat pull downs really doing what they were supposed to..
You must've been staring for longer than you realized, mind drifting off in a daze because before you know it, there's a chin dropping on your shoulder and strands of curly hair whispering at your face. "Whatcha lookin' at?" The familiar voice asks, you let out a small screech jumping in your seat before relaxing, your hand going to the side of the boys face to give an affectionate pat to his cheek. "Jesus, Y/N, jumpy much?" He chuckles, pulling back from you. 
"You scared the shit out of me Kai!" You half yell, standing to your feet to fully look at him. He ducks as you bring a hand up to swat at him, and backs away with a shit eating grin. You notice a dark forming bruise in his hairline as he does and you narrow your eyes at him. "What the fuck is that?" You ask, grabbing his chin in your hand and turning his head to the side. The bruise is large, and goes down towards his ear, like someone had boxed him real good. "Kai Alexander did you get into another fucking fight?" 
He pushes your hand away, eyes flitting around the gym. You look around too, rolling your eyes when you notice Hangman looking your way, your voice probably prompting him to pause his workout. 
"It was an accident okay? I promise, im fine.." He says, voice more hushed now. You notice he's wearing a black hoodie with the gyms logo on it, and a pair of shorts. He had come to work out, you figured you could at least let him and save the interrogating for at home. 
You sigh, hands on your hips. "Alright, fine..go get your training in.." He kisses the top of your head before heading off towards the same area Hangman was in, you watch as they talk to each other for a brief moment, Hangman looking back over at you with pursed lips before going back to whatever he was doing. 
"An accident my fucking ass.." You mutter, sinking down into your chair again with a groan, your brother really was the cause of most of your stress. 
The rest of your day drags on, and by mid afternoon you're more than grateful for the second receptionist and floor manager to make his arrival. "It's been pretty slow, but there's supposed to be a few group training sessions tonight.." You say, grabbing your purse and water bottle and motioning for your brother to head towards your car. He had been hanging around cleaning some of the equipment for you while you worked, stressful as he may be, he was still always helpful to you in that kind of way. 
The drive home is quiet and you both sigh when the front door of your small house closes behind you, a stack of over due bills clutched tightly in your hands. You were in need of a roommate, something you'd desperately been trying to find for the past month or so, someone who could help pay rent and utilities, because even with two jobs you just weren't cutting it alone. 
"I'm going to get ready for my shift at the bar, let me know what you want for supper and ill make it for you before i have to leave.." It had been two years since your father had passed away, two long years and you had done everything in your power to make life at home as normal for your brother as possible, which included eating supper together every night. 
Kai grunts as a way of letting you know he heard you as he passes through the living room and goes straight for the hallway, smacking the top of the door frame with his hand as he does, a teasing way of reminding you that you couldn't reach it. You roll your eyes at the teenager, shuffling right behind him. 
The Hard Deck is busy tonight, you and Penny work behind the bar efficiently enough though, pouring IPA's off the tap and handing bottles of corona's and budweisers to the numerous aviators and civilians that littered the bar.
The music is loud, someone keeps repeating the same Tom Petty song on the stupid jukebox in the corner and you want to punch them for it, but the chatter of the folks is even louder. You're able to drown it out as you focus on a couple of regulars you hadn't see in a while, falling into easy conversation with them as you pour their drinks, catching up like You'd known them their whole lives. 
You're turning away from one such conversation to grab a couple of glasses for a couple that had just seated themselves near you when you hear his voice, the Texan accent thick when he calls you that damm name. "Hey Sugar," he says, catching your attention immediately. "can i get a whiskey neat and a couple more corona's please?" He asks, leaning against the backside of the bar. 
You take him in, he was plain clothed tonight, no ugly tan of his service khakis, and handsome as he was, you couldn't help but to be annoyed by his very presence, you weren't sure if it was because you were attracted to him (because you would have to be absolutely stupid not to be, Hangman was an absolutely beautiful man, and you weren't that hard of sight to not notice it) or if it was because guys like him got on your nerves..or a combination of both, and that goddamn accent didn't help.
You weren't overly fond of the cocky confident type, but good lord it did suit him. The man exuded confidence even in the way he leaned against your bar, casually enough to most people, but you could tell that there was something almost more to it. 
You nod in his direction, finishing what you were doing before pouring him a whiskey neat and grabbing the beers from the ice box. You hand them to him, and he knocks the whiskey back instantaneously, swallowing it as if it's water. You had to admit, it was kinda sexy. "Thanks, Sugar." He says, winking has he hands you back the glass. 
"My name is Y/N!" You say, watching as he turns to head back to his friends, who had grouped around the pool table. A couple of them turn their heads to watch your interaction, your loud voice catching their attention. 
"I know!" The man simply says over his shoulder, handing the beers to a woman, who takes it gratefully and the man next to him, who appeared to think that a pornstache was the look to go for. You roll your eyes, turning back to your work. 
After a few long hours, the counter starts to empty, and so does the bar itself, and one by one you start ringing up people's tabs, swiping their cards or paying with cash. Another hour or so passes and the man with the mustache and the dark haired woman are walking out together, hanging onto one another as they warble a song st the top of their lungs, completely out of tune. 
You chuckle, shaking your head at them before your attention is brought back to the counter as a credit card is slapped down onto it. "I'll pay my friends tabs too, Sugar.." He says, loving the way you go rigid at the name. He can practically feel your eyes roll before you turn to look at him. God, he thought, you've got a killer stare. 
"They're aviators too?" You ask, going to the register to do your job, you'd tallied about five or six rounds for him and his buddies, who seemed like they could drink any alcoholic under the table and still be able to fly a plane straight. 
"Sure are," He says, smirk cocking on his lips. "they're definitely nowhere near as good as me though, far as i know, none of them have two confirmed air kills." He doesn't even know why he's trying to smooth talk you right now, you aren't normally the type he goes for, but something about the way you look at him like he's about as annoying as a June bug gets his blood pumping. He's not used it that from pretty women. 
"That supposed to mean something to me?" You ask, sliding his card back to him, and a copy of the receipt for him to sign. He purses his lips, giving a quick signature. He hadn't ever missed with that line and it was quite obvious to you. 
"Guess not.." He says, pocketing his wallet, his ego only slightly bruised by your quick blow off. "Your brother looked like he got roughed up pretty good this morning..that an issue with him?"  He was genuinely curious, he could see the furious and frustrated look from across the gym floor and he knew it must've struck a nerve. The kid didn't offer much information about to him either when he asked. 
Your gaze turns hard immediately. "Respectfully, that's none of your business." You say, giving him a forced smile. "Have a nice night, Hangman."
 He tips his head at you and turns away from the bar, he knew a struck nerve when he saw one, and he already knew enough about you to know that he shouldn't try to push it with you, curious as he was. "You too, Sugar." He says, long legs striding him straight out the door before you can yell after him about how that isn't your name. 
You roll your eyes at him, going back to clearing glasses and wiping the beer nut crumbs off the bar. "Insufferable pilots, always have to get the last word." You grumble to yourself, unaware that Maverick had strode into the bar merely a moment after Hangman had left it, here to pick up Penny for the evening. 
"What's that about pilots now?" He asks, watching you with an amused smile lifting the corners of his mouth. You turn around, small smile gracing your lips. This was one pilot you could stand to be around. "Hey kiddo, busy tonight?"
You shrug, leaning over the counter to give the man a short hug, you loved the smell of his brown leather jacket. "Not too bad, made decent tips.. Penny's in the office, she'll be out soon." 
Mav takes a seat on one of the bar stools, helping you sweep off what bit of crumbs he could reach. "Hey, are you still looking for a roommate?" He asks, remembering hearing you complain to Penny about how you were barely making bills since you had kicked your last one out for giving your brother drugs. You quirk an eyebrow at him, stopping what you're doing. "His name is Jake, he's one of my aviators. He's clean, actually he's too clean if you ask me it's kind of creepy, and he's a pretty stand up dude. He has a cocky streak but he's good for his money and he doesn't make too much fuss."
You purse your lips, thinking on it. Why did the name Jake sound so familiar? It was tugging at something in the back of your brain that you just couldn't quite put your finger on. "What's wrong with where he's at now?" You ask as politely as possible, trying to gauge if he's been kicked out of his current place or something. 
"He's been on base for the last couple of months, he's not a student of the academy anymore but he's a permanent squadron member..he can live off base, he just hasn't found the right place..and we need the room he's in, we have a big class coming." Pete says, watching you think it over in your brain. 
As long as he's not as insufferable as Hangman, what do you really have to lose? You think to yourself, you can't afford to turn anyone away, not when they're capable of paying without breaking any laws, unlike Devon, your previous roommate. "Okay, well..ill meet him." You say, and Pete smiles triumphantly. "Bring him by the house tomorrow, after Kai goes to school, ill be home all morning." 
You spend the entirety of the next morning nervously cleaning and arranging your small house, your brother trying his best to stop you and calm you down, he knew better than anyone how you felt about strangers coming into the house. He offers to stay home from school, but you glare and tell him he better get on his way. Kai does as told, pressing a kiss to your cheek as he grabs a protein bar off of the kitchen bar type counter, swinging his school and duffle bag full of his baseball gear over his shoulder. 
God, you really hoped this worked out because you were dreading having to tell him that you couldn't afford to keep him in baseball if it didn't, you hated taking things away from your brother like that always so disappointed in yourself for not being able to provide for him the way that he needs or wants. Your father would be disappointed too you were sure, the man bad always made sure that his children had everything they ever asked for, no matter how hard he had to work to get it. You often found yourself wondering why you couldn't do the same as him, before you remembered that you lacked a highschool diploma, and had barely obtained a GED certificate. You had had to drop out of school when he got sick, he couldn't take care of everything himself like he used to, and Kai certainly wasn't old enough either at the time. 
"I'm doing my best daddy.." You sigh, looking at his picture up on the small fireplace mantel in your living room. "I just hope I'm doing it the right way.."
The doorbell rings and you jump, the noise cutting through the dim reverie of your life. "Coming!" You yell, doing a final sweep of the room before taming your wild hair in the mirror for a moment. 
"...she cooks too, you know.." You distinctly hear Mav's voice through the door as you unlock the deadbolt, taking a deep breath before pulling it open. 
Your eyes land on him immediately in all his tall, sun-kissed, cocky avjator glory. You'd be damned to hell if you said he didn't look good standing there in his green flightsuit, black t-shirt just barely poking through the gap in the collar. Your gaze trails downward, his helmet is attached at his waist, and you noticed his brow was awfully sweaty and smudged with a bit of dirt. They must have been doing flight runs this morning. "Him?" You glance at Mav, bewildered. "You?"  God, what gave him the right to smell so damn good when he was so clearly hot and sweaty and covered in..airplane grime. 
Jake takes you in, your jeans are up high on your waist, but loose fitting and they did look damn good on you from the front. Your top was cropped just enough to show the patch of skin between your tummy and bra that your breasts filled out entirely too well. When Mav had said that he was taking him to meet someone, a girl named Y/N, he hadn't even registered it as your name in his mind. In his mind you were simply - "..Sugar, fancy meeting you here."
Pete looks between the two of you, the ghost of annoyance littered on your face, the cocky smirk sliding its way onto Jake's.. "Hold on..you guys have met?" 
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surveillance-0011 · 3 months
If ur still doing the HOL hcs can I get some for Krubis and Creature? Only if you want :>
Ofc ofc!! I’ve been meaning to post more Krubis he’s my favorite. Creature is here too but I'll admit i have my biases and this is mostly krubis 🫣 tee hee. warning for low grade body horror
Nonbinary. Predominantly he/him but fine with the occasional they or she. Butch Lesbian. To me. To me. Idk if anyone will see what I see here but this is all I see.
Helmet can come off. I'm assuming the drill and energy/jet pack can come off for the sake of maintenance and whatnot but it's a hassle and his hand is legit gone
I mean he's got other helmets in his office?? but meanwhile he's apparently worn the same sort of stuff for like 20 years (painting/photo in the mansion) and i feel like most of the dialogue points to it not being removable but Im. not sure if im convinced there. It also acts like he doesn't have a spare hand so. idk.im sure he could take off the drill and engine pack in case repairs r necessary. but ig he just doesn't for one reason or another
probably bc he's stupid and stubborn and holding out for a chance to tear someone apart. too bad he's only really tearing apart his own work
That and i'm sure atp it's all low grade cyborg stuff. The green bit the drill attaches to is embedded in his arm and i'm sure there's ports and plates n wires all up somewhere in him where everything attaches.
In and out of sobriety. He's. Not really sober atp but he was trying and I'm sure he still said so that he wouldn't get dragged back into full throttle addiction and so garm wouldn't get on his case abt stuff. too bad most people can see right through his lie.
Smokes too. Smells like space weed, dead furgle, dirt and sweat most of the time. Doesn't really drink though.
Got sober after a while of dating his wife, really got serious abt it after marriage + once his workload increased. Fell back into old habits once. yknow. all that. And he fell hard. Beforehand it got bad sometimes but after everything it was less of a bad habit and basically the only way he'd even feel close to alright.
Total cheapskate, lifelong haggler. If he can’t steal it or get it for free/cheap he won’t buy it. Also a bit of a hoarder, takes all sorts of freebees and scrounges up scrap material n junk that he thinks he'll get around to using for something later
Spiteful lil bastard. Feels entitled to much more than he’s got generally but is especially pissy about his space on the ladder rung. Envious of most others. Will never NOT complain about something.
Not conniving enough to work out some brilliant plan of sabotage but he's certainly a bully who has knocked others down a peg and screwed up what he can to get what he wants.
Weak in comparison to the other officers, and generally out of shape/rusty, but he’s still relatively strong and can hold his own. Definitely stronger and more durable than humans and other common alien species, even if it’s not by much. A bit sickly from piss poor sleep and eating habits.
Minimal combat training but he fought a lot in his youth and isn’t totally helpless. Certainly not happy with how the others seem to ignore all this and regard him as the weakest link. Even if it may or may not be true.
Violence is not the answer it's a question and if you're dealing with someone who has nothing to give you the answer is of fucking course. cleans moplet guts off his drills, shoes and Gus daily.
Not the brightest, certainly not as "brilliant" as some of the others but he wasn't born yesterday either. Street smart and he knows his way around.
Workaholic but work ethic leaves somethings to be desired. Certainly has spent hours just staring at his computer wishing he was anywhere else. Or bitching over the loudspeaker/hologram messages. Not to mention that he digs in to the harvest a bit too often.
Also not very organized. Not a total slob but everything is "organized chaos" that is just teetering on that edge of even being considered organized
No free time these days but his "hobbies" mostly consist of debauchery and causing mayhem. He is rather handy tho, enough to fix himself up decently. Does not go to mechanic or doctor like ever until he's totally sure he can't do shit abt it. should really take better care of himself either way.
He knows he has a problem. He knows he has many problems. He just lacks any drive to try and fix anything. Like he's legit given up.
Sticks with the cartel bc it's all he really knows and he's holding out what little hope he's got. That and generally has that mindset that you stick with whoever's looked out for you and though what happened with Giblets and Garm's incompetence have tested that loyalty it's still been such a huge factor of his life
And he's mostly cool with Nipulon even if he's said some choice words about Garm around him. Really Krubis has some respect and admiration but doesn't get why he still answers to Garm. Hell he wishes Nipulon was in charge of all this instead!
Distant from the other officers but has a shaky...friendship ...ish? with Douglas and the Skrendels. He's very very jealous of both these parties getting what they get despite their incompetence while he works his ass off in his eyes and neither Douglas nor the Skrendels appreciate this mindset... but they do look out for each other kind of.
Closer with Douglas. As ive said before it's very weird and on and off but he just can't stay mad at Douglas bc he looks at him and sees his younger self. So if anything he's worried and would like to try and tell Douglas to wisen up before it's too late. I think they mostly mention each other in their dialogue bc it's wild that a g3 officer was killed and word spread like wildfire and YOURE HOLDING THEIR GUN TO SHOOT EM WITH more so than them necessarily being close but no one else seems to really care in this regard so i will say it's not like they're *not* friends or whatever. May or may not know what he looks like out of his suit. i'm between Krubis legit not knowing or keeping the half-open secret for douglas's sake.
As for the Skrendels. They want him to lighten up and Krubis wants these dumb fucks off his lawn and for Garm to explain why the hell these meatheads get so much of Zephyr. Eternal jersey-new york rivalry. But they're all from rougher walks of life and on the occasion that Krubis isn't stewing as deep as he usually does in his bitter envy for everyone else they can kind of chill together
I feel like of the three Angela is a little less confrontational or generally chill so he actually gets along with Krubis the best outta the three. Jonathan is charismatic but very brash and generally obnoxious and meanwhile Mona is pretty serious and the least social of the three. Jonathan is generally cool with Krubis even if he thinks he's totally cranky but Krubis finds him overwhelming and the two both get fired up easily so it's not the best mix. And Mona doesn't really like him. Mona does not like a lot of people.
His relationship with his wife was faltering before Giblets slept w/ her because of increasing disagreements. She found Krubis to be pretty headstrong even when he didn’t really know wtf he was talking about. In general things sort of just stagnated with Krubs workin all the time,, no communication nothing new,, etc etc.
But!! They were pretty happily married for some time, at least like 5-10 years. Sickening sweethearts at one point.
He was pretty pissed about the cheating and divorce (and probably said some things to her that he shouldn't have) but he was much, much more hurt by her death. In his eyes Giblets practically stole her away just to kill her and didn't care about who he hurt.
He was totally planning to kill the guy btw. Or at least ruin his life right back. Never got around to it. Bc paperwork
I don't know if he'd ever truly *like* Giblets but once upon a time he was willing to give the guy the benefit of a doubt and was even able to muster up some kindness. Certainly saw he was smart and figured maybe he'd just gotten a bad rap. Never Fucking Mind!!!
He's angry with her too, a little. But most of all he's angry with himself. For never being there. For not fighting harder to win her back. For letting her die like that. Everything that went down made him much angrier than he was beforehand (even tho he was always sorta like this).
Garm's patience was wearing thin. I'd say the feeling was mutual but I think Krubis was a lot more fed up. She... atp does she even respect him? Used to. Fears him either way.
Also Fucking Scared of Gurgula. No trust there.
Wears work + utility clothes, function over form all the time. Has a lot of promo/event sort of merch from whatever goes on at Dularmoland and the like that he wears for sleep or around the house.
Never ditches the shades. Sensitive eyes and doesn't want people to read him too easily. His eyes r pink btw. They should be pink. Not enough people in this game have fun eye colors.
very prone to freaking the fuck out. guilty of adult temper tantrums and being petty +immature abt stuff.
I do think he helps around Dularmoland. Def behind the scenes but checks in a lot when he can and has totally shown up and lent a hand. he IS friends with Ranchy just keeping some distance bc he's busy and trying not to fall further into addiction bc he knows Ranchy Is Not Okay.
Very very very loyal to the few he's close to. G3 kind of sort of counts.
Pretty good cook, for someone basically stuck making survival/depression meals 24/7
Actually kind of a total fucking dork. They've got a bit of an awkward goofy side to em. Moreso just awkward as of late they have not really had any fun with anything for quite some time but they are not immune to mischief and The Silliness. Kind of hard to avoid as a living Drill Man reference. Embarrassed and in denial that theyre kind of cringe fail.
Actually didn't mind Gus and while Gus totally hated them, they weren't too cruel to him. Besides using him to kill moplets and trying to convince him that everything they were doing was morally fine if not correct. Which is actually very cruel but. They were very affable towards him if you get what im sayin.
Kind of found the Gatlians cute and interesting in general. Not enough to be against what happened to them though.
I do think if he stepped back and saw the extent of damage that the G3 has done he would feel guilt but in the end he'd rather keep his head down and keep going along with things.
Creature (yes finally Krubis talk is over)
He/him but it's whatever. greyroace pan.
Gender wise. idk idk if he was born with that uterus or the Skrendels put that there but either way. Male.
Tries his damndest to be positive. It's not too hard bc he's been numbed to a lot of the pain but it still veers into toxic positivity ish sort of thinking.
Gets very upset when others are upset and gets VERY ANXIOUS when others are angry especially. Generally very emotionally empathetic but after all that time in a lab where anger usually lead to him being used more like a punching bag/gineua pig by the Skrendels that gut reaction isn't gonna go away
also just. doesn't like sitting with all these emotions
At least he usually goes the route of trying to see what he can do for people instead of totally shutting it all down but still not a healthy way to think
A little clingy but generally well meaning and tries his best to be kind and morally decent
he just wants some stability after all this time, man. he doesn't want his whole life pulled out from under him again.
Big catastrophizer. But also very it is what it is. shaking with fear on verge of tears hyperventilating saying fuck it we ball.
Lowkey v v numb but what he does feel is very overwhelming
cheese fan big on cheese i think i shall make some nachos for him
Doesn't like medical stuff at all. Still wants to watch Grey's anatomy
I think tv dramas catch his attention in general.
Knows the most abt Gurgula of the Gatliens though that's still not much besides witnessing the experiments he got up to and what little he's overheard.
Could totally tell you everything abt the Skrendels though
very much a tim robinson character. prone to shenanigans
ig we shall learn more in the comics but im betting the lost love bit is probably abt him in the blurb.
Also guessing maybe he was a part of the resistance or the strike force but was captured and mutilated beyond recognition
not sure how likely this is but i would not be surprised if this lost love turns out to be harper or something and they take one look at each other and say "yeah nah whatever this is is fine for now". though it's just as likely it's someone totally new.
i think maybe his OG appearance looked more aquatic? with fins and the like ? maybe he even had the tiny lil hands gus has
in a human au his head would be shaved to like a scrappy buzzcut in the labs and it would grow out over time. roots would show his hair is actually brown but it was bleached then, either before capture or by the skrendels for one reason or another
Of the group he's on the best terms with Kenny. Gets along with all of them though Gus and Sweezy wish he knew why they were (and still kind of are) mad at Kenny.
Also got some bonding time in with Lezduit before he went off with BH's parents. They take solace in the shared experiences of being lab rats to horrible people.
The other Gatlians have tried to fill creature in on what life on Gatlus was like. He was sad that he had forgotten everything and he felt bad abt not really having that same connection.
Bounty Hunter told him about Pikmin and he is enamored with it.
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 1 year
Some of my Marauders era/Harry Potter Headcanons
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Professor McGonagall was considered a patient teacher until the Prewett twins and the Marauders, so when the Weasley twins and Prongslet started Hogwarts, she just knew it would be a chaotic repeat of events.
"Well, thank you for that assessment, Mr Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr Potter and yourself into a pocket watch? That way, one of you might be on time."
Of course, we can't forget Ron. He was just as much Gideon and Fabian as Fred and George, but to a lesser degree.
He's brilliant and gets a lot of hate for always making Hermione cry (which im totally not ignoring)
Ron is an important part of the trio, even if the movies do kinda portray him as a replaceable, dickish, himbo, carrot top cunt, who purposely hurts Hermione.
We respect him in this household, even if we sometimes wanna kick his ass so hard he begins to think he's Viktor Krum.
He did it as a child and a teenager, but he carried the habit into his adult life. It made him feel in control of something in his life.
James was Sirius's first kiss
Sirius was James's first kiss
Strictly platonic first kiss between a couple of bro's
It happened second year.
"Its not gay, Wormtail, we had socks on."
Peter was terrified of rats before he discovered his animagus was a rat
If Regulus Black was an animagus, he'd be a black cat, for obvious reasons
Speaking of Regulus Arcturus Black, we stan that dramatic emo bitch in this household <3
He was just like Sirius, but in his own way and he catches so much shit because he was a death eater and did bad things.
Before he was marked, he was a boy who wanted to make his family proud. After he was marked, he wanted to escape.
He defected to the good side, but he died before Sirius could know the good thing he had began. He was just a boy.
Draco heard stories from his mother about Regulus and based many of his best traits after his cousin.
He treated house elves with respect, mostly when Lucius wasn't around to influence him. When he had nothing to prove.
He didn't care if they were like Dobby or Kreacher
He simultaneously hated his father and wanted him to be proud, so he took the dark mark at sixteen
Much like Regulus did
He also wanted to defect. He didn't want to be a killer. He didn't want to die.
He was just a boy.
Hermione carried on the soul of Regulus
I will die on that hill.
She was born a few months after he died and they were very similar, except for the obvious differences (blood status, house, family life, you get the gist)
We all know about S.P.E.W.
Regulus would've been the FIRST official member if he had been alive
Lily introduced her pureblood friends to muggle fashion
In fifth year when she saw James in a pair of tight pants, she almost fell out right in the middle of Hogsmeade
After that, she forbade Sirius from letting James borrow his clothes ever again
For self-preservation purposes, I like to pretend THE prank never happened. If you know, you know. If you don't, I can't explain or I'll cry
Marlene McKinnon = blonde Sirius with boobs
Hermione, Remus, and Lily are the voices of reason amongst their friends, while also being just as bad as them in a more subtle way
"Now, if you two don't mind, I’m going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed or worse. . . Expelled!"
Snape on fire ring any bells?
I just know James was sitting in the clouds, laughing his ass off while Lily told him to hush
She was also fighting laughter
Revenge often came in the form of a brilliant muggleborn witch
Sirius craves violence. . . And chaos
He would love when witches or wizards got mad, especially at him.
That shit turned him on faster than Remus fresh out of the shower
Sirius and Marlene yelled at eachother like siblings
Meanwhile Remus and Lily were sipping tea like some high society in-laws at Sunday brunch
Sirius LOVED Abba, but refused to admit it, even after Lily caught him singing 'Mamma Mia' under his breath. . . In the middle of class.
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I SWEAR I had a point to this. I started writing HCs and then I started rambling??? I could ramble forever, honestly.
Send requests, I have some free time
Let me know if you want to be put on the tag list :)
It's currently empty, so it sure would be cool if I could make a list :)
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autisticiyami · 9 months
crazy? i was crazy once. they locked me in a room. a rubber room. a rubber room filled with rats. th
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LISTEN TO MY AUTISM-INDUCED HEADCANONS BOY. i think about him a criminal amount i have his entire life planned out to fit with that ososan repainted idea i never did anything with that goes along with 80skun. do u see the vision. no? well ill show u. welcom to my freaking twisted evil mind. rant incoming.
also im gona be hopefully updating this semi-frequently as i draw more stuff and actually feel like explaining stuff. this post will be my Iyami Autism Diary now.
i dont have specific sources on any of these rn bc im writing this on my computer and also bc its probably something i saw once and didnt bother to save or anthing so. bear with me here.
-baby iyami. loveless child. born by a mother who always knew she would be better off without him and sharing the sibling moniker with an unironic sociopath older brother. emotionally neglected and naturally socially inept due to autism, along with like.. looking like that. you know he was torn to shred by everyone. japanese kids are RUTHLESS his entire elementary/middle school experience was getting his face dragged across the concrete and his lunch money stolen. i imagine he starts to become rlly jaded and outwardly mean as a defense mechanism in like 2nd/3rd grade, finally realizing that this shit isnt all sunshines and rainbows lil bro and that no one likes him. he went to school with both honkan and kaoru, honkan he would always get into scuffles with but kaoru was like the only kid that ever genuinely attempted to be nice to iyami. read: attempted. because iyami has bpd at the ripe age of 7 and a half and screams at him whenever hes around for no reason other than that hes really scared of him being a genuinely kind person. hes a fucked up kid in a fucked up situation surrounded by nothing but apathy and misunderstanding of how he works and thinks and wants. the scar on his face comes from an incident with his older brother who i imagine got so mad at him one time that he chased iyami around with a knife threatening to slit his throat open. luckily (or probably more unluckily) he just sliced the side of his face open. that was the first and last time that iyamis mother actually worried for him. and by "worried" i mean get mad at both of them for fucking around like that and then not taking iyami to get stitches because "he'd be fine."
-iyami's highschool experience is. slightly less horrific. mostly because hes kinda just accepted that everyone in the whole world hates him and at some point realized he should just live out of spite to piss everyone else off. he never really had any career dreams mostly since the only career he realistically could have was wage slave in the city, which would be like sending him to death row for him. due to his autism and prolonged abuse from all sides, hes become kind of an expert at knowing how people work, though he doesnt necessarily understand any of it. he realizes that he would much rather be a backpeddler on the streets than a corporate slave, so when hes kicked out at like 16/17 for being literally just a curseon his mother at that point hes right out there trying to charm his way into any way to make money. first couple years were difficult, i imagine he just. didnt finish highschool due to being homeless immediately. he always had a kickass sense of style though, and maybe bc he was younger he managed to pull off charm much more successfully. honestly i dont have too many any specific ideas ab this era sowwy... bc it kinda just exists as "the part before chibita" which speaking of
-his twenties and thirties is spent like the exact same way. like the autism is strong in this one hes very content with just being the worst. but thats only because he literally sees no other way for him to live because its all hes been offered to do by life. quite fucked up! but that leaves him with a great optimism and positive "nothing in life matters!!!!" attitude. i actuallyyyyy dont know exactly how to span this next part.... but i was thinking that he met chibita when the kid was around 6 and iyami was 30. iyami just kind of... adopts him? as a weird sort of nephew. but at the same time iyami is in a perpetual state of childishness so sometimes chibita is like the parent/uncle to iyami. theyre so strange. but speaking of iyamis childishness Yeah theres some side effects of prolonged neglect and trauma since first memory surprisingly!! iyami kind of aged backwards, having to mature early to try and protect himself and keep some level of sanity, he was never really treated like a kid especially not by mother and brother or even other kids. now that he's an actual adult his brain has sort of flipped over, now stuck in a weird area of feigning immaturity in every situation that isnt immediately "life-threatening" in his eyes. all that to say that iyami is agere and is basically regressed somewhat at all times and it just varies depending on the situation.
but yeah this era. a couple years after meeting chibita he ships himself off to the city suddenly hoping to be able to make something happen there Kind of an early mid-life crisis moment. and boy it is not great! this part is where i dump the rest of trauma on him but you dont get to hear that. something something tougou's crime ring. after like a bit under a year he ends up coming back and... HOLY FUCK IS THAT A REFERENCE TO THE FIRST EPISODE OF OSOMATSU-KUN 1988??? you bet your sorry ass it is. im literally so smart they shouldve hired me to make ososan dude.
-osokun '88 era happens ig?? his old situationship behated kaoru is a cop now apparently and he's stationed right in iyami territory. quite awkward! kaoru doesnt particularly like him 1 because like. cop/criminal dichotomy first of all. 2 because iyami was a cunt to him and honkan for seemingly no reason their entire childhood and 3 iyami seems to have a really weird complex of being mean and hating kaoru currently but also obviously going out of his way to get in kaoru's way. quite immature! i explained why that is though. kaoru in his infinite sweetnes though eventually just kinda feels bad for the dude because its kinda just pathetic at this point and also because he DOES know that iyami is actually a super cute sweet guy because there was one (1) time where as a kid iyami let his guard down around kaoru and played with him at his house after school just to be completely ripped to shreds literally and figuaratively by his classmates the next day when kaoru was acting super friendly with him and iyami just kinda blamed him for it for like 20 years. VERY pathetic! but he was like 9 dude. kaoru understands this and kinda just... lets iyami wreak havoc more than he would other people partly bc he still thinks hes pretty silly.
i have a whole big episode idea of the two getting together and probably hundreds of headcanons and ideas about the two together but tbh?? im gonna spare you and keep it as paraphrased as i can manage for both of our sanities. but watch me go back and edit this post or make a new one just infodumping ab everything about them.
but like yeah ig events happen. hey do u remember iyami's "daughter" who is actually his niece because there is no fucking way in any reality that this guy has procreated?? well she comes in sometime around here becasue her father (still an untreated aspd) kind of doesnt give a shit and neither does her whore mother and they choose to dump their kid off with uncle iyami for the summers now. yay!! i also have a lot of headcanons and stuff ab her (her name is hiyori btw) but thats for another post.
iyami's family turns into basically him, his husband, and his two (sometimes three) (some not actually legit) (and one is gone when it isnt the summer) neicephews. isnt that awsome??? i cry and scream and throw up just thinking about it. sometimes iyami is the nephew but thats awesome. sometimes a family can be some gay man and an orphan that is his husband's nephew and his husband's actual niece, his husband's lesbian best friend that is basically an aunt at this point, and his husband who is sometimes also his nephew/child because of cptsd and they are all autistic. truly beautiful stuff.
and yeah thats. that. like i said i'll be updating this with better explanations of stuff and hopefully actual art But this works for now!!!! no one wanted this but the world got it anyway. you can thank me later.
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transjarlaxle · 1 year
⌛, 💕, 💣, 🤲, 🏡 :3
from this ask game !
this is mostly gonna be about kaine but starting with a gale thing because i have a TANGENT to go on
⌛a sleep headcanon: YOU KNOW WHAT I'M GLAD YOU BROUGHT IT UP BECAUSE IVE BEEN DYING TO TALK ABOUT IT FOR A FUCKING HOT MINUTE. in fact i was talking about it the other night in chat but. you made a post about the powers that mystra's chosen had, and a few stood out to me, namely that mystra's chosen don't age, and they have no need for sleep. i won't get into my gale age conspiracy at the moment BUT i will be emo about the sleep thing. gale spent a century however long not needing to sleep - and who knows how long he would spend in the outer planes at a time? he's barely a year out of his self-imposed exile following the loss of his power - i know he cannot sleep. as a chronic insomnia haver i can only imagine what it's like to have to readjust to a fully human body again. enter: a dragon whose love language is physical touch. can't sleep? too bad. get in the bed, boy, you have a lover who needs to lay directly on top of you, and by the gods they are going to bring you a comfort you have never known before. even on his worst nights he'd rather be there, with them.
💕a love headcanon: kaine is young, and sheltered, but not inexperienced. they fall in love easily, but they're fickle - or they used to be. something shifted with gale. if they think about it too hard their chest starts to hurt. really, it's that he sees them. with all the others, they were never able to be themself, always hiding something, and they don't have to do that with him. it's freedom - that freedom they've always craved and never had.
💣a stress headcanon: kaine rarely allows themself to feel their stress. it builds, and they ignore it, until they can't anymore - they snap, and they lash out with cruel words and vicious laughter, or their magic becomes so volatile their shackles struggle to contain them. it takes someone with a lot of patience, arcane acuity, and spacial awareness to help them through it. luckily, they have that :)
🤲a religious headcanon: i have pages upon pages of lore on kaine's homeland and the demiplane it used to inhabit and its history but to make a long fuckin story short: kaine's bloodline claims their divine right to rule based on lineage connected to the most powerful deity of their pantheon. in this version of events, when said demiplane was dismantled and valais was returned to faerun, it was also revealed that those deities were, in fact, dragons, and while kaine's bloodline exists, and their power is very real, it wasn't gods at all, just an ancient wizard's failed attempt to create a new kind of god. as such, valesian custom doesn't recognize the gods of faerun, but that's simply borne of a lack of exposure. that said, kaine struggles with the idea that their power isn't divine. dragons in faerun seem so... small, in comparison. the power they have roiling under their skin is much more than that. i think kaine and gale talk about divinity at length, both of them with their differing views on it, but both having fairly recently gone through shit that's altered what they previously thought to be true.
🏡a home headcanon can i talk about the kainegale weddings im dying to talk about the kainegale weddings ok so basically. after all is said and done and kaine is stabilized and gale is certain they're not going to drop dead again, they go back to waterdeep. kaine is probably the one to bring it up - gale is uncertain about too much change at once, but they want to see his home, see his tower in person. they spend some time there, working out everything they havent processed yet, and after a year or two, they decide to get married. kaine is so excited over the idea of it that they agree without even considering the consequences of getting married outside of their country - where they need to ascend the throne one day - but it's a wonderful little affair, and they don't regret it at all. eventually, of course, kaine does tell gale that they need to go home at some point, and gale's nothing if not supportive, so they go together. kaine tells him under no uncertain terms that he is not to mention the fact that they're already married, and they will be having another ceremony, several in fact, because they still need to be named and coronated before they can be married in the eyes of their ancestors. in the end, that's where they stay, ruling together. it's no crown of karsus, but it's a crown all the same.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
HMMM why i identify w/ the anons saying they don't know it was child abuse when adults hits their kids as punishment.
I've suffer this from rare times but it was always horrible BC it was when I went 0% patient and tired.
Now there's almost never this things because, I've become someone kinda aggressive that screams and cry hard and idc about things.
Welp you made me open up and see the results of it.
Also you're right in some places it's ok and completely normal that. Lmao mostly is ignored when a child cry when being slapped with a chancla.
i was actually specifically thinking about ethnic minorities in the USA when it comes to this stuff. but obviously white people do it too, just in a different way. for white ppl i've found that its mostly "hitting your kid is bad, except for spanking, which isn't the same at all! for some reason!" some christian fundamentalists are really into using switches to beat their kids too which is. not great.
but hearing other kids joke about being hit with a shoe, while occasionally funny and clearly not important to them, is also pretty disheartening.
its interesting cause apparently my dad also used to hit my brother, which i dont even remember cause i was either too young or not born yet. and he just... stopped. because a social worker told him that wasn't allowed or something. and then explained the role of a father in America was different from HIS idea of a father from Nigeria (mostly had to do with providing for his kids, not necessarily being around them. also beating them i guess lmao ??)
i can imagine my life would've been worse if not for that. im twitchy and anxious as is, and i was already scared of the way he'd grip my arms or shoulders too tightly. i didn't know he used to hit my brother until i was like 14 or something, and it was a shock but also.. not exactly surprising? idk, i'd always gotten the impression that when he gave me a death glare what he REALLY wanted to do was smack me. its interesting to find out i was sorta right.
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hanniejji · 2 years
Sorry for the late reply but for the Dad Diluc Brainrot (hurt/comfort mostly, i think); What happens if the torture was too traumatizing for the kiddo to the point of being unresponsive- like they are physically healthy but just not there, like a living corpse, and not even Kaeya could help. The sense of helplessness that Diluc would face in actually stepping up to finally be their dad, to atleast see his precious baby's smile once more.
Or, Diluc having someone, anyone like Kaeya or Adelinde or Elzer or literally Venti sit him down and give him a wake up call. That he can't keep doing this forever, that if he would just look, paid attention, to his child for one second longer, he would realise they need their father as much as he want to be a father to them. That they aren't a mirror of his wife, they are their own person too. That everyone knows how much he wants to be their father but stops himself because of that line of thought. That he just easily give up on an idealistic dream of building even a slightest hint of a relationship with them, all because he never tries as much as he tries to convince himself otherwise. Or, the child blaming themselves for their father being so unhappy, all because they were born. The bittersweet and traumatizing realization that if they weren't born, their mother would've lived and Father would be able to smile without care. So, they began to distance themselves to the point of giving up all hopes of even a familial bond to the point they cease calling themselves a Ragnvindr, they stop referring to Kaeya as their Uncle and Diluc as their father. And they live like a shadow, being as unremarkable and average as possible, tossing aside any and all hobbies and working hard to do the bare minimum of not being a stain to Diluc's name, since if their birth brought about so much pain, how could they have the right to be happy. (Add an argument to prelude it, they blurting out it would've been better if they weren't born and him agreeing to it, for extra angst but my kokoro can't take it sadly) And, finally. Imma end it in a happy note. Diluc and Kaeya watching from afar as Klee babysit MC ( and by that, i mean bring MC fish blasting). Diluc and Kaeya would watch with exasperated, and with a tiny hint of worry expressions but a small smile would creep up Diluc's face watching the two of them have the time of their lives fishblasting, with carefree smiles (until Jean arrives).
I hope this is good, this is my first time writing and submitting a brainrot of any sort...ehe
i hope you don't mind me taking notes 👀 those are so good to write too.... yes, im taking notes of all three of your brainrots >:) i choose violence >:)
but these are all understandable too, because at some point in their life, mc would question others on what happened to their mother. knowing the truth is like a blow to their heart, a child being aware that their mother died of giving birth to them. mc will carry the burden in their shoulder for their whole life, even if they reconcile with diluc, it'll forever be in the shadows of their head.
if there's anyone who can step up and actually slap reality to diluc, it would be kaeya. ever since mc was born, he had stepped up as a father figure to the poor child. but he knows diluc needs to see that he can't always wallow in his misery. kaeya even goes as far as correcting mc whenever they accidentally call him 'dad' :(. heck he'd fight diluc to punch some sense on his head.
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tiens-letters · 3 years
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Oohh another request haha. I love this thank you and i hope you like it :>
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were the bruises to your heart worth it?
Childe angst
You mulled over your sister's words for the nth time today. Her voice playing on loop inside your head, drifting in and out of a mundane daydream.
"why are you still with him?" you wondered as well as to why you still stuck with Ajax, all these days in 3 years of being wit him. Perhaps it was devotion, it was love to persevere even in the wrath of crumbling times and yet why does your heart ache a little more these days he's been far from you.
The days when he would come home, wounded and tired you were there to nurse him back. Back then it was something you'd do out of care and worry, which was until these recent days where it felt as if it were a job you didnt want to do as he would shrug you off instead and locking himself in another room. You barely remember the time where you both shared a quiet night basking in each other's presence, with limbs in a tangle and your forehead upon his beating chest, it was almost none existent as the home you both had felt so utterly desolate, void of the homey ambience.
Youve endured a month of his uncalled behaviour, breaking you even further as things slipped from your grasp leaving you empty and in agony. There were times you'd silently let tears fall as he slept so soundly beside you, unbothered by your pain. He's become more and more as the harbinger you forgot him to be and not your darling lover Ajax.
He never noticed your puffy eyes, sunken cheeks and dwindling weight yet he noticed all the small mistakes youve made. Where one day, left you with a bruise on the arm due his snake like grip after blowing up on you right after he came home from a long journey to sumeru.
You left. 
Childe came home earlier than expected, once again tired and nursing a few minor wounds on his body. All he wanted was your touch on his skin as you lulled him to sleep only that to his utter surprise that the house was empty. Perhaps you went out for an errand or for another pot of your favourite flower that you kept in the small garden at the back.
Not giving it too much thought, he lounged on the couch awaiting your return, eyelids soon drooping as the soft pillow coaxed him to sleep.
As the grandfather clock swings its pendulum, the sound echoing through the whole room signifying the arrival of midnight, an eerie sound waking Childe back to consciousness. Groggy from rising he scanned the room only to find it darker than before, if it werent for the nearby lamp he switched open, he swore he couldve been swallowed by the darkness.
Were you not home yet?
A dreadful feeling washed over him as your presence was nowhere around the house. He called out for you as he rushed through the halls, a sliver of hope vanishing every corner turned and every door opened led to nothing but misery.
You always leave a note as to where you are going and yet it was another one out of the many abnormalities in his home.
"Darling? Please i hope youre not playing with me!" he calls out to no one in particular, denying the fact of your existence gone with the wind. Your clothes were all intact and so does your other belongings. He thought of every possibility of what couldve befallen his lover, mostly gravitating towards the worst of the worst case scenarious and may the archons forbid, he would never recover from the blow.
"Where are you?!"
Then it dawned on him after much pondering and pulling his falling parts together. The things he did, the words he said it all came flooding through him like a rushing cold river, hitting him fair and square in the chest and came forth an otherworldly pain and regret. He gasps, almost suffocating by the weight of his sins and he wished he had died right then and there in atonement for his crimes.
Soon his vision became bleary as eyes misted over with tears that fell freely from his ocean eyes. He ruined it. Ruined you.
And yet he could not let you go.
Days seemed to pass by so fast that it had already been 5 months of liberation from Ajax's presence. You were slowly building yourself up once again, the temple that was torn down by a single crack, slowly being rebuilt brick by brick.
Your love for Ajax, even if it left quite the bruise to your heart, it was still there, lingering in the air and a part of you missed him so. You wondered how he would be doing, you wondered if he looked for you just as you did when he didnt come home on the date set, you wonder if he wept when he couldnt feel you next to him, just as you did 150 days ago. You wondered if he ever called your name all the while giving a lingering kiss to the painting that hung on the foyer. You wondered if what you both had, had any significance to him at all.
"Stop doing that." you jolted from where you sat, the book falling off your lap as you met your sister's stern glare from across the room.
"Stop doing what?"
"You are thinking about Tartaglia again. Its been over 5 months and that blundering fool never made an effort to find you much less apologize for what he did when you were still there." there was anger in her voice as she recounted the day you came to her door, teary eyed and just utterly torn. Never once did she felt like murdering someone so bad, especially when it had you, her only family involved.
"Im sorry, I-i just--"
"Hush now." she came over in her elegant strides to take you in her arms, the familiar scent of your mother's favorite perfume stayed on her like second skin and you were so grateful that you had her. You let yourself cry in her embrace in quiet comfort.
Childe never stopped.
Secretly searching for atleast a tiny clue of your whereabouts wore him down to the bone and yet he never gave up. How could he? Even if he thought he was so undeserving of you he still pushed on to right what wrong he's made. The details gathered had been insufficient to serve as a lead making Childe more desperate in his attempt to search for you. Nights were spent on scouring places and information seeking and his work, only done in the daytime. He never wasted a wink on sleep as it was an obstacle to getting closer to you and even when his body collapsed due to exhaustion of overworking all he could think was you.
The search has led a certain fatui informant who works for one of the harbingers. With a note slipped in secrecy on a specific time containing an address on the small parchment. It was all Childe needed to fuel his buried hope as he took off towards snezhenaya.
He never imagined he'd arrive right in front of the iron gates that encased the whole estate atop a mountain. The wind bellowed stronger than before as the snow rained harder upon the place. Luckily, he was born in this region and had survived throughout. 
He wondered why you came here, to such a dreadful place but then again, anywhere was better than right by him.
Trying to push open the gates only to be repelled by cryo magic, burning through his gloves and into his skin, leaving fresh burns on his palms as he gasped in pain. Whoever lives here clearly didnt want anyone trespassing much less had a fancy for guests.
He was starting to grow cold as his energy was slowly being siphoned by days of travel, it would only take a matter of time before he passes out.
He calls out, hoping someone inside would hear him.
And you did, only that it seemed like the wind but the time you looked outside the library window, you saw a person outside the gates. The familiar ginger hair tousled with the wind and as you strained your ears to hear and that was when it filled your ears, Ajax's voice. Something you havent heard in quite a long time.
As quick as lightning you stood, half running half gliding through the halways and down the stairs, there was no coherent thought, only him. He was freezing outside the barrier and you pushed yourself more to reach him.
Your figure stepping out through the door was almost like a dream to him. Your name oh so longingly leaving his bluing lips.
"Ajax!" you were in time as you caught his figure which seemed lighter than before. He clung to you, legs desperately tryinf to hold him up. You were here, right in his arms, alive and warm.
"Im sorry. Im so sorry. Please I love you." he rambles on, like a mantra he apologizes over and over again, sobbing and stumbling on his words as he held you so achingly close "Forgive me. Forgive me..."
"Step away from him this instant." your sister, Signora hisses from behind you, just as you were about to coax Ajax she already had a cryo dagger aimed at his head
"Sister please!" you plead, your panic growing as you saw Ajax huffing in labored breaths "Let him come inside or he will freeze to death."
Signora sees the urgency in your eyes and the undying devotion you still hold for the man in your arms. She dematerializes the dagger with a wave of her hand.
"Fine but if I see tears in your eyes then dont you ever dare stop me from what Im going to do to him."
"Thank you sister." you smile at her as she steps backs inside the house and you follow in after her with Ajax leaning on you for support. Once inside, you had him lay on the couch by the fire after helping him out of his winter garments and replacing it for a knitted quilt.
"Im sorry." bloodshot ocean eyes looked at you with so much guilt and a love that you almost forgot "I-i im so so sorry."
"Lets talk about this after youve rested." this time you couldnt look at him, the ache in your heart throbs from the bruises it still nursed. You stood before falling further only for him to catch your shaking hand with his equally shaking one.
"Dont leave." he whimpers, the fear of abandonment increasing as he pleaded for you to stay. instead, you let go of his hand and placed yours instead over his eyes making him uncharacteristically shriek surprising you even more, making you think what other worldly pain he was experiencing as of  the moment. "No! No No.  Please Its dark." 
Ajax cries as he thrashed around because he feared that if he sleeps he would go back to the nightmare of you not by his side and that would leave him all cold and alone just like in the past. he didnt want to go back there, not now when he's seen you. As much as he'd hate to admit, he was truly and utterly terrified but you had to let him rest and with the help of your vision he finally succumbed to a dreamless, peaceful sleep. Only that he calmed down did you notice how much he's lost, where your once sunken cheeks, puffy eyes and weight loss now transferred to him and it made you sick to your stomach. your lips found his forehead as you wished him a good rest, you left the room after bandaging his burned hands to gather yourself for when he finally came to his sensible self.
when you thought it was going to take a full day for him to wake up  only to find him stumbling about in the living room calling your name on his lips like a broken record. you immediately rushed down and burst into the room to find him clutching his head and gasping breathlessly. he looked crazed until he caught sight of you standing by the door, a worried look on your face was when he finally came to. he ran to you, clung to you like it was the last day of the world to live and sighed into your welcoming smell. 
"are you alright now?" you ask him as you part in arms width 
"Hit me." he tells you in all seriousness in his worn out state 
"W-what?" you were certain he was still out of it until he grabbed your hand in an attempt to hit himself to which you stopped immediately 
"Hit me! Scream at me all you want. Call me words Ive called you. Ive broken you! Do you not see that?!" funny how he couldnt see himself, he who's become worse over the course of the months . his tone rose and fell until it was only a whisper above his panting 
"Just dont abandon me." he shuts his eyes, steeling himself for your judgment  until he felt your hands on his face again, making soothing circles on his cheek 
"look at me Ajax." you coax him and he did and he could see assurance and the love for him still remained and he wanted to cry again but tears have long gone abandoned him and left him in such a regretful state, he truly didnt deserve you and you never deserved to be treated that way. "Youve hurt me yes and nothing can change that but I wasnt planning on you leaving you. I couldnt as I love you too much that I wouldnt imagine life without you but Ajax, the things you did to me, to us,  was painful." 
"I know and Im so sorry." he held himself from rambling as the pain in chest grew even more burdensome, something he would willingly carry as he vows to himself to never hurt you and if he did  then he would tear himself down "I love you" 
"and I to you Ajax. Just promise me that when you are having a hard time, let us talk it out and not result to screaming and painful banters." 
"I promise darling. on my life and everything in this world. I vow to never cause you pain like I did and to only give you love and care that someone like you deserve." 
there he was, your Ajax. He was home. 
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one-strugling-bean · 2 years
Random Family Guy headcanons (mostly Meg, Brian and Stewie because yes, shut up, no im not- you're obsessed)
Meg and Chris' ages are 3 years apart
Brian came to live with the Griffins' when Meg was a baby and Louis was pregnant with Chris
Louis and Peter were never great parents to begin with, but during the first few years of Meg’s life they were honestly okay - just a young family trying to get by. It was when Meg started middle school that they started showing signs of neglect. At first it was being late to pick up Meg at school and forgetting to go to parent-teacher meetings, but it got steadily worse
Peter and Louis abuse Meg because they blame her for their current lives - the baby forced them to settle down with each other, in that ordinary little life they now live - they start neglecting and abusing her after an argument they had where they realized she "ruined their lives"
Chris does not hate Meg at all, but he's grown up in a household where bullying his sister is not only routine, but an encouraged action, so he does it and doesn't think much of it
He actually has pretty fond memories of his sister - helping him with homework, watching tv together, playing together - but it's all stuff from when they were younger and before he jumped on the "let's bully Meg for no reason" bandwagon
Brian also doesn't hate Meg, but there's a certain animosity between the two. Both blame Brian for Meg’s current status as the family punching bag - Brian, as the third adult in the household, could've protected Meg from her parents many times, but never did, either too depressed or too far up his drunk ass to care about how awful she was being treated until it was too late
Brian does feel guilty over this, and he knows Meg blames him too, but he's too much of a coward to apologize now and actually try to start and defend her - it's been too long, it'd be impossible to stop Peter and Louis' bullying, and he's afraid he'd be kicked out for trying
Meg has a mental list of all the times Brian should've been there for her and wasn't, and uses it whenever she wants him to do something for her (it's really to manipulate Brian by guilt-tripping him)
After Stewie was born, he swore he'd try and make a better job at protecting the newest Griffin from his awful parents, succeeding where he failed with Meg and Chris
Brian has better and worse days, mindset wise, and the Griffins have lived enough time with him to know exactly what type of mood he's in just by his behaviour at breakfast
Brian has major abandonment issues but no one, besides Stewie, has realized it
Stewie is super possessive of Brian - he hates whenever someone outside of the Griffin clan pets or praises him
The first time Brian came to pick him up from daycare, Stewie almost killed all of his classmates because every single one of them wanted to pet Brian
Stewie truly cares for all his family (that's more than any of them deserve for sure)
Stewie and Brian are both Hamilton fans (Brian doesn't like to admit it though)
Once Stewie grows up and becomes able to communicate with his family, Louis and Peter start caring about him a lot less; his relationship with his siblings however, gets a lot better
Stewie finds a way to extend Brian's life - i refuse to believe he would just let Brian die before he even reached 5
Meg actually finds sucess and stability later in life - after she leaves the Griffin's household - and cuts off Louis and Peter from her life, only checking in on Chris and Stewie from time to time (begrudgingly she checks in on Brian too, but that's only because where Stewie goes, Brian follows and vice-versa)
Stewie does have a crush on Brian, and that crush is as innocent as Stewie himself is (opinions on that vary so I'll just leave it up to each their own)
Brian knows of Stewie's crush on him but has never brought it up and runs away whenever Stewie tries to talk to him about it - he's afraid he'll lose Stewie if he shoots the kid down or that Stewie would do something crazy
Stewie has noticed this of course, and it hurts him a lot, but he doesn't call out Brian on it, equally as afraid the dog will be spooked away from him
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
hey again! im very sorry about the last ask i made. and if you dont mind, can i request some hcs of whitty and tabi with an s/o who runs a daycare? - nosey anon
Now this I can do, nannies are very coolio. Welcome back btw! 
Y/N is mostly looking over kids that are in between 3 and 6 yrs old on a weekly basis.
Whitty w/ S/O That Runs A Daycare
- Oh Jesus
- He's being tripped by children on the way in to see you
- So uncomfortable with children running around him
- "Are you Y/N's boyfriendddd?" "Yes." "Eww, you aren't going to make out with them in front of us are you?" "No! Who do you think I am?" "I know who he is! That's Whitty, he's a rapper my dad likes."
- The fact that a child recognized him was concerning to a degree, considering that some of his rap can be rather violent in nature
- "You ok Whitty?" "These children are driving me crazy." "You want to take a break?" "I COULD TAKE A BREAK BEFORE?" "You didn't have to play with them at all Whitty."
- His head is on the kitchen table
- He didn't really want children before, and this reinforced that
- "I'm never having kids." "Oh calm down, you're just overwhelmed because there is so many of them in one space." "No I'm overwhelmed because they're little savages." "They haven't learned to calm down yet."
- The fact that you take care of the same children on a weekly bases except for when you're out those days, makes him calm down a little
- He still is going to be awkward with children
Tabi w/ S/O That Runs A Daycare
- The kids probably think he's coolest person ever due to the whole goat skull
- He doesn't actually mind it much, but he can get sensory overload from it
- "Hey mister, were you born like that?" "You look so cool!" "Yeah totally awesome!" "Isn't he a rapper too?" "That's so cool!" "Teach us how to rap please?" "Yeah come on!"
- He's sweating bullets, he's not used to getting positive attention from children
- Most of the one's he'd encountered previously screamed and ran from him
- "Y/N, why do they like me?" "Well most of them think you look cool, and some have been exposed to your music." "Well, at least they aren't screaming and running from me." "They did that to me an hour ago, you're lucky."
- This actually may make him want kids at some point, if he can handle a bunch at one time like this, then what harm could one do?
- A lot but don't tell him that
- "This isn't so bad." "Did someone tell you not to have children?" "No, I just thought that due to my appearance, that children would always be scared of me." "Quite the contrary, think of all the kids who have big bad police men as parents. Also, Tori drew a picture of you. It's on the fridge." "Dammit it's cute." "Fan-mail usually is."
- While he isn't the best with kids, this is good practice for him
- Just try to make sure that no one grabs onto his horns
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actuallysaiyan · 3 years
My Personal Love Story: Jiraiya
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Request: "She/ her. I'm an ISTP, born on the Pisces-Aries cusp, my venus sign is Taurus. I'm also an obsessive overthinker and very uncomfortable in my own skin. For my love language I like giving gifts and providing acts of service but in return, I secretly enjoy receiving affection through physical touch, which may be weird since i'm really private and reserved and too shy to initiate anything. I love travelling experiencing other cultures an trying new food. I need to go somewhere new a few times a year, it's one of the joys of my life because it is in my travels that I get to let go for a bit and just enjoy the moment and maybe consider doing something stupid because you can get away with it in a place you may not return to for a while (not too crazy though im a responsible adult haha). For a date, I'd prefer it to be really casual and relaxed coz it can be really uncomfortable for me to be meeting new people. You know, anxiety. lol idk if it helps but I have a dark sense of humor. For the character I'd like it to be a younger Jiraiya (so we'd be closer in age) because having a sense of humor is very important to me. He's just seems friendly and easy going i feel like he'd make me feel at ease. It can have a bit of smut 😅"
Your Song: I Melt With You- Modern English Headcanons:
Jiraiya was so taken aback by you at first. You met when you were both still teenagers, and you thought he was a little too inappropriate and rude. He grew on you over time as he matured(mostly...hahah) and he became a man. The next time you saw him was after the war, and you were the one to be taken aback.
It was a slow romance, Jiraiya wanted to make sure you felt comfortable. He was still recovering from some of his own problems and he had his own hopes and dreams, but he never forgot about you.
One night, he invited you out for dinner. You were surprised at how nervous you were about going on a date with Jiraiya. The whole night, Jiraiya had you laughing and smiling. You were so amazed at how much he had changed. You were starting to develop a crush on him.
Then as you continued to see one another, Jiraiya just made it official with you. He didn’t want to be with anyone else and he was ready to end his bachelor life if it meant he got to spend the rest of his life with you.
You and Jiraiya travel together as he tries to complete his quest. You’re always so blown away at the beauty of all the different cultures in this beautiful world. Jiraiya always picks out one souvenir from each place you go to so that you can bring it home.
When you’re both in Konoha, you live in a small house together. You have some wonderful memories in that house and you and Jiraiya love to make the most of it. He often will spend time writing his books as you relax and edit some of his manuscripts. This is a hobby you both enjoy while you’re both home.
Your sex life has never been better. Jiraiya knows exactly what he’s doing to you and he is very skilled at pleasing you. He is a very attentive lover and he knows all the special spots on your body to caress or bite. He always praises you so much and he very much enjoys making you feel good.
Lots of cuddles. Jiraiya loves having you fall asleep on his chest while you’re both taking a nap. He wraps himself around you, holding you close. He’ll place soft kisses to your forehead as he thanks whatever higher power is out there that let him have you in the first place.
Jiraiya is so proud of you. Anything you do, you know you will have your own personal cheerleader. Jiraiya will do anything to make you so happy, so he is very supportive of all your hobbies. He loves seeing you succeed as he recognizes how talented and wonderful you are.
Jiraiya also loves publicly showing you off. He thinks he’s so lucky to have you as his partner, and you are the sexiest person in his eyes. In public, he’s going to parade you around a little, but just know that it comes from a place of true love. He’s crazy about you.
Your First Kiss/First Time:
He unlocks the door to his apartment and lets you in. You are a little surprised that it’s this clean. You were expecting it to be a bit more like a guy’s place, but Jiraiya is someone who does enjoy having a clean space to be able to live comfortably.
“Thanks for coming with me tonight. I’m really enjoying our time together.” He says as he shuts the door behind him.
“I’m enjoying our time together too, Jiraiya.” You reply as he walks over to you. He slowly guides you towards the wall and you have your back pressed up against it.
His fingers tilt your head forward, as he looks deeply into your eyes. You can see so much emotion from this one look, and you swear you see a look of love and admiration in his eyes. Jiraiya leans in and captures your lips in a very sweet but passionate kiss.
You moan softly as you realize what’s happening. You lean in to kiss him back, your tongue teasings his lips. Jiraiya’s hands run from your shoulders down to your hips. You pull away to breathe, but it doesn’t take long for Jiraiya to kiss you once more.
His hands cup your ass as you feel him pull you up. Your legs wrap around him instinctively, as you feel yourself grow aroused. Your tongues fight for dominance as Jiraiya begins squeezing your ass.
“Jiraiya,” You whine breathlessly. Jiraiya smirks as he studies your plump red lips. You can feel his erection grinding up against you.
“I need you,” His voice is gruff and low as he confesses how he feels. You swallow hard, your heart beating so fast in your chest right now.
“I need you too,” you tell him. He just groans as he realizes what you’ve just said. He pulls you from the wall and carries you to the bedroom. When your back hits the mattress, you squeal in surprise. Jiraiya eyes you up and down.
“I love seeing you on my bed like this, you look so damn amazing.” He’s so aroused right now, he can’t think straight.
“Why don’t you join me?” You ask him in a teasing tone. His eyes light up at this and within seconds he’s next to you on the bed.
His lips connect to your neck, sucking and nipping while his hands make busy work with your shirt. You groan his name as he sucks on your sweet spot, making your pussy clench around nothing.
“You smell so fucking good, baby. I can’t wait to taste you.” Jiraiya says as he tosses your shirt to the ground. When he sees your breasts in that sexy bra of yours, Jiraiya goes absolutely feral.
You were in for a good night.
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everyothermouse · 3 years
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A lil group portrait of the time au adventuring gang!! Them <333
Basically tol fucked up as a kid and is now on the run from the law, but realized that since his life was so crazy he could live off of telling stories of his wacky adventures. When he met Jay he wanted him to come with him, and when he found out jay couldn't come cus he was virtually a demon/god/magic magnet he decided he NEEDED to bring him to capitalize on how it'd make more cool stories. And yeah it worked so since then he's been collecting wackos to aaa go crazy aaaa go stupid (and also bcus safety I numbers or whateva, pop and pip are also criminals and pastel and jay are crimes against god <3) more about each individual under the cut!
Doin them from left to right :)
Pastel: died when she was messing around with some friends and got stuck under a big rock and left to starve. But because of a fluke in the underworld her God decided to resurrect her, a right usually only belonging to saints. Because of this she's now poorly pretending that she totally did something to deserve being revived (she tells a different story every time someone asks, she thinks it's funny) to avoid being persecuted for suspected witchcraft. She met Jay when they were both drunk and they had fun fucking around in the city, and she spilled the beans to him that she was revived for no reason. She regretted it, but jay didn't kill her because even though he's religious he knew what it felt like to be magically cursed and have everyone be pissed at u for it. Also she's really funny with jay so tol begged her to come with them to add more Comedy(tm) to his memoirs
Pop: a time traveller and angel who is trying to hide both of those facts but only really succeeding at hiding the time travel thing. When they were a kid they traveled to this time with his friends Lustre and Cherrybomb, but when they were attacked by the vicious royal guard they weren't able to escape without leaving Lustre behind. Cherrybomb super repressed that memory, and while pop recovered from some minor injuries they vowed to never time travel again. Yeah they only kept that up until they were like 15, but they still couldn't bring themself to go back to when they left Lustre. But now they're 26 (well technically they're like 33 but in their time their supposed to be 26) living with their boyfriend cherrybomb and have years of time travel experience under their belt, and they're ready to go back. Except they can't go back because they created a travel block for themself by accident because of how upsetting the event was, so instead they traveled as close as they could, about 10 years in the future of the time. Now they search for any form of closure, all they need to know is what happened to their friend, and they will do whatever it takes to find this out. But angels aren't super welcome in the past, especially not with uncut wings, so it's not exactly easy for them to navigate this time period. But after a while of their search they met two lovely children (well young adults), a demon and a "cursed" (nowadays they call em spiritually gifted) and felt so bad for how much the world seemed to be against them they decided they could travel with them, just for a bit, to protect them. They tried not to get attached. They failed. They're in it for the long run now aren't they TwT also as they explore this time and learn more about the gods, they start to realize that they might... be the God of longevity???? Or at least an older version of them became them? Time travel is fucked man
Btw Lustre plays a big role in this plot, her hyper futuristic knowledge, 'blessed' white eyes, and strange God gifted clothing would all lead to him rising to a much different role than fugitive rather quickly, but they're not who this post is about ;) also I'm gonna go bottom to top for the 3 in the middle let's go
Lune: just a little guy :) lune is a young rancher/gardener who worships the God of the wood, who kind of goes missing sometimes and is lowkey the least loyal God but shhhh he loves them. Lune and tol were childhood friends (along with their pal cleo) but on one of their little excursions tol took something very important to a very powerful king, and refused to give it back. As retribution the king destroyed their entire town, and cleo put all the blame on tol, tol and lune both knew lune had to take the side against tol in order to not have the town turn on him. So yeah he moved with the town to bring up a brand new farm, long awaiting the day when tol would come home and say that things were OK and they could settle back in town together, hopefully with cleo too. That didn't happen, but tol did come back and peer pressure lune into part time adventuring with him! So yeah generally lune just runs his lil farm and prays, but when tol comes to pick him up he gets a chance to go be free to act batshit crazy, just like when he was a kid 🥰
Pipes: DEmon! One time lune and tol had a little squabble so lune was like 'im gonna get a new best friend and ur gonna regret this' and tol was like 'yeah right, u live with a bunch of criminals right now no one's gonna wanna be ur bestie dumbass' so lune just walked into a cave at night and dragged out this little nonverbal demon because demons who live alone in caves don't have high standards for friends. Even tho it was just a ploy to make tol jealous lune went super hard on it and now pipes is actually friends with the gang lmaoo
Tol: like I said with lunes, stole something important from a king as a kid, monarch got pissed, blew up the town, town got pissed at tol for it, and since then he's been on the run because he's too stubborn to give back the damn thing (they could have just attacked HIM for it, but since la queen decided to fuck with his town, his family, tol thinks he doesn't deserve to have it back.) He had to run from town to town and got into a lot of danger in his attempts at finding places to hide, but he lacks fear and tended to fight stuff off. As a kid he found that he could get enough pity to be welcomed into towns if he told people he had to fight a monster to get there, so he told stories at every town and camp he went to of his hardships. But as he got older, those he stayed with beckoned him to keep talking, and more and more people said they had heard of his adventures. And that's when when it clicked, his shining ticket to true freedom wasn't a place, it was his stories. They gave him food, shelter, fun, memories, a life. So he made it his mission to never settle down, to make his life as crazy as possible and to talk about it as much as possible, and if he ever ran out of energy to adventure, he'd spend the rest of his dying days writing and writing his entire life story. He thought this was a life he'd live alone, but one day he sought refuge in jays little lonely house because he thought it was abonded, luckily though Jay had just been praying for a second chance at life and decided that considering the timing, tol must be that second chance. So yeah jay patched him up, found out on his monthly supply route he was harboring someone very wanted, and took care of tol even harder because he didn't know or care why he was wanted, he just knew that anyone who had a drawing of them as a child on a wanted poster definitely didn't deserve it. So yeah they're besties now.
AAA I wrote out a really long description for jay but tumblr glitched and I lost it :'O ble here's a shorter rewrite cus I'm not writing out that whole thing again >:P
Jay: brought up in a church village,, he was born with the curse, which allows him to tap into magical properties very easily, and be very easily controlled, manipulated, and possessed by them. This allowed him to be very connected with his god (the god of longevity) but also meant he was often treated as a security risk and a monster by the adults of his town since he could let in evil spirits so easily. He spent most of his time praying and he became obsessed with acting on compulsions (repeated prayer, overscrubbing, scratching himself, touching religious things until he felt like he touched them "right") because he believed they were messages from God and would prevent him from becoming evil (look he was a teenager and everyone told him he was a monster his whole life leave him be.) He gets possessed twice, mage as a rep of the town is like "either have ur cursed removed or leave town forever" (uncursing is only hypothetically possible, it's hella dangerous) and he's scared itd sever his connection to his god so he leaves and he's upset bcus his entire life plan was built around his church, so now he's livin alone on a hill and leaving like once a month, he stays up there and sews and prays mostly, he sort of works on himself and becomes vaguely mentally stable, so he prays for a second chance at life since he lost his original path and needs a sign where to go, and then boom tol shows up and the rest is history. Now he has his own little family and things are going great :) other than the still getting possessed like once a week but shhhh
Pip: in between the entrance to hell and the religious central of the continent is a little town that sides with neither. They mostly fuck around and find out, and in this town lives a monster researcher and her less formal wife, pip! Pip is just a silly goofy little guy livin life, and when the crazy bunch shows up she feels like he's finally found her people :3 and for the first time the group gains a member who's begging to join them as opposed to the other way around
Ya and together they all go on wacky lil adventures with demons and monsters and monarchs and what not.
Tldr pastel is a funny lil dead guy, pop is a time traveller and the Adult of the team, lunes a lil farmer man, pipes a hobo demon they picked up off the side of the road, tols a little criminal demon adventurer, jays a religious weirdo who tol dragged out of his hermit hut, and pips an insane little guy
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