#or help with fruit harvesting because hes so nice and strong
ratatatastic · 16 days
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goalies truly the paladins of hockey
florida panthers @ la kings (quebec city) | 10.5.24
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
I really love Sebek and Epel and Deuce
Sebek's Yutu would be a tad hilarious but also kinda sad because his dad MAY OR MAY NOT BE ALIVE because man
Malleus :(
Epel's Yutu tho......
I saw a fic where Epel can use a gun (mentioned in passing) so I'm imagining that while Epel's Yutu is a great farmer just like his dad
He's also got a rifle :)
You have given me a vision... the one thing Epel! Yutu wants... is to be a cowboy. Can you picture a baby who looks a lot like Epel with a little cowboy hat and boots, he'd be so cute. Also, I was having brain rot and decided to introduce one of the friends lovely @archetypal-archivist helped create for Yutu! Please check out their Azul! Yutu posting it's very good and I love it sososo much. Unfortunately this post does not feature Epel riding on a horse, I'll have to fix that sometime. And get back to Sebek later.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, context on the fyuuture kid au can be found here and here. For more fyuutre kid au, please check out the series section of my masterlist.
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Yutu's earliest memory is of apples.
His parent had him in a sling as they worked, picking and packing the fruit as they softly hummed a lullaby to soothe his grumpy mood. He never was able to get over how big an orchard could be, even when he was old enough to walk under the trees and play with the other workers children something about that sea of greenery just felt magical. Like if he really focused the outside world would cease to be and he could wake up in a land of nothing but him, Yuu, and the acceptance you can only ever find in nature.
But that's not how things ever went. When he opened his eyes Yuu would pack him up and they would move to follow the harvest until the winters shut things down and it was back to that god awful place Yuu had been born in. He was glad to move away when Yuu found them a permanent place to stay when he turned 10, gladder still for it to be a farm even if it didn't have the orchards he loved so much. The old couple that hired Yuu on were impressed with how deeply the single parent cared for their son, and how eager the son was to to help his parent. It was the perfect set up for an ideal, if difficult, childhood that would nurture Yutu in to a strong young man.
But this isn't the happy family future, it's the bad one. And things were always going to go wrong sooner rather than later.
Mixing things up from the other posts, Yuu feels particularly drawn to farms and farm work when thinking about Yutu's father and ends up crisscrossing their country as a migrant farm worker until they're offered a full time position as a farm hand they happily accept in the hopes of stabilizing Yutu's education. Yutu genuinely loved his childhood and grew up having a deep respect for manual labor and agriculture. He assumes Yuu must have met his father while traveling and had a brief relationship that produced him, but accepts that whatever accident caused Yuu's memory loss will keep him from ever really knowing if that was the case. Yuu impresses on him that his dad was a hard worker with a bit of a temper who never backed down from a challenge. They tease him that he gets his "cute" side from his Pappa, which Yutu likes about as much as Epel probably would.
He's doing his time in the short king mines, Yutu won't hit his growth spurt until around 17 and how tall he gets is from that is up to you, but if he stays short just know he is not happy about it at all. Unless someone brings up the fact he could probably have a career as a professional jockey and then he will maybe think about it as being a blessing. Maybe. Yutu learned to ride pretty early on in life and he loves doing it, but he doesn't really want to race horses. He'd much rather be a cowboy with his own little farm and a family of his own with a big orchard to tend to. He's got big dreams of one day being able to introduce his partner to Yuu and give them a nice place to retire to.
Plays outside by himself a lot. There are some kids at school he befriends, but a lot of their parents are wary about letting their kids hang out with him at his house. Yuu is seen as a bit weird, even if the old couple they work for is well liked most people in town know their kids who really dislike Yuu and Yutu for reasons that escape Yutu but his parent seems to understand. "They think they're protecting their parents." As Yutu grows he thinks it has to be more about money, he and Yuu love working the farm but their kids all have different jobs they got college degrees for so they probably want to sell the land when their parents die. He's right about that last bit of course, and willing to let Yuu give them some charity but he doesn't think they care about their parents near as much as he cares about his. Otherwise they'd at least be nice to someone their parents considered part of the family and not ship their mom off to a nursing home before their dad was even in the ground. Or evict the outcasts they considered part of the family too.
You have no idea what to do as you pack up your few belongings, Yutu can tell that you are stressed and it makes him mad. He tries to focus on helping, taping things up and dragging them out to the beat up car as you listlessly stare at the kitchen sink. After he moves the second box he notices you're not packing anymore and goes to check what's wrong and his instincts begin screaming something's wrong. Your eyes are unfocused, staring down at a framed picture he remembers well.
"Do you ever think about how all of this is my fault?" You sound a world a way and Yutu guesses that you are, the photo of a younger you with a toddler him in a sling under the apple orchards stares back at you both questioning just where is it you plan to go from here. It can't be back on the open road, school is about to start and the entire point of staying here was to make things better for him. Yutu is about to ask you the same thing when he hears the wind pick up, and is that a carriage he hears? "If I hadn't forgotten you, then maybe I could have found a way back..."
"What in the goddamn-" Yutu is cut off by the glass being blown out and he dives on instinct to cover you as the world spins around him.
"I'm real sorry Epel, you don't have to forgive me but... even after all this time. I still love you... I still love you and how sad is that..."
Good news, Yutu doesn't have to sleep and a shitty motel tonight. Bad news, he's in the middle of some fancy private school shit and his parent is flat lining on their floor. He starts screaming bloody murder until Crewel comes and scoops him up and ushers him off to the hospital wing where they have a very tense conversation. Yes, he does belong here actually he was supposed to have been born in this world with it's magic, monsters, and annoying private school uniforms he finds himself shoved into and marched back out to that fuck ass mirror to hear what dormitory he belongs in. The fuck is a Pom-e-fee-or and why does that girl with the 2000s throwback hairstyle look like she wants to kill him for asking that?
That girl is the Vice Warden of his new house and she absolutely hates him on sight. Like, she's heard about Epel before, duh who hasn't? He performed in the VDC with the Vil Schoenheit and he had like a fun Magicam account where he promoted his family's apple farm. Didn't Yuu tell him anything about that? Ugh guess she'll have to do it and hey why is hE RUNNING AWAY DOES ELEGANCE MEAN NOTHING TO YOU?!?!?! WHERE IS YOUR POMEFIORE DIGNITY YUTU DON'T THINK SHE CAN'T CATCH YOU BECAUSE SHE'S GOT HEELS ON BITCH!!!
It's exactly where Epel's Pome Pride was when he first joined to dorm, down a drain someplace because Yutu thinks his dorm is the pits. Growing up like he did made him starkly aware of just how different people with money see people like him and instilled a deep hatred of people who make their personality their skincare routine. He thinks the way rich people spend their money is boring and hates that his dorm mates are spending their precious time in a literal apocalypse doing their make up and hair. His Vice Warden is irritated with him and asks what he does then when he can't control the circumstances around him and Yutu goes to snap back at her but finds he doesn't really have an answer.
"Have you even tried taking care of yourself before?" Peyton is looking over his hair in genuine disgust, it's different than the resting bitch face she usually has. Yutu has seen enough of both to be able to tell the difference now.
"I mean I don't not take care of it." Because Yuu had tried to get him to do things like a skincare routine before, and come to think of it they had phrased the reasoning much like Peyton is now. Take good care of yourself. His Vice Warden rolls her eyes and turns towards her vanity, the amount of homemade products and their labels immediately tells him they aren't all for her hair type.
"Yeah but you don't do it well. Look I'm not crazy about bougie stuff either but like, you just feel so much better when you put the effort into yourself and not what other people say about you." She hesitates before meeting his eyes in the mirror and adding. "Trust me, I'd know." And Yutu believes her.
It has got to be hard being a vocaloid stan in a dorm with a literal ballroom.
Yutu really does belong in Pomefiore. He's great with alchemy and magical plants, just like his dad Crewel is all to happy to tell him. They talk a bit about his dad and the situation in the Shaftlands, how no one has heard from Epel since the blot took over and it's insanely difficult to get anywhere near there since the Phantom Hunter makes your life a living hell if you try. Most people think he's dead, but Crewel isn't so sure. He thinks that the various communities across Mt. Moln could easily sustain themselves if they barricaded against the blot monsters, but they also don't have a lot of mages so actually defending themselves could be difficult. Then again this does mean that the stronger phantoms would be less interested, so who knows. In the climate of the day though it is probably best to brace for the worst.
The sports clubs still exist in a less intense manner than before to give people different ways to relax and things to do. Since Yutu loves horses he tried the equestrian club out before deciding it was way too "fussy" and settling in to the board game club since he never really had enough friends to actually play them with before. It's a lot of fun to compare all the ways these games are similar to ones he knows about from Yuu's world and yet completely different. It helps nurse his sadness over losing Yuu since they were the only one who ever played these sorts of games with him and he has fond memories of how they totally never let him win.
He takes a great deal of comfort in knowing his dad had similar struggles with his dorm placement and is overjoyed to learn about the family farm! He wishes he was there right now and drives Peyton absolutely bonkers telling her all about the tests he's run on the soil around campus, how he thinks blot might effect plant growth, and the ways he can think of to combat it. She's crying please just go talk to the Ignyhide kids they totally care about that stuff probably! His lectures end up being useful when they're finally unable to avoid going out on missions any longer as understanding the signs of heavy pollution makes the stronger phantoms easier to track.
It's a realization Epel has also had, secluded in his little village as he is. Harveston has heavily fortified it's position and bulked up it's population with the survivors of other surrounding communities. They have been gifted the ability to endure, but Epel doesn't know if their community will survive long term unless the phantoms are dealt with. The surviving members of his family from the Queendom told awful stories when they retreated here, if that's what's going on in the rest of the world he imagines S.T.Y.X. is probably involved so he tries to keep his eyes peeled for anything like their tech. He manages to find a busted drone in the snow one day and brings it home to work on it whenever he gets a spare moment. It helps him ignore his grief over losing Yuu, his child, and contact with all of his friends. When he's focused on not breaking the drone further, he can convince himself he's either worked through that already or that once he fixes it he will have everyone he lost back at home with him where they belong.
Unit 7954 cackles back to life with a stream of what sounds like a stream of curse words, but Idia has certainly never heard any of them before. He knows that joyful cackle though and he thinks he must have stayed up too long again because he as to be hallucinating. There is no way he's actually looking at Epel, but the whooping before he shyly calms himself down reassures him he is. The two frantically talk about the situation in the Shaftlands and the number of survivors before Idia smacks himself and remembers to mention Yutu's existence. Epel falls off his chair in surprise at the news and Idia is worried he's killed the man before he hears his sobbing. Breaking through the front lines of the Fairest Queen might be impossible, but a video call now that Epel has fixed the drone isn't and Ortho is nice enough to set one up.
"Sevens yer big." Yutu feels like he's 10 feet tall when he hears the drawl of his father's voice. "Bigger than I was at yer age I reckon." The man is certainly taller than him, with lavender waves he's tied neatly back to let him see better under his thick winter clothing. His smile is so warm and friendly Yutu wishes he could dive through the screen and be there with him right this instant. "'s ok if ya don't know where to start with the questions, I bet you got a bunch."
"Why'd you marry Yuu?" It's not what he expected to ask first. He wanted to talk about school, or ask something practical like tips about finding his unique magic or fighting monsters. But that was what he really wanted to know wasn't it? Why Yuu was so important, if he was important to this man and his different accent even after all these years. And the happy smile that relaxes his father screams that he is, it's as if he's shed years of stress and suffering just thinking about his parent.
"Be easier to list the reasons I didn't like them since there aren't any." Epel closes his eyes and thinks about that first moment he realized how much he liked you, tucked away studying in the library and bickering about how to do an assignment as he wondered why you were even there and if you thought he was cool at all. "Since Yuu was from another world a lot of us felt like they deserved a good home here, but that just meant I wanted to invite them over for the summer and stuff like that. Didn't mean I wanted to spend the rest of my life with them, that's what I thought at first anyway. But well, you know Yuu pretty well. They always somehow know where the good lies in even the worst of people. Or at least they knew where it was in me and made sure to believe in it right up until the last day I saw them." They both quiet at the thought of that, Yutu wondering if he should push further before Epel quietly adds. "I hope you know they'd be stupid proud of you for everything. Pomefiore isn't an easy dorm to be a part of but if you put in the work you'll really thrive there, and the both of us really believe you've got what it takes to do that yeah? If you'll let me speak on their behalf anyway."
"Of course you can." Yutu does his best not to cry, but Epel can tell it isn't going to work. "You- you miss them too after all." And isn't that the truth.
The plan to go back in time is decided on before the blockade around Harveston can be breached. Epel gives Yutu as much information as he can about the past and what to expect before he goes, making him promise to hug the younger him at least once in the hopes the memory will somehow flow across time and he'll get a taste of what it's like to hold his son before he sends him off with a "good luck" and "kick their ass!" Even though neither of them fully know who is responsible just yet.
Epel! Yutu has an easier time adjusting to the past than a lot of the other Yutu's thanks to Epel's descriptions of people like- well mostly just his description of Rook. He still comes off as weird but in an endearing way as opposed to an "I need to run for my existence literally" type of way. Unfortunately his dad might have buried the memory of just how in his feelings and jealous he got about Yuu pre relationship. He's rolling his eyes and ignoring everything Yutu says because he wants to monopolize your attention and Yutu is honestly kind of living for it. He thinks it's super cool that his dad is willing to fight for Yuu's affections even though he could be considered to have no chance. He's short, more "cute" than he is "hot," and poor by a lot of people's standards. Sure, Yutu loves the farm life and Yuu must have to raise him in it but if that isn't how you grew up he's super surprised you chose Epel. Surprised and grateful because Yutu really loves his dad.
That love gets through to Epel somewhat, he's super confused as to why the new guy thinks he's so cool AND why he wants to complain about it. Isn't that what he wants? To be seen as cool, strong, and reliable? Well sure but he wants you to see him that way more than anything, it'd make him so happy if he had your approval. He's happy to have your friendship but- well it would just be nice to have you around forever. He's going to miss you when you go back to your world.
Yutu considers re joining the board games club to get close to Idia, but sees Azul and moonwalks his way out of there in a move that definitely doesn't put him on either of their radars and announces to Yuu that he will be starting a book club instead. He does this so he has a reasonable excuse to spend a bunch of time in the library and request access to various archives but Sebek joins since it meets once a week on Saturdays and railroads it into being like. An actual book club. They have other members too and Yutu hates it because he isn't super fond of wasting his time reading things unrelated to his mission but some of the stuff Sebek recommends is good he guesses.
Yutu thinks he's doing a good job of flying under the radar of suspicion, and to be fair Epel and Yuu are a bit too caught up in each other to notice the stranger things about Yutu but Sebek is not and convinces them to surveil where he goes after the book club meetings. Grim is on board just because he's tired of watching Epel and Yuu make heart eyes at each other and he thinks he can get tuna out of it so they make a day of it. It turns out Yutu goes to Craneport every weekend without fail to meet up with... someone. He goes to an apartment building and it would be a bit too obvious if they followed him in there without more evidence (Yuu has to be the one to point this out because you know Sebek and Epel are ready to charge.) So they keep this up for a couple of weeks until one day Yutu cancels the book club meeting and leaves campus early. This time he heads towards the mines Yuu explored with Ace and Deuce for the mage stone that second night they were at NRC. There are several people there, and Yutu does something he's never done, not even around Yuu who he has described as a friend. He lets down his hood.
The shock of lavender that tumbles out from the hood has all three of you tripping over yourselves to cover your mouths. His facial expressions, mannerisms, and even the way he goes the pull his hair screams that he has to be related to Epel. He's admitted to being from your world, and the way he speaks, the shape and color of his eyes and the way he laughs have to come from you. Sebek isn't able to keep it in any more as he starts crying, then loudly denying he's crying, congratulating you on your marriage since you are a friend of the young master before yelling at Yutu for acting in a manner that could have brought dishonor to his parents.
All of this scares the phantom Yutu's friends were hunting out of hiding and forces everyone to fight it. Yutu is extremely flustered from Sebek's scolding but he is nowhere near as embarrassed as Epel who immediately starts taking it out on the phantom and cussing up a storm. It's one of the quicker fights Yutu has had with a blot monster, and he isn't really complaining when Epel drags him and Yuu into the Dwarf's Cottage for a chat.
"So I'm yer Pa, Yuu's m' spouse and ya didn't think to spit that out 'fer you went fighting shit fucks BECAUSE?" Epel is steaming mad, he's almost as red as Riddle which Yutu would be impressed by if he wasn't so embarrassed.
"Um. Cause I didn't think you would-"
"YER GODSDAMNED RIGHT I WOULDN'TA BELIEVED YA! At first anyway." Normal, or would it be fake? Neither Yutu supposes, calm Epel is back as he crosses his arms and really looks at him. "You look like me, and you sound like them. I bet there's things you can tell me about myself you'd have no way of knowing otherwise so why bother hiding yourself? Don't you want my help?"
"Our help." You speak up immediately and Epel nods, affirming what you said slightly embarrassed he let his insecurities forget that you were here too for a moment. Yutu doesn't answer immediately, instead he looks very firmly at the ground as if he would rather be anywhere else than admit what he's about to.
"... not if it means you both die. I- I don't think I can watch that happen again." And oh seven does that change the tone of the conversation, because what does he mean by again?
Yutu refuses to answer until he gets to hug Epel. He expects it to be awkward, but it isn't at all. His dad squeezes him so tightly Yutu is sure his future self has got to feel it as he slowly lays out his story about the bad future and how he thinks it got to be there. About growing up in Yuu's world and the pain of watching you die. Epel is mad as hell to hear about it and swears it won't happen and is halfway out the door before he even has time to process it. Everyone brings Sebek up to speed, who insists on informing the young master immediately; something everyone agrees is a good course of action given how Briar Valley was the first place they know of being effected.
Malleus is delighted that everyone agreed to invite him on their secret mission, but also deeply disturbed by what hears. As Briar Valley's King, it is his responsibility to make sure nothing like Yutu is describing happens for no other reason than it would harm his subjects, but he can't help but be personally insulted that whoever did this would rob his human friend of their happiness too. The only re-payment he requests is that when (not if) he saves the future that Epel and Yuu invite him to the wedding, baby shower, christening, and any other important milestone they have in their lives. It's an easy enough thing to agree to Epel thinks. He has the approval of Ace and Deuce already, so to have Malleus announce he accepts him as your man too? That's all of the family you've collected in this world so... it's not too much trouble to ask you to join his, right? He won't be tricked this time, promise. You will walk this life hand in hand until the eternal sleep takes you both, and that won't happen until Yutu is practically an old man himself. And you of all people should know what Epel can do when he sets his mind to it; he got you to fall in love with him after all, didn't he?
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Epel, Cater: With Open Arms
ashldbasiyaod Sorry for getting your birthday fic out late, Epel 💦
I couldn't find anything in the vignettes to hone in on as the major topic for his convo with Cater... so I made up my own little tale based on the painting in Epel's Groovy illustration and used that as a jumping off point. Hopefully you still enjoy!
A Tale as Old as Time.
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Red was not Epel's color.
It was too bright, too bold—and yet he felt his eye drawn to it. The color, a magnet with a pull too strong to resist.
A fair maiden, her eyes shut, cupped the fruit in both hands. Dainty fingers hugged the apple--round, ripe, and skin the color of a ruby. It was unblemished and free of bites, trapped in the scene to be savored by the gazes of passerbys.
"Hehe. This one looks pretty tasty too," Epel murmured to himself.
"Are you looking out for every painting with an apple in it?" Cater teased from a little way ahead of him. His eyes glinted with mischief, and Epel was reminded of a Granny Smith. Not quite the same shade, but there was the familiar tartness, a slight bite.
"I guess so. I help out with produce quality control back home, so I think I just started doing it without thinking." He slightly inclined his head. "It's a nice apple."
"You don't know the story behind it?"
"Er, no. I didn't realize there was one."
"It's a cautionary tale about being wary of strangers!" Cater threw a wink to the first year. "They tell it all the time to kids in the Shaftlands.
"It goes like this: a girl lives in the forest with seven of her friends. One day, when her friends are off mining for work, a stranger offers her a juicy red apple. She takes a bite of it and falls unconscious. The stranger had poisoned the apple because they were jealous of the happy life the girl had.
"The girl's seven friends come home and manage to bring her an antidote, so she's okay. The stranger is chased away, and the girl and her friends are a happy family again."
"Gosh, that's morbid! Why'd you have to go and tell me that..."
"Hehe. Scary, right?" The amused trill in Cater's voice didn't match his words. "Envy can drive people to do some pretty insane things to come out on top."
"When you say it with a smile like that... I can't help but be a little worried, Cater-senpai."
"It's not that surprising. Happens all the time on socials!" his upperclassman chirped. The green of his eyes had shifted a shade darker. "It's much easier to turn on someone when you're looking at them through a screen instead of in the eyes."
Epel clasped his hands to his chest. "... Do people really do that though? Just go on the internet to lie and backstab...?"
"Aww, you're still so innocent, Epel-chan. Well, you'll learn about this kind of stuff sooner or later. Placing your faith in anyone that comes along might lead to you hurting in the end."
"Is that really how it is?" Epel's brows scrunched--as did his nose. It made him look like a frustrated little bunny. "It might be a city thing.
"In Harveston, we help each other out all the time. Everyone knows each other. If the harvest is heavy and we're short on hands, the neighbors will pick apples with us. When there's a celebration, it's potluck style. We each make a dish and share it with the village. My ma 'n pa... er, that is, my parents... they always tell me we ought to extend that courtesy to outsiders and tourists too."
"That must be the famous Harveston hospitality Lils told me about! It sounds so nice~" Cater sighed wistfully, then pouted. "It's rare to find a community as close-knit as that nowadays. In the largest cities, people are way too busy to pay you any mind. Cay-kun's got major FOMO!"
"Ahahah... We really did grow up in very different places." Epel smiled softly. "Tell you what. If you ever visit, we'll be sure to welcome you with open arms, Cater-senpai. You can be a part of our family too."
"Eh, you mean it?!" Cater's face immediately lit up--and Epel had to wonder if his sadness had been an act. Truth or lie? It was always difficult to tell with him.
"I might just take you up on that offer then," Cater crooned, slipping an arm around Epel's shoulder. "You'll have to show me all of the best attractions and local specialties! Oh, and the best photo spots!"
"It's a promise."
His mouth stretched into a cheeky smirk. The red of a shining apple and the taste of a teasing—temptations he failed to resist.
"And how about a juicy poisoned apple to bring back as a souvenir?"
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cdragons · 1 year
Headcanons for Ikaris x Persephone!Eternal Reader (AKA Sephia)
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Note: Persephone!Eternal’s name is Sephia (it’s still a Reader x Ikaris au, but it’s just easier for me to give her a name). Her powers are that she can make and create any kind of plant at any location. She is neurodivergent, and hopefully these headcanons will help me decide which scenes to write out in either oneshots or drabbles. So really these are Part 1 of the many headcanons I have planned for these two.
Also, because these are Ikaris x Reader headcanons, the reader will be referred as “You”. Please be kind, also I added an "Ask" button on my blog if you have any questions!
Ikaris never really paid any attention you since he opened his eyes on the Domo; he was more attracted to Sersi’s beauty and kindness to pay any attention to you (he’s a hoe)
But he noticed that you and her would always be kept close together as the both of you would help the humans with their crops and developing their agriculture.
He noticed that you would only do as you were told before going off and doing your own thing
He never paid any attention because all this meant was that he would spend more time with Sersi
You on the other hand…you were not a fan of Ikaris (don’t worry this changes)
Not only was it completely obvious to her that he was only “helping” the humans because he wanted to get together with Sersi
But also, because he was always so rude to her best friend Kaetlyn, just because of her powers were a little “dark” and that she had different views as him and Ajak
Furthermore, he liked to act like he knew more about how to harvest and plant the crops even though YOU were the one who designed and created them
It wasn’t until he overheard a discussion between you and her when he heard you call him a “fartface who is only acting nice because he wants to get together with her”
From that day on, he was determined to get you to like him…easier than done
He thought that getting you to like would be a walk in the park, ‘twas anything but!
Many of the Eternals thought that you were very shy and quiet, but you had a very sassy and petty personality that only comes out when you were experiencing a strong emotion
So, whenever Ikaris would try to make conversation, you would just straight up ignore his ass
He would get all pissy princess mode on you, and you would explain that you had no interest entertaining someone who’s only here to flirt and not actually do a good job
From there on out, Ikaris would actually get off his high horse and actually try to help out; and he would ask you for any help because he could tell that you knew more about the crops than Sersi
You and him would actually start to eventually trust one another, even enjoying each other’s company
He would also notice that you weren’t actually comfortable around the humans
You would often be really quiet when around them, even avoiding eye contact with them when they try to talk to you
Also, he found that you zoned out…a LOT
Like Ajak would be holding a group meeting, and you would just be unblinkingly staring at a corner with a blank expression; but then Kaetlyn would lightly nudge you with her elbow, and you would start paying attention again
When he asked you if you were okay because you were acting strange in the meeting; you explained that you heard Ajak mention the word “fruit,” and that made you start thinking about the new fruit that you and Kaety talked about
That led you to somehow thinking pollination and bees and… *cue the confusion on Scottish Space Homelander’s face*
He really starts paying attention to you when he notices that you always stayed behind the Thinkers’ meetings to ask Phastos about his inventions (will write out scene if y'all want me too)
He would start to look forward in seeing you, and always try to find you in the large gatherings and feasts hosted by the humans, only to find that you would only be there for a short period of time or just not show up at all
He would also notice that you would spend a LOT of time in the wilderness, and when he asked you about it, you said that “you wanted to find the areas with the best smells”
You then starting talking a lot of which plants the humans find to make oils and perfumes and how some are really light and how some are too strong
You became curious so you would explore the areas to find the plants and sometimes you would find animals
Then you would follow the animals and then you would find yourself in different parts of the woods altogether
You told him about the time you were trying to find this specific breed of wild mint, but then a squirrel was staring at you and so you started to chase it to its nest…and then you got lost so you had to call Kaety to take you back because you lost track of time and you didn’t want to be later than Sersi
You then go on a tangent on why you liked being around Kaety so much, and one of the reasons is that she always smells REALLY GOOD to cover up the smell of death from dissecting both deviants and human corpses
But one time she forgot to wash her face mask and it started to smell really chemically, so you made her stand about 5 feet away because you have a really good sense of smell and you loved her but she smelled super gross
You started to blush really hard because you just revealed that you were a smeller despite you trying so hard to hide this fact from the rest of the group as Kingo once noticed you doing it and almost called you out on it
Granted Kaetlyn used her shadow to tackle him off a cliff before he could
But you still crouched in flustered shame at your accidental reveal
Ikaris swears he has never laughed so hard ever in his life, and decided that he liked you way better when you got super talkative than when you were insanely quiet
This was when he realized that whatever attraction he felt towards Sersi was miniscule to what he felt for you
Sersi tells him that she knew this whole time and she is literally so excited to play matchmaker
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Tagging: @spacetalbot, @valeskafics, @beananacake, @its-actually-minicika, @unfinished-sen, @siempre-bucky
Please let me know if you want to be tagged! I plan to make some Druig x Hecate!Eternal Reader (Kaetlyn) headcanons too!
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aimmyarrowshigh · 2 years
Star Wars - PalpaPoe.docx
I am intrigued!
Ooooh, OK, so this one is based on the premise that Poe is more Force sensitive than he thinks he is -- that Poe channels most of his Force sensitivity through the Force tree that Luke gave Shara, and when he spends that year nursing the Force tree back to health after the podracer/koyo orchard incident, he gets incredibly strong in the Force.
So Palpatine starts whispering in his brain across the Galaxy.
But Poe, being Poe, chooses goodness and Light and ultimately helps defeat Palpatine, etc.
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"Poe, what were you thinking?!"
The smoldering remains of a row of koyo vines pops and crackles, a few burst fruits still glowing with small blue flames. At the edge of the orchard, a curled tree taller than the koyo plants shivers in the wind, the sad reminders of its leaves still dripping water where Kes had run across the field with the emergency hose to douse the most dramatic of the flames. Where the Force tree had once had soft, shimmering brown bark the color of a whisper-bird's wing, its wrapping now is peeled, charred, and black. Everything reeks like the aftermath of a battle back when Kes was a Pathfinder. He half-expects to see the oozing remains of stormtroopers in the debris beneath the koyo shoots.
In front of the ruined tree—and season of crop money—is one very embarrassed, sad, angry, <i>wet</i> nine-year-old boy. Poe's arms cross his skinny, stocky chest so tightly that his knuckles are white. He can't look Kes in the eye.
"I was trying to help!"
Kes Dameron closes his eyes and inhales slowly. <i>Diez… nueve… ocho… siete…</i> "I told you to harvest the baby koyos, not set fire to the whole damn farm, Poe."
"I was harvesting them! I just—I needed to get it done fast!" Poe's voice sounds thick. Tears.
Kes can't deal with tears right now, not when he needs to figure out if they can still earn enough from what's left to keep Poe fed until next year's harvest. "Why? What in the name of the Light made you think putting a <i>podracer engine</i> on the harvester was a good idea? What if you had been what blew up, and not the melons? Poe, you could have killed yourself!"
"You said if I got it done by tonight, I could go up in the A-wing!" Poe's arms shoot out to his sides, hands clenched in chubby fists. "You said! So I was getting it done!"
"Poe." Kes wilts down to a crouch so he can meet his son's watery, blazing eyes. "I said that because it was a nice way of telling you <i>no</i>. You cannot take that A-wing up by yourself. Especially not during a meteor shower."
"But you said that if—"
"I know, and I should have just been honest." Kes interrupts him before he can keep working up the lather of a meltdown. "But you know that it's too dangerous to fly by yourself, even when the skies are calm. Why did you think I'd let you?"
Poe bites his lips together and refuses to look at his father.
Kes just waits, even though he wants to run to the Force tree and make sure that the fire is really out, or run to the commlink and see if he can get a line out to General Skywalker just to see if the tree can be saved. It—it can't be dead, too.
"Mamá promised me." Poe's voice is very quiet. "Mamá promised me, next time there's a shower, I could see it."
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sourwormsaresour · 3 years
idk if anyone has talked about this but I feel like no one has pointed this out yet. 
So, this fucker right here: 
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Do you know why he’s named “chocolate” and how this food is associated with this character? 
Let’s start with how chocolate is made. The cocoa tree that produces cocoa beans and ultimately chocolate is very finicky with the environment it needs to thrive in; you need a very warm, humid climate year-round where it can also be protected from strong weather like harsh sunlight and heavy winds. That’s easily done within the rainforest where the weather is naturally maintained and surrounding trees can protect the cocoa tree from weather or in farms where these trees will be grown with other trees that will provide them with the protection they need. Alternatively, you can create a warm and humid greenhouse instead where the tree can be under constant surveillance to maintain its environment. The greenhouse approach is often seen in research to find ways of growing chocolate in other places around the world and hopefully making the approach affordable and sustainable enough to use over traditional methods. 
Here’s what the lab used to cultivate cocoa trees looks like. It’s called the “International Cocoa Quarantine Centre” and is based in Britain. 
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Another factor in growing a cocoa tree is elevation. Ideally, you should be between 30-300 meters (about 100 to 1000 feet) above sea level or at least under 600 meters (about 2000 feet), which is considered low elevation. In general farming, lower elevations will create sweeter fruits that can ripen faster; the downsides of farming at such a level is everything being prone to rot faster, including the plants that bear the fruits themselves (specifically their roots). Farmers in low elevation need to consider factors like lower ventilation and lack of natural drainage, which can cause rotting.  Because of how complicated the conditions for cocoa trees are, it can get costly to grow and maintain them. One way to alleviate the cost of maintaining cocoa trees (besides exploitation of workers and unsustainable farming) is by tree grafting. This technique is commonly used in creating more trees in general and especially common in the chocolate industry. Grafting involves simply taking parts of a tree and attaching it to a tree that is genetically similar and doing so helps grow new cocoa trees, control the quality of the cocoa beans, and reduce cost of production overall. 
Here are some of the things that can happen if you don’t grow your cocoa tree properly. Unfortunately, some of these issues are unavoidable; why they happen and how to prevent them remains unknown and researchers are still trying to find answers that can explain why it happens and how to prevent or resolve them. 
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After years of growing and waiting for the tree to mature and produce pods, we finally have cocoa beans to harvest and make chocolate. Creating chocolate itself involves a controlled form of rotting we know too well: fermentation. Disclaimer: some say fermentation is the opposite of rotting because it prevents decay but others say fermentation is defined as a controlled form of decay while rotting is defined as uncontrolled decay. For this post, I’ll stick with the latter definition. Fermentation allows us to get stuff like alcohol, yogurt, and kimchi by breaking down items, essentially making them decay and rot, to create new items by using microorganisms like bacteria and yeast to perform the process. Before cocoa beans turn into chocolate, they need to be fermented for a certain amount of days- no more and no less than necessary. It’s not going to be like wine such that aging the product will make the quality better. Over-fermenting leads to a waste product that’s just completely rotten, moldy, and just unusable in the end. And like any type of fruit, the cocoa pod will ultimately ripen and rot after it falls off the tree if it’s not used over time. Improper fermentation will also cause mold to occur, causing the beans to rot than ferment. Mold can also be caused by moisture coming in contact with the beans. Unlike cheese or meats, the mold on cocoa beans can cause long-term health issues if consumed. What we end up getting after fermenting, roasting, and grinding the beans is a pure cocoa paste or “pure chocolate.” Once the chocolate is made, it cannot get moldy; it can develop a mold-like appearance called bloom but that’s safe to eat and technically not mold. However, if you separate the cocoa powder from the paste, that can mold if it comes in contact with water.
Look at how moldy these cocoa beans can get: 
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Pure chocolate has health benefits like providing antioxidants, being a major ingredient in skincare as cocoa butter, and reduce health issues. However, the chocolate we’re all used to eating is some cocoa paste with added ingredients (milk, nuts, fillings, etc.), and these ingredients are the things that end up turning chocolate into unhealthy food. You can eat pure cocoa paste, but it wouldn’t be defined as chocolate and it won’t be as tasty; even bars labeled "70% cacao" have added ingredients to it. One particular ingredient in chocolate that is a great example of how it makes chocolate unhealthy is processed sugar. Sugar itself has addicting properties and is unhealthy for many reasons, yet it’s a huge part of why we love to eat chocolate. It’s also why we have to eat chocolate with added ingredients in small quantities despite the health benefits chocolate has- the benefits and the downsides cancel each other out (i.e. pure chocolate prevents tooth decay but sugar causes tooth decay, chocolate lowers blood pressure yet sugar contributes to health issues that can cause higher blood pressure). The development of chocolate as a sweet candy in today’s world rather than a healthy ingredient also plays into this.
Based on this info, we can see how chocolate shaped Cioccolata as a character and his Stand’s abilities. The mold and rot aspect of Green Day is easily explained with the fermentation process and how the process of chocolate is susceptible to mold up throughout. Green Day’s functionality working only when victims are underneath Cioccolata is because cocoa trees require lower elevations to thrive and how lower elevation increases chances of rot in produce. The constant surveillance and maintenance of cocoa trees in a laboratory setting can reference Cioccolata finding pleasure in recording his victims’ misery, his “research” in torturing their bodies, as well as the intense and detailed work that comes with studying and practicing medicine. The tree grafting in the chocolate industry connects to Green Day’s second ability that allows it to dismember and reassemble Cioccolata with mold. It also connects to Ciccolata’s sadistic nature when it comes to manipulating his victims’ bodies and the brutality of his Stand’s mold being able to break people’s limbs apart (think Sorbet’s 36 frames, Gelato’s possible taxidermy when he was discovered by Formaggio, and how bodies affected are easily snapped apart when mold gets on them). The dichotomy of chocolate as healthy food and junk food also relates to Cioccolata as a character who should have been good (because he’s a doctor) but does more harm instead. The role of sugar in chocolate plays into that as well, but it’s especially related to how sugar cubes are used to control Secco and Cioccolata full name in JORGE JOESTAR is Dolcio Cioccolata (literally “sweet chocolate”). Hell, I can go on about how Secco’s name has a connection to chocolate too. 
I’ve seen how characters in VA are shaped by the food they’re named after, down to their Stand abilities, so it’s nice to see that Cioccolata follows this too. Let me know if you guys have other information that can add to Cioccolata’s characterization. :)
Btw this is based on some Googling I did, which involved reading a few papers that came up on search and a Chocolate tour that I did when I was in Guatemala last month, so please let me know if the information is incorrect or add with your findings to correct it. 
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Have I ever told you guys about my skeleton next gens? If not, I am now :)
You can ask about them in the asks if you want! I can even write X Reader things with them :D I think that that would be fun. I love these guys!
Horrorfarm- (they’re still together. Shockingly enough Horror carried them.)
Snack. A real sweetie. Didn’t get his fathers heights, and is very small standing only at 4′6. He was the first born and he didn’t get a whole lotta magic. He’s tiny and real sweet, very cute but he’s able to twist words around and make anyone look like a bad guy. He doesn’t like to do that too much though. One of his eyes is green with a red circle around it while the other eye is just black. 
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Sprout- One of the smaller ones standing at 5′3. He got a bit more magic than Snack did, but was still smallish. Sadly, he sometimes gets sick easily and will often need a lot of bed rest. His bones are weak and he needs to walk with a cane and sometimes he needs to even use a wheelchair! He can’t do much around the farm because of that. Not that he’s weak, but because Corn is overprotective. He normally goes to the town to get things with Harvest instead of helping out around the farm a whole lot. He normally just stays in the wheel chair unless he has a good day. He’s really nice and really innocent, getting upset at the thought of killing things which is why sometimes he gets worried  around Axe. His eye shines are green. 
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Orchard- A girl who loves to garden and will often help her fathers pick the fruits and things. She's able to, somehow, figure out when it's the best time to pick them and she handles the oranges and fruits like that mostly. She's tallish, and has orange eye shines. She has freckles, and a gap in her teeth because she lost one of her teeth when she was younger, and it just never grew back. She cares strongly for her siblings and will protect them at all costs, though seems to talk to trees like they're real creatures and really able to understand her. Maybe they can?
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Sun Flower(or Sunny)- A pretty tall skeleton, around 5′11, who got her dads eye color! It’s a bright yellow but unlike her father(one of them) there’s a light reddish brown in the middle which is why they named her Sunflower. She’s very sweet and will give people flowers randomly but if you touch her or try to mess with her siblings she’s one of the scariest people around. Her teeth are very sharp on the inside but the pair on the outside don’t look sharp at all. She can open her mouth really wide and her teeth on the inside are much sharper. 
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Nester- Just like Axe, she loves the farm creatures and will protect the babies with her life. She has sharp 'claw' like finger tips just like Axe, and sharp teeth. She has almost the most magic out of them all. She really likes the baby chickens but will try to protect the baby animals. She has one red eye socket and the other is never there and working. She's blind on that side, just like her dad! Corn likes to call her 'Hatchet' as a joke cause that's like an Axe.
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Rodeo- The tallest at 6′9.5. She loves to ride bulls and takes care of them on Corn’s farm. Has pretty strong magic and loves to go to those contests where they try to get bucked off bulls. She can talk anyone into buying their stuff and much more than they need. Both of her eyes are a greenish brown color like a leaf just starting to turn orange. 
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Executor. The one most like Horror, standing at 6′ on the dot. He believes that people need to die sometimes, his magic is the strongest out of his family and can sometimes get out of his control so sometimes it bursts out and has cracked his skull in a few spots. He guards the farm, and if anyone tries to come on that he ‘sees’ as bad he’ll take them out.  He has one red eye and one green. When he thinks someone is good, he shuts the red eye and when he thinks they’re bad, he shuts the green one. 
Afterdeath- (Still together)
Quietus- A quiet boy who knows when it's someone's time to pass on, and he walks with them to the after life, making sure that they understand what's going on. He stays with the lost souls until they're ready to pass on. He's shy around the living. He's kind of small at 5'1 and always has on a hood. Both of his eyes are glitched out, but can still see.
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Mirror- The shortest of them all at 5' he'll help when people have left over business or when they don't believe that they're dead. He always carries around a mirror with him that if you look into, shows either how you die or your happiest moment. Whichever is closer. His eyes are just black holes.
Errorink- (on and off but still always together)
Delete- The oldest and meanest. He hates the idea of his parents always fighting and being 'on and off' so doesn't even think of them as his parents anymore. He deletes aus that are just bad, like the joke aus because he thinks that they're just cluttering up the multiverse(no hate from me) I think his eyes change shapes like Ink but they’re normally in either x’s or o’s and if he finds an au he likes, they’re O’s but if he finds one he dislikes they’re X’s.
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Abstract- The second oldest. When he gets too excited he throws up ink like his dad does but his ink, instead of black, is whatever color is close to the emotion he was feeling in that second. So if he's happy, it's yellow, if he's mad it's red and so on so on. He loves to create things and likes studying au's because he finds them so cool! He has ink dripping from his eyes at all times that is always slowly changing colors and the pupils are just black but with white in the middle.
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Blending- The third oldest. She loves and pretty much watches the aus that mix two different aus together. So like Fellswap, Swapfell, and all those. She likes to watch them from in the void resting her hands on her face. She has swirls all over her bones which glitch on and off her sometimes and she can pull them off to use them as weapons like Error's strings. Her eyes are rainbow colored and all bended together and glows with whatever emotion she’s feeling at that moment. If she’s overwhelmed they’ll turn all the colors then white until she can recharge. The outer part of her eyes are red like Error’s.
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Charcoal- The fourth oldest. He hates AU's and wishes that they would all just disappear other than the dark ones. Like Horrortale, Underfell, and those? He likes those. He's one of the meaner children and instead of teleporting he'd poof into black dust leaving a trail of it where ever he goes. Looks up to Delete a lot. His eyes look black but if you look closely you can see very dark gray shapes that are always changing with his emotions.
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Muff- He can go around in the multiverse and find AU's that have yet to be completed and he can either take out ones that have been finished so they don't get deleted, or delete the au himself. Depending on what he thinks is the best choice. He has black bones and rainbow eyes that always change colors as he blinks. When he sees an AU he needs to erase, his eyes go white
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Typo- a skeleton who’s bones are all white that slowly fade to black near his hands and the tips of his fingers. He can write and has ink that comes from them! He can let out inky strings that would wrap around things and he has the same back strings coming from his eyes that go down his face. His sockets are all black though different shades of black. When Misprint is born, he loves his little sibling. He’s pretty small and hates it. He doesn’t do anything for AU’s, just watches them. 
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Misprint- the one created right before the twins! He thinks that AU's are fun, yet sometimes they need to be deleted because they're cluttering up the area. He dislikes Delete, a lot, and thinks that Charcoal is a brat. He has white bones with black markings all over them that look like writing though also look like tattoos. He can pull them off and start to 'type' on the words. His eyes are white then black sockets.
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Spray Paint: you guys know this boy! Another child of Ink and Error... oops -w-' he comes from an AU where they accidentally made him fully out of magic and it was enough to where he didn't need to form and they left him on accident. They find him later on but... yeah ^^' he's this little weirdo and I love him.
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Blue- The oldest of the primary triplets. Just by an hour or two. His bones are blue while his sockets are black with random blue shapes. The shapes tell his emotions and his tears glow in the dark because they're magic and he can catch them and change their shapes. He's the easiest to make cry and will whine and whimper if he doesn't get what he wants. He has red and yellow markings all over his body in like swirls that he can't control but they come off to protect him if he's in danger. He glitches out and stutters. He finds AU's fun and listens to their stories and cries whenever his favorite 'character' dies. He sees all AU's as just shows.
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Red- The middle of the primary triplets. His bones are red with black markings down from his eyes like tears like Error has. He has blue and yellow markings on his bones that glow when he's using the strings from his eyes. His eye shines are a bright glowing red color with yellow and blue pupils that don't glow. He's easy to anger and very protective of his two brothers and will fight anyone that tries to hurt them. Even if they annoy him sometimes. He hates AU's and thinks that only the original should be there, even if that means he has to die too now that he thinks about it.
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Yellow- The youngest of the primary triplets. He’s easily excited and loves the idea of fun things! He hates when things are boring and gets bored of things easily, and when he gets bored of those things he’ll forget about them or even want them to go away because he gets annoyed. People are thing to him and he dislikes the idea of them trying to get away from him. He has yellow bones with red and blue markings that he can pull off his bones and use them as ropes. They’re almost unable to be cut unless he isn’t focusing on them. He has a whole lot of energy and dislikes it when people don’t listen to him or something.
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Diddy Doodle- The youngest. Still just a baby so doesn't do much but doodle which is where they got their name. One of their eyes look like a scribbled in color of whatever emotion their feeling while the other one is blue then yellow then blue then yellow with a tiny white pupil.
NightBlue- (they’re together but it’s a secret until they have their kids)
Midnight- The oldest, and the scariest looking. He has tentacles like his father which have lighter blue speckles which look a little like stars, which is why he was named Midnight! He's very sweet though and takes after Blueberry a lot more than Nightmare, but if someone gets on his bad side or hurts his siblings, then they're going to see a lot of pain. His eyes are like stars like Blueberry Sans often enough. He's the tallest as well, 6'10.
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Blackberry- The one that looks the most like Blueberry. He can summon those tentacles but they're not drippy and more of a deep blue/black color than just black. He acts sweet but will stab you in the back if you try to take what he wants. It's hard to get on his good side because he's learned that people will take and judge you based off your looks. He's 5'3
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Horror Story- The second scariest, and he uses that. He likes that people fear him, because normally fear means respect. If you get to know him though, you'll see he's pretty sweet he's just scared to be too nice because he worries about being taken advantage of. He's 5'6.
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Sleeper: another child of Nightmare and Blueberry! She acts like two different people, one while she's awake and the other comes out when she's asleep. She has orange eyeshines that has a slight purple gradient and tentacles that are either yellow or purple , they only come out whenever they're needed. She loves her oldest brother.
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Eclipse- Almost the youngest and has white goop covering his bones instead of black like his father. He has random blue speckles that look kind of like stars and one on his forehead that looks like a moon. He’s an asshole. Dislikes most others other than anyone who’s ‘soft’ and needs help then he’s strangely protective. He’s 4′11
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BabyBat- Instead of tentacles, he has wings that look kind of like a bat, which is why he's called that! He looks kinda gross and drippy like his dad, but he's very sweet and will hug anyone that he thinks is nice. His eyes are a bright blue which stand out from the darkness of his well... body. He's the smallest standing at 4'1 and likes to fly around and squeaks when he gets really excited.
Dream X Killer
Sunset: A female skeleton with yellow eyeshines but she has goopy yellow stuff coming from her eyes that looks like melted gold. They believe it’s extra magic that is leaking because she can’t have that much in her body? She’s very sweet, caring, and loves attention! She’s everyone’s best friend, and anyone finding themselves disliking her she would tell her group of friends and it’s hard to make them fight against her.
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Raven: A non-binary skeleton who has blackness dripping from their eyes and no eyeshines. A smile a lot like Dream’s though, and they have wings! Neither of them are quite sure where that came from, but they’re black and feel kind of like moving your hands through bubbles when you move your hand through them. Raven cannot fly and dislikes people touching their wings without asking first. Only Sunset can. They have very sharp finger points.
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Lucid: another child with no gender, agender this time! They have one soul with three circles around it, one yellow, one purple, and one black. The black one will sometimes move and cover the soul which makes them pass out and they won’t wake up for a few days. The parents are unsure on what causes that but it happens whenever they get too angry or sad about things. Their eyeshines are blue and they have blackness coming from their eyes that look like tears but it’s part of their bones unlike Killer. It’s kind of like they can see what people are thinking for some reason.
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Vantablack: a skeleton with black bones, and no eyeshines, eyes fully black. He can control shadows and seems to be a guardian of darkness because he can blend into the shadows or anything that’s colored black. He looks scary but he’s the one that acts most likely Dream! He just knows that darkness is needed and loves anything colored black but still wears some pastel and light colors. He’s really cute.
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Peril: One that Killer was able to name. She has golden eyeshines and only one of her eyes has the black stuff coming from it, that sometimes covers the eyeshine. It only comes out when she’s using her magic. He thought that naming her that would make her kinda ‘scary’ but she’s a real sweetie… she seems to know when people are in danger, though!
Nightmare X Ink(not together in any timeline the child was an accident)
Pastel: The child of Nightmare and Ink from a different Timeline! She's covered in goop stuff but it's all in pastel rainbow colors and she loves colors and anything bright but she can only really feel negative feelings, so any positive ones are fake. She studies people to see how they react to things a lot. She travels through the multiverse a lot.
Nightmare X Error X Killer(Not really together in this timeline)
Nyx: She was born after the goddess of night, and she's covered in that black goop, the same as her father, and she has glowing light blue lines going down from her cheeks that look like tears. Her eyes are fully blue, and glow a little in the dark. She is the child of Nightmare and Error. She has tentacles that are thin and a lot of them which she can wrap around people, kind of like strings that Error has! They have a gradient of blue just like the color of her eyes.
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Apollo: Another child of Nightmare but this time with Killer! He has blackness coming from his eyes that is always dripping but it never hits the ground, it just looks like it's moving. He doesn't have any tentacles and, for some reason, he has purple eyeshines. He's pretty small at 5'4 or so. He doesn’t really show much emotion and likes to mess things up and Killer likes to joke that he’s a destroyer just like Error even though Killer is the other dad.
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Hades: Another child of Nightmare! This one is covered in an inky blackness, and his eyes are always closed. He's blind anyway, and he can sense when people are around him. He has two tentacles and is always seen with a :| face and he has black and blue lines going down from his shut sockets. None of them know who the other parent is since... Hades kinda looks like a mix of them all.
Red X Sans-
Jokester- A boy skeleton who's eyeshines are two different shades of purple. One with more blue, and one with more red. He loves pranks, loves to tease people, and always is trying to get people to react to things but it's mostly because he hates the idea of being ignored. Sometimes his pranks could be a little dangerous but he's normally really careful with that stuff.. he has sharp teeth.
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Lilac- A female skeleton monster who’s eyeshines are purple in color! She has nice white bones and no sharp teeth. She has two small cracks under her eyes but nothing too noticeable. 
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Comic- He loves to tell puns, and hates it when people don't laugh at them so he might sometimes threaten people... mostly because he hates the awkward silence as he waits. His favorite thing to do is to write down his joke ideas and draw pictures based off them, comics! Like his name suggests. He doesn't have sharp teeth but he wishes that he did and hates Jokester for having it. He hates affection but loves it at the same time, so he's a bit like a cat... his eyeshines are purple with a small blue circle around them. 
Red X Sci(Not together in this timeline)
Atoms: The son of Sci and Red! He has one red eye shine and the other is gone because he's fully blind in that eye and the one with the eyeshine is very blurry so he needs to wear glasses. He likes science but he gets embarrassed and aggressive if people ask about it too much or tease him about it.
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Proton: The daughter of Sci and Red! She's always happy and loves to talk to people. She's pretty positive and can see the good in everything even if she's fully blind. Legally. She can see faint shapes but not very well. Sometimes she falls asleep randomly, and she has sharp teeth.
Cream- (Together)
Stars- Stars was the first born of Cross and Dream, and she has bright orangey yellow eyeshines. They're often in the shape of stars which is why she was named that! She has sparkly freckles on her cheeks and has a gap in her two front teeth. She's very strong and a great fighter and will fight if she needs to but tries to settle everything without hurting anyone. She hates Eclipse and often the two of them will get into fights. She’s the only one that she really fully hates, and she has no idea WHY
Hunter- A male skeleton who has the normal white bones but his eyes are all black other than the stuff that leaks out. It's a bright red and he can't stop it from happening. He's always pretty excited about going out and he's always so sure of himself and when something bad happens, he'll find a way to go around it. He sees things that aren't there sometimes but tries to ignore it. He's pretty average in height at 5'6
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Hood- Another boy and he hates everything. Everything gets on his nerves and he'll snap at people often. The only creatures he likes are animals, since he feels like they're the only ones that trust him and won't hurt him. He hates his four youngest siblings because they got so much attention. He has thought about running away a lot of the times. His eyeshines are fully red and he has black stuff that comes from his eyes just like Killer. It comes out more when he gets angry. He always wears a hood.
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Scourge- He's very shy and quiet, staying away from people a lot because he doesn't want to have to fight. He dislikes violence and flinches when people shout at him but sometimes something else seems to take over his mind, and when that happens, he's very violent and aggressive, and will hurt anyone around. He hurt one of his siblings before and he doesn't remember because when the other thing takes over, he doesn't remember what happens afterwards. He's got two different colors of eyeshines, one being an orange yellow and the other a bright red. He has blackness dripping from his eyes all the time.
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Outbreak- A honestly very sweet and nice skeleton. Nobody knows where that came from, but she wants to grow up to use her healing magic to save people’s lives. She’s a born healer and tries to never argue or get mad but her anger is very aggressive, and she will try to kill if pushed too far. Her eye sockets are fully black but when she uses her healing magic, she gets green eyeshines but only then. She has a few cracks in her skull one very large one from an accident when she was younger. It gives her memory issues. 
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Toughie- She's an aggressive monster who honestly really doesn't want to fight anymore she just feels like she needs to be tough and aggressive because if not, others would walk all over her. Her eyeshines are a bright red color and she has a single line of red dripping down from her eye sockets and it swirls into a circle on her cheek then down dripping off all the time. She likes to wear baggy and comfortable clothes. She worries about being the oldest out of the four all the time and wonders if she's being a good older sister.
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Toughy- Toughy is a boy skeleton with one red and blue eye and the other is pure black with dripping red stuff while the other is dripping black. He loves to fight and enjoys beating people up but only really bad people! Like bullies. If they're bullies he doesn't feel bad. Also people who make fun of trans, he thinks those are the worst kinda people. He has a weird lil dumb crush on Nightmare. He's also trans. He looks up to his sister a lot even if he thinks it's annoying that she brings up how she's older than him even if it's just by a small amount of time... he does the same thing to his younger sibling.
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Roughie- She's a skeleton that likes to dress up as a boy even though she's a girl, and it isn't because she wants people to think she's a boy or anything, she just thinks it's funny to see them make the mistake. She loves to go play in the mud. Sometimes she talks to people that aren't there, and hates it when people look at her like she's crazy! She knows that the people aren't there that's why she's trying to get them to shut up. She might attack someone if they bring up the fact that she's being weird... She has full empty black sockets and her eyeshines only appear randomly and she can't make them appear herself or she'd get a really bad headache.
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Rioter- A skeleton that believes that the world shouldn't have violence, so often will riot against laws and such that he doesn't agree with. He goes by anything people wanna call them, and thinks that sticking to one is boring. It's a little funny she'd try to settle violence with violence but eh, it works normally. Her eyeshines are a mix of red and green and he has sharp fingertips and can't not smile even if he doesn't want to smile. He has quite a few cracks in his skull and a few scratches. 
Killer X Cosmos-(Not together in this timeline)
Blackhole: The child of Cosmos and Killer from a different Timeline. She has fully black eyes that have black liquid dripping down that sparkles like it has stars in it. She has pearly white bones and floats sometimes because of her powers. She has a hard time feeling emotions and can't understand other people's emotions. She always has a blank look on her face.
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Astra: Another child of Cosmos and Killer. This one feels emotions much too strongly but only good ones, she can't feel sad or upset, and is always happy and smiling. She has black lines from her eyes that has star shapes at the bottom. Her eyeshines are sparkly and blue.
Oak X Lover-
Beau- A female! She loves to use her looks to get stuff that she wants but she will hurt people if they try to force her to do anything. She has sharp fingers just like Oak does, not as strong or long, but still just as sharp and she paints them the color of her magic! A very nice shade and mix of red and purple. Her teeth are sharp just like Oak's and it embarrasses her so more often than not, she would file down her teeth just so they're less pointy. She wears charming clothing that don't show off too much.
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Suitor- He is very much like Lover. He uses his charm to get things from people that he wants but in true, he's easily flustered when he really likes people and he'll blush and stutter. He has one red eyeshine and one pink. The pink one is in the shape of a heart while the red is the normal circle shape. His teeth are the smallest amount sharp, which he thinks adds to his bad boy charm.
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Willow- Willow is the tallest of the family! A full 8' she has long arms and long fingers as well that are very sharp that reach down to the ground. When she stands up straight, she reminded Oak a bit of a weeping willow which is why they named her Willow! She has sharp teeth and purple eyeshines just like her momdad. She looks scary but she's one of the sweetest and enjoys gifting food and snacks to people who need it but she often hides herself in a cloak because she doesn't want people to fear her. She and Orchard are very close friends. 
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Herb- The cook in the family! Other than Oak, of course. He really loves to cook, and has a lot of fun doing it. He's the 'cute' one in the family with soft looking cheeks and big eyeshines but he's a little shit and loves to use his cuteness to get things from people. He's really selfish even if he cooks for people he would either want something back from them or might 'accidentally' under or overcook their thing if he thinks that they're not treating him well enough. He has the smallest points on his teeth and freckles covering his cheeks.
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Seedling- The youngest and the sweetest. She can see the good in everyone and everything, and she seems to know when something is going to grow well or not. She carries around seeds with her everywhere she goes and will plant them randomly. Her favorite types of trees are ones that can give fruit or pretty flowers. Her fingers don't look it but they're very sharp, and she only will eat meat. She can't eat anything but it, for some reason? She will bite people if they try to touch her and her teeth are very sharp as well. She's really sweet but will attack if someone tries to touch her without asking first.
Cosmos X Alpha-(Together)
Dwarf- A very short skeleton. He stands at only around 4'3! Shocking based off the heights of his parents, but a lot of people think it's just... something to do with his magic? They named him Dwarf after the dwarf planets, you know? Plus cause... he's tiny. He has sparkly red eyeshines that have random swishes and stripes of blue. His eyeshines and magic is his favorite part about himself. He has sharp teeth but only the front two other than that, they're normal. He’s very sweet and shy but gets really mad if his height is brought up.
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Milky- A female skeleton with bones that seem to sparkle like they have stars or glitter on it! It does not. Her eyes are always shut and nobody ever knows why other than her family. She's blind and dislikes trying to see things when she knows that she can't, so she keeps her eyes shut. She's very out going and very trusting but always seems to know if someone has things that they want from her. Nobody can keep secrets from her. 
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Lumi- This skeletons bones seem to glow the faintest amount when they're left in the darkness. Their eyeshines fill their whole eyes instead of the normal blackness, there's just a glowing whiteness that they can't seem to stop. They can't have just empty black sockets. They're very pretty but a lot of people say almost... unnerving to look at. They can never be lied to because they're able to tell liars right away. They go by They/Them and greatly dislike it whenever people misgender them.
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Celestial- A female skeleton that is just as shy as her father. She would hide behind her siblings and it's easy because she's only 5'3 but when someone tries to threaten her or her siblings, she lets out her Alpha side. She'll curse them out and bring up every single thing that's wrong with them. She'll make them cry if she has to! Her eyeshines are blue with sparkles in them that look like stars, and she has normal teeth like Cosmos instead of the sharp teeth her father has. She has a few cracks and stars going down her cheeks that were drawn on a long time ago.
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Astronomy- One of the only boys birthed to these two. He is a total nerd who needs to wear glasses and he loves space! He studies it all the time and is trying to find a star or a planet that has yet to be found so he could name it himself. He wears a suit and he has freckles on his cheeks that look and sparkle just like stars. He has sharp teeth like Alpha does but tries to file them down because... he dislikes the idea of having sharp teeth. He believes that it makes him look less smart and he wants people to think that he's smart. He's almost the youngest and his sisters are so cool! He needs to have something. 
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Night Light- The youngest. He gives off a faint glow all the time, something that comes from a being of too much magic. It sometimes makes him sick to have so much but he thinks that the glow looks cool so he doesn't mind too much. He has sharp finger tips like Alpha does and treats life as if it's a joke just like his dad does. He doesn't know how long he'll have to stay here so... why not make it fun? He can't go out too often because of the over magic he has, but when he does go out he will go feral. 
Pinks X Chum(They’re together I think :)
Algae: The oldest child of Pinks and Chum! A fairly large merfolk that has tentacles and a long tail. He's very pretty and knows that he is and he likes it when people get crushes on him but he has never gotten a crush on someone before. His colors are more purplish and he knows how rare that color is so he feels pretty proud of himself. He has sharp teeth and sharp finger points. He enjoys watching humans.
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Kraken: One that looks a lot like his father, Chum, he's very large and has tentacles that hang down and he's really big. His bones are tinted a little blue in color and he's more blue but with pink stripes on his tentacles and the hooks are pink. His eyeshines are pink, just like Pinks though! He's shy, and quiet, and really doesn't like to be seen by a lot of people so he's normally hiding. He's a total 'mama's' boy and follows Pinks around whenever they have to go out together. He sticks close to Pinks because he feels like Pinks could protect him, even though he could easily protect himself.
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Swimmy: A little tiny thing. The daughter of Chum and Pinks, she might look the most like Pinks with her flowing fins and pretty sparkly scales but she's the most aggressive out of them all. She has very sharp teeth and sharp finger points, she has this toxin in her fins that causes a stinging feeling and it hurts if you touch it. Neither of her parents know where she got that from. She gets crushes easily and loves affection. She's closest to Chum.
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laurafett · 4 years
Unfamiliar Fruit
Friends to lovers, sex pollen Boba Fett x f reader 
Words: 10k
- You and Boba are guests in a palace on a different planet. The King serves you some strange food, with the intetion of doing both of you a favour - 
No mentions of pronouns, hair or skin color, sexuality. Also, let’s pretend that there is underwear in space. Minors, do NOT interact!!
Warnings: smut, fluff, age gap (reader is 18+), mentions of food and eating, masturbation (m and f), comlink sex, pain due to sex pollen, slight voice kink 
Why did you always let yourself get dragged into some bantha shit like this? You were dirty, sweaty and smelled like the inside of a Tauntaun. Boba told you this was going to be a short hunt for which he needed your help. Just one bounty he would have to hunt and collect. He said it would take about two or three days. Yeah, no shit. You were sitting on this Marker forsaken planet for almost two weeks now because Boba found some new connections for his business on Tatooine.
He didn't want you to get into trouble so you had to stay in Slave I almost every day. You had no clean clothes, the water tank for the shower was already empty and soon you would be out of food too.
You sat in this tiny, dirty ship while the bounty hunter probably was living in a  big, glamorous palace at the other side of the town. You crossed your arms in front of your chest, letting out a sight as you tried to find a comfortable position in the pilots seat. This was where you spent most of your days, sitting in the cockpit while looking out of the big window in front of you.
It was a green planet, with lots of trees and fields of grasses. It was a welcome sight after spending so much time on Tatooine. The air here was cool and fresh, but it was not exactly cold. The small forests shielded the ship from the sun, so that it always had a comfortable temperature in the ship. At least that was something nice about your current location.
Another nice thing was there was a river which’s stream led behind the big city walls. On some particular hot days, you used the water there to cool down your body. You watched how the water disappeared as soon as it reached the high built bricks that were put there to shield the town and the people there from any kind of intruders.  
You couldn't see much of the city because the ship was stationed some miles away from it. You guessed it was old, from the way the walls looked. In all your days here you never saw a person leaving or entering through the massive wooden doors. It made you wonder if the town was really so big to have everything they needed, so no one ever had to leave this place.
Tearing your eyes away from the mysterious town in front of you, you looked into the sky. Only a few more hours before the sun would start to set and you would have another silent night all by yourself.
If you were on Tatooine you would have spent time with Fennec during your sleepless nights, her never seeming to sleep much as well. But no, you were here. And you were bored to death. There wasn't even anything to read on Boba’s ship, so you had no other option other than to sit around and  keep staring holes into the air.
Right when you were about to get lost in some thoughts again, your datapad received a message from your absent partner. Your back straightened and you leaned forward to read it.
“We will leave soon, only one or two more days.
They invited you for dinner tonight as well,
you also get a proper quarter to sleep in.
Be here before the sun sets.
Take the ship with you, there is a place near the palace
where you can land it. Be careful.”
You almost started crying at the thought of a real bed and real food waiting for you. “Thank the Maker.”, you mumbled to yourself before you checked that everything on the ship was secured so nothing would break during your flight. It didn't take long for you to start the ship and fly directly in the direction of the big castle-like building.
Only five minutes later you landed the ship near the palace and some people were already coming out of the ancient building. You grabbed your blaster before leaving the ship and walked towards the other people. They greeted you by bowing in front of you. Eyebrows lifted in surprise, you looked back down at them.
There was an older man with brown skin and dark hair, some strands already whitening. His mouth was almost hidden by a big, long beard that went down to his throat, but you were able to make out a small smile on his lips. He wore a purple robe, so long that the end of it was covering the ground behind him. Some golden chains covered his chest and he wore rings on almost every finger.
He was in the company of four young women, covered in light yellow cloaks. You were able to see their faces, all of them smiling at you. Each one seemingly more beautiful than the others. Now you could understand why Boba spent so much time here.
“You must be the partner of the great Boba Fett.” The man in front of you began speaking, “We are glad to have you here. All our guests get only the best. We’ve prepared your quarters for the night and one of my maids will show you the way so you can refresh yourself before dinner.”
The old man pointed at a young woman with curly hair, who was smiling at you.
“Thank you, that's really nice.” was all you could say in your current state of surprise.
“Nothing to thank us for. We made a really good deal with your partner so it is a pleasure for us to have you here.” The man nodded slowly and you gave him a weak smile. These people were way too friendly to make a deal with Boba. You hoped he would explain this to you when you see him.
“Follow me, I will show you your room.” The young woman said and waved her hand for you to follow her.
The palace was gigantic. Many statues and old art were all over the place. The statues were made out of white stone, portraying people you didn't know, probably warriors. Strong bodies, perfectly chiseled into different kinds of material, telling a story you've never heard before. Paintings covered the high walls, showing many faces. Some of them looked like normal citizens like farmers, children, or the whole families portraits. Others picturing royals, queens and kings, princes and princesses.
The two of you walked through an uncountable amount of rooms and corridors. And after almost ten minutes of walking the woman turned around, looking at you. She opened the doors on your left and your eyes widened in shock. The room they prepared for you was bigger than any house you had ever lived in. It was filled with old furniture, a gigantic bed, a big balcony and a probably enormous bathroom behind a closed door. The maid walked into the room with you being directly behind her. She went over to a large closet and opened it to reveal that it was full of beautiful clothes made out of the best material in the galaxy. One of your hands rose to touch the silky fabric of one of the dresses.
“These are for you to wear. We asked your partner for your size and I hope there is something that fits in here. If not, feel free to tell me and we will get you something else.” You slowly nodded while looking through the amount of different clothes. “The King wants you to wear anything you feel comfortable in but would be happy if you would wear something more festive for dinner.” You looked over to her and she smiled at you again.
“Dinner will be ready in about two hours. Feel free to use the bathroom and clean yourself up.” She slowly made her way to the door, “And if you need anything, please let me know and we will be happy to help you.”
“Thank you.” was all you could say before she left the room.
Now being on your own, you slowly walked through the chambers, trying to take in every detail. The walls were a light rosé and sky blue curtains hung beside the windows. All the furniture was made out of dark wood. A small glass table stood in the corner of the room with some books on top. The bed was covered in white sheets and pillows and was large enough to allow 4 people, maybe even more, to sleep comfortably.
You walked out onto the balcony and gasped. You had a great view over the whole city. It wasn't the biggest you have ever seen, but definitely one of the most beautiful ones. Everything looked more like a big garden than a place where people lived. Old, small houses were blooming like mushrooms between a field of grass. Many fields covered the space underneath the palace.
People stood in front of their houses, talking to each other. Children were playing hide and seek, laughing so loud even you could hear it. The lights were turned on in almost every house and you could see some farmers bringing the harvest they collected over the day into the warmth of their homes. This place was really beautiful.
And now, as the sun slowly started to set, it looked even more aesthetically pleasing. You looked down into the court of the palace and saw Boba. He was taking a walk with the man you talked to when you arrived. Hopefully he would tell you what this was all about as soon as you had some alone time with him.
After standing and watching the city for some more moments, you went back inside and into the bathroom. Just as you thought it was just as big as everything else. Covered in white tiles, a marble bathtub, a shower beside and a big sink with a mirror and any kind of makeup you could think of. You never really used something like this, but maybe tonight was a good night to try it.
You stripped out of your dirty clothes and quickly got into the shower. The warm water ran down your body and you couldn't help yourself but moan at the relaxing feeling. After cleaning yourself completely, you just had to stay under the warm water for just a bit longer.When you finally had enough, you turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. With one hand you grabbed one of the soft towels, wrapping it around your body.
Entering the bedroom once more you walked over to the big closet and searched through it. You opened one of the drawers, instantly moving back in surprise. It was full of some of the most expensive and beautiful lingerie you have ever seen. Did Boba tell them to get those for you? Curiously you looked through them, soon realizing that all of them were exactly your size. How could he know what size you wore? But before you were able to think much further, your eyes caught a glimpse of a beautiful, dark green lace set.
You pulled it out of the drawer, taking the time to really look over it. It was gorgeous. Without thinking too much, you dried your body and tried on the underwear. You weren't insecure about your body or anything, but you were still afraid that it might not look as good as you imagined. With small steps you walked in front of the big mirror beside the closet and looked at your figure. Holy shit. You looked fucking hot. The bra fitted perfectly around your breasts and you were able to see through it a little bit. The panties wrapped themselves around your ass without covering too much. You were speechless. How could've Boba guessed your size so perfectly?
Before putting on more clothes you went back into the bathroom to do your hair and make up. And while doing that your thoughts started to wander.
You always had a thing for Boba. From the day you agreed to work with him to this current moment. The both of you met while searching for a bounty. He got attacked by several men at the same time and you hopped in to help him. He was impressed, to say at least. You joked about saving his life and how he would owe you something.
The bounty hunter was almost speechless at that moment. You weren't afraid of him. You knew who he was, but you weren't afraid, not in the slightest. He was almost sure he could like you until it turned out that both of you were going after the same bounty. Boba tried to tell you that you had no right to go after this man and that he would kill you if you still tried to, but the only thing you said was:”Are you afraid of losing, old man?”
And that is how it started. You were able to catch the first bounty. Boba was angry about it, but he would never tell that he was almost as much impressed by your fighting and hunting skills. Those games continued for weeks. Every time you met each other on a planet, searching for a bounty, you made a contest out of it.
He would never admit it, but he loved it. He loved to see you getting lost in your hunting instincts and trying to get whoever you were looking for. He loved seeing you fight, you were much stronger than you looked. But mostly he loved to see your euphoric smile when you showed him the bounty you just caught. Of course he would never admit that to you, but he loved spending this time with you.
But things got more stressful on Tatooine and he had to stay there for a certain amount of time, dealing with his business. You two didn't see each other anymore and it drove both of you crazy. You listened to every conversation about Boba to find out where he was right now, secretly hoping to see him again as soon as possible.
Until one day, you received a message from the King of the Underworld himself. He said that he would need more good bounty hunters in his palace and offered you a job at his side. Obviously, you couldn't say no, so the next day you made your way to the palace to start working with him and his right hand Fennec.
The three of you got along pretty well and work seemed to be as easy as never before. The only thing disturbing the good climate you had in the palace was the never ending tension between you and Boba. You didn't know what exactly the reason was for this undeniable tension, but it drove you mad. You were attracted to him, there was no point in denying that. But you also knew that he saw you as a coworker, maybe a friend. There were other things going through his head than what was going on between the two of you. You were also sure that you just imagined all the small hints which could possibly be a sign for him returning your feelings.
Until Fennec decided to confront you. She asked you why you didn't already tell him, that it was already really obvious. You didn't know what to say and tried to deny your feelings. The only reaction she showed to your very bad lie was a dramatic roll of her eyes. “I can't wait until you both realize that each of you returns the feelings for the other one.” was the last thing she said before she walked away and it still haunted you to this day.
Your eyes were glued to the mirror in front of you while you were trying to do your eyeliner. Finally finished, you looked at yourself. Even though you didn't use makeup on a regular basis, it looked really good. Happy with your hair and makeup, you went back to the closet.
Your eyes scanned every single piece of clothing in there. What would be something acceptable to wear while having dinner with a King? One of the dresses caught your eye, but before you were able to pull it out of the closet the door to your room got opened.
Eyes widened in shock, you looked at Boba who stood in the doorway. You couldn't see it but his eyes scanned your almost naked body. He didn't even realize it but his breathing stopped as soon as he saw you. You looked absolutely stunning. Only when his eyes met yours through his visor, he realized that he was staring at you. He snapped out of his thoughts and turned around, trying to get his breathing under control.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I just wanted to see if everything is alright and tell you that dinner is ready in about half an hour.” he spoke with a raspy voice.
“Okay, alright. I will be there.” You looked at his back while speaking.
Without another word Boba went out of the room and closed the door behind him. He walked down the corridor with large steps. The picture of you, just standing there in the probably hottest set of lingerie he ever saw, was burned into his mind. They asked him for your size, yes, but he never thought they would pick out something like this for you. Maker, he needed to cool down.
Entering his room, he sat down on the white sheets of his bed. Seeing you like this was completely new for him and he couldn't deny the fact that his trousers got tighter when he had scanned the length of your body. He knew you for a good amount of time now, but most of the time he had enough self-control to not imagine you in this certain kind of way. But this time, he couldn't help himself.
Pictures of your body laying underneath him flooded his mind. He wondered if the sounds you made were just as beautiful as you? Would your lips feel as soft as they look? Would you taste like- Kriff. His eyes snapped open and he let out a deep sigh. At this point, he was rock hard just by thinking of you. He needed to stop.
He knew that someone as beautiful as you and also younger than him would never share the same feelings as him. You were able to have any person you wanted, why would you choose him? He thought back when you first arrived at his palace.
The way the people eyed you. Hundreds of hungry eyes stared at you. He still remembered how glad he was that he wore his helmet, so no one could see his jealous expression. Only when you walked up to him and started talking to him, the people stopped staring at you. The only thing he wanted to do in that moment was to pull you onto his lap and show everyone that you belonged to him and if anyone dared to lay a hand on you, they would have to deal with Boba himself.
But you weren't his. You belonged to no one, you told him more than once. And he understood what you meant by saying this and he respected you, more than anyone else. But he still found himself alone at night, wishing you were by his side.
A knock on the door ripped him out of his daydreams.
“I just wanted to tell you that food is ready in five minutes.” A voice said through the door. After that it got silent again. Trying to get you out of his head he stood up and made his way into the dining hall. This is going to be a long night.
You stood in silence for a minute after Boba left your room. You noticed his staring, but you weren't sure if it was just because you were in your underwear or if he really thought you were attractive.
Thinking about it for a second, you decided to try your luck today. If it turned out that he wasn't interested, you could finally live in peace again. But if he was, then you were going to have a very good night.
The bounty hunter was  already sitting at the table when you entered the large dinner room. You saw how his helmet turned in your direction but you couldn't see any reaction from his side. And again, Boba was very happy to wear that stupid helmet. You looked stunning. Your body was covered by a silky black dress with thin straps. It went down to your legs and hugged all your curves perfectly. He swallowed hard, almost sure everyone could hear it.
With a nervous look, you settled down in the seat beside him. You looked at his black visor and he nodded slightly. Before you could say anything the King, as you learned for the maid, stood up and began to speak.
“Tonight we want to honor our guests, the great Boba Fett and his beautiful partner. Our kingdom was able to make a deal from which we all are going to profit from and which will keep us all safe.” He raised his glass in your direction. “We hope you enjoy your meal and now, let the festivities begin.”
He brought his glass to his lips and drank one sip, before everyone else joined in.
Two big doors swung open and the staff brought in the food. You almost couldn't believe your eyes. So many different kinds of food, mostly things you didn't even know. Your stomach started rumbling at the sight of all the different courses. With wide eyes, you looked at Boba once more. He didn't notice because he was in the middle of taking off his helmet. You were about to stop him, but it was already too late. He never let his enemies or business partners see his face, but by the reaction of the other people in this room it wasn't the first time they saw him. He turned his face to you and mustered you with a confused look.
“What's the matter?” His eyes fixed on yours while he was trying to figure out what was going on in your head.
“Nothing. Don’t worry.” You shook your head slightly.
Bringing your eyes back to the food in front of you, you couldn't stop yourself from starting to eat. So many different vegetables and fruits. All the different variations and sauces. You moaned when the first piece of food found its way into your mouth. This was the best feeling you've ever experienced.
Out of the corner of his eyes, Boba watched you and a small smile tugged at his lips as he saw your satisfied expression when you finally started eating.
Without even trying to hold back you ate as much food as you could. Each dish was better than the other and you were almost overwhelmed at all the different choices.
You were still eating even after all the others finished their meal, but you didn't care. You had no good food in weeks and to be completely honest, the food on Tatooine wasn't the best either.
Shoving the last piece of food into your mouth you fell back into your seat, holding your tummy. You were stuffed, to say the least.
“Finished already? Don't you want to lick the plates of all the others clean too?” Boba smirked at your exhausted figure, bringing his glass to his lips.
You gave him a playful annoyed look, but couldn't hold back your laugh. The corners of his mouth raised around the glass.
Before you were able to reply something the other man beside you started talking to you. You were so caught up in getting food inside your stomach that you didn't even talk to anyone in here. So you gladly interacted in the conversation the other man tried to build up.
Turns out this planet was one of the only ones which stayed completely out of the war that happened some years ago; which was impressive because almost no planet was able to stay out of those kinds of politics. But this was the reason why everything here was so old. They never had to rebuild anything because nothing ever got destroyed. Maybe by accident on occasion but never due to war. The people who lived here had one of the oldest environmental systems in the galaxy, which is the reason why you didn't recognize most of the food. It's local and you are not able to get it on any different planets. You wondered if Boba made a deal about some kind of spices, but he was more than a spice smuggler. That would make no sense.
Suddenly, in the middle of the conversation, someone came up behind you and sat a new plate in front of you. On it was a fruit, you also didn't recognize. It had thick skin and was bright yellow. You looked around and saw that Boba and you were the only one with this kind of food on their plates. With a confused look you turned your head to him but he just shrugged his shoulders, signaling you that he also had no idea what kind of fruit that was.
“We decided to give you some of our rarest food on the planet. It is hard to grow and actually is the only fruit we sometimes sell to other planets. But after everything you will be doing for us, I think you deserve to get a taste.”, the King spoke and looked at the two of you. You weren't sure if it was just your imagination but all the other people in the room looked at you with a smirk on their face. As if they knew something you didn't.
There was no room left in your stomach, you were full. But after everything the man said, you didn't want to be rude, so you took your fork and tried a small piece of the yellow food in front of you.
Before you even started chewing it, you tasted how sweet it was. Too sweet. You grimaced at the overwhelming taste. It was like nothing you ever tasted before. It gave your tongue a tingling sensation but also made it numb at the same time. The juice that squished out of it when you bit it, immediately ran down your throat. You desperately tried to hold back a cough. With one big gulp, you swallowed the piece of fruit and laid your fork back down.
Side-eyeing Boba, you saw that he wasn't impressed by the taste either. Just now you realized that all eyes in the room were laid on the two of you, waiting for your reaction.
“It-” You began, clearing your raspy voice before continuing, “It tastes delicious, really. Amazing, different taste.” It was a lie and anyone smart enough would have realized but it seemed like the people didn't notice. They started smiling, bringing their attention to their own desserts.
Boba looked at you in a way that said 'You are a terrible liar.', but you didn't care as long as everyone was happy.
“I'm very glad to hear that and now eat up. We wouldn't want to waste anything of this delicate fruit.” You sent a death look into the direction of the king, but your partner nudged your side with his elbow.
“Eat up. You don't want to be rude, do you?” Your death glare wandered directly to Boba and he smirked at you. Cocky bastard.
With a disgusted look on your face you took the fork again and started eating the fruit.
Soon it was much later in the evening but you didn't notice the passage of time because you were actually having some nice conversations with the people from the city. You talked about the wars, the way this planet stayed out of them, the story of how you became a bounty hunter and joined Boba.
Your eyes wandered into the direction of said bounty hunter more than once that night. Sure, he wasn't someone to talk much, especially about his feelings, but you couldn't deny the feeling of disappointment that he didn't even acknowledge the way you looked tonight. The small amount of hope in you wasn't strong, but it was surely gone by now. Forcing your eyes away from him, you started listening to the story one of the women in front of you was currently telling.
Boba didn't feel well. It wasn't the amount of strangers around him or the fact that he probably ate too much, no. It was the fact that you turned heads in this room. From more than just one or two people.
But well, he couldn't blame them. Your body looked like art in the dress you were wearing. He asked himself what the reason was, for your choice of looks tonight. Did you want to impress someone? Boba knew you had your fair amount of affairs. It had been revealed after you two along with Fennec drank too much spotchka one night and talked about your sex lives. He still didn't know how that happened.
Anyway, even though he knew you weren't his, he tried to keep everyone away from you that showed just the slightest bit of interest in you. He knew it wasn't fair, but he couldn't stand the thought of someone else touching you. Was this the reason you were dressed like this? Did you want to hook up with someone from the palace?
He shook his head. He had no reason to think about your intimate relationships with others; he had no right to judge or decide over your choices. But the more he let his mind wander, more thoughts of you popped up in his head. And one of the thoughts was the picture of you in your underwear. Again.
Suddenly, he felt hot. Not in the way he felt when he was angry or embarrassed, but actually hot. So hot that he started sweating. He looked around to find a reason why the temperature suddenly had changed in here but it seemed like no one else noticed. He tried to adjust himself in the chair. It felt like his armor got two sizes smaller and he wasn't able to breathe. Different parts of his body began to tingle and he was sure he would pass out. His body quickly raised from his seat, to get out of the room but the second he stood, he couldn’t move due to the feeling of dizziness that held him. Boba stood there for a second before he made his way out of the dinner hall.
Your eyes fell on his quickly moving body and the way the look on his face seemed alarmed. Something told you to follow him. Without excusing yourself, you left your seat and made your way up to him. Before he was able to leave the room, you reached for his arm and stopped him. He turned to you, his eyes wide in shock.
“Boba, are you alright? You look terrible.” The look on your face was concerned and you glanced at him through your lashes. He stared at you, not without noticing how his eyes started to wander over your body.
“I- umm...” He stopped his rambling when he felt a painful sting in his lower belly, his erection forming in his pants. What was wrong with him?
“Kriff.” was all he said, looking around to see if anyone was staring at the two of you. Luckily no one seemed to care about the fact that the two of you were standing away from the table.
Without thinking, Boba grabbed your waist and pulled you a little closer to him. You were so surprised. You couldn't think of anything to say. He lowered his head so his mouth was directly at your ear.
“We are leaving tomorrow morning, be ready. I'm going to bed now and you should too, Princess.” Not a second later, he released his grip on you and was gone.
Princess. The word rang through your ears. It was almost as if you could still feel his hands on you. A shiver ran down your shine when you thought about his breath hitting your sweaty neck. Lost in your thoughts you still looked at the door he left through.
A sharp pain in your stomach shook you out of your trance. You flinched at the feeling, wondering what that was. But a moment later, you felt a burning heat in your core and the feeling spread through your whole body. You grew even hotter than before. Maybe Boba was right. You should go to bed.
It was harder than you thought to find your way back to your quarters. The fact that your legs got weaker with every step and the slightly dizzy feeling in your head wasn't helping either. You stumbled through the corridors, hoping to soon find your stupid room. Who needs a palace that big anyway?
After some more minutes, you were sure you finally arrived. About to open the door to your room, you heard a strange sound coming from a chamber down the hall. You stayed still, to see if it wasn't just your head trying to trick you.
“Dank Farrik!”
Even though your whole body was aching at this point, you followed the sound. A loud groan came out of one room and you realized it was Boba. A little bit faster than before, or at least as fast as you were able to go, you went to the door the sound was coming from. Your mind clouded from the heat and pain taking over your body as you knocked.
“Boba?” Your voice was weak and raspy as if you had been screaming for hours straight. Nothing happened, so you tried again. “Are you alright? I heard some noise-”, a sore, deep voice cut you of.
“I'm... I'm alright.” A sore, deep voice cut you off. On the other side of the door, the man struggled to speak. His throat felt so dry as if he had wandered through the dunes of Tatooine for days without a single drop of water. Every part of his body arched and he panted, not being able to breath properly.
When he entered his room some moments ago, he got rid of his armor, tossing it carelessly onto the floor and falling down onto the bed. He didn't feel dizzy anymore but there was pain, almost as bad as in the sarlacc, flowing through his body and especially into his abandonment. He was hard, harder than ever before and it hurt. Scared of touching himself, of making the pain even worse, he just kept laying there, hoping that the pain would go away. No luck yet.
There was a white noise in your ears and you almost didn't hear what he said. His voice sounded so breathy; you were afraid he was hurt. You tried to steady yourself by holding on to the doorknob. You felt like you were about to pass out, but you still wanted to make sure that everything was alright.
“Are you s... sure? It doesn't sound like it.” It almost hurt to speak.
You heard a terrifying growl from the other side of the door.
“Fucking hell. I'm doing fine and now go to bed.” Boba shouted.
Too dizzy to be shocked or to show any reaction towards his tone you slowly made your way back to your quarters. Barely able to find the strength to push the door open, you almost fell into the room. The pain got even worse and couldn't hold your body up any longer. You felt your legs carry you across the room so you could collapse on the bed, groaning loudly as your body landed on the mattress. Your mind wasn’t able to form any kind of rational thought. The only thing you were aware of was the pain in your body and the growing wetness between your legs.
You had no idea what was going on, only realizing that you started to become incredibly needy. With all the force you could muster in the moment, you rubbed your thighs together to create even the smallest amount of friction. You almost started cringing when you felt how just wet you were. Maker, what was wrong with you?
The pressure from your thighs wasn't enough. Your panties were already soaked, even without anyone touching you. Slowly, you let one of your hands go between your legs. Your body jumped at the first light touch and an obscene moan left your mouth. Holding your other hand over your mouth, you carefully started to touch yourself.
You closed your eyes, trying to focus on giving yourself some kind of pressure pleasure, but it didn't work. The pain was still there and it seemed like it wasn't about to leave any time soon. Starting to move your hand faster, to find your way to the desperately needed climax, you heard the sound of your wet cunt.
You’ve never been this wet. Especially without anyone touching you. Your thoughts drifted to Boba. Him calling you princess surely couldn't be the reason for the mess between your legs. You wanted to fuck him, but you weren't that affection starved. Or were you?
Thinking about your partner brought you closer to your own orgasm. Two of your fingers circled around your clit and started to become sloppy as you grew closer to your release. Your eyes stayed shut, trying to imagine something that would help you. You thought of Boba, sitting on his throne, legs wide and taking every inch of space in the big seat. The way he looked so dangerous, just by doing nothing then looking around the room. How often you thought about riding him in that position. You on top of him, his large hands on your hips. You would be completely naked for him while he still wore his armor, feeling the cold beskar against your heated skin. His body would tense underneath yours while he pounded into you, calling you his good girl.
You were so close, you could feel the familiar heat rising. Just one or two more seconds.
“Hey. Are you here? Can you hear me?” Your hand moved from your core as fast as possible. Shooting your eyes into the direction of the door, but it was still closed. A groan left your mouth. You were so close and the pain was still so present in your body, you were probably imagining things.
Just as you were about to continue, the voice rang through the room again. You tried to sit up, looking around, searching for the reason you were able to hear him.
“Are you mad at me? Dank- I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you.” Boba sounded like he was out of breath. Your eyes landed on the pile of clothes on the floor. Sure, your comlink. On shaky legs, you walked to your old clothes and took the small speaker from your belt.
You were afraid to say something. Did he hear you? You were embarrassed. He was your coworker and you just almost had an orgasm while thinking about him.
“Boba.” The only thing leaving your mouth, in a breathless voice, was his name. You weren't able to say more, afraid that he might sense what you just did.
The man in the other room was still laying on his bed. He didn't trust himself to stand up. His heavy breathing was the only sound around him. His fist clenched around the comlink, after he heard you speaking. Your voice sounded just as weak as his, you must feel the same reaction as he did.
Boba has been to a lot of planets and different cities, but this feeling was new to him. He knew what the cause for this was, probably. The fruit contained a certain type of pollen. He heard about them, about the stuff they do to the ones eating it. It was almost like an aphrodisiac, people would get desperate for any kind of sexual interaction, just to make the pain go away. And he also knew that the pain would fade much faster, if you would do something about it and even better, not by yourself.
The sound of you whispering his name through the speaker made his hips twitch. He would never act on the feelings he had right now, especially not with you. You were too important to him and he would never forgive himself if he lost you due to his needy brain and body. But he couldn't stop thinking about you. The fact that you felt the same exact pain he did in this moment, made it even worse.
“Are you... are you alright?” Your quiet voice cut through his thoughts. Maker, why did your voice have to sound so fucking desperate? He shuts his eyes close, trying to stay focused.
“Yes, I think so. What about you?”
“No. No, I think something is wrong with me.” Boba's eyes snapped open again when he heard you were crying. “I- I don't know why, but everything hurts. Kriff, it hurts so bad Boba. I don't know what to do.” By now your voice was almost unrecognizable, it was shaky and blurred from your crying.
The heart of the bounty hunter sank deep in his chest. He didn't want you to go through this. “Okay, try to calm down. You got this, try to ignore it.” He almost laughed at himself. There was no way to ignore it and he knew that.
“Are you kidding me? Try to ignore it? Boba, it feels like my whole body is on fire, I can't just pretend I don't feel that shit.” There was a hint of annoyance in your voice and he couldn't blame you. He was better at controlling his body in general and it was still hell for him. He couldn't even imagine how you felt. “You know what, I'm coming over, right now.”
“No!” He screamed the word into the communicator in his hand. With all his strength, he sat up and rubbed a hand over his face. There was no way he would spend this time with you. He knew he wouldn't be able to control himself if you were with him.
“Boba, what the he-”
“I know what might help you.” His tone was low and calm, trying not to cross a line with what he was about to say.  “You need to touch yourself.”
Your mouth fell open. Did... did he really just say that? You stayed silent, not knowing what to say. That was what you were already doing, touching yourself, but hearing him saying those words sent goosebumps all over your body.
“Before you start to protest, yes I know it sounds strange, but believe me, it will help you.” A moment of silence fell above you before he started to speak again. “Please. I don't want you to be in this terrible pain. Do... do it for me, please.”
You weren't able to stop the whine that left you after hearing his words. It was too much; this whole situation was too much for you. Your body was aching and you knew that your hands would never be able to sooth the pain and growing heat between your legs.
“Boba, I-” He cuts you off once again.
“S- stop saying my name like that, please. I will not be able to control myself if you keep doing that.” You felt even more heat rising in your body at his words. “Just... just try to do what I just told you.”
Without letting go of the comlink, you sneaked your hand under your dress once again and into your wet folds. You moaned at the feeling. There was a hiss, coming out of the speaker and you heard the man on the other end swearing.
“That's it. Just keep doing that.” Boba wasn't able to hold it back anymore, freeing his painful hard cock from his pants. It snapped up against his tummy and he threw his head back when the cold air hit his aching member.
“Boba.” This time you moaned his name on purpose and he really had to hold himself back from cumming right there and then, “I- I can't do this on my own, please.”
At this point you didn't care how desperate you sounded or if he could hear the sounds you were making. You needed something. You needed him.
The man heard you, very well, and it drove him crazy. He put his hand around his cock, slowly starting to pump it. It didn't feel good. He didn't like to masturbate in general, but with this burning need inside him and hearing you, touching yourself, it felt even worse. The urge to touch you has never been this strong, but he needed to keep it together. You only did that because you felt the pain this fruit caused, not because you were genuinely attracted to him.
Your fingers circled your clit, but it didn't feel like it was enough. Silent tears were still streaming down your face because you couldn't build up the friction you really needed. You whined in frustration.
Boba was sure he wouldn't last long if you kept making those sounds. Maker, what would he give to see you right now. Disheveled hair, your makeup probably all over your face, your hand between your legs and eyes closed. He was sure you looked like a goddess.
“Please, Boba. I need-” He had to stop you. He couldn't listen to you with that sweet, sweet voice of yours any longer.
“Alright, okay. Just do what I tell you.” The bounty hunter didn't believe what he was about to do. He has wanted you for so long and even though you weren't with him right now, he would savor every second of this.
“Just... umm...” He stopped himself and rasped his voice. He never had a problem with being talkative during sex. He actually really liked it but with you and especially in this situation, it felt different. “Bring your middle finger and your pointing finger to your clit and start rubbing it in circles. Not too fast, to build up some good pressure.” His grip around his cock tightened at the picture of you in his head.
You did as he told you and moaned, more at the words he spoke than to the actual feeling of pleasure. Never in your life have you been this turned on, not only because of the strange feeling in your body but also by the way Boba guided you through this. You could already feel the familiar heat growing in your lower stomach again. It wouldn't take long for you to finish.
He needed a moment to breath before he continued. Your moaning and whining made his dick twitch in his hand. His thumb collected the precum that already leaked and used it to start stroking himself again.
“Now use those two fingers, slide them inside of you and start fucking yourself.” His mind was clouded with pictures of you. The sounds you made rang in his ears and he wasn't able to hold his grunting back anymore.
The two of you listened to each other, touching yourselves. Both of you would lie if they said that this wasn't the hottest thing you’ve ever done. Feelings aside, the urge to feel one another and touch each other was so present and burning as never before, it was almost worse than the actual pain in your bodies.
Your back arched as you felt yourself getting close again, but you needed to hear his voice one more time. “Boba, I'm- I'm so close... I-” He was too and your words almost sent him over the edge, but he wanted to help you reach your climax first.
“It's alright, Princess. Just l- let go.” The hand around his cock sped up. His rapid pace was almost hurtful. “Imagine it’s someone else doing that to you. Imagine your fingers are someone else's, someone you wish was touching you right now.”
An incredibly loud sound left your mouth and you began to see stars. Your legs started to twitch and shake, while a loud white noise flooded your ears. Without thinking you started to scream. “You. Fuck, I wish it was you who was touching me right now, Boba.” You cummed hard. Your toes curled, your head pressing into the mattress underneath you. The hand inside of you stopped moving and started shaking, like every other part of your body.
As you laid there panting, you slowly came back to your senses. It was silent, but the pain in your body was still as present as before your orgasm. You groaned in frustration.
“It didn't help. Fuck, Boba. The pain is still there.” You whined but there was no reaction. The other side of the comlink was completely silent. Tears build themselves up and were about to escape your already burning eyes. You fucked up. You just told him you wished he would touch you.
“Shit!” You screamed and pressed your hands flat over your face. The tears started to stream down your face faster now as you started crying again. The pain and the embarrassment took over your brain, you never wanted to see him again. He would fire you, bring you back to the planet you came from and leave you there. You started sobbing and removed the hands from your face to place one of them over your mouth to muffle your pitiful cries.
You hated yourself right now. So much so that you would rather stay in this room forever than ever have to see his face again. The moment repeated itself in your head over and over again. You didn't notice when he broke the connection, but you knew that he probably did it after the last sentence you said.
New tears formed in the corner of your eyes, but before they were able to make their way down your face the door to your room got pushed open. Your head turned to the person standing in the doorway. It was Boba, wearing nothing but his black flight suit he always wore underneath his armor. You brought up your head and steadied yourself on your elbows.
“What are you-” The man was in front of you in a matter of seconds, looking down at your weak form. You slowly sat up and stared into his dark eyes.
“Was that what you said the truth?” His voice was even deeper in person. He looked exhausted, breathing unsteadily and sweating all over his face.
“Boba, I... I don't know-” One of his hands grabbed your chin roughly and tilted your head in his direction. Your heartbeat was going faster than before. It was hammering hard against your chest. You could feel it in every part of your body.
“Just tell me if you meant what you just said, or not. Because if you did, I will help you. I- I will touch you, just the way you need it, little one.” His eyes pierced into yours. His voice sounded calm but you could see that he was just as worked up as you. “And if not, I will leave you alone. I don't want you to feel pressured to do anything you don't want to do.”
It was almost as if you forgot how to breath. His words rang through your ears and for a second you believed you passed out and all of this was a dream. But the grip around your chin proved you wrong.
“I asked you a question.” He said in a more aggressive tone. The hand on your face tugged you slightly forward and only now you became aware of his hard erection, pressing against his pants. You swallowed loudly, looking back up into his eyes. A small smirk played around his lips.
“Like what you see?” The smirk on his face grew even wider when he saw your head nodding.
“Now tell me,” He brought his body down to yours to look directly into your face, “Do you want me to touch you? Do you want me to help you get rid of the pain?”
He paused for a second and brought his face closer to yours so both of your noses were touching.
“Do you want me to make you feel good?”
Your breathing hitched in your lungs and you felt a hot sting going through your body, going straight to your cunt. Boba drew his face away from you, just a little bit, but you already wanted to protest. Your hands rose up and grabbed his broad shoulders.
“Yes.” It was nothing more than a silent breath but the words rang in his ears as if you screamed them. “Yes, I want you to touch me and make me feel good, I- Fuck, Boba. I want you so bad.”
Without wasting another second he crushed his lips onto yours and started kissing you. The kiss was heated, fast and passionate. Teeth clenched against teeth and tongues tried their best to taste the other person. His lips were softer than you expected, they were warm and inviting. A tingling feeling made its way to your chest and you realized you never wanted this to stop.
You felt like you were in heaven and even forgot about the pain for a second, but not for long. Boba's hands were holding your face, brought it even closer to his while you did the same with your hands around his neck.
His mouth pulled away from yours as he began to wander and kiss his way down your throat. He let both of his hands slide down your body, over your breasts until he rested them at your waist. Your body arched into his touch and a whimper escaped you. The man's lips twitched into a smile, feeling proud about the reaction of your body against his touches.
With one hand on your back, he slowly started to lay you down on the bed. His body was now hovering over you and you could feel the strong heat radiating from him. Every kiss he left on your bare skin was like a small flame burning its way into your mind.
When his lips reached your cleavage he stopped and looked up to you. You looked so beautiful, a sweating, panting mess underneath him. That's everything he ever dreamed of, maybe even more.
Both of his hands ran patiently down your sides until he got to your thighs. He reached for the hem of your dress and pulled it up a little bit. His hot mouth went down your clothed body, not once breaking the eye contact.
You shivered at the sight in front of you. Every part of you felt like it was electrified and you were sure you would explode if he wouldn't start properly touching you soon.
Boba went onto his knees in front of the bed, now pulling up your dress so that the hem of it lay just above your panties. His eyes fell to the soaked green material that still covered your heat.
“Look at you. If it wasn't for the fucking fruit, I would say that you are pretty desperate for me, little one.” A wide smirk covered his face and even more heat rose into yours.
“What has the fruit to do with-” But you were cut off by the feeling of one of his thick fingers sliding in between your wet folds. Your mouth fell open in a breathless moan and your head pushed back into the white covers. Only when you heard the man in front of you humming your head came back up only to see that the finger, which was between your legs just seconds ago, was now in his mouth. His eyes found yours while he licked his finger clean, pulling it back out with a small popping sound.
“You taste fucking delicious. Better than any food anyone’s ever served me.” He smiled at you. “Even better than I've imagined.”
Your eyes widened at his words. He imagined the way you tasted? The man in front of you was about to pull down your panties, but you stopped him. He looked at you with a confused expression.
“What do you mean with 'you imagined'? Have you thought about this before? About us?” The pain was buzzing through your body, but you needed to know.
His expression softened and a small smile appeared on his face. He planted a soft kiss on your knee before talking.
“Princess, are you serious? I've dreamed about this for so long, to finally have you. To feel, taste and hear you, everything. But right now,” His lips made their way up on your inner thigh, “is not the time to talk about this. Let me soothe your pain and afterwards, we can talk about everything. I promise. Right now, I just want to taste you.”
He reached your clothed cunt and pressed a kiss on to it. His fingers reached up to the waistband of your panties. Your legs were already shaking from watching him move. You were about to tell him not to tease you when a knock on the door cut through the thick tension hanging between the both of you.
A sigh left your lungs and you fell back into the sheets underneath you. This couldn't be real. You whined, tears swelling up in your eyes again.
Boba noticed and started rubbing his hands up and down your legs. “Hey, hey. Calm down. We don't have to answer.”
It stayed silent for a while, a relieved feeling washed over your body. Boba started kissing your inner thighs again and just before he reached the spot where you needed him the most, the knock disturbed you once again.
“Kriffing hell.” The bounty hunter muttered to himself and got up. With large steps he went to the door and opened it just enough so the other person could see his face.
It was one of the maids. She looked at Boba with an apologizing look.
“I'm sorry to disturb you but our communication system received a call from your palace on Tatooine. There is a woman, called Fennec Shand and she wants to talk to you. She didn't say what it was about but she said it is urgent.”
He wanted to scream, wanted to tear down the whole palace. No, not now. His head turned into your direction. You looked at him with dove eyes, still shimmering from your previous tears. He couldn't do that now, both of you still in the middle of the reaction from this fruit. He was in pain too, but he knew it was worse for you. Turning his head he looked back at the maid.
“The woman is waiting for you.” Boba sighed. He knew it was wrong but he needed to know what Fennec thought was so urgent.
“Give me a second, I will be right there.”, he said before closing the door.
The man turned around and looked at you once more. He didn't want to go. His deepest desire, finally so close to him and his duty as the King of the Underworld keeping him away from reaching it.
“I have to go.”
“What?” Your body shot up from it's laying spot in the bed. A hand reached out to him and clutched at his sleeve. “No. No, please. You can't leave me now.”  
“I have to, but it won't take long, I promise.” Boba gabbed the back of your head and pressed a kiss to your forehead. He was about to turn around, but you still didn't let go of him.
“Boba, stop. Please I- it still hurts. I can't take this anymore.” He looked at you, bringing his hand to your cheek.
“You can do it and while I'm gone you’re going to touch yourself again, you hear me? Prepare your pretty, little cunt for me and when I come back, I will give you everything you need.” Not waiting for another response from you, he freed his arm from your grip and walked out of the room.
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hollyhomburg · 5 years
Reasons Wretched and Divine (Pt.5)
Genre: hybrid au, polyamory au, Hurt/Comfort, Recovery, Pregnancy
Parings: Snake hybrid! Yoongi x Dog hybrid! Jimin x Dog hybrid! Namjoon x Pregnant! Reader, Platonic Vmin, allusions to 2seok,
Summary: You live on an isolated but sprawling farm with your abusive husband, but things start to change for the better when your husband adopts a retired police dog hybrid named Namjoon.
Tags: hurt/comfort, panic attacks, past abuse, food-related anxiety, Post-traumatic stress disorder, low self-worth, bonding over trauma, Jimin has self-esteem issues, internalized victim-blaming, mute characters, scent-marking, brief gore, but don't be fooled- this is equal parts angst and fluff
W/c: 13k
Song Rec: Talos - to each his own
SERIES MASTERLIST (5/10 parts complete) 
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A brief interlude on hybrids pack behaviors, romantic attachment between hybrids, hybrid polyamory:  
Though pack forming behavior is the strongest in canine type hybrids- pack behavior (also known as grouping behavior) is seen in every species of hybrid. It doesn’t seem that species has much of an influence on which hybrids will choose to form a pack either- as interspecies groups are incredibly common accounting for around 50% of all hybrid packs.
Though polyamorous behavior might seem strange to human owners; to hybrids, it’s a natural extension of the pack dynamic. It’s what keeps pack bonds strong and reinforces existing dominance structures within the group. That doesn’t mean that love between hybrids within a pack is any different than the love that hybrids might have with their owners or love between humans.
Packs that are decided in juvenile periods of development more mobile and eventually break apart as hybrids age, and then re-solidify in adulthood. In many cases, hybrids without packs tend to be better adoptees as removal of one or more hybrids from a pack can result in many of the same markers associated with removing an imprinted hybrid from it’s imprintee. for that reason, the modal age from 16-22 is the best age to adopt hybrids.
Though one might assume that because of imprinting- that humans would exempt from being apart of hybrid social structure; this is untrue. humans usually seem to be on the more alpha side of the dominance structure, however evidence of this is anecdotal at best and will further statistical significant results in order to be proven.
When packs are settling and a new member is being admitted, this can often result in a period of turmoil in the group dynamic where stereotypically alpha members may act more submissive, or vise versa, where the new pack member is being admitted into the social structure and dominance is questioned.
- Yoongi tilts his head at your words staring Jimin down, before he juts his chin out at him, glancing back at you. “Oh I forgot! you probably haven’t been introduced. Yoongi this is Jimin, Jimin this is Yoongi. If you haven’t guessed Yoongi is a snake hybrid- one of the very few of his kind.”
- Jimin tries to recoup some of his politeness and struggles to smile at the hybrid; Jimin holds his hand out for Yoongi to shake, “it’s nice to meet you.” Yoongi stares at Jimin’s hand for a moment and makes no move to take it. It hangs there for a palpably awkward moment before you grip Jimin’s hand and pull it down to hang in between the two of you. Giving it a reassuring squeeze, not letting go of it.
- Jimin feels flustered as Yoongi lifts the bag of gardening equipment that Jimin had missed by his side and gestures towards a field. You must have some sort of established language because you answer his question. “Yes, we will be doing the veggie garden today Yoon,” Yoongi makes a huffing noise in agreement, and heads down the path. You tug Jimin after him.  
- Jimin is perplexed at the lingering silence, even as they reach the far vegetable garden (and Jimin realizes you haven’t let go of his hand with a flush and makes to detangle it or risk feeling like a creep). You’re not trying to feed the whole of the farm with the produce, but that’s certainly an eventual goal of yours. 
- It’s large, probably 30 by 50 feet at the very least. You have rows of tomatoes, potatos, carrots, and a half plot of butternut squash and tiny watermelons nothing more that flowers. You start to instruct Jimin on how to tie up The tomato’s that have started to sag with the rain and their continuing growth away from their circular cages. Instructing Jimin how to do the same with the green twine.
- “Gardening is easy,” you tell Jimin, “You have to have some patience, nothing grows overnight.”
- The smell of the wet earth seems to lul the three of you into a hazy silence, He purses his lips, brain running full of information before you turn to him, “got any questions?” 
- he has a lot, so many, they spill out. “How many different types of plants do you try to grow? Which one is your favorite? Do you grow any flowers or do you only have your garden for those? What about like seasonings and stuff? those are plants right?” 
- Jimin asks a lot of questions, but you seem happy to answer them. Especially once you start harvesting the tomatoes. “You mean you’ve never had one fresh?” Jimin shakes his head “no, most of the food I ate was like, chips and other dried stuff- if he ever bothered to feed me at all”  Behind you Yoongi snips through some twine angrily, the older hybrid huffs, shaking his head at that, but still dosent say anything. 
- It’s the most communicative that he’s been the whole day, but his displeasure at that is clear. Yours too, Jimin hadn’t even realized he’d said something concerning until he hears your dismayed noise and looks up from what he’s doing to see your jaw tight, that familiar anger in your eyes.
- Before he starts to feel like he’s done something wrong, messed up another job just like he’d done with all the others, you smooth away his worry. “Here, you can try one if you want” you hand him a half dozen tomatoes that are so dark they’re almost purple, then add a few more for good measure until they’re almost spilling out of Jimin’s hands. They’re still warm from the sun Jimin can tell, you give him an encouraging nod “go on- they’re sweet I promise”  he slowly lifts one to his lips and bites down. 
- The tangy fruitfulness explodes on his tongue- He actually yips, his floppy ears lifting up in his sun hat and his tail wagging so quickly you think he might just take off. By the time he’s done with the first, he’s already reaching for the second, and then looking at the other unripened ones around them hungrily. 
- You and Yoongi laugh, though for Yoongi it’s only the twitch of his shoulders and a strange hissing sound as he opens his mouth, gums on display as well as his slightly elongated incisors (and they look sharp, Jimin feels ghoosebumps erupt on his arms). Jimin shyly hides his blush under the brim of his sunhat. “They’re so good! I didn’t think they’d be so tasty- it doesn’t taste anything like ketchup at all!” 
- You wince when you think that he’s never had anything other than ketchup to compare what a real tomato tastes like. You and Jimin lapse into a comfortable companionable silence and you don’t say anything when Jimin sneaks a cherry tomato here and there. Though you do hide your smile when he makes a sound of disgust when he decides to try a green one after he’s eaten all of the ripe ones in his area. You catch his cheeks puffed up more than once when you turn to ask him to do something, and your heart melts a little at his chubby cheeks. 
- When Yoongi leaves soon after to grab some fresh seedlings for the herb garden you’re quick to explain to Jimin about Yoongi. You want to make sure Jimin is comfortable, but part of the reason why you’d asked him to help in the gardens in the first place is because of how genuinely friendly Jimin is, and how closed off Yoongi is from the rest of the hybrids at the farm. 
- Yoongi is the only other hybrid besides Namjoon that stays in the main house with you. You explain to Jimin that he has issues regulating his internal body temperature and need a heater and several heated blankets even in the summer. “Some of the others see this as preferential treatment- when really it’s just what he needs, and it doesn’t help that he doesn’t talk to any of them.”  
- “Does he talk at all?” Jimin asks, just as his ears start to pick up on returning footsteps of Yoongi back over the field. “Not that I’ve heard” your whisper hushes when Yoongi comes close with the 12 packs of herbs, gestures to Jimin to follow him. 
- Jimin’s heard more than one of the teenage hybrids bemoaning the lumps in their mattresses and their envious rants of how comfortable the beds in the big house are. (Apparently, there’s a closed-off second apartment suite in the side part of the house where the hybrids are allowed to spend their heats when they have them, though you’re working on fixing up what once a stable house to make a more private place for that) 
- Jimin thinks that the other hybrid obviously hasn’t spent enough of his life sleeping on the floor because Jimin’s bottom bunk below Taehyung’s is more than comfortable enough. But he keeps that particular opinion to himself. 
- He’s also sensed how conversation comes to a halt whenever the snake hybrid comes near for the lunch line or to get a tool from the shed or get Namjoon for something (Namjoon always ends up supervising the more technical chores, having a knack for mechanics and putting things together, like the soaker hose system that will enable some of the vegetables to get more consistent watering as the summer tugs on). Jimin dosent know how he didn’t notice the hybrid before now, but he must have been there the first few days, Jimin was probably just too overwhelmed. 
- Even Taehyung seems to quiet down in the Yoongi’s presence, whenever he comes to visit Jimin on his break in the gardens or brings them watermelon from the big house for a snack (though when Yoongi hungrily scarfs down a few pieces Jimin does see a small smile play at the edge of Taehyung’s mouth)
- Jimin never catches any sort of aggressive behavior or meanness from Yoongi beyond a roll of his eyes at those who quiet when he walks by, turning to Jimin so that he can see. 
- Jimin decides after the second day that he dosent mind yoongi at all. his presence is comforting even next to Jimin in the dirt, help you dig holes for sprouts and seeds. Jimin holding the latter when Yoongi goes up to check on one of the peach trees (you have a full orchard tucked back into the side of the property- accessible only by walking through the woods and Jimin can’t wait for summer when the fruit is ready if fresh peaches taste anything like the canned kind that Jimin is used to- he thinks he’ll like them). 
- But Jimin does see Yoongi’s shoulders tense and his hands tighten a little at times, especially when he sees the other hybrids engaging in leisurely time. Jimin sees Yoongi’s yearning look at the dog hybrids throwing a Frisbee in the empty field between the barn and the main house when they call for Jimin to join, or the cat hybrids grooming each other in the shade all cuddled up or the pair of tiger hybrids stretched out nuzzling into the grasses and flowers.  
- Jimin figures the hybrid must be lonely, and he can’t blame him, being surrounded by a community like this and somehow set apart from it doesn’t sound nice at all. Sometimes Jimin wants to reach out and tug a stick out of the elders hair- but even you seem to be careful not to be physically affectionate with the snake hybrid, and Jimin has seen you scratch the ears or hug just about every hybrid that lives at the farm. 
- Jimin doesn’t realize Yoongi’s caginess might be for a deeper reason until Jimin accidentally touches him.
-  It’s a hot day and you’ve just gone inside to get all three of you some sweet tea from the pitcher, and He swears he was just asking for a shovel. Jimin had accidentally touched his arm. His fingers ghosting over the line of dark scales gently. And before jimin had realized his misstep- Yoongi had started shaking so violently. 
- His hands clenched and his shoulders quivering- shivering. Looking strange in the heat of midday and the too-bright slant of the noon sun. Jimin has seen Yoongi shiver in the slightest breeze before, but this, this is so much more than that. And it’s hot, but Yoongi doesn’t look like he’s sweating at all which almost seems more dangerous. 
- “Hyung? Are you okay? Hyung?” he gets nothing in response- not a small shake of his head or eye contact, just Yoongi’s unfocused gaze, little huffs of breath coming out from his clenched teeth.  
- Jimin didn’t think- just ran to get Namjoon, working in the field closest to them, almost falling after he heaves himself over the fence. Namjoon is already running to meet him when he’d heard the younger shouting his name. Looking panicked- Jimin can barely get the words out, “it’s Yoongi he’s- I think he’s having a panic attack or going into shock or-”
- “Take me to him Jimin,” Namjoon says dropping his shovel and easily keeping pace with Jimin as they dash back to the vegetable garden. Namjoon steadying Jimin with a hand fisted in the back of his shirt when his foot hits a divot in the ground and he almost trips.
-  They find Yoongi in the same spot, still quivering like a willow in a thunderstorm. At the sound of his name coming from Namjoon’s lips, Yoongi sharply looks up, his eyes focusing after a moment before they go hazy again and he starts to cry in Ernest. 
- Namjoon had quietly led Yoongi back inside the house, you set the pitcher on the table hard enough that the dark tea spills over the side when you see Yoongi and namjoon in the doorway, the elder hybrid sagging when he sees you, his knees weak. You say his name, and Yoongi’s eyes focus again, You don’t touch Yoongi. You’re very clear and careful with your intent grabbing onto the edge of his sleeve before you tug him, speaking in a low voice and guiding him up to the second floor and back to his room- probably the direction of the shower to cool off.  
- Namjoon puts a hand on Jimin’s shoulder, smoothing it over the back of his neck. “Jimin- hey pup- it’s fine” Jimin looks up at Namjoon, panicked and imploring, tears in his own eyes and adrenaline in his system for the first time in weeks. Fuck- he’d forgotten how terrible it felt to be afraid “I didn’t mean to trigger him I swear-“ 
- “Jimin- it’s okay, Yoongi will be fine he just probably needs to sleep and to cool down a little, it probably wasn’t even your fault- we should have known this would happen on such a hot day.”
- Namjoon’s voice is honeyed and soft, expression torn as he looks down at Jimin from the upper step. “This just happens to him Jimin, it’s not your fault.” Namjoon reaches up to thumb away a tear on Jimin's cheek that he hadn’t realized he’d let out. 
- it shocks him almost more than the sudden affection does. Enough that he lets out a low whine. Not knowing what to do with his hands until they close around the hem of namjoon’s flannel, jerking the larger hybrid towards Jimin, making his pine scent settle over Jimin like a comforting blanket - strong  and alpha and everything Jimin wants to press himself into-
- A  cat hybrid bustles through the entryway carrying a crate full of something- headed for the basement refrigerators, and Namjoon straightens, his mask of careful control back in place- (like it always does, Jimin thinks a little sourly) as Jimin steps away and shakes off. Jimin wonders if he had dreamed up the brief heavy look in his face or if it had never been there at all. 
- Both of them hear the sound of you upstairs, lingering “Do you want me to stay?” a pause, and then you continue, “okay, I’ll come to check on you later- don’t turn the shower on too cold or else you’ll go into shock okay Yoon?” 
- If Jimin did know any better (and he certainly knows better) he would have mistaken Namjoon’s look for the same one he gives you when you reappear at the top of the stairs, Namjoon and Jimin spill onto the landing to make room for you. Namjoon’s hand hovers on your arm, tugging you in close for a moment, he can audibly hear the swallow you let out as Namjoon buries his face in your shoulder, tension locked in every muscle of his body until he exhales. 
-  “I’ll help you with the garden for the rest of the day just let me grab my hat Jimin.” You say, smiling at him, but Jimin can see the clenched worry in the set of your mouth. Namjoon gives your retreating form a withering look and he tells Jimin under his breath, “make sure she rests when she gets tired okay?” Namjoon asks, to which Jimin nods, his tail swishing between his legs. “I heard that!” you shout from what must be your and Namjoon’s room. 
- You and Jimin spend the rest of the day watering the cutting garden, and Jimin finds himself asking you what kind of plants these ones are. They’re large and pretty. A little ruffly and torn looking but beautiful none the less with a strong floral scent that sort of reminds him of how you smell. Jimin likes them, especially the light pink ones that are the same color as the blushing sky. 
- “We planted these for a local florist, they’re called peonies, and those are dahlias,” you say, pressing your face into one, the soft petals brushing against your cheeks as you rub your face into one, and Jimin feels his heart flutter like a butterfly. “hang on- you’ve got a little” he brushes away the Pollen on your cheek, “Thanks Minnie” 
- Minnie- the butterflies in his heart flutter harder- probably causeing a tornado  somewhere elce. He hides his blush by turning away to snip off some of the dying leaves with his scissors, trying to slow the thundering pace of his heart. 
- Later that evening when the skin is purple-tinted dark blue, you stand in the cutting garden with Namjoon. Armed with a pair of scissors you snip the most beautiful blooms. Though it will be a few more days till you drive another shipment into town to the florist and you know the few blooms you take won’t be missed. 
- “What are you doing?” Namjoon asks, taking the fist-sized blooms from you as you cut more. “Just making someone happy.” You say, And Namjoon just shakes his head. He knows what you’re talking about and who you're picking them for, And it might be for the puppy who always picks a wild cosmos and puts it on the strap of his sun hat, and looks at the two of you like he wants to be affectionate or dote on, but might not know-how. 
- “He hasn’t had an easy day has he,” Namjoon says, voice low, you shake your head, because no- Jimin hasn’t and you’re only trying to make him a little happier.  He seemed a little too shaken after the incident with Yoongi.  a small act of kindness goes a long way. 
-  He finds them the next day shortly after breakfast, about to change into a  pair of shorts so that he can swim in the stream with Taehyung and some of his other bunkmates before work starts. He finds the pink, white, and purple blooms stuffed into a jam jar on the small side table next to his bed. Blushing as his fingers skim over the edge. Unable to handle the sudden rush of hope and affection because he knows- he knows these must be from you- but he can’t imagine why you’d left them for him to find.  
- “Someones got a secret admierer~” Taehyung teases with a sing song voice from where he changes- almost tripping as he steps into his red swim trunks. Jimin blushes and tries not to let him see. 
- But when he really thinks about it- all he wonders is why. He’d hurt Yoongi yesterday- Someone who seemed special to you. He’d been half-expecting you to punish him at some point- not reward him with these flowers that he gets to look at when he falls asleep. Jimin hugs his pillow to his chest and lets the scent of you (because yes- you do smell like peonies) lul him into sleep. 
- Yoongi appears by the middle of the next day to help Jimin twine up the lines of peas. Yoongi looks no worse for wear, if not for the bags under his eyes that seem a little shadowed, the elder doesn’t look like he’s gotten a wink. 
- (Later- when you break for lunch- you and Jimin find Yoongi asleep underneath the shade of one of the oak trees that border the vegetable garden, His sun hat pulled low over his face to shield his eyes from the sun, and decide it’s better if you let him be for the rest of the day)
- Jimin is so puzzled by the flowers that he asks Yoongi about them. But the elder pauses, and shakes his head, making an X with his hands. And points to the other side of the garden where you stand, whistling a little and watering some of the carrots (the few that have managed to avoid the hungry bellies of the bunny hybrids)
-  Jimin blushes and swats his hands at Yoongi’s small smirk. Saying “oh shut up!” even as Yoongi rolls his eyes, I didn’t say anything he can almost hear the other say.
- Late that night Jimin wonders what Yoongi’s voice sounds like. Then when the days press on, he starts to doubt that he’ll ever find out. But that's fine, they don’t have to talk to be friends. Not when he comes back from a bathroom break with a glass of water and ice for Yoongi only to find that the elder has filled his discarded sunhat to the brim with sweet Tomatoes and green beans. 
- Namjoon makes a brief appearance one day to lug in a few bags of mulch in your private garden. Eyeing Jimin and Yoongi in the field, as Jimin points energetically to a small bright blue bird that seems very interested in some of the pees. neither of them makes to scare the bird off or pounce like a cat hybrid might, merely straightening up to watch, still as to not startle it, as it twitters and is joined by another bright blue bird and then two more.
- they fly away, and Jimin shouts excitedly and hops over to the fence, stoops to pick up a tiny bright blue feather. Jimin chats animatedly to Yoongi, who doesn’t respond but holds it up to the sky to compare the color. Both of them leaning around the light to see it, their straw hats bumping into each other. 
- Jimin must ask Yoongi because he’s dropping the feather into his hand and tilting his head down so that Yoongi can stick the blue feather into Jimin's hat, right in-between an orange snapdragon and a dried pink clover. 
- Namjoon sees the smile tugging at Yoongi’s lips and feels deep satisfaction. Later that night, curled up in your bed with your form propped up on many pillows, Namjoon tells you that you made the right decision to try and push Jimin and Yoongi to be friends. He’s gotten so much better; less twitchy and easy to startle. Both of them have really. They’re good for each other.   
- you fall asleep with a soft smile on your face, cheek pillowed against the soft cream bedspread. Namjoon nuzzles his face into your stomach, resting his cheek below your breasts as you sleep on. You’re so used to his movements next to you that you barely startle. “Things are complicated little one,” he murmurs to the bump. 
- Pressing a kiss to it through your large sleeping shirt (an old one of his) one of namjoon’s large work-roughened hands smoothing over it. “Only a few months now and you’ll be here. I can’t wait to meet you but I’m also scared.”  He shakes a little as he thinks about it- about being a dad, about being parents with you.
- And then he thinks of the others, “We’re both going to need so much help, but I think you’ll like them too.”
- after he showers and before dinner time Jimin helps you and the few other hybrids set up the long table in the largest barn that serves as the dining room for all of the hybrids. As you hand out napkins, More than one of them asks you to get off your feet. 
- He spends dinner on Namjoon’s left side and you on the other side and Yoongi next to you. The hybrid files in after everyone has already started at the line for the buffet of food. Keeping his head ducked and making himself as small as possible. Jimin tries to catch his eyes in hello but doesn’t manage too. 
- - As April fades into may, Jimin starts to feel disconcerting comfortableness slip under his bones, the day’s aren’t exactly the same, but they do become familiar. And it doesn’t comfort him- it just makes Jimin anxious. the planting comes to an end, and the three of you find yourselves coming in earlier especially once it starts to get hotter. Because of the absence of work, Jimin often finds himself wandering the property without a task. 
- The less work there is to do in the gardens, the more he looks to find something that will occupy him- any way to contribute more. He keeps helping during dinner time, to set out the tables and the dishes. And goes back and forth to the house to get anything he might need, unable to sit down until everything is done, even then, he barely gets a few bites in before he’s standing up to help bring the dirty dishes back to the house. 
- You notice, Namjoon does too but you both quickly get dragged off to deal with another call that you’ve gotten to pick up another hybrid. And though Jimin might be hungry when he goes to sleep, it’s worth it to stay up to watch your car lights pull back up the long road to the main house. The anxiety in his chest is abated enough to where he doesn’t feel the hunger.
- That might be a bit of a lie, but really, he was hungry for so many years that he doesn’t mind.
- the presence of a new hybrid makes it worse. It’s the first house call you’d made since Jimin- thought you tell him that it hadn’t really been a house call at all. The locals in a beach town had seen a stray here and there lingering in the lagoon and the ocean waters.
-  The otter hybrid named Hoseok looks like he’s been living on his own for a number of years. He’s Grubby, his hair overgrown but cut short by your hand in your kitchen the next day. And though he leans away from your hand when you try to touch his head, he eventually relaxes under your calm soothing voice, “That’s a good boy, there we go- now you look all clean and pretty!”
- “You think I’m pretty?” the otter hybrid has the Gaul to ask- shy- his eyes wide, and Jimin’s blood wants to boil. He sits with Yoongi at the prep table, helping the cat hybrids de-stem some of the peas and early spring greens that they’d harvested from the garden, and he almost nicks his hand on the knife he’s using. Next to him, Yoongi makes a noise and gestures at him to hand the knife over, he can see the scolding look on his face, “be more careful”
- He’s bubbly and happy after the first day, his little curved ears cooed at by the cat hybrids in the kitchen. Everyone likes Hoseok, Jimin should like Hoseok- but he can’t help but feel a little jealous at how he immediately fits in. He finds his place the first day when Jimin and Namjoon take him to see the sheep and other farm animals, immediately taking an interest in the thick skeen of bright red wool that Seokjin was hanging out to dry,
- The alpaca hybrid turns bright pink when he first sees Hoseok, all the way from his dye stained hands to the tips of his white ears. Jimin can hear the nervousness in the way he says “you can stay as long as you want- all day- it would be nice to have some company” which is funny because seokjin hates company- likes to be left alone with his radio and his pets. 
- “Of course!” the otter says, ears flicking rapidly in happiness in his shiny curly hair, “can you show me how you dye the wool?” Jimin hasn’t ever heard the alpaca hybrid say so many words at once. 
- Jimin wishes he didn’t feel jealous.  
- But he realizes- as one of the cat hybrids comes to asks him which of the herbs in the garden are which, and finds that he does know how to differentiate between the different kinds- At least he’s earned his place here, for a little while he can pretend that he belongs here. He feels a little dizzy like he used too, unsteady with the pounding in his chest- he gets startled over the littlest things, Yoongi standing up too quick next to him or Taehyung’s loud laugh when he walks into the bunkroom.
- The next stage of his anxiety makes him annoyed, his will power worn down by his own inability to relax. He snaps at one of the bunny hybrids after she drops his clothes after they were freshly laundered, ignoring her apology when she drops it.
- He helps the cat hybrids who work in the kitchen making dinner one night and growls when they keep thanking him for staying “Jesus it’s nothing please drop it” and then immediately feels guilty afterward.
- He can’t be this way, Needs to stop being so easily irritable and taciturn. he remembers what his other bunkmates had said on The first day: Namjoon will throw anyone out who makes problems. Jimin dosent want to leave, can’t help the thudding breathlessness that fills his chest when he thinks about the possibility. 
- He knows that Namjoon likes him, it’s the only fact that logically makes sense: that he acts differently around Jimin than the others. But he can’t shake the feeling that he doesn't really know for sure. And once the thought has fit its self into Jimin's head he can’t shake away the lingering feelings of dread- like he’s going to somehow lose his place here and have to leave. 
- Jimin starts to gather snacks here and there, shoving them into the drawer of his side table, just in case so he has some when he gets thrown out of the farm. 
- He even snaps at Yoongi at one point, when he splashes Jimin's feet accidentally with a hose, he grumbles and heads off towards the cutting garden mumbling about something that he needs to check, sequestering himself there for the rest of the day crumpling dried peony leaves in his fist. He misses the pregnant look that Yoongi shoots you- a worry you return.
- You can tell something’s wrong with Jimin- there isn’t any other reason why he’s suddenly started to withdraw from all of you. No longer lingering as much over the flowers and the fruits of your labor in the garden.
- You and Namjoon talk about it one morning after breakfast. Watching where Jimin’s sat on the grassy hill waiting for you and Yoongi to come out. Usually, he’d wait inside or sit on the steps but he hasn’t lately. You watch from the back of the house, looking out the window at him. Namjoons arms clasped around your middle. “Is it bad to assume that he’ll come to us if he wants to talk?” you ask Namjoon.“There's something wrong and I feel like I’ll just make him feel attacked if I ask”
- Namjoon looks conflicted, his fingers playing with yours, lacing and unlacing- your hands are so small His rough callouses feel good against your skin- rough in a nice way. “I’m worried too- but I think- maybe everything here has gotten to be too much for him, you know how overwhelmed he got in the first few days, maybe he just needs distance.” You nod against his shoulder, and though neither of you likes it. You think it’s what Jimin needs.
- It’s not really, so much of what's bound to happen could have been fixed by a little more care on your part- and you’ll never make the same mistake of leaving Jimin alone again.
- Over the next few days, Jimin can feel himself getting more and more annoyed- but he can’t for the life of him figure out why.  He sequesters himself on the other side of the cutting garden trying to find some comfort in the flowers. But the peony rings just won't stay upright, the Dalia stakes too, and the daisy poles, the green garden twine won't stay tight in Jimin’s shaking fingers.
- Nothing feels right, he feels listless,  skin feels itchy laying over the bit of pudge, he’s gotten since he came here and started eating 2 square meals and snacks every day. The tensegrity over his bones, never quite able to stretch, out the hot sun on his back. He feels sharp, his mind teetering on the edge of something he dosent understand. 
- And like an idiot, he tries to ignore it.
- Jimin gets to his breaking point a day later- when you finally turn in from outside. It’s hot, and Jimin feels overheated and sticky with sweat, but he doesn't feel like he can leave yet and take a shower like he so desperately wants.  One of the hybrids gave him a weird look when he was showering mid-day yesterday and he’d like to avoid that again if he can. 
- Most of the hybrids wait until after dinner to shower but Jimin didn’t want to deal with vying for hot water. It was just another thing that made him frustrated. And he’s unsure if he’s more frustrated at the hybrid or at himself for making another social miss-step.
- It hits him there in your kitchen the reason why he’s so frustrated. He’s been here for a little over a month now and still- still he dosent understand the rules, the socal rules are still escaping him just as much the physical ones. In his old home- he got a shower whenever time allowed it- here it was seen as lazy to take one before the day’s work was truly done. 
- There is sweat dripping down his back even as you get both him and Yoongi a glass of ice water from the pitcher on the table. “Do you want some watermelon?” Jimin shakes his head, unsure why he’s refusing when hunger aches in his belly.  But someone else might want the watermelon on the table, someone else might need it so Jimin can’t have it- can’t intrude any more than he already does. He might break another fucking rule- it’s better, isn’t it? to just not take up space and resources when he can avoid it. 
- “I could reheat some of the food from this morning if you’d rather have that? or we could make something else before dinner?” you proffer, washing your hands in the sink, running over them with the brush to get the dirt out from under your nails. 
- “No you don’t have to” he answers too quickly. You let the silence sit for a moment before you’re turning to Jimin, And he feels something that feels suspiciously like fear spark and itch underneath his skin. You look a little put-out, biting on your lower lip and for some reason it makes him feel even worse. Which doesn’t make any sense- 
- Why would you be upset that you can’t help a dumb puppy like Jimin? who can barely garden right let alone do anything like a normal fucking non-damaged hybrid could do. He’s not Namjoon, gorgeous tall and capable Namjoon, or even like Yoongi who doesn't even talk but finds himself more needed than even Jimin- the most replicable hybrid on the farm. 
- Why does he feel like he needs to placate you- why don’t you just fucking get it already. You dry your hand on a towel and lean back against the sink. Jimin takes a deep sip of the ice water but finds it makes him feel sick. “What’s wrong?” you proffer gentle and kind.
- “Nothing’s wrong,” he says, he sets the water down too hard and he tries to turn away but you don’t let him, grabbing his wrist. “Jimin,” you say, and he doesn’t know if it’s a plead or a command from you. Maybe if you did command him Jimin would understand better, would know what you wanted better than all of this- all of this assuming that drives him crazy. 
- He rolls his wrist out of your grip, suddenly whirling around, his voice a growl. “Would you just leave it- fuck- I’m fine,”  Jimin can hear dimly, the footsteps above which must be Yoongi. Pausing and then rushing when he hears Jimin’s elevated voice.
- You pause for a moment, picking your words carefully “Jimin, you don’t seem okay- I know something’s been bothering you. Come talk to me about it, tell me about it,” Jimin’s scoff feels acrid in his lungs. “No thanks, don’t want to feel like more of a burden than I already am.”
- You recoil- shocked “Jimin what? you really think that? you’re not at all! please don’t think that, don’t think that you’re a burden! We love you- we care about you- we’re just worried”
- Jimin shakes his head, angry, he’s not even sure why he’s fucking angry,  “You don’t love me” Maybe it’s the frustration, the frustration at all the heavy looks and all the kindness- none of which Jimin knows how to interpret or how to decipher. 
- He dosent know why he said it- even though deep down he’s sure it’s true. He knows you love him. And suddenly the words are spilling out of him along with all of the fear and anxiety and petty anger. Even though deep down Jimin knows that he really doesn’t have anything to be angry about
- “I hate when you walk on eggshells like I’m going to go fucking awol because I can’t fucking adjust to living like this- and then go on treating me with so much affection like I fucking deserve it.” 
- “Jimin- you’re not- we don’t walk on eggshells around you because we want to keep you far away, we do it because we want you to feel comfortable, we don’t want to force anything on you-” 
- “Force me to do what? Force me to help out even if not doing so would make me a freeloader, but if I help too much then- it sets me apart and I just don’t fit in- I’m not even like apart of everything here- when I’m fucking suffocating under what no one says- no one tells me. So what? What can you possibly say that will help? That won’t hurt?”
- For once, you fall silent. Your hands drop, and Jimin feels the guilt swell up, strengthening to a crescendo before he falls falls falls and has nothing but the anger to comfort him, even as tears cloud his vision. 
- “You treat me like this- like I’m fucking worth anything at all and it drives me crazy- I’m not like you- You ask me to confide in you but you wouldn’t fucking understand if I tried- I’m the fucking dregs of what anyone wants and I’m never going to be like the others- I’ve already fallen too far behind and you might as well give up-” 
- “Jimin” its Namjoon at the door, his voice full of caution, not anger- Jimin expects anger but when he looks up all he sees in Namjoon biting his lower lip and looking like he’s about to cry. He reaches out to try and touch him but Jimin flinches back, namjoon freezes, eyes wide and worried. Jimin’s tail drops low, and he pushes past Namjoon without a second thought, leaving you there- you let out a strangled aborted noise in your throat. 
- His beat-up second-hand shoes thud against the wooden steps and the adrenaline is still firing in his system telling him to get away from you. Namjoon calls his name and he breaks out into a run across the field, his ankles almost failing when he stumbles in some of the holes. The tears in his eyes burning as he runs and runs and runs. 
- I’m never going to be like them, I’m too damaged for a life like this, I’m never going to understand how to function because- because I wasn’t raised like them. And it’s too late to learn- it’s too late for the life he wants- even though he never wanted it until they showed him what life could be like.  
- Jimin feels terribly alone. 
- Taehyung finally finds Jimin in the paddocks, deep in the barn with a baby lamb in his lap. It’s little soft pink and white body sitting in Jimin’s lap. Docile at his pets even as the hybrid sniffles, nibbling cutely at his fingers. He puts a hand on Namjoon’s arm, wordlessly telling him to stay behind with Seokjin. “Thanks for getting us Jin” Jimin hears him whisper. Even if he dosent sit up or stand to acknowledge his bunkmate's presence. 
- “That looks a little nasty,” Taehyung says, gesturing at Jimin’s hand. He’d fallen on his mad run, his knuckles grazing the ground. And they’re a little bloody and dirty. It’s not that bad though- Jimin has felt worse pain. 
- “You want to talk about it yet?” 
- “No,” Jimin says too quickly, worried that Taehyung would leave and also- that he would stay. “But I think I should?” The little lamb seems to tire of Jimin’s restless pets and migrates over to Taehyungs lap.  “Where were you before you came here Tae?” in all his weeks at the farm Jimin has never asked Taehyung about his own origin story. But the hybrid dosent look surprised or unwilling. The lamb lets out a little bleat. 
- “You know the story probably, its the same one a lot of us rare breeds have- rich family- bought me as a present for their youngest son- never knew my parents, you know- the classic hybrid trifecta of angst” 
- “I didn’t know my parents either,” they shift to sit back against the wall of the barn. “How did you end up here?” 
- “He wasn’t always violent, but by the time his parents realized it had gotten out of hand, they barely cared he was hurting me only that I bit him back- they didn’t tolerate it and sold me to a circus.” Taehyung gets a faraway look in his eyes. 
-“I refused to perform, and they put me out in the sun without food or water until I agreed, I escaped within the first week, they didn’t realize that the chain was rusty enough for a hybrid to break.” Tae’s softness has always been disarming, but Jimin has also seen the bear hybrid lift 50-pound bags of flour like they weighed nothing. 
- Jimin thinks about his next words carefully, “Do you ever, think it would have been better if you stayed? sometimes I think I deserved it.” Taehyung’s inhale is jagged- “No- Jimin- you shouldn’t- you didn’t deserve what you got I promise you” 
- Jimin looks down and tries not to feel upset because- he feels like he deserved it even if Taehyung is telling him he didn’t. The bear hybrid has never lied to him and maybe, just maybe Jimin didn't- maybe he really hadn’t deserved it.
- “I don’t miss it not really- but- sometimes I think- my body does or maybe my head? It’s hard to explain.” Jimin knows Taehyung is trying. Tae puts his arm around Jimin’s shoulder, his wide hands rubbing up and down Jimin’s spine.  Jimin tucks his face close to his knees and lets Tae touch him. The repetitive pets feel nice. 
- “Why do I feel so scared Tae? Why is everything so hard? why do I feel like I don’t deserve anything good? There are so many things that I don’t understand or don’t know- so many things I never even knew I didn’t know.”
- “I think I might know someone who understands how you’re feeling Minnie.”
- Jimin tries to turn away when Taehyung leads him up to the front porch where you sit with Yoongi, but his hand is strong on the back of Jimin’s neck. Jimin is a little startled to see Yoongi’s hand withdraw from yours quickly. “It’s okay Yoongi, wanna give us a minute?” you say, standing along with him as Jimin rises on the steps, hands clenched by his side. 
- Neither of you talks, Jimin can’t look up to meet your eyes. Taehyung and Yoongi sigh at the same time. “I left some of my beekeeping gear down at the bottom of the hill- if you help me carry it up I’ll give you some honey?” Yoongi scoffs but shows a small smile as Tae turns and starts off with him down the hill. Yoongi sends Jimin a single pitying glance before he does. 
- “I think the squash is probably done cooking by now, Come inside.” The ground floor of the farmhouse is empty but filled with a mild sweet scent. All of the other vegetables are already set out, The carrot, celery, And onion already chopped. It doesn't look like there's enough to feed the whole farm and Jimin is about to ask when you clarify. “I thought it would be better if we all ate together tonight, and this soup is a little specialty of mine.”
- You go to the cellar door and opening it. “Go downstairs, look at the floor- and tell me what you see.” Jimin listens- he’s always been good at following instructions. 
- The cellar smells musty and cold he’s careful not to trip over the extension cords that wind down the stairs, the industrial-sized freezers and refrigerators hum and buzz. There is a barely-there stain in the concrete, rust-colored, fading like someone had tried to wash it away but hadn’t been able to it. 
- “Why is there a bloodstain on your floor?” Jimin says as he comes up the stairs, taking them two at a time. You're just stirring vegetables in the pan. “iI’s mine,” you say, turning the heat down and covering it. Jimin's breath catches. You start fiddling with the other burner, “You’re not the only one who's been through some shit Jimin,” 
-“Who hurt you- when.” Yimin pulls out a place for you at the prep table and you make a noise when you see his bloody hand, “my late husband,” Jimin's eyes hover on your stomach for a second before you flinch, turning away to retrieve the first aid kit from below the sink.
- “Why did he hurt you?” Jimin asks as you pull his hand close to you to rest on the table, carefully and gently dabbing at the broken skin with a cool cloth to clear away the dirt. You’re so gentle that It barely stings. A lock of hair falls in front of your face, and Jimin reaches across the table to tuck it behind your ear. 
- “Honestly? I have no idea. Maybe some people are made rotten- maybe it’s easier to hurt others than hurt- but regardless- I hate him- hated him- But I also loved him at one point. And I think- until Namjoon came- I honestly was dependent on his approval, did you feel dependent on your old owner?”
- “Every day. I don’t miss him- I hate him too- but” Jimin’s hands are shaking when he looks down at them. ou steady them a little- rubbing ointment into the scrapes “I think that I miss understanding everything that was going to happen, knowing what my purpose was.” 
- Your face is shadowed and dark as you keep working- you might not be able to fix Jimin’s mind- but you can help this- the wounds on his body that ache in time with the pulse of his heart. “People like us- we miss abuse because we get dependent on it- because it ran your life and now- you can’t make any choices without-” 
- “Without thinking you’re making the wrong one because choices have consequences and now they don’t- not really- not in the same way. It was like that for you too?” you nod, starting putting bandaids across Jimin’s knuckles. The onions in the pan smell good and start to sizzle. Jimin is almost breathless when he asks- cuz now you’ve helped him put it together he needs to know “How did you get out- how did you learn?” 
-“Namjoon was really patient with me, he gave me what I needed without letting me fall back into the cycle- I’m lucky to have him.”  We’re lucky to have you, he wants to say, he’s never heard of a human who had been through the kind of abuse that hybrids do. But he thinks that maybe it would be wrong to say especially after the words he’d shouted at you. He winces, and you look up from his hand worried you’d hurt him. “I’m sorry I yelled at you earlier- you didn’t deserve it.” 
- You shrug, “We’ve been expecting you to be okay- and I’m sorry- I should have been more communicative. It’s kinda been a hard transition for you and I should have been there to help more.” 
- “Why does doing what I want not feel free all the time? Why do the choices make me feel like im suffocating?” 
- “Because if you don’t have a choice- you can’t make a wrong move.
- “Did you know- neither Namjoon or I can go into that basement without having a panic attack? There are other things too- like if something comes at his face too quick he growls- even if it's me. The smell of motor oil makes him feel sick and I still have nightmares- We’re still learning. The people we love don’t negate our trauma, but it helps at least when they try to understand it with us.” 
- You set the last bandaid over his nuckles, and he reaches out to grasp at yours and give it a squeeze. You take his hand and lift it to your mouth all of the scrapes covered. You press a kiss to each bandaid and Jimin feels like he’s going to cry for a whole different reason- he feels so undeserving of your care and of your affection, especially after today. 
- “I want to help you Jimin- I care about you too much not to try and make you happy,” Jimin can’t argue- not like he did before when he was too anxious not to perceive anything close to him as an attack. “What do you want? There are no wrong answers” 
-“I want-” before he can answer, Namjoon and Yoongi walk through the door, the younger hybrid prattling to yoongi about the restorations currenly underway at once of the little chicken coops on the sothern edge-  and then he looks back at you- your face a little tired, but truly truly imploring, Jimin feels a strange kind of acrid black hope lurch in his belly. 
- Both of them smiling softly, Namjoon saying something and Yoongi nodding while makeing a so-so motion with his hands. When Namjoon looks up and sees the two of you sat on the kitchen table his tail wags and then falls still, then wags again when he sees both you and Jimin sitting close. Your hands still tightly clasped in each other. 
- “I want to help you cook- can you show me how you make the soup?” Jimin lies. But you don’t catch it, even as you smile at him, and reach your hand up to touch his ears. Pull gentle scratches over them. “That we can definitely do,” you say. Namjoon and Yoongi don’t look upset with Jimin when they come close, Yoongi opening up the pan on the burner and sniffing the air. making a pleased noise in the back of his throat, “squash soup” you clarify and Yoongi smiles.
- Namjoon lifts Jimin’s hand up for inspection, “You okay?” Namjoon asks, his tail hanging low, he doesn't like to see the younger hurt- doesn't like the shyness lingering. “No,” Jimin says quietly, “But I will be,”
- Namjoon pulls him up with a whine, scent-marking along Jimin's shoulder- the other hybrid freezes and then whines when Namjoon’s scent puffs up fanning out to comfort Jimin. The other hybrid is so much larger than him, he makes Jimin feel so small. Namjoon’s hands on both of his shoulders holding him still. Jimin is breathless even after Namjoon pulls away with a faint blush on his cheeks- because Jimin- Jimin smells like Namjoon now.
- Every hybrid is going to know what Namjoon did that when he walks out. And it’s intimate- so intimate- because hybrids the only scent mark each other when they- Jimin's breath catches in his throat- when they belong to the same pack.
- That means Namjoon wants Jimin to belong here. 
- “Can I-” Jimin knows his face is bright red, “Do me?” Namjoon proffers, and though Namjoon has to stoop for Jimin to rub his cheek all over Namjoon he does and looks happy, his dimples poking out. 
- “What do I smell like?” Jimin asks, because honestly- he’s never known- never had another hybrid scent mark him. “Something flowery but more like- citrusy?” Namjoon says, taking in a deep breath at Jimin’s throat that makes a shiver run down his spine.
- Yoongi makes a noise and holds out a lemon- tapping it for a moment and nodding sagely, The visual makes you all giggle. You smile too, “What do I smell like?”
- “Flowers,” Namjoon says instantly, at the same time Jimin says, “Peonies... and cream?” Namjoon blushes- gesturing at your stomach, “that wasn’t there before- yeah” his dimples are so pronounced when he absently rubs a hand over your bump, You can't resist getting up on your tippy-toes to peck them. 
- Jimin learns that even though he had asked you to teach him how to make butternut squash soup, that didn’t mean you were going to let him do any of the work involved. You explain how to do everything sure- but Jimin is banished to sit at the table with namjoon and watch. 
- You and Yoongi cook, dancing around each other in a dance that seems almost choreographed. You must cook together often because Yoongi seems to anticipate your movement, handing you a wooden spoon to stir the vegetables. 
 - Namjoon pulls him back to lean against his chest facing where you cook, Namjoon’s back up against the wall the older hybrid combing his hands through Jimin's hair. Jimin would think it was weird had he not seen countless other hybrids cuddle the same),
-  Yoongi brings Jimin spoonfuls which he presses to Jimin's lips and makes him taste. And Jimin wants to yip when the savory tang of the soup hits his tongue, makes a happy grumble as his eyes flutter closed. “Wait- that's so good- how is it so good?” you look happy at his praise. 
- When it’s finished, the four of you eat out on the porch. Jimin licks his bowl clean, he catches Yoongi watching him, a small satisfied smile on his mouth, he even gets up and gives Jimin seconds. The warm soup fills his belly like liquid comfort. and after so many bowls he ends up listing to the side, nose pressed to the hard part of your shoulder, lulled further to sleep by the rub of your fingers up and down his skull.
 -The kitchen starts to buzz with the noise of dinner preparations but jimin is full and happy, his sun-warmed skin soothed by the dropping temperature. You don't say anything when he starts to cry, his face hidden in your shirt, you just keep running your fingers through his hair scratching his ears. Namjoon and yoongi get up and go upstairs, leaving the two of you to sit side by side. 
- No one hears the words you whisper into Jimin's ear, “You’re not broken beyond repair Minnie, help me- help me fix you- tell me what I can do to make things easier for you.” 
- Jimin's eyes are half-lidded when he opens them, “Can you just- tell me things? Not order me- I’m not asking for you to like- control me- but I think if you just all told me what you want it would be better- take out the guesswork you know?”
- Jimin is so sleepy Namjoon ends up having to carry him back down to the bunks. his strong hands gripping Jimin under his thighs The smaller hybrid on his back, Jimin’s hands around Namjoon's neck. The younger hybrid nuzzling his nose into Namjoon's shoulder to get more of the pine scent on himself. They pause on the steps. The last thing Jimin is aware of is a puff of your scent and soft lips on his hairline.  He wakes up in his bed the next day, his pillows smelling like Namjoon. His bunkmates give him strange looks. 
- The next few days are better, and slowly but surely, the anxiety he’d felt dissipates. You give Jimin little moments to latch onto. the Stability of clearly communicated consent. You say “sit next to me” when dinner comes. Yoongi and Tae across from you at the table. “It makes me feel better the more you eat- I like seeing you full and chubby Minnie” 
- The other hybrids help too- so you must have told them. Namjoon brings Jimin one of his old button-downs, a thick flannel that smells like the other hybrid. “This is too small on me now- so here- it’s yours.”
“Enjoying your courting gifts? Taehyung teases after he sees Jimin wearing it, making the younger splutter, “this? a courting gift?” Tae shrugs, “that's the only reason why he would give you something of his to wear- and both of us know it the alpha of a pack that initiates the courting.” 
- The clearly communicated wants and desires do wonders for his level of comfort. Even Yoongi tries- writes down what he wants on a napkin at dinnertime. I want to help you in your garden today. No offering for Jimin to decline, no wiggling out of it. And slowly, Jimin finds himself becomes more comfortable with his place here. 
- You try to keep the satisfied smile off your face when one day you ask Jimin to come up to the house- cuz it’s just too hot today- and he’s struggling to put together a trellis, “one second, I want to finish this before dinner” and he sits up with a jolt- realizing- he’d actually articulated his own wants for once, he’d asserted his own wants into a conversation instead of just- reacting to everyone else's. 
- Your satisfied smile warms his heart too, you notice the slow change. jimin beginning to heal. “no- I don’t need that it’s okay” “yes you do jimin just take the fancy soap,”
- “Are you sure it’s okay if i-” “Yes it is I promise.”
- The change is slow but one day, He gets to the point where he can say “Tae and I are going to go try and find some berry patches down by the river so I’m going to meet him after we get done with the ground cherries” without fear
- Jimin takes a bucket and he brings back a quart of wild blueberries. You make blueberry muffins with them while Tae, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin sit at the prep table. Yoongi carefully plucks thorns out of Taehyungs hand as Namjoon tells Jimin that even though Yoongi can cook- you’re the only one in the house that can bake. He even gets a pat on the head for his work and a soft “good boy” from you, and it makes Jimin's heart feel light and blooming like a flower. 
- The afternoons stop making him anxious, and after the first few days, he’s inclined to relax rather than go in search of more work. He goes to visit Taehyung by the bee hutches, hovering a few meters away as Taehyung brings him a spoonful of honey. Or if he dosent feel like doing anything at all- he plays cards with you and Yoongi on your back porch, Namjoon too- if he finds out that you’ve all turned in for the day. 
- Yoongi always wins during the afternoon card games. Whether it is poker or rummy the snake hybrid comes out on top- even when it’s something like Uno, and the elder will just shuffle the cards again for another round and smile a little, more than he does ever. And the three of you will shout and grumble in dismay when he shows his winning hand, round after round until dinner preparations start to pick up enough for someone to need help.  
- One afternoon, you look so sweet in your loose taupe frock, the stretchy material pulled over your belly and your hair free from its fixings spilling over your shoulder Jimin sees the way that Namjoon has his palm placed against your round stomach and can’t stop himself from asking. 
- “Can I?” Jimin asks, and you look up from your hand of cards and place them on the table before taking Jimin’s in yours, and oh, your baby bump is warm and soft and surprisingly more solid then Jimin expected. He wasn’t expecting to immediately feel like he was going to burst into tears, but he feels an incredible well of fondness well up in him. It must have something to do with the way that your peony and cream scent seems to tug at his heart like strings on a marionette. 
- He wants to lean forward and press a kiss there- or nuzzle it and scent mark it the way he knows Namjoon does- but even that feels like too much. You must know what Jimin is wanting as you look down at him, smiling a little even as he blushes. 
-  Little does Jimin know that this is nothing particularly new to you, every time Namjoon gets a whiff of your pregnancy hormones- he’s gotten simultaneously possessive and cloudy eyed with protectiveness. Yoongi seems to be the only one who doesn’t have that reaction. But you bet he’s spared that particular embarrassment by his admittedly more human sense of smell.
- The rest of them don’t notice Jimin’s wave of emotions, or at least they pretend to be interested enough in the third round of hearts that you’ve played this evening. Though Jimin does catch a small smile on Namjoon’s face when Jimin scoots closer. Reluctant to let go now that he’s felt the soft pleasure of feeling your baby bump.
-  The endorphin response alone has his voice husky, he’s a goner the second you lift your hand up and rub his ears, letting out a whine and putting his cards away- much more interested in begging affection off of you now.  
- “How far along are you?” “Around 5 months now I think- nearly 6 now that I think about it.”
- The four of you decide to eat dinner out on the patio instead of joining the others in the barn. The older cat hybrid sees how slumped you are and how you’re near to sleeping on Namjoon’s shoulder, and brings the four of you out dinner plates, much to the thanks of Namjoon and Jimin, Yoongi nods gratefully when she hands over his plate. 
-  By the time Jimin reluctantly so steers his way back towards the barns, the common room lights have finally turned out. A lone fox hybrid sleeps on the couch in the common room, her head tipped back and the light from the tv blue across her face. 
- He goes up to his bunk bed, the other hybrids sleeping soundly around him, perplexed to find his bed disturbed, his pillow gone and his blanket missing from his bed. He figured someone might not have wanted to get up to grab one from the linen closet downstairs, but when he goes down to the ground floor he finds it empty, not uncommon on a cold night like tonight. Jimin’s bare feet are already feeling the brunt of the cold stones, and the cozy but still slightly drafty barn. 
- He goes up and notices that the hybrid that shares the bunk to the left is the one that’s taken his blanket. “Hey give it back” Jimin hisses hushed, fighting with the half-asleep hybrid whose eyes still haven’t opened, he’s clutching the extra warmth to his chest. “I need that to sleep” the dog hybrid on the bunk above them grumble and turn over in his sleep. 
- Jimin puts a hand on his shoulder to really wake him, The hybrid, a wolf hybrid named Minhyung, wakes up with a start, arms already swinging, his foot kicks out at Jimin’s stomach.  The sudden violent reaction tosses him onto the floor with a thump, waking those in the vicinity.
- Jimin tries not to let the stinging feeling invade too much even as his ass goes numb, and he flushes with anger, especially when one of the others whose woken by the brief scramble laughs at Jimin. Minhyung does too, looking barely contrite with half his hair messy and a little bit of drool on his cheek. 
- Minhyung smiles showing his teeth. “Thought you’d be warming up that snake boy by now. Have fun sleeping in the cold.” He says, and turns to his side, ignoring Jimin. Jimin tries not to feel ashamed or rejected or any of the other nasty emotions singing in his chest at the indifference of the other hybrids in his bunk.  
- A glance at Taehyung’s bunk, the only one who might come to his aid, confirms both that the bear hybrid was the only one without an extra blanket and is also still asleep. 
- Jimin doesn’t even stop to think, he just knows that he doesn’t want to stay here on the bed, feeling cold and alone and like everyone in that room hates him. Feeling his head spinning, and his heart thudding erratically, he leaves the bunkroom and the barn and stops just outside. The cold is worse here and he tugs his fluffy cardigan around his shoulders before he starts walking slowly up the hill to the main house. 
- The lights on the ground floor are all but turned off, but the glowing he can see in the living space foretells that of a television. He deliberates on the front porch for a second, wondering If he should even bother, momentarily worried that you’ll keep him out in the cold too. 
-But he shivers and hopes beyond hope that you won't. And when he knocks on the door it's only a few seconds before he can hear someone get up. It’s not nearly enough time for him to think of a good excuse as to why he can’t sleep in his own bunk. 
- It’s Yoongi that answers, bundled up in a pair of very warm flannel pajamas and a sweater, his hair curling against the nape of his neck from a fresh shower. The bright green tartan does wonders for Yoongi’s scales, making the ones on the back of his neck look brilliant even in the half-light of the porch. He’s a little wide-eyed and taken aback by Jimin’s presence, but he waits for Jimin to speak.
- “The others- they-” Jimin’s words fail him at the worse time, throat closing off into a whine, his ears pressed into his skull. “Is it okay if I sleep up here tonight?” Yoongi’s eyes are dark and half-lidded, but he steps aside instantly nonetheless. Jimin slips into the warmth of the house closing the door behind him.  
- There is an old fashion black and white movie playing on the tv but Yoongi clicks it off and goes into the ground floor bathroom. Making a noise for Jimin to follow, he rummages around in a drawer and pulls out a toothbrush and a washcloth for Jimin to use to wash his face and leaves Jimin to wash up in peace. And comes back a few minutes later lugging a blanket with too many cords to seem logical.  
- Jimin realizes what it is when Yoongi fluffs it out on the couch and a wave of Yoongi’s scent- like the crackle of heat and something that kind of smells a lot like marshmallows fluffs towards him- Yoongi’s scent. Taehyung’s words about courting gifts suddenly ring in his ears.  
- “Yoongi, I can’t take one of your heated blankets on the coldest night of the season” Jimin protests. But Yoongi just shakes his head, putting his hand on his chest while keeping eye contact with Jimin meaningfully, then pushing his palm to the floor. jimin takes it to mean “I don’t need it.” 
- Yoongi ignores Jimin’s protests and stoops to plug it into a surge protector anyway. The couch, which already has a pillow on it, looks even more inviting now.  
- Jimin feels like a broken record uttering thank you after thank you even as Yoongi heads towards the landing, and up to where his room must be in the house, after nodding what must have been a goodnight at Jimin. 
- The couch is so comfortable that jimin gets cozy quickly (even if it is a little squishy). His heart feels a little heavy with the events of the day. He’s sure you’ll ask in the morning, and probably Namjoon too. He falls asleep easily, sighing into the warmth of the blanket as it heats up. 
- A story above, in the master bathroom, you’re pressing giggles and kisses into Namjoon’s bare chest. “Oh my god - we have to sleep it’s so late,” you already can tell waking up tomorrow at the crack of dawn is going to be brutal, but you can’t help it, Namjoon looks so soft and fluffy. He’s punch drunk and smiley with his hair ruffled at the back from the countless times you’ve tugged on it or ran your fingers through it in the past few hours.
-  He nuzzles into your shoulder and hums. A strong arm clung over your waist that draws circles over the spot where your baby bump meets your hip. He pulls you snug against him, always closer- as close as he can physically get you. 
- Namjoon whines, he never wants to sleep when it’s you in his bed- or more correctly- him in yours. Though it’s been months since he even thought about sleeping in his old room downstairs, and months since it was unoccupied by Yoongi. 
- The only good thing about going to sleep is that he gets to wake up to you. The thought always has him going to sleep like a kid on Christmas, almost too excited to sleep at all. What a dichotomy love was, making you soothed and calm and at the same time too elated to dream at all.
- You try to get out of bed, prompting immediate grabby hands and a low whine that tapers off into a growl from his throat. You're immune to his display of possessiveness, and it only makes him melt into the sheets further. “Oh you big puppy,” you tease happily in response to his whines, Tying your fluffy pink robe around your waist concealing your nakedness as you head downstairs for a glass of water and leave the door open.
- Namjoon whines again with no one to hear and burrows into the warmth you left, getting impatient pretty quickly, kicking his feet a little when he presses his nose to your pillow and gets a particularly strong wif of your scent. his tail thwacking against the covers. 
- The ground floor is dark, almost dark enough that you don’t see Jimin asleep on your couch. The blanket all but making him blend in. You only see him when you are already on the way back. 
- You’re not exactly surprised to see him asleep on your couch as he hadn’t exactly looked like he wanted to leave earlier but there is something about the tense pull of his eyebrows that tell you there must be some deeper reason why he’s here. Oh well, you’ll find out in the morning, for now, you’ll let him sleep. 
- The whining behind you and the sheer familiarity for Namjoon’s body is the thing alone that keeps you from being startled when his arms snake around your waist to rest on your baby bump. Namjoon stills for a second when he sees the figure on the couch. Jimin’s blonde curls puffed against the pillow, his thick lips pouting in his sleep. 
- “Yoongi must have let him in.” Namjoon murmurs over your shoulder into your ear, hushed so as to not wake him, you make a noise in the back of your throat in agreement taking in the delicacy’s of Jimin’s face as he sleeps, unable to resist running the back of your hand softly over the top of his cheekbones. 
- They’re so much fuller than they used to be you notice appreciatively. Brushing over his puckered lips, finally pushing back the blonde curls at the top of his head and running through his hair a little. Jimin tilts his face up, his cheeks flushed, Plush lips parting in a sigh as he chases your hand, needy for affection even in sleep. His ears twitching in the direction of your movement. 
-  “He’s so cute” you murmur. Namjoon stifles his laugh in your shoulders. “Yes” he agrees, his hands tugging on your waist, “now stop ogling the pretty pup and come to bed with me.” You grumble something like “you’re ogling too” but let Namjoon pull you back upstairs.  
- On the couch, Jimin sleepily opens his eyes to the darkroom, hearing the thud of your retreating footsteps on the creaking steps.  unsure of what he just heard was a dream or reality, the tide of sleep quickly pulling him down. The memory of the moment to be lost in his dreams by the next morning.  
- When the four of you wake in the morning, it’s too a muffled shriek on your front doorstep. One moment namjoon is asleep curled around you and the next he’s vaulting down the stairs in only his pajama bottoms. Hauling opens the front door, splattering blood everywhere before Jimin can do more than stir and rub at his eyes. 
- “Jesus what the fuck!” Jimin cries, rushing to the door while Namjoon blinks, Still half asleep and barely awake. One of the cat hybrids that usually come to cook has fallen back against the steps, disgust roiling in her face, hand against her heart in shock. “I promise it wasn’t me I just- I just was gonna get breakfast early and I came up and it was already there”  
- Namjoon turns to the door, touching his face where the blood sticks smearing it against his cheek. Yoongi skitters down the stairs after Namjoon, socked feet sliding on the floor. 
- “Fuck-” Namjoon growls out- turning to Yoongi, “don’t- Yoongi you shouldn’t-”  Yoongi makes a strangled noise in the back of his throat, goes pail,  and Jimin makes the split-second decision, turning to him to block his view and asking him to go get a rag from the bathroom to wipe the blood off of Namjoon’s face. Anything to get him away from this. 
- You're standing bleary-eyed at the top of the stairs in your Pajamas, “What is it Joon? what's wrong?”  None of them knows how to say it, or what to say. 
- Its blood has dripped down the blue chipped paint of the door and pooled on the porch beneath- its scales black and pearly just like Yoongi’s. 
- On your front door, a dead snake hangs, gutted. It’s head nailed to the wood. 
My Kofi
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chacusha · 2 years
Echoes of Mana liveblogging (1/?)
Some early thoughts:
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Aw yes! Got my girl! Apparently there's a stronger Angela in the pool, though. Nooo!
Anyway, I'm loving this art -- it looks sooo good!
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I love seeing more interactions with Mana characters! In general, I'm impressed at how different all the characters sound, which is made apparent by these little story adventures and even the dialogue you get by building up character bonds. The character personalities really shine through. I also appreciate how they've given the MC dialogue options similar to the ones in Legend of Mana where there's like a normal option and then there's a really goofy option (really sassy, ridiculously accommodating like the bottom one here, etc.). It's just a fun feature of this series that you meet a lot of Wacky Characters and you can choose to just go along with their eccentric ways.
I also like Honeycomb and Duffle and the other original cast for this game. The character designs look really nice and Mana-ish, and the personalities and interactions are also fun anime-style stuff.
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The Mana Goddess and Mana Tree in this game are pretty! I like how they're going with the orchard theme where you harvest stuff off of trees (the MC's weapon isn't so much a staff/spear as, like, a fruit-picking tool...), and the world fruit have such strange names like in Legend of Mana: Beginniberry, Verdigourd, Epicorn, Soaramame, Faerieberry.
I'm very curious about the unchosen MC. He seems so sad to be left behind? Is he going to be story-important?
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OMG they did it! 😍 (Also, does this game make it canon that Hawkeye is the main character/chosen hero of Trials of Mana, I guess?! 😂 You get to see his backstory opening, he's searching for the Mana Sword, and he's got Faerie :O)
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Aww these guys again. ❤ I like this event featuring Randi and Duran squaring off against each other. And the Scorpion Gang! Again, it's fun seeing Randi's agreeable and diffident personality contrasted with Duran's competitive confidence. This is the kind of content I signed up for!!
I'm currently midway through chapter 5. I have basically two 4* characters (Riesz and Sumo) that I've built up to ~3800 power, and that's too weak to clear stronger enemies quickly enough, so I'm too underleveled to finish off the remaining content. Netplay doesn't work for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ so I'm just sort of waiting until I have a character I can upgrade to 4* and who will hopefully be my third strong team member. (It's probably going to be 3* Lekius because I could use a strong water character to try to take down the fire armor boss and the fact that he has a bow makes him situationally useful. I'm also going to ascend 3* Randi to fulfill the event bonus missions, but he's not Lv 50 yet...)
My favorite character so far is my 3* Julius, though. I mean, he's one of my favorite Mana characters in general, but he's also pretty fun to play as -- very strong magic that leaves him pretty vulnerable. Very glass cannon, which is fun. I also like his quotes: "A Mana Tree exists here too... Hm? No, only thinking aloud." "What are you up to? If I can be of help, let me know anytime." "Keeping an eye on me, are you? No need. I'm quite harmless." Don't worry! This man is helpful and doesn't have an ulterior motive at all! But yeah, I love that about Julius -- he seems so nice and polite.
I very much also want the Crimson Wizard -- another one of my favorite characters for maybe similar reasons. Apparently he's available for purchase with spell shards, but you need to make it all the way through the Twillwool Tower (twice...?) for those. So that might take a while.
I really like the interface here. It is very sleek and visually pleasing. And there is an impressive amount of features and stuff to do for a game that has just launched!
That said, I'm not sure how long I will stick with it. I tend to get frustrated with gachas where it's possible to invest a lot of time into a single battle and then just realize, welp, I can't actually beat this despite all my effort. That's why I stuck with Kingdom Hearts Union Cross so long, because it had the nice feature where high-level battles always had a very strict upper limit on how many turns they would last -- the challenge was always in getting your damage output high enough throughout the three turns to defeat the enemy and not about survival strategy to keep hanging on with the vain hope of winning. Already, attempting to fight a losing battle has really frustrated me, so I kind of foresee this game making me ragequit at some point.
That said, despite my complaints about the gameplay (most gacha battle mechanics just don't work for me and eventually lead me to getting frustrated), I do really like this game. It's got a lot going on and as a Mana fan, I would never have dreamed of getting a gacha game of this quality.
One thing I'm confused about, though, is why this game shares its victory music with Kingdom Hearts Union Cross! Do they share the same composer? Is it an Easter egg? Do Kingdom Hearts and the Mana series share a canon now? XD
It's very sweet that the LOM Heroine (Serafina) says that Pinzton reminds her of her home. It does!
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thewickeddevil · 4 years
A Study In Jean Moreau
(tw: mentions of Jean's past, violence, mental health and suicidal thoughts/intention to die. let me know if there's something else)
ok, so, i say all the time that Jean Moreau is my favorite and comfort character in All For The Game (i know. it literally hurts but also brings me joy sometimes) and i would literally kill for that man. so, that said, i think too much about him and, consequently, i have too many hcs about him. on request, i will now do what i'm gonna call A Study In Jean Moreau
(my beta reader and best friend helped me a lot with this. thanks @jostenrun)
i'll start with this quote from one of my kerejean fics (https://archiveofourown.org/works/26146540)
During Jean's first four months at USC and playing with the Trojans, he would always ignore Jeremy and put a frown on his face whenever he was in the same place as him. It obviously wasn't the best of strategies to put distance between himself and all the Jeremy glow, but it looked exactly bad enough to work.
Still, Jeremy was all pompous and charming looks at him, always smiling and being polite even though he received much less in return. It pissed the shit out of Jean.
He was used by the Ravens for many years, treated exactly like the exchange item he had been, just possession and obliged to follow lines and lines of rules too strict even for how he should breathe.
Riko was violent, the Ravens were cruel, the Moriyama family was wrong and he needed to repeat this to himself on a daily basis to be able to just keep going.
Back at the beginning of those days, many times he would fight back until he was taught that it was only worse. Many times he would beg until he realized that it encouraged Riko more than it prevented him. Many times he would cry until he was taught that it was wrong.
He would often bleed.
He would often wish to bleed until there was nothing left in his veins, no thoughts in his brain, no air in his lungs, no words on the tip of his tongue—
And he would often try to do just that on his own.
That was his daily life for a long time. Evermore was what he knew, the Moriyama family was who he belonged to and all of that was for what he served. That was it.
How was he supposed to know back then that suddenly overly nice twenty-eight other people would replace all of that with magnificence?
How was he supposed to know that they wouldn't look at him with disgust whenever he accidentally let a curse in French slip away?
How was he supposed to know that the Trojans had complete freedom within the team, instead of having to walk in pairs like the Ravens?
How was he supposed to know that Jeremy wasn't going to hit him whenever he made a mistake?
Or how would he know that Jeremy never considered anything that he made a mistake?
It was all a very big break from reality and so, so suddenly. Jean felt confused at first. Lost, wrong, out of place, stupid and scared.
And Jeremy was always determined to be the best he could be. Jeremy was safe.
Until Jean felt comfortable, confident, fine, and satisfied. He was someone instead of something and he really felt like that.
i think Jean would take years to relearn how to live instead of surviving. sometimes he would fail at that, but so many failures can only lead to success eventually.
he really didn't want to keep playing exy after everything, he doesn't think exy is good at all and trauma made him hate it, but he needs it because of the deal with Ichirou. fortunately, the Trojans are a team big enough to put him in the background for a while, to give him a little rest. but he knows he can't relax too much
he starts therapy. he needs it badly and it takes time for him to really be able to do it, but Jean was never anything but strong, and when he sees the chance to finally heal he knows that, despite how tired he is, despite how many times he wonders if it's worth it to keep going, he needs to grab that and at least try. just one more time. he never wanted to work for anything in his life because nothing was important before, but now he thinks that maybe things are changing
the Trojans get a dorm exclusively for him at first, because they don't want Jean to force himself to share space with someone he doesn't know and still doesn't trust. they want Jean to have his own space and feel safe before anything. he needs that solitude and he knows that it doesn't mean loneliness because his team will always be just a call away from him
he relapses sometimes. days without taking basic care of himself and without getting up from bed, and he no longer remembers whether he’s alive or not. sometimes he's able to call his therapist when that happens, but sometimes he isn't
this is how he gets into the habit of learning poetry. and eventually, writing poetry. he needs a coping mechanism and words seem to be safe enough to float around in his mind and make space in his core
(French poetry that Kevin always dissects for him and tells about the history behind the period in which those texts were written, or about the authors of each text)
the process is slow but it’s progress nonetheless
so, we know about therapy, about not being easy, about difficulties and things happening slowly during the healing process, now let's talk about the little details when things finally start to work out positively. when the best part of Jean's life finally begins
he finds out that his eyesight isn't bad only because of the beatings he took in the nest, and finds it ridiculous when Jeremy offers to help him buy glasses because, according to him, all the glasses Jean likes make him look like a middle-aged man that curses people for fun. Jean doesn't hate it though
Jean learns how to swim and likes it more than he thought he would. he likes the fluidity and movements of the liquid around his skin, how he cuts the water with his body when moving around and how it doesn't hurt him, and he just feels light
Jean likes nutella and chocolate with nuts, because Jeremy used to give it to him after nightmares or difficult days, and it became a comfort food for him (something he wasn’t even allowed to eat in the nest)
Jean's musical taste is a big mess of R&B, soul, pop art, folk, dark pop... he likes artists like Lorde, Aurora, Marina, Sigrid, Sleeping at last and the list goes on
Before he left France, Jean's family had a farm and he was responsible for harvesting fruits and vegetables there. this is one of the last memories he has about France, so he likes to harvest fruits and vegetables whenever he has the chance in the US
Jean loves to read fantasy books. he is a hufflepuff and part of cabin 6 in camp half-blood (children of Athena)
he likes geography. pedology, topography and weather are his favorites. he likes to look at the sky and know how to name climatic phenomena regardless of where in the world he is
(he also likes history and sociology, but only because he can hear Kevin and Jeremy — respectively — talking for hours and hours about those two subjects)
he hates biology
he absolutely hates croissants, tea and coffee. in the morning he always drinks juice or chocolate milk (the latter is Jeremy's fault)
the first time he willingly got wasted on alcohol, he, Sarah and Laila woke Jeremy up in the wee hours of the night while singing in Spanish (Jean barely knows Spanish). he passed out after that and woke up the next day in his room. his first thought was that he was fine even though he lost control of himself around other people, and he cried because of that. Jeremy was concerned because he thought he was crying from a headache or something related to a hangover
Jean can never find shoes his size in conventional stores because he's very big (fucking tall, muscular but not too much, with large shoulders and hips, and eventually a tummy) and, consequently, his feet are also big. he needs to have it personalized and he completely hates it
he loves dogs but is easily scared by them. he couldn't get out of the dorms for almost an entire day after Jeremy's mom's dog barked too loud and it scared Jean. he felt guilty and didn't want people to be mad at him for being so scared of a simple dog
he loves cats though, and after some time into therapy, he adopted a service cat. Kevin and Jeremy always joke about it looking like a replica of Jean himself
Jean doesn't understand the purpose of MMA competitions, because he doesn't like violence and thinks martial arts should be only for self-defense, so he doesn't really understand why people choose to compete over something so aggressive
he also doesn't like the violence in exy, but he forgives because, at least, violence is not the main goal of the sport, but to score points
he learns to draw and starts to open art commissions on the internet. this is his first job and he's proud of it because it was something he achieved by himself
Jean and Jeremy fell in love on the beach
Kevin and Jean take time to forgive each other, especially Jean. the broken heart Kevin left in Jean hurt more than being abandoned by his parents. he suffered from it for years but he didn't really want to blame Kevin. he also knew Riko, after all. he knew how capable of driving someone insane Riko was. it didn't make things easier or less painful though. Kevin and Jean took time, but they never loved each other less
Kevin and Jean fell in love for the second time (the time they could, the time they were allowed) after one of the matches in which their teams were rivals
Jean is very picky for food consistency, and he hates ketchup and mayonnaise for that. he insists all the time that if people knew how to season the food well, they wouldn't need those condiments
(he secretly loves Dijon Mustard though)
Jean was born on 08/31. he’s a virgo
plushies are the first resource that Jean uses when he feels alone but is unable to be around anyone at the moment, so he unconsciously starts making a collection of them. they're all small, except for two that Kevin and Jeremy gave him and are, respectively, a fox and a red and gold trojan. he eventually distributes his plushies to children in local orphanages but keeps those two to himself out of sheer emotional attachment
he doesn't stop suffering because of his trauma throughout his life, but he learns to deal with it. that's the point of everything. he never thinks he will magically forget or get over it, but now he is in a different place in his life and he can start working his way to be the best version of himself he can. he doesn't fool himself into thinking it will be easy and fast, he never thought it would be less difficult than it really was, but he takes things slowly and carefully and hopes it works
his entire healing process is too complex and extensive to explain everything here, but i did the best i could and now i really need to stop because i could stay here ranting for days. xx
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motsimages · 3 years
Today, as I do every once in a while, I've been thinking about Rosalie, Jeannette's servant in Une Vie by Maupassant.
Rosalie is the same age as Jeannette. When the book begins, Jeanne shares her memories and experiences in the convent where she spent half of her childhood-teenage years with Rosalie, they seem to be friends. It is not mentioned, of course, because it is Jeanne's life, but Rosalie seems to have been the servant of the house for years and she still worked there for a couple of years more.
Maybe she was the daughter of another servant, maybe, simply, she was a village kid who needed to bring money home. In any case, she grew up taking care of a child her own age and of a full household. It is always mentioned that Jeanne's parents were very good, kind and generous, and it was because of that that the family lost their money: they just gave it away, paid fairly and didn't count it.
Eventually, Jeanne gets married to someone who looked like a nice husband but was an asshole. Sooner than expected, Rosalie is pregnant with said husband's child. Again, the whole story comes from Jeanne's point of view, but Rosalie is most likely the victim of sexual abuse, as was relatively frequent at the time (we can see another version of this sexual abuse in Los Pazos de Ulloa by Emilia Pardo Bazán).
Because of that, it is shameful to have a pregnant and single woman serving in the house, she must be out. The family cannot put themselves to just throw her out (like Jeanne's husband wants), "she was like a member of the family", so they will give a house to her child, where she can live in usufruct with a husband they will find her. Jeanne's parents will also offer to pay for the dowry.
With this conditions, a neighbour accepts the mariage and so Rosalie gets married, her shame is covered and has a house to live. In the book it is also mentioned that most women in the village get married after getting pregnant, which is understandable because a wedding is a lot of money to pay to the priest+dowry. Poor people simply couldn't pay that.
We don't know nothing else about Rosalie for about 25 years, the moment when her child would come of age and become the owner of the house. At that point, Rosalie goes back to Jeanne's life, hires herself at Jeanne's service and cleans the mess in which she lives. Again, not much is said from Rosalie's point of view. She only replies to "how was your husband?" with "a good husband, not lazy". Her son comes to help them one day when they are moving houses and he seems good-natured, strong and responsible.
I often wonder what Rosalie's life was, always working. Maybe she entered at someone's service after this. Maybe she became a laundress or a spinner, working the local crops during the harvest or as a gleaner while her husband picked up fruits.
She seems to be illiterate but very resourceful and skilled in domestic economy, so maybe she didn't know how to read but nobody would fool her with math. She knew Jeanne was getting poorer by the minute due to her terrible administration skills and her hedonist son and she came to her help* making an appointment with an accountant she trusted to really look into Jeanne's estate and correct the situation.
*When I say she comes to her help, I mean, yes, she helped Jeanne, she still cared about her after all those years but also: her son was getting married and she would have no place to live. Helping Jeanne was also a way to help herself, showing again her resourcefulness. She knew Jeanne was incompetent and useless as she hadn't been taught to do anything at all and she herself wasn't curious enough to learn new things. By solving Jeanne's financial situation, she guaranteed a place for herself to live and a salary.
She handles herself with assurance and energy, she makes decisions and implements them, she convinces Jeanne of doing things that would improve her life such as putting limits to her son. It is clear that she was the boss of her house.
And I always want to dive into those 25 years of Rosalie's life, but I can't put myself to do it, even now that I know from close what they would look like because I have spent two years reading about working women in rural areas in the 18th Century. But she lives rent free in my house as a symbol of women that were never protagonists in their own lives.
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baldwin-montclair · 4 years
The Unlikely Advocate
Roman Holiday Concluded
After bringing her to his home island of Ischia - off the coast of Naples - Baldwin introduces her to the customs of the island, as well as continuing their game of control.
Surprising confessions ensue.
Tags: @adowbaldwin @butternuggets-blog @sylverdeclermont @lady-lazarus-declermont @ordinarymom1 @thereadersmuse @marirable @pleasereadmeok
“Bella!” The elderly matron appraised the work of her ‘priestesses’.
Clad in a white, very light and gauzy fabric chiton pinched in by ribbons, with her hair up in flowers, Eileen barely recognised herself. It seemed like a waste to get so dressed up to stain with the grape juice.
“Liber Pater will be pleased.”
The three young women overseeing her transformation giggled.
“Our patron,” the Priestess explained “the Free Father. He has guarded us for centuries yet has never changed. We tend the fruits he grants us.”
“You think he’s a god?”
“No Senora,” the woman chuckled, “the gods do not answer prayers but he does. When we need him, he has always protected us.”
“I’ve found that,” Eileen smiled, remembering each time he’d come to her aid, “thank you for inviting me to be part of the celebrations?”
“He did not tell you?”
The women exchanged amused glances.
“It is the festival of Proserpina, consort to Liber, we’ve never had one before.”
“A Festival?”
“A Proserpina.”
“Wait, I’m not Baldwin’s consort, I’m just...” she stopped, unsure how to even continue, “this is technically our first date, if it’s even that!”
She wondered for the first time what was actually happening between them.
Friends didn’t seem sufficient, roommates might be closer since she’d been staying in his home for a few days. Roommates with benefits would require them actually being intimate, which is what she’d thought he was suggesting before spiriting her away to his Italian villa.
“I manage an international consortium of wine suppliers and buyers,” the Priestess nodded to the girls, “those are my granddaughters, they are going to Padua University in the fall, we live in the modern world like you. These are traditions we keep because they bring us together, and they are fun. We know what dating is, and the fact that you are our first and only Proserpina should tell you this is not that.”
“So,” Eileen started after a moment of stunned silence, “what is my part in the ceremony?”
“You and your maidens tread the first grapes of the harvest. In your absence they would perform this ritual as your proxies.”
“I’m guessing it’s quite messy?”
“Oh yes it is,” she smiled, “at the end, you will be quite covered. But we have cleaning facilities nearby.”
“High priestess,” Baldwin called from outside the tent, “if I may speak with the lady?”
“Of course pater,” she ushered the excited girls out the other side of the tent “she is ready”.
Eileen felt his gaze wash over her, cool and careful as she continued to look in the mirror.
“See something you like?” She asked.
“What I see is a vision of Venus herself!”
“Not Venus, Proserpina, consort of Liber who is, apparently, you.”
“It’s ceremonial, these are sensible people, they know I’m not really a God.”
“But your consort?” She challenged, catching his eye in the mirror reflection.
The grin held a glint of wolffish amusement as he approached her.
“I thought I would have more time to explain,”
his touch was light over the fabric on her shoulder but the coolness still imprinted on her climate warmed skin, “but our dear matron is much more strict with timing than any that have come before.”
“Explain what?” She asked with a dreamy sigh as he moved his hands to her waist.
“I was born here, the first time, I mean. We were wealthy, maintained the vineyard. I come here on this day every year, it just so happened to coincide with you, being here, with me. Is that fate or coincidence?” He pondered.
“It’s verging on a fairytale is what it is,” she shook her head, “a beautiful meal, two costume changes, a villa on an Italian island AND the opportunity to take part in a centuries old festival. What’s next? Are you planning on stealing the Crown Jewels for me?”
“Those trinkets,” he rolled his eyes, “I could show you stones of such size and rarity that they would destroy the global economy if they were to leave my vault.”
“Is that what you have planned for our next date?”
“Date,” he frowned, “you believe this is a mere date?”
“Honestly, I have no idea, it definitely does not fit the usual definition of ‘let’s go for a meal and awkwardly get to know each other’, but my frame of reference is kinda narrow.”
“Alright, let’s simplify it,” he framed her face in his hands and kissed her deeply, causing her to sigh in contentment, “as per our agreement, you put control in my hands until sunrise, call that our date if you wish.”
“And then?”
“And then, tomorrow, we’ll discuss my plans going forward.”
“Your plans?”
“Yes,” he answered with a bemused look, “that apartment is not safe. You’ll both move into the most secure floor in my building.”
“I can’t,” she choked, “I work from my home office, it’s where I meet my clients.”
“It’s a simple enough matter to redirect correspondence to your new address, and there is office space in the building, away from the living quarters. You can see your clients there.”
“Baldwin, I-“
“It will be your own apartment and I would only cross the threshold if invited to do so.”
“What, like a vampire?” She grinned.
“No, like someone with manners and a healthy grasp of social boundaries.” He retorted.
“Senora,” the woman called, “you are needed.”
“We can discuss the details later, you have a ceremonial duty to perform as my consort.” He teased, leaving the tent and her to her thoughts.
Move into his building? It was too much, too soon under normal circumstances but this was not normal circumstances. She had to consider what was best for Isobel, and the apartment was not safe.
The considerations could be decided later, for that night she was going to have fun, drink wine and not let the spectre of her family ruin her good time.
As it turned out, getting messy and sticky whilst stamping many grapes directly to hell was a much more cathartic and euphoric experience than several rounds with a punching bag.
Luckily there were showers set up to remove the grape entrails, otherwise the rest of the night would be more uncomfortable than it was already likely to be.
A simple solution to a complex problem, a nice warm buzz was the goal and she interspersed the wine with water.
The energy of the towns inhabitants was infectious and just as intoxicating as the alcohol. She learned several dances, all the while aware of his Baldwin’s watching over her intermittently as he spent much of the evening on his cellphone.
An attractive, blonde South African male spent some time talking to her, and, being polite, she indulged him in conversation. This abruptly stopped when he placed a hand on her arm in a manner apparently too familiar for the sensibilities of the vampire watching over her, judging by the ice cold focus of his gaze on the site of contact.
The man’s eyes flickered off to the side and he retrieved his hand quickly, excusing himself.
Upon turning, Eileen found Baldwin standing a few feet away, glass in hand.
The festivities showed no sign of abating and after several more dances, Eileen scanned the celebrations for Baldwin but with no immediate success she determined that he would find her, and, enchanted by the gentle sound of the waves lapping against the sand, she followed the shoreline to where it was quieter.
With not another person in sight, she leant against the large, heavy stones making up the beginning of a cave system and removed her shoes.
She wiggled her toes into the warm sand and sighed, then smiled a little at a whimsical desire. Deciding to follow through, she waded ankle deep into the tide and closed her eyes, completely lost in the sensation of peace.
That’s when she felt the focused chill of a vampire’s gaze quicken her pulse.
“Who was he?” Baldwin asked with a silken tone, a few feet behind her.
“No idea,” she turned to look at Baldwin.
There was something different about him and it took her a few seconds to realise he wasn’t wearing his tie, surprising as he didn’t seem like the type who relaxed. But, there he was, leaning against the large heavy rock she had just been using to remove her shoes.
“I was just being friendly.” She shrugged and received no answer.
“You’re not angry because I spoke with him?” She stepped towards him.
He didn’t answer but the look he was giving warned her not to push further.
“Oh you are!” She purred, placing her hands on his broad chest and tiptoed her fingers up to his shoulders playfully.
It was a childish impulse but she felt a tinge of satisfaction from his show of possessiveness.
“Don’t what?” She prodded, letting her fingers lace together on the nape of his neck.
“Don’t test me!” He stood completely still, but the evenness of his tone suggested his stature was closer to that of a coiled snake than a prey animal caught in headlights.
“Alright, I won’t,” she turned away from him to look out at the water, “I suppose I could catch up with him, Charlie. He’s handsome, right? Athletic, strong. Probably has quite high stamina.”
“That’s enough!” He warned in a low growl, simultaneously setting off every self-preserving alarm and, perversely, every ‘make-him-snap’ impulse.
“Well obviously it’s not my first choice but since I think you’ve tired of me already, a girl has needs!”
“Be very careful about your next words little witch!”
“You don’t agree with my choice,” she teased, “you can’t just picture him helping me out of this dress, taking me to his bed,” she glanced back for emphasis but found his expression impassive, unreadable, “or maybe he’d want me on my knees first.”
He approached slowly, quietly, and gently placed his hands on her arms before lightly trailing his fingers down.
Surprised by his gentle treatment, given her challenge, she hesitated, ready to apologise for her behaviour.
The tightening grip when he reached her elbows made the words catch in her throat
Suddenly, she was pulled tightly against him, the broad wall of his chest proving an impenetrable barrier against her back as her wrists were captured in one of his hands. The other clasped her throat, instantly making her freeze.
“You are a Percy,” he lightly brushed his lips over her jaw, “that means you have been well warned on the danger of stoking vampire jealousy. Would that be accurate?”
She took a breath to answer but he tsk-ed her with a shake of his head, tightening his grip
“Not a word, just nod if my assessment is accurate.”
She complied.
“Good girl,” he cooed, “I think that pretty little mouth of yours has gotten you into quite enough trouble.”
Her wrists were under his control but her fingers still had agency enough to seek out the front of his pants, lightly running her fingertips across his growing erection, making him groan quietly.
“Not yet.” She again picked up the challenge.
He was just as aroused by providing the rough treat as she was receiving it.
“You play a dangerous game little witch,” he rasped menacingly, releasing her throat momentarily to bind her wrists together with what felt to her like silk.
His tie.
Unable to move enough to touch him and with both of his hands free to do what he willed, she was in the game now.
“I assumed there would be consequences for my disrespect-“
She was cut off by a low chuckle.
“You do not decide what happens this evening, I do,” he warned, “did you think you could provoke me to anger so easily?”
“It’s like you said,” she stammered, not as sure as before, “vampire jealousy.”
“You noticed that I removed my tie before your little piece of theatre, there’s nothing you could have done to cause or prevent this.”
His hands moved to her shoulders and he gently slid the thin straps of her dress down her arm.
“Baldwin,” she protested sharply upon feeling the cool night air brush against her bare breasts, “someone might see!”
He snaked his arm around her waist, holding her tightly to him as he gently nipped at the side of her neck.
The sensation of being trapped was doing interesting things to her body and she willingly leant against him for support, softening into his control.
“There’s no-one even remotely near us,” he reached up with the hand not holding her to him to her chest, letting his index finger circle around the hardening bud of her nipple, “vampire senses come in very handy.”
“There’s no way you can hear,” she gasped at the delicious contact, “the music, the waves.”
“I can hear well enough,” he gave a gentle squeeze at her breast before placing the palm of his hand over her heart, the family signet ring on his pinkie finger somehow colder than him, “but if you’re worried about me being distracted, those are not the main contenders.”
“My heartbeat?”
“Obviously, I’m sure even you can feel it, but even that is a secondary rival for my attention.”
She didn’t reply, not verbally anyway. His words had an effect on her and like she feared he knew, they caused her to press her thighs together, an imperceptible amount to anyone else, but enough to cause him to huff slightly in satisfaction.
“Am I to guess?” She snapped, receiving a sharper nip at the side of her neck.
There was something deeply wrong with her danger senses, she feared, given the fact that she was not only putting her veins on display for a vampire, but that she was deriving pleasure from the activity.
Her trust was rewarded when he put his hand in hers, still tied behind her back.
“It is clear to me that your needs run more extreme than I thought,” his tone was gentle, calm and warm, “just know that if we continue and you push me, I will retaliate but no harder than the nip I just gave you. If you understand and accept then squeeze my hand once, if it goes too far then squeeze twice and we end the game here.”
She squeezed once and he removed his hand from her grasp to wrap it lightly around her throat. From there, he tipped her face up to look over her shoulder at him and captured her lips in a crushing kiss.
She melted against him, the kiss lighting her on fire whilst soothing something wild and afraid within.
She hadn’t even realised that he had undone the fasteners on the back of her dress until the meagre weight of the garment settled on her hips.
From the waist up, she was bare to him, the skirts of the dress still provided some modesty.
With the hand not curved around her throat, he trailed his fingers down her sternum and navel to slip suggestively into the gap between her dress and underwear.
“Good behaviour is rewarded,” he told her between kisses, “do you want to be good for me?”
She nodded, straining for him to kiss her more.
“Tell me what you want.”
“Touch me!”
He smiled a little, hand tightening around her throat as if in response.
“I already am,” he teased, brushing his lips so close to hers but still just out of her reach, “so I must assume...”
Baldwin’s fingers travelled back up towards her navel and she fidgeted in his grasp.
“Be still!” He warned and she somehow managed to contain her movements.
“Aren’t you well behaved!” He taunted before slipping his hand inside her panties, causing her to gasp at the sensation of his cool skin against her warmth.
“I think if I don’t take you soon you may combust!” He murmured, stroking a finger between her folds, slick with desire.
He touched, teased and tested her readiness until she was a writhing, flushed and pliable putty.
In what seemed like a flash, he removed the tie, freeing her arms and turning her to face him.
He kissed her deeply and lifted her with her legs around his waist to the rocks where he effortlessly pinned her between himself and the sun warmed stone.
Pulling her underwear aside, he freed himself from just enough of his own clothes as necessary, then, with a nod of consent, he pushed into her warm, welcoming depth.
“You feel exquisite,” he groaned, pulling back slightly to push back in.
She clutched her fingers in the material of his shirt with the delicious sensation of being filled to the point of almost discomfort.
It had been a long time.
Baldwin gripped her thighs as he took her, hard, seeming to know exactly what she needed and he had her there much faster than anyone before.
“Baldwin” she cried, desperately trying to stop herself tipping over the edge, it was too quick, “I can’t, can’t stop.”
“You needed this, take it,” he kissed her as she shuddered in his arms, “and worry not little witch, this evening is far from over!”
Eileen woke as the sun started it’s ascent higher, 11am, according to the watch on the bedside, the watch still there as it’s vampire wearer himself was still asleep.
His skin was cooling her body under the hot Mediterranean climate, as she rested her cheek against his shoulder. The light cover tested loosely around their waist.
His heart beneath her hand barely beat as his chest rose and fell with shallow breathing.
He smelled tremendous, the Roman style bath he treated her to after their various exertions still bore the scents of the oil he gently cleansed her with, taking care to massage it into shoulders, wrists, anywhere he had earlier bound.
He then masterfully scraped off the oil with the strigil. A very intimate action given they were both naked at the time. A situation that normally might have been a cause of self-consciousness, at that time, after having been so thoroughly worked by his god-like stamina, she could only enjoy his attention.
The last thing she wanted to do was get up, disturb their peace so she huddled closer, her leg rubbing gently against his own, then she felt it brush her thigh.
Hard and cool as the marble in his frigidarium was his proud erection, now free from the confines of the fabric due to her movement.
She knew he was large, intimately so, but the sheer light of day exposed his skill in helping her to take so much of it.
Arousal twisted in her stomach at the sight of his powerful body and, mesmerised, she moved down the bed.
The first few quiet moans from him were gained from taking just the head into her mouth.
He didn’t actually awaken until she was halfway down the shaft.
“I see you’re still getting into trouble with that pretty little mouth of yours!” He grinned sleepily, lightly brushing his fingers across her cheek.
She released him with a definitive pop.
“It’s past sunrise,” she gazed up at him wantonly, her hand grasping tighter on his shaft, eliciting a hiss of arousal, “You’re no longer in charge.”
“Is that so?”
“Mm-hm,” she nodded, licking the tip of his cock for emphasis, “you just have to lie there and let me take care of you.”
There was a clear war in his mind from the frown on his brows to the half closed lids of his eyes.
“That’s not happening,” he brushed the hair from her face, “this trip is about you!”
“Now it’s about me showing my appreciation.”
Before he could respond, she took him into her mouth again, one hand on the base of his shaft as the other trailed up his body to rest over his heart.
“Fuck,” he groaned, his heart beating more insistent than before and she felt his muscles start to flex in an attempt to sit upright.
The wide eyed look of surprise on his face when he found himself pinned beneath her was satisfying as she again let him pop from her mouth.
“How-“ he inhaled sharply.
“You’ve never been with an earth witch, have you?”
“I’ve never been with a witch,” he confessed, “how are you preventing me from moving?”
“I can stop, if you want,” she offered with sincerity, “you’re probably not used to not being in control?”
“It’s disconcerting,” he admitted, “but you trusted me, perhaps it’s only right that I submit myself into your capable hands.”
“Are you telling me, after all the experience you’ve had, and how much you give, no-one has wanted to do this?”
“They have,” he admitted, “but, as you say, I like being in control.”
“Then, do I have your consent to continue?”
She felt the tension that settled into his muscles relax as he relaxed back onto his pillow.
He tilted his head to the side in an exaggerated attempt to study her proposal and brushed his thumb over her bottom lip.
“It appears I am in your hands Madame,” he grinned, “but please, I ask only that you are gentle with me.” He teased with infuriatingly attractive confidence.
She responded by placing a timid kiss on the tip whilst staring up at him with the most doe-eyed expression she could manage.
“As beautiful as you were last night,” he combed his fingers through her hair, “I must tell you, right now, you’re easily the most radiant creature I have ever seen.”
“You’re only saying that because I have your cock in my hands!”
“I’m saying that because it’s the truth, and another thing,” he tipped her chin up with his finger to force her attention on his gaze, “I’m in love with you.”
Whatever grasp on her earth witch powers allowed her to anchor on top of him was evaporated by his revelation.
Taking the opportunity of the upper hand, he pulled her to him and under him.
“Baldwin, I-“
“Don’t say anything,” he smiled gently, “it was my time to say it, if you feel the same way and find the right time for you, I’ll be there to hear it.”
Eileen bit her bottom lip as a mixture of pleasure and emotion combined into a heady mixture in her veins whilst Baldwin tested her readiness to take him once again.
With a push he was sheathed inside but stayed his movement for a moment to slip his arms beneath hers and brace his forearms at either side of her head.
The close quarters allowed him the capability to kiss her cheeks gently, then her forehead, the tip of her nose and finally, her lips. His hand gently cradled the back of her head as he started to move.
Overwhelmed by his admission and the tenderness of his actions, she buried her face in the crook between his neck and shoulder and her obligingly held her there until he felt her tighten around him.
“Baldwin, I-“
“I know, you’re almost there,” he soothed when she grasped at his back, “I’ve got you.”
He felt her flutter around him and took his own pleasure when he heard her speak.
“I love you too.”
After lunch, with the table in front of them covered in various documents and arrangements, they planned their immediate future.
“I’m not looking forward to packing,” Eileen rolled her eyes, “but it’s a small price to pay.”
“About that?”
“I already had your things moved to the apartment I told you about. I’ll feel better with you close by, even on a different floor.”
“And we need a family friendly story.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Well,” she laughed, “when your sister asks to hear the grand tale of our confessing our feelings for each other I can hardly tell her that her brother said it whilst her friend had his cock in her hand-“
“And your friend said it when the aforementioned brother brought her to yet another satisfying conclusion.”
“We’ll say beach!” Both suggested in tandem.
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shadow--writer · 3 years
Through That Mist I See the Shape of You and I Know That I'm in Love With You
after WEEKS of writers block and rewriting this bitch I HAVE FINISHED. TITLE (it slaps)
Maeve x Lucas. Sometimes I wonder what it’d be like to tell you I love you. 6k
CW (im changing it lol): mentions of past trauma (Lucas), some bat hisses n hatred, flirting, these are dorks in love
A headache was starting to build behind her eyes. 
Were all dates with Lucas going to be this...eventful? 
Incredibly unlucky?
She stared at the bat on the table, who was currently locked in a hissing battle with her partner. Tehi had fluffed herself to look bigger than she was, wings spread on the table. The high pitched hiss was directed at the one and only Lucas. 
Who was shooting her a wounded plea for help. 
Oh this was going swimmingly. At least she didn’t get bit by an eel this time. 
...unless he could summon them to land, which she almost doubted. But knowing him and the magic of this town? It was likely. 
She sighed, massaging her temples. 
“You royally pissed her off,” she said after a moment, cracking an eye open to look at him. She giggled, watching him rest his head on the table. He banged his forehead, making her snort. 
“Why! I didn’t do anything,” he moaned, looking over at her. She patted his head, Tehi letting out another hiss. 
Currently, Tehi was in front of their dinner, biting his hand every time he reached for something. His hands had suffered quite a bit in the past ten minutes. 
He stared longingly at the apple rings and the butternut squash he brought. “She’s even guarding dinner,” he grumbled. 
The situation was...delicate. 
Tehi, bless her heart, was on thin fucking ice. Lucas, bless his heart, was treading on eggshells. 
And her? She had no heart to bless but she was ready to give up and go on without any more squash (sadly enough). 
Having a territorial protective bat had its downsides. She grew up with Tehi, finding her in a tree injured and eating the fruit for harvest. Broke her ankle trying to get her down, her father lecturing her for hours after. 
But Tehi knew her. And she could read how she felt about Lucas just by body language alone. 
And Tehi was not happy. 
Of course, the sentiment was sweet, Tehi was being protective because of things in the past (that she was currently trying to viciously ignore), but...now she was just making sure Lucas starved. 
And Lucas…
Was sulking. She saw no end in sight unless Tehi stopped hissing. 
Second date was going worse than the first. 
“Most animals like me,” he said, reaching for Tehi, jerking his hand back as she lept for him. “Why not her? Is it a scent thing?”
“It’s uh...me thing.”
He looked up at her as she scooted closer to him, resting her hand on his knee. “Tehi doesn’t...like people getting close to me...romantically. Friends are fine, but you are um…”
“No longer a friend?”
She patted his knee with a smile. “No, I still treasure our friendship, we’re just different now.”
“So she just doesn’t…”
“Like you. Being with me. Like this.”
“How does she know?”
She felt herself flush. “She um...just knows! She’s been around me most of my life so she can read me pretty well.”
“Oh...like Jolie and me!” His brows furrowed. “So she doesn’t like...me being with you?”
“It’s a very horrific crime, I’m afraid. Mo mhuirnín dílis,” she said, kissing his forehead. He settled into her touch, Tehi letting out an indignant squawk. “I don’t think she’ll ever forgive you for this.”
He made a face. “Well she’ll have to get over it.”
“Mmhmm, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me for a while longer.”
He opened his eyes, smiling a little. “I like being stuck with you.”
She flushed. “Don’t be sappy in front of my bat. She hates you enough already.” 
He puffed his cheeks out in a pout, the face strikingly similar…
...to one she made. 
“I don’t want her to hate me though,” he whined, looking over at Tehi. She clutched her strawberry close, letting out a very angry hiss at his gaze. He turned away. 
“I’m afraid you have no choice. You’ll grow on her eventually.”
“Eventually,” he repeated with a grumble. “Eventually, is not a now.”
“Be patient, mo grá. She’ll come around. You have a way of getting to people.”
“I do?”
“You did with me. It was very shocking how fast you managed to wedge yourself in my life.”
“Yeah. Then you tried to get rid of me.”
“Strong words! It was more like...give you a nudge elsewhere.”
He raised an eyebrow, making her giggle. “Fine. Maybe I was getting rid of you. But I had very good reasoning for it.”
“Did I do something wrong?” he asked softly, making her blink in surprise. 
“No...it was just...you scared me a little,” she murmured with a small smile. “You still do.”
“You’re...different. From what I’m used to. You’re just...so...open.”
“Is...that a bad thing?” 
Curse those eyes, big blue and pleading. It was like he didn’t even notice how he affected her when he looked at her like this. 
She brushed his hair back. “You built a window instead of a wall. You wear your heart on your sleeve.”
Tehi watched them, perched on a plate. Lucas reached over and she bit his finger. He let out a curse, shaking his hand as he pulled away, sticking his tongue out at Tehi. 
She bit back her laughter. “I can help with those.”
“It’s fine,” he muttered, popping the finger into his mouth. 
“Is it bleeding?”
“A little.”
“Mm fine. I’ve gotten worse.” Her eyes were drawn to the scar around his neck, and the ones disappearing into the collar of his shirt. They felt familiar, like something she’d seen before. She reached out, brushing one of the scars. The ones that looked like the marking of an animal. 
Or the symbols on her walls. 
He jolted under her touch, staring at her with wide eyes. She pulled away quickly, not thinking. 
“I’m so s-sorry! It’s just…” her brows furrowed. “Those markings feel familiar. I’ve seen them before...not just when my clinic was broken into.” She met his gaze. “What are they from?” 
His eyes darted away as she asked, wringing his hands. “Made some...bad choices,” he said gruffly. “It’s nothing.”
She blinked, shifting away. “Oh, I’m sorry.”
He reached over for her hand and hesitated. She bridged the gap and laced their fingers. “You’re fine,” he murmured, sitting up and leaning against her. “Just stuff I don’t want to talk about.”
She hummed, resting her head on his shoulder. “I understand. I won’t ask if you don’t wanna talk.”
He squeezed her hand. “Thank you.”
“It’s the least I could do,” she said with a smile. “Besides, we have bigger fish to fry.” She looked back at her bat. “...and that’s getting dinner.”
He winced. “Does she have to bite me?”
Tehi chirped, preening. 
He glowered. “She has sharp teeth.”
“I offered to help.”
He slouched against her, knocking her off balance. She let out a small squeak, wrapping her arms around his neck before she fell out of her chair.
He laughed, resting his head against her shoulder. 
“Lucas I’m gonna fall!”
“And take you with me.”
“That’s nice.”
“Get offa me!” She was giggling, bumping her head against his. “You’re too heavy!”
“Mm but if I can’t eat tonight then I guess I’ll just sleep.”
“I can move her, you know.”
“Yes but that’s not gonna stop her from biting me.”
“…or trying to eat your hair.”
He cracked an eye open, wincing. “That too.”
She giggled, kissing the top of his head. “Good news is, she tries to eat everyone’s hair.”
“Is that just...a Tehi thing?”
“Yeah. I think she thinks it’s going to taste any better the more she tries it. Though, watching her chase Malory around was pretty funny.”
“What did he do specifically? You mentioned lying, calling the guards and erm…”
“Murder? Trust me, I have thought about it.”
“I’m aware.”
She flicked the tip of his nose, making him wrinkle it back. “He accused me of stealing. Tehi, well, she’s a bat. No sense of money and trade, only get food to live. I paid for what she took, but he...wasn’t happy about her taking it in the first place. He has the best fruit in the market so her taking things...became a habit.”
He winced. “So he calls the guards on you?”
“Every time he sees me near his booth. Sucks the best fruit in the market has to be sold by an asshole.”
“I could always go grocery shopping for you. If you’d like me to.”
“You...would? For me?”
He nodded, resting his chin on her shoulder. “If he’s the one making you walk all the way to Center City to get fruit, then I’d be happy to go for you.”
She turned and hugged him, burying her face in his neck. “Oh thank the stars. I was close to trying to grow my own fruit. It would have been a disaster. I can barely take care of my medical herbs.”
He let out a small squeak, arms slowly wrapping around her. She made eye contact with Tehi, and if looks could kill. 
“You’re a disaster,” he murmured, making her giggle. “Amani grows plants if you ever want to ask her about them. I dunno if she grows any...fruit, but I know she has aloe. I get some of my spices from her.”
“She has plants? That’s amazing!” She brightened at the thought, letting him go. He smelled deliciously sweet, like nutmeg and cinnamon. “...you think she’d teach me how to keep a plant alive?”
He grimaced. “She could barely teach me. I killed a succulent and she quit.”
“I don’t have the time to take care of plants. Or I just don’t balance my time wisely.”
“I um...don’t manage my time well either.”
“...yeah, you workaholic.”
He blushed. “I-I’m not that bad.”
She quirked an eyebrow. “Mmhmm. Working yourself to the point of passing out is not that bad.”
“That was one time.”
“I had to carry you home!”
“You had help!”
“Same thing!”
He snorted, making her giggle. Tehi blinked at them, seeming unimpressed. 
And now they were being judged by a bat. 
He moved over to grab a strawberry, Tehi chirping at the sight.
“I think we found our way to get her to like you,” she said, leaning against him. 
“Always a good choice.”
He prodded her side, making her swat at his hands with a squawk. “Is that how I won you over?” he teased. 
She wrestled his hand away from her side, struggling against him trying to poke at her again. “What if it was?” she said, sticking her tongue out at him. “I might just marry your pumpkin squash if I could get to it.”
Tehi chirped as if she liked that idea better.
“Hey! Don’t take her side!” Lucas said, turning to the bat on a plate. “She’s mean, I’m the nice one.”
“Aww, are you mad that she likes me better?” she teased, kissing his cheek. “What? Can’t win the affection of one little bat?”
“She’s not little and you know it.”
She giggled, tapping the tip of his nose. “If it makes you feel any better, my family would love you.”
“Mmhmm. Especially my father and grandma. Cooking fanatics. I grew up trying new dishes. But…sadly I got my cooking ability from my mom.”
He laughed, a blush warming his cheeks. “I could teach you if you’d like.”
“You’d quit.”
“I would not!”
“Oh please! Most of my dishes either explode or are inedible. You’d quit within two minutes.”
“If we don’t have another great Jolie flour incident I’m sure it’ll be okay.”
“…Lucas, I am the great Jolie flour incident.”
“You can’t be that bad.”
“Try me. I’ve burnt eggs that weren’t cracked.”
“…how did you even do that?”
“Long story.”
“Trouble,” he said, ruffling her hair.
She grinned. “You like it.”
Tehi chirped again, staring at the strawberry he had. He tentatively reached over to give it to her, Tehi snatching it from his fingers and holding it close in her claws. He jumped back, the chair toppling over at the force.
He fell backwards with the chair, making her crack up. 
“Did I not warn you she’s protective of her meals?” she asked, looking down at him. 
“Apparently.” He winced, rubbing the back of his head. “Not.”
She giggled. “Whoops.”
“Does she do that to people she hates?”
She grabbed a strawberry, handing it to Tehi, watching as the same thing happened. A wicked little smile played across her face as she mimicked what he had done, down to the facial expressions and knocking her chair back.
Her head hit the floor hard, but she was giggling.
He shot her an unimpressed look, fighting his smile. “Gee. Thanks. I feel way better now.”
She looked over at him with a smile, her hair spilling out across the floor. “That was the funniest reaction I’ve seen to her.”
She snorted, squishing his face. “Don’t pout.”
“You’re so mean though,” he said, voice muffled due to her squishing his cheeks. “I don’t think I’ll ever get over this slight to my pride.”
She kissed him lightly. “Mmm I’m sure you will.”
He shifted closer to her, wrinkling his nose. “Don’t patronize me.”
She giggled, running her hands through his hair and rubbing her nose against his. “I would never.”
He snorted, kissing her softly. “She really likes strawberries, huh?” he whispered after a moment. 
She bit her lip, smiling. “She’s gotten me to like them just as much. Back home we had strawberry plants growing everywhere! Blueberries and blackberries as well. My Mhamó would bake so many pies during the first pick of the harvest. Our fingers would be stained red,” she said with a giggle. “Once Aislin ate so much her mouth was stained for a week. Someone thought she ate a person! Devoured them right off the bone!”
He snorted. “Are they your favourites?”
“Well…” she pursed her lips, thinking. “Have you ever had the first strawberry of the year? Ripe and sweet? I could eat them for hours and not tire...so...I guess they are. Tehi loved them from the get-go and I always carry some around.”
“Is that why you always taste like strawberries?”
She blushed, blinking. The question was innocent, she bit her lip and giggled again. He brushed her hair back, thumb running against her skin. “I um...guess so! But I don’t hear you complaining,” she said, nuzzling his cheek. 
He shifted his face to capture her lips, burying his hands in her hair. “I think I like them better this way,” he said with a soft smile, nose brushing against hers as he kissed her again. 
“We should get back up,” she murmured, being cut off by him kissing her again. “Lucas.”
“But if we don’t get up Tehi won’t keep hissing at me.”
“But squash.” She pouted, thinking about it. “I’m serious about marrying it.”
“How about you marry me instead, then you’d get all the squash you’d want.”
She snorted, kissing the tip of his nose. “Want me to have an affair with your cooking? It’s very tempting, I must say.”
He laughed, resting his forehead against hers. “Well? What do you say?”
She giggled, tugging at his hair. “Let me think about it.”
“Don’t take too long.”
“Oh yes because I’m the one asking you. What? Many people flocking to your door? Struggle tying you down?” she joked, kissing his cheek. “I’ll have to have more before making my decision.”
“If you can get around Tehi, that is.”
“I can get around her. She loves me. You on the other hand...”
He sulked. “Don’t remind me.”
She giggled, rising to her feet and picking up her chair. “Need help?”
“View is nice from here.”
She raised an eyebrow, squatting down next to him. “I’ll sic Tehi on you.”
“...you wouldn’t.”
“It’ll get her away from the squash.”
Damn, the puppy dog eyes. “You wouldn’t.”
“Don’t give me that look.”
He kept at it, she groaned, burying her face in her hands. “Fine! I wouldn’t. But you should get up at least.”
He sighed. “If I keep feeding her will she like me?”
“It’s how you got me to marry you.”
He snorted, getting off the chair and putting it back up. “Well I guess it’s not all bad then, huh?”
“Make a fruit pie and she might love you forever.”
“...she can eat those?”
“She sure damn tries. My dad tried making one and she had eaten most of it by the time we finished dinner. He was so mad he tried to ban her from the house.”
He laughed as she sat down, reaching over Tehi (and giving her a pat) to pile more squash onto her plate. She let out a happy hum, biting into it. “Mmm alright maybe I will marry you,” she said, cracking an eye open to look at him.
He plucked a cinnamon apple ring, dramatically holding it out for her. He raised his voice an octave. “Maeve O’Connor, will you do me the honour of marrying me?”
She snorted, laughing. Her cheeks warmed, she knew it was fake. He was joking. But it was nice. He was looking at her with a soft affection, like he actually meant it.
But he couldn’t have. He didn’t even love her.
“And then have an affair with your cooking?” she joked, pushing down her feelings. He was just flirting. 
He slipped the dessert on her finger, kissing her knuckles with a wink. “If it gets you to say yes.”
She giggled, staring at the treat on her hand. She bit into it, smiling at the familiar taste. 
He gasped in offense. “Maeve, that's your engagement ring!”
“It’s delicious.”
“I worked hard to earn the money to get that! I spent weeks working up the courage to ask and you eat it?!”
“But it’s good!”
He kissed her once, then twice. “You are going to make me work every damn day of my life, eating my hard earned money like that.” 
She smiled, tilting her head up to kiss his chin. “Mmmhmm. But you asked me.”
He only shook his head, stealing food from her plate. 
“Hey!” she yelped, reaching for the fork. He held it just out of her reach, teasing her. 
“Aww can’t reach?” he said, kissing the tip of her nose. 
“Curse these short limbs,” she replied, crawling into his lap. He blinked as she wrestled his hand, tugging the fork back down to her. She bit the squash off the end, grinning smugly. 
He flicked the tip of her nose. “That was mine.”
“No you stole it from me. I’m not gonna marry a thief.”
“But Tehi won’t let me get any more!”
“I can get it for you!” 
“No! You’re just gonna eat it all!”
She pursed her lips. “That’s true.”
“And you think I’m a thief.”
“You stole it from my plate!”
“You don’t have any evidence.”
“I watched you! And don’t repeat my shitty logic back to me!”
He laughed, ruffling her hair. “Can I at least have a bite of your engagement ring?”
She gasped, clutching her hand close to her chest. “Never. It is my engagement ring. I can eat it if I wish!”
“But I gave it to you!”
She made a face at him. “But it’s mine now!”
He made a move for her hand, she pressed her hand against his cheek, holding her other hand above her head. “No!”
“But Maeve!”
“No!” She was giggling so hard her ribs hurt. 
There was a flutter, and the makeshift ring was snatched off her finger. 
Tehi chirped, perched on a nearby bookshelf with the apple ring. 
She and Lucas stared for a moment before cracking up. “Looks like neither of us got it,” he said.
“And it looks like someone objects to this marriage.”
He tilted her chin, smiling softly. “She’ll have to try harder than that to stop it.”
She blushed at the sincerity of his words as he kissed her. For a moment she thought he was serious about it. He’s really gotta stop that, messing with her heart and head like that. 
“So...a bat huh?” he started, looking back at Tehi. “Like animals?”
She smiled, trying to fight her blush away. “Yeah. Tehi was an unexpected twist during a hide and seek game, but I grew up loving animals. My older sister has two dogs now.”
“Oh?” “Yeah! They’re very sweet girls, energetic as well. I dunno how she deals with him all the time. She’s written to me many times about how much they get into the baby food back home. She and her fiancée have four kids, one is a wee baby. Cutest little thing.”
“Do you like dogs?”
“Depending on the dog, but yes.”
“Depending on the dog?”
“I’m uh…” she flushed. “Scaredofbigdogs.”
His brows furrowed as he mouthed her word jumble back. “Scared? Why? They’re babies! Big sweethearts!”
She scratched the back of her head. “Well um...I got attacked by wolves when I was a teen. Kinda puts a damper on the whole...big dog thing.”
“...well. That’s a good reason.”
“Oh wow thank you for your approval, oh mighty big dog master.”
“Hey, they get a bad rep. Big dogs are amazing. They just get labeled as dangerous because they’re big.”
“Oh, so like you?”
He let out a choked noise, blushing furiously. “Well I-I mean...y-yeah?”
She smiled, brushing his hair back. “Hmm...I guess you’re okay.”
“Thanks. My fiancée is so loving.”
“Only for you.”
He rolled his eyes with a smile, chasing her for a kiss. She giggled, cupping his face in her hands. 
“I’d like you even if you were a big dog,” she murmured, kissing the tip of his nose. 
His cheeks reddened as he chuckled. “I’d like you even if you were a small dog.”
“Thumbelina, you couldn’t be big in any form.”
She sulked. “You don’t have to say it though.”
He smiled, kissing her fingertips. “It’s true.”
He squished her face, rubbing his nose against hers. “Don’t pout.”
“I’ll pout if I wanna,” she sniffed, making him smile. “I’m small but I pack a punch.”
He winced. “I’m aware. I think you broke my nose.”
She giggled, biting his fingertip. He yelped softly, pulling away. She grinned at his glare, him holding his hand close. “Don’t be a baby. It was a love tap.”
He muttered to himself, looking at his hand. She left a small indent. “I felt no love in that tap.”
“You didn’t look hard enough.”
He snorted, resting his hands on her thighs. “Yeah let me rethink about you kicking me in the nose lovingly. That’s for sure what I felt.”
“In my defense, you insulted my honour twice. If you won’t defend me, who will?”
He tapped his fingers, making her squirm. “I learned my lesson. Next time I’ll win.”
“Mmm next time huh?” She giggled, throwing her hair off her shoulder. “Want a rematch?”
“Absolutely. This time I know your secrets.”
“Someone’s a sore loser,” she teased, flicking the tip of his nose. “And you only know some of my secrets. I am a mysterious woman, you may not know all of my secrets! I’ll kick your ass every time.”
He kissed her softly, holding her hands and lacing their fingers. “We’ll see.”
“Oh I know it.” He rolled his eyes, making her smile. She looked at their clasped hands, hints of cinnamon sugar still dotting her ring finger. He raised her hand, kissing the sugar away. 
“Hey, that's hints of my long lost engagement ring!” 
He smiled, kissing her inner wrist. “You were right about it being delicious.”
She rolled her eyes, fighting back her smile as she slowly climbed to her feet. “I know.” She looked at the food on the table, long forgotten. “I’ll...put things away. Take some home?”
He kissed her palm, letting her hand go. “You can keep the squash. I think it’ll get eaten.”
He nodded. “I have enough food at home, and you need it more than I do.”
“I don’t need it.”
“When was the last time you ate?”
He raised an eyebrow, she blushed. 
“Exactly. And I get lectured.”
“Well, you had time to eat, I didn’t.”
He rolled his eyes. “Potato patato. Take it, and please eat. Who will kick my ass if you’re too tired?”
She giggled, picking up the plates. “If you want to keep trying to win Tehi’s affection, I’ll leave the fruit bowl out. I’ll pack some of the apple rings for you.”
She hummed, wrapping the squash and apple rings up in a cloth, looking over her shoulder to see Lucas making kissy noises at Tehi, holding a strawberry out for her. She hissed when he moved close, stopping when she saw the gift. 
Maeve giggled, placing the plates in the sink. 
“...is this yours?” he asked after a moment. 
She looked up, moving closer to where he was pointing. It was a sketch, one of many she had scattered about. Her brows softened as she looked at it. “Yeah. It’s of my home.”
“It’s beautiful, I didn’t know you drew.”
“I usually paint, but sketching is nice. My aunt taught me how, since drawing is a good skill to have with magic.”
His eyebrows shot up to his hairline, watching her with soft eyes. “Magic?”
“Yes! Like sigils! Those can be used in different ways, drawing helps guide it. I have a sigil on my neck at the base of my skull…” she lifted her hair up, showing the three swirls. Mind-body-soul, as her sister said. It was her first, a stick and poke they did on a whim. “It helps amplify the magic I want to use, it can’t amplify raw magic, that comes from you but…” she blushed. “Sorry, I’m rambling.”
He blinked, smiling. “No no! It’s interesting, tattoos are a way to transfer magic?”
“They’re a way...to channel it. To draw from you and your surroundings. Tattoos are more permanent versions of sigils, but they are some of the most powerful.”
“I think I have one of those.”
She lit up, bouncing on her toes. “Really?” He nodded, cheeks reddening. “Where is it? Can I see? What does it do? What are the side effects?” 
The look he gave her was startled, she blushed, rocking back onto her heels. “I um...sorry. I just...love this type of magic.” She laughed nervously, rubbing the back of her neck. “Most people don’t do tattoos with it, since they are permanent. I could...ask slowly?”
“Where...is it?”
“On my back. Between my shoulder blades.”
She furrowed her brows, wrapping her arms around him, prodding at his spine between his shoulders. “Here?”
He nodded, staring at her wide eyed and blushing. “Y-Yep!” he squeaked out, making her giggle. 
“What does it do? Magic wise, I mean.”
His brows creased, overshadowing his eyes. “I...don’t know exactly. I think it makes me...stronger? When I want to be. It helps with...healing and I have a higher pain tolerance.”
“So a strength sigil? It would...feed on your strength you have and help aid you when you tap into it. The pain tolerance and healing could be a meaning behind some of the symbols, but I’d have to study those.”
He smiled, laughing. “If you wanted me to take my shirt off you could’ve asked.”
She blinked, going over the implications before blushing. “I um! I didn’t mean it that way! S-Sorry it just-”
He kissed the tip of her nose. “You're fine, I’m teasing.”
She grumbled, wrapping her arms around him as she stood on her tiptoes. “I wouldn’t mind it either.”
He blushed, making her bite her lip as she smiled. 
“I have been studying sigils for a while now. I just made another breakthrough with some! Currently looking into light sigils due to how easy they are…”
“May I see?”
Her lips parted in surprise, eyes widening. “Y-You’d want to see it?”
“Of course I do! It’s something you get excited about, even if I might not understand it...why wouldn’t I?”
“Not um...everyone likes to listen to me ramble.” She giggled, nervous. “It’s fine! I tend to be long winded.”
He kissed her softly. “I think it’s cute, I like seeing you talk about it. I’d be happy to listen.”
She kissed him back, harder. She knocked him off balance as she pushed herself off the ground. His hands hovered over her waist for a moment before he bundled her close. 
“I’ll show you,” she murmured, letting go of him. He set her down, letting her take his hand and guide him to her room. “My room is a mess because of it, I must warn you.”
He laughed. “I’ve seen a messy room before.”
“Yeah. Yours,” she teased, winking as she nudged her door open. Tehi followed them, chirping as she fluttered up to a small bookshelf cluttered with small trinkets. Tehi snuggled close to the dog Lucas had given her, so many weeks ago. He stared at the bat and the wooden dog, his smile growing giddy. 
“You still have it!”
She looked over, smiling. “Of course I do, why wouldn’t I?”
He wouldn’t meet her eyes with a bashful smile. “I didn’t think you’d keep it.”
She squeezed his hand. “It was a gift.”
He looked at her with a soft smile, letting her guide him to sit on the floor. She gathered the pages on the floor, lips twisting as she looked at the symbols. “Do you want to draw your own?” she asked, half bent over, looking over her shoulder.
“Draw my own?”
“I can show you, if you’d like.”
She smiled, face warming. Her freckles on her arms started to glow brighter as she scooped up blank paper. He held out a hand for her, helping her sit, nestled in the crook of his side. 
“I’d like to see your tattoo eventually,” she said, laying out the papers. “If you’d let me.”
He kissed her cheek. “Sure, I’d be happy to have a magic expert analyze it.”
“I’m no expert. You’d be better off seeing the magician in Center City.”
“I’d rather have you.”
“I’m touched.” She reached over his lap for her pens, chewing on her lower lip as she looked at the blank sheets of paper. 
“What’s first, oh mighty powerful witch?”
She giggled, handing him a pen and scooting a paper over. “Drawing the sigil. Here’s the light one I’ve been using.” She showed him the page, a line curving down and another tucked in it. Three lines connected the swirling ones. “These symbolize balance. Balance with light, no light can exist without shadow and shadow cannot exist without light.”
He traced the three lines connected the swirled. “And these symbolize the bond between the balance?”
She grinned, clapping her hands. “Yes! Exactly!” She leaned into him, holding her pen. “Sigils are all about the idea and magic you’re trying to put out there. What you want to happen, putting that want into the drawing and the magic in the air, activating it with the same.”
He watched her draw the sigil, copying her movements. “And how do you activate it?”
“Some are powerful enough to use a look, or a connection. I usually use my hands. Your hands are powerful.” He finished drawing the sigil, letting her take his hand and hold his palm open. She traced the lines, like she had some time ago. “Remember your palm reading?”
“Lines hold meaning. Heart, sun, fate, head, life. Magic flows through your hands. Hands are the start and the finish of magic, the connection between you and the earth. Am I making sense?”
“Kind of.”
“Think of it...like a connection. Magic from your hands seeps into the thing you’re trying to activate, a sigil in this example. Your hands are...an anchor.”
“Oh…” he whispered, looking at his hands. Peering at them with critical eyes. “That makes sense.”
“And now that you’ve drawn the sigil with the intent for light, you anchor and channel that magic into your want for light.”
“I can show you.” She got to her feet, blowing out the candles. Tehi chirped, bouncing on the shelf as she watched them. 
She reached out blindly, letting him take hold of her hand again and lead her back. Sitting back down, she placed her hands on her sigil. 
“Palm against the drawing,” she murmured, trying not to break the fragile air of intimacy hanging around them. “Think of light and the sigil will answer. Think…a fire. A candle. The sun on your face.”
She stiffened, blushing. “I-I guess s-so,” she squeaked, making him chuckle. She watched him place his hand on the sloppily drawn sigil. 
She chewed on her lip, trying to hide her giddy smile. His eyes fluttered shut, leaning against her. She leaned back, breathing in and letting it out with the idea of light. 
Her sigil folded, and started to glow. She smiled, satisfied, before turning to look at him. His face was set in concentration, the room was quiet, their breathing soft. 
Slowly, the sigil folded, glowing brightly. She cheered, the sound startling him into opening his eyes. He paused when he saw the ball of light at his palms. 
“I did that?” he asked, eyes growing wide.
She grinned, tackling him in a hug and kissing him fiercely. He laughed against her mouth, cradling her head in his hands. “You did!” she said, glowing brightly. 
“What else can you do?” he asked, staring at the two lights. When he looked back at her his excitement was infectious, making her bounce. 
“Ice, earth and I once made a gust of spring air appear in the middle of winter! Plants didn’t work out well, but we can work on it! Imagine what we could do!”
She blushed at her mistake. “I-If you want to. T-That is.”
“You’d let me help?”
She nodded, biting her lip. She wasn’t meeting his eyes, in her excitement she thought he’d...like to. 
But he wouldn’t. Why would he? 
He grinned, tilting her head back to look at him. Her thoughts evaporated. “I’d be honoured to help. If you’d have me. That is.”
“Hey I offered don’t get insecure on me now.”
He laughed, kissing her softly, sitting back up with her in his lap. She giggled against his mouth, burying her hands in his hair. 
“Okay,” he murmured. 
They stared at one another for a moment before giggling again. 
“I did magic,” he murmured, staring at the light floating by her shoulder. “I made that, right?”
“Your magic. I didn’t do anything.”
His grin was quick to creep across his face, as he reached out to hold the light. She cupped hers in her hand, blowing it into his face softly. He sneezed as it exploded in a bunch of tiny lights, floating around his hair like a halo. 
Tehi chirped again, chasing a few of the lights. 
Smiling, she brushed his hair back and scattered the glitter that sat there. 
He blew his into her face, making her giggle as it exploded across her cheeks. “Oh look. More glowing lights to add to your already glowing face,” he teased, brushing her cheeks. 
She tilted her head to kiss the pad of his thumb, smiling. 
“So what’d ya say? Wanna explore magic with me?”
He tilted her face up, kissing her with such affection it made her heart skip a beat. 
There was a softness to his gaze when he pulled away, his brows set in content and his lips upturned in a gentle smile. A tender look settled into his eyes as he kissed the top of her head. 
“I’d love to.”
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lover-of-skellies · 4 years
19 and 20, with Blue and Shattered? :0
This ended up being more angsty than scary, but eh. It's written to be a continuation of this prompt I wrote before with them. A part two, of sorts
*cackles* I hope you enjoy it, dear anon~
"Why must you continue disappointing me this way, Blue?"
Blueberry flinched at the harshness of the guardians' words, not looking up at what was once his friend, "I... I'm not trying to disappoint you, Dream. I just... I can't..." Dream sighed, his tentacles idly swaying and writhing behind him, "You can't what, Blue? Quit wasting my time and spit it out already." The smaller of the two frowned, frowning as he finally lifted his gaze to look at Dream, "I... We're supposed to help protect the multiverse. What you want is to destroy it. To take innocent lives and hurt those that don't deserve to suffer anymore. You want everyone to be miserable like you, and that's not fair. I can't be a part of that because I'm not like you."
A tentacle shot between the bars of Blue's cell without warning, wrapping around his neck vertebrae and lifting him up off the ground. Blue immediately began to struggle, desperately grasping at the tendril and attempting to loosen it, all while Dream glared at him, his words bitter and cold, "And just what does that mean? Since when did you actually know anything about me, Blue?" Still frantically trying to free himself of the others grasp, Blue whimpered, "It means that I don't wanna be like you, Dream. You can't make me change my mind. You can keep hurting me, you can harvest emotions from me, and you can abandon me whenever you want, but I'll never do something as horrible as what you wanna do. I'm a hero, not a coward."
The guardian of positivity felt one of his sockets twitch in irritation, and a twisted grin slowly stretched across his face as he tilted his head, "You know... I think there's a phrase the humans are fond of. What was it... 'takes one to know one'? I guess if I'm a coward, so are you. Whatever though, I can't be bothered by your petty insults. I have a deal for you though, that could potentially benefit both of us." Blueberry's voice came out softer than intended as he mumbled, "...What is it?" Dream arched a single brow bone, his tentacle lowering the other skeleton to the ground and releasing him as he hummed, "Well, you're from UnderSwap. You love your AU, and you love your Papyrus. If you accept one of my fruits, it'll make you stronger. You'll be able to protect what you love much more efficiently, with much less effort. If you choose to deny me again, however... well, I'll be bringing back your brothers hoodie, covered in his dust."
Blue's sockets widened and he stared at Dream in shock, "You wouldn't..." Dream's grin shifted into a mischievous smirk, "Oh believe me, Blue, I would. I'd enjoy it very much, in full honesty." Cyan tinted tears began to prink at Blue's sockets and he rushed forward, gripping the bars of his cell as he pleaded with the guardian, "Please don't hurt him, Dream. I'll... I'll try to figure something out with you, as long as you don't hurt Papyrus."
Dream made a soft sound of acknowledgement, "You have a choice to make, Blue. Either sit here and die alone, knowing it's your fault that your brother's dead, or," he paused, slipping his hand into a pouch and withdrawing a black fruit, offering it to the smaller of the two, "you can eat this, and be strong enough to protect him. It's your choice, and you need to make it soon because I'm running out of patience." Blueberry stared at the black fruit, his sockets wide with fear as a single tear rolled down his face. Papyrus would die if he didn't take it, but also... he knew that once he ate it, he'd never be the same again. With shakey hands, he reached out, more tears beginning to drip down his cheekbones as he very delicately took the fruit from Dream, his voice cracking, "T-The fruit... what'll it do to me, Dream? Please be honest, don't withhold anything from me."
The goop covered guardian shrugged, "It takes a not-so-nice trait of whoever eats it, and then amplifies and warps it. It eventually becomes warped enough to manifest in whatever way it deems fit. I wasn't lying when I said it'd make you stronger though. Sure, you may lose a sense of self, but you won't have to worry about anything ever again." Blue nervously gulped, hesitantly lifting his gaze to meet Dream's, "...So it'll take one of my bad traits and make it a lot worse, is what you're telling me?" The guardian made a noise of indifference, "Essentially, yes." Blue's eye lights constricted into the smallest of pin pricks, his voice a whisper, "If that's the case... I don't think you want me to eat this." Dream blinked, confusion briefly flickering in his one visible golden iris. The way Blue had said that... Was that supposed to be a threat?
His confusion rapidly faded, shifting into a scowl as he growled in annoyance, "Just eat the damn fruit already and stop testing me, Blue. We don't have all day to do this, you know." Blueberry whined, a fresh batch of cyan tears wetting his cheekbones as he shook his head, "Dream, please. I don't wanna hurt you." The shattered guardian snorted in amusement, leaning against the bars of the cell, his expression manic as he began to laugh, "Oh, you think you could hurt me, do you? Hurt me then, I'd love to see you try!" Blue began to slowly raise the fruit to his face, watching Dream with an expression of both fear and sorrow, "Dream, you don't want me to do this, trust me. I really shouldn't-" Dream scoffed, waving off the other's words with a single tentacle, "Eat the fruit or your brother dies. The choice is yours." Blueberry's eye lights briefly went out and he let out a deep sigh, "Fine... but don't say I didn't warn you."
Dream offered him a smug smirk, carelessly shrugging his shoulders, "I don't care. Just put the fruit in your mouth before I do it for you." Blue sunk his teeth into the onyx fruit. It's flavor very vaguely reminded him of an apple, though there was something else mixed in... something that was bitter and disruptive. Almost instantly, he felt its effects beginning to work, and he pressed his free hand over his mouth, suddenly feeling sick as he croaked, "I can't... Dream. No more." The guardian grinned maliciously, his golden iris flickering in excitement, "Nope. Eat the whole thing, or the deal is off and Papyrus dies." Blue swallowed back some of the increasing nausea he felt, forcing himself to take a very small second bite. His thoughts began to race and his soul thudded within his ribs. Whose thoughts were those? They couldn't be his. There was no way. Dream was going to hurt HIS Papyrus? Blue couldn't... he began to choke, dropping the fruit and very slowly stood up, his body trembling.
There was no way in hell he was going to let anyone hurt his dear brother. He already knew he'd do whatever it took to keep Papyrus safe.
Before Dream could fully comprehend what he was witnessing, Blue's small body had zipped to another part of the cell, the heel of his boot striking one of the bars and snapping it out of place with ease. As he shifted his empy, souless stare back to the guardian, Dream arched a brow bone, "Let me guess. It's already in effect, isn't it?" Blue didn't respond, bending down to pick up the broken piece of bar that laid on the ground. He eyed the item in silence before his left socket flared up with cyan magic. He raised an arm, directing his magic at Dream, and to Dream's shock, the last golden apple that was his soul appeared in front of him, surrounded by the others magic. His body was abruptly pulled forward, slamming him into the bars of the cell. He lashed out with a tentacle, fully intending to strike Blue dead right where he stood.
But he missed.
Once again, Blue's small body zipped toward him at what could've been considered a record speed. Dream glared, narrowing his sockets as he roared, now visibly enraged, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? I OFFER TO HELP YOU AND THIS IS HOW YOU RESPOND? WHAT KIND OF PRIVILEGED MORON ARE YOU?" Blueberry's expression shifted, a twisted smile stretching across his face as he hissed, "Oh, so I'M the privileged moron? At least I didn't ignore and abandon my brother when he needed me the most."
Dream opened his mouth, fully prepared to fire back, but he was cut off, his single visible socket widening. There was a loud crack, followed by what felt like eternal silence.
Looking down at the bar that had been roughly plunged not just through his sternum and ribs, but also through his very soul, he felt his body begin to weaken, a golden tear running down his cheek. Staring at him coldly, Blueberry released the bar, his voice unnaturally flat and void of emotion, "And that's why you don't threaten Papyrus. I warned you not to make me eat that fruit, but you did. This is your fault, you know." Dream coughed, his tentacles going limp and slowly beginning dissipate as he whispered, "Blue, please. 'M sorry... tell Night that... I'm sorry I wasn't... a better brother."
Through his clouded and frenzied mind, Blue registered Dream's words, offering him an almost sickly sweet smile, "Nah... I don't think I will. Once I'm out of here, he'll be joining you very soon. You should be thanking me, Dream. After all this time, you'll finally be reunited with him, and it'll be because of me."
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being-held · 3 years
There’s Something Strange About How It All Began by Alexis Pera
A draft piece for a book not yet written. Enjoy.
I.  eight when I first caught fire. It was a cold day in my village, as it usually was, near the shores of the lake where my family’s home was built. It was a small dwelling in my home region of Plivium. It rained a lot in Plivium, unlike the rest of Alienis, and no one knew why, or no one really cared. It was home, no one questions that. But, when  it wasn’t pouring, most Plivumians preferred to be outside. We kind of had to be, or else the work would never be done, the harvest never brought up, and the damages never fixed. So as my parents worked, I was free to roam and explore.
    Yet, out of all the land my parents had, all the forests and rivers and ponds, I loved my father’s garden, beautiful in every sense of the word. He had grown flowers of every color and nurtured trees so full of fruit we could never harvest them all. It was my favorite place in the entire world. I would run through the paths, looking up the entire time as I watched the trees rush by and the leaves brush my legs as I went. Who knows how many times I fell, or tripped, or just ran full on into things. My father would always scold me about being more careful, but he would have a smile on his face because he was more than amused by how happy I was despite having just run into a tree or tripped over some vines. My mother would be more upset, she didn’t like seeing me hurt, even if I wasn’t upset about it, and I always had bruises and scratches but a smile on my face. Of course, that all stopped the day I Specialized.
    Most children didn’t Specialize until they were older, when they were turning into grown men and women, but I didn’t. I was still a child, still scared of the stories my parents told me about Specializing, still carefree and unable to prepare for what would happen.
    Because gaining your Specialty and becoming one with nature was something that usually didn’t come in a nice package with a pretty bow. It was painful and unpredictable, and with my family’s bloodline, my Specialty was to be even more so.
    The wind was strong that day, or so I thought at least, and it kept growing more and more until the chill in my spine wouldn’t go away. Then my small kid brain finally realized that none of the trees or plants were swaying from its force, and that my clothes and hair were still in place. I was then wondering why I was so cold and why it felt like someone was waving cold air on my neck. I didn't have much time to think about it.
    A searing pain had bloomed in my temples, my vision and balance immediately going awry. It was paralyzing, and as I hit the dirt, a terribly cold tingling took over my hands and arms.
    My mother found me first, and she was the one who first saw the visible effects of what was happening. My fingers, hands, and lower arms had turned completely black, right up to my elbows. And though it seemed as if I stuck my hands into a smoldering fire pit, my skin was entirely numb to feeling. The headache had faded and vision only slightly better at that point, so I was left sitting on the ground staring at my arms as if they didn’t belong to me. In that moment, it didn’t feel like they did.
    Then the second wave hit.
    While my vision cleared enough for me to see and the overall pain had deadened to a dull throbbing, my arms sparked and white flames enveloped them. I couldn’t feel it, I couldn’t stop it, I could barely see it, but I screamed and yelled and cried. My mother didn’t know what to do, neither did my father when he finally found us. They couldn’t come near, and my mother learned that the hard way. She hated seeing me in pain, so her motherly instinct to hold me, to comfort me, backfired when she tried. She now has a large burn scar down her right arm, a daily reminder of how dangerous I was.
    Because to the horror of myself, my mother, and my father, I had managed to inherit one of the rarest and most dangerous Specialties known to our world, called Aerdior. The unfortunate ability to conjure heat from one’s skin. My version of it, of course, came with the bonus of flames.
    I don’t remember the rest of that day. I just know that my parents had to reach out to one of our neighbors, who could manipulate water, to put me out. And that that day was when everything became different.
    I can’t count how many times in a day I used to catch fire. At first, it was really often, every hour or so, and that’s how I was forced to learn how to will it away. And eventually I could. And after a month, it would go down to every two hours. And after another month, three to four hours.
    By the time I was nine, I could go at least two days without catching, on a good week.
    I also can’t count how many times I’ve hurt someone or something around me. It would come so suddenly, I never had enough time to get away from whatever I was touching. My father had a couple burns on his shoulders and arms, my mother on her fingers and hands. I banned myself from my father’s garden after I destroyed almost half of my father’s rare Cossia flowers, and later from even going outside when I injured a creature that had come too close. I spent most of my time in my room, where anything that wasn’t or couldn’t be fireproofed had been removed. I cried when my mother wanted to take my books, but my father, who taught me to love and cherish reading, spent almost two weeks trying to figure out a way for me to keep them. He finally found the perfect mixture of plants and special roots to create paper that couldn’t burn. And he then spent the next several months copying all of my favorite books onto the special paper so I could read them. I only have one of those copies now.
    I was terrified and paranoid of my Specialty, and of what I could do. No matter where I was or who I was with, I had to watch what I touched and how I handled things. Before long, I was labeling everything as burnable or unburnable, what I can’t touch and what I can, who I couldn’t take the chance on and who I could. It was an unbearable existence for a nine year old child.
    And then we moved.
    I say moved like it was optional, like we made the choice, but truly, we weren’t just changing scenery, we were running.
    I don’t remember much of it. One day we were happy; my mother, my father, me, and the little baby in my mother’s belly that we were all so excited for. Then the next, I was being dragged through the forest by my parents who kept insisting everything was alright. Right up until it wasn’t.
    My father died that day, protecting us. My mother will only tell me that without him saving us, we wouldn’t have escaped, we wouldn’t have made it to earth, the Connected World.
    It’s been nine years, and she still refuses to tell me more.
    But now, I only catch randomly, with no pattern. A rushing feeling will run down my spine, and then my fingers will start turning black. If I don’t separate myself from my surroundings and put all my willpower into making it go away, I will eventually catch, though it’s much slower on earth.
    My mother would always tell me that it was all a blessing in disguise, that coming to earth was good because I was less likely to hurt others. I used to believe that, and maybe a small part of me still does, but now I know that it doesn’t make a difference. Who am I to have a better life when my father never got to live the rest of his?
    My little sister was born the day we came to earth. Because of the way we came, in the chaos and madness, my mother went into labor not even an hour after arriving. We had come through the Pathway into an old church, which had seemed to be abandoned with no one left to take care of it. I was the only one there to help my mother as she gave birth.
    It was a horribly long, terribly painful, and rather traumatizing experience that I would never like to experience again. But once it was over, we had another problem to handle. Because my little sister didn’t come out crying.
    My mother had pretty much passed out once the baby was out, so I was left to try to understand what was happening. It was, fortunately, not long before I realized that my sister wasn’t dead. She was still moving and her heart still beating, with her face scrunched up as if she wanted to cry but just couldn’t get it out. She was mute, a birth defect common to Plivumians.
    I had shifted my mother into a lying position and covered her with an old curtain I found, then proceeded to wrap my new born sister in the torn up cloth from my shirt. I held her as she slept, and didn’t sleep myself, and that night I named her. I never asked my mother after if she liked the name I picked, or of she was upset that I did, but I was fully convinced that my father would have loved it.
    I named her after my father’s two favorite flowers, the ones which he had spent years growing to be perfect for their blooming season, and the ones I adored more than any of the others. Her name was Pella Cossia, my little sister. And the only thing I thoroughly remember from that day, was the promise I made to her, that I would never let her get hurt, that I would protect her no matter the costs.
    I still keep that promise, and I don’t ever plan on breaking it.
    We found the dwelling, or town, as the earthans called it, that the church belonged to, and met many people who were confused about who we were and what had happened to us. One person called himself an officer, and he helped us find clothes and food. We also met a lady who gave my mother a job at a restaurant, which at the time was a very strange concept, as we didn’t have restaurants or food suppliers back in Plivium. But we adapted quickly, and it was only a year of taking help and staying in hotels before my mother could finally afford a home.
    It was a small, unkept, dirty place, but we were decent enough at cleaning and home-keeping to get it livable again.
    By the time we found out about school, I was twelve and completely unqualified. But due to the laws of the land, and the strict suggestions of anyone we knew, my mother thought it wise to send me to school. The idea of school seemed promising, an organization built to help children learn and grow in the world, but the actual reality of it was a lot more disappointing. The education part was pretty much an afterthought, as the talking, sports, and teasing took the forefront. I came to be a wallflower, even more so because of the... heat problem. People liked to point out that I wore sweaters and gloves all the time, even when it was warm; little did they know that I couldn’t feel warmth at all, or cold for that matter. The sweaters and gloves were more for a safety precaution(made of a special heat resistant material that took years to find and use), and a comforting mechanism.
    I caught up quickly; in my studies, that is. I was pretty much enthralled with anything I didn’t already know, as we didn’t have education anything close to Earthan education back home, where we learned to read, write, count, and that was it. In Plivium, reading more than what basic training required was like being a genius, which both my father and myself easily overstepped. But on earth, being an avid reader was somewhat normal, and even the small amount of people who actually enjoyed learning maths and science and literature were many more than at home. I also had more than enough time on my hands, as I still stayed cooped up in my bedroom with things least fire-prone. I had more books than clothes, and more library passes than shoes, which I was more than okay with. I enjoyed it, even if school itself was much less than fun and little more than torture.
    Though as high school came, with my Specialty growing stronger and more worrisome, my mother thought it time to pull me out. At that time, I wasn’t attached to school, as long as I got to keep the books and the library trips. My mother obliged, but, unfortunately, she was still listening to coworkers and neighbors. Because apparently, by the time your fifteen, your supposed to have a job. Which, of course, my mother and I thought strange and ridiculous, because the whole employment thing was an entirely different situation at home. But we adapted anyway, and I managed to get a job at a small bookstore in town, but only because it was run by an older lady who majorly needed help.
    I still work there today, and Mrs. Gorgio is like the grandma I never had, feeding me when I forget myself and praying when she knows my mother has a job interview. She instantly fell in love with Pella, and asks about her every day I come in. Pella doesn’t like books as much, preferring music and other loud ways of expressing herself, but she likes Mrs. Gorgio and the fact that the older lady wasn’t shocked to find she can’t speak. Pella comes in once a week, and is continually teaching Mrs. Goegio sign language so that it’s easier for them to communicate. I sometimes watch them interact, sitting in the big cushion chairs in the back of the shop, laughing and smiling and gesturing. It’s rather funny to see Mrs. Gorgio get the movements wrong, in which Pella will simply smile and correct her with gentle fingers.
    When we walk home together, Pella will sign to me the whole way, explaining what they were working on and how Mrs. Gorgio has the best taste in music and why the old lady always wears that rusty necklace around her neck. Though I trip on the bumpy sidewalks and my own feet watching her hands fly, I don’t ever shove it off. I know how much it means to her, and that she looks forward to that one day of the week when I take her.
    It also distracted me, helped me pretend that our lives were normal. And that we weren’t foreigners in disguise, tricking everyone into believing we belonged, when we really truly didn’t.
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