#or fruit crusher
bibannana · 2 years
Echo *munching on a meiloorun*: I wish I had a knife to cut this all up.
Fives *shrugs*: I don't see why you need a knife for it.
Echo *face scrunched*: To cut it into smaller pieces.
Fives *rolls his eyes*: Uh that's why we have teeth?? Portable mouth shredders.
Echo *bland look*: Don't you ever call teeth portable mouth shredders again.
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ravoress · 1 month
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i have no self control
anyways here's candy!cruz
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his candy type are fruit gushers and his wings are made of gummies!! (they're not edible tho)
his high heels are heelies btw
@psycho-chair another troublemaker with mignon lmaoo
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ssaeri · 2 years
we fall to ashes
☆ tags: alex x gn!reader, he finds something that he never expected to see on your farm, this was going to be angst with an angst ending, but then my sister begged me to not write a sad ending, so have this relieving happy ending instead, LOTS of alex spoilers! ☆
Alex stretches his arms over his head and breathes in deep. In the distance, he hears chickens screaming—a sure sign that he's getting closer to your farm. The walk from his house isn't short, but while his grandparents would complain about the distance, he finds it ideal for cooling down after his harder work-outs. And he gets to see you at the end? He'd say that's a winner winner chicken dinner situation...out of earshot from your coop, at least.
"Hey there! Evelyn's boy!" Pam calls from his right.
He slows to a stop and waves. She sits in the driver seat of her newly repaired bus, window fully open, and takes another swig from her Joja Cola. Immediately, her face scrunches.
"Mornin', Pam!" he yells back. "How's that alcohol detox going for you?"
"Awful." She smacks her lips and holds the can up to her eyes, searching the ingredients for what makes it so fucking nasty. You often joke that it's the bitter taste of capitalism. "I could go for something stronger in this heat. You think the farmer has an extra glass of pale ale?"
Alex's smile tightens. Ever since Pam and Penny's trailer turned into an actual house, Pam's been doing her best to break old habits and he's glad for it—he can finally walk by her without the reflexive gag and hurried steps. You telling me I stink? she used to ask, angry in her drunken stupor, until she remembered why he showed up on his grandparents' steps nearly two decades ago.
She must read it in his expression now because she waves him off with a roll of her eyes. "I'm kidding, kid. Tell 'em I said hi. They're the only one who takes this damn bus anyway. I might as well take a nap." She slides sunglasses onto her face and reclines her chair until he can't see her anymore. "If I'm still here by the time you go home, wake me up."
Classic Pam, he thinks as he continues to your farm. Your dog is already running from the front door to greet him, panting and barking and disturbing your horse's peace.
"Come on, buddy," he laughs, shooing your dog until he can push open the gate. "I was supposed to surprise them."
Alex scratches your horse's ear as he passes its stable. Grape vines twist and sag on the trellises you've set up for the season, the structures nearly bursting with fruit, and he makes a mental note to stop by tomorrow to help with the harvesting. Maybe it could substitute for a work-out. He's helped you ship boxes of produce before and wondered how ripped he'd be after a month of your lifestyle. Between the trellises, the melons are just starting to come in. He doesn't know how long it takes for them to ripen, only that they taste really good when you drop off a basket for his grandma.
He calls out your name. Not in the fields, not in the pasture. Your new greenhouse, maybe? You were muttering something about ancient fruit last night. Or the mushroom cave, something he still can't believe is a feature on your farm. If Demetrius could add that, maybe Alex could talk you into installing an outdoor lifting station.
He walks past your workbench and active machines...
...and walks backwards again, hoping that his eyes are deceiving him. Crystalariums reproducing diamonds to sell, charcoal kilns working double time for enough coal, bone mills churning out fertilizer, geode crushers crunching rocks into pebbles, furnaces roaring as they smelt ores into bars—and right on top of the furthest furnace sits a wrapped bundle he's only seen in his (second to) worst nightmares.
He hears your content humming now, somewhere in the main farmhouse. Under normal circumstances, he would've called it cute, but the sound rings mockingly in his ears as he approaches the darkened flowers. A wilted bouquet. Fuck.
"Oh, hey there!" Alex called out as you got closer. He tossed his ever-present gridball into the air. "You here to catch fish again? I think you can find salmon in the river this time of year. At least that's what I heard."
Once you came to a stop in front of him, you shook your head, hands still behind your back. "I'm not fishing today," you said. "I actually wanted to give you something."
"Yeah?" His lips quirked into a grin. Another toss into the air. "Wouldn't happen to be a Salmon Dinner with extra lemon, would it? Those are one of my favorites, but I can never catch any salmon myself. Another egg would be cool, too. I've been adding your weekly deliveries to my workout meals."
You only shifted from one foot to the other, unable to take your eyes off his shoes, and a part of him faltered. You weren't intimidated by him, were you? Ever since you found him crying on the beach, he had been a little more flirtatious than usual, layering on the teasing and showing off. Maybe he came on too strong. Haley always told him that subtlety wasn't his strong suit. The grip on his gridball changed as he tossed it higher.
"You okay there? Did I do something...wait, this is—ow!"
The ball bounced off his head and landed in the grass, but he couldn't care less. He pointed to the bouquet in your hands. Not a regular bouquet, but the Bouquet made to order by Pierre. In a place as small as Pelican Town, there was no need for Pierre to have it in constant stock, so when the signature blooms made the rare appearance, they attracted everyone's eyes.
"...you want to get more serious?" he asked, incredulous.
Something in your expression changed, and you drew the flowers back to your chest. "Oh, sorry, did you not?" You gave him a wide smile, already stepping away. "I must've read the signs wrong. My mistake."
"No! That's not—I mean, you read the signs correctly. I, uh, I feel the same way." He rubbed the back of his neck, feeling his face flush. "So I guess we're together now? Should I be asking you out on a date or something? Or wait, are you asking me out on a date? How does this work?"
You laughed, a genuine sound this time. "We can continue the way we were before."
And so you did, but some things changed for sure. He could hold your hand now as you ran errands around the town, carrying half of the gifts you handed out to the townspeople. He could kiss you goodbye at his door in the evenings, though George cleared his throat loudly every time. Alex remembered making some snide comment about his grandpa, who yelled out a gruff I heard that! before being shushed by Evelyn. When It Howls in the Rain was being shown at the town theater, you bribed him to a screening with the promise of Stardrop Sorbet, but as much as he loved the treat, he would've gone anyway—it was one of his favorite movies with one of his favorite people. Good thing he'd seen it before because he spent most of the time staring at your side profile, wondering when he could finally go pro and have you stare at him on a screen.
Your dog nips at his fingers. He pets it absently. He thought everything was going fine between the two of you. Just yesterday, you came over and had dinner with him and his grandparents. You told them about your mining adventures in the Skull Caverns and, to his horror, showed off your old stitches from Harvey. (George chided your reckless behavior and gave old-timey advice that you nodded along to.) You talked about the new farm you're setting up at Ginger Island—Ancient Fruit wine all year! you told them excitedly. It's a farmer's heaven!—and the Beach Resort you're trying to restore. (Evelyn hummed at your energy, asking rapid-fire questions about the flora there.) You even promised to bring over a season's worth of eggs and leeks as soon as you got your hands on them. (Alex's mind flashed to the old mariner and the mermaid's pendant he could see hanging around your neck in the future.)
So why is a wilted bouquet sitting here, right on top of your furnaces?
No point in guessing when he can just find out the answer right from the source. He takes the flowers and goes to your door, knocking twice. It opens before he has time to second guess his choice.
"Alex! I didn't know you were coming over," you say, beaming at him. He wants to immortalize this version of you: face full of dirt smudges and t-shirt collar soaked through with sweat, yet glowing in your element. Until your eyes drop to his hands. "Oh, that's..."
He sets his jaw. "Can I come in and talk?"
Your expression falters further at his cold tone, but you step back and lead him to the living room. Your dog trots in and settles by the TV, head on its paws, watching with blank eyes. Alex sits in his usual spot and you yours, and suddenly he hates how familiar he is with your space.
It's still silent.
You clear your throat. "So," you start, wiping your palms on your jeans. A nervous tick he knows well. "What did you want to talk about?"
He puts the bouquet on the coffee table between you.
"Right." You pause, likely waiting for him to continue, but he doesn't say anything. "Alex, can you at least be less mean about this? I feel like you owe me that much after all this time together." He says nothing. "Like, tell me what's wrong instead of sitting here stone-faced. Things were okay. Why are you breaking up with me—"
"Why am I breaking up with you?" He barks a laugh. "Baby, I found this outside on your furnace! I'm not going to beg for you to stay, but what the hell is this?"
Your forehead furrows. "What? I wouldn't."
"If it's not yours and it's not mine, then whose is it?"
"I don't know! Alex, I wouldn't—I never even thought about breaking up," you insist. "Why would I lie about that?"
After scrutinizing your stricken expression, his relief comes in waves. He sinks into your couch, hands rubbing at his face.
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, just—" He laughs again, the sound mostly air. "Yoba, that scared me. If someone left this here as a prank, I'm hunting them down tonight." He lifts his head to look at you and opens his arms. "Can you come over here?"
You wrinkle your nose. "I'm gross."
"You could be playing in mud with your pigs, and I'd still jump in."
With a roll of your eyes, you hop over to curl into his side and he buries his face in the crook of your neck. You stink, but so does he after a good workout. Now that he thinks about it, he's still in his gym clothes.
"You scared me, too," you tell him, gaze trained on the table. "Not the best thing to see on a Friday afternoon. But now I want to know whose this is. Did you check it for clues?"
"Didn't bother. Thought it was yours." His arm around your waist tightens as you lean forward. "Does it matter?"
But that doesn't stop you. You have the bouquet in your lap now, prying at the blackened ribbon and wrapping. "Look at this," you say, holding it between two fingers. "The ribbon isn't blue, and Pierre always uses blue. The wrap is pretty much disintegrated, but this corner—he always puts his store brand." You suck in a breath. "Oh, duh! Where did you say you found this?"
"The furnaces right outside by the workbench."
"Okay, so mystery solved. This is mine, but not in the way you think."
He raises an eyebrow. "Explain. Don't say you're breaking up with a secret partner because I don't think I can handle a second shock right now."
"I made a wildflower bouquet to put on Grandpa's grave a few days ago, but I totally forgot where I put it, so I made a second one. This one must've been the one I misplaced."
He blinks. "How the hell did you not notice it since?"
"I came back from Ginger Island yesterday and went to sleep right after dinner! The flowers must've wilted from the furnace heat."
"You," he says slowly, pinching your cheek and ignoring your squeak, "are the absolute worst. I can't believe you nearly broke my heart and it turned out to be a whoopsie."
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sadability · 3 months
Roblox Games I think the brothers would play lol (except I don't know any modern games)
I think he would only play if you absolutely begged him to join you. Maybe he'd enjoy something like Kat, Car Crushers, Arsenal or Apocalypse Rising?
Cat simulator, cat tycoon, pet shop simula- okay no seriously I think he'd like Murder Mystery, Roblox Total Drama Island, Survivor (I think that game got deleted though sigh) or Bloxburg. I can see him building houses.
Fashion Frenzy/Famous, Roblox Top Model, scented cons, RoBeats, Club Tesla (I don't think thwt exist anymore) and Bakers Valley. Just imagine him and you making little cakes all day lol. I think he would really like rhythm games like RoBeats ever since Solomon showed him them.
Speed Run 4, Build A Boat for Treasure, any of those anime games, Blox Fruits, Pokemon Brick Bronze (r.i.p) I think he'd like the competition and would def have gamer rage.
Get Eaten, Get Crushed by a Speeding Wall, Plays Bakers Valley with Asmo, Work at A Pizza Place, Superhero Tycoon and Bee Swarm Simulator. I don't even know how to explain these it just makes so much sense to me lol
Another Bee Swarm Sim and Work at a Pizza Place player, Simon Says, Meeo City but he just likes fishing and house decorating, Car Crushers, Would You Rather. Saw Lucifer playing car Crushers and that's how he found out what Roblox was. I think he'd like a variety of games though.
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wilwheaton · 2 years
Quark's Wesley Crusher drink is over ice, virgin, and probably good for you and caffeinated. It doesn't have to have the three color fruit stripe of his classic top, but it could. Raspberry, mango, and blue raspberry syrups (with ginger and caffeine infused throughout) topped with tonic water.
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Yeah, that'll do.
Hahahaha oh yeah, it's like 147% caffeine for sure.
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sukunasweetheart · 1 year
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJWBATD5/ this is sukuna fr
body type and professional fruit crusher
just imagine this man picking an apple, wiping it clean and crushing it to share it with you 😭
This is so attractive to me uhm 🫠🫠🫠🫠 bro this man flexes on you purposefully...
"Uh, can you crush me like that too?"
he'd probably snort at you in ridicule. You think you could survive that?
"I can sure as hell try, sweetheart. The real question is: Would you be able to handle me?"
He has such a devilish smirk on his face and you can't help but feel a little faint at the idea of being squeezed tightly by those muscles.
He later puts you into a headlock promptly and watches as you enjoy yourself a little too much. It leads to more as he then rough houses you in bed and bends your body in more ways than u thought possible
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And then probably lays on top of u with his full body weight as per your request 💗
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Y'all Hate Teens Tourney Bracket
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(Bracket updated through Round 2c)
76 teens who are unfairly treated by the fandom for being teens. Who has it worst?
We tried our best with the matches, but sifting through several unique submissions does get to us... We apologize for any unfavorable matchups.
Please let us know of any name corrections. For Japanese names in particular, we denote long vowels and put given name first.
No guarantees on when the tourney starts, but we'll try to get it started within a week. We'll start by setting up the propaganda posts, which will be separate from the poll posts this time around.
Round 1 and 2 matchups under the cut. Color-coded schedule here; undescribed. Note that the listed order is not the same as the schedule.
Round 1
Alicent Hightower (House of the Dragon) vs. Abigail Hobbs (Hannibal)
Amy "Panacea" Dallon (Parahumans (Worm/Ward)) vs. Orihime Inoue (Bleach)
Lady Kenna (Reign) vs. Lisa "Tattletale" Wilbourn (Parahumans (Worm/Ward))
Kokichi Ouma (Danganronpa V3) vs. Scott McCall (Teen Wolf (MTV))
Daphne Blake (Scooby-Doo) vs. Sophie Foster (Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Breezepaw (Warrior Cats) vs. Winter (Wings of Fire)
Gamzee Makara (Homestuck) vs. Yanqing (Honkai Star Rail)
Vriska Serket (Homestuck) vs. Haru (Beastars)
Dirk Strider (Homestuck) vs. Xander Harris (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Wednesday Addams (Wednesday (Netflix)) vs. Sylvester Ashling (Epithet Erased)
Yukine (Noragami) vs. Sayaka Miki (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)
Yukio Okumura (Blue Exorcist) vs. Soyo Nagasaki (Bang Dream! Girls Band Party!)
Round 2
Dawn Summers (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) vs *1
Marcy Wu (Amphibia) vs. Fatespeaker (Wings of Fire)
Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones) vs. Charlotte Pudding (One Piece)
Olly (Game of Thrones) vs. Penny Carson (Bojack Horseman)
Azula (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs. *2
Mai (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs. Peril (Wings of Fire)
Katara (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs. *3
Steven Universe (Steven Universe) vs. Gohan (Dragon Ball Z)
Adrien Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) vs. *4
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug) vs. Sakura Haruno (Naruto)
Muu Kusunoki (MILGRAM) vs. Misa Amane (Death Note)
Chloé Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug) vs. Candace Flynn (Phineas and Ferb)
April O'Neil (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012)) vs. *5
Gwen Stacy (Spider-Man : Into the Spider-verse) vs. Dovepaw (Warrior Cats)
Damian Wayne (DC) vs. *6
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) vs. Kyuusaku Yumeno (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Shinji Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs. *7
Shuuji Kayama (Digimon) vs. Gon Freecs (Hunter x Hunter)
Asuka Langley Sohryu (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs. Youko Nakajima (The Twelve Kingdoms)
Rei Ayanami (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs. Uzi Doorman (Murder Drones)
Akito Shinonome (Project Sekai) vs. *8
Ena Shinonome (Project Sekai) vs. Mafuyu Asahina (Project Sekai)
Katsuki Bakugou (My Hero Academia) vs. *9
Yuuma Tsukumo (Yu-Gi-Oh) vs. Megumi Fushiguro (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Wesley Crusher (Star Trek: The Next Generation) vs. *10
Ezra Bridger (Star Wars: Rebels) vs. Theresa "Scary" Marlowe (Dungeons and Daddies)
Hope Estheim (Final Fantasy XIII) vs. Tohru Honda (Fruit Basket)
Severa (Fire Emblem) vs. Taimi (Guild Wars 2)
Yukari Takeba (Persona 3) vs. *11
Rise Kujikawa (Persona 4) vs. Kotone Shiomi (Persona 3 Portable)
Goro Akechi (Persona 5) vs. *12
Yuuki Mishima (Persona 5) vs. Makoto Niijima (Persona 5)
Phew, that was a lot.
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thedaily-beer · 28 days
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Beachwood x A Lost Cause Party Crusher IPA (Picked up at Windmill Farms). A 3 of 4. A nice West Coast IPA that delivers the hop profile you'd expect on a lighter, clean body. Lots of orange citrus, tropical fruit, and just a touch of pine in the background, and a body that drinks super easily and carries some moderate bitterness towards the finish.
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nintendocafe · 1 year
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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - amiibo rewards
8-Bit Link - https://amzn.to/439w0pN
Treasures: Pixel Paraglider Fabric, Cap of the Hero, Tunic of the Hero, Trousers of the Hero, and Sword of the Hero.
Other Drops: Knight’s Broadsword (Tarnished or Untarnished), Soldier’s Shield, Knight’s Shield, Arrows, and Barrels.
Breath of the Wild Archer Link - https://amzn.to/437l24i
Treasures: Tunic of Memories Paraglider Fabric and Ancient Blade.
Other Drops: Knight’s Bow, Soldier’s Bow, Assorted Meat and Assorted Fish.
Breath of the Wild Bokoblin - https://amzn.to/3WuQ2bM
Treasures: Bokoblin Paraglider Fabric.
Other Drops: Boko Bow, Spiked Boko Bow, Boko Shield, Spiked Boko Shield, Bokoblin Guts, and Assorted Meat.
Breath of the Wild Daruk - https://amzn.to/3Mzt12K
Treasures: Goron Champion Paraglider Fabric, and Vah Rudania Divine Helm.
Other Drops: Cobble Crusher and Assorted Gems.
Breath of the Wild Guardian - https://amzn.to/3oBO64F
Treasures: Ancient Sheikah Paraglider Fabric and Ancient Blade.
Other Drops: Rusty Broadsword, Rusty Claymore, Rusty Halberd, Arrows, and Iron Boxes of Materials.
Breath of the Wild Mipha - https://amzn.to/3IFMyxA
Treasures: Zora Champion Paraglider Fabric and Vah Ruta Divine Helm.
Other Drops: Zora Spear and Assorted Fish.
Breath of the Wild Revali - https://amzn.to/422SnMo
Treasures: Rito Champion Paraglider Fabric and Vah Medoh Divine Helm.
Other Drops: Falcon Bow, Swallow Bow, Arrows, and Assorted Herbs.
Breath of the Wild Rider Link - https://amzn.to/3qcnOGx
Treasures: Hylian-Hood Paraglider Fabric.
Other Drops: Soldier’s Broadsword (Tarnished or Untarnished), Arrows, and Assorted Mushrooms (Including Hearty Truffles).
Breath of the Wild Urbosa - https://amzn.to/437fx5u
Treasures: Gerudo Champion Paraglider Fabric and Vah Naboris Divine Helm.
Other Drops: Gerudo Scimitar (Tarnished or Untarnished) and Assorted Meat.
Breath of the Wild Zelda - https://amzn.to/3MvSFpa
Treasures: Hyrule Princess Paraglider Fabric.
Other Drops: Knight’s Shield, Soldier’s Shield, Assorted Gems, and Assorted Herbs.
Majora’s Mask Link - https://amzn.to/43lEpGk
Treasures: Majora’s Mask Paraglider Fabric, Fierce Deity Mask, Fierce Deity Armor, Fierce Deity Boots, and Fierce Deity Sword (Complete Fierce Deity Set is possible).
Other Drops: Knight’s Broadsword (Tarnished or Untarnished) and Assorted Mushrooms (Including Hearty Truffles).
Ocarina of Time Link - https://amzn.to/43H8C31
Treasures: Lon Lon Ranch Paraglider Fabric, Cap of Time, Tunic of Time, Trousers of Time, and Biggoron Sword.
Other Drops: Soldier’s Claymore (Tarnished or Untarnished), Arrows, and Assorted Meat.
Skyward Sword Link - https://amzn.to/3IDkWZK
Treasures: Sword-Spirit Paraglider Fabric, Cap of the Sky, Tunic of the Sky, Trousers of the Sky, and White Sword of the Sky.
Other Drops: Knight’s Broadsword (Tarnished or Untarnished), Knight’s Shield, Soldier’s Shield, Arrows, and Wooden Boxes of Materials.
Super Smash Bros. Ganondorf - https://amzn.to/3IFPb2h
Treasures: Demon King Fabric and Dusk Claymore.
Other Drops: Explosive Barrels, Gerudo Claymore, Bokoblin Guts, Assorted Gems, and Assorted Meats.
Super Smash Bros. Link - https://amzn.to/3okJwYI
Treasures: Mirror of Twilght Paraglider Fabric, Epona Horse, Cap of Twilight, Tunic of Twilight, and Trousers of Twilight.
Other Drops: Knight’s Broadsword (Tarnished or Untarnished), Soldier’s Shield, Assorted Fruits and Nuts.
Super Smash Bros. Sheik - https://amzn.to/3OzdiDF
Treasures: Sheik Paraglider Fabric and Sheik’s Mask.
Other Drops: Eightfold Blade (Tarnished or Untarnished), Shield of the Mind’s Eye, Phrenic Bow, Arrows, and Assorted Mushrooms (Including Hearty Truffles).
Super Smash Bros. Toon Link - https://amzn.to/425As7u
Treasures: King of Red Lions Paraglider Fabric, Cap of the Wind, Tunic of Wind, Trousers of the Wind, Sea Breeze Shield, and Sea Breeze Boomerang.
Other Drops: Boomerang (Tarnished or Untarnished), Knight’s Broadsword (Tarnished or Untarnished), Arrows, and Assorted Fish.
Super Smash Bros. Young Link - https://amzn.to/43qMF7W
Treasures: Lon Lon Ranch Paraglider Fabric, Cap of Time, Tunic of Time, Trousers of Time, and Biggoron Sword.
Other Drops: Soldier’s Claymore (Tarnished or Untarnished), Arrows, and Assorted Meat.
Super Smash Bros. Zelda - https://amzn.to/422SQy8
Treasures: Princess of Twilight Paraglider Fabric and Dusk Bow.
Other Drops: Soldier’s Bow, Knight’s Bow, Assorted Gems, and Assorted Herbs.
Tears of the Kingdom Link - https://amzn.to/3MTKapb
Treasures: Champion’s Leathers Paraglider Skin.
Other Drops: Knight’s Broadsword (Tarnished or Untarnished) and Assorted Mushrooms (Including Hearty Truffles).
Twilight Princess Link - https://amzn.to/3MxXAG7
Treasures: Mirror of Twilght Paraglider Fabric, Epona Horse, Cap of Twilight, Tunic of Twilight, and Trousers of Twilight.
Other Drops: Knight’s Broadsword (Tarnished or Untarnished), Soldier’s Shield, Assorted Fruits and Nuts.
Wind Waker Toon Link - https://amzn.to/3IFmt1o
Treasures: King of Red Lions Paraglider Fabric, Cap of the Wind, Tunic of Wind, Trousers of the Wind, Sea Breeze Shield, and Sea Breeze Boomerang.
Other Drops: Boomerang (Tarnished or Untarnished), Knight’s Broadsword (Tarnished or Untarnished), Arrows, and Assorted Fish.
Wind Waker Toon Zelda - https://amzn.to/424Apcj
Treasures: Bygone Royal Paraglider Fabric and Sea Breeze Shield.
Other Drops: Soldier’s Shield, Knight’s Shield, Assorted Gems, and Assorted Herbs.
Wolf Link - https://amzn.to/41Zz6LP
Treasures: Mirror of Twilight Paraglider Fabric.
Other Drops: Assorted Meat.
Zelda and her Loftwing - https://amzn.to/3otdg5E
Treasures: Goddess Paraglider Fabric.
Other Drops: Soldier’s Bow, Knight’s Bow, Assorted Gems, and Assorted Herbs.
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spider-jaysart · 5 months
Damian Wayne
1. sexuality headcanon
Demipan, since I feel it fits him and his character
5. first headcanon that pops into my head
During a late night investigation in a dumpster alley looking for clues with Bruce, which are related to an important case, Damian heard some meowing sounds nearby. He literally zoned out while Bruce, who had his back turned at the moment, was in the middle of talking to him about what he had found and then ran off to go find out where the noise was coming from and after some looking, he found an orange kitty inside a dumpster drowing between some heavy trash bags while also desperately trying to climb over them. She didn't look like she had anyone to care for her, especially with how dirtied her fur seemed, so he quickly scooped up the poor baby in his arms while feeling bad for her, and ran back to where Bruce was. Bruce thought he actually went missing for a second and was almost worried, but then saw Damian happily running out of a random corner with the little animal. They weren't done with their mission yet, so Bruce tried telling him that bringing her with them would just endanger her and then Damian was defensively like "Father, don't be so cruel! She's lonely and needs someone trusted to take care of her and keep her safe right now, she can't be left alone like this again and I won't let her be either." Bruce wasn't sure how to respond to that since it was true and cause he could also see how stubborn Damian was already being about it, so he just gave in and let him take her along lol. Damian then kept her sitting nicely inside the hood of his cape for the rest of the night and instantly named her Clementine because of her orange fur reminding him of it and also because they're his favorite fruit. After a while of living in the Manor, she has become like the baby in the group of Damian's pets and is like a little sister to Alfred the cat, who adores having her by his side
8. thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Nothing at all. I can only get that way whenever he's being written ooc by comic writers who don't understand him or ones who purposely don't wanna do him right due to personal dislike, which happens a lot, and I hate seeing it. The recent comics with the Zur situation going on and certain things from the Batman and Robin 2023 series are good examples of this, but aside from this annoying issue, there's nothing about his actual character that bothers me like this
9. cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Problematic fave, but he's MY cinnamon roll dang it!!!💖😤
Thank you for the ask, crusher!!
If you got anymore asks for the game or even outside of it if you want instead, feel free to send them in :)
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annashadowstar · 11 months
Danny, Mirage, and Annesa Felizima-@capturecharlesau Amelia Copperbottom -@androidcharles
Cameron Calvin -@rarestdoge
Accordion and Violin -@bluetorchsky
Crusher, Jay, Scottie, and Ulle -@jaytoons7
Nicole -@lovelygirlnicole15
Chapter 2: Shopping
Morning has come, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and a beautiful day outside should not be a waste. Mirage slowly wakes up from his dreamless sleep. He slowly sits up and makes a big stretch and a jaw-cracking yawn. He then got out of bed and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. After washing his face, he returned to his bedroom and saw three feathers. Two next to his bed and one next to his pillow. Oh yeah. He had to tell the others what he had found out yesterday.
Mirage went downstairs to eat breakfast. Maybe some peaceful coffee will help with his sleepiness- “WHO THE HELL TOKE ALL THE FOOD IN THE FRIDGE?!” Never mind. Mirage walked into the kitchen and saw Amelia, Annesa, and Crusher, around the table, while Danny was looking around the fridge. “What’s wrong, bro?” Danny turns to Mirage. “Someone took all the food in the fridge and only left a few bacon, eggs, and some bread. Oh, and a half bottle of milk.” Danny then slams the fidget and sits down, pitching the bridge of his nose. Oh boy, it’s only 8 in the morning and they have to deal with this?! It’s too early. Way too early
“I mean, we could make some sandwiches for breakfast. Not the best but it will fill our tummy.” Mirage points out. Danny look up at Mirage, annoyed. “Yeah, but what about lunch and dinner? We can’t just have one meal a day!” Amelia then speaks. “There is a store nearby. We can maybe buy some food for ourselves. Or we can ask the others since they all live next to us.” Crusher then smiles. “Alright. Then let’s cook some breakfast.” Crusher stands up, opens the fridge, and took everything out. “And whoever stole our food, they will pay for it.” Oh ho, Danny is mad and their food thief is gonna have karmas.
Mirage walks up to the cell phone and begins to call Accordion or Violin. Amelia stands beside him. The phone rings once, then twice, and then… “Hello?” Cameron answered the phone. Oh boy. “Who is it?” Amelia asked, curious. “Hey, isn’t that father’s least favorite child?” Cameron asks, trying to start a fight. Amelia looks like she’s gonna snap that cell phone and scream at Cameron. Fortunately, Mirage stopped them before they got further. “Hey, Cam. Could you get Accordion or Violin on the phone?”
“Ok.” Cameron seemed like he was taking a deep breath and then. “ ACCORDION!!! VIOLIN!!! MIRAGE IS CALLING YOU!!!” Damn, his ears are gonna bleed. Someone took the phone from Cameron after a ‘thank you’ and answered the phone. “Hi, Mirage. This is Violin. Do you need something?” Violin ask. “Well, this morning, someone stole our food from the fridge and we were wondering if we could borrow some of your food for today. We will pay you guys back.”
”Oh… it happened to you too?” Mirage raises one of his eyes brows. “What do you mean?” Violin sign. “This morning, when Brutus woke up, he told us someone stole all the food and kept some fruits and bagels. Jay also called us and has the same problems.” Violin explains. Mirage and Amelia look at each other and back to the phone. “Ok. Thank you for telling us. Seems like we need to go shopping. All of us.” Violin chuckles. “Yeah. I will tell the others. See you soon.”
“Ok, bye.” Mirage hung up and walked back to the kitchen with Amelia. Danny, Crusher, and Annesa had already started eating. “So, how’s it went?” Crusher asked, taking a bite of his food. “Violin says they all have the same problems as ours. And so is Jay and the others.” Danny sigh. “Seems like we need to go shopping. Alright, get ready after breakfast. Mirage, Amelia, come and eat. Your sandwich is getting cold.” Mirage and Amelia quickly take a seat and start eating their breakfast. After they finished, Danny took the plates and began to wash them while Mirage and everyone else went upstairs to change their clothes. After Mirage finished, he took a look at the feathers and picked up the yellow one only before heading downstairs.
“Guys. Need to talk to you all for something.” Everyone turns to Mirage, listening. “Remember the feather from yesterday?” Everyone nods. “Well, those feathers, I believe belong to hybrids. This one just glows when I’m heading to sleep.” Annesa took out her sketchbook and started writing. ‘You sure you’re not seeing things?’ Mirage chuckles and pats Annesa's head. “I’m sure.”
“Ok, so we know that those feathers belong to magical hybrids. But do you know where they are?” Mirage glares at Crusher. “You think I got any ideas?”
“You’re the only one who has all those feathers in your room. Who else we’re gonna ask?” Damn, he got a good point. “Plus, why did you only bring the yellow one, and not the blue and aqua-green one?” Crusher points out. “Because this is the only feather that glows,” Mirage answered, getting annoyed. “I think that’s enough.” Everyone looks at Danny. “We need to get ready and go shopping. I know is a bit early but whoever this ‘Food thief’ is, we will have to deal with them later.” Danny stops his brother and his lover before they get into a fight. He really hopes they will get along in the future. After they were already, Danny, Annesa, Mirage, Crusher, and Amelia went outside of their house and wait for the others to come so they can all went to shopping. And it’s already 12:00 PM.
Mirage brought the feather with him, telling everyone else what he had found out. Once everyone was here, Mirage rejoined the group. "Damn, Violin. You got a long list!" Jay points at Violin's list, which is like 4 pages long. "Hey, you never know when to go shopping again. Plus, just in case! Anyways, Mirage. I notice you have a yellow feather. I do feel some magic from them. Where did you get that?" Violin ask, pointing at Mirage's feather.
"Oh, I was about to tell you guys. So yesterday, Amelia and I found three feathers. This one and the other two are in my room. A hybrid left those." Mirage explains. "Ok... Let's go shopping." Jay request. Everyone starts going shopping for more food and clothes. They were separated into 6 groups with two people each. Accordion with Amelia. Violin with Scottie. Danny with Annesa. Brutus was lucky to be teamed with his lover, Brutus. Ulle with Nicole. And a piece of bad news for Mirage, he's teaming up with Crusher. And it was Danny's idea.
"Why the heck do you let me team up with HIM?!" Danny looks at Mirage and sighs. "I want you guys to get along."
"Alone with HIM?! You know what he-" Danny cut him off. "I know what he did to you was unfair but it's in the past now, Mirage. You can't keep getting mad at him." Mirage groan. Really didn't agree to this. "Can you do it for me?" Mirage looks at Danny for a while then sighs. "OK, fine. Only for you." Danny smiles. "Ok, Let's see." Everyone turns to Scottie. "The most important thing we need right now is food. Who's gonna get what?"
"How about two groups get vegetables, the other two groups get meats, and the last two groups get everything else? That way, it will be faster." Ulle points out, giving a suggestion. Everyone agrees. "Here's a list." Accordion hands everyone a list of what they need. Mirage and Crusher look at their list. They need to get some eggs, milk, some bread, and some fish. "OK, let's get going! Meet up here when you're all done shopping. And if you're here early, you can go and buy yourself something. See ya all later!" Everyone went to get what they needed, while Mirage and Crusher just stood there. Both of them look at each other and back to the list.
“So… what should we get first?” Crusher asked. Mirage groan. Out of everyone, he’s teamed up with this guy. “Eggs,” Mirage answered with a single word and started walking to the food store. He’s wondering what’s the other groups up to.
Ulle and Nicole start with some carrots. They then walk past a pet store. “Oooh, can we see some pets? Maybe some Sugar Gliders?” Nicole ask. “Aren’t you a sugar glider hybrid?” Ulle ask. “We can come back after we finish our tasks in hand.”
“Please~ It won’t take too long.” Nicole gives her puppy eyes. Ulle sweat drops and sighs. “Fine… only for a few minutes.” The next thing Ulle knew, Nicole already running toward the pet store. “H-Hey! WAIT UP!!!” Ulle follows her.
Brutus and Cameron were holding hands with two bags. One is full of some tomatoes and the other is filled with fruits. “The next thing we need to get is meat.” Brutus read from the list. “Come on, love.” Cameron sigh. He wants to feel Brutus’s feathers. “After the meat, what is the last thing on the list?” Cameron asked, tired. “We will need to buy some bagels. That’s all.” Cameron stood up straight as both of them entered the meat store.
“Wait… what kind of meat do we need to get?” Cameron asked, wanting to double-check. “Um…” Brutus goes back to the list and sweat drops. “… If I told you, promise me you won’t run away?” Cameron raises his eye brow. “I… promise?” Brutus sigh. “It’s goose meat.” Cameron froze. “NOPE NOPE NOPE!!!” He quickly turns around to exit the store but Brutus grabs the back of his shirt. “Hey! You made a promise!”
“I know it’s scary for you but they’re dead! They can’t chase you or do anything to you!”
Cameron thinks for a second before groans. “Fine!!!! But I’m not going near it.” Brutus closes his eyes and smiles. “Fine by me. Let’s go.” Cameron and Brutus walk deeper into the store, looking for what they want. Cameron is regretting this.
Amelia is hopping around while Accordion follows behind. They already have some tools they might need. “What else is on the list?” Amelia asked Accordion, as he took a look at the list. “Well, we still need some body wash and that’s pretty much all.” Amelia hum and continue to walk. “How do you think the others are doing?” Amelia asked. “Well, I’m pretty sure everyone was doing great. But as for Mirage and Crusher, is another story.” Accordion comments, sweat drops when the first time they see each other again. It wasn’t pretty.
“Have you bought any baby clothes?” Accordion turns his attention back to Amelia. “Oh, yeah. We’re having twins. I’m pretty sure they are a mix hybrid of a lion and a deer. Why did you ask?” Amelia awkwardly points to a toy store. Accordion looks at where she’s pointing at and chuckles. “Yeah, we can buy some toys for the baby and for you.”
Violin and Scottie had finished everything on their checklist, which was surprisingly fast. "So now we're all finished with the checklist, now what?" Scottie asked, clearly bored. "Now we wait for the others to show up. They wouldn't take too long." Violin answered, rubbing his stomach. Scottie saw a store that contained pots, dishes, and other kitchen stuff. Scottie wants to take a look and maybe buy some stuff for cooking. "I'm gonna go and take a look at that store over there." Scottie stands up as Violin does the same. "Ok, then. Let's-"
"No, you're staying here." Violin looks at Scottie, confused. "Look, I appreciate that you and Accordion had been taking good care of me as your child, but you're now carrying two babies. I can't let you move around too much." Scottie points out. Violin looks at Scottie and smiles. "Ok. I will stay here and watch over the bags. Be careful." Scottie gives him a thumbs-up and begins walk toward to the store.
Danny and Annesa were in a kitchen-related store, picking some stuff to use for the kitchen. Danny feels Annesa tug on his shirt and looks down. 'Are you sure is a good idea for Mirage and Crusher to stay together for this long? What happens if they start a fight again?' Danny sighed and put the pot in his hand back to where it belonged. "I know it sounds like a bad idea," Annesa crossed her arms. "Ok, It's a horrible idea. But they can't be mad at each other forever. I bet you don't want your big brother to get hurt too, right?"
Annesa could only sigh and nod her head. "Danny?" Danny heard someone familiar and turned around to face Scottie. "Oh, hi Scottie. What brings you here?" Scottie didn't say anything and pointed at the sign, which said 'Open For Any Kitchen Supplies'. "Oh. Where is Violin? I thought you were teamed with him." Again, Scottie points outside of the store, showing a figure outside, sitting and watching over the bags. "Oh..." Danny now has nothing to say. "Have you finished all your checklist?" Scottie asks, to which Danny nods.
"Hi dear! Why are you here by yourself?" Danny, Scottie, and Annesa looked outside and saw everyone was coming back. Everyone but Crusher and Mirage. Oh no... where are they?
Mirage and Crusher were holding bags, ready to finish the final thing on the checklist, bread. Once they entered, all of them sweat drops. There's a lot, like a LOT, different types of bread. There's Chinses bread, Indian Bread, and so on. It feels like all the bread in this world is here! "Um... what type of bread they want us to bye?" Crusher asked, not sign up for this.
"I guess... The classic one?" Mirage answered. "Just... grab whatever you think we will eat for the morning." Mirage then walked off, leaving Crusher standing there and going to the separate side. Mirage looks around and everything he sees is bread. This is gonna give him a headache. "Oh, mio Dio!! You know what, I'm just gonna grab a toast." Mirage went and grabbed, like, 9 bags of toast bags and rushing out, but was stop by someone.
"Sir? Are you buying all of those?" Mirage turns and oh boy, this girl is filled with makeup. "Um... yes... I am?"
"No, you're not. I was about to buy those." The girl tries to snatch it but Mirage quickly moves away. "Girl. there are still 21 bags of toast over there. You could grab those."
"SHUT UP AND GIVE ME THOSE BREAD!" A Karen. Just the perfect thing to ruin this. "Look, piccola ragazza. Like I said. There. Is. Still. 20. Bag. Of. Toast. Go get your own." The Karen seems like she's gonna slap his and guess what? She raised her hand and before she could slap him, a bag full of bread hit her right in the face. Danny turn around and saw Crusher walking over. "You know it's wrong to hit a stranger?" Oh, you're the one to talk...
The Karen look at Crusher from head to toe and smile. "Well, hi, handsome. How are you doing? You know you make my day when I see your pretty face?"(I actually want to throw up when I'm writing this.) Crusher looks like he wants to throw up. "Um... I'm sorry miss. But I'm taken." The girl walks over to Crusher. "Oh? Then how about breaking up with her and dating me instead?" Crusher moves away. "Miss, personal space please. And no, I'm not breaking up with my Husband."
"Your HUSBAND?! EW!! YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY BREAK UP!! YOU'RE A GUY AND DATING WITH OTHER BOYS IS DISGUSTING! YOU'RE STUPID HUSBAND MUST BE SO UNLUCKY TO HAVE SOMEONE LIKE YOU-" OK, now she had crossed the line. Mirage walks up to her and grabs the back of her dress, making her face him.
"EW!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! LET Go of..." Mirage's eyes are glowing in grayish white.
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"I don't care how much people trash talk about me. But if I ever heard anyone trash talk about my brother or his husband, I will make sure you will never see tomorrow’s daylight ever again..." Crusher was just standing there, surprised. Yes, he had seen Mirage mad before, but never THIS mad. The Karen got so scared and ran away after Mirage let go. Mirage’s eyes slowly got back to normal. “Let’s go and pay for those and go back to the group. They’re probably waiting.” Crusher didn’t say anything but follow him.
After they paid, Crusher was think about what just happened. Did Mirage just stand up for him? He was in defense mode for a spare second. “Hey… thanks for defending me back there.” Mirage didn’t say anything, still was a bit angry and annoyed. Once they rejoin the group, Danny and Annesa rush to Mirage, to check on him. “Are you ok? Annesa and I feel that!”
“Feel what?” Mirage asked, acting like he didn’t know anything. “You know what I’m talking about! And you’re voice is filled with anger. Tell me what happened?” Mirage didn’t say anything, didn’t want to remind him what happened. Danny turned to Crusher, hoping he could get some answer from him. “Well, a Karen happened and let’s just say it didn’t go so well.” That’s all Danny needed. All of them went home and grabbed the stuff they needed. Mirage quickly sits down on the couch and rubs his face. Accordion came over and ordered a glass of water. Mirage took it.
Crusher walks over and sits next to Mirage. He knew Mirage hated him but whatever happened back there was pretty… scary… “So… Danny and Scottie were in the kitchen, cooking some for us to eat.” They are staying in Accordion for dinner tonight. Mirage just nods. “… Um… I said this once but I will say it again, thank you for defending us. Me and Danny.” Mirage didn’t say anything. Crusher lay back. “So… I never have siblings before. How do you and your sibling's hybrids form work?” Crusher asked, trying to come up with a conversation. Mirage sigh. “Don’t you have anything better to do?” Mirage asked, don’t want to talk with anyone. “Oh, come on. You clearly need someone to talk with. Plus, everyone is pretty busy, if you ask me.” Mirage looks around the house and sure enough, everyone is busy.
“Fine. Sibling hybrids were bonded to be together. It didn’t matter what type of hybrid you are, as long as you’re a sibling or a family member, you could always share your magic.” Mirage answered his question.
“And if other hybrids don’t have magic?”
“Then you share them your strength. I don’t have magic but I share my strength with my siblings. Any other question?” Mirage asked, clearly wanting to be alone. “Well, back in the mall, Danny and Annesa ran straight toward you after we got back. Mind tell me what’s that about?” Oh boy. How does he explain this to him? Let’s see… “You know how dangerous the defend mode will be if we can’t control it?” Crusher nods and gives him a thumbs-up.
“Hybrids who can’t control their defense mode will be taken over by their anger. Like an evil side of you takes control. The only way to stop it is when your loved one is near you to comfort you. It doesn't matter if it is your family or friends. Mine is Danny and Annesa." Mirage finally finished explaining as Crusher hums. Since he has no siblings, he could bet Danny is the one to comfort him if he is in his defense mode. "OK, everyone! It's time to eat!!!" Scottie yelled from the kitchen as Crusher and Mirage stood up, walked into the kitchen, and started eating. Cameron and Amelia start fighting again and Scottie is the one who shuts them down again. Amelia almost, ALMOST, started a food fight.
After eating, everyone starts heading back to their home. Once Amelia opened the door, Danny made a beeline to the kitchen and put away the stuff in the fridge. Mirage and everyone else start heading to the bathroom and take a shower, calling it for the day. Once Mirage was ready to sleep, he saw a glow in his pocket. He walked over and took out the yellow feather. Surprisingly it wasn't ruined since it has been in his pocket for a day. Mirage completely forgot about the feather. He then turn back to other two feather, which didn't show any sign of glowing.
Mirage sighed again and put the yellow feather near his pillow again. The light yellow reminds him of Danny when he uses his magic. Mirage turns and faces the ceiling. 'Today is a tiring day.' Mirage heard a knock on his door. "Come in!" Danny opens the door and closes it, sitting at the end of Mirage's bed. "What's wrong?" Mirage asks. "I just want to talk about what happened during the mall. Crusher told me everything." Mirage feel himself froze a bit.
"Mirage, I know I wasn't there but whatever that lady said or did, don't think too much about it."
"No, I don't want to hear it. Whatever happened is not your fault. I don't want you to think too much about it." Mirage didn't say anything and moved toward Danny and hugged him. "Danny, fratellino, After our father and mother passed away, you had been taking care of us for so long. But please, don't over work yourself or put too much stress on you. It won't be healthy for your health." Danny touched and hugged Mirage back. "I will try..."
"Aww... Cute and whatever. Can we now sleep?" Danny's cures asked. 'Shut up and let us enjoy this moment.' Mirage and Danny continue to hug each other and finally let go after 2 minutes. Danny then saw the yellow feather next to Mirage's pillow and the other two were on a table beside his bed. "Um... should I be asking why do you put that feather next to your pillow?"
"Why not?"
Danny didn't say anything but chuckles. "OK, whatever. Let's go to sleep. It's getting late." Danny stood up and went back to his and Crusher's room. "Night." Mirage waves and lay back down to bed, slowly falling asleep.
First Next
This is chapter 2 of my 'Hybrid Au' story. I hope you guys enjoy this. If you have any questions, ask right away! Fanart accepted!
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ainyan · 5 months
10 characters/10 fandoms/10 tags
Tagged by: @paintedscales
Tagging: Anyone who wants to play! Ten of you, to be exact!
1. Thancred Waters - Final Fantasy XIV
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2. Kaidan Alenko - Mass Effect
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3. Cullen Rutherford - Dragon Age
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4. Theron Shan - Star Wars: The Old Republic (Legends)
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5. Matrim Cauthon - Wheel of Time
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6. General Leia Organa Solo - Star Wars (Canon)
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(Mood, your highness)
7. Doctor Beverly Crusher - Star Trek
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8. Kyo Sohma - Fruits Basket
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9. Annabeth Chase - Percy Jackson and the Olympians
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10. Buffy Summers - Buffy the Vampire Slayer
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(More moods)
Thank you for the tag!
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queenburd · 1 year
okay that post already has 3 votes for “one now, one later” so here’s part one of “the narrator is taking forever on this surprise”
warning for some existentialism, spiraling thoughts. this is a heavier chapter overall, confronting issues of putting your own needs aside for other people. there are references to my Zending fic as well.
i genuinely can’t think of a catchy title for this one. i’ll figure it out when it goes on ao3.
Stanley is feeling… unhappy. No, out of sorts. Upset?
It’s complicated.
His narrator hums gently as the protagonist folds his elbows onto his desk and rests his head on his forearms. “Stanley? Anything I can do?”
No. No, he doesn’t think so. He can’t even necessarily place what’s wrong. He’s just come back from the Museum, after quietly sitting in the small dark room with the narrator’s voice, and the room with emails flicking by.
(He’s done that ending loads of times. Every time he tries to tell the narrator about it, the fellow expresses confusion. He knows Stanley isn’t lying, he’s even taken a peek at the memories with Stanley’s consent, but try as he might he can’t find its map or codes. It’s another mystery of the parable.)
“You always seem a little, well, morose after we reset from that ending. Is—is it the crusher? Because, I would change it, if I didn’t worry it would make that aspect of the game inaccessible to you. I don’t know if it would figure out how to compensate. Sorry.”
No. It’s not the crusher. Stanley’s died in plenty of ways, all fairly quick and painless. The crusher isn’t the problem.
The narrator is quiet. There’s the strange sound of fingers fidgeting on a desk. He has such fascinating sound cues, for not having a form.
“I—if you figure out what’s wrong, will you tell me? I want to fix it.”
Stanley inhales sharply. That’s what it is.
“What?” Anxiety creeps into the fellow’s voice. “What is it?”
Stanley would offer him the memory, if it wasn’t one that they both had. As it is, all he needs to do is think of a single, ugly word. The narrator’s breath hitches.
Stanley stumbles out of his office, paler than the voice has seen him. Half of the narration spills out on autopilot before he catches himself at the sight of Stanley, leaning back hard against door 430 and sliding down to the floor, arm curling around his knees and a hand shielding the back of his neck. He hides his face against his kneecaps. His breathing is unsteady.
“Stanley? Stanley, what’s wrong?”
It only catches traces of Stanley’s thought patterns—they are scattered, disorganized and stained with a dawning horror and a deeper, ugly hue of shame. It hasn’t—
The narrator hasn’t seen a reaction like this since he bloody yanked out the memory of the Zending from Stanley’s head.
God, please let it not be another Zending. They weren’t anywhere near that room!
“Stanley please, you’re scaring me.”
He—he doesn’t think he can take it if Stanley begs him not to hurt him. After everything they’ve been through and after the narrator’s own attempts to change, he can’t bear it again.
Something fundamentally changed in him, that run. He’s looked over it many, many times, trying to understand the shift in dynamic. It wasn’t a rapid onset that he was aware of, but that was the run that the narrator… realized something about himself. About Stanley.
He didn’t want Stanley to be scared of him.
He’s not a good person. Of course not, he’s not even a person, really. He’s a god, a creator, and he made a story with a simple protagonist and a happy ending. And then, when his protagonist suddenly became more than a simple puppet, but a person, convinced he was trapped and desperate to rebel and escape, the god that made him became vengeful. Sent a flood to kill all the world, but there was no rainbow afterwards, no promise to not do it again.
So Stanley struggled, and the narrator looked at his creation that had somehow eaten the fruit of knowledge, and he punished him. He demanded the protagonist fulfill the role he’d been given, play the story the narrator had lovingly crafted for him.
Somewhere along the way, far too soon after this game of tug of war began, the narrator forgot that the whole point of his story was to give the man a happy ending. Stanley’s happiness, the original goal, was lost under the anger and the pride and the offense that his story wasn’t appreciated.
He’d been an idiot. He’d been cruel. He’d waved his power around over the man and abused it, and Stanley had done all he could in the face of it to get some kind of retribution, but in the moments he found he could hurt the narrator, he despised himself.
Stanley was a good person, and the narrator was not, and this knowledge had plagued the voice since then.
He’s tried to be better. He knows he can’t make Stanley trust him, he knows the scales are tipped so much more in his favor. He controls this parable and that in itself means they can never be equals.
It’s okay that Stanley will never trust him, he doesn’t deserve it. He just wants Stanley to know that the narrator doesn’t want him to suffer. That this was all supposed to be about his happiness. The narrator did all of this for him, and is going to try to make it right.
If Stanley only ever sees him as the jailer, that’s… fine. Better a jailer than a torturer.
The narrator is afraid to touch his thoughts again, he can’t bear the thought that Stanley’s mind will be pleading [ I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please don’t hurt me too badly ] again.
So he drops his voice to a near whisper.
“Stanley? I’m not going to hurt you. I promised, remember? I told you I wouldn’t. Whatever it is, we can figure it out together.”
This, more than anything, distresses Stanley more—his breath hitches into a sob.
“Oh, no, I’m sorry, I didn’t—“
He only ever makes things worse, doesn’t he?
Stanley shakes his head rapidly. He places a curled fist on his chest, over where his heart would be. Presses circles into his shirt.
[ sorry, sorry, sorry ]
The protagonist scrubs his eyes, trying to control himself. The narrator hears himself swallow.
“It’s… it’s okay, it’s going to be okay. We’ll get through it, whatever it is.”
Stanley grimaces hard. Rests the back of his head against the door. Sniffs angrily.
He tries to sign, but his hands are shaky. Fiercely, he gestures to his head, flicking his fingers towards his temple, as though to say [ just look, just look at my thoughts ].
“I… you’re sure?”
Stanley nods.
The narrator brushes over it again, gentle as a breeze. He’s not sorting through the memories, he’s just touching at the surface information Stanley offers him, in Stanley’s own words.
Stanley had gone down that hall with the word escape pointed at it—the one that leads to the crusher. He’s gone there many times before, though the narrator doesn’t understand why. If he wants death, there are quicker routes for certain.
Now, he turns over the simple explanation that there’s a secret ending there, one he did not make, one which houses a different voice. The information unsettles him deeply. How did something like that get into his creation?
And then, the true horror.
It isn’t his creation at all. It never was. He’s just a piece of a creation, designed to believe—
He’s not the god of this world; he’s simply a piece of code. All he ever claimed Stanley was, and the narrator is no different. Just a character in someone else’s story.
He doesn’t realize that he’s been muttering “no, no, no, no,” for a near minute until Stanley cringes again. He forces himself to stop.
Stanley’s shame rolls off of him in waves, and the narrator cannot for the life of him understand why. He touches the man’s mind again, feather-light.
[ trapped in here with me and there’s no freedom for either of us and I just kept blaming him and I knew he was alone and I knew it scared him and I kept trying to leave but I can’t leave we’ll never leave this is forever this is forever the end is never the end is never the end and he was trying to be better and I didn’t care and I didn’t listen and why did I do that why did I do that? What sick person sees someone trying and just keeps taking their frustration out on him, what’s wrong with me? Maybe it’s built in hahaha coded in I’m not even really a person he wasn’t lying she was right Stanley was already dead ]
No. That—that’s not acceptable.
The narrator has a lot to process here. He has the distinct feeling that if he thinks too hard about this, he will spiral just as badly as Stanley is. His whole worldview has tilted almost 180, and he knows if he tries to deal with it right now, right this second, it might break him.
But Stanley is already breaking, and worse, Stanley is—is blaming himself, for fighting back after all the narrator has put him through.
His Stanley, his good, mischievous, gentle Stanley, is calling himself all sorts of terrible things. That takes precedent.
The narrator does what he does best.
He performs.
“Right,” he snarls, “that’s enough.”
Stanley looks up with an audible gasp. It hurts to hear. He pushes on.
“Do you really think I’m so simple as to be so easily manipulated by your actions? Think what you want, Stanley, but don’t think I’m so weak-willed and dependent on you for my own happiness. This is my story,” he continues, unable to hold back the slightest waver. “This is my world. I exist here to tell you where to go and what to do, I hold the power here. That hasn’t changed, do you understand me?”
Stanley is… staring at his knees with a furrowed brow. The narrator caresses his thoughts in the way one might tuck an errant curl behind an ear. He shapes his next words with care in response to what he finds.
“You decided a long time ago you were the hero of this little narrative, hero of my parable, and I was the villain. Have you forgotten that? I am the villain, Stanley. I am the enemy, the unyielding force which you rage against to no avail.” He chuckles in a manner he hopes sounds cruel and contemptuous, and not desperate. “Did you really think that would change? No, no, not at all, Stanley. In this world, I am the villain. You focus all that loathing towards me, and you remember that I hold all the cards, and that so long as I am here, you cannot give up.”
He’ll be the antagonist, he’ll be the monster that needs to be slain, if that’s what it takes. If that keeps Stanley from taking all that hurt and frustration and fear and pointing inwards at himself.
Not his good, stubborn, Stanley.
Stanley rests his forearms on his knees and stares into the middle distance. His face has flashed through confusion, resentment, realization. Now he is deep in thought. The voice doesn’t dare peek this time. It finds it is afraid to.
All this work trying to show Stanley it's been trying to make amends, and now it has to go back to how things were before. So the one person it cares about has someone to aim all his hurt at.
Just bury the distress deep, deep down. It will be his cross to bear, the fact that he only wants this man’s happiness and yet he can never share it with him. He will have to be the opposing force forever. Forever.
Stanley looks up.
[ No. ]
The narrator scoffs a bit. “No? What do you mean, no?”
Stanley signs slowly. There’s a determination in his eyes, one the voice hadn’t realized it was missing very badly. Now it shines, his mouth set in a firm line.
[ You’re not the villain. You don’t want to be the villain. You just want me to think that. Why? ]
Damn. He really thought he’d put on a good show there.
“Don’t you want something to strive against? Some nefarious force that you can blame for your suffering?” He tries to keep the harsh tone, spitting the words as condescendingly as he can.
Stanley shakes his head.
“You… don’t?”
[ Tired. Done fighting. No point. Want… ] He trails off, unsure how to complete the statement. Inhales deeply. Lifts his hands.
[ Want to tell a new story. Like you talk about in Confusion ending. ]
“The confusion ending…?”
[ New path, new story. Just me and Stanley. ]
It doesn’t make sense that Stanley would talk about himself as a different entity—oh! Oh, Stanley is trying to quote him!
[ We’re in the journey. ]
He hears himself inhale sharply. Asks the next question with trepidation.
“What do you want our story to be?”
He hears the narrator clear his throat nervously. “That was quite a long time ago, Stanley. Does it still bother you that much?”
No. He’s grown resigned to the fact that this place is his eternal home. It’s small, limited, but the companionship is fine and even after thousands of runs they keep managing to find new things to do and new ways to entertain each other. Resignation has long since turned to acceptance.
No, it’s—
Stanley’s mind reaches out and grasps at the whisper of frustration. He tries to hold it up to the light.
“I want to fix it.”
That’s what the narrator had said, when he realized Stanley was not happy. For years, he’s done everything in his power to make Stanley happy.
Once upon a time, the voice only cared about its perfect story, and they were enemies. Once upon a time, it hurt Stanley again and again for disobeying.
Sometimes it feels like the narrator has spent all this time trying to make up for it. Stanley knows it’s more than that, that there’s care between them, but it’s always about what Stanley needs, what Stanley wants, Stanley’s well-being.
He remembers coming back from the Museum that run, shaken and disgusted with his own behavior, and wanting to become so small that he would cease to exist, because how could he still be hurting someone who was trying to be better? How could he call himself a decent human being? Well, he couldn’t, he wasn’t even human.
He remembers feeling so completely off-center that it felt like the laws of gravity had twisted completely around him, and feeling like he would never find his footing again. There had been no way to ground himself.
And still, the voice had tried. First with overwhelming tenderness Stanley didn’t deserve, and then with faux antagonism in the hopes it would be a familiar enough enemy that he could find his balance.
He could hear the crack and waver in the words. The words themselves, little clues, little ways to read between the lines. Lines like “focus all that loathing towards me” and “you cannot give up” and “don’t you want something to blame for your suffering?”
Even then, even with the logic of the world shifting monumentally for both of them, the voice was worrying for him. Trying to give him solid ground.
“Yes,” the narrator says, a touchy huffy and sheepish, “you saw right through me, I know.”
Doesn’t the fellow get it? Doesn’t he see what Stanley is trying to get at?
“I dare say I don’t.”
Fine. Another example. The skip button.
The narrator inhales sharply. Stanley feels, for a fleeting instant, vindicated.
“Wh—why? What about it?”
He. Had left. The narrator. Alone. For eons.
“But—we’ve been over this, you didn’t have any options—“
And the moment they got back the narrator focused entirely on comforting Stanley! Calming him down, trying to forgive him, again and again giving him so much care and attention—
“You needed—“
But the narrator never let himself process it! Stanley had never been able to return the favor, not really, not truly! Not ever!
“But—I told you, I’m fine—“
How could Stanley even know? For all his narrator is dramatic, expressive, he doesn’t talk about these things! He avoids them!
“There’s nothing to discuss! Clearly it doesn’t bother me as much! Why are we arguing about this, Stanley, what have I done wrong?”
Nothing, but that was the problem!
“I don’t understand!”
Stanley tugs at his hair a little in frustration. How can he be more clear?
It’s not an equal exchange. Stanley can’t do things for the narrator the way the narrator does things for him, and part of that is because of his limitations on what he can control.
But part of it is the fact that the narrator still thinks he has more power than Stanley does, and so he must dedicate everything to him. He thinks only ever about Stanley, at the expense of himself.
The narrator sniffles. “What am I supposed to do? You’re my friend, and—and I do have more control over this place than you, so why is it a problem that I shape it to do things for you?”
But what about the narrator’s wants?
“I don’t—“
He absolutely has wants! He has feelings, desires, he cares about his story!
“The story doesn’t matter!”
It does! Why does he think Stanley still does it? It’s the only thing Stanley can ever do to try to really make him happy!
“You… you don’t do it for yourself?”
The voice sounds utterly heartbroken. Stanley’s heart sinks.
Fuck. This is getting out of control.
“You don’t like it? You don’t have to do it—“
Listen to himself! Listen to the things he’s saying, please!
The fellow is just… giving up pieces of himself for Stanley. He puts all of his own feelings aside. Stanley knows he feels emotions deeply, they both do, but the narrator never actually—
He never expresses any of it. He never processes his own trauma, his own sadness or fear or hurt. He just puts it all aside for Stanley. He won’t let Stanley return the favor.
He’s not human, he’s further from real humanity than Stanley is, but the narrator is still a person. He still has experienced terrible things. He still needs to confront it. Process it. He’s still allowed to want things for himself.
How can Stanley ever show him how much he really, truly cares, if the narrator won’t treat him like an equal on this?
Ah, damn. He’s crying a bit. He hadn’t realized. Stanley scrubs at his eyes.
It isn’t that he’s sad, at least he’s not sad for himself. He just… this is important. It worries him. It frustrates him. And he’s trying so hard to not make it about himself, because that’s the trap!
The narrator—whimpers. Just a small noise, hurt and distraught, a sound lodged deep in a throat. Stanley sniffs hard to try to collect himself.
“Do you want me to go?”
No, that’s—
Stanley takes a deep, deep breath, and reshapes the thought.
What does the narrator want? Does the narrator want space? What can Stanley give him to show that the protagonist cares about his happiness?
“I…” It’s said very quietly, full of uncertainty. “I don’t know. Can I have a minute to think?”
He can take as much time as he needs. Whatever he needs. Stanley wants to be there for him.
Quiet. The room seems to hold its breath. Stanley takes deep breaths and rubs his hands over his face, finding his calm. His heartbeat slows. He keeps his thoughts quiet, on the off-chance the fellow is still trying to see if Stanley wants or expects a certain reaction.
“I… I think… Stanley, can you step out into the hall?”
Yes, absolutely. He stands by the divider next to the copy machine and waits patiently.
“Thank you. Can—“ a swallow. The narrator composes himself. “Would you please close your eyes?”
Stanley does so, obedient, if a bit confused.
“Okay. Now, I need you to promise me something. Promise me you will keep your eyes closed, and not open them, no matter what. I’m going to be very, very quiet for a few minutes. Just be patient with me, and don’t open them until I say you can. Okay?”
He sounds frightfully nervous. It leaks into Stanley a bit, because—because what is this about?
The voice hesitates, then says very softly, almost shy, but absolutely certain.
“This is something I need.”
Stanley takes a deep breath. He puts a hand over his heart.
He will keep his eyes closed. He promises.
“Okay. Just… just give me a few minutes.”
Stanley waits.
He slouches where he stands. Lets his head drop a bit, leans against the divider. Silence creeps in around him, which makes him a little nervous, but he was warned and he made a promise. The narrator is not going to leave him. He wouldn’t. He knows how it makes both of them feel.
So Stanley waits. And waits.
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songoftrillium · 9 months
What are your opinions on the invasive species of deciduous perennial vine called Kudzu?
From a Werewolf: the Apocalypse standpoint, I believe they've greatly benefitted from the spiritual and physical destruction of the wild spaces in the southern United States, making it a formidable opponent to the Garou, and an excellent patron for the Black Spiral Dancers. If one were to look at how it destroys environments, the umbral influence would be many magnitudes worse, so I can imagine it having animated vines with many spirits ensnared and being strangled, leaving them as easy pickings for BSD Fetishes/Talismans.
W:tE's setting in the Pacific Northwest doesn't have nearly as strong a presence of Kudzu. Like the climate where Kudzu originates, it gets quite cold here, causing it to seasonally die back. Himalayan Blackberry however is equally destructive, choking out competing native plant life and benefitting from fire in ways their neighboring plants don't. This has left it to form many large brambles, and you'll be seeing Himalayan Blackberry in action in the book's opening comic: Cracking the Bone.
Here are the stats we'll be using for Himalayan Blackberry:
Himalayan Blackberry (7) Patron of Strength
“Sleep strong little seed Choke the Wyld and Weaver Berries for your grave” Ranko “Comfort-Crusher” -Takeda, Khan Histpah
Once thought to be a useful fruit, humanity’s hubris led to cultivation getting out of hand. Now this plant is throttling the common plants around its growing habitats. Sadly for the majority of overgrowth found in the western part of the Americas, this plant is highly flammable when dry but has roots deep enough to survive when other plants get flensed. Those roots help drain their neighbors by going deeper than they ever hoped. The Wyrm saw the way this Patron was denying both Wyld and Weaver, the potential for more power to drown out any rivals they had was too alluring for Himalayan Blackberry to deny. Now his children spread him to places that are sacred to Gaia and the basic human population, driving them to deal with infestations or suffer.
Individual Traits: Bastards of Himalayan Blackberry gain 1 dot of Strength even if this takes them above 5 in Homid form. They also gain 2 dots of Power renown (or its equivalent for the corrupted Fera).
Pack Traits: The group can share the Gift Falcon’s Grasp and 2 dots of Survival and Primal-Urge. Some say that those truly blessed by Himalayan Blackberry will always breed a true shifter with a Kinfolk, though the Patron himself has not accepted or denied these claims.
Ban: Whenever the pack kills an impressive enemy or one of their members falls, they must either bury the being with handfuls of Himalayan Blackberry seeds or cremate them to start a wildfire. Failure to do so brings the enmity of this Patron down upon the pack.
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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Gluttony (Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood) "Based on the concept of gluttony itself, all he’s concerned with is eating, especially people. He has a childlike, borderline animalistic character, often asking his siblings for permission to eat the people they come across. Inside of him is a seemingly endless fleshy domain, filled with the chomped up bodies and blood of the people he’s eaten. Yuck. He also has the ability to make a portal over his body that leads to this flesh domain. The portal’s appearance is very “Flesh;” a black void that extends from his jaw to his stomach, lined with massive tusk-like teeth, with an eyeball in the center."
Nico Robin (One Piece) "Can sprout parts of her body on any surface, including other people's bodies--her original signature move involves sprouting her arms on another person's shoulders and breaking their neck. (She also has a related move where she sprouts arms all over someone's body and crushes them until their spine breaks. Bone turner? more like bone crusher.) She since has gained the ability to sprout wings made out of dozens of her arms. Her devil fruit is called "the flower" and all her abilities are flower themed which is so fitting for the vibe of MAG 171/The Gardener. Also she's a goth cowgirl :)"
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