#or charles will die and the next in line will have to take the throne instead
eri-blogs-life · 1 year
Chess Patch Notes 2023.05.06
- With the coronation of King Charles III, the roles of the King and Queen piece have been swapped.
- The much anticipated nuclear war option has been implemented, which either player can initiate at any time and causes both players to lose the game. They must then destroy the board and all the pieces of the game, and both players are permanently disqualified from ever playing chess again.
- Pawn damage doubled
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cromwellrex2 · 6 months
Lord Protector 1654-1655: ‘part of them, in the name of the people, gave up the sovereignty to him…’
The King Without A Crown
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The Inauguration of Oliver Cromwell as Lord Protector. Source: Prints and Ephemera website
THE EFFECTIVE constitutional suicide of the Nominated Assembly created the political moment for John Lambert’s The Instrument of Government to transition from being a philosophical contribution to the development of English republicanism, to being the means by which the inchoate experiments that had characterised the Commonwealth since the execution of Charles I, to be replaced by the English Protectorate.
Lambert’s work was the first, and remains the only, written constitution in British history. Cromwell himself had been unconvinced when Lambert had first presented the dense document to him. To the conservative Lord General, the Instrument owed too much to the Agreement of the People and radical sentiments expressed in the Putney Debates, but Cromwell’s difficulty was that he had nowhere else to go. The millennial aspirations of Thomas Harrison’s Fifth Monarchists were as much an anathema to him as was the reductive logic of restoring Charles II to his throne. Cromwell knew that Lambert had accurately highlighted the cause of the collapse of the Rump and the demise of the Barebones Parliament: with no executive figure to take the place of the King, there was no legitimacy to the Parliamentary remnants that had run England since the conclusion of the civil wars. So far, all decisive executive actions since 1648 had been enabled by the Army, and Cromwell, military man though he was, had no intention of becoming a dictator, reliant on the New Model Army to sustain him in power. And so it was, Cromwell accepted the Instrument of Government as the means by which to restore stable and accepted constitutional rule to England, and, by extension, to the conquered realms of Scotland and Ireland. Cromwell agreed to become a King without a crown, and assume the position of head of state, as Lord Protector.
On 15th December 1653, the Instrument was debated and adopted by the Council of State. The very next day, Cromell was sworn into office as the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England. The ceremony in the Court of Chancery in Westminster was a modest affair - Cromwell wore a sober dark suit under his ermine-lined robe, and if there was a Great Seal to confer status on his new office, there was no sceptre or orb, much less a crown. Cromwell may, to a degree, have assumed monarchical authority, but this was no new royal dynasty being put into place: Lambert’s Instrument made sure of this. Lambert had been acutely aware of how the failure to separate out executive and legislative powers ran the risk of leading to despotism when he wrote the Instrument. Therefore, although the Lord Protector would be pre-eminent, he would not be permitted to rule alone. In his new role, Cromwell would be obliged to heed the views of a representative Parliament, and he would also have to share government with an executive Council and no decisions by the Lord Protector could be implemented without the explicit consent of the other two institutions of government.
Parliament would comprise 460 seats: 400 for England and Wales and 30 each for Scotland and Ireland. Elections would take place every three years and no Parliament could be dissolved less than five months into its session. The Council comprised between 13 and 20 life members, providing a level of stability and continuity in government to set against the regular changes to the membership of the legislature as a result of the Parliamentary elections. Crucially, the Councillors could not be dismissed by the Lord Protector in the way the King had been able dispense with members of the Privy Council with whom he disagreed. Furthermore, the power to replace the Lord Protector, should he die in office, was vested with the Council. Control of the Army was shared between all three branches of the constitution. Therefore the Instrument in effect sought to introduce the type of constitutional monarchy that much Parliamentary opinion had sought to achieve both in the lead up to the civil wars and in the period of negotiation with Charles after the conclusion of the first civil war, but within a republican framework. The Lord Protector in many ways resembled a modern President bounded by different chambers of government. He could veto legislation, but not indefinitely: ultimately a majority vote in Council on a bill would be sufficient to see it pass into law following Parliamentary scrutiny and debate.
In actual fact, the republican constitution rarely worked as intended. There remained Royalist military activity in Scotland; Ireland, so recently engulfed in violent rebellion, could not be ruled constitutionally. Even in England, Presbyterian opposition to religious toleration (extended to all groups except Roman Catholics) and the fury of the Fifth Monarchists that a new head of state had replaced the King before the Second Coming, meant that elections were continually delayed. Even when Parliament finally met, Sir Arthur Haselrig, one of the five MPs Charles I had tried to arrest for treason in 1642, organised opposition to the Instrument itself, arguing that neither the office of Protector nor the Council were legitimate, and that both should be subordinated to Parliament. It seemed as though the debates of the early 1640s were being revisited.
Cromwell however was not going to tolerate this challenge. He attended the Commons and made it absolutely clear what the purview of Parliament was within the new tripartite system of governance. He produced a declaration for all MPs to sign, known as The Recognition, to ensure each Member understood the role of Parliament and its limitations. Haselrig resigned rather than be a signatory to the Declaration, but the agitation did not stop. In late 1654, Parliament again debated amendments to the Instrument which would give the Commons the final say in the selection of Council members and to the office of Lord Protector itself. By January 1655, it became clear to Cromwell that Parliament could not be trusted. The current crop of Radical and Presbyterian MPs were not interested in sharing power within a republican constitution; for the MPs themselves, they had not fought both literally and figuratively with the King for 14 years to establish the primacy of Parliamentary sovereignty only to hand that sovereignty over to, as they saw it, unelected military cronies and and a would-be monarch. When MPs submitted their amendments to the Instrument to the Council for ratification, Cromwell again attended the House to argue against the proposals; he also announced the dissolution of the First Protectorate Parliament. Members left the House without needing to be ushered out by soldiers this time, but, once again, a Parliamentary settlement had failed.
In the meantime, the country had to be governed. Ultimately, Cromwell and his Council, in their search for stability, returned to that constant alternative to Parliamentary rule: that of the Army. With the Instrument only partially enacted, the Lord Protector instituted the very system he had tried to avoid - rule by the military in the shape of a group of soldier-administrators that became known as the Major Generals.
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years
Hi! Do you have any Cherik Army AUs? I've managed to find just 3.
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask. I found some good Army AUs, though some might not quite fall into the category of 'Army AU'. There are, surprisingly, few Army AUs that I have found, whereas there are several military and war AUs, but those don't necessarily involve an army. I did include a variety that involve an army in one way or another, though some fit the bill better than others. I hope you find some that you enjoy!!
Cherik Army AU
I Want to Guard Your Dreams And Visions – luninosity
Summary: I was reading Barbara Hambly’s Abigail Adams mystery novels, and then Erik/Charles American Revolutionary War AU happened. Little snippet in which they share a tent, drink coffee, and provide support to each other.
The Eggnog Riot – Sophia_Bee
Summary: 1826. The American Military Academy in West Point. The day after Christmas. Cadet Erik Lehnsherr wakes up naked with a certain cadet Xavier sprawled across his chest. He can only blame the eggnog.
No Man’s Land – ikeracity
Summary: It's 1914 in Ypres, Belgium. British soldier Charles Xavier has been in the trenches for four months of endless artillery fire, bone-deep cold, and constant fear of the enemy. But on Christmas Eve, the gunfire falls silent, and they climb out of their trenches for a Christmas truce. Charles, of course, meets Erik, the German soldier across the way.
My Land’s Only Borders Lie Around My Heart – pseudoneems
Summary: WW1 Christmas truce of 1914. Opposing soldiers Erik and Charles meet.
Le soldat – Iggyassou
Summary: Erik is in the trenches, trying to survive the war so that he can go back to Charles, his young lover waiting for him back at home.
Names – Squeegee
Summary: In the summer of 1917, British soldier Charles Xavier finds himself taking cover in a shell crater.
Not sure if the 'graphic' tag applies or not, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Quell a storm with pen and ink – patroclux
Summary: Charles had spared his life. That was not something he could easily repay.
They wrote letters to each other for two years, until Charles was pulled out of the war from a sudden illness and Erik remained to fight for a cause he didn't believe in. One that ultimately had no effect; one that stole away four years of his life.
Traumatized and persecuted, Erik applied for a post at Janus, a lighthouse in the middle of the Irish Sea. He thought being alone would do him good.
Despite the letters and despite the love, Erik didn't expect Charles to find him.
Hier steh ich an den Marken meiner Tage – MonstrousRegiment
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is a spy in the SS, and his British liaison is strategist Charles Xavier. Their relationship from the moment they meet to a year after the end of the war.
Theme and Variations: War – ninemoons42
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is a musical prodigy and a man destined for great things and great stages. But his life is shattered by a terrible accident that leaves him blind and trying to find his way back to his life, his music, and his place in the world.
Then he meets Charles Xavier, an agent of Section 8 of the Military Intelligence Directorate of Providence, and he finds himself listening in to clandestine radio transmissions and clicking Morse code, and these sounds are part and parcel of a war that can only take place in the shadows and the hidden places of history.
Strib nicht von Mir – ravenoftheninerealms
Summary: A squad of Allied Forces, led by Charles Xavier, liberates the Nazi concentration camp where Erik was being held prisoner.
Cold foxholes, warm hearts – oddegg
Summary: Basically, this is Band of Mutants. A little slice of life in Bastogne.
Photographs and Memories – tirsynni
Summary: When war-battered Erik Lehnsherr met Charles Xavier, the man kneeling in the dirt and whispering to a lost refugee child, Erik feared his days of running from his deviance was done.
Marching Home – Quietbang
Summary: For a prompt on the meme asking for fic dealing with the fact that, in comics canon, Charles served in the Korean war.
War meant something different to this generation, Charles knew.
Crash on the Levy (Down in the Flood) – Quietbang
Summary: “This is much bigger than you think. You're in the middle of a war, and you don't even realize, do you?”
He pauses, and answers his own question.“No, of course you don't. How silly of me."
The Knight and the Dagger – Dow
Summary: A Lieutenant in the Soviet Army, Erik Lensherr had no other goals than to find the man that killed his parents. But when a discovery yields a little boy with wings like an angel, Erik is shocked to realize that he isn’t alone. There are other people like him, both dangerous and alluring.
Lifelong Service – Pookaseraph
Summary: Erik thinks he should be the one to teach their recruits hand-to-hand combat; Charles makes a persuasive argument to the contrary.
Footsteps of uprooted lovers – ninemoons42
Summary: Against a turbulent backdrop of artistic, social, and political upheaval, the playwright Charles Xavier and the photographer Erik Lehnsherr find themselves meeting under less-than-polite circumstances, but part rather more amicably than they'd met.
When they find each other again in a Barcelona that is falling inexorably toward war, they find themselves taking up arms, each in his own way, and together they join a struggle for freedom, for love, and for their very lives.
Dear Soldier – Lindstrom, ToriTC198
Summary: "Dear Soldier,
I pray that this package finds you well. The organization gave us a list of odds and ends that you might need, but I thought that a person so far from home might appreciate something more than soap and tube socks."
When Charles' school decides to send care packages to the soldiers fighting in Vietnam, he chooses to also include a letter and a few personal touches. When Staff Sergeant Erik is the recipient of that particular care package it will spur a relationship that will change them both.
Fortunate Son – blueink13
Summary: he days leading up to and during Alex's deployment in Vietnam. Everyone handles it in their own way. Some handle better than others.
You’re Here – Deshonana
Summary: Everyone decides its a good idea not to tell Erik when his boyfriend comes home from the military.
Welcome Home –  loveydoveyecstasy
Summary: It's been two years since Charles was deployed to Afghanistan, and Erik can't wait to pick him up at the airport.
When Secrets have Secrets – ximeria
Summary: The arguments that take place in General Xavier's office when General Lehnsherr has a bad day are legendary. Quite frankly, no one really knows what's going on and if the two men have it their way, no one ever will.
Quiet Company – Sophia_Bee
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is always on the move. He's spent the last many years going from war torn country to war torn country telling the stories of the people there through photographs. Then one of his pictures is selected as a winner for the Pulitzer Prize and Erik finds himself stuck in London for longer than he wants. He ends up with an assignment to photograph Charles Xavier, a wealthy philanthropist who is intrigued to find himself working with a Pulitzer-winning war photographer. Erik is far less intrigued by someone he considers privileged and out of touch. Both of their lives are about to change in ways they couldn't imagine.
The City is Ours – RedStockings
Summary: Erik felt his heart racing with excitement, lightened, and for once felt joyful. Charles had looked at him, really looked at him, and there had been something there, a knowing of a kind. As the soldiers laughed amongst each other, and joked each other about who would succeed in marrying the boy, Erik made himself a silent vow. Charles was going to be his, and nothing would keep him from having him. He’d marry him, and he’d save him, and Charles would love him for it.
Not even the war could keep them apart... right?
Sign of the Times – dsrobertson
Summary: Casablanca-ish AU.
Charles Xavier meets Erik Lehnsherr in Paris, 1937. They spend the next two years with one another, stupid in-love, until war comes heavy in September 1939. Erik leaves for Poland and the Resistance movement there, promising to return. Charles is left in Paris, where Nazi jackboots march in, Summer of 1940. He becomes a member of the underground French Resistance, publishing illegal newsletters, leaflets, until news comes through in February 1942: Erik is dead. Charles throws himself into more dangerous work, meeting with Communists, helping derail a German train, and he does too much, goes too far. His friends find him safe passage out of France, out across the Mediterranean, to Morocco, Casablanca. It is here he finds Erik, alive.
The Waste Land – nekosmuse
Summary: The White Queen and her Shadow King sit on their throne, safe behind the psionic shields of the Walled City. The armies of Genosha batter uselessly at the gates, a war locked in stalemate. Magneto, camped in the frozen mud, receives word the Citadel intends to send a telepath to the front lines. The same telepath he met two years ago, who sat across a carved wooden chess set and offered Magneto the first friendly smile in a lifetime. The same telepath who still haunts his dreams.
Winter Comes With a Knife – RedStockings
Summary: It apparently came to no one’s surprise that the war-mage Erik Lehnsherr took up residence in the Dark Keep. I knew he was going to choose my sister, Raven, to be his apprentice so why wouldn’t he let me go? What did he want from me?
My name is Charles Xavier, I can read minds and use magic. I’ve met Kings and Queens, mages and magic users. I’ve travelled through lay-lines and jumped through the Dark Void… but none of that really matters.
I am leading an army into war, I am scared and I never wanted this. I’ve come to realise that what I want, rode into my life when I was still a child. Now he’s out there, ready to charge into battle. Ready to die for me.
Polaris – LastAmericanMermaid
Summary: Charles Xavier is 19 years old, doe-eyed and soft; Erik Lehnsherr is 24 years old, steely-hard and bitter. One is a soldier, the other a refugee. Both are mutants. There will be pain, oh yes.
(An AU in which Charles is a wounded British soldier, Erik is the German hiding in France who nurses him back to health, and the contents of this fic are best read to the soundtrack of Atonement.)
Note: Unfinished
MEDIC! – paladin_danse
Summary: A British airborne medic finds himself alone and afraid behind enemy lines. When he decides to save the life of an S.S. German officer he finds wounded in the snow, he has no idea the choice he has made will alter the course of the war—and their lives—forever.
Note: Sadly unfinished
Suicide is Painlesss – weethreequarter 
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr did not become a doctor to pick bullets out of children. Unfortunately the US Army had other ideas.
Stuck in the middle of the Korean War, Erik and his fellow civilian surgeons have to battle not only the war, but also weather, mud, and boredom. And that's without mentioning Major Sebastian Shaw who thinks war is the best thing that's ever happened to him and never should've been allowed to pick up a scalpel, or Colonel William Stryker who may or may not work for the CIA and probably doesn't even know himself.
Throw in new arrival Captain Charles Xavier, and Erik is in for a very interesting war.
Note: Unfinished
A Light That Never Goes Out – R_Cookie
Summary: It was meant to be the war to end all wars; these two men were never supposed to meet. One a German Jew, the other a British surgeon. The odds that their paths should cross were next to none - but War defies the expected. It always has, and always will.
From the beaches of Dunkirk to the treacherous slopes of Monte Cassino - this is their story.
Note: Unfinished
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celticcrossanon · 3 years
BRF Reading - 29th of September 2021
This is speculation only
Cards drawn 29th September 2021
Question: Does Her Majesty want to give a Platinum Jubilee Medal to Harry and Meghan?
Note: The energy for this reading is rather soft? faded? and pliable, as though nothing has been decided for sure at this point in time. What is shown here could change in the future.
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Interpretation: I'm not getting a clear answer to this. It looks like HMTQ may try something new with this medal, perhaps as strategy against the Harkles.
Card One: Strength. This is a card of having inner strength and using it, of having the courage, will and determination to quietly persuade others to your point of view, to control a situation without an appearance of force.
This is HMTQ right now. She is gathering her inner strength to do what she thinks is right, and she is trying to persuade other people to see her point of view. This is going to be hard for her because in past situations like this she could rely on Prince Philip, her rock, to support her. She no longer has him, and she is still in mourning for him. Six months is not a long time to adjust to life without your spouse. Six months after my parents died, both times, I was still crying and missing them and adjusting to no longer having them around, and I didn't have the emotional resources to do anything else apart from that. The advice is never to make major decisions for at least a year after a major life event, such as a death, and here the Queen is having to make hard decisions just six months after her husband's death. It will take a lot of her strength to do this.
Card Two: Six of Swords. This is a card of travel, of doing something new, of moving away from something but still carrying the past with you. It can also show the peace of mind that comes with accepting and carrying out a difficult decision. The card shows Orestes, on his way to Argos to kill his mother, having accepted that this difficult decision is the will of the gods and his duty.
As a card of travel, the Six of Swords refers to the Harkles, who have travelled overseas and away from the BRF, both literally and figuratively. Like Orestes on the card, they travelled overseas and then killed their 'mother' - the BRF, the source of their incomes, titles, fame etc. Her Majesty is needing all her inner strength to deal with the situation of the Harkles and the Platinum Jubilee medals.
With respect to Her Majesty, this card shows the inner calm that comes after making a difficult decision. I think that Her Majesty is torn - she does see Harry as a loved grandson and family member (the past), but she is also very aware of what giving the medal to him will mean in the public eye (approval of his actions in trying to destroy the BRF). I think she has made a decision that is personally unpleasant to her but in line with what she sees as her duty, and she now wants to carry that decision through.
I have tried to pull clarifiers on this, and what I am getting is not making a cohesive whole to me. Cards that keeps coming up are the Moon card or cards for Cancer (Queen of Cups and the Chariot), so I think Her Majesty is thinking of William's future when she makes the decision indicated by the Six of Swords.
Card Three: Ace of Swords. This is a card of new beginnings in the area of thought, communication, and strategy. There is conflict involved, as indicated by the mountains in the background of the card. The path is not easy, but if you persist, the difficulties will give rise to a new way of looking at things.
This tells me that Her Majesty is contemplating trying something new with this Jubilee Medal. I keep hearing the words 'a new strategy', so it could be used as part of a new strategy for dealing with the Harkles. She is receiving resistance to this idea (conflict) and/or the idea has come about because of the conflict with the Harkles. There could also be a new way of communicating that comes out of this issue.
Card Four: Six of Pentacles. This is a card about giving or receiving money and other resources, of being generous out of your abundance. The card shows King Minos on his throne holding a pile of golden coins, while the craftsman Daedalus lifts his hands up to bed for the coins and/or to receive them.
The Six of Pentacles is talking about the Platinum Jubilee Medal. It is a medal given out of the generosity of HMTQ, to commemorate the service done for the UK by certain groups of people. The Harkles are asking for this medal and expect to receive it, as shown by the craftsman Daedalus on the card. Whether Her Majesty awards them the medal or not is still undecided - on the card, King Minos is neither putting the gold into Daedalus's upraised hands nor holding it way from him.
Coming after the Ace of Swords, this card confirms that they giving or denying of the Jubilee Medal for the Harkles is part of a new strategy for how the palace deals with the couple.
Card Five: Death. This is a card about literal or symbolic death. Here it is coming across as symbolic death. Something is going to die, to change, and there will not be any way to come back from that change or to reverse it. This is going to be a permanent transition from one form to the next. Coming after the Six of Pentacles, it could be a change to the Jubilee Medals and their traditional recipients in the BRF.
This is the card for Scorpio, and Prince Charles is a sun sign Scorpio, so he may be involved in this change in some way.
Underlying Energy One: The Hierophant. This is a card of institutions, and here it represents the BRF as an institution. The Firm. Whatever Her Majesty's private thoughts are on giving the Harkles her Platinum Jubilee Medal, she will do what is perceived as best for the institution of the monarchy.
Underlying Energy Two: The Three of Cups. This is a card of celebrations, especially marriage, as the card shows the marriage of Psyche and Cupid. This tells me that the concern over the medal recipients is focused on the married-in royals, and not the blood royals (i.e. there is more concern about Meghan and her reaction than there is about Harry). One way to exclude Meghan would be to limit the medal to blood members of the BRF, instead of all members as in the past.
Underlying Energy Three: The Five of Pentacles. This is the card of being outcast. The card shows a man walking away from the security and stability of his home. That man represents Harry, who turned his back on the BRF to become a celebrity overseas. The Five of Pentacles can also be a card of marriage (for better, for worse), so the concern here is not just for Harry as the recipient of the Jubilee medal, but his wife as well, and for what they will do as outcasts (not under the control of the BRF) if they do or do not get awarded this medal (this last energy is an energy of preparing for the actions of the Harkles in this situation).
Conclusion: I don't know if HMTQ wants to give a Platinum Jubilee medal to the Harkles or not. She will make that decision based on what she thinks is best for the institution of the BRF, not her personal feelings. It may involve limiting the distribution of the medal to blood royals only. Currently, the Queen is gathering her inner strength to make a decision about this, and the making of the decision involves some sort of conflict. One it is made she will carry it through and is unlikely to change it. She may use the granting or withholding of the medal as part of a new strategy for dealing with the Harkles, who desperately want this medal. Something is definitely going to change, permanently, as a result of this decision by Her Majesty. The BRF is also trying to anticipate and prepare themselves for a reaction by the Harkles, either to getting the Jubilee Medal or being denied it.
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fideidefenswhore · 2 years
On that note (and I realize you've probably already talked about this) if Henry did have a younger brother(s) meaning Edmund survived or Elizabeth of York and Henry VII had more sons do you think he would have divorced Catherine or do you think he still would have wanted a son that was his to inherit the throne?
It was always going to be very politically complicated, and probably unpopular, to annull his marriage with Catherine, particularly so many years after cohabiting and living as husband and wife (this rendered 'honesty' and was part of the reasoning of the sentence supporting it by Clement in 1533:
Even if the prohibition was de jure divino, the dispensation was good. "the King has acted on it for many years, and deprived himself of the right of protestation against it."
and in 1534, in the final sentence...one wonders, in light of this, if the marriage of Arthur and Catherine had lasted a year or so longer, if there would have been a dispensation for the next at all)
The argument for Henry still taking the same path in the circumstances of having younger brothers would be that technically Henry did have male relatives that he could have vested as heirs to the throne in 1527. There was James V, Henry Brandon, and the one that would nearly die for his closeness to the royal bloodline in the future, Edward Courtenay.
But, I don't find that to be a particularly strong argument. 1) The likelihood of the House of Lords and Commons consenting to foreign rule in the future, scant (there's also the issue of overextension of rule-- the Revolt of the Comuneros occurred in the case of Charles V because he was hardly ever in Castile), nephew of the king is not a strong, direct line 2) Ditto, Charles Brandon's dispensation to wed a princess in the first place was...questionable (part of me wonders if this is why Henry bypassed Frances Grey née Brandon in the Succession Act) 3) Great-grandson of Edward IV is, again, strong enough for a figurehead of a failed coup, but not much stronger than that.
All of the above, simply, were not the children of a queen and king. If Henry's brothers had survived, they indisputably would have been in the line of succession, just as Henry himself was. He would have probably eventually remarried with the hope of sons in the event of his wife's death, but I don't think it would have felt so urgent...because it wouldn't have been. And in the event that he did still have the same conscience-call, scriptural study, religious doubt, and proceeded in the same way, if it was stonewalled he likely would've given up after Blackfriars. Because again, failure would be embarassing, but not so urgent to be remedied.
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
I've been reading this story by @spacebiscuitarts on Instagram(Thanks again so much for your permission! I really hope you enjoy this!!) called Human Piece, which I recommend to those who are okay with serious topics, so you don't get too scared.
Because I'm insane and either have a twisted sense of humor or because this is just how my brain works, I see things in fiction like a paid production a lot🤷‍♀️, I thought about what would happen if this was a legit production being made, like a movie or TV show.
And what if it had bloopers?😈
TW for mentions of torture and cannibalism here for sensitive readers and viewers.
Human Piece Story ACTOR AU BLOOPERS!!!!!
Outtakes starting from the beginning:
Charles and Henry meet up at Charles's house and seriously overdo the whole hugging "haven't seen you in forever, when was the last time we hung out" thing, with Charles making a passing mention that Henry isn't leaving. The two laugh and start the scene over.
While Henry's taking a phone call, Charles breaks the sleeping pill packet and drops the pills everywhere. "Oops." TAKE 2: Charles slips two pills in Henry's drink, but production didn't get the right pills, they're those brightly colored capsules instead of white/colorless pills that dissolve, so Henry sees them when he walks back into the room.
Henry: "Charles?"
Charles: "Hm?"
Henry: "What did you put in my water?" (Cue that Henry smug face as he ppints to his glass and Charles fights a laughing fit.)
Charles" (While he's laughing.) "I don't- How did those get there?!" 😅😂
Henry: "Chaaarles?"
Charles: "They just... We need different pills!"😂
Take 3 of the same scene: everything goes fine, except, Henry overdoes the "getting knocked out with sleeping pills" thing, like he drinks his water and then falls forward on the table.
Next scene, Charles is trying to drag Henry into the "basement set," but keeps laughing because Henry is 6' and keeps trying to crawl out of frame to help him out.
BTS stuff as they set up cameras and movie whatnots in the basement: Charles reviews his lines and practices his cannibal act as Henry is getting his body makeup done and getting the run down of what to do when he's too uncomfortable in the restraints on the table; if it got to be too much, he just needed to either snap his fingers or simply say 'cut.' They also have a paramedic on standby, in case Henry's body gets negatively affected from being restrained too long and because Henry's been dieting to 'get in shape' for his role.
Henry falls asleep on the table, semi-restrained. However, the crew take the chance to try and get a shot of Henry 'sleeping and coming to' by having the cameras roll while he slept.
Charles succeeded in getting this shot, by shaking him on the middle, but Henry falls back asleep.
They wake him up with a "CUT!"
The shots of Henry jolting awake and freaking out at seeing where he is aren't acting. That was his genuine reaction. He'd semi-forgotten where he was or what they were doing. When he calms down, Henry actually laughs, a little nervous, and asks to be untied and not be filmed sleeping.
Charles messes up the shots of Henry on the table too, because he kept lying down next to him and saying he found his new spot to sleep and his favorite pillow to sleep with, kept making Henry panic because he was in a very vulnerable position for which to be tickle attacked, and just kept making him laugh.
During the 'torture' scenes, Henry and Charles made each other laugh, Henry laughing on accident because Charles looked funny and Charles because Henry was laughing, and because part of him kept wanting to mess with Henry.
This exchange happened while shooting:
Henry: "Uh... Charles?"
Charles: "Yes, Henry?"
Henry: "Why is there a camera in your basement?"
Charles: "... Which one are you takllking about, WE'RE SURROUNDED BY CAMERAS RIGHT NOW!"
Both break down in laughter afetr that, though Henry does call Charles a pervert for having a camera in his basement.
There was an instance where Henry had a panic attack and had to get out of the restraints. It happened during the 'champagne scene;' they used carbonated water so neither actor would get intoxicated, and everyone thought it was just him acting.
He wasn't.
Thank goodness the next scene began with him 'coming to' from passing out, because Henry SERIOUSLY needed to take a break after that.
When asked in an interview, he admitted he was okay with Charles's acting, he was okay with the torture, he was okay with how real his injuries looked. He broke down when his mind went from, 'we're filming something, this is all fake, I'm safe,' to 'OH S**T! I got kidnapped, I'm getting tortured! I'm going to die here! Someone save me!'
They were okay to keep filming after a few hours.
During the 'Charles the dentist' scene, it was laughter all round because Henry playing that game where you put a thing in your mouth that keeps it open and you try to say stuff. He says ANYTHING he can, and it leads to Charles continuously laughing.
The 'tooth removal' scene was one of the hardest to film because Henry kept moving away and Charles had a hard time holding him; Henry's stronger than he looks.
The missing teeth are CGI.
The teeth on the bracelet are fake. The paramedic has a dentist friend that makes insanely realistic acrylic teeth.
Henry's reaction to seeing the teeth bracelet, which made Charles laugh: "You sick F(BLEEP!)! GIVE ME BACK MY TEETH! You-YOU are SO lucky this table is holding me back! Actually, you know what? I'LL TAKE YOU ON RIGHT HERE! LET'S GO!!"
During the scene where Charles and Henry eat the "human flesh," it's really muscley bacon that was cooked enough to have crisp, but not enough to be breakable; so they basically made jerky for the shot, and both actors ate it off screen.
Henry had a hard time looking disturbed as he ate really good jerky.
The 'fire poker/fried food' scene wasn't easy to shoot because Charles kept dropping the poker, which also caught fire while he torched it, and he had no idea how to brand something while being sadistic.
Henry did his part of screaming and panicking as Charles slowly pushed the poker into the frame, but got tired when he realized how slowly Charles was moving.
Henry: 😑"... Can you hurry it up, please? I'm on a schedule?" 😡
Charles: "You have a schedule for being tortured?"😆
Henry: "Yes. I get tortured strictly between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m.!"🤣
They had to apply the burn makeup while Henry was still on the table. Charles took the opportunity to mess with him a little bit: 'Charles was here! Ha ha! I'm the best!' written on Henry's stomach in marker.
Charles's cut line that acted as his lie: "Henry? Which Henry? Oh, THAT Henry? That Henry Missing? Psh! I don't know what happened to him. Psh! Basement? In MY basement? I don't know what you're talking about. Locked in my house, what? I'm- I'M the crazy one? Psh! Don't be ridiculous."
They had to use over 20 anklets because Henry and Charles kept breaking them.
When Charles untied Henry, he did so humming in a long take that ended with the camera showing both him and Henry. It would've been a perfect take, too, but Henry had his hands resting on his stomach and an irritated look in his face as he raised an eyebrow and asked, "Are you done? Because I need you to help me sit up."
Charles was in a song and dance mood, so there was a lot of him humming, doing a little shimmy, and Henry just trying to keep it together to get the shot right.
Henry was not in the mood, but Charles got him into it.
When asked in an interview, Charles admitted he wasn't actually going crazy. He was just having a great time.
Henry had to change his sweater once in a take because he spilled soup on in from laughing too hard; all Charles's fault.
Turns out Henry's 'diet' wasn't enough to make him look malnourished, and the team didn't want him to actually hurt himself, so they used makeup and a shirt that made him look small. It worked, though Henry finally got into the 'mess around' mood and tucked his knees, arms, and head inside the shirt; "Try making me into a soup now!"
During the scene where Charles 'washed' Henry's sweater, Charles burned himself on accident because he stood too close to the fire.
In Henry's 'escape plan' scene, he actually messed up a few times: forgetting he's supposed to be atrophied, noting he could bust the vent and climb through it, shouting to the upstairs, "HELP! LET ME OOOUUUT!", and pretending the garden clippers he found were a baseball bat and a microphone.
Charles's cut line as he opened his laptop in the next scene: "Alriiight. Time to see if Game of Thrones is getting that rewrite. (Checks) ...NO!"
Another cut line from Charles: "OH! Henry us going to hit ME when I come check on him!? OH! (Holds up remote)It's a good thing I can give him the SHOCK of his life!"😉😜
Henry didn't know how to look like he was getting electrocuted, so someone had to teach him, since they did not want to hurt him any further, considering his 'diet.'
They also gave him some padding on his torso because Charles had to wear military grade boots, and Charles didn't want to hurt him.
On his way storming down the stairs, Charles almost fell twice, and had to practice running down a flight of stairs, since he'd never done it before.
Henry's reaction at seeing Charles practice run down the stair for the fifth time: "Oh, look! It's Cinder-Charles-a!" It got a laugh out of everyone.
On the 157th take, Charles got running down the stairs right and sprinted until he stopped in front of and grabbed Henry, who broke off the anklet and threw it at him in a panic.
It would've been a phenomenal take, if Henry didn't throw the anklet or break it.
2nd attempt at Charles stopping at Henry: they collided and fell down.
Henry had to talk shit to get Charles to hit him, and that wasn't easy because there isn't a lot that gets Charles 'catching hands' mad.
A lot of the hits were a close miss and CGI, but one hit wasn't fake: a punch Charles threw into the corner of Henry's mouth completely on accident. Henry didn't take it personally at all, if anything he said that Charles threw a good punch, but that didn't stop Charles from feeling bad for the rest of the day.
For Henry's bloody mouth and nose, they used non-toxic fake blood that tasted like caramel, which led to Henry eating a lot of it on accident.
Durimg Charles's monologue, Henry could not stop laughing. He didn't know why, but he just couldn't stop. They had to redo the scene numerous times.
In the middle of Charles's monologue, Henry wiped off a little fake blood on his chin using his finger and booped Charles with it.
When they finally got the whole monologue, Charles grabbed the clippers, put them back, and stomped away groaning, "I'm calling the manager!"
During Henry's crying scene, he couldn't get a tear to fall. He laughed a lot, but couldn't cry. He tried sad music, sad memories, artificial tears, but nothing worked. They tried to get this shot for three days until, on the third day, Henry got in, got his makeup done, and got in position as the cameras started rolling. He absolutely broke down in front of the cameras and the crew, including Charles. And it wasn't simply crying, either. He BROKE DOWN. When they got the shot done, Henry did not move, staying on the floor. Charles joined him and the two ended up hugging.
In an interview, Henry revealed that he got a call form his family and a family member was sick. He broke down because said family member said they loved him and hoped the film shoot did well.
He called them back later and they both got better.
During the 'wake up' scene, Charles, still guilty about that accidental punch and not wanting to see him cry again, was scared of kicking Henry. Henry insisted it was okay because he was wearing the padding under his short, so he could handle a good kick.
Charles had the hardest time saying, "Good morning, bitch," with a straight face; too many times hearing 'bitch' used in a funny way. He asked to not say 'bitch,' but the director needed them to recite their lines word for word.
After sitting up, Henry gestures to be carried and Charles obliges, piggybacking him and running around the table.
Steering Henry wasn't easy because he kept trying to walk ahead of Charles amd kept looking back to make sure he knew where he and the rest of the crew were going.
The hardest part of shooting the scenes on the upper level again: looking visibly uncomfortable and foreign, and trying to shoot a scene with a mini camera crew and two makeup artists in the bathroom.
Charles kept holding Henry by the shoulders and steering him around like a bicycle or motorcycle. They thought it was funny, but the directir didn't.
I won't go into full detail of the bathroom scene, but I'll say these two things: 1. It was the hardest scene for Henry to shoot, because of the limited space and because he couldn't grab and hold on to the razor blade. 2. It was, hands down, the scariest scenes for him to shoot.
Charles did make a breakfast for Henry, he just put it in the microwave to keep it warm until they were done shooting the scene.
Charles also ruined a bunch of eggs because he tried to be Mads Mikkelsen.
There were too many bloopers of Charles drinking coffee and then talking to a nervous Henry, and this is just one of them:
Charles: (sips his coffee) "Henry."
Henry: "...Yeah?"😰
Charles: "How's school going?"
Henry: (Upon realizing that Charles is just messing with him) "Okay, I guess." 😅
Charles: (Still super serious) "You're guessing just okay?"
Henry: "Yeah."
Charles: "What about your grades? Are those okay, you guess?"
Henry: (Done with this) "You're a cannibal with fridge magnets, so you cannot be the one setting the bar here."
(Both burst into laughter.)
Another blooper is of Henry, as a joke, miming an attack toawrds Charles upon seeing he did not make him any breakfast. Still scared the crap out of Charles.
"Sit on your knees." Henry's response: Taking the plate of cookies and somewhat yelling, "NO."
When Henry's on the floor and Charles rubs his head, Henry seriously has to fight punching Charles, who's also pinching his cheeks and saying, "Who's a good boy?"
When Charles sort of teases Henry with the cookie, Henry glares at him and threatens to bite his hand off and throw away his fridge magnets, which Hannibal Lecter wouldn't be caught dead using.
The bloopers of the latest part of the story:
Charles: "Who is your master?"
Henry: "Shut up and let me eat, you (BLEEP!)"
Charles: "Who is your master?"
Henry: (Shrugs as he hums, 'I don't know.')
Charles: "Who is my- Wait, no. YOUR master?"
Henry: "HA HA! I win!"
Charles: "Who is your Master?"
Henry: (Leans over and pecks Charles on the cheek.)
(Charles smiles and blushes as the room fills with, "Aaaaw's"
TAKE 10:
Charles: "Who is your master?"
Henry: (Blows in his face, like he's putting out a candle by blowing on it.)
Charles: (Leans back in his chair and points/gestures to Henry.) "The DISRESPECT!"
TAKE 15:
Charles: "Who is your master?"
Henry: "Who's YOUR master?"
Charles: "(fighting a laugh) ... I'm in control here."
Henry: "I'M in control."
Charles: "No, I'M in control."
Henry: "Charles, buddy, I'm in control."
Charles: "You, sir, are not listening. I am in control here."
Henry: "No, I'm in control."
Charles: (Trying not to laugh) You are not in control! I kidnapped you, therefore I am in control, not you! I'm in control! Who's in control?"
Henry: "I AM in control."
Charles: "I'M-... How are you in control here?"
Henry: "I don't have to pay taxes."
(Charles sits back as Henry smirks and the rest of the room 'OH's at that burn).
AND THAT IS IT! Thanks for reading this, this was honestly something that was crazy scary to me because I'm honestly an anxious mess. No idea if I'm makimg a part 2 of this, but we'll see😅
Again, please go check out @spacebiscuitarts on Instagram for her Human Piece story because it's art.
Thanks again to @spacebiscuitarts again for guvung me permission to make this, I really hope you liked this. I'm a sucker for edge and angst, all the same my brian has bursts of, 'what if it was a movie or TV show and there were bloopers?' I don't know, I think that's just me not getting too absorbed in the edge🤷‍♀️
Anyway, thanks again for reading, one and all, I hope you all enjoyed!!!!
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amphxtrite · 4 years
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ginny weasley x fem!reader
Royalty Au
Warnings: spelling/grammar mistakes
Summary: the reader has to choose someone to marry from the Weasley family and she falls for the only girl.
enjoy <3
y/n l/n Princess of Felicitatem, next in line for the throne, treasure of the Kingdom of Prosperity. 
Yawning as you sit yourself up in your lush 4-poster bed, you stretch your arms out and throw back your covers, swinging your legs off the edge of your mattress and sighing at the feeling of your feet meeting the cool marble of the floor beneath you. 
“Good morning Princess.” you hear a voice call out to you from the doorway. “Good morning Melina, beautiful day isn’t it?” you answer back, gazing out your large window into the beautiful garden. “Yes it is indeed Princess, I’m here to fetch you for breakfast.” Melina steps into the room and closes the door behind her. You murmur a quick mhm before scooching over to face her.
Melina was like the older sister you never had, you two were very comfortable around each other, but she still liked to stick to formalities when she was unsure if anyone was around. “Mellie there’s no need for that Princess stuff around me, you know that!” you grin. “I know, but I thought I saw Sebastian coming around here, and you know how much of a blabbermouth he is.” She sighs, flopping down onto your bed. You shrug, standing fully up and heading to the bathroom, you begin to run a brush through your hair as Mellie informs you on the castle’s gossip. “So I heard the head chef and one of the chambermaids were caught snogging in a broom closet,” She giggles. “And, Alex says the gardener is pregnant, Oh, and we got a cute new stable boy.” She rattles on, you can feel her blush from here. You smile. Beginning to brush your teeth, Mellie comes into the bathroom and begins to braid her hair, “It’s parcel day too, I think I saw a whole stack with your name on them.” She looks over at you. You rinse out your mouth before answering. 
“Oh yeah, the Potter’s kingdom is trying to sign a deal with my parents, and they think spoiling me will convince them.” you answer nonchalantly. 
“Do you think it’ll work?” Mellie asks curiously. “Oh, Mother was going to sign it anyways, she's just a bit busy right now.” You snicker, “The fabric in their kingdom is to die for though and they send the most beautiful dresses, so I’m not complaining.” you turn and head towards your closet. “You want to borrow anything today?” you call out to the blonde trailing behind you. “Do you have that ribbon I like?” She asks as you walk to a drawer and pull out the baby blue silk hair ribbon and toss it over to her. “You can keep it, you know, since you like it so much.” You smile at her. She squeals and hugs you tightly, thanking you over and over again, you simply smile and hug her back. She helps you put on a casual white dress and you walk down to the dining room talking about the kingdom’s news, you separate once you arrive at your destination, waving goodbye as you open the large doors.
“Ah, y/n there you are!” Your father calls out to you as you step into the large room. “Good morning father.” You answer “Good morning mother” you greet your mother beside him at the head of the table. Your father stands and walks over to you, “We have guests today darling,” He says motioning to a large family of red-heads, you immediately recognize them as the Weasley’s from the Western Kingdom. You curtsey to them, “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” You greet. “Oh thank you darling.” A short woman with a kind face answers, she must be Mrs. Weasley. “You have a very kind daughter Charles.” Mr. Weasley compliments, you smile. You scan your eyes down the row of ginger children seven in total, skimming over each one of them, your eyes stop at the only girl there, the youngest one too you presumed. She sends you a small smile and you find yourself staring. She was so beautiful, long light ginger hair, ocean blue eyes and pretty pink lips. You grin back as you walk with your father to the head of the table taking a seat on the other right side of your him, directly in front of Mr. Weasley, The adults continue talking and you find your mind wandering, your eyes goes back to the girl you had made eye-contact with just a few moments ago, she’s picking at her eggs, you smile but catch yourself in the act, you shake your head slightly, you’ve never felt this way about a girl before, what was going on? Despite these thoughts there was a part of your brain saying to just go with it. You’re brought out of your thoughts by your father’s voice.
“You’re probably wondering why the Weasleys are here?” Your father asks, reading your mind. You nod. “Well dear, we’ve decided to join our kingdoms and would like to have you and one of their children marry to unite us when you’re crowned queen.” He explains. You freeze. “So you’re arranging my marriage?” You ask, fear lacing your tone. “Well not exactly,” Your father tries to reason with you. “The Weasley’s have six boys in their family and 5 for you to choose from, aside from Bill the oldest who is already married, who you choose is your choice though of course.” You nod nervously, thinking back to the girl at the other side of the table. You glance in her direction and she’s looking back at you blushing. You feel a surge of happiness and turn back to your father. “Any… of the Weasley’s father?” You smile at him. “Of course darling, you have my word.” He nods to you unknowingly, your mother looks between you and the girl and back at you again, you raise one of your brows at her and she smiles, nodding. You feel a rush of excitement, quickly eating your oatmeal and drinking your tea before you stand hoping to greet the girl. “y/n why don’t you give the kids a tour around the castle?” Your father suggests, “to get to know them better.” He continues a grin on his face. “Um- of course! If you would kindly follow me?” you call out to the seven gingers, they all stand and walk towards the doors with you introducing themselves one by one. There was Bill, Charlie, Percy, Fred, George, Ron and the beautiful girl that caught your eye's name was Ginny, what a gorgeous name. For the rest of the morning and afternoon you run around the castle, showing them every room and every crevasse you thought was important, but in the end most of your time was spent in the garden, playing football with the family, you grew tired after a couple games and decided to sit under your favourite cherry blossom tree to watch. 
The Weasley’s were such kind people and you knew any of them would make a perfect partner, but only one of them had left you speechless. Ginny was absolutely perfect, she was so kind, strong and mature compared to most of her brothers, and on top of that, so very beautiful. You watch with heart-eyes as she runs around in her long dress throwing and catching a ball around with her brothers, you watch her eyes light up, her smile grow, and her hair sway and you knew she was the one you wanted to choose. You were conflicted though, you’ve never felt this way about a woman before, but with Ginny it just felt so natural, she made you laugh, blush and hang onto her every word, she was everything you could ever ask for and more, but you knew there was a problem, what if she didn’t feel that way about you? What if she found you disgusting for having these feelings for her? What if your father didn’t allow it… He did say sons after all. You could feel someone's gaze on you and you see Ginny standing with her twin brothers Fred and George, you smiled and waved at them, wondering what they’re talking about.
“Really?!” Fred says to his sister, his eyes wide in shock. Ginny rolls her eyes, “raise your voice a bit Fred I don’t think she heard you.” She whispers to her brother sarcastically. “But, you’re serious?… You like y/n?” George whispers back, Ginny glances back to you a pink dust on her cheeks and a smile spreading on her face, “Yes, she’s absolutely marvelous!” She answers George.  “Look Gin, I’m happy for you, really, but what are mum and dad going to say?” Fred questions, slightly concerned. “Well, I haven’t really thought that far yet, but I’m sure they’d be fine with it!” Ginny answers looking back to you again, she sees your eyes raise to hers and she can almost see your future together in your eyes, baking in the kitchen together, running through your castle hand in hand, and kissing you under the moonlight, the thought made her blush. “I’m going to tell her!” Ginny confidently starts to walk over, George grabs her by the arm. “Gin wait a second, how can you tell she feels the same?” George asks worriedly, not wanting his sisters heart broken. Ginny only grins, turning back to look at your rosy cheeks, she says dreamily, “I just know,” before releasing her arm and walking over. 
You see Ginny walking towards you and you start to panic. Did your hair look okay? Was there food on your face? Did your breath smell okay? Were there any stains on your dress? Ginny sits down next to you and as you look into her stunning eyes all your insecurities wash away. “You’re beautiful you know.” She says finally, grinning happily as she watches your face go bright pink again. “Thank you Ginny.” You respond meekly, feeling small under her intense gaze. “Really y/n, you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.” She says tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. You sat there stunned, wishing you could stay in this moment forever, Ginny staring into your eyes, her hand running through your hair, sitting under the pink cherry blossom tree, basking in the warm spring sunlight. 
“I want to choose you.” you utter unconsciously, staring lovingly at the girl in front of you. Ginny freezes, did she just hear you correctly? Her jaw drops. You snap out of your daze, taking her silence as rejection and stand up quickly. “I-I’m so sorry, I’ll just go.” You say stuttering, rushing off, tears in your eyes. You must’ve read the signs wrong, oh how stupid you were for thinking she felt the same way… 
Behind you Ginny shakes off her shock and stands up, following you and calling your name, you don’t stop and continue running until you reach a hidden alcove, your favourite one you had decorated with flowers, plants and pillows. You turn and drop into the alcove, hugging your knees to your chest. You hear Ginny calling for you again, you don’t answer, you hear her footsteps getting closer, you pray she doesn’t find you, but alas, luck wasn’t on your side. “Y/n! There you are!” She calls out. Great, you think to yourself, looking up at her with tears running down your face. Ginny steps into the alcove and wipes the tears from your eyes with her thumbs a small smile on her face, you turn away and hide your face from her embarrassed. She kneels in front of you and removes your hands from your face, holding them in her own. She takes a deep breath. “I want you to choose me too.” she says in a happy voice. “y/n, I’d love to be with you!” she breathes out with a smile on her face. “I know we’ve only just met today, but I feel something between us I don’t want to let go of, we can go slowly if you want. I'm in no rush. I just want to be with you.” She opens her mouth to speak again, but you shush her with a kiss, feeling her lips against yours was heavenly, your mouths moved in sync and you could feel her nibbling on your lips. You didn’t want it to stop, but you need to say something to her. You pull away reluctantly, and look deep into her eyes. “Then I choose you, Ginny Weasley, to be my queen, my love and my light, to stay by my side forever, do you accept?” You ask with a renewed feeling of confidence, “Yes, y/n I do.” She replies without hesitation, pulling you to her again and joining your lips together again, your hands on her soft cheeks and hers grasping the fabric of your dress. You would worry about any issues later on. Right now it was just you and your love sitting together in the hidden alcove. 
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minervacasterly · 4 years
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Queen Mary (I) Tudor -The Woman behind the Legend of 'Bloody Mary'
"As Mary continued to face Protestant treason she became even more ruthless, with the infamous burnings intended to eliminate what she perceived as a stubborn and destabilising minority. In our context we see Mary's actions as those of a fanatic. In her context she was eliminating fanatics, and of the most dangerous kind, incorrigible rebels against God and queen. But Mary also had to work positively, to build a future, and this unravelled in the face of her infertility and declining health. She failed in her ultimate duty to produce a child and this meant, once again, that the wider family was key to the future. Mary's preferred choice as her heir, was Margaret Douglas, could not compete with the claims of Henry VIII's second daughter and, as Elizabeth took note, it was the knowledge that she would succeed her sister that fueled the disorder and rebellion against Mary. With the loss of Calais in the last year of Mary's life it would be easy for her enemies to paint the young, Protestant Elizabeth's accession as a brilliant new dawn. It is as such that it is still projected. Mary remains associated with her late seventeenth-century sobriquet 'Bloody Mary', and an infamous recent advertisement for the London Dungeon depicted her face transforming into a demon-zombie. Elizabeth, by contrast, has been played in films by a series of beautiful actresses: Elizabeth is ever Cate Blanchett, fairy queen, to Mary's bitter, grey-faced Kathy Burke. Yet these sisters were neither simple heroines nor villains. Both were rulers of their time and we can only understand Elizabeth if we see, as she did, what the Tudor sisters had in common and how she could learn from Mary's example. Most significant for Elizabeth was the fact that Mary's Protestant enemies had sought to redefine the nature of a 'true' king. They argued that religion was more important than blood, or victory in battles -a true king was Protestant- and that all women were by nature unsuited to rule over men. Elizabeth's response was to offer her ordinary subjects a theatrical representation of herself as a 'true' ruler: the seeds of which had been sown by Mary herself in her speech during the Wyatt revolt, in which she is a mother who loves her subjects as if they were her children. Here was a female authority figure accepted as part of the divine order." ~Leanda de Lisle, TUDOR
"The blackening of Mary's name began in Elizabeth's reign and gathered force at the end of the 17th century, when James II compounded the view that Catholic monarchs were a disaster for England. But it was really the enduring popularity of John Foxe which shaped the view of her that has persisted for 450 years. Attempts to soften her image have been made, but their tendency to depict her as a sad little woman who would have been better off as the Tudor equivalent of a housewife is almost as distasteful as the legend of Bloody Mary. To dismiss her life as nothing more than a personal tragedy is both patronizing and mistaken. One of the main themes of Mary's existence is the triumph of determination over adversity. She lived in a violent, intolerant age, surrounded by the intrigues of a time when men and women gambled their lives for advancement at court. Deceit, like ambition, was endemic among the power-seekers of mid-Tudor England who passed, in procession, through her life. Pride, stubbornness and an instinct for survival saw her through tribulations that would have destroyed a lesser woman. Her bravery put her on the throne and kept her there, so that when she died she was able to bequeath to Elizabeth a precious legacy that is often overlooked: she had demonstrated that a woman could rule in her own right. The vilification of Mary has obscured the many areas of continuity between her rule and those of the other Tudors. Today, despite the fact that much more is known about her reign, she is still the most maligned and misunderstood of English monarchs. For Mary Tudor, the first queen of England, truth has not been the daughter of time." ~Linda Porter, THE MYTH OF BLOODY MARY
"Foxe's account would shape the popular narrative of Mary's reign for the next four hundred and fifty years. Generations of schoolchildren would grow up knowing the first Queen of England only as "Bloody Mary", a Catholic tyrant who sent nearly three hundred Protestants to their deaths, a point made satirically in W. C. Sellar and R. J. Yeatman's 1930s parody 1066 and All That. Mary's presence in a recent survey of the most evil men and women in history is testament to Foxe's enduring legacy. But there is, of course, a different Mary: a woman marked by suffering, devout in her faith and exceptional in her courage. From a childhood in which she was adored and feted and then violently rejected, a fighter was born. Her resolve almost cost her her life as her father, and then her brother, sought to subjugate her to their wills. Yet Mary maintained her faith and self-belief. Despite repeated attempts to deprive her of her life and right to the throne, the warrior princess turned victor and became the warrior princess turned victor and became the warrior queen. The boldness and scale of her achievements are often overlooked. The campaign that Mary led in the summer of 1553 would prove to be the only successful revolt against central government in sixteenth-century England. She, like her grandfather Henry VII and grandmother Isabella of Castile, had to flight for her throne. In the moment of crisis she proved decisive, courageous, and "Herculean" -and won the support of the English people as the legitimate Tudor heir. Mary was a conscientious, hardworking queen who was determined to be closely involved in government business and policy making. She would rise "at daybrea when, after saying her prayers and hearing mass in private," she would "transact business incessantly until after midnight." As rebels thereatend teh capital in January 1554 and she was urged to flee, Mary stood firm and successfully rallied Londoners to her defense. She was also a woman who lived by her conscience and was prepared to die for her faith. And she expected the same of others. Her religious defiance was matched by a personal infatuation with Phililp, her Spanish husband. Her love for him and dependence on her "true father", the Emperor Charles V, was unwavering. Her determination to honor her husband's will led England into an unpopular war with France and the loss of Calais. There was no fruit of the union, and so at her premature death there was no Catholic heir. Her own phantom pregnancies, together with epidemics and harvest failures across the country, left her undermined and unpopular. Her life, always one of tragic contrast, ended in personal tragedy as Philip abandoned her, never to return, even as his queen lay dying. In many ways Mary failed as a woman but triumphed as a queen. She ruled with the full measure of royal majesty and achieved much of what she set out to do. She won her rightful throne, married her Spanish prince, and restored the country to Roman Catholicism. The Spanish marriage was a match with the most powerful ruling house in Europe, and the highly favorable marriage treaty ultimately won the support of the English government. She had defeated the rebels and preserved the Tudor monarchy. Her Catholicism was not simply conservative but influenced by her humanist education and showed many signs of broad acceptance before she died. She was an intelligent, politically adept, and resolute monarch who proved to be very much her own woman. Thanks to Mary, John Aylmer, in exile in Switzerland, could confidently assert that "it is not in England so dangerous a matter to have a woman ruler, as men take it to be." By securing the throne following Edward's attempts to bar both his sisters, she ensured that the crown continued along the legal line of Tudor succession. Mary laid down other important precedents that would benefit her sister. Upon her accession as the first queen regnant of England, she redefined royal ritual and law, thereby establishing that a female ruler, married or unmarried, would enjoy identical power and authority to male monarchs. Mary was the Tudor trailblazer, a politiccal pioneer whose reign redefined the English monarchy." ~Anna Whitelock, MARY TUDOR: PRINCESS, BASTARD, QUEEN
Furthermore, as the country shifted from Catholicism to Protestantism, people began to find it easier to vilify her. During the Victorian age, England was at its height. People would say that the sun never set on the English Empire, and as a result, there was a growing sense of nationalism. Previously beloved figures like Queen Elizabeth I, Kings Edward III, Henry V, among others, were no longer kings and queens for people to admire and look upon but national symbols of pride, who were almost god-like. Edward III's victories against the French, Henry V's conquest of France, Elizabeth's Protestantism and victory against Spain with the Spanish Armada and other Catholic rivals, were extolled, and glorified, while Mary I's foreign ancestry was looked down upon. Ironically, all of these monarchs were also foreign in one way or another. You can say that Queen Elizabeth I wasn't because her parents were English, but what about her paternal ancestry, or her maternal one? No matter which way you look at it, she had foreign ancestry as much as any monarch. In fact, the Victorian era's own monarch, was of foreign descent as well! Victoria wasn't even an English name. She was named after her mother, Victoria of the Saxe-Coburg clan who was German and she married her cousin, who was also German. It was very common for royals to marry other royals, which meant that their offspring would be of foreign descent. In Mary's time this wouldn't be a reason to look down on her, on the contrary, she could point to her royal ancestors, be they foreign or not, with pride as a sign of how much royal blood flowed through her veins, making her eligible to be her father's heir. But as it has been pointed out before, times change and with it, so does our view of every historical figure.
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lilnasxvevo · 3 years
In like 2011 the UK changed its rules about line of succession where gender no longer mattered for anyone born after that date.
It’s kind of wild how long it will take before this ever even matters unless several people die unexpectedly. Charles is still next in line, and then William, and then George. As far as I can tell, the soonest it will ever matter will be if Prince George grows up and has a daughter as his first child, or if Prince George ascends the throne and dies childless before either Princess Charlotte or Prince Louis die, at which point Charlotte will take the throne even though historically the throne would have gone to Louis (essentially the throne only goes to a daughter when there are NO sons).
Like, unless something real bad happens, many of us will be dead of old age before the fact that the rules changed a decade ago ever actually affects who ascends the throne. Although if George ascends the throne before having children, Charlotte will be the heir presumptive, and of course if his firstborn is a daughter she will be the heir apparent, and I think this hypothetical daughter would actually be the first female heir apparent—since past women who have ascended the throne have all been “heir presumptive” which means “if the person on the throne dies right now you’ll become the new monarch but if he has a son before he dies then that son will become the new heir.”
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cincinnatusvirtue · 4 years
On this day in history:  Battle of Leuthen (1757): Frederick the Great perfects his oblique order.
The Seven Years War (1756-1763) is regarded by many as the first true world war.  It was fought on five continents and in many oceans, it was at its heart a battle of supremacy for worldwide influence, namely between Britain and France.  Its origins were in colonial conflict between these two powers in North America which became known as the French & Indian War.  However, it was also fought with a particularly ferocity in Europe.  Britain was not a main participant involved in the European theater, instead this sector of fighting largely centered around their two main allies in this conflict and question of continental supremacy in Central Europe.  it was the seeds to the so called German Question, would German speaking lands of Europe, then divided into the many entities of the Holy Roman Empire, be lead by the continual leadership of the Hapsburg Realm known based in the Archduchy of Austria or would it follow the Kingdom of Prussia?
Prelude: The German Question
-By the 18th century, the Holy Roman Empire, Central Europe and the German speaking peoples of Europe had largely been under the leadership of Vienna and the Hapsburg dynasty, then known as the Archduchy of Austria with its rulers serving as Holy Roman Emperor.  A title that conveyed certain ceremonial & political weight with it.  The Holy Roman Empire was a collection of mostly German speaking states that was concentrated in modern day Germany mostly alongside other parts of Central Europe.  The Hapsburgs were its leading family and also held sway directly over parts of Italy, Bohemia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Croatia, Italy and other parts of the Balkans.  In the past its traditional enemy was the Ottoman Empire, long seen as the last bastion between Christendom and the spread of Islam throughout Europe.
-Its success against the Ottomans in the Great Turkish War (1683-1699) alongside Russia, Poland, Venice and other nations has essentially reversed the trend of Ottoman encroachment.  Instead, the Turks now found themselves on the defensive and largely having to compete at against an expansionist Russia.  Meanwhile, Austria challenged its longtime enemy France, now run by the Bourbon dynasty for control over influence within continental Europe.
-Austria sought Britain and the Dutch Republic’s assistance in containing French supremacy in Western and Central Europe, all these nations had a mutual interest in containing the expansion in French power which was coupled with the Bourbon’s taking over Spain and its empire too.
-Austria and France clashed in the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714) and the subsequent War of the Austrian Succession (1740-1748).
-It was in the last 17th and early 18th century and the aforementioned wars, that the Kingdom of Prussia, centered in northeastern Germany and run by the Lutheran Hohenzollern dynasty looked to gain power and influence.
-Prussia was comparatively small relative to Hapsburg lands but it built its reputation on its military prowess, starting with Frederick WIlliam, Elector of Brandenburg.  As a member state of the Holy Roman Empire, it had a vote in the election of the Holy Roman Emperor, who was not a direct rule of other members of the fragmentary “empire” but a “first among equals” and one who held the most sway over the collective.
-Frederick William, his son and grandson (Frederick I) & (Frederick William I) were recognized Electors of Brandenburg and in the latter two’s case as Kings in Prussia and they made many military reforms that improved Prussia’s army.
-Under Leopold I, Prince of Anhalt-Dessau who served as Prussia’s royal military overseer a number of key reforms which set it apart from all other European armies were implemented.  Firstly, he replaced the traditional wooden ramrod of muskets with which a soldier must plunge the musket ball into the barrel with an iron ramrod.  The difference was stark, a more durable iron ramrod had a longer shelf-life than wood, was less prone to breaking and therefore was quicker for reloading.  Secondly, he introduced the goose-step march which slowed the march of the army, conserving their energy when going into battle and providing for more uniform cohesion.  Thirdly, he increased the role of the fife and drum musicians, making musicians out of some soldier and increasing the size of military marching bands, which was seen to boost morale.  Fourth, he introduced relentless drilling with emphasis on the rate of fire and the maneuverability of units in formation.  Fifth, the officer corps were directed and limited to the Junker (Prussian nobility) class which had a good miltary education and was firmly loyal to the Prussian nation and King.  Additionally, firm but harsh corporal punishment was introduced to instill discipline and deter desertion.  Finally, politically the introduction of mandatory conscription was more enforced in Prussia.
-All these elements left in place the Prussian Army becoming perhaps the most well oiled war machine in Europe at the time with only Austria, France, Britain and Russia being competitors, in time they would come to find out just how well trained and efficient this force was.
-As Prussia’s military reputation grew, so did its influence in the world of German politics and Austria clearly began to see it as a rival.  Though initially, in the War of the Spanish Succession, both nations were together to curb French influence, with the Prussians serving with distinction as mercenaries under the Holy Roman Empire’s banner.
-1740, however changed things when two new rulers came to rule over Prussia & Austria.  It started with Frederick II, the new King of Prussia.  Frederick had a troubled relationship with father, Frederick William I.  His father was well educated in government and military affairs and had hoped his son and heir would be inclined towards such matters too.  Frederick was instead, prone to the burgeoning trends of the Enlightenment then coming into full flourish and sweeping Europe’s philosophy circles.  Frederick was more interested in music, the arts and philosophy.   His father also physical and mentally abused him, beating him with a cane and calling him many insults.  To add to the strain, he appears to have been a homosexual, something punishable by death even for a royal during that time.  Famously, he attempted to flee to Britain with his tutor/lover Han Hermann von Katte to escape the abuse by his father.  However, both Frederick & Katte were caught in 1730 during their flight.  Katte and Frederick were technically army officers and Frederick William I wanted to make an example of them for their flight as a betrayal of the nation.  Though Katte’s initial sentence was imprisonment until the King’s death, Frederick William I instead ordered his execution.  He made his son watch his friend and lover die by beheading, Frederick is said to have passed out at the sight of his lover’s execution by his father’s order.  Frederick himself was also imprisoned by his father for the next two years.
-Eventually, father and son somewhat reconciled.  In part, because he got Frederick to marry a woman, Elizabeth Christine of Brunswick-Wolfsbuttel.  However, Frederick remained a semi-closeted gay man and never had children with his wife nor had any physical intimacy with her, though appears to have had no affairs with other women either.  Instead, he always maintain an interest in the military and quite probably had male lovers & confidantes.  Instead, the couple maintained separate residences over the course of their lives and Frederick knew full well the marriage was for political purposes.  It was to last from 1733 until his death in 1786.
-Frederick came to the throne in 1740, having inherited a Prussia with a stable economy, efficient administration & most important of all, well trained and sizable army relative to its population.  All things despite their often strained relationship he owed to his father.  Of his father after his death he said:
“What a terrible man he was. But he was just, intelligent, and skilled in the management of affairs... it was through his efforts, through his tireless labor, that I have been able to accomplish everything that I have done since.”
 -1740, also saw accession to the Austrian throne, Maria-Theresa, daughter of Charles VI, Holy Roman Emperor and Archduke of Austria.  She had married, Francis, Duke of Lorraine, a Franco-German, portion of the Holy Roman Empire.  Together, they would co-rule the Hapsburg Empire & give rise to the Hapsburg-Lorraine branch of the family, as Maria-Theresa was the last in the senior line of the Hapsburg family, which is declared to “die out” due to no more direct male heirs.  Their subsequent branch would head the family and rule Austria in its many iterations through World War I in the form of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
-The issue of Maria-Theresa’s gender came to be the powder keg for growing Austro-Prussian conflict.  However, it was a smokescreen to expand Prussian power at Austrian expense, being just a convenient excuse other rulers needed to undermine Hapsburg rule as Holy Roman Emperors.  Charles VI, aware of the problems caused by having no male heirs and relying on a system of primogeniture, where the eldest surviving legitimate male son or nearest male relative was given to rule, was forced to spend much of his reign using diplomacy and concessions to the other Electors of the Holy Roman Empire and great powers of Europe, to recognize his daughter as his heir and as Holy Roman Empress and ruler of Hapsburg lands.  The Pragmatic Sanction of 1713 was the recognition by the other powers of Europe of her succession to these lands.  
-However, looking to weaken the Austrians and get the balance of power set about in a more favorable fashion, France & Prussia backing the relative of Maria-Theresa, Charles-Albert of Bavaria, proclaimed his right to become Holy Roman Emperor.  Making him in effect Charles VII, Holy Roman Emperor.  He was of the House of Wittelsbach and his reign interrupted the Hapsburg claim to the title for the preceding 300 years.  Citing, Salic Law, from the Middle Ages, neither France nor Prussia could truly “respect” a woman’s claim to hold the title of Holy Roman Emperor or to rule over the Hapsburg lands.  For France it was about controlling the balance of power, for Frederick of Prussia, now Frederick II, it was a chance to increase Prussia’s profile.  So launched the 8 year long War of the Austrian Succession.  The war saw Frederick II invade Austrian Silesia in modern day Poland.  With this Maria-Theresa & Frederick II were ever after archrivals.  
-  By 1745, Frederick’s army time and again surprised the Austrians and  Europe at large and had more or less secured its war aims, Silesia.  He secured for himself a reputation as a great tactician and for the Prussian army, a sense of true respect for their performance. The treaty of Aix-la-Chappelle in 1748 ended the war, Maria-Theresa was declared to be Holy Roman Empress and ruler of all Hapsburg lands with her husband who became Francis I as Holy Roman Emperor.  Their family would continue to succeed them ever after.  However, Frederick got to retain control of Silesia and this caused simmering tension and resentment with Maria-Theresa.  
Diplomatic Revolution:
-In the years following the Treaty of Aix-la-Chappelle, the political goals of Europe’s great powers realigned.  Britain and France still retained colonial rivalries the world over and both sought to have a favorable balance of power on the continent as well.  Austria & Britain had been traditional allies for decades but with British support for Prussian claims to Silesia, Maria-Theresa no longer felt Britain could be a dependable ally in what she sought, a reclaiming of Silesia, she needed help to achieve this and turned to an unlikely place, its former rival...France.
-Meanwhile, Britain felt Austria itself was too weak to take on France and therefore was willing to subsidize other powers to contain French ambition on the continent while the Royal Navy & British Army took French colonies elsewhere.  So a partner switch developed.  Prussia & Britain signed an alliance in January 1756.  
-Meanwhile. France at first declared neutrality thanks to diplomacy from Austria which no longer had borders on France’s natural borders and this lead to a thawing of icy relations.  A series of treaties was signed between Austria and France in 1756-57 which formed an anti-Prussian coalition between the two and later supplemented by Russia & Sweden.  France agreed to support Austria regaining Silesia, and subsidies for Austria to maintain a large army against the Prussians.  In exchange at the war’s end, France would gain the Austrian Netherlands (Belgium).  This would allow France new ports to threaten Britain.
-War had broken out 1756 officially between Britain and France though their North American colonies had been fighting since 1754.  
-Frederick II, sensing the growing alliance against him wanted to preempt any Austrian attack against Silesia and thusly invaded the Austrian ally, the Electorate of Saxony in August 1756, this kicked off the war and lead to many back and forth battles over the next 7 years.
-The war shifted in 1757 to Austrian Bohemia (Czech Republic) and left Prague under siege by the Prussians at one point.  Frederick garnered many important early victories but was forced to withdraw in this instance.
-By late 1757, the French were providing Austria the long awaited support for its thrusts into Silesia.  Prussia was gradually pushed back following the retreat from Prague and now was facing pressure from multiple approaches.  
-This approach culminated in the November 1757 Battle of Rossbach, the only physical battle to involve both France & Prussia against each other.  Frederick caught the Austro-Franco army by surprise and inflicted 10,000 casualties to his less than 1,000.  France essentially remained a non-entity in this theater for the next several years, though they did continue to fund the Austrians.  Austria’s real support would come later from Russia & Sweden against Prussia.
Battle of Leuthen:
-Meanwhile, another and even larger Austrian army was looking to engage Frederick, this one was lead by Maria-Theresa’s brother in law, Prince Charles Alexander of Lorraine.  He sought to engage the Prussians and defeat Frederick decisively.  Indeed he did defeat the Prussians, not under Frederick’s command at the Battle of Breslau in late November 1757 which threatened all of Prussian Silesia in December with 66,000 soldiers under his command.
-Frederick meanwhile had 33,000 meaning his troops would be outnumbered 2 to 1.  Learning of the fall of Breslau, he moved his troops, 170 miles in just 12 days, a very accomplished maneuver given the roads and transport of the times.
-Prince Charles, aware of Frederick’s approach’s toward Breslau, the provincial capital of Silesia.  He sought to stop the advance 17 miles west at the town of Leuthen.
-The Austrians hoped to check any Prussian countermove with a force running north to south spread out around Leuthen, knowing the Prussians would come from the west.
-Charles had placed his command in the village church tower to give him more of a vantage point over the rolling countryside displayed before his army.  This meant he should be able to anticipate any move Prussia made.
-Frederick however, was quite familiar with the land, having used the Silesians countryside around Leuthen as parade and drilling grounds for the Prussian Army during peace time.  Rarely one, to do the expected Frederick wanted to use his tactical prowess against the Austrians.  
-His first step was to survey the land and hatch a plan.  Austria’s strongest concentration of troops was on the left wing (south end) and their front stretched five miles north to south.  Frederick, decided he would make the Austrians think he was in one place and then show in an unexpected place.  His goal was to get the Austrians to react to this deceit which would provide an opening to his advantage.
-Realizing a series of low lying hills running almost parallel to the Austrian line lie in front of both armies.  Frederick planned to use these hills to cover his troops movements for the main strike.  First however, a force of cavalry would would launch an attack to distract the Austrians on the north end of the battlefield, the more lightly concentrated side.  The Austrians thinking the attack was now coming from the north instead of the south would transfer the greatest concentration of troops from the south to north and check the Prussian attack.  Meanwhile, Frederick employing his favorite tactic, oblique order would march from behind the hills to the now weakened south end of the Austrian line, perform a right angle turn and blast volleys into the weakened line, and roll it up from the south end, essentially performing a bait and switch on the Austrians.
-On the morning of December 5th, 1757, fog came onto the field, making it hard to see either side, this helped the Prussians more than the Austrians.
-Prince Charles saw Frederick’s initial moves early in the morning but interpreted them possibly as a retreat at first  Meanwhile, Prussian cavalry attacked the north end of the Austrian line from the woods, indeed it seemed as if the Prussians were attacking the north end, having expected a southern end attack initially hence the greater concentration of troops.  The worry was this attack coming from an unexpected direction could contribute to the Prussians rolling up the Austrian line.
-Charles reacted by shifting his entire southern flank’s reserve to reinforce and extend the line to the north.  His transfer of troops drew out the line’s length and weakened the southern flank.  They would in fact be facing the weaker Prussian attack, while the stronger attack would hit their originally anticipated southern flank, now weakened by deception.  Little did he realize, he had fallen in Frederick’s trap.
-Indeed, Frederick marched his troops quietly in the fog and behind the hills before the Austrians, before he performed a right turn and executed oblique order, essentially moving the bulk of one’s forces against the weakened flank of the enemy and pushing them back so as to create an opening that forces the enemy line to shift, contort and break.  His troops were well timed and disciplined to pull off such a maneuver.
-The main Prussian force marching south behind the hills was in two parallel columns.  They moved past the length of the Austrian line and out of sight totally before veering eastward until they formed virtually a right angle with the Austrian line who was surprised by the sight of the Prussian army emerging from fog in battle line formation.  The Prussian infantry opened fire with devastating volleys, keep in mind, the rate of five for Prussian infantrymen was 5 shots a minute per man compared to the 3-4 averaged by other European armies of the time.  Their hard training had paid off with a faster and consequently more damaging rate of fire than their enemy.  
-The Prussians now pushed forward against the confused and bedazzled Austrian army, which ironically, seeking to avoid being rolled up in the opposite direction, weakened their originally stronger side only to be rolled up anyway from a now completely unexpected direction.
-The Austrians had a few regiments try to check the Prussian advance from the south and indeed some artillery pointed south held them at bay but Frederick ordered some artillery of his own to be placed on one of the hills to the west of Leuthen, which in turn enfiladed the Austrian guns and forced them to withdraw.
-Meanwhile the Austrians tried to shift everything south in order to maintain control of the situation but the Prussian cavalry which had launched the screening attack on the Austrin north flank intially had withdrawn until was called into action by Frederick once more, causing more confusion for the Austrians who ultimately withdrew from the field, heading northeast.
-Frederick wanted to pursue but snowfall made him call off the pursuit.  That night, Frederick arrived at the castle at nearby Lissa, occupied by both Austrian officers and refugees from villages caught near the battle.  He politely surprised the Austrians by acknowledging they did not expect his presence their that night but did ask for lodging.  Subsequently he went on to besiege Breslau and force an Austrian surrender.
-The war was far from over and Frederick and indeed Prussia’s fortunes fluctuated until its conclusion in 1763, in which Prussia would technically be the winner, retaining Silesia, in exchange for the recognition of Maria-Theresa’s son, Joseph as her heir.  Though the war exhausted both sides in terms of manpower but ultimately, Frederick stopped Austrian +other Germans, French, Russian & Swedish armies from ending Prussia and his reign altogether.
-As a result of his tactical & strategic performance in this war and the preceding War of the Austrian Succession, he earned the historical moniker, Frederick the Great.  The Battle of Leuthen was one illustration of the man’s tactical prowess, perhaps the most perfect example of this and more broadly of how far Prussia’s army had come from a comparative German backwater to the premier army on the European continent.
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if a monarch needed to name a regent, is it completely up to their discretion or do they simply follow the hierarchy? could they name their spouse as regent? also bonus question: do you think charles would make an effective regent while queen elizabeth shelters during covid?
So a monarch can’t usually name their own regent. Generally a regency is only needed because a monarch cannot exercise their duties which means they aren’t physically or mentally well/mature enough to pick their own regent either. If you’re speaking more as someone might name a person to be regent while they’re healthy in the event that something changes, that wouldn’t happen. The regency is governed by law and is not the monarch’s choice. It is the next person in the line of succession who meets certain criteria (age etc). When the Queen took the throne parliament amended the law to include Philip above those in the line of succession if their child took the throne while under 18 and needed a regent. The Queen is not incapacitated so she wouldn’t need a regent. At most she would need a Counsellor of State. That’s essentially someone who takes on the role of monarch while the monarch is only temporarily unable to do the role but still has full capacity. So that could be because they’re on a long tour overseas or something like shielding if it proved to be something that would prevent her doing her job fully. Think of it like a regency lite. The Counsellors of State are the consort and top four in line to the throne over 18 (Charles, William, Harry and Andrew). Two people have to be named and in that instance as the Queen would have full capacity there seems to be freedom in who she selects (although they’ll have to address this soon as I can’t see Harry or Andrew doing it now!)
I think as a regency is a massive thing - it would essentially mean the queen would have to be very sick - not many people would be focusing on what Charles is doing. There would just generally be a lot of “oh shit the queen’s going to die.” I think he would more be assuring the public which I think he could do to an extent. He’s not the warmest person - well that’s at least not part of his public image - but he speaks well on family matters and is good at PR so he could keep things calm for a bit.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
What’s Happening With Marvel’s X-Men?
This article contains spoilers for recent Marvel X-Men stories.
A long time ago, back at the beginning of the interminable, endless month of March that the pandemic has trapped us in, Marvel’s X-Men books were barrelling towards their first big post-Dawn of X crossover, X of Swords. And then the world stopped, and plans changed for the X-Men while everything was paused.
Now that we’re back, plans have changed, and books are coming fast and furious. So what’s going on with Marvel’s Merry Mutants? Which book did Storm get sick in? What book should you read for a good Laksa recipe? New Mutants, but we can answer all your other questions on what’s going on with the X-Men below. 
While we won’t rehash the entire thing, House of X/Powers of X reset the entire X-Men line. Mutants can’t die anymore (or rather, if they do, they’re resurrected from clone bodies and emergency backup minds by The Five and Professor X). The X-Men, and all mutants alive, are now living on Krakoa, a living, mutant island in the Pacific that, at some point in the distant past, broke in half, sending one part of it to a dangerous, monster-infested realm with Apocalypse’s first Horsemen standing guard making sure it didn’t return. 
Humans are back to hating and fearing mutants on a wide scale, but this time it’s mostly because the mutants are vehemently anti-capitalism, flooding markets with cheap, life-extending and health-improving drugs and vowing to take down the human world with economic weapons of their own making. This has the humans initiating some pretty intense Sentinel programs, particularly around the sun, where Nimrod – the adaptive Sentinel whose existence dooms mutantkind in one Powers of X future – was very nearly created. 
And amidst all of that, Moira MacTaggert, the secret mutant mastermind with the power of Groundhog Lifeing (when she dies, her consciousness is immediately transported back to her prenatal self to be born again with all her old memories. She’s on life ten now, btw), is frantically trying to manipulate events so that mutants continue to exist in the long run as the next phase in human evolution, averting a future where man-machine hybrids (like Omega Sentinels and the Children of the Vault) develop while humans and mutants are busy fighting among themselves. She’s also not allowing Charles and Magneto to revive any mutants with precognitive powers, expecting them to see her plan and ruin Krakoan civilization.
X-Men, by mastermind Jonathan Hickman with art mostly from Leinil Yu, is where big ideas are being seeded for later use.
This is where the story of Krakoa and its estranged, otherdimensional partner Arakko was further developed (following its introduction in Powers of X and setting up X of Swords, the first mutant crossover of the Dawn of X era). X-Men introduced Hordeculture (think the Golden Girls if they were also ecoterrorist botanists); reintroduced the Children of the Vault; showed how depowered mutants get in line to get their powers back; and saw Magneto and Apocalypse threaten humankind with the most terrible weapon of all: finance capitalism.
New Mutants
It also, just prior to the break, X-Men had a spiritual crossover with New Mutants, initially a split book by Hickman and Rod Reis on the space issues, and Ed Brisson, Flaviano, and Marco Failla on the Earth issues. Brisson, Flaviano and Failla’s story follows a group of Earthbound mutant kids (including Glob Herman and Boom Boom) as they track down stragglers to Krakoa, like Beak and Angel.
Hickman and Reis took the original New Mutants plus Chamber and Mondo into space to go pick up Cannonball (who was living on Chandi’lar with his wife, Smasher). On the way there, they stole a King Egg from the Starjammers and brought it back to Earth, where it turns out, we discover in X-Men, the King Egg is a bioweapon created by the Kree to control the Brood for an eventual war with the Shi’ar. Broo, the supersmart mutant Broodling from Wolverine and the X-Men, eats the egg and becomes the Brood King.
Excalibur is the shining star of the line so far. Tini Howard and Marcus To are growing the mythos of mutant magic with a very odd team that includes Betsy Braddock (now back in her original body and the new Captain Britain); Rogue and Gambit; Jubilee and her mysteriously dragonified son Shogo; new earth mage Rictor; and Apocalypse, who is clearly up to some stuff. Apocalypse picks a fight with Otherworld and places a newly resurrected but still batshit Jamie Braddock on the throne of the magical realm.
Excalibur was one of the first books to return from hiatus, and it came back with maybe the best single issue of the entire relaunch in issue #10. I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Marauders launched as the story about the Hellfire Trading Company, the corporate arm of Krakoa that distributes the miracle drugs around the world while also smuggling mutants in trouble home to Krakoa. But Gerry Duggan and Matteo Lolli’s book quickly turned into the mystery of Kitty Pryde – why she’s not able to use the Krakoan gates that allow instantaneous travel around the galaxy, and whether she can be resurrected by The Five. That story has just about come to a head, but it is worth noting that it still contains a great deal of Hellfire Trading Company intrigue between Emma Frost and Sebastian Shaw, and a lot of drunken pirate antics. The resurrected original Pyro does get a tattoo of the Marauders skull on his face at one point. It’s fun.
X-Force, by Ben Percy and Joshua Cassara, immediately killed Professor X. He was resurrected, of course, but it served as both a notice that everyone is fair game, and alongside Marauders, keeps some slight mystery to character death alive post-The Five’s perpetual resurrection machine. It’s also the story of the Krakoan CIA, so it sets up the global threats facing the mutant nation, and then sends Wolverine to get cut in half fighting them. Also, Forge creates a bio-mech loader suit and smashes the two halves of Logan back together at one point. If that’s something you find yourself chuckling at, this book is going to exceed expectations.
Fallen Angels
Fallen Angels focused mostly on resetting the current Psylocke’s status quo. Kwannon was brought back to life and placed in her old body shortly before the reboot (very quickly: Spiral switched Psylocke and Kwannon’s bodies, then before they could be reverted, Kwannon got the Legacy Virus and died, then when Betsy used a villain’s powers to recreate her old body and reinhabit it, Kwannon…uh…got better…). Here, she teamed with X-23 and Cable, with ops backup from Mister Sinister, to track down Apoth, a technological being selling cybernetic drugs to humans.
It’s mostly setup for Psylocke, X-23 (now Wolverine again, I think), and Sinister while adding another technological foe to the mix. It leads almost directly into Zeb Wells and Steven Segovia’s Hellions, a book about Sinister’s team of mutants who are all gleefully, unrepentantly screwed up and are currently on a mission cleaning up some old clones Sinister left lying around.
Cable, Wolverine, and More…
Cable, Wolverine and the Giant Size issues, are still mostly seeding future storylines. Cable, from Duggan and Phil Noto, has only had a couple of issues so far, but it’s brought the Galadorians (the Spaceknights minus ROM, who belongs to IDW now, I think) into mutant orbit and given Nathan a sword for the crossover.
Wolverine, by Percy, Adam Kubert and Victor Bogdanove, has Logan tracking down illicit Krakoan flower dealers, and also Omega Red works for Dracula now. And the Giant Size issues are mysteries piled on mysteries piled on incredible art. Hickman has scripted all three, and so far, Storm caught a technovirus from the Children of the Vault in the Jean Grey/Emma Frost issue (drawn by Russell Dauterman); we find out what’s up with Cypher’s techno-organic arm in the Nightcrawler issue (from Alan Davis); Magneto buys Emma an island from Namor with art from Ramon Perez; and we get actual backstory and incredible Rod Reis art in the Fantomex issue. 
The recently wrapped Empyre: X-Men’s opening scene is simultaneously one of the most important to the metanarrative of mutant struggle that’s been developing since the Professor’s “No More” scene in House of X #4 AND the best setup/punchline in any Dawn of X comic. It also starts to deliver on some of the rumored-but-never-announced X-Men ideas that were floated early after the reboot – Angel and M are two of the leads, playing out a little of the boardroom drama we hoped for after an X-Corporation book was rumored.
X-Factor, from Leah Williams and David Baldeon, more or less just launched. It’s about the team investigating and verifying mutant deaths, to put those lives into the queue for resurrection. This feels like the book set up to deliver on the weirdest promises of the relaunch, and the creative team are inventive, fun storytellers, so keep an eye on this. Williams has a very sharp ear for patter and knows her characters well – while it’s not an X-book, Amazing Mary Jane is a stunning accomplishment of delightful character work. Early X-Factor is more of the same, with more mutant high concept.
And all this is leading to X of Swords, the new X-writers room’s attempt to outdo X-Cutioner’s Song: a 22-part Tini Howard-led crossover where everyone swordfights over half of Krakoa. And still dangling in the ether, unannounced but long discussed, are Vita Ayala and Bernard Chang’s Children of the Atom, following a group of mutant teenagers who idolize the X-Men, and a Moira X book that’s expected to fill in some of the gaps in Moira’s many, many timelines. 
The post What’s Happening With Marvel’s X-Men? appeared first on Den of Geek.
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chickandaflick-blog · 5 years
1917 (2020)
I don’t like war movies, never have. They usually play one of two ways - an effects-heavy love ballad to gore and violence or a hearty tale of brotherhood among men who can’t wait to talk about the girls waiting back home. The ones that focus more on fact over fiction will hold my attention a little longer, but my historical interests tend to skew towards the royal court of Henry the Eighth. So no, I don’t like war movies and I didn’t like 1917. I loved it.
Director: Sam Mendes Starring: George MacKay, Dean-Charles Chapman, Richard Madden, Benedict Cumberbatch, Colin Firth, Mark Strong Summary: During World War I, two British soldiers -- Lance Cpl. Schofield and Lance Cpl. Blake -- receive seemingly impossible orders. In a race against time, they must cross over into enemy territory to deliver a message that could potentially save 1,600 of their fellow comrades -- including Blake's own brother.
I don’t like war movies, never have. They usually play one of two ways - an effects-heavy love ballad to gore and violence or a hearty tale of brotherhood among men who can’t wait to talk about the girls waiting back home. The ones that focus more on fact over fiction will hold my attention a little longer, but my historical interests tend to skew towards the royal court of Henry the Eighth. So no, I don’t like war movies and I didn’t like 1917. I loved it.
The story follows two British soldiers during the first world war and their journey across hostile territory to pass on a message that will save hundreds of lives - if they make it. Blake, played by Dean-Charles Chapman (Game of Thrones’ Tommen Baratheon) and Schofield, played by George MacKay (Hamlet in the 2018 film Ophelia, which I only recently learned about and is now on my watchlist) are quickly likable and their easy, youthful friendship gives the movie a light start. Unfortunately, movies that attach you to the main characters so quickly tend to immediately send them into danger and 1917 is no exception.
Schofield and Blake are called to see the general who informs them that there is an attack planned for the next morning that needs to be stopped. Turns out the Germans weren’t really retreating, they were luring the British into a trap and if the attack goes on, all 1,600 men will die. Unfortunately, the phone lines have been cut and they can’t call them, so the only way to warn them is by a hand-delivered letter. This is where Blake comes in - with his expert navigation skills, he should be able to make his way past the German front lines and to the camp of the 2nd battalion. In case orders aren’t enough, the stakes are made even more personal when it is revealed his brother is one of the 1,600 men.
They set off on their journey and we’re quickly - too quickly - exposed to the horrors of war. The devastation is immediate as we are first introduced to the wounded, and then to the dead. As the pair begin their trek across no man’s land, we see horrors that no man should ever have to witness and with each devastating visual, you are reminded that this isn’t just a movie - this is someone’s past, someone’s memory. 
Though the story is a work of fiction, it is in fact based in some reality - director Sam Mendes’ grandfather, Alfred Mendes went on his own life-threatening journey across no man’s land in his time serving during World War I. These tales of war first relayed to Mendes in his childhood, stayed with him, eventually inspiring the creation of 1917.
And what a creation it is. Emotionally charged from start to finish, it’s hard to not judge this movie from such a personal perspective. Beyond just being visually stunning, it’s the way the visuals are presented that takes it to the next level - the entire thing is made to look like one continuous take.
I will admit, I was skeptical about the idea when I first heard what they were doing, but within minutes of the movie starting, I was hooked. Something happens when a movie unfolds in “real-time” and in such close proximity - you become a part of it. You’re no longer watching two soldiers delivering a message during a war. You are the third soldier, a silent partner on a dangerous mission. There isn’t that detached feeling of an observer, your emotions are heightened because you’re experiencing it with them - the fear, the anxiety, the sadness, the determination. I will say this again and again - movies aren’t just meant to be watched, they’re meant to be felt and 1917 does this brilliantly.
There is so much to like about the movie - the actors, the music, the story, the sheer artistry of it all - but it’s the emotional core that gives it such a high place in my heart and my rating scale. This is more than just a war film - this is a story of humanity, determination, loyalty, and friendship. It’s a harsh but necessary reminder of the cost of war, a hope that we can be better than we were before. It’s a testament to the bond between a grandson and grandfather. It is a truly wonderful piece of art, the kind of movie that awards are made for. The stunning package is just the pretty ribbon attached to the medal.
THE NITTY GRITTY Swearing: yes Sexual Content: references to sexual acts Violence: graphic and explicit
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pillpcpper · 5 years
Tumblr media
                                 FAYE LATTIMORE // COLORLESS
                                                   The Funeral.
                                        Laressa was always grey.
The sky was usually a light grey casting a dull hue onto the small kingdom, but today it was completely colorless.
Faye’s father, two of her brothers, and her baby sister laid in front of her and her remaining siblings.
The Lattimore house now consisted of only three members.
Lawerence, Faye, and Lyanna.
Faye knows she’s the one to take her father’s place. Her brother had his own problems; problems that didn’t involve his family’s name or his family at all. Faye is pretty shocked he came to the funeral.
“He looks handsome.”
“He looks dead, Lawerence.” Lyanna snaps, her eyes never leaving their eldest brother’s body.
Charles. He was no king, which is why he gave his title as heir to Frederick, he knew who he was. He was a peacemaker, a rule writer, a loyal follower to their father. He followed him into war with no hesitation. There’s not a doubt in Faye’s mind he was the first one of them to die.
The new eldest Lattimore and the new youngest are bickering but she can’t hear them, her eyes are focused on her family. Her dead family.
“Father wouldn’t like you two bickering.”
She finally speaks but she still can’t tear her gaze from their bodies.
“None of them would. Especially seeing it’s rare we’re all together.” With that she looks up at Lawerence, their matching icy eyes meeting for the first time in what feels like centuries. He’s stoic, he always is, but for a moment there’s a flash of compassion and longing when he looks into his sister’s eyes.
Lawerence left Laressa when he wasn’t put next in line for the throne. It seemed everyone in Laressa knew Frederick was the obvious choice for the throne except Lawerence. He threw a massive fit, that was the only way to describe his behavior that day, called their father names, called their brother names, and then just left. He left their kingdom, left their family, left with the parting message of: “Next time you see me, it’ll be with my army behind me coming to take back what’s rightfully mine.”
That wasn’t the case today.
It had been five years since this occurred. Lawerence had dropped his vendetta against his family, focusing on his people, his new kingdom in the forests of High Garden. He apparently had a wife or two, Lyanna could’ve been making that up, none of them were really sure what he was up to and it didn’t seem like they would have the time to catch up today.
“She’s right…They wouldn’t. Especially Frederick, he hated when we argued.”
Frederick. The rightful heir to the throne. The rightful king of Laressa. He was a king, in every sense of the word, he was made to be a king. Their whole family knew this, and though it took Lawerence a long time to accept it, he knew his brother was meant for the throne. Frederick always fought for his people, he always did what was right even if no one liked it, he was what Lyanna strived to be.
Now, he was dead.
A single bullet in the chest was enough to take down the strongest man Lyanna ever knew. That fact made it difficult for her to sleep at night.
“He didn’t deserve this.” Lyanna whispered. Lawerence stiffened a little when a cold breeze passed by.
“None of them did.” Faye stared down at her older brother. He looked like he was sleeping but something was off. He looked grey, there were bruises littering his face, and small cut on the tip of his nose. He would always be a king in her mind. The red headed girl can’t help but to wonder what life would be like if he lived to be king.
They’re all ignoring the smallest body in front of them because it’s the hardest to swallow.
The baby. The warrior. The never pleased and never broken. They found her body not far from their father’s, Lyanna told Faye one minute they were fighting, the next minute it was white, then the next it was all ash.
Faye doesn’t know much about war, but she knows it was the reason why two-thirds of her family was laying before her without a heartbeat.
She was the only one not on the battlefield that day, she’s never been on the battlefield, she’s more a talker than a fighter which explains her attachment to her eldest brother. From the stories Lyanna told, she knew the way The Iron Islands fought was unfair. The Laressa army wasn’t full of pansies by any means but they did follow the rules. When the other side surrendered, they retreated. Those were the rules of war, right? That’s what Faye has always been told.
The islands must’ve read a different rule book than her.
Lyanna remembers Charles raising the white flag. Lyanna remembers thinking it was over. Lyanna remembers her brother getting shot off his horse. The rest in a blur. A big, loud, ashy blur.
“Mother would’ve wanted her in a dress.” Lawerence spoke in a quiet tone, his hand slowly brushed over her hardening hair. He pulled his hand back at the unfamiliar feeling, swallowing thickly at the bruises that scattered her innocent face.
“She died in armor, she will be buried in armor, like the knight she was.” Faye’s tone was slightly shaky but strong none the less. Lawerence only nodded, blinking hard down at Florence’s small body a few more times.
“We can’t burry–”
“I know what has to be done. I’m not new to this, Lawerence.”
Now it was Faye’s turn to be spiteful. She looked up from the slaughter to her brother, who was already meeting her cold gaze. Faye knows there was nothing Lawerence could’ve done to stop this. This wasn’t his fault. That didn’t stop her from misplacing her anger on her run away brother.
“Watch your tone, Faye.”
“You can’t talk to me like that anymore.” She’s quick and calculated with every word, “I’m not the skinny little fifteen year old girl you abandoned for a stupid title. I am grown, and strong, and queen–”
“You’ve been queen for two days, Faye. What do you even plan on doing?”
She paused. Lyanna looked between the two, staring up at her sister, she knew the answer because she knew her sister.
“To destroy them.”
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guessmonsta · 7 years
Tsukishima in- "I'm the teenage heir to the throne and I'm the next in line to marry. My parents arranged me with the princess from the neighboring kingdom and GOD I hate it because I'm only interested in science and- oh wait? The princess isn't a snob? She's into science and wants me to teach her more? Ok well, maybe this isn't so bad after all..."
I reference my other royal au in here as well! Bravo if you get it!! (which I still need to finish but I’ll get around to- oops!)
June 18, 1879
Tsukishima Kei liked to start off his mornings with a warm mug of imported tea and a nice book on the balcony. It became a ritual of his that the rest of the palace knew well enough not to disrupt. The maids, the cooks, even his own parents, were wary about walking in on the prince before he had time to stabilize himself. Although, this very morning, the flow of his routine was dammed off.
Kei barely had time to poke his head out from underneath his sheets before the grand doors of his bedroom were pushed back. He wasn’t fully awake enough yet to even scowl at the intrusion, yet he buried his head back under the sheets to retaliate. Mere seconds later, they were whipped away from his head in what seemed like worry and panic. He was awake enough to scowl, now, rolling around and shooting a glare up at the maid who dare awake him.
“What.” Was all he managed to hiss, grabbing the sheets and cocooning himself again.
“Your father ushered me to retrieve you. It’s urgent, your highness.” The maid stammered out quickly, her foot tapping against the hardwood of his floor out of impatience.
“He can wait another hour. Tell him “your highness” couldn’t care less.”
He smiled sardonically up at the maid before flipping over to his other side, finding refuge in between his pillows. He heard the maid sigh and stomp over to the other side of his room, and promptly yank open his blinds.
“I’m not here to play games, your highness. Please, if your father says it's urgent, it must be urgent.”
“Have you met the buffoon?” Kei yawned, barely sparing the maid another glance. “It’s probably to discuss how the ball went last week. Or what theme his idiotic dinner party should be this Sunday. If it’s so urgent, tell him to get me himself.”
Kei heard the maid growl as she stomped out of his room, slamming the doors behind him. They really should get more polite maids in this palace, Kei thought, sitting up in his bed and ruffling his hair. He slapped around his nightstand for his glasses, fumbling around with them for a bit before raising them up to his shirt to wipe off. Before he had any time to put them over his eyes, his door slammed open again. Kei groaned, slipping on his glasses as angrily as one could slip on glasses, and turned towards the door. His father stood in the entry, with his mother close behind, not saying anything until Kei muttered an agitated, “what?” for the second time that morning.
His father cleared his throat, making his intrusion inside of Kei’s room and standing at the foot of his bed. The King was not a stern man, and never had been. The locals sometimes called him a loon, a man so completely out of his mind that he sometimes forgot that he had an army out on the battlefront. Nevertheless, he was respected, and Kei never really knew why. Perhaps it was because of his mother, The Queen, logical and prolific, who kept him in line with every decision he made. She stood in place at the doorway, she never liked to invade his privacy.
“Get dressed and meet us in the dining hall in a quarter of an hour.” For the first time in Kei’s life, he had heard his father's voice come out in a serious manner, rather than a lighthearted, teasing tone. He cocked his head and took a double take at his father's face, looking for telltale signs of eyebrows twitching or forehead scrunching to give away that his sternness was just a petty joke, but Kei couldn’t find any.
“If it's such an urgent ordeal why not tell me now?”
“It’s indecent to discuss in pyjamas.” The king finally broke the scowl on his face with a fake smile, and clapped his hands together. “If you aren’t down by the time I expect you, I have no choice but to send the knights up to retrieve you. Are we clear?”
“Yes father.”
The king turned on his heel and walked towards the door. The queen caught Kei’s eye and shot him a sympathetic smile, before tugging the door closed once the king passed through. Kei sat in place until he heard the doors knock together, and he must’ve been holding his breath, because all at once he let out a deep exhale. He flopped back down towards the pillows on his bed, just missing hitting his head against the headboard. He rolled around a bit, not wanting to get up but not quite wanting to fall back asleep either. He hated to be grouchy like this, but he wondered if he would get his cup of earl grey when he met up with his father. He lay there and thought about the situation for a couple more minutes, his mind running through every possible scenario he could run into. “Your brother was killed by his wife’s younger brother”, was a likely possibility. Yet, so were, “I was thinking about setting up my next dinner party to look like The Last Supper” and “I think my next portrait should be in violet, no?” The man was an enigma, and not in the positive way.
He finally came to the realization that being a mopey young adult wouldn’t bring him any appeasement from his father. So he lugged himself up, threw on whatever outfit was laying across his dresser, and trekked down toward the dining hall. He figured he must've looked like a wreck, because on of the maids shot him a wry smile. He was usually one to care about his image, but today, he couldn’t care less. He was doing everything out of spite.
Once in the dining hall, his father gave him the same wary, disappointed glare the maids had. If he wasn’t allowed to talk back to his father, he might as well aggravate him in other ways. Though he considered himself to be proper and mature, he wasn’t proper enough to just appease the old man.
“Do you have any idea why there's such an urgency?” His father asked. The room was dead silent, despite for the cacophony of crow calls coming from the gardens. Kei wasn't really paying attention to what his father said, nor would he, further on. He wasn't one for the whole royals scene, it was so pretentious, everybody two faced like a deck of cards. They would kill for power and marry for it too- it was all so confusing to him. Kei, though it wasn't very accepted, was more into science. Twenty years prior did Charles Darwin from England publish his book on the theory of evolution, and though he technically wasn't allowed to have it in his possession, he hid it behind all the religious texts and manuscripts in his library. Skeletons of giant lizards that roamed the earth millions of years ago were being dug up across the Atlantic and past the Mediterranean, relics of the peoples of humanity's past dug up from the deserts in Ethiopia, and, through all the things Kei didn't understand about royalty, it was why nobody else in his palace found any of it interesting. Was he insane? How could they think that something so present and real was merely just works of fiction? Kei recalled a museum up in England adopting some of the reptilian bones into their exhibit, and Kei figured that if he ever became King, he would do that one day as well. Start up science museums to compete against the arts in city center. His father best be dead by then, though.
“Did Akiteru die?” Kei responded to his father's question with another half-assed one. He was picking at his nails.
“I asked if Akiteru died.”
“Why the hell would Akiteru be dead?” His father roared, and Kei scrunched his face up in disgust.
“I dunno. Seems like the only thing that seems plausible if you’re so serious.”
“No, I-” The king groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “It’s about you.”
Kei remained silent, watching his father with bored eyes. All he could think about was the crows outside and his tea.
“You're coming to the age where we believe you need to have a partner.” At this, Kei’s heart absolutely plummeted, tired eyes were blown wide, every cell of his skin left tingling in complete and utter shock. His father was saying things to him but he couldn't hear them, his ears were ringing so loud that he couldn't even hear himself think, but the blood rushing through his ears was very much avid. There was no way that his father was being serious about this. His father was midway through a sentence before Kei cleared his throat and more or less yelled- “I’m only sixteen!”
“Which is exactly why we’ve found you a nice woman to marry!” His father roared back. He watched his mother flinch. “She’s from the neighboring country, she’s sixteen, just like you. Not only will this be good for you, go out and learn to talk to other people your age, but it’ll be good for the politics of this nation. When people find out that our countries are merging the economy-”
Kei zoned back out again. His father was marrying him off so he could make more money off of trade? He lived in a gold plated castle, the people of the village were wealthy, employment was high, merchants were everywhere, what more did the man need? Kei felt himself tear up, though he wouldn't admit it, and shot his mother one helpless look. The one she gave him mirrored his, this whole situation was out of his hands.
“Akiteru got to choose who he wed.” He said, sternly.
“That’s because he had a social life, he went out and found himself somebody to wed.”
“But that still isn’t fair!” Kei got up and slammed the chair into the table. It was like he was being possessed. It was very uncharacteristic for him to get angry, but Kei liked being alone, especially at a time like this, when he was still learning and developing. Though he wouldn’t consider himself to be one, he was still a child. He bit his lip and ultimately slammed the chair to the floor, one of its legs snapping.
“You can pay for that with the money you get from the economic boost!” He turned around and walked away, and shot a death glare at the maid hiding behind the crook in the wall. He went back up to is chambers and, as dramatically as one could shut French doors, he did. He grabbed a record off his bookshelf, placed it on the player, and let it play so loud that it forced its way past the incessant ringing of his ears. That was another thing Kei enjoyed that his father didn’t- music. Music and science, that was the only closure Kei needed in his life. Not some stupid girl from some stupid kingdom who would increase the rates of the old man’s gluttony. He could only imagine what she was like- his future partner. He doubted he would every love her, she was probably some ditsy little thing, hair done to the gods and her linens eye catching- which probably got his father's attention in the first place. She was probably thrilled for a wedding, her fairy tale ending, he would hate to break this stupid girls heart; but that's just what had to happen.
July 18, 1879
The day finally came for Kei to finally met his “bride to be.” It was exactly a month later from when Kei first received the news, and ever since then, his life has been a miserable, expectation reaching goal. He was expected to woo her parents, charm her, and be a good model for his parents teachings as well. It was all bullshit. He heard that the kingdom just south of his had broken a rule of thousands of years. The King and Queen let their daughter, the princess, be wed to some commoner, the local cryptid, as well. If they were as modern minded as to let their daughter do that, why wouldn't his parents at least let him choose which princess or duchess he would like to be with?
He sat at the garden tables with his hands folded in his lap. His parents stood behind him, and across from him, another cast iron chair sat. His parents were going to leave him alone with her whilst the monarchs went off to chat about political business, he supposed. Was his father really expecting him to fall in love with somebody, in theory, so immature? He sincerely hoped that she hated him, and cried about it, so the whole marriage would be cast off. He had went to bed rather late last night, and according to his mother, taking three shots of espresso before a meeting was not proper, so his bitter stature was dialed up.
As if one some sort of miraculous cue, the gates to the gardens opened up, revealing two monarchs and, to Kei’s surprise, no princess. He had set high hopes that there was none at all. Though, his hopes and dreams died when the king and queen separated to reveal a girl standing behind them, her arms crossed, one of her eyebrows cocked. Her father looked behind himself to gaze at her, and almost magically her arms unfolded and her smirk was replaced with what Kei could only describe as an angelic smile. Good, she clearly didn't want to be here, either. At least they had that in common. Though, when her father turned back around and went to greet his, the princess turned to her mother and hissed something in her native language, her mother merely shaking her head and replying the calmest she could. Oh, god, the girl was pissed.
Her father guided her to sit across from Kei, and she refused to look at him at first, before her mother ran a knuckle across her spine that made her shoot straight up.
“Acquaint yourselves, you two.” Kei’s father hummed, pretentious as always, as the four adults walk mock triumphantly back into the palace.
“Fist off, may I say, you don’t mind me talking this dress off, do you?” She said bluntly, placing both elbows on the table and resting her head upon her hands.
“Your dress? Are you mad, woman?”
“Not my entire dress! Just the unnecessary skirting material. It’s bullshit!” She whispered the last part but cringed a bit when Kei cocked his eyebrow up at her. “Oops, I forgot, I’m a lady.”
Regardless, she stood up to shimmy out of two petticoats and some tulle, and took a moment to release the windings of her corset. Kei almost found himself laughing. Who in the world did this girl think she was, some kind of circus? Perhaps she was making herself undesirable like he intended on doing, which wasn't quite working, in her favor. This rendezvous oughta be entertaining, the thought.
She sat down again, petticoats and all on the floor,and she smiled up at him.
“Hi, I’m __ __, the pleasure is mine.”
“Oh, is it, princess?” Kei smirked. “Kei Tsukishima.”
“Lovely.” She fake smiled. “You don't seem like much of a charmer, bless you. Most of the princes my parents set me up with are too prim, or proper, or way too uptight about morals. They would’ve called the pope if I dared touch the binds of my corset. That was the first test, and you passed, so thank you, for that.” Kei allowed himself to chuckle, at this.
“I take it you don’t want to be here either?”
“Cripes, no.” She shook her head, her curled hair bouncing with her. “My parents don’t let me do my hair for myself but expect me to get married. How foolish.”
“I agree. Though, your country is really wealthy and that's all my father tends to care about-”
“Same for mine-”
“And I don’t think he’s going to let this go.” Kei bit the inside of his cheek, then rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, Father’s been sweet talking about your’s more than he has about you. I didn't even know your name before I got here.”
“Neither did I.”
They sat in silence for a moment, __ not knowing what to say, and Kei really having nothing to say at all. The tingling feeling of his skin was coming back. He was nervous.
He was nervous because she wasn't what he had expected. He had a plan set out and everything. He was going to ignore her if she flaunted her dress, ignored her small talk conversation. Tell her he’s seen prettier in Charles Darwin's book on evolution, and he was talking about the tortoises. His plan had backfired, she drew the cards in this game. She threw half her outfit off and spread her legs and crossed her arms and, oh god, she picked at her nails too. Kei would rather die than admit that she had the upper hand at this obvious provocation game, but he wouldn’t. He didn't dare.
“You shouldn't have undone that corset- you might as well use looks to mask that ugly personality of yours.” He uttered, but he only heard her chuckling.
“It’s a surprise your parents made us gather out here- with how pale your skin is. I’m surprised you haven't melted in the sun yet. This isn't Romania, you know? Did you catch the wrong train back to Transylvania?” She shot back, refusing to make eye contact, rather plucking a rose off the bush and plucking off its thorns.
“Mm. At least I could do some damage as a vampire. The prince of Norway called, he’s missing his favorite troll. Won’t you go back to him?”
“First of all, the prince of Norway is a wang.” She laughed. “And second, make fun of my height when you don’t look like a Roman pillar.”
“Where I’m from, the taller you are, the more powerful you are. Doesn't seem to be the case where you come from.”
“Oh, please. I could prove Darwin's theory of evolution wrong right here, right now.” Kei twitched at this, refusing to say anything, and beckoning her gaze. She looked up at him and smirked. “It clearly cannot be correct, because look at you. You look like a hominid from one million b.c.e. There’s no way I came from the likes of you.”
Kei didn't expect this, and he didn't expect himself to laugh at her joke, but he did. He had to cover his face with his hands because between the heat of the sun and his embarrassment, his face was growing red. She smirked with satisfaction. He wiped at his eyes and wiped the smile off his face with it, then cleared his throat.
“I appreciate that.” he nodded. “I wasn't aware that you were interested in science.”
“Well,” She shrugged, her eyes advertising. “There's not much I know, but out of the things I do know, I hold them rather close. My father won’t allow me to purchase any scientific texts.”
“Just hide them behind the other books.”
“Make space behind the bookshelf to hide them there. I’ve had maids smuggle in all of mine.” Kei shrugged. She finally looked up at him, straight in the eye, and he noticed that they were so full of something spectacular, it made his heart lurch.
“Are you serious?”
“How many times do I have to repeat it? Just when I thought you were actually and intellectual human being you-”
“Can you show me?” She asked, suddenly, her face turning red as well. “I mean, only if you’re okay with that, that is.”
“I would have to tell my parents that we’re going to see my novel collection, then read on my balcony- if you’re able to tolerate that utter shit.”
“I will for Darwin.” She shrugged, standing up and picking up her petticoats. She contemplated them for a moment, just staring at them, the with one leap, threw them over the rose bush.
“They won’t notice.” She walked alongside him, tightening her corset as she did. His gaze lingered on her for a moment, before he turned away and shook his head. The idea of marriage as still absolutely dreadful, but something told him that it wouldn't be as miserable as intended.
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tier i
When a sorcerer kidnapped and murdered the Queen of ____________, the King went full psycho and had all of the sorcerers in the kingdom put to death b/c he deemed them to be a danger to society ... even though they had lived in harmony up until that point. 
There’s basically three different groups ATP, seventeen years later. There are those who agree w/ the King and believe that sorcerers are too powerful and dangerous and should be killed. 
Those who believe that there are good and bad sorcerers, just as there are good and bad people and that they, as a whole, do not deserve to be persecuted for the sins of others
Those who believe that sorcerers should rule and that normal people are inferior to them. Some want them to suffer as they have. 
EMILY BLUNT (taken by kate aa) new Queen of a country divided, knows she needs to unite them, somehow!!!! murdered her father for the throne, over the years, he’d been driven insane w/ grief over his dead wife, michelle never believed, even as a child, that his extreme way of dealing with the problem was the answer, since then she saw him grow more and more unreasonable and the only way she could save her people was to kill her dad! was NOT an easy thing for her to do, despite this, and the guilt weighs heavily on her, always wanted to be queen but nOT like this, was born and bred to put her country before anYTHING ELSE, being a woman, she wasn’t the first in line (even though she was the eldest), recently discovered that she is a sorceress but has told no one, unsure of her abilities! her new discovery has only made her even more determined to resolve the persecution of her people but she knows that she is on thin ice! many people already suspect her of fowl play re: her father and brother and she needs all the support she can get to make any real change, her younger brother was next in line but she didn’t have faith in him, either: he had always been irresponsible and impulsive, didn’t have it in her to kill him but instead cast a spell upon him so that he does not remember who he is and exiled him to the furthest reaches of her kingdom, everyone believes that he is dead, michelle is the first queen to ever rule w/o a husband, means to abolish the law that she needs a man by her side but she knows that most of the country would see the throne pass to her uncle vs. see her sit the throne alone, that being said, she realizes that she may need to compromise to keep her position ... she is currently hosting LEONARDO DICAPRIO, a king from her neighboring nation, with the prospect of forming an alliance w/ him
CHARLES DANCE (reserved by kate aa) uncle to mdocks, suspects that she murdered his brother and/or nephew, pretends to harbor a great love for his older brother now that he’s dead (even though he considered killing him, himself, for the throne) means to prove that mdocks killed him (whether it is true or not) plans to prove that her sisters were in on it, too and seize the throne for himself (or at least, implicate keira knightley. he is confident that he could easily rule through alexis bledel). 
KEIRA KNIGHTLEY (taken by lizzy) - princess, witty, clever, flirtatious, impulsive, loves to have fun! can def be a little self-centered, upset over the death of her father and brother but pretends that she’s fine!!!!!!! (she isn’t) engaged to toby stephens, would have hATED that idea a few years ago but now she knows that her sister needs all the support she can get and an alliance with stephens would be a good thing!!!!!! also hopes that her marriage with stephens might be enough to spare alexis having ot marry at all!!!!!! alexis is the (1) person that she consistently thinks of before herself!!! once secretly had a thing with matthias but when he asked her to run away with him, she literally laughed in his face???!? and was like haha as if i’m a princess and ur nothing???? but tbh afterwards realized how much she loved him but now she’s lost him so that’s fun!!!! pretends she doesn’t care about that, too, but that’s not true at all!!!1 
ALEXIS BLEDEL (open) - princess, beth march vibes! super sweet and kind but quiet and shy!!! has severe social anxiety!!!!!!! would rather die than talk to you!!!! only feels comfortable around her sisters, knows that the alliance with xavier sameuls is her duty but tbh marrying him (or anyone) terrifies her!!!!!!!!!!!! wishes she was braver like her sisters, doesn’t realize the strength she does has!!!! thinks she’s worthless a lot of the time, super talented!!!! with the piano and drawing and singing (altho she doesn’t like to sing for anYONE) needs a self confidence boost!! likes animals more than people, her uncle scares her
DAVID OAKES (taken by lizzy)- son and heir of one of the wealthiest families, probably a noble, def a womanizer and terrible flirt, doesn’t have a filter and doesn’t care to get one anytime soon, the bane of his father’s existence, hates his parents and his sister but would DIE for julian morris in a heart beat, can be a real asshole!!!!! will say mean things to your face, says it is because he’s just That Honest but really its only because it is easier for him to be mean than kind, alicia vikander’s social climbing father keeps trying to push her on him and honestly he would marry her in an instant!!! loves her spirit and her snark and basically everYTHING about her!!! she doesn’t love him back though and he doesn’t blame her, know she can do better, doesn’t stop him from flirting with her???? doesn’t honestly think anything will ever come of it, for sure doesn’t wanna force her 
JESSICA CHASTAIN (open) sister to david oakes and julian morris, a PIECE OF WORK!!!! Extra™ secretly a sorceress (although how she keeps anything a secret is beyond me?!??!? about as subtle as avelina beaumont tbh) thinks her brothers are idiots, recently came into contact with mads mikkelson and is his #1 supporter, has become a spy for him (although again not sure how good she is b/c she isn’t subtle??!?!!) probably a little insane??? in love with michael fassbender dESPITE the fact that he is just a normal human, secretly trying to figure out to ~give~ him abilities so that they can be together in mad’s future world, wants to murder dominique mcelligott 
JULIAN MORRIS (taken by kate aa) sweetheart!!!!!!! super caring and affectionate, a little awkward sometimes but tries his best, has feelings for hayley bennet but doesn’t know how to act around her, his family wants him to marry amanda seyfried. has always been a man of duty! so he’s trying to court her but his heart isn’t in it, brother to jessica chastain and david oakes, loves both of his siblings a lot!! definitely closer with david ... gets a little ??!? @ jessica sometimes but definitely thinks she’s harmless #facepalm 
ALICIA VIKANDER (open) sister to tom hardy, middle class, father wants to marry her off to rich man??? possibly david oakes, hates the idea of marrying him!!! hates him tbh!!!!! best friends w/ joanna vanderholm/super protective of her! something of a lady during the day but a badass sorcerer hunter at night! in pursuit of mads mikkelson, super smart and capable!!! knows her father will disown her if she doesn’t marry but honestly doesn’t care???!? can take care of herself. 
TOM HARDY (open) brother to alicia vikander, cynical/grumpy, speaks in grunts, hates the world, thinks most people aren’t good, his sister is one of the few exceptions to this rule, grew up educated/in the middle class and his father kept trying to get him to marry well/pushed him towards the two older staffords but tom honestly disliked both of them and definitely had nO intention of ever being a royal, sick to death of his father tbh and one day just picked up and leFT, looks like he will kill you but actually a cynical cinnamon roll, loyal only to himself and his sister, gun for hire, has no idea that his sister is a sorcerer hunter on the DL, knows she’s super capable but wouldn’t want her putting herself into danger, saves his money and hopes to be able to help his sister secure her freedom, doesn’t want her to ever have to marry to support herself! heart eyes @ louisa  
RACHEL MCADAMS (open) - middle class, thief, con-artist, trying to catch leonardo’s attentions (but also his money), pretending to be a wealthy noblewoman from another country, in reality she is little the daughter of prostitute and a serial killer? 
NICOLE KIDMAN (open) -  upper class, was once an extremely sought after young lady, but she ran away with josh harnett against her father’s wishes, living with him in poverty was a huge culture shock but she was so happy!!!!!!! one day though, she came home to find her husband with blood on his hands ... he had killed his own brother in the line of duty. nicole knew that his brother would never harm a fly!!! and she couldn’t believe that josh was capable of doing such a thing. left him immediately and returned home!!!! since then, her father has been trying to marry her off properly ever since but no one wants her now that she’s been married and divorced. super sad. misses josh crowe every hour of every day. doesn’t know what she did to make him leave her
XAVIER SAMUELS (open) - upper class, brother to nicole kidman and amanda seyfried, enaged to alexis bledel, loves her a lot and always has tbh, honestly sees no downside to marrying her!!??? he knows that marrying a princess would bring honor and prestige to their family and he hopes that w/ that, would come more possibilities for nicole to remarry and be happy!!!
AMANDA SEYFRIED (open) - younger sister to nicole, a little spoiled but sweet, best friends with alexis bledel, they get along b/c amanda loves to talk and alexis loves to listen, talks up her brother a lot, hopes that alexis will marry him and they will be sisters!!!! knows her dad would like her to marry julian morris, has no interest in him at all!!!! finds him to be dull and boring. was initially irritated by james mcavoy flirting with her but has recently decided that she likes him, too. or at least, she is enjoying playing hard to get. acts like she loves julian morris to make him jealous. 
MADS MIKKELSON (open) -a sorcerer who is trying to find all the other sorcerers to protect and train them and then basically enslave all ~normal~ humans while he rules the world and lets them live in the same fear and isolation as he’s lived his entire life! 
LUPITA NYUNG’O (open) - direct poor, servant, secret sorceress, was discovered by mads mikkelson, basically adopted by him, he is training her!!! the first person in her life to treat her like a human!!! loves him so much!!!!!! was initially skeptical about his plans but has come around! he’s the best person she knows and she trusts him completely! 
LEONARDO DICAPRIO (taken by lizzy) insane!!!!! the WORST!!!! became king of his small country a few years ago and has already drained it of its resources!!!! has come to propose to michelle dockery! hoping that they will unite their two countries into one and she can help his country financially and he can help her but being a man at her side/allow her to rule. he honestly has no intention of letting her take the reigns but he will let her think whatever she likes until that point. infatuated with scarlett johannson and means to make her his mistress once he’s married. 
JAMES MCAVOY (open) prince/brother to leonardo dicaprio, super flirty, has a dark sense of humor, thinks his family is The Worst, has a thing for amanda seyfried, keeps trying to flirt with her but she won’t give him the time of day ... which only encourages him even more, thinks he’s the greatest but he’s actually the worst, reckless! kind of an idiot sometimes, will probably die doing something stupid 
CHARLIE HUNNAN (open) brother of dominique, in love with winona ryder!!!! has a will they/won’t they thing going on with her, tries not to give her the wrong idea but definitely does! loves her a lot but knows that what he does is dangerous and would never want to put her in harm’s way so he never means to ask her to marry him, lawyer, morally upright, believes in justice!!!!! will always do what he thinks is right, whatever the consequences, 
DOMINIQUE MCELLIGOTT (taken by lizzy) middle class, secretly harbors sorcerers in her house w/ her bro, doesn’t believe that they are all!!! bad!!! people!!!! was supposed to marry daniel craig a few years ago but he suddenly???? just broke up with her for no reason??? definitely bitter about that … thinks she’s better off w/o him but still has a lot of feels??? bffs w/ scarlett johannson 
JOSH HARTNETT (open) ruthless, cunning, full of hatred for those with magical abilities, was once married to nicole kidman but never thought he deserved her, hates everyone but her, hates himself more. eventually she left him after josh killed his own brother b/c he developed his powers, hates that her life has sucked since he left!!! hates what he did to her!!!!!!! has become even more reckless and brutal since the divorce. don’t cross him!!!!! tbh lowkey where he stands anymore re: sorcerers but also neEDS to believe that they are evil and dangerous otherwise he won’t be able to live with himself given what he did to his brother w/o a moment’s hesitation! 
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