#or biblical greek
evan-bo-bevin · 11 months
So I had to go to Greece last year because of a wedding, it was unexpected and I wasn’t sure about it at first, but I honestly fell in love? Not with the islands, they’re cool I get it, but it’s too… fancy. I loved Athens though, like the city proper. It reminded us of the cluttered towns you see in china, japan, SEA, the neighborhoods you see that have buildings a handful of stories tall, start white and beige, the electric wires crossing everywhere, but placed in a hilly region that reminded me a little of the Central Valley, in Phoenix? Kinda like taking a small piece of NYC, switching up the architecture style, and placing it in an arid scrubby region, I love it a lot. It was so much more arid than I knew!! So many desert plants, they have tortoises just roaming the city streets and I’m in love with every one of them.
ANYWAY, I picked up a little Greek while I was there and I decided to keep going with it, I didn’t expect to fall in love with the language. It sounds like a perfect combination of English and Spanish/Italian, which makes sense, it’s old as heck and so much was adopted from the ancient version that still persists today. And yet it sounds NOTHING like any language I’ve ever heard. Conjugation rules are similar to Spanish though, so there’s a lot of grammar tricks from there that I’ve been able to apply to learning Greek, I don’t want to say it’s easy exactly, but also… it is? In a way? They also use diminutives for EVERYTHING, it’s very cute.
If anyone ELSE is interested, r/Greek has fantastic resources. My method has been Duolingo for repetitive practice, but Language Transfer (link below) for actual grammar lessons. Duolingo doesn’t do shit for grammar, so PLEASE don’t rely on just that for ANY language. It’s so important that you supplement your learning with additional sources, so read children’s books when you can, especially if you know the story already in English. Disney recently added SO MANY dubbed languages to their movies — Sleeping Beauty & Hercules both have Greek, and it’s so much fun to hear the other actors!
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doesephs · 16 days
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before i was handed the very silly self portrait assignment i WAS working on an athena/ odysseus on calypsos island anamatic
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kibeer · 3 months
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Fem!Rook as a statue of Artemis
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gregoriaofnyssa · 1 month
"Did God Make me Wrong?"
I was born with a handful of, on their own, minor defects. But grouped together, and because they were left untreated, I have what amounts to a hormonal intersex disorder-- the main symptom of which is many, many times more testosterone than a healthy woman. I produce slightly more than normal the amount of estrogen and progesterone. My symptoms are somewhat similar to that Algerian boxer, though I (and no other person besides apparently her and her doctors) do not know the details of it.
It was left untreated because I have XX Chromosomes, my periods are regular, and I am not infertile. It is my conviction that no doctor bothered to treat my condition, bothered to treat my hirsutism, acne, and bone deformation, because I was not a very pretty preteen to begin with. The doctors did not consider my appearance something worth saving. It was not good enough to begin with.
So now I am stuck with deformed bones and a hairy face. This one time, I was in a bathroom at a rest stop in West Virginia, and a woman stopped me, and told me she was going to get her state trooper on me, "for being a tranny in the bathroom". No doctor wanted to save me from that kind of fear and humiliation.
I shave constantly, but I know people still notice. They notice the razor burn on my face, certainly. If I waxed, I'd have to let the hair grow out, which I cannot take in public. My friends notice it. My fiancé notices it. I am deformed and I feel it, every single day.
I ask priests, sisters, and better Christians than me, "Why would God allow me to be born like this?" If God Loves beauty, how could he allow such ugliness?
You get the regular, "Oh don't say that :(" "We never notice!" "God doesn't care!" which are horrible lies. But every once and a while, I get, "Your condition is a product of the Fall," which is the only true response.
But how awful is it to have the Fall of Man and the sinfulness of the world written into your bones and growing out of your skin, like a monster.
The only thing I want in the world is to be pretty, and God will not give me it. What is the purpose in this?
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cubitodragon-moved · 9 months
We (the viewers) know Bad’s physical and mental state is in decline, highlighted especially by the head wound that continues expanding to a worrying degree.
And now he’s fixated on building a puzzle that will deliberately drive someone into an absolute rage, to the point they’d murder him. He’s really really fixated on that point. Like, he has doubled down on the emphasis.
He’s been vaguely referencing how he needs to keep going as long as he can (paraphrased) for a while. Is this a case where he cannot let himself fade away, to die at his own hand, but needs someone else to take him out - and if so, why? What additional purpose does death serve in this scenario? How does this tie in to memories, libraries and remembering?
I have to go sleep now. But thinking about this could well keep me up all night.
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victusinveritas · 1 month
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dkaism · 5 months
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"Do not be afraid, Perseus."
artist: daniel ignacio (me) | muse: kayra
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palossssssand · 2 years
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Happy to announce that my store is now open!!! New stuff is from @ultrainfinitepit's Angelology II Kickstarter campaign that I designed! If you missed your chance to pledge for the campaign, I have plenty of these pins in stock.
The selkie print design is a collaboration between myself and @claiborneart, who did the sketch and colors! Stygiomedusa Gigantea angel is now available in sticker form also :)
SHOP MENU Pins: -Stygiomedusa Gigantea Angel-$12 -Drowned Angel-$20 -Icarus Angel-$16 -Hydra Angel-$16 -Blue Deer Angel(glow in the dark!)-$14 -Red Deer Angel(Glow in the dark!)-$14 -Wine Red Sunken Angel-$16 -Ocean Blue Sunken Angel-$16 Other: -Blood Moon Selkie print-$13 -Stygiomedusa Gigantea Sticker-$4 Shop Link
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gideonnah · 4 months
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historianofgalar · 3 months
Hammerlock & Their Views on Dragons
Old Hammerlocke Galarian views on Pokemon are so interesting to me. While many cultures of Galar viewed Pokemon as a part of nature and something to live side-by-side with, Hammerlocke Galarians believed that they were above pokemon; that they were something to be controlled. It's the entire reason they used pokeballs.
In the Hammerlocke Empire, killing a dragon was seen as the highest honor a knight could receive. Combine this with the fact they were living in a kingdom that saw themselves above pokemon. A lot of it adds up. Many knights would go out of their way to actively hunt dragons, which, in turn, would make dragon types more defensive and weary of humans. These dragons would now become defensive or aggressive to any human they saw, which would give the Hammerlocme Empire more reasons to hunt them. Pokemon like Dragapult and Noiverm were greatly affected by overhunting, and their populations still haven't fully recovered. Salamence in Galar went completely extinct, and pokemon that were hunted by dragons would now be overpopulated and eat all the crops, leaving nothing left for the other pokemon.
Anyways, the defensiveness of dragons over the centuries would end up leading to Hammerlocke Galarians being weary of all pokemon that wasn't a Wooloo or a Purrloin or anything like that. It's why Hammerlocke has an entire wall around it; to keep pokemon out. And while the dragon head today is used a symbol letting people know that Hammerlocke is "The Dragon Capitol of Galar," it's original purpose was meant to scare dragons off.
It's difficult to explain Old Hammerlocke's views on other pokemon, other than "We are above them and they need to be controlled." That's pretty much the gist of it. That belief has died out a lot today, but their old worldview definitely affected Galar's history.
(I have just realized I've been spelling Hammerlocke wrong this entire time. I'll fix that later)
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triple-pupil · 4 months
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Adam before Eve.
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rhubarbed-triangle · 1 month
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Thank you Jorge.
Secretary of Public Security City of Valigma Police Report
Responsible Officer: Jorge Book: 24 - 12a Classification: Exile
Report of Sequence of Events
The citizen Bia Raux was exiled from the community after repeated transgressions to the city's regulations and the current government laws. Her conduct was meticulously investigated by competent authorities, revealing practices and behaviors that put the public order and city security at risk. Bia Raux's actions were considered incompatible with the established standards of coexistence, justifying the use of exile as a form of preserving the collective's well-being.
The exile procedure was executed in strict conformity with the legal protocols, assuring that the defendant's rights were fully respected during the judicial process. Witnesses were summoned and statements taken, evidence was presented and examined minutely, culminating in a verdict that determined the imperative need for exile.
After Bia Raux's exile, additional measures were implemented to prevent similar infractions occurring in the future. The authorities reinforced the monitoring of laws and promoted educational campaigns in order to bring awareness to citizens about their obligations and responsibilities. In the present moment, Bia Raux is outside the city limits, subject to rigorous conditions for whatever possibility of reintegration, conditioned to substantial changes in her behavior and demonstration of conformity with the established legal and social standards.
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Jorge N. A. B. F. Q. N. M. Official Sheriff
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kibeer · 3 months
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re-post my fem! RookVill as a statue of Artemis and Aphrodite, `couse i want see them together in one post
also, who do you think Epel would be?...
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bibbylibbies · 1 month
You have no idea how mad I was at myself for realising I was reading the title to my favourite song wrong.
This whole time I thought it was CIRCE, not CIRICE.
It took me a year and someone spelling it out for me to realise I had it wrong. Do you know how embarrassing that is?? 😭💀
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stunfiskz · 8 months
something something titans something something the prophecy specifically calling the earth “her” something something gaia
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chitaquahq · 1 month
Dean: I wonder if Cas is thinking about the other Dean that died but it's his Dean anyway.
Cas: I can get several Lucifer's organs and conquer Kansas in a week (two if we sleep), maybe that'll be enough for Dean to recipro— where was the next shower slot available anyway?
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