#or being put into the maze
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c3dricsluv · 1 year ago
I didn't get a hogwarts letter at 11,
I didn't get taken to camp halfblood at 12,
I didn't get my memory wiped and get thrown into a maze at 13,
I'm 14, so far my siblings haven't found a wardrobe that leads to narnia,
If that doesn't happen I have the chances of:
Being reaped into the hunger games at 15,
Choosing dauntless and discovering I'm Divergent at 16,
Meeting two beautiful vampire brothers at 17,
Becoming a vampire after giving birth to a daughter with my vampire husband at 18.
God, please make at least one of these come true, I'm not doing very well in this world.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 30 days ago
Killer type of dude to be stimulated by intellectual discussions and debates
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glader-heaven · 4 months ago
It’s always ‘Newtmas is my Roman empire’. Gally is my Roman empire. If you've read the 5th book (which is the prequel to the first book) you'll see that Gally is just sweet and kind. He's super sweet to all his friends and Thomas and Teresa even though he had just met him.
And then (rightfully so) in the main series he hates Thomas because he knows Thomas had a hand in putting him and his friends in this horrible death trap of a maze. But instead of taking his word for it, they just cast him out. They go along with Thomas and just push gally to the side and write him off, ultimately leaving him to die in the maze (which he doesn't lol but you get me)
And then in the third book, they're able to beat WICKED because of him (he helps Thomas get the control chip out of his head) they still don't fully give him the love and respect he truly deserved.
Gally sweetheart you deserved so much better 😭😭😭
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dustyspines · 7 months ago
i step up to the mic. i say: the actual cursed child is cedric. the crowd boo and throw tomatoes at me as i leave. they don’t know i’m right.
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22ratonthestreet · 1 year ago
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5th elephant + That Bitch in one of the lore-accurate illustration outfits
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mylordshesacactus · 1 year ago
Our DM: Spends two hours openly despairing at our party, despite being very willing to press big red buttons and generally cooperative when it comes to plot hooks, blithely missing like seven sidequests on our way into Barovia, Barovia because the module is constructed in such a way that it's less "well why would my character pick up this plot hook" and more "oh shit that was a plot hook??? But why?? It just seemed like environmental storytelling illustrating that the area is dangerous, what was it even trying to get us to DO"
Me: [rubbing my hands, delighted] Well I don't know about YOU guys but Atri accomplished almost everything she wanted to do in the Death House, well done team hit the showers.
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the-calico-codex · 2 months ago
do the outsiders smp enjoys fuck with my "Mohwee was on the side of the organiser since the start" theory or throw rotten tomatos at me from the pillory?
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starwarsanthropology · 7 months ago
Can I ask for OrdoMaze with 43? :3
The stark, neon lighting of the Coursucant night-cycle is an abrupt shift from the muted golden lights in the bar as Ordo slips out to follow after Maze, a few minutes after he leaves. Just enough lag between exits to keep Kal’buir and the RCs off of them. 
He tracks Maze via his comm’s location tag a few blocks over to a quiet, back alley speeder platform about ten feet above street level. Maze is sitting on the edge of it, leaning on crossed arms against the low bumper rail. 
“Null.” He says, looking over Ordo appraisingly.
“Alpha,” Ordo replies, and then clambers up a drainage pipe to join him.
Maze snorts gently when a screw pings out of the wall, too much weight put on the bracket holding the pipe secure, and Ordo glares at him as he grabs the edge of the balcony to haul himself up and over. The duracrete has a slightly tacky, powdery feel, a decade’s worth of emissions building up into sediment that feels somehow grimier than actual dirt on Ordo’s bare palms. He tries to wipe them off on his kama once he’s seated next to Maze, and then scowls and pulls out a wipe when that doesn’t work.
Maze just watches him, quiet, and then once he stuffs the wipe back into a belt pouch to throw out later, he leans his warm bulk against Ordo’s side. Coruscant doesn’t have much in the way of natural weather patterns, as climate-controlled as it is, but this close to a major skyroad, the vehicles send strong, cutting winds whistling through the buildings. In his armor, Maze feels like a bulwark. Stable, safe. Somewhere nice to hunker down until he has to move on to the next objective.
“So, Besany?” Maze asks, and Ordo checks him lightly with his shoulder. “She’s a good one.”
“Mm. Kal’buir is very eager about us.” Ordo says. “He doesn’t realize that she’s not romantically interested in men.”
Maze laughs, startled. “He’s not very good with people, is he?”
“He’s great with them when it matters.”
“He thinks Besany is flirting with you instead of trying to adopt you like you’re a feral tooka she found dropping presents on her doorstep.” 
Ordo doesn’t have anything else to say, and appearantly neither does Maze, so they spend a long while simply leaning against each other and watching the debris of a city of trillions get buffeted around in the breeze.
“Maze?” Ordo says, eventually. “How good are you for getting read into something confidential? Off the record.”
Maze looks him over, considering. “Is breaking opsec going to compromise anything?”
“No. Only reputations.”
Maze perks up at that. He’s such a gossip, really. All the Alphas are; nosy bastards to their cores, trained to keep track of all their subordinates like mother hens. 
“Read me in, Ord’ika.” He says, and Ordo is almost ashamed when he opens his mouth and the words spill out.
“General Tur-makan got herself pregnant.”
“No.” Maze gasps, scandalized. 
“Mmhm. Kal’buir is furious about it. Maybe would have killed her if it wasn’t for the fact she’s carrying.” 
“Who’s the father?”
Ordo closes his eyes and takes a deep, centering breath. “Darman.”
“Does he know?”
“Don’t think so.”
“That’s karked.” Maze says, awed. 
“Yeah. Kal’buir is shipping her off to Quiilura to wait it out.” Ordo shuffles closer to Maze, who rocks just enough to bump their shoulders before leaning back into him.
“You should tell Dar. Not when it could compromise him, but it’s his to know.”
“Kal’buir is handling it.”
“Skirata is a poor judge of when to share intel. There’s a reason he’s only a sergeant.”
Ordo, suddenly furious, both at Maze for throwing that in his face, and himself, for taking foolish initiative to confide in him, snarls and snaps his fist into Maze’s face. “That’s my father.”
Maze groans from his position knocked flat on his back on the speeder platform, and then snaps upright to slam his forehead right into Ordo’s nose.
Ordo makes a furious, inarticulate noise, hand flying to his face, and Maze just looks him in the eye, steady and calm and ready to drop everything for a fight.
“I’m right. I’m smarter than him. You’re smarter than him. We’re bred to be.”
The bridge of Ordo’s nose aches fiercely, and his nose is gushing after so many strikes to the face in short succession. He pinches it to slow the flow and leans forwards, breathing through his mouth and watching Maze out the corner of his eye. Maze’s nose is bleeding, too, but it’s just a single fat drop slowly traveling down his lip. It shimmers in the light as his breath makes it quiver; Maze’s nose wrinkles up at the ticklish sensation and he wipes it with a knuckle. Ordo is caught by the sight of blood smeared on his lover’s hands and face, almost invisible in the lighting except for how it leaves a damp, shiny smear over his skin. He wants to lick it off. He wants there to be more. He wants, he wants. He doesn’t know what he wants, but it sharpens his teeth and sends off a round of howling hunger in his gut.
He tamps down the feeling.
“I’ll tell Dar, if Kal’buir takes too long.” He concedes, slightly nasal through his bloody nose, and Maze smiles at him, irritated expression melting into something warm and fond. Ordo wants to choke him.
“Good boy, Ord’ika,” Maze says, and instead of choking him, it’s Ordo who chokes on his outrage as Maze tilts up his chin and kisses him, ignoring the blood dripping down his face and into their mouths. He bites him in retaliation, hard enough to split his lip and add Maze’s blood to his between them, and Maze’s hand grips his face and squeezes until he opens his mouth and keeps it open, maintaining a careful threat of pressure at the hinge of his jaw as Maze kisses him stupid.
Ordo is gasping and wheezing by the time Maze pulls away, his nose whistling from where it's clogged with blood. He can taste it down to his lungs, the thick, metallic coating over his airways and mouth and throat. He hopes Maze can taste him in the same way, vindictive or victorious, as he catches his breath, reeling back from the intensity of it.
Mazes laughs, breathless, and Ordo snaps a sharp look to him. It just makes Maze laugh harder, and he leans forwards to cup Ordo’s face in his hands and press a kiss against his forehead. 
“You’ve got— a little—” Maze chuckles, and gestures over the lower half of his face. In the dim lighting, he can’t see color very well, but he abruptly registers the slightly darker shades and wet shine over Maze’s mouth, chin, cheeks. He’s covered in blood from their kiss.
“You, too.” Ordo tells him, and dabs lightly at his face to map the limits of the tacky smear over his lips, chin, neck. There’s a spot at his forehead, too,  where Maze had pressed another bloody kiss to his skin.
“Damn. Let’s clean up, and then I’ll take you back to bed?”
“Only if I get to bloody you up again.” Ordo says, and holds his hand out for a wipe.
“Yeah. It looks good on you.”
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busiest-bee · 1 month ago
I hate it when I’m abt to re-consume a piece of media I enjoy and I can just FEEL my brain getting ready for me to think abt it for most of my time for the next few days
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echo-has-queries · 6 months ago
A post I saw today reminded me of the Lucifer jukebox musical episode.
In that episode they have a medley of Bad To The Bone and No Scrubs sung by Mazikeen (badass demon) and Ella Lopez (adorable forensic pathologist) respectively and it is a FUCKING CRIME that they are NOT SINGING ABOUT EACH OTHER!?!
Like if you're going to mash two very different songs together at least make that dissonance serve the romance you're telling??? I love Maze/Eve, but this singular song makes me crave Mella.
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nixotinix · 2 years ago
As promised, here are my SKRM dream team designs! I chose the 6 players out of all the characters that are canonically on the team/not temporary members like most of the ghouls. So unfortunately, Draculaura will not be making an appearance. All designs (+ some expansion on SKRM strats) below the cut!
Before I get into the designs, let me clarify a choice I made. I wanted to more distinctly separate the two styles of SKRM. So I made my own two names for playstyles: Brawl and Blitz. Brawl is what it sounds like- taking your enemies out of the running using pure force and strength. Blitz is a little different, focusing on sheer speed above all else, getting past your enemies fast and, if they manage to catch up, taking them out even faster.
Of course, with 3 active players, it's possible to have a team of only Blitz or only Brawl. But it's also possible to combine them- 2 Blitz/1 Brawl comps are used quite often- the Blitz players go ahead and take the lead, and the Brawl player takes out anybody that can't keep up. 1 Blitz/2 Brawl isn't as common, but is still quite effective. More often than not, the Blitz player acts as a distraction while the Brawl players take out their enemies from behind. Of course, all four comps can be played their own ways, but these are the most common.
Now onto the art in order of numerical designation!
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(pls click! I worked hard on these :3)
Id be more than happy to elaborate on my thoughts about SKRM as I think it's a really nifty sport that deserves more elaboration and care put into it. But with all that out of the way, hope you enjoy my SKRM dream team! Have an awesome always >:)
Bonus: a height chart! just to show how short holt and rochelle are.
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niadotcom · 1 year ago
im re reasing all te h pjo books hoo and toa too im in teh middle of the lost hero and i read these books years ago ok i forgot half the things i didnt know quintus was daedulas or that they met haphaestus in teh book or that tyson and grover went on their own little quest together adn its slowly coming back and i just rmemebered. zeus had two kids with teh same woman in his greek and roman forms. i. i also haven't read son of neptune when i was reading the series for teh first time i decided to skip it because tower of nero was supposed to come out pretty soon and i had to coemplere hoo + toa in time to get to read tower of nero as it was released and i ended up finishing 3 hoo books and 4 toa ones before the release date anyway. in like. a month i inhaled those books and i am now i had gforgotten how much i liked them yes i'll admit it isnt the best tsorytelling but it gives me nostaligia the goo dkind and im just so. overwhelmed i lvoe these books if not for the storytelling for being the only thign getting me through being 11-14 i rememnr i used to curl up adn read them all day and then i wen tot pinrteret adn thus wwent on to become a pinterest tumblrina and then acn actual tumblrina wow
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phagodyke · 10 months ago
the fucking rat is back in our flat 😭
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rotisseries · 1 year ago
what’re your thoughts on live action zelda movie? i assume they’re not positive !
so glad you asked! my plans for the premiere will be a suicide bombing at nintendo hq! hope this answered your question!
#I think it's a bad idea lol#I think zelda is not a good franchise to try and adapt to a movie format in general#because it's very much a story that uses the fact it's a video game to TELL the story. so putting it in a different medium changes that#and that isn't to say that an adaptation can never change things about what it's adapting in fact the mark of a good adaptation#is often knowing when and where and what to change and how#but soooo much of zelda and it's appeal and storytelling comes from the fact it's a video game. so I can't imagine liking it as a movie#and then nothing about it is inspiring confidence#I think if they absolutely HADDD to adapt loz. it should've been animated. loz is a franchise where the art direction is really important#so. taking that away is. a choice#and then the movie is being directed by the guy who directed the fucking MAZE RUNNER MOVIESSSSS😭😭😭#and those are. well the quality is. tbf the fact that the maze runner is just not amazingly well written was working against that too#but still#the only possible saving graces are A. the guy said his aims are something to the effect of a live action ghibli movie#I don't have much faith in that being successful but at least he's trying?#and B. I will say the fact it's live action means they're probably going to TRY to take the story seriously??#if it was animated they probably would've treated it like the mario movie which would've been SOOO bad#ultimately though I think best case scenario is a mediocre movie we forget about#and worst case scenario it makes history with other well known godawful adaptations#yes im gonna hate it yes I will be watching it. unfortunately. I need to see how this turns out#ask#supercoolswampert#hi hanaan!#loz#loz movie
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tisanegarden · 2 months ago
Link to the 404 Media article:
They're a great publication, well worth supporting!
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You know AI guys are living in another reality bc the amount of terror I would feel if a computer sent me, unprompted, an image of a blank-expression copy of myself trapped in a endless hallway of mirrors is frankly indescribable
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handsmotif · 2 months ago
list of my pet freaks:
jax tadc
judgement boy ghs
baxter ward olba
roshuuto douzen mp100
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