#or Luca's +10... that was really nice to have for ONE SESSION.
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Odynia's two initiative rolls so far this campaign: Nat 1 for a total of 0, and nat 2 for a total of 1. (And when I rolled on the VTT to add her to the turn order, she rolled a nat 4 for a total of 3, so it seems that I'm doubling each time.)
#morrigan.text#morrigan plays dnd#campaign: the first war game#oc: Odynia#this is SO awful compared to Rook's +8 to initiative 😭#or Luca's +10... that was really nice to have for ONE SESSION.
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Life is a Game (and True Love is a Trophy)
ao3 link
Chapter 1
*Eddie - 1986*
“That was amazing, Eddie!” Will exclaimed, with a wide smile.
They’d been playing for over 10 hours and Eddie was exhausted. He was only a few years older than the other boys, so he knew it was a poor excuse, but he was getting too old for these marathon sessions. Where he felt dead on his feet, the other boys looked like they could go for another 10 hours, no sweat.
It was well past curfew for the younger boys but since it was Saturday, and spring break, it hadn’t taken much convincing to get all the kids' parents to agree to the late session, as long as Eddie got them all home safe.
The small group said goodnight to Mike and Mrs. Wheeler before walking Lucas next door to his house. Then, Eddie, Dustin, and Will piled into the van. Technically Dustin’s house was closer but Eddie drove Will home first. He liked to drop his cousin off last, so he could stop in and say hello to his aunt if she was home.
Eddie was a little distracted during the drive. He’d been trying to keep busy for the last few days, anything to help him forget about the fact that it’s the anniversary of Steve Harrington’s disappearance, but today that had been impossible. How could he not think about the guy who inspired one of the main characters in a game they had just spent all day playing?
When it's finally just him and Dustin in the car, he allows some of his thoughts to spill over.
“It’s one thing that we use ourselves in this crazy story but do you ever think it’s fucked up that we kept Steve as an NPC after his disappearance?”
Dustin shrugged. “I don’t know, I mean, I didn’t know the guy. Mike always said he was an asshole, so, who cares?”
Eddie almost slammed on the breaks, it’s only for the sake of his beloved van that he didn’t. He can’t believe the kid would say something so insensitive.
“Dude he’s like your best friend, how can you say that!?”
“In the game, Eddie. He’s my character’s best friend, in the game . You always take it too seriously.”
An uncomfortable silence fell over them when Eddie didn’t respond, too upset and lost in his thoughts to make conversation. He pulled his van into the driveway behind his Aunt Claudia’s car and shut the ignition off.
“Mike was wrong, y’know. Steve wasn’t an asshole, not really.” Eddie said, as he followed his cousin up the path to the front porch.
Dustin stopped abruptly, turning on his heel to look at Eddie. “Wait. Did you know him? Were you friends?”
Eddie sighed. His feelings about Steve Harrington had always been…complicated.
“I knew him my whole life. We were in the same grade till I got held back, and it’s a small town. We were never friends, exactly, but I saw him almost every day in school. We talked sometimes in the halls, on the bus. Maybe he was a bit of a dick to people occasionally, but who isn’t? That’s what kids do. He was always nice to me.”
Dustin stared at Eddie like he’d never seen him before.
“I'm sorry, man.” He stuttered. “I didn't know. Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
It was Eddie’s turn to shrug. “I don’t really know. I guess I was trying to keep the real Steve and the game Steve separate in my head. I always thought he’d turn back up eventually. That maybe he’d just run away from home, and someday he would come back when he ran out of money or something.
“It could still be that. It's not like they ever found a body.” Dustin offered, not really sounding like he believed it, but wanting to be supportive.
“It’s been 2 years, almost to the day. The Harrington’s have more than enough money to hire fancy private detectives and shit. If he was alive, they’d have found him by now.”
*Steve - 1983*
Steve Harrington had just started dating Nancy Wheeler when Will Byers went missing. Later, he would be embarrassed to admit it, but at the time he was a little pissed off that she wanted to ditch their date to join in the search for the boy. The kid was probably just out playing and lost track of time or something. Everyone knew Joyce wasn’t exactly the most stable person in the world. He knew Hopper only humored her with this search to get her off his back.
When he told Nancy as much, she called him an asshole and stormed out. After sulking about it for an hour after she left, he realized she was right. He didn’t want to be that guy. He didn’t want to turn out like his dad. So, he threw some sneakers on and set out to join the search party.
He walked through the woods looking for Hopper, or anyone else who could assign him an area to search. It started raining before he could find anyone, and he was just getting ready to head back to his car, when he heard rustling in the bushes off to his left. He turned in the direction of the sound, squinting in the dark to try and see if someone was there. He thought he saw movement and then a twig snapped. It sounded loud in the quiet of the trees.
It was so dark out here, he wished he had a flashlight or something.
“Will?��� Steve asked, taking a tentative step forward.
The only response was a quiet gasp from the dark. There was definitely someone there.
In a stroke of pure luck, the moon chose that moment to come out from behind the clouds. Her soft light illuminated things just enough for Steve to make out the shape of a small child with a shaved head, wearing a gigantic yellow t-shirt. This was definitely not Will Byers, but the kid sure did look like she was in trouble.
“Hey there, I'm Steve. Do you need some help?”
The girl stared up at him with wide eyes. She didn’t answer, but she hadn’t run away from him yet either.
He tried again.
“Do you want to get out of the rain? My car isn’t far from here.” He didn’t step any closer but held his hand out to her to take, or not, whatever she chose.
The girl studied him for a long time. She looked into his eyes like she was trying to read his soul. He didn’t know what she saw there, but it must have been enough to convince her that he was safe. She nodded, pushing her tiny hand into his, and the two of them walked together back to the warmth and safety of Steve’s car.
It wasn’t ideal, bringing the girl back to his house, but at least his parents were out of town. Once he’d gotten her into the car he had tried to take her to the hospital, or at least the police station. She’d shaken her head slowly, ominously, and uttered the first words he’d heard her speak.
“Bad men.”
Steve didn’t know what to do, he was in way over his head. He needed help. He needed people much smarter than him to tell him what to do. The idea occurred to him to take her to Nancy’s. She was smart, and a girl. Surely she'd be better suited for this, she’d know the best course of action to take. But, the girl refused that too. She seemed to only trust Steve.
Tired, and out of options, he went home.
He gathered some dry clothes for her, old sweatpants and a Hawkins High swim team t-shirt from his freshman year, and sent her into one of the guestrooms to change. The clothes would be huge on her but it’s the best he could do for now.
It was late and he kind of expected her to just go to bed once she changed. They could always figure things out in the morning. But, a few minutes later, there she was, standing in his doorway, looking around the room curiously.
“It’s okay, you can come in.” He said, as he shut the closet door. “In fact, why don’t you come sit down. I think we should talk about some things.”
She looked hesitant, but joined him, cross-legged on the floor. She still hadn’t said more than those two words to him but clearly she could speak, and she understood him fine, so he had to try. They’d start small.
“What’s your name?” He asked, voice gentle as he could make it.
She shook her head.
Somehow he knew it wasn’t a refusal, but more like a confusion on her part.
He pointed to himself. “Steve. People call me Steve. What do people call you?”
She pressed her lips into a thin line and held her shaking wrist out to him.
He was confused at first, until he noticed the small writing there.
“Eleven?” He asked.
She nodded vigorously, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.
That was, well, it was so not good. Shaved head and a number tattooed on her arm. Steve wasn’t a genius but even he knew that something was seriously messed up here. Who would do this to a little girl? Where were her parents?
“Is that what your parents call you?”
“Parents?” She sounded the word out slowly like she was saying it for the first time.
“Yea, like your mom or dad? Mama or Papa?”
“Papa" She agreed, nodding. "Bad man.”
O..k. Well that certainly answered some things.
“Is that why you were in the woods tonight? Were you running from Papa and the bad men?”
She nodded.
That was enough for tonight, he decided. They were both tired and he really needed some time to think, to make a plan.
“I think we should get some sleep. We can talk some more in the morning. Okay?”
She blinked at him and nodded again. She definitely preferred non-verbal communication. It didn’t bother Steve, he could roll with it.
“You can sleep in that other room, the bed in there is really comfy.” He said, rising up off the floor as she did the same.
“Where do you sleep?” She asked.
It was a little jarring, hearing her string together a full sentence like that. It was stilted, the way she spoke. Obviously talking wasn’t something she did very much.
“Here.” He answered, motioning to his bed. “This is my room. So i’ll be right across the hall if you need anything.”
She looked over her shoulder at the doorway and then back at Steve. She made no motion to leave.
“Would you rather stay here?” He guessed and there was that little smile again.
“Safer in here, with you.”
Steve’s heart broke. He kind of hadn’t thought about it until that moment, the night had been so full of weird things and it had all happened so fast, he hadn’t realized how utterly terrified Eleven was. He wanted to fold her up into his arms and squeeze her tight. Promise her that he’d keep her safe from the bad men of the world.
But he couldn't do that. He couldn't promise anything when he had no idea what was going on. He wasn’t sure if she would welcome his embrace either, so he held himself back. Instead he got into bed, scooching all the way over to the wall, and then patted the big space he’d left for her.
She crawled onto the bed and almost immediately curled into a ball. He watched her as she settled on the pillow. She looked so small. He vowed to himself that he would do whatever he could to protect her. He’d hide her in this house forever if that’s what it took. He didn’t yet know what she’d been through, but he knew it was bad, and something no little kid should have to go through.
The rain had turned into a storm while they talked, and it raged now on the other side of his window. A loud crack of thunder startled them both. Eleven was shaking again. Steve laid his hand out, palm up, on the bed between them. An offering of comfort he thought she might accept, since she had taken his hand in the woods.
She hesitated for only a moment before placing her hand on top of his.
Chapter 2
#steddie#steddie fanfic#eddie munson#steve harrington#stranger things#ao3#steve harrington/eddie munson#steve x eddie#fanfic#ao3 link#life is a game#Canon is just a crazy game of D&D#Eddie Munson and Dustin Henderson are cousins#Steve Harrington is missing#This idea has been simmering in my brain for months
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Are there any other official Intermission AU birthdays? Or months?
i did not have birthdays in mind for anyone except the m3 party, but thanks to this ask i will figure them all out as i lay around in anaheim. here i go
ness: august 27, earthbound's release date, not that deep. this makes him a summertime baby and a virgo, which i think is sweet.
paula: march 30. i think she's very aries. unfortunately, paula thinks astrology is superstitious nonsense and hogwash, and will lecture at length about how little she cares for it, so she does not appreciate how well her star sign suits her. (it'd be funny if her daily horoscopes always incidentally happen to be super accurate too.) she does love springtime though, so that's a plus!
jeff: november 9. he shares his birthday with carl sagan, poor dude cant have anything nice for himself without some more famous scientist hanging over his shoulder, lol. a cold falltime birthday suits him well tho. scorpio kinda doesn't and kinda does at the same time, funny imo.
poo: january 11. the capricorn ever and proud of it. i dont think he likes snow much, so it's a bit of a bummer that his birthday is sometimes soggy & chilly & unpleasant, haha. also oops i gave the four of them a birthday in each season. cute.
porky: july 10. he's a month older than ness and he loves to hold it over him. i think it's funny and devastating if he's a cancer, he's pretty much the opposite of all the associated traits like Empathetic & Nurturing. lmao.
picky/agnes: june 14. her birthday being close to her brother's is kinda sad, cuz i bet their parents would often skimp on gifts for one or the other, depending on the year. or combine their birthday into one trip or festivity that sucks ass for both siblings. probably fostered a little bit of resentment between them 🥲. (but that's ok. when she grows up she gets to have peaceful summer birthdays with nice weather & good company ☀️)
tracy: october 13. sometimes it lands on a friday, which she thinks is Very Cool. she's not a very good libra, but she doesnt care about that dumb zodiac stuff anyways, and she likes fall weather, so it works out. fun fact, she likes halloween a lot, but is lowkey very easily & badly frightened by horror movies & haunted houses 😅
tony: april 21. this one's hard cuz his birthday happens in the game yknow. my heart wants so badly for earthbound to take place over the summer, but ness' mom mentions his school is in session. most of the temperate areas of the world look green & springtimey. winters is probably snowy most of the year, it just works, it's fine. he gets teased cuz his bday is right after 4/20, but he's actually quite scared of weed, haha.
lucas & claus: june 27. i remember i'd picked it cuz it's peak summertime, and cuz gemini was wayyy too easy, and cuz i like how cancer suits lucas perfectly and claus not at all.
kumatora: december 4. i remember pickin it cuz of how it fit into the timeline of some of the first m3 fics i'd written, and cuz sagittarius suited her surprisingly well. incidentally i gave ionia a big affinity for astrology, which she kinda passed on to kuma, even though kuma doesnt really Believe in it. ionia used to read kid kuma her horoscopes when she was growing up. she has the constellation tattooed on her shoulder. sentimentality & all that.....
duster: september 14. another "i needed this at a certain point in my asinine mother 3 brain timeline" birthday haha. also i think it's funny & fitting that he's a virgo. i've mentioned it a few times, but duster is notoriously prone to forgetting his birthday 😭
#long post#for the record i'm with paula on the validity of astrology haha. i just think it's neat to consider with character bdays#whether or not it fits - and how the character would feel about their star sign - and so on#thank you anon!#ask tag#intermission au
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job: Laser tag referee
busyness: 3/10 morning, 7/10 as soon as noon hit
i dont normally work mornings but i swapped my shift with someone so they could go to pride :)
didnt actually realize i was in laser tag today until i got to work
couldnt find my keycard in the morning before work, forgot it was in the bag i normally take to work
was so sleepy in the morning it took me until i finished opening laser tag (about a half hour) to realize i fully wore the wrong shoes (an 8 hour shift in vans was NOT fun)
not busy at all in the morning, me and a co-worker found a stray ping pong ball and played 7 on the desk
it was so dead in the morning i was debating if i really needed to schedule a break, especially since we had enough people today to cover a few sessions of laser tag if needed. one person ended up getting sent home before it got busy, had to wait to schedule my break because it got too busy and there was no one to cover! :,)
the person who was taking my position for the evening shift said they were gonna be an hour late, so i scheduled my break finally :) BUT THEN THEY SHOWED UP ON TIME AND I WASNT FULLY ABLE TO TAKE A BREAK BECAUSE I HAD TO LEAVE :(
when the one person left i had to take over her drawer and i didnt know where she left the bag all the money goes in at the end of the day ;-; took a full like 3 min to find it
we have an MIT (manager in training) and he’s a pretty nice guy, and he took my drawer for counting. but this man. he tapped a blank part of the screen. at least 10 times. expecting it to do something. there are,,, buttons. i basically had to go off of what i saw other managers do previously to help him print an audit. it worked in the end! he’s cool, but i dont think he knows how computers work???
MIT struggled to find me in the system to count my drawer bc its under my legal name
one of the cool managers ordered food for me for my break when i was too busy to and put the check under “Luca Pookie”
overall rating: 3/10, exausted pretty much all day but i took a nap when i got home :)
#tipytap at the arcade#that was#such a wacky shift#i also almost walked out of work with the keys to the high-calue prize case#after the day i had i was like man#i would lose my head if it wasnt attatched to my body yknow?
0 notes
WayV Reaction: to asking them to take over while riding them

Warnings: SMUT!!!! This has 90% smut, 10% fluff, so if you are underaged, be warned!!
Work Count: 1.4k
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for your request, love! This was my first requested request and it was so much fun to write! I hope you enjoy it sweet anon!
Tagging: @treasuretaeil
Originally Posted Here
Your hands were planted against your boyfriends chest, using him for leverage to hold yourself up as your hips pummeled against his. His hands gripped your hips, loosely guiding your hips down on him. His cock dragged deliciously along your walls, drawing moans from your lips, moans that were spurred on by his lips around your nipple.
You moaned out at a particularly hard thrust. Your hips stuttered, arms beginning to shake with your weight. It was all becoming too much.
The man beneath you released your perky bud with a lewd pop, eyes flicking up to yours in question.
"Can you take over? I'm getting tired..."
With a smirk, Kun's hands gripped your hips tighter and lifted his pelvis. Skillfully, he flipped you around, settling you against the pillows. He moved his hands from your hips, planting them on both sides of your head.
"Let me take care of you," he whispered, hips thrusting into you as your walls squeezed around him.
Originally Posted Here
Riding Ten was something you'd always wanted to do. He was always dominant, always putting your needs first. So when he came home from practice sweaty an exhausted, you jumped at the chance to take care of him.
Rather than fighting you for dominance, Ten gave in relatively easily. However, you seemed to have underestimated the amount of energy that went into topping.
Moans left his mouth has his hands fondled your breasts softly. You almost felt bad as your arms holding you up gave out and you were falling against his chest, hips moving slowly now.
"Tired baby?" he asked, voice soft as he ran his hands down your back.
You nodded against him. You really should start working out more.
"Can you take over please?" you asked softly.
With a soft chuckle, Ten rolled you over onto your back and gently thrust his hips into you. He laid over your body as his hips moved, lips softly kissing down your neck.
"Just enjoy," he whispered against your skin as his hips began moving at an infuriatingly slow pace.
Originally posted here
It wasn't uncommon for you to ride Sicheng. You both generally took turns with dominance, however, what was uncommon was how fast you had managed to get tired.
Sure, you could never last quite as long as your boyfriend, but you usually always managed to spur an orgasm out of him before your body collapsed against his chest. However, as your muscles suddenly seized up, you feel face first toward his chest. He only managed to catch your falling body by a few seconds before you slammed your nose against his collar bone.
"Babe?!" he asked, alarmed.
"I'm so sorry," you breathed, arms spasming with overuse.
"What happened?!"
"I couldn't hold myself up anymore..." you muttered, embarrassment rushing through you.
"Do you want to stop?"
You knew he didn't. You could still feel him twitching inside you, and to be frank, your core was aching for a mind-shattering orgasm, the kind only he was capable of giving.
"No but would you mind taking over?" you asked.
"Say no more."
With that, he flipped you around until your back was pressed against the mattress. He lifted your legs to wrap around his hips and pulled his cock almost completely out before thrusting back in, pulling a loud moan from your throat.
Originally posted here
Yukhei's hands lightly squeezed your breasts as your hips bounced on his cock, moaning loudly as he stretched you in all the right ways.
"Oh fuck Yukhei!" you moaned as he hit a particularly sensitive spot inside you.
"You like riding me baby girl?" his voice was low and husky, a tone he only used when he was feeling exceptionally good.
You nodded enthusiastically, but you knew you wouldn't be able to keep this up much longer. Yukhei had a lot more strength and stamina than you. He could fuck you for hours if you let him, but as your thighs began to quiver more from exertion than pleasure, you knew you didn't have much strength left to give.
As your thrusts slowed, Yukhei looked up at you questioningly, thumbs rubbing over your nipples softly.
"What's wrong baby?" he asked.
If there's one thing you loved about Yukhei, it's how he never got too caught up to care about you.
"I can't..." you breathed as your hips stilled completely. "I can't hold myself up anymore..."
A smirk covered his worried features.
"Want me to continue?"
With a nod, you allowed your thighs to relax. He shifted beneath you, lifting his legs until his feet were planted firmly in the mattress.
"You better hold on baby, I won't go easy," he growled before fucking up into you, sending you grappling for his shoulders to support yourself.
Originally posted here
Your first time riding anyone was proving to be a lot more difficult that you would have ever imagined. Typically, you'd say it looked easy enough, just moving your hips on someone rather than taking what they were giving you. However, as you struggled to find a happy medium between holding yourself up and fucking yourself down on Dejun's cock, you were getting frustrated.
"How do you do this all the time!" you whined as your hips moved sloppily, unable to find a comfortable pace.
Dejun, who looked far too amused beneath you, just shrugged.
"There's a training session we all have to go through to ensure we're strong enough to please our woman!"
You raised a hand to slap his chest, but as that support left, you found your body toppling down off of him and onto the bed, his cock slipping out of you, making you whine.
"I think you need more practice."
"Oh just shut up and fuck me!" you demanded.
He raised an eyebrow.
"Ask nicely."
You scoffed. Part of you wanted to just say 'never mind' and go finish yourself off in the bathroom, but he felt really good inside you.
With a huff, you conceded.
"Oh great Dejun, will you please do me the great honor of fucking me?"
With a far too satisfied grin, he moved on top of you, not hesitating to sheath himself back inside you.
Originally posted here
It had been his request. You weren't too keen on the idea because you were positive you wouldn't be able to do it for long. Your upper body strength was low, and you knew it was going to take a lot to keep yourself grounded as your hips moved. You had told your boyfriend this, but he'd insisted that you at least try. Which is how you ended up where you were not, laying flat on his chest, arms by your sides, hips barely moving to keep him the slightest bit stimulated.
"I told you this was a bad idea," you groaned, not looking up.
"You barely tried!" Kunhang complained.
"Did too! It's just hard!"
He didn't say anything after that, just moved his hands to your hips. He gripped them tightly and lifted them a little higher before letting them drop, pulling out moans from both of you.
"I have an idea, how about I stay on top but you take over?" you asked, looking up at him.
He raised an eyebrow, lifting your hips again and letting them drop.
"What will that do?"
You rolled your eyes.
"It will give you what you want and also allow me to practice holding myself up for next time!"
He didn't seem to keen on the idea at first, but as you lifted yourself up, placing both hands on the headboard to hold yourself up while he lifted your hips, he let out a satisfied moan.
Originally posted here
"Can't you go any faster?"
"I'm going as fast as I can!"
"But it's too slow!"
Your eyes snapped down to stair at your annoying boyfriend beneath you.
"How about you do it then!" you glared.
Riding him had been his idea. Something on your list to try, but ultimately his idea. You'd told him when he'd suggested it that it'd be slow. You didn't have great balance. Holding yourself up was going to take some practice and as he was the first person you'd ever been sexually intimate with, you obviously had no prior experience. Thus, here he was, whining at you to go faster when, even though you understood the need, you didn't have the balance or the practice to go any faster.
"Fucking finally!" he cheered.
Not a moment later, he was dumping you off his lap, pulling a yelp from your lips that was quickly drowned out by the embarrassingly loud moan that pooled from your throat as he thrust into you from behind, immediately setting a brutally fast pace.
#neosmutcollective#ficscafe#wayv smut#wayv reactions#wayv scenarios#do not read if you are a minor!!!#kun x you#kun x reader#kun smut#ten x you#ten x reader#ten smut#winwin x reader#winwin x you#winwin smut#lucas x reader#lucas x you#lucas smut#xiaojun x reader#xiaojun x you#xiaojun smut#hendery x reader#hendery x you#hendery smut#yangyang x you#yangyang x reader#yangyang smut#requests#anon request
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S/O holding their hand while decoding
Characters: Aesop, Andrew, Kevin, Luca
He’s already as anxious as it is, so doing this to him will just increase it tenfold
He may just miss a few calibrations because of this, and he’ll apologize profusely for each one
He won’t tell you to stop or move his hand away, though
But there are times where he feels so sensitive to touch, that it’s almost unbearable
Those rare times are where he, as nicely as possible, tells you to let go
Please be understanding with him on this, he truly doesn’t want to hurt your feelings because of this
He’ll try to make it up to you after your match. Maybe if you’re lucky you’ll get a small cuddle session afterwards
The moment you lay your hand on his, he flinches
He didn’t mean it, though! You just surprised him is all
At first he questions if you’re sure you’d want to hold his hand, he hasn’t done so in a very long time, so he’s afraid you won’t get a good experience
You, of course, don’t mind at all and that makes this boy so happy
The only person who would give him any affection, let alone hold his hand, was his mother
He’s so happy during this, you could see him beaming with joy
He’d want to stay like that forever, so you’d practically have to drag him to rescue one of your teammates
But 10/10 would recommend holding his hand
Doesn’t matter what gender you are, he will always try to impress his s/o, even while decoding
He’s so focused on doing that, that he doesn’t notice you moving your hands to his. But once your hand touches his, he doesn’t jump or anything, he just gets flustered
That won’t last for long, though, because he quickly composes himself and starts to tease you
“Aww, looks like you can’t keep your hands off o' me, sugar.”
Would definitely try to move closer to you to decode, he loves being close to you
He likes to intertwine his fingers with yours during the hand holding, he says it’s more intimate that way
If you want to try to hold his hand, I’d advise you to be careful, because as soon as your hand touches his, you’ll get shocked
This cracks him up when he notices what happened, it’s even funnier to him when he realizes what you were trying to do
What a gentleman
But he is nice enough to apologize for laughing if it really hurt you, and he’ll rub the spot you were shocked
“You should have told me that you wanted to hold hands, love. I don’t like seeing you get hurt.”
He would hold your hand in his and at times rub is thumb on the back of your hand, careful not to create another shock
#idv#identity v#identity v x reader#idv x reader#idv embalmer#idv grave keeper#idv cowboy#idv prisoner#idv aesop#idv andrew#idv kevin#idv luca#aesop carl x reader#andrew kreiss x reader#kevin ayuso x reader#luca balsa x reader#idv headcanons
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𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓵 {Eddie Munson x FEM OC}
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7| Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 (18+) | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 (18+)

Chapter: A Substitute
Lucas was having this big basketball tournament on Saturdaynight.
Which fell directly on the same evening as the Hell fire club's last get-together before Mike was going to his girlfriend in California.
And what probably would be the last hell fire club 'cult of vecna' Dnd session.
Eddie was furious and told Dustin and Mike to find another substitute for Lucas.
Which they were trying to do.
Mike was running around the school asking his sister Nancy.
Who had been turning him down directly because she was so so busy with the school news paper.
Dustin was on the phone calling family video.
'Just move your date this one time!' Dustin was telling in the phone.
'Come the fuck on.'
'What, to hang out with you and Eddie ' the freak' Munson? ' Steve replied.
'I hear about him plenty the last 2 weeks so please.'
'Uh, yeah, I'll pas.' Steve said.
'You're just jealous cause I have another older male friend.' Dustin said proudly in the phone.
'ew. Ugh Whatever.' Steve replied.
'Besides, I mean , I really dig this girl.
I think she could..
Who knows maybe she could be the one.
Oh, I got some customers, call you back bye.' Steve said as he hung up the phone.
'No you can't I'm at.. ' Dustin said but Steve had hung up.
'school.' Dustin said as he walked away from the phone putting up his middle fingers.
'What was that?' Lilly said laughing as she put down her headphones walking to Dustin
'Steve.' Dustin replied while rolling his eyes.
'I know right, he's being an ass the last couple of days.' Lilly said with a smile to Dustin.
'You're telling me.' Dustin replied but a small smile appeared on his face.
'Oh wait there's Max!' Dustin replied as he ran over to Max.
Lilly walked after him.
She was looking around when she saw Chrissy looking around and walking to her.
'Hey..' Chrissy started.
'Hey! You feeling a bit better?' Lilly asked her putting a hand on her shoulder.
'Yeah I'm fine now, but it happends every now and then, they call it anxiety?' Chrissy said not really believing her own words.
'But euh, what happened to Jason?' she said looking up.
Lilly saw the glinster in her eyes so she knew Chrissy could laugh about it.
'Yeah it was kinda weird, he didn't really believe I would come to him for you, and started talking smack about me.' Lilly explained.
'So..' Lilly said raising her eyebrow and trying to look innocent.
Chrissy smiled.
'Damn, he's so nice to me, but he can act like a real prick to other people.' Chrissy said scratching the back of her head.
'But I think Eddie is waiting for you, you can just cross the tracks behind the school and follow the pad to the small woods.' Lilly said pointing.
'It's fine, he's cool.' Lilly said reassuringly throwing her hair forward so she could bind it up in a ponytail.
To which Chrissy's mouth fell open.
'Lilly omg!' she said as she took a step closer.
'What even is this a murderscene?' she said looking up to meet Lilly's gaze.
'I promise he does that only to me.' Lilly said pulling her hands up in self defense.
'Also don't tell anyone I just said that.
I'm here a month I don't need to reputation drug dealer girlfriend.' She said with a smile.
'Freak is good enough.'
To which Chrissy genuinely laughed as she gave Lilly a hug and walked away towards the place Lilly had told her about.
Lilly walked after Dustin who was talking to Max.
'If I play do I get one of those cool t-shirts?' Max said to Dustin.
It looked like she was really excited and Dustin was getting really happy to.
But the sarcasm was falling of of Max and Lilly noticed that trying to hold in her laugh.
'Yes!' Dustin said excitingly
'Really?' Max replied now the sarcasm was dripping of of her.
'Everyone gets a T-shirt.
We make 'em ourselves, and if you.. ' Dustin stopped mid sentence.
'You're being sarcastic.' Dustin said.
Lilly burst out in laughter and Max high-fived her and went off with her skateboard.
Lilly and Dustin sat down at the entrance of the school.
'I hate high school.' Mike said as he joined them.
'What's the matter guys? Tell me.' Lilly dropped on them.
And they both told the story about Eddie telling them to find a substitute.
'Damn he really is pyscho.' Lilly said shaking her head.
She stood in front of the two.
Dustin was looking her up and down.
'Isn't that Eddie's tshirt?' Dustin suddenly asked.
'What? No don't be ridiculous..' Lilly said waving it off.
'I love Black Sabbath, I bought it myself.' She said crossing her arms.
'And those bruises in your neck.' Mike said.
'Nancy had them all the time when Jonathan was still around.' Mike said as the both of them jumped up.
'Lilly is there something you're not telling us.' Dustin said as he raised his eyebrow to her.
Lilly let out a big sigh.
'ugh whatever.' She started.
'You guys are way to smart.
But yes, Eddie and I are kinda seeing each other.' Lilly said softly.
'But don't tell him I told you that.
Then these won't be the last I'd be having to hide from my mom.' Lilly said as she pointed to her neck.
'But Lilly didn't you tell us you used to play DnD?' Dustin said his arms crossed a smirk on his face.
To which rolled her head back
'Ugh fine.' She said
'But don't tell him yet, I want it to be a surprise..' Lilly said with a smirk.
'I need to go tho.' Lilly said as she saw Robin coming up.
'See you, tomorrow guys.' Lilly said smiling as they walked away.
Chapter: A night you won't forget. {18+}
WARNING: Sexual content up ahead.
If you don't want to read it, that's fine for the story!
It was late and Steve was driving Lilly around.
'I can't fucking believe I'm doing this.' Steve said while driving his eyes focused on the road.
'It's because you love me.' Lilly replied as she put on of her feet on the dashboard.
'Jesus Lilly put that off' Steve said pushing her leg back down on the ground.
'Really Steve you can be no fun.' Lilly said with a smile on her lips.
'Well I'm getting more worried by the second of you and Eddie.' He said as he was taking a turn.
'Why. I'm fine, did he kill me and dump me in a ditch?' Lilly asked as she looked at Steve.
'I mean look a the girls your dating, they could be a serial killer to.' Lilly said rolling her eyes.
'He still could go all Ted Bundy on your ass though.' Steve said. As he stopped at the trailer park where Eddie lives.
'He could, but so can you Steve Harrington. ' Lilly said with a wink as she threw the door back.
Steve rolled down the window.
'Lilly I'm serious. Call Robin if anything is wrong I come and get you okay?' Steve said.
And that made Lilly's heart melt a little, he was such an older brother.
'Thanks Steve have fun with Brenda.' She said with a smile before turning around and walking down to the trailer park.
She saw a car driving off and then spotted Eddie's van.
So she knew where to go.
Lilly knocked on the door.
She had done her best on herself this time.
Her hair was still wet from the shower.
She was wearing a skirt with stockings and a sweater.
The door flung open and Eddie stood in the door way.
He was wearing black jeans and a motorhead tanktop.
Showing off his tattoos.
Lilly let her eyes adjust at the light from inside.
'Ah princess right on time~' He said as he helped her step up in the trailer.
When she looked around she saw his uncle was just as much as an metalhead as him.
The trailer was hanging full with caps of bands he or the both of them were listening to.
A huge stereo and well a couch and some stuff.
'Isn't your uncle home?' Lilly asked as she turned around to look at Eddie but he was gone.
'Eddie?' Lilly asked again as she walked to the place he stood before he was helping her in.
The door to a room was open, it was next to the kitchen.
'Not funny Eddie.' She said out loud when she walked in the room.
It was a mess and she saw a guitar hanging on the mirror.
Band posters everywhere.
When she suddenly got pushed.
She fell forward and of course landed on the bed in the room.
'For fucks sake Eddie I'm here not even 5 minutes and you start tripping and teasing me.' She said as she turned over ready to fire more of these comments at him.
But she was silent when she turned around.
He stood there behind the door a smirk on his lips.
Eddie walked over towards her.
'What's that lost your tongue? Because you're gonna need it tonight sweetheart.' He told her.
She gulped looking at the tall curls that were falling on his shoulders.
He had lost the tank top so he was standing in front of her only wearing pants.
'Lilith I asked you a question didn't i?' He asked her.
'Yeah i. I euh. I heard you.' She said locking eyes with him.
'Good' He told her as he sat down on his knees.
' I do think you're wearing a bit to much.' And in a matter of a second Eddie's hands were beneath her sweater pulling it over her head.
Gentle with her long hair so he wouldn't jank it out.
When he threw the sweater on the ground Eddie stood a little surprised.
She was wearing nothing underneath it.
'Did you have plans or something?' Eddie asked amused.
'Oh shut up you, like you didn't have plans.' Lilly said as she narrowed her eyes.
'Oh no no.' Eddie said as he got her face between his hand. Squashing her cheeks together.
'I told you this morning in the classroom I didn't like that.' He looked in her eyes.
To which Lilly's whole big mouth small heart melted right away.
'Yes you did.' She answered looking to the side breaking eye contact.
'My eyes are up here sweetheart.' Eddie said sternly.
Lilly looked back up into his eyes.
'Good.' He said as he then slid her back on the bed whilst kissing her lips.
To which Lilly directly deepened the kiss by putting her hands around his neck.
Eddie pulled his head back.
'who told you to do that?'
'Sorry.' Lilly said directly, In her head she was fighting a battle.
She didn't have to agree to this behaviour they were equals and she was not letting him boss her around.
But on the other hand she loved this about him.
His eyes peering through hers, she melted to butter with him.
'Good.' Eddie told her again.
He then actually deepened the kiss and pushed her down completely on the bed.
He was hovering over her, his hand slowly trailing over her arm up towards her neck.
Making Lilly shiver and a stocked sound came out of the back of her throat.
Eddie broke off the kiss and slowly went down to her neck.
'You really were rocking those Hickeys at school today.' He said as he nibbled on her collarbone.
'Thanks, what did you think of yours?' Lilly asked a devilish smirk appearing on her lips.
But Eddie was giving her a fast response by fastly pinching her nipple.
Lilly hadn't thought of him doing that, but it felt like a spark was running through her goosebumps were appearing on her skin and she let out a stocked moan.
'To answer your question Lilith.' Eddie said as he sat up.
'I needed to explain this to my uncle today.'
It was a hickey right underneath his jawline.
'Look's hot if im honest, Want some more~' she said as she stuck out her tongue to him.
'You stay down.' Eddie then told her and bit in her neck.
Making Lilly whimper.
He then slowly went down to her breasts.
Eddie took one in his hand and started slowly massaging it. for the other he had other plans.
Lilly made a squirm underneath him.
'Did I tell you to move?' Eddie asked as he looked up through the dark locks of his hair.
To which Lilly nodded no.
'Then don't move.' He said and he went back to her breasts.
He was sitting over her.
Put her legs on both sides of him.
He let one hand slide slowly down over her stomach.
Softly touching her.
'Eddie?' Lilly softly asked.
'Speak up Princess I don't hear you.' He said as he let go of her nipple on which he was softly suckling.
'Can I moan?' She softly asked putting one of her arms over her face.
So he couldn't see how red she turned
'Princess.' Eddie said as he came up letting go of her and softly grabbing her arm.
'We don't do that here.'
'There is no shame in being aroused.' Eddie said as he kissed back towards her neck and slowly to her lips.
He bit in her bottom lip.
To which she let out a moan.
'good. Moan for me Lilith.' Eddie told her his voice getting lower.
She could feel he was aroused to, but she didn't want to be a brat and interrupt him again.
He then did a fast power move.
He was kissing down the valley of her breasts and down to her navel.
His hands were squeezing in her thighs and slowly up towards her hips.
Eddie was fast and in just a second he had pulled down Lilly's stockings.
Lilly did not even have time to comprehend.
He was snaking his arms around her thigs holding them steady.
Even tho he was basically trapping Lilly in his arms, he was softly kissing the inside of her thighs.
Lilly had stopped squirming but this feeling was phenomenal.
When she felt his lips leave her thigh she let out a sigh in protest.
But in a matter of a second she had her hands up in his hair.
Eddie had shoved her thong to the side giving him full access to her real private parts.
His breathing shifted and he slowly digged in.
Making long hales alongside her slit.
Teasing her like crazy.
'Eddie...' Lilly brought out.
'Not yet princess.' Eddie said while she could feel his voice vibrations against her.
But after a second of ten, he digged in slowly and teasingly licking her slit.
Making long hales or fast short ones.
He was holding her down by her hips.
His nails digging in her hips.
Lilly had bucked herself up tangling her hands in his hair.
As she let out a real moan this time.
He was not done yet, Eddie Munson had lots of tricks up his sleeve.
Eddie had found her sweet spot and he started softly sucking on it.
Which made Lilly buck up her hips, Making Eddie double down on them.
Lilly let out a really loud moan when he started suckling on her.
'Eddie... ' Lilly brough out again.
But he was determined and didn't even react.
'Eddie.. Please..' Lilly brought out between her moans.
Which made him let go of her hips. And getting up from beneath her skirt.
'What's that Princess?' Eddie said as he stood up loosing his pants.
Lilly couldn't help but stare.
He was having a real tent situation there.
Lilly was panting but their eyes locked in a second.
'Fuck me you're hot.' Eddie said as he walked over to the bed and as soon as he reached the bed Lilly pulled him in.
She directly kissed him again. And he lost his underwear before laying down next to her.
His hand on the back of her neck.
'Princess..' Eddie said slowly.
'I'll ask you this 100 times but are you okay with everything?' he was reassuring her that she could back out if she wanted.
To which Lilly lifted up his chin.
'God I wished you fucked me back in that lake house.' Lilly answered their eyes locking.
'I can't think about anything else.' She said softly as she reached for a kiss.
But stopped right before his lips.
She could feel him opening his mouth and then pushing her to him with his hand on the back of her neck.
'God I wish I fucked you this morning, I've been thinking about it all day.' He said with his voice low.
They kissed again and it was sloppy.
When she heard the sound of a wrapper.
Eddie never broke the kiss his hand did however leave her neck.
So she knew he was actually putting it on.
He then shifted herself and Lilly laid down on her back.
'Eddie.. ' Lilly whispered.
'Fuck me please.' Lilly whispered in his ear.
'God fuck Lilly.' He cursed as he positioned himself and snaked one arm around her back and the other on the back of her neck.
As he slowly pushed himself forward.
Lilly let out a loud moan, while putting one of her hands on his shoulder and the other on his back.
He hold steady for a second once again seeking eye contact with her.
Lilly nodded to him and she clashed her lips on his.
He slowly started moving himself and Lilly couldn't help it but the sounds were escaping her lips.
When they broke the kiss He dug himself in her neck.
And Lilly laid her head back on the bed.
Her other hand leaving Eddie's shoulder grabbing the matrass, as he picked up the pace.
Leaving the position they were in he sat back on his knees pulling her up on his lap.
So he could reach even more deeper inside of her.
He loud out a low moan followed by him backing his head back and closing his eyes.
While Lilly couldn't help but moan even louder he was reaching even deeper.
'Fuck.. .' Lilly cursed a loud
Trying to find a rhythm in her racked breath.
'God Lilith.' Eddie exclaimed.
As he bowed over her his head once again buried in her neck.
Eddie picked up the pace to an unhuman speed.
Lilly could fell he was close his breathing was getting uneven.
'Eddie please..' Lilly moaned.
To which Lilly came up with her own brilliant idea, the whole searching eye contact thing. She reached her hand to his hair and pulled his head out of her shoulder.
As they locked eyes.
'I'm going to cum..' Lilly brought out
'Me to Princess.' Eddie exclaimed as he grabbed her hips and continued his insanely speed.
When Lilly went over the edge she arched her back to which Eddie grabbed the small of her back and pushed himself in deep.
As he came himself.
Lilly was a sweaty moany mess as she fell limp on his bed.
And when Eddie pulled out he took a few minutes to collapse on top of her.
Then he stood up and pulled up his underwear.
'Give me a second.' He said before walking out of the room.
To which Lilly sat up.
Looking a bit sad, she wouldn't mind cuddling with him till she was picked up by Steve.
In a few minutes he was back with a bottle of water and a few towels.
He also grabbed a shirt out of his closet.
And gave it to her.
'Here come on let me help you.' He said as he pulled the shirt over her head and gave her the bottle of water.
To which she gratefully took, and when she was back a bit of water had been running down her chin, drinking straight from the bottle that wasn't even that weird.
A few drops had been falling on her shirt.
To which Eddie was staring.
'Eyes are up here Munson.' Lilly said with a smirk.
She gave him the bottle of water but Eddie licked the small bit of her chin.
Before putting the bottle away.
He laid back in bed and opened his arm for her to lay in.
To which Lilly smiled and jumped in his arms.
'Thanks Eddie.' Lilly said with a smile kissing his nose.
'Anything for you Lilith.' Eddie replied as he snuggled his nose in her hair.
#Stranger things#Stranger things x you#Stranger things x reader#Stranger things x fem oc#Stranger things x oc#STranger things x yn#Stranger things x y/n#Stranger things season 4#Stranger things season 4 x you#Stranger#Things#ST S04#ST s4#Stranger things s4#St season 4#Oc fanfiction#Stranger Things story#Eddie Munson#Eddie the freak Munson#Eddie cult#Edward Munson#Eddie x you#Eddie munson x you#Eddie munson x reader#Eddie Munson x fem oc#Eddie Munson x yn#Eddie munson x oc#Eddie munson x y/n#Eddie the freak Munson story#Dating Eddie Munson
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hi hi! i would like to request either Luca, Helena, Michiko, and/or Antonio where the reader comes out as non-binary to them 👉👈 I’m non-binary and I haven’t had much support irl so it would be nice to imagine my favorite characters supporting my gender identity :) thank you! p.s. I love your name! <3
hello love! thank you, and your gender identity is 100% valid! I'm sorry that you don't have much support and i hope these hcs help you feel a little better💞
LUCA BALSA (prisoner)⚡
instant support!
he never really explored gender identity, (not that he can remember) so he asks you about it!
if you don't feel comfortable talking about it he'll drop the subject and do some research on his own time.
he struggles with your new pronouns for a little, (if they changed that is) but within a week he's got it down.
he doesn't understand why anyone would be rude to you because of your gender identity, and if anyone decides to say or do anything he will shock them.
he doesn't even think about it, he just does.
he doesn't get angry to often but that pisses him off. he of course won't take that anger out on you, and he will try to educate the person.
if he isn't there when someone is being rude and you tell him about it he calls for an emergency cuddle session!
he will get you all your favorite snacks, read you your favorite book, watch your favorite show or anything else you would like!
you are his number one priority!
70000/10! he loves you so so much!💕
HELENA ADAMS (minds eye) 👁️
she thanks you for telling her and if you are using new pronouns she gets used to them right away!
like Luca, she doesn't get angry easily and if someone is being mean she will bring you away from them and ask you if you're alright.
she reassures you and reminds you that you are loved and that your identity is valid
she's right!
(i headcanon that she's a demigirl)
so she understands how you feel to some degree.
she gets how shitty people can be and ask you if there is anyone in particular that she should be careful of so that she doesn't out you on accident.
you really do mean everything to her so if you're ever feeling down she will put all her plans aside and do whatever you would like!
7000000/10! she adores you no matter what!
MICHIKO (geisha)💖
she doesn't understand why anyone would be rude to you because of it though and will get very angry if someone decides to be a bitch.
she will try and explain it to them, like you explained it to her. but if they still insist on their nonsense she will pay them a visit late at night.
long story short, they tend to avoid you and have a look of fear in their eyes when Michiko is nearby.
if you're ever feeling dysphoric she will reassure you instantly!
she loves you so much, and you really are beautiful!
she will wrap you in a blanket burrito and cuddle you! or she will take you out on a picnic, she will dance for you.
anything you'd like!
then when she's done, she will hold you close and tell you all the reasons she loves you.
there are a lot so get comfortable because you'll be sitting for a while.
you really are gorgeous and she will do everything in her power until you feel like it!
you're very important to her and sha cares so much about you!
ANTONIO (violinist)🎻
he nods and asks you if you're using different pronouns.
if you are then he will quickly adjust to them!
much like the others, he will not tolerate anyone being mean to you. and will keep you away from anyone who isn't being nice.
he will reassure you and remind you that you are valid and beautiful!
he really does love you so much!
700000/10! he will play songs for you 💕
thank you for requesting, i hope these hcs helped yoy feel a bit better, please know that i support you abd that your gender identity is valid💕 i apologize that some of the hcs were shorter than others especially Antonio, i kind of ran out of ideas.
reblogs are appreciated ✨
#idv#idv x reader#idv prisoner#idv prisoner x reader#idv luca x reader#idv luca balsa x reader#idv luca balsa#idv luca#idv minds eye#idv minds eye x reader#idv helena#idv helena x reader#idv helena adams#idv helena adams x reader#idv antonio x reader#idv antonio#idv violinist x reader#idv violinist#idv mary#idv michiko x reader#idv michiko#idv geisha#idv geisha x reader#identity v#identity v x reader
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NCT as Your Boyfriend
This is gonna be the LONGEST BF scenario I’ve ever done!!! O.O
Warnings: Maybe some language? some PG-13 Content
Scenario: BF, Romance, Angst if you squint -.-....fluffy (TO THE MAX)
Our Brave leader!
Taeyong might look, tough, scary, and totally sexy and charismatic
He’s nothing but a big floof
Especially for you...his girl
Taeyong would be nothing but a sweetheart to you!
He would be the kind of boyfriend to make cookies with you at 2 in the morning because you were hungry and had a sweet tooth.
I also see him just melting over everything you do!
He loves making you laugh, and you love making him laugh
He is always making sure you’re happy and healthy
Like one day he’ll make you some Ramyun, then the next day he’s making you some detoxing tea and a nice fresh salad
You are his world.
Fights happen, but oh so rarely
But when they do
Our lil Bubu is a mess
He can’t focus, he can’t think straight
All he can think of is how your face looked
He has to make things right with you
And of course he does.
Overall he would be the best Boyfriend ever!
Kun is definitely more of your best friend
But he gets to cuddle and kiss you too
Kun loves you to no end
And he will let the entire damn dorm know about it
He’s the leader of WayV
God help him
You’re the only thing that keeps him sane
But you can bet that this boy will hype you up on everything
He’ll stare at his phone, smiling like an idiot
Lucas: what’s he all smiley for?
WinWin: What else??
He also loves his magic tricks on you
Pulls flowers out of a hat for you
Like Taeyong, fights rarely happen
But if they do
Kun is gonna do something totally hilarious to make up with you
Something you can’t help but laugh at.
I see Lucas and YangYang involved in it too
Once you two have made up, he’s glued to you
He just wants to love you and you alone
Taeil is kind of hard to read, because we don’t see a lot of content with him
But I see him being a pretty chill boyfriend
He supports you in everything
and he loves to spoil you
Always buying something that reminds him of you
He also loves taking you out to restaurants
Like the ones you get all dressed up for
Taeil also loves you in dresses
He just looks like he would like dresses
He also can do fun dates too
Like the amusement park
He just wants to see you happy
If you have fights
It’s hella serious
You guys need some time away from each other
Until about 3 in the morning when he’s calling you and pouring his heart out
You have no choice but to forgive him
Mostly because he hates sleeping without you
Like I said he only wants to see you happy
Our Chicago boy is DEFINITELY a romantic!
You are his girl
And he’ll make sure everyone knows that
I get the feeling he would love holding your hand
Like everywhere
You are his queen
He’s always gotta show you off
“Wow... who is that beautiful woman??? Oh right, that’s my girlfriend!”
He loves making you blush too
Always giving compliments to you
He tells you he loves you 24/7
Cuddling is his favorite
and because he’s so tall
(Yep you guessed it)
Lots of forehead kisses
It’s healing for both of you
I can’t see you guys fighting a lot
It’s more like little bickers and arguments
He will do whatever it takes to keep that smile
Your smile is his favorite feature on you
Johnny Suh is a 1,000/10 Boyfriend
Much like Taeil
He loves spoiling you
Dates are mandatory for our Japan boy
He’ll do just about anything with you
I feel like he would love buying little plushies for you
Don’t ask why
He’ll call and text you every chance he gets
If he’s on tour
Video calls
Counts down the days til he get’s back to you
Loves hugging and holding you
You absolutely love his smile
Who doesn’t???
Yuta doesn’t look like he would be too much into PDA
but when you guys are alone
He’s stuck to you like glue
He can’t fight with you
It’s just not in his nature
If you guys do
There’s gonna be tears
From both of you
He’ll just hold you and tell you how sorry he is
He love you so much and never wants to lose you
I’m not gonna get into how he looked in this MV
Doyoung is precious
Doyoung is sassy
and he also has a really strong RBF (resting b*tch face)
So Dating Doyoung would be...... a challenge
He would be the best boyfriend
but at the same time you’re questioning it
not in a bad way of course
I feel like he would be very blunt with you
You come out in a long yellow dress
“Doyoung how does this look??”
“You look like a banana” o.O
But then!
He would suggest his favorite dress that looks absolutely stunning on you
He would even pull it out of your closet
“This one... you look so beautiful in this one”
He won’t apologize for the insult
but his eyes will make up for the comment
When he’s having a bad day he’ll just want to hold you
Doesn’t matter where
He loves it when you hold him too
Running your fingers in his hair
Because he’s so savage, fights could be often
But he does make up for them and this time he will apologize
He also loves slow and long kisses
He loves to feel you
He loves you.
Ten literally bias wrecked himself into my bias list
Now this boy is more than just a beautiful dancer
He’s shown that in past couple years now
Ten is a total weirdo too
You love that
He’ll make you smile and laugh on your worst days
He loves making you laugh
but he can also be super romantic
I see him being a flower petal guy
Getting a hot bath prepared for you
He’s just a gentleman
He also loves cracking up jokes with you
Always calls you baby
and always telling you he loves you
if a fight happens
I can see it going two ways
the first being very emotional
lots of tears
The other way
An aggressive make-out session
Like you two are so mad at each other that it becomes sexual tension
and you two have to get rid of it
after your night (hint hint wink wink)
You both lay in each other’s arms, promising to not fight again.
Or maybe fight, if it ends like that
My bias wrecker!
Okay Jaehyun is already like the ultimate boyfriend material
So you know he’s gonna meet all the qualifications
Why do I see him loving to go shopping with you?
Any kind of shopping
Clothes shopping, grocery shopping, even shoe shopping
like his hyungs
he too loves to spoil you
with everything
anything he buys you, you treasure it.
He loves taking you out and showing you off to the world
He makes sure no guy even looks at you wrong.
He gets jealous really easy
“I don’t like that guy...” *pouty face*
“Well that’s my cousin so you have to like him a little”
If you two fight it’s for something serious
maybe he’s working too much
or you feel like you never get to see him.
He can usually stay really calm during the fight
He tries to listen to you as much as he can.
When you’re standing there yelling at him out of frustration
He’ll just walk up to you and hug you.
“Let’s not fight anymore, let’s just stay like this for a minute”
Like Taeil we don’t get to see much of our boy
but he is still there!
And to you
He’s the only one
I get the feeling that WinWin would be a very shy and cute boyfriend
Like he asks you for everything he wants to do
Asks to hold your hand
He never wants to make you feel uncomfortable
Always asks you where you want to eat
He takes his time learning all about you
He probably blushes more than you do
And he loooooves hugs
You in his arms is the best feeling ever! ^_^
I feel like it would take A LOT to make him mad
so your fights would be almost non existent
When he’s away from you
He’ll send you a ton of snaps!
Miss you so much beautiful
He’ll wait for hours until you reply
“She’s not answering” *sad eyes*
“Dude it’s like 3 in morning in Seoul! she’s probably asleep”
Lots of good morning / night texts
He would be an adorable boyfriend!
Lord help me...
My bean!
Okay so Jungwoo is a literal squish
So being your boyfriend
Is like the biggest UWU fest ever!
He is so whipped for you
All the members will give him hell for it
You aren’t just the love of his life
You are his EVERYTHING
My heart is gonna hurt
His favorite word to call you is Jagiya
There it goes >.<
Can you actually pick a fight with this boy??
He probably would get seriously emotional
He is also one who gives you a lot of plushies and flowers
Bubble Tea dates
Arcade dates
He loves spending time with you
He pouts when you can’t go to shows with them
Because he wants you to how cool he is on stage.
Jungwoo would be the ultimate squishy boyfriend
This little Sh*t... -_-
Okay so this boy takes pride in making you flustered AF
It’s his job
He’s a flirt
He’a tease
You’re constantly yelling at him.
He just laughs it off
Okay now hear me out
This boy will kiss your neck and growl in your ear
Just to get a squeal out of you
You neck all cringed up
But he can also treat you like a princess
He loves holding your hand in public areas
He wants people to know who you belong to
He’s not afraid of PDA
When you two fight, if can actually get a little scary
Lucas has a deep voice and it gets husky when he’s mad
You’re not turned on by it at all
That’s probably where it will end
“You really piss me off sometimes”
“Yeah and you do too!”
Boom... making out
At the end of the night you two still love each other and would do anything for each other.
My boy! Loved him since Cherry Bomb! (first MV I saw)
Okay so like Jaehyun
Mark is already boyfriend material
He loves you beyond words
So Mark is definitely a cuddle bug
He will fall asleep holding onto you
and if you are having a bad day
He’ll lay you down on his bed, sit beside you and play his guitar
He loves playing with your hair
He’s tried failed to put it in a ponytail
Mark is always trying to make you laugh
He loves hearing it
He definitely calls you babe a lot
He likes to show you his parts in his songs (127, dream, U and Super M)
Fights with him would be small
and short
He would try to end them as fast as they started
If he can’t he’ll wait til you’ve calmed down a little before coming into your room, playing your favorite song on his guitar
He never sleeps without you
That’s why he always gets a little sad when he has to go on tour
So you two video call until one of you falls asleep
I need a Make Lee >.<
I’m becoming utterly whipped for this boy
Xioajun is also a romantic
He also looks a really good kisser
So with that said
He will kiss you every chance he gets
This boy will treat you like absolute royalty
He will also call you princess
I mean Xioajun himself looks like a prince
He also loves back hugs
Like while you’re in the kitchen and he just comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist
Lots of cheek kisses that would trail down to your neck
(Deep inhale and exhale)
A fight would only happen if you initiate it
If you told him he did something he would run over a hug you before you could walk away
It would be like a scene from a kdrama
He would hold you for a second before you turned around to return the hug that lead to a kiss and an apology.
One of the biggest crackheads in NCT and WAYV
So obviously
You’re gonna have a crack head boyfriend
Hendery is more than likely from another planet
Or at least that’s what you feel like
You are his baby
He makes sure you know too
“My baby!!!” (He is so loud XD)
You’re always questioning what he’s doing
He loves making you laugh too
So he’ll be doing something totally weird just to get a giggle out of you
“Aha! you smiled!”
I think it’s impossible to fight with him
I think if it were to happen
It would be weird
Like you two aren’t actually fighting
and eventually you two would just bust up laughing
he looks like the kind to always hold your face when he kisses you
like his hand on your face, or lifting your chin to kiss you
he also looks like a good kisser too
I feel like Renjun would ultimately be an amazing boyfriend
So you are his first priority
He is so caring of you
and he loves being around you
He could be practicing and he sees you coming into the room
Everything stops
“Hold up! my girl is here!”
He also loves taking you on dates
Fancy dates
Movie dates are his favorite though
I can’t see you two fighting a lot but if it does
He is gonna cry
(Please no one hurt him)
He’ll go to his hyungs for advice
Then he’ll show up in front of you
Face all puffy
Eyes all red
(My heart is breaking)
He’ll apologize so many times
You have no choice to hug him and forgive him
He’ll feel relieved when he feels your arms around him
Then he spendss the rest of the day with you
Ultimate boyfriend!
Jeno is total baby
so granted
He’s your baby
I feel like is adorably clingy
Like always needs to be touching you
Holding you
Whines when you have to leave your cuddle fest
Pouts when you won’t kiss him
but then
He can take charge on you
He was the one that asked you out
He initiated the first kiss
But he just likes being all soft and squishy around you
If the day ever comes that you two argue or yell at each other
Its definitely short
He will return to his baby act and bat those little eyes at you until you give in to him
Much like Hendery, you two kind of just laugh it off
Then you two are back
Who can resist those eyes
Lets be real
No one can
He’s obviously spent too much time with Doyoung
He’s savage 2.0
But he loves you to no end
You two definitely have video game dates
He gets mad when you win
“Psht! I let you win...”
*Dramatic eye roll*
He doesn’t let you live any of your embarrassments down
He’ll tease the shit out of you
He is the most extra boyfriend ever
You literally cannot take him anywhere
But no one else gets to mess with you
That’s his job
If someone tries to prank you
It’s on!
“This is my woman, no one else messes with her but me!”
Now don’t get me wrong
He still takes care of you
If you’ve had a bad day, or a fight with him
He’ll hold you in his arms
Gently rock you back and forth
Sing sweet ballads in your ear
(Writing this is making my heart ache!!!)
Maybe he’ll mess up the notes just to make you laugh
Start singing off key
“Haha! My baby laughed!”
You love this dork to the moon and back.
(Lord give me strength)
Okay Jaemin is also the ultimate boyfriend
This boy would treat you like absolute royalty
He is so in love with you
It’s almost sickening
He can’t go a day without you
If he does
It drives him crazy
He’ll sends you so many pics and videos
Telling you how much he misses you or loves you
This boy is a big lover
He will show you it 24/7
Kisses all the time
He can’t help it
He craves your taste, your touch
He craves you
(This is making crazy O.O )
He loves it when you wear his hoodies
He melts with everything you do
He can’t help it
Jaemin can’t fight with you either
He’ll just ask you to please stop fighting
Also hold you in his arms until you’ve calmed down
He also loves playing with your hair
Loves the feeling of your soft locks
He will cuddle the hell out of you
I’m not saying I want a Na Jaemin
But that’s exactly what I’m saying.
Our boy YangYang would also be a total goofball
He’s such a cutie
And he takes pride in that
Like Jeno
He is your baby
and you love it so much
But he’s more like a baby that flirts with you
He’ll say little sentences in German too
and won’t tell you what he said
“Please tell me what you said!!”
“That ruins the fun”
He will love to tease you
All the time
He laughs at you for everything too
You just make him giggle
Especially when you want to know what he said in German and he won’t tell you
Like a lot of the members
I can’t see you two getting into a lot of fights
I just can’t
If there ever comes a day where he does tell you what he said in German
Let’s be real
It’s probably dirty...
We don’t know much about Shotaro
Except that he’s FREAKING ADORABLE
But I feel like he would be very similar to Renjun
He just spoils you rotten
You are his princess
He loves to hug you too
Lots of hugs
and cuddles
(Give me strength!!! >.<)
He is also loves shopping with you too
He looks like snackin boy!
So lots of snacks
and movie dates
Okay another ultimate boyfriend
No one better ever hurt this boy
Or I’ll fight you! (ง'̀-'́)ง
So on that note
no fights
Because I can’t imagine his sad face
Please protect him
We must protect him!!!
I get the feeling that Sungchan would also be like a combination of Mark and Jaemin
He loves you like a best friend
but also like a queen
And again
Because he’s so tall
More fore head kisses
And lots of hugs too
He loves putting his arms around you
He’ll put your arms around his waist and then wrap his arms around you
Tall people just make you feel secure
He too is very difficult to fight with
Its also more like bickers or arguements
(Ah Young love)
He loves movie dates too
Just curled up on the couch
Buried in blankets
Snacks all around you
He is just the best.
First thing’s first
This boy is so loud
But he’s a giggle box
And he loves it when you make him laugh
He also loves to make you laugh too
He seems like a chill one too
and he’s always singing to you
Chenle looks like a cuddler too
and a tickler
He’ll do whatever it takes to hear your laugh
He is also a sweet heart too
Always buying you food, and snacks
He wants to keep you happy
I can see him loving picnics
But he’s very underrated
So he needs reassurance a lot from you
You always tell him he’s doing well
No fights from you guys
But you guys can be away from each other
Only for a little bit though
Then he has to see you
He’s been without you too long
Our little baby
Ain’t so much a baby anymore ㅠ.ㅠ
So this boy
You’re his first love
So he doesn’t want to mess anything up
He wants to only make you happy
But he’s never dated before
So he isn’t sure all the time on what you guys should do.
He’s got 22 hyungs
They’ll help him out
Okay maybe not Haechan...or Hendery...
He really like to hold your hand
I feel like he wouldn’t be too much into PDA
He likes to be alone with you
If any of the members tease him
He’s gonna get flustered AF
Lots of facepalms when the guys are around giving him a hard time
He’s their baby, they aren’t use to seeing him with his arm around a girl
or giving her kisses
or cuddling her on the couch
If you guys get into a fight
He’s gotta ask everyone how to make up for it
So there he is
At your door
Flowers and giant teddy bear
He’s really shy and tripping on his words
So of course you forgive him shortly after he stars stuttering words out to you
He’s growing up too fast!!! >.<
(WHEW! Made it!! hope you guys enjoyed it! let me know what group I should do next! Please support NCT in their new album and Stream their MVs!)
#NCT#nct dream#nct u#NCT 127#nct 2020#wayv#taeyong#kun#taeil#johnny#yuta#doyoung#ten#jaehyun#winwin#jungwoo#lucas#mark#xiaojun#hendery#renjun#jeno#haechan#jaemin#yangyang#shotaro#sungchan#chenle#jisung
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hello, i have arrived in the land of luvdsc issuing a request to please enlighten the rest of your readers, as i was perusing the musical motion pictures of nct dreamies, and thought to myself, i would like jisung as a baby brother, chenle as my cousin, and donghyuck a family friend. then i paused. and pondered, what does CAT think ??? miss cat ???? any comments ????
apologies as i forgot to elaborate, i meant to inquire, within nct, how would you assign them as if they were to exist in your actual life? many thanks. warm regards.
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MXJDKDKMD omg ti, your texting style here is throwing me off LOL also not at how I read hyuck as your family member and was like ??? sweet home alabama for you I guess 💀💀 hmmm tbh I feel like some of nct would be strangers to me or like, I wouldn’t bother with wanting to meet them rip but alrighty, pls let me know if you want me to elaborate on any of them :’) these are all actual people I met in my life !!
taeil — random grad student I met in a lecture I went to for extra credit
johnny — my friend who was a frat president candidate but forfeited his position because he kept advocating for mark to join his frat, even tho all his frat bros didn’t want mark to join and they put mark through hell with hazing but mark still made it
taeyong — the super pretty boy in my drawing class whom I sat next to and he was really shy at first but then started to talk more and initiated conversations and laughed at all my jokes
yuta — hot frat dude who pops up at every party I go to and we take shots together every time. 10/10 would trust him to watch my drink
kun — TA for one of my coding classes and I went to his office hours once for help but he had no idea what to do so I never went back again
doyoung — that one obnoxious infuriating know it all who’s somehow always in my classes and one time, his question was so long that the prof was like “sorry I just couldn’t muster up enough concentration to listen to all of that” and moved on (this is a true story and I love that prof)
ten — the guy who knows where to get all the good stuff but doesn’t actually use it himself. he’s also super fun to party with
jaehyun — the dude all the girls think is hot but when you actually hooked up with him, the sex was mediocre but at least his face was nice to look at
winwin — my good friend who models and walks the runways for NYFW and was one of the people I body painted and took pics of for my final project
jungwoo — one of my good friends/suitemates whom I found eating cereal and vegetarian enchiladas sitting on the couch armrest in our living room in the dark one time
lucas — the nice fratboy who’s always down to go out and get in n out at midnight or go to 7/11 with me at 3 am for some nachos and taquitos
mark — that one freshman who tries really hard to rush a frat (see johnny’s description for more detail)
hendery — my roommate who’s one of my closest friends and knows all the good parties and the most fun person to go clubbing with. he and ten are best friends
xiaojun — the guy from the robotics club who said hi to me and I was like ??? and he was like “you don’t remember me, do you?” yikes rip sorry dude
renjun — one of my bestest friends whom I enjoy clowning all the time because his reactions are funny plus our humor matches well all the time. we have weekly ramen and boba tea sessions where we just shit talk the people in our lives. we also binge watch every single season of bones and criminal minds together on netflix and go through tinder to make fun of profiles together with haechan
jeno — that one attractive sophomore on the school’s baseball team in my 3D design class during my junior year and he was fun to flirt with but ultimately, I refuse to go out with an underclassman or someone younger than me ndjdjdjd
haechan — my other bestest friend whom I shit talk with and we clown our other best friend all the time aka renjun. we lay out our blankets on the campus lawns and sunbathe and eat our poke bowls. he’s my go to buddy to try new restaurants with. we end up interning at the same place and accepting our job offers and we go shopping and get dinner together after work every friday
jaemin — that one engineering major who’s super charismatic and involved in everything at school, like he does campus tours for incoming freshman and all that jazz and the freshman girls are always starry eyed around him, and he’s really sweet, and we’re not close but we always say hi and talk whenever we see each other
yangyang — the freshman who thinks he’s such a hotshot but drinks way too much at his first party and ends up throwing up in a bush as the girl he was attempting to flirt with awkwardly pats his back and has to call an uber for him
shotaro — the one person in group projects who genuinely tries his hardest to contribute but all his contributions are lowkey useless but I don’t have the heart to tell him that
sungchan — my friend on the lacrosse team and one time, I saw him skateboard straight into the glass door with a loud bang and fall over and then quickly get up and pretend that didn’t happen but jokes on him, I saw and laughed my ass off and we made eye contact and he almost died from embarrassment
chenle — the one guy who’s super loud at every single sports games and is super enthusiastic and into team spirit and the referee has to ask him to calm down at one point
jisung — the baby freshman I adopt and I will fight anyone who hurts him. I always buy him food, and he likes to tell me about his day and what he did everyday and discusses his classes with me. He made me a friendship bracelet which wasn’t the best but he tried :’)
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My July ‘20 - June ‘21 film ranking:
1. His House (AKA ‘Walls… I Scream’) – A Sudanese couple seek refuge in the UK, but are unable to escape the horror they left behind. It’s a tried and tested horror formula: a strained family unit try to come to terms with shared trauma against the backdrop of a serious social issue. But it’s really well executed. The understated tone left me unprepared for the brazenly nightmarish imagery.
2. Sound Of Metal (AKA ‘Deaf Becomes Him’) – A punk drummer and recovering addict deals with a sudden and severe loss of hearing. I wish I’d gotten to see more of Riz Ahmed drumming with his shirt off but maybe that’s point? The sudden silence hits Ruben and the viewer like a tonne of bricks with ‘point of hearing’ sound design ensuring you empathise. Olivia Cooke is great too and the desperate romance between addicts really appealed to the angsty teen in me, until it resolves in an appropriately mature way.
3. The Dig (AKA ‘Ralph Fiennes A Boat’) – On the eve of World War II, a wealthy widow hires excavator Basil Brown to dig up an Anglo Saxon burial mound. The stakes are low but it’s just nice to spend time in the countryside with these characters. I normally like shaky-cam and creative sound mixing but both are overused enough to be a bit distracting. Where director Simon Stone really shines is with his handling of the cast, who give some great naturalistic performances, particularly Ralph Fiennes who seems to be channelling Toby Jones.
4. Nomadland (AKA ‘Van Clan Thank You Ma’am) – After losing her home, unemployed widow Fern takes to the road to join the American nomads. Why are non-actors so good at acting? This is pretty light on characterisation, to the extent that it wasn’t until halfway through that I started to get a grasp of Fern’s personality, but it makes up for that by immersing you in the nomad culture, as well as showing you tonnes of lovely nature porn. Paid for by the tourism board of Nevada.
5. Mank (AKA ‘So What If It’s Not Citizen Kane?’) – Alcoholic screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz draws on his experiences of 1930s Hollywood while writing the screenplay for ‘Citizen Kane’. I was more interested than emotionally invested. The old timey aesthetic felt like a gimmick, and though it was cool to hear Nine Inch Nails playing jazz tunes, the black & white gave me a headache. The real highlight was the late Jack Fincher’s screenplay, with tonnes of snappy and insightful dialogue.
6. A Quiet Place Pt. 2 (AKA ‘Now With Talking!’) Pursued by monsters with powerful hearing, the Abbot family struggle to survive after the apocalypse. Remind me to always see horror in the cinema from now on. The big screen and sound system, and your inability to pause for a pee break, make all the difference. Though I prefer the first ‘Quiet Place’, this was a scarier watch, by virtue of me seeing it in the theatre. ‘Pt 2’ mostly lives up to the original, but lacks the emotional punch of its ending, and suffers from being split into two plots that don’t overlap.
7. In The Heights (AKA ‘I Am Not Throwing Away My Shop’) – An adaptation of the Tony award winning show about Washington Heights’ Latin American community. It’s not easy adapting a stage musical for the screen, particularly a good one. And while I’ll still credit Lin Manuel Miranda’s source material for any and all gooseflesh I got, director John M. Chu did a pretty respectable job, with some nice creative flourishes. A lot of changes were made, many to the film’s detriment, but some provided new opportunities for characterisation.
8. Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom (AKA ‘I Miss Theatres’) – A 1920s Chicago blues band embark on a tumultuous recording session. This has all the strengths and weaknesses of a play. The spectacles of cinema are done away with in order to spotlight the many duologues and monologues in a way that feels unnatural for a film. But the source material is excellent and the cast definitely do it justice.
9. Tenet (AKA ‘Taco Cat’) – A mercenary known only as ‘The Protagonist’ gets caught up with time travel, a Russian oligarch and the threat of Armageddon. This is way too long and the endless, inaudible exposition gets dull very quickly but the inventive and heart-racing action sequences more or less make up for that. The male actors all play their roles with charisma while Elizabeth Debicki is left to do the emotional heavy lifting.
10. Saint Maud (AKA ‘I’m Walking On Thumb Tacks Oh-oh’) – A hospice nurse and recent Christian convert believes she must save the soul of her terminally ill patient. I never say this, but Saint Maud should have been longer. The first seventy minutes go for slow building tension but that leaves the last half hour with not enough time to bring things to a head. The creepy atmosphere is carried by the music and visuals more than the understated performance of the two leads.
11. Luca (AKA ‘Started Out As A Fish, How Did I End Up Like This?) – Young sea monster Luca ventures onto dry land to see the world with his friend Alberto. It’s a much breezier story than Pixar’s ‘heavy hitters’ but there’s nothing wrong with that. The underwater animation was so beautiful I was disappointed when things moved to dry land but fortunately the seaside setting was just as evocative. Plot-wise, it’s pretty standard coming-of-age fare, with any pubescent ‘awakenings’ relegated to subtext.
12. Soul (AKA ‘Jazz’) – A New York school band teacher struggles to escape the ‘Great Before’ in time to play a gig with his hero. This is absolute treacle to the eyes and ears as you’d expect from Pixar, and the narrative theme, of living for the sake of it rather than obsessing over your goals, is insightful and well delivered. The problem is that the story did too good a job of getting me invested in Joe’s hopes and dreams for me to be on board with his final epiphany. Perhaps it’s a lesson I still need to learn, and when I have, maybe I’ll appreciate ‘Soul’ more.
13. News Of The World (AKA ‘Not Enough News’) – A travelling news reader takes a dangerous journey through post-civil war Texas to return a young girl to her relatives. This is one of the most unremarkable films I’ve ever seen. The plot is fine but predictable and its execution is forgettably competent across the board, with few distinguishing features. It adequately killed two hours of a lockdown evening, but then so would a screen of white noise.
14. I’m Thinking Of Ending Things (AKA ‘The Arty-Farty Film For Clever Cloggses’) – A young woman goes to visit her new boyfriend’s parents as she contemplates ‘ending things’. This would have made a great short film in that it seems very deep and, for the 50 mins before I stopped watching, doesn’t really have a plot. Problem is it’s 135 mins long and I can’t take that much unbroken weirdness. Directing, acting and writing choices are all so offputtingly deliberate that watching it felt like listening to a band where every member is soloing at the same time.
15. Uncorked (AKA ‘Billy Sommeliot’) – A young man from Memphis dreams of leaving his parents’ barbeque restaurant to become a sommelier. This is just kinda follows the formula of ‘young working class guy wants to do something his parents don’t approve of’. It’s competently made but not very imaginative and wastes the opportunity for some great food porn.
#my post#film ranking#ranking#his house#wunmi mosaku#sound of metal#riz ahmed#the dig#carey mulligan#nomadland#chloe zhou#frances mcdormand#mank#david fincher#gary oldman#a quiet place part 2#emily blunt#in the heights#lin manuel miranda#anthony ramos#ma rainey's black bottom#chadwick boseman#viola davis#tenet#christopher nolan#saint maud#luca pixar#soul pixar#pixar#news of the world
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The Mandalorian Season 2 Review

Hi everyone, it has been a while since The Mandalorian finished up its second season, and to be honest, I kind of miss waking up at 9 AM on Friday to watch this show. Now, I loved season 1 and have watched it multiple times already. I was so excited for season 2 and to see more of Mando/Din and The Child and where their story would go. I never would have thought season 2 would go the way that it did. It was incredible and even better than I thought it would be. This Is The Way. Keep on reading to find out my opinions for every episode this season!
And again, beware... SPOILERS AHEAD
Chapter 9: The Marshal (dir. Jon Favreau)
I enjoyed the first episode back in the world of The Mandalorian. The first thing I noticed about this episode was the run time. Its a 54 minute episode, the longest we have gotten so far. I liked that it was so long, since we had been waiting on the second season for about a year and the episode overall was enjoyable. Being back on Tatooine was great since it is one of my favorite planets in the Star Wars universe. I liked seeing more of the Tusken Raiders and loved that battle scene with the krayt dragon. One thing I loved from that was the change in aspect ratio! When the krayt dragon opened its mouth, the ratio changed to IMAX/full screen. That was amazing and such a good choice for it. It just made it more cinematic. And of course, who can forget that Boba Fett tease at the very end of the episode! Fun fact, I never really liked/enjoyed Boba Fett. In the Original Trilogy, he does not do much, he is just kind of there and then ‘dies’. So I never really got the hype. But, oh, I am going to talk about Boba Fett later. In conclusion, chapter 9 was a nice episode.
Favorite moments: Mando taking out the krayt dragon like a BOSS, Mando talking with the Tusken Raiders in their language, The Child in his little pouch on Mando’s speeder bike with his ears flapping in the wind.
Overall: 7.5/10
Chapter 10: The Passenger (dir. Peyton Reed)
This episode was more of a side quest but hey, if it is nice, I do not mind. This is a fun episode but those spiders at the end... They just reminded me of those spiders in Rebels season 2/3 and I HATED those things. However, the action scene was very thrilling. I loved the beginning of the episode, where some guys try to take The Child from Din and he tricks them. The Child running into his arms again and Din messing with the guy that took his jetpack was great. The episode mostly takes place on this ice/snow planet, which I always enjoy in anything Star Wars! This episode also introduced us to Frog Lady, who was a nice addition to the gang.
Favorite moments: Din fixing the Razor Crest and then telling The Child he should help him and the final action scene.
Overall: 7.5/10
Chapter 11: The Heiress (dir. Bryce Dallas Howard)
This episode felt like a Clone Wars or Rebels episode and I LOVED IT!!! This was so good. I was quite surprised to see Bo-Katan show up here, she was great and I enjoyed seeing her in live-action. The action scenes, on the boat and on that imperial ship, were especially incredible and really well done, so props to Bryce! There was also an important storyline here regarding Mando and his Creed vs. other Mandalorians. Since we know Bo-Katan and other Mandalorians keep removing their helmet and Din never does, I wondered why. This finally gets adressed here and I loved seeing it unfold and how this storyline kept unfolding as the season went on. And of course, at the end of the episode, we got THE ASHOKA TANO NAME DROP! Confirming that we would be seeing her this season. I am a huge Ahsoka fan and she has become one of my favorite Star Wars characters, so I was excited to say the least.
Favorite moments: Mando crash landing the Razor Crest in the water, Frog Lady reuniting with her husband, Bo-Katan, and Mando telling The Child to stop playing with his food
Overall: 8.5/10
Chapter 12: The Siege (dir. Carl Weathers)
But before we see Ahsoka, a little detour. However, a short, sweet, and fun detour, directed by none other than Greef Karga himself! Yes, this episode saw the return of season one��s Greef Karga, Cara Dune, and the Mythrol (the blue guy from season 1). Nonetheless, the star of the episode was The Child with his blue cookies haha. The beginning of the episode was so funny with Din trying to tell The Child were to put the wires in and then them eating together. Din even showed a little bit of his face, with The Child trying to take a peek, so adorable. Additionally, I really liked being back on Nevarro and seeing how Greef Karga and Cara cleaned up the town. Once again, the action here was fantastic and Carl Weathers did a great job. The final action scene was amazing and showed how great of a pilot Din is. In this episode, I also really felt the bond between Din and The Child and how much it has grown over time! OMG, almost forgot... We learn more about Moff Gideon wanted with The Child, he used his blood and the midi-chlorians to create what looked like clones?! Crazy, AND they put a tracker on the Razor Crest, which got me very anxious about the next episode.
Favorite moments: The Child and the wires (aka me in Among Us), The Child in school and stealing blue space macarons, and the trio from season 1 back together and kicking ass
Overall: 8.5/10
Chapter 13: The Jedi (dir. Dave Filoni)
This was magical. Purely magical. Dave Filoni... Oh my goodness, what a legend. He understands Star Wars in a way no else but George Lucas does. From the action, to the samurai and western infleunces, to the emotion, everything was perfect. So, in this episode Din finally finds Ahsoka Tano, one of the few Jedi that are left. The episode wastes no time to introduce Ahsoka. Her entrance in the forest was amazing, the way she uses the force and her lightsabers, just ugh, amazing. Now, I really like Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka but it took some getting used to since Ahsoka originally is an animated character. However, she looked great here. I loved the scene where Ahsoka was communicating with The Child through the force and we learn his backstory!! His name is Grogu and was trained at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant by many masters and was hidden during Order 66. The way we learned all of this was so natural and I really did not see it coming. It was great. I really like the name Grogu, it fits him haha. The little training session with Grogu was fantastic and showed how much Din cares about Grogu. Ahsoka tells Din she cannot train Grogu because of his attachements and how that can lead him to the dark side. She even references Anakin!!!!!! Omg, the feels. Mando and Ahsoka team up to fight the Magistrate of the town and this fight was fantastic. Manda and Ahsoka are both so cool and have some great moments. Then, when we thought this episode could not get any better, Ahsoka teases what is to come as she name drops GRAND ADMIRAL THRAWN!! Now, if you have not watched Rebels, this might mean nothing to you. But I gasped so loud when she said it, good stuff is coming for the Ahsoka show!!!! When Mando had to say goodbye to Grogu, I thought no... They are not going to do it, are they?! But Ahsoka sticks to her gut and says she cannot train Grogu. Instead, she sends them to the remants of an ancient Jedi temple where Grogu can choose his path. And so Mando, Grogu, and Ahsoka part ways. I just loved this episode. Also a special shout-out to Ludwig Göransson’s score. He has been fantastic for season 1 and 2, but the score at the very end of this episode, just captured the magic and beauty of this one. He is so talented!
Favorite moments: all of Ahsoka’s action scenes, Ahsoka vs. Mando, Din learning Grogu’s name and he keeps saying it, the Trawn name drop, Ahsoka referencing Anakin, and Din and Ahsoka traing Grogu
Overall: 9.5/10
Chapter 14: The Tragedy (dir. Robert Rodriguez)
This was a short but action packed episode, oh my goodness. It just kept going at some point, which was very thrilling to watch. This episode saw the return of Boba Fett and Fennec Shand, which was surprising. Now, like I said, I have never been a fan of Boba Fett. However, we was a badass in this episode with some very cool moments! I also loved that in the bts of season 2 Temuera Morrison talked about how he brought in some of his Maori traditions into Boba’s fighting style, which was very awesome to see. Okay, back to the rest of the episode. So, it starts out with Mando messing with Grogu and his name a little bit on the Razor Crest. He actually laughed, which is something we had not seen yet. He then trained with him for a bit and told him how proud he was of him and how he is special... Sooo soft! So then, they get to the seeing stone and of course Mando is an actual rookie and has no clue what any of this Jedi stuff (as he calls it) means, which is understandable of course. But I just thought it was very funny to watch. Boba and Fennec show up, a lot of Stromtroopers show up, and they have to fight their way out of that nasty situation. It was really cool!! All of them had awesome moments. Then, when everything has calmed down a bit, Moff Gideon’s dark troopers show up and take Grogu from Mando. I just- I can’t... Another thing that happens is the Razor Crest getting blown up! Holy shit, I was shocked. So Mando is left with no ship, no Grogu, and has to get him back. So, Boba and Fennec promise to help him. Very action packed, and tragic episode.
Favorite moments: Din knowing nothing about the Jedi, the whole bit in the Razor Crest with Din and Grogu being cute, Fennec being a badass, Boba being a badass, Grogu beating those Stormtroopers in his cell, and Moff Gideon being as vilanous as ever (gotta love Giancarlo Esposito)
Overall: 8.7/10
Chapter 15: The Believer (dir. Rick Famuyiwa)
I LOVED this episode. Rick Famuyiwa did it again!! Okay, so Mando, Boba, Fennec, Cara, and Mayfeld (from season 1) go to this Empirial base to get the coordinates of Moff Gideon’s cruiser so they can get Grogu back to his dad (yes, I said it, because it’s true!). So they want Mayfeld to come because he knows stuff about the Empire and I did not really like him in season 1. However, I thought he was really nice here. He even had some funny lines. I loved the action scene on the transport with Mando fighting those pirates they encountered. It was really weird though, not seeing him in his Beskar armor. So they inflitrate the base and Mayfeld’s old superior is sitting where they have to get the coordinates, so he cannot go in, Mando wants to go but here is the twist... It is a facial scan (insert suspenseful sound). So, he goes in, tries it with his helmet on, and that obviously does not work. So he removes his helmet. This was so powerful, he was willing to let other people see his face to save Grogu. It just shows how much he cares, and I loved to see it. The whole scene without his helmet was so suspenseful. I was stressed while watching it. Pedro Pascal is such a good actor, he was selling it! Mayfeld was so cool about it though. He had been messing with Mando having his helmet on the entire time and when he eventually took it off, he was really respectful about it. Another thing I thought was fantasic this episode was Mando treathening Moff Gideon with a little message. He basically used the same message Gideon told him last season when he was looking for Grogu, but now Mando used it on him. He even said that Grogu means more to him and Gideon will ever know. Oh my gosh!!! In conclusion, after this episode, I could not wait for the finale.
Favorite moments: Din removing his helmet, Din realizing his blaster was jammed so he just yeeted it to the pirate instead, Mayfeld and Din talking to the Empirial guy in the cantine, Mayfeld calling Din ‘Brown Eyes’, and Din’s message to Gideon.
Overall: 9/10
Chapter 16: The Rescue (dir. Peyton Reed)
Where to begin?! Oh my goodness, SO MUCH happened during this episode. Mando adds Bo-Katan and Koska Reeves to his crew to get Grogu back. They agree, since this is Bo-Katan’s chance to take back the darksaber from him. So Boba Fett distracts Gideon’s people for the rest of the crew to sneak on board. So we had Cara, Fennec, Bo-Katan, and Koska just kicking these stromtrooper’s asses and it was stunning to see. Mando goes to look for Grogu but encounters the dark troopers and they were ruthless. I honestly thought he was going to get hurt or something. Thank goodness he had that Beskar speer, so he yeeted them out of the ship and made his way to Grogu. Only to find Gideon standing there with the darksaber. He is like just take him, I got his blood. Of course, it is a trap and he attacks Mando. We get an epic fight between Gideon with the darksaber and Mando with his speer. It was so cool and Mando wins! He then walks back to the crew with Gideon in handcuffs, wielding the darksaber, and Grogu in his hand. Bo-Katan sees it and looks shocked since she now cant get it from him since it needs to won in battle as Gideon reminds everyone (he was obviously enjoying this), which I completely forgot. Then just says I yield, take it. She cannot just accept, which makes Din the rightful ruler of Mandalore (CRAZY!!!). This was left with no answers, so I am hoping that this will be explored during season 3!!. The dark troopers get back to the ship and they need a miracle now. Out of nowhere, one single X-Wing shows up. I knew it was a Jedi, but who? Of course, Luke crossed my mind, but I was like, NO WAY. So I thought, it could be Ezra from Rebels (he also has a green lightsaber). However, there was no way someone that powerful was Ezra, it had to be Luke. I will never forget it, my heart was beating so fast, I was crying, and the suspense was just, oh my. The hallway scene was fantastic. Then the jedi reveals his face, and it is Mark Hamill back as Luke Skywalker in all his glory. The CGI was impressive, although when he started talking, it looked a little off. Anyway, now Din has to say goodbye to Grogu and he lets him see his face. This was such a beautiful moment, it made me cry even more. This show is incredible, however this just proves that when you strip away all the cool stuff and guest appearances, this show is about Din and Grogu’s relationship, which in the end, is my favorite thing about the show. It was so emotional. Grogu then leaves with Luke and R2 (!!!), and that concludes season 2! This finale was just incredible, and what made it even more emotional was Pedro’s perfromance. He is fantastic! Again, the score this season was so good but in the finale, Ludwig outdit himself! So beautiful and emotional.
Favorite moments: the whole thing, not even going to try to pick just a few
Overall: 10/10
So that is season 2 of The Mandalorian!! I have to say, after the shit year 2020 was, Mando Fridays made it a little better. I cannot wait to see it continue. I think it will be after The Book of Boba Fett with Boba and Fennec (looking forward to that!). This ended up way longer than I intended, oh well. I hope you enjoyed reliving Mando season 2 with me! Now I kind of want to watch it again...
This Is The Way.
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A Little Death
I’m not sure just a little story concept I came up with at 3 am and ran with. enjoy.
Nothing this bad was supposed to happen here. Ever.
It wasn’t me who came up with the idea of writing everything down. I can’t remember who did, but as soon as it was mentioned everyone else seemed to like the idea too.
I'm not sure what they expect me to write exactly, but I was voted the most capable to do so out of everyone, which of course I disagree with but I don’t really hate the idea of documenting this. So if no one else will I guess it can’t hurt to give it a crack.
Eva had to dig around her room for a couple minutes to find a journal, which she must have forgotten she had because there were no more than four small sketches we had to rip out for the book to be completely empty.
I tried sitting in the living room to write, I thought maybe being around everyone would give me more inspiration to write but all that happened was everyone decided to crowd around me, all staring at the blank paper in anticipation as though whatever I wrote would impact the universe forever. I couldn’t stand it, how do they expect me to write with them hovering over me like that.
There is a reason why I was the one chosen though, because even though I have the messiest handwriting that absolutely no one can read, I'm good with getting down the small things, like the feelings.
But I want anyone reading this to know that this is me writing about my feelings and my feelings only, not Eva’s and not Noah’s. My feelings, my experiences. That's the only way this is going to work.
The only one out of all 9 of us that lived out of town was Eva, a sweet farm girl that likes to bake. We’re all lucky to be friends with her, I’m not sure if we would even be alive if we didn’t have a place out of town to stay.
I’ll be forever grateful to Eva for that.
I found a spot on the balcony, kind of huddled up in the corner. I even brought a blanket to make sure I didn’t get cold.
It's a nice spot, the balcony is where I usually have a smoke in the morning, usually with warm tea and a book every now and then. The deck squeaks wherever you step and the railings are slowly rotting away, someone will probably have to fix them soon before one of us ends up falling over the edge.
There isn’t much to do here though, everyone kind of just sits around when they’re not on watch. A few people have just finished building a garden on the roof but we need to make a small trip to a house to get seeds because I don’t think anyone thought we would even get this far ahead.
The view is nice here, the property has a bunch of gum trees surrounding it which gives us just a little bit more cover, but god do the kookaburras get loud in the morning, I honestly don’t think I’ve slept in past 7 or 8 am in months.
There’s a creek a couple hundred meters from ‘the shack’. That’s what we’ve nicknamed Eva’s, it fits pretty well too. The house is pretty run down, been here a couple decades but I think it’s the perfect place to hideout.
I know I should be writing about other things, but I feel like I have to set the scene or maybe if you’re reading this you’ve already skipping my monologue and gotten to the actual beginning, which hasn’t been written yet but it’s probably there for you.
It’s been pretty boring here the last few weeks, and this has been the best idea anyone's had in a while. I feel a little guilty I have to admit, Noah seemed to really like the idea of writing everything down and I could tell he secretly wanted to be the one writing. He is a good writer too, he hasn’t said anything yet and I doubt he will.
He’s too nice to say anything, so it will probably eat away at him until he either decides to write his own version, or forget about it and do something else.
Noah is a sweetheart really, but he wasn't with us from the very beginning, he came a little bit later, so I guess it made sense that he wasn't the one chosen.
There's not much more to now than to get into the ‘story’, I’m not really sure how to do it so I’m going to start in the beginning and work my way from there to now, which should be fine if my memory is working fine.
I’m going to start in Psychology class, double period on a Friday, God it feels like a lifetime since I’ve been in a classroom and it's not like I ever hated school, it's just a bit of you don't know what you have until it's gone.
By the start of the second session an announcement was made over the loudspeaker, the principle calling a lockdown. This was odd for more than one reason.
The first being this is Australia, everyone doesn’t walk around with guns freely. The second is I haven’t had a real lockdown since grade 3 when some crackhead walked into school with a cricket bat trying to hit tiny fairies.
So we all just assumed it was a drill, even the teacher did. That was at least until Mrs Reece got an email.
I remember her asking the class who had gotten the COVID vaccine, at least half the class put their hands up, a couple of them being my friends, Ellie Newton, Emily Jackson, Jake Cross and Lucas Walker.
They were taken out of the class by some other teacher, I can't remember his name but he taught P.E which I didn’t do, obviously. He had a whole group of kids with him, saying anyone that was vaccinated had to go to the gym immediately, so when everyone left there weren't many people in the room-no more than 15 year 11’s.
But I never saw that group of people again.
It only took a couple minutes and the remaining people were moved to the second gym, the old one that we only used when the new one was being used for something else. I just remember it being full of students who were all crowded in small groups all as clueless as we were.
The remaining 500 or so people of all year levels were told to sit, they set up the projector and started playing the news. I remember saying something to Sarah next to me along the lines of, ‘wow all this for the queen finally dying’. It was funny at the time I promise.
But instead of showing the royal family the screen showed people running around the city in what I can only describe as anarchy, cars were on fire and there were just bodies laying there on the road like roadkill.
It didn’t take long for someone to say it though, we were waiting for someone to shout it.
‘Zombie Apocalypse!’
I still get shivers even now, thinking about how quickly everything changed.
The news broadcast explained that the only people that were infected currently were people who got the vaccine, and it only took a few moments for things to click in my brain.
Everyone else in my family got the vaccine except me, Mum and Mad got theirs so they could go back to work, and my younger sister had to get hers done to be accepted back at kindergarten.
Not to mention the vaccine wasn’t cheap, $40 per dose. So I decided I could live without it for an extra week to two to make sure we had enough money for bills and food.
Maybe my parents being broke was what saved my life.
Then the police came and told us we couldn’t leave, which only made me want to leave even more. I felt trapped while my family was at home turning into mindless brain eaters.
I guess that was where our plan began, none of us wanted to stay there in the old gym that smelled too much like sweaty socks. The plan wasn’t even that good, we only got out by dumb luck that 10 police officers couldn’t keep tabs on everyone.
So we all went to the toilets a couple minutes apart from each other, climbing out of the small window. It was a miracle we all even fit.
I don’t know what happened to the kids that stayed in that gym, but I haven’t seen another kid from school since that day, well not alive at least.
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Favorite clips of s5 :
Haven’t seen anyone do this so here we go :
Mardi 23:49 31/12 - 3, 2, 1...Entrancing and so much fun to watch. I just loved it so much that they dropped it on NYE and the entire fandom came back to life together in minutes. The clip itself was just thrilling - seeing Elu dance together so happy and free, seeing the whole gang and crew as a big family - and then brutal as this thing happening to Arthur was conveyed in such a clever but shocking way through sound and editing. Just wow. It made me so excited for the season.
Vendredi 20:45 - In the present moment : The housewarming party made me so incredibly happy, too, to see Elu’s little nest of happiness after all they went through, the inner jokes about the kitchen, the art and fairylights, Lucas supporting Eliott and being like ‘mon amour’...and it was so nice to see everyone come together, the last moment of calm before the storm.
Samedi 00:25 - The shock : That clip was very violent but the end of it was just extraordinary in terms of cinematography and sheer emotion. The presence of snow to indicate a muffled world, the sudden change of silence, and Robin’s lost gaze directly into the camera...gave me chills tbh.
Dimanche 15:02 - Something to do : the Graffiti session is probably the clip in the whole season that gave me the most sheer joy out of all of them and came closest to the highs of s3 for me. It was just a perfect balance of fun, heartwarming friendship, and the transformative power of art. I love that they gave Eliott this role. It was amazing.
Jeudi 20:59 - La nuit de... : the Asso Party. I have very mixed feelings about the ending of this clip definitely framing Noée as a love interest. But...the clip in itself is pretty extraordinary in the way it makes you feel Arthur’s drunken confusion being replaced by that incredible feeling of finding community - I’ve been there and it’s like nothing else. It shows the Deaf community as a wonderful, intriguing, beautiful environment, with the signing and the dancing, and the cinematography all blue like underwater immersion...wow. Magical.
Vendredi 13:12 - Bro check : Basile being a real one was one of the most heartwarming moments of the series and it was really like...toxic masculinity who ? I loved that he thought Arthur was gay and didn’t want to repeat the mistakes they did with Lucas, and I loved how emotionally open he was and how keen on making sure Arthur didn’t isolate himself. It’s really this clip that made me love his character.
Lundi 19:02 - Hearing : Deaf people talking about their experiences was so interesting and it felt to me like the first time that Skam really understood the importance of finding a community that go through the same thing as you. Loved the foreshadowing and learning about different issues and Arthur learning how to say goodbye in LSF. It was so real.
Dimanche 14:41 - Wanting nothing : Alexia's talk really gave us insight into her personality like never before, her talk about insecurities and her choice to move past them was so important both to the theme of the season and in general, it made me so emo. Also rainbows everywhere...so soft.
Vendredi 20:31 - Deaf Dating : this was such a rich clip. Funny, interesting, pissed off - like that dude who was apparently just there for the novelty factor - and really warm, as Arthur starts to own his deafness a bit more. I liked learning about Noée’s backstory too and why she is so guarded.
Dimanche 22:21 - Jeanette : Papy Savary is an icon. The bit where you have to hang on and wonder if he is going to say something bigoted but he doesn’t he just has an...old timey way of saying things rings very true to my experiences. I loved Lucas being ready to get angry (the growth!) but Papy talking about his army experiences was just so funny and I just love romantic elder stories
Jeudi 17:30 - You're not alone : I love the nurse and I think this is her most powerful clip. We had some comedy (the astrology lmao) but mostly it was so important to have non-related adults take notice of what was happening and validate Arthur’s experience and help him set himself free ; and loved the return of ‘you’re not alone’ as the series’ core theme
Vendredi 20:17 - Choose for you : Alexia's song was just so beautiful and it was what saved the season from the love triangle for me, allowing her such dignity and strength. I wish I had the guts to stand up for myself in such a creative, public, badass, graceful way and uuuuuhhh i love her. that’s all
Samedi 13:29 - Mom : Carole was one of the really good parts of the season and this clip, although bittersweet, was so liberating, them deciding to move on from that toxic asshole, and Arthur speaking his fears and his mom reassuring him with a ‘you’re like me’...meaning he also might go too far to please people, but he’s got a good heart. soft.
Vendredi 20:37 - Le meilleur des mondes : the end clip was fully cheesy in that breathtaking way that is extremely skam france. I thought the fresque clip was a bit out of nowhere and the handholding was too much...but i can’t help it, I’m just such a sucker for the symbolism. I loved the way Lola’s intro was done, even if it was a bit out of nowhere it was extremely intriguing, and I love that they gave this spot to Eliott. Him making a fresque incorporating space, Arthur’s thing but also this representation of endless potential and the shadow figures that represent the place of all these friends that they are going to step into and make their own...I’m emo. It was so beautiful.
I wanted to keep it to 10 originally but I found that a bit too hard, lmao. I think if I had to pick five, it would be the first one, the graffiti clip, the Asso party, Alexia’s song, and the last one. My least favorite clips would probably the one where they talk about cheating, the one where they show the dead Fifi, and the one with the car crash. Buuut I don’t really feel like expanding on that.
What are yours, and why ? Also just to get the ball rolling let’s tag 5 people in this I’m tagging @lucasthegerman @sublimena @smblmn @plvmour and @eliottdemmaury if you want to of course !
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Duality (M)
Messy Chapter 10
Pairing(s): OC X Johnny
Genre: College AU, Fuckboy AU, Smut, Angst
Summary: Fuckboys are basically good for one thing. You hit it and quit it- except when his voice draws you in, his body keeps you there, and dumb ass feelings linger making things particularly messy.
Warnings: alcohol, drugs, broken friendships/relationships, not really being into sex but continuing anyway, bunch of crying and sad feelings, little bit of violence, jealousy
Features: daddy/princess/bdsm dynamics, kinda primal/prey vibes (just a lil bit), oral, handjob, light restraints/blindfolds, use of a vibrator, fingering, finger sucking, rough sex, spanking, choking, squirting, over stretching, unprotected sex (i really have to make them behave more sorry), cumshot, subdrop/explanation of subdrops.
Word Count: 20.5k
A/N: ‘they’ and ‘she’ are used interchangeably on purpose. My laptop shut off in the middle of editing and i basically screamed so if there’s mistakes i’ll fix them later when I don’t want to die. Also, vine reference. Also, song Johnny sings is church by chase atlantic (Don’t @ me i’m seeing them in a week and I’m excited ok.) Also pt 3, i’ll add a better gif when I can find one. i haven’t gotten one that feels like it sets the mood right. also pt4, i hate this chapter and think its terrible. apparently 10 is my unlucky number because i always have a hard time with chapter 10s of my series. so fml ig.
Messy Masterlist Buy me a Ko-Fi Other Stories
I knocked on the apartment door, almost slamming my fist against it. I was trying to keep my cool but absolutely failing miserably. I rubbed at my cheeks, erasing the tears that were pooling on my waterline and falling in fast globs. He opened the door and welcomed me into his arms, squeezing me tight. He didn’t say anything for a moment, just pushed back my snow damped hair and kissed my forehead. Running to him first was a new experience for me yet he was the only person I had faith in at this moment. I was getting closer to wanting to evaporate into non existence and forget that I ever had a life.
“I can help you…” Taeyong whispered. “I know it’s fucked up but we can get through this.”
I knew he was trying to be reassuring but my mind couldn’t even grasp that concept. “I’m a mess, Tae. I really am. I have no idea how to fix this or how to fix anything. And now my closest friends- Johnny, Yuta, Ten- they all wanted these pictures and shared them? How could I ever trust them after that?”
"I told you Johnny wasn't that great. Yuta and Ten have been shits too. On top of that, Lucas shared a picture in the chat a while ago."
"L-Lucas?" My heart broke, absolutely shattered into minuscule shards. Above all else Lucas was my baby. I loved him so much, I cared for him, I made sure he was fed, I held him when he cried over being homesick. The feeling of betrayal was taking over and I grabbed onto Taeyong to try and ground myself any way possible. "Tae, I…"
"I know...come here." He helped pull off my coat and scarf and lead me to his room. Being in his arms and curled up in bed sounded so good right now. I wanted to forget everything, forget that I had to cut my friends off, forget that I had to try and piece everything together. We both slipped into his bed and snuggled under the covers. I rested my head on his chest, listening to the soft thrum of his heartbeat. "We can talk to them. They need to delete the pictures. If they see how hurt you are they'll do it no matter what. It was a game to them before."
"Do you really think that just talking to them is going to change their minds about having these pictures of me? I don't even know how many they have! My sessions with them last hours, there could be hundreds. I almost feel as if it's not worth it…"
"Don't say that." He kissed me gently and cupped my face. "Please don't. They need to know that this is wrong. I’m gonna be with you, Eri. You can trust me.”
I clutched onto his shirt and buried my face in his shoulder. "Why now, Tae? Why would you start caring about me now?"
"I told you, I never hated you. And I know that this is just more drama but it's different circumstances this time. I've always liked you. We hung out for a bit when we were working on that project but after that we fizzled out. I want to get back where we were."
"W-what do you mean?" Was he confessing to me? Did he actually like like me? It only made my head spin more. I couldn't even think straight or see what was right ahead of me.
"I mean…" He pushed me down gently, making me flush with the mattress. "I would much rather be able to protect you then have some giant idiot fuck things up."
"Y-yeah but I…" I couldn't possibly tell him that I was in love with Johnny since I felt that Johnny had betrayed me. I didn't want to talk to him at all, the hurt was too much to bear. Being here with Taeyong had me feeling confused and so vulnerable. I didn't know if I needed protecting. After all how could you protect someone from the outside dangers of rumor spreading and heartache? What would happen once those pictures were deleted? I couldn't get them back from everyone they had sent it too. It could be on a grander scale than their stupid group chat. My body could be spread throughout this entire campus and I would be none the wiser.
"He's no good for you Eri. None of them are. Just forget them. You have to start over now. They'll only hurt you more."
"I-it's not that easy, Tae. It hurts a-and-" He pressed his lips against mine then, catching me off guard. My hands clutched at his shoulders and I didn't know if I should push him away or pull him closer. I wasn't expecting him to kiss me nor was I expecting him to slide his hand under my shirt. "Tae, w-wai-"
"Shh, Eri. I'm here for you, ok?" He moved his other hand to hold mine, looking down at me with tender eyes that hid dangerous intentions. I averted my gaze and swallowed hard.
"I know, I know. And i-i'm grateful but it's just-" He kissed me again, keeping me quiet and in a vortex of weird emotions I couldn't quite figure out. There were times where I kissed him back and other times where i wanted to disappear. It was like I didn't have a grip on reality or who I was anymore. I was feeling him faster than I anticipated, reeling in a mix of limbs, kisses, and touches. All I could think about was the pain in my heart and the vile acid in my stomach that made me sick. Flashes of those pictures danced behind my eyelids every time I squeezed them shut, like a paralyzing demon choking my sanity and ripping it apart. Something so simple as a cell phone picture could ruin someone's entire being and leave them soulless.
"Hey…" I opened my eyes and looked up at Taeyong. He pushed his sweat drenched hair back and gave me a puzzled look. "You ok?"
I finally registered that I was naked and he was inside me and had been for quite some time. My mind had drifted that far out. "Wha-? Yeah, I’m, uh, I'm good."
He smiled at me. It was cute and seemed gentle so I let him continue. I held onto him, easily wrapping my arms around his small back and feeling him resume his thrusts. I thought about all the men before him who had been inside me; the smiles, laughs, and lustful feelings I had with each one. Those had all faded away. Now all that was left was Taeyong hoping that I would somehow fall into his arms and stay there. I could but it didn't feel like I would be staying true to myself. I valued him as a friend but what were friends anyway when they didn’t give a damn about you. He stayed on top of me for a while and it did actually feel nice to have a bit of security. He kissed my cheeks, lips, and the back of my knuckles. I almost felt like those kisses were full of hope- a fresh start like what he said. I just needed to let it go, let everything go.
But there was too much I was tethered to.
When he fell asleep beside me I snuck out of his bed, got dress, and left as quietly as I could. The drive home felt like I was on autopilot an when I got to the apartment I was surprised to see him there.
"Eri!" He bounded towards me scooping me up in his big arms and spinning me around as if he hadn't seen me in years. His smile was big, dopey, and full of excitement I didn't return. He noticed something was wrong instantly and set me down. I didn't want to start facing my new demons right away but I guess it was time. "What's wrong?" Lucas asked.
I looked over at Quinn who was coming out of the kitchen, hoping that they would be a pillar of support. They could tell something was wrong as well and came over to my side. "Eri, what happened?"
I looked up at Lucas and squared my shoulders. "How many pictures do you have of me?"
He raised his eyebrow and laughed. "Tons! I mean we always take selfies together! Why?"
I shook my head. "How many pictures do you have of us fucking? How many pictures did you take without me knowing?"
His smile faded and Quinn traded confused glares between us. "Wait, what's going on?"
"Yeah, what exactly are you talking about?" He asked.
"The group chat, Lucas. I know all about it. I know all about the pictures you, Yuta, and Ten shared and what Johnny asked for. So how many do you have?" I said through grit teeth.
"Lucas, you took pictures of Eri without their consent?" Quinn's anger was starting to appear and Lucas' massive body seemed to shrink before us.
"W-well...I...I mean. It was just- I just-"
"You just what, Lucas?!" Quinn yelled. "Show them to me right now!"
"I didn't mean anything by it, I swear!"
"Then why did you send them to this group chat?! Who else did you send them to?"
"I-i...I only sent it to the chat I swear! Taeil DM'd me so I sent it to him but they were the only people that saw it that I know of!"
"Tae-? Taeil too?!" I screeched. "Who the fuck is in this chat?!" I grabbed onto Lucas and shoved him towards the couch. Quinn made a quick rush for his phone that had been sitting on the coffee table.
"Unlock it, Lucas. Show us everything. And I mean everything." They said.
Lucas pressed his thumb to the home screen and went to the Facebook chat. "It hasn't been active much but you can see everything we've talked about." He said sadly.
Quinn scrolled through the messages and I read over their shoulder. We had scrolled all the way to the end of August, shuffling through stupid banter to get to the pictures and talks surrounding me. I collapsed into the single seat chair we had and closed my eyes. Now Taeil was roped into this which meant it was five people that I thought I could trust who dissolved our relationship into nothing.
"Wait," Quinn said. "Did Johnny not ever want to see these pics? It looks like he was trying to get them to stop."
I cracked open one eye and turned my head towards Quinn. Had they read something I skimmed over a little too much?
Lucas nodded. "Yeah, he never wanted the pics. He would always tell them to stop sending them and talking bad about you."
"Yeah, especially when you guys were keeping score of how many times you fucked Eri!" Quinn shoved at Lucas' head. "Have we taught you nothing?! We've done a lot for you! We've taken care of you and you're gonna treat them like that?!”
"I didn't think it was that bad! I still love you, Eri!"
I stood up slowly and took off my coat, leaving it behind in the chair. "Lucas, I just want you to know that I'm more heartbroken over you than anyone else. I've loved you for so long. You're like a brother to me. I held you and comforted you every time you missed your family and being back in China. I've taken care of you ever since Quinn bought you over. And now...you contributed to something that possibly spread to this entire campus. I don't think I'd ever forgive you."
"No! Eri! Please don't say that! I'm sorry! I haven't taken any other pictures since then!" He grabbed onto my arm but I shoved him away.
"Don't touch me!" I yanked my arm back and turned my attention to Quinn. "You handle him. I can't even look at him right now."
Quinn sighed and tossed Lucas' phone onto the table. "Yeah...I will."
I made a break for my room and shut the door tight behind me. I flopped onto my bed and wrapped my arms around myself. I wasn't leaving my room, I decided. Class and work could fuck off. I didn't care anymore. I pulled my blanket over myself and hid away from the world hoping that somehow when I woke up everything would magically have gone back to normal.
I woke up, later on, to the smell of menthols and musk. I thought I had somehow rolled around in my bed to hit the wall but I realized the wall was breathing. I cracked my eyes open, wincing a bit at the light coming from my desk lamp. It was dim but I had spent so much time burrowed under the covers I needed time for my eyes to readjust. He was beside me, eyes closed, with his arms curled to his chest. How the hell did he get in here? Why was he here?
"Johnny?" I croaked.
His eyes shot open instantly as if he hadn't been asleep at all. "Hey, babe." He gave me a small smile. "How are you feeling?"
"What in the fuck are you doing here?" I didn't mean it to sound harsh but I was still tired and pissed that I hadn't fucking died in my sleep.
"Quinn texted me about all the...stuff."
"Mhm." I grunted and turned away from him. "You were ever gonna tell me?"
"At first I didn't care enough about you to. Then the stuff happened with me and you know who so I wasn't in the chat as often. Then the stuff happened with your family and now...it’s blown up. I wanted to, I did, but there was so much other stuff that got in the way. But I guess we have to face it now. I'm sorry, you know that right?"
"Yeah, everyone's sorry. Of course everyone is sorry now that they got caught. No one was sorry when I was tied up and helpless. No one was sorry when I had a gag in my mouth thinking I was having a good time. No one was sorry when they realized they didn't give a damn about me. No one was sorry before but they sure as hell are now, aren't they?"
"Eri," he snaked his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "It's not exact-" He was silent for a moment. "Where did you get these hickies from?"
"What?" I turned my head towards him, confused and annoyed that he would bring something up like that now.
He tugged at the neckline of my shirt and pulled it back. "These are new."
I shrugged him off me and curled up. "I didn't even notice to be honest."
His tongue clicked against his cheek. "Who was it?"
"Does it matter?"
"Because I want to know." He stated flatly.
"And? It’s none of your business."
"Eri, fucking tell me."
I sat up and glared right at him. "It was Taeyong. He told me about the pictures and he showed me screenshots of the group chat. He showed me a part of the chat where you asked the others how many pictures they had of me."
He scoffed and slammed his hand onto the mattress. "Taeyong! Of fucking course! Who else would it fucking be."
"I don't have time to deal with your pissing contest and jealousy Johnny. I really fucking don't."
"This isn't about jealousy! Don't you see what he's fucking doing?! He has some goddamn personal vendetta against me and he wants you!"
"What vendetta would he have against you?! And he doesn't want me like that, were just friends. I trust him. He's the only one who didn't fucking lie to me."
"I didn't lie to you!" He shouted. "I never did anything or asked for your photos. The ones you sent me are the only ones I have and they're password protected on my fucking phone. He took something that I said out of context and you actually doubted me?!"
"I don't know what to think anymore Johnny!! I'm losing my mind! I have to talk with all my friends about how they destroyed my feelings for them and completely disrespected me, I have to deal with these pictures, on top of my dead grandpa, on top of my family not being here for the holidays, on top of wanted to fucking off myself every three goddamn minutes! I didn't-" I huffed in frustration. "I didn't even really know when he was inside me. It was just kind of a blur. Everything's a blur…"
Johnny gripped my hand so tight I thought my bones we're going to crumble. "You didn't know what?"
"I just didn't know. It just sort of happened. It was kinda like I was going in and out. I was sad, then I was ok, sometimes I felt something and other times I just laid there. I-i don't know."
"Eri...did he hurt you?"
"No, it wasn't...it wasn't exactly like that. It was weird. I was weird. It's just...forget about it." I said defeated.
"Look at me." He forced my head up and gripped my chin tight. "Tell me if he hurt you! Tell me right now!"
"No, he…it wasn't...it's not like that. He's not like that. I know him."
"Do you?! Do you really think that he wouldn't hurt you or hurt me to get to you?!"
"Stop yelling at me!" I shoved his hands away and smacked his chest. "Just don't touch me! Don't kiss me! Don't do anything thing! Delete all those pictures you have of me saved! Delete them!"
He removed his phone from his pants pocket and tossed it in my lap. "Do it yourself since you don't trust me."
"I do trust you! I trust you too much! I trust everyone too much! I give everyone everything and all they do is fucking take from me!" Tears splattered on the phone screen and I tried to wipe them away but my hands were shaking too much. "When is it going to end? When is it all going to end?" I whispered.
He sighed and faced me, his legs crossed. He held out his pinky and I looked up at him, hiccuping through my tears. I linked us together and held on tight, wanting to feel grounded and loved and sane. He never gave me those things but I just needed someone. Anyone.
"Eriannalisse…" I knew he wasn't saying my birth name to spite me but rather to be entirely serious. "You helped me when I thought I was worthless and an empty void. I know you're feeling exactly that and I'm going to repay the favor. You're my friend, you may be one of my best friends. I've never cared about anyone this much other than Jae and my mom. I need you to know that what's happening, right here, right now, I'm going to make it end for you. I'm gonna make damn sure you're not suffering, ok?"
I sniffled and leaned into him, setting my head on his shoulder. "How can you be so sure? How can you promise that?"
"Because...I bet my whole fucking life on it."
Johnny's POV
He had a confused look on his face as soon as he saw me outside his dorm room. "Johnny," he purred. "What brings you here?"
"Can I come inside?"
"I love it when people come inside." I rolled my eyes at his double entendre but stepped into his room, taking off my coat and setting it on his desk chair. I rolled up my sleeves and crossed my arms over my chest.
"I need you." I said flatly.
Ten's eyes widened and I could see his face flush. "E-excuse me?"
"I need you, Ten. I need you to do something for me." I stepped closer to him, making him inch backwards until he fell back onto his bed. I crawled on top of him, grabbing his face and keeping us inches apart. "Will you do it?"
"I'll do anything for you, Johnny. You know I will."
He tried to crane his neck to kiss me but I snapped my head back. "Where's your phone? How about we take with some pictures?"
"Anyway you want me, baby. Of course." He said eagerly.
"Hmm," I hummed. "You love taking naughty little pictures don't you? My little slut."
"Yes! Yes! I do. Fuck, I never thought this day would come."
"Me either, sweetheart." I gripped his chin tighter. "Give me your phone."
His body shuddered at my command and he stretched his hand out to reach for it beside his pillow. I took it graciously and pressed my knee between his legs hard. "Now we're going to play a game. Wanna know what it is?"
He nodded like an excited puppy. "Yes please!"
"It's called," I lowered myself back to his face, gripping a fistful of his hair tightly. "You ever, and I mean ever,fucking take pictures of my girlfriend again, I’ll kill you!" I growled.
"Ahh, Johnny! Fuck that hurts! What girlfriend?!"
"You know exactly who I'm talking about. Eri! You took pictures without their consent and blasted it all over the chat! Who else did you send them too?"
"N-no one! When did you become official?!"
"DON'T LIE TO ME! I swear to God you better not lie to me, Ten."
"I-im not! I swear!! It was mostly with Yuta! He has them too!" He squeaked.
"I know he does. Trust me, he'll get his next. But right now I'm two seconds away from crushing your dick and I wouldn't fucking feel bad at all. Are they only on your phone?"
"Y-yes! Let go of me!"
I yanked his hair again. "They're not on a cloud?"
"No! I swear! My own pictures are in there. I don't use my cloud storage! Johnny!"
I forced him to unlock his screen and opened up the gallery. I had to scroll through a thousand photos but I found the chunk of Eri and deleted them at once before chucking the phone at his chest. "Find any that I missed."
I let his hair go and waited for him to delete any others. "Why the f-fuck are you acting like this?!" He sniffled.
"Why am I acting like this? Because you pissed me off, Ten! Eri has been through fucking hell and back. They're on the verge of fucking killing themselves and now this shit surfaces?! You don't mess with them ever. Not for any kink shit, or hanging out, nothing. Do you understand me?."
"What's going on with them?"
"Don't pretend like you fucking care!" I hissed. "If you cared enough you wouldn't have spread this shit. They trusted you during those kink times. You're their controller person! Aren't you supposed to treat the bottom person with respect?!" He averted my gaze and stayed quiet. I knew it clicked in his head then. "I know a lot about non consent and I'm the worst person to bring that shit to." I grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him to my face. "Say you won't go near them."
"Are you going to beat me up or something?"
"No, much worse. I'll find a way to bring you down if you cross me again. I just needed to get through to you and I know a little pain goes a long way. Now say it."
"I-i won't go near them…"
"Speak up!"
"I said I won't go near them!" He shouted.
"Glad we're on the same page then." I let him go completely and grabbed my coat. "Where's your shitty roommate?"
Ten shrugged. "Don't know really. I haven't seen him all day."
"Ten." I said sternly.
"I mean it, asshole!" He threw his phone at me and I narrowly dodged it. "I hate you."
"The feelings mutual. If you see him, tell him Eri’s boyfriend is looking for him.”
Eri's POV
It was hard facing Yuta. I had managed to catch him as he was coming home from studying at the library and hanging with Taeil. He was all smiles at first, until he saw the look on my face. Though I tried to sleep more, I was starting to get anxiety every time I closed my eyes and nothing would make it go away. Johnny had been gone for awhile and said he would return after work but that was hours ago. That left me to face Yuta alone. We went into his room and he sat down on his bed, patting the space beside me. I followed and kept my head low, trying to take deep breaths.
"We need to talk." I began.
"Why? What's going on?"
"I...I found out something about you that I never would have expected."
"Oh? If it's something sexual I don't think you should be surprised." He chuckled a little then almost instantly shut up.
"No, it's... Taeyong told me about something you did."
"Taeyong? What the hell does he want? Another plot to get to you or some shit?"
"He told me about the pictures."
Color drained from Yuta's face and he quickly turned his head away from me. "P-pictures?"
"Don't try to lie now. I know about the pictures you took of me during our scenes, when I was tied up, when I was gagged, when I was blindfolded, when I had toys inside me. How could you do this to me? You're literally one of my good friends and you go and betray my trust? My privacy?!"
"Eri, it was- it wasn't-!"
"I said don't lie to me!" I grabbed my phone and pulled up Taeyong and I's past conversation. "I have screenshots. I have the pictures you sent into this group chat. For you to laugh at? Or jack off to? Who else did you send them to?!"
"It wasn't anyone specific! I mean Ten had seen them and I sent some to Taeil. Most of it went into the group chat so the guys saw it."
"Did you post any online?"
"Ah...only some cropped ones. Just focusing on the rope work mostly. Nothing identifying are on those."
“You will take them down immediately.” I commanded.
“It’s for my portfolio! Those pictures are just of the rope!”
“I. Dont. Fucking. Care. You can take new pictures for your stupid fucking portfolio with people that actually give you consent! I need them deleted!” I could see the hesitation in his eyes and it only made me angrier. “You and I were good friends! We’ve known each other since sophomore year! You made my body do amazing things and every time we kissed I...something sparked! We always laughed over anime and went to the bookstore, got boba, and hung out and this is how you repay me?!” I shoved at his shoulders weakly. We had built a relationship that was supposed to be stronger than most and yet it had crumbled away in the blink of an eye. I couldn't help the tears that ran down my face. They were almost painful with how hot and full of anger they were. I hated that I was crying. I was pissed off more than anything.
"I…" Yuta tried to find the words and I waited eagerly for some sort of explanation.
"Tell me! Tell me why you thought this was ok!"
"I wasn't thinking!" He shouted.
"Of course you weren't! You have no remorse for ruining my life!"
"It wasn't like that! I just sent it to the group chat! I didn't send it anywhere else! Only the people that you've fucked have seen them!"
"That's not the point, Yuta! Even if they've seen me naked a thousand times I didn't give consent to those photos! Why did you take them in the first place?!"
"You're gonna hate the reason." He said, his voice a little quieter.
"I already hate you. Make this worse. Go ahead."
"Please don't hate me, Eri. Please."
"No, you don't get a say in how I feel. Tell me why you did it!"
He pushed his hair back and rubbed at his eyes. "I just kept them to jack off too, ok? It's not a good reason. I told you, you would hate it."
"You're a fucking pig! You know that?!"
"Call me whatever you want. I deserve it."
"No, do not, and I mean do NOT, play the victim card!"
"I'm not! I told you I deserve it! I told you the truth about why I kept them and I sent them because i wanted to! I wanted the guys to see them! I wanted them to see how hot you looked and it turned them on! It was all for us to look at and use. I can't lie about something I did! I’m sorry. I’m really fucking sorry!”
“You’re only sorry you got caught! We can't be friends anymore, Yuta. I mean it.”
“Eri, please, just listen-” He tried to reach out to me and I jumped up from the bed, backing away from him.
“Don’t come near me. Delete those pictures and if you don’t I’ll find out about it and it’ll be even worse. I swear.”
“I love you, Eri….” He whispered.
“No you fucking don’t! Don’t say that now! Don’t ever say that to me! It’s all bullshit. I’m not your manic pixie dream girl to put on a fucking pedastal when it’s convenient for you and I sure as hell ain’t your rope bunny anymore. Fuck off, Yuta. Fuck off and fuck you!” I opened his door and stormed out, running to the elevator and slamming my thumb against the down button. I looked at my phone and sighed. I wished I could talk to Johnny now but I knew he was busy. I had to stick it out by myself. The doors opened finally and my eyes went wide when I saw Taeyong in the elevator.
“Eri! What are you doing here?” he asked.
I sniffled and let out an exasperated sigh. “Talking to Yuta about the fucking pictures and telling him to delete them. It was...a mess.”
“I was about to do the same thing actually. I told you i would help you.”
“I know...thank you.” I stood quiet and stepped into the elevator.
“Do you want to maybe...hang out for a bit? I doubt you want to be alone right now.” He offered. I really didn’t know if I wanted to be alone or not. “We could go to my place…”
“Taeyong...about last time. Um...when we, ya know.”
“Hm? What about it?” He looked at me curiously.
“I wasn’t really feeling like myself so it was a bit weird for me and in general I don't think I can hook up with you anymore.”
“Wait, what? What do you mean you felt weird and we can’t hook up?”
“It’s not really you. I just...it’s kind of hard for me to be with anyone else right now. With everything that’s going on it’s not feeling right anymore.” I sighed. “I’m sorry.”
“So because of some pictures you’re gonna stop hooking up with me?”
“It’s not just the pictures!” Why wasn’t he understanding? “It’s all these guys that i’ve fucked that I no longer trust because of it!”
“Oh, but you trust Johnny?” He snapped.
I threw up my hands in frustration. “Yes I trust Johnny because I’m in love with him!” I screamed. Taeyong took a step back at my sudden confession. It was the first time I had told someone while I was sober, someone who wasn’t family, someone who was in direct contact with Johnny and could tell him at the drop of a hat. The elevator doors opened then and I rushed out not wanting to stay within the confines of my confession. I ran until my lungs burned, not sure where to even go. I just wanted to run away from my feelings like I always did. I was struggling to catch my breath with the icy air shredding my insides. I set my hands on my knees and huffed thinking about how stupid I was to not have gone back to the student parking lot. I could have just driven home and gotten cozy but no. Here I was freezing my ass off after admitting that I was in love and yelling at my former friend that I hated him. Life sure was fucking grand.
I pulled my scarf tighter around my neck and looked around to see if I was by any of the bus stops that looped around campus. There was one up ahead and it was directly in front of the coffee shop Johnny worked at. Would I seem too needy by going inside? Even if it was for just a bit to warm up? Yeah, that was my excuse. I shuffled in, hugging myself to stop my shivering. The inside of the shop was warm and cozy which was a godsend in this winter weather. It wasn't as busy, most likely since Christmas was just around the corner and the on campus students were preparing for finals and heading back home. He was propped up on the counter talking to his coworker, smiling and laughing a bit and I wondered if maybe they were flirting. No Eri, don't be that kind of person.
I stepped closer to the counter, staying quiet and hoping he noticed me. It turned out that were talking about Game of Thrones which was a completely normal thing to talk about amongst friends. What wasn’t normal was her "You should come over sometime and we can watch it together." No Eri, you can't deck a random girl in the face.
"Well um...Eri!" Johnny's loud voice snapped me out of my evil thoughts and he jumped over the counter to come to my side. "Hey I'm going on break real quick!" He said to his coworker.
"But you already went on break!" She protested.
"Shhhh, were not busy just, fuck, give me like 10 minutes, ok?" She pouted and crossed her arms but he ignored her and pulled me over to the back table where we had sat months before. Yes Eri, you can feel a bit victorious over that. We slid into the booth on the same side and he set his arm on the back of the seat. "What happened? I told you I’d come over later."
"I talked to Yuta…" I began.
"Without me?Eri, you know I wanted to be there."
"I know but I just needed to get it over with. Then Taeyong showed up and-"
I noticed tension surrounding him and I set my hand on his chest. "Down, boy. We didn't do anything. I just came here."
"He's trying to screw you over, Eri. I fucking know it and-"
"I said down. I broke it off with him for good, ok? I don't want to be with anyone right now." I sighed.
"Wait...you don't want to be with me anymore?"
"No-no! I meant like I don't want to be with anyone else but you right now. We've just got this comfortable thing going on and it's like...uh...nice." I tried to recover as best as possible without sounding too desperate.
"Oh...cool." He leaned in for a kiss and i wrapped my arms around his neck, just needing him against me. He kissed my forehead and squeezed me tight, comforting me to the fullest.
"I don't want to linger in this negativity anymore." I confessed. "I want to do something more positive."
"Like what?"
"Well...my family isn't here and I always spend Christmas with them. Are you going to see your mom?"
He shook his head sadly. "Can't afford to right now, especially not with how much heavier the snow is getting. My tires treads are shit. It won't be safe to drive such a long distance again."
"Do you want to maybe come over instead of being alone? We could have our own little Christmas together. Maybe make it suck a little less."
"That sounds nice actually." He smiled. "Jae can't go back to Korea either so i can have him tag along. Will Quinn be there?"
I nodded. "They don't really see their family a lot. They're not talking."
"Well sweet. Then it'll be the four of us."
The four of us. I couldn't help but think about my Lucas. He had spent the past two Christmases with us and this was the first time he wouldn't be. I didn't want to see him just yet but god I cared about him so much that I needed to make sure he was okay. I needed to find someone who would look after him. Maybe Doyoung? I would have to see what his plans were and if he would agree to such a thing. I hated bothering him especially since my life had been consumed by so many disasters that I barely saw him. Now I would be asking him to do a huge favor for me. I was sure he was going to turn me down but it was worth a shot.
"What are you thinking about?" Johnny asked. I didn't want him to get riled up or have to explain my complicated feelings towards my best friends so instead I lied and told him I blanked out. That seemed to satisfy him and he cupped my face in his hand. "I should get going. We're gonna try to clean up a bit early so we can lock up on time. I'll be over at like 10, ok?"
I nodded. "I'd like that a lot. I'll see you."
He slid out of the booth and I followed suit, getting ready to plunge myself in the frozen tundra once again. "Hey, you want a hot chocolate before you go?" He asked.
I smiled and held him around his waist. "Absolutely."
I looked at the various foods I had cooking and sighed. I was trying too hard to make up for the fact that Johnny, Jae, Quinn, and I weren’t with our families. I was still thinking about Lucas, who was now with Doyoung who had graciously accepted my favor. I promised to save them a whole feast from what I cooked in exchange. Doyoung got a brief rundown of what had happened with the pictures though I dodged the bit about Lucas being involved. I didn’t want Doyoung to be malicious to him in his overprotective nature and instead told him we had a small falling out and that it was a bit awkward between us. It wasn’t entirely a lie and was enough to get Lucas under Doyoungs watchful eye. Maybe in a few weeks I would feel better about talking to him and would answer his 'i love you' texts.
I had piles of Tupperware filled with food for the both of them, serving as both a show of gratitude and to help me fulfill my destiny of turning into my damn grandmother. I wanted to make sure everyone ate, no one felt lonely, and I was okay slaving away to do so. It was almost comedic. I sighed and wiped my hands on my shorts before grabbing an oven mitt to check on the pork I had cooking. There was a knock on the door then and I shouted for Quinn to open it. They had been frantically doing some last minute cleaning and were zipping around like they had three energy drinks in their system. "I got it!" They called out and ran to the door.
I heard Jae and Johnny come in, loud and all laughs as usual. I ignored them for now and poked at the meat with a fork, testing it's tenderness. It had been cooking since I woke up at 6 am (again, another sign of me turning into my grandma) and I wanted to make sure it was perfect. I decided it needed just a little bit more time and then I could put the pies in. Even with everything I had made I wondered it it was enough and if everyone would like it. I felt a hand on my hip then and I stood up straight, turning to face Johnny. "Hey, baby." He said lowly before his eyes flickered to my hair. "What did you do?"
"What do you mean?"
He ran his fingers through my ponytail and pouted just a bit. "It's straight."
I shrugged. "I wanted to look nice I guess."
"I like the curls better." He cupped my face nonetheless and placed a few tender kisses against my lips. "Also what the hell are you making? Are you trying to feed an army?"
"Yeah well...about that…" I chuckled, nervously. "Once I started I couldn't stop so...now I have a lot. It's mostly american and carribean stuff. I wasn't sure if I should try to make anything Korean. I didn't want to make a fool out of myself."
"It all smells fucking good. I'm starving."
Jae came into the kitchen then, hauling a case of beer and a few bottles of light and dark liquor. "Eri, where should I put these? Is there room in the fridge?"
I nodded. "Should be. You can leave the liquor out if you want to start this off right."
"I'll settle for a beer right now."
"Toss me one too." Johnny said.
Jae opened the fridge and slid the arsenal inside before tossing a can to Johnny. They both popped open their cans and took a few gulps before Jae realized he was awkwardly standing with us. "Well...I'll leave you two to be sluts and what not." He left the kitchen then, going off to find Quinn who I believe disappeared into their room.
Johnny and I laughed but also fell into a little bit of awkwardness of our own. "So, how you holding up?" He dared to ask.
"What do you mean?"
He gestured vaguely at the food and the kitchen. "You know...you're not with your family. Your grandpa isn't here...all the shit with the photos…"
I diverted my eyes to the tiled floor. "I'm trying." I said softly. "If not easy. I didn't cry when I talked to my mom though so that was a big step for me. Her and Dani are still down there, probably will come back after New Year's. I guess I drowned myself in cooking because it's what I always used to watch my grandma do."
"Have you taken a break yet?"
"Nah, not really. Been up since 6 am."
He grabbed onto my hand and started to pull me away from the kitchen. "C'mon. You need to sit down."
"I can't! I have to finish the pies and-"
"Eri, a little break won't kill you. Come on."
I pouted and gave in to his demand, letting him drag me towards my room. He closed the door softly behind us and sat down on my bed, sipping at his beer again. I sat beside him, unsure of exactly what he wanted me to do "How long do I have to sit here?"
"Eri, please. Just...chill. you can never stay still." He set his beer down on the floor and sighed. "I don't want you to overwork yourself."
"It just helps to stop thinking...I don't want to think." I admitted. He leaned into me slowly, placing soft kisses against me. I set my hand on his waist, sighing softly as he cupped my neck. I don't know how long we got lost in each other but it felt like a security blanket wrapped around me. I smiled when we parted, keeping him close to me.
"Hey um...i, uh, got you something." He said suddenly.
"W-what? Like a Christmas gift?"
"Yeah, um…" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. My eyes went wide as I completely was unexpecting.
"Is that a jewelry box?!" I squeaked, clutching at my chest.
"Yeah…" He flipped open the lid and I stared at the bracelet that laid within it. "It's a constellation and the stone parts are like the stars or whatever, because, you know, you like all that astrology shit and the, um, stars. So…" He was stumbling over his words and I could see his ears flushing slightly.
"O-oh...oh wow." Was all I could say. I was too stunned. It was gorgeous; so simple yet so thoughtful. It looked like it cost way too much too. I was confused as to why he would go through so much to buy me something as amazing as this but I was forever grateful.
"You don't like it, do you?"
I shook my head quickly. "No! No! It's beautiful! Seriously, oh my god. C-can I wear it?"
"Oh! Yeah! Uh-" He pulled the bracelet out carefully but dropped the box in the process. The both of us bent down to pick it up and ended up knocking our heads together. "Ouch! Shit!"
I rubbed at the sore spot on my temple and as we both looked at each other we burst into laughter. We were truly a pair of klutzy idiots. He nodded towards the bracelet and I extended my wrist, letting him clasp it on. The cheesiest grin crossed my face as I stared at the glimmering tiny stones. I truly did love it. I wrapped my arms around him tight, practically crashing into him. "Thank you, Johnny. Seriously."
"It's nothing, baby. You deserve it."
I stayed in his arms for a bit until I came to a harsh realization. "Shit…" I muttered.
"What's wrong?" He asked.
I didn't want to look at him as I now felt like an utter fool. "I...I got you something too but it doesn't compare to how great this is."
"What? What could you have possibly gotten me?"
"I don't wanna show you now! It's wack!"
"No! Now you have to! Please! Let me see!" He pleaded.
I pouted but went over to my desk and grabbed the gift. I held out my fist and dropped it into his open palm. He stared at it for awhile. "Ohh...it's a rock."
I groaned and covered my face. "Well it's fluorite! And it's supposed to help with anxiety and calmness. So I wire wrapped it and made it into a necklace but now it's stupid and not great and just give it back to me!" I reached for it but he craned his body away, extending his long arm so I could reach. He pushed me away gently and put the necklace around him.
"Thank you." He kissed my forehead, then my lips, then my cheek. "I like it. Alot."
"You're just saying that. You can just throw it out."
"Never." He pulled me close to his chest and squeezed me tight. I sighed softly and wrapped my arms around him, stealing all his warmth. "I have another present for you "
"What?! No! Johnny, what the hell!? You shouldn't have!" I wanted to curl away from all the spoiling attention he was giving me.
"It's not like a gift- gift. But I do need something from you."
"Like what?" I said suddenly confused.
It was almost as if time stopped and we stared at each other awkwardly as I couldn't think of anything to say. My mind was screaming but my body remained frozen. Restraints? As in...restraints in the bedroom? As in...kinky? As in...him wanting to tie me up? As in me panicking? Oh yes, okay, THOSE restraints. "Excuse me?" Was the best words my mouth could make.
Johnny rubbed at the back of his neck nervously. "Yeah, so, like, those ties or something simple. Do you have some?"
"U-uh, yeah but...what?"
"Just trust me ok?"
I was still stunned and confused but I slid off the bed and got on my knees to pull out the box that had my beginner equipment in it from under my bed. I blew the dust off the top and opened it up, not having paid attention to it in awhile. "U-uh...here, I guess." I set the box in his lap to rifle through.
He moved some things aside, pulling out silk ties and a blindfold. Then he took an interest in a small finger vibe I had, looking over the nubs in confusion. "What's this?" He flicked on the switch and almost tossed it into the air as the vibrations started. "Ohohohohoh! Shit!" He fumbled to shut it off and dumped it back in the box.
"It's a finger vibe. You just...put it on your finger and go to town. It's actually nice I just haven't used it in awhile." I blushed.
"Does it actually work?"
"Want me to show you?"
He bit his bottom lip and nodded. "Definitely." I set the box aside and started working open his pants when he stopped me. “Whoawhoawhoa! Not on me! On you!”
“I don't want to really do it on me. I think you would like it. Just give it a shot. Have you ever used a vibrator before?”
“NO! Why would I need to?! I’m a guy!”
I rolled my eyes. “And? Guys use vibators all the time. Stop being such a dumb boy.” I opened his pants and nudged them down a bit so I could get to his boxers. He was tense and watching my every move, his fists balled up tightly at his sides. I put the vibe on my finger and slipped him out, turning it on and running it over him gently.
“O-oohhh fuck!” He breathed out in a stutter. He swallowed hard and wiggled his hips, trying to squirm away. “W-why does it f-feel like that?!”
“Feel like what?” I moved my finger over his head, circling the nubs over the circumference. “Does it feel good?”
He hid behind his hand and i heard the smallest whimper come out. I almost squealed at how cute and shy his was being. It was absolutely adorable but i didn’t want to embarrass him even further. I decided to tease him just a bit more, flowing up and down his shaft that was just beginning to grow and all the way down to his balls. I spent minutes working my finger over him until I was able to grip him fully. I adjusted myself in bed, lowering my mouth and letting him past my lips all while keeping up my vibrating strokes. He was nothing but a flurry of curses and squirms but eventually his curses turned into moans and begs to God.
He set his hand on the back of my head rather gently but with enough pressure to keep me steady. I still was only able to get him half way down my throat but made sure to pleasure him in a multitude of ways. I popped off him for a moment to plaster kisses along the underside of his cock, following it with licks and firm pulsating grasps. While he was distracted by that I snuck the vibrator to that ever so sensitive and secretive spot behind his balls. He kicked his legs out, curling his toes and tensing. I couldn't help but giggle. "You okay?" I smirked.
All he could do was nod and edge himself back to my lips, a sign that he wanted me to torture my throat some more. I treated him to harsher sucks and pumps all while rubbing circles into him, letting the vibrations drive him crazy. He was letting out muffled moans beneath his hand and by the way he was throbbing against my tongue I knew that he was close. Pre cum had already coated my taste buds and I waited until the very last second to pull away. It didn't take long for thick spurts to fall against his chest and stomach, overflowing onto my hand and wrist. I backed my head away so I wouldn't get any on my face or hair but god that was the hardest he'd ever cum before. I stared at his now stained shirt in awe, noticing the way his torso shuttered at the overwhelming sensation. He tapped at my hand furiously and I realized that I had the vibe still on him just as another few ropes burst forth. I pulled my hands back completely, my eyes wide and staring in wonder. He finally moved his hand away from his mouth. "Jesus! Fuck! Christ! Shit!"
I jumped a little at his booming voice. "U-um...you good?"
He shoved off his plaid button up and carefully tossed off his cum covered shirt. "Off now!" At first I didn't know what he meant as he was now shoving off the rest of his clothes. It clicked when he grabbed at my shorts and pulled them down around my ankles quickly.
"J-johnny!" I squeaked and wiped my hand on the bed sheets before he grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head. His other hand fumbled for the silk ties and in a few haphazard knots I was trapped against my headboard. He set the blindfold over me, blocking out everything he was going to do. My heart thundered in my ears as the mystery of it all intensified. Could he really go again?
I felt his hands part my thighs then a heavy long pause. If he hadn't been touching me I would've thought he had left me stranded. But then I felt breath trickling over the beginnings of my wetness. I tensed almost every muscle in my body. The last time he attempted this he had to stop for the anxiety got to be too much. I didn't want him to feel that way again but I knew that talking about it also freaked him out. Without a better plan I silenced myself and felt the first lick. He seemed to be a bit more...eager than before. The licks were quick yet powerful enough to make me feel every electrifying sensation. His big tongue circled around my entrance, diving in ever so slightly before trailing back up. He took my clit between his lips adding gentle sucks and moans to it. I wondered if he would care for any encouragement instead of bombarding him with pleads of telling him that he didn’t have to. “Jo-johnny...keep doing that. It feels good.”
I couldn’t see his reaction but his sucks got just a touch rougher so he seemed to take the criticism well. His hands settled on my thighs, rubbing them slowly as he released my sensitive bundle of nerves and opted for alternating licks. I started relaxing, trying to give off an air of comfort and pleasure. He was trying his best and it made me warm with intense proud feelings. I squirmed my hips just a bit, trying to nudge him in the right direction once he had begun his licks. They were starting to get a little chaotic and I bit down on my lip preparing myself to guide him. “U-um...slow down. You don't have to go so fast.” I said softly.
He stopped quickly. “S-sorry.”
“No, it’s ok. You don't have to be perfect. I’ll help you out. Is that okay?”
“I feel stupid that I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Don't. I want you to make me cum like this.” I whimpered. “Will you do that for me?”
“F-fuck...u-um...yeah, sure, um…” His licks nudged against me definitely slower, unfortunately a little too slow.
“Think of a middle ground. Just like a medium speed.” He sighed in frustration and I could tell that he was getting pissed that he didn’t seem like the perfect fuckboy sexgod he presented himself as before he met me. But he tried again, getting the hang of the speed I wanted and grazing a particularly sensitive place around my inner lips. I arched a bit and let out a small whimper, squeezing my eyes shut behind the blindfold. “G-good!”
He hummed in understanding, keeping up the motions as I flexed my wrists against the ties. I could easily slip out of them as the knots weren’t that tight but I didn't let him know that. I kind of put together that he needed me to be restrained because of how much his assaulter forced him down but of course if that got him to be a little experimental with ties that was fine by me. He was starting to find that curling his tongue upwards was also a way to get me writhing more and worked those perfect licks into me. "T-that's good too." I sighed softly.
"Should I like...uh...use my fingers?"
"Oh! Shit, ok ok." His tongue concentrated on the upper part of my sensitivity while he slipped a solitary finger into me. Slowly he moved his fingers in low strokes, curling every so often. He pulled my clit back between his lips just as his finger pushed against my walls just barely an inch inside me. My moan was louder than I expected and scared us both. "Uh, did I do something wrong?!"
"Noooooopppeeeee, nope, nope! Something right! Something right!"
"Oh fuck uh, what was it?! What did I do right?!"
"Just the way you w-eere sucking a-and- where you had your finger. Can you try and do it again? Please?"
"Y-yeah. Um. Shit, fuck." He was between my thighs again perfecting the suction to my nerves but not quite finding the magic spot he had before. I wiggled my hips trying to see if I could manage to help him hit it. Why the fuck was it easier with his dick than his fingers?! Or maybe the full feeling was what got me off instead. Now I was starting to get frustrated. "Eri quit moving or I'm gonna stop!" He whispered harshly.
"S-sorry! It was just that your finger is close! It wasn't that far in! It was just- FUCK!"
"Here?" He pressed into it again and I nodded furiously. "Heh, sweet." I nudged him with my foot, a sign to shut the fuck up and continue. He was learning to get to the right speed of his sucks, even alternating between a little bit fast and slow. He also found out that circling just the tip of his tongue around my clit was gaining him extremely loud mewls. My calves were tensing as my legs shook and I could feel him getting me just a bit closer to cumming. "Should I add another one?" He said after kissing my clit.
"Yes, god, yes." He pushed in a second finger, filling me up more. I arched just a bit and dipped my hips lower making his fingers thrust into me before coming back down to put the attention on that special spot. He seemed to be ok with me rocking my hips and worked to have his fingers meet me as his tongue added cute licks here and there. “A-almost…" I panted.
His free hand was on my hip again, pressing into the dip of my hip bone, adding more and more pressure with all his other motions until I gasped loudly, my walls tense and pulsing around him as my clit throbbed with little shocks of orgasmic bliss. He slowed his fingers until my breathing steadied and he pulled out completely. I felt him crawl up the bed and release my hands and the blindfold. I blinked a few times, readjusting to the light, and saw him hovering above me with a smile on his face. “Was it ok?” He asked, wiping the mess I left on his face away with the back of his hand.
“Yeah! Bro, you did it! Holy shit! You did the thing!”
“I did the thing!” He chuckled.
I held up my hand and we high fived each other before I wrapped my arms around him tight. “I’m so proud of you, Johnny.”
“Thanks...you know what the best part is?”
I pulled away and looked at him, loving how he was absolutely glowing. “What, baby?”
“I liked it.” He smirked.
“Ooohhhh, you saucy boy. If you want to practice some more then you know i’m definitely okay with being your test subject.”
He flopped down onto the bed and pushed his hair back. “Hah, of course. I know you would. I wouldn’t do it with anyone else.”
I laid down beside him and gave him a chaste kiss. “Thank you...it means a lot.”
He snaked his arm around my waist and kept me close, not letting me leave just one gentle kiss behind. Instead we were back at our usual heavy makeout session, unable to get enough of each other.
Suddenly there was a banging at my bedroom door. “HEY!” Quinn yelled. “Are you gonna stop fucking and check the food? I don't want it to burn! And i’m hungry!”
Johnny and I sighed and laid on our backs staring up at the ceiling. “Fucking christ...YEAH IM COMING!”
Johnny facepalmed and sighed. “Why are they this dumb?”
“Sssshhh,” I hissed. “Listen they may be dumb but they make up for it in being cute. Kinda like you. QUINN, I MEANT I’M COMING TO FINISH THE FOOD!”
“Hey! I’m not dumb!” He nudged me and I slapped at his hand before getting up from the bed.
“Just stay here,” I pulled on my clothes and fixed my ponytail. “I’ll clean up and then come get you when the food’s done, yeah?”
“Yeah, yeah. That’s fine. I’mma have a smoke, that cool?”
I waved at him, mostly ignoring him and heading out to the bathroom so I could wash my hands and make myself not so sticky.
Stuffing our faces lead to taking a giant nap together on the couch. Somehow the four of us squished into the loveseats in completely uncomfortable positions on top of one another, sleeping off the abundance of food. I was the first to wake up to Johnny grumbling against my neck while his thumb rubbed against my thigh absentmindedly. My neck felt stiff and I pulled away to crack practically every bone in my body. I stretched and shook out the sleep, heading towards the kitchen to get busy putting the food away. I tried to be as quiet as possible but it was a bit difficult moving around pots and pans without making a sound. I was even tiptoeing through the kitchen and almost screamed when I felt arms wrap around my waist.
"Relax." Johnny said groggily. "It's just me." He squeezed me to his big body and kissed at my neck. "Why'd you leave? I like sleeping with you."
"It was starting to get too uncomfortable. The four of us don't fit on that couch. My neck is so stiff."
"Hm? Yeah?" His hands slid up my shoulders and towards my neck and he pressed his thumbs into my vertebrae, working through the knots slowly. I sighed and leaned into his touches, loving every minute of it. "We should go lay down in your bed."
"Ohh no. If we do that now you're going to trap me and either sleep forever or try and fuck me, two things of which I can't do right now. I have to finish putting away this stuff and washing all the dishes by myself." I rolled my eyes.
"Why by yourself?"
"Quinn doesn't like 'touching food' and I don't know, you guys are guests so…"
He grabbed a now empty pot and went over to the sink, turning on the water and dousing it with soap. "I got it. Don't sweat it."
"Well my hero, isn't that a turn on? All I need from you is to take your shirt off." I said playfully.
He smirked as he scrubbed away at the pan. "You want me to?"
I entertained the idea for a moment. "No. No. I don't want anything slutty going on. You stick to washing and I'll stick to being the maid."
"All you're missing is the outfit. You know the one where you bend over and I can see your-"
"Johnathan. Behave." I grabbed a stack of containers and opened the fridge, bending over to play Tetris on the middle and bottom shelves.
"Hmm, those shorts are close enough."
I shot up quickly, covering my butt. "Hush!"
He flicked some suds at me and stuck his tongue out. "not my fault you got a fat ass."
"It isn't even that big!" I gasped and he gave me a 'really?' look. "Listen. Don't start." He landed a wet slap to my ass and I playfully hit his shoulders, giggling a bit and trying to fight back against his suds. He ended up grabbing a hold on me again and covering me in aggressively playful kisses to my cheek.
“Can you two stop being gross and loud for a minute?” We looked up to see a pissed off Jae rubbing his eyes and yawning. “You woke me up.”
“My bad, man. We’re just cleaning up.” Johnny tried hiding his laughter.
Jae rolled his eyes and shuffled to the fridge to get a beer, cracking it open almost instantly. “We gonna party or what? I don't need sad reminders of not being with my family now.”
“Drinking to forget is my specialty, especially drinking to forget family. Pop off, my friend. Where did the liquor go?"
"I out it in the cabinet because you had all this shit on the counter." Jae said. I opened the cabinet and stared up at the whiskey and burbon Jae had put on the top shelf wondering why the absolute fuck he decided that it was a good idea to put it out of reach. I glared at the bottles as if i could make them float down to me.
“Why are you just staring at it?” Jae asked.
Johnny dried off his hands and grabbed the bottles. “Don't you know, Jae, little short demons are always angry at things they cant reach.”
“Oh shut up and get the shot glasses while you're at it too. I’m going to wake up Quinn.” I rolled my eyes and went over to the couch, shaking Quinn gently. “Hey, you up? The guys want to start drinking. I might turn on some music too.”
They rolled over and stretched their limbs, looking up at me. “Oh boy. How long did we sleep for?"
"Few hours? They're gonna bring the liquor over."
They sat up and grabbed onto me, burying their face in my chest. "I just want to cuddle."
I smiled and kissed their temple. "We can cuddle." Johnny plopped down next to me then, setting the bottles and shot glasses on the coffee table. Jae sat on the opposite side, setting up his pipe, blunts, and grinder. Quinn left me the instant he got to work grinding and packing a bowl. So much for cuddling. Johnny leaned over me, squishing me to the back of the couch to reach for a joint. I pouted and got up from the couch, moving away from the three potheads to connect my phone to the Spotify app on my PlayStation. I put on music that was mostly normal so I wouldn't hear any complaints about heavy riffs and screaming and opened the whiskey to pour myself a shot as clouds of smoke wafted around me.
Johnny nudged me, grunting at me to pour him a shot while he reclined back in the seat and puffed away. I laughed and left him there, going to the kitchen to see if I had any Fireball left. "Thanks!" He called to me sarcastically.
"I'm sure you can figure out how your hands work, Johnathan!" I checked some of my lower cabinets and almost kissed the bottle when I saw that I had managed to stash it away at some point in time. It had just enough for a few shots of my Three Amigos and I was ready to lose myself in cozy brown liquor that altered my reality into something I loved. I set myself down in front of the coffee table, laying out my three shot glasses and pouring my drug of choice into them.
"What are you doing?" Johnny asked.
"Partying, duh." I gulped down all three is a matter of seconds and just in time to hear Jaehyun start belting out some Bruno Mars as it come on in my playlist.
Johnny took one look at Jae then back at me. "I love him and he has the voice of an angel but when Bruno comes on he won't stop. I'll have what you're having please."
"Well since you asked so nicely, I guess I'll do it this time." I poured him his shots, urging him to drink them quickly so I could have another round. He took them down much slower, probably just to spite me. He licked his lips and patted his lap, beckoning me to take my place on top of him. "Why should I?"
He pointed at the screen of the tv and we both smirked, knowing exactly what kind of atmosphere the new song created. I poured one last quick shot before going over to straddle his lap. He took a long drag before tilting his head back to exhale. I set my hands on his chest and hummed along to the lyrics before landing soft kisses to his neck. His hand settled on his favorite spot of my ass and groped me hard. "And I'll keep leading you on if you keep leading me into your room." He whispered the lyrics into my ear. I nipped at his neck annoyed at how accurate they were when it came to him. All he did was chuckle and coax his hand up my sides to wrap around my breast. He took another drag and instead exhaled the smoke over my neck and down to the valley between my breasts. I don't know why but the almost impossible to feel smoke wafting over my skin made my body shudder and bend to whatever will he wanted me to. I ground my hips into him then, enticing him to roll against me and create a hellfire friction between us. “Baptise in your thighs till it hurts.” He whispered again, purposefully enticing me with promises of his new found interest in having my cum smeared across his lips.
I felt a slap on my ass then and went to yell at Johnny but we both realized it had come from Quinn. “Hey!” I said.
“Why are you two always wanting to fuck on the couch?!”
“We’re not fucking on the couch! It’s just a song that we like together. “
“Uh-huh, y'all are tryin’ to get freaky.”
“Please don’t. I already saw your tits once.” Jae added as reached for my phone to flip through the rest of my playlist, annoying me as he changed the song.
“Jae.” Johnny said sternly, hating the reminder of when Quinn and Jae had caught us.
“What? I mean they’re nice just not the ones I want to see.”
I covered my chest, blushing a little at his semi compliment. Quinn interjected before I could say anything else though. “Well I want to see them!”
“Quinn you see them all the time.” I chuckled. “They’re not special.”
“They are to me. Gimme!” They extended their small hands and made grabbing motions like a child.
“Cut it out.” Johnny growled. “You don’t need to touch them, that’s what you have Jae for. Go touch him.”
"Wait, what am I doing?" Jae asked as he exhaled a large cloud of smoke.
"Touch your girlfriend so she can get off mi-" He cleared his throat. "Get off of Eri I mean."
I rolled my eyes almost believing I could see the back of my skull. "Guys, seriously. Cut it out. I just want to have fun and drink without you two arguing, please."
"The more you drink, the faster the clothes come off." Quinn giggled before she crashed her lips against mine.
I could feel Johnny shift in the seat, ready to launch himself at any moment. His hand was on my hip, trying to pull me back but I felt Jae slap him away, whispering harshly about letting us continue. I was tired of their little battle and decided to keep myself flush against Quinn, feeling the softness of their lips and bitter taste of smoke on her tongue. Their hands immediately disappeared beneath my tank top, caressing over my chest, like they had wanted to, and pinching lightly at my nipple. I let out a soft moan and edged my ass against Johnny, hoping that he would take the queue and not be so hellbent on jealousy and being a stick in the mud. Jaehyun certainly was ready to join as he worked bites and kisses across Quinn's neck.
"Eri." I heard Johnny say sternly. I reached back for his hand and placed it between my thighs which he immediately rejected. I parted from Quinn to catch a moment's breath and looked back at him.
"C'mere." I pleaded and he narrowed his eyes in disapproval. “Don’t be so pouty. It’s christmas. We’re supposed to have fun together. Mistletoes and all that shit.”
“I’m literally right here and you’re doing this?” He huffed.
‘Baby, it’s no big deal. It’s just Quinn.” I closed my eyes and went back to resume my kiss with my best friend, colliding our lips in gentle waves and small licks. It did feel a bit strange though...Like I had never felt their lips before…
“What the heck?!” Quinn exclaimed.
I opened my eyes and realized that I had missed my trajectory entirely and had ended up kissing Jae instead. “Oh.” I said.
“Fuck.” Jae finished.
“ERI!!!” Johnny shouted which made me shrink back instantly.
“Ok, listen, I missed! My eyes were closed!! I thought Quinn was closer! Sorry! I didn’t mean too!” I covered my face in embarrassment.
“I’m going to kill all of you.” Johnny growled. “What the hell are y'all doing?!”
“I mean…” Jae shrugged. “We could always...have a foursome?” Now it was our turn to adjust our attention to Jae. “What?” He sounded so casual as if what he suggested was the most logical thing in the world.
“How much did you smoke?! I literally don’t share.” Johnny said flatly. “I never have and never will. Also, what the actual fuck?! You’re my friend!”
“Well i guess we could make it a threesome…” Quinn said softly.
“Jae’s not even attracted to me!” I threw up my hands in frustration.
He shrugged. “You’re not that bad, just not my type. But, like, we could still fuck.”
“Oh my god. This is a clusterfuck if I’ve ever seen one.” I shook my head and poured myself another shot, needing a bunch more alcohol for this sudden proposition.
“No. No threesomes. No nothing.” Johnny said.
“Dude, it wouldn’t be like...that bad. It’s not gay if our dicks don’t touch so there’s that.” Jae added.
I almost snorted mid shot and Quinn laughed. We took one look at each other and laughed even louder. “Two bros chillin’ in the hot tub five feet apart ‘cause they’re not gay!”
“Well it would be true! Johnny and I don’t have to touch each other!” Jae protested.
“Oh, sorry my hand brushed against your hand, bro. No homo, bro!” Quinn said in a mocking deep voice. “Just gotta make sure my dick doesn’t do the same, bro!”
I laughed harder, clutching at my sides. “Jae, you’re literally so ridiculous! You think that-”
Suddenly I was yanked up from the couch and tossed over Johnny’s shoulder as if he was Tarzan and I was Jane. “Johnny, what the fuck!! Put me down!” I yelled but he ignored me. I banged my fists against his back, helpless against the death grip he had around my waist. He ignored my fighting and instead opened the door to my room. Once we were inside, it was slammed shut and I was tossed onto my bed. I landed harshly and pouted at him. "Where do you get off handling me like that?!"
"What the hell is your problem?" He growled in my face.
"What are you even talking about?"
"You literally make out with Quinn in front of me then kiss my best friend and now you want to have a foursome?!”
“The kiss was an accident! And Jae was the one who suggested it! I just thought...ya know...it might be fun...what’s the big deal?”
“The big deal is that you fucked Taeyong and now you’re throwing yourself at our friends. Fucking quit it Eri.”
“We’re not together! You said it yourself that you didn’t want me to be your girlfriend!”
“Why do you keep bringing that up!?” He yelled.
“Because it’s true! We’re single, Johnny. I can do whatever I want!” I protested.
“Oh like get drunk off your ass and start making out with everyone?”
“First of all, i’m not drunk. Second of all, you’re the one that got high and then became a jealous jerk! Why are you always jealous? Hmm? You act like you own me and can command me and I would do whatever you say? Do you actually even want me, Johnny? Or do you just want to make sure that no one else can have me, like im some fucking piece of property! Is that it?”
“Do I want you?” He scoffed. “Do I fucking want you?” He grabbed onto my shoulder and shoved me face down on my bed, landing a hard thwack against my ass. Did he just...Did he just spank me?
“Johnny! What the hell!?” I questioned. He had never ever done that before. One, two, three, four more blows hit without a single word from him. I could already feel the print his hand left behind on my burning skin. I looked back and could see truly how pissed off he was. His eyes were blackened and I was unable to figure out exactly what was going on in that feral mind of his. All I knew was that he yanked my shorts up to expose more of my ass and decorated the other cheek with the same aggressive touch. I clutched at my bedsheets, letting out strained groans of pain. My teeth sunk into the edge of my mattress as my feet kicked into the air. He kept me firmly bent over the edge of my bed so he could stay within the pace of his relentless attacks. He didn't stop until my ass felt completely raw and as hot as the sun.
I was a whimpering mess then, a few tears had threatened to crawl down my cheeks but most of all I could feel the sticky drenched feeling in my panties. Him taking control and spanking me had me hornier than ever, coupled with the fact that he still had me pissed off meant my body was in a lustful overdrive. All the while I was still fucking confused as to why he was acting like this every time I seemed to give attention to someone else. It was fucking annoying but lord was I too stupid to want him to stop. He yanked my shorts away from my body and pressed himself against my back. "Do you want to fucking piss me off again, Eri?"
I swallowed hard. "Of course I do. If a little jealousy is all it takes to get you to act like you want me then I'll fuck anyone in front of you just to get you mad." None of that was particularly true but the growl he let out had my entire being vibrating with excitement.
"You’re such a fucking brat I swear. Why the fuck do I call you princess when all you do is act like a little shit?" He lifted my hips with one hand while the other dove between my thighs, wasting no time plunging three long fingers inside me. "You're fucking wet from that? Dumbass."
I spread my legs further apart and tried raising my ass against him more. I needed his fingers deeper, stretching me until I was so full. "Fuc-fuck you. You say I'm all talk, you don't do anything but throw t-ta-tantrums!" I moaned as his knuckles curled against me, pushing past my entrance and making sure he was able to stroke my aching walls. I could feel the smoothness of the two rings he wore on his index and middle finger rubbing through his motions and I was almost drooling at the absolute perfect feeling. Give me more, please give me more!
"Tantrum?" His free hand gripped my hair and yanked my head to the side. "Like what you have when you don't get your way? You want to fuck everyone without consequences but when someone calls you out on it, you're suddenly the victim."
"Takes a slut to know a slut! You're not innocent either. You act like a dog, pissing everywhere to mark some territory that no one can cross!" I almost screamed when his teeth sunk into my neck. I felt as if he wanted to tear my jugular open and have my blood splatter against the wall and yet it made me reach between us and grab onto his wrist tight. My voice lowered to a pathetic whisper. "Don't stop, Johnny. Please don't stop."
"Funny how your tone changes when your getting stretched open. You're so needy, Eri."
"C-cum!" Was all I could beg. His fingers had always been pure magic. Tonight was no different and I found myself grinding harder into his palm. He wasn't giving me the satisfaction though. He ripped himself away, making my entrance clench around nothingness and my fist hit the bed in frustration. "Johnny!!"
I raised my ass and wiggled my hips trying to entice him to give me everything I wanted but he landed a slap to my hips before shoving them away. I flopped onto my side and looked up at him with doe eyes. He carelessly tossed his shirt and pushed my legs wide open, making me lay flat on my back. His hand gripped my neck instantly and I couldn't help the satisfied smile that crossed my lips. I was in full sub mode, alternating between a whiny brat and perfect princess that deserved the world. It was a side I hadn't exactly showed him yet but I guess the Christmas spirit meant I would be getting fucked out of my mind.
"How about I invite Taeyong in to see you like this, hmm? Does he know that you prefer to be choked and crushed beneath someone bigger than you? To be stretched out until you squirt? Or did you just settle for less?"
"S-shut up." I croaked. "You're not that great." My eyes rolled back a bit and I kept my legs wide hoping to get more from him. Instead he commanded me to open my mouth which I happily obliged to. The three fingers that had been inside of me were now down my throat, my inability to breathe intensifying. The rings clattered against my teeth while the tips of his fingers edged at the back of my throat. I was close to gagging but the pressure on my windpipe kept me grounded. I wanted to beg for more, for him to make me an absolute wreck but I could only rub my small hand up and down his forearm and try and sneak the other to my center. I tried to fill myself just to take some of the edge off but his voice made me jump.
"Eri, don't you dare!" I ripped my fingers away and kicked my feet letting him know that I was extremely frustrated. He pressed his fingers onto my tongue and smirked down at me. "I didn't say you could. Isn't this what you want? All that denial and punishment shit? Yeah...I think I'm starting to like this. Nothing's better then fucking you so hard that you forget about that scrawny shit starter."
Make me forget. God, please make me forget. As much as I wanted the torture on my lungs to continue it was starting too become too painful for me to handle. I tapped on his arm and he released his hands, allowing me to breathe. I gulped down air as fast as I could while he slid off the bed momentarily. My eyes stayed glued the hand that worked his belt open. The clanking and zip of fabric sliding against the belt loops rang in my ears as if I was hypnotized by the oddly eroticness of the simple motion. He plucked his button open and unzipped his jeans before shuffling them down his long legs. I propped myself on my elbows to admire the way he looked so perfect and golden even with the winter sun barely peeking through grey clouds.
I reached out for him, wanting to get on my knees so I could look up into his dark eyes. Instead, he was mounting me again, lips chasing mine and his big tongue filling up my mouth easily. I clung onto his shoulders and let him pull my tongue towards his, sucking harshly. My hips pushed towards the center of his boxer briefs and he still punished me with a hard slap to my outer thigh. It seemed like I was never going to get off at this pace. I hoped to all hell he didn't leave me hanging like Yuta or Ten had done in the past. With the way he was acting I didn't think I could handle it. When he jerked his head back to force our kiss to seperate, I begged him to touch me again. It was a pitiful chorus of "Please, Daddy, please" until he beckoned me to adjust myself to get closer to his cock.
He sat back against the wall and I eagerly shifted to crawl between his thighs and take him into my mouth. His fingers dug through my hair and kept my head in place. I had no idea why I craved to have him fill my mouth. It wasn't something I still particularly cared to do and it hurt the last time he tried to fuck my throat raw back at the hotel. But now it was all I could think about- his veins flowing over my taste buds, his precum dripping onto my tongue ever so slightly, the way the head of his cock teased the roof of my mouth. It drew me into even more desperation especially when he praised me with his sinful voice. That voice took me back to the beginnings of my curiosity about him every time. It shed open the desires that lingered since the summer party where we shared our first kiss. That kiss, so swift yet tantalizing; the way he wanted to discard me and play games made me want him even more.
I felt him add the slightest hint of pressure to the back of my skull, trying to get me to take more of him. That was still impossible for me and I tried to wiggle away from the touch. I pulled his hand away and popped off him, planting kisses up his stomach towards his lips. "Did I say you could stop?" He grunted.
I shook my head. "No, but it was too much. You're so big I can't take it." I was sure my statement would inflate his ego but i was trying anything that would coax him into letting me find my release.
"I'm not done with you. Don't stop until I say so."
He shoved me back down and I was forced to breathe through my nostrils. My hand wrapped around his base and shifted up and down his heated skin, hoping that would satisfy him. I raised my ass higher, knowing how much he loved it. His arm reached down my back and passed my ass to stuff his fingers back into me. I clenched immediately and fucked myself back onto them. My moan vibrated against him and he exhaled softly, cursing under his breath. I purred at the thought of pleasing him so well that he wanted to treat me a bit. He didn't move his hand much, preferring for me to do all the work but it was enough for me to feel surmounting pleasure. I slipped my mouth down to kiss and lick at his balls, rubbing the head of his cock and smearing his pre cum over it. I looked up at him as I switched to licking up the prominent vein.
He smirked. “You want it bad don’t you? You look different, acting different. What gives?”
“I just want you. Please.” I begged.
“Fuck, i like this side of you.” He hooked his hands under my arms and lifted me in one fell swoop, pressing me against the wall this time. He hiked my legs up so my knees could rest on his shoulders, quite literally folding me in half until at least I felt him plunge his hips against me. I couldn't help the way i screamed out curses as the hardness of him and the wall crushed my hips between them. One hand was pressed above me while the other had a death grip on my neck again. Each brutal thrust was accompanied by a rough grunt or growl which drove me to claw at his back and reach for a kiss. I was denied though he kept his lips hovering above mine, his breath tickling the tender skin.
"I wanna cum for you." I said pathetically.
"You can wait. Not in the mood to satisfy your whines."
God this asshole was fucking perfect right now. This was what I had always wanted; for him to crush me, to make me feel small, to mark me as his own, and I loved every single minute that jealousy bought out the animal in him. I squeezed my eyes shut as i could feel my hips bruising and almost splitting apart. My body trembled I tried with all my might to keep up with the position that was destined to destroy me. My heels dug between his shoulder blades as he slammed into the deepest part of me. The little shocks of pain flowed through my lower stomach and down my thighs making my endorphins zip through my brain like a pinball. I was going to that dangerously comforting place of wanting to drown in pain and pleasure, getting punished for all my wrongdoings, and feeling every mark and scar left behind by him. It was affecting him too, he was rougher, meaner, hotter, made for the punishment i was willing to take. The pressure on my neck intensified then lowered into a rhythmic dance, making sure that i wouldn’t lose consciousness but instead suffer through every second of my orgasm denial. His thumb caressed my cheek as he looked down at me, boldly. “What a pretty little mess you are.”
I tried to shove against off so my hips could breathe but his strength was too vast. My nails clawed helplessly at his shoulders but he gripped my wrists and slammed them to the wall. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
I swallowed hard as my chest heaved with hungry intakes of air. “M-mhm, y-you’re ruining me…” I panted. “I-it’s too much.”
“Yeah? Do you think Quinn would be gentler? Or do you still want to have that threesome? Maybe I should stop altogether?”
I shook my head violently. “N-no...just p-please-”
“Please what?”
“Let me down…” He smiled and gave me a soft kiss, easing me off the wall and settling me on the bed. I curled up and held onto my hips, feeling the tenderness already blistering in my muscles. Johnny kissed at them gently, much to my surprise. His touches were even softer as he tried to soothe me just a bit. I pet his hair back as he smiled up at me, adding another kiss to my stomach.
“You ok?” He whispered into my skin before laying down behind me. I grabbed onto his hand and squeezed our fingers together, nodding as my only response. “Good.” He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I smiled into his tenderness until i felt him putting his weight on me again and trapping me between him and the bed this time.
“D-daddy...:” I whimpered.
“You didn’t think I was done with you, did you, princess?” He set himself back on his knees, yanking me up with him. Within a moment’s breath he shoved his way back inside me then pulled my arms behind me, using it as leverage to have me fuck myself back against him. I squeezed my eyes shut and could barely make out any senses. It was overwhelming and violent and erotic in every sense of the words. My head was swimming in a vat of prey filled thoughts, dissolving into the perfect definition of his fuck toy. I kept my head pressed into the mattress as I felt my body starting to crumble. His knees were nudging mine apart, making sure that each time he dove within me I could feel the violation stretching me apart. He knew that the heated friction between us was wedging me deeper into submission but it wasn’t enough to take me over the edge. He lowered his chest flush against my back and pressed his lips to my ear.
“I want you to make a mess for me, just like last time.”
My cheeks flowered with embarrassment as I knew exactly what he meant. I shook my head and hid my face, trying to deny him as if he would actually listen to me. I attempted to even squeeze my thighs shut but he made sure that his much stronger legs prevented that. He let go off my arms which allowed me to reach out and try and steady myself on the small footboard. As he dug three fingers into me, my nails dug into the wood carving out representations of my screams. I could barely clamp around him with how full he made me and I was almost numb to the feeling. He was bombarding me with cocky statements, reminiscent of how much i used to hate him talking when we first met. I wanted him to shut the fuck up but as much as “Cum for Daddy” made me want to projectile vomit, just a teeeeeny part of me enjoyed it.
“If you want me to cum,” I said through grit teeth. “Then let me do it instead of just talking about it, asshole.”
He nudged his fingers in to the hilt, pressing his fingertips into me as his kept up with his thrusts. All I could do was bury my moans into the mattress and try to keep some stability by gripping the footboard. He curled his fingers deeper, forcing the head of his cock upwards when he thrusted. His free hand clamped over my mouth as I screamed beneath his palm at the jarring movement. That last push against my walls fulfilled his wish of seeing my resolve fade away and splash across my bed sheets. His fingers slipped out of me so he could wrap his arm around my waist, knowing that I would collapse instantly. He held me up and placed kisses across my shoulders and down my spine, whispering praises and calling me a good princess. My entire body flushed with fever at those two words. I was a good a princess. I leaned my head back and nuzzled my face into his neck, smiling like the lovestruck idiot that I was. He gave me a swift kiss before planting me on my back and working to chase his own high. I let my legs fall to the wayside as he pumped himself into me, kisses and bites raining down on every inch of skin he could get to.
I guided his face towards my own, crashing our lips together in a storm of passion. He burrowed his fingers in my hair, pulling my ponytail free and crushing me to him. I worked my hands down his back to grab his ass, keeping two firm handfuls to help push him deeper. It spurred him on further, crashing the head of his cock into my cervix as he was hell bent on destroying me. I pressed my lips tightly together, swallowing back every ounce of what I really wanted to scream into the world. His hand fumbled to grab the footboard and when he found his stability the sounds of our bodies collided sounded like thunderclaps in a rainstorm. Harsh. Fast. Angry. Passionate. It was all starting to meld as we flowed together, an ellipse of never ending chaos. I managed to sink my teeth into his shoulder as he squeezed out the last of his feral thrusts. He released himself at the very last possible second and i felt his warmth spread over my stomach and lower lips, a few ropes splashing onto my thighs. He slipped his cock through our mixed cum, riding up along my lips and rubbing the tip against my clit. I shuddered and tried to curl up away from him, thinking that he was trying to torture me some more, but all of his warmth disappeared in an instant. My mind was still all kinds of fuzzy, and my vision blurry, but I could see him pulling away from me and yanking my small trash can towards his face. The sound of vomit came next and I reached out to try and comfort him, at least it felt like I did. My body was so heavy and all i wanted was him near me; i wanted his warmth and love and now that was nearly impossible with him feeling sick. My world was still reeling a bit and i swore I called out to him. He just wiped his mouth and stood up, not looking at me as he left the room. I knew the rationale behind it and I knew that he wouldnt leave me like this for no reason but the current headspace i was in distorted my reality to make me feel like i was something useless and to be thrown away. At the end of the day, when the endorphins and adrenaline wore off, I was still a decaying mess.
Johnny’s POV
I was pretty sure all the weed, alcohol, food and heavy workout made my stomach a complete mess. Everything was fine until after I came and my body started to settle. I was all for covering Eri in kisses and making sure they were okay until the urge to blow chunks slammed into me. The first wave dumped into the trash can thankfully and i had a few moments in between to run to the bathroom to get rid of the rest. I felt like utter shit. Instead of laying down with Eri, i just put on some sweatpants and ignored their pleads for me to cuddle them. Vomiting that much made me feel not so hot and I wasn’t in the mood to be clung to. I was still sweaty and needed some space to breathe for a minute. I told them that I didn’t want to stay in bed and forced them to stay tucked in so they wouldn’t come after me. It wasn’t usual for them to be this clingy and I didn’t have the energy to deal with that right now. I left after their whining got to me and went to the couch. It felt a little better sleeping in the cooler living room though I still couldn’t really get a solid night’s sleep. Hours passed, with me waking up every so often and making a cup of coffee. Jae and Quinn were holed up in their room for most of the day but came out somewhere around mid afternoon. Things were pretty quiet and we started heating up some leftovers. Every so often I would look back at Eri’s bedroom door, expecting them to poke their head out at any moment but nothing. More time passed and once it hit almost evening I was starting to get a bit worried and decided to check on them. I crept into the room quietly and looked at the lump beneath the blankets. “Eri?” I shook them gently but got no reaction. “Eri?” I said a little louder. “You ok?”
Still nothing. If i didn’t see them breathing beneath the fabric I would’ve thought they were dead. I even tried enticing them with promises of leftovers but even that didn’t seem to shake them. I had no idea what else to do and wondered if Quinn knew if this was normal. I went over to my mostly annoying enemy, even though I was still irritated with her and Jae’s antics, and pulled her to Eri’s room. "I need your help!" She didn't have a moment to protest and we left Jae standing in the kitchen in utter confusion. I closed the door behind us tight.
"What the hell do you want? What did you do?" She growled.
"Look, I don't know but I've been up for hours and Eri has barely moved."
"Well…from the way the bed was slamming into the wall I can make a few gross assumptions. I don't really care to hear about what you've done with my best friend's vagina, thank you."
"It's not just that! They haven't moved or woken up for anything! It's like they're comatose."
"Johnny, if you hurt them again you're going to have to breathe through a straw for the rest of your life. What did you do?"
"I don't know!" I said, exasperated. "If I knew would you think I would voluntarily talk to a fucking gremlin like you?"
She narrowed her eyes and shoved me out of the way. "Yeah and I wouldn't have voluntarily talked to a stupid ogre." She went to Eri's side and moved their disheveled ponytail out of the way. "Are you some sort of fucking vampire?! What the hell are you doing leaving a hickey this big?! Did you want to rip their throat out?!"
"I was caught up in the moment, ok?! That's not the point right now. Why won't they move?"
"You know, I should just become a nurse at the rate you're literally causing destruction to Eri's mental and physical wellness."
She shook Eri gently and tried rolling them over but it was still no use. "Maybe they just need to drink some water? With all the food they ate the alcohol shouldn't have taken them out too much. They weren't drunk when you dragged them in here to fuck like a disgusting caveman. We were up late yesterday so maybe they're just tired still?"
"No, it doesn't feel like just tiredness to me. Something's up." I sighed. "I just don't know what. That's why I'm worried."
"Well they were fine before you decided to be gross so clearly it's something you did. What was out of the ordinary? Not that I really want to hear it but, go ahead."
"Wait...like tell you what we did?" I blinked at her in disbelief. "Like...in detail?"
"Spare me as much fucking detail. Give me the gist of it."
I cleared my throat and shuffled my weight on either foot. "I mean… um…I…" I lowered my voice a bit, struck with a tsunami of embarrassment. "S-spanking, choking, fingering, they sucked me off...uh then we you know like... put the thing in the thing…a lot."
Quinn ran her hand over her face and sighed deeply. "Put the thing in the thing...Jesus Christ. Ok, but anything special about it?"
"No it was like against the wall, doggy style, usual stuff."
"Was it like...extra kinky?" She cringed.
I shrugged. "I mean...to me it felt like it was. I don't know about Eri. You know they're more experienced at that stuff than I am. They probably thought it was like normal sex. Though at the end I got sick and they got really clingy?? That was a bit weird, I guess."
"Clingy? How clingy?"
"Like they wanted to hug and cuddle and wouldn't let me go. I was tired and sweaty and just finished puking so I just kinda...pushed them away and went to the living room to sleep."
"So let me get this straight, you spank, choke, and bite the shit out of my best friend then you cum and push them away when they wanted to cuddle?"
I winced. "You make it sound really worse than I wanted it to."
"WELL GEE JOHNNY, MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE IT IS! God, why are you such a fucking tool!? You were super gross and jealous the entirety of the party and now you've gone and made Eri feel like shit. That's probably why they don't want to be around you or wake up! If you were still next to me when I woke up after being that much of a dick I'd pretend to be in a coma too!"
"Oh don't give me that bullshit! I was sick, okay! I didn’t want to have them on top of me. I was sweating and-"
"You could’ve at least been a little bit more sensitive to the situation!”
"I came to you for help! Not for you to- SHIT!" I jumped back as I saw something whizz by in front of my face. It crashed against the wall and I realized it was a candle, the glass now shattered and chunks of wax between Quinn and I's feet. We both turned to look at Eri who looked like Satan himself had risen to wreak havoc on the earth.
"SHUT. UP." Was all they yelled before pulling the covers over their head and flopping back down onto the bed.
I stepped back slowly from the glass and beckoned Quinn to cross over. They tiptoed over the pieces and joined me. "Ok, so...yeah something might be off. They just got their meds changed so mayyyybeee that’s it? Though it’s still normal for them to be that violent. I mean, what else is new. But they’ve never thrown anything at me butttt interrupting their sleep is big bad..." She jumped up suddenly within her tirade of thoughts. "Oh!oh!oh! Maybe it's that thing!"
"Yes, because that's helpful." I rolled my eyes. "What thing?
"The um...ugh it's a kinky thing and I can't remember what it's called!"
"Their seething rage is a kink thing? It's not sexy! It's scary!"
"Noooo! Not the anger! The not feeling so good part. I know it's a thing I just can't remember. Ugh, we’re gonna have to ask Yuta or Ten." They said.
"I'm pretty sure Eri wouldn't want the two people that hurt them anywhere near them right now and neither would I. Besides, I think they're in Thailand for the holidays."
"Fuck. I don't want their help either but they're the only people beside Eri that know about kink stuff. If something happened that they can help with then we need them."
"Why do you keep saying it's like a kink thing. I don't get it??"
“I don’t know how to explain it! Eri told me about it once because it happened with them and Ten and it scared them. I'm gonna call Yuta real quick, see if he answers."
I let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine, whatever. Go do that. I don't want to even hear him." Quinn exited the room and I went over to Eri tentatively. "Hey, how about we don't throw candles and instead talk like a human being."
"How about we don't act like assholes and desert people." They kept the blanket over their head and hunkered down even more.
"Desert? What are you talking about? I didn't desert you. Eri?" They stayed quiet leaving me even more confused. "Uh, can you talk to me??"
"I don't want to fucking talk. Leave me alone."
"Ok but like I kinda need to know why you think I deserted you??? Like what the fuck, dude."
"It's the droppy thing!" Quinn said, shoving the door open again. I whipped my head towards her, getting absolutely nowhere between the two of them. She beckoned me towards her and I left Eri to sulk or do whatever the fuck it was that they were doing. We shut the door softly and I could see a sleepy Yuta on Quinn's screen. "Can you explain it to Johnny?"
Yuta rubbed his eyes and yawned. "I fucking guess. I'll make it simple- chemicals in your brain get released like crazy, pain responders, adrenaline, stuff like that. When the whole thing is over those chemicals are worn out and you have to rebuild them in your system. Which means if something happens too fast, the body struggles to rebuild them on such a high demand. It can take up to a few hours, days, or weeks depending on the person." He yawned. "So anyway, you get physical symptoms like excessive tiredness, heightened pain, etcetera and you also get your emotions thrown out of whack, so more sad, depressed, angry, feeling unloved. All that. Can I sleep now?"
"No, no, no! What do I do? How do I fix it?!" I grabbed Quinn's phone, shaking it as if Yuta could feel my annoyance.
"Well, first of all, stop trying to be something you're not. You're not a Dom if you're not gonna learn about the shit surrounding it. Two, you literally have to take care of her. Act like the loving, sweet, caring, devoted boyfriend she deserves but will never have. Can I go to sleep now?" He repeated.
"Yeah, fine! Asshole!" I gave Quinn back her phone and crossed my arms over my chest angrily. What the fuck did he mean by that? I could be caring if I wanted to...I think I'm a decent guy… wait. Feeling unloved? Was that what Eri meant when they said I deserted them? I was vomiting! I'm sure that vomiting doesn't count as deserting someone!
"So, guess you have to clean up your mess." Quinn snipped.
"I just don't get how me being sick makes this my fault."
"Maybe it was more so of not being by their side when they wanted you to be. You said they were getting clingy?"
"Yeah, and I was sweating and gross and...this is why I don't do relationships. I don't do clingy." I said bitterly.
"Good thing you're not dating Eri either because I would hate for her to be with someone so heartless. Fix your fucking mess, Johnny."
"I don't even know what to do!"
"Figure it out then and fast."
I rolled my eyes and wanted to slam my head into the wall. Great. Just great. I tiptoed back into the room, hoping that another candle wouldn't come flying out. Eri was sitting up now, looking grumpier than ever. I cleared my throat and almost took a step back when their eyes snapped up to meet mine. "H-h-heyyy…..cutie.” I tried to sound as “loving” as possibly given my state of fear. “H-how ya feeling?”
They didn’t answer.
“You wanna uh ...cuddle? Or something?”
They still ignored me, instead opting to try and get out of bed. They gripped onto the headboard post for support and grunted through the process and I realized they were in more pain than I thought. I rushed over and held onto their waist. “Hey, babe, take it easy. You’re hurt?”
“Of course I’m hurt.” They said finally. “You have a vendetta against my cervix. My hips too, apparently.”
I looked at the deep brown bruises on the sides of their hips and winced. Good job, idiot. “I’m sorry. I thought it was really hot at the time and we were enjoying it and-”
“Just shut up. I’m going to shower.” They limped over to grab their towel from the hook on the back of the door but I stayed on their tail, making sure that they weren’t going to collapse.
“What if I make you a bubble bath? That might be better for your muscles. I can try and do that.”
They sighed and nodded after a moment’s pause. “Fine. That sounds good.”
“Ok...ok, cool. Come on.” I set my arm around them and guided them towards the bathroom, trying to sneak out without Quinn and Jae really noticing. I’m sure it failed but i had more important things on my mind. I sat Eri down on the toilet while I got to work on filling the tub and dumping in all the great things they had used for my bubble bath. When it was finally ready they retied their hair and I helped them sink down slowly into the sea of bubbles. I sat with my back against the tub, arms propped on my knees and completely silent as they soaked. It was tense and a bit awkward but if this helped them not feel like crap because of whatever head chemical thingies that were going on then I would wait.
“I’m sorry…”
I turned to face them, puzzled by their sudden apology. “For?”
“I should’ve told you about the subdrop thing. The, um,...you know the reason why I’m probably feeling crappy. It’s only happened like once before so I didn’t really register it. I just wanted to sleep all day.”
“Yeah, Quinn called Yuta to have him explain. They suspected that might have been it. Though I'm still not 100% sure was it actually is.”
“It’s really my fault. We aren’t really in that kind of relationship. We were just having a rough fuck you know? It really shouldn’t have hit me that hard. I’m also sorry I threw the candle.”
I leaned my head back and looked at them. “Definitely could have done without that, for sure.”
They set their arms on the edge of the tub and kissed me. “I know...my head’s still weird...Maybe we should cool it on the jealousy thing a bit?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not jealous.” I lied.
“Johnny...you have a problem with jealousy and I don’t really understand it. Why are you jealous of everyone else I’m with?”
“I’m not! It just pissed me off! It’s not jealousy when you’re literally mid makeout sesh and your gir- your like...makeout person or whatever decides to just kiss someone else and try and get wrapped in a foursome!”
“Then why did you mention Taeyong?”
“What?” I asked.
“Taeyong. When you were about to shove your fingers in my mouth. You said that you should get Taeyong to see me like that and that I settled for less with him.”
Oh. Right. “I don’t remember.” I averted my eyes and shrugged.
“Well you said that so...that’s why i’m saying cool it with the jealousy when there's nothing to be jealous of, you know?”
“Again, i’m not jealous. Maybe you should cool it with being an asshole and just dumping me to go mess around with someone else.”
I felt their arms around me then, droplets of water pressed between my back and their chest as they held onto me. “Ok, I’ll promise I’ll try. I know it wasn’t really right of me to go off with Josue and Quinn and I are always just messing around. You know they like Jae a lot. It’s just for fun but i’ll try and be a good princess for you.” They sighed. “No...wait. We shouldn’t actually do the daddy thing either if it’s just going to get us into more trouble than it’s worth.”
“Eri, you both know we like it, no matter how cringy it can get. It takes our fucking to the next level. So why don't you also stop thinking that I don’t want to learn anything and just teach me how to be your top controller person. We can do it on a basic level, no?”
“Dom, Johnny. Dom. Not top controller.” They giggled.
“What the fuck ever. That.” I took their hand and pressed it to my lips. “You know I didn’t mean to desert you or anything. I felt really sick after I came. I think all the movement and the food and drugs and shit just caught up to me and i puked a lot. I wasn’t feeling too great and got really hot and sweaty. It’s not that I didn’t want to be by you or be in bed with you, it was just that I physically couldn’t be. I felt like shit. Still kind of do. I haven't eaten much today either.”
“I know…" They sighed and nudged their chin to rest on my shoulder. “I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. Heard you puking before I started to fall asleep but I was already spacey. But I will say this…"
"What?" I reached my arm back to scratch at their head gently.
"Though I'm in pain and feel like shit, if you fuck me like that again, you better make me yours." Just as my cheeks flared up they grabbed a hold of my arms and tried to drag me into the tub.
"Ahh! Fuck! Eri!" I managed to get my ass up on the edge of the tub and kick off my sweats before crashing into the water with them. Water went splashing everywhere and they got dunked beneath me. I helped them up and they wiped the suds off their face, sending us both into a fit of laughter. "You're so dumb, I swear."
"You're even worse." They wrapped their limbs around me, keeping me flush against them. "Do you feel better?"
"I will once you do. I don't want you to feel like shit because of me."
"I'll get there." They said and gave me another kissed. "It just takes a bit to shake off. I'll be okay."
"You better. Asshole." I chuckled and cupped her face in my hand. "And you better eat when we get out."
They rolled their eyes and sighed. "Yes, daddy."
"Don't be such a shit, I mean it, ok?" I said sternly.
"I know. You can heat it up for me while I stay in bed all cozy under the blankets. And you can bring me something to drink to."
I glared at them. "Excuse me. What am I, your maid?"
"No, but you can be a nice daddy and do that for me. Since you want to learn so much."
I sighed and set my head on their chest, avoiding that shit eating grin. What the fuck did I get myself into?
We stayed in the tub for a bit, getting way too caught up in making out ad grinding though I should have been letting them rest. I really needed to stop thinking with my dick all the time and actually focus on being good for them. I managed to stop before they tried to ride me and distract me with possibly hours of more fucking. Somehow it was easier to get them to listen this time and i helped us both out the tub and got them wrapped in their towel. I had to clean up the mess and dry the tiles before anyone would slip on them. Our clothes got soaked with the splash which was another thing i had to tend to. “Hey, go to the room. I gotta clean this shit up before Quinn chews me out.”
They shuffled a bit anxiously and looked up at me with a puppy dog stare, their sudden soft center of duality most likely the leftover results from this drop thing. “I promise I’ll be back as soon as I’m done okay?” I kissed their forehead and curled my finger around a now springy curl of hair.
“Ok, ok. Just...hurry up.” they said softly.
I nodded and urged them out of the room, hoping that they would be able to sit still for a minute. I found a spare towel to wrap around my waist and unplugged the drain in the tub. I went out to the kitchen after, getting Quinn to find the mop for me so could start drying the floor. As I was passing by Eri’s room again, I heard them talking. I poked my head in and listened, realizing they were on the phone.
“No, no, no. You ca’t have New Years Resurrection with out a little Halloween fun! We have to do IT is the End! That’s my favorite and you know it.” They paused. “Ok, but what about Stabbing in the Dark? Ugh, Andre! Come on. Let me pick something! We already came to a consensus on Closer, Porn Star Dancing, I’m not Okay, and Party Hard for the finale. We only have a half hour set and we’re closing out the show. It has to be good!”
Wait, where they playing a show soon? Why didn’t they tell me anything?
“Ok, fine you pick two songs that you can lead on and I’ll do the two Ice Nine Kills song and then we’ll be gucci. Or maybe I’ll do some Motionless... THE POINT IS i will talk to you tomorrow at practice and then we’ll finalize everything. I’m not feeling so hot right now and I need to eat....no i’m not with my boyfriend...He is not my boyfriend, okay? Andre i swear to god.”
I stepped into the room, trying to be quiet but they noticed me instantly. “Anyway gotta go. Tell your mama to save me some cornbread. Okay bye.” They hung up quickly and tossed their phone onto the bed. “Hey.”
“Uh...hey. Who were you talking to ?” I asked.
“Oh, that...uh...Andre. Um...he’s in my band. Our band. It’s our band together.”
“You guys playing a show soon?”
Eri’s eyes went wide and they immediately dodged my attention. “A what? Oh noooo, heh, nope. Just...a...”
“What’s New Years Resurrection?”
“Nothing! It’s totally nothing!”
“Why are you being so secretive?” I stepped a bit closer to them, leaving the mop in the doorway.
“Me? I’m not being secretive! It’s nothing I swear!”
“Then why did it sound like you were trying to make a setlist for a show that you’re closing out, presumably on New Years Eve, hmm?? You know closing out a show is like a big deal, right?” I nudged their arm playfully. “So you mind telling me why you haven’t told me about this before?”
They pouted. “I’m not telling you anything. Now or never. There’s no show. So stop being so nosey okay?”
“Eri, is there a reason you don’t want me to go?”
“No one is going! Just hush!”
“Eriiiiiiiiii.” I taunted. “I’m going to your show.”
“NOOOOOOO! Johnny, you don’t understand! I never invite people to come see me!”
“Why not?”
“Because!” They squeaked. “I get way too nervous and embarrassed and I act totally different on stage than i do normally and i’ll just freak out the whole time, ok?!”
“I actually want to see you play. You know I do.” I set my arm around their shoulder and pulled them to my chest. “Besides, it cant be that bad, can it?”
#Johnny Fanfic#JOHNNY SMUT#johnny suh#johnny seo#NCT#nct 127 fanfic#johnny nct#nct 127 fanfiction#NCT 127#johnny fanfiction
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I love hating you | Elu enemies to lovers AU | Ch.14 END

Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
Lucas is an angry, closeted and frustrated gay teenager, while Eliott is the handsome, smart and popular guy in school. They hate each other… but not forever.
Happily Ever After
After three days of staying in Eliott’s apartment and basically not going anywhere, they decided that it’s time to spend some time with their friends. Lucas asked the girls to put together some kind of event for everyone and of course Daphné jumped on the opportunity immediately. They decided to meet in the park and have some outside party. Emma and Alex were taking care of the booze, Daphné got music and decoractions, Idriss brought his soccer ball in case anyone wants to play, Manon made cakes, Alexia got the sandwiches, while Yann, Arthur and Basile got some pizza. The boys were on their way to the park and Lucas was just so happy, he had to post something on insta. They kinda got obsessed with showing off their love online. It just made him feel good and proud.
Eliott was giggling next to him as he read the comments under the picture. It was good to see him being happy outside of the safety of his apartment. He made sure to leave only if his boyfriend feels better enough to be amongst other people. And since he said that he will be fine, Lucas had no intentions to stay inside either. He missed his friends and the spring break was coming to its end, so it was nice to have a little party. Not the getting high and drunk until you throw your guts out, but a chill, eating, drinking and talking kind of one.
When they got there, everything was already set up, people were talking and having fun. The music was loud, but not too much. It was Sofiane who spotted them first, basically running towards them and wrapping his arms around the boys happily, squeezing them together. Eliott laughed and with his hand that wasn’t entwined with Lucas’ hugged him back. The short boy did the same and they stood there like this for a few moments until the others joined them.
“Finally! I thought you guys will never arrive.” Yann said, holding a bottle of beer in his hand, smirking at the boys.
“I am so happy for you guys!” Daphné screamed and threw herself on the boys, much more agressively than Sofiane did, almost knocking them off, but they managed to stand still, enduring the blonde girl’s hug, until she pulled back with a bright smile.
“So, is everything good between you two?” Arthur asked, offering two plastic cups to the boys, probably filled with some alcohol. Lucas accepted it, but Eliott just shook his head, he decided to stay sober for today.
“Better than ever.” the short boy answered after taking a sip of his drink. It was whiskey coke, he liked it a lot.
“Are you okay too, bro?” Yann asked with honest concern in his voice, turning to Eliott. Lucas felt happy and proud that his best friend cared so much for his boyfriend. It was truly endearing to see it, and seemingly the tall boy felt the same as a wide, happy smile spread on his face.
“Yeah, I’m doing well, thank for asking.” he said on a joyful tone and let go of his boyfriend’s hand just to throw his arm lazily around Lucas’ shoulder, pulling him to his chest. He chuckled and leant on him happily as everyone started to walk back towards the place where they were dancing. They had three tables, one for the food, one for the cakes and one for the drinks. Eliott snatched an iced tea for himself and they just joined the gang after that. Sofiane and Idriss were dancing with the girls now.
“So...” Basile started speaking and Lucas immediately felt like this is not gonna end well. He was right. “Did you guys have sex?” he asked shamelessly and the short boy wasn’t even that shocked by the question, but that can’t be said about Arthur or Yann. The blond one hit him in the side roughly enough to startle him, so Baz almost spilled his drink on the boys, but like they were one person, just stepped back out of reflex. Yann on the other hand tried not to choke on his own drink, coughing wildly.
“Are you insane?” Arthur raised his voice, staring at their curly haired friend with pure disbelief.
“What?” Basile whined while massaging the place where he got hit. “We are teenagers, this is a normal question to ask.” he said, trying to came off as the innocent one.
“He is not wrong.” Eliott said suddenly, taking a sip of his drink and earning some shocked looks from the other three boys, while Basile looked like he found his Lord and Savior. “And answering the question, we did have sex. Multiple times actually.” he said smirking, making his boyfriend choke on his drink now.
“Eliott!” he screamed between two coughs. Basile clearly beamed at what he just heard, while his other friends were laughing.
“Can’t I talk openly about or sexual life?” the tall boy asked with a charming smile after his boyfriend stopped the choking session. Lucas rolled his eyes now, but still leaning to him, letting out a soft sigh.
“Look at our sweet Lulu becoming a cute boyfriend.” Arthur was cooing at him, even pinching the short boy’s cheek. He squinted his eyes at his friend and hit away his hand, just slightly annoyed, but a little smile was tugging at his lips.
“Yeah, Eliott managed to tame the beast.” Yann said smirking, earning a hit on the shoulder from his best friend.
“It’s good to have my own little beast.” Eliott smirked and placed a kiss on his boy’s hair, sliding his arm from his shoulders down to his waist. “He is the best.”
“Stop it.” Lucas chuckled and pushed him just lightly, still staying in his arms though, a soft blush creeping up on his cheek from the kind words.
“Ahw, they are so adorable!” a voice came from behind them. Both Lucas and Eliott turned their heads to see Idriss standing there and before they could even have a chance to escape, he wrapped his long arms around them. Eliott just laughed, while the short boy tried to catch his breath in the tight hold. He was indoors with his boyfriend so much, that all this hugging started to make him feel just a little bit uncomfortable. But he endured it, because he loved these people.
“Okay, that’s enough, Idriss.” Sofiane walked to them now, pulling back his friend by his shoulder. “You are strangling Lucas.”
“Oh, right. Sorry.” he laughed and took a step back, smiling brightly. “It’s just so good to see Eli being so happy again.” he explained.
“I’m actually happier than ever.” Eliott said, squeezing Lucas in his arm gently. “I am completely in love with this guy.” he smirked and kissed his boyfriend’s cheek.
They stayed for hours just hanging out with the others, making jokes, telling stories and just having fun in general. Lucas enjoyed being outside, openly affectionate with his boyfriend in the presence of their friends. He might have had a fallen apart family, but these people made him feel like he was safe and loved. He loved how free and happy Eliott looked all the time as they were in the park, his life seemed to be just perfect like this.
When Manon got a new camera that was on sale for a really good price, all hell break loose. She wanted to photograph everything, take pictures of food, of Lisa chilling on the couch, but most importantly, she was begging for the boys to let her take pictures of them. Eliott would agree to it from the beginning, but Lucas was too nervous and insecure to do it. Yes, they took photos of themselves and their friends did too, but it was different to actually pose for a “professional” to take pictures of them.
Then a month later, around the end of school year when Eliott and him were studying together, the topic came up again. Lucas was sitting on the bed, reading his biology notes, while his boyfriend sat at his desk, doing math homework. They were supposed to do a literature assignment too, but it wasn’t as important like their current works. Everything was hell in school around this time, they had a shit ton of homework and even more things to learn for. Lucas couldn’t even remember when it was the last time that they went on an actual date and not studying together or doing homework. He missed their morning coffee dates, but both of them had things planned for most of the time before classes.
He was so occupied with his notes that he only noticed the third piece of crumpled paper that hit his face and then landed on his lap. He looked up at Eliott, who was turned to him smirking, throwing another one at him that bounced off his chest, then joining the others in his lap. He raised an eyebrow, not understanding his boyfrend’s childish behavior.
“What?” He asked, putting his notes to the side and turning his body towards the other boy.
“Pay attention to me.” he said pouting, like he had any rights to do that. Lucas rolled his eyes, he got better at ignoring the cute faces that Eliott kept pulling off to get from him what he wanted.
“We are supposed to be studying. Bac remember?” he sighed, glancing at the books laying on Eliott’s bed.
“But we haven’t kissed since hours now.” his voice was almost high-pitched and the short boy couldn’t hold back a smug grin.
“Oh yeah?” he asked, like he didn’t care, just to fuck around a little. “I didn’t even notice.” he lied, still having that shit-eating grin on his face. Eliott gave him a disapproving look, throwing a pencil at his direction, but he missed, so it landed on the floor. Lucas chuckled.
“Don’t laugh! Come here and let me smooch that adorable face of yours.” He said with a grumpy look on his face. The short boy smirked, getting up from the bed and walking to his boyfriend, stopping between his opened legs. A huge, happy smile appeared on Eliott’s face. Lucas gently put his hands on his boyfriend’s cheeks, cupping it softly before planting a kiss on his lips. It was innocent at first, but then the tall boy’s hands wandered down from his waist to his butt, grabbing it wildly, forcing out a moan from him. He used this opportunity to slide his tongue into his mouth, deepending the kiss.
They were making out for long minutes like this, Eliott sitting on the chair, Lucas standing between his legs, arms roaming on each other’s body. Then they had to break apart for air, wheezing like they just ran a marathon, foreheads knocked together. The tall one was smirking victoriously, being satisfied with himself that his silly plan to distract his boyfriend worked so well.
“I wanna ask you something.” he whispered after their breathing started to normalize. Lucas opened his eyes slowly, looking at him with anticipation. “Can you let Manon to take photos of us?” he asked, eyes filled with hope and excitement. The short boy sighed, they haven’t talked about this since a long time now and seeing how much Eliott still wanted it just made him come to the conclusion that he would do anything to make this guy happy.
“Yeah, okay, sure.” he mumbled into the tiny space between their lips. His boyfriend made a squeaky noise before he started laughing and pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. Lucas couldn’t help but laugh with him, wrapping his arms around his neck and burying his face into the soft, messy hair.
Lucas texted Manon not much after and she got so excited, bombing them with ideas, locations, sample pictures they could recreate. The short boy was overwhelmed, so he let his boyfriend handle this situation and he handled it so damn well. They sat down with the girl at a calm saturday to talk about the photoshoot. Eliott made sketches and claimed that they had to take the pictures on the school yard after classes. Manon agreed that it’s not a bad idea and she loved the sketches too. They seemed to agree on everything with Eliott in the end, so that is how a week later Lucas was posing for couple photos at school with his boyfriend.
The weird thing was that he didn’t hated this at all. Yes, the first few pictures felt awkward and he felt like he’s a complete mess compared to his boyfriend, but after a while he got comfortable. Manon was mostly quiet, just giving them soft instructions once in a while, but it was mostly Eliott who put themselves into the next position. Lucas was grateful that they were wearing comfortable clothes, nothing too fancy. He even had a baseball cap, feeling like he will need it to cover his mess of a hair, but Eliott didn’t let him put on, so most of the time he was just holding it in his hands.
When they were done, Lucas was shocked that more than an hour passed by. He felt like it was just a few minutes with Eliott by his side. They sat down on a bench with the girl, quickly going through the pictures and he was stunned by them completely. Manon did a great job and seeing how excited his boyfriend was just made him extra happy. As a reward for the awesome pictures, the boys invited Manon for a dinner and of course she agreed. They went to a nice burger place nearby, having fun there for almost three hours, going through the pictures over and over, sometimes laughing at the expressions on the boys faces where they were blinking or sneezing. Then both of them decided to pick a photo to post it on instagram, both because they were proud of the great work Manon did and they wanted to share their love with the whole world, like always.
August 10
Lucas almost stumbled in the boxes as he got up from the couch, cursing as he made his way to the kitchen. He was only wearing his briefs and a shirt he had stolen from Eliott. He yawned while he was pouring coffee into his mug, leaning to the counter and watching his boyfriend still sleeping peacefully. He couldn’t hold back a happy smirk, looking through the boxes scattered around the flat.
When he finished his drink, he prepared some cheese toast and another mug of coffee, walking back to the living room with those. He sat down on the couch and kissed his boyfriend’s hair softly. He let out a little groan, turning around, slowly opening his eyes. When he saw the boy next to him, a soft smirk appeared on his face.
“Good morning, my love.” he mumbled, voice still a bit hoarse. Lucas chuckled and planted a gentle kiss on his lips.
“Good morning, handsome. I made you breakfast.” he said softly, showing the plate with the sandwiches and the mug in his hands. Eliott slowly sat up, leaning on the back of the couch and rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes, yawning. When he finished that, he took the coffee first, taking a few sips and letting the caffeine spread in his body, waking him up a little. It had just a tiny bit of sugar in it, which was perfect.
“You always make the most delicious coffee for me.” Eliott claimed, giving his sweet boy a peck on the lips before taking the plate of toasts, placing it on his lap.
“Isn’t that obvious? I am making you coffe every morning since months now.” he said with a proud grin, placing himself on the couch a bit closer to his boyfriend, resting his head on his shoulder.
“Of course, but that doesn’t mean I can’t compliment you.” he replied and took a bite of his toast, then handing it to Lucas. He didn’t grab it, just took a bite and smiled at him softly. They were always sharing breakfast like that, that’s why Lucas never bothered to have two plates of food, when they can do this instead.
“When will Idriss arrive exactly?” Lucas asked after they were almost done with the eating. He looked through the boxes and just wished they could get this done as quick as possible. He hated packing stuff, but today was a special day for both of them, so he pushed those negative thoughts aside.
“Around 10.” Eliott shrugged and continued drinking his coffee. “We will be done by noon, don’t worry.” he said softly, kissing his boyfriend’s cheek.
“I’m not worrying.” Lucas pouted and buried his face into the tall boy’s neck. “This is was we have planned since a month now. I just hate packing stuff.” he mumbled, making Eliott laugh.
“Come on, Lucas. You don’t even have that many things. It’s like five or six boxes, no furniture and most of them were already boxed.” he reminded him kindly, kissing his forehead before drinking the rest of his coffee.
“Yeah, because they banished me to this couch from hell.” he said bitterly, wrapping an arm around Eliott’s waist, leaning his body on him a bit more.
“We have some good memories with this couch, though.” the tall boy said smirking. “When Manon was at Emma���s, Lisa visited her parents and Mika had a hookup with someone.” he reminded him, whispering into his ear. “You were quite loud that day, even louder than the couch.” he continued, placing a kiss on his earlobe. “I can still remember how you moaned my name. It makes me hard just to think about it.” he finished it by biting the boy’s neck, making him let out a squeaky moan. Lucas felt his face burning and he gently slapped his boyfriend’s chest.
“Stop this! Everyone is still sleeping.” he muttered into the tall one’s shoulder, trying to get rid of the blush on his cheeks somehow.
“See, that’s why we’re moving together.” Eliott huffed with a bit of annoyance in his voice. The short boy looked up, studying those steel blue eyes with curiosity. “I wanna be able to tease you in the morning without worrying to get caught by your flatmates.” he sighed and placed his hand on the boy’s cheek. “Maybe even having some morning action.” he winked at him playfully which made him giggle.
“Yeah, I have to admit that I would love that.” he said smiling, leaning into the warm touch of Eliott.
“Then let’s get dressed and pack up the rest of your stuff, please.” he said smiling and got up from the “bed”, looking for his pants and shirt on the floor, while his boyfriend just kept laying there, adoring his half naked body from behind. “Baby, if you keep staring at my ass, you’re going to drool all over your sheets.” Eliott said as he put on his pants and glanced at his boyfriend over his shoulder, smirking. Lucas blushed heavily, looking away and getting up from the bed, sniffing his boy’s shirt one more time before taking it off and dressing up into his own clothes.
Hours later they were done, box packed into the trunk of Idriss’ car, boys sitting in the back, heading to Eliott’s apartment. Lucas was kinda nervous, holding his boyfriend’s hand all the way. It was one thing staying at each other’s place for days, spending almost every day together and living with said person. What if he says something stupid when he’s upset with school? What if they fight and Eliott needs space?
So many questions he didn’t know the answers for. He will also miss the presence of Manon, Mika and Lisa, their happiness, complains, everything. Of course despite the bad things that was going on between them, Mika cried when the boys announced to the flatmates that Lucas is going to move in with Eliott. He hugged the short boy tightly, sobbing that he is not gonna say amen to this, because he needs his cute son. It was both annoying and endearing at the same time, since he had no rights to forbid anything, but he also cared so much that he couldn’t just let go of Lucas. It took them hours to calm down the older boy, reassuring him, that they will still come back to hang out with them sometimes and that he should be glad there won’t be anymore living room action he could come home to.
As they arrived Idriss, Lucas and Eliott carried up the boxes to the third floor, where Lucille and Sofiane was waiting for them. They made sure there is enough space for Lucas’ stuff, also the girl decided to cook for everyone while they are packing. Sofiane hugged both boys after they put down the boxes, congratulating them for this big step and saying how proud he is. Lucas was a bit overwhelmed and excused himself, joining Lucille in the kitchen, while his boyfriend kept chatting with his friends.
“What are you cooking?” he asked softly. Lucille turned around her head and smiled at him. She had longer hair now, not that curly, but still only wearing light makeup which made her really beautiful.
“Hey, Lucas!” she greeted happily, waving for him to come closer and as he did, she kissed him on the cheek. “It’s good to see you. I’m cooking some chicken stew with rice and vegetables.” she explained, stirring the tasty looking meal in the pot.
“Smells nice.” he said and jumped up on the kitchen counter, making himself comfortable. It was weird to think of this place as his own, not just as Eliott’s now. “Where are you gonna stay now, by the way?” he asked curiously after a few minutes of silence. “I mean, I wouldn’t have any problems of you staying here while you’re in Paris, but...” he tried to quickly explain himself, but Lucille cut him off.
“It’s fine, I don’t wanna cockblock you guys.” she said smirking and winked at the short boy playfully, which made him giggle. “I was actually thinking of finding a flat for myself.” she said a bit quieter and Lucas almost fell off the counter as he leant forward to make sure he hears her well.
“What? Are you serious?” he asked excitedly. In the past few months he and Lucille become really good friends, amusing themselves by teasing Eliott to the point where he couldn’t handle being in the same room with the two of them. It was beautiful and the boy couldn’t wish for a better sister-in-law, if he could call her that. And Eliott had no rights to complain, because he and Yann seemed to get along very well, sometimes even hanging out just them, without Lucas or the boys. It made him happy how their lives seemed to go into a very good direction. His mother and Eliott’s parents were also really supportive, having some issues at the beginning, but now it was all smooth and clean.
“Yeah, I am looking for a job here.” she nodded and put the stove on lighter heat, turning to the boy now, arms crossed. “I just haven’t told Eliott, because I don’t want him to think that I wanna come back to watch over him.” she sighed and looked down. The boy hopped off the counter and walking to her, he might be the short one, but he still felt like he has to make sure Lucille feels loved. So he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her gently and stroking her hair.
“I’m sure Eliott would never think that.” he said softly. “And if he does, I knock some sense in his fine ass, don’t worry. I am so happy you wanna stay in Paris.” he said with honesty, squeezing the girl a little, which made her laugh.
“Thank you.” she said, softly pushing him away now, but planting a kiss on his cheek before turning back to the stove, continuing the cooking. Lucas smirked and placed himself back on the counter with a beer in his hand he grabbed from the fridge. He looked around happily and proudly, relizing that now he has his own apartment that he shares with the love of his life. It was so unreal, so new, but he loved every bit of it. He wouldn’t have thought it at the beginning of the year that he’s going to live together with Eliott Demaury, having an established and healthy relationship.
When the boys walked to the kitchen to get some drinks for themselves, Eliott basically launched himself on Lucas, smooching him like there’s no tomorrow, while the other two walked to Lucille, kissing her cheeks from each side. She just giggled and waved her hands at them when they tried to taste the food. The boys laughed at them, while cuddling each other, Lucas sitting on the counter still, legs open with Eliott between them, leaning his back on his boyfriend’s chest, making himself become the little spoon.
School time was coming, both of them were busy with getting ready. Eliott was going to start his studies at college too, studying art and cinematography, while also working at a coffee shop. During the summer Lucas also had a job, helping out in a flower shop that Lucille showed him. He liked the place a lot and was sad that he has to finish it once school starts, but with the graduation and everything going on in their life, he couldn’t handle that too. He also had a dog to take care of now. It was tough at first, but as they both got used to its presence and learned what they can and can not do, it become as easy as breathing. Their morning routine started with Lucas making breakfast, feeding the dog, Eliott making coffee and taking a shower, then they eat together before heading out to work or just start their day at home. Luna was a really lazy puppy, only cewing on the legs of the coffee table sometimes, but she barely caused any troubles.
They were a happy little family and Lucas felt like nothing can make this better, cause it was already perfect. Well, he was completely wrong. When their one year anniversary started to become a close event, Eliott started acting weird, needing more alone time than he usually wanted, saying that he’s working on a college project that is really important for his studies. Lucas tried not to read too much into it and just let it go, but he still felt suspicious.
Then just a week before their anniversary, Eliott visited him at school, on a friday afternoon. They went to the common room in hopes to hang out with the others, but the place was strangely empty, not even one student were there playing table soccer or using the computer. Lucas found it weird, but his boyfriend didn’t let him too much time to chew on it, because he dragged him to the mural they painted last year. He was about to ask what is going on, when suddenly Eliott was down on one knee, holding a tiny blue box in his hands, slowly opening it, revealing two rings in it. They were made of white gold with one blue steel stripe in the middle. Lucas gasped, placing his hands on his mouth, not believing his eyes.
“Lucas Lallemant...” Eliott started, looking deadly serious with a soft smile on his face still. “Will you marry me?”
Lucas opened his mouth, but he couldn’t force the words out, his eyes filling with tears, so he could barely see his boyfriend, but he started to nod quickly, before he could think that he doesn’t want to. He could hear Eliott’s relieved sigh and then his chuckled as he reached up for the short boy’s hand, standing up slowly. He tried to rub the tears out of his eyes, smiling like an idiot when his boyfriend slid the ring up on his finger slowly, then kissing his knuckle. He grabbed the other ring, doing the same for Eliott and then jumping into his neck happily, crying again.
As they were cuddling, laughing and crying, the door of the common room slammed open and all of their friends stormed in screaming. They surrounded the couple, creating one gigantic group hug, then all of them started to congratulate, asking questions. Daphné seemed really excited, asking if she can help with organizing the wedding, Yann and Manon just looked at them with knowing eyes, while Mika hugged Lucas happily, talking about how proud he is that his only son is getting married.
They soon left the common room, since half of the people weren’t even students of the school, moving to the flatshare, because that was the only place where this many people could fit in. On the way they bought snacks, drinks, takeout, everything that is needed to celebrate an engagement. When Lucas voiced his concerns about leaving their dog alone for so long, his boyfriend reassured him that Lucille is taking care of her, which now explained why she wasn’t there with them.
“I wonder what my mom is going to say about this.” Lucas mumbled as they were sitting in the armchair at the flat, surrounded by chatting friends, while some chill music was playing quietly in the background. Everyone drinking beer, buice, whatever they liked and they seemed really happy.
“Well...” Eliott started, hands running up and down on his boy’s arms slowly. “I actually asked her about this.” he mumbled, burying his face into Lucas’ fluffy hair.
“What?” he asked surprised, moving his head to the side, trying to look at his hiding boyfriend.
“I just... I wanted her permission.” he said, still avoiding the short boy’s look. “To make sure she’s okay with this.”
Lucas didn’t say anything, but grabbed his boyfriend’s chin, lifting up his head and smiling at him fondly, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was with such a soft and lovely boyfriend... well, fiancé, actually. He had to laugh into the kiss as he thought about this, because it just made him feel so soft and warm inside. Eliott shot him a confused look, disapproving that his boyfriend just broke their soft moment.
“I love you so much.” Lucas whispered, biting his bottom lip just a little for teasing.
“I love you too.” Eliott smirked and placed his hands on the boy’s waist now, pulling him closer, like they aren’t in the presence of a dozen people in the room. “And I will love you forever.”
“Is this when movies say that they lived happily ever after, right?” Lucas smirked at him, running his fingers through his messy hair, rubbing their nose together.
“Yeah, this is our happily ever after.” he whispered with a cute giggle, before initiating a really intense and inappropriate kiss with his beloved fiancé.
They were really living the best of their life together.
This was a long ride guys, but thank you so much for sitting through it with me, reading all this mess I wrote, enjoying the chapters, getting nervous at the angsty parts! I cannot express how much I love all of you, all the messages and comments! I can’t wait to start writing my next story, I hope you all going to like it! Have a nice day and Bisous to all of you
#Skam France#Elu enemies to lovers au#I love hating you#Lucas Lallemant#Eliott Demaury#Elu#Eliott x Lucas
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