#Stranger Things story
peculiarpatches · 2 years
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☠✧ 𝒈𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒂 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖 » 𝒆.𝒎 ✧☠
6801 words.  Story features famous!Eddie Munson and famous / groupie!reader. Possessive!Eddie. Daddy kink, public sex, breeding kink… I might make this into a yandere!vampire! Eddie but… we'll see.  Part (1) of (5). 
There's not much smut in this story, as this is the beginning of the groupie! series. The song is based off of 'Camp Rock'. LMAOO. If you like this story and wish to see more, do comment, reblog and give it a like! It's much appreciated. (Tips are also appreciated, but not to be expected. Ko-fi is here.)
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 With adrenaline pumping through his body, Eddie  shouted into the microphone while strumming a chord on his guitar, the blissful smile never vanishing from his rosy red lips. 
"Good evening, New York! My name is Eddie Munson and I'm very  happy  to be performing here in front of all of your lovely faces. I hope everyone is having a great time, so far! I wish to also give a quick shout out   to the  incredible performers that have taken the stage this evening, too. Why don't we give them a hand!?"
A shout breaks out as plastic glasses and bottles held by tailgaters who are making a day of the performance splash into the air. Eddie should have been alarmed by the overwhelming quantity of people, but he wasn't.
He admired all he saw. Loved the feeling of finally being recognized   for his talent.  He loved having the spotlight on him.
Finally, his dreams were becoming a reality.  Nevertheless, what would one anticipate from this kind of crowd?
Even if Eddie's band - Corroded Coffin - was a total loser fest and sung shitty songs and performed poorly, it wouldn't have mattered to them nor the audience. 
It was a   free event that featured a variety of bands, and even if they were total trash -- which they weren't, thank you very much --  it seriously wouldn't matter because the crowd was too drunk to care and at the end of the night, Eddie and the rest of the group got paid, regardless. It was a win-win. 
The festival they were performing at was a larger version of Coachella, but it also included up-and-coming musicians, like Eddie and his band, in addition to more well-known ones.
They were up-and-coming musicians like all the others, seeking to break out in the industry and experience a taste of the spotlight. Judging by the ecstatic reaction of the crowd when their name was announced,  they were clearly well on their way there.  Corroded Coffin  were a formidable force.
A dozen youngsters shouted out from the front row, just a few feet away, about how much of a fan-fucking-tastic time they were having. That, and 'hurry the fuck on!'  Eddie gave them a wink before strumming his guitar  once again. He nodded over at  Gareth, looking over his shoulder at his bandmate, who took that as a cue to start hitting his drums.
"This song is for everybody who is experiencing a difficult summer, perhaps even dealing with rougher, darker and negative feelings, maybe even a harder life.... Well, I say you have one life to live, so go and live it before the clock runs out, before time stops ticking. This song is a reminder to never, ever, take life too seriously and to always appreciate what it has to offer. The good and the bad... Let's fucking have the time of our lives, alright, everyone!?" 
The crowd responded by roaring, the echo was so loud that Eddie swore glass in the distance just shattered. The following hour seemed to fly by as the crowd and Corroded  Coffin appeared to be having the time of their lives. 
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Eddie practically  floated his way toward the back stage when the lights went out.   "Yo! That was incredible." Their third bandmate, Jeff said. 
"I know  right! Undoubtedly, that was our best performance to play yet. Did you all  notice how the crowd went wild when they said our name?" Gareth  enquired while maintaining his sparkling eyes, making it clear that the adrenaline hadn't worn off. 
He then called out to their manager, "Chrissy! Yo, Chrissy!  We're  bloody fuckin' rockstars, dude!  We owned that shit!"  Gareth  couldn't help but be thrilled. He was like a kid in a candy store,  that they all laughed with him, feeling the exact same way.   
"I'll celebrate with y'all  in a sec. I'm just going to get something to drink, I'm parched." Eddie said, handing his guitar over to Chrissy.  "We don't have to leave now though, right?" Jeff  asked. They all looked at Chrissy  who felt her cheeks burn by the number of eyes that was staring at her.
To think that she would have gotten used to this job by now... She rolled her eyes at them, "You guys can stay till the end of the concert. It's not like you have anything lined up for the next two days." She told them, signaling with her hands that they could disperse.
"Sweet! Thanks, Chrissy!"  Jeff said, placing a huge kiss on her cheeks before he ran away. "Hey!" Chrissy laughed as she wiped off where his lips had come in contact with her skin.
"Don't drink too much! 'Cause I am not cleaning it up! And don't do anything you'll regret in the morning!" 
Every sight and sound reminded Eddie that this was the nicest location on earth as he passed past some people during the concert in an open arena. He hopes that he'll perform here again, expect as a headliner than  an opening performer. 
The arena was alive with activity as music blared from the speakers, electricity swept the room, and unidentified people danced to the beat.
He eventually arrived at the set-up tiny bar,  requesting  a tequila shot from the grumpy-looking bartender.
"Your ID?"  The bartender posed a query while crossing his arms over his chest. Eddie  pointed to the stage and told him, "Really, dude? I was just on stage, performing."
The bartender  was quick to reply  with sarcasm, "And I just performed with Beyonce.... Rules are rules.... dude." 
Eddie sighed and fished inside his back pocket until his fingers brushed over his wallet, bringing it out, Eddie waves   it in front of the bartender. He then showed him that yes, he was legally allowed to drink.
"I'll have my tequila now." The ends of Eddie's lips tugged up into a smirk. The bartender narrowed his eyes at him before he turned around to get him his shot.
Eddie found himself waiting longer than he would have liked for his shot. He was being held up on purpose by the bartender.
"Asshole..." Eddie mumbled to himself before settling down on the bar stool. He turned around while tapping his foot to the current music being played.
He looked around and laughed when he observed a pair making out since they appeared to be capable of openly mauling each other. Eddie screwed his nose at the sight and hoped that it wouldn't be him at the end of the night when he turned to his left and saw a young man throwing up. 
Eddie once more searched the crowd until he stopped. He then looked to his left, then his right before he finally focused his full attention onto the girl.  
 She was... well, she was simply breathtaking, as they often say in corny rom-coms. She donned a form-fitting, tight-looking black dress, matching fishnet undergarments, and glossy, black leather boots.
Eddie saw her as an apple he had been longing to bite into.  He wanted to taste her sweetness, have her juices running down his face as he devoured every last drop..... fuck.    
It had been a little too long since he's last had his cock sucked and  ate someone out..  
  He felt intimidated by the sheer, unadulterated desire that was rattling around in his chest and threatening to make things more difficult than he needed them to be while wearing his charcoal gray slacks. Particularly when he comes to the realization   how tight his jeans were becoming as he stared at her.   
Eddie's thoughts were interrupted when the bartender said, "Here's your shot of tequila." Eddie blinked as though startled out of a fog, "Oh, uhh.... Right, yeah. Thanks, man." He remarked, taking the tequila shot and immediately downing it.
She was still there when he turned to look in the direction he had seen his once-in-a-lifetime girl. Clearly not in his dreams, the waitress next to the bartender giggled as she gestured to the empty glass around his hands.
"Another shot?" The waitress enquired, holding back her smirk. Eddie simply nodded and motioned for the bartender to pour him another  shot with his hands.  The waitress walked away, giggling and blushing, secretly wishing it was her that Eddie was lusting after.
"Why don't you approach her and start a conversation? That way you can  stop salivating all over my counter like a horny dog." The bartender said, his arms once again returning back to his chest, folded out in front of him.
Eddie  turned back to the bartender, almost choking on the drink he had received. 
"What? No." Eddie laughed, claiming that he wasn't drooling over her, at all,  and that she was way out of his league. He didn't realize he had been so overt in his desire for her.
Eddie was earlier glancing in the same general direction as the bartender, who shrugged as well. "Hmm.... true.  She does appear to be far beyond your level." The bartender said in a matter of fact tone.
  Eddie was quite nervous about approaching her, which was ironic because Eddie always felt he was confident. He didn't like how the bartender put it, but.... the man was absolutely correct. 
"Listen, man... You told me that you just performed up there,  right? There are hundreds of people here, so I don't understand the big deal about going up to one female to chat to her,"  the bartender said with a  roll of his eyes. 
"Look, if it's liquid bravery you need, I can help with some of that. Just quit panting here like some dog," the bartender added. 
Eddie paid attention to what the bartender said, taking everything in he said to heart and he was completely correct—all he needed was some liquid courage.
After all, how difficult could it be to approach one girl after having just performed in front of thousands of people? 'I can do this,' he thought as he downed the last of the shot that had been poured for him and stood up from the barstool.
Eddie paused for a brief moment before laughing, the realization hitting him.   'Calm yourself, Eddie. You're not entering a battleground. You'll be fine.'  He reminded himself.
She was alone and engaged in phone conversation when he approached her. He cleared his throat as he ran his fingers through his hair.
They immediately caught eyes as soon as she looked up from her phone.
When she drew his attention,  she grinned so brightly it could have been mistaken for the sun. Eddie's heart actually fluttered. 
There it was. No time for queues. 'Just talk to the attractive woman for fucksakes,' he told himself. Eddie chuckled as he continued to nervously play with his hair, "Seems I've been caught gazing....."
"I'm afraid I'm guilty on that count, too,"  She said, her voice laced with a torch-singer sultriness, her words telling him to keep going. 
There was something about her tone, which was quiet but assured, that made him smirk. "Eddie," he said, holding his palms out in introduction. His was encircled by her hands.
"Nice to meet you, Eddie.   I saw your performance up there and I must say, I now understand what everyone is really screaming about." She said with a playful wink. 
"Milady, I appreciate the compliment, dearly." She laughed as he made a faux bow.
"Actually, I was just telling my friend about how awesome your songs are and how I really like them." Eddie put his hand on his chest, "Wow, I'm honored to have all these comments for myself and my band coming from such a gorgeous girl." 
"However, I would like to put a name to that pretty face of yours." He said. Her face flushes  instantly with warmth at the compliment.
"Oh... well, it's--"
"Sinister Angels! Sinister Angels!" A man with a headphone and paper in his hands yelled out, making them both look at him. She turned back to him, "I have to go," she said, smiling up at him but her eyes told him otherwise. It wasn't like when she had smiled up at him the first time. She had the type of smile that even her eyes smiled along with her, but this time around it wasn't like that.
"But why?" Eddie asked in confusion but she had already turned on her heels and was heading backstage. Despite not knowing her name and not wanting to act like a stalker, Eddie wanted to reach out to her but decided against it. The man sighed in defeat. 
He scowled, his brows furrowed, 'Great, the one time a girl really catches my attention and I didn't get learn her name.' He murmured to himself, shaking his head sadly. 
"Yo, Eddie! Eddie, what's up, man!!?"  Eddie heard Jeff calling from a distance and turned to see him  heading in his direction.
"Where the hell have you been, dude?" Jeff asked while gasping and stooping, his hands resting on his knees. Jeff continued to pant before he added, "Bro, I really need to start using my gym membership, I'm so out of shape." Eddie laughed and gave a playful push on his shoulder, nearly sending the man tumbling down. "Gareth  should really start listening to us,"  Eddie said.
"You pay for shit and don't end up using any of it." Eddie laughed as Gareth came up behind Jeff.
"Which is why I don't bother. The only memberships that matter, however, are the memberships to get into these wicked nightclubs, dude. What have you been up to, anyways, man?" Eddie was ready to speak when Jeff repeated his question, but Gareth  waived his hands in the air to cut him off.
"Forget about that; you're seriously missing out on a lot.  You know what I just saw? It was the coolest thing I had ever seen!  I witnessed a magician perform magic tricks backstage, dude.... Total radical. Anyways, would you like to play a drinking game with us?"  Gareth asked while hurriedly forming his words.
Eddie groaned; he was used to Gareth  being this way, incapable of concentrating on one thing at a time. He often acted like a little child experiencing a sugar rush.
"Yeah, sure, why not? Where is this drinking game occurring, though,  and does Chrissy even know about this?" questioned Eddie with an arched brow, because he was fully aware of their manager's unwillingness to even approve such an event. 
Gareth  merely grinned apologetically and said, "What Chrissy doesn't know wouldn't hurt her, dude." He didn't say another word before turning to head in the direction of the gathering spot for the drinking game. 
When they arrived,  Jack and     Chris,  the last remaining members of their band, were already seated at a table with a few other young people, some of whom were more girls than guys. Eddie greeted a few people who seemed familiar and took a seat on the other side of the room. 
"You okay, dude?"  Jeff asked, a hint of concern coating his words.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Eddie replied. 
"I don't know, I guess it's probably because you appear to have had your favorite candy stolen?"  Jeff asked with a slight snort. Eddie didn't know that his expression had turned sour on his little walk to this place. 
"I'm fine, it's probably just from the shot of tequila I drank, you know..." 
"Bro, I've seen you drink before, and quite the contrary, you always seem so delighted when you're shoving alcohol down your throat. Even if it's the most disgusting thing you've ever had, you still drink it. And somehow, you never get sick either. So, what is it? What's really bothering you?"
Eddie shrugged and ignored all the questions that were thrown at him. "Whatever man, let's just play this ridiculous drinking game." All the lights in the arena went out just as they were about to deliver the cups, and then the stage light and the entire arena lit up at once. 
"What the hell! Who are those people?" Gareth pondered. "Forget about that; I'm more upset that we didn't even consider making such an entrance!" Jeff said with a slight pout as he focused intently on the stage.  The band that was playing was now in the spotlight and what Eddie saw nearly caused him to fall over. 
"What the fuck..." He muttered under his breath, "Good evening, New York. We're the Sinister Angels." The sultry voice spoke into the mic. The entire crowd burst out into fits of excitement again. Eddie on the other hand felt his jaw drop. 
"Dude, I know she's hot but you would probably have to pick up your jaw from the floor at this rate that you're staring at her."  Eddie didn't pay attention to what Jeff had just said.
He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing for the second time this evening. It was the stunning woman from before; she was the band's lead singer. 
 She shared the same attire as the other girls there: a form-fitting black dress with angel wings perched on her shoulder.
"Holy shit...  Do you think it's possible I can wed one of them?" Gareth  claimed that they were all attracted by what they saw, and that when they began singing, it appeared as though they were all under hypnosis.
Jeff, in an amazement, muttered: "These girls are really fantastic, like A-level good," he said with his gaze fixed on the stage like the other guys.
"Where have you been all my life?!" Gareth shouted, turning a few heads in their direction. They all stayed until the very end to watch their performance, and when the Sinister Angels finished, they received a standing ovation.
"I'll be right back, you guys."  Getting up from his chair, Eddie made his way backstage to see if he could locate the less mysterious girl. He had to give the stunning woman's face a name because there was no way he was leaving this spot without seeing her one final time or without speaking to her. 
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"Excuse me, coming through. Sorry," He murmured a string of apologizes as he zig-zagged through the crowd.  The backstage was crowded, but he was able to see her (H/C) hair and the outfit she had been flaunting on stage, the plastic feathery wings swooshing around with each stride she took.   
Her identity was unknown to him, and she was moving in the opposite direction, getting further and further away.
"Sinister Angels' lead vocalist!" He screamed once more, this time louder, making a few angry bystanders glance in his direction.  Hearing her title called, the girl turned around, an instant smile blossoming across her face.   
Eddie almost leapt for joy when he saw that he finally got her attention and she stopped walking.   
She had then turned her head for a second, speaking to three other girls that he assumed were her bandmates.  They were dressed the same so he sort of put two and two together. 
He really didn't pay any attention to the others on stage, as his sole focus was mainly on her.
Eddie finally jogged up towards her, chuckling as he pushed his hair back and away from his eyes.
"Hey, so you're a musician too... How come you didn't mention it?" He asked.  She smiled at him, laughing softly as she then shrugged her shoulders. 
"We never really got the chance to get to that part of the conversation." She replied. 
"Okay, okay... fair enough. Before we continue with this conversation, however, I really do need to put a name to that pretty face of yours. I can't keep calling you the 'Lead Singer of Sinister Angels'." He joked.    The smile grew bigger as she laughed a little louder this time as she nodded.
"Yeah, I guess you can't.  My name is (Y/N)." She finally said, introducing herself.   
 "(Y/N)." Eddie echoed, loving the way her name rolled so smoothly from his lips. 
"Well, (Y/N) it's a pleasure. You and your  band absolutely fucking aced that shit up there. Your entrance, too? It was really fantastic, absolutely phenomenal." He gushed.
"Thank you; our manager actually came up with that. He advised making a big entrance." Her voice was upbeat and joyful as she spoke.
"Well, it turns out that your manager wasn't mistaken—you definitely caught everyone's attention." As he spoke, he never dared look away from her gaze, not wanting to break apart the connection they were building. Surely, she felt it too, didn't she...? 
The entire arena was filled with music.  Having just performed and then watched (Y/N)'s performance too, his ears were still ringing loudly and he couldn't truly focus on what all was being said. He wanted her to know he had her full attention.
"I realize this is strange, but would you like to dance with me? We can go somewhere else? Maybe, a little more reserved and quiet?"
 For what seemed like an eternity to Eddie, there was a beat of stillness. (Y/N) appeared to be thinking about what he had asked her. She then developed this determined look in her eyes.
"Let's do that, sure. After all, summer is here. We must let go and lose our minds, right?"  (Y/N) gave him a wink before swaying her hips as she moved by him.
Either she purposely pushed herself against him as she moved or it was completely by accident... Nonetheless, his breath hitched and he drew in a deep, shaky breath.
(Y/N) threw her hair over her shoulder and turned to face Eddie, "You coming or what?" She pondered, giving him a sultry smirk. Eddie  was just staring, gawking at her.    "Fuck, yeah." He grinned.
They were still within easy walking distance of the party and close enough to still hear the music in the parking lot, which looked like a fine location to be alone themselves since there weren't many people around.
 (Y/N) wasn't normally one to engage in flings or anything similar, so she didn't expect her night to go as planned. But as soon as she set eyes on Eddie, she knew she had to have him. Even if it was for a night... Although, she did hope something more blossomed over time. 
 "C'mon, let's dance," As Eddie approached from behind her, she pulled on his hand to encourage him to dance. 
(Y/N) danced while keeping her eyes closed and leaning against Eddie's chest. She moved involuntarily in response to the music, moving her hips and reaching out to touch Eddie's neck, wrapping her arms around him. 
(Y/N) cherished the physical release that dancing provided. Her head was supported by Eddie's broad, huge chest, and his strong arms landed on her hips. Their bodies were in unison as he followed her step for step.
(Y/N) had a thrill as she felt him pressing every inch of him against her. Although he was tall, he moved with ease, and his grip on her hips began to restrain her motion by forcing her body to perform what he desired.
While breathing him in and attempting to drown at the time, never wanting to let go of this moment, (Y/N) settled into the beat and eventually found herself lost in not only Eddie's touch but the rhythm of the music that played in the distance.  
Eddie touched (Y/N)'s arms possessively as (Y/N) lowered her hand to them. His hands were large and powerful, his forearms were covered with hair, and when he moved, his muscles rippled.
She wondered how it'd feel if he wrapped his hand around her throat while his other hand goes down on her, softly pushing his fingers in & out of her wet, soaking cunt.
She gasps suddenly, coming back into reality from her naughty daydreams  due to Eddie pressing up against her as he lined his pelvis up against hers, placing his hardening cock against the back of her ass. 
At least she wasn't the only one who was thinking dirty thoughts..
(Y/N) shivered as Eddie leaned forward, his cheek brushing against her face and stubble rubbing against her flesh. He kept adding more and more flames to the fire that was already burning in her body, never letting it go out.
The deep timbre of Eddie's voice rumbled from his chest to hers as he murmured, "You're stunning, babe," He said, warm breath tickling her skin. She flushed with heat, trying to respond without coming off too flustered. 
 "Thank you...I appreciate it,"  (Y/N) said. "You're not so bad yourself," She giggled.  Eddie placed a light kiss on her neck after running his nose down her cheek, the faintest smile on his face at the compliment she gave him. 
When he inhaled deeply, breathing in the lovely scent that was a mixture of strawberries & cigarettes,  his hands went slowly up up her waist to rest just beneath her breast. 
He caressed (Y/N)'s with gentle, ghostly gestures made with the tips of his fingertips, causing goosebumps to emerge on her skin. 
(Y/N)'s breathing quickened,  her pussy began to flush and the sensation of moisture soaks into her thong. 
Fuck... she was wet. She could even feel her arousal dripping down her legs. 
When Eddie abruptly turned her around, (Y/N) opened her eyes and craned her neck to look into his deep, dark brown eyes. 
(Y/N) grinned up at him while attempting to maintain her composure and avoid appearing foolish.
"I must say, you're not a bad dancer. You sing well and dance well, too..."   Eddie grinned back at her and made a joke about how he was "full of many surprises."    Her hands were then taken and placed on his shoulders. He then pulled her close while bending his knees so that they were lined up chest to chest. He resumed dancing as one of his thighs slid between her legs.
(Y/N) felt very vulnerable, but that was exactly what she wanted, wasn't it? Intimacy. He pushed her forward with his thighs. 
When her breast touched his chest, her nipples tingled, and (Y/N)'s hands slid up and down his shoulders, feeling his sculpted muscles. She had too many sensations at once. 
She was on sensory overload.   Suddenly, they both felt hypnotized as his gaze locked onto her (e/c) eyes.  Her body was on fire from Eddie's piercing look. His lower lip biting caused (Y/N)'s gaze to flit to that movement.
As she saw his lips arc into a seductive grin, (Y/N) felt her face and the rest of her body flush with heat.  Oblivious to the other, the both of them felt as though their bodies were live wires since the chemistry between them was so obvious and strong.
"The van is open; would you like to come in?"  (Y/N) questioned as she fixed her eyes carefully on Eddie's, perhaps signaling to him what she wanted.
"Don't you think we'll get caught?" Eddie enquired merely for the sake of clarification. He was equally prepared and willing to follow through on her requests.
"Live a bit, Munson," she laughs before she pulled him into the open van that was behind them. At the back of the van, there was a long seat full of cushions and blankets.
(Y/N) pushed him back and stood in front of him because she didn't want to waste any more time. She needed to be fucked then and there.
For a moment, Eddie appeared puzzled. Almost drunk-like. He hadn't even had her pussy yet and he was pussy drunk. 
(Y/N) sat on Eddie's lap with her legs crossed and her dress up just over her thighs, not high enough for Eddie to view, however. 
(Y/N) reaches for Eddie's hands and places them on her thighs, just above her dress, as he fixes his gaze on her. His bottom was still tugged between his teeth and his eyes were full of desire and want.
His eyes almost appeared completely black. He was hungry and was dying to devour that pussy of hers. He wanted to make her scream until she lost her voice. Wanted to fuck her so hard and so deep, she'd be limping for  a few days... Fucking hell... Eddie just wanted to have her, to be inside of her and feel her tight cunt squeezing his cock. 
 "Anybody could literally come in here right now and find us..."
"This was your idea," Eddie said jokingly.    "Besides, I think they'd find this performance even more spectacular. Your pretty, pink pussy on full display, legs sprawled in the air while a fat and girthy cock is drilling into you.... I bet people would pay to see that. Bet you and I would even win an award. We'd be rich, making a sex-tape, you and I." 
(Y/N) couldn't help the moan that slipped from her lips as she shuddered at his words.  She pauses for a moment, trying to see what words were as dirty as his that'll get him going, get him harder than he has been. 
 "Fuck, you're nasty, Munson. You going to fuck me like I'm some kind of nasty bitch, huh? You think I'm some slut, too, huh? That I'd enjoy being watched by other people, have others watching my pussy getting stretched out and fucked by the lead singer of Corroded Coffin? If so, you'd be right..." She hummed, a smirk instantly blossoming across her face as Eddie groaned, his hands digging into her hips as she talked dirty to him.
His hands grab her ass, causing her to squeak in surprise.  Eddie pushed her closer to him again and kissed her, hard and hungry.  (Y/N)'s body melted into Eddie's and she felt him harden between her legs.
His hand traveled up her body and into her hair, giving her a slight tug.  His mouth traveled from hers, down her neck, and onto her shoulder. Her breath quickened and she felt herself grinding on him.
She has never been so desperate for someone before...  (Y/N) wanted to feel him everywhere.. But first she wanted his mouth on her breast, so she pushed his face closer to her cleavage.    As soon as Eddie realized what she wanted, he pushed her dress down.
"No bra?" He asked, more to himself than to her. "It's just a hassle, now get on with it." Was (Y/N)'s only reply. She moaned as he softly touched her left breast and squeezed it.
He bent  down and gave her left breast a powerful suck, instantly latching his mouth around her areolar before fully placing her boob into his mouth. 
  "That feels nice, fuck..."  (Y/N) sighed, fluttering her eyelids closed as she allowed herself to drown in the ultimate pleasure that was his warm, wet mouth.
Eddie's hand was now on her thigh, running up the top of her thigh and through her dress.
(Y/N) made an audible moan as he caressed her thigh, loud enough for anybody nearby to hear.
Eddie approached her pussy, slowly sneaking up  and he smirked mischievously as he softly brushed his fingers against the outside of her clothed cunt, making her gasp at the sudden touch.
It was as if she had been electrocuted. Her body was on fire, the heat hadn't stopped forming and blazing through her. 
  (Y/N) raised herself just enough for Eddie to grab her panties, in response, he slightly lowered them, pulling them down the best he could. 
(Y/N) got up from his lap, climbed onto the van's seat, took off her drenched underwear, and spread her legs apart.  This time, Eddie had a good look at her pussy. Her thighs and pussy glistened in the light because she was so drenched. 
"All of this for me, sweetheart? Why, I'm honored."  She scoffed and gave him the bird. He instantly began to explore and touch her with his hand,  however, quickly going back to business.
Softly, he thumbs  her hardening clit and runs her juices over herself.  He then placed her wetness into his mouth, sucking on his fingers. Eddie groans in reply at how sweet she tasted.  
Eddie then  grabbed her thighs and prodded them with his tongue. Here and there, he'd nibble and bite down onto her skin. 
Gently, Eddie's kissing her inner thighs up until his tongue reached her opening and he shoved inside of her. 
(Y/N) chewed her lip in an effort to maintain as much silence as possible. While his fingers then slid in, his tongue discovered her clit and he sucked harshly, tongue lapping up her cunt like a dog drinking water after a hot summer's day. 
Eddie's fingers gave up on her exploration. She was pulled down into his lap after he opened his pants and exposed his cock. 
Even the smallest drop of precum was  leaking from the crown of his cock.  Without any hesitation whatsoever, Eddie shoved her down, placing her on his cock while snarling about how good of a girl she is and how good she's about to be fucked. 
He was like a rapid animal, as soon as she was fully settled on top of him, he moved her hair aside and bit into her neck, making her scream with delight and pain. 
"You're so fucking tight, (Y/N). Fuck! I can't wait to pump you full of my cum."  (Y/N) has never felt pleasure like this before, has never been more wet in her entire life: Even when swimming and being in a pool of water, she's never been wet the way she was now.
She would've laughed at her own joke had Eddie not hit a certain part of her that made her screaming with ecstasy.  She rolled her eyes in the back of her head as her fingers claw down his back, surely making his skin bleed due to her long nails.   
"Fuck, that's it, baby. You like it when I talk dirty to you? Well, guess what, sweetheart; You're my good little breeding bitch from here on out.  You wanna be my bitch, baby? Be my good cockwhore? Be a good cumslut for Daddy and take every last drop he gives you? Fucking hell, (Y/N)... Can't wait to bust a load into that tight fucking cunt..."
Eddie's so close, she can feel it. His cock is twitching and his thrusts -- along with her own -- are sloppy and there's sweat rolling down both of their skins like rain had just been pouring down on top of them.   
The windows to the van were all fogged up, and those who were outside could clearly tell what they were doing. If not by how foggy the windows were but because of how loud (Y/N)'s moaning was.
  "You going to cum for me, bitch? Hmm...? Going to make a mess all over me? All over yourself? Go on, do it. I wanna see you cum. Wanna feel your pussy clenching around me as you let loose."
"I-I'm... fuck, Eddie..." She can't. She wants this feeling to never, ever, go away. It's too good. Too damn good but she can't hold back anymore.
With her nails deep into his back, her eyes practically in the back of her head, she lets out almost an ear-piercing, glass-shattering scream as she comes undone. 
"There we go. That's a good whore. That's what I'm talking about. Fuuuck.... here I go, baby. Want me to fill you up, don't you?"
(Y/N) nodded, though her head felt heavy and she was still coming down from her own high. 
"Yeah, o'course you do. You're Daddy's good cumslut, want every last fuckin' drop, oh fuck-- I'm coming," He chants before he, himself, rolls his head as he reaches his peak.  Just at the feeling of his cum inside of her, makes (Y/N) mewl like a kitten. 
It's a good thing she's on the pill....
 Easing herself off of him, (Y/N) goes to put her panties back on. She then sat down next to Eddie who was breathing heavily, as if he had just run an entire marathon. 
"Shit! That was wonderful.... Believe it or not, I've have never done something that before..."  She admitted.  Eddie heaved a little and added, "Well, I'm glad to be the first." He pushed (Y/N)'s hair behind her ear before leaning in for a kiss. They were, sadly,  taken aback by a buzz. They separated while  Eddie was quick to give an apology. 
"Let me just quickly retrieve that — that's my phone." He said, though it was rather obvious what it was.
He took his ringing phone in his hand before clicking down onto the answer button.
Without even examining the caller's I.D., he responded sternly, "What?" he barked. 
"Where the hell are you, Eddie?! We need to load up the trunk with all of our equipment but you have the car keys" The call was echoed by Chrissy.
"Oh my God. I completely forgot about that, just give me a few minutes and I'll be on my way, alright?" 
Eddie turned his head to face (Y/N), giving her an apologetic smile. "(Y/N), I'll be back right away... Alright? I just need to give the keys back to the band so they can load up the van."  His slacks were quickly pulled back as he explained what the phone call was about. 
"Don't worry, Munson. I'll be here."  (Y/N) informed him while giving him a brief kiss on the lips. 
Where Eddie had last seen his bandmates, in the parking lot, they were no longer there. 
He took out his phone, quickly dialing Jeff's number. "Hey, dude, where are you guys?"
He could hardly make out what Jeff was saying because of  the music that was still going on. Eddie wanted nothing more than to return to (Y/N). He didn't have time for this nonsense. He made his way back to the parking lot to call Jeff once more, but this time, he didn't pick up.
'Where the fuck could these people be?' Eddie thought to himself. 
Eddie decided to take a chance and check where they parked their car, after all, they said that they needed the key to the van. But, the problem was that it would take him a good ten minutes to get to where they parked their car and he had already wasted enough time as it is.
He then decided to run. Eddie couldn't believe that he was running just after he had the most amazing sex of his life.   It was rather ironic, considering it did feel as if he had ran a marathon and here he was... basically doing exactly that. 
When he did locate them, he groaned  as he jogged up towards them. "Why the hell didn't you answer when I called those last few times?" He questioned them, a little irritated. 
 He could see that Jeff was trying to hold Gareth up. It seemed like Gareth had a little too much fun with that drinking game they were supposed to play. 
"Where were you?" asked Chrissy, her eyes narrowing into slits at Eddie.
Eddie cleared his throat, for obvious reasons... he wasn't going to inform Chrissy of where his actual whereabouts were. "Oh, you know.. A little of this, a little of that..." He shrugged his shoulders. He rubbed the back of his head as he spoke.
Chrissy's gaze was burning a hole into his head but he wasn't going to give in and admit what he was really doing. It was nobody's business expect his own.    Eddie then brought the keys out of his pocket and threw them to Chrissy.  Surprisingly, she caught them.
"Right, well, here they are." He grinned.  
"I gotta run now, see you guys later." He told them, running in the other direction.
"Hey!  What the hell!? Where are you going now?" Chrissy asked, clearly annoyed by his behavior. 
"Dude, we need to leave now. We don't want Gareth puking his guts out in the van,"  Jeff said, his tone matching Chrissy's. 
"Don't worry, I'll be back soon. I just need to get something from someone ASAP." Eddie hollered as he gave them a quick wave before running towards where (Y/N) was located at. 
"Hey, sorry I'm-" Eddie began but he soon realized that he was talking to an empty van. An empty parking lot, no less. He had taken almost thirty minutes to do what he wanted to do and he told her ten minutes. 
"Great! Just fucking great. Fan-fucking-tastic..." He cursed.  He didn't even get a chance to get her number and he didn't know where he would start looking for her in this entire crowd.
'At least I have her name and the name of her band.... I'll find you, (Y/N). I just gotta find you...' He murmured.  What started as a sweet night turned sour quite quickly..  No matter what, though, Eddie Munson was determined to find (Y/N), the lead singer of 'Sinister Angels'. 
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ronweasleysleftnut · 2 years
angst prompt 9 with jonathan pls 🥺
I need to be with someone who actually wants me. And I know that's not you.
Jonathan byers x female!reader.
Jonathan likes someone else, and y/n can tell.
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Liar Liar
It was 3am in the middle of winter. Y/n had her window open, looking out at the now falling snow. She hadn't been able to sleep, so instead she sat up in bed and read. When she saw the snow fall however, she wanted to watch.
Her elebows rested on the windowsill as she looked out past her neighborhood. It was cold enough for the snow to stick to the ground, and so in no time outside stayed to turn white. She had been up restless that night due to Jonathan. They had been together for 2 years now, since their Freshman year, but lately he's been acting different.
He's been distant, and he's been hanging around Nancy Wheeler, a lot. Y/n didn't think anything of it at first, Jonathan was allowed to have his own friends, but as time went on, she started to worry he liked her more than just friends.
She hadn't confronted him about this, she was too scared. She didn't want to be wrong, and end up jeopardizing their relationship even more, but at the same time this feeling gnawed at the pit of her stomach.
She took a deep breath before shutting the window in front of her and turning to her bed where she climbed back in and tucked the covers around herself. She closed her eyes, willing her body to finally fall asleep, to turn off these thoughts that went in an endless circle and just sleep. And eventually, it did.
She woke up the next morning at 6am to her mother calling from downstairs. She got up groggily from bed and slipped on some warm clothes for the now 2 inches worth of snow that accumulated while she slept.
School wasn't called off, it almost never is. And so when she went downstairs her mother had breakfast made, and after she finished, she heard Jonathan's car horn signaling his arrival outside.
He drove her to school every morning, despite anything else that may have been happening between them that always stayed consistent. "Morning", he says quietly, and Y/n can tell he's been experiencing his own insomnia. "Good morning" she says with a small smile and leans over to kiss him. He turns his head however, and she kisses his cheek instead.
"Let's go" he says with an awkwardly and Y/n nods, buckling her seat belt before Jonathan drives down the road slowly.
She sits through school as usual, her and Jonathan only had their last class of the day together, social studies. Despite that however, she can't help but have thoughts of him all day. She tries to confide in her best friend Robin during lunch, but it doesn't go to plan. "I don't know how mens minds work!" Robin said, her shoulders scrunching up as they do when she talks about this type of stuff. "I like women, I don't bother understanding the opposite gender" and with that, Y/n was left hopeless.
And to top it all off, when she went to history, Jonathan was no where to be seen.
After school she went out to the parking lot to Jonathan's car, ready to confront him about his absence, but when she got there she saw that Jonathan wasn't alone.
Nancy was standing with Jonathan by the back of his car, and before they could see her, Y/n went to the car over and listened in on their conversation. "Thank you for today, Jonathan" she hears Nancy say, and she can see the reflection of her smile in the glass. "It was no problem, really" he replied flustered, that smile Y/n loved so much flashing across his face. "So... I'll see you tomorrow?" She asks, and the boy nods.
Just as Y/n thinks she's about to leave however, Nancy goes on her tip toes and plants a kiss on Jonathan's cheek, causing his face to burn a shade of bright red.
Y/n feels tears come to her eyes, but she holds them back. As soon as Nancy is gone, she walks over to where Jonathan stands. He's still so awed by the kiss that he didn't even realize she came from the wrong direction. "Y/n" he said, smiling down at her, although she knew it wasn't a smile for her, it was from Nancy.
"Hey" she replied quietly, and Jonathan took her hands in his own. "Wanna come back to mine tonight?" He asked, and she looked up at him. Maybe she was wrong, maybe Jonathan did still love her? "I'd love to" she says with a smile, and Jonathan bends down and kisses her lightly on the lips before moving to the passenger door and opening it for her.
She gets in and watches as he goes around to the front of the car where he enters the driver's side. He starts the car and turns on the radio, tapping along to the beat on his steering wheel as they exit the parking lot.
Y/n still has hope as they pull into his driveway, however her dreams are crushed soon after.
They get into the house normally, Jonathan taking her coat at the door and telling her to sit while he gets them food. She takes her normal seat on his couch and turns on the TV, waiting for the boy to come back.
When he does, he's holding 2 sodas and a bag of chips. When he sits down, he places the bag of chips between them.
They switch through the channels until they land on some random game show, and Jonathan sits back ready to watch. Y/n however, turns to face him "So, what did you do today? You weren't in History..." she finally brings it up, and he looks over "Oh, uh.. I had other stuff to do" but Y/n isn't going to let go of it that easily.
"Oh" she says, "Like what?" And Jonathan takes a moment before turning his head towards her again, clearing his throat before speaking "Uh... I went out with Nance" he says. Nance. Y/n bites her lip to prevent the tears from forming in her eyes "Oh, so you and Nancy are good friends? Thats nice" She asks as casually as she can, but it seemed as though those were the magic words to make Jonathan open up.
Apparently he took it as an opening, that y/n was okay with it, because he opens up like a book and starts talking about Nancy like it's a middle school crush. "Yeah I mean she's just... she's really cool. And she knows what she wants, and she's determined and so thoughtful of the people around her, and when she's concentrating she does this cute thing where she bites her thumb" he imitates the motion and laughs, however when he looks over at Y/n, tears are openly coming down her face now.
"Y/n" he starts, moving immediately to comfort her. "Are you okay?" But she pulls away, wrapping her arms around herself. "You like her, don't you" she says, and Jonathan hesitates for a moment before responding "what, I no" he says, trying to touch her again but she pulls away and gets off the couch.
"Jonathan I saw you two together earlier!" She says, and his mouth drops "I saw her kiss you, and I saw the way you looked at her and I know that look Jonthan that's how you used to look at me" the tears are coming more than ever now, and Jonathan recollects himself, however he doesn't move to comfort her this time.
"Y/n, this is crazy" he says, motioning towards her "You're not denying it though, Jonathan! Because you know it's true" she responds, wiping the tears from her eyes as she recollects herself. "I love you" she says sincerely, walking towards him and looking him in the eye "But I need to be with someone who actually wants me. And I know that's not you."
Jonathan is left speechless as she moves away from him and towards the door, but at this he finally gets up to follow "Y/n, this is insane just come back we can talk about this" he tries but she shakes her head, pulling on her coat "There's nothing to talk about" she says with a sad smile, "I hope you're happy with her, Jon" and she exits the house, making new steps in the snow as she goes.
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random-imagines-blog · 10 months
Struck Blind {Steve Harrington x Reader, Part 6}
Wordcount: 2641 Chapter Summary: There's some strangeness around Billy. Steve-free chapter.
Previous Chapter can be found here. Next Chapter can be found here.
Something was going on with Billy. You couldn’t quite put your finger on what it was but he was spending more time out than usual. He was yelling back at Neil more than usual. He wasn’t playful with you or Max, he wasn’t teasing or offering to spend time with you. He only really came home to sleep. At first, you thought perhaps he found himself a girlfriend rather than fucking around all the time, that could be an explanation for being out at all hours of the night. But not the surly attitude. And not him ignoring you like this. He had never done that before. What if he had found out about your date with Steve - what if he had overheard Max asking you about it when you got home afterwards? No, even that wouldn’t account for this. He’d be mad but he’d most likely try to lecture you about it, to remind you of what a piece of shit Steve was. He wasn’t the type to keep it bottled inside - he took it out on the world.
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But it also wasn’t as if Billy was the kind of guy who would let loose his feelings if he was pestered to. So you just watched him from afar, and hoped for the best. There was nothing else for it.
You grabbed a Popsicle and sat outside on the front porch, trying to catch any of the breeze that was supposed to be out here, according to the weatherman. But there was no breeze - just clouds starting to form, threatening a storm. You sighed and went over my options for the day - bus to the mall, bus to the library… all involving buses because Billy was MIA. There was only a small oil patch on the ground where his Camaro usually was. You licked the cherry Popsicle and stared at it, thinking about the night that we got into that accident. And how that really showed Billy’s character. That he just took off after that. Left you there because you wanted to help. Maybe you didn’t know your cousin as well as you thought that you did.
“Do you know where Billy is?” Max’s voice hit you. You looked up to see her and Eleven starting to walk up towards the house. Their expressions were extremely serious. Much more serious than someone their ages should be.
“No idea, he was gone before I was awake,” You said, looking between the two. “I don’t even know if he came home at all last night.”
Now the two girls looks at each other.
A moment later, after filling you in about what they had done last night, Eleven with her astral projection or whatever it’s called, you were in Billy’s room with them, keeping a look-out though everyone was at work. “Why do I get the feeling we’re going to find all kinds of wrong in here?” Max asked.
“Just don’t touch any tissues, they’re not used for sneezing,” You advised, wishing you had thought to put on some dish washing gloves. But you were too curious not to be in here. Too concerned not to.
Billy’s room was messier than it usually was - not that he kept it clean exactly but this was the room of someone that had been distracted. Dirty clothes spilling out of his laundry basket and onto the ground; his radio still on and playing metal music; his ashtray overflowing and so he started using a plate that still had sandwich crumbs on it. You remembered making him that sandwich. That was days ago.
Max went to his night table, opening it up and peering inside. “Ugh, gag me with a spoon,” She said, closing it back up quickly. You didn’t have to ask what was in there. Teenage boys. Disgusting.
You don’t find anything in the bedroom, other than the signs that he hadn’t been cleaning, so you three went into the bathroom. It had changed since you had taken a shower yesterday afternoon. The bathtub was filled with water, and empty plastic bags were swimming on the surface. Bags of ice from the corner store. The ones used to fill coolers and the like.
“Max?” El asks. Your redhead cousin stepped forward, grabbing one of the empty plastic bags.
“Ice,” She said, reading the bag. “It’s just ice. It’s probably for his muscles or something. He works out like a maniac, right y/n?”
“He does,” You had to agree with that, but the fact that he would just leave the mess in there despite knowing that Neil would get on his case about it … that was a bad sign. And then your eyes caught on another one. Blood. You definitely hadn’t noticed that today. El noticed too. Her breath was trembling, and you lightly put your arm around her, trying to reassure her that everything was going to be okay, that there was an explanation for this, a reasonable one, there had to be. But she pulls from you and opens up the cupboard beneath the sink. She pulls out the garbage bucket that was in there. The one that you cleaned a few days ago, emptying into the trash bin.
“What is it?” You ask with a tremor.
El pulled out the red lifeguard first aid kit, and then there was a lanyard, with a bright yellow whistle. Or it had been bright yellow. Now, like the lanyard, it was blood stained.
“Well shit,” You sighed.
And somehow, you ended up in the locker room of the pool, after discovering that Billy wasn’t there, and that the lifeguard first aid kit, and the whistle, belong to Heather Holloway. The locker room smelt like wet clothes and unwashed feet, something that was noticed by Max too as her nose curled up once you were in there. But there wasn’t much time to waste.
You start flooding the locker room, turning on showers, sink taps, everything that we can in order to help El find Heather. Find Billy.
“This could just be .. jerk Billy behavior right?” You asked Max, as El was putting duct tape over a diving mask. “You don’t think it’s…”
“I don’t know. He’s always been weird,” Max said, which you could understand. “But he was doing a lot better since you came here so…”
Although that was a really nice thing to hear, it didn’t help that much right now. “Wish it worked enough that he would actually talk to me when something is wrong,” You mumbled.
The two of you fell into silence when El put on the blacked out diving mask, and began to look for Heather. You sat on one side of her, Max on the other, your shoes becoming soaked by the flooded floor. You just looked at her. Her powers were fascinating to you. This was the first time that you had ever seen her use them.
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“What do you see?” Max asked.
“A door. A red door.”
After another minute or two, El takes off the mask. Her nose bleeding. You immediately get up to find a towel while El collapses in Max’s hands. Your cousin and yourself look at each other, and you're both thinking the same thing.
Whatever this is - it’s not good.
She comes around a short time later, and she tells everything that she saw. The red door. Heather, the missing lifeguard, she’s screaming, she’s reaching to El for help, but then she gets quickly taken away by … something. And if it wasn’t something to do with the Upside Down, then El should have been able to see it. But it wasn’t clear what it was. Something was stirring in Hawkins again, and you were apparently going to be here for it.
In your still wet shoes, you flirt with the manager of the pool, and you get him to tell you the address of Heather. It took some eyelash batting but you got the job done, thanking him for being so helpful, and how he’s such a good man to do this favor, and you even wink at him, sticking your tongue out as you turn back around.
You take the address with me back to Max and El, who are getting ready on their bikes.. “Let’s go,” You said, jumping onto the back of Max's, holding on to her shoulders.
The streets aren’t flooded yet but if the rain continues, they just might be.
Max knew the city better than you or El, but the three of you were squinting through raindrops, trying to read the numbers on the mailboxes to find the right one and then - red door.
“Is this it?” Max asked.
El nodded and together, you three walked up. You felt responsible for these kids now. Was this how Steve had felt, when he watched over them at the junkyard? When he nearly sacrificed himself to take care of the demodogs, as Dustin had called them? Whatever, you just knew that you were going to go through everything that they did. Not leave them alone in the off chance that there was something, anything that you could do.
Especially if Billy was somehow involved.
We didn’t bother knocking. Or rather, El didn’t, since she somehow unlocked the door with her mind. You walked in behind them and noticed that the interior made everything really look like it was the perfect family home. As you walked down the hallway, you saw a large family portrait. Professionally done. Mother, Father, Daughter, happy posing smiles. Looking like something straight out of Leave it to Beaver.
You hear a laugh and the three of you looked at each other. It was the last sound that you expected to hear, if Heather was really in trouble. And then seeing the happy family together, with Billy sitting there, was the last thing that you had expected to see.
“Isn’t that cute, huh?” Billy was saying.
“He’s too funny,” Mother was saying to Father.
And that’s the scene that we walked in on. And just because we were in the shot of it now, didn’t mean that it was over, apparently. Billy saw you. He saw Max. He said your names out loud.
“We didn’t mean to barge in,” Max said, speaking for the three of you. El and Max both looked like they were in disbelief. You were studying Billy, trying to figure out what was so different about him. “We tried to knock, but maybe you didn’t hear us over the storm.”
“I’m sorry, who is this dripping all over my living room right now?”
“I’m sorry,” Billy said. That was one of the startling things right there. He didn’t apologize for anything. Not unless he was being forced to and even then, it only ever came out as sarcastic. “Janet, Tom, this is my sister Maxine, and my cousin Y/N.”
He stood up, and started to walk over to you, El and Max. You stood your ground, dripping but not moving, and you were looking straight into his blue eyes.
You had known Billy all of your life. You spent time together in the same crib. The same playpens. He was at almost all of your birthday parties until they had moved here to Indiana. He was the one that you went to when you were angry, because he either helped hype up that anger until you burnt yourself out, or he was able to help you, when he didn’t even know how to help himself. He was the boy that was only scared of his dad and of dark places, like caves, or even the tubes inside of McDonalds play-places when the lights were dimmed.
So essentially, you knew Billy. Better than his father did, better than Max did. The only person who might have known him better was his mother. The person whose eyes that you were looking into right now - you knew that it was not Billy. It might have looked like Billy. But it was definitely not him. Like someone made a doll of him, a puppet. There might have been a trace, far back, but right behind those eyes was someone else. Something Else.
“What on earth are you doing here? Is something wrong?”
Your immediate reaction was to protect these girls, despite the fact that Eleven was an actual weapon and that Max could definitely handle herself, as she showed Billy last fall. You are the adult here. You need to act like it. So you pushed yourself between the two girls, standing in front of them, even as they spoke.
“We just wanted to make sure everything was okay,” Max said, her confusion showing through her voice. And now here was fake Billy with his fake concern.
“Okay, why wouldn’t it be okay?”
“Where is she?” Eleven asked.
“I’m sorry, where is who?”
Coming out of the kitchen, carrying a tray of cookies, the smell hitting you before the realization of who it was that was carrying them, came Heather. Not a scratch on her. Almost too squeaky clean. Not at all the way that Eleven had described.
But because of how Billy was acting, you believed Eleven. There was something not right going on here.
“Well, they’re a little burnt, I’m sorry-” Heather said, in her usually sweet voice. It was definitely her own voice, her own face. But whether it was actually Heather, you didn’t know. This whole scene was looking a bit too.. domestic bliss.
“Heather, this is my cousin y/n, and my sister Maxine,” Billy introduced. “And I’m sorry, I did not catch your name.”
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“That’s not important,” You spoke, staring at Billy. “What are you doing here?”
That’s when El spoke, not to say her name, but to stare at Heather. “I … saw … you -”
“Your manager, at the pool,” Max said quickly. “He said you guys didn’t come in to work today, so we got worried.”
“Heather wasn’t feeling so hot today, so we thought we’d take the day off to nurse her back to health. But you’re feeling just fine now, aren’t you Heather?”
“I’m feeling so much better,” Heather agreed.
Billy looked past you at Eleven. And the look that was in his eyes - it proved to you even further that this was not your cousin. This was not the Billy that you had grown up with. There was something else in there, wearing his skin. Pretending that this was Halloween and that this boy was simply a costume. The three of you were offered cookies by Heather and her mother but you weren’t going to take them.
You didn’t want to leave without Billy. “Could you drive us home?” you asked him, pleaded with the Billy that still had to be inside of there somewhere. You couldn’t believe that he was gone. “It’s raining pretty hard out.”
“I can’t be rude,” Billy said, which was … not true. Billy could be rude. Billy was rude. The light drained from your eyes then, and you turned to the girls behind you. “Let’s go.”
The three of you in disbelief, you headed back outside into the rain. You didn’t skateboard this time. You just tucked it under your arm and walked along with the girls as they moved slowly, not able to see too much as the fog rolled in with the pelting drops. You took one last look over your shoulder at Heather’s house, and saw Billy, watching through the window. The look that he exchanged with El was more chilling than the cold rain.
“That wasn’t him,” You said, as you made your way back to Max’s house. El looked at you, like she believed you. Like she had seen it for herself, even if she didn’t have the most experience with Max’s brother. But your red haired cousin - she didn’t look so sure.
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yeahwhatdidisay · 1 year
Closed Wounds, Open Scars
A Prequel to 'The Hereafter' [AO3 Link]
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Summary: The conversation you needed after an offhand comment from Dustin sent you spiraling.
Thank goodness for your best friend, Steve.
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader, Steve Harrington, Duston Henderson
Warnings: Angst...the usual angst
A/N: Just like last time, took a quick break from my current story because inspiration hit. Hope you all like it.
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“Are you okay?”  
You quickly wiped away the tears that stained both your cheeks.  Quieting your already hushed sobs and trying desperately to steady your breathing so your voice didn’t shake.
“I’m fine…” you managed to get out without your voice cracking while you continued to face away from him. “I’m fine….was I making too much noise?”
Steve stood for a moment in the doorway before slowly making his way into the back den in his parents' large home.  Holding your now sleeping one year old in his arms.
“No…not at all.” he whispered, sitting down on the couch as gently as he could without waking the baby.
You took another moment to collect yourself before turning toward him, choosing to keep your gaze slightly away hoping he wouldn’t notice you were upset in the light of the single lamp. 
It was obvious to him, even in the dim lights, that you had been crying pretty heavily just before he walked into the den.
Even without seeing you completely he knew.  He always knew.
Steve had been making a point to have as many get-togethers as he could, especially considering a large chunk of the group were going to go off to college soon.
They were nice ‘get togethers’.  Usually happening at the small apartment he shared with Robin and mainly consisting of pizza and movies.  Sometimes dancing would erupt, or games would be initiated although when the boys would bring out their D&D pieces you usually opted to watch rather than play like you used to.
Playing the game was too hard now, but you did enjoy seeing the others play.
Even after you’d given birth to your little Edwyn the gatherings continued.  
Steve made sure to let you know having a baby didn’t change your group dynamic. Especially since everyone adored the happy little girl.
Today’s gathering had been just like all the others had been but had taken a slight turn as the night came to a close.  
It was getting late and the others had started to trickle out of Steve’s parent’s home.
A rarity as of lately but you all enjoyed taking advantage of the pool and the large space whenever they asked him to house sit. 
Dustin had been holding onto his niece while you packed everything up.  
He had been staring down at the calm baby and mentioned how much like Eddie she was starting to look.  Moreso now that her hair was growing out.
It was a small, innocent comment.  Sounding more like an inner thought that had managed to sneak its way out but it had caused the breath to be  taken right out of you, nonetheless.
He was right.  
Each day that passed brought more and more of Eddie’s features out onto your daughter's face.
Especially when she smiled.
You were sure that Edwyn had felt a shift in your mood because soon after she began to wail in the way that babies do which caused Dustin to panic.
“What did I do?  I promise I was just holding her!” he began to blurt out.
“It’s alright Dustin.” You reassured, quickly regaining your composure.  “Babies have the tendency to cry at the drop of a hat.”
You took Edwyn into your arms and began to lightly bounce, shushing as you did so to try and calm her.
“I’m sorry…I don’t…”
“Don’t be sorry.  This is just what babies do sometimes.  You should know, you’ve been over to our place enough to witness it.”
Your soft smile reassured him.
“Okay, um…we still on for the game next week at my place, right?  You sure you don’t want to join?  We miss playing with you.”
“I’m sure.  I’ll be there, though.  You guys want a pie this time or the cheese dip?”
“Dip please!  Your pies are good but nothing beats your taco cheese dip.”
“You got it.”
“Alright then.” Dustin said, leaning in for a side hug like he always did when you both said goodbye.  “Need help taking things out to your car?”
“I think I’ll stay here till Edwyn calms down.  Nothing worse than driving with a screaming baby in the backseat.”
“Okay…I really am sorry.”
“Stop it, you dingus!  This isn’t your fault!  I’ll see ya.”
You laughed which invited Dustin to do the same.
“Okay, see ya, Y/N.”
Dustin walked down the walkway and into the car he’d borrowed from his mom.
As he drove out of sight your happy demeanor began to crack.  The tears that you’d so skillfully hidden started to collect in your eyes as you continued to try and calm your baby.
“Man, she’s got a nice set of lungs on her. Doesn’t she?” Steve said, walking out from the kitchen where he was cleaning up.  
You quickly regained your composure and turned to him with a smile.
“She really does…” you said without a hint of how you were actually feeling.
“Can I try?” Steve asked, outstretching his arms toward the two of you.
Steve loved helping out with Edwyn whenever he could.  To the point where he would stop by just to hang out with the two of you so he’d had plenty of practice by this point.
“Be my guest.”
You handed her over to him.  She liked Steve and would often smile as soon as he held her, but today his charms weren’t working like they usually did. 
“She might be hungry.  Is it okay if I stay a little longer to make her a quick bottle?  We’ll be out of your hair in 20 minutes.  Half an hour, tops.”
“Stay as long as you’d like.” he said, cooing down at her as he bounced her like you had been. 
You walked over to her bag, taking out the formula and her bottle before going into the kitchen to prep it.
You’d been over at Steve’s parents a few times but it was enough to know where everything was.  You quickly mixed the bottle and placed it on the stove without much fuss but it was as you stood by the stove that Dustin’s words began to repeat in your mind.
You kept thinking about what Dustin had said.  How Edwyn was looking more and more like Eddie and before you knew it your thoughts were weaving through your mind to places you tried desperately to stay away from.
You realized it had been a while since anyone had brought up Eddie.  Even when you visited with Wayne so he could see his granddaughter you were both careful not to bring him up.   
At least not directly.
You would talk about him often but did so using other identifiers or pronouns. 
‘He would have loved her’.  ‘My boy would have been over the moon over her laugh.’  ‘That dork would have loved this movie…or that show…’.  
The both of you sharing your thoughts and memories of him but not fully bringing him into the conversation.  
Neither of you being able to say his name.
The realization brought another sharp pain to your chest.
“Eddie…” you whispered, repeating his name a few more times. “Eddie…Eddie…”
The tears began to well up in your eyes before trailing down your cheeks.
In an instant you began to crack again, bringing your hands up to cover your face as you began to cry.
“How’s the bottle coming along?” you heard Steve’s voice call.  Getting closer to the kitchen.
You quickly brought yourself back to where you were.  Taking the bottle out of the pot and jiggling it so a few drops fell onto your arm to test the temperature.
Edwyn had quieted but she was still crying when Steve walked into the kitchen. 
“I was able to settle her down a bit but the little princess is hungry.  Aren’t you you sweet little rockstar…everything alright?”
You turned quickly and handed Steve the bottle without lifting your face up.
“Yeah, I’m fine.  I, uh, just need a minute.  Is it okay if you feed her?”  
Your words came out at an accelerated speed.  Not waiting for Steve to answer before you walked out of the kitchen toward the hallway where the bathroom was.
Instead of locking yourself into it you continued to the den at the other end of the hall where you’d all been watching movies.
The lights were off except for the light coming from the single lamp that had been left on.
It was here that you were finally able to let yourself go.  It was here in the dark that you’d walked over to the large window at the other end of the room, overlooking the pool, and quietly sobbed.
‘Why aren’t you here!?’ you pleaded in your mind.  ‘Why did you have to…you idiot!  Why did you have to…why did you have to be so…why did you have to play hero!?’
You wanted to scream.  You wanted to scream louder than your daughter had!  You wanted to scream so loud that your cries could be heard through time and space and maybe reach Eddie, wherever he was now!
But you didn’t.  You kept it in like you always did, instead opting for quiet sobs.
This is how Steve found you not too long after.  He’d managed to feed Edwyn and rock her to sleep.  Now quietly sitting on the couch looking down at the baby but stealing quick glances in your direction.
“You don’t seem fine.”  Steve finally said after a long silence.
“I am…I promise.”  
“Yeah, I don’t buy it.” he motioned with his head for you to come and sit with him on the couch. “Come and talk about it.  It’ll make you feel better.”
You continued to stare toward Steve, whose focus was down toward Edwyn. 
Steve knew you better than anyone else in the group so it was pointless to try and convince him you were okay when you weren’t.  
You slowly made your way over to the couch.  Sitting right beside him and leaning over to rest your head on his shoulder while the two of you looked down at the sleeping baby.
“She put up a pretty big fight right now.  Didn’t want to sleep at all…I think she was worried about you.”
You let out a deep sigh.  Trying your best not to lose your composure again.
“So, wanna tell me why you’re feeling down?”
“Dustin made a comment about how much she looks like...about how much she looks like her father.” 
Everything made sense to Steve in that moment.  
Steve had been there since almost the very beginning of you coming to Hawkins.
He was there to see first hand all the heartache and turmoil you’d gone through at the hands of your abusive step-father and your mother.
He was witness to your relationship with Eddie.  All the highs and lows that came and how much you two really and truly cared for each other.
You had shared everything with him.  All your happiest memories of growing up with a father that loved you dearly and how it all changed when he passed away when you were 12.
How happy you had become after Mrs. Henderson took you in and eventually adopted you.  Giving you the family you had missed so much for so long.
He was there to see first hand how much you loved Eddie and how hard his death affected you.
He knew almost everything about you.  So he knew how deep Dustin’s words would cut you, even if you would try so hard to keep others from seeing it.
He knew.
“I see…It’s okay, you know.”
“What’s okay?”
“It’s okay to let yourself be sad about Eddie.  You don’t have to be strong one hundred percent of the time.  You can let yourself cry.”
You knew Steve was right.  
A lone tear began to fall down your cheek but you quickly brushed it away.  
You brought your hand up to gently brush a few stray hairs on your daughter's forehead before leaning down and giving her a soft kiss. 
“Can I tell you something I haven't told anyone?” you whispered, continuing to brush aside Edwyn’s hair.
“Go ahead.”
“Sometimes I find myself hating him…like, with every fiber of my body.  I just…I just hate him so much.”
Steve turned to look at you. His face showing the slightest amount of confusion. 
“I know…” you continued, “how could I hate him after everything we went through.  After losing him.  How could I bring myself to hate him?  I just do…sometimes I do.  I hate that he did what he did.  I hate that he…that he sacrificed himself for a town full of people that saw him as a monster!
If he could have seen everything they said about him after.  How could he…how could he leave us?”
Your eyes again filled with tears and you could feel a few escape down the side of your face that you again quickly wiped away.
 Steve gently maneuvered Edwyn so she was now resting against his chest, freeing up a hand to reach out and hold the hand that rested on your lap.
“He didn’t do what he did for them.”
You didn’t react or reply. 
“Do you remember when we got pulled into the Upside Down through the lake and had to make our way back? Well, while we were wandering through the woods Eddie confided in me.  You know what he called himself?”
You shook your head.
“He called himself a coward.  Someone who would run at any sign of danger.  It was only in his D&D games that he was the hero.”
You looked over at Steve, not sure where he was going with this story.
“Long story short, it wasn’t until after he found out that you were pregnant that he decided to stop running.  Dustin told me later that the Demo Bats were going to break through the portal in his trailer and no doubt wreak havoc over here in our dimension.  Eddie led them away.  Eddie sacrificed himself to save you and Edwyn.  He didn’t choose to save the world…he chose to save you.  You two were the only ones on his mind, and you two were the last things he was talking about before…”
Steve let his words trail off while the tears began to well up again in your eyes.
“Why are you telling me this?” you asked.  Your voice cracking slightly.
“So you know how important you were to him.  So you know how important you are to all of us.  So you can finally grieve.  I know you haven't cried since you found out about him in the hospital.”
“It’s okay to talk about him.  It’s okay to let yourself cry and I hope you know you don’t have to do it alone…we’re here for you.”
“I know you’re right but…I’m scared…”
“Of what?” he asked, his voice soft and reassuring.
A long silence fell between you while you searched for your words and for the strength to get them out without faltering.
“I’m scared I’ll go back to that place.  That place where I was just…lost.  Where I couldn’t function or even breathe.  That place where I didn’t want to live…even knowing I had a baby…his baby relying on me to survive.  I just…didn’t want to.  I’m scared I’ll go back there. ”
Steve squeezed your hand tighter.
“That’s why you have me…us. That’s why you have us.  You have a whole mess of people who’ll be there for you in a heartbeat.  Be there for Edwyn.”
You finally looked up at him.  His big dark eyes and soft smile helping to lessen the pain you felt growing in your chest.
Again he was right.  
Everyone had been there for you.  At the drop of a hat, if you needed someone they were all there.  Your friends, your new mother and brother, your honorary father in law, all of them.  No questions or hesitations.  
You weren’t alone.
You let out another long sigh that quickly broke into a shaking exhale.  The strength you had to keep all your emotion inside of you finally broke and you began to sob.
Steve let go of your hand and brought it up around your shoulders.  Bringing you in close to him, which you fell into.
There you both sat while you quietly sobbed into the chest of your best friend.  Who held onto your daughter, allowing you to finally feel safe enough to let yourself cry.  Which you did for as long as you needed with no rush.
He was happy to do so.
Hours had passed and so had your needed emotional release.  
Now you both sat quietly in the dimly lit room.  You, now holding your baby while you rested against Steve who had his arm resting along the back of the couch.  Just like the two of you had done so many times before.
You gently massaged the top of your daughter's head thinking about the past couple of years.  
Steve’s words now being the ones repeating in your mind.
His reassurance that it was okay to cry.  That missing Eddie was necessary to fully heal and how they would all be there for you.  How he would be there for you.
Like he always had been.
“Do you remember when I ran away?” you finally whispered, breaking the silence.
“I do…” he replied, just as quietly.
The memory of the few months after Eddie passed came back to the two of you.  How you fell into such a deep depression that you barely ate or slept.  How you neglected taking care of yourself and your unborn baby until you finally just got up and left in the middle of the cold April night.
“How did you know where to find me?”
“Where else would you have gone?  I figured you’d want to go to be with Eddie and since the portals to the Upside Down were closed then his memorial on Hopper’s land was the next place you’d be.”
“Do you remember what you did when you found me half frozen to death?”
Steve let out a breathy laugh.
“Yeah…I yelled at you.”
“You were pretty mad.”
“Of course I was!  How did you think I was going to react?  My best friend had been neglecting themselves and their unborn baby for months!  Mrs. Henderson and Dustin had been trying so hard to bring you back and you up and walked out into the freezing night, barefoot and in only a t-shirt and shorts.”
“I’d never seen you that mad before.”
“Sorry about that…”
“Don’t be…it’s what I needed.  You’ve always seemed to know what I needed.”
“Yeah…well.  I wouldn’t be your best friend if I didn’t.” 
“I don’t think I ever thanked you.” 
“You don’t need to thank me.”
“I do…not everyone would yell at me for my own good or go out of their way to take extra care of me after.  Not like you have…so thank you, Steve.  For everything.”
Steve let out a soft sigh.  He didn’t reply at first and it wasn’t from lack of knowing what to say.  He knew what he wanted to say.  He’d known what he wanted to say to you since you started working with him. Even after all this time, what he wanted to say had never changed but it never felt like the right time.  And here, now, he knew what he wanted to say to you…but again, it didn’t feel like the right time.
“Don’t mention it…” was what he finally let come out.
Good thing you were better at timing than Steve was.
“Would it be okay if I have you over for dinner sometime?  I can ask Mrs. Henderson if she’d like to watch her granddaughter so it can be just the two of us, if that’s okay?”
Steve tried to subdue the smile that was forming on his face, taking a minute to pull it back so the emotion wouldn’t sound in his voice.
“I think that would be okay…um, Y/N.”
“Just to check…this is a date, right? Are you asking me out on a date?”
Again, another silence fell between you.
“I think I am…is that okay?” You said, leaning your head back so you were able to look up at him.
Steve stared down and took in the view of you and your baby.  Two of the people he cared about the most. 
Steve smiled and leaned down, giving you a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Yeah…it’s okay.”
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softtdaisy · 2 years
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DESCRIPTION I when Eddie can't go to the high school Halloween party, you find a solution: him becoming Ghostface for the night
PAIRING I eddie munson x female!reader
A/N I let's pretend scream came out in the 80s. you can read steve version here | see the post about ghostface halloween night
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“You, my darling, are a fucking genius.”
And you couldn’t agree more with Eddie right now. But you were too busy looking at his bare chest to say anything. How could you be so lucky to have a secret boyfriend like Eddie Munson? There was so much hotness coming out of this man, with his look, his attitude, his reputation… well, the same reputation that forced you to think about a plan.
There was a Halloween party organized at high school and everyone was invited…except for Eddie. The principal said he couldn’t come because of his attitude in classes and with the teachers. They didn’t want to risk him making a mess at the party, that they couldn’t trust him and all those kinds of stupid stuff. First, you found it terribly unfair to deprive someone from having fun because of his behavior. It was a vicious circle: the more you’re being mean to someone, the more they will act badly with you. And Eddie was really good at that.
Second, you hated the idea of going there without Eddie. You weren’t even in high school anymore. You graduated at the same time as Steve. When the kids asked you to be the chaperone for the Halloween party, mostly because they knew you would love to dress up for one of your favorite holidays, you obviously said yes. And when you learnt that Eddie wouldn’t be there, you were disappointed.
No matter how many times Eddie told you it was fine, that you could have fun with the kids and Steve, you knew he felt bad for not being able to party with you. It was already hard for him to hide his relationship with you. He felt like he was punished once again. But once again, you proved Eddie that you were the light in his life.
When Eddie met you, you were already friends with the kids. He remembered being confused because your name kept slipping from their mouth. “I watched this horror movie with [y/n] she’s so cool dude!” Dustin would say, praising you for bringing him to the cinema and lying about his age. The day Mike came back with his Hellfire shirt, the one he teared a hole in, he explained that you were the one who sewed it when his mother wanted to throw it. You were like a superhero for those kids.
Eddie knew you already, he saw you at school, but you never talked. And he found it funny, thinking about it, how you became friends once you graduated. But even if he thought that you were scared or ashamed of being seen with him, he realized that you were just on two different worlds back then and that you had more in common that you thought.
Quickly, you became a superhero for Eddie too. You never ever judged him, you always listened to his stories, no matter how stupid he thought they were. You helped him with everything, from running to buy a new string for his guitar to making a new setting for his D&D night. And tonight you proved him once again that you were amazing.
“It’s not a big deal” you laughed, bringing his sheet closer to your chest. “I just realized that in Scream there were two Ghostface so it wouldn’t be that silly for you and Steve to dress up the same. And if the school thinks it’s Steve underneath, they won’t ask about you. I hope.” You grimaced.
You were obsessed with horror movies, everybody knew it. The kids even called you the master of horror since you made your goal to show them your favorite movies. And ever since Scream came out, you became obsessed with that movie. To the point it seemed obvious to you that you wanted the boys to dress up as Ghostface. Plus, it was the perfect diversion to help Eddie came to the party. As for you, you decided to go as a Camp Crystal Lake Counselor from Friday the 13rd. A costume that Eddie loved a lot.
“So, we did as I told you, right?” you asked Eddie while he was coming back in bed. He climbed on top of you, with his hair skimming your skin. “I’ll go take care of the kids and we met at high school.” You were following each of his movement, from the way he was licking his lips to the way his hand was slowly climbing from your hand to your shoulder.
“Humm, understood. But we still have some minutes for us, no?” a question he already knew the answer to. This explained why he didn’t wait and started to kiss you.
You didn’t meet again until you arrived at the party, a few hours later. Eddie was hiding to make sure he won’t put you in trouble for hanging with him. He watched you get out of the car in your costume. He never thought he would be this attracted to a camp counselor. But mostly, he was proud to see you help the kids like that. He can’t imagine how long it took you to make sure they were all dressed up perfectly as they wanted. And you respected each of their wishes. Lucas was Beetlejuice while Max was Lydia, which made Eddie rolled his eyes but think about a couple costume for the both of you for next time. Mike asked to be Freddy Krueger, which Eddie guessed you weren’t innocent in that choice, while Will chose to be Marty McFly. And he wasn’t surprised to see Eleven as Madonna.
The one that surprised him was Dustin. Because he was dressed as him. He couldn’t help having teary eyes when you arrived, while Steve was parking.
You had a huge smile on your face, excited to finally be there but your smile quickly dropped when you saw Eddie’s face. “What’s going on baby?” you asked immediately, taking his face between your hands which made him laugh. He brought his hands to put them on top of yours and you shivered at the contact of his cold rings on your skin. “I’m fine, love. I promised. I just didn’t except to see myself in a smaller size.”
You frowned before understanding what he meant. “Oh.” You smiled softly “You’re his hero, Eddie.”
“And you’re mine.” He replied, putting a little kiss on your nose right before Steve arrived. “Ready to be a villain, Harrington?” he winked at him.
You helped them put on their mask and their voice transformer. There was definitely something hot being surrounded by your favorite villain in two copies. “Two Ghostface for me.” You smiled, looking at them both and biting your lips. “Who’s Stu and who’s Billy?” you wondered and of course they started arguing, with their new voice and in their costume. No doubt you were living your favorite movie. You just had to pray you won’t be killed by them.
Just like you planned, Steve was going there with the kids, and you were bringing Eddie with you. And just like you hoped, Eddie just had to pretend he was Steve to get inside. He couldn’t speak and you couldn’t say how much he wanted to open his mouth and say scary things to people and dirty to you. Which is why you were laughing when you arrived near the school administrator. She looked at him with confusing and you tilted towards her. “Trust me, it wouldn’t be as fun if he was speaking.”
And now here you were, inside the Halloween party with the man that was forbidden there. Once you were in the room, Eddie brought you in his arms and spined around with you. “You did it!” he said in your ear, but you couldn’t help but laugh at this love demonstration. “I did, but this isn’t very Ghostface.” You laughed even harder when he put you down and crossed his arms. You heard him grunt to be in character. How could people not love that man like you did?
You looked at him watching the whole room, looking for the kids. And he didn’t take him long to notice his doppelgänger having fun with his friends. “I have something to do.” He started walking before coming back to you, taking you by the neck to make you look at him in the eyes… or where you thought his eyes were. “I’ll be right back to you, love.”
You had a lot of fun all night, switching between having fun with Steve and Eddie. You spend some time with the kids too, especially since the girls absolutely wanted to have a girl dance with you. You also spent some time with Nancy who wanted to know more about this idea of having two Ghostface with you. Not that she didn’t understand your plan, she was too clever to miss the idea.  
“I can take a picture of you with them two if you want.” She offered, showing the beautiful camera Johnathan bought her for her birthday. She was the official photographer for the night and well, it wouldn’t be too bad to miss the opportunity to immortalize that moment. “I’m just going to bring them here.” You told her before looking for Eddie. It wasn’t a surprise to see him hiding somewhere to scare people. You could swear some student thought he was an actor hired by the school for the party.
“Wanna be my new victim?” he asked when he saw you walking to him. You put your hand on his chest and looked scared. “Please don’t kill me mister Ghostface, I wanna be in the sequel.” You started to bring your fingers closer to his neck before he put his hand on yours. “You better convince me later tonight.”
You took his hand to bring him to Nancy while Steve walked there at the same time. “Oh dude, it’s like watching myself in the mirror,” Eddie laughed, and it couldn’t be truer when they put themselves next you. Nancy was nice enough to take multiple pictures of you together, some more soft than others. Your favorite might be the one where Steve had his hand on your stomach and Eddie on your neck, both looking like they were ready to eat you right in the middle of this room.
You later learnt that not only did she take pictures there, but Nancy took more when you didn’t notice. She took one when Eddie was making you dance, with his hand holding yours tightly and making spinning around like he was a prince charming and not a villain. You remembered that moment when it seemed like there was nobody else in the room except for you two. And the photo pictured it perfectly, with everybody else being blurry.
But the party was so crazy that in the end, you didn’t spend that much time with Eddie. But you didn’t mind since he seemed to have so much fun with everyone there. After spending some time with Steve, to thank him for playing along when he didn’t want to come nor get dressed, you finally met Eddie’s again in the parking lot.
He was leaning against his car, without his mask and with his beautiful hair being wet resting on his back. He looked so tired, and you can’t imagine how exhausting it must be to be trapped under a mask for the whole night. And acting like a villain. Even tough, you could easily guess that he had too much fun doing this. “Here’s come my favorite person.” He said when he saw you walking to him. He put his hands on your back to bring you against his chest.
You stayed like that for almost two minutes, just enjoying the feeling of Eddie’s hand rubbing your back, his hair falling on your naked arms and your cheek against his heart, hearing it beating fast. You could hear some car door slamming and others students laughing but they all seem so far away. When the wind started to blow, you shivered against Eddie and started holding you closer. “That’s your fault for not wearing long sleeves.” He mumbled in your hair.
You looked up at him “don’t act like you didn’t love seeing me like this, Munson.”
“Oh, I did, and I still do. But I love you more when you’re not sick.” He replied, laughing.
Eddie let you go from his arms while he was opening his car to give you his jean jacket. You put it immediately, because you were indeed freezing but also because you always loved the feeling of his jacket on you. “Damn, you’re even hotter with my stuff on.” He had this smirk on his lips that made you want to kiss him desperately.
You looked around to make sure nobody was watching before taking his face between your hands and kiss him like you dreamt of doing all night long. He tasted like the drink the school had made for the party, something sweet and kinda sour at the same time. A perfect definition of Eddie, in some way: absolutely lovely and heady at the same time.
Eddie was then the one putting his hand on your cheek and started caressing it with so much love. “Thank you for finding a way to bring me here.” His voice was gentle, like he always did when he was opening his heart. Like he was taking his precautions that if you didn’t want him, he could always so that he didn’t say that, or you misunderstood him. You hoped that one day Eddie will definitely put his armor down for you. But you were not done fighting for this.
“I couldn’t imagine that night without you. Who would have scared those kids if you weren’t there?” you replied laughing, trying not to put too much pressure on the boys to speak with his heart. And Eddie laughed with you, with that little smile that meant he was really happy around you and wasn’t acting.
“No.” he ended up saying, putting a finger under your chin to make you look at him in the eyes. “I really meant it. Nobody ever fought for me like this. Most people would have said I deserved to not be invited. You didn’t, you made sure I could be there no matter the risks for you. I really, really, appreciate it love.”
You didn’t know what to reply to him, except that it was normal for you. Because you cared for Eddie and you couldn’t imagine someone looking at that boy and not understanding that he wasn’t the one people thought he was. You couldn’t imagine that there weren’t more people that tried to see past the character he was playing. You couldn’t imagine Eddie not feeling love, when you were ready to spend your life proving him, he was.
“It’s, nor…” you started to say, trying to make him understand but as always, Eddie stopped you by giving you a small kiss. He didn’t like having those kinds of conversation and he knew how to make you change your mind and forget about your thoughts.
“No. You’re just my superhero.” He replied, looking at you with pure love.
And if being a superhero meant making one of your favorite people in the world happy, then you would gladly accept this role for the rest of your life. Because Eddie’s smile was the best gift you could ever receive.
And because you knew that this man who spent most of his life pretending, he didn’t anybody in his life and was happy by himself, was deeply and madly in love with you. And would do anything to love you back.
So, maybe, Eddie was your superhero too.
follow @softtdaisywords to know when new stories are released 🤍
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slashers-gf · 2 years
Surprise visit 18+ Part 2
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x fem!reader
Warning: smut, name calling, making out, biting, fingering
Summery: After that night billy had not made fun of you or even look at you, and you wanted that attention back
When you woke up that morning you were alone. Billy was nowhere to be found. He took everything with him. It seemed like billy was never there, that it was a dream.
~Weeks later~
Y/n pov
I was hoping to see and feel his warmth next to me when I woke up, but all I felt was emptiness and cold that day . I tried not to thing about it. I got ready to go hang out with my friends. They wanted to go to the pool since it was summer and hot outside.
After getting ready I went down stairs to see my parents making breakfast. "Morning y/n, you gonna stay and eat your breakfast?" Mom asked while she was putting some toast on a plate. "Sorry mom cant they are already here for me" I say heading towards the door. "Ok be safe" she yelled as I walked out.
I see my friends car, I run up to it and hot inside. "I cant believe you guys want to go to the pool" I say to my friends while rolling my eyes. "Come on its summer and I heard that there is a really hot new life gaurd." She said smirking. "Is that the reasons you wanna go to the pool?" I say looking that them annoyed. "Yes but also because it's summer and you never want to go out, you just stay home locked up in your room" my other friend said. "Well yeah thats because its-" I was interrupted. "To late, no going back we are already here" she said getting out of the car.
I sigh knowing I can't leave. I get out to see there are lost of older ladies there's with there kids. "So where is the hot life guard you guys came here for" I say dramatically. "Its not his time yet don't worry he'll be here." They say while getting a spot to put all the stuff down.
I rolled my eyes as I sit on a chair. I was in shorts and a regular shirt, I had my swimming suit under. I see my friend starting to show off the suits and lay down on the chairs. "Its about time" they smirk. I look to see who they were talking about. Once I look in the direction I see billy. I'm not surprising to see billy working here, there are always girls around here.
Not gonna lie he looked so hot in those red shorts. I see him flirting with the mothers, I roll my eyes. "God he's so hot" when she said that I felt a little jealous. I sigh and try not to pay attention to him flirting with every girl he walks past by. "Y/n aren't you gonna take off your clothes" she said. "W-wait oh no im good like this" I say flustered. "If you say so" I glance at billy to be him flitting with Mrs wheeler.
At that moment I lost it. I wanted to make billy jealous. I start to take off my clothes to reveal my two piece suit. "I thought you said you didn't want to" my friend said. "I change my mind" I say. "Wow you look hot in that, whos attention you want hmm" my other friend asked while smirking. "Who said I want someons attention, i just wanted to wear it " I smirked. I can feel Billy's eyes on me, watching my every movement. Not only do I feel his eyes but others too.
I look at billy and gave a inner smile knowing that passes him off because other guys were looking at my whole body. "Im gonna go for a swim" I walk towards the pool. Once I got to the pool I got in the water. A boy came up to me and stated flirting. I didn't want to talk to him but when I saw billy's face filled with jealousy I stared flirting back to the boy.
I stared to touch him on his arms and chest. I could see billy death glaring at me but I ignored it and still flirted with the guy. "You so strong" I say while touching him even more. "Thanks, you look so hot in that". I fake laughed 'your so fucking annoying' I thought to myself. "Maybe later you could without it" I try to say in my sexiest voice. He grabbed my waits a pulled me close to him. When he did that I felt something poking my stomach. "Im gonma go to the restroom" I say trying to get out of his grip. "Come back when your done" he had a smirk. "Sure" I say start to get away. 'As if i would come back to that creep'. I made it to the woman locker room. Then I hear the door open and close. I didn't pay attention until I felt someone was behind me.
I turn around to see billy there looking down at me, he did not look happy. "What the fuck was that" he said starting to walk closer to me. "Its none of your business billy" I try to walk pass him and leave but the I felt him grab my arm and push me against the lockers.
"What the fuck-" I was cut off my billys kissing me. I tried to push him off but he was not even moving and he did was get more aggressive. He grabbed my hand and pinned the by my head. He started to kiss my neck. I moaned when he found a sensitive spot on my neck. "Your such a slut" he said. "What no I-" I moaned when he bit me. "You were out there with some other fucking guy" he said looking at me. "Your mine" he sounded serious. "No Im not " he did not like that. He started to kiss me again with more force the the first.
I started to kiss back. He let go of my hand, when he did I wrapped my arms around his neck. He moved his hand to my ass. "Fuck billy" I pulled his hair. He growled and picked me up. He started to kiss me again but it was different. He looked at me "do you want this".
"Yes billy I do" he smiled and kissed me. I felt his hand go to my back and he pulled on the string. I took off my top. He started kissing my boobs while massage my other. I moaned his name. After a while he did the same to the other one.
He started to nibble on my nipples. I arched my back "please stop teasing me". He smirked and moved his hand down and pulled the two strings to my bottoms. He took the off and he started to rub my clit. "Stop its to much" he did not care and went faster. I was a moaning mess. He then entered one finger into me. "Fuck you so tight" he started to pump in and out of me. He then added a second finger. "It hurts" he then started to rub my clit at the same time to help and it did. It was a mixture of pleasure and pain but mostly pleasure. "Im about to cum" when I said that he stopped. "Why did you stop" I say angry. "I'd rather have you around my cock instead of my fingers" he pulled them out.
"Just fuck me billy please" he smirked. "Don't worry I will" he then started to take off his red shorts. His cock was a lot bigger that I had expected. He saw my face and said "don't worry it'll fit" he then started to kiss me again. I moved my hand down and started to touch his cock. He groaned when I did that. I slowly started to move my hand up and down his shaft. "Yes just like that your doing so good" I got more wet when he said that.
He then pulled away from me. He turned me around so my back was facing him. He started kissing my back leaving marks. I could feel him tip against my slit. "Your so wet you little slut" before I could say something he pushed his cock into me. I screamed when he did that. He just started thrusting in and out of me. He didn't give me time to adjust to his size. "Fuck your so tight" I could feel my eyes start to water. "It hurts " he didn't say anything.
I then feel one of his hands start to circle my clit. With his other hand he turned my head towards him and he started kissing me. With him doing that the pain was less. I could still feel it but pleasure was taking over. I moaned in to the kiss. I felt him smirk "does it feel good" I nodded. He smacks my ass "use your words". "y-yes it does" I could barely say it. My stomach felt hot and weird. "Im c-" he pulled out and turned me around to face him. "I want to see your face when you cum" he then entered inside me again. I moaned at the feeling of him filling me up again. "Fuck billy" I moaned his name. "Say it again" he said while thrusting even harder. "Say my name" he looked serious. "Billy fuck " I moaned his name. When he heard me say his name he groaned. "Billy im going to cum " I said. "Fuck cum for me baby" that's all I need to hear. I came on his cock. He still thrusted trying to reach his high. I became sensitive at the feeling. "Im close " he said. His breathing was heavy. He pulled me close to him. I was kissing his neck leaving my marks on him. "Im cumming " his cum felt hot inside me.
We stayed like that for a while, trying to catch our breath. " your mine y/n" my heart was beating so fast. I blushed at that not knowing what to say. "Say your mine please" I nodded and smiled. "Im yours billy" he smiled and kisses me with so much passion. We got dressed, as I was putting on my swimming suit he throw me his jacket. "I dont want some pervert looking at whats mine" I laughed. As I was putting it on he came from behind and whispered into my ear "after my shift is over I wanna take you on a date tonight" I blushed. He saw me a kissed my cheek and left.
I walked out after getting over how red I was when he left. I swear everyone's eyes on me. Some were glaring of course it was the girls and some looked shocked that I was wearing billys jacket. But I didn't care about any of that cause all I can think about is the date I'm gonna have with him.
The end
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the-faceless-bride · 2 years
Help please, so I know I'm behind on some of the stories I SHOULD be working on but haven't had any inspiration to write for or where to continue the story as I started it without thinking it through so now have no idea where to go with it, HOWEVER!! Do you know what I did just think of a story for? (well two things I came up with an actually kinda structured story for)
Stranger things BUT I kinda need help on which I should put my focus on so I wanna hear your thoughts and which you would wanna see first.
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1. Group of the characters come out of the upside down after being trapped there after a battle, but when they come out it's not '86 anymore baby! Nope it's now the year 2022 and they need to figure out if and how they can get back to their time.
2. When the group is cornered by Gorgans and DemoDogs El tried to use her power to make a large to burst them away, but only succeeds in opening another portal but only for a moment... And with the new light portal closing as fast as it was opened they make the rash decision to jump through, rather than trying their luck with the fast-approaching monsters coming to rip them to pieces they jump through the light portal instead... What waits on the other side??
Character? Hopper, Nacy, Johnathan, El, Max, Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Will, Argyle, Joyce, Eddie, Robbin, Steve, Erica (maybe Billy and or Tommy cuz I love them but if y'all don't wanna see them they don't have to be in it)
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I’m thinking of writing a series where the MC is best friends with Jonathan and basically part of the Byers family but is also adopted by Hopper . It’s take place in series four but there will be flashbacks to give her backstory and so we can see her relationships with the other characters .Jonathan and her are 100% platonic but MC doesn’t like Nancy and I have already envisioned them having a massive argument .heheheh
But I don’t know who to make the love interest . Thoughts?
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helfireclub · 1 year
𝓓𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓓𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓵 {Eddie Munson x FEM OC}
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7| Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 (18+) | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 (18+) | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 (18+)
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Chapter: What to do Mr. Munson
'We fucking won!' Lilly yelled.Dustin, Mike, Gareth and Jeff were all staring at each other before they all went berserk and started jumping and screaming together.Lilly got caught in the middle but she didn't mind she joined them.Eddie was smirking while sitting back on his chair.
They all had something to drink and clinked their glasses. Lilly loved being around Dustin and Mike. They were nice and liked all the movies she liked.So they always had something to talk about. Eddie was still smirking at her on the side. And when everything was over and they all cleaned up. Lilly had brought Mike and Dustin home a little bit earlier. Mike needed to get on a flight to California tomorrow morning, and Dustin was on the route. She had promised Eddie to get back to maybe do a joint or have a beer together.
So when she drove back to the parking lot of the school. She saw lots of drunk and hyped people coming back from the gym.'They must have won.' Lilly said while rolling her eyes.
She jumped back through the school doors.When she saw Steve with Brenda giggling through the hallways. Steve saw Lilly and he nodded his head at her.Lilly raised her eyebrow to Steve before walking back to the classroom they just played Hellfire in. The light was off.
'He must have gone to the forest to smoke.' Lilly said to herself.But she still went to check.She opened the door where she found no one it was dark and empty.'Pfff.' Lilly said to herself. She did just in case check some corners and in a closet but he really was gone.
'Ass.' Lilly cursed as she walked out of the classroom. 'Sorry?' Eddie's voice suddenly sounded. He was standing with his back on the lockers and his feet up against it. 'That you're an ass.' Lilly said while closing the door.
'Sadly i'm supposed to do what you're saying tonight.' Eddie said.He put his feet back on the ground and walked over to her while pulling down the sleeves of his leather jacket.'I would have put you in place right here.' He said while standing in front of her. Lilly straightened her back and looked at the tall guy.She locked eye contact.
'I want you to fuck me Eddie.' Lilly said with a straight face.
Eddie's face didn't even change.'where?' He just asked. 'You've been here longer than me.' Lilly said. 'Probably got a lot of places you want to do something.' She told him with a wink.'Okay something i wanted to do for a long time.' Eddie said and he took her arm and pulled him with him. Lilly almost fell to her feet. But she catched herself and ran after Eddie.
'Watchout okay.' Eddie said while putting his finger on his lips.Lilly nodded to him and turned her back to Eddie looking around the hallways. Eddie took a bobby pin out of Lilly's hair to which she grabbed his hand turning around to him.he showed her the bobbypin and folded it out.'Got another one?' Eddie asked her softly. Lilly nodded and pulled another one out of her hair making her sidebang fall forward. She blew it out of her face and gave Eddie the bobbypin.He smirked and took it gratefully.
Lilly turned around again till she heard the door click. 'Got it.' Eddie said softly as he pulled her inside.Lilly felt him pull her around and in just a second. She was inside the classroom.And in another second Eddie had pushed her up against the door.
'God what were you even thinking tonight.' Eddie said as he looked her in her eyes. Eddie had Lilly's arms above her head. 'How can someone get me so fucking crazy.' he continued his sentence.'The fact that you came through that door had me extremely angry and goddamn arroused at the same time.'
'That was the whole idea Eddie.' Lilly suddenly said. As he looked down at her.a smirk on her face biting on her lower lip.
'You know where we are Lilith?' Eddie asked her.before he was starting to kiss the side of her neck. 
'It's dark Eddie i can't see shit.' Lilly said to him.
'Wrong answer.' Eddie said between kisses. To which he suddenly bit her.
Lilly let out a soft moan when he bit her.
Eddie then let go of her and pulled her off the wall.
'Let me explain you what this is.' Eddie said. He put Lilly in front of the desk.And walked to the back of the class and sat down at the table.
'This is the place where I met someone who changed my world.' Eddie started. Lilly looked confused at him.'And this it the place you want to fucking fuck me?' Lilly said sarcasticly. 'I hate the class they teach here.' Eddie started.'This bitch made me fail 3 times.'
To which Lilly started thinking the only class he was failing was English.'She put me alone because of me failing so many times.And wanted to pay closer attention to me.''But then someone was added to our class and that person was put next to me.Wearing a fucking band shirt and listening to the best music.' Eddie said.
'Oh my god we are in Miss O'Donnel's classroom.' Lilly said looking at Eddie in the dark. 'And she was listening to fucking Led Zeppelin.She knew everything she needed to know about it. Hated school, loves good music, smokes weed, gives me a hot shower but also pulls me in a pool like a real bitch.' Eddie ended his story and stood up from his place.'From the moment i laid my eyes on you Lilith.' Eddie said shaking his head.
Lilly's heart was thumping out of control.This was the most romantic thing ever. And it was coming from Eddie the freak Munson.Before Lilly could even think straight she acted.
She pulled off his hellfire shirt and threw it on a table. As she sat on the desk of miss O'Donnell. Eddie stood between her legs putting her head between his hands. 'God I fucking adore you Lilith.' he said before she kissed him.And hard.
He was prepared because he took over dominance between their tongue's in a second and after a few minutes they broke apart. A trail of saliva between them. 'Let's fuck up this desk of hers.' Lilly said with a huge grin on her face.
She pulled Eddie closer to her by his shirt.And he took her chin between his fingers and pulled her face twoards him. Lilly stood her ground and kissed him on the lips. And she couldn't help it but she bit on his lower lip. To which Eddie backed his face away. Licking his lower lip to soothen the bite. 'A biter eh?' He said with a smirk before laying his arm around Lilly's waist and pulling her forward.
So she stood on the floor. He let go of her and leaned against the first table in front of the desk. 'Strip Lilith.' He said while crossing his arms. 'Isn't this my night?' Lilly said while crossing her arms. 'Don't you like it?I thought you like me being in control. So fucking strip.' Eddie said while pulling out a cigarette and lighting it. Lilly was going to complain but it was pretty hot.So she did what he asked.
She was already out of her shirt and wearing just her dark blue bra with some lace and a clip on the front. And she kicked off her dr martens. (towards Eddie of course)
and unbuckled her belt and pulling her pants down slowly. When it had fallen to the ground she picked it up and threw it at Eddie. 'Better?' Lilly said laying one of her arms over her stomach.She had matched her underwear with her bra. Which of course meant she had been thinking she would lose some clothes at some point. 'Don't hide from me Princess.You're gorgeous. ' Eddie said as he pushed himself off the table and lost his jackets. He lifted her up in his arms and put her back on the table sitting on the edge.
As he let his hands slide over her arms down to her thighs. His hands were letting off sparks on her skin everytime he touched her.And his cold rings gave her an even weirder sensation. He then sat down on one knee and bit in Lilly's inner thigh. Lilly jumped up but Eddie grabbed her tighs between his arms holding her down. 'Nah-ah Princess.' Was the only thing he said.He was softly biting and kissing her thighs.To which Lilly grabbed the back of the desk. with both her hands.'Eddie..' She brought out.To which Eddie looked up at her. Lilly was whimpering her chest was rising fastly. To which Eddie smirked and went back in, but this time he let one of his hands go and slowly pulled her panty to the side.Exposing Lilly to him.
The cold air was hitting her and she let out a sharp breath. Eddie smirked at her. Before he slowly let his finger slide over her pussy. Lilly softly yelped. 'Oh sweetheart i'm only starting.' Eddie said before he digged in with his tongue. Lilly felt his warm breath on her and then even his tongue. In just a second she let go of the task with one of her hands and it was in Eddie's hair. He groaned when she did that. Which for her made another sensation in her gut.
To which Lilly let out a moan. This time it was a bit louder then it was before.'You know where not alone Sweetheart.' Eddie said before putting his face back.In just a few minutes Lilly was dripping down on Miss O'Donnell's desk.'Cum for me princess.' Eddie said as he latched on her clit and even added a finger.
'Eddie please.' Lilly brought out.'I can't do it silently..' She said in between breaths and moans. 'Good.' Eddie said but he backed off her and stood up so he was on her eye level.Lilly was looking a mess. Her lipstick was smooched and her eyes were half closed.She was panting looking at him. 'God you're so fucking hot Lillith.' He told her as he kissed her hard. She could taste something on him. Probably herself but she took this kiss grate fully.
She added her tongue to Eddie's suprise but he agreed and let her. Lilly was calming down a little from her almost high.A little bit dissapointed he didn't let her scream.But understandable he didn'tThey couldn't get suspended. But boy was she wrong.
When they were kissing he was pulling off the ring on his middle and pointing finger. and slammed them on the desk. To which he pushed them inside of her. Making Lilly jolt up. She broke the kiss.
'what are you doing?' she asked him softly.'You dont think i wont let you cum princess?' Eddie said with his signature grin.As he kissed her again.And started moving his fingers together slowly moving in and out of her. To which Lilly arched her back and let out a soft sound.
'Harder Lillith' Eddie said between their kisses. As he started to move faster and his fingers seperatley.Lilly let out a louder moan and grabbed Eddie's shirt in her hands. 'Almost.' Lilly told him softly.She regretted that she had said that because Eddie pushed his thumb on her clit. Making her fall over the edge she was about to break the kiss from him. But Eddie didn't let her his other hand was sliding up to the back of her head pushing her to him. 'Cum Lilith.' Eddie said lowly before kissing her again.
And she did hard. When she was getting down from her high she opened her eyes finding him smirking at her. 'Was that any good?' He asked.
'Shut up.' Lilly said with a soft smile on her face. she jumped to her feet standing in front of him.'Oh she can stand.' Eddie said.
But Lilly turned around bending over the desk. 'Come on Eddie~ ' Lilly said while looking over her shoulder. 'Are you sure Princess?, you came pretty hard.' Eddie asked her genuinely.'You still need to drive home..' He added. 'Don't be a pussy Eddie.' Lilly said
'I know you want to~' She added. 'Well you started it.' Eddie said as he stood behind her letting his hands slide over her back to the small of her back.She heard him unbuckle his pants and then he bent over her. 'Are you ready Princess?' Eddie asked her whispering in her ear. To which Lilly answered in an 'mmmm~'
And in one swift move Eddie had entered her pussy. To which Lilly bucked up her head moaning.'Ssssh Princess.' Eddie said as he was still bent over her as he bit softly in her ear. Lilly had put her hands to the back on the desk so she had something to hold on to.She felt Eddie speed up his hips.
Eddie raised himself a little sliding his hands from her shoulders to her back. Making Lilly have goosebumps.With one hand he grabbed her hip and the other he spanked her. Making Lilly moan out gripping the desk tighter.
'Eddiee.' She brought out whining. 'You're doing great Princess.' Eddie said in between his thrusts.He sped himself up a little but he pushed her hips down a little so he was a bit higher up making him slam even harder into her. Making Lilly in a softly moaning mess. Lilly felt herself weaken in her knees. But she kept herself standing up. She felt fucking great.
'Oh god Lilith.' Eddie brought out he threw his head back.She could feel his thrusts get sloppy. Which could only mean one thing. She felt the big knot in her stomach grow bigger and bigger with each thrust and she came hard again.
Lilly bit down on her hand so she wouldn't moan that loud. 'I didn't say you could come yet Princess.' Eddie said. 'But my knees.' Lilly admitted before Eddie pulled out and wanted to support her.'Hey are you okay?' Eddie asked. But Lilly had other plans. She turned herself around before Eddie could reach her and pushed him to the table behind them.
she crawled towards him and let in swift move she was sitting in front of him.'Let me make you cum now~ ' Lilly said with a wink before she took him in her hand. Slowly pumping up and down. She knew Eddie was almost there by the hiss he let out when she touched him. Lily was fast as she sped up her pumping making him let out a groan. 'I didn't know you did this Lilith' Eddie said. 'Shut up you.' Lilly said before she licked the tip.Making him grab her hair. Lilly let her tongue roll over the length of his dick.
'Fuck Lillith.' She could feel him twitch and she didn't hestitate. Lilly took him in her mouth and bopped her head up and down. 'Fuu....ckk.' Eddie brought out before grabbing her hair with both his hands. 'Princess i'm gonna...' Eddie brought out before he actually came. Lilly took him down completely making him shoot his load in the back of her throat. She softly sucked on him before slowly pulling herself back. And when she let go she swallowed. Looking at him with a smirk.
He let go of her hair and rested his hands on the table behind him. Lilly licked her bottom lip looking at him.'For fucks sake Lillith you make me fall for you even more.' Eddie said with a smirk as he dressed himself again.
He helped her to her feet and put her clothes back on. They did however switch shirts. Because Eddie needed his Hellfire shirt back.She was wearing his long sleeve shirt. she tucked it in her pants.
'Are you okay to drive home?' Eddie asked her after they both came back to their senses. 'I'm fine Eddie.' Lilly said with a smile as they had locked the classroom and ran back to the front of the school. Eddie had walked her back to her car.
Lilly had opened the door but Eddie pushed it back. Turning her around putting his hands on her hips.
'Elizabeth Johnson.' He said looking in her eyes. To which Lilly looked up at him.
He had never used her full name. 'I know we hardly know eachother but god you have me in the palm of your hand' He said grabbing her hand.
'I'd like to know if you would want to see some more of me.' He said as he looked in Lilly's eyes. 'What do you even mean Eddie?' Lilly said smiling at him.'God Eddie you're the only thing i think about.' Lilly said smiling at him pulling him in for a kiss. she pulled her arms around his neck and he snaked his hands around her waist pushing her against the car. They broke the kiss. 'God Eddie please, you fucked me just ten minutes ago.' Lilly said with a smirk pushing him off her.
she opened the door and stepped in the car. 'But what does this even mean now..' Eddie asked a little confused.Lilly smirked and chuckled at him being confused.
'Just meet me tonight after your whole job aka drug deal thing.' Lilly said when she started the car. 'You can come up with the drainpipe right?' She said a huge grin on her face before backing up the car and winking at him before driving away. To which Eddie shook his head. How can someone make him feel like that. But god did he like her.
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liesareeasier · 2 years
'Home To Hawkins' Chapter 10: Lighting Fires
‘Home To Hawkins' is an Eddie Munson/ Stranger Things Inspired Fanfiction
By: MoonFlowerWrites on WattPad
A/N: Hey everyone! Here’s another chapter of my Eddie Munson fan-fic! I’ll be posting a chapter for this every few days, so check for updates. :) This is kind of a strangers to friends to lovers story. There will be smut and mature content in this chapter/ story, so please stop reading if you’re not 18+. Thanks for checking out my story and I hope you enjoy it!! xx
~ Abbey, the writer. :) <3 xx
Word Count: 8,000 words :)
A/n: Hello there! Sorry for a late update. I was busy tonight and meant to get it posted earlier, but wanted to make sure it was fully edited before putting it out. I hope you all are liking this story so far. I'm really having so much fun writing it. I was nervous to start writing this story, because I had been working on an outline for it for so long, but your support and reads mean so much to me. Every singe one of you who read my story make me feel so good, so thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I'll post a note on here soon with my social media links, so you can get updates before I post my chapters. Thanks for reading!!!
xx, abbey, the writer c:
The piercing beep from the alarm clock going off was loud enough to wake the dead, so I couldn't help but laugh when Eddie slapped the clock to turn it off and pulled a pillow right over his head. He let out a series of adorable grunts before turning over a few times and falling back asleep. I wasn't as lucky as him since I had to get a shower in and be at work soon.
I softly kissed my sleeping Eddie on his shoulder before slipping out of bed. The room was nearly pitch black, so I turned on the small lamp on the desk to hunt for some clothes to wear. I couldn't help but smile when I saw the beautiful flowers that he had gotten me sitting on the desk.
The faint, floral aroma from their petals filled the room with the most delicious smell. Eddie truly surprised me last night with how thoughtful and sweet he was. I had suspected that he had this side to him and felt lucky that I was the one he allowed to see it. No matter how rough or spirited he usually came off, it felt like a front at times. He seemed to be his true, gentle self in front of me. I appreciated that side of him.
After going to stare at the flowers some more, I seriously needed to start getting ready. When I was trying to find an outfit, I suddenly realized how clean the room was. The shirts and pants that had been strewn about from last night's outfit search were folded on the plaid chair in the corner. My makeup that had been strewn across the desk was all back in its bag and the extra pillows from the bed were now stacked neatly next to the side of it.
Oh my god... Eddie cleaned the room after I passed out last night... The guy who barely cleans his own room did this for me...
A couldn't wipe the smile from my face as I dug through my bag for an outfit. Figuring that I would have some marks visible on my neck and chest from Eddie, I grabbed an orange turtleneck with a striped collar and cuffs, my black jeans, some back cotton underwear, and a matching bra. I gazed over at Eddie who was cuddled up in bed as I walked to the bathroom. I hoped that I wouldn't wake him but selfishly I wanted to see him before I left for work. I closed the door softly behind me and started getting ready for my long day.
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I was a bit nervous to meet with Luke at the movie theater today. The pressure I was putting on myself was probably the source of my anxieties, and not based on any real reason for fear, but navigating being a business owner was proving to be even more stressful than I had originally thought. Not like I believed that it would be easy, but I had more riding on the video store being successful than I had first thought.
I didn't plan for this opportunity to turn into what it had. I met some incredible people in this town and now felt like I owed it to them for this deal to work out. We could make it on our own but I wanted something more, something meaningful to come out of my time here.
Coming here was only supposed to be temporary at first but it felt like my home again. What I was building with Robin, Steve, Eddie, Max, and the others was making it worth it to stay. I had never felt pressure like this before in my life and I was hoping that I was up to the challenge. I had people that were depending on me; I simply couldn't fail them.
After taking a steaming shower and getting dressed, I made my way back out to the bedroom. I had my hair wrapped in my towel and sat at the desk to start doing a light face of makeup. Luckily, I didn't need to cover my hickeys since my turtleneck was doing the job. I loved seeing them on my skin but nobody else needed to. I could practically still feel Eddie's lips on me and wanted nothing more than to just stay in bed with him all day, but that would have to wait for another time.
Maybe after I hire a store manager I can finally take a day off to spend with him... I just can't leave the store when we only have a few employees on staff... Though, I would love to rile Steve up and schedule him alone with Keith for a day... Hmm...
When I was just finishing my mascara, I heard Eddie stirring over in the bed. I took the towel off of my head, shook out my already brushed hair, and went to lay with Eddie for a minute. I'd have to leave soon for work but I didn't want to start my day without cuddling with him. Eddie sleepily wrapped his arms around me as he cuddled up to my side. He looked up at me, flashed a cute, drowsy half-smile, and rested his head on my chest.
"Good morning, sweetheart," he mumbled as he struggled to stay awake.
"Good morning, Eds," I said as I leaned down to kiss him on his forehead. "I'm about to leave for work but I'm glad I got to see you."
"Mm, can't you just stay here?" He sweetly asked as he held me tighter to him.
"I wish I could, trust me I do, but soon I can," I answered, trying to hide my sadness. I wished more than anything that I could tear my clothes off and never leave this room but I didn't have a choice.
I continued as he gazed up at me, "I have to meet with a potential partner today and get interviews set up for this week. Once we have a manager and a larger staff, I can take a couple days off."
"I'd like that," he said as he leaned up to kiss me.
Our lips moved rhythmically together for a moment before Eddie pulled away and cupped my face in his hands, "well, what are your plans for tonight? Wanna stay over at my place?"
"I'd love to," I said as I kissed him once more before starting to get out of bed.
"Perfect. I want you to meet my uncle," he said with a budding grin.
"Doesn't he work nights?" I wondered as I grabbed my bag and started looking for my keys, which I was always losing.
"He does, he does," Eddie said as he sat up in bed and continued nervously. "He'll be home before you leave for work in the morning. I know it's kind of weird timing, and you don't have to say yes, but the offer is there."
"I really want to, Eddie. I've just been wondering when you'd ask me," I assured him as I grabbed my keys that were hiding on the corner of my desk and walked back over to the side of the bed.
I slipped the room key off of the ring and handed it to Eddie before continuing, "I'll come by after work if that's okay. I can't wait to meet him. And here, please take this. Stay here until you wake up some more and I can just get it from you later."
Eddie sat up on his knees in the bed, grabbed the key from me, and pulled me in for another kiss. I dropped my bag next to me and joined him in the bed for just a minute more. I wrapped my legs around him, straddling him while our lips moved together. He held me around my waist and tangled his free hand in my damp curls. I had to force myself to pull away, fearful that if I stayed for a moment longer, I would throw all of my responsibilities out the window.
"Fuck, baby... do you have to go?" Eddie teased as he held onto my hand as I stood up to grab my bag.
"No, let's stay in here forever and never leave," I joked.
"Sounds like a pretty good plan to me," Eddie said with that devilishly pretty smile of his. "No, but seriously, I'll drop your keys off to you today. What time is your meeting?"
"Noon, so I should be back to the store by one, but who knows... This guy didn't sound too thrilled on the phone so I might be back sooner than that," I said with an eye roll, dreading the potential failure that awaited me.
"I'm sure it'll go just fine. You have nothing to worry about, sweetheart. Don't doubt yourself," he said as he stood up out of bed to hug me.
I wrapped my arms around him, drinking in every last second before I left. This was just the boost of confidence that I needed. I was usually so sure of myself but just couldn't shake that mounting pressure that I had put on myself. Eddie's assurance truly made me feel like everything was going to work out.
It will... It has to...
"By the way," Eddie continued, "I'm sorry again about the fire last night. I really hope that didn't ruin it. I know you said that it didn't but..." he trailed off, trying to read my reaction but I couldn't help but smile.
"Please stop apologizing about it. It wasn't your fault. Like you said, we just didn't notice how windy it had gotten. I was a little preoccupied with how good you made me feel," I said as I leaned up for one more kiss. "You called Dustin last night, right?"
"I did, I did," he said as he sunk back into the bed and reached for the remote. "After you fell asleep, I remembered that I had to. I was so tired but I just couldn't fall sleep."
"Well, catch up on a little now. I'll see you at the store later, okay?" I said as I stood in the doorway to leave.
"See you later, Violet," he said with a wink.
"Bye, Eds," I said with a wave as I slipped out the door.
I started up my car and popped in some Fleetwood Mac to start my day. Still high from my night with Eddie, I made my way to the store. I was determined to make today work out for me. My grandparents were the kind of people who never gave up, and after all, I was doing this in their memory. I knew that they would be proud of me for taking on this challenge. I just needed to channel their energy and let it fuel me.
I've got this... I've got this... I've got this...
When I pulled into the lot, I could see Keith's car parked out front. He wasn't sitting inside, so he must have been waiting for me out back. I was trying not to let Steve's judgment of him get into my head, but he was pretty boring. That kind of energy was exactly what I needed to relax this morning, though. I'd take boring any day over having someone like Paul back on our staff.
I made my way around to the back of the store and saw Keith leaned up against the wall. He gave me a wave and grumbled hello, seemingly tired, but trying to perk up judging by the coffee in his hand. I was jealous since I hadn't stopped at the diner today but I didn't want to be too jittery from caffeine at my meeting later.
Hopefully, I would be able to stay awake through the day without it. Robin and Steve were coming in at 11:30, so I'd be able to finish the shift with them. They always put me in a good mood, so regardless of how the meeting was going to go, I knew that the end of my shift would make me happy. I wished that I could fast-forward through time until after the meeting to when I had planned on getting a large coffee to properly wake up, but since I lacked the superpowers to do so, I'd just have to wait until then.
The morning with Keith went by swimmingly. We had a few customers but nothing we couldn't handle. We spent the time tending to them, restocking the snacks that we had run out of because of the Halloween sale, and putting back all of the returns from the return box. There were a decent amount due to the holiday weekend but they were mostly horror, action, and kids' movies, so they were easy enough to organize.
With the clock ticking down the minutes to my meeting at the theater, Robin and Steve came bursting through the door a few minutes before their shift was slated to start. They were laughing with each other about something. I couldn't figure out what the source of their smiles was until they walked closer to the cash registers, where I was standing.
Clutched in Steve's hands was the Michael Myers mask that Eddie must have left in his bathroom on Saturday night. My heart grew hot with slight embarrassment as I tried my best to keep a reaction off of my visibly stunned face. Steve would just love it if he riled me up and I wasn't about to give him that satisfaction.
Steve greeted me with a smug smile and a wink as he and Robin approached, "hey there, killer. Think your boyfriend left this in my bathroom."
"Steve, I told you to leave that in the damn car," Robin said as she tried to snatch the mask from his hands but he kept a tight grip on it
"Ah, ah, ah, not so fast, Robin," Steve said as he held it out to me and I grabbed it from him.
Steve continued as he leaned against the counter and crossed his arms, "this belongs to Violet here."
"Hi Steve, thanks," I said calmly as I felt my skin flush. "Hey, Robin!"
"Hey! I'm gonna go put my bag away and get clocked in," she said as she turned her attention back to Steve. "I suggest you do the same and leave her alone."
"He's fine," I said before Steve could speak. "I'll get it back to Eddie."
Robin and Steve went to put their things away in their lockers while I waited for them in the front of the store. I tucked the mask into my bag before they got back. I needed to head out soon to get to the theater on time, since it was in the next town over, but I still had a few minutes until I had to leave.
Thankfully, Robin came back out before Steve. The action of him bringing that mask into work was starting to piss me off. We had such a good night the other night and the last time I saw him, he was thanking me up and down for helping him. Steve could be hard to read sometimes but I felt like he was annoyed with me or something. I was hoping that wasn't the case but I could tell that there was something up with him. Finding out what was wrong would have to wait until later and bother me until then.
"Hey, sorry about cranky pants. I don't know what crawled up his ass today," Robin said quietly as she came right up and gave me a hug after clocking in.
"It's fine," mouthed back as I pulled away and Steve approached.
After giving them the breakdown for the day, I continued, "so, you guys will be okay until I get back?"
"Yeah, we'll be fine, boss," Steve replied.
"We can handle anything! Don't worry about coming back in," Robin said with a reassuring smile.
"Well, Eddie has my keys, so he has to stop by the store today. I'll be back right after my meeting with coffees for you guys," I said with a slant smile, thinking once again about our wonderful night together.
"Your room keys?" Robin asked as she raised a curious eyebrow at me. "He stayed over again?"
"Yes. He um- he took me on a date last night and it was pretty late, so yes, he stayed over," I answered.
"Good for you," Steve grumbled under his breath, thinking I couldn't hear him but he was mistaken.
"Okay, in that case, you better come back here and tell me everything," Robin said.
"Will do. I have to get heading out now, but I'll be back as soon as I can," I said and turned my attention to Steve. "Everything alright Steve?"
"Yeah, fine," he said as he shrugged. "Can we talk for a sec before you leave, though?"
"Yeah, do you mind talking while I walk to my car?" I asked as I slung my bag over my shoulder.
"After you," he said as he held his arm out, pointing toward the door.
"Bye Robin," I said as we started making our way outside. "Iced mocha, right?
"See you later, with all the juicy details," Robin teased with a wave. "And yes! A large please."
"You got it," I smiled back as Steve held the door open for me.
"You two and your coffee addiction," Steve laughed with a joking eye roll.
At least I hope he's joking... I hate feeling like he's mad at me for something...
Steve stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked with me out to my car. For the life of me, I couldn't gauge how he was feeling or where this conversation was going to go. I also didn't have much time to talk, but I wanted to hear him out. Whatever was bothering him, I owed him that much. He had been a good friend to me since I got into town.
"What's up, Steve?" I asked as I leaned against the hood of my car, its cold surface sending a slight chill through me.
"Nothing I- I know you have to leave but I was wondering if we could hang out later. I need someone to talk to about-" he said, stopping his train of thought as a puzzled look graced his face and I could instantly feel what this was regarding.
"About Nancy?" I boldly asked as I fished my keys out of my bag.
"How'd you know?" He asked as the confused look on his face grew even more.
"I just figured," I answered. "Are you okay?"
"I don't know... She called me yesterday and it's been driving me wild," he said as he ran his hands frantically through his flowing brown hair.
He continued as I started unlocking my car, "do you have time to come over today?"
"I'll meet you there after work," I said as I rated my hand on his arm.
"You sure? You and Max or Eddie don't have plans or anything?" He asked.
"Of course I'm sure. I'm hanging out with Eddie tonight but my afternoon is open. You'll be okay until then?" I reassured and wondered.
"Thank you so much," he said in a much lighter tone as he pulled me in for a hug.
I wrapped my arms around his slim frame and held him close for a minute. I knew that he needed someone to comfort him. It hurt seeing him so down and I would do anything in my power to help him.
He continued when we moved apart, resting his hands in his back pockets, "you guys seem really good, by the way. I've never seen Eddie so happy before."
"He's pretty incredible," I said, not able to hide my embarrassingly giddy smile. "He took me on the sweetest date last night. I um- I wasn't expecting to meet someone like him."
"I can't wait to hear about it when you get back," he smiled knowing that his friend was happy. "Now get your ass to that meeting before you're late! Good luck today."
"Bye Steve, and thank you," I said as I ducked into my car.
"Drive safe. I'll see you later," he said as he closed my door behind me and waved as I started up my car.
He stood near the front door of the video store as I started leaving the parking lot. I waved back to him and cranked the music in my car. I couldn't help but wonder how Steve's conversation with Nancy went.
What did she say?! Fuck... I hope he's okay... I hope he can open up to Robin a bit before I get back... How did it go?! Good? Bad? God... This is going to drive me crazy...
Thoughts about what they could have possibly talked about consumed my thoughts as I made my way to the theater. I tried my best to stay focused on the road, but the map I was following and my short conversation with Steve were taking up a lot of my attention. I bobbed my head aging with my music and tried to refocus on the task at hand. The sweet voice of Stevie Nicks was just the medicine that I needed to get me back on track.
My nerves were flowing through me as I pulled into the parking lot of the movie theater. There were a few cars in the lot, presumably there for some matinee shows, and I hoped that they would still have enough time for the meeting. The tone of the guy on the phone was still ringing in my ears. I was probably just reading the situation wrong and I needed to shake off my hesitations so that today's meeting would be successful.
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I pulled myself together, turned down the music in my car, and went to get out. Before I shut my door, I remembered the Michael Myers mask taking up a large space in my bag. I grabbed it out and whipped it onto the front seat. The last thing I needed in my meeting was to be reminded of Eddie. He'd quickly take up all my thoughts and I needed to try to be serious.
I'm a business owner now... I have to secure this deal for the store... Gag with me a spoon... I sound like such a square...
There wasn't anyone standing in the ticket window when I walked up, so I decided to just head straight inside. The delicious smell of popcorn smacked me in the face when I swung the door open. A few people were in line for the concessions and not many employees walking around, so I took my spot in the queue and waited for someone to be available to talk.
After the customers in front of me were done ordering their popcorn, candy, and sodas, I was next in line. I was greeted by a brunette, high-school-aged girl which a large smile. She asked me what movie I was here to see and what she could get for me, but I told her my real reason for being there.
"Hi, I'm actually here to see Luke. We have a meeting set up for noon," I said as I shifted nervously on my feet and clutched onto my bag.
"Okay, I'll go grab him. He's been in the office all morning," she said. "I'll be right back."
"Thank you so much," I said as I moved off to the side to stay out of the way of any other customers.
After a couple of minutes of waiting, the girl who greeted me took her spot back behind the concession counter and a man started making his way toward me. He was tall, mid-thirties, and had a video-game nerd meets hippie vibe about him. His long, black hair was twisted up in a bun and he was wearing a floral button-down shirt with brown slacks. He greeted me with a serious look and a firm handshake.
"Hello. Violet, I assume? I'm Luke," he said as he released my hand.
"Yes, hello," I said with a false sense of confidence. "Nice to meet you."
"You as well," he replied in a nicer tone than on the phone, making me drop my guard. "If you want to follow me to my office, we can chat in there."
"Perfect," I answered as I stared following him toward a red door in the back of the room, just past the row of theaters.
Luke closed to office door behind us, cutting us off from the low rumbles of the movies they had playing. I took a seat in one of the red leather chairs as he took his spot behind his black desk. Its surface was littered with papers and a few picture frames but they were turned around and I couldn't see what they held. I twisted my fingers together as we started what would hopefully be a fruitful conversation.
"So, you called talking about a partnership of some kind?" Luke started, not wasting either of our time by getting straight to the point of today.
"Yes, yes I did," I said as I relaxed my shoulders and tried to calm my nerves once more. "I'm the new owner of the Family Video over in Hawkins and we're looking for a theater to link up with."
"Hawkins? Okay, I thought you said that over the phone. Sorry, when you called the other day we were swamped so I apologize if I was a little rude or if I was short with you," he said as he leaned onto his elbows on the desk.
"Yes, Hawkins. My grandparents owned the store before me and they passed it down to me," I said. "And you don't need to apologize for anything. I understand."
"So, what would this partnership look like in your eyes? What would be the benefit for us to, say, join up with you?" He asked as he stared pointedly at me.
I took a breath and a moment to gather my thoughts before responding, "I know it's a little bit strange, out of the ordinary if you will, but we'd love to set up a regular movie night with your theatre. We could promote new releases for you in our store and I heard that you've also shown old movies here in the past. I think we could have a good thing going here if we could work out the logistics."
"I see, I see," Luke said as he leaned back in his chair and took in what I said. "We've never done anything like this before..."
"I figured, and I know it could be a lot to ask. I only want us to both be successful and collaborating with another local company could provide some much-needed entertainment in our towns," I said, trying my best to convince him but feeling slightly underwater. I'd never negotiated a deal or run a business before and I wasn't sure what I was doing. I just knew that I had to try, no matter how uncomfortable of forward this felt.
"So, what do you have in mind specifically?" He asked curiously as his eyebrows raised and he scratched at his untrimmed beard.
"Well, I thought we could start out with one night a month," I started, taking a deep breath before continuing. "There's been a rise in theaters showing old movies that people might have missed on the first showing. We could provide the reels of film we want to show, some food for the guests, and advertise for the event in our store. I was thinking that we could do a different genre each month, keeping with whichever are the most popular here."
"We don't show the mainstream movies that people around here seem to go nuts for. You know that, right?" He asked.
"I do. That's why I called you specifically," I answered with a smile as I finally felt myself relaxing. "You guys show mostly indie and horror films, correct?"
"We do, we do," he answered with a slow nod.
"Well, with our established client base and your venue, I really think that we could both benefit from this," I said confidently.
"I'll tell you what," he started ominously as he leaned back onto his elbows. "I think so too."
A wave of relief swept over my body. Our conversation had been nerve-wracking but now it felt like my fears were all for nothing. This is just what our store needed and it felt overwhelmingly good to feel needed as well.
He continued since I was too happily stunned to speak, "let's start with what you said, one night a month. You can even pick the first movie that we show. If it goes well, we can talk about doing this more often and, if it goes well, expand from there."
"Wow, thank you so much. This is- thank you," I said as I stood up to shake his hand before sitting back down in the comfortable chair.
"Like I said, even though we've never done anything like this before, you have me interested. I also went to high school in Hawkins, so I have a sweet spot for my hometown," he said with a kind smile as he turned around one the photos on his desk to reveal him standing in front of the high-school. "It's nice that you want to help spread some interesting media to a town that needs it."
"That's all I want. I'm not trying to change this town, I just want to help," I said as I started gathering my bag back onto my lap. "When do you want to set up the first night?"
"I'll give you a call tomorrow to nail down the details regarding the time, film selection, and food, but how does two weeks from Friday work for you?" Luke asked.
"That sounds perfect," I answered.
"Here, write down the number for the store and your information on this," he said as he handed me a ballpoint pen and a thick stack of blue post-its. "I'll call you around one tomorrow to get everything sorted out."
"Amazing, thank you again," I said as I scrawled down my name, the store's address, and phone number.
"Of course. Anything to help out another local business owner. Well, I'm only a part owner here but still," he said as he stood up and I followed suit. "Here, I'll walk you out the front, partner."
Luke held out his hand for me to shake again before he led me to the front of the theater. He sent me on my way with a smile and a wave as he held the door open for me. I returned his favor and headed back to my car. I had to fight the urge to literally jump for joy and scream with excitement but held myself back from overly reacting until I got back to my car.
I hopped into the front seat and kicked my feet as I started up my car. I felt like I was high. The meeting had gone better than I thought. I'd gone into it so nervous for no reason at all. It felt like my efforts here were actually going to pay off. After the robbery during my first week here, I didn't know how the store was going to recover. This expansion and exposure were going to be great for the both of us.
Luke seemed like a nice guy once I sat down with him. I couldn't fault him for being grumpy during our first phone call. We'd started off a bit rocky but we were already planning our first event together and all of that was out the window and forgotten. I headed back to the store as I jammed out to some Fleetwood Mac, per usual.
Now to just pick the perfect movie for our first night... Fuck!!! I can't believe I did it... I really fucking did it...
I had swung by the diner on my way back to the store to grab coffees for us. Keith had gone home for the day, so I just ordered three, but I definitely owed him one soon. He had been such a big help to me. He didn't have to stay on staff after the robbery but he did. I was grateful to have him and Robin and Steve standing behind me. I couldn't wait to tell them all about our new venture.
When I pulled into the parking lot, my heart skipped a beat when I saw Eddie's van parked out front. I was thankful for my timing and that I didn't miss him. The meeting had gone on a little longer than I had planned so I was excited that we could see each other, if only briefly during my shift.
I made my way through the front doors and was greeted by Robin who had a worried look on her face. I could hear Eddie and what sounded like Dustin bickering off on the side of the store, while Steve tried to calm Dustin down. I could tell that he was worked up about something serious as I handed Robin her drink and went over to deliver Steve's.
"What's going on?" I asked Robin as we made our way across the store.
"I'm not sure really. They just got here and then I saw you pulling in," Robin said as she took a sip of her iced mocha. "Damn, this is good. But Dustin was saying something about the lake and Eddie being irresponsible, so I'm just as curious as you."
My stomach formed a pit and a rush of heat shot through my body. I swore that we had put the fire out last night but maybe we hadn't. There had been some damage from the embers that had caught on the blankets, but it wasn't anything too serious. I hoped that I was just jumping to conclusions but Dustin's panicked tone when I approached told me that we had royally fucked up last night.
"Oh, here she is. She can explain, Henderson," Eddie said in an anxious tone as Robin and I approached. "Tell him, Violet. Tell him we put that damn fire out."
"What fire?" Robin asked before I could speak.
Fuck, fuck, fuck...
"We did, we put it out, Dustin. I swear," I said before turning my attention to answer Robin. "We had a fire out by the lake last night and some of the embers caught the edge of the blanket we were on, but it was out when we left, I promise it was."
"Holy shit," Robin said as she took a long sip of her drink.
"Well, no you guys didn't," Dustin said frantically to Eddie. "The whole blanket, the pillows, and the base of the tree next to it were lit up like a damn Christmas tree when Mike and I went to clean up last night. You guys are lucky my generator was fine and the tv didn't explode. That would have made it even worse."
"Henderson, I told you. Violet told you. We put that damn fire out," Eddie said as he scooted next to me.
"Then why is he in here freaking out?" Steve wondered as I passed his black coffee to him and he took a swig.
"Because none of you are listening to me, seriously," Dustin replied.
"No, we are," I said as I put my hand on his shoulder. "Are you guys okay? You got it out, right?"
"Yeah, we did. It took almost the whole lake to put it out but thankfully Mike had some empty McDonald's cups in his car. We filled them up about a million times and got it put out eventually," Dustin said as he scratched his head.
"Eddie, how did it catch again? It was out when we left. I know it was..." I trailed off as a fearful chill crept up my spine.
"I don't know, sweetheart. I don't know," Eddie answered as he slipped his arm around my waist to comfort me.
"Well, someone needs to figure this out because this wasn't some normal fire," Dustin insisted.
"What are you saying?" Steve and Robin asked in unison as they stared at Dustin.
"I'm saying that something didn't feel right," he replied.
"So we're here fighting where we work because of a 'feeling' you have. Here we go," Steve said with air quotes as he dramatically rolled his eyes.
"Hear him out, Steve," Robin said seriously.
"Clarify, Henderson, clarify," Eddie suggested as he seemed to be taking Dustin's fears more seriously.
"I'm not doing this again. There are customers coming in that need help," Steve said as he brushed past us and went to help two guys who had just walked in
"The fire was bright red and took way more water to put out than I should have," Dustin started before continuing after taking a long breath. "At one point, it started to grow again right as Mike dumped a full, large cup of water onto it. I'm telling you, it was fucking weird."
"Language," Eddie scolded.
"Whatever. I need you guys to take me seriously," Dustin said.
"We are, Dustin. Here, go grab a movie and some snacks on the house," I said as I led Dustin over to the middle of the store before heading back over to Robin and Eddie.
Steve came back over since the customers were already checked out as Dustin perused the store for something to watch. I could tell that he just needed a distraction to calm down. I wasn't trying to manage him or push him out of the conversation, but we could figure this out without further stressing him out.
"So, the kid has a point, doesn't he?" Steve asked as he leaned against a display and crossed his arms.
"I think he does," I said as I rolled my lips nervously together. "Why does this keep happening?"
"What do you mean by that, Vi?" Robin asked as they all stared at me.
"Well, Dustin said that the fire was glowing red and it just kind of clicked," I answered nervously.
"What clicked, babe?" Eddie asked as he stood back and crossed his arms, matching Steve's worried energy.
"That first night I came to your house when I almost just that deer, I didn't tell you everything. Its eyes- its eyes were glowing bright red. I thought it could have just been because of my headlights or that I was seeing things but now..." I trailed off for a moment before continuing. "After the robbery, there were some bright embers in the trash can where Paul had burned our records. It looked kind of strange but brushed it off. And then last night, when Eddie and I were um- talking in the van, the fire picked up out of nowhere. We fully put it out. I know we did. This makes no sense."
"Jesus, Violet," Steve said as he threw his arms up. "Why the hell didn't you say anything until now?"
"Let up, Stevie," Eddie defended me as he mocked Steve.
"He's fine," I said. "You're right, Steve. I should have told you guys. I just thought I was making something out of nothing."
"What the hell do we do?" Robin asked. "I mean- it can't be... We can't do this again. It can't be..."
"It's not, Buckley, it's not," Eddie said as he tried to calm her down. "Look, it's just gotta be a coincidence. If something else happens, then we can do something about it."
"This seems like just a lot to ignore, Eddie," Robin said, unable to hide the worried quiver in her voice.
Their collective fear was palpable and I felt sick to know that I had kept this a secret from them. I truly thought nothing of the strange happenings until last night. I didn't want to worry them any more than they already were, but I couldn't brush this off this off any longer.
"No, she's right, Eds," I said as I went to stand next to Robin, wrapped my arm around her shoulders, and rubbed her arm with my fingers to calm her down. "This is all too weird to ignore now. I can't begin to imagine what you guys have gone through before, and I hope that this isn't that, but we can't just ignore all of this."
"Shit, no, I know," Eddie said as he rubbed at his chin nervously. "What the hell do we do?"
"Okay, okay... Fill Henderson in when you guys leave and try not to work him up too much," Steve suggested. "Until we know what this is, we need to try and stay calm. This could just be nothing, after all. I love Dustin, obviously trust the kid, but he does have a tendency to get a little too worked up sometimes."
Steve sounded like he was trying to convince himself as much as us. He patted Eddie on the shoulder as he went to help Dustin narrow down the selections that he was juggling at the front counter. I stood with Eddie for a moment as Robin pulled away from my touch and walked to the back room to collect herself.
I leaned over and wrapped myself around Eddie. He held me tightly as I tried to stay calm but I could tell that he was just as worried as I was. He almost felt like he was shaking and I held onto his hand as I pulled away.
"So, you guys think this is the Upside Down place, don't you?" I asked as I looked into his soft brown eyes.
"I really fucking hope not. I don't want to drag you into all of this. I never wanted this," he said as he brushed my hair behind my ear with his free hand.
"You're not, Eddie. If this is that, I want to help but I hope it's nothing," I said as I faked a smile.
"We're going to figure this out. I'm so sorry baby," Eddie said as we started walking to the front of the store.
I didn't want Eddie to leave but I needed to get back to work. We'd have all night to hang out and talk, even if it was about this. He made me feel safe and there was nobody else that I wanted to spend tonight with. We stood by the front counter for a minute while he gave me back my room key.
"I don't really want to give these back," Eddie teased as he fished my keyring out of his jacket pocket and reluctantly handed them over to me.
"You can stay over whenever you want," I said as I tucked them into my bag and took a sip of my nearly empty iced mocha.
"So, I'll see you tonight?" He asked.
"Yes. What time should I come over?" I asked.
"Whenever you're free. I'll be home all night," Eddie said with a pretty smile.
"Okay, well, I'm stopping by Steve's on my way home then I just have to pack a little bag and I'll be over. So, I'll probably get there at 6, if that's okay," I said.
"Perfect. See you then, sweetheart," Eddie said as he held my face in his hands and I leaned in to kiss him.
This was the first time that anyone had seen us kiss, so we had to keep it appropriate. Even though we were in my workplace, I couldn't help myself. I kissed him softly a few times before I forced myself to step back. Thankfully there weren't currently any customers in the store to see us but I couldn't ignore the stares from Robin, Dustin, and Steve. They quickly started to pretend like they were busy when I looked their way and my cheeks flushed.
"Shows over kids," Eddie said to them with a laugh before looking back at me. "And I'll see you tonight." He smiled at me and started holding the door open for Dustin to follow him. 
"Thanks for these, by the way," Dustin said to me as he held up a movie and some candy he'd picked out. "Sorry for doing this here. These idiots just never listen to me."
"It's okay, Dustin and you're welcome," I said. "Bye Eddie."
Eddie winked at me before grabbing Dustin lightly by the shoulder and leading him back to his van. I was trying to process everything that happened but I still had to get some work done in the back before we left today. There were only a couple more open hours here and I wanted to get a jump on preparing for our store manager interviews this week. I wasn't sure if it could, but the fire issue would have to wait until later. I walked past Steve and Robin talking to each other and made my way into the office, trying to hide my worried expression all the while.
When the store had been locked and the drawers were counted, we were all ready to head out. Steve just had to drop Robin off at her place and I was going to meet him at his. I still needed to fill Robin in on my date with Eddie, but that would just have to wait until tomorrow. She had heard the gist of it when Dustin was here earlier and my brain was in a million other places.
We all walked out the back and over to our cars together. I wished that Steve would open up to Robin about the drama with Nancy but I wasn't going to push him. He knew that Robin and Nancy were friends and probably just didn't want to make her feel like she was in the middle. Since I wasn't going to be seeing her until tomorrow, I pulled her in for a long hug before we left each other. I still hadn't told her about my meeting with Luke but we had others things to figure out, and it was far from my mind at this point.
"I'm so sorry about all of this, Robin. I promise I'll do anything to help, whatever this is," I said when I pulled back.
"It isn't your fault, Vi. I hope it isn't what we think because- because damn it that would fucking suck," Robin said as she ran her fingers through her messy hair. "See you tomorrow?"
"Yes, I can pick you up before work if you want me to," I offered.
"I'd love that," she said as she tried to smile but couldn't quite fake it.
"Everything is going to be okay, Robin. I swear we'll figure this out," I said trying to reassure her.
"Sure, sure. See you later," she said as she waved and ducked into Steve's car.
"I'll meet you at my place," Steve said with a slanted smile.
"I'll wait for you there," I said to him as I unlocked my car door. "Drive safe."
"You too," Steve said as he got into his car and turned it on as he closed his door.
Today had been such a long day and it was far from over. I switched from my Fleetwood Mac tape to a Metallica one. I needed to zone out before this inevitably heavy conversation with Steve. I tried as hard as I could to put the stresse of today far behind me, cranking up the heavy music as I made my way to his house.
Fuck... This can't be the Upside Down... It just can't be... From what Max said, they had destroyed it... Right?! Oh god... I don't want them to have to face this again... Can I face this?! Can I handle this?! Fuck...
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asthedeathoflight · 3 months
I think an underrated angle on 2x05 is something that either Jacob or Assad said in some interview somewhere, which is that in that episode Louis is addicted to heroin. Thats why he has that whole stash of drugs that he gives to Daniel, that's why he gives Daniel the drugs even though he's already got him alone. He didn't just use those 128 boys for sex he was using them to get high. Bring them home, get them to shoot up, and then drain them to get that secondhand high.
It clarifies something that's always confused me about that scene, which is why Armand saves Daniel the first time. He wouldn't save Daniel as a person, he clearly knows Daniel needs to die, but he's not seeing Daniel as a person there. Daniel is just a substance. He rips him away from Louis to stop him from using.
And i think that adds a whole other layer to the fight he and Armand have to think that this is Louis on a bender, with Armand cleaning up after him because he's not stable enough to. Louis in the bed for a week isn't just healing from the burns, he's going through withdrawal. Him at the table with Daniel giving him the "bright young reporter" speech is probably the first time he's been sober in months.
It adds another layer to Armand's desperation, that Louis has been running from both Armand and himself in this way, and of course Armand wants to erase that memory. Of course he wants to pretend that that fight never happened. Not just to protect himself but in a way to protect Louis from having said those things. When he describes the fight to Louis afterwards, he says "you said the worst things you've ever said to me." And he doesn't really know how to forgive Louis for that so he just wants to bury this rock-bottom moment and move on like it never happened. After all, Louis was high, he didn't really mean it, but if he remembers then maybe he might think that he had a point. Better to wipe the whole experience away.
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steviesbicrisis · 10 months
To me it’s the fact that Steve assumed Robin had a license but still woke up 3 hours before his work shift to drive her to school everyday.
That is not a plot hole everybody, that is just the kind of person Steve Harrington is.
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ronweasleysleftnut · 2 years
Your Letters My Heart
A Steve x Female! Reader angsty love story tehee
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Steve had been gone for 4 months now. Y/n didn't know how to feel about it. If she was honest, she missed him. She missed him so much she could barely breathe. She sat most days just staring at their pictures together, the ones she had developed just so she could hang them on her mirror. But at the same time, she felt an unbearable hatred towards him. He had left her here alone, with nothing but memories to hold herself together.
Steve claimed that he was leaving to "protect her". After he was in the upside down, things went... sour. He left Y/n in California and went back to Hawkins to help everyone. The only person she had left was Joyce, who was only here temporarily before going back herself. Then Y/n would be completely alone.
She heard a knock on her bedroom door. She had been staying in El's room since shes been gone. Right now, she was sitting in her chair at the desk and staring out the window. "Hey Sweetie" Joyce said quietly, and she walked over to where Y/n sat and set down a tray of food. "I made you breakfast" She says, and she kneels down beside the chair she's sitting in.
"Feeling any better today?" She asks, and Y/n looks over at her and puts on a small smile "I'm good" She lies, but Joyce takes it. She pats the girl's hand and stands, "Make sure to eat up!" She says, and turns to leave the room.
Right before she closes the door however, Joyce faces Y/n again. "Remember, I'm leaving tomorrow. I know it'll be hard, but you'll be left here alone" Y/n nodded her head, still facing the window and Joyce nodded back before shutting the door and leaving.
She had brought Y/n a plate with tomato soup and grilled cheese. Y/n played with the food for a little, stirring the soup in a circle and picking off the crust from the bread. But ultimately, she couldn't stomach any of it.
Instead, she turned to her bed and curled up, sleeping the rest of the day.
She woke up the next morning to the sound of Joyce knocking on her door. She got up groggily and unlocked it, letting the woman in. "Sorry to wake you so early" She whispered as she followed Y/n back to her bed where they both sat down.
It was still dark out, and when Y/n looked at the clock next to her, she saw that it was only 4am. "I'm about to leave for the airport" Joyce said, and Y/n nodded in response. "I left you some cash on the counter, and the kitchen is stocked up. We'll be back in a couple months Y/n, 3 at most." Y/n nodded again, and Joyce pulled her into a hug. "I'll call you when I get there" and Joyce pulls away from her, waving as she exits her room.
The reason Y/n wasn't going to Hawkins is because she promised Steve she wouldn't. Now you might think after they broke up she would toss this aside, but when Steve asked he was more serious than she had ever seen him. And so she stuck to it. Joyce tried to convince her to go at first, but held her ground.
Y/n couldn't sleep the rest of that night. She tossed and turned until eventually she just gave up. She got out of bed instead and went out to the kitchen where she went to make hot cocoa. She got out a mug and started boiling the water, but when she went to get the cocoa out it wasn't there.
She went through the other cabinets, and when she couldn't find it she decided to look through the house. She didn't know the floor-plan very well, having moved here in a rush after the incident at Hawkins. And she had mostly spent her time here hidden away in her bedroom.
So as she looked for a closet or pantry, she instead found herself in Joyce's room. She was about to turn around and close the door, when something caught her eye. There was a box on Joyce's ground, at first Y/n figured it was simply files from her job. But when she looked closer, they were all addressed to Y/n herself.
She picked one up, and when she looked at the sender... Her heart skipped a beat. She hadn't seen his name in forever, although she thought of him every day. She picked up another letter, then sifted through them all. And sure enough, they were all from Steve.
Why would Joyce hide these? Y/n picked up the box and brought it out of the room back into the living room. She sat down, the box right beside her, and picked out one of the letters.
She broke the seal on the back and pulled out the plain white paper. Steve's messy cursive was scrawled along the page in blue pen, and she smiled with tears in her eyes as she read his words.
Dear Y/n,
I'm not sure you'll want to read these. We didn't leave it off on good terms, I know that. I hope you're able to forgive me. I never wanted to hurt you, I just wanted what was best. It's going alright down here, or as good as it can when you're fighting Vecna. I miss you.
Love, Steve.
A tear fell onto the paper, and Y/n quickly wiped it away before opening another one.
Dear Y/n,
I haven't received anything back from you. Maybe it's gotten lost in the mail. Maybe they can't reach me. Or maybe you aren't writing back at all... Dustin got hurt today. I should've been watching him... I turned my back for one minute. It's just a little cut, on his arm. He had to get 3 stitches. He says he's okay, but I still feel guilty. I wish you were here, you always make me feel better.
Love, Steve.
Just as she went to open another one, an alarm went off behind her. "Fuck" She whispered. She got up from the couch and ran to the kitchen where she saw her water boiling over and the smoke alarm blaring.
"Fuck fuck fuck" She swore as she rushed to grab a chair, propping it against the cabinet and standing on it to turn off the alarm. Once she turned it off, she turned around and sat on the seat. She sighed before getting up and cleaning the counter where the water boiled over.
It was enough for her that day, and Y/n tucked away the letters before moving back to her bedroom where she laid down and went back to sleep.
She stayed in bed for the rest of that week. She thought too much about the letters, and since she hasn't been able to will herself to get up. She only got up for food and the bathroom, but as soon as her needs were fulfilled she went back to her sanctuary.
Joyce had called when her plane landed, and they had a quick discussion before she rushed off the phone. She hadn't heard from her since. That is, until today.
Y/n was in the kitchen, grabbing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich before going back to her room. That's when she heard the phone ring. Most people knew the Byers were out of town, so there was almost never a call.
She walked over and pulled the phone off the hook, "Hello?" She said quietly, her voice so hoarse she has to clear it. "Y/n" It was Joyce. "Joyce?" She asked, the surprise apparent in her voice. There was only one reason Joyce would call. "Y/n, there's been an accident..."
She was flown to Hawkins immediately. She only had one bag, having had to pack quickly and when she got to Indiana Joyce was waiting for her. "Y/n" She said solemnly, and all the girl could do was nod in response.
They went to Joyce's car, and despite her protest, Joyce brought Y/n straight to the hospital.
When they arrived, Y/n was shaking so much she could barely walk. Joyce guided her through the halls to the hospital room. When she walked in, she could feel her knees go weak at the sight of Steve in the hospital bed.
He was unconscious, and there were tubes connecting him to machines everywhere. There was bandaging over his head, and Y/n could see a bit of dried blood remaining on his forehead.
She moved over to the chair next to his bed and took his hand in her own, "I'll leave you two alone..." Joyce said, and she closed the door behind her. "Stevie..." Y/n whispered, tears starting to form in her eyes again. "I'm so sorry Steve" and she broke down there, her head falling into his lap as she heaved.
She stayed at the hospital that night. After that Joyce made her go back to the hotel room. However she still came during every visiting hour, and stayed by his side the whole time.
The kids came in occasionally, Dustin the most. They'd sit there together, mostly in silence, and wait for him to wake up.
It was a Tuesday when it happened. It was raining hard outside, and Joyce almost refused to take Y/n to the hospital. But she was there, sitting in the same chair by his bed. Y/n hadn't slept the previous night. Instead she sat up and just stared at the ceiling, making shaped out of the popcorn texture.
"I miss you" she muttered to the boy. "I'm sorry I never wrote you back" she whispered, sitting up and looking at him, he's been gaining color back recently but he's still dependent on the machines to breathe. "Joyce hid the letters... I think she did it to protect me" she continued to talk to him, despite not knowing if he could even hear her but she needed to get it out. "I'm so sorry" she said, tears coming to her eyes, "I shouldn't have let you go, I should've come with..."
She sniffed and continued "I'm not mad at you, I promise. I just want you back" and the tears started falling harder than before as she lowered her head and placed it against their joined hands. She repeated the same phrase over and over "Please come back"
That's when she felt his finger twitch. She jumped at the feeling, and instantly her eyes widened at the prospect of him being awake. "Steve?!" She asked, wiping the tears from her face. She saw as his eyes fluttered, and jumped out of her seat.
"Doctor! I need a doctor!" She said, rushing to the door and opening it, yelling into the hallways. "Please he's awake!" A man in a white coat came rushing down the hallway at her shouts, and when they entered back into the room Steve was trying to sit up.
The doctor went over and took his arm, helping him lay back down. "No need to get up!" He said, and Steve didn't say anything but just laid back down. Y/n stood nervously by the door, her leg shaking as she watched the doctor shine a light in Steve's eyes and check his vitals.
He wrote something down in his notebook, and looked up at where Y/n was standing. "Is he okay?" She asked eagerly, and the doctor walked over to where she stood "He's stable, for now" He said, and Y/n gulped before nodding, "He'll need close monitoring, and rest. I'll let you talk to him for a short minute, but then you'll need to let him rest." Y/n nodded along and let the doctor leave the room, just her and Steve left now.
She rushed to her seat and scooted forward grabbing his hands. "Y/n..." He said, his voice hoarse and small as he looked over at her. "Stevie" She responded, trying to prevent the tears that have formed in her eyes from falling. "You're here" He says, and before Y/n can respond he starts coughing violently.
She moves to help him, but he stops and motions for her to sit back down. "I'm fine" He says, and despite Y/n's instincts she trusts him. "I'm sorry" she mutters, and she bites her lip but the tears fall. Steve however, moves his hand and places it on her face, shushing her. "Shhh sweetheart, you did nothing wrong" and he wipes the tears from her face.
"I'll be fine" He says, consoling the girl. "After all, my hair still looks great" and he moves his hand to slick back the mess that his hair currently was, half of it covered by his bandages. "I hate you" She says, laughing through the tears, and Steve smiles down at her "You know you love me"
The doctor came back then, and Y/n was forced to leave while they put Steve in a drug-induced sleep.
She went back to the Wheeler's house where Joyce, Hopper, and all the kids were waiting. She explained what had happened, and the next day they all went to visit Steve. It was a slow recovery, but the boy got better.
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s9fti3 · 3 months
‘I can fix him!!’
Him in question;
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infinite-love-42 · 5 months
Raise your hand if you’ve ever been personally victimized by tumblr refreshing while you’re in the middle of reading a one shot causing you to lose it forever. So many incredible stories that I never got to finish 😭😭
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softtdaisy · 2 years
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Hi guys, welcome to my Ghostface Halloween night!
As you may have seen, I posted two fics, one for Eddie and one for Steve. They both take place the same night with the same context: there is a Halloween party at school, you’re going there as a chaperone. Eddie can’t go because the school forbid him but you have one idea: make Steve and Eddie dress up as Ghostface so nobody will know who is who.
You can read both stories as two different stories OR read them together as if reader is dating both Steve and Eddie. If I did it right, you can do both without problem.
I really hope you will enjoy those stories. I love you 🧡🧡🧡
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