#optometrist Melbourne
spectaclehub · 4 months
Experience the best eye care services in Melbourne with Spectacle Hub's bulk billing optometrists. As a private, family-owned practice, we prioritize providing each patient with the highest level of customer service. Our dedicated team of specialists offers personalised eye care services to ensure optimal vision health. For more information, visit spectaclehub.com.au.
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eyeconcepts · 8 months
Your Vision Matters: Explore a Range of Eye Care Services, We've Got You Covered
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Vision health is a cornerstone of our overall well-being, playing a pivotal role in how we experience and navigate the world around us. Our eyes, often referred to as the windows to the soul, are intricate sensory organs that provide us with the gift of sight—a gift that is both remarkable and irreplaceable. As we go about our daily lives, the importance of vision health cannot be overstated, influences not only our physical activities but also our emotional well-being and cognitive functions.
In the vibrant suburb of Southland, Melbourne, a dedicated team of optometrists is committed to putting your vision at the forefront of their care. Recognizing that your eyesight is a precious asset, the Optometrist in Southland Melbourne is here to offer a comprehensive range of eye care services, ensuring that every aspect of your visual health is taken into consideration.
Prioritizing Your Eyes:
At the core of the Optometrist in Southland Melbourne's philosophy is the understanding that your vision matters. From routine eye exams to addressing specific concerns, their services encompass a broad spectrum, reflecting a commitment to the overall health of your eyes.
Explore Comprehensive Eye Exams:
Begin your journey to optimal eye health with comprehensive eye exams. The Optometrist in Southland Melbourne employs state-of-the-art technology to conduct thorough assessments, ensuring early detection of any potential issues. Regular eye exams are the foundation of proactive eye care, and at Southland, they are tailored to meet your unique needs.
We've Got Your Vision Covered:
Whether you're seeking relief from eye strain, requiring contact lens fitting, or exploring advanced options like Ortho-K lenses, the Optometrist in Southland Melbourne has you covered. Their expertise extends to addressing a variety of eye conditions, with personalized solutions designed to enhance your vision and comfort.
Bulk-Billing Eye Tests: This service involves comprehensive eye examinations that are bulk-billed, meaning the cost is covered by Medicare. It includes assessments of visual acuity, eye health, and screening for various eye conditions. Bulk-billing makes these essential eye tests more accessible and affordable for patients.
Eye Strain Relief: Optometrists provide solutions and recommendations to alleviate eye strain, a common issue associated with prolonged screen time or other visual stressors. This may involve prescribing corrective lenses, advising on proper ergonomics, and suggesting eye exercises to reduce discomfort.
Contact Lens Fitting: Optometrists specialize in fitting and prescribing contact lenses tailored to an individual's eye shape, visual needs, and lifestyle. This service ensures that contact lenses are comfortable, effective, and suitable for the specific requirements of the wearer.
Ortho-K Lenses (Orthokeratology): Ortho-K lenses are specialized lenses worn overnight to reshape the cornea temporarily, providing clear vision without the need for daytime corrective lenses. Optometrists offer fitting, monitoring, and guidance on the use of Ortho-K lenses for individuals seeking an alternative to traditional eyewear.
Macular Degeneration Assessment: Optometrists conduct assessments to detect and monitor macular degeneration, a common age-related eye condition affecting the central part of the retina. Early assessment and management are crucial for preserving vision and preventing further deterioration.
Children’s Eye Health: Optometrists offer specialized services for children's eye health, including comprehensive eye exams tailored to the unique needs of pediatric patients. This may involve assessing visual development, detecting refractive errors, and addressing common childhood eye conditions.
Embracing Technological Advancements:
In the ever-evolving landscape of eye care, the Optometrist in Southland Melbourne stays at the forefront of technological advancements. The incorporation of cutting-edge tools and techniques ensures that you receive the highest standard of care, with precision and accuracy in every aspect of your eye examination and treatment.
Friendly Experts at Your Service:
What sets the Optometrist in Southland Melbourne apart is not just their expertise but also their friendly and approachable demeanor. Understanding that a visit to the optometrist can sometimes be daunting, the team goes the extra mile to create a welcoming environment. Your concerns are listened to, and your questions are answered with care and patience.
Holistic Approach to Eye Health:
Your eyes are unique, and so is your eye care journey. The Optometrist in Southland Melbourne adopts a holistic approach, considering factors such as lifestyle, occupation, and any existing medical conditions. This ensures that the care you receive is tailored specifically to your individual needs.
In Southland, Melbourne, your vision matters, and the Optometrist is dedicated to providing the highest quality of care for your eyes. From comprehensive eye exams to a range of specialized services, they've got you covered at every step of your eye care journey. Trust in the expertise, embrace the friendly atmosphere, and prioritize your vision with the Optometrist in Southland Melbourne. Your eyes deserve nothing less than the best.
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bumblebeeappletree · 4 months
Shajan Velaeden is an optometrist by day and “plant daddy” by night. Living in the Melbourne CBD there’s few opportunities for having a garden but Shajan bought his apartment for the unusually large courtyard. Inside and out is full of beautiful plant collections from highly prized aroids to unusual caudex and succulent plants. It’s a calming green haven to come home to after a busy of day at work.
“When you enter you just get this whiff of fresh air, of plants, the room smell is actually sort of relaxing. I say hi to the plants every morning and evening, they’re sort of like your little babies, and so each time when you come home you see the new growth or new bloom you get excited.”
Shajan grew up in Singapore with his identical twin brother and two sisters. “I was born to mixed parentage, my dad’s Indian my mum’s Chinese so we always had a very interesting of both the Indian and the Chinese side of the family… Mum loves orchids, she has a whole collection of orchids and I remember growing up she had this whole row of plants that she would grow and she would get us to water the plants when she gets to work. That’s probably where [my interest] stems from.”
Inside his home is a vertical wall full of anthuriums, philodendrons and orchids, favourite plants that he can look at every day such as the dark purple Anthurium luxurians x papillilaminum or the long, leathery leaves of Anthurium veitchii x ‘Red Beauty’. The structure is a 1000kg load bearing garage shelf. “You want to invest in something that lasts a long while. And because all the plants have a water reservoir they are pretty heavy.” The extra humidity can also lead to rust, so he made sure the steel was powder coated too.
There’s also a paludarium – “a mini ecosystem where it has its own climate. Majority of the plants used in here are carnivorous plants because they are quite small, they don’t grow big, minimal maintenance is required.” It’s also full of mini orchids, begonias, ferns, and mosses loving the tropical environment created by the pool of water and heat from a grow light.
Shajan’s courtyard is home to a large succulent and cacti collection to make the most of the sun and fresh air. Some of his favourites include the Medusa’s head euphorbia and the Mexican boulder (Beaucarnea hookeri syn. Calibanus hookeri) - “it has a nice, beautiful caudex below, like a soccer ball, part of it gets buried underground. But what’s so beautiful about it is this long, wiry, blue-green leaves” adding lots of texture and a different colour to the collection.
The courtyard also has a glasshouse for “ugly beautiful” succulents and caudex plants. “The more gnarly, knobby, arrow shaped they are the more I see the beauty in them. I like things that are just oddly shaped and the more oddly shaped they are the more beautiful to me.”
“It gives you that rewarding and satisfying vision every day that you come back [home]. The wall is actually alive, it’s changing every day, makes you transcend to another world.”
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real-life2021 · 3 months
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Hi Friends
I have a solo exhibition next week in Melbourne in the storage rooms of an old optometrists building.
I am showing a number of new artworks that I am proud of
Opens Tuesday 23rd of July 12-5, and will be open thru till Saturday.
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themrkite · 9 months
omg okay so in 2022 i got these wonderful glasses that actually look a bit like harry potter glasses but i swear they look good on my face
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anyways so we got this from this super cool place called funky spex and their logo looks like theyre one of those dodgy places whcih is super crap and havent branded correctly and probably have the weirdest shade of bright green on their walls but its actually so fucking cool in there
anyways my eye guy, mark (i call him the eye guy since hes not an optometrist hes just super good at picking frames for people) picked out these with me and today i went back to get some sunglasses and it was such a great vibe
hes just the coolest dude ever like uhm okay mark i lvoe you
and straight away he picked up my vibe and we chatted for like a solid 20 minutes just in the shop whilst we were trying on glasses and we actually picked my frame straight away hes just so cool
i love him and you guys should too and if you ever need to get glasses then make the trip to melbourne and go to him since hes epic
and dont complain like 'oh thats so far away you idiot i live in america' since i have to drive there too okay hm its not just a 5 minute walk donw the street i actually live a few hours away so take that fuckers
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armadaleeyeclinic · 19 days
Armadale Eye Clinic - Ophthalmologist Melbourne (Cataract Surgery)
Armadale Eye Clinic - Ophthalmologist Melbourne (Cataract Surgery)
93 Kooyong Rd, Armadale, VIC, 3143, Australia
+61 3 9070 5753
Are you looking for high-quality eye care services? At Armadale Eye Clinic, we offer excellent eye care procedures and treatments. You will find highly trained and skilled eye specialists ready to provide the most modern eye care treatments. Prioritise your eyes by visiting Armadale Eye Clinic in Melbourne.
Laser Vision Correction , Therapeutic Procedures , Diagnostic Procedures , Cataract , Glaucoma , Macular Degeneration , Retinal Conditions , Ophthalmologist, Ophthalmology, Optometrists
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nightcall99 · 1 month
Dream from 29.8.24
Dream 1: He and I hold each each. It was late, we came back after a night out and he came back to my house and we would get into bed and just hold each other. There was love, and a yearning for each other. I knew that this has happened in a few different occasions and the memory of it came back now. I had forgotten it. He used to hesitate coming to my house because obviously he has a girlfriend. But he always would come in because he couldn’t help it and neither could I. Everything just sort of fades away when we're together and we never judged each other. In the dream, I was standing there doing something else and all this was coming back to me. I felt some sense of... something. IDK what. Not guilt. More like, so this is how it has been and will continue to have to be if we stick around.
Dream 2: I was asleep and woke up and I could see from the window while I was lying there, that outside in the backyard people were dining in tables and chairs. I kept thinking, why have we turned into a restaurant? It felt like something my parents decided to do to make some extra money or because there was nothing to do. It was small circular tables with 2-4 people at each of them and maybe only 3-4 tables at that. I kept thinking the backyard is not very aesthetic, are people just ignoring that? I knew I could see them and that they couldn’t see me. Even so, I still lowered my blinds.
I thought about how if we're now a restaurant, and since his girlfriend lives in the area, what if both of them came here to eat? He would have to come here and pretend like he’d never been to my house before. And then I might into run into them and even if I didn’t, I didn’t want to see them there dining from my bedroom window.
Now that I’d woken up, I realised I had to go to work. It was a little later than I would usually get up but I still had time it was probably 8am and I would have leave in about half an hour to be at work at 9am. It felt like a Sunday. I knew that my half-relatives from my father's side were in the house, who I've only seen a handful of times and mostly in childhood at that. They were over for a bit I guess and my parents were showing them around. Irl they are from this city, but it felt like they'd come from interstate or something.
I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Usually I would be more self-conscious about running into people I don't know and I even knew that my male cousin had just been in there. But I had to get ready. When I went, I saw his toothbrush and some false teeth in the sink. I didn’t care I just went about my business even while knowing he was just in the next room and would return any second into the bathroom to retrieve what his toiletries. And so he did.
He was surprised to see me, I think I knew he had wanted to get a glimpse of me since we had not seen each other while he was here and I’d been asleep. He said, Don't let me interrupt what you're doing, I mean I’d know. In that moment, I thought he was a dentist not an optometrist like he is irl. I think he approved of my dental hygiene practices, but also it was like some kind of respect. My mouth was full of toothpaste, I made a few words of convo and anyways it felt like they were leaving now to go home. I said, Did you have a nice time here and he said, Yes it was lovely, I had a great time seeing what Melbourne has to offer. Then a few other people appeared in the bathroom like his wife (who is now his ex-wife irl) and since they were all leaving even though I hadn't seen them, much less cared about them, I bid them goodbye. I kissed each of them on the cheek.. Like 3 of them in a row. It was weird like they were lining up for their turn. I think they stunned at my demeanour. I was very nonchalant and unemotional. But they also accepted it. I had this focus about me. None of this mattered. I was going through the motions. I even smiled and said something like, See you next time. Then they left.
Other scenes from this dream:
I was fixing up my mattress and the sheets. I was thinking of telling AL about what happens between SM and I and how we have this secret relationship going on. I trusted her and also it felt like the truth of things needed to come out.
There were some stuffed animals from my childhood that I had thrown out but decided to take them out of the trash. They were worn and dirty with crap all over them. I took them out of the rubbish and just left them there under the table with the other stuffed animals that I kept stored there for some reason. I don’t even feel anything from looking at those toys it’s just like idk there was nothing else to do.
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chennaitop10 · 4 months
Comprehensive Guide to Eye Hospitals: Ensuring Vision Health
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Eye health is a crucial aspect of overall well-being, yet it is often overlooked until problems become severe. Eye hospitals play a vital role in maintaining and restoring vision, offering specialized care for a wide range of ocular conditions. This article delves into the importance of eye hospitals, the services they provide, and highlights some of the top eye hospitals globally known for their exceptional care.
Importance of Eye Hospitals
Eye hospitals are specialized medical institutions dedicated to diagnosing, treating, and managing eye diseases and vision disorders. Unlike general hospitals, eye hospitals are equipped with advanced technology and staffed by ophthalmologists and optometrists who have extensive training in eye care. Find the best eye hospital in Chennai for top-tier vision care and advanced treatments.
The significance of these hospitals lies in their ability to provide:
Early Detection and Treatment: Many eye conditions, such as glaucoma and macular degeneration, progress slowly and can be effectively managed if detected early.
Specialized Surgical Procedures: Eye hospitals perform intricate surgeries like cataract removal, LASIK, and corneal transplants with high precision.
Comprehensive Eye Exams: Routine eye exams can detect vision problems and underlying health issues, such as diabetes and hypertension.
Emergency Eye Care: Eye hospitals are equipped to handle emergencies, such as retinal detachments, eye infections, and injuries.
Services Offered
Eye hospitals offer a wide range of services to cater to different aspects of eye health. These include:
General Ophthalmology: Routine eye exams, vision testing, and basic eye care.
Pediatric Ophthalmology: Specialized care for children's eye problems, including congenital conditions.
Cataract Surgery: Removal of cloudy lenses and replacement with artificial intraocular lenses.
LASIK and Refractive Surgery: Corrective surgeries to reduce dependence on glasses and contact lenses.
Glaucoma Treatment: Management of intraocular pressure to prevent optic nerve damage.
Retina Services: Treatment for retinal diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration.
Corneal Services: Care for corneal diseases and transplantation.
Oculoplasty: Cosmetic and reconstructive surgery around the eyes.
Optical Services: Prescription glasses and contact lenses.
Low Vision Rehabilitation: Assistance for patients with significant vision impairment.
Top Eye Hospitals Worldwide
1. Bascom Palmer Eye Institute (USA)
Known for its cutting-edge research and advanced treatments, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute is often ranked as the top eye hospital in the United States.
2. Moorfields Eye Hospital (UK)
Located in London, Moorfields Eye Hospital is a pioneer in eye care, providing comprehensive services and conducting significant research in ophthalmology.
3. Aravind Eye Care System (India)
Aravind Eye Care System is renowned for its innovative model, offering high-quality eye care to millions of patients, particularly in underserved regions.
4. Wills Eye Hospital (USA)
Based in Philadelphia, Wills Eye Hospital is recognized for its excellence in clinical care, education, and research in ophthalmology.
5. Singapore National Eye Centre (Singapore)
This center is a leading institution in Asia, known for its expertise in a wide range of eye conditions and advanced surgical techniques.
6. Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital (Australia)
Situated in Melbourne, this hospital specializes in both eye and ear conditions, providing comprehensive care and pioneering research.
7. L V Prasad Eye Institute (India)
L V Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad is a globally recognized center for its patient care, research, and education in ophthalmology.
8. Jules Stein Eye Institute (USA)
Affiliated with UCLA, Jules Stein Eye Institute is famous for its research programs and advanced treatment options in ophthalmology.
9. Tokyo Medical University Hospital (Japan)
This hospital offers state-of-the-art eye care services and is known for its advanced surgical techniques and research contributions.
10. Hong Kong Eye Hospital (Hong Kong)
Renowned for its comprehensive eye care services and research, Hong Kong Eye Hospital is a leading institution in the region.
Eye hospitals are indispensable for maintaining and restoring vision health. They provide specialized care, advanced treatments, and cutting-edge research to tackle a wide range of ocular conditions. By choosing the right eye hospital, patients can ensure they receive the best possible care for their vision needs. Regular visits to these institutions can prevent many eye problems from progressing and help maintain good vision throughout life. Explore the top 10 eye hospitals in Chennai for exceptional vision care and advanced treatments.
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aussiebusinesstips · 5 months
Needed Children Eye Test in Melbourne
In need of children's eye tests in Melbourne? Our experienced optometrists in Melbourne offer comprehensive eye exams for children of all ages. With a gentle and caring approach, we ensure a comfortable experience for your child while providing accurate assessments of their vision health. Book an appointment today for peace of mind!
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aboutteagan · 8 months
Entry 2 - Your preparedness for an internship: your skills (and skills gap), and the importance of a resume and cover letter with respect to the current status of your own documents.
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Throughout my years volunteering at sporting event through Melbourne United and Basketball Victoria, I have been able to create and grow connections, be open-minded and be flexible when it comes to different professional situations. I have also learnt how to be a leader and work on my decision-making skills from my time doing my diploma course. I have worked in casual retail sales jobs for the past 2 years, which has helped with my customer service, communication and problem-solving skills and my patience towards customers, peers and when doing my assessments. During my time already completing an internship at Basketball Victoria, I have learnt to work on my personal demeanour, what I wear, how I approach certain situations and my communication, organisation and confidence have also improved whilst working within the participation department at Basketball Victoria. I have also been able to work on my time management, dedication, reliability and teamwork when juggling my three main commitments in work, study and my current internship.
When it comes to applying for jobs and internships, a resume is an important element that goes into the process. The information that goes into resumes assist the recruiters with their assessment and reviews on applicants (Su et al. 2015). This means that everything that you put in whether it’s experiences, education, volunteer work, skills, interests, contact details or references needs to be accurate and relevant. When it comes to resumes, I have made plenty in the past but none of them were at a high standard. I had never included all of my experiences whether it was work or volunteering and the information that goes with each. This is something that I had lacked and never really added what was needed. As shown below (Laurenson, 2023), I haven’t included my volunteer work, which consists of 7 years of volunteering, there are no references listed and there is a have a photo of me on it. These are all things I need to add and subtract from my resume to start applying for jobs and internships.
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Teagan Laurenson 2023 Resume (Laurenson, 2023).
When it comes to cover letters, I haven’t had the motivation to make a cover letter, as I have always gotten a job that didn’t require me to add one. This reduced the amount of jobs I was applying for and securing, as I wasn’t putting in a bit more effort to address my interest in the job. This mindset has obviously now changed, as all the jobs and internships that I will be applying for may be future career opportunities and not just casual retail jobs that I needed to have to gain some extra money. According to Mathews (2018), sometimes cover letters can be more interesting than resumes, as they are new information pieces that an applicant uses to introduce their experiences and how those experiences relate to the job their applying for. Which is why I need to start practicing and creating cover letters for each and every job or internship I apply for and this subject should help me do so.
Laurenson, T. (2023). Teagan Laurenson 2023 Resume [Screenshot].
Mathews, J. (2018). INSIDE ... CUBITTS: Lead optometrist at Cubitts, Jewlsy Mathews, discusses the importance of the cover letter and how a little research can go a long way. Optometry Today (London), 58(6), 88.
Su, C.-H., Lorgnier, N. G. A., Yang, J.-H., & Oh, S. H. (2015). How does the interview change the importance of résumé information in acceptance decisions? An experimental study in the hotel industry. Service Business, 9(4), 711–732. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11628-014-0253-y
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serialfirstdater · 1 year
2023 #1: The Melbourne Optometrist
My original plan after going out with X-Ray was to stay off the apps until I moved out of Canada, or at least take a one year sabbatical. Yes, a part of me was mentally ready to just ditch the apps for a good year..
However, Matthew Hussey released a video at the beginning of the year and one of the points he made was that there was no such thing as perfect timing.
And goddammit the man was right.
After three months from September to December, I had a good break off of the apps and have moved on from X-Ray ten times over. So I reactivated my CMB account and for the first time in years, made a Bumble account again. I thought that if I need to be choosy about my matches, I might as well approach the ones I wanted.
When the Melbourne Optometrist liked me on CMB, I was intrigued. Intrigued that he studied in Melbourne (cause that was supposed to be my second home), intrigued that he was an optometrist that looked more like a tattoo artist at first glance, and I found him attractive. Granted he was bald, but he owned it in his profile, writing that one of his greatest fears was his hair growing back. The man was had a sense of humour!
We originally matched closer to the beginning of January but didn't meet until almost a month later. He's a hustler where not only is he an optometrist, but is now a personal trainer (cause he felt like it), has his own podcast, and planning to start his own e-commerce business in Canada. Doing all this while working on two different timezones. His motto is work work balance. Busy might be an understatement for this man.
The wait to have the first date was long but things kept getting pushed back due to our schedules conflicting because I was busy too. He was consistent with replying to everything in detail, which I liked. Even if it was once a day. Which was fine, I didn’t know him and this allowed me to not get attached. 
Since I never met him, the wait wasn't so bad but truthfully, I was kinda excited to meet him. And I honestly am rarely excited about anyone before meeting.
The conversation we had online was easy and just made sense. It wasn't awkward and it was easy to transition from one topic to the next. The conversations were long and detailed. The type of conversations that only you’d get with very few people in your lifetime via the apps. I say this as someone who has been on and off the apps since I was 18. I had a lot of conversations, give or take a solid seven years where I was active when I was not in a relationship/situationship or taking a break from the dating apps. 
Most of the time I feel that I have to force the conversation along when I talk to new people on the apps. As in, you just have to make up the next question to keep it going. Frequent online daters know what I am talking about.
But I never felt like the conversation was ever dragging with the Optometrist. As we continued to chat, my anticipation silently grew as we approached our first date.
For most men, I would not care if they cancelled on me completely before meeting. Primarily because my schedule is so packed, that they would literally be giving me back time. 
First Date
The Optometrist originally asked for a ramen date but then we had to reschedule because he somehow forgot it was Chinese New Year the weekend we were supposed to meet up. He asked me how I could forget but I told him of course I didn’t, I was just not Chinese LOL. Plus my parents stopped celebrating ages ago, so it wasn’t something I have done in a long time. Though I personally would love to celebrate it again. 
When the Optometrist rescheduled, he told me we could go to some overpriced Vietnamese restaurant. Which I promptly told him no because I thought the cost of pho was ridiculously expensive when it wasn’t even a fancy fusion place. So he settled on ramen once more.
I met him on a Tuesday after work, the last day of January. Yes, I REMEMBERED when we went out. 
I wouldn't say the moment I locked eyes with him, my breath was taken away or anything. But I knew within the exchange of the first few words that I have already gravitated towards him. More in a, “I enjoy conversing with you” type of way, not the “I'm going to jump your bones right now” reaction.
As we got to know each other, I started to realize how considerate and attentive he was. The first thing that stood out to me on the date was that he kept checking to see if my non see-through cup was full or not. Whenever there was not enough water, he would call the waiter over to fill it up. I noticed it by the second time he did it because I was so focus on talking.
During our date, I asked him about his dating experiences. He told me something he learned about himself was that he used to take women out on high-octane dates. But then later realized that he would not be sure if he liked the women for them or for the fact that the date was so much fun. He told me he was now trying to get to know the person instead of making dates immediately impactful and fun all the time. I liked that he was self-aware.
When dinner wrapped up, he asked if I was full. Anyone who knows me would know my love language is essentially food. You just need to keep me full and I am a happy girl. I told him it was fine and I was content.
“I was thinking that we can go to Spin now,” he told me when we were about to leave the ramen restaurant. For anyone who doesn’t know, Spin is a ping pong place with plenty of finger foods.
“Ah, I really would love to but it’s a Tuesday night and it is getting late,” I told him, bummed out. “I would totally if this is a Friday or the weekend.”
“That’s okay,” he said. It didn’t bother him at all.
We walked in the winter night to the bus stop. I told him I lived in suburbs and he asked if I needed a ride. 
“No pressure of course,” he said, reassuring that I didn’t have to take the ride if I didn’t want to. There was no insistence.
I originally agreed until I realized that he parked his car on the other side of the subway line. I thought that was going to be too much of a hassle for him. He reassured me once again that it was fine if I didn’t take it. 
“I’ve been hearing there’s a lot of crime happening on the public transit lately,” he said. “It would be a good idea to have someone with you.”
That did it for me. I accepted and we took the transit together back to the station where he parked his car. While we were sitting side by side on the subway, there was this homeless man that kept walking back and forth. He paced back so often that even though he likely was not gonna jump anyone, there was a possibility he could.
Although the Optometrist didn’t say anything, I felt that he would likely have jumped in and protected me. And I need to comment that when he sat beside me, I really felt his presence. Aka, the man was big *insert eyes emoji here*.
When we got out of the subway and walked to his car, he asked me again if I wanted to get something to eat. “Like Maccas if you want.”
“Maccas. You know Maccas? Don’t tell me you don’t know Maccas!”
“Oh yeah, McDonald’s. Maccas. I didn’t hear you for the first time!”
Again, he asked if I wanted more food which just the act itself was more than enough. 
He drove me back home and I was anticipating, but also was unsure if there was going to be a kiss. When he parked in front of my house, I decided to go for the hug just in case. But he immediately kissed me. Which I was surprised but also wasn’t. It was a nice kiss, that was just long enough but not a quick or went into some sort of passionate makeout. More like, confirming that there is actual interest. 
So, this was my first date of 2023 and I thought it was the best way to start of 2023. 
Second Date
Our second date happened almost two weeks after. I told him the night before that I went to an arcade with friends for a dance party and he was like, “I was actually planning to take you to an arcade...”
Honestly hearing that made me pretty happy. I told him I was still down but I was pretty open to wherever he wanted to take me. The first thing that came to my mind was mini golf would be a great alternative.
The next day, he picked me up and actually drove not too far from my house. We pulled up to a glow-in-the-dark mini golf place! To be honest I had no idea it was even in my hood but I was excited that he finally took me on one of those dates I always wanted to experience.
The course was fun and at one point near the end, there was a bit of a backlog. We had to wait for about 2-3 groups of people to finish before we could go next. We were waiting in a dark corner, and I was just saying something when all the sudden he leaned down and kissed me. *insert slowmo kdrama moment here*
I definitely savour that moment. No guy has ever done that to me. None. At least not the ones that I liked, but if I didn’t like them, then I probably be shook that they did it because I would be repulsed and would remember then.
We proceeded like nothing happened and continued to play mini golf. At the end of the game, we went to get our things from the locker. I have learned in my days of watching Matthew Hussey to always ask the guy to hold onto my things now, as a small “favour” where they can be able to show their chivalry. So I had the Optometrist hold onto my bag and earmuffs as I put on my winter coat.
Once I got my coat from him, he proceeded to plop my earmuffs over my ears. *cue second slowmo kdrama moment*
To be honest, I did not shut up about this moment with my friends. Some of my girlfriends were confused at why I was telling them this but, it was a cute romantic moment for me, okay!
He was surprised when I confessed that I never had a mini golf date, or just an arcade date in general. He told me that it was hard to believe, which I guess could make sense if you didn’t know my atrocious dating life (hence the existence of this very blog).
We debated on where to go for dinner afterwards and agreed to head to Richmond Hill because there weren’t a lot of good Asian restaurants in my area. We tried a Taiwanese hotpot place and I thought the food there was solid. During this date, I held onto his arm when we walked around. You know, acting like a couple and all.
The second date ended well and he dropped me home when we finished our dinner.
Third Date
For our third date, we went to a noodle restaurant near Yonge and Finch During that time, we chatted and continued on with our getting-to-know-yous and banter.. We proceeded to go a cafe as a follow up for dessert.
For the first I would say, 30-40 minutes, was all normal. We had ordered ice cream on a waffle and was sharing it at the cafe.
“So when am I meeting you next? In a month and a half?” I asked, as I went to take another waffle bite. The Optometrist originally told me on our first date that he was planning on heading back to Melbourne for a month to sort out his life and work. 
“Actually...I’m going to be gone for a whole year,” the Optometrist confessed.
I took a pause, my mind reeling and I could sense my defense mechanism kicking inside of my brain. Literally my brain went, “Emergency, lock down, lock emotions down. Get over him, NOW.”
I asked him why and he said that he found out the world largest optometry conference is being held in Melbourne this September. It made more sense for him to just stay there for the year and sort out his entire life before moving back to Toronto permanently. 
“So, where does that leave us??” I asked. 
“What do you mean?” He proceeded to point out we have only been on three dates and were certainly not in love with each other. He said that in his past experience, it was best to have a clean break whenever he went off for long periods of times, and then reconnect whenever he was back. Otherwise the conversation would die off after a couple of months.
Essentially with his work, he would go on contract for months to a full year at a time when he was working in Australia. This meant he didn’t work for a permanent clinic in Melbourne, but rather he contracted out his services to other optometrists and clinics whenever they needed an optometrist across the country. For example, if an optometrist in Adelaide went away for sabbatical, he would contract out and become a substitute optometrist. 
However, with this type of work, it meant a lot the women he went out with rarely worked out. He told me his longest “situationship” was 7 months. And apparently at 37 years old, he never had a relationship in his life. Cause trust issues. Yes, of course I picked someone up I like who happened to have trust issues. I clearly can’t have the men I want in my dating life.  
I told him, fine, if that when he came back and he was still interested in reconnecting, he could reach out to me and see where I was at and we could proceed from there.
It was disappointing but the good thing about our situation was that I only really heard from him once a day and our three dates happened over a span of two months, which made it easier for me to get over him. I took maybe about a week, since I was quite invested in him at the time. 
I messaged him on the day that he flew back to Australia. To be honest, I was annoyed that he left me hanging in a convo we were having. He could have at least closed the loop and said that he had landed or whatever and it was nice getting to know me. Instead we were talking about movies and then I just never heard back from him. So by then, I was really over him.
Will there be a continuation of the Melbourne Optometrist? Who knows, but I assume that chapter is officially closed. Otherwise if there’s anything, come back to the blog in a year’s time LOL. 
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The Mould Removers Team
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Reasons to pick out The Mould Removers to get your Mould Gone You ?ll Get Fast Mould Removal ? We Finish The Day We Start:Our industry-leading mould removal techniques are both fast AND effective ? signification your home or property will be mould-free much quicker than other choices available to you . And we end up removing mould the day we begin? so you can get back up to living in a mould-devoid home. While DIY mould removal choices might initially appear to function, they just attend to the noticeable indicators of growth. Upon disruption, spores are thrown right into the air, where they will certainly stay till they land as well as start their very own swarm. Do it yourself molded removal also prevents addressing the root of the trouble, making it hard to recognize what is creating damp as well as humid problems. From leaks to pooling water as well as mould concealed behind wall surfaces as well as furnishings, the most effective remedy is to treat any invasions before they take hold of your property. Home Or Property Will Be Treated Thoroughly: Our mould-removal procedure extinguishes 99.998% of all mould spores and aromas related to mould . To eliminate all mould and mould spores we use a two-part process We begin by removing by dealing all visible mould from polluted areas, including ceilings, walls, cornices, windows and doors. To end up the action, all airborne mould spores mustiness be eliminated . Misting is a safe method used to apply our unequaled chemical substance through the building using an electrical ULV low temperature-fogging machine . By misting the internal environs, we leave your place in a mould neutral state. You ?ll Deal With Qualified, and Friendly Experts: Our staff are fully trained to inspect, measure and advise on what is mandatory to remove mould from your home . The Mould Removers is a IICRC company and all of our team are trained in the latest Mould Remediation procedures . This allows conducting air and airfoil sampling which is and then analysed by an licensed laboratory . These samples can provide mould spore matters and mould genus dislocation which are selfsame crucial where no visible mould is found but a smell out remains. Wide Coverage Area Across South East Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria: We work Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Ipswich, Greater Sydney, Northern NSW and Greater Melbourne . The Mould Removers will travel to you, at a time that suits you most for you. Request a Free Inspection The Mould Removers will complete a exhaustive optical inspection of your mould affected property . We will search for all areas and flat surfaces affected by mould, signalises of water damage, wet entering and building marks . Simply by clicking the ?Request a Free Inspection? button below and filling out your details we will set for a dependent team member to complete a FREE inspection of your home . The result of the inspection will be defined in a comprehensive examination written report which volition include elaborated findings, look-alikes, wet and humidness readings, handling recommendations and a quote . This proved procedure will also aid with identifying the agent of the mould, will give handling recommendations and will permit us to go readily to get rid of your mould problem. https://blemishesfacialsbrisbane.blogspot.com/2022/11/the-mould-removers-team.html The mould removers Mold Removers https://themouldremovers.com.au/mould-remediation/ Mould remediation https://microneedlingfacialsbrisbane305.blogspot.com/ https://seoagencybrisbane631.blogspot.com/2022/11/microneedling-facials-brisbane.html https://optometristcentralcoast286.blogspot.com/2022/11/optometrist-central-coast.html https://www.tumblr.com/bluenachogoatee/702332203825266688/optometrist-central-coast https://blemishesfacialsbrisbane.blogspot.com/2022/11/blemishes-facials-brisbane.html
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mordiallocoptical1 · 2 years
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                           Glasses & Frames Repair in Melbourne
Have you recently damaged or broken your glasses? Accidents can happen anytime and anywhere; you may drop your glasses on the floor or you may need to get rid of the glass scratches.
But every broken glass frame deserves a second chance. You need an expert to deal with your delicate frames carefully and provide assured quality services on time.
Why replace your expensive frames when you can simply get them repaired?
At Mordialloc Optical, we offer services for sunglasses repair in Melbourne at cost-effective prices. We understand how problematic it can be for you to sustain without your glasses, which is why we offer quality frame repair services and a quick turnaround time.
From installing a new nose pad to replacing your old, worn off glasses, we can take care of everything. Our speciality lies in repairing all range of spectacles, eyeglasses and sunglasses frames. We pay attention to even the smallest details and fix damaged spectacle frames with the utmost care.
The next time you look for glasses frames repair services in Melbourne, you know you can count on us. No matter the problem with your glasses, we assure to provide the best possible repair services to retain your glass frame in its original condition. We have a team of experienced professionals who know all about time-saving and advanced repair techniques and methods.
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eyerehabilitation · 3 years
What are the Common Types of Issues that Needs Eye Fixation Rehabilitation?
The term "visually impaired" refers to a person who has a reduced vision that cannot be corrected. In reality, the majority of people labelled "blind" still have some sight. Because of advances in eye fixation rehabilitation, they can regain their vision and improve their quality of life thanks to these developments.
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It is the job of an optometrist in Melbourneto diagnose and treat conditions of the eyes as well as vision. There are optometrists who specialise in vision therapy and neuro-optometric eye rehabilitation.
What are the common types of low vision?
Loss of central vision
There's a blur or blind spot created by the loss of central vision, but the person's peripheral vision remains. Reading, recognising faces, and discerning most details in the distance become difficult as a result of this condition.
Loss of peripheral vision
Peripheral vision loss affects mobility in most cases. Because a person can only see a few words at a time, it can slow down reading speed.
Vision gets hazy
Even with the best possible eyeglasses correction, blurred vision causes both near and far vision to be out of focus.
Reduced contrast sensitivity
People with reduced contrast sensitivity have deteriorated vision. They tend to perceive a generalised haze with a filmy or cloudy feeling.
Glare sensitivity to light
A person's visual system is overwhelmed by standard levels of light, resulting in washed-out images and/or glare. When exposed to relatively low levels of light, people with extreme light sensitivity may experience pain or discomfort.
Night blindness
Even in dimly lit interiors such as movie theatres and restaurants people with this condition are unable to see.
Ask your optometrist about low vision rehabilitation if you or someone you know has a vision impairment. People with low vision can regain their independence and improve their quality of life with the help of an optometrist who provides eye fixation rehabilitation services.
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aplusoptoblr-blog · 5 years
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At A Plus Optometry, we are dedicated to making a difference in your life. We are a modern relaxed boutique optometry practice in Ringwood North with designer glasses, contact lenses, sunglasses and great services. We have highly experienced skilled teams who served their services in Australia. To book an appointment with us, call us on 388130505 or visit https://www.aplusoptometry.com.au/
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aplusoptometry-blog · 5 years
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Are you looking for Optometrist Melbourne? Optometrist eye care professionals who examine the eyes and visual systems. A+ Optometry provides a range of services for your eyes including eyewear and contact lenses.
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