#opla buggy headcanons
bugsfavoriteclown · 3 months
Jester!Buggy x Royal!R
Word Count: 1.1k Warnings: Yandereish? Genre: Romantic, Enemies to Lovers, Fantasy AU
Jester!Buggy who pledges himself to your kingdom completely, devoting his entire being to pleasing your court in hopes of one day gaining your trust, desperate for power to be in his favor for once in his life.
Jester!Buggy who swipes as many valuables as he can from your castle halls without getting caught. Pocketing and taking them out to the market to pawn off to smugglers and citizens at varying prices.
Jester!Buggy who hates everything about you. He can’t stand the fact that you have his entire life in his hands and would overthrow you in a second if he was given the chance.
Jester!Buggy who hides his disdain for you through the jokes he makes. The only part of his job that he likes is that he can openly mock you and how you rule the country and hide it behind the mask of entertainment.
Jester!Buggy who has been planning your assassination since before he even began working for you. Who almost needs to have that same feeling of control you do, just to see what it's like. Who plans to coerce you into a vulnerable position where he can demand things from you instead. Who wants a taste of what it's like to be on the top of the caste system for once in his life.
Jester!Buggy who does like the fact that he can request any type of outfit to be paroled specifically for himself. He’s glad he can at least be granted a variety of clothes that he gets completely for free.
Jester!Buggy who slowly starts to feel himself soften whenever you smile at one of his jokes. Who almost chases the joyful gleam in your eyes when you find something he said funny. Who loves that you always call him back to cheer you up when you're sad as if he's the only one capable enough.
Jester!Buggy who starts to sneak into the castle's kitchens and steals small treats and snacks for you to eat when you have a break in the day.
Jester!Buggy who finds that he actually looks forward to performing in your court. Who feels a sense of pride at the thought that you brag about your wonderful, talented jester to other rulers in other kingdoms.
Jester!Buggy who starts stealing from other kingdoms when you take him with you during your visits. Who goes back home and either sells them or uses them as a replacement for other things he's stolen.
Jester!Buggy who starts to fear for your safety when Alvida, and the other bandits he's been selling to, begin asking why he hasn't been coming back with any new information lately. Demanding that he bring them back something they can use for the upcoming ambush they've been meticulously planning or they'll take it upon themselves.
Jester!Buggy who wants to warn you so badly but can't because he doesn't want to put any suspicion on himself out of fear of losing his job and position beside you. Who's too afraid to explain to you why he knows so much about the conspiracy being organized against you.
Jester!Buggy who, instead, goes to visit Shanks, one of your most valued knights, and begs for him to keep a closer eye out because there may be some type of scheme cooking up in the shadows. Who knows he’ll take what he says seriously without outing him for any of his past crimes.
Jester!Buggy who feels better about not having to fear you getting hurt, but is now starting to feel jealous at how often he sees you and Shanks walking together in the gardens. It pisses him off even more knowing that this is exactly what he asked him to do and so he can’t really be upset about it.
Jester!Buggy who continues to visit you during your breaks, but now also comes to see you at later times in the night because he’s memorized your sleep habits. At first, it was so he could pick the right time to rob you blind, but now he uses it to find good times to see you without it being a disturbance.
Jester!Buggy who starts getting noticeably more possessive over you when he spots Alvida and the rest of her posse near the castle walls one night as he’s on his way to see you.
Jester!Buggy who approaches Alvida and threatens to get her and the others executed if they keep snooping closer to you. But they only laugh as they know he doesn’t have that power and can’t stop them on his own, only making him angrier at the entire thing.
Jester!Buggy who has to find creative ways to play off his clinginess because he’d be damned if they got a hold of you in any way. Who is now always seen accompanying you as you wander from room to room in the castle, playing it off as him trying to learn more about you so he can entertain you better.
Jester!Buggy who offers to go to the markets for you and to help escort you on stage when you have to speak to the public, all with a knife up his sleeve and eyes roaming the crowds.
Jester!Buggy who uses the extra cash he has on him to hire mercenaries to keep watch on anyone he deems suspicious. Specifically Alvida and everyone else associated with her.
Jester!Buggy who starts to reveal to you the kind of person he actually is. Who starts displaying his more violent disposition and knack for murder, all things you weren’t aware of when you had first hired him. Who's ready to kill for you and makes that aspect painfully clear.
Jester!Buggy who does kill for you after someone tries pickpocketing you during your stroll through the country. Who noticed something was off immediately and stabbed the perpetrator before they could get any further with your things.
Jester!Buggy who begins to almost worship you. Who treats you far more gently than anyone else around him and is ready to drop anything on your whim. Who feels his body begin to react in ways he never thought possible whenever he sees you upset.
Jester!Buggy who would do anything to be closer to you, but can't ever seem to find the appropriate time to do so since you're his boss, and he was only ever meant to be your toy. Who is only supposed to enter the room on your terms. Who wasn't intended to be anything more than a worker.
Jester!Buggy who pledges himself to your kingdom completely, devoting his entire being to pleasing your court, but this time in hopes of pleasing you as well. Who would be anything you wanted him to be if you demanded it of him. Who would do anything if it meant he'd be able to spend more time with you.
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httpwintersoldier · 11 months
opla men hc || when there's sexual tension between you and them
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ᴢᴏʀᴏ ; ᴍɪʜᴀᴡᴋ ; ʟᴜғғʏ ; sᴀɴᴊɪ ; sʜᴀɴᴋs ; ʙᴜɢɢʏ ᴄᴡ: ɴᴏ sᴘᴇᴄɪғɪᴄs
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⤷ zoro can't place a finger on what it is he's feeling, he just knows he's feeling something
⤷ and that something substantially increases when you're near
⤷ it especially increases when you wear tight clothes and little dresses
⤷ it wasn't until you placed a hand on his thigh and got him thinking where he really wanted that hand that he pieced everything together
⤷ he would try to calm himself down and ignore the feeling but he would eventually just give up
⤷ zoro wouldn't talk to you or confront you about the issue - that's not his style
⤷ the swordsman would just touch you a little more and a little closer to the places he shouldn't have his eyes on
⤷ and eventually you'd give in and make a move - he would definitely make you think the whole thing was your idea, that he hadn't been teasing on purpose you for the longest time
⤷ "you're better than I've been imagining..."
⤷ he's a very intense person, and he gets what he wants
⤷ so when he set his eyes on you and felt the heavy air in the room whenever you two were together he knew you wanted him as badly as he wanted you
⤷ but mihawk wanted to see you work for it
⤷ he would touch you and whisper in your ear, he would say things in a sexual manner on purpose to get you to blush while thinking improper things in front of him
⤷ mihawk would only be satisfied when you were desperate and begging for him, even if that meant he had to wait - he was a masochist, that was for sure
⤷ "when you're ready to beg for me I'd be more than delighted to bend you over on this table and fuck you"
⤷ luffy, like zoro, wouldn't really know what the funny feeling he got in his body when he was around you meant
⤷ but one sure thing was that he always felt like something pulled him towards you whenever you entered the room
⤷ he wouldn't be able to stop himself from touching you, sometimes inappropriately
⤷ luffy and social cues weren't a match, so whenever he'd feel like it he would sneak his arms around you and grab your tits, or sneak his hand up your skirt when he got a peek of your ass
⤷ and you didn't stop him, of course
⤷ you'd scold him in a pathetic attempt to pretend you somehow disliked it, but the combo of his innocent face and dirty hands roaming your body excited you
⤷ "but y/n your tits are so soft... and it makes me feel good when I touch you"
⤷ sanji swears up and down that he has a connection with everyone - but he swears just as hard that it's different with you
⤷ you even begin to think that you might be the only person on the face of the earth sanji didn't flirt with
⤷ what you didn't know was that sanji's head was so occupied with thoughts of everything he wanted to do to you that any and every word meant for you would get stuck in his throat
⤷ it would get to the point where you'd actually go and ask him
⤷ and boy would sanji have to restrain himself
⤷ seeing you all sweet, shy and adorable... looking at the ground as you asked if he disliked you, just basically yearning for his approval... it took everything in him not to fuck you dumb in the very hallway you stood
⤷ "oh chéri, you've got it all wrong... it's not that I hate you, it's that I really want to fuck you"
⤷ your and shanks' sexual tension would be there from day one
⤷ when he wants something, he wants it - and he gets it
⤷ it was just a matter of when you'd give in and let him fuck you
⤷ but shanks was subtle, he wanted you to want him, shanks would never ask someone to fuck him, let alone beg - he would work his magic and the people he wanted would come crawling
⤷ you were no different
⤷ it would start with small touches that would progressively get more and more bold - the hand on the small of your back would brush past your ass when he passed by, the kisses on the cheek as a greeting were so close to your lips he might as well just kiss you and half of the things shanks told you were whispered in your ear, with a hand holding your jaw
⤷ you'd find yourself leaning more and more into his touch, slowly yearning that his actions became more bold, that shanks would grab your ass, that he'd make out with you and that he'd put his pretty mouth to good use somewhere else
⤷ "Come take a seat on my lap, princess, you might want to extend your stay on it and all... just not with any clothes on"
⤷ unlike most above, buggy does not beat around the bush
⤷ when he wants something he wants it in that moment and it will either happen the good way or the bad way
⤷ but this time he was sure the glances you stole and the way your hand would brush past several of his body parts was not a coincidence, and that the heavy air wasn't humidity - you definitely wanted him too
⤷ buggy would smack your ass and squeeze your body as you passed by, hissing when you teased him back
⤷ he didn't care if people saw it, he wanted to feel you and he was going to feel you until he got you alone so he could fill you up - and he was impatient
⤷ "if you're not in my room tonight I will find you and fuck you wherever you are, and whoever is nearby will be our audicence. I'm sure they will enjoy your pretty noises"
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Aaah, look at that, some more headcanons no one asked for but that I will be subjecting everyone to anyway.
Was in the process of trying not to hack up a lung when I started this, so logical train of thought went to how our One Piece boys handle being sick.
May do a sister-post of how they handle it when you’re sick, too. But. Like. Not right now.
Anyway here we gooooo
Sick Day
Zoro, Sanji, Shanks, Sir Crocodile, Mihawk, Buggy x Reader
SFW! Very fluff! Much cringe!
Wordcount: Like 1.6k-ish
Warnings also include very fluff and much cringe, but not much else. All character x reader relationships are implied to be already established and consensual.
If you enjoy my content, feel free to drop a donation in my ko-fi. My financial situation is quite unstable right now and anything is helpful.
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“Look, I’m fine, alright? Just...lay off.”
Insisting he is absolutely not sick right from the start, only reason he looks so flushed is because he’s been training harder than usual.
And also because you’re irritating him stop saying he’s sick, dammit—
You’re not going to be able to get him to rest until he literally collapses, hopefully not directly onto the business end of one of his katana.
For someone who enjoys napping so much, he’s still adamant that he does not need to lay down.
Once you finally manage to get him shoved into his preferred hammock he’s going to turn into a clingy baby.
Convincing him to take any medicine would take an act of god. Most he’ll let you do is drape a damp cloth over his forehead.
Which does feel nice, and does calm down most of his protest.
After that he’s going to drag you in with him and use you as a human teddy bear, where you will likely be forced to remain while he sleeps it off.
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“Well, of course I don’t want to contaminate the food, love, but I don’t want anyone burning my kitchen to the ground either—”
He’s usually awake before anyone else to make breakfast, so you’re concerned from the moment you wake up and find the kitchen empty.
Even more concerned when you find him still in bed, face flushed, grimacing and shivering in his sleep.
Barely wakes up and manages a weak smile when you sit at the edge of the mattress, a contented little sigh when you lay your palm across his forehead.
Admits he might be a little under the weather.
Briefly lapses into panic when he realizes what time it is, immediately trying to get up and go handle breakfast—
All you have to do is give him a firm poke in the chest and he just falls right back into bed, pouting a bit when you point out he could contaminate the food and get the entire crew sick.
Gazing up at you like you’re some sort of celestial being when you assure him you’ll take care of it, and that you’ll make sure no one burns down the kitchen in his absence.
He’s already asleep again when you return with a bowl of miso with rice, but when you set them to the side and sit at the edge of the bed to feel his forehead, he immediately shifts over, drapes an arm across your lap and lays his head there, with a contented sigh and smile.
You’re trapped now. Good luck escaping.
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“Oh, I’ll be fine, beautiful, you don’t need to make such a fuss over it.”
He plays it off so well that it takes you a while to notice anything is amiss.
There are a couple hints. He’s just not quite as chipper and animated as he usually is, lazing around and looking a bit sour about something, a bit distracted.
Tries to brush it off as a hangover when you ask.
Heavy sigh and defeated pouting when you press your lips to his forehead and inform him he’s burning up.
Lamenting that he doesn’t want to be sick, it will surely sort itself out if he just ignores it.
Maybe a little booze to burn it out of his system—
Pouting only intensifies when you confiscate every bottle you can find in the captain’s cabin, and step out to hand it off to Beckman and explain the situation like he wasn’t already aware, you swear these two have some kind of psychic link
Immediate puppy dog eyes when you return, you’re literally so mean to him how could you, you wound him.
He will only consider forgiving this clear act of mutiny if you agree to get in bed and be his pillow until he’s on his feet again.
Preferably with fewer clothes than you’re wearing at the present.
You’re already rolling your eyes and dressing down as he continues his overly dramatic lamentations.
He’s really too drained and tired to do anything apart from roll over and use your chest as a pillow, draping his arm across your shoulder and combing his fingers against your hair.
Nuzzling down and letting out a contented sigh, commenting with a little smirk that maybe he should fall ill more often.
Sir Crocodile
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“I’m not clearing my entire schedule over a runny nose, darling, just leave me be.”
In the foulest of moods about being sick.
Yes, he’s aware his face looks like a tomato, thank you for pointing that out, brat.
No, he is not going to rest, he doesn’t have time to be sick, and if you so much as think of suggesting he put out his cigar—
You’re not going to have any luck in convincing him otherwise, nor any choice but to leave his stubborn ass alone in his office and stealthily check on him every so often.
You can only let out a weary sigh when you find him slumped over his desk hours later, half-conscious and drenched in sweat because he won’t take off that damned fur-lined coat.
You practically have to drag him to the bathroom to get him into a lukewarm bath to help bring down his fever, and he’s still complaining through the whole process about how he doesn’t have time for this nonsense.
Your offer to help finish his paperwork while he recuperates is met with an immediate growl of protest.
Like hell you are. No, if he has to suffer through this pointless ice-bath then you’re getting in with him. He will not be accepting any arguments on the matter.
It’s definitely best to just undress and not protest, as he’s going to pick you up and hold you back against his chest while he gets in whether you’re still clothed or not.
Letting out a low, somewhat weak, still incredibly smug chuckle when you shiver and shift closer to him in the water, wrapping an arm tight around your waist to prevent you from escaping any time soon.
Finally letting out a sigh and laying his head back against the tile wall behind him, admitting to himself (but definitely not to you) that you might be right, and it might not be the worst idea to clear his schedule for at least a day.
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“That wasn’t a cough, I was simply clearing my throat. Don't be a pest.”
Only initial signs you’ll have that he’s ill are that he’s somehow napping even more than usual, and he’s more snippy than usual.
It’s not long before his pale complexion makes it clear that he’s feverish, the slightest signs of flushed skin and dark circles under his eyes immediately noticeable.
Rolls his eyes when you mention it and brushes it off, perhaps he just had a bit too much wine last night.
Glares at you any time he sneezes or coughs, like he’s just daring you to say something about it.
It’s allergies. Or it’s this-damned-old-castle-is-too-drafty. Or it’s nothing, stop looking at him like that, he doesn’t get sick, you’re the one who’s being ridiculous about this.
Your best bet at getting him to rest is going to be convincing him that you want to take a nap.
Yes, with him.
Yes, now, unless he has some important plans other than flipping through the newspaper and being impossibly stubborn for the rest of the day.
Your commentary earns you another roll of his eyes, but...well, maybe he is just a bit tired. And he might have a bit of a headache—the latter of which he will be attributing entirely to your badgering.
Still insisting you’re being ridiculous when you shove him into bed and proceed to wipe a damp cloth across his brow, glaring daggers at you when you chide him for acting like an overgrown toddler.
Assures you there will be repercussions for your insolence…at least there will be once he—resigned sigh, rolling eyes—isn’t feeling so under the weather.
That’s as close to an admission as you’re going to get.
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“I fear these may be our final days together, my dearest! Please remember me fondly--”
Can you not see that he is literally dying??
He is not long for this world, please retrieve a pen and a pad of paper posthaste to take down his last will and testament, everything is fading, he can see the light approaching—
You make use of his lamenting monologue as an opportunity to shove a thermometer in his mouth, more than used to his theatrics, patting him on the head as he stares up at you like you’ve committed some unspeakable crime by interrupting him.
He doesn’t get sick often, he has a fairly strong constitution, but oh boy when he does…
No objections at all to being waited on hand and foot. You don’t really have any issue with it either, he’d do the same for you.
And likely will have to within the next few days—as clingy as he gets, you’re definitely going to end up catching whatever he has.
Oh! but he would give an arm and a leg to be in good health again and so help you if he removes any limbs for a stupid joke you’re going to beat him with them.
Pouting and sniffling at your obviously idle threat, even as you pet his hair and he lays dramatically across your lap.
He’s already on his deathbed how dare you.
At least his sense of humor is still intact. Or he’s delirious with fever. Perhaps both.
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recuira · 1 year
Buggy Headcanons ˗ˏˋ꒰🍒꒱ˎˊ˗
★ — OPLA Buggy the Clown ♡
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﹢he's the type of guy to follow the "i hate everyone but you" trope. the second he sees you, his heart lights up and he drops everything he's doing to go talk to you, even just for a moment. he could be heated, yelling at his crew, but when he sees you, he smiles and drops everything until you leave.
﹢he's a sucker for cuddles. absolutely loves them. if he's had a long and stressful day, he'll just fall on top of you and pass out. he loves to lay on you. his head on your chest as he rub his back or play with his hair. he definitely snores. not too loud but not quiet either. sometimes it'll get loud and you'll need to wake him up to get some decent sleep x)
﹢both a morning/night person. he goes to bed late and wakes up early. he doesn't get too much sleep because of how busy he is. sometimes the only time he gets with you is when you're both in me. if he's not deathly tired, he'll lay on his side with his head propped up on his hand as he listens to you talk about your day. your voice soothes him.
﹢he's very insecure. lowkey hates himself. his ego is forced and a facade for others so he can intimidate them. he hates his nose. he hates the subject being brought up in any conversation. when he was younger, before meeting shanks, he would wear a mask to hide his nose.
﹢i know everyone is like "buggy is a sex god and dominant and-" no. sorry. he is extremely insecure. it took him a while to show you who he really was. he lets himself unfold with you. he is himself with you. his true self.
﹢the crossbones on his forehead and upper cheek are tattooed on but he paints his face with makeup. his eyelashes are naturally long but he does wear falsies to accentuate it and make himself look more like a clown. his hair is naturally long but he tends to tuck and pin it back underneath the striped bandana.
﹢he likes things to be equal during sex. no top or bottom. as cringe as it may sound, he loves to call it 'love-making'. no fucking or hooking up - rather making love with one another. he worships you, especially in the bedroom. constant kisses and praise. loves doing all of the work, especially if you're stressed out. his favorite position is when you're both laying down on your sides and your holding each other while he makes love to you.
﹢he's a strict believer in taking care of you. pays for meals, surprises you with presents, doesn't want you working- he wants you to be completely comfortable and satisfied. someone as special like you should never even lift a finger. he has it all covered.
﹢loves to let you do his makeup. sometimes he'll be reading the newspaper while you're painting his eyes or lips. it's like he's an actor and you're his makeup artist. he can never get the lines as precise and as neat as you can. once you're finished, he gives you a kiss on your cheek, leaving a red mark. this happens every time.
﹢he's a goofy drunk, very humorous and silly. but as he sobers up, he becomes extremely clingy and doesn't let go of you.
﹢in the public eye, he acts very possessive of you, like he's the one in control. he always needs to be touching you. if you're apart, he'll send a hand your way and hold yours while he's busy. preferably his off-hand so he can still get some work done.
﹢people are scared of him for obvious reasons but when it's just the two of you, he's a big baby. sometimes he'll even use a certain voice whenever he talks to you. you tease him in public, telling others he's a completely different person when you two are alone. he laughs, calls you crazy, and plays it off.
﹢he loves no one more than he loves you.
﹢whenever he performs a show, he always gets you a seat up front. makes sure you can kick your feet up, your popcorn is always full, and you're enjoying yourself. whenever he pulls someone up on the set to help with one of his acts, you're almost always the person he picks.
﹢his favorite moments with you are when you're sitting on the deck of his ship, everyone else is asleep, and the two of you are counting the stars together and admiring one another.
﹢he loves to eat. if you two are eating together, he'll ask for the rest of yours and then some. messy eater, too.
﹢he's a great listener. loves to hear about your day.
﹢he loves to give you massages. just loves to pamper you, in general. your feet will be kicked up on his lap as he rubs them and you vent about your day or your laying on your back and he's above you, massaging your shoulders and hips.
﹢he just loves you. and he is a sweet and delicate man so treat him like one. he's the type of guy to sacrifice the world for you, not you for the world.
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hey-august · 18 days
You: Is that a circus tent in your pants or are you happy to see me?
Buggy: It is a circus tent!
Buggy: And you're invited to the circus. 😏
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n-s4kayaky · 11 months
𝔹𝕦𝕘𝕘𝕪 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤! (ℕ𝕊𝔽𝕎 + 𝕊𝔽𝕎)
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warnings: Mentions of female reader, not safe for under 18! (The Buggy that I am going to use for these headcanons can be either from LA or Anime.)
a/n:  I love making headcanons about characters I love, so here are a few ideas about Buggy!
Soooo I think we all think the same thing, which is that this man's body hair is the same color as his head hair. I think he takes good care of it, meaning he trims it and doesn't let it get too wild. I see that he has some hair on his chest, forearms, and what I like the most, the happy trail ;)
Speaking of hair, Buggy takes VERY good care of his long blue hair. I'm sure this man has a private shower full of all kinds of shampoos, conditioners, hair nutrition, etc. Besides taking care of it, he LOVES to have it combed, especially if it's by you. I can imagine him asking you to comb his hair after a hard day of work where his crew has pushed him to his limits. He'll sit on the bed with his back to you and let his hair down so you can comb it. He'll LITERALLY melt under your hands as you brush his long and silky hair, and don't even get me started if you massage his scalp.
I think that Buggy HAS to have some tattoo, such as a skull with clown details. The most likely place I see the tattoo is on his back or biceps
OH MY GOD, THIS MAN HAS A DAD BOD AND NO ONE CAN ARGUE WITH ME. He has muscular and well-worked biceps but also has a cute dad bod. Why does he have it? Easy, I explain it below
Well, Buggy surely celebrates ABSOLUTELY everything, I mean, any little thing is celebrated with food and drink. Did they rob a village? It's celebrated that same night. Did a show go well? It's celebrated that same night. He loves to eat and drink, I see it in him, especially if there's some celebration involved.
Continuing with the hair topic and the fact that he likes you to comb his hair, it adds that he loves you to do different hairstyles. Would you like to make him a ponytail? "Go ahead, darling!" A braid maybe? "All yours, sweet cheeks." How about curling his hair? "I love it, doll!"
I feel that once Buggy falls in love with you, he becomes COMPLETELY obsessed, I'm not kidding. Buggy will be with you most of the day, or rather take you anywhere so that he can be with you. Due to his insecurities about his nose, he is VERY jealous. I can perfectly see him appearing behind you in a few seconds, putting his hands on your waist and kissing your neck while looking challengingly at the other man. Buggy has arrived and is marking his territory, which is you.
Buggy is the type of partner who ADORES you, I literally think he will treat you as if you were a goddess or some kind of deity to him, and let's not talk about how he would react if you adored him just like he does to you.
Obviously, this man will make thousands and thousands of sexual jokes in any situation, no matter what is happening. He can tell you while eating, while alone in his office, or while you are helping with an essay for his show. He loves to see how nervous you get with his words
Buggy is someone who likes to give nicknames, especially to you if you have a romantic relationship with him. Even before it's officially something, he probably gave you affectionate nicknames like "Honey," "Doll," "Dear," "Sweet Cheeks," etc. I don't know if I'm correct, I just read this, but supposedly each OP character has a nationality assigned by Oda, and if I'm correct, Buggy is French. Soooo, it's possible that he will call you some affectionate nickname in French, something like "Mon chéri," "Ma chérie," "Mon coeur" (Sorry to French speakers if any of this is mistranslated). He will probably also tell you in great detail in French how he's going to fuck and destroy you, but just laugh when you see your confused face because you don't understand.
He loves cuddles, he loves being in your arms and feeling your beautiful hands give him love and cuddles on his face, hair, and body. He sleeps snuggled up next to you, and every chance he gets, he hugs you and presses you against his body to feel its warmth. He simply adores you and adores every part of you with all his soul
I am sure that he spoils you in more than one way. If you are part of the shows, you will be the first to receive words of affirmation from him. He won't stop telling you how incredible you were, how good you were, and that you are undoubtedly the star of the show (behind him, clearly). While he showers you with affection, he won't stop yelling at and scolding others who have been in the show for the slightest mistake. Apart from that, he will give you anything valuable or expensive, from jewelry, clothing, costumes for the shows, shoes, lingerie, to makeup and anything else that comes to mind or you ask for. He is a captain and you are his little and beautiful partner, obviously he has to give you everything, no matter how expensive it is, and take care of you.
I see him as VERY protective, and apart from that, thanks to jealousy, he cares a lot about you. He will be attentive at all times. If you feel a little unwell, he will quickly be shouting and grumbling for a doctor to attend to you. If you get hurt, he will pick you up and be glued to you at all times. He won't leave you alone for a second.
I think a lot about how people smell, and from my point of view, I think Buggy would smell like a mixture of ash because of his cannons, saltwater, whiskey or alcohol in general, a touch of wood, and a slight hint of his body musk.
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Well, I think that Buggy loves to eat his partner, he loves the idea of your thighs pressed around his head while he has his tongue deeply buried between your wet folds. He will drink from your excitement as if it were the best drink ever created by man, he will always look for an excuse to eat you. If he could, he would simply feed on your excitement and could be eating you for a whole day. More than once he has asked you to sit on his face and you have agreed, but always with that fear of suffocating him, he always responds with "Darling, if I have to die, I would be more than honored and satisfied to die suffocated thanks to your beautiful thighs and with my tongue full of your delicious wetness." Eventually, if you are sitting on his face while he eats you, you will always keep your hips a little afloat to avoid sitting completely, to which Buggy will take your thighs and force you to sit completely.
I think we all know that this man uses his Chop Chop power with you in quite sinful ways, he will easily detach his cock from his body and choke you with it, letting you feel how it fills your throat and how his balls hit your chin while saliva drips from your mouth, staining everything. Your mouth won't be the only thing he fills, he will bury himself deeply in your wet vagina and fuck you while he watches you being fucked with his own cock just a few centimeters away from you. One day he may wake you up by fucking you and when he finishes, he will leave his cock buried in you for the whole day, using it to prevent his precious semen from dripping out of your beautiful pussy.
He releases a lot, but that LOT of cum, he will fill you with a good load and you will feel how he drips all day from inside you (Unless his cock is being used as a plug so that doesn't happen) When he cums in your throat you always have to swallow little by little to avoid choking, and believe me, When you start swallowing you think you're never going to finish
He loves to brand you, he has to proclaim you as his own, so he'll leave hickeys along your neck and collarbone, in plain sight for anyone. Apart from bites and hickeys he loves to spank you, he loves to see your cute red and burning butt, full of marks on the palm of his hand due to his spanking. Obviously, because of his love of eating you, you'll have red thighs thanks to his face paint; but Buggy won't let you clean them, what's more, he'll let you wear a short skirt that day so that everyone can see the marks of his makeup on your cute thighs
I think it's a bit Voyeur, I mean he loves shows, especially if it's about you! I can see him sneaking into the room you're in and every time he catches you masturbating he falls silent as he watches you, feeling his cock harden under his pants at the sight. He will also ask you to voluntarily masturbate in front of him more than once, standing in front of you in a chair while his eyes do not leave your body and his hands separate from him to caress your soft skin
He curses a lot during sex, while he's fucking you hard against any surface near you he'll be whispering all kinds of lustful things like "My little slut… Always pleasing me so well." "I adore this greedy little pussy you have, so tight and always sucking me so hard" "Fuck, you love to please your captain, isn't that my sweet little slut?" "Look how your pussy drips because of me, so adorable..".
During kissing I feel like he's drooling a lot, you always fill each other with saliva during a nice hot make-out session, having your lips moist as well as your chins while half of Buggy's lip makeup has smudged and smudged your whole face
If at any point while he is eating strips of his hair he goes completely wild, he will attack your pussy mercilessly and rip you out of you at least more than 4 orgasms in a row, all in order to get you to pull his hair again
He loves to overstimulate you, loves to see how you turn into a small babbling mass between his hands and how you can't think about anything other than him or his cock. Love to see your thighs trembling and filled with both fluids mixed together, your clever little mouth nothing but meowing and moaning as you spew incoherently and drool
This man has to have at least a slight kink towards the knife set. He will always ask you beforehand if you are okay with it and will put a word of security; But he'll love being able to run the cold steel of his daggers across your soft skin, past your stiff nipples until delicately fiddling with your. It will leave some scratches, not very deep, only small marks, unless you ask it to be harder, in that case it will create small cuts and if it has the opportunity it will make its initial on your soft skin with the help of its dagger
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thethreeeyed-raven · 1 year
Ok so I’m thinking, reader is a regular at the Baratie and Sanji being Sanji flirts with reader. Use that as you will and I LOVE YOUR WRITING 💞(sorry the prompt is so unimaginative 😭)
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navigation | warnings : none? | a/n : ik ur sent this bestie😮‍💨, enjoy! | sanji playlist | tags : @fangsp1der-2099 , @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom , @knight-of-flowerss
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The Baratie was one of your favourite places to visit whilst you were out on the vast blue seas.
You had recently joined the 'Strawhats' crew, and your captian, Luffy, decided he was hungry.
Of course you recommended the Baratie. The food was great, the staff too. Especially the staff.
You had all sat down at a table (with Zoro struggling because of his swords).
A man approached the table, you knew who he was straight away.
"Hi, welcome to the restaurant where the only thing worse than the ambience is the food. My name is Sanji, what can I get you?" He exclaimed with a sour face.
"What's wrong with you then?"
Sanji moved his gaze from Luffy to you, a grin painting his face. "Miss Y/n!"
"You know this guy?" Luffy said, his face stuffed with the food Sanji had set down on the table.
"Very well." You tilted your head with a smile, knowing exactly what was wrong with your friend. "He took you off the line again, didn't he?"
Sanji nodded with a solemn look. "But one day Zeff'll see that I'm the best chef in the East Blue." He took out a little notebook from his pocket. "Now, what can I get for you my love?"
"The usual." You were surprised that he hadn't flirted with Nami.
But when you were around, he didn't care to please anyone else.
Sanji walked away with a kick in his step.
"Did he even get our orders?" Usopp sulked.
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soft-mafia · 11 months
Luffy telling Buggy that he can’t make people love him
Cut to Buggy making literally the entire deranged side of the internet fall for him carnally
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rorywritesjunk · 1 year
I won't treat you like you're oh so typical
Buggy wakes you up to help him with his makeup and he sometimes get grabby.
Rating: Soft R? Idk. Some swearing, and uh, innuendos. No sex. I plan to write sex at some point but I just wanted to keep this kind of fluffy for now.
Warnings: Insecure!Buggy because that's my anime husband right there, needing assurance while his lady does his makeup. Some swearing. Buggy is kind of a brat in this.
A/N: Inspired by the image of that woman sitting on top of another doing her makeup. The title comes from "Closer" by Tegan & Sara. Part Two is here!
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“You have got to stop moving, Buggy.” You warned as you held the eyeliner pencil near his eye. “Do you want to be known as Captain Buggy the One-Eyed Clown? Because that’s what’s going to happen if your hand grabs my ass again.”
“But baaaabe!” He whined underneath you. You sat up and crossed your arms as you looked down at him. Currently you had him laying underneath you on your shared bed while you straddled him to do his makeup. Barely twenty minutes ago he woke you up from a deep sleep, demanding you help him with your makeup. You were still in your damn pajamas as you sat on top of your silly boyfriend.
“Buggy.” You sighed. “I can’t get this done if you keep groping me.”
“I can’t help it!” Buggy pouted. “Why are you trying to seduce me while doing my makeup? I can’t control myself when you’re dressed like this!”
You rolled your eyes. This being your pajamas. Light green boxer shorts with bananas printed on them and a shirt you cut the sleeves off of. Of course he’d find that sexy. You held the pencil up threateningly. 
“Let me continue or this is going to take all day.” You told him as you leaned back down. He sighed and settled back down on the bed. While you managed to keep his arms pinned to his sides with your knees, his hands still could wander. You cursed his Devil Fruit powers when it came to situations like this. Sure, they were great for getting things off tall shelves or scratching your back when he was busy, but times like this you cursed it.
“Oh, what big plans do you have?” He asked as you worked the pencil around his eyes carefully. You didn’t respond at first, being careful not to jab him in the eye either on purpose or on accident. You sat up just enough to make sure the job was done well before you sat back up to grab the next bit of makeup. “Does it involve getting naked at any point with your fearsome Captain boyfriend?”
You gave him an unamused look as you grabbed a different pencil, the one you used to draw the skull on his forehead. “I was planning on going back to sleep because my silly Captain boyfriend woke me up to do his makeup and won’t stop trying to feel me up.”
He grinned cheekily at that as one of his hands did grab your ass, giving a sharp pinch to your left cheek. You yelped and reached back to swat at his hand before looking back at him. “Come on!”
“Stop seducing me then!” He whined. “Why do you have to be on top of me every time anyway?”
“Because… of the lighting, Buggy.” You told him as you lied through your teeth. This wasn’t the first time you’ve done his makeup like this. In the past you tried while he sat at his vanity, but found it hard to get the right lighting. Not to mention there was a mirror there and he could see everything you did. He made it a point to give a running commentary about what you were doing wrong and it drove you crazy. You finally gave up and had him lay down on the bed where you could see his face better and have better angles for his makeup. “And the shadows on your face throw me off when you sit down. If I do it this way, I can see your beautiful face more clearly..”
He fell silent as you called his face beautiful, and you noticed his cheeks were a little red. You smiled and kissed him on the forehead before you finished drawing the skull and crossbones. You looked down at him and grinned. So far the makeup wasn’t looking half bad. The last bit was applying the red lipstick. This was actually your favorite part because it was the easiest, and honestly, his lips were so soft to touch that every time you did apply his lipstick, you couldn’t help but kiss him afterwards. 
You grabbed his chin gently to keep his head still as you dabbed it over his lips carefully, making sure to apply it thick. He looked up at you as you did, taking notice how focused you were and how you even stuck your tongue out in concentration. It was… it was cute. He liked seeing you like that. He managed not to pout when you let go of his chin, but when he felt your thumbs on his lips, no doubt to smear the excess lipstick around his mouth, he couldn’t help but kiss at the pads of your thumbs. 
You smiled and cupped his head in your hands gently as you leaned down to kiss him. Fresh makeup on Buggy was always a glorious sight to see, because you knew in a few hours it would start to fade, smear, and look unkempt. You had the honor of seeing him first each day.
After a moment, you nipped at his bottom lip gently before you pulled back from the kiss. You reached up to wipe your mouth with the back of your hand, looking surprised to see so much red lipstick on it. You must have overdone this time. When you looked back at Buggy, however, you saw the look in his eyes and began to have regrets.
He wasted no time pushing you on your back and rolling on top of you, forcing your legs apart as he grinned down at you. He reached up to touch your lips, dragging his thumb over them slowly, and when he pulled his hand back you could see there was still lipstick on you. You rarely wore makeup, not really enjoying it on yourself as much as you enjoyed seeing it on Buggy. He stared at your lips for a moment longer before he pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth, working his way to your jawline and to your ear, humming in appreciation as he saw the red marks he was leaving. 
He pressed a kiss to your earlobe before whispering, “You really think I’m beautiful, or are you just saying that so I fuck you?”
Honestly, it caught you off guard. He was beautiful. Fuck, his eyes, hair, nose, everything about him was beautiful. His personality, at times, drove you crazy, and he knew that, but you also knew he still had insecurity about his looks and being a pirate and, well, everything. He was just insecure. You reached up and put your hands on his cheeks, smushing them forward and making his lips pucker; he was resembling a goofy fish at that moment.
“The most beautiful person I’ve ever known, Buggy.” You assured him as you pulled him down for a kiss, holding on for just a moment before pulling back and pressing your lips to his nose. You could feel him tense up, and you were proud of him for not pulling away. After letting go of his face, your hands removed his bandana and your fingers began combing through his hair. “Fearsome and flashy, Captain Buggy.” 
“That so?” He grinned, the moment seeming to pass now. “Tell me more then.”
“I’d love to.” You replied. “If you get off me and let me finish your damn makeup.”
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emmiebugz-blog · 4 months
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Whenever I see interviews with Jeff Ward and he says I had no idea that you would all be so freaky for the clown i see this picture in my head and think nah think ya lying bro you knew
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bowieandqueen11 · 9 months
Buggy Falling In Love With You Would Include...
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Request: hi there~ would it be possible to get buggy x reader headcanons of their time growing from friends to lovers? buggy is completely thrown for a loop when it comes to reader because they're polar opposites, but he grows to love how genuinely nice she is. she's able to bring out a more softer side of himself, which terrifies and frustrates him, but eventually buggy learns to accept it.
P.S. good luck on your surgery! i'll be wishing you a speedy recovery!
I genuinely love this clown way too much like Jeff Ward had no right to look as good in this role for real - also thank you so much sweetie!! I'm very nervous right now but getting back into writing such sweet requests is helping :3
Warning: slightly NSFW although nothing explicit, mentions of knives and cannons and slightly strong language!
(I do not own One Piece or its characters, all rights go to creators. Gif credit goes to @goodsirs.)
Look, I love this man, but he is a full on idiot. He would not deal with these emotions well. Perhaps it was because of the thorn Shanks had left in his side that he refused to allow his heart to entrust itself into someone else's hands again: to be left disappointed once again. Perhaps, it was even the deep rooted, long-suffering repressed fear that he would lose you; the life of a pirate was an ugly one, full of bloodshed and tenuous treaties. Of a life lived from moment to moment, of foiled plans and devastating lows. There was no place for kindness, or selflessness, or care. Tenderness. The last time he had left himself concern for another flood his brain, he had been left bawling in front of Gol D. Roger's execution tower. He vowed then, he vowed that he would never allow himself to feel that weakness for another person again.
Tenderness. Yuck. Even the word still made him shiver in his boots.
And then you had to come along, and ruin every. single. one. of his incredibly well thought out plans. He was going to be King of the Pirates. He was going to kill that little Strawhat brat and take back his map to the Grand Line. And he wasn't, most definitely not, going to fall head over heels in love with you.
Speaking of, your entire relationship didn't exactly get off to a great start; during the practice for the Grand Entry of performers into the ring, Buggy was far too busy glancing his eyes sideways to notice where he was walking. He was far, far too busy trying to swipe the dopey look of his usually stony face, replacing it with a melodramatic frown as he tried to figure out, why oh why, his heart was striking his chest in tune to the marching band every time he dared steal a look in your direction. Far, far too busy growing more and more petrified about how stifling a presence you had on the tent as a whole, that this man dead-ass hit the toe of his boot off the striped edge of the ring and fell arse over teakettle into the sand. It would have maybe... *maybe* been a little less mortifying for Buggy if you hadn't rushed over to help him while he was trying to spit out grains of sand and smudged lipstick from his tongue with a disgusted splutter. The absolute derision in his curled fist as he swung his head away from your offering hand was the final blow to his already delicate pride.
You were getting in the way, and it was starting to infuriate the clamorous clown.
As soon as you would enter the tent, every crew member's head would swivel round towards you like five seesawing spotlights. Being so kind and attentive to the different members of the crew and their varying personalities: dreams, fears and wants, it seemed only natural that each member would gravitate towards you. Plus, it was an added bonus dumping their ropes and wonkily written cue cards to instead lumber over to your corner and escape Buggy's rant about the 'brightness of the spotlight being so dark it would make the sun look black!'
Since this man is genuinely such an attention hoe (mood), seeing everyone completely turn their asses to him and ignore every stamp of his foot and seething word from his curled lips would immediately set him firmly on edge. Queue the theatrical man folding his arms and huffing like a steam boat when he watches Cabaji offer you his hand to stop you from falling over some scattered wrist chains still left on the floor after the Buggy Pirates' last village destruction.
Buggy snaps everyone back to work with a brusk yell, the sound of your giggle as another member of the crew shows you how to use the red flares tipping his anger straight over into the abyss. His teeth grind harshly enough to leave a trail of dust behind his feet as he slaps the tent flaps open; he immediately flops down on one of the stacked crates by the entrance, thumping his head onto his folded arms as he tries to calm himself down. He swats everyone that comes his way away, pretending he's busy counting how many knives he has left stored away so he could bury his head into the wood and hope that no one would notice how devastated he looked.
The worst part of it all? Buggy, if he was being truly honest with himself, was unsure if he was so jealous over you stealing the spotlight, or by the way his whole body had bristled seeing you place your fingers so delicately against a palm that wasn't his.
Bless your heart, you make it a point to try and cheer him up the next chance you get, feeling so guilty about the fact that his whole face was nearly as red as his nose for the entire day, and he refused to enter the tent again. Once you're all safely back on the Big Top, you try your damn hardest to try and soften the captain to you a bit: or even better, to try and figure out why he seemed so antagonised by you. It was exceptionally hard: when you waved to him on the deck, Buggy's eyes fell as wide as saucers as he nearly fell to the ground trying to duck down behind Mohji, waddling away behind him like a duck. Or you would try and knock on his quarters' door, only to see an arm... and then a leg... and then the stupid man's grimacing head fly past the port windows and out of his room. One time, as you were heading down to the galley, you swore you heard a gaudy exhale and a sigh of relief come from one of the shaking barrels up by the railings.
This man was a tough shell to crack, but you were determined to finally win the great Pirate Buggy over.
After about three days of constantly trying, you managed to make him yell and nearly jump out of his coat up on the deck; he swivelled round when he felt a soft triple tap on his shoulder, and there you stood: hands tucked nervously behind your back, a kind smile brightening your face as you noticed him gaping at you.
'Good morning, Captain Buggy!', you swing a little from side to side, noticing the thick swallow he gave at the sound of your voice. Did he really despise you so much, that just four simple words could make the bile rise in his throat?
Inside, Buggy was burning. By all the seas, did the sound of your wind-rushing voice make him want to do nothing more than grab onto your face with an clad-iron grip and do nothing but kiss you silly until the saccharine saffron sun dawned. His gloves clenched at his sides, will-power winning out as he threw you a shit-eating grin and raised one leg comically, as if he were about to run over the edge of the ship.
'I'm a little busy right now Y/n. See?' He pointed a finger towards the ocean, and then held them up by his shoulders and shrugged.
'But-', you started, grabbing onto his collar and nearly toppling the man over with how shocked he was. 'I just wanted to ask you about your battle with the Golden Lion Pirates!'
His eyebrows raised, and his head tilted slowly to the side. 'You... you know about that?'
'Of course! That's why I joined your crew! Only a talented and clever pirate could have sailed with Gol D. Roger - that's why I respected you and your crew so much! And don't forget devilishly handsome!'
You... you respected him? Oh no. Oh no no no. This was worse than kindness. Far worse than tenderness. The words fall on short-circuiting ears: the branding pain of your fingers brushing over the bare skin on his wrist as you held tightly onto his sleeve forgotten as his brain worked overtime trying to figure out what you had just said. ...Handsome?
He cocks his head back to you, blinking rhythmically, as if he were a wound up spring toy rather than a man. But he looking at you: really looking at you for the first time. His face softened a little - the cracks finally beginning to show through his gaudy façade. As you reached up on your tippy toes to press a chaste kiss against the skull-and-crossbones lying over his left eyebrow, little could you know that no one had shown Buggy that much care since he was thirteen years old.
Oh noooo. He was falling in love with you, and it terrified him. But damn it all if he doesn't want to feel this flash of lightening strike through every nerve ending in his body every chance he got: if he didn't want to feel his breath stick in the back of his throat at the slightly sticky feel of your lips pulling away from his forehead. If he didn't want to be greedy, and steal away the flushed smile you gave him before scurrying off, hoarding it all for himself.
Buggy comes to practice his new jokes on you every chance he gets after that encounter, the feeling of being near you so addictive it almost swings round from love and back to annoyance again. He stands awkwardly at the swing door of the galley: a nervous shadow creeping around the fringes of your scintillating smile. Everyone on the crew just pretends they can't see him lmao, even when they can hear his impatient 'oh, come onnn' and 'how long does it take to eat a bologna sandwich?', moaning and muttering and spluttering from the corridor. Was it so hard for the poor man to get a minute *coincidentally* alone with you? Considering he had done nothing the last week but try and do the exact opposite oops Buggy I love you but you're a straight up histrionic dumbass-
He literally grabs people by the collar and hurls them out the door like a cannonball if they walk past him too slowly.
When he comes sliding up on the bench beside you, elbow on the table and head resting nonchalantly on his fist like a slipping squid nearly knocking itself into your torso head-first, you can't say you're too surprised by his antics. Bless, he looks so proud of himself for fooling you into thinking he was here so candidly that you can't help but giggle, which turns into rip-roaring laughs once he starts up his routine. Truth is, as he spends hours and hours telling you terrible, cheesy ass jokes, he just wants to hear your laughter. Wants to feel your knee knock against with each shake of your belly his until his whole body jolts. Wants to admire you up close, to mark down in the depths of his mind the way the corners of your eyes crinkle when you're especially happy.
He wants to outline it all in his head: memorise it, lay it out so it covered every inch and crevice and recesses of his vindictive brain. All he wanted in that moment, as you tried to choke back your laughter with a spluttering cough, was to frame the most important map he would ever find: the intricacies of you.
When he slaps his hand down on the table at a particularly rib-tickling crack, and you accidentally bring yours down to settle on top of his glove, he starts so suddenly you're worried he's going to start avoiding you again. And although he stops giggling, and although his face falls to gravely stare at your skin resting on top of the white leather, he surprises you both by twisting his hand so he could grip loosely onto the tips of your fingers. He's so embarrassed when you start knitting your pinky finger between his larger, slender one that he tucks his left hand between his knee and has to turn his head to face the wall, still trying to swallow down his pride and allow himself to indulge in that disgusting word... tenderness again.
One time, while you were pouring over some old maps the crew had stolen from a Marine base a couple of weeks ago, you absentmindedly reached over to where Buggy was sewing up his coat on the sand and began twirling the surprisingly soft strands of his hair between your fingers. Thank goodness the two of you were alone, because the uncomfortable tent that grew between his shuffling thighs, and the gasping splutters that blew out of his mouth mortified the clown to his core.
He was still getting used to all this. Just give him some time. And a whole lot of reassurance.
You're the only other person that Buggy will allow to sit on his make-shift throne. When your Captain had asked you to come help chart out a path to whichever small village you thought was best to steal restock supplies from, you imagined you'd be standing by his armrest like his right hand man does. Surprise surprise to the both of you when you end up nearly glowing, puffs of steam escaping both your ears by how maroon you both turned.
When he had faux-confidently clapped his knees and beckoned you over to him with a wave of his hand, he was only, like, 30% certain you would take him up on his offer. When you slid onto his lap, he was nearly as gobsmacked as you were. He tried, he really did - he tried to hide his curling smile and wonderstruck widening eyes behind your neck, but his warm breath grazing over your collar bone kept making you squirm. Which, of course, with each shove backwards of your hips, and well... your buttocks against his pelvis, he kept having to moan internally and grit his teeth to stop himself ripping off your clothes right there and then.
It really doesn't help that he starts tapping the heel of his boot against the floor as if to expel all of his nervous energy, making his knee bop up constantly against your inseam, making it hard for you to concentrate on anything but holding onto his forearm for dear life to try and settle yourself.
Buggy's own grip on the chair was tight enough to chip off wood when you shakily pulled the crumpled map out of your back pocket, the feeling of the back of your hand brushing innocently against his inner thigh making Buggy throw his head back and close his eye in intense concentration.
Oops, too bad you had to go back since you'd forgotten your compass; wrestling deeper into the pocket, your hand accidentally brushed over the most sensitive Buggy's crotch, making him buck his hips up and nearly sending you flying across the room.
It's when he gently places the side of his head against your cheek and reads almost absentmindedly over your shoulder, despite how hard he was pretending not to be breathlessly glancing at you through his thick lashes intently enough to burn a hole through the hull of the ship that you finally realise.
Oh. He doesn't hate me. He likes me.
His nose bumps against the edge of your Cupid's Bow, and you take a chance. You lean forward, both your breaths frozen as Buggy follows the trail of your lips until he goes almost cross-eyed, finally computing that you had just pressed a sweet kiss on his nose.
For a moment, he's stock still. He just gawks harshly at the inner seam of your bottom lip, as if lost adrift a tumultuous sea of thought. And then when I say this man pounces, I mean he pounces.
All the rest of the crew are too afraid to come in and disturb Buggy about the small three-manned boat encroaching on the horizon, though, because of the absolutely ringing, frantic noises coming out of Buggy's throne room.
Let's just say, although they were incredibly glad you brought out a softer, mushier side of their Captain, they all now had another problem on their hands: his raging protectiveness. Now, not only were they getting yelled at for messing up his entrances, they were getting honked at and prodded with his dismembered hand anytime someone dared to even look at you for a second too long.
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You know that feeling when you want to make a good impression and eveything you do feels low-key humiliating
Or when you're just perpetually mortified about every word that leaves your mouth by default regardless of what's happening or who you're talking to like I am—
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Oooh Nooooo
Zoro, Sanji, Shanks, Mihawk, Buggy x Reader
Needless pointless fluff with the tiniest bit of hurt-comfort or something
Live-action or anime/manga canon, either or both
I don't think there are any TWs?
Sorry for wasting all of our time with this silliness
Anyway here's some Nu.
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He just pushes himself much too hard sometimes.
Sitting down and "taking a nap" after training, when he's clearly well beyond his limit.
Or rather "passing out from utter exhaustion with his swords unsheathed across his lap."
It could have ended a lot worse than a rogue wave washing across the deck and a gash on his arm.
Grumbling about how he's fine and doesn't need any help the whole time you're wrapping bandages around his arm and chiding him.
Going silent and tense for a moment when you wrap him in a tight hug and softly ask him to be more careful.
No, he's not blushing, he's never blushed in his entire life, shut up
Hugging you back? What are you talking about?
Gives a little growl of annoyance, refusing to let you go for longer than he's willing to admit, and will probably say it was for your benefit if anyone asks.
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The old *whoops* with the pepper shaker.
It had already been a long day, he was just trying to wind down in the kitchen.
Trying to season a very simple, very straightforward sauce.
And the entire lid falls off of the pepper shaker, and into the pot, along with a massive pile of ground black pepper.
And he just lets out a groan of defeat, dropping to his knees and letting his forehead fall against the edge of the stove with a weak little thunk.
But no no no, you're already hurrying over to help scoop out the excess pepper, reassuring him that it'll definitely be fine.
Your rush to assist him is enough to make him smile in itself, to let out a small affectionate chuckle as he watches you grimace at the taste the ruined sauce, before you meet his eye and try to fake a smile.
Decides to repurpose the sauce in question, to get back at the idiots that loosened the pepper shaker lid in the first place.
The two of you are left snickering to yourselves while the rest of the crew fights over the nearest jug of fresh water after tasting it themselves.
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Man could probably drop a knife and sever three of his toes and still manage to laugh it off, what is "embarrassment...?"
Well, it's a little more subtle.
It's having to relearn how to use both a sword and a pen after losing half of his dominant arm.
It's laughing off how his handwriting looks like a child's now.
It's getting mildly annoyed at trying to button a shirt one-handed and simply tucking it into his belt instead.
It's refusing help with simple tasks that could be made far simpler if the stubborn idiot would just let you help already—
It's hearing him chuckle and agree when you call him a stubborn idiot for refusing any help, settling his hand in your hair and pulling you close.
The whole process is embarrassing in itself, but he's got you, and he's got his crew, and that makes it all so much easier.
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What on earth could he possibly have to be embarrassed about?
World's Greatest Swordsman, one of the seven Warlords, with a sense of wit as devastating as his blade.
And yet, despite all his efforts to hide it, he's just a big softie.
As if it wasn't already evident from how he allowed Zoro to live after challenging him and subsequently trained him, with the convenient excuse of wanting a worthy rival.
He's going to glare at you with a sharpness that could slice clean through diamond if you suggest out loud that he did any of it out of kindness, much less fondness.
But he's also going to sigh in an irritable sort of defeat when you kiss his cheek and compliment him for finding such a perfect balance between mercy and murder.
And mumble just as irritably about how you're lucky he finds you endearing enough to keep around, begrudgingly proving your point without even realizing it.
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Lives in a perpetual state of embarrassment that he tries to mask with haughtiness and aggression.
It mostly revolves around the elephant in the room.
The very red, very round elephant in the room, attached to the very center of his face.
The one he might just slaughter anyone for mentioning in front of him.
Who nose what that could possibly be *wink-wink*nudge-nudge**stupidest-pun*
But the second you plant a kiss there and say how cute it is, in a way that makes it clear you're not condescending or taunting him about it, he's too busy blushing and sputtering over his words to remember what he was supposed to be angry about in the first place.
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ouchmyheart22 · 1 year
Buggy Headcanons (OPLA! Buggy the Clown)
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SO insecure. Like he craves reassurance and validation like 100%. Why do you think he stresses over his show so much ? He needs everything to be perfect, so everyone thinks HE’S perfect and shower him in praise and compliments.
Perfectionist, especially when it comes to the show - like has things planned exactly as he wants in his head and will not settle for any less than that. Someone isn't on their mark and he's having a bad day? Walk the plank. Spotlight is off centre? Plank. Someone forgot to wash his favourite white gloves? Better hope you're a good swimmer cause that's right, off the plank you go.
Meticulous with his makeup and hair - and yes it's meant to look like that honey. You just don't understand his style.
Bisexual king 👑 (Shanks x Buggy 4ever)
Definitely got (stole) that fur coat from a hooker.
Touch starved and NOT proud of it. Oh you touched his arm gently? You hand him something and your fingers touch? You help him back to the captains quarters after a wild night? Buggy will spend the next three days imagining your wedding and children's names.
Such a flirt, like he loves to make people blush (or grimace). He wants to make people uncomfortable. It's just that though, flirting, very little leads from Buggy's innuendos and teasing. If someone does decide to take him up on the offer, he is a little shocked, but never shows it.
Bad cook, like oh my god can this man even toast bread?
Genuinely loves his crew - he calls them freaks with such admiration and respect. He's been called a freak for so long he thinks the term should be worn with a badge of honour.
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Definitely an ass man (Yet again, bisexual king)
Perv. 1000% a perv. Such a peeping Tom, gets off on the idea that you don't know you're being watched. Will watch you shower, get changed, touch yourself. If you’re not together, he will not intervene (insecurities) but he will cum into his hand at the thought of what he could’ve done to you.
Would definitely detach his ear so he could listen to you. Your soft breathing as you dream? Heavenly. Your quiet moans as you coax yourself to the edge? Sinful.
Will tip you off on his eyes and ears everywhere, hell he’ll probably tell you that sounded like you were having a hard time getting to sleep last night (wink wink). But he never expects anything to come of it.
More of a receiver than a giver (he's insecure okay!) - LOVES to get his cock sucked.
High praise - he understands what it feels like to be insecure, so if you're doing a good job he will tell you! 'good girl, taking me so well' 'You look so pretty on your knees'.
SUCH A SIMP - body worship KING, he will tell you how pretty, sexy, gorgeous, beautiful etc. till the cows come home (or until you do)
Definitely a switch. He loves being in control, it makes him feel powerful and confident yet I think he's such a simp he would give that power up no problem for the right person.
He loves to be called captain - no, he NEEDS to be called captain
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Hello my lovelies!! Thank you for reading <3
Please send any asks or requests :)
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cursedvida · 1 year
First time wit his s/o
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Warnings: English isn’t my first language so be kind please 🙏🏻
N/A: like 10 years since i wrote something in english. Just a headcanon i habe about this crazy but depressed mew mew. Hope you enjoy
-Buggy has probably been bragging quite a bit about that moment. Promising it will be a night you'll never forget, joking about his experience and capabilities. He'll have shown himself to be quite the seducer in front of you.
-The truth is, he's fucking terrified. It's the first time he sleeps with you and he wants it to go well. No, he doesn't want it: he needs it. He needs the image he's selling of himself and the image you have of him in bed tonight to be the same or even better. So he's nervous as hell, and even though he tries to hide it, the truth is that you can tell.
-Seeing him so vulnerable makes you even more eager to have him near you, so as soon as he starts kissing you, you do everything you can to make things go smoothly. "Is everything all right, baby?" he asks almost in a whisper. You answer him by letting him do it, and watching you surrender to him makes his nerves slowly fade away, until his attitude changes to take control of the situation.
-When Buggy is confident, he becomes much more dominant. He's been craving this for a long time, to know what the feel of his skin against yours feels like, the metallic taste of your lips when he bites the underside. Now he wants to show you everything he's capable of, to make sure you remember that night. His voice goes from soft to raspy, and his whispers no longer seem to be asking for your permission, but sound like hungry moans. "Fuck, I've been looking forward to this," he says, his voice husky behind your ear. "You can't imagine how much I wanted to fuck you."
-He's the kind of guy who talks while he's fucking, in your ear, in a tone that sounds half mocking but at the same time gives you the feeling that he wants to eat you alive. He likes to play and he likes to get you horny because for him the night is young and he seems to have all the time in the world to ruin you. And you would never have thought that someone could warm you up so much with just a few kisses and four sentences.
-Buggy knows, he knows how horny you are without even touching you. It's the reaction he was hoping for, and seeing that his methods have worked, he can't help but smile to himself. "What's the matter, honey, are you wet yet?"
-You simply try to kiss him, but he pulls away slightly. "Buggy, please..."
-Buggy smiles, no more fear, no more nerves. The insecurities have disappeared in the certainty of your surrender. That's when he reaches in, looking you in the eye, "I think you and I are going to have a great time."
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hey-august · 22 days
August I need an opinion:
Which version of Crossguild poly x Reader insert is better?
Reader who’s associated with Buggy and gets dommed by Crochawk with him together and / or sometimes is used by all three of them to let of steam (Buggy being low on the pecking order because yes I love the idea of him needing to wait his turn or till Croc or Hawk say yes)
Reader who has been associated with Crocodile and Hawk before this entire thing started, is immensely more powerful than Buggy and at least on par with the other two and is the sweet dom to crocodiles mean Dom and Mihawks strict Dom to Buggy?
What’s the best way for the clown to get dommed? Getting fucked silly alongside someone he loves by two dangerous men OR by three people way more powerful than him that all have their unique appeal?
Buggy don’t gets to Dom because I am in a whining, trembling clown mood
Anon. ANON. I made the mistake of reading this during a work break and it was ALL I could think of for the rest of the day.
Personally, I adoooore Buggy and Reader being the toys of the Cross Guild polycule. There's a bond between you and Buggy - something that can only be conveyed through half-lidded eyes and gaping drooling mouths while you two are being plowed into oblivion.
Sharing sloppy wet kisses while the other two chase their pleasure.
Maybe sometimes Crocodile won't grab one of you by the throat, or Mihawk won't yank your hair and pull you away from each other. It's rare, but they'll let you ride your one orgasm while squeezing Buggy's own shaking hand. Sure they'll tease you for it, but you deserve a treat after being so good.
And the times when Buggy gets to use his energy and status - well fuck. We can also flip that around. You and Buggy are Crocodile's and Mihawk's playthings after all. If they want you to dom Buggy, well you're going to have to make it happen and have the clown put on a pretty show for them.
Buggy being passed from dom to dom. From lap to lap. Bed to bed. He follows each powerful leader, wringing his hands and wondering what delicious punishment or mind-numbing reward he's earned that day.
You are so soft and sweet with him. At least compared to the other two pirates. You fill Buggy's head with honeyed praise and goddamn he would do anything to keep receiving such delicacies from you. To drown in your attention, no matter what you ask for or how you need him. Buggy is the dopiest, most compliant fuck when he's with you.
As for Crocodile, it's like stress relief for the both of them, honestly. A moment for them to turn off their brains and let animal instinct take over. To give into the feeling of fuck and get fucked. And with Mihawk, it's a game. A gamble. How well can the clown perform? How well can he listen? Can he actually do as he's told? At the end, they're both sore winners.
When you put everyone together… Oof. Well. It's a lot. See, Buggy wants to please. He wants to do a good job. He wants to show that he's very good at taking what each of you will give. No matter how rough Crocodile is, how brutal his pace becomes, or how hard those giant hands dig into Buggy's body, your voice is in his ear.
Hearing you coo about how fucking beautiful he looks getting wrecked makes every ache feel like a trophy. Listening to you tell Mihawk how Buggy deserves a reward for following every rule is almost as good as the reward itself. Almost, but there's not much better than the taste of heaven between your legs.
Imagine this with me - A weary, sweaty Buggy switching between riding Crocodile and Mihawk. Easing himself down on each cock, one after the other. His groan is a mix of pleasure and exhaustion. He's been going so long and they slide in effortlessly, but fuck if Buggy still isn't being stretched to capacity. They're just so big.
And there you are, encouraging him with kisses on his neck and shoulder. Coaxing his hand to keep stroking a cock that's waiting it's next turn. Meanwhile, you're guiding Buggy's hips. Keeping him going.
He can make them come, right? He wants to make Crocodile and Mihawk feel good, right? That's it, keep going. Shh, shh, it's okay. You're doing so good. C'mon, take it all the way.
Buggy can hardly hold in the sinful sounds he makes when you all but slam his body down on whoever he's on top of. He's your lovely marionette clown and everyone's enjoying the show.
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pinejayy · 1 year
╰┈➤ OPLA Characters catching their S/O touching herself.
featuring: sanji, zoro, buggy, mihawk, shanks, and arlong
warnings: nsfw!! afab reader!! teasing, masturbation, oral, fingering, curse words, a little degrading.
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Sanji prepared a nice dinner for the whole crew, and as everyone was eating he noticed that you weren’t at the table and like the gentleman he is he went to go fetch you for dinner.
He walked towards your private cabin and he knocked on the door, waiting for your response and sadly he heard nothing. So he knocked again….and still nothing. So he decided to just open the door “Y/N! My darling, dinner is ready.” He said.
He was shocked when he saw you laying on the bed with your legs spread open and exposing your pussy. You were touching yourself, he stood there watching you.
You were too busy in your own pleasure that you didn’t notice him. You were fingering yourself and moaning softly. As your other hand was playing with your boobs.
As you were pleasing yourself you felt someone’s hands grab yours and you quickly stop and look up seeing your boyfriend. You immediately turned red and cover yourself. “Ah! Sanji!! Why didn’t you knock.” You yell out and close your legs and sitting up, your face was red.
And he chuckled and moved your hands away and opened your legs. Exposing your wetness to him, and he couldn’t help but chuckle. “I did knock, but I guess you were too busy. I wanted to tell you that dinner was ready but I found myself a little snack. You don’t mind if I have a little taste right?”
And before you could reply to him he pinned you to the bed and moved his head towards your pussy. Dragging his tongue into your folds making you moan softly. Your hands quickly found their way to his hair. “Sanji…oh fuck.”
He couldn’t help but feel turn on but he did make dinner after all! So he pulled away “Come on now, let’s go enjoy dinner. You wouldn’t want the rest of the crew to get suspicious right?” He said making you pout and he laughed. “But don’t worry darling, I’ll have you as a dessert later on.”
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God he was drinking all day so he was out of it, but he did become needy so that’s when he began looking for you around the ship and he had luck finding you. Grumbling to himself he decided to check your room.
As he walked towards your room he was about to just walk in like nothing but something stopped him. He heard small muffed moans coming from your room. And he pressed his ear to the door to hear you clearly.
“Damn someone is having fun without me.” He thought to himself and he couldn’t help but get hard as he heard you behind the door.
You laid on the bed fingering yourself, two fingers. Moaning Zoro’s name under your breath. “Zoro…baby I need you.”
Putting a smirk across his face, he opened the door and walked in. Closing the door behind him and locking it. “My look at what we have here. Someone is having fun with out me.” He teased out.
You quickly gasp out and sit up and blush. Looking away from him. “Oh my god! Why didn’t you knock!” You yell out. He had a smirk across his face and walked towards you and got on the bed and pinned you you down.
“And why didn’t you lock the door?” He chuckled and as he looked at you. “Why didn’t you tell me anything? You know I’ll always put some time for you and your needs.”
You blush and look away, still too embarrassed to talk. So he just leaned in and placed his lips against yours, sliding his tongue into your mouth. And his hands slowly started making their way down to your pussy. And he couldn’t help but moan softly as he felt at how wet you are and with a quickly motion he slid a finger inside of you. “I’ll treat you real good tonight, don’t worry princess.”
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Buggy seemed needy today and he didn’t see you around! He usually wasn’t needy but today felt different. He seemed to look for you everywhere and you weren’t in sight which made him frown. He even asked his crew if they saw you. And they said no which pissed him off. “You guys are useless!”
He stomped his way back to your guy’s shared room, and he opened the door and he was shocked when he saw the slight. You were touching yourself!! You were having fun without him!
While you were too busy with fingering yourself Buggy smirked to himself and got an idea. He detached his arms and they made their way towards you. And he grabbed your hands making you gasp loudly and he pinned your arms above your head.
“My look at this dirty little slut, touching herself without me!” He teased and he walked towards you. “Buggy…I’m sorry!! It’s just tha-“ You began saying but were cut off with his lips smashing against yours.
You two shared a heated kiss, tongue’s fighting for dominance and Buggy growled into the kiss feeling his bottoms get tight. He was getting hard. Pulling away from the kiss, there was a string of saliva “God baby! You’re making me hard.” He laughed out. Standing up and his hands went back to his body.
“Go on touch yourself.” He said, grabbing a near by chair and sat down. “I wanna see.” He said clapping his hands together. “Give Buggy the Clown a show of his own.”
You just look at him and were completely embarrassed now. But you sigh and position yourself so he could get a better view. And you opened up your legs and slowly you began to slide in two fingers inside of your dripping hole.
As you were moaning softly, Buggy smirked and got an idea. “Close your eyes Y/N.” And you being the good girl you are you obeyed his words. Closing your eyes, and feeling something poke your cheek. And he giggled out “Okay you can open them!!” As you open them you saw Buggy’s floating dick in front of your face. “Be a good girl and open your mouth.”
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This man has had a long and stressful day and he just wanted to return home with you and have a nice relaxing day. But of course something had to come up. More like him walking into something.
Mihawk didn’t think too much before walking into your guys shared room. But he didn’t expect you to be touching yourself. He watched you as you play with your needy hole and clit while you moan his name out. He couldn’t help but lick his lips. This definitely was unexpected surprise from you.
He smirked to himself, you still haven’t noticed him yet so he coughed loudly. “Oh my! Look at my baby girl.” He cooed softly and walked over to you. You look away, blushing from embarrassment. “Mihawk…”
He began removing his coat and bottoms, and he threw his hat to the side. “Were you having fun hmm?” He got on the bed and began crawling towards you. “Aw is someone needy.”
And you just nodded. “Yeah…you’ve just been super busy lately. And we haven’t gotten any time together..” You say softly, looking away feeling ashamed. You knew he had business to do and he couldn’t always be there to satisfy your needs.
And he immediately felt bad, Mihawk knew he was busy but he didn’t realize how needy you were. “Oh sweetheart, why didn’t you tell me anything?” He frowned. “I don’t know I just didn’t want to be selfish..” You say softly. And he felt even worse now, but he was determined to make you feel good tonight.
A devilish smirk spread across his face. "Then please allow me to make it up to you darling." He whispered and leaned in towards you and placed his lips against your neck. He removed his boxers and his hard cock sprung up. "Please allow me to make you feel good tonight. Please say yes. "
"Oh God...yes please Mihawk." You moan out and he leaned in and shared a deep kiss with you. And slowly he postioned himself between your legs and started to guide his hard cock towards your needy pussy. Sliding in slowly. Both of you moaning, God it's been awhile. "I promise Darling that tonight is going to be special."
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He was staying over at your place for a few days. And it's been wonderful, you guys have been having a great time. Such as cooking with each, late nights talks and amazing sex.
But at the moment Shanks was passed out in the living room and you were in your room all hot and horny. And since he wasn't up you decided to touch yourself. Not like he's gonna hear you anyways.
You began removing your clothes and laid on the bed and spread your legs and you began playing with your chest and trace your skin softly and slowly your hands made their way to your clit. Rubbing it slowly.
Shanks was sleeping and he woke up sudden. "Huh!? Fuck what time is it?" He asked himself and looked around and you seem no where to be found. Making him pout.
He stood up and yawned, and walked towards your bedroom and before he could open the door he heard you moaning behind the door. He groaned to himself. "Playing with yourself without me huh?"
Shanks opened the door and looked at the glorious slight of you touching yourself. He felt himself getting hard. God the things you do to this man. "Baby! You're having fun without me!" He pouted.
You yelped and sat up. And blush and look away from his eyes. Shanks walked towards you and before you could do anything his head was between your legs. And his tongue was going all out. Moaning into your folds as he ate you out.
You began moaning loudly. "Shanks! Oh God." And he graoned, God this is making him more horny. "You're in for a wild night baby!" He mumbled against your cunt.
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Despite him hating humans you were quite special to him, he hates the fact that he fell in love with a human. But Arlong will protect you and he’s still pretty rude towards you and loves talking down on you but if anyone else were to say something bad about you he’ll make sure they’re his next meal.
But Arlong was at ‘Arlong Park’ currently his fishmen were throwing a party, there’s loud music and booze everywhere. He was having a good time, but you weren’t by his side which was odd, you were always by his side no matter what.
So he decided to go fetch you so you can join the party, heading his way to your room. When he got to your room he froze, he could smell you. Sniffing the air around, he placed his ear to your door and could hear you moaning.
A smirk spread across his face, and he decided not to knock and just walk in. “Hey Y/N, you busy?” He said, walking in your room. He saw you spread across your bed and with two fingers inside of you and the other hand was playing around with your nipples.
“Oh god!” You yell out and stop as you heard his voice. “Arlong baby!” You whimper out, and pouting. And he smirked and laughed at your reaction.
“Touching yourself? Typical humans and not being able to control their dirty needs.” He snarled but eyed you. He couldn’t help but lick his lips. He looked around and saw a chair in your room and decided to sit on it. He patted his leg “Sit.”
And you quickly followed orders and sit on his lap,gasping slightly and he wrapped an arm around your waist. “Now move.” He demanded.
Moving your hips against his lap and moaning loudly, feeling the fabric of his pants rubbing against your clit gave it the prefect friction. “Such a dirty little human, you’re getting my pants wet.” He spoke and stroked your hair. “I hope you’re ready for the time of your life. We are having our own little party.” 
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