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theoutcastrogue · 1 year ago
Cold Iron in folklore, fiction, and RPGs
'Gold is for the mistress—silver for the maid! Copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade.' 'Good!' said the Baron, sitting in his hall, 'But Iron—Cold Iron—is master of them all!' — Rudyard Kipling, “Cold Iron”
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Drudenmesser, or "witch-knife", an apotropaic folding knife from Germany
The notion that iron (or steel) can ward against evil spirits, witches, fairies, etc is very widespread in folklore. You hang a horseshoe over your threshold to deny entry to evil spirits, you carry an iron tool with you to make sure devils won't assault you, you place a small knife under the baby's crib to ward it from witches, and so on. Iron is apotropaic in many many cultures.
In English, we often come across passages that refer to apotropaic cold iron (or cold steel). "All uncouth, unknown Wights are terrifyed by nothing earthly so much as by cold Iron", says Robert Kirk in 1691, which I believe is the earliest example. "Evil spirits cannot bear the touch of cold steel. Iron, or preferably steel, in any form is a protection", says John Gregorson Campbell in 1901.
So what is cold iron? In this context, it’s just iron. The “cold” part is poetic, especially – but not only – if we’re talking about either blades (or swords, weapons, the force of arms) or manacles and the like. It just sounds more ominous. There are “cold yron chaines” in The Fairie Queene (1596), and a 1638 book of travels tells us that a Georgian general (in the Caucasus) vowed “to make the Turk to eat cold iron”.
Green’s Dictionary of Slang defines “cold iron” as a sword, and dates the term to 1698. From 1725 it appears in Cant dictionaries (could this sense be thieves’ cant, originally? why not, plenty of words and expressions started as underworld slang and then entered the mainstream), and from ~1750 its use becomes much more common.
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NGram Viewer diagram for 1600-2019.
In other contexts, cold iron is (surprise!) iron that’s not hot. So let’s talk a bit about metallurgy.
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In nature, we can find only one kind of iron that’s pure enough to work with: meteoritic iron. It has to literally fall from the sky. Barring that very rare occurrence, people have to mine the earth for iron ore, which is not workable as is. To separate the iron from the ore we have to smelt it, and for that we need heat, in the form of hot charcoals. Throwing the ore on the coals won’t do much of anything, it’s not hot enough. But if we enclose the coals in a little tower built of clay, leaving holes for air flow, the temperature rises enough to smelt the ore. That’s called a bloomery.
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clay bloomery / medieval bloomery / beating the bloom to get rid of the slag
What comes out of the bloomery is a bloom: a porous, malleable mass of iron (that we need) and slag (byproducts that we don’t need). But now we can get rid of the slag and turn the porous mass to something solid, by hammering the hot bloom over and over. And once the slag is off, by the same process we can give it a desired shape in the forge, reheating it as needed. This is called “working” the iron, hence “wrought iron” objects, i.e. forged.
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a blacksmith in his forge, with bellows, fire, and anvil (English woodcut, 1603)
This is the lowest-tech version, possibly going back to ~2000 BCE in Nigeria. If we add bellows, the improved air flow will raise the temperature. So smelting happens faster and more efficiently in the bloomery, and so does heating the iron in the forge, making it easier to work with. And that’s the standard process from the Iron Age all through the middle ages and beyond (although in China they may have skipped this stage and gone straight to the next one).
If we make the bloomery bigger and bigger, with stronger and stronger bellows, we end up with a blast furnace, a construction so efficient that the temperature outright melts the iron, and it’s liquified enough to be poured into a mould and acquire the desired shape when it cools off. This is “cast iron”.
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a blast furnace
So in all of this, what’s cold iron? Well, it’s iron that went though the heat and cooled off. (No heat = no iron, all you got is ore.) If it came out of a bloomery, or if it wasn’t cast, it’s by definition worked, hammered, beaten, wrought, and that happened while it was still hot.
Is there such a thing as “cold-wrought” iron? No. In fact, “working cold iron” was a simile for something foolish or pointless. A smith who beats cold iron instead of putting it in the fire shows folly, says a 1694 book on religion, so you too should choose your best tools, piety and good decorum, to educate your children and servants, instead of beating them. When Don Quixote (1605) declares he’ll go knight-erranting again, Sancho Panza tries to dissuade him, but it’s like “preaching in the desert and hammering on cold iron” (a direct translation of martillar en hierro frío).
Minor work can be done on cold iron. A 1710 dictionary of technical terms tells us that a rivetting-hammer is “chiefly used for rivetting or setting straight cold iron, or for crooking of small work; but ’tis seldom used at the forge”. Fully fashioning an object out of cold iron is not a real process – though a 1659 History of the World would claim that in Arabia it’s so hot that “smiths work nails and horseshoes out of cold iron, softened only by the vigorous heat of the sun, and the hard hammering of hands on the anvil”. [I declare myself unqualified to judge the veracity of this statement, let's just say I have doubts.] And there is of course such a thing as “cold wrought-iron”, as in wrought iron after it’s cooled off.
Either way, in the context of pre-20th century English texts which refer to apotropaic “cold iron”, it’s definitely not “cold-wrought”, or meteoritic, or a special alloy of any kind. It’s just iron.
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The old superstition kept coming up in fantasy fiction. In 1910 Rudyard Kipling wrote the very influential short story “Cold Iron” (in the collection Rewards and Fairies), where he explains invents the details of the fairies’ aversion to iron. They can’t bewitch a child wearing boots, because the boots have nails in the soles. They can’t pass under a doorway guarded by a horseshoe, but they can slip through the backdoor that people neglected to guard. Mortals live “on the near side of Cold Iron”, because there’s iron in every house, while fairies live “on the far side of Cold Iron”, and want nothing to do with it. And changelings brought up by fairies will go back to the world of mortals as soon they touch cold iron for the first time.
In Poul Anderson’s The Broken Sword (1954), we read:
“Let me tell you, boy, that you humans, weak and short-lived and unwitting, are nonetheless more strong than elves and trolls, aye, than giants and gods. And that you can touch cold iron is only one reason.”
In Peter S. Beagle’s The Last Unicorn (1968) the unicorn is imprisoned in an iron cage:
“She turned and turned in her prison, her body shrinking from the touch of the iron bars all around her. No creature of man’s night loves cold iron, and while the unicorn could endure its presence, the murderous smell of it seemed to turn her bones to sand and her blood to rain.”
Poul Anderson would come back to that idea in Operation Chaos (1971), where the worldbuilding’s premise is that magic and magical creatures have been reintroduced into the modern world, because a scientist “discovered he could degauss the effects of cold iron and release the goetic forces”. And that until then, they had been steadily declining, ever since the Iron Age came along.
There are a million examples, I’m just focusing on those that would have had a more direct influence on roleplaying games. However, I should note that all these say “cold iron” but mean “iron”. Yes, the fey call it cold, but they are a poetic bunch. You can’t expect Robin Goodfellow’s words to be pedestrian, now can you?
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And from there, fantasy roleplaying systems got the idea that Cold Iron is a special material that fey are vulnerable to. The term had been floating around since the early D&D days, but inconsistently, scattered in random sourcebooks, and not necessarily meaning anything else than iron. In 1st Edition’s Monster Manual (1977) it’s ghasts and quasits who are vulnerable to it, not any fey creature. Devils and/or fiends might dislike iron, powdered cold iron is a component in Magic Circle Against Evil, and “cold-wrought iron” makes a couple of appearances. For example, in AD&D it can strike Fool’s Gold and turn it back to its natural state, revealing the illusion.
Then Changeling: The Dreaming came along and made it a big deal, a fundamental rule, and an anathema to all fae:
Cold iron is the ultimate sign of Banality to changelings. ... Its presence makes changelings ill at ease, and cold iron weapons cause horrible, smoking wounds that rob changelings of Glamour and threaten their very existence.... The best way to think about cold iron is not as a thing, but as a process, a very low-tech process. It must be produced from iron ore over a charcoal fire. The resulting lump of black-gray material can then be forged (hammered) into useful shapes. — Changeling: The Dreaming (2nd Edition, 1997)
So now that we know how iron works, does that description make sense? Well, if we assume that the iron ore is unceremoniously dumped on coals, it does not. You can’t smelt iron like that. If we assume that a bloomery is involved even though it’s not mentioned, then yes, this is broadly speaking how iron’s been made since the Iron Age, and until blast furnaces came into the picture. But the World of Darkness isn’t a pseudo-medieval setting, it’s modern urban fantasy. So the implication here is that “cold iron” is iron made the old way: you can’t buy it in the store, someone has to replicate ye olde process and do the whole thing by hand. Now, this is NOT how the term “cold iron” has been used in real life or fiction thus far, but hey, fantasy games are allowed to invent things.
Regardless, 3.5 borrowed the idea, and for the first time D&D made this a core rule. Now most fey creatures had damage reduction and took less damage from weapons and natural attacks, unless the weapon was made of Cold Iron:
“This iron, mined deep underground, known for its effectiveness against fey creatures, is forged at a lower temperature to preserve its delicate properties.” — Player’s Handbook (3.5 Edition, 2003)
Pathfinder kept the rule, though 5e did not. And unlike Changeling, this definition left it somewhat ambiguous if we’re talking about a material with special composition (i.e. not iron) or made with a special process (i.e. iron but). The community was divided, threads were locked over this!
So until someone points me to new evidence, I’ll assume that the invention of cold iron as a special material, distinct from plain iron, should be attributed to TTRPGs.
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z-01z · 1 year ago
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🔹♦ unicorn of trans your gender ♦🔹
a stress free easy hand painting project to start this year. was delayed by a camera malfunction, but now they're done.
might panel line later but i'm done for now. back to working on lancelot...
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roosterarts · 2 years ago
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June 6, 1944
- Pointe Du Hoc -
They were behind scheadule. Due to a navigational error, the landing crafts were initially bringing the Rangers to the wrong landing zone. After some argument and corrections, which caused a forty minute delay, the Rangers were eventually brought to the correct landing point. But now they had to make up for lost time.
Upon hitting the beach, specially made rocket-launched grappling hooks shot up into the air to grab onto the barbed wire and rocks at the top of the cliff. Many of the hooks fell short, but at least one from each landing craft reach the top of the cliff tops and hooked onto something.
Now came the difficult part, scaling the cliffs of Pointe Du Hoc under enemy fire.
Pointe Du Hoc was a problem for the US landing force. At the top of the cliffs were 155 mm guns inside concrete casemates. With Pinte Du Hoc located between Omaha and Utah beach, these guns could wreak havoc on the landings US landings on both beaches. Because of this they had to be taken. The task was thus assigned to the US Army Rangers.
Trained under the guidance of the British Commandos, the Rangers were among the US Army's elite forces. Now they were tasked to scale a cliff and destroy the German guns.
The original plan called for Force A, composed of Companies D, E, and F of the 2nd Ranger Battalion, to attack Pointe Du Hoc. Then, Companies A and B of the 2nd Ranger Battalion, and the entirity of the 5th Ranger Battalion, were to join them if they had successfully captured the position, which was to be relayed via signal flare.
However, due to a delay in getting the Force A to the right spot, the signal flare came too late and their reinforcements were thus landed in Omaha beach to support the landings there.
Despite the lack of support, Force A managed to achieve their objective, climbing the cliff and taking Pointe Du Hoc. However, to their shock, the German casemates were emport and the 155 mm guns they were supposed to destroy were not there.
Luckily for the Rangers, a recon patrol found the guns a bit further inland. The guns had been moved away from Pointe Du Hoc after previous Allied bombings made the Germans realize the vulnerability of the position. Quickly the Rangers used thermite grenades to destroy the gun's firing mechanicisms, disabling them.
@bexdrey @nopony-ask-mclovin and @whirlwindflux mod as members of the 2nd Ranger Battalion.
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sinkat-arts · 7 months ago
I've been neglecting WIP Wednesday over here, but I've been working on a story for the HQ Sword and Sorcery bang for the past several months (technically, a year... but so much of that was spent working and reworking the outline).
I'm pretty excited about it? It's meant to be a love letter to all my favorite 80s fantasy stories - The Last Unicorn, Legend, Willow, The Neverending Story - with a dash of Dragon Age magic system / lyrium-type mind control thrown in for funsies. The scope has grown -so much- and it's probably the most ambitious thing I've written... so bear with me;;;
I'll start posting in a little over two weeks. But in the meantime, here's the title drop and the intros for both Daichi and Suga. (Guess which one has The Trauma this time.)
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coolcowboyjoethings · 2 years ago
Gundam Unicorn in load screen of Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation 2
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crystalelemental · 11 months ago
Finally at the phase of the game where I can give someone the Ring of the Unicorn. Time to really think carefully about who to give this to-Melisandre. Melisandre all day.
Look, I know Scarlett is like. Default love interest or whatever. But she doesn't really do much, and has no significant chemistry with Alain beyond being there first. It was never going to be her.
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lifes-commotion · 2 years ago
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Happy heavenly Birthday Elizabeth II (21 April 1926 – 8 September 2022)! She became Queen 6 February 1952 and reigned of 70 years and 214 days, which was the longest of any British monarch and the longest verified reign of any female head of state in history.
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astral-dragons · 2 years ago
may or may not be joining a DIFFERENT cos campaign as a player. but we'll see :D
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chronicparagon · 2 months ago
"All right! This is the place!" She waits for Adelheid to stop before sliding off her back. "We'll get what we need after we eat." Though she seems perfectly fine, Harmony cheer fades when she feels the mare's muscles tense.
"Hey...Are you okay?" Harmony mutters under her breath so only Adelheid can hear. Then, Harmony looks around. Eyes survey their surroundings. There are some glances from other patrons. Most of them seem to be genuine curiosity of Adelheid but it's hard for the traveler to see what their true intentions are. "Was it because of that guy not far from here? He looked intimidating, but I don't think he'll give us any trouble." She shrugs her shoulders. "He could very well be another newcomer passing through. I'm sure we won't see him again."
Little does Harmony know that won't be the case. Despite her reassurance, Adelheid seems wary and Harmony can't really blame her. The man's coat of arms looked nothing like she had seen in her past travels. She can't recall a "Red King" named in the symbol.
A hand gently rests on the unicorn's shoulder. A warm smile curves Harmony's lips before speaking once more.
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"It will be okay. Imaiya is a massive city and I don't think he or anyone will bother us. Besides, you're not alone. I'll be right here! Now, how about I get you something to eat? You might feel better after that!"
She felt a wave of gratitude wash over her, knowing she would hold onto her words. “Yes, it’s very generous of you to ask.” She appreciated that he wouldn’t offer her something she might despise, especially with the looming threat of illness. As she glanced down, she continued to move forward, her friend guiding her toward their destination, her ears momentarily flicking back.
“The Racing Stallion, what a delightful name.” It struck her as both amusing and inventive. She nodded, turning her attention to the establishment, determined to reach it alongside Harmony. As she navigated the bustling streets, she focused solely on her goal, skillfully sidestepping the throngs of people around her, though it was a bit of a challenge.
The crowd was immense, a sea of individuals bustling about in their daily routines. Horses and riders filled the streets, some pulling carriages while others maneuvered carts. It was a lot to absorb, yet she managed it with surprising ease, keeping her sights set on the restaurant named The Racing Stallion.
She gave a slight nod, her gaze still locked on the spot where the man had vanished into the crowd. Aware of the dangers of this place, she had hoped that, as a unicorn disguised as a white mare, she could blend in seamlessly. Her horn was concealed beneath a magical veil, visible only to those with pure intentions. Yet, the way the man had looked at her suggested he could see beyond her facade.
A moment of unease washed over her as she watched the man disappear as quickly as he had come, a stranger she had never encountered before, just like many others in this bustling place. Everything felt foreign to her, and she paused, realizing she hadn’t intended to collide with him. It seemed they were both entranced by the marvels and sensations surrounding them.
As they approached the tavern, the noise grew more vibrant, with laughter and the clinking of glasses spilling out onto the cobblestone street. The rich aroma of roasting meat and spilled ale contrasted sharply with the fresh scents of the forest and countryside they had just left behind. Her grip on the horse's mane tightened, her heart racing from the unexpected encounter.
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“I’m not sure,” she murmured, her gaze fixed ahead, her eyes catching the flickering light of the torches at the tavern's entrance. Though she maintained a composed facade, Harmony could feel the tension coiling in her muscles. Perhaps a bite to eat and a drink would ease her nerves.
She made her way around to the back, where the stables were located, finding tables filled with riders, soldiers, knights, and travelers, all engaged in lively conversation, their horses sharing in the atmosphere. It seemed like a lively spot, yet a flicker of concern nagged at her. She had noticed curious glances directed at them, which she had tried to dismiss, but now, after bumping into the stranger, she felt a twinge of regret for not heeding her instincts and taking a different path.
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yey56 · 3 days ago
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You have been working at Playtime CO for some years now, you worked as the head department of psychology but most of your work consisted on providing profiles of the children in the lower levels or as your coworker called them, experiments.
Over the years of working with them and knowing what they are being turned into, you've learned to work with them pre and post experimentation. Another thing you've learned through time was to deal with the partner you were assigned for the project. Harley sawyer.
What is there to say about that man. He is the head scientist in the project but he is absolutely horrible at dealing with them, or with anyone. That's how you were assigned to work along side him . He made the experiments and you maintained them under control.
Initially the ones who needed to be under control where you two because of your crashing personalities. While he was a serious control freak and borderline antisocial you one the contrary seemed to not take things seriously, constantly taunting him and the other stuff and with a permanent sarcastic tone in your voice voice.
Of course at first he didn't like you much, and to be fair you didn't make it easy. Everything he said refering to the experiments was refuted by your obsession to keep a mildly stable mental health in the subject.
Dr Harley sighed heavily looking your way with an annoyed look- What now?- he asked
If you keep treating the subjects like that your are going to break them.-you said in the observation room with him while you were both supervising experiment 1355, a young girl turned into a smiley unicorn.
They're toys, they can be fixed easily- he responded as if he had repeated you that phrase for the 11th time (he did)
You know what I mean Sawyer, they are of no use if their minds break-you explained with a calm smile- or have you forgotten what kind of problems an unstable subject could bring?- your asked him, your question mocking him.
It turned out well with Yarnaby or have you forgotten Dr/Dra (Y/L/N)?- he said imitating your question
You laughed slowly- ah yes the kid you isolated as your pet, great example Dr-
Harley Sawyer was well know for working alone, he didn't like others company and whenever he got an assistant or a guard, he scared them off by being authoritarian or exposing them to dangerous situation. You were the only one at the company who actually could keep up with him.
In the interviews with the children you would lead the conversation while Harley observed and took notes. In the laboratory you were more of an assistant, helping the Dr with whatever tool he needed or just preparing the chemicals.
Even though he hated to admit it, his experiments have been more controlable and causing less troubles since you started working together.
You would be unbothered by the kids, showing enough compassion for them to not recognise you as a threat, but showing not an ounce of regret in your eyes while seeing how Harley turned them into toys.
Do I have to remind you that compassion is useless in this job?- Sawyer said while closing a wound he had made on the experiment while operating
You haven't realised how much time have passed since your prior conversation have ended. It was strange for the doctor to initiate them, usually preferring silence but you weren't complaining.
Compassion can make a person go through great lengths- you said- But I understand that in this line of work it's nothing but a limit, a wall that needs to be broken in order to obtain results.-
For once in a long time both you and Harley agreed on something.
He finally stopped sewing the toys fresh wound and started reading the inform you had redacted about the psychological profile of the child before the operation- you should do another one once she wakes up (Y/L/N)- he reminded you while reading the little notes and highlights you left about her.
You always reserved a space the paper work to express your personal opinions on the experiment and Harley always read them. It's another thing he started doing, considering your opinions and advice as something worth of noticing.
He looked at you not noticing how he had spaced out of his mind for a moment while reading your report.
What is it?- he asked actually surprised that he was actually distracted enough to not hear you.
I was asking you about the experiment 1322, Doey. How are the three conscience developing? are they getting used to they're new body?-you asked. Doey was your favourite experiment so far, it was the one you have showed more interest in and your involvement with him was way bigger than with others. Sawyer didn't understood your fascination with Doey.
Since you both started developing the project, you had shown special interest in the idea of three people combined in a toy. In fact, the reason you had starting working more time with the doctor was because of your eagerness to see how the experiment would turn out.
You have become much more comfortable with one another, even after years of coexisting with each other in the lower levels of Playtime.
Sometimes he would catch himself looking at you while you were with the kids in the interviews. He observed your calm demeanor through the crystal of the observation room. He could see how the children grew more confortable with you while you were joking.
The cognitive abilities of the toys were improving each day thanks to your work so of course the bosses permitted you both to perform as many experiments as needed.
Another thing Harley noticed about the last week's was how you would spend most of your time testing and conversing with 1322. He had grown so used to your presence that it was getting harder to work without you present.
He would never admit that he missed your sarcastic comments about the designs of the toys or how he missed to call you a germ, his germ, whenever you were getting to annoying.
Sometimes when you went to the cafeteria upstairs to get some coffee or a sandwich to eat, you would get him something too.
You haven't brought anything recently and that was because of your new obsession.
He finally finished the last transformation successfully, now the only thing left was for the experiment to wake up and for you to examine them.
Harley wandered through the corridors searching for the one room he knew you would be in, this time, he was the one bringing you a coffee.
He watched you through the crystal of the observation room. You always insisted on talking face to face with Doey. The mass of doe seemed calmer with you around. The two more peaceful personalities of Doey talked to you, voicing their regrets and fears. Though the violent part of the creature always seemed reluctant to talk to you. Not responding what was asked of him or simply not responding at all.
Dra/Dr ( Y/L/N), your presence is required in the observation room number 29- Sawyer interrupted your conversation. Doey seemed afraid for a moment only to turn his expression into an angry one. With a gesture of your hand you calmed him down and signaled silently for Harley to turn on the ice so the doe wouldn't scape.
You exited the room to find your coworker handing you a cup of coffee. You looked at him with a raised brow but accepted it either way.
Well, look who it is.-you said with satisfied grin- I thought you were supervising Yarnaby?- you commented
Yes I was, are you aware of how much time you spend with that... Mass?- he said with contempt- what's so fascinating about him anyways? He's only been trouble.
You're only trouble as far as I'm aware- he rolled his eyes you sipped again- he's a time bomb and I want to be there to see it explode- you finally responded- I want to be the germ that makes him mutate.
Germ... It's a fitting name for you- he laughed with a smooth voice.-
You both stayed silent in the middle of the room, he looked at you calmly while you ended your coffee. He was looking at you trough his glasses without blinking, with his tired eyes.
You looked back at him and when you realised he had his fist raised at you, brushing with his tumb the remaining coffee right next to your upper lip.
Neither of you realised how close you where, the dim light of the room illuminated both of your bodies. Yours against the door and his right in front of you, your external layers of clothing touching lightly.
He got even closer, feeling his breath against your own. His thumb caressing your cheek
He thought about everything that had happened recently. How Pierre and the ones closer to him had started to go against you both in the semanal meeting with the executives regarding the experiments. Pierre's demands being met by your indifference, claiming that you will keep securing the experiments as much as possible.
The doctor remembered how you, just as him, were completely devoted to the project. He had became paranoic for the past months. More irritable, unwilling to socialise with someone who wasn't you or the toys
He got even closer to you, he though he heard you whisper his name. You closed the gap between the both of you. Hands on his shoulders
Lip against lip, his hand still in your face. You felt that Harley was the only human you could trust down here. No one understood you like he did. Your desperation to contribute to humanity, your desire of achieving a more lasting body. One that could endure more.
If you ever shared this with anyone else, you'll probably be in trouble.
Your closeness with Harley and his with you was out of understanding, a feeling of trust and comfortability that had just materialised thought he kiss you were sharing with each other.
He slowly pulled apart, his breathing uneven and one of his locks of hair misplaced a slight smile on his face. His forehead touched yours and he whispered just above your lips- My germ~
Only if you knew... That exact same day Harley Sawyer would be reduce no nothing more than a system, a screen, a conscience.
At the mercy of playtimes desires while you... Well ... Your whereabouts were unknown, even though they knew you didn't get out of the building.
Somewhere... hiding between wires and toy corpses...
I'm in love with the voice of the doctor AKA Harley Sawyer.
My drawing of Harley Sawyer:
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astonmartinii · 1 year ago
HI! Hope you are well! I have no clue if you are taking requests or not, but if you are, could you maybe do a smau with carlos sainz x ferrari!reader? Where the reader is part of the ferrari family, and when her father passes away, she will take on the company? And like, all of the tifosi love her loads, bcs she's just lovely to them all no matter what, and they see carlos slowly 'fall in love' with her then soft launch their relationship, and it turns out they had been dating for ages? If you can, ty!!
are you going to be my girl? | carlos sainz social media au
pairing: carlos sainz x fem ferrari!reader
it's not a HR violation if you were dating before she became your boss and it's not nepotism if it's her company.
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc and 872,309 others
yournameferrari: first race weekend, let's go girls 🏁
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user1: i am SCARED i am weirdly optimistic 🤔
user2: i have faith, the article about her and the whole new team... she's cooking
carlossainz55: excited to take her out for a spin
yournameferrari: lets keep all the spinning for the doughnuts at the end of the season please
carlossainz55: i'll try my best, no promises though
yournameferrari: okay stop commenting on my post and get ready to drive, you're wearing my name
carlossainz55: let me know when you want to wear mine
user3: yall it's not even been one race and carlos is flirting with his boss, they weren't lying f1 drivers really are fearless
sebastianvettel: feels like just the other day when you first visted the garage, you'll smash it!
yournameferrari: thanks seb! can't wait to see you again, give hanna and the kids my love
user4: i love that she's 23 but literally talks like a grandma
user5: the stress of ferrari does tend to age a person
charles_leclerc: forza ferrari ❤️ we'll make you proud
yournameferrari: i have all the faith in the world in you boys
user6: a ferarri owner who actually publicly supports the drivers? i've prayed for times like this
user7: ahhh i met her this weekend and she really loves the tifosi like she spent so long with us and signed as much as she could
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liked by yournameferrari, landonorris and 893,209 others
carlossainz55: great weekend all round, happy to be back on the podium - thank you to y/n and all the team for building us a car we can win in !!
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user9: don't shoot me but did we all see the way carlos was looking at y/n on the podium
user10: bestie i hate to tell you but there was like 100 ferrari workers at that podium he could've been looking at literally any of them
yournameferrari: you boys made the ferrari name proud this weekend ❤️
carlossainz55: couldn't have done it without you and the team
yournameferrari: you're too kind, take pride in your own achievements
carlossainz55: only if you celebrate with me
user11: are we witnessing the smooth operator in real time?
user12: it's like seeing a unicorn in the woods
landonorris: congrats chilli 🌶️ are we all celebrating or is it just you two?
carlossainz55: all of us? why wouldn't it be everyone?
landonorris: no reason ....
user13: maybe it's because carlos' eyes pop out of his head like a looney tunes whenever he's around y/n ferrari
liked by landonorris, charles_leclerc
carlossainz55: you realise i get the notifications when you guys like comments, right?
landonorris: well my PR team wouldn't like it if i commented it myself
carlossainz55: i wonder if there is a reason for that 🤔
user14: carlando domestics in the comment section we are so back
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liked by carlossainz55, charles_leclerc and 803,451 others
tagged: yournameferrari
scuderiaferrari: no race this weekend? we'll give you a #️⃣ asky/n to give you your ferrari content this weekend!
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user15: what is your favourite race?
yournameferrari: besides the obvious choices of imola and monza, i really enjoy suzuka and spa !
user16: who is a driver you would've loved to have managed?
yournameferrari: the obvious answer is michael schumacher, but i also would've loved to work with seb and kimi and jean alesi!
user17: how do you feel about taking over ferrari so young?
yournameferrari: it's definitely daunting, especially when no one really knew i existed. i was scared when it came to the staff overhaul as they had been there for so long and i was scared that it would massively backfire, but so far so good.
user18: tbf it's been a long time coming
user19: what would you do if you weren't owning ferrari?
yournameferrari: to be honest, ferrari and motorsport is all i have ever known, but, i also enjoy most other sports like football, ice skating and golf. but outside of sport i would've loved to pursue writing, i love poetry and essays!
user20: GOLF? cue carlos sainz in 3...2...1
carlossainz55: let's go for a round after my next sim session ⛳️
yournameferrari: only if you're ready to lose
user21: i am having ... feelings about this pairing
user22: how do you feel about charles' music?
yournameferrari: i always think it is good to have another passion, especially with how all-consuming formula one can become. i personally love charles' music and will often put it on when i do yoga or read (though my favourite is AUS23)
charles_leclerc: thank you y/n !!!
user23: is this *rubs eyes* an owner with a good relationship with the drivers???
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liked by user28, user29 and 4,130 others
tagged: yournameferrari, pierregasly
f1gossipgirl: AWKWARD MOMENT ALERT 🚨 y/n ferrari had harsh word for pierre gasly when they crossed paths in the paddock. gasly, whose dangerous driving put carlos sainz in the medical centre, seemed shocked that ferrari would have a problem with him. sources in the paddock said that ferrari admonished the frenchman, "you have a lot of gall in the media gasly, everyone saw how dangerous that was, you can't blame your own shortcomings on alpha tauri or adrian newey now. keep your car away from my drivers or we'll have a real problem." oop. allegedly gasly only replied with a wink and a "anything for you sweetheart" which caused y/n to storm off and knock his shoulder on the way past. who is in the right?
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user31: y/n owned gasly
user32: not only was he dangerous on track he's also super disrespectful off, y/n is expressing her concerns over her driver who could've been seriously injured and he just flirts with her ???
user33: pierre is super in the wrong here but also it's so refreshing to see someone in management actually have the drivers back
user34: gone were the days of begging ferrari to even appeal penalties
user35: my friend was in the paddock and apparently vasseur had to hold sainz back after he was told about what pierre had done
user36: the way he's more mad that pierre disrespected y/n than nearly killing him
user37: idk why she's getting involved, no need to talk to the drivers like that, you're the owner, know your place
liked by pierregasly
user38: something insidious about the man liking a comment telling a woman to know her place 🤨
user39: he acts the victim in every situation and yet HE is the common denominator
user40: after ^^^ this whole mess i need carlos to scrap pierre
user41: i feel like he actually would that man is in love with y/n lol
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liked by carlossainz55, scuderiaferrari and 903,451 others
yournameferrari: happy summer break everyone !! going into the break leading the constructor's championship lead is amazing but we aim to finish the season with both trophies back in maranello. see you in zandvoort x
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user42: A MAN?
user43: i was delusional to think that a young successful and smart woman wasn't cuffed :(
sebastianvettel: are you still planning to swing by switzerland?
yournameferrari: we'll be there!
this comment was deleted
yournameferrari: i'll be there!
user44: girl we saw that
user45: the way she posts her soft launch but deletes a comment that says she might bring him to visit seb?
user46: visiting seb is a big deal tbf
user47: the way carlos HAS to have her notifications on mans was here after 30 seconds
user48: has better reaction time for y/n's instagram post than a race start 😭
carlossainz55: working on my swing, ready for our round of golf
yournameferrari: get ready to be humbled
carlossainz55: if you're as pro as you say i may have to upgrade us to crazy golf
yournameferrari: as long as i get the red ball
carlossainz55: deal
user49: are we FLIRTING 👀 ???????
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liked by landonorris, yournameferrari and 703,458 others
tagged: yournameferrari
carlossainz55: took a break from swimming to get my ass whooped by my boss on the golf course
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user50: oh the fit - Y/N CAME TO PLAY
landonorris: just how bad was the whopping? before i propose a paddock golf tournament
carlossainz55: she'll ruin the sport for you it's not fair
landonorris: you didn't put up any sort of fight?
carlossainz55: i TRIED but as soon as i saw the custom clubs i knew it was over
yournameferrari: i have a confession, i was literally on my college golf team, i had a lot of practice sorry x
carlossainz55: so you're basically a professional? that's comforting
yournameferrari: not really a professional but a very dedicated amateur
user51: babe you literally won the national championship at stanford stop playing with this man
yournameferrari: oops? 😬
user52: right, i don't mean to sound crazy, but i have a theory. the third pic looks very familiar to me, is it a lake in switzerland? the switzerland one SEBASTIAN VETTEL lives in and that y/n ferrari said she was going to visit this summer with someone?
user53: i fear you've made a point
user54: as much as they'd be literally the hottest couple in the world ... is it not a bit weird for carlos to date his boss? like... also what does this mean for potential favouritism?
user55: i get those concerns but we've already seen this season that decisions have been made both ways. unlike the binotto era ferrari actually are making the two first drivers thing work
user56: based on what y/n has said in the past i don't think she'd favour carlos because of a relationship, i think she's too ruthless to potentially sacrifice points to benefit her potential boyfriend
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55 and 1,239,861 others
tagged: carlossainz55
f1: the smooth operator is back to winning ways with his win under the singapore lights. it was a double podium for ferrari and a DNF for sergio perez means that ferrari are constructors champions once again!
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user61: we really went from xavi and not having any tyres to proper professionals and the WCC trust the WDC will be coming back home soon
carlossainz55: tifosi, we'll get the big one next year ❤️
landonorris: so you made me find out with everyone else? i see how it is
carlossainz55: sorry landito, didn't intend for anyone to find out just yet but i guess i got a little carried away..
yournameferrari: a little?
carlossainz55: sorry but i've been good all year and finally got the win and the championship i couldn't help myself (you also looked so good sorry)
yournameferrari: i guess i can give you that (you're also very sexy post-race)
charles_leclerc: well i for one am super happy that i never opened the door when i heard a suspicious sound coming from y/n's office
yournameferrari: omg delete please i stubbed my toe i swear !!!!
charles_leclerc: no one is believing that i'm sorry
carlossainz55: we've never done anything untoward on ferrari property
landonorris: untoward? who are you?
carlossainz55: my gf is super duper college educated and it's rubbing off on me
yournameferrari: 🤨
landonorris: sorry.
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liked by landonorris, yournameferrari and 1,034,510 others
tagged: yournameferrari
carlossainz55: suprise ! i guess it wasn't to be just ours forever, but i love you y/n and will give everything to you and your name x
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user62: boyfriend in the first slide and girlfriend in the others he's so real
yournameferrari: i know this secret was hard for you to keep so i'm proud of you regardless, i love you 🫶
carlossainz55: honestly any time anyone in the paddock flirted with you i thought i would explode
yournameferrari: i've seen your dm requests, spare me
carlossainz55: but now they know, i can unleash all of my pictures of you and i can flex on everyone
user63: dream threesome list just got a new update
landonorris: first slide for me i know that's right
carlossainz55: i am forgiven for not telling you about my relationship? the two years were tough
landonorris: TWO YEARS?
carlossainz55: your tone sounds kinda off
landonorris: you can shove your first slide up your ass 👍 TWO YEARS?????
carlossainz55: tbf i couldn't really announce to the world that i was dating the woman who would someday become the owner of my team
landonorris: give me three business days and i'll be okay
scuderiaferrari: parents ❤️
charles_leclerc: happy for you guys but never ask me to take pictures of you again x
yournameferrari: you did such a good job though!
charles_leclerc: unless i see a photographer bonus in my contract i will not be third wheeling for free
yournameferrari: noted (you're not getting the bonus)
charles_leclerc: it was worth the try
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 1,035,556 others
tagged: carlossainz55
yournameferrari: what a crazy first season. i am unbelievably proud of the boys and the team, we'll bring both championships back to maranello next season ❤️
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user64: she is everything i want to be
user65: tbf after last season i never thought we would win a race this season and her overhaul and ruthlessness has actually changed the game. also her and carlos are super cute
carlossainz55: i love you and thank you for our season. here's to the best winter break with you
yournameferrari: finally you can spend christmas the ferrari way
user66: how do we also get an invite to this christmas.. do you have any brothers? cousins? uncles?
carlossainz55: you're so so so beautiful, pretty, bewitching, ravishing, stunning and irresistible
yournameferrari: i love you too handsome
carlossainz55: can you also humble my dad at golf please and thank you
yournameferrari: we'll go doubles for the sainz golf tournament and have NO MERCY
user67: someone tell y/n the season is over and that she doesn't need to ruin sainz snr's christmas on the golf course
yournameferrari: the ferrari name never rests sorry not sorry
user68: yeah yeah the constructor championship finally came back to ferrari but this relationship is the real win from this season
user69: carlos finally found someone as old money as him
user70: and is actually old money, babes has that ferrari money
carlossainz55: i can retire early and be the house husband
yournameferrari: you will not retire early i expect you to be kicking it in that car until you're at least alonso's age
carlossainz55: but after that i can be the house husband a HAB?
yournameferrari: to your hearts content :) no one prettier i'd want on my arm x
note: hope you enjoyed i was BATTLING the writers block on this one lol. but i hope this is what you were looking for
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roosterarts · 2 years ago
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June 6, 1944
- Nan White, Juno Beach -
The tide had already risen. Getting off of the landing craft, they troops had to wade through the water under machine gun, mortar, and artillery fire. As the soldiers disembarked, some of them began to fall, victims of the resistance next directly in front of them. The regiment knew that they needed to move quick and push forward to capture the German position or else they would be massacred on the coast.
The Queen's Own Rifles of Canada (QOR) was the first wave to land on the Nan White Sector of Juno beach. The original plan was for them to reach the coast at 0745. However, due to roguh seas, the landings were delayed and pushed back by ten minutes. Thi resulted in the regiment landing its troops at 0812 instead.
Upon disembarking, the QOR quickly encountered stiff enemy resistance. Its turns out they landed directly in front of a fortified German position that had various machine guns and an 88 mm gun covering it.
Despite the formidable enemy position, and the initial casualties, the soldiefrs of the QOR managed to push forward and take the enemy positions.
With the beaches secured the regiment then began pushing inland, eventually capturing their D-Day objective, the village of Anisy, located 13.5 km inland. They would be the only regiment to reach and capture their D-Day objective.
@a-spoonful-o-generosity @duran301 and @ask-doctor-dimension as members of the Queen's Own Rifles of Canada. Behind them is a Landing Craft Attack (LCA).
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love-and-deepspace-wiki · 5 months ago
Historical Timeline of Events: Past Events
Dr. Noah and Zayne go back to visit Skyhaven University and watch the First-Year Medical Student Oath Ceremony
Character ages:
Rafayel age: "23"
Zayne age: 25 (or 26 if past September)
Sylus age: 27
Xavier age: “36”, turns “37” in October
Caleb age: 24 (or 25 if past June)
Zayne receives the Starcatcher Award
Zayne receives the Linde Award
Dr. Cooper becomes an attending surgeon at Akso Hospital
Luke and Kieran successfully escape from Ever's researchers
Character ages:
Rafayel age: "22"
Zayne age: 25
Sylus age: 26
Xavier age: “36”
Caleb age: 23 (or 24 if past June)
Spring, around New Years Day:
Arthur visits a cemetery with his granddaughter and spots Xavier there
This year, the Chronorift Catastrophe was 11 years ago
Character ages:
Rafayel: "20", turns "21" in March
Zayne: 23, turns 24 in September
Sylus: 24, turns 25 in April
Xavier: “35”, turns “36” in October
Caleb age: 22, turns 23 in June
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Zayne graduates from Skyhaven Medical School, obtained his MD, and started working at Akso Hospital in the Division of Cardiac Surgery
Dr. Joelle becomes Chief of Division of Cardiac Surgery
Zayne assists at the battle on Mt. Eternal, providing medical support
Dr. William (from the Evol Special Rescue Unit) dies on Mt. Eternal fighting Wanderers
Character Ages:
Rafayel: "19"
Zayne: 22
Sylus: 23
Xavier: “34”
Caleb: 20
The year Dr. Noah says Skyhaven University's cafeteria was probably renovated
Character ages:
Rafayel: "16"
Zayne: 19
Sylus: 20
Xavier: “31”
Caleb: 17
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Linkon City is mostly rebuilt after the Catastrophe
Philo flower shop has opened where Sweetie's Cake Shop once stood; also serves as Jeremiah's residence
Character ages:
Rafayel: "13"
Zayne: 16
Sylus: 17
Xavier: “28”
Caleb: 14
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Hunter's Association officially established on January 1st of this year
Azure Square is newly rebuilt
Zayne starts studies at Skyhaven Medical School
Character ages:
Rafayel: "11"
Zayne: 14
Sylus: 15
Xavier: “26”
Caleb: 12
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UNICORNS established
The Deepspace Tunnel appeared above Linkon City
The Chronorift Catastrophe
Grandma Josephine takes protaganist in and becomes her guardian. Protaganist age is said to be "7"
Ruins of Lemuria discovered by an archeological team from the Deepspace Academy (Ms. Eleanor, Yennifer, Frederick, and Professor Sean)
Lumiere first emerges
Operation Snowhunt began
Jeremiah starts actually living at his rented house
The Wanderer attack
Sweetie's Cake Shop is destroyed
Bella's death
Character ages:
Rafayel: "10"
Zayne: 12, turns 13 in September
Sylus: 14
Xavier: “24”, turns “25” in October
Caleb: turned 11 in June
Xavier fakes his death
Character ages:
Rafayel: "9"
Zayne: 12
Sylus: 13
Xavier: “24”
Caleb: 10
Jeremiah: a friend of Xavier's. They're both from the Backtrackers
Bella: works at Sweetie’s Cake Shop with her father
Three days after New Years Day:
“Noah” retrieves the missing Archives file from Xavier's mailbox where he left it for him. He wants to use it for a new identity.
Xavier refers to “Noah” as his “former friend” and the end of that conversation
New Years Day:
Xavier decides it's time for him to leave the Evol Special Task Force
Character ages:
Rafayel: "8", turns "9" in March
Zayne: 11, turns 12 in September
Sylus: 12, turns 13 in April
Xavier: “23”, “24” in October
Caleb: 9, turns 10 in June
Dr. Joelle starts as a fellow at Akso Hospital
Xavier joins the Bloomshore District Evol Special Task Force, Team 013
Xavier is said to be 23 years old
Arthur's 9th year as Captain of Team 013
Arthur's 16th year as a police officer with Evol Special Task Force
Character ages:
Rafayel: "8"
Zayne: 10, turns 11 in September
Sylus: 12
Xavier: “23”
Caleb: 8, turns 9 in June
Dr. Joelle graduates from Beiyang University
Character ages:
Rafayel: "5"
Zayne: 8
Sylus: 9
Caleb: 5, turns 6 in June
Arthur is injured on a mission. Significantly diminished his mobility
Character ages:
Rafayel: "3"
Zayne: 6
Sylus: 7
Caleb: 3, turns 4 in June
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Rafayel is born on March 6th? (But he's Lemurian, so his listed age will be in quotations)
Caleb is born on June 13th
Character ages:
Zayne: 3
Sylus: 4
Arthur becomes Captain of Evol Special Task Force Team 013
Character ages:
Zayne: 2
Sylus: 3
In 2033, Arthur says SD19940122 was an event that happened “decades ago”
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Zayne is born in September
When Team 013 had last had a new recruit
Dr Joelle begins studies at Beiyang University
Character ages:
Sylus: 1
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Sylus is born in April
Arthur begins his career as a police officer with the Evol Special Task Force
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White Bear founded (a company that sells cup noodles)
Sometime prior to 1833:
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Traceback II crash landed on Earth
"Jeremiah" came to Earth with Xavier/the Backtrackers
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Lizio Auctions founded
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thirdsaltyhunter · 1 month ago
Hotel Pool
Dean Winchester x Reader
Warning: SMUT, fluff, oral (fmr), squirting, teasing, unprotected sex, breaking and entering? Dean's bad ideas
Summary: You and Dean enjoy the luxuries of a real hotel, which includes having some fun in the pool and the comfortable beds
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You, Sam, and Dean were working a werewolf case the British Men of Letters had put you on. One of the BMoL, Mick Davies had decided to join you, much to you and Dean's disdain. After a few hours in the car of having to listen to his podcasts and you actively fighting rolling your eyes, Mick told you to turn into a parking lot.
Dean pulled into the lot of 'The Wild Elk Lodge', an actual hotel. You and the boys were so used to staying in run down motels, that a place like this was like a five star resort.
"This place seems a little-"
"Shabby? Yeah. 3 stars was the best I could do. Least our bean counters will be happy. Booked us all suits," Mick said.
"Wait, we're all in separate rooms?" Sam said in disbelief.
When you stayed at motels, the three of you usually shared one room. You and Dean would crammed yourself onto what was typically a twin-size bed, and Sam would get the other bed or the couch.
"Yeah of course. Except for the two lovebirds, obviously." Mick motioned between you and Dean and again, you fought not to roll your eyes.
"Did you say 3 stars? So we're talking fresh towels, little baby shampoos?" Dean interjected.
"Uh-huh... And I believe theres a pool," Mick said walking through the doors of the nice hotel.
You and Dean shared a look of excitement and disbelief. You were definitely going to be checking out the pool later.
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You stepped into your room and Dean let out a low whistle of approval. It was nice. Everything was clean and white with a queen-size bed, it even had a fireplace.
Dean set you bags down and started looking around the room. You flopped down on the bed and almost moaned at how comfortable it was.
"Oh my God," you said in satisfaction as you felt the ache in your back subside.
"What?" Dean poked his head out from where he had been looking around in the bathroom.
"This bed is so soft."
"Well, we'll have to test it out later." Wiggling his eyebrows, he smiled and then flopped down next to you. "Damn, yeah."
"Mh, told you."
"Do they make their beds out of clouds and unicorn feathers, what the hell?"
You laughed, "I don't know, but I think we need to get a new mattress for the bunker, cause this is amazing."
Dean groaned. "This is going to ruin us," He got up and moved to pull out his laptop. "We stay here 5 minutes and we're already spoiled."
He sat at the small table by the window and began going over a few things for the case. You stayed layed out on the bed and eventually, you unintentionally drifted off to sleep.
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A couple hours later you woke to Dean gently shaking your shoulder. You groaned and sat up to look at the clock, it was late at night now.
"Why'd you let me fall asleep?" you said, smoothing down your hair.
"You needed it, plus you looked so comfortable, how could I disturb you?"
"I could've helped with the research though."
"Nah there wasn't much too it. The Brits actually did their job for once, buuuut now that that's done, I was thinking we could go check out that pool."
"Baby, it's late, the hotel closes it at night."
"I know," he said, with a mischief that shone in his eyes when he was up to no good.
"So you have a plan?" you inquired, raising a brow and trying to hide your smile.
"Sweetheart, I always have a plan," he gave a proud smile and pulled his lockpicking kit from his pocket.
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You felt like teenagers sneaking out of the house, except this time you we sneaking in and you were supposed to be adults. This also was far from the riskiest thing you and Dean had done, but what were you if not his partner in crime.
He had picked the lock on the door in seconds, defiant of the 'hours of operation' sign directly above it. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the dark room, the only light was the faint moonlight shining through the windows, but it was enough to make out Dean's silhouette as he stripped down to his boxers.
As you removed your outer clothing, he jumped into the water, the sound echoing off the walls.
"At least try to be quiet," you chastised as you lowered yourelf into the pool, adjusting to the temperature.
You had to admit, this was a pretty good idea on Dean's part. I mean, it wasn't really a good idea, you could get caught at any moment, but you still were going to take your time to enjoy the nice pool. You loved to swim and it had been a long time since you had been to a motel that had a pool that didn't look like you would catch a disease from it.
After a while of swimming, you went to sit on the side of the pool with your feet dangling in the water and watched your boyfriend glide underwater from one end of the pool to the other.
He emerged in front of you and shook the water from his hair, spraying you with droplets and moved to stand between your knees.
"This is nice," he said, running a hand up the side of your bare thigh.
You hummed in agreement , the tips of your fingers toying with a strand of his wet hair.
"Nice being able to get you all wet."
You couldn't help but rool your eyes at his signature smirk that followed that comment. "Too bad I'm not wet and naked," you teased.
"We can fix that."
He slid his hand up higher and hooked his fingers into the sides of your underwear. He looked at you to gage if you we ok with this, to which you responded by raising your hips, allowing him to pull your panties off.
"So beautiful," he whispered, kissing from your knee up your inner thighs.
You leaned back on your hands and spread your legs wider for him. You were rewarded by him hooking your knees over his shoulders and licking up your entrance.
Your head fell back as he began to devour you like a man starved, alternating between long licks and sucking on your clit. It never failed to amaze you how quickly he could pull you to the edge with just his mouth. You were already close when he focused all his attention on your clit and buried two fingers deep inside you, curling them upwards. Within seconds you were falling apart, trying in vain to still keep somewhat quiet.
As you were coming down from your orgasm, he lifted you from the side of the pool and eased you back into the water so he could hold you. You instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist and moaned as you felt his bulge pressing through his boxers. He held you for a moment,stroking a hand down your back and letting you recover.
You reached down between your bodies with the intention of providing him a fraction of the pleasure he had given you, when he stopped you. You looked up at him in confusion.
"Let's go back to our room and finish this, ok?" he responded softly.
You nodded eagerly and he helped you out of the water to dry off and re-dress, before quietly making it back to the hotel room.
Once inside the door, you were all over each other until the backs of your knees hit the mattress and you let yourself fall back onto the bed. He pulled your clothes off, covering each uncovered part of your body in kisses. When you were both undressed he paused holding up a finger. He slid off the bed and moved to light the fire, casting a romantic glow over the room. After he layed down towels over the bed so you didn't soak it with your still-damp hair and -um other things...
He returned to hover over you, setting his palms on either side of your head. He dipped down to kiss the water droplets off your neck and collar bone. Your body ached for him, your fingers dug into his shoulders as he left a soft bite on your sweet spot. You lifted your hips to grind against him, letting out a soft moan as you felt his cock slide against your clit.
He pulled back from you, it took restraint to not sink into you, but he knew the more he teased you and worked you up, the better it would feel. Instead he reached down to run his finger over your swollen bud to your entrance.
"So wet," he praised.
"Well I mean we were in the-". He cut you off with a kiss and you smiled against his lips.
He dipped two fingers into you, curling them upwards making you let out a soft moan. "I know the difference, I know that this is all because of what I do to you."
He kissed you again as he eased his finger in and out of you. Slow and teasing, not enough to bring you to release, but still causing you to moan into his mouth and he was drinking up every sweet sound. He finally stopped when your fingers were digging into his bicep, signaling your desperation.
He sat back between your legs, admiring how you looked, flushed skin that was still freckled with droplets of water that reflected the light from the fire. You admired him the same. Every muscle and scar accentuated by the lighting. He was perfect to you.
"Please Dean," you breathed, reaching out a hand, desperate to touch him again.
He gave a smile that seemed almost peaceful, grateful, full of affection for you. He slid his plams up and down your legs, massaging gently before moving them to wrap around his hips. Positioning himself at your entrance, it only took him shifting to hover over you and he was fully inside you.
Your back arched, chest rising to touch his. His head fell into the crook of your neck, taking a moment to feel you around him. After you adjusted, you started to roll your hips into him, silently begging for him to move. Understanding your desire, he started to thrust into you. Still slow and gentle, but perfect. You could feel every inch of him, every ridge and curve, reaching parts inside you that no one else was able to find.
His hand moved to cradle your head while his other arm wrapped around your arched back, pulling you too him. Times like these it felt like the air between you was too much distance. He would hold you close until it became hard to tell where you ended and he began.
His pace started to increase, his movements gaining a desperate edge. The feel of him inside you made you numb to everything else. Your fingers dug into his back as you felt that familiar pressure building. Every movement heightened your pleasure until you were crying his name. He tried to shush you given that you were in a hotel. The pressure continued to build, more intense than usual. His hand came up to cover your mouth in an attempt to muffle your sounds.
"That's it, that's my girl. Cum for me."
His voice was all it took for one of the most intense orgasms you've ever had to come crashing over you. His pace faltered as you tightened around him, triggering his own release. Your climax continued and as he came and suddenly you gushed around his cock.
He relaxed on top of you, trying to recover from his orgasm, but you were rigid with shock.
"Did I just...?" you started to ask in confusion.
"Yes, yes you did," he smiled, clearly pleased with you and himself.
You felt confused and shocked and a little shy. He moved down the bed to inspect the damage.
"God baby you soaked the bed, glad we layed down a towel huh." He pulled the towel from under you and tossed it into the bathroom.
Your hands came up to cover your face.
"Hey, do not be embarrassed about that. That was awesome." He pulled your hands down and you could see his proud smile.
"I've never done that," you said quietly. Honestly you didn't even think you could.
"Want to see if I can make you do it again?" he asked playfully.
"God no, I could hardly handle the first time!" you laughed.
Dean never made you feel insecure about anything. It was nice to be able to explore new things with him. Sometimes he was even more adventurous than you. Like suggesting you break into a hotel pool in the middle of the night, but were glad to be his partner in crime. His partner in everything.
He kissed you sweetly and maneuvered your bodies so you were now laying under the covers.
"We definitely need to do this hotel thing again," he sighed, settling into the soft bed. He pull you close so your back was pressed to his chest and tucked his face into your neck.
"Now who's getting spoiled?"
"Hey! Maybe we do need new beds in the bunker that don't make my back hurt."
"Old man."
"Shut up and go to sleep." You could feel his laugh rumble in his chest as he squeezed you tight.
"I love you."
"I love you too sweetheart."
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shirecorn · 8 months ago
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Many fish species make excellent pets, given proper enrichment and attention to water parameters. Acquire a sounding vessel from your local alchemist to see if there are any demons or angels haunting your water. You can add demons to angelic water to balance it back out and vise versa. Each species has an ideal water alignment, and after letting the entities fight it out and settle, you can safely add inhabitants to your pond or tank. I recommend a small school of neon tetras, with plenty of plants in which they can hide. You will enjoy watching this species school around, as they do quite well in captivity with the proper care.
There is no proper care for mermaids.
There is no proper tank size, or water parameters, or enrichment or plants or anything.
Mermaids cannot be kept as pets. But some people do keep them confined, and traded like livestock. This, of course, is slavery. Just as we are descended from apes and mermaids are descended from fish; we are both still people.
Of course there are those who disagree with this categorization; and there are those who do believe, but do not care.
The black market is a lucrative and deadly operation, crawling in the underbelly of most major human cities. They trade in mundane humans on occasion, but usually it is creatures and artifacts with some magical component: mermaids, fairies, even magic-touched humans such as werewolves, selkies, and ogres. The latter being very difficult to contain as a live specimen, so often their pelts are sold instead. These are marketed alongside unicorn horns, kelpie manes, basilisk fangs, and all else forbidden from trade by anyone with a heart.
These topics often distract me from the professionalism of my calling. Suffice it to say, if this series has inspired you to fantasize about pet mermaids, do not. Consider a mundane fish, and seek friendship with mermaids at your local outreach dock.
Mermaids rescued from market and the homes of decadent aristocrats have a long journey of healing ahead of them. Many cannot speak their own species' language, but pick up the language of their captors instead. For this reason, rehabilitation is a joint effort between humans and mermaids, before returning them fully to seas and waterways.
Success is difficult, but rewarding. Much moreso than any value they could possibly hold as "pets." Please be careful, and respectful of your fellow sentient creature.
Remember, you don't have to be human to be a person. And no person wants to be be a pet.
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mokulule · 1 year ago
Take Out for Dummies - Part 3
Aka Danny has been hired to take out Red Hood, there may or may not have been a misunderstanding.
First | Masterpost
Jason had carefully checked their surrounding for cameras, but they ended up doing as Danny had suggested, sitting back to back each with their own collection of various meats and vegetables on sticks.
Danny groaned and leaned his weight back against Jason. “What is it about food on a stick that makes it so delicious?”
Jason chuckled, “I don’t know.”
It was simple fare, charred just the right amount from the grill and spicy in a way that warmed.
There was a moment of silence.
“You have a very nice voice, you know? Like I get the voice modulation is meant to be scary and all and it makes sense. Just… you have a nice voice.”Jason swallowed. He wasn’t sure why his throat felt so tight all of a sudden.
“Thanks.” He didn’t know what else to say.
They finished eating and Danny jumped up with renewed restless energy, still turned away from Jason.
“Tell me when you’re decent.”
Jason snorted as he pulled the helmet back on and it came online. “I’ll show you indecent.”
Danny squeaked. Jason turned around to find him hiding his face in his hands in embarrassment. At least Jason wasn’t the only one with the dirty thoughts.
“Alright-“ Jason peeled one of Danny’s hands away to hold it, “show the way. Are we breaking in?”
“Uh-“ Danny looked from Jason to the hand, his cheeks were dusted a very becoming pink - turnabout really was fair play. Finally he seemed to come back online as he shook his head.
“No, I have a key.”
Jason grabbed the trash bag in his other hand as Danny was still carting around his unicorn.
“Why do you have a key to the ice rink?”
“I do maintenance here sometimes, so I asked to borrow the rink for tonight.”
“Are there anyone in Gotham you don’t know at this point?”
“I’m sure there are plenty still,” Danny answered the rhetorical question as he opened the roof access door. Why that was the door he had a key to was another question entirely. Though they may of course just all use the same key.
They went down a stairwell and out into the cold hall with the frozen rink as centerpiece. Jason eyed Danny’s thin button down shirt, if he’d planned this why hadn’t he brought a jacket?
“There’s skates over there,” Danny pointed to the skate renting counter on the left side of the room. “will you grab me a pair of size seven skates, while I turn on some music and lights?”
Jason did as asked jumping the counter. There was a convenient trash can behind the counter where he could dump the bag.
When he returned to the main hall with skates in hand his eyes widened. When Danny had said turn on the lights he hadn’t expected them to be from those multicolored disco balls, nor for the music to put them back to the 70’s with an upbeat disco track.
“What do you think?” Danny yelled from where he ducked out from an operator room.
“It’s something alright,” Jason yelled back as he sat down on one of the benches and started pulling his boots off. He snorted as he realized something: if this was still an elaborate hit, Danny would be the type to love the double pun of taking out Red Hood by putting him on ice.
Jason didn’t actually think this was a hit. Hadn’t thought so in quite a while. He’d let his guard down.
Danny walked over with that small smile on his face that made Jason wonder if this was just his base state; just happy, enjoying himself, doing his little odd jobs, helping kids out for pebbles because he could, taking Red Hood out on a date.
Jason still didn’t know what to think about that. Like even if he genuinely thought whoever asked him to take out Red Hood meant on a date, there was still that logic break where Danny had decided, yeah sure sounds like a fun time, let’s just corner the former crime lord current vigilante on a rooftop in the middle of the night to ask his date preferences.
Danny was definitely not normal in any sense of the word, but Jason found that he couldn’t help but like that. Some good kind of crazy in this city for once.
“Never been to a skating disco before?” Danny asked when he within easy speaking range.
“Can’t say that I have.”
“Well not that there’s really any expectations here since it’s just the two of us, so we can do whatever.” Danny grinned, sat down next Jason and pulled his shoes off. He was in his skates and jumping to his feet in no time at all. He wobbled, and windmilled his arms so as not to fall and Jason had to grab him and steady him.
“Are you sure you have tried this before?”
“I’ll have you know I’m a great skater.” Danny sniffed, brushing Jason off, as he started awkwardly walking towards the rink in his skates.
“Just not at walking in them.”
Danny sent him a bewildered look. “Nobody is good at walking in skates.”
Jason rolled his eyes and tightened and tied off the last lace. He didn’t jump up carelessly like Danny, instead he rose and took careful steps. While it was indeed neither comfortable or normal to walk on the bladed edge of the skates, he did make it seem a great deal more natural than Danny had.
Danny stuck out his tongue at him for that and Jason couldn’t help but laugh.
“Yeah yeah, laugh it up. Join me on the ice and we’ll see who’s laughing.” With that he stepped onto the ice in a languid, confident glide, that immediately made it clear, that Danny did indeed know how to skate.
But Jason was no slouch either. He could skate even if it’s been a while and he never said no to a challenge. It took a moment for Jason to get used to the ice below his feet, but he quickly gained both speed and confidence.
Danny caught his eyes then with a wink, turned, and built up speed in a few quick glides and then he was jumping off the ice, spinning in the air and at what seemed like last moment he landed on just one leg, the other leg stretched out behind him as he leaned forward in something almost like a bow.
Okay so it turns out Danny couldn’t just skate he could skate. As in he could do not just spins but flips - Jason could do flips fine on the ground; he was not quite Dick enough to try it on ice. Of course Danny was also being a little shit about it.
There was something about that smile he was sporting that made Jason just want to reach out and grab him - and do what? He wasn’t sure. But there was an invite to try and catch him in the way he glided around Jason, responding to Jason’s movements by darting away like a fish only to come back, but never close enough to reach.
Jason smiled. Okay, he would bite.
When next Danny passed, he lunged. Danny shot forward with a delighted laugh. Jason wasn’t far behind him, but Danny’s turns were needle point sharp as he lead Jason on a merry chase across the ice. He was slippery as a fucking eel, the way he kept himself just shy of Jason’s fingertips every time he reached for him.
He was doing it on purpose too, Jason realized. He was letting Jason get close only to twist and turn and escape with a laugh and leave Jason to regain the balance he lost by lunging. Jason didn’t immediately pick up the chase this time.
“What’s the matter Hood? Can’t keep up?”Jason huffed. No, he couldn’t. That much was clear at this point. But that didn’t mean the game was over. It only meant Jason had to work smarter not harder. He stuck his hands in his jacket pockets and started on a leisured circuit of the rink.
“Did you skate a lot as a kid?”
Danny came into Jason’s field of view, skating backwards effortlessly. There was a slight pout on his face at the interrupted game, but he answered Jason’s question, “Not really.”
“Huh, how did you learn to skate then?” Jason asked surprised.
That wiped away Danny’s pout and Jason felt a twinge of anticipation for what surely boded another fun story, but nothing could have prepared him for what actually came out of Danny’s mouth.
“I was taught by a yeti named Frostbite, he’s like my mentor in everything ice.”
“A yeti?” Jason spluttered.
Danny grinned in a way that showed he knew exactly how outrageous it sounded, but still kept his voice perfectly even when he said, “yes, it’s their national sport.”
Jason laughed. He couldn’t help it. “Uh huh, and where did you meet this yeti?”
“A place called the Far Frozen, not many people have heard of it. They tend to be rather reclusive.”
Danny didn’t falter one moment in his explanation. He either had a selection of stories he told or he was extremely good at improvising. He was also suddenly within reach, guard down as he thought Red Hood had given up on the game.
Jason lunged. Danny’s eyes widened comically as he realized his mistake and tried to backpedal, but it was too late. Jason had him wrapped in his arms. They both went down overbalanced from Danny’s struggle. Jason twisted them so he took the brunt of the fall. Danny didn’t deserve to be caught beneath 225 pounds of vigilante even if he’d been asking for it.
They laid there on the ice catching their breaths.
“Bastard, you caught me.” Danny finally spoke giggling like he couldn’t believe it.
“Yeah, you shouldn’t have-“ Jason stopped, finally noticing how cold Danny was. “You’re freezing!”
“No really it’s fine-“ Danny protested as Jason pulled him back up, but Jason wouldn’t have it.
“Who forgets to wear a jacket when going skating,” Jason grumbled pulling his jacket off and wrapping it around Danny shoulders. It looked comically large hanging off Danny’s small frame, but Jason only gave himself a small moment to appreciate it before drawing Danny close again.
It took a moment but then Danny relaxed into the hold.
“How’s this? Better?” Jason asked after a while.
Danny looked up his eyes wide and blue and maybe a little overwhelmed. “Y-yeah.”
Jason frowned looking around to locate the bench where their shoes were. “We should probably get out of this cold.”
“No,” Danny said immediately pressing close, then flinched, before saying quietly, “can we just stay like this for a bit?”
Jason blinked in confusion. It didn’t make sense to stay in the cold, but he found himself agreeing quietly.
The music at this point had turned to quieter songs. Jason was starting to feel the cold himself by staying still, and he started to sway to the music, moving just a little across the ice. Danny looked up. He wiggled around and it took only a moment for him to actually find the sleeves and push his arms through. Jason let go to let him and soon found his hands captured in still cold but no longer freezing hands.
“Dance with me?” Danny asked.
Jason couldn’t say no to that, but “I’ve never danced on ice before.”
Danny grinned and glided back in close, getting them positioned for a waltz. “It doesn’t have to be right, but you lead and I’ll follow and make sure we don’t fall on our asses.”
Jason scoffed as he lead them into a glide that had Danny moving along mostly backwards on the ice.
“You don’t trust me to follow.”
“No,” Danny grinned, “But I do trust you to catch me.”
Jason rolled his eyes fondly behind the helmet. Then dipped Danny suddenly to make him prove it. There wasn’t a hint of struggle, he stayed relaxed in his hold as if they’d danced together like this a million times. Jason didn’t know what to do with that, and pulled him back up.
Jason didn’t know how long they danced. Danny had started talking quietly after a while admitting he hadn’t gone on a date since he went to high school, and got Jason to admit he liked reading. but he did know his feet were starting to hurt. Still he was reluctant for it to be over.
It was only when Danny failed in hiding a yawn they left the rink.
Jason rolled the bike to a smooth stop putting one foot down to keep balance. He let go of the handlebars and straightened up to allow Danny to get off.
However instead of getting off Danny took off the helmet, hung it on a handlebar and twisted around bringing his legs up until he faced Jason and could wrap them lightly around Jason’s waist. Jason’s mind went blank at the way it brought them closer, the only thing keeping the position somewhat decent for the public was the unicorn now squished between them. If Jason now wished he’d never won the thing, that was a secret he was taking to his second grave.
“So,” Danny said conversationally, wrapping his arms loosely around Jason’s neck, leaning his forearms on his shoulders almost thoughtfully, “I had fun.” He smiled. “I hope you also had fun, that was the whole purpose after all.”
He paused - maybe waiting for a response, but Jason didn’t even know what to say. He certainly wasn’t going to admit he had fun. That was- Red Hood wouldn’t do that. He’d already behaved way too much like himself tonight.
There was a momentary frown on Danny’s face before it smoothed out replaced by a soft smile, that Jason had no idea what to do with. “This is the point where a successful date is usually rewarded with a kiss - you can say no?”
Jason stiffened.
Surely he wasn’t going to?!
Danny leaned in, his smile turned wicked for a moment as his hands splayed out on either side of the helmet. Jason needed to stop him, but instead his traitorous hands landed on Danny’s waist.
He needed to push him away; he didn’t.
Danny’s hands tightened on the helmet, pulling-
Except he didn’t pull the helmet off, he just pulled Jason closer and tilted his head backwards and then pressed his lips to the helmet, right were his mouth would have been. It was chaste, but not just a quick peck. No, it was a slow and languid press in a way that made Jason all too aware that there was little more than an inch between their lips, but it might as well have been miles for the barrier between them. Slow in a way that made Jason’s breath catch in his throat and his treacherous brain wish Danny had removed the fucking helmet.
Danny drew back, his blue eyes practically sparkling in mischief and he lightly bonked his forehead against the helmet before twisting around again and jumping off, Jason letting him reluctantly.
“See you around, Hood.” Danny waved once before he started walking down the road, unicorn plushie under one arm, utterly unafraid to walk the most crime ridden streets of Gotham in the early hours of the morning. Presumably he was going home to his mystery residence.
Jason should follow him. It was the perfect time to find out more about the mystery that was Odd-Job Danny. It was why he’d agreed to the date in the first place. Right?
Instead his brain was going around in circles, wondering if he had pulled up his helmet when Danny first mentioned the kiss, not pulled it off of course, just up to his nose or so, would Danny have gone through with it? Would he have actually kissed him? Or did he only do it because he knew the helmet was there in between them?
Did Jason want him to kiss him?
Fuck. He did.
Danny was gone now, nowhere to be seen. Whatever chance he’d had of figuring out more was gone. And yet that seemed the least of Jason’s problems.
So that's the end of the date, though of course not the end of the story. Consider commenting or writing something in the tags if you liked it, things irl are gonna be very busy for the next year so I could use all the motivation for writing I can scrape together. You can subscribe at the masterpost for future updates. Next
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