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artandlivingenergy · 6 years ago
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“The difference between talents and character is adroitness to keep the old trodden round, and power and courage to make a new road to new and better goals. Character makes an overpowering present; a cheerful, determined hour, which fortifies all the company, by making them see that much is possible and excellent that was not thought of. Character dulls the impression of particular events. ... The great man or woman is not convulsible or tormentable; events pass over him or her without much impression. ... True conquest is the causing of calamity to fade and disappear, as an early could of insignificant result in a history so large and advancing,” Emerson from the essay Circles. Oil on paper, sometimes the land looks like the sea. Sometimes we are over and sometimes we are under, but we move and we advance and we learn. #openenergypainting #alchemy #abstractart #artandlivingenergy https://www.instagram.com/p/BqnZsh6DDQZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3asjr2qt6uy3
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artandlivingenergy · 6 years ago
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“there outside in the open air in the theater of eyes when you shut it you open them there is no outside nor inside in the forest of prohibitions the marvelous sings grab it it’s within reach of your hand it is the moment when wo|man is the accomplice of lightening Crystallization the vision of desire the desire for vision not here not there but in-between here/there”, Octavio Paz. #artandlivingenergy is connecting outside of linear thought, that’s the #neurovision, we don’t know until we encounter, thank God for that extra part of being human, and it’s #openenergypainting. Some of us make it, and thank God for those who see it with us. Raw energy map from #Sonoma. #Grape colors decided they wanted to be on the work. #lovewhoyoulove , when you can it’s all new. And it can be every single day. #grace #abstractart #contemporaryart #artist and don’t forget #vulnerability , that is how the grace enters. #energyalwaysknowsmorethanwedo . Thank you poet Paz. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp2AN6Rjz1b/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1i1owwzsfseoa
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artandlivingenergy · 6 years ago
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“24. Humble words and increased preparations are signs that the enemy is about to advance. 25. When the light chariots come out first and take up a position on the wings, it is a sign that the enemy is coming forth for battle,” The Art of War, Sun Tzu. Studio art excerpt from #Oslo work, so beautiful there. Winds and ways, #charm is usually a signal to be careful, and it seems like the entire concept of #narcissism is written long ago, I think that is the wrong word for it. It’s right there in the Art of War #openenergypainting , #lovewhoyoulove , it’s not a status or label , it’s the #heart that #listensandreceives #graceoverthoughtsandmentalprocessing. #energyalwaysknowsmorethanwedo #abstractart #contemporaryart #artandlivingenergy https://www.instagram.com/p/BomMwuiD5ac/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n0u9bfuqmkz
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artandlivingenergy · 6 years ago
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“There were marks of generalized primitiveness in that low, pinched brain case and grinning jaw that marked it as laying far back along those converging roads where, as I shall have to establish elsewhere, cat and human and weasel must leap into a single shape,” Eiseley. #greentwilight. At a point I couldn’t tell if they were underwater or on land. Sometimes I can’t tell which side is up. #abstractart #lookingatenergy #contemporaryart #onlocation. #primitiveness #wingsofdesire #convergingroads #independentart #followingthreads #marinadaglória #riodejaneiro #openenergypainting https://www.instagram.com/p/B0DokpuHKD_/?igshid=zepl6p17qcij
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artandlivingenergy · 6 years ago
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“You know too little and it doesn’t exist. You know too much and it doesn’t exist. Writing is drawing the essence of what we know out of the shadows. That is what writing is all about. (Different than reporting, as Mary Oliver aptly said.) Not what happens there, but the *there* itself. *There*, that is writing’s location and aim. But how to get there?” Karl Ove Knausgaard, Book I, My Struggle. Early work, #LikeaPromise , #optimism, finding the #there , but it takes a long time to get the visual or written voice. It is between what is, and what’s told to us, and what is told to us is ongoing information that is besides there, too. #artandlivingenergy #openenergypainting #theunknown is #wheretheadventureis #abstractartchangesyourbrain , #looking or #making , #essenceoflife. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs8pcWYjsDU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sb887delv2xs
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artandlivingenergy · 6 years ago
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“You say you are acting in the interest of the other. Is that so? I follow the leader who hopes to revolutionize society, inwardly and outwardly, and I follow him|her and obey. I commit myself to a course of action which both the leader and I have agreed as necessary. Is there a relationship between me and the leader who is working for the same end? What does relationship mean? To be in contact with, to be in close proximity? ... An idea, a formula, a goal, a principle, a utopia we both agree upon, but is there a relationship? ... It is really an enormous problem. ... Look, am I related when I look at that tree? Relationship is a distance between me as the observer and that tree. ... When I am married and I have built an image of my spouse, and my spouse has built an image of me, the image is the factor of distance,” Krishnamurti. This is an excerpt from a #buenosaires work, Mirror Mirror, it’s fascinating how images of self to the self have become lodged into our #technocracy, this #metaphor made itself, and to me a #dressingtablemirror, but everything is lifting off, #amalgam is also the word for what is sprayed on the back of glass to make a mirror, it’s #alchemy again. #artandlivingenergy Images have power but what are they really doing in how we #lovewhowelove, including our own #divineanduniqueselves. #abstractart #contemporaryart #openenergypainting #insideandoutsideart https://www.instagram.com/p/BoeVGGTjl2_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r1goplf9a0go
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artandlivingenergy · 6 years ago
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“You say you are acting in the interest of the other. Is that so? I follow the leader who hopes to revolutionize society, inwardly and outwardly, and I follow him|her and obey. I commit myself to a course of action which both the leader and I have agreed as necessary. Is there a relationship between me and the leader who is working for the same end? What does relationship mean? To be in contact with, to be in close proximity? ... An idea, a formula, a goal, a principle, a utopia we both agree upon, but is there a relationship? ... It is really an enormous problem. ... Look, am I related when I look at that tree? Relationship is a distance between me as the observer and that tree. ... When I am married and I have built an image of my spouse, and my spouse has built an image of me, the image is the factor of distance,” Krishnamurti. This is an excerpt from a #buenosaires work, Mirror Mirror, it’s fascinating how images of self to the self have become lodged into our #technocracy, this #metaphor made itself, and to me a #dressingtablemirror, but everything is lifting off, #amalgam is also the word for what is sprayed on the back of glass to make a mirror, it’s #alchemy again. #artandlivingenergy Images have power but what are they really doing in how we #lovewhowelove, including our own #divineanduniqueselves. #abstractart #contemporaryart #openenergypainting #insideandoutsideart https://www.instagram.com/p/BoeVGGTjl2_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17qfcbigy7qgo
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artandlivingenergy · 6 years ago
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“The poet pours out verses in every solitude. Most of the things she says are conventional (are they?), no doubt, (are they?), but by and by she says something that is original and beautiful. That charms her,” from essay The Poet. But isn’t humor like that? Humor is like nature in action, because it needs things to bounce off of, and it needs observation. Many times people serve things up that aren’t expected and then there is something to respond to. That is like painting from seeing, the image can form any way it wants to but so nice to see the trace of energy that comes in-between the soul and hand and object. #abstractlandscape , #contemporaryart #openenergypainting #energyalwaysknowsmorethanwedo https://www.instagram.com/p/BqvKPUOjXOu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z2eacubwpvtf
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artandlivingenergy · 6 years ago
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“Thought is the response of memory, of determined conclusions, conscious or unconscious; this memory dictates action according to pleasure and pain. So ideas control action, and hence there is conflict between action and idea. ... As long as action is approximating to an idea, conflict is inevitable. Only when action is free from idea does conflict cease,” Krishnamurti. So that is the energy painting thesis, out of ideas and into energy. Watercolor on paper, always the path and the rising. #energyalwaysknowsmorethanwedo #abstractart #openenergypainting #alchemy #contemporaryart https://www.instagram.com/p/BqdPmgljMPk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jj80d846s0m8
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artandlivingenergy · 6 years ago
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“The tenderness of Cendrars exuded from all pores. He does not spare his characters; neither does he revile or castigate them. His harshest words, let me say parenthetically, are usually reserved for the poets and artists he considers spurious. Aside from these diatribes, you will rarely find him passing judgement upon others. What you do find is that in laying bare the weaknesses or faults of his subjects he is unmasking, or endeavoring to unmask, their essential heroic nature. All the diverse figures — human, all too human — which crowd his books are glorified in their basic, intrinsic being,” Henry Miller from The Books in my Life. He said some wrong things and he said some right things that are nice to read. I read him before the journey of serious painting, but some of the raw reliefs did something. Everything must be possible but we don’t know what it is. #artandlivingenergy #energyalwaysknowsmorethanwedo #abstractart #openenergypainting #contemporaryart We need grace sometimes when we don’t expect to need it. Excerpt from Tuscany studio painting. https://www.instagram.com/p/BqNxqdODs2Y/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2f419aq8l0hm
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artandlivingenergy · 6 years ago
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“One may beget power through simplicity of life, through virtue, through the party, through renunciation; but such means are a mere substitution and they should not deceive one. The desire for position, prestige and power — the power that is gained through aggression and humility, through asceticism and knowledge, through exploitation and self-denial — is subtly persuasive and almost instinctive,” again Krishnamurti. #vulnerability is different than power, there is just no other way to think of it. And perhaps the people that seek #power are the most averse to it. But #openenergypainting lets the combination of #experience with #artmaterials and how the #soulispresent , have a pathway. We don’t know the answers, but we #lovewhowelove , and we are #alchemists. #grace #rightbrainhemisphere #abstractart #contemporaryart Work on #archespaper, oil, from the rest of the paint you can scratch out work, made in #brazil. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpe4Cl_DcP4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=axldjak37veu
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artandlivingenergy · 6 years ago
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“But I want to have the freedom to say unconnected things as a deep way of touching you. Only the erring attracts me, I love the sin, the flower of the sin. .... And I want disarticulation, only then am I in the world. Only then do I feel right,” Clarice Lispector, Água Viva, translated by Stefan Tobler. Oh the non-linear mind has a different way to love. And that is the unexpected, it’s the #offscript way, how #surprises work, like #openenergypainting , and afterall, #energyalwaysknowsmorethanwedo . From the #mystery and the #alchemy. #abstractart #contemporaryart https://www.instagram.com/p/BpXOBXXDRG_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12uiaml1kfve4
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artandlivingenergy · 6 years ago
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“The closed crowd renounces growth and puts stress on permanence. The first thing to be noticed about it is that it has a boundary. It establishes itself by accepting its limitations. It creates space for itself which it will fill. This space can be compared to a vessel into which liquid is being poured and whose capacity is known. The entrances to this space are limited in number, and only these entrances can be used; the boundary is respected whether it consists of stone, of solid wall, or of some special act of acceptance, or entrance fee. Once the space is completely filled, no one else is allowed in. Even if there is an overflow, the important thing is always the dense crowd in the closed room; those standing outside do not really belong,” Canetti again. “As, in a theater,/ The lights are extinguished, for the scene to be changed/ With a hollow rumble of wings, with a movement of darkness on darkness,” TS Eliot. A painting excerpt from my #nice work. #France feels different at the Riviera than in Paris. #openenergypainting it’s where we don’t know what the result is, who can tell which part of the art world one fits in. #labelsaregroups. #lovewhoyoulove #artandlivingenergy #abstractart Saying things to think about. Love to the super IG supporters and readers. 💙 https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo-E9kAD5dC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1pmb70krlfqca
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artandlivingenergy · 6 years ago
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“One of the fundamental principles of the character-analytic technique is that the repressed material is never loosened and made conscious from the perspective of the instinct but always and solely from the perspective of the defense. Accordingly, the most important theoretical question here concerns the organization, function, and genesis of the ego structure, from which the defense proceeds; for only to the extent that we understand the ego defense will our therapeutic work be effective,” Reich from Character Analysis. Theoretical life is different than the raw energy life, it is idea over experience. #energyalwaysknowsmorethanwedo , there are things that come forward in open energy, that will spring from the subconscious, dreams show us. #insideandoutsideart #metaphorsofbeing #artandlivingenergy #rightbrainhemisphere Travel work except, #Brazil #ouropreto , a mining town. #openenergypainting https://www.instagram.com/p/BozB44qjUgJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gssky1kzrn3r
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artandlivingenergy · 6 years ago
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“Nature and Art: no sooner do they seem to flee each other, than they come together. In me, too, the antagonism has disappeared, and they seem to attract me both equally. Honest toil, I suppose, is the whole secret! And after we have devoted to Art regular hours of intelligent hard work, we may again allow Nature to glow freely in our hearts. And it is thus with all culture: unfettered spirits will aspire in vain to the pure heart of perfection. She|he who wills great things must fire up her|his loins; only in limitation is mastery revealed, and law alone can give us freedom,” Goethe, Nature and Art. #metaphorsofbeing , we go as far as we can go with everything we are, every day. #artandlivingenergy There is usually #grace there, sometimes it takes a long time, #lovewhoyoulove . Excerpt, work from #prague, painting from life energy, castles and hills, again. #openenergypainting #abstractart #contemporaryart #artist https://www.instagram.com/p/Bog8fPzBwz9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=n27rm2od60s6
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artandlivingenergy · 6 years ago
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“Listen, my child, to the silence,/ An undulating silence,/ a silence/ that turns valleys and echoes slippery,/ that bends foreheads/ toward the ground,” Federico García Lorca. The *observer effect* is a physics term describing that electrons freeze into particles when looked at, but if you look away they perform like waves. Getting to the point when you have your way to perceive away from forms, entering the field of energy with silent presence. It’s even better when you don’t know. Excerpt #energycanvas, a reading in #secaucus . Perhaps an Earth capsule on the horizon, opening to #metaphors . #artandlivingenergy #energyalwaysknowsmorethanwedo #openenergypainting #abstractart #contemporaryart #insideandoutsideart , #lovewhoyoulove https://www.instagram.com/p/BoHHuXGjDAv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gde5tbab2w2u
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