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“I am touched by your beautiful anxiety about life, even more than I was in Paris, where everything echoes and fades away differently because of the excessive noise that makes Things tremble. Here, where I am surrounded by an enormous landscape, which the winds move across as they come from the sea, here I feel that there is no one anywhere who can answer for you those questions and feelings, which, in their depths, have a life of their own; for even the most articulate people are unable to help, since what words point to is so very delicate, is almost unsayable,” Rilke ltr 4. #timeinpracticeisfaithful #artandlivingenergy #abstractart #contemporaryart To the many vistas and to the expanses, #insideandoutsideart. https://www.instagram.com/p/BrYc7RIh7EL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=6i0mjb1bvoo6
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“Satir suggests five strategies for achieving congruence which she calls the ‘five freedoms’. They are (1) the freedom to see and hear what is instead of what should be, was, or will be; (2) the freedom to say what one feels and thinks, instead of what one should; (3) the freedom to feel what one feels, instead of what one ought; (4) the freedom to ask for what one wants, instead of always waiting for permission; and (5) the freedom to take risks in one’s own behalf, instead of choosing to be only ‘secure’ and not rocking the boat,” more from the Tao of Congruence, Brothers Ed. An except from my Taos work, maybe two beings left of center, maybe the door to enter is there, aren’t the metaphors of being an artist so much like Virgina Satir’s ideas about relationships.... #insideandoutsideart #artandlivingenergy #abstractart #energyalwaysknowsmorethanwedo #grace https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo7IsKaDV2i/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=2zx4ek31mu3t
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“You say you are acting in the interest of the other. Is that so? I follow the leader who hopes to revolutionize society, inwardly and outwardly, and I follow him|her and obey. I commit myself to a course of action which both the leader and I have agreed as necessary. Is there a relationship between me and the leader who is working for the same end? What does relationship mean? To be in contact with, to be in close proximity? ... An idea, a formula, a goal, a principle, a utopia we both agree upon, but is there a relationship? ... It is really an enormous problem. ... Look, am I related when I look at that tree? Relationship is a distance between me as the observer and that tree. ... When I am married and I have built an image of my spouse, and my spouse has built an image of me, the image is the factor of distance,” Krishnamurti. This is an excerpt from a #buenosaires work, Mirror Mirror, it’s fascinating how images of self to the self have become lodged into our #technocracy, this #metaphor made itself, and to me a #dressingtablemirror, but everything is lifting off, #amalgam is also the word for what is sprayed on the back of glass to make a mirror, it’s #alchemy again. #artandlivingenergy Images have power but what are they really doing in how we #lovewhowelove, including our own #divineanduniqueselves. #abstractart #contemporaryart #openenergypainting #insideandoutsideart https://www.instagram.com/p/BoeVGGTjl2_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r1goplf9a0go
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“You say you are acting in the interest of the other. Is that so? I follow the leader who hopes to revolutionize society, inwardly and outwardly, and I follow him|her and obey. I commit myself to a course of action which both the leader and I have agreed as necessary. Is there a relationship between me and the leader who is working for the same end? What does relationship mean? To be in contact with, to be in close proximity? ... An idea, a formula, a goal, a principle, a utopia we both agree upon, but is there a relationship? ... It is really an enormous problem. ... Look, am I related when I look at that tree? Relationship is a distance between me as the observer and that tree. ... When I am married and I have built an image of my spouse, and my spouse has built an image of me, the image is the factor of distance,” Krishnamurti. This is an excerpt from a #buenosaires work, Mirror Mirror, it’s fascinating how images of self to the self have become lodged into our #technocracy, this #metaphor made itself, and to me a #dressingtablemirror, but everything is lifting off, #amalgam is also the word for what is sprayed on the back of glass to make a mirror, it’s #alchemy again. #artandlivingenergy Images have power but what are they really doing in how we #lovewhowelove, including our own #divineanduniqueselves. #abstractart #contemporaryart #openenergypainting #insideandoutsideart https://www.instagram.com/p/BoeVGGTjl2_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17qfcbigy7qgo
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“As we are concerned with the total development of the human being, we must understand his|her emotional urges, which are very much stronger than intellectual reasoning; we must cultivate emotional capacity and not help to suppress it. When we understand and are, therefore capable of dealing with emotional as well as intellectual issues, there will be no sense of fear in approaching them. For the total development of the human being, solitude as a means of cultivating sensitivity becomes a necessity,” Krishnamurti. From paining on a rooftop in Udaipur, from the solitude outside of theory. Watching theoretical emotions, the humans taking anti-depressants. #artandlivingenergy , emotions are information, crushing them is different than tending carefully to them. #insideandoutsideart #metaphorsofbeing #abstractart #delicacyisokaytoo. https://www.instagram.com/p/BowbvRqjWaX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ofzzg3e7cj15
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“One of the fundamental principles of the character-analytic technique is that the repressed material is never loosened and made conscious from the perspective of the instinct but always and solely from the perspective of the defense. Accordingly, the most important theoretical question here concerns the organization, function, and genesis of the ego structure, from which the defense proceeds; for only to the extent that we understand the ego defense will our therapeutic work be effective,” Reich from Character Analysis. Theoretical life is different than the raw energy life, it is idea over experience. #energyalwaysknowsmorethanwedo , there are things that come forward in open energy, that will spring from the subconscious, dreams show us. #insideandoutsideart #metaphorsofbeing #artandlivingenergy #rightbrainhemisphere Travel work except, #Brazil #ouropreto , a mining town. #openenergypainting https://www.instagram.com/p/BozB44qjUgJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gssky1kzrn3r
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“As we are concerned with the total development of the human being, we must understand his|her emotional urges, which are very much stronger than intellectual reasoning; we must cultivate emotional capacity and not help to suppress it. When we understand and are, therefore capable of dealing with emotional as well as intellectual issues, there will be no sense of fear in approaching them. For the total development of the human being, solitude as a means of cultivating sensitivity becomes a necessity,” Krishnamurti. From paining on a rooftop in Udaipur, from the solitude outside of theory. Watching theoretical emotions, the humans taking anti-depressants. #artandlivingenergy , emotions are information, crushing them is different than tending carefully to them. #insideandoutsideart #metaphorsofbeing #abstractart #delicacyisokaytoo. https://www.instagram.com/p/BowbvRqjWaX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=c9hcti7zn9g6
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“Listen, my child, to the silence,/ An undulating silence,/ a silence/ that turns valleys and echoes slippery,/ that bends foreheads/ toward the ground,” Federico García Lorca. The *observer effect* is a physics term describing that electrons freeze into particles when looked at, but if you look away they perform like waves. Getting to the point when you have your way to perceive away from forms, entering the field of energy with silent presence. It’s even better when you don’t know. Excerpt #energycanvas, a reading in #secaucus . Perhaps an Earth capsule on the horizon, opening to #metaphors . #artandlivingenergy #energyalwaysknowsmorethanwedo #openenergypainting #abstractart #contemporaryart #insideandoutsideart , #lovewhoyoulove https://www.instagram.com/p/BoHHuXGjDAv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gde5tbab2w2u
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