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timeguardians · 1 year ago
Open to male muses: Muse: Mia Thermopolis
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His eyes are like glittering jewels, Mia can not help but notice. YET, despite being a guest of honor at the Genovian dinner, he looked moody, bored even. Fingers clumsily brush along his shoulder where she discovers a piece of lint in need of removal. "Is everything alright?"
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timeguardiansarchive · 2 years ago
~Open to All~ Muse: Olivia Benson
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"You're just going to sit outside all night, aren't you?" Benson prods. "If White comes after me, I promise, I can handle it."
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deamours · 2 years ago
open to any 18+ muse;; protective ex not fully over y/n
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“ Seriously what do you want from me?? I did as you asked. I BACKED the fuck up and now you want say I’ve dropped your significance down when you’re all I think about. You don’t think I gave a shit when that guy put his hands on you?? When he led you out those fucking doors?? “ 
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unyieldingvalxr · 1 year ago
~Open to All~
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"If you are going, then I am going with you." Sarah assertively insists.
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fangirl-k8ee-ladyknight · 8 months ago
I need a fanfic where everyday after four am training, Jamie sends a “Roy-cast” to the team chat letting them know Roy’s general mood for the day and what he predicts practice is going to look like for the day.
When Roy takes over as gaffer, he stops the private training with Jamie to avoid accusations of favoritism. Within two weeks the team beg him to start back up again because:
1) him and Jamie are sniping at each other again and while it’s not loan season bad, it’s making everyone anxious and clearly the two of them need that time together to get it out of their system everyday, and more importantly,
2) they need the Roy-cast back because it’s fucking with everyone’s breakfast choices and now Will doesn’t know when to have extra towels ready or to make a larger batch of sport drink.
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the-candle-slime · 1 year ago
*two red eyes peer at you from the dark in the woods, their teeth chatter slightly*
W-what are you..?
*I yelp a bit and jump back*
I c-could ask the same to you...?
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opbackgrounds · 8 months ago
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The present day party with the Straw Hats is taking place within the ruins of Thriller Bark, but I refuse to believe that Moriah owns a baby grand piano exactly like the one that the Rumbar Pirates used. That means someone had to go through the effort of hauling it onto Thriller Bark in the first place, which would be an enormous hassle, but also that Brook is starting his second adventure playing on the same instrument where he ended his first.
Really, you could look at Brook joining the Straw Hats as a sort of rebirth and his time stuck on the Florian Triangle as more of a Limbo state between true life and death.
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timeguardians · 1 year ago
Open to all: Muse Brianna Wayne
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"What do you suppose this place is?" Wayne questioned with a hint of a shudder.
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24-05txt · 3 months ago
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[Excerpt of a journal found in the possession of one Captain John Price, dated 02.03.24]
Nothin' much more to say than that.
As expected, world's gone to shit.
People have died.
Some are still holdin' on.
Shitton of research. Ethics on that went out the door.
Not ashamed to say I think about handing them both over sometimes.
Our domesticated animals.
The academic types would be all over them for certain.
Zombies that don't bite? Trained, walking corpses?
Could bring us leaps and bounds closer to a cure.
On the otherhand... could just turn into a science fair project.
I wouldn't do that to my boys.
Even if I did, I wouldn't live long after. Because Simon isn't dead.
At least, I don't think he is.
No-one has been able to get close enough to confirm... Aside from Soap.
And Soap is definitely dead.
We thought the poor muppet had a stroke, at first; struggling to talk. To move.
Put him on bedrest. Ghost took watch (wouldn't give it up).
Didn't suspect a thing of either of them until I caught Ghost feeding him raw meat.
(Still don't know where it came from.)
They were quarantined for a bit. Ghost hadn't spoken for weeks at that point.
Just stared at us. Sat beside MacTavish.
He tried to break out when Soap started to go hungry.
I could have put them out of their misery.
Should have.
Gaz was on watch when Ghost finally broke out.
(Soap was too weak to walk by then.)
Let him go hunting. He brought back a body.
We didn't bother locking them up again.
No one has noticed yet. Not enough of a system left to report them to anyway. Options are to ignore it or shoot them yourself.
Guess their work makes up for it. Plenty of reason to turn a blind eye.
Soap is as well-behaved as ever. Quick on the uptake for someone who can hardly string a sentence together.
Simon is the worst he's ever been, but competent. Deadly. More ruthless than before.
Still hasn't spoken a word.
Suppose he is dead. Funny that his heart stayed beating once it finally took.
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lsunstreakerl · 7 days ago
aaaaand the 550 word follow up of Gianpiero's first nest.
Max has his back against the wall, watching as Gianpiero pulls another blanket out of the box. The delivery had surprised him- he wasn't sure what Gianpiero possibly could have ordered to need such a huge container, but apparently it's some kind of... nesting kit.
He's not entirely sure.
Gianpiero stares at the assorted soft things on the ground and the couch, hands on his hips.
"I don't suppose you have any idea how we're supposed to do this?"
Max does not. He's a little confused on why Gianpiero is nesting- he may have dropped out of school, but it's somewhat common knowledge that alphas can't build a nest.
Maybe Gianpiero has a condition or something. A medical need to nest.
Gianpiero blows out all his air, rolling his sleeves up.
"Alright then. It can't be that hard."
Max quietly pulls up another article forum about 'building a nest as an alpha'. He's been opening them in new tabs for Gianpiero, because it had taken all of twenty minutes for him to realize it is hard.
Gianpiero squints at the screen.
"What does that mean, 'additional ambience'? How am I supposed to do that?"
Max shrugs- it's not like he knows. He's never made a nest before, and even though he's always heard about how it's 'instinct', it's an instinct he doesn't seem to have.
Even looking at the living room, all he can think is that it's a bit of a travesty- there's no urge to fix it.
Gianpiero turns back to the living room.
"Okay, get it together GP. You've got walls, and the fluffy floor, and it 'looks round'- whatever that means."
He throws his hands up.
"But it doesn't look like a nest."
Max slides out of his chair, quietly padding over to Gianpiero's side. Not too close- but close enough to look at it from the same angle Gianpiero is looking from.
He hasn't seen a whole lot of nests, but it looks nest-adjacent. It's maybe missing a pillow here and there, if Max had to guess.
Gianpiero looks from Max to the nest, dejected.
"I think this might be the best I can do. I'm sorry, Max."
Gianpiero doesn't need to be sorry- that's stupid. Max doesn't need a nest at all, but if Gianpiero needs one...
He carefully grabs one of the pillows from the box, gingerly settling it in one of the sadder looking corners.
He steps back next to Gianpiero, who's looking softy at him, scent smoothing into something warm and proud.
"I think you fixed it, honestly. It looks much better now."
Max raises an eyebrow.
Gianpiero winces.
"Okay- it looks more like a nest than whatever I was doing."
All Max did was add a pillow.
They're both lingering at the edge of it, but Max pauses, confused. It's...
Culturally, he's pretty sure an alpha is supposed to ask an omega if they can come into the nest.
But this is technically Gianpiero's nest. As in, he built it. So does Max need to wait for Gianpiero to tell him it's okay?
He blinks at Gianpiero.
Gianpiero blinks at him.
"How about we both just use it, and we'll keep the etiquette breach between us?"
Max can get behind that plan.
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novaxanomaly · 11 months ago
Father-Son Day || Nikolai/Lucifer || Open Starter
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Lucifer, the fallen angel, had started living here, and pretending to be human. Even going as far as giving himself a human name, Nikolai. He had children from multiple mothers all over the world and it wasn't uncommon for one of them to walk into his life and demand attention.
Nikolai lifted his head up to look at his child, "How about we spend some time together, hmm?" He asked, tilting his head to the side just a bit. "We don't do that much, huh?"
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*Tap mic*
Yes, it is I - your poor little Dollya
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As some of you may have known already because of my constant whining and bickering for the past few days, my original blog was flagged and I'm trying to appeal. Things seem to not be on my side, though, so I figured a new blog is a must.
I won't delete the og blog, there are too many things going on over there and I simply can not. All my contributions to the DoL fandom, my AU and asks and stuffs,... have all been hidden away from the tags.
Not gonna lie I was terribly discouraged and couldn't pick up a pen to draw or do anything for several days. Terrible, just simply terrible, to look at the ask box or that stupid default avatar icon... But, well, you know, it is what it is, no point just weeping around so might as well make a new place to post stuffs!
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This is a sub-blog with the same email address as the flagged one, I think I would still use the same tags as the original flagged blog: Dollya art, Dollya ask,... and I won't repost my higher interaction posts here either, that's just bitter.
I will post more "community-friendly" kinds of stuff here, so spicier asks or requests oughta go to the original blog' ask box... I don't really know, I guess things will kinda fall into the right places after some time... What do you call it? Settle down?
Anyway, I'll try to be positive. After all, the Pandora box was opened, so if I don't hold onto the tiny hope left behind, I will have nothing.
Let's just hope for the best.
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cherrygrxves · 5 months ago
open to f | about jordan | muses are out to eat.
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"babe, please don't trip on this waitress - she's just being friendly."
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voidmarkd · 6 months ago
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#voidmarkd; an indie, selective and fandomless portrayal of Atlas Fitzgerald, featuring themes as life in a coven, rebirth through death, marked by the void, necromancy, betrayal and abandonment, the blood and the burden, keeper of forgotten graves, [ . . . ] mutuals only. 21+. low activity. eng/ger. ♱ carrd ♱ memes ♱ open starters
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chris-elkar · 2 months ago
location: manor hallways
Chris caught his own reflection in a mirror as he walked down the hall and had to bite down on a smile. His outfit for the party was a navy lieutenant uniform from the right era, and it was kind of funny that this was how he'd ended up wearing something like dress blues again. It was also fairy comfortable once he'd untied his cravat and just tucked it loosely into his shirt.
He came to an intersection in the hallway where he could hear music in one direction and a mix of voices in the other and stopped to figure out which way he wanted to go. He took a step out of the main walkway and leaned against the wall, watching people go by until one stopped nearby and he turned to face them fully with a soft smile. "Hey."
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normallyxstranger · 2 months ago
CJ blinked her bleary eyes until everything came back into full focus.
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“Mm, sorry. I stayed up reading until six a.m., then had like, twenty minutes of sleep.” Something in her follow-up smile suggested she wasn’t sorry at all. Vaguely, she gestured. “My focus is… everywhere, but I’m paying attention now. Swear.”
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