#also multiple wikihow articles
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lsunstreakerl · 7 days ago
aaaaand the 550 word follow up of Gianpiero's first nest.
Max has his back against the wall, watching as Gianpiero pulls another blanket out of the box. The delivery had surprised him- he wasn't sure what Gianpiero possibly could have ordered to need such a huge container, but apparently it's some kind of... nesting kit.
He's not entirely sure.
Gianpiero stares at the assorted soft things on the ground and the couch, hands on his hips.
"I don't suppose you have any idea how we're supposed to do this?"
Max does not. He's a little confused on why Gianpiero is nesting- he may have dropped out of school, but it's somewhat common knowledge that alphas can't build a nest.
Maybe Gianpiero has a condition or something. A medical need to nest.
Gianpiero blows out all his air, rolling his sleeves up.
"Alright then. It can't be that hard."
Max quietly pulls up another article forum about 'building a nest as an alpha'. He's been opening them in new tabs for Gianpiero, because it had taken all of twenty minutes for him to realize it is hard.
Gianpiero squints at the screen.
"What does that mean, 'additional ambience'? How am I supposed to do that?"
Max shrugs- it's not like he knows. He's never made a nest before, and even though he's always heard about how it's 'instinct', it's an instinct he doesn't seem to have.
Even looking at the living room, all he can think is that it's a bit of a travesty- there's no urge to fix it.
Gianpiero turns back to the living room.
"Okay, get it together GP. You've got walls, and the fluffy floor, and it 'looks round'- whatever that means."
He throws his hands up.
"But it doesn't look like a nest."
Max slides out of his chair, quietly padding over to Gianpiero's side. Not too close- but close enough to look at it from the same angle Gianpiero is looking from.
He hasn't seen a whole lot of nests, but it looks nest-adjacent. It's maybe missing a pillow here and there, if Max had to guess.
Gianpiero looks from Max to the nest, dejected.
"I think this might be the best I can do. I'm sorry, Max."
Gianpiero doesn't need to be sorry- that's stupid. Max doesn't need a nest at all, but if Gianpiero needs one...
He carefully grabs one of the pillows from the box, gingerly settling it in one of the sadder looking corners.
He steps back next to Gianpiero, who's looking softy at him, scent smoothing into something warm and proud.
"I think you fixed it, honestly. It looks much better now."
Max raises an eyebrow.
Gianpiero winces.
"Okay- it looks more like a nest than whatever I was doing."
All Max did was add a pillow.
They're both lingering at the edge of it, but Max pauses, confused. It's...
Culturally, he's pretty sure an alpha is supposed to ask an omega if they can come into the nest.
But this is technically Gianpiero's nest. As in, he built it. So does Max need to wait for Gianpiero to tell him it's okay?
He blinks at Gianpiero.
Gianpiero blinks at him.
"How about we both just use it, and we'll keep the etiquette breach between us?"
Max can get behind that plan.
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shrubsparrow · 10 months ago
hey! I really loved your bird, art tutorial! This might seem a little specific, but do you perhaps have any advice for drawing a mourning dove, specifically the head? I have really loved these guys!
Hello, and thank you! I ended up getting inspired by this question, because when I googled some reference photos of morning doves, I discovered that there is a wikiHow article called "How to identify a mourning dove". And the illustrations in it are, ummmm....
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This is really rough. The text was written by an ornithologist, but it barely helps because it feels like the illustrator has never drawn a bird before this. Doves and pigeons usually have a very distinct body and head shape, and based on this image, I couldn't even tell this was supposed to be a dove of any kind, much less a mourning dove. So I thought that we could learn by looking at what went wrong here!
(Keep in mind that I'm only being this critical of these illustrations because they are attached to an article that's supposed to help you identify a mourning dove, and they do not help in this matter.)
There are multiple issues here, so let's address the general ones first. The legs are too straight for a dove, and also so far back in the body that this bird would end up falling on its face. The feathers are very strange and almost look like fur. And I don't know how they missed the most distinct feature of a mourning dove, which is the long pin-tail. Here is a quick redline to make it actually resemble a dove!
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You can probably see that the head has the most issues. The head is what gives doves and pigeons a very characteristic silhouette, so let's focus on that in more detail!
You can compare the head of a mourning dove to something like the head of a thrush to see what makes it distinctly dove-like!
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Doves and pigeons also have quite a bit of body mass, but their head stays small, so the head looks comparatively small to the body.
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Some more tips for drawing the head!
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Like in that wikiHow article, I sometimes see people draw doves with too much curvature in the beak. Doves and pigeons have a relatively thin and short beak, and it curves less than you think!
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That's all I have for now. I wanted to keep it kind of general so you can use the same advice for other doves and pigeons too. I hope this was helpful!
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pumpkinhrat · 1 year ago
     It is with no small amount of shame that Jon pulls up the ‘How to Flirt with a Guy over Text’ article by ‘Wikihow’ on his laptop. It’s as his grandmother always said, though: if you’re going to do it, you had better do it right.
     Martin had texted him back yesterday, right in the middle of him taking a statement. Despite how absorbed Jon can get in them, it had been very difficult to finish the statement with the notification flashing in his periphery. He finally opened it and had received a little flip and flutter in his chest for his efforts. Silly. The phrase ‘cat-dad’ had tripped him up a little but after no small amount of googling Jon had come to the conclusion that Martin is most certainly flirting with him. Now for the response.
     Jon isn’t an idiot. He knows he’s not the most personable guy around. Hell, the whole reason Sasha and Tim had cooked up this scheme was because they’d seen him try and fail miserably at social interactions on multiple occasions. He’s always too blunt or dry or just too plain strange to hold any sort of meaningful conversation with new people. He’s half convinced the only reason Sasha, Martin, and Tim are his friends now is because they’d been forced to break down walls by virtue of their job. It’s unsurprising that things are as grim for him romantically as they are platonically.
     So, with that happy thought in mind, Jon clicks open the link. A bright white and green screen stares back at him. The blurb at the top reads “Text messaging is a great way to flirt with your guy. Flirt texting can be done with someone you are just getting to know, a guy you are developing a relationship with, or a long-term partner to add some fun to your relationship. You can also use texting to stay in touch, build interest, and connect with a guy prior to making the next move.” The last bit actually sounds like what Jon’s looking for and the tight feeling in his chest loosens a bit as he begins to scroll. Then he gets to the actual advice section.
     It’s dreadful. The entire article is littered with useless little platitudes and suggestions like “Play Up Your Fun Side!” and “Don’t Be Afraid To Tease”  and, most worryingly, “Maybe Wait To Send That Sexy Pic”. It’s exactly all the sorts of things Jon hates about first meeting someone who’s interested in him; the posturing, the desperation, the clearly produced and polished personality. He doesn’t want to send Martin a “flirty compliment” when he doesn’t even know what the man’s face looks like. And even if he did, Jon’s sure that any compliment he’d try to come up with would sound like a thinly veiled insult.
     It’s hopeless. He knew he shouldn’t trust the internet but what other options does he have? When he’d given up and debased himself to open the wikihow article, all he’d had written in reply to Martin’s text was “Yes, I do like cats.” Which, while true and, in Jon’s opinion, a perfectly serviceable response, he can hear Georgie’s disappointed sigh in his ear now. Jon echoes it as he closes out of the tab and shuts down his computer. He’ll just have to come up with a response himself. Simple.
     Fifteen minutes later, the same five words glow up at Jon from the Tinder chat box. It feels as though they’re mocking him, goading him to send the blasted text already. Everything else he’d come up with was equally if not more dreadful and Georgie wasn’t returning his texts.
     Jon takes off his glasses and rubs at his eyes. He checks the time. 2:13am. Not too terrible, then. If he just sends this now he can finish up his notes on the Kominsky statement and still have a little over three hours of sleep before he has to get up for work. He looks longingly at the file on his coffee table and turns back to his phone. If this Martin is truly going to be interested in Jon as a partner of some sort, he’ll have to be accepting of Jon's way of communicating, he reasons. There’s no point trying to spruce himself up, really.
     Jon sends the text and turns off his phone.
AAAAA Dear Anon, you're back! Thank you so so much for writing more, (and i'm sorry it took me this long to respond, i've been trying to survive uni).
This is 4th part of Anon's Dating App Jmart fic. Check the tag or the pinned post to see the previous parts! This chapter is based on this part of my au.
UPDATE: You can read the whole story by JJanuaryRain on AO3! Go give them lots of love -> "all's fair in love & tinder"
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bemess · 2 months ago
Mastering Problem-Solving
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"Unlock your full potential by mastering problem-solving skills! Tune into our podcast for expert insights, real-world strategies, and actionable tips to tackle any challenge with confidence."
This article provides a comprehensive review of problem-solving abilities, emphasizing their universal significance and suggesting recommendations for growth. It examines the fundamental features of problem-solving from various sources, including academic ideas, professional guidance in disciplines like IT networking, management, and creative arts, and practical guides like wikiHow. Problem-solving skills are essential in various fields, from technical subjects to artistic disciplines. Employers continually reward the ability to solve issues, making it vital in employment.
A systematic approach to problem-solving is crucial, with frameworks like George Polya's technique, the IDEA model, and Hays NZ's five-step process. Defining the problem is a critical first step, and accurate description is essential. Analyzing information is vital, and brainstorming is a vital phase in problem-solving. Prioritizing options based on practicality, potential effect, and alignment with long-term goals is essential. Critical thinking and risk assessment play essential roles in assessing the viability of solutions. By focusing on these techniques, individuals can improve their problem-solving abilities and achieve greater success in various aspects of life.
"Unlock your full potential by mastering problem-solving skills! Tune into our podcast for expert insights, real-world strategies, and actionable tips to tackle any challenge with confidence."
Problem-solving is a skill that can be developed through various methods, including perspective, flexibility, learning from failures and successes, continuous improvement, and engaging in hobbies. It is essential to adopt multiple perspectives, be open to new techniques, and learn from past struggles. Continuous improvement is crucial, as problem-solving skills bloom with knowledge and expertise. Engaging in hobbies like puzzles, logic games, or learning a new language can boost cognitive abilities and analytical thinking. Maintaining a good mentality and regulating emotions is essential for clear, effective problem-solving. Techniques like deep breathing and mindfulness can help ground individuals in the chaos. Emotional intelligence, the ability to recognize and control emotions, also greatly enhances problem-solving abilities. Implementation and evaluation are crucial, and problem-posing helps build comprehension and strengthen strategy. Techniques like mind mapping, problem-solving trees, logic puzzles, and checklists can help. Problem solving is a journey of self-discovery, and it can be cultivated through organized procedures, continuous learning, and self-awareness.
"Unlock your full potential by mastering problem-solving skills! Tune into our podcast for expert insights, real-world strategies, and actionable tips to tackle any challenge with confidence."
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waspsinyouryard · 6 months ago
September 16, 2024
This one is long. You've been warned. It's regarding a note I made on the 14th, which was about this post and this post
This is on the four year anniversary of another note of mine (September 16, 2020). That one was actually the first note I made exploring the possibility of me being "Aromantic or Demisexual," which is remarkable because WHY did I immediately go to an asexual microlabel instead of just "Asexual?" But this isn't about that.
Today, I will (hopefully) put the ambiguity plaguing me right now to bed.
First up:
According to Wikipedia:
The term "therian" refers to people who spiritually identify as an animal of the natural world on a non-physical level. The species of animal a therian identifies as is called a theriotype. While therians mainly attribute their experiences of therianthropy to either spirituality or psychology, the way in which they consider their therian identity is not a defining characteristic of therianthropy. The identity "transspecies" is used by some.
According to WikiHow:
A therian is someone who identifies as a specific non-human animal.
Spiritually, psychologically, and emotionally, they relate to the essence and behaviors of this animal, even though they don’t have the physiology to match. Oftentimes, therians feel most like themselves when they engage in specific activities this animal would do.
- For example, someone whose theriotype (species with which they identify) is a frog might feel most fulfilled when hopping around and croaking, while someone whose theriotype is a penguin might feel most comfortable waddling and huddling with loved ones for warmth.
- The term therian is derived from the zoological word Theria, which refers to a large group of mammals (including marsupials like koalas and wombats, and placentals like elephants and whales)
According to a Reddit comment in the r/therian subreddit:
A therian is anyone who identifies as an animal on a deep integral level. While not a perfect comparison, and not perfect for majority, it’s like being transspecies and to some, literally. The choice of species is purely involuntary as well as the whole identity. Why do we exist? Some believe in psychological basis while others believe in past lives and spiritual reason.
That being said there’s more to it. Some of us experience phantom body parts and phantom shifts, some even mental shifts. Often we do enjoy having animal gear to better represents how we feel. And some of us even feel dysphoria, sometimes even to death…
There’s so many different species in here but most commonly there are wolves. However I’m not a canine, nor even a pure predator at all. Sometimes we also see extinct species or feral fantasy creatures, however they are a vast minority. And it is possible to identify as more than one species as well.
We do not believe it’s a disorder and we believe it can coexist along our human lives. Although some of us hate being human and would rather be an animal. Most would like to change, bot only some really MUST or their dysphoria will get to them and sadly this isn’t possible yet.
The society rarely accepts us so we hide in the shadows for the better part.
OK. Next up.
Therian was under the "otherkin" Wikipedia article, so I thought I would investigate it too.
From Wikipedia:
Otherkin is a subculture of people who identify as partially or entirely nonhuman. Some otherkin believe their identity derives from non-physical spiritual phenomena, such as having a nonhuman soul or reincarnation. Some otherkin give non-spiritual explanations for themselves, such as unusual psychology or neurodivergence, or as part of Dissociative Identity Disorder or multiplicity.  Many otherkin say they are physically human.
The otherkin fandom wiki:
Otherkin (sometimes called "otherkind") are those who identify in some nonphysical way as nonhuman or not fully human. This identity is often considered to be involuntary.
What you identify as is called a kintype. Examples of common kintypes include elves, demons, fae, dragons, angels, however any species is possible..
The otherkin not fandom wiki:
Otherkin are a subculture of people who identify as nonhuman, usually mythical creatures such as elves, dragons and fae. The object of an otherkin's identification is called their kintype. People may feel they are otherkin because of reincarnation, neurodivergence, archetypal resonance, or a number of other reasons. Most commonly, being otherkin is involuntary.
Again, the last source mentioned something about the alterhuman community. So I wanted to look at it.
According to the therian fandom wiki:
Alterhuman / Alternative Humanity Personal Identity (“AHPI”) is "a category of personal identity which encompasses identification that is alternative to the common societal idea of humanity." It is an inclusive umbrella term for therianthropy, otherkin, etc.
According to the otherkin wiki:
Alterhumans are individuals who have identities beyond what is traditionally considered human. An alterhuman can identify as non-human, or they can identify as being human in ways alternate to what is societally common. The word "alterhuman" can be used as an umbrella term for otherkin, therians, fictionkin, dragons, vampires, plurals and systems, copinglinkers, otherhearted individuals, those with synpaths, and any other similar identity.
(note: look into otherheartedness. It seems relevant)
For completeness sake...
According to Wikipedia:
The furry fandom is a subculture interested in anthropomorphic animal characters. Some examples of anthropomorphic attributes include exhibiting human intelligence and facial expressions, speaking, walking on two legs, and wearing clothes. The term "furry fandom" is also used to refer to the community of people who gather on the Internet and at furry conventions.
But ultimately, I think I have a much better understanding of what a furry is than any of the other options...
I was going to make a nice little comparison chart to compare all these broad categories but I will abstain. I don't have the time
I briefly glanced at all of the smaller identities when they were linked in the wiki pages, and "otherhearted," at a glance, seems the most applicable. My research continues...
From the therian fandom wiki:
Other-Hearted, also synonymous with Animal-Hearted, is when an individual strongly identifies with a species of creature. It's more than a fascination or like of the creature, like in the furry fandom, but not quite to the point of being something you identify as, like with a therian or otherkin. The creature you feel a connection with will replace the animal part of the phrase. For example, you identify strongly with dragons, you would be dragon-hearted.
From the otherkin not fandom wiki:
Otherhearted describes a person who has a strong fundamental connection to a species or character which impacts their core sense of self. This is most commonly described in terms of identifying with a being as opposed to identifying as one.
From pluralpedia:
Otherhearted is a term that refers to having a deep connection/bond with something, such as strongly relating to it, acting like it, or understanding it, but not quite being it; identifying with instead of as something. This something is typically a non-human and/or animal species, though some may use the term to refer to fictional characters.
That's really all I have to say on the matter. "Hm..."
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b3-l0v3d · 3 years ago
✊: Would your OC win in a fight against an ostrich?
• She has above average fighting skills and decently good stamina, she carries a baton with her so she can most likely just beat the ostrich to death with a baton using the instructions she learned from that one WikiHow article. 50% chance she'd win and 50% chance she'd die trying.
• Would pick a fight with an ostrich because she absolutely have no sense of danger and would also use the information she learned in WikiHow as well, but she would lose anyways.
At least she died trying 🕊
• Would run away since he is not a physically strong person and is not the best fighter. However, he does have an amazingly high stamina and can run quite far due to being part of a track team back in high school (i rlly have to work on them eheee-), unfortunately it will ultimately fail since an ostrich is faster than a human.....
He died trying 🕊
• He will use his rage as fuel and fight tooth and nail against an ostrich, he has a very high stamina, he knows how to use his head in a fight and somehow has cat-like reflexes. Absolute powerhouse, he is a menace in a fight and he would absolutely curb stomp the ostrich.
• She carries a handgun with her everywhere she goes, she uses it for emergencies and she will definitely use it shoot the ostrich. Multiple times, better to be safe than sorry.
• Would eat the ostrich.
[Disclaimer: I do not have a vendetta against ostriches, I just think it'd be funny if you just square up against one and maybe I was influenced by that one slimecicle clip]
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melissart · 5 years ago
Date Night
Terry x Korvo Solar Opposites fanfiction!
Rating: M
Warnings: Alien sex stuff, Korvo cries during sex a lot, NSF*W
Genre: romance, comedy, hurt/comfort
Words: 3,852
Summary: “Couples go to scheduled fancy dinners to help keep their relationship alive.“
Korvo paced around the backyard with his Element Detector.
Beep… beep… beep… 
There were no useful elements on Earth! Of all the 118 elements that Earth discovered, everything just had to be carbon-based. Korvo had enough carbon to last the destruction of five planets. What he needed was the isotope Megeon-166--or as it’s called on Earth, Erbium. He needed at least 15 moles to repair the ship and, of course, nobody was helping him. What was the point in being mad, anymore? He knew nobody would help him but it never got any less frustrating. 
Terry slid open the back door while cradling a tray of Starbucks™ frappuccinos in one arm. “Korvo!” he called out. “Got your favorite--matcha frappuccino!” 
No, that’s not right--Terry did help. Just in a different way. Only Terry knew how to get everyone’s Starbucks™ drinks right. 
Korvo tossed the Element Detector over his shoulder and took his frappuccino. Oh, the first sip was always the best. The whipped cream was at the bottom just the way he liked it. 
Terry just… stood there and watched him drink the frappuccino. He wasn’t even going to sip his own untouched pink drink. He was waiting for a specific response from Korvo. Probably one that was two words and began with a “T”. 
Korvo sighed. He had to relent. “Thank y--” 
��--Do you know what day it is today?” Terry quickly blurted out. He was unusually excited. 
Korvo paused for a second. The effects of the Dumb Ray still hadn’t subsided completely. “Friday?”  Was he forgetting something? It couldn’t possibly be their anniversary. 
“That’s right! It’s the first Friday of the month! That means it’s date night!” 
“That is ridiculous. Every night occurs on a date.”
 Terry laughed and put his hand on Korvo’s shoulder. Everything was a joke to him. “That gets funnier every time!”
Korvo brushes Terry’s hand off of him. It seems that Korvo has forgotten what “date night” was. Ten blasts of a Dumb Ray does that to you. “Explain it to me again.” 
“Couples go to scheduled fancy dinners to help keep their relationship alive.” 
Evidently, Terry has explained this concept multiple times. There were no side tangents, no movie references, and no headaches. “I am satisfied with our relationship.” Korvo sunk into himself and slightly turned away. “Are… you… not satisfied?” 
Terry erupted into an even louder bout of laughter and slapped his knee. “Hah! That gets funnier every time, too! It’s for fun, Korvo. I already made reservations at your favorite restaurant for 8PM.” 
“But, I--” 
Terry was already heading back inside to give Jesse and Yumyulack their drinks. “Make sure you wear something nice this time!” 
Korvo racked his mind for any memories of going on a date night with Terry, but there was nothing. Korvo didn’t realize how harsh the effects of the Dumb Ray were. He felt like an idiot. Maybe it was like the NBC show Dateline. He had some researching to do. If Terry found out Korvo’s memory was still foggy, Korvo would surely get locked up again. 
Terry was about to go on the best date night of his short, pathetic life. 
It was 7:50 PM, Terry was already dressed in his favorite pink button-up with the top button unbuttoned and jeans, and Korvo was nowhere to be found. To make things worse, Korvo took the car so Terry couldn’t even go to the nearest Jack in the Box to drown his sorrows in a $5 munchie meal. It was uncharacteristic of Korvo to forget about date night, especially when he reminded Korvo just earlier. Perhaps, he wondered, the Dumb Ray effects had not subsided yet.
He went into the replicants’ bedroom to ask them if they knew where Korvo was, but they were gone. That’s right, they were at a party and said they wouldn’t be back home until midnight. Terry was alone at the house. Bored. Bored in the house and in the house bored--just as how that TikTok prophesied. 
There were three loud knocks on the front door. Terry groaned. “Coming!” He wasn’t in the mood to entertain the neighbors. 
Terry opened the door to find a bouquet of a dozen red roses being shoved into his face. It was Korvo, all dressed up in a tuxedo as if he was about to get married. 
“I have arrived to date night you,” Korvo declared. 
Terry happily accepted the bouquet. “Sick plants, dude! I didn’t know they came in red.” 
“Red means love.” 
“Cool! Should I plant them?” 
“No, you put them in a vase with water.” 
“Hmm…” Terry stared at the stems. “I don’t know, Korvo, don’t plants need dirt?” 
“Why would I--” Korvo stopped himself and took a deep breath. He had to be charismatic. “You put them in a vase, you look at them for a couple days, and then they die.” 
“Aww…” Now Terry was bummed out. He hated reminders of his planned obsolescence and inevitable death. “What’s the point of it, then?” 
“Because they’re red, Terry!” Korvo’s fury was quick to resurface. “Red means love!” 
“Okay, fine, but you don’t have to yell!” 
Korvo hated himself. Stupid. He was already ruining their date night. 
Jazz music played softly in the background. It would have been relaxing if it weren’t avant-garde jazz. It was times like these that made Korvo pray for the Pupa to eat everyone and terraform the planet, already. He had no idea how the cacophony he was hearing could possibly be classified as music. There was no discernible key signature, no rhythm, no melody, no dynamics--it was literally just a collection of instruments blasting away and competing with each other to see who could best resemble a dying animal. 
“What the hell is this?” he grumbled. 
Terry was busy looking through the menu. “‘Om’ by John Coltrane.” 
Korvo was taken aback by the answer. He didn’t know Terry listened to this kind of noise. Even TV static sounded more harmonious. “What’s the point of it?” The thought of someone sitting in a recording studio and blasting terrible screeches into a microphone was enough to make someone gloober. 
“Uh, to piss off people like you, duh!” Terry scoffed. “Just relax a little, okay, Korvy?” He reached across the table to put his hand over Korvo’s. 
Korvo stared down at Terry’s hand and pondered for a moment. He curled his fingers over Terry’s hand. “I see… So what you’re saying is that music acts as a medium not only to organize patterns and produce a conventionally pleasing aesthetic, but also to defy those same standards and redefine the purpose of music through an ironic lens?” 
“That’s jazz, baby!” For emphasis, Terry does jazz hands with his free hand. 
Korvo leaned in and clasped his other hand over Terry’s. “You know a lot about music,” he comments. A loving smile curled the corners of his mouth upwards. 
Terry smirked. “Well, I did major in music when we went to community college… Remember when we did that? That was fun.” 
Korvo’s smile dropped. “You did?” He had no idea. 
“Yeah, I majored in percussion performance. I was trying to get into a drumline, like in the movie Whiplash. Don’t you remember? I even invited you to my winter and spring recital.” 
Korvo genuinely could not recall anything after Terry referencing Whiplash. This wasn’t on the Dumb Ray, this was clearly on his own negligence. “Oh.” Now that he thought about it, Terry was really good at drumming. 
Terry withdrew his hand and crossed his arms. He sighed, slumped into his seat, and looked away forlornly. “It’s okay, you were probably busy working on the ship… The mission is always the highest priority.” He was already conditioned to expect disappointment when telling Korvo anything about his personal ambitions. It was Wetzel’s Pretzels all over again. 
“It is...” Korvo agreed. 
Terry felt his heart sink. 
“... but you’re a high priority to me, too.” 
Before Terry could respond, their waiter interrupted to take their orders. “Seafood platter for him, fettuccine chicken alfredo pasta for me, and your biggest bottle of wine.” 
“Of course, sir.” The waiter took their menus away and left to relay the orders to the kitchen. 
Fuck, Korvo loved it when Terry ordered for the both of them. It made him feel slightly lesser. He tugged at his neck collar. 
“You know… I didn’t actually want to be a Pupa Specialist,” Terry quietly confessed. “I wish I could’ve been a music major on Shlorp.” 
“You could’ve,” Korvo reminded him, “but you’d be dead.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I know...” 
Korvo watched Terry slump further into his seat. He was blowing it. Again. Discreetly, he took out his phone on his lap and pulled up a Wikihow article he had bookmarked on Safari: “How to Get Guys to Like You More when You Go on a date”. He skipped to step 3, “Be conversational.” Korvo cleared his throat. “Um… I wanted to be a biologist on Shlorp.” 
“Aren’t you already a biologist?” Terry argued. “Science is like, your whole gimmick.” 
“I’m an electrical engineer. I work with technology. I only got to take a few biology courses but my schedule was so loaded since I was a math/physics/engineering triple major, so I had no time to declare a minor in biology.” 
Terry laughed. “You sure dodged a bullet! Pupa Specialists had to take a shitton of bio classes, and let me tell you, the only silver lining is the sex unit.”
“There’s a sex unit?” 
“Yeah! Meiosis, DNA, best positions, tongue stuff… Jesse was conceived during that unit!” Terry smiled fondly, as if it were a normal sweet memory to be nostalgic of. “Ooh, ooh, how was Yumyulack conceived?” 
“With my right hand and a magazine at a lab.” Korvo didn’t realize there was anything more to it than that. “Tell me more about this unit,” he demanded. 
“Okay, so on the first day of class, our lab experiment for the day is to analyze genetic fluids, but wait! Our old tree professor forgot to order enough sample genetic fluids for the entire class! But, it turns out that collecting genetic fluids is the real lab experiment! Of course, I’m just sitting there with my lifemate, confused as hell, while the TA’s start to unbutton their robes…” 
Terry and Korvo laughed as they stumbled out of the restaurant together, holding hands and swinging it between them. When Terry asked for their biggest bottle of wine, they sure did deliver. Behind them, the warm glow of the restaurant faded away as they searched for their car. 
Terry wiped away tears of mirth with the back of his hand. “So I said, ‘You wouldn’t know one if you saw one!’” 
Korvo dropped the car keys as he erupted in more laughter. “Hohoheehoihoiheehoihoi! You sure told him! That was something that you told him, alright!” 
Korvo and Terry crouched down to reach for the car keys at the same time. They both groped around the spinning ground until their hands met. They looked up at each other with the same dazed, lovesick look in their eyes. 
Within seconds, they were sloppily making out. Terry had so much to drink that he couldn’t even feel where his body started and Korvo’s ended. All he could taste was wine and seafood. He felt Korvo topple over, putting Terry on top of him, straddling Korvo’s hips between his legs. Their tongues swirled around each other as Korvo moaned and dug his fingers onto the back of Terry’s shirt. The sidewalk was cold, but their bodies were hot enough to compensate. 
Terry pulled away and fumbled to unbutton his shirt. 
“Woah, woah, woah--I think we should, should go home first.” Korvo slowly sat himself up. 
“You can’t even drive!” 
“Of course I can!” Korvo declared, unintentionally flicking specks of saliva onto Terry’s face as he spoke. “W-We’re aliens! Our bodies… they got high tolerance… Alcohol sharpens our senses!” He pushed Terry off of him and crawled over to the car keys. 
Terry helped him up. “That doesn’t sound so right, but I don’t know enough to argue with that!” 
Korvo waved the car key fob in the air and pressed the lock button repeatedly, struggling to hear where their car was. “Beep beep! Beep beep! Beep beep!” he called out, as if it were a dog that could respond and come running over. “Fuck, where’d I park?” 
Terry turned Korvo around to face their car. 
“Oh shiiit, found it!” 
Korvo clicked the unlock button a few dozen times, then they let themselves in. Neither of them bothered to strap in their seatbelts.
As soon as their bedroom door was shut and locked, Korvo and Terry started hurriedly undressing each other. Terry kissed Korvo’s neck as he loosened his bowtie while Korvo yanked Terry’s shorts down and began unbuttoning his shirt. 
“Fuuuck, Terry,” Korvo raspily moaned out. “I-I want you to dominate me! Dominate me, Terry! Make me your slut!” 
“Yeah, you’re a little slut, huh?” Terry palmed Korvo’s mound. “My fucking whore needs to be taught a lesson?” 
Korvo bucked his hips into Terry’s hand. “Yes, Terry!” he groaned. “Teach me a lesson!” 
Terry swept Korvo off his feet in one motion and carried him to the bed. As soon as he dropped him, he crawled on top of Korvo and tugged Korvo’s dress pants down. Korvo’s rootstalk was eager to be exposed, wriggling out of its hole to meet Terry’s tongue. Terry gave the thick root one long, slobbering, lick up the shaft and to the tip. “Alright, Korvy, pop quiz--what’s the powerhouse of the cell?” 
Korvo didn’t respond. 
“Wait, Korvo, you do know what the powerhouse of the cell is, don’t you?” Terry heard a small sob. He looked up at Korvo, who was covering his blushing face, wet and shiny from fresh tears. Terry crawled away from between Korvo’s legs and to his side. “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” he whispered gently. He coaxed Korvo’s hands away from his face. 
Of course, being asked what was wrong only made Korvo cry harder and curl away. “I-I-I forgot!” he wailed. “I f-forgot what the powerhouse of the cell is! W-What is it? I have no f-f-fucking clue!”
Terry hugged him from behind. “It’s okay, baby, it doesn’t matter! It’s just the mitochondria.” 
“I-I just… I just feel so dumb. I’ve been waiting weeks for my intelligence to fully recover ever since you hit me with the Dumb Ray, but… but that’s it. This is as smart as I ever was before! And I’m fucking s-s-st-stu-stupid!” 
Terry squeezed him harder while he sobbed and wailed and gooblered all over the both of them. “There, there, Korvo.” He knew the drill. Korvo cried during sex all the time--something about the physical release of his genetic fluids seemed to trigger an emotional catharsis in him. This time was unusually early, though. They hadn’t even finished foreplay. “Do you want some ice cream?” 
“N-No, let’s continue having sex,” Korvo insists. 
“But you’re crying--” 
“--Well, I’m still horny!” He tried to dry his eyes, but it was a Sisyphean task. 
“Alright, fine, but talk about your feelings while I’m sucking you off.” Terry crawled back over to Korvo’s crotch and continued where he left off--licking the thick root all over, from bottom to top. He began sucking the tip of it, which wriggled slightly as it grew more. 
Korvo panted heavily. “O-O-Oh my g-god…” Hot pleasure took over him. “Well, I wanted to be a biologist on Shlorp, but…” He interrupted himself with a loud moan when Terry started deep-throating his root. “Hohhhmygod! Oh, Terry! Fuck, it feels so good!” He felt his root lengthening more and wriggle down Terry’s throat. “Terry, Terry, Terry… I’m gonna--ohhh, fuck…” 
Terry gave a small grunt of surprise when Korvo’s genetic fluids began squirting down his throat. He could just barely taste the sweet, floral nectar as he swallowed. There was so much to swallow down. Korvo was always so repressed--he was always too busy studying repair manuals to jerk off every now and then. 
Korvo felt dizzy from the waves of pleasure still crashing over him after his release. “Terry, I love y--”
“--What happened?” Terry interrupted. 
“What happened to being a biologist?” Terry asked again. “I mean, you could’ve just not majored in so many majors in the first place, right?” 
Korvo grabbed a spare pillow and put it over his face. “It’s not important anymore, never mind,” he said, muffled. 
“Korvo, c’mon, I won’t tell you my secret sex techniques if you don’t tell me your tragic backstory.” 
Korvo uncovered his face. “Tell me,” he demanded.
“You first!” 
Korvo took a moment to decide if it was truly worth opening up about his deepest, darkest insecurities just for sex. It was a very short moment. “I got a B+ in Intro to Biology my first year.” 
Terry waited for further explanation, but there was nothing more. “B+ isn’t a bad grade?” 
“I know!” Korvo snapped. “But I-I freaked out! That was my first B in a class, ever! And now we’re stuck on Earth and the Pupa could destroy us all any second and it’ll be all my fault because I wasn’t smart enough to fix the ship! And I’m not even smart enough to understand why the Pupa is 670C because I got freaked out over a B! And now we’re all going to die!” Gooblers danced all over their bedsheets. 
“Korvo, baby, relax!” He wiped away Korvo’s tears. “Even if you quadruple-majored in biology/math/physics/engineering, we’d still be on Earth because you couldn’t fix the ship. It doesn’t matter!” 
Korvo buried his face into Terry’s chest and gave out a strangled scream. 
Terry laughed to himself. “I mean, what’s the point of studying so much if you can’t even fix the ship?” He stroked the back of Korvo’s head lovingly. “I was able to fix a lavatic reactor in just a few minutes of reading one of your dumb manuals!” One of the gooblers popped straight into his eye. “Ow! Okay, I’m sorry! I guess the point is, uh… I’ll help you fix the ship. How does that sound?” 
The gooblers finally came to a stop. “You will?” 
“Anything to get you to stop crying during sex…” Terry grumbled.
Korvo began showering Terry with kisses. “Oh, Terry! Thank you! Mwah, mwah! Thank you so much! There’s so much I still have yet to diagnose in the ship--the catalytic nasprober, the psionic cholecystosanitizer, the carcino-fibrillator, the hexylgraph, the blinkers--” 
The list went on and on and on and on and on. Terry didn’t realize how much was wrong with the ship until now. He started to understand why Korvo was so stressed out all the time. Korvo had spent hours every day working on the ship for over a year, and this entire time Terry assumed that Korvo was just bad at repairing. 
There had to be an end to this. Terry slowly crawled back over to Korvo’s root, still wet with saliva and nectar genetic fluids, and began sucking at it again. It was only a matter of seconds until Korvo was back to being a squirming, moaning mess.
Korvo rested his hand on Terry’s head. “T-T-Terry, T-Terry! Oh, Terry!” 
After Terry deemed it wet enough, he finally gave his mouth a break. “Okay, don’t freak out,” he warned Korvo. 
“Why should I not freak out?” Korvo asked, freaking out already. 
“I’m gonna try a special Shlorpian sex technique on you.” 
Korvo has only ever had sex with Terry the traditional way--humping and twisting their roots around each other. “It won’t hurt, will it?” 
“Hmm--well--um---I wouldn’t say hurt?” 
“I do not like your hesitance.” 
“Okay, okay, okay! So, you twist up your partner’s root into a spiral-cone-thing, tuck that into their root-hole, and fuck it like a pussy, basically.” 
The image of it was vivid in Korvo’s head. It sounded so… demeaning and aggressive. “Okay.” 
Terry kissed him. “I love you!” He licks Korvo’s root and tries to coat as much saliva as he can on it before twisting the root as tight as he can. This, of course, is not the part where it hurts because their roots do not have pain receptors. With his other hand, he gently pries open Korvo’s root hole. 
Korvo groaned. He felt so violated in a way he had never felt before. It felt so lewd to have Terry stretch his root hole open. He bites his tongue when Terry starts fingering him. “Mmghh…!” It hurt so good. 
“Damn, Korvo, you’re so tight. Tighter than Honey Boo Boo’s training bra!” 
“Oh, shut up.” 
“Seriously, you make Terri look like a corner street hooker! Because you’re so tight, get it?” 
“Yes, Terry. I get it.” 
Terry lapped at Korvo’s hole, then stuck the tip of his tongue in. Breathy moans spilled out of Korvo as he clencher himself around Terry’s tongue. Terry went back to sucking on Korvo’s root while slowly pushing his finger inside of Korvo’s hole. Korvo’s moans crescendoed with every millimeter Terry pushed in. Terry tried to wriggle his finger and stretch out Korvo’s hole as much as he could before squeezing in another one. 
“Ahh… Ahh! T-Terry! Oh my god--Terry! Mmphh!” Korvo grinded his hips against Terry’s fingers. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! T-Th-That feels s-so good!” He was close to cumming all over again. 
Terry took his mouth off of Korvo’s root and began twirling the root around his finger. He wasn’t one to brag, but it was known that he had the best root-twirling technique in his class. Korvo’s root was, thankfully, very flexible and easily conformed to the twirled form. Terry quickly shoved the root as deep into Korvo’s hole as possible. There was a soft squelch underneath Korvo’s grunts. Terry got on top of Korvo, pinned Korvo’s arms over his head, and kissed him as he gently pushed his root inside of Korvo. 
Korvo wrapped his legs around Terry’s hips. He finally understood the human concept of “heaven” and it was Terry holding him down and jack-hammering away at his hole. Within seconds, he was already cumming. His root clenched hard around Terry’s and squirted more lubrication for Terry to penetrate even deeper and harder. 
It wasn’t long until Terry cummed, too. His hot nectar filled Korvo up and leaked all over both of their groins. He slowed down, then eventually paused. This was usually around the time when Korvo started to cry again. He rested his sweaty forehead against Korvo’s. “Korvo?” 
The waterworks came back. “Terry, I love you so much! I-I-I’m sorry I keep crying d-during s-s-sex!” 
“It’s okay, I love you too.” He accepted more tear-stained kisses. “Do you wanna keep going?” 
Korvo shook his head no. 
Terry got off of Korvo and hugged Korvo and patted his back while he cried. “It’s okay, Korvy… I love you a lot, too! We have a house and replicants and a cute little Pupa--we really nailed this whole family thing, huh?” 
All in all, Terry would say that it was a very successful date night. 
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yamayamawrites · 5 years ago
Switched - Part 2
A/N: Hi everyone! I’m so thankful for the wonderful reception to the first part of my fic, Switched! I released part 2 on AO3 (find it here) a few days ago, and I’ve been meaning to upload it here, so here’s part 2! Once again, @amit-crabcrab is wholly responsible for the amazing concept and even better fanart that inspired this fic. Hope you enjoy!!
Waking up in Tsukkishima’s body was no less jarring than it was the day before. Kageyama had been hoping, praying that maybe the entire thing was a nightmare, but when he woke up and couldn’t see five feet in front of him, a scowl formed on his face and he nearly slammed his hands onto the glasses on the bedside table.
He grabbed for Tsukki’s phone and sent a quick text to Tsukkageyama only to be startled half to death when not even a minute later Tsukkageyama pushed the bedroom door open. “My—I mean, your—mom let me in,” he said with a shrug, dropping a bag at the door and closing the door behind him.
“Do you remember that shrine visit?” Kageyama blurted. Tsukkageyama raised an eyebrow at him.
“That was over a month ago. I thought of that, too,” Tsukkageyama admitted. “But I don’t think it’s that.”
“Well that’s the only thing that makes any sense in my mind,” Kageyama replied with a defeated shrug. “But whatever.”
“Can you please put some actual clothes on?” Tsukkageyama said in a mock-disgusted tone. “I’m sitting here looking at myself shirtless and it’s kind of uncomfortable.”
Kageyama stuck out his tongue, but he obliged, throwing his legs off the side of the bed and standing. He still wasn’t used to this new lanky height and found himself stumbling a bit with his first few steps. I probably look like a toddler, he thought with a grimace, but Tsukkageyama didn’t comment. He threw on some clothes for the day, somehow not even minding that Tsukkageyama was watching, because after all it was his body, not Kageyama’s.
“So, you and Hinata,” Tsukkageyama whistled as Kageyama flopped back down onto the bed. “Can’t say I didn’t see it coming.”
“Shut up,” Kageyama growled back. “You and Yamaguchi are together too.”
“We have been for almost a year,” Tsukkageyama responded, idly picking at Kageyama’s pristine fingernails. “Pretty much everyone knows.”
“Is that why you freaked out so much when I said that last night on the phone?” Kageyama sneered, watching himself—Tsukkageyama—become flustered once again. Even though Tsukki wasn’t in his own body, it still felt strange to see him this nervous and jumpy. Kageyama thought that despite the cool demeanor Tsukkageyama wore, he really was terrified of their current situation.
“Okay, so maybe not everyone knows. I’d like you to keep it a secret,” Tsukkageyama refused to look over at Kageyama as he spoke.
“Ditto,” Kageyama replied. “Hinata and I haven’t really decided what we are yet, and we wanted to wait until we did to tell anyone…” Kageyama felt backed into a corner. The last person he ever wanted to figure out about his and Hinata’s relationship was, in fact, Tsukkishima, but now he couldn’t help but tell Tsukkageyama the details of their relationship in order for Tsukkageyama to not screw it up.
This whole situation was a hot mess, and Kageyama honestly had no idea how to deal with it. Based on the furrowed brows and scowl on Tsukkageyama’s face, he also had no idea how to deal with the fact that they had switched bodies. After all, this wasn’t really something one could Google and find a WikiHow article on how to reverse a body-switch.
“Where are we going today?” Kageyama asked finally, breaking the tense silence that had fallen between them.
“Well, I told Yamaguchi it would be a surprise,” Tsukkageyama replied with all the vigor of Tsukki. “We could go anywhere.”
“How about a movie?”
“Yamaguchi doesn’t like movie dates. He likes to talk.”
Kageyama scowled. Hinata also didn’t like movie dates because he’d gotten kicked out of so many theaters for making sound effects where he thought they should be in movies. Kageyama had to remind the boy multiple times that when characters kiss, it doesn’t make the “SMOOCHY” sound that Hinata always emphasized.
“Dinner?” Tsukkageyama suggested. “I mean, it’s not ideal, but—”
Kageyama’s phone rang. Tsukkageyama picked it up and immediately groaned. “It’s Shrimpy,” he grumbled.
“Well, answer it!”
“He calls you too damn much.”
“Answer the phone!”
Somehow Kageyama didn’t even have to ask for Tsukkageyama to put the phone on speaker mode. He really just wanted to hear Hinata’s voice, the way he talked to him and only him. It sounded sappy, but that was because it was, and Kageyama didn’t mind being sappy when it came to that little ball of sunshine.
“Ka-ge-ya-ma!” Hinata sang into the phone. “Are we hanging out today?”
“Yes,” Tsukkageyama groaned. Kageyama sent him a warning glare.
“Okay, because there’s this super cool festival happening right now! It’s kind of small but there’s food carts and a few games and stuff—”
“That’s not a real word.”
Kageyama sent Tsukkageyama a warning kick to the side. Both of them flinched.
“I’m on my way to your house now!”
“Wait – Hinata,” Tsukkageyama suddenly had a look of panic on his face.
“I’ll…meet you there. I’m not home right now.”
“Where could Kageyama be at such an early hour?” Hinata hummed on the other side of the phone, and Kageyama really wanted to grab the phone from Tsukkageyama’s hand and tell him everything, tell him how they switched bodies and how much he missed Hinata—but Tsukkageyama had just mumbled a “you’ll see” into the phone and hung up.
“Here’s the plan,” Tsukkageyama spoke sternly to Kageyama now. “We’re going to go shopping. You’re going to tell me what Shrimpy likes, and I’m going to tell you what Yamaguchi likes. We’re going to suck it up and play good boyfriends, and after that we’ll deal with…this situation.” He gestured between the two of them.
“Right.” Kageyama wasn’t used to Tsukkageyama taking charge like this. The only time Tsukki had ever taken charge like this was during a match, when he was timing out blocks, and even then he simply said “ready, and”. There was never an explicit plan laid out like he’d just done. He watched Tsukkageyama fidget – something that Kageyama had never seen Tsukki do – and knew that Yamaguchi must be special to him, for him to be this worried about everything.
That’s not to say Kageyama wasn’t worried, because he was. But his and Hinata’s relationship was new, and while Kageyama would love to have kissed Hinata the night before and not Yamaguchi, he knew that Tsukki and Yamaguchi were practically inseparable, and that this must be hell for Tsukkageyama.
Did he actually feel bad for that asshole?
He didn’t have long to dwell on whether or not the feeling in his chest was frustration that he couldn’t see Hinata or frustration that Tsukkageyama couldn’t spend time with Yamaguchi. Tsukkageyama pushed himself up off the bed and grabbed his bag. “Let’s go,” he said without looking back at Kageyama.
Shopping with Tsukkageyama, as much as Kageyama hated to admit it, was kind of fun. Tsukkageyama had a habit of mumbling comments about other shoppers, saying things like “she really wore that out in public?” and “he looks like he doesn’t know how to use a hairbrush.” Kageyama would snicker behind his hand, admittedly practicing to play the role of Tsukkishima later during their double date.
As they idly walked around the store, looking for things to get each other’s boyfriends, they devised a plan. Kageyama had to pick Yamaguchi up, so Kageyama would text Tsukkageyama when they were on their way to the festival. Tsukkageyama and Hinata would buy lunch at a nearby stand and sit at a table in clear sight from the direction that Kageyama and Yamaguchi would be coming from. Once Hinata spotted Kageyama (Tsukkishima) and Yamaguchi, there was not doubt in either of their minds that Hinata would wave them over, and the group would – like magic – be on a double date.
That was the hope, anyways, as Kageyama picked out a small crow stuffed animal and gave it to Tsukkageyama. “Hinata loves stuffed animals,” he mumbled, cheeks turning somewhat pink. He hated the feeling of not getting the stuffed animal for Hinata himself; even since before they were dating, Kageyama treated Hinata to stuffed animals for special occasions. One time, he even found a calico cat plushie to commemorate a training camp with Nekoma.
Tsukkageyama didn’t say anything about Kageyama’s blushing. Instead, he led Kageyama to the flowers aisle. “Yamaguchi really likes flowers and gardening, so, um…just pick some.” Tsukkageyama wore the same frustrated blush Kageyama did as Kageyama tried to decide between two bouquets. Finally, he settled for one with orange and white lilies. The two paid for their respective gifts, and Tsukkageyama gave Kageyama directions to Yamaguchi’s house.
When they parted ways, Kageyama felt a sinking feeling in his stomach. This was really happening, and so much could go wrong in the span of a single day that he felt like his heart might beat out of his chest. He followed Tsukkageyama’s directions carefully (he’d sent them in a text while making fun of Kageyama’s short-term memory) and made it to Yamaguchi’s house much faster than he’d made it home the night before with Tsukkageyama’s directions. He wondered vaguely if Tsukkageyama had been messing with him the night before. Probably, he concluded.
He sent Tsukkageyama a text that he’d made it to Yamaguchi’s house. Just before Kageyama called to say he was outside, Yamaguchi swung open the door, smiling sweetly. “Hey, Tsukki,” he chirped, then looked down and saw the bouquet Kageyama had so carefully carried all the way here. “Oh! Are those for me?”
“Who else would they be for?” Kageyama asked in the most Tsukki tone he could muster; it must have worked, because Yamaguchi giggled and grabbed the bouquet, then planted a kiss on his cheek.
“I’ll go put these in water, then we can go. Where are we going, anyways?”
“You’ll see.”
Somehow, Kageyama felt much more relaxed on their walk to the festival than he had felt the day before. This time he listened to Yamaguchi rattle on, and maybe had he listened the day before he could have gathered just how much Yamaguchi loved to garden; he talked endlessly about the status of a few vegetable plants he was growing, as well as some sunflowers that he said reminded him of Hinata, then laughed. Kageyama smiled at this, thinking once again of Hinata as they turned a corner and headed toward the festival.
“Oh, Tsukki, you said you didn’t like festivals!” Yamaguchi’s face lit up.
“It’s not always about me,” Kageyama responded. He found it easy to act like Tsukki when it was just him and Yamaguchi; he didn’t have a grumpy face that made things like this sound cranky when he said  them to Hinata. He decided maybe the best idea for the night was to act like Yamaguchi was Hinata—
But that wouldn’t be happening, he decided, when they saw Hinata and Tsukkageyama sitting together. Hinata had the crow plushie stuffed under his arm, and he wore the absolute cutest summer outfit. Nothing could top the real Hinata, he decided quickly.
As if on cue, Hinata stood and waved the second he saw Yamaguchi and Kageyama (Tsukki). Tsukkageyama turned around and – was that a smile? Yamaguchi waved to the two with a shy smile, then looked up at Kageyama. “Tsukki, did you know they’d be here?”
“N-no,” Kageyama replied. Maybe he wasn’t entirely used to acting like Tsukkishima.
“Yamaguchi, Tsukkishima! Over here!”
When they sat, Yamaguchi let his knees bump against Kageyama’s under the table. Kageyama wondered if this was similar to the nervous tick Hinata had; whenever Hinata was unsure of himself, he would tap his fingers in a certain pattern on Kageyama’s shoulder, palm, whatever was closest. And, if Kageyama was able, he’d get Hinata out of that situation. Again, something they’d been doing long before they started dating.
“What are you guys doing here?” Tsukkageyama asked, trying his best to sound like actual Kageyama.
“Tsukki brought me here,” Yamaguchi replied with a smile over at Kageyama. “We’re on a—”
“Friend date!” Hinata piped up quickly, his cheeks and ears red with embarrassment. “Yup, us too! Right, Kageyama?”
“Oh, um, yeah,” Tsukkageyama nodded. His eyes were trained on Kageyama with a look of subtle horror in his eyes as both of them came to the realization that either they would have to admit they were dating, or they would continue in this unsettling atmosphere.
“How’s your face?” Hinata asked Kageyama, sneering a bit. “Kageyama got you good, didn’t he?”
“Oh—um, it’s fine,” Kageyama struggled, being put under the spotlight far too quickly. “I deserved it.”
That shocked everyone at the table, including Tsukkageyama, who made a quick sputtering noise and shook his head. “No, I’m sorry I did that,” he said finally, and it sounded much too sincere to be coming from either Tsukki or Kageyama.
Kageyama waved it off after the momentary shock and the group instead shifted to discussing some television show that Hinata and Yamaguchi both enjoyed. Hinata was trying to explain the plot to Tsukkageyama while Yamaguchi argued about how the two main characters were obviously in love to Kageyama. Both of them looked at each other from the corners of their eyes, completely confused because neither one of them had seen a single episode of the show.
It became harder and harder for Kageyama to watch Hinata mindlessly drum his fingers on Tsukkageyama’s hand. That should be me, he thought stubbornly, and he didn’t even notice how hard he was glaring until Yamaguchi nudged him with his knee under the table. “Is something wrong?” Yamaguchi asked in a hushed tone, moving his face a bit closer to Kageyama’s.
“N-no, it’s nothing,” Kageyama flushed a bit and felt somewhat guilty. No matter how much he despised Tsukkishima, he’d never want to do something to jeopardize his relationship with Yamaguchi.
“Well, you look angrier than usual. We can go do something else, if you want—”
“Yamaguchi and I are going to go play some games,” Kageyama announced in as bored of a tone as he could muster. Hinata and Tsukkageyama looked over at him, almost quizzically, but soon Kageyama and Yamaguchi were on their feet and heading towards the game stalls.
“I want to play something too, Ka-ge-ya-ma!” Hinata sang in that same way he’d done multiple times already. Tsukkageyama wondered what it would sound like if Yamaguchi said his name in a singsong way like that. He concluded after a moment that it would sound terrible; he liked the nickname Tsukki all too much.
“Bet I can beat you at the ring toss,” Tsukkageyama decided the most Kageyama-like thing to do would be to induce competition.
“Oh, you’re on!” Hinata laughed, a bright and sunny laugh that reminded him of the way Yamaguchi laughed when it was just the two of them. He sighed and glanced around, catching sight of Yamaguchi playing some sort of rubber duck fishing game with Kageyama, their shoulders bumping. Both of them wore wide smiles.
Tsukkageyama had never taken Yamaguchi to a festival, despite knowing just how much his boyfriend enjoyed the people and the food and the sights. He’d never wanted to put himself willingly into that close of proximity with people for fear that they’d somehow read Tsukki’s mind and know that he was gay, and that he was dating his childhood friend. He wasn’t ashamed of Yamaguchi; he was afraid of admitting to anyone (himself, mostly) that he liked men. He loved Yamaguchi with all of his heart, and he wanted to protect Yamaguchi with his life, but still he found it exceedingly difficult to take Yamaguchi on dates where someone else might figure that out.
Hinata and Tsukkageyama bounded towards the ring toss stall, which was just a few stalls down from where Kageyama and Yamaguchi were. Kageyama stood close to Yamaguchi, and every once in a while Yamaguchi would lean up against him and smile up at him like he was the only person there. Tsukkageyama’s heart clutched and he forced himself to look away. He had gotten used to that look being special, being just for him; but he supposed that meant Kageyama was doing a good job playing the part of him, and that should be a good thing, right? Why did he feel so hurt?
“Hey, Kageyama,” Hinata tugged on Tsukkageyama’s sleeve. Some of his mannerisms secretly made Tsukkageyama wonder if maybe Kageyama was just into petite girls and he couldn’t get a girlfriend with his scary face, so he settled for the next best thing.
“What?” Tsukkageyama snapped back, but judging by the look on Hinata’s face, Kageyama didn’t bark at him like that when they were alone. “Sorry,” he added.
“It’s fine. You just seem a little tenser than usual. Did you not want to spend time with Tsukkishima and Yamaguchi? Because I’m sorry, I spoke without thinking—”
“It’s alright,” Tsukkageyama said quickly.
“Do you think they’re dating?” Hinata followed up in a genuinely thoughtful tone. “I mean, they’re always so close. And Yamaguchi told me one time that Tsukkishima comes and spends the night a lot.”
“That doesn’t automatically mean they’re dating,” Tsukkageyama responded, trying to hide the fear and frustration in his tone.
“Well, yeah, but…” Hinata smiled up at him. “That’s how we got together, isn’t it?”
“I-I guess?” It was genuinely a question; Tsukkageyama had no idea how they got together.
Hinata laughed at the look of confusion on his face and turned his attention to the ring toss game. “Either way, they look happy together. I hope they’re happy.”
That sent Tsukkageyama’s head swirling. What did Hinata mean? Was that supposed to be some sort of joke? Tsukkishima had never taken the time to care about the Shrimp’s happiness before all of this, and up until this point, he hadn’t been planning on caring about it after. How come Hinata cared if he was happy or not? He never paid any attention to Hinata’s happiness, and he was sure Hinata had to know that.
Tsukkageyama must have zoned out, because he was brought back into reality with a swift kick to the back. He winced, and just a few stalls down he saw Kageyama wince, too, then scowl over at Tsukkageyama as if he was the one who had just kicked them in the back. “Earth to Kageyama,” Hinata giggled. “What’s up?”
“It’s nothing,” Tsukkageyama plastered a frown onto his face that he hoped looked similar to Kageyama’s. It must not have been quite right, because Hinata giggled even more.
“Are you sure? You look constipated.”
“Why do you care about m—Tsukkishima’s happiness?” he finally spat. He had to know.
“Oh,” Hinata shrugged. “He’s my teammate. He may be mean and all, but I still care about him. Because if he’s happy he plays volleyball better!” Hinata accentuated this with a pump of his fist to the air. “Besides, if he plays volleyball better, then it’s a real competition of who’s the best middle blocker!”
Tsukkageyama wasn’t sure what he expected, but it wasn’t that. He laughed, then, something he rarely did in his own body. Hinata watched him with a look of confusion. “Why’s that funny?”
“Because it all comes down to volleyball, like always,” Tsukkageyama sighed after he calmed down.
“Well, volleyball is my favorite thing. And that means you’re also my favorite thing by extension,” Hinata nudged into Tsukkageyama playfully, and Tsukkageyama’s face flushed. Yamaguchi said things like this to him, but they were rare and always followed up by a million apologies. However, Hinata was unapologetic and smiling, and he kind of liked that. Tsukkageyama didn’t know how Kageyama responded to these types of things, though, so he just smiled and tossed the rest of his rings at the bottles, missing every single one.
The four of them gathered again at a table for dinner. Yamaguchi carried a large chibi flower stuffed animal under his arm that Kageyama must have won for him, and Hinata and Tsukkageyama both had a variety of small, cheap plushies. The conversation flowed much better than it had earlier that day, and Kageyama hated to admit it, but Yamaguchi and Tsukki (inside Kageyama’s body or not) were quite fun to spend time with. He knew Hinata must have been having the same thoughts, because as Tsukkageyama and Hinata parted ways, Hinata exclaimed that “We should do this again soon!” as they walked away.
Once they were gone, Yamaguchi sidled up closer to Kageyama. “I think they’re dating,” he said finally.
“Yeah,” Kageyama mumbled, not entirely processing that wait, Yamaguchi had figured it out. His face flushed when he did have that realization.
“Well, it makes sense,” Yamaguchi shrugged. “They spend like, all their free time together.”
“I guess it does make some sense.” Kageyama inwardly panicked. Were they really that obvious? Did the whole team already know? He had to remind himself how surprised Tsukkageyama had been when he found out, despite having already guessed it.
“Do you want to spend the night? My parents aren’t home.”
Now, Kageyama would do a lot of things to keep them from getting found out—kissing, cuddling, hugging…but he would not lose his virginity to Yamaguchi. “S-sorry, I’ve got some homework to do. Maybe later this week?” He hoped in his suggestion that their bodies would switch back later that week.
“Oh. Yeah,” Yamaguchi plastered a smile on his face. Kageyama could immediately tell he’d upset the boy; he knew the look of a fake-smile all too well from the many times Hinata tried not to act offended when Kageyama said he had to go home after hours of after-school practice.
“I really am sorry,” Kageyama insisted. “Can I walk you home?”
“Yeah, sure.”
It had been a few days now that Kageyama and Tsukkishima were trapped in each other’s bodies. The two were getting antsy to find a solution, but so far their only lead they had was the shrine visit from over a month ago. After some feverish Googling, Kageyama and Tsukkageyama found the American film Freaky Friday, which may have been of some help if the two had gone to a cheap Chinese restaurant and gotten strange fortune cookies.
Kageyama had to quadruple check with Tsukkageyama that that didn’t happen. Each time, Tsukkageyama had to remind Kageyama that they didn’t go out to eat with each other. Like, ever.
Their acting slowly improved during volleyball practices to the point that they were acting mostly like themselves again on the court. Tsukkageyama even attempted a freak quick pass, which went well for the most part, except Hinata had to hit it with his left hand. Everyone in the club seemed to be off their trail.
Except for Suga.
Suga waited in the clubroom until Tsukkageyama and Kageyama were the last ones, idly fumbling with his gym bag. Before they could leave, he cleared his throat and put a smile on his face. “Hey, you two,” he chirped, “how about you take a seat?”
The two glanced at each other and swallowed thickly. Neither one of them had the guts to dash out the door and run forever from Suga, so they accepted their defeat and sat on the bench together, heads hung. “Now,” Suga began, “I might not be the smartest person on the team, but there’s a reason I’m called the most observant.”
Shit, Kageyama thought.
“You two are playing some sort of weird game,” Suga still wore his intimidating smile. “You’re acting like each other. Why?”
He doesn’t know, Tsukkageyama thought.
“We switched bodies—”
“We’re practicing for a play—”
The two spoke at the same time, then looked at each other in confusion. Suga shook his head. “I can’t understand you with both of you talking at once. One at a time, please.”
“We’re…practicing for a play?”
“Right! A play!”
Suga laughed out loud at this. “Yeah, right. You don’t have time for that,” he waved his hand dismissively. “What was that other thing?”
Kageyama looked at Tsukkageyama nervously. Both of them looked up finally, completely defeated. “We switched bodies,” they said together.
Suga laughed even harder at this – that is, until he noticed that neither of the boys in front of him were laughing. His laughter slowly died. “You…you are joking, right?”
“Sadly, no,” Tsukkageyama replied. “It’s been like this since last Friday.”
“Is that why—”
“Tsukkishima punched me in the face,” Kageyama replied, and Suga was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that Tsukkishima had just referred to himself in the third person – no, that was Kageyama, not Tsukkishima.
“Jesus,” he sighed. “I thought you were just playing some stupid prank or something…”
“I wish,” they responded at the same time.
“Quit doing that!” Suga cried. “You’re freaking me out now.”
“Do you know how to help?” Kageyama asked desperately.
Suga tapped his chin in thought. “Have you seen the movie Freaky Friday?” he asked finally.
“We didn’t eat any Chinese food,” Tsukkageyama replied bluntly.
“Well, that’s not exactly what I mean. In the movie, the mom and the daughter don’t switch back until they do something nice for each other and see each other’s points of view. Have you tried that?”
“I’d rather smack our heads together,” Tsukkageyama droned.
“They do that in the movie too,” Kageyama noted. The two seemed all too eager to do that, and Suga had to throw himself between them to keep them from throwing their heads together.
“Bad plan,” Suga huffed as he separated the two. “Okay, we’ll keep this our little secret. Let’s have lunch together again today and we can try to figure it out.”
“Hinata will be upset if I bail again,” Tsukkageyama replied. Kageyama glanced over at him, shocked; some time after their visit to the festival, Tsukkageyama had started caring more about Hinata. He even stopped referring to him as Shrimpy to Kageyama.
“Well then maybe we can try after practice. Tsukki—Kageyama, is that okay with you?” Suga asked.
“I usually walk Yamaguchi home,” he replied, rubbing his neck. Suga groaned.
“This might be a little harder than we thought.”
They ended up settling for meeting at Suga’s apartment later that evening. Neither Tsukkageyama nor Kageyama commented on the fact that Suga lived alone; they both supposed they knew next to nothing about their upperclassman. By the time Kageyama arrived after walking Yamaguchi home, Tsukkageyama was already sitting on the floor across from Suga, drinking tea from a colorful mug.
Suga greeted Kageyama with a warm smile and a cup of tea for himself. “Tsukkishima and I were just trying to think of some things that might work,” he said as he led Kageyama into the apartment.
Despite how uncomfortable the atmosphere should have felt, the group spent a great deal of time laughing and joking with each other. It was especially strange when Suga heard Tsukkishima full on laugh the first time; of course, that voice had come from Kageyama, but Tsukkageyama was laughing, too.
They brainstormed for a good, long while, not even bothering about the time despite it being a school night. The best option they could come up with was to see one another’s point of view, like they did in that movie Freaky Friday, but slamming heads together was kept as a back-up option.
The group was startled from their brainstorming session when there was another knock at the door. “Shit,” Suga breathed, still wearing a smile as he pushed himself up and walked to the door. Kageyama and Tsukkageyama heard a muffled noise, then a yelp, then a door slam. “Wrong address!” Suga said quickly as he came back into the room, but neither of them bought it.
A little bit later, they said their good-byes and thanked Suga for everything. He waved them away, saying how he always enjoyed extra company. Tsukkageyama and Kageyama passed by Daichi in the hallway, who was seemingly trying to hide behind a fake plant. It only dawned on Kageyama as he was walking to Tsukkishima’s house what Daichi had been there for, but he tried to shake the thought away and imagined that maybe Daichi was just there to…study. Yeah, study. At around midnight on a school night. Of course.
That evening left him much to think about besides Daichi and Suga’s…study session. He wondered what it meant to see things from Tsukkishima’s point of view. He supposed seeing out of Tsukkishima’s eyes was the ultimate view of his point of view, but obviously that wasn’t the answer. Plus, he was getting antsy. Not being able to set to Hinata was eating away at him, and he felt like he might explode in a heap of jealousy soon if he watched Tsukkageyama set even one more poorly-received toss to Hinata.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years ago
mtmte liveblog issues 4&5
its delphi time babey
I'm sorry but drift & co look like such fuckin nerds on their scooter things on the cover lmaooo
oh god. seeing the first page just reminded me of how horribly confused i was for this whole little arc the first time i read it. i was like ok, who are all these new characters, and also why does everyone look so similar
anyways now i now what's going on. i love first aid
love the running continuity of rung being the literal only psychologist on cybertron (except for fr*id but that's later). no wonder everyone's fucked up they all have to share a single therapist 
ok i find it extremely funny that first aid was demoted from doctor to nurse, as if that's a thing that happens EVER - I mean it'd be one thing if first aid was a nurse practitioner (which i doubt is a position that exists here), at least that demotion would make sense, but like...the doctors i work with don't know how to do most nurse stuff (like BP, cathing, vaccinations, hell even using some of the thermometers - that's all stuff nurses/etc do), so demoting one to a nurse would be a disaster (just like promoting a really good nurse to a doctor would be a bad idea). anyways i know I'm being pedantic but it Be like that when you work in the medical field and read something that has medicine-related stuff in it
i love swerve giving ratchet the tiniest free drink ever lmaooo
is that skids being a rowdy drunk in the bg lmaoooo
unironically i love medical statistics. keep it comin
i love magnus’s giant sternal chestpiece thing. its like a bird’s sternum but without the massive pec muscles attached 
i love magnus and rodimus’s dynamic so much
oh pipes....im so sorry but this fun space adventure is going to be not so much fun for you
ratchets ideologies are certainly interesting, and i liked seeing how they changed over the course of the story
drift: why would i be SCARED of the DJD, I've got a SWORD, two swords even,
hvbhajkhfbsdjkf pipes really said ‘oi, you two - what's this, then?’ that's the most british fucking thing, that's literally something i say when I'm doing an overexaggerated british accent, oh my god,
aaaand now you're covered in dead bodies, pipes. look at your life, look at your choices
drift epic sword moments
drift confirmed for the kinda weird guy who has katanas that he uses to like, cut up fruit and water bottles in his backyard while rodimus films him
‘i thought i heard...bickering’ lmaooooo
ah, so its covid
this arc is how i feel working in healthcare lmaooo especially now that i probably have covid 
so rewind condensed the entire war into an 11 second long cringe compilation. nice
seeing the mechanical stuff past tailgate’s visor is so cool
poor tailgate, this guy is getting slammed with history from multiple sides. and like, bias is inevitable in ANY sort of recounting of events, especially controversial historical events, so poor tg just kinda has to take it all in and decide who to listen to 
that’s...not really how immunity works, guys. also, you shouldn't be exposed to so much disease with proper ppe usage
is there even such thing as ppe in the transformers universe?? there are fluid- and contact-transmitted illnesses, so there SHOULD be
is there even OSHA in this universe??????? unbelievable 
first aid, holding a giant fucking claw clamp: we haven't tried EVERYTHING............
first aid read a human wikihow article on how to jumpstart a car and took notes 
i love tailgate’s ‘mom says its my turn on the xbox’ pose 
tailgate has a point - he’s from pre-war times, where things weren't as grey so of course he would try to divide the two sides into ‘good guys’ and ‘bad guys’
go get some character development and then maybe you'll feel better
seeing the word quarantine is making me twitchy w/my possible month-long complete isolation quarantine on the horizon
drift pulling his swords on pipes and ratchet pushing down drift’s arms...lmao
poor pipes...even tho this is completely his fault, its still rough
also jesus, pharma and ratchet look so goddamn similar, reading this was so confusing the first time around 
drifts idea of subduing pipes involves turning into a cool car and also posing with his sword
also. never gonna be over drift’s massive thighs. jesus man
ooof now drift has the rona. ouch 
poor drift, his covid realization is getting overshadowed by pharma being flung around
first aid bustin thru w/the epic medical nipple clamps and some Big Boi Backup
ok that's an epic pre-beatdown speech from fort max right there, daym 
im just gonna continue on w/issue 5 now for continuity’s sake. yay!
the cover of tailgate in magnus’s autobot school is so cute
and we open with an incredible shot of fort max str8 up ripping a guy in half. i mean, to be fair, he DID just give an epic speech about how much he was gonna do that, and he certainly followed thru
yeahhhhh, fort max is not doing so well atm
when he puts that dudes head in his chest vent thing and then snaps it shut....man 
also i fucking LOVE when their faces are shaded all in black w/only the eyes/mouth fully drawn...fantastic stuff
ratchet: phew i am not equipped to deal w/this level of Fucked Up Mental Trauma. u good m8?
ratchet is already writing up a referral to rung for fort max as this is happening
drift is just laying on the ground dying like, oh hey yeahh I'm still here too 
i fucking love when punctuation is drawn in story - like here where first aid has a little ? over his head....fav
ratchet holding drifts hand ;_; 
ok tbh ambulon having switched sides 10 yrs ago is wild bc like, 10 years is barely any time for these guys, especially in a war that lasted 4 million years. that would be like a human switching sides in a war like, 3 months before it ends. probably. i sense some math bs, I'm just extrapolating here
all that mexican standoff shit is going down and first aid is just like But That's None Of My Business
ah so ambulon is an asymptomatic carrier 
and there's first aid with the save! iconic
pharma calling ratchet ‘buddy’ hbvakjdsbfhkasdf
ooooh i love that they figured it out - and i love that twist, that transforming is what triggers the start of symptoms. remember when drift turned into a cool car? yep
s/o to Ambulon Transformers for helping me in my medical terminology courses, bc now ill always remember: Leg(tm)
also this explanation makes a ton more sense (in universe, at least) than the whole ‘i guess we as medical staff have been exposed to enough Germz that we’re more immune to this or something’ theory 
ah, i love the meaningless (to me) alien robot medical jargon 
drift and ratchet hhhhhhhhh
‘I'm too wide’ fort max L O R G E
also once again drift is forgotten in favor of a bunch of other dramatic stuff happening vbhjksdfbjhskdf
godddd i love tailgates little flashbacks where we see how Important and Special he is, complete with his ‘bomb disposal’ arm label...augh its so good! 
and tailgate’s autopedia page even reflects his lies! like, did tailgate go edit that first thing upon waking up??? seriously, I'm fascinated by tailgate’s meticulous dedication to his fake life
also the fact that ultra magnus believes everything he read on autopedia is amazing lmao
ultra magnus: you think somebody would just go on the internet and tell lies? 
fuckgin love magnus’s long ass name/title placard 
tailgate hvbahjkdfbjhaskf i mean, he’s gotten the abridged version of everything else, of course he would assume that’d be the case here too...but not on magnus’s watch
magnus cant even say ‘fun’ hvukdasdbjfkjsadf i love my uptight law dad
love rung implying that upon questioning, he would easily divulge a patient’s name and maybe even information about said patient’s treatment while under him....love the disregard for patient confidentiality and hipaa in general 
not that hipaa seems to exist here, at least not in a fully realized form 
also i mean the above genuinely, i think rung’s tendency towards at least slight malpractice is very interesting 
poor red alert....super bad luck that HE was the guy to get roped up in that overlord business 
I'm glad that, at the very least, red alert was able to prove that he was Actually hearing something to rung, rather than get brushed off completely 
god magnus and tailgate’s interactions are golden 
also tg is much more sarcastic/quippy than anyone gives him credit for tbh
‘thought warfare,’ ultra magnus says with complete seriousness. god i fucking love this comic
now i can tell pharma apart from ratchet bc pharma has let his true Petty Bitch nature emerge and you can see it in his expressions
the whole ‘tarn is addicted to transforming’ thing didn't really go anywhere, right? i feel like i noticed that on my second readthru as well 
also pharma is such an interesting character given the context of him like, trying to strike a bargain w/the djd to keep them from destroying delphi, but that arrangement inevitably kinda making him lose it as the situation escalates. he’s also just really entertaining bc i feel like he kins the joker or st and probably gets into really heated arguments w/people on twitter about just abt anything
‘sound bomb’ i love this comic
another important facet of pharma’s character becomes clear around this time as well - how he’s really into ratchet. i also choose to read them as awful exes tbh, it makes their dynamic even more entertaining
‘killmaster, with the wand’ is one of my favorite running remarks lmao
also, was killmaster even a character before mtmte? or, if he was, was he an important one? it would crack me up the most if he literally didn't exist at all, but any way you spin it is still funny 
ratchet’s tiny humansona facing off against pharma is wild
‘I'm miles from anyone i truly care about’ brutal, ratchet, drift is dying like 2 floors away (im p sure)
oh don't worry first aid, that sure isn't the last we’ll be seeing of pharma 
so like, did first aid save everyone by posting that data log to his wreckers fan blog or something? lmao love it 
i love the pretty fucked up reveal of ratchet having stolen pharma’s hands. like, damn dude. 
and that wraps up the delphi arc! our first true ‘arc’ of mtmte, and a fantastic one at that. short and snappy and fresh, with some very clever writing and cool new characters, and a lot of great plot threads to be picked up later. plus, we got to see the beginnings of drift and ratchet’s whole thing (and ratchet and pharmas whole thing). and the lost light gets some much needed extra medical staff, so everyone wins! 
well, we’ll see how fort max feels about this all pretty soon.....
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tyrusquacks · 6 years ago
Okay so I did a thing.
I saw this post earlier which gave me an idea. It was supposed to be a oneshot but I got carried away in the planning so now I’m writing it in multiple parts. And I will post the whole thing as a oneshot on AO3 when it’s done. I’m gonna try tagging all the people who asked but I’ll add anyone else who wants to. So without further ado...
Summary: TJ can’t figure out how to confess his feelings to Cyrus so he comes up with a list of things to do to flirt with him after finding this article on WikiHow.
WikiHow To Flirt With a Guy
TJ sits at his desk on a Sunday night, surrounded by random post-it notes, various markers, and crumbled up sheets of paper. Alone, in his room, he goes down his list for the millionth time this weekend.
Maintain eye contact
Smile and laugh
Play with your jewelry
Find subtle ways to put yourself in his path
Try out different hairstyles
Use his name a lot
“Accidentally” lean into him if you’re walking together
Straighten his collar
Ask if you should get your belly button pierced
Dance with him
Leave him wanting more
Text him “accidentally”
He’d copied it from a WikiHow article he’d found on Friday after school, upon realizing how unfruitful his efforts to woo Cyrus were so far.
Ah, Cyrus. His best friend and the guy he is undeniably and unconditionally in love with. They’ve known each other for two years, yet TJ can hardly remember a time when he didn’t like him. 
In those two years, TJ had also tried to tell him about his feelings, but he could never quite figure out how. And now that middle school is coming to an end, he’s become increasingly worried about them drifting apart and never having the chance to tell him how he really feels.
So on Friday, TJ decided that at this rate, there was no way he’d figure out how to talk to the boy on his own. Unfortunately, the only person who could give him advice was Cyrus himself. That wasn’t gonna work out, obviously. And thus, he decided to turn to the internet. 
A quick search of “How to flirt with a guy” came up a ton of results. After scrolling down a little to check out his options, he’d settled on a WikiHow article of the same name. Then he’d skimmed it and written down the most relevant bullet point on the sheet of paper he is currently examining.
If he is being honest, he is pretty satisfied with the list and himself for coming up with such a brilliant idea. All week he will try a couple of these tips, and in no time Cyrus should be as whipped as he is. At the thought, TJ smiles to himself and leans back in his chair, lifting his hands to support the back of his head. Yes, that sounds like a plan.
TJ is in such a good mood he almost skips on his way to school this morning. Now that he has a secret weapon, it’s only a matter of time before he gets Cyrus to fall for him. He mentally reviews the first two items on the list, reminding himself to make the effort to maintain eye contact with his best friend and smile and laugh. Easy, he thinks as he approaches the school grounds.
After taking the biggest breath of air he physically can, TJ marches into the school, determined to start Operation Flirt-with-my-best-friend-until-he-falls-in-love-with-me”.  He realizes that the name is too long and makes a mental note of coming up with a shorter code name later. But first, he needs to find Cyrus. 
A quick glance around the nearly empty hallway and he knows Cyrus is not in school yet. He pulls his phone out of his pocket to check the time: he’s a full 37 minutes early for first period. In all of his excitement, he must have woken up early and gotten ready unusually fast today. Nonetheless, he figures he’ll text him.
Morning :) Are you on your way?
Thankfully, Cyrus responds almost immediately.
Um no…? Ya know I only live like 10 minutes away right? And there’s at least a whole half hour until first period :///
Why? Are YOU at school already?!?!
TJ!!!! WHY??? Why must you do that to yourself?
Ughh you leave me no choice. Fine, I’m coming
TJ can’t help but smile as he types out a reply.
Oh no you don’t have to come
But if you are hurry cause I’m lonely :(
No response. Cyrus had probably put his phone down so he could get ready. TJ goes to wait for him at the front gates. Surely enough, he sees Cyrus coming up the stairs within 15 minutes. Showtime, he thinks to himself.
“Teej!!!” Cyrus greets him as he goes in for a bro-ish hug. 
This powerful combination of word and action cause TJ’s brain to shortcircuit for a moment. They pull away and his mouth open but he doesn’t utter a sound. Think, TJ. Think. One: Maintain eye contact. Two: smile and laugh. But wait, what if I combine the two.
Without any additional thought, he stares straight into Cyrus’ brown eyes and begins to laugh. 
“Hey, Underdog!” he says in between laughs. Cyrus smiles awkwardly and turns around to look behind him.
“Is there- did I say something funny?” he asks, with a confused look. TJ goes into panic mode, and it shows. But combined with his unwavering stare and an unusually large smile, it produces a facial expression that Cyrus has never seen on him, or on anyone for that matter. He’s about to say something else when TJ speaks up again.
“No! You’re not funny!” he blurts out. No, that’s not what he meant. Cyrus tilts his head in a questioning motion.
“No, I mean you are funny but I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing with you,” TJ says, still smiling and staring.
“But I wasn’t laughing,” Cyrus responds, increasingly perplexed by TJ’s behavior. 
“Oh right. You weren’t. Not right now. I was just laughing at something you said yesterday.” The more he keeps talking, the more nervous he gets.
“Right. Except we didn’t see each other yesterday.” TJ almost kicks himself at that exact moment.
“Yes, and I knew that. I was just messing with you. Keeping you on your toes.” He finished off the sentence with finger guns, hoping it would mask how incredibly idiotic he’s being right now. Cyrus knows something is up but TJ is being too weird for him to ask so he nods and plays along.
“Ha! Now that is funny,” he replied, finger gunning TJ right back. The taller boy is now a sweaty mess who doesn’t know what else to say, so they both stand there in uncomfortable silence, Cyrus shifting from one foot to another and TJ smiling still as wide and staring still as wide.
After what feels like an eternity, Cyrus hears Buffy’s voice from behind him and almost leaps to join his friend after shouting a “See you later!” at TJ who was now sweating profusely. 
“See ya!” he shouts back before darting to the boys’ bathroom so he could cover the scent of his shame with the bottle of Axe spray he liked to carry around in his backpack. How had things gone so wrong? He kept asking. Now Cyrus definitely thinks he’s weird and he might have blown his chances. 
Once he’s done cleaning up and manages to calm down, he decides that it’s not over yet. He might have messed up the first two things but there is still a whole list of ten other items to get through. For now though, he’d try to stay clear of Cyrus for the rest of the day. He doesn’t think he’ll be able to look him in the eyes.
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@tyrusmuff1n @mackpocalypse @vi-the-best-you-can @judgemental-llama @thesubtextmachine @green-lemonboys @tjfruitymixitup @90svalkyrie 
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danielbatz09-blog · 5 years ago
Suggestions to Build an Effective Online Marketing Methodology
The Ideal Online Marketing Strategies Every Entrepreneur Needs- WikiHow is a wiki,” just like Wikipedia, which signifies that a lot of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Should you're creating a digital advertising and marketing strategy for ecommerce, you'll probably battle with out a stable SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING plan. Engines like google like Google and Bing are the place we all begin immediately. An internet site built with SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION in thoughts, reflecting the issues your potential customers are more than likely to search for, is like a large OPEN” signal set to its brightest setting. Some folks will need to buy your course, however they don't have house on their credit card to pay the full buy price of an internet course upfront. Nevertheless, they can pay for the course if these payments are unfold over an extended time frame. For instance, when you sell your online course for $497, you possibly can supply your students a payment plan of $97 per month for 6 months as an alternative to paying $497 upfront. The most effective inventive for what you are promoting is the artistic that speaks to your ideal buyer. I wrote a weblog on four suggestions to enhance your social media promoting that can educate you how one can create content material that may seize the eye of your viewers and trigger them to make a purchase order. Canva also has a great record of 15 ways to decide on photos that promote on social media. A great way to repurpose your course content material is to share the identical concepts in a book. You may self-publish your e book on Amazon in digital format utilizing Amazon Kindle and in paperback format utilizing CreateSpace Publishing a book can be a great way so as to add an additional income stream to your online business, however your e book may even provide help to attract more college students in your online course. You'll want to mention your course in your book, and invite your readers to go to your web site or course sales page to learn more about it.
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How to Code Minecraft Mods: Fun Tutorial - Create & Learn
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 Last Updated: July 8, Tested. This article was written by Travis Boylls. Travis has experience writing technology-related articles, providing software customer service, and in graphic design. He studied graphic design at Pikes Peak Community College. The wikiHow Tech Team also followed the article's instructions and verified that they work. This article has been viewed 1,, times. There was a sad time when mods weren't available for Minecraft PE, but now mods are officially supported! Installing them on Minecraft PE is really simple. You just need to download the right app, find the mods you want to add, and install them. This article will walk you through how to do it step-by-step. If you're using an Android, download the BlockLauncher app. Open the BlockLauncher app, which also opens Minecraft PE, find the mod file that you downloaded, then tap it to select it. Create a new world in Minecraft and your mod will automatically be applied! For more tips, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No. Log in Social login does not work in incognito and private browsers. Please log in with your username or email to continue. No account yet? Create an account. Popular Categories. Arts and Entertainment Artwork Books Movies. Relationships Dating Love Relationship Issues. Hobbies and Crafts Crafts Drawing Games. All Categories. Edit this Article. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie Settings. Learn why people trust wikiHow. Download Article Explore this Article Steps. Tips and Warnings. Related Articles. Article Summary. Download a trusted Minecraft Mod App. There are two main free apps that are available for both iPhone and iPad as well as Android phones and tablets. Tap the Search tab. Tap the search bar at the top of the screen. Type mcpe addons or terra mods into the search bar. Open The App. The Terra - Mods for Minecraft app has an icon that resembles a golden T. Tap the icon of your choice on your home screen or apps menu to open the app. Search for a mod. Scroll down through the home page to browse categories, or on the Addons for Minecraft app tap the Search tab at the bottom of the screen. It has an icon that resembles a magnifying glass. Use the search bar to look up a mod by name or description. Select your preferred mod. Once you find a mod that you want to download, tap it to open its page. If you see an advertisement pop-up, tap the icon that resembles an "x" to close the pop-up ad. It's an orange or green button below the mod's preview photo. Doing so will launch an advertisement page on Addons for Minecraft. If there's more than one DOWNLOAD button, the mod requires multiple downloads, meaning that you'll need to repeat the installation process for the second and subsequent button s after the first download concludes. On Terra - Mods for Minecraft PE this button will still say download, but these buttons still install the mods. For both apps a pop-up menu will appear at the bottom of the screen iOS. Usually there involves one resource pack and one behavior pack. It's the Minecraft app icon found in the pop-up menu. This will open both the Minecraft app and the mod inside of Minecraft. On iPhone and iPad, you may have to scroll right swipe left over the top row of options in the pop-up menu to see Minecraft's app icon. If you don't see Minecraft in the menu, scroll all the way to the right, tap More , and tap the white switch to the right of Minecraft. On most Android devices, the mod should automatically install without a pop-up. Wait for the mod to install. When you see "Import Completed" or "Import Successful" at the top of the screen, you may proceed. Create a new world with the Mod activated. Tap Create in the panel to the left. Make sure to turn on Experimental Settings! Mods that use behavior packs often need experimental settings turned on to work. Not Helpful 84 Helpful You go into Launcher Options, scroll down until you see safe mode, then flip it off. Not Helpful 51 Helpful Is there is a PE version of the mod available, then yes, it will work. PC mods do not work on Minecraft PE. Not Helpful 58 Helpful You cannot use blocklauncher on servers. If you enabled a mod and then joined a server, that mod will be disabled. Not Helpful 44 Helpful You have to be connected to the internet that the host has. You also have to know his username and connect to him on Minecraft PE. Not Helpful 46 Helpful Try to refresh Minecraft. Or delete the Mod, close Minecraft, then reinstall the Mod. Not Helpful 42 Helpful Completely close the game, then reopen it. If that does not work, then go to settings and clear the data and reinstall the mods. Not Helpful 39 Helpful As long as you downloaded the mods in the app store, just open them in settings. I have some apps and my blocklauncher is not working because it says that in order to work it needs Minecraft What should I do? Maybe you need to renew the apps on your blocklauncher, or maybe it is lagged to work. Check your Wi-Fi first and see if everything is okay. Not Helpful 19 Helpful Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Some mods will add custom structures to your Minecraft world, while others might fundamentally change the world or game itself by adding conventions e. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. Mods that make serious changes to the behavior of your Minecraft world typically need experimental features turned on. Check Step 10 for more details. Mods which you can download for Minecraft PE will likely not yield the same impressive results that they might on a PC. Helpful 26 Not Helpful When using Inner Core on Android, your app's load time will scale directly with the number of mods you have installed. Helpful 18 Not Helpful 7. There is a method for downloading mods from online, however it is not recommended. You Might Also Like How to. How to. About This Article. Written by:. Co-authors: Updated: July 8, Categories: Minecraft Pocket Edition. Deutsch: Mods auf Minecraft PE installieren. Nederlands: Mods installeren op Minecraft PE. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 1,, times. That is how I even knew about Minecraft, so I wanted to do like him, that is why I look for mods to play. I really thank you so so much.. Rated this article:. More reader stories Hide reader stories. Did this article help you? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Tom Right Aug 1, Marion Pankratz Apr 26, Junior Clinton Aug 11, Anonymous Aug 13, Share yours! More success stories Hide success stories. Featured Articles How to. Trending Articles. New Pages. Featured Articles. Watch Articles How to. Trending Articles How to. 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thespacebetweenworlds · 6 years ago
tell me about your current wip!
I............ I have one. A wip. I have multiple wips. I know what a wip is. I learned the letters in school, I can read things. I have read the article on how to write on wikihow. I'm an expert, you could say. I'm also an expert in procastination. Which is why it has taken me days (weeks?) to answer this question. Generally, I would say, my wip is about lesbians. It's about Renee Walker and Allison Reynolds. It's Hogwarts but for wiccan witches, and it's a university so they're like 18-20? Listen I don't know this. I don't know why they're roommates. I'm still not sure if Seth exists. But I do know that it's gonna be bright and fluffy. Like, lazy mornings and light falling on golden-glowing hair bright and fluffy.Thank you for the question. I kinda feel like brainstorming now.
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bebrilliants · 3 years ago
Parenting With Zeny 101 Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 46,956 times.
WikiHow is a “wiki,” similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 39 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time.
Parenting can be tricky, especially if couples get trapped in this unhealthy dynamic. Here's how to break free and find a better balance, writes @assael https://t.co/IGc0liOtpm — David Blanchard, LAMFT (@DavidCBlanchard) December 29, 2021
During the day, lots of things will fill those buckets - ... It’s a brain that has registered threat and a body that is getting ready to... Pathologising it makes it worse and will drive bigger avoidance, ... Sometimes, flipping our lids is the safest thing to do. …As long as the kids are COMPLETELY UNINJURED, naturally. Dont close the doors when you go in because you can't hear parents coming. And you are lucky if you are using a laptop, plug your charger and remove battery. When you hear them coming, just unplug the charger and it will be turned off. Then look like you are sleeping on a sofa. They’re less experienced and inevitably will make many “mistakes.” Resist the urge to give them constructive feedback too often, because too much of that will send them straight back upstairs. Since the downstairs parent is so used to flying solo, expect some ruptures, micromanaging, and even some ridicule. Start taking little tasks, even when your partner gives you a free pass to be exempt. Anticipate mistakes and failures—but they are how you learn. Downstairs parents often feel alone in the battlefield, without any backup. Being parenting lone wolves, they often feel invisible, unappreciated, and alone.
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Max Because there is only digital school now, so I don’t really care. MaxI like drawing, building LEGOs, a lot of forms of art, mainly clay and drawings. I am sitting right now on the toilet, and my 13-month-old daughter is running around. And she’s gonna — she’s going to try and steal the toilet paper. Michael barbaroSeveral months ago, The Times opened up a phone line to ask americans what it’s really been like to parent during the pandemic. Plan on routinely getting to work fifteen minutes earlier than you're due. Half the time, you won't make it but you also won't lose your temper at your kids because you won't actually be late. The other half of the time, you'll have a more relaxed start to your work day so you'll be more effective at work. If you wanted your child to follow an instruction, give him or her another chance after time-out is over.
Just watched my daughter clean the entire downstairs cuz parenting is hard 😎 — 🖤Dria🖤 (@whatsername1114) June 8, 2021
Ironically, it happened to air on the last day of London Weekend Television's broadcasting under that brand on 27 October 2002; the next day LWT was subsumed into ITV London. Upstairs, Downstairs ran for five series from 10 December 1971 to 21 December 1975. The first four series had thirteen episodes each, while the final series had sixteen. Two endings were made, which could be shown depending on whether the black and white episodes were broadcast by the channel. The original untransmitted black-and-white version of the first episode is believed to have been wiped.
Caregiver Issues
A conversation about preventative measures and a plan for how to reach medical professionals todeal with depression if it arises is an effective way to reduce the severity and impact of depression. Your mother or father’s caregiver maybe your parent’s spouse, a sibling or another relative. While it may provide you with a degree of relief if a trusted person is caring for your parent, it is also important to consider the caregiver's burden. If you live far away, you can arrange for a friend to visit your parent to deliver healthy groceries. Assael Romanelli, Ph.D., is a clinical social worker and a licensed couple and family therapist based in Israel. He offers online individual, couple, and family therapy. Assael trains and lectures internationally about therapy, relationships and improvisation. As the upstairs parent explores the ground floor, be patient. It was first offered to Granada Television in Manchester, but they declined as they already had a period drama, called A Family at War, about to start. However, Stella Richman, the Controller of Programmes at London Weekend Television, saw potential, and in April 1970, the first series was commissioned. Great events feature prominently in each episode but minor or gradual changes are also noted. It was a ratings success for ITV and received outstanding acclaim worldwide, winning multiple awards. What boundaries did you set for caretaking/money.etc. Was there another solution that worked better? I'd love to hear some ideas on creative solutions as bay area living has become so damn expensive. My heart aches for more and I need to move on. Tell me about how you creatively uncoupled.
This Is What Happened When My Parents Moved In
Make sure that you are close to the wall to avoid loud creaks. It's a good idea to practice moving silently in your house during the day. The bottom line, Gallagher says, is that any extreme with regard to parenting is inappropriate. I wil definitely be sharing this with colleagues and the familes I support. They often giggle, and giggling is good because it means it’s still playful, so they are still engaged and learning. It does take practice and I remind children that their brains are still building and learning from experience.
The upstairs portion of the brain–responsible for higher-thinking and impulse control–takes much longer to construct.
Rose becomes children's maid and later lady's maid to Virginia.
From roommates who share a house and do some things together to boarders who spend little to no time together.
Elizabeth halfhill I’m actually just really pissed and upset because I know this isn’t going to work all year.
This capacity becomes part of our moral compass and allows us to develop meaningful and loving relationships.
A fantastic way of helping children understand how their minds work. Carole C February 26th, 2020 I have been doing research on this for the last 8 years. I adopted a self regulation curriculum for my school district from keri counselor. I have also adopted the Zones Regulation Curriculum that I am using with K-2 grades. I am retiring at the end of the 2020 school year. Another idea, called You Live or You Die, was to have Frederick Norton seeking his fortune in the US. The only spin-off to make it onscreen was Thomas & Sarah, which broadcast in 1979, and this followed the adventures of Thomas and Sarah after they left Eaton Place. According to Jean Marsh and Simon Williams, at the end of the fourth series they, along with other cast members, were eager to move on to other projects.
From:  https://bebrilliantparents.blogspot.com/2022/01/i-recognize-my-kids-more-how-pandemic.html
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dijobsvandmis · 3 years ago
Windows 7 professional change language from italian to english 無料ダウンロード.Windows 7 Professional ISO File Free Download 32 & 64-Bit
Windows 7 professional change language from italian to english 無料ダウンロード.Change language windows 7
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                                                                          Download Windows 7 Professional Edition ISO files.Language packs for Windows
    Apr 06,  · 2.) Download the Language Packs for bit (x64) Windows 7 RTM MUI Language Packs! In special cases, if you need to work with multiple people with different languages on one computer, you must change the user interface to the user's native language. This is not possible without installing the appropriate language ted Reading Time: 2 mins May 29,  · Under the “Choose Editing Languages” section, select your desired language from the drop-down list and click Add. If the Keyboard layout column show “Not enabled“, then you have to add the input language to your Windows OS. Just click that link and it will directly open the Language page in the Settings app. Click the Add a language button Here's how to do this: Select the Start button, and then select Settings > Time & Language > Language. Open Language settings. Under Preferred languages, select Add a language.. Under Choose a language to install, select or type the name of the language that you want to download and install, and then select Next.. Under Install language features, select the features that you     
Windows 7 professional change language from italian to english 無料ダウンロード.3 Ways to Change the Language in Windows 7 - wikiHow
Apr 06,  · 2.) Download the Language Packs for bit (x64) Windows 7 RTM MUI Language Packs! In special cases, if you need to work with multiple people with different languages on one computer, you must change the user interface to the user's native language. This is not possible without installing the appropriate language ted Reading Time: 2 mins Dec 06,  · In this article, we also have talked about all the features that are available in Windows 7 Professional edition. Microsoft released Windows 7 in 6 major editions where Windows 7 Professional is superior to Windows 7 Home Basic, Home Premium and Windows 7 Starter in terms of features. But it is inferior if compared to Windows 7 Enterprise and Here's how to do this: Select the Start button, and then select Settings > Time & Language > Language. Open Language settings. Under Preferred languages, select Add a language.. Under Choose a language to install, select or type the name of the language that you want to download and install, and then select Next.. Under Install language features, select the features that you         
 お好Microsoft Office言語で使用するには、言語パック Officeダウンロードします 。. 政府や政府機関、文化や言語に関係する政府系 または政府出資 の委員会や団体、さらに正式に認可された教育機関では、ソフトウェアの有効なライセンスを持ったユーザーに対し、Microsoft から受け取ったときと同じ形式で言語パックを再領布することができます。.
言語パックを共有または再配布する場合は、代わりにダウンロード センターからダウンロードする必要があります。 言語パックには、共有できるものとそうでないものがあります。 次の表のダウンロード リンクを使用して、共有できる言語パックをダウンロードします。. コントロール パネル 推奨 ダウンロード センター 詳細設定.
コントロール パネル. コントロール パネル 推奨 ダウンロード 32 ビット 詳細 ダウンロード 64 ビット 詳細. Windows 8. Windows Update を使う: Ultimate エディションまたは Enterprise エディションの Windows を実行している場合は、Windows Update を使って、用意されている言語パックをダウンロードできます。 Windows Update を通じてインストールされる言語パックには、Windows のダイアログ ボックス、メニュー項目、ヘルプ コンテンツの完全な翻訳版が含まれています。 この種類のダウンロードで使用できるすべての言語には、次の表の右側の列にWindows更新プログラムが表示されます。. このページのリンクを使う: 以下のリンクを使って、Microsoft ダウンロード センターから Language Interface Pack LIP をダウンロードできます。 LIP は任意のエディションの Windows にインストールでき、最も広く使われているダイアログ ボックス、メニュー項目、ヘルプ コンテンツのみを対象とした翻訳版を提供します。 LIP をインストールするには、必要な親言語を PC にインストールしておく必要があります。 次の表は、探している言語に Premium エディションの言語または特定の親Windowsを示しています。.
Windows 11 Windows 10 Windows 8. Windows 7 のサポートは、 年 1 月 14 日に終了しました 引き続き Microsoft からセキュリティ更新プログラムを受け取るためには Windows 10 PC に移行することをお勧めします。 詳細情報. RSS フィードを購読する.
はい いいえ. サポートに役立つご意見をお聞かせください。 改善にご協力いただけますか?
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drumhunter267 · 4 years ago
Mac Shortcut Keys For Excel
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Table of contents
Worksheets and WorkbooksViewRow and Column SelectionRibbon ControlPivot TablesOperating within a CellNavigating and Selecting CellsHelp and MenusGroup Selection General ExcelGeneral Cell ControlFormulas and FunctionsFormatting Text and NumbersDialog BoxesBordersAdvanced Selection Adding Content to Cells
Worksheets and Workbooks
Within Excel you can conduct calculations on multiple worksheets and workbooks open at the same time. Each workbook acts as its own separate window on your PC or Mac, while each worksheet acts as a tab within a workbook with separate cells. This section of the Excel Guide offers all shortcuts you need to open, navigate between, and control all of these options.
Excel PC and Mac Keyboard Shortcuts - This page lists PC and Mac shortcuts side by side; A Macintosh Keyboard is available showing general Macintosh keyboard shortcuts Search Internet4Classrooms. Custom Search Internet4classrooms is a collaborative effort. This article describes the keyboard shortcuts, function keys, and some other common shortcut keys in Excel for Mac. Notes: The settings in some versions of the Mac operating system (OS) and some utility applications might conflict with keyboard shortcuts and function key operations in Office for Mac.
Cubase pro 8 for macbook air. The powerful music production unit is increasing to be famous to record and create a piece of outstanding music as you love to create.Cubase Pro 10.5.3 Keygen is suitable for MAC, Win to utilize the power comprehensively.
Aug 30, 2019 This wikiHow teaches you how to insert rows in Excel using shortcuts on a Windows or Mac computer. There are keyboard shortcuts as well as custom shortcuts that you can use in Excel spreadsheets. Open an excel spreadsheet.
Keyboard shortcuts help save time and increase productivity. Unfortunately, most people only know the holy trinity of shortcuts — COPY, PASTE, and UNDO. In Excel, there are more than 500 keyboard shortcuts.
Windows keys
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Keyboard Shortcut Keys For Excel
Mac Shortcut Keys For Excel Spreadsheet
Worksheets and Workbooks
Excel Keyboard Shortcuts Pdf
Within Excel you can conduct calculations on multiple worksheets and workbooks open at the same time. Each workbook acts as its own separate window on your PC or Mac, while each worksheet acts as a tab within a workbook with separate cells. This section of the Excel Guide offers all shortcuts you need to open, navigate between, and control all of these options.
Row and Column Selection
Ribbon Control
Pivot Tables
Operating within a Cell
Navigating and Selecting Cells
Help and Menus
Group Selection
General Excel
General Cell Control
Formulas and Functions
Formatting Text and Numbers
Dialog Boxes
Advanced Selection
Adding Content to Cells
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To use a keyboard shortcut, press and hold one or more modifier keys and then press the last key of the shortcut. For example, to use Command-C (copy), press and hold the Command key, then the C key, then release both keys. Mac menus and keyboards often use symbols for certain keys, including modifier keys:
On keyboards made for Windows PCs, use the Alt key instead of Option and the Windows logo key instead of Command.
Some keys on some Apple keyboards have special symbols and functions, such as for display brightness , keyboard brightness , Mission Control and more. If these functions aren't available on your keyboard, you may be able to reproduce some of them by creating your own keyboard shortcuts. To use these keys as F1, F2, F3 or other standard function keys, combine them with the Fn key.
Cut, copy, paste and other common shortcuts
Command-X: Cut the selected item and copy it to the Clipboard.
Command-C: Copy the selected item to the Clipboard. This also works for files in the Finder.
Command-V: Paste the contents of the Clipboard into the current document or app. This also works for files in the Finder.
Command-Z: Undo the previous command. You can then press Shift-Command-Z to Redo, reversing the undo command. In some apps, you can undo and redo multiple commands.
Command-A: Select All items.
Command-F: Find items in a document or open a Find window.
Command-G: Find Again: Find the next occurrence of the item previously found. To find the previous occurrence, press Shift-Command-G.
Command-H: Hide the windows of the front app. To view the front app but hide all other apps, press Option-Command-H.
Command-M: Minimise the front window to the Dock. To minimise all windows of the front app, press Option-Command-M.
Command-O: Open the selected item or open a dialogue to select a file to open.
Command-P: Print the current document.
Command-S: Save the current document.
Command-T: Open a new tab.
Command-W: Close the front window. To close all windows of the app, press Option-Command-W.
Option-Command-Esc: Force quit an app.
Command-Space bar: Show or hide the Spotlight search field. To perform a Spotlight search from a Finder window, press Command-Option-Space bar. (If you use multiple input sources to type in different languages, these shortcuts will change input sources instead of showing Spotlight. Find out how to change a conflicting keyboard shortcut.)
Control-Command-Space bar: Show the Character Viewer, from which you can choose emoji and other symbols.
Control-Command-F: Use the app in full screen, if supported by the app.
Space bar: Use Quick Look to preview the selected item.
Command-Tab: Switch to the next most recently used app amongst your open apps.
Shift-Command-5: In macOS Mojave or later, take a screenshot or make a screen recording. Or use Shift-Command-3 or Shift-Command-4 for screenshots. Find out more about screenshots.
Shift-Command-N: Create a new folder in the Finder.
Command-Comma (,): Open preferences for the front app.
Sleep, log out and shut down shortcuts
You may need to press and hold some of these shortcuts for slightly longer than other shortcuts. This helps you to avoid using them unintentionally.
Power button: Press to turn on your Mac or wake it from sleep. Press and hold for 1.5 seconds to put your Mac to sleep.* Continue holding to force your Mac to turn off.
Option-Command-Power button* or Option-Command-Media Eject : Put your Mac to sleep.
Control-Shift-Power button* or Control-Shift-Media Eject : Put your displays to sleep.
Control-Power button* or Control-Media Eject : Display a dialogue asking whether you want to restart, sleep or shut down.
Control-Command-Power button:* Force your Mac to restart, without prompting to save any open and unsaved documents.
Control-Command-Media Eject : Quit all apps, then restart your Mac. If any open documents have unsaved changes, you will be asked whether you want to save them.
Control-Option-Command-Power button* or Control-Option-Command-Media Eject : Quit all apps, then shut down your Mac. If any open documents have unsaved changes, you will be asked whether you want to save them.
Control-Command-Q: Lock your screen immediately.
Shift-Command-Q: Log out of your macOS user account. You will be asked to confirm. To log out immediately without confirming, press Option-Shift-Command-Q.
* Does not apply to the Touch ID sensor.
Finder and system shortcuts
Command-D: Duplicate the selected files.
Command-E: Eject the selected disk or volume.
Command-F: Start a Spotlight search in the Finder window.
Command-I: Show the Get Info window for a selected file.
Command-R: (1) When an alias is selected in the Finder: Show the original file for the selected alias. (2) In some apps, such as Calendar or Safari, refresh or reload the page. (3) In Software Update preferences, check for software updates again.
Shift-Command-C: Open the Computer window.
Shift-Command-D: Open the desktop folder.
Shift-Command-F: Open the Recents window, showing all of the files you have viewed or changed recently.
Shift-Command-G: Open a Go to Folder window.
Shift-Command-H: Open the Home folder of the current macOS user account.
Shift-Command-I: Open iCloud Drive.
Shift-Command-K: Open the Network window.
Option-Command-L: Open the Downloads folder.
Shift-Command-N: Create a new folder.
Shift-Command-O: Open the Documents folder.
Shift-Command-P: Show or hide the Preview pane in Finder windows.
Shift-Command-R: Open the AirDrop window.
Shift-Command-T: Show or hide the tab bar in Finder windows.
Control-Shift-Command-T: Add selected Finder item to the Dock (OS X Mavericks or later)
Shift-Command-U: Open the Utilities folder.
Option-Command-D: Show or hide the Dock.
Control-Command-T: Add the selected item to the sidebar (OS X Mavericks or later).
Option-Command-P: Hide or show the path bar in Finder windows.
Option-Command-S: Hide or show the Sidebar in Finder windows.
Command-Slash (/): Hide or show the status bar in Finder windows.
Command-J: Show View Options.
Command-K: Open the Connect to Server window.
Control-Command-A: Make an alias of the selected item.
Command-N: Open a new Finder window.
Option-Command-N: Create a new Smart Folder.
Command-T: Show or hide the tab bar when a single tab is open in the current Finder window.
Option-Command-T: Show or hide the toolbar when a single tab is open in the current Finder window.
Option-Command-V: Move the files in the Clipboard from their original location to the current location.
Command-Y: Use Quick Look to preview the selected files.
Option-Command-Y: View a Quick Look slideshow of the selected files.
Command-1: View the items in the Finder window as icons.
Command-2: View the items in a Finder window as a list.
Command-3: View the items in a Finder window in columns.
Command-4: View the items in a Finder window in a gallery.
Command-Left Bracket ((): Go to the previous folder.
Command-Right Bracket ()): Go to the next folder.
Command-Up Arrow: Open the folder that contains the current folder.
Command-Control-Up Arrow: Open the folder that contains the current folder in a new window.
Command-Down Arrow: Open the selected item.
Right Arrow: Open the selected folder. This only works when in list view.
Left Arrow: Close the selected folder. This only works when in list view.
Command-Delete: Move the selected item to the Bin.
Shift-Command-Delete: Empty the Bin.
Option-Shift-Command-Delete: Empty the Bin without a confirmation dialogue.
Command-Brightness Down: Turn video mirroring on or off when your Mac is connected to more than one display.
Option-Brightness Up: Open Displays preferences. This works with either Brightness key.
Control-Brightness Up or Control-Brightness Down: Change the brightness of your external display, if supported by your display.
Option-Shift-Brightness Up or Option-Shift-Brightness Down: Adjust the display brightness in smaller steps. Add the Control key to this shortcut to make the adjustment on your external display, if supported by your display.
Option-Mission Control: Open Mission Control preferences.
Command-Mission Control: Show the desktop.
Control-Down Arrow: Show all windows of the front app.
Option-Volume Up: Open Sound preferences. This works with any of the volume keys.
Option-Shift-Volume Up or Option-Shift-Volume Down: Adjust the sound volume in smaller steps.
Option-Keyboard Brightness Up: Open Keyboard preferences. This works with either Keyboard Brightness key.
Option-Shift-Keyboard Brightness Up or Option-Shift-Keyboard Brightness Down: Adjust the keyboard brightness in smaller steps.
Option key while double-clicking: Open the item in a separate window, then close the original window.
Command key while double-clicking: Open a folder in a separate tab or window.
Command key while dragging to another volume: Move the dragged item to the other volume, instead of copying it.
Option key while dragging: Copy the dragged item. The pointer changes while you drag the item.
Option-Command while dragging: Make an alias of the dragged item. The pointer changes while you drag the item.
Option-click a disclosure triangle: Open all folders within the selected folder. This only works when in list view.
Command-click a window title: See the folders that contain the current folder.
Find out how to use Command or Shift to select multiple items in the Finder.
Click the Go menu in the Finder menu bar to see shortcuts for opening many commonly used folders, such as Applications, Documents, Downloads, Utilities and iCloud Drive.
Document shortcuts
The behaviour of these shortcuts may vary, depending on the app you're using.
Command-B: Boldface the selected text, or turn boldfacing on or off.
Command-I: Italicise the selected text, or turn italics on or off.
Command-K: Add a web link.
Command-U: Underline the selected text or turn underlining on or off.
Command-T: Show or hide the Fonts window.
Command-D: Select the Desktop folder from within an Open dialogue or Save dialogue.
Control-Command-D: Show or hide the definition of the selected word.
Shift-Command-Colon (:): Display the Spelling and Grammar window.
Command-Semicolon (;): Find misspelled words in the document.
Option-Delete: Delete the word to the left of the insertion point.
Control-H: Delete the character to the left of the insertion point. Or use Delete.
Control-D: Delete the character to the right of the insertion point. Or use Fn-Delete.
Fn-Delete: Forward delete on keyboards that don't have a Forward Delete key. Or use Control-D.
Control-K: Delete the text between the insertion point and the end of the line or paragraph.
Fn-Up Arrow: Page Up: Scroll up one page.
Fn-Down Arrow: Page Down: Scroll down one page.
Fn-Left Arrow: Home: Scroll to the beginning of a document.
Fn-Right Arrow: End: Scroll to the end of a document.
Command-Up Arrow: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the document.
Command-Down Arrow: Move the insertion point to the end of the document.
Command-Left Arrow: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the current line.
Command-Right Arrow: Move the insertion point to the end of the current line.
Option-Left Arrow: Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word.
Option-Right Arrow: Move the insertion point to the end of the next word.
Shift-Command-Up Arrow: Select the text between the insertion point and the beginning of the document.
Shift-Command-Down Arrow: Select the text between the insertion point and the end of the document.
Shift-Command-Left Arrow: Select the text between the insertion point and the beginning of the current line.
Shift-Command-Right Arrow: Select the text between the insertion point and the end of the current line.
Shift-Up Arrow: Extend text selection to the nearest character at the same horizontal location on the line above.
Shift-Down Arrow: Extend text selection to the nearest character at the same horizontal location on the line below.
Shift-Left Arrow: Extend text selection one character to the left.
Shift-Right Arrow: Extend text selection one character to the right.
Option-Shift-Up Arrow: Extend text selection to the beginning of the current paragraph, then to the beginning of the following paragraph if pressed again.
Option-Shift-Down Arrow: Extend text selection to the end of the current paragraph, then to the end of the following paragraph if pressed again.
Option-Shift-Left Arrow: Extend text selection to the beginning of the current word, then to the beginning of the following word if pressed again.
Option-Shift-Right Arrow: Extend text selection to the end of the current word, then to the end of the following word if pressed again.
Control-A: Move to the beginning of the line or paragraph.
Control-E: Move to the end of a line or paragraph.
Control-F: Move one character forwards.
Control-B: Move one character backwards.
Control-L: Centre the cursor or selection in the visible area.
Control-P: Move up one line.
Control-N: Move down one line.
Control-O: Insert a new line after the insertion point.
Control-T: Swap the character behind the insertion point with the character in front of the insertion point.
Command-Left Curly Bracket ((): Left align.
Command-Right Curly Bracket ()): Right align.
Shift-Command-Vertical bar (|): Centre align.
Option-Command-F: Go to the search field.
Option-Command-T: Show or hide a toolbar in the app.
Option-Command-C: Copy Style: Copy the formatting settings of the selected item to the Clipboard.
Option-Command-V: Paste Style: Apply the copied style to the selected item.
Option-Shift-Command-V: Paste and Match Style: Apply the style of the surrounding content to the item pasted within that content.
Option-Command-I: Show or hide the inspector window.
Shift-Command-P: Page setup: Display a window for selecting document settings.
Shift-Command-S: Display the Save As dialogue or duplicate the current document.
Shift-Command-Minus sign (-): Decrease the size of the selected item.
Shift-Command-Plus sign (+): Increase the size of the selected item. Command-Equal sign (=) performs the same function.
Shift-Command-Question mark (?): Open the Help menu.
Other shortcuts
For more shortcuts, check the shortcut abbreviations shown in the menus of your apps. Every app can have its own shortcuts, and shortcuts that work in one app might not work in another.
Apple Music shortcuts: Choose Help > Keyboard shortcuts from the menu bar in the Music app.
Other shortcuts: Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, click Keyboard, then click Shortcuts.
Learn more
Create your own shortcuts and resolve conflicts between shortcuts
Change the behaviour of the function keys or modifier keys
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