#open dwrp
olderthannetfic · 7 months
This made me laugh. It's so cute that people think you ever have to look at anoncomms on DWRP. I got chased out of DWRP by insane, obsessive people who think I'm secretly someone from 10 years ago returning to DWRP. The DMs, the constant angry responses my characters would get, the links to the anoncomms people would send me - I went in not knowing those wank communities even existed, but because I had a "suspicious" first name, I was unable to escape it. I never had to look for them. They bring this shit to your inbox.
A lot of DWRPers get defensive and say "oh, just avoid the anoncomms", even as it's getting DM'd to you or their character is being OOC and hostile and openly hating your character on sight. But the reality is, if you pelt people with shit, "just don't get hit" is bad advice.
If you don't have the time or patience for "your first name means you're secretly someone I hate from a decade ago under the same name returning" or "my character, a sweet loving heroine, spits on yours, because I assume you're a wanker", eventually you end up with almost no one to play with.
And if you're thinking, "Well, just go through all of DWRP history, pick a name no one can freak out about, close your DMs and avoid the drama" - nope. If you don't have Discord and Plurk and DMs open, people will talk amongst themselves, decide you're either a shitty person, a nonserious player, or both, and never interact with your characters.
There's a reason why games have to have such lenient activity checks, why games are closing that had previously lasted a decade, and why you see so many posts with zero replies.
Yeah, dumbass, most of us DO avoid petty shit - that's why we left.
If anything the original anon undersold just how toxic DWRP is. They didn't mention the endless freakouts about headcanons not matching canon, the people who come up with excuses not to play for months but lose their shit if your character does things without theirs, the panic about someone using a CW or TW meaning the antis have invaded while also viewing people who play or watch too much animation as sus, the "heads up" DMs letting you know so and so is upset about this thing you did but then when you check with so and so they aren't, the scathing remarks about anyone who tags "too much" with a character from one medium to characters from another, the people who ostracize someone for tagging them because "he should have known I ONLY play with MCUs! I didn't say everyone could tag me! he doesn't respect my boundaries!", the refusal to tag with or even acknowledge nonbinary characters and players, the people who'll slide into your DMs to tell you your writing style is suspiciously similar to that of someone who they saw playing some lolicon and they're not saying you're them they're just saying you should know and if you play any girls you're sus, the people who tell you not to play with anyone who has a female live action OC because the only reason someone has one of those is if it's a self-insert...
"You're telling on yourself! Just magically avoid all DMs, comments replying to yours telling you shit, people behaving in dumbass ways, and anon comms!"
Tell me you've never been in a toxic fandom without telling me. This is like saying, "Just avoid every alligator and mosquito in the swamp. It's your fault for not enjoying the swamp. Just go to the parts without the alligators and mosquitos who are actively following you."
If you're a DWRPer salty your hobby is dying: it deserves to die if it's this dysfunctional.
If you're not: Go play there if you think it's so easy to avoid the toxicity. Have fun! You'll enjoy yourself and make lots of stable, well-adjusted friends, I'm sure.
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hysteriamodes · 8 months
I'm Freya!
I'm an aroace genderfluid lady who likes to get on this Tumblr and just shitpost. Whether it be my newest hyperfixation, memes, fandom, or queer content. Every once in a while, politics will pop up on this blog. My politics tend to lean in the anarcho-socialist realm, just an FYI.
If you're under the age of 18, I would reconsider following me because some of the content I post may be inappropriate for you.
I don't have DNIs, I'll just block or avoid people. If you feel like you have to do the same, that's fine by me. As a note, I am open about discussing mental illness but I will slap on CW/TW on posts.
I'm not TERF friendly. Trans women are women and are valid. In this house, we respect trans and nonbinary people 🏳️‍⚧️
I'm not "pro" or "anti" ship, I'm "don't read it if you have a problem with it". But I do think people with "anti" labels are problematic.
Other stuff:
@motherofmountain - Mt. Everest blog
@rainbow-illness - art blog
My plurk is private to the DWRP community.
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P.S. Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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effingunicorns · 2 years
finally unsubscribing from a dwrp icon community I haven't needed for years because someone posted character spoilers in the open for a movie that's only been in theaters for a week and a half, and I don't have the energy to confront them about it 💀💀💀💀
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pathsformx · 5 years
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“It’s not a bad sight with all things considered,” Cipher pointed out, staring out the door of the Dreadnought.   She looked past the blue-green planet below and to so many stars.
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heroparadigm · 3 years
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“You know nothing of what you’re speaking about.” The Doctor told them.     Despite everything, he was a lonely old man who at his core was still the same Gallifreyan Time Lord who stole a TARDIS and ranaway with no intention of returning home.   He loathed Gallifrey with his entire being, still did.
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onethatwaited · 3 years
Eleven weeks ago Rory proposed. What was wrong with him? Amy thought. Her first through really, when he got down on one knee and showed her the ring. Did he really want to be with her, or was it because he was jealous? Was he jealous? Every time she brought up the Doctor, she’d notice his eyes roll. Like he didn’t want to hear it, or he was just waiting for her to say something about the mad man in a box. So why on earth did he even propose in the first place?
Rory had been waiting for an answer for 2 and a half months, an answer from Amy which she was sure he hoped was a yes. She wanted to say yes straight away, at least she thought she wanted to. She was just so angry, not at Rory, but at The Doctor. Again, he left her! 12 years she waited for him, only for him to return and then leave again. It’s been another year and a half, soon going on 14 years. 14 years and 4 psychiatrists later and she still couldn’t believe the anger she felt toward him. Everyone will always end up leaving her, isn’t that how it’s going to go? First her parents, then the Doctor, soon Rory would too, she’s sure of it.
But, if The Doctor really wanted to be her friend, why did he keep leaving her behind?! She couldn’t just take on alien bad guys like Prisoner Zero without him, didn’t he realize that?!
“I’m not a policewoman, I’m a kissogram!” The memory flooded her mind as she stared at the police costume hanging in her closet. The nurse in front of it, and the nun behind it in the back, all hanging up, a past she didn’t want to remember anymore. Softly, Amy shut the door and sniffled, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand until she caught a glimpse of the backyard through her window.
Was this just some game that he played with people to get their hopes up for an adventure before he just disappeared forever without warning?
Amy didn’t cry as much as she used to when she was a little girl, but the tears that did fall were of anger.
Yanking the door open to the backyard, Amy stormed out onto the grass and stared up at the evening sky full of twinkling stars. “If you’re even thinking about coming back, don’t!” She shouted, sea glass colored eyes searched through the mass of blackish-blue sky. “I don’t want you here!” It wasn’t like anyone could hear her, and if they did, nothing would’ve changed, they all thought she was crazy, the girl with the imaginary best friend; her raggedy man.
She didn’t mean it though. She did want him to come back, Amy did want to travel in his box with him just like he promised all those years ago.
Collapsing to the grass, Amy bowed her head, her arms wrapping tightly to her lengthy legs pressed to her chest, the set of pant and tee-shirt polka dot jammies keeping her warm in the chilly spring evening.
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fifthx · 3 years
Open to: Anyone/Any fandom
"I mean you no harm, as you can clearly see. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you would drop your weapon."
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time-qxeen · 5 years
Prison//Open Starter
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The Doctor was shoved into a prison cell, a bag over her head and her hands tied together. She landed on the floor with a pained groan, and managed to rise up to her knees as she tried to figure out what was going on. But as she listened to the silence, she noticed that she could hear breathing. Definitely breathing, and definitely close by. “Hello?” She said, her voice muffled slightly by the bag. “Is someone else in here? Can you take the bag off my face, please?”
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                   𝒂𝒔 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒏 𝒃𝒚 𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆.                     h  o  m  e. rules. ask.   ʟɪᴋᴇ ғᴏʀ ᴀ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇʀ. ᴍᴜᴛᴜᴀʟs ᴏɴʟʏ. ɴᴏɴ-ᴍᴜᴛᴜᴀʟs ᴍᴇssᴀɢᴇ ғɪʀsᴛ.
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outcfpages · 4 years
After going through a pretty rough landing, Suzyi stood straight and fixed her hat. She was in a gas station, an abandoned gas station by the looks of it. While not a glamorous location to appear in, she’s definitely been in worse.
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“Excuse me,” she called out as she checked her wrist, “is anyone there?” Suzyi groaned as the manipulator could take days or hours to be powerful enough to get her home. “Hello?”
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heartonanoose · 5 years
Like this for a starter. Comment a <3 for a meme instead. Would loooove some new threads/partners/ships
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galavcrse-blog · 5 years
like this for a small starter 
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gallifraen-blog · 6 years
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hands  up !   hit  the  heart,   this  is  a  STARTER CALL !
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severass-snape · 5 years
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The Doctor quickly shoved his arm out in front of his companion, stopping them from falling off the edge. There was a look of pure terror on his face. He knew they were always on the verge of dying, he knew the calculation of their usual adventures was a 50/50 chance... if his calculations were right, they had a 1 in 10000 chance of surviving this. A room full of Daleks and Cybermen, neither yet firing at each other. He prayed to any and all gods they were not about to form a pact, but either way, they had a chance to get out. The Doctor quickly placed a finger over their lips, a quiet way of telling them not to speak. He pointed to the hallway they came through, a signal that they needed to leave immediately. He was backing up slowly. 
He realized earlier that the material of the building they were in wouldn’t allow him to do a life scan... or a scan of anything. It was as if it were a fortress for hiding. He had stumbled right in it, it amazed him that the TARDIS had even found it. Either way, they needed to GO.
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pink-yellow-wolf · 6 years
Mun is bored. Like for a starter (probably song based cause that's how I roll)
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Open RP| now I'm back
Rose had never thought the day would come like this, after chaos and more pain she was back from the other dimension. When she looked around , everything seemed so similar, yet so different from what she had gotten used to, yet she knew she had missed this Earth, her Earth. The pain of her leg was present and she could still remember the noises she had heard a few minutes ago as if it was happening right there, but she couldn't help to be happy. This world was still safe, protected and without a cyber men war raging and exterminating everything in it's path, this world still had hope, this world still had (probably) the doctor.
She took a few steps, her hands quickly moving to wipe the almost dry tears on her cheeks and the dirt that had made it's way to her face. The gun she was carrying went inside her small bag (which was the best part of bringing a smaller one than the last time) and she walked. While she looked around for a few minutes she just had to smile, knowing she most have looked like a tourist wondering around the city with a look of happiness on her eyes.
She had been distracted like she hadn't been in years, but she was back and she couldn't help it, her attention was drawn to the buildings and people that moved around her with no idea of what they had and who she was. She crossed her arms infront of her chest and she sighed, she had never thought she would be back to her beloved reality and after a few years of war in her new dimension, she was forced to run back... not the conditions she wanted, she was alone again, or maybe this was the first time she was truly alone. The thoughts in her head were now her focus, because the memories just kept coming back and hitting her with how bad things had been, so she was thankful when someone ran into her back "You're alright?" She said kindly as she turned around, her usual accent still there.
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